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Articles (946)
Créé par とおせんぼ
Languages: 日本語 , English German , русский 简体中文 , 한국 Français , 繁體 中文 Japanese and English have a translation of a new animal bed. There are no other languages. I am sorry if I was wrong because I am not good at English. ====================================...
Créé par エイテン
マスターソードのレプリカが長剣の研究を開放した時点で製作出来るようになります。 世界のどこかにある女神の炎を集め、真のマスターソードを手に入れよう。 前提Modとされている「SheathYourSword」は無くても動作しますが、鞘が表示されなくなります。 私は英語の能力が皆無なので、現時点で日本語のみ対応です。 バランスに関しての意見を募集しています。気軽にコメントしてください。 Twitter 支援...
假体扩展与器官工程 EPOE Chinese Complement Pack
Créé par CaptainSnafu
Chinese Translation for Ykara's mod : Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering Chinese Translation for Victorique/Tarojun 's mod : Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering - forked The original mod already has chinese language support , and this is a c...
农具扩展 VE Farming Chinese Pack
Créé par CaptainSnafu
Chinese Translation SubMod for Oskar Potocki, dninemfive's mod : Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming 中文简体汉化,繁体兼用。 增加了洒水器和喂食器,还有带太阳灯的水培箱。 合集里有更多的原版扩展系列汉化。 =========================== All credits to Original Authors and Steam WorkShop. 不要转载。 ...
Créé par Windward'Snow
本汉化已停止维护,可能出现不兼容版本的情况,建议使用其它的汉化 Medicines+的中文汉化,本mod仅为汉化包,需先订阅原mod【Medicines+】 mod原作者:Atlas 汉化者:'Windward^Snow' 汉化工具:rimworld.steamwx.cn 你希望游戏里有更多药品吗?你觉得这个游戏在药物方面有欠缺吗?你想建立一个庞大的成瘾品帝国吗?Medicines+允许您在游戏中的任何科技水平执行此类操作。其涵盖: 5种新的原始时代药物 7种新的工业时代药物 8种新的太空时代药物 13种新...
原版扩展:动物合集 VE Animals — ALL Chinese Pack
Créé par CaptainSnafu
Chinese Translation for Oskar Potocki's mod Vanilla Animals Expanded 目前翻译的所有动物mod的汉化合集 中文汉化,简繁可用,但都显示简体。 申明: 本人所有汉化作品均为自己人工翻译,也没加入任何工作组。无论是否有其他人在其它平台发布过重复的汉化,都与我的翻译无关,不接受无理揣测。 所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。请勿上传到任何非steam平台。 ...
Créé par uniinu
2024/6/20 1.5 compliant. Announcement. Please see the update log for the many additions and changes. Elements included in this mod include. Addition of two forces Friendly "Spectre Villages" The hostile "Dragon's Lair", which, like the mechanoids, has no s...
富商 Silver Rich Merchant
Créé par 202123421
增加所有商人携带银与货物量 Increase carry capatity of all goods and silver for all trader. 银堆叠上限改为99999,重量为0 Stacklimit of silver rise to 99999 and mass drop to 0kg 所有原版商队携带9999银,货物3倍,动物2倍(太多会卡) All caravans now carry 9999 silver, double animals and triple other goods ...
Créé par Glasninov
https://img12.360buyimg.com/ddimg/jfs/t1/198253/8/5305/1063659/612b3f75E0a8b7f3f/7fd0392a68cb436c.jpg https://s3.bmp.ovh/imgs/2021/08/7c3dbe57cb84b816.png ————少女前线同人创作模组———— 写在前面 问:什么是少女前线? 答:《少女前线》是由上海散爆网络科技有限公司开发,上海暗冬网络科技有限公司运营的一款后启示录题材的战术策略养成类游戏。 游戏主要讲述...
拯救飞船 2 [Save Our Ship 2] Chinese Pack
Créé par CaptainSnafu
Chinese Translation for Kentington and ThainA's Mod : Save Our Ship 2 中文汉化,简繁可用。 扩展后期内容,加入星际旅行。 到星辰大海里摸鱼! 飞船实在不懂怎么造的可以到原mod看视频和截图,照着布局来建总没错。 ============================== 均为本人人工翻译,版权只属于原作者和创意工坊,请勿转载。 禁止某个给我恶意刷差评的傻逼使用我的任何mod,每用一个你就多长出一个睾丸。 ...
Créé par 索索
1.1Added melee damage reduction Added psychic entropy limit Added psychic entropy gain Excuse me for being lazy A simple MOD reference to the XeoNovaDan Better Shooting Skill. Are you tired of the constant firing rate? Do you think the game is too small? D...
更多背景特性HYP's MST Fantasy Girl Expansion
Créé par Hyperion-c
2021年9月03更新 支持简体中文、支持繁體中文、support English 摘要:为游戏添加9个以“幻想少女”为主题的特性 Summary: Add 9 "fantasy girl" -themed features to the game 正 义 警 告 更新内容:为特性七彩少女和幻想少女添加烹饪速度加成(人妻属性),将冥想媒介分散到六个特性之中。 (你问我为什么七彩少女启用病态媒介?那肯定是自恋+傲娇啊) 9月03更新内容: 添加1.3版本支持。 2月08更新内容: 特性出现概率调整回常见特性的...
更多背景特质HYP's More Storylike Traits
Créé par Hyperion-c
Update on 2021/9/26 ,updated the assemblies of game version 1.3 --感谢由@DarthCY 提供的更新内容: 2021-9-26 针对人物关系全解锁的bug,发现是反编译后续累加的执行顺序写错了,导致判断跳步,改后正常 2021-9-25 反编译并尝试修复了IsDisFigured判断 -- Support English、支持简体中文、支持繁體中文 摘要:为游戏添加更多背景故事式的特性。(目前总共54个) ————Summary: Add m...
服饰和装甲扩展 Vanilla Armour N Apparel Expanded
Créé par CaptainSnafu
Chinese Translation for Oskar Potocki and Trunken 's mods : Vanilla Armour Expanded and Vanilla Apparel Expanded 中文汉化,简繁可用,但显示的都是简体 申明: 本人所有汉化作品均为自己人工翻译,也没加入任何工作组。无论是否有其他人在其它平台发布过重复的汉化,都与我的翻译无关. 所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。请勿上传到任何非steam平台。 禁止上传到其他平台!!! 禁止上传到其他平台!!!...
Créé par 骸鸾
Patch可能直接搞崩游戏,所以不是很有必要,别装这个MOD 一些MOD里无法用Language汉化,但可以用Patch汉化,这个MOD使用Patch汉化了以下MOD的无法用Language汉化的内容 -RimBee,研究手稿 -VAE,未汉化成就...
来交♂易 [Let's Trade!] Chinese Pack
Créé par CaptainSnafu
Chinese Translation Submod for EarthyTurtle's great mod : Let's Trade! The Original Mod has chinese translation already, but because of some "false path problems", the original chinese language files didn't work. And there were many missing words lack of u...
渔猎扩展 Vanilla Fishing Expanded Chinese Pack
Créé par CaptainSnafu
Chinese Translation Submod for Oskar Potocki and Sarg Bjornson 's great mod : Vanilla Fishing Expanded 简体中文汉化,繁体可用。 关于为什么不译成,因为我看了下内容,很多鱼是深海鱼和观赏鱼,根本是钓不上来的,捞还有可能。还有的压根不是鱼,作者以后应该还会把这个mod做成各种水产mod,就不全盘采用这个词,改为渔猎和渔获。 Mod里你会发现有些鱼是重名的,不是错误,是民间叫法或学名翻译的问题,用英文是能区分的...
1.1版的石块加工任意石砖 之前发布1.0版本的那个号被盗了 找回不了 1.1版本只能用新号发布了 这个mod可以让把任何石块加工成你想要的石砖 在dlc里做雕像任务的时候特别方便 更新到1.2 更新到1.3...
Créé par 碳烤鱿鱼丝
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【Content of the MOD】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ A very simple weapon MOD.All ranged weapons have separate sound effects 【Military Imitation Bench】You can make balanced weapons here. ────────Ranged──────── DesertEagle、AK47、M4A1、MP5、AWP、Silencer...
艺术扩展 VE Art Chinese Pack
Créé par CaptainSnafu
Chinese Translation SubMod for Oskar Potocki's Mod : Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Art 简体中文汉化,繁体兼用。 更多原版扩展系列汉化,看我的合集。 新增了一堆新的艺术制品和工作,还有墙体和柱子。 ====================== All Credits to Original Author and Steam Workshop 禁 止 转 载 ! ...
菜园子:伴生作物 VGP Three Sisters Plants Chinese Pack
Créé par CaptainSnafu
Chinese Translation SubMod for dismarzero's mod: VGP Three Sisters Plants 也可以译作三姊妹植株。中文简体汉化,繁体兼用。 增加了一系列转基因作物和伴生作物,一次可以收获多种类型的作物。 还有长在苹果树上的豆子,收获后不用重新播种。 新增一种可以代替肉类的豆子。 ================================================ All Credits and CopyRights belong to Or...
菜园子:彩染 VGP Garden Dyes Chinese Pack
Créé par CaptainSnafu
Chinese Translation SubMod for dismarzero's mod: VGP Garden Dyes 中文简体汉化,繁体兼用。 可以用染缸将布料染成彩色,做出来彩色衣服和地毯。 防弹衣也能染彩色。 ============================== All Credits and CopyRights belong to Original Authors and Steam Workshop. 严 禁 转 载 ...
虫娘 Insect Girls
Créé par rot03065
This mod can add it midsave. RocketMan Time dilation compatibility. CE compatibility. And I'm not good at english. This mod added: 6 Insect Girls, in the wild or join like pets. If one is dead, the same one will not encounter in the wild again, you need to...
边缘斯巴达铸造厂 Rimworld: Spartan Foundry Chinese Pack
Créé par CaptainSnafu
Chinese Translation for Oskar Potocki's mod : Rimworld: Spartan Foundry 中文简体汉化,简繁可用 新增12套功能各异的动力装甲套装和头盔。 与原版相比,数据平衡,风格和谐。 ========================= 版权只属于原作者和工坊!! 请勿转载!请勿转载!请勿转载! ...
Créé par 骸鸾
RimBees (边缘蜜蜂)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2308435905 翻译: -简中:22 禁止转载。 简介: 养蜂,蜂生万物 PS. This is just a language pack ,you can fand main mod by right link....
Créé par 抡语安天下
此MOD为通用科技MOD的拓展包 增加了皇权DLC中的精致地砖 该mod放在通用科技mod后面!该mod放在通用科技mod后面!该mod放在通用科技mod后面!...
Créé par 抡语安天下
增加一种通用石材,能用任何石头生产. 属性增强了一些,相比起其他石材更有优势(基本产量40). +增加快速切割(需要科技,产量30) +增加精致切割(需要科技,产量50) +通用石材Lv2,需要科技,用通用石材Lv1(原通用石材)和白银加工,属性更高 +通用石材Lv3,需要科技,用通用石材Lv2和黄金加工,属性更高 2020/10/16: 算是迈出了通用科技的第一步吧。 +肉末,乱刀剁成的肉末,属性和平均的肉差不多,不过什么动物肉都能剁成肉末,极大方便储存。 2021/10/19 更新了版本号 2022/1...
Créé par Ee
This Mod don't have Complete English translation now.(Because my English is very poor) English translated by Izzy and me(use DeepL Translator) and fugue2005 This mod adds several buildings that require research to build or access: 1:Nano Repair Wall/ Nano ...
SS Battery Fuse
Créé par zyMex
I have updated both this and fuse to coplapse into 1 item in power. for a more clean rimworld! right click to see all sizes =) Just updated to 1.1 till Spdskatr come back. Please see: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=832328837 For ori...
SS Battery Fuse——中文简体汉化
Créé par 3.1415926
本MOD为“SS Bigger Batteries”MOD额外增加了一些先进的断路器。 必须在 RT Fuse 和 SS Bigger Batteries 之后加载, 原作者:Zymex 详情见原mod界面,本mod仅为汉化包不包含mod本体。加载在原mod后 The original author:Zymex This mod is just a language pack ,you can fand main mod by right link. https://steamproxy.net/s...
SRTS Expanded Realism Patch
Créé par NECEROS
Changes various aspects of the entire SRTS line to make the experience more immersive. What does this do? - Substantially increases the cost of the ships, and slightly changes the recipes. You probably don't need this unless you want these shuttles to be r...
SRTS Expanded - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
SRTS Expanded (飞船拓展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:AmliFurx,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,汉化组新人独立全译,禁止转载。 简介: 新增大量各式各样的飞船,需要研究解锁其制造。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.25 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.24 2021.1.29-1.2-1.2.1-2020.8.17 2021.1.25-1.2-1.2.0-20...
SRTS Expanded
Créé par NECEROS
Short Ranged Transport Ships These are tiered, flying ships with very specific roles. They can load people and cargo and bring it somewhere else -- potentially a very long distance, and back again. These act like drop pods, but are not one use -- when you ...
Spoons Hair Mod
Créé par witchyspoon
AFTER 10 YEARS OF MODDING, I HAVE NOW STOPPED, THIS (1.5) WAS THE LAST UPDATE Take care everyone, xxx spoon 1.3: Removed the three beards from the textures (the hair is still there) so it won't interfere with new added vanilla beards. Additional hairstyles...
Spatial Priorities
Créé par Fluffy
Some spaces are more important than others IMPORTANT This mod is a work-in-progress. You may find more bugs than you’re used to in my mods. You may find that I have suddenly changed the save format, breaking your save games. You have been warned. In partic...
Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod (闪耀世界)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RS-CZH,leafzxg -繁中:RS-CZH,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 注意!此mod非闪耀科技! 添加了有关闪耀世界的一系列事件,科技与武器等内容。 平衡良好 更新日志: 2022.12.27-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.11 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.20 2020.11.01-1.2-1.2.0...
Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod
Créé par Albion
Sparkling Worlds - Glittertech on the Rim The main features of this mod is to increase the ability to craft advanced Glittertech items and introduce some new advanced weapons, items and buildings from Glitterworlds without breaking the game or deviating to...
Solar Flares Affect Mechanoids
Créé par randoo
Solar flares will stun mechanoids. Save game compatible. Found a bug? Submit an issue report Compatibility Notes This mod isn't compatible with other mods that add EMP damage, like combat extended. If you use any mods that do, your colony mechanoids will b...
(YY)Real Fog of War 1.2
Créé par YAYO
1.3 Updated by Mlie https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2559045153 -------------------------------------- Differences from the original : - Wild animals shrouded in fog are also listed for hunt - pawn's default field of view: 32 -> 65 - ...
Real Fog of War - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Real Fog of War (真实战争迷雾)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Zephyr,leafzxg -繁中:Zephyr,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: Mlie整合更新了Real Fog of War 和 (YY)Real Fog of War 增加战争迷雾到游戏里面,玩家需要指派小人探索以逐一释放迷雾。玩家们可以在设置中的 Mod 选项调节迷雾的消散速度和已探索区域的能见度水平。 玩家和AI的人物,动物,机器人和一些物体会共享视野。...
Créé par ( σ'ω')σ
在启动页上使用的MOD,比如主题MOD和RimSave Sorry, only Chinese is supported If you are not a Chinese user, please do not subscribe 注意,这里没有你想要的整合包,这只是一个标签(分割线)而已,旨在于方便排序或者分类MOD,在排列管理mod时可以插入一个标签,使整个MOD列表更加直观,如果你没有强迫症或者没有规范管理mod的需求,请不要订阅此MOD。 【更多的标签在上面的《分类排列标签合集》里】 如果你觉得对你...
Créé par ( σ'ω')σ
使原游戏界面更好看以及提供更加详细的可预览信息 Sorry, only Chinese is supported If you are not a Chinese user, please do not subscribe 注意,这里没有你想要的整合包,这只是一个标签(分割线)而已,旨在于方便排序或者分类MOD,在排列管理mod时可以插入一个标签,使整个MOD列表更加直观,如果你没有强迫症或者没有规范管理mod的需求,请不要订阅此MOD。 【更多的标签在上面的《分类排列标签合集》里】 如果你觉得对你有帮助求...
Créé par ( σ'ω')σ
(对原游戏没有数值上的修改||增加新功能)&&使游戏更加符合现实逻辑(简而言之就是使游戏更加智能,着重游戏自身) 最典型的就是搬运建造算法逻辑优化这种MOD Sorry, only Chinese is supported If you are not a Chinese user, please do not subscribe 注意,这里没有你想要的整合包,这只是一个标签(分割线)而已,旨在于方便排序或者分类MOD,在排列管理mod时可以插入一个标签,使整个MOD列表更加直观,如果你没有强迫症或者没有规...
Créé par ( σ'ω')σ
在精心准备中的性格,特质,属性等等 Sorry, only Chinese is supported If you are not a Chinese user, please do not subscribe 注意,这里没有你想要的整合包,这只是一个标签(分割线)而已,旨在于方便排序或者分类MOD,在排列管理mod时可以插入一个标签,使整个MOD列表更加直观,如果你没有强迫症或者没有规范管理mod的需求,请不要订阅此MOD。 【更多的标签在上面的《分类排列标签合集》里】 如果你觉得对你有帮助求点赞支持一下...
Créé par ( σ'ω')σ
武器装备 Sorry, only Chinese is supported If you are not a Chinese user, please do not subscribe 注意,这里没有你想要的整合包,这只是一个标签(分割线)而已,旨在于方便排序或者分类MOD,在排列管理mod时可以插入一个标签,使整个MOD列表更加直观,如果你没有强迫症或者没有规范管理mod的需求,请不要订阅此MOD。 【更多的标签在上面的《分类排列标签合集》里】 如果你觉得对你有帮助求点赞支持一下😏 Note that t...
Créé par ( σ'ω')σ
身型,头发,脸等等 Sorry, only Chinese is supported If you are not a Chinese user, please do not subscribe 注意,这里没有你想要的整合包,这只是一个标签(分割线)而已,旨在于方便排序或者分类MOD,在排列管理mod时可以插入一个标签,使整个MOD列表更加直观,如果你没有强迫症或者没有规范管理mod的需求,请不要订阅此MOD。 【更多的标签在上面的《分类排列标签合集》里】 如果你觉得对你有帮助求点赞支持一下😏 Note t...
Créé par ( σ'ω')σ
游戏时的新增任务与新增事件 Sorry, only Chinese is supported If you are not a Chinese user, please do not subscribe 注意,这里没有你想要的整合包,这只是一个标签(分割线)而已,旨在于方便排序或者分类MOD,在排列管理mod时可以插入一个标签,使整个MOD列表更加直观,如果你没有强迫症或者没有规范管理mod的需求,请不要订阅此MOD。 【更多的标签在上面的《分类排列标签合集》里】 如果你觉得对你有帮助求点赞支持一下😏 No...
Créé par ( σ'ω')σ
前置汉化包,指多个MOD的汉化整合,单个的汉化包挨着原MOD排列即可,不用放入此类 (感谢边缘汉化组以及其他汉化者对英文MOD的汉化,让我们这些文盲可以愉快游戏) Sorry, only Chinese is supported If you are not a Chinese user, please do not subscribe 注意,这里没有你想要的整合包,这只是一个标签(分割线)而已,旨在于方便排序或者分类MOD,在排列管理mod时可以插入一个标签,使整个MOD列表更加直观,如果你没有强迫症或者...
Créé par ( σ'ω')σ
指开局的故事叙述者 Sorry, only Chinese is supported If you are not a Chinese user, please do not subscribe 注意,这里没有你想要的整合包,这只是一个标签(分割线)而已,旨在于方便排序或者分类MOD,在排列管理mod时可以插入一个标签,使整个MOD列表更加直观,如果你没有强迫症或者没有规范管理mod的需求,请不要订阅此MOD。 【更多的标签在上面的《分类排列标签合集》里】 如果你觉得对你有帮助求点赞支持一下😏 Note t...
Créé par ( σ'ω')σ
材质贴图以及画质调整 Sorry, only Chinese is supported If you are not a Chinese user, please do not subscribe 注意,这里没有你想要的整合包,这只是一个标签(分割线)而已,旨在于方便排序或者分类MOD,在排列管理mod时可以插入一个标签,使整个MOD列表更加直观,如果你没有强迫症或者没有规范管理mod的需求,请不要订阅此MOD。 【更多的标签在上面的《分类排列标签合集》里】 如果你觉得对你有帮助求点赞支持一下😏 Note ...
Créé par ( σ'ω')σ
后置汉化包,指多个MOD的汉化整合,单个的汉化包挨着原MOD排列即可,不用放入此类 (感谢边缘汉化组以及其他汉化者对英文MOD的汉化,让我们这些文盲可以愉快游戏) Sorry, only Chinese is supported If you are not a Chinese user, please do not subscribe 注意,这里没有你想要的整合包,这只是一个标签(分割线)而已,旨在于方便排序或者分类MOD,在排列管理mod时可以插入一个标签,使整个MOD列表更加直观,如果你没有强迫症或者...
A RimWorld of Magic简繁中文汉化包
Créé par 骸鸾
A RimWorld of Magic (边缘魔法/魔法世界)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 翻译: -简中:22点下,Tr.Vi,Huppias -繁中:22点下,Tr.Vi 禁止转载。 简介:为边缘世界添加了具有独特技能的职业和职业升级系统 目前有12个魔法职业和6个战士职业(mod简介说的,是不是真的谁知道呢?)。每个职业都有一套独特的能力,作为特定的角色(治疗者,攻击施法者,后勤等),每个职业都有一个独特的升级树,用于当他们升级时提高他们的能力效果。 更新: 多了3个职业一个流浪者.一个旅...
Créé par ( σ'ω')σ
新的派系与新的种族,种族和派系可以包含其专属武器和物品,不归入物品分类 Sorry, only Chinese is supported If you are not a Chinese user, please do not subscribe 注意,这里没有你想要的整合包,这只是一个标签(分割线)而已,旨在于方便排序或者分类MOD,在排列管理mod时可以插入一个标签,使整个MOD列表更加直观,如果你没有强迫症或者没有规范管理mod的需求,请不要订阅此MOD。 【更多的标签在上面的《分类排列标签合集》里】...
[OLD VERSION] A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetics
Créé par witchyspoon
NEW VERSION NEW VERSION NEW VERSION NEW VERSION A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetics 2 >>> https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3238353862 <<< FEEL FREE TO SUB AND USE THE NEW VERSION OF THIS AS I AM NO LONGER MODDING. IT IS VERY SIMILAR, AND...
Guns: Luger 45
Créé par ЯEБAЛ
it's Abso-Lutely legendary pistol right there https://i.imgur.com/5fcmk5F.png https://i.imgur.com/TZkTEpO.png Any suggestions are highly appreciated. Update: Only Luger 45 left in the mod, texture upd. Update: Русский язык добавлен. Textures updated. Balan...
A RimWorld of Magic
Créé par Torann
Supports RimWorld versions 1.0 - 1.5 This mod adds classes with unique abilities. RimWorld of Magic adds over 35 unique classes with even more available in class add-on packs. Each class has a set of unique abilities and fills specific roles (healer, offen...
Créé par Brrainz
❗️ Command your colonists like a boss! Pronounced like “A - tung” where “” is like the beginning sound of the superhero name “Hulk”. ❗️ The Achtung! mod enhances how you control RimWorld. You will get more control on how to position your colonists and how ...
Achtung! - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Achtung! (智能指挥)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止未授权修改发布,禁止用于AI训练。 简介: - 像老板(而不是保姆)一样指挥你的殖民者!便捷的团体作战指挥、更高的小人智商! - 征兆时自动分配的殖民者站位,选中多个殖民者右键点击目标区域,会自动分配站位。 - 通过按住鼠标右键拉动并配合快捷键,一次控制多个殖民者进行同步行动,快捷键+鼠标手势的便捷团战指挥模式。 - 更加人性化的指挥系统,添加...
Advanced Hydroponics for 1.2
Adds two (2) hydroponics bays which almost double the speed at which crops can grow. Includes a version with lights, and without. Research "Advanced hydroponics" at a High-tech Research Bench to unlock the basins....
Advanced Mechanoid Warfare 简繁汉化包
Créé par Zephyr
在背景中,边缘世界的机械族是任何东西都无法与之匹敌的嗜血恐惧战争机器。 但在游戏里他们只是钢铁和玻璃钢快递。 泰南因为玩家开始“养殖”机械族而削弱装配机就证明了这一点。 因此,我决定制作我自己的mod,增加机械族带来的危险,同时大大增加他们的武器种类。 是时候和你们所热爱的殖民地说再见了。 简介:增加21种机械族,以及一些机械族的专属武器。 The original author:RAWY This mod is just a language pack ,you can fand main mod by ...
Advanced Power Plus
Créé par Meltup
An advanced power for your colonies! This mod is a merged update of advanced powergeneration and Fueled Nuclear Power Generators. It adds new power generation buildings with technologies to research them: - Advanced wind turbine (Spacer tech, 6000 Wd outpu...
Advanced Power Plus - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Advanced Power Plus (先进电力)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 增加了四种先进发电机(太阳能、风力、蒸汽、水轮),发电量是原版的对应型号的两倍左右。 增加了三种放射性同位素发电机,发电量最高可达26K。该Mod的发电机贴图和特效十分精美。 注:该Mod是由别人接手版本的 advanced powergeneration后更新拓展而来的,已不再属于系列,所以单独发布汉化。 ...
AFU女士发型_Women's hairstyles
Créé par 金兔子拉面
70 new hairstyles for women. Your colonists and NPCs from all camps can use these hairstyles. AFU men's hairstyle Updated 2024/04/11 1.5 Add f68~70, add hairtag "Dreadlocks" Compatibility Use with the following face mods for best results: Facial Animation ...
AFU男士发型_Men's hairstyles
Créé par 金兔子拉面
35 new hairstyles for men. Women's hairstyles ←Here ====== 2024/03/18 redraw10/30,improve resolution and add detail16/17/24,Adjust04/15/29。 Compatible with version 1.5, remove Patches added in the last update. 2024/01/27 Add34/35, redraw25 Add hairtag“Drea...
Age Matters Updated [1.0][1.1][1.2] OBSOLETE
Créé par troopersmith1
Major Rework Released! Available Here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2264291966 Original Mod Author: Mage5000 You can find their mod here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1231532150 Description If using Babie...
Alien Children Compatibility
Créé par Dylan
Version 1.1.0a With the 1.2 update of the main mod and the old scaling option and the "new scaling mode" enabled (the new mode should be on by default) it should now show the AlienRaces children with their tails etc. in the right place (there are still som...
[1.1+] Alien Vs Predator
Créé par Ogliss
This mod is not being developed Requirments Humanoid Alien Races 2.0 "All right, sweethearts, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed? It's another glorious day in the Corps. A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm: Every meal's a banquet. E...
【停止维护】Alien Vs Predator - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
停止维护,最后更新版本:1.3 本人不再维护所有以外星人框架为前置mod 的种族mod汉化,热心人士可以自行接手在工坊发布更新(不得在steam创意工坊之外的平台),备注下文本沿用自边缘汉化组版本,再跟我说一下即可。 有人接手后,我会在此界面保留汉化一个版本,保留期间引导至你的发布页面,之后将隐藏或用作他用 无人接手的汉化将会一直保留此状态 Alien Vs Predator (异形大战铁血战士)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:CaptainSnafu,leafz...
Allow Tool
Créé par Symbolic
A set of tools to make your life on the Rim a bit easier. Easily forbid and unforbid items, select similar things, have things hauled urgently and affect the entire map with powerful new tool extensions. Allow Tool can be safely added to existing games. No...
Alpha Animals
Créé par Sarg Bjornson
Getting an error that bricks your game at the start? The latest update needed the load order to change, and Alpha Animals needs to load AFTER both VFE Insectoids 2 and VRE Insectors https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png Adds multiple unique new animals to Rimwor...
Alpha Animals - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par 骸鸾
项目发起及主要作者:Mr.Sleep(@我不叫汤姆猫) 协助与代理:Garin 接盘侠:22点下 -简介 Alpha Animals这个Mod可以为你的RimWord里不同种类的生物群系添加共89 种新的、强度接近原版的生物。这个mod的理念是每一种新的生物都会为游戏带来新的机制,无论是步行的装甲生物、资源生物、难以毁灭的植物怪兽、夜行性捕食者还是快速而凶猛的巨型蜘蛛。有的机制很简单,有的则更复杂。 一些生物将在特定的生物群系中产生,另一些动物只能通过贸易获得。你必须通过探索才能找到所有动物种类。 请留意,...
Alpha Biomes
Créé par Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png Updated: 21/10/22 Adds multiple unique new biomes to Rimworld. Features Adds 12 new diverse biomes to your Rimworlds. The mod has been designed with the Alpha Animals mod in mind, although it is not a requirement. https://i....
Alpha Biomes - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par 骸鸾
A Chinese language pack of Alpha Biomes,you can find main mod by right link. Alpha Biomes (阿尔法生态)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:22点下,MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 向游戏中加入了数种全新的异域风格生态群系——狂野丛林、伽拉特洛斯墓地、黏液有机体、世外草原、机械族遗迹、红树林沼泽、真菌丛林、异目森林、液态丙烷湖、炽热火山、...
Alpha Ships简繁中文汉化包
Créé par 骸鸾
Alpha Ships(阿尔法飞船)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:22 -繁中:22 禁止转载。 简介: 功能 增加了64个新的飞船部件,你可以把他们安装到你的飞船上,以数千种组合来组装它们。这些太空飞船的部件可以从随机的太空战斗中获得,也可以从新的飞船部件商人那里以高价购买。 问题 应该没有。 兼容性 Alpha Ships应该兼容所有mod。显然Alpha Ships需要sos2才能工作。它不需要阿尔法动物,尽管有些动物会出现在太空遭遇战中,如果你SOS2,A...
Ameiro anime hairs
Créé par Dizzica
This mod is currently no longer being updated by me. please head over to this page for the new version from 1.4 onwards: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2883565328 Thanks for the support over the years, god bless you all!...
Ancient Eastern Armory
Créé par Gemi ningen
https://i.imgur.com/lc9XViz.png This mod bring various Armor sets from ancient kindoms and empires of eastern Aisa. This mod will include, - Samurai Yoroi, Samurai Helmet, Samurai Captain Helmet from Samurais of feudal Japan. - Ashigaru Armor, Ashigaru Hel...
Ancient Eastern Armory 古代东方军械库 简体汉化
Créé par Cyan
翻译Mod Ancient Eastern Armory (古代东方军械库 ) 增加了中世纪东亚的几种武器和装备 贴图很精细很漂亮2333 作者Cyan...
Ancient Fallout Armory
Créé par Gemi ningen
https://i.imgur.com/xc6Alty.png Another Ancient armory series come! this mod will focusing add various armor from world of fallout(especially fallout 4). For now, This mod will add - Sets of Combat armor Heavy/ Medium ver. - Flight Helmet - Sets of US Comb...
Ancient Fallout Armory 古代辐射军械库 简体汉化
Créé par Cyan
翻译mod Ancient Fallout Armory(古代辐射军械库) Gemi ningen的古代军械库mod之一,他的kenshi军械库别人已经汉化过了 我不去重弄了 添加了几种贴图精美的装甲(非动力)应该算是辐射系列风格 ...
Ancient Species
Créé par Haduki
Information Ancient Speciesをversion2.0にアップデートしました。 エンシェントエルフのみにし、ハーフエルフは一旦オミットしております。残りは後日追加で実装します。 専用のシナリオはありませんが、代わりに、一時的にイベントなどで加入しやすくしております。 本アップデートは、Rimworldの以下バージョンで動作を確認しています。(新機能は1.4のみです) ・1.4.3542 ・1.3.3389 今回新要素として、オドに関する特性について、フィジカルブーストを発動し、ゲージを...
Ancient Species_zh
Créé par Seigai
Simplified Chinese package of Ancient Species...
Android tiers
Créé par Atlas
DEPRECATED 1.3+ Discontinued beyond 1.3: See Killathon's Reintroduction for 1.3+ : HERE Or search: "Mechanical Humanlikes" https://i.imgur.com/plbocrQ.png REQUIRES HUMANOID ALIEN RACES & HARMONY Order: Harmony - Core - Humanoid alien races - Android Tiers ...
Android Tiers + Vanilla Expanded Medical
Créé par NECEROS
Allows the Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module's Vitals Center (and the default Vital Monitor) to work on androids from Android Tiers mod. The Vitals Center can help androids surgery success chance and medical tend quality. Since they cannot become...
【停止维护】Android tiers - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
停止维护,最后更新版本:1.3 本人不再维护所有以外星人框架为前置mod 的种族mod汉化,热心人士可以自行接手在工坊发布更新(不得在steam创意工坊之外的平台),备注下文本沿用自边缘汉化组版本,再跟我说一下即可。 有人接手后,我会在此界面保留汉化一个版本,保留期间引导至你的发布页面,之后将隐藏或用作他用 无人接手的汉化将会一直保留此状态 Android tiers (智能人形)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:KUNZ...
Android tiers - TX Series
Créé par aRandomKiwi
https://i.imgur.com/TEBxhcE.jpg https://i.imgur.com/NosON0p.jpg WORKS WITH SAVES - REQUIRES Android Tiers mod Add a new serie of androids designed for infiltration missions, their slightly modified exoskeleton are covered with rubber skin / living tissues ...
Android Tiers SM7 Overhaul (Discontinued)
Créé par Joe the Tech
This mod is no longer maintained by me. However, Mlie has graciously taken up to torch to keep it up-to-date. I will also be contributing to his continued mod from time to time. It can be found here. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif version 1.3 Description ...
Androids [1.3 | Discontinued]
Créé par ChJees
A race of humanlike robots which are mostly female in model variety. From comments: "I am going to let someone port this mod into a completely new workshop mod for the last update. Work is currently killing any drive I have for modding so it is better to p...
【停止维护】Androids - 简繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
停止维护,最后更新版本:1.3 本人不再维护所有以外星人框架为前置mod 的种族mod汉化,热心人士可以自行接手在工坊发布更新(不得在steam创意工坊之外的平台),备注下文本沿用自边缘汉化组版本,再跟我说一下即可。 有人接手后,我会在此界面保留汉化一个版本,保留期间引导至你的发布页面,之后将隐藏或用作他用 无人接手的汉化将会一直保留此状态 Androids (自动人形)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边...
Androids Expanded繁简中文补丁
Créé par 3.1415926
加入了一些更加先进的机械..... 更新了一部分汉化,其余部分由于文本无法识别仍然显示为英文...
Androids Expanded
Créé par NECEROS
Adds two additional droids craftable from the Droid Fabricator through spacer technology research. These cost more resources and take much longer to print compared to the original models. The advanced droid and wardroid are available from one research proj...
Animal Armor [DEPRECATED - see mod page for links to new version]
Créé par Oh God Spiders No
This mod is dead Long live the new mod! One of the best Rimworld modders, Owlchemist, just released a far superior version :) Subscribe to it here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2568865984...
Animal Controls
Créé par avil
Tools to make general animal herding more convenient. Features - makes so all animals can have food restrictions (the same as Animal Food Restrictions mod); - makes so "Animals" tab has "Food Restriction" category (similar to AnimalFoodRestrictionInTab mod...
Animal Discovery
Créé par Hatena
[Overview] You will be alerted when the animal specified in the settings is in the wild and on the map. Wouldn't it be great if there was a feature that told you when a dangerous or unusual animal was on the map? If you feel that way, this mod will help yo...
Animal Food Restrictions
Créé par Jaxe
Unlocks food restrictions for animals which can be changed in the health tab. This mod does not provide any GUI to modify animal restrictions so a mod like RimHUD is needed to actually set the restrictions. Anything else? https://i.imgur.com/2wRuYHD.png ht...
