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Radious R大+AI难度+战斗地图拓展+坐骑/卫队+技能大修+画质整合 Mod160+(24年6月16更新整理
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还整合了兵种挂配件和资源贸易系统(Resourceful Purpose - Compilation) ,战场内ai增强,三头六臂,辅助战斗辅助界面自动追鸡等自行体验 ,不喜欢的可以关闭 可进行打底diy
3060笔电游玩 虚拟内存24g-32g (低配建议关闭lod增强和天气
偶尔过回合卡退 战场里快速操作ui卡退一次 9回合过回合crash (已排查 恶魔大修Godslayer 目前和合邦就能用不兼容关了就行
有问题加好友备注战锤联系我反馈修改 (还弄老滚mod 便于区分)
QQ395656555 Q群903862613
(自虐坐牢 20回合左右泰哥拔剑 难度太高取消更强的ai

Oggetti (160)
『超凡帝国』地标招募诺斯卡狩猎巨兽 修复
Creato da MageLuo
『超凡帝国』地标招募诺斯卡狩猎巨兽 修复 原帖忘忧草 ,作者好久没有更新了M_hunted_monsters.pack 修复 1.龙类boss不能飞行问题 2.修复森林龙贴图动作不匹配问题,增加毒吐息。 ...
中文汉化合集 汉化说明 汉化合集中的mod按需订阅,不必全部订阅 最近更新内容请查看这里 功能性小型模组汉化列表请查看这里〖 重要!〗 This mod is a Chinese translation compilation of English mods, so non-Chinese users do not need to subscribe 注意事项 Unique Steam Tanks 会将“皇帝盛怒号(蒸汽...
Creato da 清轩易浅
这个mod区别于之前那位作者的mod的运行原理,他是解除了所有神器的绑定,让他可以被任何人拥有并合成,我这个mod是直接将所有原版神器按原属性复制了一份添加到装备池里,所以在这个mod里,不会有领主自带神器被抢的事情发生。这也使得神器不唯一,你可能会获得重复的神器。这个mod不能用随从合成功能,随从合成功能我会另发一个mod,原因是我觉得随从可以合成既别扭也不合理。 兼容我的另外两个神器合成mod,排序无所谓。 更新了一下新版本新添加的神器...
Creato da 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,给古墓王增加了许多种坐骑和将领卫队 讲道理坐骑类mod好像也没啥好介绍的总感觉俺越来越敷衍了 English version → SFO子模组 → 理论上和其他mod无冲突,已有存档也可以用(无法解锁超过等级需要自动解锁的坐骑)...
合邦就能用 confiderating you can get 5.1
Creato da sun2003shy
由于ca内部的机制,部分按钮会在合邦后下一回合显示,以防止一些不必要的bug。 是的,战锤2的合邦就能用回来啦,你可以合邦相应的派系就能获得该派系的特殊内容。目前正在一个一个特性移植中,下面是目前的移植列表: 2022.11.1 新增史库里的禁忌工坊(只有伊克特利爪和工程大术士可以获得燃料) 2022.11.1 蛇身小卖部可以合邦使用啦 2022.11.2 伊姆瑞克巨龙狩猎合邦就能用啦 2022.11.4 铁眉的神器藏库合邦就能用啦 2022.11.5 戴斯的锻炉合邦就能用啦 2022.11.5 斯洛特的腐...
Creato da 某鶸
省流:为吸血鬼的事务官增加了很多种坐骑(包含将领卫队) 感兴趣的朋友可以到自定义里看一下 SFO兼容子模组→ English version→ 吸血鬼现在确实强到匪夷所思,可是吸血鬼的英雄emmmmmm......只能说相当的不咋样...
Creato da 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,给吸血鬼海岸增加了许多种坐骑和将领卫队 海盗这个派系还算挺好玩,但是强度属于一言难尽的水平 所以在在没事玩海盗的时候顺手做了一个mod English version → SFO子模组 → 兼容已有存档,理论上和其他mod无冲突...
Creato da 某鶸
周末玩基斯里夫,找遍工坊都没翻到毛子的坐骑mod,只好自己动手了 这个mod为基斯里夫的除了大圣愚/小牧首外的领主和事务官都添加了将领卫队作为坐骑的补充 基斯里夫的坐骑也只能用悲剧来形容,人均骑个熊,我寻思这熊也不是很厉害阿 因为是顺手做的,结构上比较简单 English version→ SFO子模组→
Creato da 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,给帝国增加了许多种将领卫队 讲道理坐骑类mod好像也没啥好介绍的 使用方式同原版坐骑,有些需要技能点解锁 理论上和其他mod无冲突,已有存档也可以用 对原版游戏内容无改动,所有词条均为添加 English version → 增加的将领卫队如下: 不限解锁等级,高级版本需要一个额外技能点解锁 被视为兵种,可以额外获得 红线/科技 上的加成 具体对应兵种参考兵...
Creato da 幡沫
本合集将包括矮人专属的诸多mod汉化 持续征集矮人中小型mod~(本合集下只可发矮人mod) Dain's Expedition 全新派系『戴恩远征军』 一种传奇『领主』领主:阿兰蒂尔·铁炉 一种通用『领主』领主:行会会长 一种传奇『戴恩』英雄:『火炉猎手』戴恩·赫尔海因 四种『步兵』兵种:铁炉堡哨兵、铁炉堡卫队、铁炉堡哨兵(长戟)、铁炉堡先锋队 Cataph's Kraka Drak: the Norse...
Creato da 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,给巴托尼亚增加了许多种将领卫队 English version → SFO子模组 → 讲道理坐骑类mod好像也没啥好介绍的 使用方式同原版坐骑,有些需要技能点解锁 理论上和其他mod无冲突,已有存档也可以用(无法解锁超过等级需要...
Creato da 幡沫
本mod将汉化一些全局通用的功能性mod或多种族mod (Gnomes将在未来移动至木精灵合集) 点击英文白字可直达原mod地址 建筑类: Landmarks of Legend 传奇地标添加了许多地标,其中一些地标允许招募特殊单位和著名军团。 目前,有以下派别的地标: 震旦 基斯里夫 恐虐 色孽 纳垢 奸奇 食人魔王国 混沌恶魔 帝国 吸血鬼伯爵 斯卡文鼠人 巴托尼 古墓王 绿皮 矮人 木精灵 高等精灵 ...
