Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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the ultimate medieval collection
Items (834)
조선시대 병졸 패키지 Korean Ancient Soldiers
Created by TAEMIN B
조선시대 병졸 패키지 Korean Ancient Soldiers 조선시대 병졸 패키지 Korean Ancient Soldiers 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선시대 무관 중 병졸로 이루어진 패키지입니다. 기본적인 병졸 한 명, 그리고 조총으로 무장한 조총수, 방패와 환도로 무장한 팽배수, 긴 창으로 무장한 살수로 구성되어 있고 조총수와 팽배수, 살수는 전투 자세도 취하고 있습니다. This is is a package of Korea...
조선시대 장군 패키지 Korean Ancient General
Created by TAEMIN B
조선시대 장군 패키지 Korean Ancient General 조선시대 장군 패키지 Korean Ancient General 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선시대 무관 중 장군과 장교로 이루어진 패키지입니다. 정3품 이상을 나타내는 적색 두석린갑 당상관과 정6품 이상을 나타내는 청색 참상관, 그리고 그 아래 품계를 나타내는 녹색 참하관과 흑색 장교로 구성되어 있습니다. This is is a package of Korean Ancien...
조선 무관 패키지 Korean Officers
Created by TAEMIN B
조선 무관 패키지 Korean Officers 조선 무관 패키지 Korean Officers 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선시대 무관 Prop 패키지입니다. 두 가지 버전의 구군복을 입은 무관이 고유 자세를 취한 자세로 구성되어 있습니다. This is is a package of military Officers of Korean Kingdom. These props mean members of Korean past kingdom f...
조선 신하 패키지 Korean Kingdom workers
Created by TAEMIN B
조선 신하 패키지 Korean Kingdom workers 조선 신하 패키지 Korean Kingdom workers 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선시대 신하 Prop 패키지입니다. 적색 옷을 입은 당상관과 청색 옷을 입은 참상관, 녹색 옷을 입은 참하관과 상궁, 내시로 구성되어 있습니다. This is is a package of Workers of Korean Kingdom. These props mean members of Ko...
조선 왕실 패키지 Korean Royal Family
Created by TAEMIN B
조선 왕실 패키지 Korean Royal Family 조선 왕실 패키지 Korean Royal Family 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선시대 왕실 Prop 패키지입니다. 두 가지 버전의 임금과 세자, 세손과 중전, 대비와 공주로 구성되어 있습니다. This is is a package of Royal family of Korean Kingdom. These props mean members of Korean past kingdom ...
中国古代茶馆 Ancient Chinese tea houses
Created by 六六
中国古代茶馆 by 六六的小猫 Likes to remember the focus...
Created by 尹水涯
关键词:中国 古建筑 历史 传统建筑 桥 廊桥 五星塔 风雨桥 四川 广安 华蓥 重庆 合川 古风 造景 该资产原型位于四川省广安市华蓥市宝马坎村与重庆市合川区双槐镇石泉村交界处。 类型:五拱廊桥 材质:石桥 长度:54米 建设年代:清宣宗道光二年(1822年) 保护级别:四川省文物保护单位(2007年)重庆市文物保护单位(2009年) 注:清道光二年(1822年)五星桥始建,清道光五年(1625年)桥面修造了房屋,为行人提供遮风避雨的场所。 五星桥,又名火烧滩桥,横跨华蓥河代峨溪火烧滩,是川渝界桥。桥两端...
五羊雕塑 The Statue of Five Rams
Created by HooHeeHaa
Located at Yuexiu Park, Guangzhou, the Statue of Five Rams, a granite urban sculpture created by Yin Jichang, Chen Benzong and Kong Fanwei in April 1960. It has become a symbol of the city of Guangzhou (Canton). You can find it in the panel of Level 5 Uniq...
功夫熊猫-娇虎 Kung Fu Panda-Jiaohu(prop)
Created by 六六
功夫熊猫-娇虎 Kung Fu Panda-Jiaohu 群号557678106 我明白此物品会提示lod面数过多的错误,我最近没有足够的时间去 处理他们,这并不影响你目前的使用,我将会抽空处理掉这些问题,感谢使用 I understand that this item will prompt you with too many errors in lod. I have not had enough time to deal with them recently. This does not affect...
功夫熊猫-师父 Kung Fu Panda - Master(prop)
Created by 六六
功夫熊猫-师父 Kung Fu Panda - Master 群号557678106 我明白此物品会提示lod面数过多的错误,我最近没有足够的时间去 处理他们,这并不影响你目前的使用,我将会抽空处理掉这些问题,感谢使用 I understand that this item will prompt you with too many errors in lod. I have not had enough time to deal with them recently. This does not affe...
功夫熊猫-金猴 Kung Fu Panda - Golden Monkey(prop)
Created by 六六
功夫熊猫-金猴 Kung Fu Panda - Golden Monkey 群号557678106 我明白此物品会提示lod面数过多的错误,我最近没有足够的时间去 处理他们,这并不影响你目前的使用,我将会抽空处理掉这些问题,感谢使用 I understand that this item will prompt you with too many errors in lod. I have not had enough time to deal with them recently. This does n...
功夫熊猫-阿宝 Kung Fu Panda - Abao(prop)
Created by 六六
功夫熊猫-阿宝 Kung Fu Panda - Abao 群号557678106 我明白此物品会提示lod面数过多的错误,我最近没有足够的时间去 处理他们,这并不影响你目前的使用,我将会抽空处理掉这些问题,感谢使用 I understand that this item will prompt you with too many errors in lod. I have not had enough time to deal with them recently. This does not affect...
北京国家开发银行, Beijing China Development Bank
Created by RAY 都市天际线交流群祝大家新年快乐! Happy Chinese New Year China Development Bank is made by LANXUEJS 国家开发银行,亦简称国开行,是中华人民共和国的一家开发性金融机构。 1994年3月17日,中华人民共和国财政部和中央汇金投资有限责任公司共同发起设立国家开发银行,作为国有独资政策性银行。国家开发银行是中国最大的债券银行...
古代路人Ancient Han Chinese Prop
Created by MC100
做了个古代路人的prop,可以配合古建筑场景使用。之前我一直用的是韩国佬的古代朝鲜人资产,但总觉得还是不好,毕竟中式建筑还是要中国人更加协调一些,所以我就做了这个资产。其实模型不是我做的,但是我对贴图进行了修改以及把原来那副贼眉鼠眼的样子改成了现在这样的正人君子模样。有点像《真三》里的刘备233 This is an ancient Chinese who wears Hanfu(the traditional Chinese costumes before Qing Dynasty,Han Chinese...
古典木舟classical boat
Created by
古典木船classical boat 欢迎各位喜欢造景的朋友们加入 都市天际线深度造景 群号 685293770...
唐代士兵擺件 / Tang Soldiers prop
Created by Winvypussal
In fact, I am also very friendly to foreign friends. It's just that my English and other languages are so poor that I need to rely on Google Translate. But I am too lazy to translate, so I can only wrong you! 這次我製作了一組唐代士兵的資產,這組資產包含四個兵種(括號內是資產的名稱): 一,帶槍步兵(T...
唐代官員 / Tang Dynasty officials
Created by Winvypussal
這是一名唐朝的官員,其頭上戴的幞頭與身上穿的圓領袍皆體現了唐朝人的威武與大氣。同時,隨身攜帶武器的習慣也是唐朝人彪悍、尚武的象征。 這個資產還有一個物件版本:
唐代官員prop / Tang Dynasty officials
Created by Winvypussal
唐代官員prop by Mantsong 滿倉...
Created by 尹水涯
关键词:中国 古建筑 历史 传统建筑 塔 白塔 大旺寺 眉山 四川 东坡 古风 造景 该资产原型位于四川省眉山市东坡区金花乡白塔村大旺寺。 该塔现已经修复涂白,我参考的是修复前照片制作。 类型: 塔身形制:密檐式穹隆顶 塔身材质:空心砖塔 高度层数:45.1米13层 塔身切面:呈正四边形,底边宽6.1米 建设年代:清穆宗同治4年(1865年) 保护级别:四川省文物保护单位(2007年) 清咸丰初年,州官犹自东,根据原塔址规模,集绅士,筹集资金,刚建成三级,因去职而停止。12年后,州人刘崇德等乃募集资金续修,...
孔明灯Chinese Kongming Lantern
Created by MC100
孔明灯Chinese Kongming Lantern by MC100 孔明灯又叫天灯,俗称许愿灯,又称祈天灯。是一种古老的汉族手工艺品,在古代多做军事用途。现代人放孔明灯多作为祈福 之用。男女老少亲手写下祝福的心愿,象征丰收成功,幸福年年。一般在元宵节,中秋节等重大节日施放。相传是由三国时的诸葛亮所发明。当年,诸葛亮被围困于平阳,无法派兵出城求救。孔明算准风向,制成会飘浮的纸灯笼,系上求救的讯息,其后果然脱险,于是后世就称这种灯笼为孔明灯。 Kongming lantern is a sort of a...
宋代鸱吻Song Dynasty Chiwen prop
Created by MC100
宋代鸱吻Song Dynasty Chwn by CSL.Studio 南宋皇宫系列之宋代鸱吻prop Chiwen is a roof decoration which widely used in traditional Chinese architectures. As is known to all, Chinese traditional architectures are made of wood, and the wooden structure couldn't prevent them f...
故宮漢白玉欄杆 | 故宫汉白玉栏杆 | Forbidden City's White Marble Balustrade
Created by Emperor Li
故宮漢白玉欄杆 也可用來裝飾您的中式公園及建築。內含兩個物件:欄杆本身及欄杆柱(物件位於:參見第四張預覽圖),放置請使用 Prop Line Tool (設定間隔為1.7m),最後加上欄杆柱。欄杆會沿著地形起伏。 感謝您的訂閱! 故宫汉白玉栏杆 也可用来装饰您的中型公园及建筑。内含两个物件:栏杆本身及栏杆柱(物件位于:参见第四张预览图),放置请使用 Prop Line Tool (设定间隔为1.7m),最后加上栏杆柱。栏杆会沿着地形起伏。 感谢您的订阅! Forbidden City's White Mar...
Created by 红米先生
脚踏船 by 红米 共计3个资产,分辨率512X512,LOD:800左右 脚踏船和古木船需要放置地面后,在通过移动到水面上,通过抬高方式,抬到您认为合适的平面高度即可。...
Created by 辉煌时刻
Huaihai Campaign Martyrs Memorial Tower is located at No.2 Jiefang South Road, quanshan district, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, at the east foot of Phoenix Mountain. Huaihai Campaign Martyrs Memorial Pagoda is surrounded by cloisters and corner pavilions....
漁港 (Japanese Fishing harbor)
Created by TOKACHI269
日本によくある漁港です。工業propのタブに追加されます。 <mesh info> ship main triss : 2584 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,) LOD triss : 70 texture size : 128x128 (defuse,) ship(small) main triss : 1116 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar) LOD ...
石桥 Stone Bridge
Created by hikke
大家好 这次制作的是石拱桥 古镇常见元素之一 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ 模型信息: Name Tris LOD Texture LODTexture Remarks stone bridge 1895 398 1024x1024 512x512 park hi everyone~~ This is stone brtdge~ enjoy~~ have fun~~ if you like please rate~~...
資材セット (Material Sets)
Created by にる~ niroo
資材セット (Material Sets) 商業施設の裏手や工場、ホームセンター等幅広い場面で活用できる資材をまとめてみました。 内容物は以下の通りです。 ・ハンドリフト(ハンドリフター)(現場猫のやつ)(handlift)・ 1種 ・木材運搬台車(ホムセンにあるやつ)(Material trolley) ・・ 1種 ・かご台車(Material basket trolley)・・・・・・・・・・・・7種 ・段ボールの山(Material cardboard box) ・・・・・・・・・7種 ・肥料の山(M...
Created by amamIya
郑和宝船建筑版 by amamIya...
Created by 沂州府
铜凤台 by 沂州府...
Created by 六六
鹤PROP01 by 桦忆叹喃 This is a three-dimensional asset prop, not a two-dimensional poster 反馈群557678106...
Created by 六六
鹤PROP02 by 桦忆叹喃 This is a three-dimensional asset prop, not a two-dimensional poster 反馈群557678106...
/Slumville/ 2x3 L2 shack
Created by Useless Noodle
An upgraded shack for Slumlord and their family. CSL has always been a perfect-city building with near-utopia scenario, maybe too perfect for some players. Slumville is an asset pack aims to recreate what it feels to live in poverty, to be the unlucky one....
/Slumville/ Props pack
Created by Useless Noodle
7 props for slum theme, inlcuding: Shrek's cabin, 2 rusty barrel, plastic barrel, washing line, makeshift chair, and old tire. CSL has always been a perfect-city building with near-utopia scenario, maybe too perfect for some players. Slumville is an asset ...
1x4 LM corn field - half
Created by macluk
1x4 corn field for your gently rolling hills and placing right behind your tiny country house. It's got 2nd version now - it seems that half of the field was not uploaded successfully here... it still got its charm though, as if it was half harvested field...
1x4 LM corn field v2
Created by macluk
1x4 LM corn field v2 - for your hill slopes and placing right behind a tiny country house. Successfully uploaded full corn field, so the last two tiles at the back are filled with corn now. The other asset will be left for those who liked that... partly ha...
2 lane cobble road
Created by Royce europeanish
It´s a two lane cobblestone road, beautified with landscaping features. The road signs indicate 30, but the impatient sims will drive 35 km/h....
2x2 Wheat Field
Created by stong
A 2x2 wheat field for those of you who don't like those factory-like farming buildings. Requires "Wheat Fields" and "Soldyne's Old Farm Fence x4" & "x8". Wheat Fields: Soldyne's Old Farm Fence x4...
2x4 Wheat Field
Created by stong
A 2x4 wheat field for those of you who don't like those factory-like farming buildings. Requires "Wheat Fields" and "Soldyne's Old Farm Fence x4" & "x8". Wheat Fields: Soldyne's Old Farm Fence x4...
4x4 Wheat Field
Created by stong
A 4x4 wheat field for those of you who don't like those factory-like farming buildings. Requires "Wheat Fields" and "Soldyne's Old Farm Fence x4" & "x8". Wheat Fields: Soldyne's Old Farm Fence x4...
8K AD Clouds Pack 02
Created by TDB
Clouds Pack for AD Cloud Replacer Express your feelings with clouds. Please keep in mind that you must subscribe to the AD Cloud Replacer mod to use this pack. For more information on using the Clouds Pack, check out AD Cloud Replacer. Source from Cloud La...
8x8 filler roadless stonehenge
Created by OlexX
8x8 filler stonehenge with campfires. You can place it anywhere without the need for a road connection. And that's why it has no entertainment and does not attract tourists. If you want to attract tourists there, you can take Points of Interest by Populous...
A cartoonish well
Created by 220hertz
I don't usually like to put out single props because generally I feel you all deserve more, but this was cute and fun. Besides, I haven't seen a well prop proper on the workshop since 2016. Tris- 976/98 Textures - 256/64. File size - 455kb thereabouts. So ...
Acai Palm Set
Created by MrMaison
Acai Palm Set by MrMaison Introducing a 3 piece set of Acai Palm trees. (Euterpe oleracea) It is native to eastern Amazonia especially Brazil in South America. It is a slender palm that can grow up to 25 meters tall (82 ft.) It's cultivated for its berries...
Alder Tree Pack
Created by Greyflame The Tree Alders are a common member of the birch family found extensively across the northern hemisphere. I modeled a relatively generic sampling of them to try and capture the variety found internationally, but I used the r...
allotment - beanpole
Created by dazflint
allotment - beanpole by dazflint...
allotment - robin sat on spade
Created by dazflint
allotment - robin sat on spade by dazflint...
allotment - spilled soil
Created by dazflint
allotment - spilled soil by dazflint...
allotment - wheelbarrow
Created by dazflint
allotment - wheelbarrow by dazflint...
allotment - wooden plank
Created by dazflint
allotment - wooden plank by dazflint...
Alman Çeşmesi [German Fountain] - Istanbul, Turkiye
Created by Raccoon
Alman Çeşmesi , Istanbul, Turkiye Information: The German Fountain (Turkish: Alman Çeşmesi German: Deutscher Brunnen) is a gazebo styled fountain in the northern end of old hippodrome (Sultanahmet Square), Istanbul, Turkiye and across from the Mausoleum of...
Caruta (Ambulance) Cart
Created by Nucity
EN: Ambulance version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão ambulância do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on your fav...
Anatolian Townhome 9
Created by Accapulco
Turkish house with ceramic(çini) designs. You'll need my sedir prop if you want cims sitting in the terrace. Main - 636 / 256x512 LOD - 73 / 64x128...
Ancient Bull Cart
Created by Nucity
EN: An old ox cart made of wood. This type of vehicle was invented around 4000 BC. This package contains 3 versions: with the handle up, straight and down. PT: Um antigo carro de boi feito de madeira. Este tipo de veículo foi inventado por voltado ano 4.00...
Ancient Chinese Citizens Pack
Created by RyanCat
Ancient Chinese Citizens pack. Prop version Use No Vanilla Citizensto prevent vanilla citizens spawning. Includes 43 individuals with 27 different models.That means each type of citizen or tourist has 2 different models. All models are from the internet. I...
Ancient Fish Farm
Created by m4gic
Not my model. Used Wooden Docks and props from Osahra market / Paris market from Workshop. Works as a fish farm (Sunset Harbor DLC required)....
Ancient Fishing Boat
Created by m4gic
Used NuCity's "Wooden Boat" prop and made a new 1,980 tri model (with textures) from scratch for a functioning Fishing Boat for Sunset Harbor....
Ancient Fishing Dock
Created by m4gic
Not my model. Used Wooden Dock and various props from Workshop and made a functional fishing dock (Sunset Harbor DLC required)....
Angophora Trees
Created by pdelmo
Angophora Tree Set by pdelmo Common Tree on the Australian East Coast. 6 Models same texture (different alpha on forest and tall tree for better lod) Making these trees is a hobby, just a creative outlet. And I just share what I come up with :) https://i.i...
Animal pasture Bison
Created by Slizsan
Animal pasture Bison by Slizsan...
animal prop pack 31 pcs
Created by SvenBerlin
animal prop pack 31 pcs by SvenBerlin These are 31 animals as props. So they are static, not animated. To find them use FindIt mod and search for ANMPP Maybe you will find some animals too big or too small as they are in reality, so I suggest to use the Pr...
Aniva Apartments
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Functional rear parking Asset is 8x4 RICO high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color Main mesh: 5814 tris, LOD: 102 tris 128x128 asset shares text...
Anton Pieck Barn 1
Created by EerieEden
Anton Pieck Collection – Barn 1 A while back I made a few models in what I’ll dub the ‘Anton Pieck’ style, after the Dutch painter. Cute, somewhat run-down buildings with crumbling stucco and sagging roofs. Somehow I never got around to uploading them, so ...
Anton Pieck House 2
Created by EerieEden
Anton Pieck Collection – House 2 A while back I made a few models in what I’ll dub the ‘Anton Pieck’ style, after the Dutch painter. Cute, somewhat run-down houses with crumbling stucco, tattered shutters and sagging roofs. Somehow I never got around to up...
Anton Pieck House 4
Created by EerieEden
Anton Pieck Collection – House 4 This timeworn house with its rectangular facade will be the new (old?) hit in your very own fantasy Dutch neighbourhood. Found under Residential: Low Density. Look for 'APC' (for Anton Pieck Collection). Building Stats Size...
Anton Pieck House 6
Created by EerieEden
Anton Pieck Collection – House 6 This narrow residence has an austere clock gable. It is modelled after a small, 18th century house, listed as a Dutch national heritage site, located at Breedstraat 38, Enkhuizen, North-Holland, the Netherlands. Building St...
Anton Pieck House 7
Created by EerieEden
Anton Pieck Collection – House 7 This traditional Dutch residence features a sober stepped gable. It is modelled after a strikingly small canal house, built in 1635 (Groenhazengracht 3, Leiden, South-Holland, the Netherlands). This house is well-known in L...
Apple Ladder
Created by DeCzaah
Apple Ladder by DeCzaah This is a ladder for harvesting apples, made for GiometryE. Well, that's it... ye. A ladder. Eine Leiter. Drabina. Échelle. Hagdanan. 104 tris, 128x512px textures. It's a prop, so to find it in game, you need the more beautification...
Created by Zippeli
World of Warcraft Arakkoa Textures:1024x1024,1024x512 (Lod:128x64) Tris:2379~2407 (Lod:366) Original model and texture: Blizzard...
Arch of Hadrian [ROUMELI | GR]
Created by Filippos
Information on the building: Hadrian's Arch is a Roman Triumphal Arch in Athens, Greece. It is believed it was built in 131 or 132 AD to celebrate the arrival of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. It was crossed by a road going from the center of Athens (near the ...
Arid Yellow Modular Rocks 2K
Created by Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 26 unique rock models. These are huge assets suitable for covering mountains and creating cliff faces. These were originally modeled by IceKazim. I licensed them through CGTrader, reduced the t...
Arid Yellow Surface Rocks
Created by Greyflame Introduction These are a reconfigured and recolored pack of Owl's popular Surface Rock assets. Arid Yellow This set is roughly matched to the Arid color rocks by Avanya. It works well with a variety of themes, particularly i...
Arjan's Grachtenpand v1
Created by MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Grachtenpand v1...
Arjan's Grachtenpand v2
Created by MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Grachtenpand v2...
Arjan's Medieval Chappel (Primary School)
Created by MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval Chappel (Primary School)...
Arjan's Medieval Church (High School)
Created by MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval Church (High School)...
Arjan's Medieval Fire Station
Created by MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval Fire Station...
Arjan's Medieval Hospital
Created by MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval Hospital...
Arjan's Medieval House v1-A
Created by MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval House v1-A (from Anno 1404)...
Arjan's Medieval House v1-B (90 degrees turned)
Created by MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval House v1-B (90 degrees turned) (from Anno 1404)...
Arjan's Medieval House v1-C (180 degrees turned)
Created by MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval House v1-C (180 degrees turned) (from Anno 1404)...
Arjan's Medieval House v2-A
Created by MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval House v2-A (from Anno 1404)...
Arjan's Medieval House v2-B (90 degrees turned)
Created by MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval House v2-B (90 degrees turned) (from Anno 1404)...
Arjan's Medieval House v2-C (180 degrees turned)
Created by MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval House v2-C (180 degrees turned) (from Anno 1404)...
Arjan's Medieval Keep / Castle (University)
Created by MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval Keep / Caste (University) (from Anno 1404)...
Arjan's Medieval Prison (Police Headquarters)
Created by MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval Prison (Police Headquarters)...
