Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

481 ratings
Elevated - Glass - Station
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16.041 MB
15 Jun, 2018 @ 1:38pm
15 Jun, 2018 @ 2:36pm
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Elevated - Glass - Station

In 1 collection by clus
Clus´s Transportation Assets
32 items

Hello all together !

I proudly present you the continuation of my Glass - Metro - Station. As you can see in the
pictures, it comes with a similar design. This time, there is some kind of a role model for that
build. ;)


I want to thank Emperor Li, because his awesome station inspired me to create this one.
And as you can see, the similarities are obvious ... :) Thank you very much ...
Also thanks to Ronyx69 for the discovery of the rotors shader.

About the model

The asset consist of 9 buildings which have all together a tris count of arround 20 K.
The "main" lod has about 100 tris. That lod covers the whole model. The different sub - buildings
have all 2 tris lods with 8x8 textures.


The mods are all needed to use this station, except for the Transparency LODs Fix + Cloud Assets
Enabler - Mod. But I highly recommend that you use that mod too, because the glass (rotor shader)
parts have no lods.

Except for pdelmos awesome trees and my air condition unit I only used vanilla
props to keep the list of dependencies as low as possible.

Because of the size and the use of the same textures (within the different
sub - buildings) I highly recomment, that you use the Loading - Screen - Mod by thale5.

Due to the "texture sharing procedure" of that mod you can save much memory space.

Forgotten thoughts

I´ll add them when they are back ... ;)

Known issues

The cims are clipping through the mesh sometimes, but I cannot fix that. It took my again
hours to came up with the best result as possible.
Secondly, the cims sometime walk across the train tracks.


I hope you like the station. :)
And if you do so, please give it a thumbs up. :) That would be very much

For further questions and comments use the comment function below the asset.

Wíth best regards ... :)

Swoup 1 Nov, 2022 @ 2:21pm 
@Fasta.rasta Can confirm this works: get RON network replacer, and replace elevated train tracks with the CNP variant.
fasta.rasta 24 Sep, 2022 @ 5:18pm 
update: the track i used came from Extra Train Station Tracks. I replaced the track of the working platform as well, this fixed the problem of the waiting passengers sinking in to the ground. station looks and works good now.
fasta.rasta 24 Sep, 2022 @ 7:49am 
i think i've found a way to fix the spawning problem. i used ron:the network replacer and switched the track on the platform that spawns trains. the endless empty trains seem to have gone. i can even set line stops on the platform, which i couldn't do before. i used a track labelled [s][m] station track elevated (CNP). i don't know which mod this is from, but it works now.
N7Zebracakes 21 Sep, 2022 @ 9:32am 
Hey Clus - any chance you can make these compatible with Game Anarchy? Transparency LODs Fix seems outdated and it's functionality is included in Game Anarchy now
Chairman Meow 19 Sep, 2022 @ 5:38pm 
The Plazas and Promenades update seems to have made this station unavailable :(
clus  [author] 23 Aug, 2022 @ 1:39am 
@NA4U sorry to hear that, but if thats the case, then I can't help you with this issue... ask about it on BPs mod page.
If the track isn t publicly available, then I won't be able to load the station too ...
NA4U 13 Aug, 2022 @ 10:15pm 
@clus - yeah but I have them all subscribed and activated. The asset report shows that Station Track Elevated (C) is a private asset and it is not available on the workshop
clus  [author] 13 Aug, 2022 @ 9:32pm 
@AKscene Well, as I said it already ... I can't fix it... but that shouldnt be a problem, because it's all free content here ... just don't use the station if it doesn't work for you.
@NA4U ... see the dependencies list at the top right... the track is part of BP's ETST Mod. Without that mod, the station won't load.
NA4U 13 Aug, 2022 @ 2:52pm 
Station Track Elevated (C) - dlc/asset missing - No Workshop Link
AKscene 21 Jun, 2022 @ 5:35pm 
WARNING!! Waste of time having this station. It spawns trains like confetti and the author says disconnect it from the tracks!! So it won't work. Hello...?! He says its not his problem and its a game issue, yet other station's work perfectly.