Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

157 ratings
RAILWAY 2 - American Concrete Station Tracks (Standard Entry)
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516.250 MB
24 Sep, 2021 @ 10:02am
25 Jan, 2023 @ 8:17pm
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RAILWAY 2 - American Concrete Station Tracks (Standard Entry)

In 1 collection by REV0
(R2) RAILWAY 2: Collection
117 items

Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with numerous new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Check Railway 2 Guide in the collection, linked above.

This is a pack of station networks, that can be used with Railway Replacer. Package contains:

All networks in this package respects US low-entry standards, which are:
Height above rail
Height above surface
USA - Standard Entry
760mm / 29.9in over rails
1000mm over surface

I strongly recommend to check the guide for details.

  • 1 Lane, both side boarding
  • 1 Lane, left side boarding
  • 1 Lane, right side boarding
  • 1 Lane, both side boarding - elevated
  • 1 Lane, left side boarding - elevated
  • 1 Lane, right side boarding - elevated
  • 1 Lane, both side boarding - wired
  • 1 Lane, left side boarding - wired
  • 1 Lane, right side boarding - wired
  • 1 Lane, both side boarding - elevated - wired
  • 1 Lane, left side boarding - elevated - wired
  • 1 Lane, right side boarding - elevated - wired
  • 2 Lane
  • 2 Lane, elevated
  • 2 Lane - wired
  • 2 Lane, elevated - wired
  • 4 Lane,
  • 4 Lane - wired
  • 4 Lane, elevated
  • 4 Lane elevated - wired

All American Concrete tracks recycle texture and materials of track superstructure between each other. All R2 networks recycle ballast, gravel texture and materials, in order to maximize the optimization. Subscribing entire pack of Concrete style cost about 40MB load.

Check the Complete Guide

Keywords: RAILWAY 2, United States, America, NEC, Northeast Corridor, PRR, RE136, Concrete, Sleeper, Railroad, Train, Network, Pack
BAP 21 Jun, 2023 @ 5:57pm 
I did some more tests and what actually happens is: If I create a line that ends at a station, but that station is not an end station, the trains get stuck there. My example is that, I have a rail path that comes from outside the city bringing intercity trains that end at that "Station A" and another path that comes from the city as a line and ends at that same "Station A". The intercity trains work normally and go out and get in with no issues, but the line trains get stuck at the station. I don't know if I explained it right lol
General Tso 21 Jun, 2023 @ 5:22pm 
I did my testing some time ago so I don't remember the exact details. My setup was initially the same as BAP mentioned below. I also tried making various changes using different track and platforms (not sure if the platforms have anything to do with it). Unfortunately I don't remember the exact changes I made. But I do remember that all combinations using station track from this mod failed. Sorry for being a little vague.
BAP 21 Jun, 2023 @ 5:13pm 
@rev0 In my case it's a 2x2 and I tested both high and low, both with the same problem
REV0  [author] 21 Jun, 2023 @ 4:44pm 
it is only happening with 2x2 ? or it's a problem on other variants as well ? also i need to know if high entry or low entry suffering the same situation so i can have a test case
BAP 21 Jun, 2023 @ 11:40am 
@general Tso, I came here trying to find some answer to my problem and I found your comment. I'm having exactly the same problem as you. The trains are getting stuck at the stations that are at the end of the line, but there is a rail path that continues at the other end. I've tried countless ways, but I haven't really tried just the vanilla game rails. Does anyone know what can it be?
General Tso 3 Apr, 2023 @ 10:43am 
(Continued from previous post due to character limit.)

I created two identical lines. The lines where on different tracks and separate from each other. One lines used the standard game station. The other used the Undecorated Railway Station. Both lines behaved the same and the trains got stuck under the same conditions.

If all station and non station tracks where the standard game track. The lines always worked. Even when the stations had track connected to both ends.

When using the station track from this page. And using W GRCO 2x2 outside of the stations. The trains end up getting stuck.

When using the station track from this page. And using the standard game track outside of the stations. The trains end up getting stuck.

Am I doing something wrong?
General Tso 3 Apr, 2023 @ 10:42am 
I'm having a problem when using this track. Passenger trains are getting stuck in passenger stations. The problem occurs for any station that has tracks connected to both ends. But doesn't happen when track is only connected to only one end of the station.

So I did a few simple tests. In all of the tests. I only used straight track and the game default passenger train.

Continued in next post due to character limit...
REV0  [author] 25 Jan, 2023 @ 8:18pm 

- Fixed the train stop behavior on 2 lane tracks.
Quin Riva 27 Aug, 2022 @ 6:53pm 
Yep using that mod and holding shift is an effective workaround.
I have also tested a bit more extensively with some other stations and tracks combinations, and the issue is pretty consistently encountered. The one set of new tracks that I found that did work, was the Ground Level Entry NEC Concrete tracks.
REV0  [author] 27 Aug, 2022 @ 3:44am 
I'll look into it. Meanwhile you can use stops enabler from bloody penguin to manually assign station stops to whichever platform you want by holding down shift key.