Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

697 ratings
Continues Junction median V2.7 [Stable] (Direct Connect Roads)
File Size
1.061 MB
22 May, 2020 @ 4:17am
8 Dec, 2022 @ 1:28pm
25 Change Notes ( view )

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Continues Junction median V2.7 [Stable] (Direct Connect Roads)


uses Direct Connect meshes if TMPE rules suggest unbroken median

other features:
- auto-generates DC meshes for most roads.
- exemption tool.

Support at :

Required items
- Single version of TMPE (any would do but not duplicates)
- Harmony mod.

- use TMPE Tools to setup "lane connections", "lane arrows", "U-turn". Or go to traffic priority tool and use the hotkey for high priority junction.
- Junction median connects or disconnects based on whether or not cars can cross over it.
Note: Don't forget to remove U-turns
Note: [TMPE BUG] If you create U-turn with TMPE lane connections, the U-turn rule will remain after you remove that lane connection. so remove it manually.

Performance impact
- minuscule FPS drop.
- TMPE Lane connector tool eats FPS! to measure the FPS of this mod please exit TMPE tool.
- enabling the mod creates DC meshes for all track node types. That increases RAM usage a little bit (haven't measured it - probably by 1%).
- Loading times also increase depending on how many track networks you have. (haven't properly measured it - probably by 5%).
- zero-GC (does not cause stuttering).

Blue Nodes
If you have blude nodes, activate "Autorefresh all road junctions at startup" in this mods options (as shown in the images above)
Popular Discussions View All (1)
8 Mar, 2024 @ 12:43am
report incpompatible roads
Wind of Changes 9 Nov, 2024 @ 2:33pm 
It is broken - doesn't work any more
The Good 26 Feb, 2024 @ 8:33am 
Pros: When lanes and junction restrictions are generated with TMPE. this mod automatically and accurately applies a concrete median where suitable. The median looks good.

Cons: IMO the mod creates more problems than it solves -- the mod causes a blue graphical glitch in old intersections and reshapes nodes to be triangular, which causes issues with Intersection Marking Tools.

Recommendation: If you want a fast and easy solution which relies on TMPE rules, use this mod. If you want more control, construct medians with IMT by using the filler tool and selecting pavement.
Luka Michael Vincent Dirk Stouda 19 Jan, 2024 @ 9:09am 
does not work with curb heigh adjuster mod
Sweden_Gaming8416 22 Sep, 2023 @ 9:31am 
Can you make one but for lines? Like if i add a ramp on a highway the lines where the ramp intersects disappears. Can you make a mod for that?
Crunchy 1 Jun, 2023 @ 2:53pm 
The direct connect meshes generated by this mod are flickering as I move the camera around. I tested this with and without other mods and confirmed it's this mod causing the issue. I'm using the Linux game if that makes a difference.

The mod also causes other nodes to flicker, for instance the crossing in the middle of the road attached to the Ultra Modern Airport Terminal.
StayHungryStayFoolish 28 May, 2023 @ 8:40am 
I confirm the CJM is not acting in the case of elevated roads. It only does on the ground. See here:
Rotiti 24 May, 2023 @ 11:41am 
Thanks for LOM2 aka. Skyve, we can enable/disable mods much faster than before.

I still can reproduce the 20mins stuck issue by only enable Harmony, patch Loader Mod, Skyve (the three necessary for Skyve to work), and this mod.

Here is the log file
StayHungryStayFoolish 22 May, 2023 @ 9:31am 
@Rotiti you have an exception thrown by Klyte.AirplaneLineTool.AirplaneLineToolMod.

You also have EML (temp fix), but you have incompatible mods along with it. Favorite Cims is also questionable, however, I think it is compatible.

Please compare your mods with Hubs & Transport compatible modlist.
Rotiti 21 May, 2023 @ 8:44pm 
after test by disable all mods then enable some of them step by step, I found this mod have heavy impact to game loading then un-pause time with a large population save file (38w population), you can see in log it says it use near "20 mins" than the simulation can really start...

Here is the save file I used for test
(this is a vanilla save game so I think all people can load it)
和盒盒呵呵 19 May, 2023 @ 3:48am 
what happened recently ,it did not work ,besides i can not find it in setting-mod .the mod looks like disappear:steamsad: