Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Items (983)
Øresund Bridge
Created by mr.pixelcat
Located: electricity En: Oresund Bridge Rus: Эресуннский мост Especially for this asset, I made a real map - Øresund - Malmö The Öresund or Øresund Bridge is a combined railway and motorway bridge across the Öresund strait between Sweden and Denmark. The b...
上海交银金融大厦 Bank of communications
Created by CM.
上海交银金融大厦 Bank of communications by CM. 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到 You can find it in the third level of special buildings 此建筑是我在作者joues的原版交通银行大厦建模上做的一些修改,由于是从游戏中导出的模型,模型面数过多,很多地方对我而言实在无法理解,又出现了类似于镜像的建筑翻转,无奈之下就删除了裙楼,便只修改了贴图,重做了lod,并做了夜景。 This building is some modifica...
上海市震旦国际大楼 Shanghai Aurora Plaza Pudong
Created by CM.
目前这只是第一个版本,无LED版,后面还会有更新,可能会出LED版本,具体还要看情况! At present this is only the first version, there is no LED version, there will be updates later, LED version may be released, depending on the situation! 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到它。 You can find it in the third-level specia...
上海明天广场(shanghai tomorrow square)
Created by CM.
无裙楼(No podium) 你可以在六级建筑中找到它。You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 明天广场位于上海市南京西路399号,南京西路与黄陂北路口。基地总面积约664平方米。总建筑面积127400平方米,建筑总高度283米,地下3层,地上58层,总投资约28亿人民币。既有商业用房、公寓,酒店、商场、风味餐厅又有会议中心及宴会厅和健康设施,五十七至五十八层还设置为总统套房。是上海第六高的摩天大楼。地上60层,地下3层,高约2...
Created by 红米先生
上海白玉兰大楼 by 红米...
东风4D 金温铁路 YZ25G 5车
Created by ZM0263
东风4D 金温铁路 YZ25G 5车 by 醉梦0263 警告:机车面数9700+ 车厢面数 10200+ 请酌情下载 车辆编组 DF4D-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G...
Created by 联通
中国牡丹之都单轨列车 by STE AM、联通。...
Created by Go!Vnian
牵引机车:HXD3D型电力机车 列车车体:YW25T型硬卧 车厢定员数:300(每节60人) 车厢数:5 运行速度:160Km/h Locomotive:HXD3D Electric Locomotive Wagon:YW25T series passenger coach(sleeper car) Capacity:300(60 per car) Speed:100MPH Prop版本(Prop Version) 25T型客车(Coach)
中式商业街双层餐饮-B1 彭厨 Chinese Style Commercial Restaurant-B1
Created by FlyInTheSky
中式商业街双层餐饮-B1 彭厨,支持夜间照明 如果你有 RICO,你可以直接用 RICO 来修建这个建筑 可以使用 Find it! 和 Plop the Growables 来修建这个建筑 可自行用 Move it! 或 Building Anarchy 将建筑移动到本资产建筑上 If you have RICO mod, you can use it to build this building. You can use 'Find it!' and 'Plop the Growables'(avoid...
Created by 红米先生
Created by 红米先生
北京三里屯太古里 by 红米 想要做资产的可以联系我,定制资产有偿制作,加Q281775129...
Created by 910095247
南京南栏杆 by 910095247...
Created by 910095247
公交站牌 by 910095247...
Created by Vanilla
Created by 红米先生
妇幼保健院 by 红米...
市公安局 Municipal PSB
Created by amamIya
市公安局 Municipal PSB by amamIya Real Glass Caution: High Polyhedron Model Polyhedron: 36433 LOD Polyhedron: 2688 Texture: Major Structure: 1024*1024, 64*64 Glass & others : 256*256, null Area: 15*9 Jail capacity: 200 Police Car: 40 ...
市图书馆 City Libary
Created by amamIya
市图书馆 City Libary by amamIya...
广州丫髻沙大桥 Guangzhou Yajisha Bridge
Created by 左耳日hachi
丫髻沙大桥(Yajisha Bridge)是中国广东省广州市境内一座连接海珠区与荔湾区的过江通道,位于珠江南干流之上,为广州环城高速公路组成部分。丫髻沙大桥北起三滘立交、南至东沙立交 ,全长1084米。 在独特建筑中可以找到,或者find it搜丫髻沙,因面数过多,游戏中是桥塔的一半,使用魔物镜像拼起来使用,感兴趣的可以订阅~ 制作by红米...
Created by UNFU
广州大剧院是广州新中轴线上的标志性建筑之一,是目前华南地区最先进、最完善和最大的综合性表演艺术中心。坐落于珠江新城花城广场旁,以璀璨的文化地标身份,为中国大胆探索着剧院经营管理新模式和改革发展道路。 广州大剧院由第一位获得“普利兹克建筑奖”的女性、英籍伊拉克设计师扎哈·哈迪德设计,是她进入中国的处女作和成名作 。广州大剧院宛如两块被珠江水冲刷过的灵石,奇特的外形充满奇思妙想。全球顶级声学大师哈罗德·马歇尔博士,为广州大剧院精心打造的声学系统,达到世界一流水平,使其传递出近乎完美的视听效果,获得全球建筑界及艺...
广州市南沙区(Guangzhou,Nansha District)
Created by 十一月的雨
Created by 红米先生
广州环球都会广场 by 逍遥子掌门人 环球都会广场总建筑面积为18万平方米,总高度318米,楼层67层,是中轴至高可售甲级写字楼地标。配备地下5层智能车库、38层之上的空中奢华大堂、8.8米挑高豪华宴会厅等顶级商务配套。项目正处珠江新城最繁华的中轴核心区域,与东塔比肩相邻,共同组成68万平方米集超甲写字楼、高端商场、星级酒店、高端公寓于一体的顶级城市综合体。同时,中轴线上广州歌剧院、图书馆、博物馆、广州塔等七大地标景观也近在咫尺,又可北看56万平方米花城广场中轴景观、南望绝版一线珠江、东北向远眺珠江公园,中...
Created by 红米先生
Created by 红米先生
原型是碧桂园住宅楼户型, 共计两种楼层一个高层30层, 另一个6层多层, 住宅楼属性, 欢迎订阅!...
Created by 红米先生
新中式高档住宅楼 by 红米 33层超高层建筑,占地5X3,住宅楼属性 分辨率:1080P LOD:2600...
星海音乐厅 Xinghai Concert Hall
Created by HooHeeHaa
星海音乐厅位于广东省广州市越秀区二沙岛,造型奇特的外观,富于现代感,犹如江边欲飞的一只天鹅,与蓝天碧水浑然一体,形成一道瑰丽的风景线。 这座以人民音乐家冼星海的名字命名的音乐厅,占地1.4万平方米,建筑面积1. 8万平方米。整体建筑为双曲抛物面钢筋混凝土壳体,室内不吊天花板,做到建筑空间与声学空间融为一体。星海音乐厅总投资达2.5亿元,是我国目前规模最大,设备最先进,功能完备,具有国际水平的音乐厅。 你可以在第五级独特建筑页面下面找到该建筑,也可以用Find it! 占地:7x6 贴图大小:2048x204...
杭州世茂智慧之门,Hangzhou Wisdom Tower
Created by CSCA
Hangzhou Shimao wisdom gate 272.6m × 2\61F × two The plot is located in the landmark position of Binjiang District government, close to the Olympic Sports Expo City, with a total construction area of 372138 square meters and a total floor area of 33857 squ...
杭州凱悅酒店 Hangzhou Grand Hyatt
Created by RAY
杭州凱悅酒店 Hangzhou Grand Hyatt 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 杭州高端小区有兴趣的话可以加入贊助并提早使用哦!! 四座楼一个大门接待厅两个道具 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资...
Created by Lucien-X
Created by hongkongboy999
Created by yuc8939
武汉站—wuhan train station
Created by hikke
作品介绍: 大家好 这次带来的作品是武汉火车站 因为这个车站的造型挺好看的 所以就做了一个~~ 晚上的侧透光 感觉非常好~ 霸气侧漏 有木有! 感谢喜欢我作品的人一如既往的支持 喜欢的点赞哦~~ 这是crh动车组资产配合食用更佳 -------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 三角形计数:4220+500...
武汉绿地中心 Wuhan Greenland Center
Created by CM.
前面那个版本出了点问题被我修复了,但是不知道为什么不能更新,所以只能另外开新的一页了。 这是一座已经被阉割的武汉绿地中心。 This is a castrated Wuhan green center. 武汉绿地中心是武汉绿地国际金融城项目的核心部分,位于武昌滨江商务区,是中部特大城市武汉新一轮城市发展的重点区域。金融城总建筑面积约300万平方米,总投资超500亿元。绿地中心是武昌滨江商务区“武汉国际金融城”率先开工的单体项目,建成后将成为一个集超五星级酒店、高档商场、顶级写字楼和公寓等于一体的超高层城市综...
深圳万象天地T1/The Mixc World Tower 1
Created by UNFU
2017 年华润置地为深圳带来与众不同的全新商业力作 ——万象天地,项目位于深圳市南山区,是深圳人文综合体华润城的商业中心,也是华润置地三大商业产品线之外的首个创新产品。 深圳万象天地力求突破传统商业中心封闭式的空间体验,携手全球35家顶级设计、创新、艺术顾问团队,以“街区+mall”的独特空间规划,打破传统购物中心大盒子形态,带来10座全新独栋旗舰店。国际时尚、特色餐饮、儿童天地、人文生活四大特色业态的品牌规划,带 来了近 300个店铺,逾 1,000 个品牌,其中约 30%的品牌是首次进入深圳,项目更引...
Created by 红米先生
仿 深圳润府三期住宅楼 深圳华润城润府坐落于南山科技园,此次带来的是60层高的住宅楼版本。每层6户,RICO建议设置150人容积,可搭配工坊其他万象城资产使用。...
白天鹅宾馆 The White Swan Hotel
Created by HooHeeHaa
The White Swan Hotel is a 28-story luxury hotel in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, located on Shamian Island, overlooking the Pearl River and facing the White Swan Pool. The hotel is reached by its own private 635 metres (2,083 ft) causeway. The hotel opened ...
石家庄中央商务区展示中心, Shijiazhuang Central Business District Exhibition Center
Created by RAY 都市天际线交流群祝大家新年快乐! Happy Chinese New Year Shijiazhuang Central Business District Exhibition Center The exhibition center of Shijiazhuang CBD is located at the core of the culture and Tourism Central District of CBD, covering a...
Created by 红米先生
凯虹广场于2011年12月1日开张营业,隶属于浙江舟山凯虹集团,是浙江省舟山市东港街道一个集百货、餐饮、娱乐、休闲文化、观光于一体的大型购物中心,是高档次、高品位商业旗舰。凯虹广场经营理念深化购物中心核心的主题:时尚、休闲、人性化。 此资产为独特建筑大型商场,占地16X16,高度相当于5层楼高, 贴图分辨率2k, LOD:2000.配带LED彩色夜景 ,可PO放大缩小。...
苏州中南中心 Suzhou South Central Center
Created by CM.
可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 Can be found in Level 6 Special Buildings 苏州中南中心位于苏州金鸡湖湖西CBD核心区,是湖西CBD城市天际线的中心和制高点,与东方之门、苏州中心广场组成一个整体,形成风格统一的面向金鸡湖的城市建筑群形象。项目总建筑面积约50万平方米,地上138层,地下5层,檐口高度598米,塔冠最高点729米,成为全国在建第一高楼。项目以打造绿色、生态、智慧、高效、多功能复合的超高层综合体为理念,建成集观光、七星级酒店、顶级公寓、国际5A级写字楼、世界顶...
西安中铁中心, Xi'an China Railway Center
Created by RAY
西安中铁中心 中文名:中铁西安中心 其他名:Xi'an Center 国家:中国 城市:西安 开发商:中铁置业集团 竣工年份:2016 状态:建成 Name: China Railway Xi'an Center Chinese names: 中铁西安中心 Country: China City: Xi'an Developer: China Railway Real Estate Group Completion Year: 2016 Status: built
重庆李子坝站 Chong qing Liziba Station
Created by CR
重庆李子坝站 Chong qing Liziba Station 车站特点: 重庆轨道交通2号线李子坝车站是国内第一座与商住楼共建共存的单轨(轻轨)高架车站,于2004年3月建成,占地面积3100平方米,建筑面积6000平方米。该站位于嘉陵江南畔的李子坝正街39号商住楼6-7层,因其“空中列车穿楼而过”成为蜚声中外的“网红车站”。 车站与商住楼同步设计、同步建设、同步投用,采用“站桥分离”的结构形式,轨道交通车站桥梁与商住楼结构支撑体系分开设置,有效解决两者结构传力及振动问题。同时,单轨列车采用低噪音、低振...
重庆轨道交通2号线车辆(4节编组) (6节编组) Chongqing Monorail Line 2 train (4car) (6car)
Created by CR
此版本为CRT-monorail track (Tunnel version)专用车辆! This version is dedicated to CRT monorail track (tunnel version)!...
重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(4节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (4car)
Created by Kaeru教信者 载具信息 Information: 名称 Name 重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(4节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (4car) 重慶軌道交通3号線モノレール電車(4両編成) 类型 Vehicle Type 跨座式单轨列车 Straddle monorail train 速度 ...
重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(6节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (6car)
Created by Kaeru教信者 载具信息 Information: 名称 Name 重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(6节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (6car) 重慶軌道交通3号線モノレール電車(6両編成) 类型 Vehicle Type 跨座式单轨列车 Straddle monorail train 速度 ...
雷峰塔 Leifeng Pagoda
Created by Emperor Li
雷峰塔(english description at the bottom) 西湖十景之一(「雷峰夕照」)。建於975年,傳說是吳越王錢弘俶為慶祝寵妃黃氏得子而建,昔日亦稱黃妃塔,因為塔建於西湖南岸夕照山的雷峰之上,民間稱之為雷峰塔。明嘉靖年間,倭寇放火燒掉了雷峰塔木質結構,只留下了磚體塔身,後來,由於傳說雷峰塔的塔磚可以用來驅病強身或安胎,許多人就從塔磚上磨取粉末、挖取磚塊。1924年9月25日下午,幾乎挖空的塔基再也不堪重負,突然全部崩塌。2002年新雷峰塔重建於舊雷峰塔的原址之上,塔座部分成為遺址的展...
首都高拡張 SHUTO EXPWY Extensions
Created by TOKACHI269
For Elite players only! Please let me know if you need anything else. 設置がとても大変なので操作になれている人向けです。白線はこれで頑張ってください。他に必要なものがあったら教えてね。 sound barrier, curve arrow, indivisible lane, no function Elevated SHUTO EXPWY by TOKACHI269...
首都高標識 SHUTO EXPWY Signs
Created by TOKACHI269
SHUTO EXPWY Signs 2車線, 2+2車線, 3車線 <Mesh info> Main triss : 372 texture size : 512 x 256 (defuse,normal,specurar) SHUTO EXPWY sign by TOKACHI269...
Created by 910095247
高铁南京南站V.2.2 by 910095247...
"Lotos" Gas Station
Created by Zulek
Description of Asset Lotos is a Polish petrol station chain that was founded in 1996. It is owned by the Polish oil and gas company, Grupa LOTOS S.A., and operates over 500 petrol stations across the country. Stats Basic: Ga...
"Oka" Metro Train
Created by arthaix
Ока is a subway train, developed by MMZ (Moscow, Mytischi) Started passenger operation in April, 2012 on the Kalininskaya Line. In-game: 5 cars with a passenger capacity of 186 people each The total passenger capacity is 930 people. The maximum speed is si...
"Moskva" Metro Train
Created by arthaix
Москва (Moscow/Moskva) is a subway train, developed specially for Moscow metro by MMZ (Moscow, Mytischi) Started passenger operation in April, 2017 on the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya Line. ©tosh_evs In-game: 5 cars with a pa...
"Yauza" Metro Train
Created by arthaix
Yauza is a metro train, developed by MMZ (Moscow, Mytischi) Started passenger operation in June, 1998 on the Lyublinskaya Line of the Moscow metro. There are two assets: Old version and a renewed (.1) version. In-game: 5 cars with a passenger capacity of 1...
1/4 NE Corner Park
Created by Zreezy 1/4 NE Corner Park Hey fellow Pizza Dogs! Introducing "1/4 NE Corner Park" for Cities: Skylines - a versatile park asset that's just one piece of a stunning four-part collection. Individually, it offers a delightful mix of p...
1/4 NW Corner Park
Created by Zreezy 1/4 NW Corner Park Hey fellow Pizza Dogs! Introducing "1/4 NW Corner Park" for Cities: Skylines - a versatile park asset that's just one piece of a stunning four-part collection. Individually, it offers a delightful mix of p...
1/4 SW Corner Park
Created by Zreezy 1/4 SW Corner Park Hey fellow Pizza Dogs! Introducing "1/4 SW Corner Park" for Cities: Skylines - a versatile park asset that's just one piece of a stunning four-part collection. Individually, it offers a delightful mix of p...
10K-96 Wind Turbine
Created by JorfiK
With a large swept area and tall pylon this turbine is ideally suited to inland sites. Based off Enercon turbine designs, with the distinctive teardrop shaped nacelle. Max Electricity Generation: 10MW Cost: ¢7500 Upkeep: ¢96/week...
12 Lane Arterial Rd w/Bike Lanes
Created by BadPeanut
Find me on Twitter: @CS_badpeanut I make my decision on what to create next by how popular it is on steam - RATE up each road if you like it otherwise I will presume no-one likes 64m wide roads :( And all my effort was wasted. You can rate the collection a...
12 Lane Arterial Rd w/Bus Lanes
Created by BadPeanut
Find me on Twitter: @CS_badpeanut I make my decision on what to create next by how popular it is on steam - RATE up each road if you like it otherwise I will presume no-one likes 64m wide roads :( And all my effort was wasted. You can rate the collection a...
12 Lane Arterial Rd w/Tram Lanes
Created by BadPeanut
Find me on Twitter: @CS_badpeanut I make my decision on what to create next by how popular it is on steam - RATE up each road if you like it otherwise I will presume no-one likes 64m wide roads :( And all my effort was wasted. You can rate the collection a...
12 Lane Arterial Road
Created by BadPeanut
Find me on Twitter: @CS_badpeanut I make my decision on what to create next by how popular it is on steam - RATE up each road if you like it otherwise I will presume no-one likes 64m wide roads :( And all my effort was wasted. You can rate the collection a...
12 Lane Rd w/Bus and Bike Lanes
Created by BadPeanut
Find me on Twitter: @CS_badpeanut I make my decision on what to create next by how popular it is on steam - RATE up each road if you like it otherwise I will presume no-one likes 64m wide roads :( And all my effort was wasted. You can rate the collection a...
12 Lane Rd w/Tram and Bus Lanes
Created by BadPeanut
Find me on Twitter: @CS_badpeanut I make my decision on what to create next by how popular it is on steam - RATE up each road if you like it otherwise I will presume no-one likes 64m wide roads :( And all my effort was wasted. You can rate the collection a...
12 Lane Rd w/Tram and Bike Lanes
Created by BadPeanut
Find me on Twitter: @CS_badpeanut I make my decision on what to create next by how popular it is on steam - RATE up each road if you like it otherwise I will presume no-one likes 64m wide roads :( And all my effort was wasted. You can rate the collection a...
12 Lane Rd w/Tram, Bus and Bike
Created by BadPeanut
Find me on Twitter: @CS_badpeanut I make my decision on what to create next by how popular it is on steam - RATE up each road if you like it otherwise I will presume no-one likes 64m wide roads :( And all my effort was wasted. You can rate the collection a...
120 Degree Commercial Corner
Created by Smilies
RICO commercial 3x3 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination Main mesh 1271 tris, LOD 19 tris 64x64 Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance looks best when placed with move it mod 4 color variations Asset shares textures with Old Montreal 1...
1900's American Lowrise
Created by Smilies
Generic Early American commercial building Level 1 high density density commercial 2x4 Main mesh 1088 tris, foundation submesh 304 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color Custom LOD 66 tris 128x128 texture custom foundation with stairs for gent...
1900's American Shop
Created by Smilies
Generic Early American commercial building Level 2 low density commercial 1x3 Main mesh 666 tris foundation submesh 146 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color Custom LOD 36 tris 128x128 texture custom foundation with stairs for gentle slope to...
1905 Goda St. Subway Station
Opened on 30th December 1972 in Moscow. Designed by architects R.I. Pogrebnoy & G.M. Suvorov. The name of the station commemorates the Russian Revolution of 1905....
1995 Ford Club Wagon
Created by jaksch
Vehicle information 1992-1998 Ford Club Wagon. Prop included! Technical information textures 1024x1024 tris: 2,548 LOD: auto-generated mesh originally made by CVPI19: Special thanks to A...
1999 Ford F-250 Super Duty XL
Created by jaksch
Vehicle information 1999-2007 first generation Ford F-250 Super Duty XL pickup truck. Prop included! Technical information textures 1024x1024 tris: 3,979 LOD: auto-generated Credit Special thanks to ShoyaPTM for providing the screenshots from his Neon Moon...
1French Chimneys [Prop Pack]
Created by Gèze
Informations: This is a prop pack containing typical french chimneys. Additional informations: Model tris: Low enough to make this pack less than 2MB. Texture size: Small. I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le dernier, don...
2 Lane Road with Dedicated Tram
Created by BadPeanut
Check out my other roads HERE Make suggestions by filling out this form Troubleshooting Follow These steps if you believe this asset is causing you a problem: 1: Close Cities Skylines (quit to desktop) 2: Use launch parameters to set "--disableMods" > See ...
1x3 parking...
Created by Rek67
1x3 parking... by Rek67...
200 East Condos
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Another asset from Palm Beach Series is 200 East Condo that is located in Boca Raton, FL. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a residential or whatever you like. This asset is without trees on the top. Enjoy Tris count - about 25...
2019 Chevrolet Express Cargo
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Standard American Cargo Van UPDATED 4.6.2019 The Chevrolet Express is a full size van that replaced the Chevrolet Van. Used widely across the United States and Canada, with over 43% of the market covered, they are a common s...
32m 4 Stop Tram Exchange (Single Segment Design)
Created by BadPeanut
This is a road specifically for placing tram stops on. It's designed NOT as a full stretch of road but as a single segment. To use, upgrade one road segment and it will blend seamlessly into the game visually and technically. If you decide to use it as a f...
Created by 红米先生
33层高层住宅楼 by 红米...
3x4 Lv3 Growable GreenHotel (After Dark)
Created by bartz!
● Custom Model ● 766 Tris, Diffuse, Spec, Alpha ● Commercial, High ● 3x4 ● Level 3 ● Temperate ● 1 Entrance...
3x4 Lv3 Growable GreenHotel by bartz!
Created by bartz!
After Dark version: ● Custom Model ● 766 Tris, Diffuse, Spec, Alpha ● Commercial, High ● 3x4 ● Level 3 ● Temperate ● 1 Entrance...
4 Lane Bus & Tram Priority Road
Created by BadPeanut
Check out my other roads HERE Make suggestions by filling out this form Troubleshooting Follow These steps if you believe this asset is causing you a problem: 1: Close Cities Skylines (quit to desktop) 2: Use launch parameters to set "--disableMods" > See ...
4 Lane Boulevard with Bikes
Created by BadPeanut
4 Lane Boulevard with Bikes - same layout as 4 Lane Tram Boulevard with Bikes. Just no Tram ;) Make suggestions by filling out this form Troubleshooting Follow These steps if you believe this asset is causing you a problem: 1: Close Cities Skylines (quit t...
4 Lane Road with Bus Lanes
Created by BadPeanut
Check out my other roads HERE Make suggestions by filling out this form Troubleshooting Follow These steps if you believe this asset is causing you a problem: 1: Close Cities Skylines (quit to desktop) 2: Use launch parameters to set "--disableMods" > See ...
4 Lane Road with Trams and Bikes
Created by BadPeanut
This is a new 32m wide 4 lane road with trams and bike lanes. Tram stops have islands and shelters when placed. Similar to the Snowfall 4 lane tram road but with slightly more maintenance and better decoration benefits. Bus stops are placed inline with the...
4 Lane Tram Boulevard with Bikes
Created by BadPeanut
This is a 32m wide road with 4 lanes, tram tracks in the middle, parking on the side and bike lanes! Not to mentioned it has TREES! It also has dedicated bus stops and tram stops. Check out my other roads HERE Don't own snowfall or hate trams? Check out th...
4+1 Lane Asymmetric Road
Created by BadPeanut
This is a 32m wide asymmetric road. It comes in 3 separate road styles: Pavement, Grass and Trees! 4 Lanes plus the extra lane depending on which way you build. Each Road has ground, elevated and tunnel options. Rate up if you want more roads! Extra discou...
590 Madison_growable_offv1_154M
Created by Reaper
590 Madison_growable_offv1_154M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
590 Madison_growable_offv2_120M
Created by Reaper
590 Madison_growable_offv2_120M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
590 Madison_growable_offv3_90M
Created by Reaper
590 Madison_growable_offv3_90M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
590_Madison_Avenue_IBM by Reaper unique building with lod scale 1:1 compatible with After Dark 3569 highpoly tex resolution 2048 85 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below...
Created by My Tag Gone
This is a RICO version of a Unique building created by Reaper , It is in his Skyscraper_by_Reaper collection. Full creation credit to Him :) Will behave as Unique if RICO mod not installed. Will behave as High Commercial if RICO mod installed. Commercial s...
6 Lane Road with Dedicated Tram
Created by BadPeanut
Check out my other roads HERE Make suggestions by filling out this form Troubleshooting Follow These steps if you believe this asset is causing you a problem: 1: Close Cities Skylines (quit to desktop) 2: Use launch parameters to set "--disableMods" > See ...
60°/90° Parking Road 2L Suburban Zonable
Created by Urbanist
Big thanks to Badi_dea for the support and encouragement! Check out the urban version! - no grass at the sides, darker asphalt and more line markings Introduction This is a zonable 32m/4-tile wide suburban two-lane road with space for Badi_dea's parking lo...
60°/90° Parking Road 2L Urban Zonable
Created by Urbanist
Big thanks to Badi_dea for the support and encouragement! Check out the suburban version! - this road's more laid-back cousin with grass and trees at the sides, more worn-out asphalt, and less road markings. Introduction This is a zonable 32m/4-tile wide u...
8-Lane Avenue with Monorail 8车道单轨干道
Created by RyanCat
This is an Eight-Lane Avenue with Monorail that can make continuous median at any junctions. With out monorail version It CAN AUTOMATICALLY switch between "median junctions"and default juncti...
Acciaio Offices [Growable]
Created by Terterman
Acciaio is a 22 meters office building (1x1 office Growable L3) 1039 tris on the model with (1024x1024) texture res. 26 tris Custom LOD with (256x256) texture res. hope you like it. Thanks...
Ability to Read
Created by REV0
Only modders will understand. Feel free to use in your mods as a required item. Provides 10K entertainment bonus. Only visible in Asset Editor....
AD Cloud Replacer
Created by neinnew/네인
AD Cloud Replacer This mod has been upgraded from enabler to replacer! Now you can replace the clouds Available clouds pack in Workshop What is the AD cloud? It is old cloud that came with After Dark DLC, but disappeared due to Snowfall DLC and weather upd...
Adaptive Networks (AN) V3.18 (STABLE)
Created by Chamëleon TBN Adaptive Networks STABLE formerly known as Adaptive Roads (AR). As a lot of new functions will be released in future that also include other networks we decided to rename Adaptive Roads (AR) to Adaptive Networks (AN) and als...
Adidas Shibuya (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x3 straight (non-corner) L1 high density commercial building based on the Adidas Brand Core store in Shibuya, Tokyo. I really like the facade of the store but in real life it does not occupy the whole building so I took a bit of artistic license...
Ads & Signs Pack (for Liikekulma)
Created by prepo
Commercial signs and ads pack...
Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.1
Created by macsergey Overview This mod allow to select certain platform for public transport with pressing Shift it is revisited version of BloodyPenguin's mod Main changes Plazas & Promenades DLC support. Support If you have any problems with m...
Advanced Vehicle Options
Created by Tim
Advanced Vehicle Options 1.9.12 Hubs & Transports DLC Mod Compatibility and Loading Issues If you have any issues with the new Treasure Hunt DLC, please be sure to read Avanya's support discussi...
Agave Plant
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
Agave Plant Triangles:248 Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I would be very grateful if you could support me with a little donation. http...
Air New Zealand 747-800 - Fictional "Combination" Livery
Created by Blue Thunder
Air New Zealand Boeing 747-800 pack with a combination of the current White + Black main livery and the old gradient colour style from the pacific wave livery that AIr New Zealand used to use. While Air New Zealand no longer operate the 747 planes in favou...
Airport Monorail Station
Created by sebnichols
Place this monorail station directly onto a concourse inside an airport area to allow a direct connection for monorail passengers to the airport. This asset has the same style as the vanilla elevated airport metro station and functions in exactly the same ...