慈父的爱——纳垢单位和技能增强(Grandfather's Love———Full Enhancement of Nurgle Units and Skills)
Creato da shadow521
纳垢大量单位和技能增强,重点解决纳垢依赖小树林和反大难的问题 改动如下: 1、给所有的纳垢肥仔(纳垢兽,大不净者,神尊大不净者)+15%-25%远抗,肿胀肥尸被动效果提升至15%; 2、尾痕粘液现在能减速20%并且减7近攻,且为上述肥仔天生获得; 3、蟾蜍龙现在能进行碰撞攻击,并且获得狂暴与精力充沛; 4、苍蝇骑士(不带死者首级)、蛤蟆骑士和纳垢遗弃获得35格挡的木盾一个; 5、苍蝇骑士(不带死者首级)提升血量和护甲; 6、亡者首级弹药伤害提升,添加爆炸能力与爆炸伤害,添加反大加成,接触效果改为毒风; 7、...
Creato da 北城明月
三倍装备栏+近战领主和事务官能装备法杖 Lords and heroes get 3x equipment slots, and melee lords and heroes are allowed to equip staffs 和领主转换事务官mod一起使用时会导致某些种族不能装备法杖,比如说高精...
Creato da 某鶸
省流:为除了斯洛特和驯兽师外的鼠人领主/事务官增加了将领卫队 轮到本灰先知为蜀黍做点贡献了,yes!yes! English version→ SFO子模组→ 最近一直在玩鼠人砍爆流,感觉鼠人的近战阵容缺少一个怪步(骑兵)位,那种冲...
Creato da 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,给木精灵增加了许多种将领卫队 讲道理坐骑类mod好像也没啥好介绍的 使用方式同原版坐骑,需要技能点解锁 理论上和其他mod无冲突,已有存档也可以用 对原版游戏内容无改动,所有词条均为添加 English version → SFO子模组 →
Creato da 云寄桑
=========================================================================== 一个简单的字体美化mod,选用汉仪魏碑字体 修改了UI字体中部分字体字号,在不使用糊成一片的ui缩放功能的情况下达到清晰的字体扩大效果,详情请参考图片...
Creato da 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,给混沌恶魔增加了许多种将领卫队 就是军锋和小魔事务官的将领卫队啦 说是混沌恶魔将领卫队,实际上玩四神派系也能蹭到 English version → 讲道理坐骑类mod好像也没啥好介绍的 使用方式同原版坐骑,需要技能点解锁 理论上和其他mod无冲突,已有存档也可以用 对原版游戏内容无改动,所有词条均为添加 增加的将领卫队如下: 不限解锁等级,高级版本需要一个额...
Creato da 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,为混沌矮人增加了火车头坐骑和一些将领卫队 当然主要是为了给予监察和堡主一点小小的关爱 English version→ sfo子模组→ 兼容已有存档,理论上和其他mod无冲突 对原版游戏内容无改动,所有词条均为添...
Creato da Dulus of Talabek
持续更新中。请将需要更新的mod发到评论区里,尽量包含原名。如果是要求汉化本合集内还没有的Mod,请标明“合集未涵盖”。感谢所有汉化大佬们对社区的贡献。 本合集所包含的汉化mod请前往 此处 查看,排序请放在最上面 在评论区反馈前,请先确认需要更新的mod是本合集内所涵盖的。 ↓ 既存汉化统合快查表 ↓
Creato da 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,给矮人增加了许多种将领卫队 使用方式同原版坐骑,有些需要技能点解锁 讲道理矮子也不太好加坐骑,加个卫队凑合下吧 理论上和其他mod无冲突,已有存档也可以用 对原版游戏内容无改动,所有词条均为添加 English version→ 领主的亲卫队如下: 领主和传奇事务官采用了5模组这种比较平衡稳定的制作方式 不需要技能点,到等级自动解锁 1,至高王 永恒守卫(锤子...
祖父的荣耀——纳垢瘟疫全面增强(Grandfather's Honor——Full Enhancement of Nurgle Plagues)
Creato da shadow521
全面增强纳垢瘟疫和纳垢腐蚀,兼容一切,为所有症状重做并添加新效果(每个症状现在都有两个独特效果,赐福症状的数值翻倍)以增加多样性。由于症状本身有了冷却时间,且没有了配方及病原加成,因此对病原本身、传染概率和记瘟官的瘟疫加成进行了强化,加回了原来的部分配方效果 具体改动如下: 纳垢:战役移动距离+25%,获得接触免疫,非纳垢:战役移动距离-25%,禁止打洞和传送; 纳垢:基础军事建筑循环-1回合,高级军事建筑时间-1回合,非纳垢:建筑时间+50%,围城损耗+50%; 纳垢:远抗+20%,物抗+20%,非纳垢:...
Creato da shadow521
为纳垢军事荣枯建筑增加效果:所有军事建筑的荣枯等级增加可召唤单位(完成对应荣枯等级时获得)。 同时,纳垢基地的建造时间减少到3回合并能产生额外的感染和财富,军事建筑建造时间减少到3回合,并增加建筑产生的感染数。 此外,纳垢地标还获得了新效果! 本mod兼容一切,亲测有效! English version:
Creato da shadow521
Creato da 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,给绿皮增加了许多种坐骑和将领卫队 绿皮人的坐骑也非常可怜,除了有只flc送的大只猪,基本没有靠谱的玩意 什么?双足飞龙?啥玩意? 所以本周没事玩绿皮的时候顺手做了一个mod 给绿皮的所有非传奇领主/事务官添加了坐骑/将领卫队来补强 English version→ SFO子模组→
Creato da 泡泡茶壶
简介 几个常用MOD的简单脚本汉化,拯救强迫症 拒绝外交 Decline Diplomacy: 过回合时点亮中间的“拒绝一切外交”按钮即可生效(小手掌图标) 变体选择 Variant Selector: 角色详情界面,点击左侧“更改角色变体”即可选择的更多人物模型(小人样图标) 通常搭配各种变体美化MOD,如:帝国和基斯里夫变体美化、高精变体美化 等等,工坊中搜索带有“Variant”字样的美化即可完美搭配! 保存阵型 Remember Deployment Formations: 在战场中左键框选想要保存...
Creato da 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,给蜥蜴人增加了将领卫队 这个mod为蜥蜴人的普通领主和事务官(除了史兰和灵蜥先知)添加了将领卫队 玩老全战的肯定知道将领卫队是什么,在战锤里将领卫队就是通过坐骑替换兵种的方式,让多模组单位替换 领主 / 事务官 来执行战场功能 都添加到了自定义战斗里,订阅了可以去看一下 English Version → SFO子模组 → https://steamcomm...
