Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Items (1000)
Custom Names Lists
Created by Ilion
Custom Names Lists -- This mod doesn't do anything by itself (*); it supplies formated lists of custom names for use by the "Custom Name Lists" Mod ( here -- ). Included are four files (in t...
Repaint 1.7.4
Created by algernon A fork of TPB's Painter mod, updated to work with Harmony 2, fix bugs, and add extra features. 100% backwards-compatible with the original. New in 1.7: Add vanilla highway texture replacement option Add option to colorize al...
Hide It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to hide unwanted things in the game. NEW IN 1.28 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.27 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.16.1-f2 (Hubs & Tr...
Line Tool 0.7.1
Created by algernon Place props, trees, and/or buildings in a line Still under active and comparatively early development, but already does all the required basics; the UI in particular is a bit under-developed in this version, and will be impr...
Transfer Manager CE v2.4.23
Created by Sleepy Modifies the vanilla Transfer Manager to prefer closer transfers. ie Garbage trucks will go to nearby buildings first to collect garbage rather than travelling all the way across the city to get the garbage at some distant b...
Control It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to control network traffic and some visual appearance to the main menu. NEW IN 1.5 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). - Fixed issue with renamed pane...
Font Changer
Created by neinnew/네인
simple continued mod for game font changing. also supports changes to IMGUI (Unity default UI). no more terrible legacy OS fallback font. (for korean) Github repository Note In Windows, make sure you installed font for all users, which means they should be...
Modern Lighting Pack - 2020 Edition
Created by GCVos
This pack adds 27 new street lights and lamps to your game. These props can be used for assets and can be placed ingame using Network Skins 2 and More Beautification. Content as of May 2020: + Suspended Street Light + Suspended Avenue Light + Stainless Str...
Tree Control 1.0
Created by algernon A lightweight alternative to Tree Anarchy, with an emphasis on stability and reliability. Provides: Optional expanded tree limit (the default game limit is 262,144; this mod can expand that to over 2 million) Tree Anarchy (A...
Watch It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to watch status of the important capacities in the game. NEW IN 1.17 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.16 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines ...
Advanced Building Level Control 1.3.2
Created by algernon Enables fine-grained control of growable building levels New in 1.3: Support "true random" selection of building appearance when changing building levels (by default, the game will always use the same model for each level of...
下穿隧道环岛路口 (请订阅新版!!please subscribe the lastest version)
Created by RHAPSODYO
自己做的市内用立交 解决交通问题效果拔群 主要用于主干道与次干道的交叉位 PS:最好使用tmpe车道连接器! Had better connect corresponding lanes with tmpe...
Created by RHAPSODYO
自己做的市内用立交 解决交通问题效果拔群 主要用于主干道的交叉位 再也不需要红绿灯了 PS:最好使用tmpe车道连接器! Had better connect corresponding lanes with tmpe...
渠化环岛 Canalized Roundabout
Created by RHAPSODYO
自己做的环岛,可以加快车流通过速度,渠化用的是单车道,两车道以上,请用move it把四个端点拉远一点,不然贴图会错误...
高架桥路口 Overpass
Created by RHAPSODYO
自己做的市内立交 ,用于分流主干道上直行车流减小路口压力 PS:最好使用tmpe车道连接器! Had better connect corresponding lanes with tmpe...
下穿隧道路口 Underpass
Created by RHAPSODYO
自己做的市内立交 ,用于分流主干道上直行车流减小路口压力 PS:最好使用tmpe车道连接器! Had better connect corresponding lanes with tmpe...
四车道渠化路口 Four Lane Canalized Intersection
Created by RHAPSODYO
自制四车道路口 右转渠化 可配合红绿灯使用效果更佳...
高架桥环岛路口plus (2车道匝道)
Created by RHAPSODYO
自制城市立交 PS:最好使用tmpe车道连接器! Had better connect corresponding lanes with tmpe...
双环高速出入口 Two Roundabout Highway Entrance (Three lane version)
Created by RHAPSODYO
自己做的高速出口,环岛很小,只能承受较小的车流强度,不建议用作主要的高速出口! 此版本为三车道版...
欧美式高速出入口 Euramerican Style Highway Entrance
Created by RHAPSODYO
欧美比较常见的一种高速出入口 , 参考ETS2制作 , 同样不能用作主要的高速出入口 。 适用于工业区 , 住宅区高速出入口。...
简易紧凑高速出入口 Compact Highway Entrance
Created by RHAPSODYO
自己制作的非常紧凑的高速出入口 , 同样不能用作主要的高速出入口 。 适用在工业区,住宅区高速出入口...
大渠化环岛 Big Canalized Roundabout
Created by RHAPSODYO
大渠化环岛 可以承受更大车流!big canalized roundabout can withstand more traffic flow...
迷你渠化环岛 mini Canalized Roundabout
Created by RHAPSODYO
mini 迷你渠化环岛 by RHAPSODYO...
单车道迷你环岛 One Lane Mini Roundabout
Created by RHAPSODYO
单车道的迷你环岛 , 没什么卵用...
两车道小环岛 Two Lane Small Roundabout
Created by RHAPSODYO
两车道的小环岛 住宅区用...
欧美式高速出入口2 Euramerican Style Highway Entrance 2
Created by RHAPSODYO
欧美比较常见的一种高速出入口 , 参考ETS2制作 , 同样不能用作主要的高速出入口 。 适用于工业区 , 住宅区高速出入口。...
Created by RHAPSODYO
主干道与高速出入口 by RHAPSODYO...
下穿隧道带掉头位 Underpass with U-turn lane
Created by RHAPSODYO
下穿隧道带掉头位 by RHAPSODYO...
上跨环岛右转带掉头位 Overpass the Roundabout turn right whit U-turn lane
Created by RHAPSODYO
上跨环岛右转带掉头位 Overpass the Roundabout turn right whit U-turn lane...
环岛立交 Roundabout Intersection
Created by RHAPSODYO
环岛立交 by RHAPSODYO...
下穿环岛改进版 Underpass Roundabout Refine
Created by RHAPSODYO
相比于旧版下穿环岛拥有更真实的坡度,两侧墙体拉远宽度更真实。环岛部分不变。Cccccompare with old version this asset possess more realistic gradient and breadth, Had better connect corresponding lanes with tmpe...
CSUR 4-Level Stack Interchange
Created by TimeDrifter
CSUR 4-Level Stack Interchange. My first attempt at creating a custom asset on here. A Four-Level Stack Highway Interchange using the CSUR Reborn collection of assets. The entering roads are all 10-lane (5in-5out) CUSR Highways at an elevation of 8m (allow...
Created by LIN-CHN
CSUR-四向环岛 by LIN-CHN...
blackwiddow's Coaxial Highway Exit
Created by blackwiddow
Coaxial Highway Exit by blackwiddow All my assets can be found here: Designed to act as a roundabout highway exit that also looks cool with all the lanes flowing with traffi...
Created by alanend
The junction of 4 roads by alanend...
blackwiddow's Simple Highway Exit
Created by blackwiddow
Simple Highway Exit by blackwiddow All my assets can be found here: Designed to act as a roundabout highway exit. The actual asset itself is a road only and has no foliage s...
Brick Street
Created by Urbanist
A herringbone red brick street great for small town main streets, historic neighbourhoods, new developments and anything up to your imagination. Don't want road markings? Get the unmarked suburban/residential version here! 22m Badi_dea parking lot version ...
Arc de Triomphe, Paris
Created by fabien.bard85
Arc de Triomphe, Paris by fabien.bard85...
Created by 98ColdDew
This is a billboard asset to mourn the China's great scientist Yuan Longping. This workshop item contains 10 props (4 x 3 m). 1 You can find them from "Parks & Plazas -> Props -> User-made Assets" or search "袁隆平" in "Find It". 2 You can use "Move It" to ch...
Portrait of Mao Zedong (毛澤東)
Created by TAEMIN B
Portrait of Mao Zedong (毛澤東) This is a prop and it means portrait of Mao Zedong. It was based by the portrait of Tiananmen, Beijing, P.R. China. He is one of most important men for Chinese, and in China history. You have to subscribe a mod 'More Beautifica...
Created by 尹水涯
关键词:中国 广场 历史 地标 天府广场 主席 伟人 成都 造景 雕塑 雕像 塑像 毛主席 该资产原型位于四川省成都市天府广场。 类型:全身像(挥手像) 材质:汉白玉 高度:基座7.1米,主席像12.26米 朝向:面南背北 建设年代:1969年 天府广场地处成都的“心脏”地带,主席雕像于此高高矗立,面南背北,高视阔步。汉白玉采自渡口(今攀枝花市),毛坯重56吨,整个雕像分12段加工而成,内部有钢柱,手臂有钢筋支撑,并按照可抗12级地震设计,表面可以防霉,在头部与手指处都安有避雷针。 在游戏中为 公园建筑,你...
The Statue "Chairman Mao Tsetung Waving, I Marching"
"We need to learn that selflessness from him, with which a man can become a people-concerning person. What a man capable to do is limited, however, a person who have the spirit, is a noble, pure, virtuous one." Across the China, the Chairman Mao Tsetung is...
Chinese Localization Name Lists 更多本地化中文名称
还在为游戏中奇奇怪怪的人名和道路名称而烦恼吗?订阅后即刻解决 :> 更改了官中自带的如下文本 姓名: 姓氏500,女性名1000,男性名992,即有500*1000+500*992个不重复且相对符合起名习惯的名字 道路: 六车道及以上道路名称594个,高速公路名称61个,四车道及以下名称2601个 桥梁隧道: 桥梁名称218个,隧道名称76个 区域: 街道61个,区43个,普通区划即有61*43种不同组合 公共交通: 更符合国内命名的公交/轮渡/电车/地铁/铁路线路名称 我应该怎么使用? 订阅本mod以及前...
ROKN PKG-718 ROKS Hyun Sihak (현시학) floating building
Created by WTigerTw
ROKS PKG718_bl by WTigerTw electric building floating building ROKN (대한민국 해군) Yoon Youngha class Patrol Missile Vessel, PKG-718 ROKS Hyun Sihak (현시학) floating building, model and texture by WTigerTw. Yoon Youngha class is a fast missile patrol ship operate...
2005 Cadillac Escalade EXT
Created by Californianyt
A sport utility truck by the american automaker Cadillac Cadillac Escalade EXT 2005 Vehicle & Prop (released alongside its twin, the Chevrolet Avalanche) was introduced in 2001 (as a 2002 model) The Escalade EXT also appears in the movie, The Matrix Reload...
Bayview Falls
Created by shwnwhit99
Bayview Falls...
Vanilla Plains (Flat)
Created by Apple.
Features: - 100% Vanilla - Train - Flight - Ship - Ore - Oil - Forest - Fertile All building area is completely flat. Hope someone enjoys! Wow! I just wanted to say thanks for 2k subscribers. It's a new milestone for me. I am new to map making, but I am fi...
Created by Teddy Radko
Glumslöv is a map I made in less than a day as part of a city planning project for university (well sort of something like that anyway). I initially didn't plan to upload the map but it came together pretty good so I thought I might aswell share it here. B...
State Prison
Created by Modocero
State Prison Prison Asset Info Main Tris: 7464 Texture: 1024x4096, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, ilumination, Alpha LOD Tris: 273 Texture 256x256, Diffuse, Ilumination Tags: State Prison, Prison, Penitentiary, Jail Discord: Modocero#5931
Real Construction Fix (1.17.1-f2)
Created by iwarin123
Building will stop construction unless they have construction resource. Fixed to work with Real Construction. Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.1-f2 Temporary Fix This is a fix for Real Construction Mod by pcfantasy . Please refer to the original URL fo...
New York City
Created by MayorButters909
midtown manhattan is a 1:1 ratio with 4units deep for zones off the 2u roads. when building with the 4u roads you get 3unit zone grid. i have the road map overlay for this map if you want it msg me on here...
Gulf Port
Created by greywalde
Gulf Port - A new map to get you ready for the new release of Hotels and Resorts. Start building your city now and you will be ready to add all the luxury you want. I designed this map for that release. I hope you enjoy it....
San Juan Islands
Created by PoplarPonderosa
The crown jewels of the Salish Sea. Two alternate versions are also available: Mass Transit map with 2-lane, 2-way highways. Harbour Start with no outside connections by highway or rail. Important: The map is Vanilla+ and does not require any DLC, mods, cu...
Magma Seamount
Created by Burning Bridges
Just a nice tropical isle ... build a vacation getaway, a haven for tax avoidance, a sheltered farming community, whatever you want. Just beware the volcano - it's dormant now, but who knows? If you like my content, please give it a positive rating! More m...
Shattered Island
Created by Sanctum Gamer
About Shattered Island This is a tropical island map housing a single large mountain in the heart of the island's main land. Surrounding this is a series of smaller islands, creating a mix of heavily forested ones, as well as beautiful white sandy islets p...
GP Circle Grid 3 Map (vanilla)
Created by Cdoonut
This is a circle road grid with added rivers built onto the original map created by Mulleboy. Original map with all credit to Mulleboy: GP Circle Grid 3 Map (vanilla)...
Created by IdentityMatrix
Created by VailOY
Riska Gardr
Created by Matrim Helmsgaard
Welcome to Riska Gardr, a map that brings the stunning region of Sandnes fjord in south west Norway to life. The name "Riska" is believed to be derived from the Viking-age farmstead that once stood in this area, and "Gardr" means farm or yard in Old Norse....
Smol Island
Created by Sidai
This is a very Smol Island. Maybe you like One Tile Challenges, maybe you don't. Anyways, have fun. Outside Connections: 4 Ship, 4 Plane, 1 Highway ...
Diamond Coast Grid Map (vanilla)
Created by Cdoonut
Diamond Coast Grid Map (vanilla)...
Created by Teddy Radko
Namitsu-Jima (波つ 島), or Wave Island is my contribution to the Japanese island map category. The lore has it that this cozy and highly detailed island group was abandonned due to a devastating earthquake and tsunami. The bridges have now been rebuilt and th...
Created by 大帅比
JPHY Japanese Highway Tool Booth
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Toll booths on Japanese highways (e.g., Expressway Expressway). It actually works as a toll booth asset and can collect tolls. I made this because no one else did. Please note that the traffic will be congested near the toll booths unless ETC is enabled by...
Barrage 水坝
Created by hikke
大家好 这次的作品是直线型水坝,由三个部分组成,我会在下面说明 几个注意事项说明一下: 1.这个水坝是基于道路编辑器制作,可以像拉道路一样铺设,使用的是二车道游戏自带道路 2.铺设必须使用桥梁模式,其他无效 3.最大高度差请控制在55米左右,太高下面会悬空,太低模型会被埋在地形里 4.这个水坝只能拉直线,不能拉曲线 5.右面的二个必须物品必须要订阅,因为我是分三段制作 最后请大家多多点赞支持~ ---------------------------------------------------------...
barrage-retainment section 水坝-挡水段
Created by hikke
具体使用说明请看这里 Specific instructions please see here
Created by Nikola tesla
绿色垃圾场 by oisu 无污染 存放量大 !...
Created by 157226852
超级垃圾场 by 157226852...
Created by 陈子辉
Created by may628
超级垃圾厂 by may628...
Created by 呼哈嘿
Created by 红米先生
垃圾分类 by 红米...
Created by kwanheng
垃圾焚化 by 5ishi...
Created by 风之六人
垃圾场 by 风之六人...
Quetzalcoatl Lucoa Citizen
Created by stockjr97
The deed is done Quetzalcoatl "Lucoa" arrives to your cities! Useful Notes: She spawns as a female young adult. Details: 3442 tris (LOD: 907 tris) 1024x512 textures (LOD: 32x16) Do you like my work? Donate to my Paypal! Tags: anime, Quetzalcoatl, Lucoa, Mi...
Created by 厦理蘇骥
垃圾车 by 厦理蘇骥...
Uzaki-chan Citizen and Props
Created by stockjr97
Short busty anime girl moves into town. Smugness and anger levels increase by 10,000%! Twitter seems to be in an uproar about Uzaki-Chan, so let's show our support for her by letting her live in our beautifully crafted cities! I tried my best to make her m...
Super Pochaco Citizen
Created by stockjr97
Your magnificent city has garnered the attention of a popular idol! Super Pochaco comes to visit! This is my first tourist model, so she'll only spawn as a visitor. WARNING! HIGH TRI COUNT! Obviously... Details: She comes in two variants, wearing a uniform...
Plattenbau clinic 9Pl. No.1
Created by MeisterMonis
Please read the description for more info! Hello Folks, today's upload is a clinic building from Leipzig. When renaming the building, a basement floor appears which can be detailed, using blank surface networks and Vanilla Steps Final to cover up the exces...
Chinese urban people's Hospital中式市区人民医院
Created by 红米先生
中式市区人民医院 by 红米 资产多边形和三角形共计9千多面,占地为8X21格子,贴图大小为1024X1024,救护车100辆,救治人数3千人,治疗率达70%。...
Franklin Hospital
Created by Keith3201
This Hospital is a good alternative to the smaller default one if you have a very densely populated city. It is 552 feet tall with 46 floors. It is an entirely unique building with no real-world or in-game equivalent. The main model has 3,462 tris with 102...
Medical Clinic - Simcity 4
Created by Kridershot Copy of Medical Clinic from Simcity 4 that was recreated pixel by pixel. I try to stick to the original model as much as possible and I hope did well. :) The building has custom props to avoid some of the ugly vanilla ones and...