Alameda County Fire Station (USA)
Created by speedtraxxdj
Alameda County Fire Station (USA) FIRE STATION 4x2 Model Info: Texture: 512 x 1024 - Spielgenerierte LOD - Keine Farbabweichungen Maps: S , I , N , D Du kannst mich und meine Assets über PAYPAL unterstützen. Jede Spende ist sehr Willkommen! Danke
Alder Tree Pack
Created by Greyflame The Tree Alders are a common member of the birch family found extensively across the northern hemisphere. I modeled a relatively generic sampling of them to try and capture the variety found internationally, but I used the r...
American Commuter Train - Classic EMU
Created by bsquiklehausen
Give your American city the finishing touch with the American Commuter Trains! The Classic EMU is a six-car train made up of Budd M1/M3 multiple unit cars, modeled and created specifically for Cities: Skylines! This prototype is inspired by the trains serv...
American Commuter Train - Modern EMU
Created by bsquiklehausen
Give your American city the finishing touch with the American Commuter Trains! The Modern EMU is a six-car train made up of Kawasaki M8 multiple unit cars, modeled and created specifically for Cities: Skylines! This prototype is inspired by the trains serv...
American Commuter Train - Electric Comet B
Created by bsquiklehausen
Give your city the finishing touch with the American Commuter Trains! Seen in operation around the Philadelphia area, the Electric Comet B is an ACS-64 Sprinter locomotive with Comet/Shoreliner/Horizon cars, modeled and created specifically for Cities: Sky...
Ample Parking
Created by Coldsteel
This is a collection of basic (but fully functional) car parking lots. Dedicated parking is a neccessity with TMPE realistic parking enabled. The parking is more basic than Parking Roads and other mods of such nature, but it is as simple to use as to plop ...
Created by Reaper
AMP_Centre by Reaper unique building compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
AMP_Centre_growable_offv1_164M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
AMP_Centre_growable_offv2_133M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
AMP_Centre_growable_offv3_97M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by My Tag Gone
This is a RICO version of a Unique building created by Reaper , It is in his Skyscraper_by_Reaper collection. Full creation credit to Him :) Will behave as Unique if RICO mod not installed. Will behave as High Commercial if RICO mod installed. Commercial s...
Amsterdam Revolutiebouw 2
Created by cbudd
Revolutiebouw is a typical architectural style from the Netherlands, especially Amsterdam. Most buildings were constructed at the turn of the 20th century as homes for the rapidly expanding population. During my trips to Amsterdam I recognised some of thes...
Amsterdam Revolutiebouw 3
Created by cbudd
Revolutiebouw is a typical architectural style from the Netherlands, especially Amsterdam. Most buildings were constructed at the turn of the 20th century as homes for the rapidly expanding population. During my trips to Amsterdam I recognised some of thes...
Aonei Bridge
Created by petersonyip
Hi all! Welcome to my first asset! ** AONEI BRIDGE ** ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~# Background: Aonei Brigde is a custom bridge designed / modelled by myself. It was to be placed into my map of The Cove city...
Anzac Bridge
Created by Robert
PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION, BECAUSE BRIDGES ARE WEIRD I'm not clever enough to figure out network bridges yet (bridges that are dragged like roads), so I've settled for the older method of custom frames that you thread a road through and delete default pi...
Armesto - Thiers Corner #1
Created by Gruny
ANY similarity to an actual creator (like Armesto) is PURELY coincidental. 😏 This corner building includes a Galician restaurant. Its narrow angle will be particularly suitable for two lanes at 40°. Architecture inspired by Bordeaux city In particular, you...
Art Deco Office Tower (Growable)
Created by moxiecrimefighter
An Art Deco skyscraper, based off the countless number of towers in the same style found throughout New York City. 4x4 Growable Level 3 Office Building 123.4m Height 1103 Tris, Custom LOD 92 Tris...
Augustus Tower (L3 Office Growable)
Created by Visu
L3 Office Growble - complete with LoD model....
Australian Small Town Commercial #3
Created by Cyber Scythe X
Inspiration This Australian Small Town Commercial #3 building is modelled off a building found in the town of Morawa, Western Australia. Find more Australian Small Town Commercial buildings in the link below:
Australian Small Town Commercial #4
Created by Cyber Scythe X
Inspiration This Australian Small Town Commercial #4 building is modelled off a building found in the town of Mt Magnet, Western Australia. Find more Australian Small Town Commercial buildings in the link below:
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - Avenue 5 in Astana city. This complex will consist of several buildings. For people who has a problem with road connection. You just need to draw roads on all four...
Aviation/Century Station [MOM]
Created by Polygon About this station Aviation/Century is an under-construction elevated light rail station in the Los Angeles County Metro Rail system. It will be served by the Crenshaw/LAX Line and the Green Line. This model doesn’t show how ...
Banana Tree
Created by MrMaison
Banana Tree by MrMaison Introducing a young Banana tree (not actually a tree). This is my first tropical plant. There will be another version with fruit. This Banana tree is good for making plantations as well as decorating your landscape mixing with other...
Banco do Brasil 120° corner
Created by Robal
Props used: Banco do Brasil 120° corner Office building from Juiz de Fora, Brazil. It was designed by Oscar Niemeyer followi...
Bangkok MRT - Blue Line | Typical Elevated Station (Updated to Metro Version)
Created by Palm'sTime
Bangkok MRT Blue Line Typical Elevated Station Info: WARNING: This building will be affect performance. The station is an updated version from the original work. It's three-storey elevated metro station with vanilla track and will use side platform. No nee...
Bank Of China Tower:Remastered香港中银大厦重制版hong kong HK
Created by XDBX
Bank Of China Tower:Remastered 香港中银大厦重制版 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了玻璃 Recreated glass 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the lights 重新制作了底座 Recreated the model You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到 ...
Basketball Court - Simcity 4
Created by Kridershot Copy of Basketball Court from Simcity 4 that was recreated pixel by pixel. I try to stick to the original model as much as possible and I hope did well. :) The asset doesn't have custom props, so you don't need to subscribe fo...
Basketball Court prop - Simcity 4
Created by Kridershot Basketball Court prop from Simcity 4 for some of my buildings. In Simcity 4 it was used in buildings such as schools, etc. You can place props opposite each other to make a full court. Main model:...
Bay Bridge Network - Draggable Double Deck Suspension Bridge
Created by bsquiklehausen
Check out the tutorial linked above for best bridgelaying results! A network based large suspension bridge and other associated network toys! This bridge is a replica of the San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge (altered slightly for C:S network compatibility...
BB Chase Building - Growable 2x2 Lvl3 Office
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Greetings Skyliners ! What do we want? Variety! When do we want it? Now ! Have you ever wondered how many buildings were in the game for certain levels and sizes ?? Take the Level 3 offices on 2x2 lots... there are TWO different buildings for this size and...
Beach Condos #1
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello everybody, Here is another beach condos published from my Palm Beach Series. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a residential otherwise you can find it under unique buildings tab - level 3. Enjoy Tris count - about 11k Custom LOD htt...
Beach Inn
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Another asset from Palm Beach Series is Beach Inn. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a hotel otherwise you can find it under unique buildings tab - level 3. Enjoy Tris count - about 3.5k Custom LOD
Beach Resort (Palm Beach Series)
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello everybody, Here is first building published from my Palm beach Series. It is a beach resort. This asset contains two buildings (main building and condos). Both you can find under Unique Buildings level 3. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make...
Benauge Fire station
Created by Gruny
The Benauge fire station is located on the right bank of the city of Bordeaux. It was built by architects Claude Ferret, Yves Salier and Adrien Courtois between 1950 and 1954. Specs 2 Fire stations Texture - 1024x2048 | D / N / I / S / C (same texture map ...
Bench #5 (Marble)
Created by targa
Bench with support sitting feature. Marble bench for parks and plazas. Main model 192 tris 256x128 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD model 26 tris 128x64 texture -------------------------------------------------- To gain access to this asset in-game, not only i...
BH3 1W 1L + Buffer Lane
Created by T. D. W.
This is a blank, one-way highway road based on the original blank highways collections. It comes with a right buffer lane & multiple decorations, including: Cat's Eyes on the lines. Damage, Stain & Wear decals Modified elevated & bridge pillars Traffic Lig...
BH3 1W 2L + Buffer Lane
Created by T. D. W.
This is a blank, one-way highway road based on the original blank highways collections. It comes with a right buffer lane & multiple decorations, including: Cat's Eyes on the lines. Damage, Stain & Wear decals Modified elevated & bridge pillars Traffic Lig...
BH3 1W 3L + Buffer Lane
Created by T. D. W.
This is a blank, one-way highway road based on the original blank highways collections. It comes with a right buffer lane & multiple decorations, including: Cat's Eyes on the lines. Damage, Stain & Wear decals Modified elevated & bridge pillars Traffic Lig...
BH3 2+3 — Asymmetrical 2 Way with 2 & 3 Lanes
Created by T. D. W.
This is a blank, 2-way highway road based on the original blank highways collections. It comes with a center median lane with a two-sided light & multiple decorations, including: Cat's Eyes on the lines. Damage, Stain & Wear decals Modified elevated & brid...
BH3 2+2 — 2 Way with 2 Lanes
Created by T. D. W.
This is a blank, 2-way highway road based on the original blank highways collections. It comes with a center median lane with a two-sided light & multiple decorations, including: Cat's Eyes on the lines. Damage, Stain & Wear decals Modified elevated & brid...
Big Decal More Stains
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
BH3 3+3 — 2 Way with 3 Lanes
Created by T. D. W.
This is a blank, 2-way highway road based on the original blank highways collections. It comes with a center median lane with a two-sided light & multiple decorations, including: Cat's Eyes on the lines. Damage, Stain & Wear decals Modified elevated & brid...
Big Decal Road Damage
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Road Wear
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Wetness
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
BIG Roads Alternative Traffic Lights Pack 2
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection Don't fear the huge file size! All Traffic Lights share the exact same textures and Loading Screen Mod...
Big Retaining Walls
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
BIG Roads Intersection Marking Tool Templates
Created by hockenheim95
All templates are single assets ans should be enabled in assets menu! Includes: Solid Lines - yellow double solid lines - white (no transparency for segment markings over dashed lines) Dashed Lines - standard (just like the segment lane markings) - short d...
BIG Rural Asphalt Road
Created by hockenheim95
What does this pack contain? Big Rural Asphalt Road ...
BIG Rural Gravel Road
Created by hockenheim95
What does this pack contain? Big Rural Gravel Road ...
BIG Rural Highways Basic Pack
Created by hockenheim95
What does this pack contain? Big Rural Highway 2 Lane Big Rural Highway 3 Lane RT ...
BIG Suburbs 2 Lane Road
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Rural Highways Left Turn Pack
Created by hockenheim95
What does this pack contain? Big Rural Highway 3 Lane LT Big Rural Highway 2 Lane Median Important tings earlier fps problems with these AN roads have been solved! smooth transition to 2 lane H...
BIG Suburbs 2 Lane Road (worn)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Suburbs American Growables Level 1
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Suburbs American Growables Level 3
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Suburbs American Growables Level 2
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Suburbs American Growables Level 5
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Suburbs American Growables Level 4
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Suburbs Pavement Decals
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Urban Roads - 24m Basic Roads Pack (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! Ground, Bridge, Slope and Tunnel OPTIONAL Adaptive Networks Mod let you customize these 2 roads with grass stripes, trees, brick sidewalk, direct connect node and reacts to TMPE settings ...
BIG Urban Roads - Large Basic Roads Pack (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection What does this pack contain?
BIG Urban Roads - Small Basic Roads Pack (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection What does this pack contain?
BIG Urban Roads - Small One Way Roads Pack (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection What does this pack contain?
BIG Urban Roads 2 Lane (unmarked) beta version
Created by hockenheim95
This is a sort of pilot road for the next generation of BIG Urban Roads!!! To fully enjoy this road you need Adaptive Roads Mod! Roads will react to TM:PE settings! Adaptive Roads mod won't break your savegames. It is just visual! You can unsuscribe and re...
BIG Urban Roads - Tiny Roads Pack (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! Ground, Bridge, Slope and Tunnel 2m wide lanes (expext 1 Lane Road has 3m wide lane) OPTIONAL Adaptive Roads Mod features (TMPE reactions)! These roads do work properly without that mod t...
BIG Urban Roads 3 Lane Right Turn Road (Beta Version)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection This road has an asymmetrical mesh and only looks right with...
BIG Urban Roads 3 Lane Roads Pack (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection Don't fear the huge file size! All roads share the exact sam...
BIG Urban Roads 5 Lane Asymmetrical Road Pack (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection What does this pack contain?
BIG Urban Roads Constant Median Roads (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection Don't fear the huge file size! All roads share the exact sam...
BIG Urban Roads Bus Lane Roads Pack (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection Don't fear the huge file size! All roads share the exact sam...
BIG Urban Roads Decals, Signs and Props
Created by hockenheim95
Dependencies for BIG Urban Roads! Please note that all road signs and the Delineator are modifications of the original assets by Spence! See original release here and here All props have minimal tris count for optimum perfomance! This pack contains the fol...
BIG Urban Roads Constant Median Roads with solid lines (US American)
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection Don't fear the huge file size! All roads share the exact sam...
BIG Urban Traffic Lights
Created by hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Roads This package contains traffic lights used by BIG Urban Roads. This is not a mod and it won't replace any Traffic Lights in your city! They are a rework of New American Traffic Lights by ol' rdtg and some additional stuff by Conno. The ...
blackwiddow's Coaxial Highway Exit
Created by blackwiddow
Coaxial Highway Exit by blackwiddow All my assets can be found here: Designed to act as a roundabout highway exit that also looks cool with all the lanes flowing with traffi...
Blueberry Blossom Tree
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Fantasy Blueberry Blossom Tree by Shroomblaze 310 Tri's / 48 Polys I also removed the dirt patch at the bottom of the tree, I took the screenshots before I edited the .crp file. You will see in game that the dirt patch is no more! Enjoy Please be sure to r...
Boat Crane Prop
Created by Mic CrossHill
As requested: The Boat Crane as Prop. Shares the same Texture as the Boat Ramp (Loading Screen Mod)....
Bolte Bridge
Created by Zekiarsu
The Bolte Bridge is a twin cantilever road bridge spanning the Yarra River and Victoria Harbour in Docklands, Melbourne. It was completed in 1999 as part of the Citylink toll freeway project, carrying four lanes of traffic either way and providing a direct...
Bombardier Movia C951 [Metro]
Created by meshd
Looking for other variants? Bombardier Movia C951 with Interior Bombardier Movia C951 with Interior Bombardier Movia C951 with Interior Bombardier Movia C951 without Interior Bombardier Movia C951 without Interior Bombardier Movia C951 without Interior Tec...
Bratke Corporate
Created by Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
Brazilian Luxury Homes Pack 1
Created by Polygon Recommendations This pack contains 2 Brazilian luxury low-residential growable buildings, level 4. You do not need any mods for them to work. But I recommend using Loading Screen Mod to make use of shared textures. Click here ...
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
BrickHouse (prop)
Created by MarkFire
Based on model Derelict Brick House by Frank Kanistra This Asset is part of Express Cargo Station...
Bridge by VIP( only water)
Created by Vip
UPGRADE to After Dark I'm sorry, but due to the upgrade, the bridge can be put only on the water. *****IMPORTANT***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I as...
Broadleaf Pot Plant
Created by pdelmo
Broadleaf Pot Plant by pdelmo...
Britannia Roundabout
Created by Greased Up Deaf Guy
This is a updated version of my previous Britannia Roundabout which is a real intersection in Adelaide, South Australia This is just a plain asset no trees or props included Any issues please comment below and ill try and fix them if I can...
Broken Nodes Detector
Created by Krzychu1245
Locates invisible problems with your transport system and helps fix them. Press Ctrl+Zero(configurable in mod options) in-game to display the mod panel. Fix broken nodes The broken node bug causes vehicles to despawn when th...
Brownstones 1
Created by cbudd
Brownstones are amongst the most common types of buildings (apart from skyscrapers) that you can find in New York City. They get their name from the typical redish brown stone that is being used for cladding their front facades. These days, brownstones are...
Brownstones Corners
Created by cbudd
Brownstones are amongst the most common types of buildings (apart from skyscrapers) that you can find in New York City. They get their name from the typical redish brown stone that is being used for cladding their front facades. These days, brownstones are...
Brownstones 2
Created by cbudd
Brownstones are amongst the most common types of buildings (apart from skyscrapers) that you can find in New York City. They get their name from the typical redish brown stone that is being used for cladding their front facades. These days, brownstones are...
Budd Mafersa Metro (MOM)
Created by Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
Bund Center SH 上海外滩中心
Created by XDBX
Bund Center Shanghai 上海外滩中心 by XDBX 海外滩中心(英语:Bund Center, Shanghai),是上海知名建筑群,地址为延安东路222号,座落于上海黄浦区外滩的黄金地带,毗邻黄浦江,延安东路高架和上海自然博物馆。其包括外滩中心商务楼和外滩中心威斯汀大饭店两部分,商务楼共50层高198米,分立商务楼西南、西北位置的两栋威斯汀大饭店为26层,总建筑面积约190000平方米。外滩中心建成于2001年,由波特曼建筑设计事务所负责设计,其商务楼顶部别具一格的菠萝造型成为其最具标...
Burger King
Created by Cristolisto
Burger King is an American-based multinational chain of hamburger fast food restaurants. Headquartered in Miami-Dade County, Florida, the company was founded in 1953 as Insta-Burger King. It is the second largest hamburger chain in the United States. Burge...
Burj Dubai (Burj Khalifa) [HD]
Created by DubaiSkyscraper
Special thanks to Ray Fleury a.k.a. Fury from Skyscrapercity for providing some top notch data! ------------------------ Burj Dubai (Burj Khalifa), Downtown Dubai, Dubai, UAE Version 1.0 This version goes to all detail-fanatics and those who appreciate acc...
Bus Station PO (park)
Created by Pepopopo
Bus Station PO (park) Este pack contiene diversos assets para hacer una estación de bus modular con PO. Las paradas se agregan con calles invisibles. This pack contains various assets to make a modular bus station with PO. Stops are added with invisible st...
Bush 03 - TPB Nature Series
Credit and many thanks for these beautiful models and textures goes to Nobiax, 'ported and modded for C:SL by TPB. If after subscribing you can't find this item in-game, you may have to enable it in the Content Manager (for some strange reason!) If you lik...
Business Park (Administration)
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, working on a business park these days. The plan is to create it as a building kit with a great choice of matching buidings. All of them can get stitched easily into each other. I split this project in two parts, an administration and a labora...
Canary Island Date Palm
Created by MrMaison
Canary Island Date Palm by MrMaison I present to you a Canary Island Date Palm tree. This is good for decoration and any tropical scenes. This is a 2 piece set including small and tall versions. I plan to make other types of Date palm trees in the future. ...
Candler building 220 West 42nd St. (3x4 growable high comm lvl 3)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 3x4 high commercial building lvl 3 based on the Candler Building in New York, at 42nd street. This building is part of a 42nd street series. Expect many theatres and other leisure buildings when Collosal Order...
Canton Tower广州塔(1:1比例)
Created by 红米先生
广州塔高楼LED版本,总高度600米。杆子高度146米,塔楼454米,夜晚带LED,另外附加底商(底座还原显示底盘,占地30格左右,由于广州塔占地面积大,需要后期配合道路无碰撞模组,在塔或者底座内部穿擦一条道路即可实现正常运营。 真实还原度为:95%,楼顶和底商(底座)可带行人站台观光。 Led version of Guangzhou tower tower, with a total height of 600 meters. The height of the pole is 146 meters, ...
Car Park 2x8
Created by Youngling
Car Park 2x8 by Youngling...
Car wash Grand Prix
Created by Checo Mx Model Information Triangles: 2,500 Vertices: 1,300 Textures: 1024 x 1024 (D – I – N - S ) You can search for this asset with the "Find It" mod with the name "Carwash Grand Prix" and you can mo...
Carnival Cruise Line Bus (Prop)
Created by tonycoolbek
Carnival Cruise Line Bus (Prop) by tonycoolbek Have your sims catch their next cruise via the Carnival Cruise Line (Bus) powered by ESCOT Cruise Connection!...
Cemetery Pack
Created by BachToBaroque
Create a more 'believable' looking cemetery / graveyard with this pack, which includes all the basic stuff you'll need. Complement this with amazing workshop items from other creators, such as decals, paths, trees, churches, statues, more wall prop varieti...
Central Plaza One - Brisbane (growable)
Created by duffy
This has been imported and converted from 3D warehouse. I did not make this model (just shut the roof), all credit should go to whoever originally made it. I brought this in mainly just to figure out how to do it. Since my first attempt, I have removed CP3...
CITIC Tower 2022
Created by XDBX
CITIC Tower 2022 by XDBX 北京中信大厦 中国尊 高度:528m 全新重制,remake。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 友情链接 欢迎加入 !更多惊喜!获得私人定制资产!都市天际线游戏交流大QQ群!:463898434...
Central Station (in the Style of Berlin Central Station)
Created by Emperor Li
There are some issues with this station which need to be fixed. Please do not subscribe until I have the time to fix the station!!! ***UPDATE 2018-10-17*** reduce loading time, fix sub-buildings. ****************************** A perpendicular central stati...
Chicago Motor Club (Growable)
Created by moxiecrimefighter
A 1x2 Level 3 High Density Commercial Growable Building 757 Tris 1024x1024 Textures: Diffuse, Spectral, Illumination, Normal...
Charlson Marina
Created by jorge.puerta Charlson Marina Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 3x11 - Marina. New Marina dock with more capacity for boats. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Description -Type: Marina. -Cost: $15.000...
Chiles Restaurante
Created by Checo Mx Model Information Triangles: 918 Vertices: 504 Textures: 1024 x 1024 (D - I – S - N) LOD You can search for this asset with the "Find It" mod with the name "Chiles Restaurant" and you can move...
China Resources Building Qingdao
Created by XDBX
China Resources QD by XDBX Roof Objects Pack : 屋顶摆件不是必备物品,可以自行添加。 2 crps: ——China Resources QD asset 6,740 kb ——China Resources logo prop 795 kb ---------------------------------------------...
China Resources Headquarters 深圳华润大厦
Created by XDBX
China Resources Headquarters 深圳华润大厦 华润春笋 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 ...
China Resources QD Plan B
Created by XDBX
China Resources QD Plan B by XDBX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 友情链接 欢迎加入!更多惊喜!获得私人定制资产!都市天际线游戏交流大QQ群!:463898434...
Chinese underground parking lot中式地下停车场
Created by 红米先生
中式地下停车场(可停车,人物可在地下逗留,同时可以通过第一人称视角进入地下室观看地下室内效果。表面可以用草坪树木花草覆盖,形成绿化效果盖住原有资产外观可与地面草坪混合。再独特建筑里可找到该资产,或者搜索中式地下停车场即可。(里边还包括了一座停车位岗亭资产)另外想告诉各位;目前车辆进入车库入口路径不是很完美,由于游戏没有合适的地下停车隧道道路,所以只能自己订阅隐形车道来从地面拉一条通往地下车库的道路来实现车辆从入口进入车库和出入车库的模拟情景。 隐形车道资产名称:Invisible Pedestrian Pa...
Chirpy Metro 4 tracks elevated station
Created by ron_fu-ta
Chirpy Metro 4 tracks elevated station (for Metro Overhaul Mod) 外側路線の停止位置は内側を選択してください。(上記スクリーンショットを参照) Please select inside for stop position of outside line.(See above screenshot) 上記スクリーンショットの路線配置例。同一方向の対面乗り換え。 Examples of routes in the above screenshots....
Chongqing Interchange Station [Metro]
Created by RichardShi
This is my second asset. I created it with the help of Ryancat About the Station This is a metro station with glass wall and nice look entrance. The two platforms are on different planes and can transfer. This asset is a classic station of Chongqing Rail T...
Chongqing Rail Transit Station [Metro]
Created by RichardShi
This is a metro station with glass wall and nice look entrance. About the Station This asset is a classic station of Chongqing Rail Transit System. Chongqing Rail Transit operates nine lines by May 2021, two of which will be monorails with a total length o...
Cinematic Camera Extended
Created by SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) Capture different camera positions and play a cinematic transition between them. Extended version of Cinematic Camera by Icob. Instruction Click on the clapboard icon (can be moved with right mouse butt...
Cinema Ocean
Created by AngelHeavenly
The Ocean Cinema offers its services for watching a movie in the city of Vladivostok. The first large and large cinema in the Far East. Built during Soviet times in 1969. The project of the cinema was developed at the Moscow Institute of Giproteatr by arch...
CIRC - Lyon
Created by _luminou_
CIRC - Lyon (France) The "Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (CIRC), (International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), is an intergovernmental cancer research agency, created in 1965 by the World Health Organization (WHO) of the Nations uni...
City Jail - Simcity 4
Created by Kridershot Copy of Jail from Simcity 4 that was recreated pixel by pixel. I try to stick to the original model as much as possible and I hope did well. :) The original one has floor height about 4-5 meters that very unrealistic and I dec...
Citroën Dealership
Created by Gruny
Citroën (French pronunciation: ​) is a French automobile manufacturer, part of the PSA Peugeot Citroën group since 1976. (Wikipedia) Specs Level 2 low density commercial 4x3 - growable Tris 424 / 24 (lod) Texture - 1024x1024 | D / I / S / C Lod Texture - 1...
Classic Grey Detail Rocks
Created by Greyflame Introduction This pack is the final counterpart to the giant modular rocks I released, intended to provide much smaller models for detailing. It's comprised of two halves: first, 4 new single rocks originally modeled by IceK...
Commercial Building #01
Created by clus
Commercial Building #01 Prolog Hello all together ! Something diffferent this time ... ;) Last week I saw the very well retextured University building done by Like_Mike ... That motivated me...
Clipping Network
Created by TOKACHI269
8m & 16m When the texture of the ground comes out on the road, you can erase it by overlapping this network. 道路上に地面のテクスチャが出てしまったときはこのネットワークを重ねれば消すことができます。 Clipping Network 8m by TOKACHI269 ...
Commercial Corner
Created by Smilies
Low density commercial wall to wall corner building 2x3 1024x512 diffuse, spec, normal, illumination LOD 128x128 Main mesh: 1450 tris, LOD 58 tris, foundation: 180 tris Custom foundation - 12m wide, looks best when hand placed with move it mod Models and t...
Commercial Corner 150°
Created by Smilies
growable with a 30 degree curve that works best on a curved road, plopped and placed by hand 4x4 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 756 tris, LOD 31 tris 64x64, submesh 40 tris 32m wide asset shares texture...
Commercial parking-lot 6x4
Created by core79
Commercial parking-lot 6x4 by core79 Für die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Für diesen Parkplatz geht ein spezieller Dank an boformer,Like_Mike,SvenBerlin und DeCzaah Danke an ALLE Modder, die so schöne Bäume und Props hochladen. Meine...
Commercial W2W 1
Created by Smilies
Low density commercial wall to wall buildings Mesh 1: 494 tris LOD 20 tris 1x2 Mesh 2: 498 tris LOD 20 tris 1x3 Mesh 3: 740 tris LOD 20 tris 1x3 Mesh 4: 918 tris LOD 30 tris 1x4 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color 16 color variations all bu...
Commercial W2W 2
Created by Smilies
Low density commercial wall to wall buildings Mesh 1: 494 tris LOD 20 tris 1x2 Mesh 2: 498 tris LOD 20 tris 1x3 Mesh 3: 740 tris LOD 20 tris 1x3 Mesh 4: 918 tris LOD 30 tris 1x4 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color 16 color variations all bu...
Commercial W2W 3
Created by Smilies
Low density commercial wall to wall buildings Mesh 1: 494 tris LOD 20 tris 1x2 Mesh 2: 498 tris LOD 20 tris 1x3 Mesh 3: 740 tris LOD 20 tris 1x3 Mesh 4: 918 tris LOD 30 tris 1x4 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color 16 color variations all bu...
Commercial W2W 4
Created by Smilies
Low density commercial wall to wall buildings Mesh 1: 494 tris LOD 20 tris 1x2 Mesh 2: 498 tris LOD 20 tris 1x3 Mesh 3: 740 tris LOD 20 tris 1x3 Mesh 4: 918 tris LOD 30 tris 1x4 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color 16 color variations all bu...
Commercial W2W 5
Created by Smilies
Has parking in the rear, will work well for anyone who wants to make more functional alleys. 2x4 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 1166 tris, LOD 72 tris 64x64 16m wide asset will share textures with other...
Commercial W2W 6
Created by Smilies
awning slightly overhangs the lot, works best when placed on corners by hand 2x2 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 450 tris, LOD 42 tris 64x64 16m wide asset shares textures with other w2w assets, use Load...
Commercial WallToWall 10
Created by Smilies
generic version 6m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 928 tris, LOD 60 tr...
Commercial WallToWall 11
Created by Smilies
6m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1698 tris, LOD 60 tris asset shares...
