Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Items (20)
University History Building
Created by Benetto
University History Building Workers: Uneducated: 20 Educated: 30 Well Educated: 80 Highly Educated: 50 Education: 100 Education Radius: 1500 Student count: 300 Water accumulation: 40 Water consumption: 30 Construction cost: 25000 Maintenance cost: 1000 Gar...
University Student Union
Created by Benetto
University Student Union Workers: Uneducated: 20 Educated: 40 Well Educated: 80 Highly Educated: 40 Education: 100 Education Radius: 1000 Student count: 300 Water accumulation: 40 Water consumption: 30 Construction cost: 25000 Maintenance cost: 1500 Garbag...
University Water Tower
Created by Benetto
University Water Tower Electr. Consumption: 15 Construction cost: 3000 Fire Hazard: 0 Fire Tolerance: 20 Garbage: 0 Maintenance cost: 1000 Noise: 15 Noise radius: 20 Outlet pollution: 50 Water intake: 4000 Workers: Educated: 20 Chirper University collectio...
University Acting School
Created by Benetto
University Acting School Workers: Uneducated: 20 Educated: 30 Well Educated: 80 Highly Educated: 50 Education: 100 Education Radius: 1500 Student count: 300 Water accumulation: 40 Water consumption: 30 Construction cost: 25000 Maintenance cost: 1000 Garbag...
University Admission
Created by Benetto
University Admission Workers: Uneducated: 10 Educated: 30 Well Educated: 60 Highly Educated: 40 Education: 100 Education Radius: 1000 Student count: 200 Water accumulation: 40 Water consumption: 30 Construction cost: 35000 Maintenance cost: 2000 Garbage: 1...
University Bus Depot
Created by Benetto
University Bus Depot: Cost: 50000 Maintenance: 2500 Workers: Uneducated: 15 Educated: 20 Well Educated: 20 Highly Educated: 4 Electricity: 60 Chirper University collection:
University Clock Tower
Created by Benetto
University Clock Tower Workers: Uneducated: 20 Educated: 10 Well Educated: 10 Highly Educated: 10 Education: 100 Education Radius: 500 Student count: 60 Water accumulation: 40 Water consumption: 30 Construction cost: 15000 Maintenance cost: 1000 Garbage: 1...
University Dorm Right
Created by Benetto
University Dorm Right Workers: Uneducated: 20 Educated: 10 Well Educated: 10 Highly Educated: 10 Education: 100 Education Radius: 500 Student count: 150 Water accumulation: 40 Water consumption: 30 Construction cost: 20000 Maintenance cost: 1000 Garbage: 1...
University Sport Hall
Created by Benetto
University Sport Hall Workers: Uneducated: 20 Educated: 40 Well Educated:80 Highly Educated: 40 Education: 100 Education Radius: 1000 Student count: 300 Water accumulation: 40 Water consumption: 30 Construction cost: 30000 Maintenance cost: 1500 Garbage: 1...
University Library Building
Created by Benetto
University Library Building Workers: Uneducated: 20 Educated: 30 Well Educated: 20 Highly Educated: 10 Education: 100 Education Radius: 1500 Student count: 200 Water accumulation: 40 Water consumption: 30 Construction cost: 35000 Maintenance cost: 1000 Gar...
University Maths Building
Created by Benetto
University Maths Building Workers: Uneducated: 20 Educated: 30 Well Educated: 80 Highly Educated: 50 Education: 100 Education Radius: 1500 Student count: 300 Water accumulation: 40 Water consumption: 30 Construction cost: 25000 Maintenance cost: 1000 Garba...
University Office Building
Created by Benetto
University Office Building Workers: Uneducated: 10 Educated: 30 Well Educated: 60 Highly Educated: 40 Education: 100 Education Radius: 1000 Student count: 200 Water accumulation: 40 Water consumption: 30 Construction cost: 45000 Maintenance cost: 2000 Garb...
University Philosophy Building
Created by Benetto
University Philosophy Building Workers: Uneducated: 20 Educated: 20 Well Educated: 60 Highly Educated: 20 Education: 100 Education Radius: 1000 Student count: 400 Water accumulation: 40 Water consumption: 30 Construction cost: 35000 Maintenance cost: 1000 ...
University Police Department
Created by Benetto
University Police Department Workers: Uneducated: 14 Educated: 16 Well Educated: 8 Highly Educated: 2 Sentence length: 15 Jail: 10 Radius: 700 Car: 4 Construction cost: 12000 Maintenance cost: 2000 Chirper University collection:
University Political Building
Created by Benetto
University Political Building Workers: Uneducated: 20 Educated: 20 Well Educated: 60 Highly Educated: 20 Education: 100 Education Radius: 1000 Student count: 400 Water accumulation: 40 Water consumption: 30 Construction cost: 35000 Maintenance cost: 1000 G...
University Rectangle Dorm
Created by Benetto
University Rectangle Dorm Workers: Uneducated: 20 Educated: 10 Well Educated: 10 Highly Educated: 10 Education: 100 Education Radius: 500 Student count: 300 Water accumulation: 40 Water consumption: 20 Construction cost: 15000 Maintenance cost: 1000 Garbag...
Faculty Building (University)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a university building. About the model Some people requested a few more buildings for a campus in the comments of Jubilee Hall. Since it was only a minor effort to cut the original up and r...
Jubilee Hall (University)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a university building. About the model A little side project that turned out to be more than a side project. :) I always wanted to do a university and Jubilee Hall was kind of the way I ima...
University of Science and Technology
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, your cims want to know if there is an economic sense to run a toaster with nuclear power? Then offer them a place to study at the University of Science and Technology. Maybe this is the place where the Warp Drive gets invented. Have fun! You ...
Linked collections (2)
Fisk University
Contains 4 items
Chirper University
Contains 23 items
In 1 collection by Bearblue
17 items