Large Medical Center - Simcity 4
Created by Kridershot Copy of Large Medical Center from Simcity 4 that was recreated pixel by pixel. I try to stick to the original model as much as possible and I hope did well. :) The building has custom props to avoid some of the ugly vanilla on...
上海长征医院 Shanghai Long March Hospital
Created by KimuXY
上海长征医院是一所综合性三级甲等医院。 医院前身是1900年德国宝隆博士创办的“宝隆医院”,1930年更名为“国立同济大学附属医院”,1948年更名为“中美医院”;1955年10月,由时任国防部长彭德怀元帅签署命令,成立了“上海急症外科医院”;1958年9月,列编为“海军军医大学第二附属医院”;1966年9月,经上海市批准对外称“上海长征医院”。...
Heavily expanded cemetery
Created by Celciur
This cemetery is a little larger in area than the vanilla version (because of the trees around the cemetery) and has considerably more space for deceased citizens and more service vehicles....
Military WW1 Cemetery
Created by Basco81
Military WW1 Cemetery by Basco81 Cost: 4000 Maintain: 80/week Workers: 8 Graves 1000 Hearse: 5 Tiles 8x5 No electricity, water, sewage or garbage
LAPD Headquarter
Created by _luminou_
LAPD Headquarter LAPD Headquarters, at corner of E 1st Street and S Main Street. The new LAPD headquarters in downtown LA, open in October 2017. The building, erected at a cost of $437 million, will have 2,300 police officers and staff working there. The 5...
Eastern State Penitentiary
Created by donoteat
The largest structure of any kind in the new United States when it was completed in the 1830s, Eastern State Penitentiary was a revolutionary attempt at a newer, more humane form of punishment, or penitence. It didn't work. This video represents the "as bu...
Qing Dynasty Auditing Imperial Household Censor Government Offices
Created by Emperor Li
located in Xicheng District, Beijing. The Imperial Household Department was an institution, which primary purpose was to manage the internal affaires of the Qing imperial family and the activities of the inner palace. It was also in charge of the ceremonia...
Deluxe Police Station - Simcity 4 - Vanilla
Created by Kridershot Copy of Deluxe Police Station from Simcity 4 that was recreated pixel by pixel. I try to stick to the original model as much as possible and I hope did well. :) The original one has floor height about 4-5 meters that very unre...
Quad's Sanctuary
Created by Quad Rioters
Look natural. Attribute - 12x12 - Monument (Not really), Park: Others - Sub-buildings: Pumping Station, Water Treatment - Tri: 4121 - LOD Tri: 392 - Description: A massive futuristic park and a massive water purifier over a canal. Updates - v2: Improved mo...
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on It's a clarifier - not much more to say about it. :P It isn't modelled after one specific clarifier, unlike most of my buildings in this collection. It creates noise pollution and garbage to mimic the smell and sl...
Kbely Water Tower
Created by Beticraft
Kbely Water Tower by Beticraft This humble white tower is Kbely Water Tower located in north-western side of Prague in Kbely. It is the symbol of Kbely and is on the Kbely coat of arms. Among the local inhabitants it is oftenly called a lighthouse because ...
Large Water Pump - Simcity 4
Created by Kridershot Copy of Large Water Pump from Simcity 4 that was recreated pixel by pixel. I try to stick to the original model as much as possible and I hope did well. :) The asset doesn't have custom props, so you don't need to subscribe fo...
Quad Singularity
Created by Quad Rioters
Readjusting space and time. - Size: 8x16 - Type: Power - Nuclear Power Plant - Main Tri: 8,962, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 838, 1024x1024 - Description: Singu...
International Space Elevator - Port & Powerplant Version
Created by Grunder Industries
Important Notes This is an updated version of my International Space Elevator asset, which now includes 6 working cargo ship docks. Redirect for Powerplant Only version How to set-up the asset to function properly 1. Download all required items & associate...
Atlas Sea Wind Turbine (right side oriented) - 20MW
Created by spinoza73
Stylish sea wind turbine. The statue is made of lightweight polymer specifically designed to catch the wind and the base is acting as a solar panel with batteries to release energy when there is no wind. This is the right side oriented statue, but both tur...
Italian Navy FREMM F590 ITS Carlo Bergamini (static building)
Created by WTigerTw
FREMM F590_SBL by WTigerTw electric building static building Italian Navy FREMM (Fregata Europea Multi-Missione) F590 ITS Carlo Bergamini guided missile frigate, model and texture by WTigerTw. FREMM is a multi-funtioned frigate designed and build by cooper...
2 circuit 345kV Line (Large)
Created by zlequia
2 circuit 345kV Line by zlequia thanks captain venom for the 3D model...
2 circuit 345kV Line
Created by zlequia
2 circuit 345kV Line by zlequia and captain venom and shoutout forze for helping with height...
HVDC 400kV Line
Created by zlequia
HVDC 400kV Line two pack v insulator included thankyou captain venom for the 3d model and forze for the v insulator crossarms project Compatible with Jackskelingtons 500kv power line mono po...
HVDC 400kV Line (v2)
Created by zlequia
HVDC 400kV Line v insulator by zlequia thank tos forze for the crossarms project and captain venom for the 3d model...
Edificio Yuquyry, CDE Paraguay
Created by NameInvalid
commissioned by Bastet69 A mall + residential building located in Ciudad del Este (CDE), Paraguay. Building type : monument III menu, always unlocked dimension : 5x4 ✅ keyword : cde, paraguay, edificio, yuquyry ---
Riachuelo 933 Pack - Porto Alegre BR
Created by Brum
Eclectic buildings often stand out with large domes and ornaments. However, for a perfect architectural set, some need to stand out less. These are the 6 fillers of my collection ;-) Riachuelo 933 is a rare remnant of colonial architecture with an eclectic...
Marine Side - Offices
Created by jorge.puerta Marine Side - Offices Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 3, office buiding, 19 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Office. -Level: 3. -Cost: $110...
The Altair Bay Harbor Hotel
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Another asset from Plam Beach series is The Altair Bay Harbor Hotel from Bay Harbor Islands, FL . You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a hotel. Enjoy Tris count - about 7300 Custom LOD A special th...
Created by 听风说雨
ARK MORI BLDG by 听风说雨 这个建筑位于日本东京都港区一座大型综合体,包括右侧写字楼、左侧的酒店以及底部的裙楼,实际上整个建筑的完整体量远不止于此,单位了让它更适合于天际线,我做了删减和修改,实际上位于中建路口的地下车库通道我直接做成了地面部分的中控通道,如果你想完美实现实际的样貌的话需要稍加调整,这个版本的建筑我用的是低分辨率的版本,高分辨率的我暂时不打算放到工坊里,该资产的贴图大小为2K。如果你喜欢我的建筑,务必给我点点赞,谢谢! This building is located in ...
Vanilla Ship Ploppable Pack
Created by Chomers
A pack containing both of the vanilla ships and the ferry added in the Mass Transit DLC as poppables. They actually float on the water! This pack contains: Passenger Ship. Ferry Ship. Cargo Ship. Credit goes to Colossal Order for the original assets. Use t...
Created by Voeille
I initially created those ferns for The Sims 2, and decided that they would fit here too. They’re very versatile and should look good on any map with any theme, especially if you also use other workshop plants, but they nicely fit to vanilla plants too. Ov...
Tall basic yellow field grass
Created by pdelmo
Low Poly Edition Grass cluster basic yellow field grass, for best results make a small field using PLT and use move it to fill in the rest. Move it (copy and paste), by SamsamTS Random tree rotation, by boformer Extra Landscaping Tools (tree pencil) by Blo...
Coral Plumeria
Created by infinitesworld
Coral Plumeria by infinitesworld...
Saguaro Cactus Set
Created by MrMaison
Saguaro by MrMaison Introducing my first desert plants; an 8 piece set of Saguaro cactus. 3 flowering variations and 5 without flowers to give more variety for your desert scenes. More variations will be released in the future. The saguaro is a large cactu...
Douglas Fir Clusters
Created by Greyflame The Tree Douglas Firs (Pseudotsuga Menziesii) are tall, slender conifers native to the American West and cultivated worldwide. These adaptable pioneer trees take root in a variety of biomes. They serve as the backbone of eco...
Created by 煌煌煌煌上
如果觉得还可以,希望帮忙点个赞👍 整体长62U,宽14U。高速公路高18m,间距4U。匝道为双向单车道,垂直于高速公路,连接的城市干道为6车道。 提示: 模组【 Intersection Marking Tool 】、【 Curb Height Adjuster 】非必须项,可以不订阅 前者为马路地面标线工具,后者为降低马路路缘人行道(马路牙子)高度及减少桥面厚度的工具。如果有这两个模组效果更好,可根据自己的情况及需求选择是否订阅。 If you think it is OK, I hope to help...
Roundabout tram outside - Roads & Vehicles-Patch
Created by OlexX
Roundabout tram outside - Roads & Vehicles-Patch (Deutsch siehe unten) A conflict-free roundabout with underground tram and elevated pedestrian path decorated with a few trees and props. No additional roads are needed because the Roads&Vehicles patch now i...
Dubai (81 Tiles)
Created by idkanymore
Dubai is the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates, located on the Persian Gulf, and is a business hub of the Middle East. Dubai is known for its luxury shopping, ultramodern architecture, and lively nightlife scene. As such I thought it would be ...
Catan XXL (81 Tiles)
Created by FightBiscuit
Catan XXL is built from the Base of Catan XL. Changes: - 37 instead of 19 Tiles with the same Size! - Removed Mountains and other Landmarks and created forests, beaches, harbor Areas and flooded open-cast-mining holes (You can see them in the second and th...
河流平原(River plain) by小乎乎
Created by 小乎乎
上个月由于作者比较忙没有更新地图,所以今天一次带来两张地图,本地图是类似于游戏自带地图的风格。 有一条宽阔的大河从地图中心流过,平原面积宽阔,足以建设工业DLC的内容。 大河中拥有船舶航线,两条高速在地图上交汇。 如果你喜欢这幅地图,请给我点个赞👍。 你也可以来看看另一张新地图——拼图岛屿,相信你会喜欢它的。 Vanilla map Last month the author was too busy to update the map, so today we bring two maps at a ti...
Created by 江鹅鹅
2017 by 1145768310...
Created by 江鹅鹅
保护野生1 by 1145768310...
Created by 江鹅鹅
BEIJING2022冬奥会 by 1145768310...
Created by 江鹅鹅
公益广告1 by 1145768310...
Created by 江鹅鹅
FUJIAN武夷山 by 1145768310...
Created by 江鹅鹅
创建文明城市 by 1145768310...
Created by 江鹅鹅
FUZHOU镇海楼 by 1145768310...
Created by 江鹅鹅
汉堡王 by 1145768310...
Created by 江鹅鹅
FUZHOU鼓山 by 1145768310...
Created by 江鹅鹅
汽车1 by 1145768310...
KAMAZ-5460 pack
Created by AleX_BY
Model created by Old for Train Fever. KAMAZ-5460 is russian truck. Pack include truks and default trailers with ore, wood and oil. All stats like default trucks. Tris count: 5392
Created by 江鹅鹅
海岛1 by 1145768310...
Prop Line Tool [PLT] (vAlpha)
Created by Alterran
Prop Line Tool Draw lines of props and trees like how you draw roads! This mod will save you time by placing items one by one for you! Compatible with Campus DLC and Patch Concerning Campus Update I've tested this mod with Campus patch and everything is in...
Created by 江鹅鹅
沃尔玛1 by 1145768310...
Created by 江鹅鹅
汽车2 by 1145768310...
Suburban Powerline
Created by BadPeanut
This is a simple but effective powerline for your suburbs! Need electricity down your street but don't want those big gastly towers? Run this network on top of your sidewalk, and don't worry it won't clash! No need for mods like anarchy (which delete the p...
Created by 江鹅鹅
烟花1 by 1145768310...
Parking Lot Roads
Created by Badi_Dea
I can't drive 55 - no really, I can't, it's a parking lot... Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to several functional parking lot markers specially crafted to work with these(and other) roads. Everything in this p...
Created by 江鹅鹅
肯德基1 by 1145768310...
Parking Lot Roads - 16m Parking Lot
Created by Badi_Dea
Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to several functional parking lot markers specially crafted to work with these(and other) roads. This is an expansion to that set, adding an additional asymmetric parking lot roa...
Created by 江鹅鹅
肯德基2KFC by 1145768310...
Parking Lot Roads - Poorly Maintained Parking
Created by Badi_Dea
Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to several functional parking lot markers specially crafted to work with these(and other) roads. This is an expansion to that set, adding poorly maintained parking lot roads. Eve...
Created by 江鹅鹅
节约粮食1 by 1145768310...
Created by 江鹅鹅
麦当劳2 by 1145768310...
Created by 江鹅鹅
麦当劳1 by 1145768310...
Double Track Cargo Station
Created by BloodyPenguin
Like vanilla cargo train station but with two functional cargo train tracks! This is my experimental multi-track cargo station. Doube fun for x1.25 price! You can use it as the template for your double track cargo train stations. I sligtly changed station'...
Extra Landscaping Tools
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool. Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available throu...
Improved Content Manager
Created by BloodyPenguin
Enhanced mods and assets panels This mod replaces two existing mods: Improved Assets Panel and Improved Mods Panel. It's compatible with all other mods as far as I know (including Less Steam by @thale5 which I highly recomme...
Improved Public Transport 2
Created by BloodyPenguin
Also known as IPT2. Provides improved control of public transportation. Compatible with More Vehicles, TM:PE, Vehicle Selector! YOU MUST DELETE ANY OTHER VERSIONS OF THIS MOD AND RESTART THE GAME BEFORE USING THIS! This is a...
More Network Stuff
Created by BloodyPenguin Adds more network stuff to Asset Editor for modders to place. Also allows editing ship and airplane paths ingame and placing regular roads and metro tunnels in MapEditor. Read description carefully before using this mod! IMP...
Created by 76561198397463151
消防 by 283972647...
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to use the whole wealth of your park buildings as Park Life modules If you want to place your park in campuses, you also need my Campus Parks mod. In options you can check the option to also convert some of vanilla Un...
Created by 513751247
中式治安岗亭 by 513751247...
Surface Painter
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to change terrain surface Are you tired of endless list of filler assets cluttering your parks panel and exhausting your buildings limit? Then this mod is for you! This is a plugin for my Extra Lanscaping Tools mod th...
2017 Chinese Police Ford Transit
Created by CADA
2017 Chinese Police Ford Transit based on the model of ninja's Ford Transit Known issues: There is a problem with the luminous map. In some scenes, the brightness of the model may be too high....
2020 Toyota Sienna SE
Created by Californianyt
A minivan by the japanese brand Toyota Sienna SE 2020 This is the sport edition (SE) of the Toyota Sienna My second vehicle :D Hope you all like it Tris: 4,000 Texture 1024 x 1024 All shots from my NYC project ;) Visit my Instgram for more amazing pics: ht...
Created by CityOfTokyo
MAZDA CX-5 CX-5 is, in the car of the crossover SUV category Mazda has manufactured and sold, body size is C segment. Triangle : 3763 Texture : 1024 x 512...
D3S GAZelle NEXT A21R32
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
GAZelle NEXT A21R32 Long base Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
CN art wall
Created by DR.Embarrassed
Textures:2048X2048 : 1.According to our country relative laws,I don't infringement of intellectual property rights if I use another person's works to show if free.The copyright of art works sti...
Chinese Road sign for industrial zone
Created by DR.Embarrassed
You can find it in "electricity" and thanks for watch my work....
Elektrix's Road Tools 2.93
Created by Gabrielium
Add Node Tool Select a place on a segment where you would like a node inserted. Remove Node Tool Click a node to remove it. Resolve Overlaps Tool Select two segments (left-click to select, right-click to deselect). Hit enter to intersect them. Flip Road To...
CSL Map View
Created by Gansaku
CSL Map View (Current version 4.4.7) This mod draws a image of map. Exactly, it is another external executable (CSLMapView.exe; bundled with the mod) to draw the map. The mod only outputs data file for that. If mod or viewer don't run, send comment with co...
CR400AF“复兴号”高速动车组(High Speed train)
Created by Go!Vnian
CR400AF “复兴号” 高速动车组 编组:拖+动+拖+动+拖(2动3拖) 载员:430人 速度:350km/h ★ 推荐采用 Improved Public Transport 2 指定线路所用列车 CR400AF "Fu Xing Hao" High Speed Train Formation:2 Motor cars + 3 Trailer cars Capacity:430 Speed:217.5mph ★ It works better with Improved Public Transpor...
Created by Go!Vnian
CRH1 “和谐号” 动车组 编组:拖+动+拖+动+拖(2动3拖) 载员:360人 速度:250km/h ★ 推荐采用 Improved Public Transport 2 指定线路所用列车 CRH1 "He Xie Hao" EMU Formation:2 Motor cars + 3 Trailer cars Capacity:360 Speed:155mph ★ It works better with Improved Public Transport 2 车辆简介(Introduction): ...
CRH380B(BG)“和谐号”高速动车组(High Speed Train)
Created by Go!Vnian
欢迎大家订阅REV0大佬制作的版本: CRH380B(BG)高速动车组 编组:拖+动+拖+拖+动+拖(2动4拖) 载员:430人 速度:300km/h 推荐采用 Improved Public Transport 2 指定线路所用列车 Formation:2 Motor cars + 4 Trailer cars Capacity:430 Speed:186mph It work...