Commercial WallToWall 12
Created by Smilies
6m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1202 tris, LOD 60 tris asset shares...
Commercial WallToWall 13
Created by Smilies
generic blank storefront 6m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1691 tris,...
Commercial WallToWall 14
Created by Smilies
generic blank storefront 6m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1674 tris,...
Commercial WallToWall 15
Created by Smilies
6m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1680 tris, LOD 60 tris asset shares...
Commercial WallToWall 16
Created by Smilies
6m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1742 tris, LOD 60 tris asset shares...
Commercial WallToWall 17
Created by Smilies
6m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 968 tris, LOD 60 tris asset shares ...
Commercial WallToWall 18
Created by Smilies
generic blank storefront 6m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 2017 tris,...
Commercial WallToWall 19
Created by Smilies
5m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1197 tris, LOD 40 tris asset shares...
Commercial WallToWall 20
Created by Smilies
generic blank storefront 5m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1197 tris,...
Commercial WallToWall 21
Created by Smilies
generic blank storefront 5m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1409 tris,...
Commercial WallToWall 22
Created by Smilies
generic blank storefront 5m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1409 tris,...
Commercial WallToWall 7
Created by Smilies
generic undecorated small commercial building 1x2 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 222 tris, LOD 28 tris, foundation 116 tris 8m wide asset shares textures with other commercial w2w assets, use Loading Sc...
Commercial WallToWall 8
Created by Smilies
6m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Two variations, UPS Store and a generic blank variation Assets are 1x4 low density commercial 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, col...
Commercial WallToWall 9
Created by Smilies
6m wide building, doesn't fit the 8m in-game grid, must be placed by hand if you want the wall-to-wall aesthetic Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 1684 tris, LOD 60 tris asset shares...
Commercial WallToWall Corner 3
Created by Smilies
w2w corner asset will grow properly on the grid, no hand placement is necessary Asset is 1x3 low density commercial growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 3141 tris, LOD 62 tris asset shares textures with w2w commercial ass...
Concrete Barriers
Created by NameInvalid
commission work for Martines91 --- Concrete Barrier Pack keyword : concrete, barrier Update - added 40m and 80m version for intermediate pieces, textures are shared - added 1 network version of intermediate C va...
Skyve v3.3.2.1 [Stable]
Created by Chamëleon TBN
Skyve is the fresh re-make of the previous Loading Order Mod 1/2 & Compatibility Report. It features a completely new and slick UI, integrated & real-time compatibility management, advanced filtering, dark mode, Find It! custom tags, Linux & macOS Compatib...
Concrete Blocks
Created by DeCzaah
Concrete Blocks 8x8 and 32x8 by DeCzaah This asset is part of the the Cleyra - Custom Assets collection! This is an asset pack, with simple concrete blocks in two size variations. Also, it was a special CreativeDEX request. the concrete block is placed at ...
Concrete Pedestrian Path Set
Created by neinnew/네인
Concrete Pedestrian Path Set It's a concrete tiled sidewalk And rendered tunnel, also 1m version useful in a small space! In addition, its invisible versions: Information Ground version conf...
Concrete quay
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A simple quay with texture like my overpass supports. By itself it's just a quay and works like the default one, but with Quay Anarchy mod you can use it as a retaining wall on land making it much more useful. A s...
Concrete Tile Pavement A & A2
Created by AquilaSol
Light concrete tile pavement. This is part of a set of several in various colours. This asset contains 7 decals. Four square and three thin strips. Square: 2mx2m, 4mx4m, 8mx8m, and 16mx16m, Strip: 2mx0.5m, 4mx0.5m, 8mx0.5m, 16mx0.5m. Texture: 1024x1024px T...
Condo 41m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above level 3 4x4 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination 6464 tris LOD 262 tris 128x128 glass balcony 708 tris Asset shares textures wi...
Condo 90m
Created by Smilies
level 3 4x4 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination Main mesh 12022 tris, LOD 410 tris 256x256 All props are optional and are listed in the Modern Condo Collection, pick and choose whatever you want Assets share texture...
Construction Equipment props pack
Created by Tomas13TO
Construction Equipment props pack All stuff you can find under industrial structures tab. Recommended mods More Beautification Mod by BloodyPenguin which allows you to place props in game. Prop Anarchy (& Tree Anarchy) Mod by BloodyPenguin which allows you...
Container Straddle Carrier
Created by cyricc
Part of the Cargo Container Assets collection. 1262 tris. As with all custom props, this can be found in the asset editor under Parks > Park Equipment....
Container trailers - Pack 1 (Prop)
Created by Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Containers on a trailer containing 5 variations of 4 brands, including Cargo in Motion (CIM), CIMSKIP (by Lee Towers), Generic Industries Ltd. (by Beardmonkey) and a new giant in the shipping business KALMAR. ...
Container trailers - Pack 2 (Prop)
Created by Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Containers on a trailer containing variations of 5 brands, including ATYS CGM, AZURE, BMSC, OWL & PDXCO. This asset takes advantage of random prop feature added to the asset editor in patch 1.6 and will cycle ...
Coral Plumeria
Created by infinitesworld
Coral Plumeria by infinitesworld...
Corner Deli Commercial
Created by Smilies
Corner Deli Commercial growable version Level 2 commercial low 2x4 corner 1493 tris 512x1024 textures diffuse, spec, color, illumination, normal Custom LOD 109 tris baked textures 128x128 Custom foundation and stairs for gentle slope tolerance 4 color vari...
Cordova Building
Created by Smilies
923 tris LOD 50 tris 1024x512 texture with 4 color varations, normal map, spec and illumination 1x2 lot size Small foundation with stairs for gentle slope tolerance Models and textures done by Smilies; cannot be re-uploaded without permission authorized by...
Corner-parking 6 x 6
Created by core79
Corner-parking 6 x 6 by core79 Für die Stats schaut einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Über einen netten Kommentar oder Daumen hoch würde ich mich natürlich sehr freuen. Danke schön. Für diesen Park einen speziellen Dank an pdelmo , KingLeno , BachToBaroque , Sv...
Covered parking 9 x 5
Created by core79
Covered parking 9 x 5 by core79 Für die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Für diesen Parkplatz geht ein spezieller Dank an KingLeno,luminou,pdelmo,Spence!,boformer und Like_Mike. Danke an ALLE Modder, die so schöne Bäume und Props hochlad...
CPP Parking Lot - Basic 4x4
Created by City Planner Plays
CPP Parking Lot - Basic 4x4 by City Planner Plays...
Cracks dark
Created by Avanya
Inspired by the wonderful decals by Ronyx69 I've got a little pack of 3 decals for you guys for those old worn roads or paved areas. These darker ones fit roads/pavement darker than the vanilla road texture like in the Realistic Temperate Theme or my Wet T...
Cross The Line
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to build your infrastructure (e.g. highways) outside of city limits You need this mod if you want to edit highways, railways, trees, electricity lines and water/sewage lines outside of city limits and/or 25 tile area. This mod also allows you to pla...
Created by CR
CRT轨道-PROP by CRT...
CRT Elevated Metro Station 120m Detailed
Created by RichardShi
This is an elevated metro station asset. About the Station The prototype of this subway station is the Gailanxi station of Chongqing Rail Transit Line 9. The part of the roof absorbs its design elements. I designed and modified other parts. Triangle count:...
CRT Mnonrail Tracks
Created by CR
必须订阅 prop 不然会出现错误! orop地址 Must subscribe prop ...
CRT Monorail station
Created by CR
重庆跨座式车站,这种车站用于重庆轨道交通3号线居多。 Chongqing straddle station, which is mainly used for chongqing rail transit line 3 车站长度为100m,高为25m,宽为20m。 The length of the station is 100m, the height 25m and the width 20m. 支持CSUR双向4车道(有隔离带)居中铺设 需要mod (Fine Road Anarchy)。 Suppo...
CRT Monorail Station Detailed
Created by RichardShi
This is a monorail station asset. About the Station The prototype of this station is the Gailanxi station of Chongqing Rail Transit Line 9. The part of the roof absorbs its design elements. I designed and modified other parts. Triangle count: 18780 You can...
CRT- crt station
Created by CR
CRT- crt station by CRT 重庆轨道交通3号线(Chongqing Rail Transit Line 3),是重庆市第三条建成运营的城市轨道交通线路,识别色为琉璃蓝。重庆交通大学至江北机场T2航站楼段于2011年12月30日开通试运营;鱼洞至重庆交通大学段于2012年12月28日开通试运营;碧津至举人坝段于2016年12月28日开通试运营。 重庆轨道交通3号线大致呈南北走向,南起鱼洞站,途经巴南区、南岸区、渝中区、江北区、渝北区,北至江北机场T2航站楼站;重庆轨道交通3号线北延伸段(重...
CRT-monorail track (Tunnel version)
Created by CR
不需要dlc 此版本包括双向 单向 站台线! Do not need DLC. This version includes two-way and one-way station lines!...
crt-CRT Station+Screen doors
Created by CR
crt-CRT Station+Screen doors by CRT 此版本为CRT轨道特用车站 车站含灯光 屏蔽门 请订阅所需要的其它mod与资产 This version is a CRT track special station station with lights screen doors Please subscribe to the other mods and assets required 感谢你们的订阅!请点赞!谢谢! Thanks for your subscription! Pl...
Created by CR
Crystal Rivera Condos
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Another asset from Palm Beach Series is Crystal Rivera Condos. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a residential otherwise you can find it under unique buildings tab - level 3. With Repaint mod by algernon you can change the colo...
CSL Map View
Created by Gansaku
CSL Map View (Current version 4.4.7) This mod draws a image of map. Exactly, it is another external executable (CSLMapView.exe; bundled with the mod) to draw the map. The mod only outputs data file for that. If mod or viewer don't run, send comment with co...
Cubique 003 - Office - Plastimold
Created by _luminou_
Cubique 003 - Plastimod by luminou Contains _d _i _s _c and LOD files RICO compatible...
Curb Network
Created by KingLeno
Curb Network by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset functioning in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. A network curb asset for decoration and use with Curb Props 2. Thanks to everyone that helped me out witthis in...
Cupet Cimex Servi
Created by Lee the Yote
Cupet Cimex Servi This building is based off of service stations found in Cuba, this is not based off of one specific building but is inspired by multiple images of various service stations in Cuba. This is a level 1 growable that takes up a 4x4 space, it ...
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Cyberpunk2077 NC Area Rapid Transit [Monorail]
Created by Elektrotek
Monorail inspired by NCART in Cyberpunk2077 Content include: Front track and Passenger track Mesh info: Tri:280 Texture:1024X1024 Ingame rendered LOD I'll be making metro version soon. ...
Cynth's MVRDV Rodovre Building (growable)
Created by Cynth
Cynth's MVRDV Rodovre Building (4x4 Residential Growable) Dutch architects MVRDV and Danish co-architects ADEPT have won a competition to design the Rødovre Skyscraper in Copenhagen, Denmark. The 116 metre tall tower will include apartments, a hotel, retai...
Cynth's Pearl Tower (Residential Growable)
Created by Cynth
Cynth's Pearl Tower (3x4 / 3x3 Residential Growable) Modern panorama skyscraper for everyone who dislikes edges :) Grows on level 5 high residential zones and takes 3x3 or 3x4 fields. Version 1.4 release - mesh overhaul - texture improvements - multi color...
Cypress Tree
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A new version of my Cypress Tree, matching existing assets more closely. It has lower triangle count (262), and custom thumbnail. Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If y...
Data Mining Agency
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, we catch every single byte and create trends and statistics from this data. From your favourite homemade hot dog chili sauce to your neighbours secret rocket construction materials, nothing can escape the critical eyes of our high-quality dat...
Dark iron fences
Created by Titan
A set of dark iron fence props As said, a set of dark iron fence props including a... 4m segment 8m segment 16m segment Cim gate segment Car gate segment They are not terrain conforming. More Beautification, Prop Anarchy, Prop Line Tool and Find it! are re...
Dav118's - Shanghai Tower, Shanghai (Scale 1:1)
Created by Dav118
Here is the Shanghai Tower, Shanghai at the full 1:1 scale. A lot of people have been asking for this, so now you have the Shanghai Trio! :) In game this can be found in the Tier 6 section and has a footprint of 12x13 squares. The model is using Diffuse, S...
Daylight Classic
Created by BloodyPenguin Brings back original daylight color and fog settings from pre-After Dark versions of C:S IT'S A MOD, NOT A LUT! This mod doesn't require After Dark DLC! Are you annoyed with that yellow tint that turns days into permanent ev...
Detroit Fire HQ (vanilla)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a version of the Detroit FireHQ without the helipad. (4x4) If you have natural disasters you can subscribe to the full version About the model The third installment of my Detroit series.I t...
Diagonal parking lot 3x6
Created by core79
Diagonal parking lot 3x6 by core79 Für die stats schaut einfach auf das fünfte Bild. For the stats look the fifth picture. Ich wünsche allen frohe Weihnachten ! I wish you all a merry christmas ! Für diesen Park ein spezielen Dank an MrMaison, GC Vos, Sven...
Diagonal parking lot 6x2
Created by core79
Diagonal parking lot 6x2 by core79 Für die stats schaut einfach auf das fünfte Bild. For the stats look the fifth picture. 2 clicks and all items for this park subscribed, see here: 2 klicks u...
Directional Light Bollard
Created by Pixel_monster
Directional Light Bollard by Pixel_monster A Low intensity Street bollard with directional yellow light. Used for my Stonewall Quay Asset. If you like this asset please Subscribe to my workshop and rate this asset and commen...
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 26 dock / seawall / harbor / port / pier assets: 1 dock surface prop 6 main dock pieces 2 edge and 2 corner pieces 3 concrete blocks 2 curbs 2 railings 3 tie poles 2 bumpers 1 ladder 1 grate 1 water level marker Found in parks and industrial props...
DSB cargo train
Created by Von Roth
Update I have added a config file for the Vehicle Effects mod to this asset. This vehicle will have additional effects if you are subscribed to this mod and have it enabled. The additional effects are: Diesel train/engine movement sound replacing the defau...
Dynamic Resolution (Fixed for 1.9!)
Created by Gradius Twin
NOW WORKING IN 1.9 GREEN CITIES! KNOWN ISSUE - MAC OS X: This mod is currently broken on the Mac. Installing this mod on a Mac will result in the blank sky bug. Removing (or disabling) it and restarting the game will fix the problem. I would love to suppor...
Eagle Moor Hospital Ford E350 Type III
Created by sliN
Eagle Moor's (currently unnamed) Hospital has it's own ambulance service! Here to aid you when ever you find yourself in an accident or in need of medical assistance ! Made for Pete McTavish and his current project "Eagle Moor" . Watch Pete building live o...
Edificio Carrión, Madrid (no ads)
Created by Armesto Edificio Carrión, Madrid (Spain) No ads version This version includes only the "Capitol" signs (the cinema name), not the Schweppes one. You can remove all the ...
Edificio Carrión, Madrid (Schweppes ad)
Created by Armesto Edificio Carrión, Madrid (Spain) Version without ads The Edificio Carrión or Edificio Capitol is a building in central Madrid, Spain. An outstanding example of ...
Edificio de la Encarnación
Created by Macwelshman] Edificio de la Encarnación Edificio de la Encarnación (Building of the Incarnation) is a 16-story high-rise office building in Asunción, the capital of Paraguay. This asset was commissioned by Bastet for his city build of San...
Elementary School
Created by Gruny
Elementary School A French/European inspired elementary school. The building includes benches in the playground from the DLC Parklife (not mandatory but recommended). Apart from the addition of benches for functional considerations (later addition of props...
Elementary School - Simcity 4
Created by Kridershot Copy of Elementary School from Simcity 4 that was recreated pixel by pixel. I try to stick to the original model as much as possible and I hope did well. :) The building has custom props to avoid some of the ugly vanilla ones ...
Elevated Metro Station
Created by Mons
This is my first metro station. I wanted to create a boring, second half of XX century style elevated metro station, smaller than the vanilla one, and which could be placed over vanilla 4 lanes avenues. By default it does not include the avenue under the b...
Elevated Metro Station Track (No Pillars)
Created by Coldrifting
Elevated Metro Station Tracks that have no pillars, making them great for over road stations. For asset creators....
Elevated Over Road Train Station 路上高架車站
Created by Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2017-07-28*** fix pedestrian path; no more "distance too short" error message ****************************** Elevated Over Road Station I wanted to make something with semi-transparent glass and animated escalator, like BadPeanut's Sotunder Sunke...
Express Cargo Station 2.0
Created by speedtraxxdj
++ Superschnelle Frachtstation ++ Das Asset ist frei plazierbar! ORIGINAL von Mark Fire (+Deprecated+) : Um die Funktionsweise zu verstehen,schaut euch das Video dazu an!Das ist der Link zum ...
Express Cargo Station 2.0 +One Way Train Track+
Created by speedtraxxdj
++ Superschnelle Frachtstation (Einspurig) ++ Das Asset ist frei plazierbar! ORIGINAL von Mark Fire (+Deprecated+) : Um die Funktionsweise zu verstehen,schaut euch das Video dazu an! Das ist ...
Extended Managers Library temporary fix
Created by algernon WARNING: UNSTABLE. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW GAMES. This mod has a number of bugs and stability issues, and is not recommended for new games. It is provided here as an attempt to help players with existing cities using Extende...
Extra Train Station Tracks ( ETST )
Created by BloodyPenguin Adds more train station track assets for custom train stations. This mod was created before custom network assets were a thing and is still needed for stations created with its tracks. These tracks are only available to asse...
FBS International Control Tower for Airports DLC
Created by bsquiklehausen
You're cleared for take-off! This tower was based off an amalgamation of several different ATC towers from all over the world - notably Boston, Seattle, and San Francisco. It's a modern design with metal paneling, black glass, and two large backlit panels ...
Find It! 2
Created by sway
This mod allows you to search, filter, select, and place assets. It also provides some extra info that are usually not available in vanilla game. Unsubscribe the BETA version before you use this mod! This mod was forked from...
Fingertrap Path
Created by Turnpike Theory
Covered pedestrian path, based on the Peace Bridge by Santiago Calatrava. ~2500 tris per segment; LOD ~75 tris Texture size: 1k; LOD 128...
Fire escape - 4 story - black - customprop
Created by Feindbold
-customprop, model and textures done by myself -ment to fit 4 story buildings -206 triangles (diffusemap, alphamap 512² each) -52 triangles LOD (diffusemap, alphamap 256² each) Prop for my Brooklyn Theme...
First Person Camera v2.2.0
Created by Asu
Cities: Skylines - First Person Camera mod v2.2 * Please refer to the GitHub page for change notes, source, discussions, etc. * Please refer to the Wiki page for more comprehensive Guide. * Consider submitting your issues or suggestions on the Issues page....
Created by Reaper
First_Canadian_Place by Reaper unique building with lod scale 1:1 compatible with After Dark 11052 highpoly tex resolution 1024 727 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 ...
Flatlands (2.5)
Created by Mulleboy
Tired of all the automated generated terrains that is a pain to build on, or just tired of the regular maps included in the original game? If it's time to get serious and truly be master of your future city then this map is for you! Like the concept? Check...
Created by My Tag Gone
This is a RICO version of a Unique building created by Reaper , It is in his Skyscraper_by_Reaper collection. Full creation credit to Him :) Will behave as Unique if RICO mod not installed. Will behave as High Commercial if RICO mod installed. Commercial s...
Floating Pier
Created by Mic CrossHill
A floating Pier as expansion for your marina. It is pity that floating Props can take any props on them. Info: Model: Verts: 384 Faces: 239 Tris: 658 Texture: 512*256 LOD: Verts: 8 Faces: 5 Tris: 10 Texture: 128*128...
Fluorescent light KEIKOUTOU
Created by Konno Model
Fluorescent light KEIKOUTOU by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
Football field / Soccer field
Created by Gruny
Even small teams are allowed to have their own field. Here is another football field equipped with a locker room, guardrails around the field and protective netting behind the goals. The colormap is defined for the lawn of the field, you can freely adapt i...
Fragrant Harbor
Created by Bewolf_22
A map where the West meets the East. –About– Welcome to my newest map! This map is solely based on Hong Kong. It is a very important map to me, as I have a special connection with the city, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I currently am! In comparison t...
Franjo Tuđman Bridge, Dubrovnik - Croatia
Created by Raccoon
Information: The Franjo Tuđman Bridge (Croatian: Most dr. Franja Tuđmana) is a cable-stayed bridge carrying the D8 state road at the western approach to Dubrovnik, Croatia across Rijeka Dubrovačka near Port of Gruž. The original bridge design was developed...
French house #1
Created by Gruny
French house #1 The beginning of a new series of houses that will be catalogued under the name "French House" with a revised work. These will allow you to compose subdivisions in a French spirit but which can also correspond to other regions. (BTW: I recen...
French houses - Set #1
Created by Gruny
French houses Set #1 In addition to the model house presented a few weeks ago, here is a first set of three additional houses that will allow you to compose a subdivision of French inspiration (and more precisely of the south of France). The color map is d...
French houses - Set #2
Created by Gruny
French houses Set #2 In addition to the previous pack, here is a second set of three additional houses that will allow you to compose a subdivision of French inspiration (and more precisely of the south of France). The color map is defined for the roof and...
Fruits - Apple tree
Created by Ston3D
Apple tree by Ston3D - Fruits collection 623 Tris 512 px 4-6m Apple tree with fresh, red apples ready for picking. Small sized tree mostly suitable for making your own orchard assets, decorating backyards or just randomly planting in your suburban for loca...
Futuristic Shopping Tower CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Shopping Tower CC Because Artists create Art. It needs *!some!* Tris (2000 Tris over count). Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 3 / 4x4 8736 Polys 17354 Tri...
FUKUTSU Container Truck
Created by jaijai
福山通運30フィートコンテナトラック Truck Isuzu GIGA 6x2 short cab Asset Details Category: Industry Capacity: 10,000 Triangles: 1711, Texture: 512x512 LoD Triangles: 78, LoD Texture: 64x32 This asset contains a prop also....
Galaxy Soho - Beijing (CHINA)
Created by _luminou_
Galaxy Soho - Beijing (CHINA) Create by the Anglo-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid, Galaxy Soho is an architectural exploit characterized by its complexity and its fluidity. Unique Building Level 6 Over size: 30x18 - 1 main building - 1 sub-building (glass: fenc...
Galileo Galilei Planetarium - Buenos Aires
Created by LealMafor
The 1960s-built planetarium, resembling a UFO, is located in the Parque Tres de Febrero in Palermo Buenos Aires, Argentina. It has a main projection room with a 20-metre dome and reclineable seats for viewing projections of the stars and planets, and a sma...
Gambia Estuary
Created by Teddy Radko
Gambia Estuary is my first African based map to be released to the Steam Workshop. It features natural beauty with my best take on the endless Guinean forest-savannah mosaic, coastal woodlands, tropical beaches, and dense impassable mangrove forested swamp...
Gazelle Next [Catafalque]
Created by Kirillitsa
General information: GAZelle NEXT is a family of Russian light-duty trucks, serial production of which began at the Gorky Automobile Plant on April 9, 2013. The models represent the second generation of GAZ light-duty trucks and are the "successor" to the ...
Garden Cover Flowers
Created by pdelmo
Garden Cover Flowers in a mix off colours Smaller scale for better upclose shots, Nice size for easy gardens 7 crp files including--- None flowering, Red, Yellow, Pink, Purple, White, Blue Larger green cover is 430tri at 512x512 texture Flower cover plants...
Gazelle Next [Road Service | 2 car pack]
Created by Kirillitsa
General information: GAZelle NEXT is a family of Russian light-duty trucks, production of which began at the Gorky Automobile Plant on 9 April 2013. The models represent the second generation of GAZ light-duty trucks and are the "successor" to the GAZelle ...
Generic Office Tower (Growable)
Created by moxiecrimefighter
A 4x3 Growable Level 3 Office Building A Generic Office Building, similar to those built in the US in the 1960s and 70s. 78m Height 125 Tris, Custom LOD 50 Tris Updates: Updated for After Dark! Updated textures: more detail, more accurately scaled windows ...
GHQ Grand Theatre
Created by XDBX
GHQ Grand Theatre by XDBX --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 应投资方要求,删去浮雕艺术字,上传工坊。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 感谢玩家“直男哥”的大力资助。 -----------------...
Generic Tree pack
Created by Lost Gecko
Pack of 6 generic filler trees for all sorts of rural areas, highway sides or anywhere some random trees are needed. Map Theme: New Caledonia - LUTs: Cleyra/Colorful Summer Day Models main models tris: 332 - 374 - 438 - 504 - 814 - 878 textures: 512x512 (d...
Global Collaboration 2022 Map
Created by Sanctum Gamer
Update * Updated the plane paths to standard segment lengths. * Updated the ship paths to standard segment lengths. About the map This is an almost vanilla tropical themed map designed to offer a bit of a challenge. It comprises two large islands that are ...
Grant Park Village
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above This pack contains 3 buildings, 2 versions of the front building and a rear building with parking access. Front and rear buildings combine a shared plaza in between. All can be fou...
Green Elevated Station [Metro]
Created by Polygon Take a ride on the green side To accelerate your cims' transition with sustainable transport - saving the environment. Earth will thank you! Requirements The only required mod is Fine Road Tool. For all those who like stats Tr...
Green Sunken Metro Station
Created by Polygon Take a ride on the green side To accelerate your cims' transition with sustainable transport - saving the environment. Earth will thank you! For train version click here. How to connect the statio...
Green Sunken Train Station
Created by Polygon Take a ride on the green side To accelerate your cims' transition with sustainable transport - saving the environment. Earth will thank you! For metro version click here. How to connect the statio...
Greene Complex
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Greene complex for sports and recreation from West Palm Beach, FL is another assets from Plam Beach series. You can find it under unique buildings. Enjoy Tris count - about 4800 Custom LOD A special thanks to thi...
Growable Office 02
Created by DubaiSkyscraper
Version 1.0 -------------------------- Stats Size: 4x4 Type: Office H3 ------------------------ About the building Status: Fiction Height: 82.00 m...
Guangzhou Metro line18/22 metro
Created by cobo.zhu
Guangzhou metro line 22 is the 15th subway line in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China. It is one of the city wide express lines of Guangzhou subway. It opened its first section (Panyu Square Station to chentougang station) on March 31, 2022, with the log...
Growable Office 03
Created by DubaiSkyscraper
Version 1.0 -------------------------- Stats Size: 4x4 Type: Office H3 ------------------------ About the building Status: Fiction Height: 128.25 m...
Guardian Towers [C3-Growable]
Created by naokika
13/May/2015 UPDATED = Complete rework = Commercial lvl1 -> High Density Commercial level 3 Since it didn't fit well on level 1 buildings. (Can turn it back if high demand) = Optimized Less poly + textures JPG = Faster loading = Updated the height of the bu...
Gula's CN Tower
Created by Gula
Gula's CN Tower (5x5 monument) Updated for After Dark "The 3rd tallest tower in the world and remains the tallest free-standing structure in the Western Hemisphere, a signature icon of Toronto's skyline, and a symbol of Canada, attracting more than two mil...
Gula's Crosswinds (L2 HD Com Growable)
Created by Gula
Level 2 - High Density Commercial Growable (just zone for HD Com after subscribing) 2 wide by 3 deep (but can also grow on 2x4) ---------------- This stubby building helps break up some of the repetitive shapes from the 2nd tier of buildings for HD commerc...
Gula's Privet (4x4 HD Residential)
Created by Gula
Gula's Privet Updated for After Dark --------- 4x4 Residential High Density Growable This building is Level 5 and will not show up in zones with high-rise ban "Privet is Russian for Hi!" 2940 tris 83 tris LOD 1024 map 4 color variations --------- Other bui...
Gula's Rivergate Lykes (Growable)
Created by Gula
Gula's Rivergate Lykes (4x4 Office) Updated for After Dark The Rivergate Tower, also known as the Sykes building and commonly referred to as the Beercan building. The building was constructed from 1986 to 1988. Harry Wolf (architect) based its measurements...
Gula's Slothingham Place (4x3 HD Com Growable - L3)
Created by Gula
Level 3 - High Density Commercial Growable (just zone for HD Com after subscribing) 3 wide by 4 deep ---------------- I thought that my city could use some tall commercial buildings that are perhaps something like a gigantic 30 story supermall or a chain f...
Gustave-Roussy Subway Station
Created by _luminou_
Gustave-Roussy Subway Station Inspired by the future metro station "Gustave-Roussy". With its 50 meters deep separating the city from the platforms, this station will become the deepest in France. The construction site is scheduled to end in 2023 and is lo...
H3 4x4 Office Skyward [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable level 3 office 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . This futuristic skyscraper reaches for the sky. Not just because of it's height but because of it's technol...
H3 4x4 Office Horizon [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable level 3 office 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . The future of cooperation between machine intelligence and human intelligence is met in this office. The in...
