Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

414 ratings
Neighbourhood Street (Enhanced Two-Lane Road)
Assets: Road
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13.522 MB
10 Dec, 2017 @ 11:42pm
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Neighbourhood Street (Enhanced Two-Lane Road)

In 1 collection by Urbanist
Urbanist's Street Designs
40 items
This asset does not use any props or decals except the road planter prop from Network Extensions 2.
This is the TWO-WAY version of my two-lane neighbourhood street.



Pretentious Introduction
As part of the "Great Streets for Great Cities" initiative, the Mayor is pleased to announce that all two-lane roads will be progressively upgraded with tree planters along the sidewalks, kerbless crossings with tactile pavement, and in-lane bus stops with shelters. These amenities aim to improve the safety, accessibility, and comfort of pedestrians and public transit passengers, with the larger goal of making our green future a reality by improving walkability and making mass transit more attractive.

Highly Recommended Items
  • Network Extensions 2 - required only for the road planter prop; does not use NExt functionality.
  • Network Skins - to change trees (small, narrow ones will fit better) and street lamps to those of your own liking - default is the awful standard tree with leaves and modern street lamp.
Recommended Items
  • Sidewalk tree planters provide shade to homes, businesses, and pedestrians.
  • Accessible kerb ramps and tactile paving at all crossings.
  • Shorter crossings decrease pedestrian exposure risk and increase safety.
  • Bus bulbs extend the kerb and align the bus stop with the parking lane, allowing buses to stop and board passengers without ever leaving the travel lane. They help buses move faster and more reliably by decreasing the amount of time lost when merging in and out of traffic.
  • Modern street lamps provide pedestrian-scale lighting.
  • Parking lanes removed and double solid lines added at bends (created using the straight road tool).
  • Ground level only - use vanilla roads or Network Extensions roads for elevated, bridge, slope and tunnel.
  • Custom model and textures
  • RHD and LHD supported
  • 16m (2 tiles) wide right-of-way - 3m pavement, 2m parking lanes, 3m vehicle lanes
  • Speed limit 40 km/h
  • Costs $60/cell, upkeep $0.48/week/cell
  • Found under small roads, look for icon as shown in preview image

I continue making roads because I enjoy the work, and I don't expect anything in return.
If you like my work and want to support me, I would very much appreciate if you would consider making a small donation at PayPal[]
ovvldc 26 Sep, 2022 @ 7:58am 
This looks awesome. Can we maybe also have a version where the trees on the wider sidewalk bits and at the start and end of each bus stop? And maybe intersperse a tree every two or three parking spaces? I am just throwing an idea out here, that was the pedestrians won't be bothered by the trees.
Ganliard 1 Jan, 2021 @ 2:11am 
Can bicycles drive on this street?
me22ca 17 Mar, 2020 @ 5:01pm 
These are great! I love the wider sidewalks at junctions.
NarcisSally 💙💛 25 Apr, 2019 @ 1:27am 
Thumbs up :lunar2019wavingpig:
Penguin 4 Apr, 2019 @ 3:11am 
These are really nice, really like how the parking lanes are marked and the asphalt darker. Starting to prefer these over the vanilla roads. As one con though, I kinda miss buses pulling into the parking lane, allowing cars to overtake while they board/unbounce. And maybe a little dream of asymmetric ones to help optimize intersections.
DiStefano8472 23 Jan, 2019 @ 1:38pm 
Is the any possibility to have the parking lots only on one side?
vitalii201 23 Jul, 2018 @ 10:49pm 
After removing from the game: log:
Was on the map, with the help of the tool "!" replaced with another road and after entering the main menu is deleted. After that, saves is not loaded. Installation from Workshop again - everything is fine. Just wondering - how to remove?
BrasseBot 8 Jun, 2018 @ 2:36am 
Thanks! Okay, I've been trying to figure it out myself, but it seems almost random. Theme is Euro 4K Map Theme by pdelmo
Urbanist  [author] 8 Jun, 2018 @ 1:51am 
@Brasse Nice photos! What map theme is that? About the road color, unfortunately I can't control what happens when two different roads join together - the game decides how to blend the colors, and I don't really know how it works too.
BrasseBot 3 Jun, 2018 @ 2:17pm 
I've noticed that some of your roads blends together in a way I haven't seen before. Unfortunately it's not really consistent (still awesome though). Some examples here