

Not enough ratings
Items (666)
Created by SCP106A
Adds anti sex propaganda posters, the opposite to literally every poster mod out there. 1,000 subscribers update: added nothing...
Горбун Церкви
Created by BlackFenix
Последователи Церкви Паразита изредка пользуются возможностью захватить власть на судне, но когда такое происходит, то, как правило, подлодка пропадает без вести. Но однажды при обороне станции, казалось бы, от пиратов, офицеры службы безопасности доложили...
Created by Arti Strelkov
Что может пойти не так с обычным исследователем глубин? Хах, я знаю, много чего... К счастью, наши инженеры позаботились о вашей безопасности! Капитанский модуль способен отстыковаться от основного корабля и доплыть до станции! https://steamuserimages-a.ak...
Советские Плакаты | Zvezda Soviet Posters
Created by Sovinsky
Some Soviet Posters will add more soon...
Created by Arti Strelkov
Огромный лазер в качестве главного калибра? Да! Гипертрубы вместо лестниц? О да!
Created by Arti Strelkov
Покусали ползуны? УКУСИ ИХ В ОТВЕТ! Ksenomol — это русифицированное судно, главной особенностью которого является подвижная смертоносная челюсть. Но не только это заслуживает вашего внимания, в подлодке собраны и объединены лучшие технологии и геймплейные ...
ERC Rebalance (ЭИК Ребаланс)
Created by [RU]Stormtrooper
The rebalance is designed to make the game more difficult in fair ways. Now in most situations your character will die faster... But so will the enemy! The strongest survives. Expeditionary - Research Coalition Corps (ERC) - we have campaigns, missions, pv...
ЭИК Эмблемы
Created by DiscoBo
Добавляет крафт одежды и скафандров с эмблемами Экспедиционно-исследоватльского корпуса Коалиции. Наш дискорд:
“兰屿”级武装侦查舰 - 第一届蓝海重工造船大赛
Created by Zyleand
本船是蓝海重工第一届造船大赛参赛作品 item数:1260(母舰)+163(无人机)=1423 barotrauma蓝海重工交流群:333500142 蓝海重工第一届造船大赛的作品合集 -------------<以下是泽兰船坞自动播放的广告>-------------- 恭喜您购买了泽兰船坞(ZyleandShipyard)“兰屿”(OrchidIsland™)级武装侦查舰!兰屿,让你感受如同旧地球般的温暖! 本舰所配置基本功能如下: 标准的舰内制造系统,帮助您随时补给航行物资。 自动化双模式反应堆及备用...
“深渊回声”Abyss Echo
Created by † 玛奇玛 †
 即使在最黑暗的深渊,我也将是那唯一的回声  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 船只定位:战列舰 船只类型:攻击型 组件:原版组件,组件...
Created by 233-1
------ “记忆也许会随洋流消失,苦痛只会随着时光沉淀。”------ ------“ 当航道再次被探照灯点亮,她的命运将与你共鸣。”------ ------ "Memories may disappear with ocean currents, and pain will only precipitate with time." ------ ------" When the channel is lit up again by the searchlight, her fate will res...
“罗盘”级快速反应舰艇 "Compass" class fast picket submarine
Created by Zyleand
三联装激光炮台在这个版本不兼容ai,请等待官方修复 现在作者用极其绿皮的方法修复了这个问题,现在ai能使用三联装炮塔了,就是有点怪...... 本来有个辣眼睛的封面,想了想还是换掉了...... “罗盘”(Compass)级侦查舰原属于欧罗巴第5科考舰队,由泽兰船坞(Zyleand Shipyard)设计制造。由于在任务中表现出的出色的机动性能,“罗盘”级也得到了木卫二联盟军方高层的重视,使得它也成为许多前哨站的制式侦查/执法舰船。 这艘“罗盘”级经过了大量激进的改造,使得它获得了远超其设计指标的性能。 "...
【T.S.M】山河无恙 日月重光
Created by Lerentine
''如果九州都在沉睡,那么就让我们来做这第一声惊雷'' 背景介绍 重光是奇迹之海创立之初,为了应对外部势力组织的威胁而建造的打击舰,于甲乾33年,在奇迹之海重工建造改造完成。 重光从服役之初就不设立舰长,设立都尉这一职位,重光最高指挥权归都尉所有,仅次于奇迹之海总部。起初服役于红绯雨第一舰队,由于探渊者行动导致红绯雨第一舰队覆灭后,奇迹之海开始了整合运动,原先的九州第三舰队更改为九州第一舰队,残存的重光被划分到九州第一舰队。因其特殊的职能,所以她隶属于九州舰队但又脱离舰队,驻扎在无光海原86区,成为九州第一...
【CALL OF DUTY】盾牌炮塔Shield Turret
出自游戏《使命召唤》的盾牌炮塔。 Shield turret from the game 《CALL OF DUTY》 这是一门带盾牌的手持式重机枪,使用线圈枪(电磁枪)的弹药箱,仅在军事站点出售。1500MK可以购买一个盾牌炮塔。 This is a hand-held heavy machine gun with shield. It uses coil gun ammobox and is only sold at military sites. 1500mk can buy a shield tur...
一台机甲。 A MECH. 主要武器为一门10联装的镭射狙击炮。 The main weapon is a 10 unit laser sniper gun. 次要武器为双手的机枪与背部副炮。 The secondary weapons are two handed machine guns and back auxiliary guns. 自带逃生舱与熔毁自爆系统。 Equipped with escape pod and fusion self explosion system. 逃生舱配备了独立光源和...
Created by ★⋆Gothy⋆★
Poseidon: "Are you a God?" scp-714-1: "Yes." Please Note: This mod is a replacement for the original mod 'SCP-714' until the original creator fixes theirs. - (This is a stand-alone and does not require the original mod to run.) **All content is the same, p...
エルフリーデン Starter Set
Created by アンジェル
A simple set of three items assemblies which you can use for your own submarine. The set is made of a filled Toolbelt, a Doctor's Uniform and a Bandolier. Together they are meant to make any game starts easier by providing each crew member a set of necessi...
Created by アンジェル
Special EVA Drone - Part of the ミオ・カーマイン
Created by アンジェル
A large submarine for a crew of 8-12 players. Comes with a support drone. ジュナ・ドーマ The "Juna Doma" is beauty in functionality and simplicity. Designed with features and comfort similar to a mobile base, she will provide you with an comfortable experience fo...
Created by アンジェル
A Deep Diver class submarine for a crew of 5 - 8 beginners and experienced players ミオ・カーマイン The "Mio Carmine" Combining the comforts of a bigger submarine like the "Juna Doma" and the handiness of a small submarine like the "Tomoe Inui", Mio is the perfect...
Created by アンジェル
A special drone which is used by the "ユリガ・ハーン". This Workshop Item serves for reference purposes only. ==================================== Credit for the awesome base design of the drone go...
Created by アンジェル
A Deep Diver class submarine for a crew of 2 - 3 beginners ユリガ・ハーン The "Yuriga Haan" She is a further developement of the "Tomoe Inui" - an easy to use small submarine, which is based on the Hemulen-shuttle: for very small crews and singeplayer experience....
Created by Lemon^2 XB
这是一个纯粹的贴图替换mod,不夹杂任何的xml文件,也就是说多人游戏用完全没有问题。 本mod只更改了六大职业的服装,其他潜水服和居住点内人员的服装并没有更改 mod包含8套服装和两种头盔一种帽子,现阶段有2种发型3种表情/脸型 舰长1套 工程师1套 机修工2套 医生2套 安全官1套 助手1套 使用方法:将下载下来的文件夹(Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\602960\2679191152\)扔进游戏根目录 2021/12/18更新内容: 更新了两种新发型和一种脸型,衣服...
Created by 泥皮狗腿
安 装 步 骤!!!!!! 安 装 步 骤!!!!!! 安 装 步 骤!!!!!! 注 意 注 意!!!!!! 注 意 注 意!!!!!! 注 意 注 意!!!!!! 1.创意工坊下载mod后,先于设置启用本mod,然后退出游戏。 2.重启游戏后,mod才会正常运作,人物在游戏中的动作才会正常起来(新bug我也不知道怎么回事,麻麻地) ———————————————————————————————————————— ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑以上完成后就可以进入游戏了,谢谢你的支持!! ———————————...
Created by badwoman
增加了人格武器: 宙斯锤:造成高额的钝器伤害,能通过人格芯片强化,在加工台使用四种异星材料和动力电池合成。 人格芯片:能从前哨站购买或在沉船打捞到。 人格芯片嗜血:增加防御力,随时间回复血量。 人格芯片修罗:给武器附魔火焰伤害,增加近战攻击力,使用者不会失去意识。 人格芯片欢欣:增加攻击速度和移动速度。 人格芯片灵语:让使用者获得灵能脉冲能力,可以击晕周围的怪物,使使用者免疫眩晕。 群333500142...
Created by Lerentine
精简平衡版请搜索 九州武库 群号:713011672 有问题尽量群里问,因为我很多时候没有办法在steam上回复...
Created by chevady
东方呼啸,巨浪滔天! The East is whistling and the waves are huge! 种类:深潜 价格:6000MK 推荐船员:3-6 尺寸:42x9米 载货量:28箱 船只强度:中等 船只维护:普通 建议难度:高 推荐的船员经验:任意 武器系统 轨道炮x1 线圈枪x4 深水炸弹发射器 深潜诱饵发生器 自动放电线圈 如果您喜欢这艘潜艇,请给我一个赞,这真的对我很重要,感谢你们! If you like this submarine, please give me a like! ...
Created by 竹下千霖
巨兽级战列巡洋舰是目前是科普卢星区人族最常见的战舰规格,虽然仍采用了次代钢作为装甲,但是其武器系统却装备上了激光阵列和备用核弹头。虽然火力强劲,但巨兽级战舰仍有不足之处。 尽管有这样那样的缺点,巨兽级战舰还是被证实为不朽的设计:周期性的可升级性让它们跟上了时代,舰首锤头般的设计成为未来规格的模板。尽管更多更高级的战列舰被开发了出来,但军队的主流仍是巨兽级巡洋舰。 船壳及装饰部分由useless man大佬提供 重要更新: 激光阵列不再使用AI引导聚焦,现在可直接在火控室导航终端上进行操控,火控室...
Created by 晓游
*近期更新 -21.12.17 添加了无人机 -21.12.18 将无人机的电磁枪改为自动电磁枪,现在无人机可以自动索敌开火了。 -21.12.19 修改了无人机外壳,现在无人机不会轻易沉没了。 给无人机新增了2个装有固化手雷的雷管,用来应急处理外壳损伤。 微调了炮台火力,让潜艇在面对大型怪物时不至于过强。 -21.12.20 修改了禁闭室门锁系统,现在指挥室的开关只控制是否锁门,开门不需要再跑到指挥室按开关了。 修复了这么坚固的无人机居然会坏的问题。(感谢群友反馈) 优化了AI路径 PS:如果禁闭室漏水的...
野 兽 进 化 重做了我的老船 毫无高科技和上手难度的大船 外形参考了光环(HALO)里的巴黎级 为了开个大船,为了能让我的渣机和渣服务器能跑动,被我使劲压item的大船 ( ?) ITS A BIG SHIP With low items Used vanilla tags and many icons 无后缀的是少物资战役版/no suffix version is for Campaign mode -B后缀的是多物资任务版/-B is for Mission mode https://s3.bmp....
Created by 18公斤的鳳梨
希望成为一名星际战士么,想不再因为失血流血等debuff而苦恼?来试试这个,将总共20道星际战士改造手术以基因的形式加入到了游戏中,来改造你的角色成为一名真正的星际战士吧!多种战团的动力甲选择,多种武器和装备的搭配,噢,在你痛快的屠杀异形的时候,别忘了还有作为主力的凡人部队! 如果你不喜欢穿着动力甲,或者压根没找到足够多的基因(笑),凡人的装备一样可以成为你的一个好选择——克里格死亡兵团亦或是卡迪安突击军,精准的激光步枪或是凶猛的霰弹枪,一切都可以供你选择。(军务部温馨提示:如果你不是星际战士的话,最好不要...
晨曦 指挥型巡洋舰
Created by AURORA
晨曦 指挥型巡洋舰 极光工业专为指挥舰队作战设计的大型巡洋舰。首次在船上搭载了辅助AI,AI能够使用自动近防炮与电击线圈杀伤靠近的敌人。 晨曦 上配有重型速射炮、钢失近防炮与一门聚焦光束炮。聚焦光束炮由此前于南十字天佑上的光矛改进而来,可在一定角度内旋转。另有自动近防炮阵列,覆盖了船上下方向大部分区域。可选择开启自动近防炮阵列。 尽管船体十分巨大,得益于诸多自动化设计,晨曦所需要的船员数大大减少。若船长指挥得当,这将是一座坚不可摧的堡垒。 价格:30,000mk(反正也没法直接用她开局,价格高一些也没什么问...
松鼠快乐箱 [Insufficient Capacity]
Created by 苏大妈
You are free to use, modify and distribute the XML and SUB of all my mods in any way you like. 你们可以随意以任何方式使用,修改,分发我所有mod的XML和SUB. 原生中文 添加一些与. (可在加工台制作) 物品 容量 功能 资源储存箱 99 单位资源 快速存取,可安装 物品储存箱 25格 防水防火,可安装 提示:随便拿一个物品堵住输出槽,使用1~0快捷键选择资源快速存放 注意:如果你未经授权私自修改本mod,将...
永夜级-突袭舰(老版本 old version)
Created by 八分咲
请转移至新版本! Stop maintenance. A new version is available! 切换版本后,取消订阅原始版本 老版本已经停止维护! After switching the version, unsu...
Created by 八分咲
请使用原版英文EK!!不然会出现问题!就点右边的那个必要MOD,只能同时开启一个版本不然会有冲突!! EK只使用到 玻璃门、反应堆、小型摄像头、可开启的外壳、灭火器、 雷达作为装饰,没有超远视野功能EK Used to: glass doors, reactors, small cameras, openable enclosures, fire extinguishers, radar, no over-the-horizon EK Использованные: стеклянные двери, ре...
聚焦永恒炎阳之愤怒 FORGE THE FURY OF UNDYING SUNS 超能已经就绪!通过点击导航终端右侧的按钮启动。让你的敌人在永恒炎阳的愤怒下焚烧殆尽!但是要注意, 一切都是有代价的! SUPER CHARGED ! Use by clicking the button to the right of the navigation terminal. Let your enemies burn in the fury of undying suns ! But careful, Everyth...
深渊基因 Abyss Gene
Created by ALiza
添加了三种新的遗传物质: 1. 深渊基因:免疫所有伤害,水下呼吸与抵抗水压。 2. 画皮基因片段:水下呼吸、抵抗水压与免疫画皮感染。 3. 自愈基因:获得自愈能力。 三种遗传物质均可以在哨站商店中购买,基础价格已调整为 500000mk 与 200000mk。 也可以通过医药加工台使用一个未鉴定遗传物质制作。 如果你不想让遗传物质在商店中出售或通过制作获得,请使用 Mod 文件中 Replacement 文件夹下的 genetic.xml 覆盖 Genetics 文件夹中的同名文件。 物品ID: genet...
Created by 233-1
——————生于黑暗,带来光明。—————— 简介: 祝融级中型巡洋舰是ELU(Europa Labour Union)在“追溯”行动中发现的众多科技模板之一,其被发现于一处大型哨站遗迹的干船坞中,现已在第233科工所完成维修和适应性改装,并编入附近海域的潜艇编队中,主要执行大型目标的歼击任务。 基本配置: 舰长室*1,会客室*1,武器库*1,接线室*1,反应堆机房*1,种植舱*1,备用电池舱*1,气闸及其准备室*2,货舱*2,医务室*1,火控舱*1,弹药舱*2,工程舱(多功能舱)*1,物资仓库*1,引擎舱...
海绵宝宝的菠萝屋 SpongeBob's Pineapple House
Created by Tom Suger糖
【【潜渊症】当我在欧罗巴做了艘菠萝屋?(微瑕)】 /海绵宝宝的房子不小心掉进了木卫二的深渊 /更新了配套的蟹堡王信标站 /更新了配套的三种沉船:珊迪的树屋,派大星的石头,珊迪的火箭 一个海盗:痞老板与海之霸 /尽可能的1:1还原了菠萝屋的所有内饰,总共五层楼:客厅,卧室,厨房,图书馆,健身房...
ZMEY Class
Created by Kurisu
2024/5/21重置版更新 1、加入高精度超视距火控,远程打击精度超越旧版 2、重新设计双层火控室与军械库 3、取消种植室,加大压载舱,最大下潜提升至24km/h 4、加入自动电磁线圈,提高防御能力 5、部分电路的调整 信息 这是复刻自游戏《无畏战舰》的紫魅级无畏舰 切尔诺伯格号,该游戏已停服 整体性能强于官方潜艇,但不会过度破坏平衡性,增加实用功能与还原外观的同时尽可能减少item数量与装饰部件,对游戏性能影响较小 规格 item:900(裸船) 价格:7700mk 尺寸:51x12 载货:24 速度:...
红霞级攻击潜艇 Koka Class nuclear attack submarine [Outdated]
Created by Zyleand
冰洋之下的传奇舰艇,“红霞”(Koka)级攻击潜艇由反抗军从一艘废旧的“鲫鱼”(Remora)级潜艇经过大幅改装而来,是原木卫二联盟反抗军“红色”旅的旗舰。 相比于前身“鲫鱼”,“红霞”级攻击潜艇继承了“鲫鱼”级优质的结构钢材,使得它拥有不亚于深潜型的性能;此外还整合了原先吊装式压载舱,升级了动力系统和指挥系统,并加装了令人畏惧的火力以及一艘小型突袭无人机,使得它能够胜任旗舰的角色,前往冰洋的任何地方。 “红霞”级最让人影响深刻的地方是其位于舰艏的电热激发的激光主炮,这也是“红霞”级最强大的火力。传言其主炮...
Created by 老司机hot
飞鱼座 VOLANS 蜂群无人机母舰
Created by AURORA
注意:这是一艘为多人游戏设计的船,不建议单人游玩! 由极光工业开发的蜂群母舰原型机改造而来,兼顾了各方面的性能。搭载了五台为战斗设计的无人机,能够应对各种敌人。 类型:T3 侦察型 价格:7000mk 规格:61×14m 载货量:12箱 推荐人数:6-10...
Created by Tool Man
授权声明:我不擅长英语。任何人均可制作并发布该潜艇的任意语言版本,只需在讨论区留言告知我即可。I'm not good at English. Anyone can make and publish any language version of the submarine, just leave a message in the discussion area and let me know.—— BY translation software 当被问及需要打什么MOD的时候,你们可以回答:打个鲛先 瞎编...
黑天鹅号“Thunder 3200mm”轨道武器平台
黑天鹅号“Thunder 3200mm”轨道武器平台 攻击型(T3) 价格 75,000马克 规格 43x30米 载货量 192箱 推荐船员数量 4- 8 推荐船员经验 驾轻就熟 内容组合包需求 Vanilla,EK | Utility, EK | Gunnery,EK | Dockyard 游戏版本 在与深渊怪物及木卫二分裂组织漫长的对抗中,联盟的武力需求日渐增长。为了压制敌对力量,联盟高层下令研制超重型武器。兵工署提出,这种武器应能一炮击穿末日蠕虫的外壳,对穿普通船艇。尼克罗兵工厂在...
"Hopeye" Class Abyssal Biome Science Submarine
Created by Zyleand
All Language Supported! Introduction The "Hopeye" class abyss research submarine is known for its enough firepower, good maneuverability, and most of all, a special cockpit with excellent vision. Although the design of using reinforced glass as the only ba...
"Opportunity" //////////////UNDER A REWORK//////////////////////////
Created by Nekolay
Nox Shipyard present you .... Dont let the dim lights, rust and dirt scare you! This Military grade submarine is well equipped to face dangers of Abyss and fauna of Europa, while being optimized for campaign to have better experience. NOTE: This submarine ...
(B.O.T) Duress
Created by BOTBOT
Development Lore The Duress is a submarine equipped with a "mostly stable reactor" R&D claims that this reactor should be able to output more power then most of the submarines available for commercial purchase, However this was not without some sacrifice a...
(OUTDATED) Taehoon
Created by ⛧Zaphyra⛧
This version is no longer functioning due to changes in updates, and since i've stopped playing Barotrauma, i do not intent do update it any further. Feel free to update it, since credit is given to me. ░▒▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ EN/US ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓▒░ -----------...
(PVE-Shuttle) Argonaut MII
Created by crow36
ARGONAUT MKII Introducing the smaller more lethal model of the 'Argonaut'! has both ramming and slicing capabilities along with an electric shield and torpedo for good measure! Details Dimensions: 5 x 4 Velocity: 50 kph Decent Velocity: 20 kph Ascent Veloc...
Created by crow36
The MYRMIDON Is a shuttle designed for chopping up hostiles, and clearing out crawler nests! features 1 coil gun, 3 depth charges, communications terminal, and a saw blade (yes it does work).... Produced by Crow Corp. 100% vanilla sub editor, NO Mods requi...
(Safety Subs) Swim Bladder Pirate
Created by Bunny Sinclair
An inexperienced crew made this Swim Bladder an easy target for pirates. The crew misjudged the power of such a large engine on a tiny sub and crashed into a wall. Pirates took advantage of the situation and didn't waste any time taking over. Now they use ...
Created by crow36
The Argonaut Designed for drilling through the icy Europan depths, but in recent years it has been most often utilised by faction-less pirates for ramming unsuspecting transport ships and capturing their crew. Produced by Crow Corp. DETAILS Dimensions: 8 x...
Created by Eisvi
Heavy combat submarine manufactured by Will REID Arms Dealer between 2430 and 2600. Refitted several times between 2509 and 2511. Serial number A-2511 M-219. The ship has 90-106mm thick armor on the bottom and bow respectively, which can withstand multiple...
7th Fleet Felinis - Volitile
Created by SpookyJumpscare
Foreword Skip if you don't care. This is my first submarine and I've learned a lot from it, that however, means there is a lot of issues with this one and design choices that would probably get me hunted down by the more experienced submarine builders in t...
<XT船厂> 惊骇位元 Europa's horror
There should be no difference between 2.0 and 2.1,i just put more bomb shelf...... But if u find it running oddly, just switch your submarine into 2.0 version. Designed for multiplayers!Knowing there are singleplayers, I just made a fire control system! En...
A Better Flamethrower
Created by SydWad
Updated again using new code from WIP halo mod. Play on open maps/servers and hate when fire sinks into the floor or spreads uncontrollably ruining the map? Well this is the flamethrower for you! Balanced for stopping hoards of enemies, burning creatures s...
A-36 Setembrino
Created by Toon_link2
The A-36 Setembrino is a deep diver designed for deep sea exploration where civilization is scarce. As such, there are several resource and ammunition storages to ensure that the crew have the materials to sustain themselves when far away from colonies...
A.B.M. - Abyssal Behemoth Mechanicus - Deep Sea Diving Mech
NOTE BEFORE DOWNLOADING... Required Mods: You will need EK Gunnery for the drone mining laser and EK Dockyard for some main ship parts. -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------...
