Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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-------- ↓ 推荐一起使用的汉化 ↓ -------- 百变中文汉化 -------- ↓ 历史更新日志 ↓ -------- -------- ↓ 我的其他模组 ↓ -------- More Jar Food(更多罐装食物) More ...
Készítette: SportXAI
Workshop ID: 2878540023 Mod ID: DTZWFY...
Készítette: 北极芯
自用 未完待续(测试) Workshop ID: 2980080473 Mod ID: Hanhua_Beijixin...
中国冷兵器V1.25更新/ColdArmsOfChina v1.25
CN_新增加战术风格武器包-战术武器包可以单独运行,请在模组管理器中选择“ColdArmsOfChina - TAC”来使用它。 CN:格斗匕首、战斗短刀、兰博3型,短刀类武器,在物品栏中对着武器点击右键可以切换攻击模式。 EN_New Tactical Style Weapon Pack - Tactical Weapon Pack can run separately. Please select "ColdArmsOfChina - TAC" in the Module Manager to use ...
Készítette: Gugu Gugu 本模组仅翻译文本 本模组仅翻译文本 ----------------------- 如有意见建议请在评论区留言 ----------------------- 已翻译模组简易名称翻译分类请在讨论区查看 ----------------------- ---随缘更新/随缘汉化--- ---简体翻译/繁体翻译--- ---------------------- ---------------- 更新时间:月/季??? 工作原因/更新速度减缓缓 --...
Készítette: MIMI
自用mod随缘更新,可搭配其他几个汉化一起使用(建议把汉化mod加载顺序设置在最后) 1、Spongie's Clothing | Spongie的服装 2、Ponchos Fixed | 军用雨披 3、Water Dispenser | 改进的饮水机 4、FuelAPI | 燃料API,可以用桶等容器存放油料,配合改进的饮水机使用 5、VV1 Special Force backpack - 150 kg | 大容量的特种部队背包,三种颜色 6、Gas Barrels - Fuel API Version...
Készítette: 浮云
喵服 Workshop ID: 2809588035 Mod ID: MiaoFu_HanHua...
Készítette: EtherealTenG
汉化模组: -------------------汉化----------------------- Spongie Open Jackets —— 海绵的开放式夹克 Plumbing —— 管道工程 Small Town First Responders - Main Mod —— 小镇响应者主MOD Small Town First Responders - RavenCreek Support —— 小镇响应者渡鸦港版本 Bianca Boxes —— Bianca的容器 --------------...
Készítette: Dr.XunYi
寻一的模组汉化 已经汉化的模组: 由于字数限制,请移步至查看已汉化的模组 停止更新,后期汉化模组只会对一个模组进行汉化并发布 目前已汉化的模组: Workshop ID: 3089477751 Mod ID: XunYi Personal CN...
Készítette: Mnaisuka
已汉化模组: 1.Aquatsar Yacht Club B41 & 游艇载具MOD 2.Book Helper (41.x) & 自动拿取没读过的书 3.Irrigation pipes for farming and water supply. Fixed for B41. & 自动灌溉农田 4.Cherbourg & 汉化该地图MOD的部分重要简介 5.ZuperCart - Carts&Trolleys for best life & 汉化手推车名称和菜单 6.AutoSmoke & 自动吸烟和吸烟...
引擎耐久提高 Engine durability improved
Készítette: 麻奥萨玛
你觉得游戏里的汽车发动机脆的像张纸? 现在,引擎变得非常坚硬。 发动机保护数据改动: 原版1/25 现在1/900 怎么知道mod它起作用了吗? 试着撞击几个僵尸试试,你会发现发动机耐久掉的非常慢。 mod原理,修改发动机罩的保护数据来改变发动机的耐久掉率。这很神奇,我对测试结果很意外。 理论上,只要你的发动机罩是游戏里原版的,就可以提供发动机的耐久保护。 这个mod可以随时添加/删除。 ------------------------------------------------------------...
手工调味料Handmade Spices
Készítette: 猫鲨Catshark
允许使用原材料制作酱和调味料,应对游戏后期的调味料不足。 Allow you to use simple materials to make spices and seasonings,This mod addresses the issue of insufficient spice in the game. 狗粮罐头=盐\胡椒粉 甘草糖=白糖\红糖 大米=醋 辣椒=辣椒酱 番茄=番茄酱 洋葱=玛莎拉酱 Dog food can be made into salt and pepper, licorice...
拾取超重背包Pick up overweight backpack
Készítette: 热心网友
Now you can pick up containers that weigh over 50 It could still cause you injury Workshop ID: 2976105553 Mod ID: wypickupbag...
Készítette: Mnaisuka
更好的弹药制作 (贝雷塔枪械扩展)
Készítette: 阿P不会照相
该模组能让游玩贝雷塔枪械的玩家能更省心的去使用稀有弹药枪支 实现弹药自由 模组功能: 添加了所有弹药的拆解配方,所有弹药均可拆解成弹头 火药 弹壳 底火(原版贝雷塔只能拆解部分弹药) 添加了弹壳转换的配方。(口径A弹壳→原型弹壳→口径B弹壳) 添加了弹头转换的配方。(同理弹壳) 添加了底火的转化配方。(同理弹壳) 添加了两个工具 让玩家可以随身携带 随时随地组装弹药 修复了原版贝雷塔的火药bug,让子弹合成更省心 修复了在背包右键操作该模组配方时 合成速度异常的bug 温馨提醒:装填机 是该模组配方合成所需...
更多简单特质汉化优化(More Simple Traits CN)
Készítette: 伊卡慕斯UwU
优化更多简单特质mod的简中汉化,使其更符合官方汉化风格 游戏里的mod名称:BetterMST_CN 请订阅mod本体,并置于最后加载本mod 欢迎在评论区斧正和提出建议 Workshop ID: 2909913722 Mod ID: BetterMST_CN...
Készítette: Originem
无需订阅右侧必须物品,右侧仅为汉化列表预览 介绍 Info 橘萌的常用模组精翻及遗漏补充,建议使用排序模组将该模组置后。 翻译模组表 Translated Mods 1456646886 - 简单绳索 - Simple Rope 2866791728 - 改良建筑选项及额外建筑 - IBM - Extra Buildings 3042138819 - 实用设备 - Functional Appliances 3058134369 - Pogo的服装收藏 - Pogo's Clothing Collectio...
Készítette: NakiriFoxCN
CN translation for Mod Workshop ID: 2522940210 Mod ID: Fox Translation...
Készítette: Skellig
自用汉化mod,排在所有汉化mod最后 Workshop ID: 2864785353 Mod ID: CMTransCN...
Készítette: 苏别黎丶
对定制的模组进行汉化 Workshop ID: 3049897530 Mod ID: Suhanhua...
汉化Tsar's Common Library2.0
Készítette: Mr.X
为Tsar's Common Library 模组添加中文。 Tsar's Common Library 的个人简中汉化包,如有错误欢迎指出 该Mod仅提供翻译文本,请确保同时启用了原Mod! 注意:汉化Mod合集可能会覆盖本Mod的翻译文本,从而导致翻译失效 Workshop ID: 2687094821 Mod ID: CNLibrary ...
老松树村·Old Pine Village (official version!!)
Készítette: BigTailWolfSuomi
欢迎来到老松树村 这里盛产各种品类的松树与松果。 这里已经有了上百年的历史 welcome to the Old Pine Village official version! There are so many pine trees and Pinecone in here~ and it has a long~~~~ history! 这张地图位于三月龄下方区域 可直接通过三月龄右下角的道路抵达 This map is below the March ridge! 如果您想为您的家添加一盆松树盆栽的话 欢...
Készítette: 苏别黎丶
模组不再更新到创意工坊,更新大量新内容的模组只发到舰长群和会员群,舰长和会员自行去群内下载最新的模组 Workshop ID: 3268676913 Mod ID: sulimaoRecipes...
Készítette: Gugu Gugu
---------------------- ---------------------- 2022/11/16官方完全收录游戏内 2022/11/16官方完全收录游戏内 2022/11/16官方完全收录游戏内 ---------------------- ---------------------- 僵尸毁灭工程汉化组鼎力出品, 简体中文电台汉化补全mod, 现在该mod仍在测试阶段, 如有任何问题(包括且不仅限于文本错误,语句不通顺,汉化失效等) 欢迎至僵尸毁灭工程社区(贴吧)进行反馈! ------游...
Készítette: 千年纹
世界右键菜单 笔刷工具(删除笔刷、火焰笔刷、Tiles笔刷) 模式切换(上帝、幽灵、穿墙、飞行、快速移动、瞬时、无负重、建造、合成、无限子弹、武器无限耐久) 玩家(技能、特性、职业、状态) 天气 传送(自定义传送、复活点传送) 物品生成 CD/录像带生成 车辆(车辆生成、车辆修理、设置铁锈、获取钥匙、车辆短接、车辆删除) 时间(年、月、日、时。服务器暂不支持) 杂项(获得全部配方、门/窗相关操作、生成/删除僵尸) 物品右键菜单(复制物品、修复物品、编辑物品) 车辆详情右键菜单(车辆部件耐久修改、容量修改、修...
进阶弹道补丁Advanced trajectory fix
Készítette: 三猫的太刀侠
修复了与KillCount的兼容,增加两个沙盒选项,使你可以调节子弹对载具的伤害和子弹命中出血概率(减少卡顿) Now Advanced trajectory is compatible with KillCount. And added two sandbox options, which you can use to change the damage to vehicle and posibility of bleeding(reduce lag). Workshop ID: 2927283757 M...
'49 Dodge Power Wagon Crew Cab
Készítette: KI5
First generation Dodge Power Wagon is a legend among pickup trucks. It is big, powerful and reliable. And if that is not enough for you, there is an Apocalypse variant that is even bigger and even more powerful, there is also a Police variant. All variants...
Készítette: 阿胡
目前汉化了一些模组 Workshop ID: 3117081129 Mod ID: AhuCN...
'63 Volkswagen 1300 Beetle
Készítette: KI5
The Beetle! It comes in 3 flavours: the classic one we all know, small light and fun to drive, dune buggy variant for the adventurers and the high performance one for the racing enthusiasts. They all have their unique features but share most of the parts f...
'59 Cadillac Miller-Meteor + ECTO-1
Készítette: KI5
A Cadillac hearse in the apocalypse? Sure! It's loooong, has a lot of storage and it's upgradeable with even more storage and full armor set. And the best part is the Ecto-1 optional variant with all those features too! Main features: 3 Variants: Meteor he...
'67 Cadillac Gage Commando
Készítette: KI5
Time for some armored goodness! This armored Caddy will save you from the biggest horde, and everything pz can throw at you. When you are inside of it, you will only hear your heart and zombies pounding, but you are safe. Features: Fully animated hood, tru...
'67 Shelby GT500 + Eleanor
Készítette: KI5
Classic machine featuring an iconic modification. Both GT500 and Eleanor variants share most of the parts, only exception is the hood. Multiple armor parts, roofrack and many other parts give you the ability to customize any of the variants. They are both ...
'69 Chevrolet Camaro
Készítette: KI5
Even more muscle car action in Kentucky! This time it's the Chevy Camaro! 2 chassis variants with their own distinctive features! Camaro has a full set of armor and many parts to customize it. It's fast and loud, it lacks in storage and tire protection jus...
'70 Dodge Challenger
Készítette: KI5
How about some muscle in Kentucky? A lot of power and even more noise, Dodge Challenger! Now with 5 variants, with a lot of distinctive features, something for everyone! It has a full set of armor and a bunch of parts to customize it. It's fast but it lack...
'63 Volkswagen Type 2 Van
Készítette: KI5
It's The Van! No need to introduce it! It has similar stats to the beetle and they share some parts like seats and base tires. This one will give you more storage options and 3 chassis variants, regular van, military flatbed/pickup and an apocalypse beast ...
'69 Mini Mk2
Készítette: KI5
The smallest 4 seater you will find in Kentucky! It's small, agile, light, small, silent, fun and small. It comes in many optional pop culture variants. It has a full set of armor and many parts to customize it. Also small. Main features: Right hand drive ...
'70 Plymouth Barracuda
Készítette: KI5
Up for some more muscle car action in Kentucky? One and only Plymouth Barracuda! 3 chassis variants with their own distinctive features, try to find them all! Barracuda has a full set of armor and a some parts to customize it. It's fast and loud, it lacks ...
'74 AM General M151A2 MUTT
Készítette: KI5
MUTT was a replacement for the Willys Jeep and was later replaced by HMMWV, impressive bloodline for an impressive machine. Its small size will help you in tight, crowded scenarios. It can be fitted with armor plates that will help you survive longer. Draw...
'76 Chevrolet K Series
Készítette: KI5
Let's continue the Chevy streak with an absolute classic K Series. It comes in 3 variants, K10 with short bed, K20 with long bed and a special Big Red variant with some extra power and special trim. They share most of the parts and most of the features but...
'78 AM General M35A2 + M49A2C + M50A3 + M62
Készítette: KI5
Deuce was a workhorse for decades, adaptable and reliable machine, good choice for the apocalypse. It can be fitted with armor plates that will help you survive longer. His front bumper will take a lot of punishment before it breaks and it will protect the...
'80 Kawasaki Kz1000 Police
Készítette: KI5
Famous Kz1000 Police bike from 80s TV show CHiPs! It's animated, packed with features and has a lightbar, what else would you need? It's not the fastest bike but that will help you survive for longer, it has 3 storage boxes for some necessities. Runflats w...
'82 Jeep J10
Készítette: KI5
Time to chase some tornados or not! J10 is considered a fantastic workhorse and it can take a punch, or 79, depends on how much armor you slap on it. It comes with many features to expand it, some will require you to choose, some will be available at the s...
'83 AM General M923
Készítette: KI5
M923 is using the absolutely massive M939 chassis, so it's big, very big. Hillbilly got its name for the oxidised steel plates that were used to up armor it into a fortress on wheels. 3 seats in the front, 3 in the back. Back seat passengers can open their...
'82 Oshkosh M911 + Military Semi-Trailers
Készítette: KI5
So you want to move your whole base to another location, or you want to hoard all the gas in Knox County, maybe you just want to steal all the fridges and get them to your super secret base, you do you, I'm just here to help. M911 was the workhorse of US A...
'84 Cadillac Gage LAV-300
Készítette: KI5
After many months of delays, countless headaches and 2 overhauls, it's finally time to release this fat chunk of metal to the public! LAV-300 is a successor of well known V100 Commando, it shares many features with it, but it has many extras and many surpr...
'84 Mercedes Benz W460
Készítette: KI5
First generation G-Class, boxy, underpowered and not so legal in the US. But it was still possible to import one, so try to find one in Kentucky! 3 Chassis variants, 30+ skins, craftable full armor, roofrack, multiple bumpers/bullbars, bodykit and 3 sets o...
'85 Mercedes Benz W123 [Working/Outdated]
Készítette: KI5
Handsome, reliable beast from the 1985. They say reaching 500,000 or 1,000,000 km with only minor mechanical issues was common, so you know this thing will start when you need to make that getaway from that horde across the street. You may ask, who "they" ...
'86 Ford Econoline E-150 + Pop Culture vans
Készítette: KI5
Lloyd and Harry took a wrong turn and ended up in Kentucky! Try to find their Mutt Cutts van or just enjoy the space and adaptability of Ford Econoline with 3 different chassis types, full craftable armor set and up to 6 seats to bring the whole crew on th...
'86 Oshkosh P19A + Military Trailers
Készítette: KI5
It's the end of the world, food, fuel and beer are running low, zombies are ruining every base you make, it's time to go full nomad. Move from place to place, loot all the places and move on. P19A is the perfect vehicle for that. Built to last for decades ...
'87 Ford B700/F700 Trucks
Készítette: KI5
B700 is the best known school bus, probably of all time and the F700 trucks are used everywhere, the ford base was used in many variants and generations and Kentucky was not immune to it. 6 variants, every with some special features but most of the parts a...
'87 TOYOTA Land Cruiser FJ60 [Working/Outdated]
Készítette: KI5
It's one of the most iconic off road vehicles ever, old school SUV with a lot of load space, if you find the one with the roof rack, you are in for a treat. It features many little extras you will have to find on your own. Gear ratios come straight from th...
'87 Toyota MR2
Készítette: KI5
Small classic from Japan, fun 2 seater with some unique features, get a t-top with a removable roof or go for the stock one with the sunroof, you will get some of that sweet contaminated air either way. It handles great and it is small but it lacks the sto...
'87 Chevrolet Suburban
Készítette: KI5
Let the Chevy streak live on! This time with a fantastic 7th generation Suburban in 3 flavours: Stock, Lifted and CUCV variants. They share all the parts but have some unique small differences. All parts are craftable, only some plastic parts are not but t...
'88 Chevrolet S10
Készítette: KI5
Chevy S10, one of the most popular pickups of the 80s, this variants comes with many features to expand it, some will require you to choose, some will be available at the same time. It's part of my 80s Pickups set that has compatible tires, armor, seats, r...
'88 Volkswagen Golf Mk2 [Working/Outdated]
Készítette: KI5
It's a Golf! Mk2! The most iconic hatchback ever, right here in Project Zomboid. Take it for a joyride and keep it forever. Well balanced handling, load capacity and performance with gear ratios from a rl mk2. It comes in 4-door and 2-door versions with no...
'88 Volkswagen Jetta Mk2 [Working/Outdated]
Készítette: KI5
Sedan version of the most iconic hatchback ever, it was a huge hit in the Americas, now right here in Project Zomboid, now with even more load capacity! Well balanced handling, load capacity and performance with gear ratios from a rl mk2. It comes in 4-doo...
'89 Dodge Caravan
Készítette: KI5
Wood panelling and that 80s minivan look, what else could you need in the apocalypse? It comes in 3 flavours: Stock with 4 seats and ok trunk space, LE variant with more power and 6 seats but low trunk space and the Nomad with raised ride height, optional ...
'89 Ford Bronco
Készítette: KI5
It's a Bronco! That is all! This bad boy comes with many features to expand it, some will require you to choose, some will be available at the same time. It's part of my 80s Pickups set that has compatible tires, armor, seats, roofracks and some other part...
'89 Isuzu Trooper
Készítette: KI5
Have plans for a long drive, maybe want to try out that nomad life? A trooper with a full set of armor, generator, some extra gas and a lot of space to store stuff will be your best friend! It comes in 3 variants: Short RS 2 door, normal 4 door and the 4 d...
'89 LAND ROVER Defender 110 [Working/Outdated]
Készítette: KI5
The king of off-road, now in project ZOMBOID! Go on the longest trip ever, you have the machine for it. It can carry all your gear, it's powerful, reliable and looks good. If you like it big, Defender 110 is the machine for you. It now comes with a spare t...
'90 BMW 3 Series (E30)
Készítette: KI5
They used to call it God's Chariot because of the great handling, E30 is a racing legend and I did my best to translate that to streets of Kentucky. M3, 2 Door and 4 Door sedans, Cabrio and Touring, they are all here, everything that had sense to be physic...
'90 Ford F350 Ambulance
Készítette: KI5
Type 1 ambulance on a Ford F350 frame! Packed with parts, features, armor and some surprises. It has a lot of storage compartments inside and out, but it's wide, long and heavy so don't expect it to break any speed records. Now with a SWAT variant! Main fe...
'89 LAND ROVER Defender 90 [Working/Outdated]
Készítette: KI5
The king of off-road, now in project ZOMBOID! If the 110 is too big and heavy for you, Defender 90 is smaller, lighter and faster. It can carry your gear, it's powerful, reliable and looks good. It now comes with a spare tire compartment and... a spare tir...
'90 Lada Niva [Working/Outdated]
Készítette: KI5
Beast from the east. Small, light and great off road. Ram that horde on your way to the mall and take a shortcut through the woods, who cares, you have a Niva. Now with more power and rl gear ratios, reduced repair skill requirements so anyone can repair i...
'90 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.5-16 Evolution II
Készítette: cyt
'90 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.5-16 Evolution II The Mercedes-Benz 190 E 2.5-16 Evolution II is a sports sedan that was produced by Mercedes-Benz from 1990 to 1991. It was built as a homologation special to compete in the German Touring Car Championship (DTM), w...
'90 Mercedes-Benz Unimog U1550L
Készítette: cyt
Support for new vehicles, expansions to current releases cytt0rak '90 Mercedes-Benz Unimog U1550L "Universal-Motor-Gerat" or Unimog is a truck designed bu Albert Friedrich and Heinrich Rossler after WW2 as a faster tractor i...
'90 Pierce Arrow Pumper
Készítette: KI5
It's a red fire truck! Arrow comes with an optional water tank, a lot of storage compartments, some fire department items, craftable armor and many more features. Main features: 2 front Bumpers with 2 tiered protection Fully animated hood, trunk, doors and...
'90 Zanella 50cc Delivery Scooter
Készítette: KI5
Small, agile and with some extra storage! It will keep you alive in situations where faster bikes will probably kill you. Ideal for small deliveries in urban areas and not so good for long road trips. Main features: Detachable storage in the front and the ...
'91 Geo Metro
Készítette: KI5
A perfect starter car! Small, easy to maintain and armor up with some common materials. Grab some planks, nails and screws and build your little crappy wooden fortress on wheels. The wood will not be able to take much punishment but it will be enough to ke...
'91 RANGE ROVER Classic
Készítette: KI5
Iconic SUV from 1991, perfect fit for your post apocalyptic world of project ZOMBOID. It now comes with a full set of armor, roofrack and many extras to explore and use. Have fun! Main features: 2 chassis variants with their unique pros and cons 3 front Bu...
