Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Items (998)
フェンスパック Japanese Fences Pack
Created by TOKACHI269
日本のフェンスです。まだまだ追加する予定あり。ほしいフェンスがあればコメントで教えてくれるともしかしたら作るかもしれません。 Japanese fences pack.There are plans to add more. <Contents> フェンス(1,2,3、門) ネット(白、緑) 橋 学校 線路わきの柵 ブロック(ノーマル、低、透かしブロック、門) アコーディオンフェンス 追加:ブロック2、入口、柵板杭1、2 追加2:16m ver 追加3:8m ver <Mesh info> main tri...
エアコン室外機 / JP AC Units
Created by koma
This is a prop for the outdoor unit of an air conditioner. 16 types are included in the package. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- エアコンの室外機のプロップです。 16種類同梱しています。 ---------------------------...
上海南京大楼 Shanghai Nanjing Building
Created by KimuXY
三井住友信託銀行 / JP Mitsui Sumitomo Trust Bank
Created by koma
3 / 6, the building was updated with a unique building version without signage. This is the Fu ku i Branch of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Fu ku i City, Fu ku i Prefecture. The building was constructed in 1934 and is still in use as an active bank. Growable...
上海外滩 1 号 - 上海外滩亚细亚大楼 No.1 The Mc Bain Building
Created by KimuXY
外滩1号初建于1916年,由英国「麦边洋行」投资,「马海洋行」设计。是当之无愧的「外滩第一楼」。 建筑为新古典主义风格,平面「回」字形中央天井,外观带巴洛克装饰。朝向延安东路和外滩的两个立面,分别设置两排爱奥尼式立柱,柱头涡卷优美,是点睛之笔。 1917年,壳牌石油旗下「亚细亚火油公司」购入命名「亚细亚大楼」。解放后成为「上海冶金设计院」所在地,1996年由「中国太平洋保险公司」总部入驻。...
上海外滩 15 号 - 上海外汇交易中心 No.15 The Russo-Chinese Bank
Created by KimuXY
外滩15号「华俄道胜银行」1902年竣工,由德国「倍高洋行」设计,建筑巧夺天工,施工精益求精,是当时跨时代的先锋之作。 建筑以花岗石饰面,立面经典三段式设计,表面镶贴乳白色釉面瓷砖,开创先河。是上海现存最早的,按照西方古典原则运用柱式的建筑,纯粹而古典。楼内贯通三层的中央大厅,高大敞亮。 1928年「中央银行」成为外滩15号新主人。此后1949年「上海航天局」,1994年「中国外汇交易中心」均曾入主,「上海黄金交易所」在此成立。如今则为「上海外汇交易中心」。...
上海外滩 14号 - 上海市总工会 No.14 Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions
Created by KimuXY
宝顺洋行→德华银行→交通银行大楼→上海市总工会 最初是英资企业宝顺洋行的产业,19世纪下半叶被徳华洋行买下,后被交通银行上海分行接管,并于1947年重建,是外滩建筑群中最后建成的一座。1951年起,由上海市总工会进驻至今。...
上海历史博物馆/上海跑马总会旧址 Shanghai History Museum/Former Site of Shanghai Horse Racing Club
Created by KimuXY
上海外滩 19 号 - 上海外滩和平饭店南楼 No.19 The Palace Hotel
Created by KimuXY
外滩19号1908年建成之时,曾是租借历史最悠久的外资豪华旅馆「汇中饭店」。抗日战争期间「汇中饭店」曾被日军占领,新中国成立后多次易主,1965年改为「和平饭店」南楼再度开放。 建筑由司各特设计,安妮女王复兴风格,共6层,清水红白砖的立面在灰色的外滩背景下格外生动夺目。顶部东侧南北各有一座造型迥异的巴洛克式塔亭,室内还安装有两部国内最早的电梯。 2010年全球最大钟表集团「斯沃琪集团」将建筑整体修缮,刻意裸露原始立柱和灰色砖墙,将古老和现代精彩碰撞,华丽转身为如今的「斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心」(The Swa...
上海外滩 24 号 - 上海外滩横滨正金银行大楼 No.24 on the Bund
Created by KimuXY
外滩24号建于1924年,由「公和洋行」设计。最初是日资「横滨正金银行」所在地。除正常业务外,还曾处理中国对日战争赔款和对华贷款。 建筑将日本元素和希腊复兴风格融为一体,高7层,立面三段式设计。外立面浅色日本花岗岩与黑色铁门对比鲜明。中层设一对贯通四层的爱奥尼克式巨柱,局部雕像装饰。 1945年外滩24号一度作为国民党「中央银行」。1949年成为「中国人民银行」华东分行。2000年「中国工商银行」上海分行迁入。...
上海外滩 18 号 - 上海外滩麦加利银行大楼 No.18 The Chartered Bank of India Australia and China
Created by KimuXY
外滩18号建于1923年,原是英商「麦加利银行」总部,由「公和洋行」设计建造。1955年「麦加利银行」迁出后,此楼数次易主。 建筑为希腊复兴古典主义风格,立面三段式设计。底部基座为花岗岩砌筑;中部中央设一对贯通三层的爱奥尼克式柱,两侧窗楣为希腊式檐饰;顶部两道简洁的檐口线脚。 2004年重新修复改建,在保留珍贵历史痕迹之上,为老建筑注入了全新的生命与活力。入驻时尚品牌旗舰店、国际著名餐厅、酒吧、艺术展馆等。2006年,改造工程荣获联合国教科文组织颁发的「亚太文化遗产保护奖」。...
上海外滩 28 号 - 上海外滩格林邮船大楼 No.28 The Glen Line Building
Created by KimuXY
1922年落成的外滩28号由英商「格林邮船公司」所建。 建筑为古典主义风格,水刷石饰面。基座饰面采用大块花岗石砌筑而成,入口2根爱奥尼克立柱,中部及上部采用平拱门窗,顶部退台呈塔状造型。 1945—1950年外滩28号曾为「美国总领馆」驻地,此后「上海人民广播电台」、「上海市文化局」等先后入驻。改造竣工后,现为「上海清算所」。...
上海外滩 26 号 - 上海外滩扬子大楼 No.26 The Yangtze Insurance Association Building
Created by KimuXY
外滩26号建于1916年,由美商「旗昌洋行」旗下「扬子保险」投资,「公和洋行」设计。 建筑呈现新古典主义风格,中规中矩又富有变化。底层平梁式入口,二层变化为半圆形券窗,壁柱贯通三至五层,六层中部设爱奥尼克式双柱柱廊,屋顶花园视野绝佳。 太平洋战争期间,「扬子大楼」曾被日军接管,战后恢复保险业务。1950年公司结束在华业务,「中国粮油进出口公司」等进驻办公,1957年房管部门接管,现为「中国农业银行」上海分行。...
上海外滩 29 号 - 上海外滩光大银行大楼 No.29 on the Bund
Created by KimuXY
外滩临街建筑中,唯独29号有法资背景。1912年,法国「东方汇理银行」出资兴建,「通和洋行」设计施工。 建筑呈现古典主义风格,立面构图精美,外墙花岗石饰面。底层高大拱券,二三层中部有贯通两层的爱奥尼克式立柱,设计亮点是二层窗洞,采用16世纪经典的帕拉帝奥构图,灵感源于罗马帝国 建筑形制。 1955年「东方汇理银行」结束在华业务,外滩29号由「上海市公安局」使用。20世纪90年代金融机构重新入驻,「光大银行」作为首家国内金融机构成功进。...
上海外滩 7 号 - 上海外滩大北电报公司大楼 No.7 The Great Northern Telegraph Company Building
Created by KimuXY
作为最早在中国经营电报业务的公司,丹麦「大北电报公司」于1882年购入外滩7号,原「旗昌洋行」办公楼,1906年斥资建造了这座法国文艺复兴风格大楼。 外滩7号由英国「通和洋行」设计砖混结构,立面三段式划分,造型典雅,装饰有大量希腊爱奥尼柱式,一对巴洛克式黑色穹顶,优雅的立于顶端两侧,与巨大的白色山花对比鲜明。 1922年「大北电报公司」迁址另建,外滩7号先后入驻「中国通商银行」和「长江航运公司」等。1995年外滩恢复金融街功能,泰国「盘古银行」首批入驻的外资银行。...
上海外滩2号 - 上海总会大楼 No.2 Shanghai Club Building
Created by KimuXY
上海总会大楼→日军海军武官府→国际海员俱乐部→东风饭店→华尔道夫酒店 1861年由在沪英侨创设上海总会,1864年建楼,1910年重建。曾为日军海军武官府,解放后改建为国际海员俱乐部。1971年改为东风饭店,现为希尔顿集团旗下华尔道夫酒店。...
上海外滩 9 号 - 上海外滩轮船招商总局大楼 No.9 The China Merchants Company Building
Created by KimuXY
1876年,中国首家轮船公司「轮船招商局」,购入竞争对手美商「旗昌轮船公司」外滩9号「旗昌洋行大楼」。1901年「轮船招商局」斥资220万两白银重建该楼,委托英国「通和洋行」设计,成为「招商局上海分公司」。1937年后数易其主,至1998年已残破不堪。 作为外滩唯一现存的维多利亚风格外廊建筑,外滩9号由「玛礼逊洋行」设计仅3层,砖木结构,清水红墙,底层为石筑外墙,二三层优雅敞廊点缀塔斯干柱式和科林斯柱式。两侧顶部山墙有雕刻精美的山花。 2001年外滩9号大修工程启动,重新恢复红砖外立面和三角形山花,以及外滩...
上海外滩 6 号 - 上海外滩中国通商银行大楼 No.6 The Russell & Co.Building
Created by KimuXY
外滩6号由英国『玛礼逊洋行」设计,呈现维多利亚式哥特风格,主入口有漂亮的连拱廊。各层窗洞自上而下,分别采用尖券、平券、弧形券和半圆券,和谐中充满细节的微妙变化,优美而灵动。 最初,外滩6号是美商「旗昌洋行」产业,后为官办「轮转招商局」,1897年5月27日,近代中国首家银行「中国通商银行」在此翻开中国金融史的全新篇章。 1956年「中国通商银行』划入「中国人民银行」,外滩6号交由「长江轮船公司」使用。2006年修复后,融奢侈品旗舰店和高档餐饮于一体,成为外滩另一座时尚地标。...
上海大同商务大厦 Shanghai Datong Business Building
Created by KimuXY
上海惠罗商厦 Shanghai Huiluo Commercial Building
Created by KimuXY
南京东路100号的建筑,是惠罗商厦。这家经营面积4000平米的百货商店,虽然坐拥的地块不错,但客流量并不大,现在在上海众多商业体中籍籍无名,但惠罗公司曾经是上海四大百货公司之一。 惠罗公司的历史可以追溯到1904年,曾以专营泊来精品、礼品,而扬名中国乃至东南亚。大新、新新、永安、先施,是30年代崛起的上海滩四大百货公司。在它们之前的四大百货公司是惠罗、泰兴、福利和汇司这四家。其中只有惠罗依然存续,其他三家都已消失。 惠罗的名字来源于两位创始人Whiteaway和Laidlaw各取一个字,如今惠罗卖的东西不是...
上海电力大楼 Shanghai Electric Power Building
Created by KimuXY
Created by koma
This is Nakauchi Eye Clinic in Tondabayashi City, Osaka Prefecture. Built in the Taisho era (around 1924), it is a three-story reinforced concrete (RC) building with a large semicircular arch window on the first floor and a raised window with a semicircula...
上海金融博物馆 Shanghai Financial Museum
Created by KimuXY
2016年2月5日,金融博物馆暨银行博物馆在上海正式开馆。该博物馆位于上海市黄浦区复兴中路301号原上海律师公会原址,展览面积近4000平方米,展出各类珍贵金融历史文物5000余件,是国内馆藏最丰富、珍稀文物最多的金融行业博物馆。 金融博物馆暨银行博物馆的前身上海银行博物馆于2000年正式开馆,是中国工商银行创办的全国首家金融行业博物馆。展览以中国的近代银行发展史为主线,全景再现中国百年金融风云,典藏中国深厚的金融文化底蕴。...
Created by often
中式自建房prop包 3个太阳能热水器,资产名字:swh1,swh2,swh3 2个水箱,资产名字:lishi,woshi 标签:中式,自建楼,自建房,住宅,广西,太阳能热水器,水箱,储水罐,水塔 Tags:Chinese,self-built building,self-built houses,Residential,Guangxi,solar water heater,tank,water tower
Created by 红米先生
妇幼保健院 by 红米...
Created by RichardShi
重庆解放碑CHONGQING MONUMENT by RichardShi...
錆びたフェンスパック / rusty fence pack
Created by kasasasa
日本のフェンスは非常に充実していますが、綺麗なものばかりだったので錆びた汚いものを造りました。 長さは2mであり、 TOKACHI269さんのもの や SUGINOKOさんのもの と同じサイズなため組み合わせることもできます。 Japanese fences are very substantial, but they were all beautiful, so we built a rusty, dirty one. It is 2 meters long and the same size as TO...
(G) 31 East 79th Street
Created by Prosper
Growable / Residential High / level 5 / 2x3 / 2048x2048 / 3366 tris / LOD 256x256 / 164 tris (Do not use this asset if you have little RAM) 15-story cooperative apartment house at 31 East 79th Street. Built in 1925. Thanks Darf for some textures and watert...
(G) Baxter Loft
Created by Prosper
Residential High / level 1 / 4x2 / 1024x1024 / 2496 tris / LOD 256x256 / 234 tris Update 22.11.2016: Residential High / Corner / level 4 / 4x2 / 2048x1024 / 1387 tris / LOD 256x256 / 80 tris + RICO ready (8 "homes") ...
(G) Greeley Square Building
Created by Prosper
Growable / Residential High / level 5 / 4x4 / 2048x2048 / 6013 tris / LOD 256x256 / 140 tris 25-story Renaissance-revival office building. Built in 1927. 875-881 6th Avenue. ...
(G) Parker Loft
Created by Prosper
Residential High / level 3 / 4x3 / 1024x1024 / 2699 tris / LOD 512x512 / 28 tris Update 22.11.2016 Residential High / Corner / level 4 / 4x3 / 2048x512 / 1110 tris / LOD 256x256 / 20 tris + RICO ready (9 "homes")...
1080 5th Ave
Created by Prosper
Growable / Residential High / level 5 / 3x4 / 1024x2048 / 5465 tris / LOD 256x256 / 250 tris Based on high-rise residential building at 1080 5th Avenue, NYC. Built in 1961. ...
(G) The Court Building
Created by Prosper
Office / level 1 / 2x2 / 1024x1024 / 2649 tris / LOD 256x256 / 84 tris Update 09.11.2020: Actual scale, new textures, more details Office / level 3 / corner / 3x3 / 2048x1024 / 3539 tris / LOD 256x256 / 38 tris Based on beaux-arts office building on 123 NW...
100m Highrise Condo
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 growable high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 13319 tris 1024x512, LOD 128 tris 256x256, submesh 3240 tris, glass...
10x5 Parking Lot
Created by Crazyglueit
A simple 10x5 parking lot Part of my collection to add realistic parking lots This lot can be found in Public Transportation under the large roads tab Properties Size10x5 Cost2500 Fire20 Maintenance25 Tourists0 Entertainment25 Radius100 Goes well with 2x10...
10x6 Parking Lot
Created by Crazyglueit
A simple 10x6 parking lot Part of my collection to add realistic parking lots This lot can be found in Public Transportation under the large roads tab Properties Size10x6 Cost3000 Fire20 Maintenance30 Tourists0 Entertainment25 Radius100 Goes well with 2x10...
11-19 San Kan Street | 新勤街11-19號
Created by Jeremychit 11-19 San Kan Street 新勤街11-19號 Introduction Prewar shophouse building on San Kan Street, Sheung Shui, Hong Kong. Built in 1933 Located in the former market town of Shek Wu Hui, Sheung Shui, th...
111 Huntington Avenue
Created by jc21539
111 Huntington Avenue by johncomerford The only donation I ask for is a thumbs up vote! ^_^ This building had me at "R2-D2". 111 Huntington Avenue is a Boston skyscraper. Located on Huntington Avenue, it ...
113th Street Apartments (5 pack high res growable)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a set of 5 High residential New York inspired apartments. Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to see new releases and upcoming work visit my pat...
12 Place Vendôme 2.0
Created by Lost Gecko
This asset is an updated version of salutolive's "12 Place Vendome". All credits go to the original asset creator. 31/10/19 update: file name changed (and more importantly, improved texture brightness). As a result, the asset might have disappeared from yo...
1515 Woodward Ave
Created by Modocero
1515 Woodward Ave Comercial High 3x4 Asset Info Main Tris: 4667 Texture: 512*4096, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, ilumination LOD Tris: 126 Texture 256x256, Diffuse, Ilumination This asset is comisioned by nicocn383 Real Building
120 Degree Commercial Corner
Created by Smilies
RICO commercial 3x3 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination Main mesh 1271 tris, LOD 19 tris 64x64 Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance looks best when placed with move it mod 4 color variations Asset shares textures with Old Montreal 1...
1529 Woodward Ave
Created by Modocero
1529 Woodward Ave Comercial High 3x4 Asset Info Main Tris: 3033 Texture: 512*4096, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, ilumination, Alpha LOD Tris: 171 Texture 256x256, Diffuse, Ilumination Real Building,-83.0497927,3a,90y,22...
159 state street
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 2x2 High Ress corner lvl 2. About the model The seventh building of my New England series, this building is located in Boston Mass. I guess not the most extravagant building, but I think ...
1880 Stick Victorian commercial pack
Created by Evangeline
Dream house for sale A pack of 1880's 'stick' victorians with commercial shop front. these buildings were very typical of the SF bay area and came in all kind of shapes and sizes. This is part of the Presidio Bay collection, requested by Bsquiklehausen and...
160 state street
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 2x2 High Ress corner lvl 3 About the model The twelfth building of my New England series. The building is located in Boston, at you guessed it: 160 state street. You've seen this one befo...
1880 Stick Victorian duplex pack
Created by Evangeline
Dream house for sale A pack of 1880's 'stick' victorians in the residential 'duplex' style . these buildings were very typical of the SF bay area and came in all kind of shapes and sizes. This is part of the Presidio Bay collection, requested by Bsquikleha...
1880 Stick Victorian rowhouse
Created by Evangeline
Dream house for sale This is the 1880's 'stick' victorian rowhouse. a very common form of house type in the SF bay area This is part of the Presidio Bay collection, requested by Bsquiklehausen and Interurban Era. You can support the project in the official...
189 Atlantic Ave. Brooklyn (Residential Pack)
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) I saw this building and fell in love immediately. I just had to make it. -growable (of course) -2 L5 high residential buildings -custombuildings -triangles: yes, a lot of yes actually. Dont worry...
1900's American Lowrise
Created by Smilies
Generic Early American commercial building Level 1 high density density commercial 2x4 Main mesh 1088 tris, foundation submesh 304 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color Custom LOD 66 tris 128x128 texture custom foundation with stairs for gent...
1900's Highrise 57m
Created by Smilies
High density residential level 2 3x4 1536x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination Main mesh 7634 tris, LOD 44 tris Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance - 20m wide, looks best when hand placed with move it mod 4 color variations Shared textur...
1900's American Shop
Created by Smilies
Generic Early American commercial building Level 2 low density commercial 1x3 Main mesh 666 tris foundation submesh 146 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color Custom LOD 36 tris 128x128 texture custom foundation with stairs for gentle slope to...
1900's Highrise Corner 89m
Created by Smilies
High density residential level 2 2x3 corner 1536x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination Main mesh 5200 tris, LOD 36 tris Submesh 178 tris Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance - looks best when hand placed with move it mod Shared textures wi...
1900's Midrise Corner
Created by Smilies
High density residential level 2 2x3 corner 1536x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination Main mesh 2066 tris, LOD 36 tris Submesh 178 tris Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance - looks best when hand placed with move it mod Shared textures wi...
1900's Small Bank
Created by Smilies
Level 1 office 2x3 1536x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination Main mesh 418 tris, LOD 36 tris Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance - 12m wide looks best when hand placed with move it mod Shared textures with 1900's Highrise 57m, 1900's Mid...
1900's American Midrise
Created by Smilies
Generic Early American wall-to-wall midrise with New England style rooftop addition High density Residential 2x4 Main mesh 2648 tris, foundation submesh 286 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color Custom LOD 74 tris 128x128 texture custom found...
1920s American Highrise
Created by Smilies
Meant to look like a generic 1920s highrise that you'd find in pretty much any North American city 4x2 corner office L3 growable 10030 tris 1024x2048 textures diffuse, color, spec, illumination and normal maps custom LOD 36 tris LOD baked 256x256 textures ...
1930's Barn lamp
Created by Evangeline
A very common lamp in the 1930's, these could be found anywhere, ranging from industrial buildings in the city, to sawmills, barns and train stations in the rural countryside. This works as a lamp, and is a required item for most my future building assets....
1950s Shopset + Modular RICO buildings
Created by Feindbold
Next person who asks about the building in the background will be blocked from using any of my assets! Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) The set contains 7 Buildings: 1 standalone cornerversion + 1 mirror 1 Modular cornerversion ...
1984 Chevrolet Sportvan G20 Yellow
Created by jaksch
Vehicle information 1984 Chevrolet G20 Sportvan in a Yellow paintjob. Prop included! Technical information textures 1024x1024 tris: 4,972 LOD: auto-generated Special thanks to u/ProvokedLobster for providing the beautiful screenshots. Also a big thank you ...
1991 Jeep Cherokee XJ (Dirty)
Created by jaksch
Vehicle information 1984-1996 Jeep Cherokee XJ but this time, it's dirty. Prop included! Technical information textures 1024x1024 tris: 2,714 LOD: auto-generated Special thanks to u/ProvokedLobster for providing the beautiful screenshots. Furthermore I'd l...
1995 Chevrolet K1500 Suburban LS
Created by jaksch
Vehicle information 1992-1999 Chevrolet K1500 Suburban in LS trim. Prop included! Technical information textures 1024x1024 tris: 2,606 LOD: auto-generated Special thanks to u/ProvokedLobster for providing the beautiful screenshots. Heavy modification of a ...
Created by Feindbold
camin1_100cm by Feindbild...
Created by Feindbold
camin2_150cm by Feindbild...
Created by Feindbold
camin1_250cm by Feindbild...
1French Chimneys [Prop Pack]
Created by Gèze
Informations: This is a prop pack containing typical french chimneys. Additional informations: Model tris: Low enough to make this pack less than 2MB. Texture size: Small. I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le dernier, don...
2 Commerce Square
Created by KingLeno
2 Commerce Square by KingLeno Plain boring generic midrise concrete office building. 4x4 but includes RICO settings. ******** If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee to show support and appreciation by making a small donation vi...
2-Lane Two-Way Country Road
Created by Delta 5-1
The Country Road is designed to carry moderate traffic volumes, at speeds up to 80 km/h (50 mph), while allowing pedestrian access and zoning. Details (this and related roads) Narrow Country Lane Country Lane ✔️ Country Road ✔️ Lanes 1 (One-Way) 2 (Two-Way...
2-Lane Two-Way Country Lane
Created by Delta 5-1
The Country Lane is designed to carry low traffic volumes, at speeds up to 50 km/h (30 mph), while allowing pedestrian access and zoning. Details (this and related roads) Narrow Country Lane ✔️ Country Lane ✔️ Country Road Lanes 1 (One-Way) 2 (Two-Way) 2 (...
2003 Toyota Prius
Created by Californianyt
A Hatchback by the Japanese automaker Toyota Toyota Prius 2003 and Prop Version Originally released for patrons on: December 21, 2020 "Prius" is Latin for "prior" or "previous." Presented at the April 2003 New York International Auto Show, for the 2004 US ...
2006 Ford Focus
Created by VeesGuy
2006 Ford Focus by VeesGuy Props: Tris: 3478 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page: Early Access Vehicles: -2021 VW Multivan -2021 VW Transporter -2022 Kia Proce...
2008 Acura TL
Created by VeesGuy
2008 Acura TL by VeesGuy Props: Tris: 2978 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page: Early Access Vehicles: -2021 VW Multivan -2021 VW Transporter -2022 Kia Proceed...
2008 Honda Accord
Created by VeesGuy
2008 Honda Accord by VeesGuy Props: Tris: 3399 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page: Early Access Vehicles: -2021 VW Multivan -2021 VW Transporter -2022 Kia Pro...
2008 Nissan Altima
Created by VeesGuy
2008 Nissan Altima by VeesGuy Props: Tris: 3291 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page: Early Access Vehicles: -2021 VW Multivan -2021 VW Transporter -2022 Kia Pr...
2008 Chrysler Crossfire
Created by Californianyt
A sport by the North American automaker Chrysler Chrysler Crossfire 2008 and Prop Version A Commission by BrowncoatTrekky. The name "Crossfire" refers to the two character lines that run from front to rear along the body sides Developed during the union of...
2010 GMC Terrain
Created by Californianyt
A crossover SUV by the American automaker GMC GMC Terrain 2010 and Prop Version A Commission by Bastet, Thank you for this amazing SUV! :D The 2010 Terrain debuted in April 2009 at the New York International Auto Show, introduced as a replacement for the P...
2010 Honda Odyssey
Created by Californianyt
A Minivan by the Japanese automaker Honda Honda Odyssey 2010 and Prop Version Originally released for patrons on: December 30, 2020 For the North American market, the Odyssey has been manufactured and marketed by Honda since 1994, now in its fifth generati...
2010 Honda Civic
Created by Californianyt
A sedan by the Japanese automaker Honda Honda Civic 2010 and Prop Version Originally a subcompact, the Civic has gone through several generational changes, becoming both larger and more upscale, moving into the compact car segment. The eighth generation wa...
2010 Kia Sedona
Created by Californianyt
A minivan by the South Korean automaker KIA Kia Sedona / Carnival 2010 and Prop Version A Commission by Yannerrins, now we can go to the soccer game :P Kia introduced the second generation Sedona to the North American market at the Chicago Auto Show in Feb...
2010 Toyota Camry Hybrid
Created by Californianyt
A Hybrid mid-size sedan by the japanese automaker Toyota Toyota Camry Hybrid 2010 and Prop Version The XV40 Camry was introduced at the 2006 North American International Auto Show alongside a hybrid version and went on sale in March 2006 for the 2007 model...
2010 Toyota Prius
Created by Californianyt
A Hatchback by the Japanese automaker Toyota Toyota Prius 2010 and Prop Version "Prius" is Latin for "prior" or "previous." Presented at the April 2003 New York International Auto Show, for the 2004 US model year, the NHW20 Prius was a complete redesign. I...
2011 Mazda 6
Created by Californianyt
A mid-size sedan by the Japanese automaker Mazda Mazda 6 2011 Vehicle & Prop Known as the Mazda Atenza in Japan and China, derived from the Italian attenzione The second-generation Mazda6 made its premiere at the 2007 Frankfurt Motor Show in September. It ...
2012 Audi TT
Created by Californianyt
A Sport car by the German automaker Audi Audi TT 2012 Vehicle The styling of the Audi TT began in the spring of 1994 at the Volkswagen Group Design Center in California. The TT was first shown as a concept car at the 1995 Frankfurt Motor Show. The design i...
2012 Toyota Sienna
Created by Californianyt
A minivan by the Japanese automaker Toyota Toyota Sienna 2012 and Prop Version The Toyota Sienna is a minivan manufactured by Toyota at the Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana facility in Princeton, Indiana, United States. It is named for the Italian city o...