Acolyte Job
Created by Cthulhu77
My first ever mod, the Acolyte job, was inspired by the assistant's clown tree. There is a clown talent tree for the children of the honkmother, but the church of husk has nothing of the sort so I thought I'd try my hand at making one myself. At first I th...
Actually Useful Combat Diving Suit 1.0
Created by ZpaceMag
This mod makes the Combat Diving Suit actually useful. It buffs the damage resistance from 30% to 40% (5% less that the Abyss Diving Suit) against: Bite Wounds, Blunt Force Trauma, Lacerations, Gunshot Wound, Bleeding As well as giving a bit more resistanc...
ADV Beacon Stations
Created by PsykokiN
ADV Beacon Stations is a pack of 47* beacon stations for more variety. This mod simply adds new stations in addition to the original ones. You can use it with other mods without problems. You can play it in campaign mode (solo & multi) even if you have alr...
Adaptive Overload Buffer
Created by uberdrück
A robust active overload protection system meant to deal with power spikes reliably, while minimizing disruptions to the power grid. It uses capacitors to create temporary protective loads. The basic examples use dedicated capacitors, but it can be modifie...
Advanced Airlock
Created by zuff
V2 is out, get it here: An airlock that matches pressure with the side it's opening to. Also has staged lights, PLENTY OF LABELS, and clean component placement. Included Files: - Advanced Ai...
Advanced Medicine [outdated]
Created by hnappinn
What is this mod? This is a mod that adds more realistic medicine. What does this mod add to the game? Surgery, override vanilla medicine, arrhythmias, fractures, arterial bleeding and more. We have a discord server: List of g...
Advanced Lifepod
Created by Anikyte
An advanced lifepod for advanced emergencies. Have you ever been sailing free on the open waters of Europa, when suddenly, you get ass rammed by a giant space worm and need to abandon ship? Only to discover that your lifepods are boring as fuck and you'd r...
Advanced Navigation Terminal
Created by アンジェル
Have you ever been feeling annoyed that you have to be here and there to lookup for information about the submarine's status? Do you wish to check on things quickly without the need to change the GUI? That is what Text Displays are for! And with a little w...
Alarms Extended
Created by Melsie
Overview This mod adds forty new alarms to the game without overwriting the vanilla ones. Check above for a YouTube demonstration. In the demonstration video, the first two alarms you'll hear are the vanilla ones, in order to give a reference point. The al...
Alicorn2 Stealth Light Cruiser
Created by Zyleand
All Language Supported! If you like it, please give me a thumb up! thank you! Intro This is a sub with extremely high strength (seriously, very seriously), all features are totally vanilla. It’s NOT recommended to use this sub (Alicorn2+) if you want a ful...
Alien Helmet
Created by Dan Murphy
Adds Alien Helmet. New loot for Ruins, a head wearable that protects from concussion and gives speed boost with oxygenite shard or oxygenite tank in container. Gives the wearer hallucination, but also immunity to husk infection. Barotrauma\Content\Items\Jo...
Geth Pulse Rifle
Created by Lagmanor
This mod adds a little bit of "space" science fiction to your underwater adventures by allowing you to obtain one of the most iconic Mass Effect trilogy weapons, Geth Pulse Rifle. Features Geth pulse rifle (in game - Alien pulse rifle) is a rare and powerf...
Created by Quazy
because of the low cost and rough style. i decided to keep this t1. T3 version available now @ The Amemnon is a outdated military destroyer that has had more owners then a europan hooker. pr...
Amethyst Geode Exotic Warship 紫晶洞级异界战舰
Created by Zyleand
CN+EN Supported! 写在前面/Intro 封面标语“你若恐惧深渊,我便使深渊降临与你”改变自(据说是)圣经中的一段话 简单测试了一下能够适应新版本 推荐配合高难度mod使用,如Barotraumtic RisingTide compatible It is recommended to use with mod that increase game difficulty, like Barotraumatic. 背景故事/Background Story “紫晶洞”级异界战舰是一艘由未知团体改...
Ammo extended 2 (RUS/ENG/汉语)
Created by pumpkin
AMMO extended This mod adds: 31 items. 1 affliction 4 items are overwrited(plasma cutter, welding tool, flamers) What does this mod do? Ammo extended is a campaign-balanced mod, that adds more ammunition for stock weapons and turrets. https://media.discord...
Ammo Mod
Created by Laryssa
Ammo MOD This is a modification what add several new ammunitions to different weapons and add some new weapons and equipment as well At this moment mod contain: 3 new railgun shells 2 new railgun canister shells 3 new coilgun ammunition box 2 new chaingun ...
Anime Poster Pack
Created by Saint762
Hey everyone! You ever look around your sub and wonder... What's missing? Well I'll tell you what's missing. Morale boosters. Anime girls. Encouraging slogans and lewd pictures of your crew's favorite waifu. Someone had to do it eventually, I noticed a SEV...
Anime Bikini Posters Pack
Created by AuAu
A collection of 30 posters of anime girls in Bikinis. Posters can be purchased from vending machines for 50 mk and deconstructed for 1 organic fiber. Image Credits: Bikini 1 - file112056 Bikini 2 - ぱち (Pachi) Bikini 3 - Sakura4620 Bikini 4 - RYO@わんわん (RYO@...
Anime Traps Poster Pack
Created by nuGGet
Random collection of posters to liven up your submarine with. Traps, memes, and more. Every poster should be detachable and placeable mid game. In addition to this you can now purchase posters from shops all around Europa....
Apo-4A "Saber"
Created by 江奈
Now support: 简繁中文 English Russian Japanese (Translated by Arkblade) Polski (translated by Frosteusz) But the broadcasting system is still in Chinese. Localization will be ignored when the signal is transmitted to the chat box 如果你喜欢这艘潜艇,请给个赞,这对我很重要,谢谢你们! If...
Apo-5 "Chainsaw"
Created by 江奈
For everyone having issues with pulse cannon while using Performance Fix - just add memorycomponent to the Client High Priority Items. It might help. Supported languages for now: 简体中文 繁体中文 English Русский Polski (translated by Frosteusz) 日本語(translated by ...
Arsenal, Armory and Engineering Decoration Assembly kit.
Created by Ricki
Beautify your ship with this kit of containers, decorations and other what I believe to be good looking things. How to use? 1) Download the 'mod' (not a real mod, just some plain vanilla item assemblies) 2) Activate it in your Settings 3) Open the "Arsenal...
Created by SloppyTrainyard
Autonomous Submersible Hazardous Environment Vessel, prototype model 445, was developed specifically for Europa's expeditions with all necessary features that Earth's submarines do not possess including multi-layered hull free flow system, preventing water...
Assortment Of Shuttles
Created by Solbusaur
A small package of shuttles I have had collecting in my submarines folder, either unfinished or left to stand the test of time as updates errode their features or aesthetics. This mod had me revisit those old files and fix them up to a proper, functioning ...
Astartes' surgery and more WH40K gears--foods
Created by 18公斤的鳳梨
Kill monsters and turn them into our food Gathering plants and putting edible coral to use Make a variety of food choices and pay attention to your nutrition ...
Astra's Bot Conversation-Dialogue Mod
Created by Rodrick III
Endorsed Russian translation here!: Hi! My name is Astra. I'm an avid fan of bots as I grew up with them in my childhood, and have been fascinated by them for all my life. I crave to see my ...
Created by Ma'am
This sub is old and i am not maintaining it don't use it thanks (This submarine is inspired by the Aurora from The Mechanisms) Welcome aboard the Aurora, an extensively modified Cyberian Pallada-class Protected Cruiser-class submarine that has gained senti...
Auto torpedo
Created by smxy12hzm
基于原版潜艇编辑器的鱼雷 有自动/手动两种模式 手动又分潜望镜和声纳双模式 手动的双模式自动切换 鱼雷引爆后可以切换自动模式自动返航 寻路逻辑较为基础 需要的玩家可以自行将文件复制搭载至自己的潜艇上...
Avali Posters
Created by Sergeant Egg
Some avali posters. (This is a furry mod) To the owners of the art used, if you do not want your art ingame, comment on this. I will take it down immedietly on request. This mod was last updated in 2022, but no worries! It is simple enough that without a m...
Awesome Defibrillator [OP]
Created by Atomic Blimp
A defibrillator that upon delivering an electric shock effectively cures all diseases and injuries! Very OP...
Created by ONE FOR ALL
智能反应堆 自动近防炮 自动放电线圈 刹车/跃迁引擎 紧急修补 备用电源 敌袭方向指示 全艇监控系统 54x13...
Axolotl MKX
Created by Cynder Of Scalitz
Axolotl is a small carrier submarine, carrying a Zumblefar shuttle, which is intended to be operated by one crew member. While being outdated compared to the newer subs, it still has some tricks up it's sleeve. One of them being the mobile command deck, th...
Azureus's Poster Mod
Created by Azureus
There are 56 lore friendly posters focusing on factions, the underwater world of Europa, and some memes. WARNING some are NSFW . The Artists used are Blitz Birb, Gank Goat, and The Man. A clean version of the mod is below
Azureus's Poster Mod Clean
Created by Azureus
A Clean version of my Poster Mod without mudraptor r34 Unclean version below ...
B-71 sub-fortress (Mk2 update)
Created by FLX
An old war submarine of the coalition, heavily armed with fast firing AAA turrets (anti-alien-artillery). As it is an old design the turrets must be manually manned leaving the gunners dangerously exposed behind thin glazed canopies. In case of emergency t...
Created by ИMSS
This mod is mainly focused on small rebalance of medicals ingame. Instead of carrying around dozens of items, you could just craft them into one (cool looking, btw) item. "Do you ever got yourself overencumbered while playing medic? All those morphine vial...
Created by LeDoux
Hello there ! This mod add 8 different backpacks : - Backpack : 15 slots (regular items) - Heavy Backpack : 3 slots (large items) + 3 slots (for toolbelt and similar) + 3 slots (regular items) - Medical Backpack : 8 slots + 16 slots (medical items) + Boost...
Ballast Flora Cutoff
Created by badgerman
A simple switch to get pumps ready for flora extermination. The toggle switch 1. Disconnects the navigation terminal 2. Sets the pump to drain 3. after it has completely drained turns off power to the pump. Use a Flame, incindiary grenade or plasma cutter ...
Created by Ricky
Works in Latest BaroCraftables adds a variant of a large amount of vanilla items and makes them movable/craftable at a welding table Right click and e to place My Other Mods Lua Linker allows you to link/unlink items Lua Editor allows you to edit almost al...
BaroDrama V5
Created by Jsoull
Take your one-way ticket to the bottom of the Europan Seas in Style, with this collection of brand new Diving Suits built to fulfill essential roles on-board your submarine. Each suit is lovingly crafted with both personality and function, helping to disti...
BaroPlus (Open)
Created by Nick
Adds more things to expand the late game content of Barotrauma. As of 9/2/2022 this mod is now made Open, meaning all content within it, current and future, will be entirely open to any modification without need of permissions. This includes add-ons, edits...
BaroTech Expansion - Unstable
Created by red_the_guy
In-development branch of BaroTech Expansion. List of the things this mod contains (or will contain) Enhanced machinery and fabrication tools Unique tools for higher survivability or easier mission completion Bunch of new weapons Crew "entertainment" utilit...
Barotraumatic Creature Pack
Created by mikehagen22
Attention! If you have recently updated the mod and experience errors such as unable to join server with the current version and being prompted to download the mod, missing files in console, mod unable to be loaded due to errors and red in mod loader. Then...
Barotrauma Sea Terror
оригинальный мод: Barotrauma Die Hard цель мода - создать баротравму, которая была бы более реальной и непростительной. Более умные монстры Монстры теперь пришли к лучшему пониманию человеческого оружия. Некоторые существа сначала атакуют турели. Некоторые...
Created by MasonMachineGuns
Mod Summary Finding the game too easy and uneventful? Boring and repetitive vanilla monsters adding no variety or challenge to your life? Using Mods like EK that give you overpowered but fun toys, but there isn't anything to shoot? * THEN THIS MOD IS FOR Y...
Barotraumatic Extended Monsters Fixes (DEPRECATED)
Created by mikehagen22
MEANT FOR BAROTRAUMATIC! CAN BE USED FOR SPAWNER PURPOSES. BaroTraumatic: These are my collection of bugfixes and and tweaking for creatures modpacks that I find either broken or have been a...
Barotraumatic Monster Pack Test fixes (DEPRECATED)
Created by mikehagen22
MEANT FOR BAROTRAUMATIC! CAN BE USED FOR SPAWNER PURPOSES. BaroTraumatic: These are my collection of bugfixes and and tweaking for creatures modpacks that I find either broken or have been a...
Survivor New Creatures (DEPRECATED)
Created by mikehagen22
MEANT FOR BAROTRAUMATIC! CAN BE USED FOR SPAWNER PURPOSES. BaroTraumatic: These are my collection of creatures I managed to make from edit and by hand. I'm finally starting to learn how to u...
Survivor Other Creature fixes (DEPRECATED)
Created by mikehagen22
MEANT FOR BAROTRAUMATIC! CAN BE USED FOR SPAWNER PURPOSES. BaroTraumatic: These are my collection of bugfixes and and tweaking for creatures modpacks. Give massive credit to Denkvi, Senhor, ...
BaroTraumatic Nightmare
Created by MasonMachineGuns
Mod Summary Crave endless waves of bloodthirsty monsters? Want to convert a normally peaceful ocean into a target rich environment? Suffer from chronic masochism like me? Then this mod is for you! This is BaroTraumatic but with no feelings, no empathy, no ...
Barotraumatic Survivator Fixes (DEPRECATED)
Created by mikehagen22
MEANT FOR BAROTRAUMATIC! CAN BE USED FOR SPAWNER PURPOSES. BaroTraumatic: These are my collection of bugfixes and and tweaking for creatures modpacks that I find either broken or have been a...
Barotraumatic Undersea Horrors Fixes (DEPRECATED)
Created by mikehagen22
MEANT FOR BAROTRAUMATIC! CAN BE USED FOR SPAWNER PURPOSES. BaroTraumatic: These are my collection of bugfixes and and tweaking for creatures modpacks that I find either broken or have been a...
Barotraumatic Xanmonsters1 Fixes (DEPRECATED)
Created by mikehagen22
MEANT FOR BAROTRAUMATIC! CAN BE USED FOR SPAWNER PURPOSES. BaroTraumatic: These are my collection of bugfixes and and tweaking for creatures modpacks that I find either broken or have been a...
Survivor Vanilla Creature Overhauls (DEPRECATED)
Created by mikehagen22
BaroTraumatic: This monster pack is not compatible with mods like monsters health++, Barotrauma Die Hard, or ITA as they will both override the same creatures. It is advised to use the respe...
Barotraumatic Xanmonsters2 Fixes (DEPRECATED)
Created by mikehagen22
MEANT FOR BAROTRAUMATIC! CAN BE USED FOR SPAWNER PURPOSES. BaroTraumatic: These are my collection of bugfixes and and tweaking for creatures modpacks that I find either broken or have been a...
Barotronics - Conway's Game Of Life
Created by Working Joe
A working circuit to run the well-known cellular automaton known as Conway's game of life. Includes a few preset patterns with interesting oscillators, as well as a generator for random patterns. This circuit serves no further practical purpose, it's essen...
Barotronics - Minigames
Created by Working Joe
Although usually there's plenty of stuff to do in Baro, occasionally you still find yourself bored. Whether you are waiting at outposts for your captain to finally decide between the whole two available missions or simply fed up with repairing the junction...
Barotronics - Sonar turret
Created by Working Joe
This workshop item contains two separate circuits that can be used to control turrets via the navigation terminal rather than a periscope. The first circuit cycles through turrets combined with sonar transducers so that the navigation terminal is centered ...
Barotronics - Sequence Skip Airlock
Created by Working Joe
The first of a series of circuits I previously made but didn't take the time to properly release, until now. :) The Sequence Skip Airlock is the simplest to use airlock with decent comfort features. On pressing any of the buttons, both doors close and the ...
Barotronics - The Doors Collection
Created by Working Joe
People often request certain door types, so for this Barotronics entry I decided to combine all circuits I've made for the most common door types in a single Workshop item. It includes: -Timed manual door -Timed Autodoor -Waterlocked manual door (closed wh...
Barotronics - Turrets
Created by Working Joe
It took me long enough, but I finally finished my collection of commonly requested turrets. With over 100 meter of turrets ranging from simple dual turrets or burst fire to autoturrets, converging turrets and shotguns, there surely must be one among them t...
Barracuda II Escort Corvette
Created by ArchCrusader
Description A more compact version of the Barracuda with no oxygen generator and less batteries but with more ammunition and a more powerful (albeit less efficient) reactor. This version's railgun has enough space to fit a small motor so it can aim slightl...
Battery Rack
Created by Lughbaloo
A decoration assembly. Functionally 4 supercapacitors/batteries with power output on a relay with a switch. Campaign friendly. You will probably need to tweak the values to your ship....
Basilisk Battlecruiser
Created by Falkner
Hello Captains - I built this after being inspired by the Iroh and all the other amazing workshop content. Thankyou so much for all the technical and artistic ideas you've Inspired in this ship. I hope you have as much fun playing as I did building it. ...
Based Poster Pack
Created by Changli my beloved
Yes, very based poster pack. My first mod so idk, feedbacks are welcomed. Can also be bought from vending machine now....
Beacons Extended
Created by Sneaky Hermit
Welcome to the Beacons Extended mod page! The purpose of this mod is to make beacon missions less repetitive by adding new beacons from various authors in addition to the vanilla beacons. The mod currently consists of 56 beacons The current list of beacons...
The Beaumaris is a tier III attack ship. Built by the Dyfed Shipyards, The Beaumaris was built as a potential attack vessel for the Coalition fleet. Testing proved the Beaumaris was successful in this role. However, it was too expensive to produce in large...
Beautiful Armoury
Created by アンジェル
A very cool looking asset combination for an armoury cabinet with drawers and body armour display. Comes in different versions with different foci. Whether you want to have extra storage with every drawer being a large steel cabinet, or you prefering it st...
Beautiful Junction Boxes
Created by アンジェル
An asset collection for beautiful yet functional junction boxes. This design does not only serves decoration purposes. It is also very useful to see on glance when critical junction boxes need repairs. Each ItemAssembly can be used separately. The usage of...
Belt-Fed Railgun Rack
Created by Lughbaloo
Railgun go brrrrr Functionally it's 3 railgun loaders. Everything else is non-interactable. Which means you can connect all 3 to your railgun, and consider it belt-fed. Update: Flipped the railgun racks so the shells load from bottom to top....
Better Barotrauma
The large expansion package that focuses on expanding the original game content will not break the balance of the original game, greatly improving the growth of the game in the later stage and providing a large amount of expanded content. Note: This module...
Better Camera Swapping
Created by Lightning
Camera swapping, simplified! Camera swapping, searchlight swapping, ship gun swapping gallery. multiple trigger and loop systems included. I hope this will be a good reference for anyone looking for the basics of manual triggered camera swapping / multiple...
Created by SOFA
TANG diving suit sprites by Jazzman adds 30! new dive suits This mainly aims to add more variety for dive suits. 17 are made with original textures by me and the others are from HD legacy diving suit and vanilla textures Most suits are crafted, bought or f...
Better Docking Ports
These docking ports will close function as both docking ports and airlocks. Once docked they will automatically open and stay open. Once undocked they will close, only opening when the buttons are pressed. They will close automatically after a few seconds ...
Better Exosuit with Platform 外骨骼优化和置物架
Created by MKSERY
一个简单优化了原版机械师外骨骼(现在有小丑的乐子3000了!)的模组: A simple mod enhancing Mechanic's exosuit (now including Funbringer3000!) 外骨骼可以像PUCS一样使用房间中的氧气(船体中氧气含量大于50%),同时可以让AI穿上后不会主动脱下 Exosuit can use oxygen in the room like pucs(when Hulloxygenpercentage is above 50),also bot w...
Better Duct Block
Created by IT9
TL;DR When there is hull breach, slow the flooding down, otherwise keep the duct block open. Warning: This duct block won’t work well if Top Hull Volume and Bottom Hull Volume have significant different. I am sorry that I didn’t consider the hull volume in...
Better Glass
Created by Zenmetsu
Stronger than normal glass(50 health) but a bit less durable(180) than regular hulls(200). Supports MORE angles (Angles in 15 degree increments) plus vanilla glass shells! Hitboxes are bigger on vanilla shells for less gaps. Includes: 6 rescaleable tiles -...
Better Solo Crew Start
Created by Eagle Scout
See attached album for custom job talent tree (updated as of 1.0 launch day of game) I wanted to say thanks to my friend yak, who has been very awesome and made many graphics stuff for dive suits, exo suits, and ect, and an over...
Better Vanilla Weapons
Created by ManOfHighCulture
In order to balance vanilla weapons for more comfortable use, a better position in the hands and the presence of a much-needed flashlight, the following changes have been made: "Alien Pistol": - is now a full-fledged two-handed weapon; - removed the appear...
Created by whosyourdaddy
该mod为加工台添加了两个额外的过滤选项: 分类(医疗、武器、潜水、装备等...) 内容包(Vanilla、BOS、EK Pack、ITA 等...) 需要客户端LUA,与一切Mod物品完全兼容。 This mod adds two additional filtering options to the fabricator: Categories (Medical, Weapon, Diving, Equipment, etc...) Content Package (Vanilla, BOS, EK P...
Created by Ma'am
This mod overhauls the health interface. Notable changes include: Buffs are listed seperately from non-buffs Afflictions aren't wildly spazzing around in the health interface anymore More afflictions can be displayed at once The health window is bigger The...
Created by SinDrenched
an attempt to improve poisons...
Created by LeDoux
"It is big because i need to compensate for something." - Me FEATURES : -It's BIG -Fully Armored -EXTERMINATUS available to destroy everything under the submarine (including your framerates) -A fully customizated medbay for your medic's needs -An armory pr...
Big Brother Poster [1984]
Created by corylittlefrog
HE IS WATCHING Boosts efficiency of the working classes Place in submarine editor...
Billy Herrington and his gachi friends
Created by djmeluk
Feel the love of Billy Herrington and his gachi friends with this sick ♂ass♂ poster mod. Billy will be always in our heart. P.S. If posters are too dark, just make sub lights brighter....
Black Sea's Armory(BWeapons)
Created by Bodevarc
Fixed,if you find any bug please let me know! Now with four language,English,Traditional Chinese,Simplified Chinese,Russian!Special thanks to Cain. Inspired by EK,i made this mod. Powerful Fractalguardian New Job with unique items: Iron Rider Weapons: Euro...
Black Ice
Created by Dag Bread
Advanced Military scout submarine equipped with all the tools needed for quick success on difficult missions. Some of the advanced features include front mounted railgun and chaingun for superior offensive firepower and two coilguns on the rear for full co...
Bionic Fish(仿生鱼) N-EX
Created by erya
我做的这么辛苦了,大家记得点个赞啊(哭 Please give it a thumbs up,thank you! 一艘现代化战舰?优化不够,船小来凑!这种秘密船只,往往伴随着复杂的系统。外星人见了都说好! A modern warship? Optimization is not enough, the ship must be small! Such clandestine ships are often accompanied by complex systems. Even the aliens s...
