Not enough ratings
Items (370)
Created by Sato Nozomi
大家好,这是我制作的基斯里夫兵种mod 为基斯里夫下属的三个派系添加了20种新单位 现已推出“战帮升级submod”,喜欢的朋友可以订阅~ 兵表与其招募建筑 烂醉汉(哥萨)——路舍序列 野性战熊(元素熊)——神圣树林与畜厩序列 披甲战熊(元素熊) 皇家战熊(元素熊) 乌果尔勇士(披甲哥萨)——乌果尔街区序列 乌果尔近卫军(披甲哥萨) 乌果尔刽子手(沙皇禁卫) 熊神战友团(哥萨)...
『Guardians of the North』Kislev units pack EN submod
Created by Sato Nozomi
This is my mod『Guardians of the North』Kislev units pack's EN submod Hope you like it! Thanks to CHASE for helping me translate into English :) Please let me know if there is any problem. Roster&Recruit building Kvassnics(kossars)——Roadhouse War bears(eleme...
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行sub:去除单位招募数量限制V1(NO limite for units quota)
取消了与龙同行中所有新填单位的招募数量限制,但并未修改精英招募池的单位缓存数量,这意味着当你招募完精英招募池中现存的单位后,你需要等待他们随着回合变化而缓慢恢复新的招募次数 需要注意,尽管本mod并没有强到变态的程度,但仍然会破坏我游戏的平衡性,因此我并不建议你在首次战役中就使用 当然,如果你想体验横扫千军的快感 用就对了 如果你想使用取消精英单位的容量限制 请选择右侧的V2版本 记得把本mod排在原mod上方哦 ...
【Deer24】厄孙之牙单位招募限制移除 (No Recruitment Cap)
移除单位的招募限制 我的mod 重要提示:使用对单位模型进行了修改的mod时出现闪退状况的,请将画面设置中的单位细节调整至较高及以上 与龙同行震旦兵种包: 取消招募限制: Translation patch:https://steamcommunity...
【Deer24】玉勇reskin 不需要更新 可以正常使用 (Jade warrior Reskin)
之前发布的版本因为未知原因无法更新,因此我重新发布了本mod,如果给您带来不便我非常抱歉 CA制作了很酷的震旦士兵模型,我只是对模型进行了一些修改,让其更符合我心目中的震旦战士形象 修改了震旦所有玉勇单位的模型 因为我的加速器问题没法在评论区回复,所以我直接在写在描述界面,我的所有reskinmod都不需要更新,可以一直使用,大家直接用就可以了 下面是我制作的另一种风格的玉勇Reskin Here is the other type of jade wrrior reskin: https://steamc...
[DEER24/巴托尼亚]骑士王国( BRETONNIA UNITS PATCH Knight Kingdom)
骑士王国 巴托尼亚单位合集 Intro      巴托尼亚,骑士的国度,这个伟大的派系把我的思绪带回了遥远的中世纪,CA为巴托尼亚制作了丰富而优秀的兵种,但为了得到更丰富、更有中世纪国度风味的游戏体验,我制作了本Mod,基于中世纪风格的大量新增步兵单位以及几个原创新骑士团的精锐部队,配合上原版无比强悍的巴托骑士,我想你一定能感受到来自中世纪的召唤      Bretonnia, the kingdom of knights, this great faction has brought my thought...
【Deer24高等精灵单位包】荣光国度( HEF UNITS PATCH Glorious Nation)
必要MOD列表的MOD只是一些submod,包括无限制补丁及MOD的英文翻译,并非必要MOD,大家按自己的需求订阅即可 这次为大家带来的是高等精灵的兵种包,目前包含7个单位,放在了高等精灵各个主城的地标建筑招募,大家可以自行探索 The MODs in the list of necessary MODs are only some submids, including unlimited patches and English translations of MODs, not necessary MOD...
【Deer24 基斯里夫兵种包】厄孙之牙 (Deer24 Kislve Units Patc Ursuns Tooth)
计划制作基斯里夫的兵种包 为基斯里夫添加很多没有背景依据但符合派系文化特色的部队 持续更新中 兵表更新: 基斯利夫满级城:咆哮之牙 红沙皇冠军 普拉格满级城:普拉格使徒 普拉格惩戒军 厄伦格勒满级城:厄伦格勒近卫军 达兹太阳雨(地狱风暴火箭炮) Intro This is my Kislev Unit Module - Ursuns Tooth. It contains 6 new unique units which include 3 new melee infantry, 1 missile infa...
【Deer24 Bretonnia's Knights】English Patch
Created by Shock
Intro This is the English translation mod updated to fit better with the base vanilla game, I have updated the unit names and some descriptions. Also I have linked Deer24's other sub-mods here in English to make it easier for you to find. Core Mods Base Mo...
【Deer24帝国单位包】帝国传奇 ( Units patch:Empire Romance)
如果喜欢我的MOD,请给我点一个赞,让更多人能看到我的MOD吧 If you like my MOD, please give me a “like” so that more people can see my MOD 非常抱歉,由于我加速器的问题,我无法在评论区进行回复,但大家反馈的问题我都会看的,非常感谢大家的支持! 在二代中,我制作了一款名为帝国传奇的MOD,为帝国制作了许多富有传奇色彩的单位,但在三代中,这些设计显得有些过时了,因此,我延续了二代MOD的制作理念,冠以相同的名字,重新为帝国制作了一...
【Deer24 Empire's Romance】English Patch
Created by Shock
Intro This is the English translation mod updated to fit better with the base vanilla game, I have updated the unit names and some descriptions. Also I have linked Deer24's other sub-mods here in English to make it easier for you to find. Core Mods Base Mo...
【Deer24 Glorious Nation】English Patch
Created by Shock
Intro This is the English translation mod for Glorious Nation made by Deer24. Also I have linked Deer24's other sub-mods here in English to make it easier for you to find. Core Mods Base Mod -
【Deer24 Ursuns Tooth】English Patch
Created by Shock
Intro This is the English translation for Deer24's Kislev Units. Also I have linked Deer24's other sub-mods here in English to make it easier for you to find. Core Mods Base Mod - Load the tran...
[Deer24 Walk with the Dragon] English Patch
Created by Shock
Intro This is the English translation mod updated to fit better with the base vanilla game, I have updated various names, descriptions and skill ability names. Also I have linked Deer24's other sub-mods here in English to make it easier for you to find. Co...
凤凰姐妹(骑兵)Phoenix Guard (Cavalry)
Created by Lk
2.14更新 新增单位:凤凰守卫(双持) 当需要远行时肯定不能光靠走不是 所以我们的凤凰姐妹就骑着她的小母马哒哒哒的赶来了。。。 好了,说正经的 新增凤凰守卫骑兵持剑版本 高精貌似没有持剑骑兵就有点离谱。招募是五本的凤凰守卫建筑和神胜阿苏尔圣殿(这建筑前期根本没有想造的欲望所以就给个骑兵吧),科技和红线同凤凰守卫科技(这样就不需要额外点龙王子的科技了)。 部分模型是借用了dswgyxxlmy与Pablo两位大佬的模型 在此感谢大佬。 (有BUG可以留言) ...
恐虐古尔兽khorne ghorgon
为恐虐派系(斯卡/女武神)添加了一头恐虐战争猛犸,它能给部队提供增益光环并冲溃敌人的防线 感谢谷玄滴大力支持 —————————————————— 更新,为恐虐混沌领主和神尊英雄添加恐虐猛犸作为坐骑,感谢俺滴小铭...
战争猛犸.恐虐神龛(kho_mammoth) (English Translation Submod)
Created by Marcus Aurelius
This is a English submod for kho_mammoth by blackoutsider The translation is not perfect, im french and i don't speak or read chinese so i translate into English so i can't be sure if this i...
[DEER24/震旦] 昭明RESKIN(Zhao Ming RESKIN)
昭明美化      我为昭明制作了一种新的造型,以为大家提供更多的选择,你可以通过点击上方的震旦合集来查看我制作的其他震旦MOD一起使用,体验更丰富的震旦内容      I have created a new shape for Zhao Ming , providing more choices for everyone. You can click on the Cathay collection above to view other Sinian MODs I have created and u...
祖父的荣耀——纳垢瘟疫全面增强(Grandfather's Honor——Full Enhancement of Nurgle Plagues)
Created by shadow521
全面增强纳垢瘟疫和纳垢腐蚀,兼容一切,为所有症状重做并添加新效果(每个症状现在都有两个独特效果,赐福症状的数值翻倍)以增加多样性。由于症状本身有了冷却时间,且没有了配方及病原加成,因此对病原本身、传染概率和记瘟官的瘟疫加成进行了强化,加回了原来的部分配方效果 具体改动如下: 纳垢:战役移动距离+25%,获得接触免疫,非纳垢:战役移动距离-25%,禁止打洞和传送; 纳垢:基础军事建筑循环-1回合,高级军事建筑时间-1回合,非纳垢:建筑时间+50%,围城损耗+50%; 纳垢:远抗+20%,物抗+20%,非纳垢:...
禁军统领云骧头盔版本 (Yun Xiang Reskin)
在巅京大街,别让我看到你,看到你头套必须给你拽掉 因为有的朋友觉得戴上头盔才有禁军的感觉,所以我就制作了一个带头盔版本的云骧,排序在本体前面即可 我的mod 重要提示:使用对单位模型进行了修改的mod时出现闪退状况的,请将画面设置中的单位细节调整至较高及以上 与龙同行震旦兵种包: 取消招募限制:
经略使美化      我为经略使制作了一种新的造型,以为大家提供更多的选择,你可以通过点击上方的震旦合集来查看我制作的其他震旦MOD一起使用,体验更丰富的震旦内容      I have created a new shape for LORD MAGISTRATE, providing more choices for everyone. You can click on the Cathay collection above to view other Sinian MODs I have create...
震旦天下无敌兵种补充包:烽火长垣 平衡版
Created by Sunbreeze
2022/08/24更新 适配了新版本超凡帝国 2022/07/13更新 为上阳大使馆地标建筑增加了新单位:龙武铁战车 2022/05/18更新 适配了新版本,为天阳怒视技能增加了60秒冷却和额外的2次使用次数 2022/04/30更新 更新了兵种追加包:怒与谋,可以在碧血道观地标建筑招募真武金刚明王与清宝天尊护法,修复了巡天舰标志穿模的问题 2022/04/23更新 因为增添了光环,所以移除了巡天舰本身的远抗。 2022/04/20更新 为巡天舰增加了一个范围buff技能,为周围的士兵提供近战和远程buf...
震旦天下无敌 原版风格兵种mod 平衡版
Created by Sunbreeze
兵种补充包:烽火长垣传送门,为本mod增加了4个限制招募的特殊单位 2022/08/24更新 适配了新版本超凡帝国 2022/07/13更新]新增南皋地标建筑单位:殿前金吾卫,代替銮驾金吾卫 2022/05/18 更新适配了新版本,为龙庭天兵和金吾卫新增了抵御冲锋能力,同时可享受龙卫科技,修改金吾卫的反大反步数据,修复鼠鼠招募建筑问题 2022/04/30更新 修复了巨灵兵马俑攻...
高精兵种扩展(New High elf unit)
Created by Lk
3.10更新(话说真的有人会看更新了啥吗) 给伊姆瑞克地标添加了新兵种 血齿要塞——卡勒多巨龙魔导师(限招2个 龙穴可以增加招募容量) 自带一次再生术 死亡之颅(一个强化版的烈焰之颅(无友军伤害)) 巨龙召唤——召唤烈焰冠军-戈迪纳尔(本局战斗永久存在,如果没死下一局有没有没试过,可以试一下。)随后就是一个15秒的火雨,伤害有点高,召唤出来的龙得尽快拉走,不然就是召了个寂寞。 1.2更新 优化了影行者的深渊技能 伟大祝福新增一个阶段 把上一个阶段没用完的魔风回收并且回血(可以复活死亡模组) 12.31更新 ...
(DISCONTINUED) Increased Vassal Income
Created by Jolc3r
NOTE: This mod is discontinued, you can still sub to it and continue games, but I will not be updating this ever, nor can I guarantee future functionality. Safe to remove mid-save. Raises Vassal Income by a lot. Vanilla vassal income is pathetic, and doesn...
(Update for 5.1)Kabandha Faction&Khorne Rune 卡班哈派系与恐虐符文
Created by Blackoutsider
Fixed some text error, can be used together with Update for version 3.0 Replace the opening position with Blood Blade to avoid conflicts with the legend character mod Update for version 2.2 ...
100% Success No Instability From Flesh Lab
Created by Alex Zhao
A sample mod that makes units won't get instability from flesh lab upgrades. The UI still show the chance but it is just text. Works for saved game and should be compatible with everything that doesn't edit the same script....
Created by prentince.mungo
-- Updated for Patch 5.2 -- Hey fellow Greenskins, this mod is a cosmetic reskin that adds dozens of new variants for heads, torsos, legs, weapons, shields and eyecandy to the mix while keeping 95% of all vanilla models in the variants-pool. This mod does ...