Animal Gear
Créé par Dylan
Version This mod is a framework to enable animals to have gear / equipment (like colonists) for the gear itself you should also subscribe to "Animal Equipment" OR "Animal Gear Basic" (only one of them, "Animal Equipment" is recommended as it is new...
Animal Gear Basic
Créé par Dylan
Version New (new) main mod for the actual animal armor/gear "Animal Equipment": https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2568865984 "Animal Equipment" replaces this mod "Animal Gear Basic" which is only here for legacy purposes you on...
Android Tiers++ Expansion
Créé par aRandomKiwi
https://i.imgur.com/TEBxhcE.jpg https://i.imgur.com/NosON0p.jpg WORKS WITH SAVES ===================>NOTICE<=================== The 1.1 update of this mod is directly integrated into the Android Tiers mod, this workshop remain for compatibility reason for ...
Animal Gear Collection Chinese Pack
Créé par 混沌の味方
the Chinese pack of Animal Gear Basic,Armor of Dragons,Animal Armoe:Vanilla,Animal Gear Horse mod 动物装备基础、龙装备扩展、原版动物装备扩展、马装备扩展的简体中文汉化整合包,请在原mod之后加载 简体中文汉化,简繁兼用。 四个动物装备mod的汉化整合包,动物装备基础和原版动物装备扩展重合。前置有任一即可。 汉化上若有问题请于评论区反馈。...
Animal Husbandry Raids (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of O Negatives mod https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=32653 Rewrote the entire thing, now it adds animals from an internal list randomly and also you can add exceptions, one animal def per line in a config-file...
Animal Medical Bed
Créé par NECEROS
Adds a hospital bed for animals which increases healing, medical tend quality, etc. Fits any animal. https://i.imgur.com/Ra7qnLe.png https://i.imgur.com/ldroDjl.png This was originally made by Suno, and has been reuploaded with permission. https://i.imgur....
Animal Tab
Créé par Fluffy
Adds extra functionality to the Animals tab https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Important.png Does not require a new save game. Can safely be enabled/disabled in ongoing saves. https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Notes.png First released back in A12 (o...
AnimalHarvestingSpot (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png This is an update of -210's mod with their approval. https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1409440925 Added four new spots: - Milking - Shearing - Slaughtering - Training Icons from https://www.flaticon.com/...
AnimalHarvestingSpot - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
AnimalHarvestingSpot (动物收获点)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 增加了一个动物收获点,可指定动物挤奶、剪毛、宰杀的地点,很方便的小Mod。 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.9 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.08 2020.8.24-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.02 2020.3.29-1.1-1.1.0...
Animals are fun简繁中文汉化包
Créé par 骸鸾
Animals are fun(动物很有趣)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:22 -繁中:22 禁止转载。 简介: 如果你不和宠物一起玩,为什么还要养宠物? 这个MOD让你的小人和宠物一起玩,给他们选择宠物,溜宠物,玩飞盘游戏。你的小人会通过这些活动获得一些训兽技能。...
Animals are fun: recreational animal interactions [1.1 - 1.4]
Créé par Revolus
Why keep pets if you don't interact with them? This mod lets your pawns have fun by giving them the option to play fetch, and go walkies. Your pawns will gain a little animal skills by these activities. Can be added to and removed from save games. No depen...
Animals Gender On Caravan
Créé par shmrkool
Shows animal gender and life stage icons on caravan/trade. Does not affect save files! Source: https://github.com/MrCool92/RimWorld-AnimalsGenderOnCaravan Harmony: https://github.com/pardeike/Harmony Support me: https://ko-fi.com/mrcool92 Contributors: - f...
Animals Logic
Créé par ignis
Adds animal-related quality-of-life enhanсements. Features More info about production for pawn info window (milk/eggs/wool/reproduction) Explosive animals do not explode if anesthetized, so they can be safely slaughered using "euthanize by cut" bill (requi...
Créé par Pelador
Overview V1.1 A medicinal mod focused on earlier technology epochs prior to the industrial age. (Also more suited to "fantasy" based mods). Details Apothecary is a mod designed to provide herbal remedies and other medicinal preparations more suited to the ...
Animals LogicZH
Créé par GHS_GKD
一个简单的汉化,都是mod设置里的。 ...
Appearance clothes - Humanoid Alien Races Patch[1.1-1.4]
Créé par tammybee
Appearance clothes patch for Humanoid Alien Races. Only the equipments that races can wear can be added to appearance clothes. Other versions Old versions of the mod can be found on Dropbox. Dropbox...
Appearance clothes
Créé par tammybee
You can set up appearance clothes. This MOD is powered by Harmony Patch Library. B19 version : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1216453549 Description - Add "Clothes" Tab in colonists(You can set up appearance clothes in this tab). - ...
Arasaka Corporation - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Arasaka Corporation (荒坂公司)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Lappland -繁中:Lappland 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 来自《赛博朋克2077》中的荒坂公司的武器装备,作者表示有计划日后更新加入派系内容。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.30 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.25 2021.3.12-1.2-1.2.1-2021.2.16 2021.1.17-1.2...
Architect Expanded - Fences
Créé par Nif
https://i.imgur.com/K2IR5XG.png A bit of misleading info on Cover percent. They're all based on <fillPercent> that has a range of 0-1 that I simply modified into 1-100%. Walls have a <fillPercent> of 1 or 100% in this case. However, since Rimworld does thi...
Architect Icons
Créé par marcin212
Architect Icons adds visual cues to the Arrchitect Tab. No more random clicking to find stuff! If a mod isn't supported, a placeholder icon is used. You can suggest icon support for specific mods. In the future, there might be an API for mod authors to inc...
Archotech Droids-old version
Créé par Seti
New version- 2560554690 Archotech droids, an upgrade to the already upgraded droids. This mod adds two new droids that require some research to make and require lots of resources, but they are worth it. The Archdroid - an upgraded droid, it can do most of ...
Area Unlocker
Créé par Fluffy
Removes the (arbitrary) limit to the number of areas you can create, change area colours. https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Notes.png While this completely removes the limit on the number of areas you can create, the area selection widget in other part...
Armor Racks
Créé par khamenman
Adds a variety of armor racks that help you store and equip your armor in a better way. At the moment there are 3 types of armor racks: - Vanilla rack that stores equipment and provides slightly faster equip time - Mechanized rack that dramatically improve...
Astra Militarum Imperial Guard Core Mod v2.5
Créé par QuantumX
Release Version, support 1.1, 1.2,1.3, & 1.4 of Rimworld CHECK OUT THE OFFICIAL AND UNOFFICAL ADDON MODS BELOW!!! Best used with QuantumX Faction & ServoSkulls Addons **NEW** WH40k ServoSkulls - Imperial Guard Addon **NEW** SINCE V2.0 of Core Mod Turrets a...
Astra Militarum Imperial Guard Factions Mod v2.5
Créé par QuantumX
Release Version, support 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 & 1.4 of Rimworld Warhammer 40k Astra Militarum Factions Addon Addon Mod to add Warhammer 40K Factions into Rimworld. Currently the mod Consists of the following Factions: * Traitor Guard Faction, who dispise all...
Astra Militarum Imperial Guard ServoSkull Addon Mod v1.7
Créé par QuantumX
Release Version, support 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 & 1.4 of Rimworld An Addon for Warhammer 40k Astra Militarum Imperial Guard Core Mod This is a ADDON for "Astra Militarium: Imperial Guard" core mod. This mod will not work without it. As with any Imperial Guard Addon...
Créé par Windward'Snow
本mod仅为【Materials+】的中文汉化包,需要先订阅原mod。 原mod作者:Atlas 汉化者:'Windward^Snow' 汉化工具:rimworld.steamwx.cn ———— 摘要,mod添加了: ----4种建筑塑料 -混合塑料 -有机玻璃(亚力克塑料) -UHMW(超高分子量)塑料 -胶合木板 ----4种塑料纺织品 -涤纶 -腈纶 -尼龙(耐纶) -凯夫拉(芳纶) ----5种石砖材料 -粘土砖 -土砖 -混凝土 -钢筋混凝土 -灰泥(石膏) ----3种玻璃 -基础玻璃 -强化...
Auto links
Automatically adds hyperlinks to descriptions: Recipe ⟷ Result Recipe ⟷ Ingredient (excluding optional ingredients) Recipe ⟷ Research Recipe ⟷ Workbench Recipe ⟷ Body part / Body part group Buildable ⟷ Research Buildable ⟷ Ingredient (excluding optional in...
Auto Seller
Créé par Supes
This Rimworld mod adds the ability to Auto Sell items from the trade window using a set of editable rules. These rules can be created and edited via the Autosell Tab. So, you've been hoarding a ton of weapons and apparel you've been hoping to sell, or you'...
Auto-Cut Blight
Créé par Razor 2.3
Automatically designate blighted plants to be cut. Only acts on blight spread, so it won't help you if you already have a blight. Use Allow Tool for that. Thanks to UnlimitedHugs. Allow Tool's source is what I used to figure out job orders. UPDATE: Added a...
ABOUT Adds Autocleaner, an autonomous robotic vacuum cleaner to the game. The robot will clean home area (or whatever else area you assign in the Schedule tab) without human intervention, and can charge from anywhere near a power grid. If damaged, stops cl...
(停止更新)Autocleaner 简中翻译
Créé par TinyGrox
Autocleaner的个人自用汉化,直译应为自动清洁器,但为了形象,我译为扫地机器人。 mod简介:研究了高级精密装配后,在精密装配台可以制作扫地机器人. 使用了风之起灵的工具RimTrans. 未联系过原mod作者,侵删. ...
Créé par Anri
Are you sick and tired of needing pawns to be willing or able to take drugs? Are you annoyed with having all your pawns go into simultaneous mental breaks because they were just too far from your beer? Well I have just the thing for you! The Autoinjectors ...
Awesome Inventory
Créé par NotooShabby
A spiritual successor of RPG Inventory. It offers a fine grain control on your inventory and a RPG style interface. If you want to support my work, don't forget to hit https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif Preview images provided by Kasmex Forever#0915 Features ...
Backup Power
Créé par Fluffy
add control units to generators to automatically switch them on and off when needed https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Features.pngAdds generator control boxes, which will automatically turn the generators they are attached to on and off depending on cu...
Bad People
Créé par Avius
Version 1.2.1 Older versions Rimworld b19 version (0.19) Rimworld b18 version (0.18) Description This addon will allow pawns becoming depraved or cannibals. This will happen when pawn will participate in some actions like executing prisoners, or eating lot...
Base 00_00
Créé par ken
ベースMODです。 顔、身体のほかに服が入っています。 -内容詳細- ①顔  男性の顔6種  女性の顔6種 ②身体  身体4種(Fatだけ無し)  女性の体はバニラより小さめです。  貧弱体型には足があります。 ③服装 新規追加  腹かけ  タンクトップ  ちょっとエッチな下着  マッファローパーカー(ParkaB)   バニラ置き換え(Def無し)  ジャケット  パーカー  Tシャツ(Fatなし)  Yシャツ(Fat.Hulk.Maleなし)  一枚布(Fat.Hulk.Maleなし)   ➃髪  女性...
Beat Your Prisoners
Créé par Captain Muscles
https://i.imgur.com/Mi8ecQv.gif Beat Your Prisoners lets you... well, beat the hell out of your prisoners. You can use this to speed up recruitment time, train melee skill, or purely for amusement. As always, I appreciate any feedback you can give on this ...
Beat Your Prisoners - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Beat Your Prisoners (殴打你的囚犯)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Zephyr -繁中:Zephyr 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 该Mod让你可以殴打你的囚犯。这样做可以加速招募进度,训练近战技能,或者就是为了娱乐折磨囚犯。 细节: 新增了一项名为“打破抵抗”的工作。安排了这个工作的小人会偶尔去殴打被标记为降低抵抗的囚犯,这样会降低囚犯的抵抗,减少狱卒的招募工作。 囚犯可能会根据他们的特性及近战技能进行反击 如果囚犯放倒了打手,他们有5...
Beautiful Bodies
Créé par ireth92
Replaces the body textures with highly detailed body shapes. They are 100% compatible with vanilla clothes as they have been designed over the original vanilla "blob" shapes. Feel free to re-use these textures for your own mods as long as you give me credi...
Beautiful Outdoors
Créé par Meltup
Enchances pawns' perception of nature. Simple mod that adjusts beauty and ugly modifiers for terrain and flora. Most notable changes: - flowers are significantly more beautiful now; - most trees have beauty increased to 2-4 range. Oak and Teak trees have 5...
Begone, Message!
Créé par lbmaian
You know those messages on food rotting and relations decaying and so forth that annoyingly block some of the colonist bar at the top? This mod allows you to (by default): Dismiss a message by right-clicking that message. Dismiss all messages by shift-righ...
Best Mix中文化
Créé par NB
BestMix繁體/簡體中文化 放在本體之後 給工作台新增材料條件的選項 依照選擇的設定小人會拿取最佳的材料來製作...
Better Infestations - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Better Infestations (更全面的虫害)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: -这款MOD为原版的【虫害】事件做了更具体,更多样化的扩展,同时也为原版的虫族进行了更合理的行为规划,如虫群会有自己的洞穴而不是无止境的拆毁山体,虫子会自己外出狩猎,采集业果待会巢穴制作成虫胶,而不是仅靠原版的虫巢来获取虫胶。 -此外还把原版的两个虫害事件扩展,有更多样化的虫害事件给玩家更多的挑战与体验。...
Better Infestations 1.4
Créé par Machine
This mod changes almost everything about infestations, the way they produce and insect behavior. Features: Infestations can start in most biomes, almost anywhere. The only exception is icelands. The bugs like warmer, rocky areas, preferably dark caves. If ...
Better Jump pack 1.2
Créé par YAYO
1.3 version (mlie) https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2565740103 https://imgur.com/I3WPUFI.gif - Allows jump packs to cross walls, break roof and fall. https://imgur.com/33k4WYy.gif - Jumping under the roof destroys the roof and takes d...
Better ModMismatch Window
Créé par 정구지
this mod will fix vanila's uncomfortable Mod Mismatch Window to github style. added mod will be indicated with green color. removed mod will be indicated with red color. + yellow means the version has changed. this mod doesn't need specific load order. saf...
Créé par Maarx
The mod adds buttons to manually dispense from a Nutrient Paste Dispenser. When you select a Nutrient Paste Dispenser, you'll see widget buttons to "Dispense 1", "Dispense 5", and "Dispense 25". This offers a more convenient alternative to the weird vanill...
Better Pawn Control
Créé par VouLT
A RimWorld mod that allows to set colonists and animals to outfits, areas, drugs, food in one single action. Setup different policies and switch at will. Tutorial -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKhFCkFcaGU If you like my mod and feel like contributing,...
Better Traders
Créé par Josh Mate
Better Traders A mod that improves how much stock and silver traders have without breaking balance. What this mod Changes All Traders - Increased stock amount / diversity / consistency - Ultra rare / unique items unchanged to maintain balance - Animals / s...
Better Workbench Management
Créé par falconne
NOTE: Most of what this mod did has now been integrated into vanilla. This version just adds in the features that have not been included in vanilla. The mod description below and the screenshots will be updated soon to reflect the new, cut down mod. This m...
Créé par Samboy063
Github Link: https://github.com/SamboyCoding/RimworldBetterLoading Now with 1.4 support (in beta, not fully tested) and 1.5 support (even less tested!)! For best results, please put this mod ABOVE core in the mod list. Compatible with rimworld 1.0, 1.1, 1....
Biomes! Core
Créé par Draegon1993
https://i.imgur.com/6Wn2DdV.png https://i.imgur.com/zNRQoCe.png Biomes! Core provides the framework for the Biomes! mod series and is required for any Biomes! mods to work. Place this mod BEFORE any other Biomes! mods! This mod does and will contain the th...
Biomes! Islands简繁中文汉化包
Créé par 骸鸾
Biomes! Islands (生态! )的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:22 禁止转载。 简介: 加入了两个生态,和n个生物.n个植物.食物 比较适合种田玩家 PS. This is just a language pack ,you can fand main mod by right link. Biomes! Islands的汉化包,必须订购原mod+Biomes! core...
Biomes! Islands
Créé par Draegon1993
https://i.imgur.com/6Wn2DdV.png https://i.imgur.com/C7zlBAa.png This mod adds several types of islands for your enjoyment, from tropical to arctic! The islands are all unique and each one comes with lots of new plants and animals, including: Sea Life: Brin...
BIOMES! [Core]简繁中文汉化包
Créé par 骸鸾
Biomes! core (生态! )的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:22 禁止转载。 排序: Core Core汉化包 岛屿 岛屿汉化包 理论上这样排就好 简介: 生态系列mod的前置 PS. This is just a language pack ,you can fand main mod by right link....
Bionic icons
ABOUT Changes the graphic for body part boxes and adds icons depending on what's inside. I recommend also using my other mod, High quality textures for better visual quality. MOD COMPATIBILITY In addition to vanilla, Bionic icons has built-in icons for the...
Blueberries - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Blueberries (蓝莓)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Dango,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 增加了蓝莓、蓝莓素等产业。 更新日志: 2022.1.27-1.3-1.3.0-2021.11.27 2020.12.24-1.2-1.2.0-2020.9.07 2020.3.29-1.1-1.1.0-2020.3.21 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,获取更多...
Blueprint Totals Tooltip
Créé par ChippedChap
A UI mod that lets you seamlessly check how much your blueprints cost, even as you lay down more. This mod adds a "tooltip" (see the demonstration gif) that lists all the requirements of highlighted blueprints. The highlighted blueprints are either the one...
Créé par Fluffy
Blueprints allow the quick construction of repetitive rooms/areas. https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Features.png Create blueprint Use the 'Create' designator to drag over an area with existing constructions. Floors, walls and furniture will all be des...
Créé par Smash Phil
Note: I'm not maintaining this mod anymore, it's being reworked into a generic vehicle mod (air, land, sea). Don't ask about it here, if you want info on the mod, drop by the discord. I post updates regularly. https://i.imgur.com/QMEtdN7.png This mod adds ...
Boats - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Boats (边缘船只)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:CaptainSnafu,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 版本由CaptainSnafu汉化,版本边缘汉化组接手,禁止转载。 简介: 新增了水域系统,可以通过船只旅行、贸易、水战。打了钓鱼mod的话还可以出海钓鱼。 更新日志: 2020.4.02-1.1-1.1.0-2020.3.11 2020.3.04-1.1-1.1.0-2020.3.03 您的点赞和收藏是我们更新的动力! https://ste...
Créé par Jaxe
With this mod Boomalopes and Boomrats will only explode on death when the killing blow is a gunshot, burn, another explosion or they are otherwise on fire at the time. Melee weapons, medieval ranged weapons and natural causes do not trigger an explosion. T...
Bradson's Main Button Icons for VE Textures
Créé par bradson
Main button icons for mods that lack them, or otherwise look out of place. Just like the other two expansion mods for Vanilla Textures Expanded, except with a few more icons, slightly better compatibility and a different style once again. This isn't relate...
Brain In a Jar
Créé par Roasty Toasty
UPDATED FOR 1.5! Sacrifice people to boost research speed! This mod was created for people with huge mod lists. No longer will researching that mountain of tech be such a monumental feat! Safe to add or remove from existing saves! This mod adds in the abil...
Brain in a Jar - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Brain In a Jar (罐中之脑)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:jessefjxm,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 可摘取人类大脑培养在罐子中,链接研究台增加研究速度。 更新日志: 2022.1.26-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.15 2020.8.16-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.11 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,获取更多汉化发布、更新动态。...
Build From Inventory
Créé par Uuugggg
Construction will use things in your colonist or pack animal's inventory. Your own inventory is used first, then any resources as normal - and then if there's nothing available anywhere, other people's inventory will be used. --- This is perhaps the most u...
Bulk Carrier
Créé par Vaniat
This mod adjusted the mass capacity of vanilla. The adjusted mass capacity is depend on pawn's carrying capacity. If a pawn in caravan, it will carry (35*bodySize)kg in vanilla game. When you active this mod, the pawn will carry (carrying capacity * 0.5)kg...
Bury On The Spot
Créé par Hultis
Have a lot of rotting corpses and no crematorium? No more! With this mod you can bury corpses, creating a hole which disappears after 15 days. Save game compatible. Thanks Robob on Discord for the mod idea! GitHub: https://github.com/dhultgren/rimworld-bur...
Bury On The Spot - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Bury On The Spot (就地掩埋)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Vick,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 你可以就地挖个坑把尸体埋了,15天之后坑和尸体一同消失。 更新日志: 2022.1.26-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.19 2021.1.26-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.11 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,获取更多汉化发布、更新动态。 ...
Call For Intel
Créé par 8Z
Desperate for a quest item? Itching for a bandit camp to fight? With this mod, you can call other factions to get quests at will! Functionality After installing the mod, the comms console will have a new option - Request Intelligence. When calling an ally,...
Créé par Captain Muscles
https://i.imgur.com/Mi8ecQv.gif Adds callouts in text form that occasionally appear above a pawn's head when certain in-game events occur. The callouts use the same grammar rules and concepts as log entries, allowing us to play "Mad-libs" with not only ran...
Callouts Extended!
Créé par Hcup
I love Captain muscle's mod callout. But it seems that he hasn't got the time to update more lines to the game so I decided to add more myself. You now shouldn't see the same line a lot now as this mod adds over 450 new lines and 100 new words for the game...
Créé par Brrainz
You want more zoom and different paning? This little mod enhances the in-game camera so you can zoom in much more than usual. Perfect for this one great screenshot or for showing your viewers all the details while streaming. INCOMPATIBILITIES Some mods mes...
Callouts - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Callouts (文字标识)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Zephyr,leafzxg -繁中:Zephyr,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 当小人触发某些事件时,小人头上会蹦出一段话相对应的话。目前可触发事件有: 远程攻击 近战攻击 远程攻击命中 近战攻击命中 受到其他来源的伤害 致命伤进入下一阶段 征召 *mod自带脏话,所以也翻了些脏话进去。 更新日志: 2022.1.26-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.25 2021.3.04-1...
Camera+ - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Camera+ (镜头缩放增强)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: -让你可以放大/缩小更多,大到可以看到你的小人脸庞,小到可以看到地图的90%左右! -还有敌人会被红点标记让你可以更好的看到大局观(只有人会有标记,机械族,猎杀人类那些不会) -可在mod设置里自行调节参数 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.7 2021.7.18-1.3-1.3....
Camping Tent
Créé par AOBA
For some reason, everyone in rimworld just doesn't make a tent to live in, and now it's time to have a change. https://i.ibb.co/SJjVgfh/desc.png note: There status of the tent value has change but the description in workshop still the old one. pls check be...
Cargo Pod Transport
Créé par AKreedz风影
Code: www.med iafire.com/file/hmu9 52kf79e641i/Helicopter.rar/file (I gave up updating, anyone can use my source code) (Old name is Helicopter MOD) Add Cargo Pod Transport to Rimworld Similar to transporterpod, but Cargo Pod Transport has more capacity and...
Créé par zetrith
Adds camera rotation. Default rotation key (changeable in the options): Numpad Enter Limitations/won't fix: - Pawns not moving straight toward or away from the camera have only right- and left-facing textures available - Many things have only one side-text...
Carry Capacity Fixed
Créé par Dr Zhivago
Public Service Announcement Discord deleted my account / server because I posted a study about COVID-19 derived from the United Kingdom Government. This inability to speak openly and deleting my ability to speak with friends that I have built relationships...
Centralized Climate Control
Centralized Air Cooling/Heating System for RimWorld. Build Large Piped Air Climate Systems away from your buildings. ----- NOTICE: This mod is no longer maintained. Due to recent life changes, It is hard to find time for this mod. The license has been modi...
Centralized Climate Control (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of ColdToads mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=973091113 - Chinese translation by YangHgRi - Added hidden air-pipes on request and grouped the build-buttons - Improved graphics by spoden - Rem...
Créé par N7Huntsman
This mod can also be found on GitHub. Having performance issues? Consider grabbing the Universal Fermenter mod. It changes some functionalities, but also offers performance improvements. About The only comprehensive ceramics and clay mod out there. Ceramic...
Character Editor
Créé par VOID
last update: v1.5.10 build on 2024-05-01 for RimWorld v1.5.4069 Editor for humanlike pawns on map and for crashlanding (colonists, enemies, dead pawns) MOD FEATURES • editor for pawns on map and for crashlanding • editable: body, head, hair, skin color, ap...
Cheaper Components
Créé par PinoChemicali
Reduces the steel cost of making components from 25 to 10. Also reduces the amount of work needed so the job completes faster. Can be added or removed without starting a new game. ...
Children and Pregnancy 简繁汉化包
Créé par Zephyr
Children and Pregnancy - v2.1.0 的简繁汉化包 让小人生出来的婴儿有专门的婴儿贴图,而不是缩小版的人,配套有婴儿床,婴儿专用服饰 mod自带一套怀孕系统,可以在mod选项关闭 兼容性等更多信息请去原mod页面查看,本mod只是汉化包,不包含mod本体 排序自己试试,反正汉化包就排前排后两种 The original author: Thirite , Cheran , Jarry1250 , lellel , Kori , Engadine Maccas, 1997 This ...
Children, school and learning
Créé par Dylan
Version Description: Requires at least HugsLib 7.0.0 Load order // HugsLib // Children, school and learning // Birds&Bees (not required, but has to be after CSL if used - has more fertility related stuff etc.) 1.4 UPDATE: The 1.4 version should wor...
Children, school and learning - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Children, school and learning (孩童与学堂)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 在游戏中添加了生育、儿童、教育等内容。 - 孩子出生即15岁。 - 怀孕功能与动物相同。孩子的外表是基于父母的 - 孩子的技能‘继承’自父母,但会加入随机性的特性 - 避孕药可以制作并控制生育 - 妊娠期为45天(早期15天(不可见,但有机会呕吐)/ 中期15天/ 晚期15天)(可配置...
Créé par 阿剛
各位朋友這個 mod 已經棄用了 請右轉搜尋: 隨機產生中文名稱 ChinesePawnName 2020.08.10 更新 - 修正些姓氏,主要是為之後的新Mod做準備 - 調升了老人暱稱及錨定暱稱出現機率 模組特色: 可以為你Rimworld角色產生中文名稱,包含兩大功能 1.姓名自動產生: 利用豐富文字庫產生姓名 姓氏:290+ 性別字元:500+ 隨機字符:約20000字庫 單個性別可以組合出約10億+姓名 2.暱稱自動產生: 利用現有姓名去產生暱稱 一般性暱稱:哥、姐、弟、妹、大、小、阿...等字...
Créé par topp2000
Introduction: https://www.gamejilu.com/notes/rimworld_clws/ Update log: 0.19.1: support version 0.19. 0.18.1: support version 0.18 to reduce the chance of war bears in the wild. 0.17.2: reduces the probability of recruitment War Bear failure. 0.17.1: suppo...
Créé par topp2000
We need the support of CIWS_ core of near defense system. Introduction: https://www.gamejilu.com/notes/rimworld_clws/ Update log: 0.19.1: support version 0.19. 0.18.1: support version 0.18. 0.17.2: repair known bug. 0.17.1: support version 0.17. 0.16.3: La...
Créé par topp2000
Core mod is the core component of other near defense system CIWS components. A. added item: Biomimetic components: nano robots, language translation dentures, intelligent bionic legs. Medicine: 37 powder, white powder. Fruit of plants: pistachio. Articles:...
Créé par topp2000
Introduction: https://www.gamejilu.com/notes/rimworld_clws/ Update log: 0.19.1: support version 0.19. 0.18.1: Supports version 0.18, because the version adjusts, removes the added mortar, retains only the shells, and adjusts the damage of the tower. 0.17.1...
Créé par topp2000
Add plants: Iron Tree, Silver Tree, Golden Tree, Plasteel Tree, Component Tree, Uranium Tree, fast-growing poplar. Add technology: Forestry Bureau authorizes A (LinYeJuShouQuanA), forestry bureau authorizes B (LinYeJuShouQuanB). Iron Tree: growth period 5 ...
Créé par topp2000
Add 4 levels of shield belt: excellent, sophisticated, epic, legendary. It can block melee weapons and long-range weapons. The first two grades can be made on the machine table. Adding Snow White's coat can cover all parts of the body. Increase heavy trans...
Créé par topp2000
Introduction: https://www.gamejilu.com/notes/rimworld_clws/ Update log: 0.19.1: support version 0.19. 0.18.1: support version 0.18. 0.17.2: add plants: 37. 0.17.1: support version 0.17. 0.16.5: plants change maps, thank you for Yan Chen's photo support. 0....
Créé par topp2000
Introduction: https://www.gamejilu.com/notes/rimworld_clws/ Update log: 0.19.1: support version 0.19. 0.18.1: support version 0.18. 0.17.2: add large thermal power generator to improve the consumption of resources. 0.17.1: support version 0.17. 0.16.1: sup...
Créé par topp2000
Introduction: https://www.gamejilu.com/notes/rimworld_clws/ Update log: 0.19.1: support version 0.19. 0.18.2: Reduce the speed of the nuclear bomb, increase the chances of escaping small people, thank Miss Fishbone for the map support. 0.18.1: support vers...
Clutter Furniture - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Clutter Furniture (杂散家具)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 论坛里的上古老Mod,被复活在工坊了。添加一系列很有意思的家具,贴图很精致。 Ps.作者喜欢玩冷笑话,翻译过来后很怪异,我已经尽力了。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.11 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.05 2020.12.24-1.2-1.2.0-...
Colonist Bar KF 1.1
Créé par Killface
Development stopped. I've ceased all my modding activities, due to lack of free time and new found hobbies. Please enjoy this mod while it's still working with RW 1.0, but don't expect any updates or fixes. More options for the Colonist Bar. - Allows custo...
Colony Leadership
Créé par Golden Retriever
I DID NOT MAKE THIS MOD: All credit goes to Nandonalt. **Updated for Rimworld 1.1** Rimworld 1.0 release can be downloaded from github https://github.com/DonaldM164/ColonyLeadership/releases/tag/1.1.2 Colony Leadership Mod! Elect specialized leaders with i...
Colony Manager
Créé par Fluffy
Colony Manager allows you to make colonists do the more tedious parts of managing a colony, making sure you're never out of vital resources again*. https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Important.png Requires a new save game. Adds a worktype, which is stor...
Color Coded Mood Bar
Créé par PorqueNoLosDos
ColorCodedMoodBar Color code each pawn's mood bar within the colonist bar based on their current mood. A red mood bar indicates the pawn is at or under their extreme mental break threshold, orange indicates the major mental break threshold, yellow indicate...
Combat Extended [1.3]
Créé par N7Huntsman
This upload is no longer maintained. Check out the new, official upload here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2890901044 This mod can also be found on GitHub, as can older releases. This Steam version only supports the most recent ve...
Clutter Structures - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Clutter Structures (杂散结构)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:剑铭,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 论坛里的上古老Mod,被复活在工坊了。添加一系列很有意思的墙、栅栏和地板,贴图很精致。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.11 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.27 2020.12.24-1.2-1.2.0-2020.11.19 2020.4.16...
Créé par ruyan
Clutter Doors A modification/addon to Clutter Door Stuff by mrofa. The original mod can be found here All credit goes to mrofa, be sure to check out his other awesome mods! https://i.imgur.com/d1KtyxB.png This is a pure xml version of the original mod with...
CM Color Coded Mood Bar [1.1+]
Créé par CrashM
CM Color Coded Mood Bar Color code each pawn's mood bar within the colonist bar based on their current mood. Red: extreme mental break threshold Orange: major mental break threshold Yellow: minor mental break threshold Gray: neutral mood Light Blue: conten...
Coffee and Tea - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Coffee and Tea (咖啡与茶)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -原Mod自带的汉化已基本失效,本汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:手闲脚痒,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 增加了咖啡、茶、热巧克力等健康饮品。 更新日志: 2022.1.27-1.3-1.3.0-2021.11.25 2020.12.24-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.10 2020.3.29-1.1-1.1.0-2020.3.09 ———————————————————...
Combat Extended Guns
Créé par N7Huntsman
This mod is also available on Github. https://i.imgur.com/AkHlJ1K.png CE Guns is an addon to CE which adds a selection of guns specifically designed to interact with new CE mechanics. These include weapon types that are missing from vanilla, e.g. belt-fed ...
Combat Extended Melee
Créé par N7Huntsman
This mod can also be found on GitHub. https://i.imgur.com/AkHlJ1K.png An official expansion adding several new melee weapons to take advantage of CE mechanics. This mod adds several new melee weapons, including powered variants with high armor penetration,...
Combat Extended: Shields
Créé par N7Huntsman
https://i.imgur.com/wUP2ztj.png Additional types of shields from a variety of eras. Designed by different cultures for different roles, they allow further specialization of colonists equipped with shields depending upon their role in combat and duty around...
Combat Shields
Créé par N7Huntsman
https://i.imgur.com/wUP2ztj.png Additional types of shields from a variety of eras, usable with melee and certain ranged weapons. Designed by different cultures for different roles, they allow further specialization of colonists equipped with shields depen...
Command Palette
Créé par Fluffy
all your commands in one place https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Features.png Ever been annoyed about the ever increasing number of architect categories? Can't find anything in the 'Furniture', 'More Furniture', 'Furniture Plus' and 'RimKEA Furniture' ...
Common Sense
Créé par avil
Allows your pawns to act smarter. Look up mod settings to know more. Features - (optional) pawns are encouraged to fulfill their need of outdoors by seeking recreation outdoors; - (optional) pawns are encouraged to take account of potential mood in drug po...
Compact Hediffs简繁汉化
Créé par Zephyr
Compact Hediffs的简繁汉化 修改健康标签栏的ui 比如 增加身体部位的健康条,使你可以直观判断部位受损程度 增加病情的免疫条和严重程度条,不再需要移鼠标到病情上才显示免疫性 修改出血和治疗质量的图标等 可在mod设置里自定义显示方式 更多详情见原mod 本mod仅为汉化包,不包含mod本体。排序我自己放后面可以生效 The original author: PeteTimesSix This mod is just a language pack ,you can fand main mod ...
Compact Hediffs
Créé par PeteTimesSix
Alters the health tab hediff listing to be slightly less ugly and slightly more customisable. Features - Customisability - Augmentations (ex: peg legs, archotech eyes, Pawnmorpher morphs) names get folded into the body part's name - Multiple icons for vari...
Conduit Deconstruct
Créé par TheWireLord
This mod was designed to help those players, like myself, that find it annoying to have to delete a single power conduit at a time. With this mod you will be able to not only view your entire power grid (like the blue lines that show up only when using the...
Créé par 黑白灰
可编辑地图允许你配置你想要的地图, 你可以设置各种物品在地图上的密度:废墟、遗迹、矿石、间歇泉、动物、植物、土地肥沃度等等。以及石块种类,水位,山脉海拔等。 ---------------------------------- v1.3 作者1.3更了设置的UI,大部分内容已经汉化,但是部分内容作者没有给出来,所以小部分没有汉化。 v1.4 原Mod作者退坑,亡灵术士Mile接手 Mile的1.4版链接 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?...
Connor the storyteller [1.1-1.2]
Créé par DimonSever000
Connor as a storyteller Q: What does the mod add? A: The mod will add a new storyteller to your game. Q: How does it differ from others? A: Connor has a reduced range of serious threats. In addition, you will get more quests on the map. Clusters of mechano...
[OBSOLETE] Corinthian Royal Armoury
Créé par S16
This mod is obsolete and no longer supported. Reworked 1.4 version here Art and XML by S16 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) This mod was comissioned by DinDin on Rimworld Mod Market ...