Black Sonar
Created by アンジェル
A simple Item Assembly for a very cool looking and very useful sonar - e.g. for the gunnery compartment of your submarine. This Workshop Item is an item assembly for you to use in the submarine editor. All you need to do is to subscribe and activate the Wo...
Black Steel Aigaion
Created by useless man
百臂巨人级游轮是木卫二上最大的潜艇。支持多种语言 Aigaion is the largest submarine on Europa. Support for multiple languages 1:无线电输入1选择简体中文 2: radio input 2 Select English 3: ввод 3 для выбора русского языка 4: entrée radio 4 pour choisir le français 5: für radio 5 wird D...
Bronze Age 1.0.0
Created by Doge the biologist
Bronze Age/青铜时代 General information/基本信息 Tier III Scout / 探索型 Size: 29 x 6 m / 尺寸:29 x 6 米 Firepower: coil-gun x 2, rail-gun x 1, discharge x 3, depth charge / 火力配置:线圈炮 x 2,轨道炮 x 1,放电线圈 x 3,深水炸弹投放器 3-6 players / 适合3-6人 Fully vanilla / 纯原版 Bronze Age is a s...
Bodypillows for Barotrauma
Created by Aldator
A selection of the best waifus/husbandos/things we could find to make your nerve-wrecking life of a submariner a bit more bearable. So whenever anxiety, loneliness or anything really gets the better of you just cuddle up to your favourite pillow. Or carry ...
Bullock Pattern Jetbike (White Scar print) Warhammer 40k 白疤涂装喷气摩托
Created by Aleph
------------Background if you are interested---------- The Bullock Pattern Jetbike, also known as the Mark XIV Bullock Pattern Jetbike, was the last known pattern of Jetbike produced by the Imperium of Man before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy. The Bullo...
C.I.T.A.D.E.L Strat.Battleship
Created by pchel
For times when you need force projection, and then some. Intended use: with Barotraumatic mod on higher difficulties. Recommended crew: 2-4 players with 2 maintenance and 2-4 gun operator bots !PERFORMANCE FIX IS MANDATORY FOR MULTIPLAYER! or you`ll rarely...
The text below is presented in English and Russian. The submarine is designed to be played by a crew of 3 and more people. The design contains items from several mods mostly to improve the decor.
Camel pvp (george version)
Created by Daria
Drone manual: 1. when on drones, double click to switch between firing and moving mode. 2. drones can be controlled remotely (from engineering room) or manually (click on the handle bars). 3. drones can be shot down quickly, and can be repaired with weldin...
Created by CSTDIO
This submarine is mainly used by The Church of Husk. It was originally a standard scout sub from Europa Coalition. Now it is used to attack other submarines or stations to acquire humans for experiments, namely inject them with Velonaceps Calyx egg. Due to...
Capybara Posters
Created by Dan Murphy
OK I PULL UP 51 Capybara posters. Just like my other poster mods, you can place these 'coconut doggy' pics on the walls of submarines, stations, wrecks, ruins, you name it. You can take them down and put them back up wherever you want. You can deconstruct ...
Caridea Drone
Created by Tfaltys
Right side drone for the Medusa Submarine. Not for independent use....
Created by LeCrazyy
You'll know when the Latcher is approaching for sure. Replaces Latcher ambience with Caramelldansen. Inspired by and of course Fortunate Worm:, big thanks ...
CBS-74 Ptolemaios II
Created by 09
- Have two language version choose the file with language you need - English version : CBS-74 Ptolemaios II - 有两种语言选择,选择是合你语言的潜艇档案 - 简体中文版本 : 托勒密2号舰 (简)...
Created by アンジェル
A very simple component combination circuit to convert what I believe to be a Fahrenheit value into Celsius (Reactor Temperature). This Workshop Item is an item assembly for you to use in the submarine editor. All you need to do is to subscribe and activat...
Chark-1989 W.T. Water Tight Cargo Bays Version [BENZIN Corp.]
Created by BENZIN
Chark-1989 W.T. is the Water Tight version of Chark-1989, featuring secure, accessible water tight cargo bays that can hold 440 crates. Flagship of the Cargo division of BENZIN Corp. UPDATED for "Hoist The Sails" update: Submarine tier set to 3 Made by Vor...
Chark-1989 [BENZIN Corp.]
Created by BENZIN
Chark-1989 is a mega heavy duty cargo transport submarine that can carry 440 crates in her secure cargo bays. Flagship of the Cargo division of BENZIN Corp. UPDATED for "Hoist The Sails" update: Submarine tier set to 3 Made by Vortokua / Benzin 2nd version...
Clan deco
Created by Tfaltys
clan stuff -Custom locker id cards -Xmas decor -Halloween decor -Custom fabricator and deconstructor skins -Water cooler -New bunk bed design...
CLOAKER (for campaigns)
Created by dripping blunt
adds the cloaker from payday 2 as a playable job/role. balance changes and working skill tree coming soon. PRESS F TO KICK. only people wearing the "cloaker goggles" can use the kick attack. Have you ever wanted your campaign to have a role that serves no ...
Clown Posters - Clussy Fever
Created by Dan Murphy
70 Clown posters for the fools in your crew. No submarine editor required! Buy them, sell them, find them, deconstruct them. Use them to decorate your boat. The Dr Phil poster can be deconstructed into a clown costume. You'll need it. Suggested clown mods:...
Created by Sebe
A.I AND NPC FRIENDLY SHIP! WAYPOINTS AND SPAWNPOINTS INCLUDED! Hey you! Looking for the right fit? Colossus-9 wants you! 25,000 MARKS - Recommended Crew Size = 1 - 15 Colossus-9 is one of the few colony sized ships to brave Europas' deadly waters. But some...
Combat Mask
Created by Bagpuss
A little mod to add a new piece of headgear to the game. The Combat Mask will give your Security Staff the ideal level of faceless intimidation required for keeping a crew in line on long expeditions. The Combat Mask can be crafted from fabricators, taking...
Column Displays
Created by uberdrück
Fancy LED towers that can accept any type of input signal (speed, depth, reactor temperature, water levels...). Prefabs of different size for 4 types: Color can be set manually or changes dynamically with the signal level. Display shows solid line to the b...
Community Curated Subs
Created by Scale
18 Balanced, Campaign-Ready Submarines DESCRIPTION This is an overhauled collection of (in my opinion) some of the best community subs -- each one has been remastered and balanced around each-...
Complete Global Darkness
Created by LeDoux
A very simple lua mod that enforce a complete global darkness by removing ambiant light from the game (exemple : Wreck's hull ambient light) making the use of flashlight and torch mandatory to explore the undersea. Please check if your client side is corre...
Consent Required
Created by Jacobin
Causes the AI to become hostile towards you if you perform certain treatments on them without their consent. This is originally an addon for Neurotrauma that triggers the AI's combat retaliation if you take their organs or blood without permission, and you...
Created by washedAwry
Crate of Stunbatons
Created by Videogames
So let me get this straight, this stun baton costs 220 marks right? - Yeah Its made out of steel and plastic. - Yep The steel costs 20 marks, and the plastic costs 45 marks, that's 65 marks total. - Makes sense to me....
Course and Speed Indicator
Created by uberdrück
Gives a visual representation of the true speed and heading on a compass dial with lights that will gradually change color, depending on the sub's speed. Includes examples for displays with 8, 12 and 16 lights, but the size can be easily adapted for a high...
Created by マラ
The best choice for the fresh blood. 2 weapons and 1 to set. 2 low force engines and 2 ballast pumps. May be the smallest sub... yet....
Creaosis' Pirates and Wrecks
Created by Goblin Conscript
Wrecks and Pirates fashioned from workshop submarines to serve as challenging enemies and encounters in a server I frequent. Also includes a couple beacon station variants, a rare pirate mission variant and overhauls of the weak vanilla bandits included in...
Creaosis' Pirates and Wrecks - FN Compatability
Created by Goblin Conscript
-OUTDATED- This patch is no longer relevant. I now work with the Withering Souls team and have implemented features from this mod to the actual mod. The main Creaosis Pirates and Wrecks mod is still good to use. Compatability between my mod and withering s...
Crescent - Pre-Release
Created by Working Joe
Originally intended as an advanced exploration vessel, the Crescent was designed with formidable facilities for it's small, nimble form. No longer than a Dugong, it has fabricating capabilities comparable to that of larger submarines. The prominent observa...
Crouch With Neurologic Food
Created by Pspritechologist
A patch for CrouchHarder, Neurotrauma, and Food and Drink. Subscribe to CrouchHarder as well, to support what is a fantastic little mod, and then do not enable it. Order is Food and Drink > Neurotrauma > Crouch with Neurologic Food...
Crouch With Neurologics
Created by Pspritechologist
A patch for CrouchHarder and Neurotrauma. Subscribe to CrouchHarder as well, to support what is a fantastic little mod, and then do not enable it. Order is Neurotrauma > Crouch with Neurologics Should be up to date as of Barotrauma v0.18.15.1 and Neurotrau...
Created by Dröttningu
With twice the reactor efficiency and an extra 25% hull hp, the Crustation is a tough hull to crack. Built for strenuous mining excursions or hauling excessive amounts of materials through narrow vertical passages, the Crustation is a great addition to any...
Created by Ma'am
A submarine made of copper at various levels of oxidation. The Cuprusts notable features include: - A shuttle fit for exploring caves and getting closer to ruins -- The shuttle docking hatch doubles as an airlock, regardless of if the shuttle is docked or ...
Created by Nightlock
木卫二ALT科技的首个远洋长续航项目——“宵禁”级匿踪舰。 此为原本专注于实验室设备制造的科技公司首次参与整船的设计定型,项目集合了大量自动化设备,计划搭载先进整合式武器系统,自动电力自动水力系统,远程态势感知及出舱作业时的遥控系统。立项以来由于经验不足,原型机结构一再修改,各个系统的研发测试也状况频发,经历数次大改版后第一代定型标号为宵禁- S,其余皆为废案。 基本数据如下 价格:9064马克(含补给) 流线型外壳尺寸:57x13m 载货量:40箱 推荐船员数:5~7人 物品数:3343(含补给) 类型:...
Curly's NT Surgery Plus Ultra (name Pending)
Created by Curly Fries
Latest major mod update will break things if your mod dependencies are not updated. Due to the original Neurotrauma being no longer updated, a newer version has been picked up by Heelge, which is available Here, and is now a requirement. Should you wish to...
Custom Icons
Created by GophTheGreat
Bunch of icons. They are all under "Decorative" in the editor. Required for all of my subs. Feel free to use 'em for yours too....
Created by ignomen
This is Cuttlefish, a privately-owned geological survey and mining submarine. If you'd like to modify and re-upload this submarine, you may do so provided you credit me and link to this workshop page. :) There is a wrecked version of this submarine availab...
CyberHuman [abandoned]
Created by HappyRoach
A major mod that adds a lot of items, weapons, artifacts and 1 profession with talents. In it, you can become an android and fully customize its features. The android can be an auxiliary and quickly fix everything, or heal the crew just by being nearby. Or...
DA-漩流级 战列巡洋舰 DA-Maelstrom Class Battlecruiser
Created by Zyleand
CN+EN supported! 写在前面 封面舰娘图来源:远行星号吧 因为是坟贴所以没有问作者要授权,感谢作者不杀之恩 建议多人游玩 Recommend to play in multiplayer mode 背景介绍 / Background Story 本船原型来源于“远行星号”恶魔航电mod的同名战舰-“漩流”级战列巡洋舰,是经过了缩小和改装的版本。因为没有人想开一艘竖着的船所以我把它横过来了(捂脸) This ship is created from a ship in Diable Avioni...
Damage Report
Created by uberdrück
Author's note: This assembly is kinda silly. It adds a lot of complexity, and doesn't do anything the HUD or the status monitor can't do already. Still, contains a few useful ideas that can be adapted for other purposes. An interesting wiring exercise, but...
Dead Space Uniforms
Created by Judrl
Thanks to my husband playing the Dead Space Remake he made plenty of reference photos of almost every armor/uniform that we could make mods out of. (Play it if you can. It improves on the original in every way possible.) I edited those photos and fixed the...
Dead space 2.0 Hardcore
Created by King of Knights
This is a mod that includes elements from all dead space games to a larger extent, redesigned vanilla sprites, extra enemies, monsters, props, materials, improves the AI ​​and brings back events from the original mod below.
Decorations & functional items/rooms pack
Created by Альфарий
Some decorations for submarines & stations (soon will be added more) Contains: - 5 decorations for storage - Old O2 generator (decorated and fully functional) - O2 generator room - Deconstructor room -Fabricator room (can be trigerred from terminal) -Small...
[LEGACY] Deep Containers
Created by ssparky
IMPORTANT This mod is no longer supported. Please refer to Deep containers REDUX for a reworked version of this mod. Mod Description My own take on a "resource container" type mod. Heavily based on "Calic's Resource containers". The containers in this mod ...
Deep Mine
Created by SOFA
Was going to be used for a thing but that never came to be. If you want to use it. I recommend typing in the command lockx and locky. use it for whatever idc. Also might cause lag as it is a big map....
DegreeRadar / Sonar [oClock Variant]
Created by Triiodine //----------------------------------------------------- oClockRadar oClockRadar DegreeRadar //----------------------------------------------------- As requested, the Compass Degree & Cardinal v...
Created by Ma'am
Rock and Stone, brother! Comes with the following selection of beers from Deep Rock Galactic: - Oily Oaf - Leaf Lover's Special - Blackout Stout - Red Rock Blaster - Skullcrusher Ale - Smart Stout - Burning Love - Blackreach Blonde - Flintlocke's Delight ....
Dont Open Debug Console On Errors
Created by Evil Factory
This is the stupidest mod i've ever made, but it's here, quite self explanatory, stops debug console from opening on errors while playing. Requires Client-Side Lua for it to work. How to install Client-Side Lua:
Drunken Sailor (OUTDATED - CHECK DESC)
Created by Hyper075
FOR ANYONE STILL INTERESTED IN THIS MOD:The mod has been moved into Life of a Sailor located here: , no further updates or support will be provided for this mod as any future updates will ha...
Drone Carrier
Created by アンジェル
A modified "Yuriga" to carry six drones. Wait a second... Six drones?! No weapons. Just drones. Deal with it. It works! ==================================== Credit for the awesome base design of the drone goes to the creator of the submarine "Bronze Age" w...
Duffle Bag 2.0, Backpack & WaistBelt
Created by IAMAPEX
Latest game update - I've updated the mod to work with the latest update (updating after 2 years) however, whilst everything is seemingly working again, the sprites need repositioning. the backpack is working perfectly but the duffel bag position in the ha...
Duffle Bag 2.0, Backpack & WaistBelt Revived
Created by Noble
I got permission, dont worry. - Updating to Urban Expanses. - Fixing some textures not showing when worn. - And other minor code fixes - - - Original mod: If original mod author does not wan...
Duster mk-24
Created by M12 is a shotgun
A small omni-purpose vessel. Two hardpoints, 25km/vertical, 12 km/h horizontal. Has a old-gen reactor-engine complex, that requires constant repair....
Created by Enigma
МОД ВКЛЮЧЁН В Total Russian Translation И ВСЯ ЕГО ПОДДЕРЖКА БУДЕТ ОСУЩЕСТВЛЯТСЯ ТАМ. ПРОСЬБА УДАЛИТЬ ЭТОТ МОД ИЗ ПОДПИСОК Total Russian Translation Перевод мода Dynamic Europa полностью на русский язык. Переведены все наименования станций, предметы, имена ...
Created by MasonMachineGuns
ATTENTION Please read the description as it contains important information about features, patches and incompatibilities! Please be aware that in very rare cases a level might not generate a path to your destination. Please read this discussion HERE to hel...
这是一艘多人重生飞艇,作为一艘运输艇,带点补给没问题吧?我们运送一切 补给:两批炮弹,两架弹药,吗啡,人造绷带,血袋,异星电池,枪械弹药,手雷, Echo 419 简历:(复制粘贴水字数) 当UNSC秋风之墩号坠毁到04光环时,代号“克星铁锤”的飞行员卡罗尔·劳雷把它飞了出去。她所在机队的其他成员,特别是Echo 136、Echo 206、Bravo 022和Victor 933,也以同样的方式躲过了巡洋舰的坠毁。在随后的事件中,这五架鹈鹕对人类幸存者来说是无价的。 它从秋风之墩号出发后,飞到了安东尼奥·席...
DynamicEuropa - Frith's Biomes Compatibility Patch
Created by _]|M|[_
Info: This patch allows the use of Frith's Biomes textures with the level generation of DynamicEuropa. Load Order: - DynamicEuropa - Frith's Biomes Compatibility Patch - Frith's Biomes - DynamicEuropa The load order is important, so please make sure you se...
Created by Maxyall
Tuned for high difficulty encounters - Campaign Ready Ebikko is an Akario Nomad's space shuttle modified to withstand the force of space anomalies and gravitational pull of the A-Class stars, making it a perfect exploration vessel under the immense pressur...
Eclipse Cruiser Class Submarine
Created by Ma'am
Welcome aboard the Eclipse, a technologically advanced spaceship that has been retrofitted to allow for maritime use. Notable features include: - The shield generators present on the main vessel, shuttle and drone, allowing for automated defensive capabili...
Background During the last big conflict on Europa, the Europa Coalition faced a rag-tag collective of rebellious outposts, pirate fleets, and turncoat shipping captains. A contract was drawn up by Europa Coalition Maritime (ECM) for a heavy cruiser to repl...
ECM Fomalhaut
Background The ECM Fomalhaut's hull was laid down by Europa Coalition Maritime at the Sidon Flexus Navy Yard in fulfillment of a navy commision for a light cruiser. First designed by Iconoclast, which would later be merged with Armstrong and Cunningham Ind...
With resources dwindling in the more habitable regions of Europa's subterranean seas, Europa Coalition client colonies have begun to expand more and more into deep Europa. Under the immense pressure--and against implacable foes--current expeditionary ships...
Drone Carrier Galathea With expansion into the bleak depths of Europa proceeding rapidly, the Europa Coalition's Office of Deep Sea Exploration (ODSE, usually pronounced 'odyssey' by Europa Coalition veterans) has generated a contract for a diving vessel c...
Description A recent addition to the Osedax inventory, the Type 6 RRV is designed as a robust, inexpensive, maneuverable, and moderately well-armed expeditionary craft. The Type 6 has had a limited run so far, with supply being restricted by a titanium sho...
Background The Matterhorn. Fifty years ago its name would have struck fear into the hearts of Europa Coalition captains. During the Shipping Wars, when the very new Europa Coalition was struggling to carve a niche for itself in Europa's politics, the Matte...
Description The Yamantau first appeared as a blueprint submitted by Evcom to the Europa Coalition's Heavy Shipping Office (HSO) for construction approval. Two hours later the schematic was in the hands of the office's superintendent. Within minutes he was ...
ECS SSN - 85 Block I
Created by BlackAz
潜艇简介: ECS Falco columbarius SSN-85 Block I 灰背隼级 I 型是木卫二联盟于2085年设计并制造的一型特种作战型潜艇,设计旨在从底部伏击木卫二KB分子控制的各种类型的潜艇。灰背隼级 I 型配备有独特设计的远距离声呐与火控系统,并配备了一种新式的固定间热式电热化学炮,可以使用各种特制弹药从远距离狙击各种类型的潜艇与生物,但缺乏各类物资与货物的存放空间。 (注意:该潜艇以原版游戏难度进行设计与平衡,为了减少item数未配备自动堆与智能电路,在未使用辅助引擎的情况下不会出现...
Created by Kazet
A submarine designed to be maneuverable by three crew members. The Eel is nonetheless equipped to accomplish its duty....
Ehot's posters V2
Created by Енот
Adds 200+ out of context posters on your submarine. Added a new fabricator - printer. The printer can only be purchased. Optimized mod base. ...
EK Berith Mk-IV
Created by Videogames
Berith Mk-IV Deep Diver The Berith class submarine is a rugged expedition vessel with a focus on long endurance and crew survivability. The Berith is capable of carrying large reserves of supplies and ammunition, key structural areas have been reinforced, ...
EK Carlos Mk-II
Created by Videogames
Carlos Mk-II Utility Shuttlecraft This is a standalone upload of the shuttle from Huxley Mk-V The Carlos is a lightweight shuttlecraft designed for short-range mining operatons and crew tran...
EK Huxley Mk-V
Created by Videogames
Huxley Mk-V Light Long-Haul Tanker The Huxley is a highly advanced light tanker vessel. Designed to transport biofuel or machine oil over extremely long distances and through remote areas; the Huxley contains many features of a fully self-sufficient expedi...
EK Marauder Mk-VII
Created by Videogames
Marauder Mk-VII Renegade Vessel Once a feared warship under another name, this vessel was stolen by the europan separatists while undergoing decommissioning at a local dock. With some moderate refurbishment the newly christened Marauder is now a powerful t...
EK Kira Mk-V
Created by Videogames
Kira Mk-V Multipurpose Vessel The Kira class submarine is the first of a series of next-generation multipurpose hulls. Designed for capability and versatility, nearly every aspect of the program has been designed from the ground up to produce a highly effe...
EK Matriarch Mk-VII
Created by Videogames
Matriarch Mk-VII Attack Carrier The Matriarch is a carrier vessel for force-projection and wide-area patrol operations. It is equipped with the standard compliment of coilgun defenses and a moderately powerful single-turbine engine, but the Matriarch's tru...
EK Mods Русский перевод
Created by sharaj00
Переводы на EK Armory, EK Utility, EK Gunnery, EK Dockyard Устанавливается вместе с оригинальными модификациями, совместим с последующими обновлениями Часть текста взял из устаревших переводов, часть перевёл сам с товарищем. Я отсылал файлы локализации раз...
EK Nurse Shark Mk-VI
Created by Videogames
Nurse Shark Mk-VI Small General-purpose Vessel A rather economical multipurpose vessel with exceptional reliability but limited range. It is built mostly from readily-available systems and carries a smaller reactor class than most vessels of its size, inst...
[Legacy] EK | Armory
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, fortifications, and research centers; and many items to craft includi...
[Legacy] EK | Dockyard
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. Sub-building pack which introduces a bunch of new structures and functional machines to build submarines or roleplay maps with. Diesel Generator Variants Reactor Varia...
[Legacy] EK | Gunnery
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. Sub-building pack which introduces new types of armaments and defensive capabilities for the submarine. Ship ammunition & turrets balanced for vanilla Bonethresher, Ch...
EK Skipper Mk-IV
Created by Videogames
Skipper Mk-IV Scout The Skipper is a compact scout vessel designed to be relatively cheap while still maintaining robust systems functionality. A modular 'all in one' reactor system provides electricity for the entire vessel in a relatively small package. ...
[Legacy] EK | Utility
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, mines, and research centers; and many items to craft including place-...
EKM Myrith Mk-VI
Created by Videogames
Myrith Mk-VI Independent Military Vessel The Myrith class gunboat is a mass-produced patrol vessel built around a powerful nose-mounted railgun, allowing the Myrith to contend with other hostile subs often much larger than itself. Originally designed for s...
EKM Stiletto Mk-V
Created by Videogames
Stiletto Mk-V Heavy Combat Vessel The Stiletto class submarine is an advanced attack vessel with heavy armament for its size and many cutting edge systems. Its main battery consists of two heavy railgun turrets equipped with instrument assisted fire contro...
