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BaroUltimate (Full Version)
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New Submarines
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New Submarine Weapons and Upgrades
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Items (859)
USUB7 Pirate
Created by Rebel
A pirate version of the USUB7 Submarine made by CtHulho...
USUB7 Coalition
Created by Rebel
A coalition version of the USUB7 submarine made by Cthulho...
U-41S Pirate
Created by Rebel
A pirate version of the U-41S (My Version )...
The Flash
Created by Rebel
The Cicle
Created by Rebel
Very bad submarine from the mission Destroy The science vessel From the mod (Kraken Factions)...
Snow Runt Pirate
Created by Rebel
A pirate version of the Snow Runt Submarine...
Separatist Winterhalter
Created by Rebel
Its a Separatist Winterhalter Its on the picture...
Separatist Ship
Created by Rebel
A Jovian Separatist vessel...
Separatist Sawtail
Created by Rebel
A Pirate/Separatist version of the Sawtail submarine :D...
Separatist Dugong V2
Created by Rebel
The separatists have decided to make a new and better dugong for their faction, Its playable comes with a lot of graffities and dangerouss weapons New and imrpoved dugong !...
Separatist cruiser
Created by Rebel
A well equiped separatist ship made for robbing coalition cargo vessels. ...
S.S ROBERTO (Pirate)
Created by Rebel
Have fun its playable. (MADE BY TTK WatsonSticks. Pirated by Rebel)...
S.S ROBERTO (Pirate enemy)
Created by Rebel
Preety self explanatory? Right ?...
Predation Pirate
Created by Rebel
A pirate version of the Predation submarine made by the User Dilopho-Mos! ...
Pirate version of the barsuk
Created by Rebel
So this is a tier one Barsuk pirate enjoy i guess...
Pirate The Bell XL
Created by Rebel
A pirate version of the submarine The Bell XL why ? i dont know ask my therapist....
Pirate Smuggling Ship
Created by Rebel
The P.S.S is a ship made by the pirates...Mainly designed to deliver illegal goods to pirate havens. (PLAYABLE)...
Pirate Samaritan
Created by Rebel
I saw this submarine and it was too good to not make a pirate version of it. So here it is...
Pirate HeadHunter
Created by Rebel
A pirate version of the HeadHunter submarine,...
Pirate Gunnarsson
Created by Rebel
A pirate version of the Gunnarsson submarine. It features -Pirate Outfits -Pirate Ship Design -Pirate weapons -Lots and Lots of ethanol for the crew...
Pirate Camel
Created by Rebel
A pirate version of the Camel submarine (Made By Me)...
Pirate Ambula
Created by Rebel
This is my best pirate submarine reskin yet. Full of bright graffities and deadly weapons. Reskin based off: AMBULA made by KHox...
Created by Rebel
A Oceanic Hand version of the HAMMERFIST submarine Check out original mod !!!!!!
Oceanic Hand Camel
Created by Rebel
A Oceanic Hand version of the Camel submarine (Made By Me) Check out original mod !!!
Orca 2 Pirate
Created by Rebel
A pirate version of the Orca 2 Submarine Costs 15000 Tier 2 ...
narco sub (Pirate)
Created by Rebel
Narco sub made by (twidjr1) And got hijacked by the Rebel's crew and turned into a pirate prototype...
Created by Rebel
Piratified version of KOL From the mod Kol...
Kessel Pirate
Created by Rebel
A pirate version of the Kessel s ubmarine... Better equiped with pirate decorations and equipment Cost 7000 marks...
Jovian Separatist Dugong
Created by Rebel
A standard Jovian Separatist dugong....
Ice Hammer Pirate
Created by Rebel
A pirate version of the Ice Hammer submarine...
Humpback Pirate
Created by Rebel
A pirate version of the Humpback submarine...
Hijacked research vessel
Created by Rebel
A hijacked Research Vessel Includes 3 tri pulse laser ammo boxes 3 Exploding Coil Gun ammo boxes Separatists rugged outfits for pirate roleplay and most importantly a pirate design and decorations...
Hijacked Mini-Barsuk
Created by Rebel
Another pirate reskin made by me !...
Hijacked Koalemos
Created by Rebel
Made by caseythecat Reskined by Rebel...
HammerFist Pirate
Created by Rebel
A pirate version of the HammerFist submarine......
Created by Rebel
Hehe im never original...
Enemy Smuggler Ship
Created by Rebel
This dangerouss separatist/Pirate vessel has been sighted transporting drugs to Jovian Separatist stations...Destroy it and confiscate the illegal substances...
Dugong Stahl Union
Created by Rebel
A dugong made for the Stahl Union faction, Completely harmless and useless other than transporting cargo....
Dugong Pirate V4
Created by Rebel
A pirate version of the Dugong Submarine :D "ps some jackass named barrett nutted on one of the windows" click this please...
Dugong PeaceKeeper
Created by Rebel
A dugong made for the PeaceKeeper faction, -Better Equiped -PeaceKeeper Uniforms Check out the Kraken Faction mod its really cool. ...
Dugong Oceanic Hand
Created by Rebel
An Oceanic Hand version of the popular submarine Dugong....
Created by Rebel
This is not even a ship, This is just a bunch of separatist rugged outfits stacked on each other with some separatists decorations ...
Coalition Sawtail
Created by Rebel
A coalition version of the Sawtail submarine...
Coalition Kessel
Created by Rebel
Vanilla Friendly Europa Coalition version of the kessel submarine...
Coalition Humpback
Created by Rebel
A coalition version of the HumpBack submarine...
Coalition Camel
Created by Rebel
A "Better" Camel...
Clown Pirate Ship
Created by Rebel
Tier 2 12000 mark's Clown ship, Dont use this because its fucking wierd i guess :D...
Barsuk Oceanic Hand
Created by Rebel
An Barsuk made for the Oceaic Hand faction....
Bandit Submarine
Created by Rebel
Bandit Submarine that will sometimes apear in the pirate vessel missions...
Bandit Barsuk
Created by Rebel
A bandit version of the starting submarine barsuk Cost 7000 marks ...
Coalition Sea Truck
Created by Rebel
A simple transport class submarine made for the coalition....
Pirate Sea Truck
Created by Rebel
A simple cargo ship that was hijacked by pirates for the purpose of delivery illegal narcotics to Jovian Separatist outposts....
Coalition Berilia
Created by Rebel
A simple reskin of the Berila submarine...
Pirate Argenta
Created by Rebel
A pirate version of the argenta Submarine Check out ORIGINAL made by topchin !!!!
Created by Blacklight
INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! This Challenge Beacon is 100% working and random spawnable in vanilla campaign, just like a normal beacon. MC Beacon A-27 CHALL...
Created by Shafuteensky
Your own cozy icebreaker. Features onboard 2 small turrets (+1 vacant), 1 large turret, 2 discharge coils, periscope controlled depth charge bomb tube, automatic supercapacitors, fabricators and deconstructors, vending machine, cabins with bar and disco la...
К-535 «Юрий Долгорукий»
UPD 31.12.2023: Доступна лодка второй версии. Освещение отсеков улучшено. Электрика переработана, в реакторный отсек добавлен пульт контроля заряда аккумуляторных батарей. Хочу выразить огромную благодарность всем тем, кто помогал тестировать эту лодку на ...
Created by Arti Strelkov
Что может пойти не так с обычным исследователем глубин? Хах, я знаю, много чего... К счастью, наши инженеры позаботились о вашей безопасности! Капитанский модуль способен отстыковаться от основного корабля и доплыть до станции! https://steamuserimages-a.ak...
Вжик. Zipper
Created by EnjoyTheMoment
Разведывательный дрон с возможностью перевозки грузов. Изначально создавался для подлодки Spirit of the Abyss. Reconnaissance drone with the ability to transport cargo. Originally designed for the Spirit of the Abyss submarine...
Created by Oliver Firemage
Старая российская подлодка, построенная в ряду самых первых в начале колонизации Европы. Созданная громить эскадры врага, она крошит и перемалывает всё враждебно настроенное, что попадётся ей на пути. Огромная огневая мощь и размеры говорят сами за себя - ...
К-278 «Комсомолец»
Главная цель при создании подлодки - точно воссоздать реальный проект, лишь несколько аспектов изменены в угоду играбельности. Габариты, компоновка и даже электроэнергетическая система(ЭЭС) почти полностью соответствуют реальной К-278. Концепция инженера п...
П-971 проект "Щука-Б"
Created by Oliver Firemage
Old soviet submurine of the "Akula" project. Well-armed and fast, it is capable of delivering any little-trained crew to the center of Europe. Старая советская субмарина проекта "Щука-Б". Хорошо вооруженная и быстрая, она способна доставить любой мало-маль...
Created by Arti Strelkov
Надоели нубы и руинеры? Устали умолять инженеров починить щиток? Не хотите играть с ботами, но хотите пройти кампанию? Вам повезло наткнуться на Segregator! Теперь Вы главный на этой посудине. Единственная заминка, это то, что вам всё ещё требуется ± адекв...
【T.S.M】山河无恙 日月重光
Created by Lerentine
''如果九州都在沉睡,那么就让我们来做这第一声惊雷'' 背景介绍 重光是奇迹之海创立之初,为了应对外部势力组织的威胁而建造的打击舰,于甲乾33年,在奇迹之海重工建造改造完成。 重光从服役之初就不设立舰长,设立都尉这一职位,重光最高指挥权归都尉所有,仅次于奇迹之海总部。起初服役于红绯雨第一舰队,由于探渊者行动导致红绯雨第一舰队覆灭后,奇迹之海开始了整合运动,原先的九州第三舰队更改为九州第一舰队,残存的重光被划分到九州第一舰队。因其特殊的职能,所以她隶属于九州舰队但又脱离舰队,驻扎在无光海原86区,成为九州第一...
к-219 атомная подводная лодка
Created by Lixman
К-219 — советская атомная подводная лодка стратегического назначения. Переделанная подлодка для иследования глубин...
【TSM】Snoata '关外'
Created by Lerentine
奇迹之海重型火力舰 配置介绍 初始火力配置:轨道炮*1 双联电磁枪*1 电磁枪*1 连射炮*1 小型炮塔基座*3 大型炮塔基座*1 初始速度:26 满级速度:?(未测) 下潜最大速度:20 其他:各类机器齐全。 军械库:需要自己在游戏内手动安装按钮打开军械库的门。 ITEM:1340(附带大量基础资源) 背景.其一 莱伦汀:列瑟芬,你知道为什么我们要自愿去那么危险的地方开启机器吗?如果我们成功了,我们就是整个木卫二人类功臣,我们就有了与联盟谈判的资本,我们就能收回我们以前的权力。 列瑟芬:那如果失败了呢?你...
Created by 恒裕居士
大白鲨级攻击潜艇,是远洋公司为了应对越来越猖獗的海盗袭击和深海掠食者攻击的产物,在比目鱼级的框架下,整个设计都充满了攻击性——四门快速激光炮、两门固定连射炮、两门快速电磁枪、以及专门用于海底轰炸的轨道炮,足以对抗绝大多数的木卫二原住民。它还采用加强钢材打造,更加结实,电路故障率也大幅度下降,甚至还能运送更多货物。总的来说,如果某些人想在木卫二海洋里做点什么,大白鲨级绝对是上上之选。 属性:最高航速48公里/小时,上浮/下潜:-17到20公里/小时,四门无限快射速激光炮、两门无限快速连射炮(固定)、两门快速电...
威尔士亲王号战列舰[HMS Prince of Wales Battleship]
Created by HaoRen666
英王乔治五世级战列舰是第二次世界大战期间英国最新型的战列舰,也是二战中英国皇家海军的战列舰主要兵力之一。为区别英国皇家海军第一次世界大战的战列舰中同名的级别(即英王乔治五世级战列舰)而称为新乔治五世级。该级别是按照伦敦海军公约(限制标准排水量35000吨,主炮口径14英寸)而设计的,始建于1937年初. 1936年7月29日海军部决定制造英王乔治五世级战列舰的二号舰,随后乔治五世的二号舰就被命名为威尔士亲王号。 威尔士亲王号战列舰入役后立刻投入拦截前往大西洋破坏英国海运航线的德国“俾斯麦”号战列舰的作战行动...
Created by 魂魄妖梦
奇迹之海舰船识别码:Flacon-00 此形态游隼为解除伪装形态,解除了外挂装甲释放两个重火力搭载点 这是最后的一批材料,只要游隼能按时到达,白头鹰的建造就可以完成收尾,想要在联盟的管制下建造这么一艘船可不容易,好在游隼有伪装用的外装甲,以及让联盟船只只能望其项背的航速,但这么多次的任务,毫无疑问会被联盟察觉。 联盟的指挥官与几位舰长在通讯频道里最后一次确认信息,并且明确地嘱咐着,只能成功,不许失败,说罢,他关闭了一下麦克风,叹了一口气,一旦失败,他的乌纱帽是保不住了,“别怪我,哼哼,谁让你们撞到枪口上了呢...
Created by 魂魄妖梦
寒霜游隼是奇迹之海外勤执行官虚无净的座驾 ,是由暴风雨燕逆向工程而得到的舰船, 整体作战风格 与暴风雨燕类似,并与其常驻于热液废土海域,也被称之为雨燕协同舰,整舰延续雨燕流线型设计。但 实际上,该舰还处于实验内,其搭载的新式炮台和特种弹药更是证明了这一点,由于每次执行破隐作作 战任务,外界很多人都没听说过有这么一艘战舰,每有海盗遭遇其时,内部更广为流传的外号为“白色 幽灵"。 该舰并未是完全体形态,所以在执行大型作战任务时,更多是和雨燕协同作战,来补充雨燕雨燕的火力 薄弱点。 游隼日常任务于其常驻执行隐秘外...
Created by 夜雲
小雀 适合2~5人,体形小,易上手,火力集中,维修便利 1,放电线圈为自动,开关在导航终端,终端显示器边的绿灯表示开闭 2,水泵有雷管和排水按键,起爆按键在导航终端上方 3,潜望镜位置与舰外炮台对应 4,外甲能有效对抗生物撞击 5,当怪物接近时,导航显示器可显示怪物位置 6,接驳时如港口无法供电,则需关闭港口供电功能,开关在对接口旁 7,‘加工’材料柜如物品过多导致卡顿,减少此柜中的物品 8,轨道炮有首发弹仓,装药发射时优先用 雏隼 进行多个任务时,分离人员的临时载具 1,小雀的雏隼终端上有个小开关,可开启...
Created by 恒裕居士
"我看见了,位于欧罗巴之眼深处那不可名状的存在;我听见了,位于深海之下无形却无处不在的低语。"J,OSY新的首席设计师如是说道。 没人知道这家伙从哪来,只知道他一进公司便步步高升。三年来他没有主导设计过任何潜艇,直到今天,它拿出了这个震惊所有人的方案——建造一个史无前例的超级潜水艇。许多人认为他疯了,因为如此凶猛的火力实在是太过了,但他总是信誓旦旦地说:“相信我,这是无数次循环得来的唯一解决方案。” 船体数据:上浮、下潜速度-19到17千米每小时,最高水平航速70千米每小时,载货量96箱。拥有恐怖的14门自...
Created by 恒裕居士
比目鱼级武装运输舰,是新兴的公司——远洋造船厂的试水之作。由于起步资金短缺加上经验不足,比目鱼大部分操作仍然停留在手动而不是自动,而且也没有研究前哨站。作为一艘运输舰,比目鱼的运载力很强,武装配备四门电磁枪和一门双联激光炮(仅消耗电力),对付一般的深海怪物没有压力。不过当敌人太过凶猛,比目鱼也只能逃之夭夭,尤其是它无力对抗侧后方的敌人,这也成为了致命缺陷。尽管如此,比目鱼仍然凭借廉价、结实、运载力赢得了市场。 属性:最快航速44公里/小时,最快下潜21公里/小时,最快上浮17公里/小时,运载力64箱,配备无...
Created by 魂魄妖梦
地点:无光海原73区 地点:奇迹之海仅存的一处未被联盟发现的船厂-没落莱茵河 奇迹之海与联盟对峙时,一艘新式舰船即将下线,由游隼带来的实验结果以及各种实验数据以及雨燕的设计优点而结合的新式舰船,奇迹之海舰船识别码: Eagle-00 (加密) 虽然舰船被涂装为整体涂装为黑色,但从船厂驶出时仍被联盟巡逻的船队发现。“报告 ,疑似发现暴风雨燕,但不能确认”,“保持距离尾随不要打草惊蛇”,联盟某处作战指挥室内“奇怪,雨燕怎么会出现在这个地方”,某指挥官打量着航图思考着 “全速前进,我们得拦下联盟的舰队,尽可能给莱...
Created by 恒裕居士
白鲸级侦察核潜艇,远洋造船厂的最强火力之作,目的就是在欧罗巴最深的海洋里探索,为之后真正火力怪物的制造积累经验和技术。作为侦察潜艇,它的火力却一点也不少,包括四门激光炮、两门破片加农炮、两门双管电磁炮、一门连射炮,下方还有一门用于轰炸沉船的轨道炮,当然还有祖传的船头固定武器——这一次是取自《白鲸记》的亚哈之矛,即使用三管激光和连射炮扫清前方的障碍或威胁。它的船壳同样十分坚固,配备电击线圈,任何怪物都打不开缺口;它的速度也不弱。唯一的缺点是下沉速度不够。 价格8000马克,三级潜艇,水平极限速度60千米每小时...
Created by Tom Suger阿糖
ai路径正在测试... 完整版再填写简介...
Created by 星之语
萌新首个作品,苍蓝钢铁高雄号重巡洋舰发布 :) 本潜艇的部分设计参考了大佬设计的I401-Iona 伊欧娜(ek&现代化改造),所以本潜艇也是基于ek研发的。 本潜艇包含: 2x重型自动加农炮,上下自动切换型, 位于船长室 2x重型轨道炮(鱼雷),按下按钮切换,位于船长室 -----------------------------------------------------...
Created by 猫鱼
(SSBN Typhoon/台风级核潜艇) 941 Акула
(Modded version of the Project 941 made by CallsignApollo, Functional Nuclear Missile, EK Gunnery wearpons and improved ai waypoint, notice the ai cannot go outside of this ship due to the problem of original design, also pls fire the missile by sequence) ...
Подлодка разведки 2 уровня обладает мощным двигателем и хорошим вооружением как для разведывательной лодки. Имет в наличии фабрикатор, деконструктор и систему сброса приманок....
400 EK Blue Wolf Var.
Created by Toasty
OUTDATED - An updated version of Shino was uploaded to the workshop, and I have not had time to refit the sub with the new looks. A full English localisation is in the links below, and a new refit of the updated model is in the works. Inspired by the Japan...
A Bit More Turrets
Created by M12 is a shotgun
A Bit More Turrets is a simple mod designed to expand vanilla arsenal with, well, a bit more turrets - one of each type to be exact. Mortar - heavy Quickfire Gun - standard Torpedo Tube - fixed I tried my best to balance them around the vanilla progression...
Abandoned Outpost Variety (10 modules)
Created by NotWendy
No, not "abandoned" in a sense that I'm no longer working on it. This mod adds 10 new abandoned outpost module variations, bringing the amount of variations per module type up to 3. Styled and balanced to fit the vanilla game. Almost the same amount of loo...
A-36 Setembrino
Created by Toon_link2
The A-36 Setembrino is a deep diver designed for deep sea exploration where civilization is scarce. As such, there are several resource and ammunition storages to ensure that the crew have the materials to sustain themselves when far away from colonies...
Created by Survivalist64
Aburne Tier I - Transport The Aburne class was once a military science vessel - now refitted to be a light cargo freighter. Originally built for scientific exploration and observation, the Aburne was once a cutting-edge sub of the Coalition fleet. As the e...
A-01 Vulture and XA-02 Lightning assault carriers
Created by Skye
Description: A collection of two attack submarines based on the same hull design. The A-01 Vulture and XA-02 Lightning. The A-01 Vulture is a mass produced assault and diver support vessel with good firing angles and the ability to dive into a swarm and co...
Abyssal armory - Reinforcements
Created by Yak'All
TL;DR Section provided as always Weapon breakdown: The A.R.C. Assault rifle The A.R.C. is the main focus for the wardens at MarineCorps. This fast shooter rifle kills its victim when it just barely realized it was being attacked. It holds an advanced 50 ro...
Abyssal Warsuit
Created by Yak'All
Yup. You guessed it. Not a replacer "Fear not the creatures of the abyss, for they also can bleed" UnderEuropanSeaMarineCorps Europa changed: Deep caves, multiple outpost have lost coms, nightmarish roars from the depths. Adapt or die, this is how life goe...
Created by Shakesthespeare
Second of the Andromeda line the Achilles built and designed by Shakesthespeare inc. was made for war. Armed with 7 coil guns and 2 rail guns this submarine can easily decimate her foes. It is recommended an adequately experienced crew pilots this magnific...
Acolyte Job
Created by Cthulhu77
My first ever mod, the Acolyte job, was inspired by the assistant's clown tree. There is a clown talent tree for the children of the honkmother, but the church of husk has nothing of the sort so I thought I'd try my hand at making one myself. At first I th...
Acolyte Spearhead Sub
Created by ArchCrusader
Description Straightforward and relatively inexpensive, the Acolyte boasts good mobility, full production capabilities and enough potential firepower to be well suited for all sorts of operations. Its use of a detachable airlock-shuttle does obstruct the b...
Adamant Heavy Transport
Created by ArchCrusader
Description As far as transport subs go, the Adamant is relatively well armed for its class while also featuring several on board systems and facilities. That said, complications during its development lead to budget cuts and extensive compromises, resulti...
Created by Prydain
"Fighting spirit, attitude, determination, tenacity and professionalism are all commendable feats expected of an Admiral, and this mech offers nothing less." Type - Scout Tier - III Price - 5,000 marks An edited version of the original Admiral mech/shuttle...
ADV Beacon Stations
Created by PsykokiN
ADV Beacon Stations is a pack of 47* beacon stations for more variety. This mod simply adds new stations in addition to the original ones. You can use it with other mods without problems. You can play it in campaign mode (solo & multi) even if you have alr...
Created by Shakesthespeare
Part of the Andromeda Series, the Aegeus is a utility shuttle used to aid salvaging operations and to rescue Coalition submarines in distress, it can even be used as a escape shuttle. Its design was intended to support the Apollo through various missions....
AetheR Class 117
Created by Kattamura
Hydrodine AR Aether Class Scout ========================================================= Price : 24499 Dimensions: 48m Length 12m Height Crew : 4 - 8 Weapons : 2 Rail guns, 1 Top, 1 Bottom 4 Coil Guns, 2 Top, 2 Bottom Speed : 16km Decent 20km Horizontal C...
Created by AeonDez
A variety of beacon stations for the discerning sailor. Message me if you'd like to get your beacon added....
Подлодки класса "Север" были крайне широко распространены в водах Европы как и для обычных исследований, так и для подводных сражений. Новый прототип, более военизированная модернизация подлодок "Север", под кодовым названием "Акула", включает в себя ядерн...
Amarr Armageddon
Created by Bartwfa_
Eve Online Amarr Empire Battleship. 74,316 Mk...
Amarr Zealot
Created by Bartwfa_
Eve Online Tech 2 Cruiser of the Amarr Empire...
Ammo Mod
Created by Laryssa
Ammo MOD This is a modification what add several new ammunitions to different weapons and add some new weapons and equipment as well At this moment mod contain: 3 new railgun shells 2 new railgun canister shells 3 new coilgun ammunition box 2 new chaingun ...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier one shuttle Priced: 1,000 mk Size: 6x4m In game Description You'd heard the horror stories captains'd tell to assistants about clowns but never payed them any heed. All just a bunch of bull to keep them scared and in line. All until...
Created by NIR
Reliability, in all conditions- that's the intent with which the Anamora vessel pattern was developed. Fitted with a high-capacity battery bank and an integrated Bladefin-class exploration shuttle, the vessel is well-suited for the months-long abyssal dive...
Created by 江奈
这是我自行设计的第二艘潜艇,欢迎大家来玩! 8门电磁枪,其中4门自动控制,可以手动接管,在对接的情况下,自动炮将会关闭。 上下两门轨道炮,5发弹匣,额外放置一个单发装弹机,在特殊情况下可以选择装填特殊炮弹,优先发射。 最大水平速度约60km/h,下潜极速约20km/h,上浮极速18km/h。 三个联合压载舱,方便检修和清理丘脑植物(赠送喷火器)。 反应堆直接给电池充电,电池给电网供电,根据电池电量自动设置充电速率,节能和性能达到平衡。 装备自动放电线圈(默认开启),可以手动开关。 在离港状态下,对接舱口均可...
Apo-4A "Saber"
Created by 江奈
Now support: 简繁中文 English Russian Japanese (Translated by Arkblade) Polski (translated by Frosteusz) But the broadcasting system is still in Chinese. Localization will be ignored when the signal is transmitted to the chat box 如果你喜欢这艘潜艇,请给个赞,这对我很重要,谢谢你们! If...
Apo-5 "Chainsaw"
Created by 江奈
For everyone having issues with pulse cannon while using Performance Fix - just add memorycomponent to the Client High Priority Items. It might help. Supported languages for now: 简体中文 繁体中文 English Русский Polski (translated by Frosteusz) 日本語(translated by ...
Apo-3A "Dagger"
Created by 江奈
Now support: 简繁中文 English Russian Japanese (Translated by Arkblade) If you like this submarine, please give me a like! This is very important to me, thank you! 大家好,这是我自行设计的第三艘潜艇,Apo-3,绰号“Dagger”,意为“匕首、短剑”。潜艇虽小,但是武德充沛。小巧、灵活...
Created by Shakesthespeare
Fifth and last of the Andromeda line, the Apollo is a unique vessel produced by Shakesthespeare inc. intended for commercial and salvaging operations Apollo differs from other Andromeda submarines as more of a support submarine. Despite lacking the firepow...
April Tree
Created by Doge the biologist
As you can see, this is a sail boat. Apparently, reasonable is not included, there is no such thing here. Monsters can jump onto your ship and you can jump into the ocean (which might lead to the death of both sides). I made this ship for pure fun and chao...
Arakneas' Mod
Created by Arakneas
Work In Progress, adds weapons, missions, warcrimes and other stuff. Designed to be kind of a modpack on its own, though I am planning to separate it eventually into different mod modules. Adds: 90-ish weapons, with more coming later. 16-ish pieces of clot...
Arclite Brawler Sub
Created by ArchCrusader
Description A sleek and reliable sub, the Arclite is a medium-sized vessel fully capable of prolonged campaigns. Its battery array takes care of any energy fluctuation and its varied armament, including the nimble Sapphire shuttle, can deal with any threat...
Created by Shakesthespeare
Third of the Andromeda line the Ares built and designed by Shakesthespeare inc. was made for war. Armed with 6 coil guns and 2 rail guns this submarine can easily deal with any threats. It is recommended an adequately experienced crew pilots this mighty su...
Created by Topchin
Short description: Class - Attack III Dimensions - 47x14m Cost - 32500 mk Velocity - 24 km/h Descent -13 km/h (18 km/h with water intake) Ascent - 19 km/h Recommended crew - 3-6 people Cargo capacity - 12 crates Historical information: The Argenta class su...
Artifacts and Ruins Enhanced
Created by _]|M|[_
Features: With Artifacts & Ruins Enhanced artifacts become researchable and will no longer easily reveal which artifact you're currently dealing with when you find them. To figure out what you're dealing with, you either have to observe its effects or rese...
Created by Prydain
"The Ascencia shuttle is a highly modified Selkie, built to house all crafting equipment and a decent armament while remaining small and maneuverable. Perfectly suitable for a small crew, or can serve as a great support shuttle for larger subs. Caution mus...
Astra's Bot Conversation-Dialogue Mod
Created by AstraAegis
Endorsed Russian translation here!: Hi! My name is Astra. I'm an avid fan of bots as I grew up with them in my childhood, and have been fascinated by them for all my life. I crave to see my ...
Astra's Wrecks
Created by AstraAegis
Comes packaged with these Wrecks: Kessel Azimuth Type 2 Okayu Orca (Assisted by Mellow Yellow) Remora Venture Destiny Kessel-B...
Created by Cryostasis
Beautiful medium-sized submarine. - 6 double speed coilguns - 2 railguns - 4 discharge coils - Remote drone with nuclear railgun - Unique flood monitor - Turret control override system for capitan - 6 cameras around the submarine - Automatic reactor contro...