Cosmos+ [1.2]
Créé par DimonSever000
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/tms2h8jh2b12nla/info_eng.png Take a look at the mod settings. This might be helpful. You can see more details on my discord server. IV types of satellites: Satellite MK Loyalist It is capable of signaling to orbital trad...
Créé par Jellypowered
Updated 11/01/2022, Removed settings for now, as the settings helper I was using does not play nicely yet. Updated 4/16/2020 with less frequent crafts chat, and added German Translation. Pawns will often chat about skills they both are passionate in. The l...
Craftsmanship Chinese Translation 工术技艺交流 中文汉化
Créé par CaptainSnafu
Just a chinese translation for Craftmanship mod 工术技艺交流 拥有相同兴趣的小人会交流技能技术,增加两人的关系和心情,并传授经验。 扩展了不少原mod的对话文本,略带私货。 必须先订阅本体,并将此mod排序到原mod后面。如果依然无法显示汉化,那是游戏本身的问题,自己去SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1744484845 将Language文件夹复制到 SteamLibrary\steamapps\...
Cryogenic Generator
Créé par Chowder
Adds a powerful ultra-tech cryogenic power generator meant specifically for end-game mountain bases, but still useful for everybody. What're the upsides? This baby pushes 8000 power and once built requires zero maintenance or fuel. Now for the down sides? ...
Cryogenic Generator_zh
Créé par andery233xj
金属蓄电池繁简汉化补丁 翻译:andery233xj(旋风,边缘汉化组) 翻译进度:100% 简介: 新增一种建在粗糙岩石地面上的发电机,产出9000w的电,并骤降周围温度。 不需要燃料及维护,但不能暴露在雨中 使用方法: 启用此模组,并把它排在原模组后面。 更多汉化 Mod 请戳: 【1.0】边缘汉化组 中文 Mod 合集 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1781246546...
Custom Mote Maker
Créé par muyahoya
What is this mod? Simple mod When you select a pawn, the pawn responds! Emoticon changes according to mood. Future plans Add more emoticons Update note 2019-03-01 fixed an error when selecting an animal 2019-03-03 fixed an error when selecting a pawn that ...
Créé par Torann
1.0-1.5 In vanilla RimWorld, human-like pawns that are not part of your colony have a chance to instantly die when downed. Animals have a 50% chance to die when downed. This chance changes depending on the storyteller, current colony population, and diffic...
Cut plants before building[1.0-1.4]
Créé par tammybee
If there is the plant that need to be cut on planned construction site or planned installation site or roof area, The MOD will designate to cut the plant. You can toggle auto felling designation mode by new play settings icon button or shortcut key(Default...
Cyber Fauna 1.4
Créé par DaLLaN
I'll be back as soon as Tynan stops deceiving fans of the game and starts updating the game. Previously, each update to the game introduced new mechanics, such as mood, drugs, and a global map. Now Ludeon is releasing paid mods costing $30 for the unoptimi...
Cybernetic Organism and Neural Network 赛博义体
Créé par Cyan
翻译Mod Cybernetic Organism and Neural Network(赛博义体与神经网络) ================================================================================= 由于个人原因,没有时间和动力去一一维护和测试汉化的完整,但如果发现什么问题可以反馈给我。 2022.11.15 新增繁体汉化(不确保准确) 2022.10.24 更新到1.4 平衡物品制造成本 7/26 更新到1.3 ,无新内容 (3/...
D9 Framework
Créé par dninemfive
Use Community Framework to get these features on RimWorld versions 1.3 and later! A framework mod which provides several useful utilities to mod authors. Doesn't make significant mechanical changes on its own, with the minor exception that it includes Deco...
[SZ] [旧版本适用+全版本纯净版] 含商咀徵——神州文化扩展 Chinese Traditional Cultural Things Expanded
Créé par Diamond.J
Important note: After our appeal, the workshop finally lifted the audit limit of our mod, and the old Shenzhou version can finally be used The difference between the old version and the new version: The old version can be used stably in 1.3 and 1.2 at firs...
[SZ]移商换羽——神州风主题背景故事和其他叙述者部分 Chinese Traditonal Things Expanded Extra pack
Créé par Diamond.J
https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/26/o7l5QXCjAbaEB4z.jpg Shenzhou series link: https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2411388723 (including all the Shenzhou series mods, I recommend everyone to take a look) To learn more about this section in Englis...
Damage Indicators [1.5]
Créé par CaesarV5
A simple QoL mod that shows the damage taken. Original mod ( https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=942369931 ) made by spdskatr, updated to Rimworld 1.5. Updates : 15/03/2024 - Update for Rimworld 1.5 20/10/2022 - Update for Rimworld 1.4 2...
Darth Vader Suit Set
Créé par JangoD'soul
This mod adds Darth Vader Suit Set from Stars Wars Features: - Darth Vader Helmet - Darth Vader Suit ResearchPrerequisite: - Fabrication: Helmet and Suits Commissioned for "MeatyClackers#6999" from "Rimworld Mod Market" Discord. Credits: -StarsWars -JangoD...
Days Matter (fork)
Créé par BrokenBed
This is just update to new version with some changes. Original mod (by WiseClock): https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1208781538 What does this mod do? Days Matter allows you to add and remove memorial days. The colonist will start part...
De-generalize Work
Créé par Alias
Because tailoring and smithing are totally different skills ________________________________________________________________________________ Description: 1.1 lumped SculptingSpeed, SmithingSpeed, and TailorSpeed into one stat (GeneralLaborSpeed), unfortuna...
Dead Goat's Weapon Pack 1
Créé par Dead Goat
A small pack of ranged, melee, and toxic weapons. As well as a less than lethal throwing net. Package contains the first batch of oriningal weapons I made. -------------------Melee------------------- Hatchet Battleaxe Waraxe Claw Cleaver Scythe Knuckles Ra...
Death Rattle
Créé par The Word-Mule
This mod makes it so that people will no longer instantly die when their vital capacities reach zero. If one of your colonists has their liver destroyed by a charge lance, for instance, they will become severely ill and you will have a short window to get ...
Death Rattle Continued [1.2+]
Créé par troopersmith1
Updates to 1.4 will be postponed until further notice. If someone wants to update to 1.4 you are welcome to do so. Source code is available on github. Link in description. Description Updated Death Rattle by The Word-Mule for Rimworld 1.2+, now incorporate...
Death Rattle_ZH
Créé par GHS_GKD
让你的小人命更硬一点 ...
Death Stranding - Incident Sounds
Créé par Higgs
Replaces vanilla sound effects with sound effects from Death Stranding. Sounds replaced: Open & Close Notifications Urgent Letters - Good, Positive, Bad(Big & Small) End Credits Song - Death Stranding - Chvrches Mod Compatibility - Anything that messes wit...
Death Stranding Faction: Homo Demens
Créé par Higgs
This is the first strand-type mod. Death Stranding Factions: Homo Demens The Homo Demens (Latin: "mad man") are a decentralized group of militant separatists. Mod Adds: 1 Faction - Homo Demens ( w/ Scenario ) 3 Weapons - Assault Rifle, Shotgun, & Rocket La...
Death Stranding Faction: Homo Demens - CE Patch
Créé par Higgs
For those CE lovers out there. Original Mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1964678104 Load Order: Combat Extended ----other mods--- Death Stranding Faction: Homo Demens Death Stranding Faction: Homo Demens - CE Patch ----other mods...
Death Stranding Factions - MULEs
Créé par Higgs
This is the second strand-type mod. Death Stranding Factions: MULEs The MULEs, also called Homo gestalts due to their irrational obession with their profession, are a faction of cargo thieves that ambush traders on deliveries or infiltrating their camps. M...
Death Stranding Faction: Porters
Créé par Higgs
This is the third strand-type mod. Death Stranding Faction: Porters Porters are freelance delivery personnel commissioned to transport cargo to and from clients across the Rim. Mod Adds 1 Faction - Porters + Scenario 2 Utility Tool - Porter Stick - Bola Gu...
Deep Stack
Créé par VOID
last update:2024-04-17 (for RimWorld 1.5.4066) Increases stacksize for all stackable items. MOD FEATURES • 1000 for small stacks, 10000 for big stacks • 50 for stone chunks • works with other stack mods, like Extended Storage MOD SETTINGS • Small Stack Siz...
Deep Storage Plus
Créé par Skyrunner
Deep Storage Plus This is an extension mod to Deep Storage, adding a series of storage buildings that are carefully designed and balanced to fit in the gaps of the options provided by LWM's Deep Storage without bloating the Storage tab. Each storage buildi...
Deep Storage Plus - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Deep Storage Plus (深度存储拓展)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 在 LWM's Deep Storage (深度存储单元) Mod的基础上新增: 器官冰箱:一种用于储存器官、假肢和其他人体部件的深度隔温冷冻箱。 储液桶:用于储存液体的大桶。一个桶内只能存储同种类型的液体。 柴火架:一种用于在室外储存木柴的金属架子,顶部的遮雨盖能够避...
Smart Speed
Créé par Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png Updated 16/03/24: Updated to 1.5 Features: - Enables ultra fast speed without developer mode - Adds ultra speed icon - Allows you to set Event speed multiplier by right clicking the speed arrows. Event speed multiplier defin...
Smarter Construction
Créé par Hultis
Stop your pawns from constantly building themselves into a wall or blocking something that hasn't been built yet. Great for filling sapper tunnels and rebuilding walls. Currently only affects construction (not installing minified structures). Can be added ...
Smarter Deconstruction and Mining
Créé par legodude17
Stops your pawns from collapsing roofs on top of themselves while deconstructing and mining. Great for tearing down buildings all in one go, removing random structures without worrying about the roofs, removing mountains, and just generally not worrying so...
Snap Out!
Créé par Weil
https://i.imgur.com/TUwekIZ.png https://i.imgur.com/cMzeQ7d.png 19/10/22 - 1.4 update 5/8/21 - Simplified Chinese translation 10/7/21 - 1.3 update 9/1/21 - Italian translation; Remove hit counter; Remove Harmony dependency 1/10/20 - Update formula; Revamp ...
Snap Out! - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Snap Out! (振作起来!)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 当殖民地的小人出现精神崩溃的时候,是否想到如果有人能去安慰他们,帮助他们尽快走出崩溃的心理状态? 这个MOD就是为此而生。当你的殖民地里有人出现精神崩溃,而失控的时候,让你的其他小人去安慰难说的小人吧。同时也能减少更多的损失之前。平息失控的小人。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-202...
Snowy Trees
Créé par Alias
Original mod by Nandonalt, updated to Harmony/a17 by Tejko _______________________________________________________________ Description: Makes plants snowy when they are covered by snow. Credits: Orange Peel Assassin Purple Gator Ninja Nandonalt Tejko Githu...
Smart Medicine
Créé par Uuugggg
Some smart choices and options when using medicine --- "Alright, that raider base was tough, but we killed them all and we can recover here for a day" "I'm going to rest until healed" "I will patch up that wound for you" "Good thing we brought medicine on ...
Skilled Stonecutting
Créé par PinoChemicali
Makes stonecutting give crafting skill increases (again). Also makes more skilled crafters create blocks more quickly. In earlier versions of RImworld, stonecutting chunks into blocks gave pawns increases in their crafting skill. As of B18, it gives no ski...
【停止维护】Simple Storage & Simple Storage - Refrigeration - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Simple Storage AND Simple Storage - Refrigeration(简易收纳和制冷)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Zephyr,leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:Zephyr,leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 适用于以下Mod: -Simple Storage -Simple Storage - Refrigeration 简介: —————— -Simple Storage 简易收纳:添加了许多原版...
Simple Slavery Collars - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Simple Slavery Collars (便捷奴役)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 适配文化DLC的奴隶机制,添加各种不同功能的奴隶项圈。 可以自定义其中一些机制,比如奴隶阶段机制,当奴隶阶段满足一定条件后有加成甚至能直接同化。 更新日志: 2022.1.27-1.3-1.3.0-2021.9.13 2021.2.15-1.2-1.2.0-2021.1.02 —...
Simple sidearms
Créé par PeteTimesSix
With the invention of pockets comes the idea of bringing EVEN MORE WEAPONS. Because your snipers are getting really tired of getting shanked. See forum thread for details. https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=32497.0 Non-steam version and old releases...
[DISCONTINUED] Simple Search Bar
Créé par gguake
This mod will not update after v1.3 because official updates contains similar utilities. Thank you for using it so far. ----- This mod adds simple search bar to below list. - stockpile, bill filter - caravan, transporter dialog - trade dialog Maybe compati...
【停止维护】Silkiera Race - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
停止维护,最后更新版本:1.3 之后的版本已由热心人士接手,请移步 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941726669 本人不再维护所有以外星人框架为前置mod 的种族mod汉化 Silkiera Race (亚人兽娘)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 新增亚人兽娘种族包。 更新日志: 202...
Silent Jungle Insects
Créé par Saucy_Pigeon
Removes the tinnitus-inducing ambient jungle insect sound. Save game compatible - add and remove with no problems....
Silent Doors (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of Mittsies mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=933010556 - Replaced old code with a patch-based code instead. - Added support for Doors Expanded https://i.imgur.com/pufA0kM.png https://i.imgur....
Créé par erdelf
Similar functionality in the base game since 1.3.3093. You want to know what mod an item/pawn/backstory etc. is from ? This mod adds a new line at the end of the description with the name of the mod Preview image done by Mitz https://github.com/RimWorld-CC...
Créé par roolo
Your colonists can never be a true Rambo if they cannot gun while they are running. Therefore, this mod adds a mode that, when enabled, allows drafted colonists and NPC pawns to shoot while moving at the cost of an accuracy and movement penalty . These pen...
Créé par user19990313
RuntimeGC In-Game Cleaner for 1.0 (build 2059/2096) This mod supports the following languages : English,繁簡中文,日本語,German,Spanish. This mod is also published on Ludeon Forum. Click Here for previous releases and licenses. Click Here for GitHub repo. Buy a co...
RuntimeGC Unofficial 1.2 Fork
Créé par 🏵 doll parts
========================================================================= YOU DONT NEED THIS ANYMORE!!!! USE THIS MOD INSTEAD WHICH DOES THE SAME THING BUT BETTER https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2479389928 ===========================...
RW of Magic---Scholar
Créé par 骸鸾
A class expansion pack for Rimworld of Magic 3 new abilities 1 new class 4 new thing --NEED A MAGIC OF RIMWORLD MOD-- Abilities: condense Crystal:condense a crystal of mana,When it is absorbed, Absorber will rapidly recover mana,and there are no side effec...
Créé par Brrainz
This neat little mod allows multiple colonists to be drafted at the same location. Perfect to put two or more colonists into the same door or move them around when the enemies starts pushing back with grenades. It also allows you to simply drag your drafte...
Show Draftees Weapon
Créé par Targhetti
This mod is obsolete as of the 1.4 update, which includes this functionality in the base game. :) Final Update As of the 1.4 update the base game has added a similar feature making this mod redundant. This mod will not be updated for version 1.4, but it wi...
Créé par Diamond.J
如图和如题所示,一个能把动物从家中赶出去的mod,很方便,简单汉化了一下里面的shoo的提示内容 如果有不完善的地方,欢迎指正! This is a translation park ,Thanks to the author of shoo! A very useful mod...
Créé par Jamaican Castle
Update 3/16/24: Now supports version 1.5. Rebalanced shooing chance so that it's more consistent across a broader spectrum of common animals, while still penalizing very large and untameable animals as intended. Adds a new designator that allows you to har...
Shields Master Merge简繁汉化
Créé par 呱呱
Shields Master Merge简中汉化 介绍:增加了3种护盾。 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 另外工坊里只有1.0版和1.2版,1.1版去这里下载https://github.com/JonnyNova/Rimworld-Shields PS:萌新汉化,有问题留言,有不错的mod也可以留言我会看看。 统一回复下,很抱歉由于个人原因,无法后续维护更新。正常来说,只要mod本体文本没有更新的话,把汉化mod里面的ChineseSimplified,覆盖到mod本体的ChineseSim...
Shield Generators by Frontier Developments
Créé par captinjoehenry
-- This is just an update to 1.2 with climate control. It might still work with RedistHeat or CombatExtended but it is not for sure. -- Let me know if you encounter any bugs or issues and I'll try my best to fix them. Allows for the building shield generat...
Créé par NukaFrog
Draw Sheath and Weapon Feature When pawn drafted or not, draw a Sheath and Sword. This mod is frame work for Sheath only draws additional images. + can use sample Weapon. Three example swords are added to this mod. Dagger, OneHanded Sword TwoHanded Sword T...
Share The Load [Obsolete 1.5]
Créé par Uuugggg
Obsolete in 1.5: Minor features will be found in the TD Enhancement Pack What 1.5 has that Share the Load did ☑️Share The Load tracks what is needed and doesn't deliver too much. ☑️Option to deliver even if there's not enough to finish the building What 1....
Set Up Camp - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Set Up Camp(露营地)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:BOXrsxx -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: A16世界地图出现后崛起,知名度最高的大地图类mod。国民级mod。使远行队能够在没有其他据点的地区位置建立临时定居点。新维护者对其进行了优化,设定更合理,并有更多内容可以自行设置。 是否兼容已有存档:可以 强度及特点: 综合正义度:中等(4 开启露营地事件,设定停留时间)- 正义(14 关闭露营地所有事件,无限时间) 特点:使远行队能...
Selectable Sculpture Graphic[B19]
Créé par tammybee
You can change sculpture graphic. This MOD is powered by Harmony Patch Library. 彫刻の画像を選択できるようにします。 このMODはHarmony Patch Libraryを使用しています。 1.0 version : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1537873717 Language - English - Japanese - German (...
Search and Destroy
Créé par roolo
Tired of pawns lounging about during the heat of the battle after their first kill? Or got an easy raid and don't want to micromanage everything? Toggle Search and Destroy to let the AI take control over your pawns while you sit back and enjoy the slaughte...
Save Our Ship 2 - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Save Our Ship 2 (拯救飞船2)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg,CaptainSnafu,Arkngs-Lappland,Zephyr,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,Zephyr,MZM_GOW 版本由CaptainSnafu汉化,版本开始由边缘汉化组接手,感谢Zephyr带来版本的汉化更新,感谢Lappland带来版本的汉化更新,感谢MZM_GOW带来及之后版本2022版完全重译校对,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 扩展...
Save Our Ship 2
Créé par Kentington
https://i.imgur.com/fEkUafu.png Save Our Ship 2 is an unofficial expansion for RimWorld. Build a liveable spaceship and continue your colonists' stories in orbit - engaging in ship-to-ship combat with pirates, searching derelicts for treasure, and perhaps ...
Créé par hop
SatisfiedStorage adds the options to only refill a storage spot once it has dropped below a configurable level. Useful for when your colonists are hauling single meals around every time one gets eaten, instead of hauling a stack of 10 when the fridge empti...
Run and Hide (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of Linqs mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1552457762 - Added Russian translation, made by user: I'm sorry - Added French translation, thanks qux! - German translation added, thanks Dimos! - A...
RT Solar Flare Shield
Créé par Ratysz
Researchable (RT Mods research tab) magnetic shield to protect colony electronics from EMI and solar flares. The device heats up considerably while engaged, so plan accordingly! Does not require a new colony to add or remove (might throw a one-time error)....
RT Power Switch
Créé par Ratysz
A new researchable (RT Mods research tab) function for the power switch: when enabled, a new settings tab will become available on the power switch, allowing precise configuration of how should the switch react to changes in stored energy levels in an adja...
RT Fuse
Créé par Ratysz
Researchable (RT Mods research tab) electric fuses to mitigate short circuits. When placed anywhere on a power network, each fuse will safely discharge up to three of network's batteries, mitigating or preventing the explosion. Does not require a new colon...
Defensive Machine Gun Turret Pack
Créé par sumghai
An updated version of the original mod by Coalcat (aka Blackie), the Defensive Machine Gun Turret Pack adds a variety of manned and automated sentry machine guns to protect your colony from pesky tribals, raiders and the occasional manhunting Thrumbo. http...
Defensive Positions
Créé par Symbolic
Allows your colonists to remember their position during base defense. You can send off your colonists to their positions with a single click. Also provides keys to quickly create and select groups of colonists for easier control in battle. Contains Basic a...
Créé par rselbo
Description Adds a machine with the ability to repair skin damage. Requires dermal regeneration research. Once machine is built, click on a colonist and use contextual menu on the machine, any permanent injury (scar) will be gradually healed while Dermal R...
Designator Shapes
Créé par Merthykins
Allows you to build, mine, zone, etc. in various shapes, such as (both filled and outline): - Line (including diagonal and freeform) - Rectangle - Ellipse - Circle - Pentagon - Hexagon Also includes these pre-defined object shapes (both filled and outline)...
Desire Paths
Créé par Fluffy
Creates packed dirt paths when colonists frequently take the same path. https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Features.png Packed dirt has a higher move speed than most other 'natural' terrains, but it does track a lot of dirt around and has no fertility. ...
Dev In Your Language
Créé par alatta
Localizable developer actions and view settings Dev In Your Language exposes hardcoded or generated strings of developer tools, allowing translators of various languages to localize them. Why? I don't know. Maybe it will enhance cheating experiences of you...
Dev In Your Language_zh
Créé par LingLuo
Localization of developer content based on Dev In Your Language...
Créé par spincrus
ANNOUNCEMENT (19 September 2022) A brand new DINOSAUR mod has been released! Brought to you by the awesome people over at Biomes!, lead by my good friend Draegon1993, a new mod by the name of Biomes! Prehistoric has been released. Click here for Biomes! Pr...
Diseases Overhauled [Adopted]
Créé par Ogliss
Reupload of Mythos' Diseases Overhauled General information This is an unofficial update of PhileasFogg's mod which can be found on the Ludeon Forums New drugs https://i.imgur.com/5eZnq5N.png Detoxamin, a drug that reduces toxic sensitivity by isolating an...
Dismiss Trader (Continued)简繁汉化
Créé par Zephyr
赶走交易者。只需点击一个按钮,就可以摆脱那些在你殖民地里游手好闲的商人。送走交易者,让他们离开。 请排序在原mod后 这个汉化以前是整合在原mod里的,但原mod里的汉化不知为何变成了乱码。 更多详情请看原mod 本mod仅为汉化包,不包含mod本体。加载在原mod后 PS. This is just a language pack ,you can find main mod by right link....
Do Something for Idle
Créé par gguake
This mod makes colonists to do something instead of wandering when they are idle. For instance, - Taking a break time - Practice melee weapon - Throwing stones etc. There are some useful actions but there are many useless action too. This mod may make your...
Do Something for Idle - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Do Something for Idle (摸鱼)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233 -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 一款能让玩家的殖民者在【闲逛】状态下,可以进行一些随机活动的MOD,比如丢小石子,保养武器,偷看别人工作等。是一个比较“无聊”的MOD。但是能让玩家的小人看起来更加的能摸。 更新日志: 2022.12.21-1.4-1.4.0-2022.11.27 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7....
Créé par Dr Zhivago
Public Service Announcement Discord deleted my account / server because I posted a study about COVID-19 derived from the United Kingdom Government. This inability to speak openly and deleting my ability to speak with friends that I have built relationships...
Don't Drop Weapon
Créé par tachi
A simple mod that makes it so when your pawn gets downed they don't drop their weapon. This is The Version For vets with too much battlefield junk. On death, Pawns do not drop their inventory automatically. Manually strip to obtain items. Original Link ---...
Don't Block Door
Créé par tikubonn
Overview this MOD fixes a pandemic that has plagued many a world on the Rim: doors being wedged open. whether it's prisoners escaping, invaders rushing in, or temperature leaking out, unwanted open doors have led to disasters in many colonies. my MOD preve...
Door Mat
Créé par dracoix 🐉
ORIGINAL AUTHOR: Latta ORIGINAL WORKSHOP URL: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=727309536 For your cleaning needs. Ported to B19, 1.0, and 1.x by dracoix. NON-STEAM v1.1: Download v1.1 Release LEGACY 1.0: Download R1.0 Port 1.5 Update!...
Doors Expanded (Dev)
Créé par lbmaian
IMPORTANT You MUST UNSUBSCRIBE from the official version of Doors Expanded - unfortunately, their subscriptions are mutually exclusive. You will get an error about duplicate packageId if you are subscribed to both versions (packageId is not changed for mod...
Doors Expanded - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Doors Expanded (门类拓展)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: 该MOD会给玩家新增多种风格与尺寸不同的门。 新增的门有原版拉伸2格与3格的门,为强迫症免除要一个1X2还是1X1的门的烦恼,以为你还有1X3的门可供选择。 其余的新增了一款1X2的老式城堡大门以及1X1的吊帘门与一个高防御性的防爆门。 新增可远程遥控开关的遥控门1X1、2X1可供选择。 更新日志: 20...
Down For Me
Créé par aRandomKiwi
https://i.imgur.com/OPlXBLl.png Allow your pawn to pretend to be downed. No more wounded pawn crawling back to nearest medical unit. Now you can set them down and take care of them, without having to punch them until they are knocked out ;) Thanks to @5kat...
Dragons Descent
Créé par Onyxae
https://i.imgur.com/Ce52Rxk.png https://i.imgur.com/5L22ET5.png https://i.imgur.com/JKC25Xv.png https://i.imgur.com/Adi0mNG.png Version No flying but hopping (Version 5.1) I've had to remove some abilities like flight and some other minor graphical effects...
Dragon's Descent Chinese Pack
Créé par 混沌の味方
the Chinese pack of Onyxae's Dragon's Descent mod Onyxae的龙裔mod的简体中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载 简体中文汉化,简繁兼用。 基于1.0版本的龙mod进行了升级,添加了数种形态各异的龙和新故事开局。 汉化上若有问题请于评论区反馈。...
Créé par NukaFrog
This mod is last version Dragonian mod Backup Data. It is compatible with the last version Dragonian mod savefile. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -They live in cold regions. -possible to colle...
Dragonian Race
Créé par NukaFrog
Mod Load Order Core AlienRace2.0 Show Hair ... This Mod Dragonian Race Mod A humanlike race version of Dragonian - Appeared only slave and wildman - Good at melee combat - Strong Body (resilience, resistance) - Low working speed, high yield (harvest & mini...
Dragonian Race Factions and Scenarios
Créé par Aperture staff
Mod adds two factions (good and evil tribe), two scenarios and allows you to start the game with the race of dragonians. There are two scenarios "Dragonian Wild" and "Dragonian Tribe" (based on these scenarios you can create your own), the scenarios differ...
Dress Patients
Créé par eagle0600
Creates a new job to dress patients and corpses in clothing of your choice. Details With a colonist selected, right click on the target and choose "Dress <name>" from the drop-down menu, then select your choice of apparel from your stockpile. The selected ...
Dress Patients - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Dress Patients (帮人穿衣)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:手闲脚痒 -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 这个mod能让你帮助瘫在床上没法自己穿衣服的人穿好衣服,让他们不再受到温度惩罚或是裸体/磨损的衣物惩罚。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.21 2021.8.28-1.3-1.3.0-2021.8.18 2020.12.24-1.2-1.2.0-2020.9.25 2020.4.16-1...
Dual Wield
Créé par roolo
Pistols are boring? Not when you dual wield them like Lara Croft! This mod allows your colonists to dual wield any weapon you allow in the mod options, including weapons added by other mods. Dual wielding does come with accuracy and firing rate penalties w...
Dub's Paint Shop
Créé par Dubwise
A painting tool to change the colour of most buildings, apparel, zones and constructed terrain. Multiplayer ready Toggle between job based painting or instant. Paint bed sheets with ctrl+click. Paint tool can be found in any architect menu near the cancel ...
Dubs Apparel Tweaks
Créé par Dubwise
Change equip speed, hide hats indoors/in bed, show hair under hats. This is a simple mod i made to do a couple of small tweaks to the way apparel works. All options are off by default. Mod options: Adjust equip speed by a %, or just a flat rate for all app...
Dubs Apparel Tweaks - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Dubs Apparel Tweaks (Dubs服装调整)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 你是否对一顶小帽子就能遮住小人的漂亮长发感到困扰?自己决定各种帽子对发型的遮盖程度是不是很不错? 你是否对小人在室内还全副武装感到困惑?甚至睡觉时还戴着帽子? 你是否设想过只有在征召时才穿上装备才是合理的? 你是否对某些装备超长的装备时间感到愤怒? 用这个Mod吧,自行设定各项功能来解决你的困扰。 更...
Dubs Bad Hygiene
Créé par Dubwise
Adds a sewage system, toilets, bathing, hygiene related needs and mood effects, central heating, water, irrigation, fertilizer, air conditioning, hot tubs, kitchen sinks, you name it!. Includes Lite mode. Multiplayer ready WIKI Take me to the wiki Works wi...
Dubs Bad Hygiene - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Dubs Bad Hygiene (卫生与温控)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,原Mod的内置汉化也是由边缘汉化组提供,这次单独发布意在方便玩家反馈汉化疏漏之处,并且及时更新、查漏补缺。原Mod的内置汉化仍然会更新,但为了不频繁麻烦作者,所以一般一个版本只提交一次,想要更新、更完整的汉化请订阅此汉化包。 翻译: -简中:BOXrsxx,leafzxg,RicoFox233,MZM_GOW -繁中:BOXrsxx,leafzxg,RicoFox233,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁...
Dubs Break Mod
Créé par Dubwise
Changes how mental breaks are triggered, e.g. for an extreme break a pawn has to have at least 1 extreme -20 thought, rather than a few small niggles. This is just a micro mod I don't like the way that a pawn can go on a murder spree just because they slep...
Dubs Mint Menus
Créé par Dubwise
Adds new list boxes for recipe bills, health bills, plant selection, architect menu, research menu, and a quick select menu for designators, making it easier to find things when lots of mods are running. New Mint wheel, a floating designator selector that ...
Dubs Mint Menus - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Dubs Mint Menus (Dubs新潮界面)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,汉化组重译,精心修订。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 将原版「建筑规划」选项卡替换为Mod新增的「新潮建造界面」 将原版「研究」选项卡替换为Mod新增的「新潮研究界面」 修改种植栏、清单栏 新增快捷指令轮盘 总之就是优化UI、各种信息一目了然,方便你的游戏,增强你的操作体验 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10...
Dubs Mint Minimap
Créé par Dubwise
Adds a minimap, with some options, doesn't hurt fps, ping tool for multiplayer. Multiplayer ready Click the minimap button in the bottom right control gorup, or set a keybind to open https://i.imgur.com/elEt2m1.png https://i.imgur.com/5Szqiqo.png Discord f...
Dubs Paint Shop - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Dub's Paint Shop (Dubs着色工具)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 利用这个Mod提供的着色工具,你可以自由给建筑物、服装或地板着色,调色、取色、擦除也很方便。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.14 2021.8.01-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.19 2021.5.30-1.2-1.2.1-2020.8.02 2020.12.20...
Dubs Performance Analyzer
Créé par Dubwise
This is a dry boring technical tool to analyze the cpu usage of specific parts of the game to help players and modders figure out performance issues. Also includes some optimizations! Don't go witch hunting modders, join the discord to discuss and analyze ...
Dubs Rimkit
Créé par Dubwise
Set of accessories with abilities and stat boosts. Multiplayer ready Medkit accessory with buttons allowing the colonist to bandage their own wounds or others on the spot. Repair kit accessory which allows constructors to salvage broken components while re...
Dubs Skylights
Créé par Dubwise
Simple skylight you can install into roofs to let in sunlight. Grow plants under sunlight indoors, also allows trees to be grown indoors. Build Indoor gardens where colonists can do outdoors activities by making a 100 cell room with at least 50 cells cover...
Dubs Skylights Addon
Créé par BJR1984
Simple window for allowing sunlight to pass through constructed roofs. Powered by Harmony I added a 1x2, 1x3, 2x3, 2x4, 3x4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x7, 4x4, NEW - 1x5, 1x6, 1x7, 1x8, 1x9, 1x10, 1x11, 1x12, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, 8x8, 9x9, 10x10, 11x11, 12x12 Skylights Added D...
Dynamic Diplomacy
Créé par NilchEi
This mod allows NPC faction to interact with each other without any player input. These events operate on independent timer and do not affect frequency of other events. It is also possible to enable/disable any event added by this mod to better fit player'...
Dynamic Diplomacy 动态外交 简繁汉化包
Créé par Shavius
目前1.5版本的Dynamic Diplomacy已经内置了汉化,此mod不再必要,本汉化包仅供旧版使用 1.5版指路:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3220299022 汉化了Dynamic Diplomacy这个mod,它使用随机事件让派系之间的关系动态变化以及让NPC攻城略地...
Easy Speedup
Créé par fyarn
Simple-to-activate 4x speed with GUI icon or keyboard key '4'. No dev mode required! Download Github (with Source): https://github.com/fyarn/EasySpeedup Direct: https://github.com/fyarn/EasySpeedup/archive/master.zip Steam: https://steamproxy.net/share...
Easy Upgrades - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Easy Upgrades (简易升级)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Zephyr,leafzxg -繁中:Zephyr,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 该Mod可以将烧油的建筑升级为用电的,或者将用电的降级为烧油的,还可以提升武器、装备等有品质物品的品质等级。 更新日志: 2022.1.26-1.3-1.3.0-2021.10.05 2020.12.24-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.28 2020.7.16-1.1-1.1.0-2020...
Eccentric Tech - Cosmetic Modifications [Legacy]
Créé par Aelanna
LEGACY MOD This mod is for older versions of Rimworld. Please check out Eccentric Tech - Cosmetic Modifications 2.0 for Rimworld 1.3! Across the long history and thousands of cultures of humanity, people have applied a dizzying array of modifications to th...
Eccentric Tech - Flares [Legacy]
Créé par Aelanna
LEGACY MOD This mod is for older versions of Rimworld. Please check out Eccentric Tech - Flares 2.0 for Rimworld 1.3! ======== Contents This simple mod adds four new items: Flares requires Machining Crafted at Machining Table using 20 Wood and 40 Chemfuel ...
Eccentric Tech - Foxy's Armory [Legacy]
Créé par Aelanna
LEGACY MOD This is an outdated version for Rimworld 1.0-1.2. Please check out Eccentric Tech - Foxy's Armory 2.0 for Rimworld 1.3! ======== Updated for Combat Extended 2.0! Foxy's Armory has been updated for CE 2.0 (official manifest version for R...
Créé par Jaxxa
Version: Links to all my mods including non steam versions available at: https://github.com/jaxxa/JaxxaRimworldReleaseCollection/blob/master/README.md This Project contains common code that is used between several of my mod projects. This mod itsel...
Créé par Jaxxa
Version: 5.0.0 Links to all my mods including non steam versions available at: https://github.com/jaxxa/JaxxaRimworldReleaseCollection/blob/master/README.md Adds embrasures for that can be shot through, while blocking passage, giving your colonists an adva...
Créé par Jaxxa
Version: Links to all my mods including non steam versions available at: https://github.com/jaxxa/JaxxaRimworldReleaseCollection/blob/master/README.md This now requires the seperate Harmony Mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?i...
Créé par Jaxxa
Version: Links to all my mods including non steam versions available at: https://github.com/jaxxa/JaxxaRimworldReleaseCollection/blob/master/README.md Adds a Drilling Laser Targeting system that allows the creation or removal of steam vents. After ...
Créé par Jaxxa
Version: Links to all my mods including non steam versions available at: https://github.com/jaxxa/JaxxaRimworldReleaseCollection/blob/master/README.md This mod allows you to research and construct shield generators. They are resource and power inte...
ED-Shields РУС
Créé par [Unknown]᠌
IT IS A TRANSLATION Машинное преобразование и последующий Гугл перевод мода ED-Shields на русский. Любой порядок загрузки, НО: – Если мод содержит перевод и Вы хотите заменить его, то загружать перед основным модом (т.е. выше в списке). – Если дополнить, т...