2012 Nissan Altima
Created by VeesGuy
2012 Nissan Altima by VeesGuy Props: Tris: 3249 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page: Early Access Vehicles: -2021 VW Multivan -2021 VW Transporter -2022 Kia Pr...
2012 VW Polo
Created by VeesGuy
2012 VW Polo by VeesGuy Props: Tris: 3002 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page: Early Access Vehicles: -2021 Tesla Model S -2022 Citroen C4 -2022 VW Passat -202...
2012 Dodge Journey
Created by Californianyt
A mid-size crossover SUV by the american automaker Dodge Dodge Journey 2012 and Prop Version Revisions for the 2011 model-year include modifications to the grille, lower front fascia, redesigned interior, suspension, steering, powertrain, and use of Dodge'...
2013 Nissan Maxima
Created by Californianyt
A sedan by the Japanese automaker Nissan Nissan Maxima 2013 Vehicle & Prop Offered as Nissan's flagship sedan primarily in North America, the Middle East, and China. and currently in its eighth generation. The Maxima was redesigned for the 2009 model year ...
2014 Toyota FJ Cruiser
Created by Californianyt
A retro style, mid-size SUV by the japanese automaker Toyota Toyota FJ Cruiser 2014 and Prop Version Introduced as a concept car at the January 2003 North American International Auto Show, the FJ Cruiser was approved for production after positive consumer ...
2015 Audi Q5
Created by Californianyt
A compact luxury SUV by the German automaker Audi Audi Q5 2015 Vehicle The US model went on sale in March 2009 Designed as a smaller version of the Q7, Audi's first SUV model introduced in 2006, the Q5 appealed to US car buyers who wanted a crossover vehic...
2016 Cadillac CT6
Created by Californianyt
A full-size luxury sedan by the American automaker Cadillac Cadillac CT6 2016 and Prop Version Originally released for patrons on: December 6, 2020 The CT6 was introduced at the 2015 New York International Auto Show and went on sale in the U.S. in March 20...
2015 Honda Accord
Created by VeesGuy
2015 Honda Accord by VeesGuy Props: Tris: 3012 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page: Early Access Vehicles: -2021 VW Multivan -2021 VW Transporter -2022 Kia Pro...
2015 Toyota Camry
Created by VeesGuy
2015 Toyota Camry by VeesGuy Props: Tris: 3427 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page: Early Access Vehicles: -2021 VW Multivan -2021 VW Transporter -2022 Kia Pro...
2016 Chevrolet Malibu
Created by Uniform006
2016 Chevrolet Malibu. prop are also included. If you like an asset, you can donate it through PayPal. kakaobank 3333-13-2041673
2016 Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat
Created by RyoSimsGuru
A four-door high performance muscle car by the American automaker Dodge. Dodge is upping its high-performance game again with the unveiling of the Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat. The new Charger SRT Hellcat will feature the supercharged 6.2-liter HEMI® Hellcat ...
2016 Honda Civic Sedan
Created by VeesGuy
2016 Honda Civic Sedan by VeesGuy Props: US Version: Tris: 3534 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page:
2017 Audi A4
Created by RyoSimsGuru
A compact mid-size luxury sedan by the German automaker Audi. Prop Version Support my work you can do it click my Patreon page. My Patreon Page Original model by 謀 Re-textured with Japanese Plate created by NagaoCity89...
2017 Jaguar F-Type
Created by Californianyt
A grand tourer (Sport car) by the british luxury automaker Jaguar Jaguar F-Type 2017 and Prop Version The 2015 Jaguar F-Type is a two-seat, rear-drive sports car available in coupe or convertible body styles, based on a shortened platform of the XK convert...
2017 Jaguar XF
Created by Californianyt
A executive luxury sports sedan by the British automaker Jaguar Jaguar XF 2017 Vehicle & Prop The XF is an evolution of the original J-Blade design pioneered in the X250 XF, with a largely similar silhouette. Following the first generation steel-bodied X25...
2017 Porsche Cayenne
Created by Californianyt
A mid-size luxury crossover SUV by the German automaker Porsche Porsche Cayenne 2017 and Prop Version Originally released for patrons on: December 12, 2020 With North American sales beginning in 2003. It is the first V8-engi...
2018 Chrysler 300
Created by Californianyt
A full-size luxury sedan by the American automaker Chrysler Chrysler 300 and Prop Version The 300 debuted as a concept at the 2003 New York International Auto Show with styling by Ralph Gilles and production starting in January 2004 for the 2005 model year...
2017 Kia Sedona
Created by Californianyt
A minivan by the South Korean automaker Kia Kia Sedona 2017 and Prop Version Also known as the Kia Carnival, was introduced in 1998 and was marketed in a single, short wheelbase with rear sliding doors. The third generation Carnival/Sedona debuted in April...
2018 Tesla Model X
Created by RyoSimsGuru
An electric crossover SUV by the American automaker Tesla. Built electric from the ground up, Tesla Model X is designed to be the safest car on the road. Tesla's own crash tests indicate that Model X will receive a 5-star safety rating in all categories, t...
2018 Volkswagen Transporter
Created by Californianyt
A van by the German automaker Volkswagen (Commission) Volkswagen Transporter 2018 The Volkswagen Transporter, based on the Volkswagen Group's T platform, now in its sixth generation, refers to a series of vans produced for over 60 years and marketed worldw...
2019 Audi S5
Created by Jackson Wang
2019 Audi S5 Prop version click here / 道具摆件版本 Thanks to the following patrons for their support! Collin Perez Filip Benjamin Rückner MCR Photography Ryo Nagao / rnagaorn Lev vladimerovich Neyshtadt dxcentx trey cowherd MADMAN Hype Fetch EPICO X MADMAN Алек...
2019 Ford Flex
Created by Californianyt
A full-size crossover SUV or wagon by the North American automaker Ford Ford Flex 2019 and Prop Version Introduced as the successor to the Ford Taurus X A single generation was produced from the 2009 to 2019 model years Introduced in 2005 as a concept vehi...
2020 Audi A6
Created by RyoSimsGuru
A mid-size luxury sedan by the German automaker Audi. Prop Version Original model by 謀 Re-textured with US Plate created by NagaoCity89...
2019 Volkswagen New Beetle
Created by Californianyt
A compact car by the German automaker Volkswagen New Beetle 2019 and Prop Version The second generation "New" Beetle shares the "A5" (PQ35) platform with the current generation Volkswagen Jetta and is built alongside the Jetta, Golf Variant and the old Jet...
2020 Buick Enclave
Created by Californianyt
A crossover SUV by the North American automaker Buick Buick Enclave 2020 and Prop Version The Enclave replaced both of Buick's SUVs, the minivan-based Rendezvous and the truck-based Rainier, as well as the Terraza minivan. In 2014, the Enclave was the top-...
2019 Ford Explorer
Created by Californianyt
A SUV by the American automaker Ford Ford Explorer 2019 and Prop Version Released for patrons: January 11th, 2021 The fifth generation Explorer made its debut online on July 26, 2010. Ford had set up a Ford Explorer Facebook page ahead of its debut. Assemb...
2020 Buick Regal
Created by Californianyt
A mid-size Sedan by the American automaker Buick Buick Regal 2020 and Prop Version Originally introduced as a personal luxury coupe, the Regal was later expanded to a full model line. On April 4, 2017, the sixth-generation 2018 Buick Regal was introduced a...
2020 Cadillac Escalade
Created by Californianyt
A full-size luxury SUV by the American automaker Cadillac Cadillac Escalade 2020 and Prop Version Introduced for the 1999 model year, It was Cadillac's first major entry into the SUV market as a response to competition from the Mercedes-Benz ML-Class and L...
2020 Dodge Grand Caravan FR
Created by Californianyt
A minivan by the american automaker Dodge FR Stands for Family Rims (just in case you think the regular version is too sporty for you) Dodge Grand Caravan 2020 and Prop Version Produced from the 1984 to 2020 model years and was offered as both a passenger ...
2020 Chevrolet Equinox
Created by Californianyt
A crossover SUVs by the American automaker Chevrolet Chevrolet Equinox 2020 and Prop Version Introduced in 2004 for the 2005 model year. It replaces the North American Chevrolet Tracker and Chevrolet S-10 Blazer. The third-generation Equinox also replaced ...
2020 GMC Sierra
Created by Californianyt
A full-size Pickup Truck by the America automaker GMC Refreshed and Ready! GMC Sierra 2020 The Sierra was first introduced to the market in 1962 along with its sibling Chevrolet Silverado pickup truck. Both trucks were produced until 1999, before taking a ...
2020 Ford Expedition
Created by Californianyt
A full-size SUV by the America automaker Ford Ford Expedition 2020 Introduced for the 1997 model year as the successor of the Ford Bronco, the Expedition was the first full-size Ford SUV sold with a four-door body. For its entire production life, the Ford ...
2020 GMC Yukon
Created by Californianyt
A full-size SUV by the American automaker GMC GMC Yukon 2020 and Prop Version What a way to end this year with a refresh of my first vehicle :D, hope everybody has a really good christmas and a happy new year, (really hope 2021 to be better than 2020) Tris...
2020 Honda Accord
Created by RyoSimsGuru
A popular mid-size sedan by the Japanese automaker Honda. The Honda Accord is the second-longest-running automotive nameplate in Honda's history, after the Honda Civic. Accord has become a household name over nine generations and 42 model years, and since ...
2020 GMC Yukon XL
Created by Californianyt
A full-size SUV by the American automaker GMC GMC Yukon XL 2020 and Prop Version If the Yukon is not enought maybe this XL version will feed the needs of your cims :D perfect for big cities! Sorry for only 1 pic, I'll take more later but I didn't want you ...
2020 Honda Pilot
Created by Californianyt
A mid-size SUV by the Japanese automaker Honda Honda Pilot 2020 Primarily aimed at the North American market, the Pilot is the largest SUV from Honda and features three-row seating. Pilots are currently manufactured in Lincoln, Alabama, and the Pilot was p...
2020 Lincoln Aviator
Created by Californianyt
A mid-size luxury SUV by the America automaker Lincoln Lincoln Aviator 2020 Vehicle & Prop The first generation of the Aviator was produced from the 2003 to 2005 model years as a rebadged version of the Mercury Mountaineer following the Lincoln Versailles ...
2020 Kia Soul
Created by Californianyt
A subcompact crossover by the South Korean automaker KIA Kia Soul 2020 and Prop Version A refresh of my previously released Kia Soul 2020, This new release will replace the old model. Designed at Kia's design center in California, the Soul debuted at the 2...
2020 Lincoln Navigator
Created by Californianyt
A full-size luxury SUV by the American automaker Lincoln Lincoln Navigator 2020 and Prop Version Refreshed Sold primarily in North America, the Navigator is the Lincoln counterpart of the Ford Expedition. While not the longest vehicle ever sold by the bran...
2020 Mercedes-Benz E Class Coupe
Created by Californianyt
An executive car by the German automaker Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz E Class Coupe 2020 The E-Class is a range of executive cars in various engine and body configurations. Produced since 1953, the E-Class falls midrange in the Mercedes line-up, and has bee...
2020 Nissan Versa
Created by RyoSimsGuru
A popular subcompact sedan by the Japanese automaker Nissan. The third of four popular Nissan cars to be recently redesigned, the all-new Nissan Versa - with a clear design expression of the Nissan brand - serves the more than five million customers who bu...
2020 Toyota RAV4 AR
Created by Californianyt
A compact crossover SUV by the Japanese automaker Toyota (Adventure Rims) Toyota RAV4 2020 AR This version includes the rims from the Adventure version of the RAV4, I only changed the rims which I found really cool and unique, hope you like them too :P Tri...
2020 Toyota RAV4
Created by Californianyt
A compact crossover SUV by the Japanese automaker Toyota Toyota RAV4 2020 and Prop Version Considered as the first compact crossover SUV, it made its debut in Japan and Europe in 1994, and in North America in 1995 The vehicle was designed for consumers wan...
2021 Jeep Wrangler
Created by LinkingDan
The Jeep Wrangler is a mid-size four-wheel drive off-road SUV currently on its fourth generation which is available since the model year 2018. It's sold in two- and four-door bodies. Is available on gas, diesel and PHEV versions, including the 6.4-liter V8...
2021 Lexus ES
Created by LinkingDan
The Lexus ES is a mid-size executive car currently on its seventh generation which is available since the model year 2019 and received a facelift for the model year 2021. It's based on the Toyota Camry paltform. Includes a prop version! Tris count: 3202, f...
2021 Mercedes-Benz E-Class US
Created by VeesGuy
2021 Mercedes-Benz E-Class US by VeesGuy Props: Tris: 3611 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page: Early Access Vehicles: -2021 VW Multivan -2021 VW Transporter -...
2021 Rolls Royce Cullinan(Test)
Created by Jackson Wang
Happy holidays Click for another full-size SUV from BMW ...
2022 Alfa Romeo Tonale US
Created by VeesGuy
2022 Alfa Romeo Tonale US by VeesGuy Props: EU Version: Tris: 3218 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page: https://www.patreon.c...
2021 Volvo S60
Created by LinkingDan
The Volvo S60 is a compact executive car produced since 2000 and its currentle on its third generation, whuch is sold since the 2019 model year. The S60 is available in Core, Plus, Ultimate, and Polestar trim levels depending on the sales market. It comes ...
2021 Volvo XC60
Created by LinkingDan
The Volvo XC60 is a compact luxury crossover SUV currently on its second generation which is available since the model year 2018 and received a facelift for the model year 2021. It's based on the Volvo S90 platform. Is available on gas, disel and PHEV vers...
2022 Ford F-450
Created by VeesGuy
2022 Ford F-450 by VeesGuy Props: Tris: 4752 Texture: 2048x1024 My patreon page: Early Access Vehicles: -2021 VW Multivan -2021 VW Transporter -2022 Kia Proce...
2022 BMW 5-Series
Created by VeesGuy
2022 BMW 5-Series by VeesGuy Props: Tris: 3352 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page: Early Access Vehicles: -2021 VW Multivan -2021 VW Transporter -2022 Kia Pro...
2022 BMW 5-Series US
Created by VeesGuy
2022 BMW 5-Series US by VeesGuy Props: Tris: 3352 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page: Early Access Vehicles: -2021 VW Multivan -2021 VW Transporter -2022 Kia ...
2022 Ford Mustang GT US
Created by VeesGuy
2022 Ford Mustang GT US by VeesGuy Props: EU Version: Tris: 4112 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page:
2022 Ford Transit Delivery Pack
Created by Dxcent
American styled liveries for the 2022 Ford Transit Cargo Van Generic Industry 7 Different liveries: Amazon Prime, DHL, FedEx Ground (orange and green), FedEx Office, USPS, and UPS Props Included Post version Original assets by VeesGuy ...
2023 BMW 2 Gran Coupe
Created by VeesGuy
2023 BMW 2 Gran Coupe by VeesGuy Props: US Version: Tris: 3830 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page:
2022 VW Tiguan Allspace
Created by VeesGuy
2022 VW Tiguan Allspace by VeesGuy Props: US Version: Tris: 3424 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page:
2022 Volkswagen Passat
Created by VeesGuy
2022 Volkswagen Passat by VeesGuy Props: US Version: Tris: 3228 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page:
2023 BMW 2 Gran Coupe US
Created by VeesGuy
2023 BMW 2 Gran Coupe US by VeesGuy Props: EU Version: Tris: 3830 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page:
22 battery street (Lvl 3 commercial 3x4)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 3x4 high commercial lvl 3. About the model There's not a lot of quality buildings in the commercial category. I made this, because I needed a nice filler for this size and category. You can always f...
245 east 72nd street top
Created by Darf
A prop for 245 east 72nd street, it appears at random (50% chance). Filesize is mostly the steampicture. This prop has 145 tris, with a 512x512 diffuse, normal and specularmap. Customlod is about 20 tris, with a 64x64 diffuse, normal and specularmap....
245 East 72nd street (3x4 high res lvl 5)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 3x4 high res lvl 5. About the model This is part of a small update on the upper east side of New York. There will be one release everyday. This is a 30s style condominium, like you can fi...
266 Summer Street
Created by Prosper
Office / level 1 / 3x3 / 1024x1024 / 2587 tris / LOD 256x256 / 128 tris Update 03.06.2020: New model, new textures Office / level 3 / 3x4 / 2048x2048 / 6755 tris / LOD 256x256 / 46 tris Based on commercial office at 266 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts...
29-45 San Hong Street | 新康街29-45號
Created by Jeremychit 29-45 San Hong Street 新康街29-45號 Introduction Prewar shophouse building on San Hong Street, Sheung Shui, Hong Kong. Buildings like this were built in town centers in the New Territories in the ...
28-30 Windsor Street
Created by Evangeline
Bless this house. This is a two family home from Rochester, NY that resides on 28 windsor street. this house was built in 1880 and has several unique features which distinguishes it from other houses. About this asset 1024x1024 textures Package includes 1 ...
278 Richton street (2 apartments)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a pack which contains a lvl 2 (RICO) and 4 High residential apartment. The lvl 2 has a 5x3 ratio and the lvl 4 4x3. Become a Patron and support my work! If y...
2x2 Officecorner - L1
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) What means "RICO ready"? This asset comes with all the necessary thumbnails, but not with the actual RICO file. Its up to you wether you want to make it an ploppable RICO using the manager, or no...
2x2 Officecorner - L2
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) What means "RICO ready"? This asset comes with all the necessary thumbnails, but not with the actual RICO file. Its up to you wether you want to make it an ploppable RICO using the manager, or no...
31 east 79th street (2x4 high res lvl 5)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 2x4 high res lvl 5. About the model This is part of a small update on the upper east side of New York. There will be one release everyday. This typical building with watertower you can fi...
2x4 L1 Leisure Pink Pony Gay Bar
Created by m4gic
2x4 L1 Leisure Pink Pony Gay Bar by m4gic...
3550 Cass Avenue
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 2 (3x2) office. Just a nice looking detailed 6 story office I modelled. You can use it as a filler in your downtown or for the center of your small town/suburbs. Hope you like it aswe...
38m Midrise Condo 4x4
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 level 1 growable high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 38m 5133 tris, LOD 128 tris 256x256, glass awning 20 tris, ...
2x3 Kyoto Block #3 (Lv2 Office)
Created by BachToBaroque
This buiding was really testing my 3d modelling skills but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it, and with the help I got over at Simtropolis forum I present to you my third asset. - 2 x 3, Level 2 Growable Office. - Main model: 1474 Tris. 1024x1024 D...
400 Main St.
Created by Prosper
Office / level 1 / 2x3 / 1024x1024 / 2500 tris / LOD 256x256 / 36 tris Update 21.10.2020: Actual scale, new textures, more details Office / level 2 / 3x4 / 1024x1024 / 3124 tris / LOD 256x256 / 34 tris Based on 400 Main Street, Davenport Built in 1890. ...
42ndstreet advertisement billboard
Created by Darf
All props for the Lyric theatre. Contains 3 props. Warning Due to the extruded characters in this prop, this counts 1192 tris. I wouldn't advise downloading this on low end pcs. Has a 256x256 texture (diffuse and illumination)...
505-507 Canton Road | 廣東道505號
Created by Jeremychit 505-507 Canton Road 廣東道505-507號 Introduction Tenement building on Canton Road, Jordon, Hong Kong. Built in 1948. Description This building is the first Hong Kong building I made for Cities: Sk...
512-514 Broadway
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 2 High commerical 3x4 growable based on 512-514 in New York in Soho. About the model A new model from my Soho, Noho and Nolita series. This model has about 4481 tris and a 2048x512 te...
5th Avenue Book Store
Created by Evangeline
I wonder, wonder who, who-oo-ooh, who Who wrote the book of love A quick and simple asset, its an old brick book store, made by using a facade photo texture, its not the most detailed of buildings but if you are looking for yet another old timey commercial...
590 Madison_growable_offv2_120M
Created by Reaper
590 Madison_growable_offv2_120M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
6' Wood Fence - 8m
Created by Khrysler
6' Wood Fence - 8m by Khrysler Perfect terrain conforming wood fence for any types of backyard. The fence can be found at "Residential > Home Yard" MODEL - 54 triangles | 256x128 texture maps LOD - 24 triangles | 64x32 texture maps...
610 5th Avenue 'La Maison Francaise'
Created by Evangeline
Ev'ry street is a boulevard in old New York. This is La Maison Francaise which is the neighbouring building of the British Empire Building on 620. situated on 610 5th Avenue it is another building part of the Rockefeller center complex. This Art deco build...
620th 5th avenue 'British Empire building'
Created by Evangeline
Ev'ry street is a boulevard in old New York. This is the British empire building from 620th 5th avenue, from New York which is part of the Rockefeller Center complex. Art Deco in style. this building was finished in 1935 and is a retail building with offic...
67 Fuk Lo Tsun Road | 公和荳品廠 - 福佬村道67號
Created by Jeremychit 67 Fᴜk Lo Tsun Road 福佬村道67號 - 公和荳品廠 Introduction Tenement building on Fᴜk Lo Tsun Road, Kowloon City, Hong Kong. Built in 1952. The shop floor is a veteran soy product shop "Kung Wo Beancurd F...
741 St Nicholas Ave
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) Had this one in my moddingfolder for almost 2 years,... -growable (of course) -L1 office building -custombuildings -triangles: yes -textures: yes -This building is from New York -In case you dont...
81 Tiles 2
Created by algernon Overview A rewrite of the old '81 tiles' mod to increase performance and resolve bugs. Enables unlocking (and building on) all map tiles, not just the 25 in the middle. Includes optional Remove Need for Power Lines, Remove N...
821 Broadway
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 4 High residential corner 2x3 growable based on 821 Broadway in New York in Soho. About the model A new model from my Soho, Noho and Nolita series. This is quite a heavy model with ab...
86 weybosset street
Created by tomzako
ABOUT THE BUILDING Providence building on the 86 weybosset street. ABOUT THE MODEL: Main model tris 1512 LOD model tris 5 Main texture 2048x2048 LOD texture 512x512 IF YOU WANT SUPPORT ME (my mum account :D) https://i.imgur....
9x6 Parking Lot
Created by Crazyglueit
A simple 9x6 parking lot Part of my collection to add realistic parking lots This lot can be found in Public Transportation under the large roads tab Properties Size9x6 Cost2700 Fire20 Maintenance27 Tourists0 Entertainment25 Radius100 Goes well with my 9x4...
Ability to Read
Created by REV0
Only modders will understand. Feel free to use in your mods as a required item. Provides 10K entertainment bonus. Only visible in Asset Editor....
888 Mililani Street, Honolulu
Created by DieHardHunter
888 Mililani Street, Honolulu, HI, USA Kendall Building (address: 888 Mililani St. Honolulu, HI,USA) is a 9-storey mid-rise commercial condominium built in 1968 and located on the east end of the Central Business District of Honolulu. Building Tris: 6721 T...
AC Units
Created by YOGURT
랜덤으로 4가지 브랜드의 실외기가 설치됩니다. Main 256*128 Lod 64*32...
Acacia Tree
Created by MrMaison
Acacia Tree by MrMaison This is a generic Acacia tree, a first of my acacia series. I actually arived at this trying to make a Monkeypod tree. There are many species in the acacia species family from Africa to Australia mainly in tropical to subtropical cl...
AC Units
Created by Emperor Li
3 AC Units Required props for my taiwanese commercial buildings. 模型資料 | model infos: Tris: 16-20 maps: 128x64 (d,a,i,s,c) LOD tris: 12 LOD maps: 64x32 (d,a,i,s,c) Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
ACME 0.6.5
Created by algernon A camera mod, with new features being added. New in 0.6 Customizable shadow calculation parameters - distance and sharpness. Stepped rotation hotkeys at 15-degree increments: Control-X and Control-Y (Shift to reverse directi...
Additive Shader
Created by Ronyx69
Allows to use the soft additive particle shader (used for light effects) for props and vehicle sub meshes. It's also possible to use custom on/off time of day. Required for assets using the additive shader. Building, sub building, and sub mesh support is n...
Adaptive Networks (AN) V3.18 (STABLE)
Created by Chamëleon TBN Adaptive Networks STABLE formerly known as Adaptive Roads (AR). As a lot of new functions will be released in future that also include other networks we decided to rename Adaptive Roads (AR) to Adaptive Networks (AN) and als...
Advance Auto Parts
Created by KingLeno
Advance Auto Parts Advance Auto Parts is a retailer of automotive parts and accessories in the United States headquartered in Roanoke, Virginia. AAP was founded in 1932 Model Triangles 2428 Texture 512x512 Lot Size 4x4 Level 1 Commercial ******************...
Advanced Vehicle Options
Created by Tim
Advanced Vehicle Options 1.9.12 Hubs & Transports DLC Mod Compatibility and Loading Issues If you have any issues with the new Treasure Hunt DLC, please be sure to read Avanya's support discussi...
Advanced Building Level Control 1.3.2
Created by algernon Enables fine-grained control of growable building levels New in 1.3: Support "true random" selection of building appearance when changing building levels (by default, the game will always use the same model for each level of...
Aero - Air conditioner (props)
Created by AVE, BALUMBA
Make yourself comfortable. From casement and low-profile units to through-the-wall and window air conditioners, AERO makes being cool a breeze. ---> PROPS <---...
Air Con Prop 1
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
Air Con 1 by ryanjamesoflondon...
Air conditioners, stylized in USSR style
Created by лд чонгука
Pack of modern air conditioning with a fictional design, stylized as the design of the USSR 5 different versions in prop variations. Main: 14 tris for every conditioner, 1024x1024 Lod: 2 tris for every conditioner, 128x128 ...
Agramonte y Refugio, Havana
Created by NameInvalid
commission work for PeterBar & Bastet69 A hotel building sits right beside Museum of the Revolution, Havana, Cuba. Building type : monument V menu, always unlocked dimension : 5x4 keyword : agramonte, refugio --- h...
Air Conditioning +cable [prop]
Created by hmrf
Air Conditioning +cable ...
Air duct 4
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings A straight piece of air duct to match my others and Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop - and this time I was awake enough to not spell "duck" :P Model Tris: 84 Texture: 5...
Air ducts - Random variations
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings This is one prop that randomly picks one of 5 air ducts - air ducts 1 or air ducts 5-8 (found in this pack). I added this as I'd like both the option to use the specific prop...
Air ducts 1
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Air ducts 2
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Air ducts 3
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Aircraft Warning Lights / 航空障害灯
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Aircraft warning lights to be installed on the roof or in the middle of a high-rise building. I used Custom Effect Loader to get brighter and more realistic than traditional lights. Custom Effect Loader has good performance, it does not slow down your game...
Albert Memorial - Kensington Gardens, London
Created by PeterBar
The Albert Memorial, directly north of the Royal Albert Hall in Kensington Gardens, London, was commissioned by Queen Victoria in memory of her beloved husband Prince Albert, who died in 1861. Designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott in the Gothic Revival styl...
Alcoa modular factory
Created by Evangeline
The rattle and the clatter of that old fast freight. This is the Alcoa modular factory created way back in 2016 by five tons of flax: Reworked to be more up to date to today's quality standar...
Alder Living - Residential
Created by jorge.puerta Alder Living - Residential Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 5, residential building, 26 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - aval...
Alma Apartment (growable)
Created by ChrisAdams3997
A 4x3 growable apartment modeled from an apartment complex in Houma, LA. There are a few optional chair props that are common to many of my other apartments. This is a part of a larger set of buildings belonging to this apartment complex, but the rest are ...
Altes Museum
Created by felixandre.hupka
This is the Old Museum of the Berlin Museums Island. It was build by Friedrich Schinkel and finished 1830. 'Das Alte Museum' was the first museum on the island. Its also a museum ingame, has 7600 tries and a diffuse of 1024x2048, spec and normal...
