Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Oggetti (757)
3 Way Interchange + Urban Entrance/Exit
Creato da agusingnavy
3 Way Interchange + Urban Entrance/Exit by agusingnavy Currently I increased the distance between the two highways to 10/12 cells instead of 4 because this way I have more options to add on/off ramps and make larger and more complex interchanges in-game, a...
4 Lane Sunken Highway
Creato da BlackRhino
4 Lane Highway road sunk 8m below the terrain with built in sidewall and automatic transition to surface level roads. - The upgrade tool unfortunately places the road surface at ground level and you will end up with 8.5m high walls. You have to demolish an...
4 Way Hybrid
Creato da agusingnavy
4 Way Hybrid by agusingnavy The Greatest "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. *UI Priority: -1223 - agusingnavy -...
xxx3 Fast Assembly Passenger train station
Creato da TRISTAR
xxx3 Fast Assembly for passenger train station by TRISTAR » Underground pedestrian crossing » Sharp Junction Angles Railroads » Flat Area for Exelent slope limits » Low Overpass over the railway » Metal fence from INDUSTRIES » Easy to attach to the railway...
Angled parkings 6x1
Creato da vilgard92
Angled Parking 6x1 by vilgard92 3 functionnal diagonal parkings lots (you must subscribe one by one !) for right side to mix with each other and fit perfectly. No special mod or special road required. Low tris. Stats :Construction cost : 150 Maintenance co...
Angled parkings 2x1
Creato da vilgard92
Angled Parking 2x1 by vilgard92 3 functionnal diagonal parkings lots (you must subscribe one by one !) for right side to mix with each other and fit perfectly. No special mod or special road required. Low tris. Stats :Construction cost : 150 Maintenance co...
Angled parkings electric & handi
Creato da vilgard92
Angled Parking handicap & electric by vilgard92 3 functionnal diagonal parkings lots (you must subscribe one by one !) for right side to mix with each other and fit perfectly. No special mod or special road required. Low tris. Stats :Construction cost : 15...
Arrows Health Center (矢絣の医療センター)
Creato da christinayan
Arrows Health Center by christinayan01. Japanese traditional pattern ARROWS, is used some walls. 和柄の矢絣(弓みたいな柄。)をモチーフにしてみたデザインです。最近のアップデートで新しく実装された『小児医療センター』として機能します。性能・コストは約2倍。 **Stats** Template : Healthcare, Child Health Center (小児医療センター). Tris : 3264. (...
Asian pedestrian way
Creato da vilgard92
Asian pedestrian way by vilgard92 A pedestrian way lined with bamboo trees and stone paths with benches to sit and enjoy. No vehicules ! Only citizens and bikes. It's a pedestrian road ;) I created it to use with my Buddha Shakyamouni park but you can use ...
Banana pedestrian alley
Creato da vilgard92
Banana pedestrian alley by vilgard92 A pedestrian alley lined with banana trees and benches. No vehicules ! Only citizens and bikes. It's a pedestrian road ;) Hope you'll enjoy ! ;) Other pedestrian roads: - Asian pedestrian way - Banana pedestrian alley -...
Buddha Shakyamouni park
Creato da vilgard92
Buddha Shakyamouni park by vilgard92 This big park is dedicated to the Buddhism and to the meditation to reach the nirvana and to find the peace of mind. Gautama Buddha (c. 563/480 – c. 483/400 BCE), also known as Siddhārtha Gautama, Shakyamouni Buddha, or...
Corner children's playgrounds (L&R)
Creato da vilgard92
Corner children's playgrounds (L&R) by vilgard92 Two corner children's playgrounds (Left & Right) to allow your children to play in a little secure place. The access is made by a passage allowing pedestrians to pass. Stats :Construction cost : 500 Maintena...
Decathlon Lab
Creato da vilgard92
Decathlon Lab by vilgard92 A large Decathlon store inspired by the "Decathlon Singapore Lab" : Decathlon opened on January 19, 2019 in Kallang a store of more than 5,000 m², called Decathlon Singapore Lab, open 24 hours a day. The store is eco-friendly : e...
Elevated 4 tracks design station
Creato da vilgard92
Elevated 4 tracks design station by vilgard92 Upgraded version of the Modern elevated 4 tracks station by ron_fu-ta. Credit to him This station is an improved and fully functional version (the 4 tracks work) of the original version. I redid all pedestrian ...
Find It! 2
Creato da sway
This mod allows you to search, filter, select, and place assets. It also provides some extra info that are usually not available in vanilla game. Unsubscribe the BETA version before you use this mod! This mod was forked from...
Flowery passage 01
Creato da vilgard92
Flowery passage 01 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night for your residents with his central fountain and benches to rest... Stats :Construction cost : 500 Maintenance cost : 100 Lo...
Flowery passage 02
Creato da vilgard92
Flowery passage 02 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night for your residents with benches to rest... Stats :Construction cost : 500 Maintenance cost : 100 Low wealth tourists : 50 Me...
Flowery passage 04
Creato da vilgard92
Flowery passage 04 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night for your residents with its two paths and benches to rest. Stats :Construction cost : 600 Maintenance cost : 80 Low wealth t...
Flowery passage 05
Creato da vilgard92
Flowery passage 05 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night for your residents with its modern sculpture in the center and benches to rest and admire it. Stats :Construction cost : 700...
Flowery passage 06
Creato da vilgard92
Flowery passage 06 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional narrow path illuminated at night for your residents with benches to rest... Stats :Construction cost : 400 Maintenance cost : 70 Low wealth tourists : 80 Medium ...
Flowery passage 07
Creato da vilgard92
Flowery passage 07 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night with a lovely pond visited by two swans. Benches are at arrangement to rest and take advantage of the peace of places. Stats...
Flowery passage 10
Creato da vilgard92
Flowery passage 10 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night. Benches, paved path are at arrangement to rest and take advantage of the peace of places. This one is the smallest : 2x4 St...
Forest Apartment (RICO)
Creato da christinayan
Flower Apartment by christinayan01. Inspiration from UCX Architects' works "Urban Cactus". **Stats** Template : RICO, Residence High, Level 5. Tris : 11794 (LOD: ) Texture : 1024px Diffuse, Normal, Specular, Illumination map. Size: 4 x 4 grid. ** 3D model ...
French Pharmacy "Pharmacie des vignes"
Creato da vilgard92
French Pharmacy "Pharmacie des vignes" by vilgard92 A realistic pharmacy with bright animated crosses, advertising showcases and a car park reserved for guests. I took care of textures and details while maintaining a building that consumes few resources. I...
Garden center "Truffaut"
Creato da vilgard92
Garden center "Truffaut" by vilgard92 Truffaut is a French gardening brand founded in 1824. The Truffaut family is found around 1750 in Versailles for the Royal Gardens. The creation of the castle and its park led to the appearance of horticulturists in Ve...
High speed up and down roundabout
Creato da fdavpach
High speed up and down roundabou by Fdavpach...
Highway + Train Intersection
Creato da raulfpp
Highway + Train Intersection by raulfpp...
Hospital On Tree (木上整形外科)
Creato da christinayan
Hospital On Tree by christinayan01. Inspiration from Terunobu Fujimori's work. 木の上の小さな整形外科。地階には謎の扉がある。 ** Referenced building (参考にした実在の建物) ** Tea room "Tetsu" / Terunobu Fujimori (茶室 徹/藤森照信+大嶋信道) **Stats...
Intersection Bus / tram / train
Creato da yann_art
Intersection Bus / tram / train by yann_art...
Large children's playground
Creato da vilgard92
Large children's playground by vilgard92 A wide green park with in the center a playground for the children. Offer to your citizens a green lung and an area of release for their children. Numerous benches are available to allow the parents exhausted restin...
Midas garage
Creato da vilgard92
Midas garage by vilgard92 Midas is an American chain of automotive service. Midas stores are company-owned or franchised in 17 countries. Midas is one of the world’s largest providers of automotive services, offering brake, maintenance, tires, exhaust, ste...
Midpoint Bay
Creato da IhmeHihhuli ™
A map for the builders. A quick description of this map: • Designed with large cities in mind. Plenty of flat building space for easy building! See the end of the screenshots for a heightmap. • Pre-existing networking kept at minimum to have that sandbox f...
Move It
Creato da Quboid
Move It 2.10.8 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.18.1 (23rd October Update) New in 2.10.8: - Updated for game version 1.18.1 - Added support for Nyoko's Procedural Objects fix This mod allows you to select, move and align various things.
OverLayer v2 [Unmaintained]
Creato da princekolt
Stop using this mod There are much better and newer alternatives. Try: this one. OverLayer v2.0 OverLayer draws a high resolution picture over your map which follows the terrain surface. To enable/disable the overlay, click the round button with an exclama...
Palm pedestrian alley
Creato da vilgard92
Palm pedestrian alley by vilgard92 A pedestrian alley lined with palm trees and small green bushes with benches. No vehicules ! Only citizens and bikes. It's a pedestrian road ;) Hope you'll enjoy ! ;) Other pedestrian roads: - Asian pedestrian way - Banan...
Perpendicular Parking Series (PPS)
Creato da vilgard92
Perpendicular Parking Series (PPS) by vilgard92 Let me introduce you my first pack : The Perpendicular Parking Series (PPS). I've created it to have homogeneous and realistic functional parking lots stuck on the road. I wanted them to be customizable, vari...
Seattle by Funchenstein & Mr Miyagi
Creato da MrMiyagi
Come as you are, put on your favourite flannel shirt and your Corduroy pants, and feel Alive in this 1:1 true to life scale recreation of the downtown Seattle district. Surrounded by Oceans, this location is perfect for a bustling metropolis, or for the El...
TM:PE STABLE (Traffic Manager: President Edition)
Creato da Krzychu1245
Improve lane and parking usage. and customise junctions, roads, and rails! This is the stable release with tested features. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀User Guide⠀⠀⠀⠀Report Bugs⠀⠀⠀⠀Discord Chat Vehicles despawning ...
Unlock All Roads
Creato da zexel
A simple mod that unlocks all roads, including roundabouts and interchanges. Other milestones remain the same. Compatible with all DLC and mods. Now compatible with Network Extensions 2 (thanks jojorne). ...
Zen alley
Creato da vilgard92
Zen alley by vilgard92 A pedestrian alley lined with blooming jacarandas and colorful plants with benches to sit and enjoy the zen atmosphere. No vehicules ! Only citizens and bikes. It's a pedestrian road ;) I created it to use with my Zen Rock Park but y...
Zen rock park
Creato da vilgard92
Zen rock park by vilgard92 A zen rock park to relax, rest, and meditate on the future of the world ;) This big park is dedicated to the calm and to the relaxation. Here no noises nor of stress but the lapping of the water and the noise of the wind in trees...
人行天桥 ( Pedestrian bridge )
Creato da LIME
Pedestrian bridge to update optimization...
圆明园park 04
Creato da Ming Yue
圆明园park 04 by Ming Yue As one part of the theme park of the Old Summer Palace,this was a typical Chinese landscape garden.There were a simple small lake,courtyard buildings of all colors and kinds,and beautiful landscape gardens in this park.If you like th...
寺院 Japanese temple
Creato da TOKACHI269
It will be added to level1 unique buildings. 日本でよく見かける寺院です。 ユニーク施設レベル1に追加されます。 自由な配置にしたい方は検索MODでtempleと調べてください 。 <mesh info> 本堂 triss : 1642 tex : 1024x1024(d) 山門 triss : 454 tex : 512x256(d,n) 石灯籠 triss:136 tex : 64x256(d.n) 鐘楼 triss : 734 tex : 512x512(d...
(DEPRECATED) Massachusets State house
Creato da Zhubathan
(Tourism) Chez Geze restaurant
Creato da macluk
We are back to Chez Geze restaurant - this time uploaded for tourism specializations. It's to add more variety to your leisure districts, or to plop these assets with Move It! anywhere, without painting any specialization zone. It still should work as tiny...
12x8 Spring Spiral Park
Creato da Avalun
A somewhat big park with a fountain, a pavillion and some benches. Details - Size: 12x8 - Cost: 2400 Construction - 16 Weekly - No electricity or water needed - Entertainment Radius is 600 since its rather large (Default is 500) Have fun...
16 Modular Solar Panel (4x4 Grid)
Creato da Tom Martow
16 Modular Solar Panel that can be placed anywhere in the world. Game Information: Initial Cost: $12,800 Electricity Production: 16mw Upkeep Cost: $161.28 Model Information: No. of Panels: 16 No. of Tris: 399 / panel. Texture Res: 256 x 256 No. of LOD Tris...
16m Pedestrian Path
Creato da HooHeeHaa
Briefing Pedestrian path upgraded to 8m wide! Paved and decorated with flowers and trees, it's perfect for your waterfronts, parks or squares. If you don't like the palm trees you can replace them with whatever you prefer using Network Skins(see image 5). ...
189 Atlantic Ave. Brooklyn (Residential Pack)
Creato da Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) I saw this building and fell in love immediately. I just had to make it. -growable (of course) -2 L5 high residential buildings -custombuildings -triangles: yes, a lot of yes actually. Dont worry...
25m pool
Creato da Tomas13TO
25m swimming pool INFO maps - d,n,s (1024x512) triangles - 638 LOD triangles - 10 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 4x2 ploppable anywhere...
2x Sidewalk Cafes McDonald's Red
Creato da MrMiyagi
The McDonald's cafes each have two buildings inside - 2x1 and 1x2 parks. Please see required list of items and subscribe to them. Both non-modded and modded players can enjoy these. See pictures for helpful tips on both types of players. There is a one-cli...
3-Way Train
Creato da Maluraq
3-Way Train by Maluraq...
4 way interchange #5 (two level)
Creato da 3nƒ0я¢3я
4 way interchange #5 (two level) Cost: 43,260 Upkeep: 499 / week...
4 Way Sunken Interchange
Creato da agusingnavy
Free Style Interchange - 4 Way Sunken by agusingnavy I love this interchange ... - Measures: 60x60 cells Mods used: - Fine Road Heights PS: All my work is also published in If you find this in another website, it's without my authoriza...
6 Lane Road 3 Way Interchange
Creato da agusingnavy
6 Lane Road 3 Way Interchange by agusingnavy This asset is easily upgradable to a freeway 3 way interchange (system interchange), as shown at the (too many :D) screenshots, or a service interchange. Measures: - 40x20 cells - Flyover height: 9 mts - Tunnel ...
60°/90° Parking Road 2L Suburban Zonable
Creato da Urbanist
Big thanks to Badi_dea for the support and encouragement! Check out the urban version! - no grass at the sides, darker asphalt and more line markings Introduction This is a zonable 32m/4-tile wide suburban two-lane road with space for Badi_dea's parking lo...
69 | Mass Transit DLC
Creato da agusingnavy
69 | Mass Transit DLC by agusingnavy I AM LEGEND «I used to enjoy playing this game. Not anymore» «New Americana» Halsey Bergen, Norway Version to be used with Move it! mod (.xml file): 69xml. Download the file and move it to this folder: C:\Users\your_use...
6x9 Grid City Park (connectable)
Creato da MaxFX
Nice city park divided in four corners. One with a playground for very young children, one with a playground for somewhat older children, a little soccer field, and a beautified corner. Park is connectable with paths from all sides. Great for use in a grid...
741 St Nicholas Ave
Creato da Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) Had this one in my moddingfolder for almost 2 years,... -growable (of course) -L1 office building -custombuildings -triangles: yes -textures: yes -This building is from New York -In case you dont...
Creato da AliTarGz
This is 2nd park then I created for my project: Astana. Residential complex 7F(Family) It is the small park with two sports: football and basketball fields Model Info: Verts = 1097 Edges = 1796 Tris = 1514 Texture size = 1024x1024 Texture types = d In-game...
7x7 Park with Pavilion
Creato da Roadduck414
Equipped with a Pavilion for evening music and a playground for the children. Size: 7x7 Cost: 500 Daily Cost: 50...
8-way interchange + roundabouts
Creato da 3nƒ0я¢3я
8-way interchange based on 1 overground and 1 underground cloverleaf interchange and 2 roundabouts as connectors by 3nƒ0я¢3я...
90 degree double trumpet highway interchange
90 degree turn double trumpet highway interchange Size : 114x131 Maximum height : 10 Minimum height : 0 Highway spacing : 6 Necessary mods : NA Suggested mods : Fine road anarchy Known issues : NA...
A - Arrondi 90°
Creato da Zorbi32
A - Arrondi 90° (By Zorbi32) Zone de construction arrondi 90° pour relier d'autre parcelle ou pour faire un cercle 90° ROUNDED CONSTRUCTION AREA TO CONNECT AT AN OTHER PLOT OR TO MAKE A CIRCLE Size: 60x60 a90°...
A - Deluxe Arrondi 65°
Creato da Zorbi32
Parcelle arrondi a 65°. Peut se connecter a d'autre parcelle de type "A -". ROUNDED 65°. CAN BE CONNECTED WITH OTHER "A -" PLOTS. Taille: 60x60 a 65° Size: 60x60 a 65°...
Advanced Industrial grid
Creato da viesspr
Hello! I haven't posted a intersection on the steam workshop for quite a while, but recently i had the need for a better solution to my industrial area. I came up with this design, hope you enjoy it! I tried to make it look as smooth as possible. The asset...
Air-Supported Sports Park
Creato da Senfkorn
Hi community, cheaper than a solid hall, faster and easier to constuct. Even the costs of maintenance are comfortable. In addition, air domes look kinda nice. The "heart" of an air dome asset is obviously the hull texture. I've already made another version...
[DEPRECIATED] Airport Interchange
Creato da creativeDEX
Airport Interchange by Dexter Hi everyone, here is my Airport Interchange from my Lindblum International Airport. It is a 5 Ramp Partial Cloverleaf Interchange. A nice design highlight in this interchange are the circle roads in the loop ramp. You can use ...
Alexandria Tower (L5 Residential Growable)
Creato da Visu
Level-5 Residential Growable - luxury real estate. Complete with LoD model for viewing at a distance....
All Through The Night
Creato da agusingnavy
All Through The Night by agusingnavy The Greatest "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. *UI Priority: -1262 Mods used: Network mods -Fine Road Anarchy (Required) -Fine Road Tool (Require...
All Through The Night | Mass Transit DLC
Creato da agusingnavy
All Through The Night | Mass Transit DLC by agusingnavy The Greatest "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. *UI Priority: 9000003 Network Extensions 2 version »»CLICK HERE«« Screenshots -...
Aluminium MRF
Creato da Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings The aluminium materials recovery facility cuts the cans into evenly sized pieces, cleans and treats them to minimize oxidation, before melting them down to be reused. Stats C...
American Football Field Goal
Creato da ThatEvan
Information American Football Field Goal Football fields pictured above Workshop My Workshop: Click Here (Steam profile set to friends only) Statistics (tris) Name - Ameri...
Amphitheater (Small Size)
Creato da koxx
- Big Size version (11x11) = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Amphitheater (Small) by bisabeols : 8x8, Park - Prop : Amplifier prop / Loud S...
Antares Tower (L3 Office Growable)
Creato da Visu
High-density office tower. Complete with LoD model....
Apple Store
Creato da HIST0R
In every great city, there is at least one Apple store. Detailed electronics shop with the latest Apple devices on the shelves(rather tables :) ) Level 2 (2x4) commercial building. Polycount: 4300 1024x1024 300dpi 16bit textures -Diffuse -Specular -Alpha -...
Aqua Fun Park
Creato da bennymedia
Aqua Fun Park by bennymedia (Updated V 1.3, ready for After Dark) The Aqua Fun Park provides huge bathing and swimming fun for everyone. Aqua Fun Park Park Info:13x8 plots Construction cost : 9500 Maintenance cost : 220 Electricity consumption : 5 Garbage:...
Autobahn Abfahrt Indus
Creato da seilefan
Autobahn Abfahrt Indus by seilefan...
Autobahnkreisel by Taglebee Maybe you don't need Mass Transit for it just try....
Avenue with Train
Creato da Harai
Avenue with Train by Archdruid Harai...
B - Arrondi 90°
Creato da Zorbi32
Parcelle de routes préconstruite. Se connecte a d'autre parcelle"B". PRECONSTRUCTED PLOT OF ROADS. CONNECTS WITH OTHER "B" PLOTS Taille: 36x36 a90° Size: 36x36 a90°...
BAM Harvey Theater (Leisure growable)
Creato da Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 1x3/4 leisure growable. About the model This is part of a small of a mini update of leisure growables. Make sure to get the Majestic theater and Boston Fire Museum as well! You can always follow my ...
Baseball Field
Creato da Dutch
Baseball Field Size: 10x10 Construction Cost: 7500 Fire Hazard: 0 Fire Tolerance: 20 Garbage Accumulation: 2 Maintenance Cost: 500 Electricity Consumption: 4 High Wealth Tourists: 50 Low Wealth Tourists: 50 Medium Wealth Tourists: 50 Sewage Accumulation: 0...
Baseball Park
Creato da Galaxy5000
Baseball Park 12x12 Park Construction Cost 8000 Fire Hazard 0 Fire Tolerance 30 Garbage Accumulation 10 Maintenance Cost 800 Electricity Consumption 30 Entertainment Accumulation 125 Entertainment Radius 423...
Basketweave Interchange
Creato da agusingnavy
Basketweave Interchange by agusingnavy Mods used: - Advanced Road Anarchy - Fine Road Heights - NoPillars - Precision Engineering None are required to use this asset. Amazing mods to improve graphic appearance: -Sun Shafts -Moving Sun And this LUT -Evergre...
Basura Incinerator
Creato da tentman
Basura Incinerator based on the trash dumpsters seen on every street in Buenos Aires, Argentina - by tentman This incinerator produces no pollution, has one truck and a very limited collection area in an attempt to make the asset 'realistic'. I suggest usi...
Beach Park 6x6
Creato da Bluemoon
Beach Park 6x6 by Bluemoon...
Beauty Salon & Spa
Creato da SunLion
Beauty Salon & Spa To add some glamour for your citizens; a Beauty Salon and Spa. I know the game has a beauty salon with after Dark DLC, but I thought I could do it one better, something missing from the normal commercial retail sector. This works with al...