Chinese Dream Billboard 中國夢廣告牌
Created by HooHeeHaa
A Chinese Dream Billboard, place it near your highways to make your cities more Chinese. Can be found in the park list. Can be placed everywhere. 中國夢廣告牌。讓你的城市變得更加中式。 可以任意放置。可在公園標籤頁下找到。...
Chinese Mobile Billboard with lights 華為、VIVO、OPPO廣告牌
Created by HooHeeHaa
A Billboard of Chinese cellphone brands advertisement. Can be found in the park list and can be placed everywhere. 包含華為、VIVO、OPPO三個中國手機品牌的廣告牌。帶夜燈效果。可任意放置,可在公園頁面下找到。...
Chinese Socialism Billboard with lights 中國社會主義核心價值觀廣告牌
Created by HooHeeHaa
A Chinese Socialism Core Values Billboard that makes your cities more Chinese. Can be found in the park list. Can be placed everywhere. 中國社會主義核心價值觀廣告牌,帶夜燈效果,可任意放置,可以在公園標籤頁下找到。...
Created by CASILLAS
中国电信广告牌 by CASILLAS...
Toggle It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to toggle different visual elements in the game. NEW IN 1.23 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.22 - Fixed issue with Dark Info Views making...
Created by CASILLAS
中国移动大型广告牌 by CASILLAS...
Created by CASILLAS
中国移动广告牌 by CASILLAS...
中国路牌-十字路口指引牌 市政府
Created by CASILLAS
中国路牌-十字路口指引牌 市政府 by CASILLAS...
中国路牌-十字路口指引牌 火车站
Created by CASILLAS
中国路牌-十字路口指引牌 火车站 by CASILLAS...
TM:PE STABLE (Traffic Manager: President Edition)
Created by Krzychu1245
Improve lane and parking usage. and customise junctions, roads, and rails! This is the stable release with tested features. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀User Guide⠀⠀⠀⠀Report Bugs⠀⠀⠀⠀Discord Chat Vehicles despawning ...
Created by CASILLAS
新建资产 by CASILLAS...
High limit notice
Created by LIME
High limit notice...
Created by CASILLAS
中国路牌-开摩托车请中国路牌-开车若无证,一定要严惩 by CASILLAS...
SF Express
Created by LIME
SF Express by Lost丶青柠...
Created by CASILLAS
中国路牌-标志标线要看清,违反禁令记三分 by CASILLAS...
Created by 红米先生
洒水车 by 红米 属于道路养护类属于,需要放置道路养护站,车子可以显示出来并在道路上行驶...
Container Feeder Ship
Created by Lee Towers
The Cimskip Innovator will provide all your ports and harbours with goods. It tranpsorts containers of three companies: Cimskip (my own brand, based on Samskip), CIM (by Avanya) and Generic Industries (upcoming, by Beardmonkey). The ship is slightly larger...
Created by CASILLAS
中国路牌-风雨彩虹,一路有你,FM93浙江交通之声 by CASILLAS...
Curb Props
Created by Like_Mike
The first curb props I uploaded. They are nonconforming so they can be elevated. Includes curb/planters in 6 different sizes and shapes. Textures updated for 2018! Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see how I create assets.
中国路牌-十字路口指引牌 足球城
Created by CASILLAS
中国路牌-十字路口指引牌 足球城 by CASILLAS...
Generic Tree pack
Created by Lost Gecko
Pack of 6 generic filler trees for all sorts of rural areas, highway sides or anywhere some random trees are needed. Map Theme: New Caledonia - LUTs: Cleyra/Colorful Summer Day Models main models tris: 332 - 374 - 438 - 504 - 814 - 878 textures: 512x512 (d...
Created by CASILLAS
为人民服务 by CASILLAS...
BMW 5-Series Saloon (G30) M Sport
Created by Ma7heus
2017-2020 BMW 5-Series Saloon (G30) M Sport Asset's 3D and Textures Info (Main | Custom Lod): Tris: 2715 | 60 Textures: 1024x1024 | 64x64 In-Game Info: Name: BMW 5er G30 M Sport Top Speed: 250 Km/h >> PROP Version Here <<
Created by CASILLAS
华为招牌 by CASILLAS...
Created by PALiX
MAN TGL 12 Production years: 2005-2009. Designed in Germany. Industrial delivery truck, capacity - 8000 as default. Colors: white, blue, black, red. Model details: Main model: 4484 triangles, 2048x1024 textures. LOD model: 58 triangles, 128x128 textures. T...
Mercedes-Benz W212 E63 AMG
Created by PALiX
Mercedes-Benz W212 E63 AMG Pre-facelift version Production years: 2010–2013. Designed in Germany. Car info and settings 4.98 MB is because it contains 2 color sets in one (two .crp files of the car). One color set is 2.49 MB in size. It is possible to disa...
Opel Astra J Sports Tourer
Created by PALiX
Opel Astra J Sports Tourer Production years: 2010–2012 (pre-facelift version). Designed in Germany. It contains 2 color sets in one (two .crp files of the car). It is possible to disable/enable individual color sets (out of two) in Content Manager. First C...
Move It
Created by Quboid
Move It 2.10.7 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.1 (12th June Update) New in 2.10.7: - Auto-connect roads! If you paste a copied road over the top of an existing one, Move It will automatically connect the nodes. This can be turned off by clicking on th...
Optimised Outside Connections
Created by Quboid
Optimised Outside Connections Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17 (23nd May Update) Sick of 7% full cargo trains clogging up your rail network? Got a queue of near-empty cruise ships clogging up your harbours? Optimised Outside Connections reduces the num...
bmw x5 (2004)
Created by Dew
Bmw x5 Suv from 2004 note: strangely coloured tires from screenshots, have been fixed. model stats: - 2892 tris texture resolution: - 1024x1024 diffuse - 1024x1024 specular - 1024x1024 illumination - 1024x1024 colour ...
中国邮政 Scania_G_China Post
Scania_G_China Post by E32 SJP-GZQ T(Z)89......
More Relight LUTs
Created by Ronyx69
LUT pack including 5 LUTs: Alpine, Lush, North, Natural, Average. The names have the prefix "Relight2". Created for the default and recommended relight settings: Since some people are except...
道路硏究社Scania_G RoadResearch
Scania_G RoadResearch by E32 SJP-GZQ T(Z)89......
Parallel Road Tool
Created by S__T Road Toolhelps you easily drawing parallel and stacked networks.Main features are: Limitless parallel/stacked configurations: you can choose any network (not only roads!) and distances (both horizontal and vertical) ...
Precision Engineering
Created by Simie Precision Engineering augments Cities: Skylines by adding angle snapping, guidelines and additional information to assist you when building roads, train lines, pipes and power lines. Installatio...
顺丰快递 Scania G-series with SF_express paint work
Scania_G_SF_express by E32 SJP-GZQ T(Z)89... about 1000 polys (837... paint work is customizable....
Procedural Objects
Created by Simon Ryr
Procedural Objects mod Made by Simon Royer from the #FrenchCityDesigners community. Version 1.7.8 compatible with Cities:Skylines 1.14.5-f1 (Airports) and all expansions. No expansion required. The Procedural Objects mod adds a vertex customization tool di...
Created by ELeven夜
广告牌-Glven健身俱乐部 Glven小姐姐的专属定制版广告牌 本人设计能力有限,所以字体什么的都是弱的一批 健身运动了解一下!...
Created by 小翔xiang
共享单车(vehicle)版 by 小翔xiang 注意:!!!此物品需要after dark DLC支持,因为此物品模型套用的是after dark DLC 的自行车模型!!! 该物品属于vehicle中自行车部分,所以它只会出现在人行道和自行车道等非机动车道中,不会与机动车一样出现在机动车道上。 此物品为vehicle,并非prop,如需订阅prop版本请搜索共享单车(prop) 里面共包含4种共享单车,分别是ofo单车,青桔单车,摩拜单车,哈啰单车。 三角形面数:522,贴图:256x256 --- ...
SINY-CHINA 中国建筑项目部
Created by Siny
SINY-CHINA 中国建筑项目部 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 关键词匹配:施工 中国 工地 建筑 建设 工棚 ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ——————————————————————————————...
Created by ELeven夜
路牌-减速慢行资产包 内附8款不同减速慢行警示牌 三角面:28 顶点:20 贴图:256*512 LOD 三角面:11 顶点:14 贴图:Auto 具体内容请看图片 ...
Created by Siny
SINY-CHINA 中国建筑食堂...
Created by ELeven夜
路牌-森林防火 一块常见于山林之间的警示牌 三角形:44 顶点:32 贴图:512*256 LOD 三角形:18 顶点:20 贴图:Auto...
Created by Siny
欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY 感谢您的订阅和使用,如果满意请为我作品点一个赞,谢谢! Thank you for your subscription and use, if satisfied, please click a like for my work, tha...
Created by ELeven夜
本资产为森林防火警示板,内附4中背景与警示语的看板 游戏中在环境美化类的道具项目中可以找到 三角形:74 顶点:148 贴图:512*512 看板内容分别为: 1.放火烧山,牢底坐穿 2.植树造林美名扬,放火烧山进牢房 3.山上一缕烟,拘留十五天 4.上午一把火,下午派出所...
SINY-PARK 城市景观 Sights in China City 红旗纪念碑
Created by Siny
SINY-PARK 城市景观 Sights in China City 红旗纪念碑...
SINY-中国建筑标志 CHINA Construction Sign
Created by Siny
SINY-中国建筑标志 CHINA Construction Sign 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ————————————————————————————————————————————— 模组说明 Mod description 这是一个广告牌合集,无夜间灯光效...
PO FONT _zh_01_黑体
Created by 98ColdDew
(1) 订阅本字体包并且启动游戏 (2) 打开魔物模组菜单 (3) 点击一个魔物上的 “+” (4) 编辑 -> 自定义文本 -> + 添加文本 (5) 向右下方向拖拽窗口右下角的黑色小椭圆 (6) 点击 “Arial” 附近的倒三角形箭头,找到 “_zh_01_黑体”并选中 如果你喜欢此创意工坊物品,请 点赞 ! 注意:   · 如无法输入汉字、中文标点符号等非键盘字符,在游戏窗口外(聊天框、记事本等)输入完以后Ctrl+C/V粘贴至游戏输入框。   · PO并不默认支持所有字符,可支持字符由每个PO字体...
PO FONT _zh_02_交通部
Created by 98ColdDew
(1) 订阅本字体包并且启动游戏 (2) 打开魔物模组菜单 (3) 点击一个魔物上的 “+” (4) 编辑 -> 自定义文本 -> + 添加文本 (5) 向右下方向拖拽窗口右下角的黑色小椭圆 (6) 点击 “Arial” 附近的倒三角形箭头,找到 “_zh_02_交通部”并选中 如果你喜欢此创意工坊物品,请 点赞 ! 注意:   · 如无法输入汉字、中文标点符号等非键盘字符,在游戏窗口外(聊天框、记事本等)输入完以后Ctrl+C/V粘贴至游戏输入框。   · PO并不默认支持所有字符,可支持字符由每个PO字...
Created by 98ColdDew
(1) 订阅本字体包并且启动游戏 (2) 打开魔物模组菜单 (3) 点击一个魔物上的 “+” (4) 编辑 -> 自定义文本 -> + 添加文本 (5) 向右下方向拖拽窗口右下角的黑色小椭圆 (6) 点击 “Arial” 附近的倒三角形箭头,找到“_zh_01_黑体”/“_zh_02_交通部”/……并选中 如果你喜欢此创意工坊物品,请 点赞 ! 注意:   · 如无法输入汉字、中文标点符号等非键盘字符,在游戏窗口外(聊天框、记事本等)输入完以后Ctrl+C/V粘贴至游戏输入框。   · PO并不默认支持所有...
China flag
Created by SvenBerlin
China flag by SvenBerlin...
DHL Sprinter prop
Created by SvenBerlin
DHL Sprinter prop by Svenpotsdam...
Xiaomi Phone Billboard 小米手機廣告牌
Created by HooHeeHaa
Xiaomi Phone Billboard with light, can be placed anywhere. 小米手機廣告牌,帶夜晚燈光效果。可任意放置。...
Road Color 道路颜色修改中文汉化版
Created by Timiy
可以修改道路颜色 README This MOD is a Chinese language version customized for Chinese players. original author: If there is any infringement, please contact me to delete,thanks MOD汉化说明 英文名:Road Option...
Lexus LX 570
Created by The_Ping
Mercedes-Benz_S65 W221
Created by The_Ping
5834/6432 , texture 1024 , ( _a _d _s _i _c ) map ...
Advanced Vehicle Options
Created by Tim
Advanced Vehicle Options 1.9.12 Hubs & Transports DLC Mod Compatibility and Loading Issues If you have any issues with the new Treasure Hunt DLC, please be sure to read Avanya's support discussi...
Track and field
Created by Tomas13TO
Athletics events for your Cims. INFO maps - d,n,s,i (2048x1024) triangles - 5644 LOD triangles - 96 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 12x8 ...
重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(6节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (6car)
Created by Kaeru教信者 载具信息 Information: 名称 Name 重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(6节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (6car) 重慶軌道交通3号線モノレール電車(6両編成) 类型 Vehicle Type 跨座式单轨列车 Straddle monorail train 速度 ...
重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(8节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (8car)
Created by Kaeru教信者 载具信息 Information: 名称 Name 重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(8节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (8car) 重慶軌道交通3号線モノレール電車(8両編成) 类型 Vehicle Type 跨座式单轨列车 Straddle monorail train 速度 Speed 20 (游戏单位 Game Unit) 定员 Capacity...
Created by Katalepsis
Lets you paint buildings directly in-game. This mod adds a Color Field button to the Building Info Panel. Click this button and use the Color Picker to change the building's color. Buttons to Copy, Paste, or Erase are provided. Options to 'Colorize' whole ...
Remove Decoration Sprites ("Grass" and "Rocks")
Created by Katalepsis
If you are like me and dislike the games "decorative" grass and rock sprites, this mod is for you. With this mod enabled no decoration sprites will be rendered in the game, possibly even saving on some FPS and making the game nicer to look at from first pe...
Skyscape 1
Created by Katalepsis
Proof of concept for sky modding What this mod changes: Daytime sky to a tint with less green in it, difference is very subtle. See 1st image. More intense sunset/sunrise tints. See 2nd image. Sun size. The sun is larger. Sunlight intensity. This mod sets ...
Cobblestone Pedestrian/Shared Street
Created by Urbanist
UPDATE: Recommended to use Swanky Street by MrMiyagi instead It works properly Inspired by the Via Dante pedestrian street in Milan, Italy, this elegant cobblestone pedestrian / shared stree...
CSUR Extra Shift Pack [M21]
Created by VictoriaCity
This pack provides an extra set of CSUR shift modules. With this pack, shift module can move the roadway by at most 2 lane slots, compared with 1 slot or 1/5 slots in M1--M5 packs. Shift modules between a CSUR standard roadway and a centered roadway (3R=3C...
CSUR Left Exit Pack [M6]
Created by VictoriaCity
This pack provides additional CSUR modules mainly used for two-lane left exits. Three additional road combinations (base modules) are added which allows for the innermost lane extending beyond the center of the road, i.e., 3R2 (Road selector C 1 2), 4R3 (C...
Created by LIME
天气路况标牌-@哲仔2005自制 1145768310制作,本人代发...
CSUR Loader
Created by VictoriaCity
All assets and mods for CSUR are compatible with Sunset Harbor DLC and its free updates. Core utility mod for the all-new CSUR road system. This mod is required for any new CSUR road pack on the Workshop:
Air China B787-8
Created by abuchou
Air China B787-8 by abuchou 中国国际航空公司 波音787-8 Other China's plane 其他中国航空公司 China Southern 中国南方航空787 Hainan Airlines 海南航空787 Xiame...
China Eastern A330-200
Created by abuchou
China Eastern A330-200 by abuchou 中国东方航空 空中客车A330-200 Other China's plane 其他中国航空公司 Air China 中国国际航空787 China Southern 中国南方航空787 Hainan Airlines 海南航空787 Xiamen Air 厦门航空787 ...
China Southern B787-8
Created by abuchou
China Southern B787-8 中国南方航空 波音787-8 Other China's plane 其他中国航空公司 Air China 中国国际航空787 Hainan Airlines 海南航空787 Xiamen Air 厦门航空787...
Created by LIME
大家好~ V1版本地铁站,仿杭州地铁站 希望大家喜欢 未经本人同意 严禁转载企鹅平台 模型信息: 三角形计数:1236 贴图:1024X1024 ====================================== Hello everyone~~ V1 version of the subway station, imitation Hangzhou subway station~ if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: Tris: 1236 Text...
Invisible Pedestrian Path
Created by ako_ako
歩行者用の舗装路から舗装・橋桁・柱を除いた、見えない歩行者パスです。 TOKACHI269氏のペデストリアンデッキとの使用を想定しています。 発想次第では他にも使い道があるのではと思います。 This is an invisible pedestrian path. I removed pavement, girder and pillar from Pavement Path. You can use it together with Pedestrian Deck props by TOKACHI269...
Animated Propaganda LED Fixed
Created by amamIya
Animated Propaganda LED by amamIya Fixed by colddew98...