Created by prentince.mungo
-- Updated for Patch 5.0 -- Hey Followers of Khorne, this mod is a cosmetic reskin that adds dozens of new variants for heads, torsos, legs, weapons, shields and eyecandy to the mix while keeping 90% of all vanilla models in the variants-pool. This mod doe...
A Khalida 6thEd Makeover
Created by Yogo Pogo
A new look for Khalida inspired by her 6th Edition art appearance. A port of my WHII mod with a few new tweaks. Contains new textures and model for Khalida, includes a basic porthole, unit card, and faction leader icon. Also changes the texture of her staf...
A Rotten Reskin for Festus
Created by Yogo Pogo
A basic reskin for Doctor Festus. Makes him less green, a bit darker/grimier, and adds a small touch of open sores. Includes a basic porthole and unit card...
龙卫reskin 不需要更新,可以正常使用(Celestial Dragon Guard Reskin)
CA在游戏中呈现了很棒的龙卫战士,我只是修改了龙威的护甲和脸部模型,让他们看上去能更加符合我心目中震旦精锐部队的形象,希望大家喜欢。 单位的头盔下摆部分贴图素材由GHS谷玄大大制作,非常感谢大大的授权 下面是我的另一种龙卫RESKIN: Here is the other type of Celestial Dragon Guard Reskin ...
Admirals & Captains - Reborn
Created by JFred
Port of my WH2 mod that changes the female vampire coast admirals and captains to look less like melting wax figures and more in line with the concept artwork. Also updated male admirals to bring them in line with the new female models. Playable faction co...
Aerial Pursuit for WH3
Created by paperpancake
Flying units should be fun! Your general has other things to worry about than micromanaging bombard orders for units halfway across the battlefield. Only tested in single-player so far. This mod allows you to tell flying units to move above enemy ground ta...
Alarayn's Tier 4 Minor Settlements
Created by Alarayn
Updated for 5.0 If you are having issues with crashing on startup Please check to see if the mod has been updated. You can go to steamapps\workshop\content\1142710\2792284475 make sure that it says that the date modified is recent. If unsubing and resubbin...
Animation Table rework for stupid animations (Compatible with all mods)
Created by TheLoneCenturion
PROUD SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF SIGMAR, ITS BACK! UPDATE!!!! (No longer affects the jump animation "Hu1" since that broke certain balance for heroes and lords) No more Spiny bois in our ranks! PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION SO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MOD DOES For Pics and...
AOV519's Bloodcursed
Created by AndrewOverload519
"Bound in tainted blood, they are driven only by an insatiable hunger for slaughter." This mod adds the Bloodcursed as a new unit to the Khorne and Warriors of Chaos rosters, based on lore from Warhammer Fantasy RPG 2nd Edition - Ashes of Middenheim. There...
Aranessa Ogre Pirates Expansion (Sartosa faction recruitment options and more)
Created by Llamakazi
Hello there! This mod significantly expands upon the decision Creative Assembly made to add the ability to hire "Maneaters" and "Maneaters (Ogre Pistol)" from level 3 Ports to Aranessa/Sartosa. Personally, while I think it's awesome, I also thought it didn...
AOV519's Snotling Flinga
Created by AndrewOverload519
Made for the Janurary 2023 Mod Jam, this mod adds a new Regiment of Renown unit to the Greenskins Roster that's inspired by the infamous and now-OOP mobile game Warhammer: Snotling Fling. It's also my first attempt at making an artillery unit! FEATURES: - ...
Are You Yhetee?
Created by Lost2Insanity
About the Mod This is a unit mod that adds Yhetees from the Ogre Kingdoms army book which are fast monstrous infantry with frostbite attacks designed to chase down armoured cavalry and snare them so they can be taken out of the fight quickly and any bonuse...
Arkhan the Black: Expanded
Created by Stephen
Version: 1.2 This is the vanilla version of Arkhan the Black: Expanded for Total War: Warhammer III. This mod adds new technologies, skills and abilities to Lords & Heroes. Arkhan also has his...
Armoured High Elves
Created by szzsjoe
This mod add some new armoured unit for high elves and add some variants(Lothers, Loremasters, Nagarythe, Fortress). New units: Cavalry Archers Armoured Archers(variants: Nagarythe, Loremasters) Armoured Swordsmen Armoured Spearmen (variants: Nagarythe, Lo...
Artefacts of Legends
Many of the Legendary Lords in warhammer wield renowned artefacts of great power, yet most of these are reduced to just somewhat better than blue items, while a few other unique items are allowed to be incredibly strong. This mod seeks to correct that. Man...
Ascopa`s Bretonia Pack
Created by Ascopa
The lower levels and the nobility are united on the battlefield of the Old World to fight the evil together. This mod adds a number of new units to the big Breton houses. It is important to break the core orientation of the nation. The mod brings mainly in...
Ascopa`s Monumental Unit Pack
Created by Ascopa
A monumental collection of units is being created here. The aim is to improve game mechanics and balancing overall with new units without affecting the vanilla units. The mod is in German, but you can aktivate this English Translation Submod: https://steam...
Auto Resolve Quest Battles [Updated 5.2.X]
Created by Cigar
This mod allows you to auto resolve all quest battles and teleport to them for free. - Singleplayer & multiplayer compatible - Immortal Empires compatible - Clean & stackable - Save game compatible - If this mod is not working - un-sub and re-sub. This doe...
(Taurox & Throt update) Avatars, Pretenders & Blessed - Transformations for Legendary Lords
Created by Caesar
For the Heralds of the Motherland and Ursun comes powers that few mortals could ever hope to grasp! Much like with the Dragon Children of Cathay do the legitimate rulers of Kislev recieve powers from their patrons, Ursun and the Motherland itself. Katarin ...
Balrok99's Basilisks
Created by zerg93
*NOTICE* All of my screenshots are taken with my certified potato pc™. This means (at least in theory) that my custom units will look better on your high-end machine (if you do have one). So don't be scared off by my horrible screenshots, thanks. This is a...
Beast of Light - Arcanadon
Created by Chonky Lizard Overview The Arcanadon is a rare beast found in Lustrian jungles and was originally fitted with the Engine of Gods until the Stegadon took over. Can be recruited in the T4 building for Dread Saurians, but requires the T5 tha...
Created by Theakrus
PLEASE READ - THIS MOD IS NOW UNDER THE STEWARDSHIP OF SCM LINK TO UPDATED SCM MOD Updated for Forge of the Chaos Dwarfs - 4.21 This is BMF Part 1. Please use this mod only if you want all o...
Better Alliance
Created by BAGHolder
(Updated to 5.0) Features: 1. More Allied Units: Allied unit cap increases from 4 to 20, so is Ogre mercenary. 2. More Favor Points: Doubled favor generation per turn, with max favor increased to 900 (from 100). 3. Borrow Army Longer: Ally army can be borr...
Better Camera Mod
Created by kam2150
Hello, Famous mod from Warhammer 1 & 2 is back! This simple mod allows both closer and further camera heights, more suitable for better screenshots and nicer view of the battlefield. Press "K" to turn off UI for more cinematic view, Press "N" in order to z...
Better Daemon Traits
Created by No.213
22/08/14 minor bug fixed 22/08/24 -ver.2.0 It's compatible with IE campaign 24/04/25 -ver.3.0 I prevented the crash with minor changes. This simple mod improves Daemon's innate traits. AI is affected too, it's basically compatible with any mods. Screenshot...
Better Invocation of Nehek
Created by TestoTorsten
Ever found the Invocation of Nehek should be more powerful? This mod boosted the Spell "Invocation of Nehek" for all Vampire Factions. FEATURES: Invocation of Nehek Normal Version: 0,75 % Heal per Second for 10 Seconds, affects all Units & Map Wide, Costs ...
Better Items, followers, artefacts,blessings and battle item effects.
Created by Pwner1
There was once such a mod for TWW2 but eventually it wasn't updated anymore, so I decided to make one for TWW3 myself. This improves the bonuses for equippable ancillaries and adds more effects to separate items and makes banners worth using. Daemon Prince...
[Resting] Better Nurgle Technology
Created by No.213
24/05/06 So, after the Thrones of Decay... Nurgle's technology got whole rebalance. Effect, Order, almost everything is different now, updating this mod is like to make a brand new mod. So... It's gonna take a long time to be updated....
Better Siege AI
This mod changes AI siege decision-making. Should be compatible with most mods. Save Game Compatible What this mod does: - AI will now assault walled settlements after encircling them for 1-2 turns most of the times, even though the battle may not be a gua...
Better Slaanesh Technology
Created by No.213
The Glorious steam's workshop update system just deleted all the text once were here today, June 26 2024. Nice! Big Thanks to workshop team! Just see the images they say all the things...
Bonepilla Championz
Created by Fröb
Updated for 5.2 DESCRIPTION This mod introduces a new tier 5 orc infantry unit – the Bonepilla Championz. These brutes excel at fighting single entities or low tier infantry. You ever wanted to see an Exalted Bloodthirster melt? Well, look no further! Thou...
Bring the Boys Home - No Endless Wars [EoM]
Created by Wolfy
Announcement of End of Maintenance Hi everyone, I have an announcement to make, and it is that, after seven years of modding, I have decided it is time for me to step aside. My personal situation has changed a lot since I started, and sadly, I do not have ...
Broods Of Mount Arachnos
Created by zerg93
>>>*This mod is part of the Zerg Collection Volume I, DO NOT use this mod along said collection or you'll crash. Choose one.*<<< *NOTICE* All of my screenshots are taken with my certified potato pc™. This means (at least in theory) that my custom units wil...
Created by Calm&NormalTime
Update Now requires Mixu's unlocker. This allows Bruisers to have their own recruitment category and caps, separate from butchers. Bruisers also now have the proper assault units action, the one where they damage all units in an army. Bruisers now spread o...
Calm's Gnoblar Reskin
Created by Calm&NormalTime
We ain't no Gobbos Makes Gnoblars look closer to their original depictions in artwork. Adds 10 head variations for regular Gnoblars (in vanilla there's only 3) All Gnoblars are paler and have had their facial features rearranged to make them more distinct ...
Calm's Greasus Reskin
Created by Calm&NormalTime
Features Reskin for Greasus Goldtooth Compatibility Since I needed to change the land units table to give Greasus walking animations, this mod will not be compatible with anything that changes Greasus's statline, However this mod does increase Greasus's wa...
Cataph's Kraka Drak: the Norse Dwarfs
Created by Cataph
Hello, six-years-old mod here. A lot of you know this thing. First battle release post with changes and update notes. WHO DIS? The Norse Dwarfs are a subculture of Dwarfs (whaddayaknow) who live in a corner of Norsca. They lived for centuries separated fro...
Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB)
Created by Cataph
LADIES WITH VOLUMINOUS ASSETS now that I have your attention, read the zogging description and don't be in that majority of people who don't and cause problems to themselves. WHO TEB? TEB stands for Tilea+Estalia+Border Prin...
Cathay New Units
Created by Skybracer
Added some custom units to Cathay Celestial Dragon Gunners: Celestial Dragon Crossbowmen + Iron Hail Gunners = Celestial Dragon Gunners Longma Riders: When the great dragon horse rider cannot fly... Jade Guard: Overall, they are the upgraded version of Jad...
Cathay New Units English Localization (中文版无需订阅)
Created by Skybracer
Added some custom units to Cathay Celestial Dragon Gunners: Celestial Dragon Crossbowmen + Iron Hail Gunners = Celestial Dragon Gunners Longma Riders: When the great dragon horse rider cannot fly... Jade Guard: Overall, they are the upgraded version of Jad...
Cathay Artillery Pack + Radious
Created by DarkRite
Balances the artillery from said mod to be more in line with radious. Currently for me that just means more hp for the crew, and more ammo. Additional changes may come later depending on how well units do in various situations. Credit goes to the original ...
Cathay Units
Created by Decky
DESCRIPTION The mod adds new units for the faction Cathay. The units are available in the Campaign and in the Custom Combat. Dragon Guard (Sword&Shild): A better version of the Jade Warrior with better stats. Terracotta Worriors: A smaller version of the T...
Cathayan Power
Created by Theakrus Updated 8.12.24 Feel like leaving a Tip? Donate to protect our Oceans instead Hello I am Theakrus and Welcome to my Cathay Unit Mod. This mod gives 4 new units as va...
Celestial Dragon Cathay units
Created by Gribovic
The Mysterios of Celestial Dragons has been summond and gifted from the Celestial Gods 2 new recuit able units. - Celestial Dragon Can use Yang Dragon Breath - Spell : 8 winds of magic - Celestial Dragon Storm Can use - Urannons Thunderbolt - Spell Cost : ...
Celestial Hurricanum
Created by ChaosRobie
This mod adds in the Celestial Hurricanum, a Luminark-type unit for the Empire. Description The Hurricanum can fire while moving and fires faster than the Luminark. However it also has less damage, less range, and is less accurate. If the Luminark is a sni...
