Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Luomukset (955)
Łódź Piotrkowska Central Tram Station
Lodz Piotrkowska Centrum Tram Station nicknamed "Stajnia Jednorozcow" ("Unicorn Station") by siudowski (sdwsk) Piotrkowska Centrum tram station is main exchange station in the strict center of city of Lodz (Łódź), Poland. Station connects two important tra...
“九廣通”KTT塗裝RE 460+IC2000
粵語 Cantonese: 喺廣九線上運行嘅廣九直通車,終點站分別為香港紅磡站同廣州東站,經停東莞常平。九廣鐵路公司嘅“九廣通 ”(KTT)採用分別嚟自於瑞士嘅RE 460電力機車同日本近畿車輛生產嘅雙層車廂。2007年,九鐵與港鐵合併,而KTT上嘅九鐵標識亦都改咗變成港鐵。雖說RE 460受限於雙層車廂同廣深線嘅線路條件限速140km/h(2008年降速前為160km/h),但係喺CSL入邊我將佢嘅速度提升到設計速度230km/h。 國語 Mandarin: 在廣九線上運行的廣九直通車,終點站分別為香港紅...
一汽大众捷达出租车(黄色)FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Taxi (Yellow)
捷达是中国大陆最常见的出租车型之一,这个资产采用了最常见的双色配色。若要订阅此资产您需要有入夜DLC。 Jetta is one of the most popular taxi in mainland China, This asset is painted in bio-color. For the taxi to spawn, After Dark DLC is needed! Model Information Tris: 2332/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众捷达中国警车 FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Chinese Police Car
一汽大众捷达中国警车 FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Chinese Police Car Model Information Tris: 2348/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众捷达出租车(绿色)FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Taxi (Green)
捷达是中国大陆最常见的出租车型之一,这个资产采用了最常见的双色配色。若要订阅此资产您需要有入夜DLC。 Jetta is one of the most popular taxi in mainland China, This asset is painted in bio-color. For the taxi to spawn, After Dark DLC is needed! Model Information Tris: 2332/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众捷达15款 FAW-Volkswagen Jetta
这款捷达是一汽大众于2013年推出的一款中国特产的基于PQ25平台的A级轿车。 FAW-Volkswagen first released this car in 2013, it's called Jetta (Chinese version) and based on the PQ25 platform. Model Information Tris: 2224/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
上海七重天宾馆 Seventh Heaven Hotel
Tekijä: KimuXY
上海七重天宾馆是一家旅游涉外二星级宾馆,历史悠久,驰名中外,曾是上海滩首屈一指的酒楼。 坐落在最繁华而又名闻遐迩的中华商业第一街南京路上,交通十分便利,西与上海购物中心之一的华联商厦毗邻,东与“世纪广场”相伴,置身宾馆顶层可饱览国际大都市,集经济、贸易、金融、信息于一体的南京路步行街全貌,是中外宾客旅游观光、购物娱乐、商务活动的最佳选择。 为迎接千禧世纪之交,宾馆进行全面改扩建,装修一新的大堂宽敞明亮,客房温馨舒适,商场小巧玲珑,“老上海餐厅“别致典雅,以纯正的本帮菜肴见长,风格各异的包房能满足不同需求的宾...
Tekijä: KimuXY
Tekijä: KimuXY
本资产包含三栋建筑,如果之前有订阅上海长江新能源大厦的话需要退订之后再订阅本资产,要不然会有重复项!!! 亚洲大厦位于黄浦区九江路663~669号,紧邻号称“中华第一街”的南京路步行街,土地使用证上标住的地块号为“南京东路120坊"前后左右均为高档次的甲级写字楼,五星级酒店,知名建筑,高档公寓。亚洲大厦位于上海行政商业中心的黄浦区。黄浦区在全市商业文化中具有领先地位,土地面积不足全市2%,社会消费品零售额却占全市的8%左右。物业周边围绕着南京东路步行街,福州路文化街,外滩,人民广场等商业文化休闲区,位置优越...
一汽大众 Jetta CL 方头捷达
Tekijä: Streamer
如果图片无法加载,请前往百度贴吧。 一汽大众方头捷达 Volkswagen Jetta CL 1997 普通轿车版本 Normal Citizen Vehicle Version 其他版本的一汽大众方头捷达 Other Versions 出租车版本 Taxi Version 标签:中国,中式, 大众,捷达 Tags: China, Volkswagen, Jetta...
上海交银金融大厦 Bank of communications
Tekijä: CM.
上海交银金融大厦 Bank of communications by CM. 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到 You can find it in the third level of special buildings 此建筑是我在作者joues的原版交通银行大厦建模上做的一些修改,由于是从游戏中导出的模型,模型面数过多,很多地方对我而言实在无法理解,又出现了类似于镜像的建筑翻转,无奈之下就删除了裙楼,便只修改了贴图,重做了lod,并做了夜景。 This building is some modifica...
上海和平饭店shanghai peace Hotel
Tekijä: CM.
上海和平饭店shanghai peace Hotel by CM. 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third level of special buildings. 和平饭店是上海市地标性建筑,位于上海黄浦区南京东路20号,是上海近代建筑史上第一幢现代派建筑,拥有最具特色的九国式特色套房及众多别具特色的餐厅、宴会厅、多功能厅、酒吧、屋顶观光花园等。 和平饭店是中国首家世界著名饭店,2005年的营业额达到1.88亿元,创利6668万元,接待宾客101468人次...
上海地铁一号线AC01(ShangHai Metro Line 1 AC01 Train)
AC01 is a kind train used in ShangHai Metro Line 1. This is improved version. ----------------------------------------------------- AC01是一种应用于上海地铁一号线的列车。 这是改进过后的版本。...
Tekijä: KimuXY
上海商城 Shanghai Center
Tekijä: KimuXY
上海商城(Shanghai Center)位于上海市静安区中心、坐落于南京西路上,是上海展览中心与外资合办的一座集办公,剧院,酒店和商场为一体的综合性建筑。大楼由美国建筑大师约翰·波特曼设计,故大楼也被人称为波特曼,它是一座大型公共服务性的建筑物。外墙不加粉刷,保持水泥本色,呈现光泽。主楼高164.8米,东西公寓大楼高111.5米。整个建筑面积为18.5万平方米,呈现”山”字形。其高度为上海之冠,面积居上海之首。波特曼大楼的特点是追求空间含蕴,体现中西交融。...
上海明天广场(shanghai tomorrow square)
Tekijä: CM.
无裙楼(No podium) 你可以在六级建筑中找到它。You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 明天广场位于上海市南京西路399号,南京西路与黄陂北路口。基地总面积约664平方米。总建筑面积127400平方米,建筑总高度283米,地下3层,地上58层,总投资约28亿人民币。既有商业用房、公寓,酒店、商场、风味餐厅又有会议中心及宴会厅和健康设施,五十七至五十八层还设置为总统套房。是上海第六高的摩天大楼。地上60层,地下3层,高约2...
上海淮海南丰荟 Shanghai Huaihai Nanfenghui
Tekijä: KimuXY
上海海洋大厦 Shanghai Ocean Building
Tekijä: KimuXY
上海汇丰银行大楼 HSBC Bank building
Tekijä: CM.
你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third price special building. 上海汇丰银行大楼,在上海外滩中山东一路12号,又名市府大楼,1925年建造,今天是上海浦东发展银行的总部驻地。汇丰在1990年代曾经与上海市政府接触,想购回大楼,但最终因价格原因没有实现。汇丰银行大楼除了华丽,这还是一幢充满历史感的建筑,汇丰银行,市政府和浦东发展银行曾先后使用过此楼。 Shanghai HSBC Bank building, also known as...
Tekijä: 红米先生
上海白玉兰大楼 by 红米...
Tekijä: 蓝血JS
中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 If you want more project...
上海西岸诺布中心, Shanghai Norbul Land
Tekijä: RAY Norbul Land is made by LANXUEJS 1:诺布中心大厦位于徐汇滨江“西岸传媒港”的核心区域,东至龙腾大道,西至云锦路。总建筑面积约100万平米,入驻企业包括腾讯、诺布置业、湘芒果、 游族网络、大众交通等。周边地铁11号线,公交700路、89路等多条线路汇聚于此,交通便捷,畅通无阻,将成为“西岸传媒港”内集时尚、绿色、环保、科技、创意于一体的超高层现代商务总部办公楼宇。 2: 诺布中心大厦整体设计简洁大气,三个公共中庭置...
Tekijä: Hezejie
10A02 by Hezejie...
上海SHANGXIA(淮海店) Shanghai SHANGXIA (Huaihai Store)
Tekijä: KimuXY
SHANGXIA上海黄浦旗舰店本店位于上海淮海中路233号,沿街商铺,紧靠爱马仕家。 本店是shangxia第一家最大旗舰店,是一栋三层楼的洋房,由著名建筑设计师隈研设计,历经七年装修完工的的店铺。店内品类齐全:家居、家具、服装,配饰,首饰,更有很多国家非遗手工艺大师级藏品。...
Tekijä: hikke
专用桥墩 by hikke...
东云火车站 DongYun railway station
Tekijä: 魔芋爽
东云火车站 by 无番和 这是一个三线六站台高架火车站,其中含有过路铁路,站台长度为游戏原版长度。有前后两个旅客出入通道,可以轻松搭建火车站附属的南北(或东西)广场。 模型面数为2700左右。 “东云”只是给这个资产起的用于标识名字,没有特地模仿某个现实中的火车站建筑,但总体上还是按照现代中式火车站风格做的,适应了游戏的实际情况。 这是我第一次制作较大型的综合功能建筑,可能在一些细节上会存在一些小问题,敬请多多理解。 火车站实体上方也并没有“东云站”的大字牌,是我自己额外加的。当然,如果你需要定制有关自己城...
东风4D 金温铁路 YZ25G 5车
Tekijä: ZM0263
东风4D 金温铁路 YZ25G 5车 by 醉梦0263 警告:机车面数9700+ 车厢面数 10200+ 请酌情下载 车辆编组 DF4D-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G...
东方红火车站 Dong Fang Hong Train Station
Tekijä: 尹水涯
东方红火车站 Dong Fang Hong Train Station 关键词:火车站 东方红 黑龙江 鸡西 虎林 国内 国庆 中国 铁路 该资产原型为位于中国黑龙江省鸡西市虎林市东方红镇的东方红火车站,是中国铁路哈尔滨局集团有限公司管辖的三等站,始建于1958年。此为2022年7月31日,新建东方红站。 我为其制作了内景,但由于我是第一次制作建筑,在灯光、路径等方面有很多短板,可能效果不太好,敬请谅解! 本版本在游戏中为 火车站(Train Station),使用 find it 搜索时需输入 东方红 或...
Tekijä: PeeKyboo
上一个模型出现了一些奇怪的bug,我重新发布了新的版本。 首先感谢@听风说雨 大佬的教学!!!!!!!!!!!!听雨YYDS!!!!!! 天际线怎么能少了专业的建筑设计院呢!于是他来了!!!中国建筑西南设计研究院。 中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司始建于1950年,是中国同行业中成立时间最早的大型综合甲级建筑设计院之一,隶属世界500强企业中国建筑工程总公司。该院设计完成了近万项工程设计任务,项目遍及我国各省、市、自治区及全球10多个国家和地区,是我国拥有独立涉外经营权并参与众多国外设计任务经营的大型建筑设计...
中国铁路集装箱prop包-1 China Railway Cargo Train
Tekijä: 尹水涯
此prop包共含如下9款中国铁路集装箱 : 序号 资产名称 集装箱名称 1 20ft COSCO white(prop) 20尺中远集团集装箱(白色) 2 20ft CR(prop) 20尺中国铁路集装箱 3 20ft CRCT(prop) 20尺中铁集装箱 4 20ft XYLU red(prop) 20尺象屿租赁集装箱 5 20ft-TC-cement(prop) 20尺罐式集装箱-水泥 6 20ft-TC-NaOH(prop) 20尺罐式集装箱-液碱 7 40ft CDIRS(prop) 40尺成都国...
中国铁路货运车厢prop包-1 China Railway Cargo Train
Tekijä: 尹水涯
此prop包共含如下22款中国铁路货运车厢 : 序号 资产名称 车厢 货物 1 GN70 971001101 GN70型粘油罐车 2 GQ70 971001101 GQ70型轻油罐车 3 P70 971001101 P70型通用棚车 4 SQ6 971001101 SQ6型凹底双层运输汽车专用车 5 C70E 971001101-Empty C70E型通用敞车 空载 6 C70E 971001101-Full C70E型通用敞车 煤炭 7 20ft CRCT(C70E) C70E型通用敞车 20尺中铁集装箱...
中国高铁正线站台线 China Highspeed Bypass Track
Tekijä: 狼少
The V2.0 of China 4 lane station track speed limit:400km/h & 60 km/h Track Gauge:1435mm Can change catenary by network skin in game!!!!!!! 游戏内可以随意更换接触网架!!! 可以充当普通铁路用,不过列车一般只在中间两根车道跑,除非强行车道连接弄到两侧 Thank you for rating this road/leaving your comments and impr...
中国高铁车站轨道 China Highspeed Station Track
Tekijä: 狼少
The V2.0 of China Highspeed station track speed limit:150km/h Track Gauge:1435mm 高铁主线: Thank you for rating this road/leaving your comments and impressions ❤ 请点个赞~~谢谢❤ 使用方法: (1)对于玩家 使用touch t...
中式公安局, Chinese police station
Tekijä: RAY
中式公安局, Chinese police station 中国天际线资产总部(China 中式公安局, Chinese police station 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 『han823zhi』 独资订制,LANXUEJS制作。 目前中国北京项目-北京CBD建筑合集资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 有兴趣的小伙伴...
中式公安消防局, Chinese fire station
Tekijä: RAY
中式公安消防局, Chinese fire station 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 『han823zhi』 独资订制,LANXUEJS制作。 目前中国北京项目-北京CBD建筑合集资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙...
Tekijä: RilkeXS
中式厂房1,Chinese Workshop 1 工业厂房,指直接用于生产或为生产配套的各种房屋,包括主要车间、辅助用房及附属设施用房。订阅精美的资产,打造属于自己的工业园区吧! Industrial plants refer to buildings directly used for production or supporting production, including main workshops, auxiliary buildings and ancillary facilities. Su...
Tekijä: RilkeXS
中式厂房2,Chinese Workshop 2 工业厂房,指直接用于生产或为生产配套的各种房屋,包括主要车间、辅助用房及附属设施用房。订阅精美的资产,打造属于自己的工业园区吧! Industrial plants refer to buildings directly used for production or supporting production, including main workshops, auxiliary buildings and ancillary facilities. Su...
Tekijä: Mr. Dragons
中式小区文化雕塑-1党旗 格子:1×1(Width×Length) 夜晚效果:镰刀发光 资产位置:地形调整-岩石 中式小区文化雕塑、宣传、户外、广告牌,学习强国,我和党旗合个影。 配套资产 文化雕塑-1党旗 文化雕塑-1国徽 文化雕塑-1国旗 文化雕塑-1国歌 文化雕塑-2学习强国 文化雕塑-3宣传栏 文化雕塑-4学习强国 文化雕塑-5学习强国 文化雕塑-6学习强国...
Tekijä: Mr. Dragons
中式小区文化雕塑-1国徽 格子:1×1(Width×Length) 夜晚效果:国徽发光 资产位置:地形调整-岩石 中式小区文化雕塑、宣传、户外、广告牌,学习强国,我和国徽合个影。 配套资产 文化雕塑-1党旗 文化雕塑-1国徽 文化雕塑-1国旗 文化雕塑-1国歌 文化雕塑-2学习强国 文化雕塑-3宣传栏 文化雕塑-4学习强国 文化雕塑-5学习强国 文化雕塑-6学习强国...
Tekijä: Mr. Dragons
中式小区文化雕塑-2学习强国 格子:2×1(Width×Length) 夜晚效果:字体发光 资产位置:地形调整-岩石 中式小区文化雕塑、宣传、户外、广告牌,学习强国。 配套资产 文化雕塑-1党旗 文化雕塑-1国徽 文化雕塑-1国旗 文化雕塑-1国歌 文化雕塑-2学习强国 文化雕塑-3宣传栏 文化雕塑-4学习强国 文化雕塑-5学习强国 文化雕塑-6学习强国...
Tekijä: Mr. Dragons
中式小区文化雕塑-1国旗 格子:1×1(Width×Length) 夜晚效果:五角星发光 资产位置:地形调整-岩石 中式小区文化雕塑、宣传、户外、广告牌,学习强国,我和国旗合个影。 配套资产 文化雕塑-1党旗 文化雕塑-1国徽 文化雕塑-1国旗 文化雕塑-1国歌 文化雕塑-2学习强国 文化雕塑-3宣传栏 文化雕塑-4学习强国 文化雕塑-5学习强国 文化雕塑-6学习强国...
Tekijä: Mr. Dragons
中式小区文化雕塑-1国歌 格子:1×1(Width×Length) 夜晚效果:歌词发光 资产位置:地形调整-岩石 中式小区文化雕塑、宣传、户外、广告牌,学习强国,我和国歌合个影。 配套资产 文化雕塑-1党旗 文化雕塑-1国徽 文化雕塑-1国旗 文化雕塑-1国歌 文化雕塑-2学习强国 文化雕塑-3宣传栏 文化雕塑-4学习强国 文化雕塑-5学习强国 文化雕塑-6学习强国...
Tekijä: Mr. Dragons
中式小区文化雕塑-3学习爱国宣传栏 格子:2×1(Width×Length) 夜晚效果:五角星/海报发光 资产位置:地形调整-岩石 中式小区文化雕塑、宣传、户外、广告牌,学习强国 配套资产 文化雕塑-1党旗 文化雕塑-1国徽 文化雕塑-1国旗 文化雕塑-1国歌 文化雕塑-2学习强国 文化雕塑-3宣传栏 文化雕塑-4学习强国 文化雕塑-5学习强国 文化雕塑-6学习强国...
Tekijä: Mr. Dragons
中式小区文化雕塑-4学习强国 格子:1×1(Width×Length) 夜晚效果:字体发光 资产位置:地形调整-岩石 中式小区文化雕塑、宣传、户外、广告牌,学习强国。 配套资产 文化雕塑-1党旗 文化雕塑-1国徽 文化雕塑-1国旗 文化雕塑-1国歌 文化雕塑-2学习强国 文化雕塑-3宣传栏 文化雕塑-4学习强国 文化雕塑-5学习强国 文化雕塑-6学习强国...
Tekijä: Mr. Dragons
中式小区文化雕塑-5学习强国 格子:2×1(Width×Length) 夜晚效果:字体发光 资产位置:地形调整-岩石 中式小区文化雕塑、宣传、户外、广告牌,学习强国。 配套资产 文化雕塑-1党旗 文化雕塑-1国徽 文化雕塑-1国旗 文化雕塑-1国歌 文化雕塑-2学习强国 文化雕塑-3宣传栏 文化雕塑-4学习强国 文化雕塑-5学习强国 文化雕塑-6学习强国...
Tekijä: often
本套资产包括8个建筑,资产名字:zb3_4,zb3_5,zb3_6,zb4_4,zb4_5,zb5_4,zb5_5,zb5_6。 This assets includes 8 buildings, asset Name: zb3_4,zb3_5,zb3_6,zb4_4,zb4_5,zb5_4,zb5_5,zb5_6. 标签:中式,自建楼,自建房,商业,住宅,广西 Tags:Chinese,self-built building,self-built houses,Commercial,Residential...
Tekijä: often
本套资产包括10个建筑,资产名字:zb1,zb2,zb3_4_c,zb3_5_c,zb3_6_c,zb4_4_c,zb4_5_c,zb5_4_c,zb5_5_c,zb5_6_c。 This assets includes 10 buildings, asset Name: zb1,zb2,zb3_4_c,zb3_5_c,zb3_6_c,zb4_4_c,zb4_5_c,zb5_4_c,zb5_5_c,zb5_6_c. 标签:中式,自建楼,自建房,商业,住宅,广西 Tags:Chinese,self-built...
Tekijä: often
本套资产包括4个建筑,资产名字: zb21,zb22,zb23,zb24。 This assets includes 4 buildings, asset Name: zb21,zb22.zb23.zb24. 标签:中式,自建楼,自建房,商业,住宅,广西 Tags:Chinese,self-built building,self-built houses,Commercial,Residential,Guangxi,growable
Tekijä: 蓝血JS
中式警卫工作站 Guard workstation 可在警察建筑界面找到他,警察局属性。 占地面积:1*1 工作站内部含有小景,有工作椅子和桌子,可通过自己需求进行装饰。 The guard workstation can find him in the police building interface, which is the attribute of the police station. Floor area: 1 * 1 There is a small view inside the work...
中车智轨列车 CRRC Autonomous rail Rapid Transit
Tekijä: Go!Vnian
中车智轨列车 类型:公交车 编组:3 载员:150人 速度:70km/h ★ 推荐采用 Improved Public Transport 2 指定线路所用车型 ★ 推荐采用BRT运行模式 CRRC Autonomous rail Rapid Transit(ART) Type:Bus Formation:3 Capacity:150 Speed:70km/h ★ It works better with Improved Public Transport 2...
五菱宏光 MINIEV Macaron(prop) SGMW wuling
Tekijä: 尹水涯
五菱宏光 MINIEV Macaron(prop) SGMW wuling 原型为五菱宏光 MINIEV Macaron,此为prop版本 你可以在此找到 车辆版本 此版本还原了马卡龙色,因而当你订阅后,游戏中将出现四种颜色,分别是柠檬黄、牛油果绿、白桃粉和白色,具体如预览图所示,当你只放置一个时将会随机出现上面四种颜色,解决方式是多放置几个,然后删除你不需要的颜色 由于我讨厌...
五菱宏光 MINIEV Macaron SGMW wuling
Tekijä: 尹水涯
五菱宏光 MINIEV Macaron SGMW wuling 原型为五菱宏光 MINIEV Macaron 你可以在此找到prop版本 此版本还原了马卡龙色,因而当你订阅后,游戏中将出现四种颜色,分别是柠檬黄、牛油果绿、白桃粉和白色,具体如预览图所示 由于我讨厌上面白色边框,显得很突兀,所以将其一起做成了黑色,希望轻喷(* ̄︶ ̄) ps.1.预览图为blender截图,非渲染...
Tekijä: SH4MO-ji
数年前まで京葉線で活躍していた車両です。 メルヘン顔とよばれてます 10両編成1067mm対応です。 人気あるんですかね 僕は可愛くて好きですけどね ちなみに乗ったことないです 倉庫地帯に走らせるとそれっぽくなるよ 205_m_smj by SH4MO-ji...
仿中山公园站 zhong shan park station
Tekijä: hikke
感谢 午夜の夕阳X 帮忙测试~ 车站介绍: 中山公园站位于上海长宁区中山公园附近,是上海轨道交通2号线、3号线和4号线(3、4号线共线)的换乘站。其中2号线车站是地下岛式车站,3、4号线车站是高架车站。3号线以前叫长宁路(Changning Rd) 作品介绍: 这次的作品是模仿上海地铁中山公园站,首次采用实景贴图~~ 主要为外观墙面模仿,车站为跨路式样 站台以上包括顶棚为另外设计的 位置在 火车菜单里 模型信息: 三角形计数:976 贴图:1024X1024 欢迎批评和讨论~ 如果喜欢本作品 请支持我 点赞...
佛山保利广场 Foshan Poly Plaza
Tekijä: Zmax
佛山东平保利广场——保利商业在佛山的第二个大型购物中心。 佛山东平保利广场总面积逾8万㎡,地下一层,地上五层,特色中庭跨四层飞天梯设计,倾力打造时尚逛街圣地,在“年轻、时尚、潮流、品位”的品牌定位基础上,融合了众多创新休闲元素,打造佛山新城“时尚奇趣生活中心”。 Foshan Dongping Poly Plaza – Poly Commercial's second large shopping mall in Foshan. Foshan Dongping Poly Plaza has a total ...
Tekijä: Zmax
灯湖西街位于佛山,以“城+水+街”为主题,是景观资源丰富的商业街区,有佛山“酒吧街”之称,是千灯湖夜市的汇聚地,在灯湖西街上,有各类摊档和集市,非常热闹。 Denghu West Street is located in Foshan, with the theme of "City + Water + Street", it is a commercial block with rich landscape resources, known as Foshan's "Bar Street", and is...
Tekijä: kaikai0706
全新CRH380A统型 8编组珍藏版 v2.10
Tekijä: 言绥
和谐号CRH380A型电力动车组 *订阅前置mod: VehicleEffects和CNSoundPack,方可体验以下内容: 1.高铁的运行声音 2.车尾的红灯 - 订阅CNSoundPack让列车能够在高速行驶时发出轰鸣。 - 订阅VehicleEffects让列车在行驶时车尾拥有亮起红灯的特效。 *默认铁路达不到最高时速,推荐使用中式模块化铁路轨道资产合集。 更新日志 v3.00 4-8-2021 增加了修改车厢连接处模型,长度增加了。 v2.10 12-2-2020 修复报错。 v2.9 11-29...
公路铁路棚洞结构--Rock shed
Tekijä: hikke
适合单侧靠山道路使用 ,也可以自己造景~~ 好用请点赞~ A simple shed tunnel and should be used near mountain. It can also be used to beauty/landscap what your city looks like. Please Vote if you feel good...
北京国家开发银行, Beijing China Development Bank
Tekijä: RAY 都市天际线交流群祝大家新年快乐! Happy Chinese New Year China Development Bank is made by LANXUEJS 国家开发银行,亦简称国开行,是中华人民共和国的一家开发性金融机构。 1994年3月17日,中华人民共和国财政部和中央汇金投资有限责任公司共同发起设立国家开发银行,作为国有独资政策性银行。国家开发银行是中国最大的债券银行...
Tekijä: 910095247
南京南栏杆 by 910095247...
北京中央电视塔 Beijing Tower
Tekijä: CM.
该资产中包含之前还原武汉计划视频中的武汉龟山电视塔。 The asset includes the Guishan TV Tower in Wuhan, which was previously restored in the video of Wuhan plan. 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到(两个资产) You can find it in level 6 special buildings (two assets) 因为工作等原因,现在做资产的时间并不多,这次的资产也只是自己抽空做的,在细节等方面...
Tekijä: 910095247
公交站牌 by 910095247...
医院急救中心 - Emergency Center Hospital
Tekijä: fangtangdeyu
资产名称:医院急救中心 资产位置:医疗保健 简介:一栋独特的21层中型医院建筑,底部带有医疗中心,尽情去治疗你们的刁民吧,希望你会喜欢这栋建筑,欢迎点赞支持。 Asset Name: Emergency Center Hospital (医院急救中心) Asset Location: Healthcare Introduction: A unique 21 story medium-sized hospital building with a medical center at the bottom. Fe...
Tekijä: machyue
南京火车站(简化版) 3站台4线 此版本是双向站台线 南京火车站(简化版)-单向站台线
Tekijä: Mabson
南京新庄立交 by Mabson...
Tekijä: Mabson
南京赛虹桥立交 by Mabson...
南京长江大桥,Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge
Tekijä: 常山`白云
南京长江大桥 by 常山`白云 人不犯我,我不犯人;人若犯我,我必犯人--毛泽东 If people do not offend me, I will not offend; If a person offends me, I will offend him - Mao Zedong 南京长江大桥位于江苏省南京市鼓楼区下关和浦口区桥北之间,是长江上第一座由中国自行设计和建造的双层式铁路、公路两用桥梁,在中国桥梁史和世界桥梁史上具有重要意义,是中国经济建设的重要成就、中国桥梁建设的重要里程碑,具有极大的经济意...
Tekijä: 魔芋爽
反诈骗标语宣传横幅 by 无番和 中国反诈骗宣传标语横幅,长约2格,共有五个: 1 严厉打击电信诈骗 保障公民财产安全 2 铸就防骗长城 擦亮识骗慧眼 3 任凭骗术千百变 捂紧钱袋应万变 4 下载国家反诈中心APP 及时远离网络电信诈骗 5 该小区王先生在非法网站裸聊被骗3000元! 三角数量约36,订阅后你可以用Find it在“道具”中找到它们。 ———————— Chinese anti-fraud propaganda slogan The number of triangular faces is...
Tekijä: 红米先生
吾悦华府高端住宅楼 by 红米...
四川省图书馆 Sichuan Provincial Library
Tekijä: 尹水涯
四川省图书馆 Sichuan Provincial Library 关键词:中国 四川 成都 天府广场 图书馆 四川省图书馆 四川 建筑 现代建筑 当代建筑 该资产原型位于四川省成都市青羊区天府广场。 四川省图书馆外观设计以四川地区富于特色的汉代石阙为形体塑造的原型,取样于四川汉代石阙、木作斗拱等传统建筑语汇,展现出川蜀文明的源远流长,通过端庄典雅的方正体量,通过严谨对称、端庄雅致的体量,体现恢宏大气的天府之国形像。 设计单位:中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司 项目设计&完成年份:2010 & 2012 建筑...
Tekijä: 红米先生
由于我第一次做道路,经验少,希望各位将用,后面将进一步完善 Since I have little experience in making roads fojavascript:ValidateForm()r the first time, I hope you will use them and further improve them later...
Tekijä: hikke
注意 只适合双向四车道...
Tekijä: 左耳日hachi
城市内轻轨站(电车轨道)tram station
Tekijä: hikke
这个是电车轨道版本,模型基本没有变化, 增加了一些小装饰,自动售票机~ 需要下雪DLC支持~ 喜欢的请点赞,谢谢~~ 火车轨道版本在这里: 哪位英语大神有空的话帮忙翻译~~不胜感激~~ @霸王自摸西 @Claude_Speed ~~` 感谢 霸王自摸西 翻译~~ -------------------------------------------------------------...
Tekijä: 红米先生
妇幼保健院 by 红米...
Tekijä: 752811818
南京青奥双子塔(南京国际青年文化中心) by 752811818 Nanjing International Youth Cultural Centre 314米/290米 314m/290m 必须订阅additive shader,否则无法显示霓虹灯效果 Additive shader is needed....
Tekijä: 红米先生
小区中央公园铺砖 by 红米 共计6个资产,同属公园类资产,可以在公园类属性找到,可以任意角度摆放,也可以PO, 6个资产您可以参考现实小区平面效果图,拼接方式摆放 分辨率:2k LOD:6个资产分别占比不到500左右。 There are 6 assets in total, which belong to park assets. They can be found in park attributes, and can be placed at any angle or po, 6 assets, y...
山手線のホームドア platform screen doors yamanote line
Tekijä: yamadori
山手線のホームドアです。 若干鉄道の長さとあってない気がしますがPOとかで頑張って調節してください...
广州国际金融中心/International Finance Center GuangZhou
Tekijä: UNFU 广州IFC国金中心,即大家熟知的西塔。为了体现此楼“通透水晶”的特性,使用了真实玻璃并制作了内部结构以达到更好的视觉效果喔!注册为RICO办公。 广州国际金融中心位于中国广东省广州市天河区珠江新城西南部,毗邻花城大道和珠江西路,是珠江新城七大地标建筑之一。它由套间式办公楼、裙楼和主塔楼三部分组成,建筑总面积约44.8万平方米,是集办公、酒店、休闲娱乐为一体的综合性商务中心。 广州国际金融中心有437.51米高,103层,在建成当年成为仅次于上海...