AMC Movie Theater
Created by Cristolisto
There's nothing like taking a trip to the movie theater. The smell of popcorn, large sodas, candy, cell phones ringing, and wallets almost empty. Yes it's a good time and now that good times can happen in your cities with this AMC Theater! AMC is an Americ...
American Elementary School
Created by Cristolisto
My first asset, updated. Based on typical designs of elementary schools found in America. Cost: $10,000 Education Radius: 600 Student Count: 400 Education accumulation: 100 Custom LOD Color Variation by Cristolisto...
American Midwest Duplex 1
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the American Houses Pack linked above Asset is a 2x4 growable low density residential 1536x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 3829 tris, LOD 61 tris 64x64 Shares textures with midwest houses, use Lo...
American Midwest Duplex 2
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the American Houses Pack linked above Asset is a 2x4 growable low density residential 1536x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 3879 tris, LOD 63 tris 64x64 Shares textures with midwest houses, use Lo...
American Midwest House 1
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the American Houses Pack linked above Asset is a 2x4 growable low density residential 1536x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 2374 tris, LOD 45 tris 64x64 Shares textures with midwest houses, use Lo...
American Midwest House 3
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the American Houses Pack linked above Asset is a 2x4 growable low density residential 1536x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh 2504 tris, LOD 67 tris 64x64 Shares textures with midwest houses, use Loa...
American Rowhouse 2
Created by Smilies
Generic undecorated row house 1x3 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 1037 tris, LOD 89 tris 64x64 8m wide 4 color variations, has a color map and can be painted with repaint mod Asset shares textures with...
American Rowhouse Corners
Created by Smilies
undecorated 6 rowhouse corner assets Models range from 2183 tris to 3355 tris. LODs 60-68 tris 64x64 textures. Assets are 1x3 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color assets share textures with other rowhouse assets, use...
American Rowhouse Corners 2
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the American Rowhouses Collection linked above 10 decorated assets, these w2w corner assets will grow properly on the grid, no hand placement is necessary Models range from 2388 tris to 3355 tris. LODs 59 tris to 68 tris ...
American Rowhouses Set 1
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the American Rowhouses Collection linked above Reminder: None of the decorations are required, everything is optional - crying is not This is the first set containing 8 rowhouses from a much larger planned pack. More will...
American Rowhouses Set 10
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the American Rowhouses Collection linked above Set contains 3 semi-detached rowhouses Every rowhouse in this particular set is an 8m wide growable that fits the grid, no hand placement necessary Models range from 2725 tri...
American Rowhouses Set 4
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the American Rowhouses Collection linked above This is the fourth set containing 3 rowhouses from a much larger planned pack. More will be uploaded when they're ready. Every rowhouse in this particular set is a 5m wide gr...
American Rowhouses Set 2
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the American Rowhouses Collection linked above This is the second set containing 5 rowhouses from a much larger planned pack. More will be uploaded when they're ready. Every rowhouse in this particular set is 6m wide grow...
American Rowhouses Set 8
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the American Rowhouses Collection linked above This is the eigth set containing 3 rowhouses from a much larger planned pack. More will be uploaded when they're ready. Every rowhouse in this particular set is a 5m wide gro...
American Suburbs Home #4
Created by DieHardHunter
Here it is another house of my new collection American Suburbs! New high quality roof textures. Many other houses are coming soon! Stay tuned! Stats: Polys 1840 Tris 1840 Edges 5520 Verts 1889 Textures: 1024x1024 LOD: auto-generated Size: 4x3 Level 3 Model...
American Suburbs Home #5
Created by DieHardHunter
American Suburbs Home #5 New high quality roof textures. Stats: Polys 1145 Tris 1145 Edges 3435 Verts 1000 Textures: 1024x1024 LOD: auto-generated Size: 3x4 Level 3 Model info: - READ THIS: No props/decals/vehicles/flags included. Only the building. - Mode...
American Rowhouses Set 7
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the American Rowhouses Collection linked above This is the seventh set containing 4 rowhouses from a much larger planned pack. More will be uploaded when they're ready. Every rowhouse in this particular set is a 5m wide g...
Angers Shop 2 [France]
Created by Lost Gecko
Traditional 3-storeys wall-to-wall stone town house from Angers, France. Level 5 2x2 low-density residential. 4 brightness variations on the roof. Curtains illumination textures kindly shared by Macwelshman. This is an upgraded version of Gèze's French Fla...
American Suburbs House #6
Created by DieHardHunter
American Suburbs Home #6 New high quality roof textures. Stats: Polys 1024 Tris 1024 Edges 3072 Verts 1032 Textures: 1024x1024 LOD: auto-generated Size: 3x4 Level 3 Model info: - READ THIS: No props/decals/vehicles/flags included. Only the building. - Mode...
Angled Corner 37m
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Asset is a 16m wide 2x4 high density growable residential that slightly overhangs the lot, works best when placed by hand on an angled corner 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumi...
Angled Corner 79m
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Asset is a 16m wide 2x4 high density growable residential that slightly overhangs the lot, works best when placed by hand on an angled corner 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumi...
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 4 antennas. Found in industrial props. Originally made for the japanese fire department, but usable for anything. Main: 59 - 150 tris 64x256 LOD: 8 - 12 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Ass...
APA Building Melbourne
Created by TurboCobra
The APA Building was Australia's first skyscraper*, built in 1890 it was allegedly the 3rd tallest office building at the time. In the mid 1950's it had all of it's design features removed, then in 1980, despite being a registered heritage building, it was...
Apollo theater
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a leisure commercial building (2x4). It has been quite a while since I made an asset for Cities Skylines. This one I wanted to make for quite a while, it is the famous Harlem Apollo Theater...
Arch of Constantine - Rome
Created by Zarrix
Information The Arch of Constantine (Italian: Arco di Costantino) is a triumphal arch in Rome dedicated to the emperor Constantine the Great. The arch was commissioned by the Roman Senate to commemorate Constantine. It is the largest Roman triumphal arch. ...
Arrow Plaza - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 Office
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Good day Cimtizens ! Loads of people still play SC4... A few ones still play SimCity 3000, and I'm one of them. I still enjoy the relative simplicity of it and the toyish and friendly look it has... I wanted to remake a growable from SC3, prepare for some ...
Ashley HomeStore
Created by KingLeno
Thanks for helping me make 2,000 subscribers on YouTube! I making a different furniture/home decor store (some new, some updates) to reward and encourage more subscribers to my YouTube channel including at home, Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrel, Pier 1, and IK...
Ashburnham Terrace
Created by Khrysler
Ashburnham Terrace by Khrysler Attractive Victorian brick terrace "not a row house" with some heritage and possible hidden history. Inspired by row houses can be found in Back Bay area in Boston Massachusetts. Asset Info: Growable - 1x3 - Level 4 High Dens...
at home
Created by KingLeno
Home Decor store formerly known as Garden Ridge. Lot size (10x14) Triangles - 3103 Texture (1024x512) d,n,i,s RICO Level 2 low-commercial If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by...
Created by KingLeno
AutoZone is an American store based in Memphis, TN and is the second-largest retailer of aftermarket automotive parts and accessories in the United States. Founded in 1979, AutoZone has over 5,006 stores across the United States, Mexico, and Brazil. 4x4 Gr...
Avent Residential
Created by =D= Comrade Intense
Avent Residential Variation 1 Stats: Name: Tris: Textures: Texture Size: Footprint: Level: Avent Variation 1 2957 _d , _s, _a, _n, _i 1024x1024 4x4 3 Avent Variation 1 LOD 38 _d, _s, _i 256x256 - - Search words: Avent, intense All the other variations shar...
Azalea Bushes
Created by MrMaison
Azalea Bushes by MrMaison Add more color to your landscapes with this 6 pack of generic Azalea bushes. These bushes are versatile and can be used for hedges too. STATS: All 6 bushes are 144 tris each with 1024 textures Strong Suggestions Tree LOD Fix by TP...
B0ring Houses
Created by cbudd
Pack of three boring houses. Honestly, I could have just named them differently, but since the time of their creation 6 months ago, no good catchy name came to my head. So here you go. Originally, I planned to make a pack with at least double the amount of...
Balcony Rails
Created by Like_Mike
rail x2 dark by michael.warrenii...
Created by KingLeno
balcony-short by KingLeno...
BAM Harvey Theater (Leisure growable)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 1x3/4 leisure growable. About the model This is part of a small of a mini update of leisure growables. Make sure to get the Majestic theater and Boston Fire Museum as well! You can always follow my ...
Baltimore museum of art
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a model of the Baltimore Museum of Art. Kindly comissioned by Reddfox. Make sure to thank him as well! Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to se...
Banco de Londres
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 1 (3x4) high commercial corner. It has been quite a while since I made an asset for Cities Skylines. I´ve been busy with other life commitments and modelling, just not for cities skyl...
Barnes and Noble Booksellers
Created by KingLeno
Barnes and Noble Booksellers is an american bookstore chain, by KingLeno, all of my buildings support RICO unless otherwise noted.
Barras The Home Candy Works
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 2 Low commercial building. Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to see new releases and upcoming work visit my patreon page https://i.imgur...
Barrington Apartments
Created by Evangeline
I put a spell on you...... A mid sized brick apartment building from Rochester, New york. About this asset 512 x 2048 textures. its a unique building with no stats, give them yourself in RICO. its too big to be growable. Acknowledgements Model done by Evam...
Bay Bridge Network - Draggable Double Deck Suspension Bridge
Created by bsquiklehausen
Check out the tutorial linked above for best bridgelaying results! A network based large suspension bridge and other associated network toys! This bridge is a replica of the San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge (altered slightly for C:S network compatibility...
Bayard-Condict building 65 Bleecker St (4x3 H commercial lvl 3)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 4x3 high commercial lvl 3 growable. About the model This was one of my first models and in dire need of an update, my modelling skills were not that great a year ago. ;') For details look below. IMO...
BC Hydro
Created by Modocero
BC Hydro Unique Building Asset Info Main Tris: 13817 Texture: 512x4096, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, ilumination, Alpha LOD Tris: 273 Texture 256x256, Diffuse, Ilumination Tags: BC Hydro, Unique Building, Canada, Vancouver Discord: Modocero#5931 https://imgu...
Bed Bath and Beyond
Created by KingLeno
Bed Bath and Beyond by KingLeno If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee to show support and appreciation by making a small donation via PayPal or Patreon. PayPal Patreon And subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Faceb...
Bed Bath & Beyond
Created by KingLeno
Big Box home decor store. Growable 4x4 commercial building Ploppable (RICO) version Triangles 1126 LOD 211 Tri's Texture 1028x1028 If you like my assets, please consider making small donation ...
Big Decal Dirt
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big 5 Sporting Goods
Created by Cristolisto
What are the big 5? I guess football, baseball, soccer, basketball, and Tennis, Maybe? Anyway, Like the name says they sell sporting goods. Big is headquartered in El Segundo, California and has 420 locations. Part of Riverpark Shopping Center Volume Four ...
Belgravia Townhouse Pack
Created by Macwelshman] If you have a CS1 commission please use the link below. Belgravia Townhouse Pack Belgravia is an affluent district in Central London covering parts of the areas of both the City of Westminster and the Royal Borough of Kensing...
BIG Roads - Large Suburban Roads
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Roads BIG Roads is an ongoing road project with designated turning lanes, a constant flowing median, american road signs and markings. It uses techniques with multiple layers of asphalt on top of each other and many direct connected nodes to...
Big Decal Road Damage
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
BIG Roads Alternative Traffic Lights Pack 2
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection Don't fear the huge file size! All Traffic Lights share the exact same textures and Loading Screen Mod...
BIG Roads Intersection Marking Tool Templates
Created by hockenheim95
All templates are single assets ans should be enabled in assets menu! Includes: Solid Lines - yellow double solid lines - white (no transparency for segment markings over dashed lines) Dashed Lines - standard (just like the segment lane markings) - short d...
BIG Roads Traffic Lights & Decals
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Roads This package contains traffic lights and decals for BIG Roads. The wire-hung traffic lights were thankfully designed by Conno especially for this project. The Traffic Lights are fully functional but in combination with TM:PE they could...
BIG Rural Highways Basic Pack
Created by hockenheim95
What does this pack contain? Big Rural Highway 2 Lane Big Rural Highway 3 Lane RT ...
BIG Suburbs American Growables Level 1
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Suburbs American Growables Level 3
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Suburbs American Growables Level 4
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Suburbs American Growables Level 2
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Suburbs American Growables Level 5
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Suburbs Pavement Decals
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Urban Roads - 24m Basic Roads Pack (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! Ground, Bridge, Slope and Tunnel OPTIONAL Adaptive Networks Mod let you customize these 2 roads with grass stripes, trees, brick sidewalk, direct connect node and reacts to TMPE settings ...
BIG Urban Roads - Large Basic Roads Pack (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection What does this pack contain?
BIG Urban Roads - Small Basic Roads Pack (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection What does this pack contain?
BIG Urban Roads - Tiny Roads Pack (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! Ground, Bridge, Slope and Tunnel 2m wide lanes (expext 1 Lane Road has 3m wide lane) OPTIONAL Adaptive Roads Mod features (TMPE reactions)! These roads do work properly without that mod t...
BIG Urban Roads 2 Lane (unmarked) beta version
Created by hockenheim95
This is a sort of pilot road for the next generation of BIG Urban Roads!!! To fully enjoy this road you need Adaptive Roads Mod! Roads will react to TM:PE settings! Adaptive Roads mod won't break your savegames. It is just visual! You can unsuscribe and re...
BIG Urban Roads - Small One Way Roads Pack (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection What does this pack contain?
BIG Urban Roads 3 Lane Roads Pack (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection Don't fear the huge file size! All roads share the exact sam...
BIG Urban Roads 3 Lane Right Turn Road (Beta Version)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection This road has an asymmetrical mesh and only looks right with...
BIG Urban Roads 5 Lane Asymmetrical Road Pack (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection What does this pack contain?
BIG Urban Roads Bus Lane Roads Pack (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection Don't fear the huge file size! All roads share the exact sam...
BIG Urban Roads Constant Median Roads (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection Don't fear the huge file size! All roads share the exact sam...
BIG Urban Roads Constant Median Roads with solid lines (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection Don't fear the huge file size! All roads share the exact sam...
BIG Urban Roads Decals, Signs and Props
Created by hockenheim95
Dependencies for BIG Urban Roads! Please note that all road signs and the Delineator are modifications of the original assets by Spence! See original release here and here All props have minimal tris count for optimum perfomance! This pack contains the fol...
BIG Urban Traffic Lights
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Roads This package contains traffic lights used by BIG Urban Roads. This is not a mod and it won't replace any Traffic Lights in your city! They are a rework of New American Traffic Lights by ol' rdtg and some additional stuff by Conno. The ...
Block Services - Child Health
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Child Health by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't...
Block Services - Cemetery
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Cemetery by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't fou...
Block Services - Algae Farm
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Algae Farm by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't f...
Block Services - Bus Terminal
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Bus Terminal by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't...
Black Angus Steakhouse
Created by KingLeno
Black Angus Steakhouse by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. Black Angus Steakhouse is an American restaurant chain, specializing in steaks, that is based in Los Altos, Calif...
Block Services - Death
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Death by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found ...
Block Services - Entertainment
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Entertainment by Naylin PLEASE NOTE: This block is on a 1x2 area plot in order for the crowd spawn to work properly. All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rath...
Block Services - Ferry Depot
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Ferry Depot by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Entertainment - Park Life Edition
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Entertainment - Park Life Edition by Naylin PLEASE NOTE: This block is on a 1x2 area plot in order for the crowd spawn to work properly. All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like...
Block Services - Elementary School
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Elementary School by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or ha...
Block Services - Electricity
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Electricity by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Eldercare
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Eldercare by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't fo...
Block Services - Fire
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Fire by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found o...
Block Services - Fish Farm
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Fish Farm by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't fo...
Block Services - Fish Factory
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Fish Factory by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't...
Block Services - Fish Market
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Fish Market by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Fishing Harbor
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Fishing Harbor by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven...
Block Services - Fishing Harbor Anchovy
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Fishing Harbor Anchovy by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset ...
Block Services - Fishing Harbor Shellfish
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Fishing Harbor Shellfish by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asse...
Block Services - Fishing Harbor Tuna
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Fishing Harbor Tuna by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or ...
Block Services - Fishing Salmon
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Fishing Harbor Salmon by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset o...
Block Services - Health
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Health by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found...
Block Services - Garbage
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Garbage by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't foun...
Block Services - High School
Created by Naylin
Block Services - High School by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Hot Water
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Hot Water by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't fo...
Block Services - Metro Station
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Metro Station by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven'...
Block Services - Library
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Library by Naylin *** NOT Campus DLC version *** All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either ...
Block Services - Park Maintenance
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Park Maintenance by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or hav...
Block Services - Police
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Police by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found...
Block Services - Post Office
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Post Office by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Road Maintenance
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Road Maintenance by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or hav...
Block Services - Seaweed Farm
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Seaweed Farm by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't...
Block Services - Waste X-fer
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Waste X-Fer by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Waste Process
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Waste Process by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven'...
Block Services - University
Created by Naylin
Block Services - University by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't f...
Block Services - Water
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Water by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found ...
Bolingbrook 70's split level houses
Created by Evangeline
Dream house for sale A set of 7 Mid century split level houses, modeled after several houses of the Bolingbrook suburb in Chicago. these are paintable and come without any decorations so you can prop them up in game after your hearts content. About this as...
Blueview Condominiums - Residential
Created by jorge.puerta Blueview Condominiums - Residential Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 4, high density residential building, 17 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-...
Block Services - Sewage
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Sewage by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found...
BOB, the Tree and Prop Replacer 1.0.1
Created by algernon Beautify Our Builds (BOB). OR Universal Beauty Manager Tool To Change Ugly Props And Trees Or Bury Them (UBMTTCUPATOBT). More details on usage you'll find in the basic BOB guide. New in 0.9.4 New feature: ability to add new ...
Bolingbrook single level pack
Created by Evangeline
Dream house for sale A set of 7 Mid century single level houses, based on several designs that can be found in the Bolingbrook suburb in Chicago. About this asset 1024x1024 textures Package includes 7 buildings. This is a a lvl 1 growable house. Acknowledg...
Bordeaux Corner 1
Created by Gruny
This corner building is inspired by the architecture of Bordeaux. Specs Level 3 high density commercial - growable Main building : tris 4646 / 107 (lod) Submeshes (shops) : 305 tris Texture - 1024x2048 | D / N / I / S / C / A Lod Texture - 128x256 | D / N ...
Bordeaux Corner 2
Created by Gruny
This corner building is inspired by the architecture of Bordeaux. Specs Level 3 high density commercial - growable Main building : tris 6671 / 107 (lod) Texture - 1024x2048 | D / N / I / S / C / A Lod Texture - 128x256 | D / N / I / S / C This asset don’t ...
Bordeaux Flat 1 corner [France]
Created by Lost Gecko
Traditional 3-storeys wall-to-wall stone city flat from Bordeaux, France. Level 3 high-density commercial growable. This majestic corner building houses the Strechnitz Bank, named after my awesome Patron Strechnitz! Model main model tris: 4521textures: 102...
Boston Custom Tower
Created by Frog
Location: Boston, MA Opened: 1915 Architecture style: Classical revival, Greek revival, neoclassical Although it retained its name as Boston Custom House Tower, Custom House has been home to numerous government agencies, from Custom to the Fish and Wildfir...
Boston fire museum (Leisure growable)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 1x3/4 leisure growable. About the model This is part of a small of a mini update of leisure growables. Make sure to get the Majestic theater and the BAM harvey theater as well! You can always follow...
Created by Ronyx69
A pack of boxwood hedge props and networks, and a topiary set. Search for "r69 boxwood" using Find It! If a network segment is too long, there might be a gap, simply split the segment into two by creating an intersection. Main: 380 - 2670 tris 256x256 LOD:...
Bratke Corporate
Created by Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
Breitmeyer-Tobin Building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 4 High residential corner 2x3 growable based on the Breitmeyer - Tobin Building in Detroit. Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to see new...
Brentwood Rowhouses
Created by Khrysler
Brentwood Rowhouses by Khrysler Narrow brick rowhouses with Victorian minimalist-styled rooms. Very common rowhouses can be found in Philadelphia and Baltimore areas. Popular among minimalist, low-income cims or simply who hates to have roommates. Asset In...
Bordeaux Flat 2 corner [France]
Created by Lost Gecko
Pack of 2 mirrored traditional 3-storeys stone corner flats from Bordeaux, France. Level 3 high-density commercial growable. As those buildings are part of a monumental waterfront complex with more typical and messy buildings stuck on the back, those asset...
Brick and Tile Building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 3 commercial building (4x3 corner. Kindly comissioned by AugustusGlooop! Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to see new releases and upcom...
Brick McMansions
Created by DieHardHunter
A miniset of two different variations of a brick McMansion. The term "McMansion" is generally used to denote a new, or recent, multi-story house of no clear architectural style, which prizes superficial appearance and sheer size over quality. McMansion may...
Brick Victorian 6 - Houses Around Here
Created by Bungalow Man
Houses Around Here This is the fourth release in a new series of houses found around Pittsburgh, and the Southwestern Pennsylvania area. Yes, I just said fourth house when it is labeled as "6". That is because of the opposites contained within the last two...
Brick Victorian 3 - Houses Around Here
Created by Bungalow Man
Houses Around Here This is the third release in a new series of houses found around Pittsburgh, and the Southwestern Pennsylvania area. The name is a nod to a show of the same name and topic hosted by Rick Sebak that aired on WQED (PBS), though none of the...
Bristol Hotel
Created by Modocero
Bristol Hotel Unique Building Asset Info Main Tris: 11765 Texture: 512x5120, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, Ilumination, Alpha LOD Tris: 522 Texture 256x256, Diffuse, Ilumination This building was commissioned by Oleg45 Real Building
Brooks building (lvl 3 high commercial corner)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 4x4 high commercial lvl 3corner. About the model The high commercial category in the workshop was in dire need of some love and I was looking for an excellent example of the chicago style for a mode...
Broken Fences
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
BTS (Designed for Metro train) Pillar
Created by Palm'sTime
WARNING: The model is very high detail. Please use it carefully. BTS (Metro train) Pillar. Model Info: Type Pillar Size - Tris 964 (Main) | 312 (LOD) Texture Size 1024 x 1024 Notes: - Based on BTS (Metro) Pillar in Bangkok, Thailand. - Designed for Metro t...
Brunswald - European Mansion #2
Created by DieHardHunter
I've recreated this asset in collaboration with TazerHere for his amazing YouTube series Brunswald. A small mansion, built in a typical northern european style with a nice terrace and a unique carved door. Building Tris: 4315 Textures: 1024x1024 Model info...
Buchenhain, Parking Garage
Created by Yosh
Buchenhain, Parking Garage --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Important explanations for handling in the lower part of the description --- ------------------------------------------------------...
Buhl Building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a unique 5x8 building based off the Bühl building in Detroit. Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to see new releases and upcoming work visit my...
Buffalo Wild Wings
Created by KingLeno Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter If you like my assets, consider showing your support by making a small donation via P...
Building Control 1.1.3
Created by algernon
Building anarchy and other functions When placing buildings, allows the user to select: Placement mode - such as being able to change restrictions about placing on roads, water, etc. Terrain surface - pavement, gravel, or no surface. Terrain flattening - f...
Buhl/Bash Building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This pack contains 2 lvl 2 Commercial corners, a 1x4 and a 2x4 growable based on the Buhl Building in Pittsburgh. Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to...
Burger King
Created by KingLeno
Burger King by KingLeno This is basically a Burger King prop pack that includes: Burger King pole, logo, and circle sign. The building used is from University City Content Creator Pack, which is required if you want the building. If you just want the props...
Bushes Spring Bloom
Created by pdelmo
Pack of 12 bushes in 2 sizes and many colours tri small 116 med 358 Textures 256x256 D/A/C ...
Cable Building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 3 High commercial 5x8 building based on the Cable building in New York in Soho. About the model A new model from my Soho, Noho and Nolita series. This model is one of my bigger projec...
California House
Created by LuiskTorres1
This is an undecorated version You can change the color of the roofs to give variety to your neighborhood California House by Mr. MITZC & LuiskTorres1 ...
California Pizza Kitchen
Created by KingLeno California Pizza Kitchen by KingLeno Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter If you like my assets, consider showing your sup...
Canal Ferry Stop
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
This is a simple and minimal version of the Mass Transit Ferry Stop, with a smaller footprint so that you can fit it into narrow canals. As with almost anything that goes in tight spaces in C:S, you will want to use MoveIt! mod and the marquee select tool ...
Candler building 220 West 42nd St. (3x4 growable high comm lvl 3)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 3x4 high commercial building lvl 3 based on the Candler Building in New York, at 42nd street. This building is part of a 42nd street series. Expect many theatres and other leisure buildings when Collosal Order...
Casarão Costa Azevedo
Created by Macwelshman] If you have a CS1 commission please use the link below. Casarão Costa Azevedo Casarão Costa Azevedo is an historic mansion located in the city of Recife, capital of the Brazilian state of Pernambuco. It currently functions as...
Canary Island Date Palm 2.0
Created by MrMaison
Canary Island Date Palm 2 by MrMaison May your Cims have more Dates :D Canary Island Date Palm 2.0 is an updated version of the original made with darker, richer fronds (leaves). This 2 piece set is great for adding lush tropical palm foliage to your lands...
cbudd San Francisco Houses - Detailed for Cabrillo
Created by Pres
Just a bunch of cbudd's awesome buildings I pre-detailed (with permission) for use in Cabrillo. There is minimal detailing and the required items are mostly low-tri. I just wanted to make it a little easier to expand my city quickly. Download the originals...
Cement Sidewalk Curb Props
Created by KingLeno
Cement Sidewalk Curb Props by KingLeno A set of props using the cement texture that I use in a lot of my assets. I wanted to keep the triangle count low (<170) and the surface visually flat, so they can only be minimally intersected with each other before ...
CCCAS Matu’u & Faganeanea Church
Created by Redoze
The Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) or the "Ekalesia Faapotopotoga Kerisiano i Amerika Samoa" (EFKAS) is a theologically Reformed and congregational denomination in American Samoa. Reference model: Matuu, Eastern District Please, ...
Central YMCA : main building version
Created by NameInvalid
commissioned by Bastet69 Central YMCA Building @ Honolulu, Hawaii. The Central YMCA is a four-story facility conveniently located across Ala Moana Shopping Center and wihch provides access through main thoroughfares leading to Downtown, Waikiki, and East H...
CCBB - Banco do Brasil Cultural Center
Created by Brum
The CCBB - Banco do Brasil Cultural Center - is an old commercial building transformed into a cultural space in 2001. It has become one of the main cultural venues in the city of São Paulo, in addition to promoting the reoccupation of the city center. For ...
Chain Link Fence - 8m
Created by Khrysler
Chain Link Fence - 8m by Khrysler Versatile terrain conforming fence for creating urban backyards and industrial lots. Its actual pole-to-pole length is 7m 71cm or 25'3" and center is offsetted to be able to place it on very edges in asset editor. The fenc...
Charnwood Rowhouses
Created by Khrysler
Charnwood Rowhouses by Khrysler Baltimore-styled old brick rowhouses, one with faux stone wall which is used to be a sign of wealth among working class. This is a variation to Dartwood Rowhouses. it's a mixture of rowhouses can be found in Philadelphia (Ba...