EdB Prepare Carefully
Créé par edbmods
Customize your RimWorld colonists, choose your gear and prepare carefully for your crash landing! Use the optional point limits to try to create a balanced start or keep points disabled to build the starting group that you always wanted to try. Save your s...
EdB Prepare Carefully_zh
Créé par LingLuo
翻译:AutoWave、LingLuo 边缘汉化组官网:Rimworld-zh.com 这是个独立完整的Mod,不需要与英文原版同时安装 精心准备 中文版(简、繁) 版本:1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4 本模组为 EdB Prepare Carefully 中文化版本。 遵循 MIT 许可协议 原模组:http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=735106432 角色人数过多、物品过多、花费点数过高等,有可能导致开局时人物消失。 如果你遇到无...
Eiten's Add New Race Mod Faller. For Garam
Créé par エイテン
彼らはいったい何者なのだろうか・・・ 空から降りてきた堕天使か、宇宙から飛来したエイリアンか、はたまた異世界からの闖入者か? 不思議な有翼種族であるフォーラーをプレイアブル種族として追加します。 彼らは自分で新たな知恵を生み出すことが出来ません。 古くよりヒトのそばで生き、時には共に永き友情を築き、時にはヒトに搾取され玩具のように扱われることもありました。 彼らは同程度の技能を持つヒトより高く取引され、特に富裕層のペットとしての需要が高い種族です。 外見こそヒトに近いですが、体内構造は未知の領域が多く奇妙な...
Electric Stonecutting Table
Créé par Cocaine™
This mod adds an electrically powered version of the stone cutting table that works at 175% of normal vanilla speed. Power shortages will knock your stonecutting speed down below the unpowered bench. Requires research so the normal stone cutting table won'...
Empire -100 goodwill in scenarios Fix
Créé par rot03065
The following mod list will not be permanent -100 goodwill. 1.You don't need to subscribe all mod, just a single race mod is fine. 2. If you add this mod in the middle way, although it shows the -100 goodwill, you can improve the goodwill, like after airdr...
Endless Rimworld
Créé par blobwatanabe
Obsolete as of version 1.5 Since a variation of this mod's behavior has been incorporated into the base game as of version 1.5, there will be no further updates. If you do prefer this mod's behavior (spawning a random wanderer after colony death instead of...
Enemy Self Preservation
Créé par Murmur
BE AWARE THAT THIS MOD WILL DECREASE COMBAT DIFFICULTY SIGNIFICANTLY. Humanoid enemies are no longer suicidal and will flee from combat when they are in a significant amount of pain. It is designed to be used with my other mod Faction Raid Cooldown, but ca...
Enhanced Battery
Créé par NukaFrog
Enhanced Battery Mod provides Five more available Batteries and three additional Research. Each battery has its own characteristics and is designed vanilla Friendly. Feature - Add New Research - Add New Batteries Prototype ChargeBack Battery: Provides ener...
EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC expansion
Créé par Tarojun
An optional expansion, that adds several new prosthesis and three new improvement type research for the Royalty DLC. - Advanced drill arm (Removed movement speed penalty) - Advanced field hand (Removed movement speed penalty) - Bionic hand talon (Improved ...
EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC expansion - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC expansion (扩展假体与器官工程-扩展分支:皇权DLC附加扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: EPOE-Forked作者为皇权DLC制作的仿生体扩展。 更新日志: 2022.12.23-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.13 2021.7.31-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.06 2020.12...
Epona Race
Créé par PePeTan
Order - HAR - MoHAR - Epona Race Epona is a genetically modified organism created to replace silicon-based artificial intelligence life on a thriving planet afraid of the Mechanoid Rebellion. Epona was built on horses, humans and insects, and replaced indu...
Erin's Decorations
Créé par Erin
https://i.imgur.com/Fw3SmMa.png A collection of decorative items to spruce up your colony! Plushies, doormats, pillows, oh my! Most of these can be placed on tables, dressers, etc, too! So go wild and decorate that bland base of yours! <3 After you researc...
Erin's Decorations - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Erin's Decorations (简约家居)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,TrVi -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 添加了诸如枕头、蜡烛,书本,笔记本电脑等等的可用于装饰个人房间个性化的建筑物品。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.12 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.17 2021.4.21-1.2-1.2.0-2021.4.21 ——————————...
Erin's Hairstyles - Redux
Créé par Erin
https://i.imgur.com/zufEPvZ.png A collection of hairstyles to add a bit more variety on the Rim. This is a reworked, redrawn version of my previous mod, with many more styles! While this mod is content-complete, there may be updates in the future, so keep ...
Erin's Mountain Animals
Créé par Erin
https://i.imgur.com/x0Wnkci.png A collection of fluffy mountain-dwelling animals to populate the colder biomes of the rim and provide colonists with warm cuddles! Provided you can tame them first, of course. https://i.imgur.com/yz4n0Ci.png https://i.imgur....
Eternal Youth Traits
Créé par hamu-taro
Eternal Youth Traits MOD.1.4.0 This mod is add new traits. - "Eternal youth" : does not age. (stop biologial age) - "Ammortal" : was never living. (only work player faction-colonists) (but doesn't neutralize damage). - "Immortal" : cannot die or age. ("Ete...
Everybody Gets One
Créé par Uuugggg
Set a bill to craft things until there's one for each member of the colony. When someone joins, the bill target count automatically increases. Features - "One per colonist + X" : Set it "+2" to keep two *extra* hats around, "-2" for hats for everyone but t...
Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering (扩展假体与器官工程)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带的汉化版本已落后,部分新文本未汉化,此汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:风之起灵,leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 扩展了原版的身体部件,腿、臂、胃、眼球、鼻子、耳朵、下颌,这些自然身体部件可以摘取了。 扩展了原版的简易假体,加入替代体器官。 扩展了原版的仿生体,加入实用的肋骨替换。 加...
EPOE-Forked: Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering - Forked
Créé par Victorique
https://i.imgur.com/7EMupXI.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/DADdOm0.png https://i.imgur.com/oF7vHe2.png Originally inspired by Ykara's EPOE, this mod sought to fix the reduntant, downright byzantine lines of code as well as bring the values of most prosthetics back...
EPOE-Forked - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering - Forked (扩展假体与器官工程-扩展分支)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带的汉化版本已落后,部分新文本未汉化,此汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:风之起灵,leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: EPOE的扩展改良版,与EPOE不兼容! 更新日志: 2024.10.5-1.5-1.5.1-2024.8.12 ...
Export Agency
Créé par erdelf
You ever get tired of setting up bills, outfits, storage settings etc. every new game ? Well then this mod is for you here. Export for Bills (including medical operations) and Storage Settings DrugPolicies and Outfits are now shared among every Save. Textu...
Extended Turrets简繁汉化
Créé par 呱呱
Extended Turrets简中汉化 介绍:增加了4种强化炮塔。强化炮塔,轻型狙击炮塔,光棱炮塔,能量炮塔 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 PS:萌新汉化,有问题留言,有不错的mod也可以留言我会看看。 统一回复下,很抱歉由于个人原因,无法后续维护更新。正常来说,只要mod本体文本没有更新的话,把汉化mod里面的ChineseSimplified,覆盖到mod本体的ChineseSimplified,都是可以使用的。此外有汉化作者愿意接手,也十分感谢!...
Faction Raid Cooldown
Créé par Murmur
When a pawn from an enemy faction dies it adds to a cooldown timer for the faction to be able to raid again. By default, each death adds 12 hours, up to a maximum of 360 hours (15 days). The amount of time per death and maximum cooldown are configurable th...
Fallout in Rimworld(边缘世界辐射系列mod汉化包)
Créé par TrVi
this is only a translation pack using for CN 本汉化包为个人所使用的汉化,选取mod并无关联,只是因为他们同属于辐射题材。 此汉化包为以下mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 您只需选择自己所需的mod即可,不需要全部加载。 包含mod: Fallout Races: The Robots Pack 为边缘世界增加了辐射中的机器人,包括熟悉的巧手先生、帮手小姐、罗科安保、突袭者以及铁卫兵。 The Brotherhood Compendium 为边缘世...
Farmable Neutroamine
Créé par nanonator102
Farmable Neutroamine supports versions 1.0 to 1.4! G'day everyone! Have you ever wondered how all these traders are getting their neutroamine? They grow it of course! This mod adds a new plant called neutroaleaf which can be grown both in soil and in hydro...
FE3H Accessories
Créé par Meng De
https://i.imgur.com/IzLZmdx.png Accessories based on Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Companion to the hair mods. Just a simple item mod to add to the experience. They can be made at any tailoring table. No research required. - Flayn's clips, Dedue's earring, Se...
FE3H Ashen Wolves Hair
Créé par Meng De
"Yes, we do in fact prefer our underground base full of infestations to living under the Church of Seiros, thank you very much. It's a cozy place." https://i.imgur.com/IzLZmdx.png 4 hair add-ons (2♂, 2♀) based on the Ashen Wolves house. Specifically made f...
FE3H Black Eagles Hair
Créé par Meng De
"Now YOU too can be Ferdinand von Aegir!" Dorothea's hat is in the Accessories mod. https://i.imgur.com/IzLZmdx.png 8 hair add-ons (4♂, 4♀) based on the Black Eagles house. Specifically made for Gloomy Face mk2 because that's what I always use in my own ga...
FE3H Blue Lions Hair
Créé par Meng De
"D-Dimitri Fireemblem... I didn't know celebrities crash-landed into inhospitable planets too..." Dedue's earring is in the Accessories mod. https://i.imgur.com/IzLZmdx.png 19 hair add-ons (13♂, 6♀) based on the Blue Lions house. Because I'm a good teacher...
FE3H Golden Deer Hair
Créé par Meng De
https://i.imgur.com/GTlxFcq.png Ignatz's glasses are in the Accessories mod. https://i.imgur.com/IzLZmdx.png 8 hair add-ons (4♂, 4♀) based on the Golden Deer house. Specifically made for Gloomy Face mk2 because that's what I always use in my own game... It...
FE3H Misc Hair
Créé par Meng De
https://i.imgur.com/158kNQy.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/o7srzkK.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/ViOa5fh.png "With Teach here, our colony is saved!" For the hairclips and tiara go to the Accessories mod. https://i.imgur.com/IzLZmdx.png 6 hair add-ons (2♂, 4♀) based on mi...
FemaleBB BodyType for Alien Races
Créé par SSulungE
This is combined BBbody Patches for Alien Races. You may select not to use it on specific race in the option(All valid races will be loaded in option) supported alien races are following - Elves - Kobolds - Tieflings (added 20-05-20) - Androids - Angels an...
FemaleBB BodyType for Human
Créé par SSulungE
this mod has been implented into BBbody mod. this mod is now a empty file. you no longer need this mod...
FemaleBB BodyType Support
Créé par SSulungE
About this mod Changes bodytype of female human to FemaleBB bodytype. You can change bodytype swap rate in the option. This mod contains codes and apparel textures supporting FemaleBB body type which was originally Kijin race body. Feel free to make any fe...
Créé par Pelador
Overview V1.1 Adds a large industrial and powered fermenting/processing machine. Details Similar and based off the universal fermenter (separate code, so will NOT conflict), this mod provides a larger industrial based capability of processing precursor Wor...
Flak Turret
Créé par Clippy
This mod add a research tech and a new turret. The research tech flak turret require vanilla tech autocannon turret and cost 1600 resarch time. The flak turret is more accurate and have higher range than vanilla cannon turret. The fire power (damage) is bi...
Créé par VOID
last update: 2024-04-17 Makes moving traits adjustable via mod menu. ADJUSTABLE TRAITS • Jogger • FastWalker • Slowpoke • Should be compatible to all savegames • Traits can be adjusted during playing LAST UPDATES • 2024-04-17 - update for v1.5...
Floor Lights
Créé par Temeez
Now with color picker and dark light: Floor Lights 2 Lights (lamps) that are integrated into the ground. These lamps used to have their power cable hidden underground, but various rim-rodents kept eating them so the cable placement had to be revisited. It ...
Fluffy Breakdowns
Créé par Fluffy
Replaces random breakdowns with a maintenance requirement. https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Features.pngBuildings using components will now gradually deteriorate. The odds of a breakdown happening (and requiring replacement components), is directly li...
Follow Me
Créé par Fluffy
Gives the camera tracking capabilities. https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Features.pngPress the 'Home' key (default, can be changed with in-game keybinding settings) while any colonist, enemy, animal or item is selected, and the camera will follow them...
For Colour and Justice Kz
Créé par 夜月重楼
Chinese Only Hello English users, this Mod is now a semi-finished product, and it keeps updating to add items and functions. It is very difficult for me to choose a name, just look at the name of the Mod. The Names of Chinese objects are very reluctantly t...
【停止维护】Forgotten Realms - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
停止维护,最后更新版本:1.2 本人不再维护所有以外星人框架为前置mod 的种族mod汉化,热心人士可以自行接手在工坊发布更新(不得在steam创意工坊之外的平台),备注下文本沿用自边缘汉化组版本,再跟我说一下即可。 有人接手后,我会在此界面保留汉化一个版本,保留期间引导至你的发布页面,之后将隐藏或用作他用 无人接手的汉化将会一直保留此状态 Forgotten Realms (被遗忘的大陆-种族派系包)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:赞战圣今日神 -繁中:leafz...
Fortifications - Neolithic
Créé par AOBA
https://i.ibb.co/CHY91mx/discord-Icon.png https://i.ibb.co/cLqX4rv/Paypal-Icon.png It has always been a problem to make their settlements secured since human existence, so this is the reason why people in each era have used their own wisdom to build variou...
Créé par Charlotte
Also know as: - Don't melt my GPU - Don't eat my battery Disables VSync and allows you to control the max FPS By default RimWorld will happily eat all it is allowed under VSYNC. What does it mean? If your monitor refresh rate is high, it will happily eat i...
Friendly Fire Tweaks
Créé par Alex
Changes how friendly fire works, mostly by removing it. Works for both the player, and the AI, and most mod added weapons and turrets. You can still target friendly things manually. Explosions are still not safe. Safe to add to or remove from games in prog...
FROG Suit Set
Créé par JangoD'soul
This mod adds FROG suit and helmet from Metal Gear Solid 4 Features: - FROG Helmet - FROG Body Suit - Gewehr 3 ResearchPrerequisite: - Fabrication: Helmet and Suits Commissioned by "JangoD'soul" for "/]rchon" from "Rimworld Mod Market" Discord. Credits: -M...
Créé par alatta
FSharp.Core is a base mod for F# assemblies. Place it somewhere top. - ANDH - Dev In Your Language - Infusion 2 - Direct download from GitHub...
Futuristic Plants
Créé par battlemage64
The science of genetic modification is just beginning to open up new possibilities in a technique humans have been using for millennia: genetically modifying crops to produce more food. But while traditional breeding takes lots of time to bring out small c...
Garam the Furry Apparel Patch
Créé par RutraNickers
Apparel patch for Garam, The Single Tailed Furry. With this, you remove the Garam's racial limitation of apparel use, so now you can use any apparel that vanilla pawns have access to. This mod was created to make Garams use some important modded apparels t...
Garam, Advanced Apparel
Créé par muyahoya
========== Info ========== Mod Version: 1.0.0-200304 This is a framework for easily creating special apparels. You can create and use only the tags you need. Duplicate AdvancedApparelCompProp is automatically deleted. Automatically apply texPath even if yo...
Garam, Race Addon
Créé par muyahoya
========== Info ========== Mod Version: 4.3.2-210101 This is a framework for easily creating special race mods. Compatibility with other mods has not been verified. Unexpected bugs may occur. manual included. ========== Developers ==========               ...
Garam, Race Addon - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Garam, Race Addon (Garam种族框架)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: 种族框架,部分日韩系非人类种族、派系Mod的必备前置。 更新日志: 2020.12.24-1.1-1.1.0-2020.12.09 2020.3.02-1.1-1.1.0-2020.2.28 —————————————————————————— 漏译反馈:因为边缘汉化组维护的汉化Mod数量很多,由于Mod更新新...
Créé par Orion
Always wanted to build your own restaurant, tavern, or cafe? Now you can! Gastronomy allows (optionally) guests and (optionally) colonists to sit down and order their meals from a waiter. Excellent video explanation on YouTube. Note! I've tested this mod a...
Gastronomy 简繁汉化包
Créé par Zephyr
Gastronomy的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Zephyr,黑崎一护 -繁中:Zephyr 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: Gastronomy允许客人和(可选)殖民者坐下来向服务员点餐。 建立一个收银台来控制营业时间和菜单上的内容。 建议在每一个开放时间至少有一个殖民者在强制工作,以避免顾客饿肚子。 更新日志: 2020.11.9-1.2-1.2.0-2020.11.9 —————————————————————————— 漏译反馈:因为边缘汉化组维护的...
Gear Up And Go
Créé par Uuugggg
Adds a button to draft, swap gear, then go to the target location --- "A Raid! Is it time for battle!" "Suit up!" "Okay I've got my armor vest, I'm going to go plant some corn" "I've already got armor so I'm still mining" "GET OVER HERE NOW" "But I haven't...
Créé par Zylleon
https://i.imgur.com/HvMpaYn.png More gemstones for more sparkly bases! Semiprecious stones: amethyst, chalcedony, citrine, garnet, lapis, quartz, serpentine, and turquoise. Stats are similar to vanilla jade. These gems can be mined, purchased, or deep dril...
Genetic Rim [DEPRECATED]
Créé par Sarg Bjornson
IMPORTANT: Genetic Rim is now deprecated. All the mod's content, plus that found on the old "patches" is now part of Vanilla Genetics Expanded, https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2801160906 This will be left here for those who want to p...
Créé par 骸鸾
繁体汉化者:糟了,是世界奇觀! GeneticRim(边缘遗传学)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Mr.sleep -繁中:饼叔 禁止转载。 简介:从动物身上提取DNA并进行杂交,创造新物种!繁中要感谢饼叔(到现在也只有部分繁中) &lt;size=18&gt;特点&lt;/size&gt; -混种生物:从熊、鸡、爆炸安洛普、野牦牛、狼、啮齿动物、爬行动物、虫族和敲击兽中提取基因,创造这些物种混种。一些组合可以有两种双向进行,比如安洛普熊和熊爆炸羊,你会随机获得一种...
GeneticRim Alpha Animals Patch [DEPRECATED]
Créé par Sarg Bjornson
IMPORTANT: Genetic Rim is now deprecated. All the mod's content, plus that found on the old "patches" is now part of Vanilla Genetics Expanded, https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2801160906 This will be left here for those who want to p...
GeneticRim Dinosauria Patch [DEPRECATED]
Créé par Sarg Bjornson
IMPORTANT: Genetic Rim is now deprecated. All the mod's content, plus that found on the old "patches" is now part of Vanilla Genetics Expanded, https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2801160906 This will be left here for those who want to p...
GeneticRim Megafauna Patch [DEPRECATED]
Créé par Sarg Bjornson
IMPORTANT: Genetic Rim is now deprecated. All the mod's content, plus that found on the old "patches" is now part of Vanilla Genetics Expanded, https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2801160906 This will be left here for those who want to p...
Ghost Recon Breakpoint Wolves Apparel
Créé par JangoD'soul
This mod adds Wolves Armor Set from Ghost Recon Breakpoint Features: - Wolves Mask A,B,C,D,E - Wolves_Golem_Vest (OnSkin,Middle) - Wolves Golem Raincoat (Shell) ResearchPrerequisite: - FlakArmor: Wolves Masks and Apparel Commissioned for "Higgs_The_God_Par...
Giddy-up! 系列Mod - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Giddy-up!(骑乘)系列Mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带汉化已严重落后版本,本汉化包已完全汉化。 适用于以下Mod: -Giddy-up! Core -Giddy-up! Caravan -Giddy-up! Battle Mounts -Giddy-up! Mechanoids -Giddy-up! Ride and Roll 翻译: -简中:LingLuo,leafzxg -繁中:LingLuo,Biscuit,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 该...
Giddy-Up! Add-on: Animal Saddles
Créé par Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png Adds saddle graphics to mountable vanilla animals. Features This is an add-on mod for the Giddy-Up! mod that adds visual saddles to any mounts used by either the player or its enemies. These saddles are just eye candy, and d...
Giddy-up! Battle Mounts
Créé par roolo
Giddy-up! Let your pawns charge into battle with mounts! Depends on Giddy-up Core and Hugslib This mod is part of the Giddy-up! Series. It focuses on mounting with the purpose of battling. Mounting can only be done with drafted pawns. Other mods in the ser...
Giddy-up! Caravan
Créé par roolo
Let your colonists ride to far lands on elephants, muffalos, llamas or any other animal, modded or not! Changelog, manual download and older releases Dependencies This mod depends on Giddy up! Core, and Hugslib. Load order should be: Hugslib -> Giddy-up! C...
Giddy-up! Core
Créé par roolo
The core files for the Giddy-up! series. Does not add anything on its own but the other mods in the series depend on it. The purpose of this series is to add mounting in as many aspects of the game as possible. Each mod released in the series will focus on...
Giddy-up! Mechanoids
Créé par roolo
If it's possible to hack mechanoids with the What the Hack!? mod, why limit yourself to riding animals if you can ride deadly machines to battle. And why limit yourself to letting humans ride if you can let mechanoids ride animals, or other mechanoids! Thi...
Giddy-up! Ride and Roll
Créé par roolo
Giddy-up! Let colonists Ride to their destination and Roll. "Hey Stein, can you go mine some steel? We're running out." "But Banastra, the only deposit is on the other side of the map! Why don't you do it?" "Well, I'm incapable of mining, you know that. Wh...
Girls' frontline Apparel Pack (汉化整合版)少女前线人物服装与发型模组
Créé par Glasninov
授权声明与致谢:感谢原作者며루치制作了Girls' frontline Apparel Pack这个模组,并授权允许我发布汉化整合版。 !!!此模组除汉化文件与部分MICA-TEAM云母组的图文素材之外的所有素材版权都属于原作者며루치!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Girls' frontline Weapon Pack
Créé par 며루치
https://i.imgur.com/LOlxT1s.jpg Add T-doll's Weapons and Workstation -Sheath your Sword equipped https://i.imgur.com/69oycp1.png Thank you for using! Recommended mod SheathYourSword : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1586105873 Girls ...
Créé par NanoCE
Description This mod introduces glass into the game and all the wonders that go with it including: glass walls of various strengths, and ceiling/wall lamps of varying colors. Most items can be found in the picture above^^ To get started, find the Glass&Lig...
Glitter Tech Classic
Créé par Sam_
About The original Glitter Tech mod, now with new art and features bringing it up to 1.5 standard. This mod adds a number of advanced buildings, items and resources to extend gameplay and difficulty beyond what the game already offers. It is recomended tha...
Gloomy Deco
Créé par muyahoya
Old Style Decoration Pack Feature - Animated Windmill, Boat - Mailbox to delete messages - Signs that can draw crops (140% compatible with other crop addition mod) - Grass that changes color with temperature - Many small and cute decorations! 예스러운 장식물들을 추가...
Gloomy Deco - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Gloomy Deco (古典农庄)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233 -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: -鼠族MOD的画师——Gloomylynx的新作品,依旧是沿袭了前作的GloomyFurniture的乡村风格。这次更多的是装饰性的MOD。比如小船,风车,稻草人,手推车等这种农家庄园的风格点缀给rimworld带来一丝乡间悠然见南山的恬静。在这个荒乱的边缘世界里窥见作者心中向往的“片刻宁静”。 更新日志: 2020.8.22-...
Gloomy Face mk2
Créé par Gloomylynx
replace face & Narrow head texture adjusted to average type update 2019-09-25 -suppresses the reduction in the hairstyle width of narrow type heads. -Narrow head texture adjusted to average type -add male face update 2020-02-25 -update for rimworld 1.1...
Gloomy Hair mk2
Créé par Gloomylynx
add new hair This mod is optimized for Gloomy face mk2 -update 2019-09-25 : fix texture 2019-09-27 : add male hair 2020-02-25 : update for rimworld 1.1...
Gloomy Vanilla Overhaul
Créé par zyMex
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif REQUIRED MOD: Gloomy Furniture This mod is originally made by Owlchemist i take no credit for the original mod! Owlchemist's original mod Gloomy Vanilla is a lightweight version compared to this mod, and since that mod author...
Créé par NukaFrog
Old Style Furuniture Pack Feature - Variety of Furniture - Fence - Old style walls and Ventilated wall - Fireplace and a Lamp ( using Wood ) - WineRack - JukeBox ( It play country song basically.) - Wooden floor Jukebox is available through exotic merchant...
GloomyFurniture - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
GloomyFurniture (复古家具)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带的汉化已落后,本汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:手闲脚痒,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 增加了一些列好看的复古家具。 更新日志: 2024.10.5-1.5-1.5.0-2024.5.10 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.24 2022.9.01-1.3-1.3.1-2022.7.2 2021.7.30-1...
Go Explore!
Créé par Albion
Go Explore! - A new event mod This mod provides new events and exciting opportunities for exploration. Go explore ancient cities and try to capture a space ship. New Events Lost City An ancient city got somehow destroyed. You can travel there and loot reso...
Go Explore! - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Go Explore! (去探索!)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg,Biscuit -繁中:leafzxg,Biscuit 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: 此Mod提供了一系列大地图事件,主题是探索内容。包括: ———————————— -失落城市 一个古老的城市被某种方式摧毁。 你可以去那里抢劫资源和物品,但要注意危险! 目前有3个不同类型的“失落城市”:剧毒城市、虫灾城市、废墟城市,等你去探索。 —————————— -启动的飞船反应堆 原版是你启动...
Go the F*** to Sleep
Créé par Captain Muscles
https://i.imgur.com/Mi8ecQv.gif Do your pawns have a big fight or caravan trip to rest up for? Want them to rest up without having to change the schedule and make it happen indirectly? Wouldn't it be easier if you could just tell them to GO THE F*** TO SLE...
Go the F*** to Sleep - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Go the F*** to Sleep (滚去睡觉!)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233 -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 玩家可以强制命令小人去睡觉。 更新日志: 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.25 2021.3.27-1.2-1.2.0-2021.1.23 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,获取更多汉化发布、更新动态。 ———————————...
Godlike Trait
Créé par Phunky
I was looking for a mod that would would give me a trait to make a badass pawn. One who could single handedly take down a large raid, one who could do work faster than a small colony, one who moved faster than a pawn running on speed 3, and carried more th...
Gods of Elona [1.5]
Créé par karukus
Make the troublesome corpse processing fun! Languages 日本語、English(Machine translation) You will be able to believe in Elona's gods. Altars can be set up by doing research, Various benefits can be gained by offering a tribute from the altar. Elements to be ...
Créé par witchyspoon
AFTER 10 YEARS OF MODDING, I HAVE NOW STOPPED, THIS (1.5) WAS THE LAST UPDATE Take care everyone, xxx spoon Are you sick of seeing the same food trays over and over? Do you run screaming at the thought of forking down cornmush...AGAIN? Then delve into GouR...
Gradient Hair
ABOUT Adds gradient hair to the game. Mod hairs are supported. On pictures are hairs from SS Lovely Hair Style mod. All new pawns (as well as existing when you enable mod for the first time) have a chance to get gradient hair, which is by default 25% for w...
Graphics Settings+
Créé par Maxim
Graphics Settings 1.4 Update Changes The 1.4 version of this mod does not contain the Pawn Atlas Resizing feature, as RW has natively improved Pawn texture quality. Key Features Overall improvement to all modded textures! DDS File support! Any mod containg...
Grazing Lands
Créé par avil
Animals don't destroy grass and eat according to their size. Can be (un)installed mid game. Features - all wild and non-yielding plants don't get destroyed when eaten, but get growing progress reset instead; - grass has a chance to be destroyed when deplet...
Créé par Brunin
GreenRim is a simple mod that increases RimWorld's vegetation growth speed and plants abundance in some biomes, making the world feel more immersive, cozy and fresh! Currently Modified Biomes: -> Boreal Forest -> Tundra -> Temperate Forest -> Tropical Rain...
Créé par chuiu
Getting rid of the dull brown dirt and replacing it with something nicer to look at. If you use Nature's Pretty Sweet then load this mod after it. I've made the follow texture changes: Soil -> Grass Gravel -> Grass with gravel Lichen covered dirt -> Lichen...
Girls' Frontline_少女前线_IOP制造科技
Créé par LiXX
————天萌原创 呆鵝雞更新1.2———— -----------------已与原作者取得联系,本mod保留不变也不更新(只会有平衡性修改),如果想玩到今后的更新内容请订阅原mod-------------------- 1.0版不读取问题已修复,为避免1.1音频读取警告问题删除了1.0版的音频,1.1音频不影响,强烈建议更新1.1 ------------------- 原作者:Ten Moe-天萌 模组工坊地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filede...
Ground Targeter
Créé par AncientGammoner
Description: For all weapons, items, or abilities that can target the ground, this mod allows you to preferentially target the ground over other targets by holding down Left Shift. Essentially, it allows you to disable snapping to enemies. Useful for dense...
Guards For Me简中汉化
Créé par 烽燧煜明
Guards For Me简体中文汉化。 ...
Guards For Me
Créé par aRandomKiwi
https://i.imgur.com/TEBxhcE.jpg https://i.imgur.com/x6rIILb.jpg https://i.imgur.com/yyQJPlb.png WORKS WITH EXISTENT SAVES Use your colonists as patrol guards (follow waypoints and attack threats), bodyguards (follow and protect), standing guards (protect a...
Guards For Me 简繁汉化包
Créé par Zephyr
增加了一种工作——守卫。可细分为 站岗:指定一个地点让小人站岗; 巡逻:按自己制定的路线巡逻; 保镖:为vip安排跟随vip移动的保镖。站岗点和路线在防卫建筑标签中。 详情见原mod,该mod仅为汉化包 增加了壹種工作——守衛。可細分為 站崗:指定壹個地點讓小人站崗; 巡邏:按自己制定的路線巡邏; 保鏢:為vip安排跟隨vip移動的保鏢。站崗點和路線在防衛建築標簽中。 詳情見原mod,該mod僅為漢化包 This mod is just a language pack ,you can fand main ...
[HRK] Gun Nut - Chapter #1
Créé par Harkon
https://i.imgur.com/ZhxL6Rk.png https://i.imgur.com/wRYBKtU.png https://i.imgur.com/mWAYdS7.png WELCOME TO GUN NUT - CHAPTER 1! This was going to be a small personal weapon pack that I was going to make to learn a bit of modding and Combat Extended patchin...
[HRK] Gun Nut - Chapter #2
Créé par Harkon
https://i.imgur.com/ZhxL6Rk.png https://i.imgur.com/wRYBKtU.png https://i.imgur.com/mWAYdS7.png WELCOME TO GUN NUT - CHAPTER 2! This is my second mod, still doing only weapons, but I've learnt quite a lot since the release of the first Gun Nut mod, this ti...
[HRK] Gun Nut - Community Pack
Créé par Harkon
https://i.imgur.com/ZhxL6Rk.png https://i.imgur.com/wRYBKtU.png https://i.imgur.com/mWAYdS7.png WELCOME TO GUN NUT - COMMUNITY PACK! This pack is created by the community, I can't thank enough all the people that have commissioned a weapon. Thank you. Gun ...
ABOUT Adds more cinematic effects to weapons: A. For both vanilla and other mods: - long trails for projectiles; trails are wider for weapons that do more damage - projectile comes from the barrel of the gun and not from inside of the colonist - weapon mov...
Créé par [Kor]HellCrossH
No update -Anyone can upload that mod if you want. AnimalReskins pack_Complete. All animals. and Mechanoid. This mode must be at the bottom of all the Retexture modes. HellCross 동물 리스킨 컴플리트팩. 모든 바닐라 동물과 메카노이드. 해당 모드를 구독하면, 기존의 동물 리스킨 모드는 구독을 해제하셔도 됩니다. 이 모...
Créé par [Kor]HellCrossH
No update -Anyone can upload that mod if you want. == H.C AnimalReSkins Complete version2 == - H.C AnimalReSkins Complete is included. - Variety Coats is included.(The way it applies is different.) -thanks for idea. cucumpear(Animal Variety Coats) https://...
Créé par [Kor]HellCrossH
No update -Anyone can upload that mod if you want. 로얄트럼보 모드의 그래픽 리스킨 모드.ver2. 해당 모드는 생물 로얄트럼보와 무기 로얄트럼보 뿔이 함께 리스킨 되는 모드입니다. 본 모드의 원작자는 'Andross' 입니다. Graphic reskin mode in Royal Trumbo mode. This mode is a creature royal trombo and weapon royal trombo hor...
Créé par [Kor]HellCrossH
트럼보 그래픽 리스킨 모드. 해당 모드는 생물 트럼보와 무기 트럼보 뿔이 함께 리스킨 되는 모드입니다. 도와주신 한국의 모더여러분과 응원해주신 림갤 여러분 감사합니다. Thrumbo Graphic Reskin Mode. This is a mode that Reskin Thrumbo and his horns. uptate - 트럼보의 그래픽 선명도를 올렸습니다. 좀 더 깔끔해진 트럼보를 만나실 수 있습니다! 후원 - Patreon - https://www....
Halloween Special Edition
Créé par witchyspoon
AFTER 10 YEARS OF MODDING, I HAVE NOW STOPPED, THIS (1.5) WAS THE LAST UPDATE Take care everyone, xxx spoon This is a small "Halloween Special Edition" addon presented by RIMkea and fashionRIMsta The masks can be crafted at a crafting spot and the furnitur...
Hardworking animals 1.4
Créé par DaLLaN
I'll be back as soon as Tynan stops deceiving fans of the game and starts updating the game. Previously, each update to the game introduced new mechanics, such as mood, drugs, and a global map. Now Ludeon is releasing paid mods costing $30 for the unoptimi...
Créé par Velc[JP]
※※ Problems have been reported when using RJW and WorkTab, but there are no plans to address them. ※※ 1.5の新機能を使う場合は、説明をよく読んでください。 Kemomimihouseの獣耳少女が様々な仕事をできるようになります。 対応する訓練を受けることで以下の作業ができます。(できる仕事はポーンによって異なります) 服従:消火、掃除 リリース:狩猟、栽培、収穫、採掘、工芸 救助:医者、看守、料理、芸術 ...
Hardworking Nukos/Insect Girls
Créé par Dango
2021-7-31 在@razar1的帮助下,更新至1.3版本,因为兼容性的问题,放弃AAF版。 Updated to version 1.3 with the help of @razar1 and abandoned the AAF version because of compatibility issues. 2021-04-13 征得虫娘作者【 rot03065】同意后添加对虫娘的支持,效果如同猫娘。 并不需要同时订阅两个MOD。 Adding support for the 【Insect Gi...
Créé par Brrainz
This mod contains the C# library Harmony for all RimWorld mods. Harmony is a library that is used by many mods. In RimWorld 1.x or older the library was included inside C# mods and there was no need to load it as a separate mod. However, RimWorld versions ...
Harvest Every Body Parts
Créé par pikes
A simple mod for harvesting almost any human body parts for replacement or trade use. Here is a table with some useful information: Organs Origin Value Mass Install Skill Death on Failed Note Heart Vanilla 1200 1 8 0.25 Lung Vanilla 1000 1 5 0 Kidney Vanil...
Harvest Everything![Adopted]
Créé par Ogliss
Lets you harvest every (almost) body part you can think of! Lets you harvest and install (almost) every body part from humans. Now you can finally give what your prisoners deserve (and get your money's worth). You can now que all harvestable organs/implant...