装备掉落+50%,装备缴获+50%(Equipment drop +50%, equipment seized +50%)
Creato da 一战无痕
装备掉落+50%,装备缴获+50%(Equipment drop +50%, equipment seized +50%)...
Creato da 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,以将领卫队为主 为原本震旦的领主和事务官都增加了将领卫队作为坐骑(占用坐骑栏) 这些将领卫队大多数都被视为兵种(能够获得来自科技和红线等方面的加成),并提供宁和效果 English version→ SFO子模组 → 兼容已有存档...
Creato da 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,给暗精增加了许多种坐骑和将领卫队 讲道理坐骑类mod好像也没啥好介绍的总感觉俺越来越敷衍了 反正都是做,就顺手加了一堆 English Version → SFO子模组 → 暗精的刺客事务官和两个恐惧领主一直处于很尴尬的位置。 凯...
질서의 대동맹 후반위기 모드 The Grand Alliance of Order Endgame Mod - Old World Campaign Update
Creato da Wōtanz
English Translate : 혹시 후반위기가 발동이 안 되신다면 해당 모드를 구독 및 적용 후 사용해보시길 바랍니다 : 멀티 캠페인은 안됩니다. 테스트나 호환 작업을 하고 싶어도 불가능합니다. 소개 올드월드는 견뎌내...
(5.x Dwarf) Guns, Smoke & Spectacle
Creato da BrutusCz
!!WORKS ONLY ON ULTRA VFX SETTING (on low/mid/high you get no effects)!! Don't forget to enable "Smoke Transparency Fix" mod that I listed in dependencies. "Guns, Smoke & Spectacle" Overhaul aims to bring gunpowder units to another level, initially inspire...
3D Porthole Lighting Fix
Creato da DaciaJC
Praise Sigmar! CA have finally addressed 3D portholes with their 5.0 update, and I would say they now look a damned sight better than at launch. That being said, I will continue to keep this mod updated for those who prefer it to vanilla. Thank you to ever...
Ability Icons Rearrange
Creato da sudkks
This mod lets each row only have a maximum of 10 ability icons, and the excess will be moved to the next row, to prevent multiple icons from squeezing into one row. Not compatible: Just Good UI Mod, Helper UI...
AI General 3
Creato da paperpancake
Delegate control of some or all of your units to an AI General during battle. You can select which units AI General should control. Tested in single-player. What about Multiplayer? AI General 3 is not as polished in multiplayer as it is single player, and ...
AI Recruitment & Army Compositions
Creato da Heljumper117
Updates 6-25-24 Updated for patch 5.1 5-9-24 Updated to include cdir_military_generator_unit_group_overrides_tables 4-30-24 Updated for patch 5.0 2-24-24 Updated for patch 4.2, minor fixes for Dwarfs and Chaos Dwarfs 2-8-24 Minor fix for CSD 12-1-23 Fixed ...
All United For Great Bastion震旦全派系解锁长垣威胁
Creato da Archer
震旦兴亡,匹夫有责! All united for Cathay‘s future and people! 为元伯及其他震旦小派系解锁长垣威胁进度条(不确定隐藏进度条时该机制有没有启动)。使用时最好放到其他震旦派系mod上面。 It's just a simple mod.Unlock the Great Bastion Threat UI for Cathay's facitons.You should better pu it above Grand Catahy's faction mod. 傅远山派...
Alternative flag for Elspeth
Creato da Partypus
What's that? The mod replaces the Elspeth's faction flag with a new one, more appropriate to her lore Recommendation Elspeth faction recolour, by Saiphe Other alternative flags Alternative flag for Malakai Alternative flag for Throgg Alternative flag for W...
Artefacts of Legends
Many of the Legendary Lords in warhammer wield renowned artefacts of great power, yet most of these are reduced to just somewhat better than blue items, while a few other unique items are allowed to be incredibly strong. This mod seeks to correct that. Man...
Attack Move and Countercharge (WH3)
Creato da paperpancake
WH3 version. This mod is for anyone who has wished you could give your units standing orders so that they could do the most basic tasks without constant supervision. Now with a YouTube video. With this mod, you can tell units to attack enemies on their way...
Attack Move and Countercharge (WH3) CN
Creato da Tutur
This is a translation mod. 感谢原作者的协助,现菜单下拉选项已经完全翻译完成(非脚本汉化) Attack Move and Countercharge (WH3) 汉化 【进攻-移动预设行为模式】 为你的部队添加一个自动行为模式,可以令其一定程度上进行半自动化的预设行为。 内容介绍 进入【进攻-移动预设行为模式】,AI将会主动进攻靠近的敌人(具体多少距离请打开MCT进行调整) 处于【进攻-移动预设行为模式】的部队,如果在战斗成功,将会默认回到原位置(抑或追逃,具体MCT里可设置) ...
Audio Mixer
Creato da Pear
The Audio Mixer Welcome! First of all let me say without the Ole and ChaosRobie none of this fun stuff would be possible so please give them all the consensual love they deserve! The Audio Mixer has 2 main functions: 1) Act as a custom VO audio compatibili...
Auto Resolve Quest Battles [5.0.2]
Creato da Cigar
**UPDATED TO 5.0.0** This mod allows you to auto resolve all quest battles and teleport to them for free. - Singleplayer & multiplayer compatible - Immortal Empires compatible - Clean & stackable - Save game compatible...
Balanced AI Caravans
Creato da Forlorn
Normally, the AI sends out caravans worth up to 50% of their treasury right from Turn 1. This results in an early game wave of caravan spam worth anywhere from 65K-100K (depending on how much post-battle loot your faction gets). This amount trivializes the...
Battle Lod Remover
Creato da Quentilius This mod removes all the ugly low poly models appearing on long distance in battles. What does LOD mean ? To simplify, LOD (Level Of Detail) is a technique used in games to reduce details on object when they are displayed fa...
Better Alliance
Creato da BAGHolder
(Updated to 5.0) Features: 1. More Allied Units: Allied unit cap increases from 4 to 20, so is Ogre mercenary. 2. More Favor Points: Doubled favor generation per turn, with max favor increased to 900 (from 100). 3. Borrow Army Longer: Ally army can be borr...
Better Camera Mod
Creato da kam2150
Hello, Famous mod from Warhammer 1 & 2 is back! This simple mod allows both closer and further camera heights, more suitable for better screenshots and nicer view of the battlefield. Press "K" to turn off UI for more cinematic view, Press "N" in order to z...