H3 4x4 Office Sphere [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable level 3 office 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . The office of tomorrow for the cities of tomorrow. Asset: - Size: 4x4 - Main Tris: 358, 512x512 - LOD Tris:...
Half Chase Manhattan - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 Office
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Good day Skyliners !! After two recreations (SC3K and SC4 buildings) it was time for some original content... and I chose to reproduce an existing building (so long for "original"). I took a nice looking NYC skyscraper and reduced it to make it fit as a gr...
Haiyin bridge in Guangzhou广州海印大桥
Created by 红米先生
Haiyin bridge in Guangzhou广州海印大桥 by Redmi 共做两个版本,一个是水面上放置版本,另外一个是地面可放置版本...
Hang Seng - IFC Bridge, HK
Created by Pirazel
Hang Seng IFC Bridge, Hong Kong This bridge is part of the Central elevated Walkway system. It connects the Hang Seng Bank to the IFC One. This is a decorative building! -No function! -No walk paths! -No connection or services needed! Use the "move it!" mo...
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...
Happy Dairy Market
Created by Smilies
Generic Early American wall-to-wall lowrise Low density level 2 commercial Main mesh 1642 tris 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color Custom LOD 67 tris 128x128 texture Custom foundation with stairs for gentle slope tolerance, works best when ...
Hatched Marking 01 - part 2
Created by Beardmonkey
Hatched Marking 01 - part 2 by Beardmonkey...
Hatched Marking 01 - part 3
Created by Beardmonkey
Hatched Marking 01 - part 3 by Beardmonkey...
Hazzard Map Theme
Created by notDONEyet
Desert theme. (prefered for maps with rivers) Textures size: 2048X2048 Visual recommendations: Relight Mod: Daylight Classic Mod:
HDRI Haven Cubemap Pack 2
Created by Ronyx69
2K cubemap pack using images from I didn't make the images, I only edited and converted them. Read the description of the first pack: Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropoli...
Hedge Prop.
Created by pdelmo
Hedge Prop. 3d Plant Prop for People that detail only. Includes one tall 8mtr hedge terrain conforming Short 7mtr hedge conforming and non-conforming Made using bilboaring leaves has double sided mesh as its a prop. So has twice the triangle count as a tre...
Hexagon brick planter pack
Created by Avanya
More planters? Yes! Apparently! xD But don't worry, they share textures with the others, and this might be my favorite set yet! 3 different parks with hexagon planters. 2 which are 1x1 tile with 1 hexagon, and a 2x2 park with a nice little setup. https://i...
Hexagon concrete planter pack
Created by Avanya
More planters? Yes! Apparently! xD But don't worry, they share textures with the others, and this might be my favorite set yet! 3 different parks with hexagon planters. 2 which are 1x1 tile with 1 hexagon, and a 2x2 park with a nice little setup. https://i...
Hide TM:PE Unconnected Tracks
Created by kian.zarrin Hides tracks that are unconnected by TMPE lane connector tool. Instructions: 1- subscribe to and enable this mod and TMPE. 2- use TMPE lane connector to connect tracks. 3- unconnected tracks will disappear (see limitations)....
Hide TMPE crosswalks V3.2 [stable]
Created by kian.zarrin link to Experimental Mod! CLICK HERE to understand where are the log files and how to upload them. ** Migrating between mods? (true for any mod) you must exit to desktop AFTER you have unsubscribed from the old version. ** N...
Highrise Hotel (Growable)
Created by moxiecrimefighter
A 4x4 Level 3 High Density Commercial Building. Growable. 107m Height Tris: 271 ...
Highrise Condo 93m 8x4
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Taller version of the 34m Condo, but this one has different shopfronts with glass awnings instead of canvas awnings 8x4 RICO high density residential 1024x512 diffuse,...
Hilton Garden Inn
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Another asset from Plam Beach series is Hilton Garden Inn from Palm Beach Gardens, FL. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a hotel. Enjoy Tris count - about 11000 Custom LOD A special thanks to th...
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center 香港会议展览中心 HK
Created by XDBX
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center (HKCEC) 香港会议展览中心 1:1scale version1:1比例 中文名称Chinese name 香港会议展览中心 外文名称English name Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center 简称abbreviation HKCEC 开幕 1988年11月 You can find it in the special building of the fifth le...
Houseboat 01
Created by Mic CrossHill
Houseboat inspired by one from Amsterdam. This is a static Model - you have to set the hight with MoveIt. Floating Models don´t support Props on them. To use this Houseboat you need MoveIt and Road-Anarchy (or equal) to set and then move the boat. This Hou...
Hopper Tower - Growable 4x4Lvl5 H Residential
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NEW : UPDATED for After Dark Nighttime Need some more variety in your high density residential districts ? Want to offer your wealthy cims a nice place to live ? The Hopper tower is here for you. It's a level 5 high density residential building and will gr...
Houseboat 03
Created by Mic CrossHill
Houseboat inspired by Netherlands Woonboots. This is a static Model - you have to set the hight with MoveIt. Floating Models don´t support Props on them. To use this Houseboat you need MoveIt and Road-Anarchy (or equal) to set and then move the boat. This ...
Created by PoperzenPeter
HousingArea ptimized for LowTech, directly usable....
Hwl tower HK 和记黄埔大厦 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
Hwl tower by XDBX You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到 1:1.5versions
Huge cargo station with 2 cargo bay
Created by Marcello
Do you have lot a cargo train? More than usual cargo terminals can handle? Are you tired by constant traffic jam cause by your terminal? Well here a possible solution. I represent you a new cargo terminal with two actually working cargo bay on opposite sit...
I Will Be
Created by agusingnavy
I Will Be by agusingnavy The Greatest "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. Real location *UI Priority: -1263 Mods used: Network mods -Fine Road Anarchy -Fine Road Tool (Required) -Move ...
Iceshard Offices
Created by Jerenable
Iceshard Offices by Jerenable A building designed by me, yours truely. Hope you like it. The building is a unique and when you have RICO its a RICO office. You can donate if you want to support me I am now on active on Patreon...
ICC in Hong Kong(香港环球贸易广场)
Created by Henry Suen
ICC in Hong Kong(香港环球贸易广场) by Book Sun 环球贸易广场(International Commerce Centre,简称ICC),其可用楼层的水平高度达490米,实际高度则为484米。 在独特建筑 第三级可以找到 Height: 490 m You can find it in Unique Building 3rd level....
IDS Center - Minneapolis [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
IDS Center - Minneapolis The IDS Center is an office skyscraper located at 80 South 8th Street in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Completed in 1972, it is the tallest building in Minneapolis, and the tallest building in the state at a height of 792 feet (241 m). I...
IKEA by Ozo
Created by Ozoft
IKEA by Ozo Landmark Building Level: 3 Cost: 45.000 Maintenance cost: 320 Custom model Tris: 2745 Textures: 2048x2048, Diffuse, Specular...
Improved Content Manager
Created by BloodyPenguin
Enhanced mods and assets panels This mod replaces two existing mods: Improved Assets Panel and Improved Mods Panel. It's compatible with all other mods as far as I know (including Less Steam by @thale5 which I highly recomme...
Improved Hedges
Created by pdelmo
Lower Poly Tall hedges. Conforming Short & Long and Non conforming Short Conforming hedges same size as vanilla to use Prop it up swap hedges with prop switcher Hedge 3 C Long as hedge Hedge 3 C as short hedge 306tri and 612tri for long 1024x512 pix Custom...
Industrial Props Pack
Created by Tomas13TO
Industrial Props Pack All stuff you can find under industrial structures tab. Recommended mods More Beautification Mod by BloodyPenguin which allows you to place props in game. Prop Anarchy (& Tree Anarchy) Mod by BloodyPenguin which allows you to place pr...
Infinite Demand
Created by μohnytoxic™
Force infinite demand for residential, commercial and industrial zones. You can also disable infinite demand in-game. Open the options, navigate to the "Infinite Demand Mod" settings page and click the checkbox. Please keep in mind that the simulation has ...
Inner City Corner 3
Created by Smilies
level 1 3x2 135 degree corner, weathered brick, shuttered, partially boarded 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination Main mesh 506 tris, LOD 13 tris 64x64 growable, but looks best when plopped on a 135 degree corner, suggest you use find it mod...
Inner City Corner 4
Created by Smilies
commercial RICO 3x3 45 degree corner, clean painted brick, partially boarded 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination Main mesh 1250 tris, LOD 45 tris 64x64 foundation submesh 192 tris 4 color variations Inner City assets share textures use Load...
Intersection Marking Tool 1.14.4
Created by macsergey Overview This mod allows you to quickly create road markings at intersections. This is for detailing and aesthetics ONLY and WILL NOT tell your traffic where to go. If you want to control traf...
Invisible Path Bridge & Tunnel
Created by Lokon
Invisible Path Bridge & Tunnel by Lokon Invisible pedestrian path, bridge and tunnel entrance, no props, no lod. Connects to other pedestrian bridges and tunnels Low construction and maintenance cost. Donate If you like my maps/models/mods:
Invisible Pedestrian Path
Created by Czardus
This is an invisible pedestrian path. It works the same as a gravel pedestrian path and is useful for detailing. ...
Invisible Pedestrian Path Set
Created by neinnew/네인
The invisible version of Concrete Pedestrian Path. Links Twitter -> @Cities_neinnew Youtube -> neinnew Instagram -> at.leasat Discord -> neinnew CSL ...
Italian Modern HR
Created by Zeno
Italian Modern HR by Zeno XX century Italian Building. Red roof to fit in almost every mediterranean set. Italian Italy Liguria Mediterraneum European France French Spain Spanish Greek Greece...
Jacaranda Tree Adult
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Jacaranda Tree Adult by Shroomblaze 330 Tri's / 83 Polys Child Version Located Here - Be sure to follow me to see new stuff first! Thanks :)
j.p - Local Clinic
Created by jorge.puerta j.p - Local Clinic Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 2x4 - Minimal range clinic. It will provide your citizens with basic health services. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Description -...
Japanese Noise Barrier (JPNB)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a type of road noise barrier (Network) that is often seen on Japanese expressways. The motif is based on the TOKYO-GAIKAN Expressway, Tomei Expressway, and Hanshin Expressway. The curved wall has a special light attached to it. This is a great way ...
Japanese Sea Defenses Network / 日本の堤防
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese angled walls(dikes) to prevent waters. We can see them around seasides in Japan. You can find this at canal tools. 2 variations are contained: with terrain / without terrain. Recommended Mods: Move it Quay Anarchy Height: 1.5m ( up tp 20m ) * Disc...
Japanese Retaining Walls Network / 日本の擁壁
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese retaining walls made with stones. "Retaining wall" means artificial angled wall. There are 2 variations: With Fences and Without Fences. With Fences version is for roads and tracks near mountains or hills, the other is for multi purpose (see examp...
Ji Xian Pavilion 集賢亭 | 集贤亭
Created by Emperor Li
Ji Xian Pavilion (In Chinese it literally means a place to gather (集 Ji) capable talents(賢 Xian)) located in Hangzhou West Lake, China. It's one of the 18 classic scenes of West Lake in Qing Dynasty (Riding and Shooting at Tingwan). Li Wei, the governor of...
Jin Mao Tower
Created by <3Alex
Jin Mao Tower by <3Alex 28/02/2016: THE LOD PROBLEM IS NOW FIXED. ENJOY THE NEW DLC. THE 1:1 VERSION IS FINALLY HERE. IGNORE HOW LONG IT TOOK AND JUST ENJOY: Yes, I'm aware that the original t...
Jin Mao Tower Shanghai 上海金茂大厦
Created by XDBX
Jin Mao Tower Shanghai 上海金茂大厦 你可以在第六集特殊建筑中找到哟 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level. ______________________________ 上海金茂大厦,位于上海市浦东新区世纪大道88号,地处陆家嘴金融贸易区中心,东临浦东新区,西眺上海市及黄浦江,南向浦东张杨路商业贸易区,北临10万平方米的中央绿地。 上海金茂大厦占地面积2.4万平方米,总建筑面积29万平方米,其中主楼88层,高度4...
JPPO Roof Props
Created by Ronyx69
Includes an AC, an electricity box and a vent. Made for the Japanese Post Office. Very generic, can be used for whatever you want. Main: 110 - 386 tris 512x256 LOD: 10 - 22 tris Twitch YouTube...
Created by pdelmo
Juniper Not really heavy at 708tri and 512x512 texture. Nice balance of detail for the game. Will suit most builds like dark themes and temperate. Tad over scale just the way we like it Juniper small HERE
Created by Golonka
"Karla Tower" is a planned residential building which will become the tallest building in Sweden and Scandinavia. Located in Gothenburg, it will be 245 meters tall and have 73 floors. This monument was created in blender as a 1:1 replica. It includes night...
K207 Tourist Commercial
Created by Gregor Vukasinovic
If you ever rolled into Cologne by train, chances are you've seen this building's real-life counterpart: It is a hotel sitting at a street corner at Breslauer Platz, right behind the main station, prominently visible from the platforms. If you also took a ...
Keymark Hotel - L3 4x3 High Commercial
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Greetings Skyliners. Some of you have asked me tu update 8bitwonder's very good looking Keymark Hotel. Here's a link to the original : It was missing nightlights and a custom LOD (well even s...
KDIC_Office Building_L3
Created by Memories
Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation (KDIC) 예금보험공사 사옥입니다. KDIC_Office Building Office Level 3 Growable 4x4 Model Tris 6300 Lod Tris 328 Texture 2048x2048 Lod Texture 256x256 ...
Kikuchi River - Japan | Vanilla & Mass Transit
Created by The L Train
Kikuchi River - Japan | Vanilla & Mass Transit While searching Google Earth for an area on which I could build my own Japanese city, I found this relatively rural river valley along the Kikuchi River. It has everything you could want for a Cities: Skylines...
Created by Reaper
Kilbourn_Tower by Reaper unique building with lod scale 1:1 compatible with After Dark 4105 highpoly tex resolution 2048 431 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal...
Created by My Tag Gone
This is a RICO version of a Unique building created by Reaper , It is in his Skyscraper_by_Reaper collection. Full creation credit to Him :) Will behave as Unique if RICO mod not installed. Will behave as High Commercial if RICO mod installed. Commercial s...
Created by KingLeno
KL-Umbrella by KingLeno 3 umbrella props for patio/pools/resorts -red/white traditional U-shaped -blue traditional -green square shaped -black square shaped -orange square shaped -tiki/tropical straw umbrella -multi colored pink/purple/green/yellow umbrell...
Konohana bridge
Created by Jerenable
Konohana bridge by Jerenable The Konohana Bridge (此花大橋 Konohana Ō-hashi) is a self-anchored suspension bridge located in Osaka, Japan. Opened for traffic in 1990, it has a main span of 300 metres (980 ft). The bridge's unusual design has only a single main...
KPF Forum 66 沈阳恒隆广场
Created by Railgun
Building Level:Unique building lv5 独特建筑5级 This is the second-generation asset of Shenyang Forum 66, which mainly fixes the problems of fuzzy mapping and night scene of the first 沈阳恒隆广场的二代资产,修复了第一代贴图过黑和顶部夜景缺失的问题 Forum 66 is a multi-phase development that cr...
KR Complex Building3
Created by Leaf
우리나라에서 흔하게 볼 수 있는 상가입니다. 코너에서 유용하게 이용할 수 있습니다. 를 기반으로 만든 한국식 상가건물입니다. 3X3 고밀도 상업건물 감사합니다. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It is a common commercial building in Korea. It is a Korean-style com...
KR Office Building1
Created by Leaf
우리나라에서 흔하게 볼 수 있는 6층 사무용 건물입니다. 지하층을 구현하기 위한 실험작입니다. 많이 이용해주세요. 감사합니다. 3X3 사무용건물 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a 6-story office building that can be utilized in the corner. This is ...
LA Fitness
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, La Fitness from Deerfield Beach, FL is another assets from Plam Beach series. You can find it under park and plazas tab. Enjoy Tris count - about 5000 Custom LOD A special thanks to this month's patrons Jens Roll...
La Poste - vehicle
Created by Gruny
First of all, you need the DLC industries to use this asset These postal vehicles will appear with any post office. It's a retexturing of the vanilla model. La Poste - other assets Post office Letterbox Vehicle (prop version) Truck Truck (prop version) Sup...
La Poste - Truck
Created by Gruny
First of all, you need the DLC industries to use this asset These postal vehicles will appear with post office and post sorting facility. It's a retexturing of the vanilla model. La Poste - other assets Post office Letterbox Vehicle Vehicle (prop version) ...
Lagoon Shores: Remastered
Created by SanditeSpartan117
Welcome to Lagoon Shores! Some Info This map is a complete overhaul of the base-game map Lagoon Shores by our developers. The beaches were super steep, the river was rugged, and the map was all lumpy bumpy. This map was a ton of fun getting to sculpt, and ...
Landscaping Blocks [Gravel / Non Conforming]
Created by Gruny
Initially intended for personal use, these landscaping blocks (aka curbs) are not innovative but differ in the use of a more detailed texture and a finer curb than those generally presented. Different styles are planned in the long term (Grass / Bark / Gra...
Landscaping Blocks [Grass]
Created by Gruny
Initially intended for personal use, these landscaping blocks (aka curbs) are not innovative but differ in the use of a more detailed texture and a finer curb than those generally presented. Different styles are planned in the long term (Grass / Bark / Gra...
Created by MrMaison
Lantana by MrMaison This Lantana is made primarily to create underbrush and also to make unkept areas and wild fillers. Goes great with grasses too.This is the first of my Lantana series. I made this one plain without flowers so it's more universal. The ne...
Large Medical Center - Simcity 4
Created by Kridershot Copy of Large Medical Center from Simcity 4 that was recreated pixel by pixel. I try to stick to the original model as much as possible and I hope did well. :) The building has custom props to avoid some of the ugly vanilla on...
Large Parking Garage / Car Park
Created by GCVos
A large modern parking garage for all your stationary needs. Place two of these in opposing directions to form a 14x14 block. ------------------------------ Update 26-9: This asset has been updated to work with the After Dark day/night cycle. Update 4-9 - ...
Large Police Station - Simcity 4
Created by Kridershot Copy of Large Police Station from Simcity 4 that was recreated pixel by pixel. I try to stick to the original model as much as possible and I hope did well. :) The original one has floor height about 4-5 meters that very unrea...
Large Water Pump - Simcity 4
Created by Kridershot Copy of Large Water Pump from Simcity 4 that was recreated pixel by pixel. I try to stick to the original model as much as possible and I hope did well. :) The asset doesn't have custom props, so you don't need to subscribe fo...
Laviante 2.0
Created by jPRO
Laviante 2.0 - Map Theme Use with Laviante LUT by @notDoneyet Used 1k - 4k textures. Cliff optimized for Coastal maps. Sand texture with soft brush creates ruined texture, use with combination with oil (or ore) Sand use unde...
Laviante Lut
Created by notDONEyet
LUT for Laviante 2.0 Map Theme No need for relight settings. based on EU environment....
Lebanese Gallery House (L2 3x4)
Created by Lemire
Residential: Low Lebanese House (L2 3x4x3) by Lemire From the "Middle-Eastern Fusion" collection, a synthetic mixture of traditional architectural styles originating in the Arabian Near-East (the "Levant"), and its wider region. This particular series of h...
Leafy Tree Set
Created by pdelmo
Set of 4 Leafy green generic trees 1024x1024 textures with colour and normal maps Leafy Tend 512tri Leafy Regular 966tri Leafy Full 426tri Leafy split trunk 953tri Shoutouts for some screenshots Hotkettle
Lebanese Gallery House (L3 3x4)
Created by Lemire
Residential: Low Lebanese House (L3 3x4x3) by Lemire From the "Middle-Eastern Fusion" collection, a synthetic mixture of traditional architectural styles originating in the Arabian Near-East (the "Levant"), and its wider region. This particular series of h...
Lebanese Gallery House (L4 3x4)
Created by Lemire
Residential: Low Lebanese House (L4 3x4x3) by Lemire From the "Middle-Eastern Fusion" collection, a synthetic mixture of traditional architectural styles originating in the Arabian Near-East (the "Levant"), and its wider region. This particular series of h...
Lebanese Gallery House (L5 3x4)
Created by Lemire
Residential: Low Lebanese House (L5 3x4x3) by Lemire From the "Middle-Eastern Fusion" collection, a synthetic mixture of traditional architectural styles originating in the Arabian Near-East (the "Levant"), and its wider region. This particular series of h...
Lebanese Hall House (L2 3x3)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese Hall House (L2 3x3x2) by Lemire...
Lebanese Hall House (L4 3x3)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese Hall House (L4 3x3x2) by Lemire...
Lebanese Hall House (L5 3x3)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese Hall House (L5 3x3x2) by Lemire...
Lebanese House (L1 2x2)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L1 2x2x1) by Lemire...
Lebanese House (L1 3x4)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L1 3x4x0) by Lemire For those of you who might be interested or curious, I am actually a practicing architect. My professional website can be view at this link:
Lebanese House (L1 2x2)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L1 2x2x2) by Lemire From the "Middle-Eastern Fusion" collection, a synthetic mixture of traditional architectural styles originating in the Arabian Near-East (the "Levant"), and its wider region. For those of you who might be interested or ...
Lebanese House (L1 4x4)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L1 4x4x3) by Lemire...
Lebanese House (L2 2x3)
Created by Lemire
Residential: Low Lebanese House (L2 2x3x2) by Lemire From the "Middle-Eastern Fusion" collection, a synthetic mixture of traditional architectural styles originating in the Arabian Near-East (the "Levant"), and its wider region. This particular series of h...
Lebanese House (L2 3x4)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L2 3x4x4) by Lemire From the "Middle-Eastern Fusion" collection, a synthetic mixture of traditional architectural styles originating in the Arabian Near-East (the "Levant"), and its wider region. Lebanon is a country located at the crossroa...
Lebanese House (L3 2x2)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L3 2x2x1) by Lemire...
Lebanese House (L2 3x4)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L2 3x4x2) by Lemire...
Lebanese House (L3 2x2)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L3 2x2x2) by Lemire From the "Middle-Eastern Fusion" collection, a synthetic mixture of traditional architectural styles originating in the Arabian Near-East (the "Levant"), and its wider region....
Lebanese House (L3 2x3)
Created by Lemire
Residential: Low Lebanese House (L3 2x3x2) by Lemire From the "Middle-Eastern Fusion" collection, a synthetic mixture of traditional architectural styles originating in the Arabian Near-East (the "Levant"), and its wider region. This particular series of h...
Lebanese House (L3 3x2)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L3 3x2x3) by Lemire...
Lebanese House (L3 3x4)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L3 3x4x4) by Lemire From the "Middle-Eastern Fusion" collection, a synthetic mixture of traditional architectural styles originating in the Arabian Near-East (the "Levant"), and its wider region. Lebanon is a country located at the crossroa...
Lebanese House (L3 3x4)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L3 3x4x2) by Lemire...
Lebanese House (L3 3x4)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L3 3x4x1) by Lemire...
Lebanese House (L3 4x4)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L3 4x4x3) by Lemire...
Lebanese House (L4 2x2)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L4 2x2x1) by Lemire...
Lebanese House (L4 2x3)
Created by Lemire
Residential: Low Lebanese House (L4 2x3x2) by Lemire From the "Middle-Eastern Fusion" collection, a synthetic mixture of traditional architectural styles originating in the Arabian Near-East (the "Levant"), and its wider region. This particular series of h...
Lebanese House (L4 3x4)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L4 3x4x0) by Lemire...
Lebanese House (L4 3x4)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L4 3x4x2) by Lemire...
Lebanese House (L5 2x2)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L5 2x2x1) by Lemire...
Lebanese House (L5 2x2)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L5 2x2x2) by Lemire From the "Middle-Eastern Fusion" collection, a synthetic mixture of traditional architectural styles originating in the Arabian Near-East (the "Levant"), and its wider region....
Lebanese House (L5 3x2)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L5 3x2x3) by Lemire...
Lebanese House (L5 3x4)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L5 3x4x1) by Lemire...
Lebanese House (L5 4x4)
Created by Lemire
Lebanese House (L5 4x4x3) by Lemire...
Leica Los Angeles
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 straight (non-corner) L1 high density commercial building based on the Leica Gallery / Store in Los Angeles. I have no idea why I keep making the interiors of buildings, maybe I should go outside to the beach or something. It is part of my Fl...
Leyland Olympian 11m (Non-AC) (S3BL448) (Hong Kong)
Created by Mikan
Description This bus with fleet number S3BL448 was one of the last batch of non-air conditioned Leyland Olympian 11m in Kowloon Motor Bus Company. Different from previous batches, the body design of these buses was improved and adopted as seen in the scree...
LG U+ Growable 4x4
Created by Memories
LGU + is a telecommunications company in Korea. Growable 4x4 Level 3 Tris 4,255 Lod Tris 344(update) Texture 1024x1024 Lod texture 256x256(update) After Dark Update! ...
Liikekulma, Pori, Finland
Created by prepo
In Finnish: Liike = ”shop or business” and kulma = ”corner” Model is based on a commercial building in Pori, Finland, built in 1959-60. It was designed by architects Keijo Ström and Olavi Tuomisto. I scaled down and simplified building a bit to fit it on 4...
Li Liu Lew & Associates
Created by BachToBaroque
**Re-working this building to a better scale/size & texture. Will update soon, however the existing building will likely disappear from your city.** Tried to replicate a SimCity3000 Unlimited building as best I could. This one is from the east-asian tilese...
Linc Enterprise (growable)
Created by
Linc Enterprise by It's a level 2 Office A smaller version of the Lind Entertainment building, which I'd like to imagine would grow into the level 3 version. complete custom model, textures and lods. 2552 tris on the base model 1024 texture res...
Linden Trees
Created by MrMaison
Linden Trees by MrMaison Introducing a set of Linden Trees. Kinda generic but inspired by those found in Europe particularly Germany. The Linden is part of the Tilia family which have 30 species in Europe where they are called "Linden", North America where...
Liverpool Mall
Created by Checo Mx Model Information Triangles: 6,800 Vertices: 3,800 Textures: 1024 x 1024 (D - I – S - N) You can search for this asset with the "Find It" mod with the name "Liverpool" and you can move it with...
[END OF LIFE] Loading Order Mod
Created by Chamëleon TBN
ATTENTION - END OF LIFE! GET SKYVE INSTEAD Presenting Skyve, the final successor of Load Order Mod 1 & 2, as well as Compatibility Report Skyve will be the mod to have for all your management needs for both C:S I & II It will include a completely reworked ...
Loading Screen Mod Revisited 1.1.9
Created by algernon A replacement for, and continuation of, thale5's original Loading Screen Mod. Includes improved performance and compatibility with other mods, as well as some new features: Skip network and tree prefabs (in addition to the o...
London Transit & Street Signs (+PO Fonts)
Created by nutty crunch
Pack of London Transit Signs and Roundels and Street Signs. Comes with two Procedural Object Fonts (P22 Johnston and Univers), which are the real fonts used in real life. Includes: * 2 Street Signs (Westminster wall-mounted sign and generic self-standing s...
Los Angeles Metro Prop Pack
Created by Polygon
These props are made for my Los Angeles Metro stations. Currently, this pack contains the following props: Metro Lines Map - NEW! Ticket Machine - NEW! Trash Can Station Display Turnstiles Check out my Los Angeles Metro Bench Pack .
Los Angeles Metro Bench Pack
Created by Polygon This prop pack includes two original benches you can find at LA Metro’s Expo Line Stations. Check out my appendant LA Metro Stations & Props. Mesh Info Bench A: 696 tris, 512x256 diffuse, specul...
LowPoly Marina Filler 02
Created by Mic CrossHill
Marina Filler are special low count Poly Models that allow to put them on higher counts to fill your Marina with Boats without wasting to much RAM. Use these to populate your Marina and for your Detail-zones use the High detail Models. These "Marina Filler...
Lounge Furniture Pack
Created by Polygon This pack contains four modern outdoor furniture props. I think there is not much modern furniture to find yet. So I was encouraged to create some for my new apartment building. Note: the last four pictures are blender renders....
Lowrise Condo
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above level 3 4x4 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination 3428 tris LOD 250 tris 128x128 glass balcony 132 tris Asset shares textures wi...
Main Street Cafe
Created by Smilies
Main Street Cafe is a commercial low density L1 2x4 growable 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination and color maps Custom LOD 62 tris Model 1649 tris LOD baked textures 128x128 Custom foundation with stairs for gentle slope tolerance Models and textu...
Luxury Business Complex
Created by amamIya
Luxury Business Complex by amamIya...
Mandalay Bay曼德勒海湾酒店
Created by 红米先生
曼德勒海湾酒店(Mandalay Bay)充分体现了热带风光。酒店大堂中心是一个水族馆,里面有2,000种海洋动物,供它们游动的海水达150万加仑。总台的后方则以热带植物为装饰背景。在干旱的拉斯维加斯,曼德勒海湾酒店的泳池边有着难以置信的沙滩,由造波机产生的冲浪,令游客忘记了身在何处。值得一提的是酒店还设了一座钱币博物馆,有丰富酒店的文化内涵. Mandalay Bay Hotel fully embodies the tropical scenery. In the center of the hotel...