Arrakeen Cims
Created by m4gic
Citizens of Arrakeen, largest city on Arrakis, go about covered from head to toe to shield themselves from the deadly heat. Inspired by Dune. Uses Blue Collar Female, Blue Collar Male, Male Child and Female Child armatures....
Asian Cart 1 [Train Cargo]
Created by m4gic
Asian Cart 1 by m4gic...
Asian Cart 2 [Train Cargo]
Created by m4gic
Asian Cart 2 by m4gic...
Asian Cart 3 [Train Cargo]
Created by m4gic
Asian Cart 3 by m4gic...
Asturias Waving Flag - Celtic Nations
Created by MrMiyagi
Animated waving action. Large and Small versions. These are corrected for the waving flag template "invalid LOD texture size" error you may experience in other waving flags. Thanks to Toyota Land Cruiser for the model and guide! Learn how to make your own ...
Atlas Twins (Statue)
Created by REV0
Famous statues from Fallout 3, I decided to call Atlas. This asset was previously released by someone but it appears that it was deleted. Since it's gone and it's merely an import from Fallout 3 base files, I took the liberty of reuploading it. While reupl...
Avenue Foch Sunken Station [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Informations: This is a sunken train station based on the old station of the Petite Ceinture Railway located on Avenue Foch in Paris. The surface part is a replica of the building, but due to the game limitations, the sunken part is not exactly like in rea...
Baba Yaga's Hut
Created by Bobbert McBobberton
Stood in a clearing deep in the woods is a hut on chicken legs... Baba Yaga is a witch from old Russian fairy tales, who rides in a flying mortar and pestle and lives in a house standing on chicken legs in a clearing in the woods. The witch herself appears...
Bald Cypress
Created by MrMaison
Bald Cypress by MrMaison Introducing a Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) tree for your wetland/swamp areas. These trees are well known in the south east and Gulf coastal plains of the United States. Note these trees also are found on dry land in these area...
Created by m4gic
The Eye of Sauron, like a piercing heat, atop a jetstone tower of supreme woe. Barad-dûr by creepyeyes; upsized 5x by m4gic Not my model. Published originally in 2015 by creepyeyes: Inspired ...
Bare London Planetrees
Created by MrMaison
Bare London Planetrees by MrMaison Introducing a 2 piece set of Bare London Planetrees. The models are the same but with 2 bark variations. I plan to make more variation in the near future including ones with leaves which will be next. These are good for f...
Bare Tree A
Created by MrMaison
Bare Tree A by MrMaison Not all trees have leaves. This is the first of what I call the "Sticks 'n' Twigs" series of bare trees. These bare trees will be released in alphabetical order....
Bare Tree B
Created by MrMaison
Bare Tree B by MrMaison This is the second tree of the "Sticks 'n' Twigs" series of bare trees....
Bare Tree C
Created by MrMaison
Bare Tree C by MrMaison This is the Third bare tree of the "Sticks 'n' Twigs" series....
Bare Tree D
Created by MrMaison
Bare Tree D by MrMaison Here is my 4th fuller Bare Tree. Not all trees have leaves :) It's good for adding texture in any foliage, and also for winter and fall maps. STATS: 732 tris 512 textures including normal map. For those who don't know, I strongly su...
Bare Tree D Smaller
Created by AUEzzat
Bare Tree D Smaller by AUEzzat...
Bare Tree E
Created by MrMaison
Bare Tree E by MrMaison Introducing the 5th bare tree of my collection....well the fifth regular bare tree. Bare Tree E. This is a slightly bigger bare tree with more branches giving you a lush look for more realism where you want to place bare trees. they...
Barn 04 - growable (4x4)
Created by Beardmonkey
Barn 04 - growable by Beardmonkey Footprint: 4x4 units Type: processor Tris: 960 Texture: 512x1024 px LOD tris: 96 LOD texture: 128x128 px Get the RICO version here: If you like this asset you...
Barn 05 - growable
Created by Beardmonkey
Barn 05 - growable by Beardmonkey Footprint: 3x4 units Type: processor Tris: 694 Texture: 512x1024 px Tris LOD: 50 Texture LOD: 128x128 px RICO version here: If you like this asset you might ...
Barrel (Wild West)
Created by kasepta
yeah you know what this is, just a barrel to fill water or other items. widely used in every shop, even in homes there are those who have it. If you want to support development, you can donate to my paypal! every little contribution from you, makes me cons...
Created by EerieEden
Prop. 76 tris, 256x128 a,c,d,i,n,s texture maps. Custom LOD: 16 tris, 64x32 a,c,d,i,n,s texture maps. Contains both vertical and horizontal models. Roughly 1.3 meters high or wide (4 feet 3 inches). Colour of wood varies (obviously). It's fun making props,...
Created by accospoot
Barrows were a common form of burial, intended for each to contain the remains of an individual and perhaps their family, esteemed members of the community, such as hunters, leaders or builders were placed here. The curious facet is the evidence of multipl...
Battle Monument, Baltimore
Created by Don B
Hello folks, Feel free to leave a comment and don't forget to upvote, it helps to get more assets. The Battle Monument, commemorates and honors the soldiers and seaman who gave their lives defending the city in the September 1814 Battle of Baltimore, a piv...
Beach cabin
Created by dub
Beach cabin by dub...
Bear prop static
Created by SvenBerlin
Bear prop static , in-game...
Bedouin Tent Pack
Created by Beardmonkey
Bedouin Tent Pack by Beardmonkey This pack contains four bedouin tents made for the Osahra project: Bedouin Tent 01 Tris: 524 Texture: 1024x1024 px Bedouin Tent 02 Tris: 334 Texture: 1024x1024 px Bedouin Tent 03 Tris: 260 Texture: 1024x1024 px Bedouin Tent...
Beijing Temple Props
Created by Emperor Li
Including 13 Beijing temple props. Roof color of the main hall and temple gate can be change using PropPainter. Flag is animated. All props have 1024x1024 px texture (LOD: 128x128). Some of th...
Big Decal Broken Glass
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Farm
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Flowers
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal More Dirt
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Grass
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Moss
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Mud
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Riverbed
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Rocks
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Seashells
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Seaweed
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Military Tent
Created by DeCzaah
Big Military Tent by DeCzaah Here is a classic big military tent. It comes with 4 decent color variations. This tent is inspired by one I've seen in „Sniper Elite 4“, which is based in Italy and gives you a peak in the special enviorment of Sicily. The mod...
Created by m4gic
Sasquatch is real! uses wolf armature (temperate and snowfall)...
Birds of North America: Northern Cardinal
Created by hamma085
The first in a series of common birds found in North America Do you like detailing? Yeah? Well how about adding some birds to your parks! You won't be able to see them, and you'll completely forget where you put them, but they might show up in screenshots!...
Blackhouses - Na Gearrannan
Created by macluk
Here is a collection of 13 houses (3 of them are simply mirrored models for more flexibility when placing them on a map, and 1 is my take on one of the buildings). I have based their design on blackhouses found in Na Gearrannan (or Garenin), in the Outer H...
Blue Spruce
Created by Greyflame The Tree This is a genericized version of common North American spruce varieties, including the White Spruce, Engelmann (Silver) Spruce, and Colorado Blue Spruce. Together, these iconic boreal species cover wide tracks of th...
Boar prop
Created by niis-ku
Wild boar or brown hog / pig. I did not make this asset, just changed the texture and imported it to the game. I'll add credit to the original author once I find the original model in the internet again....
Boat Trailer
Created by Mic CrossHill
A 7m Boat Trailer for bringing your boats where they belong. Be aware that this PROP has a slightly higher tris-count then wanted (1299 instead of 1000) for a prop. You will find the Trailer in the moreBeautification/Common tab or use FindIt. Info: Model: ...
Created by Accapulco
Inspired by a church from a village near Frankfurt. Main: 2,655 512x2048 LOD: 57 128x128...
Breakwater Rocks (Pack)
Created by Strictoaster
Read me! No, seriously. This pack includes 2 variations of the same rocks model, one dry and one wet. These rocks can only be placed in the water, however, you can easily override this with the Prop & Tree Anarchy and MoveIt mods. This prevents the water t...
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Bred Grind gate
Created by macluk
This unique building is based on Rödertor in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. tris - 212 lod tris - 70 main texture - 1024 x 2048 lod texture - 64 x 128 This assets is also released as: - Bred Grind road toll gate - mud toll gate - toll gate with gravel ...
Bred Grind gate prop
Created by macluk
Based on Rödertor in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. tris - 212 lod tris - 70 main texture - 1024 x 2048 lod texture - 64 x 128 This assets is also released as: - Bred Grind road toll gate - mud toll gate - toll gate with gravel road - unique building B...
Bred Grind mud toll gate
Created by macluk
A small town toll gate helping you in raising some money on crossing the city walls. Its name is somewhat lost in history, where the word "Grind" comes from Gutes of Gotland who were mostly merchants, and meant "gate"; at the same time "Bred" seems to come...
Bred Grind road toll gate
Created by macluk
A small town toll gate helping you in raising some money on crossing the city walls. Its name is somewhat lost in history, where the word "Grind" comes from Gutes of Gotland who were mostly merchants, and meant "gate"; at the same time "Bred" seems to come...
Bred Grind toll gate with gravel road
Created by macluk
A small town toll gate helping you in raising some money on crossing the city walls. Its name is somewhat lost in history, where the word "Grind" comes from Gutes of Gotland who were mostly merchants, and meant "gate"; at the same time "Bred" seems to come...
Brick City wall piece 1
Created by MikaelSeidler
Second version of my city walls. This time the walls have bee remodeld to fit a 4x4 park block and should clip perfectly. The price has been lowered and entertainment value dropped. Works as asthetetic and tourism. There are 8 part to this wall giving you ...
Brick city wall piece 2
Created by MikaelSeidler
Second version of my city walls. This time the walls have bee remodeld to fit a 4x4 park block and should clip perfectly. The price has been lowered and entertainment value dropped. Works as asthetetic and tourism. There are 8 part to this wall giving you ...
Brick city wall piece 3
Created by MikaelSeidler
Second version of my city walls. This time the walls have bee remodeld to fit a 4x4 park block and should clip perfectly. The price has been lowered and entertainment value dropped. Works as asthetetic and tourism. There are 8 part to this wall giving you ...
Brick city wall piece 4
Created by MikaelSeidler
Second version of my city walls. This time the walls have bee remodeld to fit a 4x4 park block and should clip perfectly. The price has been lowered and entertainment value dropped. Works as asthetetic and tourism. There are 8 part to this wall giving you ...
Brick city wall piece 5
Created by MikaelSeidler
Second version of my city walls. This time the walls have bee remodeld to fit a 4x4 park block and should clip perfectly. The price has been lowered and entertainment value dropped. Works as asthetetic and tourism. There are 8 part to this wall giving you ...
Brick city wall piece 6
Created by MikaelSeidler
Second version of my city walls. This time the walls have bee remodeld to fit a 4x4 park block and should clip perfectly. The price has been lowered and entertainment value dropped. Works as asthetetic and tourism. There are 8 part to this wall giving you ...
Brick city wall piece 7 12x4
Created by MikaelSeidler
Second version of my city walls. This time the walls have bee remodeld to fit a 4x4 park block and should clip perfectly. The price has been lowered and entertainment value dropped. Works as asthetetic and tourism. There are 8 part to this wall giving you ...
Brick city wall piece 8
Created by MikaelSeidler
Second version of my city walls. This time the walls have bee remodeld to fit a 4x4 park block and should clip perfectly. The price has been lowered and entertainment value dropped. Works as asthetetic and tourism. There are 8 part to this wall giving you ...
Brick wall - 01
Created by jPRO Brick wall - 01 1m height Elevatable: brick_wall_01 Happy Creators Discord Twitter Youtube ...
Brown dirt decals
Created by Avanya
2 large decals made for my bulk storages One 4x8 with 2048x1024 texture One 4x4 with 512x512 texture Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account and as such all opinions, content and contributio...
Broekmolen 1851
Created by Jass
About the asset The Broekmolen is a windmill in the town of Streefkerk. It was built in 1581 to pump up water surrounding polder. It was operational from 1581 till 1957, as you can imagine it was pretty worn out by that stage. It got completely disassemble...
Brown grass patch
Created by pdelmo
220 tri 256x256 texture...
Buoys and nets
🎵Buoys and Nets, dum dum dum dum da, its just a crazy set of Buoys and Nets...🎵 A nice set of buoys and nets for your harbours, common items IRL that I have not seen anywhere on Workshop. Use move it > command to increase the size of the buoys. Stats for n...
Burnt Pier Pile Pack
Created by vasimr22
Basic Info A pack of burnt pier pile props for decorating shorelines. When old wooden piers go through the process of demolition, they will often be burnt instead of directly cleared, which has the effect of weakening the structure. After burning, the only...
Bushy Grass
Created by MrMaison
Bushy Grass by MrMaison Introducing "Bushy Grass"! This is a generic grass bush which is a smaller version of the Pampas Grass base. It's good for decorative hedges, shores and fillers. STATS: 1174 tris 1024 textures For those who don't know, I strongly su...
Cabbage Patch (キャベツ畑)
Created by kei_em
キャベツ畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Cabbage patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD ...
Cabbage Tree
Created by MrMaison
Cabbage Tree by MrMaison Introducing the Cabbage Tree to Cities Skylines! The Cabbage Tree is found in many places around the world especially for decorative purposes. More info here This is a 2 piece set. The Lar...
Created by pdelmo
Cactus by pdelmo 3 different Cactus ( succulents ) ( desert ) ( arid ) If you want to donate to the pdelmo plant factory
Created by MarkFire
3D model Fire pit by Malceore...
Created by Redoze
Cangaço was a phenomenon of banditry, crime and violence that occurred in almost the entire interior of the Northeast of Brazil, between the 18th century and the middle of the 20th century. Its members roamed in groups, crossing states and attacking cities...
Cantabria Flags - Celtic Nations
Created by MrMiyagi
Animated waving action. Large and Small versions. These are corrected for the waving flag template "invalid LOD texture size" error you may experience in other waving flags. Thanks to Toyota Land Cruiser for the model and guide! Learn how to make your own ...
Carabao Wagon
Created by Shredra
Carabao Wagon by Shredra...
Cargo Harbor Template
Created by Ferretwind
This is an "asset template" for you to make a harbor asset work like cargo harbor. If you are looking for "Cargo Hub Template", you can find it here.
Cart (荷車) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A wooden cart. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
Caruta (Civil) Whitout Trailer
Created by Nucity
EN: Civilian version of the "caruta" vehicle without trailer with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão civil do veículo "caruta" sem carroça com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follo...
Cart (Forestry Trailer)
Created by m4gic
Cart (Forestry Trailer) by m4gic...
Cart (Forwarder Trailer)
Created by m4gic
Cart (Forwarder Trailer) by m4gic...
Cart (Forwarder Trailer)
Created by m4gic
Cart (Forwarder Trailer) by m4gic...
Cart (Tractor Trailer)
Created by m4gic
Cart (Tractor Trailer) by m4gic...
Cart (Tractor Trailer)
Created by m4gic
Cart (Tractor Trailer) by m4gic...
Cart wheels
Created by EerieEden
Prop. 288 tris. 256x128 a,c,d,i,n,s, texture maps. Custom LOD: 64 tris, 64x64 a,c,d,i,n,s texture maps. Contains both vertical and horizontal models. With colour variations. 2.2 meters tall (7 feet 2 inches). You see these very often on farms IRL, so I fig...
Created by kokio
Cast Stone Urns
Created by MrMaison
Cast Stone Urns by MrMaison Introducing a 3 piece set of cast stone urns.One crowned with various tropical leaves, one with a crown of white flowers and one with hanging vines, red flowers and blood banana leaves. These durable urns are great for decoratin...
Castle pack 1285
Created by Jass
About the asset This asset pack contains a variety of different models to create your own medieval castle. This asset is loosely based on the Muiderslot. Muiden Castle is a castle in the Netherlands, located at the mouth of the Vecht river, some 15 kilomet...
Castle Ruins
Created by EternalPixie
Vanilla Castle Ruins without trees...
cat alley - wall with black cat
Created by dazflint
cat alley - wall with black cat by dazflint...
cat alley - wall with ginger cat
Created by dazflint
cat alley - wall with ginger cat by dazflint...
Catedral Rio de Janeiro
Created by Modocero
Catedral de São Sebastião, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Unique Building 12x13 Asset Info Main Tris: 7856 Texture: 2048x1024, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, Alpha, Ilumination LOD: Tris 500 LOD Texture 512x512, Difuse, Ilumination Tags: Catedral, Unique Building, Rio...
Cattle / Ox
Created by Nucity
EN: A livestock prop for you to decorate your farms and pastures. PT: Um prop de gado para você decorar suas fazendas, currais e pastos. A arroba dele é muita valorizada. Follow @xnucity on your favorite social media!!! http...
Created by dazflint
cat_black_freaked by dazflint...
Created by dazflint
cat_ginger_sat by dazflint...
Created by dazflint
cat_black_sat by dazflint...
Created by dazflint
cat_ginger_tom_purring by dazflint...
Created by dazflint
cat_white_stood by dazflint...
Cenotaph War Memorial
Created by bertieb77
A memorial dedicated to those who lost their lives during the first world war 1914-1918 You'll find these pretty much in every city town and village in the UK A place to remember and reflect. Memorials like this are laid with wreaths of poppies, especially...
Created by m4gic
Spawn as deer and wolf....
Ceramic Pot
Created by notDONEyet
Chirpy Kaiju #TEMPTED
Created by Project_Spitfire
You tried to mod him out, but he has returned, as a massive, stampeading social media presence! 2424 tris, Diffuse, normals, spec and transparencey all 2048x2048 (could easily be smaller, but in a hurry to get this done). Possibly might build a giant robot...
Church of the Ascension Dresden
Created by Titan
Watch the YouTube video for the best information and impressions - A video shows more than 1000 pictures. This is the Church of the Ascension from Dresden, Germany It is a church built in 1901 in the Gothic Revival style. It fits perfectly in smaller towns...
Church: Lych Gate
Created by Macwelshman] Church Collection This is designed to be used with the 'St.Andrew's Church' asset which is part of the 'Church: Collected' collection. Church: Lych Gate A 'Lych Gate', (also spelled lichgate, lycugate, lyke-gate), from the Ol...
Church: St. Andrew’s, Chale
Created by Macwelshman] Church Collection This is designed to be used with the other assets in the 'Church: Collected' collection. Church: St. Andrew’s, Chale St. Andrew's Church, Chale is a Church of England parish church located in Chale, Isle of ...
Church: Stone Wall
Created by Macwelshman] Church Collection This is a network stone wall designed to fit in with the 'St.Andrew's Church'] asset which is part of the 'Church: Collected' collection. Church: Stone Wall The corners are set to a small curve to avoid awkw...
Cirque de la Ville (Circus Pack)
Created by BadPeanut Here's what you get in this Circus Pack! As usual, No mods are required All these assets are located under the amusement park tab, in the Park areas menu. Blue and Yellow Circus Red and White ...
Created by Accapulco
A cistern or sarnıç (Turkish) is an underground water storage. A very rural asset you may want to use for small villages to add that extra bit of historic feel. Same stats as vanilla water tower, no noise pollution. Main - 280 / 512x256 LOD - 90 / 64x64...
Civic Center Kuching, Sarawak
Created by NameInvalid
Civic Center is a place for recreational area for the public to do recreational activities, a meeting venue for any program or events. Civic Center, Kuching was officially opened on 4th Septembar 1988. The tower measures at 243 feet (about 74 meters) heigh...
Classic Grey Surface Rocks
Created by Greyflame Introduction These are a reconfigured and recolored pack of Owl's popular Surface Rock assets. This Set These are close to Owl's original colors, but modified slightly to be closer to the Park Life rocks so they'll fit with ...
Cleopatra's Pointy Stick
Created by Zhubathan
**Please note that it is one of the first assets I submit to the workshop. I hope the quality of this asset meets your expectations :D) ** "A fair-sized egyptian obelisk. Experts think it was used as an ancient means of self-defense against fresh fruits." ...
Cliffsides pack - Default
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A pack of cliffside rocks to decorate those near-vertical slopes, where you can't put much else. They're made to handle stretching pretty well and conform to the terrain. This pack contains 3 large cliff faces and 4 ...
Cloaca Minima - sewage outlet
Created by macluk
New sewage outlet - Cloaca Minima (not as large as Cloaca Maxima). It always felt that those large sewage outlet pipes never fit in any city, especially old ones. So here it is, something that has been created in ancient Rome as well as just recently in XX...
Clothed Woman
Created by m4gic
3 imports with 4 color variations each for 12 women with various complexions and hues. Not for Snowfall Maps. ...
Cluster of weeds green
Created by pdelmo
Cluster of weeds green , good for parks and road sides 296tri / 512x512 texture ...
Coastal LUT
Created by Ronyx69
Color correction to go along with the Coastal map theme. Balanced for Relight recommended & default settings, but sun intensity 5.6. Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests Donate CSLModding.INFO...
Cobblestone Decal 3
Created by Goth
Cobblestone Decal 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ Two models included : 8mx8m and 4mx4m 8m decal : 512x512 4m decal : 256x256 Recommended mods: Move It! by @SamSamTS (allows you to move most of things like bu...
Coit Tower, San Francisco | Anrv
Created by Anrv
Completed in 1933 in the art deco style, it is named after Lillie Hitchcock Coit, a wealthy socialite and philanthropist. Designed by the architecture firm of Arthur Brown Jr., standing at 210 ft (64m), it is a slender white column constructed at the peak ...
Cold Drinks Vending Machine - Prop
Created by David
A generic cold drinks vending machine. This prop can be found under the Park > Park Equipment category. This prop can be used in the creation of the following asset types: Parks, Buildings. Possible Uses: Everywhere including...
Collegiate Church, Quedlinburg
Created by Titan
Collegiate Church of St. Servatius, Quedlinburg The Church of St. Servatius is a magnificent Romanesque church in Quedlinburg, Germany. It forms the center of a castle and abbey complex and together with the picturesque half-timbered town a renowned world ...
Column of Constantine
Created by Beneficarum
Column of Constantine, Reconstructed This is an early Byzantine reconstruction of the Column of Constantine inspired by various reconstructions across the Internet. It might not be entirely accurate as the original form of the monument was lost and modifie...
Common Tree Set
Created by pdelmo
A set of 4 generic trees to suit most environments. Each Tree has its own unique form. Designed the trees to be placed in the city parks and suburbs. added a lot more branches and better bark textures to hopefully make them more natural looking I work hard...
Copse (Passenger Train Station)
Created by m4gic
Attempt at an "invisible" station...