广州地铁三号线 Guangzhou Metro Line 3 Train
Tekijä: EricH
Guangzhou Metro Line 3 Train ...
Tekijä: 蓝血JS
广州高德置地广场 GZ GTLAND PLAZA WINTER PLAZA LANXUEJS制作 Produced by LANXUEJS 注:本资产为高德置地冬广场的A座主塔,不包含其他。 Note: This asset is the main tower of Tower A of Gtland plaza Winter Plaza, excluding others. 广州高德置地广场简介: 高德置地广场项目位于广州CBD核心地段—中央广场绿核公园两侧,这里是广州标志性的城市核心,优越的地理位置无可...
庆铃五十铃 ISUZU ELF KV600 快狗打车上装
庆铃五十铃KV600载货车是重庆庆铃汽车生产的中国版Elf轻卡。 Qingling KV600 is the Chinese version of the classic Isuzu light truck Elf made in Chongqing, China. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 3980/112 Textures: 1024*1024/128*128...
Tekijä: 辉煌时刻
庆铃五十铃 ISUZU ELF KV600 蚂蚁搬家上装
庆铃五十铃KV600载货车是重庆庆铃汽车生产的中国版Elf轻卡。 Qingling KV600 is the Chinese version of the classic Isuzu light truck Elf made in Chongqing, China. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 3980/112 Textures: 1024*1024/128*128...
Tekijä: kaikai0706
成都如意桥 Chengdu Ruyi Bridge
Tekijä: 尹水涯
关键词:人行天桥 天桥 四川 成都 如意桥 排箫 该资产原型位于 四川省成都市高新区天府二街临近剑南大道路口,华润凤凰城南侧。 天桥跨越天府二街,主桥正对大源中央公园绿道。主桥2跨跨过天府二街,人行道边设置1:4~1:12的螺旋梯道,方便行人过街,为连接街道两侧绿道,主桥两端设置1:12的推行坡道,桥梁连接了南侧大源公园与北侧城市空间及绿地,人行步道及自行车绿道得以连接和延续。2016年5月此桥从属于“成都高新区重大景观提升工程”被多家媒体报道,正式命名为“如意桥”。 建筑师: 成都中筑华恺建筑设计 面积:...
新上海中心大厦 shanghai tower 1:1
Tekijä: CM.
上海中心大厦 shanghai tower 1:1 by CM. 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in level 6 special buildings. 注:该建筑会有报错 The building will report an error 现实中上海中心大厦隐约能够看到其内部的构造,我为了能够还原它想了不少办法,包括了最常用的真实玻璃,但是真实玻璃一离远就会消失,仍旧难让人满意,后来自己想到了一种玻璃幕墙的制作方式,虽然复杂了一点,但是最起码达到了效果,只是建筑的优化...
无锡东站(Wuxidong Railway Station),位于中国江苏省无锡市,是隶属于中国铁路上海局集团有限公司的铁路车站,是京沪高速铁路上的中间站。 2010年10月20日,无锡东站开工建设; 2011年6月30日,无锡东站正式启用。 截至2011年6月,无锡东站总建筑面积为12.58万平方米; 截至2019年4月站台规模为2台6线...
Tekijä: amamIya
新上海国际大厦 New Shanghai International Tower by amamIya...
Tekijä: JenkinsLiu
智己L7 by JenkinsLiu Model Information Tris: 2432/150 Textures: 2048*2048/256*256...
杭州中天国开, Hangzhou Zhongtian Guokai
Tekijä: RAY 杭州将于2023年9月举办亚运会,因此杭州游戏资产将会有一系列的计划! 2023年亚运会,正式名称为第19届亚运会,也称为杭州2023年,将在中国浙江省杭州市举行的综合性体育赛事。杭州将成为继1990年北京和2010年广州之后第三个举办亚运会的中国城市。 Hangzhou will host the Asian Games in September 2023, so there will be a series of plans for Han...
杭州凱悅酒店 Hangzhou Grand Hyatt
Tekijä: RAY
杭州凱悅酒店 Hangzhou Grand Hyatt 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 杭州高端小区有兴趣的话可以加入贊助并提早使用哦!! 四座楼一个大门接待厅两个道具 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资...
杭州银泰x杭州百货大楼, Yintai x Hangzhou Department Store
Tekijä: RAY 杭州百货大楼位于杭州市延安路546号,坐落于繁华的武林广场商业区东南侧,1989年11月1日开业,属百大集团股份有限公司所有。总营业面积24000平方米,经营品种79000种,是集购物、风味小吃、游艺于一体的综合性大型商场。定位以中档商品为主,向高档商品发展,兼营低档商品。目前杭百已形成了“国内名优品牌为主体,国际品牌、地方特色品牌为补充”的经营格局,是中国零售百强企业。 Hangzhou Department Store is located...
杭州钱江时代广场, Hangzhou Times Square
Tekijä: RAY 杭州将于2023年9月举办亚运会,因此杭州游戏资产将会有一系列的计划! 2023年亚运会,正式名称为第19届亚运会,也称为杭州2023年,将在中国浙江省杭州市举行的综合性体育赛事。杭州将成为继1990年北京和2010年广州之后第三个举办亚运会的中国城市。 Hangzhou will host the Asian Games in September 2023, so there will be a series of plans for Han...
杭州市民中心, Hangzhou Civic Center
Tekijä: RAY 杭州将于2023年9月举办亚运会,因此杭州游戏资产将会有一系列的计划! 2023年亚运会,正式名称为第19届亚运会,也称为杭州2023年,将在中国浙江省杭州市举行的综合性体育赛事。杭州将成为继1990年北京和2010年广州之后第三个举办亚运会的中国城市。 Hangzhou will host the Asian Games in September 2023, so there will be a series of plans for Han...
杭州龙湖江与城, Hangzhou Longfor Jiangyucheng
Tekijä: RAY 杭州将于2023年9月举办亚运会,因此杭州游戏资产将会有一系列的计划! 2023年亚运会,正式名称为第19届亚运会,也称为杭州2023年,将在中国浙江省杭州市举行的综合性体育赛事。杭州将成为继1990年北京和2010年广州之后第三个举办亚运会的中国城市。 Hangzhou will host the Asian Games in September 2023, so there will be a series of plans for Han...
杭州UDC时代大厦 Hangzhou UDC times building
Tekijä: 蓝血JS
杭州UDC时代大厦 Hangzhou UDC times building UDC时代大厦A栋 by LANXUEJS 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 杭州高端小区有兴趣的话可以加入贊助并提早使用哦!! 四座楼一个大门接待厅两个道具 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天...
极氪 ZEEKR 001 警车 Police
Tekijä: 尹水涯
ZEEKR 极氪 001 警车 Police 关键词:ZEEKR 极氪 001 警车 Police China 中国 警察 国产 新能源 电动汽车 电动车 纯电动 轿车 汽车 资产原型为 ZEEKR 极氪 001 新能源汽车。 订阅后你的游戏中将会出现 警车+prop 四个版本 ① prop使用 find it 搜 极氪 或 001 即可调用,有四种颜色 ② 乘用车订阅后可替代游戏中原本警车 》》》资产数据统计《《《 顶点:18729 面:34596 三角形:18871 贴图尺寸:2048*2048 上方合...
桂平高铁站Guiping railway Station
Tekijä: 忆起时
桂平高铁站 by 随风一御 桂平站,站址在广西壮族自治区下辖县级市桂平市西山镇长安工业集中区附近的西长村,是南广高铁广西段的一个站点,隶属中国铁路南宁局集团有限公司玉林车务段管辖的铁路车站。 该车站是一个小型高铁站,三个站台,做了些内饰。由于用了2048x2048贴图,导致文件变大了,小伙伴们看着订阅吧。 另外,我没咋做夜景,大家可自行添加灯装饰。 this station is a small high-speed rail station with three platforms and some in...
极氪001牌子 by CASILLAS...
Tekijä: 红米先生
共计两辆车:分辨率2K LOD:分别占用2200 车载属性。...
汕头,广东,中国(Shantou, Guangdong, China)
声明:本地图非原创(NOT ORIGINAL),修改自amamlya早期发布的汕头地图(Shantou City): 地图介绍 汕头市是广东省地级市,经济特区,是东南沿海重要港口城市、海上丝绸之路重要门户、粤东中心城市,广东省域经济强市和副中心城市。汕头港于1860年开埠,素有岭东门户、华南要冲、海滨邹鲁、美食之乡的美称。 本地图1:1还原汕...
江铃 JX5048 mod2 标准涂装 商业
Tekijä: ZM0263
江铃 JX5048 mod2 标准涂装 商业 by 醉梦0263 Type:commerce; trade; business;...
法面 (Wall01)
Tekijä: TOKACHI269
埋まった状態で設置されるのでmove itでちょうどいい高さに上げてお使いください。 Wall01 by TOKACHI269...
Tekijä: 513751247
中式治安岗亭 by 513751247...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-中国邮政
Tekijä: ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-中国邮政 by 醉梦0263...
Tekijä: KEL
深圳北铁路枢纽 by KEL 广深港高铁深圳北站 20线11站台,两个高架地铁站(高度为20m)与一个地下地铁站(高度为-18m) 西广场位于地面,站台为下沉式,轨道高度为-9m,东广场高度同样为-9m 注意:建造前请平整地形,并设置Station Depth为18,Station Angle为0 Shenzhen North Transport Hub by KEL Shenzhen North Railway Station is a key station on the Guangzhou-Shenz...
渋谷駅 新南口 Shibuya station new south entrance(Shibuya station series)
Tekijä: やばい
渋谷駅 新南口 Shibuya station new south entrance by やばい お久しぶりです! 遅くなってすみません。今度のアセットは渋谷駅新南口です、お楽しみください。 次のアセットは渋谷東急です。 ご注意ください: すべてのプラットフォームを使われるために,Advanced Stop Selection (ex MTSE)を使ってください。 This is shibuya station new south entrance.Just in case, I don't have a...
浦东一号航站楼 PVG Terminal 1
Tekijä: amamIya
浦东一号航站楼 PVG T1 by amamIya Airport...
港铁迪士尼列车 (4编)
Tekijä: CR
港铁迪士尼列车 (4编) by CRT...
Tekijä: 蓝血JS
澜海·凌澜超塔 LANHAI SUPER TOWER (原创设计项目) 凌澜工作室出品 LANXUEJS制作 (注:工坊本资产为澜海·凌澜超塔项目旗下的福利项目,不包含其他付费内容) 简介:澜海·凌澜超塔是凌澜工作室的建模师蓝血的原创设计项目,超塔主体高为498米,包含大型底商。为天际线虚拟城市澜海市的最高地标建筑,也是凌澜工作室原创资产系列的第二个项目(第一个为澜海世奥中心) 项目包含内容: 付费内容 1:澜海·凌澜超塔 498M 2:澜海·凌澜超塔艺术中心 3:澜海·凌澜超塔凌澜MALL 4:澜海·凌澜...
Tekijä: 蓝血JS
澜海世奥中心LANHAI WORLD OLYMPIC CENTER 原创设计项目 由星辰不会画画 设计并完善,蓝血JS制作。 世奥中心主体包含内容:重溟楼TOWER A,翠微楼TOWER B,望舒楼TOWER C,灵泽楼TOWER D 其余包括: 1:世奥中心标志雕塑 2:世奥中心景观墙(双版本) 3:世奥中心保安亭 其中世奥中心综合控制中心TOWER D,是世奥中心其中一座建筑。
瀬谷駅 (seya station)
Tekijä: TOKACHI269
相鉄線-瀬谷駅 2面4線です。周辺を平らにしてから置かないと高確率で車両が暴れます。 update: 3/19 fixed LOD. 10/1 added illumination. triss : 5217 texture size : 2048x2048 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 182 texture size : 128x128 (defuse) seya station by TOKACHI269...
火星极简住宅-A Mars minimalist house-A
Tekijä: LyonXIII
火星极简住宅-A(Mars minimalist house-A) 一个火星的极简住宅,极简主义的胜利! A minimalist house on Mars, the victory of minimalism! 三角面数(Tris):602 大小(Size):4×3(20m×18m) 高(Height):27.6m Enjoy!...
热带群岛(Tropical islands) by 小乎乎
Tekijä: 小乎乎
4月份的新地图来啦! 本地图参考中国台湾省西部的澎湖列岛,地图为群岛,有一个主岛以及几个小岛,可建设面积不大,风景优美。 全图覆盖高速路网,共有一个高速出入口与一条火车路线,有需要可以自行增加,拥有完善的船舶路线,各个海域均可建设港口,适合建设船舶交通。 全图有丰富的资源可建设工业DLC内容,也可发挥自己的想法进行建设。 图中可建设港口,渔村,沙滩,森林公园等景点。 地图中若有不足之处请联系我进行优化。 如果你喜欢这幅图,请给我点个赞👍。 如果你在4/29之前订阅了该地图,遇到没有火车的问题,是因为地图入口...
特斯拉Tesla model-s
特斯拉Tesla model-s by 澄 造景交流qq群 天际线深度造景研讨 群号:685293770 ...
Tekijä: 小乎乎
环岛式上下桥口 by 小乎乎...
石家庄旧车站(现解放纪念馆), Shijiazhuang Railway Museum
Tekijä: RAY
石家庄旧车站(现解放纪念馆), Shijiazhuang Railway Museum 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 目前中国石家庄项目-民族路商业步行街12个建筑资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 如果对石家庄其他资产有兴趣的可以入群赞助! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制...
Tekijä: 红米先生
石家庄未来时间商务大厦 by 红米...
特斯拉Tesla Model-X
Tesla Model-X by...
石家庄中商大厦 Shijiazhuang Zhongshang Building
Tekijä: RAY
石家庄中商大厦 Shijiazhuang Zhongshang Building 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 目前中国石家庄项目-民族路商业步行街12个建筑资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 如果对石家庄其他资产有兴趣的可以入群赞助! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资...
社会主义广告牌/宣传画 Socialism/Communism Billboard
中国社会主义广告牌/宣传画 Communism Billboard by 聽過戰艦少女R的北安麼 Socialism Socialist Communism Communist China Chinese 关键词/關鍵詞/keyword: internationle internationalbrigades marxengelsleninstalinmao womenholduphalfthesky nopasaran hansbeimler classstruggle workers 51 f u c ...
站前广场Station Square
Tekijä: 红米先生
想要做资产的可以联系我,定制资产有偿制作,加Q281775129 共计两个资产,属性同属公园类目,占地大小在16X10格,高度0.02米左右, 分辨率2K, LOD:只用了1000左右,因为就是一个平面铺砖形式,一张完整的铺砖地砖贴图而已,自己可以在上面添加任何物件,其中有一个广场铺砖带有两个地下坑,可供玩家自己摆放电梯商铺等物件,另外整个资产大小可以通过魔物模组任意改变大小。 There are two assets in total, belonging to the same category of ...
Tekijä: kaikai0706
西安中铁中心, Xi'an China Railway Center
Tekijä: RAY
西安中铁中心 中文名:中铁西安中心 其他名:Xi'an Center 国家:中国 城市:西安 开发商:中铁置业集团 竣工年份:2016 状态:建成 Name: China Railway Xi'an Center Chinese names: 中铁西安中心 Country: China City: Xi'an Developer: China Railway Real Estate Group Completion Year: 2016 Status: built
Tekijä: 910095247
苏州站公交亭 by 910095247...
Tekijä: 辉煌时刻
路窝站 by 辉煌时刻...
Tekijä: 小乎乎
该立交由原版游戏自带的单车道与三车道高速公路,六车道绿化带公路,四车道普通公路制作而成,立交大小为40U,设有专用左转车道,十字路口由红绿灯控制直行及右转。 再次感谢玩家 故宫的大G 的大力支持! 无需dlc,无需道路资产,如果订阅了TMPE会更好,因为我已经将车道限制画好。 点赞满25出新立交!!! It is made up of the game's own single-lane and three-lane highways and Six - lane green belt road and f...
郑州奥体中心(体育场)1:1 Zhengzhou Olympic Stadium
Tekijä: Mr. Dragons
河南郑州奥体中心(体育场)1:1 【模型较大】 Zhengzhou Olympic Stadium 郑州奥林匹克体育中心为2019年在郑州市举行的中华人民共和国第十一届少数民族传统体育运动会的主办场地。设体育场1座,可容纳6万名观众,规模为河南省最大;甲级体育馆1座,总坐席数1.6万个;甲级游泳馆1座,设固定坐席3000个 。郑州地铁14号线及郑州地铁6号线也将在民运会开幕前通车,直达奥体中心,方便观众前往赛场 。 格子 38×33 (Width×Length) 用电量:180(Electricity Co...
郑州机场高速中州大道立交 Zhengzhou Interchange
Tekijä: Mr. Dragons
郑州机场高速中州大道立交,与陇海路中州大道立交组合使用. Please give me a like with a "thumbs up" if you enjoy. 如果你喜欢,请给我一个“竖起大拇指”的赞。...
郑州正弘城Zhengzhou Zhenghong City
Tekijä: 忆起时
郑州正弘城Zhengzhou Zhenghong City by 忆起时 正弘城位于花园路东风路交会处,与地铁二号线、八号线无缝接驳,项目定位“潮流、人文、艺术、生活”,通过多元化的业态配比、体贴入微的特色服务、科技前卫的有趣互动等打造国际化生活方式中心。 春节快乐,阖家团圆。 Zhenghong City is located at the intersection of Garden Road Dongfeng Road, which is seamlessly connected with subwa...
郑州东站(站房建筑) Zhengzhou East Railway Station(Building)
Tekijä: 大鼎
郑州东站(站房建筑) Zhengzhou East Railway Station(Building) 测试资产,仅为建筑模型,无站台及停靠设站功能 Test assets, only for building model, without platform and transport function 贴图精度不高,后续有时间会更新,无夜晚发光贴图 The texture mapping is not very clear, it will be updated in the future, and th...
郑州火车站主楼(车站)Zhengzhou Railway Station
Tekijä: Mr. Dragons
郑州火车站主楼 14*7 郑州站(Zhengzhou Railway Station),地处于中国河南省郑州市境内,是郑州铁路枢纽的重要组成部分,也是集高速、城际铁路动车组列车、普速列车等客运业务于一体的综合交通枢纽 。 包含主楼、一条铁道,不包含后方行车棚 郑州资产 郑州中原福塔(大)、 郑州中原福塔(小)、 郑州大玉米、 郑州二七塔、 郑州火车站(独特建筑)、 郑州火车站(车站)、 郑州摩天轮、 郑州小裤衩、 郑州丹尼斯、 郑州绿地之窗:(云峰座A座主楼、云峰座A座底商、云峰座、连廊、连廊、景峰座主楼、...
郑州航空港(8站台版本) by 北京市第三区交通委...
郑州电子商务大厦 Zhengzhou zhengdong CBD
Tekijä: Mr. Dragons
郑州电子商务大厦(郑州“小裤衩”) Zhengzhou zhengdong CBD 郑东新区电子商务大厦(原项目名:郑州国家干线公路物流港综合服务楼)位于东四环与商都交叉口,总投资5亿人民币,建筑面积87629平方米,主体由A塔和B塔组成,A塔楼地上28层,高118米,B塔楼地上23层,高97.2米,两塔楼一高一低,转角45度连接,宛如一扇被打开的门,被寓为"城市之门",是郑州乃至河南省的标志性建筑。 郑州资产 郑州中原福塔(大)、 郑州中原福塔(小)、 郑州大玉米、 郑州二七塔、 郑州火车站(独特建筑)、...
郑州陇海路中州大道立交 Zhengzhou Interchange
Tekijä: Mr. Dragons
郑州陇海路中州大道立交 包含陇海快速路高架,地面道路中州大道、中州大道辅路、货站街、永平路。 车道使用普通高速道路,陇海高架需要替换成双向道路 Please give me a like with a "thumbs up" if you enjoy. 如果你喜欢,请给我一个“竖起大拇指”的赞。...
Tekijä: RichardShi
重庆解放碑CHONGQING MONUMENT by RichardShi...
重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(4节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (4car)
Tekijä: Kaeru教信者 载具信息 Information: 名称 Name 重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(4节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (4car) 重慶軌道交通3号線モノレール電車(4両編成) 类型 Vehicle Type 跨座式单轨列车 Straddle monorail train 速度 ...
Tekijä: Hezejie
Tekijä: 蓝血JS
卓越世纪中心综合体位于青岛市市北区CBD,本资产为综合体的T1主塔,总高度281米。未来将会发布综合体的剩余部分,敬请期待(本版本为无LOGO版) The excellence Century Center complex is located in the CBD of Shibei District, Qingdao. The asset is the T1 main tower of the complex, with a total height of 281 meters. The rest of...
Tekijä: 言绥
韶山4型电力机车 + 25G型新绿皮硬座车 是的,你没有看错,这不是模拟火车,这是天际线的一个列车资产。 ...
高速匝道十字路口 - 高12m
Tekijä: 煌煌煌煌上
如果觉得还可以,希望帮忙点个赞👍 整体长74U,宽30U。高速公路高12m,间距4U。匝道为单向双车道,平行于高速公路,连接的城市干道为单向6车道。 提示: 模组【 Curb Height Adjuster 】非必须项,可以不订阅 该模组为降低马路路缘人行道(马路牙子)高度及减少桥面厚度的工具。如果有这个模组效果更好,可根据自己的情况及需求选择是否订阅。 If you think it is OK, I hope to help click "like" 👍 The overall length is 74...
(JR E235系) JR East E235 Series
Tekijä: JSF-1
The E235 Series are one of Japan Rail East's newest fleet of trains. Introduced in 2015 these trains are replacing the old E231-500 series. These trains can be frequently found on Tokyo's Yamanote Line brandishing the lines signature Green colour. NEW! E23...
Tekijä: 言绥
高铁无砟轨道,在总体靠右交通规则下,此轨道的列车会靠左行驶,符合大天朝国情。 最高时速设置为:350kph 需要订阅原资产才会生效。原资产为靠右行驶,本资产只是添加一个左行规则。...
167m Long train station (Mass transit support ver)
Tekijä: konfox0527
This train station is +47m more longer train station track use Move it!. (167m station track.) This asset is can use mass transit update ver. Move It!を使用して駅のホームを延長したアセットです。 Mass transitアップデートに対応したバージョンです。 Station track can most long length is 167m. Cant mo...
Tekijä: Feindbold
camin1_250cm by Feindbild...
Tekijä: Feindbold
camin1_100cm by Feindbild...
Tekijä: Feindbold
camin2_150cm by Feindbild...
2-Track Elevated Station With Pedestrian deck
Tekijä: CityOfTokyo
2-Track Elevated Station With Pedestrian deck I added pedestrian deck to 2-Track Elevated Station. The doorway of the station may slip off up and down by the topography to establish. Size : 16 x 5 Gameplay common: Construction Cost: 35000 Maintenance Cost:...
2012 Range Rover Sport
Tekijä: Californianyt
A 4x4 luxury SUV by the british automaker Land Rover Range Rover Sport 2012 Vehicle & Prop The Land Rover Range Rover, generally shortened to Range Rover, is a 4x4 luxury SUV produced by Land Rover, a marque and sub-brand of Jaguar Land Rover. The Range Ro...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺低顶短轴版 JMC Ford Transit Low Roof Short Wheelbase Chinese Patrol Wagon 中国警车
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺低顶短轴版中国警车。 2013 JMC Ford Transit Chinese patrol wagon, low roof short wheelbase version. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 2046 Textures: 1024*512...
2020 Range Rover Evoque / 2020 路虎极光
Tekijä: Jackson Wang
2020 Range Rover Evoque 2020-2021年 路虎-极光 三角面/Tris: 3K 纹理/Textures: 2048x2048 More Vehicles Early Access: BMW X7 M50i Mercedes S W223 Audi E Tron GT BMW M2C 如果喜欢请按个赞,谢谢老铁们了! If you like it please leave a like!Thank u! ...
2022 GAC Trumpchi 广汽传祺 GS8
Tekijä: 烟縓
2022 GAC Trumpchi 广汽传祺 GS8 全新一代GS8,自己很喜欢的一台车 The all new GS8 , a car I like very much 全新第二代GS8基于GPMA广汽全球平台模块化架构L平台打造,是广汽传祺积极响应双碳政策下的首款油电混合车型。定位中型SUV,搭载2.0TM+全新第四代增强版THS Ⅱ 丰田混合动力系统。外观雄浑大气、豪华 The new second-generation GS8 is based on the GAC GPMA L Global Pl...
Tekijä: swiss126
25T双向 by swiss126 资产来源 进行了本土化改造,能在原版火车站停下...
25T型客车(25T series wagon)PROP
Tekijä: Go!Vnian
25T型客车(25T series wagon)PROP...
4 Lane Medium Road with LRT Tracks
Tekijä: clus Hello all together ! Here you can find a (shared) 4 lane road with trams on the outer lanes Part of the LRT - series. You can find the whole collection above. a...
Tekijä: Sylveon着急
请搭配Move it模组使用 此电塔起点位于贵州毕节市大方县后坝村,终点位于广东广州从化区从西换流站,途径我家乡桂林,大概每一两个月都会派一架直升飞机检查线路,此电塔开建位于2010年,于2013年正式运营,此电塔为单塔双回路。 资产有什么问题的话请在下方留言...
6D-R 32m
Tekijä: amamIya
6D-R 32m by amamIya...
6 Pack - Decals
Tekijä: Gruny
6 pack - Decals Small project done in one day with this decal pack that I initially thought to limit to a personal use to decorate a housing estate but which finally has all its place on the workshop. You will find 6 decals, each in two different sizes: 4 ...
7th Island Enhanced
Tekijä: blackwiddow
7th Island Enhanced is a labour of love and another recreation of one of my favourite maps that I wanted to release for you guys to play on aswell. EyeSketch's original map can be found here:
81 Tiles 2
Tekijä: algernon Overview A rewrite of the old '81 tiles' mod to increase performance and resolve bugs. Enables unlocking (and building on) all map tiles, not just the 25 in the middle. Includes optional Remove Need for Power Lines, Remove N...
ACME 0.6.5
Tekijä: algernon A camera mod, with new features being added. New in 0.6 Customizable shadow calculation parameters - distance and sharpness. Stepped rotation hotkeys at 15-degree increments: Control-X and Control-Y (Shift to reverse directi...
Ability to Read
Tekijä: REV0
Only modders will understand. Feel free to use in your mods as a required item. Provides 10K entertainment bonus. Only visible in Asset Editor....
ACS-64 - Veteran Livery [Prop]
Tekijä: meshd
Amtrak Cities Sprinter Locomotive ACS-64 - Veteran Livery Keyword for Find It: "acs"...
Adidas Shibuya (Tokyo)
Tekijä: Stringer Bell
This is a 3x3 straight (non-corner) L1 high density commercial building based on the Adidas Brand Core store in Shibuya, Tokyo. I really like the facade of the store but in real life it does not occupy the whole building so I took a bit of artistic license...
Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.1
Tekijä: macsergey Overview This mod allow to select certain platform for public transport with pressing Shift it is revisited version of BloodyPenguin's mod Main changes Plazas & Promenades DLC support. Support If you have any problems with m...
Air ducts 1
Tekijä: Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Advanced Vehicle Options
Tekijä: Tim
Advanced Vehicle Options 1.9.12 Hubs & Transports DLC Mod Compatibility and Loading Issues If you have any issues with the new Treasure Hunt DLC, please be sure to read Avanya's support discussi...
Air Condition Unit
Tekijä: clus
description is coming later ......
Aiguille Verte
Tekijä: ecania
Heya and welcome to Aiguille Verte , a temperate map theme. The name comes from the Mont Blanc region in France (Alps ) This is a theme made by Ecania and Khanador. It is based on the same textures as Khanadors NotSoRocky Hills themes wich are very exclusi...
Air ducts 2
Tekijä: Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Air ducts 3
Tekijä: Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Airport Blast Shoulder Pack
Tekijä: MobiusOne
Pack comes with 6 roads meant to be used as taxiway and runway blast shoulders. 3 with lines and 3 with none. *These have a duplicate asset warning. It's unfortunate, though harmless. Credit for the idea goes to Strictoaster, Fluxtrance, and bsquiklehausen...
Airport Monorail Station
Tekijä: sebnichols
Place this monorail station directly onto a concourse inside an airport area to allow a direct connection for monorail passengers to the airport. This asset has the same style as the vanilla elevated airport metro station and functions in exactly the same ...
Alstom BB26000 "Sybic" - Engine (Prop)
Tekijä: REV0
SNCF, Engine Prop The SNCF BB 26000 locomotives are a class of dual voltage, four axle B'B' electric locomotives capable of a top speed of 200 km/h built by GEC Alsthom between 1988 and 1998 for SNCF. The locomotives are also commonly known as the Sybics. ...
Airport Service Road Pack
Tekijä: MobiusOne
Pack contains 6 airport service road types found around large airports. These are fully textured, there are no imbedded props. Due to the nature of the road texture mapper, line lengths may vary depending on segment length and can be tweaked to your liking...
Airport Tram Station
Tekijä: sebnichols
Place this tram station directly onto a concourse inside an airport area to allow a direct connection for tram passengers to the airport. This asset has the same style as the vanilla airport train station and functions in exactly the same way. Airport Mono...
Alder Living - Residential
Tekijä: jorge.puerta Alder Living - Residential Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 5, residential building, 26 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - aval...
Alstom Euroduplex - TGV Rhin-Rhone (Prop Pack)
Tekijä: REV0
Rhin-Rhone Inaugural Train - PROP PACK Part of Alstom "Euroduplex" Collection: Technical Details PROP PACK. Contains: Engine with retracted pantograph 1024^2048 textures Custom LOD 2nd class, 1st class, forward car and resta...
Altenburg station
Tekijä: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for further informations of the asset and how to place it! This is the modular station of Altenburg, Germany Station building and modular platforms of the Altenburg station in Thuringia, a state of Germany. First and middle platform...
Amsterdam Central Station
Tekijä: Epic Lurker
Description Travel in style with this large 6 track European Station. Platforms are covered by two large arched canopy roofs. This train station served its first passengers in Amsterdam in 1889 and today serves 260,000 passengers per day. Designed by Pierr...
Amtrak - Logo/Signage Pack
Tekijä: REV0
Prop Pack Pack contains various props for 'Arrow' logo Amtrak had, as well as the current 'Travelmark' variants: - Arrow logo, in normal and gray variants - Trains and Tickets sign, in two variants - Baggage sign, in two variants - Travelmark standard - Tr...
Ambient Sounds Tuner 2.0
Tekijä: BloodyPenguin
Tune your ambient sounds volumes individually This mod is a fixed version of original Ambient Sounds Tuner mod. Read description there. In particular, you may be interested in how to create a sound pack You MUST unsubscribe original Ambient Sounds Tuner be...
Ama Pavement 4m
Tekijä: amamIya
Ama Pavement 4m by amamIya...