Better Faction Traits (ToD updated)
Creato da Dehaka
This is a mod to buff all of the quite terrible WH3-faction base traits (and now IE ones too). I'm sure everyone's seen Khorne's +4% weapon strength next to the generic trait that also gives melee attack, and wondered why he grants his followers such awful...
Building Slots Extended
Creato da Myxameno
IMPORTANT: This mod was made to be compatible with Mixu's Unlocker and won't work without it! This mod works with ChaosRobie's Immortal Empires Expanded and The Old World campaigns! Are you tired of huge cities of High Elves or the Empire having just a cou...
Better Fog of War
Creato da Mage
Replaces the look of the fog of war with a less ugly one. Since WH3 I had been eagerly awaiting one of the most important mods to me, Mazisky's "Realistic Fog of War." I've given up on waiting. I ported it myself. Here it is....
Better Randomized Faction Potentials
Creato da iCT
What is faction potential? At the start of each campaign, factions are assigned random potential value numbers within certain value ranges. These values ​​divide factions into power classes. Those with higher values ​​are stronger and have no negative effe...
Campaign Weather Overhaul
Creato da John Matrix
Mod is fully compatible with Immortal Empires Expanded, but place mine first in the load order! *Screenshots are outdated, will upload new one soon* INTRODUCTION This mod is a complete overhaul of campaign map lighting and weather. I have created and added...
Capped Dwarf Grudges
Creato da Alex Zhao
The grudge target of Age of Reckoning still can be ridiculously high in the late game due to it counting the total grudge of nearby factions' settlements and armies. This mod added a 20000 cap for it and a maximum of 20 regions and 20 armies of each factio...
Caravans of the Old World
Creato da van Hawke
This mod adds the caravan system for Empire, Bretonnia and Dwarfs in IE and IEE campaigns (both player and AI) The main difference from Cathayan caravans is the improved encounter system. The forces that will attack your caravan will depend on the region t...
Caravans of the Old World 中文汉化
Creato da Tutur
我爱跑商,跑商爱我,我是跑商王 This is a translation mod 合集包含以下MOD的 中文 汉化 Convoys of the New World 新世界商队 Caravans of t...
Caravans of the Old World - Kislev addon
Creato da van Hawke
This is a submod for "Caravans of the Old World" and it adds the caravan system for Kislev and norse dwarfs (both player and AI) Playable factions with access to caravans: - The Ice Court - The Great Orthodoxy - Ursun Revivalists (after confederation with ...
Chinese Simplified Translation Submod - Radious 全面战争 - 简体中文翻译 Mod
Creato da endofanty
排序在任何位置都可以,启用后汉化将覆盖本体的英文文本。 汉化团队解散了,欢迎志愿者参与翻译、校对与审核项目 更新注意事项 主模组更新后,请按照以下简单步骤操作: 1.重新订阅四个主要项目,以强制下载新版本(Steam的自动更新可能延迟) 2.在启用四个主模组前,确保没有其它模组处于启用状态,仅使用更新后的副模组调整您的体验 3.最好开新档 如果你遇到任何 错误/崩溃 或其它: 1.若不能确保100%兼容性,避免使用任何非Radious团队创建的mod 2.确保游戏的 data 文件夹中没有其它mod 3.确...
Creato da CheNg
介绍 为了减少MOD槽位占用制作的汉化合集,包含了我汉化的所有MOD。 必须物品为汉化对应的原MOD,根据自己需要选择订阅,无需全部订阅。 点击条目最后的跳转可以直接打开原MOD的创意工坊界面,方便阅览。 更新日志看这里 因创意工坊描述文本达到上限,新汉化的MOD目录请至讨论中查看 ======================================================================= 兵种 蜥蜴人 High Rock Fables - Tik’wiatto’s Tam...
Climate Suitability Map
Creato da sudkks
Display the climate suitability of the region In the map of the Legendary Lord selection interface, with green is complete suitable, orange is unsuitable, and red is uninhabitable; If the mouse is placed on the climate icon below, the climate region can be...
Community Bug Fix Mod (Radious Version)
Creato da MylanHunter
Radious Total War Mod – Warhammer 3 – Community Bug Fix PLEASE ONLY USE THIS MOD WHEN PLAYING RADIOUS! IT IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THE NORMAL COMMUNITY BUG FIX! Overview – The original Community Bug Fix is an compilation of several verified bug fixes provide...
Chaos Invasion Mod 불멸의 제국, 카오스 침공 모드 - Old World Campaign Update
Creato da Wōtanz
주의 사항 English Translate : 혹시 후반위기가 발동이 안 되신다면 해당 모드를 구독 및 적용 후 사용해보시길 바랍니다 : 멀티 캠페인은 안됩니다. 테스트나 호환 작업을 하고 싶어도 불가능합...
Confederate with Faction Effect 合邦获得派系效果
Creato da < blank >
Update in 5/2/24: I have updated this mod, but I don't have time to check all effects now, so I only remove those faction effects which are clearly achieved by scripts. It's possible to have some dummy effects. This mod will trigger an incident when you co...
Convoys of the New World
Creato da TWilliam
WARNING: do not activate this mod if you started the campaign without it as faction who already has caravans or convoys! It will broke the caravan network This mod adds the convoy system for all High Elf factions (but only major AI factions can send convoy...
Custom Siege Maps for Campaigns Compilation
Creato da <<FSF>>Ranger
This Mod Compilation includes all of my Custom made Siege Maps for Single and Multiplayercampaigns Subscribe to this Mod to get all my Custom Maps, so you dont have to search your Modlist up and down for all of them. This Mod is compatible with everything....
DeepWar AI
Creato da Forlorn
NEWS: So, as of Patch 4.0, the amount of changes in the code, versus what is said in the changelog is quite different. CA mostly cleaned up their code and deleted a bunch of useless tables, while also making cai_personality_strategic_components_tables rese...
Disable startup splash screens / intros
Creato da Aexrael
Just a quick a dirty mod that overwrites the various splash screens, epilepsy warnings and the intro movie that shows before the main menu. This lets you go directly from starting the game to the main menu. Note: The Tome of Fates video cannot be played fr...
Distinct Faction Towers
Creato da All is Dust
This mod gives all factions visually distinct deployable towers. Buildable towers are specific to settlements (map) so if you are bretonia and take a skaven settlement don't be alarmed that now your peasants know how to build warp towers. The buidable barr...