Harvest Organs Post Mortem
Créé par Smuffle
Harvest Organs Post Mortem (HOPM) is now available in 1.5. NB! The A Dog Said patch is no longer needed as per 3.0 it is merged with the main mod. Supported Languages: - Simplified Chinese - French - Brazilian Portuguese - Russian - Spanish Note that the m...
原MOD已集成本汉化包,无需再使用此MOD,此页面仅用于反馈汉化翻译问题 原MOD已集成本汉化包,无需再使用此MOD,此页面仅用于反馈汉化翻译问题 原MOD已集成本汉化包,无需再使用此MOD,此页面仅用于反馈汉化翻译问题 根据评论反馈,此mod可能跟Bulk Stonecutting 和 Bulk Smelting 有冲突,导致切不出器官 Harvest_Organs_Post_Mortem(尸体解剖)的单独汉化包,请在原MOD之后加载本MOD。 -已完全汉化。 内容说明: 本人目前非边缘汉化组的成员,但是...
Harvest Sync简繁汉化
Créé par 呱呱
Harvest Sync简繁汉化 介绍:可以设置让小人同步收获种植区的作物,不会出现小人跑来跑去收获作物,等作物全部成熟再去收获。 同步收获的那个按钮✔或者×是自动切换的,当种植区成熟作物数量到达你所设置的数量,按钮会自动切换成✔。 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 PS:萌新汉化,有问题留言,有不错的mod也可以留言我会看看,这些都是我自用的mod因为强迫症顺带汉化,文本量都很少,我会尝试联系作者整合进原mod。 统一回复下,很抱歉由于个人原因,无法后续维护更新。正常来说,只要mod本体文本没...
Harvest Sync
Créé par Jellypowered
A mod that lets you set certain zones to only be harvested when all plants in the zone has fully grown. A version that works with hydroponics will be coming soon! Also lets you disable harvesting in zones completely. You can set zones to be harvested in 's...
Hats Display Selection
Créé par Velc[JP]
を使用時に室内オプションを有効化したい場合は、 を使ってキャッシュを無効化してください。 When using and wanting to enable the indoor option, please disable cache using the . 帽子毎に表示設定ができます。このMODはHarmonyMODが必要です。 You can set display for each hat. This MOD is require HarmonyMOD. MOD load order with Ali...
Créé par leafzxg
HC_Animal 全系列Mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,之后该系列再有其他Mod也会一并汉化加入这个汉化包。 翻译: -简中:Zephyr -繁中:Zephyr 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 适用于以下Mod:(选择你需要的Mod,不必全部加载) -HC_Animal_1 -HC_Animal_2 -HC_Animal_3 -HC_Animal_4 简介: 一系列贴图精美的新动物Mod,新增了大量野生动物。 更新日志: 2021.8.28-1.3-1.3.0-2021.8.2...
Créé par [Kor]HellCrossH
H.C_Animal_pack_1. Samoyed, Komodo_dragon, Serval, Pangolin, Weasel. 5 Animals. H.C 오리지널 동물팩-1. 사모예드, 코모도드래곤, 서벌, 천산갑, 족제비. 총 5 동물. - Thank you! -french (qux) No update 1.5ver -> https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3238206164...
Créé par [Kor]HellCrossH
H.C_Animal_pack_2. Alligatorturtle, Anacondas, Bullfrog, Galapagostortoise, Leopardgecko, Watermonitor. 6 Animals. H.C 동물팩-2. 악어거북, 아나콘다, 황소개구리, 갈라파고스땅거북, 레오파드게코, 물왕도마뱀 총 6종. - Thank you! -french (qux) No update 1.5ver -> https://steamproxy.net/sharedf...
Créé par [Kor]HellCrossH
H.C_Animal_pack_3. Lion M/F, Jaguar, Cheetah, Hyena, Tiger, Snowleopard. 6 Animals. H.C 동물팩 3번. 사자(암/수), 재규어, 치타, 하이에나, 호랑이, 설표. 6종 추가. - Thank you! -french (qux) No update 1.5ver -> https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3238206164...
Créé par [Kor]HellCrossH
H.C_Animal_pack_4. Baboon, Giraffe, Alligator, Crocodale, Hippo. 5 Animals. H.C 동물팩 4번. 개코원숭이, 기린, 앨리게이터, 크로커다일, 하마. 총 5종 - Thank you! -french (qux) No update 1.5ver -> https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3238206164...
Heat Map
Créé par falconne
Adds a toggle button to show a live temperature based colour gradient over indoor areas in your base. The gradient uses the familiar colour scheme of green being the midpoint for human comfort (in the game that's 22C / 71.6F), becoming deeper blue or red f...
Heavy Duty Turrets
Créé par Themisto775
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This Mod adds a new varity of small portable turrets ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Twin mini turret - an improved mini turret with better accuracy...
Hediff Apparel
Créé par KiameV
Load Order: Put this near the top, just under Core/Royal/Hugslib Written by LoonyLadle and posted here for use by other modders. https://github.com/LoonyLadle/HediffApparel https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=49129.0 Adds a ThingComp usable in appare...
Higgs Monaghan Armor Set
Créé par JangoD'soul
This mod adds Higgs Monaghan Armor Set from Death Stranding Features: - Higgs Hooded skull mask - Higgs Apparel - Higgs Rifle Commissioned for "Higgs_The_God_Particle#9851" from "Rimworld Mod Market" Discord. Credits: -Death Stranding developed by Kojima P...
High quality textures
ABOUT Improves visual quality of textures for other mods. Rimworld enables compression for mods' textures, and there's no option to alter this in base game. On my machine, compression makes some textures look horrifying at some zoom levels. This mod disabl...
Holiday Special Edition
Créé par witchyspoon
AFTER 10 YEARS OF MODDING, I HAVE NOW STOPPED, THIS (1.5) WAS THE LAST UPDATE Take care everyone, xxx spoon This is a small "Holiday Special Edition" addon presented by RIMkea and fashionRIMsta The apparel will appear on raiders and colonists alike, the fi...
Holiday Special Edition - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Holiday Special Edition (圣诞造型包)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:Biscuit,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 新增圣诞造型包。 更新日志: 2022.1.25-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.05 2020.12.24-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.11 2020.3.17-1.1-1.1.0-2020.2.19 —————————————————————————...
Hololive Hair
Créé par Domanju
ホロライブ所属Vtuberの髪型を追加するMODです。 現在対応しているホロライブメンバーは下記のとおりです。 ・白上フブキ ・大神ミオ ・百鬼あやめ ・大空スバル ・猫又おかゆ ・戌神ころね 01/18追加 ・紫咲シオン ・湊あくあ ・さくらみこ ・兎田ぺこら ※重要※ このMODを使用するためにはEdB Prepare Carefullyを導入して ゲーム開始前にキャラエディットをする必要があります。 髪色が崩れる場合はヘアカラー用のRGBのバーを3つとも全部右(白色)に することで正しく読みこめます。...
Holsters and Scabbards (abandoned)
Créé par Necrova
Adds holsters and scabbards to the game which take up the "Belt" layer introduced in version 1.2. There's nothing more b*dass than carrying your weapons with your hands free. How do you do that? With sheaths, of course. Even when roaming your base, an assa...
Home Mover——中文汉化补丁
Créé par 3.1415926
添加一个快捷键,移动一切可以拆卸的东西。 想要移动墙壁或门需要订阅“Minify Everything”MOD 原作者:NotooShabby 详情见原mod界面,本mod仅为汉化包不包含mod本体。加载在原mod后 The original author:NotooShabby This mod is just a language pack ,you can fand main mod by right link. https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filed...
Home Mover
Créé par NotooShabby
If you want to support my work, don't forget to hit https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif Features Move existing buildings(furnitures, turrets, etc) to another location without deconstructing (Moving walls or doors requires subscription of "Minify Everything"). ...
Hospital Extended 医疗扩展简繁汉化包
Créé par Shavius
多个医疗扩展mod的整合升级包。Hospital Extended的简繁汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,获取更多汉化发布、更新动态。 —————————————————————————— 漏译反馈:因为边缘汉化组维护的汉化Mod数量很多,由于Mod更新新增词条和翻译疏漏遗留下来的汉化缺漏我们无力逐一核对跟踪,所有大家在游戏过程中如果遇到的汉化缺漏,请一定要反馈给我们! 反馈途径: ①直接在该Mod汉化包的工坊发布界面留言;...
Créé par Orion
Allows you to host, entertain and recruit visitors. Excellent video explanation on YouTube. Description Have you been wondering what the point of visiting factions is? Look no further, this mod is the answer. - Convince visitors to join your faction! - Inc...
Hospitality - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Hospitality (访客招待)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,1.1重译精修,1.2、1.3、1.4、1.5再次精心修订。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 著名的「访客招待」Mod,完美扩充了原版可有可无的访客机制。 增加「访客用床」供访客睡觉。 访客的人物信息会增加一个「访客」标签,打开后可设置有关访客的选项,以及「招募访客」(当然这会以降低派系的友好度为代价)。 访客会使用你的餐厅、娱乐设施,以此对你的招待进行评分...
Hospitals Extended
Créé par zyMex
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif WORK IN PROGRES this isnt finished, but normally steam is a greate place to test and get feedback, so i release this as a beta, as my time is limited atm and im working on Project Rimfactory alot, but this been sitting for mo...
Créé par Aze
Tired of moving your mouse all over the screen while your other hand sits idly by? Hotkeys fixes that, making UI navigation much faster (and sometimes completely skippable)! This mod adds fully user configurable keybindings for a variety of purposes. Curre...
Créé par ignis
Update for HousekeeperAssistanceCat mod by Edge Crescent, approved by original author. While using the same assets, background logic for cleaning tasks is fully reworked. This mod adds a new kind of animal - Housekeeper Cat. When Guard is trained, they can...
Créé par Symbolic
This is a library that provides shared functionality for other mods. For best results, make sure that HugsLib comes right after Core in your mod load order. Also includes the Log Publisher: press Ctrl+F12 to upload your Rimworld logs and get a link to easi...
HugsLib - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
HugsLib的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带的汉化版本已严重落后,此汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:风之起灵,leafzxg -繁中:风之起灵,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 绝大多数Mod的必备前置。 更新日志: 2024.4.27-1.5-1.5.0-2024.3.18 2022.11.3-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.22 2021.7.17-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.17 2020.8.13-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.12 2...
Human Power Generator Mod
Créé par FlashPoint55
This Generator produce 500W per manpower. pawns can also do exercise together. (increase pawn's melee stat!) Generator's output = 500 * user's Moving stat(in health) new worktype is added. 'Cycle'. this work's worktype is Cycle. Cycling is simple labor, so...
Humanoid Alien Races
Créé par erdelf
https://imgur.com/eQZ72Ib.png A framework for the creation of new alien races in Rimworld If you ever thought that the racial diversity in rimworld is... not that diverse and you want to change that, you came to the right place. This framework allows to ea...
Humanoid Alien Races - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Humanoid Alien Races (外星人框架)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 外星人框架,所有非人类种族、派系Mod的必备前置。 更新日志: 2024.4.27-1.5-1.5.0-2024.4.24 2022.11.3-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.24 2021.11.14-1.3-1.3.1-2021.11.13 2021.7.1...
Hunt for Me
Créé par aRandomKiwi
https://i.imgur.com/OPlXBLl.png https://i.imgur.com/RRjoNxn.png Add hunting training to tamed animals. One RimThemes theme included ! Cats can bring gifts (when they want) and are no longer unfairly useless (in the context of hunting). Fully customizable !...
[NEW LINK IN DESC] Hunters Use Melee!
Créé par Drgn! Netrve
Please use Mlie's updated version here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2900108163 Hunters Use Melee! A small mod that allows hunters to make use of melee weapons to do their job as well as ranged. As simple as that :) It is also saf...
Créé par [KOR]Bichang
This mod Add to Mini white dragon. – Stat Value : 900 Size : 0.7 Wildness : 54% Temperature : -30 ~ 40 MoveSpeed : 5.74 DPS : 6.4 HealthScale : 1.5 ExpectancyAge : 35 (0 ~Puppy~ 1 ~Juvenile~ 2.5 ~Adult) FoodType : Omnivore Gestation Period : 56 Wool(?) : 6...
Ice Cream (Outdated)
Créé par TheGoofyOne
Introducing Ice Cream! https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif Version 1.5 Introduces the following into your Colony: Sugarcane - Plant it to harvest sugar cane stalks. Sugar - Created by boiling down the liquid from the sugar cane stalk. Vanilla Ice Cream - Milk ...
Ice Cream Integrated - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Ice Cream Integrated (冰淇淋)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,Zephyr,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg,Zephyr 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 为游戏添加多种口味的冰淇淋,作为一种零食,可以增加食用者的心情。 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.7 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.22 2021.2.10-1.2-1.2.0-2020.11.05 ...
【停止维护】Idhale Race - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
停止维护,最后更新版本:1.3 之后的版本已由热心人士接手,请移步 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2939441308 本人不再维护所有以外星人框架为前置mod 的种族mod汉化 Idhale Race (幽灵姬)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 伊海拉(Idhale)是一个人工种族,由制造妮...
Créé par fridgeBaron
Just as a heads up, I have two kid who I am taking care of full time, modding time and energy is very low https://i.imgur.com/OW93Yil.png They are immortal, they have inside them blood of kings. This mod is based on highlander rules although with a few cha...
Immortals - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Immortals (不朽)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:九头龙利鱼,Zephyr -繁中:Zephyr 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 他们是不朽的,他们流着君王的血。 更新日志: 2021.7.31-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.30 2021.2.15-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.30 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,获取更多汉化发布、更新动态。 ——————————————————————...
Incident Person Stat
Créé par Vaniat
Add more details of person's stats on the following incidents window: wanderer join chased refugee incapacitated refugee quest prisoner rescue quest Languages: Spanish of Latin America by CANALETA Credits: Kiame Vivacity for the original code. RicoFox233 f...
Incident Tweaker简繁汉化
Créé par 呱呱
Incident Tweaker简繁汉化 介绍:允许玩家启用/禁用事件并调整事件几率。 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 PS:萌新汉化,有问题留言,有不错的mod也可以留言我会看看,这些都是我自用的mod因为强迫症顺带汉化,文本量都很少,我会尝试联系作者整合进原mod。 统一回复下,很抱歉由于个人原因,无法后续维护更新。正常来说,只要mod本体文本没有更新的话,把汉化mod里面的ChineseSimplified,覆盖到mod本体的ChineseSimplified,都是可以使用的。此外有汉化...
Industrial Rollers - Conveyor belts & Automation
Créé par historic
Industrial Rollers 2.0 - Free your haulers! Add Conveyor belts & Automation systems to your colony! Does not require a new save game | New mod structures are added to Industrial tab! Forum post: previous version links, update log, bug report and discussion...
Industrial Rollers Addon
Créé par Malkav
This is an XML mod to add a variety of new rollers to Industrial Rollers. The vast majority of them are functionally the same as existing sections. For example, my tees are functionally identical to a straight section, they just look better when you have m...
Industrial Rollers Addon 简繁汉化包
Créé par Zephyr
对Industrial Rollers Addon进行的简繁汉化以及Industrial Rollers简体中文文件 Industrial Rollers Addon简介: 增加了两种基础传送带:三通传送带,四路传送带 为所有基础传送带做了地底输入端,墙内版,墙内地底输入端 详情见原mod,本mod只有汉化文件,不包含原mod。 加载在原mod后 关于将Industrial Rollers中的繁体改成简体: 先将Industrial Rollers原mod(工坊订阅mod在游戏所在盘:\Program Fi...
Infestations Spawn in Darkness
Créé par Murmur
Infestations will no longer pop up on tiles that are considered Lit (30% light). This does not apply to deep drill infestation attacks, just random infestation attacks. Extra Features Spawning light level is configurable. Compatibility May not be compatibl...
Infinite Turrets
Créé par Knight
======================================================================= Now SUPPORTS Combat Extended! ======================================================================= You MUST put this mod at or near the TOP of your load order for it to work properl...
Créé par Charlotte
A unique way to make unique items for your special colonists: Randomly enchants equipment. Features Varying infusions for everyone All weapons and apparels have a chance to get infused. They will have its own label, various stat buffs and color coded overl...
Infused - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Infused (附魔)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:BOXrsxx,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 该Mod提供一种附魔机械液,可以为装备随机附魔,你懂的,看脸。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.25 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.20 2020.12.25-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.13 2020.5.11-1.1-1.1.0-2020.4.01 —...
Infusion 2
Créé par alatta
Random equipment enhancements and enchantments - the infusions. Infusion 2 is a complete rewrite from scratch of the original Infusion (and its maintained version, Infused) mod. Infusions are like enchantments—they are applied randomly when an equipment is...
Infusion 2 简繁汉化包
Créé par Zephyr
当你在获得,制造武器和服装时,武器和服装会随机产生副词条,即附魔,影响物品属性。 获得的附魔根据物品的质量等级产生不同等级的附魔。 可在物品描述中查看具体的附魔效果 可兼容现有存档,但加这个mod之前的武器服装不会有附魔。 详情请看原mod 本mod仅为Infusion 2汉化包,不包含mod本体。排序自己试试,就之前之后两种,我自己原mod之后 The original author: Lannan This mod is just a language pack ,you can fand main m...
Injured Carry
Créé par Haecriver
Injured Carry - Rescue pawns who are not downed This mod allows you to control your pawn to rescue any injured pawns, even ones who are not downed. Sometimes, because of his bad back, your 98 years old colonist will not be able to go to bed before he bleed...
Créé par NitroDev
Inspiration aims to make colonists skills level up a bit faster by giving the moments of inspiration. INSPIRATION SHOULD WORK WITH OLD SAVES. New events: - Inspiring dream: A colonist had an inspiring dream and was given 200 xp to a random skill that has a...
Inspiration Tweaks
Créé par Catachat
Newly updated to 1.5, sorry for the wait. I've had minimal chance to test it so please don't hesitate to report any errors. :) Overview Alters the current inspiration system & adds 18 new inspiration types. The chance of inspirations occurring now also dep...
Inspiration Tweaks-灵感调整繁&简中文补丁
Créé par 黑白灰
Inspiration Tweaks-灵感调整繁&简中文补丁,请在原mod之前加载。 翻译: -简中:黑白灰 -繁中:黑白灰 已在贴吧发布汉化包,禁止转载 简介:改变原版的灵感系统并增加18种额外的灵感。 PS. This is just a language pack ,you can find main mod by right link. ------ 更新记录: 2022/6/7 更新了1.3,如果有什么汉化的问题请在评论里回复 2024/7/20 更新1.5,更换了原来的表达(灵感=>狂热),贴合...
Interaction Bubbles
Créé par Jaxe
Wouldn't it be great if you could read character interactions? Well you can, in the social log... or with Interaction Bubbles Shows bubbles when characters perform a social interaction with the text that would normally only be found in the log. This allows...
Créé par Dametri
Overview Interested? Leave a like! https://i.imgur.com/FcAqtoA.png Designed for Rimworld 1.1, 1.2 Overhauls the passion system, adding 11 new "interests" that affect colonists in good, bad, and strange ways when using the skills they're associated with. Ad...
Invisible Conduits 1.3简繁汉化包
Créé par 雨夜聆风
Invisible Conduits(隐藏电缆)简繁中文汉化包,已完全汉化,新人汉化,如有错误请指正。 功能介绍 原MOD可建造隐藏电缆,防止电缆短路。 本mod仅为汉化包,不包含mod本体,请在本体之前加载。 ...
Créé par InsertKey
https://i.imgur.com/AFI3Uep.gif Simple UI mod. Allows you to select things in storage by clicking item list in the upper left. Can be added to existing saves. Requires HugsLib for Harmony. New Update You can now select which resources will visible in item ...
JecsTools (Unofficial)
Créé par lbmaian
IMPORTANT Official JecsTools is back! I'll keep this unofficial version around and in sync with the official version to avoid breaking existing users of this mod. You should unsubscribe from this version (note: as long as this and the official versions are...
JecsTools - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
JecsTools的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带的汉化版本已落后,部分新文本未汉化,此汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: jecrell制作的系列Mod(星战、克苏鲁、疯狂边缘、第三纪元等)的必备前置。 更新日志: 2024.4.27-1.5-1.5.0-2024.4.09 2022.12.20-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.28 2021.7.27-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.25 2020.10.0...
Créé par Pelador
Overview V1.1 Provides jet pack capabilities. Details A jet pack can be made (once researched) and Marine power armour can also be made with a jet pack installed as a variant to the standard marine armour. This provides the capability for the pawn/pilot to...
Créé par Kikohi
I've always thought gold didn't have enough uses in-game. As the only real use was statues, trading and eventually floor. This is now an old story! I present you Jewelry! The mod adds new apparels: necklace, ring, bracelet and earrings. They are all made o...
Jewelry - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Jewelry (珠宝)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 添加三种宝石(钻石、红宝石、蓝宝石),以及四种用宝石和黄金制成的首饰。 -手镯:饰以珠宝的金质手镯。在社交场合中象征着美貌和地位。 -耳坠:饰以珠宝的金质耳坠。在社交场合中象征着美貌和地位,还能在交易中迷惑对方。 -项链:饰以珠宝的金质项链。在社交场合中象征着美貌和地位,还能在交易中迷惑对...
While You're Up (with add-on for PUAH)
Créé par codeoptimist
Opportunistic hauling. Haul-to-inventory improvements (if Pick Up And Haul is installed). Any load order. Add/Remove any time. GitHub Discord Ko-fi https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2039614501967758556/E8A0F2430B67773F5A13F3ADD8077E9E1CB00AF9/?imw...
While You're Up / PUAH+ - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
While You're Up / PUAH+ (工作时机)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,部分高级设置词条不汉化,因为这些仅供熟悉原版代码的人调试,汉化了反而会有歧义。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg,Surgeol -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 在你家小人去进行新工作前,他们会在周围寻找需要搬运的资源然后再去工作的路上“顺路”捎去储藏区。即使搬运工作的优先度很低,他们也会顺手搬运。优化小人存放物品时选择储存区的逻辑(会存放在需要用到该物品的地方附近)...
Just Ignore Me Passing
Créé par Brrainz
"Excuse me. I need to pass here where you work. Please keep working on whatever you work on right now. Thank you!" This small mod makes it so that construction isn't any longer interrupted by pawns passing through the blueprint/unfinished thing that is und...
Keep Bed Ownership
Créé par Hultis
Allow colonists to have one bed assigned per map, meaning that they don't lose bed ownership when they sleep in a bed while away from base. Can be safely added and removed from saves, but always make a backup first! Incompatible with: Hospitality Compatibl...
Kekomimihouse Chinese Pack 中文汉化包
Créé par Nekoshi
THIS MOD ONLY HAVE LANGUAGE FILES AND REQUIRE THE SUPPORT OF THE ORIGINAL MOD.YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL MOD ON THE RIGHT. 这个MOD只有语言文件,需要本体MOD支持,你可以在右边找到本体MOD链接。 1.0 、1.1在这里会继续更新,1.2版本汉化会在本体MOD进行更新哦 本体MOD的中文汉化是我提供的,用网盘给作者太麻烦了,我就做了这个只有翻译文件的SUB-MOD,方便后续汉化更新,减...
Créé par psycheLo
It is a mod that adds nine animal-ear girls dispatched from a certain self-made game (under construction). とある自作ゲーム(制作中)から派遣された9人の獣耳少女を追加するmodです。 Siroシロ https://i.imgur.com/k3LjC5X.png A white-haired wolf-beast ear ninja girl is roaming the forest after be...
kemomimihouse Kz
Créé par 夜月重楼
持续为「兽耳屋模组 (psyche's kemomimihouse)」扩展内容,感谢原作者psyche的精彩创作。 反馈可以去吧里唠唠,这里打字难。https://tieba.baidu.com/p/6865837533 资源扩展: 毛发资源 替换了兽耳娘的头发贴图,并归类。(冰龙雪儿原描述是鳞片,但依然是Woolbase(毛基本)属性,建议翻译改为鳞发)。 穿戴兽娘毛发织物会叠加好心情,重新整理了文本、前缀名称和属性调整(颜正模组)。 联动颜正模组,毛发在祭台可以作为耗材祭天、炼物(升级、修复、解绑、灭火...
Kenshi Armory
Créé par Gemi ningen
Bring various weapon and armor from world of Kenshi. Every weapon has unique melee attack bonus & penalty based on original Kenshi game. https://i.imgur.com/SSU0OgY.png https://i.imgur.com/vvdIAJI.png https://i.imgur.com/JkchV3u.png https://i.imgur.com/0hh...
Kijin Race 2.0
Créé par SSulungE
This mod no longer be updated. New verion here : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2884551646 All good thing must come to an end eventually. It's time to move on to next step. This is going to be last update for Kijin 2.0 v1.4. There m...
Kijin Race Chinese Pack
Créé par 混沌の味方
the Chinese pack of ssulunge's Kijin Race 2.0 mod ssulunge的鬼人mod的简体中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载 简体中文汉化,简繁兼用。 添加了外观类似ACG作品里的鬼族的鬼人种族及相关武器、装备、建筑、事件、特殊结局等。 汉化上若有问题请于评论区反馈。...
Kilhn Race
Créé par EvilChaosKnight
As the original author granted me the permission to update the mod, here it is. In a way, it's quite a rework really. And to all of the people who wanted more AwSW mods and were disappointed, well, sorry. But I do have a project being made. You'll just hav...
Kill For Me
Créé par aRandomKiwi
https://i.imgur.com/OPlXBLl.png https://i.imgur.com/m9uR3Lr.png Teach your animals to kill enemies in packs Unlike vanilla release animal training, you do not risk life of colonists, get full controls over your packs movements (and therefore the ability to...
Créé par cat 2
A merely cosmetical mod which adds a killfeed showing who killed whom. Modified from ChJees's source to include weapon icon in the killfeed. Here is the original mod by ChJees: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1357933654 Github releas...
Killzone Concept Armor Set
Créé par JangoD'soul
This mod adds Killzone Concept Armor Art by Kimplate Features: - Heavy Trooper Helmet - Heavy Trooper Armor - StA25 Vlug - StA-3 Light Machine Gun ResearchPrerequisite: - Fabrication: Heavy Trooper Helmet and Armor - PrecisionRifling: StA25 Vlug,StA-3 Ligh...
Kit's Power Protein
Créé par Covre
Learn how to use growth liquids and other essential chemicals to grow a variety of tissues for the purpose of meat, egg, and milk production. Synthetic tissue growth is closer in nature to hydroponics than ranching. :) https://imgur.com/MClTdVy.gif https://...
Kit's Power Protein - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Kit's Power Protein (实验室合成肉)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 学习如何使用生长液和其他基本化学物质来生成各种肌肉纤维组织,以生产肉类、鸡蛋和牛奶。尽管这些肉类生产的典型性质更接近于处理植物而不是真正的动物。 更新日志: 2022.1.27-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.07 2021.3.14-1.1-1.2.0-2021.3.13 ——...
Kit's Weapons 系列Mod-简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Kit's Weapons 系列Mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 适用于以下Mod: -Kit's Roman Weapons -Kit's Gunpowder Weapons -Kit's Industrial Weapons -Kit's Futuristic Weapons -Kit's XR-Tech Weapons 翻译: -简中:TrVi -繁中:TrVi 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: Kit's Weapons系列汉化mod,贴图精美 汉化包括: Kit'...
Kure's Rimworld of Magic Class Expansion Pack简繁汉化补丁
Créé par MarDolphin
Kure's Rimworld of Magic Class Expansion Pack (Kure的边魔拓展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MarDolphin -繁中:MarDolphin 禁止转载。 简介: 增加23个新职业并给原有的职业添加新技能。 如果有汉化错误请在贴吧反馈。 PS. This is just a language pack ,you can find main mod by right link....
Kure's Rimworld of Magic Class Expansion Pack简繁汉化补丁 - 补充
Créé par TrVi
Kure's Rimworld of Magic Class Expansion Pack的补充汉化补丁。 本补丁根据steamid:MarDolphin 大佬所制作的繁简汉化补丁所制作,由于大佬的补丁已经失效,所以我来进行补充汉化。 新增职业依据A Rimworld of Magic的职业进行标亮,便于与特性进行区分 已汉化内容:MarDolphin大佬汉化包内的全部内容(包括修复chainward的红字),新增职业汉化,新增技能树汉化,新增战斗指南以及额外技能汉化,制作类别汉化。 未汉化部分:新增的He...
Kure's Rimworld of Magic Class Expansion Pack
Créé par Aegael
A class expansion pack for Rimworld of Magic! Install under RoM in load order. 646 new custom abilities 59 new custom classes - 31 stamina classes, 13 magic classes, 15 dual-classes. Play as Dragoon, Shadowbringer, Plaguedoctor! 7 new fighter cantrips 3 ne...
Kurin HAR Edition
Créé par Seioch
Kurin! The Three Tailed Fox! (Fan continuation for 1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5) https://i.imgur.com/bS6xNsD.png Credits and disclaimers: Original art and code by Gloomy/Dalrae. Original HAR implementation by MaroonToon. New code by Seioch. New artwork by Maelorian (Tw...
【停止维护】Kurin HAR Edition - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
停止维护,最后更新版本:1.3 本人不再维护所有以外星人框架为前置mod 的种族mod汉化,热心人士可以自行接手在工坊发布更新(不得在steam创意工坊之外的平台),备注下文本沿用自边缘汉化组版本,再跟我说一下即可。 有人接手后,我会在此界面保留汉化一个版本,保留期间引导至你的发布页面,之后将隐藏或用作他用 无人接手的汉化将会一直保留此状态 Kurin HAR Edition (魅狐族1.2版)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已汉化,魅狐族1.2版框架已更改为HAR,原作者未更新,系粉丝更新,汉...
Kurin HAR Naked ReTexture [OBSOLETE]
Créé par RutraNickers
Devs implemented their own naked skin, making this mod unnecessary. Everyone in the rim will be naked if you strip then clean, why would it be diferent with fox girls? Dunno why the original artist put then in obligatory underwear after 1.0, so here we are...
Kurin, The Three Tailed Fox
Créé par muyahoya
========== Info ========== Mod Version: 1.0.0-200309 This mod add a kurin race. I'm back! UwU ========== Developers ==========             ========== Copyright ========== 모든 저작권은 에게 있습니다. 이 콘텐츠는 Steam 계정 이름 을 제외한 타인이 배포하는것이 허락되지 않았습니다. All copyrights are b...
【停止维护】Kurin, The Three Tailed Fox - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
停止维护,最后更新版本:1.1 本人不再维护所有以外星人框架为前置mod 的种族mod汉化,热心人士可以自行接手在工坊发布更新(不得在steam创意工坊之外的平台),备注下文本沿用自边缘汉化组版本,再跟我说一下即可。 有人接手后,我会在此界面保留汉化一个版本,保留期间引导至你的发布页面,之后将隐藏或用作他用 无人接手的汉化将会一直保留此状态 Kurin, The Three Tailed Fox (魅狐族1.1版)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已汉化,由于Garam, Race Addon框架...
Kyulen - NinetailFox
Créé par [KOR]Bichang
– Stat ——/Basic/Combat Extended/ Value / 7000 / 9500 Size / 1.0 / 1.0 Health / 3 / 5 Move / 8.64 / 8.68 ArmorBlunt / 30% / 18.54 ArmorSharp/ 40% / 7.88 ArmorHeat / 200% / 500% ImmunityGain : 150% ToxicSensitivity : 50% Wildness : 45% Temperature : -50 ~ 40...
Lag Free Lamps
Créé par NECEROS
Removes the fuel requirement for lamps. Colonists will not need to refuel torches, as they last indefinitely. When a save has a decent amount of fueled buildings (torches mainly, people don't tend to spam stoves, etc) the refueling job becomes very laggy. ...
Large Animal Beds简繁汉化
Créé par 呱呱
Large Animal Beds简中汉化 介绍:可以造更大的动物床和动物睡眠点。 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 PS:萌新汉化,有问题留言,有不错的mod也可以留言我会看看。 统一回复下,很抱歉由于个人原因,无法后续维护更新。正常来说,只要mod本体文本没有更新的话,把汉化mod里面的ChineseSimplified,覆盖到mod本体的ChineseSimplified,都是可以使用的。此外有汉化作者愿意接手,也十分感谢! ...
Large Animal Beds
Créé par cucumpear
Normal sleeping spots and pet beds look a bit silly for large animals. This mod adds larger versions. Due to alignement issues (animals were sleeping in the bottom left corner only) the size change is purely graphical so only the centre tile is actively in...
Large Faction Bases
Créé par newcolonist
Generate larger faction bases. Their size and manpower evolve with time. It also factors in the difficulty level, and some randomness. A high-risk, high-reward challenge. Safe to add/remove in-game. For compatibility with other mods changing faction bases,...
LDv's Race Mods personal Graphic Retouch - for Lord of the Rims Dwarves
Créé par 아몰라묻지마
Just personal Graphic Retouch Mod. It changed Only Dragon's South, and North Textures Files. you need... Lord of the Rims - Dwarves https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1400238872 and you can find my another Graphic retouch mod's ※ LDv's ...
Let's Trade! [1.4+]
Créé par zhrocks11
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif - Updated for 1.4 - 10/27/2022 - Updated to 1.3 Supports Rimworld Versions: B18, B19, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, Royalty and All DLC Trader Expansion Mod 'Let's Trade!' adds more variety to RimWorld traders. A total of 25 new trade...
Level This!
Créé par Jdalt40
Level This! introduces staggering new gameplay by introducing a Health levelling system, start as a Level 0 Colonist and work your way up to the doomsday launcher absorbing Level 100 Pirate Boss! Joking aside, this mod allows pawns to level up their health...
Level Up!
Créé par krafs
Get notified when colonists level up Usage You will automatically get notified whenever a colonist levels up. Configuration is available in the mod settings. Languages - English - Spanish - Simplified Chinese - French - German - Brazilian Portugese - Russi...
Life Support Continued [1.1+]
Créé par troopersmith1
Updates to 1.4 will be postponed until further notice. If someone wants to update to 1.4 you are welcome to do so. Source code is available on github. Link in description. Life Support Life Support is a mod that adds the Life Support System building. It's ...
Limit Raid Unofficial Update
Créé par Python User
2021-07-10 Tested in version 1.3. It seems to be working fine. I have recompiled it and not seen any bugs. Also tried it in game by randomly spawning raids only to find that this mod is still working fine. If you do find bug with this mod please leave a co...
LinkableDoors (unofficial)
Créé par Linkolas
A mod that combines the graphics of adjacent doors. - Can I add it to a save? YES but you'll have to reconstruct the doors you'd like to link. GitHub link: https://github.com/Linkolas/rim-LinkableDoors Original mod by Steardliy : https://steamproxy.net...
List Everything [1.3] (Now Ctrl-F in 1.4)
Créé par Uuugggg
List and Alert about things on the map with custom search filters. (for 1.4 See Ctrl-F) Obsolete This mod is obsolete with 1.4, replaced with these: Ctrl-F and Custom Alerts. The search functionality of this mod has been made into a framework for other mod...
Loading In Progress
Créé par Smash Phil
This mod is obsolete as of RW 1.5.4062 It has been incorporated as a vanilla feature. As such, this mod will no longer be maintained, though it will still work for versions 1.4 and lower. --------------------------------------------------------------------...
Créé par Avius
Version 2.6.2 Older versions Rimworld b19 version (0.19) Rimworld b18 version (0.18) Rimworld a17 version (0.17) Description This addon adds new locking door system. Doors can be unlocked to allow enemies and prisoners to pass by (only races that have inte...
Locks 2: Lock Them Out!