Corn Stalk
Created by MrMaison
Corn Stalk by MrMaison This is the official beginning of the agriculture series. First we have Corn (Maize) which is a very well known agricultural plant cultivated all over the world. It was first domesticated by indigenous poeple in Southern Mexico aroun...
Council Tower, Sibiu
Created by Titan
The Council Tower from Sibiu, Romania The Council Tower from Sibiu is a major landmark in the romanian city. Ist base dates back to the 13th century when it was built as part of the city fortifications. ingame data: footprint: 1x3 construction costs: 31,25...
Covered Cart [Passenger Train]
Created by m4gic
Covered Cart by m4gic...
County Church
Created by 220hertz
Just a wee church, something you might see on a rural road or tucked away in a bedroom community. There are lots of these where I come from - most of them vestiges of early and mid-20th century Protestantism. The reference and inspiration for this, for ins...
Cow (static) Prop version
Created by Simon Ryr
Cow (static)...
Cow, Pig, Sheep Spawn Marker
Created by TDB Cow, Pig, Sheep Spawn Marker Industries Expansion Required. Informations Park This is not a mod. This building is invisible. There is no cost to build. This building does not use electricity and water. Placement Mode: OnSurf...
Crate Prop Pack
Created by Feindbold
Its a pack of crates, 6 different props, search for crate in find it Triangles: Its crates, its not an horrible high amount Textures: Small I love to model buildings, if you really like my buildings/mods and you are feeling generous you can donate me a few...
Created by EerieEden
Prop. 12 tris (cube). 64x64 a,c,d,i,n,s texture maps. Custom LOD: 12 tris (cube). With colour variations. 1 cubic meter (3 feet 3 inches). Slowly turning Cities: Skylines into Skyrim, one prop at a time. Enjoy! If you have any ideas about props you would l...
Cu Sith shop
Created by macluk
Here is a seperate building from Gearrannen in Scotland, functioning as a shop. That's to fir the residential collection. It's based on Na Gearrannan building the Outer Hebrides in Scotland. A similar version but slightly altered is already in the resident...
Created by m4gic
Four randomly colored curtains that sway in the breeze. Found under park props....
Cutter-typed Sailing Ship
Created by Ploefke
This is a sailing ship that is called 'Tjalk' in the Netherlands. This is a cutter-typed ship. It has one mast and was used for transportation on inland waters since the 17th century. Nowadays, the dutch canals are full of old ships like this, most of the ...
Created by ar
My 10th asset for C:S and my first plant! I hope that someone will use it. Use it everywhere! Inspired by Katy Perry's single Daisies. Enjoy! Tags: Flowers Pot Wildflowers Weeds Chamomile Plant Tree Bush Cluster Meadow Grass ...
Dark Black Detail Rocks
Created by Greyflame Introduction This pack is the final counterpart to the giant modular rocks I released, intended to provide much smaller models for detailing. It's comprised of two halves: first, 4 new single rocks originally modeled by IceK...
Dark Black Modular Rocks 2K
Created by Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 26 unique rock models. These are huge assets suitable for covering mountains and creating cliff faces. These were originally modeled by IceKazim. I licensed them through CGTrader, reduced the t...
Dark Black Surface Rocks
Created by Greyflame Introduction These are a reconfigured and recolored pack of Owl's popular Surface Rock assets. Dark Black This set is roughly matched to the dark color rocks by Avanya. I might have gone a *bit* overboard with the darkness, ...
Dead pine trees pack
Created by Evangeline
In the pines, in the pines, where the sun never shines. A pack of dead and snag topped pine trees to give that extra detail to your nature areas to show that nothing lives forever. Or recreate modern day Australia Includes variations of both douglas fir tr...
Dead Sticks and Bushes
Created by pdelmo
PugGamings "The Walking Dead" plants and bushes Pugs YouTube Note 5 diffrent bushes all low poly...
Dead Tree
Created by Sea Land Air Dead Tree As seen on the Netflix show Squid Game. This is the tree where 'The Doll' plays Red-Light Green-Light. Asset Specs Textures 256x256 d Triangles 512 Textured by hand - please rate! Base model created by Inuciian - u...
Caruta (Hearse) Cart
Created by Nucity
EN: Deathcare version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão rabecão do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on your favori...
DECAL Concrete Dirt Dark & Light
Created by agusingnavy
DECAL Concrete Dirt Dark & Light by agusingnavy -Decal Concrete Dirt Dark 32x32 mts UI Priority: -3013 -Decal Concrete Dirt Light 32x32 mts UI Priority: -3014 Mod required to use props/decals in-game: -Find it! Suggested Mods: -Adaptive Prop Visibility Dis...
Decal Farm 01
Created by Beardmonkey
Decal Farm 01 by Beardmonkey...
Decal Farm 02
Created by Beardmonkey
Decal Farm 03 by Beardmonkey...
Decal Farm 06
Created by Beardmonkey
Decal Farm 06 by Beardmonkey Farm field decal 32x32m (4x4 units) Texture 1024x1024 px Texture from
Decal Farm 07
Created by Beardmonkey
Decal Farm 07 by Beardmonkey Farm field decal 32x32m (4x4 units) Texture 1024x1024 px Texture from
Decal Farm Field 01
Created by Beardmonkey
Decal Farm Field 01 by Beardmonkey...
Decal Farm Field 04
Created by Beardmonkey
Decal Farm Field 04 by Beardmonkey...
Decal Farm Field 05
Created by Beardmonkey
Decal Farm Field 05 by Beardmonkey...
DECAL Grass 053
Created by agusingnavy
DECAL Grass 053 by agusingnavy -Decal 16x16 mts «» 1024^2 textures d, a, s «» 4m slope tolerance. *UI Priority: -5000000 Mod required to use props/decals in-game: -Find it! Suggested Mods: -Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance -Move it -Prop & Tree Anarchy -P...
Decal Grass 01
Created by Beardmonkey
Decal Grass 01 by Beardmonkey Decal size: 2x2 units (16x16 m) Slope tolerance: 1 units Texture size: 1024x1024 px...
DECAL Pack Paving Cobblestone
Created by agusingnavy
DECAL Pack Paving Cobblestone by agusingnavy Decal pack with: -4 decals 10x10 mts (1024^2 and 512^2 textures, 4m slope tolerance) -3 decals 5x5 mts (512^2, 4m slope tolerance) *UI Priority: -100000011 // -100000005 Mod required to use props/decals in-game:...
Decal Stones 01
Created by Beardmonkey
Decal Stones 01 by Beardmonkey Decal size: 4x4 units (32x32 m) Slope tolerance: 1 units Texture size: 2048x2048 px...
Deer prop
Created by niis-ku
Deer prop by niis-ku - this could be a deer, reindeer, karibu, gnu... Based on a model I found in the internet. I simplified it a little. It has colour and size variation....
Derelict Water tower
Created by ArakanI
An old derelict water tower. Will be made into a working water tower when its possible....
Desert Plant 01
Created by Beardmonkey
Desert Plant 01 by Beardmonkey...
Detail Grass
Created by abbator
Description Yet another grass release. This time, I've created a much smaller scale grass for detailed scenes. There are two different grasses, a cluster and a single tuft of grass for extra detailing. Both assets come in terrain conforming and non-terrain...
Detail Shrubs
Created by abbator
Description A collection of small shrubs for detailing your map. There are 6 main shrubs, and 6 clusters. Technical Information Tri counts of the individual shrubs range from 56 to 204. The clusters are mostly around 1000-1200 tris. All of the shrubs share...
Created by Ronyx69
A ditch network including a fake water prop, and detail props for algae, grass, cattails. Found in walls & fences menu. You can create intersections but they will look terrible and you will need to manually place the fake water props. (approx per segment i...
DIY Greek Network Pack
Created by Sully
D.I.Y Greek Network Pack / NEW BUILDING METHOD! IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION AND VIEW WORKSHOP IMAGES TO UNDERSTAND HOW TO USE AS INTENDED! Assets created for Dirty H for his Europe in Detail Series' Santorini inspired, Greek town - check out his Y...
Created by Sparks
vanilla dog by Sparks...
Dogs pack
Created by SvenBerlin
Dogs pack by SvenBerlin Alaskan Malamute Beagle Bullterrier Yorkshire Terrier Dachshund Rottweiler German Shephard Foxterrier Bulldog Bernese Mountain Dog each dog about 2500 tris...
Dog prop
Created by niis-ku
Man's best friend - actually based on a wolf model I found in Internet. Koira - Hund - Chien - Pies - Собака...
Created by accospoot
The Dolmen are the earliest and simplest funerary practice of the prehistoric Britons, who placed a premium upon their funeral rites. A dolmen is a large stone slab, perched upon three plinths, into the single passage is then placed the cadaver, and the mo...
Douglas Fir 2
Created by Greyflame The Tree Douglas Firs (Pseudotsuga Menziesii) are tall, slender conifers native to the American West and cultivated worldwide. These adaptable pioneer trees take root in a variety of biomes. They serve as the backbone of eco...
Dream Wood House [PROP]
Created by Fr3dTP
Working in 1.1.1c Type=PROP *3D Model & Texture by animatedheaven in
Drying Rack
Created by accospoot
Before the domestication and harvesting of flax, early prehistoric people relied upon hides and furs secured from hunting and slaughtering. A drying rack is the step between harvesting the raw skins and curing them into a workable textile, stretching the h...
Dutch Windmill
Created by Ploefke
This is a Dutch Windmill made by SimoG, and editted by Ploefke. The original asset can be found here. It still shares the textures with this asset. The asset works as a free placeable park. STATS: Park 1x1 Tris: 2856 LOD tris: 181 Includes Illumination map...
Dutch Windmill - Dutch Landmarks
Created by Bonzodoggie
Dutch Windmill - Dutch Landmarks by Bonzodoggie Description =========== Windmills are a common sight in the polders. So put on your wooden shoes, grap a tulip and enjoy the wonder of the Dutch windmill. Based on:
Dutch windmill prop rotating
Created by SvenBerlin
Dutch windmill prop rotating by SvenBerlin The .gif image only shows the movement to see direction. normaly its fluent rotation. :-) original by Bonzodoggie triangles 2292 ...
Created by m4gic
You know what they say... ..."you can take the dwarf out of the mine but if you try to take the warhammer away from the dwarf you're going to regret it"... A male and female dwarf using the young adult armatures....
Earthfast Houses (Set)
Created by Titan
4 simple earthfast houses A pack of early medieval earthfast house. These houses have been used through big parts of european early history, roughly between the stone age and late middle ages. Included are 4 different houses (small, medium, big, court), 3 ...
Eating Cow (static) Prop version
Created by Simon Ryr
Eating Cow (static) - NO "RUINED" TEXTURE ONCE DOwNLOADED §...
Elven Cottages
Created by m4gic
Three elven cottages (Level one, 1x and 2x size)....
Created by m4gic
Graceful and strong. These ancient beings are a vanguard of the Light. Using child, teen, young adult, worker, educated, and elder armatures for both sunny and winter maps (If you have a LOD problem disable the Elf Child Male assets - both sunny and winter...
Ema (絵馬) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A picture tablet for the realization of visitors' wishes. This prop was created by Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。 ...
Enclosed Trailer
Created by m4gic
Not my model. Used Paris Vendor Cart by Geze and Vanilla farming Tractor Trailer to create a generic enclosed trailer for other custom vehicles for an Ancient City build....
Eucalyptus Tree Cluster
Created by pdelmo
Eucalyptus Tree Forest Cluster by pdelmo Inspiration Eucalyptus longifolia 3 Hand modelled trees in a cluster for making large Forest or Detailing. They are made to be close to real scale (but still low poly) so might look small compared to older assets. 2...
European Holly
Created by wvnl
Holly (Ilex Aquifolium) - an evergreen shrub/tree with dark glossy prickly leaves, and red berries (only on female trees). It’s a common woodland plant in Europe - it thrives in shade and often forms an understory beneath the canopy of broadleaf forests. T...
Exercishuset - main
Created by norlin.martin
Exercishuset ("The Drill House") on Skeppsholmen, Stockholm. Made for my Sthlm1925 project. It was built in 1853 for the Swedish Navy, and the wing was greatly expanded in 1910. Nowadays it's part of Moderna museet and the Swedish Centre for Architecture a...
Extended Modular Docks
Created by Lord Rato
Extended Docks to go along with your Fishing Docks. You can place them at the shore, its best to pause the game before doing that, its pretty simple to get them connected. Has ingame icon and lod. hope you guys enjoy. For the other assets: Fisherman Docks:...
Extra Landscaping Tools
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool. Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available throu...
Extra Wide Dirt Roads
Created by citywokcitywall
Extra Wide Dirt Roads seen in Skylines Invicta This set of dirt roads are made specifically for the REV0 MKI Rovers and you can also find it in Part 1 of the Skylines Invicta YouTube series by Citywokcitywall and Skibitth. They feature 6m wide tread ...
Fagnolle Church
Created by Lost Gecko
Picturesque small stone church from the village of Fagnolle, Belgium (Eglise Saint-Martin et Saint Jacques de Compostelle, 16th-19th century). This asset does not flatten the terrain and has textured foundations. map theme: New Caledonia - LUT: Cleyra Stat...
Family Fisherman props
Created by SvenBerlin
Family Fisherman props by SvenBerlin This is family Fisherman. They like it very much to go fishing. Anna Fisherman (standing) Fritz Fisherman (sitting on a chair) Hans Fisherman (standing) Jamie Fisherman (standing) Norman Fisherman (standing) Yusuf Fishe...
Caruta (Farm) Cart
Created by Nucity
EN: Farm version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão rural do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on your favorite soci...
Farm Main 3
Created by m4gic
Uses Maximilian's small field model as a Industries DLC Farm Main (Level3)...
Farmhouse 1 [MOREAS | GR]
Created by Filippos
The farmhouse of the Greek peasant has scarcely changed since when they first learnt to carve stone and wood thousands of years ago. The simplest of types is that of the one room or two room house where humans, animals and agricultural produce all share th...
Created by Birk LeGlaire
FermeBernoise by Birk LeGlaire Triangles 1610 Textures: diffuse, normal, illumination and specular: 1024*1024 Designed for Cities XXL ...
Created by Voeille
I initially created those ferns for The Sims 2, and decided that they would fit here too. They’re very versatile and should look good on any map with any theme, especially if you also use other workshop plants, but they nicely fit to vanilla plants too. Ov...
Ferry Boat (Passenger Ferry)
Created by m4gic
Used Nucity's Medieval Passenger Ship model, made it slightly smaller and into a Passenger Ferry....
Field Networks
Created by Sparks
Field Networks by Sparks Set of 4 Field Networks with one decal and zombie You will need original 'node controller V2.4' mod to get the most out of these networks. ***PLEASE NOTE*** Switching between 'Node controller renewal' and 'Node contoller V2.4' may ...
Filler Grass
Created by pdelmo
Filler Grass by pdelmo 2 lowpoly clusters My goal was something so light weight you can fill under the trees, fill the shoreline with tree brush and not have any fps drops and have a seamless lod using Tree LOD fix If you wa...
Caruta (Fire) Cart
Created by Nucity
EN: Fire version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão bombeiros do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on your favorite ...
Firefighter (First responder) Prop Pack
Created by kizuri
This package contains 9 props. To place props on the general road without floating, you need "Procedural Objects" mod. Link: Firefighter Tris: 1796 Firefighter 2 Tris: 1796 Firefighter (walk...
Caruta (Fishing) Cart
Created by Nucity
EN: Fishing version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão pesca do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on your favorite s...
fishing hut Uist
Created by macluk
This is a small fishing harbour based on a hut located on the island of North Uist, Outer Hebrides, off the Scotland's coast. No milestone requirements. main tris lod tris main texture lod texture 1001 30 - auto generated 1024*2048 32*32 cost 3600 maintena...
fishing pier 02
Created by macluk
A small wooden fishing harbour - fully functional with boat paths on either side of the pier, close to it. This pier comes with no road, so although still placed on a shoreline, in many cases you will need Move It to place it more accurately. main model lo...
fishing wooden dock 02
Created by macluk
Not enough traffic in your harbours? :) Here is a pack of small wooden fishing docks - fully functional in 4 variations: - boats paths at 45 degree - their file name ends with a digit 4 (for 45 degrees)
flower Shrubs Pack
Created by notDONEyet
A Pack of 7 Flower Shrubs High Triangle Count from 900 to 6000 better use for small detail Search with name flower shrub 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Fluffy Grass
Created by MrMaison
Fluffy Grass by MrMaison Introducing a 4 piece set of Fluffy Grass! These are generic grass assets great for lawns and gardens. They look great from any angle. This set includes 2 short versions (green and dry) that are at a pretty realistic height and gre...
Fontaine Wallace
Created by Don B
Hello folks, Feel free to leave a comment and don't forget to upvote, it helps to get more assets. The Wallace Fountains, are one of the most beloved and iconic symbols of Paris. Have been dispensing clean drinking water to residents and visitors for 150 y...
Forbidden City Wall
Created by Emperor Li
The wall surrounding the Forbidden City. works as elevated pedestrian path, Cims can walk atop the wall. Including bridge segment. Can be found under pedestrian path menu. Recommend to flatten the terrain first. But it follows the terrain. wall heights adj...
Forest Beech Pack
Created by Lost Gecko
Pack of 3 forest beech trees. Shrubs: 1 asset with 2 random variations. Grow under the canopy of large trees. Full: Made to be placed along forest edges but can be used on its own. Heaviest geometry. Forest: 1 asset with 3 random variations. Made to be use...
Caruta (Forest) Cart
Created by Nucity
EN: Forest version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão florestal do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on your favorit...
Fortress 1861 pack
Created by Jass
About the Fortress The Dutch Water Line (Dutch: Hollandse Waterlinie) was a series of water-based defences conceived by Maurice of Nassau in the early 17th century, and realised by his half brother Frederick Henry. Combined with natural bodies of water, th...
Fortress Cannon Prop
Created by Armesto Cannon prop, based on Castelo de San Antón ones. Less than 1k tris, 1k texture. Screenshots by Funchestein in his great recreation of the actual castle....
Fougères Castle Square Gate
Created by Lost Gecko
Square medieval tower gate from the castle of Fougères, France. Tour de la Haye-Saint-Hilaire, 13th century. 1x1 free-placement decoration building with no function in the game. Use Fine Road Anarchy if you want to build a road through it. Includes a found...
Fougères Square Tower
Created by Lost Gecko
Square medieval defensive tower based on the square gate tower from the castle of Fougères, France. Find the original gate asset here. The road networks and the other fortification assets (city wall, towers) on this screenshots are still in early developme...
Fountain jet props
Created by Robert
A set of animated fountain jets, exported at 3 different scales - ~7m, ~14m, and ~20m (same mesh and texture) They run non-stop, no needs. It's just the nozzle and the water, and a 'pool steam' effect. Place them in existing pools or bodies of water (with ...
French building 3
Created by Don B
Hello folks, Feel free to leave a comment and don't forget to upvote it helps to get more assets. A new french building from Bordeau. At first Haussmann was an elected representative of the Bordeaux region, that's why the architecture of Bordeaux was essen...
French Palace
Created by Waluter
About this asset This large palace is loosely based on Préfecture du Nord in Lille, France. Similar to a lot of french buildings from the mid 19th century, its style of architecture closely resembles the work of Georges-Eugène Haussmann, who is primarily k...
Created by accospoot
Constructed from clay, a Bronze Age furnace could eadily hit the one thousand degrees centigrade required to alloy together tin and copper for bronze. Clay was used in almost every part of the production process, the crucibles which held the molten liquid ...
Fyrkat Birger
Created by macluk
Another hut from Fyrkat town, a medieval settlement. size - 1x2 lvl - 1 tris - 766 (LOD - 18) verts - 394 faces - 344 Recommended to use with both: my collection as well as Titan's. My assets are free of charge and I have no plans on charging anyone for th...
Fyrkat Grisesti
Created by macluk
An old, medieval type pigsty - keep your pigs safe from bad weather in this little shed. 2 versions for your growable farmlands - one a bit smaller (I couldn't make it any smaller due to Colossal Order's massive pigs size). Both are extractors. No props - ...
Fyrkat Grund
Created by macluk
Another old, medieval hut, a sort of viking hut. It's got no front yard and there is no colour variation. size - 2x1 tris - 256 (LOD - 45) level - 1 Recommended to use with both: my collection as well as Titan's Hope you will enjoy it.
Fyrkat Gyda lev1
Created by macluk
An old, medieval hut, a sort of viking hut. It's got its own front yard and a slight colour variation. size - 1x1 tris - 410 (LOD - 26) level - 1 Recommended to use with both: my collection as well as Titan's. Hope you will enjoy it.
Fyrkat Gyda lev2
Created by macluk
An old, medieval hut, a sort of viking hut. It's got its own front yard and a slight colour variation. size - 1x1 tris - 809 (LOD - 26) level - 1 Recommended to use with both: my collection as well as Titan's Hope you will enjoy it.
Fyrkat Halfdan
Created by macluk
Here is a small hut, sort of medieval type or even from as late as XIX century. Construction time slowed down. size - 1x2 lvl - 1 tris - 308 (LOD - 24) verts - 165 faces - 120 Recommended to use with both: my collection as well as Titan's. My assets are fr...
Fyrkat Halfdan B
Created by macluk
Here is a small hut, sort of medieval type or even from as late as XIX century. A lot brighter version of Fyrkat Halfdan, with its own colour variations. Construction time slowed down. size - 1x2 lvl - 1 tris - 308 (LOD - 24) verts - 165 faces - 120 Recomm...
Fyrkat Ivar
Created by macluk
A bit larger, medieval hut, a sort of viking hut, that can hold a huge family. It's got a bit of colour variation. No props added. size - 3x4 tris - 592 (in Blender) or 794 (LOD - 82) level - 1 Recommended to use with both: my collection as well as Titan's...
Fyrkat Kornlager (granary)
Created by macluk
Fyrkat Kornlager - or a granary in Fyrkat, has nothing to do with lager. Not at this stage at least as it used as a granary only. Kornlager meaning "granary" in an old forgotten language of the medieval Northerners (or Vikings as they used to be known). si...
Fyrkat Lagring (warehouse)
Created by macluk
This Fyrkat warehouse, called simply Lagring (storage), comes with a ladder attached. size - 3x4 capacity - 290 tons workers - 15 cost - 3700 upkeep - 54/week pollution - 5 noise pollution - 10 tris - between 749 and 977 (LOD - 58) verts - 592 faces - 367 ...
Fyrkat Ragna
Created by macluk
An old, medieval hut, a sort of viking hut. It's got its own front yard and a slight colour variation. size - 1x2 tris - 284 (LOD - 24) level - 1 Recommended to use with both: my collection as well as Titan's Hope you will enjoy it.