Drink It III
Creato da Wallets
Sick of clicking the eight active buffs each of your characters gets from items? This mod makes the active abilities from non-unique items and skills into passive abilities, so that your heroes can decide for themselves when to drink their potions. Changes...
Dynamic World
Creato da a70f
This mod enhances the game's world with unique, race-specific assets, making it more immersive and visually diverse. Note: This mod focuses on visual changes and does not affect gameplay mechanics. Features: Replaces campaign map assets with race-specific ...
Emissaries of Diplomacy
Creato da Cat Spiros
This mod helps you discover other Legendary Lords of the same race, with early game quests/missions - without discovering enemies. Upon completion, the player establishes diplomacy with target faction and also gains a slight, but permanent boost in relatio...
Execute (useless) Lords & Heroes
Creato da Freiya
This mod adds ui elements that allow the player to "execute" (useless) lords and heroes - even if they are immortal ! First of all, this is the Warhammer 3 port of the mod created by sm0kin for TWW 2. He started working on this version and accepted to let ...
Creato da First blood expert
OVERVIEW: This mod adds new unit experience rank icons. New icons have numerals and visible experience bar which fills up with each rank up. They are color coded to feel similar to vanilla ones. · Completely safe to install, update and uninstall at any mom...
Flogis Battle AI Mod (Slightly-Smarter-AI-Version)
Creato da flogi
What does this mod do? We all know the Warhammer AI can be cheesed quite effectively, this mod tries to make it a bit more difficult. Although limited I have made some tweaks to the battle AI. This only will affect the AI on the battle map and can be used ...
Fudging Vassals
Creato da LordOmlette
Welcome back, commanders! If you used this mod in Total War: Warhammer 2, then you know what the deal is. For everyone else, please read on: HOLD UP If you don't see a "vassalize" option, use The_Inquisitor's very recommended All Diplomatic Options - Vassa...
GCCM: Beta
Creato da <<FSF>>Ranger Grand Campaign Custom Maps for Total War: Warhammer 3 This Mod is adding beloved Maps from WH1 and WH2 to the Game. For all Campaigns including the ones from ChaosRobie. I will be adding more restored Maps in the next Months...
Grand Campaign Camera
Creato da Ero-sennin
While not an exact port, it has the same functionality as my WH2 version of this mod This mod: - Increases the max zoom of the campaign camera so you can see more of the map - Increases the min zoom of the campaign camera so you can get closer to the lords...
Helper UI
Creato da Klissan
Checkout tooltips too! Detailed stats, applies fatigue effects to ui values, spells wom costs plus countless QoL improvements and more features to come! Built-in localisation support: * English * Russian (Русский) - локализация встроена в мод * (next updat...
Helper UI 汉化
Creato da Wyccc
对Helper UI 这个神级UI mod进行了汉化 这个MOD重制了角色属性面板,显示了所有隐藏信息,护甲的等效减伤期望会直接帮你算好,远程齐射的总伤害也会帮你算好 法术面板上会直接写上蓝耗,就跟预览图里面显示的一样。 顶部状态栏会显示当前双方部队的金币价值,击杀数等等 我称之为战锤3最神UI MOD ========================= 需要排序在原MOD之上方可生效...
High Contrast Border Colors (All Campaigns)
Creato da Llamakazi
Hello there! This mod significantly increases the contrast of ALL border colors and removes the horizontal gradient (solid colors only) and modifies the overall size and visibility to boot. There are other mods that do something similar, but I wanted to ma...
High Resolution UI Improvements
Creato da prop joe
Still works, I'm not updating it until it actually requires an update. If the launcher warning bothers you use a mod manager. Resizes or adjusts the following UI screens: unit recruitment screen (for 1440p+) diplomacy screen lord/hero recruitment screens o...
Immortal Landmarks
Creato da Heimdal
UPDATED FOR 5.0 The mod will run without Mixu, but you'll be missing a bunch (~80%) of the landmarks. Adding landmarks requires startpos modding, Mixu's Unlocker = common startpos framework that keeps mods compatible. KEY FEATURES
Improved Campaign Camera
Creato da Freiya
This mod slightly modifies the campaign camera and here is what is changed : - The minimum angle of the camera is 45° instead of 35° (I find it much pleasant to have a higher angle in areas with mountains) - The fog progressively decreases when zooming out...
Improved LOD
Creato da hooveric
This mod is a submod of HV Reskin, but works independently. It is a movie pack, may not be displayed in a custom mod manager. It reduces the quality degradation caused by the LOD when zooming in the camera. (In other words, it increases the distance at whi...
Just Good Babysitter
Creato da Deo
5.1 compatible Have you ever felt yourself more a baby tender than a commander because your units stop doing what they were doing and go smoking every 5 seconds for CA knows what reason? If yes - this mod is for you. It helps your units with one simple thi...
Just Good UI Mod
Creato da Deo
5.1 compatible The aim of the mod is to increase UI usability in late game (or just any game), when you have to manage many lords/heroes What's changed - A remake of lords/heros list in character details panel - portraits made bigger, embedded heroes extra...
Just Good Battle UI
Creato da Deo
5.1 compatible - A new battle UI showing abilities summary on those units which have anything that can be activated -- Quick access and overview of all abilities -- Position and size saved between session -- Auto use non-targettable abilities while in mele...
Landmarks of Eternity
Creato da Chasslo
If you want to see the news udpate for the mod or help with a little donation, you can do it here on patreon I'd also like to hear your opinion about a few things regarding landmark, if you want to do it you can complete a survey here Welcome to Landmark o...
Just Post Battle Damage
Creato da Deo
With this mod post battle screen will show damage numbers instead of kills variant for gold damage is here
Landmarks of Eternity-Immortal Empire Expanded edition汉化
Creato da ForNever
置顶: 感谢幡沫的对mod的更新,新版本已整合到综合包,链接: ******************************************************************************** 这是对IEE地标MOD的汉化补丁 欢迎各位游戏爱好者的订阅
Landmarks of Legend
Creato da The_Inquisitor
OVERVIEW Landmarks of Legend adds many landmarks to locations all over the Warhammer world, with some landmarks granting access to special units and Regiments of Renown. Currently, there are landmarks for the following factions: - Grand Cathay - Kislev - K...
Legendary Lords of Legendary Mastery Enhanced
Introduction A few years back, I took over the maintenance of Legendary Lords, Legendary Mastery when its author went defunct. In doing so, I also made Legendary Lords of Legendary Legends, which was a total overhaul of all Legendary Lords/Heroes, though o...
