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Empire mods
All current empire mods.
Items (750)
The Glorious Empire II an Empire Reskin (Check Desc)
Created by gore
Hi, as most of you are aware by now, a recent update (somehow) managed to break this mod, from what I understood a texture had been changed in an update. However I've got a lot of things queued up right now, which means I am unlikely to update it anytime s...
Guns of the Empire (5.1.1 - projectile options restored)
Created by Snek
This Mod adds 22 Gunpowder Units to the Empire roster. Though some are based on, or at least inspired by lore/fluff mentions most are inventions of my own. As a unit pack, this is savegame compatible. For details on skill/tech groupings, abilities, and som...
Empire Encampments [5.0]
Created by O6OPMOT
MAIN FEATURES Empire camps - Mechanic similar to Ogre camps mechanic. Create Empire camps on the map and develop them to receive powerful bonuses and aid in combat in the area of the camp. If you want to get more camps, build landmarks all over the world, ...
Bodyguards for The Empire
Created by Osvi
This mod adds new mounts options to all empire lords, both generic lords and legendary ones. These mounts add, as the title implies, bodyguards to the lord, to aid him in battle. Each type of lord can have a different type of bodyguard, with different stat...
Empire Mercenaries
Created by LordZarmack
Added unit to Empire Taverns 1-2-3 and the Red Moon Inn. 1: Dwarf Warriors 2: Dwarf Slayers 3: Dwarf Thunderers 4: Dwarf Longbeards 5: Dwarf Hammerers = 6: Dwarf Ironbreakers = 7: Bret- Questing Knights 8: Bret- Pilgrims 9: Helf-Spearmen 10: Helf-Rangers 1...
Defender of the Empire [5.0]
Created by O6OPMOT
This mod adds to the Empire following mechanics: - Allarielle's mechanic (Defender of Ulthuan); - Allarielle's mechanic (Power of Nature); - High Elves public order mechanic. You need to start new game in order to enable this mechanic. All effects are simi...
Atamans for Empire [5.0]
Created by O6OPMOT
Just a little warm-up. It's not lore-friendly, but works fine :)...
Slaver Empire
Created by O6OPMOT
Druchii slave diktats now for Empire. Yes, I know it's not lore-friendly, but it was super fast (just around two hours) and brings some more flavour to the Empire campaign....
(Outdated)Return of the Great Empires
Created by SuperDoctorCowbell
In ROC, each major faction receives a potential bonus based on difficulty. However, Factions that were Major Factions in TWW2 are treated as Minor in TWW3 and do not receive that bonus. This mod gives potential bonuses to those factions to make them strong...
Singe's Units for the Empire
Created by Singemeister
PSA: I am not making 200 variations of this mod, it's just too much of a pain to consistently update. The old Hunters and Archers are dead, mourn them and be done with it. Same goes for the Pistolmen (redundant, pointless) and the Repeater Handgunners (did...
Empire Techtree Expanded [5.0]
Created by O6OPMOT
Expanded techtree is back, brand new and reworked. Now to unlock these technologies you'll need special resource - Ancient scrolls. To obtain them you have to build certain landmarks or find Books of Nagash. List of scroll-producing buildings can be checke...
Warrior Saints of the Empire
Created by Pwner1
Click here for no cap version Click here for Radious submod made by Leohong Second in my series of Warriors of Order unit mods. Will probably make bretonnia too and perhaps Cathay is there is demand. Gives the good guys some infantry punching power as chao...
Full Plate Empire
Created by Lacetyl
This mod makes state troops wear full plate armor (only visual). Note: Screenshots 1-4 are from Warhammer 2 and 5-7 from Warhammer 3 Just as a quick heads up: Due to the Warhammer 3 lighting there are many maps that cause a strong glare effect on the soldi...
Armored infantry for Empire
Created by Andrei_GRODNO
Adds 3 new tier 2 units for empire with nice defence! If you want to support! Добавляет 3 новых тир 2 отряда с отличной защитой! Если вы желаете поддержать!...
Guns of the Empire - Garrisons
Created by Snek
Submod for Guns of the Empire to add troops to garrisons. Additions are mostly Ersatzsolder and Hakbutschutzen in garrisons appropriate for when they are recruited. I gave tier 5 Forts the Munitions Wagon to make them almost unassailable....
Books of Nagash for Empire [5.0]
Created by O6OPMOT
Just a small mod which enables Volkmar books of nagash mechanic for other Empire factions....
Simple Empire Reskin
Created by Lacetyl
This mod gives state troops a little more armor (only graphical, no stat changes). The mod is available for Warhammer 2 and 3....
Empire Garrison Upgrade
Created by oldie
- Can be added/removed during campaign (changes next turn) - Works for AI too - Unbalanced - Only changes units from wall buildings All-In-One version: Tier 1: Spearmen (Shields) x2 Swordsme...
Empire Armoured Archers
Created by zerg93
>>>*This mod is part of the Zerg Collection Volume I, DO NOT use this mod along said collection or you'll crash. Choose one.*<<< *NOTICE* All of my screenshots are taken with my certified potato pc™. This means (at least in theory) that my custom units wil...
Better Empire Technology
Created by No.213
22/10/03 -ver.1.1 Military researches and Trade&Industry tree's high tier researches are buffed. Please check the change notes for the details. Screenshots are updated. 22/10/07 -ver.1.1.1 Several bugs fixed 24/05/01 -ver.2.0 Updated for Thrones of Decay. ...
Improved Empire Garrisons
Created by Arni the Terminator
Alright folks, we're back in business. For now all imperial garrisons - meaning both major and minor settlements and their respective wall buildings, forts, outposts, special settlements and most important of all Altdorf - are done; I may do other races bu...
Dismounted knights for Empire
Created by Andrei_GRODNO
This mod add Dismounted knights! - Dismounted knights (Blazing Sun): recruitment in the Reiksguard castle and Blazing Sun fort - Dismounted knights (Morr): recruitment in the Panther chapterhouse - Dismounted knights (Light): recruitment in the Panther cha...
The long rifle of the Empire
Created by Andrei_GRODNO
This remote unit is effective against long ranged wide and is ideal for harassing long distance enemies. If you want to support! Этот дальнобойный юнит эффективен против стрелков и идеально подходит для преследования врагов на большом расстоянии. Если вы ж...
Sartosa Militia for Empire and Bretonnia
Created by Pwner1
*UPDATE* Maneaters for all, Reikland and Golden Order gets them from Marienburg, while Volkmar order recruits from anywhere and so does Wulfart. RoR from Sartosa or Awakening. Rage for ironfist and extra powder for guns. *UPDATE* Not all that chivalrous, b...
Prisoners of the Empire unit
Created by Pwner1
*UPDATE* Available for chaos dwarfs. Count as goblin labourers *UPDATE* Available for Vampire Counts and unit set bonuses. Counts as flagellants and ghouls. In the quest battle in WH2 DLV silence & Fury Taurox can slaughter empire rabble to summon a boss u...
Empire armored infantry
Created by Nothing.
This adds two highly armoured units to the empire, pikemen and gunners to fill in that fragile infantry spot that the empire currently suffers from. Gunners are extremely tough, combined with hawkeye precision to deal more damage from afar. Superior melee ...
No Aversion : Vampire and Empire
Created by VesPeral
Very simple mod that negates aversion between Empire and Vampire counts. Mod is based on deadmeat work. He made a no empire and wood elves aversion mod. Just adapted it for vampires. Check my other mods here :
Empire Wizard's Tower
Created by Bastilean
This little mod vignette provides access to the Luminark earlier in the campaign and an update to the Altdorf Conclave of Battle Wizards, so that it doesn't sound redundant with generic Conclave of Battle Wizards. Wizard's Tower was moved to tier 4. Wizard...
Empire Gun Smith
Created by Bastilean
This little mod vignette provides access to the Great Cannon and Hell Blaster Volley Gun slightly earlier in the campaign. The Great Cannon was moved to the Gunsmith (tier 3). The Hellblaster Volley Gun was moved to the Foundry (tier 4). This mod wouldn't ...
Formation Attack for Empire
Created by neverending
Making these individual formation attack since AI allies in battle may use the formation attack a bit wonkily, and this way the player can keep it only for themselves (and I suppose others of their race, unfortunately)....
JL Empire.pack
Created by ModVenger
Tabletop Heraldry Immortal Empires
Created by Sigmap
More screenshots are available on the Warhammer II version workshop page. I share this mod even though I'm not particularly satisfied with everything in it, but I'm using it and constantly evolving it so I could just as well share it here, but do not expec...
Guns of the Empire - No Unit Caps (Updated for Thrones of Decay)
Created by Snek
Submod to remove all unit caps from Guns of the Empire...
Repeater & Grenade Handgunners for Empire
Created by Andrei_GRODNO
This mod add 2 units to Empire with Repeater & Grenade handguns! Cards made by Orendiz If you want to support! Этот мод добавляет 2 отряда с многозарядными ружьями и гранатомётами! Карточки за авторством Orendiz Если вы желаете поддержать!...
Empire Climate Overhaul TWWIII
Created by Thorbasn
Using the mod is recommended on a new game, can cause stacking climate debuffs on already existing saves. This mod changes climate tolerance for Empire factions: Huntsmarshal's Expedition: Temperate – unsuitable -> suitable Desert – uninhabitable -> unsuit...
Better Empire Melee Infantry
Created by C. Blue
Ever feel like the supposedly "well-equipped" and "well-trained" troops of the mighty Empire aren't quite up for the task of facing the unspeakable horrors of the Old World? This simple mod increases many of the base stats of the Empire's brave state troop...
The legendary hero of the empire: Sigmar
Created by Maoting
Now Emperor Carl can summon Sigma Possession when his HP is low, restoring the setting of the end of life. Volkma, Balshazer, and Marcus can now use this skill. 2022.09.20: The Extraordinary Empire version has been updated. Welcome to experience. 2022.09.2...
Rayes Extended Empire Units
Created by Iareshawn
Adds SIX new Empire units to the Empire roster. Works for campaign and custom battles. New units added: Huntsmen Beast Slayers An elite unit of Huntsmen, specifically tasked with hunting down and slaying large foes. Veteran Swordsmen A sword and shield var...
Griffon Mount for Empire Captains
Created by Deadmeat
Added the Griffon Mount to the Empire Captain Stats are based on the Empire General with a Griffon Note the Icon appears on the right of the skills tree - if someone could tell me how to move it to the top bar I would be grateful :)...
Maxen's Empire Marines & Seamen
Created by zerg93
*NOTICE* All of my screenshots are taken with my certified potato pc™. This means (at least in theory) that my custom units will look better on your high end-machine (if you do have one). So don't be scared off by my horrible screenshots, thanks. A direct ...
Mindcontrolled Empire units for Drycha
Created by Nothing.
This mod adds mind controlled empire units to Drycha's building browser and unit roster. Empire units are an exact copy of the standard empire units, save for the fact that they're also mind controlled. Are considered elves as code, and thus benefit from e...
Recruit any Hero as Empire
Created by SeongShift
There are four factions can recruit heroes Major 5 You can recruit them from Tavern I made it again because wh2 mod isn't worked in wh3 List of Heroes Saurus scar veteran Khainite assassin Sorceress (dark) Glade captain Handmaiden Necromancer Mage(metal) W...
Created by kalelung
제국의 보병-일반병종, 군더만의 명사수, 노르들란트 선원들(미늘창) 들에 대하여 모두 모리온 헬멧으로 교체하였고 다리부분도 기마총병들 다리로 교체하였습니다. 22-08-26 patch 특수병종 보병계열 모두 추가 완료 그레이트소드 추가병종은 저로서는 안될 것 같습니다 그거 빼고 다 완료했습니다. Imperial Infantry-General, Gundermann's Marksman, Nordland Sailors (Halberd) All of them w...
Imperial Armoury for Guns of the Empire
Created by okadataiga
Huge thanks to the authors (Snek - Guns of the Empire , Dirty Dan - Imperial Armoury) of both mods! And Dirty Dan, thanks for the advice! This mod was made possible thanks to you! Special forces require special training and equipment! This mod is a submod ...
Empire Romance English translate
Shock make a better translate mod for my Empire Romance MOD, here is the link please use this one:
【Deer24帝国单位包】帝国传奇 ( Units patch:Empire Romance)
如果喜欢我的MOD,请给我点一个赞,让更多人能看到我的MOD吧 If you like my MOD, please give me a “like” so that more people can see my MOD 非常抱歉,由于我加速器的问题,我无法在评论区进行回复,但大家反馈的问题我都会看的,非常感谢大家的支持! 在二代中,我制作了一款名为帝国传奇的MOD,为帝国制作了许多富有传奇色彩的单位,但在三代中,这些设计显得有些过时了,因此,我延续了二代MOD的制作理念,冠以相同的名字,重新为帝国制作了一...
BBAM - Empire Improvements (Beta)
Created by Buffalo444
Does the Empire feel a little hamstrung since getting into Warhammer 3? By Sigmar, you shouldn't feel as if you are roaming the deserts of Araby when you are merely patrolling the provinces to drive Chaos, Greenskin, and Undead scum back into their rotting...
Empire Regiments Visual Tweaks
Created by housie123
To Celebrate IME release i have ported this mod from WH2! This mod tweaks the visuals of the empire elector regiments. So far i have tweaked: Nordland Mariners - Different hats Stir River Patrol - Different hats/ Lore friendly colour scheme Swords of Ulric...
Green Colour for the Empire / Reikland
Created by Wasiel
A green colour pack for Reikland. I created this colour pack for my own Reikland playthrough, thought some of you might also enjoy it. Works on Campaign and Custom battle....
Alternate Empire Loading Screens
Created by CastledCard This mod adds new loading screens for the Empire. Check out my other loading screens....
Created by Demasia
Beautify the imperial flag and color to black gold.Need to be used with another mod. 美化了帝国旗帜和颜色为黑金。需要和另外一个mod一起使用。...
Created by Demasia
Beautify the imperial flag and color to black gold.Need to be used with another mod. 美化了帝国旗帜和颜色为黑金。需要和另外一个mod一起使用。...
Details Matter: Quivers for The Empire
Created by Merwanor
Greetings fellow Total War players! Details matter and sometimes I feel that CA seem to neglect or just forget about that for certain units. Especially when it comes to ranged units and where they get their arrows or other forms of projectiles. This mod se...
Storm against Chaos (Empire Edition)
Created by Johnlehnhof
-- LORE --- These are desperade times. Chaos rises everywhere. The Emperor needs his best men to repel the forces of chaos. The brave Wardens of the Empire join the fray, even the Rangers leave there outposts and bolster the ranks of Franz. Volkmar has sen...
Imperial Armoury - Unit Upgrades for the Empire
Created by Dirty Dan
Adds several purchasable unit upgrades to Empire units similar to the Greenskin scrap system. The upgrades cost Treasury or a dedicated new resource named fine steel and are not exclusive. This means one unit can receive all possible upgrades at once. Fine...
Human Mercenaries for Human Factions (1.2)
Created by Cat on a Laptop
"Men who seek gold, glory, and adventure by destroying the enemies of their employers. Survivability or assurance that the task will be completed is not guaranteed but glory to those who did both and lived to tell the tales to newer hires in the mercenary ...
Faster Empire & Vampire coast mortars & various other artillery
Created by pmkr
Raises the projectile speed of Empire and Vampire coast mortars (including Queen Bess !). Raises the projectile speed of several other artillery units. Units affected are : Empire -Helstorm rocket batteries -Mortars -War wagons (mortars) Vampire Coast -Mor...
Full Plate Empire (Melee Only)
Created by Lacetyl
This mod makes state troops wear full plate armor (only visual)....
Faith, Steel and Gunpowder - An Empire Overhaul
Created by Spoon
In Progress rework of the Empire's Units to somewhat resemble the late renaissance style force they deserve to be. Faith: TBD Steel: Units now have 3 categories: State troops: Spearmen, Crossbowmen, Handgunners, Swordsmen, Halberdiers, Pikemen, Greatswords...
Singe's Empire Units Pack CN
Created by Nasynia
超凡帝国发布,我又来挖坑了,作为帝国死忠,第一部作品自然是前作就汉化过的帝国单位包,希望各位喜欢。 已获得原作者授权,本补丁需要配合本体mod使用,如需改变排序请将其置于本体之上。 本体链接: 不知道还有谁记得我的汉化作品,有希望我汉化的欢迎留言。 ...
Better Empire Melee Infantry (Cosmetic)
Created by C. Blue
This is the cosmetic portion of my Better Empire Melee Infantry mod. This mod reworks the models of all Empire melee units including state-troops, greatswords, and their respective RoRs to give them a more armored and slightly more uniform appearance. Obvi...
Shazbot's Empire Sketchbook - TWH3
I really oughta get some updated pics of these unit stat cards up but for now they should give an idea of what they do. I made this mod for myself back in Total Warhammer 1 when I got the pack file manager to play with making my own army dudes to play with...
Exiled Knights unit (Empire & Counts)
Created by Matenkai
Recruited from landmark building in Altdorf I had an itch to make a knightly unit but i dislike how cav heavy Bretonnia is so Empire it is. releasing it to public to get feedback since i have a tendency to make units op. Should get any upgrades Empire Grea...
Created by kalelung
This do just change graphic by rifle model I try create bayonet animation but too hard;;; so plz anyone! create bayont animation ;;...
Nuln's Fallen: Chaos Empire Handgunners
Created by wormyjb
My VERY first unit mod! (Hugethanks to Kobold Loremaster for giving me the idea and helping me with balancing!) Add's a unit into the game for the Daemon Prince. Traitorous Empire Handgunners, defecting to chaos are now available for recruitment once you b...
Empire Politics Confederation&Authority (EASY)
Created by Torchhammer
For the Player: This Mod increases Base Fealty for Empire Electors ,decreases cost for Confederation and increases Authority gain for declining Confederations. The Mod also increases all Poltical and Invasion events to occur earlier and more frequently dur...
Blue & Black Colour for the Empire / Reikland
Created by Wasiel
A blue & black colour pack for Reikland. Works on Campaign and Custom battle....
Blue & White Colour for the Empire / Reikland
Created by Wasiel
A blue & white colour pack for Reikland. Works on Campaign and Custom battle....
Sallets instead of floppy hats for the Empire
Created by kubuntu1
Please note that I am not an English native speaker, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes. Feel free to correct me. Mod features: As it says in the title, all floppy hats are replaced with sallets. Additionaly helmets worn by Demigryph Knights have c...
More Armoured Empire(only visual)
Created by ImperiumDarkLord666
中文介绍:帝国的人民正生存在灭绝的边缘,但这身护甲起码能为他们带来些许慰藉。为了西格玛! 目前修改了帝国行省兵、卡隆堡巨剑士、尤里克之子、诺德领陆战队、斯提尔领巡河者、甘德曼的长铳射手的外观模型。 可以兼容旧存档,不能兼容修改了原版帝国士兵模型的mod。 English version:The people of the Empire are living on the brink of extinction, but this armor can at least bring them some comf...
Westluo的帝国之枪(guns of the empire)汉化补丁
Created by SS-N-19 Shipwreck
该补丁提供了帝国之枪((guns of the empire)mod的汉化。 帝国之枪mod链接: 在此感谢WFRP中古战锤跑团——猫与小提琴酒馆(649155147)群友们对本mod一些德式单位名的协助。 因我能力有限,必然错漏诸多,望请大家指教与斧正。 请讲此mod排序放在原mod之上以确保覆盖并生效。...
Created by 동혁이형
의역 된 부분이 있으므로 번역 내용 중에 개선, 수정해야 할 것 발견하시면 댓글에 써주십시오. 원본 모드 업데이트 시 재깍재깍 업데이트하겠습니다. 원본 모드 :
True Emperor - Empire units for vlad and more
Created by Archaon
This mod adds a lot of Content to Vlad's campaign! It will allow the the training of a proper Sylvanian Army with some Empire units, has unique events that will allow Vlad to become the recognized Elector Count of Sylvania, and even allow for Harkon and Co...
Protected Faction Capitals (Save the Elector Counts, Confederate Every LL!)
Created by Vladimir1761
Updated for Thrones of Decay! I still see people on forums complaining a lot about how factions get destroyed before they can get to them, leading to hegemony on the campaign map of a handful of factions, and how Legendary Lords get wiped out before they c...
True Emperor - Empire unit for vlad ENG
Created by Archaon
Welcome, this is the small English text translation for my mod "True Emperor - Empire units for vlad and more" Please download that one as well, and be sure to have the main mod loaded befor...
Fix Altdorf, Miragliano and Empire Forts Garrisons
Created by FreeParmenion
TLDR: Buffed empire garrisons to reach strength of TW:WH2 level. Empire Forts take no attrition anymore. Slightly buffed Altdorf, Miragliano and Red Moon Inn building values. Hey, The problem: CA forgot to import the garrions for many important Empire city...
(WH3) Strengthening firearms (Empire, Dwarf)
Created by DarkSnowder
This mod gives the ability of empire units and dwarfs armed with firearms to punch enemy shields. Anyway, in the real world, the appearance of a firearm led to the widespread rejection of shields and armor due to their ineffectiveness against bullets, espe...
Guns of the Empire - SUBMOD - Radious Compatibility [Unofficial]
Created by Ɖon | Morgrain
Hello there! I've been playing Radious with a lot recently, but noticed the great disparity in unit stats. So I taught myself how to change unit tables, made this little submod und brought all those nifty little Gun units up to Radious standards (mainly ju...
Created by 后勤连政委
这是一个简单粗暴的为弟国增加一组科技来提升部队属性的MOD。 为沃克玛,大诵经师和帝国队长增加狮鹫坐骑。 增加战争车垒(地狱喷射连环炮)和帝国狮鹫骑士(单体飞行怪兽骑兵) and yes MAKE EMPIRE GREAT AGAIN !...
【停更转移】代号GYT-帝国原版风格兵种模组/GYT's Vanilla Empire Unit
Created by 代号gyt-B站
本mod已停更,请订阅代号GYT文明之盾: This module has been discontinued, and the content has been transferred to: English translation:https://...
Empire texture reskin (less shiny, more grimdark)
Created by Oblivious
Lessens the reflection and makes them look closer to WH1 textures Edited units: *Empire Greatswords *Empire State troops *Empire Knights *Demigryph knights My other visual Mods State Troops reskin (compatible with this mod): https://steamuserimages-a.akama...
Colored horse Empire (+Bretonnians do it better)
Created by FortheEmperor
Attention mod already include so no need subscibe it The Mod will be updated and now include adds and changes the capparisons used by the various Breton factions, plus it graphically improve...
Warbands Expanded - The Empire - Mount and Blade Style-ish
Created by Triarii
LET THEM ALL UPGRADE! For a single mod that includes all factions I've done so far, use this mod. (Click Here!) Inspired by how any unit could be upgraded in Mount and Blade, I wanted every single unit to be able to be upgraded. Cost is balanced off of wha...
The Empire - New Faction Colors - v.1.0
Created by Delta_BOSS
New colors for the Empire factions, and darker for some. Main Empire has darker red. Note: Marienburg (unplayable faction for now) has new colors. I didn't bother to check and test the result for this faction. So feel free to give feedback when you see the...
All Human factions can build all race's landmarks
Created by Wyccc
Empire Cathay Kislev Bretonnia can build all faction's landmarks except Chaos, Vampires, and Skaven. Required Landmarks of Legend All Elves factions can build all faction's landmarks All Dwarf factions can build all faction's landmarks Immortal landmarks s...
[Zerooz] 帝国兵种 Empire Units
Created by zerooz
If you play in English Version you need add my English translation mod./ 中文玩家不需要订阅英文补丁包 Here is my other mods/我的其他mod Cathay units mod/震旦兵种mod High elf units mod/高等精灵mod https://steamcommuni...
Imperial Armoury Submod - Radious - Unit Upgrades for the Empire
Created by Louie04k
A Radious submod for Dirty Dans Imperial Armoury mod. All upgrades are added for Radious's custom empire units with some cost inceases. Requires original mod to work! Thanks to Dirty Dan for OG mod! This is a beta and probably has some upgrades assigned to...
Better Empire Melee Infantry (Cosmetic) Texture Pack
Created by C. Blue
This is only a small texture pack required for my Better Empire Melee Infantry (Cosmetic) mod to work....
Warrior Saints of the Empire - SUBMOD - Radious Compatibility [Unofficial]
Created by Ɖon | Morgrain
Hello there! I've been playing Radious with a lot recently, but noticed the great disparity in unit stats. So I taught myself how to change unit tables, made this little submod und brought all those nifty little Saint units up to Radious standards (mainly ...
Disciplined State Troops (Orderly animations for empire state troops)
Created by Sturmageddon
"Settle down men! We are soldiers of the empire, not an unruly rabble of norsican savages!" Purpose: Updated for TWWIII! The standard animation for state troops was too rowdy for my tastes. This mod changes the selected animations (melee) or spacing (range...
[BROKEN DO NOT USE] Christian's Demigryph Mount for Empire Captains and other Demigryph tweaks
Created by Christian
Description says it all. A mod that adds demigryph mounts for the empire captain. Unlocked at level 15. Some additional tweaks were made to demigryphs such as strider and Fatigue Resistance for all three variants of the demigryphs (including ROR). * NOT CO...
Warrior Saints of the Empire, Kislev and Bretonnia - No unit caps. Includes Irongobz (grn) and Warpmechs (skv)!
Created by Pwner1
*READ THIS* Includes Kisev, Bretonnia warrior saints and my orc and skaven units. Use only one mod!!! Version that allows unlimited recruitment and the champions are unlocked at level 2 for maximum cheesing pleasure. Second in my series of Warriors of Orde...