Tencent Logo
Created by Regened
Tencent Logo Includes "Tencent" and "Tencent腾讯" two different type of logo The mesh is only one side visible for building decoration use. Please use mod “Find it” and "Move it" to found and put....
CS Road Fence
Created by amamIya
CS Road Fence by amamIya...
Taiwan truck - Small Truck E0
Created by YufuCharioteer
台灣小型貨車E0 ▲自用小貨車,司機開回家了,不會去送貨~ ▲車體略長,有些停車位會空間不足,特別是立體停車場 常見的三噸半,從個人到企業均有使用的小型貨車,常用於運送雜貨或工具設備,這輛車使用四期堅達的底盤與一種常見的車斗,車上的行號我隨意命名的,若有同名純屬巧合 :3 本車修改自kazuma76與Ronyx69的車輛,感謝各作者提供的資源 工業 : here 林業 : here 油業 : here 道具 : here Taiwan truck - Small Truck E0 ▲Set as a pri...
CSUR Asym Pack [R4]
Created by amamIya
CSUR Asym Pack ...
Created by Onlylove
顺丰货运飞机_B by Onlylove...
Created by amamIya
CSUR BRT Pack ...
CSUR Basic Pack [R1]
Created by amamIya
CSUR Basic Pack ...
CSUR Crossing
Created by amamIya
CSUR Crossing by amamIya Containing 3 types of street crossing network for different junction angles 包含三种不同角度的人行横道,以适应不同角度的路口...
CSUR Decal Pack
Created by amamIya
CSUR Decal Pack by amamIya 28 types of decal...
CSUR Ext 5Lane [M4]
Created by amamIya
CSUR Ext 5Lane ...
CSUR Ext 6Lane [M5]
Created by amamIya
CSUR Ext 6Lane ...
CSUR Ext Roads [R2]
Created by amamIya
CSUR Ext Roads ...
CSUR Ext Roads [R3]
Created by amamIya
CSUR Ext Roads ...
CSUR Full Pack [M2]
Created by amamIya
CSUR Full Pack ...
Created by 红米先生
蓝色卡车 by 红米...
CSUR Lite Pack [M1]
Created by amamIya
CSUR Lite Pack ...
CSUR Pillar Pack
Created by amamIya
CSUR Pillar Pack by amamIya...
CSUR Slim Pack [M3]
Created by amamIya
CSUR Slim Pack ...
CSUR Sound Barrier
Created by amamIya
CSUR Sound Barrier by amamIya...
Chinese Community Wall 1
Created by amamIya
Chinese Community Wall 1 by amamIya...
Chinese Style Sculpture Pack
Created by amamIya
Chinese Style Sculpture Pack by amamIya...
Shanghai Style Bus shelter-hikke
Created by amamIya
Bus shelter-HI by hikke...
Oil Truck CNOOC
Created by azaza
Oil Truck CNOOC by azaza keywords : China Chinese Oil Truck thank jaijai for the model: steam://openurl/ ...
Oil Truck PetroChina
Created by azaza
Oil Truck PetroChina by azaza keywords : China Chinese Oil Truck thank jaijai for the model: steam://openurl/
Police Station (China)
Created by azaza
派出所 size :1X1 thank Zuben for the base model....
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...
Network Skins
Created by boformer Change the visual appearance of roads, train tracks and pedestrian paths per segment. This is an improved version of the well-known Network Skins mod, developed by TPB and boformer. Disable the other Network Skins mod before...
Prefab Hook (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer
This mod is used as a bridge between different mods (for better compatibility). Using Harmony for redirection. Note: If you are a mod creator, consider using Harmony instead to add prefixes/postfixed to InitializePrefab! This mod was created before the exi...
Created by Slicky
三车道车辆指示牌(一体) by Slicky 适配CSUR,带夜光...
Created by Slicky
Created by dymanoid Where are all these people from? Did you ever want to know where your citizens, tourists, and cargo trucks are moving from? This mod enables you to snoop that! In the info panel for citizens, tourists, their cars and bicycle...
Created by Slicky
Font Selector
Created by hippo
Cities: Skylines Font Selector ver0.9.4 (compatible with v1.16.1) Adds options for Font/BaseSize in OPTIONS menu in the game and enables to change the font and size dynamically. Usage 1) Enable this Mod in the content manager. 2) Font option is added to OP...
Created by Slicky
五车道分流指示 by Slicky...
Heavy Truck 6x2
Created by jaijai
Heavy Truck 6x2, Wing body Asset Details Category: Industry Capacity: 10,000 Triangles: 1026, Texture: 1024x512 LoD Triangles: 44, LoD Texture: 64x64 The 8x4 version is here. Prop is here....
Created by Slicky
【快】交通实况路牌 by Slicky...
ISUZU GIGA 8x4 Warehouse
Created by jaijai
This asset has been converted from ISUZU GIGA G-CARGO 8x4. This truck is used only for transporting Unique Products in Industries. Asset Details Category: Warehouse Capacity: 10,000 ...
Created by Slicky
六车道分流指示 by Slicky...
Created by jaijai
Isuzu GIGA tractor and a dump semi-trailer Tractor Isuzu GIGA tractor 6x4. Trailer Dump Trailer A. Asset Details Category: Ore Capacity: 10,000 ...
Created by Slicky
出口前方200m标示 by Slicky...
ISUZU GIGA Forestry Truck
Created by jaijai
Isuzu GIGA tractor and a forestry semi-trailer Tractor Isuzu GIGA tractor 6x4. Trailer Forestry Trailer C. Asset Details Category: Forestry Capacity: 11,000 ...
Created by Slicky
Created by jaijai
Isuzu GIGA G-CARGO 8x4 Truck Isuzu GIGA 2015 QKG-CYJ77 23A Asset Details Category: Industry Capacity: 10,000 Triangles: 1539, Texture: 1024x512 LoD Triangles: 66, LoD Texture: 64x32 Prop is here....
【快】分流大指路牌 空白
Created by Slicky
分流大指路牌 空白 by Slicky...
ISUZU GIGA Garbage Truck
Created by jaijai
Isuzu GIGA garbage dump truck Truck Asset Details Category: Garbage Capacity: 22,000 (increased by 10%) The recycling style is here. Prop is here....
【快】分流小指路牌 空白
Created by Slicky
分流小指路牌 空白 Slicky...
Created by jaijai
Isuzu GIGA tractor and a semi-trailer. Tractor Isuzu GIGA 2016 QKG-EXD77 It is available only in some regions including Japan. The previous generation products are sold in the worldwide as Isuzu E-series. This is sold as VC61 in China and is manufactured b...
【快】前方出口 空白
Created by Slicky
前方出口 空白 by Slicky...
ISUZU GIGA Recycle Truck
Created by jaijai
Isuzu GIGA garbage dump truck Truck Asset Details Category: Garbage Capacity: 22,000 (increased by 10%) The biofuel version is here. Prop is here....
Created by Slicky
中式快速路#右侧出口#Chinese style Roadsign...
ISUZU GIGA Recycle Truck (Biofuel)
Created by jaijai
Isuzu GIGA garbage dump truck Asset Details Truck Category: Biofuel Garbage Capacity: 22,000 (increased by 10%) Triangles: 1409, Texture: 1024x512 LoD Triangles: 59, LoD Texture: 32x32(auto generated) Garbage This is shown when full. Triangles: 18, Texture...
Created by Slicky
【快】四车道车辆指示牌(一体) by Slicky,适配CSUR,带夜光...
Created by Slicky
Created by kazuma76
TOYOTA LAND CRUISER 100 Triangle Polygon Count Main : 3284 Lod : 30 Support Ofuse (Donation)...
Created by Slicky
Hide Crosswalks V3.3 [EXPERIMENTAL]
Created by kian.zarrin Steam servers are unreliable if you do not see text then delete all files from your mod content folder manually. then resub to them again. ** Migrating between mods? (true for any mod) You must exit to desktop AFTER you have...
CSL Show More Limits
Created by knighthawkGP
CSL Show More Limits v1.7.0_f5 Build_01 Purpose Basically an enhanced version of emf's mod Show Limits This one shows a few more items and corrects a few short comings I found in the original as well as providing the optional ability to log or record the i...
Created by Slicky
快速路入口标识LED by Slicky...
Created by Slicky
Intersection Marking Tool 1.14.4
Created by macsergey Overview This mod allows you to quickly create road markings at intersections. This is for detailing and aesthetics ONLY and WILL NOT tell your traffic where to go. If you want to control traf...
2014 Toyota Camry
Created by ninjanoobslayer
The Bestselling Car for Fourteen Years Straight Introduced to the world in 1983, the Camry quickly became the car of choice for people wanting a simple, utilitarian, and reliable ride. Now, your Cims can finally enjoy that s...
Created by Slicky
中式快速路#直行出口#Chinese style Roadsign...
2016 Ford Fusion / Mondeo
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Ford's Flagship Sedan For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Mondeo nameplate, that is what the Ford Fusion is known globally. Since I make primarily American vehicles, this one will carry the Fusion badging, but liter...
Created by Slicky
立交桥导流指路牌(定向) by Slicky,带夜光...
2017 Lexus NX 300h
Created by ninjanoobslayer
A Luxury Japanese SUV The luxury segment is often dominated by European heavyweights. In the recent years (not that recent, after 2000, to be exact), there have been a few excellently designed Japanese and American alternati...
Created by Slicky
立交桥导流指路牌(苜蓿叶) by Slicky,带夜光...
2017 Toyota Rav4
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Bring the most popular Toyota SUV to Your Cims One of my favorite vehicles, the other one being the 2018 Camry (no idea on when release is, haven't even made it yet), the 2017 Rav4 is one of the most popular compact SUVs on ...
Created by Slicky
十字路口 by Slicky...
Norway Scania Fire Engine Red
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Red Fire Engine for Your Norwegian Cities Complement your Norweigan cities with a firetruck that matches your local livery. This red fire engine will be sure to fit right into Skylines Brannvesen Norwegian Yellow Version Her...
【蓝】十字路口 空白
Created by Slicky
十字路口 空白 by Slicky...
Created by Slicky
四车道分流指示 by Slicky...
CSUR ToolBox
Created by pcfantasy
CSUR ToolBox Re-write the whole road system in Cities Skylines to support CSUR2.0 Main features: 1. Provide a UI panel which makes it easy to find CSUR roads 2. Make it much easier to select roads with offsets on the map by clicking on road models instead ...
Created by Slicky
高速出口预告500m by Slicky...
More Effective Transfer Manager
Created by pcfantasy
Optimize transfer manager in vanilla game. match the shortest transfer bettween offers 中文简单介绍: 让货物或者服务运输更有效率 举例: 1.买家会找最近的卖家买东西,卖家会找最近的买家卖东西(绕口令:)) 2.城市服务会找最近的楼(如果能服务过来的话) Give me feedback: here What is this mod`s effect There will be less situation like t...
Regular Trees 4 pack
Created by pdelmo
4 Generic shaped trees Stats and info: Textures all are 256x256 Tris Small 380 Columnar 700 Full 928 Crown 800 Smaller Leaves and billbording for a more realistic look...
Created by Slicky
合流标识 by Slicky...
Network Extensions 2
Created by sniggledigit
Now Using Harmony 2.2 What's New (v. Updated for Hotels & Retreats (v. Now compatible with Better Education Toolbar (v1.2.0.0) Updated for compatibility with Plazas & Promenades Source:
Created by Slicky
指路牌 by Slicky Chinese Style Roadsign...
Find It! 2
Created by sway
This mod allows you to search, filter, select, and place assets. It also provides some extra info that are usually not available in vanilla game. Unsubscribe the BETA version before you use this mod! This mod was forked from...
Less Steam
Created by thale5
This mod reduces unnecessary network traffic with Steam Enable the mod as usual. The mod runs during the Paradox logo, so it will take effect the next time you start the game. How much traffic is there? Content Manager generates lots of it. If you have 100...
Marked Incompatible ]  Loading Screen Mod
Created by thale5
Update May 22, 2021 Support for the new DLCs. Update Oct 31, 2020 Support for the Chinese language. My thanks to @Yuuki for the translation! Update Sep 23, 2019 New Safe Mode loading options. Read here. Update Jul 28, 2019 New feature: Optimize thumbnails ...
No Seagulls
Created by thale5
This is a lightweight mod that removes seagulls from your city. The mod does two things: - it patches the game so that seagulls are no longer created - once a save has loaded, it looks up all seagulls and asks Citizen Manager to let them go. The changes ar...
First Person Camera: Updated
Created by tony56a
An update of nlight's First-person camera! Also: a fix for the light flickering issue when following a vehicle/pedestrian. adjustable vehicle camera offset positioning increased field of depth options for a more "isometric camera"-y feel ( reduce field of ...
DHJ-Truck 044 China Air Cargo
Created by willemdhj
PROP version A PROP version of the trailer can be found here Original Trailer Used Scania R Streamline, agri by Onionjack_ Original Trucks Used Volvo FH '14 by AleX_BY Scania R Topline Agricultural by Ozi Scania R500 2016 by DanDeKalb D3S Mercedes-Benz Act...
Created by zcy
chinese style 8848 billboard...
China-当代中国 强军主题宣传牌
Created by zcy
china/chinese style强军主题宣传牌 by zcy prop版本也已经发布...
KK100 / 京基100
Created by Rodrigo
KK100 / 京基100 from Shenzhen / 深圳, China / 中国 formerly known as Kingkey 100. I tried to stay reasonably faithful to the real building while also considering performance. The LED screen is animated and resembles what the real one does to the extent that it w...
Created by
欢迎加入我的qq群:天际线深度造景研讨。 群号:685293770 希望喜欢造景、配置不错的朋友加入进来。做出一个更棒的城市。...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺中顶短轴版 Ford Transit Medium Roof Short Wheelbase Black Bumper 黑色保险杠版
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺中顶短轴黑色保险杠版。游戏中作为家用商务车出现 2013 JMC Ford Transit with black bumper, medium roof short wheelbase version. It spawns as a MPV in the game. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 1941 Textures: 1024*512...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺中顶长轴版 JMC Ford Transit Medium Roof Long Wheelbase 中国囚车
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺中顶长轴版中国囚车。订阅此资产需要入夜DLC! 2013 JMC Ford Transit Chinese prisoner transport vehicle, medium roof long wheelbase version. For this vehicle to spawn, After Dark DLC is needed! 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 2065 Textures: ...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺低顶短轴版 JMC Ford Transit Low Roof Short Wheelbase Box Van Truck 封闭式货车
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺低顶短轴版封闭式货车 2013 JMC Ford Transit box van truck, low roof short wheelbase version. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 1922 Textures: 1024*512...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺低顶短轴版 JMC Ford Transit Low Roof Short Wheelbase Securicar 运钞车
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺低顶短轴版运钞车。在游戏中作为商业货车出现 2013 JMC Ford Transit securicar, low roof short wheelbase version. It spawns as a box van truck in the game. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 2384 Textures: 1024*512...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版 JMC Ford Transit High Roof Long Wheelbase Box Van Truck 封闭式货车
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版封闭式货车。 2013 JMC Ford Transit Chinese box van truck, high roof long wheelbase version. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 2003 Textures: 1024*512...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版 JMC Ford Transit High Roof Long Wheelbase Box Van Truck 货拉拉涂装
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版封闭式货车(货拉拉涂装)。 2013 JMC Ford Transit box van truck, high roof long wheelbase version. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 2003 Textures: 1024*512...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版 JMC Ford Transit High Roof Long Wheelbase DHL Postal Van 中外运敦豪
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版邮政货车(敦豪DHL)。订阅此资产需要工业DLC! 2013 JMC Ford Transit DHL Postal Van, high roof long wheelbase version. For this vehicle to spawn, Industries DLC is needed! 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 2003 Textures: 1024*512...
中车电动C10 新都蓉桂涂装
Created by ZEIR
CRRC C10 XD by ZEIR 类型:载具 品牌:中车电动 系列:C10 涂装:新都蓉桂 颜色:可变 最大速度:140KM/H 载客量:100 贴图:2048*1024 搜索:中车,中国,公交车,新都,成都 Type: Vehicle Brand: CRRC EV Series: C10 Painting: Xindu Ronggui Color: variable Maximum speed: 140KM/H Passenger capacity: 100 Texture: 2048*1024...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版 JMC Ford Transit High Roof Long Wheelbase Postal Van 中国邮政
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版邮政货车(中国邮政)。订阅此资产需要工业DLC! 2013 JMC Ford Transit Postal Van, high roof long wheelbase version. For this vehicle to spawn, Industries DLC is needed! 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 2003 Textures: 1024*512...
Created by ZEIR
BK6111CNG by ZEIR 北京公交主力车型之一,量产时间从1999年到2002年,总共5个版本。压缩天然气(CNG)单一燃料,清洁环保。欧ll排放标准。采用康明斯发动机,有手动挡和自动挡之分。由于年事已高,BK6111CNG已于2009年开始报废,2012年已完全报废。还有一部分作为公交抢修车。 分类:载具+摆件 类型:公交车 品牌:京华 系列:BK6111CNG 涂装:北京公交 颜色:不可变 载客量:10...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版 JMC Ford Transit High Roof Long Wheelbase Postal Van 顺丰速运
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版邮政货车(顺丰速运)。订阅此资产需要工业DLC! 2013 JMC Ford Transit Postal Van, high roof long wheelbase version. For this vehicle to spawn, Industries DLC is needed! 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop 模型信息 三角面数: 2003 贴图尺寸: 1024*512 Model Information Tris: 2003...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版 JMC Ford Transit High Roof Long Wheelbase 工程抢险车
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版中国工程抢险车。 游戏中作为道路养护车出现。订阅此资产需要下雪DLC! 2013 JMC Ford Transit Chinese breakdown vehicle, high roof long wheelbase version. It spawns as a road maintenance vehicle in the game. For this vehicle to spawn, Snowfall DLC is needed! 内容 车辆&摆件 Conte...
