Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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Items (238)
'69 Chevrolet Camaro
Created by KI5
Even more muscle car action in Kentucky! This time it's the Chevy Camaro! 2 chassis variants with their own distinctive features! Camaro has a full set of armor and many parts to customize it. It's fast and loud, it lacks in storage and tire protection jus...
'69 Mini Mk2
Created by KI5
The smallest 4 seater you will find in Kentucky! It's small, agile, light, small, silent, fun and small. It comes in many optional pop culture variants. It has a full set of armor and many parts to customize it. Also small. Main features: Right hand drive ...
'70 Dodge Challenger
Created by KI5
How about some muscle in Kentucky? A lot of power and even more noise, Dodge Challenger! Now with 5 variants, with a lot of distinctive features, something for everyone! It has a full set of armor and a bunch of parts to customize it. It's fast but it lack...
'75 Pontiac Grand Prix
Created by KI5
How about some Pontiac action in Kentucky? Fantastic 70s design with some interesting features and good amount of storage for a car of this type. It comes in 3 variants, basic SJ, luxury LJ with more power and more wheel options and powerful Hurst with eve...
'86 Ford Econoline E-150 + Pop Culture vans
Created by KI5
Lloyd and Harry took a wrong turn and ended up in Kentucky! Try to find their Mutt Cutts van or just enjoy the space and adaptability of Ford Econoline with 3 different chassis types, full craftable armor set and up to 6 seats to bring the whole crew on th...
(41, 42) (Vanilla) Crashed Cars Mod
Created by Alabeo
Warnings: Build 42 Compatible. The mod WORKS with Multiplayer in Build 41. Description: Ever wanted to have the famous highway scene from The Walking Dead in Project Zomboid? Ever wanted to see more chaos on the streets? Did you hate the bland burnt car mo...
41.78+ Propane Torch Fix [B42 Supported]
Created by Drazion
Now works in B42 This mod is meant to readjust the capacity of the propane torch in the 41.78 and 42 builds from 10 back to 100 IF YOU ADD THIS MOD MID-GAME YOU WILL HAVE TO REFILL YOUR ALREADY SPAWNED TORCHES AT LEAST ONCE TO SEE THE NEW VALUES This fix w...
75% Less Food Loot
Created by Champy
This contains 4 mods. PICK ONE. -75% FOOD Loot: decreases the food loot by 75% (1 roll per table, same as the mod "Ridiculously Rare") -50% FOOD Loot: decreases the food loot by 50% (2 rolls per table) -25% FOOD Loot: decreases the food loot by 25% (3 roll...
Aby's Recraftable Wood Axe
Created by Abystea
The Wood Axe doesn't get any love It's rarely used by players because of the Fire Axe And it's the rarest Axe spawn in the game It is my favorite weapon And usually, I play with Insanely Rare loot So finding a Wood Axe is very challenging And they break re...
add Mecanic Sound - and more sandbox
Created by AuD add Mechanic Sounds Sounds effect is added during action to the mechanic activity and vehicle arround . (heater/buttons/actions etc...) Time of action is added (sandbox option for time). (heater/buttons/action...
add Sounds effects to Item Action [and more]
Created by AuD Audio for Transfer Items and Actions With this mod, you will have better immersion, each transfer of items and several actions will have a sound, in MP the other players will hear them to 15m arround, the zomb...
added Corpse Sounds effects for Pickup/Drop
Created by AuD Pickup/drop corpses sounds Random sounds is added on pickup/drop corpse action. Work in: MP/SP/OldSave/SafeToRemove/NoRewriteCode This added sounds is my creation from audio samples like all my others audio mo...
Advanced trajectory
Created by 喵了个球
Advanced trajectory This Mod modifies the ranged weapons and throwed weapons. Ranged weapon: 1.You can see the trajectory of bullets. 2.You can shoot the head, body and feet of zombies through the crosshair. (It is not perfect yet) 3.Your aiming skill leve...
All Mushroom Models!
Created by DerGeissler
Seven different mushrooms share one model - allthough there are models and textures for each one in the gamefiles. This mod lets all the mushrooms use their correct models and textures. Fully savegame and multiplayer compatible, should also be compatible w...
An Exhilaratingly Organized Literature Mod
Created by Oh God Spiders No
For a truly superlative book sorting experience Some features only available in English for now, looking for translators to help. Don't like pictures? Here's a written description of the mod.
Antibiotics not Food!
Created by shrbyte
Antibiotics now work like regular pills. Changed item type from Food to Drainable. Compatibility Mod overrides item itself without adding new items. Mod overrides ISTakePillAction:perform() - only adds event trigger so should be no problems with any other ...
Antiserum Hardcore [MP 41.60+]
Created by Rokem
This is a hardcore version of a Antiserum mod by b1n0m (Workshop ID: 2127326898). This was developed mainly for my own personal use on a personal server with friends. The mod plays the same as the original mod, however I wanted to change it to better rewar...
Arithmechick's Screams of Pain
Created by Arithmechick
Description Causes your character to scream out loud when they're in extreme pain. The character also has a chance of audibly wincing in pain when an injury occurs. The loudness and sound radius are affected by the severity of the injury (This feature can ...
Ash & Mae's Hair Salon: New Frontier V6 [ B41 ]
Created by EtherealShigure
2024: The Combined Talent of MaeMentoMori And Myself ~ Show off that Character Like you mean it ~ ! With B42 Out. This Mod is on Ho...
Ash's Trailer Trash HairCut ( Classic )
Created by EtherealShigure
Start the Impending apocalypse of right By Slicing your Nice haircut into this Messy Trailer Trash Haircut. Adds 1 hair, "Trailer Ash" (pg rated Name) Thats basically it really. Made this to learn about Modding more Mod mark...
AutoHide Hotbar
Created by peteR 75hz
AutoHide Hotbar Do you get bothered when all the extra hotbar slots you have are clipping thought the Vehicle Dashboard when driving? Well, so this mod is for you! All it does is simply hide the hotbar automatically when you are driving. How it works: Firs...
Auto Mechanics B41
Created by Tchernobill
So you are here ? Ah.. you wanna play with cars but you lack experience. You've come to the right place. At least if you are using B41 or previous versions. The version for B42 and further versions if here. All questions that are not answered below will be...
Autotsar Motorclub
Created by iBrRus
This day has come! Autotsar Inc. together with KI5-Production, are pleased to present the new vehicles: ______________ 1984 BWM R80/7 Monolever - Class...
Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Bus [TUNING 2.0]
Created by iBrRus To access the tuning menu, use the "V" key while standing beside the car and select "Modifications" (the dash key icon with the plus sign). Dear Client...
Back with Another Milk Scream
Created by ESPIPEcangrejo
G, u know I'm obessed with it, I can't get enough... Workshop ID: 2971397137 Mod ID: HelpMeMilk...
Backpack Borders [b41]
Created by Notloc
THIS IS VANILLA AS OF B42 Backpack Borders is a small UI tweak that adds a background and border to the container buttons in Zomboid's inventory windows. The change makes it easier to see each individual button, particularly when the player is using dark c...
BackPack Redux
Created by Kapitain_Kaukasus
Simple texture pack to replace all vanilla - boring and "cartoonish" backpack textures with newer and authentic ones. Backpack textures are mostly based on 80's/90's style vintage bags. Indoor screenshots might look over-saturated on those pinned images, b...
Become Brave
Created by Monkey
B42 - Disclaimer and FAQs Mod is still in active development, so expect updates. Mod is tested in Singleplayer, Coop and Dedicated Server environments with multiple people. It works. Updates...
