Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

88 ratings
T-Interchange with slip roads 01
Assets: Intersection
File Size
1.034 MB
30 Mar, 2015 @ 5:30am
2 Jul, 2015 @ 6:00am
4 Change Notes ( view )

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T-Interchange with slip roads 01

In 1 collection by Jerunn
10 items
T-Interchange with slip roads01 by Jerunn

Are you annoyed that the t-intersection consumed so much space in your city?
Well then use it simply as a driveway to the highway and intersection for urban traffic too!

I'm glad to present you a masterpiece of german engineering.
The three-way t-shaped intersection with on and off ramps, sound barrier and pedestrian path.
Every direction got his own line. So no one needs to cross anyone else line. That prevents congestions!
There are also four roundabouts. One central for the on and off ramps and three at the city entrances to guarantee a free traffic flow.

If you want to use this intersection in the map editor, you will need a different version. That's because you can't build roads, pedestrian paths or sound barriers in the editor. Here you find the Editor version.

If you already play a map with this Intersection, than think about to replace the editor version to this one. This version will reduce the noise pollution and has pedestrian paths too.

Use TM:PE or Improved Lane Connections mod to encourage better lane utilisation and thus increase traffic capacity.

Pls thumbs up if u like it.


T-Interchange with slip roads01 by Jerunn

Bist du genervt dass die Autobahn-T-Kreuzung so viel platz verbraucht?
Na dann nutze sie doch einfach auch als Autobahnzubringer und als Kreuzung für den innerstädtischen Verkehr!

Ich freue mich Dir ein Meisterstück deutscher Ingenieurskunst presentieren zu dürfen.
Die Autobahn-T-Kreuzung mit Autobahnzu. und -abbringer, Schlallschutzwänden und Fußgängerwegen.
Jede Richtung hat ihre eigene Fahrspur, sodass niemand jemand anderen schneiden muss. Das verhindert Staus!
Zudem gibt es 4 Kreisel. Ein zentralen für die Zubringer und drei weitere für die Stadteingänge, um einen freien Verkehrsfluss zu garantieren.

Dieses T-Kreuz ist ideal für Mapbauer um anderen den Einstieg in eine neue Karte zu erleichtern.
Allerdings wirst Du eine andere Version benötigen, weil Du im Mapeditor keine Straßen, Schallschutzwände und keine Fußgängerwege bauen kannst. Die Editorversion findest Du hier

Solltest Du bereits auf einer Map mit dieser T-Kreuzung spielen, dann denke darüber nach sie evtl. zu ersetzen. Die hier gezeigte Version reduziert nämlich die Lärmbelästigung und hat außerdem Fußgängerwege.

Nutze TM:PE oder Improved Lane Connections Mod um das Nutzungsverhalten der Fahrspuren zu verbessern und so die Verkehrskapazität zu erhöhen.

Bitte hinterlasse ein Daumen hoch, wenn Dir das hier gefällt.
Popular Discussions View All (2)
2 Jul, 2015 @ 11:15am
Update: 2nd July, 2015
30 Mar, 2015 @ 9:50am
Update: 30th March, 2015
Jerunn  [author] 3 Jun, 2021 @ 5:47am 
I have found another mod that automatically takes over the administration of the timetables. It won't change the result too much, I guess, but it's easier to handle. It's called Improved Lane Connections
Don't worry about feedback, I welcome it.
samuel1698 30 May, 2018 @ 7:31pm 
I had the traffic manager mod, and the lane rules really helped, but it could only handle so much. Don't take this as criticism, it's a great intersection, it's just a feature I'd like someone better than me give it a go. I made the roundabout a 6 lane highway from Network Expansion 2 mod, and bigger in size. Made all the in lanes come from "inside" the circle, and the out lanes from the outside, and with that the intersection was able to handle a LOT more traffic.
Jerunn  [author] 29 May, 2018 @ 1:07am 
Hi Samuel, thank you for using my content. I have not played this game properly for a while and currently have no city with this intersection. Previously, the problem was that all cars want to use the same lane. I think the Mod 'Traffic Manager: President Edition' would help or another mod with which you can assign lanes. I think that if you only allow each right-turn option for right turn, less congestion would arise. But I'm also afraid that the roundabouts are too small to handle a lot of traffic. To increase the roundabouts, but would also block more space on the map. But I will insert this intersection in my current city and try out if that helps to assign lanes and if so add a picture in the slideshow.
samuel1698 28 May, 2018 @ 7:45pm 
It works great, but can only handle so much traffic. Is there a way you could make all the ramps coming to the big roundabout merge on the left, and all the ramps leading out from the right? I managed to do it with some Road Anarchy and Move It!, and although very efficient, doesn't look very nice.
33shin33 2 Jan, 2018 @ 4:33pm 
fucking labyrinth I love it !
Edekoo 26 Mar, 2016 @ 5:45am 
WoW !!
Jerunn  [author] 2 Jul, 2015 @ 11:04am 
New Update.
Watch the update news in the discussion.
Merbeast 16 Apr, 2015 @ 12:54am 
plugs up under moderate traffic loads. Looks awesome, but just can't keep traffic moving.
Highmoor 13 Apr, 2015 @ 6:48am 
Could do with a interchnge with a similar design but a cross-road instead of a T-junction.
Luna Wildpawe 12 Apr, 2015 @ 3:47pm 
Nice idea but kept having an issue with traffic getting jammed in the center roundabout for some reason.