Beijing Style Pavilion 京式重簷攢尖亭
Creato da Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! 取材自工坊作者 Emperor Li 的 午門 側亭。聊以自用。非常感謝。 Model Info LOT size 3x3 Tris 4614 LOD Tris 80 Texture 2048x2048 LOD Texture 256x256 --------------------------------------------------------...
Big Cinema
Creato da BenTracker
Big Cinema Size: 8x12 Construction cost: 150.000 Maintenance Cost: 12.000 Entertainment accumulation: 150 Entertainment radius: 8.000 Consumption Electricity: 45 Water: 10 ---------------------------------------- 1261 Tris / 2048 x 2048px LOD: 397 Tris / 2...
BigIndustrialGrid #2 UpperRight
Creato da Gun
BigIndustrialGrid #2 UpperRight by Fleetzpiepe See collection for the other three parts....
BigIndustrialGrid #4 LowerRight
Creato da Gun
BigIndustrialGrid #4 LowerRight by Fleetzpiepe See collection for the other three parts....
Bike Priority Road
Creato da Bass
A red bike priority road as seen all over the Netherlands. Based on the "Simpleton Collection" streets by LottoTheKing. Bikes will ride on the road and cars can only go 20mph....
Biohazard Research Center [RICO]
Creato da _luminou_
Biohazard Research Center 75 ambulances, being able to treat 800 patients. Building with 3 parts in specific shape builds around a central staircase with a glass transparent cage. A road allows to enter directly the building (who can be equipped with a bus...
blackwiddow's Coaxial Highway Exit
Creato da blackwiddow
Coaxial Highway Exit by blackwiddow All my assets can be found here: Designed to act as a roundabout highway exit that also looks cool with all the lanes flowing with traffi...
blackwiddow's Willow Highway Exit
Creato da blackwiddow
Willow Highway Exit by blackwiddow All my assets can be found here: Designed to act as a highway exit, entrance & U-turn that resembles a Weeping Willow. The asset consists ...
Bluemoon roundabout
Creato da bluemoon
This roundabout is fairly compact so can be plopped into a built-up area without too much disruption. As it's a two-level roundabout, it relieves congestion more effectively than single-level, because straight-through traffic doesn't need to use the rounda...
Boreal Summer Theme
Creato da MrMiyagi
Boreal Summer - a sunnier take on Boreal environments, similar to Boreal Snowy Peaks except this one has brighter light and warmer, more brown version of rocks than Boreal Snowy Peaks, and has gravelly sand for beaches, where Snowy Peaks uses sand for snow...
Boulevard Tunnel Entrance
Creato da Immup
Boulevard Tunnel Entrance...
Breakwater Hotel (Tourism)
Creato da Leo Mystic Magic
Click Here for High Commercial Version! My First Building Release! Based on the Art Deco Miami South Beach Breakwater Hotel. Check out reference photo shots of the real thing here. Original Building Great flower assets by Breeze & Cypress tree by ryanjames...
BTB City Recycle
Creato da BachToBaroque
Welp I got bored and started to doodle with assets again. Here's a mid sized recycling center suitable for low population cities. Unrealisticaly clean super-efficient, low noise/power/water consumption, and cheap to build. Basic Stats: Size - 10 x 8 Cost -...
Buffalo Grill
Creato da Khopa
Buffalo Grill Also available as growable : Description : (Wikipédia) Buffalo Grill is a chain of steakhouses based in France, with over 328 outlets in Europe. Most of these outlets are located...
[DEPRECATED] Building Theme: University City Districts - Do not use
Creato da MrMiyagi
PLEASE READ ME. Be sure to subscribe to the parent mod Building Themes by District Mod by boformer. Follow the activation steps, in images ^. Tip: you can only make a district of low residential and low commercial for this special district. Do not use this...
Building Themes
Creato da boformer
This mod makes possible to apply building themes to a district or the whole city. Only buildings which are contained in one of the selected themes will grow in a district. You can subscribe to theme mods from the workshop, or create your own themes in the ...
Burger King (Growable, 4x4)
Creato da BumpaNiggl
Burger King (Growable commercial, 4x4) Description: Growable, larger version of my, for the workshop created Burger King. I do not own any rights on Burger King and have only made this for free, non-commercial public use. If you would like to have the smal...
Bus Station
Creato da Senfkorn
Hi community, actually I just wanted to try out how to use the rotor shader. And suddenly, a new asset was born :) Have fun! Special thanks go out to Ronyx69, who discovered the use of the rotor shader for asset creations. That offers completely new possib...
Café 3 x 4
Creato da core79
Café 3 x 4 by core79 Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Probs und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle meine Parks benutzt habe
Café 4 x 5
Creato da core79
Café 4 x 5 by core79 Dies ist mein zweites Cafe. Sieht ähnlich aus wie mein erstes, wenn auch etwas verändert. Ich hoffe es gefällt euch trotzdem This is my second coffee-shop. It´s see similar as my first coffee-shop even though with little changes. I hop...
Cargo Train Station
Creato da Tomas13TO
Cargo Train Station Model INFO maps - d,n,s,i (2048x1024) triangles - 6348 LOD triangles - 263 16x8 ...
[DEPRECIATED] Carolina Bays Pkwy 31/501
Creato da creativeDEX
Carolina Bays Pkwy 31/501 by Dexter Hi everyone, here is my double Trumpet Interchange 31/501. It is a realistic build, you can see this in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA. In my opinion is this one of the best intersection i ever build. Every part of ro...
Castle Playground (7x6)
Creato da Leo Mystic Magic
Hello Everyone, I just finished working on my latest project... A Castle Playground! I grew up playing on these in various locations around the state of New York and wanted to create a bigger playground that what is currently available to people. I hope yo...
Celtic Knot Interchange By thepianoman97
Creato da Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this asset. It was created by thepianoman97 All I did was create a custom Thumbnail and Tooltip Image for the in game toolbar. I did reach out to people to ask them to update but I just don't feel like waiting months for them to be updated...
Center Grid
Creato da warlock
CenterGrid by warlock Template for development....
central grid 01.3
Creato da Jerunn
central grid 01.3 by Jerunn One of the grids for the Centre for my quarter roundabout grid. Or combine it in any else way you like. This one has two roundabouts in the middle. Pls connect the elevated pedestrian path with the lower one to your self. In thi...
Century Hotel (Tourism)
Creato da Leo Mystic Magic
Click Here for Low Commercial Version! My second Art Deco hotel. Based on the Miami Century Hotel. View photos of the real hotel here. This is an off shoot of the Breakwater Hotel I did. I figured that I already had the textures and uvw maps layed out, I m...
Cereals Factory - Industries Remastered
Creato da dboi88
Converts Crops To Zoned Farming Products - Zoned Factory...
Chevra 3 Way Interchange+Dogbone
Creato da Dodgen
Chevra 3 Way Interchange+Dogbone High density 3 way interchange, with a dogbone attached. All freeway directions have direct routes as well as direct entrances/exits. The dogbone also provides a route for local traffic to pass under the freeway. Requires n...
Children's Park 9x6 - Evo
Creato da EvolutionsEvo
Children's Park 9x6 - by EvolutionsEvo cost 2500 - radius 400 (standard) ...
Chill-park 6 x 5
Creato da core79
Chill-park 6 x 5 by core79 Für die stats schaut einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Dieser Park ist frei Platzierbar. For the stats look the fifth picture. This park is free placeable. Für diesen Park ein spezielen Dank an, GC Vos, Ston3D, BenTracker, MrMaison, K...
Chillpark 6 x 6
Creato da core79
Chillpark 6 x 6 by core79 Kosten : 20000 Monatliche kosten : 80 Lev. 2...
Chinese Castle Modular Pack 中式城堡模组
Creato da Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! A Beijing-Style Chinese Castle. All individual modules have 4 color variances: purple, yellow, green, grey. Please use Move It! to raise the buildings above terrain level to matc...
Children's Hospital
Creato da KingLeno
LeBonheur Children's Hospital is located in Memphis, TN. This building functions of course as a normal hospital, 40 ambulances, 700 pt capacity, other stats same as standard in-game hospital. Triangles (2699) Texture (1024x1024) d,i, s If you like my asset...
Chinese Corridor Network (Southern Style)
Creato da Emperor Li The covered corridor of the Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, China. It works like the normal in-game pedestrian path with elevated, bridge segment. Ground and elevated segment have long side benches. Bridge segment h...
Chofu Intersection By k_ard
Creato da Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this asset. It was created by k_ard All I did was create a custom Thumbnail and Tooltip Image for the in game toolbar. I did reach out to people to ask them to update but I just don't feel like waiting months for them to be updated or poss...
Church of St. Ludmila
Creato da Tomas13TO
Church of St. Ludmila from Prague,(Czech Republic). The Church of St. Ludmila (Czech: Kostel svaté Ludmily) is a typical neo-Gothic church at Náměstí Míru (Peace Square) in Prague's Vinohrady, built on plans of Josef Mocker in 1888–1892. It is named in hon...
Cim Hospital (Bigger Classic Hospital)
Creato da tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Did you mess up your water distribution and make your cims drink poo water ? Don't panic !! Send them to this new hospital... well actually it's an old one. A new old one. It's a model from Cities in Motion, imported with very little change to the main mod...
Cinema Cubix Berlin (Ploppable RICO ready)
Creato da SvenBerlin
Cinema Cubix Berlin . Standing close to train station at Alexanderplatz It's a unique building. With mod you can build it more than one time. 2065 tris with LOD. About 18% from original file Area 7x6 i used a 2048x2048 map because a 1024 was too small for ...
City Center Grid 1/4 Expandable
Creato da emblaster
City Center Grid with circle traffic. Expandable: part 1 of 4 Part of a collection: ...
City Fountain 3x3
Creato da Leo Mystic Magic
Start of the Fountain Series. The City Fountain is a 3x3 asset that can be placed anywhere without the need of a roadside connection. Make your own little or big park for your cims to enjoy some nature and flowing water. Feel free to edit it in the asset e...
City Grid Corner 2/4 Expandable
Creato da emblaster
City Grid Corner Expandable: part 2 of 4 Part of a collection:
City Grid Corner 4/4 End Expandable
Creato da emblaster
City Grid Corner End Expandable: part 4 of 4 Part of a collection:
City Grid Highway
Creato da Crimson_Pope
City Grid Highway by ♥ Pope ♥ Part of a highly traffic and space efficient City Grid Layout All Parts can be found here:
city interchanger
Creato da Leinad
city interchanger by Leinad...
City Morgue
Creato da tippyc
A modern refrigerated morgue disguised as a generic office building. This building stores corpses until you are able to dispose of them in the traditional ways. This version has been rebuilt using the crematorium as the template instead of the cemetery. Th...
City Park - 6x6 (rest benches)
Creato da Vander
The City Park - 6x6 (rest benches) : Here you can settle down. Rest benches for nice quiet moments. Triangels : 1.593 - 130 "AFTER DARK - optimized" 6x6 Cost: 4500 Maintenance: 43,20 per week ------------------------------------------------- Tourists High:...
City Vitals Watch
Creato da Rob
Adds a configurable panel to display vital city stats at a glance. Features - Displays real-time stats on service usage, citizen safety, and more (see full stat list below) - Select the stats you want to watch with the settings panel (click the gear button...
City-core park 7 x 7
Creato da core79
City-core park 7 x 7 by core79 Kosten/Costs : 500 Unterhalt/Maintenance : 16 Entertainment accumulation : 300 Entertainment radius : 400 Tourists : low,medium,high : 50 Ich werde alle meine Parks, die nicht so gut beleuchtet sind, in den nächsten Tagen ode...
Creato da Koesj
Overview A 'standard' cloverleaf with collector-/distributor lanes. No landscaping though, the screenshots show how it looks when placed on a nice map. Size: 154x154 cells laterally, 64 cells across the diagonal Base cost: 102200 (oops!) Upkeep: 1212 p/w M...
Cloverleaf highway interchange
Cloverleaf highway interchange with collector-distributor lanes Size : 118x118 Maximum height : 10 Minimum height : 0 Highway spacing : 6 Necessary mods : NA Suggested mods : Fine road anarchy Known issues : NA This asset does not have collector-distributo...
Cloverstack highway interchange (2 level)
2 level cloverstack highway interchange Size : 100x108 Maximum height : 13 Minimum height : -5 Highway spacing : 6 Necessary mods : NA Suggested mods : Fine road anarchy Known issues : NA...
Creato da Koesj
Overview A high-speed cloverturbine (rather than my earlier cloverstack) interchange. The difference is in the left-hand connectors: they're 'indirect' rather than 'semi-direct'. Size: 234x234 cells laterally (including some very shallow splits and merges ...
Coffee Break Bistro
Creato da Don B
Hello folks, If you like my work, don't forget to rate and feel free to comment, your feedbacks are very important to me. Here for you a new kind of asset a leisure commercial building. In this case a nice neighborhood restaurant/bar known as a Bistro. Tod...
Compact cloverleaf highway interchange
Cloverleaf highway interchange without collector-distributor lanes Size : 80x80 Maximum height : 10 Minimum height : 0 Highway spacing : 6 Necessary mods : NA Suggested mods : Fine road anarchy Known issues : NA This asset has collector-distributor lanes :...
Concrete Pedestrian Path Set
Creato da neinnew/네인
Concrete Pedestrian Path Set It's a concrete tiled sidewalk And rendered tunnel, also 1m version useful in a small space! In addition, its invisible versions: Information Ground version conf...
Connexion 2 quartier autoroute
Creato da SLAYER [FR]
Connexion 2 quartier autoroute by SLAYER ...
Container storage stacks - Large pack 1
Creato da Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings Feel like your harbor is a bit empty? Got some empty space near your industrial area? Then why not fill it with containers! This pack contains 4 buildings that function as wa...
Contraflow Left Interchange (Service Interchange)
Creato da agusingnavy
Contraflow Left Interchange by agusingnavy To those who were asking for a Service Interchange, this is a modification of a Modified Tight Urban Diamond Interchange. I don't know if it works (should). I already made one a while ago:
Cosmetics Factory - Industries Remastered
Creato da dboi88
Converts Zoned Oil Products To Commercial Zone Goods - Goods Factory...
Cotton Fields Pack [Industries]
Creato da Maximilian
Update 3/7/19 You no longer need to be subscribed to the prop pack and they stay visible when viewed from far away! Thanks to MrMiyagi for sharing how to do this. This is a pack of 3 fields for the Industries DLC. It contains 1 small, medium, and large siz...
Crematorium and Funeral Parlor
Creato da Populous
Modern Crematorium and Funeral Parlor by Populous 10 crematoriums per district is too much... and what good is a hearse if it can only travel eight blocks. This is a full-service state-of-the-art cremation facility providing serves for people of all faiths...
Creato da Spectra
Update: I've just pushed a new version that re-enables the Harmony-based implementation, this time using the CitiesHarmony compatibility layer. Hopefully this will improve interaction with other mods without breaking stuff using older Harmony versions. I k...
CSUR St 2 + 1R4 Both Side
Creato da amamIya
CSUR St 2 + 1R4 B by amamIya...
CUG_ Little Urban Garden 2 (2x2)
Creato da muereteja
Little urban garde with 13 personal fields thtat are integrated in the same place, this urban garden have few tables, a zone for tools and water dephosit. All do you need for make the more delicious beans in the spring and cherries in summer !!...
CUG_Little ButterflyHouse
Creato da muereteja
Building for City Park Area (park life expansion)-T3 A little butterfly house (3x2) for make in your comunal urban garden. It's made with wood and glass and you can watch the visitors in. A little place for see butterfly and learn how to do with them at yo...
CUG_Little urban Garden 1 (1x2)
Creato da muereteja
Little urban garden where you can find 4 fields, everyone with her zone of compost and few tools for make easy the work. Every field has her personal vegetables....
CUG_Little Urban Garden Entrance
Creato da muereteja
CUG_Little Urban Garden Entrance muereteja...
Creato da muereteja
Building for City Park Area (park life expansion)-T2 A little cane post to obtain canes for yout urban garden. No more no less. The best canes for tutorizer yous plants :)...
Creato da muereteja
Building for City Park Area (park life expansion)-T2 Who is the best worker in a urban garden ? The insects !!! Witch help you to polinize yous plants. For this the best it's build a ecological insect house for your urban garden and sit there to see how wo...
CUG_Tomatoes field 1
Creato da muereteja
CUG_Tomatoes field . Who dont love toamtoes ???? Here you have the defenitive urban garden tomatoes field !!!!! Cherries, Montserrat, black tomatoes !! All of them in one place for cultivate, learn and eat in your urban garden :) T3 city park area building...
Cynth's Gas Station (ploppable)
Creato da Cynth
!This asset recives no further updates and support! /// Compatibility for any DLC andOr Addon since After Dark isn't guaranteed \\\ Cynth's City Gas Station (ploppable Park) Finally the ploppable version of the Gas Station. You'll find it in the Park-categ...
D.I.Y. Skatepark Pack
Creato da 220hertz
I was going to build my own skatepark asset, but I thought 'what the frig,' you guys can do that yourselves. If you're anything like me, you probably spent more time in the skatepark editor than actually playing the Tony Hawk Pro Skater series. This is a b...
DDI; Sunken Highway
Creato da Soruvisu
Highway at -12m elevation 6-lane road at 0m Size: 80 x 36 Height: -12 to 0 m Ploppable with slope limiter mod on a perfectly flat land ...
Diamond interchange
Creato da Eclipsechris
Diamond interchange by Fists_of_fury...
Diamond Interchange with Tunnel
Creato da Gülp
Diamond Interchange with Tunnel by Gülp...
Diamond; Sunken Highway
Creato da Soruvisu
Highway at -12m elevation 6-lane road at 0m Size: 58 x 18 Height: -12 to 0 m Ploppable with slope limiter mod on a perfectly flat land Collection of sunken highway interchange: ...
Distribution Center - DPD
Creato da Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A DPD version of the corner piece for the modular distribution center. This is also a functionel warehouse because you just can't have too much storage space! (okay, maybe you can) Stats Cost: 3500 Upkeep: 24 / we...
Distribution Center - UPS
Creato da Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A UPS version of the corner piece for the modular distribution center. This is also a functionel warehouse because you just can't have too much storage space! (okay, maybe you can) Stats Cost: 3500 Upkeep: 24 / we...
Distribution Center 2 - Small
Creato da Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A modular distribution center for all your storage needs! It's a fully working warehouse and can be placed alone or together to build a large structure. Shown here with the Parking Lot Roads - see the last screens...
Distribution Center Cargo Station
Creato da Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A cargo train station which fits perfectly into my modular distribution center. It's rotated 90 degrees compared to the default one and functions as a terminus, but the track can be extended in both directions if ...
Diverging Diamond (Mass Transit)
Creato da YUMBL
Feel free to "Thumbs Up" if you like it!...
Diverging Diamond Interchange
Creato da agusingnavy
Diverging Diamond Interchange by agusingnavy The Greatest *Size: 84x62 cells *Heights: 3 & -6 mts *UI Priority. -1256 "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. Upgrade roads and add traffic ...
Diverging Partial Cloverleaf
Creato da Pager
Expressway to Diverging Partial Cloverleaf Interchange by Pager A DPCI is a very high-capacity, high-speed interchange, with no movement conflicts. Left turns are eliminated, as is any weaving. Like the DWI, all traffic exits each freeway before any enters...
Diverging windmill highway interchange
Diverging windmill highway interchange Size : 116x116 Maximum height : 10 Minimum height : 0 Highway spacing : 6 Necessary mods : NA Suggested mods : Fine road anarchy Known issues : NA...
Dogbone; Sunken Highway
Creato da Soruvisu
Highway at -12m elevation 6-lane road at 0m Size: 66 x 44 Height: -12 to 0 m Ploppable with slope limiter mod on a perfectly flat land Collection of sunken highway interchange:
Donkin' Donuts by BumpaNiggl (growable H1)
Creato da BumpaNiggl
Donkin' Donuts by BumpaNiggl (growable, working) Because one or two or three donut dealers in town are not enough. Placed ingame to check if it works; and it dunkin does. :] Description: Type: Commercial Level: H1 Size 4x4 Construction time: 30 Ground offs...
Double Diverging Cloverleaf Interchange (DDCI)
Creato da Pager
Double Diverging Cloverleaf Interchange (DDCI) by Pager This is my Hybrid DDI (Diverging Diamond Interchange) & Cloverleaf Interchange. otherwise known as a © Double Diverging Cloverleaf Interchange (DDCI). So to save time and money to design and build a w...
Double-Paperclip Interchange
Creato da Scotland Tom
Here's what I like to call the 'Double-Paperclip' Interchange. Why? Well, isn't that what it looks like? This was used as the main starting connection in my Boulder Rapids map. This is a very large interchange that takes up almost as much room as it can in...
Drive-In Theatre
Creato da LordDeimosIV
I was looking for a drive-in theatre for my city but was disappointed by those available so i decided to create one myself. Since i have no skill with 3d modelling i used in-game props and some here from the workshop. Size: 10x10 Tourists: Low wealth - 100...
Dual Roundabout Highway crossing
Creato da EnSvenskPingvin
Dual Roundabout Highway crossing by CrAZzY Connect your industrial/commercial areas on the lower roundabout, can take an enormous amount of traffic. Currently carries all industrial traffic in a 120k pop city....
Dutch Bike Paths - (Pack)
Creato da Quantum Jack Man
I am very excited to bring to you, with the help of Lost_Gecko and Agusingnavy, a prop pack of dutch styled bike paths. LUT - Satellite Roundabout Tutorial Here -It includes 14 decals and 8 sunken props. -Two sets of path decals - 8x4 8x8 8x16 -Two sets of...
Earth Hologram L
Creato da KortoVos
Earth_Hologram_l by KortoVos...
Echangeur rail
Creato da ZeniX
Echangeur rail by ZeniX...
Electronics Factory #2 - Industries Remastered
Creato da dboi88
Converts Zoned Ore Products To Commercial Zone Goods - Goods Factory...
Elevated Brick Road and Arch Bridge
Creato da SimoG
Beautiful Elevated Two-Lane Road over a Brick Wall. It is traced like any vanilla road, the wall will follow the curve of the road! Will soon be available the Large 4 Lane road, one Way Versions and a variant with a Concrete wall, also a version for trams ...
Emporio Armani Shop
Creato da Raccoon
Emporío Armani Shop Information: Giorgio Armani S.p.A. is an Italian luxury fashion house founded by Giorgio Armani which designs, manufactures, distributes and retails haute couture, ready-to-wear, leather goods, shoes, watches, jewelry, accessories, eyew...