Chauncy house
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 2x4 High residential corner lvl 4. About the model The Fifth building of my New England series, this building is located in Boston, Mass. After having a look in Chinatown this building st...
Check Into Cash Payday Loans
Created by KingLeno
Check Into Cash by KingLeno Payday loans, title loans, get all the cash you need at only 275% APR. Low Density Level 1 Commercial with 5 workplaces with RICO. If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee to show support and appreciat...
Chicago Fire Department Engine99
Created by Modocero
Chicago Fire Department Engine 99 Fire Department Asset Info Main Tris: 3403 Texture: 512x3072, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, ilumination LOD Tris: 74 Texture 128x128, Diffuse, Ilumination Tags: Chicago, Fire, Department, Engine 99, Firehouse, Discord: Modoce...
Chicago Savings Bank Building (lvl 3 office corner 4x2)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 4x2 office lvl 3 corner. About the model First of all, you need a lvl 1 and 2 building of the same plotsize for this to grow. Here are 2 buildings for these levels: Star Trust Insurance: ...
Created by Darf
Chimney Prop...
Chinatown - Chinese National Party HQ
Created by trist14222
The Kuomindang (Chinese Nationalist Party) Melbourne headquarters, a three-storey brick building, was opened for use on 26 December 1921 at 109 Little Bourke Street in Melbourne after a remodelling of the Victorian facade by Walter Burley Griffin, an Ameri...
Cigarologie Sign
Created by Khrysler
Cigarologie Sign by Khrysler MODEL - 10 triangles | 128x32 textures (d,i,n) LOD - 2 triangles | 64x16 textures (d,i)...
Chips Diner
Created by Kliekie
Chips DinerMeet George Jetson! And his boy Elroy! .. Well, Not really.. Just Googie Architecture! Back from the 50's when they loved futuristic buildings. And yes, it's an actual building, designed by Taliesin-trained architect Harry Harrison and completed...
Cine Apolo - La Habana, Cuba
Created by PeterBar
The Cine Apolo is located somewhere in the outskirts of Havana, Cuba. Built during the 30/40s in simple Art Deco style, it is still running today, while many cuban cinemas were abandoned with the change of time. This is not a big piece of art. I made it fo...
Cities Merchant Bank
Created by Khrysler
A corner bank building with heavenly facade and stunning ceiling height. It is based on 650 West Hastings Street ,Canadian Bank of Commerce in Vancouver, Canada (I believe it's a retail store now) I blindly started building 2x3 Level 3 corner office withou...
Cities: Circuits
Created by KingLeno
Cities: Circuits by KingLeno Apparently Best Buy has nothing better to do with their time. American Big Box electronics store. Includes a Blue & Yellow version, and Red & White version, both with color adjustable color maps. Texture 1024x512 d,n,i,s Triang...
City Clinical Hospital №57 named after D.D. Pletnev (Moscow) [Russia]
Created by Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information City Clinical Hospital №57 named after D.D. Pletnev, located in Moscow, on 11 Parkovaya Street, 32/4 ... Textures _d,_n,_i,_s,_a (1024x1024) lod_d, lod_i (512x512) ......
Cleveland double house 6
Created by Evangeline
Into each and every life, some rain has got to fall. Another house in the Cleveland doubles series, based on a sears building plan. including new floor boarding planks and a covered balcony. comes in 4 different colors, and can be repainted with the painte...
Cleveland double houses
Created by Evangeline
No leg lamp in these windows A set of two Cleveland double houses based on an actual house plan. These houses are very typical of the more suburban areas in Cleveland. About this asset 1.8k tris 1024x1024 textures custom LOD: yes Package includes 2 buildin...
Cleveland double houses 2
Created by Evangeline
Dream house for sale A set of two Cleveland double houses based on an actual house plan. These houses are very typical of the more suburban areas in Cleveland. About this asset 2.3k tris 1024x1024 textures custom LOD: yes Package includes 3 buildings. This...
Cleveland double houses 3
Created by Evangeline
Into each and every life, some rain has got to fall. Another house in the Cleveland doubles series, based on a sears building plan. including new floor boarding planks and a covered balcony. comes in 3 different colors, and can be repainted with the painte...
Clifford Woodward Building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 4 (3x4) high commercial corner. Work on recreating Detroit continues. This building was commissioned by NicoCO. Become a Patron and support my work! If...
Clifford_Woodward Building Props
Created by Darf
Props for my upcoming release of the Clifford-Woodward building: Warby Parker LuluLemon Logo's have upto 800 tris, 256x32/64x64 textures and LODs....
Clouds & Fog Toggler
Created by BloodyPenguin Disable clouds and distance fog that blocks your view when zooming out. Also allows to disable industrial smog and edge fog. (configurable) I made this mod because clouds & fog rendering changed in After Dark update complete...
CMSystems - Offices
Created by jorge.puerta CMSystems - Offices Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 3x2 - Level 3, office building, 10 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Office. -Level: 3. -Cost: $58.0...
CML Building Perth
Created by TurboCobra
Built in 1936, The 11* storey Colonial Mutual Life Building was the tallest in Perth until 1962. Very similar buildings exist(ed) in Adelaide, Brisbane, Hobart, Newcastle, Durban, Port Elizabeth(Gqeberha), Wellington (and probably more let me know them in ...
Coastal LUT
Created by Ronyx69
Color correction to go along with the Coastal map theme. Balanced for Relight recommended & default settings, but sun intensity 5.6. Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests Donate CSLModding.INFO...
CML Building Adelaide
Created by TurboCobra
The Adelaide CML Building is a 11 storey heritage office building in Adelaide built in 1934 but expanded in 1936 to it's current state. It's in a mission revival style and was the tallest building in the city until the 1960's. In ~1947 two massive masts wh...
Collins Building
Created by Smilies
Collins Building built on the side of a steep hill in downtown Seattle 1894. Because of the way it was built on a slope I made some adjustments to make it suitable for use in game on flat terrain 3x4 office 2048x512 textures diffuse, normal, spec, illumina...
Collins Building 68m
Created by Smilies
Fictional 68m versions of Collins Building, Seattle 3x4 office 2048x512 textures diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color 22989 tris, LOD 96 tris 256x256 Models and textures done by Smilies; cannot be re-uploaded without permission authorized by Smilies....
Columbia apartments (3 buildings, high res growable)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 3x3 high res lvl 3 growable. About the model These are some typical New York type apartments. Hope you like them as a filler in your cities. :) I still needed some more filler buildings in my cities so I decid...
Commercial Corner
Created by Smilies
Low density commercial wall to wall corner building 2x3 1024x512 diffuse, spec, normal, illumination LOD 128x128 Main mesh: 1450 tris, LOD 58 tris, foundation: 180 tris Custom foundation - 12m wide, looks best when hand placed with move it mod Models and t...
Commercial Retail Buildings
Created by KingLeno
Commercial Retail Buildings by KingLeno Minor update of an old asset, Express with logos and signs removed, minimal texture update, added color map for use with Painter mod. Consists of 3 buildings, original size and taller version (with low commercial RIC...
Commercial High Remastered - same buildings, better colors
Created by Brum
My 3 first creations for the workshop weren't too bad, but were too bright and oversaturated, a common mistake for beginners. So I decided to remaster them, with better colors and a few texture corrections. I also added colormaps. GRANDE HOTEL PELOTAS Pelo...
Commercial W2W 2
Created by Smilies
Low density commercial wall to wall buildings Mesh 1: 494 tris LOD 20 tris 1x2 Mesh 2: 498 tris LOD 20 tris 1x3 Mesh 3: 740 tris LOD 20 tris 1x3 Mesh 4: 918 tris LOD 30 tris 1x4 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color 16 color variations all bu...
Commercial W2W 3
Created by Smilies
Low density commercial wall to wall buildings Mesh 1: 494 tris LOD 20 tris 1x2 Mesh 2: 498 tris LOD 20 tris 1x3 Mesh 3: 740 tris LOD 20 tris 1x3 Mesh 4: 918 tris LOD 30 tris 1x4 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color 16 color variations all bu...
Commercial W2W 4
Created by Smilies
Low density commercial wall to wall buildings Mesh 1: 494 tris LOD 20 tris 1x2 Mesh 2: 498 tris LOD 20 tris 1x3 Mesh 3: 740 tris LOD 20 tris 1x3 Mesh 4: 918 tris LOD 30 tris 1x4 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color 16 color variations all bu...
Commercial W2W 1
Created by Smilies
Low density commercial wall to wall buildings Mesh 1: 494 tris LOD 20 tris 1x2 Mesh 2: 498 tris LOD 20 tris 1x3 Mesh 3: 740 tris LOD 20 tris 1x3 Mesh 4: 918 tris LOD 30 tris 1x4 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color 16 color variations all bu...
Commercial W2W 5
Created by Smilies
Has parking in the rear, will work well for anyone who wants to make more functional alleys. 2x4 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 1166 tris, LOD 72 tris 64x64 16m wide asset will share textures with other...
Commercial W2W 6
Created by Smilies
awning slightly overhangs the lot, works best when placed on corners by hand 2x2 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 450 tris, LOD 42 tris 64x64 16m wide asset shares textures with other w2w assets, use Load...
Commercial WallToWall 10
Created by Smilies
generic version 6m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 928 tris, LOD 60 tr...
Commercial WallToWall 15
Created by Smilies
6m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1680 tris, LOD 60 tris asset shares...
Commercial WallToWall 13
Created by Smilies
generic blank storefront 6m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1691 tris,...
Commercial WallToWall 20
Created by Smilies
generic blank storefront 5m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1197 tris,...
Commercial WallToWall 18
Created by Smilies
generic blank storefront 6m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 2017 tris,...
Commercial WallToWall 22
Created by Smilies
generic blank storefront 5m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1409 tris,...
Commercial WallToWall 7
Created by Smilies
generic undecorated small commercial building 1x2 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 222 tris, LOD 28 tris, foundation 116 tris 8m wide asset shares textures with other commercial w2w assets, use Loading Sc...
Commercial WallToWall 8
Created by Smilies
6m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Two variations, UPS Store and a generic blank variation Assets are 1x4 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, col...
Commercial WallToWall 9
Created by Smilies
6m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1684 tris, LOD 60 tris asset shares...
Commodore Barry Bridge
Created by donoteat
The Commodore Barry Bridge links Chester, PA, with an even worse place -- New Jersey. At 1km long (total length of cantilever structure, and hence this asset), It is the fourth-longest cantilever bridge in the world. It makes in-game bridge spans look comi...
Commercial WallToWall Corner 3
Created by Smilies
w2w corner asset will grow properly on the grid, no hand placement is necessary Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 3141 tris, LOD 62 tris asset shares textures with w2w commercial ass...
Commercial WallToWall Corner 1
Created by Smilies
w2w corner asset will grow properly on the grid, no hand placement is necessary Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 3079 tris, LOD 62 tris asset shares textures with w2w commercial ass...
Complejo Barraca Pena
Created by Modocero
Complejo Barraca Peña Modelo: Building In Real Life History: Fue un importante complejo del sistema de depósitos, muelles y medios de transporte que aseguraba un eficaz punto de transferencia para...
Concrete Pedestrian Path Set
Created by neinnew/네인
Concrete Pedestrian Path Set It's a concrete tiled sidewalk And rendered tunnel, also 1m version useful in a small space! In addition, its invisible versions: Information Ground version conf...
Condo 54m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above level 4 4x4 high density residential shorter version of the 73m Condo 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination 5081 tris LOD 184 tris 128x128 glass balcony ...
Condo 41m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above level 3 4x4 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination 6464 tris LOD 262 tris 128x128 glass balcony 708 tris Asset shares textures wi...
Condo 73m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above level 4 4x4 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination 7023 tris LOD 184 tris 128x128 glass balcony 1092 tris 4 color variations Asse...
Copper watertower
Created by Darf
Copper watertower...
Cooling pipe
Created by Darf
Cooling pipe for on top of building...
Cordova Building
Created by Smilies
923 tris LOD 50 tris 1024x512 texture with 4 color varations, normal map, spec and illumination 1x2 lot size Small foundation with stairs for gentle slope tolerance Models and textures done by Smilies; cannot be re-uploaded without permission authorized by...
Cordyline Australis
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Cordyline Australis Mediterranean Plant 1024x512 Texture Main = 746 Triangles Lod = 32 Triangles 3 Meters in Height with variations of 1.2 Max Scale & .85 Min Scale.
Corner Deli Commercial
Created by Smilies
Corner Deli Commercial growable version Level 2 commercial low 2x4 corner 1493 tris 512x1024 textures diffuse, spec, color, illumination, normal Custom LOD 109 tris baked textures 128x128 Custom foundation and stairs for gentle slope tolerance 4 color vari...
Corner building with variations - Thiers Corner #2
Created by Gruny
This building is inspired by the architecture of Bordeaux. This 90° corner has its own particularity since it uses the 'Building Variations' mod to give you the possibility to choose among 4 shops for the ground floor. Specs Level 2 low density commercial ...
Created by Darf
Cornerstones by Darf...
Costco Wholesale
Created by Cristolisto
Costco Wholesale is an American warehouse retail store known for their large big-box locations. Founded in 1983, they are headquartered in Issaquah, Washington. They are the 5th largest retailer in the world on have over 858 locations worldwide. Their busi...
Crate Prop Pack
Created by Feindbold
Its a pack of crates, 6 different props, search for crate in find it Triangles: Its crates, its not an horrible high amount Textures: Small I love to model buildings, if you really like my buildings/mods and you are feeling generous you can donate me a few...
Cronin Building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 3x3 High comm lvl 1. About the model The sixth building of my New England series, this building is located in New London, Ct., which I visited on the way during our drive from New York to...
Crenshaw Blvd. Homes
Created by KingLeno
Crenshaw Blvd. Homes by KingLeno 5 low density residential houses inspired by south western LA. LA 100, LA 101, LA 200, LA 300, LA 306 screenshots by u/disgruntledguy *********************************** If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a...
Crump Food Mart
Created by KingLeno
Crump Food Mart by KingLeno Checks cashed and EBT accepted here, pick up your groceries and your cigs. But please no loitering on the premises. Level 1 Low Density commercial. 10 workplaces with RICO mod. If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or...
CSL Show More Limits
Created by knighthawkGP
CSL Show More Limits v1.7.0_f5 Build_01 Purpose Basically an enhanced version of emf's mod Show Limits This one shows a few more items and corrects a few short comings I found in the original as well as providing the optional ability to log or record the i...
Curb Props
Created by Like_Mike
The first curb props I uploaded. They are nonconforming so they can be elevated. Includes curb/planters in 6 different sizes and shapes. Textures updated for 2018! Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see how I create assets.
Created by KingLeno Culver's by KingLeno Culver's is a privately owned and operated American casual fast food restaurant chain that operates primarily in the Midwestern United States. The chain is mostly known for its "Butterburgers" and frozen...
Curb Props 2
Created by KingLeno
Curb Props 2 A set of planters for all your parking lots and landscaping needs. This is follow-up to the older Curb Props. Which apparently a lot of people already have. Watch the attached video to see how these compare to when I first made them. I think t...
Dave & Busters
Created by KingLeno
Dave and Busters by KingLeno...
Custom Effect Loader
Created by boformer
This mod is required for props and vehicles with custom light effects. It sets up and enables the effects on level load. Just install and enable the mod and enjoy the lights :) Cool assets with custom effects! Get them! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.n...
Davis Theater, Chicago.
Created by Evangeline
This ornate theater is waiting to be developed into a shopping mall. This is the famous Davis Theater from Chicago, the longest continually running theater in the US. it was originally known as the Pershing Theater, and had different marquee signs and a sl...
David Stott Building
Created by Khrysler
David Stott Bulding is one of the most iconic Art Deco skyscrapers in Detroit. It was named in honor of English-born buisinessman David E. Stott and completed in 1929. (Wikipedia) This is a level 3 corner office building so if you want this building to spa...
Delaware Bridge
Created by mr.pixelcat
Located: electricity Based on: Benjamin Franklin Bridge, USA The Benjamin Franklin Bridge is a suspension bridge across the Delaware River connecting Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Camden, New Jersey. Description: I made this bridge completely by hand, it...
Decal Garden Path 02 - 8m
Created by Beardmonkey
Decal Garden Path 02 - 8m by Beardmonkey...
Decal Prop Fix (deprecated)
Created by boformer
This mod is for players who want to use decal assets with a size larger than 8x8m and/or tiled decals. Make sure that the mod is enabled! This mod does not mess with save files, simulation or the user interface. It is safe to use and can be disabled at any...
Demand Controller
Demand Controller - Allows you to set RCW demand individually. Takes effect instantly (NEW! 21/02). INSTRUCTIONS: - Hold CTRL+ALT (Command + Option on Mac) and tap D (or Click the UI Button) - The big checkbox in the top left is the global toggle - The sma...
Detroit police HQ (vanilla)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a version of the Detroit Police HQ without the helipad. (8x5) If you have natural disasters you can subscribe to the full version About the model About one and a half years ago I released t...
Detroit Sheriffs Department
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a Police Station (8x4). About the model The Detroit Police headquarters kind of missed this annex. If your police station isn't big enough you can extend it with this annex. This is attache...
Dewart Building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 3x4 High res lvl 2. About the model The third building of my New England series, this building is located in New London, Ct., which I visited on the way during our drive from New York to ...
Detroit Fire HQ (vanilla)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a version of the Detroit FireHQ without the helipad. (4x4) If you have natural disasters you can subscribe to the full version About the model The third installment of my Detroit series.I t...
Dewbury Building
Created by Khrysler
5-story Beaux Arts-style building with studio sized 1 bedroom apartments. This is a residential version of Cowbury and Cranbury buildings. Enjoy! Asset Info: Growable - 1x3 - Level 3 High Density Residential Building MODEL - 721 triangles with 1024x1024 te...
DeWitt Building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 3x4 High Ress lvl 5 About the model The thirteenth building of my New England series. The building is a stretched version of the DeWalt building I uploaded earlier, it has a flat roof. I´...
Dewitt Billboard
Created by Darf
A billboard for the DeWitt building in my New England series. Around 1700 tris (yes, extruded letters take a lot of tris) 512x512 texture (d,n,s). Custom lod with 4 tris on 128x32 texture (d,n,s)....
DH Junction Apartments
Created by KingLeno
DH Junction Apartments by KingLeno Custom RICO settings Lot size (4x3) Triangles 2671 Texture 512x512 d,n,i,s,c If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by making small donation as ...
Dick's Sporting Goods
Created by KingLeno
Dick's Sporting Goods by KingLeno Dick's is an American retail store and sporting goods store based in Pittsburgh metro area. And apparently I can't type the name of the store in the description, but it is in the title. Triangles 933 Texture 1024 x 512 d,n...
Dime Savings Bank
Created by Khrysler
A small Art Deco bank building apparently provides financial services to help grow local businesses and homeowners. I blindly started building 2x3 Level 3 corner office without knowing there's none in vanilla! and I found there's no building look like a ba...
Dime Savings Bank
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a RICO commmercial building(5x6) About the model This is my last release before my holiday. Actually heading to the USA tomorrow. :) So I was looking for something I could do in 2 weeks and...
Directional Light Bollard
Created by Pixel_monster
Directional Light Bollard by Pixel_monster A Low intensity Street bollard with directional yellow light. Used for my Stonewall Quay Asset. If you like this asset please Subscribe to my workshop and rate this asset and commen...
Created by Ronyx69
A ditch network including a fake water prop, and detail props for algae, grass, cattails. Found in walls & fences menu. You can create intersections but they will look terrible and you will need to manually place the fake water props. (approx per segment i...
DIY Concrete Dock (Pack)
Created by Strictoaster
Read me! No, seriously. This is a pack of plain concrete docks that allows you to customize the look and feel by adding your own combination of props and buildings. The pack contains: Functional Cargo Harbor Functional Passenger Harbor Ploppable Dock Prop ...
DK-H3 2x4 Harriman Office Building NYC 39 Broadway
Created by DethKwok
A Wall to Wall Office Building that grows at Level 3 Will update when I can figure out if Jobs can be changed. This is an art Deco building located in NYC, at 39 Broadway. ------------------------------------------------- DK-H3 2x4 Harriman Office Building...
Dollar Tree
Created by KingLeno
Help me get to 1,000 subscribers on YouTube! I’m doing a series of American commercial buildings (some new, some updates) to reward and encourage more subscribers to my YouTube channel. All you need to do is click one of the links and subscribe to the chan...
Door Prop Pack
Created by Redstone
Description This pack includes four versatile door props. I'd recommend using these on fancier, more modern buildings, but they can be used anywhere. You can use them side-by-side, in corners, elevated and more. If you want cims walking through these doors...
Dorsett City Hotel
Created by Waluter
About this asset Dorsett City is a luxurious 4-star hotel located at 9 Aldgate High St, London. Besides its 11 floors of rooms, it also houses a 24-hour restaurant, a gym and a skybar with a great view over London's financial district. It functions as a un...
DOT: Regulatory Signs
Created by Spence!
Pack of regulatory road signs with instructions for road users. Stop, yield, do not enter, lane restrictions, weight limits, truck routes etc. Also includes signs for school zones and pedestrian crossing signs with a flashing beacon. There are 97 props inc...
Downtown Parking Garage
Created by KingLeno Downtown Parking Garage by KingLeno Huge 19 x 11 parking garage. Works like every other parking garage on the workshop, which is not really. Some cars will park, some will fly, etc. Mostly used for decoration and not for fun...
Dunkin' Donuts
Created by KingLeno
Dunkin Donuts by KingLeno Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter If you like my assets, consider showing your support by making a small donation via PayPal ...
Dynamic Resolution (Fixed for 1.9!)
Created by Gradius Twin
NOW WORKING IN 1.9 GREEN CITIES! KNOWN ISSUE - MAC OS X: This mod is currently broken on the Mac. Installing this mod on a Mac will result in the blank sky bug. Removing (or disabling) it and restarting the game will fix the problem. I would love to suppor...
El Colonial Apartment
Created by Watermelon!
Puerto Rico Apartment - Mayagüez, Puerto Rico I hope you liked it as much as i did! Info: Tris: 5,285 Texture size 1024x1024_px Made by Watermelon! Low-Residential 4x4 Commisioned by Bastet69, thanks for your support! Reside...
East 1st St Warehouses
Created by Lightfooted
19th century industrial warehouses located near the riverfront. Primarily used for storing goods brought by boat and barge. *NOTE* Your gravel colour will vary with the map theme you are using. Gravel shown is from Arrowhead Valley. STATS: MODEL - 692 trai...
Edifice La Sauvegarde
Created by Smilies
Located in Old Montreal across from the courthouse, construction started 1912 and completed 1914 2x4 corner office 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination 4615 tris, LOD 68 tris 128x128 Assets shares textures Old Montreal 1, Old Montreal 2, 120...
Eldbury Building
Created by Khrysler
Simple 5-story tenement building with closet sized apartments. This is a residential version of Cowbury and Cranbury buildings. Enjoy! Asset Info: Growable - 1x3 - Level 3 High Density Residential Building MODEL - 696 triangles with 1024x1024 textures (a,d...
Created by RichardShi
Euro Office 3x2 Corner
Created by Lennep
Euro Office 3x2 Corner retextured Level 3 office building If you have the Painter mod, you can change not only the colour of the building, but also how old and faded the plasterwork on the front of the building appears. The lighter the colour you select, t...
Engine 55
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is small firestation (1x4) based of Engine 55 in Soho. About the model A new model from my Soho, Noho and Nolita series. This model has about 1265 tris and a 1536x512 texture. Normal mapped, a...
European Villa 01
Created by
European Villa 01 by nhattam1999 Building Info: This villa was inspired by some designs which I found from the book "Maisons de campagne des environs de Paris : avec plans dessinées d'après nature" Asset Info Main Model: tris: ~3500 texture: 1024x1024 LO...
European Villa 02
Created by
European Villa 02 by Building Info: Designed by me, inspired from "Residence in Nienstedten" by Sebastian Treese Architekten. Textures from ambientcg. Building is used for Embassy of The Kingdom of Livisburg - fictional country in Citites: Skylines ...
Extra Train Station Tracks ( ETST )
Created by BloodyPenguin Adds more train station track assets for custom train stations. This mod was created before custom network assets were a thing and is still needed for stations created with its tracks. These tracks are only available to asse...
European School Pack - Elementary + Highschool!
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) This model is based on a School in Berlin (Bouchestr.), because the roof was bombed out and is still somewhat temporary, I reconstructed the roof plus tower based on areafootage from 1928. Pack c...
Extra Vehicle Effects 0.4
Created by Acc3ss Violation
This is a replacement for the original Extra Vehicle Effects plugin. Check its description for more info. Make sure to unsubscribe from the old version to prevent issues Original mod by Thaok. Description This mod is an expansion pack for Vehicle Effects m...
Eyecandy X
Created by Nyoko
Enhance your visuals with this beginner-friendly customization tool It's no longer supported. You might want to consider merging to Play It! or Lumina instead The mod is stable, but it's no longer receiving support. https://...
Family Dollar
Created by KingLeno
Family Dollar by King Leno Family Dollar Stores Inc. is an American variety store chain in the United States. With over 8,000 locations in all states except Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington, it is the second largest retailer of its type in the United ...
Enterprise rent-a-car
Created by KingLeno
enterprise rent-a-car by KingLeno A rental car facility for your Cims transportation needs. This is a vanilla level 1 commercial building. I tweaked a few things, added the sign. The sign prop is included with the asset, but not used. I also included custo...
Fairmont Hotel San Francisco
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) I have finally some time to release many unfinished/finished but never released projects -Custombuilding -Triangles: yes³ -Textures: yes 2048² + 256² for the LOD, ignore the filesize, there are a...
Ferguson Building
Created by Modocero
Ferguson Building Residential High 3x4 Asset Info Main Tris: 1598 Texture: 3072x1024, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, ilumination, Alpha LOD Tris: 128 Texture 128x128, Diffuse, Ilumination This asset is comisioned by nicocn383 Ferguson building is located in 14...
Farine Five Roses Flour Mill
Created by Evangeline
One of these days i'm gonna climb that mountain, walk up there, among them clouds! The Farine Five Roses Flour mill was built in the 1940's in Montreal, initially owned by the lake of the woods milling company, it was purchased in 1954 by Ogilvie Flour Mil...
Ferry Building Prop Pack
Created by Armesto Ferry Building Prop Pack Required pack of props required for the soon to be uploaded Ferry Building versions, San Francisco (California, USA) Includes: Moving c...
Find It! 2
Created by sway
This mod allows you to search, filter, select, and place assets. It also provides some extra info that are usually not available in vanilla game. Unsubscribe the BETA version before you use this mod! This mod was forked from...
Ferry Building, 1907
Created by Armesto Ferry Building, San Francisco, CA (USA) This version shows the building as it was in 1907, after the damage caused by the earthquake was restored Only includes ...
Fiorano Building
Created by Khrysler
6-story Italianate style tenement building converted to tiny apartments for young professionals. a bit more triangles than I thought it would be but couldn't compromise the details! Enjoy! Asset Info: Growable - 1x4 - Level 3 High Density Residential Build...
Fire escape - 4 story - black - customprop
Created by Feindbold
-customprop, model and textures done by myself -ment to fit 4 story buildings -206 triangles (diffusemap, alphamap 512² each) -52 triangles LOD (diffusemap, alphamap 256² each) Prop for my Brooklyn Theme...
Fire Escape - Bottom A
Created by Khrysler
Fire Escape - Bottom A by Khrysler For the buildings have 6'3" high windows and 4' spandrel between them. MODEL - 92 triangles | 256x256 texture maps LOD - 42 triangles | 64x64 texture maps...
