Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

67 ratings
2U Zoneable Pedestrian Road Gravel
Assets: Road
File Size
13.207 MB
17 Aug, 2022 @ 1:37pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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2U Zoneable Pedestrian Road Gravel

In 2 collections by OlexX
Subscribed - Networks & Intersections
64 items
OlexX' Roads
14 items
2U Zoneable Pedestrian Road Gravel

(Deutsch siehe unten)

2 squares (units) wide pedestrian road with one car lane in each direction and Eastern Cottonwood trees on both sides. Pedestrians and cyclists share the width of the road with cars.

  • 2 squares (16m) wide (small road)
  • Speed limit of 20
  • Gravel adapts to map theme
  • No Parking
  • Only ground and elevated version

With the in-game tree upgrade function, the Eastern Cottonwood trees can be changed.

No DLC is needed.

If you give the asset a thumbs down, I'd be very grateful if you could say why in the comments. Then I could possibly make changes and learn for the future.

The screenshots are made with the settings of my European ThemeMix including Relight-settings. The map is Cugassdanox.

Enjoy this road.

2 Quadrate (units) breite Fußgänger Straße mit jeweils einer Autospur in jede Richtung und amerikanischen Schwarz-Pappeln auf beiden Seiten. Fußgänger und Radfahrer teilen sich die Breite der Straße mit allen anderen Verkehrsteilnehmern.

  • 2 Quadrate (16m) breit (kleine Strasse)
  • Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 20 km/h
  • Der Kies-Belag passt sich dem Kartenthema an
  • Ohne Parkmöglichkeiten
  • Ausschließlich die ebenerdige und erhöhte Variante

Mit der spieleigenen Bäume-Upgrade-Funktion können die amerikanischen Schwarz-Pappeln geändert werden.

Es wird kein DLC benötigt.

Wenn du dem Asset einen Daumen runter gibst, wäre ich dir sehr dankbar, wenn du in den Kommentaren sagen würdest, warum. Dann könnte ich eventuell Änderungen vornehmen und für die Zukunft lernen.

Die Screenshots wurden mit den Einstellungen von meinem European ThemeMix inklusive der Relight-Einstellungen gemacht. Die Map ist Cugassdanox.

Viel Spaß beim Bauen.
sebesams 12 May, 2023 @ 6:46am 
thank you !
OlexX  [author] 24 Mar, 2023 @ 11:47pm 
@Mighty_Alex Thanks, I'm glad you like it.
Mighty_Alex 24 Mar, 2023 @ 7:43pm 
You literally made elevated versions for this! Amazing, grabbing this!!!
mario17cn 8 Feb, 2023 @ 6:46pm 
@OlexX I messaged your discord.
OlexX  [author] 8 Feb, 2023 @ 8:51am 
@mario17cn can you write me the link to the mod creator or thread on reddit? Presumably you also uploaded your output_log and compatibility report there. Unfortunately I can't understand your problem.
Maybe you could also upload a picture of the red lines to my discord server: . There you could also upload the output_log and the compatibility report.
Sometimes Steam does not delete the asset from your PC even though you have unsubscribed. Did you check if the folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\255710\2850432653 was really deleted after unsubscribing?
mario17cn 7 Feb, 2023 @ 6:00pm 
@OlexX I tried the unsub/resub method and it's still showing the two errors on the loading screen. A Mod creator from Reddit checked it out based on my Output log and concluded it was broken in some way.

Pedestrian Gravel Elevated0 (missing)
Pedestrian Gravel Elevated1 (missing)

This is what shows up, and in Red, not Orange.
OlexX  [author] 4 Feb, 2023 @ 9:11pm 
@mario17cn this asset is not broken. I use the road a lot in my maps and there are no errors. I don't know what problem you have, but the best is to close the game, unsubscribe the road once, wait a bit and then subscribe again.
I also recommend using Compatibility Report v2.3.2 (Catalogue 7.9) -> . Maybe you have a mod that is causing the error.
3D Master 10 Nov, 2022 @ 6:47am 
1U dangit! 1U! The DLC doesn't give you beautiful small 1u pedestrian roads (different kinds of cobblestone as well) that woud fit hiistorical, medieval and before towns and historical neighborhoods of larger citiess; I was expecting people to create them fiirt! But even modders make all 2u roads; except for one person who created exactly what I was thinking of... except he made them just normal car roads.
kitty 24 Oct, 2022 @ 9:49am 
@OlexX, all good. These are so great, again, thank you for all of your creations.
OlexX  [author] 22 Oct, 2022 @ 1:31am 
@kitty I'm sorry, but I probably won't create a road like that. But you might like the Irish-style Rural Lane .
Actually, my road only looks wider than the vanilla dirt road. The trees are only on top of the raod, not next to it.