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ʟᴀɴᴅsᴋɴᴇᴄʜᴛs (An Empire Reskin)
Создатели: Cornelius Scipio
Landsknechts - Arguably one of the most famous, most effective and most sought-after mercenary troops of Europe, but sometimes also pitiless plunderers and ruthless rogues. I know what you're thinking, not another Empire reskin! But this ones different, we...
Создатели: Constantine
(由皮怪不皮啦制作) 简介: 为震旦天朝、基斯里夫、帝国、巴托尼亚、矮人、高等精灵添加了两位强力传奇人物和三种骑士。 领主用的双持特大剑,三个兵种分别是枪盾,剑盾和巨剑,采用野心冠军勇士的模板。 里面有一些很强力的bug级别技能选择性点,想要爽就点英雄的“惜别眼泪”,想要平衡就不点这一行。 2023.3.19: 增强了环印城骑士,攻防增加了2-3,新增兵种银骑士巨弓,新增一位传奇领主。 2023.4.15 修复了部分防火女技能失效的bug 增强了阳光疗愈,新增效果可以复活阵亡友军 为环印城骑士和银骑士添加了...
Создатели: 八宝山酒店一级葱师
万世天朝制作组首个对决mod 鼠人与矮人的最高科技结晶,贪婪与仇恨驱使的战争机器 憎恶与仇恨,毒风与硫磺 胡须与胡须,钢铁与钢铁 为鼠人派系添加了三头特装型憎恶 鼠特林版(鼠特林版为精英兵) 喷火器版 次元钻头版 为矮人派系添加了三种仇恨清算机甲 末日铁拳机甲版本 矮特林机甲版本 钻头机甲版本 为矮人工程大师添加了机甲坐骑 is English
Создатели: 云出无梦
『玉庭剑』青莲,一名近战法术双修的震旦传奇事务官,震旦三龙均可招募,开局加入司天丞招募池 青莲是『玉龙』元伯的亲传弟子,其玉庭剑术甚至不在元伯之下,因此他虽然并非龙裔,却因剑术天份深得元伯喜爱。 青莲拥有较好的近战性能,和优秀的辅助法术,本身没有坐骑,但是有【飒沓流星】这个技能为其提供优秀的机动性。 非常喜欢元伯的近战攻击动作,由此为契机本人做的第一个MOD,可能不是很完美希望大家多多评论并提出建议,希望以后能多多为大家带来新的mod,可能会是兵种,也可能会是传奇领主,目前尚在构思中,感谢魏王大佬和金花大佬...
『龙战于野』震旦兵种包(Cathay Units Patch:Dragons Battle in the Field)
Создатели: 云出无梦
由于战锤3加入的震旦开始尝试战锤全面战争,这个兵种包的发布也算是完成了一个心愿,这也是我继『玉庭剑』青莲MOD之后做的第二个MOD,之后会打算陆续更新更多的单位,传奇领主,传奇事务官争取将来能做成派系包,希望这个MOD能为大家带来有趣的游戏体验。 这里以及右侧的Cathay Units Patch:Dragons Battle in the Field-English patch是英文补丁包,中文玩家不需要订阅-This is the English patch. English-useing player...
Создатели: Luke_Grand Master
我的MOD【传奇英雄骑士王】的平衡补丁 将骑士王的实力削弱了一些,玩起来不会太强 使用时记得排序将它放在原MOD上面 原版和二次元模型版均可使用 兼容旧档 有其他建议欢迎留言...
【停更转移】代号GYT的巴托尼亚原版风格兵种模组/GYT‘s Vanilla Bretonnia Unit
Создатели: 代号gyt-B站
本mod已停更,请订阅代号GYT文明之盾: English version: 觉得好用请点赞哈! 将原版巴托高级骑兵进行了精英化改良,并让巴托弓箭手和投石机能够像军书里说的那样布置尖桩,两种飞马骑士和战斗朝圣者降一本招募,兼容战帮升级MOD 新部队: ...
【停更转移】代号GYT的矮人原版风格兵种模组/GYT‘s Vanilla Dwarf Unit
Создатели: 代号gyt-B站
本mod已停更,请订阅代号GYT文明之盾: English translation: 觉得好用的话别忘了点赞哈! =====================================================================...
【停更转移】代号gyt的蜥蜴人原版兵种模组/GYT‘s Vanilla Lizardmen Unit
Создатели: 代号gyt-B站
本mod已停更,请订阅代号GYT文明之盾: English translation: 新兵种/New Unit: 1.红冠灵犀(双持武器) Red Crested Skink(Polearm) 2.红冠灵犀(长柄武器) Red Crested Skink(D...
【停更转移】代号GYT-帝国原版风格兵种模组/GYT's Vanilla Empire Unit
Создатели: 代号gyt-B站
本mod已停更,请订阅代号GYT文明之盾: This module has been discontinued, and the content has been transferred to: English translation:https://...
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行sub:去除单位招募数量限制V1(NO limite for units quota)
Создатели: 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
取消了与龙同行中所有新填单位的招募数量限制,但并未修改精英招募池的单位缓存数量,这意味着当你招募完精英招募池中现存的单位后,你需要等待他们随着回合变化而缓慢恢复新的招募次数 需要注意,尽管本mod并没有强到变态的程度,但仍然会破坏我游戏的平衡性,因此我并不建议你在首次战役中就使用 当然,如果你想体验横扫千军的快感 用就对了 如果你想使用取消精英单位的容量限制 请选择右侧的V2版本 记得把本mod排在原mod上方哦 ...
【Deer24】与龙同行五级城招募精锐单位(recruitment units at the Tier 5 settlements)
Создатели: 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
现在所有震旦的五级城都可以招募镇兽和禁军单位了,不过小心,这意味着震旦AI可能会拉着满编的超精锐部队来找你 This mod allows recruitment of all high tier units at the Tier 5 settlements of tne Cathay Empire i think this will help some people too Also I think moving the units to my text is not right maybe we sh...
【Deer24】厄孙之牙单位招募限制移除 (No Recruitment Cap)
Создатели: 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
移除单位的招募限制 我的mod 重要提示:使用对单位模型进行了修改的mod时出现闪退状况的,请将画面设置中的单位细节调整至较高及以上 与龙同行震旦兵种包: 取消招募限制: Translation patch:https://steamcommunity...
【Deer24】帝国传奇SUB:去除单位招募数量限制(NO limite for recruitment quantity)
Создатели: 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
【Deer24】玉勇reskin 不需要更新 可以正常使用 (Jade warrior Reskin)
Создатели: 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
之前发布的版本因为未知原因无法更新,因此我重新发布了本mod,如果给您带来不便我非常抱歉 CA制作了很酷的震旦士兵模型,我只是对模型进行了一些修改,让其更符合我心目中的震旦战士形象 修改了震旦所有玉勇单位的模型 因为我的加速器问题没法在评论区回复,所以我直接在写在描述界面,我的所有reskinmod都不需要更新,可以一直使用,大家直接用就可以了 下面是我制作的另一种风格的玉勇Reskin Here is the other type of jade wrrior reskin: https://steamc...
【Deer24】骑士王国SUB:去除单位招募数量限制(NO limite for recruitment quantity)
Создатели: 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
【Deer24帝国单位包】帝国传奇 ( Units patch:Empire Romance)
Создатели: 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
如果喜欢我的MOD,请给我点一个赞,让更多人能看到我的MOD吧 If you like my MOD, please give me a “like” so that more people can see my MOD 非常抱歉,由于我加速器的问题,我无法在评论区进行回复,但大家反馈的问题我都会看的,非常感谢大家的支持! 在二代中,我制作了一款名为帝国传奇的MOD,为帝国制作了许多富有传奇色彩的单位,但在三代中,这些设计显得有些过时了,因此,我延续了二代MOD的制作理念,冠以相同的名字,重新为帝国制作了一...
【Deer24高等精灵单位包】荣光国度( HEF UNITS PATCH Glorious Nation)
Создатели: 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
必要MOD列表的MOD只是一些submod,包括无限制补丁及MOD的英文翻译,并非必要MOD,大家按自己的需求订阅即可 这次为大家带来的是高等精灵的兵种包,目前包含7个单位,放在了高等精灵各个主城的地标建筑招募,大家可以自行探索 The MODs in the list of necessary MODs are only some submids, including unlimited patches and English translations of MODs, not necessary MOD...
【Deer24 基斯里夫兵种包】厄孙之牙 (Deer24 Kislve Units Patc Ursuns Tooth)
Создатели: 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
计划制作基斯里夫的兵种包 为基斯里夫添加很多没有背景依据但符合派系文化特色的部队 持续更新中 兵表更新: 基斯利夫满级城:咆哮之牙 红沙皇冠军 普拉格满级城:普拉格使徒 普拉格惩戒军 厄伦格勒满级城:厄伦格勒近卫军 达兹太阳雨(地狱风暴火箭炮) Intro This is my Kislev Unit Module - Ursuns Tooth. It contains 6 new unique units which include 3 new melee infantry, 1 missile infa...
Создатели: 八宝山酒店一级葱师
万世天朝模型包 Great Harmony Sentinel Asset
Создатели: 小铭
It is Great Harmony Sentinel ’s model pack. U need access Great Harmony Sentinel main pack 万世天朝的模型包 你必须订阅万世天朝 不然没什么用 中文玩家用上面这个版本的万世天朝MOD本体↑...
描述 这是兵种升级mod和与龙同行mod的兼容补丁,如图片所示,我给大多数兵种加了升级路线。 介绍 在我的想法里,低级兵种是可以互相转换的,比如玉勇可以转换为玉勇长戟,也可以转换为玉勇弩兵,但玉勇转换为玉勇长戟的代价是小于转换玉勇弩兵代价的,这种代价体现在转换价格或者等级限制上。转换的类型有战士,远程,骑兵,僧兵,骑射等,如果你发现有哪个兵种转换和我所说的不同,可以评论区留言,我会抽时间统一修改。(三本及其以上就没办法兵种转换了) 另外,可能有些人看到玉勇可以转换到胡人什么的,觉得有点奇怪,在这里我解释一下...
Создатели: To infinity and beyond 汉化说明 汉化合集中的mod按需订阅,不必全部订阅 最近更新内容请查看这里 功能性小型模组汉化列表请查看这里〖 重要!〗 This mod is a Chinese translation compilation of English mods, so non-Chinese users do not need to subscribe 注意事项 Unique Steam Tanks 会将“皇帝盛怒号(蒸汽...
Создатели: 腿毛长身体壮
此MOD已经包含在我的总MOD【江湖行】里,不需要重复订阅 为丹鼎师和司天丞赋予了变身成太和与玉虚的技能,在20级可以解锁 兼容旧档 感谢谷玄大佬允许我使用他的模型素材 This MOD is already included in my MOD【Jianghu Wandering】, don't re-subscrib. Alchemist and Astromancers gain the ability to transform into Tai He and Yu Xu, can be unlock...
代号GYT原版风格事务官-矮人酿酒大师/GYT‘s Vanilla Agent:Dwarf Brewmaster
Создатели: 代号gyt-B站
English version: 能加军队补员!能加人口发展!有回血技能!可以召唤游侠切后排! 你还在等什么? Can increase army replenishment! Can increase population development! Has HP regeneration skill! Can summon the Ranger to Raid the back...
代号GYT的文明之盾/GYT‘s Shield of Civilization
Создатели: 代号gyt-B站
为了方便玩家联机以及与其他大修mod进行适配,我将所有兵种mod进行了整合,之前的各兵种分包将不再更新 本模组兼容旧世界地图mod,帝国新增的行省军团现已兼容MIXU‘s unlocker 最近失业了,欢迎打赏: =================...
Создатели: Luke_Grand Master
English text package: 增强补丁(配合SFO等大修MOD使用) 吸血鬼伯爵派系模型bug修复补丁(使用吸血鬼伯爵派系时务必使用)
Создатели: Luke_Grand Master
我的MOD”传奇英雄【骑士王】”的二次元模型版本 仅替换模型和部分文本,人物数据和招募方式和原MOD都一样 人物信息,招募方式,请参考原MOD 原MOD连接 视频演示
动态天灾 + MCT中文汉化(Dynamic Disasters + Mod Configuration Tool)99%
Создатели: 冰之玄月
感谢早期汉化与原作者的辛苦劳动,订阅本体mod,排序请将汉化置于本体之上开启 B站: 冰之玄月 求求关注!!! B站直播间: 喜欢的话,可以支持一下我,请我喝瓶可乐!或者大餐!
Создатели: 言无Silence
『Martial Saint』Yun Chang 『武圣』云长 Note: Only Miao Ying can recruit 注:仅妙影派系可以招募 Comes with three artifacts,a large area damage skill and an initial skill that can transform into an archer。 有独特背景效果,带三个神器技能,一些自制领主技能和其他乱七八糟复制的领主技能。一个一次使用次数的强力aoe法术,通过技能点获取。可以通过出生...
Создатели: 言无Silence
『War Mania』Yi De 『战狂』翼德 Note: only Zhao Ming can recruit 注:仅昭明派系可以招募 The legendary lord of the Zhao Ming that matches Yun Chang, is a purer melee lord compared to Yunchang. Some abilities related to strengthening cavalry and unit mass have been added. Lead...
合邦就能用 confiderating you can get 5.2
Создатели: sun2003shy
由于ca内部的机制,部分按钮会在合邦后下一回合显示,以防止一些不必要的bug。 是的,战锤2的合邦就能用回来啦,你可以合邦相应的派系就能获得该派系的特殊内容。目前正在一个一个特性移植中,下面是目前的移植列表: 2022.11.1 新增史库里的禁忌工坊(只有伊克特利爪和工程大术士可以获得燃料) 2022.11.1 蛇身小卖部可以合邦使用啦 2022.11.2 伊姆瑞克巨龙狩猎合邦就能用啦 2022.11.4 铁眉的神器藏库合邦就能用啦 2022.11.5 戴斯的锻炉合邦就能用啦 2022.11.5 斯洛特的腐...
国是无需石头Matters of State (No need stones)【震旦】
Создатели: 000
这个mod移除了国是需要的石头,就是说可以任意的使用国是 ps:游戏内看到的“1”其实是+1,因为如果改为0将使机制消失 纯粹强化类mod 如果喜欢能给我点个赞吗 This mod removes the stones required by the Matters of State, which means that the country can be used arbitrarily Ps: The "1" seen in the game is actually+1, because changin...
国是未决符令冷却改为2回合 Matters of State pending token CD change to 2 turns【震旦】【Cathay】
Создатели: 000
此mod将国是未决符令冷却改为2回合 如果你喜欢这个mod能给我点个赞吗 (machine translation) This mod has changed the cooldown of the pending runes to 2 rounds, Can you give me a like if you like it 现阶段不会有以下问题 ps:因为是直接改动的原版脚本,可能在未来存在一些兼容性问题 At this stage, there will be no following issues ...
Создатели: 某鶸
周末玩基斯里夫,找遍工坊都没翻到毛子的坐骑mod,只好自己动手了 这个mod为基斯里夫的除了大圣愚/小牧首外的领主和事务官都添加了将领卫队作为坐骑的补充 基斯里夫的坐骑也只能用悲剧来形容,人均骑个熊,我寻思这熊也不是很厉害阿 因为是顺手做的,结构上比较简单 English version→ SFO子模组→
Создатели: 八宝山酒店一级葱师
在谷玄的帮助下终于得以实现我在玩锤二时就有的构想 为纳卡伊派系添加了两个独特的开局事务官:古卡恩,古克加 这对兄弟一个拥有反步特化一个拥有反大特化,并且都能给巨蜥提供加成 “即使是在巨蜥中,古.卡恩(Ga. oq en)古.克加(Goq. gar)也称得上是最高大强壮的一档,这对双子巨蜥从孵化池中爬出的那刻便与众不同——庞大,健硕,甚至有些许聪慧 在他们为大计划奋斗的岁月(三千余年)里,无数次的战斗不但印证了他们的强悍,也让他们展露出了足以被称为个性的情感” Thanks for my friend—— @...
巨角冷蜥模型替换(lzd horned reskin)
Создатели: 八宝山酒店一级葱师
修改了巨角冷蜥的模型与兵牌,因为我不太喜欢那个方块状的头盔,所以我重新做了一款 并且给巨角冷蜥的骑手也做了一款头盔...
Создатели: TravellerL
———————— 简介 ———————— 战锤2同mod移植 此mod为骑士道添加了解锁圣杯誓言功能,同时也将圣骑士和圣女纳入骑士道解锁誓言 提供给有需要的玩家 当mod启用时,玩家即可在满骑士道招募誓言全解锁的领主,女先知,圣骑士以及圣女,便不再有玩家反复刷誓言的问题 随着骑士道的增加,巴托玩家也会解锁不同阶段的誓言,如下所示 骑士道达到勇武(4000 - 5999点)时: 所有领主初始即拥有骑士誓言 所有女先知初始即拥有守护誓词 所有圣骑士初始即拥有骑士誓言 所有圣女初始即拥有守护誓词 骑士道达到德劭(...
Создатели: 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
Создатели: 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
本MOD为原MOD的汉化补丁(你可以在右侧的必要mod列表找到) 原MOD为帝国部队添加了类似兽人废料强化的系统 增加了几个可购买的单位升级到帝国单位,升级需要花费金钱或一种名为精铁的新资源,精铁目前只能由帝国的铁匠建筑链生产,普通铁匠生产一种,升级后的铁匠生产三种精钢。铁资源建筑链也提供一些优质钢材。 升级包括部队的装备和特殊训练。训练升级需要花费大量黄金,但不会增加维护费用,装备升级需要优质钢材,并增加部队的维护费用。 ...