Improved Empire Garrisons - Tier 4 Minor Settlements Version
Created by Arni the Terminator
This is the compability version of my garrison mod. I would have preferred to make the main version compatible, but with the new file structure the game will crash if you do not use the Tier 4 Minor Settlements mod. Requires Alarayn's Tier 4 Minor Settleme...
Tobinator's Empire Unit Pack - SUBMOD - Radious Compatibility [Unofficial]
Created by Ɖon | Morgrain
Hello there! I've been playing Radious with a lot recently, but noticed the great disparity in unit stats. So I taught myself how to change unit tables, made this little submod und brought all those nifty little Empire units up to Radious standards (mainly...
LLLL - Modest Extra Skill Points EXCLUSIVELY for Legendary Lords - The Empire.
Created by Neil
Fun, fits with the lore, not too OP. **UPDATED for Thrones of Decay** Boosts only Legendary Lords - Including Elspeth von Draken!! 10 of their skills awarded (mostly by level 17) for free as you level. Zero changes to Standard Lords. Effectively 1.2 skill ...
Tier 5 Infrastructure, Resource and Road Buildings - Vanilla
Created by Deadmeat
Tier 5 Public order, income, and growth buildings for: Ordertide: Empire Bretonnia Dwarfs Grand Cathay High Elves Tomb Kings Lizard Men Disordertide: Vampire Counts - Corruption t4/t5 Dark Elves ============================= Roads (Include % increase in in...
Wealthy Major Empires - More "Background Income" (Rat-ee-jiK)
This small mod changes the base income of major (playable) factions from 3,000 to 5,000 on all campaign types for Total War: Warhammer 3. Should also work in multiplayer campaigns. ** Minor factions get half of that (just 2,500) ** ** Affects player and AI...
Empire Reskin - State stroop has more armour (only skin no stat)
Created by The Bold
Better look for Empire state troop Everything compatible (save, mod, reskin, overhaul, etc...) WANNA EPIC BATTLE, use my another mod here: 200% 300% unit size (2.5x hitpoints of lord and heroes):
LLLL PURE - Modest Extra Skill Points EXCLUSIVELY for Legendary Lords - The Empire
Created by Neil
This is the pure version of LLLL- Empire. Fun & fits well with the lore without being OP. **UPDATED for Thrones of Decay** Grants ONLY unique skills exclusively to LL's (Including Elspeth von Draken). No requirement reductions for skill nodes. No rounding ...
Thudding Crossbows (Appropriate firing sounds for Cathay, Dark elf, Dwarf, and Empire crossbows)
Created by Sturmageddon
Purpose: This is an updated version of my mod from TWW2, now also applied to Cathay units! I have never really liked the sound profile CA chose for crossbows- even the sound profile for bows is louder and more satisfying to listen to. This mod replaces the...
Imperial Elite || Empire Late Game Unit Mod - SUBMOD - Radious Compatibility [Unofficial]
Created by Ɖon | Morgrain
Hello there! I've been playing Radious with a lot recently, but noticed the great disparity in unit stats. So I taught myself how to change unit tables, made this little submod und brought all those nifty little Reiksguard units up to Radious standards (ma...
Created by 沙条爱歌
该mod提供额外科技树,全新的完善体系兵种单位,全新的阴阳法系事务官,解锁商队招募,强大的商队部队,兵种废料升级与精英部队等。 这个mod为震旦天朝额外增加了一组相对强力科技树,你需要通过金钱和时间来解锁这些强大对的科技,并且这些科技不会影响阴阳宁和。 这个mod新增了大量基础单位与精英单位,这些兵种可以更好的完善震旦的战略体系,丰富玩法,例如火枪、喷火器、反步部队、巨兽与各种引擎等,这些单位都享受对应的科技与红线加成,怪兽单位享受骑兵类别加成。 同样,解锁了商队招募功能,不过你必须位于本土才可以,昭明与妙...
Better Greatsword Skill and Technology
Created by Wastetime(TMA)
the empire's skills and tech give more defensive stats for greatsword....
Spoils of War [5.0]
Created by O6OPMOT
Just a quick mod, which adds greenskins scrap system to the Empire....
No Floppy Hats!
Created by Scott
The time of the Floppy hat is over. The time of the helmet is now. Replaced all Floppy Hats for the Empire with a helmet....
Flying Mounts for Agents - Captain,Noble and Paladin
Created by Deadmeat
Imperial Griffons for Empire Captains, Noble Griffon for High Elf Nobles and Hippogryph's for Paladins Adding colour variants for hippogryphs and griffons (both empire and high elves), as well as Pegasus for Damsels, and griffons/pegasus for high elf mages...
Upgrade Units SUBMOD
Created by Johnlehnhof
This is a SUBMOD for my ''storm against chaos'' mod. It gives the warband upgrade system to the Empire and icludes my Units from the Mod....
Explosive Cannon Balls
Created by Wastetime(TMA)
dwarven cannon, empire great cannon and vampire coast carronade is good unit but not enough as cathyan grand cannon. now their cannonball explosive!...
War wagons
Created by frozentreasher
This my mod from TWW2 that adds new war wagons for empire ported to TWW3. Since Immortal Empires still in Beta, there are will be changes, balance issues and other staff with this mod. Added Hellstorm variant, lower DPS, higher mobility compared to Hellsto...
Training Field
Created by Bastilean
This little mod vignette provides access to the Shielded Spearmen and Empire Captain earlier in the campaign. Spearmen (shields) were moved to the Training Field (tier 1). Empire Captain was moved to the Rally Field (tier 2). The empire spearmen (no shield...
Unlimited Elector Count Units
Created by Alex Zhao
This allows player to recruit unlimited Elector Count units when playing as Empire factions. Huntmarshal's Expedition is not affected. Won't affect AI and should be save game compatible....
Sons of Sigmar
Created by Gejnor
It is a world of unceasing war and endless terrors, but with a nation of men at its heart. A bastion of hope, and courage: The Empire. Hello, and welcome to yet another Gejnor mod that softly overhauls or tweaks races, this time focusing on the Empire of S...
The Super Power!
Created by Wyccc
Below Factions will force confederation all same-culture factions on turn 2: Empire, Cathay, Hign Elves, Dark elves, Bretonnia, Dwarfs, Kislev, Lizardmen, Norsca, Ogre Kingdoms, Tomb King eg: reikland will confederate all empire factions except cult of sig...
Regiments of Renown for Imperial supply
Created by Pwner1
Let's Wulfhart recruit unique variants of empire units when hostility increases. Demigryph Knights = Knights of Morr Demigryph Halberdiers = Royal Altdorf Gryphites Empire Knights = Stubborn Bulls Outriders = The Bordermen Pistoliers = Noble Sons Abroad Gr...
Reiksguard Demigryph Knight
Created by Wastetime(TMA)
add new monstrous cavalry for karl pranz of the empire. they have halberd and shield. they can only recruit Castle Reiksguard landmark. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 칼프란츠를 위한 새 괴수기병을 추가합니다. 제국 플레이어가 꿈에 ...
Trading Colonies
Created by IfThenOrElse
This mod sets up trade routes at the start of the campaign between Old World factions and their colonies Intro: I always found it odd that the new world colonies and the Bretonnian crusader kingdoms were not trading with the old world. Colonies generally w...
Imperial Authority Revamped
Created by The Tactician
With the launch of Immortal Empires, a few core weaknesses have been found with the Empire. In particular, they now have so many enemies on so many fronts that it is near impossible to keep the Empire as one, and therefore the Imperial Authority system is ...
Deployable Obstacles by ChaosRobie
Created by Dead Baron
Header text This mod will add deployable objects to some factions. Bretonnia: Stakes (Peasant Archers) Dwarfs:King's wall (Ghost Heroes) Thanks to Robie for letting me use this and whomever made the unit card and original items. Thank you Dietrich for help...
Nuln's Fallen: Slaanesh Handgunners
Created by wormyjb
Add's a unit into the game for the Daemon Prince! Traitor Empire Handgunners, worshiping the God of Excess are now available for recruitment once you build tier 3 of the Slaanesh Revernece buildings for a settlement within your control! They have extra spe...
Imperial Red - Blood of Our Heirs
Created by Krebz
A small recolor for the Reikland faction under Karl Franz to be Red/Red rather than White/Red. This is in reference to the first reveal footage of TW: Warhammer years back, and I feel like it is a decent color choice for a standardized, completely confeder...
Averland - Faction Overhaul [Custom Battle & Multiplayer]
Created by Ascopa
Empire of the Golden Sun The golden sun arises from black ground. The ground shakes under the hooves of the best horses of the Empire and the massive numbers of their soldiers. This mod gives access to a completely new multiplayer faction that is clearly d...
Grander Great Cannons
Created by JJackal
Simple mod that swaps the Empire Great Cannon (ROR included) projectile visuals and audio for the Cathay Grand Cannon. The stats of both projectiles are identical so there should be no reason as to why one should sound cooler than the other. Check out my o...
Imperial Legionnaires
Created by Scott
UPDATED FOR 3.1! I changed the name in game to Imperial Legionnaires because it fits my head canon better. Any issues that existed should be fixed. If anyone notices any more issues please let me know. REIKLAND LEGIONNAIRES The winds of magic were strong t...
Easy Imperial Great Cannon.pack
Created by Marenna
I used google translator. This mode lowers the production tier of the Empire's Great Cannon by one level and reduces the production time to 1 turn. It can be produced under the same conditions as mortars. Production and maintenance costs are the same as va...
Knights Panther for ARM mechanics
Created by Vlad74ru
This is a simple mod that shows how to add a custom unit for ARM mechanics. Available now for Panther Knights: Upgrade from Empire Knights Dismount Panther Knights unit Recruitment this unit only Middenland province Note For dismount unit your need this mo...
Knights Panther - Updated for Thrones of Decay
Created by Necrorise Description This is my version of Knights Panther, representatives of one of the most famous and powerful orders of the Empire. Like panthers, they rush into battle with the fiends of evil. R...
Masked Mustachio's Canister Shot
Created by MaskedMustachio
Unpopular Opinion: Empire Total War was one of the best Total War games. I know I already lost you because obviously Medieval 3 would be the historical game I want them to release the most, but Empire 2 would be a very close second. That is only because Em...
Eight Super Factions
Created by Shinoda
The modification increases the starting regions for 8 factions: Empire | Karl Franz Kislev | Katarina HighElves | Tyrion DarkElves | Naggaroth Dwarfs | Karaz-a-Karak Catay | Northern provinces Lizardmen | Itza Vampire | Vlad All settlements at maximum leve...
Order Behave! - A War Limitation within Order Races
Created by Caesar
Order Behave is a mod that aims to regulate both AI and player behaviour when it comes to the forces of Order. It aims to keep these races reasonably united in the face of Chaos and especially during late games when all the Chaos factions have been purged ...
ZC-A1.1 Midnight Woodsmen Recolor
Created by Pumpkin Goblin
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A1.1: Midnight Woodsmen Banner: Dark Green/Black/Lighter Green Symbol. Pattern: Black/Dark Green/Teitary doesn't matter for Empire. ------------------...
Recruitable Elector Counts
Created by Deadmeat
Migration of Sumutherguy's Recruitable Elector Counts - original twh2: I take no credit.. This mod allows Empire factions to recruit Elector Count troop...
Ultimate Karl Franz Rebalance
Created by Freak4Leeks
It's no secret that the empire's campaign sucks, so i have decided to take on the monumental task of fixing it. I am a Modding veteran with over 4+ minutes of modding expertise. So today i bring you a complete overhaul of Karl Francez's campaign, list of c...
[DEFUNCT] Easier Imperial Authority
Created by HeyItsAlex
This mod makes the Imperial Authority mechanics a less punishing, which makes them better fitted for the scale of the Immortal Empires campaign. This mod should turn the modifiers into: -1 for elector confederation -2 for elector war -1 for elector being d...
Mercenary Heroes for the Order Races
Created by Inu
DISCLAIMER: The required item is to fix some portholes and unit cards issues with a couple of the agents added. The mod will work fine without it. BE AWARE, using the submod will make this incompatible with mixu's unlocker. It's a choice, those who don't u...
[EoM] Guv's Smoke and Gunpowder Mod (WH3) (Updated 2023-09-03)
Created by Guvenoren
Regarding Don't worry, I am not quitting modding. However, some mods will stop being regularely maintained. And this mod is one of them. Why? Because I don't use it myself since long. There are much better and more viable mods out there that accomplishes w...
Imperial Faith WH3: Blessing of the Eight Gods (Imperial engineers in action!)
Created by DarkSnowder
Elves and Lizardmen - their gods listen to them give their blessings, inspiring them to great deeds. And what is worse than the Imperials !? Reach level 10 with your Imperial General and accept the blessing of one of the 8 gods of the Empire: will Sigmar b...
True Emperor - Vlad resource building replace sub-mod
Created by Archaon
I always hated the miserable text of resource buildings whenever I play Vlad. this mod changes those texts and effects of the base resource building to be the same as the empires building, and also existing effect that buffed the vampire count unit is main...
Vassal the Elector Counts
Created by IfThenOrElse
This mod adjusts the Elector Count mechanic based around allowing vassalizing them. Why this mod? For me, the Empire is not one unified faction - but a nation of factions, unified by their culture. As such - I never liked that the system went from neutral ...
Reloading Animations
Created by Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD Reload: load (something, especially a gun that has been fired) again. Adds reloading animations to the following units (for now): Kislev Streltsi Dwarf Thunderers Empire Handgunners Sylvanian Handgunners Vampire Coast Gunnery Wight F...
Greatswords Reskin
Created by Surresatan
This is a small re skin mod that changes the look of the Empires Greatswords unit. This is my first mod and i'm still figuring out how to do things so i'm sure there will be a couple of bugs. Probably not compatible with anything that changes the look of G...
ZCA1.4 Fresh Reinforcements Recolor
Created by Pumpkin Goblin
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A1.4 Fresh Reinforcements Banner: White/Light blue/Light blue Symbol. Pattern: White/Light Blue/Teitary doesn't matter for Empire. -------------------...
Battle Wizard - Yellow Line Skills
Created by Muzual
Battle Wizard - Yellow Line Skills Updated for 2.2.0 (Immortal Empires) This mod adds the default hero combat skill line to the Battle Wizard's options. This applies to all lores that Empire wizards have access to! This mod does not contain any unique bala...
Canonical Reikland Heraldry
Created by rypo
Changes Reikland's shield and banner to match the lore. Also adds Karl Franz' personal standard to the battle banner. Should be broadly compatible. Can work with other flag mods, but you need to put this mod above any other flag mod that edits Reikland's f...
Underdogs 5.0 (minor Volkmar and Gelt changes, complete Wulfhart overhaul)
Created by LordOmlette
What are we doing here? Pretend you won the election to be seated as emperor of THE EMPIRE. Then pretend your electors started screaming about "norscans pillaging" or "greenskins rampaging". So you dispatch an army to save them, like a good emperor. Later ...
Lore Soldiers: Units Reskin as Miniatures and Books
Created by AquilaESP
Introduction Lore (fictional story in which the game is based) Soldiers is a reskin (change the models) that puts the units as the miniatures of Games Workshop game Warhammer "fantasy". The uniformity of the soldiers, and their equipment, has been changed ...
Impeire units can change in the battlefield.
Created by Maoting
When Gelter tricked the imperialists into making cattle and horses for himself with fake gold, he had a whim. Why don't we do the same on the battlefield? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Modified Imperial Authority
Created by The Mad Scotsman
Description This mod will add missions to each of the Empires factions that will allow them to have some extra imperial authority to reduce the time you negatively suffer from losing territory in the Empire. Empire - Take Marienburg - Take Castle Drakenhof...
MIXER - Mixu's Unlocker
Created by Mixu
The newest version of MCT is recommended to be used with this mod. It will work without it, but your save files will be bigger. This is a startpos mod that unlocks all factions in Realms of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns. Building slot submod has bee...
Conditions Acceptable - State Troop Overhaul
Created by Luke Danger
Warhammer III featured a lot of great changes, one of which was a revision to how holder units and their armor were handled. However, a lot of these updates did not backport to earlier factions, with the Empire among those suffering the worst of these chan...
Better Imperial Authority & More Elector Count Units
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod adds two additional levels of Imperial authority, which will provide stat bonuses, and permanently boost the Elector Count units' replenishment rate and recruitment pool cap. Volkmar also can get Elector Count units' replenishment rate and recruit...
Johnny's Advanced Buildings (now with vampire coast)
Created by Johnny
Hello! In older total war games players were able to build important buildings that each have different effects. For example, one could build a temple complex to Hermes that improves trade faction wide, a bustling agora that secures your empire's financial...
卡皇reskin (Kar reskin)
调整了卡皇的模型,让他更符合我的期望,看上去更符合帝国最年轻皇帝的造型 Adjusted the model of the kar to make it more in line with my expectations and look more in line with the shape of the youngest emperor of the Empire 最后要特别感谢Melinda Safitri,为本MOD制作了完美的角色肖像、兵牌以及MOD的封面图,真的非常感谢! Finally, I ...
Reiksguard Griffon Knights
Created by Nox
Welcome Everyone! This mod is a port of my Reiksguard Griffon Knights unit from Total War Warhammer 1 & 2. I hope you enjoy using it but feel free to tell me what you think and leave constructive feedback so i know what's good and where things could or sho...
Unique Steam Tanks
Created by ChaosRobie
Steam Tanks. Those glorious machines belching smoke and ramming through the hordes of filthy heretics, blasting out cannonballs and scalding steam. But have you ever felt there's something missing? That there's something lifeless about tanks that all looke...
全派系筛选初始特性【帝国】All Factions Filter Innate Character[Emp]
Created by TravellerL
———————— Intro ———————— This mod is a single-faction version. This mod replaces the initial characters of lords of most factions with generic/factional unique characters that I personally find useful. It completely removed most of the lord characters that ...
Sigmar's Legions
Created by zerg93
>>>*This mod is part of the Zerg Collection Volume I, DO NOT use this mod along said collection or you'll crash. Choose one.*<<< *NOTICE* All of my screenshots are taken with my certified potato pc™. This means (at least in theory) that my custom units wil...
Ironfist Legion (Vanilla)
Created by The Wild Hunt
Remembering the Legion As Immortal Empires is finally out for WH:3, I've decided to do an update for the unit mod that started it all and give it a place in the newest warhammer installment. Since it is an update and I wanted to have the essence of the ori...
Dismounted Reiksguard Knights
Created by Nox
Welcome Everyone! This mod is a port of my Dismounted Reiksguard Knights unit from Total War Warhammer 1 & 2. I hope you enjoy using it but feel free to tell me what you think and leave constructive feedback so i know what's good and where things could or ...
Loreful Factions Rework: Realms of Humanity
Created by Remus Valeryain
𝓥𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖗𝔂𝖎𝖆𝖓 𝓓𝖗𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖄𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖘 𝓹𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝔂𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝓔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 LFR is a Moderate Overhaul that seeks to create a more immersive vanilla experience by focusing more on how units worked in Warhammer Lore. This includes re-balancing sta...
Masked Mustachio's Lady Volkmar
Created by MaskedMustachio
This is a rework of my WH2 Mod of the same name. I changed her hair color from the darker brown to a more reddish brown as my wife preferred it. **Borat Voice** My wife and I wanted to play the empire again so I made a female Volkmar the Grim for her to tr...
Der Modern Franz
Created by Spartak
Long live our dear ReiksKaiser Karl Franz, Field General of the Imperial Forces of Reikland, Great Warden of Realms of Man, Bastion of the Order, Protector of the Empire THE NATION CALLS YOU DER MODERN FRANZ ------------------------------------------------...
Grand Order of the Reiksguard - All In One Collection
Created by Nox
Welcome Everyone! This mod is a port of my "Grand Order of the Reiksguard" Collection from Total War Warhammer 1 & 2. I hope you enjoy using it but feel free to tell me what you think and leave constructive feedback so i know what's good and where things c...
Guv's White Mustache Volkmar (WH3) (Updated 2024-04-30)
Created by Guvenoren
Back with the White Stache! Big Thanks to Dead Baron for making this easy for me! With the release of Immortal Empires, I think it is about time to start porting over my better mods from WH2 to WH3! This will be a really time consuming process for me, so i...
Yukino's Imperial Joint Garrison mod
2023/04/08: Everybody is good (๑ ╹ ◡ ╹) ノ "! This is the author: Yukino, this time bringing division and nerf to the Empire... First up: This update has several parts, please see below! Tip 1: (Reciting Master Lord and Battle Priest Hero: They no longer ha...
Mixu's Legendary Lords
Created by Mixu
About the Mod Some of you may remember this and this from Total War Warhammer II. Well, this mod is simply a combination of those two mods, with some new faces added. This mod adds Legendary Lords, Legendary Heroes and some new units. This mod does not tou...
Mixu's Legendary Lords: Asset Pack
Created by Mixu
This is a required asset pack for Mixu's Legendary Lords mod. You should subscribe to it if you use it, otherwise you'll get missing character models n other fun stuff....
Reiksguard Handgunners
Created by Nox
Welcome Everyone! This mod is a port of my Reiksguard Handgunners unit from Total War Warhammer 1 & 2. I hope you enjoy using it but feel free to tell me what you think and leave constructive feedback so i know what's good and where things could or should ...
Grand Order of the Reiksguard
Created by Xoudad
"Reiksguard Knights, your Emperor is calling! Death or glory await us, but if we die, we will die as warriors, with swords in hand, and there can be no better death than that." —Kurt Helborg, The Reiksmarshal. Though known m...
Logichammer: Artillery, Tactics and Accidents
Created by scehr Art by Jaime Martinez. Note: For the best experience, it's recommended to start a new save. Welcome to Logichammer: Artillery, a module in the Logichammer series. Artillery provides a two new ...
Reiksguard Greatsword Knights
Created by Nox
Welcome Everyone! This mod is a port of my Reiksguard Greatsword Knights unit from Total War Warhammer 1 & 2. I hope you enjoy using it but feel free to tell me what you think and leave constructive feedback so i know what's good and where things could or ...
Reiksguard Halberdier Knights
Created by Nox
Welcome Everyone! This mod is a port of my Reiksguard Halberdier Knights unit from Total War Warhammer 1 & 2. I hope you enjoy using it but feel free to tell me what you think and leave constructive feedback so i know what's good and where things could or ...
Order of Solland - Units/MP-Faction [obsolete]
Created by RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Before you read further, this mod becomes obsolete with the release of the main mod. This one is still functionating but please consider to move to the following: Order of Solland - IE Beta campaign https://steamco...
Artefacts of Legends
Many of the Legendary Lords in warhammer wield renowned artefacts of great power, yet most of these are reduced to just somewhat better than blue items, while a few other unique items are allowed to be incredibly strong. This mod seeks to correct that. Man...
Firepower Combat Overhaul 3 (BETA)
Created by Commisar Jon Fuklaw
Introduction This is an ongoing effort to port the main section of Firepower from Warhammer 2 which has since necessitated a major rewrite of most of the mod due to major content and naming convention changes between WH2 and IE's release. The goal was and ...
Lore-Friendly Boris Todbringer Reskin
Created by LordofLustria
Tired of ginger erasure? Think old man Boris looks like he'll fall apart in a stiff wind? Like big ginger viking men with massive hats? Well, you're in luck. This mod edits Boris Todbringer to make him more unique and better fit his status as a kinda-but-n...
Gelt Quicksilver
Created by Xoudad
When asked: "What is the name of the stone that burns?" Thou shalt respond: "Sulpher to be mixed with mercury." When asked "What is the name of the universal solvent?" Thou shalt respond: "Al-kahest." When asked: "What is the name of the remedy for all mal...
Shooting Modes
Created by DarkSnowder
We all remember the old games of the Total War series, and there was always (well, almost), there was an opportunity to change the shooters ammunition to fit your needs. And no matter how convenient this function was in WARHAMMER, this function was "almost...
The strength of the Emperor's regular army (WH3)
Created by DarkSnowder
This mod adds additional abilities and skills similar to the high elves for Karl Franz, which will strengthen him and his army. The bonus does not apply to archers, hunters, militia and flagellants, as they are not regular troops....
x3 Helstorm rockets
Created by Wastetime(TMA)
helstorm rocket battery shoot 9 rocket per volly, but ap damage and ordinary damage is exchanged....
Bodyguards for Volkmar The Grim
Created by Osvi
Volkmar is bringing a small personal bodyguard of 500 flagellants....Yep, you read that right. This mod adds a new mount for Volkmar the Grim called "Army of Sigmar" that's unlocked at rank 11. Instead of giving Volkmar a new horse or altar, this new mount...
Sudenburg Colors for Cult of Sigmar (Volkmar's Faction)
Created by pizzaman6
This is a simple mod that changes the colors and Emblems of the Cult of Sigmar (Volkmar's Faction) to Sudenburg's colors and emblems from TW: Warhammer 2; it does not change the name of the faction....
"Handsome" Karl Franz
Created by Osvi
While everyone is busy turning Valkia, Miao Ying and Katarin into waifus i thought i could do the same for mine, Karl Franz. This reskin turns Karl Franz into a discount Aragorn, giving him long luscious hair and a more firm and chad-like jawline. I touche...
Armored Karl Franz
Created by Osvi
This mod turns Karl Franz into a walking tin can. I never liked how Karl always had his visor up in the middle of a raging battle, plus i never liked the shape of the helmet in the first place, so i changed that, or tried to anyway, as i am REALLY NEW TO M...
Faction Colour Adjustment - Empire Provinces (Closer to Lore)
Created by Grenith
The Short & Smooth-brain: This mod changes the core Empire Provinces to have some deeper and toned down colours. The Elongus Explanation: This mod only affects the core Empire Factions within their little region of the world, and does not include the Hunts...
Empire reskin
Created by Khardias
This mod visually changes units. Higher quality units carry more and better armor to not make them all the same, it also adds some shields (goodbye blazing sun shields for Eldred's guard spearmen) and some new helmets. ...