Become Desensitized
Created by Monkey
B42 Version - Disclaimer and FAQs Mod is still in active development, so expect updates. Mod is tested in Singleplayer, Coop and Dedicated Server environments with multiple people. It works....
Beds Have Blankets
Created by gunslinger
Working for B41 and B42 Build 42 update There are issues with blanket pattern sprites that will be worked out in the future. Sandbox options have been added that will allow you to choose your sprite preference. A basic description of what the sandbox optio...
Better Flashlights
Created by Enobdercas
PLEASE NOTE: You'll NOT see the light from other people's flashlight when on belt- this is a GAME issue, nothing a mod can change! If you want other people to see your light, hold it in your hand. Any further comment regarding this will not be answered any...
Better Hand Wash (41.60+)
Created by Sunnyyyyholic
Currently, the amount of water for washing socks required 10 water. This is the same amount of water to wash a jacket. Besides, if very little blood splashes on your clothes, you need 10 water to wash it. I feels weird when I do wash clothes. and this is v...
Better Jar Spawn
Created by Pava
Improves Jars, Jar Lids and Boxes of Jars spawn. Now, there's a (small) better chance to spawn at the Gigamart, farming stores, tool stores, kitchen counters, garages and tool crates. Feedback is much appreciated. *NOTE: If you enable this mod into your cu...
Better Sorting
Created by ChthronicKnight Complete overhaul to item categories and various name tweaks. Compatible with B41, B40, and Multiplayer(B40+B41)! This mod can be safely added or removed from a...
Created by IRISe_s
Despite the world being ripped apart at the seams, there is one clear disaster in the middle of it all... The absence of Blahajs! This mod adds blahajs, smallhajs and hopefully more in the future. Workshop ID: 2848526508 Mod ID: funnyikeasharkie...
Boredom Tweaks
Created by Jon
Something I found when playing Zomboid was that the Boredom moodle was always a bit frustrating to manage. The way it functions in vanilla, any time you are indoors you are slowly gaining boredom, and it is slightly slower while reading. If you are in mult...
Brutal Handwork
Created by dhert
Supports B41. Works in Multiplayer An update for this mod shouldn't be expected until 2025. Definitely at least not until B42 has multiplayer. A new save is not required A combat mod made ...
Bushcraft Gear - Tools
Created by Scavenger
Adds 6 new vanilla friendly weapons to your world: - Hand Hatchet - Splitting Axe - Cheap Survival Knife - Survival Knife - Kukri Machete - Rancher Machete (Default weapons has not been replaced, they are still in the game) Every weapon/tool has different ...
Can Repair Doors
Created by AuD info: the double doors have changed on the vanilla side, now it is no longer / not necessary to repair the central walls of the double doors, the PZ dev's have made sure that the central walls auto-repair them...
Cat's Faster Reading Mod (Slower)
Created by ♡CosmicCat♡
Simple mod that makes reading faster! > Sitting will also boost read speed. (0.7 read rate) > Walking while reading enabled (shift/run to stop reading) > Skill books (standing) = 6 minutes (4 min 15 sec minutes with fast reader trait) > Skill books (sittin...
CDC Rapid Response
Created by Phil J Herman
CDC Rapid Response CDC RAPID RESPONSE 2 - FOR B42 - RELEASED NOW! GET IT HERE! NOTE: This mod uses a dynamic loot system to allow for customizability of loot drops. For faster performance, override this by using a CDC Rapid Response Settings mod from the w...
Clear description for Moodles
Created by Unamelable
Updated language description for everyone! (Hello World!) Considering that "More Description for Traits" exists, I was surprised nobody made a mod for moodles. I figured it would be quite handy to have this mod alongside it. So I made this little QoL mod. ...
Climb B41
Created by Tchernobill
You can climb one level up. How to climb You can climb to a place one level higher but not directly over you. The target place must have a floor (but no stairs). The target place must have no wall window or fence blocking the climb. There must be nothing o...
ClothesBox Redux
Created by Authentic Peach
Clothes for you and the zombies. - Over 100 items! Note: This was originally made by modder Mauser_NATO. I later restructured and organized the mod well after Mauser finished his work. However I can not update the original mod anymore. Previously I pushed ...
Common Sense
Created by Braven It's something so simple, but PZ lacks it sometimes. This mod solves this issue by adding many Quality of Life improvements to the game. I plan to continuously update this mod, adding more and more common sense...
Created by Tchernobill
Adds a bag that keeps your food so fresh and so cool. Hey ya! Hey ya! You've seen the Cooler bag and felt a deep treason in your fragile heart, realising you were not able to store fresh food in it.. You've come to the right place. How to keep your food co...
Craft Engine Parts
Created by Titoxic
Craft Spare Engine Parts yourself! This mod adds the magazine "The Machinist". Find it and read it! This adds three different recipes for making spare engine parts. Alternatively, you can unlock them by reaching a certain level in each required skill witho...
Craftable Dairy Foods [Build 41]
Created by sugarskull
Craftable Dairy Foods This Project Zomboid mod allows player to craft milk, yogurt, cheese, and butter. This mod is a designed to work on the stable branch, currently Version 41.65. The recipes for yogurt, cheese, and butter must be learned from a new Good...
Crops Never Rot
It sucks when you log in to a server and find all your farming efforts were in vain because too much time passed and everything is rotten. This mod aims to solve that problem by disabling that final stage, leaving all the crops in their "seed-bearing" stag...
Daddy Dirkie dirks tiles
Created by Daddy Dirkie Dirk
A collection of tiles, this mod as a standalone will not have any effect on the game. This mod simply does the behinds the scenes magic to make all the tiles function as intended. Now, if you are not making maps/mods and are simply using this mod as it is ...
Dash Roamer
Created by Erin
Love your Dash Bulldriver but those lousy seats are not meant for sleeping? Or perhaps you dont have the budget for a motorhome and have a perfectly good Bulldriver sitting around? Or you simply want 2 extra seats but dont want to take it back to be made i...
Created by PePePePePeil
Overview : There may be multiple patterns of furniture overlay graphics, but the patterns are defined per coordinate, not per item. Therefore, when you bring furniture back to your base and place it there, you may see a different graphic than the first tim...
Definitive Zombies B41 (No Longer Supported)
NOTICE This is for B41. I have stopped updating this mod in favour of a code revamp and focusing on B42. Discussion boards and comments will be left up in case people need help/troubleshooting. If you are looking for B42, an early version can be found here...
Dig Worms
Created by toomanynights
Say goodbye to worm furrows. Worms in Project Zomboid are versatile little fellows. You can use them as bait in fishing, in trapping, you can even eat them if you're desperate; they never perish, and they don't require crawling around "foraging" with cripp...
Disable Welcome Message
Created by star
No annoying welcome window each time you see the main menu screen or mods menu screen. 41.x, 42.x compatible. Workshop ID: 1924146603 Mod ID: disablewelcome...
Dive Through Windows
Created by Myself
You've jumped through windows, but now you can dive through windows like a badass! Uses the sprinting fence-hop animations instead of the window climb animation. Unofficial successor to the Jump Through Windows mod Thank you for 100k subs! Approved by Nurs...
Created by Jesse
Inspired by the roll mod, this mod enables players to perform evasive backward dodges in combat. Features three dodging animations, for melee weapon/empty hands, with pistols, and with rifles/shotguns. Prerequisite TchernoLib How to Dodge - Assign a key to...
Draw On The Map - Free Hand Drawing [B42/41]
Created by Notloc
Draw On The Map adds a new free hand drawing tool to the game map! This tool allows you to freely draw lines of any shape. You can customize how thick and filled out the line is, allowing for bold full lines, thin dotted lines, and everything in-between! A...