Amtrak Amshacks Modular Pack
Tekijä: REV0
Decorative Pack Textures and materials are shared across all Midway components. Miami base station structure has a separate texture that's about 1.3MB. The Amtrak Standard Stations Program was an effort by Amtrak to create a...
Amtrak Northeast Regional - Veteran Livery [Train]
Tekijä: meshd
Made exclusively for: Train Formation Looking for other variants? Amtrak Northeast Regional - Phase III Livery Amtrak Northeast Regional - Veteran Livery Amtrak Northeast Regional ACS-64 - Pha...
Amtrak Northeast Regional [Train]
Tekijä: meshd
Made exclusively for: Train Formation Looking for other variants? Amtrak Northeast Regional - Phase III Livery Amtrak Northeast Regional - Veteran Livery Amtrak Northeast Regional ACS-64 - Pha...
Amtrak Stations - Miami (underground ped crossing)
Tekijä: REV0
"Amshack" Miami - pedestrian level crossing under tracks Portfolio on: Support via: Support via: Follow me on: Request, contact ...
Animated Escalator Pack
Tekijä: potato24x7
THE ASSET IS NOT BEING MAINTAINED AND WILL NOT BE UPDATED Escalators with custom animations up & down. Update 2.0 Complete overhaul of the base models Chrome texture updated Unrealistic sharp edges on the hand rails are done away with Steps part updated wi...
Animated Station Display PO
Tekijä: neinnew/네인
Animated Station Display PO Information 6 versions, depending on the transition speed and the number of frames (2,4,8) Thumbnail Name Tris Texture Size nn4 Anim Station Display 2f ▶ 204 512×512 nn...
Aniva Apartments
Tekijä: Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Functional rear parking Asset is 8x4 RICO high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color Main mesh: 5814 tris, LOD: 102 tris 128x128 asset shares text...
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Includes 4 antennas. Found in industrial props. Originally made for the japanese fire department, but usable for anything. Main: 59 - 150 tris 64x256 LOD: 8 - 12 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Ass...
APM Stop Track
Tekijä: amamIya
APM Stop Track by amamIya...
APM Two-way Track
Tekijä: amamIya
APM Two-way Track by amamIya...
Apple Campus - Mothership [RICO]
Tekijä: _luminou_
Apple Campus - Mothership The Mothership is the main buiding of the Apple Campus 2 Apple Park, named Apple Campus 2 during its construction, is the headquarters of Apple located in Cupertino, California since April 2017 replacing Infinite Loop, the former ...
Apple Campus - Parking
Tekijä: _luminou_
Apple Campus - Parking Part of the complex "Appel Campus - Cupertino" This parking is established of a set of 7 sub-buildings Size: 8 x 60 Each part contains all textures and LOD files. The ce...
Apple Store Fifth Avenue
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Autumn Theme
Tekijä: Pres
AS SEEN ON YOUTUBE IN MY NEW WINDSOR SERIES! I've finally released my long-awaited autumn map theme. This theme allows you to create beautiful fall landscapes by using the oil natural resource texture as leaf-covered grass. Use the Extra Landscaping Tools ...
Aviation/Century Station [Train/Metro]
Tekijä: Polygon A blast from the past I published this station way back in December of 2016. Since then, I am very grateful to all the kind feedback you gave me. It seemed you really would love to have a non-MOM version, too. I tried to be st...
Avignon TGV Station (RWY2 tracks)
Tekijä: pygargue de taaf
Train station inspired by Avignon TGV Station with Railway 2 tracks. Disclaimer : Originally a commission I asked to Ronyx69, he has completely finished it but never released it on the workshop for the reasons listed on his 7-Eleven description and maybe b...
Azure Gulf - Revisited
Tekijä: E6GSY
Azure Gulf - Revisited - Vanilla Map Description Remastered version of the vanilla map Azure Gulf that came with the sunset harbour DLC. This was Requested from a good friend of mine Ron Mexico. Please note: When unlocking tile where the dam is, water will...
Automatic Pedestrian Bridge Builder V2.0 [Beta]
Tekijä: kian.zarrin Automatically builds pedestrian bridges over and also tunnels under junctions/roundabouts/roads. (and disables pedestrian zebra crossings if TMPE is present). Also able to connect alleys to main roads (see screenshots). Usag...
Baardmans Bay -Z-
Tekijä: Zakerias
Coastal Map: Baardmans Bay This map is a smooth, but hilly landscape with plenty of islands, a strong river and a nice peninsula that has a great spot for a lighthouse. The terrain is completely handcrafted and is not based on a real location. There are fo...
Aviation/Century Station [MOM]
Tekijä: Polygon About this station Aviation/Century is an under-construction elevated light rail station in the Los Angeles County Metro Rail system. It will be served by the Crenshaw/LAX Line and the Green Line. This model doesn’t show how ...
Bangkok MRT - Blue Line | Typical Elevated Station (Updated to Metro Version)
Tekijä: Palm'sTime
Bangkok MRT Blue Line Typical Elevated Station Info: WARNING: This building will be affect performance. The station is an updated version from the original work. It's three-storey elevated metro station with vanilla track and will use side platform. No nee...
Bahnhof Alexanderplatz (DEPRECATED)
Tekijä: AmiPolizeiFunk
** 2023 updated version w/ no dependencies: If you're not flying in to one of Berlin's airports, then there's a good chance you are getting to #PDXCON2019 by train. If you're coming from the...
Baltimore Penn Station - Amtrak
Tekijä: Zarrix
Information Baltimore Penn Station, formally named Baltimore Pennsylvania Station in full, is the main inter-city passenger rail hub in Baltimore, Maryland. Commissioned by OACyberiad, this is the new project being developed by Amtrak, so it is based on va...
Berlin Hauptbahnhof (Berlin Central Station)
Tekijä: martinAusBerlin
UPDATE 2016-07-27 Fixed dependency to Metro Overhaul Mod (MOM), can be used with and without MOM now UPDATE 2016-07-26 This is version 2 of the asset. I've changed/fixed the following items: #1 road access is now needed like for vanilla stations, this fixe...
Biomes LUT
Tekijä: Snoozby
Created for the biomes theme and tested with the biomes test map. Updated Settings. 08/11/12 ( to remove fog ) Hide It!: Default Biomes Theme: Biomes Test Map:
BM - Single Metro Station Tracks
Tekijä: clus Hello all together ! Here you can find the BM - Single Station Tracks. You can use them to create your own station, or need you´ll need them in order to use one of my stations. The first of th...
BM - Station Pathway #02
Tekijä: Clus
BM - Station Pathway #02 Prolog Hello community ! These are pedestrian pathways, which I used for all the underground metro stations, as well as entrance buildings. In order to use those stations and entrance buidlings, all ...
BOB, the Tree and Prop Replacer 1.0.1
Tekijä: algernon Beautify Our Builds (BOB). OR Universal Beauty Manager Tool To Change Ugly Props And Trees Or Bury Them (UBMTTCUPATOBT). More details on usage you'll find in the basic BOB guide. New in 0.9.4 New feature: ability to add new ...
Bora Bora - Vaitape Island (v6)
Tekijä: Pr0f4zok3
Bora Bora - Vaitape Island v6 Thank you all for comments and for feedback. Have fun and thumbup if you like my work! ---- other maps DUBAI - The Palm Jumeirah GALAPAGOS - Isla Isabela http://s...
Boreal Baltic Theme
Tekijä: ecania
Heya and thank you for clicking on this theme , this is a boreal theme made by Ecania and Khanador. Textures used are from the NotsoRockyHills theme by Khanador. Much exprimental time have been put on the water , tried to make the water transparant so you ...
BM - Station Pathway #05
Tekijä: Clus
BM - Station Pathway #05 Prolog Hello community ! These are pedestrian pathways, which I used for all the underground metro stations, as well as entrance buildings. In order to use those stations and entrance buidlings, all ...
Boston Landing Station
Tekijä: Zarrix
Information Boston Landing station is an MBTA Commuter Rail station in Boston, Massachusetts. It serves the Framingham/Worcester Line. It is located in the Brighton neighborhood just west of the Everett Street bridge, next to the Massachusetts Turnpike. Th...
BrickHouse (prop)
Tekijä: MarkFire
Based on model Derelict Brick House by Frank Kanistra This Asset is part of Express Cargo Station...
Bridge building station 168m
Tekijä: konfox0527
Ver.4 update (2018 10/21) LODモデルの追加 ポリゴン数削減  維持費の変更(少なすぎたため)(2500) Add LOD model Correct Reduce polygon Change running cost Increase (2500) -入口が橋上にある駅です。プラットホームの有効長は168mまで対応しています。 道路に関係なく自由な位置に設置できる駅です。2セル道路を接続して使用してください。 Fine Road Anarchyを作動させてから設置してください。...
Building Lights
Tekijä: NKZ.
Building Lights by NKZ. Detail Assets Main Textures Main tris Main LOD textures Main LOD tris Neon LED Light Top 128 x 64 80 - - Neon LED Light Side 128 x 64 80 - - favorite, like and follower thank you. Youtube : NKZ. https...
Brown Street Light 茶色の街灯
Tekijä: ako_ako
茶色の街灯のPropです。 日本風信号機MODの茶色信号と同じデザインです。 日本風信号機MOD (左側通行用) / 日本風信号機MOD (右側通行用) 単体でも使えます。 This is a brown street light. Fit to brown traffic lights in Japanese Traffic Lights MOD. Japanese Traffic Lights (LHT) / Japanese Traffic Lights (RHT) Of Course, you ca...
Brookville Liberty Modern Streetcar
Tekijä: Cristolisto
The Liberty is built by the Brookville Equipment Corporation since 2012. The streetcar is American designed and made in Pennsylvania. Batteries are equipped so the streetcar can run without overhead wires. The livery is based on the Oklahoma City Streetcar...
Bukit Panjang LRT C801A 2 Car
Tekijä: Kaeru教信者
The Bukit Panjang LRT line (中文:武吉班让轻轨线, Melayu: Laluan LRT Bukit Panjang, தமிழ்: பக்கிட் பஞ்சாங் வரி) is a 7.6-kilometre (4.7 mi) automated guideway transit line opened on 6 November 1999 as part of Singapore's LRT system. The line uses Innovia APM 100 rol...
Building Spawn Points 1.4.1
Tekijä: macsergey Overview This mod allows you change and add building points where spawn vehicles What’s Included Change position of existing spawn points Add additional spawn points Spawn vehicles from any si...
Bukit Panjang LRT C801A 3&4 Car
Tekijä: Kaeru教信者
The Bukit Panjang LRT line (中文:武吉班让轻轨线, Melayu: Laluan LRT Bukit Panjang, தமிழ்: பக்கிட் பஞ்சாங் வரி) is a 7.6-kilometre (4.7 mi) automated guideway transit line opened on 6 November 1999 as part of Singapore's LRT system. The line uses Innovia APM 100 rol...
Bukit Panjang LRT C801A 6&8 Car
Tekijä: Kaeru教信者
The Bukit Panjang LRT line (中文:武吉班让轻轨线, Melayu: Laluan LRT Bukit Panjang, தமிழ்: பக்கிட் பஞ்சாங் வரி) is a 7.6-kilometre (4.7 mi) automated guideway transit line opened on 6 November 1999 as part of Singapore's LRT system. The line uses Innovia APM 100 rol...
Bund Center SH 上海外滩中心
Tekijä: XDBX
Bund Center Shanghai 上海外滩中心 by XDBX 海外滩中心(英语:Bund Center, Shanghai),是上海知名建筑群,地址为延安东路222号,座落于上海黄浦区外滩的黄金地带,毗邻黄浦江,延安东路高架和上海自然博物馆。其包括外滩中心商务楼和外滩中心威斯汀大饭店两部分,商务楼共50层高198米,分立商务楼西南、西北位置的两栋威斯汀大饭店为26层,总建筑面积约190000平方米。外滩中心建成于2001年,由波特曼建筑设计事务所负责设计,其商务楼顶部别具一格的菠萝造型成为其最具标...
Burlington, Vt
Tekijä: Akuro
Burlington, Vermont Map of the city of Burlington based on topographic surveys. Items present on the map: - Interstate 89 - Interstate 189 - US Route 7 - Winooski River - Lake Champlain - Ship route - Railway - Agricultural areas - Plane route Enjoy !!...
Bus Stop - Double
#FrenchCityDesigners A bus stop is a designated place where buses stop for passengers to board or alight from a bus. These are normally positioned on the highway and are distinct from off-highway facilities such as bus stations. The construction of bus sto...
Bush #7 (by Breeze)
Tekijä: Breeze
3d modeling is just a hobby. So I'm not spending a lot of time on this. This is the version changed the color of the flower. This will definitely look like a bush. I hope you decorate your city with your wonderful ideas. :) --------------------------------...
Busan Line1 Dongnae Station _ korea _ yunseul
Tekijä: yunseul
low quality .ver station length 196m find asset name : dongnae4stn update 10/05 : railway extrusion 10/05 : add station (name : dongnae44s ) fix asset ...
BVU Gravel Wooden Metro Tracks (Wired)
Tekijä: REV0
Mainline Part of BVU project. Mainline network package of Metro networks, which contains: 1 Lane, 1 Way 1 Lane, 1 Way nodeless 2 Lane, 2 Way 2 Lane, 2 Way nodeless Recommended Mods Road Anarchy: You know what it does. Move I...
BVU Gravel Wooden Metro Tracks (Third Rail)
Tekijä: REV0
Mainline Part of BVU project. Mainline network package of Metro networks, which contains: 1 Lane, 1 Way 1 Lane, 1 Way nodeless 2 Lane, 2 Way 2 Lane, 2 Way nodeless Recommended Mods Road Anarchy: You know what it does. Move I...
BVU Gravel Wooden Station Tracks (Third Rail)
Tekijä: REV0
Station tracks for third rail set, with custom gravel surface and wooden sleepers. Part of BVU project.
BVU Gravel Wooden Station Tracks (Wired)
Tekijä: REV0
Station tracks for third rail set, with custom gravel surface and wooden sleepers. Part of BVU project.
BVU Metro - Prop Style Pack (Generic)
Tekijä: REV0
Track Style Generic Style prop pack for BVU networks. Part of BVU project. Keywords for Workshop search: REVO, REV0, BVU, Metro, Network, Prop, Style, Generic, Overhaul, Ronyx69, Egi Portfolio on: Support via: Support via: F...
BVU Metro - Network Props
Tekijä: REV0
Network Props Prop pack that contains items which were used on all BVU networks. Part of BVU project. Keywords for Workshop search: REVO, REV0, BVU, Metro, Network, Prop, Ronyx69, Egi ...
Caiyuanba Bridge | 菜园坝大桥
Tekijä: RichardShi
重庆菜园坝大桥连接了重庆渝中区和南岸区,是一座车辆量很大的桥梁。她点缀着长江,是山城重庆的一道风景线。 重慶菜園壩大橋連接了重慶渝中區和南岸區,是一座車輛量很大的橋樑。 她點綴著長江,是山城重慶的一道風景線。 Caiyuanba bridge in Chongqing connects Yuzhong District and Nan'an District of Chongqing. It is a bridge with a large number of vehicles. Dotted with t...
CAF Urbos 3 Utrecht Uithof Tram
Tekijä: Jerenable
CAF Urbos 3 Utrecht Uithof Tram by Jerenable Yeah yeah I know full well the actual tram is an Urbos 100 but thats just a glorified Urbos 3 whatever it is its in C:S now enjoy!! Its not a train, bus, car, van, tiger, boat or superman its a tram ok, OK! You ...
Cabbage Tree
Tekijä: MrMaison
Cabbage Tree by MrMaison Introducing the Cabbage Tree to Cities Skylines! The Cabbage Tree is found in many places around the world especially for decorative purposes. More info here This is a 2 piece set. The Lar...
Campus Library (No DLC Required)
Tekijä: RichardShi
This is a library assets. about Library The prototype of this library is the Huxi Campus Library of Chongqing University. The red brick wall and square appearance of the sign make it conspicuous by the lake. Its attribute is university. Please find it in t...
Cargo Terminal Station
Tekijä: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot,.. -custombuilding -This was possible thanks to BloodyPenguins double track cargo station -Its a terminal station, spawning trains might clip through the building, depending on how long they are! -t...
Cargo Train Terminal Template (for assets creators)
Tekijä: BloodyPenguin
Cargo Train Terminal Template for those who want to try to create custom cargo train stations WARNING: this is an asset, not a mod! If you're a regular player, please, don't subscribe this. It's only for assets creators! Please don't unrate this simply bec...
Castle Harbour
Tekijä: azz0lt
Update 31st Dec 2021 1st place - Realistic Category: BonbonB Map of the Year; Update 4th July 2021 1st place - Viewers' Choice: BonbonB Map of the Month Greetings! Here...
CayanTower-DUBAI -Remake
Tekijä: 752811818
CayanTower---Remake By 752811818 Linke Floor Count 73 Height 306.4 m 迪拜卡延塔重制版 73层 306.4米 添加additive shader 以获得内透灯光效果 ...
Ceiling Light
Tekijä: ManuRamos
Ceiling Light I implemented this lamp to be able to use it in my pedestrian tunnels It is located 3.5m from the ground Highly recommended MOD,s: - Find It! - Prop & Treee Anarchy - Prop Precision - Move It! - Prop Snapping I...
Central Station (in the Style of Berlin Central Station)
Tekijä: Emperor Li
There are some issues with this station which need to be fixed. Please do not subscribe until I have the time to fix the station!!! ***UPDATE 2018-10-17*** reduce loading time, fix sub-buildings. ****************************** A perpendicular central stati...
Chalet 1A (2x2)
Tekijä: Tomcat
Chalet 1A (2x2) 295 tris model with custom lod. Part of chalet building theme, check my workshop or the theme page if you like the theme for more buildings. Chalet prop pack is required to have table set, window flowers and wood pile. I hope you like it! A...
Chalet 1C (4x4)
Tekijä: Tomcat
Chalet 1C (4x4) 546 tris model with custom lod. Part of chalet building theme, check my workshop or the theme page if you like the theme for more buildings. Chalet prop pack is required to have table set, window flowers and wood pile. I hope you like it! A...
Chalet 2A (2X2)
Tekijä: Tomcat
Chalet 2A (2x2) 205 tris model with custom lod. Part of chalet building theme, check my workshop or the theme page if you like the theme for more buildings. Chalet prop pack is required to have table set, window flowers and wood pile. I hope you like it! A...
Chalet 1B (3x2)
Tekijä: Tomcat
Chalet 1B (3x2) 369 tris model with custom lod. Part of chalet building theme, check my workshop or the theme page if you like the theme for more buildings. Chalet prop pack is required to have table set, window flowers and wood pile. I hope you like it! A...
Chalet 1D (3x2)
Tekijä: Tomcat
Chalet 1D (3x2) 310 tris model with custom lod. Part of chalet building theme, check my workshop or the theme page if you like the theme for more buildings. Chalet prop pack is required to have table set, window flowers and wood pile. I hope you like it! A...
Chalet 2B (1x2)
Tekijä: Tomcat
Chalet 2B (1x2) 143 tris model with custom lod. Comes with 4 different colour. Part of chalet building theme, check my workshop or the theme page if you like the theme for more buildings. Chalet prop pack is required to have table set, window flowers and w...
Chalet 2C (3x3)
Tekijä: Tomcat
Chalet 2C (3X3) 362 tris model with custom lod. Comes with 4 different colour. Part of chalet building theme, check my workshop or the theme page if you like the theme for more buildings. Chalet prop pack is required to have table set, window flowers and w...
Chalet 2D (3x4)
Tekijä: Tomcat
Chalet 2D (3x4) 444 tris model with custom lod. Comes with 4 different colour. Part of chalet building theme, check my workshop or the theme page if you like the theme for more buildings. Chalet prop pack is required to have table set, window flowers and w...
Chalet Prop Pack
Tekijä: Tomcat
Pack includes chalet table set (different colours), window flowers (different colours) and wood pile as props for chalet customization. These are minimized for least tris count. I used very often these props in chalet building theme. If you like to support...
China 4 lane Train Catenary prop
Tekijä: 狼少
3 kinds of 4 lane catenary 上海地铁四线接触网架 上海地铁四线接触网架【四线站台用】 中国铁路四线接触网架 后续会添加的: 中国铁路四线接触网架【纯线版,面数大量减少】 -7 ............. -2............2.............7 Lane1----Lane2----Lane3----Lane4...
Changchun Railway Station South Building
Tekijä: yamei
Changchun Station, located in Kuancheng District, Changchun City, Jilin Province, China, is a special-class station under the jurisdiction of China Railway Shenyang Bureau Group Co., Ltd. and an important transportation hub in Jilin Province. On November 3...
China Railway Station Prop Pack (Series I)
Tekijä: Kaeru教信者
Chinese character props for China Railways Stations. 中国铁路站房字体摆件。 If you like my works, please rate👍 and subscribe this asset. You can also donate me by Paypal or WeChat(微信). ...
China Resources QD Plan B
Tekijä: XDBX
China Resources QD Plan B by XDBX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 友情链接 欢迎加入!更多惊喜!获得私人定制资产!都市天际线游戏交流大QQ群!:463898434...
china shaopingba 沙坪坝站1.0
Tekijä: kaikai0706
china shaopingba 1.0...
Chinese Rubbish Bin
Tekijä: amamIya
Chinese Rubbish Bin by amamIya...
Chinese underground parking lot中式地下停车场
Tekijä: 红米先生
中式地下停车场(可停车,人物可在地下逗留,同时可以通过第一人称视角进入地下室观看地下室内效果。表面可以用草坪树木花草覆盖,形成绿化效果盖住原有资产外观可与地面草坪混合。再独特建筑里可找到该资产,或者搜索中式地下停车场即可。(里边还包括了一座停车位岗亭资产)另外想告诉各位;目前车辆进入车库入口路径不是很完美,由于游戏没有合适的地下停车隧道道路,所以只能自己订阅隐形车道来从地面拉一条通往地下车库的道路来实现车辆从入口进入车库和出入车库的模拟情景。 隐形车道资产名称:Invisible Pedestrian Pa...
Chirp-Energy Logo Props
Tekijä: Kridershot Asset which has two Chirp-Energy Logo props. Made for Chirp-Energy Power Plant Complex Tris Count Texture Size LOD Tris Count LOD Texture Size Chirp-Energy Logo Large 569 tris 256x256 2 tris 64x...
Chinese style large parking lot中式大型停车场
Tekijä: 红米先生
Chirp-Energy Power Plant Complex
Tekijä: Kridershot This asset is comission for TheArisen. Chirp-Energy's line up of advanced generation 4 nuclear reactors. These reactors feature a number of advantages over the vanilla game's water cooled reactor such as greater power densit...
Chirpy Metro 4 tracks elevated station
Tekijä: ron_fu-ta
Chirpy Metro 4 tracks elevated station (for Metro Overhaul Mod) 外側路線の停止位置は内側を選択してください。(上記スクリーンショットを参照) Please select inside for stop position of outside line.(See above screenshot) 上記スクリーンショットの路線配置例。同一方向の対面乗り換え。 Examples of routes in the above screenshots....
Citadis Dualis Generic [Tram]
Tekijä: meshd
Looking for other variants? Citadis Dualis T11 Express requires Snowfall DLC Citadis Dualis T11 Express Citadis Dualis T11 Express Citadis Dualis Generic requires Snowfall DLC Citadis Dualis Generic Citadis Dualis Generic Technical Details Alstom Citadis D...
City Station
Tekijä: funker
City Station by funker THANK YOU FOR OVER 100.000 SUBSCRIBERS! My first (and last) train station is online. It has a build-in subway station, which is crossing the railway station. The subway station is at -16m to allow some other tunnel to pass the statio...
Cleyra - Map Theme
Tekijä: creativeDEX
Cleyra - Map Theme by Dexter Hi everyone, here is the Map Theme for my Cleyra project. This is a theme for temperate maps. All textures use a high resolution(4k) and gives cities/maps a better and sharper look. The style is created with natural and realist...
Classic Dual Track Elevated Metro Station Track
Tekijä: cylis
Elevated dual track metro station track in the style of Metro Overhaul Mod's classic style Recommended Mods: RON, the Network Replacer - needed to replace metro station tracks. Important Vanilla Cities Skylines did not include an above ground metro station...
CITIC Tower 2022
Tekijä: XDBX
CITIC Tower 2022 by XDBX 北京中信大厦 中国尊 高度:528m 全新重制,remake。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 友情链接 欢迎加入 !更多惊喜!获得私人定制资产!都市天际线游戏交流大QQ群!:463898434...
Cleyra - Color Correction
Tekijä: creativeDEX
Cleyra - Color Correction by Dexter Hi everyone, here is the Color Corection for my project Cleyra. The Color Correction is created for my Cleyra Map Theme and Map. Its a temperate sunny lightning with high contrasts and less saturation for more realistic....
clock with advertising prop
Tekijä: SvenBerlin
clock with advertising prop by Svenpotsdam prop without floor only the clock...
Clouds & Fog Toggler
Tekijä: BloodyPenguin Disable clouds and distance fog that blocks your view when zooming out. Also allows to disable industrial smog and edge fog. (configurable) I made this mod because clouds & fog rendering changed in After Dark update complete...
CN Apartment High 2 | 中式住宅_高层_2
Tekijä: RichardShi
CN Apartment High 2 | 中式住宅_高层_2 by RichardShi...
CN-Plaza | 天甫广场
Tekijä: RichardShi
CN-Plaza | 天甫广场...
Clipping Network
Tekijä: TOKACHI269
8m & 16m When the texture of the ground comes out on the road, you can erase it by overlapping this network. 道路上に地面のテクスチャが出てしまったときはこのネットワークを重ねれば消すことができます。 Clipping Network 8m by TOKACHI269 ...
CN-High-speed rail(中国高铁)
Tekijä: LIME
Chinese high speed rail Ballastless track is mostly used in China's high speed railway. Ballastless track is composed of rail, fastener and unit plate, which can reduce shock absorption and reduce pressure. The sleeper of the ballastless track itself is po...
Coconut Trees
Tekijä: MrMaison
Coconut Tree by MrMaison Wanna fluff out your Tropical maps? Introducing a 4 piece set of Coconut Trees complete with coconuts! What's any tropical place without Coconut Trees? These are great for tropical natural settings as well as decorative assets. The...
Concrete Retaining Wall network
Tekijä: Lost Gecko
Network version of the Concrete Retaining Wall Prop based on the vanilla Castle Walls ruins (currently found in the water structure tab - to be fixed) Height: 2m by default. Can be raised up to 32m with the Move It! mod (link below). Follows the terrain bu...
Colorful Summer Day
Tekijä: creativeDEX
Colorful Summer Day by Dexter Hi everyone, here is my color correction for a nice and beautiful summer day. The LUT has a bright shining sun, clear sky and a realistic colorful look. Note: I updated this LUT(old version: Realistic Sunlight)! Now this LUT w...
Container Straddle Carrier
Tekijä: cyricc
Part of the Cargo Container Assets collection. 1262 tris. As with all custom props, this can be found in the asset editor under Parks > Park Equipment....
Construction Equipment props pack
Tekijä: Tomas13TO
Construction Equipment props pack All stuff you can find under industrial structures tab. Recommended mods More Beautification Mod by BloodyPenguin which allows you to place props in game. Prop Anarchy (& Tree Anarchy) Mod by BloodyPenguin which allows you...
Contemporary High School
Tekijä: Cristolisto
Thanks for over 3,000 followers! Contemporary High School is designed with the latest modern architecture typically seen on 21st century North American schools. Modern material, open spaces, and plenty of windows are used. Community, collaboration, efficie...
Continues Junction median V2.7 [Stable] (Direct Connect Roads)
Tekijä: kian.zarrin uses Direct Connect meshes if TMPE rules suggest unbroken median other features: - auto-generates DC meshes for most roads. - exemption tool. Support at : Required items - Single version of TMPE...
Copenhagen Metro 3-car (Metro)
Tekijä: meshd
AnsaldoBreda Driverless Metro - Copenhagen Metro Asset Name Copenhagen_Metro_Metro Front Car Mid Car Capacity 100 80 280 total Tris 1841 698 LOD 150 106 Speed 16 (80 km/h) 16 (80 km/h) Acceleration 0.2 0.2 Brake 0.2 0.2 My W...
Copper Creek
Tekijä: Scotland Tom
Update, September 30, 2018: While I still love the look of this map it has long been reported that I failed in my testing duties before its original release. There is not enough water flow through the rivers to provide a city beyond about 50k population wi...
Coral Reef Base
Tekijä: kurtus_mob
Coral Reef Base by kurtus_mob A very simple prop you can place using the map editor. The goal was to emulate the visual aspect of an underwater coral reef, especially in shallow water. Should be ressource-friendly (500 tris, lod 40 tris) with basic design....
Cosmopolitan Sunken Train Station
Tekijä: DSBSubhrajyoti
Cosmopolitan Sunken Train Station by DSBSubhrajyoti Commissioned by Rake 1K textures, 10k tris. Consider supporting me on Paypal Want to reach me for commissions? Hit me up at Discord: BaidDSB#6397 ...
CR Style Small Stations Set
Tekijä: CitizenWMustache
A set of five ground-based passenger train stations in a Cities Railways (AKA 'Vanilla') style, four of wich use BadPeanut's station tracks. Compared to the vanilla station, stats vary from being cheaper and quieter overall to about the same cost and noise...
Tekijä: Go!Vnian
CR200J EMU...
CR400AF“复兴号”高速动车组(High Speed train)
Tekijä: Go!Vnian
CR400AF “复兴号” 高速动车组 编组:拖+动+拖+动+拖(2动3拖) 载员:430人 速度:350km/h ★ 推荐采用 Improved Public Transport 2 指定线路所用列车 CR400AF "Fu Xing Hao" High Speed Train Formation:2 Motor cars + 3 Trailer cars Capacity:430 Speed:217.5mph ★ It works better with Improved Public Transpor...
Tekijä: Go!Vnian
5编组版本 5-Car Version CR400AF “复兴号” 高速动车组 编组:8编组 速度:350km/h ★ 推荐采用 Improved Public Transport 2 指定线路所用列车 CR400AF "Fu Xing Hao" ...
CR400BF Golden Phoenix 8 Cars
Tekijä: 言绥
复兴号动车组列车,是中国标准动车组的中文命名,由中国铁路总公司牵头组织研制、具有完全自主知识产权、达到世界先进水平的动车组列车。 英文代号为CR,列车水平高于CRH系列。三个级别为CR400/300/200,数字表示最高时速,而持续时速分别对应350、250和160,适应于高速铁路(高铁)、快速铁路(快铁)、城际铁路(城铁)。早期的两个型号是蓝海豚CR400AF和金凤凰CR400BF。复兴号CR400系列是上档时速400公里、标准时速350公里。 复兴号CR400BF型电力动车组是“复兴号”中国标准动车组C...
Crane UPDATE - now in the park menu!
Tekijä: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot,.. -custombuilding, you can find it in the park submenu ->find it, search for Kran -freely rotatable crane, use some kind of anarchy mod to place it over rails! -3557 triangles (diffusemap, normalma...