Fyrkat Rollo
Created by macluk
Here is a small hut, sort of medieval type or even from as late as XIX century. There 2 versions of this hut - one that can be half burried in ground, the other flattens the ground it stands on. Also slower construction time. size - 1x2 lvl - 1 tris - 60 (...
Fyrkat Sigrid
Created by macluk
An old, medieval hut, a sort of viking hut. Takes a bit more space but it also gives more space between buildings (if let to "grow" itself) and as a front yard. No colour variation. size - 2x3 tris - 620 (LOD - 34) level - 1 Recommended to use with both: m...
Fyrkat Sigrid B
Created by macluk
An old, medieval hut, a sort of viking hut - slightly different walls comparing to the original. No colour variation. size - 2x3 tris - 772 (LOD - 34) level - 1 Recommended to use with both: my collection as well as Titan's. Hope you will enjoy it. My asse...
Fyrkat Uffe
Created by macluk
An old, medieval hut, a sort of viking hut. It's got its own front yard and a slight colour variation. size - 1x2 tris - 373 (LOD - 59) level - 1 Recommended to use with both: my collection as well as Titan's Hope you will enjoy it.
Gable barn 1
Created by Evangeline
Im just a poor lonesome cowboy, and a long way from home. A barn with a gable roof, used around North America on countless farms for storage. Can be painted in game with the painter mod. About this asset its a agriculture industry growable. 1024x1024 textu...
Gable barn 3
Created by Evangeline
Im just a poor lonesome cowboy, and a long way from home. A barn with a gable roof, used around North America on countless farms for storage. Can be painted in game with the painter mod. About this asset its a agriculture industry growable. 1024x1024 textu...
Galizan Bells prop pack
Created by Armesto Pack of the same bell in 4 different sizes, 110, 75, 60 and 50cm diameter. I plan to add more types in the future. around 300tris, 256x512 texture....
Gallaecia & Galiza / Galicia waving flags pack 2
Created by MrMiyagi
Animated waving action. Large and Small versions. These are corrected for the waving flag template "invalid LOD texture size" error you may experience in other waving flags. Thanks to Toyota Land Cruiser for the model and guide! Learn how to make your own ...
Created by GordonQuick
Gallows built from solid timber, suitable for the hanging of up to 4 horse thieves. This asset uses the abandoned house template, so in order to place it you need mods that will let you place the abandoned house asset. (More Beautification and probably Pro...
Gambrel barn 1
Created by Evangeline
Bring a little water sylvie, bring a little water now. The typical barn design of North America, with an English gambrel style roof. Can be painted in game with the painter mod. About this asset its a agriculture industry growable. 1024x1024 textures, Text...
Gambrel barn 2
Created by Evangeline
Bring a little water sylvie, bring a little water now. The typical barn design of North America, with an English gambrel style roof. Can be painted in game with the painter mod. About this asset its a agriculture industry growable. 1024x1024 textures, Text...
Gameunsa Pagoda 감은사지 삼층석탑
Created by TDB Gameunsa Pagoda Treasures from ancient times. 감은사지 삼층석탑 고대로부터 내려져 온 보물. 최초 모델링(측량) : Geff 2차 모델링/텍스처(최종) : TDB East and West Three-story Stone Pagodas at Gameunsa Temple Site, Gyeongju #Korea #Gameunsa #Pagoda #Temple #Gyeon...
Caruta (Garbage) Cart
Created by Nucity
EN: Garbage version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão lixeiro do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on your favorite...
Garden Cover Flowers
Created by pdelmo
Garden Cover Flowers in a mix off colours Smaller scale for better upclose shots, Nice size for easy gardens 7 crp files including--- None flowering, Red, Yellow, Pink, Purple, White, Blue Larger green cover is 430tri at 512x512 texture Flower cover plants...
Garden Prop Pack 01
Created by Beardmonkey
Garden Prop Pack 01 by Beardmonkey This is a pack of seven garden props. All assets in this pack has custom LOD:s. If you use the Find It! mod by SamsamTS search for BM for easy access. Get Find It! here:
Geyser Markers (Pack)
Created by Rusl17
Geyser Markers (Pack) Allows geyser to spawn on the map from this point. Use in map editor and game. Сreate maps and parks with geysers. Includes 4 types. Informations: Park Cost-0 Entertainment-50 Pollution-0 Noise Pollution-0 Water-0 Electricity-0 DONATE...
Created by m4gic
The compelling but not-quite-right shape of a young woman approaches you through the fog one night. As she gets closer you can see to your mounting horror that she is nothing more than a disjointed collection of strips! At first you think they're cloth but...
Created by m4gic
Big, strong, and ugly (just don't let them hear you say that!) Using the bluecollar male and female armatures (for sunny and winter maps)...
Created by m4gic
What they lack in stature they more than make up for in deft artisanry. Using the blue collar male and blue collar female armatures....
Created by m4gic
Where are they always hurrying-off to? What are they carrying in those little bags? They're up to no good...I just know it. (uses wild animal armature)...
Golden Phragmites
Created by MrMaison
Golden Phragmites by MrMaison Introducing the Golden Phragmite. This is an aged version of a common reed great for wetlands and shores. This is a 2 piece set including smaller (Golden Phragmites), and larger coverage (Golden Phragmite Clusters) versions. I...
Gondola Venice ploppable
Created by SvenBerlin
Gondola Venice ploppable by SvenBerlin...
gothic barn 1
Created by Evangeline
where the farmer's trees are full of fruit, and the barns are full of hay. A Gothic style barn that can be used for a variety of purposes, common in North America, these are recognisable by their round softly angled roofs. Can be painted in game with the p...
Created by accospoot
In order to urbanise, a group of people require the safe storage of goods susceptible to pests and other opportunistic scavengers. Elevated granaries provided one such simple solution, as pests would find it more difficult to raid the tribes storage, but a...
Grass Tufts 2
Created by pdelmo
Low Poly Short Grass Props 3 sizes. 256x256 textures. Custom Low Poly LODs I Painted the texture myself. Includes Normal maps and Specular You can change colour in Game with Prop Painter 3.0 & Moveit note only the small asset can be POd I plan to make flow...
Grass Tufts Pack.
Created by pdelmo
3 sizes and 3 different colours to fill in Any area. Big file size because there are 8 items. Updated 2023 custom lods Ground conforming. PROP Custom LOD added Info *large patches. PROP colours brown, dark and light green Triangles= LOW Texture128x128 d,s,...
Grave - Pack
Created by Raymond Pelletier
#FrenchCityDesigners Grave Pack Triangle count: 1040 Texture resolution: 512x512 Props created for the series Maris Cantii and Saint-Martin-en-Leu on YouTube Thanks to Neguchi Maroyama for the screens...
Gravel Highway
Created by vvilku
A simple rework of two-way highway from Mass transit DLC with gravel road segments & nodes. My idea was to have a road I can use in the map editor to simluate local paths and country roads in forests, fields, etc....
Created by dazflint
gravestones by dazflint...
Greek Tiles Decal Pack
Created by Sully
Greek Tiles Decal Pack Assets created for Dirty H for his Europe in Detail Series' Santorini inspired, Greek town - check out his YouTube Playlist to watch his incredible work! Screenshots by Sully and Dirty H. The Greek Tiles Decal Pack is part of a serie...
Green Grass patch
Created by pdelmo
220tri 256x256 texture ...
GRIM - Jack-o-Lanterns (Set of 4)
Created by Shannanigan
Set of 4 Jack-o-Lantern pumpkins for my "Grims Grove" spooky town project. Each shape has size and color variations, and they glow at night. These will show under "Residential / Home Yard" in the Asset Editor to add to building lots, etc. SPECS: Model: 176...
GRIM - Plain Pumpkins (Set of 4)
Created by Shannanigan
Set of 4 plain pumpkins for my "Grims Grove" spooky town project. Each shape has size and color variations. These will show under "Residential / Home Yard" in the Asset Editor to add to building lots, etc. SPECS: Model: 176 Tris / 128 x 256 Custom LOD: 34 ...
Ground002 decal
Created by HaroldSoong
Ground002 decal...
Group of pigs
Created by XerwatzyL
A group of 5 decorative pigs to place in your city (or farms) to fill up some empty fields. - This is a 1x1 park that's only placeable on a roadside. - You can find the asset in the parks tab or you can use the 'Find it!' mod. - Use the 'Move It!' mod to p...
Gta Sa Wmydrug arrested Pose
Created by Brasko
Gta Sa Wmydrug arrested Pose by BigUziPlaya...
Guard Hut Mini-Pack
Created by DieHardHunter
Just a couple of different guard huts. Prop Version #1 Tris: 184 Textures: 512x512 Version #2 Tris: 258 Textures: 512x512 Model info: - Props - 2 different versions (all shown in the screenshots) - no props/vehicles included, only the 2 different versions ...
Gula's Tall Grass 01 (Prop)
Created by Gula
"Always greener on the other side." 228 Tris 512 Texture res --------------- Note: The self-shadowing is sometimes a bit intense, hopefully allows us to disable this feature per prop in the future. If you notice your bushes are a bit dark, its because of t...
Half Timbered Barn
Created by Rex_Luminor
A small old half timbered barn that nicely fits farms, rural areas or some backyard in an oldtown. This building was inspired by a barn in Singen (Hohentwiel), Germany. In game this is a plop anywhere park on a 2x2 plot, search for "halftimbered barn" or "...
Half Timbered Barn Industries DLC Farming Industry
Created by Rex_Luminor
A small old half timbered barn that nicely fits European farms and rural areas. This building was inspired by a barn in Singen (Hohentwiel), Germany. In game this is a Industries DLC farming industry warehouse on a 3x2 plot, search for "halftimbered barn",...
Half Timbered Barn Vanilla Farming Industry
Created by Rex_Luminor
A small old half timbered barn that nicely fits European farms and rural areas. This building was inspired by a barn in Singen (Hohentwiel), Germany. In game this is a vanilla farming industry growable on a 3x2 plot, search for "halftimbered barn", "farm",...
Half timbered house 3
Created by Titan
A half-timbered house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. Half-timbered is a widespread building technique with a frame of load-bearing timber, creating spaces between the timbers called panels. This set focuses on...
Half timbered house 2
Created by Titan
A half-timbered house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. Half-timbered is a widespread building technique with a frame of load-bearing timber, creating spaces between the timbers called panels. This set focuses on...
Half timbered house 4
Created by Titan
A half-timbered house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. Half-timbered is a widespread building technique with a frame of load-bearing timber, creating spaces between the timbers called panels. This set focuses on...
Half Timbered Houses 003 Pack HR2
Created by Rex_Luminor
A pack of six two storied half timbered houses that fit nicely in European old towns, villages, etc. Based off of a house in Karlsruhe, Germany. In game these are all high residential level 2 growables on 2x2 and 1x2 plots. All in all the pack contains (Sc...
Half-timbered Renaissance Gatehouse Legge, Tecklenburg, Westfalia, Germany
Created by Lilienherz
The Legge from Tecklenburg is a half-timbered Renaissance Gatehouse built for a place offical quality control of trated Linen. It was also used as a city gate, later it was used as a townhall and as a prison. Today its used as a place for art exhibtion. Ho...
Handcart Props
Created by Spence!
Handcart prop, 5 different colors. They are variation props. You can keep plopping the 'variation' asset to get the color you want. All of the variations share the same model, and all of the props in my industrial equipment collection share the same set of...
Hang around
Created by norlin.martin
This is sort of a hack, just to attract people to a place, markers placed in-game dosen't seem to have effect. Add it to a open space to attract some crowd....
Hardware Store Pallets Pack
Created by SvenBerlin
Hardware Store Pallets Pack by SvenBerlin Since I made my Bauhaus market I also made these pallets. But I never uploaded them. But now you have them here. Very simple, but these are small props. asset names : EHL palette (20 tris) flower soil palette 1 (84...
Hardwood Tree Pack
Created by Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 6 leafy hardwood trees of no particular species. I made them to be pretty generic. There's 3 larger ones and 3 smaller ones. I made these to help contrast my pines. I learned so much from the f...
Hartenfels Castle - Modular Wings
Created by Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background information and guides on how to use the building. THIS is Hartenfels Castle from Torgau, Germany Schloss Hartenfels, or Hartenfels Castle in English, is a magnificent Renaissance palace on the banks of the river Elbe...
Hartenfels Castle - Neptune Fountain
Created by Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background information and guides on how to use the building. This is the Neptune Fountain from Hartenfels Castle Schloss Hartenfels, or Hartenfels Castle in English, is a magnificent Renaissance palace on the banks of the river...
Hay Cottage / Heubarge
Created by Atura
Heubarge00 by luk0872 Those Cottages get used, to store the harvested Grass in Autumn inside. When there's Snow in winter outside, Farmers use the Hay inside to feed the Cows. .. my first Prop btw. :)...
Hay Cottage / Heubarge
Created by Atura
I learned a lot at my previous Lot. This time i used better textures, and i added a foundation, so one can place it in uneven terrain to. :) This Cottage which gets used in Winter to store Hay. They collect the Grass in Autumn, and store it inside. In Wint...
Haystacks Pack
Created by Beardmonkey
Haystack 01 by Beardmonkey This is a pack of three haystacks: Haystack 01 Tris 145 Texture 512x256 px LOD tris 46 LOD texture 64x32 Haystack 02 Tris 185 Texture 512x256 px LOD tris 62 LOD texture 64x32 Haystack 03 Tris 268 Texture 256x16 px LOD tris 48 LOD...
HDRI Haven Cubemap Pack
Created by Ronyx69
1K cubemap pack using images from I didn't make the images, I only edited and converted them. Converted using HDRI to CubeMap converter by MateuszWis: The n...
Hazel Trees
Created by pdelmo
Turkish Hazel(Corylus colurna,) Set of 4 trees and 2 Bushes (all same texture) Made for AmiPolizeiFunk and His new map. Big thanks If you want to donate to the pdelmo plant factory
HK Mark I block laundry racks
Created by Uncle Misha
A laundry rack for Mark I and Mark II resettlement estates in Hong Kong. Four variations. Variation 1: Model: 555 tris, 512x256 px. LOD: 48 tris, 128x64 px. Variation 2: Model: 548 tris, 512x256 px. LOD: 53 tris, 128x64 px. Variation 3: Model: 464 tris, 51...
Holzlager (Growable) 4x4
Created by core79
Holzlager (Growable) 4x4 by core79 Dies ist ein 4 x 4 Gebäude für die Forest-Industry. Aber dieses Gebiet ist überhängend, somit also 5 x 5 groß. Ich hoffe es gefällt euch ! This is a 4 x 4 building for industrial forestry. But the region is overhanging, t...
Hornbeam Trees
Created by pdelmo
European Hornbeam (𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑙𝑢𝑠) by pdelmo BIG FLUFFY GREEN BALLS enjoy All same texture about 1.5mb Made for upcoming AmiPolizeiFunk Berlin map. big thanks If you want to donate to the pdelmo plant factory https://paypa...
Horse 1
Created by Nucity
EN: Horses appeared on earth 55 million years ago and were domesticated around 4000 BC. For other versions, visit the link below. PT: Os cavalos surgiram na terra há 55 milhões de anos atrás e foram domesticados por volta do ano 4.000 AC. Para outras versõ...
Horse (Bus)
Created by m4gic
Horse (Bus) by m4gic...
Horse (Fish Truck)
Created by m4gic
Horse (Fish Truck) by m4gic...
Horse (Forestry Fowarder)
Created by m4gic
Horse (Forestry Fowarder) by m4gic...
Horse (Forestry Fowarder)
Created by m4gic
Horse (Forestry Fowarder) by m4gic...
Horse (Forestry Truck)
Created by m4gic
Horse (Forestry Truck) by m4gic...
Horse (Intercity Bus)
Created by m4gic
Horse (Intercity Bus) by m4gic...
Horse (Garbage Truck)
Created by m4gic
Horse (Garbage Truck) by m4gic...
Horse (Mining Truck)
Created by m4gic
Horse (Mining Truck) by m4gic...
Horse (Mining Truck)
Created by m4gic
Horse (Mining Truck) by m4gic...
Horse (Ore Mining Truck)
Created by m4gic
Horse (Ore Mining Truck) by m4gic...
Horse (Ore Transport Truck)
Created by m4gic
Horse (Ore Transport Truck) by m4gic...
Horse (Taxi Cab)
Created by m4gic
Horse (Taxi Cab) by m4gic...
Horse (Tractor Engine)
Created by m4gic
Horse (Tractor Engine) by m4gic...
Horse (Tractor)
Created by m4gic
Horse (Tractor) by m4gic...
Horse (Whit Harness)
Created by Nucity
EN: Horse prop with harness. Harnesses were invented around 4 BC. For other versions, visit the link below. PT:Prop de cavalo com arreio. Os arreios foram inventadas por volta do ano 4 AC. Para outras versões, acesse o link abaixo. Follow @xnucity on your ...
Horse (With Saddle)
Created by Nucity
EN: Horse prop with saddle. Saddles were invented around 700 BC. For other versions, visit the link below. PT: Prop de cavalo com sela. As selas foram inventadas por volta de 700 AC. Para outras versões, acesse o link abaixo. Follow @xnucity on your favori...
Horse barn 1
Created by Evangeline
Old red was one of the orneriest yet, ive seen at the big rodeo. A small sized barn, built for safekeeping of livestock, in this case, horses. Can be painted in game with the painter mod. About this asset its a agriculture industry growable. 1024x1024 text...
Horse barn 3x2
Created by niis-ku
Growable industry / agriculture building for 3x2 lots (3x3 and 3x4 with extended front yard). Props/mods required: horse with blanket, haybale (by Giovanni E) The barn has some colour variation (darker/lighter grey or brownish). Model: 351 tris, textures 5...
Horse Box -UK
Created by Hothand_
Horse Box -UK by Hothand_ Also download the Fence : ...
Caruta (Cart Civil Version + Props)
Created by Nucity
EN: Civilian version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights) and already includes the trailer and horse prop. PT: Versão civil do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça...
Horse Cart (Cargo Truck)
Created by m4gic
Horse Cart (Cargo Truck) by m4gic...
Horse Cart (Tractor and Trailer)
Created by m4gic
Horse Cart (Tractor and Trailer) by m4gic...
Horse Cart (Park Maintenance)
Created by m4gic
Horse Cart (Park Maintenance) by m4gic...
Horse farms 1x1
Created by niis-ku
Tiny growable industry /agricultural building. It will grow on 1x1 lots (and 1x2, 1x3, 1x4 with extended back yard appearing). Props/mods required: Horse with blanket Model: 316 tris, texture 128x128 d and n, all created by me....
Horse Market (Bus Station)
Created by m4gic
Not my model. Used a Sandstone Building by BeardedMonkey, simple stone well, various horse props, ParkLife nature reserve fencing, and Vanilla decals to create a generic functional Bus Station for an Ancient City build....
Horse Market 2 (Intercity Bus)
Created by m4gic
Not my model. Used a Sandstone Building by BeardedMonkey, simple stone well, various horse props, ParkLife nature reserve fencing, and Vanilla decals to create a generic functional Intercity Bus Station for an Ancient City build....
Horse ph Pack (Wild West) High Poly
Created by kasepta
This the pack of Horse Parking Hanging (Wild West) High Poly Include 5 type of hanging I am confused to name this thing, but this is to tie a horse in front of a shop or building. maybe you need MoveIt mod to move this thing wherever you want. I was inspir...
Horse Transport (farm truck)
Created by benilFatel
Horse Transport (farm truck)...
Horse Transport (forestry)
Created by benilFatel
Horse Transport (forestry)...
Horse Transport (truck)
Created by benilFatel
Horse Transport (truck)...
Horse Wagon (Postal Van)
Created by m4gic
Horse Wagon (Postal Van) by m4gic...
Horse with blanket
Created by niis-ku
Horse prop for decorating farms and other buildings / parks. There's colour variation for the horse's blanket, and the size of the horse varies. Model: 1139 tris, textures 256x256 d, n, c The model is originally from 3D warehouse, but I spent half a day ma...
Horse [Freight Train]
Created by m4gic
Horse by m4gic...
Horse [Passenger Train Engine & Cars]
Created by m4gic
Horse by m4gic...
horse-bay prop
Created by niis-ku
horse-bay prop by niis-ku I did not make the model (mesh), it is from the internet (I'm not sre who is the truly original author, but all credit to him or her!). I did the texture and scaling and importing it for the game....
horse-chestnut prop
Created by niis-ku
horse-chestnut prop by niis-ku I did not make the 3D model (mesh), only changed it a little and made the texture....
horse-gray prop
Created by niis-ku
horse-gray prop by niis-ku Update 28.9.2016: a new 3 D model and new texture, hopefully looks more like a horse than zebra now :) Update 16.8.2017: Better optimized for game. Some colour variation, some size variation. Model: 1346 tris Texture: 256 x 256 _...
Horsedrawn Farm Drays
Created by m4gic
Three horsedrawn dray carts: one empty, one with barrels and one with hay for your circa late 1800s / early 1900s farming areas. Replaces vanilla tractor engine and tractor trailer. Use Advanced Vehicle Options or another Mod to remove vanilla vehicles if ...
House of the Owls
Created by Effe
House of the Owls by Effe House of the roman Torlonia family until 1938, the "Casina delle Civette" (House of the Owls) is the result of multiple additions and modifications over the course of a century to the "Alpine hut" on which the members of the noble...
Improved Hedges
Created by pdelmo
Lower Poly Tall hedges. Conforming Short & Long and Non conforming Short Conforming hedges same size as vanilla to use Prop it up swap hedges with prop switcher Hedge 3 C Long as hedge Hedge 3 C as short hedge 306tri and 612tri for long 1024x512 pix Custom...
Industries Worker Spawn Marker
Created by TDB Industries Worker Spawn Marker Industries Expansion Required. Informations Park This is not a mod. This building is invisible. There is no cost to build. This building does not use electricity and water. Each building spawns...
Information Board (観光案内板) - Prop
Created by kei_em
An information board. This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
Inn - The Cantor Thirsty
Created by SimoG
Inn / B & B in the medieval style that allows visitors to relive the era thanks to in costume performances, the innkeepers. This building is part of the Commercial category with specialization Tourism. Designed to build a tourist village in medieval theme ...
Invisible Pedestrian Path
Created by Czardus
This is an invisible pedestrian path. It works the same as a gravel pedestrian path and is useful for detailing. ...
Iron and Copper Brazier
Created by m4gic
LUX IN TENEBRIS A large copper kettle stands on six hammered iron legs banded securely in two heavy loops of cast iron. Inside a fire is kept stoked, especially at night, by the watchful Prefect. * * * * * * * One very large brazier and one small brazier (...