Nuln's Fallen: Nurgle Handgunners
Created by wormyjb
Adds Nurgle Handgunners that slow and poison the enemy with their maggots fired from their rifles! Able to be recruited after building a tier 3 nurgle temple for Daemon prince. Enjoy! Big thanks to Kobold Loremaster for making the descriptions!...
Imperial Armoury for Grand Order of the Reiksguard
Created by okadataiga
Huge thanks to the authors (Xoudad - Grand Order of the Reiksguard , Dirty Dan - Imperial Armoury) of both mods! Special forces require special training and equipment! This mod is a submod for applying Imperial Armory upgrades to Grand Order of the Reiksgu...
Survaldor's Knights of the White Wolf & Teutogen Guard
Created by Survaldor
"Ulric give me the fangs of the wolf, Ulric give me the claws of the wolf, Ulric give me the coat of the wolf, And I will show your enemies the mercy of the wolf." - Ulrican Prayer. The Order of the Knights of the White Wolf, or White Wolves as they are mo...
Knights of the White Wolf & Teutogen Guard - SUBMOD - Radious Compatibility [Unofficial]
Created by Ɖon | Morgrain
Here's my newest submod, trying to mitigate the great disparity in unit stats between Radious and . If you find certain stats to be off (too high or too low), just give me a head's up, my "balancing" is certainly not perfect, so any feedback on that will b...
Karl Franz with Beard
Created by Kheinar
Hi folks! I've spent a long time to mod this one, but now the emperor has a glorious beard. I also removed the golden bear from the helmet. Cause I hate it. Hope You like!...
帝国额外坐骑Extra Mounts Of Empire
Created by Kilin
给领主大诵经师添加西格玛战争祭坛坐骑,给事务官帝国队长添加狮鹫坐骑,给法师们添加光明魔乘为坐骑,给小工程师连环炮坦克坐骑,并带有我调整的独特技能。 法师们的光明魔乘和小工程师的坦克不在战役地图上显示,因为太麻烦了。 如果存在bug或与其他mod产生了bug请尽快反馈, This is my second mount mod, which adds the Sigma War Altars as the mount for the arch lectors, the griffons as the mount...
Nuln's Fallen: Khorne Handgunners
Created by wormyjb
Adds Khornate Handgunners to the Daemon Princes roster! They are recuitable at the tier 3 Khornate Temple. These warriors have short ranged shotguns, that are devastating in close quarters! to back up that, they have extra combat prowess and armor! Enjoy! ...
Volkmar RESKIN
Created by qiqo1908
A simple visual reskin for Volkmar The Grim, with new faction card, porthole and unit card. This is my first ever mod created for any game. I tested it for couple of hours and didn't notice any major bugs. A big big thanks to Masked Mustachio for his tutor...
The Golden Order - Recolour
Created by Paddon
A recolour mod to make the subdued purple from the banner the primary colour for every Golden Order unit, with more of a gold secondary colour. This is my first "mod", but figured I'd upload it for anyone else who doesn't fancy the neon yellow/mustard look...
Foreign Legions
Created by Caliburn
This adds lord skills that buff the stats of allied units in the local army, as they miss out from buffs through the lord's red line skills. Adds 2 base skills: Foreign Legion Soldiers: +4/8/12 Melee Attack/Defence/Armour Foreign Legion Marksmen: +4/8/12% ...
longer spears for empire
Created by nex0320
just longer spears for empire need more explain?...
Karl Franz BodyGuard Mod
Created by treejune
탈것(호위대)에 장착(탑승) 시 프란츠 HP 4280/ 공속 조정( 딜레이1, 기존 4) 이외 동일. 1) General (모델 : 군주) 4명 각각 HP 1008 / 공력력 60, 관통피해 60 / 공속 조정 ( 딜레이1, 기존 4) / 스플레시 3명 2) WitchHunter 4명 각각 HP 808 / 공격력 40, 관통피해 50 / 원거리 피해 20, 관통 30, 재장전4초(기존 동일) / 공속 조정 ( 딜레이1, 기존 4)스플래시 3명(근접) 3)...
Nuln's Fallen: Tzeentch Handgunners
Created by wormyjb
Adds empire traitors, blessed by Tzeentch, to the game! they are able to be recruited from the tier 3 Tzeentch temple in the daemon prince's faction. Big thanks to Kobold Loremaster for making the descriptions!...
make empire like empire(state troops reskin)
Created by nex0320
add more armor to state troop make them looks heavier and more elite Removed fluffy hat for normal troop It's my second mod *patch note i changed helmet a little, torso and add greatsword reskin...
Imperial Elites [5.0]
Created by O6OPMOT
Just a quick mod which brings analog of Troth Flesh Lab mechanic to imperial factions. Are you tired of prestige excess? Then spend it to enhance units. Just don't forget to turn off this mod, if you are playing as Troth himself!...
Empire Allegiance Technologies [Updated for 2.3]
Created by Tritone "Alone the Empire struggles against all the foes at its borders, but with the help of others who uphold Order in these war-torn times, we may thrive." This mod adds a group of technologies to every Empire faction for each Or...
Created by 释心 漠鬼
”帝王之路“ 喜欢的话就点个赞吧~ 、、 从新增兵种,兵种能力,人物技能,战役机制(主要是猎帅),建筑效果与招募,装备,兵种基础属性与接触效果,修改了整个帝国战役。 、、 1,增强了卡尔的技能,为帝国队长,帝国将军新增了30+技能,以供取舍。小修了猎帅机制,废弃了给盖尔特的吸血鬼机制 、、 2,兵种的修改辐射到整个帝国,参考二代三代派系调整了基础属性,同时增加了近20种接触效果,近20种兵种专属能力,以资排兵布阵。 、、 3,增加了几个新兵种,五种步行骑士团骑士,帝国飞马骑士,狮鹫骑士。白狼骑士和条顿守卫。...
Imperial Armoury for Grand Order of the Reiksguard - All In One Collection
Created by okadataiga
Huge thanks to the authors (Nox - Grand Order of the Reiksguard - All In One Collection , Dirty Dan - Imperial Armoury) of both mods! Special forces require special training and equipment! This mod is a submod for applying Imperial Armory upgrades to Grand...
本MOD为原MOD的汉化补丁(你可以在右侧的必要mod列表找到) 原MOD为帝国部队添加了类似兽人废料强化的系统 增加了几个可购买的单位升级到帝国单位,升级需要花费金钱或一种名为精铁的新资源,精铁目前只能由帝国的铁匠建筑链生产,普通铁匠生产一种,升级后的铁匠生产三种精钢。铁资源建筑链也提供一些优质钢材。 升级包括部队的装备和特殊训练。训练升级需要花费大量黄金,但不会增加维护费用,装备升级需要优质钢材,并增加部队的维护费用。 ...
The Iron Colossus of Nuln (Updated for Thrones of Decay)
Created by Snek
"The Iron Colossus of Nuln. All that is known is that it fell over onto an imperial regiment and squished it." - Imperial Historian This mod adds a monstrous war machine to the Empire roster. This unit is also incorporated directly into Sigmar's Heirs. You...
Agent Hero Forever - Gotrek & Felix + Ulrika
Created by Backmechuisa
Gotrek and Felix now become agents of hero forever. They grow level up, acquire items, recover after being injured and return to the battlefield. Yes. I know. this is a master piece of gotrek and felix mod. Look at that lovely move of Karl Franz. Seems so ...
make empire like empire with original helmet(state troops reskin)
Created by nex0320
state troops reskin with my original helmet...
Created by Sato Nozomi
祖国母亲孕育了顽强的基斯里夫人,不仅是由于这里寒冷而又贫瘠的自然环境,而且还因为这里常年遭到北方混沌荒原的劫掠。经常会有小规模战团或者部落,为了建立功勋、劫掠财物南下攻打基斯里夫人的城镇。在当地语言中,这些入侵势力被称为卡扎卡,一直以来都是林斯克河以北的基斯里夫人村镇和商队的威胁,其中有一些甚至还能穿过林斯克河向南劫掠——黑暗诸神的爪牙如果想要从陆路到达富饶的帝国领土,就必须穿越基斯里夫的大地。 虽然基斯里夫人不愿意这么认为,但显然他们不是在独自对抗混沌;虽然他们总是遭受混沌势力的骚扰,但是在混沌势力大举入...
Faction Recolour - Sudenburg
Created by Grenith
With permissions from mod author Pizzaman6, I have copied his Sudenburg mod which restores/replaces Volkmar's faction colours/banner with that of Sudenburg from WH2, and recoloured the uniforms to be a bit darker like the rest of my Faction Colour Adjustme...
Imperial Forts Take No Attrition [EoM]
Created by Wolfy
Announcement of End of Maintenance Hi everyone, I have an announcement to make, and it is that, after seven years of modding, I have decided it is time for me to step aside. My personal situation has changed a lot since I started, and sadly, I do not have ...
Karl Franz cheat mod
Created by Sebastian the Crab
The mod works for all armies and garrisons. movement_range +100% armour +100% ward_save +20% attribute unbreakable ammunition +100% ap_damage +40% missile_damage +100% melee_attack +50% melee_defence +50% range +100% reload_time +60% speed +60% poison_atta...
"Alliance at War"new Empire units for Kislev-EN submod
Created by Sato Nozomi
This is the third units pack I've made for Kislev. This mod adds 1 new agent and 8 units from the Empire culture to Kislev, and a matching building chain of course. There are 4 regular units and 4 advanced units. These southern soldiers may not be as brave...
The Iron Colossus of Nuln - 中文汉化
Created by CheNg
This MOD is Chinese localization 介绍 由Snek制作。 为帝国添加了一种新的精英部队——努恩钢铁巨像 这种战争机器配备了多门火炮与多重装甲,能够让敌军的阵线陷入混乱,同时,因为其雄伟的身姿极其显眼,所以它可以替周围的友军吸引火力,提供远程抵抗加成。并且当它在生命值低于10%时可以发生自爆,对周围单位造成大量伤害。 想要招募它需要在努恩建造帝国学院与地标建筑努恩射击学院。 仅为汉化文本,需要订阅原MOD使用,将汉化置于原MOD上方。...
| Rus | Перевод мода Grand Order of the Reiksguard
Created by Dexoivn
«Рыцари Рейксгвардии, ваш Император зовет! Нас ждет смерть или слава, но если мы умрем, то умрем как воины с мечами в руках, ибо лучшей смерти и быть не может» — Курт Хельборг, Рейксмаршал. Перевод мода Grand Order of the Reiksguard Располагать перевод над...
Greatsword Empire Captain
Created by Archaon
this mod changes the empire captain to use a greatsword instead of a sword&shield. and I gave a small buff to Hold the Line! skill. It is not compatible with the Extra Variants mod, and I have no intention of making a comp mod because of the workload....
Empire Techtree Expanded Submod for Empire Allegiance Technologies [Updated for 2.3]
Created by Tritone This mod simply moves the tech tree from O6OPMOT's Empire Techtree Expanded to prevent overlap of tech nodes with those from Empire Allegiance Technologies. All credit goes to the mod's original author. Empire Techtree Expan...
Dark Omen & Shadow of the Horned Rat, Heroes and Regiments of Renown
Info, Factions This mod add to Empire, Bretonia, TEB, Dwarfs, Kislev or Cathay many heroes and units from classic games. Almost all have officers and banners Units Heroes and lords: Commander Morgan Bernhardt | Dwarf Envoy Engrol Goldtongue | Ceridan Lone ...
Ye Olde Skool Gotrek and Felix Skill Dump
Created by Chapter Serf
Skill dump for my Gotrek and Felix hero mod for those of us with extra skill points to burn. Only use this mod if your chosen extra skill points mod DOESN'T already compensate for my mod. Some of them do....
Factional Favoured Regiments
Created by Alshua
Each faction is granted a "Favoured Regiment": a Regiment of Renown from the base game that they can recruit two copies of, instead of one. Where two copies would not make sense, the Regiment receives a modest, customized buff instead. That is all you real...
[GLF] Unit Expansion金花兵种拓展
Created by 金花
添加内容: 这个MOD给各个种族新增了许多兵种 这个MOD兼容MCT模块 修改内容: 对一些原版的单位进行了轻微修改,例如银盔骑士无盾版本轻微加强,他不该被有盾版本完全代替,维持费与招募费用也进行了调整,同样这样修改的还有黑暗骑手、步兵团、永恒守卫、长矛兵等等 部分单位的属性加强,比如查瑞斯白狮禁卫,它获得了一个新被动,而且它的近战会造成护甲破碎,增加了2点武器威力 如果你不喜欢这些原版数据修改,请手动删除land_units_tables和main_units_tables下的z_glf_unit_exp...
Rayes Extended Rosters Complete Edition
Created by Iareshawn
Are you ready to take your battles to the next level? Look no further than Rayes Extended Rosters Complete Edition, the must-have mod for any true strategist. With over 30 new and unique units added to the game and plenty more to come in the future, this m...
Zaskar70's Knights of Morr
Created by zerg93
*NOTICE* All of my screenshots are taken with my certified potato pc™. This means (at least in theory) that my custom units will look better on your high-end machine (if you do have one). So don't be scared off by my horrible screenshots, thanks. This is a...
Thundering Cannons (Appropriate firing sounds for Dwarf, Empire, and Vampire Coast cannons)
Created by Sturmageddon
Purpose: In a similar vein to thudding crossbows, this simple mod aims to make the firing sound of heavier artillery more satisfying by replacing the normal Great Cannon sound effect with the one used for Cathayan Grand Cannons! (I think most people lookin...
Singe's Unit Compilation
Created by Singemeister
More units for all, rejoice and be happy! I'll be giving them a slightly more egotistical set of names this time, just for the sake of findability. As per usual, all images are in the provided links. Note on Cultist units: All cultist units are exclusive t...
Imperial Elites 한글
Created by Odd Boy
For English users. This is not the mod you are looking for. The original mod is required and only the text is translated into Korean. The mod you want is below Imperial Elites 설명 프로 불편러로써 없는...
Guns of the Empire and Warband Upgrades Ultimate (Updated for 4.0)
Created by Snek
Okay, read carefully because this can be confusing. This is a submod for Guns of the Empire to give you upgrade paths for Guns of the Empire units and vanilla units which works with, but does not require, Warband Upgrades Extended. Warband Upgrades Ultimat...
The Iron Colossus of Nuln: No Unit Cap (Updated for Thrones of Decay)
Created by Snek
Submod for the Iron Colossus of Nuln to remove the unit cap....
Empire Handgunners roster expanded
Created by San Narino
DISCLAIMER: This is my personal take on this mod by Andrei_GRODNO Go check it out here: Adds two new handgunner units to the Empire unit roster. Changes Name Cost Turns Upkeep Unit size *Han...
Steel Never Tires
Created by Spoon
Adds Perfect Vigour to most War-Machines, if they ran out of fuel they'd be dead in the water. Does not include War-Machines powered by magic (except the Skull-cannon which eats enemies to fuel itself) Winds of Magic do tire. I might make it apply only whi...
Pistol Rebalance
Created by Spoon
Standardised Pistols to have the same range (90) and damage (20), and gave them 25% AP. This results in a substantial buff to Free Company Militia, Pistoliers, Sartosa Pirates and Zombie deckhands with pistols. Slightly nerfs Kislev, so I reduced the reloa...
Revenge of the Halberds
Created by Spoon
Very simple mod that reduces the attack interval on many halberds to a reasonable degree, should be compatible with any mod that doesn't change halberd damage. My Mods! Faith, Steel and Gunpowder
Building an Empire [5.0]
Created by O6OPMOT
This mod adds several non-landmark empire buildings and some conditional effects for existing buildings. German translation:
| Rus | Перевод мода Your New Empire
Created by Dexoivn
Перевод мода Your New Empire Что, если я скажу вам, что Империя теперь находится под контролем беспомощных маленьких графов-курфюрстов? Я уже слышу, как вы говорите: "Нет, это невозможно" Во имя Зигмара, ДА! Это возможно! Особенности: В зависимости от верн...
Black Armour Karl Franz Reskin
Created by Cornelius Scipio
Just a reskin that changes Karl's helmet slightly, and the colour of his armour. Took inspiration from his model in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning and various pieces of art. (Does not include epic glasses, sorry) For a Karl with gauntlets version, chec...
Traduccion,Knights Panther EN ESPAÑOL
Created by Yard
Traducción al español del mod Knights Panther MOD Original IMPORTANTEPara que Funcione la Traducción deben poner en el orden de carga primero que el mod Original,este es un sub-mod y necesit...
Glenius Maximus - Empire Recolor.pack
Created by Glenius Maximus
SUMMARY Empire Recolor Factions Recolored: Reikland, The Golden Order, The Huntsmarshal's Expedition, Cult of Sigmar, Averland, Hochland, Middenland, Ostermark, Ostland, Stirland, Talabecland, Wissenland, and Nordland. (Screenshots are in this order for re...
Glenius Maximus - Empire Reskin.pack
Created by Glenius Maximus
SUMMARY Empire Re-skin Units Re-skinned: State Troops, Greatswords, Artillery Crew, Captains, and Generals. No RoR or Elector Units re-skinned. State troops: 1. Floppy hat swapped out for Free Company Militia Helmet. 2. Added puffy artillery crew sleeves. ...
Karl Franz Black Armour and Runefang
Created by Cornelius Scipio
As requested this changes the colour of Karl Franz's armour to black to be even more badass. Also changes his weapon to Runefang instead of Ghal Maraz. Feel free to use this or edit it, just credit me in the description, cheers!...
Elites and Tweaks: A Compilation Mod
Created by Crux2
Elites and Tweaks: A Compilation Mod A vanilla+ mod compilation that consolidates a bunch of my preferred changes into a single handy package. What? Elites and Tweaks complies a whole bunch of personal preferences which I guess I'll list here in no particu...
Nanu's Pirates Of Sartosa: Marienburg+ NWC Flavor Submod
Created by Reu
UPDATE: Added the Birds of Paradise mod for Elven pirates, if your game is crashing its because you require this now. Hello everyone, this is a submod designed to give a little flavor to Marienburg so they can have a mixed culture army consisting of their ...
Volkmar Reskin
Created by Johnlehnhof
A simple Reskin for Volkmar Check out my other mods : • Ancient Statue of Sigmar • Storm against Chaos
Ancient Statue of Sigmar
Created by Johnlehnhof
A new Elite Monster Unit for the Empire : - Ancient Statue of Sigmar : ( stats somwhere between terracota sentinal and Rogue Idol ) • Construct • Damage Dealer • single entity They benefit from all skills & upgrades as steamtanks do. Recruited from Tier 5 ...
Unit Upgrades for Dark Omen & Shadow of the Horned Rat Regiments of Renown (all faction can use!)
Created by okadataiga
Huge thanks to the authors (Werebearus from Russia - Dark Omen & Shadow of the Horned Rat Regiments of Renown , Dirty Dan - Secrets of Nagash - Unit Upgrades for the Vampire Counts) of both mods! Mercenaries are armed with the best equipment, but they cost...
Imperial Armoury for Shazbot's Empire Sketchbook - TWH3
Created by okadataiga
Huge thanks to the authors (Earth Burger®Fishless Sandwich™ - Shazbot's Empire Sketchbook - TWH3 , Dirty Dan - Imperial Armoury) of both mods! Dirty Dan, thank you so much for all your help and advice. Special forces require special training and equipment,...
Rites&Crafting for the Empire [5.0]
Created by O6OPMOT
Port of my TWW2 mod: This mod adds three mechanics to my favourite race: 1. Imperial Edicts (Rites) 2. Black Market (Crafting) 3. Army abilities The idea of Black Market is that the player c...
Traduccion,Grand order of The Reiksguard EN ESPAÑOL
Created by Yard
Traducción al español de Grand Order of The Reiksguard, Agrega unidades de Late-Game al imperio MOD Original IMPORTANTE Para que Funcione la Traducción deben poner en el orden de carga primero ...
[NOT MAINTAINED] Slow Down, Buddy! - Less experience and levels for characters
Created by MaST
Hey! A heads up. I'm uninstalling the game. The mod will definitely work until 4.0 comes out, and should probably work even after then, but I won't update it anymore. If someone wants to provide a maintained alternative, please feel free to use my work. Ha...
The Iron Colossus of Nuln Al Español !
Created by Willy El Escocés
Hola acá les dejo una traducción al español del mod The Iron Colossus of Nuln . Aclaración -El mod original es requerido SI o SI. -En el Launcher del juego,la traducción debe estar por arriba del mod original. Todo el trabajo/crédito es de Snek . Esto solo...
5th Edition Empire Reiksguard Knights Reskin
Created by Ser_James
A reskin of Reiksguard Knights inspired by 5th edition models....
Dynamic Duo - Gotrek & Felix mechanic enhanced
Created by Meuhoua
This is a submod for "Ye Olde Skool Gotrek and Felix!" from Chapter Serf, Hail to him for the TWW3 conversion of the mod. -------------------- WHAT THIS DOES -------------------- This mod intend to use Gotrek & Felix as a hero single entity, with a full pr...
Traduccion,Rites&Crafting For the Empire EN ESPAÑOL
Created by Yard
Traducción al español de Rites&Crafting For the Empire,Agrega Ritos y todas las armas, armaduras y objetos del juego al imperio MOD Original IMPORTANTE Para que Funcione la Traducción deben ...
Sleepylion Dom Maps.pack
Created by Sleepylion
Hi guys, welcome to my Dom map pack. My objective for this map pack is to introduce unique maps to Domination mode, e.g gigantic maps, maps with unique style of cap points, Tug of war maps, maps with 2 caps, etc. Feel free to browse my ware and see what po...
recruit dwarf bolt thrower everywhere
Created by Wastetime(TMA)
recruit dwarf bolt thrower from tier 1 settlement....
TESTMOD: Captain's Demigryph Part 2 (Weapon missing) New image of lance without mount (not included in mod, dear god)
Created by Elchardus
UPDATE: I have a version on my pc where the animation works with lance on demigryph but something is screwed with unit porthole/card. I haven't updated the mod on the workshop until that is solved. I really wanted to keep the sword on the demigryph though....
Cavalry Gain 3 Cavalry-tic Abilities
Created by sgssk
If you need an EN ver you can use this : 前2个技能强调骑兵在战斗中的 功能性 ——机动牵制能力,对脆弱后排的杀伤能力; 第3个技能 仅在战斗胜利时的追逃阶段生效 。 具体效果见图。 前2个技能对 所有骑兵、怪兽骑兵 有效,对 领主与英雄 无效,因为有些领主能骑巨兽,而我不太想影响巨兽领主的战力平衡。理论上也可以加给领主,同时单独把巨兽领主...
Empire Axemen
Created by wormyjb
Gives the Empire Axe and Shield troops, separate from the swordsmen, but nearly identical. I hope you enjoy!...
Imperial Influence [5.0]
Created by O6OPMOT
Port of Kairos "Changing of the Ways" mechanic for empire....
Bayonet Infantry Animations (Updated for 4.1 and a REAL infantry firing bug fix)
Created by Snek
4.1 Huge thanks to Juko for finding the missing animation slot that resolved the bug of bayonet units not firing in fire-at-will 4.0 Update: Huge thanks to Beaver Dagget for the assistance with making this animation set fully compatible with the square and...
Traduccion,Unique Steam Tank EN ESPAÑOL
Created by Yard
Traducción al español de Unique Steam Tank,Agrega Nuevos Tanques de Vapor MOD Original IMPORTANTE Para que Funcione la Traducción deben poner en el orden de carga primero que el mod Original...
Warrior Saints - 圣徒战士中文汉化
Created by CheNg
This MOD is Chinese localization 介绍 由Pwner1制作。 此汉化已包含在我的汉化合集中 整合汉化了Pwner1的圣徒战士系列 这个系列目前为帝国、巴托尼亚与基斯里夫各添加了数种圣徒战士 这些圣徒战士是秩序诸神们回应信徒祈祷施展的神迹,那些生前最圣洁且虔诚之人得到诸神加持重新复活,他们的力量无比强大,可与混沌最强大的部队匹敌,因此他们的招募也会受到一些限制。 ==========================================================...
Altdorf Garrison Building Fix (No Longer Needed)
Created by Showstopper
Garrisons for racial capitals have been toned down compared to Warhammer II. This mod adds a garrison building to Altdorf since CA added them to other racial capitals like Karaz-a-Karak and Castle Drakenhof. Otherwise the largest garrison size that Altdorf...
Foot Squire Auxiliary
Created by The_Inquisitor
Overview Adds two new units for the Empire and Kislev and one unit for the Dwarfs Foot Squire Auxiliary (EMP) -- recruited through Tier 3 Barracks The Exiled Squires (EMP) -- recruited through Tier 2 Tavern Foot Squire Auxiliary (KSL) -- recruited through ...
TW Millennium: Modern Warfare
Created by Nightsaber
We now have an official Discord Server! Huge thanks to Nathan the Dwarven Shark for creating it ! With this Mod a new age of warfare has dawned in the world of Warhammer: The Empire has entered a new age of technology and received new units, buildings tech...
Summon the Elector Counts
Created by Andredie
Karl Franz always demands the Elector Counts be summoned. Well, he got his wish. The ability is tied to Karl Franz' rank 17 quest item, The Silver Seal. It's got a 300 second charge time, and can summon the unit anywhere on the battlefield. It lasts for 30...
Created by 沙条爱歌
这个mod提供了对帝国全方位加成的额外科技(包括各类兵种,科技,发展,补员以及军队技能等),他们需要花费金钱与时间来解锁。 This mod provides additional technologies that add to the full range of empires, and they cost money and time to unlock. 对帝国所有派系生效。 其他不同派系的科技购买mod
War Wagon(Helblaster Vollygun)
Created by Wastetime(TMA)
add recruitable non-ror version War Wagon(Helblaster Vollygun) . black lion added supressed fire and small explosive damage. and also helblaster vollygun and great cannon's campaign recruitment tier reduced ----------------------------------------------- 5...