Создатели: 清轩易浅
帝国原本的科技实在太弱, 这个mod给帝国派系加了十条科技线,每个科技线10个科技,每个科技加成很少,但是可以慢慢叠。 可叠的科技加成有:领导力、近战攻击、近战防御、物抗、射程、建筑产值、移动速度、补员速率、护甲、本地招募数量。...
Создатели: Luke_Grand Master
帝国权威最低只会掉到0 SFO可用,兼容性和稳定性不确定 The lowest imperial authority will only reach 0 SFO can be used,Uncertain compatibility and stability...
帝国蒸汽坦克指挥官汉化 Ludwig von Uberdorf Imperial Steam Tank Commander, Dark Omen Regiments of Renown Series CN
Создатели: Supperbon
为帝国增加了一个可以使用特殊加强版蒸汽坦克坐骑的事务官,也可以使用直升机,通过完成任务获得(好像 ...
帝国额外坐骑Extra Mounts Of Empire
Создатели: Kilin
给领主大诵经师添加西格玛战争祭坛坐骑,给事务官帝国队长添加狮鹫坐骑,给法师们添加光明魔乘为坐骑,给小工程师连环炮坦克坐骑,并带有我调整的独特技能。 法师们的光明魔乘和小工程师的坦克不在战役地图上显示,因为太麻烦了。 如果存在bug或与其他mod产生了bug请尽快反馈, This is my second mount mod, which adds the Sigma War Altars as the mount for the arch lectors, the griffons as the mount...
Force Diplomacy
Создатели: sudkks
Forcibly changing the diplomatic relationship between players and AI factions or between AI and AI factions. How to use it: first click the force diplomacy button added by mod (on the right of the treasury) to enable the faction selection function, then cl...
战争巨蜥(lzd_war kroxigor)
Создатели: 八宝山酒店一级葱师
为蜥蜴人派系添加了一个高级怪兽步兵单位,战争巨蜥。使用远古巨蜥的攻击动作,与巨蜥/神圣巨蜥共享加成(无文本,有加成)限招两队 推荐和巨蜥双子一起使用...
Создатели: 某鶸
省流:为除了斯洛特和驯兽师外的鼠人领主/事务官增加了将领卫队 轮到本灰先知为蜀黍做点贡献了,yes!yes! English version→ SFO子模组→ 最近一直在玩鼠人砍爆流,感觉鼠人的近战阵容缺少一个怪步(骑兵)位,那种冲...
昊天将军模型替换 (general campaign reskin)
Создатели: 八宝山酒店一级葱师
机械少女 (Mecha Girl)
Создатели: 混沌破龍斩
添加了一位全派系通用传奇领主,开局自动加入招募池,通过升级领主个人线解锁两个变体阶段。 英雄版本 (Hero Version) Added a universal legendary lord from all factions, automatically add in the faction character pool. Unlock two variant stages by upgrading the lord skill line. Without localized translation, ...
永恒守卫 查卡斯 (lzd chakax)
Создатели: 八宝山酒店一级葱师
得益于谷玄的帮助完成了这个mod,也感谢赵大在脚本上的支持 为蜥蜴人派系(除纳卡伊)添加了一个传奇事务官: 查卡斯,现存最年长,最强悍的神殿守卫 在斯兰雾佩克城市中,查卡斯承担着永世守卫的职责。数百年如一日的坚守岗位,警惕可能存在的危险 他拥有不俗的战斗力,并且可以给神殿守卫提供各种加成...
Создатели: 泡泡茶壶
本合集已停止更新,请移步至 此处 订阅二代后,本mod就不需要再订阅了 《汉化目录》 通用MOD Guv's Expanded Faction Frontend Mod 将游戏内隐藏的派系效果完整显示出来 More Character Names 大众脸更多样化的名字 Emissaries of Diplomacy 外交大使, 五回合后收到外交任务 Drink It III 物品主动技能变成被动技能 Tra...
混沌矮人地狱熔炉装具成本不增加 Chaos Dwarfs' Hellforge Cost Don't Add
Создатели: 红豆奶茶
启用此mod后,混沌矮人地狱熔炉购买部队容量的装具成本不再增加。 但是在启用此mod之前已经增加的成本不会降回去,建议新开档。 ---------------------------------------- 也许以后会增加减少甚至去掉大工厂升级的维护费的功能,等我先玩一两次混沌矮人感受下有没有必要。 With this mod enabled, the cost of armaments for the Chaos Dwarf Hell Forge to purchase troop capacity n...
泽拉革 模型替换(lzd_zlaaq reskin)
Создатели: 八宝山酒店一级葱师
为蜥蜴人派系马大师的坐骑三角龙泽拉革添加了一些护甲和装饰,并提升了它的体型 让其整体装饰风格更接近它的主人(毕竟素材基本都是马大师身上拿的)...
Создатели: 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,为混沌矮人增加了火车头坐骑和一些将领卫队 当然主要是为了给予监察和堡主一点小小的关爱 English version→ sfo子模组→ 兼容已有存档,理论上和其他mod无冲突 对原版游戏内容无改动,所有词条均为添...
特殊英雄单位 周苍
Создатели: 言无Silence
周苍 Cang Zhou Cang Zhou is a pure melee hero who uses engineer's Act Mode (increase mobility) and is quite capable of fighting as an ogre hero. He was originally paired with 'Martial Saint' Yun Chang, but was worried about conflict issues, so he was sent ou...
Создатели: 八宝山酒店一级葱师
感谢明曦提供的创意和表单支持 微调了原版模型并为白矮人制作了两款新模型,可以在人物界面进行替换,主题为【白须王】和【半神屠夫】 之后我会尝试做更多这种类似于皮肤系统的模型替换mod a Reskin for Grombrindal ,The prototype of this design is【snorri】and 【 slayers demigod】,I will try to do more model replacements like this later on that are similar ...
Создатели: 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,给矮人增加了许多种将领卫队 使用方式同原版坐骑,有些需要技能点解锁 讲道理矮子也不太好加坐骑,加个卫队凑合下吧 理论上和其他mod无冲突,已有存档也可以用 对原版游戏内容无改动,所有词条均为添加 English version→ 领主的亲卫队如下: 领主和传奇事务官采用了5模组这种比较平衡稳定的制作方式 不需要技能点,到等级自动解锁 1,至高王 永恒守卫(锤子...
注意:遇到誓言BUG请排序将我的MOD置于SFO或者更好的SFO之上 如果你喜欢的话,顺手点个好评感谢支持,有bug多多反馈随时更新 前瞻反馈QQ群:1001399546 【如果海产王开局会闪退,请把“部队细节”调至极高】 本mod属于增强性mod,不对sfo及原版内容做调整,只做加法内容 EN: RU:
禁军统领云骧头盔版本 (Yun Xiang Reskin)
Создатели: 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
在巅京大街,别让我看到你,看到你头套必须给你拽掉 因为有的朋友觉得戴上头盔才有禁军的感觉,所以我就制作了一个带头盔版本的云骧,排序在本体前面即可 我的mod 重要提示:使用对单位模型进行了修改的mod时出现闪退状况的,请将画面设置中的单位细节调整至较高及以上 与龙同行震旦兵种包: 取消招募限制:
蜥蜴人增强(Lizardman enhance)
Создатели: Huppias
内容: 01.为所有派系增加“古圣神恩”特殊资源,主要由建筑和戒律获得,以下科技均消耗“古圣神恩” 02.重置了科技树,让科技更加短平快 03.增加了几项军队技能,可以通过科技解锁,也可以由建筑解锁 04.为所有史兰领主只做了一个特殊被动,为克大师和马大师制作了单独的被动 05.调整了马兹达穆迪的法术线,增强了灭绝诸城,新增太阳射线技能 06.调整了克罗卡的法术线,新增了伊塔扎的救赎·肆 07.重做了特先知法术线,新增6个主动技能和一个被动技能,由于不会作图,所以图标都是P的,起名也费,欢迎提意见 08.通...
Создатели: 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,给蜥蜴人增加了将领卫队 这个mod为蜥蜴人的普通领主和事务官(除了史兰和灵蜥先知)添加了将领卫队 玩老全战的肯定知道将领卫队是什么,在战锤里将领卫队就是通过坐骑替换兵种的方式,让多模组单位替换 领主 / 事务官 来执行战场功能 都添加到了自定义战斗里,订阅了可以去看一下 English Version → SFO子模组 → https://steamcomm...
Создатели: 尴尬甩尾
臣道上限原版100增加到600,每回合增加300点,盟友招募槽增加到9个,去除盟友单位限制 更容易招募盟友单位,以及借调军队,多试试借调军队吧,太好玩了 兼容所有,旧档可用...
贞德Reskin(repanse Reskin)
Создатели: 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
我非常喜欢这个角色,因此为她制作了新的头部模型,并且调整了护甲造型,让她的造型更符合我的设想 I like this character very much, so I made a new head model for her, and adjusted the armor shape to make her more in line with my vision...
赫潘斯美化(repanse reskin)
Создатели: 八宝山酒店一级葱师
远东震旦矮人 Far Eastern Dwarf 万世天朝出品
Создатели: 明曦
派系:卡拉克·黑域堡 Factions: Karak Azorn 4位传奇领主 4 Legendary Lords 斯科里·岩须 黑域堡国王 黄德一 长牙之路商人 金哈尔 卫西震旦矮人将军 公输榫 矮人工程师 16 个震旦矮人兵种 特此感谢@怕力苦 的原MOD 震旦和矮人可以通过地标招募震旦矮人兵种...
迷雾行者部队强化与高精部队数值调整 Mistwalker enhanced and High elf units stats overhual(updated)
Создатели: Azure
从攻防,武器威力,射程,精准度,接触技能,被动等多方面强化了艾萨里昂的迷雾行者部队,下一阶段的目标是整体调整高精所有部队,以尽量营造出一个更具特色的高精游戏体验,而非无脑前期小弓小矛后期无脑凤卫+阿瓦隆+龙 已完成对于高等精灵派系兵种数值的整体修改,着重于强化了游侠,海卫,白狮禁卫等冷门单位的攻防,武器威力,使得他们也可以成为玩家在前中期理想的选择,白狮禁卫现在成为了具有反步能力的中流砥柱,海卫以及游侠的攻防也获得了提升,可以成为小矛到凤卫的过渡品以及剑圣的早期替代者(护甲较低故而生存能力仍然有限)。同时减...
阴/阳系修验卿事务官汉化Chinese Translation For Lore of Yin & Yang
Создатели: 祝孤生
给震旦加入龙裔修验卿事务官,在龙卫的建筑里招募。因为作者很喜欢修验卿的步行近战动作,所以没有给坐骑。 自带一条黄线和一条新技能线,可以减少法术冷却时间和魔法之风消耗,提高抗性 本mod为纯汉化mod,需要订阅原mod。...
Создатели: 奇谈怪论,满嘴放屁
Создатели: harrylee95
This translation mod is needed by Chinese language users 简单的几句文本,永久有效,无需更新。 ①All Diplomatic Options - Vassalize, Liberate, Confederate 所有外交选项 - 附庸,解放,同盟(战锤3所有势力可用) ❗已知bug请避雷💣:千万别选”解放“选项,解放出来的派系在外交面板中不显示且无外交,已经被AI合邦过或解放出的派系再次复活出来也会有此bug,在战役中也没有任何AI逻辑行动,如遇到这...
Создатели: 砂糖多多です
一.传奇角色可处决 ⭐ 增加了仅限处决自己的不朽领主或者英雄的选项(对mod角色也生效) 在小地图下方挂件处选择角色然后处决 处决派系领袖可能会导致一系列Bug. 二.可以交易任意城镇 ⭐可以赠送盟友城镇并增加关系 ⭐可以交易不相邻的城镇了 ⭐交易城镇得来的多余外交点数也会转换成关系了 具体在左上角处点击交易城镇图标即可 三.更好的盟友 ⭐1. 更多盟军单位:盟军单位上限从4增加到20,食人魔雇佣兵也是。 ⭐2. 更多恩惠点数:每回合产生双倍外交点数,最大外交点数从100增加到500。 ⭐3.更长时间借用军...
Создатели: 南霞
妙影获得神剑御雷真诀被动,素材来自 幽银之火 制作的 阴阳罗盘 mod,现在妙影清小兵更有效率也更有视觉效果了。 昭明获得科马克燃烧战斧被动,获得火伤,基础武器杀伤和近战攻击加成,伤害更高了。 元伯获得肉体蛮力被动,一边打可以一边回血,单挑更强了。 ...
Создатели: Excaliber
原贴: 当前游戏版本:3.1 内容: 1.解决原mod在V3.0后,双龙贴地飞行的bug 【由于原作者联系不上,我就先做个更新吧(硬是让我学会做mod和提交创意工坊的原因)。如果哪天原作者看到了加我steam一下,我帮你维护旧版吧】...
震旦天下无敌兵种补充包:烽火长垣 平衡版
Создатели: Sunbreeze
2022/08/24更新 适配了新版本超凡帝国 2022/07/13更新 为上阳大使馆地标建筑增加了新单位:龙武铁战车 2022/05/18更新 适配了新版本,为天阳怒视技能增加了60秒冷却和额外的2次使用次数 2022/04/30更新 更新了兵种追加包:怒与谋,可以在碧血道观地标建筑招募真武金刚明王与清宝天尊护法,修复了巡天舰标志穿模的问题 2022/04/23更新 因为增添了光环,所以移除了巡天舰本身的远抗。 2022/04/20更新 为巡天舰增加了一个范围buff技能,为周围的士兵提供近战和远程buf...
Создатели: 沙雕太守
天舟,舟也,不是冰糖葫芦 所以我改成了舟的样子 该mod只是!只是!美化了原版天舟的外观,没有添加任何新单位或数据 理论上兼容不修改原版天舟模型的任何mod 即使是修改了天舟模型的mod应该也可以通过排列mod循序达到兼容。 Junks's meaning is a kind of chinese ship . This mod make the cathay's junks actually be a junks. This mod just only changes the junks appearan...
Reasonable Cathay Enhance
Создатели: 腿毛长身体壮
1.妙影领主效果加强,加了12补员 2.三龙龙形态加强,攻防武器威力移速护甲小幅上升,获得15反大和15物抗。元伯龙形态可使用刽子手技能 3.战鼓BUFF加强,全方面的小幅强化防御和攻击 4.三龙神器加强,在原有属性上增强到合理数值 5.玉狮吐息有少量破甲,玉狮和墨狮提高血量 6.昊天将军骑狮子能力提升,狮子与月鸟提高血量 7.震旦建筑与戒律略微加强 8.巨龙马获得反步和少量破甲,精英巨龙马获得反大 以上加强都在合理区间,旨在加强游戏体验而非强无敌...
震旦天下无敌 原版风格兵种mod 平衡版
Создатели: Sunbreeze
兵种补充包:烽火长垣传送门,为本mod增加了4个限制招募的特殊单位 2022/08/24更新 适配了新版本超凡帝国 2022/07/13更新]新增南皋地标建筑单位:殿前金吾卫,代替銮驾金吾卫 2022/05/18 更新适配了新版本,为龙庭天兵和金吾卫新增了抵御冲锋能力,同时可享受龙卫科技,修改金吾卫的反大反步数据,修复鼠鼠招募建筑问题 2022/04/30更新 修复了巨灵兵马俑攻...
震旦天下无敌 取消顶级兵种招募限制mod
Создатели: Sunbreeze
2022/08/27 更新了,可以用了,多了帝国可以招募的bug,懒得修复,就做了一下帝国的科技红线适配,现在可以在帝国玩这些兵种了 2022/04/30 更新了怒与谋追加兵种的无限制招募,顺便修复了不能进游戏的问题 2022/04/22 虽然不知道怎么回事,但是好像是修复了无限制补丁无法生效或是闪退的问题 2022/4/15 增加了巡天舰不限购套餐 有些小伙伴不喜欢被限制的感觉,现在可以无限招募顶级兵了,使用请注意mod应该在本体前面排序...
Создатели: Demasia
Создатели: 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,以将领卫队为主 为原本震旦的领主和事务官都增加了将领卫队作为坐骑(占用坐骑栏) 这些将领卫队大多数都被视为兵种(能够获得来自科技和红线等方面的加成),并提供宁和效果 English version→ SFO子模组 → 兼容已有存档...
震旦石狮骑兵 Guardian lion riders of Cathay
Создатели: whc2024
·这个mod为震旦添加了两种种怪兽骑兵——石狮骑兵和玉狮骑兵 ·在震旦的传说中,这些铁石或宝玉铸成的镇宅巨兽能够祛邪除恶,保卫屋宅免受邪魔侵扰。事实上正是如此,每逢外敌入侵,这些屹立宅门的石像将会被激活,与俑士禁卫一同构筑震旦的钢铁长城。在战场上,由身披重甲的勇士骑乘的它们将会无往不利。 ·早在锤三发售前,画师Cobol Yu笔下的震旦兵种形象就已经广为流传,很多兵种细节比ca的设计还有特色,其中的石狮子骑兵便是本mod的设计思路来源,在此向他表示感谢。 ·右侧的英文翻译mod并非必需,非英语玩家不用订阅 ...