Lords of Magic 3
Creato da Imminent Overview: The final installment of the Lords of Magic compendiums, this mod aims to make non-caster legendary lords competitive, by adding sorcery their skill trees. Lores were selected for thematic relevance to the target l...
Malakai's World Tour (+AoR Rework)
Creato da Klissan
Adds unique ability to The Spirit of Grungni on campaign map allows you to travel, drink and more! Reworks Age of Reckoning by removing cycle timer and setting a shared grudge target for all dawi factions. Includes fix for aborted Legendary Grudges! Age of...
Map Replacer Framework (With Extra Assets)
Creato da Frodo45127
What's this? This mod is a framework to make it easier for mapmakers to insert maps on campaign, and also includes some extra assets (prefabs, rigids and extra buildings) so they can be used by any map. This mod doesn't contain any maps and the only change...
MIXER - Mixu's Unlocker
Creato da Mixu
The newest version of MCT is recommended to be used with this mod. It will work without it, but your save files will be bigger. This is a startpos mod that unlocks all factions in Realms of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns. Building slot submod has bee...
Mod Configuration Tool - v0.9 Beta
Creato da Groove Wizard The Mod Configuration Tool is a user interface, and a rich backend system, which enables modders to create settings for their mods, which can be edited within the Mod Configuration Tool. In short, if a mod you use doesn't us...
More famous battles/更多尸坑
PS:因为地区原因,我无法在评论区说话,敬请谅解 dlc腐烂王座之后依旧可用,其实不用更新,不过刷一下更新让大家放心( 这是一个简单的修改,它的作用很简单: 1.尸坑上限从200→2000 2.创造尸坑所需的阵亡人数从2150→2000 3.参战双方所需最少兵牌数从14→10 以上,祝游戏愉快~ This is a simple modification. Its function is very simple: 1. The upper limit of the famous battles : 200 ...
More Naval Movement Range
Creato da Decomposed
The Double Time Stance now grants +90% movement range, instead of +50% in vanilla. (Works for player and AI and for all races) Should be compatible with all other mods and saved games. Ported over from WH2:
More War & Less Peace
Creato da Hecleas
COMPILATION Here is a link of the compilation of all my AI mods WAR & PEACE -The AI ​​declared war more often on factions it doesn't like, so now be more careful with your diplomatic relatio...
Mount Expansion
Creato da biubiu~biubiu^
Empire 1、Markus Wulfhart——Warhorse、Imperial Griffon、Dread Saurian 2、Huntsman General——Warhorse、Imperial Griffon 3、Arch Lector——War Altar of Sigmar 4、Warrior Priest——War Altar of Sigmar 5、Witch Hunter——Warhorse、War Wagon 6、Bright Wizard——Phoenix Flamespyre ...
New Legendary Lord and Hero Artefacts Warhammer 3 Updated 5.1
Creato da stompie5
Description This mod adds over 300 new items and Legendary Artefacts for almost all the Legendary Lords and Heroes. The new items can be viewed through the Lord's or Hero's Quest Screen and will unlock automatically. The mod also adds some new items the Dw...
NNOBBs - Never obsolete AI lords and heroes
Creato da Trubble
This mod will award experience to all AI lords and heroes at regular intervals to ensure that they remain relevant and challenging throughout the campaign. Generic lords and heroes are unable to advance beyond the level of your faction leader. Legendary lo...
No Confederation Penalty
Creato da Alex Zhao
This mod disabled all races' confederation penaly. Should be compatible with everything....
No Diplomatic Penalty for "Too Many Trade Partners"
Creato da DrDCB
By default, the game allows you only 3 trade agreements (plus an additional 0.2 per owned region) before you start incurring a penalty with the negotiating partner (-3 per additional trade agreement over the limit). This is pretty limiting to Kislev and Ca...
no regen cap无回血上限(永远有效 always valid).pack
Creato da wodwd
You can use this mod directly in the middle of the campaign 你可以在战役的中途直接使用这个mod It changes regen cap for all units from 75% of their max HP to 5000% of their max HP. 这个mod把回血上限从75%最大血上限改为5000%最大血上限 我的b站链接 我是wodwd,不许打错名字哦...
No supply lines mod
Creato da yuzu sour
A simple mod to remove additional supply lines whenever you create another army. Now you're free to recruit how many lords you want without stressing about your upkeep. Supply lines increase per army has been reduced to 0 for all difficulties....
Normal Traits Extended
Creato da Sir_Isenhart
Updated for 4.1. This mod makes its return from TWW2. It adds an extra layer of gameplay by making most gainable traits have more ranks thus making them a lot stronger. It does not change the traits for defeating Legendary Lords. It is intended for high/le...
Official Radious Total War Submod - 3 Skill Points Per Level
Creato da Synthetic Man
Radious Total War Submod - 3 Skill Points Per Level Returning from our Warhammer II catalogue, the 3 Skill Points Per Level Submod does pretty much what it says on the tin, and much more! On top of increasing the amount of skill points gained, it also adds...
Official Radious Total War Submod - 40% Upkeep Increase
Creato da Synthetic Man
Radious Total War Submod - 40% Upkeep Increase This submod increases the upkeep of all units by 40%, for both the player and the AI. Graphics below are links, feel free to click on them! This ...
Official Radious Total War Submod - Stronger Veterans
Creato da Synthetic Man
Radious Total War Submod - Stronger Veterans Overview - I've always enjoyed levelling up units in total war games. The idea that the experience of past battles could make a unit strong enough to face and defeat higher tier units was something I enjoyed. Th...
Official Radious Total War Submod - Tier 4 Minor Settlements
Creato da Synthetic Man
Radious Total War Mod - Warhammer 3 - Tier 4 Minor Settlements Submod Overview - Experience T4 Minor Cities with the Radious Overhaul balance, and free up your capital building slots thanks to this submod Graphics below are ...
One Button Respec
Creato da DrunkFlamingo
Features This mod adds a button to the character skills panel which can be used to reset the skills of a character. Each character can only be reset once, and resetting skills costs 1000 gold/favor. Compatibility This mod should be compatible with all othe...
Points of Interest with Pictures
Creato da Mazisky
INTRODUCTION This mod adds pictures for the little eye Icons with lore text you see around the map. Both Immortal Empires and Realms of Chaos campaigns. ALL LANGUAGES - 所有语言...