'92 AM General M998 + M101A3 Cargo trailer
Készítette: KI5
And now... for something completely different, fully animated M998 HMMWV! I've been asked many many times to make this thing and I refused for many reasons but the time was right and it seemed like a great candidate for a test. A concept to see what PZ can...
'92 AM General M998 HMMWV Reskin Pack
Készítette: kkshunp
Original Mod required : KI5's '92 AM General M998 This mod replaces few skins of KI5's AM General M998 Humvee mod We have 3 options ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ Option one : NATO 3 C...
'92 Ford Crown Victoria
Készítette: KI5
It's the 90s Crown Vic, with some useful features, full set of armor and some flashing lights! Trunk is big, seats are huge and there is even a gun rack inside. It comes in 3 variants, normal police chassis, taxi and the unmarked car with some cosmetic dif...
'92 NISSAN Skyline GT-R (R32)
Készítette: KI5
Godzilla is here! Find it and tune it with a huge number of parts, mix and match them to get your unique look. Many spoilers, bumpers, rear bumpers, sideskirt sets, exhausts and so on...and now with left side steering wheel variant also! Main features: 1 c...
'93 Chevrolet Suburban
Készítette: KI5
Happy New Year everyone! I'm back with the 93 'Burban, a classic among big long machines. It comes in 5 flavours, so there is something for everyone, civilian variant has 6 seats, police one has the gun rack, fire chief has a unique look and there is also ...
'92 McLaren F1
Készítette: cyt
Support for new vehicles, expansions to current releases cytt0rak '92 McLaren F1 Designed by McLaren Automotive and Gordon Murray, F1 is been fastest car with naturally aspirated engine. Breaking records with its BMW S70 V12...
'93 Ford CF8000 Elgin Street Sweeper
Készítette: KI5
Tired of a messy, dirty and bloody neighbourhood? Too many corpses in front of that new base? Flies are making your post apocalyptic life unbearable? Time to steal a top of the line, all new, 93 Ford Elgin Street Sweeper! It can pick up items, corpses, ash...
'93 Ford F-Series
Készítette: KI5
Heavy duty beast that can take some punches! It comes in multiple variants, dually variant that can haul more stuff and police and fire department variants. They all have some unique features but they share most of the parts and functionality. Just make su...
'93 Ford Mustang SSP
Készítette: KI5
A very special Mustang, Special Service Package Mustang. It is smaller and lighter than the CVPI series, it comes in 4 variants: Regular Police, KY State Police, Unmarked, Decommissioned aka civilian variant and a brand new Colonel's Special with some seri...
'93 Ford Taurus
Készítette: KI5
Taurus was never a big star, but it was all over the US, common car that millions used every day. There are 3 variants with their own unique features and characteristics. Sedan is the balanced one, Station wagon has more storage but it is slower and SHO is...
'93 Lincoln Town Car + Limo
Készítette: KI5
It may be the end of the world and you are on your 17th day of potato diet but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy some luxury here and there. Town car comes in two variants, normal chassis for you luxury needs or the stretched one in limousine variant with ...
'97 ADI Bushmaster
Készítette: KI5
It's 1997, Australia was under a full quarantine for four long years, but they managed to keep the virus out. Now, they are sending their first RECON teams around the world, and one of the highest priorities is the Knox County. A few small teams have tried...
'99 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor
Készítette: KI5
It's another Crown Vic! But this one is from 99! It features a full set of armor and some modern flashing lights! Trunk is big, rear seats are huge and there is even a gun rack inside. It comes in 2 variants, normal police chassis and the unmarked car with...
1987 Lamborghini Countach (Unsupported)
Készítette: ExtraNoise
Attention: This mod is now obsolete and has been deprecated! You should not subscribe to it. Please use my combined vehicle pack to subscribe to this vehicle. Thank you! Workshop ID: 2998552656 Mod ID: en87Countach...
1972 AMC Javelin (Unsupported)
Készítette: ExtraNoise
Attention: This mod is now obsolete and has been deprecated! You should not subscribe to it. Please use my combined vehicle pack to subscribe to this vehicle. Thank you! Workshop ID: 3029146724 Mod ID: en72_Javelin...
1988 Ferrari F40 (Unsupported)
Készítette: ExtraNoise
Attention: This mod is now obsolete and has been deprecated! You should not subscribe to it. Please use my combined vehicle pack to subscribe to this vehicle. Thank you! Workshop ID: 3050809423 Mod ID: en88_F40...
2021 Ford Bronco
Készítette: ExtraNoise
Capitalizing on the rising interest in overlanding, Ford unveiled the new Bronco in 2020 as a semi-retro styled ultimate offroad vehicle that features front and rear locking differentials, a sway bar disconnect, trail-assist modes, and steel underarmor bas...
1991 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX & Eagle Talon TSi (Unsupported)
Készítette: ExtraNoise
Attention: This mod is now obsolete and has been deprecated! You should not subscribe to it. Please use my combined vehicle pack to subscribe to this vehicle. Thank you! Workshop ID: 3042759231 Mod ID: en91_Eclipse...
25% Wood Weight
Készítette: Kechna
25% Wood Weight Reduce weight of planks, logs and a few related items to 25% of their original weight. Affected items: 2 Logs Stack: 6 -> 1.5 3 Logs Stack: 9 -> 2.25 4 Logs Stack: 12 -> 3 Log: 9 -> 2.25 Notched Wooden Plank: 0.5 -> 0.125 Plank: 3 -> 0.75 S...
41.78+ Propane Torch Fix
Készítette: Drazion
This mod is meant to readjust the usedelta of the propane torch in the 41.78 from usedelta of .1 back to the .01 value. The use number does not appear to change (e.g. it'll tell you 99/10 to salvage a wreck), but the capacity of the torch itself reflects t...
Advanced trajectory
Készítette: 菜喵球BIBI
Advanced trajectory This Mod modifies the ranged weapons and throwed weapons. Ranged weapon: 1.You can see the trajectory of bullets. 2.You can shoot the head, body and feet of zombies through the crosshair. (It is not perfect yet) 3.Your aiming skill leve...
Advanced Trajectory's Realistic Overhaul
Készítette: Radon226
This is a complete and realistic overhaul of a mod called Advanced Trajectory. It tries to involve as much player skill as possible while having PZ's RPG mechanics such as moodles play a big role during gunplay. This is suited for players who want a more h...
Készítette: 布偶旧猫
The modified version of Advanced Ballistics removes the bullet model (but still causes damage), making the game smoother. Only one of the two Advanced Ballistics can be activated. Workshop ID: 2966290082 Mod ID: AdvancedTrajectoryW...
Agrotsar Farming Company
Készítette: iBrRus Are you running out of provisions in your settlement? Are the nearby stores empty of shelves? No time to farm? Our company is ready to help you! Our go...
Addon_Noir's Attachments for Multiples Backpacks
Készítette: CarlosRojasCu es compatible con varios mods más... it is compatible with several more mods... Mod soportados: -/- Supported mods: Undead Survivor Insurgent - Black Ops Profession AuthenticZ ...
ahz clothing cn
Készítette: StilesWang
This is an ahz clothing(zh) Language/Translation mod Workshop ID: 3018152061 Mod ID: ahz clothing cn...
ahz clothing
Készítette: ahz
adds a few not-so-lore-friendly modern streetwear/egirl items, including short pleated skirt with a 3d mesh, 2 wearable styles, 34 texture variants and 3 colorable versions i tried to make the mod with other equipment mods in mind; from the various ones i ...
Ammo Maker
Készítette: STIMP_TM
Adds raw materials and recipes to produce gunpowder and ammo from scratch and uses realistic amounts of gunpowder and metal for each calibre. Supports 51 calibres from 16 different gun mods and the base game. Latest Changes 2024-09-03... Support the develo...
Ammo & Magazine icon MOD for build 41
Készítette: Alec
2022-01-04 Updated! Version 4.02 Fix with multiplayer version update. Supported Languages All languages Supported version IWBUMS build 41.65 or higher Description This is a mod that changes the icons of all ammo and magazines. This is a reproduction of a 1...
Angry Turrets
Készítette: The Z
Angry Turrets This mod changes the originally created mod Sentry Turrets and turns them into Angry Turrets. But don't use Angry and Sentry Turrets simultaneously! It could cause lag and unpredicted behavior. Angry Turrets sprites credit to Team Fortress 2 ...
Apocalypse 86econolinerv (Addon for Filibuster Rhymes’ Used Car!)
Készítette: giakhang6397
! NOTICE !: This mod only work well when you install AFTER Filibuster Rhymes’ Used Car! mod. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Get re...
Apocalypse BounderRV
Készítette: giakhang6397
! NOTICE !: Install Apocalypse BounderRV before Installing Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars! If not do that, some vehicles from Filibuster's mod will be invisible! 🚗 *Welcome to the Apocalypse BounderRV! The Cozy RV for the End of the World! 🌍🔥* 🌟 *Overview:* ...
Aquatsar Yacht Club [for MP disable anti-cheat type 12]
Készítette: iBrRus
WARNING To make the mod work in multiplayer in the server config disable anti-cheat protection for type 12. "AntiCheatProtectionType12=false" F.A.Q. Does this mod work without the Tsar's Common Library mod? No. Does this mod work without the Cherbourg mod?...
Arsenal(26)GunFighter 【Server Configuration】
Készítette: YGfish
Configuration file for the server Greatly increased gun refresh rate and bullet refresh rate Reduced dynamic range and enhanced silencing and reduced jamming Includes firearms since 1992 My other mods https://i.pos...
Készítette: EtherealTenG
Armguards! Protect your arms! This mod adds 4 craftable armguards. Simple Armguard : only protect LowerArm Recipe: 1 Magazine/Book, 5 RippedSheets, 1 Scotchtape, 2 units Glue. Regular Armguard : protect LowerArm and UpperArm Recipe: Scissors, Tailoring=2, ...
Arsenal[26] GunFighter Mod [2.0]
Készítette: Arsenal[26]
Welcome to Arsenal GunFighter Mod HERE IS THE OFFICIAL GUNFIGHTER MOD GUIDE - Do NOT run Old or Multiple Versions of GunFighter Mod - You MUST Update Brita's Weapon Pack, GunFighter Requires Most Recent Version - Single-Player Still Requires ModOptions - M...
Asian Style Builds
Készítette: Birget
UPDATE 24.07.2024: Made minor changes. Now if you do not want to have building options, but my tiles were used in map you would like to play you can use "Asian Style Tiles Only". If you want to have building options - use "Asian Style Builds", as before. S...
Assoluto Bisonte [R4]
Készítette: fhqwhgads This mod adds the Assoluto Bisonte from Ridge Racer Type 4 as a standalone vehicle. As with all of my mods, the road car supports Paint Your Ride, allowing you to repaint the car any color in-game. The Bisonte is one of the ...
Készítette: Kahj
A small town called Ashenwood. The town grew fast as people wanted to settle somewhere outside of the city but still have all the service and entertainment of the big cities. More and more houses popped up as well as a few small businesses that decided to ...
Authentic Z - Stutter Fix
Készítette: Authentic Peach
This mod removes the 1 second stutter caused by hovering over the rip sheets/ craft sheet rope context menu option. It will be incompatible with some mods at this point of time, fair warning. I hope you enjoy and have lots of ...
Authentic Z
Készítette: Authentic Peach
Want a FUN and REALISTIC zombie outfit distribution mod? This mod is for you! This mod adds a variety of zones into the game which gives zombies outfits to match their surroundings. It also adds over 150 custom outfits which are appropriately placed on zom...
AutoHide Hotbar
Készítette: peteR 75hz
AutoHide Hotbar Do you get bothered when all the extra hotbar slots you have are clipping thought the Vehicle Dashboard when driving? Well, so this mod is for you! All it does is simply hide the hotbar automatically when you are driving. How it works: Firs...
Készítette: Tchernobill
So you are here ? Ah.. you wanna play with cars but you lack experience. You've come to the right place. How to ? Get a Screwdriver, a Wrench, a Lug Wrench and a Jack. Ensure you've read the book associated with your car. Find a car you can spare, and just...
Autotsar Motorclub
Készítette: iBrRus
This day has come! Autotsar Inc. together with KI5-Production, are pleased to present the new vehicles: ______________ 1984 BWM R80/7 Monolever - Class...
Automatic Gate Motors
Készítette: peteR 75hz
Automatic Gate Motors Adds ways of remotely open and close gates that where built by a player. New Update! - Version 1.1.6 To check out all the new features, take a look at the Changelog! If you have a server, be sure that BackupOnStart=true on server sett...
Autotsar Trailers
Készítette: iBrRus Autotsar Trailers Inc. - the best trailers in Kentucky! Do you work on a construction site and your tool no longer fits into the car? Tired of running ...
Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Bus [TUNING 2.0]
Készítette: iBrRus To access the tuning menu, use the "V" key while standing beside the car and select "Modifications" (the dash key icon with the plus sign). Dear Client...
Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Chevalier Samara [TUNING 2.0]
Készítette: iBrRus To access the tuning menu, use the "V" key while standing beside the car and select "Modifications" (the dash key icon with the plus sign). Autotsar is...
Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Dadge Steals RT Twin Turbo '91 [TUNING 2.0]
Készítette: iBrRus To access the tuning menu, use the "V" key while standing beside the car and select "Modifications" (the dash key icon with the plus sign). Many of our...
Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Fjord Mustard [TUNING 2.0]
Készítette: iBrRus To access the tuning menu, use the "V" key while standing beside the car and select "Modifications" (the dash key icon with the plus sign). Autotsar is...
Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Jaap Wrungel [TUNING 2.0]
Készítette: iBrRus To access the tuning menu, use the "V" key while standing beside the car and select "Modifications" (the dash key icon with the plus sign). Autotsar is...
Azakaela's Desert Tiles
Készítette: Erin Azakaela Redfire
Update: Fixed a stupid typo that was causing everything to show up wrong! X_X Sorry about that. Now it should be working fine when you use this mod to see the tiles in game ;) It's been a while but I thought I should release these. These are tiles designed...
Azakaela's Mountain Tiles -- AND MULTI LEVEL FORAGING
Készítette: Erin Azakaela Redfire
Ever thought that PZ needs an elvation element? Well your prayers are answered. With these tilesheets you can achieve it through mapping! All assets are included in the mod as well as the properties that work the best. Feel free to adjust, tweak or edit th...
Bandage While Running [ READ DESC ]
Készítette: SportXAI
Doesnt work for me Download "Reload while running mod" Also remove glass or bullet in your body Workshop ID: 3022936656 Mod ID: Bandage While Running...
Bandits NPC
Készítette: Slayer
Bandits NPC Day One Extension Mod is now released! During the zombie apocalypse, It's not the zombies you should be afraid of; it's the people... This mod introduces hostile (NPC) bandits into the game. Please be aware that the enemies in this mod are extr...
Barricaded Mall - South Muldraugh Edition
Készítette: Reanimator
a custom request at 37x37, if using St. Bernard, load this higher than Bernard, should only overlap with some empty area. mod is as is, ty to OllSEE Workshop ID: 2730195641 Mod ID: Barricaded Strip Mall - Reanimator Map Folder: Barricaded Strip Mall - Rean...
Barricade Hurt Zombies
Készítette: Brightex
Mod Content This mod makes zombies take damage from thumping objects. This include anything they hit using thumping anim as shown in gif. You can add and remove it safely from games Damage With default damage, a zombie will take 1-2 wooden plank before dyi...
Barricaded Strip Mall but full of zombies! 路障封起的商店,但被僵尸包围!
Készítette: OllSEE
Barricaded Strip Mall Challenge version Design based on State of Decay 2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENG description down below 这是一个以《腐烂国度2》中商业街基地为参考复原改造的基地。 这是我另一个mod“路障封起的商店”的改版,它不再可以拎包入住,反而充满了...
Barricaded World - Extended Erosion [b41+]
Készítette: Onkeen
Features Most of the time, I play at very advanced erosion. But I always found that houses were "too clean" so I created this mod to put erosion to the next level. It makes most of the houses look like abandoned safehouses and city buildings appear desolat...
Készítette: Braven
Basements are here! Whether to make your own hideout, storage room or a fancy underground lounge, we've all wanted a basement in PZ at one point or another. This mod introduces them to the game in fully customizable fashion! Features You can check out all ...
Bedford Falls
Készítette: ringod123
Welcome to Bedford Falls. This adds the fictional town of Bedford Falls to the vanilla game world. Now V41.6+ compatible! Works with new in-game map system. Includes lootable map of Bedford Falls that updates the main map when read! U=BTL Mod has been test...
Bedroom Watches
Készítette: Braven
Watches! Are very useful, but not something you'd wear all day every day. You have to put it somewhere eventually. This mod makes it so all base game watches spawn in bedrooms, because that just makes sense! F.A.Q Does it work in Multiplayer? Of course it ...
Bef's Professions and Traits
Készítette: Befurit
A few new profession's Exclusive for 41 build Currently 17 new occupation's Also new simple trait's. Currently 6 new trait's Mode support's EN/FR(Thanks to Bobitec)/RU/IT(Thanks to Robert Mölders) Workshop ID: 2116762736 Mod ID: 2116762736 Workshop ID: 21...
Bendy's Bunker *Prepper* v.2
Készítette: Bendy
A more updated version of my original "*Prepper*" map! A delightful house on a not-at-all suspicious hill. Enjoy! "Preppers aren't uncommon 'round these parts!" ThrottleKitty's Tilepack needed! Immersive Solar Arrays is recommended! Fort Rock Ridge (*NEW!*...
Better Batteries
Készítette: pwrcosmic
Better Batteries is a mod that overhauls the built-in battery management system in Project Zomboid. This mod is no longer supported, as it is rather old and buggy. I have moved onto other projects, apologies! Features: Ability to remove dead batteries out ...
Better Belts
Készítette: MayRum
++Hooked bottles added. ++Belt options, you can choose how many slots the belt gives through a simple recipe. In addition, a holster recipe was added, and the option to change the holster side does not replace the previous one, so you can have for example:...
Better Bites
Készítette: Dustin
Every time a zombie lands a hit on you, the game decides whether it is a scratch, laceration or bite. This mod overrides the game in how this decision is made. PZ's default bite mechanics essentially boil down to: - Have bite-protecting clothes - Don't get...
Better Flashlights
Készítette: Enobdercas
PLEASE NOTE: You'll NOT see the light from other people's flashlight when on belt- this is a GAME issue, nothing a mod can change! If you want other people to see your light, hold it in your hand. Any further comment regarding this will not be answered any...
Better lockpicking
Készítette: Aiteron
ATTENTION For multiplayer for work this mod need add also second mod "Profession framework b41" !!! Description - Adds the mechanics of breaking the locks of doors, windows and cars using a bobbypin or crowbar. Lockpicking is done with mini-games! - Adds a...
Better helicopter
Készítette: Aiteron
Fixed and updated helicopter mod! Thanks for inspiration and help with rotating bladed to my codeveloper ???? I full rewrite mod, Add hard math magic (quaternions a crazy thing...). So now you can rotate heli in any direction! Also: - Added Main and second...
Better Satchel
Készítette: DragonOfWar
Replaces and adds new models and textures for the Satchel to use in the same way as a Fanny pack. In other words, this mod provides you with the ability to wear Satchels with backpacks. You can wear them on the front or&and back of your character. Satchels...
Better Towing (Work in SP/MP 41.71+)
Készítette: Aiteron
Initially, this mod added its own towing physics with a rope and a rigid hitch. But the developers liked this mod and they added the towing option to the game! ( link to development blog ) Mod expands and improves towing, which is added to the game. Suppor...
Készítette: Alree
This mod is not a LUA mod and require a manual installation by replacing an existing Project Zomboid File This mod works on Steam or GOG version Should works on any OS This mod is Client side and is not required to be installed on server This mod works and...
Big Size Spice 汉化
Készítette: screamff
原模组地址 Workshop ID: 3062400506 Mod ID: BigSizeSpice_CN...
Big Size Spice : Bigger Salt & Pepper
Készítette: BLUmountain
What is this mod? Made for users who are always suffering from salt and pepper shortages. Just add more Bigger Salt, Pepper, Sugar...etc It much better use with other Cooking mod. Such as Sapph's Cooking & Snake's modpack. Dried Fruit? Yes. Dried Fruit. yo...
BigZombieMonkeys Tile Pack
Készítette: BigZombieMonkey
My tilepack was originally designed to add tiles for my map mod Monmouth County, however, I am now started to add tiles for other map modders. As of today I have added: 01/07/21: 1 Set of Bedroom furniture in 10 different colours You can find the tilesheet...
bikinitools [41.xx + MP] - independent vehicle spawner, skin changer and automations!
Készítette: bikinihorst
What's this? FAQ HERE This is a collection of things I find useful and / or lacking while playing or to help with some annoying things, mostly while in Debug mode. It will be expanded with new things as I see fit and I wanted to share it with the community...
Biochemistry of Life
Készítette: Mereszhka
Biochemistry of Life Chemistry Skill New 3D Items Crafting varied recipes Current Recipes Gasoline Propane Gas Refiller Wood Glue Bleach Vinager Disinfectant Plaster Powder Concrete Powder Fertilizer Hair Dye Recipes Antiviral (Cures more effectively Flu a...