Isle of Man Flag - Celtic Nations
Created by MrMiyagi
Animated waving action. Large and Small versions. These are corrected for the waving flag template "invalid LOD texture size" error you may experience in other waving flags. Thanks to Toyota Land Cruiser for the model and guide! Learn how to make your own ...
Italian Cypress
Created by pdelmo
Italian Cypress by pdelmo ( Mediterranean cypress ) 1024x512 textures 923 Tris If you want to donate to the pdelmo plant factory
Japanese radish Patch (大根畑)
Created by kei_em
大根畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Radish patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD fac...
Created by m4gic
Extremely resourceful scavengers and ruthless traders. Uses female child armature. Star Wars universe-inspired fan art....
Jedi Knight
Created by m4gic
Let the Light Side of the Force be your guide. Uses educated female armature. Star Wars universe-inspired fan art....
Jesuit church - Vienna, Austria
Created by Raccoon
Jesuit church - Vienna, Austria Information: The Jesuit Church (German: Jesuitenkirche), also known as the University Church (German: Universitätskirche), is a two-floor, double-tower church in Vienna, Austria. Influenced by early Baroque principles, the c...
Jetty Rocks
Created by abbator
About A pack of realistic jetty rocks. Included are 5 main clusters of jetty rocks, 5 smaller clusters of filler rocks, and 7 loose jetty rocks. These rocks are terrain conforming, however you can use the Non-Terrain Conforming Props mod to make them raisa...
Jiangnan Style Pavilion 江南十字脊歇山閣
Created by Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! A generic Jiangnan style pavilion building. Based on Woxin Pavilion near Ying'en Gate, Shaoxing, China. A Park Life version and a prop version included. 一座十字脊歇山顶的楼阁建筑,原型是绍兴迎恩门附近的...
Created by Reaper
JK_Decal_pavement_star_V1_8M by Reaper...
Kakaso'Las Totem Pole
Created by Macwelshman] Kakaso'Las Totem Pole The Kakaso'Las totem pole is one of a number in Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada and was carved by Ellen Neel and her uncle Mungo Martin for Woodward's Department Store, in 1955. A large thunderbird with ...
Kazakh Yurt 8K
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project - Kazakh yurt. These are traditional national Kazakh houses. It is a pack of 4 types of buildings, all of them are of the same class - Level2. In total there will be 5 such packs(20 buil...
Created by accospoot
A basic log fuelled kiln, used primarily in finishing clay wares, but also functional as a charcoal producer and pitch resin extraction. The kiln is constructed from arranged drystone, and is quite stable, the kiln is a highly versatile tool for the bronze...
Knabe Mit Vögeln Monument
Created by Spal
Bronze sculpture made by Anton Endsrofer in 1912. The model represents a boy with bowed head and extended arms, on which birds perch. The pedestal has been designed by me in brown marble. Credits 3D: Asset available in: ...
Kraskovo Church
Created by Lost Gecko
This asset is an adapted version from this Sketchup model on 3D Warehouse. Full credit goes to the original model creator. ____________________ Small medieval late gothic rural church from the village of Kraskovo, Slovakia. Notes: - The asset comes as illu...
L2 1x1 S1 commercial
Created by newgenj
medieval commercial by newgenj...
La France Renaissante [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Informations: This is a statue of "La France Renaissante" that can be found at the Bir-Hakeim bridge in Paris. Additional informations: The base of the statue is 2x2m. I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le dernier, donc ou...
Lady of Snows Church - Budapest, Hungary
Created by Raccoon
* Screenshots by PeterBar, thank you dear ❤️ * Lady of Snows Church - Budapest, Hungary Information: Started in 1694 and completed in 1815, The Our Lady of the Snows Parish Church formerly called as the Blood Chapel, also called Krisztina Church (Hungarian...
Landscaping Blocks [Grass]
Created by Gruny
Initially intended for personal use, these landscaping blocks (aka curbs) are not innovative but differ in the use of a more detailed texture and a finer curb than those generally presented. Different styles are planned in the long term (Grass / Bark / Gra...
Lantana Fall
Created by MrMaison
Lantana Fall by MrMaison Introducing the fall version of Lantana. This is great for fall ground cover giving that dead leaves look under the fall and winter trees. This version have a reduced tri count from the previous ones. STATS: Lantana Fall- 834 tris ...
Large "Dummy" Fields Pack [Industries]
Created by Maximilian
You can find the vanilla version here. This pack contains six large (meaning 8x16) fields based off the others I have released: corn, cotton, vegetable (v3), rapeseed, and wheat (ripe and cut). So how are these fields different? Well let me tell you... The...
Large Gong Prop
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I did not make this model. I did redesign the Gong itself though for simplicity to reduce tri count. You can find the original listing here... Gong Total Tris = 616...
Large oil tank
Created by Avanya
I had always planned on making some larger oil tanks and now Ngon took his tanks down I figured now was as good a time as any to make this. It fits the rest of my tanks, but it's just for decoration. If you'd like it to function, you can set up local RICO ...
Large pile of coal
Created by Avanya
Update 24/7-16: Gave it a better texture and moved it to the industrial prop category. Large pile of coal roughly 5x7 squares (so there's room for stuff round it on a 6x8 :P ) - scales a bit down for variation. Tris: 276 LOD: 90 Disclaimer For full transpa...
Large Roundhouse
Created by accospoot
Large roundhouses are too impractical to have been used for individual living, instead, it seems more likely that these were communal spaces, possibly related to early temple culture. The remains of one such structure uncovered in Ireland shows evidence th...
Large Vineyard
Created by Yggdrasil
Large Vineyard for Farming Industry...
Large Water Pumping Station
Created by Fishbus
Large Water Pumping Station: The perfect solution for serving large volumes of water to your citizens. Stats: Footprint: 8x6 Cost: 17500 Upkeep: 560/week Pumping Capacity: 384000/week Power Usage: 960KW Noise Pollution: 50 Noise Radius: 110 ---------- 大型抽水...
Larger Fields Pack [Industries]
Created by Maximilian
Thanks to MrMiyagi helping me update my fields, I can now introduce these larger fields. There are 3 new sizes, as seen in the preview images: XL - 16x16 XXL - 32x16 XXXL - 32x32 This pack contains 4 different fields in these sizes: wheat young, wheat ripe...
Latvian outside toilet (PROP)
Created by MentalReactor
(WORKING) Tradtional wooden outside toilet by CF|Depilators...
lawn tufts cluster low poly
Created by pdelmo
lawn tufts cluster by pdelmo "mow ya lawn mate' 96tri 256x128 texture # grass green ...
Leafy Shrubs
Created by pdelmo
Pack of 4 Low Tri shrubs Good for creating wild areas use as under growth or in a field. They are made low tri so you can use them anywhere. I used 1k textures all made from my own renders to give better detail up close and smaller leaves for a more scale ...
Leafy Tree Set
Created by pdelmo
Set of 4 Leafy green generic trees 1024x1024 textures with colour and normal maps Leafy Tend 512tri Leafy Regular 966tri Leafy Full 426tri Leafy split trunk 953tri Shoutouts for some screenshots Hotkettle
Created by RoomMic
Lifeboat by RoomMic Simply a lifeboat prop, in the style of older wooden lifeboats. Same lifeboat that was used in the USCGC Fir and SS Repunzel. 276 tris, 512x512 texture No custom LOD included...
Lilly Pilly Medium Bush
Created by pdelmo
Lilly Pilly Medium Bush by pdelmo Triangles= 1360 Texture is 1024x1024...
Lipstick Palm
Created by MrMaison
Lipstick Palm by MrMaison When I first saw the Lipstick Palm I said to myself, "I have to make this tree!!" And so here it is as a 3 piece set including a cluster (which is normally how it grows), a single tree and a sprout. Lipstick palm is a tropical pla...
Little cottage /cabane for natural reserves
Created by muereteja
Small natural cabane for those naturalists who do not want to sleep in tents, same comfort, same maintenance but with a touch of wood. It's a little expensive structure that you can find as the same level as tents in natural reserves...
Little Sawmill (growable)
Created by bennymedia
Sawmill/Sägewerk by bennymedia (Updated V 1.1, ready for After Dark) A little sawmill to give the forestry some more variation. Uses 3x3 plots. 1024x1024 texture map, 718 Tris, LOD Feel free to check out the rest of my workshop:
Live Oak Tree
Created by MrMaison
Live Oak Tree by MrMaison Introducing a basic version of a Live Oak tree. There are many variations of "Live Oak" trees and I do plan on releasing more types including a "Southern Live Oak" with moss which is already in development. This tree is tall, thic...
Lobster Fishing Props
Created by 220hertz
It's May. The spring lobster fishing season is well under way. As props will be taking on an increased importance with the upcoming DLC, I thought I'd get a few scenic type props ready in case your walking tours take you through an area where lobster fishi...
Local Market (Taxi Stand)
Created by m4gic
Not my model. Used Paris Markets by geze from the Workshop. Works as a taxi stand....
Lodgepole Pines
Created by Greyflame The Tree Lodgepole Pines (Pinus Contorta) cover an extensive range of highlands and coastal ranges of the American west. These conifers grow well in poor soils but require fire events to maintain healthy populations. Pinus C...
Log House
Created by MikaelSeidler
Log House level 1 3x2 upgradable...
Log House level 2
Created by MikaelSeidler
Log House level 2 4x4 upgradable...
Created by Sparks
Created by Sparks
Created by Sparks
Created by Sparks
Long Barrow
Created by accospoot
Long Barrows were intended to be a communal burial and rememberance space, the remains of far more individuals over a longer period have been discovered within. Judging by marks upon retrieved bones, it's suspected that individuals due to be interred in th...
Long Grass Pack
Created by pdelmo
Grass Pack 3 colours with mixed tones VERY LONG Tris 294 textures 1024x1024 D/A/C ...
Created by accospoot
The Iron Age bought with it a wider range of structures, whilst engineering had been limited to roundhouses, as an efficiently weight distributed structure, the longhouse represented an advancement in knowledge and labour. A longhouse could be more easily ...
Lumber Mill - Logs
Created by Accapulco
Set of logs for decorating the lumber industry. Comes with 2 props, barked and debarked version. I made them 2 rows so you can spin them around as you place and create stacks. Main - 137 tris / 256x256 shared LOD - Auto, looks fine...
Lumber Mill - Planks
Created by Accapulco
Comes with 2 props open and packaged for variation. The packaged one could be used elsewhere as well, doesn't have to be lumber. Main 1 - 76 tris Main 2 - 30 tris 256x256 shared LOD - Auto, looks fine...
Lumber transfer station
Created by Evangeline
Heard the oregon timber calling me. A special building designed specifically for the purpose to load boxcars or flatcars with the lumber planks produced at the sawmill, very handy to transport your goods from mill to buyer. About this asset 1024x1024 textu...
Lutheran Cathedral of Saint Mary - Sibiu, Romania
Created by Raccoon
The Lutheran Cathedral of Saint Mary Information: (German: Evangelische Stadtpfarrkirche in Hermannstadt, Romanian: Biserica Evanghelică din Sibiu) is the most famous Gothic-style church in Sibiu, Transylvania, Romania. Its massive 73.34 m high steeple is ...
macluk basic rustic well
Created by macluk
So here is my shadoof type well. I've been waiting for quite some time now for one of the best asset creators for C:S to make a proper well out of his prop... Decided that it's never going to happen and I needed to make things.. happen :) So here it is, a ...
Macluk wooden bench A (prop)
Created by macluk
A simple wooden bench found on forest trails or in parks. You can find its park version just here. First in the oncoming collection - with a common texture map for Loading Screen mod. A park version is planned too. tris - 140 (LOD - 26) texture (common for...
Macluk wooden bench B (prop)
Created by macluk
A simple wooden bench found on forest trails or in parks. You can find its park version just here. tris - 260 (LOD - 30) texture (common for all these benches - props and parks) - 256x1024; LOD: 32x128 Recommended to use with both: my collection as well as...
Macluk wooden bench C (prop)
Created by macluk
A simple wooden bench found on forest trails or in parks. You can find its park version just here. tris - 88 (LOD - 26) texture (common for all these benches - props and parks) - 256x1024; LOD: 32x128 Recommended to use with both: my collection as well as ...
Macluk wooden bench D (prop)
Created by macluk
A simple wooden bench found on forest trails or in parks. In this model I played a bit with normal map to give it its character. I think it came out pretty good, it could always have been better, I agree. But I hope it will bring a bit of character to your...
Macluk wooden park bench A
Created by macluk
A simple wooden bench found on forest trails or in parks. Park version of this prop. This small package contains 3 configurations with 1, 2 and 3 benches. First in the oncoming collection. More benches can be found here. texture is common for all these ben...
Macluk wooden park bench B
Created by macluk
A simple wooden bench found on forest trails or in parks. A more wonky variation of the model A, showing lack of care when being made. Park version of this prop. This small package contains 3 configurations with 1, 2 and 3 benches. First in the oncoming co...
Macluk wooden park bench C
Created by macluk
A simple wooden bench found on forest trails or in parks. Park version of this prop. This small package contains 3 configurations with 1, 2 and 3 benches. texture is common for all these benches - props and parks - whether it is bench A or C; Loading Scree...
Macluk wooden park bench D
Created by macluk
A simple wooden bench found on forest trails or in parks. Park version of this prop. This small package contains 3 configurations with 1, 2 and 3 benches. More benches can be found here. texture is common for all these benches - props and parks - whether i...
Madonna statue prop
Created by niis-ku
Statue of Virgin Mary holding a child, prop version. It is the same model as in in "Madonna Plaza" The colour difference is caused by theme, pictures of Madonna Plaza are with Europe theme (w...
Created by m4gic
3 models with 4 color variations each for 12 men with various complexions and hues. Models have been altered from downloaded templates. These were great tools for learning. We encourage you to do the same. Take the models for yourselves, and alter them in ...
Markers Animals (Pack)
Created by Rusl17
Markers Animals (Pack) Allows animals to spawn on the map from this point. Use in map editor and game. Сreate maps with animals and Safari parks. PARKLIFE Expansion Required. - Includes 15 types: Antelope Bison Ch...
Market Stall Awnings Pack
Created by Beardmonkey
Market Stall Awnings Pack by Beardmonkey This pack contains seven market stall awnings made for the Osahra project. Tris: 148–172 Texture: 512x512 px LOD tris: 24–28 Some of the awnings have color variation. This pack was custom made for the Osahra project...
Market Stalls Pack
Created by Beardmonkey
Market Stalls Pack by Beardmonkey Market Stall 01 Tris: 586 Texture: 512x256 px Market Stall 02 Tris: 810 Texture: 512x256 px Market Stall 03 Tris: 324 Texture: 512x256 px Market Stall 04 Tris: 90 Texture: 256x128 px This pack was custom made for the Osahr...
Market/Event Tables
Created by Pewex
Asset info This pack comes with four props: → wooden table → wooden table with tablecloth → plastic table → plastic table with tablecloth The colour of the tablecloth can be changed with PO or Prop Painter. Textures are shared between all items in this pac...
Mat Shelter [SET]
Created by Orka
Background Information Coastal Salish tribes of the pacific northwest region constructed these temporary summer structures made from thin wooden poles upon which woven mats were fastened. Each individual structure usually housed a smaller family unit and w...
McCaig's Tower
Created by Bobbert McBobberton
McCaig's Tower Also known as McCaig's Folly, McCaig's Tower is a landmark in Oban, Scotland. Two layers of arches form a ring around a park atop Battery Hill overlooking the town. It was commissioned by John Stuart McCaig, who oversaw the construction and ...
meadow flowers
Created by dazflint
meadow flowers by dazflint...
Medieval Hand Cart - Fire
Created by Chappington
A medieval hand cart, except as a fire engine replacement. This doesn't really make sense, as you'd need a pumping machine, or at least some buckets, to fight a fire properly. However, I got tired of having my buildings in Skrælige burn down, so I mad a fi...
Medieval Hand Cart - Fish in a Barrel
Created by Chappington
Wanted to transport your fish by hand cart, but also need them in a container that makes them easy to shoot? Here's the vehicle for you! This is the same low quality as my other hand carts, so it'll fit right in :)...
Medieval Hand Cart - Oil
Created by Chappington
Finally all of the base game industries can have their products carried by hand carts! This is the same low quality as my other hand carts, just now with a barrel. (Better quality assets are planned though!)...
Medieval Hand Cart - Police
Created by Chappington
A medieval hand cart, used to replace police vehicles. No, it doesn't make sense - police as we know them today didn't really exist in the middle ages. However, I was getting tired of the crime rate in Skrælige being >75%, and apparently in Cities: Skyline...
Medieval Hand Cart - Prop
Created by Chappington
A medieval hand cart, useful for hauling around stuff and things. This is the prop version, a vehicle version with a person is coming later. Note that this isn't exactly a quality asset - in fact, it's my first time using Blender. I created this (and the u...
Medieval Hand Cart v2 - DLC Industrial Delivery
Created by Chappington
Update, 6 Feb 2021: Thanks to the quirks of Cities: Skylines assets and Steam Workshop, I couldn't update the previous assets. Whoops. This version is the same, except the headlights no longer turn on at night. Don't want the other peasants knowing you hav...
Medieval Hand Cart v2 - Farming
Created by Chappington
Update, 6 Feb 2021: Thanks to the quirks of Cities: Skylines assets and Steam Workshop, I couldn't update the previous assets. Whoops. This version is the same, except the headlights no longer turn on at night. Don't want the other peasants knowing you hav...
Medieval Hand Cart v2 - Fishing Industry
Created by Chappington
Update, 6 Feb 2021: Thanks to the quirks of Cities: Skylines assets and Steam Workshop, I couldn't update the previous assets. Whoops. This version is the same, except the headlights no longer turn on at night. Don't want the other peasants knowing you hav...
Medieval Hand Cart v2 - Forestry
Created by Chappington
Update, 6 Feb 2021: Thanks to the quirks of Cities: Skylines assets and Steam Workshop, I couldn't update the previous assets. Whoops. This version is the same, except the headlights no longer turn on at night. Don't want the other peasants knowing you hav...
Medieval Hand Cart v2 - Garbage
Created by Chappington
Update, 6 Feb 2021: Thanks to the quirks of Cities: Skylines assets and Steam Workshop, I couldn't update the previous assets. Whoops. This version is the same, except the headlights no longer turn on at night. Don't want the other peasants knowing you hav...
Medieval Hand Cart v2 - Hearse
Created by Chappington
Bring out your dead! Update, 6 Feb 2021: Thanks to the quirks of Cities: Skylines assets and Steam Workshop, I couldn't update the previous assets. Whoops. This version is the same, except the headlights no longer turn on at night. Don't want the other pea...
Medieval Hand Cart v2 - Industrial Cargo
Created by Chappington
Update, 6 Feb 2021: Thanks to the quirks of Cities: Skylines assets and Steam Workshop, I couldn't update the previous assets. Whoops. This version is the same, except the headlights no longer turn on at night. Don't want the other peasants knowing you hav...
Medieval Hand Cart v2 - Ore
Created by Chappington
Update, 6 Feb 2021: Thanks to the quirks of Cities: Skylines assets and Steam Workshop, I couldn't update the previous assets. Whoops. This version is the same, except the headlights no longer turn on at night. Don't want the other peasants knowing you hav...
Medieval Hand Cart v2 - Personal
Created by Chappington
Update, 6 Feb 2021: Thanks to the quirks of Cities: Skylines assets and Steam Workshop, I couldn't update the previous assets. Whoops. This version is the same, except the headlights no longer turn on at night. Don't want the other peasants knowing you hav...
Medieval House
Created by Asderel07
Medieval House by asderel07...
medieval house lvl2
Created by MikaelSeidler
medieval house lvl2 growable...
Medieval Manual Crane - DLC Ore
Created by Chappington
A large wheel used to lift a pulley. Not pictured: the poor soul that has to go inside to move it. This is the Industries DLC ore industry version, useful for hauling ore up out of holes. Based on a model by sheffrator on Sketchfab (,...
Medieval Manual Crane - Industry
Created by Chappington
A large wheel used to lift a pulley. Not pictured: the poor soul that has to go inside to move it. This is the standard growable industry version, at level 1. (Not much more simple than this!) Based on a model by sheffrator on Sketchfab (
Medieval Manual Crane - Ore
Created by Chappington
A large wheel used to lift a pulley. Not pictured: the poor soul that has to go inside to move it. This is the growable vanilla ore industry version, useful for hauling ore up out of holes. Based on a model by sheffrator on Sketchfab (
Medieval Market Hall
Created by Lost Gecko
Traditional half-timbered fictional market house from France. 4x3 park. 4 colour variations on the plaster. 11/10/18 update: Mesh optimization, roof and textures improvements, addition of colour variations Model main model tris: 798 textures: 1024x1024 (di...
Medieval Material Handler
Created by m4gic
Medieval Material Handler by m4gic...
medieval peasant hut B
Created by macluk
medieval peasant hut size 1x1 tris - 275 (LOD - 76) verts - 162 can be found as peasantB or simply peasant Donate freely whatever you can afford :) Free content - publishing my projects, plans...
Medieval Storehouses
Created by Titan
3 Medieval storehouses 3 simple medieval storage houses that have been used like that for big parts of historic periods all around the old world. All of them can change color for some dirt effect using TPB's painter Mod. They are imported as decorative bui...
Medieval Tall Circular Tower
Created by Lost Gecko
Tall circular tower. Looks better with its foundation prop but works fine without it. The Modular Medieval Wall is a set of ramparts, towers and gates inspired by medieval Anglo-Norman and French military architecture. Divided into short (6m) and tall (12m...
Medieval wall
Created by Raccoon
Jesuit church - Vienna, Austria Information: A defensive medieval wall is a fortification usually used to protect a city, town or other settlement from potential aggressors. The walls can range from simple palisades or earthworks to extensive military fort...
Medium Vineyard
Created by Yggdrasil
Medium Vineyard for Farming Industry...
Medvedgrad Fort (Zagreb)
Created by Antonio Jakubek
Medvegrad is a 13th century fort built on the slopes of the Medvednica mountain just above the city of Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. Located on a very favorable strategic position, it was supposed to serve as the bishop’s refuge in case of an attack. Eve...
Midden Pile
Created by m4gic
Midden Pile by m4gic...
Middle cottage/cabane for natural reserves
Created by muereteja
A mid cabbane fully equipped for the most scrupulous tourists. A piece of sky between wood and glass. It can be found at the same level as the tents of the natural reserves....
Midsummer pole
Created by Teddy Radko
GLAD MIDSOMMAR! My first real Cities: Skylines asset that I modelled and textured from scratch. It's the pagan and barbaric, traditional Swedish "midsommarstång". It's main use is to be danced around during the celebration of the summer solstice holiday "m...