安凯 HFF5129ZTB-广州
Created by ZEIR
ANKAI-HFF5129ZTB-广州 by ZEIR 关键词:安凯客车、中国、广东、广州、第一巴士、大白 分类:载具 类型:无轨电车 品牌:安凯 系列:HFF5129 涂装:广州公交 颜色:可变 载客量:90 Category: Vehicle Type: Trolley Bus Brand: ANKAI Series: HFF5129 Skin: GUANGZHOU Bus Color: Yes Passenger capacity: 90 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you...
Chengdu BRT bus
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
18m hinged bus made in Chengdu, China....
安凯 HFF6129G03EV12-广州
Created by ZEIR
ANKAI-HFF6129G03EV12-广州 by ZEIR 关键词:安凯客车、中国、广东、广州、纯电动、七巧板 分类:载具 类型:公交车 品牌:安凯 系列:HFF6129 涂装:广州公交 颜色:不可变 载客量:90 Category: Vehicle Type: Bus Brand: ANKAI Series: HFF6129 Skin: GUANGZHOU Bus Color: No Passenger capacity: 90 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel...
Chinese copcars
Created by 言绥
CNPD by 飞行的荷兰人 已修复车身闪烁问题...
Created by ZEIR
替换原版公交候车亭为不锈钢系列 替换原版道路和NE2道路的大型、小型公交候车亭 暂时未发现兼容性问题 有问题可以在下面留言 Replace the original bus shelter with stainless steel series Replace the large and small bus shelters of the original road and NE2 Road No compatibility issues found at this time If you have any...
Created by ZEIR
分类:载具+摆件 类型:公交车 品牌:福田 系列:BJ6128 涂装:北京公交 颜色:可变(电显Logo变色、后风挡顶部变色) 载客量:180 Category: Vehicle+Prop Type: Bus Brand: FOTON Series: BJ6128 Skin: Beijing Bus Color: Change Color Passenger capacity: 180 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel good, you can donate me ...
Created by ZEIR
FOTON-BJ6180EV-ZEIR BUS by ZEIR 关键词:福田客车、中国、北京、BRT 分类:载具+摆件 类型:公交车 品牌:福田 系列:BJ6180 涂装:北京公交 颜色:可变(空调两侧图标) 载客量:200 电显需订阅 Additive Shader Category: Vehicle+Prop Type: Bus Brand: FOTON Series: BJ6180 Skin: Beijing Bus Color: Change Color Passenger capacity: 20...
Created by ZEIR
FOTON-BJ6123FCEV by ZEIR 分类:载具+摆件 类型:公交车 品牌:福田 系列:BJ6123 涂装:北京公交 颜色:不可变 载客量:150 贴图:1024*1024 Category: Vehicle+Prop Type: Bus Brand: FOTON Series: BJ6126 Painting: Beijing Bus Color: Can't change Passenger capacity: 150 Texture: 1024*1024...
Xiamen Air B787-8
Created by abuchou
Xiamen Air B787-8 by abuchou 厦门航空 波音787-8 Other China's plane 其他中国航空公司 Air China 中国国际航空787 China Southern 中国南方航空787 Hainan Airli...
博华医院 Bohua Hospital
Created by amamIya
博华医院 Bohua Hospital by amamIya Hospital Real Glass AnimUV Model: Main:6088 Glass:2587 SubMesh:32008 Lod: Main:1381 Others:0 Texture: Main:1024 Others:256 LOD:64...
市公安局 Municipal PSB
Created by amamIya
市公安局 Municipal PSB by amamIya Real Glass Caution: High Polyhedron Model Polyhedron: 36433 LOD Polyhedron: 2688 Texture: Major Structure: 1024*1024, 64*64 Glass & others : 256*256, null Area: 15*9 Jail capacity: 200 Police Car: 40 ...
中國郵政(China Post)
Created by azaza
China Post, this version is a post office. The another version is an office, at here: 此版本是郵局,可以使用。需要《工業dlc》。...
Created by hikke
Created by hikke
注意 只适合双向四车道...
Created by hikke
Created by hikke
Created by hikke
seawall-s2 河堤护坡
Created by hikke
大家好 这是第二个河堤护坡 新dlc开放了道路编辑功能 游戏自带的护坡也可以进行编辑 特点是和游戏的一样 可以自己拉弧度 在也不用一个个扑通了~ ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is Sea Wall-s2 I used the road editing function to make Characteristics and the game is the same as quay You can directly pul...
水位警戒 护岸用
Created by hikke
Created by hikke
Alibaba Logo
Created by Regened
Alibaba Logo The mesh is only one side visible for building decoration use. Please use mod “Find it” and "Move it" to found and put....
[HEARSE] 2019 Cadillac XTS
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Modern Luxury For the Deceased Welcome to the new XTS series, with a refreshed optimized model that actually reflects the Cadillac line. The XTS is the platform Cadillac provides for funeral and livery purposes. The XTS hear...
[EV] 2017 Volkswagen eGolf Electric
Created by ninjanoobslayer
An Electric Sport Hatchback Electric drives are getting sportier year by year. The VW e-Golf electric hatchback is one of the first sport hatchback to use an all electric drivetrain. Let your Cims satisfy their German cravin...
[EV] 2016 Ford C-Max Energi
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Green American Electric Vehicle Got smog and soot in your city? Give your Cims an alternate means of transportation through hybrid and electric vehicles. One of the newer contenders in the electric vehicle market is the Ford...
[CIV] 2017 Honda Civic ZipCar
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Rental Car For Your Young Cims Cims too young to drive a car from Enterprise, Hertz, or Avis? Need a car for a short period of time? Zipcar is here to provide for you. Featuring a fleet of pure white Civics, they can put you...
Created by ninjanoobslayer
福特警用车 Deck out your Chinese city with a Chinese police vehicle! If a lot of people like this, I may make more realistic Chinese vehicles in the future. We'll see. Use Service Vehicle Selector or Service Vehicle Manager (my p...
深圳市民中心|ShenZhen Civic Center
Created by yamei
深圳市民中心 ShenZhen Civic Center 深圳市民中心,位于深圳市中心区的福田区,占地91万平方米,北靠莲花山,南向深圳中央商务区。室内空间设计由J&A姜峰室内设计有限公司设计;建筑设计由美国Lee·Timchula建筑师事务所设计,建筑面积达21万平方米,总投资为人民币25亿元。 深圳市民中心集深圳市人民政府、深圳市人民代表大会、深圳博物馆、深圳会堂等多功能为一体的综合性建筑,是深圳的行政中心,市政府主要办公机构,同时也是市民娱乐活动的场所,成为了深圳市政府的形象代言,深圳最具有标志性的建...
Created by zcy
Created by zcy
中国风格宣传牌-chinese style...
Created by 小翔xiang
道路监控 by 小翔xiang 十字路口红绿灯前的长臂道路监控 高6米,臂长11米,较适用六车道及八车道 可在公园-道具栏中或使用find it 搜索监控找到此物品 如有任何问题请在评论区留言...
Created by 恐怖机器人
华为4G基站Huawei 4G base station
Created by 六六
华为4G基站 为了使用方便,本资产无基站塔,只有发射器 你可以选择将他们装在任何建筑物墙壁 中国基站辐射标准为每平方米0.1左右 可以不用担心居民为此和你的啾啾发脾气 感谢你的使用 Huawei 4G base station For ease of use, this asset has no base station tower, only transmitter You can choose to mount them on any building wall China's base station...
华为5G基站Huawei 5G base station
Created by 六六
华为5G基站 居民正式进入飞速网络时代 为了使用方便,本资产无基站塔,只有发射器 你可以选择将他们装在任何建筑物墙壁 中国基站辐射标准为每平方米0.1左右 可以不用担心居民为此和你的啾啾发脾气 感谢你的使用,希望你所在的地区尽快进入5G的新时代 Huawei 5G base station Residents officially entered the era of rapid network For ease of use, this asset has no base station tower, o...
特斯拉Tesla Model-X
Created by
Tesla Model-X by...
特斯拉Tesla model-s
Created by
特斯拉Tesla model-s by 澄 造景交流qq群 天际线深度造景研讨 群号:685293770 ...
【抗击疫情】江铃福特全顺负压救护车 JMC Ford Transit Negative Pressure Ambulance
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
在此次新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情期间,被誉为“医护人员的移动口罩”的负压救护车挽救了无数人的生命,发挥了巨大的作用。疫情在武汉爆发后,作为中国最大的救护车生产厂商之一的江铃汽车做出了积极的响应,江铃全体员工主动放弃假期返回工厂连夜加班生产了一大批全顺负压救护车来支援武汉。 During the COVID-19 outbreak, the negative pressure ambulance, which is often regarded as "mobile masks" for medical staff...
一汽大众捷达出租车(绿色)FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Taxi (Green)
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
捷达是中国大陆最常见的出租车型之一,这个资产采用了最常见的双色配色。若要订阅此资产您需要有入夜DLC。 Jetta is one of the most popular taxi in mainland China, This asset is painted in bio-color. For the taxi to spawn, After Dark DLC is needed! Model Information Tris: 2332/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众捷达出租车(涂装2红色)FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Taxi (Painting 2 Red)
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
北京出租车涂装,若要订阅此资产您需要有入夜DLC。 This asset is painted in Beijing taxi style. For the taxi to spawn, After Dark DLC is needed! Model Information Tris: 2332/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众捷达中国警车 FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Chinese Police Car
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
一汽大众捷达中国警车 FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Chinese Police Car Model Information Tris: 2348/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众捷达出租车(涂装2蓝色)FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Taxi (Painting 2 Blue)
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
北京出租车涂装,若要订阅此资产您需要有入夜DLC。 This asset is painted in Beijing taxi style. For the taxi to spawn, After Dark DLC is needed! Model Information Tris: 2332/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众捷达出租车(蓝色)FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Taxi (Blue)
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
捷达是中国大陆最常见的出租车型之一,这个资产采用了最常见的双色配色。若要订阅此资产您需要有入夜DLC。 Jetta is one of the most popular taxi in mainland China, This asset is painted in bio-color. For the taxi to spawn, After Dark DLC is needed! Model Information Tris: 2332/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众捷达出租车(黄色)FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Taxi (Yellow)
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
捷达是中国大陆最常见的出租车型之一,这个资产采用了最常见的双色配色。若要订阅此资产您需要有入夜DLC。 Jetta is one of the most popular taxi in mainland China, This asset is painted in bio-color. For the taxi to spawn, After Dark DLC is needed! Model Information Tris: 2332/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众捷达15款 FAW-Volkswagen Jetta
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
这款捷达是一汽大众于2013年推出的一款中国特产的基于PQ25平台的A级轿车。 FAW-Volkswagen first released this car in 2013, it's called Jetta (Chinese version) and based on the PQ25 platform. Model Information Tris: 2224/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众捷达教练车 FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Learner-driven Car
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
你可以在你建造的驾校或训练场放置教练车。 You can place this vehicle in your driving school. Model Information Tris: 2224/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
Hyundai Avante AD/Elantra AD 2016
Created by K_Green
현대 아반떼 AD 2016년형 Hyundai Avante AD(export name : Elantra AD) 2016 포함 항목 Contents - Hyundai Avante AD-1 - Hyundai Avante AD-2 에셋 제원 속도 : 150km/h Tris : 6694 1024X1024 texture NOTICE 이 에셋은 Additive Shader 모드를 이용하여 주간주행등을 재현하였습니다. 모드없이 사용가능하나, 모드 사용을 권장드립니다. ...
庆铃五十铃 ISUZU ELF KV600 快狗打车上装
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
庆铃五十铃KV600载货车是重庆庆铃汽车生产的中国版Elf轻卡。 Qingling KV600 is the Chinese version of the classic Isuzu light truck Elf made in Chongqing, China. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 3980/112 Textures: 1024*1024/128*128...
庆铃五十铃 ISUZU ELF KV600 蚂蚁搬家上装
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
庆铃五十铃KV600载货车是重庆庆铃汽车生产的中国版Elf轻卡。 Qingling KV600 is the Chinese version of the classic Isuzu light truck Elf made in Chongqing, China. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 3980/112 Textures: 1024*1024/128*128...
庆铃五十铃 ISUZU ELF KV600 货拉拉上装
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
庆铃五十铃KV600载货车是重庆庆铃汽车生产的中国版Elf轻卡。 Qingling KV600 is the Chinese version of the classic Isuzu light truck Elf made in Chongqing, China. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 3980/112 Textures: 1024*1024/128*128...
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
中国杭州生产的一款美国风十足的无轨电车。 An American style trolley bus made in Hangzhou, China. It's actually a tram Model Information: 4228 Tris Textures 1024 x 1024 No custom LOD model...
上汽桑塔纳 刁民用车 Santana 普桑
Created by ZM0263
上汽桑塔纳 刁民用车 Santana 普桑 by 醉梦0263...
上汽桑塔纳 教练车 Santana 普桑
Created by ZM0263
上汽桑塔纳 教练车 Santana 普桑 by 醉梦0263...
上汽桑塔纳 警车 Santana 普桑
Created by ZM0263
上汽桑塔纳 警车 Santana 普桑 by 醉梦0263...
五菱荣光 2014 刁民用车
Created by ZM0263
五菱荣光 2014 刁民用车 by 醉梦0263...
五菱荣光 2014 商业货车
Created by ZM0263
五菱荣光 2014 商业货车 by 醉梦0263...
依维柯 得意 A35 43S5 纯色 IVECO
Created by ZM0263
依维柯 得意 A35 43S5 纯色 IVECO by 醉梦0263 型号:依维柯A35 43S5 车长:4850 车宽:2000 车高:2495 车速:125...
依维柯 得意 A35 43S5 经典 IVECO
Created by ZM0263
依维柯 得意 A35 43S5 经典 IVECO by 醉梦0263 型号:依维柯A35 43S5 车长:4850 车宽:2000 车高:2495 车速:125...
宇通 10米 E10 双色涂装
Created by ZM0263
宇通 10米 E10 双色涂装 by 醉梦0263...
宇通 ZK6996H5Z 浙江快客 YUTONG
Created by ZM0263
宇通 ZK6996H5Z 浙江快客 YUTONG by 醉梦0263 公告型号 ZK6996H5Z 用途 客运客车,旅游客车,团体客车 车身长度 9949mm 车身宽度 2500mm 车身高度 3320,3420mm 座位数 24-44 最高车速 100km/h 游戏中为城际巴士 盖好了客运站后 等了一段时间我的城市一辆城际巴士都没有。。所以没有截图了...
宇通 ZK6128HQB5Z 原厂涂装 YUTONG
Created by ZM0263
宇通 ZK6128HQB5Z 原厂涂装 YUTONG by 醉梦0263 公告型号 ZK6128HQB5Z 用途 客运客车,旅游客车,团体客车 车身长度 12000mm 车身宽度 2550mm 车身高度 3695mm 座位数 25-54 最高车速 100km/h...
宇通 ZK6996H5Z 温州快线 YUTONG
Created by ZM0263
宇通 ZK6996H5Z 温州快线 YUTONG by 醉梦0263 公告型号 ZK6996H5Z 用途 客运客车,旅游客车,团体客车 车身长度 9949mm 车身宽度 2500mm 车身高度 3320,3420mm 座位数 24-44 最高车速 100km/h 游戏中为城际巴士 盖好了客运站后 等了一段时间我的城市一辆城际巴士都没有。。所以没有截图了...
江铃全顺 JX6651T-N5 纯色 商业用车 FORD
Created by ZM0263
江铃全顺 JX6651T-N5 纯色 商业用车 FORD by 醉梦0263 JX6651T-N5 长度: 6.503米 宽度: 2.095米 高度: 2.360米/2.161米 最高车速: 145km/h 额定载客: 10-17...
江铃 JX5048 mod2 标准涂装 商业
Created by ZM0263
江铃 JX5048 mod2 标准涂装 商业 by 醉梦0263 Type:commerce; trade; business;...
江铃 JX5048 mod2 标准涂装 农业
Created by ZM0263
江铃 JX5048 mod2 标准涂装 农业 by 醉梦0263 Type:agriculture; farming; ...