Chaos Dwarf Pack.pack
Created by Trikarrotops
This is a pack with some of the chaos dwarf roster. WOC factions only, through upgrade system only. Bc WOC recruitment through warband bugged. (A lot of this is creative liberty) This pack contains: 1.K'daai Destroyer -Cannon variant -Warshrine variant Mon...
Chaos Dwarfs + Radious (obsolete)
Created by DarkRite
This submod balances the units from the Chaos Dwarf unit mod by Trikarrotops for Radious overhaul. Units have been buffed and adjusted slightly across various aspects, if anything is too weak or strong make mention of it and I'll consider changing it depen...
Children of the Woods (Immortal Empires Edition)
Created by Poljanan
"Fear the forest." Children of the Woods - IMMORTAL EMPIRES Edition Inspired by horror films, european pagan imagery, slavic folklore, as well as games like The Witcher 3, this mod adds 4 new units into the game, distributed across 3 factions - Wood Elves,...
Chosen of Khorne Great Weapons
Created by Flametzhaar
The stats are based on dual axe Chosen with a bump in armor piercing at the cost of melee defense. I felt like Khorne should have the most powerful melee infantry so they seem to trade roughly evenly 2v3 against Nurgle Chosen with great weapons. Should be ...
Chosen Skullcrushers
Created by Awsomnerd
It was really bugging me that Skullcrushers had regular Khorne Chaos Warriors on them, when they are supposed to be an upgrade from Chaos Knights of Khorne that have Chosen Models on them, so I put Chosen on Skullcrushers. I even made the Knights of the Br...
Deprecated, use Skaven Clans
Created by Stratovarius Part of the Skaven Clans mod series. Clan Verms is a pitiful Clan, shunned and reviled by all others, even those lesser clans who cannot hope to compete with its rather limited power. Verms has an affinity with...
Climate Adaptation
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod will allow a faction to gradually adapt a region's unsuitable climate, and slowly reduce the debuff every turn until it is completely removed. However, if the region is captured or destroyed by another faction, you will need to start over. It is n...
Climate Rebalance
Created by Commisar Jon Fuklaw
Introduction Climate. It's changing, but why? Or is it changing? Was it always awful? Who knows and who cares? Let's get back to killing elves for fun! Features A faction's preferred climates provide more significant bonuses than before. These typically of...
Community Bug Fix Mod - Game v5, Batch 6
Created by Groove Wizard
Community Bug-Fix Mod Welcome to the CBFM Steam page! You're probably here because you like playing TWWH and want to have a slightly better time at it. Us too. Mostly. This mod, as you may have assumed from the title, is a collection of bug fixes developed...
Crusaders of Bretonnia
Created by Moe the Monk
This is a port/remake of my mod for Total War: Warhammer 2. This mod adds 4 new balanced Crusader units for all playable Bretonnian factions. Units Crusader Sergeants - Armored Spearmen that do not count against the peasant economy. Crusader Crossbowmen - ...
Crystalback Salamanders
Created by Chonky Lizard
Overview A new unit for the lizard things. The Crystalback Salamanders are your ordinary Salamander, but addicted to Magic. They should be recruitable where the Salamanders are. Pack and ancien...
Crystalback Stegadons
Created by Chonky Lizard
Overview An addition for my Crystalback roster. The Crystalback Stegadon is your ordinary stegadon, but addicted to magic. Crystalback Stegadons developed a larger shield on their head to protect the crystals on their back resulting in a 60% shielded from ...
Crystalback Temple Guards
Created by Chonky Lizard
Overview 3rd addition to the Crystalback series. The Crystalback Temple Guards are your ordinary saurus, but addicted to magic. While the jungle beasts develop bigger crystals, its the saurus that have been originally blessed by tepok, the lizardmen god of...
Cult of Pleasure - Unit Pack
Created by RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below before you ask questions or request updates etc. If you like the mod you are welcome to press the "thumbs up" but...
Cultist Expansion: Brass Sisters of Khorne [5.2 Cult Update!]
Created by Alshua
Adds the Cultist of Brass Hero to Khorne Daemon and Valkia's factions. Wielding an axe and shield like the default Cultist of Khorne, she is slightly more defensive, and comes with her own unique summoning abilities (Furies and Soul Grinders of Khorne). Re...
Cultist Expansion: Deathbell Lily [5.2 Cult Update!]
Created by Alshua
The Deathbell Lily Cultists are gardeners devoted to spreading their beautiful flower, which can only grow in Nurgle-corrupted lands. A Hero unit, they can restore Fatigue to their allies while inflicting Fatigue on their enemies, but are weaker in direct ...
Cultist of Slaanesh - Reborn
Created by JFred
This mod reskins all five variants of the Cultist of Slaanesh hero, bringing them in line with my 'Zealots of Slaanesh' unit mod. Unit cards and portholes included. SPECIAL THANKS to Lorghul who created the 'Cure for Alopecia' mod, as I borrowed his allure...
Custom Matched Combat Animations
Created by [-ODM-] Xiphos
Hello everybody, After a lot of hard work, we are proud to finally release an early version of this project that will bring many matched combat and sync kills between a wide variety of characters and soldiers in Total War Warhammer 3. What The Mod Does -We...
Daemon Prince Improved Arsenal
Created by Choyi
This mod aims to make the weapons(and shields) that the Daemon Prince can obtain from Daemonic Glory rewards feel much more unique. The goal is to add variety while still keeping it fairly close to vanilla while still giving a better feeling of progression...
Daniel Painter - Paint your Daemon Prince
Created by Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD 2.0 UPDATE: You should now be able to also paint other upgraded Daemon Princes! Lets you paint your Demon Prince with a Primary and a Secondary colour of your choice. You can switch back to the Default behaviour of items affecting yo...
Dark Elf Manticore Rider Units
Adds two new units to the Dark Elves and also some of the Rogue Armies (yes Vashnaar included). - Manticore Dread Knights, an elite top tier tank unit similar to Eltharion's Griffon Knights or the Hippogryph Knights of Bretonnia. - Corsair Lords, a 'lighte...
Dark Elves Reborn 2.0 | Faction Reskin
Created by JFred Port of my mod from wh2, with some updates here and there. This mod gives the dark elves a "darker" look. Just about every unit has been edited, either through the mesh or texture or both. Portholes/unit car...
Dark Elves Technology Expanded
Created by Dioltas
Adds 31 new additional technologies for all Dark Elves factions to research. Aims to keep relatively inline with vanilla tech tree, lore, and to offer more variety and benefits similar to WH3 races. The new additional technologies largely complement the ex...
Dark Land Orcs
Created by Fröb
Updated for 5.2 This is a standalone mod and works without any other requirements! But you need MIXER if you want to play as the custom Dark Land Orcs faction yourself! DESCRIPTION The Greensk...
Dark Land Warboss
Created by Fröb
Updated for 5.2 DESCRIPTION I am quite happy to show to you my most complex mod so far in form of a custom generic lord – the ’Dark Land Warboss’. The vanilla warboss sometimes feels a bit squishy, so I wanted to implement my own version. Besides, it felt ...
Dawi Thunder (5.2)
Created by Snek
This mod adds 14 new units to the Dwarf roster. Submods and Compatibility: SFO Radious Translation submods: German Korean Czech Chinese Russian Iron Thunderers A line infantry with a gun-axe (stat line based on Infernal Guar...
Dead & Guv's Jade Warriors Spear & Shield Unit Mod (Updated Patch 5.2 / 2024-08-22)
Created by Guvenoren
Think of the Heavy Spear Guards. And here I am again, the second mod I uploaded at the modding den during the dark ages... which wasn't so long ago. So this is a mod I collaborated with Dead Baron on. He provided me with the excellent shield variant and th...
Dead of the Orient - Immortal Empires
Created by Poljanan
Introduction The Spirit Dragon is restless. The river of the underworld lashes out otherworldly howls. Transient shapes dance with the fog rolling over from the eastern mountains. As of late, more and more of Cathay's ancestors, thought to be long at peace...
Dead's Cathay Unit Pack
Created by Dead Baron
Introduction Here is a small collection of the large amount of Cathay units I have made. I decided to split it into two packs, the other being uploaded at another time, to let people decide if they want all the units or not. I am going to remove the Banner...
Dead's Cult of the Possessed V2
Created by Dead Baron
Intro Be'lakor finally has his cultists! They recruit properly now as any other chaos unit does. The Brethren all start out at the lowest point, simple frontline spearmen. Eventually as they prove themselves they can rank up and retrain like other chaos un...
Dead's Jade Army Expansion
Created by Dead Baron
Introduction I wanted to add more basic units to the Jade army, as it felt odd bringing in peasant units mixed in with a mostly professional armored force. This provides a handful of units to expand the Jade army. Adds Jade Archers Jade Cataphracts Jade Ch...
Created by Dead Baron
Introduction This mod expands the Kossar roster, as well as adding a couple RoR and other units based on old Kislev lore or Expanded Rosters Kislev with their permission. Kvassnicki Kossar (Halberds) Kossar (Javelins) Kossovite Raiders War Wagons Supply Wa...
Disable startup splash screens / intros
Created by Aexrael
Just a quick a dirty mod that overwrites the various splash screens, epilepsy warnings and the intro movie that shows before the main menu. This lets you go directly from starting the game to the main menu. Note: The Tome of Fates video cannot be played fr...
Demon Engine
Created by johnzotack
Update-01.08.2024: -updated the tables that got changed by CA (these has no effect on the mod,only flagged it outdated in the mod manager) -changed melee def from 27 to 7. (this is a big unit so it makes sense that it will be easy to hit) -added explosion ...
Disable Tunnelling through Forts&Gates 禁止地道穿越要塞和长垣
Created by < blank >
CA fixed the tunnelling excluded regions outside the bastion in the recent update, so this mod now only add some tunnelling excluded regions inside the empire forts. CA在最近的更新中修复了长垣外的禁止地道穿越的地区,所以这个mod现在只是给帝国要塞增加了一些禁止地道穿越的地区。...
Double Skill Points & Skill Dump For Lords
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod lets lords get 2 skill points per level and provide a skill dump that increase the character's hit point 1% per skill level. Suggest to start a new campaign and affect AI. Will conflict with other mod that edited character_experience_skill_tiers_t...
Double Skill Points & Skill Dump -TEMPORARY HIATUS-
Created by SB-129-2515
This is a simple mod which provides two skill points per level. Included is a large depth skill dump which provides a handful of stat buffs that is useful to all lords and heroes. Current Supported Version 4.2.1 Current Amount Of Supported Mods 380 Compati...
Drink It III
Created by Wallets
Sick of clicking the eight active buffs each of your characters gets from items? This mod makes the active abilities from non-unique items and skills into passive abilities, so that your heroes can decide for themselves when to drink their potions. Changes...
Dwarf Shield Maidens
Created by Thom
Mod Description This mods adds 2 new units to the dwarf roster, the Valkyrie Guard and Daughters of Valaya. These units act as support infantry giving you a choice of 2 long lasting buffs from each unit type with shared cooldowns. Recruitment Both units ar...
Dwarf Steam Tank
Created by zerg93
>>>*This mod is part of the Zerg Collection Volume I, DO NOT use this mod along said collection or you'll crash. Choose one.*<<< *NOTICE* All of my screenshots are taken with my certified potato pc™. This means (at least in theory) that my custom units wil...
Dwarf Thunderbarge MKII
Created by ChaosRobie
This mod adds in a different style of Thunderbarge for the Dwarfs. Description Thunderbarge MKIIs are giant, flying, ranged, single-entity units. They're pretty strong, so they are limited by a unit cap. They are recruited from the tier-5 engineering build...
Dwarf Unit Pack 2.0
Created by SteelBlood
Enjoy this mod? Please click the thumbs up! Units: Ranger Sharpshooters - Similar to Crane Gunners, with some tradeoffs. Irondrake Grenadiers - Similar to Skaven's mortar team unit, has more damage at cost of AP. Bugman's Blasters - Instead of crossbows, t...
Easier Confederations & Vassals
Created by VanguardMk1
Annoyed that your best buddies don't like to confederate you for whatever reason? This mod significantly increases your chances of confederation and vassalage when you're best friends (150+ relations). This should help AI factions confederate each other mo...
Elven Animals 4K Reskin Compilation
Created by GunKing
This mod gives various Elf animals new looks. It is a compilation of several of my animal mods from WH2 and new additions for WH3. CHANGES: -Arcane Phoenix has a closer-to-rulebook color scheme in accordance to its appearance in the Monstrous Arcanum (I ma...
Created by kalelung
제국 서품 기사 (방패&할버드) 제국의 대대형 유닛에서 최고급을 목적으로 만들어졌고 여유가 되면 패시브도 추가할 예정입니다 22-10-14 Polygon Optimization Operations 24-05-08 add passive skill add 5.0 ver creat building add unit limit system Empire Unit Mode Integrated Pack upload
Created by Dietrich This is a Graphical Mod for the Wood Elves Faction with a focus on bringing a more professional well armored feel to the Wood Elves army. This Mod also includes fully animated Sashimono style banners and officers. This is a ...