Mine Offices (Ore Industry Main)
Created by m4gic
Mine Offices (Ore Industry Main) by m4gic...
Mine Tailings (Ore Storage)
Created by m4gic
Mine Tailings (Ore Storage) by m4gic...
Mixed Plant Clusters
Created by pdelmo
3 Different mixed clusters. Smaller scale for around town. Good for making gardens or over grown areas in the suburbs Clusters included Bushes 622 tri 1024x1024 texture Wild Flowers 384 tri 1024x1024 texture Wild Plants/weeds 616 tri 1024x1024 texture My T...
Modular Piers - Stand-alone pier pack
Created by Avanya
Made for bsquiklehausen's Presidio Bay series. Ever wanted piers like San Francisco in your city? Then this pack is for you! It's a set of decorative but modular assets, which lets you create a unique waterfront! All buildings are found in the Ship categor...
Modular grain elevator pack
Created by Evangeline
Bring in the workers and bring up the rails, We're gonna lay down the tracks and tear up the trails... I figured my old grain elevators were rather outdated. so i figured id make a proper one, as well as make it modular at the same time, with an additional...
Monitor barn 1
Created by Evangeline
I ain't gonna work on the railroad, i ain't gonna work on the farm. Another typical north american barn, with a very straightforward seperated roof structure. Can be painted in game with the painter mod. About this asset its a agriculture industry growable...
Monitor barn 3
Created by Evangeline
I ain't gonna work on the railroad, i ain't gonna work on the farm. Another typical north american barn, with a very straightforward seperated roof structure. Can be painted in game with the painter mod. About this asset its a agriculture industry growable...
Mossy Salmon Modular Rocks 2K
Created by Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 26 unique rock models. These are huge assets suitable for covering mountains and creating cliff faces. These were originally modeled by IceKazim. I licensed them through CGTrader, reduced the t...
Motor Yacht Nr. 02
Created by Mic CrossHill
Seven Seas Motor Yacht This beautiful 26m Motor Yacht named "Seven Seas" brings you everywhere you want! Just take your partner, some bottles Champagne and then just cruise ... ;) Info: Model : Verts: 1739 Faces: 1345 Tris: 3068 Texture 512*512 LOD: Verts:...
Created by accospoot
The earliest form of British domicile, as found amongst Skara Brae, the oldest sign of human inhabitance in the world. The Mound is made with a circle of drystone, on top of which is made a timber frame to support a turf roof. Inside there is a hearth, a s...
Mountain 2 Medium Thick
Created by pdelmo
Mountain Grass 2 medium by pdelmo Thick Grass don't need visual mods. Much smaller than MountainGrass Includes Grass prop and a 4x4 plop anywhere park Prop is 998tris 1024x512 texture LOD is 4Tris 512x512 texture You can change colour in Game with Prop Pai...
Mountain Grass 2 Thick
Created by pdelmo
Similar to Mountain Grass II But thicker No visual Mods Needed Smaller Version Thanks to Quboid for the feedback. And Badpeanut for the alpha texture adjustment and help You can change colour in Game with Prop Painter 3.0 & Moveit NOTE you can not use move...
Mountain Grass 2 Tiny Thick
Created by pdelmo
Mountain Grass 2 Tiny by pdelmo Thick Grass don't need visual mods. Short grass prop Includes Grass prop and a 4x4 plop anywhere park Prop is 998tris 1024x512 texture LOD is 4Tris 512x512 texture You can change colour in Game with Prop Painter 3.0 & Moveit...
Mountain Grass II Shorter Thin
Created by pdelmo
Short Version of Mountain Grass II Main Cluster 998 tris 1024x512textures with colour map. LOD is 2 tris and 512x512 texture Single Cluster is 70 tris same texture. LOD is 2 tris and 128x128 texture Mod Links to get the most out of this prop. Adaptive Prop...
Mountain Grass II Thin
Created by pdelmo
Mountain Grass II Thicker Version Here Smaller Version Large Grass Prop 60m in dia and about 3-4m Tall. Its Big made for mountains and Grasslands Made with a Colour Map so you can paint the whole hill with ease Main Mesh 4590tri Texture 1024x512 D,C,A. I d...
Mountain Grass III
Created by pdelmo
Hello, Included is 5 Assets. 3 props and 2 tree props. large conforming grass patch around 30m in diameter 8m conforming patch Very Low tri shorter grass 8m dia Two clusters of grass as tree props This is the final version of grass I will be making for CS1...
Created by m4gic
Born Paul Atreides, heir to the Ducal House of Atreides, and known to the Fremen after his first kill as the desert mouse: Muad'Dib. Wearing his sandsuit and ready to hook a worm. Inspired by Dune. Using the Teenage Male armature....
Muddy Road
Created by HooHeeHaa
Briefing Muddy road with water pits(and water reflection, on some occasions) Location Roads-Small Roads-Muddy Road (See the last image) Width 8m Speed Limit 30km/h, Parking enabled Construction & Maintenance Cheap Attention The road surface may flicker whe...
Murka's Brown Vorota Open
Created by Trippy
I just used the Green version by kowkamurka and added a coat of paint. I tried to match it to the bamboo fence. Which was a far more laborious & complex process than it really should be within the asset editor. :(...
Mykonos Windmill
Created by Endocycle
Famous Mykonos windmill, Greece. Found in Electricty building. Produce a lot power. Note : you'll notice there's a rope missing. I just forgot to attach it to the model. Let's consider that's usual for a very old building (XVI) :-))) More info : https://en...
Negi Patch (ネギ畑)
Created by kei_em
ネギ畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Negi (green onion) patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skyl...
Network City Walls
Created by Titan
If you don't know how to use these walls or want some background information watch the video. This is a set of network City Walls City Walls like these can be found in a good number of historic european old towns. This wall in particular is based on the ci...
Network Rivers: Green Valley Pack
Created by Macwelshman] Network Rivers Assets created for this series have been put together in the 'Network Rivers Collected' collection. Green Valley IMPORTANT Please read the whole description below and check out the images above before you comme...
Network Rivers: Rocky Mountain Pack
Created by Macwelshman] Network Rivers Assets created for this series have been put together in the 'Network Rivers Collected' collection. Rocky Mountain IMPORTANT Please read the whole description below and check out the images above before you com...
Network Rivers: Wide Plane Pack
Created by Macwelshman] Network Rivers Assets created for this series have been put together in the 'Network Rivers Collected' collection. Wide Plane IMPORTANT Please read the whole description below and check out the images above before you comment...
new well
Created by MikaelSeidler
new well by Migeli...
New Zealand Public Buildings
Created by cbudd
Set of 3 public buildings to be put in your Oceanian town. The pack includes a bank, a post office and a school building. You can however easily repurpose them to other buildings like a police station, courthouse or hospital as they are kept very generic (...
New Zealand Victorian Church
Created by cbudd
Victorian style wooden church, typically found in smaller towns or older suburbs. A very beautiful example of Victorian architecture in my opinion as it takes up many traditional elements of a church but changes some like the position of the entrance. It a...
Noble Chapel mod.B
Created by TR-giarelli
The noble chapels/tombs are widely used in Italian cemeteries. This model has a facade with an entrance door and a series of windows on the back to form a religious symbol. At night both the door and the windows light up slightly to simulate the lighting o...
Noble Chapel mod.Ddx
Created by TR-giarelli
The noble chapels/tombs are widely used in Italian cemeteries. This model features an entrance door and a window on the RIGHT SIDE. At night both the door and the window light up slightly to simulate the lighting of the votive lamps inside. In the game I h...
Noble Chapel mod.Dsx
Created by TR-giarelli
The noble chapels/tombs are widely used in Italian cemeteries. This model features an entrance door and a window on the LEFT SIDE. At night both the door and the window light up slightly to simulate the lighting of the votive lamps inside. In the game I ha...
Norway Maple
Created by MrMaison
Norway Maple by MrMaison Introducing a Norway Maple tree. The Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) is a large dedicious tree native to eastern and central Europe and western Asia. It was brought to north America in the 1700s. This tree is found in many places i...
Norway Spruce 2
Created by MrMaison
Norway Spruce 2 by MrMaison Introducing 2 more Norway Spruce variations. The 2 trees in this set are taller than the original to capture some of that Northern European forest look. The tallest one is "Norway Spruce Tall" made to look older. They are great ...
Caruta (Oil) Cart
Created by Nucity
EN: Oil version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão petrolífera do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on your favorite...
Old Crone
Created by m4gic
Some say she is a harmless old lady. Others swear she is a witch!...
Old market stalls - commercial low
Created by macluk
This is a pack of 20 1x1 commercial buildings - old markets - it contains pre-made market stalls props by nilepereiraa, based on Gèze's Street Market props. Therefore all props will be required - or selected ones if you decide to remove some of shops. Thes...
Old market stalls with crowds - commercial low
Created by macluk
This is a pack of 20 1x1 commercial buildings - old markets - it contains pre-made market stalls props by nilepereiraa, based on Gèze's Street Market props. Therefore all props will be required - or selected ones if you decide to remove some of shops. This...
Old Market Stands
Created by DeCzaah
Wooden Market Stand by DeCzaah 2x classic, old, wooden market stands, with and without roof. w roof: 342 tris, 128x256 textures, 4 color variations, kb file size w/o roof: 88 tris, 32x256 textures, 4 color variations, kb file size It's a prop, so to find i...
old road toll booth
Created by macluk
Here is a toll booth design for small town roads - this one relies on Two-Lane Alley prepared by Cylis. The booth is based on a painting by Martinus Rørbye - The Prison of Copenhagen. This assets is also released as: - old muddy toll booth - prop tris - 50...
Old Rustic Wells
Created by Titan
2 simple rural wells 2 simple rural wells: a wooden and a stone-based one. Both come with a solid ground to allow for an actual hole in the ground. Also included is an arm with a bucket as prop. This asset has been made spec...
Old Scottish Chapel
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NEW : Updated with nightlights Here's an old tiny, minuscule, little scottish chapel for your cims and tourists to enjoy. Some approximative stats and facts : It sits on a 3x2 lot (yeah I told you it was small) 964tris - 1024 textures Custom LOD 100tris - ...
Old Swedish barns - pack
Created by norlin.martin
A pack of five old Swedish barns. Made for my Sthlm1925 project. They all have identical textures (d, n, s, c, i) 1024x1024, lod 128x128. Use the patched version of the Loading Screen Mod to enable texture sharing. They also share textures with my other co...
Old Swedish sheds - pack
Created by norlin.martin
A pack of five old Swedish sheds. Made for my Sthlm1925 project. They are all props, and they all have identical textures (d, n, s, c, i) 1024x1024, lod 128x128. Use the patched version of the Loading Screen Mod to enable texture sharing. They also share t...
old toll booth
Created by macluk
Here is a toll booth design for small town roads - this one relies on Muddy Road by HooHeeHaa. The booth is based on a painting by Martinus Rørbye - The Prison of Copenhagen. This assets is also released as: - old road toll booth - prop tris - 509 lod tris...
old toll booth prop
Created by macluk
Here is a toll booth design for small town roads - a prop version with colour variations. The booth is based on a painting by Martinus Rørbye - The Prison of Copenhagen. This assets is also released as: - old road toll booth - old muddy toll booth tris - 5...
Old Water Tanks Pack
Created by gabcove
Includes functional models and props. Texture: 1024x1024 / LOD: 128x128 px Triangles: Model 1S: 508 Model 1L: 476 Model 2: 770 Model 3: 1150 Model 4: 1258 ...
old well XA
Created by macluk
A simple old well, scaled to fit most of environments - not extremely large, small enough to fit your backyards and be still visible. It can be placed in your favourite castle, connect it to my new sewage outlet (Cloaca Minima) and as they don't need elect...
Old Wheel Barrow
Created by TheSnoods
Old wooden Wheel barrow, small park 1x1 Circular, so a little freedom over where in a square it can be placed. Why did i make it... i don't know :P was going to be a prop but I still cant work out how to make props work :( 756 Triangles Low Lod: 86 Triangl...
Amish Buggy (Prop Pack)
Created by Nucity
EN: A traditional carriage used by the Amish community in the United States. This version corresponds to the year 2010, when it was mandatory to use a warning triangle at the rear to prevent accidents. For the vehicle version of this prop, visit the link b...
Oldtown House 002 HR2
Created by Rex_Luminor
A small two storied older house that fits nicely in european oldtowns, villages, etc. This one is based of a house in Karlsruhe, Germany. In game this is a high residential level 2 (HR2) growable building on a 1x2 plot. It has three color variations (see s...
Olive Tree 2
Created by pdelmo
Olive Tree 2 New model 512x512 texture Under 1000 tri...
Olive tree 3
Created by pdelmo
Olive tree 3 by pdelmo old looking lots of roots 806tri 512x512 texture...
Olive Tree v1 HD
Created by pdelmo
Olive Tree by pdelmo Tri 1200 Texture 2048x2048 D/A/N Hand modelled and textured This is a HD model Lighter model V2 here
Orc huts
Created by m4gic
Basic structures of raw log, horn and hide. * * * * * * * 2 slightly different 1x2 / 1x3 / 1x4 huts, so far...more to come! Images show small brazier by m4gic: low residential huts, stocks a...
Created by m4gic
The Orcs and the Elves are supposedly at peace; but the Orcs are always armed... Using the young male and young female armatures....
Caruta (Ore) Cart
Created by Nucity
EN: Ore version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão minério do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on your favorite soc...
Oria Well
Created by macluk
19.09.2020 - small update: lod added and a visual issue fixed (see notes) A small, taking less than a tile, 1x1 cell, and sort of cute well that can be placed in castles, in town markets and city squares - serves quite a lot of people but due to lack of el...
Orkney Trom-laighe Mill
Created by macluk
A small local mill based on Dounby Click Mill found on Orkney Islands. Fits more small villages than huge cities with its adjusted stats. main model lod model tris 782 (456 of which is water sub-mesh) 218 texture 512*512 32*32 size 1*2 cost 7850.00 upkeep ...
Oscar Maltipi Totem Pole
Created by Macwelshman] Oscar Maltipi Totem Pole The Oscar Maltipi totem pole is one of a number in Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada and was created in 1968 by Oscar Maltipi, a Kwakwaka’wakw artist who trained at the Royal British Columbia Museum und...
Overgrown Gravel Road
Created by Czardus
A gravel road which has been overgrown by grass and weeds. All attributes should be identical to the vanilla gravel road. The listed required item(s) need to be subscribed to, but you do not need to have them enabled in the game in order for the road to lo...
Overseer (Ore Storage)
Created by m4gic
Overseer (Ore Storage) by m4gic...
Owl's The Golden Gate RM
Created by OWL
Creation Time: More than a month ATTENTION I ve created two Color Correction (LUT) file for you guys to achive the visual in video and less contrasted - saturated alternative. Follow the links below: Cinematic HD LUT Palish HD LUT Please donate for creator...
Ox Mill (Biomass Pellet Plant)
Created by m4gic
Not my models. Used a watermill building 水車小屋 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying) and props from the Workshop. Functions as a Biomass Pellet Plant Building in Industries DLC. ...
Pack 1 Casas Coloniales Latinas
Created by Checo Mx
Pack 1 Casas Coloniales Latinas Casas Coloniales Latinas consists of 3 packs, in total there are 32 assets. Below I share all the links to the other packs. Pack1: Pack2: Pack3: Pack 1 contains 8 houses, 2 shops and a church....
Created by EerieEden
Prop. 52 tris, 256x128 a,c,d,i,n,s texture maps. Custom LOD: 12 tris. Contains both vertical and horizontal models. 2 meters high or wide (6 feet 6 inches). Colour varies. A mysterious package wrapped in linen and ropes. Enjoy! If you have any ideas about ...
Paintable Prop Modular Rocks
Created by Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 26 unique rock models. These are huge assets suitable for covering mountains and creating cliff faces. These are a PROP version of previously released modular rock sets, as opposed to buildings...
Palisade Wall Set
Created by Titan
A big palisade wall set Sime and stronger fortified palisade fences and walls have been used throughout historic periods all over the world. Included are: The main palisade wall network, also support prop Palisade fence props (terrain-conforming), lengths ...
Created by donoteat
Entrench your colonial power! Palisades are essentially just sharpened logs used as defensive wall structures at remote fortifications. They are among the oldest defensive structures, and among the quickest to set up for a prospective colonial power. In th...
Pan Celtic Waving Flag - Celtic Nations
Created by MrMiyagi
Animated waving action. Large and Small versions. These are corrected for the waving flag template "invalid LOD texture size" error you may experience in other waving flags. Thanks to Toyota Land Cruiser for the model and guide! Learn how to make your own ...
Past chinese Emperor Ming
Created by TAEMIN B
Past chinese Emperor Ming 明, 皇帝, 명, 황제 This is a Emperor of Past China, Ming. This is a prop. It means standing Emperor of past China. You can make various situations with its friends. Traditional, man, men, woman, women, male, female, josun, joseon, qing,...
Past korean King 1 red robe
Created by TAEMIN B
Past korean King 1 red robe 朝鮮, 國王, 조선, 국왕 This is a King of Past Korea, Joseon. This is a prop. It means standing King of past Korea. You can make various situations with its friends. Traditional, man, men, woman, women, male, female, josun, ming, qing, c...
Past korean King 2 blue robe
Created by TAEMIN B
Past korean King 2 blue robe 朝鮮, 國王, 조선, 국왕 This is a King of Past Korea, Joseon. This is a prop. It means standing King of past Korea. You can make various situations with its friends. Traditional, man, men, woman, women, male, female, josun, ming, qing, ...
Past korean King 3 black robe
Created by TAEMIN B
Past korean King 3 black robe 朝鮮, 國王, 조선, 국왕 This is a King of Past Korea, Joseon. This is a prop. It means standing King of past Korea. You can make various situations with its friends. Traditional, man, men, woman, women, male, female, josun, ming, qing,...
Past korean King 4 purple robe
Created by TAEMIN B
Past korean King 4 purple robe 朝鮮, 國王, 조선, 국왕 This is a King of Past Korea, Joseon. This is a prop. It means standing King of past Korea. You can make various situations with its friends. Traditional, man, men, woman, women, male, female, josun, ming, qing...
Past korean King 5 white robe
Created by TAEMIN B
Past korean King 5 white robe 朝鮮, 國王, 조선, 국왕 This is a King of Past Korea, Joseon. This is a prop. It means standing King of past Korea. You can make various situations with its friends. Traditional, man, men, woman, women, male, female, josun, ming, qing,...
Patch (畑)
Created by kei_em
作物が植えられる前の畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Empty patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines ...
Path Stone (Sightseeingbusstop)
Created by m4gic
Path Stone (Sightseeingbusstop) by m4gic...
peasant hut
Created by macluk
Oh well... a peasant hut... made by a peasant in medieval times. First house, low density. Comments as an advise are very welcome - I think the reddis door frame is not too red anymore. Search words when using Find It - peasant, vik, hut size - 1x1 tris: 4...
Pig (static)
Created by Simon Ryr
Pig (static)...
Pig (static) Prop version
Created by Simon Ryr
Pig (static)...
Pig pasture (No prop)
Created by ron_fu-ta
Pig pasture (No prop) 豚の放牧地です。プロップ等は自分で設置してください。 Pig pasture. Set up props yourself. DLC "Industries" が必要です。 DLC "Industries" is required. 羊 sheep 牛 cow
Pile of coal
Created by Avanya
Update 18/7-16: Gave it a better texture and moved it to the industrial prop category. All piles will be updated in the coming days. Pile of coal for your coal pile needs :P...
Pile of iron ore
Created by Avanya
Update 18/7-16: Gave it a better texture and moved it to the industrial prop category. All piles will be updated in the coming days. Pile of iron ore by Avanya Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my persona...
Pile of Wooden Boxes (Smith)
Created by Nucity
EN: A stack of wooden crates emblazoned with a fictitious company logo (Smith Royalties Co) in three pallet configurations. PT: Uma pilha de caixas de madeira com o logo de uma empresa fictícia estampado (Smith Royalties Co) em três configurações com palet...
Pilgrimage (SightseeingBusDepot)
Created by m4gic
Pilgrimage (SightseeingBusDepot) by m4gic...
Pilgrims' Cart (Sightseeing Bus)
Created by m4gic
Pilgrims' Cart (Sightseeing Bus) by m4gic...
pillories and stocks as parks
Created by macluk
All what's left of it is a tourist attraction. They don't need roadside connection, they can be freely placed without the need for a road next to it - but they still need road access for tourists and services therefore you are limited to around 4 tiles awa...
pillories and stocks as prisons
Created by macluk
What is a church without a pillar to flog insubordinates? What is a town market without a show? Prisons has never been the same but they hardly differentiate in treatment – privileged part of the society showing others their disregard and indifference, oft...
Plain Gravel Road
Created by Czardus
This is a simple gravel road which does not have the vanilla lanes showing. All attributes should be identical to the vanilla gravel road. The listed required item(s) need to be subscribed to, but you do not need to have them enabled in the game in order f...
Pine Tree
Created by MrMaison
Pine Tree by MrMaison This is a generic pine tree that I had in my stash for well over a year as of this release date. If you look closely at some of my screenshots over the past year, you may see it lurking in the background. At first I thought it didn't ...
Planed timber stacks
Created by Evangeline
Heard the oregon timber calling me. The finished product, than plain planed timber used to build houses, make furniture, lay down railways, construct shipdecks, and all sorts of other usages, the props you need to finish any realistic sawmill complex. Abou...
Pole barn 1
Created by Evangeline
Give me oil in my lamp, keep it burning. The pole barn is a common sight around north american farms, recognisable by its open, overhanging roof structure. Can be painted in game with the painter mod. About this asset its a agriculture industry growable. 1...
Pole barn 2
Created by Evangeline
Give me oil in my lamp, keep it burning. The pole barn is a common sight around north american farms, recognisable by its open, overhanging roof structure. Can be painted in game with the painter mod. About this asset its a agriculture industry growable. 1...
Police Carriage
Created by m4gic
Police Carriage by m4gic...
Post Windmill
Created by Ploefke
This asset is a classic Post Mill . The whole body of these types of mills turns around, in contrast to more modern mills. This type of mills can be found a lot in the southern part of The Netherlands and Flanders. They were mostly build upon a small hill ...
Caruta (Police) Cart
Created by Nucity
EN: Police version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão viatura do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on your favorite ...
Privacy Fence
Created by Badi_Dea
Just your standard suburban privacy fence. I just wanted to mess around with the new fence shader for networks, it's okay. You can find this in-game in the beautification menu, under the Walls and Fences tab. 632 Tris - A/D/N 256x512 LOD 24 tris - D 64x128...