Készítette: Dylan
Blackwood is a map mod located North of Rosewood. To server owners, feel free to add our mods to your modpacks. We grant permission to all. This map strongly requires the additional tile packs. If you have any tile issues please make sure you have 2x textu...
blindcoders Modding Utility
Készítette: blindcoder
This mod does not provide any in-game functionality itself, but is a collection of function that are useful for modders. For a list of function and how to use them, check this site on github: ...
Body Remodel - FINGERS.
Készítette: Akyet
Adds Fingers to the characters in Project Zomboid! Works for Male and Female characters. Mod comes with two seperate files for Male and Female versions, both can be active at the same time. Due to the fact that zombies use the same body models as the playe...
Blueberry 蓝莓镇
Készítette: Damiaocjx
2 cell map 替换两个区块的地图 This is the first map I made, so if you have any questions, you can tell me in the comment section and I will change it. 这是我制作的第一个地图,所以如果有什么问题可以在评论区告诉我,我会去更改它 Blueberry Town is located in the southwestern part of the map, on the corner...
Bombs Spawn as Loot
Készítette: biggestcwax
Throwable/craftable items - the Pipe Bomb, Fire Bomb, Noise Maker, Molotov Cocktail, Aerosol Bomb, and Smoke Bomb - will now spawn in containers. All WITHOUT sensors, timers, or remote detonators. PURPOSE: Some of these are hardcoded to be craftable only b...
Boots and Clothes Expanded 10.6
Készítette: Mark IV
Version 10.6 for B41 Adds 3D models to all vanilla shoes, plus adding many different new shoes and skins, including very rare boots that deals massive stomp damage. Tried to keep everything consistent with the kind of shoes and sneakers that you would see ...
Bottling of Meat MOD for build 41
Készítette: Alec
2022-01-04 Updated! Version 2.03 Fix with multiplayer version update. Supported Languages English Japanese Chinese Simplified chinese Russian German Espanol French Supported version IWBUMS build 41.65 or higher Description This mod allows player to craft t...
Braven's Auto Engineering
Készítette: Braven
Automotive Engineering! Is something I always wanted to add to this game. 🤔 The idea behind this mod is to completely overhaul mechanics in this game. What does this mod offer? Engine swapping. The ability to restore car wrecks. Profession: Automobile Engi...
Braven's Nail Guns
Készítette: Braven
Nail Guns! Is something Vanilla PZ doesn't have. This mod brings them back in full glory! Be as tools or weapons, hit the nail on the head! Features Below is a brief list of the main features of this mod. For a full list, click here. Regular nail gun. Tact...
Boots and Clothes Expanded Optimized
Készítette: maceleet
Sub-mod for performance My sub-mod is made to improve the performance of the main mod. And at the same time preserves the quality of textures as much as possible Installation: Use the Mod Manager to list this sub-mod below the original mod Answers to frequ...
Braven's Bicycles Redux
Készítette: Braven
The Bicycle Revolution Returns! I always found it a bit odd that PZ didn't have any working bicycles, so I decided to do it myself. Goodbye pollution. Goodbye beaten up cars without gas or keys. Hello freedom! This mod introduces bicycles to the game. Bicy...
Braven's Spike Strips
Készítette: Braven
Punctured tires! Is something we are all afraid of in real life. Now you can be afraid of it in PZ too! This mod adds functional "Spike strips" to the game. Or at least that's what I am calling them since most languages don't have a proper word for it. 😜 F...
Braven's Throwables
Készítette: Braven
Throwables are here! As far as I know, only molotovs are throwable in PZ. I am hereby changing that! This mod makes a lot of items throwable. They can be used as a distraction, to break windows, etc. Full list of throwables: All bottles, cans, mugs, cups, ...
Braven's Utilities
Készítette: Braven
A set of tools This simple "mod" adds basic functionality I tend to use in my actual mods. This is absolutely necessary for some of my mods. Click here to see the full list. Free to Use Anyone is hereby granted permission by me to use this mod's functional...
Brita Armor Insulation Fix
Készítette: Ҳtז - Inori
Lowers the insulation levels on most of the brita items. Workshop ID: 2931233550 Mod ID: BritaArmorInsulationFix...
Brita Weapon Model Fix
Készítette: Mystic
Fix model glitches on models and textures from Brita Weapon Pack. - Rearranged UV maps for laser sights (green and red) to fix texture mismapping. - Fixed flipped normal of red laser sights. - Lasers are not solid sticks anymore and laser sights actually e...
Brita's Armor Pack
Készítette: BRITA
NEW UPDATE (2023-03-12) - New clothes and gear (please check the new screenshots) - Replacing clothes that could only be worn by women with new models that could be worn by men as well - Adjusting the weight and insulation of clothing - Adjusting the spawn...
Brita's Bows Dupe Fix for ATRO
Készítette: Deathstar
IMPORTANT: This mod contains and override and MUST load AFTER ArsenalGunfighter. The easiest way of ensuring functionality and preventing errors is to place this mod at the END of your load order. *** DO NOT USE THE LEGACY VERSION OF ARSENAL *** *** USE TH...
Brita's Weapon Pack
Készítette: BRITA
HERE IS THE OFFICIAL GUNFIGHTER MOD GUIDE (Click Link Above for info on the Update) SELECT-ABLE TEXTURE SUBMODS HAVE BEEN REMOVED... HIGH SET IS CONSOLIDATED BACK INTO THE MAIN MOD(s). The Idea was to provide some relief to slower PCs with the option to ch...
Brita's Armor Recolors Black
Készítette: Atrox
Brutal Handwork
Készítette: dhert
Supports B41+. Works in Multiplayer A new save is not required A combat mod made from scratch for Project Zomboid. NOTE: This still needs a lot of work to implement many of the features I ...
Build Roof
Készítette: Tchernobill
You can build a roof above you. Details in this video You can build a roof without building stairs. Wood roof is available. Metal roof is available. A roof needs something to be attached on: either a nearby roof or a wall/wallframe. This changes Vanilla 'B...
Brita-Workshop Compatibility Patch
Készítette: DarkJarris
Patches The Workshop to be able to break down Brita guns for parts Patches these two mods to work together: Brita's Weapon Pack The Workshop TODO: - Stop it eating your equipped weapons - Add Brita Magazines recipe If you wish to support me financially, ho...
Bus Interior True Actions Patch
Készítette: Joy Tomaro
True Actions, RV Interior, AutoTsars Bus patch requires all three mods and their dependencies Workshop ID: 2958306872 Mod ID: BusInteriorPatch...
Bulletproof Vests Under Clothing
Készítette: Keaton Fox
Mod Description This mod creates a submenu on the vanilla bulletproof vests (police, military and civilian) that gives the player the option to hide the vest under four choosable layers: vanilla / under jackets / under jackets and sweaters / under jackets,...
Bushcraft Gear - Rare Weapons
Készítette: Scavenger
This mod adds 2 vanilla friendly new rare weapons and replaces the katana model to fit better into the collection. (No stats of the katana has changed) New weapons are: - Viking Axe - Reinforced Baseball Bat While the rarity does match with the katana they...
Bushcraft Gear - Tools
Készítette: Scavenger
Adds 6 new vanilla friendly weapons to your world: - Hand Hatchet - Splitting Axe - Cheap Survival Knife - Survival Knife - Kukri Machete - Rancher Machete (Default weapons has not been replaced, they are still in the game) Every weapon/tool has different ...
Készítette: bzoukLop
Hot bar mod v2 Hi everybody, This is new version of my old mod The functionality is essentially the same. Do not use the old and new mod at the same time. !!! New stuff: - Code is in Typescript and then it's transcribed into Lua. Thank to PipeWrench - Same...
C.O.N. Research & Testing Facility
Készítette: Nerd
Single Cell map mod that adds a giant research and testing facility to the west of March Ridge, as well as spawn points in March Ridge. There are some career-specific spawn points in the Research Facility as well. The cell the facility is located on is 31x...
Can Repair Doors
Készítette: AuD
info: the double doors have changed on the vanilla side, now it is no longer / not necessary to repair the central walls of the double doors, the PZ dev's have made sure that the central walls auto-repair themselves by opening and closing the double door, ...
Canteens And Bottles
Készítette: Greb
Adds three types of Canteen, two types of drinking Flask, some Gym Bottles, some Waterskins, a Giant Water Bottle and some Jerry Cans to the game world. MILITARY CANTEEN: Olive Drab Army Green Military Canteen info: Weight when empty = 0.3 Weight when full...
Car Dashboard Radio Button
Készítette: Kaldo
Adds the radio button to vehicle dashboards. Clicking on it opens the device panel, same as the one from the radial menu. The icon is green if radio is currently on, red if the key is in ignition and the radio is missing from the car, and gray otherwise. A...
Car Door Open Indicator
Készítette: Aoiley
Description Adds a simple flashing and beeping alert when any Door/Trunk/Hood is open whilst in the drivers seat of a car. Features - Adds Radial menu options to close Doors, the Trunk and Hood when the car is stopped - You can right click the Engine/Door/...
Car Skins for KI5 (NonUpdated)
Készítette: Falkzzz
FIX MY MOD Skin authors: Me (Falkzzz) and Ksora_Arti For those who want to use the mod on their server. I give you permission to use the mod on your servers. For the 70 Dodge Challenger and ...
CDDA Zombies
Készítette: HW_Lover
Attention: This mod is still WIP and may have bugs in Multiplayer! If you want to use this mod on your server, be prepared to meet bugs at any time. If you do meet any bug with this mod, I apologize and want to know details about it. Thank you for using th...
Change Sandbox Options
Készítette: 菜喵球BIBI
You can change the Sandbox OPtions after Starting game. How to use? Press "...
Cheat Menu 作弊菜单汉化版
Készítette: Gugu Gugu
订阅本模组时请取消订阅原版模组 原版模组会导致相互冲突显示英文 本模组由原作者@ethanwdp批准修改 基于原作者模组Cheat Menu V2.9.1进行翻译 ---------------------------- 语言/Language: English/英语(EN) Simplified Chinese/简体中文(CN) ------------------------...
Készítette: hjhj
DISCLAIMER: **WORK IN PROGRESS** IF YOU FIND BUGS REPORT THEM IN THE COMMENTS IMPORTANT GAMEPLAY CHANGE: You will now find boats in relevant areas (harbours, beaches, islands, etc) While the whole world is watching the terrible events in Kentucky (USA), wh...
Készítette: 2Green.
Welcome to Chernaville Since the outbreak, the city populace has succumbed to the virus and its apartment buildings and abandoned shopping malls are now infested with Infected. The city's large size and abundance of loot make it a target for scavengers. So...
Cheval de frise
Készítette: Brightex
If you don't have Barricade Hurt Zombies mod in your game the defense won't make any damage. Mod Content This mod adds a buildable defense to the game. It's a 2x1 cheval de frise, level 3 Carpentry is required aswell as 9 planks and 4 ripped sheets. It has...
Chinatown Expansion, KY
Készítette: 欧金金
Map features: -Chinatown expansion is a map mod located North of Muldraugh. -Require texture mods on the right side, make sure you activated all the pre-mod to avoid tile missing and also have 2x textures enabled. -Tons of new textures and new furniture. -...
Chinatown, KY 2.0
Készítette: 欧金金
___________English___________ -After the Knox event, the police and military closed the road from Muldraugh to Louisville's evacuation point in Chinatown, but Kentucky's Chinatown soon lost contact. -This map adds Chinatown in coordinate 37,29. Also add so...
Chinese Translation For Modifications
Készítette: Cleave
Contact with me freely or via email : Workshop ID: 1778944866 Mod ID: ctm ...
CHN-Authentic Z
Készítette: Delay No More
Authentic Z 简体中文汉化 CN Translation for Authentic Z Workshop ID: 2818506845 Mod ID: CHN-Authentic Z...
CHN-Vanilla Firearms Expansion
Készítette: Delay No More
Vanilla Firearms Expansion 简体中文汉化 CN Translation for Vanilla Firearms Expansion Workshop ID: 2820534148 Mod ID: CHN-Vanilla Firearms Expansion...
Készítette: Pertominus
The river has frozen north-east of LV and some kind of landmass has become visible over the water.... something strange is happening there.... Quickly, before the ice melts, make your way across. This map was created for the Aussie Survival Server's Christ...
Clean Ashes
Készítette: inject
Bring sweeping into the 21st century and (partially) free yourself from the tyranny of the context menu. You must have a broom or shovel (thanks for pointing that out Derrick da Fox) in your inventory. Right click any ashes on the ground, select Clear Ashe...
Clean dirt
Készítette: God's Will
Clean up your room before fighting zombie invasion! This mod allows you to clean dirt and graffiti from walls and floors with bleach and mop/towel. Should be savegame and MP compatible. Google translated, so probably needs some corrections. NO, it's not po...
Clear description for Moodles
Készítette: Unamelable
Updated language description for everyone! (Hello World!) Considering that "More Description for Traits" exists, I was surprised nobody made a mod for moodles. I figured it would be quite handy to have this mod alongside it. So I made this little QoL mod. ...
Készítette: Tchernobill
You can climb one level up. How to climb You can climb to a place one level higher but not directly over you. The target place must have a floor (but no stairs). The target place must have no wall window or fence blocking the climb. There must be nothing o...
Common Sense
Készítette: Braven It's something so simple, but PZ lacks it sometimes. This mod solves this issue by adding many Quality of Life improvements to the game. I plan to continuously update this mod, adding more and more common sense...
Készítette: KI5
This time something for base builders out there! ISO Containers! Containers are perfect for storing heavy things, vehicles parts, unused furniture etc... Gas tanks have all the functions of a gas tanker trailer. Perfect for large backups of gas in your bas...
Cookie Tile Pack (To Be Continued)
Készítette: SleepWell
This Tile Pack Is Completely Free To Modify For Whatever You Need These are some tiles made for my WIP map. All the displays and neon are lighted into colors they suppose to be (means they work like regular desk lamps, which also means you can turn them on...
Corn Farm
Készítette: Matrioshka Pretty big two-storey farm house. It has 3 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms. Perfect for the multiplayer! It locates near West Point (look at the screenshot). You can come by yourself OR just spawn into it. If you have perfomance prob...
coryerdon-科里尔登 坐落于河畔东部跨河城市,总面积约为路易斯维尔的五分之三。 僵尸密度较高,主要集中于城区入口,难度较高,前期略高于路易斯维尔 物资主要集中于城区,郊区有一个军事基地,拥有较多的河边别墅,更适用于多人联机以及服务器的安全屋设置。 城区更类似于小型渡鸦港,高楼较多,总体物资量与路易斯维尔大致持平. Located in the river crossing city in the east of the river, the total area is about three fif...
Craft Helper Continued
Készítette: Lanceris
Craft Helper for build 41.65+ This is an updated version of Craft Helper (41.x) by b1n0m (not required) with additional features and improved UI. This mod will add a "Craft Helper" context menu option when right-clicking on any item with associated recipes...
CRM Armor
Készítette: Russo
A mod that adds the CRM outfit from "The walking dead the ones who live". -Elite version and normal soldier version it's included The models are from "kattj1 clothes core", except for the pants. I just made the textures look like the series Questions! Wher...
Cruise Ship in KY
Készítette: killeurnoobs
a cruise ship is to fail at the edge of Louisville, you will be reckless enough to venture there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider giving me a little tip for my work on the map and...
Daddy Dirkie dirks tiles
Készítette: Daddy Dirkie Dirk
A collection of tiles, this mod as a standalone will not have any effect on the game. This mod simply does the behinds the scenes magic to make all the tiles function as intended. Now, if you are not making maps/mods and are simply using this mod as it is ...
Dadge Steals PPG to Police Conversion
Készítette: Orc
If you use the Dadge Steals RT Twin Turbo '91 Mod by IBrRus you've probably come across the rare PPG Pacecar. I wasn't a huge fan of the Yellow/pink combo and decided to reskin it to be a Police Interceptor. I've taken the PPG Pacecar and reskinned it to b...
Daisy County
Készítette: dianxianniao234
Daisy County is a famous commercial town in Knox County, Kentucky, located southwest of West Point and northwest of Maldlaw. The bustling crowd gathered here for commercial activities. If you have dealt with hundreds or thousands of clients here before the...
Danger Zone (Dual Wield)
Készítette: OgreLeg
This mod utilizes melee weapons in the "Secondary" hand slot to enhance player character combat. If a player has a melee weapon (or tool that can be used as a weapon) in the off-hand then they will utilize combination attacks. If the player character pursu...
Days Gone Counter
Készítette: Braven
Days Gone! But how many? This mod makes it so whenever you open the pause menu, a counter based on the amazing game Days Gone will show just that, how many days have passed! Yes, I mean in total, not just how long your current character survived for. F.A.Q...
DDL Road Signs
Készítette: DDL
Finally, the roads will start to look more real A set of tiles (objects) "Road Signs" that you can use when creating your own map. It won't work on its own, but it may be required by other mods. Admins are able to access your items in a server with this ti...
Dead in Hong Kong
Készítette: Kingston
Welcome to Hong Kong! The map is based on of "Yau Ma Tei" in Hong Kong. - Twenty-five different types of shops in the map - Public buildings: Hospitals, Police Stations, Fire Stations - Support in-game-map - The map has a spawn point - Map Coordinates: 44,...
Delta Creek Munitions
Készítette: FreeBird-550
Adds a Small Weapons Munitions Plant to the center of the map. A shout out first to Daddy Dirkie dirk and to the people who uploaded to prefabs for community use :D This was a quick build to re-learn the building tools before making new buildings for North...
Descriptive Tooltips for Skill Levels
Készítette: Champy
Updated February 24th 2024 : Added Russian translation. Added Korean translation. Added partial Spanish translation (~90% complete). Updated January 28th 2024 : Added Polish translation. Added simplified Chinese translation. Update: January 16th 2024 : Add...
Disassemble Container With Items
Készítette: kor_human
You can take apart the container that contains the item. Workshop ID: 2835852387 Mod ID: Disassemble Container With Items...
DIY Engine Parts!
Készítette: The15karat
Stop destroying machines on the server! Why can't we make these engine parts? DIY Engine Parts! Craft your own engine parts! This mod was designed to reduce server looting due to lack of engine parts. Craft: Added three recipes for crafting engine parts: M...
DIY Vehicle Parts!
Készítette: The15karat
- Crafting all machine parts from scrap. - Creating car windows from composite material. - Making car windows out of broken glass. - New mechanics that allows you to dismantle the trunk. - Assembling trunks from scrap. DIY Vehicle Parts! Create new car par...
Dynamic Traits
Készítette: PepperCat
Disclaimer: if you are looking for more traits for your game and you expect that and only that, then this mod is not for you. This mod will change mechanics and will add more mechanics, and some of them will make you die if you are not carefully enough. Th...
Dive Through Windows
Készítette: Myself
You've jumped through windows, but now you can dive through windows like a badass! Uses the sprinting fence-hop animations instead of the window climb animation. Unofficial successor to the Jump Through Windows mod Thank you for 100k subs! Approved by Nurs...
Dylan's Tile Pack
Készítette: Dylan
Adds custom tiles to map mods. To server owners, feel free to add our mods to your modpacks. We grant permission to all. For Modders: Editor tilesheets are found within the google drive or directly through the mod in the resource folder, place them in your...
Dynamic Traits 简中汉化
Készítette: Surgeol
Dynamic Traits 的个人简中汉化包,如有遗漏之处欢迎指出 该Mod仅提供翻译文本,请确保同时启用了原Mod!! 文本可能会被汉化合集Mod覆盖,或是被原Mod内置的汉化文件覆盖 若想使用本Mod的翻译文本,请 先 加载原Mod/汉化合集,然后 再 加载本Mod 注意:翻译更新后,你可能需要重新订阅该Mod以强制下载最新文本 能够基于你的游戏状况改变你的特性! 你是否存在着这样的疑问:都杀那么多僵尸了,难道我不应该变得不惧怕任何东西吗? 你是否存在着这样的疑问:随着技能等级的提升,我的某些特性是不...
Easy Heater Repair
Készítette: PipMagnet
Gives the player the ability to repair the vehicle heater and glove box. Repairing vehicle heaters is accomplished as normal, using small metal sheets and a propane torch. For repairing glove boxes there are three available repair options. The duct tape an...
Easy Lightbar Repair
Készítette: PipMagnet
Updated June 21, 2024: Fixed a bug where the lightbar would not be repaired if the condition was already 96% or higher. Lowered the skill requirements slightly and roughly doubled the condition increase for the number of parts needed. Gives the player the ...
Easy Packing + Organized Storage
Készítette: GoldBar
IMPORTANT Bookmark items as favorite if you don't want it to be packed. Mod Description Allows to pack some items. Most of are 5 and 10 pack of items. Also gives 30% ~ 50% weight efficiency. Roping them gives more weight efficiency! Thanks to Diakon, there...
Easy Packing + Organized Storage 简中汉化
Készítette: Surgeol
Easy Packing + Organized Storage 的个人简中汉化包,如有遗漏之处欢迎指出 该Mod仅提供翻译文本,请确保同时启用了原Mod!! 文本可能会被汉化合集Mod覆盖,或是被原Mod内置的汉化文件覆盖 若想使用本Mod的翻译文本,请 先 加载原Mod/汉化合集,然后 再 加载本Mod 注意:翻译更新后,你可能需要重新订阅该Mod以强制下载最新文本 主Mod允许你打包绝大部分物品,平均能减轻30%~50%的重量。 它能有效减少你浪费在整理大量杂物上的时间。 可供打包的物品包括但不限于:...
