Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

54 ratings
Assets: Intersection
File Size
796.376 KB
11 Sep, 2015 @ 4:50pm
11 Sep, 2015 @ 6:41pm
3 Change Notes ( view )

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In 1 collection by Koesj
Real life-sized interchanges
9 items

A 'standard' cloverleaf with collector-/distributor lanes. No landscaping though, the screenshots show how it looks when placed on a nice map.

Size: 154x154 cells laterally, 64 cells across the diagonal
Base cost: 102200 (oops!)
Upkeep: 1212 p/w
Max height: 9 meters
Right-hand drive

Built with:
Precision Engineering
Fine Road Heights Mod

Usable without mods!

Part of my real life-sized interchange collection.

Check out the guide I created on making these kinds of real life-sized interchanges.

Technical description

Another really large interchange, coming in at more than a kilometer in length. And that's not even counting the additional merging needed between the collector-/distributor (C/D) roads and the mainline freeway! This time, I've used Fine Road Heights to 'fill in' some embankments beneath the up- and downwards sloping roads, making for a more rural look to this cloverleaf.

As with my Five-level Stack, I've limited the elevation change to 9 meters here, providing for lower bridges than in the base game. This leads to some minor clipping, but in my opinion it has a bit more of a realistic 'feel' than Cities: Skylines' vanilla 12 meters setting. You're free to change this yourself if you want to of course!

Using Precision Engineering, the left-hand turning loops have got transition curves of 12 cells leading into minimum radius curves of 8 cells. In real-life terms this means that the loops have a design speed of *only* 35 km/h - overall interchange size notwithstanding. Cloverleafs take up a lot of space folks!

The outer, right-hand turn connectors have a design speed of about 80 km/h so they're very well suited for the Highway Ramp-type of roads that are used for them. There's a small straight right next to the loops that I've used in order to keep overall curve size down. In addition, those curves have a slight vertical rise and fall to emulate superelevation and to break up the monotony of the curve.

I've made the C/D lanes between the loop ends into three-lane Highway pieces to facilitate hassle-free weaving. Don't expect this interchange to stow away particularly large amounts of turning traffic though, because as in real life, this cloverleaf could easily jam up at the weaving points!
ralz 28 Mar, 2022 @ 10:17am 
I hate cloverleafs but this is cool
davidgirardrask 31 Oct, 2020 @ 7:22pm 
Very artistic, upper level freeway just what I was looking for.
Friendlygecko 22 May, 2017 @ 5:48pm 
Love it
manu 12 Jan, 2016 @ 11:59am 
Awesome. I hope it should work for left / UK Version hand drive as game will mirror.
Koesj  [author] 14 Sep, 2015 @ 2:25pm 
Thanks bruv :)
Katalepsis 14 Sep, 2015 @ 6:26am 
Dude all your interchanges are sick. Keep going please!