Created by Shakesthespeare
Fourth of the Andromeda line the Athena built and designed by Shakesthespeare inc. as a carrier whilst maintaining heavy firepower, the hull of the vessel is based of the Ares. Armed with 4 coil guns and 2 rail guns this submarine can swiftly deal with any...
ATK-89 "Sardine"
Created by Doge the biologist
ATK-89 "Sardine" Technical details TYPE: ATTACK Tier II PRICE: 11000mk SIZE: 34 m * 8 m CARGO: 10 crates RECOMMENDED: 4-7 crews, experienced Weapon systemis (probably the only thing) what makes you feel so safe on this ship. With three coil gun and a rail ...
Atlas Battle Cruiseship
Created by LeThe
The design of the Atlas Battleship was derived from Legion battleships. Compared with the former, the giant God has optimized the layout of the space and shortened the huge body of the ship Weapon system: Due to the instability of the WLS weapon system, th...
Atlas Battle Freighter
Created by ArchCrusader
Description Atlas-class submarines are usually deployed alone or in groups to start, survey and protect the construction of new outposts. Well armed and with an impressive triad of ballasts, they can withstand several hull breaches without sinking. Propert...
Audace Stealth Corvette
Created by ArchCrusader
Description Fast, agile and compact, the Audace can perform extremely well for its size; a special siphoning ballast makes descent quick to reach top speed while the stealth system grants the option to easily pass by unnoticed by hostile fauna. Underarmed ...
Created by Shakesthespeare
Part of the Andromeda Series, the Avenger is a small defense pod that is capable of defending trade ships and stations from threats ranging from monsters to renegades. They are often used in large numbers and are docked to Coalition carriers. If you do lik...
Avenus III
Created by Shakesthespeare
MAJOR RETROFIT UNDERWAY Avenus III will be removed from the workshop once its successor is published. After 1 month this workshop item will be removed. Estimated time for the publishing of the successor submarine will be by mid July Part of the Andromeda S...
Created by ADHarper
Remastered version has been released>>> The Axiom is a rare passenger and cargo submarine on Io. Equipped with rare escape pods and additional armor to efficiently secure the passenger pilot...
B-17 Flying Fortress
Created by Vive la Raclette
Working Vanilla B-17 Flying Fortress well defended by multiple turrets. Not for sane people or a calm campaign and can unleash a carpet bombing As most of the submarine is hidded behind its exterior hull you have to follow the yellow indications and take s...
Created by Fox
The Baleen is a new player friendly submarine. It is intended to be easy to navigate, operate and provide a good environment to learn the game in. The idea was to make a sub that could replace the Dugong in size and improve on its features. Its weakness is...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier two transport sub Priced: 13,000 mk Cargo capacity: 44 Crates Size: 19x19m 1 Electrostatic fusion beam Thanks to experience gained from previous projects subsurface electric presents the apex of it's directed energy weapons program:...
BaroDrama V5
Created by Jsoull
Take your one-way ticket to the bottom of the Europan Seas in Style, with this collection of brand new Diving Suits built to fulfill essential roles on-board your submarine. Each suit is lovingly crafted with both personality and function, helping to disti...
Baronne de Bronze
Created by BLooD MeaT
Small Royal Navy steampunk ship. Important! prevent the bot from using the reactor in the command room (press shift + middle mouse button) use it manualy time to time. 49х12m 3-6 players 60 crates speed: horizontal 23, vertical 17 1 chaingun,1 coilgun, 1 f...
Created by MasonMachineGuns
Mod Summary Finding the game too easy and uneventful? Boring and repetitive vanilla monsters adding no variety or challenge to your life? Using Mods like EK that give you overpowered but fun toys, but there isn't anything to shoot? * THEN THIS MOD IS FOR Y...
Barotraumatic Creature Pack
Created by mikehagen22
Attention! It is HIGHLY recomended to install and use Performance Fix by Evil Factory and have it configured while playing BaroTraumatic with these creature mods! Features This is my WIP mod to help fix old creature mods that have been abandoned by their c...
Created by ArchCrusader
Description As diminutive as it looks, the Barracuda is an agile escort sub that can be crewed by as many as 2 people and is capable of punching way above its weight thanks to its snub-mounted railgun and depth charge launcher. Unlike common shuttles, the ...
Barracuda II Escort Corvette
Created by ArchCrusader
Description A more compact version of the Barracuda with no oxygen generator and less batteries but with more ammunition and a more powerful (albeit less efficient) reactor. This version's railgun has enough space to fit a small motor so it can aim slightl...
Basilisk Battlecruiser
Created by Falkner
Hello Captains - I built this after being inspired by the Iroh and all the other amazing workshop content. Thankyou so much for all the technical and artistic ideas you've Inspired in this ship. I hope you have as much fun playing as I did building it. ...
Bathysaurus Xeno Mk.2 (Revisions for New Frontiers update are work in progress)
Created by Johnny Oklahoma
-------- "Они действительно это сделали..." - с разочарованием произнес Рофельман. "Да, им ЭТО удалось. - злобно прошептал Хава. -Операция по раскопке механизма была тем еще геморроем для археологического отдела. Про бедолаг-инженеров, которые проводили пе...
Beacon Variety (5 stations)
Created by NotWendy
A set of mostly vanilla-styled beacon stations, which will appear randomly alongside the default ones. The mod adds 5 new beacons, with 2 of them having a bandit version. Should fit into any lightly modded campaign without feeling out of place. Should be s...
Beacons Extended
Created by Sneaky Hermit
Welcome to the Beacons Extended mod page! The purpose of this mod is to make beacon missions less repetitive by adding new beacons from various authors in addition to the vanilla beacons. The mod currently consists of 56 beacons The current list of beacons...
Created by Black Mamba
It's a beacon station, not a submarine. Also it has a fabricator, if you are willing to make a stop there, and like beacon station 3 there is a turret but with a cool external seat. Enjoy....
Beans Class
Created by Admiral Crunch
The Beans Class Submarine is a modified Magistralis v2.9 which is a long attack class submarine now with extended ammunition storage which makes room for a proper crew quarters has fairly good maneuverability thanks to its 4 ballast tanks and a relatively ...
The Beaumaris is a tier III attack ship. Built by the Dyfed Shipyards, The Beaumaris was built as a potential attack vessel for the Coalition fleet. Testing proved the Beaumaris was successful in this role. However, it was too expensive to produce in large...
Beginning Worm
It is said that any crew that fells the rare Beginning Worm will find itself on a great adventure soon after. Whether it's a good omen, or a grave condemnation to an inescapable fate at the bottom of the sea remains up to you. Beginning Worm! -------------...
Created by Hex
The HSS Beluga is a tier 1 transport sub of moderate size and linear layout, boasting a generous cargo bay, and ample weaponry, this sub seems a mariners dream, however it's high mobility and ease of use do come at a hefty price. costing 10,000 marks and o...
Created by Zelduh
This is a very big ship modeled after the Beluga whale....
Beluga M2
Created by Hex
Beluga Mk2 Tier 3 Transport, 25,000 Marks FEATURING: 1 Reactor 1 Large engine 1 Small engine 10 diving suit racks 5 Unit Load Devices 3 Crate shelves 2 external light turrets 1 light hardpoint 1 Heavy weapon 2 internal auto guns Deconstructor & fabricator ...
Bernkastel A50
Created by thatcodyguy
In-Game Description: The A50 Deep Sea Cruiser 'Bernkastel', was originally a transport ship, hauling minerals to the surface. When rebuilt into a concept military vessel, the engineers was able to use the existing loading drones and the pressure resistant ...
Bertha Submarines
Created by _]|M|[_
BERTHA Bertha is an old scout vessel series which has served it's purpose and was supposed to be scrapped for parts. However some vessels may have escaped their demise and still roam under the ice of europa to this day. Features 4 Variants: Bertha Submarin...
Better Dive Suits
Created by SOFA
Mk2 diving suit sprites by Jazzman adds 31!! new dive suits This mainly aims to add more variety for dive suits. 14 are made with original textures by me and the others are from HD legacy diving suit and vanilla textures Most suits are crafted, bought or f...
Created by whosyourdaddy
该mod为加工台添加了两个额外的过滤选项: 分类(医疗、武器、潜水、装备等...) 内容包(Vanilla、BOS、EK Pack、ITA 等...) 需要客户端LUA,与一切Mod物品完全兼容。 This mod adds two additional filtering options to the fabricator: Categories (Medical, Weapon, Diving, Equipment, etc...) Content Package (Vanilla, BOS, EK P...
Bicksborg II
Created by Aidowl
One of the mightiest warships to ever patrol the depths of Europa, Bicksborg II is the pride of the Coalition-aligned Zomgonian Syndicate. It is the largest submarine from the Aidonian Ironworks’ shipyards, who were commissioned to build the Syndicate's ne...
Bionic Fish(仿生鱼) N-EX
Created by erya
我做的这么辛苦了,大家记得点个赞啊(哭 Please give it a thumbs up,thank you! 一艘现代化战舰?优化不够,船小来凑!这种秘密船只,往往伴随着复杂的系统。外星人见了都说好! A modern warship? Optimization is not enough, the ship must be small! Such clandestine ships are often accompanied by complex systems. Even the aliens s...
Created by NIR
Although the Bladefin-pattern shuttle was designed to work in tandem with the Anamora, its mother vessel, the craft has found equal use transporting passengers and cargo on short hauls near Europa's deepwater colonies. Its efficient systems and integrated ...
Created by Survivalist64
Blomidon Tier III - Transport A lumbering beast of heavy-duty manufacturing. From even the earliest days of colonization there has been a need for heavy equipment transportation. As humanity has spread out under the ice sheet, this need has only ever grown...
Board 'Slanting whore'
Created by UmiBudze
Orca / Orca-2 Modification of the red bow to add kindness, comfort and positivity to the cold interiors of the submarine....
Boarding pod (vanilla)
Created by hUbert 2
A small shuttle made for boarding enemy ships in PvP. You can breach from below and above enemy subs, preferably on flat surfaces Arm the lever, and press the corresponding button when in contact of the hull. A laser gun will breach the shell, and a small ...
Created by Irakonul
"She might not look like much, but this old girl has some stories of her own to tell." Once a mid-range science vessel, the Bonnellii sank some time ago and was dredged up by Separatist salvage crews after a few years of resting in an icy Europan grave. Fi...
Bottleneck 2 [NEW FRONTIERS]
Created by Udrakan
BOTTLENECK 2 DESCRIPTION Ballanced, atmospheric, well performing sub with double coilgun canons, shuttle, prison for traitors and artifact holder. Bottleneck's strong engine and singular large ballast allow for quick horizontal movement, but slow descent. ...
Bronze Age 1.0.0
Created by Doge the biologist
Bronze Age/青铜时代 General information/基本信息 Tier III Scout / 探索型 Size: 29 x 6 m / 尺寸:29 x 6 米 Firepower: coil-gun x 2, rail-gun x 1, discharge x 3, depth charge / 火力配置:线圈炮 x 2,轨道炮 x 1,放电线圈 x 3,深水炸弹投放器 3-6 players / 适合3-6人 Fully vanilla / 纯原版 Bronze Age is a s...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier Two Scout Priced: 16,000 mk Cargo capacity: 8 Crates Size: 20x21m 2 Twin-linked chainguns The pair of chainguns up front are hardwired to converge on and eviscerate any given target. 2 Electric discharge coils One automatic on the b...
Borzoi (T2 Scout)
Created by NotWendy
Borzoi is a brave experiment in naval architecture and a friend of small crews. Initially designed as an Attack class submarine, heavily armed for its size, Borzoi's creators later attempted to boost its speed with a second engine. As a result, not all of ...
Created by Cjn2789
An expedition research icebreaker for a crew size of 6 to 10. In the hammer-shaped bow, there is a pulse laser triple turret. Leander is a Tier 2 Attack variation that does not have the lasers in the front. Vanilla-like and campaign friendly: • All shell/w...
Created by Mour
Prometheus shipyards here, introducing our newest product. The Bullfish is a tier 2 light transport submarine that excels in salvaging operations of all kinds, even those that get someone killed! GENERAL INFORMATION: Class: Transport Tier: 2 Length: 40 m S...
Bulwark Heavy Assault Sub
Created by ArchCrusader
Description Designed with crew safety in mind, the Bulwark is capable of keeping areas safe and operational even after receiving heavy damage, featuring excellent flood control and well distributed suits. Smaller crews will do well to keep in mind the some...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier Two transport sub Priced: 15,000 mk Cargo capacity: 68 Crates Size: 43x23m 1 Large hardpoint 2 Hardwired coilguns One aft and one Coaxial 1 Tri chamber railgun With a Coaxial coilgun for ammo conservation An Automatic discharge coil...
Created by worm guy (worm)
(Please leave a like, a rating, and subscribe. It really helps.) THIS SUB IS PLAYABLE IN SINGLEPLAYER. JUST LEAVE ALL THE CUSTOM DOORS OPEN (junction box hatches and plasma cannon compartment) PRICE: 33,001 TIER: III CLASS: ATTACK The C.F.L. Infinity III i...
C.S.S Palestar
Created by KnEe_GrOw
Price: 5500 mk || Tier: 1 Shi Jie Shipyard's entry level submersible, the Palestar is a scout class vessel optimized for affordability in a compact frame. A reinforced Command cabin and bottom hull gives the ship excellent crew survivability for it's size ...
C.S.S Palestar II
Created by KnEe_GrOw
Price: 8500 mk || Tier 2 The Palestar II is the upgraded variant of the scout class vessel produced by Shi Jie Shipyards. A 3rd floor has been added to the frame to house the expanded ballasts, freeing more space in the upper two floors and giving it excel...
C.S.S. Exathra
Created by KnEe_GrOw
Price: 25,000 mk || Tier 3 Fresh out of Shi Jie Shipyards, the Exathra is a submarine built for dangerous deep sea retrieval missions. Boasting an offensive armament of 4 Coil Guns, 3 Rail Guns and a Depth Charge Tube. There are 3 shuttles available to fer...
C.S.S. Palestar A
Created by KnEe_GrOw
Price: 7000 mk || Tier 1 An advanced variant of Shi Jie Shipyard's entry level submersible, designed with an experienced crew in mind. The top coil gun has been moved into a more aggressive position at the front, creating a blind spot that will require str...
C.S.S. Palestar II S
Created by KnEe_GrOw
Price: 9000 mk || Tier 2 The Palestar II S, is the Stealth variant of the Palestar II. Outfitted with a prototype Stealth mode, and large capacity S.M.R.T. batteries, the ship is able to operate silently for extended periods. The power requierments of the ...
C.S.S. Faustus
Created by KnEe_GrOw
Price: 12,500 mk || Tier 3 Shi Jie Shipyard's mid tier attack sub, the Faustus is a scaled down version of the Exathra. Built for clearing out the dangerous fauna of the European sea. It is outfitted with an offensive armament of 3 Coil Guns, a Rail Gun, a...
Created by Phanta
Description - The Cachalot is a wildlife research vessel constructed at the shipyards of Tectamus Linea. Comes fitted standard with long range sonar scanners on the bow and bottom hull to help with scanning and detecting threats. The reactors output isnt e...
Created by Vladigor
Small and neat boat for a small but experienced crew. The good location of weapons leaves virtually no "blind spots", but the absence of heavy weapons greatly affects the choice of targets and missions, especially with an inexperienced team. By screenshots...
Created by Deja Vroom!
With a relatively high top speed and fantastic ascent and descent characteristics due to her 3 large ballast tanks, Orca class subs are agile vessels, let down only by their small compliment of weapons, unreliable engine and reactors with a greater than av...
Camel 2
Created by George Gabriel
=========================================================== CAMEL - 2 =========================================================== The vanilla Camel is one of my favorite Tier 1 Submarines. After playing with it for over 40+ Hours, I decided to give it some...
Created by Ahpi
Many times when the degenerates of Europa attempt to raid a settlement, it's a Cardeal that puts them in their place. This vessel excels at maintaining fire from above as well as pursuing the heathens back to where they came from. This submarine is suitabl...
Created by 魂魄妖梦
Cat Shark
Created by Dasubur
A dedicated attack craft, the Cat Shark is incredibley well armed for its size. The Cat Shark can be found patrolling waters around outpost, conducting anti piracey operations and defending outpost directly when the many dangers of Europa rear their head. ...
Cast Iron
Created by Doge the biologist
Cast Iron General information: SUB type: Attack Tier III Dimensions: 46*10 m Cargo capacity: 20 crates Recommended crew number: 6-10 (including bots) Price: 21000mk Cast Iron was primarily designed as a i...
CBS-11M-P ''Hook''
Created by Dhalaj Hadjar
CBS-11 MP "Hook", in the common people "Shoe" is the second experimental submarine from the CBS series, which went into industrial production. Unfortunately, it was after the start of its production that the pirates seized the dock station, and they got th...
Created by Ostwind
Centurion The Centurion is a heavily armed transport which represent the pinnacle of Coalition engineering. Designed around survivability for both its crew and cargo to allow for the colonisation of great sea. The coalition set out to design a tough, well ...
Created by Mour
Prometheus Shipyards here, introducing the Centurion light gunship. In this ship you are either qualified or dead. Centurion's agility and stealth are the only things keeping you alive, use them. The heavy chaingun will take care of the rest... GENERAL INF...
Cepheus [CEP] Cruiser
Created by LeThe
Cepheus was a heavy artillery ship belonging to the Earth United Council's District 236 Garrison, although it is not an easy task to transform a starship into an abyss warship, and the factors can cause the entire progress to be thrown away; Therefore, a l...
Created by Deja Vroom!
Easily identified by its two humps, the CML (Cargo & Medical Logistics) submarine is best known as the Camel. The Camel has an extensive medic bay and ample cargo space, but it handles flooding poorly. The front ballast tank is a liability, and some less-l...
Created by Irakonul
“I’m the only one left now, the last soul on a ship of ghosts…” Originally deployed by the Coalition in an attempt to further investigate the Eye, the vessel was lost in the hydrothermal wastes and the mission was considered a complete failure. However, th...
Chronic's Prototype
Created by ChronicLegend
Not just any Barsuk. Chronic's Barsuk from Deep Water Adventures! I've gotten little to no complaints and multiple publish requests. If u find this version out of date or find an issue, message me as we play often on it and add tweaks. Crew Capacity: 2-9 R...
Created by MajikBean
The Chrysalis has been designed after the Monarch. This vessel has learned from the experiences of the Monarch and Monolith to deliver the veneral Queen of Europa. This lumbering beast has been up-gunned, up-armored, refitted, and signifcantly up-priced. T...
Created by the rat
Summary Frustrated with the state of submarines in the Europan seas, an enterprising designer set out to make a compact vessel that would let his small crew fully exploit the depths. A few self infliced wounds from a dementonite wrench and a half dozen bot...
Created by Iron_Phildo69
Check out my other Job mod, Botanophobia: Looking for a sub for all your new jobs? Ever felt the humble Clown needed more to...
Clowns Expanded Redux
Created by Munkert
Do you think there aren't enough clown items? do you think that people just aren't funny? Well my friend, this is the mod for you! Features Variations of most base role clothing and helmets that give you clown power. More unique gag items Cheat variations ...
Coalition Dugong
Created by Rebel
This is my first attempt at making a Europa Coalition Dugong (For the Coalition scum)...
Coalition Fleet
Created by Mtn Dew Baja Blast
A new fleet of Coalition Vessels to fight against insurgents. Consists of 4 submarines of every class. All ships are relatively balanced, but not absolutely built to be balanced ships. Please post any bugs you find with any of the ships in the discussion f...
Coalition Hemulen - COOP
Created by I3eauLeBoi
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Hemulen shuttles didn't only invest into transportation, along with a defense contract with the Europan Coalition. They've created this! A version that ...
Created by Sebe
A.I AND NPC FRIENDLY SHIP! WAYPOINTS AND SPAWNPOINTS INCLUDED! Hey you! Looking for the right fit? Colossus-9 wants you! 25,000 MARKS - Recommended Crew Size = 1 - 15 Colossus-9 is one of the few colony sized ships to brave Europas' deadly waters. But some...
Columbia Class 2
Created by JumboJellybean
An upgraded version of an old submarine design on Earth featuring a dual feed rotary cannon and a large amount of firepower all around with dual reactors for redundancy. Also comes with a lockdown system to contain crew and smart doors. Features: -F...
Combat Sea Truck
Created by BioChemicalWolfGear
This poor excuse for ingenuity is the (Combat) Sea Truck. Purpose built for delivering cargo to places under extreme threat of local wildlife or open rebellion. It has a rig for delivering cargo out it's front bay as well as cargo space to spare. It floods...
Combinable Ammo Revived (NOW WORKS WITH ALL AMMO)
Created by Noble (Milord)
Updated For 1.1 This mod lets you combine all ammo boxes of same type with diffrent "durability", same as vanilla smg magazines, or oxygen tanks. Means it will transfer durability of one item to another, without breaking any item. Now you can combine all A...
Community Curated Subs Continued
Created by Aspen
I've always loved the CCSP, but seeing its age become more and more apparent i took it upon myself to try fixing it. So finally after a few months of work, i have rebalanced, tweaked, and modernized the Community Curated Sub Pack. Enormous thanks to Scale ...
Created by Deja Vroom!
The R-29 is a heavyweight transport ship. While not terribly well armed against Europa's underwater denizens, it has been retrofitted with two powerful electric discharge coils. Original design by rav2n. After being exiled from a Coalition colony, a group ...
Created by Dasubur
A Dedicated Transport that sacrifices most things to excell at cargo and personel transport, features a dedicated brig for transportation of prisoners. Power Supply is a bit iffy so don't push the throttle to hard or you will regret it. Also features a red...
Converted Armed Heavy Freighter “Casablanca”
Created by Zyleand
All Language Supported! Introduction “Casablanca”, a converted armed heavy freighter, is formerly known as the “Holy Grail” luxury cruise ship of Avalon Travel Agency, is known for its elegant appearance and exquisite interior decoration. However, with the...
Created by Falkner
A fast, sturdy and well equipped scout, lots of features and upgrades - intended as starter ship for a small crew that can be fully upgraded to do everything the larger ships can. SCOUT - TIER 3 Price: 4200 Speed 45+ Dive 19 Surface 18 Crew 2-5 ...
Corollary II
Created by Rancher_Ma
Preface T2 Salvage Transport Submarine, Version 3.2 (Stable). If you like my design, please give it a thumbs up. Thank you! Lemma series of scout submarines is also available. The Corollary series was initiated after the Lemma Series and specialized in sal...
Created by hUbert 2
Micro shuttle...
Creaosis' Pirates and Wrecks
Created by Goblin Conscript
Wrecks and Pirates fashioned from workshop submarines to serve as challenging enemies and encounters in a server I frequent. Also includes a couple beacon station variants, a rare pirate mission variant and overhauls of the weak vanilla bandits included in...
Description: Creepers can be a harbinger of good and bad news. The pilot of a creeper is generally a sort of unsavory individual, someone who cant function on crewed ship and uses mass produced shuttles to continue their grift across Europa. Large masses o...
Crewed Recon and Assault Boat (CRaAB)
Created by Irakonul
Welcome aboard the CRaAB. This ship is by no means good. It sports little storage, a tempermental power system and wiring, and no medical facilities. But do you know what it IS? A crab. That's it. But you clicked on it, so you already knew that; enjoy. Tim...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier Three Scout Priced: 20,000 mk Cargo capacity: 20 Crates Size: 41x17m 1 Hardwired Railgun 1 Hardwired coilgun 1 Small turret hardpoint 1 Coilgun pre installed. A Sonar aided fire control system In addition to the usual periscope the ...
CSS Boykisser
Created by ConnorsSilverpaws
You like kissing mudraptors, don't you? There's no secret cabinet in the ballast. Shhh....
CSY Rest Station
Created by Chishes
In an attempt to expand our operations, Chishes Shipyards is proud to open our rest stations. The brave crews traveling our waters will finially have a place inbetween their destinations to rest and relax....
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier one Transport sub Priced: 7,500 mk Cargo capacity: 30 Crates Size: 24x17m 3 Small turret hardpoints 2 Coilguns and 1 Pulse laser pre-installed An Automatic discharge coil Located on the rear A fully stocked Wet garden Stocked and re...
Created by Ma'am
A submarine made of copper at various levels of oxidation. The Cuprusts notable features include: - A shuttle fit for exploring caves and getting closer to ruins -- The shuttle docking hatch doubles as an airlock, regardless of if the shuttle is docked or ...
Cutlass R7
Created by Damy357
"Military attack boat designed for long patrols and scouting. Fabrication facilities and mineral scanner allow it to operate isolated for prolonged periods of time with its main limiting factor being its small size and recommended crew of three. Armed with...
Created by ignomen
This is Cuttlefish, a privately-owned geological survey and mining submarine. If you'd like to modify and re-upload this submarine, you may do so provided you credit me and link to this workshop page. :) There is a wrecked version of this submarine availab...
DD-X Kusrab
Created by milk
A submarine I made to continue my multiplayer roleplaying campaign. Our crew had to leave the old submarine behind, due to Central Command taking all Barsuk X-DD Models from Europa....
Created by Cjn2789
Originated from this: This submarine is a variation of the MS-02 line of mini submarines. The ship mid-top has been expanded to fit a research station. Vanilla-like and campaign friendly: • ...
Decon pls
Created by DimasW
Adds a deconstruction recipy for idcard, idcardwreck, bikehorn, pirateclothes, piratecaptainhat, piratebandana, pirateclothesnovice, pirateclotheshard This overwrites all those mentioned items and will override or get overridden depending on your mod load....
Decotrauma - Antenna Edition
Created by Psyduck
Decotrauma - Antenna Edition Decotrauma presents you their newest assembly, featuring a range of antennas, perfect for adding that extra level of detail to your submarine. With various styles and sizes available, you can customize your vessels to suit your...
Decotrauma - Engine Edition
Created by Psyduck
Decotrauma - Engine Edition Introducing Decotrauma's newest addition: our remarkable submarine engines. Crafted with meticulous precision, these engines offer a remarkable boost to your underwater adventures. With their reliable performance and versatile d...
Decotrauma - Kitchens & Messhalls
Created by Psyduck
Decotrauma - Kitchens and Messhalls This is gonna be dumbed down a bit since i now have to manage steam page :P And im useless at it! What's Included 100% Vanilla Assemblies - Kitchen and messhall items How to Use Its an assembly, so you can find it under ...
Decotrauma - Reactor Edition
Created by Psyduck
Decotrauma - Reactor Edition This is gonna be dumbed down a bit since i now have to manage steam page :P And im useless at it! What's Included 100% Vanilla Assemblies - Reactors How to Use Its an assembly, so you can find it under "Item Assembly" tab after...
Decotrauma - Terminal Edition
Created by Psyduck
Decotrauma - Terminal Edition This is gonna be dumbed down a bit since i now have to manage steam page :P And im useless at it! What's Included 100% Vanilla Assemblies - screens and terminals How to Use Its an assembly, so you can find it under "Item Assem...
Deep Science Vessel
Created by BioChemicalWolfGear
Created for deep sea exploration. This Science Vessel was fitted with all the bells and whistles money could buy. It however never saw active service after Earth was forced to leave Europa. Instead only 5 prototypes remained. Most were lost. This one happe...
Deep Sea Alcohol
Created by Doctor What
Mod that adds alcoholic beverage to your submarine's bar The pack curently contains: -Stolichnaya (Regular Russian Vodka) -Beer -Corona Beer (Handy if you need husk eggs in exchange for cyanide) -Honkmother's Energy Drink (Gives you speed yet slowly drives...
Deep sea Warfare
Created by mrrobert988
Arm yourself with the weapons of the Earth history This is a weapons pack that consists of some of most widely known firearms All the way back from World War I to modern days Arm yourself with the weapons of the Earth history This is a weapons mod that con...
Created by jia
requires clientside + serverside lua various opinionated changes to the salvaging experience features: thalami: a small set of defensive features, chosen randomly each encounter loot: wrecked navigational equipment has a chance to spawn an item - use a cro...
Die Königin Command Sub
Created by ArchCrusader
Description With its high firepower, excellent vertical movement and versatile logistic systems, the Queen of Europa is a large and robust vessel capable of handling any sort of situation within the depths. A crew that can offset the fuel-hungry reactor an...