European Main Station
Creato da Skotty
History Opened on 23th of April in 1898, Dresden Main Station is located in the district of Südvorstadt in Dresden, Germany. The station is uniquely designed with a central terminal and a station hall in between two mainline platforms that are raised above...
Express Roundabout
Creato da Keanuroo LeBuff
This roundabout allows cars to travel to the other side without entering the roundabout. For the cars that want to go left or right can enter the roundabout. This reduces the stress of the roundabout and allows faster traffic flow. Feel free to spice it up...
Expressway to Diverging Partial Cloverleaf I/C
Creato da Pager
Expressway to Diverging Partial Cloverleaf Interchange by Pager A DPCI is a very high-capacity, high-speed interchange, with no movement conflicts. Left turns are eliminated, as is any weaving. Like the DWI, all traffic exits each freeway before any enters...
Extra Landscaping Tools
Creato da BloodyPenguin
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool. Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available throu...
Expressway Underpass
Divided 8-lane expressway underpass with high capcity on and off ramps connected 6 lane road hubs. Off-ramps are connected at intersections to avoid additional traffic lights. On-ramps are on the connecting viaduct but since the are right one-ways they don...
Favorite Indus Grid (DLC)
Creato da bErtZ
Favorite Indus Grid (DLC) by bErtZ...
Favorite Residential Grid
Creato da bErtZ
Favorite Residential Grid by bErtZ...
Ferrous metal MRF
Creato da Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings Note this one pollutes the ground! Scrap iron is stored, sorted and pressed into cubes in preparation for reuse. The cubes are then distributed to factories, and used as raw ...
Flowery passage 08
Creato da vilgard92
Flowery passage 08 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery bridge illuminated at night crossing a little pond . Stats :Construction cost : 600 Maintenance cost : 80 Low wealth tourists : 90 Medium wealth tourists...
Flowery passage 09
Creato da vilgard92
Flowery passage 09 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night. Benches are at arrangement to rest and take advantage of the peace of places. Stats :Construction cost : 825 Maintenance co...
Flowery passage3
Creato da vilgard92
Flowery passage 03 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night for your residents with her small river and a bridge which crosses her. Stats :Construction cost : 1500 Maintenance cost : 1...
Folded Diamond; Sunken Highway
Creato da Soruvisu
Highway at -12m elevation 6-lane road at 0m Size: 58 x 42 Height: -12 to 0 m Ploppable with slope limiter mod on a perfectly flat land Collection of sunken highway interchange:
Fine Road Anarchy - Ending
Creato da Klyte45 This place used to be the old remake from Fine Road Anarchy based on SamSamTS. Use Network Anarchy from Quboid instead. ...
Firefly Wall Murals
Creato da MrMiyagi
A pack of quality painted wall murals inspired by the fan-favorite space western series Firefly. Each mural comes in large and small sizes, so if you use Loading Screen Mod, the file size will be halved. This project by BrowncoatTrekky and Mr Miyagi brings...
Flower Garden Park
Creato da ReticentDaikaiju
A 7x7 park featuring a flower garden. Requires several flower props from my garden items collection. For more flowers and small plants check out ReticentDaikaiju's Gardening Collection:
Flower Wheel
Creato da Marlo Painter
Flower Wheel --- No Road Tabs Version: --- I left the underpass above ground to allow the ability to elevate the intersection. It can be a little tricky to manage the intersections where the...
Full Sound Barrier Road
Creato da Kaeru教信者 READ DESCRIPTION! UPDATE 2018.11.24 Fix some errors mentioned in comments. ------------------------- A six-lane road with full sound barrier. Low noise accumulation, but much expensive. Bas...
Futuristic Town Museum CC
Creato da CushyCrux
Futuristic Town Museum CC The Idea of this beautyful Building is based on the "Heydar Aliyev Center" from Azerbaijan. ( ). And because Artist create Art. This was extremly hard to design and to make it fit...
Futuristic Train Metro Station
Creato da Nickayz
This is a Futuristic Train Metro Station. It is very minimalistic, because I imagine futuristic style being like that. It has: - 4 train tracks in the middle - 2 metro tracks on the ground at the sides - 2 underground metro tracks Cost: 45,000 Maintenance:...
Gödöllő Interchange
Creato da Soruvisu
Gödöllő Interchange in Hungary. 5 way interchange consist of 3 way highway and 2 way avenue Size: 57x74 Height: -6m to 6m Here is the link to the real interchange in Hungary:,19.3204933,2655a,20y,351.75h/data=!3m1!1e...
Gable barn 4 (agriculture ind)
Creato da EvametryE
Im just a poor lonesome cowboy, and a long way from home. A barn with a gable roof, used around North America on countless farms for storage. Can be painted in game with the painter mod. About this asset its an industries ploppable harvester 1024x1024 text...
Football club
Creato da vilgard92
Football club by vilgard92 Welcome to the football club ! A low tris fenced football club illuminated at night with a covered grandstand (with real seating), visitor parking, goal cages. There are also 4 color variations to vary the pleasures ;) Invisible ...
Forest path
Creato da vilgard92
Forest path by vilgard92 A beautilfull forest path covered by place of dead leaves and moss with small trees. It is a two-way, two-lane gravel road with parking spaces. I hope you'll enjoy. Stats :Construction cost : 800 Maintenance cost : 60 Noise accumul...
Four-Lane Elevated Brick Road and Arch Bribge
Creato da SimoG
- New 2.0 Version Here: - This is the Four-lanes version of my Beautiful Elevated Road over a Brick Wall. It is traced like any vanilla road, the wall will follow the curve of the road! The ...
Foxwoods theater
Creato da Darf
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 3x1 Leisure growable. About the model This is a cutesk small theater, it's part of my 42nd street series. The facade gave me some headaches, because there are no clear pictures of it. So it's mainly photoshopp...
Funeral Home
Creato da 220hertz
Deathcare in this game has always been a little jarring for me. I'm fine with how it works as a gameplay mechanic - but it really lacks the tact we'd apply to end-of-life situations. So, this is a crematorium building styled like an old-school family-run f...
Four-Lane Elevated Brick Road v2
Creato da SimoG
This is version 2 of my 4 Lane Elevated Road on Brick Wall. It can be traced exactly like any other road and the wall below will follow the curve. It will also allow you to easily trace an elegant and detailed arched bridge. ---------------------------- Ch...
Fragrant Isle 香洲
Creato da Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (from: wikipedia ) Cities: Skyline...
Garden-plaza 5 x 6
Creato da core79
Garden-plaza 5 x 6 by core79 Kosten/Costs : 500 Unterhalt/Maintenance : 16 Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Probs und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle meine Park...
Gate of Divine Might 神武門
Creato da Emperor Li ***UPDATE 2020-06-01*** Roof color changeable with painter 屋頂顏色可用painter 改 ****************************** Also called Gate of Divine Prowess, the Gate of Divine Might is the northern gate of the Forbidden City and was built ...
GBX City 2x3
Creato da littlenewbie
Tileable city block with pedestrian walkways. Can be used to create a city with minimal traffic. This is a 2x3 tiled version of
GBX City Park 2
Creato da littlenewbie
This is meant to be placed 2 at a time to convert a whole "Grid Block X - City" into a park. Delete all the interfering walkways before placing. Unfortunately, there was no way to get all the pedestrian walkways to autocomplete without ruining tiling with ...
GBX Highway
Creato da littlenewbie
Tileable highway block with buffer exits to the city....
Glass MRF
Creato da Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings At the glass materials recovery facility, glass is cleaned, sorted by color and melted for reuse. Stats Cost: 40,000 Upkeep: 1,024 Capacity: 480,000 Processing rate: 46,000 T...
Glass Terminus Station
Creato da dshp01
Modular, glass terminus station in Cities Railways style. This station should be placed end on to a road. The station is one tile wide - multiple instances can be placed next to each other in order to create a larger station. The images above show two asse...
[DEPRECIATED] Goodwood Rail Junction
Creato da creativeDEX
Goodwood Rail Junction by Dexter Hi everyone, here is my Rail Junction Construction with. The build is inspired by the Goodwood Rail Junction in Adelaide, Australia. Note: For better placement make sure that the ground are flat enough and don't forget to a...
Gothic highway interchange / Double diverging diamond highway interchange
Double diverging diamond highway interchange, also named a Gothic highway interchange Size : 116x116 Maximum height : 10 Minimum height : 0 Highway spacing : 6 Necessary mods : NA Suggested mods : Fine road anarchy Known issues : NA...
Grand Parc 1 /5
Creato da Zorbi32
FR/ Ce Grand parc attirera les citoyens de toute la ville. (parc en cinq parties) EN/ This large park will attract citizens throughout the city. (PARK NEEDS FIVE PARTS) Possibility of connecting part 1-2-3 or 1-2-5 or 3-4-5 / 1-2-3-4-5 down and 5-4-3-2-1 u...
Grand Parc 2 /5
Creato da Zorbi32
FR/ Ce Grand parc attirera les citoyens de toute la ville. EN/ This large park will attract citizens throughout the city. Possibility of connecting part 1-2-3 or 1-2-5 or 3-4-5 / 1-2-3-4-5 down and 5-4-3-2-1 up / 1-2-5 down and 5-2-1 up. Look at the pictur...
Grand Parc 3 /5
Creato da Zorbi32
FR/ Ce Grand parc attirera les citoyens de toute la ville. EN/ This large park will attract citizens throughout the city. Possibility of connecting part 1-2-3 or 1-2-5 or 3-4-5 / 1-2-3-4-5 down and 5-4-3-2-1 up / 1-2-5 down and 5-2-1 up. Look at the pictur...
Grand Parc 4 /5
Creato da Zorbi32
FR/ Ce Grand parc attirera les citoyens de toute la ville. EN/ This large park will attract citizens throughout the city. Possibility of connecting part 1-2-3 or 1-2-5 or 3-4-5 / 1-2-3-4-5 down and 5-4-3-2-1 up / 1-2-5 down and 5-2-1 up. Look at the pictur...
Grand Parc 5 /5
Creato da Zorbi32
FR/ Ce Grand parc attirera les citoyens de toute la ville. (parc en cinq parties) EN/ This large park will attract citizens throughout the city. (PARK NEEDS FIVE PARTS) Possibility of connecting part 1-2-3 or 1-2-5 or 3-4-5 / 1-2-3-4-5 down and 5-4-3-2-1 u...
Grassy Roads
Creato da MrMaison
Grassy Roads by MrMaison I just took 2 of the 2-Way Roads with grass and trees from in game and added some short Fluffy Grass to them. I know it's tedious adding the grass to the roads in game so I made these to save players some time. These roads are good...
Green city square绿地城市广场
Creato da 红米先生
绿地城市广场占地8X8格子,64X64米,贴图分辨率1024X1024,通过SUB方式导入,模型LOD面数在6千左右.由于在资产编辑器里无法放置更多PROP,有上限要求,所有里边有一半地方为空地,需要自己在游戏中开启相关prop模组便可在广场上任意地方放置你想要的prop资产,比如常见的树木等。 另外广场外形已对角为起点,可以想象摆放方式,比如十字路口放置在一边,或者十字路口对角摆放,镜像最好,这样可以形成一个大型城市广场。 The Greenland city square covers an area ...
Gravel path 2m
Creato da jPRO93 Gravel path 2m Known issues: path may sink under the terrain - remove it and draw it again its terrain conforming path, you cant elevate it when you click on node with move it. cant make more ...
Green pedestrian street
Creato da Giraf
Green pedestrian street by Giraf...
Greenhouse 4x4 (growable farming plot)
Creato da Kliekie
Typical Dutch greenhouse with expandable front yard, comes in 4 colors. Made by Kliekie. 548 Polys 1100 Tris 648 Verts 512x512 Texture Tags: glass, house, green, greenhouse, vegetable, fruit, plant, grow, dutch, westland, glazen stad, kas, tuin. Like my wo...
Creato da Warkon
Gride by Warkon...
Creato da Ripoli
Grid by Ripoli...
Glotec - Model 1 - Solar Field
Creato da LordPheasant
The Glotec Model 1 is a first generation solar field; designed specifically for quick and easy implementation in a wide array of conditions and environments. ==Statistics== Cost: $9,000 Upkeep: $240pw Power Output: 20-29MW Size: 8x8 plot ==Job Availability...
gothic barn 3 (cattle)
Creato da EvametryE
where the farmer's trees are full of fruit, and the barns are full of hay. A Gothic style barn that can be used for a variety of purposes, common in North America, these are recognisable by their round softly angled roofs. Can be painted in game with the p...
grid C
Creato da Doochebaggian
grid C by Douchebaggian...
Grid #1
Creato da Patman
New Asset by Patman...
Grid #2
Creato da Patman
New Asset by Patman...
Grid #3
Creato da Patman
Large grid by Patman...
Grid 1
Creato da Celtics101
Grid 1...
grid A
Creato da Doochebaggian
grid A by Douchebaggian...
Grid Exchange
Creato da Geebers19
A highway exit "ramp" with an underpass tunnel, above ground round-a-bout and a city connection on each side with train tracks for the kicks....
grid layout
Creato da Liamcarr10
grid layout by liamcarr10...
Grid of the Gods
Creato da Mike Takumi
I like grid hellscapes that operate optimally. If you do as well, this is a great layout for it. For just the Traffic Trident intersection, go here -6 lane one way trunk in the center -Complet...
Creato da Dolor
Grids_Industrial_01 by Dolor...
Creato da Dolor
Grids_Residential_01 by Dolor...
Creato da Dolor
Grids_Residential_02 by Dolor...
Creato da Dolor
Grids_Residential_03 by Dolor...
Creato da Dolor
Grids_Residential_05 by Dolor...
Creato da Dolor
Grids_Residential_08 by Dolor...
Creato da Dolor
Grids_Rural_01 by Dolor...
Creato da Dolor
Grids_Rural_04 by Dolor...
Guggenheim Museum (New York)
Creato da Kliekie
It's done! The well known Guggenheim Museum is now available for your lovely Cims. The museum is a lvl 3 Unique Building, no special requirements. Fits on a 8x5 grid. "The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, often referred to as The Guggenheim, is an art museum ...
Gula's CN Tower
Creato da Gula
Gula's CN Tower (5x5 monument) Updated for After Dark "The 3rd tallest tower in the world and remains the tallest free-standing structure in the Western Hemisphere, a signature icon of Toronto's skyline, and a symbol of Canada, attracting more than two mil...
Gypsum MRF
Creato da Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings Gypsum (also known as drywall or plaster) is fully and eternally recyclable. Contaminents like paper are removed before reuse. Stats Cost: 48,000 Upkeep: 1,152 Capacity: 540,...
Creato da agusingnavy
Gyroscope by agusingnavy I AM LEGEND Big thanks to user Sl4sh&D4sh for giving me the idea about this inverted cloverleaf a long time ago. OWL, if you read this, lolololol , haha "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the groun...
Haikjeften Concert Stage
Creato da KingLeno
Haikjeften by KingLeno An outdoor stage/amphitheater in Narvik Norway. Lot size: 7 x 6. The speakers and lights props in the screenshots are from the Concerts DLC and are not included on the asset. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook ...
Hamilton, ON
Creato da Eagle Eyed Tiger
Based off of my original map of the City of Hamilton, tweaked to have a more accurate North End, as well as other minor changes. Based off of heightmaps obtained from the City's website. Height of the Escarpment is exaggerated and some features could not b...
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Creato da Spearin
Welcome to "The Hammer," the "City of Waterfalls," "The Ambitious City:" Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Based upon the real world heightmap of my hometown imported and processed in World Machine, with further edits in Cities: Skylines editor for gameplay benefi...
Hangang 2L
Creato da YOGURT
Hangang Expressway This road was built based on shutoexpressway Thanks to TOKACHI269 for help. 기본 2차선 고속도로입니다. 수도고속도로를 기반으로 제작되었습니다. 모델 자체를 새로 만든 것 이기 때문에 서로 호환되지 않습니다. 특이사항 수도고 대비 하부가 더 두꺼워졌습니다. 바닐라 도로와의 호환성을 올렸습니다. LOD 상에서 노드가 깨지는 부분을 수정하였습니다. 터널 빛샘 현상 수...
Hangang 4L
Creato da YOGURT
Hangang Expressway This road was built based on shutoexpressway Thanks to TOKACHI269 for help. 기본 4차선 고속도로입니다. 수도고속도로를 기반으로 제작되었습니다. 모델 자체를 새로 만든 것 이기 때문에 서로 호환되지 않습니다. 특이사항 수도고 대비 하부가 더 두꺼워졌습니다. 바닐라 도로와의 호환성을 올렸습니다. LOD 상에서 노드가 깨지는 부분을 수정하였습니다. 터널 빛샘 현상 수...
Hansa Buildings - Resid & Comm by Andrii Kit
Creato da MrMiyagi
A pack of a good variety of buildings, both residential and commercial. Many thanks to Andrii Kit for allowing me to publish these slightly customized versions of some buildings of his Copenhagen Collection! You can find the originals here: Copenhagen Coll...
Harald Inter 3way w train
Creato da Harald
Harald Inter 3way w train by Harald...
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
Creato da boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...
HCity Grid
Creato da Verfolgen
HCity Grid by Verfolgen Basic grid 60 units by 60 units, with a roundabout in the middle. Can be placed in-between other city grids, works well with other 60 by 60 grids. Good for residential-commercial zoning....
Heavily expanded cemetery
Creato da Celciur
This cemetery is a little larger in area than the vanilla version (because of the trees around the cemetery) and has considerably more space for deceased citizens and more service vehicles....
Hexa Structure
Creato da _luminou_
Hexa Structure Multiple purpose structure on 3 feet, adjustable in height with the mod "Move it" Could be placed everywhere you want, and produce one little quantity of electricity. Specially Design for: Parking Lot Roads - Poorly Maintained Parking and Pa...
Hexagonstructure with roundabout
Creato da Urben
Use hexagonal structures in your city when grids are just too boring. This cell contains four 2x2 zones, eight 3x3 zones and eight 1x1 zones. To use it place one element and delete its edges where you want to add another element. Note: a highway should be ...
Hexagraphic Roundabout
Creato da Fishbus
Hexagraphic Roundabout...
Hi-Tech Industry Tower CC
Creato da CushyCrux
Hi-Tech Industry Tower CC After a break I am back. A big 4x4 H3 Bumerang shaped Green Tower with a lot Glass. Because Artists create Art. Have fun! (Buro version will come soon if requested) Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, tha...
Hide It!
Creato da Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to hide unwanted things in the game. NEW IN 1.28 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.27 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.16.1-f2 (Hubs & Tr...
high res grid 1
Creato da FrAtZ
high density grid with walkway (vanilla) Good for residential-commercial zoning. Wohngebiet mit Fußgängerbrücke tags : residencial , res , walkway , wohngebiet , residential , area , fußgänger überweg , commercial , brücke , city , town , suburb , suburban...
High Traffic Roundabout
Creato da Debitor
High Traffic Roundabout with underground High Way no mods no dlc ...
High Volume Roundabout
Creato da Firejack
See attached Youtube video for demo. High volume roundabout suitable for most 2/4/6 lane situations. Don't use this as an intersection/ junction between two highways/ motorways as its not meant for that amount of traffic. Upkeep: 55 / week Cost: 5760 ...
Highway Exit Roundabout
Creato da JDHounslow
Highway Exit Roundabout by joshuahounslow...
Highway grid
Creato da Felix
Highway grid by Retro...
highway interchange + train
highway interchange + train by Beta Nationals...
Highways over Concrete Wall - 2+2 Lanes with Center Concrete Barrier
Creato da SimoG
This Highway will allow you to trace two carriageways at the same time, one for each direction. Each of them has 2 lane and are separated by a double Concrete Barrier. In addition, the elevated section trace a supporting wall that will follow the curvature...
Highways over Concrete Wall - 3+3 Lanes with Center Concrete Barrier
Creato da SimoG
This Highway will allow you to trace two carriageways at the same time, one for each direction. Each of them has 3 lane and are separated by a double Concrete Barrier. In addition, the elevated section trace a supporting wall that will follow the curvature...
Highways over Wall - 2 Lanes OneWay
Creato da SimoG
This Highway will allow you to trace a 2 lanes oneway with a supporting wall that will follow the curvature of the road. Other features: Custom Tunnel Entrances and Rendered Tunnels. I suggest the use of mods: - Fine Road Tool 2 to be able to force the con...
Highways over Wall - Ramp With Shoulder - Adaptive Network Road
Creato da SimoG
This is the ramp for my Highways over Wall. A single guardrail is traced in both side and the elevated section trace a supporting wall that will follow the curvature of the road. --------------------------- Patch Notes in this v5: - Now these Highways are ...
Historical Districts
Creato da boformer
Set or unset the historical status of all buildings in a district This minimal mod adds two buttons to the district panel: Set Historical: Make all currently existing buildings in the district historical Unset Historical: Unset the historical status of all...
HK pedestrian overcrossing2
Creato da XDBX
HK pedestrian overcrossing2 by XDBX 这里有五条人行天桥,这是其中的第二条,你可以在游戏在带的人行道一栏找到它们 There are five pedestrian bridges here, this is the second one, you can find them in the sidewalk of the game. 全部道路在和集中 All roads in and concentrated 港式人行天桥只包含高架和桥,地面上仍是水泥路,使用的时候请按“P...
HK pedestrian overcrossing5
Creato da XDBX
HK pedestrian overcrossing5 by XDBX 这里有五条人行天桥,这是其中的第5条,你可以在游戏在带的人行道一栏找到它们 There are five pedestrian bridges here, this is the fifth one, you can find them in the sidewalk of the game. 全部道路在和集中 All roads in and concentrated 港式人行天桥只包含高架和桥,地面上仍是水泥路,使用的时候请按“Pa...
Holographic Square
Creato da 752811818
Holographic Square by 752811818 全息广场 It includes Park pedestals, circular holographic billboards, three prism holographic billboards and some landscape lights. Tree assets are not included. 资产内包含公园底座,环形全息广告牌,三棱柱全息广告牌和一些景观灯。树木资产不包括在内。 You need Addictive Sha...