Easy Engine Rebuild
Készítette: PipMagnet
Gives the player the ability to increase not only the engine condition, but also the Engine Quality. How to rebuild an engine: 1. Level your Mechanics skill level high enough to be able to begin repairing the engine. 2. Repair the engine to a condition lev...
Eating While Running [ READ DESC ]
Készítette: SportXAI
Doesnt work for me Download "Reload while running mod" You can eat or drink while running Workshop ID: 3022617787 Mod ID: Eating While Running...
Ed's Auto Salvage
Készítette: Saltamontes
A junkyard & garage just east of Pony Roam-O in the middle of Knox Country. Made for 41.60+ Q: Does it... A: Yes it works in MP, yes it works with the new map, yes it works on any MP server rented or otherwise. No I am not going to help you with rented ser...
Eerie Country
Készítette: AtoxWarrior
Beta V0.35 Venture out to explore the unknown, in this land where the dead dominate civilization, only offering rewards to survivors who are willing to explore beyond their shelters. The map is divided into 4 spawning zones A,B,C,D, zone A is not yet acces...
Eggon's Have I Found This Book???
Készítette: Eggon
Are you frustrated when you don't remember which of the plethora of books you haven't found yet? Are you fed up with constant checking and writing down? Install this mod and relax. Or at least focus on killing zeds. This mod will AUTOMATICALLY remember eve...
Eggon's Modding Utils
Készítette: Eggon
This is a support utility mod for my other mods and for any modders that could find useful the provided functionalities. At present the mod contains: 1. Additional events OnAfterItemTransfer OnBeforeItemTransfer OnBeforeOpenHood OnHotbarItemAttach OnHotbar...
Készítette: Dylan
Ekron is a map mod located South of Riverside. To server owners, feel free to add our mods to your modpacks. We grant permission to all. This map strongly requires the additional tile packs. If you have any tile issues please make sure you have 2x textures...
Equip Item While Running [ READ DESC ]
Készítette: SportXAI
Doesnt work for me Download "Reload while running mod" You can equip item or weapon while running!! Workshop ID: 3013762392 Mod ID: nope...
Equipment UI - Paper Doll Equipment Interface - CONTROLLER SUPPORTED!
Készítette: Notloc Equipment UI Equipment UI is an addition to Project Zomboids interface that adds a paper doll (STALKER / tArKov inspired) equipment panel for managing and viewing your character's equipment. Use mod options to hide equipped ...
Készítette: eris
eris_nightvision_goggles Item artwork by Lith @ TheGoodOldDayz server. Adds working night vision goggles. B41 IWBUMS compatible. Midnight and midday screenshots shown above. Screenshots were taken with maximum nvg brightness setting (100%), default night d...
Essential Crafting
Készítette: spoon
This mod addresses the need for vanilla friendly crafting additions - such as refilling lighters, improvised can opening/rock crushing/fire making, weapon fixing, making raw tailoring materials, carving, tailoring and many others quality of life methods to...
Készítette: will-link
The reason why this mod exists is because of another mod “only CH”, if anyone thinks this mod is inappropriate, please let me know, I will remove this mod, and then upload “only CN” version Workshop ID: 2921962835 Mod ID: Essential_Crafting_CH_and_CN...
EscapeFromKentucky2(No need to overwrite files)
Készítette: 布偶旧猫
Sorry for the poor English,Please have a friendly discussion in the comments section "Escape from Kentucky 2 " (EFK2) is a composite MOD primarily focused on firearms: 1. It includes the collection of firearms, totaling 80 types of firearms. 2. Firearms ar...
Készítette: star Now you can defecate and urinate. Try to be very careful while you are going to the toilet or you may get dirty! Preview Features Subscribe to the Mo...
Excrementum CN
Készítette: Matsumoto Rise
Excrementum 汉化 Workshop ID: 2992737331 Mod ID: Excrementum41_ES...
Evolving Traits World (ETW)
Készítette: MusicManiac
Welcome to the world of Evolving Traits This mod allows you to get really ripped in PZ and see an actual character progression besides getting your skills from lvl 0 to lvl10. You'll be able to purge the majority of negative traits and earn a lot of positi...
Expanded Helicopter Events
Készítette: shark
This mod replaces the vanilla helicopter event with a more dynamic suite of events which are both challenging and fair. Furthermore, the mod is designed as a framework and can be easily expandable and modifiable in itself.*
Expanded Helicopter Events 简中汉化
Készítette: Surgeol
Expanded Helicopter Events 的个人简中汉化包,如有遗漏之处欢迎指出 该Mod仅提供翻译文本,请确保同时启用了原Mod!! 文本可能会被汉化合集Mod覆盖,或是被原Mod内置的汉化文件覆盖 若想使用本Mod的翻译文本,请 先 加载原Mod/汉化合集,然后 再 加载本Mod 注意:翻译更新后,你可能需要重新订阅该Mod以强制下载最新文本 主Mod修改了原版的直升机事件,添加了多种动态的直升机事件,使之更有趣味性和挑战性。 ...
Explosives Destroy Tiles!
Készítette: Whatever
Explosives could erase tiles! Enable the mod and clear the way! COMPATIBILITY It should be compatible with any mod that adds new explosives, including Brita's Weapon Pack.
Extra Gun Slot
Készítette: Braven
Handguns! Are awesome! But I hate carrying them around while I look for a holster. What if we could just carry them on our lower backs? Oh wait! This mod lets you do that! Just like those generic action movies! Neat! How does it work? This mod modifies the...
Extra Map Symbols
Készítette: Wipe
Extra Map Symbols - adds additional map symbols following base game style - adds symbols variants to base game symbols (requires Extra Map Symbols UI) - replaces angled arrows with own version, aligned to roads - replaces "KnifeFork" with own version - rep...
ExtraNoise's Flag Tiles
Készítette: ExtraNoise
This flag pack adds 500 new flags that can be hung up on the walls around your house or base. Each flag comes in two sizes, large (three tiles wide) and small (one tile wide, hanging vertically). The flags have all been painstakingly designed to look like ...
ExtraNoise's Newburbs Tiles
Készítette: ExtraNoise
Standardized suburban development exploded in popularity in the 1980s and 1990s and continues to this day. The kind of communities where all the houses look a little too similar, where the sprawl stretches for miles in all directions. This is a collection ...
Fancy Handwork
Készítette: dhert
Supports B41+. Works in Multiplayer A new save is not required A Suite of Animations to make your player more alive! Features Attaching or Detaching an item to your Hotbar now has a chance...
Fantasiado's More Street Details
Készítette: Spookasiado
Hello! This is my first Tileset, it started as a personal thing for a map i have been working on but since some people were interested over on discord, i decided to post these for public use! Feel free to use the tileset on your maps! just credit me plox :...
Fast Forward (MP)
Készítette: WobbyChip
Fast Reading IWBUMS
Készítette: Aaaaaaaaaaa
Fast reading. Tested with the beta build IWBUMS. Balanced so fast and slow reader perks are still relevant, but you are no longer spending an absurd amount of time NOT PLAYING THE GAME. For the non-beta version see this workshop item. Workshop ID: 19605139...
Fast Reload
Készítette: Cpt. Metal
Fast Reload This mod allows you to reload faster. You can customize the reload speed and the amount of bullets that are loaded into the magazine at once. An toggle option in the mod options is also available. You need the mod "Mod Options" (link) to edit t...
EZPZ Community Center
Készítette: Yell420
EZPZ Community Center A SAFESPOT TO START! enclosed center with access to the river! Features - Lake for boats - Police Station, Fire Station, School, VHS Store, Music Store, Gun Store, General Store, Fishing Store, Army Surplus, Book Stores, Gas Station, ...
Faster Construct And Transfer
Készítette: Light
(41.78)Faster Construct And Transfer. Now you can change building furniture speed, Pickup and Disassemble furniture speed, transfer speed in sandbox settings before game start. If you are using the "Change Sandbox Options" mod, when you modify the Sandbox ...
Fear's Funky Tiles
Készítette: Fearios
This is a collection of tile sprites I have made with some focus on roleplay use. Some of the tiles have been given additional functional properties. This tile collection is an active work in progress. Tiles currently included may be changed or altered sli...
fhqwhgads' Vehicle Pack - The Motorious Zone
Készítette: fhqwhgads
This mod will add several vehicles to the game. The vehicles are vanilla-styled (including lore-friendly names, or optional real names), era appropriate (1993 and earlier), and support all the features of vanilla vehicles. The pack will be a variety pack, ...
Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars!
Készítette: Filibuster Rhymes
Update Coming Here! This version won't be updated until b42 is released in the stable branch. If you wanna play the animation beta, though, here you go! Hey dudes, I quit my job, learned to ...
Firecamp, KY
Készítette: Sailor Saturn
A small place, just down the road from Riverside, which is a great haven for any fishing or hunting enthusiast. Workshop ID: 2670951587 Mod ID: firecamp Map Folder: Firecamp...
First Aid Expanded
Készítette: Braven
Heal & Survive! Revitalize your first aid experience in PZ! Explore an enhanced and immersive healing system like never before. This mod expands the wound infection mechanic, adds more realism to bullet wounds and healing! How does it work? This mod tweaks...
First Aid Overhaul
Készítette: Braven
First Aid! It's actually a pretty cool and in-depth mechanic in PZ. But what if we made it... better? This mod completely overhauls the game's first aid mechanic, making it much more fun, balanced and realistic! How does it work? To put it simply, this mod...
Fix Inventory Tooltip lag
Készítette: [TECT$ECore] Olipro
Fix Inventory Tooltip lag This mod fixes a performance issue in the game that causes it to freeze up for a period of time, most commonly whenever you rip up clothing. The problem becomes exponentially worse with the more clothing item mods you have, hence ...
Fix Laggy Crafting Menu
Készítette: LaysDragon
for Build 41.68 - works in 41.71,thanks @rubei @UdderlyEvelyn feedback :) - works in 41.78 Only add 2000+ recipes, and the game's crafting menu is already act like a battered car and slowly? It's a attempt to fix the terrible laggy craft menu but also main...
[J&G] Flecktarn Gear
Készítette: Jordanal
Armour for flecktarn clothing. Can be obtained by crafting or finding a infected. - First public mod, will be learning as I go. Workshop ID: 3206579556 Mod ID: Flecktarn Uniform *UPDATE* Zombie Spawn rates can now be adjusted!...
Flip 'n' Attach In Vehicle [SP/MP]
Készítette: SportXAI
This mod is actually 2 mods in one! First mod is "Tow/Attach Vehicle" by using radial menu from inside of the car. (No more jumping out of the car to attach a tow rope to vehicles or trailers!! And the second mod; "Flip Vehicle" will allow you to save/flip...
Fluffy Hair
Készítette: Scavenger
This mod will add for almost all hats new adjusted hair models for the default hairs to keep their original shape when wearing something on the head. No more Ponytails or flat hairs! You can still turn your hair into ponytail if you wish so. (Also i improv...
FOOL's New Containers
Készítette: FOOL
Need a model of your own? Send me a message on Discord at foolandfolly. A collection of 100ish item and water containers with 3D models, animations (for some but not all), and icons. Included is a lore-friendly loot table, and sandbox options to change how...
Készítette: Elalfa
URGENT READ HERE: only tested on new saves now with shock absorber with less jumps, and a warehouse that projects what you have, armor, lights for an experience and a more engaging drive (I guess) with a bed to sleep in because you're in the middle of noth...
Fort Benning
Készítette: Darth Rizzler
This mod adds the military object "Fort Benning". To make this mod works correctly you need to start new game Game version is build 41. What's in this zone? You will find military hospital, barracks, 2 medical stations, military apartments, a campground, 2...
Fort Knox linked to Eerie Country [Build 41.78]
Készítette: Woldren
Update 04/01/2023: In-game map added Hi Survivors! I've created this new version of Fort Knox to allow players to use this map alongside Eerie County since they were in the same spot, south of Muldraugh. Following the road southwest of Fort Knox, you'll re...
Fort Redstone - UPDATE 2.0!
Készítette: Kraz
A military base located North West from Rosewood. **This map CAN be used with Raven Creek** ------------------------------------------------------------ HUGE UPDATE, Completely remade from scratch! **IMPORTANT** You will require a new savegame or server wi...
Fort Rock Ridge
Készítette: Myloo
At the beginning of the apocalypse, the fort was a place of refuge for everyone who could save themselves, until one day the people there were no longer safe either It adds the following: various military buildings some warehouses some bunker hospital Info...
Fuel Side Indicator
Készítette: kabaww
EXCITING NEWS! The latest blog post by The Indie Stone ( seems to hint that they will add a fuel-side indicator to the vanilla game on Build 42. I'm so happy that the developers noticed this smal...
Frankfort KY
Készítette: Spinky
Frankfort, KY is the state capital of Kentucky This is my first map that I have created! Please be indulgent. /!\ The map is not finished /!\ For now, it's just the residential area I'll change the mistakes on my map, if you see any let me know in the comm...
Készítette: KONIJIMA
Features - Sandbox Settings. - Can store fuel into barrels. - Large Gas Can, can also store water into it. - Barrel can spawn with random amount of fuel. Latest Update The mod has been updated for 41.72. Great news, this game patch have integrated most of ...
Készítette: Siowar
FuelCraft Welcome to FuelCraft! Now you can produce your own gasoline at home. Features: *New magazine to learn how to make homemade gasoline. *3D distillation bench. *Balanced recipes. *You can mix leftover ethanol into a single canister or make disinfect...
Furniture Tweaks
Készítette: pwrcosmic
Furniture Tweaks combines two mods I particularly enjoyed to play nicer with each other and other similar mods. Features: Ability to deconstruct containers with items within them, with them subsequently dropping to the ground. Ability to pick up and move m...
Functional Appliances 2
Készítette: norby007
Popcorn Machines: They now have function and will convert instant popcorn packets and Sapph's corn kernels into edible popcorn without the pain of burning the food. Popcorn buckets are also added and you can butter the popcorn when in a bucket. Hotdog Mach...
Gas Station
Készítette: Matrioshka Gas station with a small room for your character! The gas station has two car spawns. It locates between Dixie & West Point (Look at the screenshot). You can come by yourself OR just spawn into it.
Generator Time Remaining
Készítette: Undefined
A simple mod that displays the days and hours left before a generator runs out of fuel. Features NOTE: To configure the options, Mod Config Menu is required (link)Option to convert in-game time to real time (Default is In-Game Time) Option to set minimum E...
Gloomy Place : Reload
Készítette: Scribl
Gloomy Place: Reload - Sewers, Bases, Basements This mod allows you to create two-way or one-way teleports through any object in the game. Teleport coordinates must be set once, for example on a hatch in the floor, which teleports the player to a previousl...
Készítette: Dylan
Grapeseed is a map mod located North West of Rosewood. To server owners, feel free to add our mods to your modpacks. We grant permission to all. This map strongly requires the additional tile packs. If you have any tile issues please make sure you have 2x ...
Greenhouse Building Set
Készítette: Birget
Hello! With this mod you can build walls, roofs, doors, fences and curbs for imitation of a greenhouse. No special greenhouse features or any farming affection added. 17.01.2024 changed requirements for walls and recipe for glass panel. If you use Improvis...
Greenleaf 绿叶镇
Készítette: Damiaocjx
4 cells map 替换四个区块的地图 Greenleaf is on the country road from rosewood to Ekron. 地图在罗斯伍德去原版军事基地的途中有一条向北的小路进去 More Zombies 由于地图扩大,僵尸数量稍微加了亿点点 Some new tiles have been added to the map, as well as some materials and traces 地图添加了一些新的贴图,还有一些物资和痕迹 The map will co...
Greens Custom Tiles
Készítette: 2Green.
Custom created tiles intended for my custom maps. (Once I have complete collection I will be realising source files for other map creators) If you appreciate my work, feel free to help a brother out. Workshop ID: 2734679675 Mod ID: G...
Grow Medicinal Herbs
Készítette: pieandcheese647
It always bothered me how I could forage for the medicinal plants in the woods but I couldn't take them home to grow in my garden. This mod fixes that. All the medical herbs (Black Sage, Comfrey, Common Mallow, Ginseng, Lemongrass, Plantain, and Wild Garli...
Gun Stock Attack
Készítette: SportXAI
WORKING WITH MOST WEAPON PACK How to fix the glitches from this mod 1.Resubscribe this mod 2.Restart your game How to use it? Hold right mouse button and press space key As the title says, you can fight back against zombies with the butt of your gun. Repla...
Készítette: 2Green.
Welcome to Greenville! It was a town of wide avenues and small places to sit and eat, to relax as folk went about their day. Until the rotters took it all away! Greenville is a small busy town! Tried and tested in Solo and Multiplayer! 👍 Works with new in-...
GunFighter Radial Menu
Készítette: Deceptive Pastry
Add-on for Arsenal's GunFighter Mod / Brita's Weapon Pack that adds their hotkey functions to the firearm radial menu. SP, MP, and controller compatible, but the buttons won't work for player 2 in split-screen as GunFighter was not designed for it. If play...
Halo M12-C Hog
Készítette: KI5
Another Halo machine in Project Zomboid! This one is a bit different, it's smaller, more nimble, no armored parts or doors to save you from the zeds. Engine is accessed from under the front side so it's very exposed and the bullbars will not help save it, ...
Hanabi's Food
Készítette: Hanabi
Adds in various food items from the early 90s. As this mod is relatively new, let me know if you see any bugs at all. If you want an item to be added, let me know and I will try to add it in. Workshop ID: 3043243994 Mod ID: HanabSnacks...
Harry's Hair
Készítette: harrycheez
B41 Simply Adds new hairstyles and natural hair colors. It also replaces the hair textures with one that cooperates with hair colors better. Most of these were done for my friends and people who have helped me a lot with modding. These all have hat variati...
Has Been Read
Készítette: PePePePePeil
Maps are now supported in v2.9. However, to make maps already read status, you need to read them after activating or updating to the latest version of this mod. Please take care that in the case of a Mid-Save, you will need to re-read the maps even if you ...
Health Plus
Készítette: spoon
This mod addresses the need for more complex and long lasting injury and addiction systems. Some complications can appear easily while others take more time, "luck" and specific circumstances. Works both in SP and MP and can be added to existing saves. htt...
Here They Come!
Készítette: SpoutNick
Here They Come (beta): An immersive horde event experience! What does it do? This mod introduces horde events to Zomboid! These events are meant to remain immersive, and highly configurable. Configuration range from their spread, size, variation, and trigg...
Here They Come 简中汉化
Készítette: Surgeol
Here They Come 的个人简中汉化包,如有遗漏之处欢迎指出 该Mod仅提供翻译文本,请确保同时启用了原Mod!! 文本可能会被汉化合集Mod覆盖,或是被原Mod内置的汉化文件覆盖 若想使用本Mod的翻译文本,请 先 加载原Mod/汉化合集,然后 再 加载本Mod 注意:翻译更新后,你可能需要重新订阅该Mod以强制下载最新文本 Here they come: 带给你身临其境的尸潮体验! 它有什么作用? 主Mod向游戏中添加了尸潮系统!这是为了给玩家带来沉浸感,并且参数高度可配置。 可选配置包括尸潮的...
Készítette: Braven
Hiding! You are in a difficult situation, something is chasing you. What do you do? You hide yourself! However, this feature is not available in PZ. This mod solves that problem. How does it work? You can hide anywhere that makes sense, such as beds, wardr...
Hopewell, KY (English)
Készítette: Alfa-Z 343
Hopewell is a small town located east of Louisville. It was initially modified shortly before the zombie outbreak of 1993, with the aim of hosting the upper classes of Louisville, in an epidemic that the governments already saw coming. Despite everything, ...
Hilltop Manor
Készítette: Metropolice
Manor built in the 1950's by the prestigious Von Esel family and maintained by them and their housemaids to this day Single cell map based in the top left corner of the map containing; Large manor with garden Small village with various buildings Gas statio...
Hyrule County
Készítette: Yell420
Hyrule County, here to provide you with everything you could wish for. (one spawn for now located at the mall) -Works with in-game map, includes a curved road - uses cells 31,26 and 31,27 -Features a Military Area - 2 Gas Stations, Trailer Park, Barn (The ...
I Don't Need A Lighter
Készítette: Fingbel
What is this mod ? So you're telling me that people can't light a cigarette while sitting in front of a campfire or while driving around in a 90's car ? Well this is over with this mod. You now have access to a car-lighter within every car and you can also...
Immersive Medicine - ***A temporary fix!!***
Készítette: LevchenkoGames
This mod is a temporary solution created so that you can continue to enjoy the game with this mod. In the near future, this mod will become an official update of the original work:
Immersive Solar Arrays (v41, GitHub reupload)
Készítette: Poltergeist
Description Immersive Solar Arrays (ISA) adds new items and lets you harvest solar power for the needs of your base! Required Mods You need to have TARGET SQUARE ON LOAD COMMANDS added to your save mod list if you want to spawn special crates with this mod...
Improved Blood Effects
Készítette: Spuchel
Makes blood realistic. What this mod changes: Makes blood darker and less pixelated. Adds bloody spray on impact / shot. (Watch the video). Makes blood on walls and floors of the same color. Attention!!! First enable the mod, then restart the game (the gam...
Improved Fire & Smoke Effects
Készítette: Spuchel
Changes fire and smoke sprites to more realistic and detailed ones, without changing the resolution (no lags). Attention!!! First enable the mod, then restart the game (the game, not save) for the changes to take effect. Workshop ID: 2645975408 Mod ID: Imp...