Fire Escape - Bottom B
Created by Khrysler
Fire Escape - Bottom B by Khrysler For the buildings have 6'3" high windows and 4' spandrel between them. MODEL - 92 triangles | 256x256 texture maps LOD - 50 triangles | 64x64 texture maps...
Fire Escape - Bottom B (Red)
Created by Khrysler
Cheap fire escape for 6'-3" (1.9m) window height & 4' (1.2m) spandrel. It was requested by Prosper. The prop is now under Residential > Rooftop Accesses MODEL - 92 triangles | 256x256 texture maps (d,a) LOD - 50 triangles | 64x64 texture maps (d,a)...
Fire Escape - Bottom A (White)
Created by Khrysler
Cheap fire escape for 6'-3" (1.9m) window height & 4' (1.2m) spandrel. It was requested by Darf. The prop is under Residential > Rooftop Accesses MODEL - 60 triangles | 256x128 texture maps (d,a) LOD - 30 triangles | 64x32 texture maps (d,a)...
Fire Escape - Bottom B (White)
Created by Khrysler
Cheap fire escape for 6'-3" (1.9m) window height & 4' (1.2m) spandrel. It was requested by Darf. The prop is under Residential > Rooftop Accesses MODEL - 60 triangles | 256x128 texture maps (d,a) LOD - 30 triangles | 64x32 texture maps (d,a)...
Fire Escape - Mid (Red)
Created by Khrysler
Cheap fire escape for 6'-3" (1.9m) window height & 4' (1.2m) spandrel. It was requested by Prosper. The prop is now under Residential > Rooftop Accesses MODEL - 60 triangles | 256x128 texture maps (d,a) LOD - 30 triangles | 64x32 texture maps (d,a)...
Fire Escape - Mid (White)
Created by Khrysler
Cheap fire escape for 6'-3" (1.9m) window height & 4' (1.2m) spandrel. It was requested by Darf. The prop is under Residential > Rooftop Accesses MODEL - 60 triangles | 256x128 texture maps (d,a) LOD - 30 triangles | 64x32 texture maps (d,a)...
Fire Escape - Middle
Created by Khrysler
Fire Escape - Middle by Khrysler For the buildings have 6'3" high windows and 4' spandrel between them. MODEL - 60 triangles | 256x128 texture maps LOD - 30 triangles | 64x32 texture maps...
Fire Escape - Top (White)
Created by Khrysler
Cheap fire escape for 6'-3" (1.9m) window height & 4' (1.2m) spandrel. It was requested by Darf. The prop is under Residential > Rooftop Accesses MODEL - 60 triangles | 256x128 texture maps (d,a) LOD - 30 triangles | 64x32 texture maps (d,a)...
Fire Escape - Top
Created by Khrysler
Fire Escape - Top by Khrysler For the buildings have 6'3" high windows and 4' spandrel between them. MODEL - 64 triangles | 256x128 texture maps LOD - 34 triangles | 64x32 texture maps...
Fire Escape - Top (Red)
Created by Khrysler
Cheap fire escape for 6'-3" (1.9m) window height & 4' (1.2m) spandrel. It was requested by Prosper. The prop is now under Residential > Rooftop Accesses MODEL - 64 triangles | 256x128 texture maps (d,a) LOD - 34 triangles | 64x32 texture maps (d,a)...
Fire escape 1 story extension
Created by Feindbold
1 story extension for future buildings, bigger than 4 storys -customprop, model and textures done by myself -extension, 1 story high -92 triangles (diffusemap, alphamap 512² each) -20 triangles LOD (diffusemap, alphamap 256² each) Prop for my Brooklyn Them...
Fishbone Antenna | 魚骨天線
Created by Jeremychit Fishbone Antenna 魚骨天線 Description Antennas, or "fishbone" antennas. Antenna prop with six different variations, from two antennas on a pole to six antennas carmped together, recreating Hong Ko...
Florêncio 279 Pack - São Paulo, Brazil
Created by Brum
Florêncio de Abreu 279. One of my favorite eclectic style buildings in downtown São Paulo. Growable 2x2 high commercial LVL 1 - 1.1K tris LVL 2 - 1.3K tris LVL 3 - 1.4K tris Check out more assets in the Old Brazil collection :-)
Flemish smith Warehouse (2x4 high comm lvl 1 corner)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 2x4 high comm lvl 1 corner. About the model Not many people know this building at 495 washington street, but it's one of the finest examples of Flemish revival architecture. Although I go...
Flower pots - PACK
Created by jPRO Flower pots - PACK Elevatable: flower_pot_variation flower_pot_A_01 flower_pot_A_02 flower_pot_A_03 flower_pot_A_04 flower_pot_B_01 flower_pot_B_02 flower_pot_B_03 flower_pot_B_04 flower_pot_C...
Fluorescent light KEIKOUTOU
Fluorescent light KEIKOUTOU by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
Four Light Prop Pack
Created by DSBSubhrajyoti
Four Light Prop Pack by DSBSubhrajyoti 1) High Power Light Prop 2) Light Bar Prop Small 3) Round Light Prop 4) Tilted High Power Light Prop...
Foxwoods theater
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 3x1 Leisure growable. About the model This is a cutesk small theater, it's part of my 42nd street series. The facade gave me some headaches, because there are no clear pictures of it. So it's mainly photoshopp...
French Corner Pack
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -custombuildings -street decoration not included -contains 2 buildings, main + mirror -first building to feature the new standard for roof quality, im sure many will follow, Kappa -Triangles: 6,4...
French Flat 007 [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Informations: This is a typical small French flat. Additional informations: Main model: 5657 tris LOD model: 210 tris Template used: Ploppable Landmark; Free placement (But you need Move It mod); 3x3; Has green and blue restautant variants I will be making...
Flemish Smith Apartments (2x4 high comm lvl 2 corner)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 2x4 high comm lvl 2 corner. About the model This is a 10 story version of the Flemish Smith Warehouse. I thought this building would lend itself quite well to a vertical extension. This h...
French Flat 018 RICO [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Informations: This is a typical 60 degrees angled Parisian flat.. You need "Move It" to place and align it properly with any other building. Additional informations: Main model: 4,266 tris LOD model: 114 tris Template used: (without RICO) 2x2 Park; (with R...
French Flat 015 [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Informations: This is a typical Parisian flat. Additional informations: Main model: 1,500 tris LOD model: 83 tris Template used: Growable; 1x2 Level 1 High Residential (Blockhouse) I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le der...
French Flat 055 [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Informations: This building is one of the many brick flats that can be found around Paris. Additional informations: The footprint of this building is 2x2. Flower props and signs are not included with the asset, I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to ...
French Lamp Pack [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Informations: This is a pack of the typical street lanterns found in Paris. Additional informations: The pack includes: -Single Lamp 9m (best for avenues and boulevards) -Single Lamp -Triple Lamp -Quadra Lamp -Penta Lamp Be advised that screenshots for the...
French Flat Pack 01 [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Informations: This is a set of flats found around Palais Garnier in Paris. Additional informations: All the assets have custom models and LODs. Templates used: All of the buildings are set to High Commercial. - Corner 3x3 - 2 Straight pieces 2x3 - 2 135d c...
Freo Shop 6
Created by TurboCobra
A shop based on the smaller ones found in Fremantle. It's not entirely a 1:1 recreation so that just so that it fits W2W in the grid. Specs: 1024 tex 2164 tris Auto-LOD (whoops!) /\Don't worry it looks fine :) Size: 2x4...
FreoShop 1
Created by TurboCobra
A shop based on the smaller ones found in Fremantle. It's not entirely a 1:1 recreation so that just so that it fits W2W in the grid. Specs: 1024 tex 1289 tris lod: 256 tex 80 tris Size: 2x4...
French Flat 054 [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Informations: This building is one of the many brick flats that can be found around Paris. Additional informations: The footprint of this building is 2x2. Flower props and signs are not included with the asset, I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to ...
FreoShop 2
Created by TurboCobra
A shop based on the smaller ones found in Fremantle. It's not entirely a 1:1 recreation so that just so that it fits W2W in the grid. Specs: 1024 tex 610 tris lod: 256 tex 76 tris Size: 1x2...
FreoShop 4
Created by TurboCobra
A shop based on the smaller ones found in Fremantle. It's not entirely a 1:1 recreation so that just so that it fits W2W in the grid. Specs: 1024 tex 1422 tris lod: 256 tex 80 tris Size: 1x2...
FreoShop 3
Created by TurboCobra
A shop based on the smaller ones found in Fremantle. It's not entirely a 1:1 recreation so that just so that it fits W2W in the grid. Specs: 1024 tex 2362 tris lod: 256 tex 144 tris Size: 2x4...
FreoShop 5
Created by TurboCobra
A shop based on the smaller ones found in Fremantle. It's not entirely a 1:1 recreation so that just so that it fits W2W in the grid. Specs: 1024 tex 1678 tris lod: 256 tex 80 tris Size: 1x2...
Created by KingLeno
GameStop version 2 by KingLeno This is an updated version of a previous asset. It uses the same textures as Bed Bath and Beyond, so check out the video above to see the textures in game. For the generic 1x4 shopping center building without branding as pict...
FTP Stone path
Created by Tero
Stone path used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses collec...
Garden Bushes by pdelmo
Created by pdelmo
PRES special. 288 Triangles per bush and a 512x512 texture. Check out Pres's Youtube INCLUDES. unflowerd, red, yellow, purple, blue. you can remove any in the asset manager at your own will if you do...
Garden Fence (Brown)
Created by rik4000
Garden fence prop Brown garden fence mostly seen around various front and back gardens across the UK. This has been frequently used in my UK Terraced Residential / Commercial project. Where can i find this prop in game? This prop can be found in the asset ...
Garden Prop Pack 01
Created by Beardmonkey
Garden Prop Pack 01 by Beardmonkey This is a pack of seven garden props. All assets in this pack has custom LOD:s. If you use the Find It! mod by SamsamTS search for BM for easy access. Get Find It! here:
Garden Shed #3
Created by rik4000
Garden Shed #3 This garden shed is a decorative prop and is best used with the amazing More Beautification Mod and Prop Anarchy (& Tree Anarchy) Mod by BloodyPenguin which allows you to place props in game. Where can i find this prop in game? This prop can...
General Industry Co.
Created by Khrysler
General Industry Co. by Khrysler A small factory produces any essential goods in the most inexpensive way possible. The building is based on Columbia Steel & Shafting Warehouse Building on E 55th St. in Cleveland, Ohio USA. The building was probably built ...
Generic Industrial Building 2
Created by Lee the Yote
The second "Generic Industrial Building" This industrial building is based off of A1 exhaust systems in Rotorua, New Zealand. To find it open find it and search 'nz ind'. Tris: 314 39 lod Textures: 1024x1024 128x128 lod Its a Level 1 industrial growable an...
Generic Simple Chimneys Pack
Created by gabcove
This pack contains some generic chimneys props. It's a dependency pack for my future models that are going to be published in the becoming weeks. Texture: 512 x 512 Triangles: All the versions has less than 110 triangles....
Generic Tree pack
Created by Lost Gecko
Pack of 6 generic filler trees for all sorts of rural areas, highway sides or anywhere some random trees are needed. Map Theme: New Caledonia - LUTs: Cleyra/Colorful Summer Day Models main models tris: 332 - 374 - 438 - 504 - 814 - 878 textures: 512x512 (d...
Goelet Building (4x4 high res corner lvl 3)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 4x4 high res lvl 3 corner. About the model When I first saw this building I knew it would be excellent for C:S. Quite detailed, but also very paterned and colorfull. Also 10 stories tall,...
Created by Modocero
GoodSpeed Comercial High 3x4 Asset Info Main Tris: 1893 Texture: 2048x1024, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, ilumination LOD Tris: 114 Texture 256x256gg, Diffuse, Ilumination This asset is comisioned by nicocn383 The real building location
Government Primary School (Type B) - Hong Kong [English Description]
Created by Dennie Mok
Language: English | 繁體中文 | 簡体中文 Abstract: This is an ideal primary school for your city! With high capacity and coverage! http...
Green Ivy
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 6 variations of green ivy props, similar to grape vines. Found in park props. Red version: Main: 25 - 50 tris 512x512 LOD: 2 - 7 tris House in screenshots: Rhine Gorge Brick House by...
Gucci Seoul
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x2 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Gucci flagship store in Cheongdam, Seoul. It is a stand-alone building, but it can also work wall-to-wall with the help of mods. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please ...
Guinle Building by DBrum
Created by Brum
The Guinle Building is considered the first skyscraper in São Paulo. Its reinforced concrete structure was a revolution for Brazilian architecture in 1913. I made some additions to the original design based on the history of the building. The waving flags ...
Gula's Taco Bell KFC
Created by Gula
3x2 low density commercial L1 4 Color variations 1807 tris 1024 texture res LOD 98 tri ----------- Twitter @GulaGames ...
Hamilton Crossing Apartments
Created by KingLeno
Hamilton Crossing Apartments by KingLeno This is a re-texture of Hamilton Station Apartments It was created at the same time and I've only used it for personal use, but dec...
Hamilton Station Apartments
Created by KingLeno
Hamilton Station Apartments by KingLeno Triangles - 2340 Texture 512x512 d,n,i,s Lod triangles 130 If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by making small donation as a token of ap...
Gula's Walgreens (3x3 LD Com)
Created by Gula
Gula's Greenwalls Walgreens (3x3 low density commercial) "The Walgreen Company (Walgreens) is the largest drug retailing chain in the United States. As of May 31, 2014, the company operated 8,217 stores in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Ri...
Happy Dairy Market
Created by Smilies
Generic Early American wall-to-wall lowrise Low density level 2 commercial Main mesh 1642 tris 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color Custom LOD 67 tris 128x128 texture Custom foundation with stairs for gentle slope tolerance, works best when ...
H&M Seoul
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x2 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the H&M building located at the center of the busy Hongdae shopping district in Seoul. It works best as a corner building. I've tried to figure out how the roof glass canopies work 'c...
Harbour Centre (Lookout)
Created by Modocero
Harbour Centre Unique Building 6x11 Asset Info Main Tris: 14981 Texture: 2048x2048, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, ilumination, Alpha LOD Tris: 471 Texture 256x256, Diffuse, Ilumination Tags: Canada, Vancouver, Lookout Discord: Modocero#5931
Harley-Davidson Dealership
Created by Gruny
Harley-Davidson, or H-D for short, is an American motorcycle maker that started making motorcycles in Milwaukee in 1903. (Wikipedia) Specs Level 2 low density commercial 4x3 - growable Tris 514 / 24 (lod) Texture - 1024x1024 | D / I / S Lod Texture - 128x1...
Hat Shop Sign
Created by Khrysler
Attractive and daring hat shop sign from 1900s. Just wanted to make this old time sign with little time I have. Hope you like it as much as I do! It's a required prop for Litton Clothier Co. buildiing for more vibrant look. MODEL - 166 triangles | 256x128 ...
Haye's Hardware
Created by Evangeline
like a bird from these prison walls i'll fly..... A small 2x3 sized lvl 1 commercial growable building, modeled after a HO scale model kit. About this asset 512 x 2048 textures. lvl 1 commercial growable Acknowledgements Model done by EvametryE, textures d...
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...
Heavy Outside Traffic
Created by pcfantasy
Can adjust outside transit traffic flow traffic for game, very challenage to your highway network. (1)There are 3 levels can be selected in options for each 4 sides 1. Low traffic 2. Medium traffic 3. Heavy traffic (2)The wider the highway is, the more tra...
Havana Rundown Wall2Wall
Created by NameInvalid
commissioned by fengp contain 5 variations - 2 corner unit 2x2 - 1 intermediate unit 2x2 - 2 intermediate unit 1x2 Building type : low density growable ✅ keyword : havana, w2w tex 1024x2048 Make sure to have Ploppable RICO Revisited if want to plop. new pa...
Hendel building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 1x4 High comm lvl 1. About the model The fourth building of my New England series, this building is also located in New London, Ct., which I visited on the way during our drive from New Y...
High Density Condos 1 - Rio de Janeiro
Created by Brum
This pack contains 4 eclectic style high residential buildings from Rio de Janeiro. They are variations of the Old Brazil commercial buildings in new colors. All condos are growable with 5 levels and 4 colors each level, totaling 80 possible building varia...
Hedge Prop.
Created by pdelmo
Hedge Prop. 3d Plant Prop for People that detail only. Includes one tall 8mtr hedge terrain conforming Short 7mtr hedge conforming and non-conforming Made using bilboaring leaves has double sided mesh as its a prop. So has twice the triangle count as a tre...
High Density Condos 2 - São Paulo
Created by Brum
This pack contains 4 eclectic style high residential buildings from São Paulo. They are variations in new colors of my commercial buildings from Old Brazil Collection. All condos are growable with 5 levels and 4 colors each level, totaling 80 possible buil...
Hermitage(Winter Palace) / Эрмитаж
Created by Lt.Tasteless
Hermitage museum in St.petersburg, Russia ******Highly recommend to use with 'Move it'****** Follow the instruction for realistic deployment or make your own landmark File size is reduced to 30% of it was before...
Hermitage Statue Pack
Created by Lt.Tasteless
Hermitage Statue Pack...
High Density Condos 3
Created by Brum
This pack contains 4 eclectic style high residential buildings from Porto Alegre, Pelotas and Recife. They are variations in new colors of my commercial buildings from Old Brazil Collection. All condos are growable with 5 levels and 4 colors each level, to...
High School no 1 - small
Created by Lichwiarz
A smaller version of the original school, done for a request -The model is based on the High School No. 1 building in Bydgoszcz, Poland. -Provides high school education. MODEL INFO; -Main model 3378 tris, lod 131 tris -Textures are the same as the original...
Highland Manor Apartments
Created by KingLeno
Highland Manor Apartments by KingLeno...
Highrise Condo 62m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 8662 tris LOD 410 tris 256x256 asset shares textures with several other asse...
Himelhoch Building 2x4 Officerow - L1
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) What means "RICO ready"? This asset comes with all the necessary thumbnails, but not with the actual RICO file. Its up to you wether you want to make it an ploppable RICO using the manager, or no...
Hills View - Apartments
Created by jorge.puerta Hills View - Apartments Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 3x3 - Level 4, high density residential building, 8 floors. texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Residentia...
Historic American House Pack
Created by Smilies
works best when placed with plop the growables or rico revisited and move it, all models have custom foundations for gentle slope tolerance This pack contains 20 houses influenced by various American styles of Victorian, Queen Anne, Stick, Colonial and Gre...
Historic Mansions
Created by KingLeno
Historic Mansions by KingLeno 3 Model variations including: 5x6 Unique Building Smaller 4x4 Low Residential Even smaller 4x4 Low Residential Includes transparent pool. Texture size 1024x1024, triangles ~ 4,000 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me ...
Historic Richmond Virginia: Apartment 01
Created by hamma085
This was a commissioned building Ploppable RICO Enabled About the building This historic apartment building in Richmond Virginia was constructed in 1917, and is located at 2800 Monument Avenue. It is a contributing property to the Monument Avenue Historic ...
Hotel Monaco (RICO) Salt Lake City
Created by Crazyglueit
NEW TEXTURES - LOD (10/2/18) Hotel Monaco located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Built in 1924, this 14 story renaissance style building was orignally the Continental Bank but in 1998 was renovated to the Hotel Monaco. Scale - 1:1 ...
Hong Kong Village House - LR3 1x2 2 | 香港村屋
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Village House - Low Density Residential Level 3 1x2 2 香港村屋 - 低密度民居 等級三 一乘二 二 Description Hong Kong-style village houses that were built in post-war times, these buildings are built i...
Hong Kong Village House - LR2 3x2 1 | 戰前村屋
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Village House - Low Density Residential Level 2 1x2 2 香港村屋 - 低密度民居 等級二 二乘三 一 Description Traditional village houses in Hong Kong, these buildings are built in rural parts of the city...
Hotel Touraine
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a High residential corner lvl 5 building(3x3) and a High residential lvl 5 building(3x3) About the model Hello! It´s been a while.. This is the first building of my New England Series, a se...
Huntsworth Building
Created by Khrysler
120 years old Neo-classical cast iron buildiing converted to exclusive commercial spaces. This is one of my favrotie architectural style (and who doesn't? it's like french fries!) that I always wanted to build. The building is based on many surviving cast ...
Hudson apartments (2 pack high res grow)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 2x3 high res lvl 4 growable. About the model These are some typical New York type apartments. Hope you like them as a filler in your cities. :) I still needed some more filler buildings in my cities...
HVACR systems pack
Created by Prosper
Pack of HVACR units. It will be replenished. The LOD is autogenerated....
Image Overlay Renewal 1.9.4
Created by Mbyron26
Overview Overlay images on top of the map, allowing you to replicate real city. New in version 1.9.4 Fixed serialization exception issues. Updated localization. Directions: Keep your image resolution below 15000x15000px (rec...
Ice Cream Props Pack
Created by Gruny
This pack was specifically created for La Maison du Glacier but will be perfect for decorating your businesses. It includes: 1 white wooden table 1 white wooden chair 1 menu 1 giant ice cream Support If you like my assets, you can support me with a small d...
Imperial Courts Public Housing
Created by KingLeno
Imperial Courts by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. Imperial Courts is a public housing project located in Watts, Los Angeles, California. It comprises 500 apartment units ...
Improved Public Transport 2
Created by BloodyPenguin
Also known as IPT2. Provides improved control of public transportation. Compatible with More Vehicles, TM:PE, Vehicle Selector! YOU MUST DELETE ANY OTHER VERSIONS OF THIS MOD AND RESTART THE GAME BEFORE USING THIS! This is a...
In-N-Out Burger
Created by KingLeno
In-N-Out Burger by King Leno You can see this asset in-game by clicking here. Or just watch the video above. Please rate and Subscribe! In-N-Out Burger is an American regional chain of fast food restaurants with locations primarily in the American Southwes...
Indianapolis Chase Tower
Created by Jetengine@2049
Hey guys, Thank you so much for your donation last night. We are almost approaching the $50 dollar mark, with a few dollars left to go, and the W.r Grace Tower is almost finished. And for every $50 dollars you guys donate, I would release a new building fr...
Industrial Shop
Created by Smilies
old, small industrial/warehouse looking building, low poly model 20m wide, plop by hand for the wall-to-wall aesthetic, storefront blank and generic for detailers 3x4 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color Main mesh: 852...
Industrial Office 2
Created by The Lost Cake
The second part of the industrial office. 3x2 1931 Tris 1007 Vertices 512x2048 Follow me on Twitter for updates on the assets i'm working on....
Industrial unit #1
Created by Starshall
Industrial Small Modules
Created by gabcove
A collection of six industrial functional small modules. Texture: 2048 x 1024 / LOD 256 x 128 This pack includes functional buildings and props. UPDATED ON JANUARY 07 All chimneys were removed....
Inner City Corner 2
Created by Smilies
low density commercial 1x2 weathered brick, shuttered and boarded 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination Main mesh 1040 tris, LOD 16 tris 64x64, foundation 198 tris, submesh 88 tris Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance 4 color variatio...
Inner City Corner 3
Created by Smilies
level 1 3x2 135 degree corner, weathered brick, shuttered, partially boarded 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination Main mesh 506 tris, LOD 13 tris 64x64 growable, but looks best when plopped on a 135 degree corner, suggest you use find it mod...
Insurance Library Association
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 2x2 Office building About the model Already the eighteenth building of my New England series. The building is located in Boston, next to 160 state street in the financial district. You ca...
Interfisa Financiera Asuncion
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 1 (2x4) low commercial corner. A request I did for Bastet. Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to see new releases and upcoming work visit...
Interstate Blood Bank (Chicago)
Created by Modocero
Interstate Blood Bank (Chicago) Healthcare Asset Info Main Tris: 794 Texture: 512x2048, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, ilumination LOD Tris: 422 Texture 128x128, Diffuse, Ilumination The real building location,-87.712143...
Intersection Marking Tool 1.14.5
Created by macsergey Overview This mod allows you to quickly create road markings at intersections. This is for detailing and aesthetics ONLY and WILL NOT tell your traffic where to go. If you want to control traf...
Invisible 1 Lane Zoneable + Sidewalk
Created by nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. This one is different than the invisible highways in the following ways: It has a sidewalk -> You can make bus stops. You can make elevated invisible roads. You can make invisible tunnels (invisible tunnel entran...
Invisible ceiling lamp
Created by vilgard92
Invisible ceiling lamp by vilgard92 For assets designers. An invisible ceiling light that illuminates 180 degrees downward with a slight random variation of brightness to enhance your créations. I hope you'll enjoy. Stats :Tris : none Lod Tris : none Textu...
Invisible taxi depot
Created by ron_fu-ta
非表示のタクシー車庫 電力、水不要。 Invisible taxi depot No need electricity and water....
Iserman Building
Created by Khrysler
Attractive cast iron building with extra clear arched windows for maximum window display exposure. Another typical but beautiful cast iron building can be found in Soho, New York. More french fries to enjoy! Asset Info: Growable - 2x4 - Level 3 High Densit...
Italian Fire Station - Vigili del Fuoco
Created by Zarrix
Information Modern Italian Fire Station Tris: 3041 LOD: 66 If you like my work leave a like and follow me to stay updated on all assets to come Tags: Zarrix Italy Italia Italian Vigili del Fuoco Firefighter Station Fire Euro...
Italian Cypress
Created by pdelmo
Italian Cypress by pdelmo ( Mediterranean cypress ) 1024x512 textures 923 Tris If you want to donate to the pdelmo plant factory
j.p - Metropolitan Hospital
Created by jorge.puerta j.p - Metropolitan Hospital Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 6x4 - A new large health facility, 8 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Description -...
j.p - Regular Forest
Created by jorge.puerta j.p - Regular Forest Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 12 elements - Regular Forest. An whole collection of trees and other plants. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-n-a) Texture LOD (auto) Description -Type: Trees & Decoration. ...
Jackson Building
Created by Khrysler
Jackson Building by Khrysler Art Deco highrise building that was revised to be shorter than an orignal proposal due to economic slowdown. Decided to quickly create one after a suggestion by Wrightguy0 & cmdp1989. This asset uses the same exact textures to ...
Jackson county courthouse, Scottsboro, Alabama
Created by Evangeline
We'll meet again. This is the Jackson county courthouse that sits in the town of Scottsboro in the state of Alabama. this courthouse was built in 1912, and is made as it was back then. it got an expansion in the late 1950's making it as it is today. This c...
Jackson Tower
Created by Khrysler
Jackson Tower by Khrysler Art Deco skyscraper inspired by Pedriana Pharmaceuticals from Simcity 4 which was likely inspired by Nelson Tower in New York City. Finally finished after struggling to get a good proportion of the building. The number of triangle...
James C. Flood Mansion Pack
Created by Macwelshman] If you have a CS1 commission please use the link below. The James C. Flood Mansion is a historic mansion at 1000 California Street, atop Nob Hill in San Francisco, California, USA. Now home of the Pacific-Union Club, it was b...
Japanese Parking Garage
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese parking garage inspired from the one around Shizuoka Station in Japan. 2 sizes included and 4 color variants. Since this is a functional parking lot, CIMs can park their cars on every floors. Too big vehicle like vanilla pickup trucks or camping v...