Hospital Complex (12x12)
Creato da _luminou_
Hospital Complex (12x12) by luminou Hospital complex with direct access by the road Surrounded with a big park for the rest of the patients Must be installed on a road with 3 or 4 ways (After installation, roads can be changed) Contain _d _i _s _c and LOD ...
Housing Area By AlPharazone
Creato da Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this asset. It was created by AlPharazone All I did was create a custom Thumbnail and Tooltip Image for the in game toolbar. I did reach out to people to ask them to update but I just don't feel like waiting months for them to be updated o...
Creato da PoperzenPeter
HousingArea ptimized for LowTech, directly usable....
Hw-Hw Freeflow Interchange 2
Creato da BR3YV
Highway to Highway Freeflow Interchange v2 by BR3YV...
I-90 at Hwy 9 - Albany, New York
Creato da agusingnavy
I-90 at Hwy 9 - Albany, New York by agusingnavy The Greatest "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. Albany, New York *UI Priority: -1270 Made by request on SkylinesNation Facebook Group f...
IBM Toronto Software Lab [RICO]
Creato da JSF-1
The IBM "Toronto Lab" is one of two IBM facilities located in the Greater Toronto Area (specifically the City of Markham). This large facility opened in 2001 and is the largest software development laboratory on Canada, and IBM's third largest. RICO MOD: T...
Ike's Bikes *After Dark DLC* Tourism commercial
Creato da MrMiyagi
For After Dark DLC owners. 2 required items. DLC-free version is located here: The two separate versions have different building colors and different arrangement of bicycles, so that if you...
IKEA by Ozo
Creato da Ozoft
IKEA by Ozo Landmark Building Level: 3 Cost: 45.000 Maintenance cost: 320 Custom model Tris: 2745 Textures: 2048x2048, Diffuse, Specular...
Creato da pepejim666
indus by pepejim666...
Industrial Entrance
Creato da Arisandi
Heavy Traffic Suite Double Stack Modification without crossing between highway , resident or goods delivery will cross via bridge to industry .not interchange. so will improve good traffic flow .this you can use as service interchange for industry or you c...
Industrial Grid
Creato da Fat John
Industrial Grid w/ Cargo Train...
Industrial grid
Creato da arnoodot
Industrial grid...
Industrial Grid
Creato da Alex
Industrial Grid by Phrawzt
Industrial park 3
Creato da Casmo
Smart one-way system prevents traffic jam, train and tram connection included, Industrial area is extensible! Kluges Einbahnstraßensystem verhindert Stau, Bahn- und Straßenbahnverbindung enthalten, Industriegebiet ist wenn nötig erweiterbar! Интеллектуальн...
Industrial park 3A
Creato da Casmo
Smart one-way system prevents traffic jam, train and tram connection included, Industrial area is extensible! Kluges Einbahnstraßensystem verhindert Stau, Bahn- und Straßenbahnverbindung enthalten, Industriegebiet ist wenn nötig erweiterbar! Интеллектуальн...
Creato da -=LUZ=-
Industrial-Area by -=LUZ=- I made a mistake in one of the ramps. Its wrong direction. For some reason i can't change it in the editor. Ingame direction change of the lane is working fine. (Editing-Problem: it's a bug in version update. Waiting for the next...
Industry Area Farms - Residential District
Creato da _luminou_
Industry Area Farms - Residential District Block of 8 Houses for Farms Workers Size: 12 x 8 This asset include little props. Suggested mods Find It! Move It! Plop the Growables Ploppable Rico Contain all texture and LOD files Triangles: 6.704 / 208 Texture...
InFiniTy - EcoPark
Creato da LeBaron
EcoPark by ▸InFiniTy◂ A beautiful park for your cities. Size:16x8 Cost: 1500 Maintenance Cost: 150 Electricity Consumption : 10 Tourists: 50 Accumulation: 100 Radius: 500...
Inner-City Grid
Creato da m0ntesa
This is a prefab grid that offers some realism to your North American cities. It's modeled off the street grids present in bigger, planned Midwestern Cities. It features boulevards on the perimeters, a set of avenues meetin gin the middle of the superblock...
Industrie Ausfahrt
Creato da eon272
Industrie Ausfahrt by eon272...
Industry Park
Creato da Gaston Gallus
Highway connection for industry by guiagaston...
Creato da BadPeanut
Become a Prison Architect with Interactive Prisons Pack! Interactive Prisons wants to rehabilitate your city's criminals at the most efficient cost to you! Our company believes in some of the rights of prisoners, and as for ...
Creato da xanasago
Interchange by xanasago...
Creato da alpha
Creato da Caid
Malfunction Junction in 70's in Knoxville, Tn I-40/I-75 Interchange by Caid...
Interchange with rail
Creato da ReggieBobby
Interchange with rail by ReggieBobby...
International Airport Road
Creato da Useless Noodle
International Airport with Vanilla roads. Can be used without any mod or DLC but it defeats the purpose. May require Anarchy to place....
International Trade Center
Creato da AmiPolizeiFunk
The Berlin "Internationales Handelszentrum" (IHZ) was erected in 1978. At 93,5 meters, it is the only relatively tall building between Potsdamer Platz in the West, and the Fernsehturm (TV Tower) in the East. This boxy, reflective tower, sits right next to ...
ironDarkrb14 lvl 1 (3x2)
Creato da muereteja
Low residense. A group of 9 poor futuristc chabolas....
Creato da Khopa
Jardiland Updated for day/night cycle 6x4 Park - Same stats as the botanical garden Jardiland is a french gardening and pet retail shop chain founded in 1973. ("Jardin" is the french for garden.) Jardiland shops can be found in France, but also in Spain, P...
Jenkins Prefabs - Quad Starter #1
Creato da Jenkins
A dual-quad roundabout starter for a large residential/commercial zone. All one way roads, logically placed. Includes ingame icon!...
Jenkins Prefabs - The Callaghan v2
Creato da Jenkins
Inspired by a real life intersection in the suburb of Callaghan in Newcastle, NSW. Designed for left hand drive. PRICE: ¢ 37,500 WEEKLY COST: ¢ 495 SIZE: 64² UPDATE 14/04/2015: ADDED INGAME ICON. I was also concious of the problems from the last version, s...
Jewellery Factory - Industries Remastered
Creato da dboi88
Converts Zoned Ore Products To Commercial Zone Goods - Goods Factory...
Jiangnan Style Pavilion 江南十字脊歇山閣
Creato da Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! A generic Jiangnan style pavilion building. Based on Woxin Pavilion near Ying'en Gate, Shaoxing, China. A Park Life version and a prop version included. 一座十字脊歇山顶的楼阁建筑,原型是绍兴迎恩门附近的...
JP Fujiya 富士屋旅館
Creato da koma
Japanese style hotel 「 Fujiya hotel 」 tourism area. 4×3 size. 日本の和風旅館「富士屋旅館」です。 観光特化地区、4×3サイズです。...
JP Shikitei 和風旅館 四季亭
Creato da koma
Japanese style hotel 「 Shikitei 」 tourism area. 4×3 size. 日本の和風旅館「四季亭」です。 観光特化地区、4×3サイズです。...
Creato da Golonka
"Karla Tower" is a planned residential building which will become the tallest building in Sweden and Scandinavia. Located in Gothenburg, it will be 245 meters tall and have 73 floors. This monument was created in blender as a 1:1 replica. It includes night...
Kentucky Fried Chicken (growable H2 4x4) by BumpaNiggl
Creato da BumpaNiggl
Kentucky Fried Chicken (growable H2 4x4) by BumpaNiggl A tribute to a beautiful person. :] This is a makeover of a modern type KFC in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. I do not own any rights on Kentucky Fried Chicken and have only made this for free, non-commerci...
Kitchen Factory - Industries Remastered
Creato da dboi88
Converts Zoned Forestry Products To Commercial Zone Goods - Goods Factory...
L MM 3-way Hiway+O &cargo Sponge
Creato da 0Erag0n
L MM stands for Lane MatheMatics and it helps the game AI traffic to flow better. *Fixed a broken Cargo Sponge from workshop and added L MM *Also made it easy to see inn\out if you use both airport and cargo train u must extend the line on the side... Orig...
La Maison du Glacier
Creato da Gruny
A French shop consisting of two parts, an ice cream parlor and a tea room. This building is planned to be placed at the ground floor of some buildings with the mod 'Move it'. 📦 The complementary props are available here Support If you like my assets, you c...
Langer Parkweg 3 x 11
Creato da core79
Langer Parkweg 3 x 11 by core79 Kosten : 500 Unterhalt : 16 Inc. thumbnail Ihr müsst diesen park neu platzieren nach diesem update . Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind al...
Large Advanced Crematorium
Creato da Fishbus
Large Advanced Crematorium: A large contemporary Crematorium that can deal with both traditional burial and modern cremation. Footprint: 9x15 Cost: 155000 Upkeep: 2640/week (16500) Burial Rate: 4 Corpse Capacity: 800 Deathcare: 175 DeathCare Radius: 1450 H...
Large Recycling Center
Creato da Fishbus
This larger recycling facility can deal with the most demanding of cities by sifting through and removing garbage over time. Noisy and expensive but it's 100% clean! Stats: Footprint: 16x8 Cost: 100000 Upkeep: 1920/week Garbage Capacity: 570000 Garbage Pro...
Large Roundabout (3-Lane)
Creato da Impact
Large Roundabout. So simple, very helpful, much wow! - Three-Lane roundabout and Three-Lane exits. - Good for medium residential & medium commercial zones. - No traffic lights - no congestions. Upkeep 38 / week Cost 2,680 ...
Lifecenter Hospital
Creato da hqsouza
A modern hospital complex with clinics, laboratories, emergency and specialized care. The building is based in a hospital from the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, the Life Center Hospital built in 2000. It is located in the healthcare menu. The stats are s...
Lincoln Express New York City
Creato da Lexatus
Lincoln Express by Lexatus As requested by my fellow NYC builders. Here is my recreation of the lincoln tunnel interchange on the manhattan side. let me know if you find any issues, have fun!...
Linger | Mass Transit DLC
Creato da agusingnavy
Linger | Mass Transit DLC by agusingnavy I AM LEGEND «Put Me Down» The Cranberries #NowPlaying Rhine River - Germany "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. *UI Priority: -90000005 Mods us...
Lisbon Compass rose Plaza 8x10
Creato da stmSantana
Compass rose shows north direction in your city. Portuguese pavement (Calçada Portuguesa) Park, 8x10 Required assets * Lisbon Compass Rose (Prop) 50m ---- * Lisbon pavement wave (Decal Pack) ...
Lotus Breeze Pavilion 荷風四面亭
Creato da Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (from: wikipedia ) Cities: Skyline...
Lucus Bandstand (Templete da Praza Maior)
Creato da Armesto Bandstand in Lugo's Main square. Around 4k tris, 512x2048 texture. Includes LOD. Found in park category....
MAC Cosmetics
Creato da KingLeno
MAC Cosmetics by King Leno Huge thanks to Ronyx69 and sharing his Apple store which was used to create the glass windows. Model Triangles 831 Texture 512x512 d,n,I,s Lot size 2 x 3 RICO Low d...
Main Fire Department
Creato da PeeR
by PeeR large fire department with coordination center 10x14 cost 115000.- maintenance 2144.- fire trucks 35 water 1280 power 1920 workers uneducated 14 educated 28 well 56 highly 42 department accumulation 90 department radius 2100 -----------------------...
Marina Bay Resort
Creato da GDuath
Beautfy your city's shoreline with the Marina Bay Resort, inspired by the Marina Barrage in Singapore: ASSET INFO ---------- 11x14 Level 6 unique buiding placeable on shoreline. Custom model (3.920 tris, ...
MARS Solar Farm Pack
Creato da citywokcitywall
Welcome to Cities Skylines: MARS! These Solar Farm Network + Vehicle (technically roads + a bus + a power supply building) is used in CityWokCityWall's MARS YouTube Series. How to Use: 1. Place down a Panel Network. This network is found in the same place ...
Match Day Stadium: Colossal Park Sports Precinct
Creato da BadPeanut
This is a Match Day Functional stadium with an Expo Centre and built in Train Station. It does not have Varsity Sports AI to work with Campus DLC University Areas You will of course need the free DLC Match Day for it to function correctly (and appear in ga...
McRonald's (Ploppable park, 4x4)
Creato da BumpaNiggl
McRonald's (Ploppable park, 4x4) by BumpaNiggl A tribute to a beautiful person. :] This is a makeover of a modern type McDonalds. I do not own any rights on McDonalds and have only made this for free, non-commercial public use. Uploaded as a ploppable park...
Medieval Market Hall
Creato da Lost Gecko
Traditional half-timbered fictional market house from France. 4x3 park. 4 colour variations on the plaster. 11/10/18 update: Mesh optimization, roof and textures improvements, addition of colour variations Model main model tris: 798 textures: 1024x1024 (di...
Medium Monorail and Tram Road
Creato da BadPeanut
Check out my other roads HERE Make suggestions by filling out this form Troubleshooting Follow These steps if you believe this asset is causing you a problem: 1: Close Cities Skylines (quit to desktop) 2: Use launch parameters to set "--disableMods" > See ...
Medium Parking Garage / Multi-storey Car Park
Creato da GCVos
A streamlined prefab parking structure for all modern cities. This one has a 12x4 footprint which makes it more easy to use than the large one I published before. There's entrances on three sides as well as a pedestrian path running through the elevator ar...
Megacity Project Innercity End Track
Creato da ragawrealms
My favorite incarnation of this Asset, provides enough room to end a track, or to duck under it on the way to another community. i wish the game would let me provide it as seen, however it knows when i am going beyond prop placement lol i could spend all d...
Mercedes-Benz Arena - Berlin
Creato da _luminou_
Mercedes-Benz Arena - Berlin The Mercedes-Benz Arena (formerly O2 World) is an omni-sports venue located in the Berlin district of Friedrichshain (Bezirk de Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg). It is mainly used for ice hockey, basketball, concerts and other events....
Metropol Hospital {AD}
Creato da andysave92
Metropol Hospital by andysave92 Cost: 80.000 Number of patients: 1500 Alternative +++Version After Dark+++ ______________________________________________ If you like the model - donate of more...
Miyagi Man
Creato da agusingnavy
Miyagi Man by agusingnavy The Greatest To my dear friend MrMiyagi *UI Priority. -1255 Mods used: Network mods -Fine Road Anarchy -Fine Road Tool -NoPillars -Precision Engineering - agusingnavy -...
Modern Parking Garage (8-Story)
Creato da KingLeno
Modern Parking Garage (8-Story) by KingLeno A modern garage with a metal facade, glass entrance, and colorful signs. 8x11 Lot, same layout as University City Parking Garage, but with 8 stories instead of 3. I accidentally loaded a previous unfinished versi...
Modern Train Station
Creato da Tomcat
New train station with default settings. For more ingame images: UPDATE 2 (6.10.2015) Pedestrian entrances are changed because of problems. Now people only use FRONT entrance (side with parking area) other entrance is removed. So y...
Modular grain elevator pack
Creato da EvametryE
Bring in the workers and bring up the rails, We're gonna lay down the tracks and tear up the trails... I figured my old grain elevators were rather outdated. so i figured id make a proper one, as well as make it modular at the same time, with an additional...
Modular Park 1
Creato da boformer
I noticed that there was a lack of good park assets, so I made one that is very flexible and modular. Note that the mods and assets listed in the sidebar are recommended, but not required. The trees were made by MrMaison and Shroomblaze, all of their asset...
Modular Park B
Modular Park B by The Saddest Little Melon...
Modular Park I
Modular parks that can be arranged side by side...
Modular Park L
Modular parks that can be arranged side by side...
Modular Solar Panel (1x1) v2
Creato da colttenney
This is a fully functional modular solar panel to help you make more realistic solar power plants. Each panel can be paced anywhere on land. When used individually they can power those pesky remote locations without dragging power lines across the map. *Up...
Monorail Roundabout
Creato da Branyioun
Monorail Roundabout by Branyioun...
Creato da Crusader-1080
Dismissed as a madman's dream, one lone enegineer had defied the rules of interchange design (along with practicability and financial fesibility) to design and built this massive confusing mess called "Monstrosity". Good luck finding your way in this mess ...
Mood Park
Creato da lG_0l
The Mood Park is a 10x8 park that can be placed anywhere in your city. Electricity = 1 Cost = 750 Maintenance = 75 Tourists = 100 Entertainment = 150 Entertainment Radius = 600...
Moonglow Village (120+ instant house spots)
Creato da Kuggar
Moonglow Village (120+ instant house spots) is the first of many "Straight out of the box" road placements which can support housing, commercial or industrial. + The screenshot is the only residential on the map, and it's housing nearly 1200 people! + Near...
Motorway Exit
Creato da swainers
Intersection by swainers...
Mrten's Highway Off-ramp
Creato da Morten
This is an efficient off-ramp for your highway to a roundabout. It can handle quite a lot of traffic without any problems....
Multitask Park (2x2)
Creato da agusingnavy
Multitask Park (2x2) by agusingnavy Vanilla Park. Good to increase leisure. *UI Priority: -110000013 - agusingnavy -...
Narrow Trolleybus Avenue #02
Creato da clus Hello all together ! Here you can find a narrow Trolleybus Avenue. All four (currently available) versions are in the new created trolleybus collection and show...
Narrow Trolleybus Avenue #03
Creato da clus Hello all together ! Here you can find a narrow Trolleybus Avenue. All four (currently available) versions are in the new created trolleybus collection and show...
National Taichung Theater
Creato da bartz!
The National Taichung Theater is an opera house from my home city - Taichung (the third largest city in Taiwan). The building was designed by Japanese architect Toyo Ito. The opera house will officially open in 2016. ● 20473 tris custom model ● Custom LOD ...
Network Interchange
Creato da agusingnavy
Network Interchange by agusingnavy - Size: 108x108 cells - UI Priority: -1204 Mods used: - Fine Road Tools - NoPillars - Precision Engineering None are required to use this asset. And this one: - Network Extensions 2 (Required) Comments, likes and rates­ a...
New Asset
Creato da ridem2001
New Asset by ridem2001...
New Asset
Creato da sfdh2000
New Asset by sfdh2000...
New National Stadium (新国立競技場)
Creato da christinayan
New National Stadium by christinayan01. Inspiration from Kengo Kuma's work. Japan. For Tokyo Olympic 2020. 新国立競技場。東京オリンピック2020が待ちきれない市民が集う。 ** Referenced building- ** New National Stadium Tokyo (新国立競技場)|ARCHITECTURE GRAVURE
Nice Ramps Round-About By eengelking
Creato da Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this asset. It was created by eengelking All I did was create a custom Thumbnail and Tooltip Image for the in game toolbar. I did reach out to people to ask them to update but I just don't feel like waiting months for them to be updated or...
NJ 295 junction (TSN)
Creato da MasterTheHero
For any New Jersey residents. A section of 295 has been added just for you. (TSN) by MasterTheHero...
No Deathcare
Creato da BloodyPenguin
Dead citizens despawn like Obi-Wan and Yoda With this mod, no hearses will ever spawn in your city. Which means no deathwaves and more available agents. Please note that this mod affects only newly dead people. All existing dead bodies must be collected. T...
no mods corner grid
Creato da Pepe Le Pew Pew
no mods used when made this also no traffic lights are on...
No Park Building Fires
Creato da boformer
"Enjoy our fire proof park apparatus as the shrubbery desintigrates around you" If you own the Natural Disasters DLC (and only then), park buildings from the Parklife DLC can catch fire. It's often impossible to save them because they are not connected to ...
NoPillars ( v1.1+ compatible )
Creato da BloodyPenguin Its name says everything about it This is my fixed and improved version of some danny's excellent NoPillars mod.Original mod seems to be abandoned and I've adopted it. This version of NoPillars is compatible with European Bu...
Northern Falls (Boreal)
Creato da Bugfix
Northern Falls is a coastal boreal river landscape with a harsh coast at the north. The map consists of a large valley with a lot of water. Characteristics - Large bodies of water require a thought-out traffic system - Mostly rolling landscape with large f...
NTE - Helios Solar Tower - 214 MW - 6 in 1 - Updated!
Creato da spinoza73
NTE is proud to present the Helios passive solar tower! Thanks to its coupling with a geothermal station, Helios generates 214 MW of pure power, 24h. per day without any interruptions. 6 functional buildings into 1! ***Updated - Optimized in every way: tex...
NTE - Helios2 Solar Tower - 560 MW Electricity & 320 MW Heating
Creato da spinoza73
The Helios2, an energy monster delivering 560 MW of electricity and 320 MW of heating. Compared to the first Helios, the tower's air intakes have been remodeled to improve pressure by doubling the cooling corridors (in white). A gigantic geothermal power p...
Neighbourhood Street (Enhanced Two-Lane Road)
Creato da Urbanist
This asset does not use any props or decals except the road planter prop from Network Extensions 2. This is the TWO-WAY version of my two-lane neighbourhood street. Want the ONE WAY VERSION? TRAM VERSION by Frdm920 TROLLEYBUS VERSION by Frdm920 Pretentious...
O'Hare Interchange US I-90, I-190, I-294
Creato da SkiiBum
Just like the actual interchange that serves Chicago O'Hare international airport, this thing is pretty big. However, it's also a 5 way interchange that also covers two local roads, so it kinda has to be. It serves I-90, I-190, and I-294. Recommended/used ...
Oil loading terminal (Growable)
Creato da Avanya
A growable for your oil industry that isn't an oil tank! :P This is 4x4 but when it spawns next to itself they join up perfectly and look like one big building. Note though that the truck prop has a bit high tris count for a prop. The building works fine w...
Oizumi By k_ard
Creato da Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this asset. It was created by k_ard All I did was create a custom Thumbnail and Tooltip Image for the in game toolbar. I did reach out to people to ask them to update but I just don't feel like waiting months for them to be updated or poss...
Old Style "Yin-Yang" Interchange
Creato da Pager
Old Style "Yin-Yang" Interchange by Pager Yin Yang Interchanges are like Double Trumpets facing away from one another. Mine is modeled after an old Yin Yang I/C @ US-24 (Telegraph Rd.) & I-94 Near Taylor MI, which it was replaced by a SPUI (Single Point Ur...
One Liberty Place
Creato da Raxteran
One Liberty Place by Raxteran 1:1 scale model of One Liberty Place in center city Philadelphia. It was constructed in 1987 and was Philly's first skyscraper. Model comes in around 2500 triangles, so there's no performance hit. Statistics have been refactor...