Eustace's Cathay Artillery Pack
Created by Eustace
What does this mod do? This mod adds several new artillery units to Grand Cathay, recruitable by all Cathayan factions including the AI. I really like the variety of artillery the Empire has access to, so I decided to give Cathay some similar options. Unit...
Exalted Daemons for Champions of Chaos - A Warband Expansion
Created by Dirty Dan
Updated to 5.0 Mercenary Ogre Bulls can now be upgraded to Plague Ogres when playing Festus or Be'lakor. UI was also fixed to fit plague ogres and bile trolls. Regarding 4.0 Update The original idea of this mod was to make the exalted variants of the daemo...
Exalted Greater Daemons Unlock
Created by VoRt-lol
What Does It Do? This unlocks recruitment for Exalted Greater Daemons for the five base Daemonic factions of the game. All Daemonic factions (Including the Legions of Chaos) have unrestricted access to recruit Exalted Greater Daemons from any settlement as...
Expanded Electoral Machinations and Intrigue
Created by prop joe
Still works, I'm not updating it until it actually requires an update. If the launcher warning bothers you use a mod manager. Adds more options to the Empire Electoral Machinations panel and the High Elf Intrigue at the Court panel. You can use Prestige an...
Expanded Roster - Beastmen
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on variet...
Expanded Roster - Dark Elves
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on variety, ...
Expanded Roster - Greenskins - Orc Pack
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on variety,...
Expanded Roster - Norsca
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on varie...
Expanded Roster - Vampire Counts
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on varie...
Extended Roster for Warrior of Chaos
What is this mod? Expands the Warrior of Chaos warband upgrade mechanics to include most daemonic units from their respective Monogod rosters. It effectively allows Warrior of Chaos access to every single available Chaos units. Includes all Chaos Regiments...
Extra Longer Battles Mod (revised)
Created by Volcano
NOTE: This mod is the same as the "Longer Battle Mod", but now made to be extra longer in length as another option. This mod is intended to lengthen battles so that the large battles are not a frantic click-frenzy. This mod makes changes similar to my Long...
Extra Variants (Updated for 5.2.2 - Dwarf Master Engineers)
Created by Snek
This is the compilation of my Extra Variants mods and, going forward, will be the only place I will post Extra Variant updates and make additions. This adds variants to the generic lord/agent types for multiple factions. Thus far are Kislev, Empire, and Br...
Fire Lancers - Cathayan Shock Troops
Created by [-ODM-] Loupi
The Legions of Cathay are weary of defending and hunger for the glory of the charge. This mod gives Cathay a variety of new and much needed high impact shock troops to let cathay wage a more aggressive war. As a spiritual sequel to my Cathayan fireworks mo...
Force Confederation for Everyone
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod enabled all factions to confederate other same race factions upon capturing their final settlement like vanilla's Warriors of Chaos. Should be compatible with everything....
Forgosth's Khorne units booster pack
Created by Forgosth
This mod adds 5 brand new units to the Khorne roster, and a variant of the Khorne soul grinder. The new units are non-canon but made to stick to the Khorne thematics and mechanics. This is my first mod, so despise my tests I hope my inexperience will not b...
Flame Cannons 4th Edition
Created by zerg93
*NOTICE* All of my screenshots are taken with my certified potato pc™. This means (at least in theory) that my custom units will look better on your high-end machine (if you do have one). So don't be scared off by my horrible screenshots, thanks. *NOTICEX2...
Fortress War Mammoth
Created by Chonky Lizard The Fortress War Mammoth is a new T5 variant for the War Mammoth, fitted with a bigger Plattform and cannons plundered from Reikland that shoot of the side. Only really big Mammoth are fitted with this Plattform. Ability: Dr...
万世天朝制作组首个对决mod 鼠人与矮人的最高科技结晶,贪婪与仇恨驱使的战争机器 憎恶与仇恨,毒风与硫磺 胡须与胡须,钢铁与钢铁 为鼠人派系添加了三头特装型憎恶 鼠特林版(鼠特林版为精英兵) 喷火器版 次元钻头版 为矮人派系添加了三种仇恨清算机甲 末日铁拳机甲版本 矮特林机甲版本 钻头机甲版本 为矮人工程大师添加了机甲坐骑 is English
Empire Romance English translate
Shock make a better translate mod for my Empire Romance MOD, here is the link please use this one:
Dwarf Character Expansion
Created by Phyrex
Description This mod is a compilation of some of the legendary Dwarf characters that I have made. They all spawn on turn 1 of their respective faction. Excavators are recruited at the tier 3 Dwarf Keep and receive the appropriate buffs from tech and charac...
Glacier Maw Ogres
Created by Pwner1
Adds a bunch of units for Kislev, Ogres and Norsca mostly made out of FLC RoR materials. All units have magic attacks and elites have 20% physical resistance and fatigue immunity. 1. Dual weapon bull with frenzy and berserk. 2. Great weapon bull with no sp...
Glenius Maximus - Norsca Reskin (Historical Theme).pack
Created by Glenius Maximus
SUMMARY Norsca Re-skin (Historical Theme) Units Re-skinned: Marauders, Marauders Spearmen, Marauders (Great Weapons), Marauder Hunters, Marauder Hunters (Javelins), Marauder Horsemen, Marauder Horsemen (Throwing Axes), Marauder Horsemasters, Marauder Chari...
[GLF] Hero Expansion金花英雄拓展
Created by 金花
这个MOD增加了新的传奇英雄 这些传奇英雄都有独特的技能与技能书,还有专属神器 这个MOD兼容MCT模块 推荐跟下面这个原版数据大修一起使用 传奇领主与英雄获取方式: 补丁: English Pat...
[GLF] Unit Expansion金花兵种拓展
Created by 金花
添加内容: 这个MOD给各个种族新增了许多兵种 这个MOD兼容MCT模块 推荐跟下面这个原版数据大修一起使用 新增兵种加成: 补丁: English Patch: https://steamcomm...
Global Recruitment Buff
Created by Gieno
This mod changes global recruitment across all races to have the same turn cost as local recruitment. The downsides remains the same, an increase in currency cost and you do not benefit from provincial buildings to grant you higher ranked units (though tec...
GMD Immortal Units Path of the Old
Created by dilaguna
I am taking a brake i will not be in steam to add or edit a mod - so if you can add fix something fix it. Sorry AND THAT GOLDEN GUYS IS NONT SCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If yo want to support my modding You can send me some mortal souls here -(I dont know how to ...
GMD Jade Legion (Version 2 is on my workshop - this version is discontinued !!!)
Created by dilaguna
I offer you, for a change of mind, my addition to the forces of Cathay (namely, the Northern Provinces) The list of troops is as follows - Lords - Jade Monk Grand Mster is a master of Chun Vin style. He doesn’t know how to use magic, but you can customize ...
GMD Kholek Faction Overhaul
Created by dilaguna
Доброго дня хлопці ! Я тут подумав - а чого це у короля тролів Трога є свій мод на нових юнітів. А в Кхолека нема. Драконоогри це є раса - ну не може раса складатися з 2х юнітів (Та одного найманця) - це якось нечесно. У цьому моді я спробую це виправити. ...
GMD Path of Change V 2.0
Created by dilaguna
Ok Guys here are some my new additions to Grate Changer roster ) Basically all ROR has new\edited skills ! I disliked nomber of ROR that was added in last update ((( List of units Bane Tower - dreadnought Silver Spikes (Bane Tower) - dreadnought Masked One...
GMD Path of Feral
Created by dilaguna
Mod Updated for latest patch. To use ROR - restart the campaighn. Hello guys ! Several people asked to make separate thundertusk mod. Here is a lint to the poll Please vote and i would made it tomorrow Finally i rele...
Expanded Roster - Greenskins - Goblin Pack
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on variety,...
Factionwide Resource Bonuses Enhanced
Created by Commisar Jon Fuklaw
Introduction Resources, they're good for trading, right? Wrong! Resources have many more applications than just throwing them at other people. This mod teaches you how to actually use resources, rather than leaving it to the AI to figure out. Features Reso...
Gnoblar Hordes - The Unwashed Masses
Created by Mixu About the Mod We created this mod to add standalone playable Gnoblar Hordes to the campaign that where separate and unique from the Ogre Kingdoms. What you will find within has been created by referencing both official and u...
graetor's Empire Knightly Orders
Created by graetor
"The Knightly Orders of the Empire are noble heroic brotherhoods of armoured warriors who ride into battle atop mighty barded warhorses and sometimes other, more exotic creatures." DESCRIPTION This mod adds new unit(s) to the Empire roster by adding the va...
graetor's Empire Knightly Orders - Assets Pack
Created by graetor
DOES NOT REQUIRE UPDATES WHEN THERE IS A NEW PATCH! Required texture pack for the main mod....
Grand Order of the Reiksguard
Created by Xoudad
"Reiksguard Knights, your Emperor is calling! Death or glory await us, but if we die, we will die as warriors, with swords in hand, and there can be no better death than that." —Kurt Helborg, The Reiksmarshal. Though known m...
Grand Order of the Reiksguard - All In One Collection
Created by Nox
Welcome Everyone! This mod is a port of my "Grand Order of the Reiksguard" Collection from Total War Warhammer 1 & 2. I hope you enjoy using it but feel free to tell me what you think and leave constructive feedback so i know what's good and where things c...
Greater Chaos Spawn of Tzeentch (Shadows of change updated)
Created by DracoMcGee Update VER 1.0 is out! Please check the changelogs and let me know how you feel about the new VFX and unit card INTRO Welcome! This is my first mod for total war warhammer III, with more to come for the other gods. "Mutated ...
Greatest of Daemons (Greater Daemon Variety Reskin)
Created by GunKing
This mod gives Exalted Greater Daemons and Greater Daemon units a wider variety of colors based off of tabletop inspirations I am fond of. All these colors, while different, still hew to the general color schemes and themes of their respective gods, there ...
Guns of the Empire (5.2)
Created by Snek
This Mod adds 22 Gunpowder Units to the Empire roster. Though some are based on, or at least inspired by lore/fluff mentions most are inventions of my own. As a unit pack, this is savegame compatible. For details on skill/tech groupings, abilities, and som...
[EoM] Guv's Smoke and Gunpowder Mod (WH3) (Updated 2023-09-03)
Created by Guvenoren
Regarding Don't worry, I am not quitting modding. However, some mods will stop being regularely maintained. And this mod is one of them. Why? Because I don't use it myself since long. There are much better and more viable mods out there that accomplishes w...
Halagrundsor the Horrible[Discontinued, link to the new version in description]
Created by Phyrex Halagrundsor the Horrible has been added to the Legendary Characters mod with updated art and skills, etc. No need for this mod anymore and I will...
Handmaiden Variants (No more clones!)
Created by Inu
Hi everyone, happy new year! I'll be resuming work on this mod series this days after a short break, so you can expect Nobles, Prince and Princess Variants soon™. This mod adds 9 new variants to the Handmaidens for the High Elves. So, this time around i di...
Heavy Gunners for Empire and Kislev
Created by Pwner1
Look for a submod soon that puts state troops on steroids. Engineers of Nuln and outcast dwarf engineers of the Empire (residing in Nuln) have beend designing many new deadly weapons, but as their power and size increases they came to realization that the ...
Helgar Longplaits
Created by Thom
Legendary Characters Mod This Mod is now part of Legendary Characters, so you dont need this mod if you are subed to that Mod Description This mod adds a new Legendary Lord Helgar Longplaits for the dwarfs. She can be recruit by all playable dwarf factions...
Heroes of Legend: Leopard of Luccini Update
Created by The_Inquisitor
Overview This mod adds 21 new characters to various factions and 4 playable factions (1 in IE and 4 in TOW). Most characters are recruited through landmarks added in my other mod, Landmarks of Legend (I elaborate a bit more on this in the FAQ section), whi...
Deprecated, use Skaven Clans
Created by Stratovarius Part of the Skaven Clans mod series. This mod adds 35 Regiments of Renown, spread across the six great clans, 6 Mordheim Eshin units (only available to Eshin), 4 Skavenslave units, 4 Clan Skully units, and 3 Cl...
High Elf Elites (High Elves)
Created by Tyrion's Pet
High Elf units pack, includes three different units, Ported from WH2. SwordStalkers of Hoeth - Basically Swordmasters of Hoeth but with hoods because hoods are always better. Obviously they have the Stalk attribute as well. Alith Anar can recruit them from...
Highborn Elves - Unit Pack
Created by RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below before you ask questions or request updates etc. If you like the mod you are welcome to press the "thumbs up" but...
Home Region Movement Bonus +40%
Created by devon752
What does it do? Increases campaign movement range for armies in their own regions by 40%. Works for both Player and AI. Compatibility Should be compatible with most mods (as long as they don't change the same things as this mod) and with ongoing campaigns...
Homers Teutogen Guard & Knights of the White Wolf & Middenheim Units
Created by Homer_Simpson_TW
I created a mod with my two favorite units. Teutogen Guard & Knights of the White Wolf. Both units can be recruited at the Middenheim Great Temple of Ulric in campaign. (Temples of Ulric as Middenland). Knights of the White Wolf benefit from the Reiskguard...