Créé par SubmarineMan
INTRODUCING MY NEW COMBAT AI MOD WITH KILLBOX KILLER CHECK IT OUT https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2887978560 Are you tired of pawns wandering into the reactor room without protective gear? Are you tired of pawns going off to the vacu...
Locks 2: Lock Them Out! - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Locks 2: Lock Them Out! (门锁2:锁住他们!)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Zephyr,leafzxg -繁中:Zephyr,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 允许你设定什么样的人能通过门锁。 更新日志: 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.09 2020.11.28-1.2-1.2.1-2020.11.19 2020.11.22-1.2-1.2.0-2020.11.17 ———————————————...
Lolidrop's hairshop
Créé par Vaniat
add some hair 增加了16款頭髮,日後有空會增加更多款式哦~ 髪型16種類を追加します。 少しずつ増えていく予定です。 ...
Long Distance异地恋
Créé par 烽燧煜明
========== 详情见原模组。未经原作者授权。 烽燧煜明汉化。 在别的派系有亲戚的小人可以邀请亲戚加入殖民地了!泰南的亲戚生成器总算有用了。 ========== ...
Long Distance
Créé par bdew
This mod allows colonists that have relationships (both romantic and famillial) with pawns from other factions to invite them to join the colony. You will need a working comms console to be able to contact the other pawn. Select your colonist and right cli...
Loot Boxes [CONTINUED]
Créé par ♡ Pustalorc ♡
THIS IS A CONTINUED VERSION OF LOOT BOXES TO WORK WITH 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3. You can find the original mod here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1560291802 All credit goes to the original creator. I only grabbed the project, revived it and...
Lord of the Rims 系列Mod - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Lord of the Rims (边缘魔戒) 系列Mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 适用于以下Mod:(选择你需要的Mod,不必全部加载) -Lord of the Rims - The Third Age (Continued) -Lord of the Rims - Elves (Continued) -Lord of the Rims - Hobbits (Con...
Lord of the Rims - Dwarves (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/WAEzk68.png Update of Jecrells mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1400238872 - This is an unofficial port - This will be removed when/if Jecrell comes back - I have not managed to fix the Dwarven Fortress inciden...
Lord of the Rims - Elves (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/WAEzk68.png Update of Jecrells mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1400234784 - This is an unofficial port - This will be removed when/if Jecrell comes back - Added support for Combat Extended - Fixed starting goo...
Lord of the Rims - Ents (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of Saebbi and Napons mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1407085855 - Added support for Combat Extended - Fixed starting goodwill with Empire - Cleaner Huorn-textures, thank you DezZzO! https://...
Lord of the Rims - Hobbits (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/WAEzk68.png Update of Jecrells mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1400227853 - This is an unofficial port - This will be removed when/if Jecrell comes back - Added support for Combat Extended - Fixed starting goo...
Lord of the Rims - The Third Age (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of erdelf and Jecrells mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1400245220 - This is an unofficial port - This will be removed when/if Jecrell comes back - Added an option to disable the limit of tec...
Lord of the Rims - Wizardry (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of Jecrells mod https://github.com/Lord-of-the-Rims-DevTeam/Lord-of-the-Rims---Wizardry - Added support for Combat Extended - Added start-scenario - Fixed healing beam to be autoused in teh same way as normal healing ...
Marqué comme incompatible ]  Lost Forest
Créé par IGNI
Latest version: 0.3.6 unstable (v1.0 latest : 0.3.6) 重要:v1.1におけるMOD開発環境の先行きが不透明なため、公式によるデバッグ終息宣言が出るまで不具合対応と開発を取り止めます。安定を求めるならばv1.0上で使ってください。 Important : Because the future of the MOD development environment on v1.1 is unclear, I won't respond to bug report...
Lost Technology Core
Créé par YAYO
Lost Technology 2 Released https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2566455429 Lost Technology World Released https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2566719273 Difference from previous version Technical blueprints are market p...
Lost Technology Core - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Lost Technology Core (失落科技)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,Mod设置部分未汉化,因为作者没给Keyed。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 这个Mod提供了一种完全不同的游戏体验: 游戏中所有科技都需要蓝图才能解锁研究,你不能无条件直接研究。 科技蓝图可以去其他派系定居点购买或者做任务获得。 在开局剧本中选择“失落科技” 进入游戏后,开局没有已完成的研究项目,也没有研究蓝图,你真的一无所有。 汉化者...
LWM's Deep Storage
Créé par lilwhitemouse
Important note Little White Mouse gave birth to a healthy baby! Further updates are likely to be sporadic, as feeding and caring for a baby is a lot harder than RimWorld makes you think... However, the code is available on GitHub, so if there are changes y...
LWM's Deep Storage - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
LWM's Deep Storage (深度存储单元)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:BOXrsxx,leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 添加一些列可以储存大量物品的家具,比如深度储存冰箱、置物架、食物篮、药品柜、托盘、衣架等等。 更新日志: 2024.6.28-1.5-1.5.0-2024.6.10 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.11.3 2021.7.16-1.3-1.3....
Mad Skills
Créé par Ratysz
A collection of tweaks (found in Options -> Mod Settings -> Mad Skills) to change or turn off skill degradation and learning saturation. Does not require a new colony to add, tune, or remove. Preview image by Shinzy. Available tweaks: Decay multiplier: val...
Alpha Mythology
Créé par Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png Features Adds 25 new creatures to the diverse biomes of your Rimworlds, all of them based on mythological and magical creatures from different ancient cultures and sources. Similar to Alpha Animals, the philosophy of this mo...
Créé par 陈吉思汗
This allows you to make AntigrainWarheadweapons.Nice ah! updata 0.02 build Antiparticle generator 制造反粒子弹头 激活反粒子弹头 反粒子弹头安全模式(妈妈再也不用担心我随时爆炸了) 新增枪械一把(很难制作,但非常值得造) 更新食物(各种套餐,另外...反粒子炮弹也能当饭吃) 新增各种性格0_0我觉得还挺平衡的 祝各位武运昌隆...
MaliBody - Gender Distinctive Body Replacer
Gender distinctive body replacer. Females get body textures different from males. This body replacer prioritizes compatibility with apparel that is meant to fit vanilla bodies, so if your clothing fits the vanilla Rimworld bodies it should fit mine. HD pac...
Map Designer
Créé par Zylleon
https://i.imgur.com/HvMpaYn.png More options for unique, customized maps! Map designer makes all changes relative to the original map. Found a seed that's *almost* perfect? Make your changes and roll the same seed! Changing stone type won't change mountain...
Map Designer - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Map Designer (地图定制)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 可以在玩家基地地图生成前预先设定一些规则,包括山体、地形、湖泊、动植物密度等等,还有多组已经预设好的规则。 此Mod在经过作者的不断更新后,功能已十分强大,基本可以根据自己的设想定制出你想要的地图。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.11.3 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7...
Map Reroll
Créé par Symbolic
This mod allows you to quickly randomize your starting map and steam vents locations. Your starting scenario, colonists, items, etc. will all stay the same. Now includes the map preview generator- rather than trying for random maps, you can pick exactly th...
Créé par robopitek
External download Have you ever wondered why one thing of lightweight material has the same mass as the same thing, but made of heavy material? This mod fixes it, so plasteel mortar is lighter from steel mortar. Ok, seems interesting but, why I need this? ...
Master of Cooking
Créé par leafzxg
Leafzxg's series Mod about BULK cooking & crafting ! The most complete & The most extensive coverage ! Support 1.0 & 1.1 & 1.2 & 1.3 ! Improve the efficiency of your base on the premise of keeping the game balance ! Master of Crafting :Make goods in bulk! ...
Master of Crafting
Créé par leafzxg
Leafzxg's series Mod about BULK cooking & crafting ! The most complete & The most extensive coverage ! Support 1.0 & 1.1 & 1.2 & 1.3 ! Improve the efficiency of your base on the premise of keeping the game balance ! Master of Cooking :Make foods in bulk! L...
Créé par Atlas
This mod aims to expand on the current sets of materials in rimworld, adding a range of new resources and research that range from basic masonry construction materaisl to plastic textiles such as kevlar. Non Steam Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id...
Mechanoid Master Blaster简繁汉化
Créé par 呱呱
Mechanoid Master Blaster简中汉化 介绍:增加了6种火力强大的炮塔。不过造价比较高需要伪人格核心,对小人建造等级也有要求。 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 PS:萌新汉化,有问题留言,有不错的mod也可以留言我会看看。 统一回复下,很抱歉由于个人原因,无法后续维护更新。正常来说,只要mod本体文本没有更新的话,把汉化mod里面的ChineseSimplified,覆盖到mod本体的ChineseSimplified,都是可以使用的。此外有汉化作者愿意接手,也十分感谢!...
Mechanoid+ [1.2]
Créé par DimonSever000
Global update Errors may appear in old saves. Mod redesigned from scratch. New constructions for the mechanoids Q: What does the mod add? A: The mod adds new structures that appear during the event, the cluster of mechanoids. The mod also adds health effec...
Mechanoids Extraordinaire
Créé par Spino
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.3.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Ever thought having only 2 types of mechanoids was kinda... on the boring ...
Mechanoids Extraordinaire - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Mechanoids Extraordinaire (机械族拓展)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: - 新增的五款机械族扩展将出现在 突袭、心灵/剧毒飞船事件、远古威胁(遗迹)中登场: - 胡蜂型(Vespa):一个迅捷而脆弱的机械人,会寻找掩体来作战。 - 巨人型(Goliath):一个近战特化型机械人,在战斗中死去后会自爆。 - 猎犬型(Hound):一个配备有动力爪极其全新...
Medical IVs
Créé par Knight
Description Medical IV's aims to further improve your healthcare quality by adding IV drips (Intraveneous Therapy). So far the mod adds 6 different IVs; a blood transfusion that reduces a colonist's bleed rate, a nutritional drip which pauses an immobile c...
Medical IV's Chinese pack
Créé par 鸦羽折光
增加一种植物:血茎 两种药品以及多种点滴。 止痛药:以药片和合剂的形式服用可停止疼痛 抗生素:加快从感染中恢复的药物/增加对感染免疫的速度 输血点滴 IV:降低一个单位75%的流血几率 营养点滴 IV:为不能移动的病人提供营养 止痛点滴 IV:减少殖民者100%的疼痛感 抗生素点滴 IV:提高殖民者的血液过滤能力,从而加快对疾病的免疫速度 麻醉点滴 IV:使一个单位陷入医疗昏迷 闪耀世界点滴 IV:结合了止痛药,抗生素和输血器的功能,通过预先管理止痛药和抗生素进入血袋 It's just a languag...
Roo's Accessory Hairstyles
Créé par Rooboid
https://i.imgur.com/96IHlbc.png "That new recruit...he's got some secrets to hide. He doesn't take off that balaclava, even when he's lovin'...' This mod adds 30+ new hairstyles that include some kind of accessory. These accessories might be worn or seen u...
Roo's Dreadlock Hairstyles
Créé par Rooboid
https://i.imgur.com/96IHlbc.png This mod adds a wide variety of dreadlock / afro hairstyles for your colonists to flaunt. I've tried to create a wide variation of different hairs, ranging from some simple, short dreads to the pretty extreme, punkish dreadh...
Roo's Glasses Hairstyles
Créé par Rooboid
https://i.imgur.com/NWpWRGs.png https://i.imgur.com/96IHlbc.png This hair mod adds 14 new hairstyles, each with 3 types of glasses available. Mods that make glasses craftable are awesome, however, it'd be nice for pawns to be able to wear glasses with thei...
Roo's Royalty Hairstyles
Créé par Rooboid
https://i.imgur.com/RA3CEZF.png https://i.imgur.com/96IHlbc.png This hair mod adds 60 new royal hairstyles (30 masculine, 30 feminine), each with a fancy flair for your most distinguished pawns. All hairstyles are rendered at 128x128, which can appear blur...
Room Sense
Créé par falconne
Toggleable panels to show relevant room stats, such as beauty, cleanliness, etc, over appropriate rooms using graphical meters and optionally a coloured overlay. == Essentially it gives you a faster overview of what the environment inspection tool does. Yo...
Room Size Tolerance
Créé par NECEROS
Have you ever asked yourself, "Self, why do my colonists have such big expectations when it comes to room size? Aren't they trying to colonize this place? They obviously understand survival is far more important than how much room for activities they have,...
Roads of the Rim - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Roads of the Rim (边缘公路)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带汉化已严重落后版本,本汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:烽燧煜明,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 允许你在大地图上修建道路以及一些相关事件。 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.11 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.13 2020.11.22-1.2-1.2.0-2020.11.10 2020.5.10-1....
Nature's Pretty Sweet
Créé par tkkntkkn
Full description! (I'm out of space here) My patreon (upcoming updates are mentioned here, publically)! Buy me a coffee! Dec 1 - Bug fix update and a few new things, see git, notes on update, or full description for deets TKKNTKKN's Nature's Pretty Sweet m...
Nearmare Race - 帝国补丁
Créé par 无声飞雪
修复和帝国派系的永久敌对关系,需要重新开档,请在原mod之后加载。 添加伯爵标签到所有Xenoorca Race服饰,并符合身份要求。...
【停止维护】Nearmare Race - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
停止维护,最后更新版本:1.3 之后的版本已由热心人士接手,请移步 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2928115625 本人不再维护所有以外星人框架为前置mod 的种族mod汉化 Nearmare Race (魅魔)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 元魅魔MOD:Nightmare Incar...
Nearmare Race and Exiled Dawn -100 goodwill Fix
Créé par DsW-4
【停止维护】Neclose Race - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
停止维护,最后更新版本:1.3 之后的版本已由热心人士接手,请移步 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2940874036 本人不再维护所有以外星人框架为前置mod 的种族mod汉化 Neclose Race (弑菌姬)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 新增种族派系——弑菌姬,嗯,贴图很nice...
Créé par NukaFrog
Mod Load Order Core AlienRace2.0 Show Hair ... This Mod New Ratkin Race mod This mod improvement of older versions and adds new content. Unfortunately, it is not compatible with old version. Please start with a new game. What is the Ratkin Ratkin is a huma...
【停止维护】NewRatkinPlus - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
停止维护,最后更新版本:1.3 之后的版本已由汉化组其他成员接手更新,请移步 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2898638732 本人不再维护所有以外星人框架为前置mod 的种族mod汉化 NewRatkinPlus (萌鼠族)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 为游戏新增的外星...
NieR: Automata Weapon and Apparel Set
Créé par xrushha
General information This mod adds some weapons, apparel and hairstyles from NieR: Automata game. Here is the list: Apparel (Note: apparel textures were taken from the Nier Automata Costume Set mod, with the permission from original author, of course): YoRH...
No Debris 1.1/1.2
Créé par Bar0th
Finally the game is playable again! This mod prevents the drawing the debris (scatter) entirely, on all terrain. Blood, dirt, rubble, etc. will still be drawn, but the terrain will look smoother. This version is using Harmony directly, and no longer requir...
No Healing Emotes
Créé par Squirting Elephant
Removes the healing cross emotes from pawns that are in recovery, such as those in hospital beds. Technical Info: This is a simple XPatch, offering high compatibility. It may increase performance on older systems. This mod can be safely added to or removed...
No Power Wires
Créé par Weil
A simple mod to hide the little power connection wires (the wires that go from conduit to each individual object that uses electricity). They look a bit ugly. If you want to see them you can just open the power build category. Before making this, I used ED...
Mo'Events (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of ilawz mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=835151481 - Almost all of the update-work done by Taranchuk - Strings opened for translation - Added settings where you can change the trigger-chance...
Mo'Events - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Mo'Events (Mo事件扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 新增了一系列很有创意的随机小事件,增添游戏的细节真实性(比如小人受伤康复后会有充满活力的buff)随机性(增添了与部落的互动,你可以帮助部落治愈他们无法治疗的疾病,他们也会投桃报李)和乐趣,强烈推荐,其他很多具体内容请进入游戏体验,就不剧透了。 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.10 202...
Mod Manager
Créé par Fluffy
Juggle your mods like a pro! https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Features.png A cleaner, better Mod management screen. separate lists for available and active modscreate and delete local copies of steam modscreate and load mod list backupsload mod list f...
Créé par DoctorVanGogh
ModSwitch A Rimworld mod manager - allows you to backup & restore your list of active Rimworld mods. Currently implemented features: Save the current list of active mods Restore a saved list of mods Export/import saved lists of mods Load a ModSet from a sa...
MoHAR framework
Créé par Gouda quiche
Adds hediffs/comps/jobs/ meant for race mod creators. GitHub Wiki Race mod creators This mod comes with examples. To allow your mod to use these hediffs, you need to use Mohar framework as a dependency. Mods that use MFW Crystosentients Cyberpunk Cyberneti...
Mokan Hair
Créé par Amaji
This is like Mokan-chan's hairstyle Mod. Mokan-chan is so cute! ^ ^ There are two new hairstyles: one with a ribbon and green colored hair. one without a ribbon. Hairstyle with ribbon will appear on Urban tribe. Hairstyle without ribbon will be added to ot...
Créé par Yap
Updated for 1.5. https://imgur.com/xycuX9r.jpg Ever wanted to be a mad scientist with a stocked shelf of various mutagens to unleash upon the world? Or perhaps a cheery farmer with a large herd of barnyard livestock...wait, did that sheep just talk? With P...
Pawnmorpher: Insectoids
Créé par Yap
Now updated for 1.4 An addon for Pawnmorpher and Vanilla Faction Expanded - Insectoids, that adds graphics to VFEI insect mutations, and some new morphs with various new abilities! This mod will be expanded upon in the future with more types of insectmorph...
Créé par Jellypowered
Not compatible with Multiplayer or CE. Added this line because it's getting repetitive and people aren't bothering to look at past comments :) Updated for 1.1 by TaranChuk and uploaded by me. Original Author is fed1s and the original workshop page is https...
People Can Change
Créé par battlemage64
Occasionally, colonists will change their minds about things. They can gain a trait, lose a trait, or have the trait's degree change. Overview: Traits can be gained as long as a colonist doesn't have the max number of traits already (the max number can be ...
People Can Change - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
People Can Change (人是善变的)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 小人会随着自身经历的变化而改变特性。 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.30 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.27 2021.2.09-1.2-1.2.1-2020.11.23 2020.8.24-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.21 2020.4.04...
Créé par Fluffy
Not all injuries are equal; pharmacist prescribes the right medicine for the job. https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Important.png Does not require a new save game Can safely be enabled in an ongoing save-game, disabling will cause a one-time error mess...
Créé par Ogre
Mod for customizing stack sizes. As well as the ability to target specific items. Improvements for v1.0 Stack changes now do NOT require a game reload, if a stack is modified below a set stack size the stack is split up into smaller stacks. Should still sa...
OgreStack - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
OgreStack (自定义堆叠)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 非常强大的自定义堆叠工具,有两种模式: 固定:每种类别的物品堆叠数固定为设定值。(适用于外观相似且原版堆叠数相差很小的物品,如布和皮) 倍数:每种类别的物品堆叠数为原版堆叠数乘上设定的倍数。(适用于外表不相似或原版堆叠数相差很大的物品,如制成品) 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.30 202...
Créé par GHS_GKD
环武国度炮台 ...
Créé par sindre0830
RimNauts 2 is out 🚀 This mod adds Near-Earth Objects like moons, asteroids and space debris. Everything is visible and animated as an orbit on the world map mode. The moon is a playable biome that you need to discover and travel to using a rocket. Check ou...
RimNauts - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
RimNauts (边缘卫星)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已汉化,作者未给出keyed,可能有一部分无法汉化。 翻译: -简中:Zephyr,leafzxg -繁中:Zephyr,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 这个模组增加了近地天体,如卫星、小行星和太间碎片。月球是一种可玩的生态区,你需要研发和使用火箭以抵达月球。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.13 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.09 2020.8.16-1...
Créé par Garwel
#StandWithUkraine RimWorld mod to add politics to the game Features: - Rimocracy introduces the concept of Governance Quality (or simply Governance). It is a value, measured between 0% and 100%. Governance affects pawns' work speed (especially with a Focus...
Rimocracy - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Rimocracy (边缘民政)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: 边缘世界也需要民主政治! 该Mod引入了民主选举、竞选拉票、殖民地治理等机制。 - 行政效率直接影响全局工作速度和谈判能力。0%~100%,越高越好。 - 行政行动可以选择重点方向,以获得在这个方面的奖励buff(取决于领导者自身能力),比如你可以将焦点设置为“智识”以提高研究速率。 - 然而,政治往往伴随着腐败,腐败率与你的殖民的人口...
Créé par yrtwof
What's this? Add The Rimpedia the Dictionary of animals and plants. This Mod allows you to collect information about animals and get bonus. The Rimpedia can be opened in the main menu or when select an animal and plants. This mod (basically) also supports ...
Rimpedia 边缘百科 简繁汉化包
Créé par Shavius
边缘百科的简繁汉化包,记录或是与动物互动能增加对它的认知,记录点数到达一定程度才能解锁情报,记录点数满了之后会获得驯兽和屠宰加成。 更新后加入植物相关功能,记录或是收获割除植物能增加认知,记录点数满后有收获和生长周期加成 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,获取更多汉化发布、更新动态。 —————————————————————————— 漏译反馈:因为边缘汉化组维护的汉化Mod数量很多,由于Mod更新新增词条和翻译疏漏遗留下来的汉化缺漏我们无力逐一核对跟踪...
Medical Supplements
Créé par Pelador
Overview V1.1 Adds pharmaceuticals and new food items. Drug Chemical Mixer Autonomously produce precursor chemicals. The mixer has "input" and "output" hoppers to control resources and product. There is a selector for the chemical to produce, control produ...
Medical Tab
Créé par Fluffy
Adds a comprehensive medical overview tab, showing your colonists' health at a glance. https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Important.pngDoes not require a new save game Can safely be enabled/disabled in ongoing saves. https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/titl...
Medicine Expanded
Créé par NECEROS
Expand your medicine cabinet with pain reduction drugs. Introduces a line of drugs with amazing pain suppression and euphoria inducing effects, though they do cause chemical addiction. Also, this mod allows you to make medicine in bulk. Sorry, but I'm no l...
Créé par Atlas
https://i.imgur.com/EZdEWy8.png Do YOU want more medicines in the game? Do YOU feel the game lacks in pharmaceuticals? Do YOU want to build a huge drug empire? Medicines+ allows you to do such things at any tech level in game. with over 5 New Medicines For...
MuteCombatLog - Disable Combat Log System
Créé par user19990313
Disable Combat Log system. Once activated, no combat log entries will be generated and entries in an old save file will not be loaded as well. Deactivate this mod to recover the system. Can add or remove half way. Also check MuteGC - Avoid Save Corruption!...
MuteGC - Avoid Save Corruption
Créé par user19990313
Disable scheduled GC process in vanilla game to avoid corrupting your save unconsciously. Also fixes the issue that your game might lag greatly / no responding 4 times a day. Can add or remove this mod half way. Also check MuteCombatLog - Disable Combat Lo...
My Cute Ear
Créé par Vaniat
Adding cute hair ! Like a cosplayer.XD...
Nackblad Inc Rimhair
Créé par Nackblad
I quite liked Xeva's Rimhair and using his mod as a base, I've made my own. UPDATE: Updated to 1.4. It includes: 18 female hairstyles 18 male hairstyles If you have any issues or feedback, please let me know. Ludeon Forum thread If you want more hair, chec...
Nam' Hellhounds
Créé par Itzal
"They were in the trees? Well, guess burning everything was a good idea then!" NOT CE COMPATIBLE! DO NOT ASK ME TO DO ONE! This mod introduces a strong race called the Hellhounds, with their own outlander faction. Hellhounds are a fast, and tough race, who...
Nano Repair Tech
Créé par Ogre
Allows construction of Nano Repair Units which slowly consume power and fuel to repair apparel and weapons. Units: Beds (single, double, hospital) - repair equipped apparel / weapons while you sleep in them. Shelves (2x1, 1x1) - repair apparel / weapons st...
More Furniture [1.1 + 1.2] Royalty Patch
Créé par wofl
YOU DO NOT NEED TO DOWNLOAD IF YOU HAVE VANILLA FURNITURE EXPANDED, HIS ROYALTY PATCH INCLUDES THIS ROYALTY PATCH FOR MORE FURNITURE As I do not own the Royalty DLC, I have to go purely based off your feedback as to whether it works properly. Let me know i...
More Linkables
Créé par 4loris4
This mod adds a variety of extra linkable facilities that help you boost your research, work and healing speed! It currently adds 3 new Tool Cabinets, 1 new Multi-Analyzer, a Kitchen Cupboard and 2 facilities for your hospitals! Moreover, it makes every pr...
More Mechanoids
Créé par Orion
Adds 5 new vanilla style Mechanoid types. A mechanical threat has risen! Are you tired of shooting Scythers and Centipedes? This mod extends the Mechanoid arsenal for more variation and new challenges! Featuring 5 new menacing unit types: - Crawler - Skull...
More Mechanoids - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
More_Mechanoids(更多机械族)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 添加了多种原版风格的机械族单位。 五种战斗机械族单位: 机械爬虫:小型的昆虫型机械体。虽然不是特别坚韧,但它们在速度、体型和数量足以弥补这一缺陷。它们装配的小型等离子利刃削铁如泥,活体手术是它们喜爱的消遣方式。 机械潜行者:机械潜行者是一种轻甲机械体,它们的程序设定有一个任务:使敌人瘫痪并俘虏,以便将其义体化。要小心...
More Melee Weapons!
Créé par Gunmar
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/21/2020 Flame Edge added.      It has the effect of setting the person you cut off on fire.      (The odds seem to vary depending on the opponent's armor...
More Monster Girls
Créé par KiameV
The Monstergirls have come to join your colony. They are: The cowgirls, who make nice milk. The foxgirls, who are sneaky. The pack animals, centaurs and dryads. The black harpies and red harpies, who produce beautful plumage. The ice fairies and forest fai...
More Monster Girls Enhanced Patch
Créé par KiameV
Enhanced patch for More Monster Girls which will allow them to do the following (once trained to haul) - Clean - Mine - Cut Plants - Slaughter marked creatures - Strip marked people - Haul Only works in areas the Monster Girls are assigned. This is working...
Monks and Fighters - a Rimworld of Magic factions expansion
Créé par QraTz
https://i.imgur.com/bnfLGJr.png This mod requires, in this loading order...: - a Rimworld of Magic - Humanoid Alien Races 2.0 - CORE factions expansion - A Rimworld of Magic - This mod or my other Faction Mods for a Rimworld of Magic (click to see the ongo...
Créé par Giant Space Hamster
LATEST UPDATE v2.6.3 RimWorld 1.5 support added Most recent changes. Bold are from latest patch. Added colonist ideology icon to summary view. Can be disabled in mod settings. Ghoul colonist names are a bit darker and always show their food need since they...
More Faction Interaction (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of Mehnis mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1454024362 - Updated by Taranchuk - Commissioned by Spark7979 - Updated as is, have not been tested with other mods than those listed below. Please ...
More Furniture [1.1 + 1.2]
Créé par wofl
More Furniture is a small mod that adds about a dozen new items into Rimworld. It was created so you'd have more variety when choosing things to fill your colonist's rooms with. Originally created by Anonemous2, development continued by me. ROYALTY PATCH: ...
Medieval Madness: Tools of the Trade
Créé par Madman666
https://i.imgur.com/G7m6slV.png My first full-fledged mod for Rimworld - Medieval Madness: Tools of the Trade is a part of planned Medieval Madness modpack that adds over 50 melee and ranged weapons to Rimworld. From peasant scythes and sickles to heavy zw...
Medieval Madness: Tools of the Trade 简繁汉化
Créé par Zephyr
Medieval Madness: Tools of the Trade 的简繁汉化包 增加了一系列画风精良的中世纪级的武器,有些可以自己制造,有些只能敌人掉落,任务,远征获得 具体内容看原mod,本mod只是汉化包不包含mod本体。 The original author: Madman666 This mod is just a language pack ,you can fand main mod by right link....
Medieval Times
Créé par Vindar
Version 1.0.2059 -- Please (Rate Up) if you like this mod -- Medieval Times operates as a game expansion, filling out early game / Tribal era content as Medieval era items, weapons, armour and buildings. This mod also adds 2 new types of Medieval factions ...
Medieval Times - Chinese Translations Patch
Créé par G-Arine Trio
目前已经进行初步更新。若发现漏翻、报错等情况请及时汇报,将会尽快跟进。感谢支持! 《Medieval Times》及其系列模组由 @Vindar 开发, 当前中文翻译由GARIN和Mr.Sleep提供,enjoy。 特别感謝: 合作及最大贡献 - @Mr.sleep 繁體中文 - @BiscuitMiner 更多詳情請参见: 百度RimWorld贴吧 遊戲筆記 gamejilu.com 边缘汉化组 語法問題、後續更新及其它建議敬請留言,將會盡快跟進。 若翻译无法起效、错误报告等问题、请参见https://s...
Medieval Times Unofficial Update (1.1,1.2,1.3)
Créé par Gotgass
Medieval Times operates as a game expansion, filling out early game / Tribal era content as Medieval era items, weapons, armor and buildings. This mod also adds 2 new types of medieval factions to the game. In addition to medieval content, some bonus items...
Créé par sumghai
MedPod adds advanced regenerative medical beds capable of treating virtually every injury and disease, inspired by similar beds from Neill Blomkamp's 2013 sci-fi film Elysium. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sumghai/RimWorldSteamWorkshopImages/main/Lethe...
Créé par leafzxg
RimTraits (边缘特性)全系列Mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,之后该系列再有其他Mod也会一并汉化加入这个汉化包。 翻译: -简中:Zephyr -繁中:Zephyr 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 适用于以下Mod:(选择你需要的Mod,不必全部加载) -RimTraits - General Traits -RimTraits - Medieval Talents 简介: —————— RimTraits - General Traits:新增一些通用特性。 ————...
RimTraits: General Traits
Créé par Sierra
Mod Version: v1.17 Get RimTraits - Vanilla Trait Colours to change your Trait Colours to match this mod! This mod adds 46 traits defining a pawn's attributes, some are mutually exclusive to each other with increasing rarity for the higher tier traits. This...
RimTraits: Medieval Talents
Créé par Sierra
Mod Version: v2.2 Get RimTraits - Vanilla Trait Colors to change your Vanilla Trait Colors to match this mod! This Medieval trait mod adds 35 traits defining a pawn's talent, they are mutually exclusive to each other with increasing rarity for the higher t...
RimTraits: Vanilla Trait Colors
Créé par Sierra
Mod Version: v1.11 This mod changes Vanilla and Modded trait colors according to their commonality using the RimTraits coloring scheme. Features: Vanilla trait coloring Modded trait coloring (4 mods) Supported Mods: RimTraits - General Traits Vanilla Trait...
RimWorld - Witcher Monster Hunt
Créé par Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/kNldlMg.png https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png This mod is currently CE compatible. https://i.imgur.com/XRViS21.png RimWorld: Witcher Monster Hunt is a standalone mod adding 16 new monster encounter quests to vanilla game. Quests vary in d...
Rimworld Search Agency (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/WAEzk68.png Update of DoctorVanGogh, Killface, meonester, HawnHans mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=726479594 End of life Since the core of this mod is now included in the game this mod will not be updated furt...
Opened Doors Don't Block Light
Créé par mlph
Light can pass through the opened doors. This mod uses Harmony. It can be added to existing save data. Removing this mod outputs error, but it seems no problems. NOTICE As This mod does frequent lighting update(a update per 5 ticks(1/12 second)), it may ca...
Orbital Animal Traders
Créé par horologium
Now you can finally add to your menagerie without gallons of alcohol and cages! Introducing something called BUYING animals! This mod is on LTS for 1.2 and below. I do not have the ability to commit to updating / maintaining this mod for 1.3 (and has becom...
Out of Combat Move Speed Boost
Créé par Murmur
Tired of your colonists taking a whole in game hour to walk down the hall but don't want to mess with the combat balance? Give this a whirl... All living things have their move speed multiplied by 8 when there are no threats on any active map. When a threa...
Créé par Peppsen
Adds 52 new fan made music tracks to RimWorld made by me(Peppsen), ZumZum and SpacekatTommy. You do not need to make a new colony and the mod should be compatible with everything. I now have my own discord serverwhere you can get P-Music updates, download ...
Pawn Rules - Food policies and more
Créé par Jaxe
Tired of feeding your prisoners Lavish Meals? Need your animal handlers to stop bonding with livestock? Want a colonist to avoid getting a new lover? Have a worker on construction duty but shouldn't be building artistic furniture? Pawn Rules is a mod that ...
Pawn Rules - Food policies and more - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Pawn Rules - Food policies and more (个体规则)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Dango,leafzxg -繁中:Dango,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 你是否还在为猫娘没事就在田里夏姬八乱啃而苦恼!!?? 你的兽王今天又双叒叕和动物建立新的牵绊了!!?? 你家里的单身汪像个泰迪一样到处发情然后崩溃!!?? 这些问题,都可以在这个mod找到解决方案。 本mod可以让你对你殖民地的小人和动物设置自定义规则,...
Créé par leafzxg
RimWorld+系列Mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,之后该系列再有其他Mod也会一并汉化加入这个汉化包。 翻译: -简中:Zephyr,TrVi -繁中:Zephyr,TrVi 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 适用于以下Mod:(选择你需要的Mod,不必全部加载) -RimCore -Prostheses+ -Prostheses+ (Faction Addon) -Diseases+ -Psionic+ -Conor the storyteller -Mechanoid cl...
Roads of the Rim (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of Loconekos mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1613783924 - Can be added to save-games - Russian settings translation added, thanks Festival! - Full russian translation added, thanks kamikadza...
Rimsenal - Security Pack
https://c.tenor.com/Is0ELiJnoU0AAAAi/buymeacoffee-button.gif https://i.imgur.com/kkJ8Qoq.png You know, it's not a convenient environment to live in this remote world. Hordes of wild savages, damned space pirates, crazy killer bugs, aaaand Mecanoids, yes, t...
Rimsenal - Storytellers Pack
This mod adds three new storytellers, Accipiter Accidental, Sereniz Sadistic, and Hildegarde Heroic. https://i.imgur.com/yxJyiW1.png "Guys, party time is over. It's time to face the real story." Sora "Accipiter" Min, a press agent of Yeonhwa Precision has ...
Rimsenal - 边缘军工系列 - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Rimsenal(边缘军工)全系列Mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:风之起灵,BOXrsxx,leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:Biscuit,leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 适用于以下Mod: -Rimsenal -Rimsenal - Security pack -Rimsenal - Federation Faction Pack -Rimsenal - Feral Faction Pack -Rimsen...
RimStocks (Old)
Créé par YAYO
This is Old Version Please go to below link : RimStocks2 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2368878128 Introduce Each faction sell a war bond. Bond prices change over time. You can use the bond to ask for help or keep it to get a item r...
RimTest - Automated Testing Framework
Créé par LaTrissTitude
https://i.imgur.com/2Q44c8X.png Finally unit-testing in rimworld modding! Write tests about how your mod is supposed to behave > Run the game > Check what failed exactly > Fix the bugs > Expand your mod efficiently and never have to retest the same thing t...
Créé par aRandomKiwi
https://i.imgur.com/OPlXBLl.png https://i.imgur.com/Gczai0t.png Themes engine for RimWorld. Modify all game UI, make RimWorld look as you are or as you want. Fully customizable (custom fonts and many other things can be Disabled in mod settings ! ) Please ...
Roppoi hair
Créé par sakama
This mod features a set of hairstyles from Ragnarok Online. It includes: -29 Female Hairstyles. -29 Male Hairstyles. Note-The clothing displayed is NOT included in this mod. About the hairstyles: -Assigned gender matches that of Ragnarok Online. -Hairstyle...