Project Monaco : Fort Antoine
Created by creepyeyes
Although now serving as a theater on Avenue de la Quarantaine, it was originally a fortress constructed in the early 18th century. It was destroyed in 1944, but nine years later it was rebuilt by Prince Ranier III. And now after a lot of bargaining it's be...
Prospect Park Water Tower
Created by hamma085
About the building: The Prospect Park Water Tower (also known as the Witch's Hat Tower) was built in the Minneapolis, Minnesota neighborhood of Prospect Park in 1913 to serve nearby residents as well as the local fire department. It is situated on one of t...
Psilocybe Cyanescens
Created by m4gic
Hard to spot...they look just like fallen leaves...(look for the stems). Tags: Mushroom Shroom Fungi...
Pumpkin Patch (カボチャ畑)
Created by kei_em
カボチャ畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Pumpkin patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD ...
Quad Tsetelix Ancient Ruins
Created by Quad Rioters
All Come to Ruin. - Asset Count: 12 --- Tsetelix Tower Tall (Elite dwelling) --- Tsetelix Tower Med (High-class dwelling) --- Tsetelix Tower Short (Middle-class dwelling) --- Tsetelix Aquaduct Tall --- Tsetelix Aquaduct Short --- Tsetelix Building Med --- ...
Quimper House 1
Created by Beneficarum
High density residential modelled after a building in the old town of Quimper, France. Now with color variation! Asset Information x Main LOD Tris 2852 76 Texture 512x1024 256x256 Acknowledgements Shoutout to Lost Gecko for his assets that inspired mine so...
Rain Barrel
Created by 220hertz
Just a small barrel full of precipitation - prop-like. Hey folks, this is more or less some notice that I won't be very active for the next month or so. I have some thing(s) planned that I think some of you will like - but I'm going to try to put a real po...
Rato's Fisherman Docks
Created by macluk
Fisherman Docks made by Lord Rato This asset as well as its extension keep their original size meaning that because I couldn't narrow the default piers for a fishing harbor from the Sunset Harbor DLC, you will need to add Lord Rato's original park to act a...
Rato's Fisherman Docks Extension
Created by macluk
Fisherman Docks Extension made by Lord Rato. This asset is without the hut and of different size than the other. This asset as well as the other dock keep their original size meaning that because I couldn't narrow the default piers for a fishing harbor fro...
Red River Cart
Created by m4gic
Slow & crude but effective transport. Replaces the vanilla generic industry delivery van. Ox and driver in pale, tan, brown and dark complexions....
Reeds 3
Created by pdelmo
2 sizes, tree props, so not conforming 512x512 textures Very low poly scaled and optimized for the game very dense clusters small cluster 58tri larger cluster 166 tri ...
Created by notDONEyet
A pack of 5 variations from 0.80 to 3m shared texture Tris Count : 2.388/1534/914/606/482 Texture Size : 1024x1024
Refuse Cart (Waste Collection)
Created by m4gic
Refuse Cart (Waste Collection) by m4gic...
Renaissance Weigh House
Created by Lichwiarz
Good afternoon! Info according to Wiki; The site, where the building stands today, has underwent many changes throughout centuries. The first building on this spot was built in the second half of the XIII-th century. Later, between 1532 and 1534, a new ren...
Resting Mermaid Prop
Created by Ignus
Plaza version here. The game will give a warning when enabling this, because it doesn't like props with more than 1000 triangles; it assumes there will be hundreds throughout your city. Since I don't expect most people doing that with this particular prop,...
River Red Gum
Created by MrMaison
River Red Gum by MrMaison Introducing the River Red Gum aka Eucalyptus camalduensis. This is the second species in the Eucalyptus series released as a 3 piece set. The original (River Red Gum) is the largest with the most branches. The mid sized have less ...
River Reeds
Created by pdelmo
River Reeds by pdelmo ...
River Reeds Detail Edition
Created by pdelmo
RiverReeds Detail Edition by pdelmo small and larger cluster 512 textures- defuse, alpha and normal maps...
River Rocks
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
River Rocks Decal Pack / 河原の石デカール
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a decal pack of river rocks. I've worked hard to make Japanese river-side in the game, but I couldn't feel Japan using existing assets. Also, placing a large amount of stone assets makes the game slow, so I created this. Recommended when you want t...
Rivers And Waves | Vanilla Map (Optimised for fishing)
Created by ar
Update 21.11.2021: Easy start, new starting intersection, Added new railway connection. Hello everyone. Not many people expected to see me this year, but I found the time to create maps. This time I created a vanilla map that is sooo beautiful. 5 Dislikes?...
Caruta (Road Maintenance) Cart
Created by Nucity
EN: Road maintenance version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão manutenção de estradas do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @...
Roman Pottery
Created by m4gic
AMPHORAE ET DOLIA 2 types of Dolium (round) and 2 Amphora (tall) terracotta vessels with a little random size variation. Used the vanilla garbage can - so it can function as that in-game / or use them purely as decoration. Low-poly, handmade models....
Roman Road
Created by Czardus
PLEASE READ: This is a road which is intended to be in the style of ancient Roman Roads. The road officially takes up 1 zoning square (8m width) but the surface itself is only about half of the square (approx. 4m width). There are no sidewalks with this ro...
Roman Statue of Wealth
Created by m4gic
OSTENTATIONEM DIVITIAE On an ornate marble and gold-leaf column stands a bronze, gold-plated statue of a nude middle-aged man holding a robe in one hand and a staff in the other as he gazes onto the horizon. * * * * * * A fair amount of tris for a low-poly...
Roman Statuette 3 Variations
Created by m4gic
GRATIAM ET PULCHRITUDINEM * * * * * * * Roman Statuette 3 Variations . Used free figure models and reduced poly count for CS use, added pedestal and urn....
Created by m4gic
RomanTable2 by m4gic...
Rotating Lighthouse Beacon [Prop]
Created by vasimr22
---DISCLAIMER--- For the beacon to show up correctly, it must be placed by itself, and not in a building! ---DISCLAIMER--- This is an animated, rotating lighthouse beacon prop (both the mesh and lights rotate). The rotation was set at a rate of 4 rpm, whic...
Rotterdam - Zuid-Holland, NL
Created by Zakerias
Real-World Map: Rotterdam-Rijnmond & Delft - Zuid-Holland, Netherlands The largest port of Europe and the home to many architectural landmarks, this is my map of the region of Rotterdam. The city lies at the mouth of the Rijn river, also known as the Rijnm...
Roundabout Builder
Created by Strad
This mod automatically builds roundabouts for you. It clears the area of the roads and snaps them onto the roundabout. Network Anarchy is recommended. VERSION RELEASE 1.9.7 Experiencing issues? Reinstall (resubscribe) the mod If you cannot run this mod at ...
Created by accospoot
This is a common posthole roundhouse, found across central and northern Europe, from the Bronze Age up to the late Iron Age. The internal layout features a central hearth, a dressing/storage area, and a sleeping area. It's not uncommon to also find meats a...
Rustic Wooden Fence (Set)
Created by Titan
A set of rustic wooden fences As said, a set of simple and rustic wooden fences, including... 2m segment 4m segment 8m segment wide gate segment small gate segment All props are available in a terrain-conforming (purely wooden) and non-TC (with stone pilla...
Saguaro Cactus Set
Created by MrMaison
Saguaro by MrMaison Introducing my first desert plants; an 8 piece set of Saguaro cactus. 3 flowering variations and 5 without flowers to give more variety for your desert scenes. More variations will be released in the future. The saguaro is a large cactu...
San Cristobal Fortress
Created by BenTracker
San Cristobal Fortress (Badajoz, Spain) Spanish fortress built in the XVII century during the war against Portugal (1640-1668). It was able to accommodate 12 canons, up to 300 riflemen and its defenses were supplemented with other more advanced elements th...
San Gimignano well
Created by macluk
So here is a small Italian well that was built in 1346 in San Gimignano. It survived to this day in that town. Here in Cities Skylines now with the following stats: size - 1x1 cost - 2500 upkeep - 147/week water supply - 41600 m3 tris - 1060 lod tris - 94 ...
Sand Bags Pack
Created by Beardmonkey
This is a pack of four sand bag props: Sand Bags 01 - terrain conforming "wall" Tris: 160/LOD 50 Texture: 256x64/LOD 32x32 Sand Bags 02 - single sand bag prop Tris: 48/LOD 10 Texture: 256x64/LOD 32x32 Sand Bags 03 - single sand bag prop Tris: 48/LOD 10 Tex...
Created by m4gic
Uses Bear (Boreal, Snowfall, Europe), Cougar (Tropical, Temperate), Deer (Temperate) and Reindeer (Snowfall) armatures. Use MrLacpierre's Animals Spawner park to plop spawn point. Centaurs are here:
Sawdust (Sawdust Pile)
Created by m4gic
Sawdust (Sawdust Pile) by m4gic...
Sawmill props
Created by Evangeline
I'm a lumberjack and im okay, i sleep all night, i work all day. Various props to accompany my sawmill building set, none of these are required items but they are an essential part of any old time logging scene, the various props consist out of a donkey st...
Saxon Longhouses
Created by Titan
3 Saxon longhouses 3 Saxon longhouses, based on archeologic excavations in northern Germany from the early middle ages. Up until the high middle ages long houses like these have been extensively used all around northern Europe. WS item contains a simple lo...
Created by kim_MJ
scarecrow by kim_MJ...
Scavenger (Recycling)
Created by m4gic
Works same as a Vanilla Recycling Center -- I think I removed Seagulls, though....
Scavenger Cart (Waste Transfer)
Created by m4gic
Scavenger Cart (Waste Transfer) by m4gic...
Schooner-typed sailing ship
Created by Ploefke
This is a sailing ship that is called 'Schoener' in the Netherlands. This is a fore-and-aft rigged ship. It has two masts and was used for transportation on coastal waters since the 17th century. Nowadays, the dutch canals are full of old ships like this, ...
Scotland Flag (animated)
Created by Wagram
This is a waving Scotland flag. It is animated and moves depending of the strength of the wind, no mod is needed. It comes in two sizes. Use Loading Screen Mod for half the ram usage. This is a flag I've created thanks to this guide : https://steamcommunit...
Scotland Royal Flag - Celtic Nations
Created by MrMiyagi
You can find Scotland's blue Saltire flag here: Animated waving action. Large and Small versions. These are corrected for the waving flag template "invalid LOD texture size" error you may ex...
Scribal Delivery (Postal Truck)
Created by m4gic
Scribal Delivery (Postal Truck) by m4gic...
Sea Foam Decals
Created by ar
Hi everyone! I haven't been publishing something for a year, It's time to do it! My first asset for Cities: Skylines - Sea Foam Decals (Part of my Forever Summer assets) This asset made special for detailed cities and maps. Looks awesome! I hope someone wi...
Sedona Salmon Modular Rocks 2K
Created by Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 26 unique rock models. These are huge assets suitable for covering mountains and creating cliff faces. These were originally modeled by IceKazim. I licensed them through CGTrader, reduced the t...
Sedona Salmon Surface Rocks
Created by Greyflame Introduction These are a reconfigured and recolored pack of Owl's popular Surface Rock assets. Sedona Salmon This bold color set is matched to the fantastic Sedona Cliffs by Ronyx. The LUT you use will have a big impact on h...
Sheep Pack CC
Created by CushyCrux
Sheep Pack CC --------------------- Because sheep create sheep ;~p. 3 versions are in this pack. One standing (Sheep One), one sitting (Sheep 3), and one eating (Sheep 2). 0.8 - 1.2 size variations and a 25% chance of getting a black sheep. Send me a money...
Sheep (static) Prop version
Created by Simon Ryr
Sheep (static)...
Sheep pasture (No prop)
Created by ron_fu-ta
Sheep pasture (No prop) 羊の放牧地です。プロップ等は自分で設置してください。 Sheep pasture. Set up props yourself. DLC "Industries" が必要です。 DLC "Industries" is required. 豚 pig 牛 cow
Shore Pines
Created by Greyflame The Tree Lodgepole Pines (Pinus Contorta) cover an extensive range of highlands and coastal ranges of the American west. These conifers grow well in poor soils but require fire events to maintain healthy populations. Pinus C...
Shipyard (Ferry Depot)
Created by m4gic
Not my models. Used a dock extension and various props to create a Ferry Depot for an Ancient City build....
Created by m4gic
Posse! Mount up! Replaces the vanilla police car. No sirens or lights. Horse and rider in pale, tan, brown and dark complexions....
Short grass
Created by pdelmo
Short grass ground 2 versions - conforming prop and a tree asset prop added basic custom lod to prop version made to be as low poly as possible so you can use it without destroying the frame rate even more. 166tri for the smaller tree asset prop and 644tri...
Short Grass
Created by Ronyx69
Includes a short grass prop and a building version with 64 of them. Found in industrial props and parks. Color matched to the springwood map theme. Requires a lot of props to make it look reasonable. From certain angles and edges the polygon lines are visi...
Silver Leaf Shrub
Created by pdelmo
A low poly shrub inspired by shrubs from the south west US and outback Australia. Yes, it's only 18tri how? I made a high Poly model to render the textures tags Plant, Bush Arid, Desert...
Silver Sage
Created by pdelmo
Low Poly Sage plants 3 assets pink, purple and just silver Tags. arid plant bush flower, Desert...
simple old stone well
Created by macluk
Even more simple old stone water well, a bit mossy now, suitable for your villages, little old towns, maybe castles too. It is very simple and not too efficient, therefore requires to be placed more often. 29.09.2020 update - lod added; colours changed to ...
Silver Spruce
Created by Greyflame The Tree This is a genericized version of common North American spruce varieties, including the White Spruce, Engelmann (Silver) Spruce, and Colorado Blue Spruce. Together, these iconic boreal species cover wide tracks of th...
Single tuft of grass
Created by pdelmo
4 tri 256x256 texture ...
Sioux Falls (Old Minnehaha) County Courthouse
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a county courthouse from Sioux Falls. Kindly comissioned by RedRabbit! Make sure to thank him as well! Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to se...
Sith Lord
Created by m4gic
Yessssssss.......subscribe to the Dark Side! (and give it a thumbs up!) Uses educated male armature. 666 tris. Star Wars universe-inspired fan art...
Created by Nucity
***ATTENTION*** This asset will be removed and replaced with a new update with realistic textures. EN: A new NUCITY is arrive. Updates coming soon! ***ATENÇÃO*** Este ativo será removido e substituido por uma nova atualização com texturas realistas. PT: Um...
Skibs Textures for Procedural Object MOD (only)
Created by Skibitth.YT
DESCRIPTION: ► These DECAL TEXTURES can be used ONLY with PROCEDURAL OBJECTS MOD! ► This contains 5 textures: ● Checkered ● Granite ● Grass ● Gravel ● Wooden ► It works as a decal, but a non-confirming one! And the best thing is not counting as props or an...
Small Amphora
Created by m4gic
Pass the garum....
Small Boat
Created by GCVos
Captain Jack Sparrow would be proud! If you want to have cute little boats in your canals, make sure to subscribe to this asset. This is a small prop I imagine could be used for any water themed asset. Actually it's really not that small with a 4 to 5 mete...
Small Boat [Floating]
Created by GCVos
A small paddle boat for placement on water. Don't forget your paddles! This boat can be found under Landscaping / Water Structures. It works best in shallow undeep waters, otherwise it may disappear from your field of view. 100 Poly with LOD 512x512 Diff, ...
small fish market (for Sunset Harbor DLC)
Created by macluk
4 versions of seafood pre-made market stalls props by nilepereiraa, based on Gèze's Street Market props. Therefore all props will be required - or selected ones if you decide to remove some of shops. These assets come with crowds and some of them with rand...
Small Fisherman Canoe
Created by Lord Rato
Small Canoes, plopabble anywhere, they add a nice decoration to the beaches near your fishermen villages. They have ingame icons and lods. Hope you guys enjoy. For the other assets: Fisherman Docks:
Small Fisherman Canoe [floating]
Created by Ploefke
This canoe really floats on the water. Not my model, I just converted it. It is only placeable on the water. All credits go to Lord Rato for creating the original asset: Required prop for this...
Small Generic red barn
Created by Evangeline
Generic version This asset is a genericized version of my Mail Pouch Tobacco barn, without any markings or adverts. Can be used pretty much anywhere, but looks especially great in rural settings. About this asset 730 tris. 1024x1024 textures Package includ...
Small hay barn
Created by Evangeline
where the farmer's trees are full of fruit, and the barns are full of hay. A small sized barn, built for the purpose of storing hay. Can be painted in game with the painter mod. About this asset its a agriculture industry growable. 1024x1024 textures, Text...
Small pile of coal
Created by Avanya
Update 18/7-16: Gave it a better texture and moved it to the industrial prop category. All piles will be updated in the coming days. Small pile of coal - a bit smaller than 2x2 squares Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, h...
Small Romanesque Church
Created by Lichwiarz
Good afternoon! This church was erected around year 1190 and represents romanesque architecture. Thinckness of its walls is around 160 cm in the widest points, so it was designed not only as a place of prayer, but also a defensive point against enemies. In...
small Star-Fort
Created by OI MATE SWISS
A small european Star Fort from the 18th Century. This Building can be placed independent of roads and features cannons and 2 mortars. It will atract tourists. I hope you like it cheers...
Small pile of iron ore
Created by Avanya
Update 18/7-16: Gave it a better texture and moved it to the industrial prop category. All piles will be updated in the coming days. Small pile of iron ore - a bit smaller than 2x2 squares Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Orde...
Small toolshed
Created by EerieEden
Small toolshed prop. For all your garden storage needs :) 42 tris. 256x256 diffuse (colour), specular (reflectivity), & normal (bumpiness) maps. It doesn't create a dirt patch around its base, even though it does in the picture....
Small Tree Planters
Created by BenTracker
Small Tree Planters for Tree Privet (Optional) - Recommended mod: Prop Line Tool (PTL) -------------------------------------------------------- Textures: 512 x 512 px ...
Small Wooden Church
Created by Titan
A small wooden church Based on excavations in the archeological park Mikulčice. The building's Design is to represent an authentic 9th century village church. This asset has been made specifically for my YouTube-series Ansbu...
Created by accospoot
The preservation of perishable meat was necessary for the continued survival of advancing cultures. Smoked meats would last a lot longer and allow for a wider range to communal travelling. This asset will be useful if you're starting a historical series, o...
Snow Dense
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Snow Fence Weathered [Terrain Conforming]
Created by ThatEvan
Information Snow Fence Weathered Workshop My Workshop: Click Here (Steam profile set to friends only) Statistics (tris) Model - 252 LOD - 38 Diffuse - 256 x 256 LOD Diffuse - 128 x 128 References
Snow Fence [Terrain Conforming]
Created by ThatEvan
Information Snow Fence Workshop My Workshop: Click Here (Steam profile set to friends only) Statistics (tris) Model - 252 LOD - 38 Diffuse - 256 x 256 LOD Diffuse - 128 x 128 References
Snow Long
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Snow Medium
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Snow Sparse
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Soldyne's Farmland V1 4x4
Created by soldyne
This farmland is a park asset that can be placed anywhere and is slope conforming. Now you can add a little more variety to your farming areas. These work well with Soldyne's Old Farm Fence assets. These cost nothing and provide nothing. They are for decor...
Soldyne's Farmland v3 4x4
Created by soldyne
This farmland is a park asset that can be placed anywhere and is slope conforming. Now you can add a little more variety to your farming areas. These work well with Soldyne's Old Farm Fence assets. These cost nothing and provide nothing. They are for decor...
Soldyne's Farmland v3 8x8
Created by soldyne
This farmland is a park asset that can be placed anywhere and is slope conforming. Now you can add a little more variety to your farming areas. These work well with Soldyne's Old Farm Fence assets. These cost nothing and provide nothing. They are for decor...
Some Rocks
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 3 random rocks. Found in landscaping rocks menu. Note: scaled terrain conforming props act weird sometimes. Main: 200 - 300 tris 1024x512 + 1024x1024 + 1024x512 LOD: 20 - 47 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutori...
Southern Silky Oak
Created by pdelmo
Southern silky oak (grevillea robusta) 5 trees all same texture Tree LOD Fix will prevent live rendered LOD from being a stick due to thin leaves on main model, it does this by increasing the resolution of the LOD. You can c...
St. Bartholomew's Chapel Paderborn
Created by Titan
Watch the YouTube video for the best information and impressions - A video shows more than 1000 pictures. This is St. Bartholomew's Chapel from Paderborn The small Chapel was built in 1017 - it is 1000 years old and thus one of the oldest assets in the wor...
St. Mary's Church Leipzig
Created by Titan
Watch the YouTube video for the best information and impressions - A video shows more than 1000 pictures. This is St. Mary's Church from Leipzig, Germany It is a small baroque church in the district and former village Stötteritz of Leipzig. It was built in...
St. Nicholas' Church
Created by Tomas13TO
St. Nicholas' Church from Bratislava,(Slovakia). St. Nicholas' Church in Bratislava is an orthodox church situated on the castle hill next to the Bratislava Castle. The church was built in 1661 by Paul Pálffy‘s (1589–1655) widow Countess Frances, née Khuen...
Created by m4gic
Not my model. Re-upload of a model without High Tech Industry DLC requirement, published by Softest Hard:
Stave Church
Created by sukritact
Adds a Stave Church as a ploppable building in the game. It can be found under the "Parks" category. A Scandinavian mast-framed steep-roofed church o...
Stone Archway
Created by Boaz
Hello everyone, This is a (stone) archway I've made. Also well known as Ornament(s) Arch (from Europe). I hope you will like it! The refrence image I used making this model is this picture: Would you have any suggestions what ...
Stone wall - 01
Created by jPRO Stone wall - 01 Elevatable: stone_wall_01 Happy Creators Discord Twitter Youtube ...
Stone wall - 02
Created by jPRO Stone wall - 02 Elevatable: stone_wall_02_E Terrain conforming: stone_wall_02 Happy Creators Discord Twitter Youtube ...
Stone Wall Network 1
Created by Lost Gecko
Rough stone wall commonly found around old properties. Network (based on the vanila castle walls template but for some reason might be found in the water structures tab). Height: around 2m by default. Can be raised a little bit or lowered to fit your needs...
Storage Yard (Warehouse)
Created by m4gic
Storage Yard (Warehouse) by m4gic...
Street Ads - 10 variations
Created by Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A simple street ad prop with ads for all sort of brands - some known from the radio. I won't list all the brands, but I'd like to thank MrMiyagi and MrMaison for letting me use some of their ads - gotta have M...
Street Vendor (Bus Stop)
Created by m4gic
Street Vendor (Bus Stop) by m4gic...