One-Way Neighbourhood Street
Creato da Urbanist
This asset does not use any props or decals except the road planter prop from Network Extensions 2. This is the ONE-WAY version of my two-lane neighbourhood street. Want the TWO-WAY VERSION? Highly Recommended Items Network Extensions 2 - required only for...
Oneway Bike and Pedetrian Path
Creato da Jan
A path with seperated lanes for people cycling in one direction and people walking (in both directions). It can be used to add cycle path next to streets or as a uni-directional connection. There is a bi-directional version available, too: https://steamcom...
Offset Interchange
Creato da atypicalseattlite
It's large, its odd looking, but it is unique....
Ontario Superior Court Toronto
Creato da JSF-1
The "Toronto Courthouse" is a branch of the Ontario Superior Court. The facility was opened in 1967 as the "York County Courthouse" serving both Metropolitan Toronto and York County. This was changed in 1980 when the courts "area" was changed to serve just...
Organised Suburb Corner
Creato da MattDM
Organised Suburb Corner by MattDM...
Oval residential By mAiKi
Creato da Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this asset. It was created by mAiKi All I did was create a custom Thumbnail and Tooltip Image for the in game toolbar. I did reach out to people to ask them to update but I just don't feel like waiting months for them to be updated or poss...
P and B pavement
Creato da Moch
P and B pavement  by Moch On this pavement, pedestrians and bicycles go through separate lanes. Since the width of the tunnel is larger than usual, please be careful when installing. NOTE! There is information that the MOD "Extra Landscaping Tools" interfe...
Pager's DWJI - HW to HW
Creato da Pager
Diverging Windmill Junction Interchange - Highway to Highway by Pager DWJI = Diverging Windmill Junction Interchange Also know as DWI = Diverging Windmill Interchange: • One off ramp, Two on ramps • Crossover movements can be grade separated or at grade. •...
Pager's HF 1S2H Roundabout
Creato da Pager
Pager's HF 1S2H Roundabout High-Way to Single Street....
Pager's HF H2H #2.2 Roundabout
Creato da Pager
Pager's HF H2H #2.2 Roundabout Same as the other one, just with a better transition ramp, between the two Roundabout's....
Palm Avenue (One Way)
Creato da vitusweb
Here is another palm avenue with: - one way car lane - parking lane - bidirectional protected bike lane - wide sidewalk with custom stone pavement - standard sidewalk on the other side. This asset was inspired by the southern part of the sea promenade in S...
Palm Avenue with central bike lane
Creato da HooHeeHaa
Briefing Palm Avenue(Style 2) with central bicycle lane protected by glass fence.. Bus stops will automatically generate their own markers(image 1). Location Roads-Large Roads-Palm Avenue 2(see image 6) Width 16m Speed Limit 60km/h, Parking enabled Constru...
Paper MRF
Creato da Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings The paper materials recovery facility turns the paper into pulp to separate the fibers. Then adhesives and inks are removed before it's turned into new paper. Stats Cost: 28,...
Paradise Seafood Restaurant DLC REQUIRED
Creato da MrMiyagi
Requires After Dark- Paradise Seafood Restaurant AD by MrMiyagi May 12 2017 Removed a few extra items for improved performance...
Paradise Souvenirs {NEW] DLC REQUIRED
Creato da MrMiyagi
2 Trees required. ONLY FOR AFTER DARK DLC OWNERS This item replaces the now broken building Paradise Souvenirs 2x2 Building is extracted and customized from the DLC, so I cannot publish it as non-dlc version....
Paradise Terrace Luxury 3x3 DLC REQUIRED
Creato da MrMiyagi
DLC and TREES REQUIRED! LIST HERE ON PAGE TO THE RIGHT ----> Update May 12 2017: Removed poorly-optimized props to improve performance Commercial Tourism! It's been over a year that After Dark DLC has been out, and there are still only 21 Tourism items on ...
Paradise Terrace Tiki Bar 1x1 A/D DLC
Creato da MrMiyagi
Update May 12 2017: Removed poorly-optimized props to improve performance, added nice shopfront planters prop. Commercial Tourism! It's been over a year that After Dark DLC has been out, and there are still only 21 Tourism items on the Workshop, so.. I dec...
Parallel Road Tool
Creato da S__T Road Toolhelps you easily drawing parallel and stacked networks.Main features are: Limitless parallel/stacked configurations: you can choose any network (not only roads!) and distances (both horizontal and vertical) ...
Parclo (Vanilla)
Creato da agusingnavy
Parclo (Vanilla) by agusingnavy Well, this is for you MrMiyagi . Enjoy ;) - Size: 84x66 cells - UI Priority. -3010 Heights: HW: -3, 6 & 7 mts Mods used: - Advanced Road Anarchy - Fine Road Tool (Required) - NoPillars - Precision Engineering Comments, likes...
Parclo B4; Sunken Highway
Creato da Soruvisu
Second Interchange with sunken highway, Parclo B4 Interchange Size: 72 x 44 Height: -12 to 0 m Highway at -12m; 6 lane road at 0 m No traffic light by default 2 done, 8 to go Enjoy!! GLHF!! ...
Park with Ferris Wheel
Creato da ReticentDaikaiju
Finally updated with lights for the After Dark expansion! An 8x5 park featuring a ferris wheel ride. Custom built model created by ReticentDaikaiju. Part of my Amusment Park set. Check out the other rides and attractions here:
Parked Train Cargo 16x2 (AD)
Creato da BaskB
Parked Train Cargo 16x2 by BaskB **** June 2016 - Updated to resolve DLC added issues, no longer asks for power, water, generates rubbish **** Was doing some playing around for another project am working on, and realised I could place Train cars onto rails...
Creato da BloodyPenguin
Allows to use the whole wealth of your park buildings as Park Life modules If you want to place your park in campuses, you also need my Campus Parks mod. In options you can check the option to also convert some of vanilla Un...
Parking 3x8
Creato da D3TTa
Parking 3x8 additional Item for this is my Parking lot 4x8 works as Park...
Parking Lot + Kiosko (4x2)
Creato da agusingnavy
Parking Lot + Kiosko (4x2) by agusingnavy Vanilla Park. Small parking lot + tourist information (kiosk). *UI Priority: -110000014 - agusingnavy -...
Parking Lot - Long 3x8
Creato da MrMiyagi
Parking Lot - Long 3x8 by MrMiyagi Special project, sorry for no description - no time left :D...
Parking Lot 6x4
Creato da agusingnavy
Parking Lot 6x4 by agusingnavy Vanilla park *UI Priority: -110000011 - agusingnavy -...
Parking Lot Roads - 16m Parking Lot
Creato da Badi_Dea
Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to several functional parking lot markers specially crafted to work with these(and other) roads. This is an expansion to that set, adding an additional asymmetric parking lot roa...
Partial Cloverleaf
Creato da agusingnavy
Partial Cloverleaf (A4 type) by agusingnavy One of the most popular Freeway to Arterial Interchange designs in Canada and the United States, but not in this game. And with tunnels? That's just because I like it :). Thanks everbody. - Measures: 64x64 cells ...
Partially Unrolled Cloverleaf
Creato da agusingnavy
M6/M62 Croft Interchange (UK) - angry face - Partially Unrolled Cloverleaf by agusingnavy This is for you buddy ;) - Measures: 132x132 cells Max height : 12 mts - UI Priority. -1250 Mods used: - Advanced Road Anarchy - Fine Road Heights - NoPillars - Preci...
Pavement road flex narrow
Creato da Sparks
Pavement road flex narrow by Sparks This road uses your pavement theme texture Two way bike and pedestrian lanes...
Pavement road flex wide
Creato da Sparks
Pavement road flex wide by Sparks This road uses your pavement theme texture Two way bike and pedestrian lanes...
Pavilion of Lotus 芙蓉榭
Creato da Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (from: wikipedia ) Cities: Skyline...
Pedestrian and Bicycle pavement
Creato da Moch
Pedestrian and Bicycle pavement by Moch Pedestrians and bicycles pass through exclusive lanes. NOTE: With elevated and tunnel, I turned off auto removal. Like a normal road, please destroy with a bulldozer. In the winter map, the prop of the bike line ("Bi...
Perfect Industrial Area Grid
Creato da X5XFiRE
Noob VS Pro VS Modder - Building the perfect Industrial Area in Cities: Skylines Layout by imperatur Youtube Editor By XFiRE Adjust to 2 Trains rial track Not...
Pergola-park 5 x 5
Creato da core79
Pergola-park 5 x 5 by core79 Für die stats schaut einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Dieser Park ist frei Platzierbar. For the stats look the fifth picture. This park is free placeable. Für diesen Park ein speziellen dank an:pdelmo,KingLeno,Lost Gecko und Quboid...
perpect roundabout with train roundabout
Creato da 오래살자
Perfect roundabout with train roundabout...
Perpendicular double trumpet highway interchange
Perpendicular double trumpet highway interchange Size : 82x102 Maximum height : 10 Minimum height : 0 Highway spacing : 6 Necessary mods : NA Suggested mods : Fine road anarchy Known issues : NA...
Perseco's Double Roundabout Underpass
Creato da Perseco
This is a highway intersection/underpass that feeds into a connected double roundabout that can handle a moderate-heavy amount of traffic (tested with Traffic Manager: President Edition + Rush Hour mods, which you can see in action in the video). There is ...
PEX crustacea fossil exhibition
Creato da muereteja
A little exhibition of crustaceous for the amusement park. It's a lvl 1 building of 1x1 that contain a amazing crustaceous fossils with posters and information table :) It simualted a temporal building of fossil built in a metal-glass exhibition. Enjoy it,...
PEX megalodon plaza
Creato da muereteja
Megalodon the grandfhather of the sharks!! More big, more toeeth and more scaring. A real 1:2 megalodon model for your paleontological park with few expositions and poster. Your citzien will love this square and the tourist more. A lvl 1 building for the a...
PEX T-rex little entrance
Creato da muereteja
A little entrance for the amusement park, but.... it's amazing !!!! The entrance it's a T-rex Skull and the citzien pass under the skull !! It's recomended to use with the other PEX / paleontological assets :)...
Creato da muereteja
A little exhibition of ammonites for the amusement park. It's a lvl 1 building of 1x1 that contain a amazing ammonite with posters and information table :) It simualted a temporal building of fossil built in a metal-glass exhibition. Enjoy it, like and com...
PEX_fish fossil exh-lvl1
Creato da muereteja
A little exhibition of fish fossils for the amusement park. It's a lvl 1 building of 1x1 that contain a amazing crustaceous fossils with posters and information table :) It simualted a temporal building of fossil built in a metal-glass exhibition. Enjoy it...
Photovoltaic solar energy park
Creato da makemakey
Photovoltaic solar energy park by makemakey; build your own solar farm! Provides 6 MW green energy Building $ 10000 Running $ 24 /w Area 4x16 Pollution 0 Noise 0 Idea is that a PV solar park uses more area and is more expensive to build initially then wind...
Picnic-park 5 x 8
Creato da core79
Picnic-park 5 x 8 by core79 Für die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. For the stats look the fifth picture. Für diesen Park geht ein spezieller Dank an pdelmo und Simulant ! Danke an ALLE Modder, die so schöne Bäume und Props hochladen. M...
Pinavia Ellipse Interchange
Creato da agusingnavy
Pinavia Ellipse Interchange by agusingnavy Old asset that I've decided to make visible again (2 June 2018) just to remember the good old days. *UI Priority: -90000003 Mods used: - Fine Road Heights (no longer exist) - NoPillars - Precision Engineering None...
Pinavia IC (Requires No Pillars Mod+Other Read Original Asset Page) By Sapientia
Creato da Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this asset. It was created by Sapientia All I did was create a custom Thumbnail and Tooltip Image for the in game toolbar. I did reach out to people to ask them to update but I just don't feel like waiting months for them to be updated or ...
Pizza Hut
Creato da Waffledog
Pizza Hut by Waffledog "These beautiful structures, most likely now devoid of the table-top Pac Man machines, dot the American landscape. Some provide ethnic food, some, used cars, and a rare few are now municipal buildings. Whatever their current purpose,...
Plastic MRF
Creato da Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings The plastic bottles are pressed into bales for storage, before being shredded. Next impurities are removed, and finally the plastic is melted to be reused. Stats Cost: 38,000...
Plastics Factory - Industries Remastered
Creato da dboi88
Converts Oil To Zoned Oil Products - Zoned Factory...
Plywood Factory - Industries Remastered
Creato da dboi88
Converts Raw Forest Products To Zoned Forestry Products - Zoned Factory...
Police Headquarter 12x12
Creato da SvenBerlin
Police Headquarter 12x12 by Svenpotsdam Smaller Police Headquarters than my first one,which is 19x19. With this one you DONT need LARGER FOOTPRINTS MOD. Maybe on sunday I will have a look to make it with subbuildings enabler. If you like my assets you can ...
Pop Stage
Creato da Valex Pop Stage by Valex...
Prop Line Tool [PLT] (vAlpha)
Creato da Alterran
Prop Line Tool Draw lines of props and trees like how you draw roads! This mod will save you time by placing items one by one for you! Compatible with Campus DLC and Patch Concerning Campus Update I've tested this mod with Campus patch and everything is in...
Prop Snapping
Creato da BloodyPenguin Allows to snap props to buildings and elevated roads - just like in asset editor! This mod does the same job as Tree Snapping, but for props. This mod won't break your save games, and can be safely disabled at any time. But ...
Public Toilet
Creato da Vander
The Public Toilet : Nobody says that it is no fun to be here! You see a snake?.. don't tell the vermin exterminators, please push the button! Triangels : 708 - 146 "AFTER DARK - optimized" 2x2 Cost: 2000 Maintenance: 24 per week ---------------------------...
Quad Biohazard
Creato da Quad Rioters
Industry Evil................... Two... - Size: 3x3, 3x4 - Type: Industrial Generic Level 3 - Main Tri: 2,180, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 279, 256x256 - Description: Biological factory, Biotic Lab. Author Note - Two down, one more to go. - I will be out of town ...
Quad Energy Tear
Creato da Quad Rioters
You never know what you have opened. - Size: 8x8 - Type: Power - Nuclear Power Plant - Main Tri: 7,104, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 988, 1024x1024 - Description: Electromagnetic energy power plant. Stats - Cost: 300,000 - Upkeep: 8000 - Fire Tolerance: 40 - Elect...
Quad Rounds (NoTabs)
Creato da Marlo Painter
Quad Rounds (NoTabs) --- Collection of My Custom Assets: Collection of Subscribed Mods: Collection for the way the game look...
Quad Singularity
Creato da Quad Rioters
Readjusting space and time. - Size: 8x16 - Type: Power - Nuclear Power Plant - Main Tri: 8,962, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 838, 1024x1024 - Description: Singu...
Quad's Accelerator
Creato da Quad Rioters
Breathe in slow. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Industrial Generic - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,376, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 174, 128x128 - Description: Industrial acceleration unit. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and en...
Prada Shop
Creato da Raccoon
Prada Shop Information: Prada S.p.A. is an Italian luxury fashion house, specializing in leather handbags, travel accessories, shoes, ready-to-wear, perfumes and other fashion accessories, founded in 1913 by Mario Prada. Technical data: Model: 114 tris; _d...
Quad's Arcade
Creato da Quad Rioters
01001101 01111001 01100011 01100001 01110010 01110101 01100010 01100001 Attribute - Size: 3x3, 3x4 - Type: Zoning > Commercial High - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,688, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 92, 128x128 - Description: An urban game center. Updates - v7: U...
Quad's Banbury
Creato da Quad Rioters
Be a one egg-shaped monopoly. Attribute - Office: Level 3 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 968 - LOD Tri: 266 Updates - v4: Overhauled asset. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy.
Quad's Cat Park 2
Creato da Quad Rioters
No dogs, no masters, no owners. Yes, freedom. Food please. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Park - Park - Main Tri: 1,520, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 110, 128x128 - Description: A small cat shelter, cat park and cat cafe, all in one. Stats - Cost: 10,000 - Upkeep: ...
Quad's Citrine
Creato da Quad Rioters
Hellfire summer ain't got nothing on this cooling hotel. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Commercial High - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 792, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 196, 128x128 - Description: A beach hotel. Updates - v4: Unknown origin. Don't forget ...
Quad's Complex
Creato da Quad Rioters
223 - Size: 4x4 - Type: Commercial High Generic Level 3 - Main Tri: 1,514, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 208, 512x256 - Description: Complex commercial. Update - v8: Overhauled the asset. - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy. - Suppo...
Quad's Conundrum
Creato da Quad Rioters
Like the universe itself. Attribute - Commercial: High, Level 3 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 1342 - LOD Tri: 154 Updates - v7: Improved model, Improve textures, Desaturated textures. - v6: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. - v5: Improved model, Imp...
Quad's Corinthian
Creato da Quad Rioters
Building cityscape since 1994. Attribute - Size: 3x3, 3x4 - Type: Zoning > Office - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,536, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 132, 128x128 - Description: An office from the 20th. - Source: Office Building (Simcity 2000) Updates - v6: Improv...
Quad's Aegis
Creato da Quad Rioters
Safe n' sound. Attribute - Commercial: High, Level 3 (highest) - 3x4 - Tri: 1012 - LOD Tri: 106 Updates - v7: Improved speculation map. - v6: Desaturated textures. - v5: Overhauled asset. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy. ...
Quad's Crescent
Creato da Quad Rioters
Among the cold air and dense dry fog, the newer moon has risen. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Commercial Tourism - Level 2 (normal) - Main Tri: 854, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 88, 128x128 - Description: A luxury hotel. - Requirement: After Dark DLC Upda...
Quad's Crystallization
Creato da Quad Rioters
The pure solid. Attribute - Office: Level 3 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 1866 - LOD Tri: 194 Updates - v5: Overhauled asset. - v4: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. - v3: Improved model, improved textures. Conceptual Notes - The improved version wa...
Quad's Currency
Creato da Quad Rioters
Bring a better drill. Attribute - Size: 3x3, 3x4 - Type: Zoning > Office - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,624, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 114, 128x128 - Description: A bank headquarters. Updates - v6: Improved models and textures. Don't forget to Like, Favorite...
Quad's Digitizer
Creato da Quad Rioters
Throw a product to replenish. Attribute - Size: 3x3, 3x4 - Type: Zoning > Industrial Generic - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,398, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 116, 128x128 - Description: An electronic factory. Updates - v5: Overhauled asset. Don't forget to Like...
Quad's Explicit
Creato da Quad Rioters
Rap riot roll. Attribute - Size: 3x3, 3x4 - Type: Commercial High Level 3 - Main Tri: 1,986, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 166, 128x128 - Description: Explicit vertical mall. Update -v8: Overhauled the asset. - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank y...
Quad's Crystal Pillars
Creato da Quad Rioters
Light the path for the newcomers! Attribute - Park: Plaza - 6x6 (Circular) (Freeform) - Tri: 584 - LOD Tri: 200 - Note: This building can be placed anywhere like the Water Tower. Updates - v3: The building no longer requires road connection, Added the vari...
Quad's Grace
Creato da Quad Rioters
Embracing the future is majestic as Grace. Attribute - Office: Level 3 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 2422 - LOD Tri: 270 Updates - v6: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. - v5: Improved model, Improved textures. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or C...
Quad's Guardian
Creato da Quad Rioters
Shield up. - Size: 3x4 - Type: Residential High Level 5 - Main Tri: 1,136, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 113, 512x256 - Description: Guardian condominium (large). Updates - v7: Overhauled the asset (again). - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you...
Quad's Headquarters
Creato da Quad Rioters
Shady. Stand up. - Size: 4x4 - Type: Office Generic Level 3 - Main Tri: 870, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 168, 512x256 - Description: Headquarters. - Source: Simcity 2000. Updates - v9: Overhauled the asset, now resembling SC2K building. - Don't forget to Like, Fa...
Quad's Jade
Creato da Quad Rioters
The first. - Size: 4x4 - Type: Residential High Level 5 - Main Tri: 2,118, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 192, 512x256 - Description: Jade apartment. Update - v9: Fixed the renaming error. - v8: Overhauled the asset. Author Note - Every obsolete old assets of mine w...
Quad's Lance
Creato da Quad Rioters
Lance is the innovation of the wi-fi providing tower. Do you think your coverage is good, how about the moon? Attribute - Office: Level 3 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 2713 - LOD Tri: 204 Updates - v6: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. - v5: Improve...
Quad's Meteorology Tower Unique
Creato da Quad Meowers
Feel great inc. Attribute - Unique: Level 2 - 6x8 - Tri: 3432 - LOD Tri: 284 - Description: An urban weather station. Stat - Cost: 100000 - Upkeep: 1200/week - Visitors: 80/80/80 - Healthcare: 200 - Radius: 2000 - Workers: 20/40/30/30 Variants - Meteorolog...
Quad's Midnight Gallery
Creato da Quad Rioters
Is the night before there wasn't any. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Commercial High - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,477, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 141, 128x128 - Description: A modern gallery museum. Updates - v8: Overhauled the asset. Don't forget t...
Quad's Overwatch
Creato da Quad Rioters
Watching. Judging. Negotiating. Invading? Attribute - Assets: 2 = Overwatch, Overwatch's Levitator - Park: Others - 1x1 (anywhere) (circular) (noclip), 1x1 (anywhere) (circular) (noclip) - Tri: 4920 / 1662 - LOD Tri: 458 / 124 Stats: Overwatch - Cost: 5000...
Quad's Panorama
Creato da Quad Rioters
Weird cloud, I must say. Attribute - Residential: High, Level 5 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 2192 - LOD Tri: 230 Updates - v8: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. - v7: Fixed smooth model. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and ...
Quad's Pico
Creato da Quad Rioters
We must construct additional coolants. Attribute - Industrial: Level 3 (highest) - 3x4 - Tri: 1489 - LOD Tri: 195 Updates - v5: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. - v4: Added night light, Fixed smooth model, Reduced LOD tris. Don't forget to L...
Quad's Plasma Core
Creato da Quad Rioters
Welcome to 2020 when color blue is everywhere. Attribute - Industrial: Level 3 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 1964 - LOD Tri: 184 Updates - v5: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. - v4: Added night light, Fixed smooth model, Reduced LOD tris. Don't for...