Manhattan Bridge
Created by Jerenable
Manhattan Bridge by Jerenable This is a 1:1 recreation of the Manhattan Bridge from NY. Its large, bulky and not a network, you will need an anarchy mod for this to be placeable in most locations. Again this is not a NETWORK but a ploppable The bridge was ...
Manhattan Bridge
Created by mr.pixelcat
Rate my work! The Manhattan Bridge is a suspension bridge that crosses the East River in New York City, connecting Lower Manhattan at Canal Street with Downtown Brooklyn at the Flatbush Avenue Extension. Located: electricity For the making of roads, I reco...
Marcopolo New G7 1800DD (Double deck)
Created by Klapaucius IV THIS VERSION ARE FOR NORMAL BUS LINES(You can select your own color) VEHICLE HISTORY The 'Marcopolo' bus bodywork company released the 'New G7' model in the mid...
Marcopolo new G7 1800DD - Penha
Created by Klapaucius IV VEHICLE HISTORY The Marcopolo company(bus bodywork) release the New G7 model on the middle of year of 2018to upgrade the Marcopolo G7(7th generetion of buses re...
Marina and Hotel
Created by Tomas13TO
Marina and Hotel This asset you can find under Parks tab. INFO - 100 entertainment accumulation - 800 entertainment radius - 120 000 construction cost - 14x18 Model INFO Main Building maps - d,n,s,a,i (2048x1024) triangles - 5013 LOD triangles - 204 Sub-Bu...
Marina Tower
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Marina Tower is another asset from Palm Beach Series. You can find it unique buildings tab - level 3. Enjoy Tris count - about 14k (together with submesh) Custom LODs A special thanks to this month's patrons Jens...
Mason Neck - Vanilla + Mass Transit
Created by The L Train
Mason Neck - Virginia | Vanilla & Mass Transit In the 1700s, you buy a swampy peninsula along the Potomac River just south of what would become Washington, D.C. What better do to than to decimate the nature around you and construct America's newest port ci...
Mazda RX-8 (SE3P)
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
RX-8(アールエックス-エイト)は、かつてマツダが製造・販売していたロータリーエンジン搭載のスポーツカーである。 2003年3月-2012年6月22日の期間、生産された。 ここでは後期型について取り扱う。 プラットフォームの型式名はマツダ・FプラットフォームをFD3Sより引き継ぐFE型だが、マツダのロータリースポーツ車の新規車種として設計・生産され、2003年に発売が開始された。 搭載されるエンジンも、型式こそ従来と変わらない13B型であるが、ポートやハウジングを含めほとんどを新設計された自然吸気型13B...
Medium Marina
Created by Sir 5w30
Note: You need the boats at the link below, otherwise it will spawn normal fishing boats. >>> Yachts & Boats for Marina Spawners -> You can use any replacement model spawns as Fishing boats....
Medical Clinic - Simcity 4
Created by Kridershot Copy of Medical Clinic from Simcity 4 that was recreated pixel by pixel. I try to stick to the original model as much as possible and I hope did well. :) The building has custom props to avoid some of the ugly vanilla ones and...
Medium Monorail and Tram Road
Created by BadPeanut
Check out my other roads HERE Make suggestions by filling out this form Troubleshooting Follow These steps if you believe this asset is causing you a problem: 1: Close Cities Skylines (quit to desktop) 2: Use launch parameters to set "--disableMods" > See ...
Medium Parking Garage / Multi-storey Car Park
Created by GCVos
A streamlined prefab parking structure for all modern cities. This one has a 12x4 footprint which makes it more easy to use than the large one I published before. There's entrances on three sides as well as a pedestrian path running through the elevator ar...
Metro - Underground Station Track #01
Created by Clus Hey all ! This is just an underground station track. It comes in the same design as my already published metro tracks. https://s...
Metro Over Road Elevated Station
Created by Coldrifting
WARNING: Currently trains only use one platform, and I'm not sure how to fix it, so only use this asset if you're okay with those issues. A version of the vanilla Elevated Metro Station that can be placed on top of any road, no mods required. See the gif b...
Metro Over Road Tracks
Created by Coldrifting
Place Metro tracks over any roads you want, no mods required! This set of networks includes 16m and 32m wide elevated vanilla style metro tracks that can be placed over any roads. You can also find an over road friendly station to go with them here. Inspir...
Metro Overhaul Mod (MOM)
Created by sniggledigit Version 11 (11.0.0) Thank you for scoping out the Metro Overhaul Mod. The main goals of this mod are: NEW Integrate and extend the functionality and versatility of the existing metro network. ...
Metro Station #1
Created by internetfamousdog
A sunken metro station, styled after the far-flung suburban stations of the London Underground. Many creative liberties have been taken. My whole intention with this was to make a sunken station that would work with the Sunset Harbor update to the vanilla ...
Metro Station PROPS
Created by Mons
This asset includes eight props I made for my metro stations. It includes: - One big M sign with circle - One big M sign - One Metro entrance sign - One ticket vending machine - One static LED screen - One Exit sign - One bench - One Metro Map sign - Nine ...
Metropolitan Depot
Created by MrMaison
Metropolitan Depot by MrMaison Thank you for your patience. Introducing the Metropolitan Depot! It's a depot/shop giving your new metro trains a home as they now can see the light of day with the new Metro Overhaul Mod. This is a great centerpiece for a me...
Metropolitan Depot 2
Created by MrMaison
Metropolitan Depot 2 by MrMaison Introducing the second Metro Overhaul Depot. This depot is dedicated to Lazarusman A.K.A. sniggledigit who brought us this game changing mod along with BloodyPenguin. This depot was modeled with an interior and unlike the f...
Midrise - Condo #03
Created by clus
Midrise - Condo #03 Hello all togther ! Due to the recent game update, there were some "issues" regarding networks ... therefore I´ve started to create another very "simple and boring" looking...
Midrise - Condo #03 - Growable Extension #01
Created by clus
Midrise - Condo #03 - Extensions Hello all togther ! Here are the "extensions" for or of the Midrise - Condo #03". And yeah ... these are too just two "boring" looking growables, with a contem...
Midrise Condo #01
Created by clus
Midrise - Condo #01 Prolog Hello all together ! This one is another "recycling - product" which I started together with my vanilla rework, but never finished ... until now. ;) If you use the RICO Mod, then this building will come with 20 apartments. Ohterw...
Midrise Condo #02
Created by clus
Midrise - Condo #02 Prolog Hello all together ! Here comes the second apartment building. Like the first one, just a boring contemporary styled building. ;) ... the first on can be found here:
Midrise Residential #2 - 3 stories - Center - Variant #1
Created by Brimm Leirdeen
Midrise Residential #2 - 3 stories - Center - Variant #1 This building is part of the Midrise Residential Collection, a series of... well, midrise residential buildings. Check out the collection for more! #2 is a late-2010s midrise residential building fea...
Midrise Residential #2 - 3 stories - Corner L - Variant #1
Created by Brimm Leirdeen
Midrise Residential #2 - 3 stories - Corner L - Variant #1 This building is part of the Midrise Residential Collection, a series of... well, midrise residential buildings. Check out the collection for more! #2 is a late-2010s midrise residential building f...
Midrise Residential #2 - 3 stories - Corner R - Variant #1
Created by Brimm Leirdeen
Midrise Residential #2 - 3 stories - Corner R - Variant #1 This building is part of the Midrise Residential Collection, a series of... well, midrise residential buildings. Check out the collection for more! #2 is a late-2010s midrise residential building f...
Midrise Residential #2 - 4 stories - Corner L - Variant #1
Created by Brimm Leirdeen
Midrise Residential #2 - 4 stories - Corner L - Variant #1 This building is part of the Midrise Residential Collection, a series of... well, midrise residential buildings. Check out the collection for more! #2 is a late-2010s midrise residential building f...
Midrise Residential #2 - 4 stories - Corner R - Variant #1
Created by Brimm Leirdeen
Midrise Residential #2 - 4 stories - Corner R - Variant #1 This building is part of the Midrise Residential Collection, a series of... well, midrise residential buildings. Check out the collection for more! #2 is a late-2010s midrise residential building f...
Midrise Residential #2 - 5 stories - Corner L - Variant #1
Created by Brimm Leirdeen
Midrise Residential #2 - 5 stories - Corner L - Variant #1 This building is part of the Midrise Residential Collection, a series of... well, midrise residential buildings. Check out the collection for more! #2 is a late-2010s midrise residential building f...
Mighty Mick's Boxing Gym
Created by Smilies
Generic Early American corner building 2x2 functions as the gym in Green Cities with same stats - Health Buildings Main mesh 591 tris, foundation submesh 112 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color Custom LOD 65 tris 128x128 texture custom foun...
Midrise Residential #2 - 5 stories - Corner R - Variant #1
Created by Brimm Leirdeen
Midrise Residential #2 - 5 stories - Corner R - Variant #1 This building is part of the Midrise Residential Collection, a series of... well, midrise residential buildings. Check out the collection for more! #2 is a late-2010s midrise residential building f...
Mixed Plant Clusters
Created by pdelmo
3 Different mixed clusters. Smaller scale for around town. Good for making gardens or over grown areas in the suburbs Clusters included Bushes 622 tri 1024x1024 texture Wild Flowers 384 tri 1024x1024 texture Wild Plants/weeds 616 tri 1024x1024 texture My T...
Mixed Stores
Created by Gruny
Mixed Stores A set of 3 French brands (grouped in one building) with Picard, a frozen food brand, EatSalad, a salad bar concept and Biocoop, an organic food store. Specs RICO ready Low commercial 20 workers — Tris 2,878 / 38 (lod) Texture - 2048x2048 | D /...
Mixed-Use 60 Degree Corner 65m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Modular RICO mixed-use residential tower, needs the commercial base listed in the requirements 6x5 commercial base and residential top Mesh 3753 tris LOD 101 tris 1024...
Miyagi truck prop
Created by Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Full credit to Onionjack_ for the truck - All I did was modify the wheels and the texture a bit. A prop version of the Miyagi Motors truck I used for my European container trucks. Enjoy! A special thank you To...
Modern Condo
Created by Smilies
4x4 L2 high density residential growable 1024x512 diffuse, spec, normal, color, illumination main 12705 tris balcony submesh 2016 tris 256x128 diffuse, spec, color, alpha custom LOD 123 tris baked textures 256x256 4 different color variants Models and text...
Modern Condo
Created by Smilies
4x4 L2 high density residential growable 1024x512 diffuse, spec, normal, color, illumination main 2639 tris balcony submesh 112 tris 256x128 diffuse, spec, color, alpha custom LOD 34 tris baked textures 256x256 4 different color variants Models and texture...
Modern Condo Tower
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 level 4 high density residential 6300 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 802 tris Custom LOD 104 tris 128x128 4 ...
Modern corner 1
Created by Jerenable
Modern corner 1 by Jerenable Recently constructed corner building from Philly. Taller version is on my Patreon Includes RICO files. You can donate if you want to support me I am now on active on Patreon...
Modern Fire Station
Created by YawnK
Modern Fire Station Are you looking for a Modern Style Brick Fire Station? Well, look no further. This real-life fire station mixes a modern look with a beautiful brick-built style. Model Info Main LOD 2,109 tris 693 tris 1024x1024 512x512 This Fire Statio...
Modern Highrise Condo
Created by Smilies
4x4 L3 high density residential 4655 tris LOD 91 tris 512x1024 diffuse, color, spec, normal and illumination maps 256x256 baked custom LOD texture maps custom foundation with stairs for gentle slope tolerance glass balconies sub mesh 32x32 texture 4 color ...
Modern Lighting Pack - 2020 Edition
Created by GCVos
This pack adds 27 new street lights and lamps to your game. These props can be used for assets and can be placed ingame using Network Skins 2 and More Beautification. Content as of May 2020: + Suspended Street Light + Suspended Avenue Light + Stainless Str...
Modern Lowrise Condo
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 level 3 high density residential 2236 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 240 tris Custom LOD 72 tris auto baked ...
Modern corner 2
Created by Jerenable
Modern corner 2 by Jerenable Recently constructed corner building from Philly. Taller version is on my Patreon Includes RICO files, its an office You can donate if you want to support me I am now on active on Patreon...
Modern Lowrise Set
Created by Smilies
Pack of 8 generic mixed-use style lowrise buildings with undecorated stores on the bottom floor and residential on top. Could also be converted to offices with RICO Revisited. Glass awning in the front overhangs the lot by several feet, recommend they're p...
Modern Midrise Condo
Created by Smilies
same textures as my previous modern highrise condo, use the loading screen mod to prevent duplicates and save RAM 8x5 level 3 RICO residential ploppable main model 6275 tris LOD 134 glass bal...
Modern Midrise Condo 33m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above No skinny dipping 4x4 level 4 high density residential Main mesh 2712 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Submesh 132 tris Custom LOD 76 tr...
Modern Rowhouse 3
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 1x4 level 3 high density residential 891 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 4 tris Custom LOD 47 tris auto baked 128...
Modern Rowhouse 4
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 1x4 level 3 high density residential 958 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 24 tris Custom LOD 46 tris auto baked 12...
Modular Apartment Pack
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4 separate high density residential level 2 assets 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination Corner main mesh 4x4 2908 tris, LOD 151 tris, 128x128, glass bal...
Modern Science Tower
Created by amamIya
Modern Science Tower by amamIya...
Modular Commercial Pack
Created by Smilies
optional props can be found in the modern condo collection linked above Modular pack of 5 modern commercial wall-to-wall style buildings Some of the buildings don't fit the 8m grid and will look best if placed by hand with move it mod 1024x512 shared textu...
Modular Train Depot Pack - Large
Created by REV0
Modular Train Depot Pack - Large: 9x5 My Discord Server Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Modular train depot pack that can be used in railyards, maintenance facilities and similar oper...
Modular Train Depot Pack - Medium
Created by REV0
Modular Train Depot Pack - Large: 5x5 My Discord Server Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Modular train depot pack that can be used in railyards, maintenance facilities and similar oper...
Modular Train Depot Pack - Small
Created by REV0
Modular Train Depot Pack - Small: 3x5 My Discord Server Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Modular train depot pack that can be used in railyards, maintenance facilities and similar oper...
Created by Alex In Monterey, you will find beautiful mountains surrounding flat valleys and winding rivers, offering ideal locations to build cities and villages. you'll also find stunning vistas and panoramic views from virtually all angle...
More Network Stuff
Created by BloodyPenguin Adds more network stuff to Asset Editor for modders to place. Also allows editing ship and airplane paths ingame and placing regular roads and metro tunnels in MapEditor. Read description carefully before using this mod! IMP...
More Relight LUTs
Created by Ronyx69
LUT pack including 5 LUTs: Alpine, Lush, North, Natural, Average. The names have the prefix "Relight2". Created for the default and recommended relight settings: Since some people are except...
Moscow Metro
Created by eligios⚡
the problem with props and "move it" fixed! On May 15, the Moscow Metro celebrated its 86th anniversary! It was on this day that the first launch of the rolling stock with passengers on board took place. "Congratulations to ...
Moskva-2020 Metro Train
Created by arthaix
UPD 27.07.21 Added a black-colored version. Moskva-2020 (Moscow-2020) is a last generation subway train, developed specially for Moscow metro by MMZ (Moscow, Mytischi) Started passenger operation on October 6, 2020 on the Ring Line, and on December 1, 2020...
Move It
Created by Quboid
Move It 2.10.7 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.1 (12th June Update) New in 2.10.7: - Auto-connect roads! If you paste a copied road over the top of an existing one, Move It will automatically connect the nodes. This can be turned off by clicking on th...
MTR M-Train [Metro]
Created by meshd Looking for other variants? MTR M-Train MTR M-Train MTR M-Train Rolling Stock Details Manufacturer Metro-Cammell (Refurbished by United Goninan) Class/Name M-Train, Metro-Cammell EMU (DC), 港鐵現代化列車 Operator MTR Traction Elect...
MTR M-Train [Train]
Created by meshd Looking for other variants? MTR M-Train MTR M-Train MTR M-Train Rolling Stock Details Manufacturer Metro-Cammell (Refurbished by United Goninan) Class/Name M-Train, Metro-Cammell EMU (DC), 港鐵現代化列車 Operator MTR Traction Elect...
Multi-storey car park
Created by Lord von Adel
It is located in the parks menu. Details: costs: 20.000 maintanance: 1000 size: 4x4 capacity: 64 vehicles This version will get no more updates! If you want, you can use this version by Forkboy22:
Murraya Bushes
Created by pdelmo
8 different bushes With and without flowers Tiny to large 1024x512 textures 90tri-1100tri...
Murckowska Bridge
Created by DeCzaah
Murckowska Bridge by DeCzaah This is a pack with two bridges, used by creativeDEX for his „Murckowska A4/86" Interchange and his "Trumpet A4/A18" Interchange. By subscribing to it, you'll get a straight and curved version with 4 color variations. You can u...
Murraya hedge
Created by pdelmo
Murraya hedges Includes Long & short prop, non conforming prop and the arch 1024x512 textures, same textures, share texture with Loading Screen Mod Custom LODs 64x32 textures you can replace all hedges with prop switcher mod ...
Mykolaiv, Ukraine
Created by AncientSwan
Mykolaiv, Ukraine...
Nagara Bridge
Created by =P
This bridge spans the Yodo River that flows through Osaka City. It is a type of bridge called a Nielsen Lohse Bridge. This asset is treated as a power plant, not a network. The road can be used as you like. If you like, please support me. amazon→https://ww...
Nameless Metro Staitons [Single & Transfer ] / 无名镇地铁站 含单线站 换乘站版本
Created by RichardShi
Two Metro Staitons Single / Transfer .Two versions 无名镇地铁站 含单线站 换乘站版本一次订阅得到2个车站 如果换乘站无法选择到下层车站,可以尝试按住shift选择轨道 此资产由玩家【红日浮茶】要求定制并共享于工坊。 This asset is customized by and I upload it on the workshop at his request. 本资产不欢迎某些双标人使用及浏览 ...
Created by 910095247
Deji Plaza Shopping Center is located in the northeast corner of Nanjing, Jiangsu's Xinjiekou, “China’s first business district”. This asset occupies an area of 8*10u You can find it in unique building level Ⅰ. Contact me if you have any questions. 德基广场塔楼 ...
Nanjing Zifeng tower紫峰大厦
Created by York Lee
绿地广场·紫峰大厦(Greenland Square Zifeng Tower)简称紫峰大厦或紫峰,位于南京市鼓楼区鼓楼广场,是江苏第1、中国第6、世界第10高楼。(截至2016年8月)。 紫峰大厦东至中央路,西至北京西路,周边区域有玄武湖、北极阁、鼓楼、明城墙等历史文物古迹;该地段是南京主城区的中心点及城市的制高点,周边远景尽收眼底:东可眺望紫金山、西可望长江、南有雨花台、北有幕府山。 中文名称:绿地广场·紫峰大厦 外文名称 Greenland Square Zifeng Tower 地理位置:南京市鼓楼...
Nanpu Bridge上海南浦大桥桥梁普通道路版
Created by 红米先生
Nanpu Bridge上海南浦大桥桥梁普通道路版 by 281775129...
Nanpu Bridge上海南浦大桥桥梁高速公路版
Created by 红米先生
此版本为高速公路双向六车道 八车道版...
National Taichung Theater
Created by bartz!
The National Taichung Theater is an opera house from my home city - Taichung (the third largest city in Taiwan). The building was designed by Japanese architect Toyo Ito. The opera house will officially open in 2016. ● 20473 tris custom model ● Custom LOD ...
Natural Gas Power Plant - Simcity 4
Created by Kridershot Copy of Natural Gas Power Plant from Simcity 4 that was recreated pixel by pixel. I try to stick to the original model as much as possible and I hope did well. :) The building has custom props to avoid some of the ugly vanilla...
Network Anarchy
Created by Quboid
Network Anarchy 3.2.5 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17 (23nd May Update) This mod adds additional options when building networks (roads, quays, etc) and provides game-wide anarchy to let you break the placement rules. Ne...
Network Extensions 2
Created by sniggledigit
Now Using Harmony 2.2 What's New (v. Updated for Hotels & Retreats (v. Now compatible with Better Education Toolbar (v1.2.0.0) Updated for compatibility with Plazas & Promenades Source:
Network Multitool 1.3.5
Created by macsergey Overview This mod provides many different tools for working with networks What’s Included Add node mode: add node to exist segment Remove node mode: remove node and join segments Union nodes m...
Network Rivers: City River Pack
Created by Macwelshman] Network Rivers Assets created for this series have been put together in the 'Network Rivers Collected' collection. City River IMPORTANT Please read the whole description below and check out the images above before you comment...
Network Skins
Created by boformer Change the visual appearance of roads, train tracks and pedestrian paths per segment. This is an improved version of the well-known Network Skins mod, developed by TPB and boformer. Disable the other Network Skins mod before...
New York Corner Building Pack #2
Created by N2J
Please disregard the file size - there are 15 buildings included in this pack. So, if you’re using Loading Screen Manager this amounts to only 4.6 MB in total as all the textures are shared between the 15 buildings. Also none of the buildings have a triang...
Nicks Cargo Connection 2x14
Created by Stonehand
Nicks Cargo Connection 2x14 by niklasoh...
Nicks Cargo Station 2.2
Created by Stonehand
A four track cargo station with multiple truck entrances. There are a few ways to place this asset: 1: Use Road Anarchy to place the station next to a existing road and then use "Move It" to move the station into place and make some new roads to connect it...
Nine Holdings [Office Growable] -
Created by naokika
Using generic buildings as inspiration for this one, I created a simple office tower. It was really easy, the only hardwork was taking screenshots to put here (my laptop can't hold more than 30k inhabitants on C:S..) == About Office lvl3 Size: 4x4 Poly Cou...
Node Controller Renewal 3.5
Created by macsergey Overview This mod allows you change node type and shape This is renewal version of original Node Controller by kian.zarrin with improved UI/UX. The new UI allows you to make the perfect inters...
NoPillars ( v1.1+ compatible )
Created by BloodyPenguin Its name says everything about it This is my fixed and improved version of some danny's excellent NoPillars mod.Original mod seems to be abandoned and I've adopted it. This version of NoPillars is compatible with European Bu...
Norbert's Bounty
Created by dolomitedave
Welcome to Norbert's Bounty. Come visit the race track, come visit the lighthouse, come visit the ship wreck, come visit the bridge. A while ago there was a volcanic eruption which brought new land to Norbert's Bounty, so they decided it would be a good ti...
Norfolk Island Pine
Created by MrMaison
Norfolk Island Pine by MrMaison The Norfolk Island Pine is a forest giant originally from a small Island in the south Pacific (Norfolk Island) between New Zealand and New Caladonia. It is very symetrical more as a young tree than when it becomes an adult. ...
Notre-Dame St Montreal
Created by Smilies
Based on 409 Notre-Dame Street, Montreal L2 high density Commercial 2x4 2471 tris 1024x512 diffuse, spec, normal, illumination, color custom LOD 56 tris custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance, works well with Move It! mod 4 color variants Models and ...
Nvidia Office (半導体工場)
Created by christinayan
Nvidia Office by christinayan01. The best semiconductor development firm in world. 4 times production. ユニーク施設の半導体工場よりも4倍生産性が高いです。 ** Referenced building (参考にした実在の建物) ** NVIDIA Head Office / - (エヌビディア本社 / -). Real place:
Ocean Diamond Bridge
Ocean Diamond Bridge by VANTABLACK...
Created by Reaper
First_Canadian_Place_offv1_182M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark 7920 highpoly tex resolution 1024 343 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal e...
Created by Reaper
First_Canadian_Place_offv2_143M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark 6470 highpoly tex resolution 1024 343 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal e...
Office_KBC_lvl3 (Growable 4x4)
Created by btwist.inf
Office_KBV_lvl3 by btwist.inf...
Created by Reaper
First_Canadian_Place_offv3_106M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark 6470 highpoly tex resolution 1024 343 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal e...
Office_Kilbourn Tower_offv1_106M
Created by Reaper
Kilbourn Tower_offv1_106M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark 4105 highpoly tex resolution 1024 431 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ...
Created by Reaper
One_Chase_Manhattan_offv1_160M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
One_Chase_Manhattan_offv2_125M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
One_Chase_Manhattan_offv3_85 by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
Torres_El_Faro_offv1_168M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
Torres_El_Faro_offv2_129M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
Torres_El_Faro_offv3_100M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Old bollard for quay
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic An old style bollard for those not so modern quays. A special thank you To my patron Pasi :D Model Tris: 88 Texture: 128x256 LOD Tris: 70 Texture: 32x64 Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal ...
Old stone quay - Plain fenced & decorated
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings A decorated version of old stone quay - plain fenced. If you'd like to change the trees or lamps to better fit your city, then I recommend Net...
Okrąglak round office building Poznań
Created by Robal
Okrąglak Round office building from Poznań, Poland. Designed by Marek Leykam in 1948, renovated in 2012. Not exact replica, bottom part is simplified. asset info growable office 4x4 3 level d,n,s,i,c,a 12 890 tris / 512/1024 custom lod Download as unique b...
OMV Center (growable)
Created by Cynth
Cynth's OMV Headquarter "HOCH ZWEI" Vienna (4x4 High Commercial Growable) Grows on level 3 high commercial zones and takes 4x4 fields. Depending on which side you look at the 80-metre tall, concave-convex building “HOCH ZWEI” from, which is 80 metres tall,...
One Liberty Place
Created by Raxteran
One Liberty Place by Raxteran 1:1 scale model of One Liberty Place in center city Philadelphia. It was constructed in 1987 and was Philly's first skyscraper. Model comes in around 2500 triangles, so there's no performance hit. Statistics have been refactor...
One World Trade Center (Standalone)
Created by elementslayer
One World Trade Center (Rebalanced and Redone) -- A lot of requests were put in to fix a few things and rebalance the actual building. This is that redone building. -- One World Trade Center now a single building allowing it to be taller and looking like a...
Created by Reaper
One_Chase_Manhattan_Plaza by Reaper unique building with lod scale 1:1 compatible with After Dark 8346 highpoly tex resolution 2048 508 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link b...
Created by My Tag Gone
This is a RICO version of a Unique building created by Reaper , It is in his Skyscraper_by_Reaper collection. Full creation credit to Him :) Will behave as Unique if RICO mod not installed. Will behave as High Commercial if RICO mod installed. Commercial s...
Only Sun&Moon A1
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Only Sun&Moon" in Nur-Sultan (Astana) city. This complex will consist of several buildings. Type of building: Highrise Growable 4th lvl Homes/Family: default Cons...
Only Sun&Moon A2
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Only Sun&Moon" in Nur-Sultan (Astana) city. This complex will consist of several buildings. Type of building: Highrise Growable 4th lvl Homes/Family: default Cons...
Orana Cinema
Created by Cyber Scythe X (coming soon...) Details This asset pack contains the Orana Cinema building, in game it functions as a 'Unique Building'. Inspiration Orana Cinema is a cinema chain found in 5 regional locations throughout Western Australia....
Open Cut Tunnel
Created by
open cut tunnel Such tunnels often appear on mountain roads beside cliffs. One side is a mountain wall, while one side is supported by dozens of reinforced concrete columns, which are light-transmissive and not all enclosed by concrete walls. Therefore, th...
Osaka Style Riverside
Created by amamIya
Osaka Style Riverside by amamIya...
Other Rail Track Speed Increaser
Created by DAV
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.11.0-f3 (Industries) 1.1.0 - Included Rail-Over-Road Train Tracks from BadPeanut - Other improvements and fixes 1.0.0 - First branch release This mod is a branch of DontCryJustDie's Rail Track Speed Increaser with the foll...
Overcharged Egg-Spress Livery - Bus+Prop [RHD/LHT]
Created by Blue Thunder
This asset contains a themed livery for Cities: Skylines Youtube Content Creator Overcharged Egg this upload contains both the vehicle and prop. They are named E200XLB - Overcharged Egg - RHD E200XLB - Overcharged Egg - RHD Prop This Enviro200XLB has a cap...
Overcharged Egg-Spress Livery - E1 Class Tram + Props
Created by Blue Thunder
This asset contains a themed livery for Cities: Skylines Youtube Content Creator Overcharged Egg this upload contains both the vehicle and prop. They are named Overcharged - Eggs-Spress - E1 Class Tram Overcharged Egg E1 Tram End Prop Overcharged Egg E1 Tr...
Overpass Supports
Created by NameInvalid
commission work for Martines91 --- Concrete retaining wall support. Contain 3 styles: - plain concrete - interlock pavement - stone wall item of the same style share texture. All 3 styles contain 3 size: - 35 meter width, suitable for vanilla road overpass...
Pacha Tower - Growable 4x4Lvl5 H Residential
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NOW UPDATED WITH Nightlights !! Add some variety to your High density residential zones... with the Pacha Tower 21 floors 100 meters high Growable residential. It's standing on a 4x4 parcel and is at Level 5. The building is about 1374 triangles and has a ...
