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Consent Required
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13 Jun, 2022 @ 9:31am
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Consent Required

Causes the AI to become hostile towards you if you perform certain treatments on them without their consent.

This is originally an addon for Neurotrauma that triggers the AI's combat retaliation if you take their organs or blood without permission, and you are not on their team. It can now be easily extended to include other items too, which can be user specified (see Configuration below) or added by a sub-mod (see API/Sub-modding below).

This mod uses Lua and therefore must be used with Lua For Barotrauma.

Lua For Barotrauma made by Evil Factory et al:

Neurotrauma made by Mannatu et al:

If you would like to see what items are affected, and add more of your own, see file `<Consent Required Mod Folder>/Lua/com/github/cintique/ConsentRequired/Config.lua`.

This mod has an API; see the file `<Consent Required Mod Folder>/Lua/com/github/cintique/ConsentRequired/Api.lua`. Here is an example of how to include the API and add an item to the list of affected items:
local Api = require "com.github.cintique.ConsentRequired.Api" local myItemIdentifier = "badmedicine" Api.AddAffectedItem(myItemIdentifier)
This code can be run at any time (but it is best to do it during initalisation), no need to worry about load order.
guns 21 Oct, 2024 @ 9:55am 
As I and Ydrec found out the code is imitating CS language thus uses non-sandboxed functions in Lua.
guns 21 Oct, 2024 @ 9:53am 
@Сол @RocketLobster Enable CS scripting in your Lua settings (client-side Lua install). It doesn’t say it is needed on description, but it only works with CS scripting.
guns 26 Aug, 2024 @ 10:53am 
Awesome mod, I added it to the neurotrauma fork and changed it to reduce faction rep a bit less and ignore concent on those transport and objective NPCs since this mod makes them aggressive if you try to heal them.:SBpenguin:
Сол 12 Nov, 2023 @ 3:17pm 
agree, mod broken @RocketLobster
BlindBat 25 Jul, 2023 @ 9:42am 
BlindBat 25 Jul, 2023 @ 9:41am 
Any vanilla version of this but for players where they can't just grab you without you giving them the right to
RocketLobster 24 Mar, 2023 @ 1:17am 
Hey just curious will there be an update for this mod for 1.0? It still works with Neurotrauma but from what I've noticed adding morphine (antidama1), fentanyl (antidama2), or opium to the affected items config doesn't change anything. As in bots won't call for help from security and then you can continue taking organs without any restrictions
Jacobin  [author] 22 Jan, 2023 @ 2:37am 
Find the item identifiers for the stuff you want to add (for morphine I believe it is "antidama1", for opium it is "opium"), and add to the list with each identifier inside double quotes and a comma at the end of each line:

AffectedItems = {
-- ....
"organscalpel_eyes", -- Organ procurement scalpel: eyes
Jacobin  [author] 22 Jan, 2023 @ 2:37am 

Navigate to <Consent Required Mod Folder>/Lua/com/github/cintique/ConsentRequired/Config.lua and you will find this:

AffectedItems = {
-- Neurotrauma
"surgerysaw", -- Surgical saw (amputations)
"organscalpel_liver", -- Organ procurement scalpel: liver
"organscalpel_lungs", -- Organ procurement scalpel: lungs
"organscalpel_kidneys", -- Organ procurement scalpel: kidneys
"organscalpel_heart", -- Organ procurement scalpel: heart
"organscalpel_brain", -- Organ procurement scalpel: brain
"emptybloodpack", -- Empty blood bag (takes blood)
-- NeuroEyes
"organscalpel_eyes", -- Organ procurement scalpel: eyes
ComorbidDisorder 22 Jan, 2023 @ 2:10am 
That was exactly what I needed, but now I'm wondering what I need to type to add Morphine and the normal Scalpel to the list. I especially want to add morphine since you can bypass their consent by giving them morphine first.