Tekijä: Go!Vnian
CRH1 “和谐号” 动车组 编组:拖+动+拖+动+拖(2动3拖) 载员:360人 速度:250km/h ★ 推荐采用 Improved Public Transport 2 指定线路所用列车 CRH1 "He Xie Hao" EMU Formation:2 Motor cars + 3 Trailer cars Capacity:360 Speed:155mph ★ It works better with Improved Public Transport 2 车辆简介(Introduction): ...
Crate Prop Pack
Tekijä: Feindbold
Its a pack of crates, 6 different props, search for crate in find it Triangles: Its crates, its not an horrible high amount Textures: Small I love to model buildings, if you really like my buildings/mods and you are feeling generous you can donate me a few...
CRH2A统型 8编珍藏版
Tekijä: 言绥
CRH2A统型 by 言绥...
CRH3-X 8car Flexible Marshalling EMU Train
Tekijä: Benlotelli
Index error fixed Other versions: 6 car version 17 car version I wish everyone a happy Year of the Rabbit! CRH3-X is a 250-kilometer variable marshalling EMU independently developed by CRRC Tangshan. It is a product of CRRC's industrial platform series EMU...
Tekijä: Benlotelli
CRH1A-JL by Benlotelli...
CRT Elevated Train Station 120m Detailed
Tekijä: RichardShi
This is an elevated train station asset. About the Station The prototype of this station is the Gailanxi station of Chongqing Rail Transit Line 9. The part of the roof absorbs its design elements. I designed and modified other parts. Triangle count: 18780 ...
CRT Elevated Metro Station 120m Detailed
Tekijä: RichardShi
This is an elevated metro station asset. About the Station The prototype of this subway station is the Gailanxi station of Chongqing Rail Transit Line 9. The part of the roof absorbs its design elements. I designed and modified other parts. Triangle count:...
CRH3-X Flexible Marshalling EMU Train(Prop Pack)
Tekijä: Benlotelli
This is the prop pack of CRH3-X EMU. It contains 4 type of coach. Hope you enjoy the content and please leave a thumbs up as you like. Other versions: 6 car version 8 car version 17 car version I wish everyone a happy Year of the Rabbit! CRH3-X is a 250-ki...
CRT Guide Sign
Tekijä: RichardShi
A sign can be used as a rail transit guide sign. ...
Tekijä: CR
CRT-地下站台(岛式) 配合CRT-地铁轨道使用 資產製作不易!!! 有喜欢的可以赞助一波!!! 您的支持是我们的动力!!! 点赞 ! 点赞! 点赞! 支持车辆制作 支持站台制作 :QQ:2735326625 不支持MOM...
CSL Map View
Tekijä: Gansaku
CSL Map View (Current version 4.4.7) This mod draws a image of map. Exactly, it is another external executable (CSLMapView.exe; bundled with the mod) to draw the map. The mod only outputs data file for that. If mod or viewer don't run, send comment with co...
CS Road Fence
Tekijä: amamIya
CS Road Fence by amamIya...
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR First release Test Road...
CSUR 4DR Reset
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR St 4DR by amamIya...
CSUR Asym 1+2
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Asym 1+2 by amamIya...
CSUR Ave 10DR41
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Ave 10DR41 by amamIya...
CSUR Exp 3R7=4R7
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Exp 3R7=4R7 by amamIya...
CSUR Expand 2R6
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Expand 2R6 by amamIya...
CSUR Exp 4R7=3R7
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Exp 4R7=3R7 by amamIya...
CSUR Ext 64m24
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Ext 64m24 by amamIya...
CSUR Int 10DR23
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Int 10DR23 by amamIya...
CSUR Int 10DR7
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Int 10DR7 by amamIya...
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Juc 6DR6 by amamIya...
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Int 8DR6 by amamIya...
CSUR Pillar Pack
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Pillar Pack by amamIya...
CSUR Ramp 10DR211
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Ramp 10DR211 by amamIya...
CSUR Ramp 4R722 Off
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Ramp 4R722 Off by amamIya...
CSUR Ramp 4R722 On
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Ramp 4R722 On by amamIya...
CSUR Ramp 8DR242
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Ramp 8DR242 by amamIya...
CSUR Sep 222
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Sep 222 by amamIya...
CSUR Shift 1R4=1R
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Shift 1R4=1R by amamIya...
CSUR Ramp 10DR343
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Ramp 10DR343 by amamIya...
CSUR Shift 1R=1R4
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Shift 1R=1R4 by amamIya...
CSUR Shift 2R62R7
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Shift 2R62R7 by amamIya...
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR St 10DR by amamIya...
CSUR St 2 + 1R4 Both Side
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR St 2 + 1R4 B by amamIya...
CSUR Shift 2R72R6
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Shift 2R72R6 by amamIya...
CSUR St 2 Lite
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR St 2 Lite by amamIya...
CSUR St 2 1R4 IN
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR St 2 1R4 IN by amamIya...
CSUR St 2DR 16m
Tekijä: amamIya
No Slope/Tunnel...
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR St 4DC by amamIya...
CSUR St 2 1R4 Out
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR St 2 1R4 Out by amamIya...
CSUR St 4DC Wide
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR St 4DC Wide by amamIya...
CSUR St 6DR Reset
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR St 6DR by amamIya...
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR St 8DR by amamIya...
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR St 8DR13 by amamIya...
CSUR St. 2Lane 16m
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Street 2Lane 16m Ground/Elevated/Bridge/Slope/Tunnel available...
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR St 2 2DR by amamIya...
CSUR Trans 1R
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Trans 1R by amamIya...
CSUR Trans 1R4
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Trans 1R4 by amamIya...
CSUR Trans 2R6
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Trans 2R6 by amamIya...
CSUR Trans 4R7
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Trans 4R7 by amamIya...
CSUR Trans 3R7
Tekijä: amamIya
CSUR Trans 3R7 by amamIya...
Cunna Center - Commercial
Tekijä: jorge.puerta Cunna Center - Commercial Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 2, high density commercial building, 13 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i) ...
Curb Height Adjuster 1.6
Tekijä: algernon Reduces the curb height (by raising the roadbase) of roads that use the game standard of 30cm(!) curb heights, so you can make them much more realistically-sized instead. No more cims having to do a high-jump just to get ont...
Curb Props 2
Tekijä: KingLeno
Curb Props 2 A set of planters for all your parking lots and landscaping needs. This is follow-up to the older Curb Props. Which apparently a lot of people already have. Watch the attached video to see how these compare to when I first made them. I think t...
Custom Animation Loader (CAL)
Tekijä: boformer Buildings with custom animations! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! This mod is required for building assets with custom animations. It sets up and enables the animations of t...
Daylight Classic
Tekijä: BloodyPenguin Brings back original daylight color and fog settings from pre-After Dark versions of C:S IT'S A MOD, NOT A LUT! This mod doesn't require After Dark DLC! Are you annoyed with that yellow tint that turns days into permanent ev...
Custom Effect Loader
Tekijä: boformer
This mod is required for props and vehicles with custom light effects. It sets up and enables the effects on level load. Just install and enable the mod and enjoy the lights :) Cool assets with custom effects! Get them! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.n...
Dark Green
Tekijä: creativeDEX
Dark Green by Dexter Hi everyone, This LUT comes with a darker green color, higher contrast and a realistic saturation. The green colors of bushes and trees will look better together and not so different like as normal. Night atmosphere looks more realisti...
DB Central Station Props [Set]
Tekijä: Titan
This is a set of different platform props 8 platform props to bring life to your station. All of these props follow a design used by the DB (Deutsche Bahn), the German rail operator, on their main and central station. A ticket machine A ticket validator A ...
Den Drommel -Z-
Tekijä: Zakerias
Coastal Map: Den Drommel A happy new year to you all! To celebrate I've made a brand new map. It's an idea that I've been working on for the past month. The map is split between a large open and flat area for your metropolis and a more rural area to the no...
Delta Range 2
Tekijä: Miley'
Delta Range 2 is the completely reworked version of the popular Delta Range map. On top of featuring a highly detailed and dynamic map consisting of mountain ranges and river deltas, the reworked version includes much larger and accessible build areas, bet...
차량사업소(소형) Depot(Small) NOTE 이 애셋은 차량기지용입니다.(회차 가능) This asset is for train depot. (Return possible) 이 에셋은 업데이트가 안될 수 있습니다! This asset MAY NOT BE updated! 그럼에도 불구하고 저를 후원하시고 싶다면 하세요? By the way, if you want to donate me?
DF4B-3562 货运火车(9car) China Railway DF4B Cargo Train
Tekijä: 尹水涯
关键词:东风 内燃机车 火车 铁路 调机 中国铁路 货运 资产原型为 东风4-3562 DF4-3562 广铁广段 东风4B型内燃机车(DF4B)是中国铁路使用的一种干线客、货运用内燃机车,也是中国铁路第二代电传动内燃机车的代表车型。1984年,大连机车车辆厂开始批量生产东风4B型内燃机车,资阳内燃机车厂和大同机车厂也于1986年加入生产行列,已生产了超过4500台东风4B型内燃机车,成为中国铁路史上产量最大、运用最广泛、技术最成熟的内燃机车车型之一。 生产厂商:大连|资阳|大同|四方 机车用途:客|货运 ...
DF4B-6324 货运火车(9car) China Railway DF4B Cargo Train
Tekijä: 尹水涯
关键词:东风 内燃机车 火车 铁路 调机 中国铁路 货运 资产原型为 东风4-6324 DF4-6324 太局太段 东风4B型内燃机车(DF4B)是中国铁路使用的一种干线客、货运用内燃机车,也是中国铁路第二代电传动内燃机车的代表车型。1984年,大连机车车辆厂开始批量生产东风4B型内燃机车,资阳内燃机车厂和大同机车厂也于1986年加入生产行列,已生产了超过4500台东风4B型内燃机车,成为中国铁路史上产量最大、运用最广泛、技术最成熟的内燃机车车型之一。 生产厂商:大连|资阳|大同|四方 机车用途:客|货运 ...
DF5型内燃机车prop包 China Railways Train DF5
Tekijä: 尹水涯
关键词:东风 内燃机车 火车 铁路 调机 中国铁路 货运 关键词:东风 内燃机车 火车 铁路 调机 中国铁路 货运 东风5型柴油机车(DF5),是中国铁路使用的柴油机车车型之一。东风5型柴油机车是主要用于调车和小运转作业用机车,适用于编组站和区段站进行调车作业,也可做为小运转及厂矿作业的牵引动力。 生产厂商:唐山|大连|四方 机车用途:调机 机车轴式:Co Co 运用轨距:1,435mm 机车长度:18,000mm | 18,400mm 机车宽度:3,285mm 最高速度:80km/h | 100km/h ...
Directional Light Bollard
Tekijä: Pixel_monster
Directional Light Bollard by Pixel_monster A Low intensity Street bollard with directional yellow light. Used for my Stonewall Quay Asset. If you like this asset please Subscribe to my workshop and rate this asset and commen...
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Includes 26 dock / seawall / harbor / port / pier assets: 1 dock surface prop 6 main dock pieces 2 edge and 2 corner pieces 3 concrete blocks 2 curbs 2 railings 3 tie poles 2 bumpers 1 ladder 1 grate 1 water level marker Found in parks and industrial props...
Distribution Center Cargo Station
Tekijä: Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A cargo train station which fits perfectly into my modular distribution center. It's rotated 90 degrees compared to the default one and functions as a terminus, but the track can be extended in both directions if ...
DJJ1藍箭號塗裝TGV Duplex
“藍箭號”動車組曾運行在廣深鐵路股份有限公司的廣深鐵路上,在CRH1A全面取代之前曾在廣深線上與SJ X2000“新時速”以及CRH1A共同運營過一段時間,它們被人稱為“廣深線三劍客”。。為了致敬這一經典車型,我製作了藍箭號塗裝的TGV Duplex,雙層客車車廂的塗裝靈感則是來源於港鐵KTT“廣九直通車”。。 DJJ1 "Blue Arrow" EMU used to operate on the "Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway" , it belongs to Guangshen...
Dream Bay - Vanilla Map
Tekijä: imperstar
Dream Bay Series Official Map This map is based on the Tongyeong - Vanilla Map 통영시 by MrMiyagi. I changed the landscape to make it more hilly and added some beaches as well as other trees. The map has the boreal map theme. With enviroment changer mod you c...
Double Track Cargo Station
Tekijä: BloodyPenguin
Like vanilla cargo train station but with two functional cargo train tracks! This is my experimental multi-track cargo station. Doube fun for x1.25 price! You can use it as the template for your double track cargo train stations. I sligtly changed station'...
Drebbeldam -Z- (European)
Tekijä: Zakerias
Typical Dutch Landscapes: Drebbeldam To celebrate my 25th map on the workshop (and an incredible 500 hours of C:S) I've remade one of my maps for the European Theme. Drebbeldam was my first map in the Typical Dutch Landscape series. Many people have reques...
Dual Island Station Tunnel Track
Tekijä: cylis
Metro dual island station tunnel track in the style of Metro Overhaul Mod. Required for: Dual Island Underground Metro Station Recommended Mods: RON, the Network Replacer - needed to replace metro station tracks. Disclamer This asset was created after the ...
Dual Island Metro Station Track (Wide Platform)
Tekijä: cylis
Quad track dual island metro station track with a wide platform in the style of Metro Overhaul Mod. This track is for stations with a wider platform, such as those included in the Train Stations CCP. Recommended Mods: RON, the Network Replacer - needed to ...
Dubai Elevated Station - Metro
Tekijä: REV0
Dubai Elevated Metro Line Station - Metro Version Description The Dubai Metro is a rapid transit rail network in the city of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The Red Line and Green Line are operational, with one more line being constructed. These first two lin...
Dubai Elevated Station - Train
Tekijä: REV0
Dubai Elevated Metro Line Station - Train Version Description The Dubai Metro is a rapid transit rail network in the city of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The Red Line and Green Line are operational, with one more line being constructed. These first two lin...
Dubai Station - DIY Walkway & Prop Pack
Tekijä: BrowncoatTrekky
Dubai Station - DIY Walkway & Prop Pack Description The Dubai Metro is a rapid transit rail network in the city of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The Red Line and Green Line are operational, with one more line being constructed. These first two lines run und...
Easy Change Catenary :: Catenary Pack
Tekijä: 狼少
Shanghai Metro Catenary China Highspeed Catenary China Railway Catenary——CN Catenary(Single) Japan Railway Catenary——JP Catenary(Single) All include double and single version only works on EASY CHANG CATENARY SERIES TRACK or ROAD EDITER And extra 2 tunnel ...
Elevated - Glass - Station
Tekijä: clus
Prolog Hello all together ! I proudly present you the continuation of my Glass - Metro - Station. As you can see in the pictures, it comes with a similar design. This time, there is some kind of a role model for that build. ;) Credits I want to thank Emper...
Elevated Dual-Island Metro Station - Eco-Brutalism
Tekijä: Frezzie
A Dual-Island Elevated Metro Station in Eco-Brutalist style, designed to blend seamlessly into your city's landscape. This station features a combination of the iconic style of brutalism with sustainability. Brutalism is a unique architectural movement tha...
Easy Change Catenary :: Shinkansen Station Track
Tekijä: 狼少
Shinkansen Track: speed limit:150km/h Track Gauge:1435mm Thank you for rating this road/leaving your comments and impressions ❤ 使用方法: (1)对于玩家 使用touch this 拆解车站,然后蓝色感叹号升级轨道 (2)对于资产制作者 直接使用,不过...
Elevated Metro Station
Tekijä: Mons
This is my first metro station. I wanted to create a boring, second half of XX century style elevated metro station, smaller than the vanilla one, and which could be placed over vanilla 4 lanes avenues. By default it does not include the avenue under the b...
Elevated Metro station fixed
Tekijä: Evangeline
Ok so this wasn't really broken but it had a bunch of issues i thought could easily be avoided A reupload of the vanilla elevated metro station added by the new free update. The default vanilla station has these stupid trees and benches underneath. could n...
Elevated Metro Station Track (No Pillars)
Tekijä: Coldrifting
Elevated Metro Station Tracks that have no pillars, making them great for over road stations. For asset creators....
Elevated Metro Station - Eco-Brutalism
Tekijä: Frezzie
A Single-Island Elevated Metro Station in Eco-Brutalist style, designed to blend seamlessly into your city's landscape. This station features a combination of the iconic style of brutalism with sustainability. Brutalism is a unique architectural movement t...
Elevated Over Road Train Station 路上高架車站
Tekijä: Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2017-07-28*** fix pedestrian path; no more "distance too short" error message ****************************** Elevated Over Road Station I wanted to make something with semi-transparent glass and animated escalator, like BadPeanut's Sotunder Sunke...
Elevated Stops Enabler Revisited 2.1
Tekijä: macsergey Overview Allows to place bus and tram stops on elevated versions of roads it is revisited version of BloodyPenguin's mod Support If you have any problems with mod or errors occur, you should describe your problem as much det...
Elevated Train Station Nußdorfer Str. (Model by Ninja_Thomek)
Tekijä: boformer
Nußdorfer Straße is a station on Line U6 of the Vienna U-Bahn. It is located in the Alsergrund District. It opened in 1898. This model was created by Ninja_Thomek, the final touches and train station setup were done by me. Plot Size: 16x4 Track Height: 9m ...
Elevated Train Stop (Berlin)
Tekijä: jens
model data: 3 Sub-Buildings: 1: 1929 tris LOD 164 tris 2: 222 tris Glass 3: 596 1tris LOD: 334 tris 1024² textures (d, s, a, n) Foodsize: 2x18 If you like my work any support is gratefully accepted! Thank you!...
Elevated Train Track over Wall and Arch Bridge v2
Tekijä: SimoG
An elegant way to connect your Elevated Train Track to railway. It, also, allow you to build a beautiful Arch Bridge. ---------------------------------------------- This is version 2 of my asset. All segments has been redone from scratch, making part 2 of ...
Elevated Tram Station
Tekijä: Cpt.Roberto
I was working on a sky-tram system and for that I re-purposed the monorail station as an Elevated Tram Station (haven't seen a mod about this on the workshop, thought it might be useful. You will need the "Elevated Stop Enabler" mod to place a Tram Stop in...
ELVIS BRT Prop (Base prop)
Tekijä: ELVIS
머리말 안녕하십니까, 엘비스입니다. 이 항목은 엘비스 BRT의 정류장을 게임에서 볼 수 있게 하는 필수 프롭세트입니다. ELVIS BRT Prop (Base prop) 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 -krbusdecal_prop.crp -krbusdecal_prop_2.crp -krbusstop_prop.crp -krbusstop_glass_prop.crp -intlbusdecal_prop.crp -intlbustop_prop.crp -intlbustop_glass...
Empty It!
Tekijä: Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to automate the emptying of service buildings. NEW IN 1.6 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.5 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.16.1-f2 (H...
Eurostar (New Livery)
Tekijä: Windows 95
Hello Everyone! After taking a long break from modding for this game... I'm back! Please bear with me as I'm still taking my time to get used to the workflow again (Work has been busy, I haven't touched any games in the past 6 months!) Here it is, the Euro...
Eurostar 373 Trainset (Western Europe)
Tekijä: Windows 95
Here's the Eurostar 373 Trainset in it's original launch livery (old waves logo) Default capacity is 275, but you can easily change that AND the speed with the Advanced Vehicles Mod. Assignable Line colours represented by the yellow accents in the power ca...
Express Cargo Station 2.0
Tekijä: speedtraxxdj
++ Superschnelle Frachtstation ++ Das Asset ist frei plazierbar! ORIGINAL von Mark Fire (+Deprecated+) : Um die Funktionsweise zu verstehen,schaut euch das Video dazu an!Das ist der Link zum ...
Express Train Flying Chirpy
Tekijä: ron_fu-ta
オリジナルの特急列車です。 定員:180名 (30名/両 カフェカー除く) 速度:120km/h Original express train. (fictional) Capacity : 180 person (30 person/car without cafe car) Speed : 120km/h このアセットは以下のMODを使用して制作しています。(使用する際、MODは不要です.) This Asset has produced using this MOD. (MOD is not requ...
Estación Ciudad Deportiva CDMX
Tekijä: Checo Mx
Model Information Tris: 6,200 Textures: 1024 – 1024 (D – C – S - N ) You can search for this pack with the "Find It" mod with the name “EstacionCdDeportiva_CDMX” and you can move it with "Move It ". Ciudad Deportiva is a station of the Mexico City Metro, i...
Extended Error Reporting
Tekijä: Strad
This mod replaces generic error messages in the game and helps you find broken assets Still in beta! Features: - Error messages are now more elaborate. They always provide error stack trace and, if possible, asset name, mod name and other details. - Mod er...
Extra Train Station Tracks ( ETST )
Tekijä: BloodyPenguin Adds more train station track assets for custom train stations. This mod was created before custom network assets were a thing and is still needed for stations created with its tracks. These tracks are only available to asse...
Extra Vehicle Effects 0.4
Tekijä: Acc3ss Violation
This is a replacement for the original Extra Vehicle Effects plugin. Check its description for more info. Make sure to unsubscribe from the old version to prevent issues Original mod by Thaok. Description This mod is an expansion pack for Vehicle Effects m...
FBS International Control Tower for Airports DLC
Tekijä: bsquiklehausen
You're cleared for take-off! This tower was based off an amalgamation of several different ATC towers from all over the world - notably Boston, Seattle, and San Francisco. It's a modern design with metal paneling, black glass, and two large backlit panels ...
Tekijä: LIME
Flatlands (2.5)
Tekijä: Mulleboy
Tired of all the automated generated terrains that is a pain to build on, or just tired of the regular maps included in the original game? If it's time to get serious and truly be master of your future city then this map is for you! Like the concept? Check...
Flinders Street Station by Bad Peanut
Tekijä: BadPeanut
A recreation of Flinders Street Station located in Melbourne, Australia as of Dec 2016. By BadPeanut. I hope you all appreciate the difficulty of balancing triangle count and detail. I think i did alright :) I would still recommend using multi track enable...
Find It! 2
Tekijä: sway
This mod allows you to search, filter, select, and place assets. It also provides some extra info that are usually not available in vanilla game. Unsubscribe the BETA version before you use this mod! This mod was forked from...
First Person Camera v2.2.0
Tekijä: Asu
Cities: Skylines - First Person Camera mod v2.2 * Please refer to the GitHub page for change notes, source, discussions, etc. * Please refer to the Wiki page for more comprehensive Guide. * Consider submitting your issues or suggestions on the Issues page....
Flower-Orange (6 of 7) (by Breeze)
Tekijä: Breeze
Updates @ Fixing the size of the flower to 1.8 m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name : Flower-Orange (by Breeze) Ui priority : 336 Height : Only 1.8 m Tris : 40 -------------------------------...
Flower-Purple (2 of 7) (by Breeze)
Tekijä: Breeze
Updates @ Fixing the size of the flower to 1.8 m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name : Flower-Purple (by Breeze) Tris : 40 Height : Only 1.8 m Ui priority : 332 -------------------------------...
Flower-Yellow (5 of 7) (by Breeze)
Tekijä: Breeze
Updates @ Fixing the size of the flower to 1.8 m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name :Flower-Yellow (by Breeze) Ui priority : 335 Height : Only 1.8 m Tris : 40 --------------------------------...
FPS Booster
Tekijä: Krzychu1245
Increases in-game frame rate, but... results may vary because there are many factors like CPU/GPU speed, RAM usage, current in-game scene complexity etc. Disclaimer: you need good and efficient GPU cooling, because this mod may force your GPU run at full s...
Flower-Red (3 of 7) (by Breeze)
Tekijä: Breeze
Updates @ Fixing the size of the flower to 1.8 m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name : Flower-Red (by Breeze) Ui priority : 333 Height : Only 1.8 m Tris : 40 ----------------------------------...
Fluorescent light KEIKOUTOU
Fluorescent light KEIKOUTOU by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
French Elevated Station [Paris]
Tekijä: Gèze
Informations: This is a metro (in game - train) station based on stations found on the overground part of Line 6 of Parisian Metro. Modelled mainly after Sevres - Lecourbe station and adjusted in size to CSL standards. Additional informations: Main model: ...
Freight Terminal
Tekijä: Senfkorn
Hi community, the Freight Terminal works exactly like the cargo station - without brightly coloured containers. That was important for me :) Subscribing to this asset brings you two assets, the Freight Terminal and a matching storage hall (for fans of bigg...
GEN-SHIN Boards x 3 | 原神海报版 x3
Tekijä: RichardShi
做给身边玩原神的朋友们 丁真也可以订阅哦...
Garden Prop Pack 02
Tekijä: Beardmonkey
Garden Prop Pack 02 by Beardmonkey This is a pack of eight garden props. Most assets in this pack has custom LOD:s. If you use the Find It! mod by SamsamTS search for BM for easy access. Get Find It! here:
Generic LRT - Station Platforms#01
Tekijä: clus Hello all together ! This network pack consists of two LRT - "platform tracks". With these, yocu can create stops along the LRT tracks. only ground version plat...
Tekijä: 听风说雨
GARND NIKKO TOKYO DAIBA by 听风说雨 这个建筑位于日本東京都港区台场的日航大酒店,是一座四星级酒店,为了最好的适应天际线,我对原建筑进行了一定的修改,整体还原度比较高,如果你喜欢我的作品,请不要吝啬你的点赞,谢谢! 建筑中所使用的树木资产如果你不需要可以不用订阅,不影响使用。 This building is located in the Nikko Hotel in Daiba, Minato District, Tokyo, Japan. It is a four-star h...
Generic Tree pack
Tekijä: Lost Gecko
Pack of 6 generic filler trees for all sorts of rural areas, highway sides or anywhere some random trees are needed. Map Theme: New Caledonia - LUTs: Cleyra/Colorful Summer Day Models main models tris: 332 - 374 - 438 - 504 - 814 - 878 textures: 512x512 (d...
Generic Simple Chimneys Pack
Tekijä: gabcove
This pack contains some generic chimneys props. It's a dependency pack for my future models that are going to be published in the becoming weeks. Texture: 512 x 512 Triangles: All the versions has less than 110 triangles....
German Arrow Decals Pack
Tekijä: Hafiz
German Arrow Decals Pack. Includes 7 German road arrow decals: -Arrow Straight -Arrow Left -Arrow Right -Arrow Straight Left -Arrow Straight Right -Arrow Merge Left -Arrow Merge Right Also includes a pedestrian marking and a bike lane decal. Texture size: ...
Glass fences
Tekijä: Jerenable
Glass fences by Jerenable...
Green Elevated Station [Train]
Tekijä: Polygon Take a ride on the green side To accelerate your cims' transition with sustainable transport - saving the environment. Earth will thank you! Requirements Only two mods are required: Fine Road Tool Extra Train Station Tracks I ...
Green Sunken Train Station
Tekijä: Polygon Take a ride on the green side To accelerate your cims' transition with sustainable transport - saving the environment. Earth will thank you! For metro version click here. How to connect the statio...
Ground Bypass Station
Tekijä: BadPeanut
- Place on roadside - make sure you have the required items>> - 2 station tracks, 2 center express tracks. Troubleshooting Follow These steps if you believe this asset is causing you a problem: 1: Close Cities Skylines (quit...
Guangzhou Metro APM Line Train 2 Car
Tekijä: Kaeru教信者
Guangzhou Metro Bombardier Innovia APM 100 Trains run on Zhujiang New Town Automated People Mover System (Chinese: 珠江新城旅客自动输送系统), or Guangzhou APM line. the 14 trainsets are manufactured by Bombardier Pittsburgh Plant, Pennsylvania. For other versions, liv...
Guangzhou Metro APM Line Train 3&4 Car
Tekijä: Kaeru教信者
Guangzhou Metro Bombardier Innovia APM 100 Trains run on Zhujiang New Town Automated People Mover System (Chinese: 珠江新城旅客自动输送系统), or Guangzhou APM line. the 14 trainsets are manufactured by Bombardier Pittsburgh Plant, Pennsylvania. For other versions, liv...
Guangzhou Metro APM Line Train 6&8 Car
Tekijä: Kaeru教信者
Guangzhou Metro Bombardier Innovia APM 100 Trains run on Zhujiang New Town Automated People Mover System (Chinese: 珠江新城旅客自动输送系统), or Guangzhou APM line. the 14 trainsets are manufactured by Bombardier Pittsburgh Plant, Pennsylvania. For other versions, liv...
Hangang Expressway pillar
Tekijä: YOGURT
교각은 이미 도로에 포함되어 있습니다. 꼭 다운받지 않으셔도 됩니다....
Gula's Tall Grass 01 (Prop)
Tekijä: Gula
"Always greener on the other side." 228 Tris 512 Texture res --------------- Note: The self-shadowing is sometimes a bit intense, hopefully allows us to disable this feature per prop in the future. If you notice your bushes are a bit dark, its because of t...
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
Tekijä: boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...
Tekijä: REV0
Behold. Hauptbahnhof is the biggest station available for Cities Skylines. Hauptbahnhof was inspired from Subbahnhof train-hub, made for post-war Berlin in paralel with Germania project. I made extensive modifications on the main design and changed my aspe...
Hazukuri Station Nameplate
Tekijä: Muska
하즈쿠리역용 역명판 프롭파일입니다. Nameplate prop for Hazukuri station. 初作駅用の駅名板プロップファイルです。...
Heavy Repair Depot
차량사업소(중수선) Depot(Heavy Repair) NOTE 이 애셋은 차량기지용입니다. This asset is for train depot. 이 애셋과 차량사업소(소형)를 같이 써주세요.. Use Depot(small) with this asset. 이 에셋은 업데이트가 안될 수 있습니다! This asset MAY NOT BE updated! 그럼에도 불구하고 저를 후원하시고 싶다면 하세요? By the way, if you want to don...
Hedge Prop.
Tekijä: pdelmo
Hedge Prop. 3d Plant Prop for People that detail only. Includes one tall 8mtr hedge terrain conforming Short 7mtr hedge conforming and non-conforming Made using bilboaring leaves has double sided mesh as its a prop. So has twice the triangle count as a tre...
Hide TM:PE Unconnected Tracks
Tekijä: kian.zarrin Hides tracks that are unconnected by TMPE lane connector tool. Instructions: 1- subscribe to and enable this mod and TMPE. 2- use TMPE lane connector to connect tracks. 3- unconnected tracks will disappear (see limitations)....
HESS Swiss Diesel 2019: lighTram (Generic)
Tekijä: REV0
Diesel, 180 Passengers Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact HESS is Swiss bus manufacturer that focuses on lowfloor and Alpine busses and also experimental technology on public transport. ...
Hazukuri Station
Tekijä: Muska
두 개의 단선 승강장과 중앙에 통과선을 위한 공간이 있는 일본 스타일 역입니다. 중앙에 통과선을 까시려면 'Road Anarchy 모드'가 필요하며 통과선과 대피선을 연결하실 때는 조금 힘드실 수 있습니다. This Japanese style train station has 2 single track platforms and space for bypass track in middle. You need 'Road Anarchy Mod' to drag byp...
