Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

409 ratings
Stone Bridge 4x8
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8.195 MB
5 Jan, 2017 @ 12:01pm
12 Jan, 2017 @ 8:11am
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Stone Bridge 4x8

In 1 collection by Armesto
Galiza Collection
59 items

Stone Bridge
Pack with 2 assets: Building version (under Electricity tab) and prop. You can set in any length and a big height range. It's wide for small roads.

light version: 242 tris, 512x1024 texture
prop version: 528 tris, 2048x1024 texture

Electricity version has a few lights on it, but it can be difficult to place. Use prop version if you want an easy placement.
You must use this mods to place it right:
Also, is easier build it using Prop Line Tool
Fulanodetal 30 Oct, 2020 @ 2:31pm 
Hi Armesto. Would you post pictures of the asset by itself alone so it’s easier to see how it would work? Keep up the great work.
Thank you
Spear1222 13 Feb, 2020 @ 11:10pm 
It would be lovely if this bridge had one extra asset, a half pillar (no arch) to finish off the ends of the bridge for those lower landscapes that are not risen up to meet the ends of the bridge. After all, when accounting for the likes of cruise ships to pass underneath, each section of this bridge does have to be set quite high. I've done all this, and the bridge looks lovely going across the water, the road across perfectly aligned and connecting the two halves of my Old Town, but as the road slopes down at each end to connect with city roads, that extra finessing half a pillar would set it off a treat. "Closure," if you will. I really want to avoid rising the fugly dirt landscape to meet with the ends of the bridge. Currently searching Workshop for any brickwork slopes that can do the job. Thank you for a lovely asset, which actually was not as much of a pain in the butt to set up just right (With the help of Move It) as I first imagined.
KnBofink 6 Apr, 2018 @ 11:56am 
BonBonB really did drive home that I should rate content creators in one of his videos. I have been too lazy for years but I'll do it now. Thank you for making my cities so much prettier!
Deeheks 13 Mar, 2018 @ 6:49pm 
Water pipes inside bridges.. well that's summer all year round I guess :steamfacepalm:
Armesto  [author] 3 Mar, 2018 @ 1:59pm 
@komsip Because the best template (before hardcore modding allowed more options) for placing something on water was the advanced wind turbine, that's why. Thanks BTW.
Gumboot Guy 3 Mar, 2018 @ 1:35pm 
Nice perfect for my nordic cities but I still haven't figured out why bridges are under "electric" section.
brunolondinese 3 Feb, 2018 @ 2:15am 
@Armento thanks. So the light version is also a prop but that can be placed on water, and the prop version is for the ends where it meets land? Neither can be connected to road, you just hide a real bridge beneath it?
Armesto  [author] 2 Feb, 2018 @ 2:36pm 
using the prop version included @brunolondinese
brunolondinese 2 Feb, 2018 @ 2:17pm 
yes as @Angelhearth asks... how can the bridge dissapear into the banks of the river rather than sink the earth around it?
Angelhearth 12 Oct, 2017 @ 5:34am 
I can place it easily enough, but when I lower it (Page Down with Move it!) it leaves a bad mark in the ground that is impossible to cover. How do you envision the connection between the last pillar and ground?