Doctor Javier's Medical Arsenal
Created by Television
Hello, it's me Dr. Javier! Have you ever wanted to inject someone with 24 syringes of fentanyl in 2 seconds flat? No? Well too bad! Now you can with my with newest inventions! Here are some of the weapons you can find or craft yourself: https://cdn.discord...
Created by Chishes
Cost: 2,500mk Size: 15x8m Cargo: 0 crates Recommended crew: 1-3 From Chishes Shipyards comes a ship for the gentleman (or lady). This ship was built from the ground up for the purpose of captain to captain duels. Buy one for yourself and another for your l...
DOMA Prototype mk9
Created by hUbert 2
Note: Use the Lite version! The "main" version of this submarine is obese The Deep Oceanic Mobile Arsenal; designed as a versatile Europan explorer, this was never mass produced due to constant overengineering and extremely high project costs. A fearsome p...
Created by NIR
There are few design patterns carrying as dirty a reputation as the Domovoy. It isn't just that the vehicle's adept at espionage- it was built for it, designed around a cutting-edge silent running system and some of the most advanced communication antennae...
Created by Ma'am
Rock and Stone, brother! Comes with the following selection of beers from Deep Rock Galactic: - Oily Oaf - Leaf Lover's Special - Blackout Stout - Red Rock Blaster - Skullcrusher Ale - Smart Stout - Burning Love - Blackreach Blonde - Flintlocke's Delight ....
DOMA_Seabike - a fast micro shuttle
Created by hUbert 2
A miniature, open cockpit vehicle that can be controlled visually. If you ever wanted a fast, very compact shuttle that doesn't require an airlock to help you loot wrecks or caverns, here is a functional one. Feel free to use it as a template, and pick it ...
Created by Chishes
Cost: 1,00mk Size: 8x7m Cargo: 4 crates Recommended crew: 1-3 From the Chishes Shipyards come the Duck. A compact shuttle craft perfect for those short trips into or close to the caves that dot our ocean floors. This vessel, while unarmed and completely de...
Created by EJ1
Dug is Dugong's little brother. He's short, cute, and definetly a good boy....
Duffle Bag 2.0, Backpack & WaistBelt
Created by IAMAPEX
Latest game update - I've updated the mod to work with the latest update (updating after 2 years) however, whilst everything is seemingly working again, the sprites need repositioning. the backpack is working perfectly but the duffel bag position in the ha...
Created by Prydain
IMPORTANT - The sub file name is Dugon while mod name is Dugong Mk-II "Compared to larger vessels, the Dugong series is overshadowed in all aspects except one: their reliability for their price is world class. The Dugon improves on the original Dugong seri...
Dugong Mk2(Extended Hull)
Created by Ninebreaker
*If you can't see the submarine in game enable it in the options, if you still cant find the submarine try to verify the cache, and if it still not showing up copy it from the mods folder to the submarine folder. File is called Dugong Mk2-6* Extended versi...
Dugong Ultimate
Created by SweetPotato
An advanced and modified deep diving & attack submarine. Price: 9800 Tier 3 Made on Dugong's base. List of features: Decent weaponry Turret sensors Perimeter lights and Auto/manual discharge coils Auto/manual doors Double hull armor Twin engine with manual...
Dugong Retrofits
Created by Chishes
Retrofit: Cost: 10,000mk Size: 38x11m Cargo: 8 crates Recommended Crew: 5-10 The love and prevalence of the Dugong has created a near inhaustible supply of lightly and "well loved" used models. With some crews needing a new ship as they travel deeper, Chis...
Created by Dasubur
A Modified Dugong Class Submarine, this varient is used for construction work and outpost maintence. it features a extra coilgun for increased defense against creatures attracted by the noise. It also features a small workshop to facilitate ease of constru...
Created by DeeDoubleU
3 new beacon stations to spice up your adventures. Each having own quirk or trope typical for postapocalyptic genre....
DynamicEuropa - Frith's Biomes Compatibility Patch
Created by _]|M|[_
Info: This patch allows the use of Frith's Biomes textures with the level generation of DynamicEuropa. Load Order: - DynamicEuropa - Frith's Biomes Compatibility Patch - Frith's Biomes - DynamicEuropa The load order is important, so please make sure you se...
Created by MasonMachineGuns
ATTENTION Please read the description as it contains important information about features, patches and incompatibilities! Please be aware that in very rare cases a level might not generate a path to your destination. Please read this discussion HERE to hel...
DynamicEuropa - Stations From Beyond Outpost Pack
Created by MasonMachineGuns
An outpost module pack for Dynamic Europa. Introduces the modules of Stations from beyond to the outposts of DynamicEuropa. They have all been manually adjusted to feature necessary items and various other adjustments required for the intended gameplay of ...
Created by Prydain
"The E.E.P. or Emergency Escape Pod, is designed as a one man vessel used to escape the ship from whatever disaster has occured. Fully equipped with ample survival supplies, this pod will allow crewmen to escape and survive what otherwise might be a doomed...
Created by Maxyall
Tuned for high difficulty encounters - Campaign Ready Ebikko is an Akario Nomad's space shuttle modified to withstand the force of space anomalies and gravitational pull of the A-Class stars, making it a perfect exploration vessel under the immense pressur...
Created by Deja Vroom!
Derisively known as an "Off-Brand" or "Knock-off", these vessels were created from a proposal for the Typhon submarine before the prototype stage. Popular with mercenaries, separatists, and pirates alike - if only because it can be manufactured without giv...
Created by kryptops
Drone Carrier Galathea With expansion into the bleak depths of Europa proceeding rapidly, the Europa Coalition's Office of Deep Sea Exploration (ODSE, usually pronounced 'odyssey' by Europa Coalition veterans) has generated a contract for a diving vessel c...
Eclipse Cruiser Class Submarine
Created by Ma'am
Welcome aboard the Eclipse, a technologically advanced spaceship that has been retrofitted to allow for maritime use. Notable features include: - The shield generators present on the main vessel, shuttle and drone, allowing for automated defensive capabili...
ECS- French Surcouf (WWII Sub)
Last recorded leaving for Tahiti in February of 1942, this submarine was originally scuttled by Allied sympathizers in a fishing trauler after sending out a message explaining that vichy crew members had taken control of the sub and were planning to surren...
Created by kryptops
Description A recent addition to the Osedax inventory, the Type 6 RRV is designed as a robust, inexpensive, maneuverable, and moderately well-armed expeditionary craft. The Type 6 has had a limited run so far, with supply being restricted by a titanium sho...
Created by Kazet
A submarine designed to be maneuverable by three crew members. The Eel is nonetheless equipped to accomplish its duty....
EK Berith_Mk-IV Reworked
Created by big lober
This sub has been reworked to be more campaign friendly. - removed extra items (drugs, materials, etc.) - brighter lights - periscope controlled drone - better diving suit racks - moved cargo spawn near deconstructor - fixed AI pathing I am not the origina...
EK Carlos Mk-II
Created by Videogames
Carlos Mk-II Utility Shuttlecraft This is a standalone upload of the shuttle from Huxley Mk-V The Carlos is a lightweight shuttlecraft designed for short-range mining operatons and crew tran...
EK Huxley Mk-V
Created by Videogames
Huxley Mk-V Light Long-Haul Tanker The Huxley is a highly advanced light tanker vessel. Designed to transport biofuel or machine oil over extremely long distances and through remote areas; the Huxley contains many features of a fully self-sufficient expedi...
EK Kira Mk-V
Created by Videogames
Kira Mk-V Multipurpose Vessel The Kira class submarine is the first of a series of next-generation multipurpose hulls. Designed for capability and versatility, nearly every aspect of the program has been designed from the ground up to produce a highly effe...
EK Marauder Mk-VII
Created by Videogames
Marauder Mk-VII Renegade Vessel Once a feared warship under another name, this vessel was stolen by the europan separatists while undergoing decommissioning at a local dock. With some moderate refurbishment the newly christened Marauder is now a powerful t...
EK Nurse Shark Mk-VI
Created by Videogames
Nurse Shark Mk-VI Small General-purpose Vessel A rather economical multipurpose vessel with exceptional reliability but limited range. It is built mostly from readily-available systems and carries a smaller reactor class than most vessels of its size, inst...
EK Matriarch Mk-VII
Created by Videogames
Matriarch Mk-VII Attack Carrier The Matriarch is a carrier vessel for force-projection and wide-area patrol operations. It is equipped with the standard compliment of coilgun defenses and a moderately powerful single-turbine engine, but the Matriarch's tru...
EK Mods for 1.x.x.x
Created by Commisar Jon Fuklaw
Introduction In order to warm up for an upcoming patch cycle for another title, I've decided to take some time to fix issues for the now-deprecated EK mod series. With that in mind, I'm going to keep this short and to the point: Here's a version of the EK ...
Created by Syndro
Description A large Syndion Cruiser meant for large operations needing substantial firepower. Comes equipped with excellent coverage, with discharge coils covering main blindspots and large-caliber ballistic ordinance. The cruiser also comes with a Scorpio...
EKM Myrith Mk-VI
Created by Videogames
Myrith Mk-VI Independent Military Vessel The Myrith class gunboat is a mass-produced patrol vessel built around a powerful nose-mounted railgun, allowing the Myrith to contend with other hostile subs often much larger than itself. Originally designed for s...
Enhanced Armaments
Created by SCP-966-1
A Heavily Armed Europa, para bellum. . . A large mod primarily focused on the instruments of death, from firearms to chemical and radiological weapons (and the equipment to protect against such instruments). https://i.imgur....
Enhanced Armaments DynamicEuropa Patch
Created by SCP-966-1
A patch that provides DE NPCs with EHA equipment to make them more difficult to fight, due to DE's popularity I feel this is quite sorely needed. Load over DynamicEuropa for this patch to function If there's any non-working identifiers please let me know A...
Enhanced Armaments Fuel for the Fire Expansion
Created by [ST] SGT. Shorty
A Heavily Armed Europa, Pt. 2 - Military tension is on the edge of a blade, as new tech is developed to tear apart the competition. New NT Patch for EHA+FFE, which is Mutually-Exclusive from the original one. EHA:FFE adds: Radio Range Extender (throws your...
Enhanced Characters
Created by _]|M|[_
A combination of old and new Enhanced Characters allows you to recreate your characters from the first facelift by adding back the old hairstyles and merging the new rugged faces with the smoother old faces. All hairstyles are now available for both gender...
"Designed as a supplement to the steadily growing research and expedition vessels produced for long-term use on the Aphotic Plateau and beyond. Reusing salvaged parts for critical systems and leaving most models produced only partially outfitted compared t...
Even More Beacon Stations
Created by Black Mamba
Even More Beacon Stations Presenting 8 Beacon Stations, from small to large. 5 original beacon stations 3 bandit variants Larger beacon stations are meant to be easy to fix....
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier Three scout sub Priced: 30,000 mk Cargo capacity: 30 Crates Size: Approximately 70x20m 1 Large hardpoint Flak cannon pre-installed 4 Small turret hardpoints 3 Pulse lasers and 1 chaingun pre-installed 2 Automatic discharge coils Loc...
Created by KnEe_GrOw
WRECK A powerful ship that was overcome by the Europan depths. Can still prove a worthy foe, even as an immobilized husk. This is a wrecked version of the C.S.S. Exathra. I have found it can be quite a challenge to take on if it has a Thalamus but is worth...
Even More Wrecks
Created by Black Mamba
30 Wrecks Available coming in all size 21 Original wrecks 9 variants Thalamus layer done, so you can count them as 60 different wrecks ! Even More Beacon Stations :
Created by Explorer
For those looking to explore the secrets of Europa. These ships are equipped with a variety of automated systems that provide comfort and safety to you and your crew during any mission. Some of these systems are: - Module for automated reactor deactivation...
F91 Flagon
The F91 Flagon - Scout Submarine Named such for its liquid-container shape, the Flagon is a premiere rapid assault and scouting submarine. With its crew of 4-6, the submarine is fairly flexible in its mission profile - excelling in seek-and-destroy mission...
Facehurt's Beacon Stations
Created by Facehurt
A collection of four (more will be added later) beacon stations with the cinematic theme of Underwater Biodomes, or glass exteriors. Balanced around vanilla using vanilla only tags and assets....
Faction flags
Created by Jozef kovac
Some cool banners open to suggestions...
Factional Subs Barsuk
Created by mew mew
"Barsuk is a favorite among beginner captains. Using materials out of recycled hulls of destroyed submarines (many of which were Barsuks anyway) keeps the price of the line down. Over the years, a subculture of Barsuk-enthusiasts has formed around customiz...
Created by Deja Vroom!
The "Wellerman" is a stalwart but aging design of early submersible transport. Venerable but capable, it's use is primarily restricted to the cold caverns, rarely pushing beyond the ridge without extreme dedication and upgrade. This particular Wellerman wa...
Falcata-class Assault Sub (Goph Original Ship)
Created by GophTheGreat
Falcata: An aging hull commissioned to bring rebellious Europan colonies to heel during the early days of the settling effort, the Falcata-class Assault Sub is a venerated design now mostly relegated to close patrol and heavy escort duty. Falcatas mount tw...
Created by Cjn2789
A small ferry boat. Can serve as a Tier 1 submarine, or a respawn shuttle. Maximum people on board: 10. JustWork Shipyard, 2023 ...
Fat Fish
Created by Doge the biologist
Fat Fish Tier III attack Fat Fish is a bulky-shaped attack submarine, which was designed for small teams from 5 to 10 members. This ship is both defensive and offensive, therefore good for those who want to challenge some hard-core mods. Compared with my p...
FDF-Chopper Shuttle
Created by Vootfer
Chopper is a long-range patrol shuttle designed to be faster and more agile than most shuttles. It comes in two versions, the A1 equipped with pulse lasers and the B1 equipped with chainguns. It was issued into service after a high demand for patrol class ...
Created by Vootfer
The Eternity is a colossal marvel of engineering, purpose-built to traverse the vastness of depths and the most treacherous trade routes with unwavering durability and uncompromising cargo capacity. Armed with impressive armament, it can fend off pirate at...
Created by Vootfer
The Vortex is an attack vessel designed to be tough and capable of safely deploying a small strike or dive team. Armed with multiple turrets, It can provide heavy overwatch to deployed troops, clearing a safe zone for extraction. It is brought to you by Fr...
Created by Vootfer
The Vulture is a small patrol vessel designed to be fast and nimble while having enough firepower for even the most dangerous creatures of Europa. Great sub for starting your adventure or continuing one... Brought to you by Frontier Shipyards! Stats: Class...
Created by Doge the biologist
Flatfish General information Attack (Tier II) Price 7000 mk Size 40*13 m Cargo capacity 8 crates Recommended crew size 5-10 Read the manuscript before using Flatfish is a tier-2 attack submarine with limited inner space, ordinary speed and firepower. In or...
Flying Dutchman Midnight Edit
Created by Seargant Egg
An edit of the Flying Dutchman for Midnight Iridescent. Bug fixes, improvements and balance changes as well as an EK version. This mod is meant for a certain campaign. I uploaded it to the workshop in case others in it wanted to use it. Don’t expect much....
French Surcouf (WWII Sub)
A rogue French sub from WWII rumored to have been sunk in February, 1942 in the South Atlantic. The Americans attempted to sink the sub after claiming the crew's loyalty was to Vichy France. A coverup was made after the sub escaped aerial bombardment in th...
Frith's Biomes
Created by lordFrith
Features - Remastered textures. - Additional level hazards. - More immersive caves. Known Issues - Made and tested for singleplayer. High numbers of level objects can cause increased loading times and desync in multiplayer. Compatibility - Compatible with ...
Friths Dioramas
Created by lordFrith
************************************* DUGONG CONSTRUCTION DIORAMA Inside Coalition Dry Dock 3, a dugong nears completion. This is some Barotrauma fan art made in Barotrauma sub editor It contains a scene you can load and look at in sub editor. You can walk...
Fully functional Russian roulette
Created by Snubby
This mods adds an ACTUALLY fully functional Russian roulette revolver, with odds of the shot going off PROPERLY scaling with pulls of the trigger, and flavour sound effects ! The gun can even be loaded with revolver ammo to leave you barely alive, or handc...
Created by Shlosmos
U-3 FUYEZ Lore This is the E.Q.S (Europa Quality Submarines) U series model "U3" tier 2 Fuyez utility submarine. A decent submarine capable of carrying much cargo and defending itselft. Often used by Deep Europan miners, it has two turrets for combating th...
Created by Syndro
The gigantic flagship of the Syndion Fleet, completely overkill in most situations and equipped with enough firepower to start a small war. Add an absurd amount of armor plating and you have a recipe for one hell of a time. Includes large amounts of storag...
Gallente Vexor
Created by Bartwfa_
Eve Online Gallente Federation Standard Cruiser...
Created by Zephyr
The Europa Coalition have found blueprints of an old Gato-class submarine from WWII and built a special refit one from scratch. Trials are underway. First sub I ever made, the outer design is loosely based off the Greywolf/Redfist Uboat subs Ankhimas made....
Gato Resurrected
Created by Warden
My unofficial remake of the Gato sub. Has been updated to only require Jobs Extended. Should be compatible with anything else you'd like to throw on. Enjoy! Vanilla version can be found here:
Gato Revamped
Created by Zephyr
Barotrauma's new update is making it so I cant edit the two sub files I have in the old workshop post so here's a new one. The Europa Coalition have found blueprints of an old Gato-class submarine from WWII and built a special refit one from scratch. Trial...
Genes+ Revived and Expanded
Created by Noble (Milord)
Works in 1.0 Languages: EN,CN,PTBR The NEW update is here! Added 24 more gene splicers! Have fun! (will lock crafting later) Feedback much appreciated! Original mod If Original mod author does not want to have this mod up, gonna delete it Description! Curr...
Created by Prydain
"Determined to conquer Europa’s wrath, a crew would build one of the strongest subs known in its fleet; the Genesis. Designed with ingenuity, it can weather strong currents, record breaking water pressure, and every Tiger Thresher that challenges it. But t...
Created by Shlosmos
T-1 GEHEN Lore This is the E.Q.S. (Europa Quality Submarines) T series model "T1" tier 1 Gehen transport submarine. A commonly used cheap transport submarine. Though lacks in weapons, it makes up in its ability to transport mass amounts of crates. This sub...
German U-31
Created by Petrus.91
Inspired by German engineering, mostly the same internals as a standard Dugong....
Created by NIR
The Gharial sub class takes inspiration from the 'hot rods' of Earth's golden era- it's fast, dangerous, and difficult to maintain. Captains choosing to run with this vessel should be aware that its crawlspace-style electrical compartments make emergency r...
Ghost Manta
Created by RainDreamer
An experimental stealth submarine commissioned by a smuggler with deep pocket, the Ghost Manta is designed to sneak around any sort of danger posed in the depth of Europa with its silent running mode. It is lightly armed but highly maneuverable, and also e...
Golden mice
Created by Doge the biologist
Golden mice General information Attack (Tier II) Price 12000 mk Size 39*15 m Cargo capacity 8 crates Recommended crew size 4-7 One day I decided to do a submarine with a little steam punk style, and in the end this little thing was built. This is a super s...
Grande Fiesta
Created by KARIN
完全版v1.1 Super cruise ship隶属于超级游艇 欢迎来到木卫二上最宏大的庆典!在接下来的短暂的航行中,希望您能无视众多的安全隐患和混入的恐怖分子,享受最优质的深海旅行服务。考虑到这很有可能是您人生中最后一段时光,您可以大方挥霍您的mk了。试玩强大的舰载武器,骑上地球进口的街机摩托,购买神奇的异星礼品,或是享用特殊的料理…… 或许您想认识一下同行的旅客?告诉您,船上都是人才(沉船里的尸体也是),包括最有钱的船东,最厉害的船长,和最倒霉的机修工。因为她13792512的容积和121.14m的总...
Gun Gator
Created by hUbert 2
Formerly a second-generation scouting vessel, this ship was scrapped and refitted by the nefarious europan pirates. Armed with two powerful laser guns, a forward facing sonar-railgun and a boarding shuttle. Made for PvP...
Gunnarsson Heavy Gunship
Created by ArchCrusader
Description Developed as a competitor to the Stubbs, the Gunnarsson was supposed to be a more reliable but equally deadly weapon platform. Sturdier than its counterpart, it's equipped with several twin-linked coilguns that offer an excellent coverage of th...
Gunnarsson MS1 Modular Gunship
Created by ArchCrusader
Description A Gunnarsson with a late-production workshop and medbay module attached to the back. This allows the sub to effectively function for long campaigns at the cost of protection and manouverability. Properties Designation: Tier II Attack (Modular G...
H-15 Parkan
Created by Doomich
"BANANA!".. Actually a boomerang, but.. :D Probably the last sub (and also the first hehe), since I'm back where I started and want to leave the editor because has no time for new submarines. Although I will probably do some upgrades for the previous ones....
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier three attack sub Priced: 25,000 mk Cargo capacity: 24 Crates Size: 50x23m 2 Large hardpoints Dual coil on top and Railgun on bottom 2 Small turret hardpoints 2 Coilguns pre-installed An Automatic discharge coil Located outside the r...
Hammerhead MK4
Created by Charles J Winslow
With the advanced modules installed, the Hammerhead class submarine becomes an economical and affordable choice for Europa's underwater security forces. After many years of service, the Hammerhead was finally retired from the coalition fleet and entered th...
Hammerhead MK5-Matriarch
Created by Charles J Winslow
The Hammerhead MK5 program is a design enhancement for Hammerhead's special operations capabilities. However, the Raptor class, a rising star after the outbreak of the Separatist War, quickly won the Coalition's arms sales contract. The Matriarch was the o...
Created by Torzhen
The Harvester is a salvaging vessel which electrical grid has been modified to power a single pulse laser to cut out hull parts from the wreckage. Harvesters are typically operated by single freelancers in secure areas, but rumor has it that some pilots us...
Created by NotOzark
The HeadHunter Series Skiff was primarily a gunship produced by Io Heavy Industries Ltd, possessing numerus utilitarian variations. Designed to be nimble and compact, it can supplement a wide range of roles within a flotilla, from scouting to Strafing targ...
Headsight [REDUNDANT]
Created by Pyrodes
basically a mod that modifies humans to have their main limb be the head instead of the torso, making it so that your eyes are in your head and not your torso. pretty easy and beneficial fix ...
Hemulen (Separatists version)
Created by whilo
A Hemulen that has been taken over Jovian Separatists....
Created by Se7en.62x51mm
Small vanilla friendly sub and well balanced for campaign. Elevator serves as an airlock. Just check it yourself and you won't regret. SOME PEOPLE EXPERIENCE INVISIBLE WALL BUG IN ELEVATOR. IN THIS CASE USE THE NO ELEVATOR VERSION (It is included in this m...
Himalia Expedition Vessel
"The Himalia is a capital-class exploration vessel intended for use on the Aphotic Plateau and beyond as a salvage and exploration craft. Ample cargo capacity, capable production facilities, and enough crew amenities to sustain at least eighteen. the vesse...
HMS Trident
Created by Spitfire722
Heavily Inspired by Gato Class Revamped A lot of the internal design and arrangement are based from Gato class HMS Trident Based on WWII British T-Class Submarine, refitted and adapted for E...
HMS Triton
Created by Bl4ck_Cr0ss
1930s Group 1 T-Class British Submarine HMS Triton. Interior Based off of the Gato Revamped by Zephyr....
Holiday Oceanic
Created by KARIN
海洋假日号Holiday Oceanic 完全版v1.4 抛开可怕的怪物和神秘的遗迹不谈,木卫二其实是个美丽而富饶的行星。所以,放下您那薄得可怜的钢板吧,反正它也抵挡不了女妖的攻击,用玻璃构造您的船只,并一览海底的美景吧。在酒吧坐一坐,或者是在长椅上看看书,您还可以种满植物,把玻璃球舱改造成深渊温室,有开阔的视野总是好的。上次我去Chatte科研站时,那里的研究人员声称她还可以防止船员的精神疾病,看来您可以少买点氟哌啶醇了。 您还在担心安全问题么?放心,传统游艇已经死了,在它们坟头上挥洒核废料的正是海洋假日...
Created by Chishes
Cost: 1100mk Size: 15x7m Cargo: 4 crates Recommended Crew: 1-3 From the Chishes shipyards comes the Hummingbird. A compact ship with everything a small crew or lone captain may need. It's low price makes it perfect for burgeoning submariners, or the crew o...
Humpback Electron Lights+
Created by Spazz (Rafał)
The WH4-L3A 'Humpback Electron + better lights....
Humpback Großreinigung
Created by Kookoorooza
Deep modernization of the Humpback, based on idea of preserving the location of all nodes of the original submarine. This is the fourth iteration of my "Humpback", which incorporates 4 years of experience The general list of changes: - Completely redesigne...
Created by Dasubur
A Horrible Mistake assembled from a poor innocent Humpback, Feel the love of the Honk Mother as you glide through the waters of Europa. Give your friends permanent psychosis. Die horribly when you fail to discover all the hidden surprises until it's too la...
Hungry Europans
Created by _]|M|[_
A foods and drinks Mod for casual play and roleplay Load Order: - If you're playing with DynamicEuropa, it is important to put Hungry Europans ABOVE DynamicEuropa in your load order! - If you're playing with Neurotrauma, it is important to put Hungry Europ...
Husk Church Cathedral Visual Pack
Created by Tfaltys
Gothic cathedral style visual items and cultist robes. The submarine in Image 3 is available here - p.s. the bunks in the screenshot are from my "clan deco" mod -
Created by 无声萌狼
弹药装填完毕,武器管控已在线!潜水艇伊欧娜。急速下潜~ Ammo is loaded and weapons control is online! Iona ready to navigate. 2023年5月19日更新,这次为伊欧娜添加了语音,同时也将新建造的舰载机加了上去。 This time adding voice to Iona, and add a aircraft. 51休假之后更新,这次根据之前的造船经验增加了很多新功能,对内饰也有一定的优化。 游戏版本1.0之后回...
Created by Blacklight
INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! IMC BOTANUS Botanical Cargo Transport (NOTE: This Vessel Looks Much Larger Than It Is. It is actually on the small to medium si...
Ice Hammer
Created by Swaggy Harpy
My second submarine, Meant to be on par about with the Ocra 2. Three weapon hardpoints are on this submarine. 2 small weapons hardpoints, one located on the bottom and the other on the top left corner of the ship. The third is a large hard point placed on ...
Created by Blacklight
INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! MC GUARDIAN SHUTTLE MKII The IMC Guardian Shuttle MKII is a universal and improved version of the shuttle that accompanies the ...
IMC JAS Shuttle Scout
Created by Blacklight
UPDATED: 04/11/2024 (Nav Console Powered Directly from Battery for Undocking) Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! ALL IMC Vessels are Vanilla and use no Mods This Vessel is optimized for Vanilla Campaign Playable Maps. IMC JAS Shuttle ...
Created by Blacklight
UPDATED 02/11/2024: Updated pathing for AI compatibility. Reduced engine power and max speed significantly. Reduced lighting brightness throughout sub. INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels...
Created by Blacklight
INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! IMC RAKE MKII The IMC RAKE is a fast attack frigate. While not designed for extended combat, the Rake's agility and impressive ...
Immersive Ignitables
Created by _]|M|[_
Features: With Immersive Ignitables you'll need a lighter or an open fire to be able to make use of certain items. Smoking also becomes more immersive by applying additional visual, particle and sound effects. You will now exhale smoke after taking a drag ...
Immersive Sonar UI - A Real Sonar Add-On
Created by _]|M|[_
A Real Sonar Add-On You love real sonar, but the sonar doesn't look real enough and you could use some more eye candy? This overhaul may just be the thing for you. It's a simple texture replacement for captains and navigators to enjoy. No Real Sonar? No Pr...
Immersive Sonar UI - Vanilla Sonar Edition
Created by _]|M|[_
Vanilla Sonar Edition This version adds the texture replacements of Immersive Sonar UI - A Real Sonar Add-On to vanilla sonar, in case you prefer to play without Real Sonar, but still want to use this UI overhaul. Optional Bonus Feature: If you have client...
Imp All-Purpose Sub
Created by ArchCrusader
Description A compact and reliable sub that can handle long term missions and campaigns with ease. Although lacking in firepower, its good combination of decoys, mobile drone and pulse lasers can deal with almost any hostile forces. Properties Designation:...