Создатели: Merkatorque
CA抠抠搜搜,既想给龙形态人形态两重定位让玩家能合理使用变龙技能,又不给龙形态合理的数据,导致龙形态几乎没人使用。 既然如此,我准备在不改变CA对龙子两种形态的基本定位——即人形态法师/龙形态巨兽——的前提下,大幅加强龙形态的面板,让玩家在魔法之风已经枯竭的情况下依旧能让神龙发挥出顶级巨兽的战力,让两种形态都能充分发挥作用。 具体修改如下: 1.大幅提高震旦神龙的龙形态近战攻防,使他们的龙形态达到顶级飞行巨兽领主水平; 2.给龙形态增加15点反大加成,让他们成为真正的“巨兽杀手”; 3.给龙形态单独增加20...
风暴女主-妙影的新技能 Chinese Translation For Mistress of Storms - New Abilities for Miao Ying
Создатели: 祝孤生
原版妙影虽然叫飙龙,但法术完全和雷电没有关系。这个mod给妙影的龙形态添加了3个技能,让她可以掌控雷电。 第一个技能开局自带,后2个技能需要技能点解锁,具体特效可以在原mod里看动图。 本mod为纯汉化mod,需要订阅原mod。 翻译时消耗了一些艺术细菌。...
Создатели: Blackoutsider
基于b站网友@子夜白叉 所写的背景为震旦添加了7种兵种, 骁勇武尊(三尖两刃刀配盾步兵) 神策剑师(斩马剑配盾) 玄甲铁骑(怪兽骑兵持戟) 龙鹫骁将(飞行怪兽骑兵) 瑶池女杰(远程步兵) 瑶池飞骑(飞行远程骑兵) 瑶池女杰(长刀版) 由巍京地标招募,龙卫建筑增加招募容量 此外新增三种巍京地标,13种科技,比较超模,请自行体验 巍京新增地标:九边重镇, 瑶池序列, 清月圣泉 骁勇武尊,神策剑师,玄甲铁骑,龙鹫骁将由五级地标九边重镇建造后可招募 瑶池女杰,瑶池飞骑,瑶池女杰长刀由瑶池序列地标招募。 招募上限由建...
!LYH Legendary Characters Expansion 洛阳侯传奇人物(更新传奇派系锻炉盟会派系领袖柯泰克)
Создатели: 奇谈怪论,满嘴放屁
这个MOD增加了新的传奇人物 每个传奇人物都有独特技能线与专属神器 因为没弄过魔域相关文件,不建议打开此mod玩魔域 SFO Patch: English Patch: Join our discord to come say hi, share ...
"Lore Friendly" Female Dark Elves for WH3
Создатели: Topaz
Guess whose back, back again Yeah its the girls you know, love, and run from. As stated before, I read the Sundering, so it happens. Malekith messes up his 134th (part 2) invasion of the Donut, so he is forced to recruit the women of Naggaroth. Boom, Lore!...
-BR- More Beautiful Miao Ying! 皇后
Создатели: Black Rabbit - Fixed an issue where Miao was rendered mute in original files. - Temporary fixed hair until I figure out how to make ...
(BBB) Brutus's Big Battlefields Project - 2nd map released
Создатели: BrutusCz
- - - Sadly due to time constrains and other project I can't really dedicate time to this right now, but I will have more free time eventually, maybe in 2025... yes. Hopefully I will able/want to return to WH3 modding. I am really proud of my village map a...
-BR- Ultimate Elven Lords + Variety Pack III 精灵
Создатели: Black Rabbit
Updated 6.7 - Revamped Sigvald AGAIN... - Updated his Portraits and model. Updated 6.6 - Revamped Spellsingers once again. - Updated Portraits and new models. Updated 6.5 - Revamped Everqueen a little bit again. - Revamped Imrik and redid their face. - Red...
-BR- Ultimate Vampire Lords + Variety Pack
Создатели: Black Rabbit
Update 5.2 - Added new Empire Lord. Update 5.1 - Redid Necromancer 2.0. - Redid Necromancer 1.0. - Redid Fleet Admiral 3.0 - Replaced their portraits as well. Update 5.0 - Moved a Vampire Lady to being a Captain. - Made a new Vampire Hero. - Updated two of...
100% Success No Instability From Flesh Lab
Создатели: Alex Zhao
A sample mod that makes units won't get instability from flesh lab upgrades. The UI still show the chance but it is just text. Works for saved game and should be compatible with everything that doesn't edit the same script....
Создатели: 橘子味的猫
一个小mod,让元伯派系也可以招募赵王玄烈。 注意:要放在原mod上面。 有任何问题请留言告诉我,谢谢。...
Ability Icons Rearrange
Создатели: sudkks
This mod lets each row only have a maximum of 10 ability icons, and the excess will be moved to the next row, to prevent multiple icons from squeezing into one row. Not compatible: Just Good UI Mod, Helper UI...
Adorning the Panache 帝国骑士系列翻译合集
Создатели: Tutur 目前包含翻译内容 帝国骑士团 graetor's Legendary Grand Masters 汉化 graetor's Empire Knightly Orders 汉化 graetor's Grand Masters 汉化 巴托尼亚骑士团/派系 Outremer: Faction Overhaul 汉化 graetor's Bretonnian Holy Orders 汉化 Sir Cedric de...
AI Army Tasks and Strategy
Создатели: incata
This mod focuses on improving the behavior of the AI in campaign. This mod is a revision of my TWW2 mod Ai Army Tasks and Strategy and Ai Evolution (Beta) I have recreated this mod from 0 to give an improved behavior to the AI so that it plays better in th...
Airy's Fenrir for Kislev and Norsca
Создатели: Airy Lies
Adds a custom deluxe-sized wolf for Kislev and Norsca. It's a Support monster that excels at supporting your infantry and chewing through enemy infantry. What does this huge hound do? -Has an aura that slows and damages nearby enemies -Has a second aura th...
Alarayn's Tier 4 Minor Settlements
Создатели: Alarayn
Updated for 5.0 If you are having issues with crashing on startup Please check to see if the mod has been updated. You can go to steamapps\workshop\content\1142710\2792284475 make sure that it says that the date modified is recent. If unsubing and resubbin...
All Diplomatic Options - Vassalize, Liberate, Confederate
Создатели: The_Inquisitor
OVERVIEW Hello all! This is the updated version of the All Diplomatic Options mod by FiftyTifty who will be unable to update the original mod for the foreseeable future but has kindly given me permission to maintain and update this awesome mod for coming u...
Alshua's Ellyrion
Создатели: Alshua
Alshua's Ellyrion is a lovingly detailed overhaul of the High Elf kingdom known for its wild horses and beautiful plains. Led by the legendary "Reaver Princess", Aelin Redmane, Ellyrion lends its lance as a playable faction, bringing a new Lord and Hero ty...
Angels of Warhammer
Создатели: Terickz
"Because if there are demons in the mortal realm, why not angels too ?" - said the Great Scholar Terickz after too much drinks Zakiel seems to dissapear when you enter encamp stance without any building constructed. A fix will come, but to fix it in the me...
Artefacts of Legends
Many of the Legendary Lords in warhammer wield renowned artefacts of great power, yet most of these are reduced to just somewhat better than blue items, while a few other unique items are allowed to be incredibly strong. This mod seeks to correct that. Man...
Artists' Guild - More Ancillaries Submod
Создатели: endofanty
Introduction Add 70 new items for all factions. Some text or effect originate from TW:3K, OPUS:Echo of Starsong, Genshin impact, Honkai impact 3rd. etc. Given that gi is becoming increasingly disgusting, there's no reason to continue the update, we will on...
Artists' Guild - CHS
Создатели: endofanty
Introduction Add a forge for all factions that vanilla game exist, to get all transferrable items that vanilla game allows. It is a way to get vanilla items, instead of I made these itmes. The "I,II,III" prefix indicates which game the item came from, the ...
Ascopa`s Bretonia Pack
Создатели: Ascopa
The lower levels and the nobility are united on the battlefield of the Old World to fight the evil together. This mod adds a number of new units to the big Breton houses. It is important to break the core orientation of the nation. The mod brings mainly in...
Ascopa`s Monumental Unit Pack
Создатели: Ascopa
A monumental collection of units is being created here. The aim is to improve game mechanics and balancing overall with new units without affecting the vanilla units. The mod is in German, but you can aktivate this English Translation Submod: https://steam...
Aspiring Champions of Chaos
Создатели: madgeneral2019
Aspiring champions of Chaos This mod adds two variants and a ror unit for each god It adds these aspiring champions to warriors of chaos daemon of chaos and each monogod faction now let's go over each faction's aspiring champion. Khorne Aspiring champions ...
Attack Move and Countercharge (WH3)
Создатели: paperpancake
WH3 version. This mod is for anyone who has wished you could give your units standing orders so that they could do the most basic tasks without constant supervision. Now with a YouTube video. With this mod, you can tell units to attack enemies on their way...
Bad Guys Mount
Создатели: jenosite
Massive Update now!!! This mod adds various mounts to campaign. < Chaos Warrior > Archaon - Dorghar (three head Chaos Dragon) Vilitch - War Shirine Vilitch - Chaos Dragon Valkia the Bloody - Chaos Dragon Sigvald - War Shirine Sigvald - Exalted Seeker Chari...
Auto Rename Units (BETA)
Создатели: Filthy Pollo 🐔
Auto Rename Units (BETA) This is an automatic naming mod for your units with a counter to remember how many units of each type you have recruited and comes with thematic names for each faction. Imagine your unit number 3 has survived hundreds of battles. I...
Belegar Reskin (Reupload by Patdor)
Создатели: Patdor
First and foremost, this is just a re-upload of ToumaÏ’s original “Belegar unit Redone” mod for TWWH2, so all the credit goes to him/her and his/her co-authors (listed below). I just made it compatible with TWWH3. This port would not have been possible wit...
Better Alliance
Создатели: BAGHolder
(Updated to 5.0) Features: 1. More Allied Units: Allied unit cap increases from 4 to 20, so is Ogre mercenary. 2. More Favor Points: Doubled favor generation per turn, with max favor increased to 900 (from 100). 3. Borrow Army Longer: Ally army can be borr...
Better Alliance - Foreign Heroes
Создатели: BAGHolder
Updated to 5.0 + Foreign Lord (Beta) This mod has two functions: --- Enable foreign agent recruiting from ally or vassal, via the outpost. Works for both player and AI, new or save-game. --- Enable foreign lord spawning on new campaign. This is a beta vers...
Better Camera Mod
Создатели: kam2150
Hello, Famous mod from Warhammer 1 & 2 is back! This simple mod allows both closer and further camera heights, more suitable for better screenshots and nicer view of the battlefield. Press "K" to turn off UI for more cinematic view, Press "N" in order to z...
Better Empire Technology
Создатели: No.213
22/10/03 -ver.1.1 Military researches and Trade&Industry tree's high tier researches are buffed. Please check the change notes for the details. Screenshots are updated. 22/10/07 -ver.1.1.1 Several bugs fixed 24/05/01 -ver.2.0 Updated for Thrones of Decay. ...
Better Imperial Authority & More Elector Count Units
Создатели: Alex Zhao
This mod adds two additional levels of Imperial authority, which will provide stat bonuses, and permanently boost the Elector Count units' replenishment rate and recruitment pool cap. Volkmar also can get Elector Count units' replenishment rate and recruit...
Bodyguards for The Empire
Создатели: Osvi
This mod adds new mounts options to all empire lords, both generic lords and legendary ones. These mounts add, as the title implies, bodyguards to the lord, to aid him in battle. Each type of lord can have a different type of bodyguard, with different stat...
Bretonnia Generic Lord Pack (20 variants) (Patch 4 ready)
Создатели: Bot easy
# About This mod adds 20 Bretonnia Lord variants, 10 of which are your usual sword & shield lord, 5 are lords with mighty two handed sword, and another 5 are unusually large dukes (maybe their ancestors are from Norsca or something). This mod employs scrip...
Buckets o' Blood!
Создатели: vahndaar
Blood, you say? Certainly, Sir! Bathe the battlefield in the blood of your enemies! Fun for all the family! *** V4.02 RELEASED! ********** Compatibility update to work with patch 3.0. Note I've had to drop legacy versions from the archive as they won't wor...
Better Runefangs (Also Ghal Maraz, Stahlberg's Letter and Key to the Stadsraad)
Создатели: Spiesky
I remade my mod from warhammer 2. All of the runefangs have been buffed. I also buffed Ghal Maraz and Stahlberg's Letter and Key to the Stadsraad. Ghal Maraz is one of the most potent weapons in the setting, the entire game is named after the "Warhammer". ...
Build New Settlement (Camp)
Создатели: sudkks
This mod disguises the ogre's camp as a major settlement of other races to realize the function of building a new settlement. The new settlement has 5 level buildings and 10 building slots, applicable races: Empire, Cathay, High Elves, Dwarf, Bretonnia, Li...
Building Progression Icons III
Создатели: Spartan VI
Building icons visually change as they upgrade! This mod creates a visual progression for buildings. Almost all building chains now have icons that change as buildings are upgraded. Mod Features: Building icons visually change as they're upgraded. Note: No...
Building Slots Extended
Создатели: Myxameno
IMPORTANT: This mod was made to be compatible with Mixu's Unlocker and won't work without it! This mod works with ChaosRobie's Immortal Empires Expanded and The Old World campaigns! Are you tired of huge cities of High Elves or the Empire having just a cou...
Campaign Colours Correction (BETA)
Создатели: Mazisky IMMORTAL EMPIRES ONLY This mod is very minor and provides some simple lighting tweaks for the Immortal Empires campaign in order to makes colours and illumination more natural,It also provides small fixes to vanilla base gam...
Campaign Forestry (ABANDONED)
Создатели: Mazisky
Mod is abandoned for now. INTRODUCTION This mod spices up the vegetation in the campaign map with the following changes: -More trees all around and less grass patches, the world feels more lush and less barren -Chaos factions have more dramatic trees: Undi...
Campaign Weather Overhaul
Создатели: John Matrix
Mod is fully compatible with Immortal Empires Expanded, but place mine first in the load order! *Screenshots are outdated, will upload new one soon* INTRODUCTION This mod is a complete overhaul of campaign map lighting and weather. I have created and added...
Caravans of the Old World
Создатели: van Hawke
This mod adds the caravan system for Empire, Bretonnia and Dwarfs in IE and IEE campaigns (both player and AI) The main difference from Cathayan caravans is the improved encounter system. The forces that will attack your caravan will depend on the region t...
Caravans of the Old World 中文汉化
Создатели: Tutur
我爱跑商,跑商爱我,我是跑商王 This is a translation mod 合集包含以下MOD的 中文 汉化 Convoys of the New World 新世界商队 Caravans of t...
Caravans of the Old World - Kislev addon
Создатели: van Hawke
This is a submod for "Caravans of the Old World" and it adds the caravan system for Kislev and norse dwarfs (both player and AI) Playable factions with access to caravans: - The Ice Court - The Great Orthodoxy - Ursun Revivalists (after confederation with ...
Casstiel's More Building Slots Mod (5 Slots for Minor)
Создатели: Casstiel
Works ONLY with Mixu Unlocker now . Check the link for that ; _______________________________________________________________...
Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB)
Создатели: Cataph
LADIES WITH VOLUMINOUS ASSETS now that I have your attention, read the zogging description and don't be in that majority of people who don't and cause problems to themselves. WHO TEB? TEB stands for Tilea+Estalia+Border Prin...
Cathay Yin-Yang Spell Overhaul
Создатели: Skybracer
Brief Intro Now All Yin-Yang Spell could be used in dragon form Increase effect range of the two Yin-Yang passive Cloak Of Jet, Missile Mirror, Jade Shield now become AOE buff spell when overloaded Reduce Mona Cost for Missile Mirror, Cloak Of Jet and etc ...
Change Faction Capital
Создатели: sudkks
Add a relocation button to the right of the rename settlement button. Click to change the faction capital to the selected settlement, which is also valid for AI factions. You can change the faction capital to any settlement owned by this faction anytime an...
Chaos Dwarf's Siege Giants 混沌矮人攻城巨人
Создатели: Činggis Qaγan
From: A version of the Chaos Dwarfs giant which using the original author's materials. (also has ttc support) 使用原作者的素材,制作一个混沌矮人版本的巨人单位。 (包含了对ttc模组的兼容支持) Eng text fix: https://steamcommunity....
Создатели: CheNg
介绍 为了减少MOD槽位占用制作的汉化合集,包含了我汉化的所有MOD。 必须物品为汉化对应的原MOD,根据自己需要选择订阅,无需全部订阅。 点击条目最后的跳转可以直接打开原MOD的创意工坊界面,方便阅览。 更新日志看这里 因创意工坊描述文本达到上限,新汉化的MOD目录请至讨论中查看 ======================================================================= 兵种 蜥蜴人 High Rock Fables - Tik’wiatto’s Tam...
混沌矮人传奇领主包;烈焰与荒芜之塔(Chaos Dwarf Legendary Characters )
Создатели: 八宝山酒店一级葱师
为混沌矮人派系新增了传奇角色 (右侧必要mod中,中文玩家无需订阅英文文本包) 『残暴者』戈尔茨(领主) 狡诈残忍的戈尔茨是一位技艺高超的混沌矮人术师,同时也是秘会内最具话语权的恶徒之一 替换密会侍从派系传奇领主 『不破者』莱卡斯(领主) 【不破者】莱卡斯以坚毅勇猛著称,即便在一众身经百战的同僚之中他也颇为出彩 混沌矮人派系可通过招募池招募 『熔铁』斯莱格(英雄) 斯莱格是最强悍的炼狱守卫之一,同时也是一名辗转在秘会成员们之间,备受青睐的护卫 混沌矮人派系可通过完成等级人物获取 更新 『火诞者』伊格纳茨(领...
