Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

181 ratings
Large "Dummy" Fields Pack [Industries]
Assets: Building
File Size
6.114 MB
6 Nov, 2018 @ 5:44am
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Large "Dummy" Fields Pack [Industries]

In 1 collection by Maximilian
Maximilian's Farms [Industries DLC]
18 items
You can find the vanilla version here.

This pack contains six large (meaning 8x16) fields based off the others I have released: corn, cotton, vegetable (v3), rapeseed, and wheat (ripe and cut). So how are these fields different? Well let me tell you...

These fields use the new system that came with the Industries expansion - the drop-down menu. In the UI panel, you will find a new button for these dummy fields. Once you go to place it down, you'll notice something else - these fields can be placed anywhere! That's right, you don't need a road connection and you also don't have to put them inside an industrial district. Once you place it, you can select what appearance you want from the menu (wheat (ripe) being the default). Then you can use MoveIt to align it where you want it and can copy/paste it to easily make a huge farm (it seems to keep the same field so that's a plus).

So what do these fields supply or cost? Nothing and water respectively. Why does it need water? Because it is a farm and crops won't grow without it, duh! It has the same water needs as my other fields, so it isn't a lot.

Again, please leave a thumbs up on DeCzaah's asset page if you have not already. These would not be possible without his great props.

More fields still to come later. If you don't want all the ones in this pack, you can always turn them off in the content manager. Search LPI to find them easily. Also, if you use FindIt! to search for these, they will all appear separately if you would rather place them that way.
Jax 23 May, 2022 @ 6:06pm 
I always wanted fruit fields as well, but only get these I guess. I still use them though Jhaan2.
jhaan2 23 May, 2022 @ 5:26pm 
i'm only seeing the wheat and cotton, not all the specialty ones. I don't see anyone on here in 1.5 years...wonder if this isn't working? Also, the wheat fields are uneven, which is odd.
Failer 11 Nov, 2020 @ 12:55pm 
I just noticed you never made those fields into small dummy fields. You made these large, vanilla large, vanilla small, but these small are missing. Is is possibile that you still have the source files, and could upload these as small dummies? Im making a custom farmland, and this would help a lot.
Ilanir90 16 Oct, 2020 @ 9:49am 
@Maximilian thank you! I will try it
Maximilian  [author] 15 Oct, 2020 @ 8:11pm 
@Ilanr90 No, I haven't changed anything. Someone else mentioned this on another one of the fields... think t had something to do with Sunset Harbor but no idea what. You can still use FindIt to get them, no idea why it disappeared from the UI.
Ilanir90 12 Oct, 2020 @ 1:34am 
Hi,I have the problem that I don't find the fields anymore. A year ago (or so...) I had them in the section for the agriculture buildings, but they are not there anymore. Has anything changed?
smurfi23 8 Aug, 2020 @ 2:02pm 
maximilian,please make the visibility update (MrMiyagi) for this dummy fields too ! Klasse Arbeit !
Maximilian  [author] 10 May, 2020 @ 7:20pm 
@martin_xr Any of these fields labeled as "dummy" won't produce anything. :)
martin_xr 10 May, 2020 @ 4:18am 
Hi. Is there a way to desactivate them as industrial buildings so they don't produce anything but are just there for aesthetic ?
Maximilian  [author] 27 Apr, 2020 @ 6:27am 
@AusKirgan No I haven't, and i don't use that mod myself so have never tested it.