Creato da 那夜Nayoru
Radious MOD更强的高级部队
Creato da 真理屠夫
这是一个基于Radious Total War Mod的数据大修Mod。 全面的兵种数据调整: 1.高级部队有更强的数值,更高血量,更高伤害,还有其他技能。但是,保留甚至增加了大部分高级部队的模组数量,以保持Radious Mod大战场的基调; 2.低级部队调整数值,伤害更高,肉度更低,从而加快战斗节奏。部分低级部队如地精、孬不拉、僵尸、老农(巴托尼亚)有更多的数量和更低的数值; 3.远程部队的远程威力进行了强化,特别是炮兵部队,绝大多少单体炮兵增加了模组数量,部分高级远程部队更容易对敌人造成毁灭性的打击;...
Please Remember Endgame Settings
Creato da LordOmlette
I start a new campaign at least once a day, and I became very tired of getting 90 turns into a campaign only to discover I forgot to push back the endgame minimum turn start. So here's a mod that will save your endgame settings the next time you start a ne...
Radious Total War Mod - Part 1
Creato da Radious
Radious Total War Mod - Warhammer 3 - Part 1 Overview - From the award winning team and and from the creators of the most subscribed mods on steam workshop for TW games comes another major modification. This time for brand new Total War: Warhammer 3! https...
Radious Total War Mod - Part 2
Creato da Radious
Radious Total War Mod - Warhammer 3 - Part 2 Overview - From the award winning team and and from the creators of the most subscribed mods on steam workshop for TW games comes another major modification. This time for brand new Total War: Warhammer 3! https...
Radious Total War Mod - Part 3
Creato da Synthetic Man
Radious Total War Mod - Warhammer 3 - Part 3 Overview - From the award winning team and and from the creators of the most subscribed mods on steam workshop for TW games comes another major modification. The time has come for a brand new Total War: Warhamme...
Radious Total War Mod - Part 4 - Assets
Creato da Radious
Radious Total War Mod - Warhammer 3 - Part 4 Overview - From the award winning team and and from the creators of the most subscribed mods on steam workshop for TW games comes another major modification. This time for brand new Total War: Warhammer 3! https...
Radious Total War Mod - Warhammer 3 - Official Mixer Compatibility Submod
Creato da MylanHunter
Radious Total War Mod - Warhammer 3 - Official Mixer Compatibility Submod Overview In our relentless pursuit to enrich your Total War: Warhammer experience, we are excited to present the Mixer Compatibility Submod. This tiny but specialised submod is desig...
Rebanner III
Creato da Wallets
Ever feel like you're wasting your time deciding which unit to assign +5 leadership to? This mod reworks banners to make them more interesting to use. Changes Most of the game's banners have been modified to make it worth your while to consider what unit c...
Reloading Animations
Creato da Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD Reload: load (something, especially a gun that has been fired) again. Adds reloading animations to the following units (for now): Kislev Streltsi Dwarf Thunderers Empire Handgunners Sylvanian Handgunners Vampire Coast Gunnery Wight F...
Remember Deployment Formations
Creato da prop joe
Still works, I'm not updating it until it actually requires an update. If the launcher warning bothers you use a mod manager. Adds a way to save and load the army formation during deployment. Arrange your army and press the button to save it into a formati...
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords
Creato da sm0kin
WH2's Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords ported to Total War: WARHAMMER III – Update 5.1.0 This mod transfers legendary/immortal lords and heroes of defeated factions to factions that are still in play. It works both for the p...
Research Overflow & Options System
Creato da JerreyRough
This mod causes research points to overflow after completing research, and gives players some options to fine-tune their game's research rate mechanics. Overview The Research Overflow & Options System mod (ROS) implements three features: Overflow Research:...
Resourceful Purpose - Compilation
Creato da RagnaroK
Greetings fellow mod enjoyers! I grant to thee - A compilation mod for your collection. For screenshots and info of the individual mods, check them out via the links below. By subscribing to this version, you no longer need to subscribe to the individual m...
Restore Chokepoint Battle(Mountain Pass Update)
Creato da AraNg
캠페인 내의 다리지형과 일부 산지형에서 요충지맵으로 교체해줍니다. 산지형의 경우 다리와 달리 캠페인맵상에서 구분이 어렵기 때문에 연기이펙트를 캠페인마커로 추가하여 위치를 표시하였습니다. ●다리맵/산길맵/캠페인마커는 모두 MCT로 키고 끌수 있습니다 ●불멸캠에서만 작동합니다 This mod replaces land-normal map with chokepoint map in all of the bridges and some of mountain pass i...
Rotate All Lords and Heroes (v5.0)
Creato da Levie
What does this do? This enables rotation of all Lord and Hero models while in the character details window. This is similar to what can already be done with the Daemon Prince. I thought it was weird that we have access to the model view inside of the chara...
Save Camera Settings
Creato da Rhox
Intro This mod is a spiritual successor (aka worse than the original) of a sm0kin's WH2 mode Save Camera Settings. It lets you keep the camera settings across multiple campaigns. Here is how...
Seasons and Holidays [Battle Weather Update!]
Creato da Alshua
Bring a new level of strategy to the campaign by adding a cycle of seasons, along with a generous helping of Warhammer lore. Cultural holidays add to your immersion. NEW! Unique battle map weather visuals add variety and realism. Each turn now takes one mo...
Singe's Lord Skills Compilation
Creato da Singemeister
Ahhh, here we are again. So, this is the combination mod for all my lord skills for TWWIII. I've tried to up my game for the new game, so each Lord has four skills. Apart from Daniel. He gets five. As do some of the Vampire Coast Lords. And Helman Ghorst. ...
Smoke Transparency Fix
Creato da BrutusCz
I can't believe in the end I found the cause, it was simply post processing that is different to default one. What I did I replaced all with default one. I believe the issue is fixed. You wouldn't belive how long I was looking for a silution. Side-effect i...
Speedy Turn Camera
Creato da Skywalker
Mod that just speeds up the camera move between your turns. Save Compatible Other mods Compatible This is a direct port from WH2 mod "Faster end turn Camera" to WH3 It modifies a database default entry the game has, nothing more. This mod doesn't need to b...
Stronger And Fairer AI 更强更公平的AI
Creato da losrt
!!!Notice!!! If using this mod in competitions, Very hard and Legendary campaign difficulty are suitable for players who have added player buffs or need extreme challenges It is recommended to use NORMAL difficulty for the first game. The AI strength of No...
Toggle Fog Of War
Creato da FlashMash
Adds a button in the top left to toggle fog of war. I like to check on the state of the world from time to time, so I had to turn on/off a mod all the time. When Change Starting Settlement came out I had the idea to take the disable/enable of the fog of wa...