ClayChuang's Lizardmen Unit Pack
Создатели: JediMasterDraco
Another port of a Lizardmen unit mod that I enjoyed back in the days of Warhammer II. Offering a host of powerful units that take the Lizardmen to the next level. It will of course be removed if the original author requests so. I did change some things to ...
Closer Combat Camera
Создатели: 🎷🐛
~ Now updated with no FPS drop! ~ This mod changes the camera when you press "insert", to a more cinematic third person view. Should work with all humanoid lords and most units, you can still scroll out for a zoomed out view. Struggles with large lords, bu...
Community Bug Fix Mod - Game v5, Batch 6
Создатели: Groove Wizard
Community Bug-Fix Mod Welcome to the CBFM Steam page! You're probably here because you like playing TWWH and want to have a slightly better time at it. Us too. Mostly. This mod, as you may have assumed from the title, is a collection of bug fixes developed...
Confederate with Faction Effect 合邦获得派系效果
Создатели: < blank >
Update in 5/2/24: I have updated this mod, but I don't have time to check all effects now, so I only remove those faction effects which are clearly achieved by scripts. It's possible to have some dummy effects. This mod will trigger an incident when you co...
Convoys of the New World Expanded
Создатели: TWilliam
Compatibility patch for Convoys of New World and Immortal Emires Expanded. Also adds two new convoy destinations on IEE map and gets access to convoys for new minor high elf factions Compatible with existing save games if you play as high elf faction or fa...
Convoys of the New World
Создатели: TWilliam
WARNING: do not activate this mod if you started the campaign without it as faction who already has caravans or convoys! It will broke the caravan network This mod adds the convoy system for all High Elf factions (but only major AI factions can send convoy...
[Not supported anymore] Old Court of Phoenix King use new mod
Создатели: Rhox
Link to the new mod Unless you have a savefile issue, I recommend new using new one as it has more features and awesome arts Description Simple, this mod adds a Tower of Zharr like mechanism...
Cpecific's Traits Manager (+win64)
Создатели: Cpecific
You can set trait level with double click, or remove trait by double-clicking on an active level. ⚠️ *IMPORTANT* - Area with lords is scrollable. ⚠️ Can work without memreader, but you won't have access to some features. ✔️ Compatible with any mod. ✔️ Save...
Crisis of Mortals, Mercs and Management
Создатели: _Zorbaz
Updated September 10th! - UPDATE 5.2.3 - Immortal Empires Now Has Mercs!! TLDR: This mod adds new population, hiring mercenaries, and food upkeep for your armies and populations. This mod cannot be enabled or disabled midway through a campaign, you need to...
Cryswar's Characters + Leaders of Legends Compatibility Patch
Создатели: Cryswar
Since CA broke some forms of cross-mod compatibility in 4.0, I need to do a standalone mod for this. Anyways, does what it says on the tin. Lords from Cryswar's Characters get the revamped skill lines from Leaders of Legend. Does not affect unique traits o...
Cryswar's Characters - Legendary Lords FLC
Создатели: Cryswar
Tl;dr This mod adds 38 new legendary lords with more to come, most of them leading previously minor factions. All have their own unique innates, skill trees, defeat traits, items, and faction effects as appropriate. Full lord list here. Mixu's Unlocker is ...
Cryswar's Leaders of Legend
Создатели: Cryswar
Tl;dr This mod attempts to improve player choice and roughly balance traits, skills, defeat traits, and faction effects for vanilla characters and factions. This is a beta, rather than perfectly polished, and will be improved over time! New skill trees and...
Cryswar's Leaders of Legend - Cryswar的传奇领袖中文汉化
Создатели: CheNg
注意:目前技能文本、加成描述与特性名词都已经完成汉化,整体不影响游玩,一些描述文本后面慢慢补全 介绍 由Cryswar制作 作者认为原版的特性与技能没有太多选择,为了在技能树中点取更好的技能,往往需要花费一些点数在垃圾技能上。很多派系难以获得补员或是维持费的削减。原版领主的特性池中充斥大量垃圾特性。 因此作者制作了此MOD希望能够丰富与平衡原版人物的特性、技能、击败特性与派系效果。 150新技能 360+新特性 传奇领主的特性与派系效果加强 部分击败特性加强 独特技能 弱小的技能树将会改进,技能树不完善的领...
Custom Matched Combat Animations
Создатели: [-ODM-] Xiphos
Hello everybody, After a lot of hard work, we are proud to finally release an early version of this project that will bring many matched combat and sync kills between a wide variety of characters and soldiers in Total War Warhammer 3. What The Mod Does -We...
(Updated for 5.1.3) Cryswar's Leaders of Legend - Submod Compilation
Создатели: ZenRayn
Overview **Only the base Cryswar's Leaders of Legend mod is required. All of the Supported Mods are optional.** This submod compilation focuses on the compatibility of Cryswar's Leaders of Legend with a large list of other mods. Adding Cryswar's skill line...
Darkborn Elves - Unit Pack
Создатели: RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below before you ask questions or request updates etc. If you like the mod you are welcome to press the "thumbs up" but...
Dead of the Orient - Immortal Empires
Создатели: Poljanan
Introduction The Spirit Dragon is restless. The river of the underworld lashes out otherworldly howls. Transient shapes dance with the fog rolling over from the eastern mountains. As of late, more and more of Cathay's ancestors, thought to be long at peace...
Создатели: Dead Baron
Introduction This mod expands the Kossar roster, as well as adding a couple RoR and other units based on old Kislev lore or Expanded Rosters Kislev with their permission. Kvassnicki Kossar (Halberds) Kossar (Javelins) Kossovite Raiders War Wagons Supply Wa...
DeepWar AI
Создатели: Forlorn
NEWS: So, as of Patch 4.0, the amount of changes in the code, versus what is said in the changelog is quite different. CA mostly cleaned up their code and deleted a bunch of useless tables, while also making cai_personality_strategic_components_tables rese...
Dismemberment Overhaul: Ultimate All-In-One
Создатели: Armorchin Game Patch: Throne of Decays Game Version: 5.2.0 Patching Update 23/23 Factions YOU ONLY NEED THIS MOD IF YOU WANT EVERY CONTENT! What is this? Dismemberment Overhaul is a mod project where I will try to add blood and gore t...
Decline Diplomacy
Создатели: Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD Kostaltyn is pestering you again? No more! Adds a UI button next to the existing pause and fast forward buttons that will automatically decline any incoming diplomatic actions towards the player, and close all the relevant menus, so ...
Display Treasury of AI Factions
Создатели: sudkks
Display the current treasury of the AI faction in the diplomatic interface - attribute bar, under its strength rank....
Distinct Faction Towers
Создатели: All is Dust
This mod gives all factions visually distinct deployable towers. Buildable towers are specific to settlements (map) so if you are bretonia and take a skaven settlement don't be alarmed that now your peasants know how to build warp towers. The buidable barr...
Double Skill Points & Skill Dump
Создатели: Alex Zhao
This mod lets lords and heros get 2 skill points per level and provide a skill dump that increase the character's hit point 1% per skill level. Suggest to start a new campaign. AI will also get more skill points. Will conflict with other mod that edited ch...
Dragon Breath Attack for Cathay
Создатели: Fönix
Description This mod gives the Cathayan dragonlords a dragon breath ability when they are in dragon form. This ability has infinite uses but the cooldown only decreases when you have at least 15 winds of magic. Therefore you have to decide whether you want...
dragon breath for cathay汉化
Создатели: 九转大肠
本mod仅为dragon breath for cathay提供汉化, 该mod为妙影和昭明的龙形态分别添加了一种吐息的技能。 妙影的吐息为闪电,对单目标伤害高,施法距离远; 昭明的吐息为火焰,对多部队伤害高,施法距离近; 需要注意的是,上述技能只有在魔力大于15时才会进入冷却。 英文原版对技能的描述太简单粗暴,本人对描述进行了“本地化”修改。 ...
Dragon Form For Dragon-blooded Shugengan Lord
Создатели: Alex Zhao
This mod adds dragon form ability to all Dragon-blooded Shugengan Lords when on foot. Their dragon form stats are lower than Miao Ying or Zhao Ming. Thanks Dead Baron for the new dragon model. Some text won't show correctly if you don't use this English su...
Dragon Breath Wind Spells
Создатели: [-ODM-] Loupi
This little mod increases the effective range and damage of Dragons breath attacks by creating a wind spell that propagates from the point of impact in the direction of the breath attack. This gives the effect of the Dragon fire "bouncing" off the ground i...
Dread saurian mount for lizardmen ll 蜥蜴人传奇领主的恐蜥坐骑与史兰的远古三角龙坐骑
Создатели: Blackoutsider
Dread Saurian mount and Ancient Stegadon mount for lizardmen This mod added dread saurian mounts for the legendary lords of the lizardman: Lord Mazdamundi, Kroq-Gar, Gor-rok, Tehenhauin, Nakai, Tiktaqto, and Oxyotl of course. I named this mount: Dread saur...
Drill of Hashut mechanism for Immortal Empires
Создатели: Rhox
Feature This mod lets you enjoy the part of the Drill mechanism in the IE campaign. Complete the mission, and choose between a great ancillary or permanent effect bundle with faction-wide effect. You get a RoC's final reward if you put 4 ancillaries in the...
Drink It III
Создатели: Wallets
Sick of clicking the eight active buffs each of your characters gets from items? This mod makes the active abilities from non-unique items and skills into passive abilities, so that your heroes can decide for themselves when to drink their potions. Changes...
Dwarf Character Expansion
Создатели: Phyrex
Description This mod is a compilation of some of the legendary Dwarf characters that I have made. They all spawn on turn 1 of their respective faction. Excavators are recruited at the tier 3 Dwarf Keep and receive the appropriate buffs from tech and charac...
Dwarf Faction Colour
Создатели: Maximilian
This mod changes the mask texture of some dwarf units to give them faction colours. Also changes the material map of some shields to better match the armour. Affected units: - Ironbreaker - Irondrakes - Longbeards - Hammerers Affected shields: - Lord, Than...
Dwarf Legendary Characters 3.0Ver Make Dwarf Great Again
Создатели: 小铭
ENGLISH TRANSLATION Traduction française New Updated 18 Legendary Characters Josef Bugman——Karak Norn START Bazrak Bolgan——K...
Dwarf Mechanized Forces
Создатели: ChaosRobie
This mod adds in Dawi Steam Tanks, Dawi Mortars, and Mountain Bear Warbeasts for the Dwarfs. Description Dawi Steam Tanks are single entity ranged war machines, pretty good in melee too. There's a RoR version "Zhufbar 42 Pounder Grand Bombard", unlocked at...
Dynamic Garrisons
Создатели: Iron
This mod provides the following: - City garrisons that provide an immersive reflection of the city's place and purpose in your empire, instead of cookie cutter copies in every city. - A varied experience when assaulting or defending cities instead of fight...
Dynamic World + FanciER Forestry
Создатели: Wikist
THE TREES AND BUILDING STRIKE BACK! I saw the amazing mod done by a70f and I couldn't be happer to see someone working on my mod to create a different version of it. I liked it so much, that I've created a mod that encompasses both mod's features together....
Dwarf Thunderbarge MKII
Создатели: ChaosRobie
This mod adds in a different style of Thunderbarge for the Dwarfs. Description Thunderbarge MKIIs are giant, flying, ranged, single-entity units. They're pretty strong, so they are limited by a unit cap. They are recruited from the tier-5 engineering build...
Dynamic World
Создатели: a70f
This mod enhances the game's world with unique, race-specific assets, making it more immersive and visually diverse. Note: This mod focuses on visual changes and does not affect gameplay mechanics. Features: Replaces campaign map assets with race-specific ...
Dynasty of the Damned 中文汉化
Создатели: Tutur Dynasty of the Damned 汉化 兼容Poljanan的碧血族mod 注意:由于该mod替换了吸血鬼伯爵派系,任何其他修改吸血鬼派系的MOD可能会导致不同程度的问题 描述概览 将僵尸叛军替换为新派系:左道王朝 添加独特的兵牌与部队 添加独特英雄:薄暮幽人 添加独特的薄暮系法术 可用事务官建造...
Easy Eltharion Capture
Создатели: Pah-Pee Choo-Low
this mod should catch legendary lords in auto resolve 100% of the time also should catch all other lords in NON settlement battles when YOU attack and auto resolve. this will not work if.... you auto resolve a settlement battle(unless legendary lord) they ...
Easier Confederations & Vassals
Создатели: VanguardMk1
Annoyed that your best buddies don't like to confederate you for whatever reason? This mod significantly increases your chances of confederation and vassalage when you're best friends (150+ relations). This should help AI factions confederate each other mo...
Dynasty of the Damned [BETA]
Создатели: Team SCM
Remember this is a BETA This mod functions well but there are a few bugs, we are aware of them, feel free to report things you see in the Modding den Discord SCM channel. Thank you and enjoy Feel l...
EdoCobei's Artifacts Shop / 小松殿的独特神器商店(3.0)
Создатели: YAOTOME
The TWW2 Artifacts Shop has been updated to TWW3 version! In this mod, every races and factions can buy most of (need to be updated)all unique artifacts of legendary lords and heroes from the Artifacts Shop. Besides, you can purchase many powerful items li...
Empire Infantry Reskin & Officers
Создатели: Cipher
Description • Changes all Statetroop Melee & Ranged Infantry • Changes Greatswords • Changes some ROR Units (Read Below) • Adds Officers to Units Changed (Read Below) • Adds More Facial Hair Colours and Combinations • Fixes missing swords for Free Company ...
Empire Master Engineers III
Создатели: ChaosRobie
This mod adds Master Engineers, a new hero type, for all Empire factions. Description This mod adds the following: Three weapon loadouts, each with their own skill lines, including brand-new skills: Repeater Rifle: The main weapon used by the Outriders of ...
Execute (useless) Lords & Heroes
Создатели: Freiya
This mod adds ui elements that allow the player to "execute" (useless) lords and heroes - even if they are immortal ! First of all, this is the Warhammer 3 port of the mod created by sm0kin for TWW 2. He started working on this version and accepted to let ...
Empire Politics Confederation&Authority (EASY)
Создатели: Torchhammer
For the Player: This Mod increases Base Fealty for Empire Electors ,decreases cost for Confederation and increases Authority gain for declining Confederations. The Mod also increases all Poltical and Invasion events to occur earlier and more frequently dur...
Expanded Event Art Master Collection
Создатели: GunKing
This mod is a port and expansion of my WH2 mods. It has been thoroughly updated to include most new races of WH3. Warriors of Chaos and Norsca are on the mod cover but not yet included in the mod, I'm saving myself effort of rearranging the composition lat...
Expanded Roster - Dark Elves
Создатели: Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on variety, ...
Expanded Spells (All Legendary Lords and Heroes)
Создатели: D'Arcy
Tired of the monotonous your beloved lord campaigns? Do you want to turn your lord into a real great wizard? Then this mod is for you) Mod description: This mod is a compilation of all mods of the "Expanded Spells" series. Mod allows many legendary lords/h...
Faction mod for IEE's Northern Ihan: DruKim (Requires Chaos Dwarf DLC)
Создатели: Rhox
Description This mod will cause CTD if you try to play as DruKim while not having Chaos Dwarf DLC This mod adds a new faction in the North Ihan region in ChaosRobie's IEE mod. Since there is no lore in it, I enjoyed my freedom and made a new faction based ...
Faction Unit Cards III
Создатели: drew_west
Faction Unit Cards Collection All major and minor factions now have unit cards that match their faction's colors/regalia. NOW UPDATED FOR TOTAL WAR: WARHAMMER 3 FAQ & Compatibility: 1. Is this mod compatible with ? This mod will conflict with other mods th...
Factional Favoured Regiments
Создатели: Alshua
Each faction is granted a "Favoured Regiment": a Regiment of Renown from the base game that they can recruit two copies of, instead of one. Where two copies would not make sense, the Regiment receives a modest, customized buff instead. That is all you real...
Favour buys Wardens Supplies
Создатели: IfThenOrElse
Ported from WH2! This mod gives you a button that triggers a dilemma to use your High Elf influence to secure wardens supplies Intro: I felt the pacing was a bit off for securing supplies, I felt that another source of supplies, outside of capturing lords ...
Frodo's Dynamic disasters
Создатели: Leo
NOTE TO ALL Development of this mod has been ended, so I made some modifications for new version. What's this mod? TL;DR: Campaign may go from cakewalk to hell on earth. Also, beware of the Green Shine of Morrslieb. Not TL;DR: This mod is an extensible fra...
Fog Outta Here!
Создатели: Ouroboratika
This is a really basic mod that removes* the environmental fog from the campaign map of both Realms of Chaos and Immortal Empires. If, however, you still want some of that good good ambiance, then I've also made a Fog Outta Here! Lite version of the mod th...
Fixed Allied Outposts
Создатели: Maggot
What It Does: Adds a few missing units to the Allied Recruitment pool T3 Outposts allow you to recruit all of a faction's units, regardless of their buildings Increased Unit Cap for Tomb King, Beastmen and Lizardmen units based on Outpost Tier Fixes Nurgle...
Full-Helm Franz
Создатели: Oombrella
Re-skins Karl-Franz helmet and tweaks some other things. I added a face-plate, removed the beak visor and bear-crest-thing, added a bevor (covered the neck, basically) added a chain-coif, and finally, gave Franz some hand-protection. I also made a Unit-car...
Garrison Training
Создатели: [PuB] Axlegolas
Garrisons are very weak in Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires. That's why there are a lot of awsome garrison mods on the workshop, so i tried something else. Garrisons aren't weak only because they have bad units and a low unit count, garrisoned units are also o...
