Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

773 ratings
Modern Midrise Condo
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2.444 MB
27 Jul, 2019 @ 11:38pm
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Modern Midrise Condo

In 1 collection by Smilies
Modern Condo Collection
211 items
same textures as my previous modern highrise condo, use the loading screen mod to prevent duplicates and save RAM

8x5 level 3 RICO residential ploppable
main model 6275 tris LOD 134
glass balcony sub mesh 312 tris, 32x32 diffuse, alpha and spec
main textures 1024x512 diffuse, spec, color, normal, illumination
LOD baked textures 256x256
custom foundation and stairs for gentle slope tolerance, works best with move it mod
props used

Models and textures done by Smilies; cannot be re-uploaded without permission authorized by Smilies.

Øuantum3 17 Jul, 2023 @ 6:10am 
Bruh, LemonsterOG is right.
Sher丶 locked 16 Apr, 2022 @ 5:55am 
hello why dose this asset become an unique building ?
slipknot1998 16 Jul, 2021 @ 3:21pm 
Love seeing the comments about the missing props HAHAHAHAH... Also these assets are exactly what im looking for but sadly i dont have the ram to sub to such a large amount.. BUT so amazing and grateful that i can just select the buildings i need.. I love this architectural style and sadly there just arent that many in the community making this style.... I thank you!!
Smilies  [author] 5 Oct, 2020 @ 6:11pm 
There’s no perfect way of doing it, a lot of users will straight up ignore descriptions so listing them there will be ignored and if I list them as required some people will blindly sub and possibly break their game.

The main reason I do it this way is in my experience most people who break their game usually just sub to too much stuff at once and aren’t aware how much RAM this game demands when they subscribe to hundreds of assets and depencies or press subscribe all in a large collection.
Smilies  [author] 5 Oct, 2020 @ 6:10pm 
For what it’s worth I’ve done that method with all my Montreal assets where they’re all listed individually under required items and I still get the same amount of comments about missing props.

I prefer this method where I put everything in one central collection and tell people the props are “optional” and disable the subscribe all button. The idea is seeing the word “optional” encourages them to pick and choose what they want and hopefully click each one individually and potentially look at the workshop page description.

LemonsterOG 5 Oct, 2020 @ 8:30am 
@Smilies -- I understand your thinking, but most players don't detail that closely. They expect and rely on everything being included with a building they subscribe to, so not listing them as "required," or at least listed/linked in the description individually or in a collection specific to the assets used to create that specific building.

The current link in the description is to a whole collection, which contains other buildings and props. How does the player know which props in that list are used.

I'm just trying to make it easier for more players. That's all. It's just a suggestion.
Smilies  [author] 4 Oct, 2020 @ 3:42pm 
The description does say “props used” and links the collection that contains the props. I don’t want to list them as “required items” since they’re all optional. People can pick and choose what they want from the collection.
LemonsterOG 4 Oct, 2020 @ 9:57am 
I want to add to my last comment. To be clear....I LOVE the assets this creator makes and I use them all the time. I just don't agree with how props/trees are handled. They certainly don't need to be listed as "requirement," because people (myself included) like to detail themselves. Most people don't, so a list of assets used to make the building would be great. It save the player from subscribing to the building, loading the game, see LSM show that assets are missing, have to force quit the game, open the LSM report, click on each link to each missing asset, subscribe to each one, then load the game again. Really?....that's nuts. All that needed is a simple list in the main asset's description. Otherwise, it's not player friendly at all.
cahubble09 4 Oct, 2020 @ 6:50am 
@LemonsterOG -- thanks; and it might be nice to have a required items list, but it isn't that big of a deal because you can use the load screen mod to generate a report and then sub what you're missing.

And I'm rolling my eyes at myself because it says "ploppable" right in the description; I gotta learn how to read! 🙄🙄🙄
LemonsterOG 3 Oct, 2020 @ 2:18pm 
@cahubble09 -- Yes...they're ploppable. All unique buildings are.