Created by Cakner
High tech deep diver, 100% vanilla. Use high powered energy weapons to defend yourself from the abyss but make sure the ship doesn't light on fire. 4 Pulse lasers and 16 Shock Coils demands a lot of power, lots of power requires lots of fuel. Coils can be ...
Enhanced Armaments
Created by SCP-966-1
A Heavily Armed Europa, para bellum. . . A large mod primarily focused on the instruments of death, from firearms to chemical and radiological weapons (and the equipment to protect against such instruments). https://i.imgur....
Enhanced Armaments Neurotrauma Patch
Created by SCP-966-1
A basic patch which simply removes the medical items from the spawnlists and job loadouts, which should remediate any ineffective medical items added into EHA. Load over Enhanced Armaments for this to function correctly. ...
Enhanced Interior
Created by Shrouds
Enhanced Interior ------------------------- Does decorating your sub take you too long? Does everything in your sub feel cramped? Or does it give you a constant feeling of Déjà vu? Well look no further than Enhanced Interior, your new favorite vanilla base...
ESF 079 Archangel Aleccia 大天使阿列克西娅号主力舰
Created by AZ003
感谢 ID Aleccia Rosewater 一直以来对我的支持。 守护的天使振翼与苍穹之上,舞着坚盾与利剑镇守一方,那是救赎的光芒 同样的,Aleccia也不是第三罗马公主的名字,而是取自我们第三罗马的神话,是象征守护的大天使的名。作为“后南方战争新兴主力舰”计划的原型舰,被赋予了守护帝国的愿景,首制舰因此命名。该型船只力求在战后军费紧张之际快速填补主力舰空缺,因此设计思路和公主级前两艘潜艇有很大不同。 ESF 079 Archangel Aleccia 大天使阿列克西娅号主力舰 Aleccia“阿列克...
ESF-031 Edelweiss 雪绒花级科考船
Created by AZ003
写在前面 大家好,又见面了,我是公主级的作者AZ003。过去的三个月由于学业长期不在家,没有更新新旧mod或发布新mod,我深表歉意,希望大家能理解。由雪绒花开头,这将是我全新的一个系列——“繁花”级计划。繁花级的潜艇都将以花朵的名字命名,形制大多是一些小清新的民用船,不是公主级那种张牙舞爪的军舰。强度上也会偏弱,是故意为之,还请周知。如果船有什么问题或者是对下一艘船的名字有什么建议的话,请在评论区或贴吧或者木卫二潜水计划群提出,感谢您的参与与反馈,这将是对我莫大的鼓励与帮助。 Edelweiss 雪绒花 ...
Europa bitcoin mining
Created by jyjyjy11
Tired of going out and making deliveries all day? Countless deaths on the dangerous Europa ice Ocean? Why don't we do Bitcoin mining on subs? -add new bitcoin mining machine and the bitcoin -bitcoin mining machine dont need lot of GPUS to builld up BUT use...
Europa's Lost Suits (Not updated to 1.0)
Created by Gsaaw
Adds 2 unique diving suits to the game that you can find in wrecks and abbandoned stations and 1 that you can craft Uknown Diving Suit - can fit only oxygenite tanks, you need to put them 1st before equipping the suit - after equiping it there is no way to...
Created by tryagain
This submarine transport have 2 large cargo. At most about 45km/h.Be careful of driving....
Created by sharaj00
IMPROVED EuropaWaifu and some(over 160) anime sound from Gayshit Impact, Euphoria Have fixed many problem of original mod and added some new things, include male replacing Almost all clothes sprites have been redrawn or replaced What includes: AnimEuropa -...
Created by 椎名黑冬
EN/简/繁/Russian/Polish More than 40 kinds of enemies A number of human enemies will appear in the course, including human enemies like pirates, Jokers, separatists, new alien enemies, and some of the fearsome creatures of Cthulhu mythology Warning:! monster...
ABANDONED EuropaWaifu++ Enhanced Armaments Patch
Created by SydWad
Just a lazy visual compatability patch just for Enahnced Armaments textures and Europa Waifu. Should be compatable with Neurotrauma + Waifu as well. Only added two diving suit textures to the mod and they are the only thing of value in this. All textures a...
Exosuit Retexture
Created by [ST] SGT. Shorty
Thanks to SCP-966-1, creator of Enhanced Armaments, for helping me out. Didn't like the vanilla "Eggs-o-suit," so I made it more suit shaped. Completely Clientside. Server-sided, sorry for the unintentional misleading. 'Das it....
Explorer Mechtrauma
Created by BillyNomad
Modified for use with the Mechtrauma mod. Original ship desgin by Explorer....
Created by myru
were you ever tricked by those non-interactable vanilla storages? Well no more! Now they are useful and you can actually use them! make sure not to use the vanilla ones. Use the ones that are tagged "ExtraStorage" when you hover over them in the sub-editor...
Created by ИMSS
This mod is mainly focused on adding a way to operate submarine as captain with more freedom to move around. Hey-hey, people! Have you ever thought "I'm tired of sitting all round on one place?". Probably not. But still, almost every captain dreams about h...
(Fallout) Power Armor
Created by -Lone.Ra-
(ENG) Hello Comrade! Tired of monotonous divingsuits and clothes? Do you want something more futuristic? Then the "Power Armor" from "Fallout" is especially for you! The mod pack is still being finalized and I will try to add new Armor and Items if you lik...
Created by Vootfer
The Vortex is an attack vessel designed to be tough and capable of safely deploying a small strike or dive team. Armed with multiple turrets, It can provide heavy overwatch to deployed troops, clearing a safe zone for extraction. It is brought to you by Fr...
Created by Vootfer
The Vulture is a small patrol vessel designed to be fast and nimble while having enough firepower for even the most dangerous creatures of Europa. Great sub for starting your adventure or continuing one... Brought to you by Frontier Shipyards! Stats: Class...
Floating ruin
Created by ber(棒
At one of the ruins under investigation, an accident occurred in which a part of the ruins started to move. the Parts of the ruins were recovered and modified. The abnormally "grown" defensive devices were turned into armaments, the huge generator into a n...
Created by KARIN
Flamingo 火烈鸟号 参赛版v1.1 提到恐怖外星生物,您会想到什么?对于藻鬃爬行者和泥偶迅猛龙来说,那代表拿着神秘妙妙工具猎杀巢穴的两脚外星人。好吧,至于更加传统和古板的锤头煞族群,在他们的幻想中有一种生物,拥有刺眼颜色的威胁性羽毛,吞食水生动物为生,甚至还有离开水面飞行的能力。那么您是时候向它们展示,这一生物的确存在。 隆重推出火烈鸟号,一艘拥有战舰级火力和游艇级内饰的豪华流线型潜艇。为了满足站点VIP,画皮小丑助手和评委们的特殊癖好,火烈鸟号使用最鲜艳的防水涂料包裹船体,并且以浅鲑红色墙纸装饰,...
Flying Duntchman
Created by SodaCandy06
the dutchman must have a captain...
Folksspulegewehr (handheld coilgun)
Created by Wünterschlee№1
A new and fancy bootleg machinegun! It uses coilgun ammunition along with batteries to shoot! Simply put coilgun ammobox and any charged battery into the gun inventory. ... Profit! Changelog: Update 18.11.22: - Now bolts come out of the barrel, not middle ...
Fortunate Worm
Created by Rey
Some folks are born, made to wave the flag Updated for Barotrauma 1.0! Sick of hearing your crew whine and beg for their lives as you're trying to kill some big ass alien bastards? Well, that Endworm just swallowed a radio, and when its jaws smash through ...
Functional Bunk Beds
Created by アンジェル
A simple design trick to make bunk beds very useful. By making a second bed above the first one invisible, you get to use the bunks ingame "properly". You get "Functional Bunks" (FB). But there is more! By utilising cabinets you can make even "use" of the ...
Funny Posters
Created by Dan Murphy
40 Funny Posters (and signs). No submarine editor required! They can be bought, sold, placed on walls, and taken down by the crew. Buy them from vending machines and outpost merchants. All of them can be deconstructed. If you're lucky, you will find some i...
Furry posters
Created by Prosto_het
Some furry posters for you and your crew! This file contains some NSFW posters. All pictures was found on Internet in free use....
Gato Mamahuevo
Created by Nalu
gato mamahuevo un perfecto poster para llevar al fondo del abismo con un grupo de amigos...
Fuel Rods Cabinet
Created by アンジェル
An asset combination with a design trick to make a cool looking fuel rods cabinet. Comes with three colour variants (as a matter of course you can change the colour to your personal liking) and XXL versions. The XXL versions cover two large steel cabinets....
GAZ-3302 Gazelle
Created by Knarrenbluntz
От людей для людей...
Created by Xiao[CN]
Support 中文(简体) and English currently. **为星际战士改造手术模组基因的特制版本看这里: 写在最前,畜牧业在后续版本中可能会以宠物的形式取代现版本(也可能只是增加而非取代),届时对于已经含有相关物品的存档而言,因id缺失弹出红字为正常现象。(现版本已暂时删除) 现在你终于可以种植基因啦,此mod增加了几种能结出基因的种子。 是的,基因农场时代...
Gamergeddon Resources | Posters & Other decorative items.
Created by Rat_
Gamergeddon Resources is a resource pack of additional posters, flyers, portraits and other pieces of art which can be used to liven up and improve the style of your brand new submarine. You can find all items in this pack by searching 'Gamergeddon' in the...
Genes+ Revived and Expanded
Created by Noble
Works in 1.0 Languages: EN,CN,PTBR The NEW update is here! Added 24 more gene splicers! Have fun! (will lock crafting later) Feedback much appreciated! Original mod If Original mod author does not want to have this mod up, gonna delete it Description! Curr...
Created by MØNØĿi†H
Attack-class submarine with good armament and defense, it has a bathyscaphe and a drone, it contains enough comforts that a submarine needs. General information Type: Attack Tier III Price: 25000mk Size: 67*17m Cargo capacity: 28 crates Recommended crew si...
Grand Status Monitor
Created by アンジェル
Have you ever been feeling annoyed that you have to be here and there to lookup for information about the submarine's status? Do you wish to check on things quickly without the need to change the GUI? That is what Text Displays are for! And with a little w...
Girls' Frontline Gun Pack
Created by flower
Adds 82 guns ripped from the Mobile Game Girls' Frontline Comes with Simplified & Traditional Chinese Translation! provided by misor63, Ludiniea and give you up, let you down. Patch #7.91 Changelog - Decreased drop- and spawnrate of all items across the bo...
Gravity gun !
Created by BLKite
This mod include this Gravity gun and fuel more powerful corwbar support eng and kor and chinese I'd want to add Russian translation. If you're interested, please contact me. Fyling husk ! It's time to become a physicist. Wh...
Greatly Improved PUCS
Created by Deltλ "WARNING. BLOOD LOSS DETECTED. INJECTING MEDICAL COMPOUND." This replaces the original PUCS. Features: Extra medical compound slot - 2 in total Higher depth capacity - 6000 to 7500 Higher armor stats - 30% to 70% Increased l...
Created by Hadrada
The Hadrada is a submarine designed for the ALPHA test of the Mechtrauma mod. It uses Lua for some items and is intended to run with Neurotrauma and Hazardous Reactors but it should work fine without them. PERFORMANCE If you experience low fr...
Half-Life Combine Module Pack
Created by SloppyTrainyard
Universal Union now visited Europa, because they can Adds various items and structures related to Combines from Half-Life game series Includes Outfits, with custom footsteps...
Halo Weapons(UNSC)
Created by 月目巳
 Halo Weapons(UNSC)  The First part . Introduction Ⅰ. Most of the content of this module comes from the weapons and firearms of the UNSC troops in the game Halo, which belong to the fan works of Halo. Ⅱ. Previously, because items were added frequently, it ...
Halo Armors
Created by 月目巳
新增物品 Ⅰ.盔甲 1. Gen2雷神之锤动力突击护甲:斥候型(可以放入潜水服柜) 2. MARK VI雷神锤动力突击护甲(可以放入潜水服柜) 3.ODST战斗服(BDU) Ⅱ.物品 为雷神锤护甲供能 1.unsc_armorbattery1(UNSC护甲驱动电池) 普通的驱动电池,可以充电。 2.unsc_armorbattery_super(新一代UNSC护甲驱动电池) 加强版驱动电池,可以充电。 3.unsc_armorbattery_explode 特殊的试作型驱动电池,比普通驱动电池强,但不及 新...
Handheld Submarine Weapon
Created by Biff_W
This mod adds 5 Titan/Anti-Titan weapons from the classic fps game Titanfall 2, which are handheld version of submarine weapons. 40mm Cannon - Coilgun XO-16 Chaingun - Chaingun Charge Rifle - Pulse Laser Plasma Railgun - Railgun(fires non-canister shell) L...
Created by Lieutenant Laxative
adds a hard hat and a welding mask and unique versions of both hard hat is cheap and gives great blunt protection welding mask protects against burns and gives a mechanical buff ...
Harbinger “预兆”级移动异星遗迹
Created by Zyleand
//////////整活船注意,不具备平衡性////////// 本船已经不再进行维护了,如果有需要,,欢迎在评论区留言作者 一群醉酒科学家的疯狂想法。“如果我们不能造出如同异星遗迹一样的坚固的潜艇,那为什么我们不能开着异星遗迹走呢?”于是乎这群天才用等离子切割器花了几个月时间把一整个异星遗迹舱室切割下来,安装了引擎和导航系统,创造了这艘独一无二的“预兆”级潜艇。 基本配置:船体外壳为单层外星遗迹墙;内部采用异星反应堆供电,理论上无限电力,并无需操控;除部分水泵外,其余水泵为排量极大的异星水泵。全船具有基本...
HARPOON No Mods, 6000c
Created by XallZall
The Supermarine HARPOON MK.XVI is the fourth generation Submarine created, researched and developed by XALLZALL HEAVY INDUSTRIES. This is an advanced high-tech Attack Class Submarine, and that at a low price, meaning you can start using it right away! Key ...
Created by Alister
The Harpa's extensive medical bay, high maneuverability, and drone make it perfect for search and rescue operations. The weak reactor is supplemented by a backup battery array, which is controllable by switches in the navigation room. ...
HAS Medusa III
Created by Tfaltys
A large multi-purpose combat submarine for 6-12 players. Notable features: - Two remote control drones/gun platforms; - Force-field airlock on the lower deck; - Vertical, symmetrical design that promotes cooperation and communication in order to succeed; -...
Hazardous Reactors
Created by Foxtrot39
-IMPORTANT- This Mod requires server-side Lua to function! Instructions on how to install server-side Lua can be found here: Lua For Barotrauma Looking for compatibility patches? They can be found here. Hazardous Reactors is an overhaul mod that aims to ma...
Headsight [REDUNDANT]
Created by Pyrodes
basically a mod that modifies humans to have their main limb be the head instead of the torso, making it so that your eyes are in your head and not your torso. pretty easy and beneficial fix ...
Hazardous Reactors damage patch for neurotrauma
Created by Foxtrot39
Adapt rod & reactor damage to players so they stay dangerous, otherwise they deal near to no damage Doesn't modify Advanced medecin/neurotrauma at all Due to an ongoing issue the EK support is disabled until resolved Load order : -Hazardous reactor NT patc...
Created by mograine3096
Is this a bird? Is this a whale? No! It is the T D F – M a c r o p u s! When you are getting in trouble in the abyss, you need to get help as soon as possible – and help from nearest base are not always able to arrive while it still needed. And this is whe...
Created by demonshadow199
A quick patch that allows Heroin and Neurotrauma to function with no overlapping Afflictions. Includes overhaul of Epinephrine and Modafinil to decrease unconsciousness Affliction added with Neurotrauma. Both Heroin and Neurotrauma must be enabled along wi...
Himalia Expedition Vessel
"The Himalia is a capital-class exploration vessel intended for use on the Aphotic Plateau and beyond as a salvage and exploration craft. Ample cargo capacity, capable production facilities, and enough crew amenities to sustain at least eighteen. the vesse...
Holiday Oceanic
Created by KARIN
海洋假日号Holiday Oceanic 完全版v1.4 抛开可怕的怪物和神秘的遗迹不谈,木卫二其实是个美丽而富饶的行星。所以,放下您那薄得可怜的钢板吧,反正它也抵挡不了女妖的攻击,用玻璃构造您的船只,并一览海底的美景吧。在酒吧坐一坐,或者是在长椅上看看书,您还可以种满植物,把玻璃球舱改造成深渊温室,有开阔的视野总是好的。上次我去Chatte科研站时,那里的研究人员声称她还可以防止船员的精神疾病,看来您可以少买点氟哌啶醇了。 您还在担心安全问题么?放心,传统游艇已经死了,在它们坟头上挥洒核废料的正是海洋假日...
Hitachi Magic Wand
Never ask a woman her age, a man his income, or a barotrauma modder what's on the floor in the corner of their room... Adds a really cool weapon! Use it on your crewmates shoulders to help them relax, it eases wiithdrawal, cures psychosis and lets their ar...
Honk Assets
Created by Thigh Noon
Adds a few Honk Mason themed posters...
Humpback Großreinigung
Created by Kookoorooza
Deep modernization of the Humpback, based on idea of preserving the location of all nodes of the original submarine. This is the fourth iteration of my "Humpback", which incorporates 4 years of experience The general list of changes: - Completely redesigne...
Husk auto-controller [NOT-WORKING]
Created by shmuckas
(You must have Improved Husks for this to work.) No longer working as of current instance, not sure how it broke but it did. just barotrauma things, and im no coder. feel free to fix it for me if you'd like. PUTS YOU IN DA WORM MIND! (maybe) Thanks a whole...
Husk Church Cathedral Visual Pack
Created by Tfaltys
Gothic cathedral style visual items and cultist robes. The submarine in Image 3 is available here - p.s. the bunks in the screenshot are from my "clan deco" mod -
IJN Coufsure
Created by YamatoHotel
This submarine is a 1:1 recreation of the MNF Surcouf (1:1 scale was purely accidental but hey, might as well take some pride in it). As such, it is a large submarine that might not be 100% lag free for lower end specs Main features include: - A fully oper...
If You Die You Are Banned
Created by Evil Factory
Pain and Suffering. Anyone that dies, is automatically permanently banned from the server.. Sadly server hosts can't be banned, very unfortunate. Only requires Server-Side Lua....
Created by Rocket
Whilst modest in its present state; the IKATERE is all about potential. Meticulously designed for survivability and expansion, she is packed full of monitoring sensors that make her truly fearsome when expanded and wielded by a hardworking crew. Central ba...
Created by Blacklight
INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! IMC BOTANUS Botanical Cargo Transport (NOTE: This Vessel Looks Much Larger Than It Is. It is actually on the small to medium si...
Created by Blacklight
UPDATED: 09/09/2023 Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! ALL IMC Vessels are Vanilla and use no Mods This Vessel is optimized for Vanilla Campaign Playable Maps The IMC COLLECTOR Hazardous Cargo Transport The IMC Collector is a heavily ...
Created by Blacklight
UPDATED: 09/09/2023 INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! IMC ENFORCER - Light Cruiser The Enforcer is the largest IMC patrol vessel assigned to secure the valuable ...
Created by Blacklight
INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! IMC DELUVIAN COMMAND SHUTTLE (DCS) - Scout Class The IMC DCS is designed as both a shuttle module for larger IMC DELUVIAN COMMA...
Created by Blacklight
UPDATED 02/14/2024: Updated pathing for AI compatibility. Adjusted lighting to remove light bleeding. Reduced engine and pump max speed significantly. Reduced starting items significantly. Modified storage capacity and tags. Updated pricing. INTERSTELLAR M...
Created by Blacklight
UPDATED: 09/09/2023 INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! The IMC JAS MkI Jovian Advanced Submersible Manufactured on Europa and designed for deep water exploration,...
Created by Blacklight
INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! IMC RAKE MKII The IMC RAKE is a fast attack frigate. While not designed for extended combat, the Rake's agility and impressive ...
Created by Blacklight
UPDATED: 09/09/2023 INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! The IMC REDEEMER - Heavy Frigate The Redeemer is a class 2 medical transport designed for deluvian search a...
Created by Blacklight
UPDATED 02/11/2024: Updated pathing for AI compatibility. INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! IMC SLEDGE COMBAT FRIGATE The IMC SLEDGE is a Tier 3 fast attack frig...
Created by Blacklight
UPDATED: 02/11/2024: Updated pathing for AI compatibility. INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! THE IMC SONA The IMC SONA is a...
Created by Blacklight
UPDATED: 06/02/2022 (Tuned Capacitors) Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are Vanilla and use no Mods MC TRADE OUTPOST The IMC Trade Outpost is the first publicly released IMC Outpost. Custom designed with features not...
Endfiled:Resonance warfare
Created by Coffie making
终末地:共鸣作战 Endfiled:Resonance warfare b.1.5 正式版 终末地:共鸣作战是主要内容为少女前线、少女前线追放、明日方舟、明日方舟终末地为主题内容,再以灰烬战线、碧蓝航线等二次元和游戏向以及个人、朋友、画师私设等内容持续更新的二次元游戏模组。 正式版本更新内容已经更新,感谢大家的体验,祝你们游玩愉快 UI需要本地安装,安装方式如下: (1)任意磁盘:\STEAM\steamapps\workshop\content\602960\2853726750为终末地:共鸣作战模组路径...
Improved Husks
Created by The Ninja Scout
Improved Husks The Improved Husks mod aims to improve and expand the influence of the mysterious "husk parasite" in the world of Barotrauma in many ways. Core Features -Almost every single biological creature in the game can now be turned into a husk. This...
R-28 Indra
Created by rav2n
RUS Недорогая цена, мощные двигатели, грозная огневая мощь и узнаваемый силуэт многими ветеранами сражений между Коалицией и Сепаратистами. Это неполный список достоинств, делающих R-28 "Индра" хорошим выбором для небольших экипажей и настоящей классикой с...
Created by Angelica
The icon, the myth, the legendary disgrace of the former unofficial vessel "Innanutshell", now supporting Mechtrauma to it's finest degree, equipped with a surveillance system, depth charge, breach alarms, the perfect choice for developing chronic stockhol...
Created by Blacklight
Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! Update wiped out the description .. will update description soon....
Invisible Wires
Created by squidd
Adds invisible wires to vendors and fabricators so you can engage circuitry during an ongoing game without sacrificing aesthetics. You should probably only use this with players you trust. Not recommended for use in the submarine editor....
Created by Smith Furia
// THE RESILIENT IRONWOOD Time has been cruel to C-92, which only after having its entire carcass coated with a metamaterial began to rival many of the flagship submarines of the current era. Its origin remains incomplete and uncertain, and there are no re...
Iron Cavalry Prototype Gunship
Created by Zyleand
All Language Supported! If you like it, please give me a thumb up! thank you! Intro This mod contains two vessels, the normal “Iron Cavalry” fits campaign mode and the “Iron Cavalry 2” fits PVP mode. I haven’t played PVP before so I’m not sure if it an int...
