Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

162 ratings
Quad's Amethyst
File Size
5.820 MB
18 Jan, 2017 @ 3:03am
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Quad's Amethyst

In 1 collection by Quad Rioters
234 items
We've got soda, OJ, purple stuff... Alright, Purple stuff.

- Size: 6x6
- Type: Unique - Level 5
- Tri Count: 2226
- LOD Tri Count: 262
- Texture Size: 2048x1024
- LOD Texture Size: 256x128
- Description: A luxury small casino and hotel.

- Cost: 85,000
- Upkeep: 1,360 per week
- Workers: 15/15/15/15
- Visitors: 100/100/100
- Attractiveness: 15
- Entertainment: 100
- Radius: 600
- Pollution: Noise
- Summary: Is similar to Unique level 5, is cheap, has higher entertainment value, generates more waste, generates moderate noise pollution.

Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy.

Quad Rioters  [author] 19 Feb, 2022 @ 6:59am 
Lots of free times, things I no longer have, sadly.
the state of new jersey 19 Feb, 2022 @ 5:55am 
How are you so good at this????????????? let alone make 200+ of these buildings?????????????????????
Quad Rioters  [author] 31 Jan, 2017 @ 3:04am 
@rydersonthestorm2005 - It's in the Level 5 category, it may have a 'already-built icon' covering it despite that you haven't built one yet. You still can build it, it's the game's bug.
Smokie 30 Jan, 2017 @ 4:16pm 
I Can't Find it in Unique Buildings?
L2 23 Jan, 2017 @ 8:51am 
Garnet, Quad's Amethyst, and pearl..

RED /(Weber)\ 18 Jan, 2017 @ 12:32pm 
Oh good god am I glad I'm not the only one that puts piers next to the seaport. I like to think via realistic style that the piers would get in the way. But it's like forget that, that's unused space I could be using!