Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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6x9 Grid City Park (connectable)
Assets: Park
File Size
874.948 KB
13 Mar, 2021 @ 5:54pm
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6x9 Grid City Park (connectable)

Nice city park divided in four corners. One with a playground for very young children, one with a playground for somewhat older children, a little soccer field, and a beautified corner.

Park is connectable with paths from all sides. Great for use in a grid!

- Anarchy required for placing!
- Groundtextures may look different depending on the map theme (see last screenshot, which also shows some other parks I created, compared to the other screenshots)

Size: 6x9
Cost: 4000,-
Maintenance: 24,-
Entertainment: 125
Radius: 400
Visitors: 75


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Any comments, suggestions and/or feedback is much appreciated! And if you like this asset so much that you think others should use it as well, then please rate it!