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Hazardous Reactors
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15 Jul, 2021 @ 9:39am
21 Jul @ 8:33am
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Hazardous Reactors


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Hazardous Reactors is an overhaul mod that aims to make the life of an engineer much more interesting. It reworks the reactor and its associated items, and adds a whole host of new dangers and benefits to nuclear power on board a submarine.

Some features include:

  • Dynamic Reactor Damage

  • Dynamic Ionizing Radiation

  • Supercritical Warheads

  • New Afflictions

  • Extremely Hot Fuel Rods

  • Specialized Engineering Equipment

  • Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators *new*

An in-depth guide can be found here. []


Ionizing Radiation

An invisible and potentially deadly form of energy that continuously emits from damaged reactors and uncontained radioactive material. The only way to reliably and accurately detect it is with a Geiger Counter. Engineers should keep one in their hotbar at all times.

When protecting yourself from radiation, three things are paramount: Dose Rate, Time, and Shielding.

Dose Rate refers to how strong the source of radiation is. An unshielded crewmember can work near uncontained uranium for a short time, but if they were to approach a destroyed reactor, they would be incapacitated in seconds.

Time refers to how long a crewmember was exposed to the source of radiation. The higher the Dose Rate, the shorter the time you can be safely exposed to that source.

Shielding refers to any PPE the crewman was wearing at the time of exposure, or any radio-protectant medications the crewman took before exposure. An engineer wearing a Hazmat Suit and PUCS can safely operate in radioactive environments for much longer than an unshielded crewmember.

The Reactor

When damaged, reactors will leak radiation at an increasing rate. Regular repairs are needed to keep the reactor in operating condition, and keep the crew safe from radiation exposure.

Do not attempt to repair the reactor with insufficient skills while it is online!
Failing the skill check will result in a steam explosion, sending you flying and damaging the reactor further. Power the reactor fully offline prior to repairing it. Once your skills are high enough, or you have bought upgrades to the reactor, you can safely repair it while it is operating.

Fuel Rods

Fuel Rods are no longer inert after they have been "activated," (i.e. their fission process has started.)
Once rods are active, they become extremely dangerous and should not be removed from containment.

Spent rods inside of a reactor should be transferred directly into containment vessels. Any direct handling of active rods should be done with tongs to prevent serious burns.

Different fuel rods have different hazards when uncontained.

  • Uranium/Thorium Fuel Rod- Emits high amounts of radiation. Will start fires if left uncontained for too long.

  • Fulgurium Fuel Rod- Emits EMP pulses that will damage any electronics nearby.

  • Volatile Fulgurium Fuel Rod - Emits large EMP pulses and will melt through hulls if left uncontained.

  • Incendium Fuel Rod - Emits extreme amounts of heat and will quickly start fires.

Specialized Tools

Hazardous Reactors adds a number of tools for the Engineer to use, making their lives easier and allowing for greater effectiveness on, (and off) the submarine.

  • Geiger Counter- A small handheld device that allows the accurate detection of radiation. Engineers and other personnel likely to encounter radiation should have one in their hotbar at all times.

  • Radiation Shielded Backpack- A shielded backpack with an inbuilt Geiger Counter, able to safely transport radioactive materials and other equipment an engineer needs to carry.

  • Shielded Crate / Shielded Cylinder- Devices used to safely store active fuel rods and radioactive materials.

  • Fuel Rod Handling Tongs- A set of heavy tongs, used to keep fuel rods at arms length when transferring them to and from containment. Doubles as a melee weapon, and is effected by any talents that effect crowbar damage.

  • Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator- A type of nuclear power cell that converts heat directly to electricity. Will run on just about anything radioactive, and requires a special manual to craft and place.


At some point the engineer is going to crawl into medbay covered in burns and vomiting blood. You should know some things before you try to fix them.

-There is a possibility that the engineer in question is contaminated, probably from exposure to dust while deconstructing radioactive materials. Ensure they are not a danger to you before treating them. The only thing worse than a dead engineer is a dead engineer and a dead medic.


Q: How do I safely repair the reactor without it blowing up in my face?