Driving Skill
Created by Afterworlds
WARNING: THIS MOD IS UNDER ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT. NON-ESSENTIAL UPDATES WILL BE ON SATURDAYS. Thanks to HypnoToadTrance for adapting More traits to work with this mod! Very cool! Driving Skill Adds a new Passive Skill called Driving. As you drive, you will ju...
Dylan's Tile Pack
Created by Dylan
Will be working on bugs and fixes for B42, potential name change for the tile pack too. The mod will continue to have a B41 option as well. Adds custom tiles to map mods. To server owners, feel free to add our mods to your modpacks. We grant permission to ...
Easy Heater Repair
Created by PipMagnet
Gives the player the ability to repair the vehicle heater and glove box. Repairing vehicle heaters is accomplished as normal, using small metal sheets and a propane torch. For repairing glove boxes there are three available repair options. The duct tape an...
Easy Lightbar Repair
Created by PipMagnet
Updated June 21, 2024: Fixed a bug where the lightbar would not be repaired if the condition was already 96% or higher. Lowered the skill requirements slightly and roughly doubled the condition increase for the number of parts needed. Gives the player the ...
Easy Packing + Organized Storage
Created by GoldBar
EasyPacking (by GoldBar) (Maintained by the team: GoldBar, Diakon, and Mr. Nekuromu) IMPORTANT Favorite any item (right-click → “favorite”) if you don’t want it to be packed! What Does EasyPacking Do? This mod lets you bundle multiple copies of the same it...
Ed's Auto Salvage
Created by Saltamontes
A junkyard & garage just east of Pony Roam-O in the middle of Knox Country. Made for 41.60+ Q: Does it... A: Yes it works in MP, yes it works with the new map, yes it works on any MP server rented or otherwise. No I am not going to help you with rented ser...
Essential Crafting
Created by spoon
This mod addresses the need for vanilla friendly crafting additions - such as refilling lighters, improvised can opening/rock crushing/fire making, weapon fixing, making raw tailoring materials, carving, tailoring and many others quality of life methods to...
[v41] Even More Everything Colors
Created by mezz
Pick any color you like, for your hair, clothing or anywhere else the game asks you for one. Twenty different hues, with many saturation and brightness variants each. Workshop ID: 2726792138 Mod ID: MezzHairColors...
Every Texture Optimized
Created by maceleet
We're reached 2.5K likes – HD Texture Pack now available! What's new: But first of all I want to thank all subscribers who did not spare with rewards and likes! Thanks to you, I've improved every texture by upscaling. But at the same time preserving the or...
Exercise with Gear
Created by Authentic Peach
Exercise with your Gear on! Normally the game forces your character to take off their backpack and remove any equipped items. What this mod does: This mod removes that functionality from the game. Your character skips that step and can perform exercise act...
[B41] Expanded Helicopter Events
Created by shark
This mod replaces the vanilla helicopter event with a more dynamic suite of events which are both challenging and fair. Furthermore, the mod is designed as a framework and can be easily expandable and modifiable in itself.*
Fancy Handwork
Created by dhert
Supports B41. Works in Multiplayer A new save is not required A VERSION FOR B42 WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON. There is currently a bug in B42 where Animation Sets are not recognized from the new B42 folder structure, and thus have to be duplicated which doubles ...
[B41/B42] Faster Hood Opening
Created by TehaGP
Faster Hood Opening Makes the Hood Opening be almost instant instead of taking some a few seconds. Build 42 Compatible! Build 41 Compatibility Remains!
Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars!
Created by Filibuster Rhymes
Hey dudes, the comments are disabled because it's just Russian spam now, haha. Once build 42 is out and stable, I'll update this version and re-enable comments. Until then, if you need any help with it, feel free to join the discord. You should also check ...
Firearms B41 Revamped
Created by Myself
The classic overall firearms overhaul Firearms B41 is back! This is an extended, updated, and patched version of the Firearms B41 mod. New Weapons Pistols: Glock 17, P228*, M45A1* Revolvers: Colt Python, Colt Single Action Army SMGs: MP5, UZI, MAC-10, M3 S...
Firearms B41 Revamped M24 Addon
Created by 󠀡
The addon now edits the damage of all weapons in the mod. M24 has the highest damage. Workshop ID: 3270542703 Mod ID: firearmmod_M24damage...
[B41] Fishing+
Created by MassCraxx
Vanilla Fishing Rework for B41 As B42 completely overhauled Fishing, there will be no more updates for this mod. Features: > Adds features of Bricks Wants Fish (Big thanks to bricks for letting me include his idea) Fish size chance now scales off fishing l...
Fitness & Workout Overhaul
Created by Codename280
Description Don't like how the fitness system works ? Too unrealistic ? Too slow ? Too fast ? Updates how much exp is gained based on some realistic inspired parameters. Adds 2 new workout options: a working treadmill and functioning bench-press (bring you...
Fix Inventory Tooltip lag
Fix Inventory Tooltip lag This mod fixes a performance issue in the game that causes it to freeze up for a period of time, most commonly whenever you rip up clothing. The problem becomes exponentially worse with the more clothing item mods you have, hence ...
Created by Zodd
Forklift Pallet Truck. B42: No sub-mods required. Space Bull: 4000 engine power limited to 30. Rear wheel steering. Full wheel lock. Two gears; forward and back. Flashing Beacon. Propane storage tank. 2 Generator slots. 2 Crowbar slots. Carry PalletTrunk/P...
Fuel Side Indicator
Created by kabaww
EXCITING NEWS! The latest blog post by The Indie Stone ( seems to hint that they will add a fuel-side indicator to the vanilla game on Build 42. I'm so happy that the developers noticed this smal...
Created by KONIJIMA
Features - Sandbox Settings. - Can store fuel into barrels. - Large Gas Can, can also store water into it. - Barrel can spawn with random amount of fuel. Latest Update The mod has been updated for 41.72. Great news, this game patch have integrated most of ...
Game Night
Created by Chuckleberry Finn
This mod adds a UI window in order to play card/board games. Interactions with the UI reflect those changes to the items in world. Simply place a Game Night supported item in the world, and right click 'Play'. Features a card deck system with search UI, fl...
Generator Time Remaining
Created by Undefined
A simple mod that displays the days and hours left before a generator runs out of fuel. Features NOTE: To configure the options, Mod Config Menu is required (link)Option to convert in-game time to real time (Default is In-Game Time) Option to set minimum E...
Get Up Quick
Created by Tchernobill
Get up action is always played as if 'Run' key was pressed. "There is no reason not to do it" Mr Lamprey, British Spearholic Get UpGet Up Quick https://...
Harry's Spiffo Plush Replacer
Created by harrycheez
Just a simple mod I put together to make the ingame spiffo plushie match the spiffo plushie that Indie Stone recently had on Makeship. Workshop ID: 2944744886 Mod ID: HSPR...
Has Been Read
Created by PePePePePeil
In v2.14, support for Titled Literature (e.g. Books and Magazines) has been added. However, please note that these items, will be marked as "Already Read" they are read after enabling the mod or updating it. The icon display for these items can be turned o...
Hat And Glasses No Drop - Universal Patch
Created by Mxswat The Final solution to item drop, compatible with all mods The title is a bit misleading, this mod not only stops hats and glasses from dropping when you fall. It stops any kind of equippable clothing from dropping to the gro...
Hephas Occupations and Traits
Created by Hephaistos While playing with various occupation mods, I noticed they were often overpowered and the traits mods lacked essential combat skills for proper weapon skill boosts and overall detailed customization. That's why I decided to ...
Here They Come!