Highway Piers - Set 1 / เสาสะพานสำหรับทางหลวง ชุดที่ 1 (Pack)
Tekijä: Palm'sTime
Highway Piers Set 1 เสาสะพานสำหรับทางหลวง ชุดที่ 1 By Palm'sTime Info / ข้อมูล Type Building (Also available as road pillar mode*) / เป็นแบบ Building (และยังมีโหมด Pillar*) Size / ขนาด Varies / หลากหลาย Tris Main Tris: Type 1 : 202 Type 2 : 228 Type 3 : 18...
highway-sidewall 高速公路护坡
Tekijä: hikke
大家好 这次的作品高速公路护坡 根据游戏自带的护坡进行编辑 制作出了这个 中式护坡 特点是和游戏的一样 可以自己拉弧度 在也不用一个个扑通了~ 如果你觉得好 请给我点赞 支持我~~ ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is highway-sidewall I used the road editing function to make Characteristics and the game is the same as qu...
Himeyama Clock
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Optional functional clock for Himeyama station:
Himeyama JP Signs
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Optional Japanese signage and light for Himeyama station:
Highway Pillars Pack
Tekijä: Palm'sTime
Designed for Amamlya's CSUE and can be compatible to other roads. Based on Thailand's Expressway. It's building (Placing). Built For Elite Players Only. Details: - TH Pillar1 Lane (Col_TH_TYPE_1L) = 1 Lane | Main Tris: 126 | LOD Tris: 90 - TH Pillar 2 Lane...
HK Pedestrian overcrossing 港式人行道天桥 Hong Kong
Tekijä: XDBX
这里有五条人行天桥,这是其中的第一条,你可以在游戏在带的人行道一栏找到它们 There are five pedestrian bridges here, this is the first one, you can find them in the sidewalk of the game. 全部道路在和集中 All roads in and concentrated 港式人行天桥只包含高架和桥,地面上仍是水泥路,使用的时候请按“PageUp” HK pedestrian overcrossing onl...
Tekijä: 男神CSUR
速度:160km 定员:944(118,8节) 车箱:8节...
Improved Transport Manager 0.2 (beta 2)
Tekijä: Klyte45 This mod is designed to be a replacement for both Transport Lines Manager and Improved Public Transport 2, the two public transport mods that shares the prefere...
I-5 at Harbor Blvd (Anaheim, CA)
Tekijä: Pamani
Disclaimer : The thumbnail picture is from a detailed scene, it is not what the asset will look like right after being placed. You are strongly advised to plop this asset on perfectly flat ground in order not to mess up the slopes. Informations : This parc...
Industrial Elevated Station
Tekijä: BadPeanut
This station can be placed along a road as seen above. Same prices and specs as default station. BadPeanut modelled and created this asset BloodyPenguin created and maintains the mod required. If you get a "broken asset: netinfo missing" error it means you...
Inner City Metro
Tekijä: Fishbus
Larger metro station that looks real nice and city like - purdy lookin fella'. Stats: Footprint: 10x2 Cost: 27500 Upkeep: 240/week Power Usage: 560KW Water Usage: 240 Noise Pollution: 10 Noise Radius: 30 Tris: 944 Smaller version:
INNOVIA Metro 300 (Train) - Vancouver SkyTrain
Tekijä: meshd
BOMBARDIER INNOVIA Metro 300 (Vancouver SkyTrain) Asset Name MKIIITRAIN_SKYTRAIN Front Car Mid Car Capacity 150 150 600 total Tris 948 674 LOD 110 90 Speed 24 (120 km/h) 24 (120 km/h) Acceleration 0.2 0.2 Brake 0.2 0.2 My Wo...
INNOVIA Metro 300 (Metro) - Line Colour
Tekijä: meshd
BOMBARDIER INNOVIA Metro 300 (Line Colour) Asset Name MKIIIMetro_Colour Line Front Car Mid Car Capacity 150 150 600 total Tris 948 674 LOD 110 90 Speed 20 (100 km/h) 20 (100 km/h) Acceleration 0.2 0.2 Brake 0.2 0.2 My Worksh...
Intersection Marking Tool 1.14.4
Tekijä: macsergey Overview This mod allows you to quickly create road markings at intersections. This is for detailing and aesthetics ONLY and WILL NOT tell your traffic where to go. If you want to control traf...
Irwindale Station
Tekijä: Polygon About Gold Line The Gold Line is a 31 miles light rail line of the LA Metro Rail system, running from East Los Angeles to Azusa. Irwindale Station is part of the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension, which is extending the exist...
Invisible ceiling lamp
Tekijä: vilgard92
Invisible ceiling lamp by vilgard92 For assets designers. An invisible ceiling light that illuminates 180 degrees downward with a slight random variation of brightness to enhance your créations. I hope you'll enjoy. Stats :Tris : none Lod Tris : none Textu...
Invisible road 2L2W no Ped
Tekijä: Chamëleon TBN
Invisible road 2L2W no Pedestrian Path! by Chamëleon Just a modification of stmSantanas Invisible road 2lane 2way (+Zone, Pedestrian). So all credits go tostmSantana! Some players have issues if they do not activate manually the Zoning. This can be done wi...
Tekijä: CityOfTokyo
J-StylePCPillar It is prestressed concrete bridge pier which is common in Japan. Triangle : 350 Texture : 256 x 512...
j.p - Regular Forest
Tekijä: jorge.puerta j.p - Regular Forest Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 12 elements - Regular Forest. An whole collection of trees and other plants. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-n-a) Texture LOD (auto) Description -Type: Trees & Decoration. ...
Jakarta Modern Bus Stop Pack
Tekijä: fayeddd
Welcome Jakarta is known for having largest Bus Rapid Transit system. And here I bring to you those modern looking bus stops. Enjoy! About The Asset The original asset models were inspired by "Bundaran Hotel Indonesia Bus Stop" and "Sudirman-Thamrin Bus St...
Japanese Beverage Vending Machine PACK
Tekijä: CityOfTokyo
Japanese Beverage Vending Machine PACK DESCRIPTOPN Drink vending machines appeared in Japan in the middle of the Meiji era, and the number of installed drink vending machines is now about 2.5 million units nationwide. ASSET LIST Coca-Cola (Japan) Company, ...
Jamsil laru station
Tekijä: YOGURT
Jamsil laru station Google Map Recommended to use Railway Replacer When connecting track, you must use Find road Anarchy Railway Replacer 사용을 권장합니다. 로닉스 선로에 최적화되어 있습니다. 선로를 연결하실 때 로드 아나키를 키신후에 연결하셔야 합니다. 오류나 문제 있으시면 댓글 부탁드립니다. 2048*1024 x2 1024*512 x2 http...
Japanese Retaining Walls Network / 日本の擁壁
Tekijä: Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese retaining walls made with stones. "Retaining wall" means artificial angled wall. There are 2 variations: With Fences and Without Fences. With Fences version is for roads and tracks near mountains or hills, the other is for multi purpose (see examp...
Jinsha Paradise Walk | 金沙天街商业体
Tekijä: RichardShi
Jinsha Paradise Walk | 金沙天街商业体 这是一个超大商业体 请根据你的需求订阅 This is a huge business entity. Subscribe it according to demands in your city....
Jin Mao Tower Shanghai 上海金茂大厦
Tekijä: XDBX
Jin Mao Tower Shanghai 上海金茂大厦 你可以在第六集特殊建筑中找到哟 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level. ______________________________ 上海金茂大厦,位于上海市浦东新区世纪大道88号,地处陆家嘴金融贸易区中心,东临浦东新区,西眺上海市及黄浦江,南向浦东张杨路商业贸易区,北临10万平方米的中央绿地。 上海金茂大厦占地面积2.4万平方米,总建筑面积29万平方米,其中主楼88层,高度4...
Joak's Parasol
Tekijä: Polygon
This is just another modern looking parasol for more variety in game....
JP Low Hedge Network
Tekijä: Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a network of low (about 70cm) plants that can be found on the sides of roads and parking lots in Japan. Since they do not follow the ground, you can place them wherever you want. Three patterns are included: with curb, without curb, and with curb o...
JP 1L station tracks KT01E
JP 1L station track for elevated ⚠️ station track ⚠️ Since it is not a normal elevated track, it can not be raised and lowered by page Up etc. Please lay the elevated track on the vanilla line etc. and replace it with this asset. 単線の駅用線路 高架用です。 ⚠️ 駅用線路です。ご...
JP Parking Lot Light
Tekijä: Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese light for parking lots inspired from Panasonic's one. 2 props are included. One is double-side, the other is single-side. You can use them for station squares or parks as well. Specifications 4.8m height Tris Main(LOD): 66(48), 98(64) Textures Mai...
JPPO Roof Props
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Includes an AC, an electricity box and a vent. Made for the Japanese Post Office. Very generic, can be used for whatever you want. Main: 110 - 386 tris 512x256 LOD: 10 - 22 tris Twitch YouTube...
JR East E235-0 Series (11 Car) Set 01 / JR東日本 E235系0番台 [11両] トウ 01
Tekijä: JenperTC
"次は、東京" The E235-0 Series is a commuter train in Tokyo used on the JR East Yamanote Line. It was introduced in 2015 but due to technical issues, it was re-introduced in 2016, this series was set to replace the old E231-500s on the Yamanote Line at the time...
Kopfbahnhof - Terminus Station
Tekijä: REV0
9-Track, Euro styled, Terminus station Kopfbahnof is based on Jens' Anhalter station. The Anhalter Bahnhof is a former railway terminus in Berlin, Germany, approx...
Korean Fence Railway(based on R69 railway)
한국식 담장있는 선로(R69 railway 기반) Korean Fence Railway(based on R69 railway) 이 에셋의 구성요소(Contents) 1.일반방향 선로(우측통행일경우 우측통행) 2.역방향 선로(우측통행일 경우 좌측통행) NOTE 이 에셋은 업데이트가 안될 수 있습니다! This asset MAY NOT BE updated! 더 많고 좋은 에셋을 원하시나요? 그럼 원작자를 후원해주세요! Wants more better item...
King Leno's Glass Props
Tekijä: KingLeno
not much to see here, but this will be a collection of custom glass props that I will use for future assets. If you follow me or subscribe to any of my assets, you'll want to go ahead and subscribe to this one in advance....
Tekijä: KingLeno
KL-Umbrella by KingLeno 3 umbrella props for patio/pools/resorts -red/white traditional U-shaped -blue traditional -green square shaped -black square shaped -orange square shaped -tiki/tropical straw umbrella -multi colored pink/purple/green/yellow umbrell...
Large Airport Terminal Pack
Tekijä: vasimr22
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a collection of buildings for a large airport terminal. It shou...
Korean Underground Railway(based on R69 railway)
한국식 지하선로(R69 railway 기반) Korean Underground Railway(based on R69 railway) 이 에셋의 구성요소(Contents) 1.일반방향 선로(우측통행일경우 우측통행) 2.역방향 선로(우측통행일 경우 좌측통행) NOTE 이 에셋은 업데이트가 안될 수 있습니다! This asset MAY NOT BE updated! 더 많고 좋은 에셋을 원하시나요? 그럼 원작자를 후원해주세요! Wants more better i...
Large Modular Train Station Complex
Tekijä: JSF-1
This station is modular similar to BadPeanut's central station. It works the exact same as his aswell. The overall inspiration for the design of this station was Nagoya Station in Japan. So what do you get? 3 Assets: 1) Large Station Complex Front: This pi...
Large Recycling Center
Tekijä: Fishbus
This larger recycling facility can deal with the most demanding of cities by sifting through and removing garbage over time. Noisy and expensive but it's 100% clean! Stats: Footprint: 16x8 Cost: 100000 Upkeep: 1920/week Garbage Capacity: 570000 Garbage Pro...
Laviante 2.0
Tekijä: jPRO
Laviante 2.0 - Map Theme Use with Laviante LUT by @notDoneyet Used 1k - 4k textures. Cliff optimized for Coastal maps. Sand texture with soft brush creates ruined texture, use with combination with oil (or ore) Sand use unde...
Laviante Lut
Tekijä: notDONEyet
LUT for Laviante 2.0 Map Theme No need for relight settings. based on EU environment....
Leafy Tree Set
Tekijä: pdelmo
Set of 4 Leafy green generic trees 1024x1024 textures with colour and normal maps Leafy Tend 512tri Leafy Regular 966tri Leafy Full 426tri Leafy split trunk 953tri Shoutouts for some screenshots Hotkettle
Library Proch (No DLC Required)
Tekijä: RichardShi
This is a library asset. about assets The prototype of the library porch is the porch of the library in Huxi campus of Chongqing University. Triangle count: < 100 where is the main structure of the library? Click here =
Line Decal Networks
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Includes white and yellow line decal networks and the line decals used for them. Found in landscaping paths menu. You can save on the prop limit by using these instead of decals, but don't overdo it, as there are segment, node and lane limits as well. You ...
London Oyster Barriers
Tekijä: meshd Keyword for Find It: "oyster" Height adjustable using Move It TfL Oyster Card Barriers / Ticket Gates / Gateline You can make the barcode scanner visible by renaming the building to anything else other than their original as...
Loading Screen Mod Revisited 1.1.9
Tekijä: algernon A replacement for, and continuation of, thale5's original Loading Screen Mod. Includes improved performance and compatibility with other mods, as well as some new features: Skip network and tree prefabs (in addition to the o...
Live Oak Tree
Tekijä: MrMaison
Live Oak Tree by MrMaison Introducing a basic version of a Live Oak tree. There are many variations of "Live Oak" trees and I do plan on releasing more types including a "Southern Live Oak" with moss which is already in development. This tree is tall, thic...
London Planetree 2
Tekijä: MrMaison
London Planetree 2 by MrMaison Introducing a 2 piece set of new and improved London Planetrees. One big fluffy one and a younger version. The young version is great for street decoration and smaller yards. I plan to make more variations in the future. The ...
Longyang Road Station (Elevated Train Station Version) 龍陽路站 (高架火車站版)
Tekijä: Emperor Li
Longyang Road Station (Elevated Train Station Version) 龍陽路站 (高架火車站版) Elevated train station version of my Shanghai Maglev Longyang Road Station The station is longer than the maglev station, Station track height is 9m, length 18 tiles (144m). If you get th...
Los Angeles Metro Bench Pack
Tekijä: Polygon This prop pack includes two original benches you can find at LA Metro’s Expo Line Stations. Check out my appendant LA Metro Stations & Props. Mesh Info Bench A: 696 tris, 512x256 diffuse, specul...
Los Angeles Metro Prop Pack
Tekijä: Polygon
These props are made for my Los Angeles Metro stations. Currently, this pack contains the following props: Metro Lines Map - NEW! Ticket Machine - NEW! Trash Can Station Display Turnstiles Check out my Los Angeles Metro Bench Pack .
Lounge Furniture Pack
Tekijä: Polygon This pack contains four modern outdoor furniture props. I think there is not much modern furniture to find yet. So I was encouraged to create some for my new apartment building. Note: the last four pictures are blender renders....
LRT - Light Prop
Tekijä: clus
LRT - Tram - Station Track #01
Tekijä: clus Hello all together ! As described above, it´s just a station track. ;) You will need it for the LRT - Center Platform Stations. 16 m wide platform is located be...
LRT - Tram - Station Track #01 - Extension
Tekijä: clus Hello all together ! This one is just an extension for the center - platform - station track. The speed - limit is the same as on the other LRT - Tram - Tracks. No platforms attached to this ....
LRT - Tram Station (Center Platform)
Tekijä: clus
LRT - Tram Station (Center Platform) Prolog Moin folks ! This one is the first station created to use with my LRT - Tram network. Model stats The model has about 3200 tris and uses a 512x2048px texture. It comes with a custom lod which has approx 250 tris ...
LRT - Tram Tracks - Prop Pack
Tekijä: clus
Announcement Hello everybody ! This Prop Pack is the main dependency for all LRT - Tram tracks. That includes the first upload ( ) "LRT - Tram - Tracks" as well. I am going to correct my big...
LRT - Tram Tracks
Tekijä: clus Hello all together ! This network is (kind of) a complete overhaul of the tram network. Its called "LRT - trams". You can find all related networks/assets in the collection above. This was the...
LRT Jabodebek [Train]
Tekijä: meshd
Looking for other variants? LRT Palembang LRT Palembang LRT Palembang Asian Games LRT Palembang Asian Games LRT Palembang LRT Jabodebek LRT Jabodebek LRT Jabodebek INKA Light Rail Transit - LRT Jabodebek Asset Name LRT Jabod...
LRT - Tram Tracks - Single Tracks
Tekijä: clus Hello all together ! This network is (kind of) a complete overhaul of the tram network. Its called "LRT - trams". You can find all related networks/assets in the collection above. This was the...
LRT Tram Depot
Tekijä: clus
LRT Tram Depot Prolog Moin folks ! That might be something you could need, if you´re using the LRT tracks already. ;) About the model A depot for your trams ! It might not be as nice as other creations, but I thinks it looks ok. ;) The model has about 4500...
LRT Tram Tracks - Without Fences
Tekijä: clus Hello all together ! This network is (kind of) a complete overhaul of the tram network. Its called "LRT - trams". You can find all related networks/assets in the collection above. This wasn´t ...
LRT Tram Tracks Sngl - no Fences
Tekijä: clus Hello all together ! This network is (kind of) a complete overhaul of the tram network. Its called "LRT - trams". You can find all related networks/assets in the collection above. This wasn´t ...
Maputo Apartment 1
Tekijä: NameInvalid
commissioned by Bastet69 Apartment located at 2HGV+75J, Maputo, Mozambique. Building type : high residential dimension : 3x4 ✅ keyword : maputo, apartment ✅ color variations : red, orange, green, blue; adjustable with RePaint 2.9k tri, 512x1k lod 44,32x64 ...
Marina Bay Sands 金沙酒店
Tekijä: 752811818
Marina Bay Sands Singapore Floors 57 Roof 207m Level 6 Unique building The problem of unconnected roads can be solved by using pavements to cross the tall buildings in the middle.
Maxwell the cat
Tekijä: ArmoredBaguette_
Yes ! Yes you dreamed it, you love it, you like it... an internet star is coming to cities: skylines. Meet Maxwell the cat! here is the prop version :
Maxwell the cat [PROP]
Tekijä: ArmoredBaguette_
Maxwell the cat prop version...
Medium Road for Stations
Tekijä: rcost
Medium Road for use with elevated over the road stations, taken from the medium road monorail station...
Metro Over Road Tracks
Tekijä: Coldrifting
Place Metro tracks over any roads you want, no mods required! This set of networks includes 16m and 32m wide elevated vanilla style metro tracks that can be placed over any roads. You can also find an over road friendly station to go with them here. Inspir...
Metro Over Road Elevated Station
Tekijä: Coldrifting
WARNING: Currently trains only use one platform, and I'm not sure how to fix it, so only use this asset if you're okay with those issues. A version of the vanilla Elevated Metro Station that can be placed on top of any road, no mods required. See the gif b...
Metro Overhaul Mod (MOM)
Tekijä: sniggledigit Version 11 (11.0.0) Thank you for scoping out the Metro Overhaul Mod. The main goals of this mod are: NEW Integrate and extend the functionality and versatility of the existing metro network. ...
Metro Single Island Station Tunnel Track
Tekijä: cylis
Metro single island station tunnel track in the style of Metro Overhaul Mod. Required for: Single Island Underground Metro Station Recommended Mods: RON, the Network Replacer - needed to replace metro station tracks. Disclamer This asset was created after ...
Metro Station Hub - Anno 2205
Tekijä: DenRic
Metro Station Hub - Anno 2205 style Inspired by Train Stations CCP and Anno 2205 There has long been a desire to create or adapt buildings from Anno 22...
Metro Track (Wired)
Tekijä: SA547PH
Metro Track (Wired) by SA547PH Basically the same cost as regular Metro track, but with vanilla catenaries added. Made this so that converted trains with pantographs (those supported by Train Converter) are visually compatible with this track. Should be a ...
Meitetsu 9100 + 9500 series
Tekijä: ron_fu-ta
名鉄9100系+9500系 定員:720名 速度:120km/h Meitetsu 9100 series + 9500 series Capacity : 720 person Speed : 120km/h...
Metro Tracks #01
Tekijä: clus Hello all together ! These tracks are the "base" version of the BM - metro tracks. double track version all elevations dark tunnels (with the help of a tunnel d...
Metro Station Tracks Below Ground - Vanilla style set
Tekijä: DenRic
Metro Station Tracks Below Ground - Vanilla style set For the asset creator and assets that need it Inspired by Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Train Stations Compatible with MOM inspired tracks by cylis The set contains 5 tracks: Single - varies ...
Metropolis State Expressway P2
Metropolis State Expressway pack2, includes 7 roads, 4&5 lanes. pack1: ======== please feel free to improve on this asset. ======== *This is the expansion of the first pack, see more descrip...
Metropolis State Expressway P1
Metropolis State Expressway pack1, includes 8 roads, from 1 lane to 3 lanes. pack2: Quick guide↓ ============= please feel f...
Metropolitan Depot
Tekijä: MrMaison
Metropolitan Depot by MrMaison Thank you for your patience. Introducing the Metropolitan Depot! It's a depot/shop giving your new metro trains a home as they now can see the light of day with the new Metro Overhaul Mod. This is a great centerpiece for a me...
Metropolitan Depot 2
Tekijä: MrMaison
Metropolitan Depot 2 by MrMaison Introducing the second Metro Overhaul Depot. This depot is dedicated to Lazarusman A.K.A. sniggledigit who brought us this game changing mod along with BloodyPenguin. This depot was modeled with an interior and unlike the f...
Tekijä: egi
Station track and prop replacement for metro. Developed by Egi and Rev0. Based on Simon Royer's and Ronyx69's work. Read the guide to understand what this mod is about For those who know the...
Millennium Residential |万川千禧年住宅
Tekijä: RichardShi
Millennium Residential | 万川千禧年住宅 希望你们会喜欢它! Hope you guys will enjoy it!...
Modern 6 tracks station Long
Tekijä: ron_fu-ta
近代的な6線式の駅です。(長編成列車用) Modern 6 tracks station. (For long train) DLC "Mass Transit" が必要です。 DLC "Mass Transit" is required. 延長ホームは公園カテゴリーです。 Extension platform is park category. How to use 使い方...
Miyagi Motors Cargo Station
Tekijä: Avanya
>>Alternate version without the tiny road (and no need for Network Extensions)<< A cargo train station matching the rest of the Miyagi Motors complex! I had this planned all along, but couldn't get it to work. As I got my station for the distribution cente...
Modern Bridge | 千厮门大桥 东水门大桥 物品包
Tekijä: RichardShi
Modern Bridge Qiansimen Bridge , Dongshuimen Bridge | 千厮门大桥 东水门大桥 物品包...
Modern Bus Shelter | 现代中式公交候车亭
Tekijä: RichardShi
Modern Bus Shelter / 现代中式公交候车亭 此资产由玩家【黄老师】要求定制并共享于工坊。 Player applies to me for asset customization. I shared it in the workshop at his request....
Modern Dual Track Metro Station Track
Tekijä: cylis
Dual track metro station track in the style of Metro Overhaul Mod. Recommended Mods: RON, the Network Replacer - needed to replace metro station tracks. Important Vanilla Cities Skylines did not include an above ground metro station, so one will not be pro...
Modern Dual Track Underground Metro Station Track
Tekijä: cylis
Dual track underground station track in the style of Metro Overhaul Mod. Required for: Dual Underground Metro Station Recommended Mods: RON, the Network Replacer - needed to replace metro station tracks. Disclamer This asset was created after the Airports ...
Modern Dual Track Elevated Metro Station Track
Tekijä: cylis
Dual track elevated metro station track in the style of Metro Overhaul Mod. Recommended Mods: RON, the Network Replacer - needed to replace metro station tracks. Important Vanilla Cities Skylines did not include an elevated metro station, so one will not b...
Modern Elevated Modular Station
Tekijä: Nickayz
This elevated modular station is a variation of my Liège-Guillemins Train Station, which is a train station in Liège, Belgium. It is part of the high speed corridor between Paris and Düsseldorf frequented by the Thalys and ICE trains. It was opened to publ...
Modern Metro Bypass Station Track
Tekijä: cylis
Quad track metro station bypass track in the style of Metro Overhaul Mod. Recommended Mods: RON, the Network Replacer - needed to replace metro station tracks. Important Vanilla Cities Skylines did not include an above ground bypass metro station, so one w...
Modern Lighting Pack - 2020 Edition
Tekijä: GCVos
This pack adds 27 new street lights and lamps to your game. These props can be used for assets and can be placed ingame using Network Skins 2 and More Beautification. Content as of May 2020: + Suspended Street Light + Suspended Avenue Light + Stainless Str...
Modern Metro Bypass Elevated Station Track
Tekijä: cylis
Quad track elevated metro station bypass track in the style of Metro Overhaul Mod. Recommended Mods: RON, the Network Replacer - needed to replace metro station tracks. Important Vanilla Cities Skylines did not include an elevated bypass metro station, so ...
Modern Metro Bypass Tunnel Station Track
Tekijä: cylis
Underground metro bypass station track in the style of Metro Overhaul Mod. Required for: Underground Bypass Metro Station Recommended Mods: RON, the Network Replacer - needed to replace metro station tracks. Disclamer This asset was created after the Airpo...
Modern Single Track Elevated Metro Station Track
Tekijä: cylis
Single track elevated metro station track in the style of Metro Overhaul Mod. Recommended Mods: RON, the Network Replacer - needed to replace metro station tracks. Important Vanilla Cities Skylines did not include a single track elevated metro station, so ...
Modern Single Track Underground Metro Station Track
Tekijä: cylis
Single track underground station track in the style of Metro Overhaul Mod. Required for: Single Underground Metro Station Recommended Mods: RON, the Network Replacer - needed to replace metro station tracks. Disclamer This asset was created after the Airpo...
Modern Single Track Metro Station Track
Tekijä: cylis
Single track metro station track in the style of Metro Overhaul Mod. Recommended Mods: RON, the Network Replacer - needed to replace metro station tracks. Important Vanilla Cities Skylines did not include a single track above ground metro station, so one w...
Modern Timber Concourse Network
Tekijä: BadPeanut
Modern Timber Concourse Network by Bad Peanut. This is a Concourse network to be used with the Airports DLC. Same as the vanilla versions, just a reskin for variety. Found at the end of the menu, or by using the steam filter...
Modern Underground Cargo Terminal
Tekijä: Nickayz
**The warehouse building is based on Luminou's Medium Ware House and not my work.** Are you fed up with the five year old design of the cargo station? Then this modern cargo station might suit you. Cargo trains are spawning and arriving in the underground,...
Modular Elevated Station by BadPeanut
Tekijä: BadPeanut
This is a modular elevated station that I've been working on! Works similar to my other modular stations, but this is dependant on the Extra Train Station Tracks mod. If you get a "broken asset: netinfo missing" error it means you are not subscribed to the...
Modular Seya Station
Tekijä: YODOH
Edited from TOKACHI269's Seya Station. NOT working for station....
Modular Train Depot Pack - Medium
Tekijä: REV0
Modular Train Depot Pack - Large: 5x5 My Discord Server Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Modular train depot pack that can be used in railyards, maintenance facilities and similar oper...
Modular Through Station | Modern Central | BadPeanut
Tekijä: BadPeanut
Now with a transparent roof! No Mods are required - Don't forget to Rate up if you like it! This is a modular through station consisting of three assets: Module 1 Metro, Module 2 and Module 3 Busport. No mods are required for this to work. Keep reading the...
Monorail-over-Road Tracks
Tekijä: Delta 5-1
Turn any road into a monorail road with this set of rail-over-road monorail tracks. Features Designed for use with Vanilla+ Roads, but will work with any other road. Can be placed off-road, over footpaths, railway tracks etc. Can be raised and stacked one ...
More CitizenUnits 1.1.3
Tekijä: algernon Doubles the number of CitizenUnits (NOT CITIZENS) available in the game (from 524,288 to 1,048,576). Just enable and start a new game, lor load an existing one - no other steps are needed. IMPORTANT NOTE It's like using the ...
More PathUnits 1.1.2
Tekijä: algernon Doubles the number of PathUnits (used for vehicle and citizen instance pathfinding) available in the game (from 262,144 to 524,288). Just enable and start a new game, lor load an existing one - no other steps are needed. IMP...
More Vehicles
Tekijä: dymanoid This mod increases the limit of spawned vehicles. The vanilla game allows at most 16,383 moving vehicles and at most 32,767 parked vehicles. Want more? With More Vehicles, up to 65,535 moving vehicles and up to 65,535 parked...
More Relight LUTs
Tekijä: Ronyx69
LUT pack including 5 LUTs: Alpine, Lush, North, Natural, Average. The names have the prefix "Relight2". Created for the default and recommended relight settings: Since some people are except...
Move It
Tekijä: Quboid
Move It 2.10.7 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.1 (12th June Update) New in 2.10.7: - Auto-connect roads! If you paste a copied road over the top of an existing one, Move It will automatically connect the nodes. This can be turned off by clicking on th...
Monument Cities Skylines 2
Tekijä: Checo Mx
Model Information Tris: 782 Textures: 512 – 256 (D – I – S - N) You can search for this pack with the "Find It" mod with the name “Monument CS2” and you can move it with "Move It ". A small monument for this version of the game to remember and celebrate th...
MSE fences
MSE fences by MARCOWWINE Note: Network Tiling is needed to correctly display the texture tiling. Or Network Anarchy, whichever you prefer. 3 fence decorative networks made for MSE roads. can be placed using IMT....
MRT 3000 Class LRV 2023 4 Car Set
Tekijä: GilbertRoyAlva
MRT 3000 Class LRV 2023 4 Car Set by GilbertRoyAlva Thanks to Roan Carl Santiano from the Philippine Association of Railway Enthusiasts for providing the diagram to make The original asset possible and was used as the basis for the rework. The MRTC 3000 cl...
MSE props
MSE props by MARCOWWINE props made for MSE roads All these assets share one set of texture (512x512), LSM is recommended. List of content: props: mcw_MSE_1LEb1 mcw_MSE_1LEb2 mcw_MSE_1LEb3 mcw_MSE_1LEf mcw_MSE_1LEf2 mcw_MSE_1LEf3 mcw_MSE_1LEf4 mcw_MSE_1LEj ...
MTR M-Train [Metro]
Tekijä: meshd Looking for other variants? MTR M-Train MTR M-Train MTR M-Train Rolling Stock Details Manufacturer Metro-Cammell (Refurbished by United Goninan) Class/Name M-Train, Metro-Cammell EMU (DC), 港鐵現代化列車 Operator MTR Traction Elect...
MTA - Croton Harmon Station
Tekijä: Zarrix
Information Croton–Harmon station is a train station in Croton-on-Hudson, New York. It serves the Metro-North Railroad's Hudson Line and all Amtrak lines running along the Empire Corridor. It is the main transfer point between the Hudson Line's local and e...
MTR M-Train 5-car [Train]
Tekijä: MATT2772852
Originally released by meshd, commisioned by Adrian. Variants: - 8 & 4 Car Train - 8 & 4 Car Metro - Prop - 6 Car Train - 6 Car Metro - 5 Car Train - 5 Car Metro Historical and Technical Inf...