Improved Blood Effects Optimized
Készítette: maceleet
Sub-mod for performance My sub-mod is made to improve the performance of the main mod. And at the same time preserves the quality of textures as much as possible Installation: Use the Mod Manager to list this sub-mod below the original mod Answers to frequ...
Inspect Weapon
Készítette: leScepter
About Tired of scrolling to your equipped section of the inventory to check your weapon's status and attachments? This mod allows you to inspect your currently equipped weapon on your primary hand at anytime, by: - Hold down the reload button and choose "I...
Instant Base (South Muldraugh)
Készítette: pisangph
Instant base. OP start :) Prior to the Knox incident, you were a used car dealer in South Muldraugh. But you were always a prepper, you knew you had to prepare for an incoming onslaught. You stockpiled weapons, ammunitions, food, fuel and water. Your used ...
Inventory Tetris - All the Mods
Készítette: imaginary friend
Supported Mods click to see supported mod list with links Infinite Error Fix (client side) Click for instructional image The Mod in the Last Screenshot Customizable Containers Important Load order matters for Tetris mods. Equipment UI Inventory Tetris - Gr...
Készítette: Alree
InGame Maps Add in-game maps for several older mods. Expect errors, sometimes lack of precision as the maps are computer generated. At least, now you have maps without external mods. This mod will be updated with new additions and new maps. Want a map? jus...
Inventory Tetris - Compatibility Patches & Fixes
Készítette: Lily
Inventory Tetris configurations for various mods, compartmentalizing containers, normalizing item sizes, and addressing certain stacking issues. These configurations mostly aim towards a ⁽ᵖᵉʳˢᵒⁿᵃˡ⁾ balance between Inventory Tetris' realism and Zomboid's ca...
Inventory Tetris - Fruits, Vegetables and Meds stack fix
Készítette: DeHuC
Небольшой фикс стаков фруктов овощей и медицины для мода Inventory Tetris Сделал стаки предметов так, чтобы на одной клетке было =<1 единице веса Исключения: куски арбуза, сигареты, ступка и пестик. Информацию брал отсюда https...
Inventory Tetris - Grid Based Inventory Overhaul [BETA 5]
Készítette: Notloc
THIS MOD IS IN BETA! Expect fixes, improvements, and balance changes, and reworks Inventory Tetris Inventory Tetris is a comprehensive inventory overhaul for Project Zomboid. The inventory is replaced with a grid based syste...
Inventory Tetris - Hard Grid!
Készítette: 󠀡
New, substantially revised version of my add-on for the Inventory Tetris mod The add-on was primarily created for me and my friends, but I'm open to your suggestions in the comments. I customized almost every item in the game! The add-on can be used with a...
Inventory Tetris - Medical's Stack Fix
Készítette: Woooona
Makes some medicine item stackable Workshop ID: 3241186883 Mod ID: IT_MSF...
Inventory Tetris - Meds and Food Stack Fix
Készítette: чігур
a mod that makes some food and medicine stackable made for myself Workshop ID: 3230749230 Mod ID: TIMAFSF...
Inventory Tetris NERF & FIXES [41.78]
Készítette: gzeta
This mod nerfs Inventory Tetris mod by adding transfer time while transfering items between containers. It also fixes a bug that allowed you to carry infinite weight by placing backpacks inside another backpack. If you like my mods and would like to suppor...
Inventory Tetris Trailer Compatibility
Készítette: retbenwin
Modifies the cell limit of very large trunks like Trailers of other Mods Workshop ID: 3022457592 Mod ID: INVENTORY_TETRIS_TRAILER_COMPATIBILITY...
Item Condition Indicator
Készítette: opsedar
Item Condition Indicator Addon to NoctisFalco Weapon Condition Indicator to also show colors for Items. Problem NoctisFalco Weapon Condition Indicator mod covers weapon, water & lightsource. Drainable items like blowtorch/painkillers has no color when equi...
Irvington, KY
Készítette: Mad_Max_000
Irvington, KY as I believe TIS would place it Not completely finished, but wanted to get the map out there. This is pre-detailing and utilizing prebuilt building provided by the community. Later updates will add details to the map, more buildings to fill i...
Irvington Road
Készítette: Mad_Max_000
The road to Irvington, KY as I believe TIS would place it A road connecting Irvington to the vanilla map, nothing special. Workshop ID: 2803291537 Mod ID: Irvington_Rd Map Folder: Irvington Road...
Inventory Tetris - JB's Compatibility Patches
Készítette: João
Why am I creating this mod if there is already "Inventory Tetris - All the Mods" which makes various mods compatible with Inventory Tetris? The answer is simple: Yes, all the mods have a lot of good things, but the size of many items and containers doesn't...
Item Tweaker API - Still works in Build 41.78
Készítette: DarkSlayerEX
Workshop ID: 566115016 ModID: ItemTweakerAPI --EDIT 2-- For those of you who are -still- getting missing file errors, Unsubscribe from the other item tweaker here. Having both versions subscrib...
Item Weight Rebalance
Készítette: Ember
Adjust the weight and drainable of a few select items. For the most part reducing the weight overall significantly of simple essential items as well as adjusting flashlight duration. Most item weights such as makeup, jewelry, medical items like sutures, ta...
Jay's Pathfind Fix
Készítette: Myself
This mod fixes the pathfinding bug which exists as of 41.78. A video of the bug can be seen in Retanaru's video: WARNING --READ THIS!!!-- : This is a java mod, so it needs to be installed manually. Activating th...
ItemTweaker Extra Clothing Option Addon
Készítette: Delran
ItemTweaker Addon, Extra Clothing Options This addon add allows to easily add multiple extra clothing options, such as "Open Jacket" or "Down Hoodie" to modded items using the ItemTweakerAPI. Currently, the ItemTweakerAPI doesn't allow to add a parameter t...
Just Throw Them Out The Window
Készítette: co`
What is this about? This mod is meant to address a single problem. You all know too well that awkward moment when the upper levels of your base get invaded by zombies. If you're lucky enough to survive this, you end up with piles of corpses all around the ...
Jeffersonville, Mansion (Louisville River Expansion)
Készítette: ENGRVSE
A Louisville River Expansion Mod that adds Jeffersonville to the game. There is a big Mansion/Safehouse for VIPs, away from the dangerous City center but close enough to go there by foot. (dont forget to bring a Sledge to clear access over the bridge) Mans...
KATTAJ1 Clothes Core
Készítette: Krolldar
Join our discord, stay tuned for development process! Description KATTAJ1 Clothes Core is a library that stores 3D models and logic used for all KATTAJ1 clothing mods and can be used as API by community for creating their clothing mods without taking model...
KATTAJ1 Military Pack
Készítette: Krolldar
New Military Supplies for Kentucky's Last Stand has arrived! Join our discord, stay tuned for development process! Description Prepare for the undead onslaught with the KATTAJ1 Military Armor Pack, a comprehensive addition to your arsenal. This mod introdu...
Kentucky in the Storm Main Menu mod
Készítette: 绫狸
Replace the main menu with anime wallpaper Enable this mod in the main menu mod, while also noting that this is not the only main menu wallpaper mod you have enabled. Do not enable more than one wallpaper mod at the same time After enabling this module, re...
KATTAJ1 Military Pack CN
Készítette: 白和青
KATTAJ1 Military Pack自用汉化。 (初次尝试接触汉化,大部分属于机翻,机翻不了的根据自己的理解来进行翻译,有翻译不到位的地方欢迎大家友好交流) 1.关于颜色: black-城市 desert-沙漠 green-森林 white-极地 (特殊款Press-媒体) 2.关于款式: Vanguard_Heavy-先驱者 Defender_Medium-防卫者 Patriot_Light-爱国者 3.关于背包: Military_Backpack_Colossus_VeryLarge 军用巨型背...
Készítette: Tchernobill
Details kills by weapon category and by weapon in a new dedicated tab of character window. Adds to the genuine character panel the number of Z that died of other things than player weapon. Technical details Total number of kills can be exported (if selecte...
KI5载具 简中汉化
Készítette: 我的小鱼你醒了
本mod 仅为 KI5载具mod的翻译文件,请同时启用原载具mod!对载具各部位,配方和物品都进行了汉化,如有错误之处欢迎指正:-)目前仅汉化了 '93 Chevrolet Suburban,其他载具敬请期待~ Workshop ID: 3177910590 Mod ID: KI5's _CN...
KI5载具合集 简中汉化
Készítette: Surgeol
KI5's vehicle collection 的个人简中汉化包,如有遗漏之处欢迎指出 该Mod仅提供翻译文本,请确保同时启用了原Mod!! 文本可能会被汉化合集Mod覆盖,或是被原Mod内置的汉化文件覆盖 若想使用本Mod的翻译文本,请 先 加载原Mod/汉化合集,然后 再 加载本Mod 注意:翻译更新后,你可能需要重新订阅该Mod以强制下载最新文本 翻译了 KI5's vehicle collection 中的载具。 请自行根据需要订阅。 目前包含以下载具的汉化: '92 AM General M99...
Kilometers Per Hour
Készítette: Braven
Kilometers Per Hour Are you part of 98% of the world? Do you get confused with "MPH"? Are you annoyed that you can set temperature to celsius, clock to 24h but can't change a simple speedometer? Then this mod is for you! This mod overlays the Vanilla speed...
Készítette: 布偶旧猫
Modified the stabbing action and general attack action of the knife to make it more smooth. Thank you for your support! Workshop ID: 29...
Kingsmouth in KY
Készítette: Monkey
IF YOU'RE HAVING LAG 1. Go to the game's root folder. 2. Open ProjectZomboid.64.json with a text editor 3. Change the lines where you have -Xms... and -Xmx... to -Xms4096m and -Xmx8192m (You might be able to tweak these values if you have more RAM, althoug...
L4D2 Zombie Siege Main Menu mod
Készítette: 绫狸
Replace the main menu with the anime animated wallpaper with the background of Road to Survival 2 Enable this mod in the main menu mod, while also noting that this is not the only main menu wallpaper mod you have enabled. Do not enable more than one wallpa...
La Casa Del Lago / Lagoon's House
Készítette: FuryWolf[Z]
Pequeña laguna con una casa familiar al sur de Muldraugh en medio del bosque. Si quieres encontrar la laguna sal por el sur de Muldraugh, y por el bosque busca el camino te tierra, siguelo y disfruta del campo. Mapa de una celda justo debajo de Muldraugh. ...
Készítette: co`
Ladders You Said!? Yes! Ever wished you could climb those ladders to escape from a horde? Ever dreamt of crafting your own ladders? Well this mod is for you then! Features Climb ladders Climb fire poles Craft wooden and steel ladders https://raw.githubuser...
Ladders!? (easy mode)
Készítette: itsmars
Ladders!? is awesome, but the crafting recipe is a bit expensive. This simple patch removes wood glue and screws, and reduces carpentry requirement to level 2. Workshop ID: 3161599402 Mod ID: LaddersEasyMode...
Lake Ivy Township
Készítette: [D-FENS]
Lake Ivy Fishing Resort, Campgrounds & Township Workshop ID: 2252982049 Mod ID: lakeivytownship Map Folder: li_township Occupied Cells: (29,32) (29,33) (29,34) (30,32) (30,33) (30,34) (31,32) (31,33) (31,34) ------------------------------------------------...
Lande Desolate Camping
Készítette: RolandoLaCanna
Campo base per nuovi giocatori del server Lande Desolate - Project Zomboid Italia Il Camping si trova nelle vicinanze di Muldraugh (cella-34x35) Un grazie per la locandina realizzata da Crocolily Thanks to Dylan e Throttlekitty for the tiles Thanks to the ...
Last Hope Emergency Service Vehicles
Készítette: Yannerrins
My first experience to make a mod for Project Zomboid. This is a pack of emergency vehicles for Last Hope standalone map by John Newbye. I recommend to check it if you are tired of Kentucky. This mod uses models from the Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars mod, s...
Készítette: Slooth
Adds battery and gas powered lanterns. Usage Use by attaching to belt, or holding in hands. Pressing F while attached or holding toggles the lantern. Place on ground and you can toggle on/off. Compatiblity Compatible with Multiplayer Compatible with Backpa...
Lexus LS400 Redux
Készítette: fhqwhgads
This mod adds the Lexus LS400 as a standalone vehicle. It includes full animations, interior, engine bay, trunk, and extra customization parts. If you use Motorious Zone, this LS400 will automatically spawn in place of the one included in the pack, and it ...
Light Switch Backlight
Készítette: Макщ
Designed specifically for those who have difficulty finding switches in the dark. Workshop ID: 2933861985 Mod ID: LightSwitchBacklight...
Készítette: Xen
A small rural farming town in central California, now in Kentucky for unknown reasons. Small map addition near Dixie Workshop ID: 2709828723 Mod ID: Linden Map Folder: Linden...
Little Township
Készítette: Saltamontes
Little Township is a small community in the middle of Knox County near Pony Roam-O. Made for 41.60+ Q: Does it... A: Yes it works in MP, yes it works with the new map, yes it works on any MP server rented or otherwise. No I am not going to help you with re...
Light Switch Plus
Készítette: Pkoko
-------------- Mode Description(EN) ---------------- Lighting for new buildings and switch models that can be installed Requires electricity and light bulbs ※ If the light doesn't turn on, hold the bulb and install it. (Replace the bulb periodically) /* Pr...
Készítette: piespace
LittleFarmstead reupload because owner deleted. Workshop ID: 2714012586 Mod ID: LittleFarmstead Map Folder: LittleFarmstead...
Lockpicking! Just. Lockpicking. [41.56]
Készítette: Oh God Spiders No
Update Replaces hairpins with actual lockpicks. Updates the loot tables so that they will be found in appropriate places. Lockpicks can now also be made with paperclips in addition to wire+blade. Increases the types of blade that can be used to turn wire i...
Maintenance improves repair
Készítette: Neidmare
What does this do? When you repair an item, the % repaired scales with your maintenance skill level Every level of maintenance adds 5% to the total amount repaired, up to a max of 25% additional repair. Gives a small amount of maintenance XP for each repai...
Make Bullets
Készítette: 富萝莉
Translation from chinese to english 制作子弹 Making bullets 需要 Need 制作 Making 需要 金属板 焊条 丙烷喷灯 焊工面罩 铁锤 锯 Need 以上需要金工5-7级 Need Metalworking lv.5-lv.7 above. 制作 Making 需要 袋装化肥 石头 木炭 研磨工具 铁锤 Need 制作 Making 需要 原木 营火工具 Need 汽油可以装填丙烷喷枪 Propane torch can be refilled by...
Map Symbol Size Slider
Készítette: capsgry
This mod adds a symbol size slider to map symbols menu. With it you can change the size of symbols and notes on the map. Features Resize symbols and notes on global map and map items FAQ Can I make the symbols even bigger? The main purpose of the mod is to...
MandoDB - Tiles Pack
Készítette: MandoDB
This mod adding Items/Tiles from dylans map. Thanks for sub to my mods. Workshop ID: 2977982429 Mod ID: DylansTiles_Elysium...
March Ridge Expansion
Készítette: Nerd
Single Cell map mod that expands the North West side of March Ridge. The mod expands March Ridge in cell 32x42, and includes a school, a neighborhood with big luxury houses, a car dealership, and a park, and more! Also check out C.O.N. Research & Testing F...
McCoy's Bunker
Készítette: Gabester
The bunker is south of the Louisville. Inspired by cold war bunkers such as this one here- Lore Hank McCoy, CEO of McCoy Logging, recently boosted the local economy with his construction of his ‘Doomsday Bunker’. Famous i...
Melos Tiles for Miles Tilepack
Készítette: melos_tiles
Notice: Always check the update log for recent new tiles I add to the pack! This is a custom tilepack I made for my own maps and for other mappers. As a player you will need this mod only for Maps that require this tilepack. (Screenshots may contain vanill...
Midway Island
Készítette: Woldren
Hi guys! This map is a faithful reproduction of Midway Island. I used google maps to be more accurate, so if you want to see by yourself, just write Midway Island in the search bar. Even if the map is small, there are some vehicles. I will continue to add ...
Militek Faction Clothing
Készítette: TTAJ1bl4 Description This mod introduces a set of clothing specifically designed for the Militek faction. Based on KATTAJ1 Clothing Core Library. Militek, an elite force operating in secrecy, once carried out covert government operat...
Mini Health Panel
Készítette: Speedy Von Gofast
A minimalistic health panel. It either hides and shows up when there is wounds to be treated or can be permanently shown. What does it do? It give a permanent overview of your character's wounds on a minimalistic displa...
Mobile Reader
Készítette: Burryaga
Read on the go! Walking? Cool. Opening a map? Also cool. Driving? Oh, yeah. There are no more laws. It's the apocalypse! Workshop ID: 2872643350 Mod ID: MobileReader...
Mod Manager
Készítette: NoctisFalco
Improved mods selection screen. UPDATE 2022-02-05 - "Disable all" and "Disable all (except favorites)" options will not disable Mod Manager when editing the default mod list. - Fixed an error when changing the screen resolution. If you appreciate my work, ...
Mod Manager: Enhanced Load Order
Készítette: Panopticon
This mod adds onto Mod Manager and Mod Manager: Server to make the mod load order window much more bearable to use. By adding the options to move mods at greater increments, it reduces the number of clicks you need to move through those big modlists you ha...
Mod Manager: Load Order Sorter
Készítette: REfRigERatoR
What adds? * This mod adds a button to automatically sort the order in which mods are loaded. The list of mods are sorted in the following order: 1) Mods that are essential to other mods (dependencies) 2) Maps/locations 3) Vehicles 4) Framework/API/Tweak m...
Mod Manager: Server
Készítette: NoctisFalco
An extension for Mod Manager that makes the process of editing server mod lists much easier and faster. Now you will never forget to add required mods to your server's config! If you appreciate my work, please support me: ht...
Mod Options (Build 41)
Készítette: star
ModOptions WIP (paused)! Allows other mods to be customized. Any mod author can add custom options to their mod. Requirements (!) THIS MOD IS COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH BETA BUILD 41+ Steam Workshop Issues 1. Quit the game. 2. Unsubscribe. Wait ~1 minute. 3. Sub...
Mod Manager: Load From Collection
Készítette: paranoid
Now you can paste a link to your Steam collection and mods from it will be automatically activated. This addon for Mod Manager and Mod Manager: Server makes it much easier to activate mods from a Steam collection. Now you don’t need to constantly Alt-Tab, ...
Készítette: Mnaisuka
Description It is possible to make the name and description of the module localizable through third-party modules. How to use Open to add the following format (note the case) "UI_" + MODID + "_Name" = "localized text", Types de soutien "_Name" = modname "_...
Monmouth County
Készítette: BigZombieMonkey
Monmouth County, more than just a map! Welcome to Monmouth County, located East of Dixie crossroads.. Monmouth County is inspired by the locations of the View Askewniverse (Kevin Smiths movie based universe) but also includes numerous other things to explo...
Készítette: Tchernobill
Makes it easy to add moodles for modders. How to create a new moodle If you wanna create a Moodle * then follow the next steps, replacing * by your moodle name. 1/ Moodle Texture Add Moodle *.png under media\ui. Should be 30 by 30 pixels png with alpha ena...
More Build Expand
Készítette: NakiriFoxCN
Supported version: 41+ Current content: four brighter lights have been added Brightness radius: 10 It can be used without loss of bulb, power supply or battery installation Workshop ID: 2609236763 Mod ID: MoreBuildsExpand...
More Builds - Easy Build High Metal Fences
Készítette: Dr.XunYi
More Builds - Easy Build High Metal Fences Workshop ID: 3133052741 Mod ID: MoreBuilds_EasyBuildHighMetalFences...
More Builds
Készítette: ProjectSky
More Builds added more furniture, decoration, container, etc..... performance issues see this need new game? this mod not require start new game, it can also be safely remove from existing saves (but some objects will not be visible re load mod fix) modpac...
More Description for Traits [41.78]
Készítette: Champy
This mod is intended for players who are confused about what effects each trait and profession has on the character. It adds description to the traits that need it to describe their effects on the character in detail, instead of leaving people guessing wit...
More Food Pack [41.78+/MP]
Készítette: JoJo
EN This is the latest version of the mod, unfortunately due to work I don't have time to do it. The mod is very simple, so there should be no problems with the new versions, besides, with the release of 42 builds, where crafting stations and npcs will be a...
More Medical
Készítette: iBrRus Suffering from the flu, but work is not waiting? Can't heal from a burn you got a long time ago? Scared to get behind the wheel with a medicine cabinet...
More Jar Food [41.78+]
2024-01--7 Updated! Fix shelf life time too low. Supported Languages English Simplified Chinese Russian (Русский) Supported Version Build 41.78 or higher Description This mod allows player to craft to bottle Meat/Fish/Fruit/Vegetables The period during whi...
More Repair Recipes
Készítette: CakeDayZ
Adds repair recipes for Katana, Crowbar, Nightstick, and many other vanilla items that are un-repairable. Comment below if there are other vanilla weapons and tools you want to be able to repair and I will add them. Workshop ID: 2954521171 Mod ID: MoreRepa...
More Simple Traits (MST)
Készítette: hea
Mod contains three versions: Vanilla - balanced to play with base game/traits. Dynamic - balanced for playing with the Dynamic Traits mod. Mini - contains only traits with +1 to missing skills and balanced with base game/traits. You only need to choose one...
More Skill Books [41.78+] ------------ ↓ Function description of module ↓--------- Add skill books of all original skills, corresponding to experience multiplier of original skill books XP Multipliers: 2, 3, 5, 8, 10. Languages: EN.CN.RU. Icon from A...