Created by SpoutNick
Here They Come (beta): An immersive horde event experience! What does it do? This mod introduces horde events to Zomboid! These events are meant to remain immersive, and highly configurable. Configuration range from their spread, size, variation, and trigg...
Created by Braven
Hiding! You are in a difficult situation, something is chasing you. What do you do? You hide yourself! However, this feature is not available in PZ. This mod solves that problem. How does it work? You can hide anywhere that makes sense, such as beds, wardr...
[B41/B42]I Might Need A Lighter
Created by Fingbel
Updated for the b42 update, please report any bug Philosophy behind this mod The first iteration of this mod I Don't Need A Lighter missed the balance I was aiming at when writing it. It made the Smoker trait even more a freebie point than it should. With ...
If You're In The Car, You're In The Car
Created by jackInTheBox
As of 41.73 if you accelerate too quickly upon entering a vehicle this makes you vulnerable to attacks with no indication. This mod fixes that. Workshop ID: 2838629416 Mod ID: ifincarincar...
Improved Build Menu [Build 41]
Created by Vaileasys
This is a quality of life mod with the main goal of tidying up the build menu for both Carpentry and Metalworking. Some new buildables from the base game are also added. Packaged with 3 versions Enable the appropriate version for your game. If unsure which...
Injury Indicator
Created by BOBcat
Adds pop-up text over the character's head when an injury occurs, indicating the injured body part. If using the default pop-up text format, there is an option to also notify when an injury is healed. Detects injuries from all sources for all body parts. W...
Invisible Clothing Patches
Created by Davi
This mod should work with future updates. It's only a minor texture. Just a small mod that hides the clothing patches. Will also hide holes in clothes if they are patched. Works with other clothing mods unless they edit the same textures. Workshop ID: 2464...
Item Stories [beta]
Created by Champy
This mod makes buildings more "lived in" by spawning items inside them. It is picking what to spawn randomly from a 'story' system. If you've tried my "'immersive barricaded start" mod , this will spawn items in a similar way, but for every building, and a...
Build 42+ UNSUPPORTED - Item Tweaker API
Created by DarkSlayerEX
Workshop ID: 566115016 ModID: ItemTweakerAPI --EDIT 3 - End of Support -- I thank you all who have subscribed, and with these numbers am humbled. I am aware this mod no longer works for build 42. I am okay with this, and in fact am glad, as this mod was ho...
Jaw Stab Buff
Created by yes
Increases the chances of a jaw stab. Amount is customizable through the mod options tab in b42. Did you know knives can't actually crit? That's right. Their critical hit is replaced by the jaw stab. But, since the jaw stab move is completly disabled when +...
Jay's Building Expansion
Created by Myself
This mod includes two main items designed to expand on vanilla building mechanics: Jay's Building Utility: A utility mod which makes metal constructions slightly cheaper, as well as adds sandbox settings to increase health for ALL metal and wood constructi...
Just Throw Them Out The Window
Created by co`
What is this about? This mod is meant to address a single problem. You all know too well that awkward moment when the upper levels of your base get invaded by zombies. If you're lucky enough to survive this, you end up with piles of corpses all around the ...
Created by Tchernobill
Details kills by weapon category and by weapon in a new dedicated tab of character window. Adds to the genuine character panel the number of Z that died of other things than player weapon. Technical details Total number of kills can be exported (if selecte...
Knox County Cooking Club
Created by CyrusJazzberry
Formerly known as Use Stuff as Spices. Since 41.73, vanilla herbs were updated to be usable in evolved recipes, so I’ve decided to take the mod in a new direction. Introducing Knox County Cooking Club! Who said the apocalypse had to be bland? Knox County C...
Lingering Reflexes...
Created by Mr Sunshine
Super special thanks to belette for his awesome mod Random Zombies! This mod simply uses the cognition code. ============================================================= =====================================================...
Lingering Whispers...
Created by Sebastian
Features: Throughout your play-through, you may hear a singular murmur in the horde, a contorted voice at the door as it tries to break in, pleading souls hidden away, fleeting minds of men giving guidance or begging for mercy as well as lot more. This occ...
[B41 / B42] Load All Magazines
Created by Foteq
PRESS ESCAPE TO CANCEL IN ANY SITUATION Adds an option to the right click context menu to load/unload all magazines of the selected type. Does not effect radial menu reloading. Modifies ISInventoryPaneContextMenu.doMagazineMenu, so will be incompatible wit...
Louisville Lakehouse
Created by Matrioshka Long time no see, friends! Yeah, I'm kinda back. So, I've made a small house near Louisville. The house is located near small lake, also it has a car garage and a shi~~~, ahem, an outhouse. Enjoy!
Louisville Quarantine Zone [B41/B42]
Created by Erika
⚠️MAP UPDATED FOR BUILD 42 UNSTABLE!⚠️ This map has been updated for build 42. There might be bugs and issues with the map in this version. This update does not affect the build 41 version, it should still be working the same as before. This mod restores t...
LV International Airport
Simon MD's Louisville International Airport Discover the Gateway to Adventure at Louisville International Airport! Are you ready to embark on your next journey? Look no further than Louisville International Airport your premier gateway to endless adventure...
[B42/B41] Mad Max 2 Pursuit Special
Created by fhqwhgads
Ride out the zombie apocalypse in a classic apocalypse machine: Max's Ford Falcon XB Pursuit Special from The Road Warrior. With two huge fuel tanks and a cut down front bumper, this car is built to take on the rugged Outback. The Pursuit Special's massive...
MaD's Awesome Zombie Loot
Created by MaDeAbU
Makes zombies drop awesome (basic) loot like other survival games. Adjust your zombie loot drops as you like! Make your own apocalipse! https://i.posti...
Maintenance improves repair
Created by Neidmare
What does this do? When you repair an item, the % repaired scales with your maintenance skill level Every level of maintenance adds 5% to the total amount repaired, up to a max of 25% additional repair. Gives a small amount of maintenance XP for each repai...
Map Legend UI [B42\41]
Created by NikGamer
Works with Build 42! Playing build 41, but still don't remember what all the building colors stand for? Or, perhaps, like me, you think that the vanilla build 42 map key looks a bit... off? Suffer no longer. This mod adds a legend from old town maps to in-...
Melos Tiles for Miles Tilepack
Created by melos_tiles
Notice: This tilepack only works properly in B41 and is not suitable for B42! (I will eventually update it as soon as TIS releases the offical tools to do so!) 24.12.2024 Update: - Lots of new tiles, especially for the new map "Shortrest City" to work prop...
Created by hervé regnier
Adds the mythical mask of famous rapper MF DOOM that died, RIP. You can craft it through the crafting tab carpentry section. To server owners, feel free to add my mod to your modpacks. I grant permission to all. The mask can be made using the game's craft ...
Military Ponchos
Created by Akyet
Adds a new Military style poncho to the game! Can be worn in two different styles both with hood up or down options. Currently the Military Ponchos come in 3 colours but more including patterns etc. are planned. Current Colours: Green Yellow/Brown Black __...
Minimal Display Bars (Build 40/41)
Created by ATPHHe
Minimal Display Bars 4.3.5 (Updates (Discontinued)) I apologize as I am not currently maintaining this project. Everyone has permission to fork or rework code under the Github MIT license. Link: Github Vorshim's B42 port: Minimal Display Bars + Nutritions ...
Mo' Crops
Created by BlueFoot
Have you ever wondered why you can't get seeds for other food items such as Eggplants and Lettuce in the game? Well this fixes that. This mod has no dependencies, just plug and play for 41.56+ If you want to get the seeds make your way to where you would n...