JC-07 Scylla (UPDATED)
Created by Javik
***now updated to*** Recommended experience level: Intermediate+ Recommended players: 4-10, mostly Bot-friendly For public servers I strongly advise to lock all wiring It has a talking ship AI, you can set the frequency of random voice lines, have ...
JellyCreatures -EuropanBoxCutter, BlinkerJelly, NeuroJelly and ShroomJelly
Created by Pathogenex
UPDATE: EuropanBoxcutter: Giant flourescent behemoths. Similar in kind to box jellyfish from earth but with a penchent appetite for a piece of you. Will stun and disorient anyone caught in their tendrils. Random encounters added. UPDATE: Shroomjelly: Total...
Jin-Roh mod
Created by Garling
This modification adds weapons and armor from the 1999 anime "Jin-Roh" Список предметов: Cerberus armored suit Mg-42 Stg-44 Heavy Ballistic Shield Unbalanced Wearable Underwater Scooter...
Created by MasonMachineGuns
Works in 1.5.7 Announcement! - First beta for 1.9, LUA removed, ID cards use variant cards for ease of play and not needing lua. Captain types are all captains Heads are whatever their department is. No special or cross cards. -Skills and talents are based...
Just Your Hands
Created by LeDoux
Info: This mod alters your inventory to only allow to carry items in your hands and 1 inventory slot. Security Officers and Captains will spawn with a storage containers containing their default equipment. Now you got a reason to get a toolbelt or install ...
K-07 Kasatka
Created by Doomich
Updated Mk II version: Well, it's here, and only thanks to the baro discord community again! Hope you can give me feedback on balance, design issues and bugs so that I can improve it for you...
K-08 Thanatos
Created by Doomich
Would be grateful for your feedback or comment, as well as for reporting if you find anything broken. Thanks! Based on the submarine from Gears of War 3: Compact attack class submarine for a crew of 4-6 people. ...
K-141 Kursk [RU]
Created by BigBang
Атомная крейсерская подводная лодка проекта 949 «А» более известная как Антей в модификации К-141 «Курск» создана Конструкторским Бюро БигБенгия «КББ». Специальные проект повышенной выживаемости прошедший не одно количество модификаций изначально создав...
(Not Maintained) Kaskara-class Assault Cruiser (Goph Original Ship)
Created by GophTheGreat
I am aware that the sub may be nonfunctional due to changes in the game since its creation. This item is no longer being maintained. Please leave a like if you enjoy the sub! Kaskara: As the separatist movement ramped up its efforts, the Coalition's Specia...
Created by Cultist ඞ
A bunch of random posters, some requested, others out of my own. Some are from artists who I asked permission, so they are: Keadonger Stunnerpony R-MK ChitterCG Bad Dragon VetisxArt KittyKusCell ProWisteria Noxxyous Diegojhol Caralamelia (Need to add the o...
Kastrull (Mechtrauma)
Created by Goostave
为机械创伤mod改造后的卡斯特罗,需要 机械创伤Mechtrauma 作为前置。为 折磨 群友而做,尚未经过高强度多人战役测试。 记住,不要换炮不要换炮不要换炮! 不然你炮手椅就没了 注意:如果启用了performance fix,部分关键设备会表现异常,比如引擎无推力、排风扇不转。需要按照上面第一张图的里那样加几个设备的id到pf高优先级列表里。...
Created by Walter
Kettenkrad from ~Girls Last Tour~ 少女木卫二旅行号履带摩托车~ The final ver.
Created by Aleph
Dear user: Welcome, to the final version of Girl's Europa Trip. This word final doesn't mean I won't be fixing bugs or arrange some numbers in receiving your report, but a monument of what I have achieved these days. At the beginning, it is only a bare shi...
Kingfisher Expedition/cargo vessel
Created by dictator putski
Whether your moving heavy or dangerous cargo on long voyages throughout those frigid waters, looking for an adventure to scoop up some alien artifacts, or just wanna go out and blast some sealife silly, look no further than: THE KINGFISHER This one-of-a-ki...
Kitbash Skiff
Created by Crazy Ivan
Like 99% of Europans, Crazy Ivan wasn't just handed a nuclear submarine. His first "command" was a common kitbash skiff made from a salvaged shuttle engine, batteries, and small trim tanks. Guided by handheld sonar and driving by periscope, Crazy Ivan set ...
Created by Renko
This submarine is 100% vanilla, and compatible with the mod BAROSOMBRA. It is Among the Ancients and campaign ready ! It is also very performance-friendly (no detectors, no wifi...) Submarine specs Price : 8.500 mk Recommended crew : 2 - 6 Crew level : Int...
Created by アンジェル
Special Drone for the Hazel V2 The main submarine, a modified Kastrull, you can find here:
Legacy Husk Infection
Created by washedAwry
Have you ever wondered what Husks used to be like? This mod aims to re-implement Legacy Husk Infection mechanics into the game as faithfully as posslble. No matter how you die, if you're infected, the parasite will take over your corpse and stand right bac...
Let Them All In
Created by heheboi
Creature Boarding Enhancement This mod makes the creatures of any size able to board submarine. Any creatures, be they modded or vanilla. Client-Side Lua is required for it to work on singleplayer. Both Server-Side and Client-Side Lua is required for it to...
Created by Chaoswsm
1. General appearance. The exterior of the design is unique, with its inspiration coming from the biblical beast, Leviathan. The outer shell uses a large amount of ore as peripheral illumination, while the mouth nibbles on the shuttle. In fact, the origina...
Lexi MkV
Created by DragonWolf569
-ATTACK CLASS SUB-(TIER III) ------------------------------- Price: 25600 Dimensions: 77x26m Recommended crew size: 4-7 Recommended crew experience: Experienced Max horizontal speed: (Manual) 17km/h (Autopilot) 14km/h Max Vertical speed: (Manual) 18km/h (A...
Long Range Radio Transceiver
Created by Fox
Description This is a Item Assembly of a Long Range Radio Transceiver. This can be installed in a shuttle and a mothership for long range text based communication for when normal headset antennas wont be in range. Features The radio channel can be changed ...
Longhorn Patrol Sub
Created by Dr MrFace
This is a little scout sub with perhaps too much engine. Description: The Longhorn was the result of a project redesign when a larger hunter subs funding was cut. This left an incredible amount of engine for a sub of its size and class. While it can eat th...
Lua For Barotrauma
Created by Evil Factory
Updated for the v1.5.9.1 Summer Update + Hotfix + Hotfix 2 Discord: Consider supporting the project: This is a Barotrauma modification that adds Lua modd...
M.M Loach D.D.V
Created by Digital mako
" The mako marine Loach D.D.V is a vessel designed to explore some of the deepest uncharted waters of europa as well as be able to perform a variety of utilities and other aplications, while now having somewhat old tech in comparison to mako marines newer ...
M10 All-In-Pack
Created by ИMSS
This mod is basically united pack of all my old suits and clothes. With one little (or monstrous!?) bonus Kept you waiting, huh? After a while, and some requests in comments about packing all my stuff in one pack, this is it. My magnum opus. M10 All-in-Pac...
M10 All-In-Pack + EuropaWaifu++ Patch
Created by Anomaly
A patch that makes M10's outfits compatible with EuropaWaifu, and makes several outfits craftable that weren't previously. Load after M10 All-In-Pack and EuropaWaifu++, please refer to screenshot if there is confusion. Please comment if there are bugs, que...
Created by Pupper
Designed for campaings with high crew numbers, the "Metano" as it is called around Europa cold oceans, offers confort, crew bunks for eveyone, two fabricators, two airlocks, it has 6 weapons wich 4 can be changed on stations and a on-demand made mini-subma...
makeshift weapons
Created by Lieutenant Laxative
adds a bunch of makeshift weapons and explosives -makeshift smg, shotgun, grenade launcher, flamer, revolver -welding fuel tank and oxygen tank bombs and a fire bomb -plasma torcher that rarely spawns in wrecks...
Created by Ma'am
Adds items mainly for use by sub builders Core additions are: Omnidirectional engine (can go up and down!!!1!) An ammunition signal output for coilgun-, pulselaser-, chaingun-, railgun-, flakcannon- and depth charge loaders A chair that functions as a peri...
[OBSOLETE] MannaBuildables - EK | Gunnery - Loaders Patch
Created by zomgtehderpy
loved the loaders' "ammo_out" pin so much that made an EK | Gunnery compatibility patch. obsolete along "ek | gunnery", use ek mods 1.x version instead
Magneto-laser pistol
Created by Lagmanor
Magneto-laser pistol, a weapon from Fallout 2 game, is now in Barotrauma, for all your protection needs! General Adds two new energy weapons using three ammunition types, four non-class-specific talents and books that let you unlock the mod recipes. Pistol...
Manta Ray
Created by Psyduck
███  ███  █████  ███  ██ ████████  █████  ██████  █████  ██  ██  ████  ████ ██   ██ ████  ██    ██    ██   ██  ██   ██ ██   ██  ██  ██   ██ ████ ██ ███████ ██ ██  ██  ██  ███████  ██████  ███████   ████   ██  ██  ██ ██   ██ ██  ██ ██  ██  ██   ██  ██   ██ ...
Created by Felpato
Marlin just got a rework! It's been some time since I create this vessel, but now it really does have the basic that it was lacking before! Give it a try and say what you think! Marlin is a small scout vessel that can securely support a small crew of 3 mem...
Martial-01D + Drop Pod
Created by Sebe
A.I FRIENDLY SHIP! IT HAS WAYPOINTS AND SPAWNPOINTS Overview: Martial-01D Overview: 20,000 MARKS - Recommended crew size = 3-9 Marital-01D--pronounced "Marshal"--was a cargo submarine mainly doing outpost to outpost travel near the surface. It consists of ...
Created by Working Joe
This sub file contains a computer to play the code-breaking game Mastermind, built out of 1384 components and wires. :) If you're not familiar with the game, the concept is to guess a hidden 4 digit code. After each guess, the number of correct digits and ...
Material IO
Created by Biff_W
Supported Languages:English, Русский, 简体中文, 繁体中文 This mod adds a new container to store your materials —— IO Storage Container With this, you can have significantly less material instances in your game session which might be helpful for performance. Now he...
Mauser IV (Vanilla) [2-8]
Created by monobi
This snub-nosed battle frigate has more power than the Birillia in smaller profile than the Dugong. Based on the design of an inherited old-earth semi-automatic pistol, the Mauser C96, this submarine is packed full of enough content, equipment, and potenti...
Created by Fat Ugly Bastard
Summary The Mazara is a high-tech, high-security attack submarine for captains that are unable to trust their own crew. The vessel is split into two modules: the command module in the front which houses the navigation systems, and the service module in the...
[Legacy] Meaningful Drunkenness ? ? ?
Created by Videogames
A mod which makes 'alternative' treatments of psychosis more effective, and tweaks their stats somewhat. I found it disappointing that personal use of pipe tobacco or ethanol has virtually no beneficial purpose from a gameplay perspective. Devs intended fo...
Meaningful Upgrades
Created by Videogames
A mod which improves the existing upgrade system and adds new ones. Upgrade cost scales more linearly with what you are paying for. More incentive to max out an upgrade category instead of buying a different sub. Some Items can be upgraded to +50% or +100%...
Maddened Black Sea Armory
Created by Mechnomancer
Welcome to the armory This revival mod was made possible through the combined contributions of 404, andyLony, CC, and Duke_Venator. Extended thanks goes to Bodevarc for their work on the original incarnation of Black Sea Armory. Without that, this wouldn’t...
Medic Husk
Created by Malicious Medic
A version of the playable husk template mod but with medical doctor talents...
Mechtrauma ALPHA
Created by Hadrada
INTRODUCTION Mechtrauma is an overhaul of the mechanical experience for Barotrauma. Keeping a submarine operational now requires a competent and engaged engineering team. No Longer a tedious marathon of clicking repair on anything that breaks for the engin...
Mechanics and Engineers Combined (Outdated)
Created by Ruryi
Combines the Talent Trees of Mechanics and Engineers. Useful for playthroughs that usually has 2-3 active players....
Medical Case
Created by Dynamiez
A small case made of plastic to store up to 6 medical items. In vanilla game you can use a medic uniform to store 3 medical items, mostly bandages, saline and morphium. But i like to take a few antidotes like calyxanide and anaparalysant with me too on awa...
Medicinal Grow Room
Created by Zahk
A room full of happy little bushes to help deal with the horrors clawing at the hull of your submarine, remember not to sail and smoke;)...
Created by skylervyk
A standalone mod containing a single item: The Medsuit The Standard Issue Medic's Diving Suit, or Medsuit for short, is a nimble dive suit which has an even lighter construction than the slipsuit, allowing great mobility in water and on land, though has th...
Created by Newt
Medusa 100% vanilla balanced Medium sized submarine designed for campaign, comes with adjusted bot way-points for solo play and is newbie friendly, submarine is fairly minimalistic with components so the sub has very good performance whilst maintaining nic...
Medusa Mobile Husk Church Cathedral
Created by Tfaltys
The Church of the Husk Cathedral. Dark deeds arise in the deeps of the frozen oceans. Madness drives many to lose themselves but for others it is the madness that opens doors to finding themselves. Such is the salvation of those dwelling within this drifti...
Meme Poster Pack
Created by Oceanforce
A collection of posters originally made for a campaign with friends. Craftable at the Fabricator with x1 Organic Fiber. Feel free to suggest more images in the comments....
meme posters
Created by survi4
Мемные постеры для вашей подлодки ;)...
Mercenary Gear
Created by NaillesS
This mod adds to the game part of the overalls of mercenaries from S.T.A.L.K.E.R, in the amount of five pieces. *Excluding SEVA and exoskeleton All gear have properties, which will be described below. Suit without accessories (Preferably worn by an assista...
MGE Posters
Created by Loki
A pack of posters with monster girls, made to order for the server. Contains 18 posters....
MGLA-Armor Mk.2
Created by Levinson
Тяжёлый бронекостюм МГЛА. Разработка НИИ "Глубоководных Исследований Европы" обеспечивает эффективное выполнение задач оператором в любых условиях. Внимание! За утерю дорогостоящего оборудования, вас ждёт 510 лет охраны подлодки! UPD: Изменён дизайн, увели...
Midget U-Boat type XXVIIB
Created by DrToffee
Based on the real german midget submarine Fleift-Uboat Type XXVIIB "Seehund" during WWII. Designed in 1944 and operated by two-man crews and used by the Kriegsmarine during the closing months of the war. Has all basic requirements Armaments: 1 Coil Gun 1 E...
Micro Shift Register
Created by uberdrück
Smaller is better! Miniaturized shift register that can be of any length (within engine limitations), and store any type of data, while using only 5 components (or 9 for the bidirectional variant), by using regex list operations. Can be used to store and r...
MGLA-Armor MK10 mod
Created by Levinson
Тяжёлый бронекостюм МГЛА. Разработка НИИ "Глубоководных Исследований Европы" обеспечивает эффективное выполнение задач оператором в любых условиях. Внимание! За утерю дорогостоящего оборудования, вас ждёт 510 лет охраны подлодки! UPD: Изменён дизайн, увели...
Mining Laser [Vanilla]
Created by Crazy Ivan
Before he was known as "Crazy," Ivan worked countless mining and construction sites. Unsatisfied with slow handheld plasma cutters, he retrofitted a mining train with a precision laser drill for cutting through ice, rock, plating, and even alien ruins. The...
[OUTDATED] Molly Shuttle
Created by MØNØĿi†H
It is a shuttle, with high-capacity batteries and good defense. is required for this submarine: My Workshop:
Modular Reactor Complex
Created by SeaverBeaver
A reactor complex build originally designed to go straight into the ESV Prometheus, but after popular demand for its release on its own here it is! There's a built in checklist to make sure it can be seamlessly integrated into your submarines, all I ask is...
Molot Storage System [100 slots] Multi Player Ready
Created by Garlic Master
Welcome to Multiplayer(MP) version of Molot Storage System. My original mod you can find in the link below Difference between SP and MP Difference between SP and MP version has to do with am...
Molot Storage System [500 / 250 slots] (Attachable!) Single Player.
Created by Garlic Master
Multiplayer Ready version of the Mod Link to multiplayer version. Difference between SinglePlayer (SP) and Multiplayer (MP) Difference between SP and MP version has to do with amount of slot...
Monster Energy
Created by VigersRay
Everyone's favorite energy drink is now in Barotrauma. Adds 7 brand new brand name energy drinks and their drinking sound. You can create them at the medical fabricator, they are also sold by almost all merchants, as ...
Morbius posters
Created by Lax
Morbius is the best movie of all time, a mod containing it's greaty is needed to we continue as a morbid civilization....
More Alarm Sounds
Created by GophTheGreat
Adds new (currently 6) alarm items with different sounds to the game. These are in addition to the vanilla asset; they do not replace the original alarm or siren. Alarm Buzzer (wupwup): (recommended as a less-grating flood a...
More Artifacts (AOCS)
Created by Irradaven
Hi. What if it turned out that there were more than five artifacts? What if there were more than three alien trinkets? What if they began to find in the ruins not only traces of an ancient race? Maybe the answer is here somewhere. So what does this mod off...
More Sloots Of Europa
Created by Oy!
Hiya! Tis' I, Lynn from LYNNCORP™©®℠ Entertainment and Media! I have come to offer you an ENHANCED experience of the Sloots of Europa mod! Introducing; MORE Sloots of Europa! It's basically the same idea (big tiddy submariners with modified clothing) *Inst...
More Unique Weapons (v1.1) [ENRU]
Created by amphibian
Adds more variants of the vanilla weapons in an effort to extend the existing collection of unique weapons and make searching wrecks and abandoned outposts more rewarding. Each weapon is grouped under one of the many factions of Europa.
Created by Jekkt 💀
100 unique pieces of headwear for ye boneheads. Set yerself apart from the rest of the crew. Use "enablecheats" and "spawnitem item_name_here inventory" to get the items or add them as additional cargo when starting a new campaign. You can also put them in...
Ну в общем, третья подлодка. На этот раз носящая название столицы России. Она как по мне лично является жемчужиной среди всех прочих субмарин. "Москву" было принято решение использовать в свзяи с огромной ценой "Русалки". Ее уникальный дизайн позволяет вме...
Movable and Sellable Wrecks
Created by Evil Factory
Movable and Sellable Wrecks This mod introduces the capability to move and sell wrecks from any mod, including the base game. It also provides a heavy industrial hook for lifting wrecks in situations where you lack a lower docking port or the wreck isn't r...
MultiCam System
Created by Captain Eric
Updated for Barotrauma Version: v1.0.8.0 Information The MultiCam System allows you to look through the Periscope and Left-Click to cycle through a series of cameras. This system comes with 5 cameras by default but can be expanded to any number easily by m...
Moving Average Filter
Created by uberdrück
Now 50% more average! A circuit that can be used to transform abrupt changes in an input signal into a more gradual change in the output, for example to smooth out control signals for engines and battery rates, or to slowly transition between different lig...
Murdak (legacy)
Created by Kafson
N.C.D Iracundia {OUTDATED}
Created by SP00KY_T1M3
Designed, and manufactured by Citadel Shipyards, CF, Europa. Citadel Shipyards are delighted to bring the formidable military submarine crews of the harsh Europan seas the N.C.D Iracundia! Designe...
Nanite Integration
Created by DemonX3
How come humanity is on Europe for so long and the technology is so scuffed? Being a submarine crew, you surely suffered a lot of minor and major injuries, perhaps even traitorship, so you surely will find use to those little nanobots. In this mod, there a...
Navalon Class Prototype Combat Cruiser 纳瓦隆级试做型战斗巡洋舰
Created by Zyleand
CN+EN Supported! 写在前面/Intro 推荐配合高难度mod使用,如Barotraumtic 推荐mod:高难狩猎 It is recommended to use with mod that greatly increase game difficulty, like Barotraumatic. 基本信息/Basic Information item数:1350(母舰)+103(无人机)=1453精罗落泪 售价:7000mk,应该不止这个价 大小:69*20m(实际尺寸60*10m) 武...
Navy Gal Posters
Created by Foolish lil' fox
Adds a bunch of cute furry gals to spice up your submarine! Gotta keep that morale up! (Also includes one bonus poster as an inside joke) Credits to WirelessShiba on Twitter for all the art, and Prosto_het on steam for the poster code....
Neco-Arc Sonar Replacement
Created by Cukurtētuks
Replaces the sonar sounds with Neco-Arc. I am funny...
Created by LeDoux
! IMPORTANT ! Please use this exact mod load order to prevent any issues: 1 - XXX Compatibility patch (if you use one) 2 - NEEDS 3 - Hungry Europans 4 - Any other mods of your choosing Note: Please remember to subscribe to the Hungry Europans mod as it is ...
NEEDS - NT Compatibility
Created by LeDoux
A small patch that allow both Neurotrauma and Needs to work together by fusing both mod's Human.xml. Please note that no interactions between both mod have been worked on so far (yet) So in short, both mod can coexist. THIS PATCH SHOULD BE PLACED ABOVE BOT...
NeuroEyes [fix] (deprecated)
Created by NerdBorn
Deprecated! For new and revisited version of this mod please follow: Not original mod, just fix so current version works with current LUA and Neurotrauma functions All reworked stuff in chan...
Created by Ma'am
okay, i changed my mind. this mod will now be receiving updates whenever i feel like it. which very well may be never again. who knows though, really. it's a free mod. Neurotrauma completely revamps the health of humans. This mod adds a lot of depth to the...
Neurotrauma 中文补丁
汉化包简介 由老虎脱粒机汉化组汉化 Neurotrauma 的外挂汉化包,要连同本体一起订阅。仅包含 Neurotrauma 汉化,不包含其他。 如果发现问题,请告诉我们,我们会即时修改。 以下为 Mod 原简介汉化版 Neurotrauma 大改了游戏的医疗系统 更加深度开发了游戏的医疗系统。许多疾病需要通过症状或使用健康扫描仪进行诊断,药物的使用不应过渡,否则可能适得其反。 在这个 Mod 里: 四肢可能会被截肢或因意外事件断肢。不过可以通过手术再接肢。 你的器官会衰竭,唯一的解决办法只有器官移植。 受...
Neurotrauma + AnimEuropa
Created by Jacobin
Compatibility mod for Neurotrauma and AnimEuropa. Neurotrauma made by Mannatu et al: XML files adapted from here. AnimEuropa made by YubuRoll et al:
Neurotrauma + genes tweaks
Created by Kazie
designed for in house campaign Changes: Vigor and hyperactivity has a cap of 2000 hyperzine has tweaks to compensate Tweaks chem addiction and chem withdrawal to compensate for uncapped vigor/hyperactivity hammerhead matriarch gene has been integrated for ...
NT Cybernetics
Created by Ma'am
Neurotrauma Cybernetics is an expansion for Neurotrauma that focuses on mechanical body modifications and augmentation. It currently adds: - Cyberarms - Cyberlegs - Custom damage types for mechanical limbs - Custom hit sounds for cyberlimbs ...thats about ...
