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JC-07 Scylla (UPDATED)
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7 Jan, 2023 @ 8:41am
21 Jan @ 9:45am
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JC-07 Scylla (UPDATED)

***now updated to***

Recommended experience level: Intermediate+
Recommended players: 4-10, mostly Bot-friendly
For public servers I strongly advise to lock all wiring

It has a talking ship AI, you can set the frequency of random voice lines, have her on system messages only or turn her off completely if you had enough :P

The Scylla, formerly a rugged if unimpressive multi-purpose submarine, then converted into a research vessel by an added moon pool and mech for cave floor operations, then fallen into the hands of smugglers who added extensive but haphazard upgrades as well as a small drone for dead drop recovery, creating the intricate, if perhaps not pretty, monster that it is currently named after. Her durable electrical system is now being used (or abused, however you like to put it) to drive her mediocre engine to new heights, though at not insubstantial risk, to outrun authorities (or even deadlier things) while still keeping a low profile.

Tier 3 Scout Submarine

Hull Volume: 3.79 Million

Dimensions: 49x17m

Cargo: 24 Crates (+1 each on drone and mech)

Powerplant: 8000kW

Engine Thrust: 400 @3000kW

2 Large frontal gun mounts, 2 Small rear gun mounts, 1 fixed mount Railgun

2 separate Depth Charge loaders with switch



-Talking Ship AI Emma (4 different voice settings)

-Moon Pool

-Diver Mech (Shuttle)

-Diver Drone

-Text Command Terminal (for ship customization)

-ÜBERDRIVE Mode (200% engine thrust at high fuel cost and risk to junction boxes)

-Overvolt/Undervolt your sub at the press of a button (customizable values in terminal)


***It is necessary to update the autoreactor when getting any upgrades that increase maximum reactor output. This is done via text command at the command terminal. For each 3% upgrade bought from stations add 240, if your engineer has the Buzzin' talent (+10% output) add 800, with a maximum of 9520.***

There are 3 different power modes:
-Normal: Power is provided by the reactor and drops in voltage are compensated by the gap support battery, the large battery bank is disabled.
-Battery: The reactor is disabled, power is provided only by the large battery bank.
-Stealth: The reactor is disabled and maximum engine output is throttled by half to reduce noise generation to a minimum.

The command terminal offers options to configure parts of the ship, be it text display colors, door closing delay or voltage values.

The Mech has to use a jump jet to go upwards with a limited capacitor charge. When it's empty you go upwards very slowly, but it can be recharged by hovering in place for a moment. Its "legs" are invulnerable to damage so you dont need to worry about collisions with the ground. It also comes with a built in RTG providing a small amount of battery charge while power is turned off. *Note: only open the outer door when stationary and on solid ground

The drone has a discharge coil with 3 uses which only get replenished while docked to the submarine.

Overvolting/Undervolting the reactor via buttons in the reactor room sets the target grid voltage to a percentage between 125%-175% and 90%-55% respectively (configurable in the command terminal). This is simply multiplied with the reactors perceived power demand. By changing grid voltage you multiply the output of engine, pumps, and fabrication by whatever the current grid voltage is. Overvolting yields more output, Undervolting saves power.

ÜBERDRIVE is a special mode in which the electrical grid is split into two units. Reactor, ballast pumps and engine in one, battery bank and the other ship systems in the other. It also sets target voltage to 199% (200% is when junction boxes take damage). While this will repeatedly do slight bursts of damage to your engine and ballast junction boxes, it also doubles your engine thrust and ballast pump speeds, as well as allowing it to actually reach nearly 2x voltage which is not possible while the reactor is powering the whole ship. Just remember to keep the pedal to the metal, if you stop your junction boxes will fry.

To other sub builders: feel free to take the modified sirens + sound files of Emma and include them in your own submarine, but please leave a link to this sub in your description.
Javik  [author] 21 Jan @ 1:08pm 
either way sorry that your initial experience with this sub was sub par, but all the issues that broke through updates should be addressed now, if you want to give it another try. if you end up finding any more problems with the new version let me know, i can also fix them on your campaign save if you send it over.
Javik  [author] 21 Jan @ 12:22pm 
the doors are on a timer since adding motion sensors (with adequate check rate to actually be useful) to all of them will ruin the already mediocre performance of the game on servers, im already stretching it with the silly amount of logic components on this sub so i chose to just use a delayed auto-close, but you can adjust that delay to whatever you like on the command terminal. you can also turn off the emma jokes or turn her off completely if you prefer, also at the command terminal.
thanks a lotl 21 Jan @ 11:27am 
i don't actually mind the unconventional layout, but our security guy bitched about it so FUCKING MUCH that i think he must have psychically implanted the complaint into my mind
thanks a lotl 21 Jan @ 11:17am 
i had a lot of complaints from our crew that doors and hatches would shut on top of them while they were trying to get by
i really hadn't considered the electrical monitor at all (doesn't help that our captain never checks it)
the notifications also didn't help because our crew consists entirely of severe autists who bitched about emma the moment they heard her first voiceline
as for the depth charge, i can only guess that we nuked ourselves because of incompetence, and the guy who pressed the button just didn't want to admit it
Javik  [author] 21 Jan @ 9:54am 
ah and about the doors, they all act very normally, except there was a bug in the ones at the rear ballasts that made them not reset when manually closed, meaning they would stay locked shut for 5 seconds
Javik  [author] 21 Jan @ 9:43am 
as to my "stair fetish", i was trying to depart from boring, even tubes with long, straight corridors connected by long ladders by going for a more organic shape, which unfortunately meant having to use some stairs, which this game doesnt do too well. the glass is there to mitigate stair jank of having people fall through it unintentionally all the time, which in testing turned out way more frustrating than having to walk around to the two main connecting ladder shafts. luckily the center top part of the ship is mostly cosmetic and shouldnt see any traffic apart from fixing the drone and shuttle JBs or fixing the hull, it is intentionally a bit out of the way of the main busy corridor below to make the sub bigger and provide opportunities on public servers for things to happen.
Javik  [author] 21 Jan @ 9:43am 
"the depth charge launcher explodes the submarine"
-i could not replicate this, even when firing while going downwards at max speed. i have moved the tubes slightly anyway, just in case.

"the little junction compartment in the navigation room does not drain"
-it is working just fine on my end, perhaps someone turned the pump off or the bilge junction box was broken when it happened to you.
Javik  [author] 21 Jan @ 8:45am 
btw you have two status monitors to check for junction boxes and the oxygen generator in the crawlspaces, as well as voice messages from the ship when connected systems fail, if youre not sure what junction box correlates to those systems you can check the status monitor but since theyre labeled you will know what to repair in no time when the warning announcement happens.
Javik  [author] 21 Jan @ 8:43am 
alright turns out i had already fixed most of the internal systems (like the component driven autoreactor) when adapting those for my latest sub the Arkalys, but havent uploaded the fixes because the bot pathing was still very broken from the update and is notoriously annoying trial and error to fix, and then kind of forgot about finishing it. i have done that now as well as adjusting the railgun position (sadly looks a bit ugly now) and adding ladders to the moon pool which werent necessary before and are inferior in terms of convenience but oh well at least it usable again.
thanks a lotl 21 Jan @ 5:00am 
i had considered that possibility, but i didn't think an update could fuck things up that badly