Mod Manager
Created by NoctisFalco
Improved mods selection screen. UPDATE 2022-02-05 - "Disable all" and "Disable all (except favorites)" options will not disable Mod Manager when editing the default mod list. - Fixed an error when changing the screen resolution. If you appreciate my work, ...
Mod Manager: Enhanced Load Order
Created by Panopticon
This mod adds onto Mod Manager and Mod Manager: Server to make the mod load order window much more bearable to use. By adding the options to move mods at greater increments, it reduces the number of clicks you need to move through those big modlists you ha...
Mod Manager: Load From Collection
Created by paranoid
Now you can paste a link to your Steam collection and mods from it will be automatically activated. This addon for Mod Manager and Mod Manager: Server makes it much easier to activate mods from a Steam collection. Now you don’t need to constantly Alt-Tab, ...
Mod Manager: Server
Created by NoctisFalco
An extension for Mod Manager that makes the process of editing server mod lists much easier and faster. Now you will never forget to add required mods to your server's config! If you appreciate my work, please support me: ht...
Mod Options (Build 41)
Created by star
ModOptions WIP (paused)! Allows other mods to be customized. Any mod author can add custom options to their mod. Requirements (!) THIS MOD IS COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH BUILD 41 (!) For Build 42 see here. Steam Workshop Issues 1. Quit the game. 2. Unsubscribe. W...
Monkey's Library
Created by Monkey
Answers for FAQs This mod is REQUIRED by some of my other mods Mod is tested only in Singleplayer and Dedicated Server. COOP compatibility is not guaranteed. This mod works as intended as of 41.73. Mod is still in active development, so expect updates. Rec...
Moodle Framework B41
Created by Tchernobill
Makes it easy to add moodles for modders. Moodle Framework Configuration If you want colors to be easier to distinguish, you can set to white the reference color for moodles. This applies to both vanilla and modded moodles. You can also deactivate various ...
More Description for Traits [b42 & b41]
Created by Champy
B42 Unstable Update (Former version is still there for b41 compatibility) - Added Mod options - Added Free Recipes What's new in b42 ? Some stuff. A lot of changes to the cost of traits. Like High Thirst now gives only one point Corpse Sickness : Weak Stom...
More Smokes
Created by Mackus103
MORE SMOKES - CANNABIS AND TOBACCO A large effort was put into the development of this mod to put out a high quality production that functioned effectively to bring you the full experience. This experience includes the following Mechanics: FARMING DRYING &...
More Zombie Death Animations
Created by WhiteSushiEater
Have you ever felt like cutting down a horde of zombies felt a little underwhelming? Perhaps seeing the same death animation repeat over and over again took away some of the fun and enjoyment that you would have otherwise gotten. Thanks to this mod, cuttin...
Muldraugh Fire Department
Created by Myloo
A well equipped fire department to assist with emergencies in Muldraugh and the surrounding area. It adds the following: Fire Department Camping/Weapons shop Info: Cell 35:35 Game version 41.78 if you like the mod I'm happy about a 👍 ⛔ Permissions: Redistr...
Multi Hit Limiter
Created by Sowilo
Allows multi hit configuration in sandbox settings. Multi hit can be limited by weapon categories, range, skill level, and allowed or disallowed on a per-item type basis overriding other settings. Additionally, the max hit count of weapons can be capped. C...
Multiple Generators
Created by Slayer
Multiple Generators Combine power of multiple generators. With this mod, generators can work in parallel, so that they consume less fuel. Game will recognize what items are within range of more than one generator and split fuel usage across them proportion...
Mx's Quality Of Life Pack
Created by Mxswat
This mod contains optional 4 mods This mod contains four mods I have been using this mod for quite a while on my private server, and I tought it was time to release it Weapon stats tooltip Adds a new tooltip to the game that shows the weapon stats accordin...
Nepenthe's Nearby Traps
Created by Nepenthe
Allows traps to work even if you are nearby. Updated to support B41 and B42. Workshop ID: 2974760428 Mod ID: NepNearbyTraps...
No More Passive XP Lose
Created by Flandre Mayor
Description just change Strength/Fitness lose rate 1 to 0. so, you not lose Strength&Fitness XP forever! say good bye to annoying level up se! i'm working and fighting hard! why lose XP? because your character has Strengh/Fitness Lv10, you can't get both X...
Noir's Rifle Slings
Created by Noir
I asked Akyet if I can upload my own version of his Rifle Slings, he said yes so here's is Features Adds a Sling slot to equip 2h guns/melee weapons Sling can be wear in four positions Slings doesn't worn out Slings keeps position when wearing a backpack S...
Pallet Crates in Warehouses
Created by Champy
Adds a chance to spawn pallet crates (from Zodds ForkLift mod) in storages, factories, and warehouses. Requires "Item Stories" and "ForkLift" to work. Workshop ID: 3123242723 Mod ID: ItemStories_ZoddsPalletCrates...
Created by Pertominus
This tile pack has been made available for map makers to use. Some of the tile sheets are within the mod folder itself. The rest will be released when they are properly edited or if requested on the mapping discord. Several room definitions have been added...
Piano Skill Book
Created by Delly Pendragon
Add Piano skill book for mod simple playable piano mod Workshop ID: 2961759032 Mod ID: Delly_Item_skillPiano...
Pipebombs In Mailboxes
Created by Pig master
B42 Verson Here: This is a simple mod that gives Pipebombs a 5% chance to spawn in mailboxes. This was tested in SP with a new save but it should work in MP. If you add it to an existing sav...
Created by Dylan
For B42, we plan to update the map as soon as the new mod tools are available. This process will take some time and we plan to do it properly, with love. Planned Changes: - Rebuilt from the ground up - Made time period appropriate - Add basements, animals ...
PKMN Trading Cards
Created by Duchess
Adds collectible Pokémon trading cards and booster packs to the game world. Collect 'em all! Currently adds: - The complete Base, Jungle and Fossil sets from the Pokémon Trading Card Game, collected by opening booster packs of three types: Base, Jungle and...
Plain Moodles
Created by Bion
Minimalist semi-transparent background textures for moodles with level indicator. Does it work in Multiplayer? Yes. Does it work on existing saves? Yes. Safe to enable/disable at any time. Compatibility Compatible with Clear description for Moodles, Weathe...
Players On Map
Created by Zach
This mod will show you players on the map. Where do I find the options? If you are hosting the server -> Image -> Image If you are the client -> Image -> Image If you are an admin -> Image -> Image What are the options? Admin Options:
Created by Slayer
What's new April 28 - You can now repair or disassemble the pump. Sinks can now store more water. April 04 - Bugfix, check release notes for more info. March 29 - Use pipe wrench (instead of propane torch) to build or remove pipes. March 21, 2024 - You can...
Point Blank
Created by scott_hf_dunbar
While shooting a firearm, if you are within extreme proximity of the target zombie, the target will instantly die. (Or take alot of damage, if you configure it in sandbox options) Check out a preview here: ---FAQ...
Profession Framework
Created by Dr_Cox1911
Profession Framework Mod for Project Zomboid by Fenris_Wolf Adds a framework to simply adding additional professions and traits to project zomboid, and editing the default professions. As well as simplifying the modding process and letting professions have...
Propane Tanks in Garages
Created by Champy
Adds a chance to spawn propane tanks in garages. Requires "Item Stories" to work. Workshop ID: 3038100079 Mod ID: ItemStories_PropaneTanksInGarages...
Proximity Inventory [B41/42]
Created by Mxswat
Now Updated to work with B42! Check out the new keybinds in the options! Proximity Inventory Are you tired of having to manually loot a pile of 300 zombies to find some damn cigarettes? Are you tired of getting lost in the 30th box of this damn warehouse t...