Markus Wulfhart the Overpowered + friends
Created by Nanobot
Adjusted stats for Markus, Rodrik, Jorek....
[Outdated] My Faith is my Shield (Barrier for Volkmar and Flagellents)
Created by Heresy
I added barrier to: Volkmar: 800 points Volkmar (on War Altar): 1000 points Flagellents: 800 points Tattersouls: 800 points Arch Lectors: 800 points Warrior Priests: 800 points The Staff of Command now also gives 400 barrier points for Volkmar's army Known...
WELCOME TO ESTALIA (important mod)
Created by Spire
WELCOME TO ESTALIA, GENTLEMEN. When this mod is installed, Gelt will welcome you to Estalia every time a battle starts. Gelt does not need to be present. Recommend to use alongside this mod:
Created by FrenchFlag
IF YOU WANNA USE MY MODEL TO REFINE IT OR UPDATE IT GO AHEAD IT'S OKAY Thanks to Okoii, I picked up modding and decided to make the meme come true. You should use Meme Portraits for full immersion cuz mine don't seem to work :
Empire Gunship
Created by Luke_Grand Master
中文版: Mostly translated by Google Added four types of flying units to Empire: 1. Gunship: Model modified from a dwarf gyrocopter, which can fire rocket shells. 2. Gunship(Fire Bomb): Model mod...
Created by Luke_Grand Master
English version: 给帝国加了四种飞行部队: 1、武装直升机: 修改自矮人直升机,可发射火箭炮弹。 2、武装直升机(火焰发射器): 修改自矮人直升机(硫磺枪),可发射火焰炮。 3、重型武装直升机: 修改自矮人轰炸机,可以投放炸弹,加装了机翼和火箭发射器,可以通过技能发射火箭弹药。 4、皇帝之翼中队(重型武装直升机) 重型武装直升机的精英版本,拥有四个模组,同样可以投...
Lorefriendly Empire Reskin
Created by Adopotato
Introduction Welcome fellow Empire enthusiasts! Hopefully this Empire Reskin is an improvement from my last instalments, ive dabbled in dark magic (asset editor) alongside with substance painter to bring to you a whole new look. This Empire reskin strives ...
General of the Empire (sword and pistol) (and Captain, and Witch Hunters)
Created by frozentreasher
This mod adds new lords and heroes types. General of the Empire (sword and pistol) Captain (sword and pistol) Witch Hunter Captain (sword and pistol) mounted options for Witch Hunter - barded warhorse and imperial pegasus The skill tree has few ranged skil...
Created by ZioCru <-- help me reach more people ATTENTION ATTENTION - NEW ALL IN ONE ZC MODDING ASSETS SUBSCRIBE HERE Description This is the Empire assets used in the reskin, officer and death heads mod and are required to be downloaded in o...
Created by kalelung
Empire_Multiple Launch Rocket System This system fires 9 bullets at once to overwhelm the enemy, then moves and fires again. Campain cap :13 Build system : like steamtank English.ver : Empir...
Karl Franz handsome
Created by Kheinar
A simply mod that changes the Emperor's head by Felix one. Also comes with new portaits. ...
Formations 3
Created by CastledCard Looking for modders who know how to edit/change/add animations to allow units to play visually correct animations, and fix T-pose issues that exist in other for...
Ironfist Legion (Vanilla) - 铁拳军团中文汉化
Created by CheNg
This MOD is Chinese localization 介绍 由The Wild Hunt制作。 此汉化已包含在我的汉化合集中 为帝国新增了8个新部队 在阿尔道夫招募 吃原版技能与科技加成 非常的帅气,非常的强大,非常的忠诚 =========================================================== 仅为汉化文本,需要订阅原MOD使用,将该汉化置于原MOD上方。...
(graphics/cosmetics) reskins/textures/colors compilation including my own (warad_tww3_reskinad.pack)
ahoy ! => contact me if you need more details ! => IMPORTANT NOTE about mods from other modders: see at the end of the description NOTE: - most of the things that are NOT from other mods are made FULLY by me - some things can also come from mods that are n...
Mutations For All - Fleshlab allied units
Created by Reece
"All life is experiment" Ever wish you could splice and dice your allied norscans, darkelves, or ogre mercenaries? Well now you can. This mod allows Throt to apply flesh lab augments on units recruited from allies. All units. All factions. This was made wi...
Crisps Tabletop Balance Mod
Created by MrCrisps
A little mod mainly for personal use but which rebalances the stats and costs of units both for Campaign and MP : - Kislev done - Empire done - Dwarves done - Khorne done - Norsca done - Greenskins done - Slaanesh done - Skavens done - Nurgle done - Tzeenc...
Better Garrison Spellcasters (Vanilla)
Created by Bowser81
This mod gives to all vanilla spellcasters a progression in their Lore of Magic Currently the races having a wizard through a building are - Grand Cathay - The Empire - Bretonnia - Skaven - Greenskins - Ogre Kingdom - Vampire Counts - High Elves - Dark Elv...
Warband Upgrades Expanded (lorefriendly)
Created by Tsurany
Mod goal The goal of this mod is to expand the Warband Upgrade mechanic to existing races in a way that fits the lore and doesn't feel forced. The core idea is that soldiers should grow together with your empire and that starting soldiers shouldn't have to...
Empire Greatsword Captain (Updated for 5.0/ToD)
Created by Snek
This mod adds a new subtype of the Empire Captain: the Empire Captain with greatsword. He has a bit better stat line from the Empire Captain, but some changes to his skill tree and a totally different mount system. He shares a unit cap with the Empire Capt...
Created by kalelung
Empire_Howitzer & Empire_Multiple Launch Rocket System integrated pack Cannon-type tech effect 22-10-10 patch 1. ex gain unit 2.produce build add Nuln Cannon Foundry, Nuln Gunnery School 3.original units produce build add Nuln Cannon Foundry, Nuln Gunnery ...
Created by prop joe
This mod adds the Advisor as a hero to your faction when you start a new campaign, works with all factions. In MP only one of the human factions gets him, chosen at random. He can pick one of the Empire wizard lores at the start and another lore at level 1...
Improved Shields
Created by Lt. Ruben (AUT)
Improves the missile deflection of all shields. Generally speaking, most ranged damage is now decreased by roughly 25% compared to vanilla. The biggest increase in effectiveness was to the 35% shield (35 ->55%), which means roughly a 31% damage decrease. T...
Armored Empire Infantry (Reskin) (V1.7)
Created by Amber
Like my reskins? To make it easier on your poor mod limit, all of my reskins have been bundled together into one big compilation! Check it out HERE: Amber's Megapack Compatibility Patches (Not Fully up to date, use at your own risk) Armored Empire X Hoover...
Pirazzo's Lost Legion, Dogs of War
Created by Ser_James
Adds a unique unit to the Empire's Regiments of Renown pool. Unlocks at level 10. Combined Dogs of War unit pack:
Knightly Orders of Morr and Bassiano Dutra
Created by [-ODM-] Loupi
Welcome to the Knightly Orders of Morr. This mod is dedicated to all the various Knightly Orders associated with Morr, the Old God of the dead. It includes the High and Chivalric Order of Deserved Rest, more commonly known as the Knights of the Raven, thei...
Karl Franz, but good(er)
Frankly, at least to me, vanilla Karl Franz's faction bonuses are uh....well, they aren't good. A measly +10 to Empire relations? For the single most charismatic man in the Old World? Haha. No. So I decided to do a little something for our glorious emperor...
Knights of the Blazing Sun reskin
Created by Adopotato
Introduction Hello everybody :) This mod was created to run with my "Lorefriendly Empire Reskin" (not required). Kept it separate as most people enjoy the vanilla style as is and didnt want to ruin that for them. This is a personal preference as i want the...
Faction Unit Cards III
Created by drew_west
Faction Unit Cards Collection All major and minor factions now have unit cards that match their faction's colors/regalia. NOW UPDATED FOR TOTAL WAR: WARHAMMER 3 FAQ & Compatibility: 1. Is this mod compatible with ? This mod will conflict with other mods th...
[DEER24/巴托尼亚]骑士王国( BRETONNIA UNITS PATCH Knight Kingdom)
骑士王国 巴托尼亚单位合集 Intro      巴托尼亚,骑士的国度,这个伟大的派系把我的思绪带回了遥远的中世纪,CA为巴托尼亚制作了丰富而优秀的兵种,但为了得到更丰富、更有中世纪国度风味的游戏体验,我制作了本Mod,基于中世纪风格的大量新增步兵单位以及几个原创新骑士团的精锐部队,配合上原版无比强悍的巴托骑士,我想你一定能感受到来自中世纪的召唤      Bretonnia, the kingdom of knights, this great faction has brought my thought...
Empire, Bretonnia, Vampires(EBV) Additional Units Mod -Sigmar's Heirs Comp.
Created by libērtaŞ
A mod focused on humans(and former humans) The mod was standalone before, and eventually when Sigmar's Heirs was released I integrated them to keep some of the units I made that didn't overlap and to keep the unit models and looks of my mod to override tho...
(OBSOLETE!) Super Lance Formation
Created by Wastetime(TMA)
Bretonnia's Lance Formation is +15% charge speed and +50% Mass. in 2.3 patch, +50% Mass while Lance Formation is now vanilla. you do not need this mod. hooray!...
Elite Knights: Warhammer III
Created by Dux
This is an updated version of my Elite Knights mod that was originally made for Warhammer II. The purpose of this mod is to make it so that truly elite mounted units feel more rare and powerful on an individual basis, befitting their representation in the ...
Balanced Cavalry Speeds
Created by Dux
In Warhammer III, the basic horse cavalry mount type, which is used extensively by Empire but also by Cathay, was changed to be substantially faster than it was in Warhammer II. This change was needed, as these units were too slow to be used in their inten...
Ammo Types 3
Created by CastledCard This mod adds different types of ammo for your archer units to use. Each faction has it's own ammo type it can use. Since I'm unable to add shot types into the ...
Hooveric Reskin (HV Reskin)
Created by hooveric
Planned Features ○ Quivers for ranged units ○ Bretonnia peasant units ○ new variations for Dark Elf ROR units ○ more helmet variations for Empire ○ Tomb Guards ○ differentiating the look of convoy lords (Cathay, Chaos Dwarfs) About Hooveric Reskin (HV Resk...
[SDC] Give them Shields
Created by SuperDoctorCowbell
This mod added variants with shields for Men-at-arms (Polearm) and Harberdiers. They can receive the same skill and research effects as the original unit....
Warband Upgrade Ultimate
Created by BAGHolder
Warband Upgrade for Every Race (Updated to 5.0) --- Upgrade basic units into elite, and swap among unit variants. --- Unique UI + Expanded panel for every race. --- 100% compatible with any mod, save-game, and co-op. --- Submods for RoR, mod compilation, c...
Masked Mustachio's Lady Karl Franz
Created by MaskedMustachio
This is a remake of my WH2 Mod. If you prefer having her hair showing rather than using a helmet then watch the (short) attached video on how to make the change yourself. **Borat Voice** My wife wanted to play as the Empire but she had no female legendary ...
Ricco's Republican Guard, Dogs of War
Created by Ser_James
Adds a unique unit to the Empire's Regiments of Renown pool. Unlocks at level 11....
Created by HKrul
Professional looking Empire state troops
Created by Keego Extremo
Tired of your men looking like they grabbed whatever gear they could on their way out the door to join the battle? Now the men look like they knew ahead of time what unit they would be assigned to and dressed accordingly. Basic spearmen have the lightest a...
super strong empire handgunner.pack
Created by dkschool2
Mixed with Bayonet Infantry Animations mod & Reloading Animations mod Hand Gunner now have 160 men Hand Gunner now use bayonet (Thanks to Bayonet Infantry Animations modder) Hand Gunner reload gun like Line infantry (Thanks to Reloading Animations modder) ...
No arsenal/armoury requirements for recruitment
Created by Nothing.
That's all it is, it removes the special military building requirement on all units and factions. No more tedious building restrictions that haunt the older factions, something likely to be scrapped as the game get updated....
Created by Leohong
dansmeah's cross-faction units
Created by dansmeah
What this mod does is make certain units available for other factions based on reason or lore. the following are the cross-overs: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ lesser daemons of khorne for ta...
Created by kalelung
Saint_Gunpowder_Steel_Knights stand alone.pack add officer 22-10-14 Polygon Optimization Operations 23-07-24 animation bug fix, add limit system Empire Unit Mode Integrated Pack upload
Created by kalelung
Join of mankind.pack_English.ver...
Created by kalelung
성_화약_강철_기사단 화약에 미친 기사단입니다. 헬싱에 제9차 공중기동십자군을 모티브로 만들었습니다. 22-09-03 패치 1. 생산을 위한 조건 추가 주조소 필요. 2.놀른런 필요성 추가 놀른 대포 제조 시설과 포병학교에서 빠른 생산 가능 포병학교에서 생산 시 레벨2 자동 추가 3.난동 제거 근접공격 22->27 상향 4. 사격모션 취하는데 걸리는 시간을 염두하여 사거리 160 ->170으로 상향 사거리 160 평지 기준 평균 발사 수 2발 -> 사거리...
Created by kalelung
제국의 결투사들은 처음에는 그저 명예를 위해 결투를 진행했지만 이제는 피에 미처버린 광인들입니다. 사용 애니메이션 루터 하콘 대보병 및 디버프용 병종 22-09-02 patch 사격범위 유형 변경 부채꼴 -> 원형 자체 이속거리 추가 ...
Created by kalelung
제국 서품 기사 (방패&할버드) 제국의 대대형 유닛에서 최고급을 목적으로 만들어졌고 여유가 되면 패시브도 추가할 예정입니다 22-10-14 Polygon Optimization Operations 24-05-08 add passive skill add 5.0 ver creat building add unit limit system Empire Unit Mode Integrated Pack upload
morion_helmet only handgenner.pack
Created by kalelung
only handgunner with morion! state_trooper_full_morion!
Realms of Men, but good(er)
A merge of my individual buffs: Karl Franz Fay Enchantress Lionheart Gelt Wulfhart Allowing people to use them all without having to have individual mods taking up precious slots....
Wulfhart, but good(er)
Wulfhart's bonuses focusing on stealth and ranged attacks weren't particularly complimented by using War Wagons, which aren't exactly all that strong to begin with. As such, his War Wagons now lean into his "stealthy" mechanics, being provided with Snipe, ...
Gelt, but good(er)
While Gelt himself isn't particularly weak, I decided he could do with something special related to steam tanks. As such, his steam tanks now have a powerful Lore of Metal bound spell, Final Transmutation....
Allied Recruitment Rebalance
Created by BFC|Insomnia
This Mod changes the allied points from 2 to 16 per turn and increases the cap from 100 to 1000. It also changed the cap of allied units per army from 4 to 19....
English text of "Road of Kings"
Created by 释心 漠鬼
“帝王之路”的英文文本,中文玩家无需使用 "Road of Kings" ,, From character skills, campaign mechanism (mainly Gelt), building effects and recruitment, equipment, unit basic attributes and contact effects, the entire empire campaign has been modified. 1. Enhanced Karl's skills...
Empire Secessionists, Secede! Al Español
Created by Willy El Escocés
Hola acá les dejo una traducción al español del mod Empire Secessionists, Secede! . Aclaración -El mod original es requerido SI o SI. -En el Launcher,la traducción debe estar por arriba del mod original. Todo el trabajo/crédito es de HKrul . Esto solo es u...
Storm against Chaos汉化
Created by Leohong
Order of Solland
Created by RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below before you ask questions or request updates etc. If you like the mod you are welcome to press the "thumbs up" but...
更好的骑兵冲锋与抵御冲锋 better charge and charge defence.pack
Created by TWJK
骑兵的冲锋伤害与冲锋速度提高到了类似三国的程度,调低了冲击伤害的破甲比例以便让高护甲单位适应此mod。 巴托尼亚的骑枪阵型不再弱小,现在巴托尼亚的骑枪阵型在牺牲自身防御的情况下可以对敌人发起毁灭性的冲锋。 给所有具有抵御冲锋的单位增加了站定防御阵型,当单位静止不动一段时间后,该单位的质量得到提升;双手持戟单位有更高的抵御冲锋阵型的质量加成。 Cavalry's charge damage and charge speed have been increased to a level similar to t...
LoW - Legions of the Scarlet Empire
Created by Macho Chunko
Introduction Sup y'all, it's ya boi bringing out another BETA of a mod i'm working on for WH3.This mod is a merged version of 2 mods i made for WH2, LoW - Blood Legion and WO - Order of the Bloody Rose. An Unique Lord The mod adds a new legendary lord for ...
Knightly Orders of Morr and Bassiano Dutra / Русификатор к моду
Created by Д.Р.У.И.Д.
Требуется оригинальный мод: Данный русификатор переводит оригинальный мод на русский язык Ставить русификатор выше оригинального мода Вступление "О!! Рыцари, отдайте свои жизни, во славу Орд...
Shush - No voices on unit selection ~Updated for 4.1~ 24/01/24
Created by Pad345654
First off I'll say I like the voice over lines for units in battle, but without a proper volume slider for those effects they've become rather grating on me. This mod only removes the voices when selecting a unit in battle, there is another more compatible...
Hold Position - Hold Ranged Units Stationary (Updated for 5.03)
Created by Snek
This mod adds a unit ability to all missile units including artillery, infantry, and ranged war machines which imbues the "can't move" attribute and a 100% movement speed reduction to force them to stay in place. The ability can be toggled on and off as mu...
Better Alliance
Created by BAGHolder
(Updated to 5.0) Features: 1. More Allied Units: Allied unit cap increases from 4 to 20, so is Ogre mercenary. 2. More Favor Points: Doubled favor generation per turn, with max favor increased to 900 (from 100). 3. Borrow Army Longer: Ally army can be borr...
Empire Altdorf Company of Honor, Regiment of Renown
Created by Ser_James
Adds RoR to Empire factions at rank 8....
Regiments of Renown - All Factions by Pwner1
Created by Pwner1
*UPDATE* Belkaor gets all units, fixed nurgle unit recruiting, Sigvald gets Marauders,Valkia warriors, ARchaon get skullcrushers,festus spawns,azazel hellstriders,vilitch gets knights, Kholek gets nothing. Updated appearance for Skullrage and Huntskards. *...
Unique Steam Tanks Submod - Radious
Created by Louie04k
Adjusts the amazing Unique Steam Tanks mod to work better with Radious. Requires the Original mod for this to work. Big props to ChaosRobie for the OG mod!...
Grand Order of the Reiksguard - AIOC - SUBMOD - Radious Compatibility [Unofficial]
Created by Ɖon | Morgrain
Hello there! I've been playing Radious with a lot recently, but noticed the great disparity in unit stats. So I taught myself how to change unit tables, made this little submod und brought all those nifty little Reiksguard units up to Radious standards (ma...
ʟᴀɴᴅsᴋɴᴇᴄʜᴛs (An Empire Reskin)
Created by Cornelius Scipio
Landsknechts - Arguably one of the most famous, most effective and most sought-after mercenary troops of Europe, but sometimes also pitiless plunderers and ruthless rogues. I know what you're thinking, not another Empire reskin! But this ones different, we...
Landmarks of Legend
Created by The_Inquisitor
OVERVIEW Landmarks of Legend adds many landmarks to locations all over the Warhammer world, with some landmarks granting access to special units and Regiments of Renown. Currently, there are landmarks for the following factions: - Grand Cathay - Kislev - K...
Перевод мода Immortal Landmarks
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Immortal Landmarks. Этот мод добавляет новые множество достопримечательностей, дилемм, отрядов, квестовых сражений и заданий. Особенности мода Более 150 новых достопримечательностей. Более 300 новых эффектов, бонусов при найме и возможност...
max firing rate
Created by 煎bingo子
max firing rate (only player in campaign),but they are still limited by the reloading animations...
150% firing rate
Created by 煎bingo子
150% firing rate(only player in campaign)...
Created by 煎bingo子
玩家的远程部队拥有2倍射速,只在战役中有效。 1.5倍射速: 最大射速:
5th Edition Empire Knights of the White Wolf
Created by Ser_James
Adds Knights of the White Wolf for all Empire factions. However, the unit is only trainable at the Panther Chapterhouse in Carroburg. Planned updates: 1. Make the unit trainable in all of and exclusively in Middenland province. 2. Change head textures....
Empire Tech-Tree
Created by Decky
What does this mod do? The mod adds 40 new technologies to the Empire Tech-Tree (+Wulfhart). DESCRIPTION Completely technologies with new effects have been added to the vanilla tech-tree. New technology groups were created. Outpsot Units, Resistance and Ab...
Empire Levy
Created by Xoudad
"Where march you, men of Reikland, where carry you halberd and sword... We march to war for our Emperor, and Sigmar our savior and lord... Tomorrow we go to war, to face the hordes of Chaos... Tomorrow we will be buried, in cold graves that await us... And...
TW Millennium: Modern Warfare More Tanks Submod
Created by Nightsaber
This Submod changes the size of the imperial vehicle units added by our mod. medium and heavy tanks go from 1 -> 4 per unit light tanks from 4 -> 8 per unit machine gun trucks from 2 -> 6 per unit heavy gun trucks from 1 -> 4 per unit self-propelled anti-a...
Volkmar : Books of Nagash reward re-arrangement
Created by Goldman Park
objective : 1. Volkmar's Empire Knights bonus could be available early in the game 2. Elector Count troops, which have low ratings from players, can be recruited usefully at a relatively early stage. changed order : 1 : Swords of Ulric, Nordland Mariners 2...
제국 부대장 모드 한국어 번역
Created by Goldman Park (원본 제국 부대장 모드) 중국어를 할 줄 몰라서.. 영문 텍스트를 기반으로 했습니다. 부분부분 이빨이 빠진 구석이 있는데 수치 정보 파악은 충분히 가능합니다....
dansmeah empire and bretonnian infantry buff
Created by dansmeah
1.7 times armor, +10 MD...
Created by 释心 漠鬼
更新时间不定,最好按月查看 喜欢的话可以在评论区留下你的观点,点个赞 1. 根据背景,以一种应该较为平衡和有趣的形式,为帝国,矮人,高精,蜥蜴人添加了外族兵种招募(难度和成本应该较高,或许你开了这个mod却可能因为初期的高成本而放弃造建筑了,后来又忘了造了,这正是我希望的,希望存在感低一些,尤其在前中期,希望这样更平衡) . 帝国可以招募特定的矮人,高精,巴托部队,矮人建筑的特色为秩序扣减和维护费更少,提供特殊增益,高精建筑的特色为一本没有士兵可供招募,并且负面效果更大,建筑费用更高,巴托建筑的特色为提供特...
Hooveric Overhaul (HVO) 1.9
Created by hooveric
Latest Changes Updated HVO 1.9 Please check the full detail page Planned Features ○ Rebalancing chariots. About Hooveric Overhaul (HVO) ○ Unit Rework Some units have been reworked for balancing, lore-friendly, etc. The unit sizes of the Grail Knights and B...
The Duke's Damned Nations
Created by The Duke
DAMNED NATIONS The Duke's Damned Nations is a complete overhaul mod that changes many many aspects of the game, from a complete battle rework, to campaign redesign, ai tweaks, multiplayer game mode changes, new models and units, altered vfx, projectile tra...
Men of the Empire Units Pack
Created by Ser_James
This pack combines Empire units. Currently contains: Reiksguard Knights (reskin) Foot Reiksguard Knights (new unit) Knights of the White Wolf (new unit) Altdorf Company of Honor (new unit) Nuln Halberdiers (new unit) Nuln Handgunners (new unit) Carroburg G...
5th Edition Empire Foot Reiksguard Knights
Created by Ser_James
Adds Reiksguard Knights on foot. Trainable at Reiksguard buildings....
Demigryph mount for Empire Captains
Created by medusa0
Basic mod that adds the Demigryph mount to Empire Captains, unlocked for purchase with skill point at level 16 (screenshot level for testing purposes only). It is quite powerful as a single entity unit and may need re-balancing. Enjoy! Thanks to 金花 for sho...
Pwner's unit mod - Radious submod all in one.
Created by Leohong
Radious submod of Pwner's mods - Collection Already done: Warrior Saints of Bretonnia Warrior Saints of Empire Dark Riders of Kislev In prgress Warrior Saint of Kislev...
【Deer24 Empire unit patch】 - radious submod
Created by Leohong
【Deer24 Empire unit patch】 - radious submod 2022/10/24 Updated - 蒸汽圣棺,尤里克之爪 2022/10/28 Updated - 御前禁卫,帝国猎兵...
【Deer24 unit patch】All in one - radious submod
Created by Leohong
【Deer24 unit patch】All in one - radious submod HEF / CAT / EMP / BAR / KIS 2022/10/24 Updated - empire - 蒸汽圣棺,尤里克之爪 2022/10/28 Updated - empire - 御前禁卫,帝国猎兵 2023/8/8 Updated - Bartonia - BUG FIXED\ 2023/8/8 Updated - Cathay - Updated 2023/8/8 Updated - High...
Altdorf's Company of Honor, Uniforms and Heraldry of the Empire Regiments of Renown Series
Main Part This mod adds a new unique unit - Altdorf's Company of Honor. Can be hired by any faction of the Empire. To recruit, bring any character to Altdorf and open the recruitment panel for imperial troops. That regiment have 2 officers (mini heroes x10...
Patch 2.2 Empire Politics Fix
Created by Firbydude
Fixing a bug in the empire politics script that was stopping all events from firing (including elector confederations) if an AI elector captured certain settlements. This is save game compatible. If you have encountered the bug, you should begin receiving ...
