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Execute (useless) Lords & Heroes
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5 Apr, 2023 @ 1:14pm
30 Apr @ 8:26pm
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Execute (useless) Lords & Heroes

This mod adds ui elements that allow the player to "execute" (useless) lords and heroes - even if they are immortal !

First of all, this is the Warhammer 3 port of the mod created by sm0kin for TWW 2. He started working on this version and accepted to let me finish it. I mostly updated parts of the script that were outdated in TWW 3 and fixed some bugs. So big thanks to sm0kin for his work and I will give him back the "ownership" of this mod if he wants to do more modding in the future.

Features :
The base game doesn't allow the player to easily delete characters, and immortal ones can't be removed at all. This is why this mod was created. It makes it possible to get rid of unwanted characters including immortal ones.

The execution of a character can't be reverted so be careful when using this mod (reload the last save if you make a mistake). Don't forget to unequip the items of a character before the deletion, I tried to make the mod automatically unequip all items of executed characters but the function supposed to do that doesn't work in TWW3 for some reason...

By default, this mod blocks the execution of legendary lords, faction leaders and legendary heroes. However, if you also use the Mod Configuration Tool, an option is added to allow you to remove this restriction :

No restriction risks
When you allow the execution of special characters in MCT, be careful if you decide to delete one. It could have bad consequences in some cases. Only remove the restriction if you really know what you are doing.

Known risks so far =
- Deleting the faction leader while playing the Legion of Chaos (Daemon of Chaos) will make the game crash when clicking on the "Character Details" button at the bottom of the Daemonic Glory screen.
- With Mixu's Slayer mod, deleting a Slayer Lord that has an embedded hero will make the game crash. Make sure to disband the army and remove the embedded hero first before deleting the lord (this is a special army that can't exist without its lord anyway).

What about new lords/heroes added by other mods :
The mod should still work without any issue and allow the execution of new lords/heroes.

Regarding the greyed out checkbox security that prevents the deletion of unique lords and faction leaders, it should still work too with mods. However, this security doesn't necessarily work for new modded legendary heroes. If you spot any modded legendary lord/hero that can be deleted by default, please let me know in the comments. I will then add them to the blacklist.

Compatibility :
This mod shouldn't have any compatibility issue with other mods.
It can be activated/deactivated at any time during a campaign.
It should be compatible with multiplayer.

Please let me know in the comments if you spot any issue.
CloudedWizard 29 May @ 6:30pm 
Love this mod, thank you. so annoying resetting pool to get the attribute i want for a general and having my forces tab with so many useless lords that ill never touch
AbyssNox 15 May @ 9:05am 
Doesnt seem to work in multiplayer when we added reskin for heroes, we added this mod
Lampros 30 Apr @ 6:31pm 
Does this require an update?
NeoKorp 15 Mar @ 4:30am 
Still works.
TorquevonThorne 12 Feb @ 7:42am 
Without this I would be forced to not increase my heroes recruit level since if they reach level 20 I couldn't disband those with bad traits and they will occupy precious slots. Thank you.
Espritviril`` 13 Jan @ 8:42am 
One of my favorite mods since WH2, keep up the good work brother. Should've been in the base game
CrUsHeR 1 Nov, 2023 @ 12:27pm 
TBH i expected the deletion button to be within the "Recruit" roster, because that's where all the useless lords are piling up.
etienne_treville 13 Oct, 2023 @ 6:51pm 
Elliott 24 Sep, 2023 @ 11:21am 
Thanks for the mod. Unrelated but doesn't Yuri really look like Dutch from Red Dead Redemption in that picture?
后勤连政委 11 Sep, 2023 @ 5:14am 
Because CA is a lazy dog XD