More Traits
Készítette: HypnoToadTrance
IMPORTANT: Build 41.68 and Higher Due to false-flags for anti-cheat, it is recommended to disable anti-cheat when hosting a server with this mod. You can try enabling some anti-cheats, but your mileage may vary. A Personal Appeal To Decency: Please do not ...
More Traits 简中汉化
Készítette: Surgeol
More Traits 的个人简中汉化包,如有遗漏之处欢迎指出 该Mod仅提供翻译文本,请确保同时启用了原Mod!! 文本可能会被汉化合集Mod覆盖,或是被原Mod内置的汉化文件覆盖 若想使用本Mod的翻译文本,请 先 加载原Mod/汉化合集,然后 再 加载本Mod 注意:翻译更新后,你可能需要重新订阅该Mod以强制下载最新文本 内容 主Mod提供了大量新特性可供选择。 就目前而言,最有特色的地方是引入了大量1点数特性,能给玩家提供多种多样的小buff。 例如,一系列关于事先准备的特性,使得玩家能够花费点数...
More Zombie Death Animations
Készítette: WhiteSushiEater
Have you ever felt like cutting down a horde of zombies felt a little underwhelming? Perhaps seeing the same death animation repeat over and over again took away some of the fun and enjoyment that you would have otherwise gotten. Thanks to this mod, cuttin...
Muldraugh Fire Department
Készítette: Myloo
A well equipped fire department to assist with emergencies in Muldraugh and the surrounding area. It adds the following: Fire Department Camping/Weapons shop Info: Cell 35:35 Game version 41.78 if you like the mod I'm happy about a 👍 ⛔ Permissions: Redistr...
Motorious Zone - RV Interior Addon
Készítette: fhqwhgads
This addon for Motorious Zone will add support for the RV Interior mod to relevant vehicles in the pack, allowing you to enter and customize your vans or buses from MZ you may have collected. It uses interior maps included in the core RV Interiors mod, so ...
Multicam Gear
Készítette: Vermette
A Multicam gear pack based from and dependent upon the KATTAJ1 Clothes Core mod. The following items are found in Military Bases/Containers and on Special Zombies that are relatively common: - Operator's Helmet - Operator's Jacket - Operator's Pants - Oper...
Multiple Generators
Készítette: Slayer
Multiple Generators Combine power of multiple generators. With this mod, generators can work in parallel, so that they consume less fuel. Game will recognize what items are within range of more than one generator and split fuel usage across them proportion...
Nepenthe's Colored Battery Status
Készítette: Nepenthe
Changes the battery indicator on car dashboards to indicate how much charge is left. In vanilla Zomboid the battery indicator is green if there is any charge at all, from 0.001 % to 100%. This can easily result in a dead battery if you don't realize it is ...
New Flashlight Animation
Készítette: WHAT a SHAME
THE MOD ALSO REPLACES THE ANIMATION OF HOLDING A LARGE FLASHLIGHT Replaces the flashlight animation The mod can work with other mods if they use animations from the game We are able to hold Flashlight while shooting Brita's guns by turning off Firearm Visu...
Nepenthe's Colored Engine Status
Készítette: Nepenthe
Changes the engine indicator on car dashboards to indicate the current engine condition. Works nicely with Colored Battery Status: With this mod: Grey: Engine is turned off. Green: 75%+ Yell...
Nettle Township
Készítette: dianxianniao234
Nettle Township is a peaceful southern town in the United States, at least before the disaster. You can build a safe base in the beautifully decorated residential area, or seek shelter in the dog food canning factory surrounded by high walls. Oh, don't for...
Night Vision API
Készítette: ricochete
!!!! NOT BEING SUPPORTED !!!! I'm not sure about the state of this mod, but I'm no longer supporting it. Thank you for the interest Introduction NVAPI is a Night Vision API designed to help modders integrate night vision capability to their assets. Feature...
Nissan 300ZX (Z32)
Készítette: fhqwhgads
This mod is also a part of my car pack here where it has also received some updates. This version will stay up, but I would recommend switching over to the pack as it has many fixes and tweaks and will be more frequently maintained. You can even safely swi...
Night Vision Goggles
Készítette: ricochete
!!!! NOT BEING SUPPORTED !!!! I'm not sure about the state of this mod, but I'm no longer supporting it. Thank you for the interest Dependency this mod now depends on NVAPI. Make sure to install it before Introduction This mod adds a new item called FMA_GP...
No Vanilla Vehicles
Készítette: Kraz
A simple mod. If like me, you feel the base/vanilla game vehicles look weird and much prefer realistic vehicles this is for you.! Intended for use with Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars! mod or any other vehicle mod, It will prevent all vanilla vehicles from sp...
No Weight - Inventory Tetris
Készítette: Zatrik
Modified version of to not give containers or players infinite inventory for use with Inventory Tetris mod. If the original owner would like me to remove this mod, just ...
Noir's Attachments
Készítette: Noir
Features Choose between 11 attachment slots to customize your backpack -Weapon -Short Weapon -Utility Left -Utility Right -Left Side -Right Side -Container -Small Container Left -Small Container Right -Flashlight -Bedroll Size matters bigger backpacks can ...
Noir's Rifle Slings
Készítette: Noir
I asked Akyet if I can upload my own version of his Rifle Slings, he said yes so here's is Features Adds a Sling slot to equip 2h guns/melee weapons Sling can be wear in four positions Slings doesn't worn out Slings keeps position when wearing a backpack S...
Noirs Attachments Brita AmmoCans
Készítette: El_Maxito
¿Recuerdas tu antigua bolsa de semillas colgada en tu mochila? Pues con este mod "no la verás mas en su sitio". ¡Ahora puedes equipar latas de municion Brita en su lugar! (SOLO LATAS DE MUNICION PEQUEÑAS) (Por hora solo se han situado las latas correctamen...
Northwest Blockade
Készítette: Mad_Max_000
A 1x1 cell map (Cell: 10x20), changing the map edge on the freeway leaving the Northwest portion of the map. -Working in game map, as pictured -weapon, medical, automotive and construction loot -foraging zones -Spawnpoint Workshop ID: 2789257975 Mod ID: NW...
Obey Gravity, it's the law!
Készítette: blindcoder
Obey gravity. It's the law. This mod lets structures come crashing down when their support structures are removed. All structures must have a wall in a 5x5 area below or get destroyed. Also prevents players from building floors more than 3 tiles away from ...
Obvious Collecting
Készítette: Braven
Collecting! From the creator of common sense, comes obvious collecting! The mod that lets you pick up stones, twigs, garbage bags and other stuff that is literally right in front of you! How does it work? Have you ever been in need of a stone or garbage ba...
OCP Gear
Készítette: Vermette
A OCP gear pack based from and dependent upon the KATTAJ1 Clothes Core mod. The following items are found in Military bases/containers, on Special Zombies around the map (Rare spawn), and Special Zombies located at the Rosewood Secret Military Base (Common...
Old's Military Airfield
Készítette: OldPeopleBurning
A zombie defended military airfield with custom military buildings and community ones from the build pool on the forums. I'm working on expanding the area surrounding the airfield, currently a small town is present north of the airfield. Every map update r...
Készítette: Ammo Pack
OldPark Town Closest to Ed's Auto Salvage without overwriting / changing load order. This started as a simple parking lot so I could learn how to create PZ maps. Now, its a respectable small town. Most buildings used were included in the map editor and all...
Oujiangjiang's Tiles Pack3
Készítette: oujiangjiang
Separated it from Taibeiroad3 Map maker can use the tiles form 2x Workshop ID: 3078073554 Mod ID: Oujiangjiang Tiles3...
Oujinjin's Tile Pack
Készítette: 欧金金
A tile pack made by me, contains a bunch of customized tiles. A pre-mod for my map mods. For Players: You need to activate this mod as a pre-mod for my maps. For Modders: You can find all the tilesheets in that resource folder. And feel free to use those t...
Over the River
Készítette: Woldren
Hi survivors! I am Woldren and this is my map: Over the River The bridge has a town above it, as in Fallout 3. Warning: place the generator on the roof, check the pictures above to see where it is. The bridge is a giant building, so if you place it on the ...
Over the River - Secondary Road
Készítette: Woldren
Hi! As you've probably noticed, I've updated my map, "Over the River", changing the bridge and replacing the old ship with a new one, much more complete. Since the s...
Paint Your Ride
Készítette: NoctisFalco
Tired of boring uniform colors? Want something shiny? Get ready, we're about to Paint Your Ride! Features 25 spray paint colors white paint + 7 tinting paints to mix any color vehicle sanding and priming spray and tinting paint catalogues Only civilian veh...
Készítette: 白夜
description=PaintCar_isoContainers KemoMiMi、Miku、YatogamiTohka description=R18_PaintCar_isoContainers AkaiHaato、AnyaForger、FeiniaomaShi、GotoHitori、Gura、ItinoseAsena、Kokkoro、Nahida、Platelet、Rem、RemRam、Sangonomiya Kokomi、Tokisaki Kurumi、Whitebloodcell descri...
Park Rangers HQ
Készítette: Larum
A nice, modern building near Dixie, just west of the crossroads gas station. Cell coordinates are x:36 / y:27. Click this link to see the position on the game map: Like with every other map mod, you HAVE to start ...
Pass out
Készítette: DahakaMVl
Informations: Causes your character to fall asleep on the spot if you have max tiredness for X in-game hours (default 6). The amount of hours is configurable in the sandbox options. This is intended for a more hardcore playthrough. Features: Compatible wit...
PawLowLoot: Remastered
Készítette: EtherealShigure
Ash's Remaster Series Part 2 PawLowLoot Edition! Lovingly Remasters a bunch of the more well used Armor's of PawLowLoot's Gear! even redid the image for the fun of it aha. Once of the First mods i ever Downloaded all those years ago. Reimagened for modern ...
Készítette: Pertominus
This tile pack has been made available for map makers to use. Some of the tile sheets are within the mod folder itself. The rest will be released when they are properly edited or if requested on the mapping discord. Several room definitions have been added...
Készítette: Dylan
Pitstop is a map mod located between Rosewood and Muldraugh. To server owners, feel free to add our mods to your modpacks. We grant permission to all. This map strongly requires the additional tile packs. If you have any tile issues please make sure you ha...
Plain Moodles
Készítette: Bion
Minimalist semi-transparent background textures for moodles with level indicator. Does it work in Multiplayer? Yes. Does it work on existing saves? Yes. Safe to enable/disable at any time. Compatibility Compatible with Clear description for Moodles, Weathe...
Paw Low Loot (41.50)
Készítette: Paw Low
Just subscribe to install. Leave a like/fav <3 Please be nice. Consider donating so i can dedicate more time into modding, very appreciated! (button on the bottom). Accepting translations too :X the problem is not translating but inserting so many entries ...
Készítette: Petrovick
900x900 map. South-West of Muldraugh. Final update for Petroville until 42 (except for hotfixes) Cells used 35,39 to 37,39 35,40 to 37,40 35,41 to 37,41 Special thank you to everyone over at the unoffical mapping discord for the pre-made buildings and othe...
Plumb Helper PLUS
Készítette: JuryOfYourFears
Check out the infomercials! Plumb Helper Plumb Helper PLUS A SIMPLE TOOL FOR A SIMPLE JOB! With a pipe wrench in your inventory, an option will appear in your context menu. The first option will activate a cursor that shows ...
Készítette: Slayer
What's new April 28 - You can now repair or disassemble the pump. Sinks can now store more water. April 04 - Bugfix, check release notes for more info. March 29 - Use pipe wrench (instead of propane torch) to build or remove pipes. March 21, 2024 - You can...
Profession Framework
Készítette: Dr_Cox1911
Profession Framework Mod for Project Zomboid by Fenris_Wolf Adds a framework to simply adding additional professions and traits to project zomboid, and editing the default professions. As well as simplifying the modding process and letting professions have...
Profession Framework Old Build 41 Patch
Készítette: Островський
As of January 13th, 2022, the original mod was updated, I recommend all to migrate back to that edition. This patch will remain until mods will switch dependencies to it. A framework for adding new professions. PATCHED FOR THE HYPERCHONDRIAC TRAIT JAVA ERR...
Project Fallout: VertibirdZ Version 2.0
Készítette: Mereel
Fallout Theme version of the Better Helicopter mod by Aiteron. Please go give the original mod a look and download in the requirements and if you don't know how to fly, can learn it from there. Had to create a new version cause a update to the old one woul...
Porsche 918 Spyder
Készítette: fhqwhgads
This mod adds the Porsche 918 as a standalone vehicle. The 918 comes in several different variants, including the Weissach Pack with several liveries available. The repaintable USDM standard variant also supports Paint Your Ride, which allows you to repain...
Készítette: jest
Elevators! This makes it so elevators around the map actually "function". Basically, if the building has power (need generator if electricity is out) you can right click on an elevator and itll give you an option to go up or down only if there is an elevat...
Push Cars by Hand 简体中文汉化
Készítette: Delay No More
Push Cars by Hand 简体中文汉化 CN Translation for Push Cars by Hand Workshop ID: 3013259038 Mod ID: CHN-Push Cars by Hand...
Rabbit Hash, KY
Készítette: Haragon
About the Map: A generally quiet river town, Rabbit Hash is known for its iconic General Store. Here, you will find all manner of goodies to help you out on your journey along the rural route to Louisville. Rabbit Hash is a real-world location in KY, altho...
Készítette: 千年纹
A pre-mod for a mod I made. Workshop ID: 2845810596 Mod ID: QNW_QNWLibrary...
RAboi' s Customize 92 AM General M998 Skin Extend / RAboi 的悍马车款定制皮肤
Készítette: RAboi
𓊈𒆜 RAboi的悍马车款定制皮肤 𒆜𓊉࿐ 感谢 '92 AM General M998 + M101A3 Cargo trailer 以及创作者 KI5 技术支持特别感谢: KICHI, Ethan_Z ✦ 使用该模组请务必安装KI5的'92 AM General M998 + M101A3 Cargo trailer模组 ✦ KI5悍马模组Workshop ID: 2642541073 ▀▄▀▄▀▄ 本模组可兼容其他M998款式车皮不造成任何冲突可放心服用 ▄▀▄▀▄▀ 输入指令 /addvehicle...
RAboi' s Customize Bus Skin
Készítette: RAboi
Thanks for the mod "Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Bus" and the creator iBrRus & MrDanny 使用/addvehicle 代码 名字或者坐标 代码如下: Vehicle IDs【定制车款IDs】: ATADreampooBus ATADreampooskin01 ATADreampooskin02 ATAfulanduolu ATAPrisonBuspoopoo ATAPrisonBusWuGengLiuLi ATAPrisonBus...
RAboi' s Customize Dodge Skin
Készítette: RAboi
Thanks for the mod "Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Dadge" and the creator iBrRus & MrDanny 使用/addvehicle 代码 名字或者坐标 代码如下: Vehicle IDs【定制车款IDs】: ATADodge ATADodgePpg ATADodgePlan013 ATADodgeganyu ATADodgeSkadi1 ATADodgeSkadi2 ATADodgeSkadi3 ATADodgeHutao ATADodge...
Push Cars by Hand (SP-Only)
Készítette: Vesicant Six
Allows pushing cars around by hand, right click on a car and choose which side to push it from. -- ONLY WORKS IN SINGLE PLAYER CURRENTLY -- -- Usage -- Right click on car and choose Push Vehicle from the menu then choose where to push it from. Pushing from...
RAboi' s Customize Fjord Mustard Car Skin
Készítette: RAboi
𓊈𒆜 RAboi的野马车款定制皮肤 𒆜𓊉࿐ 感谢 Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Fjord Mustard 以及创作者 iBrRus & MrDanny 技术支持: Ethan_Z,Angel,Sheya,KICHI,NalMac 鸣谢支持: CATz,Dream Poo,晚霞,BEIBAO,bigmom,庸,TIMER,孤独的感觉,梅林没有鳞,Dawn ✦ 使用该模组请务必安装 iBrRus & MrDanny的 Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Fjord Mus...
RAboi' s Customize Samara Skin
Készítette: RAboi
Thanks for the mod "Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Samara" and the creator iBrRus & MrDanny 使用/addvehicle 代码 名字或者坐标 代码如下: Vehicle IDs【定制车款IDs】: ATASamarawugengliuli ATASamarayuanbanlin ATASamarayiliya ATASamaralizhouhua ATASamarafulanduolou ATASamaraaila ATASam...
RAboi's'92 AM General M998 + M101A3 Cargo trailer SkinNV Balance Version
Készítette: Ethan
新车皮的属性过于OP, 考虑游戏平衡做了调整 playerDamageProtection 玩家所受伤害保护(原版数值) engineForce 引擎马力(原版数值1.5倍) maxSpeed 最高速度(原版数值) engineQuality 引擎最高品质(原版数值1.5倍) frontEndHealth 前方血量(原版数值1.5倍) rearEndHealth 后方血量(原版数值1.5倍) GasTank 油箱容量(车皮修改数值不变) GloveBox 手套箱容量(原版数值) Workshop ID: 3...
Rain Cleans Blood
Készítette: Akamir
Tired of zombies splattering their brains all over your pretty lawn? Well no more! Just wait for some rain or snow and watch it all fade away. What does it do? This mod makes it so that when it's raining or snowing, blood will slowly fade away from floors ...
Rain Wash
Készítette: NoctisFalco
Rain washes blood and dirt away. Including the character's body, clothing, equipped bags, equipped and attached weapons, the vehicle your character is in and vehicle attached to it or last used vehicle and vehicle attached to it. How it works Body, clothin...
Random Zombies
Készítette: belette
Compatible with version 41.78.16 (solo & multiplayer). This mod lets you customize how many zombies of each type (crawler, sprinter, smart, tough, etc.) appear in your game. Inspired by Customizable Zombies. Please make sure you've read the FAQ below befor...
Raven Сreek
Készítette: DavidBlane
Real Full Auto
A lightweight mod that increases the fire rate of the various guns found ingame with an option to switch to full auto. Should be compatible with most mods that add additional firearms to the game such as VFE and Firearms B41. Mod ID: RealFullAuto Workshop ...
Real Ladder
Készítette: 千年纹
1. Ladders on the map can now be climbed, and players can also build ladders. 2. Remember to turn off anti cheating when online 3. Press E up and down 4. The ladder can only be a floor 5.We can only sacrifice part of the animation effect so that the player...
Real Ladder [Sandbox Options]
Készítette: UnCheat
Adds sandbox options: 1. Turn drop heavy items (like bags) on/off (this mod sets to off by default) 2. Set carpentry level to build ladders (this mod sets to 6 as Stairs by default) Do you still use ropes to climb because character drop bags on using ladde...
Redbird Ranger Station - Forest Ranger Outpost
Készítette: squid
☆☆☆☆𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐩 𝐨𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝟐𝟎𝐱𝟑𝟔.☆☆☆☆ 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬: 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐢𝐧 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞. 𝐈 𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐫. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐝. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐩 𝐢𝐬 𝐩...
Redstone Raceway
Készítette: Kraz
I created this map for my server but figured its just too much fun to not release to the public. This adds a racetrack just south of Muldraugh, With a pitstop and a grandstand its the perfect place to race your friends or setup server events! Works with th...
Recycle And Reuse Almost Everything [B41]
Készítette: Poet
Around 100 new recipes for recycling and crafting less useful stuff into more useful stuff. These recipes don't require any books or magazines to learn and some of them give small amounts of experience for their appropriate categories. (Metalworking, Tailo...
Reduce lag of Crafting menu
Készítette: 菜喵球BIBI
Function: 1. Greatly reduce the Lag of Crafting menu. It is very suitable for use with Hydrocraft mod. 2. When the search text is empty, Filter All will no longer work. 3. Press "0" to refresh the Crafting menu. Disadvantages: 1. The Favorited and newly le...
Készítette: 2Green.
Welcome to Refordville! The argument amongst town folk was always "How is the town pronounced?" is it "REE-fordville" or "REford-ville" Refordville is a dense populated town, with plenty of apartment blocks, bars, shopping centres and even a trailer park! ...
Reload Weapon While Running [ SP / MP ]
Készítette: SportXAI
Reload or Rack While Running Workshop ID: 2964473017 Mod ID: Load Weapon And Magazine While Running...
Készítette: Christopher
Remus, KY Welcome to our small, one stoplight town. Remus was once settled further east but after the saw mill closed down, the vast majority of the population (all 400 of us!) moved further west. If we don't work at the Zeprino Food Plant we're lucky to b...
Reorder Containers - Backpack Orders
Készítette: Notloc
Reorder Containers is an inventory mod that allows you to customize the order in which containers and backpacks appear in the inventory. Simply drag and drop the container icons to rearrange them to your liking. They'll even remember their preferred order ...
Reorder The Hotbar
Készítette: Notloc
Reorder The Hotbar is a mod that allows you to customize the order of the items in your hotbar. Simply drag and drop the hotbar slots to rearrange them to your liking. This mod also adds the ability to click on the hotbar slots as an alternative to pressin...
Repair Any Clothes
Készítette: Johnny Dollar
Makes you able to repair any clothes you want, such as vests, bulletproof vests, jumpsuits, etc. PayPal for the generous and thankful! Donations are very much appreciated! Item Tweaker API only needed for optional patches, not vanilla mod Have you ever fou...
Repair Floor
Készítette: Chadders
About: You've just been to your neighbours house and they have kindly lent you their carpet to cover that rather plain looking wood floor of yours. You get home and disaster strikes, the floor is cracked, it's a mess, the whole thing needs redoing! Well no...