Royal Academics
Créé par Nuker1110
Allows Nobles to Research (and operate Scanners)! No more braindead royals. Save compatible, mod compatible. If you find an issue, let me know and I’ll take a look. Thanks to OttersHoldHands and others on the Rimworld discord server for debugging help....
Créé par 鬼行者
Royal Thrumbos(皇家敲击兽)的简体中文补丁,请在原mod之后加载。 简介: 作者Andross增加了两种(雄性、雌性)高贵毛绒的生物,称为皇家敲击兽,很少人见过它们。主要分布于寒区和温区,因为它们能承受极寒环境,但承受炎热比普通敲击兽弱。这些可爱、高贵的生物能被拥抱、剪毛以获得舒适且昂贵的毛皮,或者挤奶以获得它们的能提升心情的美味鲜奶。 你甚至还可以为了它们的毛绒而宰杀它们。你这恶魔! Note:this is a translation pack for chinese. 没发现解决方法,暂...
Royal Thrumbos_zh
Créé par LingLuo
Royal Thrumbos(皇家敲击兽)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:九头龙利鱼 -繁中:LingLuo 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: ambrosia添加了两种雄伟蓬松的动物,他们被人们称作皇家敲击兽。由于它们更能承受寒冷的环境而不是温热的环境,所以它们最长出现在寒带的生物聚落。这种可爱而雄伟的动物可以被驯养,剪下珍贵的毛发,或者挤出它们的乳汁,一种如同佳肴般的奶水。...
RPG Style Inventory
Créé par Ashen
READ THIS PLEASE: !!! I (Ashen) take no credit for this mod at all. The original author is Sandy, and I received permission from them to upload this mod to the workshop so more people could see it. So if you're planning on giving any steam point awards, pl...
Rimsenal - Hair pack
https://c.tenor.com/Is0ELiJnoU0AAAAi/buymeacoffee-button.gif "Well, well, even we were in distress in this rimworld, that's not mean we can't spruce ourselves up. Isn't it?" Adds more hairstyles for your pawns....
Rimsenal - Feral Faction Pack
https://c.tenor.com/Is0ELiJnoU0AAAAi/buymeacoffee-button.gif Rimsenal: Feral Faction Pack https://i.imgur.com/KslQ3Vt.png You have to give up a lot when you're pushed to the limit. Then how much should people give up if their civilization collapses? Look a...
Rimsenal - Federation Faction Pack
https://c.tenor.com/Is0ELiJnoU0AAAAi/buymeacoffee-button.gif https://i.imgur.com/obqF8l2.png Rimsenal: Federation Faction Pack Adds a new hostile faction, the federation peacekeeper corps. They are twisted and corrupt remnants of the once-great interstella...
Rimsenal - Augmented Vanilla Pack
https://c.tenor.com/Is0ELiJnoU0AAAAi/buymeacoffee-button.gif https://i.imgur.com/C2czHK9.png Look, I'm proud of being a person of good taste. What I mean is, I don’t want to touch those boorish alien Kill-O-Matic guns of megacorps. If you're a real rim pio...
Rimsenal - Core
*READ FIRST: Rimsenal is compatible with CE(Thank you N7Huntsman!) you damn illiterate monkies. And don't ask me about conflicts with CE. https://c.tenor.com/Is0ELiJnoU0AAAAi/buymeacoffee-button.gif https://i.imgur.com/sFTiWyR.png Don't you think the numbe...
Rimsec Security - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Rimsec Security (边缘安保)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Zephyr,asavikle,leafzxg -繁中:Zephyr,asavikle,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 通过特定贸易船获得一种芯片,制作用于战斗的人型机器人。此外mod还带有3种炮塔机枪用于基地防御,维护机器人的基站和资源。 更新日志: 2022.1.26-1.3-1.3.0-2022.1.19 2020.12.20-1.2-1.2.0-2020.12.1...
RimPy Mod Manager Database
Créé par Paladin
https://i.imgur.com/esTPMeZ.png This is a database for RimPy Mod Manager. You need to download an app to actually use all of it benefits (check Download section below). Database contains latest information about mods and latest versions of community made a...
RimQuest (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of Jecrells mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1354114366 - Added support for the new QuestScriptDef-type as well as the old IncidentDef - Added support for guest-groups from Orions Hospitality...
RimQuest - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
RimQuest (边缘任务)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: 玩家可以从商队/访客那里获取到世界地图的任务。 玩家可以自行设定任务的给予者(既绿色的感叹号) 在安装MOD后,来访的NPC里面会有一定概率带有一个绿色叹号的小人,选中你的一个殖民者,对其右键接受任务,就能看到他所列出的任务列表(其实就是原版的几个全球事件),玩家只能选择一个任务调查,并且要支付一定额度的小费。买下这...
Créé par aRandomKiwi
https://i.imgur.com/OPlXBLl.png https://i.imgur.com/90P4Xjh.png Save menu improvements and quicksaves system. Quickly access the desired save thanks to previews (image and meta data). No more mess with your multiple colonies saves, autosaves overwrites,......
RimSaves - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
RimSaves (边缘存档)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:jessefjxm,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 存档预览(地图屏幕截图 + 基本数据(大小、剧本、上次事件、时间、叙事者...) 快速访问存档文件夹 创建、重命名、删除文件夹(没有子文件夹以保持简单) 将存档放入文件夹中(每开一个新档就会新建一个文件夹存这个新档的所有存档) 自动保存创建的当前选定文件夹,因此不再自动保存覆盖不同文件夹中的殖民地 重命名存档 ...
Rimsec Security
Créé par Shakesthespeare
THIS MOD WILL BE ON HIATUS INDEFINITELY AS OF THE 19th AUGUST 2023 https://i.imgur.com/7njFRIs.png In Rimsec Security you can acquire new security systems by Saturn Robotics Systems (SRS) through their occasional visits via trade ship which is the only way...
Rimefeller - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Rimefeller (边缘石化)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,原Mod的内置汉化也是由边缘汉化组提供,这次单独发布意在方便玩家反馈汉化疏漏之处,并且及时更新、查漏补缺。原Mod的内置汉化仍然会更新,但为了不频繁麻烦作者,所以一般一个版本只提交一次,想要更新、更完整的汉化请订阅此汉化包。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 此Mod包含了一整套石油化工的相关系统,包括油田、油井的开采,石油可精炼成化合燃料并进一步用于合成各种人...
RimFactory Neceros Patch
Créé par NECEROS
Adds large underground vaults for Project RimFactory. The vaults Small underground vault stores 512 items https://i.imgur.com/dKIWd7c.png Underground vault stores 1,024 items https://i.imgur.com/nJ9Ns9u.png https://i.imgur.com/JqbhBiR.png https://i.imgur.c...
Créé par Jaxe
RimHUD is a UI mod that displays detailed information about a selected character or creature. The HUD display is integrated into the inspect pane which can be resized to fit the additional information. Alternatively, the HUD can display a separate floating...
RimHUD - 简体中文汉化包
RimHUD的简中汉化包,请在原MOD后加载。 有简单转换的繁中。 MOD介绍: RimHUD是一个UI MOD,它可以显示所选角色或生物的详细信息。HUD可以集成在原版检视面板中,你可以调整面板大小已经添加删除显示的信息。HUD也可以是一个独立的浮动窗口浮动在屏幕上的任何位置。 这个UI MOD是为了1600x900以上分辨率设计的。较低的分辨率仍可以使用这个MOD,但你可能需要在选项中调整面板的大小。 RimHUD的设置面板可以通过单击将鼠标停留在HUD时所显示的齿轮图标来进入。 其他MOD添加需求和技...
Créé par witchyspoon
AFTER 10 YEARS OF MODDING, I HAVE NOW STOPPED, THIS (1.5) WAS THE LAST UPDATE Take care everyone, xxx spoon Welcome to RIMkea! UNbore your Colony with RIMkea, TODAY! Included furniture lines: Millenium Line, RUSTIKA, Cozy Rugs Collection and Flea market Fu...
RIMkea - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
RIMkea (边缘宜家)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:独角兽,Zephyr,leafzxg -繁中:独角兽,Zephyr,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 新增大量精美家具和装饰品。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.22 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.25 2021.2.10-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.11 —————————————————————————— 汉化组直辖的QQ...
Rimmu-Nation-Gloves N' Boots_ZH
Créé par GHS_GKD
战术就完事了。 ...
Créé par Cabbage
Overview RimCities is an attempt to create an interesting and unique end-game challenge for RimWorld players. This mod adds randomly generated cities to the world map, which are similar to other settlements but are far more difficult to attack. Pirate-cont...
RimCore [1.2]
Créé par DimonSever000
This mod is deprecated and will be removed after my mods fully migrate to 1.3. It is not required to run on 1.3....
RimCuisine 2 Meals and Munchies Expansion (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of Crustypeanuts mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1833592940 - Added bulk recipes for canned-stuff, lavish and extravagant meals. - The 1.3 mod now uses the Universal Fermenter instead of the...
RimCuisine 2: Bottling and Booze Expansion (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of Crustypeanuts mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1833592532 - Added a patch that renames the label of Wine if VFE-mod is loaded as it also has a Wine-def. - The 1.3 mod now uses the Universa...
Rimdeed® - 繁體中文化
Créé par [TW] 某甲
Rimdeed® - Pawn Recruitment 繁體中文化 ...
Créé par Dubwise
Drill for oil, process into chemfuel, plastic, composites, napalm Works with existing saves. Rimefeller adds: Drilling for crude oil with shallow and deep reservoir layers. Cracking crude into chemfuel which is stored in tanks and distributed to hoppers an...
Dubs Rimatomics
Créé par Dubwise
Nuclear power | Energy weapons | Nuclear weapons WORKS WITH SAVES WORKS WITH MULTIPLAYER WIKI Take me to the wiki Rimatomics adds nuclear power and energy weapons, and a custom research system guides you step by step through most of the features, with a fe...
Dubs Rimatomics - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Dubs Rimatomics (边缘核能)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,原Mod的内置汉化也是由边缘汉化组提供,这次单独发布意在方便玩家反馈汉化疏漏之处,并且及时更新、查漏补缺。原Mod的内置汉化仍然会更新,但为了不频繁麻烦作者,所以一般一个版本只提交一次,想要更新、更完整的汉化请订阅此汉化包。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 边缘核能的2个主要特点是核能和能量武器。 一个定制的研究系统将逐步引导您了解大部分功能,并提供...
RimBank (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of user19990313s mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1107239511 - Updated to 1.1 by Bar0th - Added a patch to force all orbital trader accept bank-notes https://i.imgur.com/pufA0kM.png https://i...
Alpha Bees
Créé par Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png Breed bees to generate all kinds of resources! Features - Beekeeping: find wild bees in all biomes, build beehouses to put them to work! A single beehouse won't do much, so prepare to build a few. Are you in an extreme biome...
RimBees - Genetic Rim Patch [DEPRECATED]
Créé par Sarg Bjornson
IMPORTANT: Genetic Rim is now deprecated. All the mod's content, plus that found on the old "patches" is now part of Vanilla Genetics Expanded, https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2801160906 This will be left here for those who want to p...
RimCities - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
RimCities (边缘城市)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,Biscuit,leafzxg -繁中:Biscuit,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: -一款可以给游戏中的NPC派系创建城市并且能与之互动玩乐为主的MOD。经过数次的改版后,已经加入了不少专属任务等玩法。其中还有致敬了一部电影:疾速追杀 里情节的一个殖民地事件(不能杀的狗狗……)。 -新增の任务: ●帮助一伙派系进攻一座城市,为他们解除目标城市的防御炮塔。(会...
Rim of Madness - Vampires - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Rim of Madness - Vampires (疯狂边缘-吸血鬼)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 主题以吸血鬼元素为核心,较之系列作品该MOD更为复杂与全面。让玩家能更加真实的体验到吸血鬼的魅力。这次作者在还原吸血鬼各式异能奇招方面下足了功夫,通过不同的家族派系衍生出别具一格的战斗技能。同时在生活方面也把吸血鬼各种行为生理模式模拟的栩栩如生如在阳光下会受到灼伤,...
Rim of Madness - Werewolves (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/WAEzk68.png Update of Jecrells mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1115882219 - This is an unofficial port - This will be removed when/if Jecrell comes back - Fixed compatiblity with Humanoid Alien Framework, than...
Rim of Madness - Werewolves - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Rim of Madness - Werewolves (疯狂边缘-狼族盟约)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 该MOD取材自西方恐怖元素——狼人作为核心,扩展出5种风格各异的狼人分别是:Glabro,Crinos,Hispo,Lupus,Metis (这些特定的名称词缀来源一个比较老的TRPG游戏:Werewolf: The Apocalypse) 这些狼人除了描述、...
Rim War
Créé par Torann
**Rim War is still it BETA and it's likely to encounter bugs or incompatibilities; if you're looking for a well balance and polished playthrough then it's recommended to wait for the 1.0 release. However, if you're interested in the concept and want to con...
Rim War - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Rim War (边缘战争)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 你可以在边缘世界里玩钢铁雄心。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.22 2021.7.31-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.26 2020.10.30-1.2-1.2.1-2020.10.21 2020.9.14-1.2-1.2.0-2020.9.14 ———...
Rim of Madness - Bones - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Rim of Madness - Bones (疯狂边缘-骨制科技)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 该MOD会给玩家添加两个关于骨头的提取技术 在研究后可以在上面用骨头制作一些材料,而这些骨头都可以通过屠宰动物来获取。 用骨头精炼出来的产物可以当作是建筑材料使用,当然也有直接用骨头堆起的骨墙…… 这些骨头除了能烧制成石料,也能用作食材,例如把骨头制作成骨髓,骨髓又能做...
Rice Rice Baby
Créé par Brrainz
This mod adds profanity and other unspeakable things to the game. It also enhances my Achtung! mod. FEEDBACK The Comments section is disabled and your only way to send feedback is via my discord server MY OTHER MODS I make RimWorld mods since 2015. Check o...
Rich Traders 1.2
Créé par tfave
Increases the amount of silver traders have by 10x Only boosts silver amounts for traders in the core game. To include traders in Royalty DLC, please download the related mod here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2228014692...
Rich Traders 1.2 - Royalty DLC
Créé par tfave
Increases the amount of silver traders have by 10x Use this mod if you have the Royalty DLC. Includes silver boost for all traders in core game AND Royalty DLC. For the non-Royalty DLC version of this mod, please click here: https://steamproxy.net/shar...
Rim of Madness - Arachnophobia (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of Jecrells mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=950475543 - This is an unofficial port - This will be removed when/if Jecrell comes back - Fixed a few errors connected to spwning webs and cocoon...
Créé par tommi
A total rewrite of Longwelwind's Phi chat and trading mod. Requires HugsLib What does it do? tl;dr: You can chat with other people and trade items with them Phinix is a server-centric chat and trading client. After connecting to a server, you can chat amon...
Pick Up And Haul
Créé par Mehni
"Greatest hauling mod ever" - Chicken Plucker Colonists will gather stuff in their inventory, then haul it all to a stockpile. This hauling mod will greatly increase hauling efficiency, because pawns can now carry more than one gun or t-shirt. Those smart ...
Pick Up And Haul (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/WAEzk68.png Update of Mehnis mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1279012058 - Added Korean translation, thanks Defo! - Updated Korean translation, thanks Pu Rn Ha Nl! - Added chinese translation, thanks 烨灬! - Save...
Planetside Politics
Créé par SkunkPlaysGames
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.” - George Orwell, intellectual and socialist. Adds political ideologies as traits which create harmony or conflict among pawns. Updated for 1.5. Colonists (almost always) possess...
Planetside Politics - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Planetside Politics (边缘政治)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -作者未给出keyed,可能部分未汉化。 翻译: -简中:CaptainSnafu,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 版本由CaptainSnafu汉化,版本边缘汉化组接手,禁止转载。 简介: 小人特性和行为扩展Mod,会增加管理的复杂度。 小人会有自己的政治理念,会相互吵架,甚至还会为了辩论而去写论文。极度不满时还会发起改革、叛变。 貌似需要开新档才能使所有小人都有自己的政治倾向。 更新日志: 2020....
Créé par 骸鸾
Radiology(边缘放射学)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:22点下 -繁中:22点下 禁止转载。 简介: 增加了一系列机制:用辐射轰炸你的殖民者,获得惊人的突变,或烧伤和癌症。...
Rah's Bionics and Surgery Expansion - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Rah's Bionics and Surgery Expansion (Rah的仿生与手术扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -原Mod自带的汉化版本已落后,部分新文本未汉化,此汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:风之起灵,leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: Rah的仿生与手术扩展,与EPOE不兼容! 更新日志: 2022.12.23-1.4-1.4.0-2022.12.19 2021.8.08-1.3-1.3.0-202...
RBSE Hardcore Edition
Créé par Rah
Rah's Bionics and Surgery Expansion - Hardcore Edition Main forum thread: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=28731.0 Hello fellow rimworlders ! This mod aims to enrich the bionics and surgery gameplay as much as possible, without being intrusive to ...
Rah's Bionics and Surgery Expansion - Hardcore Edition - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Rah's Bionics and Surgery Expansion - Hardcore Edition (Rah的仿生与手术扩展-硬核版)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带的汉化版本已落后,部分新文本未汉化,此汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:风之起灵,leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: Rah的仿生与手术扩展-硬核版,与EPOE不兼容! 更新日志: 2022.12.23-1.4-1.4.0-2022.12...
Créé par tammybee
Show more details of raiders. This MOD is powered by Harmony Patch Library. 襲撃時の情報を追加します。 このMODはHarmony Patch Libraryを使用しています。 B19 version : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1218482854 Description - Add number of raiders to the explan...
Real Ruins
Créé par MR. TETEREW
"Everyone is dead or gone. This story is over. Perhaps someone else will find a use for the ruins of this place." Have you ever wondered who might be that person which will find a use for those ruins? With this mod it might be you, or any other RimWorld pl...
RealDining 真实用餐
殖民者将有更真实的进食选择。新增”用餐时间“,可在时间分配表中管理 Colonists will have a more realistic choice of food.Increased "dinner time", which can be set in time assignment. 1.优先在当前最优品质相近的食物中随机选择食用 2.如果不是只有难吃的食物,殖民者将更喜欢选择食用与前几次不同的食物 3.增加用餐时间,殖民者会优先在该时间段进餐,吃完饭后会吃甜点或者与他人聊天社交,直到用餐时间结束...
Realistic Planets - Fan Update
Créé par Saucy_Pigeon
This is a fan update for the original mod, Realistic Planets by Rainbeau Flambe, that supports RimWorld version 1.1/1.2. Compatibility with 1.0 remains. This mod is dependent on Harmony (version 1.1/1.2 only). Please install and load Harmony to use this mo...
Realistic Planets_ZH
Créé par GHS_GKD
让你的边缘世界更加真实。 ...
Realistic Rooms
Créé par Dragon Fist Ent
Lowers the required room sizes to better match realistic sizes of a house. This is also for those who like smaller packed bases. This mod was sugested by Gwazi Magnum. Note: For anyone curious it does work with the new Multiplayer Mod You can now pick up t...
Real Faction Guest (1.3)
Créé par YAYO
1.4 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2886929245 Preview In rimworld, There is an issue where pawns that come in event or quests are forcibly changed to vanilla pawns type even though they are mod factions. * This mod solves event / qu...
More Pack Animals
Créé par BOXrsxx
More animals can carry belongings while traveling. Including rhinoceroses, bears, big cats, pigs, cows, megasloths, thrumbos, ibexes, elks, caribous, wild boars, wargs, wolfs and so on....
More Planning
Créé par Rhaks
This mod creates a new option in the "Architect" menu, called "Planning", with more options for planning. "Designator Shapes" mod is a great addition Features: - 10 customizable planning designations; - Show/hide planning designations; - Control planning o...
Ma Ao's self use expansion pack
Créé par 麻奥萨玛
麻奥自用的扩展包 新机器.分子工作机.用于切割.回收.熔炼.拆解.制造.制药.烹饪等32项实用菜单功能.它是个永动机.可以制冷和发电.让室内保持-2度。 2种炮塔可供建设.守夜者用来近距离自动防御(同时拥有加热功能,不消耗电力,并且有光照),大型切割塔用来远距离自动炮轰. 1种新食物,速补.它能愈合伤口,治愈疾病,并且提供25种buff. 可以随时安全添加删除. 目前不需要研究任何项目就能直接投入使用....
More Practical Traits
Créé par BOXrsxx
This mod was made to commemorate Gaoshi. ( Gaoshi is a character in the game, not a real person. ) version: 1314 compatibility: 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, Royalty, Ideology Introduction The mod adds some practical traits to the game. Different colors indicate the stre...
More Psychotropic Drugs(更多精神药物)
一个对原版精神药物的简易拓展,现在我们可以在游戏的前期和后期合理利用精神叶了!新增了两种精神药物:咀嚼叶和不眠针剂,部落的居民可以在低科技时期更好的保持愉快心情,而外来者可以在研究对应科技后,获得一种堪比路西法药剂的危险成瘾品。注意,你需要一个新的成瘾品方案来管制新药物! A simple extension of the original psychotropic drug, we can now make use of psychic leaf in the early and late game!Wi...
More Royal Rid
Créé par Shadowrabbit
More Royal Aid ID:2028481893 Author:Shadowrabbit Support Version: 1.2 Support Languages:简体中文(Chinese),English,日本語(Japanese). Github:https://github.com/Shadowrabbit/SR_MoreRoyalAid Describtion It adds more aids for royal.Favor will be more useful.You can us...
Raiderpedes - Unofficial 1.1 Update
Créé par Jellypowered
Updated by Taranchuk, Uploaded by me The pirates are back, but they somehow found out how to configure mechanoids, the weapons of destruction are coming... The Raiderpedes "There were once the Mechanoids, which left nothing behind but scrap metal of their ...
Raids For Me
Créé par aRandomKiwi
https://i.imgur.com/OPlXBLl.png What ? Is your colony too peaceful ? Need more challenge ? Need to try your new Kill For Me packs with some raiders ? You can now be very rude with other factions and get raided when you dirty talk to them ! You want a raid ...
Rain Caller
Créé par zzz
Add one-use item that change weather to rain. Can be found as quest reward also craftable at Machining table. No research needed. Don't require a new game. To remove from existing game make sure to delete the Bill from Machining table before remove mod....
Rakkle the rattle snake Race mod
Créé par ULCH
==Rakkle the rattle snake== Rakkle was a slightly human-like wild reptile that lived on a remote planet in rimworld. In the past, the rakkles found in humans were altered under genetic manipulation by them. The Rakkles had very slightly lower intelligence ...
More Royalty Skills
Créé par YAYO
Add skills in royality dlc style. Items to learn skills appear in quests and stores during the game. skill list : meteor strike (psychic entropy 200, only use with overpower) I want to add various skills in the future, but I do not know when it will be bec...
More Sculpture
Créé par [KOR]Bichang
Add 72 types of texture to each piece of the statue. And release the style restrictions on the statue....
More Survival Items(更多求生物品)
一系列生存装备和建筑,帮助你在极端条件下生存。例如无需燃料的太阳能灶台,易于保存的营养块,为极端环境定制的装备和速生作物等等。所有物品都经过了调整,不会破坏原版平衡性。 A range of survival equipment and buildings to help you survive in extreme conditions.Examples include fuel-free solar-powered stoves, easily preserved nutrient blocks, eq...
More Trade Ships
Créé par PinoChemicali
Increases the rate at which orbital trade ships appear. Can be added or removed without starting a new game. If you are using an older version of Rimworld, you can get an older version of this mod from Nexusmods....
More Utility Packs
Créé par Flankmaster
About Underwhelmed by the absurdly overspecialized utility items in RimWorld? When was the last time you built a jump pack or smokepop belt on purpose, anyway? More Utility Packs adds a variety of vanilla-friendly 'general-purpose' utility items for indust...
More Utility Packs - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
More Utility Packs (更多实用配件)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Zephyr,leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:Zephyr,leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 添加了一些实用配件,让你的配件栏不再空空如也。 更新日志: 2024.6.28-1.5-1.5.1-2024.5.21 2023.1.24-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.22 2021.12.19-1.3-1.3.1-2021...
More Vanilla Turrets 1.1+
Créé par legodude17
Version: 1.95 A little mod that adds eight carefully balanced turret variations, each unique in its own way while matching the vanilla art style. Original by Marn, updated to 1.1 and 1.2 by legodude17. I only made a couple very small changes to make it fun...
MorrowRim - Trolls [1.3]
Créé par SirMashedPotato
New version for 1.4 is found here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2878028462 https://i.imgur.com/kNldlMg.png New Animals: This mod adds in ten types of troll spread throughout the vanilla, and some modded, biomes, including the grah...
Mortar Accuracy
Créé par Hob Took
Q: How is this different from vanilla Rimworld mortar accuracy? A: Vanilla mortar accuracy is only modified by shooting skill. This mod adds more features and options, shown in the list below Description A collection of options to make mortars more/less ac...
Moyo-From the depth(Legacy)
Créé par Nemonian
Moyo-From the depth(Legacy) *Update halted due to Developing Moyo 2.0 - more info in discord Moyo2.0 beta released A strange-human like figure with tail and pale blue skin rise from the beach, the Moyos have arrived to the surface. The descendants of a gli...
【停止维护】Moyo-From the depth - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
停止维护,最后更新版本:1.3 之后的版本已由汉化组其他成员接手更新,请移步 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2910520165 本人不再维护所有以外星人框架为前置mod 的种族mod汉化 Moyo-From the depth (茉约族)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 向游...
multi-stage heater
Créé par LingLuo
A multi-stage heater that can increase its efficiency by adding power. And can switch to cooling mode when the target temperature is lower than the ambient temperature. 20.03.05 Fix hotkey conflict...
Créé par Charlotte
This mod adds the Mending Table and recycling recipes to the tailoring benches to the game so you can repair or recycle your items. Features Completely repair the durability on weapons and armor. Increase the speed of repairing with Tool Cabinets. All the ...
Créé par GHS_GKD
添加了一张修理用的工作台。 ...
Mercenaries For Me—USFM雇佣军集团中文汉化
Créé par Glasninov
授权声明与致谢:感谢aRandomKiwi,«ⓌⓎⓋⒺⓇⓃ»和❄️Sylvanor这三位原作者制作了Mercenaries For Me这个模组,并授权允许我发布汉化补丁文件。 !!!此模组除汉化文件之外的所有素材版权都属于原作者aRandomKiwi和❄️Sylvanor以及«ⓌⓎⓋⒺⓇⓃ»!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Metal Don't Burn
Créé par NECEROS
Metals don't burn. So, stop it! Bad Rimworld. Steel, plasteel, and power conduits don't burn. Silver, gold, and power switches can only burn a little bit. Also, steel is more durable because... it's steel. https://i.imgur.com/ZRNYF58.png https://i.imgur.co...
Créé par WexMan
Description The Mines, a place for your pawns to excavate the treasures of the earth. This is a remake of the mod from AngleWyrm to version 1.0. Adds a new building to the game - a mine in which you can mine all the main ore, except for the components foun...
Mines 矿洞拓展
Créé par Zephyr
矿洞, 你的殖民者们挖掘大地宝藏的地方。 This is a remake of the mod from AngleWyrm to version 1.0, 1.1 增加了一种建筑 矿洞,可以自己制定清单开采指定的矿物。 只能开采原版矿物和石块,不会被耗尽。 相当于弱化版的采石场 详情见原mod界面,本mod仅为汉化包不包含mod本体。加载在原mod后 The original author:WexMan This mod is just a language pack ,you can fand mai...
Mining Priority
Créé par Uuugggg
Prioritizes mining to the rarest metal first; unskilled miners only work rocks. --- "Hey! A plasteel meteorite dropped! Let's go mine that valuable ore!" "Okay, I'll put it on the list of things to do, after we finish tunneling the next few rooms" "And min...
Créé par Spino
New in v1.5: Now includes options to prevent any specific animal from spawning, change the commonality multiplier of the spawns of Megafauna animals (make 'em rarer or much more common), and even the option to disable vanilla animals spawns altogether, if ...
Melee Please (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of ianchen31s mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1549919146 - Replaced Jecs Tools dependency with Enable Oversized Weapons No longer needed in 1.4 https://i.imgur.com/pufA0kM.png https://i.imgu...
Mining Priority_zh
Créé par HawnHan
优先开采珍贵的矿石而非岩石。 矿工总会先开采最珍贵的矿石。 同时仅让最高级的矿工开采贵重矿石(因为挖矿等级低的殖民者采矿产量低) 更多内容详见Mod设置-Mining Priority PS:已向作者Github提交合并,如果作者后续合并,则此撤下此Mod 如有翻译错误请留言告知 This is only a language pack....
Créé par leafzxg
Rikiki的MiningCo.全系列Mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -作者未给出Keyed,可能有部分无法汉化,其他已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 适用于以下Mod:(选择你需要的Mod,不必全部加载) -MiningCo. Alert speaker -MiningCo. DrillTurret -MiningCo. ForceField -MiningCo. LaserFence -MiningCo. MiningHe...
MiningCo. Alert speaker
Créé par Rikiki
This mod adds the MiningCo. alert speaker. See the forum thread for content/changelog. https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=14711.msg153941#msg153941...
MiningCo. DrillTurret
Créé par Rikiki
This mod adds the MiningCo. mining turret. See the forum thread for content/changelog. https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=14711.msg153947#msg153947...
MiningCo. ForceField
Créé par Rikiki
This mod adds the MiningCo. ForceField. See the forum thread for content/changelog. https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=14711.msg153943...
MiningCo. LaserFence
Créé par Rikiki
This mod adds the MiningCo. laser fence. See the forum thread for content/changelog and related mods. https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=14711.msg153939#msg153942...
MiningCo. MiningHelmet
Créé par Rikiki
This mod adds the MiningCo. mining helmet which is equipped with a light. See the forum thread for content/changelog. https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=14711.msg153940#msg153940...
MiningCo. MMS
Créé par Rikiki
This mod adds the MiningCo. mobile mineral sonar. See the forum thread for content/changelog. https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=14711.msg153939#msg153939...
MiningCo. PowerFist
Créé par Rikiki
This mod adds an advanced melee weapon: the power fist. See the forum thread for content/changelog and related mods. https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=14711.msg153945#msg153945...
MiningCo. Projector
Créé par Rikiki
This mod adds the MiningCo. spotlight turret. See the forum thread for content/changelog. https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=14711.msg153946#msg153946...
MiningCo. Spaceship
Créé par Rikiki
This mod adds MiningCo. spaceships. See the forum thread for content/changelog. https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=14711.msg153947#msg153947 PLEASE START A NEW WORLD AND COLONY! Otherwise, you may get errors about null faction (or use Orion's Factio...
Créé par leafzxg
Haplo_X1的Misc.全系列Mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod内置的汉化已过于落后(近一半没汉化),本汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:风之起灵,Ten Moe-天萌,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 适用于以下Mod:(选择你需要的Mod,不必全部加载) -Miscellaneous 'CORE' -Misc. Bees'n'Honey -Misc. Endgame -Misc. Incidents -Misc. MapGenerator...
Misc. Bees'n'Honey
Créé par Haplo_X1
This mod adds the option to build beehives where you can harvest your very own honey. You need to research 'beekeeping'. Once done you can look out for wild beehives where you can find queen bees waiting to be transferred to your own beehive. With your bee...
Misc. Craftable Robots
Créé par leion247
Adds recipes for the robots in Misc. Robots mod made by Haplo_X1. Along with adding four new robots that can also be crafted. IMPORTANT: This mod was originally made by maurojunior2011. The original version of the mod was broken and made for B18; preventin...
Music Manager
Créé par Fluffy
manage your music. Like a boss. https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Features.png Adds a music player widget to the game, with the usual audio control buttons; pause, play, next song, etc. The widget defaults to the top right of the screen, but can be unl...
Music on the Rim
Créé par Bishop
Credits: I did not create any of this music, nor am I endorsed by any of the creators. All creator credits and licensing can be found on the License page. If you are streaming or uploading gameplay that includes the use of this mod, please put a link to th...
Musical Instruments
Créé par Dog Problems
Craft a variety of musical instruments and play them for recreation. https://github.com/dogproblems/RimWorld_MusicalInstruments FAQ q: How is a pawn's musical ability determined? a: The main stat is artistic skill level, combined with manipulation and cons...
Misc. Craftable Robots 简繁汉化
Créé par Zephyr
Misc. Craftable Robots 和 Misc. Craftable Robots Addon的简繁汉化 与Misc.Robot++不是同一个mod,Misc.Robot++里等级高的机器人技能才高,Misc. Craftable Robots里不分等级造出来就是20级技能,成本也不高。制造方法与Misc.Robot造清洁机器人和搬运机器人相同。 Misc. Craftable Robots对比Misc.Robot新增 园艺机器人(种植和割除) 手工机器人(制作、裁缝、锻造) 建筑机器人 采矿机...
Misc. Craftable Robots Addon
Créé par swshadowss
DISCLAIMER I'm not a professional modder, so please report any bugs you find and I'll try my best to fix it! Currently taking a break from Rimworld modding, so not updating this mod for now. What does it do? This mod tweaks a few things on the main mod: Ga...
Misc. Endgame
Créé par Haplo_X1
And if thy survive the onslaught by a pair of moon, this will be your price ol' civic right in thee harvest soon. Here it is... The Endgame! Can you survive a couple of days of martial law? Do you think your outpost is done? You have nothing more to do, bu...
Misc. Incidents
Créé par Haplo_X1
*** You must load Miscellaneous CORE first for this to work without errors! *** - Artefact Your colonist stumbles over an ancient artefact. What might happen if you activate it? - Crashed escape capsule An escape capsule of unknown design crashed nearby. D...
Misc. MAI
Créé par Haplo_X1
*** You must load Miscellaneous CORE first for this to work without errors! *** -Mobile AI (Mai) MAI is a researchable and buildable mobile artificial intelligence. You need to research the basics, how an AI is programmed and how to build a mobile body for...
Misc. MapGen FactionBase
Créé par Haplo_X1
Blueprint MapGenerator for Faction Bases This will sometimes create faction bases from the available blueprints. To make it not too predictable there are chances based on the count of blueprints to alternately still use the vanilla generator. (85%-50% chan...
Misc. MapGen Xtension 'Urban Biome'
Créé par Haplo_X1
*** You must load Miscellaneous MapGenerator BEFORE this to work! *** This will create some urban ruin biomes, which will use the blueprints provided in Misc MapGenerator. Note: You can increase the occurence of urban ruins in the mod settings of Misc. Map...
Misc. MapGenerator
Créé par Haplo_X1
- Blueprint MapGenerator This will create some more detailed ruins on map creation. Some are simple, some complex, some come with items, some with mechanoids,... You can also add your own ruin blueprints to the collection. (Note: This mod only works when y...
Misc. Robots
Créé par Haplo_X1
This mod adds some robots to buy from traders: - Haulingbot A small drone to help you hauling stuff around - Cleaningbot A small robot to help keeping your home clean The source code for all Miscellaneous mods can be found on my GitHub: https://github.com/...
[Abandoned] Misc. Robots++
Créé par Honshitsu
Search for "robots++" and filter by game version to find up-to-date alternatives Thank you to the community and all those who have contributed; this mod has been kept on life support for many years, only being updated by community submissions. I think it's...
Misc. Training
Créé par Haplo_X1
This adds some training facilities: - Shooting Target Train up your shooting ability. - Martial Arts Dummy Train your martial arts ability. - Archery Target Your colonists like to shoot some arrows for joy. This variant comes WITH a training task! For the ...