Создатели: 八宝山酒店一级葱师
【版本更新:使用dlc素材对模型进行了全面翻新】 “赵王玄烈,乃龙裔中翘楚、双使擂鼓瓮金锤,胯下万里烟云照,有万夫不当之勇,四象不过之力” 为震旦派系添加一名近战传奇领主,开局即可在招募池招募,拥有很强的单挑能力,可以使用技能进行血条刷新及二次数值强化,阵亡后会引天雷轰击四周 感谢谷玄对我滴帮助 xuan lie Adds a melee legendary lord to the Grand Cathay faction, recruitable from the recruitment pool at ...
graetor's Empire Knightly Orders
Создатели: graetor
"The Knightly Orders of the Empire are noble heroic brotherhoods of armoured warriors who ride into battle atop mighty barded warhorses and sometimes other, more exotic creatures." DESCRIPTION This mod adds new unit(s) to the Empire roster by adding the va...
graetor's Empire Knightly Orders - Assets Pack
Создатели: graetor
DOES NOT REQUIRE UPDATES WHEN THERE IS A NEW PATCH! Required texture pack for the main mod....
graetor's Grand Masters
Создатели: graetor
"Each Grandmaster is a paragon of knightly virtue, and is not only one of the most fearsome warriors in the Old World, but also a legendary commander and leader of men. They are rare in number, for even amongst those dedicated individuals who have the skil...
Grand Order of the Reiksguard
Создатели: Xoudad
"Reiksguard Knights, your Emperor is calling! Death or glory await us, but if we die, we will die as warriors, with swords in hand, and there can be no better death than that." —Kurt Helborg, The Reiksmarshal. Though known m...
graetor's Legendary Grand Masters
Создатели: graetor
"To lead admirable knights into honourable combat against the Chaos is a credit to their commander. And to stand and lead such a band as you is an honoured blessing as if from the gods themselves." Inspired by SFO and the All Tabletop Lords mod of WH1, thi...
Great Harmony Sentinel Overhaul
Создатели: 小铭
You need to subscribe to MODEL PACK & Mixer Great Harmony Sentinel Asset Click here Mixer—Mixu‘s Unlocker Click here Don‘t use with this Chinese Version MOD Overview Culture New Units Number Mechanism Grand Cathay 40 Building Overhaul Dwarf 37 —— Khorne 8 ...
Greater Chaos Spawn of Nurgle
Создатели: DracoMcGee INTRO Welcome back lovers of all things mutated! I'm back, were fat, and ready to puke up some yuck! "Greater Chaos Spawn's of Nurgle, or "Plague Hulks" as dubbed by the men of the north unfortunate enough to come within sme...
Greater Chaos Spawn of Tzeentch (Shadows of change updated)
Создатели: DracoMcGee Update VER 1.0 is out! Please check the changelogs and let me know how you feel about the new VFX and unit card INTRO Welcome! This is my first mod for total war warhammer III, with more to come for the other gods. "Mutated ...
Greater Garrisons by Zorbaz
Создатели: _Zorbaz
Last Updated SEPT.13.24: BUG FIXES for 5.2.3 Larger garrisons for built up cities. Greater Garrisons adds an additional one or two units to the garrisons of all settlements. All economic buildings now provide one weaker garrison unit, military buildings pr...
Greater Kislev
Создатели: NoMatterWha
Welcome to Greater Kislev Greater Kislev is a mod that enhances your campaign experience both for you and the AI. Expect new units, brand new effects, traits, balance fixes, fully reworked tech tree with the addition of The ...
Guns of the Empire (5.2)
Создатели: Snek
This Mod adds 22 Gunpowder Units to the Empire roster. Though some are based on, or at least inspired by lore/fluff mentions most are inventions of my own. As a unit pack, this is savegame compatible. For details on skill/tech groupings, abilities, and som...
Guv's Eshin: From the Shadows - Tz'arkan in Immortal Empires Mod (Updated Patch 5.2 / 2024-08-22)
Создатели: Guvenoren
This mod is an extended port of Hocter's original mod from Warhammer 2: Eshin: From The Shadows (Skaven) - Tz'arkan in Mortal Empires Permission was granted by Hocter! Daemon Rat! Rather ununual mod for me to upload huh? Yeah, it was one of those mods I sn...
Guns of the Empire and Warband Upgrades Ultimate (Updated for 4.0)
Создатели: Snek
Okay, read carefully because this can be confusing. This is a submod for Guns of the Empire to give you upgrade paths for Guns of the Empire units and vanilla units which works with, but does not require, Warband Upgrades Extended. Warband Upgrades Ultimat...
Guv's Make Us Special: Alastair the White Lion (WH3) (Updated Patch 5.2 / 2024-08-22)
Создатели: Guvenoren
The White Maned Warrior! So, remember this mod? The mod where we managed to give Alastair his missing unique axe! Of course I won't forget the mod that attempted to spice up the make a wish character! So here it is! What does this Mod do? Alastar becomes b...
[EoM] Guv's Smoke and Gunpowder Mod (WH3) (Updated 2023-09-03)
Создатели: Guvenoren
Regarding Don't worry, I am not quitting modding. However, some mods will stop being regularely maintained. And this mod is one of them. Why? Because I don't use it myself since long. There are much better and more viable mods out there that accomplishes w...
Heroes of Legend: Leopard of Luccini Update
Создатели: The_Inquisitor
Overview This mod adds 21 new characters to various factions and 4 playable factions (1 in IE and 4 in TOW). Most characters are recruited through landmarks added in my other mod, Landmarks of Legend (I elaborate a bit more on this in the FAQ section), whi...
High Contrast Border Colors (All Campaigns)
Создатели: Llamakazi
Hello there! This mod significantly increases the contrast of ALL border colors and removes the horizontal gradient (solid colors only) and modifies the overall size and visibility to boot. There are other mods that do something similar, but I wanted to ma...
High Elves Landmarks Overhaul
Создатели: Psych
This is a fix for the Ported High Elves Landmarks here: Credits to the original owner of the mod...
High Resolution UI Improvements
Создатели: prop joe
Still works, I'm not updating it until it actually requires an update. If the launcher warning bothers you use a mod manager. Resizes or adjusts the following UI screens: unit recruitment screen (for 1440p+) diplomacy screen lord/hero recruitment screens o...
Highborn Elves - Unit Pack
Создатели: RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below before you ask questions or request updates etc. If you like the mod you are welcome to press the "thumbs up" but...
Hooveric Overhaul (HVO) - HVO大修中文汉化
Создатели: CheNg
此为旧版本汉化,新版汉化由卡勒多焰裔骑士汉化完成,点此跳转新版汉化界面 介绍 由hooveric制作 ○单位重做 对一些单位进行了重做,也让他们更加贴合战锤背景。血骑与圣杯骑士部队规模变小,高等精灵骑兵可以抵抗疲劳等 ○新单位 增加了一系列的新部队,目的是让每个派系有自己的独特玩法 例如戴查派系拥有全新的木精灵兵表而不是原版兵表,这些木精灵看起来像是被戴查的魔法所操控 ○冲锋调整 冲锋的碰撞公式受到调整,增加了碰撞伤害与骑兵凿穿敌方阵线的几率 ○其他改动 平衡了一些单位属性 矮人游侠系列获得了部分调整 帝国...
Immortal Empires Expanded [Requires Mixer!]
Создатели: ChaosRobie
THIS MOD REQUIRES MIXER! This mod expands and fills-out the Immortal Empires map: Ind, Khuresh, Nippon, the Lost Isles of Elithis, the Eastern Steppes, several smaller islands, and that part that looks like Korea which I've named Ihan. AND MORE! Descriptio...
Hooveric Overhaul (HVO) 1.9b
Создатели: hooveric
Latest Changes Updated HVO 1.9b Updated for the latest WH3 version. Goblin Spearmen has no anti-large bonus and charge reflection in HVO. Added the following passive abilities to Goblin Spearmen. Spiky Squabble : They gain an anti-large bonus when attackin...
Ikit infinite nukes
Создатели: Blood
Infinite* Doomrockets for Ikit Claw Changes: Doomrocket ability charges set to 99 Minimum Doomrocket resource set to 5 Cooldown reduced from 45 to 30 seconds (15 seconds with Chemical Warp-Heads upgrade) Pre-cast time reduced from 5 to 1 second Conflicts: ...
Immortal Empires Expanded 中文汉化
Создатели: Tutur
This is a translation mod !! →和重返旧世界MOD不兼容,两者只能开其一 ←!! !! →必须开启MIXER ←!! 常见问题 关于有AI MOD的情况下,AI表现怪异:原作者C...
Immortal Landmarks
Создатели: Heimdal
UPDATED FOR 5.0 The mod will run without Mixu, but you'll be missing a bunch (~80%) of the landmarks. Adding landmarks requires startpos modding, Mixu's Unlocker = common startpos framework that keeps mods compatible. KEY FEATURES
Imperial Armoury - Unit Upgrades for the Empire
Создатели: Dirty Dan
Adds several purchasable unit upgrades to Empire units similar to the Greenskin scrap system. The upgrades cost Treasury or a dedicated new resource named fine steel and are not exclusive. This means one unit can receive all possible upgrades at once. Fine...
Imperial Armoury for Guns of the Empire
Создатели: okadataiga
Huge thanks to the authors (Snek - Guns of the Empire , Dirty Dan - Imperial Armoury) of both mods! And Dirty Dan, thanks for the advice! This mod was made possible thanks to you! Special forces require special training and equipment! This mod is a submod ...
Imperial Armoury for Grand Order of the Reiksguard
Создатели: okadataiga
Huge thanks to the authors (Xoudad - Grand Order of the Reiksguard , Dirty Dan - Imperial Armoury) of both mods! Special forces require special training and equipment! This mod is a submod for applying Imperial Armory upgrades to Grand Order of the Reiksgu...
Imperial Armoury for GYT's Vanilla Empire Unit GYT帝国单位可以使用帝国单位强化mod
Создатели: 清纯少男
This allows the scrap system from the Imperial Armoury mod of work for the units added byGYT's Vanilla Empire Unit gyt大佬的帝国兵种现在可以使用Imperial Armoury - Unit Upgrades for the Empire帝国兵种强化mod了...
Imperial Armoury Upgrade For GYT's empire unit mod
Создатели: HabibiCat
This submod adds some upgrade options from Imperial Armoury to GYT's empire unit mod....
Imperial Elite CN
Создатели: Nasynia
超凡帝国发布,我又来挖坑了,第三部作品,终于是新鲜东西了,三款可靠的帝国后期单位献给诸位。 省流:巨剑火枪,永不战败盾锤,高甲长戟。 已获得原作者授权,本补丁需要配合本体mod使用,如需改变排序请将其置于本体之上。 本体链接: 不知道还有谁记得我的汉化作品,有希望我汉化的欢迎留言。 ps.找了一圈都没找到什么优质的帝国mod,没活干啊.jpg pps.晚了两天发布发觉撞车了,悲...
Remove characters traits limit
Создатели: Mordy
Remove characters traits limit Patch 5.2 compatible This simple mod removes the default (40) character trait limit.  EVERY character in the game can now have an INFINITE number of traits. You will never have to worry about not getting a trait because you a...
Iron Brotherhood (reupload by Patdor)
Создатели: Patdor
First and foremost, this is just a re-upload of ToumaÏ’s original “Iron Brotherhood” mod for TWWH2, so all the credit goes to him/her and his/her co-authors (listed below). I just made it compatible with TWWH3. This port would not have been possible withou...
Ironfeathers (reupload by Patdor)
Создатели: Patdor
First and foremost, this is just a re-upload of ToumaÏ’s original “Ironfeathers” mod for TWWH2, so all the credit goes to him/her and his/her co-authors (listed below). I just made it compatible with TWWH3. This port would not have been possible without th...
Jade-Blooded Vampires 中文汉化合集
Создатели: Tutur
注意:原mod经过9.10的更新,必须同时开启 农昌蛊咒 和 月屿遗民 才可进入游戏 当前包含的碧血(Jade-Blooded Vampires)汉化内容 碧血妖鬼阵营 派系:农昌蛊咒(Curse of Nongchang) 派系:月屿遗民(Islanders of the Moon) 震旦/吸血鬼伯爵 兵种:尸起东方(Dead of the Orient) 替换僵尸叛军的MOD在这里左道王朝 中文汉化 总体进度:完成 正在校对
Jungle Swarms
Создатели: Meh
What it do? This mod adds a new summonable unit for the Lizardmen, the Jungle Swarms. They are a frankly terrible unit on their own with little to their name but can perform well if placed into the correct situation. - The Bastilidon (Ark of Sotek)'s bound...
Katarin Armored
Создатели: RevenantRants
Katarin Armored by the same Revenant who makes Alarielle armored. If you'd like check out my other mods Depthkin Mannfred: Armored Alarielle:
Just Good Babysitter
Создатели: Deo
5.2 compatible Have you ever felt yourself more a baby tender than a commander because your units stop doing what they were doing and go smoking every 5 seconds for CA knows what reason? If yes - this mod is for you. It helps your units with one simple thi...
Khan-Queen's Sleigh - Updated
Создатели: Xoudad
"The heart of Kislev is here. A heart of ice, holding us firm in the face of great threats." This mod aims at giving Katarin her iconic sled as the Ice Queen, in a vanilla approach with Ice and all : Her warhorse has been re...
Knights of The Round Belly: Remastered (Patch 4 ready)
Создатели: Bot easy
# Background In the year IC 2480, endless waves of Greenskins pouring from the Grey Mountains. Bretonnia forces barely hold out against the Greenskins. Not enough manpower to defend against such an invasion on their own, and the Greenskins took over the re...
Knightly Orders of Morr汉化
Создатели: Leohong
Knightly Orders of Morr and Bassiano Dutra
Создатели: [-ODM-] Loupi
Welcome to the Knightly Orders of Morr. This mod is dedicated to all the various Knightly Orders associated with Morr, the Old God of the dead. It includes the High and Chivalric Order of Deserved Rest, more commonly known as the Knights of the Raven, thei...
Knights of The Round Belly: Remastered CN
Создатели: Tutur
人见人爱的巴托尼亚正义联盟的回归,灰山英雄七人再度重出江湖 本MOD 包含 1个食人魔领主 6个食人魔事务官 20种不同巴托尼亚老爷的外观( Bretonnia Generic Lord Pack (20 variants) )(WIP) ——————————————————————————————————— 圆腹骑士(巴托尼亚正义联盟) 背景 时间IC2480年,南方王国被从灰山来的无尽的绿皮潮所包围,巴托老农和骑士们疲于应对于如此苦战,长年的征战也让巴托尼亚损兵折将。绿皮们占据了整个韦斯特领。费尔曼德,...
Kostaltyn - A Supremely Mad Patriarch Reskin
Создатели: Yogo Pogo
A new look for Kislev's Kostaltyn to add a few bear necessities. Supreme Patriarch of the Cult of Ursun, Kostaltyn isn't above pulling out the older totemic accessories to help inspire the rural ungol and kossar crowd in battle. New hat, slightly taller th...
Landmarks of Eternity-Immortal Empire Expanded edition
Создатели: Chasslo
If you liked the mod, please consider giving it a thumbs up, it helps a lot This mod only contains the landmarks created especially for IEE and even if it was designed to run with the base mod of Landmarks of Eternity, you don't actually need it to use thi...
Landmarks of Legend
Создатели: The_Inquisitor
OVERVIEW Landmarks of Legend adds many landmarks to locations all over the Warhammer world, with some landmarks granting access to special units and Regiments of Renown. Currently, there are landmarks for the following factions: - Grand Cathay - Kislev - K...
Lazy's Katarin Khan-Queen's Sleigh Compatibility Patch (Deprecated)
Создатели: LazyIcarus
Compatibility patch for Katarin reskin: Khan-Queen's Sleigh: Place above both mods in the mod manager. Currently there is th...
Lazy's Katarin the Ice Queen (5.2)
Создатели: LazyIcarus
Reskin for Tzarina Katarin with some hints of Tzeentch corruption. Only works in campaign. Features animated icicle crown on all mounts / foot (submod to remove crown: unit cards and portho...
Lazy's Morathi Ascension Stage 1 (5.0)
Создатели: LazyIcarus
Note: don't enable if you're just playing the Realm of Chaos mod as it will break rifts from spawning. Morathi doesn't exist in Realm of Chaos so you shouldn't need this mod for her. Reskin of Morathi that comes with a unit card and 2D porthole. For progre...
Legendary Characters - 传奇人物包【中文汉化】
Создатели: To infinity and beyond 相关机制模组 The Nemesis Crown(复仇王冠)与 汉化 建议开局游戏前,在菜单界面打开 MCT 设置,自行调整模组传奇领主是否领导相关派系 战役地图人物显示英文名称 这是因为mod的任务脚本给部分人物强行设定了英文名,必须在脚本中对其汉化,但mod的更新常常带有脚本改动,哪怕只增删了一两行代码,汉化也要及时更新,不然就容易导致稳定性和兼容性问题。 目前工作繁忙,精力有限,所以已删除了脚本汉化。...
Legendary Characters - 103 Dalmatians
Создатели: Stratovarius
101 Dalmatia... 103 Legendary Characters Yes, that top line number is correct! We have broken the 100 character barrier with a truly massive 21 character drop, finally ensuring that Legendary Characters covers every single faction. This also sees us releas...
Legendary Characters Assets
Создатели: Stratovarius
Contains all the required visual assets for the Legendary Characters mod. If this isn't in use, LC will break. See LC for credits, images, etc....