MTR Sunny Bay Station (Hong Kong)
Tekijä: Windows 95
This is my first building asset for the workshop. Textures aren't my best work, but it'll have to do for now. I'll update them again when I have some time. This project has simply been sitting in my WIP folder for a bit too long and has gotten a bit stale ...
MTR M-Train [Train]
Tekijä: meshd Looking for other variants? MTR M-Train MTR M-Train MTR M-Train Rolling Stock Details Manufacturer Metro-Cammell (Refurbished by United Goninan) Class/Name M-Train, Metro-Cammell EMU (DC), 港鐵現代化列車 Operator MTR Traction Elect...
Muggenhof Station 1 (Nuremberg U-Bahn)
Tekijä: Pewex
I have a Patreon! If you like my assets and would like to support me, I would greatly appreciate it :) History This is a station of the Nuremberg U-Bahn system. It was opened in 1982. Asset info This building has the same stats as the default train station...
Muggenhof Station 2 (Nuremberg U-Bahn)
Tekijä: Pewex
I have a Patreon! If you like my assets and would like to support me, I would greatly appreciate it :) History This is a station of the Nuremberg U-Bahn system. It was opened in 1982. Asset info This building has the same stats as the default train station...
Nameless Metro Station | 无名镇地铁站
Tekijä: RichardShi
无名镇地铁站 2023改款 Nameless Metro Staiton ver.2023 此地铁站支持使用repaint更改路线颜色 This subway station supports changing route color by using . 此资产由玩家【红日浮茶】要求定制并共享于工坊。 This asset is customized by and I upload it on the workshop at his request. 本资产不欢迎某些双标人使用...
Nanjing South Railway Station
Tekijä: 910095247
Important update: This asset has a second version。In this there are some problems can not be solved, so I will not update, please move to the second version to the subscripe. The size of the two versions will be different, so you need to re-planning the or...
Narrow Tram Track - Concrete
Tekijä: clus Hello all together ! This is a Double Tram Track - Network on Concrete. Basically the same as Vanilla. Different Versions available:
Narrow Tram Track - Grass
Tekijä: clus Hello all together ! This is a Double Tram Track - Network on Grass. Basically the same as Vanilla. Different Versions available:
Network Anarchy
Tekijä: Quboid
Network Anarchy 3.2.5 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17 (23nd May Update) This mod adds additional options when building networks (roads, quays, etc) and provides game-wide anarchy to let you break the placement rules. Ne...
Network Extensions 2
Tekijä: sniggledigit
Now Using Harmony 2.2 What's New (v. Updated for Hotels & Retreats (v. Now compatible with Better Education Toolbar (v1.2.0.0) Updated for compatibility with Plazas & Promenades Source:
Network Skins
Tekijä: boformer Change the visual appearance of roads, train tracks and pedestrian paths per segment. This is an improved version of the well-known Network Skins mod, developed by TPB and boformer. Disable the other Network Skins mod before...
Network Multitool 1.3.5
Tekijä: macsergey Overview This mod provides many different tools for working with networks What’s Included Add node mode: add node to exist segment Remove node mode: remove node and join segments Union nodes m...
Nippon Sharyo DMU UP Express
Tekijä: Cristolisto
The Nippon Sharyo Diesel Multiple Unit (DMU) is a passenger train designed for the North American market and comply with EPA Tier 4 emission standards. There are 3 variants: A and B cars are streamlined. The only difference is that A cars have a restroom a...
Nippon Sharyo DMU
Tekijä: Cristolisto
The Nippon Sharyo Diesel Multiple Unit (DMU) is a passenger train designed for the North American market and comply with EPA Tier 4 emission standards. There are 3 variants: A and B cars are streamlined. The only difference is that A cars have a restroom a...
No Abandonment
Tekijä: Katalepsis
Disable Building Abandonment This mod disables abandonment in your game. Useful for people who like to play in complete sandbox mode and not worry about their carefully placed buildings being abandoned. Already abandoned buildings are not affected. Enjoy! ...
North Philadelphia Station
Tekijä: donoteat
LET THE BUYER BEWARE: THIS ASSET IS NOT EASY TO USE North Philadelphia Station was not the biggest station in Philadelphia, nor was it any railroad's primary station. However, the premier train of Philadelphia's premier railroad, the Broadway Limited, only...
Node Controller Renewal 3.5
Tekijä: macsergey Overview This mod allows you change node type and shape This is renewal version of original Node Controller by kian.zarrin with improved UI/UX. The new UI allows you to make the perfect inters...
NSW TrainLink XPT [Train]
Tekijä: meshd
Looking for other variants? NSW TrainLink XPT NSW TrainLink XPT InterCity XPT "City of Wagga Wagga" InterCity XPT Technical Details NSW TrainLink XPT (Express Passenger Train) Assets Included XPT 8-car XPT 6-car XP XAM XL XB...
NotSoRocky European Map Theme
Tekijä: Khanador
European version of my NotSoRocky Hills temperate Map Theme. I always lacked good looking, realistic theme with less rocky cliffs. Aftere releasing the original NotSoRocky theme I thought european version would be nice to have. I didn't just want exactly t...
NYC Elevated Pillar
Tekijä: MrMaison
NYC Elevated Pillar by MrMaison...
NYC Elevated Station Over Road 2
Tekijä: MrMaison
NYC_EL_Feindbild Street by MrMaison 12/9/2019 Anyone using Network Skins 2 will see street lights poking into the station. We are working on a fix for an update to address this. Update 6/11/2016 Streetlights no longer poke through the station platforms. No...
OBSOLETE: Modern Bilevel American Commuter Train Coach Prop
Tekijä: bsquiklehausen
THIS PACK IS OBSOLETE - ALL CIMRAIL PROPS ARE NOW INCLUDED WITH THEIR TRAINS. THESE MODELS ARE NO LONGER USED IN THE TRAINS AND WILL INCREASE RAM LOAD. A prop version of the coach from my Modern Bilevel American Commuter Train. In order to use this prop, m...
NYC Tenement Corner 8x4
Tekijä: Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the NYC Tenements collection linked above Asset is 8x4 RICO high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color main mesh: 9039 tris, LOD 70 tris asset shares textures with other NYC Tenements, us...
OBSOLETE: Modern Bilevel American Commuter Train Locomotive Prop
Tekijä: bsquiklehausen
THIS PACK IS OBSOLETE - ALL CIMRAIL PROPS ARE NOW INCLUDED WITH THEIR TRAINS. THESE MODELS ARE NO LONGER USED IN THE TRAINS AND WILL INCREASE RAM LOAD. A prop version of the locomotive from my Modern Bilevel American Commuter Train. In order to use this pr...
Ocean Cruiser - 2 car from Macao LRT / MLRT
Tekijä: Benlotelli
Other versions: 4 car version 6 car version Recommend track asset: TRTC BR metro tracks or APM轨道 The Macau Light Rapid Transit (MLRT, Chinese: 澳門輕軌系統; Portuguese: Metro Ligeiro de Macau, MLM) is a mass transit system in Macau and is also the first railway ...
Ocean Cruiser - 4 car from Macao LRT / MLRT
Tekijä: Benlotelli
Other versions: 2 car version 6 car version Recommend track asset: TRTC BR metro tracks or APM轨道 The Macau Light Rapid Transit (MLRT, Chinese: 澳門輕軌系統; Portuguese: Metro Ligeiro de Macau, MLM) is a mass transit system in Macau and is also the first railway ...
Ocean Cruiser - 6 car from Macao LRT / MLRT
Tekijä: Benlotelli
Other versions: 4 car version 2 car version Recommend track asset: TRTC BR metro tracks or APM轨道 The Macau Light Rapid Transit (MLRT, Chinese: 澳門輕軌系統; Portuguese: Metro Ligeiro de Macau, MLM) is a mass transit system in Macau and is also the first railway ...
One-Way Train Tracks
Tekijä: BloodyPenguin
Provides single & double one-way train tracks, single station tracks and two-way single tracks This mod was created at a time when neither custom network assets nor single train tracks were supported by the game. I keep this mod to support the existing sav...
Open glass roof Metro Station
Tekijä: potato24x7
THE ASSET IS NOT BEING MAINTAINED AND WILL NOT BE UPDATED Open glass Metro Station works with vanilla metro. Update: Fixed the bug that cims not using the station in vanilla environment. Also klyte45's Fine Road Anarchy dependency removed but still will be...
Optimised Outside Connections
Tekijä: Quboid
Optimised Outside Connections Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17 (23nd May Update) Sick of 7% full cargo trains clogging up your rail network? Got a queue of near-empty cruise ships clogging up your harbours? Optimised Outside Connections reduces the num...
Osaka Metro 400Series (Train)
Tekijä: SanTen
This is an asset of Osaka Metro 400 Series. Type ・OM400-6cars:Cosmosuquare⇔Gakken-Nara-Tomigaoka ・OM400-10cars:Shin-Osaka⇔Tennouji Please support me if you would like to help...!!!
Palm Tree by pdelmo
Tekijä: pdelmo
Low poly palm modeled after a cocos palm stats & info polygons 111 Texture D&A @ 512x512 Not too tall and low size variation for liines of palms...
Osaka Metro 30000Series (Train)
Tekijä: SanTen
This is an asset of Osaka Metro 30000 Series. Type ・OM31000:Senri Chuo⇔Nakamozu ・OM32000:Dainichi⇔Yaominami ・OM32000A:Cosmosuqure⇔Gakken-Nara-Tomigaoka Please support me if you would like to help...!!!
Parasol set
Tekijä: ron_fu-ta
パラソルセット Parasol set Parasol 1 : 4 kinds of random colors Parasol 2 : 4 kinds of random colors Parasol chirpy <Recomend MOD> Move It! More Beautification
Palm Trees - 5 in 1
Tekijä: Katalepsis
A pack of 5 palm trees for your tropical landscapes. I spent considerable time optimizing both the textures for a good look in-game, as well as editing the vertex normals on the models so the shading doesnt turn the plants black. However, most of the credi...
Parking 4x6 yh
Tekijä: Couch_surfer
Functional frills.....decorate as you will......
Parking Lot Roads
Tekijä: Badi_Dea
I can't drive 55 - no really, I can't, it's a parking lot... Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to several functional parking lot markers specially crafted to work with these(and other) roads. Everything in this p...
Patch Loader Mod
Tekijä: Krzychu1245
Core dependency of FPS Booster New in 2.1.2, 30/Nov/2021 bugfix: problem with detection of -noWorkshop and -disableMods command line flags, improvement: local mods directory path detection on MacOS v2.1.1, 6/Aug/2021 fixed c...
Pedestrian Path with Tunnel
Tekijä: cylis
Paved pedestrian pathway with fully rendered tunnels....
Penn Central Silverliner IV (Train)
Tekijä: meshd Looking for other variants? NJ Transit | Arrow III with Interior NJ Transit | Arrow III with Interior NJ Transit | Arrow III NJ Transit | Arrow III SEPTA | Silverliner IV SEPTA | Silverliner IV Penn Central | Silverliner IV ...
PESA FOKSTROT — Full generic
Tekijä: eligios⚡
Tram Fokstrot (Twist) by PESA A low-floored tram made for Eastern Europe markets. "The thing that distinguishes Fokstrot from the rest of our trams is a modern design of bodywork and the use of composite materials. The tram has been constructed with utiliz...
PESA FOKSTROT — Part generic
Tekijä: eligios⚡
Tram Fokstrot (Twist) by PESA A low-floored tram made for Eastern Europe markets. "The thing that distinguishes Fokstrot from the rest of our trams is a modern design of bodywork and the use of composite materials. The tram has been constructed with utiliz...
Tekijä: eligios⚡
Tram Fokstrot (Twist) by PESA A low-floored tram made for Eastern Europe markets. "The thing that distinguishes Fokstrot from the rest of our trams is a modern design of bodywork and the use of composite materials. The tram has been constructed with utiliz...
Tekijä: Reaper
Photorealistic_lut_Final_New_by_Reaper Imortant note use the same settings to have the same effect as for me :screen 2 daylight mod, screen 3 relight mod The best working with my theme but lut is great for every map
Pine Tree 1 of 3 - Green
Tekijä: Katalepsis
Green Pine Tree. This model is exactly the same as Shroomblaze's pine tree since we both got it from deviantart. This version is considerably darker than his and I've also imported two snowy versions to go with it so there is still use for all four version...
Platform Light ( Lamp )
Tekijä: Ryuichi Kaminogi
Realistic fluorescent light that glows beautifully and lightly. Find It! -> "KEIKOUTOU" "platform light"...
Ploppable Asphalt
Tekijä: Ronyx69
13 ploppable asphalt props: Square4, Square8, Square16, Square32, (sunken) SSquare4, SSquare8, SSquare16, SSquare32, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Transition (sunken to plain road) Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tuto...
Ploppable Grass
Tekijä: Ronyx69
10 ploppable grass props: Square4, Square8, Square16, (sunken) SSquare4, SSquare8, SSquare16, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests My Discord Donate CSLM...
Ploppable RICO Revisited 2.5.6
Tekijä: algernon Check out the wiki page for additional information, descriptions, guides and FAQ. New in 2.4: Configurable cost overrides. Option to automatically lock the building level of plopped growables (requires Advanced Building Leve...
Ploppable Pavement
Tekijä: Ronyx69
12 ploppable pavement props: Square4, Square8, Square16, Square32, (sunken) SSquare4, SSquare8, SSquare16, SSquare32, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Request...
PO LOGO _zh_L_01_轨交
Tekijä: 98ColdDew
(1) subscribe to this LOGO pack and launch the game (2) open the Procedural Objects mod’s menu (3) click "+" on a procedural object (4) Edit -> Text Customization -> + Add Text field (5) click arrows beside "Arial" until "_zh_L_01_轨交" appears (1) 订阅本LOGO包并...
POC Underground Train Station
Tekijä: BloodyPenguin
This is a proof of concept train station that looks and behaves like a metro station but only for trains. This is just a proof of concept and I don't recomment you to use trains instead of metros. Better wait for my elevated metro mod ;) Personally I prefe...
Polestar 1/ 吉利 极星 1
Tekijä: Jackson Wang
2020-Polestar 1 2020吉利 极星 1 Prop version click here / 道具摆件版本 Thanks to the following patrons for their support! Collin Perez Filip Benjamin Rückner MCR Photography Ryo Nagao / rnagaorn Lev vladimerovich Neyshtadt dxcentx trey cowherd MADMAN Hype Fetch EPIC...
Polynesia 2.0 Updated 2021
Tekijä: MrMiyagi
Miyagi Polynesia Gen II You can use this theme with any originally tropical map you would like to. This is a complete replacement for the previous Polynesia theme, with all sorts of improvements and fixes. It has been completely remade (because updating th...
Prefab Hook (Mod Dependency)
Tekijä: boformer
This mod is used as a bridge between different mods (for better compatibility). Using Harmony for redirection. Note: If you are a mod creator, consider using Harmony instead to add prefixes/postfixed to InitializePrefab! This mod was created before the exi...
Portions of stations from Railroads of Japan
Tekijä: Ryuichi Kaminogi
This pack has the modified stations from the ]content creator pack Railroads of Japan for Steam Workshop users. In this third pack, I have compiled 13 individual props for station stairs, platforms, corridors, etc. This can be used to customize and create ...
Precision Engineering
Tekijä: Simie Precision Engineering augments Cities: Skylines by adding angle snapping, guidelines and additional information to assist you when building roads, train lines, pipes and power lines. Installatio...
Procedural Objects
Tekijä: Simon Ryr
Procedural Objects mod Made by Simon Royer from the #FrenchCityDesigners community. Version 1.7.8 compatible with Cities:Skylines 1.14.5-f1 (Airports) and all expansions. No expansion required. The Procedural Objects mod adds a vertex customization tool di...
Prop Control 1.0
Tekijä: algernon A lightweight alternative for Prop Anarchy for those who don't want to (or can't) use Prop Anarchy or Extended Managers Library. Written with an emphasis on stability, to avoid the current issues with Prop Anarchy/Extended M...
PTV Myki Props
Tekijä: hemeac
This is a small 3 piece prop pack for your train strations. This first piece is a fast Myki reader. The other two pieces are the turnstiles that are found at the larger train stations in Melbourne and consists of an end piece and a middle piece. I didn't m...
Props for Union Terminal
Tekijä: NameInvalid
Props for Union Terminal 4 lighting props + 1 sign. keyword : kz, ut, light, sign -- Go to Union Terminal main asset:
Qiansimen Bridge Chongqing 重庆千厮门大桥
Tekijä: RyanCat
Qiansimen Bridge (pronounced as"Chance men")in downtown Chongqing,with railway space under. It's 870m long and the main tower is about 182m in height. It's in the electricity menu. The twin bridge
Quad Connecting Station Track Set
Tekijä: rcost
Bypass and Dual Island Station Tracks with connections for Quad Train Tracks. Requires the listed Quad Train Tracks for the bypass catenary. I’ve added a separate Dual Island ground segment and Bypass elevated segment in an attempt to achieve MOM compatibi...
Quad Train Tracks
Tekijä: rcost
Quad Train Tracks based the vanilla tracks, would not have been possible without Bad Peanut's bypass tracks and quad powerlines, I'm calling this a beta because this is my first asset and improvements must be made. They are, however, functional, so use the...
Racetrack Pits
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Includes racetrack pit lane "bus depot" for F1 cars, and also a decorative pit stop building. Main: 1038 - 1532 tris 1024x1024 LOD: 20 - 32 tris 256x256 This release marks my 2 year anniversary of asset creation. Racetrack:
Railway 1 Lane Elevated Station Tracks (Gravel-Concrete)
Tekijä: REV0
1 Lane Elevated Station track pack with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Part of Railway project Package Content 6 types of station tracks with gravel surface and concrete sleeper type: Wir...
Rail-Over-Road Train Tracks
Tekijä: BadPeanut
This is a set of 2 train tracks - a 16m wide version for small roads, and a 32m wide version for medium and large roads. These tracks can be placed over any road without the use of mods, and no disappearing pillars! Examples:
Railway 1 Lane Elevated Station Tracks (Pavement-Concrete)
Tekijä: REV0
1 Lane Elevated Station track pack with concrete sleepers on pavement surface. Part of Railway project Package Content 6 types of station tracks with concrete surface concrete sleeper type: Wir...
RAILWAY 2 - American Concrete (Network Pack)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with lots of new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Che...
RAILWAY 2 - American Concrete Island Station Tracks (Ground Entry)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - American Concrete Island Station Tracks (Standard Entry)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - American Concrete Island Station Tracks (Low Entry)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - American Concrete Mainline (Network Pack)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - American Concrete Island Station Tracks (High Entry)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - American Concrete Station Tracks (Ground Entry)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - American Concrete Station Tracks (High Entry)
Tekijä: REV0
RAILWAY 2 - American Concrete Station Tracks (Low Entry)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - American Concrete Station Tracks (Standard Entry)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - American Wooden (Network Pack)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with lots of new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Che...
RAILWAY 2 - American Wooden Mainline (Network Pack)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - American Wooden Station Tracks (Ground Entry)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - American Wooden Station Tracks (Low Entry)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - American Wooden Wireless (Network Pack)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with lots of new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Che...
RAILWAY 2 - American Wooden Station Tracks (Standard Entry)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - Base Props (European)
Tekijä: REV0 Contains base props used on European Railway 2 networks. Welds Rolling Marks Tunnel Darkeners Pillar bases are included in this pack. Check Railway 2 collection for details. Keywords: Railway ...
RAILWAY 2 - Base Props (American)
Tekijä: REV0 Contains base props used on American Railway 2 networks. Welds Rolling Marks Tunnel Darkeners Pillar bases are included in this pack. Check Railway 2 collection for details. Keywords: Railway ...
RAILWAY 2 - Euro Wooden (Network Pack)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with lots of new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Che...
RAILWAY 2 - Euro Wooden Station Tracks (Sta. Entry)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - Euro Wooden Mainline (Network Pack)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - Euro Wooden Station Tracks (Low Entry)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - German Catenary Pack (Class 160)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - Euro Wooden Wireless (Network Pack)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with lots of new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Che...
RAILWAY 2 - German Concrete, Clean (Network Pack)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with lots of new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Che...
RAILWAY 2 - German Concrete, Clean Station Tracks (Sta. Entry)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - German Concrete, Weathered (Network Pack)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with lots of new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Che...
RAILWAY 2 - German Mainline (Network Pack)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - German-W Concrete, Island Station Tracks (Sta. Entry)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - Northeast Corridor Concrete (Network Pack)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - Iberian Catenary Pack
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - Northeast Corridor Wooden (Network Pack)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - Pedrido Bridge Complex
Tekijä: REV0
Pedrido Railway Viaduct/Bridge Complex Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Armesto's Workshop Requests, Contact Ponte do Pedrido, Galiza Ponte do Pedrido is a bridge in the Province of A Coruña, Galiza, Spain. It was built between 1939 and 1942...
RAILWAY 2 - Pennsylvania Railroad Catenary Pack
Tekijä: REV0 Prop pack that contains entire set catenaries, cantilevers and PO ready props of PRR set. Check Railway 2 collection for details. Single catenaries, variant A and B Double catenaries Single ar...
RAILWAY 2 - Swiss Iberian Concrete (Network Pack)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with lots of new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Che...
RAILWAY 2 - SBB Catenary Pack
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - Swiss Iberian Mainline (Network Pack)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - Swiss Iberian Station Tracks (Sta. Entry)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 - Through Girder Bridge Pack 1
Tekijä: REV0
Black Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Railway 2 is a network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing feature...
RAILWAY 2 Dynamic - American Concrete Procedural (Network Pack)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Ch...
RAILWAY 2 Dynamic - American Concrete Dual Islands (Network Pack)
Tekijä: REV0 Railway 2 DYNAMIC update brings in-game procedural junctions and lane based superelevation for train tracks first time ever to Cities: Skylines, thanks to the team behind Adaptive Networks and Traffic President mods. This pa...
Railway Barriers (American)
Tekijä: Strategy Nerd
Railway: USA & CAN How to Use To replace your current barriers with the Railway Replacer mod, use the shortcut Shift + Alt + P and select one of the below styles. You can change the # tracks sign by placing one of the separate sign props over it. Pack Cont...
Railway Barriers (Canadian)
Tekijä: Strategy Nerd
Railway: USA & CAN How to Use To replace your current barriers with the Railway Replacer mod, use the shortcut Shift + Alt + P and select one of the below styles. You can change the # tracks sign by placing one of the separate sign props over it. Pack Cont...
Railway Barriers (Chinese)
Tekijä: uiop4869
Railway: China A pack include 4 barrier props, based on standard level crossings in China. Though most of them use slide gates instead of booms. How to use Please subscribe the Railway Replacer mod, press Shift + Alt + P to call up the mod menu during game...
Railway Barriers (Swiss)
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Barriers - Railway Swiss Style Props. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Buffers (Chinese)
Tekijä: uiop4869
Railway: China A pack include 4 styles of buffer props. Asset Name Style Name availability* Suitable coupler & height Example Usage R69China-BfJ China RWY Janney coupler 880mm Conventional lines R69China-BfS China-S RWY Scharfenberg coupler 1 000mm High-sp...
Railway Barriers (Taiwan)
Tekijä: YufuCharioteer
台鐵平交道 ▲"Railway Replacer"必要 ▲警告:部分模型是以基本香草道路創建的,使用其他道路可能會出現不相容的情況 ▲左駕(靠右行駛),右駕的城市B型和C型柵欄方向會顛倒 平交道系列,包含大部分平交道會出現的物件,以及一些平交道相關的道路標誌 本資產修改自Ronyx69的檔案,並使用REV0提供的縮圖,感謝他們提供的資源 Railway Barriers (Taiwan) ▲This asset require "Railway Replacer" Mod. ▲Warning: Some m...
Railway Catenaries (German High Speed)
Tekijä: REV0
Catenary Style for German High Speed Tracks Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Part of Railway project Pack Content Double ...
Railway Catenaries (Taiwan)
Tekijä: YufuCharioteer
台鐵電車線系統 ▲"Railway Replacer"必要 台鐵電車線系統,配合遊戲鐵路規格有做修改,不完全與現實中相同,模仿平面段水泥電杆和明挖覆蓋隧道的樣式 本資產修改自標小黑和Ronyx69的檔案,並使用REV0提供的縮圖,感謝他們提供的資源 Railway Catenaries (Taiwan) ▲This asset require "Railway Replacer" Mod. Catenaries used by Taiwan Railway. Modified in line with th...
Railway Decorative Networks
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Decorative wire and elevated border networks. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Erfurt-Nuremberg High Speed Rail (Wired)
Tekijä: REV0
Gruempental, Germany Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact The Nuremberg–Erfurt high-speed railway is a 190 km-long German high-speed railway, between Nuremberg and Erfurt. The line is list...
Railway Generic Elevated (Wired)
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Wired generic elevated tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Generic Elevated (Wireless)
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Wireless generic elevated tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Eglisau Truss Bridge (Wired)
Tekijä: REV0
Zurich, Switzerland Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact The Eglisau railway bridge, or Eisenbahnbrücke Eglisau, is a single-track railway bridge which carries the Eglisau to Neuhausen lin...
Railway Generic Green Elevated (Wired)
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Wired green elevated tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Generic Green Elevated (Wireless)
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Wireless green elevated tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Generic Truss Bridge (Wired)
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Wired generic truss bridge tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway German High Speed Embankment (Wired)
Tekijä: REV0
Embankment Network Pack for High Speed, Wired Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact This is a embankment network pack for high speed networks, based on German counterpart. Contains 2 Lane a...
Railway Gravel-Concrete Tracks (Wired)
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Wired tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Gravel-Concrete Tracks (Wireless)
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Wireless tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Gravel-Wood Tracks (Wireless)
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Wireless tracks with wooden sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Hohenzollern Bridge (Wired)
Tekijä: REV0
Cologne, Germany Discord: The Terminus Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio VecchioChristo's Workshop The Hohenzollern Bridge (German: Hohenzollernbrücke) is a bridge crossing the river Rhine in the German city of Cologne (German: Köln). It cros...
Railway Narrow - Gravel Concrete
Tekijä: REV0
Narrow Gauge Network Package Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Railway Narrow is an extension of Railway project, this time featuring 1067mm narrow gauge with custom gravel texture and ...
Railway Japanese Props
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Railway Japanese Style Props Also includes a bunch of decorative props. Search for "rwyjp" using Find It! Read description of the Railway collection: Select Japanese props in Railway Replace...
Railway Narrow - Gravel Concrete Station Tracks (Wired)
Tekijä: REV0
Narrow Gauge Network Package - Station Tracks Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Railway Narrow is an extension of Railway project, this time featuring 1067mm narrow gauge with custom gr...
Railway Narrow - Gravel Concrete Station Tracks (Wireless)
Tekijä: REV0
Narrow Gauge Network Package - Station Tracks Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Railway Narrow is an extension of Railway project, this time featuring 1067mm narrow gauge with custom gr...
Railway Narrow - Props
Tekijä: REV0
Prop pack that is being used by Railway Narrow. Check collection for details....
Railway Narrow - Rural Station Tracks
Tekijä: YODOH
Station tracks of RWY-Narrow Rural 1 lane, left side boarding, ground 1 lane, right side boarding, ground 1 lane, both side boarding, ground 2 lane, both side boarding, ground 2 lane, both side boarding, ground, no switch 1 lane, left side boarding, elevat...
Railway Narrow - Rural tracks
Tekijä: YODOH
Railway Narrow - Rural tracks is an extension of Railway Narrow, featuring 1067mm narrow gauge with custom tunnel, viaduct, bridge, and sleepers. Gravel texture depends on the map theme. memo: Do not make junction in Tunnel. In the front and back of the tu...
Railway Pavement-Concrete Tracks (Wired)
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Wired tracks with concrete sleepers on pavement surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Props
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Basic set of props used for all Railway releases. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Piacenza High Speed Rail Bridge (Wired)
Tekijä: REV0
Milan - Bologna High Speed Rail, Italy Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact The Milan–Bologna high-speed railway is a railway line that links the cities of Milan and Bologna, part of the I...
Railway Replacer
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Railway Replacer is developed by Simon Royer, Egi and Ronyx. The mod is responsible of two major tasks; replacement of station tracks on train stations and prop customisation/styling of rail networks that are part of RAILWAY ecosystem. Network and Style Pa...
Railway Switch
Tekijä: YODOH
Read the description! "Railway Switch" is intersection assets for Railway Gravel-Concrete Tracks (Wired) You can make smooth divergence with Railway tracks very quickly. |Note| 1.Please chec...
Railyard Station Platforms - Germany
Tekijä: REV0
Decorative Platform Network Pack - Germany, 1M Standard Network versions of Titan's ploppable station platforms, which were previously released as a part of 'Modular Station Project'. Link Here Pack contains 2 networks from Germany, post-unification and Re...
Railyard - Pit tracks
Tekijä: REV0
Network Pack for MF Pack of functional train tracks for Maintenance Facility. As a part of collections: Required Mods Move It, crucial to have during plopping. Find It, to find and use props in-game. search tag: Railyard, RE...
Railyard Rail Crossings Pack (Props and Network)
Tekijä: REV0
Rubber and metal rail crossing props and network. Pack contains 3 rubber rail crossings and 2 metal crossing props for railyards and simple crossing on rails. Rail 'crossings' are usually used on areas where a simple crossing is needed without damaging the...
Railyard Working Platforms
Tekijä: REV0
Working Platforms Modular pack of working platforms that can be used in railyards or any decorative purpose. Asset Info TEXTURE SHARE: Shares texture with: Liftjacks and crane pack. Tris: Reasonable / Texture: Yes As a part of collections: https://i.imgur....
Tekijä: rcost
Quad Metro Tracks based on the vanilla Over Ground Metro Tracks, intended for use without MOM, but should work with MOM just fine. I kept setting the visibility to hidden but I guess it's just public now, so go ahead and give em a whirl...
Real Neutral LUT - for Relight, Daylight Classic and Vanilla
Tekijä: creativeDEX
Real Neutral LUT by Dexter How to use a Color Correction/LUT? Change the Color Correction/LUT every time you want in the graphic settings of the game. This change the lightning, coloring, saturation and contrasts. ------------------------------------------...
Realistic Functioning Beach
Tekijä: Richie
Realistic Functioning Beach by Richie Properly placed on a sandy sloping beach with the correctly lever water front and finally a real functioning beach. I personally love how when a citizen with a dog enters the beach, the dog automatically runs full spee...
订阅了请点赞!!!!!! Realcity专用写实收费站1号 请配合realcity1.0以上版本使用!!!!!! realcity : 此版本专供经营者使用,造景专用的prop全套即将发布 ...
Recycling Center
Tekijä: Fishbus
Recycling Center: Slowly sifts through and removes garbage over time. Very noisy, inefficient but it's 100% clean! Stats: Footprint: 8x4 Cost: 45000 Upkeep: 960/week Garbage Capacity: 250000 Garbage Processing: 24000/week Garbage Trucks: 12 Catchment Area:...