Misc. TurretBase, Objects
Créé par Haplo_X1
- Turret: Weapon Base You want to build your own turrets? Build or buy an automatic base from a trader and add your weapon of choice to it. The manable weapon base needs the research 'Smithing', the automatic version needs 'Gun Turrets'. - Micro Turret Lau...
Misc. Weapon Repair
Créé par Haplo_X1
Are your best weapons always in an awful condition, with no way to repair them? Do you have multiple less quality weapons of the same kind just laying around, doing nothing for you? Rejoice, now you can use spare parts from your low quality weapons of the ...
Miscellaneous 'CORE'
Créé par Haplo_X1
*** This mod contains various core functions for other Miscellaneous parts. *** *** It must be loaded before the other parts! *** The following video shows all that Miscellaneous can add to your game: Miscellaneous Showcase by Soapie Plays It also comes wi...
Reworked Temperature Extreme Events [1.3]
Créé par Stoic Saltine
Summary In the base game, heat waves and cold snaps apply the same temperature offset every time they occur. A heat wave will always increase the map's temperature by 17C, and a cold snap will always decrease the map's temperature by 20C. This mod makes he...
Reverse Commands
Créé par Brrainz
Reverses the context menu so you can select something to interact with, followed by an action and the colonist that should execute that action. No need to select colonists first and much less scrolling through the map. FEEDBACK The Comments section is disa...
Créé par IGNI
Mod version:0.5 (Currently it is being tested. 現在試験運用中。) The main MODs that need this are as follows : このMODを前提としている主なMOD: WA series Zipangu series Lost Forest The sharable resource MOD for all modders. This mod itself does not make any changes to the game...
reshiram appeared!
Créé par tekka6529
概要 rimworldにレシラムが現れるようになります。出会う確率は数字にして1パーセントですが、このMOD単体でも高いDPSを持つ上に、レシラムを手懐け、半年に一度毛刈りして採れる羽毛は端的にいってやべえ性能です。現状手懐けやすい設定にしているため、かなりゲームバランスを無視したMODといえます 推奨MOD Renge Animal Framework Harmony(Renge Animal Frameworkの前提MOD) 近接攻撃も強いですが、rimworlderのうちでもポケモントレーナーの皆さん...
ResearchPal - Forked
Créé par VinaLx
Features ResearchPal Dynamically generated research tree based on graph layout algorithm. Shows research projects, buildings, plants and recipes unlocked by each research project. Projects can be queued, and colonists will automatically start the next proj...
Repair Workbench
Créé par Acruid
This mod adds the Repair Workbench to the game so you can repair the durability of items. Features Completely repair the durability on weapons and armor, optionally balanced by Repair Kits needed. Workbench can be used without power, at 40% efficiency. Inc...
Replace Stuff
Créé par Uuugggg
Place buildings anywhere, on top of existing things, and the game will handle it - Replace the stuff that the building is made from ( replace a wooden wall with slate wall ) - Upgrade things: like doors to autodoors, beds to bigger beds, workbenches to the...
Créé par 呱呱
RescueeJoinsPlus简繁汉化 介绍:被营救的小人会无视你是否同意直接加入你的殖民地,这个mod增加了选项让你选择是否让其加入。 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 PS:萌新汉化,有问题留言,有不错的mod也可以留言我会看看,这些都是我自用的mod因为强迫症顺带汉化,文本量都很少,我会尝试联系作者整合进原mod。 统一回复下,很抱歉由于个人原因,无法后续维护更新。正常来说,只要mod本体文本没有更新的话,把汉化mod里面的ChineseSimplified,覆盖到mod本体的Chine...
Research Info
Créé par Reiquard
Research bench is no longer just a cumbersome object - now it shows useful info about currently performing research. You don't need to open research window or to recall to find what kind of research is being performed - all you have to do is just click on ...
Research Tree
Créé par Fluffy
A better research tree. https://banners.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Features.png - automatically generated to maximize readability*. - shows research projects, buildings, plants and recipes unlocked by each research project. - projects can be queued, and colonis...
Créé par Charlotte
1.3 UPDATE PLEASE USE THE FORK https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2351393394 Smooth painless research This is a fork of ResearchTree by Fluffy. Main difference is when the tree is generated and the tree layout. The tree is generated whe...
Reinforced Walls简繁汉化
Créé par 呱呱
Reinforced Walls简繁汉化 介绍:增加两种墙体,加固墙和加固射击墙。可以调整射击墙血量和覆盖率。 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 PS:萌新汉化,有问题留言,有不错的mod也可以留言我会看看,这些都是我自用的mod因为强迫症顺带汉化,文本量都很少,我会尝试联系作者整合进原mod。 统一回复下,很抱歉由于个人原因,无法后续维护更新。正常来说,只要mod本体文本没有更新的话,把汉化mod里面的ChineseSimplified,覆盖到mod本体的ChineseSimplified,都...
Reinforced Walls
Créé par NECEROS
Adds expensive heavy reinforced walls with exceptional hit points that resist explosive damage (unlike typical walls.) Additionally, you get an embrasure version of the heavy reinforced wall (you can shoot through it, but not walk through it) providing 65%...
Relations Tab
Créé par Fluffy
Replaces the faction tab with a relations tab. The relations tab shows, in a very graphical way, relations between your colonists and with other factions. https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Notes.pngIn games with many faction mods or a lot of colonists,...
Remote Tech
Créé par Symbolic
Remote Tech is a rich content mod focused on remotely detonated explosives. These allow to set up more effective and strategic base defenses, mine for resources, and many other things. Early colonies and tribal settlements will benefit from low-tech makesh...
Créé par 呱呱
Reorderer简繁汉化 介绍:mod打多了下面的面板就会变多变乱,这个mod可以让你自定义下方面板顺序和建造菜单标签的顺序。强迫症福音推荐! 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 PS:萌新汉化,有问题留言,有不错的mod也可以留言我会看看,这些都是我自用的mod因为强迫症顺带汉化,文本量都很少,我会尝试联系作者整合进原mod。 统一回复下,很抱歉由于个人原因,无法后续维护更新。正常来说,只要mod本体文本没有更新的话,把汉化mod里面的ChineseSimplified,覆盖到mod本体的Ch...
Créé par Jaxe
Ever wanted to rearrange the main button tabs at the bottom of the screen? How about architect categories? This mod allows reordering those and even hiding main button tabs, including any added by other mods. It should be 100% compatible with any mod, does...
Créé par Scarjit
Update Please use Ra2Bunker (Continued) by Mlie: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2235810677 A simple Bunker MOD. Original Mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1552894416 by AKreedz风影 Source Code Github Changelog...
【停止维护】Rabbie The Moonrabbit - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
停止维护,最后更新版本:1.3 之后的版本已由热心人士接手,请移步 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2925377878 本人不再维护所有以外星人框架为前置mod 的种族mod汉化 Rabbie The Moonrabbit (月兔族)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233 -繁中:leafzxg,Biscuit 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: 一款以萌系兔儿娘为主题的外星人种MO...
Rabbie The Moonrabbit race
Créé par Runne
Moonrabbit rabbie Even in the Rim, there is a Moon shining brightly in the night. And there are inhabitants in such a Moon. Rabbie are a migratory, space-traveling species. Engineered with lepus (rabbit) genes and possessing a pair of large, floppy ears, t...
ABOUT Adds the ability to bombard your colonists and prisoners with harmful radiation, obtaining either amazing mutations, or burns and cancer. Radiology functionality is accessible via new research tree tab. Researched building appear in new architect tab...
Reasonable Components
Créé par Fonic the Fedgefog
This alters the recipe for making Components and Advance Components by reducing cost and work as well as adding new 5,10,25,50 and 100 bulk recipes for regular components and 5,10,25 bulk recipes for advanced components. The required resources scale with r...
Rebound (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of AKreedz mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1692393812 A brief explanation of the mod as I understand it: - New trait: Sword Master, low natural chance but automatically added when pawn has 2...
Recipe icons
1.1 ABOUT For 1.1, this mod adds: - tooltips with recipe information - icons in thing filters - icons for some surgery icons - support for complex items with Cutout shader. See the picture for reference. Note: boxes for body parts are from my other mod, Bi...
Red Dragon
Créé par [KOR]Bichang
This mod Add to Very strong RedDragon, may be Over Power. If you want to let this dragon breath, subscribe to this Range Animal Framework – Stat Value : 14000 Size : 3 Wildness : 99% Temperature : -100 ~ 150 MoveSpeed : 4.72 HealthScale : 20 ExpectancyAge ...
Dubs Mint Minimap - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Dubs Mint Minimap (Dubs新潮小地图)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 启用后游戏右上角会生成实时小地图,功能强大,可定制,支持多人模式。 更新日志: 2024.9.4-1.5-1.5.0-2024.4.9 —————————————————————————— 汉化组直辖的QQ群: ▶群①:1056474771 ▶群②:1067096831 ▶群③:5713...
Créé par Aantt
Current version 0.04.80a (2023.07.21) Due Steam Workshop problems with updating some of RimWorld mods, if you having a problems with launch mod you should force it verifying the files! Or download latest version from our Discord https://discord.gg/j67P8u7 ...
Créé par Vaniat
動物にoniを追加します。 ...
Nyaron Vanilla Face
Créé par farmradish
Nyaron Vanilla Face Patch ★Mod order - Nyaron race - Nyaron Vanilla Face...
【停止维护】Nyaron Race - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
停止维护,最后更新版本:1.3 之后的版本已由热心人士接手,请移步 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2929047170 本人不再维护所有以外星人框架为前置mod 的种族mod汉化 Nyaron Race (喵娘族)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:烽燧煜明,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 新增可爱的喵娘种族。 更新日志: 2022.1.26-1....
No Random Relations
Créé par Bar0th
Description This mod disables the creation of random relations during the game. No more blood relatives, ex-wives, lovers, etc showing up that should have been left behind. Relationships formed by your colonists during the course of the game, "social" rela...
No Sympathy for Prisoners [UNSUPPORTED]
Créé par Zyx Abacab
THIS MOD IS NO LONGER BEING UPDATED THIS MOD IS NO LONGER BEING UPDATED THIS MOD IS NO LONGER BEING UPDATED ------------------------------ ↓ FROM THE MOD AUTHOR ↓ RimWorld has changed too much since the Alpha days for continued development to be sustainabl...
No ZzZ
Créé par Squirting Elephant
A tiny mod that removes the ZzZ from sleeping pawns. Technical Info: Is just an XPatch, is extremely compatible. May increase performance on older systems. Can safely be added and removed to/from an existing game. Difference with the other mod that did the...
NPDTiers - The Nutrient Paste Expansion Mod (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of Mistor Love n Smash Phils mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1864411034 - Should now work with all hoppers that use the isHopper-property, or mods that add such a property like Fridges Are H...
Créé par nobo
Add machines for automation. I'm Japanese. I can't understand English, sorry... ***** machine translation ***** Add machines for automation. AutoMachineTool, BeltConveyor, Item Puller, Planter, Harvester, Slaughterhouse, AnimalResourceGatherer, AutoMiner, ...
Nukes Mod Retexture Pack
Créé par Poet
This mod changes the graphics for the Nukes mod. It also vastly increases the resolution for a much cleaner look! DETAILS This mod DOES NOT alter the behavior or function of the retextured items, therefore it should be compatible with everything. You can f...
Créé par Mehni
Adds a customizable general overview tab, allowing you to see any stats on all your colonists or prisoners in a single window. Quickly compare colonists to see who your best doctor is, or to assign gear optimally. Features - Customizable overview tab, disp...
Numbers Trait AddOn
Créé par telardo
Add support for showing pawn's traits in the Numbers panel. Hence you can easily check who you want in hundreds of enemies or visitors without clicking on them one by one. You can also sort and customize whatever color you want to display for each trait to...
Nurse Job
Créé par Darth_Sergeant
Description Creates a nursing job to handle doctor duties non-dependent on the medicine skill. Also slightly reorders task, such as prioritizing rescuing someone over feeding them. Existing Saves Mod can be added into an existing save game without problem....
Nyaron race
Créé par farmradish
Nyaron These humanoid cats were originally made as "luxury" companions on Glitterworlds; however, whereas some Glitter inhabitants like to bring Charge rifles to the Rim, it seems others would rather the company of their Nyaron. Of course there are other r...
Pocket Dimension - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Pocket Dimension (袖珍次元)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Zephyr,leafzxg -繁中:Zephyr,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 这个mod可以创建一个叫Pocket Dimension的空间,可以随身携带随时进入。 更新日志: 2022.1.26-1.3-1.3.0-2021.8.01 2021.2.01-1.2-1.2.1-2021.1.21 2020.12.20-1.2-1.2.0-2020.12.04 ——...
Pocket Dimensions
Créé par Captain Muscles
https://i.imgur.com/Mi8ecQv.gif Ever wanted a secret place that was only for you? What if you could carry it around in your pocket to pull out and climb in whenever you want? Pocket Dimensions is a mod for Rimworld that allows you to create a map contained...
Polarisbloc - Core LAB
Créé par Vaniat
"We are committed to the good life of humanoid." -- Polarisbloc. The preview plan is for reference only. Medicines: Combined antibiotic:A combination of several antibiotic combinations can cure most of the disease.(like flu,muscle parasites,infection,sleep...
ReGrowth: Boreal
Créé par Helixien
https://i.imgur.com/NICrRhv.png https://i.imgur.com/lMvcJSM.png https://i.imgur.com/g8YT3o2.png You can see all changes in the changelog tab! Current mod version: 3.3-Taiga-rev2 https://i.imgur.com/MyICxlu.png Nothing right now, we are happy with it. https...
ReGrowth: Core
Créé par Helixien
https://i.imgur.com/NICrRhv.png https://i.imgur.com/lMvcJSM.png https://i.imgur.com/g8YT3o2.png You can see all changes in the changelog tab! Current mod version: 3.6-Mundi-rev7 https://i.imgur.com/MyICxlu.png Further refinement. After the recent updates m...
Realistic Rooms_ZH
Créé par GHS_GKD
让你的房间更加真实 ...
【停止维护】Rakkle the rattle snake Race mod - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
停止维护,最后更新版本:1.2 本人不再维护所有以外星人框架为前置mod 的种族mod汉化,热心人士可以自行接手在工坊发布更新(不得在steam创意工坊之外的平台),备注下文本沿用自边缘汉化组版本,再跟我说一下即可。 有人接手后,我会在此界面保留汉化一个版本,保留期间引导至你的发布页面,之后将隐藏或用作他用 无人接手的汉化将会一直保留此状态 Rakkle the rattle snake Race mod (蛇娘)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已汉化,背景故事翻译之后补上。 翻译: -简中:R...
Range Finder
Créé par Brrainz
Constantly checking the shooting range of your colonists/turrets? RangeFinder makes it easy. Just select one or more colonists or turrets and press the hotkey (SHIFT by default). When you quickly press the key twice the range will stay visible until you pr...
Range Finder - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Range Finder (显示武器范围)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: -可在mod设置里设置一个显示武器范围的热键,要显示武器范围,请选择殖民者,然后按此热键。如果您双击该键,武器范围将一直显示,直到您再次按下该键。 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.20 2021.7.18-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.13 2020.8.12-1.2-1.2.0-202...
Rapid-fire Miniguns
Créé par Garr Incorporated
UPDATE LOG: 31st of March 2024: Updated to 1.5. This is a simple mod, so it works fine. 5th of January 2023: Fixed a typo within the code; Added compatibility with Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Frontier (Handheld Gatling Gun affected). 21st of November 2022: ...
Créé par 魔王萨摩耶
特别感谢:Hyperion-c 提供了英文翻译。 Thanks: Hyperion-c provided English translation 内容: 增加更多人物特性,并通过颜色将其划分为多个级别。 特性属性较为平衡,高品质特性略微正义,不过考虑到出现几率微乎其微,故尚且平衡。 Bad特性:灰色品质,出现几率低。 Normal特性:白色品质,出现几率高。 Rare特性:绿色品质,出现几率中等。 SuperRare特性:蓝色品质,出现几率低。 SuperiorSuperRare特性:紫色品质,出现几率非常...
Rational Romance - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Rational Romance (浪漫多元化)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 添加给小人4大类的性取向特性【异性恋(直)】、【双性恋】、【同性恋(弯)】和【无性恋(干物系)】。而小人的感情脉路会以这4大类的取向来寻找自己身边的恋人。在没有RJW出现之前,这款MOD一直是小人感情类的一股清流。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.11.4 20...
Créé par Hatti
Only the doctor with the best surgey success chance will perform surgeries. If he is the one on the table, the next best one will perform the operation. Of course, only doctors with some movement and manipulation can perform surgeries!. If your doctor with...
Quantum Cooling Redux
Créé par Poet
This is a reupload / continuation / revival of the existing mod called Quantum Cooling. I've made several quality of life changes to the mod, full details are in the changelog. Full rights to the mod ownership are kept by the original author. They can requ...
Quantum Cooling Redux - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Quantum Cooling Redux (量子冷却)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Lappland,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 新增一系列量子加热器、冷却器。总之就是强力好用。 更新日志: 2021.1.27-1.2-1.2.0-2020.12.15 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,获取更多汉化发布、更新动态。 ————————————————————————...
Quest Reward Rebalance
Créé par Flankmaster
About Ever wonder why your heavily-modded 16-year colony never sees any of those rare archotech rewards? This mod rejiggers quest reward generation so archotech-level items/buildings like the Vanometric Powercell and Chemfuel Reactor (along with other arch...
Questionable Ethics Enhanced
Créé par KongMD
Questionable Ethics Enhanced (QEE) is a content mod that adds cloning and pawn manipulation features to Rimworld. See the Change Notes tab in Steam Workshop or the Github repository for info on the latest updates. Features Grow organs in vats! Clone animal...
Ra2 Bunker Graphic
Créé par NECEROS
Changes the graphic for Ra2Bunker. https://i.imgur.com/JxFOqJI.png Vanilla Balance A little tuning to the bunker mod. It's still powerful compared to vanilla, but it's a little less insane. https://i.imgur.com/NpuFU7v.png Github: https://github.com/Neceros...
Pulsefire Turret简繁汉化
Créé par 呱呱
Pulsefire Turret简中汉化 介绍:增加了两种强力炮塔。脉冲狙击炮塔和双管脉冲狙击炮塔。 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 PS:萌新汉化,有问题留言,有不错的mod也可以留言我会看看。 统一回复下,很抱歉由于个人原因,无法后续维护更新。正常来说,只要mod本体文本没有更新的话,把汉化mod里面的ChineseSimplified,覆盖到mod本体的ChineseSimplified,都是可以使用的。此外有汉化作者愿意接手,也十分感谢!...
Quality Colors
Créé par legodude17
Super simple mod, just colors items based on quality. Currently works on: - Trade window - Caravan packing window - Quality labels on the ground - Inspect pane (Bottom left window when you select something) Features settings, allowing you to change the col...
Quality Cooldown
Créé par dninemfive
Mod originally by XeoNovaDan, "updated" (read: version number changed and shoddy/superior curve points removed) by dninemfive. Makes it so that quality affects melee and ranged cooldown, with the latter also being affected by the weapon's condition. Non-St...
Créé par Hatti
With QualityBuilder all buildings that have quality (beds, tables etc) will only be build by the best builder to ensure the best outgoing quality. Every other constructor will be able to bring in the materials, but only the best one will build it. If you k...
QualityBuilder - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
QualityBuilder (精益求精)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: -建造物品时出现精益求精选项,默认开启,右键可以设置要建造物品的最低品质要求,成品品质低于最低要求小人会自动拆除重建直到成品符合要求。 -可以设置精益求精物品建造者的最低建造技能等级要求,低于该等级不会参与建造开启精益求精选项的物品。 -Mod设置里可自行修改默认设置。 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-20...
Polarisbloc - Mechenemy
Créé par Vaniat
Only Factions: Advanced Mechanoids:A Mechanoid interstellar marine with highly advanced technology. They have been waiting in rimworld for a long time trying to find a weakness in human defensive forces to invade. Chaser Armada(Removed in 1.3):It is human'...
Polarisbloc - Security Force
Créé par Vaniat
Requirement: Polarisbloc - Core LAB It is a friendly faction. The security forces belonging to the Polarisbloc provide security support for the Polarisbloc. At the same time, it is also ordered by Polarisbloc to carry out the untold task.They are usually f...
Polarisbloc - Storyteller incidents pack
Créé par Vaniat
This mod adds 3 storytellers and 7 incidents. Storytells:「Wild AI」Vanya ,「Beserker」No.13 and 「Boffin」Gloria. Incidents: Trade ship crash - A trader ship crashed into your map with all storaged things. Trade ship crash quest - A trader ship chashed nearby y...
Power Logic
Créé par Supes
Adds Logic Switches and sensors to your game that switch on or off power based on power input Originally I was going to create a bunch of And Gates, Or Gates, Not Gates, but after the And gate I thought to myself hmm, needs some switches to show it off and...
Power Tab [1.1]
Créé par Compilatron
Handy inspector tab for checking the status of your power network. Power tab adds in an inspector tab, selectable on any conduit, which will show the output of every power producer, consumer and battery on the power network. Planned additions include line ...
Créé par aRandomKiwi
https://i.imgur.com/OPlXBLl.png https://i.imgur.com/1uTdL63.png WORKS WITH SAVES A wireless power mod : Trade power (buy and sell) with factions, share wirelessly power between your colonies and all other maps (caravan, quest, deeprim...), connect electric...
Créé par K
https://i.imgur.com/fkFtl1L.png PsiTech adds new, late game content in the form of powerful psychic abilities. Train your colonists in the use of psychic abilities and turn them into psions. Customize your colonists in new ways using psionics. PsiTech incl...
PsiTech 简繁汉化
Créé par Zephyr
PsiTech 的简繁汉化包 内容非常丰富的mod 增加新的,扩充后期游戏内容的形式强大的灵能能力。训练你的殖民者使用灵能能力,并把他们变成灵能术士。使用灵能以新的方式定制你的殖民者。 PsiTech包括一系列的被动和主动精神能力,从简单的强化,给予各种buff,到能够治疗他人的主动能力,到强大的灵能风暴,能够把大量的敌人逼疯。而且可设置的东西非常多。 新增一种资源——锿,可以拆卸心灵神器来获得。研究完指定科技后可以自己制造。 除了一系列能力外,还有配套的训练机,工作台,来解锁灵能能力,制造相关物品。可以用...
Psychic Harmonizer Lag Fix
Créé par avil
Fixes the reason why psychic harmonizer slows down the game when looking at a mood tab. Possible to add mid game. If you do, you have to clear all the old harmonizer memories for a mod to take effect (i. e. isolate harmonizer carriers from the rest of colo...
Créé par The Word-Mule
Doesn't require a new save! Mod options available! B19 version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1499800980 All versions 1.1 and onward: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2016263135 "This is the absolute best mod ...
Psychology (unofficial) v1.1-1.5
Créé par che_lovek
External 1.5 download with source files This is an unofficial update of The Word-Mule's Psychology mod for Rimworld v1.1. It's a complex overhaul to pawns social interactions, which adds psyche system where each pawns is unique (original 1.0 mod and full l...
Créé par Chefboyjc
An ultratech sword made out of psychic focusing materials, enhance the wielder's psychic sensitivity and neural heat dissipation while still begin light and deadly in melee combat. Has a chance of focusing it own psychic energy while stabing or slashing, c...
Créé par Haplo_X1
This mod adds additional functions to the vanilla power switch. Here you have various research topics available, which will improve the functionality of the switch. You can research the upgrade for a motion detector, an enemy detector and for a timer. Note...
Predator Hunt Alert[1.0-1.4]
Créé par tammybee
Alert when the colonists or pets are targeted by carnivorous beasts. This MOD is powered by Harmony Patch Library. 肉食獣に入植者か家畜が狙われた時点で警告を出すようにします。 このMODはHarmony Patch Libraryを使用しています。 B19 version : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1216...
Preemptive Strike
Créé par Dr.Carl
If you like my mod, plz give me a https://i.imgur.com/88t2TNq.png and https://i.imgur.com/A4BLLQM.png! This is really important to me! http://i.imgur.com/6cyCp2A.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mod Name:...
Preemptive Strike Chanese Language Patch
Créé par _duosha_
对Preemptive Strike 进行汉化补充...
Preemptive Strike (Fork)
Créé par Lt. Bob
This a fan updated continuation of Dr.Carl's original mod, with all credit for the idea and original implementation going to him. I have only taken over development of the mod since the RimWorld update to v1.1. Original mod can be found here: - https://ste...
Prepare Landing
Créé par neitsa
PrepareLanding is a mod that allows players to carefully choose their landing site before actually starting their colony. Choosing a landing site can be done by applying and using different set of filters, resulting in an unique combination of tiles, which...
Prepare Landing - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Prepare Landing (着陆准备)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 该MOD其实是一个非常详细的筛选器,在你准备选择地图格开始之前,可以使用此Mod非常详细且强大的筛选条件快速找到你理想的基地地点。 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.29 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.27 2021.1.27-1.2-1.2.0-2020....
Prison Labor
Créé par Avius
Description This mod force prisoners to work. To enable this feature prisoners must have "Force to work" option checked ("Prisoner" tab). Prison labor needs management that consist of: Motivation - prisoners need to be motivated by presence of colonists. W...
Prisoner Arena (Continued)
Créé par Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of Gl0b on Steams mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1668624708 - Fights can now go on until death - A scoreboard saves the names of all winners - Winners can now be released as reward instead ...
Prisoner Arena - 简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Prisoner Arena (囚犯角斗)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 添加了一个角斗场,可以让囚犯在里面角斗,殖民者可在一旁观战娱乐。 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.11 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.11 2020.8.24-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.04 2020.3.29-1.1-1.1.0-2020.3.16 ...
ProxyHeat [1.2-1.4 Only]
Créé par LoggerC4
!!! 1.5? ProxyHeat will not update to 1.5, but will be there in the form of Vanilla Temperature Expanded. ProxyHeat shall stay up as-is for those on previous versions! You do not have permission to update this. !!! What's this do? This will allow temperatu...
Prostheses+ (Faction Addon) [1.2]
Créé par DimonSever000
A new technological faction Q: What does the mod add? A: The mod will add a new faction to your world that is initially hostile to you. The faction often uses new prosthetics and uses them against their enemies. You can also find a prosthetic dealer sellin...
Prostheses+ [1.2]
Créé par DimonSever000
Content - About 200 new prostheses, new research tree, organ and limb replacement, advanced cybernetic technologies. - Assembly machines for designing prostheses. For the convenience of players, the mod has its own bench so as not to overwhelm others. - Pr...
Project RimFactory Revived CN pack
Créé par TrVi
边缘工厂(RimFactory),Beta时代就存在的老牌精品mod,作者在几年时间内集成了A16版本的S.A.L,增添了一半的新玩意,废除了回形针设定,做了很多著名mod的patch,并且重新做了mod的材料要求平衡。 经1.1/1.2版本更新后自集成的B18版本汉化已严重落后,同时在平衡调整后不少原有汉化与现有英文文本有所出入,故此我在原B18基础上重新做了文本修正,并汉化了新增内容。 已汉化内容:新增物品/建筑/科技,新增mod功能,旧版本功能汉化修正。 未汉化内容:部分琐碎的标签,部分Helper卡...
Project RimFactory Revived - LEGACY
Créé par zyMex
LEGACY version of core. 2.4.9 This will not get any updates and is only here if you have a save you wanna keep without a local version. DONT USE On NEW SAVES!...
Prisoner Harvesting
Créé par GassyTaco
Updated to version 1! Version Beta 19 here. http://www mediafire com/file/dtrga56bqr06egz/Gassy_Mods_B19.rar/file Simple mod. Allows you to harvest any prisioner without making your colony have a mood swing, no longer you will need to re-roll a character t...
Prisoner Recreation
Créé par oBerry
Updated to be more compatible, thanks to Demopan's awesome work! Thanks man. "Hey Bill, thinking about joinin the colony today?" "I am sorry John, but I am incapable of human emotions or motives. I do not wish to join your colony" *whispering to Jill* "Wha...
Créé par erdelf
This mod allows you to demand ransom for imprisoned pawns for silver at the comms console. It will give you a slight relationship boost. There is a slight chance that they don't accept and raid you. Every bargain is dependant on the social skill of the han...
Créé par 黑白灰
PrisonerRansom囚犯赎金繁简中文补丁 囚犯赎金汉化补丁,在控制台和囚犯的派系联系可以把他卖回去。...
Project Itzal 简繁汉化合集
Créé par Zephyr
Project Itzal系列是Itzal制作的贴图精美的枪械mod。本合集包含 Project Itzal - Main Pack Project Itzal - Bonus Guns Project Itzal - Extra Guns Project Itzal - Too Many Guns Project Itzal - Community Pack Project Itzal - Charge Pack Project Itzal - Even More Guns Project Itzal -...
Project Itzal - Bonus Guns
Créé par Itzal
An addition to Project Itzal, this pack contains some extra weapons, due to the other pack being filled up. Weapons range from assault rifles that work very closely to vanilla to advanced charge weapons capable of ripping holes in plasteel. Oh and it has a...
Project Itzal - Charge Pack
Créé par Itzal
Another simple addition to project itzal, focused around those cool charge weapons. includes 15 different charge weapons for you to find and craft. Credit to Oskar Potocki for the charge shotgun projectile sprite...
Project Itzal - Community Pack
Créé par Itzal
A weapon pack made up of ideas that others have sent me! Includes a couple of other guns I created. Idea credits: MajsterX4#9525 on discord: Artillery Machine Pistol, Long Revolver, Revolver Carbine, Salvo Launcher Ashie#7468 on discord: High Capacity Revo...
Project Itzal - Even More Guns
Créé par Itzal
More guns because why not?. Includes 16 guns, with the .50 caliber machine gun, high caliber machine gun, and heavy minigun having custom sounds. Project Itzal: Bonus guns required for the Frontline rifle's suppressed sound. Been pretty inactive recently t...
Project Itzal - Extra Guns
Créé par Itzal
Just some more extras because I create too much art to put in the other mods i made Might be updated, and most likely won't be perfect....
Project Itzal - Lasers
Créé par Itzal
Pew Pew. A small, but unique weapon mod that uses VWE:Lasers to add in some laser weapons! The combat weapons are generally better than their salvaged ounterparts, while the primed weapons are better than their normal counterpats. Combat guns can be cafted...
Project Itzal - Main Pack
Créé par Itzal
Here it is, the main pack of all of the weapons i have added so far. Individual packs are available if you want to only add a certain type of weapon, those are linked in a collection I have made. Descriptions of all weapons are viewable in the discussions ...
Project Itzal - Special Delivery
Créé par Itzal
A weapon pack designed to add in exotic, cursed and unique weapons to the rim! Includes 15 guns to find, craft and use against your enemies. Some even have custom sounds. I ain't planning on making a CE patch, before you ask....
Project Itzal - Too Many Guns
Créé par Itzal
Oh boy here we go again. 30 guns, a couple of melee weapons, and the dread that if you played with all of the packs at once you'd probs end up at around 100 guns. Still, fun as hell to get some of the more unique weapons, like the new Rocket Pod Launcher, ...
Project Itzal - Underbarreled weapons
Créé par Itzal
A small weapon pack that introduces weapons with alternative firemodes! Includes 11 guns to discover, with 9 having secondary firemodes, and 2 having 3 or more firemodes. I won't be doing a CE patch, so don't bother asking. Credit to Ogliss for providing t...
Project RimFactory 系列Mod-简&繁中文汉化包
Créé par leafzxg
Project RimFactory (边缘工厂) 系列Mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带的机翻已经严重过时,本汉化包已完全汉化。 适用于以下Mod: -Project RimFactory Revived -Project RimFactory - Materials -Project RimFactory - Drones -Project RimFactory - Insanity 翻译: -简中:Zephyr,asavikle,leafzxg -繁中:Zephyr,as...
Project RimFactory - Drones
Créé par zyMex
Project RimFactory - Drones https://imgur.com/mi4OYoT.png This is a addon for Project RimFactoy it expands upon drone system in prf - core. This Drone mod have a different approach than other drone mods, because it adds drone stations with multiple drone t...
Project RimFactory - Insanity
Créé par zyMex
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif This is a Initial build for future updates, it will get a overhaul, but for now i have made initial changes to it to allow further work to be done. Early Release W.I.P https://imgur.com/mi4OYoT.png This is going mad! Welcome ...
Project RimFactory - Materials
Créé par zyMex
EARLY ACCESS This is a very early and likely unstable build? main goal with this was getting it out with prf - core 2.5.0 release. So when ppl start a new save worldgen for ores in this will be in. That said most things in should work, but it will likely c...
Project RimFactory Revived
Créé par zyMex
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif https://imgur.com/Bu9PQiP.png INFO I (zymex) are currently taking a break from RW, i will propably be back at some poins as always, but until then Sn1p3rr3c0n are main bug fixer and maintainer of this mod. Just as i did when ...
[SZ] 曲终奏雅-神州音乐包 Chinese style music Pack
Créé par Diamond.J
Shenzhou series link: https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2411388723 (including all the Shenzhou series mods, I recommend everyone to take a look) To learn more about this section in English, please visit: https://steamproxy.net/worksho...
克隆 汉化 Questionable Ethics Enhanced
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介绍:克隆相关操作,克隆人以及克隆器官等。 翻译:简体汉化,繁體可用。本汉化作品均为阿寻翻译。请勿在其他渠道发布。 更多:可在【个人汉化MOD合集】找到我的更多汉化。如有翻译错误可以与我联系。 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 喜欢的话,点个赞吧! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/773973636542880938/177552C120085204130566E3C02C4E749C53B49C/...
大剑 汉化 Swords
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介绍:增加了几种强力且附带属性的大剑。 翻译:简体汉化,繁體可用。本汉化作品均为阿寻翻译。请勿在其他渠道发布。 更多:可在【个人汉化MOD合集】找到我的更多汉化。如有翻译错误可以与我联系。 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 喜欢的话,点个赞吧! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/773973636542880938/177552C120085204130566E3C02C4E749C53B49C/...
播种 汉化 SeedsPlease
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介绍:种植植物需要种子才行,并且提取的种子,可以在任何地形播种。 翻译:简体汉化,繁體可用。本汉化作品均为阿寻翻译。请勿在其他渠道发布。 更多:可在【个人汉化MOD合集】找到我的更多汉化。如有翻译错误可以与我联系。 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 喜欢的话,点个赞吧! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/773973636542880938/177552C120085204130566E3C02C4E749C53B49C/...
ReGrowth: Extinct Animals
Créé par Helixien
https://i.imgur.com/SoJM41A.png https://i.imgur.com/lMvcJSM.png https://i.imgur.com/QlOIC7F.png You can see all changes in the changelog tab! Current mod version: 2.1b-Scrat-rev7 https://i.imgur.com/NuczGAx.png Nothing right now, minor bug fixes will come ...
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介绍:添加了几种栅栏,以及配合栅栏使用的工具箱,方便调节数值。 翻译:简体汉化,繁體可用。本汉化作品均为阿寻翻译。请勿在其他渠道发布。 更多:可在【个人汉化MOD合集】找到我的更多汉化。如有翻译错误可以与我联系。 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 ...
标签 汉化 DocWorld
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介绍:添加了许多建筑规划菜单上的 标签 分类,例如 “床”、“栅栏”、“烹饪”等。 与许多MOD兼容(MOD物品也会被分类)。具体哪些MOD可以看原MOD必装列表。 翻译:简体汉化,繁體可用。本汉化作品均为阿寻翻译。请勿在其他渠道发布。 更多:可在【个人汉化MOD合集】找到我的更多汉化。如有翻译错误可以与我联系。 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 喜欢的话,点个赞吧! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/773973636542880938/17...