The Phoenix Court (High Elf Politics)
Creato da Alshua
Adds a lore-rich political intrigue system to the High Elves, allowing you to compete over seats of authority. Using the Chaos Dwarf "Tower of Zharr" system as a base, The Phoenix Court goes far beyond it, giving all Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan their own uniqu...
Total Tavern Tournament Map Pack
Creato da WakaWaka3000
WELCOME! Welcome to the official community-made map pack for use in WH3 tournaments. This pack is a compilation of maps made by myself and other members of the community, packaged here for one easy download. All maps in this mod have been used with authors...
Trade Any Settlement
Creato da Freiya
This mod makes it possible to trade any settlement with any encountered faction as long as you aren't at war with them. To use it, just click on the new "trade settlements" button displayed on the top-left corner of the screen.
UI Slider
Creato da sudkks
Add a slider in the effect tooltip ui, to prevent the UI height from exceeding the screen....
Creato da Mazisky
Variant Selector
Creato da Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD! Lets you choose Character Variants (where applicable). Snek's Extra Variants (the whole bunch of them!) are compatible out of the box, thanks to Snek. Other modded variants will need to be made compatible. This means that you simply...
Victory Conditions Overhaul(VCO)胜利条件大修汉化补丁
Creato da WATER
本mod是对Victory Conditions Overhaul(胜利条件大修)mod的汉化补丁包,需要配合原mod一起使用。 原mod为战役中的大量派系设置了新的胜利条件和战役奖励。 原mod地址: 使用的一些事项: (1)本mod是在那夜Nayoru大佬和泡泡茶壶大佬的汉化补丁基础上继续汉化的,汉化应该是完整的,因此理论上只要订阅这一...
Variant Selector Support for Mixu's mods
Creato da Vaxar Kun
This mod provides variant selector submod for Mixu's mods. Includes support for: Mixu's Legendary Lords Gnoblar Hordes - The Unwashed Masses Mixu's Shadowdancer Mixu's Mousillon You do not need to be subscribed to all of them for this to work - the only re...
Victory Conditions Overhaul
Creato da Oh_Man[TFE] Factions Currently Supported: 71/95 (74%) This mod adds custom victory objectives and rewards for each faction in the game. This mod is still under construction and does not yet support every faction in the game. Click here ...
Waka's Campaign Land Battles (WCLB) Map Pack
Creato da WakaWaka3000
WELCOME! Welcome! This mod is a map pack that I made for use in campaign. If you are looking for multiplayer maps for use in tournaments, please download the Total Tavern map pack instead. COMPATIBILITY This mod does not replace any CA-created maps, it onl...
Warband Upgrade Ultimate
Creato da BAGHolder
Warband Upgrade for Every Race (Updated to 5.0) --- Upgrade basic units into elite, and swap among unit variants. --- Unique UI + Expanded panel for every race. --- 100% compatible with any mod, save-game, and co-op. --- Submods for RoR, mod compilation, c...
Warhammer 3 LOD Distance Enhanced
Creato da Merwanor
Greetings fellow Total War players! It appears that Warhammer 3 have a much shorter LOD(level of detail) distance than in previous titles, especially for units. And in TW Warhammer 3 every unit has 4 LOD levels. LOD0 is the main high def model LOD1 is the ...
Warband Upgrades for Radious
Creato da Last of the Romans
Credit to Bagholder for making the base of this mod. I did make part and will be able to maintain it in the future. Just let me know when Radious adds more units. If buttons are not appearing trying using Bagholder's UI Framework
Winds of Magic Overhaul
Creato da StealthT0u
Introduction When I went through the Warhammer 3 blog posts before the game released, one thing that concerned me considerably was the cap of 100 Winds of Magic. Since the game released, the 100 magic personally did feel too low, and I think it has at leas...
[CN] Legendary Lords of Legendary Mastery Enhanced 中文汉化
Creato da Cheese Leopard
This is a translation mod. 以下套用茶壶哥的介绍: 传奇法师领主大修 特色介绍 1. 420+专为传奇角色添加的技能,大多数都是大后期才能点的强力技能,如绿皮的乌尔扎戈后期能学会一个技能【史奎格时间】,几乎可以秒杀任何部队并将其变为史奎格; 2. 重置法师型传奇领主的法术技能树,变化较大的如:蜥蜴人的马兹达穆迪的技能树 3. 对传奇领主、传奇英雄的身材属性及武器进行完全重置 注意事项 1. 该作者有个submod, 解除技能等级限制 :原mod中部分技能需要30级或者更高等级才能点...
[CN] Resourceful Purpose - Compilation 中文汉化
Creato da Cheese Leopard
This is a translation mod. 全文本汉化 以下直接套用茶壶哥的MOD介绍 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MOD简介 1. 全派系兵种资源升级(花费资源及货币) 2. 全派系商店系统(花费资源及货币) 3. 全派系货币美化 4. 为野兽人及绿皮添加贸易及资源系统 5. 为资源建筑添加各种额外的加成,如葡萄酒会增益公共秩序、派系外交好感度;木材则会增加弹药量并降低围城损耗 6...
[GLF] Ancillaries Remake金花物品重制
Creato da 金花
这个MOD不包含语言文本,任何玩家都可以直接使用,也可以随意取消订阅,不影响存档 This MOD does not contain language text and does not require language patches. Any player can use it directly, You can also unsubscribe at will without affecting the archive MOD介绍: 这个MOD计划重新调整所有物品的效果(不包含坐骑、旗帜、随从) 增强...
[GLF] Landmark Remake地标重置
Creato da 金花
MOD功能: 新增了12个地标 调整了游戏里的所有地标效果 部分地标添加了新驻军 部分地标还增加了低级与高级版本 English Patch: Thanks for FullAutoAttack's work 增强了部分较弱的地标,如帝国宫殿、凤凰王庭院、钉子街当铺、奴隶贩子公...
[Ui] More Buttons For More Mechanics - 2 ROWS+
Creato da ChopChop This mod is changing placement of campaign mechanics buttons to horizontal in 2+ rows. It also moves the pinned missions red flyer ribbons to match the shift of buttons. This allows to clear and nice display up to 12 mechani...
[QoL] Fuse Auto Sort (Rarity + Category)
Creato da Freiya
This is a "quality of life" mod that automatically reapplies the Rarity sort followed by the Category sort after fusing or salvaging items. Without this mod, only the latest sort is "reapplied" by the game meaning that the inventory will only be sorted by ...
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