Regular bushes
Tekijä: pdelmo
3 pack small tri 116 medium tri 358 large tri 818 textures are d,c,a @256x256 snowfall...
Regular Trees 4 pack
Tekijä: pdelmo
4 Generic shaped trees Stats and info: Textures all are 256x256 Tris Small 380 Columnar 700 Full 928 Crown 800 Smaller Leaves and billbording for a more realistic look...
Rendered Vanilla Train Tracks
Tekijä: cylis
Have you ever wanted to ride your train through the tunnel into the mountain? Now you can. With the Rendered Vanilla Train Tracks, it uses the standard vanilla assets for tracks, but uses the tunnel wall assets from the Metro Overhaul Mod. A big shout out ...
Tekijä: Ronyx69
--- UPDATE JULY 2023: This mod is old, Nyoko and algernon made a new mod which includes Relight's features and more called Lumina: --- Rebalanced and customizable lighting and tonemapping. A...
Retaining Walls
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Reversed Railway Gravel-Concrete Tracks (Wired)
Tekijä: pygargue de taaf
AVERTISSEMENT/DISCLAIMER EN: Firstly, Ronyx69 gave me the permission to upload this. Thank you very much. Secondly, I know my UI thumbnails are ugly, they look like counterfeit (hehe) but at least you can find the assets easily. Thirdly, these tracks are r...
Tekijä: Mechalic Riverdale Additional maps: 13/04/2020: Van Diemen's Land 06/08/2017: Shanghai 11/06/2017: Virtunos 02/06/2017: Norfolk 17/05/2015: Salem I welcome you t...
Road Arrows - Pack
Tekijä: clus
Road Arrows Pack Prolog Hey all ! This is a little pack of Road Arrows. I´ll use these arrows with all my new roads from now on. They´re less bright compared to the vanilla arrows and look a bit weathered. About the Arrows smaller than vanilla arrows thats...
Road with Monorail and Bus Lanes
Tekijä: Adreos
In yet another effort to fuse two roads toegether I bring you the road with monorail and bus lanes. A medium road with both monorail tracks overhead and bus lanes on the sides to help ease traffic. Its great as a run up for the monorail station with bus te...
Rome Termini Central Station
Tekijä: Zarrix
Information Roma Termini (in Italian, Stazione Termini) is the main railway station of Rome, Italy. With over 180 million passengers each year, Roma Termini is the second largest railway station in Europe after Paris Gare du Nord. Termini is also the main ...
ROADWAY Suburbia - Mulholland Drive Viaduct (2 Lane)
Tekijä: REV0
Mulholland Suburban Road Viaduct Network Roadway Suburbia "Suburbia" is an extension of Roadway project, which aims to deliver a consistent pack of North American suburban roads with an authentic look. These networks are based on their counterparts, mainly...
Roof Objects Pack 屋顶填缝套装
Tekijä: XDBX
by XDBX ------------------------------------------ All 26 objects -5 Air Conditionings -5 Electric box -4 Antennas -2 powerrooms -2 radars -2 water tanks -3 Signal towers -1 roof -1 lightning rod -1 Steel plate ------------------------------------------ mo...
Roof Surface Networks
Tekijä: Ronyx69
6 styles of roof surface networks in small and large sizes. Also includes a tiny decal for each style. Since they are networks, you can place decals on them as well. Can be used ingame to cover up bad low resolution roofs. Asset creators can also use this ...
Roof Vent Props
Tekijä: Kridershot
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀      Roof Vent Props Asset which has 7 different roof props. Texture maps should be shared, so I recommend using Loading Screen Mod to reduce Weight and Loading time. Tris Count Texture Size LOD Tris Cou...
Rooftop Hvac System A
Tekijä: Leo Mystic Magic
Rooftop Hvac System A by Shroomblaze Main Model = 204 Tris 512x512 Textures D,N,S Lod Model = 80 Tris 64x64 Textures D,N,S
SCMaglev Crossing Station
Tekijä: Nickayz
You have to subscribe to the SCMaglev Track. The SCMaglev system was developed in Japan and is currently under construction on the Chūō Shinkansen line (中央新幹線) between Tokyo and Nagoya. Unlike the German maglev system (Modern MAGLEV track) which floats con...
Tekijä: ilcicci1983
Please leave a vote if you subscribe. Won Map of the month may 2021 ****Subscribe All the mod and assets in the Rosi map collection**** It's a bit "heavy assets" but trust me, i've spent man...
SCMaglev Track
Tekijä: Nickayz
The track is designed specifically for the Chūō Shinkansen. Don't make tight curves. Otherwise the train will go visually through the track. You can use this station to fit the track: SCMaglev Crossing Station. The SCMaglev system was developed in Japan an...
Tekijä: creativeDEX
Satellite by Dexter Hi everyone, How to use a Color Correction/LUT? Change the Color Correction/LUT every time you want in the graphic settings of the game. This change the lightning, coloring, saturation and contrasts. this LUT comes with a high white lig...
Tekijä: Raffa
The last theme of a series. Relight Natural Ultimate Eyecandy Díky, že jste byli po celou dobu trvání série shovívaví k mým pokusům. Nejsem grafik. Témata mě bavilo dělat a i má ješitnost byla uspokojena. Byla to zábava, ale je čas to ukončit. Thanks for f...
Series 100 Shinkansen Trainset
Tekijä: Windows 95
Assignable line colours **Note: the "lightcone" only comes out of one side of the train... and only when it travels "forward" in that direction. With this in mind, sometimes the headlight lightcones may not show up at all. This is strictly an IN GAME LIMIT...
Set of Elevated Metro Stations
Tekijä: clus
Set of Elevated Metro Stations Prolog Hello all together ! This is the second set of "vanilla styled" metro stations. I´ve used only the texture provide by the vanilla elevated metro station to create these ... hence they lo...
Set of Dual Island Platform Station Tracks
Tekijä: BadPeanut
This is a set of dual island platform train station tracks. Ground and Elevated. To be used by creators to make their own stations with dual islands, and to be subscribed by users of those stations. Does not require any mods. Troubleshooting Follow These s...
Set of Bypass Station Tracks
Tekijä: BadPeanut
This is a set of bypass train station tracks. Ground and Elevated. To be used by creators (stop trying to use them as normal players then b i t c hing about it not working, seriously for god's sake) to make their own bypass stations, and to be subscribed b...
Set of Elevated Stations
Tekijä: BadPeanut
Set of Elevated Stations Here's what you get in this Elevated Station Pack! All four of these assets are located under the train tab, in the Public Transport menu. Stations: These stations are...
Set of Ground Metro Stations
Tekijä: clus
Set of Ground Metro Stations Prolog Happy New Year ! New year ... new things, or at least a bit different compared to the "usual" stuff that comes from me. ;) Yeah ... its vanilla ! :) I wanted to do something relaxing, afte...
Set of Ground Stations
Tekijä: BadPeanut
Set of Ground Stations Here's what you get in this Ground Station Pack! As usual, No mods are required All these assets are located under the train tab, in the Public Transport menu. Stations:
Set of Single Island Train Station Track
Tekijä: BadPeanut
This is a Train Station Track with an Island platform. Please subscribe if you're using any train stations that utilize this network. This is NOT a normal train track, nor will I be making one as they would not be visually supported by the vanilla game - t...
Set of Vanilla Metro - Station Tracks
Tekijä: clus
Set of Vanilla Metro - Station Tracks Prolog Happy New Year ! New year ... new things, or at least a bit different compared to the "usual" stuff that comes from me. ;) Yeah ... its vanilla ! :) I wanted to do something relax...
Set of Single Track Station Tracks
Tekijä: BadPeanut
This is a set of single track train station tracks. Ground and Elevated. To be used by creators to make their own stations with dual islands, and to be subscribed by users of those stations. Does not require any mods. Troubleshooting Follow These steps if ...
Set of Vanilla Metro - Station Tracks #02
Tekijä: clus
Set of Vanilla Metro - Station Tracks #02 Prolog Hello ! This is the last "vanilla set" for now ... These are the missing station tracks and as promised, the fixed double station tracks. Meshd asked for the single ones ... s...
SFCH Lights
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Shadow Strength Adjuster
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Allows to change the strength of shadows that objects cast using a slider, saves and loads the value next time. It doesn't load the slider position visually, but the actual shadow value loads correctly. The slider can be found in the options - mods setting...
Tekijä: abuchou
SHANGHAI AIRLINES B787-9 by abuchou vehicle & prop The 100th plane of SHANGHAI AIRLINES,B-1111. 上海航空波音787-9,上海航空第100架飞机纪念涂装,B-1111...
Shanghai Bund revetment上海外滩护岸
Tekijä: 红米先生
根据上海外滩护栏模仿制作而成,虽然有美中不足,且不是一比一模仿,但是尽量接近真实形状。 在游戏中,可向道路一样在河堤边拉长,上面附带景观走廊,如果您在基础上,加点装饰会显得更加美观。 资产: 面数:3500 LOD:1500 分辨率:1024X1024 低模分辨率:256X256 属性:公园护岸 The first mock exam of the Bund guardrail in Shanghai is in want of perfection, and it is not imitation, bu...
Shanghai customs house 上海海关大楼
Tekijä: CM.
你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third level of special buildings. Ps:此资产顶端并没有国旗,如果有需要国旗的需要自己摆放。 Ps:There is no national flag on the top of this asset. If you need a national flag, you need to place it yourself. 上海海关大楼是1891年拆除旧屋,于1893年建成一座英国建筑师设计、浦东...
Shanghai Maglev Longyang Road Station (Monorail Version) 上海磁浮龍陽路站 (單軌鐵路版)
Tekijä: Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2021-11-19*** fixed pink pedestrian path. ****************************** Shanghai Maglev Longyang Road Station 上海磁浮龍陽路站 Maglev train station in Shanghai, China, where people can take the maglev train to Shanghai Pudong International Airport and b...
Shanghai Park Hotel 上海国际饭店
Tekijä: CM.
Shanghai Park Hotel 上海国际饭店 by CM. 你可以在第四级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the fourth level of special buildings. 上海国际饭店(Park Hotel)是上海年代最久的饭店之一,有三十年代“远东第一高楼”之称。饭店地处繁华的南京西路,对面是风景如画的人民公园,饭店拥有供应中西菜肴的“国际廊”、“丰泽楼”、“顺风厅”、“孔雀厅”、“云楼”等五个不同风格的餐厅。 2016年9月,上海国际饭店入选“首批中国20世...
Shanghai Style Bus shelter-hikke
Tekijä: amamIya
Bus shelter-HI by hikke...
Sheraton Hotels Zhanjiang
Tekijä: XDBX
Sheraton hotels ZJ by XDBX 湛江喜来登酒店 两个大小版本,一共十个资产。 1:1大小有5个,1:1.5大小有5个。 Two size versions(1:1,1;1.5), a total of ten assets 1:1.5 version---------------------------------28.6MB 自带夜景彩灯 This version has colored lights Sheraton ZJ A 8.2mb Sheraton ZJ B 8.7mb S...
Shimanto River -Japan
Tekijä: aya
This map is Shimanto River of Japan's Shikoku Kochi Prefecture . around 18km x 18km Highway is 1 train lines is 1 Train lines and highways of unconnected located on the left, right, and bottom of the MAP. The ship will have to pass by the River . Image use...
Shinkansen 500 'Nozomi' - JR West (16Cars)
Tekijä: REV0
JR West, 1280 passengers Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Big in Japan. The 500 series (500系 500-kei) is a Shinkansen high-speed train type operated by West Japan Railway Company (JR-W...
Sheraton Hotel - DLC Airports
Tekijä: _luminou_
Sheraton Hotel - DLC Airports The Sheraton Hotel is a 4 stars hotel, emblematic, located in the heart of Charles-de-gaule Airport in Paris. "DLC Airports" adaptation of the "Unique Buidling Version" available in workshop. Ad...
Shimao International Plaza 上海世茂国际广场
Tekijä: XDBX
Shimao International Plaza 上海世茂国际广场 无裙楼版 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 上次做完环球经融中心顺 https://steamuserimages-...
Shinkansen D4 - Avalon (6Cars)
Tekijä: REV0
Generic, 440 passengers Multiverse. The D4 series is an Imperial Shinkansen high-speed train without tilting capability, developed jointly by Kawasaki Heavy Indus...
Shinkansen 500 'Nozomi' - JR West (Prop Pack)
Tekijä: REV0
JR West, Prop Pack Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Part of Shinkansen Fleet Collection Technical Details PROP PACK MaGiCaLLy optimized: Cars uses 1 tex...
Shinkansen D4 - Generic (Prop Pack)
Tekijä: REV0
Generic, Arctic White - Prop Pack Part of Shinkansen Fleet Collection Technical Details Prop Pack MaGiCaLLy optimized: Cars use 1 ...
Shinkansen D4 - Generic (6Cars)
Tekijä: REV0
Generic, 440 passengers Multiverse. The D4 series is an Imperial Shinkansen high-speed train without tilting capability, developed jointly by Kawasaki Heavy Indus...
Shinkansen E4 Max Series (8Cars)
Tekijä: REV0
Big in Japan. The E4 series (E4系) is a high-speed shinkansen train type operated by East Japan Railway Company (JR East) in Japan. They were the second series of completely bi-level Shinkansen trainsets to be built in Japan (the other being the E1 series)....
Shinkansen N700 - JR West (Prop Pack)
Tekijä: REV0
JR West, Prop Pack Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Part of Shinkansen Fleet Collection Technical Details PROP PACK MaGiCaLLy optimized: Cars uses 1 tex...
Shinkansen N700 JR Central (6Cars)
Tekijä: REV0
JR Central, 480 passengers Big in Japan. The N700 series (N700系 Enu nanahyaku-kei) is a Japanese Shinkansen high-speed train with tilting capability developed joi...
Shinkansen E4 Max Series (6Cars)
Tekijä: REV0
Big in Japan. The E4 series (E4系) is a high-speed shinkansen train type operated by East Japan Railway Company (JR East) in Japan. They were the second series of completely bi-level Shinkansen trainsets to be built in Japan (the other being the E1 series)....
Shinkansen N700 JR Central (Prop Pack)
Tekijä: REV0
JR Central, Prop Pack Part of Shinkansen Fleet Collection Technical Details PROP PACK MaGiCaLLy optimized: All set uses 1 texture ...
Shinkansen N700 Kyushu West (Prop Pack)
Tekijä: REV0
Kyushu West, Prop Pack Part of Shinkansen Fleet Collection Technical Details PROP PACK MaGiCaLLy optimized: All set uses 1 texture...
Shinkansen Station Network pack
Tekijä: Hibuna93
This is a Network asset pack for Shinkansen stations. It does not function as a station. These assets are only for diorama play. attention Without the PropPack, the roof light will not come on at night. Also, if there is no electricity, the lights will not...
Shinkansen Station Prop pack
Tekijä: Hibuna93
This is a PropPack for a Shinkansen station It does not have a station function. Please note that these assets are only for diorama play. The prop included in this pack is for the Tokaido Shinkansen, with the exception of a few. attention The Prop version ...
Single Station Track
Tekijä: clus
Short description: Hello. In this little pack are "four different" tracks included. - two simple one way train tracks (ground + elevated) - two station tracks (ground + elevated) I made these for my ´single track´ train stations. The tracks look "like" the...
Simple Clock + FPS Display
Tekijä: J108560
Simple System Clock + FPS Panel One panel each for time and FPS. Each panel can be switched on/off and move separately. Various settings can be made in the options menu: Text scale, outline and opacity Background opacity reset panel position FPS value can ...
simple road line
Tekijä: DᴇRᴀɴɢA
simple road line to paint all kind of parking lots or no parking areas Triangles: 10 / LOD 10 Textures: 256x256 D, A / LOD 32x32 Shader: Decal/Blend This prop can be found in the asset editor under Common - Common Streets and in game if you use the More Be...
Tekijä: CoarzFlovv
Mod to avoid train collisions on single tracks 2 ways from BloodyPenguin mod One-Way Train Tracks. How does this mod work? It is simple. Before entering on a single track section, a train will check if there is already anoth...
sinking Tram Road
Tekijä: clus Moin folks ! These roads here provide the possibility to sink your tram track in the middle of the road. This is an old upload ... it can still be used as descr...
Sinpyeong_Car_Depot sinpyeong-busan-korea yunseul
Tekijä: yunseul
Sinpyeong_Car_Depot100 by yunseul Recommendation -SingleTrainTrackAI-
Skyve v3.3.2.1 [Stable]
Tekijä: Chamëleon TBN
Skyve is the fresh re-make of the previous Loading Order Mod 1/2 & Compatibility Report. It features a completely new and slick UI, integrated & real-time compatibility management, advanced filtering, dark mode, Find It! custom tags, Linux & macOS Compatib...
SNCF Corail Intercité - Cars (Prop Pack)
Tekijä: REV0
SNCF Corail Intercité, Prop Pack Corail is the name given to a class of passenger rail cars of the SNCF that first entered commercial service in 1975. When introduced Corail carriages improved passenger comfort, featured air-conditioning, and superior leve...
solar panel_busan_station
Tekijä: yunseul
busanstationsola100single by yunseul...
Small Suburban Train Station
Tekijä: dshp01
Space saving station in the game's Cities Railways colours. Designed to fit in visually with the game's standard station. Ideal for low density commuter or rural areas. You can run roads down both sides of it close to the entrances. Costs and noise polluti...
Soldyne's RMB Rounded x1
Tekijä: soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Southern Live Oak
Tekijä: MrMaison
Southern Live Oak by MrMaison Introducing Quercus virginiana, also known as the Southern Live Oak and many other names. This is the second variation of the Live Oak series with mossy bark and Spanish moss hanging. These trees can grow to be very old. They ...
Spotlights prop pack
Tekijä: Armesto Pack of prop spotlights. Currently using 14 vanilla effects: Upwards neutral Upwards warm Upwards cold Upwards yellow Downwards neutral Downwards warm Downwards...
SS3-4503 货运火车(10car) China Railway SS3 Cargo Train
Tekijä: 尹水涯
关键词:韶山 电力机车 火车 铁路 中国铁路 货运 韶3 资产原型为 韶山3-4503 SS3-4503 成局西段 韶山3型电力机车是由株洲电力机车厂于1978年制造的六轴客、货干线机车,是我国第二代电力机车,有功率大、启动平稳、加速快、运用性能好、制造维修简便等优点。韶山3型机车于1989年开始批量生产,至2006年停产,共生产了1608台,其中SS3型772台,SS3-4000型836台。 生产厂商:株洲|大同|资阳|太原 机车用途:客|货运 机车轴式:Co Co 运用轨距:1,435mm 机车长度:2...
SS3型电力机车prop包-1 China Railways SS3
Tekijä: 尹水涯
SS3型电力机车prop包-1 China Railways SS3 关键词:韶山 电力机车 火车 铁路 调机 中国铁路 货运 资产原型为中国铁路使用的电力机车,共包含四种涂装,分别是 韶山3-0118 SS3-0118 南局鹰段 韶山3-0496 SS3-0496 武局江段 韶山3-0658 SS3-0658 神朔铁路 韶山3-4503 SS3-4503 成局西段 韶山3型电力机车是由株洲电力机车厂于1978年制造的六轴客、货干线机车,是我国第二代电力机车,有功率大、启动平稳、加速快、运用性能好、制造维修...
ss8+yz25t 四节编组
Tekijä: 摸狗大师_25
中国铁路SS8牵引YZ25T,四节编组版,适合原版车站。2K贴图,酌情订阅。 China Railway SS8 traction YZ25T, four cars version, suitable for the vanilla station. 2K textures, subscribe as appropriate....
Stadtbahnhof Hackescher Markt
Tekijä: jens
Hey a Model S Hackescher Markt (formerly S Börse). I redesigned some details like the rain gutter. To place the through track you need Fine Road Anarchy 2.0.2 and its work better with Move It. More Information on Wikipedia.
State Prison
Tekijä: Modocero
State Prison Prison Asset Info Main Tris: 7464 Texture: 1024x4096, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, ilumination, Alpha LOD Tris: 273 Texture 256x256, Diffuse, Ilumination Tags: State Prison, Prison, Penitentiary, Jail Discord: Modocero#5931
Station Bench
Tekijä: Jerenable
Station Bench by Jerenable...
Station Bench (NS)
Tekijä: Tim The Terrible
This bench is a common sight on most Dutch train stations. They are property of the Dutch National Railways (Nederlandse Spoorwegen)
Station Tracks Dbl. #01
Tekijä: clus Hi all ! I´ve updated all my BM - tracks to be used with the Adaptive Networks Mod - by Kian Zarin. Due to past CS updates, which changed some parameters regarding network naming, I am not abl...
Station Shelters
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Shelter networks for train stations and such. Includes 4 styles with middle/end/window segments. They can handle curves but don't make them too crazy. There's a weird lod issue sometimes, where the normals seem broken at very specific distances and angles,...
Steel Stairs for 12m elevated Road/Tram tracks Left
Tekijä: halotherobot
Stairs for 12m elevated Road/Tram tracks. No mod is required. Then, pedestrians can access to elevated roads. But Elevated Stops Enabler is highly recommended. Now, pedestrians can access to elevated BUS/TRAM STOPS. You can construct elevated BRT/LRT and h...
Steel Stairs for 12m elevated Road/Tram tracks Front
Tekijä: halotherobot
Stairs for 12m elevated Road/Tram tracks. No mod is required. Then, pedestrians can access to elevated roads. But Elevated Stops Enabler is highly recommended. Now, pedestrians can access to elevated BUS/TRAM STOPS. You can construct elevated BRT/LRT and h...
Steel Stairs for 12m elevated Road/Tram tracks Right
Tekijä: halotherobot
Stairs for 12m elevated Road/Tram tracks. No mod is required. Then, pedestrians can access to elevated roads. But Elevated Stops Enabler is highly recommended. Now, pedestrians can access to elevated BUS/TRAM STOPS. You can construct elevated BRT/LRT and h...
Stone quay - Plain fenced
Tekijä: Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on The stone quay - plain with a fence so your citizens don't fall down. Comes in a dirty version as well for those shorelines. To place on land you'll need Quay Anarchy. When placed o...
Stone Retaining Wall
Tekijä: Lost Gecko
Retaining wall made of large stone blocks. Follows the terrain, can be raised or lower to the desired height with Move It!. Purely decorative, it's not a quay! The Network Tiling mod by Ronyx69 is required for the textures of this asset to appear properly....
Streamline school
Tekijä: Cateinum
This is a sleek looking school located in the Bronx, NY. It was build as a laundry in 1931 and later converted into a school. I really like buildings with rounded corners and I think we need more of them! Also there is a significant lack of historical scho...
Street Light Pack
Street light series Ver 1.0.3 Fixed Type 2 and Type 4 position issue Compatible with Network Skins! Required MOD: Network Skins 、 More Beautification Recommended MOD: Prop Line Tool This series contains 5 items: Type 1: 1 main light + 1 sidewalk light (Tri...
Streetlights Pack
Tekijä: targa
30 different lanterns for avenues, streets and highways. Also may be Park Lightings Pack will be interesting for you. In the game and in the editor park lights are in the same place where the standard street lights. Each lantern has a custom icon with the ...
Sugar Maple Fall Set
Tekijä: MrMaison
Sugar Maple by MrMaison Introducing a 4 piece set of Sugar Maple trees with Fall colors. Even though this set is made primarily for Fall colors, the flagship version "Sugar Maple" is a green Summer variation and can be used in both Fall and Summer situatio...
Suburb Train Staion 4-Track+
Tekijä: CityOfTokyo
Suburb Train Staion 4-Track+ DESCRIPTOPN It is a common station in the suburbs of Japan. The tracks on both sides are single tracks. In the center there is a site to draw tracks to pass the station. NOTICE There is no passing rail in the asset itself. Pull...
Suburb Train Staion 4-Track
Tekijä: CityOfTokyo
Suburb Train Staion 4-Track DESCRIPTOPN It is a common station in the suburbs of Japan. The tracks on both sides are single tracks. Recommendation MOD Spawn Points Fix --- Automatically places spawn points. ASSET INFOMATION Size : 16 x 7 Construction Cost ...
Sun Shafts
Tekijä: BloodyPenguin Adds stunning Sun Shaft effects! Note: At the moment it's for Windows only, I'll learn how to support Linux and Mac later You can toggle the effect in the F8 menu. Please note that you will probably lose a couple of fps usin...
suica グリーン券専用 ticket machine (shibuya station series)
Tekijä: やばい
suica グリーン券専用 ticket machine by やばい suica グリーン券専用 渋谷駅で使うものです。 今週JR湘南新宿、JR埼京線、JR山手線外回り、JR山手線内回り、東京メトロ銀座線五つの線路及びその線路に接続された建物をリリースされるかもしれません。 お楽しみにしてください。 Ticket machine for liner trains I will also use this ticket machine in shibuya station. I may release th...
Sunken Train Station (Brick)
Tekijä: boformer
Important Notes The Extra Train Station Tracks is required Stats differing from default train station Size: 16 x 3 (default 16 x 6) Construction Cost: 55000 (default 45000) Noise Accumulation: 80 (default 115) Noise Radius: 100 (default 150) Troubleshootin...
Sunset Falls Harbor - Vanilla Map
Tekijä: Sidai
Sunset Falls Harbor - Vanilla Map - by Sidai Welcome to Sunset Falls Harbor Bay Area, a marvelous plain vanilla styled map. This map is for all of you who dont want to download thousands of thousand of assets from the workshop and still want to have a good...
Sunken Tram Station
Tekijä: clus
Sunken Tram Station Prolog Moin folks ! I guess this one is the first sunken tram station (build from scratch) in the workshop. :) It comes in a similar design as my other sunken "glass" covered stations. Model stats The model has 8082 tris and uses a 512x...
Sunken Train Station (Concrete)
Tekijä: boformer
Important Notes The Extra Train Station Tracks is required Stats differing from default train station Size: 16 x 3 (default 16 x 6) Construction Cost: 55000 (default 45000) Noise Accumulation: 80 (default 115) Noise Radius: 100 (default 150) http://i.imgur...
Surface Network
Tekijä: neinnew/네인
I released Double-sided Surface Network Surface Network surface network(grass, asphalt, pavement, gravel, ruin(cliff)), also includes clip networks. Information They all have versions of 4m, 8m, 16m, 32m. For clip networks, however, length means the half-w...
Surface Network Double-sided
Tekijä: neinnew/네인
Double-sided version of Surface Network. The name of the original version is followed by 'D'. e.g.)Surface Network Gravel 8m → Surface Network Gravel 8mD Grass and Ruin versions may feel bright on the bottom. the features of the basic shader make it inevit...
Surface Painter temporary fix
Tekijä: algernon
BLOODYPENGUIN HAS RETURNED TO US! And, more importantly, he's updated the original with the fixes that were in this temp fix version. Therefore, this is no longer needed. UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS, AND SUBSCRIBE TO THE ORIGINAL SURFACE PAINTER INSTEAD https://...
Suzhou Station Part1
Tekijä: 910095247
This is the first part of Suzhou Station.Including the square + two platforms. This asset should be placed by the street. Length of the platform is 18u.The asset CRH train can be used normlly with this asset except the little problem that shows when the tr...
Suzhou Station Part2
Tekijä: 910095247
This is the second part of Suzhou Station.Including only two platforms. It can be used as a unit in a large station placed behind the Part1. It can also be placed alone on the roadside as a commuter station. Length of the platform is 18u. Flatten the terra...
Suzhou Station Part3
Tekijä: 910095247
This is the third part of Suzhou Station. Including the station square +8 bus station + two platforms. Place it behind PART2 and connect the station with the road before the square road. It is best not to use a hinge bus. Platform length 18u. (This asset d...
Swiss track D2 (E-Sta_NP)
Tekijä: ron_fu-ta
高架複線、架線柱なし駅レール Elevated double track, No catenary pillar station rail. 高架駅用のレールです。既存の駅レールの置き換えやアセットエディタでご使用ください。 スクリーンショットは使用例です。置き換えはご自身で行ってください。 This is elevated station rail. Please use the station rail replacement or asset editor. Screenshots are examp...
Sydney Metro 4-car [Metro]
Tekijä: meshd Looking for other variants? Sydney Metro 6-car Sydney Metro 4-car Sydney Metro 6-car Sydney Metro 4-car Sydney Metro Alstom Metropolis Sydney - Sydney Metro 4-car
Sydney Metro 6-car [Train]
Tekijä: meshd Looking for other variants? Sydney Metro 6-car Sydney Metro 4-car Sydney Metro 6-car Sydney Metro 4-car Sydney Metro Alstom Metropolis Sydney - Sydney Metro 6-car
Tekijä: ecania
Heya and very welcome to the beatiful landscape Tahonga. This map is made with a thought , a pearl for the eye. ---------------------- IMPORTANT - COLLECTION IS ABOVE THIS TEXT - DONT MISS IT ------------ So the map demands a small collection of custom ass...
Taichung MRT Station 臺中捷運車站
Tekijä: Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2017-05-02*** Reset Spawn Points ***UPDATE 2017-01-09*** Update for version 1.6.2-f1. Remove Sub-Buildings Enabler and After Dark as dependencies. 1.6.2-f1版更新 移除Sub-Buildings Enabler和After Dark需求 An 2-tracks elevated train station, inspired by so...
Sydney Transport Ticket Gates
Tekijä: meshd Keyword for Find It: "tfnsw" Height adjustable using Move It Sydney Metro/Trains Ticket Gates 6 different sizes * 4 random branding variations * 2 toggleable gate selections = 48 possibilities on how you can customise your t...
Taipei MRT Station 淡水車站(仿)
Tekijä: Emperor Li
An 2-tracks elevated train station, inspired by Taipei MRT Tamsui Station. The station has three exits, two in the centre and one at the far left (see picture above). ! Extra Train Station Tracks (ETST) is required to place the station ! For my other works...
Takanawa Station (高輪新駅)
Tekijä: christinayan
Takanawa Station (高輪新駅) by christinayan01. Inspiration from Kengo Kuma's works "Takanawa Gateway Station". Japan. 折り紙のような大屋根が特徴的な旅客駅舎。高輪ゲートウェイ駅の当初イメージパース案を参考に一部改変して制作。 ** Referenced building (参考にした実在の建物) ** Takanawa Gateway Station / Kengo Kuma (高輪ゲートウェイ駅/...
Tanah Abang Station
Tekijä: BitiusTitius
Stasiun Tanah Abang +9m Finally, it's here... took me over 20 days to finish because I have little experience in creating assets let alone making a train station as my first real building in this game. Special thanks to REV0 and his guide on how to make tr...
Tall Grass Clusters
Tekijä: MrMaison
Tall Grass Clusters by MrMaison UPDATE 5/17/2016: I realized that while making this grass, I had the "More Natural" LUT activated and didn't realize how saturated the grass looked in default biomes. So I desaturated the color to make a more realistic shade...
Tangara Train Prop Pack
Tekijä: JenperTC
"The 21st Century starts today" The "Tangara" T Set first entered service in January 1988 deemed as the train of the 21st Century for Sydney as it feature a completely brand new design and new technology making it the 3rd generation electric train of NSW. ...