Created by Shakesthespeare Imperator first of the Imperator series it is based on the French Ironclad, it is a heavily armed cruiser that recently replaced the ageing Ares Battlecruiser featuring more up to date weaponry and systems guaranteeing any c...
Improved Stun
Created by Plasma
Simple *vanilla* mod Adds a fade effect when stunned And if you stunned all sounds will be muffled, and you will also hear only those who are close to you. A couple of examples of what you can do with this mod You are a malicious traitor... you need to pic...
Created by Angelica
The icon, the myth, the legendary disgrace of the former unofficial vessel "Innanutshell", now supporting Mechtrauma to it's finest degree, equipped with a surveillance system, depth charge, breach alarms, the perfect choice for developing chronic stockhol...
Improved Husks
Created by The Ninja Scout
Improved Husks The Improved Husks mod aims to improve and expand the influence of the mysterious "husk parasite" in the world of Barotrauma in many ways. Core Features -Almost every single biological creature in the game can now be turned into a husk. This...
Created by Angelica
An unsupervised, unofficial, upgraded version of the former WH4-L3 military vessel "Humpback", the previous crew has made substantial changes to the model to handle greater threats of Europa, now equipped with a surveillance system, breach alarms, depth ch...
Created by Swaggy Harpy
The first submarine I've made from scratch and it shows lol. Outfitted with a lotta gadgets and gizmos that I was able to figure out how to wire up. (remind me to format this all later) Price - 35,500 Mks A near-colony sized tier 3 submarine with a nuclear...
Created by Krastor
Attention! These submarines have been tested and are operating normally as of 11/14/2023. They will no longer be supported since I'm no longer interested in Barotrauma and fixing problems that arise after game updates takes too much time. If anyone wants t...
Iris L鸢尾花-奇迹之海模块化深潜器
Created by 魂魄妖梦
“墨尔幽丝小姐,无论你在哪里,我知道你一切都好”---执行官妖梦 门打开了,外面明亮的灯光照进了实验室,墨尔幽丝借着光打开了室内的灯,展架和柜子上放着不少研发完成或者正在研发的机械,看着室内的东西,她并没有对自己成果的欣喜,只有研究过程遇到的各种不便引起的不悦;当然,研发过程会遇到各种麻烦,但那都是技术难题,需要缓慢攻克,而现在她的工作却是因为物理条件而暂停,简单地说就是她还在等自己需要的材料和工具,在这片海里蕴含着丰富的矿藏,而其中一些特殊的矿物需要特殊的处理方式,那种机械可不是轻易从随便什么地方就能找来...
Created by Pinha
// THE RESILIENT IRONWOOD Time has been cruel to C-92, which only after having its entire carcass coated with a metamaterial began to rival many of the flagship submarines of the current era. Its origin remains incomplete and uncertain, and there are no re...
The Isonoe is a dedicated swarm buster - Meant to handle thresher packs often seen populating the Ridge and Aphotic Plateau. Armed with a CAT V discharge electrode and twinlinked coilguns, and an engine bay fit for a capital ship, this hunter-killer has de...
Created by Nekolay
Nox Pirate Shipyard presents you ! So, yer want to take our baby fer a run to... where? center o' Europa? Ye gotta be insane lad, but the kind o' insane I be likin', 65000 marks an' he will be yours, we just need to downgrade some stuff first, dont worry, ...
Jovian Gun Creeper
Description: A Creeper salvaged from a failed Separatist attack. A hollowed out prototype drone has been bolted to the bottom airlock without connecting the vents. With a lack of an airlock the separatists seemed to have just haphazardly cut a hole in the ...
JC-04 Arkalys
Created by Javik
Recommended experience level: Intermediate Recommended players: 1-6, Bot-friendly The Arkalys, a high-tech scout submarine ideal for salvage expeditions in dangerous regions. It comes with voice warning messages for broken systems and hostiles, a shuttle c...
Created by FighterJetto
Responsible for one of the first successful terrorist attacks of the Jovian Separatists; the fall of Naskorov Military Outpost, the Ragna is a highly modified Herja-class vessel made to fit the preferences of it's veteran crew. Retrofitted with redundant a...
Created by Cjn2789
Vanilla-like static balance: • All shell/wall pieces, items, and weapons use vanilla settings. • All containers are set to AutoFill, so the initial inventory follows campaign setting. • 350 to 1200 items, less likely to cause performance issues. Easy to op...
K-01 Nautilus
Created by Doomich
note: Double walls don't break AI except for a tiny section of the inner wall above the door to the engine - had to turn on "No AI Target" for those pieces, but Huge Monsters can still break it and bots can fix it. I would appreciate your feedback and opin...
K-02 Cataphract
Created by Doomich
Bots friendly, traitor friendly. I would appreciate for the feedback and if you notify me about strange or broken things, thankee. Light Deep Diver for 5-8 people with an unarmed scouting drone. The main feature is that the submarine runs only on batteries...
K-03 Reaper
Created by Doomich
Tier 2 Attack class for 5-8 players. Bots friendly. Traitor friendly. This is a rework of my previous submarine which was made for pirate missions. Submarine has almost all components set to default values. - An important feature is the nine compartments w...
K-04 Goliath
Created by Doomich
Would appreciate your feedback and hope you enjoy it! I may have missed small details, so feel free to report broken or incorrect ones. Cheers. Goliath is a heavy logistic transport for 6-10 players, based on one of the custom ships from Starbound. -This i...
K-05 Skydiver
Created by Doomich
Hey! The author of the original 3D model: (this is a redesign of a ship from the old UFO series) I would appreciate your feedback and if you let me know when you find something broken. There shouldn't be any...
K-06 Falcon
Created by Doomich
Hey Hello! This submarine is not copied from any image, so it has such a simple shape hehe. Sadly I don't have much time for testing, but the sub should be fine. I would appreciate your feedback and message if you come across something broken. Hope you enj...
K-07 Kasatka Mk II
Created by Doomich
Would appreciate your feedback or a bug report. New version of a heavy carrier for 7-16 crew. Updated interior and standardized size of walls and compartments to avoid glitches with shadows. Also improved wiring, drones and shuttle. All this required a maj...
K-08 Thanatos
Created by Doomich
Would be grateful for your feedback or comment, as well as for reporting if you find anything broken. Thanks! Based on the submarine from Gears of War 3: Compact attack class submarine for a crew of 4-6 people. ...
K-09 Prometheus
Created by Doomich
Would appreciate your feedback or a bug report. Based on an early sketch for USS Sulaco (Aliens movie). Tier 3 well-armed attack submarine with decent equipment and batteries, which was achieved with an inconvenient layout of compartments, which complicate...
K-141 Kursk [RU]
Created by BigBang
Атомная крейсерская подводная лодка проекта 949 «А» более известная как Антей в модификации К-141 «Курск» создана Конструкторским Бюро БигБенгия «КББ». Специальные проект повышенной выживаемости прошедший не одно количество модификаций изначально создав...
K-24 Crocodile Mk II
Created by Doomich
Would appreciate your feedback or a bug report. Updated version of the military transport, now it's more solid and aligned. Also with a new tail fin! Improved wiring and redesigned interior, adjusted machinery parameters....
K-28 Alligator
Created by Doomich
The Alligator is an attack class submarine based on the K-24 Crocodile transport submarine. Bots friendly. I would appreciate your feedback, feel free to report any bugs or strange things. A good layout with a single main deck, but with inconvenient joints...
K-4 (Veteran's Challenge K-Class Submarine)
Created by Acer Thy Racer
Captains, Beware. A big, ancient, cursed submarine. (Now comes in wrecked and clean versions. K-4R = "Restored") Bored being a captain? Is commanding a submarine Europan-style not challenging enough? Welcome to a submariner's life aboard a cursed, built-to...
"Thank you for choosing the Kalyke! Coalition engineers have poured a lot of work into this little ship, and we're confident that a competent crew could take this thing to hell and back. At least, as long as you're not planning on blasting past the plateau...
Kaskara-class Assault Cruiser (Goph Original Ship)
Created by GophTheGreat
Please leave a like if you enjoy the sub! Kaskara: As the separatist movement ramped up its efforts, the Coalition's Special Cooperative Protection program yielded the Kaskara-class Assault Cruiser, successor to the exalted Falcata-class Assault Submarine....
"Commissioned as a ship of the line from Vorta Shipyards, the Kallichore class Hunter Killer was designed to engage hostile vessels in the field. With a strong emphasis on forward firepower, the Kallichore excels in the hands of captains capable of securin...
K-OD 342
Created by Doomich
Original image by Gary Sanchez Tiny shuttle for medium-range reconnaissance (solo/duo gameplay). Bots friendly....
Despite being a scout class, the Kasserine functions more like an attack ship. It is designed for deep diving operations, and features two depth charge lauchers for dealing with creatures that lurk beneath. However, it lacks discharge coils. Making the Kas...
Created by 苂烨
关于帕秋莉在木卫二成了第一魔法少女,带着金发孩子等魔法使朵蜜深渊巨兽这件事,就此展开。(帕秋莉能解除跑步限制了,所以走不动路的帕秋莉号就无了,并赔给了帕秋莉这个QAQ。) 舰艇参数: 略 tip:上面描述说的是有关东方潜渊行动组mod,但不是其本体设定,搞怪的。所有舱门都设了ID卡权限,ID卡丢了野生ID卡是不能用的...
Kastrull Mk-II
Created by Prydain
IMPORTANT - The sub file name is Kastrult while mod name is Kastrull Mk-II "The Kastrult is a dependable attack submarine based on the earlier Kastrull models while adding new features to improve the effectiveness and survivability of its crew. It also bri...
Katyusha 34 Battlecruiser
Created by ArchCrusader
Description Sporting excellent vertical movement and high firepower, including a nuclear torpedo and a siege railgun, the Katyusha 34 can quickly inflict severe damage against any target, as long as its crew takes care of the unresponsive engine and low yi...
Kendris' Wrecks
Created by Kendris
A small creation of variable wrecks. Due to the way barotrauma chooses a wreck, this mod will seriously affect any other wreck mods. It is unfortunate, but there is nothing I can do about it. Currently there are three smaller wrecks, two shuttles and a car...
Created by Windows XP
*02/10/2021 updated for latest patch* Lots of major improvements over the older and no longer downloadable version of this such as a trash chute, more storage, better junction box utilization, a "how f*cked are we" meter and much more. The Kessel is a smal...
Created by Eisawesome
Another salvaged space faring vessel, this one seems to be rather sturdy. Marking some beige and orange livery, and baring some sort of "Federation" alignment. I welcome you to the Kestrel. Another FTL style sub that I made over the course of a few months....
King Layne
Created by ArchCrusader
Description The venerable King Layne is an old but well respected mining and transport sub with excellent cargo capabilities and sturdy structure. Proper gun coverage and defence is achieved relying on an accompanying Barracuda Escort Corvette. Properties ...
Krait AT-I
Created by MØNØĿi†H
Derived from the highly-effective Vespid AT-I, the Krait AT-I boasts many improvements: A larger hull, wider field of vision for the helm, a dedicated medical room, increased cargo capacity, and greater hull coverage for electric discharge coils. While the...
Created by NIR
The Kostroma is a cheap submarine type mass-fabricated by the Coalition for assault and interception purposes. Hated by crews for its cramped interior and troublesome externally-mounted engines, the submarine's only saving grace is its high speed and the f...
LB-99 Heavy Shuttle
Created by ArchCrusader
Description Although sporting a below average speed, the LB-99 is capable of unleashing several electric discharges against attackers thanks to its high efficiency coil. Properties Designation: Shuttle (Heavy shuttle) Cost: 1100 Marks Size: 15x6 m Recommen...
Leander Type Fast Courier
Created by Toasty
Welcome to your Leander Type Fast Courier. This ship features a very simple set of systems which combine to make a lethally effective submarine, albeit one that cannot operate without support for very long. Automatic Light Chainguns cover the rear of the s...
LeCrazyy's Beacon Variety Pack
Created by LeCrazyy
Very simple mod that adds 5 new vanilla styled beacons and a bandit variations for 2 of them for the low cost of about 110kb of space. The potentional loot gain from these beacons is incredibly small and the shape and design was mostly inspired by the orig...
LeCrazyy's Item Variety Pack
Created by LeCrazyy
This is a mod pack to add more item variety for weapons and equipment alike, seamlessly implemented into vanilla's balance and art style. The new items can be obtained through different means depending on the item in particular. Some can be crafted straigh...
Leda 11-Z
A compact and nimble ship, the Leda was originally commissioned for research duty in the Cold Caverns. Relatively low pressures allowed for a unique command deck design. This vessel features a large observation area, providing full view of the European wat...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier one attack sub Priced: 5,000 mk Cargo capacity: 11 Crates Plus one secure crate Size: 9x11m Max Speed: 32 km/s Horizontal, 22 km/s Vertical Spinal Large hardpoint Flak cannon pre-installed 2 Small turret hardpoints 1 Coilgun pre-ins...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier one attack sub Priced: 7,500 mk Cargo capacity: 15 Crates Plus one secure Size: 9x12m Max Speed: 28 km/s Horizontal, 19 km/s Vertical 1 Large hardpoint Dual Coilgun pre-installed 2 Small turret hardpoints 1 Coilgun pre-installed 2 A...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier one Transport sub Priced: 5,000 mk Cargo capacity: 23 Crates Plus one secure crate Size: 9x13m 3 Small turret hardpoints 1 Coilgun and 1 Chaingun pre-installed An Automatic discharge coil Located on the prow Balanced reactor control...
Created by Ostwind
LEGIONAR Stats: * Cost: 10000 Marks * Crew 2-5 * Dimensions: - Length : 37m - Height: 10m * Tier: 2 * Cargo: 12 standard containers (in watertight unit) * Engines: The Legionar uses a single engine propulsion system with and adjustable max power output to ...
Created by Cutter
Basic information Reconnaissance submarine Weapon armament: Lime "Lime" UAV 3 battery guns 3 gun mounts and 3 automatic coils Recommended crew: 2~4 people online, maximum capacity of 11 people Maneuvering data: horizontal 27KM/H (no afterforce, no upgrade)...
Created by Ostwind
LEGIONAR II IMPROVEMENTS OVER FIRST ORIGINAL * 6 output navigation terminals allow captain to easily control the submarine sound profile while driving. * Massively improved power distribution allows the sub to switch between sound profiles (causing massive...
Leo Personal Shuttle
Created by ArchCrusader
Description Designed with fast personnel transport in mind, the Leo can boast extremely good manouverability at the cost of comfort and autonomy. Properties Designation: Shuttle (Personal Transport) Cost: 1000 Marks Size: 7x3 m Recommended Crew Size: 1 - 2...
Leocyte MKIII
Created by DragonWolf569
-SCOUT CLASS SUB-(TIER II) PRICE: 11000 mk Dimensions: 48x13m Recommended crew size: 3-5 Recommended crew experience: Experienced Max horizontal speed:(Manual) 33km/h or 9m/s (Autopilot) 31km/h or 8.6m/s Max vertical speed: 18km/h or 5m/s Capabilities: fab...
Lethal company ship
Created by Leolanding
You are a contracted worker for the Company. Your job is to collect scrap from abandoned, industrialized wrecks to meet the Company's profit quota. Just never miss the quota. Featuring state of the art technology for the companys finest. BOTS ARE NOT RECOM...
Lexi MkV
Created by DragonWolf569
-ATTACK CLASS SUB-(TIER III) ------------------------------- Price: 25600 Dimensions: 77x26m Recommended crew size: 4-7 Recommended crew experience: Experienced Max horizontal speed: (Manual) 17km/h (Autopilot) 14km/h Max Vertical speed: (Manual) 18km/h (A...
Limpet Drop Pod
Created by Tea and Crumpets
The Limpet Mk1 Drop Pod is designed to breach wrecks before you even get near. Lauching the pod from inside will shoot a C-4 loaded railgun shell straight below you shortly before undocking. Once undocked, use the pump to raise or lower your bouyancy....
LJ Silvers
Created by Ahpi
A stalwart vessel reshaped by unaligned shipwrights to challenge the latest ventures towards the center of Europa. The L-J Silvers wields surveillance technology and a ferocious engine which is inhibited by default to preserve the submarine’s power array, ...
Logitech F710 Wireless Gamepad
Created by Tofu
Pilot your sub from anywhere with this "super durable" Logitech F710 Wireless Gamepad. It still requires a navigation terminal to work. Can also be used as an improvised weapon, in case you need to stop people from consuming your precious oxygen....
LRHI-Super Blueberry 超级蓝莓 [EN/CN]
Created by 二十二度幻月
超级蓝莓小型战斗潜艇 以人少易用为目的进行狂暴改造过的蓝莓,实际上除了大体外形外和蓝莓已经没什么关系了。 潜艇自带中英双语翻译文档 探路者穿梭艇 潜艇尾部附带一艘镜控单人穿梭艇 本舰镜控系统 潜艇本身就带有镜控系统,经过仔细校调后手感拔群,建议配合木萌的高级手持声纳使用 镜控系统的操作方式和穿梭艇保持一致 自适应高机动引擎 超级蓝莓的引擎在小范围机动时效果非常强劲,而且自动适应引擎升级,在初次加速后引擎会记住配置自动调整,升级引擎可以大幅度提高操作手感 注意:高机动引擎同时适配声纳终端手动模式和镜控模式,但...
M.M Nightshade C.L.F
Created by Digital mako
Nightshade made as fanart for tomato, thank you for being a silly ass fruit and making such a wonderful discord server where I got to meet my friends, you helped me out a lot even if unintentionally, and thank you to all my friends for helping me test the ...
Luoti Submarines
Created by _]|M|[_
Ingame Description Luoti is a Scout/Attack-hybrid class which was commissioned by the Coalition as they needed something designed to sneak up on your enemy and hit 'em where it hurts! Thanks to it's "Silent Running Mode" it's easy to follow and move around...
MacRDY Orka Mk4
Created by Crow
Another vanilla ship overhaul. This version strikes a balance between vanilla and modded, while trying to maintain the original atmosphere of the Mark1 variant. A heavily modified Orca, more suited for longer campaigns. This model exchanges top speed and b...
MacRDY Typhoon 4
Created by Crow
MacReady Shipyards Typhoon 4 Comes complete with EVA drone, reworked gunnery compartment and more. See images for more details Requires EVA drone ...
Created by 41
The workshop item adds one (1) submarine to the game: Magistralis.sub Submarine data: Dimensions 93x16 m Price 32000 mk Class Attack Cargo capacity 30 crates Recommended crew size 8 - 18 Recommended crew experience Experienced Game version latest Cool feat...
Magellan Science Vessel
Created by ArchCrusader
Description Expensive and luxurious, the Magellan is a research and exploration vessel that offsets its non-combat design with automated on board systems, allowing a limited crew to efficiently operate it. Properties Designation: Tier III Scout (Science Ve...
Manta Ray
Created by Psyduck
███  ███  █████  ███  ██ ████████  █████  ██████  █████  ██  ██  ████  ████ ██   ██ ████  ██    ██    ██   ██  ██   ██ ██   ██  ██  ██   ██ ████ ██ ███████ ██ ██  ██  ██  ███████  ██████  ███████   ████   ██  ██  ██ ██   ██ ██  ██ ██  ██  ██   ██  ██   ██ ...
Created by InitialDesu
Class: Attack Price: 22 727 Tier: III Recommended crew size: 5 - 12 Dimensions: 94x24m Some of the features: Combat shuttle Light cargo shuttle Elevator (monorail) - stable version by Cryostasis Pneumatic pipes (item transfer system) Suck energy from outpo...
Many Trolleys
Created by Raymoo
Tired of hauling ass across your submarine to carry those seventeen hundred coilgun ammo boxes your security officer bought at the latest station? Did you just rob a freshly made pirate wreck and got a ton of items? Do you just want to keep your hands busy...
Created by Eisawesome
Another recovered space craft from some unknown universe has been found in the water of Europa. While this one seems to be from some very militant race, and very combat effective, its power systems are lacking. It also lacks any defensive capabilities.. I ...
Manta Mk5 Shuttle
Created by Falkner
The manta is a high tech expedition shuttle able to navigate the smallest tunnels, dual chainguns and sophisticated onboard systems give the expedition crew the best possible chance of survival. The Mk5 swaps out the Mk2's Turboprop system for Passive Hyd...
Created by Syndro
Description A semi-compact Syndion Cargo Vessel for hauling lots of freight efficiently between outposts, stations and the hermit living in the beacon station. Comfort, safety and convenience are the priority of this submarine, as such it has been designed...
Material IO
Created by Biff_W
Supported Languages:English, Русский, 简体中文, 繁体中文 This mod adds a new container to store your materials —— IO Storage Container With this, you can have significantly less material instances in your game session which might be helpful for performance. Now he...
Created by Newt
Medusa 100% vanilla balanced Medium sized submarine designed for campaign, comes with adjusted bot way-points for solo play and is newbie friendly, submarine is fairly minimalistic with components so the sub has very good performance whilst maintaining nic...
Megahonk horn
Created by Who
The ultimate tool of silliness. Can be crafted in fabricator or purchased from Children of Honkmother. __________________________________________________________ It is Neurotrauma-friendly, I promise ;) _____________________________________________________...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier one attack sub Priced: 5,000 mk Cargo capacity: 7 Crates Plus one secure crate Size: 39x14m 1 Dual Feed Railgun 1 Small turret hardpoint 1 Hardwired coilgun An Automatic discharge coil Located under the reactor Balanced reactor cont...
Created by Syndro
A miniscule diving vessel used in cave exploration, artifact recovery, and shipwreck salvages. Its tiny sonar signature helps hide it from any prying wildlife while being agile enough to make a quick escape if needed. contains the minimal systems to cut do...
Mercenary Gear
Created by NaillesS
This mod adds to the game part of the overalls of mercenaries from S.T.A.L.K.E.R, in the amount of five pieces. *Excluding SEVA and exoskeleton All gear have properties, which will be described below. Suit without accessories (Preferably worn by an assista...
Created by Falkner
Hello captains, the Minotaur is here to complete the collection for the 2nd Expeditionary Fleet. It's meant as the halfway point between the Copperhead and the Basilisk but is tier III and can take you all the way through endgame if you choose. "The Mi...
Modular Backpack
Created by LeDoux
Hello there! This mod adds a modular backpack customizable at a fabricator with up to 43 combinations possible! Items and customization: - Modular Backpack: Simple backpack with 9 slots for items - 4 pouch: Medical, Ammo, Mining and Tools adding 6 slots fo...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier two attack sub Priced: 28,000 mk Cargo capacity: 18 Crates Plus two secure crates Size: 29x26m 2 Large hardpoints Railgun and Dual coil pre-installed 2 Small turret hardpoints 2 Coilguns pre-installed Hybrid tech breeder reactor The...
Modular laser sights
Created by Snubby
This mod adds laser sight that you can use the same way as flashlights : hold them in your hands ! Put them on your head ! And most importantly, put them in your guns for a decrease in spread ! The laser can be changed color by using it in your hand, letti...
Created by Irakonul
"What can I tell ya, Captain? This bad boy is one of the toughest ship the Coalition ever made." Meet the Mokarran. This ship is a slab of iron that just so happens to float. Equipped with some of the densest armor seen on Europa, the Mokarran has been in ...
Moloch Milk
Created by Working Joe Moloch Milk This mod adds to the game that what players have been wanting for a long time: Moloch Milk. The liquid item giving slight, long-lasting buffs in a well polished mod based on the Barotrauma lore. Includes a number...
Created by MajikBean
##The Monarch## --- ##Submarine Description## --- The big sister of the Monolith, the Monarch is larger, faster, and better suited for extended service. It is built to face far greater threats- with more, bigger guns, an advanced reactor system, completely...
More Alarm Sounds
Created by GophTheGreat
Adds new (currently 6) alarm items with different sounds to the game. These are in addition to the vanilla asset; they do not replace the original alarm or siren. Alarm Buzzer (wupwup): (recommended as a less-grating flood a...
More Beacons
Created by SoulWithMae
Adds a few more beacons to the game for more beacon variety. Current Beacons: Compact_Beacon CrewCabin_Beacon PanicStation_Beacon Layered_Beacon BigReactor_Beacon Tiny_Beacon Dugong-Like_Beacon...
More Beacons for Europa
// ENGLISH ///////////////// The Mongolian company came to Europa, thus building 31 beacons in the places to help in the expansion of the city. But these beacons are going to need maintenance from time to time by a brave crew. More may continue to be built...
More Artifacts (AOCS)
Created by Irradaven
Hi. What if it turned out that there were more than five artifacts? What if there were more than three alien trinkets? What if they began to find in the ruins not only traces of an ancient race? Maybe the answer is here somewhere. So what does this mod off...
More Crates
Created by vordenn
More Icons
Created by Regulus
I was going to add a few icons to the submarine, but then I stuck to the AI ​​image generator. Then I cut out the coalition symbols from the original game and generated some more icons... Maybe this will be useful for your ships. Feel free to use...
More Marks
Created by GameDevGary
More Marks v1.4.2 by GameDevGary This mod doubles the amount of Marks recieved for every mission. v1.4.2 Updated for Game Version v1.4.5.0 Blood in the Water Too much? Stick to vanilla. ;P Need More? While in game, press F3, type enablecheats, press enter,...
More original pirates
Created by Sunflame
Add 5 new pirate subs made from original sub:Orca, Azimuth, Herja, Orca2 and Kastrull. Fix the problem of Coalition sub is empty. Fit some upgrade for higher tech class sub and equip with better diving suit. More lootable resourses. ...
More Outposts for Europa
// ENGLISH //////// Since Mongolian Corp arrived in Europe, new installations have been made to the Outpost for greater comfort and quality of life. For now there are 23 new installations but if we count the ones that were altered by the ruffians in the ab...
More Pirate Vessels for Europa
// ENGLISH //////// The pirates took advantage of the technology presented by the Mongolian company to add more submarines to their ranks. At the moment, 22 types of submarine variants were reported, already from the same European Collision as from the Mon...
More Submarines for Europa
// ENGLISH //////// The arrival of the Mongolian company brought new submarines to the colonies of Europe. With 16 new submarines in the catalogs, there will be a better chance of survival in these hostile seas. Likewise Mongolian Corp will continue workin...
More Unique Weapons (v1.1) [ENRU]
Created by amphibian
Adds more variants of the vanilla weapons in an effort to extend the existing collection of unique weapons and make searching wrecks and abandoned outposts more rewarding. Each weapon is grouped under one of the many factions of Europa.
More Wrecks for Europa
// ENGLISH //////// Since the Mongolian company arrived, 23 shipwrecks of their company have been registered. There is valuable equipment waiting there to be rescued by a team of brave sailors. Over time we will see if we detect more wrecks. // ESPAÑOL ///...
Created by Vladigor
The Mortiferum is a large, complex and well-armed submarine designed for long autonomous sailing. 6 conventional guns, 2 railguns, 2 depth charge launchers. By screenshots: 1-2 General view + lighting 3 - Waypoints 4 - Docking port (left) and upper gateway...
Moscow Class Cruiser 莫斯科号巡洋舰
Created by _RiceShower_
Ну в общем, третья подлодка. На этот раз носящая название столицы России. Она как по мне лично является жемчужиной среди всех прочих субмарин. "Москву" было принято решение использовать в свзяи с огромной ценой "Русалки". Ее уникальный дизайн позволяет вме...
Mudraptor Exosuit 迅猛龍外骨骼
Created by TeddyBear This mod added a new recipe to fabricate a Mudraptor style exosuit. Different look, but same stats. 模組增加了迅猛龍外骨骼的製作配方,外觀有異,數值相同。...
Mule (T1 Transport)
Created by NotWendy
Mule is a modification of a standard heavy lifter submarine model commonly utilized in mining, construction, and wreck salvaging operations. Modified with the same parts it used to salvage, the Mule was turned into a slightly more versatile Transport class...
MWM - More wreck mod
Created by Aéh
MWM - More wreck mod that adds more wrecked structures and benchmarks. I am still updating it...
Created by Syndro
A large Syndion freighter used for big hauling contracts. Features adequate armamant which can be upgraded more, large amounts of room and a secondary submarine for tighter spaces and diving crews. Price: 30000mk Dimensions: 64x18 Cargo capacity: 50 Crates...
New Beacon Stations
Created by mr.supertechnik
Этот мод добавит в игру несколько новых маяков и разнообразит миссии по их починке...