Repair Roads
Készítette: Varinus
Repair roads that appear cracked from erosion. This mod adds the premade recipe for "Bucket of Concrete" to the Carpentry crafting tab. Requires Bucket of Concrete and a Trowel. Workshop ID: 2746843062 Mod ID: RepairRoads...
Repair Wall
Készítette: Kamer
Now works with 'More Builds' and 'Improved building menu' too! To be honest, this should be in vanilla long time ago... Just right click on whatever you've built, and hover on "Repair" menu and repair your WALLS! Features Wo...
Repair Wall Cracks
Készítette: Varinus
This mod will enable the ability to repair various cracks on structures around the world. To repair a crack, you need the following items in your inventory: Bucket of Plaster, Trowel. Workshop ID: 2746736222 Mod ID: RepairWallCracks...
Rideable Truckbed
Készítette: Cooki ♥
Note : This mod uses a very outdated method of physically overriding vehicle files. When I come back to PZ in B42 I will be using a new method that relies more on scripts rather than file overriding. This may not be compatible with new updates of Filibuste...
Road between Fort Knox and Bedford Falls [41.78]
Készítette: Woldren
Hi Survivors! This is a submod of the main map "Fort Knox linked to Eerie Country" It's a road that connects Fort Knox to Bedford Falls. It overwrites 6 cells, south of Bedford Falls that ar...
Research Facility, KY
Készítette: StormFather
The Research Facility, KY is a full expansion and redesign of the secret military base that can be found to the west of Rosewood, KY. It's design is inspired by the sprawling complex of Black Mesa from the Half-Life series, as well as from the town of Eure...
Riverside Fire Department
Készítette: Myloo
A well equipped fire department to assist with emergencies in Riverside and the surrounding area. It adds the following: Fire Department Camping/Weapons shop Garage storage Gas station Info: Cell 22:17 Game version 41.78 if you like the mod I'm happy about...
Road from Monmouth County to Bedford Falls
Készítette: BigZombieMonkey
As the title says. I've had months of people requesting a road to Bedford Falls via Monmouth County but until my latest expanstion of Monmouth County it has not been a possibility. So with Monmouth County 4.0 having just been released/updated I have been a...
Rosewood VHS & Gun Stores
Készítette: Champy
Since Rosewood is missing a VHS store and a guns store, this mod adds one of each, south of Rosewood. The VHS store is right next to the southern gas station, with an appartment on the second floor. The gun store is quite isolated in the woods, and to get ...
Rugged Recipes
Készítette: Afterworlds
WARNING: I AM NOT ACTIVELY DEVELOPING FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE. 41.66 and 41.67 have broken some parts of this mod in multiplayer (and some vanilla items). Anything that has to be cooked, and then it turns into another item (dried fruit, jerky, pancakes,...
Rugged Recipes 简中汉化
Készítette: Surgeol
Rugged Recipes 的个人简中汉化包,如有遗漏之处欢迎指出 该Mod仅提供翻译文本,请确保同时启用了原Mod!! 文本可能会被汉化合集Mod覆盖,或是被原Mod内置的汉化文件覆盖 若想使用本Mod的翻译文本,请 先 加载原Mod/汉化合集,然后 再 加载本Mod 注意:翻译更新后,你可能需要重新订阅该Mod以强制下载最新文本 保鲜食谱 添加了一些有助于长期生存的食谱。 酿酒 找到"酿,都可以酿-酿酒指南"杂志,或者拥有"酿酒工艺"特性,然后开酿 目前添加的酒有: 自酿烈酒:在蒸煮锅中加入水果,水,...
RV Interior
Készítette: Maxwelt
READ THE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE ENABLING THE MOD Simulate interiors of some vehicles. Support over a 100 vehicles. Each vehicle has 25 fully-customizable independent spaces. The power is tied to the car battery. Some trailers have no battery of their own, and...
Santuario Map Mod
Készítette: Owl
"Welcome to Santuario, a start to self sustainability. Santuario is a planned community with it's own cisterns, Eco-based sewage filtration starting in the low four hundred thousand. Santuario is gated community with it's own education and sheriff's depart...
Sapph's Cooking CN
Készítette: 白和青
Sapph's Cooking自用汉化(2024年7月份更新版本已汉化) 大部分翻译文本取自源点汉化,只是针对最近更新的内容进行补充。 因为mod作者在2024年1月份又进行了一次内容挺多的更新,但找不到最新版本的汉化, 实在等不及干脆自己动手了。 顺带一个打包食物饮料的Mod's Bulk Items汉化,不强制要求看个人喜好添加。 这个可以打包再制干酪,牛排、猪排、羊排、肉末、肉饼和鸡肉,不用占我的冰箱库存, 盒子有独立模型可以放几个在地上当装饰,我自己还挺喜欢的。 Workshop ID: 31452...
RV interiors for Special Emergency Vehicles & FBI
Készítette: Asierus24 This patch adds compatibility for RV interiors and Special Emergency Vehicles & FBI for Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars! and provides unique interiors for those vehicles. ---------------------------------------------IMPORTANT!-...
Sapph's Cooking [41.78+]
Készítette: sapph
This mod was made and will be updated on my free time. Occasionaly there will be bugs and missing models, but they probably won't break your game. If you found a bug, be sure to let me know here! If you have a suggestion, feel free to leave it here or in m...
Sapphire's Tactical Melee Weapons
Készítette: sapphire
**Join my hardcore PVP server Necroverse here!** This mod adds a couple new tactical melee weapons to your game: - Tomahawk - M9 Bayonet (WIP) - Tactical Spear - Tactical Axe - Tactical Machete - Tactical Katana The items can ...
Satchel With Bags
Készítette: ArpyClarkson
Simple mod letting you wear satchels with backpacks. Now updated to allow your satchels to show over jackets, vests, and more! Includes new ItemTweaker version for maximum compatibility! ItemTweaker version requires ItemTweakerAPI B41 by Tchernobill or Ite...
Save Our Station!
Készítette: Spacew00t
Save Our Station! This mod adds a new gameplay mechanics to the Automated Emergency Broadcast System (AEBS) along with new areas to explore in the vanilla Knox Country Map. Repair the Emergency Broadcast System Do you... ...find yourself late in the game w...
Scrap Guns
Készítette: djvirus
Welcome to my second mod! Adds Handmade Guns, Grenades and Bugfixes to the game! Craftable with high Metalworking levels with various parts and Air Tanks after the recipe is unlocked. Ammo can be made out of Nails, Screws and Scrap Metal
Scrap Armor!
Készítette: djvirus
Welcome! This mod adds some new post apocalyptic / homemade Armor! These can be made with various recources and tools you find troughout the world. To craft Armor, check the "Armor" tab in your crafting menu! UPDATE: Added b...
Scrap Weapons!
Készítette: djvirus
Welcome This mod adds a ton of new post apocalyptic / homemade melee weapons! These can be made with various recources and tools you find troughout the world. Most weapons are upgrades from vanilla weapons, so check the new "Weapons" tab in your crafting m...
Készítette: Myloo
A little hideaway in north Louisville perfect for a Zombie apocalypse. It adds the following: Large House Big Garage Glasshouse Barn Fish Shack Guardhouse 2x Watchtower a tent Info: Cell 41:3 Game version 41.78 if you like the mod I'm happy about a 👍 ⛔ Per...
Shiro's Sportscar
Készítette: Alex_Gallego2005 Shiro's Sportscar Ever wanted to get a car with a Megumin skin before? Then this is your chance! This mod comes with 2 mods. A new vehicle with the skin of Shiro. Just the skin of Shiro, which replaces the skins of the origina...
Shortrest County
Készítette: melos_tiles
WELCOME TO SHORTREST. >>> NOTICE: If you are are on top floor in the large church, DON'T walk through the wall that looks like a door. Its a bug and will lead to falling to death!!! <<< This map is a work in progress but one cell is already finished and re...
Simon MDs Tiles
Some tiles I created initially for my Stalker Stores (only the ones with no loot right now). Tiles will also be used in other mods I am working on. Thanks @Miss Raptor ( for providing your beautiful art so I can integrate t...
Show Wall Health
Készítette: Kamer
Part 1 of Sandbox Settings Update is up! Check comments for more info. Have you ever wondered how long your gate/wall/anything lasts? Well, now you know and you can prepare for the next horde. Just right click on whatever you've built, then hover on the "C...
Simple Convert Vanilla to Brita 41.78
In brief, this is a simple mod to fix an annoying problem. Occasionally, whether through mods, custom vehicles or some weird happenstance, vanilla firearms will occasionally spawn while using Brita's Weapon Pack. While normally not detrimental to gameplay,...
Simple Overhaul: Melee Weapons (SOMW)
Készítette: hea
Simple Overhaul: Melee Weapons (SOMW) For Project Zomboid ver. 41.78 and above. Works in both Singleplayer and Multiplayer. Included translations: EN, RU, CH, CN, IT, DE, KO, UA, TH, PTBR, ES, AR, JP, TR, PL. FEATURES: - New fresh models and textures for a...
Simple Overhaul: Melee Weapons (SOMW) - The Workshop Addon
Készítette: hea
This mod is compatibility patch between "Simple Overhaul: Melee Weapons (SOMW)" and "The Workshop" mods. Mod allows you to disassemble items from Simple Overhaul: Melee Weapons (SOMW) mod and use scrapped items in "The Workshop" mod. Keep in mind that you ...
Simple Overhaul: Traits and Occupations (SOTO)
Készítette: hea
Simple Overhaul: Traits and Occupations or just SOTO Please, rate mod for promotion. It will motivate me to make more content! Thank you <3 Features: - Rebalanced vanilla occupations, making all of them worth to pick. - Rebalanced vanilla traits, some of t...
Simple sling mod
Készítette: YGfish -Description- Added a simple tactical vest, four simple gun webbing, four simple webbing, two simple knife sheaths, a simple chest rigging and a simple back rigging, and a katana sheath. Introduce The following items were ad...
Simple UI library
Készítette: MrBounty
Simple UI Library Want to make a simple menu for your mod to : - Ask the player to choose between two things? - Ask the player a nickname, age, height, weight, etc ? - Display a map ? - Display player-related information from your mod such as amount of mon...
Simplified Chinese fonts
Készítette: shu307
Simplified Chinese fonts. Switch to the simplified Chinese page for details....
Simplified Chinese translation pack for Mods
Készítette: 源点
Only Simplified Chinese ( CN ) Language Pack For details, please change language " 简体中文 Simplified Chinese " Read Information Workshop ID: 2883394822 Mod ID: OLTranslation...
Skill Recovery Journal
Készítette: Chuckleberry Finn
Lore-friendly(ish) solution to the loss of a character. Craftable journals which allow the recovery of skills and recipes.
Skills and Traits Explained
Készítette: actic
Shows information about Skills and Traits in their Character Panel Tooltips. Now you know how to level a skill or what it actually does! You can see detailed stat changes by hovering over each Skill Level (Configurable with Mod Options - Default: ON). Comp...
Skills and Traits Explained Chinese Translation
Készítette: iaso2h
This mod provides Chinese translation for the Skills and Traits Explained mod( ), including Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. This mod is only a translation mod to complement the o...
Skizot's Carryable Everything
Készítette: Skizot
Made for the KYRP server. This mod aims to make most stuff that SHOULD be carried, just that. now plays well with Fancy Handiwork! if you want to change or modify weight of things like the logs then Use this awesome mod! (Customizable Wood + Metal Weight) ...
Skin Retexture5
Készítette: 마리솔
좀더 날카로운 눈매와 홍조추가, 금안과 점 추가. The color of the eyes is yellow, and a dot is added to the chest. The hair in the screenshot is in PLL mode, and the clothes are in ClothBOX mode. Workshop ID: 2673997131 Mod ID: Skin Retexture5...
Skizot's Tiles
Készítette: Skizot
Needed Files for Skizot's Tilesets to work ingame. Dylan helped me get all this crap working. Commander gave me some GREAT ideas. Check out my other mods!
Készítette: Monkey
Added In Game Map support thanks to Alree! I will keep maintaining this map until the original mapper does. Note! There is no natural connection between Raven Creek, Eerie and Slocan Lake. I just removed some of Slocan Lake's almost unreachable forest cell...
Készítette: Nebula
The mod completely changes the mechanics of cigarettes - the cigarettes will be inside the pack. Smoker mod - can work both independently and with other mods that change cigarettes, in the second case it can use items and capabilities of other mods. All co...
Snake's Mod Pack CN Full
Készítette: 源点
Only Simplified Chinese ( CN ) Language Pack for SNAKE For details, please change language " 简体中文 Simplified Chinese " Read Information 蛇佬模组汉化包整合 Workshop ID: 2885673806 Mod ID: SnakeCN_Full...
Snake's Mod Pack
Készítette: Snake
This is a modpack that I'm developing for the build 41, for the moment it contains the next updated and in constant development mods: Alice Backpack: A new military backpack that can be upgraded with the proper objects, a new military canteen and a new mil...
Snow is water [MP Working - v1.3.1]
Készítette: Buhorl
Info Snow is still water, so Rain Collectors and Metal Barrels will be filled when snowing, just at a slower rate (50%). It's a small mod that I created for myself for winter storm playthroughs. It works great paired with mods such as Cryogenic winter, Ete...
Soul Filcher's Clearing Time
Készítette: soulfilcher
Compatible with 41.78 UPDATE 11/21/2022: -Carving Fork, Spatula, Wooden Cutting Board and Grill Brush are now weapons. -Lowered Nail Gun sound and reduced radius. -Updated pink Umbrella's display category, sounds and a few other stats. This mod turns some ...
Soul Filcher's Cooking Time
Készítette: soulfilcher
Compatible with 41.78 This mod adds more food items and recipes. UPDATE 12/07/2022: -A lot more items can be used in the mod's evolved recipes (Bowl of Icecream, Chili, Hotdog, Juice, Pickles and so on). -Fixed errors with Beans and Pasta recipes (for real...
Soul Filcher's Farming Time
Készítette: soulfilcher
Compatible with 41.78 UPDATE 08/23/2023: -Fixed being unable to roast Coffee Beans (it might not affect existing benas in a save, try harvesting new ones). -Added Lemongrass seed packets to the spawn list. New crop types: Beet, Cauliflower, Coffee, Corn, L...
Spongie's Classic Textures
Készítette: spongie
In case you thought Build 41 looks too good You can now downgrade your textures back to their Build 40 counterparts (Only for humans and zombies though) Features: All 5 skin-tones for male and female characters Decay textures for all skin-tones (For whatev...
Spongie's Clothing
Készítette: spongie
Supports B41.78+. Works in multiplayer. Adds 28 new clothing items. Most jackets added can also be opened and rolled. Now unhides sweaters under jackets. The full item list can be found pinned in the discussions below It's fine to use and edit my assets fo...
Special Emergency Vehicles & FBI for Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars!
Készítette: Asierus24 NO LONGER REQUIRES Requires Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars, CAN BE USED ALONE,AND WITH BOTH Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars VERSIONS, ANIMATED OR NONANIMATED (activate only 1 of them ) *****The vehicles on this pack will remain n...
Spongie's Hair
Készítette: spongie
REQUIRES THE MOD FLUFFY HAIR. This mod adds a lot of hairstyles so it's highly recommended that you use Improved Hair Menu To unlock all hairstyles with scissors in-game use Spongie's Hair API This mod also optionally uses its features if it is enabled (so...
Spongie's Open Jackets
Készítette: spongie
Supports B41.78+. Should work in multiplayer. Adds new ways that clothing items can be worn such as: opening and rolling jackets/shirts, tying sweaters & hoodies, and tucking in pants. This affects almost all vanilla jackets, sweaters, shirts, coveralls, a...
Standardized Vehicle Upgrades 2 (OLD)
Készítette: Jack Rossman
Updated version available here. This version will no longer receive updates. What does this do? A car armor mod that covers every vanilla vehicle, every Fili's vehicle and the Petyarbuilt379...
Standing Items 1.15 : Polished erection (of items)
Készítette: DerGeissler
As often requested, here it is: The one mod to erect them all! Makes items stand up. A lot of items in PZ are displayed laying down: Fireextinguishers, brooms, guitars and rakes, to name just a few. This mod rotates their models, so they stand properly. Cu...
Steam Powered Generator
Készítette: [TECT$ECore] Olipro
Tired of constantly having to fetch gasoline to keep your generator going? Want something a little bit more "Steampunk" to keep your things running? Well look no further! Introducing the all-new Steam-powered Electricity generator! It burns logs, boils wat...
Stop, Drop 'n Roll (the "Fire Self-Extinguish" Mod)!
Készítette: Jaql
Stop, Drop, and Roll! "Stop, drop, and roll" is a fire-safety technique for when your clothes catch fire. If your clothes catch fire: STOP where are you are! DROP to the ground and cother your nose and mouth! ROLL over back and forth until the flames are o...
Stronger Furniture barricades
Készítette: Polyethyleneglykol
Adds the ability to customise the health of movable furniture. Player built constructions are not affected, but go well with this mod. Use a mod that checks a barricades health to check on the furniture aswell. Thanks for pao on Team Orbit for making this ...
Studio map in KY with built-in minimap
Készítette: 小白
This mods puts the "Challenge:Studio" map into the Big Map. The Studio Challenge will also spawn in the Big Map in this mod. Studio now has new location. It is compatible with Over the river mod now. I placed the studio map over the river into recently voi...
Survival Farm
Készítette: Nifro666
Hi all ! This is my first creation in WorldED&TileZed. I produly (lol haha) present to You the Little farm outside of Westpoint (south-west from fossoil gas station). It overwrites cell 39/24 so any maps (like West Point Expansion) that are not using it ar...
SWAT & RIOT PACK for BUILD[41.66b++]
Készítette: Relihschneider
SWATPACK MOD for 41.66b++! UPDATE 6/3/22 for 41.66b++! (Start new game Needed) Old saves game with swatpack mod are not compatible...
Tactical Weapons [41.65+]
Készítette: SS232
Adds several tactical melee weapons to the game. Lootable New Weapons : Carbon Fiber Hockey Stick Long Sword Military Knife Tactical Knife Tactical Machete Tactical Tomahawk Tactical Axe Tactical Ninja Sword Craftable New Weapons : Barbed Wire Hockey Stick...
Készítette: oujiangjiang
版本V0.57 修改小花包BUG,增加橘猫包、神奇的榴弹枪,大幅加强寻一、寻二、神之一手能力,修改高达左脚问题 版本V0.56 迷雾减半,增加了一些建筑和家具 版本V0.55 增加罗斯伍德十字路地块并改造,后期会加入赛博朋克风格 加入人工迷雾,增加疫苗所一座 版本V0.54 修复一些已知BUG 增加白酒厂,焊接厂 版本V0.53 增加几个建筑并修复一些已知BUG 版本V0.52 未定义的材质补全,部分房间BUG修复,剩余未放置手办安置在隐藏位置,山里有惊喜 删除18线歌手的磁带,请去我另外mod享用 版本V...
Take A Bath
Készítette: t10310
內容: 點擊浴缸後可以洗澡並起洗掉身上的污漬及血跡 , 在洗澡過後人物可以稍微降低不快樂以及無聊指數和感冒狀態 在 MOD Options 調整頁面中可以設定要脫下的裝備類型 目前模組只能在單人遊戲中執行 Make the bathtub able to take a bath and clean up the blood and dirt on the body After taking a bath, the character can slightly reduce the unhappiness a...
Készítette: monte2
Version:2.04 Workshop ID: 2688809268 Mod ID: TsarcraftCache2...
Terrazi Troop [R4]
Készítette: fhqwhgads
This mod adds the Terrazi Troop from Ridge Racer Type 4 as a standalone vehicle. It comes as a road car and a Real Racing Roots variant, featuring the liveries of R4's racing teams. The road car supports Paint Your Ride, allowing you to repaint the car any...
Készítette: Tchernobill
Features and tools with high reuse potential. Global Object Simple interface to add your own Global Objects to the game. Details here. see Portal Gun mod for example. Spawn Spawn a specific item in a specific container. Spawn a specific item from a right c...
Target Square: On Load Commands
Készítette: Poltergeist
This is a tool for modders to interact with the world. Users can skip the description. Description Simple way to trigger functions when the square is loaded, without every mod performing same checks multiple times. Helps replace the LoadGridsquare event in...
that DAMN Library
Készítette: KI5
What is this? This is a framework that fuels all KI5 mods, one centralized place to fine tune and expand all mods and make them ready for game changes and new features. You can find more about it here: that DAMN Library - Crafting, Fixing and Recycling exp...
The Compound
Készítette: c0ldshiver
TLDR: Designed to be a semi centralized Home Base map. IE STORAGE for your goodies. Not a treasure trove to completely gear you out...that's way too OP (even for beginners). However, almost every building has at least something to loot (but most rooms are ...
The Museum
Készítette: Gabester
Situated between Muldraugh and West Point, The Museum is a source of wonder, curiosity and education... well at least it used to be before the zombie apocalypse. When shit hit the fan, many like minded citizens headed straight for the museum, knowing it co...
The Workshop
Készítette: djvirus
Welcome! This mod adds more crafting features to the game! With this mod you no longer have to drop your broken tools on the ground. Now you can disassemble them for scrap (screws, metal parts, wood) You can also disassemble any metallic vanilla item in th...
throttlekitty's tiles
Készítette: throttlekitty
This is a collection of world tile sprites I've made to be used as a resource in creating custom maps. Some sprites may have additional functionality, I'll be including lua for those in this mod as needed. I don't plan on making anything here craftable, ho...