A: See the Reactor Section above.

Q: Is Hazardous Reactors bot friendly?

A: Yes and No. Bots will happily kill themselves if left to repair or refuel the reactor on their own. If you set the bots to ignore the reactor and keep them out of the reactor room, there should be no issues.

Q: How can I craft a Crisis Warhead?

A: You'll need to create a supercritical rod by performing a controlled reactor meltdown. Beacon stations are an excellent way to do this.

Q: Is the mod mid-campaign friendly?

A: No, any active fuel rods will be ejected from where they are stored and cause massive fires on board the submarine.

-Special Thanks-

Barotrauma Modding Discord and all the people who gave me small bits of help here & there

Jlobblet for proof reading my dump of a code more than once and teaching me some xml basics

ITA Mod Team

Pунᛟльв helping me with a rather big flaw with the reactor

MasonMachineguns & Da_Morgan for ideas and bug reports

Krzeszny for the mod frontpage image

Geraiz for critical volatile rod sprite

The Ninja Scout for helping me to fix stuff

EK Videogames

Hellcats Server Members : bug report & feedback

Milord for continuous feedback and suggestion

Polaris for Brazilian Portuguese translation

Gamerice for the Russian translation

Evil Factory's help with Lua

Ghostsheet's help with Lua based code
Popular Discussions View All (10)
21 Jul @ 3:03am
PINNED: Bug report section
25 May @ 7:10pm
PINNED: Suggestion/feedback section
21 Jul @ 1:05pm
PINNED: Mod related questions
Foxtrot39  [author] 21 Jul @ 12:59pm 
They shouldn't in the first place try to dock with your reactor off and see if it still happens, could be your load adding to the station during loading but sicne yours is on it just cause the station's to overheat
JAD War Machine 20 Jul @ 12:11pm 
Any way to prevent the stations for catching fire?
Foxtrot39  [author] 18 Jul @ 10:15am 
Unless I forgot something items have been giving an overdue update to stack size , armor value (suits) and tags/projectile (uranium)

If I forgot something let me know
Foxtrot39  [author] 16 Jul @ 12:12pm 
Anything that lower radiation is good enough, the rod only irradiate for a bit before going safe again so even the engineer hazmat clothing with potassium make it safe-ish to use

Tbf I could rework the gun a bit, feels like its too restricting in its use bewteen radiation and the overheating/fire after just a few shots

But I have yet to find how I would be doing it
Delta 13 Lieutenant l Dr.Phil 16 Jul @ 10:57am 
with potassium iodine ofcourse
Delta 13 Lieutenant l Dr.Phil 16 Jul @ 10:57am 
how do i use the Rapid Fissile Accelarator with this mod? Like. The rod inside the Gun activates. A friend of me told me that you use Potassium Iodine, PUCS and Heavy Hazmat. Can i instead use a EK Hardsuit (-100% Radiation sickness and contamination) and the CBRN Suit (-80% Accute Radiation Sickness)?
Foxtrot39  [author] 14 Jul @ 12:13pm 
Exosuit needs the "hazardcontainment" tag, vanilla exo should be covered but modded one or modded vanilla one hardly so
King Zog 14 Jul @ 12:09pm 
Exo Suit is unusable, could be because my mod list or something else but it turns the exosuit into a radiation trap.
Foxtrot39  [author] 13 Jul @ 12:01pm 
Ok missunderstood the second part, you meant using unique ressource/components for the shipyard upgrade system and lookign into making a few extra upgrade

I can try something yes, no promsie or ETA tho
Foxtrot39  [author] 11 Jul @ 9:30am 
@Battle Engineer what item stack? Some are designed to be unstackable

@Baigle I do have water immersion reducing severity and range of radiation emitting items already implemented to some extent, could be fine tuned further tho

Don't think I can make anything for the repair failure

The way it work, the closer you are from the requirements the lower the chance to fail and no chance to fail after reaching them

Only way I see to lower them is adding an item giving a flat bonus to electrical and mecanical skills but that could be used for anything else too

Then again the subs and station are pretty much "low tech" in game, crews aren't expected to live long lore wise