Human Mercenaries Unit Upgrades
Created by Reitschuster
This is a mod for the Human Mercenaries for Human Factions by Cat on a Laptop that makes it compatible with the Unit Upgrades mod by Dirty Dan. It requires both Human Mercenaries for Human Factions as well as the Imperial Armory Unit Upgrades mod. Because ...
Created by 煎bingo子
有谁会拒绝开坦克呢。 可以配合我的蒸汽坦克替换光明魔乘主炮mod一起使用,手操激光炮
Created by 煎bingo子
一个简单的mod,将蒸汽坦克的主炮替换为光明魔乘(这才是帝国坦克该有的火力),现在你可以手操激光炮了。 同时,将蒸汽坦克和无能狂怒号的副炮改为原版主炮,将无能狂怒号的主炮改为太阳引擎(再也不会无能狂怒了) 已和unique steam tanks兼容 可以配合下面的的蒸汽坦克手操5s装填mod使用,一起开坦克吧。
Lance submod for Empire Captain Demigryph mount mod
Created by medusa0
Made at Yellowmann's request. Requires the original mod ( Put this mod above the original in the load order and activate to take effect....
Boris Todbringerl (Updated:New hero unit: Ulric Priest)
Created by biubiu~biubiu^
Updated on March 28, 2024 New hero unit: Ulric Priest Updated on January 29, 2024 1. Adapted to Boris's personal line skills of the GLF’s mod 2. Add a range army skill to Midenheim (tower_ballistics for chaos dwarf buildings) 3. Modified initial troop allo...
Stationary Vortex Spells
Created by raneyfish
Makes Vortex spells with random movements stay in one place. Spells effected are: Banishment Bladewind ChainLightning Curse of the Bad Moon Flamestorm Gehenna's Golden Hounds Guilded Horn of Konook Hawks of Miska Hounds of Orion Incantation of Skullstorm P...
3X TW Millennium: Modern Warfare super op tanks Submod 3X
Created by bjh660
Three times the tank, three times the joy This mod turns all vehicles of the empire into super OP units that are almost invincible. Enhanced vehicle armor, protection, vitality, mobility. Of course, the price has also risen a lot. But trust me, it's defini...
6X TW Millennium: Modern Warfare super op tanks Submod 6X
Created by bjh660
Six times the tank six times the joy This mod turns all vehicles of the empire into super OP units that are almost invincible. Enhanced vehicle armor, protection, vitality, mobility. Of course, the price has also risen a lot. But trust me, it's definitely ...
TW Millennium: Modern Warfare super op tanks Submod
Created by bjh660
This mod turns all vehicles of the empire into super OP units that are almost invincible. Enhanced vehicle armor, protection, vitality, mobility. Of course, the price has also risen a lot. But trust me, it's definitely worth the money. put this mod above t...
Imperial Zoo - Domination Battle
Created by <<FSF>>Ranger
Welcome to the Imperial Zoo in Altdorf Brave Men of the Empire have catched many animals and beasts alike to bring joy and astonishment to the ordinary citizens of Altdorf In this Domination Map you can visit Monsters from the Old World and Beyond, but don...
Created by biubiu~biubiu^
1. Four units have been added, Rick Guard (on foot), Nuen Iron Army, Empire 4 Card Knights and Black Lion Garrison 2. Recruitment method: You can recruit by selecting emperor marquis immediately (15 rounds of cooling down), or by building RickGuard Fortres...
Full-Helm Franz
Created by Oombrella
Re-skins Karl-Franz helmet and tweaks some other things. I added a face-plate, removed the beak visor and bear-crest-thing, added a bevor (covered the neck, basically) added a chain-coif, and finally, gave Franz some hand-protection. I also made a Unit-car...
帝国战帮精英升级/Upgrade units of The Empire to RoR by warband(Including Imperial Provincial Army)
Created by yuudachi
为帝国兵种解锁精英兵种和行省兵种战帮升级 需要“Warband Upgrade Ultimate”mod的支持 You can upgrade units of The Empire to RoR and Imperial Provincial Army by warband. This mod need “Warband Upgrade Ultimate” to get basic support. ...
5th Edition Empire State Troops Reskin
Created by Ser_James
This mod adds new models for State Troops. Faction recolor seen in the images is not included. It can be found here- Next update: Adding unique shields to all state troops....
Empire Color Reskin
Created by Ser_James
This mod recolors the uniforms of the following Empire factions: Reikland Middenland Hochland Wissenland Stirland Ostermark Nordland Ostland Averland Talabecland Golden Order Next update: Working on unique shields for all listed above factions....
[GLF] Hero Expansion金花英雄拓展
Created by 金花
这个MOD增加了新的传奇英雄 这些传奇英雄都有独特的技能与技能书,还有专属神器 这个MOD兼容MCT模块 Main Mod Summary Translation: This mod adds new legendary heroes These legendary heroes have unique skills and skill books, as well as exclusive artifacts English Patch:
Imperial Elite | Alt UI
Created by Mindbreaker
Mod changes original UI on more contrast art-stylised variant and adds liners. Better to put it over original modification!...
Demolitionists, Commandos, Armoured Infantry ROR for The Empire
Created by Oblivious
Adds 3 new elite Regiments of Renown for The Empire Same units as my other mod but Regiments of Renown version, should be compatible, or work as a standalone Recruitable version link:
Demolitionists, Commandos, Armoured Infantry for The Empire - 帝国抗火兵种中文汉化
Created by CheNg
This MOD is a Chinese submod 介绍 由Oblivious制作 为帝国添加了三个具有火抗的高级步兵 =========================================================== 此汉化已包含在我的汉化合集中 仅为汉化文本,需要订阅原MOD使用,将该汉化置于原MOD上方。...
Demigryph mount for Empire Captains RU | Любительский Перевод
Created by Mindbreaker
Любительский перевод мода Demigryph mount for Empire Captains. Основной мод добавляет новый вид транспорта, демигрифа, для капитанов Империи. Перевод лучше устанавливать над основным модом!...
Created by ZioCru <-- help me reach more people This mod adds more roleplay but also a graphical aspect to the infantry regiments and, still currently being worked on, artillery crew. This mod adds officers, bodyguards, and two bannermen to t...
Expert Charge Defense to Greatswords(Karl Franz)
Created by Sin
Gives Attribute Expert Charge Defense to Greatswords when u level up Karl Franz's "The Emperor of Men" skill. The UI won't show, but when u level it up, it automatically applies to Greatswords(Normal, ROR) in Karl's army. ...
AoR Mercenaries - Loreful
Created by chris0
Introduction This mod adds area of recruitment mercenaries to several factions with some loreful restrictions, please see the unlimited version of the mod here if you would like to be able t...
AoR Mercenaries - Unlimited
Created by chris0
This is the unlimited version of my mercenaries mod, which can be found here
More Empire Upgrades
Created by Last of the Romans
Adds upgrades for Guns of the Empire. Credit to Snek for the base mod and Puddles for helping me figure out how to do this. Also check out: The Radious edition: and More Stakes for Empire: h...
Empire Infantry Tweaks
Created by Artaros
A bunch of tweaks made to campaign and custom battles in order to bring the Swordsmen and Halberdiers units of the Empire closer to their lore and role in the tabletop game while remaining as much as possible within the vanilla game balance. List of Change...
English versions
Created by biubiu~biubiu^
Here are some English versions of my mods. You need to subscribe to the original mods New text can be topped mod...
(Radious) More Empire Upgrades
Created by Last of the Romans
Now for Radious with a 4th tier of upgrades for missile infantry! Also check out More Stakes:
Knights Panther RU | Любительский Перевод
Created by Mindbreaker
Любительский перевод мода Knights Panther. Основной мод добавляет отряд Рыцарей Пантеры для фракций Империи. Перевод лучше устанавливать над основным модом!...
Zaskar70's Knights of Morr RU | Любительский Перевод
Created by Mindbreaker
Любительский перевод мода Zaskar70's Knights of Morr. Основной мод добавляет два отряда рыцарей Морра для фракций Империи. Перевод лучше устанавливать над основным модом!...
Oversized Carriages
Created by medusa0
A technical experiment on warmachine tech skeletons and meta files, originally made for the Mod Jam 2022 5Y Anniversary: Kill your Darlings event, though this one came out unironic and less cursed than the other entries! Adds Marauder Battle Carriage, Mara...
Перевод мода SCM Empire Secessionists
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода SCM Empire Secessionists. Этот мод добавляет 1 полностью проработанного уникального легендарного лорда Империи, 1 легендарного героя и 2 уникальных отряда, а также новый и улучшенный сюжет отделения Империи, с этого момента придавая пикант...
More Stakes (Works with 3.0)
Created by Last of the Romans
We needed more. This adds them to all ranged units for Empire and Dwarves....
Demolitionists, Commandos, Armoured Infantry ROR for The Empire Gain XP submod
Created by Lobuno
This mod simply removes the recruitment cap on RoRs in the main mod (this is the only possible way) and gives them the ability to gain XP. UPDATE: The units start at level 0 with the same stats as the base mod, and improve from that to aprox. +10 in morale...
Created by 蘑菇王
现在巴托尼亚造农业建筑或工业建筑没有减另外一个产值的debuff了。 当然 做了一点小小的加强,增加了产值,种田可以种个爽了。 (比心) 11.13 增加了辅助农业建筑和辅助工业建筑的全省加成...
Empire:Shield Of Order
Created by Wyccc
What this MOD mainly do: The empire can build Kislev/Dwarf/High Elves Embassies to recruit their powerful units (affected by red-line skills and technology) Strengthened the garrison of empire defense buildings SFO Submod Update: fix all known issues. no n...
Gunpowder Misfires
Created by JJackal
Made for the Modding Den's "Mod Jam #5: Kill Your Darlings", check it out at This mod kills my darling gunpowder units by creating a chance for gunpowder infantry, cavalry, chariots and warmachines (excluding artillery and gho...
Southern Realms
Created by Plague Destroyer
❂━━━━━━━❂ Southern Realms ❂━━━━━━━❂ Introduction : Hello my dear Warhammer fans! A lot of time has pa...
Empcon: Imperial Armoury Submod
Created by Reitschuster
A submod to make Empcon and Imperial Armoury Unit Upgrade mods compatible. Always make sure it is below Empcon but above Imperial Armoury in the load order....
TW Millennium Submod: Morr Brigades Unit Expansion (Outdated)
Created by Elman36
IMPORTANT: Requires TW Millennium: Modern Warfare and Warband Upgrade Ultimate When the armies of the Empire began efforts to modernize their equipment, many regiments and knightly orders refused to accept the new weapons and armor. After all, why would th...
Empcon: New Buildings and Quality of Life Improvements for Empire Economy + The Southern Realms
Created by Reitschuster
Welcome to Empcon. Empcon is a fun, comprehensive update to the economy of the empire, and the southern realms. So what does it do? 1. Farms now give money just like Bretonnian farms, plus add +1 recruitment slot per level. 2. A new building in the armory ...
Helstorm Rocket Battery Colour Variants
Created by zerg93
A lil mod that applies the secondary faction colour to Helstorm's rockets. It would have been way cooler to achieve multiple coloured rockets like in this miniature
TW Millennium Submod: Garrisons (Obsolete)
Created by Elman36
This submod adds in garrisons for both major and minor settlements. The mod creates two garrison building trees that are identical to the vanilla garrison buildings, but provide Millennium units instead of vanilla ones and cost slightly more to build. This...
AoR Mercenaries - Guns of the Empire submod
Created by chris0
Hello, This submod adds several units from Guns of the Empire as mercenaries at the start of the campaign. For balance most units are only available at Nuln and Hochland(Hergig) Nuln: - Ironsides - Field Engineers - Hellhammer cannon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Hergig: - ...
Empire Knights - HV Tweaks
Created by hooveric
The features are part of Hooveric Overhaul but it's a standalone mod. Some features have been excluded for compatibility. Features ○ Added a new recruitment mechanic for the Knightly Orders. ○ The Empire Knights won't be recruited by common buildings anymo...
Dogs of War Unit Pack
Created by Ser_James
This pack will combine all my current and future Dogs of War units. Recruitable by the Empire from the Regiments of Renown pool. Currently contains: Leopold's Leopard Company (new unit) Unlocks level 11
Voland's Venators, Dogs of War
Created by Ser_James
Adds a unique unit to the Empire's Regiments of Renown pool. Unlocks at level 12. Combined Dogs of War unit pack:
Imperial Armoury for TW Millennium: Modern Warfare
Created by okadataiga
Huge thanks to the authors (Nightsaber - TW Millennium: Modern Warfare , Dirty Dan - Imperial Armoury) of both mods! Special forces require special training and equipment! This mod is a submod for applying Imperial Armory upgrades to TW Millennium: Modern ...
Karl Franz of the Empire in Black Armor + Helmet (Skin)
Created by Driblex™
General Disclaimer: This is a reupload of my previous skin. This is now the official final version. The older version was removed from the workshop. ----- Hey Guys, this is a skin for Karl Franz. It took some time to get the final version with all details,...
Masked Mustachio's Volkmar Reskin
Created by MaskedMustachio
Volkmar's head looks like a pud. I replaced it and changed his model a bit to better match the model I made for the lady Volkmar mod which was styled after the armor on the Wiki page about Volkmar. I also made his mustache a little thicker. I considered ma...
Enable All Heroes (Shadow Wizard Fix)
Created by OnePitchMan
This Mod fixes the shadow wizard bug that occurs when spawning certain agents in the wrong factions. It also fixes mounts not being obtained when certain agents rank up within the wrong factions. This mod is meant to be used in conjunction with mods that a...
South realms aka Tilea, Estalia and Border princes
Created by Sushpancer
This mod is a submod for Mixu's Unlocker- Mixer, and the main goal is to make the game for these factions (Tilea, Estalia, Border princes) more interesting and balanced. For lord added - imperial griffon For wizards - imperial pegasus For captains - imperi...
Imperial Armoury/Unique Steam Tanks UI Compatibility
Created by Last of the Romans
Makes these two mods compatible in terms of UI...
精英战帮升级(全派系)/RoR Warband Upgrade(All factions)
Created by yuudachi
功能介绍 1.为全派系兵种解锁精英兵种战帮升级 2.所有精英兵种默认0级 前置要求 需要先订阅“Warband Upgrade Ultimate”. 兼容性与问题 应该兼容绝大部分mod,我修改了精英开场0级,不确定是否会和大修mod冲突, 如果有冲突请在评论中反馈,我会取消该功能 旧存档可用 警告:高难度下AI也会拥有大量精英单位,混沌魔域的恶魔亲王流浪军团更加致命! 如果发现单位连线错乱、缺失部分单位也请反馈,但请确保问题是在单独开启该mod与前置mod下出现的。 锁评论区可以直接贴吧反馈 网站链接 如...
The Imperial Engineering Guild Hall adds armor to the entire army
Created by 老污
(Due to CA's deletion of the arsenal, a comprehensive update was necessary) The Imperial Engineering Guild Hall will provide additional armor for the entire army Level 2+1 Level 3+2 Level 4+3 Incompatibility has not been tested yet, and the law has been co...
Modern Warfare-Endgame Scenario(帝国一战mod天灾)
Created by ReRenaissance
The first idea came to my mind when I was playing the Modern Warfare mod created by Jensehc.His mod is very awesome,so why not make it an endgame scenario to play, which will be the most hard endgame scenario to play.At last, with this idea buried in my br...
Karl Franz of the Empire in Black Armor + Helmet + Runefang "Dragon Tooth" (Skin)
Created by Driblex™
General Hey Guys, this is a variant for my Black Armor Karl Franz skin. This version uses the Runefang Sword - Dragon Tooth, instead of Ghal Maraz. Otherwise it is basically the same skin as the original one. The model on the campaign map is also changed, ...
[BETA] Sigmar's Heirs, an Empire Overhaul
Created by Xoudad
"Aye, together. I cannot do this alone; I need my sword-brothers with me. Swear with me, my friends. Swear that everything we do from this day forth will be in service of this vision of a united empire of man." —Sigmar Heldenhammer, the first Emperor https...
Sigmar's Heirs, an Empire Overhaul - Assets
Created by Xoudad
"Here in Nuln, art is not just décor; it’s an expression of one’s commitment to beauty and the finer things. Even the poor keep something in their hovels, some design or image that evokes the imagination and takes the mind beyond the circumstances of their...
[DEPRECATED] Empire Politics Return Region Dilemma Fix
Created by DrDCB
THIS MOD IS NO LONGER REQUIRED AS-OF OFFICIAL PATCH v5.0.0 This mod implements a full and proper fix for the missing Elector regions that were previously causing the Empire Politics system to break. I was hoping that CA would fix this in patch 2.3.0, but i...
AoR Mercenaries - Human Mercenaries submod
Created by chris0
Hello, This submod adds several units from Human Mercenaries mod as mercenaries available at the start of the campaign. The units will spawn at all settlements in the Southern Realms including Sartosa. This submod requires both the Human Mercenaries mod an...
Better Alliance - Foreign Heroes
Created by BAGHolder
Updated to 5.0 + Foreign Lord (Beta) This mod has two functions: --- Enable foreign agent recruiting from ally or vassal, via the outpost. Works for both player and AI, new or save-game. --- Enable foreign lord spawning on new campaign. This is a beta vers...
Sigmar's Heirs - Traducción al Castellano
Created by Akercrombie
Traducción del mod Sigmar's Heirs, an Empire Overhaul al Castellano. Este submod no funciona sin el mod original y el mod Sigmar's Heirs, an Empire Overhaul - Assets. Recomiendo leer siempre la descripción del mod original. Si encontráis erratas, fallos o ...
Heavy Gunners for Empire and Kislev
Created by Pwner1
Look for a submod soon that puts state troops on steroids. Engineers of Nuln and outcast dwarf engineers of the Empire (residing in Nuln) have beend designing many new deadly weapons, but as their power and size increases they came to realization that the ...
AoR Mercenaries - Unique Steam Tanks submod
Created by chris0
Hello, This submod adds several units from the Unique Steam Tanks mod as mercenaries, available with a chance to spawn from turn 10. To try and keep things balanced and loreful(ish) I have spread out the tanks to various regions where they might be found: ...
汉化 for Sigmar's Heirs, an Empire Overhaul(西格玛后裔帝国大修包-中文化补丁)
Simple translation mod,please make sure this above the original mod. 中文化补丁,请把该汉化模组置于原MOD之上。...
Naval Powers
Created by The Tactician
Okay, who else cannot comprehend how a naval force like the Dark Elves earns less money per port than the stone-age monkeys in Norsca? Or how the 'biggest port in the Old World' is about as effective as the average fjord? This mod has revisited the 'good o...
有伤害的诉罪 accusation with damage
Created by 悸动战士
诉罪附加减速并造成单体伤害 有一说一锤3的技能伤害表我没看懂( 照抄锤2的mod但数据好像比表上给的低了点...
long-range Imperial Knights and shot cannon mode for cannon
Created by 悸动战士
中文版本 Four units: empire knights(Pistol)empire knights(repeater rifle)empire knights(long rifle)empire knights(blunderbuss) shot cannon mode for cannon...
Created by 悸动战士
english version 远程帝国骑士和霰弹炮 给加农炮添加了霰弹射击模式 给帝国添加了4种远程帝国骑士单位 骑士是分为长铳,霰弹,转轮,手枪四种...
Imperial Armoury for Imperial Elite
Created by Lardss
Just a submod for Imperial Elite adding the upgrades from Imperial Armoury Credits to Dirty Dan Imperial Armoury, Spitoni99 Imperial Elite and okadataiga Imperial Armoury for Guns of the Empire as I used his mod as an example of what I had to update...
enhance Elector Counts system/加强选帝侯特性
Created by 悸动战士
enhance Elector Counts system/加强选帝侯特性 瑞克领 reikland 部队近攻 近防 领导力 近战破甲+5 army ma md leadership ap damage+5 威森领 wissenland 派系弹药+15% 部队射程+10% 远程攻击+10% faction ammo+15% army range+10% missile damage+10% 索尔领 solland 部队远程格挡+20 army +20 missile block 艾维领 averland 派...
Mordheim: City of the Damned - Domination Battle
Created by <<FSF>>Ranger
Domination Map based on the Game Mordheim The fallen City of Mordheim is a Place of despair for the righteous and dark possibilities for the corrupted In this Domination Map your task is to enter Mordheim and conquer the Squares rich of Warpstone or stop e...
Expanded Electoral Machinations and Intrigue
Created by prop joe
Still works, I'm not updating it until it actually requires an update. If the launcher warning bothers you use a mod manager. Adds more options to the Empire Electoral Machinations panel and the High Elf Intrigue at the Court panel. You can use Prestige an...
Heavy Gunners for Empire and Kislev - 帝国与基斯里夫重枪手中文汉化
Created by CheNg
This MOD is a Chinese submod 介绍 由Pwner1制作 为帝国与基斯里夫添加了几种重火力步兵,高护甲,强火力 =========================================================== 此汉化已包含在我的汉化合集中 仅为汉化文本,需要订阅原MOD使用,将该汉化置于原MOD上方。...
[DEPRECATED] Empire Politics Region Return Dilemma Fix - Mixer Sub-Mod
Created by DrDCB
THIS MOD IS NO LONGER REQUIRED AS-OF OFFICIAL PATCH v5.0.0 A compatibility sub-mod for my Empire Politics Region Return Dilemma Fix mod and Mixu's Mixer. Ensures that Mixer doesn't prevent dilemmas from occurring. IMPORTANT! Make sure that this mod is posi...
Deutsche Übersetzung für Dark Omen & Shadow of the Horned Rat Regiments of Renown
Created by Deadeye
Hierbei handelt es sich um eine deutsche Übersetzung der Original Mod „Dark Omen & Shadow of the Horned Rat Regiments of Renown“ von Dead Baron, Werebearus from USSR & crisord. Ladereihenfolge: Deutsche Übersetzung für Dark Omen & Shadow of the Horned Rat ...
Empire firearms pack
Created by DarkSnowder
This small mod brings more variety to the firearms of the glorious Empire of Sigmar. - squads of Empire Handgunners received new muskets (and the differences between standard squads and unique ones in this regard are much more significant than just retextu...
Your New Empire (Reikland)
Created by Pear
Development Update: Your New Empire is being reworked in light of CA's awesome new Empire stuff for ToD and will be re-released bigger and better than before! -------------------- As you may have seen, The Empire is getting a massive (and impressive) overh...
Glf Hero Expansion Radious Submod
Created by Leohong
This MOD without the english translation. 这个mod不包括英文文本,可以直接使用。...
Ye Olde Skool Gotrek and Felix! SFO Submod!
Created by Chapter Serf
This is a small patch for the Gotrek and Felix mods to tweak the stats of our heroes to be more in line with Venris's most excellent Grimhammer II mod. DISCLAIMER: You MUST have the main Gotrek and Felix mod, located here activated or Terrible Things will ...
Armoury for Tilea, Estalia and Border princes (RU version)
Created by Sushpancer
This is a little mod adds the ability to craft a variety of artifacts for the southern realms grey - have a global cooldown for 1 turn green - have a global cooldown for 2 turns blue - have a global cooldown for 3 turns...
Armoury for Tilea, Estalia and Border princes (ENG version)
Created by Sushpancer
This is a little mod adds the ability to craft a variety of artifacts for the southern realms grey - have a global cooldown for 1 turn green - have a global cooldown for 2 turns blue - have a global cooldown for 3 turns...
Ludwig von Uberdorf Imperial Steam Tank Commander, Dark Omen Regiments of Renown Series
Main Part This mod adds a new unique agent - Ludwig von Uberdorf Imperial Steam Tank Commander. He сan be hired by any dwarfs, empire, bretonia and kislev factions. To recruit, bring any character to Flensburg Dont use with D...
[BETA] Sigmar's Heirs, an Empire Overhaul (Zharrhammer Submod)
Created by HashutChampion
WE ARe Sigmar's Heirs , we got our amazing mod by Xoudad and his team SFO and Zharrhammer Unit Stats or atleast Adjust stats around it this is a Submod for my Zharrhammer Overhaul Mod Submod and what it is Zharrhammer ? it is Sub Overhaul mod for SFO it ch...
Hashut's Zharrhammer Unit Overhaul (Phoenix's Rise)
Created by HashutChampion
Zharrhammer is Currently Recruiting Modders join Discord if you are willing to be Modder for Zharrhammer Multiplayer Campaign Compatible SECOND GREAT NEWS I added recommend Mods on Requirements list but you don't have use them except SFO Grimhammer itself ...
Better Arcane Conduit
Created by Louie04k
With this mod Arcane Conduit gives Winds of Magic reserves and a slow recharge rate bonus in combat....
Empire Mercenaries with Maneaters
Created by Rustic Clover
In addition to all other units in LordZarmack's Empire Mercenaries, I've added Maneaters. Tier 1 Tavern: Maneaters and Maneaters (Ironfists) Tier 2 Tavern: Maneaters (Great Weapons) Tier 3 Tavern: Maneaters (Pistols) Red Moon Inn has access to all Maneater...
Reiksguard Griffen Knights - Radious Submod
Created by Louie04k
A submod for Reiksguard Griffon Knights created by Nox to be balanced for Radious!...
Imperial Armoury and Storm Against Chaos Sub-Mod
Created by FullAutoAttack
This allows the scrap system from the Imperial Armoury mod of work for the units added by the Storm Against Chaos mod. All my mods: All DD Mods: Vampire Counts https://steamcommun...
Sootson War Wagon
Created by highman
Make Sootson's Guns to War wagon It same as war wagon mortar but 50 more upkeep cost...