Neurotrauma Cybernetics CN Patch
汉化包简介 由老虎脱粒机汉化组汉化 Neurotrauma Cybernetics 的外挂汉化包,要连同本体一起订阅。仅包含 Neurotrauma Cybernetics 汉化,不包含其他。 如果发现问题,请告诉我们,我们会即时修改。 以下为 Mod 原简介汉化版 Neurotrauma Cybernetics 是 Neurotauma 的扩展,主要增添了赛博义肢方面的内容。 现在目前有: - 赛博机械腿 - 赛博机械臂 - 赛博肢体的受伤类型 - 赛博肢体的受击音效 就围绕这个主题增添的这点东西... ...
Neurotrauma Tutorial map: Mercy Hospital
Created by Ma'am
The Mercy Hospital is an interactive map that aims to provide a safe and productive training environment for aspiring Neurotrauma medics. Infinitely reproducable scenarios include: - mudraptor attacks - bandit shootouts - asphyxiation - radiation victims -...
Neurotrauma+EWpp+Surgeon (Deprecated)
Created by Renj
A mod to add Surgeon class sprites for Neurotrauma Surgery Plus, in combination with the EuropaWaifu++ mod. Original content creator: Sharaj of EuropaWaifu++. The surgeon outfit is a recolored engineer outfit UPDATE: This compatibility Mod is deprecated. I...
New Wrecks For Barotrauma (With sellable wrecks)
Created by heheboi
New Wrecks for Barotrauma Expand and enhance the world of wrecked ships with this high-quality mod. Discover 18 new wrecks and their variants. Encounter unique and perilous traps. Dock with any wreck, even those not from this mod. Experience more challengi...
Nipi fix
Created by Wizr
Attention: All characters become women! This is a corrected version of the mod, taking into account the actual version of the game. I hope the author won't mind! Put a "like" or subscribe to his mod to support the author:
Created by Renko
This mod aim to bring more stuff to Barotrauma. More things to craft, more things to do. Everything is balanced around vanilla, a majority of the NOATUN items can only be crafted with talent-gated items, so you won't be able to craft everything at the star...
No Limits Talents
Created by yht0rt
What if you had access to every perk from every row of every tree of every class. Definitely a large deviation from vanilla but it can be quite nice for groups with small crew sizes. I built this as a sort of merger of both aaron.golder's All The Talent Tr...
NT Blahaj Plus
Created by Ma'am
NT Blahaj Plus adds a new job, with a full set of custom talents: The Swedic, a plush shark obsessed lunatic that might just be onto something. Notable features include: - 21 custom talents - custom game mechanics such as ram ventilation - AOE submarine de...
Nova VX
Created by RainDreamer
Repurposed from a failed line of luxury submarines, the Nova VX is everything a captain wants - if they never plan to take the submarine out of docking port. Its sleek design include wide open floor plan that cause heavy flooding on leak and lack safety fe...
NT Pharmacy
Created by Ma'am
Neurotrauma: Pharmacy is a neurotrauma expansion that adds custom pill fabrication. The official guide can be found here. If you wanna ask questions, do it on the neuro discord...
NT pill containers
Created by Dornam
Several containers with extra slots that exclusively hold pills from the neurotrauma pharmacy mod. Pill containers -Held in hand/cabinet only -Does not fit in containers -Large capacity (24 stacks) -Can fit a pill analyzer inside Pill bottles -Holds 12 sta...
NT Surgery Plus [busted [stop using me]]
Created by Ma'am
unsubscribe please, thanks this mod is unlisted and broken and i hate it. stop using it. This mod is kinda bad don't use it thanks oh and it also crashes if you select the first medic loadout for some reason so dont do that and surgery books dont give skil...
NT: Immune System Extended (OBSOLETE)
Created by Reality Beholder
This made is not compatible with the current version of the game, and the current version of Neurotrauma. It hasn't been updated since 2022, and I'm not currently playing Barotrauma anymore. Thank you for your understanding. If you ever end up fixing this ...
NT Surgery Plus - Base surgery level + talents access addon
Created by Perica
Adds base surgery levels and unlocks talents tree. Surgery can now be seen on all characters without this addon. The only thing that this mod does now is unlocking all talents for all characters with surgery talents included and adding base surgery levels ...
NT Unstunned
Created by Reality Beholder
This is a Neurotrauma expansion. Neurotrauma is a hard-requirement. In Neurotrauma, when both of your legs are either broken/dislocated/amputated you get a perma-stunlock. If you trip down a ladder, and both your legs get dislocated, you get permalocked in...
Nuclear Chemistry
Created by Perald Baxter
This mod mainly focuses on the more destructive parts of the game with an array of new nuclear warheads to play with and a few new ammo types for guns. This mod as well expands on a concept I feel is missing its potential which would be the piezo crystals....
Created by Onyx
OASIS Mod is a mod designed to add a variety of unique content to make Station RP servers more interesting, but it's been used in plenty of campaigns as well. It includes features such as: Ghosts Chemical Warfare Genetic Flaying Mapmaking Tools Rebalancing...
OASIS Mod Neurotrauma Compatibility Patch
Created by Onyx
A version of OASIS Mod that enables Neurotrauma compatibility. DO NOT USE NT SURGERY PLUS WITH THIS MOD! THIS MOD IMPLEMENTS NTSP INTO ITSELF! Now features NT Surgery Plus's Surgeon job merged into the Medical Doctor job, talents and all. All vanilla jobs ...
Created by Sny_Vs_Spyper
A micro shuttle pod used aboard the SMS Olympus for small scale cargo transfer, crew shuttling, search and rescue missions. Doubles as an effective escape shuttle if needs be....
One Handed Scooter
Created by War Wizard
Modifies the Underwater Scooter so that it can be used with just one hand. This way you can carry a bag in the other hand, or a handheld sonar, or even another scooter because... why not? You could also have a knife in the other hand and try some high spee...
Omnipotent - Vertical Attack Class Submarine
Created by Gryffon
Oswald Muller Nautical Industries is proud to introduce, the Omnipotent. Fully equipped with an arsenal caple of making short work of even the toughest Moloch shell....
Opossum posters
Created by thibaut3000
I said that I might make more similar mods, so here's some more. This one is SFW ...
OTP's Defense System
Created by Slingshot
A mod about more specific warning system, an inside coilgun and full body armor! - Every siren makes a different noise, all work the same as the vanilla counterpart. - Standard Turret - a coilgun that you can place inside the sub (mid-game). Works just as ...
Destiny Weapons Pack
Created by MsFizzy
This has been a bit of an on/off side project for awhile, still got a lot of things that needs to worked on but i think its in good enough shape to publish. Outbreak Perfected Outbreak has been my favorite gun from the destiny series, I taught myself to co...
Created by Dan Murphy
15 submarine blueprints from the vanilla game textures. The blueprints are used as outpost decorations, but they are not holdable or pickable by default. Now your crew can place them wherever they want on your submarine, and move them if they change their ...
Outpost NPCs have Pepper Spray
Requires Pepper Spray Ever wanted to have your eyes melted by potent xenocapsaicinoids harvested from alien flora? Outpost NPCs now have Pepper Spray! This mod overrides the "outpostnpcs1" npc set. A more elegant solution would be to add new itemsets and N...
Outpost Posters and Signs
Created by Dan Murphy
Outpost posters, banners and signs from vanilla Barotrauma. Also includes paintings, framed photos and x-rays. No submarine editor required! They can be picked up, dropped, placed on walls, taken down and replaced by the crew, and deconstructed. Buy them f...
P8 Space-Flight Suit
Created by ИMSS
Here-here! Do you remeber good old times when cargo ship arrived from Earth on daily basis? Me neither! But this suit, surely still remembers every moment of it's former glory! I'm proud to present you... "P8 Flight-Suit!" Almost weightless space era bodys...
P9 High-Pressure Suit
Created by ИMSS
This mod mainly designed to provide a (costly) alternative to cumbersome vanilla diving suits. Do you ever wanted to race a mudraptor and win? On 6000 meters depth? Say no more. P9 High-Pressure Diving Suit got everything you'll need! Used by an long gone ...
Created by Rocket
Formerly a design for stealth class midget submarines, the Paraki has been retooled for work on Europa. While sacrifices are made with manufacturing and weapons, this is made up for in stealth, speed, and adaptability. A battery centric design is supported...
OX-17 v0.2 EK
Created by Dm17r1
(RUS) Обновление: - бур на носу субмарины разбивает ледяные шпили и защищает нос субмарины чуть меньше, чем полностью !НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ УСТАНОВИТЬ ЕК ПАК ДЛЯ КОРРЕКТНОЙ РАБОТЫ БУРА! OX-17 является, по своей сути, продолжением ряда технических субмарин RiUS Ship...
OxyGear - Content Pack
Created by
OxyGear Essentials - Content Pack This content package offers new components to make your submarines even more functional and individual. In addition to the content for the editor, there is a redesigned diving suit and a new underwater scooter. New Objects...
Paralysis Gun
Created by Femboy Gaymer
Ever thought to yourself "Man, i wish the paralyzant syringe worked instantly"? Now it does! Kinda. Introducing the paralysis gun, a revolver customized to fire special paralyzant cartridges! No more waiting 15 minutes for someone to finally drop paralized...
Performance Fix
Created by Evil Factory
This mod will work in any vanilla or modded server that you join, regardless the server having the mod on or off What is this This is a very experimental Lua mod, so expect that things may break. This is mod can greatly improve performance, it works by dec...
Pepper Spray
Fixes: - You will no longer spray yourself in the face, not even a little. Targeting was broken by one of the updates and has been fixed. Changes: - Effects have been rebalanced, control inversion has been removed, it was REALLY FUNNY the first few times b...
Periscope Reactor
Created by squidd
A periscope operated reactor. The turbine output is controlled by the rotational direction of the periscope. Ingame the circle of lights will provide visual feedback for this. The fissionrate is controlled by holding click and double-clicking. Holding clic...
Created by ravrow
Perk-a-colas from Cod Zombies now available in Barotrauma! There are 4 kinds of drinks with different effects. They can be bought in vending machines at a reasonable price. Drink Up! ...
Pet Mudraptor - Holiday Update Hotfix
Created by Tuxlion
I'm planning on a big update here. For now, I've provided a quick little one. KNOWN BUG: The mudraptor will not eat when in a crowded room. I know it's something to do with their priorities and I've been trying to fix it for a while now. Just bring them to...
Created by Daisycutter
INFINITY ∞ SHIPYARD - PhoeniX Introduction / 介紹 Medium-sized submarine from Infinity Shipyard. PhoeniX is a multi-purpose submarine with a powerful armament that can also carry a large amount of cargo, and carrying drone dedicated to raiding nest. Role : D...
Created by Hyper075
FOR ANYONE STILL INTERESTED IN THIS MOD:The mod has been moved into Life of a Sailor located here: , no further updates or support will be provided for this mod as any future updates will ha...
Piranha MK. II S
Created by Davik
Jump in to the cockpit of the Piranha Mk II, a two-seat fighter designed for recon and escort roles. Запрыгивайте в кабину «Пираньи», двухместного истребителя, предназначенного для разведки и сопровождения. 跳进食人鱼(Piranha)的座舱,这是一款专为侦察和护送角色设计的两座战斗机。 Submarin...
PlanetSide Arsenal
Created by Silvainius
PlanetSide Arsenal adds various weapons from PlanetSide 2, albeit with some laziness as I figure out balancing and how to add different weapons classes with unique applications and flavors. I haven't updated particle effects or tracers yet, Im looking into...
Player Random Names [LUA]
Created by CSQRB
Changes your character names to random, even for character from respawn shuttle! Useful for RP servers Updated to v0.17.12.0 Working in Campaign mode. Requires "Lua for Barotrauma" to work This is server-side mod! • That means only host needs download "Lua...
PN-21 Colossus Mobile Station
Created by Hirohito
Welcome aboard PN-21 Colossus Mobile Station! Data: Class - Deep Diver Role - Heavy Mobile Station Size - 216mx43m Recommended Crew: 20-128 Crafting stations: 3 fabricators, 3 deconstructors, 2 medical fabricators Maximum speed - 22km/h Price - 134767 Arna...
PoleAxe 长柄斧
Created by Ji11
两个电磁枪,一个双联电磁枪,一套电磁线圈,一个轨道炮,两发深水炸弹,一个很酷的撞角。 很酷很好看,欢迎回报bug或者随便什么东西。 It's cool Just download it....
Pomegrenade Launcher
Created by amphibian
fruit gun :) unique grenade launcher that uses fruit as ammo. only found in wrecks like other unique weapons overrides the regular and mutant pomegrenade to be capable of acting as projectiles. besides this, there shouldn't be any conflicts with other mods...
Posters for RP (18+)
Created by Sovinsky
by Sovinsky Some posters, same as in y'r grandpa garage + some soviet posters for RU community. For Exclusive personal pack you can text me....
Created by blazebrewer
chinese cartoons...
Power Posters
Created by Pace Kanaeru
Power from the hit manga Chainsaw Man by Tatsuki Fujimoto (idk who made the crying fanart one)...
Powerful Sonar
Created by Javik
A nav console copy with 60% increased sonar range for big submarines. Made by pogger dogger....
Prius :3
Created by tAlias
This sub sucks. i dare you to use it. It might be pretty fun for a challenge or for pvp. Features: crumple zones i guess. this is pretty good for ramming into things head-on. Brake lights. they turn on when the prius's target velocity is negative and the c...
Created by ZoYG
"Progenitor" - благодаря этому судну множество субмарин унаследовало подобную конструкцию, также данное судно имеет четыре балластной системы, благодаря чему способна очень быстро погружаться и всплывать. Хорошо вооруженная и оснащенная для разведывательно...
Project HALO
Created by noctis
Update 2 : Project is on indefinite hiatus. My life has changed and I no longer have the time for this , though I may return. INFO ────────────────────────────────────── Project HALO is a revived version of my old mod , Project UNSC. This mod aims to adds ...
project shipwrecks
Created by rho-915
沉船计划---大型系列沉船模组 在木卫二的冰层之下,每时每刻都有新的潜艇崭新出厂,也无时无刻都有潜艇沉没至底。里面有无数财富宝藏,亦或是小丑教派改装的陷阱船。是能将财富带回到潜艇上,还是与沉船一同沉沦于这片渊洋之中,一切全凭你的智慧,勇气以及一点点运气,祝你好运,寻宝者。 Under Europa's ice, new submarines are being built and sunk all the time. It's filled with treasure troves, or clown cu...
Created by マラ
Cargo ship made for deep mining and cargo transporting. Has 2 weapons and 2 aviliable to set. There are a reactor, that consume the minimum of fuel rods for a long travels. (Do not use eco mode with less than 2 fuel rods in reactor.)...
Prototype Equipment
Created by Sebaa
Currently adds an incendium knife and an electric harpoongun, craftable through the fabricator and found in wrecks...
Created by SinerSAMA
Enhanced version of PUCS, which greatly improves combat effectiveness, reduces oxygen consumption, and can resist radiation and fire hazards, and has built-in advanced drug injection, noise reduction, thrusters and sonar systems, which can Give users stron...
R-29 Hammerhead [1.0 Update]
Created by ToastyCosty
We have come a long way since the start of the game's early access, so we are celebrating with a small update! - New Camera drone internal logic! now with less jitter and shakiness, improved navigation and a "short mouse click toggle" to engage the floodli...
R-278 «Dugong»
Submarines of the R-278 project is a modernized version of the Dugong submarine. Modernization provides for the replacement and installation of all necessary equipment for more modern, increased carrying capacity, refinement and expansion of internal compa...
Raptorial -X- 01 - Made for Mudraptors!
Created by Mereel
This is primarily for people using the either versions of the Mudraptor to have a sub that they can fully travel around in without any help, but it can be used by an all human crew like normal, just try to go down the elevator slowly to not break any legs....
R-29 MKII 多功能母舰
Created by Zyleand
萌新的第一艘船,翻新过一次了 本船已经不再进行维护了,如果有需要,请在评论区留言...
Reactor Torture Device
Created by uberdrück
A circuit to simulate overload scenarios for reactor controllers and surge protectors. Developed as part of another project, this is a standalone version in case you want to use it to test your own designs. Includes a stopwatch to measure overload duration...
Ready 2 Use Standard Equipment
Created by アンジェル
You do not need this. But it can make your work much easier! No longer do you need the extra step to equip your tool you wish to use in the editor with an additional item (fuel). Everything is Ready 2 Use! Ready 4 You! This Steam Workshop Item is a collect...
Real Sonar
Created by Plag
Warning: This mod can contain flashing lights and loud sounds. If you have photosensitive epilepsy or are sensitive to high-frequency sounds, do not use this mod. Sonar can now kill you. Based on real-life military submarine sonar, this mod overhauls the i...
Refuelling Outpost
Created by Solbusaur
An outpost with the purpose of refuelling or recharging vessels in between distant destinations, harbouring large quantities of oxygen and diesel, and a few spare uranium rods. To sustain itself, the crew is supplied with the basic necessities for resource...
Remaining Backup Time Display
Created by uberdrück
Shows how many seconds, or minutes and seconds of backup power are left, depending on the current power situation, when using batteries during a reactor power deficit. Will automatically turn off when no battery power is used. Contains detailed explanation...
Created by stuwaper
Remora-MKII将Remora彻底翻新,有着较大的自由定制空间,主要船体结构包括一个巨型反应堆与额外的副引擎,可拆卸的压载舱和一架遥控无人机,并允许对接其他无人机,另有一套备用的应急措施,想要玩转这艘潜艇,你需要雇佣大量人力。 ...
Remove Health Bars
Created by Evil Factory
Very simple mod, removes all health bars from the game. Requires Client-Side Lua for it to work. How to install Client-Side Lua:
Research Station Pack
Created by Solbusaur
This pack has been a long time in the making, with station A being an experiment in the beginning, which I learnt mistakes from. From there, I made station B which fixed most of these flaws, and was generally much better. After I finished most of B, I deci...
Created by ArchCrusader
DISCLAIMER: this sub can be VERY taxing on your system. Expect low FPSs, especially with bots. Included in the package is a lite version ("Revenant - L") with a less demanding amount of components. Description The Revenant is an immense battleship that act...
Created by Waylone
Levers for gen 02 and drive. Reserve batteries only for pumps, drive,capacitors and terminals. Turrets slower then vanilla. unusial lockers -- check all "look likes" containers. Sub have autodoors(if room have water - autoopen is disabled).You can disabale...
Riftpiercer X91
Created by lufeeeee
New Modpage New updated version here: Last updated: 06/11/2022, v1.1.2 Submarine Information Scout (Tier III) Price 7500mk Size 42*10m Cargo capacity 36 crates Recommended crew size 3-5 Hori...
A newly built last-generation prototype, codenamed "RUSALKA". It is a heavy-type submarine for researching the depths of Europa, featuring an on-board computer system with most of the ongoing characteristics, such as docking status, real time oxygen level,...
Russian Navy
Created by Dmitrii
Russian uniforms, weapons, music, and interior. It's an early-access Russian navy mod. These days all the games are early-access, why not this get to be one of them. Stay tuned for more updates, change logs are constantly being updated! My other mod - Germ...
Saber Armaments (OLD - v0.13.0.11)
Mod not working? Potential fix: ("A note about the patch: Unfortunately, there may still be some issues with mods. If a mod fails to update automatically, please head to the in-game Steam Workshop menu and click "reinstall" next to the mod in question. If ...
Saber Armaments Revived
Created by Noble
Original mod If Original mod author does not want to have this mod up, gonna delete it Description! - no changes to values, balance or crafting. A revision is under way. Original Description! Please provide feeback on Weapon and Ammo Balancing. Are they to...
Saber Personal Protection + Deeper Diving
Not sure why, but despite not being removed, my mod hasn't been appearing in the workshop search results. Hopefully updating the description and title fixes this.... This mod NO LONGER requires Saber Personal Protection and instead replaces it. This change...
Saber Personal Protection + EuropaWaifu++ Patch
Created by Anomaly
A patch that makes the armor from Saber Personal Protection compatible with EuropaWaifu, along with adding crafting recipes for items that serve as a gateway to the rest of the mod's content, and making armor items deconstruct into their consituent parts (...
NOT NEEDED READ DESCRIPTION Saber Personal Protection Revived ( + Deeper Diving)
Created by Noble
NEW AND REMADE VERSION IS UP! --- Integrated Deeper diving also cuz why not... Started this before then, found it, so yea, e...
Safety Subs prison sub wreck
Created by Bunny Sinclair
The results of what happens when some clowning Eropans steal Safety Subs property. This wreck is from a still in development prisoner transport vessel. S.S.Corp Made haste to dispatch an Evicter. Though battered and rusted The wreck is mostly in tact and s...
Safety Subs Swim Bladder wreck
Created by Bunny Sinclair
Safety Subs smallest vessel has met with one of the corporations Evicters. The small crew didn't have a chance and now the little sub that could rests at Eropas depths. Next time consider a sturdier sub not crafted from refurbished pirate scraps. + Both a ...
Санкция субмарина общего назначения, создана с учетом продвинутых технологий электроники и пиратских элементов корпуса....
Created by Viktor Livingshield
Adds a bunch of logic components emitting sound when triggered Sounds are Neurotrauma mod related. This includes: - Beat beep - EKG flatline - Brain damaged, brain dead - Breathing rate low/stable/high - "Cause of death on display" - "Dead on arrival" - "P...
Scolopendra 2+
Created by SCoPoLamiN_-_-
НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ СКАЧАТЬ ТОРПЕДЫ сначала надо открыть торпедный апарат (зеленый рычаг) потом надо нажать активировать (красная кнопка) включить сонар и ручное управление, при приближении к цели нажать взрыв можно для помощи использовать оператора камер ...
Seated Operators
Created by Morbital Mutt
Ever wanted to get comfy while shooting crawlers n alike or piloting your shuttle? Now you can! By Dolorosus Ira. Warning! Gunships are for shuttle usage only!...
Security clothing plus
Created by Oiltanker
Description To run this mod, as every other LuaCs mod, you must select LuaForBarotrauma server executable in 'Host Server' menu. The mod that makes security clothing work more like medic's clothing by creating 2 ammo slots and an additional holster slot fo...
DynamicEuropa - Stations From Beyond Outpost Pack
Created by MasonMachineGuns
An outpost module pack for Dynamic Europa. Introduces the modules of Stations from beyond to the outposts of DynamicEuropa. They have all been manually adjusted to feature necessary items and various other adjustments required for the intended gameplay of ...
Created by 时光
这艘潜艇在z86海域失事了,被打捞上来时全员已经奄奄一息,虽然抢救及时但已经不可能再次从事航行工作。根据日志描述,潜艇遭到了巨兽袭击。 经过修复并加装炮台后,这艘独眼巨人号将重新投入到木卫二的探索事业中。 解锁炮台权限需要密钥请仔细寻找线索。 海娥号mk1有舱门隐形按钮 海娥号mk2是普通按钮门 两者都需要爬隐形梯子才能出舱 The submarine was wrecked in the waters of Z86 and was recovered with its entire crew dying,...
Created by 时光
迷你鲨已经非常过时了,于是研究所成立了新部门SG,SG成立后针对木卫二现在的环境研发出了这艘中型多功能潜艇SG-白鲸号。 规格:49x11m 水平速度:42 垂直速度:-18/14 载货量:38 价格:8000 该舰基础设施齐全 , 拥有小型穿梭机SG-海娥号,探敌雷达,防丘脑水泵,舰首搭载了激光主炮威力巨大。崭新出厂的白鲸号火力并不充足,需要进行升级才能达到正常水平。 适合成员3-6名,老舰长一人出航也行。 不知道什么原因我没办法在评论区留言,有事请在贴吧找我 贴吧里有问题解答!!!...
