Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

179 ratings
Midatlantic Victorian Set 2
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7.946 MB
26 Apr, 2020 @ 1:42pm
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Midatlantic Victorian Set 2

Looking for that perfect set of Old-World USA urban houses? Trying to find those cramped-yet-charmed quarters for the steel workers in your river town? Desperate for that trans-Appalachia feel?

The Midatlantic Victorian series has you covered!

A set of 3 late 1800s/early 1900s detached row houses with dormers, porches, chimneys, and additions. They are all based on housing stock found throughout Pittsburgh, PA. Specifically, these buildings in Shadyside and Oakland Square:,-79.9322002,3a,60y,154.96h,97.85t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0xvblJQiGXDW6EGL1vstGg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192,-79.9329694,3a,75y,134.77h,93.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svRtNJ-mC-C5jOZd6U7jSYA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192,-79.9576365,3a,60y,7.61h,90.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sU7wcfnKfb1AaSGaWgloBVg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

Note that several Pdelmo assests (Regular Bush tiny, green), Beardmonkey assets (Wooden Fence 01 4m & 8m), and vanilla assets (benches, ac, pipes, etc) were used to decorate the lots, but not having these other assets will do no harm.

Next up is a (surprise!) set of Pre-WWII Midwestern houses in this vein, followed by a set of Post-WWII cookie-cutter suburban houses a la Levittown.


Level 3 Residential
Tilesize: 1x2 (buildings bleed over into third tile - perfect for alleyways)
Build Time: 0
Build Cost: 0 (I think)
Color Variations: 4 ea (roof, siding, or brickwork mapped to change)
Main Models Tricount: 966/996/862
LOD Model Tricount: 44/50/52
Main Model Textures: 1024x1024 (texture sharing enabled with Loading Screen Mod)
LOD Model Textures: 128x128
Normal mapped, Specular mapped, Illumination mapped, Color mapped, LOD mapped

dudemeister  [author] 15 Apr, 2022 @ 8:29am 
Hey Baron, be my guest! It's definitely doable in the Asset Editor, should be able to load these assets and change the "length" value to one tile.. I'm just afraid of messing up if I change this asset. So feel free to release a deco'ed version : )

baronjutter 6 Apr, 2022 @ 5:14pm 
These are so nice, the only problem I have is that I have to manually plop and move each one to be closer to the street as they have huge empty front yards without any sort of pathway or anything. They look great without a front setback like in your screenshots. I love how the model over-hangs off the back of the lot, makes it easier to place on hills. They'd be perfect if they sat on a 1x1 lot without a front yard and maybe a tiny path from the stairs. I'm looking into learning how to do this myself. If I do, would you mind if I released a "decorated" small lot version for hillside growables?
dudemeister  [author] 4 May, 2020 @ 3:28pm 
algernon & hemeac - you are completely right. I just learned I have been playing CS on potato mode for the last two-ish years. Upgraded to Relight Neutral; will update the photos here and have better ones in the future. Thanks for the tips! Any suggestions for vanilla grass/road replacers?

tomb - Elves is correct, that industrial complex is a mix of the Prewar Warehouse and Victorian Mill assets, with Feinbild's Gasometer assets in the background.

supremecpe - go for it! Blender definitely can be a pain, especially when the asset won't import into CS for some reason or other. But lotsa people would appreciate some more Pennsylvanian homes if you find the time!

m4gic - I live not too far from Savannah! Hope to get to some of the Victorian/Historic District buildings en el futuro.

Thanks all round for the compliments & support guys. Hang tight for more!
Saplaiceen 1 May, 2020 @ 3:15pm 
something about house 3 makes me think the upstairs windows should be swapped around
m4gic 28 Apr, 2020 @ 9:33am 
I needed these! If you want to do Atlantic coast houses, like those in Charleston or Savannah, I would love to have some of those as well.
MikeFoxy 28 Apr, 2020 @ 6:12am 
These look great, the textures are much improved compared to the last pack. Can't wait for the pre and post WW2 sets, they'll all fit right in with my old fashioned towns, for sure!
theb2blandlord 27 Apr, 2020 @ 4:53pm 
this is dope bro. looking for more midwestern style houses for my chicago style city.
Bungalow Man 27 Apr, 2020 @ 4:16pm 
@dudemeister, Awesome... looking forward to seeing the Hulley houses in the future, I think they'd fit in great with your assets. Your pre-planned packs sound great too. They make me want to give modeling another try. I intended on creating a set of craftsman bungalows, starting with a few based on houses in the Mt. Lebanon area, but shelved it after getting frustrated with blender.

@ELVES PARSLEY, thanks, I was wondering what that factory asset was too!
ELVES PARSLEY 27 Apr, 2020 @ 2:46pm 
tomb 27 Apr, 2020 @ 9:28am 
Loving your house sets, these are so very Pennsylvania, I almost feel like I"m back in the 'hood! Question, what is that old factory in the background of your "uniform lot size" pic? Put some fries and slaw on top of it and you're in Pittsburgh!