Stromarkt 6, Deventer, Netherlands [Old Version]
Created by Kriwis
This is an outdated version. The updated version includes an LOD-model and is slightly larger in size. Make sure to be unsubscribed from this version before subscribing to the new one. The updated version can be found via this link: https://steamcommunity....
Created by Sig Hoovestrong
Old keep with small runied commuits around the area....
Created by norlin.martin
Styckekranen on Skeppsholmen, Stockholm. Made for my Sthlm1925 project. A iron plated wooden crane from 1751 used back then by the navy to lift and move cannons in and out of ships. It was operated by people walking in pedal wheels inside. It still exists ...
Created by MrMaison
Sunflower by MrMaison Introducing my first Sunflower plant! These garden giants are great for adding some golden color. I read the tallest recorded Sunflower is 30 feet (9.17 meters) I didn't make this one that big but big enough for them to make a presenc...
Surface Mine (Small Ore Mine)
Created by m4gic
Surface Mine (Small Ore Mine) by m4gic...
Surface Rock Pack
Created by OWL
Surface Rock Pack by OWL Inclueds 2 main model. I'll create new ones and keep it updated in time. There are three size variations for each model such as; Small (4U Wide) 1K Textures Medium (6U Wide) 1K Textures Large (8U Wide) 2K Textures Every model is de...
Surface rock pack - Dark
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic Contains all 5 rocks A pack of surface rocks peaking through the ground. They're about 1 tile large and conform to the terrain. These fit with the cliff from boreal, tropical and European themes of the game. For deta...
Surface rock pack - Default
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic Contains all 5 rocks A pack of surface rocks peaking through the ground. They're about 1 tile large and conform to the terrain. For detailed stats see the last picture. They are 725-898 tris with 512x512 textures, an...
Surface rock pack - Mossy
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic Contains all 5 rocks A pack of surface rocks peaking through the ground. They're about 1 tile large and conform to the terrain. For detailed stats see the last picture. They are 725-898 tris with 512x512 textures, an...
Sven Mills
Created by macluk
A small medieval flour mill - for those who feel that plopping that enormous vanilla flour mill doesn't fit in their villages :) It uses a very nice prop - Water mill made by SvenBerlin. size - 2x2 Prop itself doesn't require anything to be there but if yo...
Swan - prop
Created by niis-ku
Swan - prop by niis-ku A swimming swan. The size of the bird varies a little. I started the project with a model I found in 3D Warehouse, but I changed it so much, and made the texture, that I think I could call it 99% my own creation....
Tall Ship Sørlandet
Created by Ionwind
Is your seaside city shoreline lacking a traditional sailing ship? Want show that your city has seafaring heritage? Worry no more! Now you can have Sørlandet visiting your harbor! Background Sørlandet is a Norwegian sail training vessel and oldest full-rig...
Terrain Conforming Swamp Grass
Created by pdelmo
Terrain Conforming Swamp Grass by pdelmo. updated 2023 for my own use added a lod and made shorter 1100tri low poly custom lod and texture added 2023 left it big you can rescale with move it and prop anarchy ...
Thatched Earthfast Houses (Set)
Created by Titan
3 simple earthfast houses A pack of early medieval earthfast houses with a thatched roof. These houses have been used through big parts of european early history, roughly between the stone age and late middle ages. Included are 3 different houses (small, m...
Tiered Roundhouse
Created by accospoot
This is an example of a more advanced posthole structure than the common roundhouse. Such advancement in construction techniques is indicative of a growing elite required to finance such projects. This particular structure is modelled after a reconstructio...
Timber Fence Pack
Created by mayorwont
Modern timber fence asset based on the real life fence at the Waitangi Park play area in Wellington, New Zealand. Includes 1m, 2m and 4m variations, these weathered timber fence with metal supports are also non-terrain conforming.
Tobacco barn 1
Created by Evangeline
that nasty nasty snuff, that horrible tasting stuff. i tried once too much a bunch, thats when i lost my lunch. One of the more unique barns, this tobacco barn is something you can find in virginia, with special air hatches to air dry the tobacco plucked t...
Tomberg Culture Center
Created by Accapulco
A small Half-timbered / Fachwerk village watch tower refurbished into a small cultural center where people can get music lessons and what not. Appears under Commercial - Leisure. Didn't have the energy or central EU themed assets to build a little scene fo...
Tomberg Culture Center (Park)
Created by Accapulco
A small Half-timbered / Fachwerk village watch tower refurbished into a small cultural center where people can get music lessons and what not. Park building version uploaded for MrMiyagi. Stats: 553 / 512x512 - 68 / 64x64...
Tombs mod.1
Created by TR-giarelli
Series of ground burials. Approaching the said are clearly visible. For this reason I apologize if the model is a little heavier than normal props. Overall, however, the quality suffers positively. To be embellished with flowers as you wish! In the game I ...
Tombs mod.3
Created by TR-giarelli
Series of ground burials. Approaching the said are clearly visible. For this reason I apologize if the model is a little heavier than normal props. Overall, however, the quality suffers positively. To be embellished with flowers as you wish! In the game I ...
Town hall
Created by MikaelSeidler
Town hall it works as a police station the more expensive one so you dont get it right away but every little town should have one....
TP town well
Created by macluk
This is the well, so your citizens can drink full and descend ;) (I'm afraid only fans will understand ;-)) A bit of ornamental work and some changes done to the original simple version of this water well. It's meant to look older, a bit more neglected. Th...
Transelectrica Timisoara
Created by =D= Comrade Intense
Transelectrica Timisoara Info: This is a building located in the city of Timisoara, Romania. Currently, the building is being used as a commercial space for a company called "Transelectrica", which is the national operator for energy transfer in Romania, a...
Caruta (Transfer) Cart
Created by Nucity
EN: Garbage transfer version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão transferência de lixo do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @x...
Amish Buggy (Bus) Wagon
Created by Nucity
EN: Bus version of the "Amish Buggy" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão ônibus coletivo do veículo "Amish Buggy" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on...
Trash Props
Created by creepyeyes
A collection of assets that are for a building theme that I'm working on - but this part is done, so enjoy it now! Contains three trash piles, two trash "decals" (they do have some geometry/height, so not quite a decal) and a trash bag. EDIT 3/21/17 - Dark...
Created by m4gic
Young armed men. What could go wrong? These two models have been heavily altered from downloaded templates. These were great tools for learning. We encourage you to do the same. Take the models for yourselves, and alter them in any way you'd like. Future m...
Amish Buggy (Intercity) Wagon
Created by Nucity
EN: Intercity version of the "Amish Buggy" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão ônibus rodoviário do veículo "Amish Buggy" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xn...
Created by m4gic
Living boulders. (uses wild animal armature)...
Trulli Pugliesi [Low Residential]
Created by Zarrix
Information A trullo (plural, trulli) is a traditional Apulian dry stone hut with a conical roof. Their style of construction is specific to the Itria Valley, in the Murge area of the Italian region of Apulia. Trulli were generally constructed as temporary...
Tsar Carpenter monument in Saint Petersburg, Russia
Created by SaleR_
Peter the Great was a monarch of the Tsardom of Russia and later the Russian Empire from 7 May 1682 until his death in 1725, jointly ruling before 1696 with his elder half-brother, Ivan V. Under his reign, Russia was modernised and grew into a European pow...
Turnul Croitorilor [Tailors' Tower] - Sighișoara, Romania
Created by Raccoon
Turnul Croitorilor - Sighișoara, Romania Information: The Tailors' Tower (Romanian: Turnul Croitorilor, German: Schneiderturm}} of Sighişoara, belonging to Mureș County in Romania was built in the 14th century. It is located opposite to the Clock Tower and...
Turret cemetery
Created by TR-giarelli
Cemetery turret suitable to be placed at the entrance, on both sides. It has windows and an entrance door on the ground floor while on the first floor there are two openings on opposite sides in the shape of a religious symbol, also present on the top of t...
Twi'lek Dancer
Created by m4gic
On the move to the next gig. Do not get in her way. Uses the young adult female armature. Star Wars universe-inspired fan art....
Uist anchovy fishing hut
Created by macluk
This is the same small fishing harbour based on a hut located on the island of North Uist, Outer Hebrides, off the Scotland's coast. This time done as an Anchovy fishing harbour with added shed, benches and stuff. No milestone requirements. main tris lod t...
Uist salmon fishing hut
Created by macluk
This is the same small fishing harbour based on a hut located on the island of North Uist, Outer Hebrides, off the Scotland's coast. This time done as a Salmon fishing harbour with added sheds, benches and stuff. No milestone requirements. main tris lod tr...
Uist tuna fishing hut
Created by macluk
This is the same small fishing harbour based on a hut located on the island of North Uist, Outer Hebrides, off the Scotland's coast. This time done as a Tuna fishing harbour with added sheds, benches and a barn. Milestone requirements - none. main tris lod...
UK Housing Props: Rotary Washing Line
Created by Macwelshman] A standard rotary washing line with drying clothes. As seen all over the UK. Model Details Tris: 126 Texture: 512x512 LOD Tris: 98 LOD Texture: 128x128 Click bel...
Ultra Fine Tall Lush Grass
Created by pdelmo
Fine Tall Lush Grass by pdelmo small and large cluster...
Umgebindehouses (Set of 10 Assets)
Created by Titan
A large set of so-called Umgebindehouses This is a large set of houses native to a large area between Silesia and Thuringia, called Umgebindehouses for a lack of a better term. They are a special style of housing combining German half-timbered architecture...
Created by m4gic
Uses the Reindeer (Snowfall), Deer (Temperate), Wolf (Temperate, Snowfall, Europe, Boreal) and the Bison (Tropical) armatures. Use MrLacpierre's Animals Spawner park to plop spawn point. Centaurs are here:
USMC infantry prop pack2
Created by WTigerTw
USMC infantry prop pack 2 by WTigerTw prop pack This prop pack is the US Marine Corpse infantry (with Woodland Marpat camo),carrying M27 IAR and AT4, model and texture by WTigerTw. The pack contains 16 props of soldiers in different shape, the name is in t...
Utah Red Modular Rocks 2K
Created by Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 26 unique rock models. These are huge assets suitable for covering mountains and creating cliff faces. These were originally modeled by IceKazim. I licensed them through CGTrader, reduced the t...
Vagrants (Cim prop pack)
Created by marconok19
Warning: High tris asset may affect your game performance! Vagrants (Cim prop pack) was created for 50 °C series of Skibitth. Unfortunately, this series has never continued so far. So, Skitbitth and i decide to distribute this cim prop to everyone who need...
Created by m4gic
Elegant, mysterious, educated lady and gentleman who sometime appear as a bat or a wisp of smoke. They can't walk in the daylight. Can they? ...
Vanilla Large "Dummy" Field Pack [Industries]
Created by Maximilian
A set of four large fields based on the vanilla fields that come with the Industries expansion. There is one each of cotton, corn, wheat, and potato. These fields are "dummy" fields, meaning they provide nothing and only cost a little water (to keep it rea...
Vanilla Small "Dummy" Field Pack [Industries]
Created by Maximilian
As requested by CyberVibes... A set of four small fields based on the vanilla fields that come with the Industries expansion. There is one each of cotton, corn, wheat, and potato. These fields are "dummy" fields, meaning they provide nothing and only cost ...
VC_River Log Debris
Created by VecchioChristo
VC_River Log Debris by VecchioChristo Created for a map I'm working on, this pack of two sets of log / tree debris is for placing in rivers and streams. Place in water and position with move it. Stack, rotate and pile up as many as you need to get the look...
Vecov town well
Created by macluk
Here is a bit different well, functional like the other ones. It doesn't deliver much water as it required manual labour - in fact it didn't deliver any water, it required you to come over and get a bucket of water :) It's got a simple design and serves be...
Victory Square Cenotaph
Created by Modocero
Victory Square Cenotaph, Canada, Vancouver Park 2x1 Asset Info Main Tris: 2970 Texture: 1024x1024, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, Alpha LOD Tris: 327 Texture 128x128 Diffuse Tags: Victory Square Cenotaph, Canada, Vancouver, Memorial, War Discord: Modocero#5931...
Viking Longship (Snekkja) - Cargo Ship
Created by Chappington
This is a Viking longship, specifically a Snekkja - the smallest longship used for warfare. More historical details here: This is the cargo ship version, used to import and export goods to/from your viking settlement....
Viking Longship (Snekkja) - Ferry
Created by Chappington
This is a Viking longship, specifically a Snekkja - the smallest longship used for warfare. More historical details here: This is the ferry version, used for your viking raiders to commute within city limits....
Viking Longship (Snekkja) - Fishing
Created by Chappington
This is a Viking longship, specifically a Snekkja - the smallest longship used for warfare. More historical details here: This is the fishing boat version....
Viking Longship (Snekkja) - Prop
Created by Chappington
This is a Viking longship, specifically a Snekkja - the smallest longship used for warfare. More historical details here: This is the prop version - the vehicle versions are just about finished, but I've got a few twe...
Viking Longship (Snekkja) - Passenger Ship
Created by Chappington
This is a Viking longship, specifically a Snekkja - the smallest longship used for warfare. More historical details here: This is the passenger ship version (i.e. the cruise ship), used to bring in more immigrants to ...
Wales Waving Flags - Y Ddraig Goch & Baner Dewi Sant - Celtic Nations
Created by MrMiyagi
Animated waving action. Large and Small versions, total of 4 flags. These are corrected for the waving flag template "invalid LOD texture size" error you may experience in other waving flags. Thanks to Toyota Land Cruiser for the model and guide! Learn how...
Wall Banner Medieval Set
Created by MrMiyagi
Exactly what your historic buildings or old city walls need! Tourists love them. 5 Wall Banners from Middle Ages or inspired by that era. Thanks to Armesto for sharing the template so these could be made! 10 tris, 256x512px, prop New Napoleonesque banners ...
wall destroyed end
Created by MikaelSeidler
wall destroyed by Migeli Updated to new version with new texture and building type. Located now under power for easy placement and works as semi powerlines i guess but does not produce power....
wall gate
Created by MikaelSeidler
wall gate by Migeli Updated to new version with new texture and building type. Located now under power for easy placement and works as semi powerlines i guess but does not produce power....
wall long
Created by MikaelSeidler
wall long by Migeli Updated to new version with new texture and building type. Located now under power for easy placement and works as semi powerlines i guess but does not produce power....
wall turn 2
Created by MikaelSeidler
wall turn by Migeli Updated to new version with new texture and building type. Located now under power for easy placement and works as semi powerlines i guess but does not produce power....
Walls Corner Piece
Created by MikaelSeidler
wall corner by Migeli Updated to new version with new texture and building type. Located now under power for easy placement and works as semi powerlines i guess but does not produce power....
wall turn1
Created by MikaelSeidler
wall turn1 by Migeli Updated to new version with new texture and building type. Located now under power for easy placement and works as semi powerlines i guess but does not produce power....
War Elephant南蛮战象
Created by MC100
南蛮战象war elephant by MC100 War Elephant was widely used in ancient time,especially South Asia and Southeast Asia,such as India,Pakistan,Thailand etc. In addition,China,Carthage,Rome,Macedonia also used war elephants in the battlefield for a period. Command ...
Water Hauler (Fire Truck)
Created by m4gic
Not my model - repurposed for ancient city "fire truck"...
Water mill Prop 水車小屋
水車部分は囘りませんのでご諒承ください(痛恨の技術不足) The wheels do not rotate. 水車小屋 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
water mill Schleifmühle Schwerin ( rotating)
Created by SvenBerlin
water mill by SvenBerlin PROP ROTATING PARAMS mod by Ronyx69 is necessary I know the filesize is heavy for this little asset. But I used a 2048x2048 map. Maybe I shrink it to 1024x1024 but th...
Water Well (building and prop)
Created by Mother
General Information: Water wells are commonly used in rural areas to collect and store rainwater. They are an inexpensive and low-tech alternative to water pumps and water towers, although they are limited in water quantity they can store and provide. This...
Watermelon (西瓜) - Prop
Created by kei_em
Watermelons. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
Watermelon Patch (西瓜畑)
Created by kei_em
西瓜畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Watermelon patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD...
Waterwheel (PO)
Created by ReviLoxilef
Waterwheel for PO Please give a thumbs up if you like the asset. :) This was a commission for DirtyH, check out his video here. The Building This is a water wheel similar to the ones found in central Europe. They are usually seen attached to buildings and ...
Waving Old Chinese Flags
Created by Emperor Li
Waving Old Chinese Flags Three types of old Chinese flags. The color of the frame can be change with Prop Painter. Flags compatible with Procedural Objects. Use it to change the inner color an...
Western Hitchin' Post Prop
Created by 220hertz
This was to be a part of a small western prop pack, but was never completely realized. I've posted some of the other props that were to be part of it. This is a super simple thing, just three logs dovetailed together as a horse hitching post. You may find ...
Western Redcedar Pack Remastered
Created by Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 22 unique assets including several live and several dead trees. These are effectively meant to replace my original Western Redcedar pack. I was happy with those when I released them, but I chan...
White Spruce
Created by Greyflame The Tree This is a genericized version of common North American spruce varieties, including the White Spruce, Engelmann (Silver) Spruce, and Colorado Blue Spruce. Together, these iconic boreal species cover wide tracks of th...
Wild Tulips
Created by ar
Much better than daisies yeah. Cute flowers. I hope you like it. Huge thanks to MrMaison, Pdelmo and Abbator <3 Without them, this pack would not exist. They were very helpful in creating and fixing bugs This pack contains: - 3 High poly red tulips - 2 Hig...
Created by pdelmo
Wildflower by pdelmo 4 colours low tri, small textures 90kb per asset Made for detailing to mix some colour into your scene They are 48tri with 2 large invisible triangles to trick APV to thinking they are bigger so it increases the main render distance. T...
wind box
Created by MikaelSeidler
wind box a alternative to power suply for your mediaval city. Dont ask me how it produces power..... its magic....
Created by Yamashta
This windmill was built in 1665 at Outwood, Surrey, UK and exists to this present day. It's just up the road from where I live. It is said that one could see the great fire of London from here. I can believe that. The model is 2787 tris and 1024 square d t...
Winter Alder Tree Pack
Created by Greyflame The Tree Alders are a common member of the birch family found extensively across the northern hemisphere. I modeled a relatively generic sampling of them to try and capture the variety found internationally, but I used the r...
Witches' Cabin
Created by faintestinkling
Creepy little abandoned cabin based on a photo of "Witches' Cabin" in Bay Mountain Park, TN. Tris 375 Vertices 147 2 x 2 Lvl 1 monument (always unlocked) Construction $1000 Maintenance 0 Garbage 0 Tourism 5/7/5 Water/Sewer 0 Attractiveness 2 Entertainment ...
Wood Slat Props
Created by stop it D
UPDATE 3/8/23: Added "roof" pieces (the 3m wall piece oriented horizontally and placed 3m in the air) as well as single poles (oriented both horizontally and vertically). A set of low-poly wood slat props. (48/4 tris!) A timeless feature that can add eithe...
Woodcutters Pile of Wood
Created by Lia
This is only the pile of wood, check my submissions for the tree stump with axe :) You will find this prop in the park equipment section....
Woodcutters Tree stump
Created by Lia
Woodcutters Tree stump with stuffs for scale (no bananas). You will find this prop in the park equipment section!...
Wooden Bench | Prop Pack 1
Created by Nucity
EN: A set of 10 wooden benchs for you to decorate your city and bring more realism and color diversity. PT: Um conjunto de 10 bancos de madeira para você decorar sua cidade e trazer mais realismo e diversidade de cores. Follow @xnucity on your favorite soc...
Wooden Crate
Created by maraheters
A Wooden Crate By maraheters Texture: 512x512 MAIN - 64x64 LOD Tris: 10 (Both main and LOD)...
Wooden Fence
Created by Boaz
Hello Everyone, This is a wooden fence I've made in Blender 2.8. It is a prop and it can be used with the Move It Mod. Wich helps you to bring this prop into the right position (you want). IMPORTANT!! If you place this Fence, the texture may glitch, to fix...
Wooden dog house
Created by ron_fu-ta
Wooden dog house...
Wooden Fence 01 Pack
Created by Beardmonkey
Wooden Fence 01 Pack by Beardmonkey This pack includes six terrain conforming wooden fence props. - 16 m - 8 m - 4 m (4 pieces) Tris: 42-130 Texture: 512x512 px No custom LOD atm. ...
Wooden Joist Pack
Created by Beardmonkey
Wooden Joist Pack by Beardmonkey This is a pack of 18 props for construction sites and such. If you use the Find It! mod by SamsamTS search for PREFAB for easy access. Get Find It! here: Also...
wooden fence 2
Created by notDONEyet
Tris Count : 248 Texture Size : 256x512 ...
Wooden Ladder
Created by ManuRamos
Wooden Ladder by PelusoNN Inclined 10º. 3,5 mts high....
Wooden Lattice Fence (Set)
Created by Titan
A set of wooden lattice fences As said, a set of simple and rustic wooden lattice fences, also called “Jägerzaun” in German, including... 2m segment 4m segment 8m segment wide gate segment small gate segment All props are available in a terrain-conforming ...
Wooden Planks Prop
Created by jaijai
This is almost the same wooden planks as HINO RANGER Forestry Truck. This asset contains two props: one stack and four stacks. Asset Details Triangles: 26/72, Texture: 128x256 LoD Triangles: 10/10, LoD Texture 32x32 (auto generated) The textures used for b...
Wooden Platform Pack
Created by ar
I made this asset special for my upcoming Minimalistic Modern House, which have the same floor texture with these platforms. Contains wooden platform, stairs and small footbridge Texture - 256x256 _d,_n The more likes you get, the faster Minimalistic Moder...
Wooden Portcullis Pack
Created by Rex_Luminor
A pack of 10 wooden portcullis in different sizes (2m x 4m, 2m x 6m, 3m x 5m, 3m x 8m, 4m x 6m, 4m x 9m, 5m x 9m, 5m x 12m, 6m x 9m, 6m x 12m). They fit most medieval or so gates found on the workshop (see screenshots above). Should they not fit your purpo...
Wooden Staircase
Created by Boaz
Hello everyone, This is a Wooden Staircase I've made. I modeled the Stair and the handrail apart from each other! As you can see on this image: That's it for now! If you have any questions feel free to ask it to me in the comm...
Wooden Tower
Created by Titan
A wooden Tower A wooden tower, made after a faithful archeological reconstruction of such a wooden tower keep from early medieval times. This asset has been made specifically for my YouTube-series Ansburg a.d., a time-progre...
Woven Fence Pack (Props + Networks)
Created by Titan
A big pack of woven fences A big pack of woven fences, extensively used throughout historic periods. Still, the fences are also very well useable in rural as well as suburban areas. Pack contains: - Fence network, heights of 0.5, 1 and 2m - Terrain conform...
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