New Wrecks For Barotrauma (With sellable wrecks)
Created by heheboi
New Wrecks for Barotrauma Expand and enhance the world of wrecked ships with this high-quality mod. Discover 18 new wrecks and their variants. Encounter unique and perilous traps. Dock with any wreck, even those not from this mod. Experience more challengi...
Created by 魂魄妖梦
奇迹之海舰船识别码: Nightingale-00 由于重光(Collapsar)一直停泊在港处于不运作状态,所以被联盟缴获,在重光被联盟缴获后,夜莺作为新生代重光的继任舰艇来代替重光原有的任务,建造时使用与重光相同布局,但取消挂载无人机能力,但强化机动能力,同时搭载两组新型激光发生器来补充火力。建造于雨燕逆向工程期间,作为妖梦临时备用舰艇使用,因此设计方向对妖梦需求进行了特化,联盟对其代号为“南丁格尔” 背景: “变化不明显!区块不够大!输出功率要提高200%!”舰长文月在夜莺号科研船上传达。随着输出功率...
Created by Survivalist64
Northumberland Tier II - Scout The Northumberland class research frigate could be most accurately described as a research laboratory with a submarine attached. Designed to bring sophisticated scientific equipment to isolated regions far away from stations....
Created by Syndro
A Syndion Transport cruiser designed mainly for hauling goods and exploration missions. The ship itself is lightly armored, but sports a small forward base useful for hard to reach places and as a last resort escape shuttle. This updated model features mor...
Nova VX
Created by RainDreamer
Repurposed from a failed line of luxury submarines, the Nova VX is everything a captain wants - if they never plan to take the submarine out of docking port. Its sleek design include wide open floor plan that cause heavy flooding on leak and lack safety fe...
Created by Rosco
New From the ROS-CO Shipyard Unlike its predecessor, the GB-R16. This little bugger is brought to you for those who can't afford such luxury; some may call them poor. But fear not! We've got your bang for your buck, so to speak, equipped with many of the f...
Created by Rosco
New From the ROS-CO Shipyard Luck? Who needs luck, in a place like this. To survive here, you'd need more than just luck. You need intuition. Instinct. The right tools. Power! Our GB-R16 attack-class nuclear submarine is here to help. Outfitted top to bott...
NS Lumbago (HMS Sjöormen)
Created by Grim_2o0o
A medium sized submarine based on the design of the Swedish Sjöormen-class. Comes equipped with a coilgun at the stern of the sub, a coil-railgun combo at the keel, a rear depth charge tube plus searchlight and a electrical discharge coil at the bow of the...
OKUu-81 Reiuji-class
Created by SаdiAliсе
Ealry She is an Attack nuclear submarine built in Europa Pioneering Age. She also mounted AS-8 Lancer, a marvelous human-torpedo....
One Way Trip (to Hell)
Created by Arack Bobama
A modified version of my "Glass Submarine" thats meant to crash into other vessels and explode on impact. Once water reaches the front of the sub (where the nuclear charges are) it will detonate....
Created by Survivalist64
Onondaga Tier II - Attack A derivative of a design that was rejected, then resurrected by those needing firepower outside the coalition grasp. In the initial stage of development of what would become known as the Typhon model of submarine numerous contract...
Orca Bestienjäger e
Created by Toasty
With a relatively high top speed and fantastic ascent and descent characteristics due to her 3 large ballast tanks, Orca class subs are agile vessels, let down only by their small compliment of weapons, unreliable engine and reactors with a greater than av...
Otter (T1.5 Scout)
Created by NotWendy
Otter is an opportunist's submarine. A collection of spare parts put together in a way which almost seems competent upon first examination. It has a lot going for it - full fabrication facilities, large ballast volume, an extremely powerful engine and a re...
ORE Venture
Created by Bartwfa_
Eve Online Mining Frigate...
Outpost Variety (20 modules)
Created by NotWendy
What it says on the tin. An additional selection of mostly vanilla-styled outpost modules, which will appear randomly alongside the default ones. The mod adds two more variations for most outpost module types. (Not much has been added to colonies.) Should ...
OWL Pirate Package
Created by Nacht_Uil
A collection of the Oceanic Weapons & Logistics subs in hostile hands. A few extra targets, hopefully spawning goods for salvage....
Created by KnEe_GrOw
WRECK Crippled and left for dead, this vessle may still have some... "life" left in it. Those who brave it's dark halls may reap it's rewards, or forever join it at the bottom. This is a wrecked version of the C.S.S. Palestar II. It's a mid sized sub with ...
Outriders Clowns SC-I
Created by MØNØĿi†H
Praise the honkmother, enjoy. General information Type: Scout Tier I Price: 2777mk Size: 24*11m Cargo capacity: 16 crates Recommended crew size: 3-5 Features: • Stealth mode. • Double strength walls. • Navigation terminal whith mineral scanner. • Ballast F...
Palestar WRECKED
Created by KnEe_GrOw
WRECK While out on a routine scout mission, something went terribly wrong. Perhaps you will salvage the rewards this vessel has to share.... Or perhaps you will share it's fate instead…. This is a wreck version of the C.S.S. Palestar. It's a fairly small s...
Pallas Long-Range Shuttle
Designed to perform short-range scouting, transport and expedition work in the Cold Caverns, the Pallas class shuttle is both too over-designed to see mass production like its cousin, the hemulen, and too sparse to take on mission profiles reserved for lar...
Passcode system
Created by Charles J Winslow
My design of passcode lock system. Very VERY VERY basic. If you guys have more advance design do please teach me....
Created by Rocket
Formerly a design for stealth class midget submarines, the Paraki has been retooled for work on Europa. While sacrifices are made with manufacturing and weapons, this is made up for in stealth, speed, and adaptability. A battery centric design is supported...
Created by Chishes
Cost: 9,500mk Size: 48x14m Cargo: 20 crates Recommended crew: 5-10 From the Chishes shipyards comes the Penguin. With a full compliment of deep sea "life insurance" that can be expanded upon, large storage for ammunition and goods, a crew quarter, full med...
Penguin V2
Created by Chishes
Cost: 15,000mk Size: 48x14m Cargo: 20 crates Recommended crew: 5-10 From the Chishes Shipyards comes an upgrade to the Penguin. This tier 2 variant comes with an upgraded (and preinstalled) front gun and a research lab. This update to the Penguin line is s...
Penrose - 512
Created by Crack Monk
This is my attempt to bring Penrose – 512, a ship from the game SIGNALIS, to the world of Barotrauma. Features: 3 small turret hardpoints and 1 large turret hardpoint 2 remotely operated torpedoes Backup batteries Emergency engine boost Silent run function...
Pico the Friendship Destroyer
Created by spruceduck
Ever wanted to ruin your friendship? Grab some friends and come ride Pico the Friendship Destroyer! This sub was designed for the omnipotent sailor. Each pod will require all areas of knowledge of barotrauma in order to succeed. If any of the pods fail the...
Created by Deja Vroom!
Superior speed, sleek design and quality-of-life systems make this submarine a favorite among wealthy Coalition captains who manage to make it to retirement. A particular favourite of the Church of the Husk's ecclesiarchs, this Azimuth has been reclaimed a...
Created by Syndro
Description A small Syndion stealth scouting vessel used mainly for exploration missions, as such it's compact and light on storage space. However, it makes up for this with speed and agility, we here at corporate still don't recommend that you take it on ...
Pirate Vessels Expanded - Custom Submarines
Created by A Spoon
Welcome to the Pirate Vessels Expanded page. A mod made as a sort of place where people can have their Pirate submarines come to life with actual Pirates. Feel free to contact me to look at your sub. Current Features: The Piranha: Made by Elusive Workshop ...
Created by Chishes
Regrettably we at Chishes Shipyards have been made aware of the fact that our most competitively priced sub, the Hummingbird, has become a favorite amongst pirates looking for a small but equally capable vessel. If encountered Chishes Shipyards takes no re...
PN-21 Colossus Mobile Station
Created by Hirohito
Welcome aboard PN-21 Colossus Mobile Station! Data: Class - Deep Diver Role - Heavy Mobile Station Size - 216mx43m Recommended Crew: 20-128 Crafting stations: 3 fabricators, 3 deconstructors, 2 medical fabricators Maximum speed - 22km/h Price - 134767 Arna...
Created by hUbert 2
Originally designed as a patrol vessel in the early years of Europan colonization, the Possum found itself outmatched by the ever growing threat of pirates and abyssal behemoths. Rather than being scrapped, this particular ship has been repurposed as a sma...
pravda-class submarine
Created by Micironi
Idk what to put here it's a soviet sub some features: Tier II Attack sub 7 hardpoints depth charge recreation room full of rum two torpedoes(two fixed Torps) Alarms when the reactor is on fire lockdown system (lock all doors) price: 16,500 feedback is appr...
Created by Mour
The need of mercenaries is ever present, even under the icy crust of Europa. Here in Prometheus Shipyards we wont question your morals. We are however going to provide you with a ship worthy of getting the job done. The aptly named ''Privateer'' is made fo...
Project 941 'Typhoon'
Created by CallsignApollo
The pride of Russia back on Earth, the Akula, NATO designation TYPHOON, was the largest submarine ever produced. Her dual pressure hulls, combined with free-flood space made sure every system had redundancy, carrying a crew of 165 mariners, and her equipme...
Project 422 Akula 2.0
Created by Tolymeister
This is a vastly improved version of my previous 422. 2.0 additions: The inside layout was modified slightly- One less ballast room that was replaced with crew quarters; old crew quarters is now a cargo room, and expanded gunnery/ammo room. Doubled cargo c...
Project 971E
Created by yzffish
以俄罗斯971型阿库拉级核潜艇为原型的中型潜艇(略胖...) 浮潜速度 : 24km/h 航速: 70km/h 主要装备: ·自爆系统,30s倒数,瞬间爆炸,运气好的话舰长直接飞出顶盖 ·搭载了690战术核显卡&水冷系统的光污染反应堆 ·4x电磁枪,3x轨道炮 A medium-sized submarine based on Russia's type 971 Akula class Descent velocity:24km/h Velocity:70km/h Main equipment: -Self...
project shipwrecks
Created by rho-915
沉船计划---大型系列沉船模组 在木卫二的冰层之下,每时每刻都有新的潜艇崭新出厂,也无时无刻都有潜艇沉没至底。里面有无数财富宝藏,亦或是小丑教派改装的陷阱船。是能将财富带回到潜艇上,还是与沉船一同沉沦于这片渊洋之中,一切全凭你的智慧,勇气以及一点点运气,祝你好运,寻宝者。 Under Europa's ice, new submarines are being built and sunk all the time. It's filled with treasure troves, or clown cu...
Project-705k Lyra
Created by Asadgunz
At the height of the Cold War NATO submariners found themselves confronting a Soviet submarine which not only greatly out-performed their own boats, but which could operate beyond the reach of their weapons. This untouchable submarine was designated the A-...
Created by Jake the Snake
An ancient submarine design, the Project-941 Akula series were the largest subs created by both the Soviet Union and all of Earth. During peace times it was expensive to operate, but is just perfect for protection against the Europan locals. Bolstering 2 n...
Project-971 Akula
Created by Handler Walter
971型“阿库拉”攻击核潜艇 基于现实原型建造的攻击潜艇,外观基本还原。 规格:51*12m 价格:6000mk 未改装水平极速:34km/h,浮潜速度:18km/h(上浮),21km/h(下潜) 武装:改进型连射炮(无限弹药)*2,电磁枪*2,深水炸弹投射器,“Poseidon-B”制导鱼雷*2,船尾无人机(爆炸弹),上下自动电磁线圈 载货量:12箱 推荐船员数量:5-8 注意事项 “Poseidon-B”制导鱼雷不可回收,需要从站点补充,补充完毕后需要手动装填爆炸载荷(一枚轨道炮炮弹+2炸药,预备的爆炸...
Project007 - Changan长安级
Created by Tem黄
长治久安,为天选之你保驾护航。 ----------------它原来是欧罗巴大殖民时代时地球人类命运共同体因故障而沉入欧罗巴冰层裂缝的一艘星舰,在三年前被木卫二联盟与木星分离主义者组织共同发现。为争夺它两大组织曾大打出手,但是在一次自然灾害(木星辐射)中,两大组织都失去了关于它的所有信息。在又销声匿迹了两年多后,一位神秘的舰长——你,驾驶着经过改造不再是星舰的它再一次出现在了众人的眼前。 ------------------------------------- 基础功能版共1750左右物品数,花里胡哨版...
Created by Chishes
Cost: 40,000 Size: 62x24m Cargo: 28 crates Recommended crew: 8-14 From Chishes Shipyards comes the newest class from the drydocks, the Puffin. A grand exploration ship for those crews looking to leave the "safety" of our more "civilized" waters. This vessa...
Project007 - Changan (ENG V)
Created by Ovaxius
Long-term peace and stability, escort you chosen by God. --It turned out to be a starship that sank into the cracks in Europa's ice due to a malfunction during the Europa Colonization era, and was discovered by the Europa Alliance and the Jupiter Separatis...
Created by Chishes
Cost: 1,000mk Size: 10x5m Cargo: 4 crates Recommended crew: 1-2 From Chishes Shipyards comes the drone for out Puffin line of ships. A perfect companion for any away teams, this ship comes with a large gun emplacement so that those lucky enough not to be s...
R-26 Tara
Created by rav2n
ENG Designed for courier transportation and searching for resource deposits, inexpensive small-sized R-26 "Tara" submarines are exactly those submarines on which captains make their first capital with a plasma cutter. And also submarines of this type have ...
R-28 Indra
Created by rav2n
RUS Недорогая цена, мощные двигатели, грозная огневая мощь и узнаваемый силуэт многими ветеранами сражений между Коалицией и Сепаратистами. Это неполный список достоинств, делающих R-28 "Индра" хорошим выбором для небольших экипажей и настоящей классикой с...
R-278 «Dugong»
Submarines of the R-278 project is a modernized version of the Dugong submarine. Modernization provides for the replacement and installation of all necessary equipment for more modern, increased carrying capacity, refinement and expansion of internal compa...
R-29 Hammerhead [1.0 Update]
Created by ToastyCosty
We have come a long way since the start of the game's early access, so we are celebrating with a small update! - New Camera drone internal logic! now with less jitter and shakiness, improved navigation and a "short mouse click toggle" to engage the floodli...
R-29 Separatist Battleship
Created by vandujr
The seppies took this nice transport truck of a ship and stuck a SHITLOAD of guns on it, don't ask me why! Now we get to use it. Sic Semper Tyrannis boys!...
R.C.S. Courteous
A Tier I Scout submarine, the R.C.S. Courteous is the smallest and lightest option in the Reforged Collective's Kind-Spirited line of Europan submersibles. Built for shallow depths, it is not equipped for extended voyages or deep dives into the abyss. Avoi...
R.C.S. Benevolence
A Tier 3 Scout Submarine from the Reforged Collective, commissioned as the vanguard vessel of their new fleet. Recommended Crew of 5-9 people. Armaments: - 1x Chaingun (Top, Aft) - 1x Excalibur Railgun (Top, Mid) - 1x Pulse Laser (Top, Fore) - 3x Discharge...
R.C.S. Indulgence
A Tier 2 Scout submarine from the Reforged Collective Shipyards, the Indulgence is relatively well armed and easy to maneuver submarine for the middling zones of Europa's oceans. She comes equipped with an upper aft Chaingun, a lower aft Coilgun, and two a...
Created by Hex
Ramseus Cargo Class
Created by yeah
The popular cargo model of the Ramseus submarine. Featuring 4 detachable "cargo cubes" used for carrying and stowing of goods. As well as a small shuttle that can attach itself to the crates and carry them about! Though not nearly as luxurious as its deep ...
Raptor MK1
Created by Charles J Winslow
With built-in rapid-fire short range gun. The Raptor can quickly crack open the enemy's hull or skull. However, the firepower comes with great sacrifices. Once the main gun is fired, it loses up to 80% of its combat capability in a short time. After the on...
Raptor MK3
Created by Charles J Winslow
With the bloody conflict on Europa, the combatants on both sides of the conflict were severely reduced. In order to ensure the integrity of the underwater combat force, Coalition introduced an integrated AI-assisted combat system. In addition to greatly si...
Raptor MK4
Created by Charles J Winslow
With the relentless advance of the Coaliton fleet. The Separatists began a frenzied espionage sabotage campaign against the Coalition. The Coalition was forced to perform an anti-sabotage modification on its warships. The crew locker compartment of the Rap...
Raptor MK2
Created by Charles J Winslow
With built-in rapid-fire short range gun. The Raptor can quickly crack open the enemy's hull or skull. However, the firepower comes with great sacrifices. Once the main gun is fired, it loses up to 80% of its combat capability in a short time. After a year...
Created by Ahpi
The most vital components are protected from all sides except below, providing them a considerable cushion for when you eventually get knocked down to the sea floor. Additionally, it is designed to be gunned by just one person, with the top and bottom guns...
Created by cammi.dmg
A heavily modified humpback, having isolated reactors to compensate for having the battery system removed. The ballasts have been reinforced, reducing the agility of the vessel. The railgun has been mounted on the nose, opposing coilguns are stock with two...
Created by 魂魄妖梦
奇迹之海舰船识别码:Raven-00 快速反应舰-渡鸦 抢先体验版,具体介绍后续写( ...
RCLT - B-17 Exposed Hull
Created by Slugsnail1
B-17 Flying Fortress well defended by 3 double-gun turrets and 3 simple gun positions. Can utterly destroy a target with a 24 depth-charge bombardment. A modification of Vive la Raclette's submarine. Heavily armed in terms of ship-board weapons, but severe...
Real Sonar
Created by Plag
Warning: This mod can contain flashing lights and loud sounds. If you have photosensitive epilepsy or are sensitive to high-frequency sounds, do not use this mod. Sonar can now kill you. Based on real-life military submarine sonar, this mod overhauls the i...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier one scout sub Priced: 4,000 mk Cargo capacity: 4 Crates Size: 15x13m 2 Small turret hardpoints 2 Coilguns pre-installed A Discharge coil/Depth charge combo Both controlled manually by the periscope and switch in the command room A M...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier Two scout sub Priced: 7,000 mk Cargo capacity: 16 Crates Size: 21x19m 3 Small turret hardpoints 3 Coilguns pre-installed A Discharge coil/Depth charge combo Both controlled manually by the periscope and switch in the command room A ...
Reaper (pirate)
Created by Doomich
"A Spoon" asked me to make a pirate sub for his mod which adds new pirate missions. Well, I'll post it separately for those who want to try it in the campaign or just in the round. Bots friendly, traitor friendly. I have tested in several rounds, but most ...
Created by Hex
Rebel Flagship
Created by Wormweed
Its the Rebel Flagship from FTL! Yes, I made this because I was bored and there was no other flagship. I recommend a large crew, but if you want to solo this, good luck. I doubt you can do it but go ahead and prove me wrong. If you have suggestions, please...
Red Baron
Created by MarsDVG
Submarine history A ship recreated from old German drawings dating back to 1942. It has been modified for use in the harsh conditions of Europe. Weapons were replaced and new ones were added. The submarine's arsenal includes a railgun capable of firing nuc...
Red Tide
Created by Пеко
Красный Прилив "Самые первые лодки авантюристов, адаптированные под суровые условия Европы. Хорошее стартовое судно для команды средних размеров (5-7 человек)" Из особенностей: - Цена: 4796 кр. - Размер 38х8 - Внешний балласт - Некоторая аппаратура ломаетс...
Red Tide EK3
Created by Пеко
Note! Для игры на этой лодке необходимо несколько модов, а именно: - EK Dockyard - EK Gunnery - EK Armory - EK Utilities - Peko items (lmg) Прежде чем начать описание, хочется сказать, что лодка создана с ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ МОДИФИКАЦИЙ для игры С МОДИФИКАЦИЯМИ...
Refuelling Outpost
Created by Solbusaur
An outpost with the purpose of refuelling or recharging vessels in between distant destinations, harbouring large quantities of oxygen and diesel, and a few spare uranium rods. To sustain itself, the crew is supplied with the basic necessities for resource...
Created by Shafuteensky
A modest cargo carrier. Features onboard 2 small turrets (+1 vacant), 1 discharge coil, depth charge bomb, automatic supercapacitors, fabricators and deconstructors, cabins with mess hall, security cameras, automatic smart power system. Characteristics Pri...
Created by Charles J Winslow
Assualt shuttle for Hammerheads. All assualt shuttle have force docking function....
Created by Charles J Winslow
Assualt shuttle for Raptors....
Research Station Pack
Created by Solbusaur
This pack has been a long time in the making, with station A being an experiment in the beginning, which I learnt mistakes from. From there, I made station B which fixed most of these flaws, and was generally much better. After I finished most of B, I deci...
Created by ArchCrusader
DISCLAIMER: this sub can be VERY taxing on your system. Expect low FPSs, especially with bots. Included in the package is a lite version ("Revenant - L") with a less demanding amount of components. Description The Revenant is an immense battleship that act...
Riftpiercer X97
Created by lufeeeee Good afternoon distinguished military investors, please holster your honks. My name is lufeee and I'm here today to introduce you to the next-generation submarine that we at Thalamus Advancements INC have developed....
RMS Europic: Large Titanic Inspired Luxury Ocean Liner
Created by Mathilda
In a game where you can pilot a ship through dangerous waters, hit an iceberg, flood, and sink, a Titanic style ship is essential! I couldn’t find one already available so I made my own! She’s very large and performance heavy! In Game Stats Type: Transport...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Priced: 3,200 mk Size: 15x9m A Discharge coil/Depth charge combo Both controlled manually by the periscope and switch in the command room Automatic oxygen generator Only kicks on when there's less than 50% oxygen in the cabin, saves alot...
ROS|Aun 安牛级侦察潜艇
Created by Noking
安牛级潜艇拥有着较高的性价比,较长的船体减少了阻力,主要被红海学院采购,用于新海员的教学。虽然设备齐全,但驾驶者需要灵活机动来弥补火力的不足。 价格:6500mk 大小:34x9m 载货:8箱 推荐船员:4-6人 推荐经验:初窥门径 船体强度:低 维护难度:低 如果你喜欢我的作品!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 联机/新人交流QQ群:796185005...
ROS|Dolphin 海豚级侦察潜艇
Created by Noking
海豚跑得很快,还有刚刚好的配置与漂亮的外观,是红海学院教官们最爱的潜艇之一。 价格:8800mk 大小:42x11m 载货:4箱 推荐船员:4-8人 推荐经验:初窥门径 船体强度:低 维护难度:低 如果你喜欢我的作品!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 联机/新人交流QQ群:796185005...
Ruins Enhanced
Created by hUbert 2
Ruins Enhanced: An attempt at improving the alien ruins experience Why modding ruins? Vanilla ruins have not been looked at for a while, carrying some issues with them. Some rooms have wiring issues, map generation problems, guardians get stuck, submarine ...
Runabout Shuttle
Created by Swaggy Harpy
Nuclear powered shuttle from my other ship the Interloper. Figured I'd upload it to the workshop as a standalone thing as well It's primary purpose is to perform minor missions such as beacon stations or mining missions with due haste. While the mothership...
A newly built last-generation prototype, codenamed "RUSALKA". It is a heavy-type submarine for researching the depths of Europa, featuring an on-board computer system with most of the ongoing characteristics, such as docking status, real time oxygen level,...
S.S. Larbaygo 3.0
Created by Carlowong
照Orca的三個大型壓載艙的激進設計使得S.S. Larbaygo型號的潛艇有著令人驚異的體型與超高航速與優秀下潛性能,S.S. 級潛艇是木星冰洋裡的最迅捷的優雅之王。...
Safe Cracker
Created by _]|M|[_
What you're getting: Safe Cracker: A reporpused old mining drill modified to crack open locked secure lockers and toxin cabinets. Handy for looting wrecks, pirate submarines or abandoned outposts where you were unable to find the correct ID cards. It requi...
Created by ArchCrusader
Description Used for cargo and mining missions in densely populated areas, the Samaritan has just enough defences to fend off the occasional nuisances. Its lack of reactor removes fuel upkeep issues, but its crew needs to be wary of its limited automony. P...
Salvage Creeper
Description: Some kind of crazy amalgam of ship wreckage welded together with whatever salvageable machinery they could find, crudely bolted together with a stripped gun drone and docked to a Creeper. "The fact those weirdos keep coming back from out there...
Created by NIR
The Sawtail is a versatile, responsive sub class designed with a hull compact enough to allow its entry into some of the Europan sea's more restrictive frozen tunnels. Unfortunately for its crews, those reductions in size have resulted in a vessel with com...
Created by Survivalist64
Scarborough Tier I - Attack A curious attack submarine that calls back to a lost era. As wrecks pile up on the ocean floor, the increasing need to salvage these hulks has become every day. Spend any time with submariners who have traveled the harrowing cav...
Created by Syndro
Project Scorpio was born out of the Syndion R&D teams curiosity after looking back at the Galaxy's hull and wondering, "why can't we apply the same tech to a smaller ship?" The answer turned out to be expense, turns out adding huge amounts of Compressed-Ca...
Schneekätzchen - Vanilla
Created by Violet 🐕
There are three versions of this submarine This is the unmodded Vanilla version of the ship for if you don't want any unnecessary mods, or just want less reading or clutter. It is very similar to the modded version but with any secrets, quests or modded it...
SCS Anchovy Mk2
Created by BoomMicGuy
StarCorp Shipyards Now Presents! The SCS Anchovy! General Description The SCS Anchovy is a Scout class Submarine designed with the emphasis on searching for new mining locations, alien ruins, wrecked vessels, and etc. Even though the ship is not designated...
Scrapper Junkyard Sub
Created by ArchCrusader
Description Armed with a nuclear drone, the Scrapper is a haphazard mess of junk with a surprising amount of cargo space but low end design, sporting awful turret coverage and a very inefficient reactor. Supposedly illegal in many stations, how it entered ...
Scrapjack Bomber
Created by ArchCrusader
Description The Scrapjack is an attempt to refurbish the infamous Scrapper Junkyard Sub into a more usable vessel. The overall result of this endeavour is an attack bomber with compact design, capable of delivering its nuclear payload where needed without ...
SCS Barracuda
Created by BoomMicGuy
I will be revisiting the submarine and turning it into a moff balled fixer upper for new campaign starts. Have fun getting this sub back off the ground! Its a rusty bucket of bolts, but its my rusty bucket of bolts. NOW WITH AUTOMATIC BULKHEADS! To activat...
SCS Drudger Mk4T
Created by BoomMicGuy
StarCorp Shipyards Now Presents! The SCS Drudger! General Description The SCS Drudger is a Transport class Submarine designed with the emphasis on large hauls. The sub can carry over 100 crates in it's cargo hold alone outclassing most ships of its type. T...
SCS Nautilus Mk7E
Created by BoomMicGuy
SCS Nautilus Mk7E Latest update fixed the ai path finding for the shuttle ladder. Short Description Long range attack sub. Equipped with four coilguns, one frontal railgun, three discharge coils, and decoy launcher. This sub is well balanced and amazing fo...
SCS Spice Runner Mk3A
Created by BoomMicGuy
The SCS Spice Runner is a smugglers dream. This baby can do the Cold Caverns run in 90 parsecs. Features - Automatic reactor controller - Coilgun switch - It is fast as fuck - Custom flood control The Spice Runner is an older run down transport submarine t...
SCS Plankton
Created by BoomMicGuy
The Shuttle Docked to the SCS Drudger...
SCS Trench Runner
Created by BoomMicGuy
Small nuclear powered scout vessel. Used alongside the SCS Nautilus Mk7E Now has an RC mode with the following channels: 601/Engine 602/Ballast 603/Docking Hatch 604/Transducer 605/Gun sight...
Created by Shafuteensky
Leaky rusty scuttle. Features onboard 1 small turret (+1 vacant), 1 large turret, 1 discharge coil, fabricators and deconstructors. Characteristics Price: 4,000mk Class: Attack Level: 1 Storage capacity: 6 cargo boxes Recommended crew size: 2 - 4 people Re...
Created by MajikBean
The Scub is a quaint vessel. It was one of the earliest submarines to explore Europa's crust, and was designed before the large scale use of coilguns. It has, however, been retrofitted with EDC measures to defend itself against pesky crawlers and mudraptor...