[B41/B42] Rain Cleans Blood
Created by Akamir
Tired of zombies splattering their brains all over your pretty lawn? Well no more! Just wait for some rain or snow and watch it all fade away. What does it do? This mod makes it so that when it's raining or snowing, blood will slowly fade away from floors ...
Rain Wash
Created by NoctisFalco
Rain washes blood and dirt away. Including the character's body, clothing, equipped bags, equipped and attached weapons, the vehicle your character is in and vehicle attached to it or last used vehicle and vehicle attached to it. How it works Body, clothin...
Random Zombies
Created by belette
Compatible with version 42.0.2 and 41.76 (solo & multiplayer). This mod lets you customize how many zombies of each type (crawler, sprinter, smart, tough, etc.) appear in your game. Inspired by Customizable Zombies. Please make sure you've read the FAQ bel...
Raven Сreek
Created by DavidBlane
Read While Walking
Created by star
You can read while walking. You can set reading speed in sandbox options. Bonus Features Also you can start/stop reading a book by pressing "R". So you can read/fight almost simultaneously using just keyboard. You can start reading even if the book is in a...
Real Metalworking
Created by spoon
This mod addresses the need of vanilla friendly realistic primitive metalworking. It has tons of recipes but it wont let you craft EVERY metal object there is in the game. It is meant to be a profession suitable for a self learned apocalypse survivor or a ...
Rebalanced Prop Moving
Created by Ludwig Van B.
Do I really need a hammer to move a couch? I wish I could move this desk, but I haven't taken any carpentry classes! This mod removes the nails holding your furniture and appliances to the floor! Details: - Furniture and appliances require no skill/tool to...
Reorder Containers - Backpack Orders [B42/41]
Created by Notloc
Reorder Containers is an inventory mod that allows you to customize the order in which containers and backpacks appear in the inventory. Simply drag and drop the container icons to rearrange them to your liking. They'll even remember their preferred order ...
Reorder The Hotbar [B42/41]
Created by Notloc
Reorder The Hotbar is a mod that allows you to customize the order of the items in your hotbar. Simply drag and drop the hotbar slots to rearrange them to your liking. This mod also adds the ability to click on the hotbar slots as an alternative to pressin...
Repair Any Clothes
Created by Johnny Dollar
Makes you able to repair any clothes you want, such as vests, bulletproof vests, jumpsuits, etc. Working for B42! Throws a small error that can be ignored. Are you generous and thankful for the mod? Please consider to donate to animals in need! In 4 years ...
[B41] Repair Wall
Created by Kamer
Now works with 'More Builds' and 'Improved building menu' too! To be honest, this should be in vanilla long time ago... Just right click on whatever you've built, and hover on "Repair" menu and repair your WALLS! Features Wo...
Repair Wall Cracks
Created by Varinus
This mod will enable the ability to repair various cracks on structures around the world. To repair a crack, you need the following items in your inventory: Bucket of Plaster, Trowel. Workshop ID: 2746736222 Mod ID: RepairWallCracks...
Replace Bandage [B41, B42]
Created by Sioyth
Are you tired of the tedious process of removing old dirty bandages and then applying new ones in Project Zomboid? Do you wish there was an easier way to manage your injuries and stay healthy in the game? Look no further than the "Replace Bandage" mod! Wor...
Respawn in Car [MP/SP]
Created by AuD Last Update MP/SP: 2.0v Patch note >> Respawn in car With this mod, if a player disconnects inside a vehicle, he is bound to respawn in t...
Rewarding Night Combat
Created by Nihilist Penguin
Do you frequently find yourself wanting to venture out during the night but struggle with motivation? If so, this mod is for you. With it, you will have the opportunity to gain significantly more experience points for your combat skills during nighttime. B...
Rideable Truckbed
Created by Cooki ♥
Note : This mod uses a very outdated method of physically overriding vehicle files. When I come back to PZ in B42 I will be using a new method that relies more on scripts rather than file overriding. This may not be compatible with new updates of Filibuste...
RV Interior
Created by Maxwelt
READ THE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE ENABLING THE MOD Simulate interiors of some vehicles. Support over a 100 vehicles. Each vehicle has 25 fully-customizable independent spaces. The power is tied to the car battery. Some trailers have no battery of their own, and...
Satchel With Bags
Created by ArpyClarkson
Simple mod letting you wear satchels with backpacks. Now updated to allow your satchels to show over jackets, vests, and more! Includes new ItemTweaker version for maximum compatibility! ItemTweaker version requires ItemTweakerAPI B41 by Tchernobill or Ite...
Scavenging Skill (Fixed)
Created by MusicManiac
Why take over the original mod? Original mod author is busy with life since march 2022 so I took it up upon myself (with help of others) to fix and improve the mod. This is not an add-on mod, do not run this and original mod at same time. Why this version ...
Scoop Da Water
Created by opsedar
Scoop Da Water Grab your bucket & scoop em! Problem Farming in zomboid get tedious once your water depleted and need a refill. Filling water from barrels, lake & river feels the same with all water containers. Even containers like bucket or bowl where in r...
Scrap Armor!
Created by djvirus
Welcome! This mod adds some new post apocalyptic / homemade Armor! These can be made with various recources and tools you find troughout the world. To craft Armor, check the "Armor" tab in your crafting menu! UPDATE: Added b...
Scrap Guns
Created by djvirus
Welcome to my second mod! Adds Handmade Guns, Grenades and Bugfixes to the game! Craftable with high Metalworking levels with various parts and Air Tanks after the recipe is unlocked. Ammo can be made out of Nails, Screws and Scrap Metal
Scrap Weapons!
Created by djvirus
Welcome This mod adds a ton of new post apocalyptic / homemade melee weapons! These can be made with various recources and tools you find troughout the world. Most weapons are upgrades from vanilla weapons, so check the new "Weapons" tab in your crafting m...
Serving Plates: Make your plates useful
Created by ISuckYourSoul <3
For Build 42 : Allow the player to put content from Stir fry Pan/Roasting Pan/Gridle Pan on plates just like stew, soup, rice and pasta in bowls Make sure you have 2 or more plates in your i...
Share Your Map Symbols
Created by iBrRus Share with your friends the marks you've put on your map. Create treasure maps. Lure other players into traps with your map marks. Find a dozen more us...
Shared Faction/Coop Map Symbols
Created by Mxswat
This mod gives you a new standalone map layer that your faction members can update from anywhere on the map, and the changes to it will appear on everyone else's faction layers IN REAL TIME!. Preview:
Shine Together
Created by Pill0w
Happy to announce that Shine Together: AuthenticZ(Glowsticks) is OUT NOW ! Say Goodbye to the Darkness ! Disclaimer: This mod doesn't provide the ability to attach flashlight to anywhere. You need to use other mods for that Overview I know you guys hate it...
Simon MDs Tiles
Some tiles I created initially for my Stalker Stores (only the ones with no loot right now). Tiles will also be used in other mods I am working on. Thanks @Miss Raptor ( for providing your beautiful art so I can integrate t...
[B41] Simple Overhaul: Melee Weapons (SOMW)
Created by hea
Simple Overhaul: Melee Weapons (SOMW) For Project Zomboid ver. 41.78 . Works in both Singleplayer and Multiplayer. Included translations: EN, RU, CH, CN, IT, DE, KO, UA, TH, PTBR, ES, AR, JP, TR, PL. FEATURES: - New fresh models and textures for almost all...