江铃全顺 JX6651T-N5 纯色 FORD
Created by ZM0263
江铃全顺 JX6651T-N5 纯色 FORD by 醉梦0263 JX6651T-N5 长度: 6.503米 宽度: 2.095米 高度: 2.360米/2.161米 最高车速: 145km/h 额定载客: 10-17...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 农业货车 标准涂装
Created by ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 农业货车 标准涂装 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 农业货车 金坷垃运输车
Created by ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 农业货车 金坷垃运输车 by 醉梦0263 整车尺寸 5.995米 2.13米 3.1米 货箱参数 4.07米 2.05米 2.05米...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 商业区货车 标准涂装
Created by ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 商业区货车 标准涂装 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 工业区货车 标准涂装
Created by ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 工业区货车 标准涂装 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-中国邮政
Created by ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-中国邮政 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-中通快递
Created by ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-中通快递 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-圆通快递
Created by ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-圆通快递 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-天天快递2
Created by ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-天天快递2 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-天天快递1
Created by ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-天天快递1 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-申通快递
Created by ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-申通快递 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-德邦物流
Created by ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-德邦物流 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-百世汇通
Created by ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-百世汇通 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-韵达快递
Created by ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-韵达快递 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-顺丰快递2
Created by ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-顺丰快递2 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-顺丰快递1
Created by ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-顺丰快递1 by 醉梦0263...
金龙 13米 XMQ6141G 双色涂装
Created by ZM0263
金龙 13米 XMQ6141G 双色涂装 by 醉梦0263...
青年 JNP6127F 原厂涂装 YOUNGMAN
Created by ZM0263
青年 JNP6127F 原厂涂装 YOUNGMAN by 醉梦0263 青年客车JNP6127F 等级 高一级 用途 客运客车,旅游客车,团体客车 车身长度 12000mm 车身宽度 2550mm 车身高度 3960mm 座位数 41-57,27-40 最高车速 125km/h ====== 面数 5410 贴图 1024*1024...
Rebalanced Industries Revisited 0.9.2
Created by Mbyron26
Overview Rebalances Industries DLC, reduce traffic flow, increase cargo loading and more. New in version 0.9.2 Code cleanup. Updated to CSShared framework. Updated localization. Main Functions: Using new algorithm to increas...
Prop Control 1.0
Created by algernon A lightweight alternative for Prop Anarchy for those who don't want to (or can't) use Prop Anarchy or Extended Managers Library. Written with an emphasis on stability, to avoid the current issues with Prop Anarchy/Extended M...
Adaptive Networks (AN) V3.18 (STABLE)
Created by Chamëleon TBN Adaptive Networks STABLE formerly known as Adaptive Roads (AR). As a lot of new functions will be released in future that also include other networks we decided to rename Adaptive Roads (AR) to Adaptive Networks (AN) and als...
Streamlined Toolbar
Created by Delta 5-1 The mod makes a number of small changes in the toolbar, to make finding the right item that little bit easier. Removes all Content Creator Pack tabs, their contents moved to the most relevant tab. This means: No more lone-it...
Outside Traffic Balancer
Created by Delta 5-1 Description The default game behaviour is that each outside road connection accepts the same amount of traffic, whether it's a multi-lane highway or a narrow country lane. This mod adjusts the amount of outside traffic propo...
Play It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to change different aspects of game simulation. NEW IN 1.20 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.19 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.16.1-f2...
Dynamic Resolution (Fixed for 1.9!)
Created by Gradius Twin
NOW WORKING IN 1.9 GREEN CITIES! KNOWN ISSUE - MAC OS X: This mod is currently broken on the Mac. Installing this mod on a Mac will result in the blank sky bug. Removing (or disabling) it and restarting the game will fix the problem. I would love to suppor...
Transport Lines Manager 14.5
Created by t1a2l This is and updated version of Klyte45 mod all credit goes to him Bugs reports & new features requests must be done at repository page. Check at end of description! Update 14.5.3 -Fix intercity bus line bug with two way outs...
Building Spawn Points 1.4.1
Created by macsergey Overview This mod allows you change and add building points where spawn vehicles What’s Included Change position of existing spawn points Add additional spawn points Spawn vehicles from any si...
Lifecycle Rebalance Revisited 1.6.8
Created by algernon Using Game Anarchy? Be sure to DISABLE Game Anarchy's "Maximize education coverage" option. New in 1.6 MAJOR NEW FEATURE: realistic early life ageing and progress, from early childhood to young adult (optional, customizable)...
Traffic Volume
Created by thejoun
Displays exact traffic count and a pie chart for the selected road segment in the Traffic Routes panel. Works with buildings too - allowing you to check how many cims attend a school or how many commuters use a transport hub. You can also view the numbers ...
Demographics: Jobs, Workplaces, Health, Wealth, and more!
Created by Rentgen Rukogama
Welcome to Demographics Mod! *** Compatible with Airports and all major mods! *** USAGE For Jobs / Workplaces: press the little "plus" button in the "Population" info panel.(For other stats, see below). Information is split ...
AD Cloud Replacer
Created by neinnew/네인
AD Cloud Replacer This mod has been upgraded from enabler to replacer! Now you can replace the clouds Available clouds pack in Workshop What is the AD cloud? It is old cloud that came with After Dark DLC, but disappeared due to Snowfall DLC and weather upd...
Automatic Pedestrian Bridge Builder V2.0 [Beta]
Created by kian.zarrin Automatically builds pedestrian bridges over and also tunnels under junctions/roundabouts/roads. (and disables pedestrian zebra crossings if TMPE is present). Also able to connect alleys to main roads (see screenshots). Usag...
Cubemap Replacer (Read description!)
Created by BloodyPenguin
Replaces daytime skybox & reflections in windows and water surfaces. Photorealistic clouds without Photoshop, yay! NOTE: To see sky texture change like on screenshot you must have Daylight Classic installed with 'Classic fog effect' option enabled! That mo...
81 Tiles 2
Created by algernon Overview A rewrite of the old '81 tiles' mod to increase performance and resolve bugs. Enables unlocking (and building on) all map tiles, not just the 25 in the middle. Includes optional Remove Need for Power Lines, Remove N...
FPS Booster
Created by Krzychu1245
Increases in-game frame rate, but... results may vary because there are many factors like CPU/GPU speed, RAM usage, current in-game scene complexity etc. Disclaimer: you need good and efficient GPU cooling, because this mod may force your GPU run at full s...
Game Anarchy 1.2
Created by Mbyron26
Overview Extends and optimize game's functions. New in version 1.2 Updated to CSShared framework. Updated localization. Contains Functions: GA has a control panel in the game, use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+G or the UUI button ...
Hide TMPE crosswalks V3.2 [stable]
Created by kian.zarrin link to Experimental Mod! CLICK HERE to understand where are the log files and how to upload them. ** Migrating between mods? (true for any mod) you must exit to desktop AFTER you have unsubscribed from the old version. ** N...
Loading Screen Mod Revisited 1.1.9
Created by algernon A replacement for, and continuation of, thale5's original Loading Screen Mod. Includes improved performance and compatibility with other mods, as well as some new features: Skip network and tree prefabs (in addition to the o...
Network Anarchy
Created by Quboid
Network Anarchy 3.2.5 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17 (23nd May Update) This mod adds additional options when building networks (roads, quays, etc) and provides game-wide anarchy to let you break the placement rules. Ne...
Network Multitool 1.3.5
Created by macsergey Overview This mod provides many different tools for working with networks What’s Included Add node mode: add node to exist segment Remove node mode: remove node and join segments Union nodes m...
Node Controller Renewal 3.5
Created by macsergey Overview This mod allows you change node type and shape This is renewal version of original Node Controller by kian.zarrin with improved UI/UX. The new UI allows you to make the perfect inters...
Parking Lot Snapping
Created by [SSU]yenyang Step 1: Watch the video above. Also available on Youtube. Step 2: Read this description: Parking Lot Snapping swaps the default AI for the Parking Space Assets (abbreviated PSA) created by others with a custom built AI. The ...
Created by Quboid
Picker Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17 (23nd May Update) If you use EML / Prop Anarchy, you must update to Extended Managers Library fix and Prop Anarchy fix! With Picker, you can choose any object placed on the map to ...
Ploppable RICO Revisited 2.5.6
Created by algernon Check out the wiki page for additional information, descriptions, guides and FAQ. New in 2.4: Configurable cost overrides. Option to automatically lock the building level of plopped growables (requires Advanced Building Leve...
Patch Loader Mod
Created by Krzychu1245
Core dependency of FPS Booster New in 2.1.2, 30/Nov/2021 bugfix: problem with detection of -noWorkshop and -disableMods command line flags, improvement: local mods directory path detection on MacOS v2.1.1, 6/Aug/2021 fixed c...
Speed Slider [v2]
Created by Rojoss
Adds a slider to your UI to modify the entire game speed. This does make your entire game run faster or slower including thngs such a the camera. See the FAQ below to understand better how this works. It's mostly used by people that want to make the game g...
RON, the network replacer 1.1.1
Created by algernon Replace Our Networks. New in 1.0 Support for Plazas & Promenades pedestrian roads Add option to auto-replace missing Metro Overhaul Mod (MOM) tracks on load with tracks from the supported replacement collection and MOM Inspi...
Realistic Population 2 2.2.4
Created by algernon Formerly Realistic Population Revisited Key features: Provides a more realistic simulation and gameplay experience Realistic calculatrion of building populations - no more single suburban houses with half-a-dozen families an...
Yet Another Toolbar
Created by sway
This mod lets you customize the toolbar panels. Why another toolbar mod? Resize It's panel scaling feature breaks Find It 2 so I was looking for a solution. I contacted the author of Resize It back in mid-2020 but they were ...
Zoning Adjuster 1.6
Created by algernon A tool to adjust and fine-tune zoning grids Yes, the one-sided and remove zoning functions of this mod work happily alongside those introduced in the base game in 1.17 - you can use either or both. Remember that this mod doe...
ACME 0.6.5
Created by algernon A camera mod, with new features being added. New in 0.6 Customizable shadow calculation parameters - distance and sharpness. Stepped rotation hotkeys at 15-degree increments: Control-X and Control-Y (Shift to reverse directi...
Unlimited Outside Connections Revisited 1.1
Created by algernon Resurrected! BloodyPenguin's original Unlimited Outside Connections mod is no longer functioning as of the 1.15 (Plazas & Promenades) game update. The changes required to fix this were more than simple tweaks, and this mod h...
Roundabout Builder
Created by Strad
This mod automatically builds roundabouts for you. It clears the area of the roads and snaps them onto the roundabout. Network Anarchy is recommended. VERSION RELEASE 1.9.7 Experiencing issues? Reinstall (resubscribe) the mod If you cannot run this mod at ...
Undo It!
Created by Strad This mod adds Undo/Redo options to the game! Tools that this mod supports: Building/bulldozing roads, buildings, props and trees The rest is unsupported Warni...
First-person Auto-walking 1.0
Created by ✅iinsnian
1.7.2-f1-compatible Is new version mod of first-person walk mode and citizen / vehicle follow mode. WARNING: This mod is Incompatible with all other first-person camera mods. such as: Enhanced Zoom / First-person camera. You must be use this mod with all o...
Skyve v3.3.2.1 [Stable]
Created by Chamëleon TBN
Skyve is the fresh re-make of the previous Loading Order Mod 1/2 & Compatibility Report. It features a completely new and slick UI, integrated & real-time compatibility management, advanced filtering, dark mode, Find It! custom tags, Linux & macOS Compatib...
AutoLineColor Redux
Created by TaradinoC
Sets the the color and name of new transit lines as you create them. Based on the original Auto Line Color, with additions: Updated to work with Park Life. (Also compatible with Industries.) New "Roads" naming strategy, which uses road names as well as dis...
Sun Shafts
Created by BloodyPenguin Adds stunning Sun Shaft effects! Note: At the moment it's for Windows only, I'll learn how to support Linux and Mac later You can toggle the effect in the F8 menu. Please note that you will probably lose a couple of fps usin...
Bulldoze It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to automate the bulldozing of residential, industrial, commercial and offices buildings if they become abandoned, burned down, collapsed or flooded. NEW IN 1.8 - Recompiled for C...
Forest Brush Revisited v1.4.10
Created by Sleepy Features Forest Brush lets you paint realistic and varied forest, grasslands, gardens or just patches of plants with ease and convenience. Background This is an update to the amazing Forest Brush mod by TPB. Unfortunately he...
Prop Anarchy temporary fix
Created by algernon WARNING: UNSTABLE. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW GAMES. This mod has a number of bugs and stability issues, and is not recommended for new games. It is provided here as an attempt to help players with existing cities using Extende...
Extended Managers Library temporary fix
Created by algernon WARNING: UNSTABLE. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW GAMES. This mod has a number of bugs and stability issues, and is not recommended for new games. It is provided here as an attempt to help players with existing cities using Extende...
Broken Nodes Detector
Created by Krzychu1245
Locates invisible problems with your transport system and helps fix them. Press Ctrl+Zero(configurable in mod options) in-game to display the mod panel. Fix broken nodes The broken node bug causes vehicles to despawn when th...
Created by Nyoko
XCatcher: Exception Catcher Exports Null Reference Exceptions to a separate file as they happen. Exception Monitoring: When the game is ...
More Vehicles
Created by dymanoid This mod increases the limit of spawned vehicles. The vanilla game allows at most 16,383 moving vehicles and at most 32,767 parked vehicles. Want more? With More Vehicles, up to 65,535 moving vehicles and up to 65,535 parked...
Render It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to change render processing. NEW IN 1.37 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). - Updated to latest YamlDotNet version. NEW IN 1.36 - Recompiled for Citi...
UnifiedUI (UUI) 2.2.1 - Continued [BETA]
Created by codewitch Unsubscribe from original version before subscribing this version! Note on Load Order Requires Skyve for correct Load Order. (Previous version "may" have worked before Skyve under LOM, but that's the past). BETA version requ...
Created by XDBX
香港中环中心大厦修正了外墙灯光,外墙颜色,比上一个版更精致 这个版本是1:1.5大小,1:1大小可以在我的工坊里看到This is a 1:1.5 scale version, 1:1 scale version see my other works....
6 floors of Chinese modern residential building中式现代6层住宅楼
Created by 红米先生
Created by 红米先生
现代新式公寓楼30层 by Redmi(红米) 纯中式沙黄色外墙,楼层高92米,层高30层 ,占地2X3格...
AC Units
Created by Emperor Li
3 AC Units Required props for my taiwanese commercial buildings. 模型資料 | model infos: Tris: 16-20 maps: 128x64 (d,a,i,s,c) LOD tris: 12 LOD maps: 64x32 (d,a,i,s,c) Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Created by 红米先生
现代新中式住宅楼A by Redmi(红米) 新式现代住宅楼共计2栋,一栋为30层,另外一栋20层,属性是普通住宅楼属性 占地6X3格子 LOD:2000 分辨率:2K...
AIA Central 香港友邦经融中心 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
AIA Central 友邦金融中心 No LED AIA Central located at No. 1 Connaught Road Central, Central, Hong Kong, AIA Central is 185 meters high and looks like a traditional Chinese sailing boat. AIA Centr...
Created by 红米先生
中式小区6层 by Redmi(红米) 中式普通住宅楼6层,占地6X3格 经典红色楼顶, LOD:3000 分辨率:1024X1024...
AIA Kowloon Financial Centre
Reference AIA Kowloon Financial Centre is a commercial building in Hong Kong. Introduction It is located at No. 712, Prince Edward Road, San Po Kong. It is a 28-storey building and was completed in 2009. 28 floors   - Size: 2x4   - Level 3 growth   - After...
Created by 红米先生
现代新中式住宅楼A by Redmi(红米) 新式现代住宅楼共计2栋,一栋为30层,另外一栋20层,属性是普通住宅楼属性 占地6X3格子 LOD:2000 分辨率:2K...
AIA central(no led)
Created by XDBX
AIA central(no led) by XDBX AIA central with LED
Created by 红米先生
中式小区住宅楼第8层 by Redmi(红米) 共计两栋建筑分别25层一栋(85米高) 8层一栋(30米高),颜色由淡黄色+灰白色搭配 纯中式风味,楼顶带阳台柱子 LOD:1200 分辨率2K 属性:高密度住宅楼...
Audi Expo & Sale [RICO]
Created by hikke
大家好 这次的作品是奥迪4s店 特点是透明玻璃+可旋转展台 店内我只做了基础内容。植物啊 桌椅啊 奥迪车子等等记得自己摆,包括地砖 希望大家喜欢 奥迪车子链接 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is Audi exhibition hall ...
Lane Houses Entrance - Shanghai, China
Created by MarleEvans
In memory of my grandmother who had forever left us in 12.16.2020. She had spent quite a lot times in such kind of house in her life. Cautions This series of houses share the same texture,please subscribe Loading Screen Mod to get the best results. You can...
Created by 啥也不会
原型为泰安市公安局,一层未做贴图,可以自行po。 有需要改进的地方请留言by 筑联建科BIM...
Bank Of China Tower:Remastered香港中银大厦重制版hong kong HK
Created by XDBX
Bank Of China Tower:Remastered 香港中银大厦重制版 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了玻璃 Recreated glass 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the lights 重新制作了底座 Recreated the model You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到 ...
Lane Houses WalltoWall House - Shanghai, China
Created by MarleEvans
Cautions This series of houses share the same texture,please subscribe Loading Screen Mod to get the best results. You can get more Shanghai atmosphere with the Clothes Hangings props I have made. Info: Lane/Alley ChengXing - a typical Shanghai residential...
Bank of America Tower HK 香港美银中心 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
bankofAmerica by XDBX You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到...
Lane Houses Corner - Shanghai, China
Created by MarleEvans
Cautions This series of houses share the same texture,please subscribe Loading Screen Mod to get the best results. You can get more Shanghai atmosphere with the Clothes Hangings props I have made. Info: Lane/Alley ChengXing - a typical Shanghai residential...