Sea Devil
Created by Sea Demon
"SeaDevil - The Sea Devil: A Skillful Legend in the World of Boats" Imagine a magnificent miracle of engineering, woven from dreams and steel - Sea Devil, also known as the Sea Devil. This combat submarine embodies formi...
Seapnir - a fast, agile exploration submarine
Created by hUbert 2
After the discovery of new, unexplored caves in the deeper parts of Europa, the Coalition was in need of a new, improved generation of exploration vessels. Agile and Compact are the two defining characteristics of the Seapnir, a modern marvel of submersibl...
Seawolf-class SSN
Created by QBXyz
Just do it!!!...
Created by Deja Vroom!
Compared to larger vessels, the Dugong series is overshadowed in all aspects except one: Their reliability for their price is world class. They're lacking in firepower and speed, so smart maneuvering is key. This is a variant of Dugong commissioned by the ...
Separatist Corsair
Created by Hex
The Corsair is a Starter sub equipped with a small and short range drone, capable of dealing with most threats in the earlier regions of Europa. At a hefty price and fair mobility this sub is very beginner friendly The top most coilgun has a 4 round burst ...
Separatist Rigger
Created by Mtn Dew Baja Blast
A small submarine used by the lower level Jovian Separatists....
Sepratist Barsuk
Created by Hex
The classic Barsuk, but with a Jovian twist, a fun and entertaining sub for when you feel the Coalition is a bit too authoritarian for the good of Europa. comes wish some notable changes no more pesky cargo bay window 2 chainguns, and 1 coilgun manually ou...
Separatist Tungsten
Created by Hex
A Tier 2 mod of the already reliable HSS Tungsten, featuring some quality of life changes as well as extension of the aft hull for the relocation of essential rooms and addition of others. FEATURING: 1 reactor 1 large engine 1 junction compartement (now wi...
Sepratist Camel
Created by Hex
A camel sub decorated to lok like a Jovain pirate sub, for if you ever wanted to fight a camel, in a camel for whatever strage reason...
Shapeshifter (mobile turrets)
Created by FLX
-=BACKGROUND STORY=- XSSN-842 "Shapeshifter" development began just before the end of the war following a requirement to produce an attack submarine that would be faster and better armed yet manned by a smaller crew than the traditional designs due to manp...
Shadow Voyager Prototype 1
Created by TimWKS
Currently, only the Chinese version is available. The English version will be translated later. ===================================================================== For Entertainment Use Only Diving Submarine, based on major works, due to lack of optimiza...
Created by Doge the biologist
Shiftless General information Transporting Tier III Price 15000mk (if you think it is too expensive or cheap, use your editor for a better one) Size 57*14m Cargo capacity 96 crates Recommended crew size 5-10 This is just a very normal ship with large hauli...
Created by Distortion Are YOU tired of your old boring human body? Ever wanted to become more? Well now, featuring my second ever mod, you can! What's in the Mod? In this mod you can find a selection of strange spheres that can be crafted in the fabr...
Shipwrecks Extended
Created by rav2n
Welcome to the Shipwrecks Extended mod page! This mod adds many new wrecks in addition to vanilla ones to the game. Some of them are more dangerous than others while others are completely harmless and useless. To some of them you can even dock! Happy salva...
SIN Beacon Stations
Created by Suportik
-Another mod that tries to add unique designs of beacon stations. -All beacons are balanced with items, and you won't actually find too much stuff on them, only if you look enough. -All beacons are made within the same limit counts as vanilla beacons...
Created by 缘流
Sirius天狼星★临渊之巅 是综合全创意工坊90%以上船综合而来的最优秀的全方面配置 并汲取了权威建议 本船拥有强大的自调节能力,可以独立清除潜在威胁和外在风险 ChatGPT B站:海上的缘流(设计工程师)天子的桃帽(授权商) 该船基本信息 总价值:9999mk 载货量:24 等级:T3 类型:侦查型 规格:43*12m 推荐船员数量:7人(1人也可以玩) 船体防御:自动电圈、4自动近防炮、2轨道炮、2电磁枪、1加农炮 物资及功能:应有尽有,适用于原版平衡和绝大多数mod和高难包 注意事项:任何一个功能...
Slug Mariner—SVX-17M
Created by 二十二度幻月
水手17号轻型潜艇 这是一艘穿梭艇,不包含母舰 你可以在一个垂直的对接口下方对接它 无法被AI使用 控制:点击前挡风玻璃驾驶,单击一次启动引擎并朝着目前鼠标方向移动(锁定航向),再次单击刹车(双击直接改变航向),长按开火,移动时自动解锁对接,刹车时自动对接 注意:外壳存在血量,弹药有限,后部有一个箱子可以在外面开启 This is a shuttle boat, excluding the mother ship You can dock it below a vertical docking port U...
Silhouette Light Patrol
Created by ArchCrusader
Description A small and manouverable sub with a somewhat low level of required maintenance and a reasonable array of equipment, the Silhouette can serve a good crew well, provided its lack of firepower is taken into account. Properties Designation: Tier II...
Snow Runt
Created by Swaggy Harpy
Featuring my third submarine design. This is a tier 1 submarine meant to be on par with the Camel. Very basic submarine design. Gunnery under command, storage to the right of that, and to the left is the reactor and engineering rooms. Below you have a sill...
SMS Olympus
Created by Sny_Vs_Spyper
Welcome aboard the Olympus superheavy mobile station! LIST OF CONTENTS: -a ballast/fish tank big enough to comfortably fit 3 dugongs inside it -20 coilguns -4 railguns -3 depth charge launchers -2 high powered reactors -a mass surveillance network so secur...
Created by SOFA Made by MIRROR ^ This mod is mainly for practice. As i haven't used the creature editor much a lot of these creatures are pretty jank to be honest. You can try to use Barotraumatic for the creatures to spawn in game. But it'...
Created by SOFA
A pack of station style wrecks These stations have been abandoned a long time making it so most of the locking mechanisms on the doors dont work anymore. I made these stations mainly for fun but i also wanted some more station-like wrecks to explore...
Sperm Whale
Created by Doge the biologist
Sperm Whale General information Attack (Tier III) Price 20000 mk Size 55*17 m Cargo capacity 24 crates Recommended crew size 6-16 Plainly simple designs, easy to handle. Notice: I built this ship for medium/large crews to have fun with those tough mods, th...
Soviet S-class Submarine C-51
Soviet S-class C-51 Submarine "As a part of the ESSR, or "Europa Salvage Submarine Replacement" program headed by the Europan Coalition, offworld wreck salvagers have continued in their operations to raise submarine wrecks from the oceans of Old Earth in a...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier One Attack sub Priced: 13,000 mk Cargo capacity: 15 Crates Plus one secure crate Size: 15x34m 1 Large turret hardpoint Dual Coilgun pre-installed 3 Small turret hardpoints 2 Coilguns pre-installed A High power Automatic discharge co...
Spirit Of Fire Mk I
Created by Prez
This Large Phoenix-Class heavily modified colony ship is perfect for the intense depths of Europa, built by Halifax spacewerx on Luna in 2531 its compliments include enough raw firepower to fight off any would be alien attempting to get close to the ship. ...
Spoon's Pirate Vessels Expanded
Created by A Spoon
Adds more Pirate vessels which are all vanilla submarines. Meant to make battles with pirates more interesting. Credits to Marchman for making the very well made Pirate version of the Berilia! Features the following Pirate submarines. The Kastrull, Orca, A...
SSBN 726 Ohio (fixed)
Created by UssYorkTownCV5
This is the SSBN Ohio 726 recreation, I made this more for realism then for functionality. I would say that you should probably only use for sub PVP, player PVP, casual use, or just for fun rather then trying to do campaign, or missions with this sub. This...
SSBN Akula
Created by Urso
Minimum crew complement: 1 captain, 1 security, 1 mechanic. Recommended: 1 cpt, 1 sec, 2 mechanics, 1 engineer or more of any role....
SSN-113 Enceladus
Created by Denny
A compact, conventionally looking, submarine. It features many quality of life features, switches and levers to flick, while also retaining ease of use. I tried to capture the cramped and machine-laden interior of an ''actual'' submarine to a degree, witho...
SSN Archangel Mk.3
Created by Urso
The SSN Archangel looks bigger than than it actually needs its crew to be. With a number of advanced systems focused on survival of the crew and its critical components, this ship has a number of unique perks that are certain to keep any crew entertained. ...
Ssparky's Additional Ores
Created by ssparky
Overview Adds a couple of extra ores, mostly for minerals that previously only had one or two ores containing them. The mod features 13 (technically 15) new ores, and I do not plan to add any more at this point. Featured ores Magnesite MgCO₃. More common i...
Ssparky's Gunnery
Created by ssparky
SUMMARY Felt like creating some custom submarine weaponry, and so I did. Here it is! The intent is for the guns in this mod to be fairly balanced with regards to vanilla, such that installing this mod is not an instant win button. Feedback with regards to ...
Ssparky's Reduxed Wreck Collection
Created by ssparky
Reduxed version of my old wreck collection, now with all the wrecks functional and of generally higher quality. Feel free to report any issues if you encounter any (there are likely to be some issues as of the latest update where I've added structure rotat...
Storage Icons
Created by Dr. Turtle
Adds an icon to storage containers that shows their most abundant item, any item with an inventory can be configured to have this effect (including modded) REQUIRES LUA FOR BAROTRAUMA, FOLLOW INSTALLATION GUIDE use the command 'storageicons' in the console...
Stubbs Mobile Railgun Platform
Created by ArchCrusader
Description A glorified weapon platform, the Stubbs' design is very straightforward: bring a railgun's firepower where needed and have the means to keep it there. Efficiency is the name of the game, and the interiors lack many commodities most other subs c...
Stations from beyond
Created by rundoomer Description Are you tired of the monotonous outpost modules? Or do you just want to add some variety to your adventure? This modification expands the number of modules found at stations. There are more than 100 new variation...
SubCarrier Mk1 Escape Pod
Created by SNJ
SubCarrier Mk1 Escape Pod Added by request, is part of the SubCarrier Mk1:
Submarine Overhaul
Created by Antoneeee
Hello! This is Submarine pack that overhauls every single submarine in the vanilla game. To not just look better, but to play better, and fix many issues. Forgive me for the janky-ness of this mod page, this is the first time I've really put a lot of effor...
Created by caninmyham
FULLY VANILLA! NOTICE!!! Apparently this is getting a lot of hash errors. I've tried fixing this on my side to no avail, it's a steam issue. If you encounter this problem, manually remove expectedhash="" from the mod file. Ship Stats: 300 items, 136 struct...
Created by Charles J Winslow
Due to the Kastrull lacks of the ability of aquiring sufficient samples for reasearch. The Sumluad submarines were hastily manufactured from Coalition deep water shipyard. Created for deep water research purpose. Multiple detachable module makes it able to...
Created by Red9
Red Sun Over Paradise "Log 42, Doctor Frank Marcos Signing in. I've been accounted as chief medical officer in a new prototype vessel "The Sundowner", seems like normal outpost folk don't quite make the cut for the type of crew the S.B.M.C are looking for....
Sunset SC-I
Created by MØNØĿi†H
Small, low-cost submarine, ideal to start a game. General information Type: Scout Tier I Price: 2400mk Size: 17*14m Cargo capacity: 8 crates Recommended crew size: 1-4 Features: • Stealth mode. • Double strength walls. • Navigation terminal whith mineral s...
Super Plague Rat
Created by Doge the biologist
Super Plague Rat Tier III attack The successor of the prototype Plague Rat, is a more powerful and deadly stealth attacker under the cold sea. Fitted with a smarter power system, it could go farther in its silence mode. But keep in mind that this ship is a...
SV Submarine Line
Created by Seveg
The SV project was conceived by the Hask Church as a way to become independent from other factions by getting its own multi-purpose fleet. The set includes 6 submarines of 1-3 Levels. SV1 Poison is a Level 1 multitasking reconnaissance submarine with a bas...
Sweeper Gear
Created by Crabford
Adds a few items based on the Sweepers from the games "Lobotomy Corporation" and "Library of Ruina". Can be crafted at fabricator. Sweeper Mask: A decently protective headgear with stats comparable to a ballistic helmet, but offering slightly less protecti...
Sweet Pea
Created by SlipWhenWet
"Capable of exploring the narrow crags and caverns of Europa which larger ships cannot, the Sweet Pea is often used for small crew exploration, rescue, and salvage missions." A very small sub ideally for a crew of 2-4. It features solid coilgun coverage bu...
Sweet Pea 3000
Created by Cjn2789
A rebuilt Sweet Pea with some QoL improvements. Features: • Vanilla-like and campaign friendly for 1-5 crew members • Onboard fabricator and deconstructor with a large cabinet • Exit hatches at both top and bottom • Multi-channel periscope, switch via mous...
Swift 暴风雨燕
Created by 魂魄妖梦
Created by Syndro
The bigger and heavier cousin of the Xeon, the Swordfish is meant to be a somewhat large shuttle meant for large reinforcement parties. Its main features is capacity for 7 crewmembers, ample space and a glass cockpit. Price: 8000mk Dimensions: 19x8 Cargo c...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Shuttle Priced: 1750 mk Size: 9x6m 1 Chaingun With two boxes of ammo in the rack and one loaded Automatic oxygen generator Only kicks on when there's less than 50% oxygen in the cabin, saves alot of power. Percent can be changed via the ...
Syndro Station
Created by Syndro
This station strives for safety without compromising on space, comfort or utilities. Its layout includes a space for every department, an open design and plenty of supplies. The design was originally based off the older Class A Stations but retrofitted to ...
T-01 Atlas
Created by Skye
Description: A garagantuan modular frontier construction and exploration submarine, featuring reinforced bulkheads to stop flooding and boarders along with a multipurpose dock for various cargo and utility pods that allow it to further specialise in a spec...
Týr Class Battleship [cn][en]
Created by FreeRider
The Lite version has been released! Your identity information has been approved, and all permissions in the driver's cab have been opened to you! Welcome aboard, Captain! Tyre (Týr) The USS is an experimental space/deep-sea dual-use vessel that the Allianc...
T.I.T.A.N. Warsuit 3.0: Abyss Watcher
Created by Yak'All
"When all hope seems lost, just don't forget: Aim for their head" "As always, this is NOT a replacer" "Community update. Quality of life improvements!" From: Head designer Matthias To: Bnllzmcdq Ktbhzm Latest ongoing project report: 'T.I.T.A.N.' With the r...
Created by Lerentine
Machine translation 英语不好,所以英语部分是机翻 有些mod会导致声纳面板(大小调为0.2)、轨道炮(大小调为0.3)和潜望镜大小(大小调为0.4)、电磁线圈耗能(耗能调为100)变回原来的参数,进编辑器手动调一下就好了 Some mods will cause the sonar panel (size to 0.2), rail gun (size to 0.3) and periscope size (size to 0.4), electromagnetic coil power...
Created by Lerentine
T.S.M-日暮山工程 战斗演示视频: 规格:43*11 装载量):20 上浮下潜最大速度:17 常规火力配置:三门无需蓄能连射炮+两门标准型轨道炮+一门脉冲式自动防卫炮(已安装NEX自动火控) 特殊火力配置:船头布置奇迹之海热熔型主炮系统+折镜型无人机 常备:冲击点引擎+全覆盖电磁线圈 建议配合BaroTraumatic Nightmare、高难狩猎等食用 如果你喜欢我的作品请多多点赞+评论,这些会成为我前进的动力,谢谢! 鱼雷来自https://steamco...
T3 Light Corvette
Created by Crow
Singleplayer / Lone sailor based light scoutclass submarine with high topspeed and laser weapons. MacReady Shipyards Lever on the side of the drone control is meant to turn off lights, will correct in later patch....
Tadpole Raider (pvp)
Created by hUbert 2
Equipped with two boarding pods. Made for PvP. Make sure to check out the original Tadpole Trader
TaF - EK Pirates
Created by HalfdeadKiller
Proof of Concept - Initial Release Requires EK Armory and EK Gunnery. This mod was built for my friend group, and may or may not stay up to date. Adds pirate submarines to pirate missions, as well as adding pirate missions that look like normal missions fo...
Tadpole Trader
Created by hUbert 2
Upstart Europan trading companies favor this small, affordable vessel for their supply runs. Nice starter transport sub with minimal equipment. Also it looks cool...
Takari Autonomous Transport
Created by KnEe_GrOw
Price: 1550 mk || Tier 1 Originally designed for the Exathra, the Takari shuttle is a capable light transport vessel. Specially outfitted to operate independently this sub is a suitable choice for a crew on a budget. Equipped with extra supplies, an improv...
Created by Ahpi
During the genesis of Europa colonization, this model was used for raiding dens of the moon for fare. Yet due to the new denizens, many creatures have become scarce and now this boat is now repurposed for transporting provisions between outposts. This sub ...
Created by Syndro
Description A medium-sized Syndion exploration vessel used mainly for scientific study of Europan fauna. The lightly-armored nature of this vessel hinders the firepower available to the crew and the durability of the sub overall, as such combat use is NOT ...
TCG Dumlupınar (D-6)
Created by BOZO -
TCG Dumlupınar (D-6), Türk Donanması'na 16 Kasım 1950 - 4 Nisan 1953 tarihleri arasında hizmet etmiştir. 4 Nisan 1953 günü I. İnönü denizaltısı ile Akdenizdeki NATO Blue Sea tatbikatından dönerken 86 kişilik mürettebatı ile deniz kazası sonucu batan Türk d...
Created by Black Mamba
Lore Behold the Thalons, a relic of the past that emerged from the depths like a buried treasure just a few years back. Imagine excavating an ancient battlefield near Dank Point, not for gold, but for the forgotten secrets of technology. The dusty tomes of...
The Abyssal Nova
Created by SanoMago
I have a modification of the "Innanutshell". Thanks for the structure, without you it wouldn't be possible! It contains all the equipment so that you don't need to move submarine ever again. *Outdated until the circuit boxes reach their peak* I will no upg...
The Angry Angler
Created by AgentNumberOne
The Angry Angler Price: 6000 mk Class: Scout Tier: I Players: 3-5 Description Designed to fulfil the basic needs of a stable crew, The Angry Angler is perfect for a group of 5 and features all the amenities you'll need to take on Europa's depths. With indi...
Thaumiel Mark 2
Created by Skip
This is my take on a great ship design by OwT, 'Thaumiel.' While I loved the original ship, I found there a few QoL changes needed to make it a fully campaign-certified vessel, while I also wanted to extend the rusted, creepy asthetic going on. Featuring o...
The Agilita
Created by Triosc
Ship Info 100% Vanilla Price 4,250 mk Dimensions: 30 x 9 m Recommended Crew Size: 1 - 3 Recommended Crew Experience: Beginner Max Horizontal Speed: 29 km/h Max Vertical Speed: 21 km/h Cargo Capacity: 12 crates Machines: None Max Reactor Output: 5000 Featur...
The Argus
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier two attack sub Priced: 14,500 mk Cargo capacity: 24 Crates Size: 38x26m 2 Large hardpoints Railgun pre-installed 2 Small turret hardpoints 1 Coilgun and Pulse laser pre-installed A discharge coil Located on the bottom strike plate. ...
The Avali’s MRV
Created by Seargant Egg
Everything you'd find in a large ship compacted into a small one! A modified version of the Plauge Rat, the Avali’s MRV was a compact scout vessel that went missing from a Coalition research station, only to be found being sold at a Separatist military out...
The Avali's Audio Overhaul
Created by Seargant Egg
This mod is perfect for veterans of Barotrauma who no longer fear the depths of the abyss and have embraced the chaos and madness that is the waters of Europa. Intensity layers are changed to combat music, new sounds, new music for everything. This mod is ...
The Bell
Created by James648
A very small, simple and heavily reinforced submarine. "This is a fairly simple design. Made to be small enough to move freely but sturdy enough to tank a few hits. The name comes from how sonar echos through the multi-layered armor plates." The designer c...
The Bell XL
Created by James648
A small and heavily reinforced submarine. The Bell XL has increased offensive ability, more storage lockers, and fabrication capabilities. After going in to adjust the price and class I realized how thrown together this was and fixed it. Should hopefully b...
The Blue Baron [NEW FRONTIERS]
Created by Udrakan
NEWS I'm updating this sub to match the visuals of the new upcoming campaign update! It looks even better. THE BLUE BARON SUBMARINE A former military vessel with enough firepower to take on large beasts with well equiped fabrication and medical to carry yo...
The Buntbarsch - Alien Generator Sub
Created by Necro
Using an alien generator instead of a nuclear reactor, The Buntbarsch is one of the most advanced subs on Europa. Unfortunately, you have to find an Alien Energy Cell before you can use the generator. Till that, The Buntbarsch relies on her big battery arr...
The Chalice
Created by mcham3
"The Chalice is an old research vessel commissioned by members of the Church of the Husk. The figurehead was once a research tool, used to safely examine a variety of large fauna without risking damage to personnel. The arm proved to be too expensive to ke...
The Coffin
Created by Chukwujekwu
Flood tolerance? Such words describe the bullet-intolerant body of a jellyfish. Safety? A fictional construct created by Big OSHA to sell you "seatbelts" and "hard hats". Firepower? The language of Europa. Enter The Coffin, a submarine that is violence inc...
The Dab Abby
Created by Ahpi
An insertion vessel used by The Coalition mainly to seize rogue settlements. The Dab Abby transports armed personnel to situations where a submarine would be less effective. This scout-class submarine is designed for the campaign and PvP. The intended crew...
The Death of Britain
Created by Sea Demon
"Death of Britain" - название, которое внушает ужас и трепет. Эта подлодка, вдохновленная легендарными немецкими U-лодками, воплощает силу и смертельную эффективность. С ее технологическими новшествами и бескомпромиссным дизайном, она станет страшным кошма...
The Deep Manatee
Created by Doge the biologist
The Deep Manatee General information Type: SCOUT Tier I Size: 12*5 m Cargo capacity: not at all Crew size: 1-3 people Price: 1000 mk, cannot be any cheaper. The Deep Manatee, based on The Deep Manatee fro...
The Fifth Winter
Created by Prez
One of the UNSC's pride Orion class assault carriers The Fifth Winter retrofitted for Europan depths. this nimble assault carrier contains a spacious cargo hold, medical bay and a miniature hydroponics room. along with a stunning observation room / Brig th...
The Glass Bullet
Created by splinemaster
The Glass Bullet is perhaps one of the most dangerous submarines on Europa, both to its enemies and to its crew. Living up to its name, it is fast and made of glass. The designer insists the price savings on using glass versus conventional hull armor is mo...
The Glass Cannon
Created by splinemaster
The Glass Cannon is a fast, hard-hitting tier 3 attack submarine with an emphasis on amenities and armament over survivability. Living up to its name, it is almost entirely composed of glass, whilst having a devastating amount of firepower in a small packa...
The Funhouse
Created by Crabford
A monument of clown architecture, The Funhouse is a monsterous vessel that doubles as a mobile circus. It is as deadly as it is colorful, able to support 2 large and 3 small turrets, as well as a depth charge tube and two electrical discharge coils. The sh...
The Glass Cannon 2
Created by splinemaster
"The sequel literally nobody asked for, the Glass Cannon 2 is larger yet just as fragile as its predecessor. Featuring an almost complete redesign including a new shuttle mount, the Glass Cannon 2 improved some annoying faults (such as the medbay constantl...
The Happy Hammerhead
Created by AgentNumberOne
The Happy Hammerhead Price: 18,000 mk Class: Attack Tier: II Players: 4-6 Description Designed to meet the military needs of Europa, The Happy Hammerhead is a powerhouse that craves battle and can take on any challenge. Critical command and firing systems ...
The Hammerfist
Created by Thys'l
The Hammerfist, an attack sub that takes some inspiration from transport ships and scouts while adding her own quirks. She boasts 3 main ballasts and a rear additional ballast for near perfect buoyancy, making navigation and steering quite reliable Her hea...
The Grumpy Guppy
Created by AgentNumberOne
The Grumpy Guppy Price: 1500 mk Class: Scout Tier: I Players: 1-2 Description Designed as a beginner ship to start campaigns, The Grumpy Guppy is a mini-sub featuring the most basic features to get your adventures on Europa started. Perfect for solo play o...
The Holy Diver
Created by The Holy Diver™
A Vanilla Sub/Drone Ship Made for Campaign and/or Missions Jump On The Tiger! Into The Holy Diver. The Deep Diving, Artillery Drone Carrier Transport ship, Raised From The MidNight Sea! Too give the Creatures of Europa's ocean's Some Real Heavy Metal! (Sub...
The Holy Diver (Old)
Created by The Holy Diver™
Jump On The Tiger! Into The Holy Diver. The Deep Diving, Artillery Drone Carrier Transport ship, Raised From The MidNight Sea! Too give the Creatures of Europa's ocean's Some Real Heavy Metal! A Vanilla Sub/Drone Ship Made for Campaign and/or Missions (Sub...
The Jolly Jellyfish
Created by AgentNumberOne
The Jolly Jellyfish Price: 1000 mk Class: Shuttle Tier: I Players: 1-2 Description Designed as a replacement shuttle for respawning dead players, The Jolly Jellyfish is compact quick moving submarine designed with no airlocks. This requires players to dock...
The Holy Diver MK 2
Created by The Holy Diver™
The Mark 2 Of The Holy Diver (W.I.P) , Ship Fully Working, New Ship interior with the same BadA** Look Top of the line, Old School Military Transport Ship. + Drone Build By The MidNight Sea Shipping Company...
The Kaiser -- Campaign Ready U-Boat
Created by Lord_Bighead
This sub, inspired by a WWII German U-boat, is the pride and joy of the local boater's club. Or, at least it was until it got impounded after a night of drunken sailing. The sub was eventually stolen from the impound lot and has been under the command of m...
The Kleinbarsch - Heavy Scout Shuttle
Created by Necro
Small, reliable and decent armed, The Kleinbarsch is the answer for everyone who needs a shuttle with more survivability than a Hemulen or Venture. Many technologies have been taken from The Buntbarsch like the big battery array, highly power-efficient dev...
The Long John
Created by Ahpi
A stalwart vessel of The Coalition designed for long expeditions. It comes with various power management and saving capabilities and an observation deck to scan its surroundings. Many crews with arduous objectives intend for the Long John to carry them fro...
The Last In Line
Created by The Holy Diver™
If Your Evil Or Divine, Are You the Last in Line? The Second Ship Built By The MidNight Sea Ship company is now Putting Her Into Service......
The Monolith
Created by MajikBean
##The Monolith## --- ##Submarine Description## --- While the Monolith doesn’t have the medical capacity or the resource acquisition and utilization capacity for extended service away from port, it’s security mechanisms and duel-layered shell make it a rugg...
The Nerdy Nautilus
Created by AgentNumberOne
The Nerdy Nautilus Price: 6000 mk Class: Scout Tier: I Players: 2-5 Description Designed for scientific exploration as you delve the alien depths, The Nerdy Nautilus is a well rounded sub with the most up to date technology available. The command room feat...
The Nomad
Created by BravoSixGoingDark
Look pal, I know you're desperate to sell this hunk of junk for some easy marks but you really expect me to believe that an old earther ship just dropped out of thin air in front of your face? I dunno what you're playing me for but I got a nagging feeling ...
The Peregrine
Created by BravoSixGoingDark
A top of the range assault corvette, the A-12 Peregrine is the newest competitor to the market of Coalition strategic defense contracts. Equipped with both heavy firepower and manoeuvrability, the Peregrine is suited for heavy duty reconnaissance, fast ass...
The Nesasio
Created by Eisawesome
Based off the Stealth cruiser in FTL, this small scout sub is nimble, and very quick. With a boost function, double engines with speed controls, and some simple auto system functionality, it is best for small crews who want to get somewhere quick. My thoug...
The Pilgrim
Created by Sebe
The Pilgrim is a retrofitted version of Barotrauma's vanilla submarine "R-29". For 20,000 Marks The Pilgrim is the perfect choice to sail into the heart of Europa. It is designed to be efficient and comforting against the rogue waters of the moon we all ca...
The Ostrea
Created by R3ALTING
Survey-class submarine. Compact and versatile, the Ostrea submarine allows for exploration and surveillance in the deep waters of Europa with only a single active crewmember. The Ostrea comes packed with all the necessities; secure airlocks, a coilgun, and...
The Plague Rat
Created by Doge the biologist
Tier II scout Tiny ship for 3-5 players, also need proper teamwork and cooperation. The Plague Rat, a small ship designed for multiple purpose, is a good choice for captains of all colonies under the ice layer. You can use it as a starter for your adventur...