Simple Playable Pianos
Created by PseudonymousEd
Play the Western Piano! Gain levels in the new Piano skill! (Builds 41.50 or 41.53+) The Knox Country Conservatory of Music (KCCM) was founded in Muldraugh in June 1993. It is the premier institution for piano instruction in the greater Muldraugh area. The...
Simple UI library
Created by MrBounty
Simple UI Library Want to make a simple menu for your mod to : - Ask the player to choose between two things? - Ask the player a nickname, age, height, weight, etc ? - Display a map ? - Display player-related information from your mod such as amount of mon...
Skill Recovery Journal
Created by Chuckleberry Finn
Lore-friendly(ish) solution to the loss of a character. Craftable journals which allow the recovery of skills and recipes.
Skizot's Carryable Everything
Created by Skizot
Made for the KYRP server. This mod aims to make most stuff that SHOULD be carried, just that. now plays well with Fancy Handiwork! if you want to change or modify weight of things like the logs then Use this awesome mod! (Customizable Wood + Metal Weight) ...
Skizot's Tiles
Created by Skizot
Needed Files for Skizot's Tilesets to work ingame. Dylan helped me get all this crap working. Commander gave me some GREAT ideas. Check out my other mods!
Sleep On It
Created by ArpyClarkson
Life in the apocalypse got you down? Sleep On It! Most problems in life can be solved by sleeping them out- now you can sleep away those feelings of boredom and sadness just like you do in real life! Now when you sleep your boredom and sadness will slowly ...
Slow Consumption
Created by PaddiSson_
Slow Consumption Tired of constantly having to change the empty battery in your flashlight? Or finding a new soap or lighter to replace the empty one? Or even changing colored light bulbs too often? Because we've all done this too many times. This mod does...
Slower Sprinters \ B42
Created by AZoT
- Description: Mod replaces sprinters with slower ones, based on default sprinters, they have the same animations, can trip, grab and hold player sometimes, just like default sprinters. There is different versions of slower sprinters, from 20% slower to 43...
Slugcat Plushes
Created by e g g
Rain world Plushes! Also has 2 backpack models for each slugcat added so far! I shamelessly stole the code from here to get this working, so thank you for that lol. Theyre all craftable cause i couldnt be fkd to figure out how to get them to spawn https://...
[B41/B42]Smoking Sounds Overhaul
Created by Frits191
Now updated for B42! Let me know if you run into any problems. The normal smoking sound effect for cigarettes and cigars is kinda underwhelming. This mod adds 6 new smoking sound effects for both genders which includes: a zippo lighter opening/closing, mat...
Soul Filcher's Exploring Time
Created by soulfilcher
Compatible with B41 and B42 B42 version does not include the lantern, and the recipe to craft torches can use branches or long sticks. This mod adds Flares, Gas Lanterns and Torches. It also changes Candles so they are visible when holding them. You can fi...
Spiffo Statue Fix
Created by Zelen
You finally gain the strength to pick up the big Spiffo. As an added bonus, you can put him down too! Picking up this statue still has the vanilla requirements of level 2 carpentry and a hammer. B42 Update: A new Spiffo statue without the green pedestal wa...
[B41 / B42] Split Items
Created by IDK
Split Items in your Inventory. The mod for B41 will not be updated except for bug fix Supported Languages: English (IDK) Français (Jozay) Brazilian Portuguese (Kildare) 한국어 (IDK) Workshop ID: 3147428398 Mod ID: SplitItems...
St Paulo's Hammer
Created by .cat
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀       𝒲𝑒𝓁𝒸𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝒮𝓉 𝒫𝒶𝓊𝓁𝑜'𝓈 𝐻𝒶𝓂𝓂𝑒𝓇 ⠀⠀St Paulo's Hammer was always a hot spot for army related businesses, starting as a simple town for gunpowder companies back in the early days of freedom land, it quickly became a busy town for all topics arm...
Standardized Vehicle Upgrades 2 (OLD)
Created by Jack Rossman
Updated version available here. This version will no longer receive updates. What does this do? A car armor mod that covers every vanilla vehicle, every Fili's vehicle and the Petyarbuilt379...
[B41] Store Your Harvest
Created by theleo
How does it work? This mod changes the way canned food works in the game and introduces a new mechanism for packaging food in bags. After all, canned food lasts more than 3 months in real life, and organizing food in bags would make it lighter. List of add...
Supermarket Carts in Stores
Created by Champy
Adds a chance to spawn supermarket carts (from Zupercarts mod) in stores. Biggest chance in Gigamarts. I'm open to feedback to balance the spawns. Requires "Item Stories" and "ZuperCart - Carts & Trolleys" to work. Workshop ID: 3038108150 Mod ID: ItemStori...
Survivor Backpacks Mod
This mod retextures the vanilla backpacks to make them look more rundown and post apocalyptic. Both the ALICE packs have been completely retextured. Additionally, one was inspired by the look of Joel's backpack from The Last of Us :) (NEW) Survivor Satchel...
Swap It
Created by Chuckleberry Finn
Does the following: Equipped weapons will swap places with hotslotted weapons instead of being put away. Example: If you have Weapon A on your belt and Weapon B in hand- selecting weapon A will equip weapon A and put weapon B on your belt. Activating an em...
Created by ace
Fixes not getting xp from ripping ORIGINAL MOD: Workshop ID: 2839166684 Mod ID: tailoringfix41fixed...
Take A Bath
Created by t10310
內容: 點擊浴缸後可以洗澡並起洗掉身上的污漬及血跡 , 在洗澡過後人物可以稍微降低不快樂以及無聊指數和感冒狀態 在 MOD Options 調整頁面中可以設定要脫下的裝備類型 目前模組只能在單人遊戲中執行 Make the bathtub able to take a bath and clean up the blood and dirt on the body After taking a bath, the character can slightly reduce the unhappiness a...
TchernoLib B41
Created by Tchernobill
Features and tools with high reuse potential. Global Object Simple interface to add your own Global Objects to the game. Details here. see Portal Gun mod for example. Spawn Spawn a specific item in a specific container. Spawn a specific item from a right c...
TED BEER`s Player Skin Retexture
Created by Ted Beer
- Made with Build 41 Change the female player skin to be more realistic. 2021 - 01 - 14 - Modify some textures # Body ===== Ted Beer`s Retexture List - Female Player nude Retexture (Now) - -...
that DAMN Library
Created by KI5
What is this? This is a framework that fuels all KI5 mods, one centralized place to fine tune and expand all mods and make them ready for game changes and new features. You can find more about it here: that DAMN Library - Crafting, Fixing and Recycling exp...
The Engineer
Created by spoon
Let's you craft generators, car battery chargers, blow torches, speakers, remotes and much more. Also lets you disassemble everything and gives a lot more stuff(Depending on electrical skill) from various devices you can disassemble. Everything is balanced...
The Frigate (b41)
Created by Gabester
Under the cover of night, the USS Volfram Amorosa docked along the Ohio River. It's mission: infiltrate, investigate, and unravel the chaos that besieges the land. Please Read- Cell 41,21. No known conflicts. But I will add any to the description if they a...
The Workshop
Created by djvirus
Welcome! This mod adds more crafting features to the game! With this mod you no longer have to drop your broken tools on the ground. Now you can disassemble them for scrap (screws, metal parts, wood) You can also disassemble any metallic vanilla item in th...
throttlekitty's tiles
Created by throttlekitty
This is a collection of world tile sprites I've made to be used as a resource in creating custom maps. Some sprites may have additional functionality, I'll be including lua for those in this mod as needed. I don't plan on making anything here craftable, ho...