Legendary Lords Get their Own Defeat Traits 传奇领主获得自身击败特性
Создатели: Alex Zhao
As the title said, legendary lords will get their own defeat traits at level 30, except ones that provide useless effects for them like immune to vampire attrition for Mannfred. Also works for some mod ll, and you can leave a comment if you want me to add ...
Legendary Lore汉化(已过期)
目前转入亚登汉化组的传奇故事汉化项目,在那边继续更新。 ================================================ 在金花、洛阳侯大佬翻译基础上更新。 本人能力一般,时间有限,机翻润色。 传奇故事分四类,人物篇、兵种篇、建筑篇、事件篇。 目前翻译进度, 人物篇,已完成高精、绿皮、巴托、吸血鬼、矮人、蜥蜴人、暗精、鼠人、帝国、古墓王、震旦、基斯里夫、木精、野兽人。 兵种篇,已完成震旦、帝国。 建筑篇,已完成震旦、帝国。 事件篇,已完成震旦、野兽人、巴托、帝国、高崔克、吸血...
Legendary Lore
Создатели: IfThenOrElse This mod generates flavour text when certain conditions are met (see below). It has NO impact on gameplay. Travel to significant locations for your lege...
Legendary Lore 中文汉化(5.15修复)
Создатели: Tutur
4.0新增故事更新进度 奥斯坦基娅嬷嬷部分:全部更新完成 玉龙元伯部分:剩余2条 Legendary Lore 汉化 传奇故事 汉化 描述概览与更新模式 本MOD目前为翻译模型翻译,而后导入目前之前完工的翻译 已润色部分:35% 第一次翻译完成率:98% 将会以两周为周期上传文本 所有文本在上传前,会经过一次润色 + 校对 这个mod理论上不该出现任何空的文本框/空的事件框,如果遇到,多半是导入文本覆盖的时候出现了问题,请在评论区报告,以便让我们进行修正 感谢之前为这个mod贡献过的所有翻译者,没有他们就没...
Legions of Nagash 中文汉化
Создатели: Tutur
This is a translation mod 内含汉化 Legions of Nagash(纳迦什军团) Legions of Nagash: Mortarch Traits Submod(死亡统帅特...
Legions of Nagash - DISCONTINUED
Создатели: Urgat
IMPORTANT: The mod will be moved to Rhox's profile in roughly 3 days. You'll have to resub. Sorry for the inconvenience. The last mortarch will be added at this time., SUPREME BONE DADDIO AND MAD HATTER, HATH COME BACK...
Less Bloom Less Shine Less Blur (ABANDONED)
Создатели: Mazisky
Less buff and effect VFX 3
Создатели: Ourg
This is the sequel from my TWW2 mod :, so it does the same thing. The purpose of this mod is to lessen the number of graphical effects vfx on screen and only keep the essential. This is what...
Less Red more Art - UI Mod - Chaos Dwarfs Update
Создатели: Ulrik H.D
Chaos Dwarfs Update Adds full Art support for Chaos Dwarfs and Wood elves. Dwarfs, The Empire and Norsca are the remaining races missing some art. Custom movie backgrounds have been turned on by default, but can be disabled in the MCT settings. The bug wit...
Less Red more Art - Menu Movies Expansion 1
Создатели: Ulrik H.D
Submod of Less Red more Art UI Mod, this mod will not work without it as it utilises the framework provided from that mod. This mod expands the selection of live menu backgrounds. This comes at the cost that spell previews in the spell browser for the lore...
Less Red more Art - Menu Movies Expansion 2
Создатели: Ulrik H.D
Submod of Less Red more Art UI Mod, this mod will not work without it as it utilises the framework provided from that mod. This submod does not require the first expansion This mod expands the selection of live menu backgrounds. This comes at the cost that...
Lily's Bretonnia Overhaul: Definitive Edition - Immortal Empires
Создатели: Zaylidin
Sons and Daughters of Fair Bretonnia! At last, I give you the TRUE Definitive Edition version of my Bretonnia Overhaul! This mod is a rework of Bretonnia, adding new units, technologies and balance changes to enhance your feudal-over-lording experience. Th...
Living Tomb Kings [BETA]
Создатели: Eric Gordon Berg
"Human armies of Khemri" returns to WHIII. As the people of Numas and the other surrounding territories begin to inhabit the land use an army of both living and undead to conquer to map! Currently includes 14 human versions ...
Lore Names: Renamed Factions & New Evolving Names
Создатели: NordenBear CURRENT FEATURES: Several custom scripts, made by the CoLabs Team, that also prevents longer end-turns. Deeper lore-friendly star...
Lore Names: Renamed Unique Lords & Heroes Names
Создатели: NordenBear Hello there! Welcome to our complete rename mod! A mod aimed at making the immersion even better for you as a player! Doing so by giving all unique and/or legendary lords and heroes a proper rename. All set to fit the lore o...
Lore Names: Renamed Unique Lords & Heroes Names 中文版
Создатели: 泡泡茶壶 更贴合背景的角色名字,几乎涵盖所有原版角色 (全部取材于官方背景设定书) 本MOD优先级要求非常高,请务必放在第一位 例如: 索尔葛林·负怨者——→至高王索尔葛林·负怨者 阿里斯·安纳尔——→影王阿里斯·安纳尔 马雷基斯——→巫王马雷基斯 提克塔托——→『诸天之主』提克塔托 库·迦——→『伤疤之主』库·迦 欧西约坦——→『无影猎手』欧西约坦 哥罗克——→『大白蜥』哥罗克 妖婆赫莉本——→『血腥女王』妖婆赫莉...
Lore of Yin & Yang - Caster Hero Options
Создатели: Muzual
Shugengan Sorcerers Updated for 4.0.3 (Immortal Empires) If you're like me and love magic in Warhammer, you might like this mod! Simple mod to add two new hero options for Cathay called "Shugengan Sorcerers" that use the Dragon-Blooded lord models/voice, b...
Lost & Found Dwarfs: Complete Collection
Создатели: greenphoenix23
This mod is a compilation of the Lost & Found: Dwarfs mods! Dwarf loving and lore friendly! MCT Compatiblity - Compatible with Modding Configuration Tool. allowing you to disable units individually if desired. Note that this is completely optional and is N...
Lustria Jurassic 中文汉化合集
Создатели: Tutur
This is a translation mod 当前包含的汉化内容 汉化完成率:100% Lustria Rises - Lizardmen Overhaul(露丝契亚崛起:蜥蜴人大修) Lost Ca...
Lost Calm: Jurassic Normal (updated for Patch 5.2)
Создатели: Calm&NormalTime
HOW DO GET MORE THAN ONE EXPEDITION? You can't. That would be a pain to balance so no Features Adds new dinosaur units for Lizardmen, as well as a new campaign mechanic for acquiring them. Nakai cannot use expeditions sadly due to him having no regions Use...
Loupi's Regiments of Renown I
Создатели: [-ODM-] Loupi
This is my first Regiments of Renown pack for WH3. It contains 3 ROR for Kislev, Cathay, Ogres, Tzeentch, Khorne, Slaanesh and Nurgle. I decided to do a mix of different unit types, and made some of the units perform a wildly different role to their base v...
Lost Calm: Nakai Submod
Создатели: Calm&NormalTime
Features Adds direct recruitment of the units from my dino mod to Nakai's horde buildings. Adds more levels to some of his buildings to spread the dinos out a bit. New units should get same global recruitment reduction bonus from buildings and tech that ot...
LoW - Phoenix Legion
Создатели: Macho Chunko
This is a port of the original Phoenix Legion mod from WH2. It does what the original did, adding some new units for the Phoenix Guard for the High Elves. Unit List by Types: Infantry: Spearmen, Swordsmen, Archers and Shielded Archers, the basic units, can...
Ludwig von Uberdorf Imperial Steam Tank Commander, Dark Omen Regiments of Renown Series
Создатели: Werebearus from USSR
Main Part This mod adds a new unique agent - Ludwig von Uberdorf Imperial Steam Tank Commander. He сan be hired by any dwarfs, empire, bretonia and kislev factions. To recruit, bring any character to Flensburg Dont use with D...
LoW - Phoenix Legion - 凤凰军团【中文汉化】
Создатели: To infinity and beyond 介绍 LoW - Phoenix Legion: 凤凰守卫兵种扩展 LoW - Legions of the Scarlet Empire: 传奇领主『猩红女王』雅赫拉 通用英雄吸血鬼队长 血玫瑰姐妹与鲜血军团 LoW - Dragon Legion: 卡勒多巨龙领主 巨龙军团与巨龙军团海盗 LOW - Celestial Dragon Guard Legion: 天廷龙卫兵种扩展 感谢Macho Chun...
Lustria Rises - Lizardmen Overhaul
Создатели: Neurotoxin
Lustria Rises is an overhaul and expansion for the Lizardmen race. New additions include 9 new units, 3 new hero types, a new lord type and a new faction. There are significant changes to Legendary Lord's skills, items and effects, buildings, units and mec...
Lyla of Avelorn - High Elf Legendary Lord
Создатели: Caesar
Allow me to introduce Lyla, a new custom legendary lord for (some of) the High Elves! Lyla originates from Avelorn and while being a character in official lore, not much was said about her, beyond a certain passionate encounter with Tyrion. This mod change...
Map Replacer Framework (With Extra Assets)
Создатели: Frodo45127
What's this? This mod is a framework to make it easier for mapmakers to insert maps on campaign, and also includes some extra assets (prefabs, rigids and extra buildings) so they can be used by any map. This mod doesn't contain any maps and the only change...
Merwyrms, Sea Dragons, and Lothern Skycutters
Создатели: ChaosRobie
This mod adds in Merwyrms, Sciowyrms, and Lothern Skycutters for the High Elves and Pagowyrms, Sciowyrms, Sea Dragons, and Helldrakes for the Dark Elves. Description Wyrms Merwyrms and Sciowyrms are recruitable at ports for all High Elf factions. Merwyrms ...
Miao Ying Lore of Yin and Lore of Life Spells + use abilities and cast in Dragon form 妙影双系12魔法变龙施法放技能
Создатели: abf1999
Please keep in mind that I am not responsible if this mod does not work when there is a mod conflict. I only test the mod on a new clean save without any other mods. Update 2.2: enables active abilities in dragon form 更新2.2: 变龙可以使用主动技能 ____________________...
Создатели: 小铭
MIAO YING RESKIN MODEL BY @潇然 If u like it , please rate...
Military Buildings add Garrisons / 军事建筑增加驻军
Создатели: losrt
Compatibility: Can be added mid-campaign Compatible with most mods Takes effect with Radious Description: All military recruiting buildings can add 1~3 garrisons to towns (The number and quality of troops depends on the level of the building) ·All wh1, 2, ...
Mirror of Madness army special abilities
Создатели: Shardflower
My English is not good, so this is machine translation. This mod adds army special abilities from Mirror of Madness.Those abilities look cool. These three abilities require the consumption wind of magic Diabolical Puppetry:10 wind of magic Tempest of Blue ...
Mistress of Storms - (PATCHED FOR IE)
Создатели: Poljanan
Master of the Storm Winds - Miao Ying This mod adds three new abilities for Miao Ying: Lightning Stake A long range spear of lightning wi...
Mistwalkers and Imrik's Dragons Get Bonuses 迷雾行者与传奇龙吃领主与科技加成
Создатели: Alex Zhao
Mistwalkers will now get more bonus from lord skills and techs. Faithbearers will get bonus for rangers (except they will get spearmen’s level 7 red line bonus), griffon knights will get bonus foe dragons, and all other mistwalkers will get bonus for shado...
MIXER - Mixu's Unlocker
Создатели: Mixu
The newest version of MCT is recommended to be used with this mod. It will work without it, but your save files will be bigger. This is a startpos mod that unlocks all factions in Realms of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns. Building slot submod has bee...
Mixu's蜥蜴人传奇领主远古三角龙坐骑(New mounts for Mixu's lzd lord)
Создатели: 阿巴巴阿巴
为Mixu's传奇领主包(Mixu's Legendary Lords)里新增的蜥蜴人传奇领主泰托·伊考(Tetto'eko)和惠尼艾坦奎(Huinitenuchli)新增了远古三角龙(诸神引擎)坐骑。 泰托·伊考(Tetto'eko) •22级解锁 •坐上坐骑后可发射远程飞弹,一颗会空爆的小型彗星,空爆后会分裂成更小的彗星,弹道和爆炸方式接近鼠人的雪崩迫击炮。打击150距离以上的敌人效果显著,打击近处的敌人准度很差容易误伤,敌人靠近后尽量关闭自动射击手动命令射击远处的敌人。 惠尼艾坦奎(Huinitenu...
Mixu's CN 汉化 合集(2-16 木精灵暗影舞者搞好了 推本杜鲁奇的小说,我写的。。)
Создатели: 鱼大仙
11-19 艾格林姆能玩了还差点零碎的这几天搞好 我在起点平台写了本《苟在战锤当暗精》 欢迎观看 _(:з」∠)_ 已签约 11-11 汉化了几个绿皮的技能词条 9-22 斯蒂尔比约恩在Strovengaard娶了很多配偶,因为许多诺斯卡的女性都渴望与带有黑暗诸神印记的战士同床共眠。在这些无数的妻子中,斯蒂比约恩繁衍了13个不同年龄的后代,其中包括Hrefna和Fraygerd,她们都是技艺精湛和致命的剑女(sword-maiden)。 作者:爱问1515
Mixu's Legendary Lords
Создатели: Mixu
About the Mod Some of you may remember this and this from Total War Warhammer II. Well, this mod is simply a combination of those two mods, with some new faces added. This mod adds Legendary Lords, Legendary Heroes and some new units. This mod does not tou...
Mixu's Legendary Lords: Asset Pack
Создатели: Mixu
This is a required asset pack for Mixu's Legendary Lords mod. You should subscribe to it if you use it, otherwise you'll get missing character models n other fun stuff....
Mixu's Slayer Traits for Daemon and Dragon Slayer
Создатели: Mixu
Adds a slayer trait system for Dragon and Daemon Slayers. Slayer characters will gain slayer traits after defeating monsters. You can view all of them from the Slayer Trait panel, found from the character details screen (the thing that has skills n items)....
Mod Configuration Tool - v0.9 Beta
Создатели: Groove Wizard The Mod Configuration Tool is a user interface, and a rich backend system, which enables modders to create settings for their mods, which can be edited within the Mod Configuration Tool. In short, if a mod you use doesn't us...
more allegiance points for multiplayer
Создатели: Henry_MarsST
15 allegiance points per turn instead of 2 allied unit cap increased to 6...
Modified Imperial Authority
Создатели: The Mad Scotsman
Description This mod will add missions to each of the Empires factions that will allow them to have some extra imperial authority to reduce the time you negatively suffer from losing territory in the Empire. Empire - Take Marienburg - Take Castle Drakenhof...
More Animation
Создатели: Hecleas
More movement range for players
Создатели: Lain
Increases campaign movement range for players only. I set it to 100, which should just about double the players movement range. :) Method: Adds Player only movement range bonus to the difficulty setting. It's literally 5 lines of data, one for each difficu...
More Fun for the Grim
Создатели: fa21
* Updated to include Chaos Dwarfs! * This is a combination of several tweaks for the imprisonment mechanic of Eltharion and the Yvresse Mistwalkers' Mirror Abilities. It combines two little mods that I more or less ported from WH2 (all credit to the origin...
More Regiments of Renown Pack
Создатели: Frank
More RoR units pack. This is simple RoR unit pack for TWW3. Mod adds 30+ new RoR units. All new units are balanced for vanilla game, they're affected by techs and skill trees. All new units are available in custom battles. Everything works in multiplayer c...
MSGA! The legendary lord of Skaven turns into Vermin Lord 斯卡文传奇变身灾祸领主
Создатели: rex
MAKE SKAVEN GREAT AGAIN! Skaven used to be the strongest faction in warhammer, but the empire fell after the civil war. This makes the Horned Rat very upset. We have to make Skaven great again! To all rats, in every city near and far, small and large, from...
More Slots For Capitals(22 slots)
Создатели: WildHunter
22 slots for all capitals. even if the capital is a minor settlement or a gate. Required a new game other version: More Slots For Capitals(16 slots) More Slots For All Settlements (16+6) ============================================= Will not work with any ...
Moulder's Menagerie (Chimaerats, Stormfiends, and More!)
Создатели: ChaosRobie
This mod adds in Chimaerats, Aberrations, Armoured Rat Ogres, Giant Rats, Burrowing Behemoths, and Stormfiends for the Skaven. Description Chimaerats are anti-infantry single-entity monsters recruitable by all Skaven factions. They are recruitable at tier ...
Nanu's Pirates of Sartosa Overhaul
Создатели: Nanu
Updated for Patch 5.2 This mod is an overhaul Pirates of Sartosa faction. Norcans, Dwarfs, Men, and Beasts of the Sea, all will sail under the Sartosan Colors and plunder in the name of Aranessa Saltspite! This mod includes 24 new units, 4 new building cha...
Nanu's Pirates of Sartosa Overhaul - 萨图沙大修【中文汉化】
Создатели: To infinity and beyond 介绍 锤2经典模组,萨图沙现在是一个以活人军团为主的派系,这才是符合背景! - 五位传奇领主&四位传奇英雄 - 一种通用领主&五种全新类型英雄 - 28个新兵种、10支精英兵种 - 建筑链、科技扩展 - 完成任务赢取独特物品 感谢Nanu制作了这么出色的mod 更多汉化: 中文汉化合集 ...