Quad's Sapphire
Creato da Quad Rioters
The privacy level can be varied. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Commercial High - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,506, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 190, 128x128 - Description: A studio office. Updates - v8: Overhauled asset. Don't forget to Like, Favorite ...
Quad's Sprawl
Creato da Quad Rioters
You can hear a baby crying and laughing at the same time. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Residential High - Level 5 (highest) - Main Tri: 2,086, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 86, 256x128 - Description: A luxury condominium. Updates - v6: Improved models and...
Quad's Thinker
Creato da Quad Rioters
Such logic cannot be thought without. - Size: 3x4 - Type: Office Generic Level 3 - Main Tri: 1,714, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 152, 512x256 - Description: Thinker office tower. Updates - v6: Ovehauled the assets. - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. ...
Quad's Trance
Creato da Quad Rioters
The science gets done. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Office Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 2,397, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 334, 128x128 - Description: A laboratory office. Updates - v7: Unknown origin. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Tha...
Quad's Tranquil Turquoise
Creato da Quad Rioters
Simple and elegant. Nagas approved. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Residential High - Level 5 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,076, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 152, 128x128 - Description: A luxury condominium. Updates - v6: Desaturated textures. Don't forget to Li...
Quad's Truancy
Creato da Quad Rioters
When holidays ain't enough. Attribute - Residential: High, Level 5 (highest) - 3x4 - Tri: 3314 - LOD Tri: 200 Updates - v7: Improved speculation maps. - v6: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version, Desaturated textures. - v5: Overhauled asset. Don't...
Quad's Vigor
Creato da Quad Rioters
Madly in love. Attribute - Commercial: High, Level 3 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 480 - LOD Tri: 164 Updates - v5: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. - v4: Improved textures. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy. http://...
Quad's Panorama Redux
Creato da Quad Rioters
Good view all around. Attribute - Residential: High, Level 5 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 3592 - LOD Tri: 142 Updates - v7: Overhauled the asset, switching the other new asset to Panorama. - v6: Improved models and textures. - v5: Added the thumbnail for Ploppab...
Quad's Water Purifier
Creato da Quad Rioters
What goes around comes around. -------- WARNING --------- This asset has a dated mechanism from an older asset of Water Tower. Now that the game has changed water production method this asset may not work correctly. Please do not use if you encounter the p...
Quad's Zircon
Creato da Quad Rioters
Redefining commercial buildings as we know it. Attribute - Commercial: High, Level 3 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 598 - LOD Tri: 233 Updates - v4: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. - v3: Added night light. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comm...
Quarter Roundabout Grid
Creato da Jerunn
Quarter Roundabout Grid by Jerunn A quarter roundabout grid to build easily round neighborhoods. Take a look at my 5x5 parks for the inner roundabout. Pls visit my collections for more useful stuff as well. Pls thumbs up if u like it. Thx Ein viertelkreis ...
Quay Anarchy
Creato da BloodyPenguin Allows to place quays and flood walls anywhere. Also fixes 'Height too high' for quays, flood walls, cargo and passenger harbors For those wondering what quay is, word 'Quay' means the same as 'Wharf'. Draggable quays were a...
R2 - 1-Way Industrial Zone
Creato da Ahriman1911
R2 - 1-Way Industrial Zone by Ahriman1911...
R2 - 2-Way Industrial Zone
Creato da Ahriman1911
R2 - 2-Way Industrial Zone by Ahriman1911...
Rail Grid
Creato da Sparky
Part of my series of simple, interconnecting streets grids, which can be used to rapidly place urban areas. This particular piece features a railway in place of the central boulevards present in this collection's other grid pieces. It can be lined up and c...
Rail Intersection
Creato da JoHimself
Rail Intersection where trains travelling in opposite directions do not interact with each other. This can reduce congestion, particularly for cargo/freight trains....
Raised C/E Hi-way to 6L Ave.
Creato da Pager
Raised C/E Hi-way to 6L Ave. by Pager A quick On/Off ramps to an 6 Lane Ave....
Raised C/E L 2-way Connection
Creato da Pager
Raised C/E L 2-way Connection by Pager Never seen anything like this before. It's a str8 Hi-way coming into a 90 degree angled Hi-way from the left....
Raised C/E R 2-way Connection
Creato da Pager
Raised C/E R 2-way Connection by Pager Never seen anything like this before. It's a str8 Hi-way coming into a 90 degree angled Hi-way from the right....
Raised C/E Roundabout
Creato da Pager
Raised C/E Roundabout by Pager A Basic Roundabout....
Raised C/E Stacked Interchange 2
Creato da Pager
Raised C/E Stacked Interchange 2 by Pager I was trying to keep this as MOD Free as I can, which made it harder to build. The ramps were made first then the Hi-ways over and under them. Because of all the pillars and didn't want the bridge supports I had to...
Raised C/E to Hi-way DDI
Creato da Pager
Raised C/E to Hi-way DDI by Pager A diverging diamond interchange (DDI), also called a double crossover diamond interchange (DCD), is a type of diamond interchange in which the two directions of traffic on the non-freeway road cross to the opposite side on...
Raised C/E to Thumpet I/C
Creato da Pager
Raised C/E to Thumpet I/C by Pager Trumpet interchanges have been used where one highway terminates at another highway. These involve at least one loop ramp connecting traffic either entering or leaving the terminating expressway with the far lanes of the ...
Rapid Interchange
Creato da Zourin
Rapid Interchange by Zourin...
Rasied C/E 3-way Interchange
Creato da Pager
Rasied C/E 3-way Interchange by Pager A simple 3-Way interchange....
Rasied C/E B-4 Parclo
Creato da Pager
Rasied C/E B-4 Parclo by Pager This Parclo has full on and off ramps at the Southwest & Northeast Corners for Left Hand traffic. A partial cloverleaf interchange or parclo is a modification of a cloverleaf interchange. The parclo interchange was developed ...
Raised C/E Hi-way to 4L BLVD.
Creato da Pager
Raised C/E Hi-way to 4L BLVD. by Pager Just a quick On/Off ramps down to a 4 Lane Blvd....
Rasied C/E Cloverleaf Exchange
Creato da Pager
Rasied C/E Cloverleaf Exchange by Pager This is your basic Cloverleaf Interchange. UPDATE: Ramps redesigned....
Rasied C/E DDI Hi-way to 6L Ave.
Creato da Pager
Rasied C/E DDI Hi-way to 6L Ave. by Pager A Divergening Diamond Interchange / Double Crossover Diamond (DDI / DCD) going into an 6 Lane Ave....
Realistic V1.2.1 Tropical
Creato da Captain Soap
Overview, Screenshots, News and More Participate in a quick Survey! Help developing HERE! Realistic V1.2.1 Tropical The Realistic Map Themes This Map Theme is currently available for the base themes: European Temperate Boreal Tropical The Color...
Realistic V1.5.5 Temperate
Creato da Captain Soap
Overview, Screenshots, News and More Participate in a quick Survey! Help developing HERE! Realistic V1.5.5 Temperate The Realistic Map Themes This Map Theme is currently available for the base themes: European Temperate Boreal Tropical The Colo...
Realistic V1.2.13 Boreal
Creato da Captain Soap
Overview, Screenshots, News and More Participate in a quick Survey! Help developing HERE! Realistic V1.2.13 Boreal The Realistic Map Themes This Map Theme is currently available for the base themes: European Temperate Boreal Tropical The Color ...
Recycling Plant
Creato da Jave
The Recycling plant works slower than the incinerator and it does not generate electricity. However, it does not create any pollution, making it an excellent choise to extend the reach of garbage handling into even the largest of cities. Cost: 20000 Upkeep...
Research Hospital
Creato da honker
Your cims will be injuring themselves on purpose just to score a bed at this brand new Research Hospital. With its unique cross shape, this hospital offers prime views of the city while the steady drip of morphine melts away all the worries and woes of mod...
resedential grid
Creato da sanguribhadwa
resedential grid by mAng0_TERMINATOR...
Residental Grid
Creato da michatom
Residental Grid by michatom...
Creato da blacktown16
residential / office / commercial...
Residential Grid
Creato da Beata Ce
Residential Grid by Beata Ce...
Residential square
Creato da Pulsaria
- Residential square link to Highway - One Way Roads for easy traffic - Can Be Extended easily ...
Restaurant Plaza
Creato da GCVos
Posh little area with pink tiles where cims can sit down and eat invisible French fries. It works seamlessly with the Path and Canal Blocks. This asset can be customized and redecorated if you want to make it look more fancy! Service: Park Cost: 1600 Upkee...
Restaured quarry with dinosaur footprints
Creato da muereteja
A restaured quarry with dinosaur footprints, I based the monument at the restaured quarries that you can find around Pyrenees. Its a moderate detailed model where the principal building have a few transparent windows (you can see a class in) and in the fro...
Recycling drop-off center
Creato da Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I finally finished the recycling drop-off center! :D I wanted to make this from the start, but it was a complicated (detailed) project, that needed many changes in the procce...
Retro Newspaper Kiosk Prop
Creato da JopytheBear
Asset/Prop High detailed, European style, retro newspaper kiosk with and without awning to make your city more immersive. These romantic style kiosks are very common in Europe especially in Paris. Attention: The textures on this asset are conatins modern n...
Reverse Roundabout
Creato da UrbanCactus
Reverse Roundabout by UrbanCactus Like👍 and Vote ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ✅My Yotube Channel: ✅UrbanCactus Colection: ✅roundabout: ht...
RLI Albany New York
Creato da Arisandi
this interchange is nice when you place near quay river and extend to brigde. RLI location :,-73.7487321,1150m/data=!3m1!1e3...
Rock Stage
Creato da Valex Rock Stage by Valex...
Road Cul-de-sac
Creato da Katalepsis
With this asset, you can build perfectly circular culs-de-sac for those suburban neighborhoods. They are made to be the smallest possible radius curves and include a single large tree in the center. The culs-de-sac can be attached to one another or used si...
Rogers Centre - Toronto (Dome Open)
Creato da _luminou_
Rogers Centre - Toronto (Dome Open) Rogers Centre (originally SkyDome) is a multi-purpose stadium in Downtown Toronto, Canada, situated just southwest of the CN Tower near the northern shore of Lake Ontario. Opened in 1989 on the former Railway Lands, it i...
Creato da Maker
The roundabout doesn't have trees or other decorations. Please set the arrows of traffic directions in TM:PE. Map theme: Cleyra Pozdrawiam :)...
Creato da MrWeeknie
Roundabout With Diferent Layers All I use to make it work properly for Heavy Traffic is "Traffic Manager: President Edition", All You have to do is set All the traffic lights to timed and make a circuit....
Creato da DeKripixGaming
Creato da Typical_Toaster
A simple roundabout as my first intersection asset. Enjoy! Radius: 5 Units Diameter: 10 Units...
Creato da Arjan
This roundabout is perfect for 2 layers of roads, for in the center of your city. Theme: Tropical. Decorated with stones and tropical plants....
Creato da Dmitry
№1 by Dmitry...
Creato da Strelok
Roundabout by StrelokPL...
Creato da Engilram Rockrim
Roundabout by Elite_MoS...
Creato da theoobg
Nice Roundabout which is working fine. I´ve used "Move it" tool and in the game used as well traffic manager to adjust the lane direction for streets in direction out so that the vehicle can just turn right. This Roundabout is for RHD. Feel free to adjust ...
Roundabout Art 6x6
Creato da Elias
This park was my base-modell. Hail the great Morsh ;) As you can see in the pictures, you can plop this roundabout-park everywhere. It doesn't need to be attached to a road and that's why I kept it from producing garbage and it can't burn, so it won't caus...
Roundabout in Roundabout
Creato da Razo
Roundbabout in Roundabout by Razo --------------------------------------- Road roundabout, tram roundabout and pedestrian roundabout = roundabout madness! Ideal for larger cities. The whole is decorated with different bushes and trees. • Requires DLC Snowf...
Roundabout Spiro 12x12
Creato da Elias
I took this unique building , changed it to a park, made it smaller and remodelled it to make it ploppable in the center of roundabouts. Thanks for the object, Visu! As you can see in the pictures, you can plop this roundabout-park everywhere. It doesn't n...
[RICO] Drosovilas Strata Tower.
Creato da Drosovila
The Strata Tower from London -Stats based off of "Sea and Skyscraper" (Unique Building level 6)(5x5 size) -Uses NO elektricity -Based off of the Strata Tower in London (1:1 so 140m height) -1600 tris, 2048x1024 texture res, custom LOD(250 tris, 512x256 tex...
[DEPRECATED] Precision Engineering 2.0
Creato da Tuna
This mod is no longer necessary, since the original modder has fixed the snapping issue in the original version. Yaaaay! I never actually intended for this mod to get bigger than the original; I'm no C# developer, like I said in the original description. I...
Small Vineyard
Creato da Yggdrasil Works
Small Vineyard for Farming Industry...
[AD]Stark Tower - The Avengers
Creato da Morsh
This is the Stark Tower from The Avengers and Iron Man Who wouldn't want to call Tony Stark one of his citizens? well with this building you can now! Tony is a generous man, offering many Jobs for people and adding to a stellar Skyline in your City. The Bu...
Zordork Manor and Gardens
Creato da zordork4
Zordork Manor is based on this is a set of park assets that can be used to set up a large country estate, follow the video for one possible layout There a lot of different tre...
[Current] High Density Industry Grid (Train, Harbor, Airport) v1.2
Creato da Barthory
This Workshop Item is inspired by the--dud 's Highway Intersection to Grid (Full) . The Asset connects a low traffic street grid with a highway with sound barriers and is rarely plagued by the error message "Slope too steep" The goal was to create a grid t...
Zoom It!
Creato da Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to change min and max zoom level in-game. NEW IN 1.4 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.3 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.16.1-f2 (Hubs &...
Zona Industrial OP 1 ++
Creato da Aerendil / Elros
Zona Industrial OP 1 ++ by Aerendil / Elros for really large industrial areas with excellent traffic flow. where there are nodes that are not connected using 1-way tolls. Recommendation to use the mods fine road anarchy and fine road toll. https://steamcom...
[DEPRECIATED] Yellowhead Hwy 16/216
Creato da creativeDEX
Yellowhead Hwy 16/216 by Dexter Hi everyone, here is my Cloverstack Interchange 16/216. It is a realistic build, you can see this in Edmonton, Canada. Note: For better placement make sure that the ground are flat enough and don't forget to activate the req...
X-Games Vert Ramp
Creato da Mr.PoopyPants
X-Games Vert Ramp by Abradolf Lincler This is vertical half-pipe ramp for extreme sports exibitions. Now you can make little X-Games event even in your city! You can find it in Parks cagegory. Unfortunatelly, from some angles the grass is clipping little b...
West Coast
Creato da ACF1
The West Coast Map theme is a temperate theme inspired on Southern California. Great temperate weather year round, nice mountains and beautiful beaches. Changes on Vanilla Temperate Biome: -Cliff : re-diffused to show brownish mountains with green patches....
Wayne Manor
Creato da luch
Wayne Manor by Bavo Debraekeleer aka LuCh! This is Wayne Manor based on the Wollaton Hall as seen in the movie The Dark Knight Rises. I have made some creative changes to it to fit the theme better. Functions as a Police HQ with range over the hole map. ht...
Wayne Enterprises
Creato da Auldben
NOTE - I wont be updating this for the new Expansions! Sorry! I haven't played CS in a long time and don't really have any urge to in the near future. That along with my having no idea where the original files are anyway. If I do come back to it, it'll be ...
Wat Phra Kaeo Don Tao (Lampang, Thailand)
Creato da Palm'sTime
Wat Phra Kaeo Don Tao Notice about the model This model is adapted version from Vihara and Cetiya. Made by Painya A. Full credit goes to original creator! To be honest, This is the first model that I tried, and it feels the hardest I've ever done. Look lik...
Village Church
Creato da Lost Gecko
This asset is an updated version of jw84‘s ‘church’ asset. Full credit goes to him for the original model creation. Picturesque small stone church. What has changed? Now a Unique Building level 2. Surrounding wall removed. Spire and the geometry of some wi...
Warehouse 1
Creato da Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A generic warehouse for all your warehouse needs! It's a fully functional warehouse able to store all the same goods and resources as the default ones. Stats Cost: 5000 Upkeep: 80 / week Capacity: 130,000 Trucks: ...
Victorian Palm House
Creato da MrMaison
Victorian Palm House by MrMaison Always wanted to use palm trees but you're building in a non tropical map? Well now you have a way. Introducing the Victorian Palm House! It comes with an interior where Cims can take it all in with a 360* array of huge gla...
Versace Shop
Creato da Raccoon
Versace Shop Information: Gianni Versace S.p.A.,usually referred to simply as Versace, is an Italian luxury fashion company and trade name founded by Gianni Versace in 1978. The main collection of the brand is Versace, which produces upmarket Italian-made ...
Vegetable V3 Fields Pack [Industries]
Creato da Maximilian
Update 3/5/19 You no longer need to be subscribed to the prop pack and they stay visible when viewed from far away! Thanks to MrMiyagi for sharing how to do this. This is a pack of 3 fields for the Industries DLC. It contains 1 small, medium, and large siz...
Vegetable Oil Factory - Industries Remastered
Creato da dboi88
Converts Crops To Zoned Farming Products - Zoned Factory...
Unlock All + Wonders & Landmarks
Creato da BloodyPenguin This mod unlocks all from beginning, including all Wonders (a.k.a. Monuments ), Unique Buildings Levels I-VI, European biome Landmarks, (if you have Deluxe Edition) Deluxe Edition Landmarks + DLC specific unique buildings an...
University Hospital
Creato da Senfkorn
Hi community, enjoy the new University Hospital intown. The main building provides an emergency department, some laboratories and patient rooms. It's directly connected to the annex building where medical students can find a small laboratory, a lecture hal...
University -- Hosptial
Creato da danfunk1987
University Hospital ------------------------- Constructed to support Campus student employment and care for local citizens. ------------------------- Tips: Utilize "Move it Mod" to place the hospital away from the zoned road. Then create a road that connec...
Undormant MotorMonoRail Junction
Creato da undormant
Undormant MotorMonoRail Junction by undormant - A large motorway, mono and rail super junction with roundabouts for each transport mentioned. I like to play with double railway lines hence the design of the rail here, if you prefer single rail lines just j...
Underground turbine interchange (two level)
Creato da 3nƒ0я¢3я
Underground turbine interchange (two level) by 3nƒ0я¢3я...
Underground Cloverleaf Int.
Creato da 3nƒ0я¢3я
Underground Cloverleaf Interchange by 3nƒ0я¢3я...
Uniform modulair transport hub
Creato da Shubi✪DFQ✪
transport hub with comercial to be placed between two uniform modulair main grid by Shubi✪DFQ✪...
Turkish Bath
Creato da Accapulco
A Hamam for your cims to relax =) You'll need my sedir prop and KL's glass for the part on the side so cims can sit and have some tea. Don't ask for a snowfall spa version, no point. Main - 1325 / 1024x512 LOD - 270 / 256x256...
Turbo Roundabout
Creato da JustFlixit
Turbo Roundabout by JustFlixit...
Trumpet Interchange 3 (Elevated) -Vanilla Highway-
Creato da Madd
Vanilla highway and ramp, doesn't require any DLC, mod, or asset. Trumpet Interchange with elevated main highway. Based on real life interchange here. I use this interchange on my map Golden Port map . Thank you very much for subscribing and rating up this...
[DEPRECIATED] Trumpet A4/A18
Creato da creativeDEX
Trumpet A4/A18 Interchange by Dexter Hi everyone, here is a polish trumpet interchange with an interesting design. Feature in this interchange is the bridge assets are included. How to use You need to rescale the bridge asset hight with the "Move It!" Mod ...
Train-Metro-Tram Hub
Creato da Nickayz
This is a simple modification of the Sunset Harbor DLC Train-Metro Hub. I made this originally only for my city, but I thought it might prove useful for you, too. Metro-Tram version only I added tram tracks, redesigned the pedestrian bridge and internal pe...
U-turn highway ramp (overpass)
U-turn highway ramp (overpass) Size : 12x26 Maximum height : 10 Minimum height : 0 Highway spacing : 6 Necessary mods : NA Suggested mods : Fine road anarchy Known issues : NA Best used in combination with highway on-ramp & off ramp : http://steamcommunity...
Truck parking-lot 12x7
Creato da core79
Truck parking-lot 12x7 by core79 Dieser LKW Parkplatz ist frei platzierbar aber nur Dekoration. Für die Stats schaut einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Wenn ihr auf diesen Park mehr Bäume oder Props platzieren wollt benötigt ihr diesen Mod: http://steamcommunity...
Train Station - In
Creato da DJESUK
Train Station - In by DJESUK...
Train roundabout
Creato da thereallostzombie
Double-track train roundabout by LostZombie...
Train Platform Shelter Unit
Creato da Simon Ryr
Train Platform Shelter Unit prop Prop made by Simon Royer Requested by HamsterVolant from the #FrenchCityDesigners community More Beautification mod required to plop it directly in game. Mesh infos: TrainPlatformShelterProp 110 tris, LOD 50 tris Diffuse te...
Train Cloverleaf
Creato da Lion
A Cloaverleaf intersection for trains....
Train Intersection
Creato da RagingRumskullian
A simple 4-way intersection that saves you from using hours of your time just to create a simple intersection with Skyline's screwed-up track building....
train hub
Creato da freek.verhofstadt
Train hub by freek.verhofstadt- A train hub that can make one line in to 4. Best to use downtown or at a busy lines. Please comment feedback below so I can inprove my work....
Toronto, Ontario (Updated)
Creato da hbsparta
Toronto, Ontario. Includes suburbs. Go trains and highways....
Toronto, Ontario
Creato da TummyWummy
First attempt at creating my home town! Please enjoy and play, i'd love to see a 4 million person city in toronto! :) Cheers!...
Toronto, Ontario (Canada)
Creato da hbsparta
Visit my updated map, it has more realistic terrain elevation and highways were used with a map overlay. Toronto, Ontario. Includes suburbs from Oakville to Ajax. Go trains and highways....
Toronto Union Station
Creato da REV0
Toronto Union Station History Union Station is the primary railway station and intercity transportation facility in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is located on Front Street West, on the south side of the block bounded by Bay Street and York Street in downto...