Empire Mercenaries ONLY Maneaters
Created by Rustic Clover
Same as my previous mod, but now it's only the Meneaters that you can recruit from Taverns and the Red Moon Inn. Tier 1 Tavern: Maneaters and Maneaters (Ironfists) Tier 2 Tavern: Maneaters (Great Weapons) Tier 3 Tavern: Maneaters (Pistols) Red Moon Inn has...
Sons of Myrmidia
Created by zerg93
>>*These units are only available through the Archecclesiatium of Myrmidia landmark in Magritta.*<< *NOTICE* All of my screenshots are taken with my certified potato pc™. This means (at least in theory) that my custom units will look better on your high-en...
(Scheduled to be deleted on 2024.5.31, use ChopChop's mod (link)
Created by highman
Special Thanks To: iDon'tSpeakRussian! After the dlc patch, i decided that this mod was no longer needed as there were more uses for Prestige. Therefore, it will be deleted after the patch. Due to personal...
Shaws Luthor Huss
Created by shawmuscle
Another simple mod, adds Luthor Huss as a legendary lord to the Empire. Made this model for another game but felt like he could be fun to play in WH3 also. Modders and film makers are free to use the model as they like. In order for him to show in the Empi...
Created by 宁宁专属桌角
在sfo中,帝国的努恩铁甲军作为每15回合才能招募一次的行省步兵,在吃满红线和科技buff的情况下强度却很难与高破甲的普通火枪手分出高下。 所以这个小mod对努恩铁甲军的数据做了一定修改,让他可以成为sfo中全帝国最强的火枪没有之一! 修改效果如下: 调整人数至100人 略微强化了努恩铁甲军的射击精准度,小幅度加强子弹飞行速度,射击时不容易因为ai部队的移动射空了。 提高了远程威力的破甲比例,略微降低了装填时间,使得总威力与先前一致(仍然可以通过红线和科技使其装填速度达到4) 赋予努恩铁甲军子弹贯穿小型兵模...
Add lance formation
Created by lIlIIllll
Applies only to heavy cavalry on horse <emp> empire_knights empire_knights_ror_0 empire_knights_ror_1 empire_knights_ror_2 reiksguard zintlers_reiksguard_0 knights_blazing_sun_0 <vam> black_knights_0 black_knights_3 vereks_reavers_0 blood_knights_0 <chs> c...
Unoffical Update
Created by [G-T-F] Gnombert
The original mod made changes to a file that refered to the Startpositions of the factions. This file needs to be edited in a way that is completly different from every other mod file. I tried to get in contact with the original author to learn from him ho...
TW Millennium: Modern Warfare (Zharrhammer Submod)
Created by HashutChampion
SFO and Zharrhammer Unit Stats or atleast Adjust stats around it this is a Submod for my Zharrhammer Overhaul Mod and it is for SFO Submod and what it is Zharrhammer ? it is Sub Overhaul mod for SFO it changes how battles , Units effectiness goes and Most ...
The Spirit of Mondstille
Created by Xoudad
Mondstille, the Winter Solstice, is also known as World Still. It is the height of Ulric's time in the Old World, when his hungry wolves begin circling farms and villages in search of easy meals of Livestock—and the occasional Human victim. It is dark time...
[Zerooz] 兵种合集
Created by zerooz
This mod include all my units mods. It make you don't need subscribe each units mod one by one. 此mod为我的所有兵种mod合集。 If you play in English Version you need add my English translation mod./ 中文玩家不需要订阅英文补丁包 Here is my other mods/我的其他mod Cathay units mod/震旦兵种mod...
[Zerooz] 全兵种无招募上限 All units no limitation
Created by zerooz
此mod能让所有高级mod兵种无招募上限。 this mod makes all units hire unlimited....
Imperial Armoury Submod Compilation (Outdated - new version available)
Created by Apex
New version here **Only the base Imperial Armoury mod is required. All the unit mods are optional** Extends the scrap upgrade mechanic from Dirty Dan's Imperial Armoury to the following unit mods: Rayes Extended Empire Units by Shawn Rayes 帝国兵种 Empire Unit...
Imperial Dwarfs
Created by zerg93
*NOTICE* All of my screenshots are taken with my certified potato pc™. This means (at least in theory) that my custom units will look better on your high-end machine (if you do have one). So don't be scared off by my horrible screenshots, thanks. *NOTICEX2...
WH2 style Ogre mercenaries
Created by Rhox
Currently, this mod can be only used in Immortal Empires campaigns. It won't work in Chaos realms campaign and will cause crash. This mod lets you enjoy the ogre mercenaries system from WH2. When the camp is summoned, go to the marker and choose the approp...
SFO w/ Warband Upgrades Ultimate (Scorched Earth functional)
Created by Last of the Romans
This mod extends the warband upgrade system to all SFO factions. I can't live without the Warband Upgrades, so I wanted people playing SFO to have the option as well. Credit to Bagholder for making the basis of this mod and Puddles for teaching me how to m...
---OLD VERSION--- ARM upgrade technology by experience level.
Created by Vlad74ru
The mod is outdated, left for compatibility with saved campaigns. Use the new version:
Elector Count Knights buff!!
Created by lIlIIllll
Updated 24.05.09====================== Recent patches have made the empire cavalry stronger. So I nerfed the mod a little bit. ==================================== summary - Knights of the Everlasting Light (Empire Knights → Reiksguard) - Knights of Morr (...
Gunderman's Surefires (upgrade + reskin)
Created by Vlad74ru
Upgraded Elector count regiment of Hochland. Two fire modes: Standard shot Sniper shot New model sniper rifles for regiment (reskin),...
Created by ZioCru <-- help me reach more people Death's Heads The halberdiers known as the Death's Heads were founded during the Vampire Wars. They began in the town of Essen, Ostermark during the rule of Vlad von Carstein. Those who dared to...
Volkmar the grim cheat mod
Created by Sebastian the Crab
The mod works for all armies and garrisons. movement_range +100% armour +100% ward_save +20% attribute unbreakable ammunition +100% ap_damage +40% missile_damage +100% melee_attack +50% melee_defence +50% range +100% reload_time +60% speed +60% poison_atta...
Amber's Armored Megapack (Reskin comp) (V1.6)
Created by Amber
Amber's Armored Megapack - Currently updated as of 6/24/2024 Hello once again all! This pack is a compilation of all my current *Reskin* mods and will eventually include all future reskins I make as well. This was made as per a request, and should hopefull...
Empire Battle Wizard Regiments
Created by prop joe
“Battle Wizards are nothing more than weapons. They are rare, thank Sigmar, and they are more powerful than other Wizards. For our good and in respect to Sigmar’s Word, these foul creatures are kept locked in the bowels of their College buildings, only to ...
Balthasar gelt cheat mod
Created by Sebastian the Crab
The mod works for all armies and garrisons. movement_range +100% armour +100% ward_save +20% attribute unbreakable ammunition +100% ap_damage +40% missile_damage +100% melee_attack +50% melee_defence +50% range +100% reload_time +60% speed +60% poison_atta...
Storm against Chaos OLD VERSION
Created by Johnlehnhof
Just an old version of my storm against chaos mod. For all that have the Empire Greatsword captain mod...
Celestial Hurricanum
Created by ChaosRobie
This mod adds in the Celestial Hurricanum, a Luminark-type unit for the Empire. Description The Hurricanum can fire while moving and fires faster than the Luminark. However it also has less damage, less range, and is less accurate. If the Luminark is a sni...
Empire:Shield Of Order SFO Submod
Created by Wyccc
Empire:Shield Of Order SFO Submod ...
[DEPRECIATED] Mixu's Legendary Lords SFO Submod
Created by NRKE
The talented == Col. Jack O'Neil has done the gracious task of taking over modding for this submod. Just as he did in his previous work on Warhammer 2, he now blesses us in Warhammer 3. He is a far more experienced modder than I, so I defer to his work. Pl...
Healing Potions for Legendary Lords & Heroes
Created by lc1999
Updated for 4.1.1 but the skills only work with Legendary Lords and Heroes from the base game and DLCs for now, as I don't know how to fix and add the skills to the modded characters with the new table formula in RPFM yet. This mod adds "Potion of Health" ...
Hooveric knights + imperial armoury submod
Created by Marcus Aurelius
adds imperial armory upgrade to hooveric knight panther credit : > I use this mod and change value for hooveric knight panther...
Singe's Skills for Huntsmarshal Markus Wulfhart
Created by Singemeister
Always felt it a bit odd that a relatively unassuming man whose main passion in life is protecting small towns from big monsters is going overseas to try and establish a colonial presence in foreign lands. Maybe he just wanted a holiday with his mates and ...
Singe's Skills for Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim
Created by Singemeister
What a moustache! Poor ol' Volkmar, couldn't catch a break if either timeline. Got to experience the world's worst episode of Who Do You Think You Are as well - though Archaon might disagree on that one I suppose. But Archaon never got used as a banner, so...
Singe's Skills for Boris Todbringer
Created by Singemeister
Oh look, it's Toddy Time. Four skills for the guy who brings death and also a kind of wet dog smell everywhere. Teutogen Fury is...pretty similar to Sons of the Reik to be honest, but instead of leadership they get weapon strength. Knights of the White Wol...
Singe's Skills for Emperor Karl Franz
Created by Singemeister
Karl-Franz I Holswig-Schliestein, Protector of the Empire, Defier of the Dark, Sigmar's Heir, Emperor of the South, Emperor Himself, and Son of Emperors, and totally not ruler of that bit south of Denmark that I always give to them in Kaiserreich. I'm sorr...
Singe's Skills for Grand Patriarch Balthazar Gelt
Created by Singemeister
Balthasar Gelt, what a name. One of the Magi, though not the one who brought gold - but he is the one traditionally said to be African, and in medieval times, African people were associated with bringing gold due to the mines of West Africa. Gelt is an old...
Singe's Skills for the Empire
Created by Singemeister
A compilation of my Empire skills, all together for your pleasure. Pics and descriptions on the individual pages as per usual. Floppy hats and giant trousers not included. Singe's Skills for Emperor Karl Franz
Balthasar Gelt With Shades
Created by Istros
WELCOME TO MY MOD PAGE GENTLEMEN! I will not lie, this is a very simple mod that gives Gelt a pair of shades which provides no bonuses other than the physiological war your enemies will have to endure. COMPATIBILITY NOT compatible with other mods that alte...
Balthasar Gelt With Helstorm Rocket Batteries
Created by Istros
WELCOME TO MY MOD PAGE GENTLEMEN! I will not lie, this is a very simple mod that changes Gelt's starting Mortar and Great Cannon units with Helstorm Rocket Battery units. COMPATIBILITY NOT compatible with ANY other starting army altering mods. Save game NO...
Guns of the Empire - SFO (5.1.1)
Created by Snek
Submod to balance Guns of the Empire units for SFO. Current as of July 10, 2024 on WH3 version 5.1.1....
Celestial Hurricanum SFO Submod
Created by NRKE
Adjusted Stats for SFO! Simple. Enjoy! Let me know if there are any issues! Thanks to ChaosRobie for the awesome mod! Thanks to Venris and the SFO Team!...
Trajann's Legendary Dragons
Created by Trajann V
Here's an idea I've wanted to do for a while. This mod adds 12 new dragons to the game, available for ALL factions! So what the heck is this? Well I love dragons, but I think it's kinda lame that they're mostly locked to the Elven factions. So I thought it...
Mixu units use Imperial Armoury and Blessings of the Lady submod
Created by FullAutoAttack
Adds a greenskin like scrap system for the faction units added by this mod (LL adds ror units). For this mod its just Mixu's Empire and Bretonnia units, I'll add more factions units as DD completes them All my mods:
Imperial Ogres
Created by zerg93
*NOTICE* All of my screenshots are taken with my certified potato pc™. This means (at least in theory) that my custom units will look better on your high-end machine (if you do have one). So don't be scared off by my horrible screenshots, thanks. *NOTICEX2...
Fancy Hat for the Empire General (for custom battle)
Created by Karporata
Hi ! A totally useless mod who did to thing: - I got tired of the default variant we got for the General of the Empire in the custom battle with his knight helmet. So I changed the default one to a general with a fancy imperial hat ! (one of the possible e...
[Traduction en Français - FR] TW Millennium: Modern Warfare
Created by Pommespanzer
Bienvenu à vous sur le submod officiel de traduction de TW Millennium ! Vous devez avoir le mod original et mettre la traduction au dessus du mod dans l'ordre de sélection du gestionnaire de mods pour que la traduction s'applique correctement.
FrozenPerry's Elector Count Units Reskin
Created by FrozenPerry
Alters the visuals of state troops, greatswords and mortar crew from elector count units pool. For normal state troops reskin check my other mod: Big thanks to Masked Mustachio for his tutor...
FrozenPerry's Empire State Troops Reskin
Created by FrozenPerry
Alters the visuals of general state troops and general greatswords for all empire factions. RoRs are not touched to keep their uniqueness. For elector count troops reskin check my other mod:
FrozenPerry's Averland State Troops Reskin
Created by FrozenPerry
Alters the visuals of state troops and greatsword of the Averland state. Other factions are untouched by the reskin. Mod is made to be compatible with other reskins like my other mods: For normal state troops reskin check this mod: https://steamcommunity.c...
Celestial Hurricanum RU | Любительский Перевод
Created by Mindbreaker
Любительский перевод мода Celestial Hurricanum. Основной мод добавляет отряд Небесного Хурриканума для фракций Империи. Перевод лучше устанавливать над основным модом!...
Oblivious State-Troops Reskin Beta
Created by Oblivious
Empire State Troops Reskin BETA Reskins the state troops (also currently artillery) for the empire. Uses the textures from my Demolitionists mod, if enough people are interested I'll see if i can make some unit cards. No plans for any other units other tha...
Better Runefangs (Also Ghal Maraz, Stahlberg's Letter and Key to the Stadsraad)
Created by Spiesky
I remade my mod from warhammer 2. All of the runefangs have been buffed. I also buffed Ghal Maraz and Stahlberg's Letter and Key to the Stadsraad. Ghal Maraz is one of the most potent weapons in the setting, the entire game is named after the "Warhammer". ...
[WIP] [Traduction en Français - FR] Legendary Characters - MCT Support!
Created by Pommespanzer
Bienvenu à vous sur le submod de traduction de Legendary Characters - MCT Support! Vous devez avoir le mod original et mettre la traduction au dessus du mod dans l'ordre de sélection du gestionnaire de mods pour que la traduction s'applique correctement. h...
graetor's Empire Knightly Orders
Created by graetor
"The Knightly Orders of the Empire are noble heroic brotherhoods of armoured warriors who ride into battle atop mighty barded warhorses and sometimes other, more exotic creatures." DESCRIPTION This mod adds new unit(s) to the Empire roster by adding the va...
graetor's Empire Knightly Orders - Assets Pack
Created by graetor
DOES NOT REQUIRE UPDATES WHEN THERE IS A NEW PATCH! Required texture pack for the main mod....
Leaders of Legend for Sigmar's Heirs | SUBMOD
Created by Midnight Sun
Kurt Helborg and Wulfhart's Huntsmen generals now have skill lines from Cryswar's Leaders of Legend. That's it. Units from the mod seem to be working just fine with new red line All credit to authors of those amazing mods, support them if you like what the...
Cryswar's Leaders of Legend
Created by Cryswar
Tl;dr This mod attempts to improve player choice and roughly balance traits, skills, defeat traits, and faction effects for vanilla characters and factions. This is a beta, rather than perfectly polished, and will be improved over time! New skill trees and...
Mastery of Life Magic
Created by Vsrin
Introduction ....Whenever I read about Ghyran in books or lore, I always imagine that they are some kind of an unkillable bastard, who not only be able to heal themselves constantly but also strengthen their body to the point that can withstand a deathblow...
Empire Saint-Warriors SFO (!Updated!)
Created by MysticMaiar
Hi all, another SFO patch balancing a mod from @Pwner1, whom all credits and kudos go to for original mod, he did an amazing job! This mod has been adapted by me in the sense of unit resizing and removal of a few units that deviated somewhat excessively fr...
Shaws Luthor Huss RU | Любительский Перевод
Created by Mindbreaker
Любительский перевод мода Shaws Luthor Huss. Основной мод добавляет нового легендарного лорда, Лютора Гусса, для фракций Империи. Перевод лучше устанавливать над основным модом!...
graetor's Empire Knightly Orders - Greener Knights Griffon
Created by graetor
This submod changes the appearance of my Knights Griffon units to an alternative look that is more similar to their earlier descriptions and miniatures in the older books. CREDITS Special thanks to Xoudad as the shields and the plumes/feathers are based on...
graetor's Empire Knightly Orders - No Reiksguard Version
Created by graetor
USE ONLY ONE VERSION! DONT USE TOGETHER WITH THE MAIN MOD!! This version does not include the Reiksguard changes/units from the main mod in order to make it compatible with mods that alter the Reiksguard like Xoudad's Grand Order of the Reiksguard or Sigma...
Перевод модов Empire Techtree Expanded и Empire Allegiance Technologies
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод модов Empire Techtree Expanded и Empire Allegiance Technologies Эти моды добавляют новые технологии для Империи. Empire Techtree Expanded Расширенное древо технологий вернулось, совершенно новое и переработанное.Теперь для разблокировки этих те...
gelatinous's Empire Knightly Orders Traduccion al Español / Castellano / Spanish
Created by Gusker La traducción cuenta con todos los textos traducidos al Español, tanto de nombres de unidades como sus descripciones al igual que edificios y habilidades. ---------------------------------------------------------------------...
Griffon Mount for Balthasar Gelt - SFO
A new Golden Griffon mount for Balthasar Gelt! All credits go to Imminent's amazing work. If you're also wanting the best Gelt experience, I would recommend my submod of Xoudad's Golden Quicksilver Pegasus , and for some extra skills, there's Singe's Gelt ...
Griffon Mount for Balthasar Gelt
Created by Imminent Overview: Aurux, a new griffon companion for Balthasar Gelt takes to the skies! Mod Features: - Adds a unique griffon mount option for Balthasar Gelt in campaign and custom battles - Slightly better stats than a standard Imp...
Homers Teutogen Guard & Knights of the White Wolf & Middenheim Units
Created by Homer_Simpson_TW
I created a mod with my two favorite units. Teutogen Guard & Knights of the White Wolf. Both units can be recruited at the Middenheim Great Temple of Ulric in campaign. (Temples of Ulric as Middenland). Knights of the White Wolf benefit from the Reiskguard...
Gelt Quicksilver SFO Submod
Created by NRKE
Welcome! Re-Upload fixing some items that required a reupload. Just a quick and easy adjustment of stats to match Gelt in SFO. Now he can ride in style! Happy Gaming! Thanks to Venris and the SFO Team. Thanks to Xoudad for his awesome mods. If you would li...
Garrison Rework
Created by Kairos
A major mod update. Almost all garrisons have been changed: Added new units from the latest DLCs. New logic for garrison formation has been adopted, which should make the composition of the garrison more relevant to battles for settlements. Changed garriso...
Created by Big Daddy
背景里西格玛附身于卡皇,并绑定了天堂之风。 在游戏里,当卡皇获得神器盖尔玛拉兹后,可以解锁一条强大的天堂之风法术线。 增强了战锤本锤盖尔玛拉兹。 增强了卡尔的个人线,卡尔的个人线可以大幅增强瑞克禁卫、小鸡骑士、巨剑士以及坦克了。 You can unlock a powerful heaven magic line when you get Ghal Maraz. ...
Recruit Regiments of Renown from Buildings - No AI Recruitment
All credit goes to fired_goose and thanks for letting me modify this mod on top of his one. Link to his mod 感谢 fired_goose 大佬让我在他的mod的基础上面修改。 This is just a version that will not let AI recr...
Faction Colour Steam Tanks
Created by Elixar111
This very simple mod makes Steam Tanks take their colours from your faction's uniform colours like all other units in your army. With Patch 5.0 Steam Tanks were completely re-textured by CA, with a new variant added and a tank commander added to each vehic...
Перевод мода Unique Steam Tanks
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Unique Steam Tanks Этот мод добавляет уникальные паровые танки для фракции Империи. Описание Мод добавляет следующие уникальные паровые танки Фон Цеппель Основного вооружения нет, несколько пехотинцев с разнообразным оружием стоят на его п...
Red's Estalia Overhaul
Created by RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. The Old World mod Be formal informed that Im working on an official TOW-submod. I will not re-overhaul all new added factions but just a replace a few (three) maybe, depending on feedback doing more later. This sub...
Post-battle Replenish Option (enslave) for wh1 races (Empire, Dwarf and Bretonnia)
Created by sgssk
(Since ver 5.0 Empire and Dwarf have this feature in vanilla. No more need this mod) As the title said. In vanilla, only when fighting against the same race can these 3 races choose enslave. Now with this mod, you can always do it. But they'll have 2 ensla...
Tier 3 Walls for Sigmar's Heirs
Created by Stubby
THIS MOD WILL NO LONGER BE UPDATED, USE THIS ONE INSTEAD This is a submod for Sigmar's Heirs by Xoudad that adds walls to Empire minor settlements that have the tier 3 garrison building buil...
Vlad and the Empire
Created by Rhox
Main Features The Popularity meter system: Helps and wants you to fight foul factions instead of Empire factions. Force vassalization: From Slaanesh's Seductive influence system. Gives you another way of conquering the Empire Runefang and Imperial troops: ...
Sigmar's Heirs - No vanilla recruitment
Created by Xoudad
A simple mod that removes the vanilla recruitment buildings from the buildings tab. As always, thanks to our small community on Discord that does not stop feeding crazy ideas to make and improve mods. If you want to share your ideas, lore discussions or ju...
TW Millennium 2x Units Submod
Created by masterbuilder1016
(Updated 20MAY24) This is a submod for the TW Millennium: Modern Warfare mod which doubles the amount of (almost) all units added by TW Millennium, with the following exceptions: All Heroes and Lords that have vehicle mounts. (Zeppelin, Tank, Armored Car, ...
Oldhammer: Karl Franz's classic helmet
Created by Urgat
TW3 version of Karl Franz's classic helmet. copy/paste from the TW2 mod: For those who, like me, find that new helmet GW gave Karl Franz way too vanilla, and miss the epic salet/rome/whatever/LAURELS helmet, well, there you go. Replaces Karl's model, and t...
Sigmar's Heirs - Lorefriendly Empire Reskin Compatibility Submod
Created by Vaxar Kun
A recent update to the awesome Sigmar's Heirs mod added provincial variants and made Hooveric's reskin mandatory. While i generally like his reskins, I personally prefer Ado's empire reskin. This mod overwrites Hooveric's empire reskin with Ado's ones for ...
Перевод мода Guns of the Empire
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Guns of the Empire . Этот мод добавляет 19 новых отрядов Империи, смесь пехоты, кавалерии, артиллерии, авиации и уникальных подразделений поддержки. Описание Мушкетеры ополчения Тилийские мушкетеры Железнобокие Железные бомбардиры Егерский...
powerful grombi2
Created by kimsireki
드웹으로 우주를 정복하세요!...
Blue Warhammer
Created by Tundran
Hey this is my first mod on Total War Warhammer 3. If you like the color BLUE then this is the mod for you ;) Its at simple Recolor and Flag Replacer on the following factions: ----------------------------------------------- Bretonnia - Carcassonne Dwarfs ...
Mixu's Legendary Lords - Variant Selector Submod
Created by Vaxar Kun
This mod adds Variant Selector support for the generic characters within Mixu's amazing Legendary Lords mod. Currently supported characters: Exalted Heroes of Tzeentch Gorehoofs Warrior Priests of Taal Grey Seers (Death) Will remove this if Mixu asks me to...
Variant Selector
Created by Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD! Lets you choose Character Variants (where applicable). Snek's Extra Variants (the whole bunch of them!) are compatible out of the box, thanks to Snek. Other modded variants will need to be made compatible. This means that you simply...
Sigmar's Heirs - Mixed Hooveric and Ado reskin submod [other State Troops reskins should work too!]
Created by Vaxar Kun
The Empire of Sigmar is a big place with several provinces, some richer than the others. This mod tries to increase state troop variety by mixing reskins from Hooveric's reskin as well as Ado's Lorefriendly Empire Reskin. The provinces has been categorized...
Reaverbad's empire's guns pack
Created by reaverbad
Hey everyone, I finished porting the arquebus and pistol models made for the empire back in warhammer2.The units details must be set to ultra and put just before a reskin mod that reskin the handgunner or the pistols units if you want all the models to app...
Red's Estalia Overhaul - Traduccion al Español / Castellano / Spanish
Created by Gusker La traducción cuenta con todos los textos traducidos al Español, tanto de nombres de unidades como sus descripciones al igual que edificios y habilidades. ---------------------------------------------------------------------...
Demigryph mount for Empire Captains - český překlad
Created by Martarios
Toto je český překlad modifikace Demigryph mount for Empire Captains od autora medusa0. Tento mód poskytuje kapitánům Říše možnost jezdit na demigryfech, kteří jsou v boji lehce efektivnější než koně. Sám nejsem autorem, ani spoluautorem tohoto módu. Aby p...
DEER24 ER帝国传奇 SFO配适补丁
Better Alliance - Lord and Agents
Created by BAGHolder
This mod is a legacy version of Better Alliance - Foreign Heroes. -- Allow lord and agent units recruiting from alliance recruitment panel. They function as unit, not true lord / agent. -- They come with basic skill, and leading general's mentor skill will...
Better Empire Generals Update 3.8 Compatibility
Created by RC 38 Boss
What my mod is supposed to do, is make one of the weakest units in the empire, the General good, or at least viable in an age of daemons and ratmen, which supposedly do not exist. Now how do I do that? Well that’s simple I rework some of the empire’s base ...
Markus Wulfhart has Stalking Stance
Created by Ninjabobby
Lets Markus Wulfhart use Stalking stance in addition to his default movement stance....