The Prachtbuntbarsch - Alien Generator Sub
Created by Necro
Designed as a long range science vessel, The Prachtbuntbarsch uses cutting edge technologies like a three-way alien generator system (can be upgraded with more alien energy cells), highly power-efficient devices, multiple early warning systems and big batt...
The Raubfisch - Alien Generator Assault Sub
Created by Necro
After the successful Buntbarsch series alien generator powered science/scout subs, Necro Entertainment Shipyards proudly presents its first alien powered assault submarine: The Raubfisch. Beside a four-way alien generator system, The Raubfisch also possess...
The Stromson
Created by humping heavy
The Stromson Background: The Stromson (EUCO-2788) is part of The Europa Coalition's newest line of TRCC-8G2B attack class vessels. Built-in the year 2381, The Stromson is the pinnacle of military submarine design. Sporting eight turret hardpoints, the Stro...
The Sculla + Wreck & Pirate Ver.
Created by - ̗̀ Milix ̖́- Directly inspired by Scylla, The Sculla will know how to defend you against menaces that reign over Europe. With its state-of-the-art equipment and numerous security features, there is no need to panic when something goes wr...
The Torus
Created by Mtn Dew Baja Blast
A compact ship, with an odd design. Based off of the Engi cruiser from FTL: Faster Than Light....
The Tardy Tortoise
Created by AgentNumberOne
The Tardy Tortoise Price: 24,000 mk Class: Transport Tier: III Players: 8-16 Description Designed as a floating fortress to take on Europa's greatest challenges, The Tardy Tortoise is a lumbering behemoth that feels closer to a outpost than a submarine. Bu...
The Zwergbuntbarsch - Alien Generator Sub
Created by Necro
The Zwergbuntbarsch is a smaller and cheaper version of The Buntbarsch for up to three crew members or one lone sailor. Like her big Sister, The Zwergbuntbarsch uses an alien generator instead of a nuclear reactor, unfortunately you have to find an Alien E...
"Originally commissioned as an attack class, the Themisto was drafted as a combat drone carrier. Due to doctrine shifts and a forward section vulnerable to Europan fauna, the configuration quickly became unpopular. The Themisto class was converted into an ...
THG Armory - 'Vanilla' Ammo Pack
Created by caninmyham
!!!HIGHLY RECCOMENDED, BUT NOT REQUIRED WEAPON MOD:!!! I've been personally largely disappointed by the weapons mods available on workshop, for their various inclusions of random overhaul el...
THG Armory - 'Vanilla' Ancient Armory Pack
Created by caninmyham
Adds a variety of ancient-themed armors, roughly balanced to vanilla, anf tailored to - try at least a bit - to fit with vanilla's overall graphical style. THE RUNBOWN: Horned Brass Helmet & Visored Brass Helmet Vintage brass helmets from ancient Terra, mo...
THG Armory - 'Vanilla' Armor Pack
Created by caninmyham
!!!HIGHLY RECOMMENDED IF YOU WANT NPCS TO SPAWN WITH THESE ARMORS - THG ARMORY SPAWN PATCH: As with weapons, i've been disappointed by the lack of variety of vanilla-tailored equipment, larg...
THG Armory - 'Vanilla' Melee Pack
Created by caninmyham
I've personally been largely disappointed by the weapons mods available on workshop, for their various inclusions of random overhaul elements, or attempts to entirely overhaul the balance of weapons in vanilla as a whole. I've wanted more vanilla styled an...
THG Armory - 'Vanilla' Turret pack
Created by caninmyham
I thoroughly enjoy the selection of turrets which vanilla has already, but found myself wanting in a few different regards. I've always been disappointed by the limit axis utility of depth charges, and found it odd that the coilgun gets the love of a doubl...
Created by Syndro
A medium-sized Syndion attack vessel meant to take on missions that require a good bit of firepower and strength. Packs a much bigger punch than its cargo carrying brother, the Nova. This model also features a heavily revised power system compared to the o...
THG Armory - 'Vanilla' Utility Pack
Created by caninmyham
Adds a variety of roughly vanilla balanced and stylized utility items, ranging from a flare gun to a combination multitool, portable battery charger, and more. THE RUNDOWN: Electrowelder - A compact, one-handed battery cell operated advanced arc welder. Ap...
Timid's Beacon Stations
Created by TheTimidShade
Small beacon stations based off the style of the vanilla beacon station to add a bit more variety. Currently includes three stations....
Titanic kid
Created by LOSHKapIVASA
A smaller version of the Titanic. It has fewer guns, fewer compartments, cabinets and more, but it becomes much faster and less demanding ----------------------------------------------- Number of guns: 3 ----------------------------------------------- Squa...
Titan Submersible
Created by katechup
Titan is a Cyclops-class manned submersible designed to take five rich morons to depths of 4,000 meters (13,123 feet) for site survey and implosion, research and debris collection, liveleak media production, and deep sea testing of human stupidity. Through...
Created by Keni
A deep sea hunter that sank several times before the designers decided to fix some major design flaws. The top and the front hull was strenghtened, two turrets recieved additional hardpoints, and they converted the bilge to a temporary ballast that can be ...
Created by Triosc
Ship Info Price 10,500 mk Dimensions: 40 x 13 m Recommended Crew Size: 2 - 6 Recommended Crew Experience: Intermediate Max Horizontal Speed: 20 km/h Max Vertical Speed: 19 km/h Cargo Capacity: 40 crates (28 in cargo area) Machines: 2 Fabricators, 1 Deconst...
Created by k
БОЕВАЯ подлодка для ОДИНОКИХ капитанов, кто сам ушёл или потерял друзей. Относительно МНОГО СВОБОДНОГО МЕСТА, есть простор для фантазии. МАЛО щитков, не бесит с поломками. ИДЕАЛЬНО для одиноких путишествий. Здравствуйте! Мы уверены, что каждый морской волк...
Created by VdMAll
A battle submarine named Trampoline. Trampoline stands for little elevation at the bow of the sub. It isnt slow, id say its fast. It have 3 coilguns and 1 railgun. It even have a bar and cafeteria. It isnt fancy, but its normal. Have some suprises on board...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier two scout sub Priced: 24,000 mk Cargo capacity: 18 Crates Size: 33x19m Max Speed: 31 km/s Horizontal, 20 km/s Vertical Large hardpoint Dual coil pre-installed 2 Small turret hardpoints 2 Chainguns pre-installed An Automatic discharg...
Created by Cjn2789
A Tier 3 Attack type submarine with a large cargo bay and a research lab. The carried shuttle can also be used as a remote-controlled drone. In Version B, the shuttle is replaced with a design that uses submarine shell and can dive at 20 km/h. Vanilla-like...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier three attack sub Priced: 30,000 mk Cargo capacity: 46 Crates Size: 42x24m 3 Small turret hardpoints 3 Coilguns pre-installed 1 Large turret hardpoint 1 Flak Cannon pre-installed A Rail(gun) array Originally designed to cheaply break...
Triton Assault Transport
Created by ArchCrusader
Description An assault transport mainly used to deliver a team of divers on site and provide support. While its manouverability is slightly below average, the Triton's reliable design and good autonomy allow it to perform its job admirably. Properties Desi...
Created by Hex
The HSS Tungsten is a medium size tier 1 sub, featuring advanced weaponry and a beginner friendly layout, this sub is a very reliable vessel for any captain and crew should they handle the personality of this submarine. FEATURING: 1 reactor towards the rea...
Tungsten Mk2
Created by Hex
A Tier 2 mod of the already reliable HSS Tungsten, featuring some quality of life changes as well as extension of the aft hull for the relocation of essential rooms and addition of others. FEATURING: 1 reactor 1 large engine 1 junction compartement (now wi...
Type 7 Akimbo SG
Created by ToastyCosty
IMPORTANT: due to a bug with item transfer, if you have trouble with shuttle spawning during campaign when you switch to this sub, it's a known issue and devs are aware of it, a workaround is to NOT TRANSFER ITEMS when you switch sub and the shuttles will ...
Type IXA U-boat Submarine
Type IXA U-43 U-boat Submarine "A German Submarine from Old Earth, launched in 1939 and used during the Second World War. Old Earth salvagers scoured the depths of the once-called Atlantic Ocean and came across the wreckage of a submarine christened "U-43"...
Type VII-C U-Boat
Type VII-C U345 U-Boat Submarine "Tight on budget with an increasing demand for submarines concurrent with a dwindling supply throughout the developed sectors of Europa, the Europa Coalition requisitioned another off-world salvage company to scour Old Eart...
Created by Sticcy
Starter sub like Dugong. Typ XXIII made by Sticcy. I tried to get it as close as possible to the real one of the Kriegsmarine in terms of shape, size and layout. I had to make some sacrifices to the realism of the layout to benefit the usefulness in game. ...
U-2540 Elektroboot
Created by 198xAD
This sub is in its final developmental state and has been superceded by U-3506 Based on museum ship Wilhelm Bauer (U-2540). An XXI Class submarine designed just before the end of the second ...
Created by Rebel
The pirate ship as a playable submarine from Dynamic Europa. U-41S RAVE...
Typhoon drone
Created by Crow
Typhoon drone to go with MacRDY Typhoon 4. See attached images Better description to come later...
Created by _]|M|[_
U-41S: Hauled back from the depths by Jovian Separatists, the U-41S is a scout vessel formerly used by the coalition in it's early days. However after the Separatists found and started to restore this vessel, the coalition started an attack on the outpost ...
U-42 Pirate Playable
Created by Rebel
A playable U-42 pirate piezo version of the normal U-42C Enjoy !...
Created by _]|M|[_
U-43T: The U-43T is a transport class series that was built during the early colonization of Europa to help transport construction materials to new construction sites. It's airship-like design made people feel nostalgic about earth, boosting their morale e...
Created by Hmk445
Based on old Earth Design, U-445 has heavy front weapons and bottom depth charge launcher. These weapons are paired with powerful, but unreliable engines and reactor....
U-571 Endeavor
Created by SNSDestiny
U-571 Endeavor was a modernize overhaul rebuild Tier 3 attack class submarine from U-Boat that served as a cargo and passenger vessel. It soloable with bot that the layout and design are features from the original creator credit below. Submarine Package: U...
U-574 Type VIIC45
Created by NER-Starblue
ENG Ver. for U-573. This is a second-generation submarine. Modeled after the German U-boat from World War II, it's an attack type (T3), 40,000 mk. Features: Double-layer high-hardness armor Multiple weapons Distribution box to prevent overload Automatic el...
U-574 Type VIIC45 with Drone
Created by NER-Starblue
ENG Ver. for U-573. This is a second-generation submarine. Modeled after the German U-boat from World War II, it's an attack type (T3), 40,000 mk. With a drone. Features: Double-layer high-hardness armor Multiple weapons Distribution box to prevent overloa...
U.C.S. Spearfish SSN-21
Created by Puckvirus121
The Spearfish-class Heavy Attack Submarine is one of the oldest boats still serving in the Colonial fleet and is an iconic, if terribly dated, design. Large, fragile and very tempermental, the old "Nuclear Toothpick" remains in service only in a training c...
Ultima Mortis (Warhammer 40k)
Created by BLooD MeaT
Недружелюбен к ботам, они неспособны чинить обшивку и могут застревать. Unfriendly to bots, they are unable to repair hulland can get stuck. Version for bots: Tier 3 size 65x24m 36 crates 2 ...
Ultima Mortis Maximus (Warhammer 40k)
Created by BLooD MeaT
For the glory of the Emperor of Mankind and Holy Terra, crush the enemy in these accursed waters. The submarine is configured to play with bots. No mods. Two versions Maximum and Lite. 2602 items and torpedo vs 2247 -66x25m -horizontal speed 16-24 -30.000c...
Created by MidnightShadow
The Ulysses was a submarine vehicle from the surface world. It was developed by Whitmore Industries to serve as the primary transportation vessel in the expedition to find the fabled ruins of Atlantis. Equipped with two rail guns, six coil guns, and a depl...
Ulysses MkIVx
Created by トミー (Tommy)
Updated version of Vive La Raclette's Ulysse III The Ulysses MkIV eXperimental is an pre-alpha version of the Ulysses MkIV line of submarines. I originally promised that this update would ad...
UNS Khopesh
Created by BravoSixGoingDark The Orbital Deployment Ship Destroyer was the result of a multilateral effort across the major member states of the United Nations Colonial Authority to counter the problematic rise of the Europan Coalition...
USS Dale DD-353 (Unstable Edition)
The USS Dale was a Farragut class destroyer in use by the US Navy. Now you can use her on Europa!!! many guns, lots of fun. I recommend a more experienced crew, but ultimately, it's not the end of the world. The Dale earned 14 battle stars in WWII and is n...
USS Murica
Created by peterple
USS Murica is a Ballistic Missile Submarine. It can deploy a huge firepower. The crew compartment has been moven to right side of the hull and the eng. and reactor rooms are on the left of the hull which I find practical. Reactor has been equiped with R.C....
Unterseeboot VIIc
Created by Decoy
A vessel originally constructed during the second Great War on Earth, the VIIc was discovered in a forgotten scrapyard and, given the ready availablity and low cost of Earth space-elevator freight, was deemed more valuable as a retrofit than as salvage. A ...
USS Nautilus SSN-571鹦鹉螺号核潜艇
Created by CO2_氧气酱~
潜艇,是世界上第一艘核潜艇,也是第一艘从水下穿越北极的潜艇。 鹦鹉螺号核潜艇首开应用核动力之先河,潜艇由此进入了又一个新纪元,具有不可估量的巨大价值,它的政治与军事意义是深远的,因此被认为是现代潜艇技术发展过程中的重要里程碑之一。 鹦鹉螺号核潜艇的命名是为了纪念儒勒·凡尔纳小说《海底两万里》中的鹦鹉螺号潜艇,1952年6月14日在美国通用电船公司开工建造,1954年1月21日下水,1954年9月30日服役,1980年3月3日退役,之后经过改装在美国格罗顿潜艇部队作博物馆艇。 星际殖民时代后, 由于未知原因出...
USS Toledo (SSN-769)
Created by KraftPunk
A relic transported to Europa from Earth by a nameless Coalition enthusiast some time ago, this nuclear-powered fast attack submarine has been retrofitted and rearmed to face the unfriendly depths of this icy moon's ocean. Features a smart two-component co...
USS Tonald J. Drump
Created by peterple
Better than USS Murica. Comming up with the same R.C.S. (Reactor Control System), sub has auto rechargable diving suit stations and oxygen containers so you don't have to use and find the oxygen generator, coilgun switching system (note: the AI is not I an...
USS William D. Porter
Created by Cpt Campbell
Meet the USS William D. Porter, nicknamed the Willy D. The ship is predominantly remembered today for the string of extremely unfortunate events that plagued her short three-year career during World War II. Somehow it ended up on Europa......
USSF Holland (SS-1)
Created by Eskander
USSF Holland (SS-1) A 1:1 scale replica submarine of the USS Holland. Part of the USSF series by Eskander. SUMMARY Replicates: USS Holland (SS-1), 1900-1905 Variants: 3; Replica, Light Retrofit (mk2), Europan Retrofit (mk3) Crew Size: 4-6, Highly recommend...
USSF NR-1 'Nerwin'
Created by Eskander
USSF NR-1 A 1:1 scale replica submarine of the US Navy NR-1 vessel, the smallest nuclear submarine that has served in the USN. Part of the USSF series by Eskander. SUMMARY Replicates: NR-1, 1969-2008 Variants: 2; Replica, Retrofit (mk2) Crew Size: 3-13, (A...
Created by Cthulho
Science group "Ultima" played with submarine designs and decided to make a thicc sub with 7 turrets on top and below it. Unfortunately, the project exceeded military funds and all upgrades were not installed. You have the opportunity to buy the frozen proj...
Uylsses 2.37
Created by The Watcher
The Ulysses was a submarine vehicle from the surface world. It was developed by Whitmore Industries to serve as the primary transportation vessel in the expedition to find the fabled ruins of Atlantis. ....
V-1999 Remastered MK.II [BENZIN Corp.]
Created by BENZIN
V-1999 Mk.II, is an upgraded version of the V-1999 Cold War Era Special Deep Diver Submarine with external and internal hulls. UPDATED for "Hoist The Sails" update: Submarine tier set to 3 Flagship of the entire BENZIN Corp. fleet Made by Vortokua / Benzin...
Valkyrie Mk.XXXVII Submarine
Created by Valkyrie.Yukikaze
Valkyrie Mk.XXXVII Attack Submarine is an old military submarine of the Europa Coalition. The history of this type of vessels can be trace back to the earliest days of colonization of Europa. The Valkyrie Mk.37 attack submarine was originally designed to o...
Vengeance Mk. III
Created by JAD War Machine
Vengeance Mk. III If you're having stability issues with the Mk. III please use the Mk. II variant that is included. Also getting the mod Performance Fix can help too. The Vengeance was buil...
Victor-III Class Submarine
Created by Aristocratus
Очередная нагло украденная субмарина, воссозданная и переработаная с помощью реверсивного инженеринга командой конструкторов Lavandos & Co....
Created by JAD War Machine
Vindicator The Vindicator is a standard medium sized attack sub comparable in size to the Dugong. She can be run with very little crew. She is armed with 4 coilguns, one top mounted rail gun and a depth charge launcher. She features a Brig and shares many ...
Created by Syndro
Description A secretive Syndion Deep-diver built to combat the heavily-armored foes of the abyss, it keeps its size small to keep repairs simple and fast. The main downsides to this vessel is mostly cost and comfort. Features Smart Drainage to avoid re-flo...
Created by KARIN
Virgo 室女座 完全版v1.0 Vibrant Europa隶属于多彩欧罗巴 据lifeinvader游戏论坛的投票统计,或许是因为宣传画中潜水服太像宇航服了,超过一半的玩家入手Barotrauma之前都曾以为这是一款太空恐怖题材的游戏。请您包容,除了丑陋的藻鬃爬行者外,此游戏确实和木卫二,太空,高科技,未来等等关键词没有什么关系。但是这并不妨碍您完成驾驶宇宙飞船畅游星空的梦想。室女座拥有一切高科技飞船的炫酷外表和梦幻的星云涂装,虽然其本质仍然是一艘原始粗劣又耗油的潜艇,但是当您站在巨大的透明驾驶舱中面...
Visual Variety Pack
Created by Plebibus Maximus
What's new in the recent update? Modular walls for the engine room. 4 base walls, generic enough to be used in any environment. + Separate layer of pipes, valve...
Created by Chishes
Cost: 7,500mk Size: 35x19m Cargo: 8 crates Recommended Crew: 5-16 From the Chishes Shipyards come the Vulture. The first craft designed purely with the idea of undersea hunting in mind. May it be the local wildlife or the lowlives who prowl the waters the ...
Created by Dasubur
Every great Civiliaztion needs raw materials to fuel its expansion, and the walsh is the submarine often chosen to supply those raw materials. A Dedicated Mining and Remote construction rig, The Walsh is often seen strip mining Resource sites or running re...
Warden rave
Created by Rebel
A pirate ship that randomly apears in dynamic europa...
Wanted Alive
Created by Medium B*t The Europa Coalition has started a program to reward crews that bring in pirates and other dissidents alive. In short, this mod adds in a single use badge that can be b...
Created by JAD War Machine
Warthog The meme, the myth, The Warthog is a specialized medium sized (Dugong sized) attack sub. She is designed to take out large enemies and other submarines. She features a state of the art fixed forward firing Rotary Coil Gun that will shred Molochs an...
Created by Doge the biologist
Wellerman General information Transporter (Tier I) Price 6000mk Size 42*11m Cargo capacity 40 crates Recommended crew size 3-5 Wellerman is a light transporter originally designed and put into service by Weller tra...
Wifi Camera
Created by _]|M|[_
A wifi/body cam: Craft or find wifi cameras with configurable channels to broadcast in. They can be toggled on and off and require a battery to broadcast. Finally the captain can see what the divers are doing! A camera monitor (also craftable) or periscope...
Created by mcham3
The Beautiful Winterhalter with a fresh coat of paint, a now functional research shuttle, several quality of life updates Fair warning: This is my first proper sub, forgive me if there are issues, I will do my best to fix any I find or am told about. Feedb...
Winterhalter PWM
Created by Cjn2789
Through in-game rewiring, a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) circuit can be built to stabilize the power consumption of the engines to prevent junction boxes taking damage from being overloaded beyond threshold. This also allows the machinery to be safely over...
Created by hUbert 2
You wish the Winterhalter had a shuttle? Consider it done! Also this sub finally has an airlock of its own....
Wired Tools
Created by Battle Engineer
This small mod makes it so tools that use the battery can be attached to the grid, meaning items like the EK arc welder would work inside the sub but once you leave the sub youll need to add a battery to it, most EK items dont work due to EKs code not acce...
Wolfrum MkVI
Created by DragonWolf569
-TRANSPORT SUB-(TIER III) -------------------------------------------------- PRICE: 22,325 mk Dimensions: 63x20m Recommended crew size: 4-9 Recommended crew experience: experienced Max horizontal speed: (Manual) 20Km/h (Autopilot) 13Km/h Max vertical speed...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier three transport sub Priced: 32,000 mk Cargo capacity: 124 Crates Size: 57x27m 2 Electrostatic fusion beams Thanks to experience gained from previous projects subsurface electric presents the apex of it's directed energy weapons prog...
Wreck Locator
Created by Biff_W
Feature When there's a wreck in 1000m range, you will receive its "SOS" signal on your sonar monitor. This doesn't require starting a new campaign to make an effect. Note Shipwrecks may not be located in the following cases: 1.The shipwreck has no containe...
Created by Black Mamba
Just a nasty wreck to mess up with your crew...
Created by Doge the biologist
Wyvern General information: ATTACK TIER III Price 25000mk Dimension 64*43m Cargo capacity 32 crates Recommended crew size 6-20 Basic layout: Three large hardpoints (left-up, left-down, right-middle) Two small...
Created by Syndro
This older model of shuttle has been modernized to meet new shuttle expectations. However, it has kept some of the old models main features, specifically its speed, so you can laugh at the threshers trying to keep up pace... until you hit a cavern wall. Th...
Created by BENZIN
X-1989 ICEBREAKER, basically a GIANT DRILL Deepdiver submarine with a powerful laser drill powered by highly radioactive Alien tech. UPDATED for "Hoist The Sails" update: Submarine tier set to 3 Flagship of the Pioneer Regiment of BENZIN Corp. The body is ...
X37 Assault Carrier
Created by BravoSixGoingDark
Service Bulletin - 2/10/23 Amoury security upgrade - Amoury doors are now resistant to crowbars - The Captain can lock open the armoury doors - An alarm will sound if the armoury door is forcefully breached - The brig now has a drop down hatch in the ceili...
Xolo Beacon Stations
Created by xolophreny
A set of vanilla-like beacon stations....
Yari-class Minisub
Created by Torzhen
7000 MK Small and maneurable strike minisub equipped with a bottom railgun and an upper coilgun. No production capabilities Small storage Features a flak shield that works by manually clicking while looking in monitors or by activating sensors...
Zidrom MKVI
Created by DragonWolf569
-DEEP DIVER CLASS SUB- -ATTACK CLASS SUB-(TIER III) -------------------------------------------------- PRICE: mk 37000 Dimensions: 96x24m Recommended crew size: 5-16 Recommended crew experience: intermediate Max horizontal speed: (Manual) 18Km/h (Autopilot...
Yonaka Experimental Deep Diver
Created by ArchCrusader
Description Using an experimental vacuum reactor, the Yonaka's battery arrays can receive a constant, uninterrupted flow of power, allowing the sub to effectively never run out of fuel. While sporting an excellent array of weapons and over the top speed an...
Created by Ma'am
Ahoy Mateys! Welcome aboard me mighty vessel, the Yarrland!...
Created by Steve_the
Stats and features Tier two transport sub Priced: 15,000 mk Cargo capacity: 44 Crates Size: 35x16m 1 Large hardpoint Flak cannon pre-installed 3 Small turret hardpoints 2 Coilguns pre-installed 2 Automatic discharge coils Located between the humps and on t...
ZMU-X2A-P Niknais Pirate
Created by ☢Mordino☢
The ZMU-X2A is a modern design made on Europa. Loosely based on ancient X1A submarine, X2A tries to copy all the latest trends in Europan sub building like multi-laser weaponry and internal ballast tanks. Speed and ferocity of attack are the main selling p...
Zyleand Shipyard Drone Collection
Created by Zyleand
MOD Introduction This collection contains three periscope-controlled drones: the general-purpose combat drone "Lumen", the nuclear detonator drone "Radiant" and the cave cooperation drone "Glimmer", In addition, the demo site also contains the drone instal...
[ACE] Gadus
Created by ACE Black market... The Pirate Syndicate often sells rare submarines and this moment was no exception... Abandoned Coalition Project... "GADUS" or "Object №33" - was de...
[ACE] Kol
Created by ACE "KOL" - is a highly modified fishing submarine of an unknown model. Currently used by pirates to smuggle and attack small cargo ships in the waters of the "Coalition" This small ship has gained considerable respe...
[ACE] The Old Clown
Created by ACE (If there are errors in the text, please correct me) This submarine ended up at the shipyards under strange conditions. The SOS signal was sent from the "Mi-Sa" sta...
[AH] Armageddon Battlecruiser
Created by Malakra
LORE The Imperium of Man tries to stabilize control of Europe after decades of disconnection. The titanic combat ship "Armageddon" crosses the oceans of Jupiter's satellite with this objective, trying to strengthen the colonies of the local government of t...
[AP] Ballard
Created by rundoomer
RS-17 Ballard was designed as a reconnaissance shuttle for expeditionary fleets of the Coalition. Due to the increased activity of the Jovian separatists in the sectors of the Europan Ridge, was decided to finalize the shuttle into a full-fledged submarine...
[AP] Bohr
Created by rundoomer
Complex systems and unoptimized "Cyclone" type reactor put an end to the serial production of BH-200 project. But the prototype nevertheless entered the service and received devastating reviews from submariners, and was eventually recalled and conservated ...
[AP] Bomut
Created by rundoomer
Pirate strike ship of unknown model. Weapon units of "CL-R" model with combined power supply system. Coilguns have a classic loading system, while lasers use excess reactor energy.Additional welded armor reduces speed drasticly, but provides high protectio...
[AP] Catran
Created by rundoomer
Another captured pirate ship of undetectable model. Poor condition of submarines hull compensated by reinforced bow armor, which in turn had a bad effect on the submarine's mobility, but at the same time made it possible to engage frontal battle. Without r...
[AP] Belfast
Created by rundoomer
First submarine of PO Apollo that was designed and built on their own shipyards without help of specialists from other stations. As expected, bolstered high amount of guns, one of the older versions of reactor with increased fuel consumption rate, and rath...
[AP] Brusilov
Created by rundoomer
Vessel of unknown and outdated model. Raised from the seabed and restored at "Voshod" station. During operation, critical flaws in the design of the vessel were identified. Reactor of the good but old model with poor exterior cooling system is extremely vu...
[AP] Centurio
Created by rundoomer
Pirate submarine that has terrified frontier sectors in the past. After being captured by the PO Apollo, it was decided to partially modernize and put it back in operation. Interesting technical solutions allowed the submarine to attack transport ships wit...
[AP] Comet
Created by rundoomer
Comet is one of the first submarines designed specifically for operation in harsh Europa conditions. This type of submarines seen better days,but its amount on the market and good overall ratings from crews made Comet a reliable workhorse for all purposes....
[AP] Cormoran
Created by rundoomer
R-20/23 ( a former production name) was first developed at some point during ... numerous sub-patterns mounted a wide array ...fitted with supplementary survival and exploration systems ... Role: Scout (tier 1) Dimensions: 23x13 Price: 8350 Recommended Cre...
[AP] Curie
Created by rundoomer
SC-22 one of the most compact new platforms available on the market. "Curie" is a civilian shuttle version for 1-2 people. High speed, modern power system with extended energy reserves, low-power discharge coils, strong spotlight for surface exploring, fix...
[AP] Kleber
Created by rundoomer
Classified as a service vessel. There are many upgrades for various purposes. SaR 03 version is equipped with floodlights, a spacious luggage compartment, an external workstation (which includes a first-aid kit, a rack for collecting spent railgun shells, ...
