Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

102 ratings
Workshop version of Railroads of Japan stations
File Size
29.394 MB
22 May, 2023 @ 8:20am
28 May, 2023 @ 8:26am
4 Change Notes ( view )
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Workshop version of Railroads of Japan stations

This pack has the modified stations from the content creator pack Railroads of Japan for Steam Workshop users.

Please note that you will need to update the game itself to load it.

Railroads of Japan stations are created using vanilla tracks for the convenience of console and vanilla players, but since users with access to the Workshop are using the more convenient Railway series, this pack includes provide stations that are compatible with the Railway series.
Subscribers to this pack will be able to use Railway’s station track.

Stations with longer platforms and individual components will also be released within the next week or two.

Differences from the original version
1. Workshop version uses Railway Narrow, which allows for more flexibility in the representation of the tracks. The original version uses vanilla tracks according to the official rules.
2. There is no station name board to support station customization.
3. The entire model has been resized to accommodate a platform height of 1.1m. The original version of the model uses a platform height of 1 m to be consistent with the vanilla environment, but this is correct because the platform height is 1.1 m for Japanese railroads.
4. For the sake of production efficiency, winter maps are not supported. The original version supports snow maps.

Railroads of Japan is an official package by Ryuichi Kaminogi and Colossal Order, but the items in this workshop are items that Ryuichi Kaminogi has made available privately.
Please use workshop items at your own risk and stop using them if you encounter any problems. If you do not know how to use an item, please do not subscribe to it.


WROJ Large Elevated Station
WROJ Large Ground Station
WROJ Small Elevated Station
WROJ Small GroundStation

If you like this work, please consider donating to me by the author.

*Steam Gift → kaminog/i_works
*Amazon gift certificate →
*Support on Youtube →
BehBae 6 Jul, 2024 @ 11:30pm 
is there any chance of you making it with vanilla tracks? not 'Railway Narrow'.
Railway Narrowを使わない駅を作る予定がありますか?
Muska 28 May, 2023 @ 11:44pm 
Ryuichi Kaminogi  [author] 28 May, 2023 @ 7:04pm 
@Matok1971 This issue is supposed to be fixed in the last update. Please re-subscribe this asset and check if the error remains
Ryuichi Kaminogi  [author] 28 May, 2023 @ 7:01pm 
@Muska こちら確認してみたのですが、今回のStation Trackに利用している線路が、地上線路にも関わらずテンプレートはElevatedとして制作されているため問題が起きている可能性があります。これは駅の不具合というより線路の不具合ですので、駅を修正しても事象の改善を見込めません。
本アセットのStation Trackを別な線路に設定すれば動作しますが、既にセーブデータに利用しているユーザーもいる線路を別なものに置き換えることにもなり、私の作業量やその後のユーザーへの負担も考えると非現実的ですので、今回はこのままにしたいと思います。
Jacky 28 May, 2023 @ 12:40pm 
I would like to know whether there can be a version that the two side tracks of the dual island stations are separate from the middle one. Thank you very much!!!
Matok1971 28 May, 2023 @ 11:18am 
Hello, I saw this asset on today's Top20 by BonBonB. However I am getting a slight error message. "Asset bugs: Workshop asset uses private asset (JPR Station Shelter Light.JPR Station Shelter Light_Data)"
Muska 28 May, 2023 @ 9:25am 
ご確認ありがとうございます。しかしロング版以外に、こちらのページのショット版の方も、大小地上駅どちらもElevated Station Trackが使われていると表示されていますが、もう一度ご確認いただけますか?下記のURLにイメージを添付します。
Ryuichi Kaminogi  [author] 28 May, 2023 @ 8:27am 
@Muska こちらで確認してみたところ、たしかに仰るとおりLong版の大きな地上駅について、側線部分の線路にElevatedが使われている箇所がありました。こちら先ほど修正版を上げましたので、問題なく使えるようになったと思います。ご確認のほどよろしくお願いいたします。
Muska 28 May, 2023 @ 12:34am 
今回も素敵なアセットありがとうございます。自分は現在狭軌を使っていないため、Railway Station Tracksを使用してステーショントラックを他のものに変えようとしましたが、地上駅の線路もElevated Station Trackに設定されていて、地形が崩れる現象が現れています。特にステーショントラックをElevatedに設定された理由などはありますでしょうか、また、ステーショントラックをGroundに変更する予定などはありますでしょうか。
munska02 27 May, 2023 @ 2:54am 
Will you regear the trains that came with your CCP from the Vanilla Standard Gauge to this Railway Narrow Gauge?