Japanese Covered Walkway / 商店街の屋根
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese covered walkway in shopping streets. Place them on the sides of roads. 日本の商店街にありがちな屋根のついた歩道です。道路わきに設置してください。 Tris: ~100 / Textures: 256x256 (128x128 LOD), d/n お布施をいただけるとやる気が出ます。 Donate:
Japanese Elementary School
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Japanese High School
Created by Ronyx69
Very simple japanese high school. Stats probably the same as vanilla high school. This asset is quite old, but I had never released it. The building doesn't fit in 16x8 properly, so it overlaps the road a bit Just move it or delete the road. Main: 6146 tri...
Japanese Warehouses 2
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Japanese Fire Station
Created by Ronyx69
Japanese Fire Station / Department based on Kamo Fire Union Office:,137.0064379,67a,35y,312.66h,54.07t/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en Antennas are optional. Main: 3193 tris 1024x1024 LOD: 194 tris 256x256 Twitch YouTube Twitter...
Jefferson General Store
Created by KingLeno
Jefferson General Store by KingLeno...
Jeppsen Place
Created by Khrysler
Jeppsen Place is a slim cast iron building used to be called "New Pantheon" for its godly attractive elevation. The building was inspired by 472 Broadway New York, NY. Asset Info: Growable - 1x4 - Level 3 High Density Commerical Building MODEL - 1,353 tria...
Johnson Building Group
Created by Robert
Required items are only needed for the restaurant in the back - it is using the Bennelong Restaurant props from the Opera House. If you're going to cover that bit up then don't worry about them! :) Surrounding the southern side of the Grosvenor Place tower...
Jornal “O Paiz” Pack - Rio de Janeiro BR
Created by Brum
This pack is inspired by the magnificent eclectic architecture of the headquarters of the newspaper "O Paiz", in downtown Rio de Janeiro. Paiz played a prominent role in the Brazilian mentality at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, including the defe...
Jotters Store Sign
Created by Khrysler
Front store sign of Jotters, an office supply retail company. They have any notebooks to toilet paper to jot down on. MODEL - 10 triangles | 256x32 texture maps (d,i,n) LOD - 8 triangles | 128x16 texture maps (d,i)...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2125
JP 2L Small Roads KR2125 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2135
JP 2L Small Roads KR2135 by Konno Model...
JP 5m Tiny Roads +ped KT203
マウントアップ型の歩道がついた車道幅5mの道路です。 路地等でよく見かけるタイプの道路かと思います。 縁石の高さは車道面からみて10cmです。...
JP 5m Tiny Roads KT202
JP 5m Tiny Roads KT202 by Konno Model...
JP 6m Tiny Roads KT204
JP 6m Tiny Roads KT204 by Konno Model...
JP APA Hotel / アパホテル
Created by koma
It is a Japanese business hotel, APA hotel. tourism area. 4×3size. 日本のビジネスホテル、アパホテルです。 観光特化地区 4×3サイズです。 JP APA Hotel by koma...
JP Bicycle PROP 3packs
JP Bicycle PROP 3packs texture : 512*256...
JP Gas Cylinder Pack
Created by jaijai
JP Gas Cylinder Prop Pack This asset contains 6 props. There are two types of cylinders: 20kg and 30kg. Asset Details 20kg A Triangles: 132 (23), Texture: 128x128 (32x32) 20kg A4 Triangles: 528 (48), Texture: 128x128 (32x32) 20kg B Triangles: 372 (36), Tex...
JP Parking Lot Light
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese light for parking lots inspired from Panasonic's one. 2 props are included. One is double-side, the other is single-side. You can use them for station squares or parks as well. Specifications 4.8m height Tris Main(LOD): 66(48), 98(64) Textures Mai...
JPPO Roof Props
Created by Ronyx69
Includes an AC, an electricity box and a vent. Made for the Japanese Post Office. Very generic, can be used for whatever you want. Main: 110 - 386 tris 512x256 LOD: 10 - 22 tris Twitch YouTube...
JP Light Pole
Created by SUGINOKO ver.1.1 モデル情報/Model info ●日本のライトポールです。 ・Japanese light pole. ●支柱は55cm分埋まっています。 ・The strut is buried 55cm. ●このアセットは光ります。 ・This asset giows. ●以下の14種類が同包されています。 ・The following 14 types are included. Img Name Tris https://i.imgu...
Created by pdelmo
Juniper Not really heavy at 708tri and 512x512 texture. Nice balance of detail for the game. Will suit most builds like dark themes and temperate. Tad over scale just the way we like it Juniper small HERE
JPRL-2 アーム型道路灯
Created by hakurai
BROWN Ver.も同封しています。 またTOKACHI269氏よりScreenshotsを提供していただきました。 JPRL-2 アーム型道路灯 by hakurai...
Kaffeinrich Coffee Sign - A
Created by Khrysler
Kaffeinrich Coffee Sign - A by Khrysler MODEL - 664 triangles | 256x32 texture maps LOD - 2 triangles | 128x16 texture maps...
KDIC_Office Building_L3
Created by Memories
Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation (KDIC) 예금보험공사 사옥입니다. KDIC_Office Building Office Level 3 Growable 4x4 Model Tris 6300 Lod Tris 328 Texture 2048x2048 Lod Texture 256x256 ...
Keffler Building
Created by Khrysler
Keffler Building is an old cast iron building with wide windows and unique sandstone architectural details. One of typical buildings can be found in Soho and Tribeca in New York. Asset Info: Growable - 1x3 - Level 3 High Density Commerical Building MODEL -...
Kearns Building (4x4 comm lvl 3)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 4x4 commercial building lvl 3 About the model I was looking to replace a 4x4 commercial lvl 3 in my theme and noticed there's not many commercial buildings in the workshop. Hence, this bu...
Created by KingLeno
KFC by KingLeno American fast food restaurant chain headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, that specializes in fried chicken. Also includes trees: Road Tree and Regular Bush but feel free to use whatever tree you want. Subsc...
Khrysler Homes - The Cleveland
Created by Khrysler
Khrysler Homes - The Cleveland by Khrysler 1800's American suburban house with needlessly complex roofs. Based on one of a million houses in NJ (Not from Cleveland, OH sorry!) with a touch of imagination of how it might have looked before tuning into a mul...
Created by KingLeno
KOHL'S Corporation, d.b.a. Kohl's, is an American department store retail chain. The first Kohl's store was a supermarket founded by Maxwell Kohl in Milwaukee in 1946. The company's first department store opened in September 1962. (Wikipedia) "Khol's" is m...
Khrysler Homes - The Clermont
Created by Khrysler
Khryler Homes - The Clermont by Khrysler Unoriginal American style family starter home with a front porch and bay window. The house is based on one in a million in Toledo, Ohio. I use vanilla plants on the actual lots. They are changed in BOB just for the ...
Khrysler Homes - The Belmont
Created by Khrysler
Khrysler Homes - The Belmont by Khrysler Cheap and Cheerful American style family home. The house is in Canton, Ohio. 2 lots included in different lot sizes and levels. I use vanilla plants on the actual lots. They are changed in BOB just for the screensho...
Khrysler Homes - The Dumont
Created by Khrysler
Khrysler Homes The Dumont by Khrysler Conventional American style family starter home with a large front bay window on the second floor. The house is based on one in a million in Toledo, Ohio. I use vanilla plants on the actual lots. They are changed in BO...
Khrysler Homes - The Grinton
Created by Khrysler
Khrysler Homes - The Grinton by Khrysler Everywhere-in-nowhere American style house based on a house in Joliet, Illinois. A small family home with an outdated sun room. The total 3 lots included in different lot sizes and levels. I use vanilla plants on th...
Khrysler Homes - The Menoken
Created by Khrysler
Khrysler Homes - The Menoken by Khrysler 1920's mid-sized American Folk Victorian style house with a front porch for a growing single family. The building is briefly based on some houses that can be found in Cleveland OH suburb areas. Tried to aim a look t...
Khrysler Homes - The Hillcrest
Created by Khrysler
Khrysler Homes - The Hillcrest by Khrysler A cozy little American suburban house for a newly married or retired couple. another house in one of the most ordinary styles that you may find in all over the U.S. suburbs. The lot is decorated with vanilla trees...
Khrysler Homes - The Milton
Created by Khrysler
Khrysler Homes - The Milton by Khrysler A humble American style house that every dawn of cities needs. A perfect little house fits well in a small farming town and older suburb. 2 lot sizes are included and minimally decorated with vanilla props. Vegetatio...
Khrysler Homes - The Hastings
Created by Khrysler
Khrysler Homes - The Hastings by Khrysler Another mid-sized American Victorian style house with a front bay window for a growing single family. An alternative version of the Menoken but it has more urban look so I did not create level 1. Each model has a s...
Khrysler Homes - The Irwinton
Created by Khrysler
Khrysler Homes - The Irwinton by Khrysler Average Colonial style family home with a gust-proof entrance porch that looks still appealing in the era of flying cars in 2023. This house is in Evansville, Indiana and next to the Hammonton. The total 2 lots inc...
Khrysler Homes - The Lefour
Created by Khrysler
Khrysler Homes - The Lefour by Khrysler Cost effective "Four Sqaure" home with 2-tone siding and decorative shutters for extra charm. One of the most popular styles of home across North America. You may place a mail-order today! Vanilla plants are used but...
Khrysler Homes - The Mishawaka
Created by Khrysler
Khrysler Homes - The Mishawaka by Khrysler A medium sized American Folk Victorian style house for farmers and city dwellers. The name is after a town in Indiana but the model is actually based on one in Muncie IN. I just loved the somehow simplified cornic...
Kiip Living B1 - Residential
Created by jorge.puerta Kiip Living B1 - Residential Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 4, high density residential building, 10 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a...
Khrysler Homes - The Montfour
Created by Khrysler
Khrysler Homes - The Montfour by Khrysler A typical and simple four square style home for a large family. The house is designed to have desirable comfort and admirable appearance in a form of simplicity for any "modern" family. 2 house styles and 6 lots ar...
Khrysler Homes - The Raymond
Created by Khrysler
Khrysler Homes - The Raymond by Khrysler A little American suburban house for a single family with up to 2 or possibly 3 kids. One of the most ordinary styles of house that you have seen so many times but can never tell exactly where. The lot is decorated ...
King Leno's Glass Props
Created by KingLeno
not much to see here, but this will be a collection of custom glass props that I will use for future assets. If you follow me or subscribe to any of my assets, you'll want to go ahead and subscribe to this one in advance....
Kit Homes - Aladdin - Style F
Created by Bungalow Man
Direct From The Forest To The Home The Aladdin Plan: Save all cost which adds no value, by selling "Direct from the forest to the home". Headquartered in Bay City, MI, Aladdin Homes was another manufacturer of pre-cut, ready to assemble kit homes sold by c...
Kit Homes - Sears - The Cornell
Created by Bungalow Man
A 7 Room House for a 25 Foot Lot Imagine this cozy home with the siding painted a dark tone color, with rich brown stained shingles for the second story, with window casings painted pure white. And imagine is exactly what you'll have to do, as the siding i...
Created by KingLeno
kl-balcony by KingLeno...
KL Residential Props
Created by Like_Mike
residential props Consists of different props Security Bars Keep Out/Beware of Dog Sign Pile of trash/garbage Dirty Mattress A/C Window Unit Plywood Board to cover windows Horizontal Plywood board Discarded Cardboard boxes Broken TV Also includes a random/...
KR Light1
Created by Leaf
KR Light1 _ by Leaf...
Created by KingLeno
KL-Umbrella by KingLeno 3 umbrella props for patio/pools/resorts -red/white traditional U-shaped -blue traditional -green square shaped -black square shaped -orange square shaped -tiki/tropical straw umbrella -multi colored pink/purple/green/yellow umbrell...
Knob Hall
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 2 (3x3) low commercial corner. I found this pretty cute building in Gettysburg when I visited there. It's quite dilapidated, but in the model it got a restoration. :) Become a Patron ...
L.B. King and company Building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 2 High Commercial corner 3x4 growable based on the L.B. and company Building in Detroit. Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to see new re...
Kress energy center (3x4 lvl 2 comm corner)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 3x4 high commercial lvl 2 corner. About the model Thanks for Matthias for pointing me at this beatifull little building. Easy to model and with a nice distinctive look. :) You can always follow my a...
Krusty Burger
Created by KingLeno Krusty Burger by King Leno from The Simpsons Low Density Commercial Level 1 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter If you li...
KZMS Arch 1
Created by NameInvalid
Asset mades in conjunction with the Metropolitan Sepulchre Consist of 2 sizes = large and small. These are buildings due to higher tri count. Not terrain conform. Initial construction require snap to road grid, but can be moved freely later. Full Set: http...
Created by Darf
A 30 meter ladder prop...
Lafayette Towers (2x2 Office lvl 2 corner)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 2x2 Office lvl 2 corner. About the model Took me a while to finish this off, I also needed a lvl 1 office on a 2x2 plot. For a lvl 1 I recommend Feindbilds lvl 1 corner office. You can always follow...
Large Downtown Parking Garage
Created by Gaseous Stranger
Large Downtown Parking Garage Bring a bit of the 'Burgh to your city This parking garage is part of One Oxford Center in Pittsburgh, PA. With 840 parking spaces on its 8 floors, it serves the nearby offices and retail spaces with covered parking accessible...
Large Concrete Parking Lot 5x8
Created by Blackfrost
A large concrete parking lot with some entertainment value. Use this as a filler and to increase the land value around it. Game Stats Size: 5x8 Construction costs: 10 Maintenance costs: 0 Entertainment value: 20 Entertainment radius: 100 No fire hazzard, n...
Large Police Station - Simcity 4
Created by Kridershot Copy of Large Police Station from Simcity 4 that was recreated pixel by pixel. I try to stick to the original model as much as possible and I hope did well. :) The original one has floor height about 4-5 meters that very unrea...
Landtag of Elsaß-Lothringen
Created by Ligne 7
Landtag of Elsaß-Lothringen by Ligne 7 This building is a historical reconstitution of the old Landtag (regional parliament of Elsaß-Lothringen). Build enter 1888-1892 its primary function is that of regional delegation (Landesausschuss). He become Landtag...
Las Colinas Residences
Created by KingLeno
Las Colinas Residences by KingLeno If you would like to see more of these types assets on the workshop, please subscribe to me on YouTube to see what I'm working on by clicking here! 6 assets (3 models x2 for mirrors), some slight color variations so no ne...
Lexus Buenos Aires
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x4 straight (non-corner) L1 building based on the Lexus "Takumi" showroom in Buenos Aires. I don't know why I keep doing the interiors of buildings. I guess stores just look nicer with real interiors, but I should try to quit this habit before i...
Lawrence hall building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 2x4 Low commercial building About the model Time to move on. I made some twenty models in this series and it´s time to do some other stuff. I still got a ton of high res pictures of New Y...
Lifecycle Rebalance Revisited 1.6.8
Created by algernon Using Game Anarchy? Be sure to DISABLE Game Anarchy's "Maximize education coverage" option. New in 1.6 MAJOR NEW FEATURE: realistic early life ageing and progress, from early childhood to young adult (optional, customizable)...
Light Industrial 7
Created by Spence!
Small industrial building with loading docks. No props included, just a building. ----------------------------------------- Growable, 3x4, industrial generic. 1,147 tris, 2048x1024 textures (diffuse/spec/normal/color/illumination), 128x128 custom LOD. Shar...
Light Industrial 8
Created by Spence!
Nondescript industrial building, no props included. ----------------------------------------- Growable, 2x4, industrial generic. 912 tris, 2048x1024 textures (diffuse/spec/normal/color/illumination), 128x128 custom LOD. Shares textures with and matches my ...
Linden Trees
Created by MrMaison
Linden Trees by MrMaison Introducing a set of Linden Trees. Kinda generic but inspired by those found in Europe particularly Germany. The Linden is part of the Tilia family which have 30 species in Europe where they are called "Linden", North America where...
LINQ Casino Hotel Tower
Created by KingLeno
LINQ Casino Hotel Tower by KingLeno Stand alone LINQ Tower. This was created for my Paradise Valley Cities Skylines series, a recreation of the Las Vegas Strip. Since this is part of a larger build, it has no lobby. The casino floor and entrance will be re...
Little Chicago Bungalows
Created by honker
This is a set of 3 Bungalows in the style of the tens of thousands of modest working class homes around Chicago, particularly Berwyn and Cicero, but found at all corners of the metropolitan area. Low impact but made with a lot of love and care. Three 1x4 L...
Little Singer building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 2x4 high commercial lvl 3 building based on the The Little Singer Building in New York, at Broadway. You will need a lvl 1 and 2 of the same size in your building theme About the model I decided to look for a ...
Litton Clothier Co. Building
Created by Khrysler
A fancy commerical building with dignifying white terra cotta and modern wide windows. The building was inspired by a sample picture from old catalogue of New Jersey Terra Cotta Company. Asset Info: Growable - 2x2 - Level 3 High Density Commerical Building...
Loading Bay Pack
Created by Beardmonkey
Loading Bay Pack by Beardmonkey This is a set of three loading bay props. 1. Loading Bay 01 Tris: 414 Texture: 256x256 px LOD tris: 8 LOD texture: 64x64 px 2. Loading Bay 02 (same as Loading Bay 01 but with less details) Tris: 102 Texture: 256x256 px LOD t...
Loading Screen Mod Revisited 1.1.9
Created by algernon A replacement for, and continuation of, thale5's original Loading Screen Mod. Includes improved performance and compatibility with other mods, as well as some new features: Skip network and tree prefabs (in addition to the o...
London Planetree
Created by MrMaison
London Planetree by MrMaison Introducing the London Planetree by request of my friend snibble007. It's great for tree lined neighborhoods and parks in urban areas. They are very common here in NYC and in many places around the world. There will be more var...
Lounge Furniture Pack
Created by Polygon This pack contains four modern outdoor furniture props. I think there is not much modern furniture to find yet. So I was encouraged to create some for my new apartment building. Note: the last four pictures are blender renders....
Low-Tri Filler Pine Pack
Created by Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 4 unique pine tree assets. These are designed with bare-minimum tri count so they can be packed in tight without taxing your computer too much. You can use them to fill gaps between more detail...
Love's Travel Center
Created by KingLeno
Love's Travel Center by KingLeno Includes 4 assets: Main building/store - Level 2 commercial with RICO settings Gas Pumps - Level 2 commercial with RICO settings Truck Gas Pumps - for decoration; no parking, no stats, can be placed anywhere Love's Travel C...
Lowrise Condo 25m 4x3
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Decorated with plenty of workshop props, not meant for users prone to tears 4x3 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color Main mesh: 3026 tris, L...
Created by Nyoko
Post-Processing Mastery Current version: v1.8.6 You can now create Styles! Head to the Styles tab and create your own Lumina style or pres...
Mackey Building
Created by Khrysler
A small Art Deco commercial structure attracts fancy retailers to the city. The building is based on 262 5th Avenue, New York, NY. The actual building is narrower and much longer but I just fell in love when I saw it basically... Asset Info: Growable - 1x2...
Lyric theatre 214-26 West 43rd Street (Growable leisure)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 2x3 leisure growable based on the The Lyric Theatre in New York, at 42nd street. This is only compatible with After Dark! About the model This one has been a long time coming. Colossal Order took a while to ma...
Main Street 1
Created by Smilies
Generic blank shop with large empty space for storefront signage 2x3 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 600 tris LOD 30 tris 64x64, foundation 162 tris Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance 12m wide,...
Main Street 10
Created by Smilies
2x3 corner low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 3385 tris LOD 26 tris 64x64, foundation 249 tris Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance 12m wide, works best when placed with plop the growables and move ...
Main Street 11
Created by Smilies
2x3 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main 956 tris, LOD 30 tris 64x64, submesh 18 tris, foundation 162 tris Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance 12m wide, works best when placed with plop the growables and ...
Main Street 3
Created by Smilies
2x4 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 416 tris LOD 34 tris 64x64, foundation 168 tris Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance 16m wide, looks best when placed with plop the growables and move it 4 col...
Main Street 2
Created by Smilies
Generic blank shop with large empty space for storefront signage 2x2 generic low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 280 tris LOD 19 tris 32x32, foundation 120 tris Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance 1...
Main Street 4
Created by Smilies
1x3 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 662 tris LOD 26 tris 64x64, foundation 144 tris Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance 8m wide, looks best when placed with plop the growables and move it 4 colo...
Main Street 5
Created by Smilies
2x3 corner low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 1942 tris LOD 26 tris 64x64, foundation 249 tris Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance 12m wide, works best when placed with plop the growables and move ...
Main Street 7
Created by Smilies
Generic blank shop with large empty space for storefront signage 1x4 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 304 tris LOD 36 tris 64x64, foundation 101 tris Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance 8m wide, ...
Main Street 6
Created by Smilies
Generic blank shops with large empty spaces for storefront signage 2x3 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 1218 tris LOD 42 tris 64x64, foundation 198 tris Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance 16m wi...
Main Street 8
Created by Smilies
illuminated storefront signage 1x4 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 936 tris LOD 32 tris 64x64, foundation 147 tris Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance 8m wide, works best when placed with plop t...
Main Street 9
Created by Smilies
this asset shares textures with other assets in the main street series, use Loading Screen Mod to enable texture sharing 1x2 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 412 tris LOD 22 tris 64x64, foundation 153 tri...
Main Street Cafe
Created by Smilies
Main Street Cafe is a commercial low density L1 2x4 growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination and color maps Custom LOD 62 tris Model 1649 tris LOD baked textures 128x128 Custom foundation with stairs for gentle slope tolerance Models and textu...
Malibu Apartments
Created by jorge.puerta Malibu Apartments Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 2x2 - Level 4, low density residential building, 5 floors Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Residential Low. -...
Majestic Theater (Leisure growable)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 4x4 leisure growable. About the model This is part of a small of a mini update of leisure growables. Make sure to get the BAM Harvey theater and Boston Fire Museum as well! You can always follow my ...
Mall Parking Garage
Created by KingLeno
Mall Parking Garage by KingLeno An older parking garage for malls but obviously can be used for any purposes. 8x11 Lot, same layout as University City Parking Garage, but shorter. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingL...
Manassas High School
Created by KingLeno
Manassas High School by KingLeno See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. Historic high school in Memphis, TN that many prominent African-American Memphians attended including Isaac Hayes. The building was completely rebuilt in 2008 h...
Mapco Gas Station
Created by KingLeno
Mapco Gas Station by KingLeno 3x4 Level 1 Low Density Commercial gas station. The sign is include with subscription but not placed on the asset. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on F...
Maple Av - Residential
Created by jorge.puerta Maple Av - Residential Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 2, low density residential building, 3 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Residential ...
Masonic Temple Burlington
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 1 (4x2) commercial corner. Another Iowa building. I should make a collection :) This one was comissioned by RedRabbit. Become a Patron and support my work!
Marsh building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 2x4 High comm lvl 1. About the model The Ninth building of my New England series, this building is also located in New London, Ct., which I visited on the way during our drive from New Yo...
Marine Side Homes - Residential
Created by jorge.puerta Marine Side Homes - Residential Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 4, high density residential buiding, 13 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Re...
Created by Cristolisto
Marshalls is a chain of discount department stores founded in 1956 and is headquartered in Framingham, Massachusetts. They have an assortment of apparel, home items, beauty, and more. It was acquired by TJX Companies in 1995 and is sometimes paired to its ...
MBTA 01200 Series Metro Pack
Created by Nostrix
MBTA 01200 Series Metro Pack This train pack contains 3 metros in 2, 4 and 6 car configurations. The MBTA 01200 Series “Orange Line” Metro is a standard gauge, third rail metro manufactured by Hawker Siddeley Canada from 1979 to 1981. They operate Boston, ...
McGill Building Montreal
Created by Smilies
Based on McGill Building in Montreal - built 1912 4x3 office 4048 tris 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination custom LOD 26 tris custom foundation and stairs for gentle slope tolerance the side is only 20m wide, use move it mod for the best wall-to-w...
Memphis suburban house pack 2
Created by Evangeline
Long distance information give me Memphis Tennessee, help me find the party that tried to get in touch with me This is a pack of 4 houses based on several designs found in the Suburbs of Memphis, such as black oak drive. all the houses function as growable...
MCH - Small BBQ Grill
Created by Shannanigan
Small backyard barbecue grill. Comes in 4 color variations. Found under "Residential / Home Yard" in the Asset Editor SPECS: Model: 288 Tris / 256 x 256 Custom LOD: 38 Tris / 64 x 64...
metal wood table set less triangle count
Created by SvenBerlin
metal wood table set low by SvenBerlin I reduced the tris count from 1492 to 796 for the table set ( 1 table, 2 chairs ) table single now 244 chair single now 276 ingame LOD...
Midatlantic Victorian Set 2
Created by dudemeister
Looking for that perfect set of Old-World USA urban houses? Trying to find those cramped-yet-charmed quarters for the steel workers in your river town? Desperate for that trans-Appalachia feel? The Midatlantic Victorian series has you covered! A set of 3 l...
Midcentury Round Hotel
Created by stop it D
Update 11/22: Minor model tweaks. Added a color map for the paneling on the sides. Added a Holiday Inn sign prop for the top of the building. A short change of pace! This iconic mid-century modern "round hotel" design was pioneered by Leonard Lundgren and ...
Midsized Elementary School
Created by 220hertz
A hardy consolidation-era elementary school. Asset stats Main mesh: 4518 tris LoD: 77 Tris Textures: 1024 and 128 Props: Just the lights you see in the screenshot, an entry point at both front doors and gather points nearby. I didn't actually paint the ter...
Midrise Condo 45m 4x3
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Another height variation of the previous mass downvoted condos 4x3 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color Main mesh: 5856 tris, LOD 137 tris 1...
Midtown Office 3
Created by Cateinum
Part three of my small collection of midtown offices (Part one and two). This is another brick Art Deco building with some Neo-Gothic elements. It was completed in 1927 as industrial lofts. Here you can find very interesting brick checkerboard ornaments, s...
Midtown Office 1
Created by Cateinum
This is a large Art Deco / Neo-Gothic office building located somewhere in Midtown, New York. Hundreds (if not thousands) of such wedding-cake, ziggurat-like structures are scattered in the middle of Manhattan, but they are not represented at all on the Wo...
Midtown Office 2
Created by Cateinum
This is another Art Deco / Neo-Gothic office building located somewhere in Midtown, New York. (Part one) This one has very unusual looking railings, intricate brickwork and lots of setbacks, some of which are shaped like bay windows. It was completed most ...
Mid-Continent Tower
Created by Camdyn
Good Afternoon Workshop! Today's asset is the Mid-Continent Tower from Tulsa, Oklahoma. This is a very iconic building in the Tulsa skyline, and it has a rather unique history. While its architecture screams that it was built during the early 20th century,...
Midtown Office 4
Created by Cateinum
Part four of my small collection of midtown offices (Part one, two, and three). All of them use the same texture so this set is very memory efficient (if you use LSM). I found this building somewhere in the eastern part, between the UN headquarters and the...
Midtown Office 5
Created by Cateinum
Part five of my small collection of midtown offices. This is a 23-story Art-Deco corner building built in 1929. It is slightly taller than the others and is level 3. You can find its prototype a couple blocks from Madison Square Garden. It is completely co...
Midtown Office 6
Created by Cateinum
This is the last part of my small collection of midtown offices. This one is the biggest and most interesting in terms of decorations of all of them. It's called 345 Seventh Avenue and you can find it two blocks from Madison Square Garden. Completed in 192...
Midwestern Prewar Pack - Single-Wide Lot
Created by dudemeister
Live the high life from nigh-on a century ago! A throwback to simpler times. Including updates novel to the modern era - indoor plumbing, refrigeration, heating systems, and driveway space for your new Model T! Description A set of 3 incredibly common hous...