Hooveric Reskin (HV Reskin)
Created by hooveric
Planned Features ○ Quivers for ranged units ○ Bretonnia peasant units ○ new variations for Dark Elf ROR units ○ more helmet variations for Empire ○ Tomb Guards ○ differentiating the look of convoy lords (Cathay, Chaos Dwarfs) About Hooveric Reskin (HV Resk...
Immersive Lord of Change Animation
Created by Molcarat
Introduction To begin with, Lord of Change currently has only 3 attack animations created by WH1. This mod adds a new breath attack animation and adds flavor to the existing animations. Details 1. Stomp and laser rain
Immortal Landmarks
Created by Heimdal
UPDATED FOR 5.0 The mod will run without Mixu, but you'll be missing a bunch (~80%) of the landmarks. Adding landmarks requires startpos modding, Mixu's Unlocker = common startpos framework that keeps mods compatible. KEY FEATURES
Imperial Armoury - Unit Upgrades for the Empire
Created by Dirty Dan
Adds several purchasable unit upgrades to Empire units similar to the Greenskin scrap system. The upgrades cost Treasury or a dedicated new resource named fine steel and are not exclusive. This means one unit can receive all possible upgrades at once. Fine...
Irongobz - Elite Units for Orcs
Created by Pwner1
Brings a much enhanced version of my WH2 mod Orc Big Bosses for WHII. Brings seven new units to greenskin factions including one Regiment of Renown. Basically these units fill the gap between a Big Un' and a black orc and the orc ranked Big Boss. They have...
Ironfist Legion (Vanilla)
Created by The Wild Hunt
Remembering the Legion As Immortal Empires is finally out for WH:3, I've decided to do an update for the unit mod that started it all and give it a place in the newest warhammer installment. Since it is an update and I wanted to have the essence of the ori...
Income bonus for Daemon Prince
Created by No.213
2022/08/24 -ver.2.0 It's compatible with IE campaign This simple mod adds settlement income+30% to faction effect of Legion of Chaos. AI is affected too, basically is compatible with any mods. This mod doesn't need an update. ...
Ivan Radinov - Commander of the Gryphon Legion - Updated
Created by Xoudad
"While his sister oversees Kislev with icy efficiency, Ivan spends his time on daring adventures. He is nominally the Cavalry Commander of the Gryphon Legion, but he rarely spends much time in their barracks headquarters. He prefers his freedom and dangero...
Johnny's Advanced Buildings (now with Tomb Kings)
Created by Johnny
Hello! In older total war games players were able to build important buildings that each have different effects. For example, one could build a temple complex to Hermes that improves trade faction wide, a bustling agora that secures your empire's financial...
Johnny's Artillery Pack
Created by Johnny
Hello! this is my first custom unit mod and I am excited to share it with the community. what does this mod do? - adds new artillery units to the game for custom battle and campaign. - see below for which races are currently affected (i will be making more...
Johnny's Loreful Nurgle (plagues update)
Created by Johnny
Hello! When playing as Nurgle, It is evident to me that CA hasn't captured the essence of what fighting a Nurgle army means (besides being slow). In the lore, merely being in the presence of a nurgle army causes soldiers to get sick and die. Nurgle armies ...
Johnny's Slaves to Darkness
Created by Johnny
Hello! what does this mod do?: dark elves: - higher thresholds of slave population, with improved rewards ex 5000 slaves, 10000 slaves, 15000 slaves etc. these thresholds incentivize you to care about the slave mechanic. - changes to infrastructure buildin...
Kar Odacen, new legendary lord for Norsca
Created by Forgosth
Kar Odacen, Norscan Legendary Lord Specilized in cavalry Submitted for the Literally Who? Mod Jam for the Modding Den This mod adds a new LL for Norsca. He and his faction, the Iron Wolves, are specialized in cavalry and ice wolves. He is also a lore of me...
Khorne Tech-Tree
Created by Decky
What does this mod do? The mod adds 41 new technologies to the vanilla tech tree. (The 41 technologies are completely implemented in the vanilla tech tree). DESCRIPTION Completely new effects have been added that are not present in the vanilla tree: All un...
Khorne Skull Reskin (Working in 3.0)
Created by GoatScream
This is my own take on prentince.mungo's khorne reskin, as I did not personally liked some of his choices (just a personal opinion) so I made this mod for myself and decided to publish it. This mod adds a multitude of new helmets, shoulderplates and shield...
Khorne Beasts + Radious
Created by DarkRite
This patch makes the units from Trajann's Khorne Beasts to be more suitable for Radious in terms of balance. Credit for the units obviously goes to the original mod's author as this is merely a submod. As such you do require the original mod, and this goes...
Khorne's Primal Units
Created by Ramen Fornow
Adds 3 new units to Khorne's roster: Apemen of Khorne, the Skullgor, and the Forgebeast. Apemen of Khorne While weaker than Khorne's other monstrous infantry, they have the Dazed contact effect, which lowers enemy speed and melee defense. They offer more o...
Knightly Orders of Morr and Bassiano Dutra
Created by [-ODM-] Loupi
Welcome to the Knightly Orders of Morr. This mod is dedicated to all the various Knightly Orders associated with Morr, the Old God of the dead. It includes the High and Chivalric Order of Deserved Rest, more commonly known as the Knights of the Raven, thei...
Knights of The Round Belly: Remastered (Patch 4 ready)
Created by Bot easy
# Background In the year IC 2480, endless waves of Greenskins pouring from the Grey Mountains. Bretonnia forces barely hold out against the Greenskins. Not enough manpower to defend against such an invasion on their own, and the Greenskins took over the re...
Land Encounters And Points Of Interest
Created by diagonal_zero
Explanation and reason for this mod to exists Do you feel the original ROC map that we ended up having is big but quite empty? Do you believe that a world as big and alive as the Warhammer world should have more to do than just travelling from city to city...
Kroxigor units
Created by Ubermorgen
Small unit mod that adds 2 new Kroxigor units to all lizardmen factions. I basically just wanted to have Ancient Kroxigors as a unit when playing as Nakai. Mod ported from WH2 with minor balance adjustments. Units Ancient Kroxigors: expensive, late game an...
Land of Chivalry
Created by Xoudad
"I give my body, heart and soul, to the Lady whom I seek. No plea for help shall find me wanting. No obstacle will stand before me. No evil will taint the lands bequeathed unto me. When the clarion call is sounded, I will ride out and fight in the name of ...
Landmark Spawnings
Created by Thom This Mod adds 15 new unique blessed spawn units for the Lizardmen with unique abilities, stats, traits and appearances and is themed around the landmark which grants them. Each one is tied to a different landmark, the corres...
Landmarks of Legend
Created by The_Inquisitor
OVERVIEW Landmarks of Legend adds many landmarks to locations all over the Warhammer world, with some landmarks granting access to special units and Regiments of Renown. Currently, there are landmarks for the following factions: - Grand Cathay - Kislev - K...
Legendary Characters - 103 Dalmatians
Created by Stratovarius
101 Dalmatia... 103 Legendary Characters Yes, that top line number is correct! We have broken the 100 character barrier with a truly massive 21 character drop, finally ensuring that Legendary Characters covers every single faction. This also sees us releas...
Legendary Compilation + Radious
Created by DarkRite
This is a compilation submod, it has all the characters from Stratovarius' compilation mod with my and Luminous Clarity's radious tweaks. While I have covered a majority of the characters Stratovarius made, Luminous covered Grigori, so I asked to use his a...
Legendary Hero Loi Tu for Cathay (Beta Version)
Created by KratosGodofWar
This is my first mod. I get inspiration from legendary hero Xian mod from Stratovarius. Currently the model is not that good due to my lacking of experience. Hopefully, I will improve it when i get more experience Description I want to create myth legendar...
Legendary High Elven Characters [LHEC]
Created by RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information This mod project started back in 2019 for Warhammer 2. Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below carefully before you ask questions or request updates etc....
Less AI Cheating (campaign)
Created by Volcano
Are you tired of the insane amount of cheating that the AI does at the campaign level in the Realm of Chaos Campaign? Would you like the Iron Man type saves from Legendary, but without all the excessive and ridiculous cheating that goes along with it? Do y...
Lesser Locus of Transmogrification
Created by ☸𝕵𝖔☸
This mod add a new ability to Pink and Exalted Pink Horrors units via the Red Skill line upgrade 3rd point, called "Lesser Locus of Transmogrification". (Named based on the ability upgrade in TT 8th ed.). When they reach 50% hp they will pop up a unit of b...
Lily's Bretonnia Overhaul - Unit Pack Submod
Created by Zaylidin
Sons and Daughters of Fair Bretonnia! Unite the realm with these brand new Bretonnian Units! This mod requires my overhaul mod in order to work otherwise you will crash-to-desktop. Nasty. Also, put this submod above the main overhaul in the load order. Get...
Lily's Bretonnia Overhaul: Definitive Edition - Immortal Empires
Created by Zaylidin
Sons and Daughters of Fair Bretonnia! At last, I give you the TRUE Definitive Edition version of my Bretonnia Overhaul! This mod is a rework of Bretonnia, adding new units, technologies and balance changes to enhance your feudal-over-lording experience. Th...
Lily's Foot Grail Knights Unit Pack
Created by Zaylidin
Defend the commonfolk with these new Paladin units! This small light-weight mod adds two new units to the Bretonnian roster and should be highly compatible with other mods. Unlike my other mods, this unit pack doesn't require my Bretonnia overhaul, however...
Living Mountains - Kislev Ice Titans (Early Testing)
Created by Chonky Lizard
Overwiev Adds a new "boss-type" unit for Kislev, the Ice Titan. This mod is not finished yet, but ive uploaded it to get some feedback on balance, visuals, bugs, ideas... Everything is still subject of change. Can be built where the Elemental bear is build...
[IE] Loreful Strategic Threat
Created by IfThenOrElse
This mod replaces Strategic Threat for IE only, with something that makes more sense in a lore friendly way for both the player and the AI. UPDATE: ported over from Game 2. Big thanks to Vandy for his help with scripted effect bundles! Big thanks to AwwHEE...
Lost & Found Dwarfs: Earth Borer
Created by greenphoenix23
This mod adds Earth Borer mining drills to the Dawi roster. A single entity war machine equipped with a giant drill and ridden by two Dwarf Miners ready to lay out blasting charges on the move, this hardy piece of engineering is ready to plow through your ...
Lost & Found Dwarfs: Complete Collection
Created by greenphoenix23
This mod is a compilation of the Lost & Found: Dwarfs mods! Dwarf loving and lore friendly! MCT Compatiblity - Compatible with Modding Configuration Tool. allowing you to disable units individually if desired. Note that this is completely optional and is N...
LoW - Dragon Legion
Created by Macho Chunko
Sup y'all, it's ya boi bringing out a quick BETA of the original Dragon Legion mod from WH2. Changes in WH3 This version has some changes compared to the original, some to the units themselves, some new added buildings, changes to the original Dragon Princ...
LoW - Legions of the Scarlet Empire
Created by Macho Chunko
Introduction Sup y'all, it's ya boi bringing out another BETA of a mod i'm working on for WH3.This mod is a merged version of 2 mods i made for WH2, LoW - Blood Legion and WO - Order of the Bloody Rose. An Unique Lord The mod adds a new legendary lord for ...
Matched Combat + Reload Animations Submod
Created by [-ODM-] Xiphos
This is a submod that combines my Custom Matched Combat Mod with the Reload Animations Mod made by Marthenil, this is required if you want to use both our mods, cheers ! You must sub to the original 2 mods. Load order does not matter....
Marcus Heretic Roster for Khorne and Chaos - IE UPDATED
Created by Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Heretic Roster The plot : Some warriors of Khorne decided to take the unholy way of the ranged weaponry. With the help of the Chaos Dwarfs they became very powerful warriors using customized ranged weaponry. Same for Tzeentch with some magical guns....
Luke's MOD Collection of Cathay's New Heroes and New Generals
Created by Luke_Grand Master
中文版: SFO submod: Mainly translated by Google: This MOD includes the following MODs: Cathay Dragon-Blooded Melee gen...
Merwyrms, Sea Dragons, and Lothern Skycutters
Created by ChaosRobie
This mod adds in Merwyrms, Sciowyrms, and Lothern Skycutters for the High Elves and Pagowyrms, Sciowyrms, Sea Dragons, and Helldrakes for the Dark Elves. Description Wyrms Merwyrms and Sciowyrms are recruitable at ports for all High Elf factions. Merwyrms ...
Mixu's Legendary Lords
Created by Mixu
About the Mod Some of you may remember this and this from Total War Warhammer II. Well, this mod is simply a combination of those two mods, with some new faces added. This mod adds Legendary Lords, Legendary Heroes and some new units. This mod does not tou...