Shapeshifter (mobile turrets)
Created by FLX
-=BACKGROUND STORY=- XSSN-842 "Shapeshifter" development began just before the end of the war following a requirement to produce an attack submarine that would be faster and better armed yet manned by a smaller crew than the traditional designs due to manp...
Shapeshifter turrets
Created by FLX
The 4 turrets of the shapeshifter. The submarine itself can be found here:
Shift Register Collection
Created by uberdrück
I would recommend using my other item Micro Shift Register instead, it's much more efficient component-wise. Use these registers you only need a very short one, or for easy parallel output. A basic circuit, useful in many situations. Cycles through a list ...
Sigmyra MKV
Created by DragonWolf569
-ATTACK CLASS SUB-(TIER II) PRICE: mk 17000 Dimensions: 43x13m Recommended crew size: 3-6 Recommended crew experience: Experienced Max horizontal speed: (Manual) 64Km/h or 18m/s (Autopilot) 42Km/h or 12m/s Max vertical speed: 18Km/h or 5m/s Capabilities: F...
SKAT-Armor mod
Created by Levinson
Мод вдохнавлённый известной вселенной STALKER. - В основе лежит легендарная броня СКАТ 9М изменённая под реалии Европы. - Характеристики брони идентичные боевому водолазному костюму....
Sloots Of Europa
Created by Oy!
*Edit* Well PayPal came to their sense, and now I can do commissions again. Which means, barely any time for making mods... I've lost a lot of interest in this game. I started playing it with me friends, and now that we have moved on to other games, it's k...
Sigmyra MkX
Created by DragonWolf569
-ATTACK CLASS SUB-(TIER II) -------------------------------------------------- PRICE: 19200 mk Dimensions: 52x16m Recommended crew size: 4-7 Recommended crew experience: experienced Max horizontal speed: (Manual) 26Km/h (Autopilot) 22Km/h Max vertical spee...
Shipwrecks Extended
Created by rav2n
Welcome to the Shipwrecks Extended mod page! This mod adds many new wrecks in addition to vanilla ones to the game. Some of them are more dangerous than others while others are completely harmless and useless. To some of them you can even dock! Happy salva...
Created by gibuz
This is the submarine from the indie horror game called "Iron Lung" I made it for fun and I don't recommend you use it. But if you want to, it's functional. Lowering the casket... DECADES AGO, EVERY KNOWN STAR AND HABITABLE PLANET VANISHED, LEAVING ONLY TH...
Created by Crumpaloo
Fully interactable armory meant for ships on the smaller side. Hey, if you like my creations and: want some sub advice, to goof around, or just in general have a chill and enjoyable time id love it if you could check out our Discord where we do just that!!...
Smart Ballast Control
Created by Pspritechologist
Formerly Irregular Ballast Fix, a recent Baro update finally fixed the issue at the root! But fret not, for I hear your cries- "Isn't this assembly useless now??" Nay, for you see, this circuit has a purpose of its own, the vanilla ballasts may play nice w...
SMS Olympus
Created by Sny_Vs_Spyper
Welcome aboard the Olympus superheavy mobile station! LIST OF CONTENTS: -a ballast/fish tank big enough to comfortably fit 3 dugongs inside it -20 coilguns -4 railguns -3 depth charge launchers -2 high powered reactors -a mass surveillance network so secur...
Created by SOFA
A bunch of just miscellaneous clothe/costume items. None of them are balanced as this mod was made primarily for this Right now these are all the items: Loners suit Fancy suit Deep miner sui...
Created by SOFA Made by MIRROR ^ This mod is mainly for practice. As i haven't used the creature editor much a lot of these creatures are pretty jank to be honest. You can try to use Barotraumatic for the creatures to spawn in game. But it'...
Created by SOFA
This is really just a personal mod for a cave thing i was making. Heres the sub-cave-thing: Another example: If yo...
Created by SOFA
A pack of station style wrecks These stations have been abandoned a long time making it so most of the locking mechanisms on the doors dont work anymore. I made these stations mainly for fun but i also wanted some more station-like wrecks to explore...
Created by SOFA
This mod just adds a few tools and artifacts Originally from Better dive suits ITEMS: Welder MK2 Plasma cutter MK2 Upgraded Scooter Custom knife Lantern S.B.F Healing artifact Protection artifact Pressure artifact Speed artifact Ancient weapon...
Created by Anikyte
The Deepsea UNderwater BAThyscaphe, or DUNBAT, is a medium-sized submersible made to endure the overwhelming pressure of the abyss. This one's not a mockingbird. We swear. For all you SOMA fans out there, here is my best recreation of the DUNBAT you 'acqui...
Sonar [Delayed Acoustic Wave]
Created by Teuss
Small assembly to modify time between each acoustic wave of sonar. Normally sonar sends a wave every second. With this sonar you can choose 1/3/5 seconds between each wave with selector of navigation monitor. All items are vanilla. Requires a transducer to...
Sort Container UI
Created by Daria
Client-side Lua Script to add an UI to containers which has sort functionality. There are 5 buttons in total: Sort by Alphabet, sort every item in the container by alphabetical order Sort by Category Merge Stacks, if possible, merge identical items togethe...
Sounds Of Europa
Created by Alkateia
"In the Ocean of Europa, nobody can hear you scream. HONK!" Now updated to 1.0 game version DISCLAIMER: Sounds of Europa is a WIP project, bugs may occur. If you find any bugs during your playthrough, please report them here. ...
Spacetime Trauma Mk 1.8
Created by Zenmetsu
A newly refurbished bubble shaped and compact DEEP DELVING submarine, reinforced with stronger glass and salvaged military weaponry. Survives hammerhead attacks no problem! Recommended 3-8+ players. Solo play: 4+ bots Features: Triple hull thickness Strong...
Special Poster Pack Updated
Created by Dan Murphy
An update of this mod made by Dr. Steve Brule. A collection of fun and interesting posters to keep morale high and faith in humanity low. All posters items have names ending with "Poster" for ease of searching in the sub editor. Now, all posters can be bou...
SPM Mk.VII-F 'Ultra Hydra' DAV
Updated for New Frontiers. Cost: 30000 Marks Submarine Class: Attack Recommended Crew: 9-15 Recommended Crew Experience: Intermediate-Experienced Built off of the Kastrull. Made specifically for me 'n' some friends. Perfect for Long lasting Missions, Rolep...
SRI-3 CookieCutter Shark Boarding Craft
Created by Rain of Snow
Description The SRI-3 CookieCutterShark is a boarding craft, a novel type of submarine dreamed up by the engineers of Snow Rain Industries R&D. The SRI-3 is speedy and is designed to take a small heavily armed breaching team from their sub to an en...
SRI-6 Great White Shark Pup Explorer Shuttle
Created by Rain of Snow
Description The SRI-6 GreatWhiteSharkPup is the explorer shuttle that comes with the SRI-5. This sub sports a decent range with decent speed and even comes with a coilgun on the underside to help deal with any...unforseen creature attacks one may r...
SRI-7 Remora RC/Self-Guiding Torpedo
Created by Rain of Snow
SRI-7/SRI-7A Remora Description The SRI-7 Remora is a remote controlled, impacted-detonated, self-guiding torpedo. With an effective range of 1km, this torpedo will easily dispatch submarines and marine life alike. The SRI-7 is remote con...
SRIB-0 Anomalocaris
Created by Rain of Snow
A submarine that exists as more of a tech demo than an actual commercial sub, the SRIB-0 Anomalocaris is the result of many hours of hard work from the researchers in the SRI Biological research department. It is a bio-mechanical submarine that uses 2 lab-...
SRI-5 Great White Shark Battleship Submarine
Created by Rain of Snow
Description The SRI-5 GreatWhiteShark is a medium-large attack submarine designed to give the crew a variety of options with which to engage the enemy. Created by the Snow Rain Industries R&D department, the Great White has 3 attachment points for...
Created by Padex
A submarine of the SSN family more combat focused, equipped with small combat shuttles useful for your assaults! !!!SSN-Cruiser instruction Manual!!! Reactor: The reactor is equipped with an overload safeguard, which ensures that the submarine can operate ...
SSV Hastings
Created by BravoSixGoingDark
The Hastings class frigate is the bread and butter of the Systems Alliance Second Fleet. Stationed in the Terminus Systems, the fleet operates in some of the most remote and hostile regions of space known to humanity, where dreadnoughts and cruisers are si...
Stalker Weapons 2
Created by veightyfive
Weapons from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and their respective ammo types. Can be found inside regular weapon spawns and bought from stations, and ammunition can be fabricated. Most weapons can't be put in the hotbar and can only be worn on your back or held in your han...
Star Wars. Clones
Created by Stive Sparks
The mod is still under development. Added platoid clone armor and two types of helmets....
Stock Photo Posters
Created by Dan Murphy
8 Posters of silly stock photos that aren't too out of place in a submarine. All posters can be placed on walls and detached from them. Posters can be deconstructed into organic fiber. You can buy them at outposts, when they're in stock. If you're lucky, t...
Stations from beyond
Created by rundoomer Description Are you tired of the monotonous outpost modules? Or do you just want to add some variety to your adventure? This modification expands the number of modules found at stations. There are more than 100 new variation...
Stromson Sounds
Created by gigantic dad pants
Scrapped Sounds used on The Stromson, still available for anyone who wants to use them...
Submarine Weapon Sound Makeover
Created by lobster
A small and simple audio mod that overrides turreted weapons to give them custom sounds. All Audio taken from Mechwarrior Online and the "Chunky Guns" sound mod for it. If you disagree with a thing I did or something's wrong, please use the provided discus...
Suicide Revolver - Револьвер самоубийц - 自杀式左轮枪 - The Easy Way Out
Created by Dan Murphy
Adds stupid dangerous pistol with a barrel that points backwards. Almost certain instantaneous self-kill. Can you resist 1500 gunshot wound & 100 bleeding damage? Requires revolver round to function, it doesn't come loaded. It actually fires the round but ...
Super Mining Sonar [UNMAINTAINED]
Created by LeDoux
Super Mining Sonar is a mod that aim in improving all type of player-usable sonar in the game, including the handled one. What this mod do exactly is increasing the range of all kind of sonar, make you able to pick sonar signature of every minerals and pla...
Created by rav2n
When designing the combat cruiser R-25 "Svarog", the Raven Shipyards management insisted on including the Alkonost-M shuttle and a compartment for guided torpedoes in the basic configuration, which enabled this ship to perform a wide range of tasks. instru...
Sweet Pea
Created by SlipWhenWet
"Capable of exploring the narrow crags and caverns of Europa which larger ships cannot, the Sweet Pea is often used for small crew exploration, rescue, and salvage missions." A very small sub ideally for a crew of 2-4. It features solid coilgun coverage bu...
Swift 暴风雨燕
Created by 魂魄妖梦
T.I.T.A.N. ₂.₀
Created by L0St
Это обновленная и отполированная версия мода T.I.T.A.N. power suit с визуальными улучшениями, полной переработкой звуков вооружения и небольшими правками в балансе Содержание мода Новый бронескафандр класса Т.И.Т.А.Н. созданный для сдерживания большого уро...
Týr Class Battleship [cn][en]
Created by FreeRider
The Lite version has been released! Your identity information has been approved, and all permissions in the driver's cab have been opened to you! Welcome aboard, Captain! Tyre (Týr) The USS is an experimental space/deep-sea dual-use vessel that the Allianc...
T.I.T.A.N. power suit V2
Created by Yak'All
"When all hope seems lost, just don't forget: Aim for their head" "As always, this is NOT a replacer" "Community update. Quality of life improvements!" From: Head designer Matthias To: Bnllzmcdq Ktbhzm Latest ongoing project report: 'T.I.T.A.N.' With the r...
Created by Lerentine
Machine translation 英语不好,所以英语部分是机翻 有些mod会导致声纳面板(大小调为0.2)、轨道炮(大小调为0.3)和潜望镜大小(大小调为0.4)、电磁线圈耗能(耗能调为100)变回原来的参数,进编辑器手动调一下就好了 Some mods will cause the sonar panel (size to 0.2), rail gun (size to 0.3) and periscope size (size to 0.4), electromagnetic coil power...
T.S.M MISSIONS-问君此去几时还
Created by Lerentine
T.S.M MISSIONS 奇迹之海任务包 Add English translation, the English translation is AI translation, there is machine translation phenomenon, it is impossible to translate completely according to the original meaning, but most of the text should be fine. This is a l...
T0 Precursor Suit
Created by ИMSS
This mod primarly aimed on giving players another reason to get themselves into ancient alien ruins. "...We still don't know what's was the real cause of Europa's initial inhabitants disappeance, but still, they were more advanced in all kinds of technolog...
Tadeus [Wartime Edition]
Created by MrSmith
                         “This is going to be a truly heroic death.“ Dimensions: 40x12 Price: 50.000 Class: Attack Recommended Crew Size: 4-8 Recommended Crew Experience: Intermediate Description: A heavily reinforced variant of the U-69 “Tadeus”, this war...
天赋增强 - Talent Enhancement[CN-EN-RU-FRN]
Created by SinerSAMA
#天赋树修改-和其他修改天赋树的MOD互相冲突: #Talent tree modifications - and other mods that modify the talent tree conflict with each other: #Модификации дерева талантов - и другие моды, изменяющие дерево талантов, конфликтуют друг с другом: 通用天赋学习一个就可以解锁下一行,三条线的所有天赋都可以学习并且...
Created by Renko
This submarine is 100% vanilla, and compatible with the mod BAROSOMBRA. It is Among the Ancients and campaign ready ! It is also very performance-friendly (no detectors, no wifi...) Specs Price : 25.000 mk Class : Transport Recommended crew : 5 - 13 Crew l...
TC Instruments but better
Created by Tfaltys
TC Instruments but better...
Terminal Password Protection
Created by uberdrück
A universal security system that can lock/unlock a terminal, to deny or grant access to certain commands. Very situational - only useful if you have two sets of terminal commands: Those that should be available for the crew at all times, and those that sho...
Created by Cryostasis
!! Updated for 1.0. - Made monorails slower, so it won't slam into the ship even at high map entity update divider - Added drone, shuttle and monorail files to the mod Very quirky large-sized submarine with two monorails. Designed for multiplayer. Can be u...
Thaumiel Mark 2
Created by Skip
This is my take on a great ship design by OwT, 'Thaumiel.' While I loved the original ship, I found there a few QoL changes needed to make it a fully campaign-certified vessel, while I also wanted to extend the rusted, creepy asthetic going on. Featuring o...
The Blue Baron [NEW FRONTIERS]
Created by Udrakan
NEWS I'm updating this sub to match the visuals of the new upcoming campaign update! It looks even better. THE BLUE BARON SUBMARINE A former military vessel with enough firepower to take on large beasts with well equiped fabrication and medical to carry yo...
The Boxer
Created by Lord_Hottington
The loyal workhorse of the Coalition, this small scavenger has been outfitted with two twin-linked coilguns. Popular among crews for it's resilence and survivability even in catastrophic flooding, the Boxer contains all the facilities needed for a long, se...
The Cephalopod [BROKEN]
Created by Mour
The Cephalopod, one of the first attempts to utilize the barely understood but powerful alien machinery retrieved from ruin excavation sites. This ship is both stealthy and agile but initially lacks in major firepower.You will pilot a scout made to travers...
The Jasper
Created by Ma'am
The Jasper is a submarine without ballasts. It retains vertical mobility through the use of two vertical engines, one to cancel out the buoyant force from the now empty would-be-ballasts, and the other to accelerate up and down. WARNING: If the power goes ...
The Deep Manatee
Created by Doge the biologist
The Deep Manatee General information Type: SCOUT Tier I Size: 12*5 m Cargo capacity: not at all Crew size: 1-3 people Price: 1000 mk, cannot be any cheaper. The Deep Manatee, based on The Deep Manatee fro...
The Kaiser -- Campaign Ready U-Boat
Created by Liberal Bighead
This sub, inspired by a WWII German U-boat, is the pride and joy of the local boater's club. Or, at least it was until it got impounded after a night of drunken sailing. The sub was eventually stolen from the impound lot and has been under the command of m...
The Matriarch - Carrier
Created by SlinkyD
It is a mobile station! Tediously tweaked/tested waypoint pathfinding so bots can actually get around and survive on the ship. I have run this ship on a solo mission but it is much more fun with friends. I would recommend at least 6 human players. The poss...
The Neon Coffin
Created by Tfaltys
Respawn shuttle with battery on-off toggle, emergency pump, basic supplies and a shotgun. No suits. Battery lasts about 7 minutes but may be more or less depending on battery usage and turning unnecessary components off....
The Nomad
Created by BravoSixGoingDark
Look pal, I know you're desperate to sell this hunk of junk for some easy marks but you really expect me to believe that an old earther ship just dropped out of thin air in front of your face? I dunno what you're playing me for but I got a nagging feeling ...
The Opros
Created by sammylammy
Overview The Opros is a deep-diver submarine designed with campaign in mind. While being slightly slower, it features a shuttle for away missions, and advanced lighting systems. Max velocity: 20 km/hr Max Descent Velocity: 10 km/hour Max Ascent Velocity: 1...
The Peregrine
Created by BravoSixGoingDark
A top of the range assault corvette, the A-12 Peregrine is the newest competitor to the market of Coalition strategic defense contracts. Equipped with both heavy firepower and manoeuvrability, the Peregrine is suited for heavy duty reconnaissance, fast ass...
The Salvager (and a shuttle)
Created by copperhead5858
{HEY! This thing sucks, it came out 3.5 years ago} The Salvager is a Scout Class Submarine created for the salvage of wrecks. Its ballasts have a flush system to easily empty them when a ballast flora infection occurs, it is recommended to brace the sub by...
The Prachtbuntbarsch - Alien Generator Sub
Created by Necro
Designed as a long range science vessel, The Prachtbuntbarsch uses cutting edge technologies like a three-way alien generator system (can be upgraded with more alien energy cells), highly power-efficient devices, multiple early warning systems and big batt...
The Stromson
Created by gigantic dad pants
The Stromson Background: The Stromson (EUCO-2788) is part of The Europa Coalition's newest line of TRCC-8G2B attack class vessels. Built-in the year 2381, The Stromson is the pinnacle of military submarine design. Sporting eight turret hardpoints, the Stro...
The Thingy!
The Sword Core is ready.Keep your enemy close! Titanfall 2 Ronin Swords
Created by jyjyjy11
This mod adds an in-game sword from Titanfall 2's Ronin Titan. Not the original version used on Titan, of course. This is a handheld version for pilot The sword has been miniaturized, and using the latest technology, pilot can now open the sword core! Feat...
Throwing Pistol
Created by Videogames
Throwaway joke... Standard coalition-issued throwing pistol. A single-use throwing weapon, somewhat effective in confined areas. Throwing pistol: (Crafts 4) Steel - Plastic - Lead Also sold at some outposts ...
The Wolfshammer
Created by MrSmith
                     “Wolfshammer in motion, king of the ocean” Dimensions: 146x46 Price: 100.000 Class: Attack Recommended Crew Size: Yes Recommended Crew Experience: Experienced Description: Filling both a heavy carrier and battleship role, U-500 “Wolfsh...
Touhou Fumo
Created by Sekibanki
There are 34 touhou fumos in this mod....
Too Many Cabinets
Created by アンジェル
A design trick to provide unreasonable amounts of storage in form of a medium shelf. Every. Single. Drawer. Is. A. Large Steel Cabinet! Comes with three colour variants - of course you can change the colour to your liking ~ This Workshop Item is an item as...
Created by ruth koleva
The Traboprovod - Y7582 was build during the establishment of the outposts around Europa with scarce resources and whatever materials available. It's main characteristic are the pipes which are connected to the reactor in a desperate attempt to help it coo...
Tremendous posters
Created by ssparky
funny..... (This is a placeable/detachable poster mod containing a bunch of posters I personally find funny to some degree)...
TrollFace Posters
Created by Rapeson
Mod adds 5 troll face decals, all purchasable at outposts....
Trieste - WWII Assassin Given New Life (Goph Commission)
Created by GophTheGreat
Please leave a like if you enjoy the sub! 4 - 8 Crewmen recommended AI tested! Only costs 8499 marks so it's selectable in single-player (Waypoints by Bengamillen) Build timelapse (37 hours at 50x speed): Commissioned by Angelh...
Trump Posters
Created by Dan Murphy
25 Silly Donald Trump posters, for your submarine. Posters can be picked and placed by crew, no need to use submarine editor. 2 secret posters can only be found in wrecks, the rest can be found or bought from outpost merchants. Compatible with all mods, do...
Type 7 Akimbo SG
Created by ToastyCosty
IMPORTANT: due to a bug with item transfer, if you have trouble with shuttle spawning during campaign when you switch to this sub, it's a known issue and devs are aware of it, a workaround is to NOT TRANSFER ITEMS when you switch sub and the shuttles will ...
Type IXA U-boat Submarine
Type IXA U-43 U-boat Submarine "A German Submarine from Old Earth, launched in 1939 and used during the Second World War. Old Earth salvagers scoured the depths of the once-called Atlantic Ocean and came across the wreckage of a submarine christened "U-43"...
Created by 198xAD
Introduction: Under construction....
Created by ObsceneNickname
Hardcore sexy submarine, no cheat on values for machines, reactor can explode without maintenance, perfect waypoint for IA, almost empty cabinets for item: ready for Campaign mode. Per Cpt. "Pillo"...
Created by Galaxyforce
【Granite]】improved, added "deep diving mode", when opened will increase the speed of diving, convenient for deep sea warfare NOTE: ——Into deep submergence mode please: (1) open the deep submergence mode switch , (2) close the deep-well doors , can enter de...
U.S.G. Eota
Created by Lambda
Once thought lost to the sea, the U.S.G. Eota is a refurbished relic of the past. The Eota has a unique design, splitting the sub between the Aft and Fore sections, with an open 'bridge' section between them. The bridge is kept dry using a rare piece of al...
UAC-Armor mod
Created by Levinson
Однажды челноком с большой земли на Европу попали контейнеры предназначавшиеся для колоний на Марсе, как ни удивительно свойства данных костюмов подошли и для суровой жизни на Европе. ...
Udongein [优昙华院]
Created by ChagatuAlin
- 中文描述版链接 - In Current Versions, it's more suitable that modify the Tier from T3 to T2. - Parameter - Scout Submarine(T3) Basic Price :39000MK Ship Dimensions :50x9m Cargo Capacity:24 Crates...
Ulysse VI
Created by The Watcher
Created by MidnightShadow
The Ulysses was a submarine vehicle from the surface world. It was developed by Whitmore Industries to serve as the primary transportation vessel in the expedition to find the fabled ruins of Atlantis. Equipped with two rail guns, six coil guns, and a depl...
ULYSSES II (Atlantis the lost empire)
Created by Vive la Raclette
Built by the Raclette Shipyard Inc. This second version of the Ulysses (from the movie Atlantis the lost empire) fix most of the issues of the first one. /!\ Please remember, due to the unique aspect of some features (exposed turrets, the command bridge, t...