[AP] Kleber B4
Created by rundoomer
B4 version is fitted with coilgun at the back for extra protection of the crew. ═════════════════════════════════════════════ Версия B4 оснащённая магнитным орудием в нижней части для повышения защиты команды....
[AP] Meteor
Created by rundoomer
Forward operations purpose unit. (Does not have oxygen generator on board thus not suitable for respawn shuttle role) ═════════════════════════════════════════════ Компактный многоцелевой челнок. (Не имеет на борту генератора кислорода, не подходит для рол...
[AP] Ochakov
Created by rundoomer
One of the variants of multipurpose "Vodyanoy" shuttle class. Being in operation by large amount of teams, it is impossible to determine the exact model in this instance. One of the main differences between "Ochakov" (current name) are 2 coil guns of compa...
[AP] Salut11
Created by rundoomer
One of the rejected variants of the Typhon submarine with increased combat potential. Old guns, a voracious reactor, low speed combined with high survivability, a large number of guns, reliable and proven systems, a "Kleber" class shuttle will allow you to...
[AP] Sakala
Created by rundoomer
Pilot project of "Sufet" research complex designed to study hostile deepwater sectors. Main vessel of "Sakala" type has a reactor and production line, support vessel of "Sigon" type is maneuverable and has a laboratory on board. The success of the operatio...
[AP] Sever
Created by rundoomer
Having obvious simularities with "orca" class submarines,"sever" has nothing to do with it. Sever is a further step of "belfast" class submarines,operating guns of the same system,almost typical for apollo old version of reactor,but subs hull can withstand...
[AP] Skua
Created by rundoomer
Skua- a rare representative of "SU-16" submarines line. Originally designed as a platform with large number of weapon hardpoints. Engineers managed to master a more economical version of the reactor, but its size significantly clunkier compared to more com...
[AP] Tabrat М2
Created by rundoomer
Logistic routes have always been mutable and dangerous. Border stations are in dire need of more or less stable trade communication. Early version of Tabrat class submarines was the leader in crew mortality ratio in transport class and was decomissioned an...
[AP] Taiidan
Created by rundoomer
Declassified project T-002 is an advanced solution for the safe transportation of important cargo to the most remote sectors. The capabilities of this submarine are often used for trading operations, bypassing the restrictions and prohibitions of the Coali...
[AP] Tanit
Created by rundoomer
Vessel specialising in transporting large sized cargo over long distances. Don't let 2 coil guns deceive you, low rate of fire and limited firing angles make it difficult to feel confident in direct confrontations with the enemy. Also, low horizontal speed...
[AP] Tarbatagai
Created by rundoomer
Small size transport vessel based on the "Upsilon" type submarines. Limited cargo compartment does not allow transporting large-sized cargo, but defence systems and the very ability to support trade routes even in border sectors already saved many lives. R...
[BOS]中文优化 停止更新
Created by Noking
中文优化 —— 停止更新/请勿订阅 新中文优化MOD请前往: 中文优化-核心包 此模组对游戏内所有中文进行优化,并翻译已大部分潜艇编辑器与角色编辑器文本! 【自动安装】 在设置中勾选启用后,重启游戏即可 ■可能出现文字闪烁情况,这是没办法的事情 :-( 感谢以下成员对此模组做出的贡献:(贡献排名不分先后) 雨望,下北泽,V1TIA7E,ANSEL,CTos,FZJEEP,老虎脱粒机汉化组,心儿 Github: --------...
[B-72] Basilisk
Created by Zefi_RUS
ENG Basilisk is a powerful combat submarine recreated by the C.O.Z. concern according to drawings from the time of colonization. It is excellent for cleaning tunnels, covering diving groups with the Grach drone, as well as countering enemy submarines. It i...
Created by Noking
Beacons 信标模组 “为后人指引方向” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加8个信标站变种 2.增加3个信标站类型 3.增加的类型为信标塔、中继站、改装潜艇 ●●●参数●●● 1.信标站(修建中/老化) 2.信标塔(正常/修建中/老化) 3.中继站(正常/老化) 4.改装潜艇(正常) ----------------------- 如果加载MOD时遇到问题,可以在已订阅MOD页面选择重新安装,如果未能解决,请反馈给我! 感谢使用信标模组,点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 ...
Created by Noking
简介:Avo级小型核潜艇,凝聚了最新的异星力场护盾科技,轻松抵御大多数巨兽袭击,麻雀虽小但五脏俱全,让我们去探索,去征服,让它们领略创世之威。 定位:模组测试,好友联机,快速通关 售价:1888mk 大小:14x7m 载货:4箱 最高水平航速:55km/h 最高下潜速度:20km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:1-5人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:中 维护难度:低 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 联机/同人交流QQ群:796185005...
Created by Noking
简介:Box级中型核潜艇,结构简单动线合理,内部电路均采用明线设计,适用于新手舰长,火力无死角,轻松构建航路,清扫怪物。 定位:新手入门,电路学习,模组测试 售价:4888mk 大小:24x7m 载货:16箱 最高水平航速:28km/h 最高下潜速度:18km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:3-5人 推荐经验:初窥门径 船体强度:中低 维护难度:中低 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 联机/同人交流QQ群:796185005...
Created by Noking
简介:Ero级中型核潜艇,采用仿生学设计,模拟了锤头鲨的外形,并且安装防撞隔舱和间隙外壳,使得无论是撞击或是爆炸都可轻松拿下,同时拥有惊人的货舱大小,如果想要通过运输来获利,那她一定不会让你失望的。 定位:运输任务,多人联机,原版战役 售价:5888mk 大小:50x8m 载货:72箱 最高水平航速:26km/h 最高下潜速度:18km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:3-6人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:高 维护难度:中 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:2003...
Created by Noking
简介:Nova级小型核潜艇,响应新的开拓航线需求而建造的全能型潜艇,在顶部安装有额外装甲,同时拥有强大的火力配置并开创性的加入了基因分析设备。如果你要潜入深渊,那她一定是你的好帮手。 定位:新手入门,多人联机,原版战役 售价:2888mk 大小:25x5m 载货:12箱 最高水平航速:30km/h 最高下潜速度:17-23km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:2-6人 推荐经验:初窥门径 船体强度:中 维护难度:低 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947...
Created by Noking
简介:Poi级雪橇穿梭艇,需要足够的泡沫修复手雷与精湛的驾驶技术才能安全航行,现在,Show Time!注意!航速过高警告!请勿搭载5人以上成员,否则后果自负! 定位:模组战役,欢乐整活,潜艇挂载 售价:1000mk 大小:3x2m 载货:24箱 推荐船员:1-5人 推荐经验:轻车熟路 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 联机/同人交流QQ群:796185005...
Created by Noking
简介:Rod级迷你核潜艇,俗话说天下武功唯快不破,独特的单层船体轻量化设计,赋予了她顶尖的航速,同时也让日常维护变得非常轻松,如果你没有那么多人手,又喜爱强劲火力的话,她一定是你的最佳选择。 定位:任务潜艇,好友联机,快速通关 售价:1888mk 大小:41x11m 载货:0箱 最高水平航速:65km/h 最高下潜速度:17km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:1-3人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:低 维护难度:低 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:20030094...
Created by Noking
简介:Ula级大型核潜艇,三层重甲防护设计,人员动线经过充分优化,各类设施齐全,适合有一定经验舰长驾驶,强劲的火力配置搭配高度集成的指挥控制系统,她将是你驰骋深海的一座强大堡垒。 定位:主力潜艇,多人联机,高难模组 售价:6888mk 大小:41x11m 载货:16箱 最高水平航速:55km/h 最高下潜速度:18km/h 反应堆功率:50000kw 推荐船员:4-12人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:高 维护难度:中 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 联机...
Created by Noking
Wrecks 沉船模组 “水能载舟亦能覆舟” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加15个原版沉船 2.包括所有原版潜艇与穿梭艇 3.增加一个沉船定位器,感谢Biff_W的代码,原MOD: Wreck Locator 4.将会持续增加,并且符合原版强度,无陷阱(非某些阴间沉船模组 注:此模组兼容其他任何沉船模组,也不会影响沉船生成 ----------------------- 如果加载MOD时遇到问题,可以在已订阅MOD页面选择重新安装,如果未能解决,请反馈给我! 感谢使用沉船模组,点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造...
Created by Noking
简介:Van级大型核潜艇,吸收新时代、蓝宝石、黑森林等潜艇优点设计的全能型潜艇。在这可以看到大胆的透明船壳设计,简单易上手的电子控制系统,还有标准的火力配置。当然,你需要一些好友与你一同驾驭这艘巨兽,若是孤狼,你也可以在站点招募些船员,与你共赴深渊。 定位:新手入门,多人联机,模组战役 售价:8499mk 大小:63x15m 载货:26箱 最高水平航速:40km/h 最高下潜速度:21-23km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:1-14人 推荐经验:初窥门径 船体强度:中 维护难度:中 感谢使用!...
Created by Noking
简介:Xen级大型核潜艇,她是冰洋中的庞然大物,内饰精美,设备齐全,宛如一艘豪华游轮,只有拥有足够财力与能力的团队才能驾驭,如果想要一段精彩的旅途,那就是她了。 定位:难度挑战,多人联机,角色扮演 售价:8888mk 大小:57x12m 载货:32箱 最高水平航速:35km/h 最高下潜速度:12-20km/h(紧急下潜) 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:6-14人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:中 维护难度:高 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 联机...
[CN]“君主”级 轻型潜艇
Created by Akitsuki
————————————————————————————————————————————————— "典范"级轻型潜艇的作战能力已震惊整个木卫二,所有人的目光都集中在了这艘全自动化潜艇的身上,她出色的表现令海盗闻风丧胆,也令巨兽饮恨当场! 尽管她的表现已经算是相当出色,但由于原设计师只完成了80%,因此"典范"级轻型潜艇常在中后期任务中遇到一些难以应付的挫折。 在木卫二联盟舰船工会的强烈要求下,某不知名设计师踏上了改造潜艇的不归路…… 终于,“君主”级轻型潜艇应运而生! 战地记者正记录着任务完成归航的舰组人...
[CN]“战刃”级 突袭潜艇
Created by Akitsuki
————————————————————————————————————————————————— “君主”级轻型潜艇诞生后的第三年,一艘继承了她90%外观的新潜艇悄然试航。 “战刃”级 突袭潜艇是“君主”级 轻型潜艇的重大攻击倾向版本姐妹舰,其直接取消了无人机舱与无人机系统,在上部增加了重型轨道炮火力点。删除了原医疗舱,并入压载舱。原无人机舱被改装成带有新重型轨道炮装弹器的备用弹药舱,备用弹药舱内部包含了大量弹药储存箱(仓鼠症玩家狂喜)。她的外形漆黑深邃,舰艇尾部不经意间反射的细微白光就像一把战刃闪烁着蚀...
[EVE] Minmatar Rupture
Created by Masked-Man
Resembling a cross between a brick and a rusty nailgun, the Rupture is the Minmatar Republic's heavy combat cruiser, and a popular ship for both mission running and PvP despite being quite sluggish for a Minmatar design. The Rupture has superior firepower ...
[EVE] ORE Bowhead
Created by Masked-Man
As part of its ongoing program of developing new products for the capsuleer market, ORE has created the Bowhead freighter as a specialised ship transporter. Experience with the ship-handling technology used in the Orca and Rorqual vessels enabled the Outer...
[IEE] V - 25 Lamprey
Created by .:: Angry Duck ::.
The first ship from a series of small submarine interceptors of Project V-25. Developed by StansShip company for the fleet of the International Expedition of Europe. Lamprey class submarines are designed specifically for the defense of the near habitable z...
[ISR] Blue Jay E.1
(Tier 1) Blue Jay E.1 submarine has improved battery capacity to 20k, and upgraded outside lights for greater visibility. Credit goes to original designer: Fredrick....
[HKB]Pr.309, Kosatka-M "Orca-II" SSN [ver.1.0.40]
Created by S'Aarum
Notice : To experience the submarine to its full potential, set your lights limit to 200 or unlimited. This submarine is not fully compatible with the AI, they are unable to properly man the turrets. Kosatka-M : Never Tired, Always Ready. The Kosatka class...
[ISR] Cozyshuttle G.1
Independent Shipyard Retrofitters , specializing in retrofitting/upgrading all types of submarines, to meet the demanding needs of Captains on Europa, now offer our customers the modified Micro shuttle - Cozzyshuttle G.1 - original manufacturer: Hubert shi...
[ISR] Green Machine
(Tier 1) The Green Machine is 100% made by the shipyard. It is a Hybrid electric submarine, simple and reliable. Main power banks have 30k of energy. Good for solo adventuring. There is a small reactor, but only for charging the emergency reserve battery b...
[ISR] Green Machine Extended
(Tier 1) The Green Machine Extended is 100% made by the shipyard. It is a Hybrid electric submarine, simple and reliable. Main power banks have 30k of energy. Good for solo adventuring. There is a small reactor, but only for charging the emergency reserve ...
[ISR] Kessel Refit 923.MS1
(Tier1) - Here, at shipyard, we got our hands on an old Kessel craft, and although the "Old-girl" has seen better days, she has been refitted to meet the challenges any Europa Captain may face. Reinforced hull, complete overhaul of internal systems, fabric...
[J-San] Teardrop
Created by Jetero
Small research submarine, just slightly bigger than a standard shuttle. Dedicated to those who want to directly explore and study Europa. Recommended to be used as starting submarine before switching to a bigger one. However, not few people choose to embra...
[KS] Big Shaq
Created by Kurapuh
Die Big Shaq ist ein Tier II-Transportschiff der Kura-Werft, Es ist mit einer Gauss-Kanone, einem Impulslaser und einer Railgun ausgestattet, Außerdem gibt es einen leeren Waffenaufsatz. Um es vor Überflutung zu schützen, ist das Schiff in 3 Teile untertei...
[KS] Helios
Created by Kurapuh
Die Helios ist das 4te T-III Schiff der Kura Werft, es ist das bis jetzt am besten ausgestattete Schiff. Nach ungefähr 3 Monaten Bau ist dieses Schiff nun endlich fertig und für alle zugänglich, es ist ein Angriffsschiff. Alle Komponenten auf dem Schiff si...
[KS] Koios
Created by Kurapuh
Die Koios ist ein weiteres Schiff der Kura-Werft, es ist ein Tier I-Schiff, das mit einem Werkstor ausgestattet ist, es hat 2 extra große Shuttle-Triebwerke, die sich außerhalb des Schiffes befinden, so dass man das Schiff verlassen muss, um sie zu reparie...
[KS] Charon
Created by Kurapuh
Die Charon ist ein Aufklärungsschiff der Stufe I der Kura-Werft, das für 3-6 Personen ausgelegt ist. Sie hat 3 Waffen und 5 Suchscheinwerfer, eine Elektrospule am Heck hilft, Feinde fernzuhalten. Außerdem verfügt sie über einen Fabricator, einen Dekontrakt...
[KS] Hades
Created by Kurapuh
Dieses Schiff ist Modded es benötigt die rechts gelisteten Mods, damit keine Probleme beim Laden des Schiffes auftreten. Wer das Schiff Vanilla spielen will kann es mit den Mods laden und die Gemoddeden Gegenstände Entfernen, anders als die Vanilla Kura Sh...
[KS] Osiris
Created by Kurapuh
Die Osiris ist ein Tier III-Schiff der Kura-Werft. Sie ist schwer bewaffnet und verfügt über 2 Großwaffen auf ihrer Hammerhead-Brücke/ihrem Schlachtdeck. Sie verfügt über einen voll funktionsfähigen Gefechtsalarm, der automatisch ausgelöst wird, und eine g...
[KS] Kronos
Created by Kurapuh
Die Kronos ist ein Angriffsschiff der Stufe III, das für 6-16 Personen ausgelegt ist und über 6 Waffenslots verfügt, 2 große und 4 kleine. Sie ist speziell mit einem Mondpool ausgestattet, der von einem internen Laser verteidigt wird. Außerdem verfügt sie ...
[KS] Tartarus
Created by Kurapuh
Die Tartarus ist ein Aufklärungsschiff der Stufe III der Kura-Werft. Sie ist stark genug, um die letzten Biome zu durchqueren, Sie hat auch ein Shuttle und ist sehr treibstoffsparend. Sie hat 5 Waffen und einen großen Extra-Slot für eine weitere große Waff...
[LF] More Ammunition (Balance)
Created by Lucifinel
Introduction There are two versions of More Ammunition. The only difference is that the normal version allows all projectiles to be placed in the Inventory, while the More Ammunition (Balance) does not. Please select the appropriate module version accordin...
[M.O.S.] Predation
Created by Dilopho-Mos!
-Name: Predation -Class: Attack -Tier: 1 -Price: 9,000 Mk -Dimensions: 30x13m -Cargo capacity: 2 crates -Recommended crew: 3-6 -Recommended crew experience: Intermediate "Wherever the Predations go, Coalition pride follows. Thick armor, a generously suppli...
[PESD] Altara Station {EK}
Created by Onyx
"Developed as an all-around outpost for basically every possible need, Altara-Neptune Station provides the full stationary experience with a wide array of features to enhance your gameplay. With enhanced defensive weaponry and security measures, along with...
[KS] The Atlas
Created by Kurapuh
Die Atlas ist ein U-Boot der Stufe II aus der Kura-Werft. Sie hat 4 Gaußkanonen, ist voll ausgestattet mit einem Fabricator, einem Deconstructor und einem Medical Fabricator. Sie hat einen automatischen Reaktor, am Reaktor und auf der Brücke 3 Lichter, die...
[PESD] Argus V
Created by Onyx
---- A well-rounded submarine which simultaneously fits many roles but excels in few. Its focal point is the casual, unique design fitted with numerous quality of life features and some interesting design choices. It only has 3 decks, but is rather long; t...
[PESD] Argus V {EK - Stripped}
Created by Onyx
A well-rounded submarine which simultaneously fits many roles but excels in few. Its focal point is the casual, unique design fitted with numerous quality of life features and some interesting design choices. It only has 3 decks, but is rather long; this a...
[PESD] Argus VI
Created by Onyx
A modernization of the Argus V, designed with a more powerful experimental armament. The Argus V has been out for some time now, and its age definitely shows. A new attack sub was needed to cope with Europa's new dangers, and the Gemina II simply didn't cu...
[PESD] Argus V {EK}
Created by Onyx
EK version of the Argus V. For personal use....
[PESD] Deimos Lodge
Created by Onyx
(!) Deimos Lodge is a modification of a beacon station located in the mod . I used that mod for some other stations of mine, notably Neptune III and Hub Station, in various degrees. The station here is a retrofit of that station, which I believe was called...
[PESD] Deimos Station
Created by Onyx
A fairly typical outpost used by the "Deimos" faction. Deimos is an advanced corporation which believes in Europan peace, yet is willing to go to great extents to enforce that peace. This unarmed, unassuming station is one of many offices which process the...
[PESD] Eyedrone Pack
Created by Onyx
Small. Nimble. Quick. Best kept out of the line of fire, a pack of four Eyedrone variants....
[PESD] Gemina II
Created by Onyx
Bringing an old experimental line into the modern age with a complete rework is how PESD does business! Redesigned for transport, this submarine is well-armed for carrying valuable cargo - or people - through dangerous territory. Relatively light build, ~1...
[PESD] Fletch II
Created by Onyx
"A small-mid transport ship. It's divided in 2 by a tram system, separating the security team from the workers. Both must be kept in check - the engineers keep everything functional, and the captain keeps the ship moving. The ship features 4 coilguns which...
[PESD] Hub Station
Created by Onyx
Hidden, secretive station built into the ice and loaded with interesting tasks. Just what is its purpose? (Based on Hubert Station) A very large station built into a glacier. It is 140m wide and 92m tall, and contains even more structures than Altara or Pr...
[PESD] LR-Selkie & Quake
Created by Onyx
Both of 's latest shuttle retrofits. The LR-Selkie is rebuilt for long-range expeditions, having a battery life of 33 minutes, increased storage space, and a bunk for two. The Quake is built for missions that will take a while, having a small fusion reacto...
[PESD] KMC Prime
Created by Onyx
An icy, unforgivable surface inhabited by a small population of miners. These dwellers are required to carry an oxygen mask in order to breathe in the thin atmoshpere and collect fuel and materials to sustain their society. This third edition by PESD is de...
[PESD] Razorfin {EK}
Created by Onyx
A submarine with unique features, classic to the PESD line. Features two gun turrets, four EDCs, a powerful engine and reactor among other things. A bit small, though. This EK Variant is built for the Neptune-Altara station and features a lighter, but more...
[PESD] Rhino Mk3
Created by Onyx
A very heavy submarine built in remembrance of PESD's earliest submarine designs. Its sheer size ensures maximum defensive and offensive potential, and it comes with plenty of amenities and cargo space. It's quite costly though and may require a large crew...
[PESD] Scarlet
Created by Onyx
"Do not be revolted. Some parasites may benefit their host.. teeth sharper than your own." -Xol Low item count, small size, simple build and simple functionality. The "Scarlet" is an attempt by Phoenix Enterprises Submarine Development to harness the power...
[PESD] Timid Station
Created by Onyx
A cluster of beacon stations used as a makeshift outpost/station. Credit to Timid for making the original beacons. (!)This station is fairly mod-heavy! A list of mods will be provided below. (!) PESD's interest in stations has grown, and as such they have ...
[PESD] Trident II
Created by Onyx
More asymmetrical than its predecessor, this mid-sized transport ship offers both functionality and luxury in a compact and well-stocked package. Its armaments are somewhat lacking, but it comes with an LR-Selkie. While the Trident II is more lightly armed...
[PESD] Trident III
Created by Onyx
With the general failure of the Trident II, the Trident III was designed to compensate, going back to its roots with a triple hull design. Items: 1408 Structures: 324 Walls: 117 Lights: 131 Shadow-Casting Lights: 16 Length: 45m Height: 20m Speed: 35km/h As...
[PESD] Zenith II
Created by Onyx
A massive submarine built to celebrate 's anniversary. (1,000 hours woo) The largest submarine built by PESD so far, the Zenith II is well over 100 meters long and 30 meters tall. Its sheer size allows it to carry a specially designed Razorfin II and the m...
[Pulsar]U-0 ⅩⅩⅠ
Created by ShiroKaze
简介 XXI型潜艇诞生于二战后期,是世上第一种完全为水下作战设计、而非以往为攻击和躲避水面舰攻击才下潜的潜艇,为近代潜艇的雏型。 基础数据 侦查型T2潜艇,售价4999mk 尺寸:总尺寸61x10m,内部空间45x6m 机动:水平速度35km/h,下潜速度21km/h,手动注满上层舱室26km/h 火力:鱼雷发射管x3,电磁枪x4,伸缩防空主炮x1,深水炸弹发射器x1,放电线圈x2 载货量:24箱 武装说明 1、固定鱼雷发射管: 使用船头的潜望镜发射,发射角分别为1号管-5°,2号管0°,3号管5° 也可以...
[Pulsar]U-019 长须鲸
Created by ShiroKaze
欢迎使用U-019 长须鲸 本潜艇主要用于多人联机,也可以用于单人战役 注重核心舱段防护,被大型怪物攻击时可以安心开火 机动:水平35,垂直18↑23↓ 火力:加农炮x2,电磁枪x4,线圈x3,深水炸弹投放器x1 运载量:48箱 其他功能 1.手动刹车 2.搭载The Relic镜控无人机,双击切换攻击/移动模式 备注:F型搭载加农炮,R型搭载轨道炮 含有T1T2T3各级型号,随时都可以购买 已通关地狱难度多人战役,全流程无明显掉帧卡顿(建议搭配material IO),可以放心订阅使用...
[RH] Lethan
Created by Rehex
INSPIRED BY THE R-278 (Translation Friendly/翻译友好) The Lethan is a vanilla sub made to be decently complicated and balanced, being heavily inspired by the R-278 Dugong
[SN] ECS 'Los Angeles'
Created by Aquavis
This is my first custom sub, it's a work in progress but playable. This submarine is supposed to look like a Los Angeles-class attack submarine. It features a shuttle bay with working doors and sonar-guided torpedoes. Enjoy!...
[SNLE] Shagohod MkI
Created by N0vaMelody
Le Destroyer "Shagohod" MkI est un modeèle SNLE capable d'annihilé toute forme de vie extraterrestre ou mutante qu'il peut rencontré, maniabilité agréable et armement conséquent: il est parfait pour tout type de mission à risque. Alors amusez-vous bien ! D...
[RU-Version] Перевод The Iroh
Created by Guru
Valhalla Shipyards с гордостью представляет свой новый флагман The Iroh. Это универсальное технологическое чудо хорошо оснащено, чтобы противостоять любой опасности, исходящей от морей Европы, оставляя при этом пространство для настройки и развития экипажа...
[UES] HMS Bellerophon
Created by ๖Un1ty
50+ Hours in the editor, 30m of playtesting That's how I roll. The Premise Formerly a proud member of the Europa Coalition's armada, this rusted out hulk of metal has long since passed it's prime. Once crewed by the finest sailors money could buy, this age...
[UES] HMS Zephyr
Created by ๖Un1ty
Overview A 1-3 man scout submarine, based off of the zeppelins of old. Intended as an alternative for the Barsuk and Dugong. Due to it's relative lack of space and low cost starter ship nature, this submarine does not come equipped with onboard fabricators...
[UES] The HMS Erebus - A Colonial Icebreaker Vessel
Created by ๖Un1ty
Overview The HMS Erebus is a scout-class Icebreaker submarine equipped for a crew of 2-3 people. Icebreaker vessels saw extensive use in the early colonial period of Europa's Cold Caverns, though they have since fallen out of favor due to the colonists exp...
[UES] The HMS Kingfish
Created by ๖Un1ty
The HMS Kingfish was a former vessel of a rogue Coalition captain who perished of unknown causes at sea. After the submarine stopped responding to radio communication, a search party was dispatched to see what had become of the former crew. A Coalition sea...
[UES] The HMS Lichtenberg - A Battery Powered Scout Submarine
Created by ๖Un1ty
Overview A solely battery-powered scout-class submarine built around a central computer which allows the captain to toggle some sub-systems on or off to conserve power. Features three chaingun turrets, twin engines and an emergency backup generator for rec...
[UES] The HMS Winchester
Created by ๖Un1ty
Overview Originally built as one-off vessel for a tour line of the settled regions of the Europan ocean, this vessel now spends it's days ferrying clients and important cargo from station to station, traversing the Europan depths in style. For many a stati...
[UES] U-148 'Ostland' Cruiser Submarine
Created by ๖Un1ty
Overview The U-148 Ostland is a former Europan Coalition convoy raider that was salvaged and retrofitted as a drug smuggler's vessel by a Jovian Seperatist scavenging crew. The inbuilt moonpool, a defining feature of the Ostland Class submarine, is now use...
Created by Cutter
This little cheap combat submarine is UMI's new design. It has powerful battery arrays and drones, but lacks firepower because of its size limitations, and has a noisy engine.Also four bad-tempered junction boxs. EN ----------------------------------------...
[Unryuu Class] Unryuu SCS-1
Created by Shura
The Unryuu Class is an experimental submarine type created by the IRN, following the success of the B1-E, the admiralty wanted to see the potential application of power projection in Europan waters, leading to the creation of a massive, costly, submarine c...
[URS] Executioner
Created by BLooD MeaT
I wanted to make a practical yet unusual layout. The design of the submarine uses shafts and valves so that the upper decks do not flood the lower ones. The ship is divided into 3 zones: engineering, craft and combat. The battle deck houses the bridge, gun...
[URS] Jager
Created by BLooD MeaT
Small submarine for the start of campaign. Light patrol vessel. Jager is a cross between a shuttle and a submarine. The output of the reactor is not enough for the full functioning of the boat, but it can increases the range and recharge main batteries on ...
[URS] Jager 2
Created by BLooD MeaT
Small and deadly battle vessel. Nice for start fo campaign. Battle lvl 2 23x7 m 2 coilgun 2 laser 1 flak Constructor and deconstructor. 4 crates Nav panel: -Decoy -Bomb -Electrical Discharge Coil ...
[VH] The Iroh
Created by Quint
Valhalla Shipyards™ is proud to present its new flagship, The Iroh. This all-purpose technological wonder is well equipped to face any danger presented by the seas of Europa, while leaving space for customization to progress with its crew. NOTE: The Iroh i...