Tile Fixes
Készítette: Sowilo
Fixes and improves various tiles, making them into moveable objects or otherwise making them more functional. Floor lamps now function as lights and can be picked up and dismantled. Their light radius is slightly larger than other lamps. Flood lights emit ...
Tioga Colony
Készítette: Erin Azakaela Redfire
Adds Tioga Colony from Survivor Radio (cell 31, 30),0.2595394812102551,178.03223534982718 The Tioga Colony, back and better than ever! This version is new and improved, featuring an improved wall system, t...
Toyota SupraMkIV_skin
Készítette: 蛤贝虾
Adds some skins about A-SOUL for Toyota Supra Mk IV It is recommended to use it together with bikinitools to facilitate the direct modification of vehicle skin. Worksh...
Toyota Supra Mk. IV
Készítette: fhqwhgads
This mod is also a part of my car pack here where it has also received some updates. This version will stay up, but I would recommend switching over to the pack as it has many fixes and tweaks and will be more frequently maintained. You can even safely swi...
Trelai_4x4 Riverside Expansion
Készítette: Biggsymallone
A New 4x4 Town Riverside Expansion. ( LEGACY ) -- Expands the South of Riverside into a new hustling bustling town called Trelai. -- (Tree-Lie) -- Close Quarters. Custom and Community Built, Unique Places of Interest. -- ____________________ Features & Inf...
Trimble County Power Station & La Grange
Készítette: Asierus24
This is my first map for zomboid please rate and report any issues you may find. Adds Trimble County Power Station and extends the area following east highway of Louisville up to Campbellsburg. PD: I known that Trimble Count...
Trip 'n' Fall
Készítette: BOBcat
Adds a chance for the player to trip over the zombies on the ground and fall down. It does not affect the zombies. It has sandbox options to adjust the trip chance. This mod will change how you play! With each kill, you will be creating environmental hazar...
True Actions. Act 1 & 2 - Sitting & Lying [for MP disable anti-cheat type 12]
Készítette: iBrRus WARNING #To make the mod work in multiplayer in the server config disable anti-cheat protection for type 12. AntiCheatProtectionType12=false Act 2 - Ly...
True Actions. Act 3 - Dancing
Készítette: iBrRus Almost all important events in the life of a primitive man were marked by dancing: birth, death, war, the election of a new leader, the healing of the ...
True Actions. Act 3+. Dancing on VHS
Készítette: iBrRus Since the release of our Dance magazine, we have received many letters of appreciation from people in our state. But one day we found a videotape in ou...
True Crawl
Készítette: iLusioN
Update: True Crawl 2.3 CLICK HERE to see the changelog!!! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀TRUE CRAWL! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀This mod adds a completely new way to play Zomboid! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀    ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
True Actions. Act 4 - Talking
Készítette: iBrRus Mod adds an animations when the player typing in the chat. Only for multiplayer. Mod commissioned by Yayo, specifically for the Day's End Roleplay serv...
True Crawl - Real Full Auto Patch
Készítette: SaltGin
A simple Real Full Auto compatibility patch for True Crawl mod. Now you can fire on full auto while you're staying low. Recommended to pair with True Crouching and zRe ADDON: True Crouching + Real Full Auto "It's a machine gun, a machine gun!" Q: But what ...
True Crouching
Készítette: BOBcat
While sneaking, crouching animations will be played instead of sneaking animations. In other words, replaces sneaking animations with crouching animations. Includes crouched idle, walking, running, turning and SHOOTING. This mod will very slightly reduce y...
True Music
Készítette: iBrRus It's time for true music in Project Zomboid again. The mod allows all users to add their music to the game. In addition, you can add your own vinyl cov...
Tsar's Common Library 2.0
Készítette: iBrRus Description Common library for Tsar's Companies. Additional equipment for vehicles: refrigerator, stove, microwave oven, fuel tank, etc (Code modified ...
Készítette: Benficarlos
Medium size town with lots of zumbis. Thanks to everybody who share their amazing building, without them I wouldn't be able to put this map together. Workshop ID: 2781180323 Mod ID: Tugaland Map Folder: Tugaland...
TryHonesty's Tiles
Készítette: Try Honesty If you're unsure about the terms of use, you can find everything detailed HERE If you'd like to support my work, you can buy me ...
UH-60 Black Hawk
Készítette: TNT
Fixd: Compatibility with the better helicopters mod, both modules can be used at the same time. In theory, the UH-60 module can be used with any other helicopter. 已修复与更好直升机模组的兼容问题,现在黑鹰可以与更好直升机模组一起使用。理论上,它可以与其他所有直升机模组共存. ------------------------------------...
Készítette: Ultraviolet
Compatible with almost every firearm/trajectory addon out there. Works for already existing saves. Are you bored of attracting insane amounts of hordes just to level your aiming skill up ? Then train yourself before going into the conflict ! This mod adds ...
Valley Station Town
Készítette: EnvyDemon
Adds a town to the game. This mod adds a new town to Valley Station. Features: -Highway 44 is extended to the edge of the map. -Sheriff's Department added -Radio Station -Fairgrounds Credit to the many talented individuals on the Project Zomboid Discord, a...
Vanilla DuffelBag Tweak
Készítette: alice
WARNING I haven't been playing Zomboid for a while, this mod might be (even more) broken but I honestly have no idea. Currently I have no plans on fixing it, if you'd like to do so, go ahead. This mod lets you equip the vanilla Duffel Bag on your back or l...
This mod replaces the models, textures and names of nearly all vanilla firearms, attachments, ammunition and magazines. It also adds several new lore-friendly weapons and items. ⚠️ READ THE FAQ ⚠️ As of this version, 23 new firearms (and their magazines), ...
Vanilla Food Fixes [41.56]
Készítette: Oh God Spiders No
A collection of lightweight, common sense fixes to food items and recipes. Don't like pictures? Click here for written description https://steamuserima...
Készítette: 布偶旧猫
1. Compared to the first generation, the entire torso part of the model was remade. 2. Add the selection of three BDG cups (conflicts with the display of MOD for hairstyle selection) 3. After entering the game, there are two faces that can be watched and c...
Készítette: 布偶旧猫
Restart game after subscription Redo the texture Workshop ID: 3182924591 Mod ID: vs3...
Vehicle Recycling
Készítette: NoctisFalco
Want to trade-in your car for a new one? There is a little bit of a problem here. Utilization programs are not a thing yet and car dealerships are closed due to technical reasons. Looks like salvage and steel companies don't work too. Broken and useless ca...
Vehicle Repair Overhaul
Készítette: hehehemann Find a clunker you love but its one zombie tap from disintegration? Fix it up! Repair and Salvage - Vanilla Vehicles and all the great Workshop Vehicle Creations!! Adds many more repair options for Hoods, Trunks, Seats, Door...
VertibirdZ Version
Készítette: Mereel
Fallout Theme version of the Better Helicopter mod by Aiteron. Please go give the orginal mod a look and download in the requirements and if you don't know how to fly, can learn it from there. Spawn Locations: {5593, 12450} {11809, ****} {****, 4026} Probl...
Video Game Consoles
Készítette: 🍎Spicy_Apples🍎
       Genesis does what NintenDon't Includes:                  Gameboy                  Game Gear                  SNES                  NES                  Sega Genesis                  Atari 2600                  5 Game cartridge's for every console 55...
Vilespring's M113A1 Armored Personnel Carrier [Updated 2023]
Készítette: Vilespring
The M113A1, an American Armored Personnel Carrier constructed out of 5083 Aluminum Alloy at 28mm - 44mm. This machine and its variants have been in service since 1960 all over the world. In Project Zombiod, the M113A1 is a very rare and very powerful, yet ...
Visible Generator Range
Készítette: pwrcosmic
Visible Generator Range aims to get rid of a bit of headache in your day-to-day power needs. Features: Ability to view the effective range of a generator simply by viewing it's corresponding Info menu. Also indicates current power status with color of the ...
Készítette: 布偶旧猫
Some VS3 hairstyles. Using 《Hairspray》to purchase. Workshop ID: 3237652872 Mod ID: VS3hair...
W Patrick's Dried Meats
Készítette: BOT [Mr. Krabs]
This is my forth mod, it's small and simple and adds a few new food items. The idea of the mod is to give long-term survivors a method of obtaining late game fresh meats other than squirrel, rabbit and bird, but without the need for waiting on livestock to...
Wallet Containers
Készítette: Monkey
Wallet Containers This mod gives you the ability to store some type of items in Wallets when you equip the wallet in your hands or double clicking on the wallet to equip it on your body. Mod by Monkey Commissioned by DevoTan I do mod commissions - Discord:...
Warm Up
Készítette: Bion
Simple action that you can perform when you are cold. Features Easy to use. Simply click Warm Up in the context menu (this option is only available when the Hypothermia moodle appears). Can be performed while walking, sneaking, sitting, in the vehicle, etc...
Walnut Ridge----核桃岭正式版! (official!!)
Készítette: BigTailWolfSuomi
welcome to the WalNut Ridge 欢迎来到核桃岭 This is a small village, located around the Ohio River, Within the scope of riverside town 这是一个坐落于俄亥俄河周围的一个小村落,并紧挨着河畔镇 The current version is official version If you encounter a bug, please report it to me 现版本为正式测试版,如您遇到...
Water Dispenser
Készítette: KONIJIMA
Features In this mod I try to make everything as Vanilla as possible. - Dispenser have 250 unit of water like the vanilla dispenser. - Water Jug can be filled with gasoline for a total of 250 units. - Vanilla Dispenser automatically converted to custom whe...
Weapon Condition Indicator 简中汉化
Készítette: Surgeol
Weapon Condition Indicator 的个人简中汉化包,如有遗漏之处欢迎指出 该Mod仅提供翻译文本,请确保同时启用了原Mod!! 文本可能会被汉化合集Mod覆盖,或是被原Mod内置的汉化文件覆盖 若想使用本Mod的翻译文本,请 先 加载原Mod/汉化合集,然后 再 加载本Mod 注意:翻译更新后,你可能需要重新订阅该Mod以强制下载最新文本 主Mod用于显示所装备物品(背部,皮带,枪套等)的耐久度。 Mod内容 - 两种耐久指示器:图标形式(气泡/星星),或进度条形式 - 当耐久降低时会出...
Weapon Condition Indicator [41.60+]
Készítette: NoctisFalco
The mod shows condition (durability) of a weapon attached to the hotbar (back, belt, holster, etc.) or equipped in the primary hand. And many other useful features. Features - Two types of weapon condition indicators: icon (star or bubble) and progress bar...
Weapon Modifiers v1.1.3
Készítette: Champy
Update 1.1.3 MOD COMPATIBILITY UPDATE Added two new sandbox settings : Chance multiplier for CRAFTED RANGED weapons : default = 0. Leave this on 0 if you are using Brita's Weapon Pack ! Chance multiplier for CRAFTED MELEE weapons : default = 0.75. = - 25% ...
Weaponized Sticks and Stones
Készítette: Braven
Sticks and Stones can break their bones! Have you always found weird you can use a broom or a plunger as a weapon, but not a sharpened stone, or a tree branch? Well with this mod, you can! Get ready to beat up zombies with a STICK! How does it work? You ca...
WeaponModifiers 简体中文汉化
Készítette: Delay No More
WeaponModifiers 简体中文汉化 Realistic版本和Extensive版本请只选择一个启用 如有在翻译上的改进建议请在留言区留言 CN Translation for Weapon modifier Workshop ID: 2935135199 Mod ID: CHN-WeaponModifiers - Extensive Mod ID: CHN-WeaponModifiers - Framework Mod ID: CHN-WeaponModifiers - Realistic & L...
West Point Expansion
Készítette: ww2commander
NOTE: West Point Expansion is now included as a community map online at the PZ Map Project. You can explore the map in greater detail here: Tired of vanilla West Point, want more to scaveng...
West Point Fire Department
Készítette: Myloo
A well equipped fire department to assist with emergencies in West Point and the surrounding area. It adds the following: Fire Department VHS Store Warehouse Forest hut Info: Cell 37:23 Game version 41.78 if you like the mod I'm happy about a 👍 ⛔ Permissio...
West Point Expansion Road Fix
Készítette: Nez
The main point of this map, is to fix the broken road leading out of the northbound highway, when using the West Point Expansion map, I've tried to recreate everything else to the best of my ability, while taking a few creative liberties. Multiplayer teste...
West Point Trailer Park & VHS Store
Készítette: Champy
Click here to view the map online This is the finished version of my first map, "West Point VHS Store". There is no VHS store in West Point, so this mod adds one that is nearby, next to a trailer park. The map features : - A trailer park, - A VHS store, - ...
West Point's Lighthouse [REBORN]
Készítette: Matrioshka A small lighthouse, 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom. The lighthouse located in West Point. Look at the screenshot with the map. The coordinates: 10985x6587 Q: Should I start a new game? A: Yes, you shou...
WesternScrapCarYard 西部森林废车场
********************************************************************************* CN: 更新内容:在一楼二楼与三楼平台上面分别增加了1个消防水管,它不会受停水事件影响,无限容量。(使用方法,右键对准消防水管龙头的部分,与游戏内正常的取水一样。)提示:如想要有这次更新的内容,您需要重开新游戏。 EN: Update content: 1 fire water pipe is added on the platform on t...
Készítette: RUSSIAN_LADA 2.0
Language: RU, EN, KO (possibly incomplete) Korean translation - autor Swollen sea mustard (Thank you!). This is an extended version of the old WPI mod. The description is old, but there are several new things in it. Installation: subscribe, activate in the...
Készítette: UKG
ABOUT A fictional commercial-residential area in Kentucky located southwest of Riverside. There are office buildings, shopping centers, a police station, an old residential area, and a wooded area of ​​a rich industrial area. CONTAINS -Individual houses - ...
Working Seatbelt
Készítette: Arendameth
Description Stay safe in the apocalypse, either by fastening your seatbelt, or relying on your airbag, and reduce the damage taken from car crashes, as you navigate the infected streets of Kentucky! Important Note The vehicle damage system in Project Zombo...
Working Suppressor for Brita's Weapon Pack / Arsenal[26] Gunfighter Mod
Készítette: Oversights2006_
This is a workaround to fix up a not 100% occurring issue, you don't need it if things run right heretofore. You have been told about the prerequisite. ========================================================================== 03/24/24 23:30 UTC(+8) Update...
Working Treadmill
Készítette: F_C4RICA
Want to train your fitness? With this mod, now you can use a treadmill. You will gain fitness XP a little more than squat and gain sprinting XP as well. If you carry weight is more than a half you will gain strength XP too. -You can change fitness, strengt...
Wring Out Clothing
Készítette: Kelbs
Closed laundromats got you down? Tired of living in pools of sweat? Use that arm-power to twist and squeeze that wetness away! The amount of water than can be removed from clothing and towels is dependent on a character's strength. Strength 10: Wring to 10...
Xnertot Bomb Magazines
Készítette: Xnertot,,
This mod contains the recipies for the engineer only recipies for bombs The recipies will be found in the world an can be used to learn the bombs. Tags:Build 40,Build 41,Literature,Magazine,Engineer,Bomb,Flame Bomb,Pipe Bomb,Aerosol Bomb Workshop ID: 25373...
Xonic's Mega Mall (New Expansion has arrived!!!)
Készítette: Xonic
This is a HIGH population, HIGH Performance demand, HARDCORE Map for the most skilled zomboid player. In normal population setting there are over 4500 zombies in West Point Plaza, over 2300 zombies in Muldraugh Plaza. In very high population setting, there...
Xnertot Farmable Trees
Készítette: Xnertot,,
Adds tree for: - Apple - Banana - Cherry - Lemon - Orange - Peach Adds plant for: - Pineapple Trees can be planted like other crops. Textures are not final and work in progress. Works for Build 40, Build 41.50 and Build 41.52+ Works for Multiplayer Beta Th...
Y&G Customizable Guns
Készítette: York
York & Gotti Customizable Guns Adds only 8 firearms to the game, 4 assault rifles, 2 bolt action rifles and 2 semi auto rifles. Also changes vanilla gun mechanics, now assault rifles without mods looks like a naked gun without handguard and stock, firearm ...
Yes' Improved Stealth System
Készítette: yes
This is a complete rework of the stealth in this game. Making it more consistent under the right conditions. Darkness Matters. For this mod to start doing things it requires two things from you. First, you have to be sneaking. Second, you need to be in a d...
Zaan's Scandinavian Design
Készítette: zealot
A resource of tile sprites for custom maps. Workshop ID: 3066634598 Mod ID: Zaan's_Scandinavian_Design...
Zaan's Community Design
Készítette: zealot
A resource of tile sprites for custom maps. Workshop ID: 3066630823 Mod ID: Zaan's_Community_Design...
Zaan's Union Town
Készítette: zealot
Greetings, survivors in Kentury ! Zaan's Safehouse has now developed into a settlement, with more than 90% customized tiles of furniture and decorations! Each tile in this mod comes from a unique model made with Blender, so it looks more detailed and has a...
York`s Customizable Gun CN
Készítette: 梵蒂冈空军元帅
York & Gotti自定义枪支模组汉化 Workshop ID: 3167191695 Mod ID: YCG_CN...
Zaan's Union Town 汉化 - 合乐镇汉化
Készítette: Dr.XunYi
合乐镇地图汉化 将Zaan's Union Town,Zaan's Community Design,Zaan's Scandinavian Design模组内家具名称汉化 由于某些原因,有某些家具名称无法正常汉化 Workshop ID: 3083902276 Mod ID: Zaan's Union Town CN...
Zhukoniy Lighthouse Base V2. Doesn`t work with V1.
Készítette: Vladislav Dronzikov
Lighthouse base near mall. Workshop ID: 2726488707 Mod ID: zhyklighthousebasev2 Map Folder: Zhukoniy Lighthouse Base V2...
Zombie Crawler And Die When Fall
Készítette: DeHuC
Zombie become zombie-crawler or die when fall. I decided to make my own version mod by Birget. There may be problems with the 2nd floor, when zombies do not immediately fall on their stomachs, I don’t know how to fix it, with the rest of the floors everyth...
Zombie Camouflage - Edited
Készítette: Snake
version=4 id=2900823283 title=Zombie Camouflage - Edited description=READ THE DESCRIPTION ! READ THE DESCRIPTION ! READ THE DESCRIPTION ! READ THE DESCRIPTION ! READ THE DESCRIPTION ! TL;DR Update list: - generator and body carry bug was fixed. - shooting ...
Készítette: Braven
Zombrex! Dead Rising's incredible medicine is here to solve all your zombification needs! This mod adds Zombrex to the game, allowing you to temporarily get rid of the Knox infection! How does it work? Zombrex is an anti-zombification medication. It is use...
[汉化]Madax's Melee Weapons Pack
Készítette: 帝国战帅阿巴蛋
对Madax's Melee Weapons Pack和 Madax Weapon Pack两个模组中武器名称的翻译 Workshop ID: 3235221166 Mod ID: Madax's Melee Weapon Pack_ZH Mod ID: Madax Weapon Pack_ZH...
[细分/混合] 百变中文汉化
-------- 细分版和混合版二选其一! -------- -------- ↓ 模组作用说明 ↓ -------- (A)细分版 /(B)混合版 饭盒(蓝色) / 饭盒 饭盒(粉色) / 饭盒 棒球头盔(红色) / 棒球头盔 棒球头盔(黄色) / 棒球头盔 棒球头盔(绿色) / 棒球头盔 骑师衬衫(橙色) / 骑师衬衫 骑师衬衫(紫色) / 骑师衬衫 骑师衬衫(红色) / 骑师衬衫 骑师衬衫(绿色) / 骑师衬衫 骑师衬衫(蓝色) / 骑师衬衫 骑师衬衫(黄色) / 骑师衬衫 -------- ↓ 推荐...
[CJ] Melee weapons | Lore-friendly vanilla expansion
Készítette: Captain Juezo This mod is an expansion of original PZ melee weapons package, and also, It reworks vanilla weapons models. Stats are the same. Link to my personal discord server
Készítette: MrBounty
[OBSOLETE] add autoTsar atelier Bus to RV interior - ADDON
Készítette: AuD
MOD IS BROKEN ! /!\ FOR RV_interior SINGLEPLAYER VERSION /!\ ________________________________________ 3 models from Tuning Atelier - Bus mod added to RV_interior mod (shortBUS): Army-BUS, Prison-BUS, School-BUS RV_Interior mod :
[Probably Does Nothing!] Ammo Maker for Brita's!
Készítette: Zadrakos
This adds in a compatibility patch for Ammo Maker to include ammo types found in Arsenal(26) GunFighter Mod, which is used by Brita's Weapon Mod (which is why it's called what it is). You need Ammo Maker and Arsenal(26) GunFighter Mod. Workshop ID: 2803583...
[OBSOLETE] add Trailer Home AutoStar to RV interior [addon]
Készítette: AuD
MOD IS BROKEN ! 3 models from autoStar Trailers mod added to RV_interior mod: TrailerHome/trailerHomeExplorer/TrailerHome/Hartman
[Reworked] Madax Weapon Pack
Készítette: EzeePeez
Greetings Survivors! I present to you the Madax Weapon Pack. What is different from the original you may ask? Well let me tell you just a few things! 1. Items are distributed into the loot tables, I tried to keep them as logical as possible. You will find ...