Toronto style highway exit
Creato da кот
Its a highway exit in the style of the toronto ones Btw you need the mod that adds more roads I dont remember the name but most people have it...
Toronto Style High School 5
Creato da JSF-1
The fifth entry into my High School series based of Schools in Toronto Ontario, Canada. This is a recreation of Earl Haig Secondary School (9-12). Earl Haig SS while very modern looking is in no way a new school. The original school was built in 1929 and e...
Toronto Style High School 10
Creato da JSF-1
NOTE* This asset has a high triangle count The 10th High School in my Toronto Schools collection and my 200th asset. This asset comes with 3 buildings! This is a recreation of Central Technical Collegiate Institute. Central Tech CI is the largest High Scho...
Toronto Simcoe Place [RICO]
Creato da JSF-1
Simcoe Place is an office tower located in Downtown Toronto Ontario, Canada. The tower is 33 floors and opened in 1995. RICO Mod: If you wish to use this tower as an office tower be sure to have the Plopable RICO mod enabeled. You DO NOT need the mod unles...
Toronto Police Headquarters
Creato da JSF-1
WARNING: This asset is a little heavy on the tri's (15,944) so if you plan on using this, keep in mind it may not play nice with weaker computers. This is a remake of an old asset I created in 2016! If you were subscribed to that one, you can unsubscribe t...
Toronto Style Elementary School 4
Creato da JSF-1
The fourth elementary school in my series of Schools from Toronto Ontario, Canada. This is a recreation of J.S.Woodsworth Senior Public School (7-8). This is another one that is actually a Middle School, however since C:S doesn't have middle schools this i...
Toronto Metro Hall
Creato da JSF-1
NOTE* This asset has a larger files sized than usual so keep that in mind before subscribing Completed in 1992 this complex of towers was constructed to house the Toronto Metropolitan Government after they outgrew there space in Toronto City Hall. The "Mun...
Toronto Fire Department Headquarters
Creato da JSF-1
The headquarters of the Toronto Fire Department and Toronto EMS. Cost to build: $60,000 Upkeep: $1,440 Size: 10x16 Fire Trucks: 25...
Toronto City Hall
Creato da JSF-1
NOTE* This is a remake of my old Toronto City Hall asset. If you are using it, unsubscribe and use this one instead! Toronto City Hall opened in 1961 to house the offices of the City of Toronto and Metropolitan Toronto (who would later move out in the 90's...
Tiny National Roads
Creato da whisperwalk
Welcome to Tiny National Roads, Part 2 of the Tiny Highways Project. This is an asset pack contains the highways that go in two directions. Some are symmetric motorways; others are assymetric. - Tiny 1N2W - Tiny 1L2W - Tiny 2L1A - Tiny 2L2W - Tiny 3L1A - T...
Timboh's U-Pentagon Interchange
Creato da Timboh
As " 7-elephant" requested, here is a new version of my Pentagon Interchange with U-turns! " 7-elephant" was kind enough to send me a little sketch where the U-turns were drawn out, and I thought it was such a good idea that I decided to upload a new versi...
Timboh's Spaghetti Interchange
Creato da Timboh
Here it is! It's the pasta interchange, the nudle crossing, the one and only Spaghetti Junction... Or Gravelly Hill Interchange, since that's its real name. I hope I've been faithful enough recreating the interchange; the asset editor does have its limitat...
Tim Horton's Express
Creato da Room360
Tim Hortons a Canadian multinational fast casual restaurant known for its coffee and doughnuts. It is also Canada's largest quick service restaurant chain 2 x 4 L1 Commercial 1024 Map 398 Tris This is my first ever attempt at modelling so please be ...
Tight Motorway Crossing
Creato da ToRyanSe
Tight Motorway Crossing by Ryan...
Theme Mixer 2
Creato da Katalepsis
Lets you load, mix and customize Map Themes It's finally here, at long last. This is a complete re-make of the original Theme Mixer mod. Features Change map themes directly in-game. Select map theme "parts" from different map themes (Atmosphere, Structures...
Theatre Park Lofts, Toronto
Creato da Supernova
Theatre Park is a spectacular tower of 47 storeys sprouting from the historic Theatre District of Toronto's King Street West. The development features a 5200SF floor plate and once in a lifetime panoramic views from all sides and all floors. Anchored by a ...
The Pavilion of Prince Teng (Palace Buildings) 滕王閣宮殿組件
Creato da Bathtub
Recommend to subscribe with The Pavilion of Prince Teng together 推荐和滕王阁一起订阅 If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! The Pavilion of Prince Teng is a building in the north west of the city of Nanchang, in Jiangxi provin...
The Pantheon [Paris]
Creato da Gèze
Informations: The Panthéon is a building in the Latin Quarter in Paris. It was originally built as a church dedicated to St. Genevieve and to house the reliquary châsse containing her relics but, after many changes, now functions as a secular mausoleum con...
The Neat Way (Service Interchange by Keralis)
Creato da Impact
As seen on the great youtuber Keralis, in Cities: Skylines Season 2 series. If you don't like the dirt in the middle of the interchange, just bulldoze it. It's just a dirt path. Super cute, super neat, super simple. The Neat Way is a highway to avenue inte...
The Secluded Pavilion of Firmiana Simplex and Bamboo 梧竹幽居
Creato da Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (from: wikipedia ) Cities: Skyline...
Tesla Gigafactory
Creato da Miskale What is Tesla? Tesla’s mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable transportation. To achieve that goal, we must produce electric vehicles in sufficient volume to force change in the automobile industry. Wi...
Tennis club
Creato da Tomas13TO
Tennis club for your city. INFO maps - d,n,s,a,i (1024x1024) triangles - 1738 LOD triangles - 87 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks ...
Tempozan Junction (天保山JCT)
Creato da christinayan
Tempozan Junction by christinayan01. interchange of 3 routes. 2 exit, 1 entrance. 道路エディタで大阪の天保山ジャンクションのグルグルとした出入口と難解な交差に惹かれてしまったので作ってみました。ジャンクションと、インターチェンジ出入口を備えています。 現地に行ったことがありますが歩道橋も交錯している上に大阪メトロ中央線(地上に露出。)の高架線路もあったりでなかなかのカオスで撮るのが楽しかった思い出。 Hanshin Expre...
Temple of the Moon - Pavilion 北京月壇某亭
Creato da Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! A pavilion made with textures from Temple of the Moon - Imperial Dressing Hall. 使用具服殿素材制作的一个亭子。形制比较像月坛的宰牲亭。绿琉璃筒瓦重檐歇山顶,梁枋施金凤和玺彩画。 Model Info LOT Size 2x2 Tris 4640 LOD Tris 53 Tex...
Temple of Heaven - Hall of Imperial Zenith 北京天壇皇乾殿
Creato da Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! The Temple of Heaven is an imperial complex of religious buildings situated in the southeastern part of central Beijing. The complex was visited by the Emperors of the Ming and Q...
Taoist Temple Gates 東嶽廟的門
Creato da Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! Gates from Taoist Temple Complex 使用 東嶽廟 素材制作的几座门 Asset Name Tris LOD Tris LOT Zhandai Gate 瞻岱門 4856 156 4 x 2 Jingde Gate 景德門 5078 148 4 x 2 Street Gate 街門 1700 56 1 x 1 --------...
Temple of Heaven - Trinity Gate 北京天壇殿門
Creato da Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! The gate before the Hall of Imperial Zenith in Temple of Heaven, Beijing, China. 北京天坛皇乾殿前的殿门。 Model Info LOT Size 3x1 Tris 4535 LOD Tris 324 Texture 2048x1024 LOD Texture 256x256...
T-Interchange with slip roads 01
Creato da Jerunn
T-Interchange with slip roads01 by Jerunn Are you annoyed that the t-intersection consumed so much space in your city? Well then use it simply as a driveway to the highway and intersection for urban traffic too! I'm glad to present you a masterpiece of ger...
Swanky Street Temperate
Creato da MrMiyagi
**3 extra Items required.** By request, Swanky Street with temperate street trees - A fashionable street for locations like a tourist / entertainment district, a beachside promenade, fashion High Street, etc. - Beautiful road model by Urbanist does not req...
Swanky Street Spring
Creato da MrMiyagi
**3 extra Items required.** Swanky Street with flowering spring street trees - A fashionable street for locations like a tourist / entertainment district, a beachside promenade, fashion High Street, etc. - Beautiful road model by Urbanist does not require ...
Swanky Street - Winter
Creato da MrMiyagi
*4 required items* Swanky Street is a fashionable street with pleasant muted lighting, trees, benches and high-end street ads. Ideal for locations like a tourist / entertainment district, a parkside promenade, fashion High Street, etc. This winter edition ...
Swanky Street - Palm Lined Promenade
Creato da MrMiyagi
**3 extra Items required.** Swanky Street - A fashionable street for locations like a tourist / entertainment district, a beachside promenade, fashion High Street, etc. Thanks to Urbanist for allowing this customization and publishing his original work! - ...
Creato da Gruny
SushiShop is a Japanese style fast-food chain founded in France in 1998. This building is planned to be placed at the ground floor of some buildings with the mod 'Move it'. Support If you like my assets, you can support me with a small donation :) If you w...
Creato da KingLeno
Subway v2 by KingLeno Shopping Center version two of fast food/deli restaurant Subway. If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee to show support and appreciation by making a small donation via PayPal or Patreon. PayPal Patreon And...
Suburban Street v2
Creato da Urbanist
From the creator of the original Suburban Street™ with over 80K subscribers comes the all-new Suburban Street v2™ to enable you to create American-style suburbia better, faster and cheaper! Terms and conditions apply. All pictures shown are for illustratio...
Roundabout tram+pedi -decorated
Creato da OlexX
A roundabout with underground tram and elevated pedestrian path decorated with a few trees and props....
Roundabout Underground+Bridge
Creato da Ferox Fortis
Roundabout Underground+Bridge by Ferox...
roundabout with grid
Creato da tacagero
roundabout with grid by tacagero...
roundabout with grid cheep
Creato da tacagero
roundabout with grid cheep by tacagero...
Roundabout Builder
Creato da Strad
This mod automatically builds roundabouts for you. It clears the area of the roads and snaps them onto the roundabout. Network Anarchy is recommended. VERSION RELEASE 1.9.7 Experiencing issues? Reinstall (resubscribe) the mod If you cannot run this mod at ...
SH Nanpu Bridge 上海南浦立交引桥
Creato da SpGu
SH Nanpu Bridge by SpGu This asset is mainly the approach bridge of the Puxi section of Shanghai Nanpu Bridge, with the addition of left and right double train sections and exit interchanges. Introduction: The surrounding streets are connected in a spiral ...
Shallot City Grid [Trams/Snowfall]
Creato da Dodgen
This is a large city grid with a highway pass though. There are two dogbone highway exits and 8 entrances/exits to get on and off the freeway. Its a curvy grid system and most of the roads run parallel to each other 12u apart. You can work off any directio...
Shoppers Drug Mart
Creato da Room360
Shoppers Drug Mart Corporation is Canada's largest retail pharmacy chain, and has its headquarters in North York, Toronto, Ontario. It has more than 1,253 stores operating under the names Shoppers Drug Mart in nine provinces and two territories and Pharmap...
Shorter Stack Interchange (27m)
Creato da Employee 432
This is something I had been meaning to do for a while. There are any number of very good stack interchanges on the workshop already, but the ones I've found at least have all been 36m high, a third taller than this. I reduced the grade separations to 9m t...
Creato da TOKACHI269
SHUTO EXPWY 2L TURNOUT 橋にアップグレードすると防音壁付きになります。左側通行用。 Upgrade to a bridge and it will be sound barrier. For left hand traffic. 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 Amazon gift → SHUTO EXPWY 2L TURNOUT...
Sidewalk Antiques w/ Seating - Hi End Computers!
Creato da MrMiyagi
Please see required list of items and subscribe to them. Both non-modded and modded players can enjoy these. See pictures for helpful tips on both types of players. There is a one-click collection, too. A typical European al fresco/sidewalk part of a shop ...
Roundabout that has a monorail-roundabout aswell as a pathway for pedestrians....
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto
Creato da Supernova
Established on 16 April 1912, the Royal Ontario Museum is a museum of art, world culture and natural history in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is one of the largest museums in North America and the largest in Canada. The museum contains a collection of dinos...
Royal Parade (extra wide Tram Avenue with bike lane and Trees)
Creato da trist14222
A slightly wider road (7 tiles/56 metres across) with dedicated tram line, 2 lanes of traffic and bike lanes + wide pavement and nature strips. Royal Parade, the main boulevard through Melbourne's inner Parkville suburb, lined with terrace houses on one si...
Ryan's 3+2 Bike Lane Road
Creato da Ryannayr140
3+2 Bike Lane by Ryannayr140...
Sidewalk Cafe 1x1 Guinness
Creato da MrMiyagi
Please see required list of items and subscribe to them. Both non-modded and modded players can enjoy these. See pictures for helpful tips on both types of players. There is a one-click collection, too. A typical European al fresco/sidewalk part of a shop ...
Sidewalk Cafe 2x1 Red Bull
Creato da MrMiyagi
Please see required list of items and subscribe to them. Both non-modded and modded players can enjoy these. See pictures for helpful tips on both types of players. There is a one-click collection, too. A typical European al fresco/sidewalk part of a shop ...
Sidewalk Cafe Fine Dining - Hi End Computers!
Creato da MrMiyagi
Please see required list of items and subscribe to them. Both non-modded and modded players can enjoy these. See pictures for helpful tips on both types of players. There is a one-click collection, too. A typical European al fresco/sidewalk part of a shop ...
Sidewalk Cafe Pergola 2x1
Creato da MrMiyagi
Please see required list of items and subscribe to them. Both non-modded and modded players can enjoy these. See pictures for helpful tips on both types of players. There is a one-click collection, too. A typical European al fresco/sidewalk part of a shop ...
Sea View Restaurant
Creato da bennymedia
Sea View Restaurant/ Restaurant Seeblick by bennymedia (Updated V 1.1, ready for After Dark) Sea View Restaurant Park Info:4x8 plots Construction cost: 3400 Maintenance cost 120 Electricity consumption: 2 Garbage: 1 Water Consum/Sewage: 1/1 Tourists High/M...
Sector A Town Grid
Creato da Dodgen
Sector A Town Grid This is a medium sized town grid with a highway pass though. 160u by 140u. Fits easily into one tile. Good for a starter grid or city expansion. One dogbone exit and 8 roads that run parallel to each other, 12u apart. Easy to expand in a...
Semi-Directional T + Rotary Exit By Rafe
Creato da Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this asset. It was created by Rafe All I did was create a custom Thumbnail and Tooltip Image for the in game toolbar. I did reach out to people to ask them to update but I just don't feel like waiting months for them to be updated or possi...
Shallot City Grid [Busses/Mass Transit]
Creato da Dodgen
Shallot City Grid Changed the tram lines to busses from the original. Requires network extension for 2 lane highways, 4 lane highways, and pedestrian roads. Also make sure that the roads are enabled in the network extensions 2 options(content manager>mods>...
Creato da Christopher
The Museum of Ancient Arts
Creato da jens
A classic museum - a must have for every large city that claims to be a center of cultural life and history. This is a close adaption of the two museum buildings at Viennas Maria-Theresien-Platz with a ve...
The Hall of Distant Fragrance 遠香堂
Creato da Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Hall of Distant Fragrance is t...
The Forbidden City's Corner Tower 故宮角樓
Creato da Emperor Li ***UPDATE 2020-06-01*** Roof color changeable with painter 屋頂顏色可用painter 改 ****************************** The Corner Tower is a part of the defence facilities of the Forbidden City and is famous for its unique shape and its ...
The Flow Interchange
Creato da agusingnavy
The Flow Interchange by agusingnavy ...
Thai Urban Road #01
Creato da NKZ.
Thai Urban Road #01 by NKZ. Detail Assets Detail Thai Urban Small Road Main Textures - 1,024 x 1,024 LOD Textures - 128 x 128 search same name in table. Favorite, Like, and Subscribe Support m...
Tex Mex Grill *After Dark DLC* Leisure
Creato da MrMiyagi
For After Dark DLC, DLC-free version is located here: It has different building colors and difference in the tiles, so if you use both, you will have even more variety in your city...
Simple Highway to Six-lane
Creato da xnux08
- Sound barrier - Trees and bush - Right-hand traffic If you need standard highway version of this, check this :
Simple Highway to Six-lane (LC)
Creato da xnux08
- Trees and bush - Right-hand traffic If you need sound barrier version of this, check this :
Simple Roundabout | Mass Transit DLC
Creato da agusingnavy
Simple Roundabout | Mass Transit DLC by agusingnavy I AM LEGEND "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. *UI Priority: -90000007 Screenshots - Map theme: SCT-ROCKYSHORE - LUT: Owl's Cinemat...
Six-Lane Road with Bike Lanes and Parking Spaces
Creato da ifriqiya
A large avenue with bike lanes and parking spaces on its sides. Characteristics Available in Large Road tab, after your town has reached a population of 5,000 cims. Size: 32m wide (4 cells). Top speed: 60 km/h. Cost: 80/cell. Maintenance: 0.96/cell. Noise ...
Six-Lane Road with Bike Lanes, Tram Tracks and Parking Spaces
Creato da ifriqiya
A large avenue with tram tracks, parking spaces, and bike lanes on its sides. Trams share their lane with other vehicles. Characteristics Available in Large Road and Tram tabs, after your town has reached a population of 5,000 cims. Size: 32m wide (4 cells...
Six-Lane Road with Bike, Bus and Tram Lanes
Creato da ifriqiya
A large avenue with parking spaces and reserved lanes for bikes, buses and trams on its sides. Characteristics Available in Large Road, Bus and Tram tabs, after your town has reached a population of 5,000 cims. Size: 32m wide (4 cells). Top speed: 60 km/h....
Six-Lane Road with Bike, Bus and Tram Lanes, Decorative Grass
Creato da ifriqiya
A large avenue, decorated with grass, with reserved lanes for bikes, buses and tram on its sides. Decorations lower noise pollution and increase the land value. Characteristics Available in Large Road, Bus and Tram tabs after your town has reached a popula...
Small Entrance
Creato da Arisandi
Small Entrance by Arisandi...
Small Football Pitch
Creato da Quboid
Small enclosed football/soccer pitch, by Quboid Requires many additional assets!...
Small Interchange (Mass Transit)
Creato da Arisandi
58x58 same as base game cloverleaf with merging 4-3-2-1 You can check the size in asset editor and compare it . and harmonious with another my small 3 way stack here : ...
Small Luxury Plaza [Re-Upload] {AD}
Creato da N v K
After Dark compatible¡ 4x4 Expensive with high maintenance cost and water comsumption. For your elitists neighborhoods and commercial districts. Thanks to Shroomblaze and Ryanjamesoflondon for his great props. Credits: Ngon (Creator), Me (Re-Upload)...
Small park 2
Creato da Mia
Small 4x4 park, easily placed in any neighborhood. Contains a playground for children and a BBQ area. Made with the boreal theme as default. Construction cost: 500 Entertainment accumulation: 100 Entertainment radius: 1000...
Small Parking Garage / Multi-storey Car Park
Creato da GCVos
This is the little brother to Medium Parking Garage which you can find here: This car park has a 4x4 footprint with a 4x8 total size. This allows you to fill gaps in your zonable areas (partic...
Smooth Tunnel Interchange -Z-
Creato da Zakerias
The Smooth Highway Set holds all the highway intersections that I have used in my maps. They are slighty more polished then on the maps. Whenever I make a new piece it will be added here. Let me know if there are any issues with these items in the comments...
Smooth Wide Birdshead -Z-
Creato da Zakerias
The Smooth Highway Set holds all the highway intersections that I have used in my maps. They are slighty more polished then on the maps. Whenever I make a new piece it will be added here. Let me know if there are any issues with these items in the comments...
SMRT A1.0a basic zoning w/ park
Creato da DVNO
SMRT A1.0a basic zoning w/ park by DVNO...
Solar Covered Parking
Creato da Populous
Solar Covered Parking Parking by Populous You are an Amazing City Planner so here is as requested, Solar Covered Parking designed to match the Lights After Dark Taxi Stand and the Lights After Dark Bus Stand in the After Dark Collection! Matching Assets: F...
Solar panel array
Creato da Jerenable
Solar panel array by Jerenable This is an electricity producing building and can be found you know where :3 These panels are modeled after real solar panels and have an apprpopriate ammount of energy generation to reality (maybe not the game) but who gives...
Solar System Plaza
Creato da Polarstorm
ATTENTION: You REALLY NEED(!) Prop Rotating Params. The asset was created before boformer discovered a new method for rotations and the Plaza will not work correctly with the new method (all planets will rotate at same speed). Did i already say that you ne...
Creato da CityOfTokyo
SolarPowerTower I made this asset by a request of Mr. nanodog. This solar heat power station is made from a collecting tower to send light to the NERV headquarters in the geo-front with animated cartoon "Evangelion". Do not generate electricity by night; s...
Spa and Hotel
Creato da Tomas13TO
Spa and Hotel for your Cims. INFO maps - d,n,s,i,a (512x2048) triangles - 8352 LOD triangles - 277 It's located in unique buildings (level 3) 4x11 Screenshots are taken with - Daylight Classic by BloodyPenguin - Softer Shadows by boformer - Realistic LUT V...
Spiral park (8x8)
Creato da Richard Cephal
A 8x8 spiral park that fits neatly across the 8 cell buildable area in your grids. Costs 10,000 credits 125 entertainment value (same as high value vanilla parks) 400 radius (normal)...
Smooth Clothes Hanger -Z-
Creato da Zakerias
The Smooth Highway Set holds all the highway intersections that I have used in my maps. They are slighty more polished then on the maps. Whenever I make a new piece it will be added here. Let me know if there are any issues with these items in the comments...
Spring Valley Theme
Creato da Black Fire
This is a theme, which works as a "snow as sand" mod. By this you can create beautifull maps which combine playing on a summer map, but never the less have nice snowy mountains. The Theme was created for my map "Spring Valley" - but it can be used also for...
Springwood Map Theme
Creato da Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Star Trek Propaganda Wall Murals & Posters
Creato da MrMiyagi
5 different Klingon and Starfleet recruitment posters and wall murals in multiple sizes. If you use Loading Screen Mod, the file size will be greatly reduced since it will load only 5 textures rather than the usual loading of duplicate textures. This proje...