Minneapolis Apartment 1
Created by hamma085
Ploppable RICO Enabled Another small Minneapolis asset, first in a series of small apartment buildings found throughout the city. About the building After moving out of your parents house, which happens to be Minneapolis House 3, you need to find a place t...
Mitchell Heights Public Housing
Created by KingLeno
Mitchell Heights Public Housing by KingLeno A low-income multi-family housing unit. Model Triangles 533 Texture 512x512 d,n,I,s Lot size 3 x 2 custom LOD and textures RICO Low density Level 1 Residential 10 homes If you like my assets, consider buying me a...
Modern Condo
Created by Smilies
4x4 L2 high density residential growable 1024x512 diffuse, spec, normal, color, illumination main 7145 tris balcony submesh 992 tris 256x128 diffuse, spec, color, alpha custom LOD 123 tris baked textures 256x256 4 different color variants Models and textur...
Modern Condo
Created by Smilies
4x4 L2 high density residential growable 1024x512 diffuse, spec, normal, color, illumination main 12705 tris balcony submesh 2016 tris 256x128 diffuse, spec, color, alpha custom LOD 123 tris baked textures 256x256 4 different color variants Models and text...
Modern Condo Highrise 75m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 level 4 high density residential Main mesh 5944 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination glass balcony 324 tris Custom LOD 76 tris 128x128 4...
Modern Duplex Pack
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 5 assets in the pack, each has different brick, siding, overhanging roof awning, window, shutter, and door variations Front driveways have functional parking 2x3 high density resid...
Modern Condo Tower
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 level 4 high density residential 6300 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 802 tris Custom LOD 104 tris 128x128 4 ...
Modern Eco Townhouses 4
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the Modern Eco Homes collection linked above Works like the self sufficient eco homes in Green Cities DLC, this one has a green roof, rooftop patio and room for rear parking 3x2 high density residential eco 1k diffuse, no...
Modern Highrise Condo
Created by Smilies
4x4 L3 high density residential 4655 tris LOD 91 tris 512x1024 diffuse, color, spec, normal and illumination maps 256x256 baked custom LOD texture maps custom foundation with stairs for gentle slope tolerance glass balconies sub mesh 32x32 texture 4 color ...
Modern Lighting Pack - 2020 Edition
Created by GCVos
This pack adds 27 new street lights and lamps to your game. These props can be used for assets and can be placed ingame using Network Skins 2 and More Beautification. Content as of May 2020: + Suspended Street Light + Suspended Avenue Light + Stainless Str...
Modern Lowrise Condo
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Same as my previous version with no glass covered restaurant outside 4x4 level 3 high density residential 2036 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illum...
Modern Lowrise Condo
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 level 3 high density residential 2236 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 240 tris Custom LOD 72 tris auto baked ...
Modern Lowrise Set
Created by Smilies
Pack of 8 generic mixed-use style lowrise buildings with undecorated stores on the bottom floor and residential on top. Could also be converted to offices with RICO Revisited. Glass awning in the front overhangs the lot by several feet, recommend they're p...
Modern Midrise Condo 33m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above No skinny dipping 4x4 level 4 high density residential Main mesh 2712 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Submesh 132 tris Custom LOD 76 tr...
Modern Parking Garage
Created by KingLeno
Modern Parking Garage by KingLeno A modern garage with a metal facade, glass entrance, and colorful signs. 8x11 Lot, same layout as University City Parking Garage, but shorter. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me o...
Modern Parking Garage (8-Story)
Created by KingLeno
Modern Parking Garage (8-Story) by KingLeno A modern garage with a metal facade, glass entrance, and colorful signs. 8x11 Lot, same layout as University City Parking Garage, but with 8 stories instead of 3. I accidentally loaded a previous unfinished versi...
Modern Rowhouse 1
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 1x4 level 2 high density residential 824 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 28 tris Custom LOD 46 tris auto baked 12...
Modern Rowhouse 2
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 1x4 level 2 high density residential 891 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 16 tris Custom LOD 60 tris auto baked 12...
Modern Townhomes
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 7 assets in the pack, left end and right ends have windows and overhanging eaves on the sides, 5 middle buildings are flat, windowless walls meant for wall-to-wall placement I crea...
Modern Townhomes
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 3 assets in the pack, left end and right end have some functional parking on the sides, middle has no parking, all 3 assets can be used as stand-alone buildings or plopped together...
Modular Fruit packing house pack
Created by Evangeline
When its peach picking time in georgia, apple pickin time in Tennesee... This is a pack consisting out of 4 assets, Large wooden fruit packing houses, that were common around the early 1900's in the United States. A common sight in california, these packin...
Modular Shopping Center (no branding)
Created by KingLeno
includes: Shopping Center 1x4 - 5 workplaces Shopping Center 2x4 - 10 workplaces Shopping Center 3x4 - 15 workplaces Shopping Center 3x3 (corner) - 15 workplaces Rico settings included, custom LOD. If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a cup ...
Moose Residence - 2x2RHL5
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Good day Skyliners. First, a few sad words (again). The Simcity 4 and city builders community lost one of its most active members recently. Simtropolis (one of the biggest and most respected city builders communities) lost its most beloved member. "A Nonny...
Monadnock Building (north side)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 3 RICO office based on the northside of the Monadnock Building in Chicago. Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to see new releases and upc...
Mortgage guarantee building (2x4 office lvl 2)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 2x4 Office lvl 2. About the model This little tenement at 626 Spring street in LA caught my eye, it's a very uncommon mix of old and new. It's also very light, with less than a 1000 tris ...
More air ducts (Pack)
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings A pack of 4 more variations of air ducts using the same texture as my previous ones. These are larger and great for filling in large empty rooftops. These also come as a rand...
Move It
Created by Quboid
Move It 2.10.7 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.1 (12th June Update) New in 2.10.7: - Auto-connect roads! If you paste a copied road over the top of an existing one, Move It will automatically connect the nodes. This can be turned off by clicking on th...
Mulch Props
Created by KingLeno
Mulch Props by KingLeno Asset includes 5 props: -small mulch mound -medium mulch mound -small, medium, and large decal The mounds are designed to fit with most of the older Curb Props and Curb Props 2. The decals borrow the alpha map from boformer's Fallen...
Murphy USA Gas Station
Created by KingLeno
Murphy USA by KingLeno If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by making small donation as a token of appreciation.
MUSEUM PHUKET(Phuket Nagara)
Created by NKZ.
MUSEUM PHU-KET(Phu-ket Nagara)-Old Phu.ket Town by NKZ. Detail Assets Detail MUSEUM PHU-KET(Phu-ket Nagara) Main Textures - 1,024 x 1,024 Main Tris - 11,321 LOD Textures - 256 x 256 LOD - 317 Cost - 15,000 Required mods Additive Shader search same name in ...
Neon Open Sign
Created by KingLeno
opensign2 by KingLeno includes one large and one small neon open sign...
Network Anarchy
Created by Quboid
Network Anarchy 3.2.5 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17 (23nd May Update) This mod adds additional options when building networks (roads, quays, etc) and provides game-wide anarchy to let you break the placement rules. Ne...
Network and Electrical Props (Pack)
Created by abbator
A pack of 15 network (internet) and electrical related props for detailers and asset creators. The pack includes one network device pole, 2 PVC conduit pipes, 10 utility and network devices, and 2 generators. All are searchable in Find It with "network and...
Network Skins
Created by boformer Change the visual appearance of roads, train tracks and pedestrian paths per segment. This is an improved version of the well-known Network Skins mod, developed by TPB and boformer. Disable the other Network Skins mod before...
New England Dockhouse
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 5x2 industrial building About the model Already the seventeenth building of my New England series. The building is located in Boston, at the Charlestown dockyards. I really wanted to do a...
New England Townhouses
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! These are a set of low res townhouses. About the model The fourteenth entry of my New England series. These sorts of residential townhouses can be found all over New England. I thought it´d be a go...
New England Townhouses set 3
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! These are a set of low res townhouses. There's 4 variations. They are all between level 3 and 4 low residential. About the model This is a set 4 more new variations, with a more angular roof. These...
New England Townhouses set 2
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! These are a set of low res townhouses. There's 4 variations. About the model This is mostly a reskin of the other New England Townhouses set. There are few veriations to go with the brick texture. ...
New England Townhouses set 4
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! These are a set of low res townhouses. There's 3 more variations and 3 tripledecker variations. They are all between level 3 and 5 low residential. About the model This is a set of 3 more variation...
New Era building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 2 High commerical 2x3 growable based on the New Era building in New York on 495 Broadway, 9 stories tall. About the model The first remodel from my Soho, Noho and Nolita series. This ...
New Richland public library
Created by Evangeline
Maybe you'll think of me...... This is the New Richland public library, a building in New richland that was built in 1902, formerly it was an IOOF hall, IOOF standing for the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Used for major events by the lodge, this ended ...
New victory theater
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 2x3 Leisure growable. About the model Probably the most famous theater of Broadway, the New Victory Theater is part of my 42nd street series. Has two optional props, the billboard and the chandeliers. Make sur...
Nickel Savings Bank
Created by Khrysler
Nickel Savings Bank by Khrysler A small bank building with humble brick and stone design which was common in 1930s. This one can be a good alternative growable to Dime Savings Bank. I made th...
Nielsen Brothers & Co. Building
Created by Khrysler
Nielsen Brothers & Co. building is a mid-rise department store indicates the rise of big businesses in your city. It was inspired by some buildings in old pictures of New York and Philadelphia. Asset Info: Growable - 3x2 - Level 3 High Density Commerical B...
New Orleans (4x4 high res corner lvl 5)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 4x4 high res corner lvl 5. About the model It's been a while since I published a model, finally got around to finish this one. :) You can always follow my assetcreations on the Simtropoli...
Nordstrom Rack
Created by Cristolisto
Nordstrom Rack is an American department store selling off-price clothing, footwear, jewelry, beauty supplies, and home decor. It was founded in 1973 as the sister brand of Nordstrom. They are headquartered in Seattle, Washington. They have over 348 stores...
Node Controller Renewal 3.5
Created by macsergey Overview This mod allows you change node type and shape This is renewal version of original Node Controller by kian.zarrin with improved UI/UX. The new UI allows you to make the perfect inters...
Notre-Dame St Montreal
Created by Smilies
Based on 409 Notre-Dame Street, Montreal L2 high density Commercial 2x4 2471 tris 1024x512 diffuse, spec, normal, illumination, color custom LOD 56 tris custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance, works well with Move It! mod 4 color variants Models and ...
NYC Rowhouses 3
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the American Rowhouses Collection linked above Each house has 4 different random awnings each, use the variations dropdown menu to select them 2 Assets - 1x4 growable high density residential 6m wide 1024x512 diffuse, nor...
Nike NYC
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Nike "House of Innovation" building on 5th Avenue, New York City. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection by giving it a thumbs up! Main Model: 2,625 tris / 1,02...
Nova City High School
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Nova City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of three buildings. And this is a high school, which I made at the request of one of my subscribers. :) <====...
Ocean City Apartments (Highrise)
Created by KingLeno Ocean City Apartments (Highrise) by King Leno A multi-story version of Ocean City Apartments Also subscribed to Ocean City Commons 3 high density residential. Lot size 2x4 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Fac...
NZ Office Waikato Times
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new great project New Zealand Pack. Type of buildings: Growable - office low, level 1. Size A small commercial building located in Hamilton, New Zealand. --------------------------------------------...
Ocean City Apartments
Created by KingLeno
Ocean City Apartments by KingLeno Also subscribed to Ocean City Commons for even more variety. 3 modern apartments/loft/condo buildings. Level 3 low density residential. 1x2; 2x2; 2x2 lot sizes Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and ...
Odd Fellows Grand Hall
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 4 High residential corner 3x3 growable based on the Odd Fellows Hall located at 225 centre street in New York. This version has 4 stories on top of the real building. I added another ...
Office building (A1)
Created by psixovaniy
Office building. Lot size: 4 x 4 Level: 3 Main model: 1084 tris with 1024 x 1024 textures. LOD model: 26 tris with 128 x 128 textures....
Odd Fellows hall
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 3 High residential corner 3x3 growable based on the Odd Fellows Hall located at 225 centre street in New York. Become a Patron and support my work! If ...
Office_Kilbourn Tower_offv1_106M
Created by Reaper
Kilbourn Tower_offv1_106M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark 4105 highpoly tex resolution 1024 431 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ...
Office buildings
Created by foster_sman
Office buildings by foster_sman This is new office building. There are 3 level of this building. They have 4, 7 and 9 floors. Model properties: Level 1 Tris: 1066 (154 lod) Textures: 512x512 (64x64 lod) Level 2 Tris: 1294 (182 lod) Textures: 512x512 (64x64...
Old Country Church
Created by Evangeline
For you are my children, and i am your father. An Old wooden country church, based upon a h0 scale kit, an updated variant of the old wooden church, initially made because i got inspired by far cry 5. About this asset 2048x512 textures includes one buildin...
Created by Reaper
One_Chase_Manhattan_offv3_85 by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Old Factory #3
Created by Modocero
Old Factory #3 Industrial Generic 3x4 Asset Info Main Tris: 6669 Texture: 512x2048, Diffuse, Normal, Specular LOD Tris: 161 Texture 128x128 Diffuse Tags: Industrial, Factory, Old Factory, Brick, Arch Discord: Modocero#5931 htt...
Old Montreal 1
Created by Smilies
Level 2 low density commercial 3x4 W2W 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination Main mesh 1706 tris, LOD 16 tris Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance 4 color variations Models and textures done by Smilies; cannot be re-uploaded without p...
Old Montreal 2
Created by Smilies
Level 2 low density commercial 2x4 W2W 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination Main mesh 1049 tris, LOD 98 tris 128x128 Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance 12m wide, looks best when placed with move it mod 4 color variations Asset shar...
Old Town House 2 1x2 lvl 5
Created by Lichwiarz
Built in year 1898, located in Bydgoszcz, Poland Size 1x2, lvl 5, growable, residential. Model info; Main model 1082 tris, lod 50 tris. Textures 1024x512 lod 128x64. Enjoy! ;) ...
Old town residential set 1
Created by Lichwiarz
Greetings! A new set is ready to fill the gaps in a landscape of an old, European town! There're 6 buildings, the corner has 2 versions, so the set has 7 models. All are residential, lvl 2, growables. Info about history (mostly from Wiki). - Buliding "B22"...
Old town commercial set 1
Created by Lichwiarz
Hello! Recently, I've finally managed to finish projects, I started quite a long time ago. This set consists of 6 buildings (the last one has two versions), so overall number of assets is 7. Each building is lvl 1 and commercial. Info about history (mostly...
Created by Brum
Check out the remastered version of this asset: ...
Created by Brum
Check out the remastered version of this asset: ...
One Detroit Center
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a RICO office building(6x6) About the model I´m not a huge fan of modernism. Most modern buildings are the variation of a shape with some variant extrusions in them and a huge amount of gla...
One-Way Train Tracks
Created by BloodyPenguin
Provides single & double one-way train tracks, single station tracks and two-way single tracks This mod was created at a time when neither custom network assets nor single train tracks were supported by the game. I keep this mod to support the existing sav...
Owsiany Building
Created by Khrysler
Owsiany Building is a medium-sized commercial tower with elavorated Art Deco ornaments. Based on 537 South Broadway, Los Angeles, California. It was designed by Percy A. Eisen and Albert R. Walker. I'm glad it's still standing and it's just gorgeous to loo...
Pacific Electric 1000 class
Created by Evangeline
i dont know...... just where ill go.....i believe ill ride it down to mexico.... The Pacific Electric 1000 class is an interurban first introduced in 1913, intended to run on the line between Los Angeles and San Bernardino. they saw service untill the late...
Painted Ladies Retro
Created by cbudd
Retro version of the most famous row of houses in the world. Subscribe to the main version: Painted Ladies San Francisco Painted Ladies are a set of typical SF row houses in the Victorian style of Queen Anne. The name originates in their colorful appearanc...
Palacete São Jorge Pack - São Paulo, Brazil
Created by Brum
São Paulo is an immense city full of hidden architectural treasures. But the most "palacetes" are located in regions you wouldn't go to at night - or would, why not? Palacete São Jorge is one of those treasures. Colors and textures were coordinated with th...
Painted Ladies
Created by cbudd
The most famous row of houses in the world. San Francisco Painted Ladies are a set of typical SF row houses in the Victorian style of Queen Anne. The name originates in their colorful appearance, however it is used for various houses in similar styles acro...
Paragon Hotel
Created by Robert
Low density commercial. Will appear without McDonald's signage by default - apply a custom name to the building to make it appear. Uses colour variations (the peach-cream is how it appeared pre-2016, blue-grey is the present colour; other two are sort of a...
PaperCorp - Commercial
Created by jorge.puerta PaperCorp - Commercial Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 3, low density commercial building, 4 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Commercial Lo...
Parking Bumper
Created by Like_Mike
A parking bumper for ... parking. It can be found under the Props > Common > Streets category...
Parking Lines (White)
Created by DeCzaah
Pavement Markings & Line Painting This decal & prop pack is designed as a one stop shop for all your pavement needs. We took a look at what was currently in the workshop and realized there were many diverse parking layouts without a great amount of conform...
Parking Lot 6x4
Created by agusingnavy
Parking Lot 6x4 by agusingnavy Vanilla park *UI Priority: -110000011 - agusingnavy -...
Parking Lot
Created by Fløxi
4x6 field large parking lot. Created by Floxi...
Parking Lot Park
Created by Drakedge
Parking Lot Park by Drakedge...
Patch Loader Mod
Created by Krzychu1245
Core dependency of FPS Booster New in 2.1.2, 30/Nov/2021 bugfix: problem with detection of -noWorkshop and -disableMods command line flags, improvement: local mods directory path detection on MacOS v2.1.1, 6/Aug/2021 fixed c...
Payne's soda fountain
Created by Evangeline
Rave on, rave on and tell me not to be lonely. Payne's Sandwich Shop and Soda Fountain was originally a drug store, which was founded by W.F. Payne in 1869. In 1891, the business moved to its current location in Scottsboro, Alabama. Once the soda fountain ...
Penobscot building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a RICO office building(6x6) About the model This project started in august 2016. A year later and it's finally done. Some 150 hours went alone in the modelling and probably another 30-40 in...
Patriotic American Flag
Created by Like_Mike
Ain't that America, we're something to see Ain't that America, home of the free Grab 'em by their little, pink %v$$-ee Grab this asset to spruce up your American houses and cities. Decorate until your little patriotic heart is content, whether it's the 4th...
Pernambucanas, Brazilian department store
Created by kostas667
About the building Brazilian Art Deco department store located in Curitiba, Parana state. In-game information High density commercial building Level: 1 Size: 4х5 Number of workers: 25 Construction cost: 10 000 Technical information Main model: Tris - 4 275...
Created by KingLeno
Pergola by KingLeno...
Phelan Building
Created by Macwelshman] If you have a CS1 commission please use the link below. Phelan Building The Phelan Building is an eleven storey office building in the Financial District of San Francisco. The second of two Phelan Buildings on this site - the...
Perth CitiBank House (Growable) Australia
Created by Crazyglueit
As Requested the CitiBank House, located in Perth, Western Australia and completed in 1963. This 18 storey building stands at 224ft(68m) and was the tallest building in Perth until 1970. Currently is the 26th tallest in Perth. Use MrMiyagi's Perth, Western...
Philippine High School (modular asset pack)
Created by Shredra
Philippine High School (modular asset pack) As seen on my youtube series "Isla Ivatan" Includes 5 Assets - Admin Building - Two-Storey Building - Three-Storey Building - Stage - Bleachers Required Mod: - Loading Screen Mod...
Philips Clearway
Created by ManuRamos
2 White LED streetlights. (Apologies, yesterday I shared a bug versión and I had to remove it) 05/05/2018 ========= Fixed a little bug in file. Please, if you were already subscribed, unsubscribe and subscribe again. Thank You. Rebuilt 03/15/2019 =========...
Created by Camdyn
Good Morning Workshop! Today's asset is my favorite building of all in Tulsa, OK - the Philtower (Building.) This was a bit tricky to model for me (and I realize that it isn't absolutely accurate) and texturing was a nightmare, so expect this asset to be u...
Phuket Baba Museum
Created by NKZ.
Phu-ket Baba Museum or MUSEUM PHU-KET(Peranakannitat) by NKZ. Detail Assets Detail MUSEUM PHU-KET(Peranakannitat) Main Textures - 1,024 x 1,024 Main Tris - 16,773 LOD Textures - 256 x 256 LOD - 201 Cost - 17,000 Google Map :...
Pine Residences
Created by jorge.puerta Pine Residences Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 3x4 - Level 5, high density residential building, 14 floors. MixComplex B4 Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Res...
Pier 1 Imports
Created by KingLeno
Pier 1 Imports by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. Pier 1 Imports Inc. is a retailer specializing in imported home furnishings and decor, particularly furniture, table-top ...
Created by pdelmo
Pine plants two variations clip together to make a pine bush. Made for Pres Navota youtube
Planters & Curbs
Created by GDGAMER777
Planters & Curbs by Tomas I AM LEGEND Prop pack with: -6 planters non- conforming. Triangles 10-38-58-78-170 | Textures d,n -2 curbs non-conforming -30 cm (30x40x100 & 30x40x300) *UI Priority: 50000005 - 50000012 Mod required to use props in-game: -Find it...
Plane Street Tree Medium
Created by pdelmo
Plane Street Tree Medium by pdelmo If you want to donate to the pdelmo plant factory
Plaza Self Storage
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 1 (3x4) low commercial corner. I created this model a few years ago, but never came around to releasing it. I found the building in Long Beach and love the design. I redid the texture...
Ploppable RICO Revisited TESTING
Created by algernon
Testing release for Ploppable RICO Revisited. Used to test updates prior to release. This version may contain bugs, including savegame-breaking bugs. Do NOT subscribe to this unless you're familiar with Ploppable RICO functionality and are prepared to help...
Popeyes Chicken
Created by KingLeno
Popeyes Chicken If you like my assets, please consider making small donation as a token of appreciation.
Pizza Hut
Created by DieHardHunter
Pizza Hut Most of the Pizza Hut restaurants on the Workshop are quite old models, so I decided to make a fresh version. The logo is the one used by Pizza Hut in the 80s, but the white text on the roof it's not directly attached to the building, and can be ...
Power station no.7
Created by Evangeline
Whoa, smokestack lightnin' Shinin' just like gold This is a power station that's modeled after an annex building with an amazingly generic name ''building no.7'' from the rocky mountain laboratory complex in Hamilton, Montana. Its modeled in its original f...
Precision Engineering
Created by Simie Precision Engineering augments Cities: Skylines by adding angle snapping, guidelines and additional information to assist you when building roads, train lines, pipes and power lines. Installatio...
Prop Control 1.0
Created by algernon A lightweight alternative for Prop Anarchy for those who don't want to (or can't) use Prop Anarchy or Extended Managers Library. Written with an emphasis on stability, to avoid the current issues with Prop Anarchy/Extended M...
Progress (Napredak) Building
Created by Zurich
My first asset ever! Model: This building asset is a 4x2 corner office building. Around 3700 faces. Diffuse, specular, illumination and normal map. A model will be updated and improved. Designed by Stjepan Planić, completed in 1936/1937. A charming moderni...
Prop Plants
Created by pdelmo
Pack of small scale prop plants for fine detailing 256x256 textures lowish poly NOTE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THEME MIXER 2 IT WILL CAUSE PROPS TO APPEAR WHITE SNOWED COVERED ALL THE TIME...
Proper Hotel
Created by Macwelshman] If you have a CS1 commission please use the link below. Proper Hotel Housed inside a landmark flatiron building at the intersection of three bustling San Francisco streets, the hotel is a picture of nostalgia-toned Beaux Arts...
Prop Flower Bushes [Columbia]
Created by Gèze
Prop Flower Bushes by Gèze...
Props for Buhl building
Created by Darf
Props for my upcoming release of the Buhl building: Domino's PNC Bank Milk & Froth Logo's have upto 500 tris, 256x128/64 textures and LODs....
Providence performing arts center
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a leisure building (theater) About the model The final building of my New England series, this took me a bit more time than I expected. This building features additive shader lighting and a...
Providence theater hall
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a leisure building (theater) About the model The final building of my New England series, this took me a bit more time than I expected. This building features additive shader lighting and a...
Public Housing
Created by DieHardHunter
Public housing is a form of housing tenure in which the property is owned by a government authority, usually with the aim of providing affordable housing. Building Tris: 2876 Textures: 1024x1024 Model info: - with color variations (they're all light colors...
Puck Building (4x4 lvl 4 high res corner)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 4x4 high res lvl 4 corner. About the model One of the first buildings I made and put on the Workshop were the three instances of the Puck Building. I've started to update it quite a few t...
Puck Grand entrance building (2x4 High Comm lvl 3)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 2x4 high commercial lvl 3 About the model One of the first buildings I made and put on the Workshop were the three instances of the Puck Building. I've started to update it quite a few ti...
Puck building (4x4 High res Growable lvl 3)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 4x4 high res lvl 3 building. About the model One of the first buildings I made and put on the Workshop were the three instances of the Puck Building. I've started to update it quite a few...
Queen Anne III
Created by cbudd
Queen Anne was a common American architecture style between 1880 and 1910. All buildings in this pack are based on original architecture from the Bay Area (San Francisco + Oakland), but the style can be found all over the United States, especially in Calif...
Queen Anne I
Created by cbudd
Queen Anne was a common American architecture style between 1880 and 1910. All buildings in this pack are based on original architecture from the Bay Area (San Francisco + Oakland), but the style can be found all over the United States, especially in Calif...
Queen Anne V
Created by cbudd
Queen Anne was a common American architecture style between 1880 and 1910. All buildings in this pack are based on original architecture from the Bay Area (San Francisco + Oakland), but the style can be found all over the United States, especially in Calif...
Queen Anne II
Created by cbudd
Queen Anne was a common American architecture style between 1880 and 1910. All buildings in this pack are based on original architecture from the Bay Area (San Francisco + Oakland), but the style can be found all over the United States, especially in Calif...
Queen Anne IV
Created by cbudd
Queen Anne was a common American architecture style between 1880 and 1910. All buildings in this pack are based on original architecture from the Bay Area (San Francisco + Oakland), but the style can be found all over the United States, especially in Calif...
Quill Building
Created by Khrysler
Quill Building is a small office buildng provides small offices for small town office work. This building is based on the lower level of David Stott Building in Detroit. I had to create this in order to make higher level 3x3 corner office buildings. Asset ...
Queen Anne VI
Created by cbudd
Queen Anne was a common American architecture style between 1880 and 1910. All buildings in this pack are based on original architecture from the Bay Area (San Francisco + Oakland), but the style can be found all over the United States, especially in Calif...
Quiller Building
Created by Khrysler
Quiller Building is a mid-rise office building offers mid-sized offices for mid-ized city office work. The building is also based on David Stott Building in Detroit. It is simply a succesor of Quill Building so If you want this building to spawn, I recomme...
Quillman Building
Created by Khrysler
Quillman Building is a tall office building accommodates large offices where copious amounts of paper work are handled. This building is the highest version of Quill Building and Quiller Building, so if you want this building to spawn, you need to subscrib...
railing silver
Created by Sparks
railing silver by Sparks fence...
Railway Barriers (American)
Created by Strategy Nerd
Railway: USA & CAN How to Use To replace your current barriers with the Railway Replacer mod, use the shortcut Shift + Alt + P and select one of the below styles. You can change the # tracks sign by placing one of the separate sign props over it. Pack Cont...