Tire Racks in Mechanics & Garages
Created by Champy
Adds a chance to spawn tire racks from the mod "Veracious Network's Garage" in mechanics, car supply shops, and much more rarely in garages and storage units. The Tire Rack will spawn as furniture, not as an item. The Tire Rack will most of the time spawn ...
Tools of The Trade
Created by Greb
Adds a variety of weapons and tools to the game world. AXES: Adze Army Mattock Bearded Axe Brush Hook Crash Axe Felling Axe Hatchet Pulaski Axe Splitting Maul Tomahawk LONG BLUNT: Aluminum Baseball Bat Core Hammer Cricket Bat Crutch Entry Tool Heavy Shille...
Tread's Water Tank Trucks [41.65+]
Created by Trealak
Tread's Water Tank Trucks This mod adds working water trucks and water tank trailers (and their water tank parts) to the game. It was made for 41.65 version of a game and should work both in SP and MP. Nonetheless I had limited testing capabilities so all ...
Treasure hunt event
Created by tanp0p0
This MOD is still Work In Progress. Short explanation for busy Survivor Adds a regularly recurring treasure hunt event to Knox Events will be notified by pagers dropped by zombies, and you can get the item by being the first to reach the designated locatio...
Tripping Zombies
Created by Monkey
Answers for FAQs READ THE DESCRIPTION (CONTENT SECTION IS ENOUGH) BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS. Mod is tested only in Singleplayer. It probably also works in Multiplayer. This mod works as intended as of 41.73. Mod is still in active development, so expect upda...
Trolleys in Storages
Created by Champy
Adds a chance to spawn trolleys (from Zupercarts mod) in storages, factories, and warehouses. Requires "Item Stories" and "Zupercarts - Carts and Trolleys" to work. Workshop ID: 3038476940 Mod ID: ItemStories_ZupercartsTrolleys...
True Actions. Act 1 & 2 - Sitting & Lying [for MP disable anti-cheat type 12]
Created by iBrRus WARNING #To make the mod work in multiplayer in the server config disable anti-cheat protection for type 12. AntiCheatProtectionType12=false Act 2 - Ly...
True Actions. Act 3 - Dancing
Created by iBrRus Almost all important events in the life of a primitive man were marked by dancing: birth, death, war, the election of a new leader, the healing of the ...
True Crawl [B41]
Created by iLusioN
Update: True Crawl 2.2 CLICK HERE to see the changelog!!! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀TRUE CRAWL! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀This mod adds a completely new way to play Zomboid! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀    ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
True Crouching
Created by BOBcat
I'll update when B42 stable version is released. While sneaking, crouching animations will be played instead of sneaking animations. In other words, replaces sneaking animations with crouching animations. Includes crouched idle, walking, running, turning a...
True Music
Created by iBrRus It's time for true music in Project Zomboid again. The mod allows all users to add their music to the game. In addition, you can add your own vinyl cov...
Tsar's Common Library 2.0
Created by iBrRus Description Common library for Tsar's Companies. Additional equipment for vehicles: refrigerator, stove, microwave oven, fuel tank, etc (Code modified ...
Udderly Safe Login
Created by UdderlyEvelyn
This mod was made for the UdderlyRP server, find us on Discord at Want to run your own PZ server at a reasonable price with good support? 2 days free, click here! Gives you a grace period on login. This is to help avoid dying ...
Uncle Red's Bunker Redux
Created by dragonsher0
Description: Uncle Red’s Bunker Redux Crazy Uncle Red was an… Interesting dude. Served in "’Nam", conspiracy nut and all around crazy old guy, made some killer moonshine though. He built this Bunker to live out whatever doomsday situation he dreamed up. He...
Undead Survivor
Created by Scavenger
This mod adds currently 5 new outfits which only spawn on zombies! More to come time to time Features: - Outfits will spawn on zombies, this is the only way you can find them - You can tuck the trousers into your shoes - Hood up and Hood down features for ...
Under Cover of Darkness
Created by Hammy_Pig
Under Cover of Darkness Why should you be the only one to suffer from poor vision at night or in fog? This mod evens the playing field, allowing you to hide from zombies under the cover of darkness. Under Cover of Darkness is a super lightweight mod which ...
Vanilla Vehicle Enhancer
Created by Mighty Imp
Vehicle Light Chime
Created by Daszh
Lets you know you have your lights on and the engine off by playing a sound Chime does not play if the battery is dead or the engine is fully broken. A current limitation is that it is played as a world sound which is also audible outside the vehicle to ot...
Vehicle Repair Overhaul
Created by hehehemann NOW UPDATED FOR BUILD 42 Build 42 is Repair ONLY options - Many more options for repairs have been added B41 and B42 COMPATIBLE Salvage options will return for build 42 at a later date Find a clunker you love but its one zom...
Veracious Network's Garage
Created by TehViper
Veracious Network's Garage Veracious Network's Garage adds a tire rack as a storage container which displays how many tires are stored. Expect more features and equipment to come! Features Unpainted Tire Rack
VHS SkillTapes (SP & MP)
Created by Crawling King Chaos
Adds VHS tapes for Crafting and Survivalist skills. Each series has 6 episodes that give XP. Tapes are VHS-Retail and should spawn along with other retail VHS. You don't need a fresh save for this mod, but the tapes will only spawn at undiscovered location...
Water Dispenser
Created by KONIJIMA
Features In this mod I try to make everything as Vanilla as possible. - Dispenser have 250 unit of water like the vanilla dispenser. - Water Jug can be filled with gasoline for a total of 250 units. - Vanilla Dispenser automatically converted to custom whe...
Weapon Condition Indicator [41.60+]
Created by NoctisFalco
The mod shows condition (durability) of a weapon attached to the hotbar (back, belt, holster, etc.) or equipped in the primary hand. And many other useful features. Features - Two types of weapon condition indicators: icon (star or bubble) and progress bar...
Wells Construction
Created by Rokh
Information: This mod allows you to build wells! Wells have been around since the times of the roman empire. I figured an experienced survivor would be able to build a well for long term water storage. How it works: First you need to find and read the maga...
Where Am I?
Created by Braven I'm lost! There's so many map mods out there! And what about new Players? How do you know exactly in which town or region of the map you are? With this mod, of course! How does it work? Whenever you open the wor...
Winchester, KY
Created by Endless Wire
Welcome to Winchester, KY. Winchester, KY, located at the far west side of the map, is a big 49 cell addition to Kentucky. South west of Riverside and north west of Rosewood, Winchester is a zombie heavy town filled with a wide variety of exciting areas. W...
Working Masks
Created by evoc
This Mod attempts to make masks (such as gas masks) affect the sickness gain from corpses. It does not protect against engine fumes inside buildings. Condition of the mask is considered. Gas Masks offer full protection at 100% condition. Other specific mas...
Working Treadmill
Created by F_C4RICA
Want to train your fitness? With this mod, now you can use a treadmill. You will gain fitness XP a little more than squat and gain sprinting XP as well. If you carry weight is more than a half you will gain strength XP too. -You can change fitness, strengt...
XP Drops - Oldschool Runescape
Created by broface
Adds an Oldschool Runescape styled experience bar, including experience drops whenever you earn experience to give you those sweet, supple dopamine hits as you grind your carpentry skill up. ------------------------------- The bar can be moved anywhere on ...
Zippo: Lighter Holding Model
Created by Vik
Adds a holding model for the lighter to increase immersion. There should not be any bug. Have fun. Remember: No place is safe, only safer. Workshop ID: 3027834653 Mod ID: Zippo...
ZuperCart - Carts & Trolleys
Created by iBrRus Realistic Carts & Trolleys for best life. Mod adds trolley and shopping cart. Shopping cart capacity - 49. Trolley capacity - 49. There can be only one...