Hong Kong Flatted Factory Estate (HKHA) | 香港新式工廠大廈 (房委會)
Introduction of the building Since 1957, the Hong Kong government has been building flatted factories until 1984. This building - Sui Fai Factory Estate - in Shatin was established in Sep 1982 and managed by a government department - Hong Kong Housing Auth...
Hong Kong Housing Estate (H-Block) | 香港工字型公共屋邨
This's my first time uploading things to Steam Workshop :D Please inform me if there is any problem. Thx ~ Introduction of the building Introduced in 1976, this H-Block design is used in public housing estates in Hong Kong constructed between 1979 and 1983...
Suzhou W Hotel苏州W酒店
Created by 红米先生
Suzhou W Hotel苏州W酒店 by Redmi(红米) 酒店位于苏州CBD建筑群,东方之门南片。 W酒店建筑群特点:共计四栋建筑高度分别为:200米,170米,130米,外加底座一栋为整合建筑群包含写字楼两座。 占地长度240米X宽50米,38格X7格,属性:独特建筑类。 LOD:2400 分辨率2K。 另外有一个地下停车场和8米道路连接线,地下停车场只是个摆设效果无实际停车效果,外加一个道路需要开启道路无碰撞链接即可。 The hotel is located in Suzhou CBD com...
Bund Center SH 上海外滩中心
Created by XDBX
Bund Center Shanghai 上海外滩中心 by XDBX 海外滩中心(英语:Bund Center, Shanghai),是上海知名建筑群,地址为延安东路222号,座落于上海黄浦区外滩的黄金地带,毗邻黄浦江,延安东路高架和上海自然博物馆。其包括外滩中心商务楼和外滩中心威斯汀大饭店两部分,商务楼共50层高198米,分立商务楼西南、西北位置的两栋威斯汀大饭店为26层,总建筑面积约190000平方米。外滩中心建成于2001年,由波特曼建筑设计事务所负责设计,其商务楼顶部别具一格的菠萝造型成为其最具标...
Created by 红米先生
新中式楼左 by Redmi(红米) 新中式古风住宅楼,此楼分别两个部分,分别为标注为左和右两个部分,在摆放的时候没有顺序,随便放置其中一个,在放置另外一个,然后对齐即可组成2个单元楼。 属性:住宅楼 层高:11层 占地:2X6...
Created by 红米先生
住宅楼A by Redmi(红米) 普通住宅楼资产 占地8X2格 LOD(sub):3500 贴图分辨率:1080P 楼层搞14层 典型中式住宅楼 共计3个单元楼组合 ...
CCTV Headquarters 中央电视台总部
Created by HAIKUI
中央电视台总部大楼 北京最COOL的建筑 THE BIG BOXER SHORT ==== The CCTV Headquarters is a 234 m (768 ft), 44-story skyscraper on East Third Ring Road, Guanghua Road in the Beijing Central Business District (CBD). The tower serves as headquarters for China Central Televisio...
Created by 红米先生
住宅楼B by Redmi(红米) 普通住宅楼资产 占地8X2格 LOD(sub):3500 贴图分辨率:1080P 楼层搞14层 典型中式住宅楼 共计3个单元楼组合 ...
深圳万象天地T1/The Mixc World Tower 1
Created by UNFU
2017 年华润置地为深圳带来与众不同的全新商业力作 ——万象天地,项目位于深圳市南山区,是深圳人文综合体华润城的商业中心,也是华润置地三大商业产品线之外的首个创新产品。 深圳万象天地力求突破传统商业中心封闭式的空间体验,携手全球35家顶级设计、创新、艺术顾问团队,以“街区+mall”的独特空间规划,打破传统购物中心大盒子形态,带来10座全新独栋旗舰店。国际时尚、特色餐饮、儿童天地、人文生活四大特色业态的品牌规划,带 来了近 300个店铺,逾 1,000 个品牌,其中约 30%的品牌是首次进入深圳,项目更引...
CITIC Tower with LED Hong Kong HK
Created by XDBX
CITIC Tower(Additiv shader) 注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 无“Additive Shader”版本由此去 No "Additive Shader" version :htt...
CITIC Tower 香港中信大厦 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
CITIC Tower 香港中信大厦 Located at 1 Tim Mei Avenue, Admiralty, Hong Kong, it was completed in 1997. It is also one of the participating buildings of the Symphony River in Victoria Harbour. 位于香港金钟添美道1号,于1997年落成,亦是在维多利亚港举行的幻彩咏香江的参与建筑物之一. You can find it in the s...
Alibaba Guangzhou operation cent
Created by 红米先生
广州华南阿里巴巴运营中心大厦 占地10X8格,80米X64米,高度210米。建筑属性(独特建筑), LOD:1500,贴图分辨率2K。 Guangzhou South China Alibaba operation center building It covers an area of 10x8 grids, 80m x64m and a height of 210m. Architectural properties (unique architecture), Resolution: 2K, LOD:...
CRT Monorail station
Created by CR
重庆跨座式车站,这种车站用于重庆轨道交通3号线居多。 Chongqing straddle station, which is mainly used for chongqing rail transit line 3 车站长度为100m,高为25m,宽为20m。 The length of the station is 100m, the height 25m and the width 20m. 支持CSUR双向4车道(有隔离带)居中铺设 需要mod (Fine Road Anarchy)。 Suppo...
Caiyuanba Bridge Chongqing 重庆菜园坝大桥
Created by RyanCat
Caiyuanba Bridge in Chongqing.1651 meters long,with rail under. Found in electricity...
The 80s offices A(maintained)
Created by RyanCat
The 80s offices series A better maintained version. Worn version: Main: 1338 Tris ,1024x1024 (d,i,n,s) lod : 20 Tris ,128x128 (d,i) Support me here...
The 80s offices A
Created by RyanCat
One of the 80s offices series. Better maintained version: Main : 1338 tris 1024x1024(d,i,s,n) LOD : 20 tris 128x128(d,i) Support me here...
Jianou residential building简欧住宅楼
Created by 红米先生
简欧住宅楼高层+简欧住宅楼底层共计两座,其中一座32层高,占地4X3格子,高度104米,另外一座15层,占地4X3格子,高度54米,属性为住宅类,模型均采用SUB分层子建筑方式导入,共计面数4500,LOD:2400,分辨率2k. There are two high-rise buildings and two ground floors of Jianou residential building. One of them is 32 stories high, covering an area of ...
Cheung Kong Center Remastered长江集团中心:重制版Hong kong HK
Created by XDBX
Cheung Kong Center is located at the junction of Garden Road and Queen's Road Central.,and it was built in December 1995 and completed in 1999. 长江集团中心位处花园道及皇后大道中交界,于1995年12月兴建,1999年落成 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了玻璃 Recreated glass 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the ...
Created by CR
中式-16层楼房 by Cold wind...
Cheung Kong Center(1:1)长江集团中心 HK hong kong
Created by XDBX
Cheung Kong Center(1:1) by XDBX...
CheungKongCenter(1:1.5)长江集团中心 hk hong kong
Created by XDBX
CheungKongCenter(1:1.5) by XDBX...
Dauphine Apartments
Created by MarleEvans
Update 2020.11.13: Add balconies' railings. Show in the last pic. Main Mesh:10376--->11012 tris Remake LOD:838--->532 tris Info: Dauphine Apartments. Designed by Leonard, Veysseyre & Kruze, Architects. Completed in 1935. Reinforced concrete structure. Mode...
China Resources Building 香港华润大厦 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
华润大厦 China Resources Building ———————————————————————————————— 此资产有两个,一个是原版(不需要任何MOD),另一个是“Additiv shader”版(需要“Additiv shader”才能使用) There are two assets, one is the original (does not need any MOD), and the other is the "Additiv shader" version (requires "...
Created by 红米先生
现代中式高层住宅楼 by Redmi(红米) 楼层:30层 高:103米,占地4X3格子,属性:住宅类...
Modern middle-level housing2
Created by 红米先生
中式现代住宅楼:两种不同颜色样式,两座住宅楼,属于住宅楼属性,层高11层,占地4X3格子 贴图分辨率1024X1024 SUB-LOD:4000左右. Chinese modern residential building: two different colors and styles, two residential buildings, belonging to the property of residential buildings, 11 stories high, covering an ar...
China pavilion at Expo 2010
Created by dabaofu
China pavilion at Expo 2010 by dabaofu unique Space:10*10 Cost: 250000 Electricity:0 Maintenance: 0 ...
Created by 红米先生
广州侨鑫国际底座版 by Redmi(红米)...
China's super project Three Gorges Dam中国之超级工程三峡大坝
Created by 红米先生
使用方法很简单:由于大坝巨大且按1:1比例制作,所有我将模型分成三部分,用字母标注,分别为zhong.zuo,you,中文意思是中间部分,另外两部分分别放置在中间部分的两侧一边是左(zuo) ,另一边是右(you),可用moit it调节位置和高度,大坝可以发电,中间部分发电量为20万瓦。 如果发现订阅显示不了,请重新订阅两个MOD支持超大建筑 Larger Footprints (Snowfall) Sub-Buildings Enabler (DEPRECATED) 三峡大坝,位于中国湖北省宜昌市三斗坪...
Dongbei House
Created by RyanCat
A typical style of village house in Northeastern China. Size 2x2 Level 2 low residential Main 492 Tris, _d _i _n _s ,1024x1024 LOD 65 Tris, _d _i _s ,128x128 Support me here...
Guangzhou Garden Hotel
Created by 红米先生
Guangzhou Garden Hotel by redmi Guangzhou Garden Hotel, one of the best in the business circle, has enjoyed a good reputation both at home and abroad since its opening in 1985 Guangzhou Garden Hotel Guangzhou Garden Hotel (10) Ten years is the largest five...
Chinese Restaurant Chang Chun (Growable) 長春樓
Created by Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2017-03-14*** added color variation (see last 2 pictures); changed texture, now share texture with my other chinese restaurants (coming soon); reconstructed backyard model inspired by Manchinro Honten in Yokohama. This is the growable version. Fo...
Chinese Restaurant Chang Chun (RICO) 長春樓
Created by Emperor Li
model inspired by Manchinro Honten in Yokohama. RICO mod is required for this version. Without the RICO mod it's a lv 1 unique building category 3. For growable version, please see here For my other works, please visit my workshop content. stats: 3x3 Level...
Chinese Restaurant Wang Chun
Created by Emperor Li
Chinese Restaurant Wang Chun (Growable Lv2 3x3) Nothing really new actually, just slightly modify my old Chinese Restaurant Chang Chun to make another Lv2 restaurant. I also make another one with level 3 (Chinese Restaurant Xiao Chun). All 3 restaurants sh...
Chinese Restaurant Xiao Chun
Created by Emperor Li
Chinese Restaurant Xiao Chun (Growable Lv3 3x3) Nothing really new actually, just slightly modify my old Chinese Restaurant Chang Chun to make another Lv3 restaurant. I also make another one with level 2 (Chinese Restaurant Wang Chun). All 3 restaurants sh...
中式小区商住楼/Chinese Commercial Community (Pack)
Created by often
中式小区商住楼/Chinese Commercial Community (Pack) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 本套资产包括3个建筑,资产名字: xiaoqu1_1,xiaoqu1_2,xiaoqu1_3。 This pack includes 3 buildings, asset Name: xiaoqu1_1,xiaoqu1_2,xiaoqu1_3. ////////////////////...
Genesis Beijing 北京启皓大厦1:1
Created by abuchou
Genesis Beijing is located in the core zone of Sanyuan Bridge and Lufthansa Business Circle, and within the 2nd and 3rd embassy areas - the most unique and historically valued zone in Beijing. Home to 103 embassies and consulates, headquarters and offices ...
Commercial residential building中式商品房住宅楼
Created by 红米先生
Commercial residential building by Redmi(红米)商品房住宅楼 共计2栋,分别为30层一栋 ,20层一栋,属于高层住宅属性, LOD:1200 贴图分辨率:1024X1024 占地4X3格子,30层高度106米,20层高度76米 Commercial residential building by redmi There are two buildings in total, one with 30 floors and one with 20 floors, whic...
Chinese road signs中式路牌标牌
Created by 红米先生
Chinese style community gate European style中国中式小区大门欧式风格
Created by 红米先生
Bank of china building , Shanghai 上海中国银行大楼
Created by CM.
你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third level special building. 中国银行上海分行早先是使用汉口路3号原户部银行行址办公,1923年迁至仁记路(今滇池路)22号原德国总会大楼内办公。这是一幢三层楼的巴洛克式建筑,由德国在沪侨民集资建于1908年,砖木结构,由倍高洋行设计,楼顶由南北两个不同形状的巴洛克式塔楼,中间屋面上有山墙。二、三层有内阳台,门窗为券式。从1908年到1917年的十年间,他是在沪德国侨民娱乐、聚会的场所。 The B...
Chinese style construction house中式工地建设房
Created by 红米先生
工地建设房共2中样式,包括4种围墙广告牌,可模拟现实中小区房屋建设。房屋属性是住宅楼 4X5格子,另外可自行订阅吊塔或者工地资产。 There are two types of building on the construction site, including four kinds of wall billboards, which can simulate the building construction in the real community. The property of the hou...
Chinese underground parking lot中式地下停车场
Created by 红米先生
中式地下停车场(可停车,人物可在地下逗留,同时可以通过第一人称视角进入地下室观看地下室内效果。表面可以用草坪树木花草覆盖,形成绿化效果盖住原有资产外观可与地面草坪混合。再独特建筑里可找到该资产,或者搜索中式地下停车场即可。(里边还包括了一座停车位岗亭资产)另外想告诉各位;目前车辆进入车库入口路径不是很完美,由于游戏没有合适的地下停车隧道道路,所以只能自己订阅隐形车道来从地面拉一条通往地下车库的道路来实现车辆从入口进入车库和出入车库的模拟情景。 隐形车道资产名称:Invisible Pedestrian Pa...
Bank of Guangzhou
Created by 红米先生
Bank of Guangzhou广州银行 by Redmi(红米) SUB方式导入多个子建筑,最后组合在一起,总计面数1200个。LOD:600个面数,贴图分辨率1024x1024, 在独特建筑倒数第二个类目里,也可直接搜索名称。占地7X7格,楼房高度201米,共计57层,位于广州珠江新城CBD附近...
Haiyin bridge in Guangzhou广州海印大桥
Created by 红米先生
Haiyin bridge in Guangzhou广州海印大桥 by Redmi 共做两个版本,一个是水面上放置版本,另外一个是地面可放置版本...
Community gate中式小区大门样式5
Created by 红米先生
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C3 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C3/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C2 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C2/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Conrad Hong Kong 香港港丽酒店 HK
Created by XDBX
ConradHK 香港港丽酒店 You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C1 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C1/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Cosco tower HK 香港中远大厦 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
Cosco tower 中远大厦 注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 中远大厦位于香港上环皇后大道183号,建于1998年。 COSCO Tower is located at 183 Queen's Road, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. It was built in 1998. You can find it in the special building of the first le...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商B3 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:8.5m x 8.5m x 4.2m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商B3/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:1024x1024 lod:128x128 三角形面数:347 lod:43...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商B2 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:8.5m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商B2/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:1024x1024 lod:128x128 三角形面数:347 lod:43...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商B1 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:8.5m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商B1/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:1024x1024 lod:128x128 三角形面数:347 lod:43...
Dongshuimen Bridge Chongqing 重庆东水门大桥
Created by RyanCat
Dongshuimen Bridge in downtown Chongqing,with railway space under. It's 1100m long with a 520 main span. It's in the electricity menu. The twin bridge
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A6 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A6/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:218 lod:48...
Far East Finance Center:Remastered远东金融中心:重制版 hong kong hk
Created by XDBX
The Far East Financial Center is a commercial building in Admiralty, Hong Kong. It was completed in 1982 and has a golden glass curtain wall. 远东金融中心是一座位于香港金钟的商业大厦,完工于1982年,外形是金色的玻璃幕墙。 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了玻璃 Recreated glass 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the ...
FarEastFinanceCenter(1:1)香港远东金融中心 HK hong kong
Created by XDBX
FarEastFinanceCenter(1:1) by XDBX...
Floating Chinese Pagoda
Created by BachToBaroque
Hello. This pagoda is based on the Sun & Moon Pagodas in GuiLin, China. My version is a mash-up of the two pagodas. It stands at around 36m and 16.5m diameter, place on water. I hope the tri count is not too high for a small model. In-game stats: - Unique ...
Security camera
Created by RyanCat
A security camera asset.Works as police station. Very small but detailed,over 1500 tris and a 256x256 texture.No LOD because it's too small Support me here...
Chinese low rise old house dwellers中式低层旧宅民用
Created by 红米先生
中式低层旧宅民用 by 红米 贴图1024x1024, LOD面500个左右 占地3X4格子 属于高密度住宅 ...
Created by 红米先生
铜陵恒玖金山广场大厦 by 红米 大型商场,商住楼,占地比较大,有100多米长宽度25米,高度70米,共计20层左右。...
Created by 红米先生
临街底商3 by 红米 每栋出门面牌内容不一样,其他均一样,此建筑是参考安徽省铜陵市第二中学对面商铺楼而制作完成。细节没有那么多,都是已经高清贴图为主 SUB(5个子建筑合并) 面数500左右一个, 4X4格子, 贴图分辨率1024X1024...