Pack - Parking Structure's Roof
Created by _luminou_
PACK - Parking Structure's Roof Pack of 4 structure for parking area. Ideal asset to be placed above parking lots. Could be placed everywere you want! Design for: Parking Lot Roads - Poorly Maintained Parking and Parking Lot Roads The use of mod below is s...
Pack of 6 flat Roads
Created by Chamëleon TBN
A pack of flat roads by Chamëleon based on clus 2 Lane Road - flat All credits go to clus Following versions are included: 2L1W Road flat NoPed NoParking 2L1W Road flat Ped NoParking (with Bus-Stop function) 2L1W Road flat Ped Parking 2L1W Road flat Ped sh...
Palm Beach Fire Station
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Fire Station from Palm Beach, FL is another assets from Plam Beach series. Enjoy Tris count - about 4200 Custom LOD A special thanks to this month's patrons Jens Rolle, D'Andre Flo...
Palm Beach house #1
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello everybody, Here is first mansion published from my Palm Beach Series. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a residential otherwise you can find it under unique buildings tab - level 3. Enjoy Tris count - about 6k Custom LOD https://i.i...
Palm Beach Pools
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, This is a pack of 14 pools. You can find them under parks and plazas menu or use Find It! 2 mod by algernon and sway with keyword pb pool (see second pic). They are placeable anywhere without a road access with a small entertainment effect. Enjo...
Palm Tree by pdelmo
Created by pdelmo
Low poly palm modeled after a cocos palm stats & info polygons 111 Texture D&A @ 512x512 Not too tall and low size variation for liines of palms...
Paraguay office building #1 - Edifico El Productor (2 segments)
Created by Robal
Edificio El Productor Office building from Asuncion in Paraguay. 2 separate assets, connect them with move it. asset info LSM reccomended El Productor A d,n,s,i,c,a 2 609 tris / 512/2048 custom lod El Productor B d,n,s,i,c,a 1 530 tris / 512/2048 custom lo...
Paraguay office building #2 - Edificio Planeta 1
Created by Robal
Edificio Planeta 1 Office building from Asuncion, Paraguay. High, worn elevation effect. asset info Edificio Planeta 1 d,n,s,i,c 1 986 tris / 512/2048 custom lod Commisioned by Bastet - thank you! Thanks to my Patreon! - Bonicheque Instagram Workshop Reddi...
Parisian Corner 01
Created by Gruny
Parisian corner building with a Haussmanian style in the continuity of the realizations of Geze and Pekora. A color variation is defined on the store front on the first floor Thanks to JuniorNogueira for this commission via Patreon Specs Level 3 high densi...
Park&Ride (Bus Lane)
Created by tom.s0905
Park&Ride with Bus Lane. A complete facility to allow Cim's to travel from the farthest edges of your cities straight into to its beating heart. (Requires traffic++ bus) Size: 10x6 tiles (+10x2 bus lane) Cost: 2500 Maintenance: 500 No traffic++? No worries...
Parking Area 3x4
Created by Moch
Parking Area 3x4 by Moch This is a simple space-saving parking lot. It is in the park category, but has almost no leisure effect. My Cities:Skylines items...
Parking Bumper
Created by Like_Mike
A parking bumper for ... parking. It can be found under the Props > Common > Streets category...
Parking Lines (White)
Created by DeCzaah
Pavement Markings & Line Painting This decal & prop pack is designed as a one stop shop for all your pavement needs. We took a look at what was currently in the workshop and realized there were many diverse parking layouts without a great amount of conform...
Parking Lines Plus
Created by DeCzaah
Pavement Markings, Line Painting, Arrows & Other Decals This pack contains additional assets for the White Parking Lines & Yellow Parking Lines, already available at the workshop. Avanya and BrowncoatTrekky had cool ideas, which had to be done (special tha...
Parking Lot 12x4 with Lights
Created by Grizzly
A 12x4 parking lot with lights and fencing. Requires Parklife DLC....
Parking Lot 1x1 [functional]
Created by JAT-004
A functional parking lot for your citizens. It can be found under 'Parks & Plazas' > 'Parks' Costs: 50 Upkeeping: 0.80 / week Pollution: 0 Noise Pollution: 0 Entertainment: 0 Water: 0 m³ / week Electricity: 0 KW The parking lot can't be visited like a norm...
Parking Lot 1x2 [functional]
Created by JAT-004
A functional parking lot for your citizens. It can be found under 'Parks & Plazas' > 'Parks' Costs: 100 Upkeeping: 1.60 / week Pollution: 0 Noise Pollution: 0 Entertainment: 0 Water: 0 m³ / week Electricity: 0 KW The parking lot can't be visited like a nor...
Parking Lot 1x3 [functional]
Created by JAT-004
A functional parking lot for your citizens. It can be found under 'Parks & Plazas' > 'Parks' Costs: 150 Upkeeping: 2.40 / week Pollution: 0 Noise Pollution: 0 Entertainment: 0 Water: 0 m³ / week Electricity: 0 KW The parking lot can't be visited like a nor...
Parking Lot 1x4 [functional]
Created by JAT-004
A functional parking lot for your citizens. It can be found under 'Parks & Plazas' > 'Parks' Costs: 200 Upkeeping: 3.20 / week Pollution: 0 Noise Pollution: 0 Entertainment: 0 Water: 0 m³ / week Electricity: 0 KW The parking lot can't be visited like a nor...
Parking Lot 2x2 [functional]
Created by JAT-004
A functional parking lot for your citizens. It can be found under 'Parks & Plazas' > 'Parks' Costs: 200 Upkeeping: 3.20 / week Pollution: 0 Noise Pollution: 0 Entertainment: 0 Water: 0 m³ / week Electricity: 0 KW The parking lot can't be visited like a nor...
Parking Lot 2x3 [functional]
Created by JAT-004
A functional parking lot for your citizens. It can be found under 'Parks & Plazas' > 'Parks' Costs: 300 Upkeeping: 4.80 / week Pollution: 0 Noise Pollution: 0 Entertainment: 0 Water: 0 m³ / week Electricity: 0 KW The parking lot can't be visited like a nor...
Parking Lot 2x4 [functional]
Created by JAT-004
A functional parking lot for your citizens. It can be found under 'Parks & Plazas' > 'Parks' Costs: 400 Upkeeping: 6.40 / week Pollution: 0 Noise Pollution: 0 Entertainment: 0 Water: 0 m³ / week Electricity: 0 KW The parking lot can't be visited like a nor...
Parking Lot 2x6 [functional]
Created by JAT-004
A functional parking lot for your citizens. It can be found under 'Parks & Plazas' > 'Parks' Costs: 600 Upkeeping: 9.60 / week Pollution: 0 Noise Pollution: 0 Entertainment: 0 Water: 0 m³ / week Electricity: 0 KW The parking lot can't be visited like a nor...
Parking Lot 3x1 [functional]
Created by JAT-004
A functional parking lot for your citizens. It can be found under 'Parks & Plazas' > 'Parks' Costs: 150 Upkeeping: 2.40 / week Pollution: 0 Noise Pollution: 0 Entertainment: 0 Water: 0 m³ / week Electricity: 0 KW The parking lot can't be visited like a nor...
Parking Lot 3x3 [functional]
Created by JAT-004
A functional parking lot for your citizens. It can be found under 'Parks & Plazas' > 'Parks' Costs: 450 Upkeeping: 7.20 / week Pollution: 0 Noise Pollution: 0 Entertainment: 0 Water: 0 m³ / week Electricity: 0 KW The parking lot can't be visited like a nor...
Parking Lot 3x2 [functional]
Created by JAT-004
A functional parking lot for your citizens. It can be found under 'Parks & Plazas' > 'Parks' Costs: 300 Upkeeping: 4.80 / week Pollution: 0 Noise Pollution: 0 Entertainment: 0 Water: 0 m³ / week Electricity: 0 KW The parking lot can't be visited like a nor...
Parking Lot 4x4 [functional]
Created by JAT-004
A functional parking lot for your citizens. It can be found under 'Parks & Plazas' > 'Parks' Costs: 800 Upkeeping: 13 / week Pollution: 0 Noise Pollution: 0 Entertainment: 0 Water: 0 m³ / week Electricity: 0 KW The parking lot can't be visited like a norma...
Parking Lot 6x2 [functional]
Created by JAT-004
A functional parking lot for your citizens. It can be found under 'Parks & Plazas' > 'Parks' Costs: 600 Upkeeping: 9.60 / week Pollution: 0 Noise Pollution: 0 Entertainment: 0 Water: 0 m³ / week Electricity: 0 KW The parking lot can't be visited like a nor...
Parking Lot Roads
Created by Badi_Dea
I can't drive 55 - no really, I can't, it's a parking lot... Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to several functional parking lot markers specially crafted to work with these(and other) roads. Everything in this p...
Parking Lot Roads - 16m Parking Lot
Created by Badi_Dea
Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to several functional parking lot markers specially crafted to work with these(and other) roads. This is an expansion to that set, adding an additional asymmetric parking lot roa...
Parking Lot Roads - 60° Parking Lots - Left Hand Traffic
Created by Badi_Dea
For those of us who drive on the Correct side of the street! American/Normal version can be found here: Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to severa...
Parking Lot Signs NA-1
Created by Spence!
Generic car park/parking lot signs. There are 5 props included, use Find It! mod to search for them. One is a double-sided sign which could be placed on walls (or on its own), and two are variable-message 'open' and 'closed' signs. ------------------------...
Parking Lot Snapping
Created by [SSU]yenyang Step 1: Watch the video above. Also available on Youtube. Step 2: Read this description: Parking Lot Snapping swaps the default AI for the Parking Space Assets (abbreviated PSA) created by others with a custom built AI. The ...
parking sign
Created by SvenBerlin
parking sign by Svenpotsdam...
Parking-lot 10 x 2
Created by core79
Parking-lot 10 x 2 by core79 Für die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Ein großes Dankeschön geht wie immer an die Ersteller der Props und Bäume. Diesmal speziell an: pdelmo , SvenBerlin und DeCzaah !!! Bitte bewertet diesen Parkplatz wen...
Parking-lot 5 x 2
Created by core79
Parking-lot 5 x 2 by core79 Für die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Für diesen Parkplatz gilt wie immer ein spezieller Dank an die Ersteller der Props und Bäume. Diesmal an pdelmo,boformer,KingLeno,SvenBerlin,Like_Mike and DeCzaah Ein g...
Parking-lot 3 x 8
Created by core79
Parking-lot 3 x 8 by core79 Für die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Ich habe diesen Parkplatz ohne Bäume erstellt. Wenn ihr Bäume auf diesen Parkplatz platzieren wollt benötigt ihr diese Mod :
Parking-lot 5 x 5
Created by core79
Parking-lot 5 x 5 by core79 Für die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. For the stats look the fifth picture. Für diesen Parkplatz ein speziellen Dank an:pdelmo,KingLeno,MrMaison, SvenBerlin und DeCzaah Danke an ALLE Modder, die so schöne B...
Parking-zone 10x2
Created by core79
Parking-zone 10x2 by core79 Für die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. For the stats look the fifth picture. Für diesen Park geht ein spezieller Dank an pdelmo,boformer,KingLeno,SvenBerlin,Titan und DeCzaah Danke an ALLE Modder, die so sch...
Parking-zone 6 x 6
Created by core79
Parking-zone 6 x 6 by core79 Ein ganz gewöhnlicher Parkplatz, wie er hier öfters zu sehen ist in der 6 x 6 Größe. Der Untergrund für diesen Parkplatz sollte möglichst komplett eben sein. Für die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Über eine...
Patch Loader Mod
Created by Krzychu1245
Core dependency of FPS Booster New in 2.1.2, 30/Nov/2021 bugfix: problem with detection of -noWorkshop and -disableMods command line flags, improvement: local mods directory path detection on MacOS v2.1.1, 6/Aug/2021 fixed c...
PAZU[10m] (高圧ナトリウム道路灯)
Created by hakurai
岩崎電気PAZUの高圧ナトリウム照明(10m)です。従来のPAZUシリーズのアセットからモデルを大幅に改善しました。 PAZU(高圧ナトリウム道路灯) by hakurai...
Pedestrian Track
Created by KingLeno
Pedestrian Track Network by KingLeno A pedestrian path that can be used as a field track, or really a track that can also be used as a regular pedestrian path. Can only be placed on ground, no bridges or elevation. *********************************** If yo...
Pedestrian Underpass
Created by clus
Hello Community, I finally present you my idea (asset) which was buzzing around in my head for a long time. Nobody, at least I think*, created something like this. *correct me if i`m wrong... ;)* With a litle bit of pride, I present you the workshops first...
Phaeno Science Center [RICO] - Wolfsbourg / Deutschland
Created by _luminou_
Phaeno Science Center - Wolfsbourg / Deutschland Replica of the museum "Phaeno" adapted for the game "Cities Skylines" The Phaeno is a science extension museum located in Wolfsburg, Germany. It was built by architect Zaha Hadid between 2000 and 2005. It me...
Phen - Admiralty Tower (LVL5) (growable)
Phen - Admiralty Tower by Phenakist This is a level 5 high density housing structure. This will automatically spawn by chance when the level 5 requirements are hit. Model Info :- Tris :830 Texture: 512x512 Size : 3x2 - For more cities skylines assets, visi...
Phen - Spiral Tower (LVL5) (growable)
Phen - Spiral Tower by Phenakist This is the level 5 high density housing structure. this will automatically spawn by chance when the level 5 requirements are hit. Model Info :- Tris :1080 Texture: 1024x1024 Size : 4x4 UPDATE V2 - Fixed LOD - For more citi...
Phens CresentSun (LVL 5) - AD
Phen - Cresentsun by Phenakist This is the level 5 varient of the high density housing structure. This will automatically spawn by chance when the level 5 requirements are hit. Model Info :- Size : 4x4 - Updated to After Dark This is a part of a restoratio...
Phens Officecomplex - AD
Phen - Officecomplex by Phenakist This is a level 2 office structure. This will automatically spawn by chance when the level 2 requirements are hit. Model Info :- Tris : 1,560 Texture: 1024x1024 Size : 4x4 07/01/2016 - Updated to AD - For more cities skyli...
Phoenix Tower - Growable 4x4Lvl5 H residential
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
I proudly present you my first released building ever... The Phoenix Tower. The tower is a 27 floors - 91 meters tall habitation building. It's standing on a 4x4 parcel and is at Level 5. The building is about 720 triangles and has a custom LOD (with custo...
Pier 01
Created by Mic CrossHill
First Pier from a set of three. These piers have to set Shoreside and then moved with MoviIt-Mod to the desired place. The Pier can beused modular - mix them as you like. Comes with a Colormap for some variation. If you are using the LoadingScreen mod (htt...
Pier 02
Created by Mic CrossHill
Second Pier from a set of three. These piers have to set Shoreside and then moved with MoviIt-Mod to the desired place. The Pier can beused modular - mix them as you like. Comes with a Colormap for some variation. If you are using the LoadingScreen mod (ht...
Pier 03
Created by Mic CrossHill
First Pier from a set of three. These piers have to set Shoreside and then moved with MoviIt-Mod to the desired place. The Pier can beused modular - mix them as you like. Comes with a Colormap for some variation. If you are using the LoadingScreen mod (htt...
Ping An Finance Center 1:1
Created by koxx
Ping An Finance Center 1:1 by bisabeols 平安金融中心 -height : 660m / top loof : 580m texture : 2048x2048 lod : 512x512 Unique lev.2 - 1:1.5 size : - more pics :
Plane Street Tree Medium
Created by pdelmo
Plane Street Tree Medium by pdelmo If you want to donate to the pdelmo plant factory
Pink Plumeria
Created by infinitesworld
Pink Plumeria by infinitesworld Plumeria is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae. Most species are deciduous shrubs or small trees. The species variously are endemic to Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, and as far south as Brazil ...
Platform Light ( Lamp )
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Realistic fluorescent light that glows beautifully and lightly. Find It! -> "KEIKOUTOU" "platform light"...
Play It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to change different aspects of game simulation. NEW IN 1.20 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.19 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.16.1-f2...
Plop the Growables
Allows you to manually plop growable buildings with Find It! and having them remain where you put them. In essence this mod removes the "Demolish me" signal growables normally send to the game when they are not in a zoned area or not in the correct distric...
Plymouth Horizon (low-res/self-sufficient class)
Created by Archie Cuntingham
If your retro style city doesn´t really have those fancy eletronical cars but game still forces to spawn those, you can have these economy boxes instead! comes in 2 variations model; 1380 tris 512x512 textures lod; 34 tris 64x64 textures...
Polizia Penitenziaria Van
Created by Zarrix
The Polizia Penitenziaria (Italian for Penitentiary Police) is a law enforcement agency in Italy. Subordinate to the Italian Ministry of Justice, the Polizia Penitenziaria operate the Italian prison system as corrections officers. It ensures the security o...
Polygonal Elevated Metro Station (ポリゴン高架駅)
Created by christinayan
Polygonal Elevated Metro Station by christinayan01. This is enable across avenue. 高架の地下鉄駅の新型です。大通りをまたぐことができるデザインです。 **Stats** Template : Transport, Metro, Elevated Metro Station. (交通機関。地下鉄。高架の地下鉄駅). Tris : 3690. Texture : 1024px Diffuse, Specular, Illumina...
Poorly Maintained Parking Lots
Created by Badi_Dea
All I ask is for a slab of concrete, and a car to park on it. Three assets are in this package: 2x4 Row: for isles or to drop in-between buildings in a grid. 2x1 Straight: to fill in gaps, or in areas there a full row won’t fit. 2x1 Overlapping: used for s...
Precision Engineering
Created by Simie Precision Engineering augments Cities: Skylines by adding angle snapping, guidelines and additional information to assist you when building roads, train lines, pipes and power lines. Installatio...
Prefab Hook (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer
This mod is used as a bridge between different mods (for better compatibility). Using Harmony for redirection. Note: If you are a mod creator, consider using Harmony instead to add prefixes/postfixed to InitializePrefab! This mod was created before the exi...
Prince Tower - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 H commercial
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NEW : UPDATED for After Dark Nighttime Add (some) variety to your High density Commercial zones... with the Prince Tower 20 floors 88 meters high Growable commercial. It's standing on a 4x4 parcel and is at Level 3. The building is about 970 triangles and ...
Prive Island Residences
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Another asset from Palm Beach Series is Prive Island Residences that is located in Aventura, FL. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a residential or whatever you like. Enjoy Tris count - about 11000 Custom LOD
Prince Claus bridge (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Created by Jerenable
Prince Claus bridge The Prince Claus Bridge from Utrecht the Netherlands is a 230m long 92m tall bridge that connects the post war neighbourhood Kanaleneiland with the office district Papendorp crossing the Amsterdam-Rhine canal. the longest span of the br...
Procedural Objects
Created by Simon Ryr
Procedural Objects mod Made by Simon Royer from the #FrenchCityDesigners community. Version 1.7.8 compatible with Cities:Skylines 1.14.5-f1 (Airports) and all expansions. No expansion required. The Procedural Objects mod adds a vertex customization tool di...
Prop Anarchy temporary fix
Created by algernon WARNING: UNSTABLE. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW GAMES. This mod has a number of bugs and stability issues, and is not recommended for new games. It is provided here as an attempt to help players with existing cities using Extende...
Prop Plants
Created by pdelmo
Pack of small scale prop plants for fine detailing 256x256 textures lowish poly NOTE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THEME MIXER 2 IT WILL CAUSE PROPS TO APPEAR WHITE SNOWED COVERED ALL THE TIME...
PropRotating Params
Created by Ronyx69
While previously created rotating props still require the PropRotating Params mod, a new method for saving shader parameters by boformer has removed the requirement for a mod. See the PropRotating Shader article:
Pruned Date Palm Set
Created by MrMaison
Pruned Date Palm Set by MrMaison Introducing a Pruned Date Palm 4 piece set. This set includes a mid sized pruned Date Palm and a bush sized sprout as both tree and prop versions. These are great for decorating tropical landscapes. The sprouts can also be ...
Purchase It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to purchase any of the 25 tiles anytime. NEW IN 1.6 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.5 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.16.1-f2 (Hubs & ...
PWC Tower Madrid
Created by BenTracker
PWC Tower Madrid The Torre PwC, formerly Torre Sacyr Vallehermoso, is a 52-floor, 236-metre-tall (774 ft) skyscraper, completed in 2008, located in Madrid, Spain. Torre PwC is one of four buildings in the Cuatro Torres Business Area. It was designed by Car...
Qingzhou Bridge of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
Created by Kaeru教信者
HZMB Qingzhou Bridge 港珠澳大桥青洲航道桥 Qingzhou Bridge of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Ponte Qingzhou da Ponte de Hong Kong-Macau-Zhuhai If you like my works, please rate👍 and subscribe this asset. You can also donate me by Paypal or WeChat(微信). ...
Quad Annex
Created by Quad Rioters
Be overgrown. - Size: 6x6 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 5,510, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 294, 512x256 - Description: Annex Manor. - Stats: Common. Tips - As a unique building, the asset may have already-built icon in the building UI due to a game glitch, m...
Quad Biohazard
Created by Quad Rioters
Industry Evil................... Two... - Size: 3x3, 3x4 - Type: Industrial Generic Level 3 - Main Tri: 2,180, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 279, 256x256 - Description: Biological factory, Biotic Lab. Author Note - Two down, one more to go. - I will be out of town ...
Quad Eminence
Created by Quad Rioters
The end is at hand. - Size: 13x12 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 9,726, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 972, 1024x1024 - Description: Eminence is an alternative colony model of Solipsist. It prides itself and dark energy, ensuring the last long trip in the vast o...
Quad Flower Bed
Created by Quad Rioters
Calling me to come back home. - Size: 3x3 - Type: Commercial High Generic Level 3 - Main Tri: 3,332, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 282, 128x128 - Description: Flower Bed studio Author Note - New version of Blender makes me do (or not do) things. - Don't forget to L...
Quad Fractal
Created by Quad Rioters
I see the infinite up... and down. Attribute - Size: 8x8 - Type: Unique Level 5 - Main Tri: 3,856, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 360, 512x256 - Description: Fractal Corporation. Stats - Cost: 90,000 - Upkeep: 1,440/week - Workers: 15/15/20/20 - Attractiveness: 10 -...
Quad Jade L
Created by Quad Rioters
Jade has returned. - Size: 4x4 - Type: Residential High Level 5 - Main Tri: 2,470, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 186, 512x256 - Description: Jade apartment (large). Author Note - Check the old and updated asset Jade updated. - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or ...
Quad Guardian S
Created by Quad Rioters
What's on your agenda? - Size: 3x4 - Type: Residential High Level 5 - Main Tri: 944, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 113, 512x256 - Description: Guardian condominium (small). Author Note - Check the old and updated asset Guardian updated. - Don't forget to Like, Favo...
Quad Looking Glass
Created by Quad Rioters
Sleep the journey from your eyes. - Size: 3x4 - Type: Office Generic Level 3 - Main Tri: 1,188, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 185, 256x256 - Description: Looking Glass software company. Note - This is a correct reupload of another version that is wrongly a commerci...
Quad Night Corp
Created by Quad Rioters
Wake up, Skyliners. We have a city to mod. __________________ __________________ - Asset: 2 Night Corp Dystopia Night Corp Utopia - Size: 9x9 - Type: Unique Leve...
Quad Onomatopoeia
Created by Quad Rioters
Questionably ethical take on the wild side. - Size: 8x10 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 5,108, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 394, 1024x512 - Description: Ono for short. Animal welfare, research and development. Stats - Cost: 90,000 - Upkeep: 1,120 - Entertainme...
Quad Perpetuality
Created by Quad Rioters
Many ages passed, countless generations still walk among us. Attribute - Size: 8x16 - Type: Unique Level 5 - Main Tri: 3,678, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 472, 512x512 - Description: Perpetuality garden and hotel complex. Stats - Cost: 95,000 - Upkeep: 1,520/week ...
Quad Parable
Created by Quad Rioters
The strangest places, I owe. - Size: 5x10 - Type: Unique Level 5 - Main Tri: 1,894, 1024x2048 - LOD Tri: 124, 256x512 - Description: Parable office with D&L. - Stats: Common. Gratitute - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy. -...
Quad Phitsanulok M
Created by Quad Rioters
For some days, we will leave. - Size: 4x4 - Type: Residential High Level 5 - Main Tri: 2,020, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 222, 512x256 - Description: Phitsanulok condominium (medium). Author Note - Check the old and updated asset Phitsanulok L updated. - Every ob...
Quad Renaissance Center
Created by Quad Rioters
It's advisable to remove withered flowers. - Size: 26x25-ish - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 12,341, 4096x2048 - LOD Tri: 1,039, 1024x512 - Sub-building: 6 Empty Sub-building for the 3D Models, Metro (Subway) - Description: Renaissance Center complex is...
Quad Triton
Created by Quad Rioters
Would you kindly? - Size: 15x14 (ish...) - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 3,823, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 399, 1024x1024 - Description: Triton Ocean Exploration HQs. - Stats: Common. Known Issues - I kinda butchered its scale on windows. - This building has ...
Quad Zephyr
Created by Quad Rioters
Feed the rage. - Size: 4x3, 4x4 - Type: Office - Level 3 - Main Tri: 1,050, 1024x512 - LOD Tri: 178, 128x64 - Description: Zephyr marketing office. Gratitute - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy. - Donating at Paypal on xi_s...
Quad's Alliance
Created by Quad Rioters
Bounded by our growth and prosperity. Attribute - Office: Level 3 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 1880 - LOD Tri: 134 - Source: Simcity 2000's Cover Updates - v3: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. - v2: Tweaked lighting system. Set: Urban Renewal Kit ...
Quad's Aegis
Created by Quad Rioters
Safe n' sound. Attribute - Commercial: High, Level 3 (highest) - 3x4 - Tri: 1012 - LOD Tri: 106 Updates - v7: Improved speculation map. - v6: Desaturated textures. - v5: Overhauled asset. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy. ...
Quad's Amethyst
Created by Quad Rioters
We've got soda, OJ, purple stuff... Alright, Purple stuff. - Size: 6x6 - Type: Unique - Level 5 - Tri Count: 2226 - LOD Tri Count: 262 - Texture Size: 2048x1024 - LOD Texture Size: 256x128 - Description: A luxury small casino and hotel. Stats - Cost: 85,00...
Quad's Arcadia
Created by Quad Rioters
Utopia has gone vertical. Attribute - Size: 10x12 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 4,146, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 392, 256x256 - Description: Nature's Call. Stats - Cost: 100,000 - Upkeep: 960/week - Workers: 50/50/80/80 - Visitors: 100/100/100 - Attractive...
Quad's Aspect
Created by Quad Rioters
Through the time, we roam. Aimlessly, we define. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Residential High - Level 5 (highest) - Main Tri: 2,114, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 264, 128x128 - Description: A futuristic apartment. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or C...
Quad's Audacity
Created by Quad Rioters
Crank up that jazz. Attribute - Size: 3x3, 3x4 - Type: Zoning > Office - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 2,164, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 90, 128x128 - Description: An office from the 20th. - Source: Office Building (Simcity 2000) Updates - v2: Slightly changed c...
Quad's Citrine
Created by Quad Rioters
Hellfire summer ain't got nothing on this cooling hotel. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Commercial High - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 792, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 196, 128x128 - Description: A beach hotel. Updates - v4: Unknown origin. Don't forget ...
Quad's Concomitant
Created by Quad Rioters
We go together. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Office Level 3 (highest) - Tri: 3288 - LOD Tri: 188 - Texture Size: 2048x1024 - LOD Texture Size: 256x128 - Description: An insurance headquarters Tips - This asset is growable. To plop, see Quad Archi...
Quad's Conundrum
Created by Quad Rioters
Like the universe itself. Attribute - Commercial: High, Level 3 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 1342 - LOD Tri: 154 Updates - v7: Improved model, Improve textures, Desaturated textures. - v6: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. - v5: Improved model, Imp...
Quad's Crucible
Created by Quad Rioters
Scrape! Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Disposal Utility - Incinerator - Main Tri: 3,438, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 115, 128x128 - Description: A high-tech disposal facility. Stats - Cost: 70,000 - Upkeep: 2,880/week - Workers: 20/20/10/10 - Collecting Radius: 2,...
Quad's Corinthian
Created by Quad Rioters
Building cityscape since 1994. Attribute - Size: 3x3, 3x4 - Type: Zoning > Office - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,536, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 132, 128x128 - Description: An office from the 20th. - Source: Office Building (Simcity 2000) Updates - v6: Improv...
Quad's Crescent
Created by Quad Rioters
Among the cold air and dense dry fog, the newer moon has risen. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Commercial Tourism - Level 2 (normal) - Main Tri: 854, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 88, 128x128 - Description: A luxury hotel. - Requirement: After Dark DLC Upda...