Masterworks of Vaul's Anvil - Unit Upgrades for High Elves
Created by Dirty Dan
Adds a Unit upgrade system similar to the Greenskin scrap upgrades to the High Elf factions. They cost a new resource called Splendour which is gained by having exceptional leaders under your command, constructing court buildings and holding special import...
Mixu's Legendary Lords: Asset Pack
Created by Mixu
This is a required asset pack for Mixu's Legendary Lords mod. You should subscribe to it if you use it, otherwise you'll get missing character models n other fun stuff....
MIXER - Mixu's Unlocker
Created by Mixu
The newest version of MCT is recommended to be used with this mod. It will work without it, but your save files will be bigger. This is a startpos mod that unlocks all factions in Realms of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns. Building slot submod has bee...
Mod Configuration Tool - v0.9 Beta
Created by Groove Wizard The Mod Configuration Tool is a user interface, and a rich backend system, which enables modders to create settings for their mods, which can be edited within the Mod Configuration Tool. In short, if a mod you use doesn't us...
Mod Configuration Tool [LEGACY]
Created by Groove Wizard
Welcome to one of the final instances of Vandy releasing a Beta! MULTIPLAYER UNSUPPORTED LEGACY VERSION. Use the New Version for multiplayer and other goodies! The Mod Configuration Tool is a user interface, and a rich backe...
Mortal Warriors of Nurgle
Created by Stratovarius
Features! Unleash the power of Grandfather Nurgle, Lord of Pestilence, with 8 new units: Putrid Blightkings. Brutal warrior champions of Nurgle, they are few in number but mighty in strength. Elite infantry. Exalted Plague Ogres. Built to smash, and to dra...
Moudler's Menagerie + Radious
Created by DarkRite
This submod makes the units from the Moulder's Menagerie mod by ChaosRobie balanced for Radious. You do of course need the original mod as this is a submod. Also make sure that this mod is above the original mod to ensure the changes apply, I'd also say to...
Created by All is Dust
If you like necromancy killing your enemies to make them fight for you and you like skeletons then this mod is for you. This mod adds a new unit recruit mechanic to all undead factions and 41 new units (36 that use the new recruitment). The mechanic is sim...
Nagarythe Remake纳迦瑞斯重置
Created by 金花
这个MOD增强了纳迦瑞斯派系,增加了新的功能与单位 使得纳迦瑞斯相比其他高等精灵派系更具特色,玩法多样化 English Patch: 纳迦瑞斯适应温带岛屿气候(奥苏安) 修改了祭礼,当执行祭礼后,可以获得一个BUFF,增强全局的伏击成功概率,以及在伏击时获得被动,增强所有单位的远程杀伤 新增随机事件,这些事件能带来一些正面和负面BUFF https://s...
Moulder's Menagerie (Chimaerats, Stormfiends, and More!)
Created by ChaosRobie
This mod adds in Chimaerats, Aberrations, Armoured Rat Ogres, Giant Rats, Burrowing Behemoths, and Stormfiends for the Skaven. Description Chimaerats are anti-infantry single-entity monsters recruitable by all Skaven factions. They are recruitable at tier ...
Living Tomb Kings [BETA]
Created by Eric Gordon Berg
"Human armies of Khemri" returns to WHIII. As the people of Numas and the other surrounding territories begin to inhabit the land use an army of both living and undead to conquer to map! Currently includes 14 human versions ...
New Legendary Lord and Hero Artefacts Warhammer 3 (Updated for 5.2)
Created by stompie5
Description This mod adds over 300 new items and Legendary Artefacts for almost all the Legendary Lords and Heroes. The new items can be viewed through the Lord's or Hero's Quest Screen and will unlock automatically. The mod also adds some new items the Dw...
New Terracotta units
Created by 阳关河洛
This mod adds in 2 new Terracotta units for Grand Cathay.A mixed weapon infantry unit that uses shields, spears, and arrows.The other one uses a huge sword and a crossbow,someone asked for this,I tried to add one.Thank you for your support.Any problems,lea...
No More Siege Attrition
Created by Hada Freeblade
Are you tired of the AI having nothing better to do than starve you out? Do you long for a fair fight in a defensive siege? Well all this mod does is set the besieged attrition value to zero. Siege all you want AI but at some point your gonna have to fight...
No Campaign Start Cutscene
Created by DrunkFlamingo
This mod removes the cutscene that plays after hitting the 'start campaign' button. That's it. This does not remove the game start cutscenes - you need a different mod for those. This is specifically the cutscene after hitting new campaign, the one with th...
No AI Attrition Immunity
Created by Gieno
Adjusts the resistance of AI to attrition based on difficulty. There was another mod doing this but was no longer updated for IE. Hopefully this works. Link to original mod:
Nin-sha of Cathay
Created by Pwner1
Standalone version of my regiments of renown that are somewhat toned down in stats. Both have weeping blade melee effect,guerrila deploy, rowdy,frenzy. Two stealth specialist infantry units for cathay recruited from sky-lantern lookouts buildings with tier...
Nobles Variants (No more Clones!)
Created by Inu
Hi everyone, it's been a while, been busy with other projects, but here is one of the last entries of high elves variants, next up will be both princesess and princes together, promise to try and not take that long until that one. As always, they 'd be arr...
Oriental Dead + Radious
Created by DarkRite
A submod to balance the units added by Dead of the Orient for Radious. You know the drill this goes above the original mod, you must use said original mod (as the main thing I change is stats). And be sure to thank the original author for their hard work. ...
One Button Respec
Created by DrunkFlamingo
Features This mod adds a button to the character skills panel which can be used to reset the skills of a character. Each character can only be reset once, and resetting skills costs 1000 gold/favor. Compatibility This mod should be compatible with all othe...
Oldhammer : Serpent of Slaanesh
Created by Urgat
New demonic mount for those lords and sorcerers who have been marked by the Prince of Excess. It never really had a name on the tabletop game, the box labelled it as demonic mount and that was it. The trading card game labelled it Serpent of Slaanesh, so I...
Normal Traits Extended
Created by Sir_Isenhart
Updated for 4.1. This mod makes its return from TWW2. It adds an extra layer of gameplay by making most gainable traits have more ranks thus making them a lot stronger. It does not change the traits for defeating Legendary Lords. It is intended for high/le...
Patron Gods (Updated for 5.2)
Created by Theakrus
PLEASE READ This is Patron Gods. Please use this mod only if you want all of the features of Patron of Tzeentch, Patron of Slaanesh, Patron of Khorne, & Patron of Nurgle. The individual mods will not function properly together to the same effect as this mo...
Pleasureseekers of Slaanesh and Tzeentch Great Winged Terrors
Created by ChaosRobie
This mod adds Great Winged Terrors for Tzeentch and Pleasureseekers for Slaanesh, with the Legions of Chaos getting access to both. Description Great Winged Terrors are a flying-only missile unit. They've got pretty long range and accuracy. Heralds of Tzee...
Pink Horrors split into Blue Horrors
Created by Dead Baron
What Does This Do? I was really surprised to see that the Pink Horrors didn't split into Blue Horrors on death, as this is pretty much one of the major things they are known for. This is a quick mod that adds that ability to Pink Horrors and Exalted Pink H...
Deprecated, use Skaven Clans
Created by Stratovarius Part of the Skaven Clans mod series. Clan Feesik update! The weakest and the least amonst the Pestilent Brotherhood, Clan Feesik is nothing more than a thrall of Clan Pestilens, beholden to them for all that th...
Permanent Summons
Created by Commisar Jon Fuklaw
Introduction CA has had this thing about balancing solely for multiplayer for half a decade. Summoned units being nerfed so that they just magically vanish after a minute whether that makes any sense or not is one example of why that's dumb. This fixes tha...
(TOD)Pokarthmon 2.0 Restored - Ultimate Rakarth Beast Pen Expansion
Created by Snowlan
UPDATED: 06/07/2024 Hey y’all, back to revive a mod form the dead after it being broken for a year and a half. Gotta catch- er' don't wanna break copyright.... Gotta hunt'em all! This is the Ultimate Rakarth Beast Pen Expansion mod. My pet project mod, new...
Poxmakers of Nurgle - plague cap fix
Created by ::Maethendias::
Despite supposedly being the masters of plague, the Poxmakers of Nurgle have a hardcap of 4 across all plagues on how many times said plagues can actually spread. (this means each plague you create can only spread a maximum of 4 times) This mod changes the...
Created by ChaosRobie
This mod adds in Preytons for the Beastmen. Description A Preyton is an anti-large, single-entity flying unit. It's got vanguard deploy and frenzy. Preytons benefit from the same skills as the Jabberslythe. And they benefit from the "Gaze of the Dark Gods"...
Puppets of Tzeentch
Created by Ramen Fornow
Adds 2 new units to Tzeentch's roster and the Daemons of Chaos roster, Puppets of Tzeentch and Puppets of Tzeentch (Great Bows). They can be recruited from the same building tree as the Soul Grinder of Tzeentch, with regular puppets being tier 3 and great ...
Radious Total War Mod - Part 1
Created by Radious
Radious Total War Mod - Warhammer 3 - Part 1 Overview - From the award winning team and and from the creators of the most subscribed mods on steam workshop for TW games comes another major modification. This time for brand new Total War: Warhammer 3! https...
Radious Total War Mod - Part 2
Created by Radious
Radious Total War Mod - Warhammer 3 - Part 2 Overview - From the award winning team and and from the creators of the most subscribed mods on steam workshop for TW games comes another major modification. This time for brand new Total War: Warhammer 3! https...
Radious Total War Mod - Part 3
Created by Synthetic Man
Radious Total War Mod - Warhammer 3 - Part 3 Overview - From the award winning team and and from the creators of the most subscribed mods on steam workshop for TW games comes another major modification. The time has come for a brand new Total War: Warhamme...
Radious Total War Mod - Part 4 - Assets
Created by Radious
Radious Total War Mod - Warhammer 3 - Part 4 Overview - From the award winning team and and from the creators of the most subscribed mods on steam workshop for TW games comes another major modification. This time for brand new Total War: Warhammer 3! https...
Official Radious Total War Submod - 40% Upkeep Increase
Created by Synthetic Man
Radious Total War Submod - 40% Upkeep Increase This submod increases the upkeep of all units by 40%, for both the player and the AI. Graphics below are links, feel free to click on them! This ...
Official Radious Total War Submod - 3 Skill Points Per Level
Created by Synthetic Man
Radious Total War Submod - 3 Skill Points Per Level Returning from our Warhammer II catalogue, the 3 Skill Points Per Level Submod does pretty much what it says on the tin, and much more! On top of increasing the amount of skill points gained, it also adds...
Official Radious Total War Submod - Stronger Veterans
Created by Synthetic Man
Radious Total War Submod - Stronger Veterans Overview - I've always enjoyed levelling up units in total war games. The idea that the experience of past battles could make a unit strong enough to face and defeat higher tier units was something I enjoyed. Th...
Red Host of Tehenhauin - additional red crested units for lizardmen
Created by Ubermorgen
This mod adds 15 new units and 11 new followers to all lizardmen factions recruitable from vanilla military buildings. I ported this mod from WH2 but had to redo most textures. I also added some visual variations for most units and did some minor rebalanci...
Red's Estalia Overhaul
Created by RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below before you ask questions or request updates etc. If you like the mod you are welcome to press the "thumbs up" but...
Reloading Animations
Created by Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD Reload: load (something, especially a gun that has been fired) again. Adds reloading animations to the following units (for now): Kislev Streltsi Dwarf Thunderers Empire Handgunners Sylvanian Handgunners Vampire Coast Gunnery Wight F...
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords
Created by sm0kin
WH2's Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords ported to Total War: WARHAMMER III – Update 5.2.0 This mod transfers legendary/immortal lords and heroes of defeated factions to factions that are still in play. It works both for the p...
Rebanner III
Created by Wallets
Ever feel like you're wasting your time deciding which unit to assign +5 leadership to? This mod reworks banners to make them more interesting to use. Changes Most of the game's banners have been modified to make it worth your while to consider what unit c...
Realistic High Elf Dragons
Created by Delta_BOSS
Updated v.1.3 v1.3 update: compatibility with Faction Colored Saddles - for H.E. Dragons FACTION COLORED SADDLES - for H.E. Dragons v1.2 update: Imrik's dragon Minaithnir Maybe need a bit of...
Rayes Extended Dark Elf Units
Created by Iareshawn
Adds three new Dark Elf units to the Dark Elf roster. Works for campaign and custom battles. New units added: Shades (Shields) While not as powerful in melee combat compared to their vanilla counterparts, these shades play a role much closer to that of Dar...
Rotate Lords and Heroes (v5.2)
Created by Levie
What does this do? This enables rotation of MOST Lord and Hero models while in the character details window. This is similar to what can already be done with the Daemon Prince. I thought it was weird that we have access to the model view inside of the char...
Resize Matters
Created by Merwanor
Bigger is not always better, unless you are an orc of course.... But size matters and I do not agree with CA on the scale of most units. I think many lords are way too large compared to the normal units. So this is my own personal resize mod for lords and ...
