Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

1,455 ratings
Steel Wall Quay
Assets: Road
File Size
4.096 MB
29 Mar, 2018 @ 1:36am
29 Mar, 2020 @ 5:52am
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Steel Wall Quay

In 1 collection by BadPeanut
Bad Peanut's Complete Set of Networks
24 items
This is a simple but effective Steel Wall Quay - good for around industrial areas or where ever really! Hope you enjoy, thumbs up if you like!

Points of Interest:

- the game doesn't allow you to upgrade quay walls so you will have to delete and manually replace any you already have built. Hopefully this will be fixed by the devs in the future.

-yes it has to be this wide, quays are wide in the game to cover the steep incline of the terrain, it also means it matches width nicely with the vanilla quay for a smoother transition

Find me on Twitter: @CS_badpeanut


Follow These steps if you believe this asset is causing you a problem:

1: Close Cities Skylines (quit to desktop)

2: Use launch parameters to set "--disableMods" > See here for a guide on setting launch parameters

3: Launch the game

4: Start a new game 100% vanilla

5: test thoroughly the asset to see if it presents the same problem (yes you may have to play and build a quick test city to do so)

6: If the problem still persists, please upload the same vanilla save file you tested in making sure you have not used any other custom assets (so they don't disappear when I load it) and paste a link to the savegame in the discussion thread "Troubleshooting Savegames"

For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account and as such all opinions, content and contributions to the community reflect my own views and interests, and are not created nor maintained as part of my job. Like all user generated content, this is not officially supported content and should be used at your own risk.

CLICK HERE: Check out the forum post: "Colossal Stories - Hiring Modders #4 - Bad Peanut"[]

Why are comments disabled?
For my sanity - having a lot of pressure to answer comments and field requests that I found hard to keep up with was damaging for my mental health. I hope you understand and can appreciate that we all need to do what's best for our well-being!

When it comes to troubleshooting and any problems you may have, I can practically guarantee that it would be mod related and not this asset - I will try to keep comments open for a couple of weeks on any new upload of course, in case I miss any obvious bugs, but once I can verify it works for everyone else, I will disable them. If there are any major things to address I will find out through other channels other than steam comments.

Thanks for understanding