Undersea Horrors
Created by BasicallyClueless
Universal Turrets 通用炮塔+I'm Keeping My Gunners' Chair! 别换我炮手椅!
Created by Goostave
此mod整合了Universal Turrets通用炮塔 和 I'm Keeping My Gunners' Chair! 别换我炮手椅!。 This mod combines Universal Turrets通用炮塔 and I'm Keeping My Gunners' Chair! 别换我炮手椅!...
Unlimited Flak Ammo
Created by Olyvion
Adds Unlimited Flak Ammo for the following: Focused Spreader Physicorium Explosive ...
[Deprecated] Unlimited Tool
Created by Misor63
Deprecated, please use Unlimited Items Added the following items : Toolbelt Mk.2 : The improved Toolbelt can carry most items, and the slots are increased to 30. Artifact Transport Case Mk.2 : The improved Artifact Transport Case has 6 slots. Welding Tool ...
UNT Aldhuma
Created by Atheon
Originally a small scouting vessel used to explore Europa by the first settlers, the Aldhuma has been retrofitted with tougher armor and heavy weaponry. Features: -Diving room with a moon pool for easy access (Warning: The sub looses a lot of vertical mobi...
USG Chiisaimura
Created by Cogs
The Chiisaimura was originally built as a small-scale (1:21) test bed by the Concordance Extraction Corporation for the hull design of the later USG Ishimura. After the Ishimura was completed, the Chiisaimura continued to be used by the CEC for structural ...
USSR K-129M[探索真理号]
Created by Electronic Evil
K-129“探索真理号”是一艘特殊的科考舰,在50年前席卷整个木星区域的亚空间风暴中 人们在一个冰川的夹缝里意外发现了她。 当打捞船靠近时人们惊奇的发现这艘潜艇编号、国籍均不属于这个世界的任何一个的国家,在打捞队员们的进一步探索中了解到了这艘船是来自于泰拉所生产的军用潜艇,由于亚空间风暴的影响她穿越了物质世界的时间与位面来到了欧罗巴的深渊。欧罗巴因为亚空间风暴的关系,已经与地球失去了50多年的联系,这艘神秘的潜艇自然是有着极高的价值,在进行了简单的修补作业后她被拖回了附近大型站点进行了维修与改造升级工作,包...
V-1999 [BENZIN Corp.]
Created by BENZIN
V-1999 is a Cold War Era Special Deep Diver Submarine with external and internal hulls. CHECK OUT: The Remastered MK.II version, it is better in every way: V-1999 MK II (DO NOT USE THE REMASTERED VERSION IF EXPERIENCING FPS PROBLEMS) UPDATED for "Hoist The...
V-2008 Compact Version [BENZIN Corp.]
Created by BENZIN
V-2008 is a Deep Diving exploration submarine. Designed based off the V-1999 Deep Diver , as a more compact version, suitable for exploring ruins and salvaging wrecks. inspired by Russian Losharik deep diving submarine. UPDATED for "Hoist The Sails" update...
Vengeance Mk. III
Created by JAD War Machine
Vengeance Mk. III If you're having stability issues with the Mk. III please use the Mk. II variant that is included. Also getting the mod Performance Fix can help too. The Vengeance was buil...
Very Long Levels [OUTDATED]
(There may be errors, since I use a translator.) This mod increases some parameters of level generation by 3 times (horizontal size, number of wrecks, caves, alien ruins, etc.) In Cold caverns now you need to walk 2-3 thousand meters. In the European ridge...
Volundr Class Deep-Diver
Created by YoGeurts66
Drengr Shipyards Flagship Model, the Volundr Class Deep-Divers are heavyweight exploration subs, used by the coalition and many private corporations as well armed and equipped exploration craft. With its hefty armament, it has been dubbed the "Exploration ...
Visual Variety Pack
Created by Plebibus Maximus
What's new in the recent update? Modular walls for the engine room. 4 base walls, generic enough to be used in any environment. + Separate layer of pipes, valve...
Created by JAD War Machine
Vindicator The Vindicator is a standard medium sized attack sub comparable in size to the Dugong. She can be run with very little crew. She is armed with 4 coilguns, one top mounted rail gun and a depth charge launcher. She features a Brig and shares many ...
Volutator Drone
Created by Tfaltys
Left side drone for the Medusa submarine. Not for independent use....
Created by 09
聯盟自重與地球失聯後,為了能讓來到木衛二的居民有更安全的生存環境,他們必須了解這個星球的一切,他們一直深入海底探索。。。可是並沒有船回來,也沒有拿到深淵資訊。 聯盟意識到了一直以來他們探索所用的船有著環境惡劣、船內配置凌亂、裝甲簿弱的問題,缺乏大範圍殺傷武器令其成為了致命的問題之一。 重型巡洋艦Waffenträger 是為了探索深淵而設計的,與其說是探索不如說是殺進深淵而誕生的鋼鐵巨獸。 Waffenträger 有—武器搬運車—的意思,全船共有六個炮台,安裝了當時新研發的大範圍殺傷武器—破片炮 ( Fl...
Waifu Genetic (EuropaWaifu++) [FIXED]
Created by VigersRay
Inspired by the Catgene mod. Adds 4 new genes and genetic material for research. Does not overwrite HumanHusk. Genetic material Allows you to get a random gene from a mod at a research station. Sold at outposts for ...
Waifu in the Deep v0.5a
Created by BlackAz
因为有些小伙伴表示不知道如何获取一些东西,在这里说明一下 红色海盗服:官方海盗王掉落 电基鱼叉发射器:沉船、废弃哨站的箱子有8%和5%的几率获得 电基鱼叉电池:沉船废弃哨站1%几率获取(没啥用,图一乐) XDS-01潜水服:把保险箱分解可以获得设计图芯片,保险箱与义体残骸在沉船和废弃哨站有1%几率获取,(因为过于OP) 重力子放射线射出装置:特殊材料在沉船和废弃哨站有1%几率获取(因为过于OP) --------------------------------------------------------...
Created by JAD War Machine
Warthog The meme, the myth, The Warthog is a specialized medium sized (Dugong sized) attack sub. She is designed to take out large enemies and other submarines. She features a state of the art fixed forward firing Rotary Coil Gun that will shred Molochs an...
What a thrill
Created by Hippi
A lenghty submarine. Also handy for shipping snakes. Don't ask us why....
Winterhalter but the Lab is a Shuttle
Created by KJ
A few people have done this already but heres my take. Makes the Research Lab on the Winterhalter a shuttle. It also has a coilgun....
Created by washedAwry
You're gonna have to bury them again. IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR MODDERS Please politely ask me before you use any assets from this mod in your own mod, please. I can't enforce this by any means, but I implore you to do so. This mod is my baby. Campaign spawning...
Working Mannequins
Created by RamRod
This is a mannequin mod. It adds mannequins that allow you to set loadouts for various missions. They can be crafted and are sold at military outposts. Please note that this needs to be added to each submarine through thei...
Wolfrum MkVI
Created by DragonWolf569
-TRANSPORT SUB-(TIER III) -------------------------------------------------- PRICE: 22,325 mk Dimensions: 63x20m Recommended crew size: 4-9 Recommended crew experience: experienced Max horizontal speed: (Manual) 20Km/h (Autopilot) 13Km/h Max vertical speed...
XM109 and Universal Charger【Infinitely ammo】
Created by Bodevarc
For fun.Very OP. Universal Charger Charge everything.Theoretically. XM109-Crimson Hunter OP gun. Handgun and Autoshotgun Autofilled unlimited ammo. 为了好玩。非常OP。 万能充电器【拥有104格超大容量外加能放进任何物品】 拥有能给一切带有能量条的东西进行充电补满【弹夹类无限弹药方法:带一把武器里放进一个弹夹另外一个放进万能充分电器里,当前武器的子弹打没了直接用...
XXL Medium Steel Cabinet
Created by アンジェル
When you like extra storage but space is limited on your submarine: compact Large Steel Cabinets are the solution! This design trick allows you to expand your overall storage, by scaling down Large Steel Cabinets and integrate them in smart ways with exist...
YAPID Controller
Created by TheGamingNerd
Yet Another PID Controller. Dominate your reactor with ruthless precision. True PID control over fission rate, P/FF control over turbine output. Adjust stored max reactor output value to match your reactor, all other settings should work for most ships. Co...
Ye Olde Cannon
Created by Vectura
A relic of ages past, this heavy bronze cannon packs one hell of a punch, particularly at close range. It's hard to aim though, and you certainly won't be able to move fast while holding it!...
X-WT Kakodis卡柯蒂斯
Created by Fruit milk
简体中文 English 《这是 DA-漩流级 战列巡洋舰 DA-Maelstrom Class Battlecruiser 为基础的二改潜艇》 概述 一艘宇航战舰改装过来的潜艇,船外可见改装后一些机械暴露在外,她用于联盟的运输补给各站点的任务,为了减轻船体重量增加载货量,船上大部分武器被拆除仅保留部分轻武器防御,同时也运输核武器并且能在紧急情况下可以使用的唯一致命手段,拥有强大的反应堆和超速推进器可在短时间内机动回避。 规格 类型:运输型 价格:8500mk 尺寸:65x24 载货:76箱 水平速度:22...
Yet Another Airlock
Created by uberdrück
Simple airlock with pressure adjustment, easy to set up and use. Includes two variants that can be used with or without a docking port, and an optional colored light indicator for the airlock state. The inner door can be opened manually to skip the drainin...
Created by Psyduck
The Bydo, a cloner faction that declared war on the last human bastion of Enceladus claiming dominion of every sector. It became a brutal war that dragged out for decades. The oceans became highly radiated and much infrastructure was lost forever without t...
Yiff posters
Created by thibaut3000
A bunch of NSFW furry pics as posters. Countain male and female No schezwan sauce will be provided Might make more similar mods...
Zenith Guard
Created by Galact1cphantoM
Description Not really a submarine, more like an undersea bunker. These can often be seen patrolling the waters around military installations, or guarding large colonies from the dangers of the abyss. There have been plans to fully automate these defensive...
Zyleand Shipyard Drone Collection
Created by Zyleand
MOD Introduction This collection contains three periscope-controlled drones: the general-purpose combat drone "Lumen", the nuclear detonator drone "Radiant" and the cave cooperation drone "Glimmer", In addition, the demo site also contains the drone instal...
Zyleand Shipyard Flagship “Koka”
Created by Zyleand
All Language Supported!(Mostly) Intro This sub is a remastered version of my previous sub “红霞”级攻击核潜艇, Basically, only the name and general shape is the same, all the rest are re-made.
[莴苣叶级] WJ-1运输艇 0.02
Created by 善良的雌小鬼
不知道怎么弄的供电系统(反正能用),能运多少箱货自己看,船壳电力室处船长室顶部三层,顶部底部二层船头二层,除去电力室的尾部全是一层,该船发生漏水将会非常危险。火力方面两挺机枪三个电磁枪一台轨道炮,ybb但全方位覆盖,死角有手动放电线圈,线圈的超级电容跟右上角的电磁炮挤一块了,对付大型怪物略显吃力。应该是需要EK全家桶,还有几个Gura贴画没啥影响,这次更新修复了对接后梯子太短爬不上去的问题。 不知何所之供电统(正可用,造量自顾,船壳电力室处顶三层船室,上下二层船二层,除电力室之尾全一层,该船发漏将危甚。火力...
[15 Design Bureau] Phantom_Walker (LTS)
Created by 15.5T
What would you like to wish for? “どうだろう…”(I don’t know...) Then there will be no more video games, anymore. “願い事はいくつ叶う?”(How many wishes do I get?) As many as you want. The more wishes you make, the more magnificent the video games will become. “はて?”(Reall...
[2945]Equipments from Project Moon Games
Created by lin2945
中文介绍: 注: (1)本模组大量使用了Project Moon所制作的游戏《废墟图书馆》的解包素材。如您知晓此模组构成了侵权,请通知我,我会尽快整改或删除模组。 (2)本模组以及其相关组成文件仅允许在《潜渊症》相关游玩过程中进行非营利性的使用或修改,且在并未对Project Moon构成相关侵害时使用或修改。 (3)Project Moon的《脑叶公司》和《废墟图书馆》都是我个人认为很不错的游戏,如您希望尝试,不妨前去购买游玩。您可以在Steam商店找到这两款游戏。 (4)当中文与英文介绍产生冲突时,以中...
[AA] Aquatic Arsenal
Created by Spazz (Rafał)
**What's Aquatic Arsenal - Lead Diver Job?** It's a mod that adds a Lead Diver job that fills the role of Security specialized in diving and exploration missions. The role is balanced for vanilla although I made some compromises where the job excels more t...
[ACE] The Old Clown
Created by ACE (If there are errors in the text, please correct me) This submarine ended up at the shipyards under strange conditions. The SOS signal was sent from the "Mi-Sa" sta...
[AH] Armageddon Battlecruiser
Created by Malakra
LORE The Imperium of Man tries to stabilize control of Europe after decades of disconnection. The titanic combat ship "Armageddon" crosses the oceans of Jupiter's satellite with this objective, trying to strengthen the colonies of the local government of t...
Created by Malakra
B-90 DEEP BREATH is a dangerous submarine with a flammable and inefficient reactor, it was designed for both campaign and traitor missions. It is designed to provide an appropriate role-play experience and has been tested multiple times for balance. An...
[AH] ElectricBeast
Created by MxBruhh
A submarine that can electrocute monsters and your enemies. The motor and the pump are in the stomach of the beast. For a crew of 1 to 3 people....
[Allied Industries] equipment - Automatic proximity weapons
Created by zengkuncheng
The automatic proximity defense weapon is composed of an automatic proximity defense gun and an automatic coil. It does not require a gunner. It can be fired and triggered by self induction, and may require a large amount of ammunition. Installation method...
[AP] Sakala
Created by rundoomer
Pilot project of "Sufet" research complex designed to study hostile deepwater sectors. Main vessel of "Sakala" type has a reactor and production line, support vessel of "Sigon" type is maneuverable and has a laboratory on board. The success of the operatio...
[DS] Gather Resources Quickly
Created by Azuma
Description Are you bored by collecting ores and plants? Do you think that hanging on every bush of elastine for 5 seconds is not fun? Do you want to reduce annoying routine of Barotrauma to focus on more fun aspects of the game? If your answer is YES - th...
重要 Important - Support language: Chinese, English 本mod的Github:Raven-233486/Barotrauma-Animated 所有更新日志和早期版本 qq群号:322191319 223590606 Discord: 自由讨论区 兼容补丁 Compatibility Patch 与欧罗巴战争EuropaWar的美术兼容Visual Compatibility Patch 精神创伤Neu...
Created by AKA-蠢脸螈宝
背景故事 “如陨星般划过,撕裂大气,坠入渊洋” “血色彗星”由位于新上海的“东亚重工”与香港新南昌的“破碎穹顶”合作研发,为了相应木卫二联盟的号召,“血色彗星”级仅仅用了14个月实际上是三个星期半的时间完成研发到制造,其性能也极为优越,更加适合新船长驾驶,而外观方面参考了“宿怨级” 基础参数 定位:单人/多人 价格:4200 规格:41*13m 载货量:60箱 推荐船员数量:3-6 推荐船员经验:初窥门径 最大水平速度:54KM/H 最大下潜速度:21KM/H 最大上浮速度:18KM/H 武器:4+2标准型...
[EC] Energia-Buran
Created by ИMSS
Europa Coalition "Energia-Buran" "I know, I know, you think if it can deal with space vacuum, it could probably deal with our depths as well. But man... From which kind of grave you digged out ancient monster like this? Last time I've heard about Soviet Un...
[EMS] Prometheus Station
Created by DraconicRenegade
Description Originally built by E.M.S. to be a mining outpost, Prometheus found it's true purpose as its location was in a perfect spot between multiple other cities and stations. Those travelling through their waters would stop by at Prometheus to rest an...
Created by Jade Phoenix
*背景故事/Предыстория/BACKSTORY* ◆某座废弃前哨站船坞中遗弃的潜艇,原型来自百年前古代地球的科幻小说,直到探险队抵达这里发现并改装后焕发新生。 ◆An abandoned submarine in a derelict outpost dockyard, The prototype referred to a science fiction from ancient Earth centuries ago, has been brought to life after an expe...
[ME] - Automatons (Alpha) - [ outdated ]
Created by LurKer
ПА РУССКИ К сожалению, мод дальше развиваться не будет. Отчасти из за событий в мире Отчасти из за моего состояния и состояния моего пк Когда всё наконец утихнет, а я обзаведусь более мощным пк и у меня будет свободное время - я продолжу работу над модом А...
[NERV] NHG Erlösung (救赎号/Redemption)
Created by DNF player
EN: Most of the design inspiration of the ship comes from the animation<Neon Genesis Evangelion>and<Mobile Suit GUNDAM Z>! You can find a lot of colored eggs about these two animations on the ship. CN: 该舰大多数设计灵感来自于动画《新世纪福音战士新剧场版》和《机动战士高达 Z》。 你可以在船上找到大量关于这两...
[NEX] 宿怨-级攻击舰 (Vendetta-Class Assault Ship)
Created by 苏大妈
You are free to use, modify and distribute the XML and SUB of all my mods in any way you like. 你们可以随意以任何方式使用,修改,分发我所有mod的XML和SUB. If you using and mod, you will need using editor, set Navterminal's Scale to 0.200. This mod will reset the Scale data of Navt...
[OUTDATED] [Pableqx] Dreadnought BR-3507 - EN/US & PT/BR
Created by ⛧Zaphyra⛧
EN/US Note: This Submarine is Full vanilla, no mods required ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PT/BR Nota: Este submarino é totalmente vanilla, sem mods ...
[RH] Barrisk
Created by Rehex
Completely Vanilla (Translation Friendly/翻译友好) The Barrisk is a very elaborate conversion of the barsuk, making it much more compatible and adding numberous new features
[SHUTTLE] Kamikaze
Created by 0linpio
SHUTTLE; Kamikaze By;0linPio disc:(my name) + #9945 He is losing - but before that he wants to avenge in style - how about an armored cigar with the ability to pierce the best armored hulls in a suicide explosion at Marvel's cinematic level. That's it, you...
[RH] Bivot Tier 3
Created by Rehex
(Translation Friendly/翻译友好) This is simply a larger vairiant The Bivot is a deep diver made specifically for reaching further into the seas of Europa and setting up settlements, acting similar to a...
[SF] Ashura RE
Асура RE - хорошо вооружённая глубоководная подлодка, являющаяся по сути второй версией Асуры. RE версия получила обновленный челнок, а так же дрона-камеру, чтобы у подводников была возможность безопасно исследовать узкие пещеры. Поработал над внешним видо...
[SHUTTLE] The Sweet Lady
Created by LeDoux
"This Lady will get you to the main submarine safely. She is not the fastest or the strongest, but she get the job done."...
[SHUTTLE] The Weyland Lady
Created by LeDoux
For use with "The Claustromo" : , heavy inspiration from the movie "Alien"...
[SuS] Traitor gamemode submarine pack! (OUTDATED)
Created by Koftp
**Consider this contribution discontinued, as developers ruined & killed and rapped violently on the corpse of the traitor gamemode.** Traitor game mode is very fun to play (most of the time), but there aren't any suited submarines for it! Default ones don...
[SUB] The Claustromo
Created by LeDoux
A heavily "Alien" (the first movie) inspired subamrine, large enough for you campaign needs, but balanced for a better experience. Currently the power grid is not very well done, i am working on this. Link for the shuttle only :
[SUB] The Grim Overlord
Created by LeDoux
A better version of the "Glorious Overlord" There only 2 shadows-casting lights now. FPS will be far better now !...
[UES] The HMS Erebus - A Colonial Icebreaker Vessel
Created by ๖Un1ty
Overview The HMS Erebus is a scout-class Icebreaker submarine equipped for a crew of 2-3 people. Icebreaker vessels saw extensive use in the early colonial period of Europa's Cold Caverns, though they have since fallen out of favor due to the colonists exp...
[UES] The HMS Winchester
Created by ๖Un1ty
Overview Originally built as one-off vessel for a tour line of the settled regions of the Europan ocean, this vessel now spends it's days ferrying clients and important cargo from station to station, traversing the Europan depths in style. For many a stati...
Frith's Biomes
Created by lordFrith
Features - Remastered textures. - Additional level hazards. - More immersive caves. Known Issues - Made and tested for singleplayer. High numbers of level objects can cause increased loading times and desync in multiplayer. Compatibility - Compatible with ...
[VH] The Iroh
Created by Quint
Valhalla Shipyards™ is proud to present its new flagship, The Iroh. This all-purpose technological wonder is well equipped to face any danger presented by the seas of Europa, while leaving space for customization to progress with its crew. NOTE: The Iroh i...
[VH] The Stoick
Created by Quint
The Stoick is a medium-sized, well rounded ship presented to you by Valhalla Shipyards™. It's an all purpose ship that, with the right crew, can take on any kind of danger. Notable Features Thoroughly decorated ship - presenting machinery and cargo transpo...
Created by EX_WhiteDragon
[WD]迷你牛牛号工程型[第一届蓝海造船大赛作品][2022.2.13 更新 v1.8.1][CN]
Created by EX_WhiteDragon
※欢迎来蓝海Q群玩:333500142,HXD们来加群参与投票吧! 我敢说,这根牛牛是参赛作品中尺寸最小,功能却又毫不含糊,且最灵活的一艘潜艇。同时,我个人的喜好是不能丢掉一些能增添“航行感”的基本操作,所以在保有高智能电气水平的同时,许多基本操作是没有提供自动功能的(例如装弹)。欢迎各位使用本舰,保证为你的木卫二之旅提供优越的体验。 简介: WD重工的迷你牛牛系列紧凑高速艇的工程改进型。整体扩展了舰艇尺寸,增加了额外的载压仓与仓库,并将指挥室改为全景指挥室。延续迷你牛牛系列特性:整个潜艇都遍布了双层夹层装...
[WD][homewrold]希格拉之耀 Pride of Hiigara
Created by EX_WhiteDragon
Created by EX_WhiteDragon
超级迷你无敌吊吊吊的迷你牛牛系列超紧凑高速战斗艇。周身搭载双层夹层装甲,拥有非常强大的防御力;搭载的跃迁引擎能带来非常恐怖的速度,前方覆盖重甲的球鼻首也能一定程度上保证在跃迁速度下撞击后的安全性。 特性: - 双层夹层装甲 外部装甲由两层组成,并且两层之间加入“船体”进一步隔绝伤害与水流。指挥室的玻璃也采用同样的方式加固。 -超紧凑空间布局,双人可玩 设备占据空间小,舱室布局小,易于移动与维修。同时极小的舱室空间内也有非常巨大的储物空间。 -无死角7炮设计 2轨道炮、4脉冲激光、1连射炮。 -总共搭载1台基...
{IAC} Callistan Bayonet
Created by Callipygian Apricot
{IAC} Callistan Bayonet Basic Stats: Dimensions: 62x18m Max Base Horizontal Velocity: 15km/h Max Supercruise Horizontal Velocity: 23km/h Max Descent Velocity: 12km/h Cargo Capacity: 22 Cost: 18’500mk Recommended Crew Size: 8-14 Features: Vanilla Balance ma...