Reskin, Nico's kislev
This is a reskin mod for kislev changing all normal kossars and armoured aswell as the tzar guard. inspired mainly by historical slavic medieval armour so not so lore friendly but i hope they looks better than vanilla -update- fixed a little bug that made ...
Runes of the Karaz Ankor - Unit Upgrades for the Dwarfs
Created by Dirty Dan
Adds several unit upgrades for the Dwarf factions in the game working similar to the Greenskin scrap upgrades. The upgrades are not exclusive and cost a varying amount of oathgold, which makes this resource even more valuable especially in the late campaig...
Runes of the Karaz Ankor Submod - Radious - Unit Upgrades for the Dwarfs
Created by Louie04k
Runes of the Karaz Ankor submod for Radious. Requires original mod to work! Thanks to Dirty Dan for OG mod! This is a beta. Some units might not have the correct upgrades....
[DISCONTINUED] Sarvente's Bretonnia Expansion
Created by TriT
Originally this mod began as a smal expansion of Bretonnian roster, but later I've decided to incorporate some other concepts into it. As of right now, there are 4 units in total, more units to come in the future. This mod is meant to diversify Bretonnia's...
Sarvente's Depraved Daemonettes
Created by TriT
Greetings, everyone. I've been playing TWW games for a long time, but I've never created any content for them, even though I've always used mods made by other people. With the release of the third installment of TWW game series, I've decided to learn at le...
[DISCONTINUED] Sarvente's Ministry of Internal Security [updated 18.03.2023]
Created by TriT
PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION A remake and expansion of my previous unit mod. Originally it was meant to be an entirely different project, but in the end I've decided to incorporate it into my previous file. I have learned quite a lot from that time, and use...
Rune Golems (Vanilla 5.2) - MCT Support (REQUIRES ASSET PACK)
Created by _D3rpyN3wb_
------------------(REQUIRES ASSET PACK)----------------- What this mod does: - Adds 4 late game, semi lore-friendly Rune Golem for the dwarfs :D - Great-Axe (Bonus Anti-Infantry) - Great-Hammer(Armor-Piercing, Bonus Anti-Lar...
Rotblood Tribe
Created by Stratovarius Clan Fester update! Today, the Pactsworn are complete, for today Skarrik Spinemanglr and Clan Fester spill forth from the Skittergate and take Ubersreik! From there they shall swarm in devastating hordes ever clo...
Savage Animals Ogre & Greenskins Animal Variety 4K Reskin Compilation
Created by GunKing
This mod gives Ogre Kingdoms and Greenskins animals more variants in 4K resolution with the color palettes drawn from Warhammer art and individual tabletop paint jobs. This was made to pair well with my Greenskin and Ogre mods respectively to prevent those...
SCM's Skaven Asset Pack
Created by Stratovarius
This contains all the visual and animation content for: Pestilent Brotherhood Clan Verms Heroes of the Skaven Clans Clan Treecherik Clan Crooktail Clan Vrrtkin Clan Grudge Without it, you will see absolutely nothing. This exists to standardize SCM's Skaven...
Secrets of Nagash - Unit Upgrades for the Vampire Counts and Vampire Coast
Created by Dirty Dan
Adds a unit upgrade mechanic comparable to the greenskin scrap upgrades to the Vampire Counts and Vampire Coast factions. The upgrades are not exclusive and either dark magic improvements or equipment related. The equipment related upgrades have higher ini...
Semi Horde for Exiles of Khorne
Created by Wahnnou
SUMMARY : This mod gives the semi horde mecanic of Vampire Coast to Exiles of Khorne. Only Skarbrand and Exalted Bloothirster are semi horde. RESUME: Ce mod donne la mécanique de semi horde de la Côte Vampire aux Exilés de Khorne. Seulement Skarbrand et le...
Shadowman's Nurgle Chosen Reskin.
Created by Shadowman528
What now? So I was working on something and heard folks complaining about how the Nurgle Chosen look, and I'll admit they do seem a bit bland, so I decided I'd offer my own possible replacement reskin for them. All parts and bits 100% Nurgle-sourced unless...
Singe's Units for the Vampire Coast
Created by Singemeister
Depth Guard (Pistols) - Close-quarters infantry who'll fire off a round or two before getting stuck in Deck Snatchers - Flying assault bats, may need some tweaking Depth Knights - Cavalry of the monstrous variety (benefit from Rotting Promethean skills) De...
Singe's Unit Compilation
Created by Singemeister
More units for all, rejoice and be happy! I'll be giving them a slightly more egotistical set of names this time, just for the sake of findability. As per usual, all images are in the provided links. Note on Cultist units: All cultist units are exclusive t...
Sigmar's Legions
Created by zerg93
>>>*This mod is part of the Zerg Collection Volume I, DO NOT use this mod along said collection or you'll crash. Choose one.*<<< *NOTICE* All of my screenshots are taken with my certified potato pc™. This means (at least in theory) that my custom units wil...
Sigmar's Heirs, an Empire Overhaul - Assets
Created by Xoudad
"Here in Nuln, art is not just décor; it’s an expression of one’s commitment to beauty and the finer things. Even the poor keep something in their hovels, some design or image that evokes the imagination and takes the mind beyond the circumstances of their...
Singe's Units for the Vampire Counts
Created by Singemeister
Skeleton Warriors (Scythes) - Low-tier anti-chaff infantry Spirit Host - Ethereal Zombies in essence (Benefit from boosts to spirits) Grave Guard (Scythes) - Mid-tier anti-chaff, good for clearing through hordes Grave Guard (Halberds) - Finally, some actua...
Skull Crusher Trolls
Created by zerg93
>>>*This mod is part of the Zerg Collection Volume I, DO NOT use this mod along said collection or you'll crash. Choose one.*<<< *NOTICE* All of my screenshots are taken with my certified potato pc™. This means (at least in theory) that my custom units wil...
Skaven Elite Units
Created by Decky
DESCRIPTION The mod adds 14 new units for the Skaven Faction. The units are available in campaign and custom battles. Some of the units received special abilities. For example, the Doomrokets can fire missiles at their enemies. Units Mutated Ratogre (Armor...
Slaanbulls & Trojan
Created by r1kko
Slaanbull champion lord now has custom voice! Slaanesh faction: Trojan recruitable in same buidling as slaanesh grinder, Slaanbulls in same building as Keeper of Secrets+same tech upgrades. Trojan ROR available at turn 1. They are also availible in summoni...
Sovrei's Nurgle Units - Immortal Empires Update
Created by Sovrei This mod adds new units to the Nurgle faction, and Festus' Warriors of Chaos faction. The Putrid Blightkings, also known as the Exalted Champions of Nurgle, are not one particular tribe or gro...
Sons of Grimnir - Dwarf Unit Collection
Created by Mystical Llama
Changes for Warhammer 3 Check out the literal glow-up on the Rune Golems! Finally, burning eyes and texture cracks! Unit List and Descriptions: Rune Golems - Our flagship unit! Each Rune Golem comes ready to manufacture as much gobbo salsa as you could ask...
Survaldor's Knights of the White Wolf & Teutogen Guard
Created by Survaldor
"Ulric give me the fangs of the wolf, Ulric give me the claws of the wolf, Ulric give me the coat of the wolf, And I will show your enemies the mercy of the wolf." - Ulrican Prayer. The Order of the Knights of the White Wolf, or White Wolves as they are mo...
Specialization Skills ( Army / Campaign ) + Skill dumps (For both lords and Heroes)
Created by teos_the_blue
This mod allows you to specialize your Lords and Heroes making them more unique Link to Lord Max lvl 100 Heroes Max lvl 80 3 skills points x level : Link to all Skill and abilities mod colle...
Storm against Chaos (Empire Edition)
Created by Johnlehnhof
-- LORE --- These are desperade times. Chaos rises everywhere. The Emperor needs his best men to repel the forces of chaos. The brave Wardens of the Empire join the fray, even the Rangers leave there outposts and bolster the ranks of Franz. Volkmar has sen...
Terracotta Automatons and Panda Riders
Created by ChaosRobie
This mod adds in Terracotta Automatons and Panda Riders for Grand Cathay. Description Terracotta Automatons are unbreakable infantry. Panda Riders are basically exactly like Kislev war bear riders, except I gave them regeneration that only activates while ...
Supernatural Vampires - Make Depth Guard Great Again
Created by Selonianth
Someone in my Supernatural Vampires mod asked about Depth Guard and Blood Knights. Well, Blood Knights are mounted and in a perfectly acceptable place combat wise so I didn't feel the need to tweak their speed, they don't use their personal speed regardles...
Strat's Gnoblar Horde + Calm's Gnoblar Reskin
Created by Stratovarius
Gnoblar Horde! Help, help the Gnoblars are revolting! The Gnoblar Horde is made up of Gnoblars who have eluded or rebelled against Ogre society, taking refuge in the Mountains of Mourn and the Dark Lands. These enormous swarms of Gnoblars pillage and plund...
Storm Against Chaos Submod - Radious
Created by Louie04k
This makes the Storm Against Chaos mod balanced better for Radious. Needs original mod to work. Big thanks to John & Winter for the OG mod!...
The Broken - Faction + Crystalback collection
Created by Chonky Lizard
This mod gives the faction Tepoks spawn, which is next to kugath an unique Lord that focuses on my crystalback units (but more of the new units added with the mod) You'll need mixus faction unlocker to play the faction (Ty to mixu for his great mod) This i...
The Iron Colossus of Nuln (5.2)
Created by Snek
"The Iron Colossus of Nuln. All that is known is that it fell over onto an imperial regiment and squished it." - Imperial Historian This mod adds a monstrous war machine to the Empire roster. This unit is also incorporated directly into Sigmar's Heirs. You...
The Ice Army - New Ice Guard Units for Kislev
Created by Caesar
This mod expands the Ice Guard of Kislev to include more types of units beyond ranged hybrid infantry. Included are 7 different units, consisting of 4 melee infantry ones, two cavalry variants and of course, being Kislev, the Ice Guard equivalent of Bear R...
The Gnoblar Horde
Created by Stratovarius
Gnoblar Horde! Help, help the Gnoblars are revolting! The Gnoblar Horde is made up of Gnoblars who have eluded or rebelled against Ogre society, taking refuge in the Mountains of Mourn and the Dark Lands. These enormous swarms of Gnoblars pillage and plund...
The Funeral Director - Walnut is BACK!
Created by Poljanan
After a brief absence, the Funeral Director is back from the grave! Introduction "Welcome to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. May we interest you in a coffin?" The Funeral Director is perhaps one of the gloomiest individuals in Cathayan society, whose tasks invol...
The Ferocious Rippergator - WH3 Port
Created by Chonky Lizard
This is a wh3 port of my Rippergator mod from wh2 This mod adds the rippergator to the LZ roster, an aggressive carnivorous monster unit. The strength of the Rippergators lie within their speed, ability to disrupt a lot of infantry and survivability. Undyi...
The Jade-Blooded Vampires: Curse of Nongchang
Created by Poljanan Jade-Blooded Vampires - Eastern Lords of Undeath The Jade-Blooded Vampires are an exotic bloodline of vampires in the far east sired by a long-lost spawn of Neferata thousands of years after she and the rest of the origi...
Tier 3 Walls Returned
Created by Stubby
The Tier 3 Walls Returned mod gives siege battles back to all the tier 3 minor settlement defence buildings that had them before the 2.2 update, as well as the tier 3 Brettonian main minor settlement building. This mod works on both Realms of Chaos and Imm...
Trajann's Legendary Dragons
Created by Trajann V
Here's an idea I've wanted to do for a while. This mod adds 12 new dragons to the game, available for ALL factions! So what the heck is this? Well I love dragons, but I think it's kinda lame that they're mostly locked to the Elven factions. So I thought it...
Trajann's Khorne Mods Compilation
Created by Trajann V
This is a compilation of all my Khorne-focused mods! If you subscribe to this mod then you can unsub from the individual mods. Worth noting that any time the individual mods are updated, this compilation will be as well. So you'll never have to worry about...
Trajann's Gurrash, Sentinel of Justice
Created by Trajann V
Note: This mod is included in my Sentinels Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one. Allow me to introduce Gurrash, a new legendary hero for the Tomb Kings! Gurrash is known as a Sentinel, powerful con...
Trajann's Daughters of Khorne
Created by Trajann V
NOTE: This mod is included in my Khorne Compilation, if you are subscribed to that mod you don't need to be subscribed to this one. This mod adds 12 new units, 4 RoR's, a new legendary lord, and a new generic lord type. They are available to Skarbrand, Val...
Singe's Units for Nurgle
Created by Singemeister
Plague Riders: Exalted Plaguebearers of Plague Toads. Tougher, higher tier all round. Plague Palanquin: Essentially a giggling Corpse Cart. Heals and debuffs in an aura around it. Plaguewalkers: Zombies! (Might make a spear variant). As cultists, they are ...