Closer to Army Books : A Soft Infantry Overhaul
Created by Artaros
Thought as an extension of my "Empire Infantry tweaks" mod, "Closer to Army Books" aims to give the same treatment the Empire received to all the factions of the game : give the various Infantry units of the game the role they had in the Tabletop Game and ...
Extra Variants: Huntsmasters (Sigmars Heirs submod)
Created by Snek
This is a submod for my Huntsman Generals variants to apply them to the Huntsmaster hero in Sigmar's Heirs...
Legendary Lord as Immortal Hero
Created by CaptainSnafu
The main mod allows you to recruit the Legendary Lords as Heroes. This sub mod adds the immortal skill to the heroes, make them undead once they are over level 20....
Legendary Lords As Heroes! [Part 1] *UPDATED*
Created by Savar Belmont
It lives... Again! I want to Thank User "Eric Gordon Berg" for his aid in continuing the project. WIP Mod that adds hero versions of Legendary Lords. (Part 1) No building requirements they must be consoled in. Make sure you have a lord selected when enteri...
Dismemberment Overhaul: The Empire
Created by Armorchin
Blood Is Thicker Than Water Adds dismemberment and decapitation to Empire cavalry and it's riders Dismemberment Overhaul is a mod project where I will try to add blood and gore to many monstrous Units in the game! This time we'll be sightseeing everyone be...
Cryswar's Leaders of Legend for Red's Estalia Overhaul - Submod
Created by ZenRayn
Overview: This submod adds the skill lines from Cryswar's Leaders of Legend to the lords of Red's Estalia Overhaul by RedDragon0908. I kept this separate from my submod compilation because it also edits the skill trees of the vanilla General for the Estali...
Empiricism Experience
Created by 盗む悪魔
Reworks experience for the game adding in a experience curve for all characters and making uniformed for all characters as well as moving the level cap to 80. Also changed experience for reinforcing armies as well as the reward for character actions and he...
Halagrundsor the Horrible[Discontinued, link to the new version in description]
Created by Phyrex Halagrundsor the Horrible has been added to the Legendary Characters mod with updated art and skills, etc. No need for this mod anymore and I will...
Created by Kilin
仅适用于SFO,非Submod 原先为SFO帝国大诵经师坐骑mod,现已集成我为帝国做的所有坐骑了 此mod为原MOD的SFO版本,游玩SFO使用此mod时无需订阅原MOD 原mod: 为大诵经师添加了西格玛战争祭坛坐骑,16级自动解锁。近战能力优秀,buff光环提供的抱团能力足以和帝国工程师的坦克媲美 为所有法师事务官添加了光明魔乘坐骑,18级自动解锁。该坐骑可以强化施法范围以弥补机...
Created by Kilin
MOD仍可用但已废弃,因为我已将该mod集成到一个mod中,这样大家就可以减少订阅数目了 SFO帝国坐骑: 仅适用于SFO 因为此前我的帝国坐骑mod并没有对工坊起到裨补缺漏的作用,而且帝国队长骑乘(?)蒸汽坦克其实也蛮怪的,所以我在sfo版本进行了拆分,这是帝国7风法师骑乘光明魔乘 18级自动获取,并带有一个脱离近战时才生效的被动技能,加魔风和射程相关。 18级时坐骑技能格可升...
State troops and RoR Unit cards(WH3)
Created by Aquizar
Empire unit cards mod is back for Warhammer 3! This mod consisting of custom made Empire only state troops and Ror unit cards for flavour. I am mostly tweaking the ones that have the potential to be distinct art wise, so I ll skip regiment units that have ...
Ruggero Steeleye
Created by ChaosRobie
Submitted for the Literally Who? Mod Jam for the Modding Den Tilean, Bechafen resident, Mercenary, Gladiator.... Tavernkeeper. Ruggero Steeleye is an interesting character, one you've probably never even heard of. After losing his precious Red Teeth Tavern...
Braganza's Besiegers, Regiments of Renown Series (RoR)
Main Part This mod adds a new unique unit - Braganza's Besiegers. Can be hired by any main faction of the Empire, Kislev, Dwarfs and Tilea, Estalia, BP. To recruit, bring any character to Miragliano and hire in RoR panel That regiment have officer (mini he...
General of the Empire with pistol
Created by Necrorise Description Three things make the Empire great; faith, steel, and gunpowder. This mod adds a variation of the empire general with a pistol. It will make a great addition to a ranged army or enhance the firepower of the Em...
Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB)
Created by Cataph
LADIES WITH VOLUMINOUS ASSETS now that I have your attention, read the zogging description and don't be in that majority of people who don't and cause problems to themselves. WHO TEB? TEB stands for Tilea+Estalia+Border Prin...
Tier 3 Walls for Southern Realms
Created by Stubby
THIS MOD WILL NO LONGER BE UPDATED, USE THIS ONE INSTEAD This is a submod for Southern Realms by Cataph that adds walls to Tilea, Estalia and Border Princes minor settlements that have the t...
Sons of Myrmidia - TEB Compatibility Submod
Created by zerg93
*>>These units are only available through the Archecclesiatium of Myrmidia landmark in Magritta.<<* A little submod that makes compatible my Sons of Myrmidia mod with Cataph's Southern Realms. Make sure to be subbed to and have enabled all of the required ...
Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB) Traduccion al Español / Castellano / Spanish
Created by Gusker La traducción cuenta con todos los textos traducidos al Español -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N...
人类阵营的人类雇佣军 Human Mercenaries for Human Factions
Created by Supperbon
帝国巨剑队长汉化 Empire Greatsword Captain CN 苏波邦汉化
Created by Supperbon
为帝国增加了一种新的事务官,使用巨剑 比较有特色的是此事务官的坐骑变为护卫队,最多为60人...
混沌风暴帝国兵种包汉化 Storm against Chaos (Empire Edition) CN
Created by Supperbon
为帝国增加了一些特色兵种 苏波邦汉化...
Tobinator's Empire Unit Pack CN Tobinator帝国兵种包汉化 苏波邦汉化
Created by Supperbon
为帝国增加了几种新的特色单位 飞龙骑士 狮鹫会 缄默死神 等等...
帝国食人魔汉化 Imperial Ogres CN
Created by Supperbon
帝国蒸汽坦克指挥官汉化 Ludwig von Uberdorf Imperial Steam Tank Commander, Dark Omen Regiments of Renown Series CN
Created by Supperbon
为帝国增加了一个可以使用特殊加强版蒸汽坦克坐骑的事务官,也可以使用直升机,通过完成任务获得(好像 ...
Lords Elite Garrisons
Created by Lords282
Hi guys! I am back after several years with my garrison mod for TW3! Do You ever get tired of having your defenses smashed when you're far away conquering the weak? Or do you prefer to simply have very engaging defense battles with a variety of units at yo...
Imperial Armoury Submod for SFO
Created by Dance Ninja
A Imperial Armoury's submod for SFO This submod : 1.Add upgrades to SFO unit and some emp unit 2.Changed some upgrade names and descriptions to match flavor 3.Does not remove existing upgrades added from Imperial Armoury 4.Does not touch upgrade effect & i...
Faction Colored Empire Artillery
Created by Snek
This is a simple graphical mod that give the four main Empire artillery engines their faction colors. It even does wheels in different colors like tabletop often had. Should be compatible with any mod that changes faction colors and any overhaul. If any la...
Перевод мода Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB) 3.0
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB) 3.0. Этот мод глобально изменяет фракции Южных стран и наделяет их уникальными особенностями. Содержание мода - Тилия, Эсталия, Порубежные княжества и колонии Нового Света превратились в новую культуру с 4 по...
Make Guns Great Again SFO
Created by RYS Dragons
Used the Guns of the Empire, and made it a SFO Higher Damage version...
Created by 清轩易浅
帝国原本的科技实在太弱, 这个mod给帝国派系加了十条科技线,每个科技线10个科技,每个科技加成很少,但是可以慢慢叠。 可叠的科技加成有:领导力、近战攻击、近战防御、物抗、射程、建筑产值、移动速度、补员速率、护甲、本地招募数量。...
Created by Azure
Karl Franz with Helmet Visor Down
Created by Ninjabobby
Lower Karl Franz's helmet visor so its not stuck up all the time, also gives him gloves from the Swordsmen models....
Heroes of Legend: Leopard of Luccini Update
Created by The_Inquisitor
Overview This mod adds 21 new characters to various factions and 4 playable factions (1 in IE and 4 in TOW). Most characters are recruited through landmarks added in my other mod, Landmarks of Legend (I elaborate a bit more on this in the FAQ section), whi...
Created by 宁宁专属桌角
本mod致力于改善战锤3帝国派系的游戏体验。 调整了战斗牧师、猎巫人与帝国队长的技能线或技能效果,使他们在战斗中的表现不再鸡肋,例如战斗牧师提供范围心理免疫、猎巫人的诉罪技能修改、帝国队长骑狮鹫等(悲催的猎巫人和帝国队长终于不用专注于在大地图肝脏活了,泪目) 修改了所有通用兵种的数据和技能,让帝国的战术战略配兵不再依靠少数几个兵种,尤其大幅度强化了精英兵种和选帝侯兵种,让他们高昂的维护费用与战斗力得到匹配。 另外,帝国的铁匠铺现在跟隔壁巴托好兄弟借来了全局叠护甲的技术,帝国现在也可以靠叠叠乐来拯救前期步兵较...
Karl Franz - Avatar of Sigmar
Created by Alberto Hernández
This mod is not created by me, all the credit goes to ExcaLibur and his mod “Unstoppable Karl Franz”. However, I did make some changes to this mod to make it more balanced (slightly op) and lore-friendly. Also, I traduced the passive abilities. Original Mo...
Wondrous Wizard Levels - Dead and Xou's Lore of Metal Wizard
Created by Ydok4
Wondrous Wizard Levels is a skill tree overhaul bringing the wizard level mechanic from the table top to Total War: Warhammer. This mod adds Wondrous Wizard Level support for: Dead Baron's and Xoudad's Lore of Metal Wizard. This also works with their compi...
Wondrous Wizard Levels - Magic skill tree overhaul
Created by Ydok4
Wondrous Wizard Levels is a skill tree overhaul bringing the wizard level mechanic from the table top to Total War: Warhammer. This version is an upgraded version from the Warhammer 2 version with several new features and full support for the new races. La...
Dead and Xou's Lore of Metal Wizard for Empire
Created by Dead Baron
Introduction This is a stand alone version of the Gold Wizard that Xoudad and I made for his Sigmar's Heirs mod. We agreed to combine our work and release two version, that way so if people didn't want to use the whole overhau...
Festus the Elector Count
Created by Ninjabobby
Festus the Leechlord only ever had one true ambition; to be instated as a real Elector Count, the "where" and "why" didn't matter, for anyone within the Empire's mighty borders should wish to be a part of their power, and petty squabbles. Having the finest...
Cataph´s Southern Realms (TEB) 3.0 Traducción al Estaliano
Created by Acelga Letal
Traducción hecha a mano 100% del popular y fantástico mod de Cataph: Southern Realms (TEB) 3.0 Es mi primera traducción, así que me gustaría recibir vuestras opiniones o ver si me he dejado algo sin traducir. Tengan en cuenta, que la traducción la he hecho...
Hunting in the Forest(All Fractions)
All fraction's missiles and magic missiles can now ignore vegetation. Happy hunting! P.S.Theoretically conflicts with all mods that changed the data of units.I will try to improve this problem in the future. 所有派系的远程与魔法射击现在可以无视植被了。 狩猎愉快! 另:理论上与所有改动兵种数据的mod冲...
Lost & Found: Witch Hunter of Gazul
Created by greenphoenix23
This mod was created as part of the Mod Jam 2023 #1: Literally Who? and introduces the Witch Hunter of Gazul as a hero option to the dwarfs. Gazul is a minor ancestor god focused on the dead and his followers are staunch enemies of those that would defile ...
Slightly Enhanced Cavalry Breakthrough
Created by endofanty
Modify collision damage formula, increase the collision damage by 50%. Enhanced cavalry breakthrough ability. Another WH3 version → Enhanced Cavalry Breakthrough WH2 version → Enhanced Cavalry Charge Make sure this mod overwrite overhaul mod like SFO or Ra...
TW Millennium: Imperial Skydestroyer
Created by Nightsaber
IMPORTANT!!! To use the Imperial Skydestroyer you must set the buildings quality setting to Ultra or High otherwise the game will crash in the loading screen! This Mod is a standalone version of the largest Airship from our Mod TW Millennium: Modern Warfar...
Red's Estalia Overhaul & Cataph's TEB Sub mod
Most of red's estalia units lords & heroes with buildings have been added back. Most of the colonies content also has been added back! (LISTEN PUT MY MOD BELOW REDS OVERHAUL TOO WORK!!) some units may be not ported for now most tech, faction effects are no...
Karl Franz Black Armor and Gauntlets
Created by Alberto Hernández
All credit goes to the creator of this mod. I just changed some things. Original Mod: Karl Franz finds his black armor! This mod adds gauntlets for karl franz. This is a reskin, if you want ...
Karl Franz Black Armour (Gauntlets and Beard)
Created by Alberto Hernández
All credit goes to the creator of this mod, I just made some changes: Karl Franz finds his black armor! This mod adds gauntlets and a beard for karl franz. This is a reskin, if you want an o...
Expanded Lord Skills - Cataph's Southern Realms Submod
Created by Some_One_Else
This mod adds a new set of skills to Cataph's wonderful Southern Realms mod that are in-line with my other Expanded Lord Skills mod. This mod requires both base mods to function correctly, though it may only require Southern Realms in the future. A descrip...
Expanded Lord Skills - Mixu's Legendary Lords (submod)
Created by Some_One_Else
This adds additional skills to the characters from Mixu's Legendary Lords so they are more in-line with my Expanded Lord Skills Mod A description of what the skills do is in the main Expanded Lord Skills discussion section...
Expanded Lord Skills - Heroes of Legend (submod)
Created by Some_One_Else
This submod adds skills to the lords added by Heroes of Legend to bring them in-line with the skills in my Expanded Lord Skills mod A description of what the skills do is in the main Expanded Lord Skills discussion section...
Double Barrel: Revengeance
Created by ADP
In Warhammer 3, the famed Double Barrel item was restricted to only dropping for the Vampire Coast. This mod lets every faction find the Double Barrel item and also improves its stats to be more universally useful. The Double Barrel retains its +15% reload...
高精暗精混沌 炮兵包 汉化 苏波邦汉化 Johnny's Artillery Pack CN
Created by Supperbon
为高精暗精混沌增加了炮兵 非常有特色,建议体验...
GRP brings Victoria 3 to WH3! (Beta)
Created by Rhox
Description This mod tries to bring some of the features from Paradox's game Victoria 3 to the Total War Warhammer 3. Note that they are degraded and simplified from the original contents. You'll be playing as Glorious Revolution of the People faction (Emp...
Skull Rank Icons
Created by ++ Syg ++
UPDATE: Updated for TWWIII Hey guys, this is a remake of my favorite rank icon mod for TWW1 by Shaky Rivers (permission obtained) I was never a fan of the Chevron style military ranks that the game used universally since they always seemed to clash with th...
AI Army Tasks and Strategy
Created by incata
This mod focuses on improving the behavior of the AI in campaign. This mod is a revision of my TWW2 mod Ai Army Tasks and Strategy and Ai Evolution (Beta) I have recreated this mod from 0 to give an improved behavior to the AI so that it plays better in th...
Created by 清纯少男
一个以巨剑士为原型脑子yy出来的顶级反步步兵。狠狠的强化帝国羸弱的步兵线!!! 自带火攻魔攻和一个范围减火抗,近战防御的光环。 属性已经平衡过啦,招募费用很贵,维护费也上调了。 所有能招募巨剑士的建筑都能招募他。 添加了一个与帝国单位强化(Imperial Armoury - Unit Upgrades for the Empire)适配的兼容mod( ...
Imperial Armoury for LYH ROR UNIT 洛阳侯精英兵种的帝国单位可以使用帝国单位强化了
Created by 清纯少男
This allows the scrap system from the Imperial Armoury mod of work for the units added byLYH ROR UNIT 洛阳侯精英兵种中的帝国单位可以使用Imperial Armoury - Unit Upgrades for the Empire帝国单位强化了...
Imperial Armoury for GYT's Vanilla Empire Unit GYT帝国单位可以使用帝国单位强化mod
Created by 清纯少男
This allows the scrap system from the Imperial Armoury mod of work for the units added byGYT's Vanilla Empire Unit gyt大佬的帝国兵种现在可以使用Imperial Armoury - Unit Upgrades for the Empire帝国兵种强化mod了...
graetor's Grand Masters
Created by graetor
"Each Grandmaster is a paragon of knightly virtue, and is not only one of the most fearsome warriors in the Old World, but also a legendary commander and leader of men. They are rare in number, for even amongst those dedicated individuals who have the skil...
Emissaries of Diplomacy
Created by Cat Spiros
This mod helps you discover other Legendary Lords of the same race, with early game quests/missions - without discovering enemies. Upon completion, the player establishes diplomacy with target faction and also gains a slight, but permanent boost in relatio...
!LYH Legendary Characters Expansion 洛阳侯传奇人物(加入特里克·冯·哈格尔芬斯领主)
这个MOD增加了新的传奇人物 每个传奇人物都有独特技能线与专属神器 因为没弄过魔域相关文件,不建议打开此mod玩魔域 SFO Patch: English Patch: Join our discord to come say hi, share ...
Karl Franz Gauntlets and Beard
Created by Alberto Hernández
This mod adds gauntlets and a beard for Karl Franz. This is a reskin, if you want an overhaul for Karl Franz and a change in his personal abilities chack out my mod: Hope you like it! For Si...
Karl Franz with Gauntlets
Created by Alberto Hernández
Karl Franz finds his gauntlets. This mods adds gauntlets and extra protection for Karl's neck. This is a reskin, if you want an overhaul for Karl Franz and a change in his personal abilities chack out my mod:
Knights of the White Wolf - Updated for Thrones of Decay
Created by Necrorise Description My version of the Knights of the White Wolf, inspired by the work of Rufus Jr. These glorious sons of Ulric, with the ferocity of white wolves, crush the wicked with their heavy hammers. https://i.postimg....
Cataph's Southern Realms(teb) submod : recruit all units
Created by aolanqia
Make almost all unique units between different subgroups of southern realms available to them all. Updated for 5.1 now,find a way to deal with garrison problem(now just same as vanilla mod ) May have problem with The Old World ,it run but some units can‘t ...
Your New Empire (Overhaul) - 你的新帝国(帝国机制大修)【中文汉化】 开发更新: 你的新帝国正在根据CA在《腐烂王座》中为帝国加入的超棒内容重制,届时会以更大更好的版本重新发布! 介绍 帝国各个方面的大修,彻底改革了外交、机制、抉择事件等等,让帝国更像帝国。难能可贵的是兼容性很不错,与SFO、Sigmar's Heirs等模组都兼容。 外交 玩家和AI启用军盟与防盟外交选项 外交基于效忠度:例如,缔结军盟需要8+效忠度 地缘政治:派系之间的关系变化和新协议。例如,战役开始时瑞...
Imperial Armoury Upgrade For GYT's empire unit mod
Created by HabibiCat
This submod adds some upgrade options from Imperial Armoury to GYT's empire unit mod....
帝国荣耀骑士——Imperial Glory Knight
Created by 清轩易浅
我给帝国添加了两个重甲步兵单位,一个重甲骑兵单位,以及两个特殊坦克,模型如封面所示。给他们的数据并不是很强,目的是为了让玩家能在更舒适地游玩帝国派系,不至于因为太超模而减少乐趣。 I added two heavily armored infantry units, one heavily armored cavalry unit, and two special tanks to the Empire. The model is shown on the cover. The data given to ...
Created by Kilin
【SFO SUBMOD】 猎巫人将会变得非常有用! 适配了sfo的相关被动和属性,猎巫人骑乘战车(战争车垒)将会有更好的发挥,并且增加了质量,以便被包围时挤出来 调整了工程师相关的技能线位置以防止和sfo技能线冲突 需求的技能点可能有点多,每级1个技能点显然在sfo不够用...
Dead and Xou's Lore of Metal Wizard (Radious Submod)
Created by RobertX13
This is a submod that adjusts the stats of the the Gold Wizard to match those of wizards in Radious (the Gold Wizard only has +2 more armor that other wizards). This submod also gives him the Martial Mastery and Defensive Dedication skill dump skills....
Cataph's Southern Realms (Amber Wizard Submod)
Created by RobertX13
This is a submod for: "Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB)" that adds the Amber (Lore of Beasts) Wizard to the Southern Realms wizard recruitment pool....
Cataph's Southern Realms and Dead and Xou's Lore of Metal Wizard (Submod)
Created by RobertX13
This is a submod for "Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB)" and "Dead and Xou's Lore of Metal Wizard for Empire". It adds the Gold Wizard to the Southern Realms wizard recruitment pool....
Dead and Xou's Lore of Metal Wizard for Empire (Variant Selector Submod)
Created by RobertX13
This is a submod of "Dead and Xou's Lore of Metal Wizard for Empire" and "Variant Selector". It enables the player to choose between different variants of the gold wizard and adds some text that was missing in the original mod. UPDATE: Added some more miss...
graetor's Legendary Grand Masters
Created by graetor
"To lead admirable knights into honourable combat against the Chaos is a credit to their commander. And to stand and lead such a band as you is an honoured blessing as if from the gods themselves." Inspired by SFO and the All Tabletop Lords mod of WH1, thi...
Adorning the Panache 骑士系列翻译合集
Created by Tutur 目前包含翻译内容 帝国骑士团 graetor's Legendary Grand Masters 汉化 graetor's Empire Knightly Orders 汉化 graetor's Grand Masters 汉化 巴托尼亚骑士团/派系 Outremer: Faction Overhaul 汉化 graetor's Bretonnian Holy Orders 汉化 Sir Cedric de...
more red-ish Cult of Sigmar
Created by Saetch
Hello. I didn't like the color scheme of the cult of sigmar units and decided to make them more red and made the yellow more intense, so they follow the coloration of the comet on the CoA more closely. That is all. Have a nice day....
Moon's Imperial Overseer
Created by Moonsteel1
Exactly whats on the tin, a simple "general unit" for custom battle made to be as unintrusive to unit testing as possible. Available to all factions. Has Stalk and unspottable to not be targeted by AI. Long range gun that does 1 damage keeps him out of the...
Created by The White Fox
A re-skin for Markus Wulfhart's faction...
5th Edition Empire Carroburg Greatswords Reskin
Created by Ser_James
Reskin Carroburg Greatswords inspired by 5th edition models....
5th Edition Empire Greatswords Reskin
Created by Ser_James
Reskins Empire Greatswords inspired by 5th edition models. Preview images also include Empire recolor found here
Solland: Faction Overhaul
Created by graetor
"When the hammer blow of the Ironclaw fell on Averland, Eldred von Heugenloewd, Count of Solland, was quick to marshal his forces despite his marginalized position at the Imperial court." This mod adds a completely new faction, Solland, with this mod's mai...
Unit Caps for All - Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB)
Created by TheGrandSirPiggy
!IMPORTANT! - I love the idea of adding caps increasing effects to the Landmarks that seem fitting, be they modded or unmodded landmarks! Problem is, Its a seriously daunting task, sifting through every single landmark entry and deciding if it would warran...
不要的给帝国(Give the Empire what you don't need)
Created by biubiu~biubiu^
由于每个种族都有一些不被重用的兵种,所以他们纷纷出走寻找新的家园,帝国皇帝卡尔弗兰兹励精图治,广纳贤才,把这些无家可归的战士集聚一堂,为帝国所用,共同对抗来自北方的混沌军团 Because each race has some weapons that are not important, they have gone out in search of a new home. The Imperial Emperor Calfranz worked hard to recruit talents and g...
5th Edition Empire Nuln Regiments
Created by Ser_James
This mod adds Nuln Halberd and Hangunner regiments based on 5th edition models to the game. Recruitable from the Nuln Cannon Foundry and Gunnery School....
OBSOLETE - Grand Masters - Sigmar's Heirs Compatibility Patch - OBSOLETE
Created by HvnterVMLV
[5.1 Ready] Empire Reiksguard Foot Knight Pack and Garrison For Vanilla
Created by Murray222
** Unless you are in control of Castle Reikguard as other Empire factions, pleases use allied recruitment to recruit them when you are not playing Reikland. *Reiksfort submod intended to be used with this mod (but not required):
Cataph's Southern Realms Peacehammer Submod
Created by LuminousClarity
I'm slowly coming back to modding. Decided to release this since I'm currently playing with it enabled on my game. Feel free to let me know if there is any issues. As always, please remember to like, share, and follow the original mod maker. Cataph is grea...
Ye Olde Skool Gotrek and Felix! SFO Submod! Jack's Rebalance - (Original Mod Abandoned)
So I really like the way Shawmuscle and Chapter serf implemented Gotrek and Felix. But I feel like the stats and boni from items that they have are a little too strong for my liking. Don't worry, they are still very good. In the picture above you can see p...
Heraldry of the Empire - hooveric compatibility patch
Created by TRIALON
Only install this if you use my "Heraldry of the Empire and Sylvania" mod as well as Hooveric's "Toned down faction colours" with his reskin mod. Always load this mod after my heraldry mod. You can load both of Hooveric's mods after my mods. Unfortunately,...
Heraldry of the Empire and Sylvania 1.12
Created by TRIALON
This is the successor of my heraldry work for WHII, found here: In the same spirit, the Old World imperial factions plus Vlad's and Mannfred's faction now have more ...
Sigmar's Heirs - Previous version [4.0 Updated]
Created by Xoudad
Previous version of my Sigmar's Heirs mod for your ongoing campaigns. ********************************************************************************* As always, thanks to our small community on Discord that does not stop feeding crazy ideas to make and i...