Quad's Eclipse
Created by Quad Rioters
Aligning the shipment system. Attribute - Size: 7x7 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 2,004, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 250, 256x256 - Description: Eclipse, the International shipment headquarters. Stats - Cost: 150,000 - Upkeep: 1,600/week - Workers: 0/48/30/4...
Quad's Explicit
Created by Quad Rioters
Rap riot roll. Attribute - Size: 3x3, 3x4 - Type: Commercial High Level 3 - Main Tri: 1,986, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 166, 128x128 - Description: Explicit vertical mall. Update -v8: Overhauled the asset. - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank y...
Quad's Guardian
Created by Quad Rioters
Shield up. - Size: 3x4 - Type: Residential High Level 5 - Main Tri: 1,136, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 113, 512x256 - Description: Guardian condominium (large). Updates - v7: Overhauled the asset (again). - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you...
Quad's Haven
Created by Quad Rioters
Dr. Hanson was right all along. Attribute - Size: 3x3, 3x4 - Type: Residential High Level 5 - Main Tri: 1,140, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 78, 128x128 - Description: A small apartment. - Source: Apartment (Simcity 2000) Update - v2: Fixed flooring height and scal...
Quad's Indie
Created by Quad Rioters
It all began here. Attribute - Size: 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4 - Type: Zoning > Office Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 746, 512x512 - LOD Tri: 90, 64x64 - Description: An indie-game development office. Conceptual Notes - Although this building was not based on anyt...
Quad's Ivory Dream
Created by Quad Rioters
Ivory dreams are made of this. Attribute - Size: 10x12 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 2,850, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 394, 256x256 - Description: Commercial dreams take a new height. Stats - Cost: 150,000 - Upkeep: 1,200/week - Workers: 80/100/100/90 - Vis...
Quad's Jade
Created by Quad Rioters
The first. - Size: 4x4 - Type: Residential High Level 5 - Main Tri: 2,118, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 192, 512x256 - Description: Jade apartment. Update - v9: Fixed the renaming error. - v8: Overhauled the asset. Author Note - Every obsolete old assets of mine w...
Quad's Liberty Tower
Created by Quad Rioters
None will ever take it away from us. Attribute - Size: 6x6 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 3,446, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 507, 256x256 - Sub-building: Liberty Tower Glass (aesthetic-only) - Description: A modern architecture headquarters. The glass serves ...
Quad's Javelin
Created by Quad Rioters
One more... for the old times' sake. - Size: 4x4 - Type: Office Generic Level 3 - Main Tri: 1,962, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 273, 512x256 - Description: Javelin corporation. - Source: Simcity 2000. Updates - v6: Overhauled the asset. - Don't forget to Like, Fav...
Quad's Monolith
Created by Quad Rioters
Legal brainwashing protocol online. Attribute - Unique: Level 6 - 8x8 - Tri: 1452 - LOD Tri: 398 - Description: Broadcast and communication tower. Updates - v4: Overhauled models and textures, Increased height, Added Ploppable RICO. Stats Without Ploppable...
Quad's Naga's Back
Created by Quad Rioters
Proximity is the key. Attribute - Residential: High, Level 5 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 2528 - LOD Tri: 212 Updates - v3: Improved asset. - v2: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. Conceptual Notes - Naga's Back went through about three stages of co...
Quad's Obsidian
Created by Quad Rioters
No need of fire but desire. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Commercial Tourism - Level 2 (normal) - Main Tri: 796, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 118, 128x128 - Description: A luxury hotel. - Requirement: After Dark DLC Updates - v2: Improved models and textu...
Quad's Phitsanulok
Created by Quad Rioters
I will not abandon my children! - Size: 4x4 - Type: Residential High Level 5 - Main Tri: 2,020, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 222, 512x256 - Description: Phitsanulok condominium (large). Update - v8: overhauled asset. Author Note - Every obsolete old assets of mine...
Quad's Quadrillion
Created by Quad Rioters
1,000,000,000,000,000 Attribute - Size: 12x12 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 2,910, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 480, 256x256 - Description: Quadrillion headquarters. Stats - Cost: 400,000 - Upkeep: 3,200/week - Workers: 120/120/120/120 - Visitors: 100/100/100...
Quad's Policy
Created by Quad Rioters
Hyperion and Jakobs are here for a discussion. Attribute - Size: 3x3, 3x4 - Type: Zoning > Office Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 2,500, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 192, 128x128 - Description: A corporate office. Updates - v3: Unknown origin. Conceptual Notes This ...
Quad's Rhinestone
Created by Quad Rioters
Falling from the sky. Attribute - Size: 6x14 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 2,248, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 348, 256x128 - Sub-building: Rhinestone Glass (aesthetic-only) - Description: A modern geology museum. Stats - Cost: 130,000 - Upkeep: 960/week - Wo...
Quad's Sapphire
Created by Quad Rioters
The privacy level can be varied. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Commercial High - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,506, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 190, 128x128 - Description: A studio office. Updates - v8: Overhauled asset. Don't forget to Like, Favorite ...
Quad's Stalwart
Created by Quad Rioters
Loud and proud. - Size: 4x4 - Type: Office Generic Level 3 - Main Tri: 3,043, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 137, 512x256 - Description: Stalwart office tower. Updates - v6: Ovehauled the assets. Now no longer resemble SC2000's building. - Don't forget to Like, Favo...
Quad's State
Created by Quad Rioters
Who fuels the mastermind? Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Office Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,022, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 80, 128x128 - Description: A small bureau. Known Issues - The glass LOD can be very jumpy in color, but this is how the game r...
Quad's Terrace
Created by Quad Rioters
One step at a time. Attribute - Size: 3x3, 3x4 - Type: Zoning > Residential High - Level 5 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,491, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 157, 128x128 - Description: A luxury condominium. Updates - v2: Unknown origin. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/...
Quad's Thinker
Created by Quad Rioters
Such logic cannot be thought without. - Size: 3x4 - Type: Office Generic Level 3 - Main Tri: 1,714, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 152, 512x256 - Description: Thinker office tower. Updates - v6: Ovehauled the assets. - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. ...
Quad's Tranquil Turquoise
Created by Quad Rioters
Simple and elegant. Nagas approved. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Residential High - Level 5 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,076, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 152, 128x128 - Description: A luxury condominium. Updates - v6: Desaturated textures. Don't forget to Li...
Quad's Truancy
Created by Quad Rioters
When holidays ain't enough. Attribute - Residential: High, Level 5 (highest) - 3x4 - Tri: 3314 - LOD Tri: 200 Updates - v7: Improved speculation maps. - v6: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version, Desaturated textures. - v5: Overhauled asset. Don't...
Quad's Vigor
Created by Quad Rioters
Madly in love. Attribute - Commercial: High, Level 3 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 480 - LOD Tri: 164 Updates - v5: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. - v4: Improved textures. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy. http://...
Quad's Zircon
Created by Quad Rioters
Redefining commercial buildings as we know it. Attribute - Commercial: High, Level 3 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 598 - LOD Tri: 233 Updates - v4: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. - v3: Added night light. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comm...
Quay stairs props
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic Stairs for my tiered stone quay. This contains 2 mirrored stairs, so the stats and textures are identical. A special thank you To my patrons Pasi & Jimmy :D Model Tris: 190 Texture: 512x512 LOD Tris: 70 Texture: 128x...
Quercus ilex (Encina)
Created by BenTracker
3 Models Quercus ilex Small - 2188 Tris / 1024px Quercus ilex Medium - 2955 Tris / 1024px Quercus ilex Big - 2955 Tris / 1024px...
R Tower (4x4 office growable)
Created by hqsouza
4x4 Office building with 33 floors and 136m of height. This building is based on the Crystal Tower Rochaverá, an unique model created by me: Its model has 457 triangles with an diffuse texture...
Rail-Over-Road Train Tracks
Created by BadPeanut
This is a set of 2 train tracks - a 16m wide version for small roads, and a 32m wide version for medium and large roads. These tracks can be placed over any road without the use of mods, and no disappearing pillars! Examples:
Railway 1 Lane Elevated Station Tracks (Gravel-Concrete)
Created by REV0
1 Lane Elevated Station track pack with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Part of Railway project Package Content 6 types of station tracks with gravel surface and concrete sleeper type: Wir...
Railway 1 Lane Elevated Station Tracks (Gravel-Wood)
Created by REV0
1 Lane Elevated Station track pack with wooden sleepers on gravel surface. Part of Railway project Package Content 6 types of station tracks with gravel surface and wooden sleeper type: Wired a...
Railway 1 Lane Elevated Station Tracks (Pavement-Concrete)
Created by REV0
1 Lane Elevated Station track pack with concrete sleepers on pavement surface. Part of Railway project Package Content 6 types of station tracks with concrete surface concrete sleeper type: Wir...
RAILWAY 2 - American Concrete (Network Pack)
Created by REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with lots of new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Che...
RAILWAY 2 - American Concrete Mainline (Network Pack)
Created by REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - American Concrete Station Tracks (High Entry)
Created by REV0
RAILWAY 2 - American Wooden Mainline (Network Pack)
Created by REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - American Wooden (Network Pack)
Created by REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with lots of new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Che...
RAILWAY 2 - American Wooden Station Tracks (Ground Entry)
Created by REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - American Wooden Station Tracks (Low Entry)
Created by REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - American Wooden Wireless (Network Pack)
Created by REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with lots of new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Che...
RAILWAY 2 - American Wooden Station Tracks (Standard Entry)
Created by REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - Base Props (American)
Created by REV0 Contains base props used on American Railway 2 networks. Welds Rolling Marks Tunnel Darkeners Pillar bases are included in this pack. Check Railway 2 collection for details. Keywords: Railway ...
RAILWAY 2 - Hell Gate Bridge Complex (Current State)
Created by REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - Hell Gate Bridge Complex (Gunmetal)
Created by REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - Hell Gate Bridge Complex (Red Primer)
Created by REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - Hell Gate Gantries (Prop Pack)
Created by REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - Northeast Corridor Concrete (Network Pack)
Created by REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - Railroad Crossing Variants (Network Pack)
Created by REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 Dynamic - American Concrete Procedural (Network Pack)
Created by REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
Railway Aussersihler Truss Overpass (Wired)
Created by REV0
Zurich, Switzerland Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact The Aussersihler Viadukt designates two railway bridges in the industrial quarter in Zurich , which were opened on 18 August 1894. ...
Railway Aussersihler Truss Overpass (Wireless)
Created by REV0
Zurich, Switzerland Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact The Aussersihler Viadukt designates two railway bridges in the industrial quarter in Zurich , which were opened on 18 August 1894. ...
Railway Chanca Viaduct (Wired)
Created by REV0
Galiza, Spain Discord: The Terminus Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Armesto's Workshop Chanca Viaduct is located in the Chanca Valley over the Chanca river, built to allow connecting the railway from A Coruña to Palencia. It's 298m long, 29...
Railway Chanca Viaduct (Wireless)
Created by REV0
Galiza, Spain Discord: The Terminus Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Armesto's Workshop Chanca Viaduct is located in the Chanca Valley over the Chanca river, built to allow connecting the railway from A Coruña to Palencia. It's 298m long, 29...
Railway Generic Elevated (Wired)
Created by Ronyx69
Wired generic elevated tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Generic Elevated (Wireless)
Created by Ronyx69
Wireless generic elevated tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Generic Green Elevated (Wired)
Created by Ronyx69
Wired green elevated tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Generic Green Elevated (Wireless)
Created by Ronyx69
Wireless green elevated tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Generic Truss Bridge (Wired)
Created by Ronyx69
Wired generic truss bridge tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Generic Truss Bridge (Wireless)
Created by Ronyx69
Wireless generic truss bridge tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Gravel-Concrete Tracks (Wired)
Created by Ronyx69
Wired tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Gravel-Concrete Tracks (Wireless)
Created by Ronyx69
Wireless tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Gravel-Wood Tracks (Wireless)
Created by Ronyx69
Wireless tracks with wooden sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Old Truss Bridge (Wired)
Created by Ronyx69
Wired old truss bridge tracks with wooden sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Old Truss Bridge (Wireless)
Created by Ronyx69
Wireless old truss bridge tracks with wooden sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Ourense Elevated (Wired)
Created by REV0
Fictional variation based on Ourense Viaduct in Galiza, Spain Discord: The Terminus Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Armesto's Workshop Elevated network pack that can be used for station approaches, elevated lines or mountain rail. Elevated ...
Railway Ourense Elevated (Wireless)
Created by REV0
Fictional variation based on Ourense Viaduct in Galiza, Spain Discord: The Terminus Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Armesto's Workshop Elevated network pack that can be used for station approaches, elevated lines or mountain rail. Elevated ...
Railway Pavement-Concrete Tracks (Wired)
Created by Ronyx69
Wired tracks with concrete sleepers on pavement surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Pavement-Concrete Tracks (Wireless)
Created by Ronyx69
Wireless tracks with concrete sleepers on pavement surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Piacenza High Speed Rail Bridge (Wired)
Created by REV0
Milan - Bologna High Speed Rail, Italy Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact The Milan–Bologna high-speed railway is a railway line that links the cities of Milan and Bologna, part of the I...
Railway Piacenza High Speed Rail Bridge (Wireless)
Created by REV0
Milan - Bologna High Speed Rail, Italy Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact The Milan–Bologna high-speed railway is a railway line that links the cities of Milan and Bologna, part of the I...
Railway Props
Created by Ronyx69
Basic set of props used for all Railway releases. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Replacer
Created by Ronyx69
Railway Replacer is developed by Simon Royer, Egi and Ronyx. The mod is responsible of two major tasks; replacement of station tracks on train stations and prop customisation/styling of rail networks that are part of RAILWAY ecosystem. Network and Style Pa...
Railway Stone Arch Overpasses
Created by REV0
Overpass Pack, Stone-Weathered Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Armesto's Workshop Pack of 2 networks with weathered stone look. Short overpass for rural areas and wide arch for urban or large crossings. This network was selected by Twitter ...
Railway Swiss Arch Bridge (Wired)
Created by REV0
Generic, Switzerland Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Swiss styled arch bridge, that can be used on mountain regions or in any generic setting. Part of Railway project https://i.imgur....
Railway Swiss Arch Bridge (Wireless)
Created by REV0
Generic, Switzerland Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Swiss styled arch bridge, that can be used on mountain regions or in any generic setting. Part of Railway project https://i.imgur....
Real Neutral LUT - for Relight, Daylight Classic and Vanilla
Created by creativeDEX
Real Neutral LUT by Dexter How to use a Color Correction/LUT? Change the Color Correction/LUT every time you want in the graphic settings of the game. This change the lightning, coloring, saturation and contrasts. ------------------------------------------...
REAL supermarket(Ploppable RICO ready)
Created by SvenBerlin
REAL supermarket by Svenpotsdam "EINMAL HIN ALLES DRIN" unique building Level III 8x9 triangles 3141 LOD 627 If you like my assets you can support me with a donation. Thanks a lot.
Regular Temperate
Created by pdelmo
Regular Temperate Map Theme using my own made textures, scaled matched and blend together Grass 2048x2048 made from overhead ground photos blended into a seamless textures with minimal tile effect. made to look best at modest zoom levels. Ruined 1024x1024 ...
Regular Trees 4 pack
Created by pdelmo
4 Generic shaped trees Stats and info: Textures all are 256x256 Tris Small 380 Columnar 700 Full 928 Crown 800 Smaller Leaves and billbording for a more realistic look...
Reliance Building (Growable) Office
Created by Crazyglueit
UPDATED CHECK NOTES Reliance Building, completed 1895 in Chicago, Illinois, shortly after the Chicago Fire. Designed by John Root of the Burnham and Root Architectual Firm. He died before the completion, in 1891, leaving it to Chales B. Atwood to finish th...
Created by TecniRanger
RenaultT480farming by TecniRanger...
Created by TecniRanger
RenaultT520wood by TecniRanger Renault T 520 cv Vehiculo para industria forestal vanilla (NO DLC ) 4 variantes de color Blanco / Marron / Verde / Gris Tris 3438 Textures 1024x1024 - Espero que os guste y disfruteís - Gracias ...
Residential Building 003
Created by Valex L4 4x3 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Botanic Garden" (Moscow, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 033
Created by Valex L4 8x3 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Quartet" (Penza, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Rexall Drugstore
Created by Sanzang
Rexall Drugstore Rexall Drugstore, 474 Spadina Ave, Toronto. With a heritage dating back over a century, Rexall is a leading drugstore operator with a dynamic history of innovation and growth, dedicated to caring for Canadians’ person at a tim...
Created by Reaper
Ritz Carlton Hotel from New York Variation 3 Do not forget to visit my site every month with exclusive content. Thank you all for your support.
River Residence - Growable 4x4 Lvl4 H residential
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Add (some) variety to your Level4 residential neighbourhoods... with the River Residence The residence is a 10 floors - 40 meters tall habitation building, it has been designed to fit well into the existing ingame buildings of this level. It's standing on ...
Road intersection 4Ln 2Ln
Created by FairyDust
Road intersection 4Ln 2Ln by FairyDust Realistic road intersection. 4Lane to 2Lane. Use TMPE to guide vehicles in proper lane for this intersection to work as it is meant....
River Wharf
Created by Robert
This is a floating pontoon wharf based on those operated by Sydney Ferries along the banks of the Parramatta River. They come in many configurations - different angles, entries, etc. - suited to the banks, but this is the only one I'll make. Certain limita...
Road Markings (white)
Created by DeCzaah
Road Markings The yellow version of Road Markings can be found here. A new decal pack for your cities! With subscribing to it, you get different turning lane assets, different texts on roads, and more! Also, they works fine as additional assets for the Whi...
ROADWAY - Altona 4 Lane Road Viaduct Network
Created by REV0
Regular 4 Lane Road Variant Altona Viaduct is originally designed for Deutsche Bahn Hamburg sector, as a railway/Sbahn viaduct. Altona Viaduct is originally made as a part of Railway 1 project. I checked the dimensions of the viaduct and it seems compatibl...
Road intersection 6Ln 4Ln
Created by FairyDust
Realistic road intersection with right turn dedicated lanes. Use TMPE to direct vehicles to use proper lanes so that this intersection works as it is meant to....
ROADWAY - Figueroa 4 Lane Road Network
Created by REV0
Regular 4 Lane Road Variant The Figueroa Street Tunnels are a set of four four-lane tunnels that carry northbound traffic on State Route 110 (the Arroyo Seco Parkway) through Elysian Park in Los Angeles, California, United States. From south to north, the ...
ROADWAY - Generic Overpasses 4 Lane Road Viaduct Network
Created by REV0
Regular 4 Lane Road Variant Generic road overpass and bridge combination. Originally made for Railway 1, this is another conversion from rail to road bridge. These are originally made for low/shallow water bodies, so use them in shallow rivers, urban overp...
ROADWAY - Figueroa 4 Lane Tram Network
Created by REV0
Regular 4 Lane Tram Road Variant The Figueroa Street Tunnels are a set of four four-lane tunnels that carry northbound traffic on State Route 110 (the Arroyo Seco Parkway) through Elysian Park in Los Angeles, California, United States. From south to north,...
Roof Objects Pack 屋顶填缝套装
Created by XDBX
by XDBX ------------------------------------------ All 26 objects -5 Air Conditionings -5 Electric box -4 Antennas -2 powerrooms -2 radars -2 water tanks -3 Signal towers -1 roof -1 lightning rod -1 Steel plate ------------------------------------------ mo...
Rowan Tree
Created by MrMaison
Rowan by MrMaison Introducing a European Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) AKA European Mountain Ash tree. This deciduous tree or shrub is in the rose family. It is native to Europe and parts of Asia and northern Africa. It's a very undemanding tree able to tolerat...
RTGbuilding5 L3 4x4
Created by rtgstream
RTGbuilding5 L3 4x4 by rtgstream Cool text effects and animation to create online...
RTGbuilding6 L3 4x4
Created by rtgstream
RTGbuilding6 L3 4x4 by rtgstream Cool text effects and animation to create online...
Ryde - Bus Stop Sign Prop
Created by Blue Thunder
Ryde A Bus Ryde is a fictional transport company designed to create a generic brand across all of the transport options in the game. Ryde A Bus is the Passenger Bus branch of their transport c...
Ryde BRT Road - 2L 2W
Created by Nochin98 Ryde City Infrastructure - Ryde BRT Road - 2 Lane 2 Way Disclaimer! This is my first ever attempt at modifying a road asset. I *hope* that everything works as intended. If not, please feel free to comment below, or reach-out...
Ryde BRT Roads - 7 Lane 2 Way Asymmetrical Pack
Created by Nochin98 Ryde City Infrastructure - Ryde BRT Road - 7 Lane 2 Way Asymmetrical Pack What is this? A set of roads to help you make a dedicated BRT network in your city. This is a modified version of Delta 5-1's Vanilla+ 8-Lane Avenue w...
Ryde BRT Station - Single Side
Created by Nochin98
Ryde City Infrastructure - Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) Station - Single Side Ryde is a fictional transport company designed to create a generic brand across all of the transport options in the g...
Ryde BRT Station Props
Created by Nochin98
Ryde City Infrastructure - BRT Roads with Stations What is this? Prop stations and Ryde brand 'blade' for use in the Ryde BRT Roads that are starting to be released. Some Notes - this is a required item for the BRT roads - all assets share the same texture...
Ryde: Airport Express - JNP6130 [LHD/RHT] - Australia/New Zealand Style
Created by Blue Thunder With the release of the Airports DLC. Ryde is reworking its entire lineup of airport related transportation, bringing in new redesigned liveries, more variety for rail related transport, more region based buses (ANZ, US, EU)...
Sailboat 01 - LowPoly Marina Filler
Created by Mic CrossHill
Marina Filler are special low count Poly Models that allow to put them on higher counts to fill your Marina with Boats without wasting to much RAM. Use these to populate your Marina and for your Detail-zones use the High detail Models. Model: Verts: 237 Fa...
Ryde: Cityline - Citylink Shuttle Bus - PROP [RHD/LHT]
Created by Blue Thunder
Cityline Ryde is a fictional transport company designed to create a generic brand across all of the transport options in the game. Cityline is the North American Division of Ryde. focusing on ...
Sailboat Ferry Vehicle
Created by Mic CrossHill
The Sailboat 01 as Ferry. Mass Transit DLC is required. Set the Linecolor to white to get the right colors. I set the speed to 5 km/h for the Boat in this Video. That seems the right value. ...
Sailboat Nr.03
Created by Mic CrossHill
Sailboat under Sail Tired from Work, Home, Wife (Husband) or Kids? Stressed from all the people on the street - everybody wants something from you? Then its time for some "me-time". Take your Sailboat out into the sea. Feel the fresh wind in your Hairs ......
Sailing Ship 01
Created by Mic CrossHill
Floating 56" Sailing Ship with full sails for your marina. This is a High Detail Model and is to complex to use as a filler for your marina. This should be used for detail areas. Info: Model : Verts: 1383 Faces: 1198 Tris: 2388 Texture 512*512 LOD: Verts: ...
Sam Condos
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello everybody, Here is another beach condos published from my Palm Beach Series. It is based on condos from Huntington beach in LA. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a residential otherwise you can find it under unique buildings tab - l...
Sandy Grey Detail Rocks
Created by Greyflame Introduction This pack is the final counterpart to the giant modular rocks I released, intended to provide much smaller models for detailing. It's comprised of two halves: first, 4 new single rocks originally modeled by IceK...
Santana 1987 普桑
Created by Streamer
Santana 1987 by Streamer...
Scholastic building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 3 High commerical 2x4 growable based on the Scholastic building in New York in Soho. About the model A new model from my Soho, Noho and Nolita series. This model has about 4487 tris a...
Created by Raffa
The last theme of a series. Relight Natural Ultimate Eyecandy Díky, že jste byli po celou dobu trvání série shovívaví k mým pokusům. Nejsem grafik. Témata mě bavilo dělat a i má ješitnost byla uspokojena. Byla to zábava, ale je čas to ukončit. Thanks for f...
Created by TecniRanger
SeatExeo2012 by TecniRanger El Exeo está basado en el Audi B7 (2005-2007), por lo tanto, llevaba motor delantero longitudinal y tracción delantera. Exteriormente, las diferencias entre el Exeo y el A4 se centran en el frontal, retrovisores, logotipos y los...
Sea Block Pack
Created by mayorwont
Pack of Sea Blocks used in my 1:1 Wellington build, designed to be used with Procedural Objects. Comes in 1m, 2m and 3m sizes with PBR textures. I made these after being unhappy with my attempts at PO. Simple block shapes with a bevel edge, tried to make t...
Semi Truck Trailer Prop
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Semi Truck Trailer Prop by Shroomblaze Total Tris = 388 1024 x 512 Maps Lod Tris = 100 128 x 64 Maps
Set of Bypass Station Tracks
Created by BadPeanut
This is a set of bypass train station tracks. Ground and Elevated. To be used by creators (stop trying to use them as normal players then b i t c hing about it not working, seriously for god's sake) to make their own bypass stations, and to be subscribed b...
Set of Dual Island Platform Station Tracks
Created by BadPeanut
This is a set of dual island platform train station tracks. Ground and Elevated. To be used by creators to make their own stations with dual islands, and to be subscribed by users of those stations. Does not require any mods. Troubleshooting Follow These s...
Set of Elevated Stations
Created by BadPeanut
Set of Elevated Stations Here's what you get in this Elevated Station Pack! All four of these assets are located under the train tab, in the Public Transport menu. Stations: These stations are...
Set of Ground Stations
Created by BadPeanut
Set of Ground Stations Here's what you get in this Ground Station Pack! As usual, No mods are required All these assets are located under the train tab, in the Public Transport menu. Stations:
Set of Single Island Train Station Track
Created by BadPeanut
This is a Train Station Track with an Island platform. Please subscribe if you're using any train stations that utilize this network. This is NOT a normal train track, nor will I be making one as they would not be visually supported by the vanilla game - t...
Set of Single Track Station Tracks
Created by BadPeanut
This is a set of single track train station tracks. Ground and Elevated. To be used by creators to make their own stations with dual islands, and to be subscribed by users of those stations. Does not require any mods. Troubleshooting Follow These steps if ...
Seychelles LUT
Created by Ronyx69
LUT inspired by Seychelles. Seychelles Map Theme: Commission for Arnold J Rimmer. Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests Donate C...
Seychelles Map Theme
Created by Ronyx69
Map Theme inspired by Seychelles. 2K Textures Seychelles LUT: Seyuba Map: Commission for Arnold J Rimmer. Twitch YouTube Twitt...
SFD - Fire Department Building
Created by JopytheBear Tags Fire, Station, Department, Logo, Sign, Indianapolis, USA, U.S., America, United States of America, Indiana, State,...
Shanghai International Convention Center 上海国际会议中心(重置版)
Created by CM.
上海国际会议中心 by CM. 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到 You can find it in the third level special building 这算是一个炒冷饭作品,我的第四个资产就是这个建筑,但是因为我当时刚接触建模不久,受到水平上的限制,做的非常地差,所以这个是在我当时的建模基础上做出的改进,希望大家喜欢。 如果真的喜欢还望能够点个赞!谢谢! This is a piece of fried rice. My fourth asset is this building, but ...
Shanghai Bund revetment上海外滩护岸
Created by 红米先生
根据上海外滩护栏模仿制作而成,虽然有美中不足,且不是一比一模仿,但是尽量接近真实形状。 在游戏中,可向道路一样在河堤边拉长,上面附带景观走廊,如果您在基础上,加点装饰会显得更加美观。 资产: 面数:3500 LOD:1500 分辨率:1024X1024 低模分辨率:256X256 属性:公园护岸 The first mock exam of the Bund guardrail in Shanghai is in want of perfection, and it is not imitation, bu...
Shanghai Minsheng Bank, China中国上海民生银行
Created by 红米先生
中国民生银行(英文名称:China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd.,简称CMBC,民生银行,上交所:600016 港交所:01988)是中国大陆第一家由民间资本设立的全国性商业银行,成立于1996年1月12日。主要大股东包括刘永好的新希望集团,张宏伟的东方集团,卢志强的中国泛海控股集团,王玉贵代表的中国船东互保协会,中国人寿保险股份公司,史玉柱等。 民生银行A股于2000年12月19日在上海证券交易所公开上市,民生银行的H股于2009年11月26日在香港证券交易所挂牌上市。2018...
Shanghai Style Bus shelter-hikke
Created by amamIya
Bus shelter-HI by hikke...
Shanghai WFC HD 上海环球金融中心高清版
Created by XDBX
Shanghai WFC HD 上海环球金融中心高清版 你可以在第六集特殊建筑中找到哟 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level.
Shell Gas Station
Created by Cristolisto
This is a more unique looking gas station. It has 12 pumps and a small attendant building. A sign prop is also included to let your cims know the gas prices are rising, RICO Enabled (Low Commercial) Size: 4x4 Cost: $8,000 Level 1 Commercial Custom LOD by C...