TeaShop 奶茶店 | 商业建筑 Commercial | 蜜雪冰城
Tekijä: RichardShi
TeaShop奶茶店 蜜雪冰城 中式奶茶店 奶茶 底商 商铺 中式城市 Tea 你爱我🎵我爱你🎵蜜雪冰城🎵甜蜜蜜🎵 你爱我🎵我爱你🎵蜜雪冰城🎵甜蜜蜜🎵 你爱我呀🎵我爱你🎵 你爱我🎵我爱你🎵蜜雪冰城🎵甜蜜蜜🎵...
The Great Plan
Tekijä: Mulleboy
The Great Plan - Made for Builders QUICK DESCRIPTION: - Almost completely flat, good for builders with a vast city in mind. - Realistic backdrop of mountain ranges, farms and rivers. - Easy-Start™ design with small inlets of water for quick pipe & sewage s...
The Great Wall 【 can walk】(1:1) 长城
Tekijä: hikke
Special thanks to HooHeeHaa for translating English 2017.11.11 upate 更新为人行道整合,现在小人可以在长城上行走了!!! Now you can take a walk on the Great Walls and enjoy spectacular city landscape ※ 操作上必须 先抬高人行道在拉长城,高度不要超过9m ※ Elevation mode is required. Raise up the road befor...
The Metropolitan - Rochester, New York
Tekijä: Gaseous Stranger
The Metropolitan at One Clinton Square is a skyscraper located in Downtown Rochester, NY, USA Formerly known as Chase Tower and Lincoln First Bank. Built in 1973, it stands at 392 feet with 27 floors and was designed by Architects John Graham & Company. Th...
The Pearl Roundabout
Tekijä: Mythrax
The Pearl Roundabout from Bahrain Perfect for those centre pieces on a lonely roundabout. Building stats: Size: 4x4 Cost: 20,000 Monument Level: 2 Attractiveness: 8 Entertainment Accumulation: 120 Entertainment Radius: 400 Fire Hazard: 1 Fire Tolerance: 20...
The rainbow stage - Apple Park
Tekijä: _luminou_
The rainbow stage - Apple Park This arch is both a celebration of the opening of the new campus and a tribute to Steve. The rainbow stage – known simply as the Apple Stage – Contain all texture and LOD file, no color change The mod "Prop Anarchy" is highly...
The Statue "Chairman Mao Tsetung Waving, I Marching"
"We need to learn that selflessness from him, with which a man can become a people-concerning person. What a man capable to do is limited, however, a person who have the spirit, is a noble, pure, virtuous one." Across the China, the Chairman Mao Tsetung is...
ticket machine Deutsche Bahn Fahrkartenautomat
Tekijä: SvenBerlin
ticket machine Deutsche Bahn by Svenpotsdam triangles 154 Lod 26 If you like my assets you can support me with a donation. Thanks a lot.
Ticket Vending Machines with Touchscreen [Pack]
Tekijä: Polygon] Some tags: TVM, Ticket Vending Machine, Apple, Loki...
Toll Booth Elevated 12m Japan ETC
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Tomashavn Central Station Clock
Tekijä: Ionwind
A functional clock prop for Tomashavn Central Station. The clock hands now rotate according to the in-game time! Due to game limitations the LOD model does not have rotational hands. This asset can be found from Billboards menu under Logos tab....
Tomashavn Train Station (2-track)
Tekijä: Ionwind
It's a contemporary and imaginary train station with 2 tracks, made for my city of Tomashavn that I haven't been able to develop since I've been busy making assets for it. Background So I needed a train station with about 6 to 8 tracks. And the station had...
TM:PE STABLE (Traffic Manager: President Edition)
Tekijä: Krzychu1245
Improve lane and parking usage. and customise junctions, roads, and rails! This is the stable release with tested features. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀User Guide⠀⠀⠀⠀Report Bugs⠀⠀⠀⠀Discord Chat Vehicles despawning ...
Timboh's Diverging Windmill Interchange
Tekijä: Timboh
What started out as a simple merge between the Gothic and Windmill design, became one of the most efficient designs in interchange history... And nobody has even built it yet! Seriously, when I read about this design I was pretty damn impressed with its si...
Tomashavn Train Station (4-track)
Tekijä: Ionwind
It's a contemporary and imaginary train station with 4 tracks, made for my city of Tomashavn that I haven't been able to develop since I've been busy creating assets for it. Background So I needed a train station with about 6 to 8 tracks. And the station h...
Toronto Leslie Streetcar Barns
Tekijä: JSF-1
The Leslie Street Barns is Toronto's third and newest Streetcar (tram) facility. The facility was opened in 2015 to serve as the central storage and main maintenance center for the cities new fleet of Bomardier Flexity Outlook LRV's. The facility is also h...
Toronto Union Prop Pack
Tekijä: REV0
Toronto Union Prop Pack...
Track and field
Tekijä: Tomas13TO
Athletics events for your Cims. INFO maps - d,n,s,i (2048x1024) triangles - 5644 LOD triangles - 96 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 12x8 ...
Train - (Zug FLIRT): Nordbahn
Tekijä: RaverTiger
Train - (Zug FLIRT): Nordbahn by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Train (Passenger Transport) • Speed: 20 • Person Capacity: 360 (60/car) • Design: Nordbahn • original Design:
Traction Power Substation
Tekijä: REV0
Electricity - Substation Brig, Switzerland Portfolio on: Support via: Support via: Follow me on: Request, contact https://i.imgu...
Train Depot Functional Station Pack
Tekijä: macsergey
Train depot functional station pack for Maintenance Facility by REV0 As a part of collections: This is a pack of train stations with only tracks, that can be placed inside previously released train depots (links above). Sinc...
Train Station
Tekijä: Jaspertjuh
Hi! This is my first made trainstation to bring your citizens everywhere the need to be by train. The previous versions that i made (for myself) had way to much traingles (more than 45.000), so it had to bring that number down. It worked and this one is mu...
Train Station Liège-Guillemins Modular (vanilla track)
Tekijä: Nickayz
Liège-Guillemins is a train station in Liège, Belgium. It is part of the high speed corridor between Paris and Düsseldorf frequented by the Thalys and ICE trains. It was opened to public in 2009 and designed by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. Che...
Train Station Display (dual)
Tekijä: boformer
Train Station Display (dual) by boformer This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ...
Train Station Display (single)
Tekijä: boformer
Train Station Display (single) by boformer This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ...
Train Station Liège-Guillemins
Tekijä: Nickayz
Liège-Guillemins is a train station in - well, Liège - in Belgium. It is part of the high speed corridor between Paris and Düsseldorf frequented by the Thalys and ICE trains. It was opened to public in 2009 and designed by the Spanish architect Santiago Ca...
Train Station Platforms
Tekijä: sebnichols
This is a pack of UK train station platform networks. They comply with British Rail standards. Included in the pack are 9 different variations, numbered from 1 to 9. Each variation also includes an extension module, numbered from 1E to 9E. The extension mo...
Train Station Reggio Emilia (elevated double tracks)
Tekijä: Nickayz
Reggio Emilia AV Mediopadana Train Station is part of the Milan–Bologna high-speed railway line located in, well, Reggio Emilia in Italy. This elevated train station was opened to public in 2013 and designed by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. Che...
Train Station Timetable
Tekijä: boformer
"All information is supplied without guarantee." This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ...
train station Thorildsplan
Tekijä: SvenBerlin
train station Thorildsplan by Svenpotsdam This train station was a request of a friend. The roof of this station looks like from the train station Thorildsplan in Stockholm, Sweden. Thats why I gave it this name. triangles 4302 LOD 547 Hope its in the limi...
Tram Road #02 with 90° Parking Lots
Tekijä: clus Moin folks ! Give your cims the opportunity to park their car in a "space saving way", in order to take the tram for their travelings through the city. https://...
Tram Promenade Station Track
Tekijä: Wiwi
Tram Promenade Station Track This network can also be used without the Reversible Tram AI Mod. Some users of the Tram Promenade wanted a version with a platform in the middle. There was also a request for a version for the Reversible Tram AI Mod. The Tram ...
Tram Road - Industrial Look
Tekijä: clus Hello all together ! Here you can find a (shared) 4 lane road with trams on the inner lanes. This one is an "old" upload. You can find the new version behind the pic down below. https://i.imgu...
Tram Station (2016)
Tekijä: Polygon Discontinued! Note that there won’t be future updates for this asset. Please consider using my other tram stations instead of this one. This is a tram station for “Snowfall” trams. You don’t need buildings to place a tram stop…...
Tram Station Track
Tekijä: BloodyPenguin
Provides tram station track. It's a mod, not an asset! It has to be activated in the Content Manager in order for the asset it generates to show up in the game The mod was made before CO added the custom network asset functionality and now mostly serves to...
Tram Track - Asphalt
Tekijä: clus Moin folks ! This is a vanilla looking network, which comes with an asphalt road, instead of the pavement vanilla version. now w...
Transfer Controller 0.7.8
Tekijä: algernon
Under development - TESTING Use Transfer Manager CE instead (new players especially) Sleepy's Transfer Manager CE is an alternative to this mod that's generally more mature and at a more advanced stage of development than th...
Transilien prop pack 2
Tekijä: pygargue de taaf
Set of Transilien Station Props 2 8 months later, here it is. Use mods like Find It! 2 and Procedural Objects to place the props. If brave enough and not afraid having 5 hours of detailing burned to ashes, you can use EML which allows you to increase the p...
Transilien prop pack 3
Tekijä: pygargue de taaf
Set of Transilien Station Props 3. 3 minutes later, here it is. Use mods like Find It! 2 and Procedural Objects to place the props. If brave enough and not afraid of having 5 hours of detailing burned to ashes, you can use EML which allows you to increase ...
Transilien prop pack 4
Tekijä: pygargue de taaf
py_sta_light_lamp by pygargue de taaf...
Tree Control 1.0
Tekijä: algernon A lightweight alternative to Tree Anarchy, with an emphasis on stability and reliability. Provides: Optional expanded tree limit (the default game limit is 262,144; this mod can expand that to over 2 million) Tree Anarchy (A...
Truck Terminal RHD
Tekijä: whisperwalk
A bare metal, 1 x 8 cargo station completely stripped of all features. A required asset for the Quad Core Cargo Station to work, or for asset creators to design your own multi-core Cargo Stations. This version handles counter-clockwise (RHD) traffic flow; ...
TRTC BR metro tracks
Tekijä: 標小黑
Metro road for Taipei Metro BR line Taipei Metro BR line is the first and only rubber-tyred system in Taiwan's mass rapid transit. >take the BR line Neihu section as reference >dedicated metro road for rubber-tyred car >unique U-shaped bridge,tracks and pi...
Tunnel Entrances
Tekijä: Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Tunnel Rendered Vanilla Roads
Tekijä: allegro
This asset includes two networks. -Tunnel Rendered Two Lane Road -Tunnel Rendered Six Lane Road They are compatible to all two lane/six lane road from vanilla. Does not support elevated/bridge. These are only for tunnel rendering....
TWRM - Bus Stop Zone
Tekijä: junki
TWRM - Bus Stop Zone TAIWAN Road Marking Road Decal 台灣路面標示 - 公車停靠區 台湾の路面標示 - バス停留所 通常在公車站牌前路邊會有這個標示...
TX Train Station 01 - Midorino
Midorino Station is eleveted station on the Tsukuba Express line in Japan. Model info tris: 1936 texture: 1024 x 1024px (a,d,i,n,s) LOD info tris: 198 texture: 256 x 128px (d) Ingame parameters are the same as vanilla station. Track height is 12m. 茨城県つくば市に...
UEG越野运输车 (Vehicle+prop) Off-Road Transport Vehicle
Tekijä: 尹水涯
关键词:UEG 越野车 流浪地球 货车 科幻 徐工 XCMG 该资产原型为电影《流浪地球2》The Wandering Earth Ⅱ中的UEG越野运输车,由徐工集团制造。 订阅后将在游戏中出现 Vehicle+prop 两个版本。 载具替换一般工业的厢式货车,订阅即可出现在你的游戏中,道具使用时需用模组 find it ,在搜索框输入 UEG 。 》》》资产数据统计《《《 顶点:20331 面:16276 三角形:36510 贴图尺寸:1024*1024 如有问题可私信我,谢谢! Ps. 1.根据照片建模...
UK Third Rail
Tekijä: sebnichols
This pack contains three decorative networks which are based on the southern 750V DC electric third rail in the United Kingdom. They are designed to be used with the Railway collection. They can be found in the walls and fences tab inside the landscaping m...
Ultra low tri trees
Tekijä: pdelmo
From 162tri ,256x256 textures, 6 trees only 5.5mb. I spend a lot of time getting the textures and colours just the way I want them for a more natural green. they work well with daylight classic as some trees can look more blue. This pack, the green has mor...
Ultimate Eyecandy 终极眼睛糖果滤镜 Sakuya16个人汉化版
Tekijä: Izayoi _Sakuya16
Readme This MOD is Chinese Language version. Original author : Thank to the original author for his hard work. If infringement,please contact me to delete. Ultimate Eyecandy原作者链接https://steamc...
Undo It!
Tekijä: Strad This mod adds Undo/Redo options to the game! Tools that this mod supports: Building/bulldozing roads, buildings, props and trees The rest is unsupported Warni...
UnifiedUI (UUI) 2.2.1 - Continued [BETA]
Tekijä: codewitch Unsubscribe from original version before subscribing this version! Note on Load Order Requires Skyve for correct Load Order. (Previous version "may" have worked before Skyve under LOM, but that's the past). BETA version requ...
Underground Powercable - ploppable everywhere
Tekijä: Elias
The idea actually is from Populous as you can see here, but he had two versions back in the days (he meanwhile also provides the 2-in-1-solution ;D )... one for ground and one for water. My version is the 2-in1-solution. You can plop them everywhere! The u...
Union Terminal, Cincinnati
Tekijä: NameInvalid
alternate vanilla METRO version: --- commissioned by XVXbenderXVX Cincinnati Union Terminal is an intercity train station and museum center in the Queensgate neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio. U...
Unlimited Outside Connections Revisited 1.1
Tekijä: algernon Resurrected! BloodyPenguin's original Unlimited Outside Connections mod is no longer functioning as of the 1.15 (Plazas & Promenades) game update. The changes required to fix this were more than simple tweaks, and this mod h...
Updated: New York Pennsylvania Station
*Please read the description! Important details are found below the gameplay stats and technical info.* This is the NYC Penn Station originally created by ChiliadSun. With their permission, I have tweaked this asset to work better with the EST mod and with...
Upgrade Untouchable 1.1: Convert stations
Tekijä: Klyte45 This new mod brings a totally new way of changing segment types of buildings, without needing to deform them "making the segments touchable", as like Touch This! Mod used to do. So, it allows ...
Urakami Train Station
Tekijä: Sakura I am not a pro asset maker nor do I pretend to be. I upload my assets that I have made for my own projects in the hopes that someone might like then. Patreon Beta Notes Thank you to all my Patreon supporters for supporting m...
USA - NEC Quad Train Station
Tekijä: Zarrix
Information Fictional train station based on the Trenton Transit Center, with three platforms and six possible lines. There are two standard tracks, and one quad. Cims use the overpass properly, though some little bug may occur if you play too much with th...
Tekijä: yunseul
USS_korea_station_198 by yunseul...
Urumqi Jingkai Wanda Plaza Shopping Center
The asset pack contains three components. One main build and two side buildings. You can combine or split using them. You may find them in Special Building Tier 5 If you want a better night looking, please subscribeLED components Urumqi Jingkai Wanda Plaza...
Värtan walk bridges
Tekijä: Ionwind
This is a dependency for Värtaterminalen harbor. This pack contains three decorative walk bridges. These walk bridges are not functional. 22 m long walk bridge (1×3 u), 220 tris, lod 30 tris. 32 m long walk bridge (1×4 u), 280 tris, lod 30 tris. Landing br...
Tekijä: Ionwind
Värtaterminalen is a new ferry and cruise ship terminal in Stockholm, Sweden. Unfortunately some cases where the harbor doesn't function and I don't have the resources to fix it, sorry. Background The terminal building was designed by C.F. Møller architect...
Utrecht Central Station (new beta version on the workshop)
Tekijä: Jerenable
I have release a new beta version: That version fixes most problems except the one the game makes. Utrecht Central Station by Jerenable Firstly this has been one hell of a project for me and...
Utrecht Central station tram + busway
Tekijä: Jerenable
Utrecht Central station tram + busway by Jerenable...
Vanilla Cargo Train Prop Pack
Tekijä: Chomers
A prop pack containing all three of the vanilla cargo train models and all seven cargo train models added in the Industries DLC. This pack contains: Cargo Train Engine. General Goods Car. Flat Car. Automobile Car. Farming Car. Forestry and Empty Cars. Oil ...
Vanilla Modular Station Project
Tekijä: Wiwi
Vanilla Modular Station Project ...if vanilla isn't enough vanilla for you! This project was a great personal desire and took a lot of work to create. The reason for this project was a nuisance: I wanted to build a train station between individual lanes of...
Vanilla Overpass Project Two-Lane (One Way)
Tekijä: allegro
Vanilla Overpass Project Two-Lane (One Way) All segments/node rendered....
Vanilla Tram Track with rendered Tunnels
Tekijä: clus Moin folks ! All Vanilla, but with rendered tunnels. now with Adaptive Network Mod (by Kian Zarrin) support this road will still...
Vanilla Passenger Train Prop Pack
Tekijä: Chomers
A prop pack containing both of the vanilla passenger train models. This pack contains: Passenger Train Engine. Passenger Train Coach. Credit goes to Colossal Order for the original assets. Use the Find It! mod and search for "Vanilla Passenger Train". Use ...
Velaro CN - CRH 3C (6Car)
Tekijä: REV0
Chinese High Speed Siemens Velaro is a family of high-speed electric multiple unit trains built by Siemens and used in Germany, Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Spain, China, Russia and Turkey. The Velaro is based on the ICE 3M/F high-...
Vehicle Effects 1.9.5
Tekijä: Acc3ss Violation
Allows effects to be added to vehicles with xml files! Recent features - Load (sort of) custom particleeffects via xml! Check this discussion page on how to do it and for sharing examples! - Load custom sound effects via xml! Check this discussion page on ...
Vent prop 4 - Small ac/vent
Tekijä: Avanya
This one I extracted from one of the factories in the game. Sometimes I find the default ones too big for a building, so I grabbed this one. It isn't animated, but still adds a bit to an empty roof. As seen in the picture it works fine on roofs sloping a b...
Vent prop 3 - Medium chimney/vent
Tekijä: Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings Inspired from one of the vanilla factories, though the model and texture are my own creation. It sticks through the roof a bit, so it looks just fine on sloped roofs. Note: I...
Vent prop 5 (Rotates)
Tekijä: Avanya
A rotating rooftop vent prop. Model Tris: 208 Texture: 128x128 LOD Tris: 72 Texture: 32x32 Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account and as such all opinions, content and contributions to the ...
Visibility Control 0.9.5
Tekijä: algernon A mod providing custom shader support and adjustable LOD (Level of Detail) rendering range support. Provides: Additive shader, for assets using that shader to apply lighting effects to buildings, vehicles, and props (includi...
Vlerkenburg -Z-
Tekijä: Zakerias
Coastal Map: Vlerkenburg This map has a broad river delta that is surrounded by rough cliffs on its borders. The coast has smooth sandy beaches, and a handfull of tiny islands. Though there is plenty of elevation there is also lots of room to build your ci...
Volcano Island
Tekijä: Sanctum Gamer
About Volcano Island is a string of islands that were formed from eruptions that occurred in the area many millennia ago. The one featured here is just one of the many in the region that have shaped the islands in and around the area as a whole. This now d...
Wall-mounted Lights for signs / 広告看板用のライト
Tekijä: Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is Japanese wall-mounted lights for signs and billboards. 広告看板用などに使われるライトです。 Tris: 52 Texture: 64x64...
West Haven Station Platform
Tekijä: Zarrix
Information West Haven Station Platform extension. This is a commissioned asset. If you like my work leave a like and follow me to stay updated on all assets to come Tags: Zarrix West Haven Station Rail NEC North East Corrid...
Wall Lanterns pack (2017 updated)
Tekijä: targa
10 differents lanterns for placing on house walls. To gain access to this asset in-game, not only in the editor use More Beautification MOD. To hang a lantern on the wall will need Prop Snapping (require Prop & Tree Anarchy for work). In the asset editor t...
Wild Hedges
Tekijä: MrMaison
Wild Hedges by MrMaison Introducing a 6 pack of Wild Hedges. Or you can say Wild Hedge bushes or Bush Thingy. These hedges are generic. They are great "place anywhere" shrubs. Not as elegant as the boxwoods etc. but they are very useful. When plopped in ro...
Workshop version of Railroads of Japan LONG stations
Tekijä: Ryuichi Kaminogi
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi, The stations in the content creator pack "Railroads of Japan" modified for Steam Workshop users. The stations included in this second pack are designed for longer trains: the Station Track is 192m long and can accommodate 10 ca...
Workshop version of Railroads of Japan stations
Tekijä: Ryuichi Kaminogi
This pack has the modified stations from the content creator pack Railroads of Japan for Steam Workshop users. Please note that you will need to update the game itself to load it. Railroads of Japan stations are created usin...
XBRT XMQ6127G 厦门BRT大金龙
Tekijä: Streamer
如果图片无法加载,请前往百度贴吧。 全球少有的把高架桥作为专用道的公交车——厦门快速公交 Xiamen elevated bus system (BRT) has its own right of way with the whole journey on bridges. XBRT bus series XBRT 12m(you are here) XBRT 12m Electric XBRT 18m XBRT 18m Electric 金龙客车(KINGLONG) XMQ6127G 普通公交版本 Nor...
Wuhletal - Station #02
Tekijä: clus Hello all togther ! Here you can find my former Wuhletal Station as a non MOM version. This is also an "old conversion", which I created in early 2021. Compared to the MOM version, almost everything is the same, except the s...
XBRT Elevated Module(DIY Pedestrian Deck) 厦门BRT
Tekijä: Streamer
Actually elevated bus system. This is an elevated bus station with customizable pedestrian deck. 厦门快速公交高架部分是鲜有的完全独立路权、全程在高架桥上行驶的特色“轨道交通”,其中部分公交高架区间是由普通高架桥改造而来的。 Watch the Tutorial. Lite Version for beginners. I recommend using Xiamen Bus to fit this asset ...
XBRT Elevated Depot&Hub (Bus Spawns on the Bridge) 厦门BRT
Tekijä: Streamer
An elevated bus depot as well as a bus station You can plop it anywhere you want Citizens enter at the corner Buses spawn on the bridge to fit XBRT, or spawn on the ground like a vanilla bus depot. I recommend using Xiamen Bus to fit this asset well. Don’t...
XBRT Elevated Networks(CSUR 2DC Compatible) 厦门BRT
Tekijä: Streamer
Dependency for Elevated BRT System Read descriptions carefully if you want to modify your elevated BRT system. Xiamen BRT Road Have 3 elevations: basic, elevated and bridge. Basic >>Station network designed for Xiamen BRT Station. The PSD will open after p...
XBRT Elevated Station(Bus Stops on the Bridge) 厦门BRT
Tekijä: Streamer
Plop it and enjoy the elevated bus station. This time, MOVE IT is not needed any more. Don't forget to subscribe to the network dependency. It’s under bus items. 厦门快速公交高架部分是鲜有的完全独立路权、全程在高架桥上行驶的特色“轨道交通”,其中部分公交高架区间是由普通高架桥改造而来的。 Features >>Semi-transparent PS...
XBRT XMQ6180G 厦门BRT铰接城光
Tekijä: Streamer
如果图片无法加载,请前往百度贴吧。 全球少有的把高架桥作为专用道的公交车——厦门快速公交 Xiamen elevated bus system (BRT) has its own right of way with the whole journey on bridges. XBRT bus series XBRT 12m XBRT 12m Electric XBRT 18m XBRT 18m Electric(you are here) 金龙客车(KINGLONG) XMQ6180G 普通公交版本 Nor...
XBRT XMQ6125G 厦门BRT金龙城光
Tekijä: Streamer
如果图片无法加载,请前往百度贴吧。 全球少有的把高架桥作为专用道的公交车——厦门快速公交 Xiamen elevated bus system (BRT) has its own right of way with the whole journey on bridges. XBRT bus series XBRT 12m XBRT 12m Electric(you are here) XBRT 18m XBRT 18m Electric 金龙客车(KINGLONG) XMQ6125G 普通公交版本 Nor...
XBRT XMQ6180G 厦门BRT铰接金龙
Tekijä: Streamer
如果图片无法加载,请前往百度贴吧。 全球少有的把高架桥作为专用道的公交车——厦门快速公交 Xiamen elevated bus system (BRT) has its own right of way with the whole journey on bridges. XBRT bus series XBRT 12m XBRT 12m Electric XBRT 18m(you are here) XBRT 18m Electric 金龙客车(KINGLONG) XMQ6180G 普通公交版本 Nor...
Xinhua Bookstore
Tekijä: RichardShi
This is a bookstore asset. About asset The prototype of this bookstore is sanxiaokou Xinhua Bookstore in Hefei, China. Red metal strip decoration and floor glass exterior wall make it stand out in the street. Triangle count: 2548 https://steamuserimages-a....
Xiong'an Railway Station :beta
Tekijä: kaikai0706
雄安站站房面积约13万平方米,以白洋淀水文化为设计灵感,采用水滴状椭圆造型,形似“青莲露珠”,也像涌出的泉水;屋顶的层层起伏形如平静水面泛起涟漪,立面设计融入中国传统大殿元素,展现中国文化基因。为雄安站各条线路提供动力的牵引变电所在国内首次被设置为全地下,充分融入地面绿地景观。 雄安站站房面积约13万平方米,以白洋淀水文化为设计灵感,采用水滴状椭圆造型,形似“青莲露珠”,也像涌出的泉水;屋顶的层层起伏形如平静水面泛起涟漪,立面设计融入中国传统大殿元素,展现中国文化基因。为雄安站各条线路提供动力的牵引变电所在...
Tekijä: GCVos
Y not try this tall Y-shaped pillar? Y you do need Boformers awesome Network Skins mod! This pillar is about 64 meters high and intended for highway ramps or small roads. 180 tris base = LOD 1024x512 Diff & Spec 128x64 LOD...
ZEEKR 极氪 001 乘用车 Private
Tekijä: 尹水涯
ZEEKR 极氪 001 乘用车 Private 关键词:ZEEKR 极氪 001 乘用车 Private China 中国 家用车 国产 新能源 电动汽车 电动车 纯电动 轿车 汽车 资产原型为 ZEEKR 极氪 001 新能源汽车。 订阅后你的游戏中将会出现 乘用车prop+乘用车+公务车+公务车prop四个版本 ① prop使用 find it 搜 极氪 或 001 即可调用,有四种颜色 ② 乘用车订阅后可替代游戏中原本家用车,有四种颜色 》》》资产数据统计《《《 顶点:18729 面:34596 三...
Tekijä: Bringer of Fire
I swear to you this map is Vanilla Overview Tens of millions of people live in Yangtze Valley. The river is the third largest in the word, and the largest river in the world that flows only in one country. The Yangtze River has caused great distress throug...
Yet Another Toolbar
Tekijä: sway
This mod lets you customize the toolbar panels. Why another toolbar mod? Resize It's panel scaling feature breaks Find It 2 so I was looking for a solution. I contacted the author of Resize It back in mid-2020 but they were ...
Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China中国江苏镇江
Tekijä: 红米先生
镇江,古称京口、润州、南徐,是江苏省地级市,长江三角洲中心区27城之一 ,国务院批复确定的中国长江三角洲重要的港口、风景旅游城市 。截至2018年,全市下辖3个区、代管3个县级市,总面积3847平方千米,建成区面积179平方千米,常住人口319.64万人,城镇人口227.72万人,城镇化率71.2%。 镇江地处中国华东地区、江苏南部,是南京都市圈成员城市、扬子江城市群重要组成部分,西衔南京、南靠常州、北邻扬州,是华东地区重要的交通中枢。境内京沪铁路、京沪高铁、沪宁高铁、沪蓉高速公路、扬溧高速公路、312国道...
Tekijä: RichardShi
Zhoukoudong Railway Station by NACHN
Thanks to the sponsor @二躯 ! Zhoukoudong Railway Station located in Zhoukou City, Henan Province, China, which is a main passenger railway station on Zhenzhou-Fuyang High Speed Railway. The station is finished on 1st, Dec, 2019. tags:China, Chinese, Train S...
[B]>0ll0 168m modular station
Tekijä: konfox0527
Modular station user guide -1980~1990年代に東京近郊に建設された駅をイメージしたモジュール式の駅です。 プラットホームの有効長は168mまで対応しています。 他のモジュール式の駅と組み合わせて使用してください。 -This is Module train station. It motif Tokyo suburb train station...
Zoning Adjuster 1.6
Tekijä: algernon A tool to adjust and fine-tune zoning grids Yes, the one-sided and remove zoning functions of this mod work happily alongside those introduced in the base game in 1.17 - you can use either or both. Remember that this mod doe...
[PCN]ChinaRailway 25T
ChinaRailway 25T This just is a carriage There are some problems with this mesh, and I will fix it as soon as possible. It may be a problem that I have in optimizing the number of faces. Compared with Prop verison, i delet some details like charging connec...
[PCN] 25T Carriage Prop & Park
ChinaRailway 25T Passnegers Carriage Prop & Park This is my first ChinaRailway assets, and i will update more assets on Workshop!! I will make a Train vehicle after I deal with this mesh, because it has too many faces causes the editor to be unable to open...
[Korea] KR Style Railway 한국식 철도교량
Tekijä: 시린시
한국식 고가철도입니다. Ronyx69의 Railway와 호환됩니다. 문제가 있다면 제보해주세요....
[PROP] Japanese Substation Box 変電設備
Tekijä: n_mosimo
For rooftop. 屋上向け。...
[Dayu] 地下停车场出入口 - Entrance and exit of underground parking lot
Tekijä: 室长
地下停车场出入口 共4个装饰性地下停车场出入口(非功能性) 欢迎点赞,感谢您的支持 Entrance and exit of underground parking lot A total of 4 decorative underground parking lot entrances and exits (non functional) Welcome to like, thank you for your support 资产名字:地下停车场出入口 - Entrance and exit of und...
[TRAM] 2014 Van Hool A330 Trolley
Tekijä: ninjanoobslayer
Trolley Bus For Your City If your city has wires, then it might be time to purpose them as a trolleybus! Because Skylines has no trolleys, this bus acts as a tram, gliding along the tram tracks as it provides zero emission s...
[Vehicle]FAW HONGQI L5 / 中国一汽·红旗 L5
Tekijä: Regened
This is a complex vehicle mesh that may cause your game frames reduce: 这是一个比较复杂的车辆模型,启用可能会导致您的游戏出现卡顿: Main mesh / 主模型网格 Tris/三角形: 658 Texture/贴图: 1024x1024 LOD: Tris/三角形: 288 Texture/贴图: 256x256 -------------------------------------------------------------...