New Legendary Lord and Hero Artefacts Warhammer 3 (Updated for 5.2)
Создатели: stompie5
Description This mod adds over 300 new items and Legendary Artefacts for almost all the Legendary Lords and Heroes. The new items can be viewed through the Lord's or Hero's Quest Screen and will unlock automatically. The mod also adds some new items the Dw...
No Confederation Penalty
Создатели: Alex Zhao
This mod disabled all races' confederation penalty. Should be compatible with everything, but might be override by mods that edit confederation penalties....
No Diplomatic Penalty for "Too Many Trade Partners"
Создатели: DrDCB
By default, the game allows you only 3 trade agreements (plus an additional 0.2 per owned region) before you start incurring a penalty with the negotiating partner (-3 per additional trade agreement over the limit). This is pretty limiting to Kislev and Ca...
Normal Traits Extended
Создатели: Sir_Isenhart
Updated for 4.1. This mod makes its return from TWW2. It adds an extra layer of gameplay by making most gainable traits have more ranks thus making them a lot stronger. It does not change the traits for defeating Legendary Lords. It is intended for high/le...
Nurgle Rotting Chargers (and Walkers) - New units for Nurgle and for Beastmen
Создатели: Coriric
One Button Respec
Создатели: DrunkFlamingo
Features This mod adds a button to the character skills panel which can be used to reset the skills of a character. Each character can only be reset once, and resetting skills costs 1000 gold/favor. Compatibility This mod should be compatible with all othe...
Old World Rites - WH3 Edition [BETA]
Создатели: Ubermorgen
This mod is a continuation of the WH2 mod Old World Rites by Groove Wizard (formerly known as Vandy), bringing faction rites to all of the forgotten factions from WH1 (Empire, Bretonnia, Beastmen, Greenskins, Dwarfs, Warriors of Chaos, Norsca, Vampires and...
One Button Respec(汉化)
Создатели: Ashen One
注意: 1. 该MOD仅为原MOD的汉化,需订阅原MOD再订阅本MOD,汉化MOD排序先于原MOD,同时开启生效。 2. 仅为文本汉化,不涉及功能修改,bug可以在原mod页面反馈。 版本:5.1.x 说明:可以一键重置技能点的MOD,每个角色只能重置一次,即刻生效,相比原版不用再等待3回合。 汉化进度:100%...
Order of Solland
Создатели: RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below before you ask questions or request updates etc. If you like the mod you are welcome to press the "thumbs up" but...
Outremer: Faction Overhaul
Создатели: graetor
"The King of Bretonnia, Louis the Righteous, raised a huge army of Knights of the Realm to free Estalia and punish Jaffar for the atrocities the Arabyans under his rule had committed. Glory-hungry knights from all across Bretonnia joined the king's banners...
OvN Lost Factions: Dread King Legions
Создатели: Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting factions & races to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in the ...
OvN Lost Factions: Albion
Создатели: Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting races to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in the Immortal Em...
OvN Lost Factions: Citadel of Dusk
Создатели: Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting races and factions to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in th...
OvN Lost Factions: Fimir
Создатели: Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting races to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in the Immortal Em...
OvN Lost Factions: Grudgebringers
Создатели: Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting factions & races to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in the ...
Rebanner III
Создатели: Wallets
Ever feel like you're wasting your time deciding which unit to assign +5 leadership to? This mod reworks banners to make them more interesting to use. Changes Most of the game's banners have been modified to make it worth your while to consider what unit c...
Points of Interest with Pictures
Создатели: Mazisky
INTRODUCTION This mod adds pictures for the little eye Icons with lore text you see around the map. Both Immortal Empires and Realms of Chaos campaigns. ALL LANGUAGES - 所有语言...
Quick Spell Menu
Создатели: prop joe
“Engage tactical cogitators” - Balthasar Geltus, Imperial Navy How it works: When you hold down Ctrl and click the middle mouse button you enter the Quick Spell Menu mode: the time slows down, and spell and ability buttons get repositioned around the mouse...
Regiments of Renown - Bretonnia
Создатели: Decomposed
DESCRIPTION This series of mods adds loreful Regiments of Renown to various races in the game. We try to choose the best units based on variety, usefulness on the battlefield and overall fun. ROSTER The following RoR are adde...
Regional Unit Rename
Создатели: prop joe
When you recruit a unit its name gets prefixed with the name of the region (settlement) where the recruiting army is stationed. So recruit Swordsmen in Altdorf, they get renamed to Altdorf Swordsmen. Also affects the AI. Doesn't affect lords and agents. Th...
Reloading Animations
Создатели: Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD Reload: load (something, especially a gun that has been fired) again. Adds reloading animations to the following units (for now): Kislev Streltsi Dwarf Thunderers Empire Handgunners Sylvanian Handgunners Vampire Coast Gunnery Wight F...
Remember Deployment Formations
Создатели: prop joe
Still works, I'm not updating it until it actually requires an update. If the launcher warning bothers you use a mod manager. Adds a way to save and load the army formation during deployment. Arrange your army and press the button to save it into a formati...
Rename Legendary Lords(still work)
Создатели: 小铭
Now you can rename legendary Lords. Thanks for @Prop Joe and@Alex Zhao...
Resized Lords Heroes 3
Создатели: Ourg
This is the sequel from my TWW2 mod :, so it mostly does the same thing. The purpose of this mod is to resize lords and heroes having the same size as the race/unit they belong to. No more b...
Rotate Lords and Heroes (v5.2)
Создатели: Levie
What does this do? This enables rotation of MOST Lord and Hero models while in the character details window. This is similar to what can already be done with the Daemon Prince. I thought it was weird that we have access to the model view inside of the char...
Roar of the Jade Sea : Yin-Yin, the Sea Dragon
Создатели: Poljanan
The Sea Dragon of Cathay has returned! The Eastern Provinces - NEW playable Cathay Faction *MIXER required to install this mod!!* -How they play- Outside their faction effects as well as the lord army buff from Yin-Yin ...
Sarvente's Bretonnia Expansion Patched (V5.2.0 works?)
Создатели: Khajite
Servante's Bretonnia Expansion mod, patched for 3.0 version. Servante has no time to expand or update this mod for now, and they allowed me to keep it updated untill their schedule allows them to pay some more attention to it.
Sarvente's Gloomists
Создатели: TriT
Giving mages to the people of Kislev, one step at a time. MOD OVERVIEW This mod add new caster hero for Kislev, the gloomist, as well as 1 new building from which they are recruited. HERO OVERVIEW A mage with some twists, gloomist is meant to somewhat expa...
Sarvente's Ice Matriarchs
Создатели: TriT
After long long learning process, my first (of hopefully many) custom hero mod is finally done. MOD OVERVIEW Mod adds one new custom hero for Kislev — Ice Matriarch. This hero is primarily centered around the Ice Guard and can provide large variety of buff...
SCM Revamped 帝国中文汉化合集
Создатели: Tutur
当前包含的汉化内容 帝国分离主义者 玛丽恩堡 感谢To infinity and beyond 在文本中提供的协助(原汉化文本在 中文汉化合集 ) SCM Empire Secessionists 中文汉化 帝国分离主义者汉化 添加了如下领主/英雄/部队 领主:莱因哈特·冯·马肯森 英雄:汉斯·弗兰肯温特 ...
Sarvente's Koschei
Создатели: TriT
More for the Motherland. MOD OVERVIEW Mod adds new hero for Kislev alongside custom skill line, new abilities and one new building chain. As all my other hero mods, this mod is compatible with Variant Selector. HERO OVERVIEW Similarly to the hollows, kosch...
SCM Marienburg (5.2.2)
Создатели: Team SCM
This mod will crash without Mixer's Unlocker enabled Download Immortal Empires Expanded! to play with 2 new factions in Ind and Khuresh, new legendary lords, and new mechanics! TLDR: This mod adds FIVE! fleshed-out l...
SCM's Skaven Asset Pack
Создатели: Stratovarius
This contains all the visual and animation content for: Pestilent Brotherhood Clan Verms Heroes of the Skaven Clans Clan Treecherik Clan Crooktail Clan Vrrtkin Clan Grudge Without it, you will see absolutely nothing. This exists to standardize SCM's Skaven...
Skaven Clans - The Underempire Expands
Создатели: Stratovarius "Is it possible that the Skaven are no less than a manifestation, a dark and morbid reflection of man's cities, his civilisation, even his fears? Are not the Skaven, their religion, and their foul dank world no...
Settlement Capture Pictures
Создатели: Müsliriegel
Summary This mod used to change the simple red icons when choosing a settlement occupation option back to unique artworks as in Warhammer 1 & 2. With IE and the reintroduction of settlement capture art I have now mixed my images with the ones from CA and e...
Simple Dynamic Settlements
Создатели: Grandolph
DISCLAIMER: Initialising this mod will cause the game to freeze. It has not crashed, this is the mod changing settlements and is normal, please wait for it to finish. A simple script mod that replaces settlement skins with those of the new faction after be...
Skaven Elite Units
Создатели: Decky
DESCRIPTION The mod adds 14 new units for the Skaven Faction. The units are available in campaign and custom battles. Some of the units received special abilities. For example, the Doomrokets can fire missiles at their enemies. Units Mutated Ratogre (Armor...
Skaven Food Overhaul! by Markliuz
Создатели: Markliuz Da Jesterly
Its finally here, my skaven food tweaks from warhammer 2. now renamed as overhaul rather than tweaks, cause it does change food acquisition for the skaven in multiple number of ways, much like the original did in warhammer 2.
Skaven Settlements: Expand the Under-Empire
Создатели: Acephelos The under-empire is supposed to be this massive system of tunnels spanning much of the world, but you definitely don't feel that when playing as the Skaven. Creating under-cities (the sneaky Skaven way) can be a long and unr...
Создатели: CaptainSnafu
just chinese translation for mods 自己翻译的,deepL也帮忙不少 ===================================== 矮人: Dawi Thunder Lost & Found: Dwarfs Complete Collection More Norsca Units for Norse dwarf 鼠人: Toro's Skaven Units 基斯里夫: Dead's Kislev Units 古墓: Nehekhara Will Rise A...
Solland: Faction Overhaul
Создатели: graetor
"When the hammer blow of the Ironclaw fell on Averland, Eldred von Heugenloewd, Count of Solland, was quick to marshal his forces despite his marginalized position at the Imperial court." This mod adds a completely new faction, Solland, with this mod's mai...
Sons of Grimnir - Dwarf Unit Collection
Создатели: Mystical Llama
Changes for Warhammer 3 Check out the literal glow-up on the Rune Golems! Finally, burning eyes and texture cracks! Unit List and Descriptions: Rune Golems - Our flagship unit! Each Rune Golem comes ready to manufacture as much gobbo salsa as you could ask...
Speedy Turn Camera
Создатели: Skywalker
Mod that just speeds up the camera move between your turns. Save Compatible Other mods Compatible This is a direct port from WH2 mod "Faster end turn Camera" to WH3 It modifies a database default entry the game has, nothing more. This mod doesn't need to b...
Stormvermin Training & Deploying feature for Tretch (Requires Shadow and the Blade DLC)
Создатели: Rhox
This mod requires Shadow and the Blade DLC and will cause CTD if you play as Tretch without having one Main Feature Tretch's elite Stormvermins will be trained over time. Players can recruit them, or sell them to other factions to get various valuables. Pl...
Stronger And Fairer AI 更强更公平的AI 中文汉化
Создатели: 泡泡茶壶
This is a translation mod. 简介 简单把MCT设置汉化一下,作者主页有详细介绍,我就不赘述了 原作者的介绍 贴吧介绍帖子 PS: 包含有脚本汉化,请放在原mod上方,原mod若更新了出现乱码,请及时提醒我 玩旧世界的时候,请把本汉化放在mixu汉化的下方(默认排序应该就是正确的)...
Spooky's Dark Elves Compilation - Expanded Variants
Создатели: Spooky
My whole collection of Dark Elf Variant mods in one. Subscribe to this if you want to reduce your load order, and also to automatically download updates whenever I release a new dark elf variant.
Stronger And Fairer AI 更强更公平的AI
Создатели: losrt
!!!Notice!!! If using this mod in competitions, Very hard and Legendary campaign difficulty are suitable for players who have added player buffs or need extreme challenges It is recommended to use NORMAL difficulty for the first game. The AI strength of No...
Submod hub for Dirty Dan's Upgrades
Создатели: Apex
*****Both the base upgrade mods and unit mods are optional. You only need to subscribe to the mods you want to use. Eg. if you are playing as empire, you would subscribe to imperial armoury and this mod***** Overview Extends the scrap upgrade mechanic from...
The Asur - High Elf Character Armory
Создатели: NoKhaineNoGain
Recruit a rising Asur prince into your ranks. Through him leveling up, gain armaments to mix and match buffs and weapons to create a personalized High Elf LL. These include armor from units and lords as well as from LL once confederated allowing for some v...
Создатели: 释心 漠鬼
为一些种族添加一些兵种。不定期更新 模型等等基于原版的美术资源,兵种数据通常参考原版,使用对应的战役加成。 非常感谢探戈狼绘制的大量兵牌。 如果觉得做得好的话,请点个赞吧 目前兵种以及对应的战役加成: 帝国 狮鹫骑士 →半狮鹫骑士——感谢A12绘制的兵牌 于阿尔道夫,异域动物资源,动物园招募 帝国飞马骑士 →帝国骑士 于异域动物资源处招募 步行瑞克禁卫(剑盾)→剑士 于瑞克禁卫塔楼,帝国学院招募 步行莫尔骑士(重型武器)→巨剑士 于至少三本的沦陷的邓肯霍夫,帝国学院招募 步行恒光骑士(矛盾)→长矛兵 于西格...
Teleport Starting Heroes - Immortal Empires Extended and The Old World support
Создатели: Think Critically
Welcome back, Commanders. If you're anything like me, you play with a bunch of hero mods like Legendary Characters. But what happens when another mod changes someone's start position? Suddenly, heroes all over the map are left stranded, thousands of kilome...
The Dukes of Bretonnia [BETA]
Создатели: Ubermorgen
This was based on my WH2 mod The Dukes of Bretonnia, but includes tons of changes to all characters, their skill trees and visuals. Each of the new Lords now has their own faction. Huge thanks to Wolfremio who ported the mod to WH3 and reworked all visuals...
The Eagle's Gift - Romans for Kislev
Создатели: Caesar
Something either really, really horrible, or absolutely awesome, has happened. Through some sort of twisted magic, of which even Tzeentch can't begin to fathom how it works, a portal between several dimensional layers and timezones has opened up. Through i...
Fudging Vassals
Создатели: LordOmlette
Welcome back, commanders! If you used this mod in Total War: Warhammer 2, then you know what the deal is. For everyone else, please read on: HOLD UP If you don't see a "vassalize" option, use The_Inquisitor's very recommended All Diplomatic Options - Vassa...
The Jade-Blooded Vampires: Curse of Nongchang
Создатели: Poljanan Jade-Blooded Vampires - Eastern Lords of Undeath The Jade-Blooded Vampires are an exotic bloodline of vampires in the far east sired by a long-lost spawn of Neferata thousands of years after she and the rest of the origi...
The Motherland by Xoudad + Dismemberment Overhaul Submod
Создатели: Vinny
Compatibility Patch Submod for The Motherland and Dismemberment Overhaul. Requires both mods to work. Mod Load Order: Dismemberment -> This Mod -> Motherland. Enjoy....
The Norscan (Build-a-Chaos-Lord)
Создатели: JGCarter
New Update: Added him to the Changeling faction Frost Fang can be taken What it does: Adds a new armoury based (daemon prince style) legendary lord to the game, recruitable when playing as a Warriors of Chaos, Norscan or mono-god factions. Like the daemon ...
The Jade-Blooded Vampires: Islanders of the Moon
Создатели: Poljanan New Faction: Islanders of the Moon Difficulty Suggestion: Hard/Hard In 1690, Cathay would launch a doomed expedition westward into the Southlands, seeking to spread the Celestia...
The Motherland - Updated
Создатели: Xoudad
"Long ago, many Gospodar clans lived upon the Endless Steppe. Like today, it was a vast province and was lashed with the terrible energies of Chaos. The Gospodars were beset by all manner of foul foes, and the Daemon Gods offered surcease from these attack...
Tier 3 Walls Returned
Создатели: Stubby
The Tier 3 Walls Returned mod gives siege battles back to all the tier 3 minor settlement defence buildings that had them before the 2.2 update, as well as the tier 3 Brettonian main minor settlement building. This mod works on both Realms of Chaos and Imm...
To The West! 2.0 - Yuan Bo MOVED and redirected in Immortal Empires + Name Change
Создатели: Caesar
This mod is intended for those who want to play Yuan Bo in Cathay, where he is supposed to be, but don't wanna have to run around Lustria to complete your campaign. Yuan Bo's campaign objectives, constructing the Astromantic Relays, have been redirected aw...
To The West! 2.0 - Yuan Bo MOVED and redirected in Immortal Empires + Name Change 中文汉化
Создатели: 泡泡茶壶
将元伯的游戏重心从露丝契亚转移到震旦 本MOD改动内容 将元伯的开局位置从露丝契亚移动到震旦农昌附近(原露丝契亚城镇自动分配给了AI) 将元伯的派系名字从“玉廷”改为“中央列省” 将四个解锁罗盘方向所需的4个地标从露丝契亚转移到震旦附近 将“蜥蜴人掠夺者”事件也转移到震旦发生 原版观星台地标 东:星辰塔 西:巨龟岛 南:南方哨站 北:赫斯欧塔 本MOD观星台地标 东:礼庙(震旦东南部) 西:乌兹库拉克(黑暗之地北部) 南:纳迦什扎(黑暗之地西南部) 北:巍京(震旦北部) ...