Sir Geg of Wainfleet, The Peasant Knight - Legendary Grail Knight Hero for Bretonnia
Created by Ubermorgen
"Sir Geg of Wainfleet, also known as the Peasant Knight, is one of the fabled Grail Knights of Bretonnia and the reigning Lord of Wainfleet. Originally a simple farmhand, Geg became one of the few peasants to ever be granted knighthood, and the only peasan...
Sisters of Avelorn - Unit Pack
Created by RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below before you ask questions or request updates etc. If you like the mod you are welcome to press the "thumbs up" but...
Skarbrand Retexture
Created by Melinda Safitri Skarbrand retex is a 4K mod with similar color scheme like Diablo 3. the reason i made this mod is because i'm not satisfied enough with default skarbrand color...
Shadowman's Blood-Ragers!
Created by Shadowman528
So what the hell is this? So I love me Khorne and me Bloodletters, but I thought the two tiers of the current infantry were frankly boring, and that they needed a elite tier (or two) up, so I created the Blood-Ragers! . They're a heavily armored, vastly su...
Talismans of the Dark Gods - Unit Upgrades for Norsca
Created by Dirty Dan
Adds unit upgrades similar to the Greenskin scrap upgrades to the Norscan factions. They are themed around their twisted faith and worship of the dark gods. The upgrades currently only cost treasury but that might change once the promised Norsca rework arr...
Trajann's Beasts of Khorne
Created by Trajann V
This mod adds 22 new units to Skarbrand, Valkia, the undivided WoC lords, and the Daemon Prince* consisting of various monsters and beasts. The Roster Listing every single new unit would take up way to much time. Just look at the images to get an idea of w...
Trajann's Charred Judge
Created by Trajann V
Note: This mod is included in my Khorne Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one. This mod adds a new legendary lord to Skarbrand, the Daemon Prince, Valkia, and the undivided Chaos lords. He's a legen...
Southern Realms
Created by Plague Destroyer
❂━━━━━━━❂ Southern Realms ❂━━━━━━━❂ Introduction : Hello my dear Warhammer fans! A lot of time has pa...
The Molten Maar (Ancient Salamander) – High Rock Fables
Created by Lt. Rocky Lore: The lore for her can be read in the "unit & spell browser" menu in-game. I couldn't fit it in the page. Unit Summary & Strategy: The Molten Maar is an Ancient Salamander Regiment of Renown. The key difference between t...
The Motherland - Updated
Created by Xoudad
"Long ago, many Gospodar clans lived upon the Endless Steppe. Like today, it was a vast province and was lashed with the terrible energies of Chaos. The Gospodars were beset by all manner of foul foes, and the Daemon Gods offered surcease from these attack...
The Penumbral Rattlers - High Rock Fables
Created by Lt. Rocky Lore: Their lore can be read in the unit description in the Lizardmen or Dark Elves "unit & spell browser" menu in-game, I couldn’t fit it on the Steam Workshop page. One of these days I’ll make t...
The Princess and The Loremaster
Created by OrangeJulivs
Summary Adds three new characters with custom art and skill trees: (LL) Eldyra of Tiranoc (LL) Galifreius (LH) Loremaster Talarian Feel like leaving a Tip? Donate to protect our Oceans instead http...
The Titan of the Jungle - Thunder Lizard
Created by Chonky Lizard
This mod adds a Thunder Lizard to the Lizardmen factions. This Titan towers even over the Dread Saurian and can only be recruited as a Renown unit at Level 40 for major Lizardmen factions. Abilities - Tremor: Is the TDL's special ability. Its basically so ...
Created by Everchosen
"Ultimate Portraits" My collection of Unit Cards & 2d Portholes & Menu Cards for Legendary Lords. It features different style but superior to vanilla quality. Portraits and Unit Cards from this collection are more detailed and look more real and believable...
Created by Mazisky
Trajann's Prince of Ruin
Created by Trajann V
If you're like me, you find Daniel's armour and animations amazing, but you don't really wanna play his campaign. So to solve that, I created this guy. He's basically all the daemon prince parts I found cool put together... that's it. It's a way for all th...
Unique Faction Currencies
Created by Müsliriegel Summary Changes the icons of several factions from the generic treasury/income icons to something more unique. I tried to stick as close to the lore as possible. Additionally the reward chest ...
Unique Steam Tanks
Created by ChaosRobie
Steam Tanks. Those glorious machines belching smoke and ramming through the hordes of filthy heretics, blasting out cannonballs and scalding steam. But have you ever felt there's something missing? That there's something lifeless about tanks that all looke...
Vanguard of Cothique (Updated 2.3)
Created by Inu
Hi everyone. This mod adds (for now) 1 unit to the High Elves, the Cothique Raiders. Is a high risk, high reward unit, designed to be a glass cannon that would cut through low armor chaf any day. They have a lower model count than the standard high elf inf...
Vampires of Nehekhara
Created by Yogo Pogo
I wanted to give the Nehekharan necromantic factions a little regional flavour. Adds two vampire heroes to Arkhan, some unit variants to the minor vampire factions, and spreads around a few mostly cosmetic clones of existing units for visual variety. DETAI...
Vampire Coast Unit Pack
Created by SteelBlood
Units: Depth Guard (Shields) - Trades damage for better holding ability over base Depth Guard. Depth Guard (Pistols) - Better for skirmishing or flanking, but still decent in melee. Zombie Pirate Gunnery Grenadiers - Like Skaven mortar team, does more dama...
vampire coast economy rework
Created by Nothing.
This mod reworks the vampire coast economy to be more focused on expansion through taking land, instead of spamming coves. The port % income increase is now more consistent, going from +1/1/4% to +1/2/3% so that minor settlements play a more significant ro...
Vampire Coast - Enhanced Rites (Unlimited Queen Bess and more!)
Created by Llamakazi
Hello there! This mod attempts to add some excitement, scalability, and even some randomness to the Vampire Coast's suite of Rites. ALL 4 Vampire Coast Rites have been modified to add additional functionality or buffs. "Curse of the Sea Mist" now grants Va...
Unshackle AI Recruitment
Created by Jadawin
No longer actively maintained - but probably still works I do no longer update my mods to support new content. That said, almost all my mods basically never need actual updating after patches. So this mod will very likely still work, just not affect recent...
Vargoyles and armored varghulfs
Created by Pwner1
Adds a bigger and nastier variant of vargheists and it's armored too. Vargoyle was an alpha beast on the tabletop and this is an interpretation of it. Also adds armored variant of Varghulf that can fly. Regiment of Renown variant is unbreakable has physica...
Warrior Saints of the Empire
Created by Pwner1
Click here for no cap version Click here for Radious submod made by Leohong Second in my series of Warriors of Order unit mods. Will probably make bretonnia too and perhaps Cathay is there is demand. Gives the good guys some infantry punching power as chao...
Warrior Saints of Bri - Radious submod
Created by Leohong
Rebalance with Radious...
Warrior Saints of Bretonnia
Created by Pwner1
Click here for Radious submod made by Leohong Third mod in my series of Warrior Saints. This one is more monster and cavalry heavier than the two previous ones for Empire and Kislev. Gives the good guys some infantry punching power as chaos gets their huge...
Warpmechs - Cyborg Skaven Units
Created by Pwner1
*UPDATE* Warmech packmaster to give regen to troops, he riders a special broodhorror and a brood horror RoR unit. *UPDATE* New regiment of renown and texture for RoR armors. Power swords for shield variants. *UPDATE* Fixed commander animations and boosted ...
Warriors of chaos outpost expansion
Created by Nothing.
THIS MOD IS OUTDATED, INSTEAD USE THIS VERSION: This mod expands the chaos warrior outpost and allows the player to upgrade the respective buildings with respectable benefits. Each chain of ...
Created by ZioCru <-- help me reach more people ATTENTION ATTENTION - NEW ALL IN ONE ZC MODDING ASSETS SUBSCRIBE HERE Description This is the Empire assets used in the reskin, officer and death heads mod and are required to be downloaded in o...
Created by ZioCru <-- help me reach more people Death's Heads The halberdiers known as the Death's Heads were founded during the Vampire Wars. They began in the town of Essen, Ostermark during the rule of Vlad von Carstein. Those who dared to...
Wood Elves Reborn | Faction Reskin
Created by JFred
Port of my reskin overhaul from WH2, with some minor updates. This mod turns the wood elves from homeless hobos and smurfs to a more armored, professional looking faction. Just about every unit has gotten a new look. Lords and heroes also have updated port...
Weapon Teams on Walls
Created by Scicotheron
WH2 weapon teams can mount and climb walls. Affected Units: Skaven: --Warpfire Throwers (+RoR) --Warplock Jezzails (+RoR) --Ratling Guns (+RoR) Vampire Coast: --Deck Gunners (+RoR) Vanilla Units that can already climb walls: Dwarfs: --Irondrakes (not a wea...
Warriors Saints of Kislev
Created by Pwner1
First in my series of Warriors of Order unit mods. Empire variants are alrady made and will probably make bretonnia too and perhaps Cathay is there is demand. Gives the good guys some infantry punching power as chaos gets their huge guys in extra thick arm...
Warriors of Excess 5.0
Created by Levie
This mod adds a Chaos Warrior (Warriors of Excess) unit to the Slaanesh and Daemon Price factions. I used assets from the Mirror Guard, Keeper of Secrets, Devoted Marauders, Cultish of Slaanesh, and the Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh to 'kitbash' this model to...
[zerooz] 震旦兵种 Cathay Units
Created by zerooz
这是我的震旦兵种mod。 添加了大量的震旦兵种。 This is my Cathay Units Pack, I add 20 new units for Cathay. Ai can hire all the units. If you play in English Version you need add my English translation mod./ 中文玩家不需要订阅英文补丁包 Here is my other mods/我的其他mod Cathay units mod/震旦兵种mod ...
[Zerooz] 帝国兵种 Empire Units
Created by zerooz
If you play in English Version you need add my English translation mod./ 中文玩家不需要订阅英文补丁包 Here is my other mods/我的其他mod Cathay units mod/震旦兵种mod High elf units mod/高等精灵mod https://steamcommuni...
[Jet] Storm Dragon Reskin - overhauled 'animated' hairstyle
Created by JetFlash
Introduction Alternate model for Miao Ying's Storm Dragonform. Meant to be theme fitting and close to her original style, minus grandma dragon look and fisheyes. Content/Changes Grand Cathay's Miao Ying dragonform reskin Completely redone 'animated' hairst...
[BETA] Sigmar's Heirs, an Empire Overhaul
Created by Xoudad
"Aye, together. I cannot do this alone; I need my sword-brothers with me. Swear with me, my friends. Swear that everything we do from this day forth will be in service of this vision of a united empire of man." —Sigmar Heldenhammer, the first Emperor https...
Unique Steam Tanks Submod - Radious
Created by Louie04k
Adjusts the amazing Unique Steam Tanks mod to work better with Radious. Requires the Original mod for this to work. Big props to ChaosRobie for the OG mod!...
Unlock Boris Ursus
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod simply unlocks Boris Ursus after you load/start a Realms of Chaos campaign. You will get the achievement The Battle for Bokha and be able to use Boris as the starting LL....
Unrad Grimbeard and Excavators
Created by Phyrex
Description Teeth gritted in concentration, Unrad Grimbeard squinted through the darkness in an attempt to determine a line of firm footing. The slender path through this underground cavern was perilous indeed. A yawning chasm fell away to their left and a...
Trajann's Khorne Compilation + Radious
Created by DarkRite
This submod is for Trajann's Khorne Compilation, balancing all the new additions in it for Radious. So much like the original mod, you don't need my other submods for Trajann's khorne additions if you want all of them. But if you don't want all of them tho...
Created by Wolfy
Announcement of End of Maintenance Hi everyone, I have an announcement to make, and it is that, after seven years of modding, I have decided it is time for me to step aside. My personal situation has changed a lot since I started, and sadly, I do not have ...
Warhammer 3 LOD Distance Enhanced
Created by Merwanor
Greetings fellow Total War players! It appears that Warhammer 3 have a much shorter LOD(level of detail) distance than in previous titles, especially for units. And in TW Warhammer 3 every unit has 4 LOD levels. LOD0 is the main high def model LOD1 is the ...
[Zerooz] 高精兵种 High Elf Units
Created by zerooz
special thanks/特别感谢: 谷玄,海茵里希 这是我的高精兵种mod。 如果你喜欢我的mod,可以请我喝杯快乐水。 This is my High elf Units Pack. Ai can hire all the units. If you want to support me you can buy me a cup of coffee
Zealots of Slaanesh | Unit Mod
Created by JFred
This mod adds five new units to N'kari, Morathi , Daemon Prince, Sigvald, Azazel, Archaeon and Belakor: - Acolytes - Acolytes (Hybrid) - Zealots (Hellscourges) - Exalted Zealots - Archangel In order to access the units for the Warriors of Chaos, you need t...
Zealots of Slaanesh - Radious Submod
Created by The_Last_Dodo
This is just a small Mod that tweaks the Stats, Recruitment- and Upkeepcosts of the 5 Units of the Original Mod to bring them more in line with the rest of the units of Radious. This is my first mod so any feedback is appriciated. Original Mod: https://ste...