[5.1 Ready] Empire Reiksguard Foot Knight Pack and Garrison For Vanilla (with unit cap and Reiksfort)
Created by Murray222
An independent unit cap version of my Reiksguard Foot mod, for details: ** Unless you are in control of Castle Reikguard as other Empire factions, pleases use allied recruitment to recruit t...
No Extra State Troops Upkeep (OUTDATED)
Created by Redbeard
All credits go to Cube who sent me this over discord to use with my starting armies mod. Thanks Cube. This mod makes it so that the elector counts units have no extra upkeep attached to them anymore. In WH3 they doubled the upkeep for them unless you have ...
Red's Estalia for SFO
Created by Chakal16
Well, just a submod i've made for play this Estalia great mod with SFO. I was using it just for personal use in my campaing but decided to upload it for maybe someone who wants to try it. As any other submod load it before the main mod. I tried to balance ...
[GLF] Battle Mage 战斗法师 [已过期,请订阅新的]
Created by 金花
新更新: 感谢== Col. Jack O'Neil的工作,本人因为工作生活缘故,无法再支持这个MOD的日常维护和更新 SFO submod: MOD功能: This MOD does not have any language, and any ...
Created by HKrul
Sylvania: Faction Overhaul
Created by graetor
"At the edge of the Haunted Hills by the source of the Black Run River, Leicheberg lives in fear of its neighbour to the east, Sylvania. Its ruler, Count Petr von Stolpe, has faced the Walking Dead many times in his life and is convinced the von Carsteins ...
[OUTDATED, READ DESCRIPTION]Useless Traits Begone [Empire]
Created by Vaken
Mod is outdated. Replaced by: Very simple mod that disables every innate trait that I consider useless (or subpar) for an empire campaign. When recruiting lords/heroes, you will only get the...
Better Warrior Priest
Created by ArchAnge1LT
I always was confused why CA did not add any healing abilities for warrior priest, even if they were minor, and i was double confused when they added that for Kislev hero. This mod: - adds heal ability for warrior priest and Arch lector, the one called Sal...
Medieval SIM-- Mixu's Legendary Lords companion
Created by DonAndresDeUlloa
--Updated for 3.0-- This is the Compatibility Companion Mod for Mixu's Legendary Lords. Medieval Sim mod should now apply to Mixu's special units. All credit and praise to Mixu. Run this mod in place of the original-- no need to run both mods...
Legendary Lore
Created by IfThenOrElse This mod generates flavour text when certain conditions are met (see below). It has NO impact on gameplay. Travel to significant locations for your lege...
Legendary Lore [DE] [WIP]
Created by FrittenFritz UPDATE 20.03.2023 - Chaos Events Aktualisiert Diese Mod generiert Texte zu Ereignissen, wenn bestimmten Konditionen übereinstimmen (siehe unten). Diese Mod hat KEINEN Einfluss aufs Gameplay. h...
Lore-based Unit Mod - Version 25
Created by ByzantineBasileus
Welcome to the Lore-based Unit Mod - Version 25! In this update I have added one new unit to the High Elves, one new unit to the Wood Elves, and two new units to the Greenskins. This mod adds 96 units to various factions in TWW3. All are derived from vario...
More Human Empire Heroes capacity
Created by mastervovan
Increase to capacity of: Mages, witch hunters, captains, warrior-priests heroes in EMPIRE faction Tavern max lvl +5 witch hunters capacity Mage academy max lvl +5 mage capacity Barracks max lvl +5 captain capacity Temple of sigmar max lvl +5 warrior-priest...
Better Empire ranged units
Created by Pure Fox
Felt like some empire units needs a bit help to get going, so I made this mod to make some of the empires ranged units more viable (Archers have the same range as Skavenslave Slingers, wtf CA). The following units/hero have improved range: Witch Hunter 90 ...
Power of Faith (upgraded Warrior Priests and Arch Lectors)
Created by Tobias Ents
This mod upgrades the Warrior Priests and Arch Lectors from the Empire factions. +: Changed unit stats (melee attack and defense mainly). +: Weapon damage is now AP and magical. +: Increased damage for the soulfire bound spell (battle prayer). +: Better lo...
Colonial Marines
Created by Lord Felix So you're tired of empire units in sexy yoga pants? Then you've come to the right place. Presenting! Empire units on Steroids. This Mod is a port from my WH2 Mod Col...
Colonial Marines Bayonet Submod
Created by Lord Felix
About: A simple submod changing the colonial marines muskets and animation to the ones with bayonet. Recommended to be used with the reloading animation aswell....
(Broken)The Glorious Empire III - Cult of Sigmar [Sigmar's Heirs Submod]
Created by gore
Turns out this mod causes crashes for a lot of people, myself included. I've tried fixing it for some time but to no avail; which has led to me burning out. I advise not using this for the time being; but if you're really stubborn for some reason, just dis...
360 degree firing huntsmen
Created by Goldman Park
Huntsmen, the White Wolves firing 360 degree shot. Originally, the Huntsman unit shared a battle_entity like Free Company, but a new entity was created and assigned to the Huntsman unit. The basic specifications are the same as Free Company, but accelerati...
Volkmar : Books of Nagash reward re-arrangement KOREAN
Created by Goldman Park
23.04.23 한국어패치 별도 분리...
Longer Spears for the empire
Is is a simple reskin that makes the spears of the empire Units effected Spearmen Spearmen (Sheilds) Halberts Demgirf Khights Halberts all ror and eletoral versions of these units are also effected Is compatible with everting except for mods that effect th...
Detachments for The Empire
Created by [PuB] Axlegolas
PLEASE help promote and leave a LIKE, if you SUBSCRIBE ---------------------------- Tested with Patch: 4.2 ---------------------------- This mod adds the Detachment special rule for the Empire from TT to Total War. The Empire was one of the first factions ...
Valuable Charge Bonus
Created by Rayor
Charge Attack Buff Charge Attack Effect 13 second -> 18 second Charge Attack lasts for 13 seconds. It is a concept where melee and weapon damage increase by the amount of charge bonus and gradually decrease over the 13 seconds until the effect disappears. ...
The Golden Order-Recolour x Lorefriendly Empire Reskin
This is a simple compatibility patch that allows you to use The Golden Order Colors mod with Lorefreindly Empire Reskin Load order The Golden Order Colors x Lorefreindly empire reskin Lorefriendly Empire Reskin The Golden Order-Recolour Mods used in screen...
Grenith's Empire Recolour 2.0
Created by Grenith
I fully recommend pairing my recolour with Empire Texture Reskin (Less Shiny, More Grimdark) to get some more shading and depth for the colours shown. This mod completely recolours every Empire Province except for Sudenberg and Markus' expedition over in l...
Legendary Tag - Alternative Art (Submod)
Created by KamiUnitY
This is a submod you will need the original Xoudad's mod, See more information on orginal mod page, my english suck So the original mod seems to have mod order issue with Unique Faction UI. I first made this just because I am lazy to move the original mod ...
Imperial Foot by Gorgos
Created by Gorgos
I ported my Warhammer 2 mod: This mod adds a lore-friendly and balanced unit for the Empire. The imperial foot are a branch of the Reiksguard knights that are...
Templars of Sigmar by Gorgos
Created by Gorgos
I have ported my Warhammer 2 mod: This is a lorefriendly unit mod that is balanced for vanilla. ➔Save game compatible. ➔Templars are intended to replace flagellants in the late game with the...
(Broken)The Glorious Empire III - Reikland [Sigmar's Heir Submod]
Created by gore
Turns out this mod causes crashes for a lot of people, myself included. I've tried fixing it for some time but to no avail; which has led to me burning out. I advise not using this for the time being; but if you're really stubborn for some reason, just dis...
Empire Master Engineers III
Created by ChaosRobie
This mod adds Master Engineers, a new hero type, for all Empire factions. Description This mod adds the following: Three weapon loadouts, each with their own skill lines, including brand-new skills: Repeater Rifle: The main weapon used by the Outriders of ...
Empire Master Engineers III - Traduccion al Español / Castellano / Spanish
Created by Gusker Traduccion al Español del mod Empire Master Engineers III. La traduccion cuenta con todos los textos al Español ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Ulrika's compatible patch for LIG and ceasar
Created by Pan Ludwik
My english is not very good,so I use translate make ceasar‘s stickers can apply to LIG,two mods are required,if you want the mod to work normally,you must place the mod on top of these two mod in mod manager My mod doesn't modify the ui, so if you want a w...
Empire master engineer submod for sigmar's heir's
add's the empire master engineer agent to the province recruitment for sigmar's heirs allowing you to recruit them while using the no vanilla recruitment submod. Also added upgrades for each provinces hand gunner's units found in master engineers. let me k...
Empire Varangian Guards
Created by Lord Felix About: Varangian Guards are elite bodyguards from the North, who offered their services to the Empire. Recruitable via the Empire Ports...
Imperial Edicts (Rites for the Empire factions).
Created by Tobias Ents
This mod adds several rites (edicts) to all the playable factions from the Empire: Reikland, The Golden Order, The Huntsmarshal's Expedition and Cult of Sigmar. + : Unique edicts to help improve your campaign experience. + : Unlock edicts by leveling up or...
Imperial market (Crafting for the Empire factions).
Created by Tobias Ents
This mod adds the crafting mechanic to all the playable factions from the Empire: Reikland, The Golden Order, The Huntsmarshal's Expedition and Cult of Sigmar. It also buffs the runefang swords. + : Crafting rituals like the tomb kings (but with money inst...
Ladies of Empire
Created by Andrei_GRODNO
It is adaptation of mod Ladies of Empire Add 2 new female units for Empire: 1. Noble greatswordwomen 2. Longrlfe Ladies If you want to support! ...
Minor empire unit cards tweaks + Floppy Hats
Created by Orendiz
Purely cosmetic mod no stat changes. This mod slightly tweaks the unit cards for the: Empire crossbows, empire handgunners, and empire halberds. The crossbowmen and handgunner's unit cards now reflect their units better and match the overall state troop st...
Karl Franz - Avatar of Sigmar(lite)
Created by BankWorker
Light version of mod "Karl Franz - Avatar of Sigmar". Original mod: Passive abilities: removed some effects, reduced range and heal. Active ability: deleted. In my opinion original mod so co...
Helfury Machine Guns (Machine guns/Gatling guns for Empire)
Created by Sturmageddon
"Dubbed the Helfury for ease, Manheim’s Miraculously Murderous Mechanism of Munificently Meting Multitudinous Munitions is the most recent creation of the Nuln College of Engineering to be put into active service within the armies of the Empire. Originally...
Trajann's Iron Corps
Created by Trajann V
Stepping away from chaos, let's give the defenders of humanity some love. This mod adds 11 (at the moment) new units to the Empire factions. The Iron Corps is made up of high-tier infantry, both ranged and melee, specialising in different aspects of combat...
Recruit Ogre Tyrants For (Almost) All Order Factions
Created by Caesar
Ogres are known to be mercenaries right? Well here comes a mod that aims to improve upon just that notion. Ogre Tyrants are now recruitable Lord options for the vast majority of Order races and factions, with a few exceptions. Those exceptions include: For...
Legendary Characters - 103 Dalmatians
Created by Stratovarius
101 Dalmatia... 103 Legendary Characters Yes, that top line number is correct! We have broken the 100 character barrier with a truly massive 21 character drop, finally ensuring that Legendary Characters covers every single faction. This also sees us releas...
Army Skills For Mercenaries
Created by Some_One_Else
This mod enables red-line skills for various factions to affect mercenary units of the same race. (ie. Firing drills conducted by the Empire will work to benefit Kislev units as well, etc.) In other words, it will cause red-line skills to affect units gain...
Old World Rites - WH3 Edition [BETA]
Created by Ubermorgen
This mod is a continuation of the WH2 mod Old World Rites by Groove Wizard (formerly known as Vandy), bringing faction rites to all of the forgotten factions from WH1 (Empire, Bretonnia, Beastmen, Greenskins, Dwarfs, Warriors of Chaos, Norsca, Vampires and...
Knights Galore - Empire Knight Reskin
Created by Cornelius Scipio
This is a simple mod that adds more variety to the Empire Knights unit, as I find myself never being excited when watching them on the battlefield. I chose to only edit these as there is already a plethora of mods that touch the Reiksguard and add other kn...
OvN Lost Factions: Grudgebringers
Created by Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting factions & races to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in the ...
Mounts for Markus and His Hunters
Created by BILL.CHEST
This mod adds a number of mounts to choose from for Kalara, Rodrik, and Markus which they have collected throughout their expeditions. I always enjoy lords and heroes with mounts over unmounted versions so I threw this together quick to make using them a b...
OvN Grudgebringers - Moving Camps Submod
Created by Team OvN Moving Camps This is a submod for 'OvN Lost Factions - Grudgebringers' that allows the player to move their camps making them much more useful. The camps also come with unique stances to furth...
OvN Grudgebringers - Unlimited Armies Submod
Created by Team OvN Unlimited Armies This is a submod for 'OvN Lost Factions - Grudgebringers' that allows the player to recruit as many lords as their heart desires (and gold allows). You will be be to recruit E...
YourMother's Horde for Empire
Created by YourMother
Foreword: I love hordes. I love to wander the world, meet new peoples (and kill them), without being tied down by settlements. Which is why I have created this horde mod for all playable Empire factions. What this mod does: This mod applies the horde mecha...
Legendary Hero: Fernando Bianchi
Created by Elchardus
Introduction Fernando Bianchi, well-known among his peers for his proficiency with a sword and pistol, has been assigned the role of Central Ind Company's agent. Recruitable by all Empire factions by going to the 'Temple of ...
Landmarks of Eternity
Created by Chasslo
If you want to see the news udpate for the mod or help with a little donation, you can do it here on patreon I'd also like to hear your opinion about a few things regarding landmark, if you want to do it you can complete a survey here Welcome to Landmark o...
Trajann's Aurelion
Created by Trajann V
Showing the imperial lads some love today. This mod adds a new legendary lord to the 4 major empire factions, Aurelion! Now an important note about this guy, he's based off of my Iron Corps mod. Most of his skills provide buffs only to units from that mod,...
(BBB) Brutus's Big Battlefields Project - 2nd map released
Created by BrutusCz
- - - Sadly due to time constrains and other project I can't really dedicate time to this right now, but I will have more free time eventually, maybe in 2025... yes. Hopefully I will able/want to return to WH3 modding. I am really proud of my village map a...
Regiments of Renown - Compilation
Created by Decomposed
DESCRIPTION This series of mods adds loreful Regiments of Renown to various races in the game. We try to choose the best units based on variety, usefulness on the battlefield and overall fun. SFO -->
Immortal Empires Expanded [Requires Mixer!]
Created by ChaosRobie
THIS MOD REQUIRES MIXER! This mod expands and fills-out the Immortal Empires map: Ind, Khuresh, Nippon, the Lost Isles of Elithis, the Eastern Steppes, several smaller islands, and that part that looks like Korea which I've named Ihan. AND MORE! Descriptio...
SCM Empire Secessionists (5.1)
Created by Team SCM
Revamped version of HKrul's Empire Secessionists: Secede! A massive thanks to Rhox, Phyrex Fin and Matthew39 from the SCM crew for making sure SCM revives the original mod. SCM Empire Secessionists TLDR: This mod ad...
Auxiliaries and Mercenaries of the Empire
Why must only our humans fight? All citizens who live under the banner of the empire must be put into good use! Auxiliaries! Far and wide, all races who wish to serve, adventure and protect should do so! Dawi: Axemen Great Axemen Veteran Axemen Veteran Gre...
Nordland's Campaign: Bulwark of the Empire (NOT updated for 5.0)
Created by Rhox
                             Nordland's Campaign: Bulwark of the North By Rhox & HKrul                                     Required: Mixu's Legendary Lords Sigmar's Heirs This functions with the amazing co...
Matters of the State to the Karl (Requires Shadows of Change DLC)
Created by Rhox
Description This mod adds Yuan Bo's Matters of State to Karl Franz. Most of the values are just copy and paste from him. If you haven't played Yuan Bo, you spend favor, and you gain the opposite favor after every two turns. The reason? You know divide and ...
Cannon Targeting Fix ALL FACTIONS
Created by Austino Bandito
I'm not a fan of how ineffective cannons are. As it stands, cannons will shoot at entities that are close to the center of a unit, hugely over-killing like 5 dudes. With this mod, cannons will no longer prefer central entities of a unit when selecting a ta...
Derimnou's Units - FoS Empire Giants
Created by Derimnou
Colossal giants, once harboring destructive tendencies, have now found redemption as the Forgiven of Sigmar. These majestic beings are reverently and joyously adorned with the same plated steel as the Empire's valiant armies, the resplendent gold of Sigmar...
Waka's Campaign Land Battles (WCLB) Map Pack
Created by WakaWaka3000
WELCOME! Welcome! This mod is a map pack that I made for use in campaign. If you are looking for multiplayer maps for use in tournaments, please download the Total Tavern map pack instead. COMPATIBILITY This mod does not replace any CA-created maps, it onl...
The Zealot, The Fanatic, & The Radical
Created by Keego Extremo
This mod adds 3 new legendary Witch Hunter heroes, original characters but lore friendly, as well as adds 3 new RoR units. The witch hunters are recruited from the same building as the original Witch hunter is, the RoR are unlocked via the a skill tree in ...
The Old World Campaign [UPDATE TOMORROW, WAIT]
Created by ChaosRobie
>>> THIS MOD REQUIRES MIXER! <<< This is a completely new campaign based around the Old World, a region of the Warhammer Fantasy universe. Description This new campaign includes 1266 settlements and loads of new factions. All factions included are unlocked...
Hold the line.pack
Created by Arcaion
Running without crashes with 4.1.1 version This is Battle overhaul to make melee units more relevant and range units to fulfill their support or specialized roles. No more Range doom stacks. I like a bit of realism even in a fantasy setting. This makes the...
Empire Champions ROR
Created by libērtaŞ
This is a custom ROR unit loosely based on the concept of Empire Champions in Warhammer Fantasy Lore. Unlocked at rank 30 Very strong, but very costly There are 2 versions of the unit, a spearmen and a complementary swordsmen, both shielded. The have large...
Zeta0080 Flowers of the Empire
Created by zeta0080
If you like this mod, please give an endorsement, let more people see it! 如果您喜欢这个mod,希望能给个五星好评,让更多人找到它! Description: Empire state troops reskin, not include elites. Turn them into beautiful flowers of the Empire. Update: Add voices while stand by; new unit...
Quartermaster: Master Collection (Reskin)
Created by Shorewall
Tired of rag tag battalions that are no more than rabble? The Quartermaster ensures your armies are properly regimented with the highest standards and regularly inspected. Never will you see such fine troops as you will in this mod! State Troops carry them...
Armourygeddon - Unit Upgrades & Resources
Created by RagnaroK
Greetings fellow mod enjoyers! I grant to thee - A unique unit upgrade and resource mod for your collection. Ingame screenshots shows a few examples of the many new resources and upgrades, as well as some guidelines. By subscribing to this, you need to sub...
Tech-Tree Compilation (New Version)
Created by Decky
What does this mod do? The mod adds new Technologies to ALL Tech-Trees: Beastmen, Cathay, Khorne. Nurgel, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Ogre Kingdoms, Kislev, Empire,Vampire Count,Vampire Coast, Bretonia, Dwarfs, Choas Dwarfs, High Elves, Tomb Kings, Wood Elves, Ska...
Survaldor's Major Knightly Orders
Created by Survaldor
"I am eager to discuss knightly virtue further with Sir Guy or any other Bretonnian who cares to call mine into question. My lance and I will shortly put the matter to rest." —Sir Theodoric von Ritterstein, Knight Panther, in response to a Bretonnian Knigh...
Mordheim: City of the Damned
Created by <<FSF>>Ranger
This Mod gives the City of Mordheim a unique Siege Battle for all Campaign Maps For all of my Maps in one Mod follow this Link: The fallen City of Mordheim is a Place of despair for the righ...
Units of the Imperial Provinces I: Averland
Hey guys! This is the first of a collection of mods I'm working on: a reskin and military development of the Imperial Provinces. In these mods I will add new units and do a ``reskin'' of the imperial troops of each imperial faction, to give them personalit...
Ultimate Formations (DISCONTINUED)
Created by 泡泡茶壶
Still works but will not be updated, If anyone want take this mod over or use anything you want, no need to get my permission , just go wild! Intro Inspired by WHⅡ mod Crynsos's Unit Formations,so this mod finally come out! Want to experience a variety of ...
Guns of the empire and Imperial Armoury Compatibility Submod (up to date!)
Created by VioletGrey\\TV
Old mod from is outdated for a long time. now after the recent fix from snek for Guns of the Empire i thought it would be really great to have imperial armoury upgrades working again. if the...
Units of the Imperial Provinces II: Ostermark
Good night all guys. The first thing is to apologize to those who were affected because I deleted the MOD suddenly. With the new patch, errors in the mod came to light or it simply caused crashes. I have been working late these days and so far I haven't fi...
Vermintide 2 Cosmetics Reskin
Created by GunKing
This mod gives various lords, heroes and troops across the Empire/Vampire Counts/Wood Elves/Dark Elves/Dwarfs cosmetic touches that are inspired by Vermintide 2's hero cosmetics. I enjoyed how over the top some of them were and was eager to have that look ...
Castle Drachenfels | Now for the Campaign Maps
Created by <<FSF>>Ranger
Castle Drachenfels | A custom Siege-Map for the Campaign and Multiplayer For all of my Maps in one Mod follow this Link: "What fool would dare to lay Siege to Castle Drachenfels on Geheimnis...
[Tweaks] Dark Omen and Shadows of Horned Rat - Unofficial patch and tweaks (5.1 ready)
Created by iDon'tSpeakRussian!
Dark Omen and Shadows of Horned Rat Tweaks - Unofficial patch and tweaks (Bugfixes, feature expansion and tweaks) Requires original mod "Dark Omen and Shadows of Horned Rat", load this above main mod, if you use mod manager like PJ's it should be automatic...
Runei's Female Empire Generals
Created by Runei
This is a simple mod that changes the empire generals into women. Thank you Zeta0080 for the models and permission to use them. I highly recommend checking out their mod "Flowers of the empire"
Dwarfs, Empire, Bretonnia and Chorfs - End Times Escalation
Created by Pwner1
A pack that adds low model high stat "super units" to the factions mentioned in the title. End Times Escalation is a sustitle for my mods that add these kinds of units. Empire. -Duellists - based on tabletop officer model, primary way o damage is a pistol ...
The Ronin, a Bladelords of Nippon Prologue
Created by Urgat
Behind this pompous name is a teaser for the Nippon mod we're working on. I'll spare you the long explanations, here's a summary: What does it do? The Red Ronin is a legendary hero that has a small chance to pop during your battles, as long as you're not C...
[BETA] Faith of the Empire [5.0]
Created by O6OPMOT
"Three things make the Empire great; faith, steel and gunpowder." — Magnus the Pious, Emperor of the Empire of Man This mod adds unique gods and faith mechanics to empire factions. MAIN FEATURES Religious fervour - Mechanic similar to Geomantic Web of Liza...
Knightly Carroburg Greatswords
Created by PeepeePounder
Reskins the Carroburg Greatsword ROR to have a more heavily armored, knightly appearance. Compatible with most Empire Reskin mods. Feel free to comment/leave suggestions! Note: Updated to display full blood and dismemberment effects If you'd like (totally ...
Elspeth reskin by Mixu
Created by Mixu
Replaces Elspeth's head with the one that I made for her a long time ago. This mod won't need updating ever and I will probably never look at this mod page again....
Empire Offices [5.0]
Created by O6OPMOT
Yep, they are back, reworked and updated. You can't have any lord both as Elector and Office holder!!! Load order: 1. This mod 2. Mixer Immortal Empires Expanded version is here: ...
Helmets for Amethyst Ironsides
Created by eltorito
This is my attempt at getting amethyst Ironsides their helmets back as we had seen in the Elspeth lets play video (hinted in the UI). Additionally, in their description, it states them being fully armoured to prevent the ensorcelled munitions from degradin...
Warrior Priest of Morr
Created by maffers
This mod adds the Warrior Priest of Morr as a new Hero unit recruitable from a new building chain (Shrine of Morr) to all Empire factions. Wissenland & Nuln (Elspeth) can also recruit them from the Temple of Morr building in the Gardens of Morr undercity c...
Updated Ancient_Statue of Sigmar for Thrones of Decay.pack
Created by LzardMan
A new Elite Monster Unit for the Empire : - Ancient Statue of Sigmar : ( stats somwhere between terracota sentinal and Rogue Idol ) • Construct • Damage Dealer • single entity Updated for Thrones of Decay can be recruited on lvl 3 forges on all empire fact...
Armoured Elspeth von Draken
Created by Amped Normal
Alternate skin for Elspeth that uses Mixu's head (with permission) and some random bits for the body. Link to Mixu's mod: If you also install the Variant Selector Mod, you can choose the van...
Two-Headed Griffon for Amber Wizard
Created by 76561198989909487
Details Not much to this really, gives the default amber wizard griffon two heads like in lore. No stat or gameplay changes, this is just cosmetic. Issues to be aware of The heads move in sync, not separately. Making them move separately is beyond my skill...
Morgan's Heroes (aka, Tamurkhan's Chieftain Porting)
Created by Rhox
This mod will cause CTD without Tamurkhan DLC, and it is a submod of OvN Grudgebringers Description This mod adds Tamurkhan's Chieftain mechanic to Grudgebringers. If you don't know what it is, play Tamurkhan first It is more of a template for modders who ...
Linked collections (1)
New races, new factions
Contains 25 items