SHELL gas station growable
Created by SvenBerlin
SHELL gas station by Svenpotsdam commercial L1 4x4 growable triangles 2569 3D Shell logo takes some of them LOD 284 triangles unique version: ploppable version:
Sheraton Hotel - DLC Airports
Created by _luminou_
Sheraton Hotel - DLC Airports The Sheraton Hotel is a 4 stars hotel, emblematic, located in the heart of Charles-de-gaule Airport in Paris. "DLC Airports" adaptation of the "Unique Buidling Version" available in workshop. Ad...
SHINJYUKU MITSUI Building (Growable Office)
Created by CityOfTokyo
SHINJYUKU MITSUI Building ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ You were not able to update it, please use this which improved newly. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ It becomes one of the skyscrapers to carry...
Shopping Centre with roof Garden
Created by Dexter
4x4 Shopping Centre (High Density Commercial) Growable with 4 material colors; Red, Blue, Black and Mustard Rooftop access with Rooftop Garden Aesthetic changes to Shopping Centre; no change to stats....
SHUTO expressway 1-Lane (β)
Created by TOKACHI269
collection Be sure to backup the saved data before use. βバージョンのため不具合がある可能性があります。セーブデータのバックアップ推奨。 橋脚の種類を増やしたい方はこちら <C...
SHUTO expressway 1-Lane with Sound barrier (β)
Created by TOKACHI269
Be sure to backup the saved data before use. βバージョンのため不具合がある可能性があります。セーブデータのバックアップ推奨。 bridgeにアップグレードにすると防音壁が片方だけのバージョンに切り替わります。 橋脚の種類を増やしたい方はこちら SHUTO EXPWY 1L SB by TOKACHI269...
SHUTO expressway 2-Lane (β)
Created by TOKACHI269
Be sure to backup the saved data before use. βバージョンのため不具合がある可能性があります。セーブデータのバックアップ推奨。 橋脚の種類を増やしたい方はこちら <Contents> 1-Lane(4m) 2-Lane(8m) 2-Lane with sound barrier(8m) 2-Lane with sound barrier...
SHUTO expressway 2-Lane with Sound barrier (β)
Created by TOKACHI269
Be sure to backup the saved data before use. βバージョンのため不具合がある可能性があります。セーブデータのバックアップ推奨。 橋脚の種類を増やしたい方はこちら <Contents> 1-Lane(4m) 2-Lane(8m) 2-Lane with sound barrier(8m) 2-Lane with sound barrier...
SHUTO expressway 2-Lane with Sound barrier only one side (β)
Created by TOKACHI269
Be sure to backup the saved data before use. βバージョンのため不具合がある可能性があります。セーブデータのバックアップ推奨。 橋脚の種類を増やしたい方はこちら <Contents> 1-Lane(4m) 2-Lane(8m) 2-Lane with sound barrier(8m) 2-Lane with sound barrier...
SHUTO expressway 3-Lane (β)
Created by TOKACHI269
Be sure to backup the saved data before use. βバージョンのため不具合がある可能性があります。セーブデータのバックアップ推奨。 橋脚の種類を増やしたい方はこちら <Contents> 1-Lane(4m) 2-Lane(8m) 2-Lane with sound barrier(8m) 2-Lane with sound barrier...
SHUTO Expressway 4-Lane
Created by TOKACHI269
Be sure to backup the saved data before use. βバージョンのため不具合がある可能性があります。セーブデータのバックアップ推奨。 橋脚の種類を増やしたい方はこちら SHUTO EXPWY 4L by TOKACHI269...
SHUTO Expressway pillar
Created by TOKACHI269
<Contents> middle middle stack pillar1 pillar2 over SHUTO EXPWY pillar by TOKACHI269...
Created by TOKACHI269
SHUTO EXPWY 2L TURNOUT 橋にアップグレードすると防音壁付きになります。左側通行用。 Upgrade to a bridge and it will be sound barrier. For left hand traffic. 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 Amazon gift → SHUTO EXPWY 2L TURNOUT...
SHUTO EXPWY 2L slow down
Created by TOKACHI269
SHUTO EXPWY 2L slow down by TOKACHI269...
SHUTO EXPWY markings
Created by TOKACHI269
SHUTO EXPWY marking line 1 by TOKACHI269...
SHUTO EXPWY Smooth the confluence road (β)
Created by TOKACHI269
FOR ELITE PLAYERS. βバージョンのため不具合がある可能性があります。セーブデータのバックアップ推奨。 Be sure to backup the saved data before use. 首都高用のアセットです。合流、分岐道路をこの道路に置き換えることで滑らかにすることができます。少々コツがいるので使いながら慣れてください。 It is an asset for the SHUTO expressway. It can be made smooth by replacing mergi...
SHUTO EXPWY Toll booth (Left Hand Traffic)
Created by TOKACHI269
There is no plan to add the right handle version. Prop Snapping is necessary to Put on the elevated road. 下記の首都高用の料金所アセットです。 高架に設置するにはProp Snappingが必要です。 もっと車線が多いタイプの料金所も作るかも? <contents> toll bo...
Shuttle Bus / Paratransit Props
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Shuttles and Paratransit Props Are Here Information This package contains the props for my Chevrolet Express Shuttlebus and all my Paratransit vehicles. Props are located in the COMMON Category. Use the More Beautification Mo...
Simple Monorail Station
Created by Kaeru教信者 A simple monorail station for 8-car trains. Recommend Vehicle Asset: 重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(8节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (8car) 重慶軌道交通3号線モノレール電車(8両編成):
Created by CoarzFlovv
Mod to avoid train collisions on single tracks 2 ways from BloodyPenguin mod One-Way Train Tracks. How does this mod work? It is simple. Before entering on a single track section, a train will check if there is already anoth...
Small 4-Lane Road with Monorail 小型4车道单轨干道
Created by RyanCat
This is a Small 4-Lane Avenue with Monorail that can make continuous median at any junctions. With out monorail version It CAN AUTOMATICALLY switch between "median junctions"and default junct...
Small concrete terraced planter pack
Created by Avanya
More planters! This pack contains 3 smaller parks (1 1x2, 2 2x2) with terraced planters nicely decorated. They can be plopped anywhere without complaining, which in turn means they don't get visitors (visitors = needs road connection). They're great for fi...
Small Fire Station - Simcity 4
Created by Kridershot Copy of Small Fire Station from Simcity 4 that was recreated pixel by pixel. I try to stick to the original model as much as possible and I hope did well. :) The building has custom props to avoid some of the ugly vanilla ones...
Small Juniper
Created by pdelmo
Small Juniper by pdelmo As requested 497tri 512x512 texture...
Small Marina
Created by Sir 5w30
Note: You need the boats at the link below, otherwise it will spawn normal fishing boats. >>> Yachts & Boats for Marina Spawners -> You can use any replacement model spawns as Fishing boats....
Small Parking Garage / Multi-storey Car Park
Created by GCVos
This is the little brother to Medium Parking Garage which you can find here: This car park has a 4x4 footprint with a 4x8 total size. This allows you to fill gaps in your zonable areas (partic...
Small parking-zone 3x4
Created by core79
Small parking-zone 3x4 by core79 Für die stats schaut einfach auf das fünfte Bild. For the stats look the fifth picture. Für diesen Park ein spezielen dank an GC Vos ,TPB , Svenpotsdam, KingLeno ,BenTracker , Ston3D , DeCzaah , xave und Ronyx69 For this pa...
Small road intersection 2Ln 2Ln
Created by FairyDust
Small road intersection 2Ln 2Ln by FairyDust Realistic small road intersection. 2 Lane to 2 Lane. Use TPME to guide vehicles to use the proper lanes so that this interesection works as it is meant. Disregard the lane arrows, road default. The right turn me...
Small Stadium Lights
Created by KingLeno
2 small high school football stadium lights with medium brightness and low (dim) brightness....
Small terraced planter Z - Brick
Created by Avanya
A nice planter with decorations to fill in awkward spaces or empty plazas! It's a 2x2 park that can be plopped anywhere without complaints, and can be used alone or in combination to create larger plazas. It also comes in a concrete and a wood version. htt...
Small terraced planter Z - Concrete
Created by Avanya
A nice planter with decorations to fill in awkward spaces or empty plazas! It's a 2x2 park that can be plopped anywhere without complaints, and can be used alone or in combination to create larger plazas. It also comes in a brick and a wood version. https://...
Solar Highway
Created by BadPeanut
Each segment generates solar power due to the solar panels used as its road surface. Highway has 3 lanes, default speeds. *updated to reduce electricity production for all yo pessimists out there! No mods required! Picture: ...
Solar Parking Lot 2x2
Created by Zuben
Solar Parking Lot 2x2 by Zuben Parking lot with solar panels. Changed the category and re-uploaded. Park -> Electricity Tris : 1232 / 48 Texture : 512x512 / 256x256 Size : 2x2 Cost : 1000 Upkeep : 24/week Electricity production : 3MW (100%) Solar Parking L...
Solar Parking Lot 4x1
Created by Zuben
Solar Parking Lot 4x1 by Zuben Parking lot with solar panels. Changed the category and re-uploaded. Park -> Electricity Tris : 1256 / 64 Texture : 512x512 / 256x256 Size : 4x1 Cost : 1000 Upkeep : 24/week Electricity production : 3MW (100%) Solar Parking L...
Soldyne's Iron Fence x16
Created by soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Soldyne's Iron Fence x4
Created by soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Soldyne's Iron Fence x8
Created by soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Soldyne's Parking x1
Created by soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Space Needle
Created by Alvin
UPDATED FOR SNOWFALL: I've finally had time to update the LOD on the model, it should now be compatible with Snowfall! Thanks for all your patience and understanding! ============================================= Space Needle by x3 The iconic observation t...
SOMPO JAPAN Building (Growable Office)
Created by CityOfTokyo
SOMPO JAPAN Building It becomes one of the skyscrapers to carry the group of the Shinjuku high-rise building street on in a headquarters building of the Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. Original 3D Model from Sketchup 3D Warehouse
Speedboat 01
Created by Mic CrossHill
Floating 13m Speedboat High Detail Model. As this Model has a "high" tris-count i suggest you used not as Filler for your Marinas. Use it for detail areas and in low count. Info: Model: Verts: 840 Faces: 838 Tris: 1417 Texture: 1024*512 LOD: Verts: 24 Face...
Spiral underground parking (large road version)
Created by vilgard92
Spiral underground parking (large road version) by vilgard92 A 100% functional underground parking with real parking lots. Cars take the spiral ramp to get in and out of the underground car park and pedestrians access it via the central lift. A small park ...
SPIRAL Building
Created by _luminou_
SPIRAL Building inspired by the real building "Spiral Tower" by Zaha Hadid in Barcelona. Adapted for the game like "Hospital" Triangles: 10.953 / 727 Texture: 2.048x1.024 / 512² Size: 8 x 8 Contain all texture and LOD file, no color change no DLC, no mod r...
Spiral underground parking (small road version)
Created by vilgard92
Spiral underground parking (small road version) by vilgard92 A 100% functional underground parking with real parking lots. Cars take the spiral ramp to get in and out of the underground car park and pedestrians access it via the central lift. A small park ...
spiral underground parking lot
Created by ELVIS
This spiral simcity 4 styled underground parking lot has unique style. Made by Elvis, subscribe and thumbs up please. Not working It's just modular park facilities, based on sunken plaza template -714tris 1024tex res -custom lod 256*512 tex res...
Spirit of Tasmania
Created by Robert
This pack contains recreations of the passenger ship Spirit of Tasmania I and Spirit of Tasmania II, both constructed in 1998 and the current fleet operating between Port Melbourne, Victoria and Devonport, Tasmania, ferrying people and their vehicles acros...
Spotlights pack (2017 updated)
Created by targa
Spotlights rotate on 45 degrees (up). Available colors: white red blue yellow light red light blue light yellow lilac orange dark orange In the game and in the editor spotlights are in the same place where the standard floodlights. Each spotlight has a cus...
Spotlights prop pack
Created by Armesto Pack of prop spotlights. Currently using 14 vanilla effects: Upwards neutral Upwards warm Upwards cold Upwards yellow Downwards neutral Downwards warm Downwards...
Standard Parking Garage
Created by Badi_Dea
All I ask is for a slab of concrete, and a car to park on it. This Parking Garage will unlock with Parks, and can be found in the Roads menu under the Maintenance tab. This structure will function as a park, increasing land value and happiness of nearby bu...
St John Ambulance Sub Centre (Australia)
Created by Cyber Scythe X (coming soon...) Details This asset pack contains the St John Ambulance Sub Centre building, in game it functions as a medical clinic. This asset is loosely modelled off its real life counterpart found in the mining town of ...
Star Fort Harbours
Created by Demis
This map is inspired by the historical maps of Groningen(NL) and Gorinchem(NL) and for the harbours i took Dublin and Belfast as excample. This is a pretty flat vanilla (base) map. No mods needed although i used the Intersection Marking Tool 1.8.2 by Macse...
Starbucks Coffee Los Angeles
Created by Californianyt
Starbucks Coffee, 3241 N Figueroa St., Los Angeles, C Starbucks Coffee and Props Includes: - Main Starbucks Coffee - Sign Prop - Clearence Height Prop - Drice Thru Menu Prop Starbucks Corporation is an American multinational chain of coffeehouses and roast...
State Prison
Created by Modocero
State Prison Prison Asset Info Main Tris: 7464 Texture: 1024x4096, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, ilumination, Alpha LOD Tris: 273 Texture 256x256, Diffuse, Ilumination Tags: State Prison, Prison, Penitentiary, Jail Discord: Modocero#5931
Steel Wall Quay
Created by BadPeanut
This is a simple but effective Steel Wall Quay - good for around industrial areas or where ever really! Hope you enjoy, thumbs up if you like! Points of Interest: - the game doesn't allow you to upgrade quay walls so you will have to delete and manually re...
Stone quay - Fenced & decorated
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings A decorated version of stone quay - fenced. If you'd like to change the trees or lamps to better fit your city, then I recommend Network Skins...
Stone quay 2
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Another stone quay! This one mainly exists because I hadn't thought of the transition to a tiered quay with the algae on the others. :P I really like the look of this one though, so...
Stone quay - Plain fenced & decorated
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings A decorated version of stone quay - plain fenced. If you'd like to change the trees or lamps to better fit your city, then I recommend Network...
Stone Wall Quay- Tiled
Created by Pixel_monster
Stone Wall Quay- Tiled by Pixel_monster Stonewall Quay ideal for river and lakefronts. It has a sloped wall with stone block Roman masonry, a protective concrete wall, and a stone tiled pedestrian pathway with light bollards. Time to Make your waterfront g...
Street Ads - 10 variations
Created by Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A simple street ad prop with ads for all sort of brands - some known from the radio. I won't list all the brands, but I'd like to thank MrMiyagi and MrMaison for letting me use some of their ads - gotta have M...
Street Plane Trees
Created by pdelmo
Street Plane Tree Set 3 Models one small and 2 large trees. Made for lining streets to fit between the road and buildings Textures 1024x512. Higher Poly Models not for forest. made for detailed streets. 1073tris Small 1958tris Tall 3259tris Large full High...
STU Office - Growable 2x3 Lvl2 Office
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NEW : UPDATED for After Dark Nighttime Add (some) variety to your Office zones... with the STU Office building. Some stats : Grows on a 2 deep x 3 wide lot 1394 tris - 1024 textures Custom LOD 78 tris - 128 textures 4 floors Grows with two slightly differe...
Subtle Office Tower 02
Created by O.C.B.
Subtle Office Tower 02 by O.C.B. A subtle office tower of level 3, 4*4 squares. Fits nicely into traditional city blocks, as a standalone or perhaps even in something more cyberpunk themed, comes in four colors, feel free to customize in your editor. No DL...
Suburban Powerline
Created by BadPeanut
This is a simple but effective powerline for your suburbs! Need electricity down your street but don't want those big gastly towers? Run this network on top of your sidewalk, and don't worry it won't clash! No need for mods like anarchy (which delete the p...
Sunken Parking I
Created by Lokon
Sunken Parking I by Lokon Park 6x12 size 4784 triangles 1024x1024 texture Custom LOD - best performance and quality Road anarchy mod required Donate If you like my maps/models/mods: ...
Sunset Harbor Yacht Club
Created by Sir 5w30
Note: You need the boats at the link below, otherwise it will spawn normal fishing boats. >>> Yachts & Boats for Marina Spawners -> You can use any replacement model spawns as Fishing boats....
Sunshine's Shopping Heaven by BumpaNiggl (growable H3)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Sunshine's Shopping Heaven - "The Superman Skyscraper" ^^ by Bumpa♥♥♥♥l (growable) A tribute to my sunshine. :] Custom made. Cosmetics and shopping for the well situated ladies and everbody else that feels they need a treatment for their well being or just...
Surface Painter temporary fix
Created by algernon
BLOODYPENGUIN HAS RETURNED TO US! And, more importantly, he's updated the original with the fixes that were in this temp fix version. Therefore, this is no longer needed. UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS, AND SUBSCRIBE TO THE ORIGINAL SURFACE PAINTER INSTEAD https://...
Suspended Monorail
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 2 double tracks, a oneway track, 4 station tracks for asset creators, 4 pillar props, 3 pillars and a lane prop. Tracks found in monorail menu. Search "susp mono" in Find It! to find props and pillars. Use anarchy and disable collision to plop tra...
Suspended Monorail Over 6-Lane Avenue Station
Created by Klyte45 This is a station based on Suspended Monorail wide station, placed over a Suspended Monorail over 6-Lane Avenue segment. Requires Suspended Monorail Over Roads and it dependencies. Be a Patron...
Suspended Monorail Over Avenue Station
Created by Klyte45 This is a station based on Suspended Monorail wide station, placed over a Suspended Monorail over Avenue segment. Requires Suspended Monorail Over Roads and it dependencies. Be a Patron: https...
Suspended Monorail Over Roads
Created by Klyte45 There are new track options for Suspended Monorail transport sytem, from Ronyx69. Contains: 1+1 Street w/ Suspended Monorail (regular and station tracks) 2+2 Avenue w/ Suspended Monorail (regu...
Suspended Monorail Over Street Station
Created by Klyte45 This is a station based on Suspended Monorail normal station, placed over a Suspended Monorail over Street segment. Requires Suspended Monorail Over Roads and it dependencies. Be a Patron: htt...
Suspended Monorail Station
Created by Ronyx69
Includes a simple suspended monorail station. Wide suspended monorail station: Found in monorail menu. Can be plopped on the side of a road, fits a 2 cell road under it - use anarchy or move ...
Suspended Monorail Wide Station
Created by Ronyx69
Includes a wide suspended monorail station. Simple suspended monorail station: Found in monorail menu. Can be plopped on the side of a road, fits some 4 cell roads under it - use anarchy or m...
Suspended Monorail Shonan 500 Series
Created by Ronyx69
Includes a suspended monorail engine and passenger car. Use Improved Public Transport 2 to set the train for your monorail line. Main: 1389 - 1674 tris 1024x512 LOD: 18 - 35 tris 128x128 Twitc...
Sydney Harbour Bridge
Created by BadPeanut
If you want to use this asset it may be COMPLEX! Please read the description! This is a very large asset, both in game and file size. it is 100% necessary so please don't ask "why is it 128mb??" it just is, there is a lot of data that went into the meshes,...
Sydney Metro 4-car [Metro]
Created by meshd Looking for other variants? Sydney Metro 6-car Sydney Metro 4-car Sydney Metro 6-car Sydney Metro 4-car Sydney Metro Alstom Metropolis Sydney - Sydney Metro 4-car
Sydney Metro 6-car [Metro]
Created by meshd Looking for other variants? Sydney Metro 6-car Sydney Metro 4-car Sydney Metro 6-car Sydney Metro 4-car Sydney Metro Alstom Metropolis Sydney - Sydney Metro 6-car
Syuto Expressway Light (PAZU)
Created by hakurai
OKACHI269氏から依頼を受け首都高 SHUTO Expressway向けに制作したものです。その他の道路での使用は想定しておりません。その他の道路で使用したい場合は こちら を使用してください。 Syuto Expressway Light (PAZU) by hakurai...
Taiwan bus - Capital bus prop
Created by YufuCharioteer
首都客運的道具 Taiwan bus Capital props The vehicle : here...
Tall Bridge Turbine
Created by Ecumenopolitan
This is a 4-way interchange. One highway is at the ground level while the other is at 24 meters. This asset can be used with vanilla settings, there are no dependencies whatsoever! Hope you'll find the interchange useful!...
Created by Reaper
Tamani_Marina_big by Reaper unique building compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
Tamani_Marina_growable_offv1_174 by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
Tamani_Marina_growable_offv2_146 by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
Tamani_Marina_growable_offv3_119 by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Tatra T5C5 Budapest [Train]
Created by GlobeGrape
Ay folks, greetings! Always wanted to have part of Buda (or Pest) in your city? Here is Tatra T5C5, which will help you to transport the passengers with style. This is a double-carriage train, commonly observed on the tram routes of Budapest. Model's capac...
Temperate Coast 4K
Created by pdelmo
Dry Temperate using upto 4k textures. Updated 1/6/18. next update better clifts MADE WITH. download Below. LUT Relight Neutral Eyecandy
Tempozan bridge
Created by Jerenable
Tempozan bridge by Jerenable Stats building: main tri: 1434 main tex: 1024^2 lod tri: 365 lod tex: 512^2 Can be found under the electricity water structures tab You can donate if you want to support me Thanks to Ronyx69 for the amazing Images my game broke...
Terraced Planter Network - Concrete
Created by Avanya
A planter network for ultimate flexibility! It makes for some really cool decorative areas! The tree can be replaced using the vanilla tree replacer while you're stuck with my choice of bushes. But there's also an empty version included if you want to deco...
Terraced Planter Network - Brick
Created by Avanya
A planter network for ultimate flexibility! It makes for some really cool decorative areas! The tree can be replaced using the vanilla tree replacer while you're stuck with my choice of bushes. But there's also an empty version included if you want to deco...
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
The Altair Bay Harbor Hotel
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Another asset from Plam Beach series is The Altair Bay Harbor Hotel from Bay Harbor Islands, FL . You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a hotel. Enjoy Tris count - about 7300 Custom LOD A special th...
The Edge By Common
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, The Edge By Common from Fort Lauderdale, FL is a pack of four assets from Plam Beach series. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a residential or whatever you like. Enjoy Tris count - 4900 + 5800 + 5400 + 5800 Custom LODs https://...
The Gherkin from London (very outdated)
Created by Drosovila
The Gerkhin Unique Building (7x7, Level 6, stats from Sea and sky scraper,) 1400 tris, 2048x1024 textures, custom LOD(350 tris) scale 1:1...
The Great Plan
Created by Mulleboy
The Great Plan - Made for Builders QUICK DESCRIPTION: - Almost completely flat, good for builders with a vast city in mind. - Realistic backdrop of mountain ranges, farms and rivers. - Easy-Start™ design with small inlets of water for quick pipe & sewage s...
The Hudson Center (Growable)
Created by moxiecrimefighter
Hudson Center (Growable) 4x4 Level 3 Office An Art Deco skyscraper that looks a lot like 275 Madison Avenue in New York. I wonder if that's a coincidence Technical Stuff: 1194 Tris 1024x1024 Textures: Diffuse, Spectral, Normal, Illumination Custom LOD 218 ...
The Office. level 2 (growable)
Created by Vip
Update to After Dark The Office. level 2 by vip Tris - 750 Png - 1024/1024 Will make a variety of offices in 2 levels. )))) P.S. If you liked my building, put please Like. ...
The Shard
Created by elementslayer
The Shard from London Someone suggested this building should be made, and I thought it looked like fun, so here it is. Stats -Single building (7x9 Plot) -Cost:80000 -Upkeep 5000 -High Tourism Cheers and thank you for the comments and critiques! Stats for n...
The Shell
Created by DawiD
Own design. A club, an opera, a theather, a shopping center. It is whatever you imagine it is. I just wanted to throw this shape out there :) Pls help me out :C Info Model: 4625 tris Texture: ...
The World Trade Center
Created by BoldlyBuilding If you'd like to support and motivate me in my work, please contribute via PayPal or Ko-Fi! My World Trade Center asset for C...
ticket machine Deutsche Bahn Fahrkartenautomat
Created by SvenBerlin
ticket machine Deutsche Bahn by Svenpotsdam triangles 154 Lod 26 If you like my assets you can support me with a donation. Thanks a lot.
Ticket Vending Machines with Touchscreen [Pack]
Created by Polygon] Some tags: TVM, Ticket Vending Machine, Apple, Loki...
Tiny wood terraced planter pack
Created by Avanya
Even more planters! This pack contains 3 tiny parks (1x1) with terraced planters nicely decorated. They can be plopped anywhere without complaining, which in turn means they don't get visitors (visitors = needs road connection). They're great for filling i...
Tiny brick terraced planter pack
Created by Avanya
Even more planters! This pack contains 3 tiny parks (1x1) with terraced planters nicely decorated. They can be plopped anywhere without complaining, which in turn means they don't get visitors (visitors = needs road connection). They're great for filling i...
TM:PE STABLE (Traffic Manager: President Edition)
Created by Krzychu1245
Improve lane and parking usage. and customise junctions, roads, and rails! This is the stable release with tested features. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀User Guide⠀⠀⠀⠀Report Bugs⠀⠀⠀⠀Discord Chat Vehicles despawning ...
Created by Reaper
Torres_El_Faro_en_Puerto_Madero by Reaper unique building with lod scale 1:1 compatible with After Dark 14329 highpoly tex resolution 2048 256 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this...
Created by My Tag Gone
This is a RICO version of a Unique building created by Reaper , It is in his Skyscraper_by_Reaper collection. Full creation credit to Him :) Will behave as Unique if RICO mod not installed. Will behave as High Commercial if RICO mod installed. Commercial s...
Train Depot Doors - Pack #1
Created by REV0
Train Depot Doors - Pack #1 My Discord Server Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Train Depot Door packs, that can be used to turn any building into a train depot. As a part of collection...
Transfer Manager CE v2.4.23
Created by Sleepy Modifies the vanilla Transfer Manager to prefer closer transfers. ie Garbage trucks will go to nearby buildings first to collect garbage rather than travelling all the way across the city to get the garbage at some distant b...
Triangle brick planter pack
Created by Avanya
How about some triangles? xD To be fair they're super flexible for decorating pretty much anywhere and if you have any of my other recently released planters, they all share textures, so it's just a new mesh. This pack contains 2 1x1 tile parks - one with ...
Tree Anarchy temporary fix
Created by algernon Replaced by Tree Control Development has ceased on this mod; there will be no further bugfixes or features. Not for new users Only existing users of Tree Anarchy should be subscribed to this. New users should use Tree Contro...
Truck and Bus Parking lot
Created by Uniform006
truck and bus parking lot. 8x2 It is a small parking lot where large vehicles such as trucks and buses can park diagonally. You can arrange the vehicle using props. It is recommended to use it on flat ground, not on uneven terrain. If you like an asset, yo...
Truck parking-lot 10 x 4
Created by core79
Truck parking-lot 10 x 4 by core79 Dieser LKW Parkplatz ist frei platzierbar aber wieder nur Dekoration. Für die Stats schaut einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Wenn ihr auf diesen Park mehr Bäume oder Props platzieren wollt benötigt ihr diesen Mod: http://steam...
Truck parking-lot 12x7
Created by core79
Truck parking-lot 12x7 by core79 Dieser LKW Parkplatz ist frei platzierbar aber nur Dekoration. Für die Stats schaut einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Wenn ihr auf diesen Park mehr Bäume oder Props platzieren wollt benötigt ihr diesen Mod: http://steamcommunity...
Trump World Tower Rico
Created by My Tag Gone
This is a RICO version of a Unique building created by Reaper , It is in his Skyscraper_by_Reaper collection. Full creation credit to Him :) Will behave as Unique if RICO mod not installed. Will behave as High Commercial if RICO mod installed. Commercial s...
Created by Reaper
Trump_Tower_growable_offv1_172M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
Trump_Tower_growable_offv2_138M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
Trump_Tower_growable_offv3_100M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
Trump_World_Tower by Reaper unique building with lod scale 1:1 compatible with After Dark 9752 highpoly tex resolution 2048 143 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below pay...
Tunnel props
Created by 狼少
隧道专用 目前已完成的物品有: 隧道风机prop 隧道车道指示灯prop 高架连接缝prop 后续会加入的: 高架中央遮光板prop 隔音板prop Finished: Tunnel Turbine Prop Tunnel Lane Sign Prop Elevated road Joint Prop Unfinished: Elevated Road shading board Prop Sound barrier Prop Thanks for click thumb up❤ 求点个赞qwq【朝上的大拇...
Turning Torso updated for AD
Created by ArakanI
Turning Torso as a unique building....
Twin Dolphins
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Twin Dolphins condo from Naples, FL is another assets from Plam Beach series. You can find it under unique buildings. Enjoy Tris count - about 13500 Custom LOD A special thanks to this month's patrons Jens Rolle,...