Ranch House 1
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the American Houses Pack linked above Asset is a 2x4 growable low density residential 1536x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1072 tris, LOD 64 tris 64x64 Shares textures with future ranch houses, u...
Ranch House 2
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the American Houses Pack linked above Asset is a 2x4 growable low density residential 1536x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1432 tris, LOD 64 tris 64x64 Shares textures with future ranch houses, u...
Ranch House 5
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the American Houses Pack linked above Asset is a 2x4 growable low density residential 1536x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 794 tris, LOD 67 tris 64x64 Shares textures with previous ranch houses, ...
Ranch House 4
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the American Houses Pack linked above Asset is a 2x4 growable low density residential 1536x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1140 tris, LOD 67 tris 64x64 Shares textures with previous ranch houses,...
Ranch House 3
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the American Houses Pack linked above Asset is a 2x4 growable low density residential 1536x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1372 tris, LOD 106 tris 64x64 Shares textures with previous ranch houses...
Rand Tower
Created by hamma085
Ploppable RICO Enabled About the building: Rand Tower was finished construction in 1929 and was one of the tallest buildings in Minneapolis (and Minnesota), and defined the skyline, along with the Foshay Tower, Minneapolis City Hall and Northwestern Bell T...
Real Neutral LUT - for Relight, Daylight Classic and Vanilla
Created by creativeDEX
Real Neutral LUT by Dexter How to use a Color Correction/LUT? Change the Color Correction/LUT every time you want in the graphic settings of the game. This change the lightning, coloring, saturation and contrasts. ------------------------------------------...
Ranch Houses 2
Created by KingLeno Ranch Houses 2 by King Leno 6 low density residential Lot size 2x4 Level 2 & Level 3 Texture 1024 x 1024 Did not include trees used in assets, since they aren't required and to allow for customization. Probably will list in ...
Regis High School
Created by Badi_Dea
Regis High School has been educating young minds since 1877. This latest campus expands that legacy into the suburbs. This building is roughly equivalent to 3 vanilla High Schools. Structure Specific Details Building Template High School Dimensions 14x6 + ...
Real Time
Created by dymanoid
Welcome to Real Time! Are you wondering why your Cims never sleep and keep working and studying all night long? Do you also think that the "days" flying by on the time bar are not so real? A fully-crowded bouncy castle park ...
Regular bushes
Created by pdelmo
3 pack small tri 116 medium tri 358 large tri 818 textures are d,c,a @256x256 snowfall...
Regular Trees 4 pack
Created by pdelmo
4 Generic shaped trees Stats and info: Textures all are 256x256 Tris Small 380 Columnar 700 Full 928 Crown 800 Smaller Leaves and billbording for a more realistic look...
Renaud apartments 4762 2nd av
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a pack which contains a lvl 4 and 5 Low residentiial apartment and a gate prop. Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to see new releases and upco...
Repaint 1.7.4
Created by algernon A fork of TPB's Painter mod, updated to work with Harmony 2, fix bugs, and add extra features. 100% backwards-compatible with the original. New in 1.7: Add vanilla highway texture replacement option Add option to colorize al...
Residential Props 2
Created by KingLeno
Residential Props 2 by KingLeno A new collection of loosely associated small props to use in future assets. Right now, it just consists of: Driveway Prop - similar to sidewalk props, but can be overlapped multiple times with no/minimal z-fighting. 1x2 conc...
Revere apartments
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This a high res apartment About the model The fifteenth entry of my New England series. This building can be found next to the Revere house in Boston. I felt it´s kind of typical of a building for ...
Riachuelo 933 Pack - Porto Alegre BR
Created by Brum
Eclectic buildings often stand out with large domes and ornaments. However, for a perfect architectural set, some need to stand out less. These are the 6 fillers of my collection ;-) Riachuelo 933 is a rare remnant of colonial architecture with an eclectic...
Rice Park Community High School
Created by hamma085
This asset was kindly commissioned by dudemeister. About the Building This is a fictional high school based on a building in Downtown St. Paul, Minnesota located on 317 Washington St. The real building houses a restaurant, event center, and offices for the...
Richman building (2x4 high res lvl 1 corner)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 2x4 High residential lvl 1 cornerbuilding. About the model This is a small building I made to get rid of 1 of the more ugly and old resource hogging growables I had. Main thing about this building was to be li...
River Container Ship Pack 1
Created by Lee Towers
Ever had those giant cargo ships try to navigate your rivers, clipping through all your bridges? Look no further! This set contains three different sizes of container ship (you can turn them on and off individually in the content manager), featuring Avanya...
RISD Design Center
Created by Prosper
Residential High / level 3 / 2x4 / 1024x1024 / 2022 tris / LOD 512x512 / 172 tris Update 18.12.2020: Remodeled, new textures, more details Residential High / level 5 / 2x4 / 2048x2048 / 6022 tris / LOD 256x256 / 120 tris Based on Rhode Island School of Des...
Ritzmann Building
Created by Khrysler
Ritzman Building is a century old office building built with modern mind on its facade. Inspired by Rockefeller Building in Cleveland, Ohio. I wanted to build this because the vanilla lacks in 4x4 corner buildings and I was fascinated by its simplicity and...
River Trace Subdivision 02
Created by KingLeno
River Trace 02 by KingLeno 3 3x4 houses with the same base model 01A - siding and brick 01B - siding 01C - siding and brick, upper room add-on Uses texture maps from University City Creator Content pack and as a template to import. The following trees are ...
River Trace Subdivision 01
Created by KingLeno
River Trace 01 by KingLeno 3 3x4 houses with the same base model 01A - siding and brick 01B - siding 01C - siding and brick, upper room add-on Uses texture maps from University City Creator Content pack and as a template to import. The following trees are ...
Road Trees Pack 1
Created by Gabrielium
A pack of trees that would be typically found on roads. Contains three trees of varying heights, all of which share textures (will use ~5mb). Tree 1 is the tallest, tree 3 is the shortest. All of them use uncompressed 1kx512 textures. Thanks to Gèze for te...
Road Builder v1.4.6
Created by T. D. W.
Road Builder is a revolutionary mod that allows you to create roads without dealing with the tedious asset editor! This mod automatically generates the properties, lanes, props, models, and markings of the road based on a configuration created in Thumbnail...
Roadkill Cafe
Created by Evangeline
like a bird from these prison walls i'll fly..... A small 1x3 sized lvl 1 commercial growable building, modeled after a HO scale model kit. About this asset 512 x 2048 textures. lvl 1 commercial growable Acknowledgements Model done by EvametryE, textures d...
Rockingham motor co
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 2x4 Comm lvl 1. About the model The second building of my New England series, the Rockingham motor co can be found in Harrisonburg, Virginia. The moment I saw it I knew immediately this w...
RON, the network replacer 1.1.1
Created by algernon Replace Our Networks. New in 1.0 Support for Plazas & Promenades pedestrian roads Add option to auto-replace missing Metro Overhaul Mod (MOM) tracks on load with tracks from the supported replacement collection and MOM Inspi...
Roof Light
Created by Like_Mike
Roof Light by Like_Mike...
Roof Objects Pack 屋顶填缝套装
Created by XDBX
by XDBX ------------------------------------------ All 26 objects -5 Air Conditionings -5 Electric box -4 Antennas -2 powerrooms -2 radars -2 water tanks -3 Signal towers -1 roof -1 lightning rod -1 Steel plate ------------------------------------------ mo...
Rooftop Cell Tower
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Cell towers on roofs in Japan. These are for an upcoming shopping mall. 3 variants included. Specifications 5m-8.8m height Tris Main(LOD): 278(88), 232(84), 188(90) Textures Main (LOD): 64x512( 32x256 ) d/n/s/i * Loading Screen Mod ready About the producti...
Rooftop Radio Tower
Created by NameInvalid
Rooftop Radio Tower for 'Condomínio Edifício Comendador Francisco Navarro Dias' (currently wip)...
Rory & Sturdivant - 1x2 L2 Office
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Hi Skyliners !!! Today I propose you an update of an original creation by 8bitwonder : Rory & Sturdivant, Attorneys at Law. Here's a link to the original version : This building was never upda...
Rosaleda Hotel - Commercial
Created by jorge.puerta Rosaleda Hotel - Commercial Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 3x4 - Level 2, high density commercial building, 15 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i...
Rose Condominiums
Created by jorge.puerta Rose Condominiums Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 5, high density residential building, 13 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Residential Hig...
Created by ManuRamos
Ruler by PelusoNN This prop is only a tool for moders. Is essential for measuring all kinds of elements. If you like this asset support it:
Royal Naval House
Created by Robert
Surrounding the southern side of the Grosvenor Place tower are three heritage listed buildings - Federation Hall, Royal Naval House (collectively occupied by the Sydney Futures Exchange) and the Johnson's Building Group (now The Morrison Bar and Oyster Roo...
Rundown Shack Props
Created by NameInvalid
random shack, nothing much to say. dependencies for something later. ✅ keyword : shack //- Required by:
Rusty Barge
Created by deoxyribonucleic
This rusty black barge - available in the misc. props menu - is a great addition to any harbor or seafront. Jut plop it down, then add additional props on top to your liking! This version sports a rusty, bare metal hull, with red protective paint. Be sure ...
Ryde: Cityline - Siemens LRV Tram Pack
Created by Blue Thunder
Cityline Ryde is a fictional transport company designed to create a generic brand across all of the transport options in the game. Cityline is the North American Division of Ryde. focusing on ...
Saint Margaret Fountain
Created by Don B
Hello folks, Feel free to leave a comment and don't forget to upvote, it helps to get more assets. Margaret Fountain is located at the Margaretenplatz, Vienna, Austria. The former municipality of Margareten had this fountain built as a souvenir of Franz I'...
San Francisco Apartments 1
Created by cbudd
These are super generic medium detailed San Francisco apartment buildings. A lack of ornaments makes them typical for the mid 20th century, with their bay window being a centerpiece of San Francisco architecture. This pack includes 4 versions: a generic wa...
San Francisco Italianates I
Created by cbudd
Italianate architecture is amongst the most common architectural styles in the Bay Area (including San Francisco) and a pretty significant historic style in California. Most Italianate houses were built from the 1850s to the 1900s, as free standing single ...
San Francisco City Hall (Old Dome)
Created by Ronyx69
Read description of the new (black & gold) dome version:
San Francisco Italianates III
Created by cbudd
Italianate architecture is amongst the most common architectural styles in the Bay Area (including San Francisco) and a pretty significant historic style in California. Most Italianate houses were built from the 1850s to the 1900s, as free standing single ...
San Francisco Italianates IV
Created by cbudd
Italianate architecture is amongst the most common architectural styles in the Bay Area (including San Francisco) and a pretty significant historic style in California. Most Italianate houses were built from the 1850s to the 1900s, as free standing single ...
San Francisco Italianates II
Created by cbudd
Italianate architecture is amongst the most common architectural styles in the Bay Area (including San Francisco) and a pretty significant historic style in California. Most Italianate houses were built from the 1850s to the 1900s, as free standing single ...
Satellite Dishes Replacement
Created by avsuzgrea
Replacement for the satellite dishes. It is save to use this pack because it will never be updated. If you are an artist who used the first pack to create some assets and you want those dishes, then you will have to update your old assets. Subscribing to t...
Sanford Hotel
Created by Smilies
Sanford Hotel built in Omaha, 1916 4x4 high density residential 1k diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color Main mesh: 3814 tris, LOD 104 tris 128x128 Models and textures done by Smilies; cannot be re-uploaded without permission authorized by Smilies. ht...
Satellite Dish Pack
Created by Beardmonkey
Satellite Dish Pack by Beardmonkey This pack contains five roof top satellite dishes. Tris: 185–211 Texture:128x128 px Custom LOD:s....
Schermerhorn Building
Created by tomzako
Don't forget to vote and comment! ABOUT THE BUILDING: The Schermerhorn Building at 376–380 Lafayette Street on the corner of Great Jones Street in the NoHo neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City, was built in 1888–1889 by William C. Schermerhorn on the s...
Satriale's pork store
Created by Evangeline
You should never gamble Anthony, let this be a lesson to ya, a man honours his debts. Satriale's pork store was a fictional pork store, specifically made as a setpiece for the TV series ''The Soprano's'' In which it appears frequently. Usually as a backgro...
Seaside Skyline Island Villa
Created by BryanS.C.W
Seaside Skyline Island Villa Model file seaside_skyline_island_villa.crp Statistics Asset Residential Low level 15 Polygon count 4,992 LOD polygons 52 Triangle count 9,973 LOD triangles 102 Texture maps (1024^2)*4 LOD textures (256^2)*2 Scale 1:1 Size 3x3 ...
Scholastic building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 3 High commerical 2x4 growable based on the Scholastic building in New York in Soho. About the model A new model from my Soho, Noho and Nolita series. This model has about 4487 tris a...
Seaside Skyline Island Villa 2
Created by BryanS.C.W
Seaside Skyline Island Villa 2 Model files seaside_skyline_island_villa_002.crp seaside_skyline_island_villa_002_garage.crp(seaside_s_i_villa_002_garage) Statistics seaside_skyline_island_villa_002 Asset Residential Low level 15 Polygon count 2,970 LOD pol...
Scotia Bank
Created by Modocero
Scotia Bank Comercial LOW 2x3 Asset Info Main Tris: 544 Texture: 512x2048, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, ilumination LOD Tris: 36 Texture 64x64, Diffuse, Ilumination Tags: Scotia, Bank, Comercial, LOW, Canada, Vancouver Discord: Modocero#5931
Seaton Residences
Created by jorge.puerta Seaton Residences Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 5, high density residential buiding, 18 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Residential High...
Seychelles LUT
Created by Ronyx69
LUT inspired by Seychelles. Seychelles Map Theme: Commission for Arnold J Rimmer. Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests Donate C...
Seychelles Map Theme
Created by Ronyx69
Map Theme inspired by Seychelles. 2K Textures Seychelles LUT: Seyuba Map: Commission for Arnold J Rimmer. Twitch YouTube Twitt...
SFCH Lantern
Created by Ronyx69
Created by Ronyx69
SFCH Flags (Real)
Created by Ronyx69
SFCH Lights
Created by Ronyx69
SFD - Fire Department Building
Created by JopytheBear Tags Fire, Station, Department, Logo, Sign, Indianapolis, USA, U.S., America, United States of America, Indiana, State,...
SFCH Solar Panels
Created by Ronyx69
Shell Gas Station
Created by Modocero
Shell Gas Station Comercial LOW 3x3 Asset Info Main Tris: 5251 Texture: 512x2048, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, Ilumination, Alpha LOD Tris: 243 Texture 256x256 Diffuse, Ilumination Tags: Shell, Gas, Station, Comercial, Low, Fuel, Gasoil, Gasolina, Nafta, Ser...
Shake Shack
Created by KingLeno Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter If you like my assets, consider showing your support by making a small donation via P...
Shell Gas Station
Created by Cristolisto
This is a more unique looking gas station. It has 12 pumps and a small attendant building. A sign prop is also included to let your cims know the gas prices are rising, RICO Enabled (Low Commercial) Size: 4x4 Cost: $8,000 Level 1 Commercial Custom LOD by C...
Shepard company building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 3x3 High Comm corner lvl 1 and a 2x3 High comm lvl 1. About the model The eight building of my New England series, this building is located in one of the most beautiful cities of the Unit...
Shinkansen N700 California HSTA (7Cars)
Created by REV0
California High Speed Transit Authority, 560 passengers Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact California Dreamin' The N700 series (N700系 Enu na...
Shinkansen N700 California HSTA (Prop Pack)
Created by REV0
California HSTA, Prop Pack Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Part of Shinkansen Fleet Collection Technical ...
Shipper House
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A generic office building probably constructed in 1964, a staple of financial districts. Type :- Growable 3x4 Level 2 Office Building *NEW MODEL* Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion ...
Shoe Carnival
Created by KingLeno
Help me get to 2,000 subscribers on YouTube! I was doing a series of American shopping center commercial buildings (some new, some updates) to reward and encourage more subscribers to my YouTube channel, but got kinda bored and got busy making Mega Casinos...
Shop Awning | 簷篷
Created by Jeremychit Shop Awning 商店簷篷 Description Awnings that are usually set up on shopfronts. Commonly seen on wet markets in Hong Kong. Of course you can place it in homes or anywhere. Contains 8 variations of...
Shopfront Planters
Created by Accapulco
Pack of 5 small planters to decorate shopfronts, entrances to apartments and what not. You can use them as parking barriers as well but they need to be PO'ed so you can lower them to the road. Main / Lod 30-150tris - 128x256 X2 Shared / 10-30 tris- 32x32...
Shopping Center Parking Lot Props
Created by Cristolisto
A pack of props for your parking lots. Great for adding a tad more realism to your shopping center parking lots. Includes: -Shopping Cart Return Prop -Handicap Parking Sign -Two versions of a parking lot light pole Use the More Beautification Mod to place ...
Signs and Logos
Created by Like_Mike
Signs of different retail stores and restaurants for buildings. Included are: Payless Shoe Source - discount shoe store Metro PCS - wireless carrier Finish Line - shoes and sports apparel Lane Bryant - women's clothing store chain focusing on plus-size clo...
Simple plain awning
Created by Cateinum
First of all, a big thank you to all my 502 subs! This is a simple, plain awning, slightly dirty and worn, in 4 color variations. No signs, no ads. I have plans to use it in my upcoming assets, but maybe you'll find it useful too....
Sioux Falls (Old Minnehaha) County Courthouse
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a county courthouse from Sioux Falls. Kindly comissioned by RedRabbit! Make sure to thank him as well! Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to se...
SKF - Pavement Theme Decals
Created by Shannanigan
I created these Pavement decals in order to have small & simple walkways, driveways, patios, etc. for my houses. They are located under "Residential / Ground Tiles" in the Asset Editor. Since these are decals without "ruining", that hideous animated grass ...
Skyland Mall
Created by KingLeno
Skyland Mall Consists of 5 Assets -Main Entrance -Rear Entrance/Food Court -Wing/Side Entrance *these 3 buildings are all Unique Buildings and require a road connection -Square connector/puzzle piece -Angled connector/puzzle piece *these 2 buildings are ba...
Skyland Mall Props
Created by KingLeno
Skyland Mall Props by KingLeno Consists of 4 props including Skyland Mall Sign Mall Column Mall Wall (uses the same brick as the mall) Glass/brick wall I've included a youtube link of a sample of the mall assets in use
SKF - Theme Decal - Driveways
Created by Shannanigan
I found myself using a bunch of my 4x4 pavement decals to create driveways, which adds a lot to the prop count. So I created these long narrow pavement decals. There are 3 lengths in this pack... 4x8, 4x12 & 4x16. They are located under "Residential / Grou...
Skyve v3.3.2.1 [Stable]
Created by Chamëleon TBN
Skyve is the fresh re-make of the previous Loading Order Mod 1/2 & Compatibility Report. It features a completely new and slick UI, integrated & real-time compatibility management, advanced filtering, dark mode, Find It! custom tags, Linux & macOS Compatib...
Small Industrial Shop
Created by Smilies
old, small industrial/warehouse looking building, low poly model empty and generic for detailers, front has parking spots 2x4 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color Main mesh: 380 tris, LOD 10 tris 64x64 asset shares tex...
Small Juniper
Created by pdelmo
Small Juniper by pdelmo As requested 497tri 512x512 texture...
Small Town America 2
Created by Smilies
Just a small generic little small town shop 1x2 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 276 tris, LOD 40 tris 32x32, foundation 126 tris 8m wide Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance asset shares textures...
Small Police station
Created by jens Capacity: same like Police Station As always: If you like what I do, support me: Thank you very much!...
Small Town America 1
Created by Smilies
Just a small generic little small town shop 2x2 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 583 tris, LOD 40 tris 64x64 16m wide asset shares textures with future small town assets, use Loading Screen Mod to enable ...
SoCal Low Residential Block Pack
Created by Leeijo
This is a pack of four block buildings, each with four of my SoCal low residential models. They are made to be light weight rather than heavily detailed. All building share the same 512x512 texture, d,c,s,i.n and have custom lods with 64x64 textures. The h...
SoCal Low Residential Growable Pack
Created by Leeijo
This is a set of eight different SoCal low residential models. They are made to be light weight rather than heavily detailed. All building share the same 512x512 texture, d,c,s,i.n and have custom lods with 64x64 textures. The houses are low residential L3...
SoCal Low Residential Rico Pack
Created by Leeijo
This is a set of eight different SoCal low residential models. They are made to be light weight rather than heavily detailed. All building share the same 512x512 texture, d,c,s,i.n and have custom lods with 64x64 textures. The houses are low residential L3...
Sovereign Bank Building Montreal
Created by Smilies
Based on Sovereign Bank Building, Montreal. 388 Saint Jacques Street - built 1905 Level 1 office 2x4 Main mesh 6627 tris foundation submesh 106 tris 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color Custom LOD 46 tris 128x128 texture 12 metres wide, cust...
SoCal LowRes Slope Houses
Created by Leeijo
This is a pack of slope versions of my SoCal LowRes assets. They have been re-textured and modified to be able to sit on sloped terrain. This pack contains five versions for up slopes and five for down slopes. One of the buildings is a double house so six ...
Spanish Oaks Apartments
Created by KingLeno
Spanish Oaks Apartments by KingLeno...
Spot [Custom Effect Loader]
Created by _luminou_
Spot Requires the mod Custom Effect Loader to operate. Special creation for the Yankee stadium Can be used like any other light asset. Spot Yankee Stadium Triangles: 158 / 30 Texture: 32² / 16² (just _d and _c) My Workshop: Follow me: Follow me: Donate: ht...
Spring arcade building (4x4 grow commercial lvl 2)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 4x4 Commercial building lvl 2 About the model Back to LA! While the Penobscot Building destracted me to commence some work on Detroit buildings for a while this was in the works for quite...
Spotlights prop pack
Created by Armesto Pack of prop spotlights. Currently using 14 vanilla effects: Upwards neutral Upwards warm Upwards cold Upwards yellow Downwards neutral Downwards warm Downwards...
Squarefront Building
Created by Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
Square Handicap Parking Decal
Created by Like_Mike
Square Handicap White and Blue Parking Decal by michael.warrenii also includes square yellow and blue decal variant...
St James Episcopal Church
Created by Evangeline
Will the circle be unbroken. This is the St James Episcopal Church, a building from the town of Edison in New Jersey. Initially i was modeling this because i wanted to replace an old asset, but because this isn't exactly a rural church i decided to upload ...
St. Mary's Cathedral
Created by redrabbit348
***Asset is not by me, I am merely the sponsor*** Asset by: Mena Valley Art Station: Discord: valleyveil#4570 Saint Mary's Catholic Church is a former parish of the Archdiocese of Dubuque. The church is located in Dubuque, Iowa, U...
St30s - Hotel & Suites
Created by jorge.puerta St30s - Hotel & Suites Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 3, high density commercial buiding, 27 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Commercial H...
Stairs (one level)
Created by Darf
This is a stairway/fire escape which you can use to attach to some buildings with doors at 3,5 meters tall. It should attach similar to Feindbild's fire escape. This will be used in some upcoming buildings of mine. Model: 170 faces. Maps: 512x256, diffuse,...
stairs pack
Created by Sparks
3 sets of stairs by Sparks...
Standard Parking Garage
Created by Badi_Dea
All I ask is for a slab of concrete, and a car to park on it. This Parking Garage will unlock with Parks, and can be found in the Roads menu under the Maintenance tab. This structure will function as a park, increasing land value and happiness of nearby bu...
Station Shelters
Created by Ronyx69
Shelter networks for train stations and such. Includes 4 styles with middle/end/window segments. They can handle curves but don't make them too crazy. There's a weird lod issue sometimes, where the normals seem broken at very specific distances and angles,...
Starbucks Coffee Los Angeles
Created by Californianyt
Starbucks Coffee, 3241 N Figueroa St., Los Angeles, C Starbucks Coffee and Props Includes: - Main Starbucks Coffee - Sign Prop - Clearence Height Prop - Drice Thru Menu Prop Starbucks Corporation is an American multinational chain of coffeehouses and roast...
Stationery Store Sign 1
Created by Khrysler
Early 1900s style stationery store sign. MODEL - 28 triangles | 128x32 texture map (d) LOD - 4 triangles | 64x16 texture map (d)...
Stella-Haus Hamburg, Germany - Expressionist double corner building 97°/105° (Growable commercial high)
Created by Lilienherz
The Stella-Haus is a famous expressionist building from the German hanseatic city Hamburg. The origin building was from 1870s but it was extended in 1923 to its unique today architecture and to the first high rise house of Hamburg. tags: Stellahaus, Art De...
Stiglitz Building
Created by Khrysler
Blocky and generic but certainly handsome office building shows growing economic power in your city. It's Just another variation to 4x4 corner buildings! and grows without destroying your current city skyline. (hopefully) Asset Info: Growable - 4x4 Corner ...
Stone Bollards Prop Pack
Created by Lost Gecko
Pack of 3 cast stone bollard props to structure and decorate public spaces. The mesh goes slightly underground to fit on slight slopes. Models (cubic-cylindrical-spherical) main model tris: 30-78-156 textures: 256x256 (diffuse-normal-specular) LOD tris: 10...
Stoddards Fine food & ale
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 1x3 High comm lvl 1 building About the model Already the sixteenth building of my New England series. The building is located in Boston, at Temple Pl in the Theater district. You can alwa...
Stonecrest Apartments
Created by KingLeno
This is an updated model of the Village Square apartments with some changes and improved texture Triangles - 2518 Texture 512x512 d,n,i,s Size - 3 x 4 RICO Level 2 low denisity residential If ...
Stone quay - Fenced
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on The stone quay with a fence so your citizens don't fall into the water. Comes in a plain version as well for those places on land. Fence will be released as a prop and a fence netwo...
Streamline Moderne High School
Created by Cristolisto
Click here to find the original gym building (Natural Disaster required) American high school built with a late Streamline Moderne design. Building additions were later built around the school. I also created a fictional floor plan for the school just to s...
Street Sushi
Created by Gruny
Street Sushi is a Japanese-inspired fast food serving delicious makis and sushis made with fresh produce. Specs Level 2 low density commercial 4x3 - growable Tris 1653 / 216 (lod) Texture - 1024x1024 | D / I / S / C Lod Texture - 128x128 | D / I / S / C Th...
Suburban Apartments 1
Created by chuckles
A pack of two garden-style apartments commonly found throughout the United States. Admittedly these models are somewhat unoptimized as they are an experiment of sorts. The tri-count is a bit high for my liking, but this was an old model I was attempting to...
Created by BrowncoatTrekky
Hollywood Studio's New York Street's Keffler by Khrysler This building was co-opted for the CS Hollywood Studios project with permission from all participating authors. Full credit for construction of this asset belongs to Kh...
Suburban Apartment
Created by nob50506000
郊外の住宅街にありそうなメゾネット型のアパートになります。 3種類入ってます。 The apartments will be maisonette type apartments that may be found in suburban residential areas. Three types are included. Lv.1 jp_re100a~c...
Suburban Houses Set
Created by Starshall
Suburbia by Starshall A series of 8 level 1 Low Residential Growables that resemble many suburban housing estates in the UK. See the screenshot for relevant tri count and texture sizes per ‘Mesh Info’. All the main models share the same d, s, n, i and c te...
Suburban Street Alternate (no planting strip)
Created by Urbanist
A suburban street without a planting strip. Want the planting strip? Get the original version. 中文: 郊区街道(没有草边缘) See this in action two dollars twenty - Springwood Water Treatment Facility TazerHere - New Toulouse - 07 - Canal & Suburbs Features Two-way, two...