Star Trek Spock Mural
Creato da MrMiyagi
A wall mural honoring Spock / Leonard Nimoy in two sizes, large and extra large, so if you use Loading Screen Mod, the file size will be halved. This project by BrowncoatTrekky and Mr Miyagi brings Star Trek and Firefly signs, posters, banners and flags to...
Star Wars Walker AT-AT Monument by Thorzeus
Creato da Thorzeus
Star Wars Walker Atak Monument by Thorzeus. Standing around 15 stories high its about the height it is in the films. The cost of this monument is 250k and 2k maintenance. It has its own tool tip and can be found in monuments level 3. Unless you have unlock...
Starbucks Coffee
Creato da KingLeno
Starbucks Coffee by KingLeno Because there can never be enough Starbucks on the workshop! This building was created as a stand alone building, but can be clipped together to make a shopping center. Included in this asset is a General Commercial Building wh...
Style - Quad Set
Creato da Quad Rioters
*This set is out of date. If you want to create a theme style, please use this mod instead. It is convenient and non-destructive, but watch out for the official patch. ________________________...
Suburban Residential Development
Creato da Colorado ~76~
Quickly add suburban developments to your city. Works well by itself or use with City Grid and extension to quickly lay out basic infrastructure for your city Starter grid http://steamcommunit...
Sun energy
Creato da MateuszUstrzyki
Smart solar panels will optimise your city with a lot of energy at a low cost of construction and maintenance ...
Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance
Creato da BloodyPenguin
Prevents large props (like planes, containers etc.) from disappearing on zooming out. Adjusts LOD distance for trees depending on their size. The larger is prop/tree, the further it is visible! For small props visibility distances should remain the same as...
Advanced Road Tools
Creato da pcfantasy
This Mod can build more complex curve to help build a interchange quickly. 这个mod可以画出一些复杂曲线,帮助快速修立交 !!!!! Tools will still detect your real cash amount even when you use unlimited money. If you want to build roads for free, you can click a option in mod`s o...
Airport Roads
Creato da SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) Fixed version of Runways and Taxiways mod. Adds runways and taxiways to the airport menu. Runway has the same cost as Highway road. Taxiway has the same cost as Small road. This mod doesn't change the p...
Asphalt Road Skins
Creato da ManuRamos
SKIN RAOD ASPHALT Pack of 7 no conforming to terrain Skin Roads Network. I have recast these skins into a new set of networks. For this reason, I recommend that you unsubscribe from these and subscribe to my new RSKL RAOD SKIN LINES. ----------------------...
Castle Harbour
Creato da azz0lt
Update 31st Dec 2021 1st place - Realistic Category: BonbonB Map of the Year; Update 4th July 2021 1st place - Viewers' Choice: BonbonB Map of the Month Greetings! Here...
Cross The Line
Creato da BloodyPenguin
Allows to build your infrastructure (e.g. highways) outside of city limits You need this mod if you want to edit highways, railways, trees, electricity lines and water/sewage lines outside of city limits and/or 25 tile area. This mod also allows you to pla...
CSL Map View
Creato da Gansaku
CSL Map View (Current version 4.4.7) This mod draws a image of map. Exactly, it is another external executable (CSLMapView.exe; bundled with the mod) to draw the map. The mod only outputs data file for that. If mod or viewer don't run, send comment with co...
Duvelbek Bay -Z-
Creato da Zakerias
Coastal Map: Duvelbek Bay It's been a while since my previous map, but the announcement of the expansion pulled me right back in the editor. So here it is, Duvelbek Bay. A wide, rocky map with lots of beaches and scenic locations. I've kept the upcoming ex...
Creato da Wafthrudnir
For Entre-Deux I took inspiration from tropical volcanic islands, especially Réunion, a french overseas department in the Indian Ocean. Here you will find dense forests, canyons and beaches. Please make sure to subscribe to everything in the map collection...
Extra Train Station Tracks ( ETST )
Creato da BloodyPenguin Adds more train station track assets for custom train stations. This mod was created before custom network assets were a thing and is still needed for stations created with its tracks. These tracks are only available to asse...
Fine Road Tool - Ending
Creato da Klyte45 This place used to be the old remake from Fine Road Tool based on SamSamTS. Use Network Anarchy from Quboid instead....
Unlimited Trees: Revisited
Creato da kjmci
Unlimited Trees: Revisited has been deprecated This fork existed to fix a single issue: long save-times in cities with a high volume of trees, and a large number of fires. A fix for this (and much more) has been incorporated into the new Tree Anarchy mod. ...
Unlimited Trees Mod v1.12
Creato da DRen72
UNLIMITED TREES MOD v1.12 Current code by BloodyPenguin and mod site hosted by DRen72 Latest Code Update: May 24, 2018 (Compatible and tested with v1.12.2 and Campus DLC) This mod unlocks the games limitation of 262,144 tree...
Ultra Friendly Neighborhood Park
Creato da Neydara
No noise pollution so you can place it in the middle of your city, without people going sick. Also; attracts many tourists and has a high visitor count....
[DEPRECATED] Touch This! Tool 4
Creato da Klyte45
This mod is being deprecated and will not be updated anymore. Use the Upgrade Untouchable Mod to use the features the Touch This Tool used to have in with more safety. ...
Toggleable Whiteness
Creato da BloodyPenguin When plopping buildings, makes InfoView overlay displayed only if InfoView panel is visible. Also allows to switch info views while plopping buildings, placing roads or drawing districts This mod doesn't provide a hotkey. In...
Terraform tool 0.9
Creato da rollo
You need money to terraform, so if you have 0$ it won't work. Install unlimited money mod or get rich to terraform. Control keys: For laptops you can redefine keys in the settings - Map editor tab -> Look at last screenshot By default: Numpad Plus / Minus ...
Resize It!
Creato da Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to resize the scrollable panels in-game to match your style of play. NEW IN 1.16 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.15 - Recompiled for Citi...
Residential Complex
Creato da Tomas13TO
Hello everyone. I don't have a lot of time for Cities Skylines at the last months. But Easter is coming so here is my little contribution for the community. Luxury Residential Complex with four color variation. Enjoy it and happy Easter. You need to use th...
Precision Engineering
Creato da Simie Precision Engineering augments Cities: Skylines by adding angle snapping, guidelines and additional information to assist you when building roads, train lines, pipes and power lines. Installatio...
Pollution Solution
Creato da Shadow Link
Details A simple mod for Cities: Skylines that allows you to enable/disable Noise, Ground, and Water pollution. Noise Pollution Disabling and Re-enabling Noise Pollution takes effect after a few seconds. GroundPollution Disabling Ground Pollution takes eff...
Phoenix High School
Creato da Kliekie
Phoenix High School "Construction of the Bond Bryan-designed £7.6m Post-16 Centre at Phoenix High School in Shepherds Bush, London has been completed and has been handed over to pioneering Executive Head Teacher Sir William Atkinson. The building has been ...
Node Controller Renewal 3.5
Creato da macsergey Overview This mod allows you change node type and shape This is renewal version of original Node Controller by kian.zarrin with improved UI/UX. The new UI allows you to make the perfect inters...
Network Skins
Creato da boformer Change the visual appearance of roads, train tracks and pedestrian paths per segment. This is an improved version of the well-known Network Skins mod, developed by TPB and boformer. Disable the other Network Skins mod before...
Network Extensions 2
Creato da sniggledigit
Now Using Harmony 2.2 What's New (v. Updated for Hotels & Retreats (v. Now compatible with Better Education Toolbar (v1.2.0.0) Updated for compatibility with Plazas & Promenades Source:
Modular 45deg. car park
Creato da eMJay
Modular 45deg. car park 6 Parks: 3 for the left road side and 3 for the right side Watch the video to see how it works! You need the props and parkinglines from DeChaah
Lost Heaven
Creato da mr.pixelcat
Addition Hi! My name is mr.pixelcat and I want to share with you a map from the game Mafia: Definitive Edition. Unfortunately my laptop is too weak to play this game, so I can't check the heightmap. In general, the height map was made "By eye" + I really l...
Laviante 2.0
Creato da jPRO93
Laviante 2.0 - Map Theme Use with Laviante LUT by @notDoneyet Used 1k - 4k textures. Cliff optimized for Coastal maps. Sand texture with soft brush creates ruined texture, use with combination with oil (or ore) Sand use unde...
Intersection Marking Tool 1.14.5
Creato da macsergey Overview This mod allows you to quickly create road markings at intersections. This is for detailing and aesthetics ONLY and WILL NOT tell your traffic where to go. If you want to control traf...
Fire Department 17
Creato da Senfkorn
Hi community, here is it, the worst nightmare of all pyromaniacs: the new Fire Department 17. You like what you see? Then take a look at my matching Fire Station. Have fun! You like my assets and want to support my work? That's cool! Thank you. PayPal Abou...
Forest Brush v1.3
Creato da Katalepsis
Lets you create, edit, and save mixed tree brushes. Forest Brush lets you paint realistic and varied forest, grasslands, gardens or just patches of plants with ease and convenience. It features a slick and intuitive interface and extensive customisation op...
Griffith Observatory
Creato da Kliekie
The Griffith Observatory The Los Angeles park and landmark is perched above Mount Hollywood with a magnificent view of Downtown LA just south of Hollywood. She isn't too far from Hollywood as in addition to her commanding view; the Observatory has played h...
Game Center / タイトーステーション秋葉原
Creato da Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese game center inspired by "Taito Station Akihabara" in AKIBA, Tokyo. Since the game center has ATM, visitors can play games without worrying about money( at that time). Grow-able Buildings: Commercial High-density, Level 3 Tris: 1954 ( LOD: 39) Text...
Glass Gate
Creato da Like_Mike
Glass Gate that conforms to terrain....
H2 雑居ビル02 Japanese Commercial Building 02
Creato da TOKACHI269
雑居ビルです。 Japanese Commercial Building 02 by TOKACHI269...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1
Creato da stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1a
Creato da stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
ネットワーク法面 Network JP retaining wall
Creato da TOKACHI269
アップデートでMODが必要になりました。サブスクお願いします。 右側通行だとEnd部分がおかしくなるかも。8mの高さで設置されます。 Wall01 right by TOKACHI269...
Creato da 小猕猴桃
哈尔滨大剧院(英语:Harbin Grand Theatre )坐落于中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市松北区的文化中心岛内,该建筑采用了异型双曲面的外型设计,是哈尔滨的标志性建筑。2016年2月,哈尔滨大剧院被ArchDaily评选为“2015年世界最佳建筑”之“最佳文化类建筑”。 请注意:本资产面数非常多,40000+,且由于本人技术太渣,不会做夜景贴图,模型也有很多瑕疵,各位大哥大姐对付着看吧。夜间灯光可以考虑在建筑里放几个小灯。...
复星外滩中心 Fosun Center V2.0
Creato da Aurouscia
更新了贴图,塑料感减少 复星外滩中心是一对位于武汉的双子塔,目前还没动工,其建成后将取代吉隆坡石油双子塔成为世界上最高的双子塔。由于网上资料极为稀缺,只能照着仅有的几张图片做出来,可能不太准确。高度并非真实高度。谢谢大家的支持。 如果订阅之后找不着,请尝试点击各个“已修建”的建筑图标...
Creato da 752811818
瀑布视野 FALLS-VIEWS 幻想世界系列-瀑布视野 第六级特殊建筑 由三栋曲线建筑围绕中部瀑布核心构成 添加真实玻璃结构 additive shader 效果 高度约250m 三角形个数16000+,游戏内提示三角形数量过多,可忽略。 (The following is translated by Google....
郑州东站(站房建筑) Zhengzhou East Railway Station(Building)
Creato da 大鼎
郑州东站(站房建筑) Zhengzhou East Railway Station(Building) 测试资产,仅为建筑模型,无站台及停靠设站功能 Test assets, only for building model, without platform and transport function 贴图精度不高,后续有时间会更新,无夜晚发光贴图 The texture mapping is not very clear, it will be updated in the future, and th...
Creato da ELeven夜
自己做的第三个资产,黑衣人摩托的自行车板,哈哈哈 希望大家喜欢,需要夜生活DLC,不需要MOD 因为本人太菜无法解决摩托版转向导致车轮变形问题,所以只能搞自行车了 模型 Polys:1769 verts:1936 LOD: Polys:36 verts:36 贴图:256*256...
"A" Green Futuristic Building CC
Creato da CushyCrux
"A" Green Futuristic Building CC Newer, better HD Version here: Because the Future is Green. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! 443 Polys 1000 Tris 529 Ve...
"Integrity" Town Museum CC
Creato da CushyCrux
"Integrity" Town Museum CC -------------------------- Because Artists create Art. Some funny things will happen with your budget if you place this. The LOD is not Integer. ;0) Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal...
"Cubista" Tower CC
Creato da CushyCrux
"Cusbista" Tower CC Because Artists create Art. It needs some tris. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 5 / 4x4 4300 Polys 4300 Tris 2888 Verts 2048 Texture Maps (with baked AO and GI!) My Workshop Stuff http://st...
"Kisho" Apartment Tower CC
Creato da CushyCrux
"Kisho" Apartment Tower CC User "alborzka" ask me to create this wonderful Thing. It's based on a Idea of a modular Tower by Kisho Kurokawa, as a part of "Helix City". And because Artists create Art. It needs !some! Tris. The lowest LOD Can't work and look...
2-Side Highway Exit
Creato da YoNoSoyTu
2-Side Highway Exit by YoNoSoyTu...
27 x H3 Commercial Generic Futuristic Blocks [RICO]
Creato da Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default these assets are H3 commercial growables. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . -- Important -- These are 27 different H3 commercial growables, but they all use the same texture maps for their main m...
2U Zoneable Pedestrian Road Gravel
Creato da OlexX
2U Zoneable Pedestrian Road Gravel (Deutsch siehe unten) 2 squares (units) wide pedestrian road with one car lane in each direction and Eastern Cottonwood trees on both sides. Pedestrians and cyclists share the width of the road with cars. Properties: 2 sq...
2U Zoneable Pedestrian Road Pavement
Creato da OlexX
2U Zoneable Pedestrian Road Pavement (Deutsch siehe unten) 2 squares (units) wide pedestrian road with one car lane in each direction and Horse Chestnut trees on both sides. Pedestrians and cyclists share the width of the road with cars. Properties: 2 squa...
33bits GTM Office [level VI]
Creato da Linotype
NOTE: this is a reupload, to fit it into right category. This is an original building i made for my community (33 Bits) and my main magazine (Games Tribune Magazine), both from Spain. It's an original model for Cities Skylines, some kind of modern and fant...
4x4 Highrise houseroom #1
Creato da AliTarGz
Hello everybody ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Model info: Tris ~ 4200 Texture size = 1024x1024 Texture types = d, i LOD info: Tris = 784 Texture = 128x128 ---------------------------------------------...
Quad's Tech Armament
Creato da Quad Rioters
There are infinite numbers of cims worldwide. The only question here is "How do we arm them all". Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Industrial Generic - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,326, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 204, 128x128 - Description: Futuristic s...
[RICO] Blue Wave Hotel by Vexcarius
Creato da Meteor Daddy
THUMBS UP AND RATE IF YOU LIKE IT Blue Wave Hotel by Vexcarius Tris: Only 853+ 16x8 building How about modern style hotel with pools and relaxation areas? ENJOY! Please Support me :D If you're feeling a bit generous, I wouldn't refuse a cup of coffee or so...
Creato da stmSantana
VBike-01 by stmSantana It's a Electric bicycle! This is a Repainted asset. Vehicle,Scooter. Max speed 20. (Vanilla scooter : 20) "Original Asset by stmSantana VBike00" ...
[MB3]Type 3 Ground Metro staion module
Creato da konfox0527
3型メトロモジュール駅 Type 3 Metro ground station module /modular station 概要 Overview 内装道路を廃止して地上と水平の高さに線路を設置できるようにした新型地上駅モジュールのメトロ版です。Sunset harborアップデート以降の公式の地上メトロに対応してます。 内装道路がないため建設用道路を引いて建設してください。 Modなし環境に対応したバニラ版です。 This is a new Metro (New metro Sunset harbor...
[Growable] Modern House
Creato da LucasK336
A big level 4 house that will spawn on 4x4 lots. This the second model I make so it might not be "HOLY S*IT" level of quality, but I think it's alright. Give it a place in your city, love it, and it will ever be there for you. At last until it gets updated...
[Grow+RICO] Tour Orgemont A (Epinay, France)
Creato da Alexgazz
Cité d'Orgemont, Epinay-sur-Seine, 93 Seine-Saint-Denis Construits en 1960, Apparence avant rénovation de 1990. Built in 1960, Appearence before renovation of 1990. Architecte: Daniel Michelin High Residential Tower Lot size: 2x3 Residential Level: 2 Avec/...
[AD]Inactive Atlantis Stargate by Morsh
Creato da Morsh
This is the Inactive Atlantis Stargate from Stargate Atlantis In Cities Skylines it functions as a Park, since it is inactive and doing it as Metro would be a bit strange. People can still hang out around it! ;) Check my Workshop for more Design variety of...
[AD]Drosovilas OCBC Centre from Singapore (Unique Building)
Creato da Drosovila
Drosovilas OCBC Centre from SIngapore. -Unique Building Level 5, Stats based off of "Modern Arts Museum" -8x4 size. Height 197.7 meters(1:1) -680 tris, 2048x1024 texture res, custom LOD(300 tris, 512x256 texture res) -Feel free to send me screenshots of it...
Zoning Adjuster 1.6
Creato da algernon A tool to adjust and fine-tune zoning grids Yes, the one-sided and remove zoning functions of this mod work happily alongside those introduced in the base game in 1.17 - you can use either or both. Remember that this mod doe...
Aalto Opera House
Creato da GDuath
The Aalto Opera House (Aalto-Musiktheater) is a performing arts venue in Essen, Germany. Designed by the Finnish architect Alvar Aalto, it opened in 1988 after 5 years of construction. The style is considered "organic architecture" due to its curved forms ...
Abrupt Spine
Creato da Tsundere Senpai
Multi-purpose commercial structure with a solar concentrating concave face. Growable Level 2 High Density Commercial Ploppable Rico version: Abrupt Spine (Ploppable RICO)...
ad cable car
Creato da Eggsareok
cable car end with adds and parking spaces on it...
Contrassegnato come incompatibile ]  [DEPRECATED] Adaptive Networks (AN) V3.16 [DEPRECATED]
Creato da kian.zarrin
Subscribe to THIS VERSION INSTEAD Adaptive Networks (formerly know as Adaptive roads) Is a requirement for AN Roads and helps such roads to react to TMPE rules. This mod does nothing if you have no AN-compatible road(see the list later in the description)....
Additional Pylon
Creato da gido505
You must construct additional pylons! Based on Wind Turbine. Can be placed anywhere 1x1. Cost 20,000. Upkeep 80/week. No Noise pollution so can be placed near residential places with good wind speeds. Produces 32MW of electricity on a 10 wind speed. ...
Advanced Building Level Control 1.3.2
Creato da algernon Enables fine-grained control of growable building levels New in 1.3: Support "true random" selection of building appearance when changing building levels (by default, the game will always use the same model for each level of...
Advanced Vehicle Options
Creato da Tim
Advanced Vehicle Options 1.9.12 Hubs & Transports DLC Mod Compatibility and Loading Issues If you have any issues with the new Treasure Hunt DLC, please be sure to read Avanya's support discussi...
Aero Hydrogen Ferry
Creato da Rake
!!!HIGH POLY!!! (Might cause lag) Aero Hydrogen Ferry Check out to learn more. Functions the same as the default Ferry. You can do whatever you wan...
Aerotrain Pack - Props
Creato da nardo Aerotrain Ring Props place em tilt em! This Pack includes the Props of: Wide Ring Ground - AETR Pack Wide Ring Floating - AETR Pack Wide Ring Free - AETR Pack Wide Ring Right - AETR Pack Wide Ring Left - AETR Pack Single Rin...
Aerotrain Pack - Station
Creato da nardo Aerotrain Elevated Station in Cyberpunk Style Hop on or Hop off! This Asset includes: Aerotrain Station - AETR Pack This Station is completely of my own Design with slight inspiration from the Cyberpunk Aesthetic. Enjoy this...
Agave Plant
Creato da ryanjamesoflondon
Agave Plant Triangles:248 Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I would be very grateful if you could support me with a little donation. http...
Air Road
Creato da originalbassbass
An air road for your futuristic city! One way two lane road. I just used the invisible road by nico_oas (all credit to him) and add a few lights with the road editor. LIGHTS APPEAR ONLY WHEN ELEVATED MODE IS ENFORCED!! USE FINE ROAD TOOL FOR THAT WHEN VERY...
Alstom Loop tram
Creato da AleX_BY
Alstom Loop is a French futuristic concept tram. This concept was designed by Alex Nadal in 2011. Model was created by Vanyfilatov for Cities in Motion. Updated and optimised for Cities: Skylines by me. Capacity: 75 (you can change it with IPT.) See also: ...
Akirov Tower
Creato da Kliekie
Based on the real Akirov Towers: Requested by Antoni Skrzypek High residential, fits a 3x3 grid with an expandable front yard (which is filled with parking spots). Level 5, can spawn in 4 diffe...
Collezioni collegate (27)
Assets | Road/Network
Contiene 138 oggetti
Chirper University
Contiene 23 oggetti
Contiene 1 oggetto
ConflictNerd's Fustercluck
Contiene 504 oggetti
Dylan's Diabolical Displays
Contiene 225 oggetti
Grids & Intersections
Contiene 12 oggetti
MAYA | Mods Collection
Contiene 114 oggetti
MrMaison's Nature Collection
Contiene 127 oggetti
My Parks (core79)
Contiene 124 oggetti
Parks + Parking
Contiene 124 oggetti
PHTNGaming Mods Collection
Contiene 126 oggetti
Road Grids
Contiene 17 oggetti
Roads & Intersections Extended
Contiene 164 oggetti
Sunken Highway Interchanges
Contiene 11 oggetti
System highway interchanges
Contiene 30 oggetti
The Mighty 16GB+ RAM Collection
Contiene 989 oggetti
Contiene 22 oggetti
CityWokCityWall's MARS Assets
Contiene 948 oggetti