Toggle Fog Of War
Создатели: FlashMash
Adds a button in the top left to toggle fog of war. I like to check on the state of the world from time to time, so I had to turn on/off a mod all the time. When Change Starting Settlement came out I had the idea to take the disable/enable of the fog of wa...
Toro's skaven unit CN 托罗的斯卡文兵种包汉化 SUPPERBON
Создатели: Supperbon
Trade Any Settlement
Создатели: Freiya
This mod makes it possible to trade any settlement with any encountered faction as long as you aren't at war with them. To use it, just click on the new "trade settlements" button displayed on the top-left corner of the screen.
Trajann's Gurrash, Sentinel of Justice
Создатели: Trajann V
Note: This mod is included in my Sentinels Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one. Allow me to introduce Gurrash, a new legendary hero for the Tomb Kings! Gurrash is known as a Sentinel, powerful con...
Trajann's Khorne Mods Compilation
Создатели: Trajann V
This is a compilation of all my Khorne-focused mods! If you subscribe to this mod then you can unsub from the individual mods. Worth noting that any time the individual mods are updated, this compilation will be as well. So you'll never have to worry about...
Trajann's Chosen Daemons
Создатели: Trajann V
This mod is included in my Other Gods Compilation. If you subscribe to that, you can unsubscribe from this one. This mod gives Nurgle, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch a new variant of their daemonic infantry, plus a regiment of renown! The chosen daemons are the hi...
Trajann's Iron Corps
Создатели: Trajann V
Stepping away from chaos, let's give the defenders of humanity some love. This mod adds 11 (at the moment) new units to the Empire factions. The Iron Corps is made up of high-tier infantry, both ranged and melee, specialising in different aspects of combat...
Trajann's Other Gods Compilation
Создатели: Trajann V
This is a compilation of all my mods focused on Nurgle, Slaanesh and Tzeentch. Because I won't be making nearly as many mods for them as I have for Khorne, it's safe to put all 3 gods into one place. If you subscribe to this compilation, you may unsubscrib...
Trophy Heads & Head's Whisper for Queek
Создатели: Rhox
Trophy Head This mod adds a trophy head system for Queek. To make a trophy head, two conditions must be met: 1. Target LL's starting faction must be destroyed. It will make the target trophy visible in the panel at the next turn. 2. You must beat target LL...
Создатели: Everchosen
OVERVIEW: This mod improves some of the UI elements. Building turn counter is intuitive now. Demolish is red, Build & Upgrade is green. (it also affects unit recruitment) Intuitive Build Turns (standalone) Re-enabled city panel background from WH2, so it'l...
Ulthuan Gates Take No Attrition [EoM]
Создатели: Wolfy
Announcement of End of Maintenance Hi everyone, I have an announcement to make, and it is that, after seven years of modding, I have decided it is time for me to step aside. My personal situation has changed a lot since I started, and sadly, I do not have ...
Unique Faction Currencies
Создатели: Müsliriegel Summary Changes the icons of several factions from the generic treasury/income icons to something more unique. I tried to stick as close to the lore as possible. Additionally the reward chest ...
Создатели: Mazisky
Unique Battles
Создатели: JGCarter
Please note this mod is currently bugged and seems to stop the AI from attacking settlements, this is quite an odd bug as the mod shouldn't effect those systems at all, but as such it may take a while to debug this. What it does: Adds five challenging ques...
Unique Faction Currencies 汉化
Создатели: Niamh Chinn Óir
鼠人: 次元石币 蜥蜴人: 古圣造物 绿皮: 牙 木精: 阿斯莱金磅 古墓王: 灵魂 诺斯卡: 掠夺物 吸血鬼海盗: 赃物 帝国: 金克朗 巴托尼亚: 金埃居 矮人: 黄金 高精: 阿苏尔金磅 暗精: 杜鲁奇金磅 基斯里夫:金杜卡特 震旦:玉圆...
Unique Faction UI
Создатели: Müsliriegel Summary Changes the UI to a unique design and colour for all factions to be more immersive overall. Troubleshooting USE THE "DEFAULT" UI THEME OPTION FOR THE MO...
Variant Selector
Создатели: Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD! Lets you choose Character Variants (where applicable). Snek's Extra Variants (the whole bunch of them!) are compatible out of the box, thanks to Snek. Other modded variants will need to be made compatible. This means that you simply...
Unique Steam Tanks
Создатели: ChaosRobie
Steam Tanks. Those glorious machines belching smoke and ramming through the hordes of filthy heretics, blasting out cannonballs and scalding steam. But have you ever felt there's something missing? That there's something lifeless about tanks that all looke...
Unnatural Selection Ultimate
Создатели: Jadawin
Currently not actively maintained - but probably still works I do not currently keep my mods updated. That said, most of my mods basically never need actual updating after patches. So this mod will very likely still work, just not affect recently added con...
Vampires of Nehekhara
Создатели: Yogo Pogo
I wanted to give the Nehekharan necromantic factions a little regional flavour. Adds two vampire heroes to Arkhan, some unit variants to the minor vampire factions, and spreads around a few mostly cosmetic clones of existing units for visual variety. DETAI...
victory conditions overful 胜利路线选择的CN汉化补丁包
Создатели: 那夜Nayoru
victory conditions overful 胜利路线选择的CN汉化补丁包 本MOD仅对victory conditions overful进行了汉化,需要配合原MOD使用,请在mod管理器中将本MOD置于原MOD之上 原MOD地址 原MOD作者推荐的汉化版本几乎只对胜利奖励的内容做了汉化,大量的文本内容没有进行翻译,刚好我最近初学MOD,于是决定将全部的文本内容都进行汉...
Waka's Campaign Land Battles (WCLB) Map Pack
Создатели: WakaWaka3000
WELCOME! Welcome! This mod is a map pack that I made for use in campaign. If you are looking for multiplayer maps for use in tournaments, please download the Total Tavern map pack instead. COMPATIBILITY This mod does not replace any CA-created maps, it onl...
Создатели: Wolfy
Announcement of End of Maintenance Hi everyone, I have an announcement to make, and it is that, after seven years of modding, I have decided it is time for me to step aside. My personal situation has changed a lot since I started, and sadly, I do not have ...
Warpmechs - Cyborg Skaven Units non-OP version 平衡数据
Создатели: 清纯少男
It just lowers the panel data to make it less powerful. Must be placed above the original mod. 降低了原版过于超模的数据,可以给那些莫名加入这个mod但是没有玩鼠人被鼠人薄纱的人qwq,排序在原mod上方覆盖 2023/02/20 16点 现在它不会导致游戏崩溃了 Now it won't cause the game to crash 2023/9/8 更新了,可能有遗漏,但是不至于打不过...
Warband Cross Race
Создатели: BAGHolder
(Updated to 5.0) This is a submod of Warband Upgrade Ultimate (required). It provides two extra functionality: 1. Allows player & AI to upgrade foreign units. 2. Cross-race upgrades, e.g., Norsca marauder to Chaos, Chaos Dwarf laborer to Greenskin units. W...
Warpmechs - Cyborg Skaven Units
Создатели: Pwner1
*UPDATE* Warmech packmaster to give regen to troops, he riders a special broodhorror and a brood horror RoR unit. *UPDATE* New regiment of renown and texture for RoR armors. Power swords for shield variants. *UPDATE* Fixed commander animations and boosted ...
Warband Upgrade Ultimate
Создатели: BAGHolder
Warband Upgrade for Every Race (Updated to 5.2) --- Upgrade basic units into elite, and swap among unit variants. --- Unique UI + Expanded panel for every race. --- 100% compatible with any mod, save-game, and co-op. --- Submods for RoR, mod compilation, c...
Warpstone Unleashed: 2.1
Создатели: Static
The sequel to the Warpstone Unleashed for Total War: Warhammer II. Expanded upgrades, balancing, buildings, and abilities! Unleash the vermintide against all corners of the world with warp-powered unit upgrades, buildings and production chains, and abiliti...
Weapon Teams on Walls
Создатели: Scicotheron
WH2 weapon teams can mount and climb walls. Affected Units: Skaven: --Warpfire Throwers (+RoR) --Warplock Jezzails (+RoR) --Ratling Guns (+RoR) Vampire Coast: --Deck Gunners (+RoR) Vanilla Units that can already climb walls: Dwarfs: --Irondrakes (not a wea...
Ye Olde Skool Gotrek and Felix! (Please read description)
Создатели: Chapter Serf
Regarding The Thrones of Decay Gotrek and Felix Update: It's come to my attention that with Thrones of Decay, Gotrek and Felix are getting a major update and overhaul. For those who are unaware, here's a video about it, courtesy of Great Book of Grudges: h...
Your New Empire (Overhaul) - 你的新帝国(帝国机制大修)【中文汉化】
Создатели: To infinity and beyond 开发更新: 你的新帝国正在根据CA在《腐烂王座》中为帝国加入的超棒内容重制,届时会以更大更好的版本重新发布! 介绍 帝国各个方面的大修,彻底改革了外交、机制、抉择事件等等,让帝国更像帝国。难能可贵的是兼容性很不错,与SFO、Sigmar's Heirs等模组都兼容。 外交 玩家和AI启用军盟与防盟外交选项 外交基于效忠度:例如,缔结军盟需要8+效忠度 地缘政治:派系之间的关系变化和新协议。例如,战役开始时瑞...
Worthy Warcry (For Epic Battle Audio)
Создатели: _Zorbaz
UPDATED 28.Feb.24 - Updated for 4.2! Welcome fair travelers, for today we sing of the roar of battle, the thwack of bolts and the thunder of blackpowder. This mod changes a number of things about several audio mods that I loved from WH2. This mod changes n...
Your New Empire (Reikland)
Создатели: Pear
Development Update: Your New Empire is being reworked in light of CA's awesome new Empire stuff for ToD and will be re-released bigger and better than before! -------------------- As you may have seen, The Empire is getting a massive (and impressive) overh...
Yuanbo, Miao Ying and Zhao Ming Cast Dragon Form || 元伯妙影昭明龙形态施法使用技能
Создатели: abf1999
The mod is intended for campaign. Update: works for Yuanbo, 元伯可用 Miao Ying and Zhao Ming can now use their active in dragon form. This mod also enables casting in dragon form. 中文可用...
Yuanbo casts 4 Lore of magic, cast and use abilities in dragon form || 元伯4系法术变龙施法
Создатели: abf1999
Some magics are unlocked from start and some are unlocked through the skill tree. This mod is intended for campaign only. Feel free to provide feedback on bugs, thanks. 部分魔法出生即接锁,其余的通过技能树接锁。如果有bug请反馈谢谢。...
Yvresse Mists Upgraded
Создатели: Lycia Pintella
This empowers the upgrades in the Athel Tamarha Dungeon that impact mist. Specifically, levels 2 and 3 of the upgrade will further increase campaign movement range and agent action success chance. While I don't yet know how to add it to the rite descriptio...
Создатели: ZioCru <-- help me reach more people This mod adds more roleplay but also a graphical aspect to the infantry regiments and, still currently being worked on, artillery crew. This mod adds officers, bodyguards, and two bannermen to t...
ZC ANIMATION MOD (WIP) - Handgunners update
Создатели: ZioCru <-- help me reach more people Description This is the attempt to create a more living feel in the battlefield using varied random animations such as different walks, charges etc.. for the same unit. It's only visual and it's...
Создатели: ZioCru <-- help me reach more people ATTENTION ATTENTION - NEW ALL IN ONE ZC MODDING ASSETS SUBSCRIBE HERE Description This is the Empire assets used in the reskin, officer and death heads mod and are required to be downloaded in o...
ZC EMPIRE RESKIN (2.0) - Free company update
Создатели: ZioCru <-- help me reach more people Description The workshop return. *If you want to add floppy hats in the variants you need this EMPIRE SUBMOD - Floppy Hats for Reskin because this reskin is helmets only* The ZC Empire Reskin is...
Zhao Ming Iron Dragon Reskin
Создатели: 小铭
ZHAOMING RESKIN MODEL by @潇然 If u like it , please rate ...
Zhao Ming Lore of Yang and Metal Spells + use abilities and cast in Dragon form 昭明双系12魔法变龙施法放技能
Создатели: abf1999
Update 2.2: enables active abilities in dragon form 更新2.2: 变龙可以使用主动技能 As the title suggested, this mod enables Zhao Ming to be able to cast full lore of yang and lore of life spells. I merged the mod to enable casting the disabled spells in dragon form. Th...
[3.1.0] Armour-piercing Lance Charges!
Создатели: Mega Ultra Chicken
Current Version: Patch 3.1.0 This mod does not require updates, except when a new lance-armed cavalry unit has been added. What is it? Lance-armed cavalry units in TW:WH suffer from a critical lack of armour-piercing damage, which in turn render them extre...
[DEER24/巴托尼亚]骑士王国( BRETONNIA UNITS PATCH Knight Kingdom)
Создатели: 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
骑士王国 巴托尼亚单位合集 Intro      巴托尼亚,骑士的国度,这个伟大的派系把我的思绪带回了遥远的中世纪,CA为巴托尼亚制作了丰富而优秀的兵种,但为了得到更丰富、更有中世纪国度风味的游戏体验,我制作了本Mod,基于中世纪风格的大量新增步兵单位以及几个原创新骑士团的精锐部队,配合上原版无比强悍的巴托骑士,我想你一定能感受到来自中世纪的召唤      Bretonnia, the kingdom of knights, this great faction has brought my thought...
[BETA] Sons of Asuryan - Dragon Mages
Создатели: Xoudad
"We are the chosen of Asuryan, beloved of the gods and heirs to the world. Our armies are the finest in creation; swift where our foes are lumbering, cultured where they are barbaric. Give no thought to failure, nor defeat – we are the Children of Ulthuan ...
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行 派系包(Faction leader)
Создатели: 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四   介绍      本Mod可以与其他修改了震旦派系的Mod共同使用 但排序优先的Mod派系效果会覆盖下方的Mod,人物则会加入受伤状态,可以正...
[DEER24/震旦] 云骧Reskin (Yun Xiang RESKIN for WWD)
Создатели: 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
奉先美化      云骧是我在震旦Mod与龙同行中创作的传奇人物,他是龙帝禁军的统领、龙帝的冠军勇士,本Mod是为该人物制作的reskin,为他添加了头盔和一些装饰性的物件      为了使用本Mod,你必须先订阅右侧必须物品中表示的mod套组 请注意要将本Mod排序在本体上方      你可以自由在原版和reskin版本间进行切换      Yunxiang is a legendary character created by me in the Cathay Mod Walk with the dra...
[DEER24/震旦] 昊天将军RESKIN Vers2(Celestial general reskin Vers2)
Создатели: 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
昊天将军美化      这是我为昊天将军制作的另一种新的造型,相比Ver1对单位模型进行了更大幅度的改动,以为大家提供更多的选择,你可以通过点击上方的震旦合集来查看我制作的其他震旦MOD一起使用,体验更丰富的震旦内容      I have created a new shape for Celestial general to provide more choices for everyone,You can click on the Cathay collection above to view oth...
Создатели: 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
龙卫美化      我为龙卫制作了一种新的造型,以为大家提供更多的选择,你可以通过点击上方的震旦合集来查看我制作的其他震旦MOD一起使用,体验更丰富的震旦内容      I have created a new shape for CELESTIAL GUARDto provide more choices for everyone,You can click on the Cathay collection above to view other Sinian MODs I have created an...
[GLF] Ancillaries Remake金花物品重制
Создатели: 金花
这个MOD不包含语言文本,任何玩家都可以直接使用,也可以随意取消订阅,不影响存档 This MOD does not contain language text and does not require language patches. Any player can use it directly, You can also unsubscribe at will without affecting the archive MOD介绍: 这个MOD计划重新调整所有物品的效果(不包含坐骑、旗帜、随从) 增强...
[GLF] Hero Expansion金花英雄拓展
Создатели: 金花
这个MOD增加了新的传奇英雄 这些传奇英雄都有独特的技能与技能书,还有专属神器 这个MOD兼容MCT模块 推荐跟下面这个原版数据大修一起使用 传奇领主与英雄获取方式: 补丁: English Pat...
[IE] Loreful Strategic Threat
Создатели: IfThenOrElse
This mod replaces Strategic Threat for IE only, with something that makes more sense in a lore friendly way for both the player and the AI. UPDATE: ported over from Game 2. Big thanks to Vandy for his help with scripted effect bundles! Big thanks to AwwHEE...
[LIG] Reskin - Ulrika
Создатели: Less Is Good
Description Ulrika reskin each for Kislev and Empire, If you play campaign as empire you will get Empire version and Kislev version when playing Kislev Empire Design inspired by GW official artwork Compatiblity Compatible unless change Ulrika's appearance ...
[No Longer Needed] Skill Bug Fix for Yuan Bo, Changeling, and Kairos
Создатели: Alex Zhao
CA fixed this bug in 4.1, and this mod is no longer needed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yuan Bo, Changeling, and Kairos have a unique skill that was overridden by another skill due to skill node location over...
[Ported] High Elves Landmarks Overhaul (OUTDATED)
Создатели: Magician
HE Landmarks Overhaul Use new links in below Use new links in below Use new links in below New version here This mod requires Mixu's Unlocker onwards. Features This mod adds 30+ landmarks for the High Elves race. ...