郑州绿地中心双子塔-南塔 Zhengzhou-Greenland Center Twin Towers-South Tower
Created by 大鼎
郑州绿地中心双子塔-南塔 Zhengzhou-Greenland Center Twin Towers-South Tower ...
郑州绿地中心双子塔-北塔 Zhengzhou-Greenland Center Twin Towers-North Tower
Created by 大鼎
郑州·绿地中心双子塔-北塔 Zhengzhou-Greenland Center Twin Towers-North Tower...
HK Macau Ferry Terminal & Shun Tak Centre 香港澳门客运码头与信德中心 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
HK Macau Ferry Terminal & Shun Tak Centre by XDBX 这只是一个邮轮码头,客运码头只是它的名字。 it is actually a pasenger boat terminal,theFerry Terminal just its name. 如果提示没有道路连接,在此建筑前修一条平行的公路即可。 If there is no road connection, build a parallel road in front of the building....
Created by 红米先生
中式旧城区住宅楼 by 红米 1024X1024...
HK-styled Prop
Created by XDBX
HK-styled Prop by XDBX...
Canton Tower广州塔(1:1比例)
Created by 红米先生
广州塔高楼LED版本,总高度600米。杆子高度146米,塔楼454米,夜晚带LED,另外附加底商(底座还原显示底盘,占地30格左右,由于广州塔占地面积大,需要后期配合道路无碰撞模组,在塔或者底座内部穿擦一条道路即可实现正常运营。 真实还原度为:95%,楼顶和底商(底座)可带行人站台观光。 Led version of Guangzhou tower tower, with a total height of 600 meters. The height of the pole is 146 meters, ...
HKCEC Tower 香港会展中心大楼 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
HKCEC Tower 香港会展中心大厦 HKCEC Tower was built on the waterfront of Wan Chai on November 25, 1988. 会展中心大厦於1988年11月25日在湾仔的海旁建成 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 ...
Created by 红米先生
蓝顶小楼房2 by 红米,这里我是截图的,没有P过的,订阅后就看到了,空调啥的都有...
HSBC Main Building香港汇丰银行大厦 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
HSBC Main Building 香港汇丰银行大厦 The 4th Hong Kong HSBC Head Office Building, located in Central, Hong Kong 第四代香港汇丰总行大厦,位于香港中环 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到...
Created by 红米先生
古风宣传栏2 by 红米...
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center 香港会议展览中心 HK
Created by XDBX
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center (HKCEC) 香港会议展览中心 1:1scale version1:1比例 中文名称Chinese name 香港会议展览中心 外文名称English name Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center 简称abbreviation HKCEC 开幕 1988年11月 You can find it in the special building of the fifth le...
Created by 红米先生
中国内蒙古锡林浩特政府大楼《现实原型大楼,略有差异,基本相同。 此建筑属于独特建筑类目,占地约25X18格子,大约为200x150米左右大小。贴图通过SUB分组子建筑组合而成,不影响建筑摆放,贴图大小为1024x1024,面数总数控制在1.2万以内。...
Created by 红米先生
高速服务区 by 红米 有服务区建筑+高杆灯两件资产,为商业型建筑,占地8X3格子,贴图1024X1024...
Created by 红米先生
道路天桥大门版本 by 红米 类似PROP方式一样摆放即可,请开启道路无碰撞摆放安全。门型中间宽度为45米,适合超宽道路或者高速道路使用。...
Hong Kong-styled Residential High part1 港式高密度住宅 第一部分
Created by XDBX
HK Residential High part1 本合集一共包括3棟樓,在高密居住業區. This collection includes a total of 3 buildings in a high-density residential area.
Hong Kong-styled Residential High part2 港式高密度住宅 第二部分
Created by XDBX
HK apartment high4 by XDBX 本合集一共包括3棟樓. This collection includes a total of 3 buildings . 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到 You can find it in the special building of the first level. 大家可用move it “ctrl+c”複製建築,不需要RICO You can copy the building with move it “ctrl+c” without RIC...
Created by 红米先生
中式大门6 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
南京汉中门如家连锁酒店(分店) by 红米...
Hong Kong-styled old apartment 港式老居民樓 HK
Created by XDBX
HK-styled old apartment 港式老居民樓合集 本合集一共包括14棟居民樓,其中有11棟爲自己生長的建築,在低密度住宅區,與3棟特殊建築,可用“find it”搜索關鍵詞找到。 The collection includes a total of 14 residential buildings, 11 of which are self-developed buildings, in low-density residential areas, and 3 special buildin...
Created by 红米先生
中式住宅楼 by 红米...
Hongmi office building红米办公大厦
Created by 红米先生
Created by 红米先生
文化雕塑1 by 红米 属于公园类资产...
Hopewell Centre 合和中心
Created by XDBX
Hopewell Centre HK 合和中心 You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到
Created by 红米先生
中式超宽大门 by 红米...
城市管理局大楼City Authority building
Created by 红米先生
城市管理局大楼 by 红米 可执行城管执法功能,最好订阅执法功能MOD,或者不订阅也行...
Hwl tower HK 和记黄埔大厦 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
Hwl tower by XDBX You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到 1:1.5versions
高层公寓楼high-rise block
Created by 红米先生
公寓楼 by 红米 酒店式公寓楼可以大面积摆放,高都在100米,共25层左右。占地4X2格子...
乐山大佛Leshan Giant Buddha
Created by MC100
International Commerce Centre HK 香港环球贸易广场 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
International Commerce Centre HK 香港环球贸易广场 环球贸易广场,简称ICC。 Global Trade Plaza, referred to as ICC. It is the last development of Kowloon Station. 位于香港西九龙柯士甸道西1号,是一座118层高的综合式大楼, Located at 1 West Austin Road, West Kowloon, Hong Kong, 拥有先进的设计及高智能设施,为九龙站的最后一期发展项...
Huaxin International Plaza——柳州华信国际大厦
Created by often
资产介绍:华信国际,柳州市仅有的大规模商务建筑综合体之一,雄踞潭中大道与桂中大道交汇处,与人大楼隔路相望,侧邻广电中心,占地面积8000多㎡,总建筑面积50000多㎡,秉承“规划第一,建筑第二”的国际一流城市设计理念,集商业、写字等为一体,打造开放、流动、聚集、可持续发展精神主导下的新一代商务建筑,全玻璃幕墙金属装饰外观,主体建筑层数为20层,高达89米,堪称河东行政中心区的形象新地标。 华信国际大型主题商场、5A专业写字楼、高级写字一体,规模提升效益,价值叠加增长;大型主题商场,最具张力的通透式设计,引领...
Invisible 1 Lane Zoneable + Sidewalk
Created by nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. This one is different than the invisible highways in the following ways: It has a sidewalk -> You can make bus stops. You can make elevated invisible roads. You can make invisible tunnels (invisible tunnel entran...
Invisible Pedestrian Path (12m width) 隱形人行道
Created by Emperor Li
Invisible Pedestrian Path Half width 6m Lane width 14m vanilla pedestrian path with no pillars, no elevated segments and nodes. It's used in my Chinese city wall project for better connection with gates and other accessories. ...
Island Shangri-La 港岛香格里拉大酒店 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
ShangrilaHK by XDBX You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到 ...
Kaohsiung Municipal Library
Created by Kagami
Brief (Photo taken by Wikipedia user -Wpcpey) Kaohsiung Municipal Library is the main library of Kaohsiung City , Taiwan. De...
LIppoCentre V1.1香港力宝中心 HK hong kong
Created by XDBX
LIppoCentre V1.1 香港力宝中心 添加广告牌灯光。 Add billboard lights 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the lights 重新制作了底座 Recreated the model 文件尺寸小于原版 File size is smaller than the original You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊建筑...
Lotus Breeze Pavilion 荷風四面亭
Created by Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (from: wikipedia ) Cities: Skyline...
Lotus Temple
Created by dabaofu
Lotus Temple by dabaofu unique Space:12*12 Cost: 150000 Electricity:0 Maintenance: 1000 The Lotus Temple, located in New Delhi, India, is a Bahá'í House of Worship completed in 1986. Notable for its flowerlike shape, it serves as the Mother Temple of the I...
Luxury Business Complex
Created by amamIya
Luxury Business Complex by amamIya...
Medium Warehouse四海仓库
Created by amamIya
Medium Warehouse四海仓库 by amamIya...
Modern Science Tower
Created by amamIya
Modern Science Tower by amamIya...
Modern low rise house现代低层住宅中式
Created by 红米先生
Monorail station 单轨车站
Created by hikke
大家好~ 这次的作品是单轨车站 运用了玻璃和滚动扶梯技术 希望大家喜欢 继续支持我~ 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== Hello everyone~~ This is a two-story Monorail station ~ The bottom can be placed according to the player preferences prop this station Use a black glass effect a...
Nanchang GCP
Created by amamIya
Nanchang GCP by amamIya Nanchang Greenland Central Plaza 南昌绿地中央广场 Additive Shader Required...
Created by 910095247
高铁南京南站V.2.2 by 910095247...
Nanpu Bridge上海南浦大桥桥梁高速公路版
Created by 红米先生
此版本为高速公路双向六车道 八车道版...
Pants Kingdom's Props
Created by Emperor Li
Pants Kingdom's Props Props for my Taiwanese commercial building level 3 3x3 corner Pants Kingdom If you want to use it as generic building, you don't need to subscribe them. ...
Parking Gate Set
Created by Spence!
Set of parking gates and parking gate accessories, more detailed than my old barrier props. There are two gate models with open/closed/LHT versions, as well as a ticket machine, pay point, and post-mounted keypad and card readers. 10 props in total. https://...
Pavilion of Prince Teng(滕王阁)
Created by 言绥
滕王阁 by 飞行的荷兰人...
Pearl Tower 1:1
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
This asset is an up-scaled and re-propped version of Colossal Order's Oriental Pearl Tower by Finski. It is designed to fit in either the vanilla or modded version of our Shanghai True 1:1 Map. What I did: Increased the scale from 1:1.6 to 1:1, topping off...
Peking Union Medical College Prop Pack 北京協和醫學院相關物件
Created by Emperor Li 6 Props from the Peking Union Medical College) (PUMC). They are required for my Peking Union Medical College project, which will be released soon. Find it keywords: PUMC, BCHP, Beijing 六種北京協和醫學院相關物件 醫學院本身: https://steamcommu...
Peking Union Medical College's Wall Network 北京協和醫學院外圍牆
Created by Emperor Li The surrounding wall of the Peking Union Medical College (PUMC). This Network is required for my Peking Union Medical College project, which will be released soon. The wall is about 2.7m high and follows the terrain. Network...
Qiansimen Bridge Chongqing 重庆千厮门大桥
Created by RyanCat
Qiansimen Bridge (pronounced as"Chance men")in downtown Chongqing,with railway space under. It's 870m long and the main tower is about 182m in height. It's in the electricity menu. The twin bridge
Residential (RICO)
Created by hikke
大家好 这次的作品一栋住宅楼 这是我首次制作住宅类资产 希望大家喜欢 资产信息: 资产名字:house-he 占地大小:2x2 建筑类型:高密度住宅 建筑等级:5 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is my first make Residential building if you like please rate~~ asset info: Asset name:house-he size:2x...
Residential building 2345 住宅楼2345
Created by XDBX
一共四个建筑 A total of four buildings 住宅楼20层,30 层,40层,50层 这个在第六级特殊建筑里能找到。 没有住宅属性 用move it 按ctrl+c可以复制很多个 --------------------------------- Residential building 20, 30, 40, 50 This can be found in the sixth-level special building. No residential properties Use m...
Revenue Tower 香港税务大楼 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
税务大楼 Revenue Tower 税务大楼是一栋位于香港湾仔的摩天大楼。该建筑于1990年落成。 The Revenue Tower is a skyscraper located in Wan Chai, Hong Kong. It was built in 1990. You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到 ...
Rooftop Hvac System A
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Rooftop Hvac System A by Shroomblaze Main Model = 204 Tris 512x512 Textures D,N,S Lod Model = 80 Tris 64x64 Textures D,N,S
Shanghai International Convention Center 上海国际会议中心(重置版)
Created by CM.
上海国际会议中心 by CM. 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到 You can find it in the third level special building 这算是一个炒冷饭作品,我的第四个资产就是这个建筑,但是因为我当时刚接触建模不久,受到水平上的限制,做的非常地差,所以这个是在我当时的建模基础上做出的改进,希望大家喜欢。 如果真的喜欢还望能够点个赞!谢谢! This is a piece of fried rice. My fourth asset is this building, but ...
Shanghai Maglev Longyang Road Station (Monorail Version) 上海磁浮龍陽路站 (單軌鐵路版)
Created by Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2021-11-19*** fixed pink pedestrian path. ****************************** Shanghai Maglev Longyang Road Station 上海磁浮龍陽路站 Maglev train station in Shanghai, China, where people can take the maglev train to Shanghai Pudong International Airport and b...
Shanghai Park Hotel 上海国际饭店
Created by CM.
Shanghai Park Hotel 上海国际饭店 by CM. 你可以在第四级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the fourth level of special buildings. 上海国际饭店(Park Hotel)是上海年代最久的饭店之一,有三十年代“远东第一高楼”之称。饭店地处繁华的南京西路,对面是风景如画的人民公园,饭店拥有供应中西菜肴的“国际廊”、“丰泽楼”、“顺风厅”、“孔雀厅”、“云楼”等五个不同风格的餐厅。 2016年9月,上海国际饭店入选“首批中国20世...
Shared bicycle parking共享单车停车位
Created by 红米先生
由于资产面数过多无法做Prop只能用公园属性代替,您在放置的时候请,配合moit it mod来实现位置移动...
Shaxian Delicacies (沙县小吃)
Created by WiseClock
Shaxian Delicacies, aka 沙县小吃. - 1x1 Level 1 Shop. - 2048 Texture....
Shun Hing Square SZ 深圳信兴广场
Created by XDBX
Shun Hing Square SZ 深圳信兴广场 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level. 你可以在第6级特殊建筑中找到
ShunTakCentre(1:1)香港信德中心 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
ShunTakCentre(1:1) by XDBX...
Simple Monorail Station
Created by Kaeru教信者 A simple monorail station for 8-car trains. Recommend Vehicle Asset: 重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(8节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (8car) 重慶軌道交通3号線モノレール電車(8両編成):
Soldyne's Guardian Lion Stone
Created by soldyne
Also known as Fu Dogs in the American West or Korean Dogs in Japan, these creatures are used as guardians of important places. They traditionally come in stone or bronze variants. There is also a female version with a lion cub instead of a sphere, but, the...
Soldyne's Iron Fence
Created by soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Standard Chartered Bank HK
Created by XDBX
Standard Chartered Bank HK 香港渣打銀行大廈 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到...
Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall 國父紀念館
Created by Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2017-01-09*** Update for version 1.6.2-f1. Remove Sub-Buildings Enabler as dependency. 1.6.2-f1版更新 移除Sub-Buildings Enabler需求 A memorial to the Republic of China's National Father, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall was built ...
Taipei Metro Nanjing Fuxing Station 南京復興站
Created by Emperor Li
Taipei Metro Nanjing Fuxing Station is a station of Brown Line and Green Line located on the border between Songshan and Zhongshan districts, Taipei, Taiwan. This is a metro station with transparent glass and entrances/exits at both side of the avenue. It'...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 2x3 #1 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 2x3 #1 等級1 2x3 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommende...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 2x3 Corner #1 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 2x3 Corner 等級1 2x3 轉角 Based on this buildingin Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density co...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 3x3 Corner #1 等級1 3x3 轉角 Based on this buildingin Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1b 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 3x3 Corner #1b 等級1 3x3 轉角 A variation of my Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1c 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 3x3 Corner #1c 等級1 3x3 轉角 A variation of my Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #2 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #2 A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 3x3 Corner #2 等級1 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台北市大安區敦化南路一段) in Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). 4種(少許)不一樣的牆色 If you want to make it R...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 1x2 #1 台灣商店
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 1x2 If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommended mods: - Find it! (keywords: "Taiwan") - Plop the Growables ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 2x3 #1 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 2x3 #1 等級2 2x3 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommende...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 2x3 #2 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 2x3 #2 等級2 2x3 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommende...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 2x3 Corner #1 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 2x3 Corner 等級2 2x3 轉角 Based on this buildingin Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density co...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 2x3 Corner #2 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 2x3 Corner #2 等級2 2x3 轉角 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 3x3 Corner #1a 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2020-06-26*** add two new variations ****************************** 3 growable taiwanese commercial buildings Level 2&3 3x3 Corner 等級2&3 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台中市中區中山路2號) in Taichung, Taiwan. If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 3x3 Corner #2 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 3x3 Corner #2 A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 3x3 Corner #2 等級2 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台北市萬華區西寧南路62號) in Taipei. (馬辣用過了,所以改成對面的熊一燒肉) It has four color variations (but only slightly). 4種(少許)不一樣的牆色 If ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 3x3 Corner #3 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 3x3 Corner #3 馬辣頂級麻辣鴛鴦火鍋(漢口店) A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 3x3 Corner #3 等級2 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台北市萬華區西寧南路30號) in Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). 4種(少許)不一樣的牆色 If you ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 1x2 #1 台灣商店
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 3 1x2 等級3 1x2 If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommended mods: - Find it! (keywords: "Taiwan") - Plop the Gr...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 3x3 Corner #1 Pants Kingdom 台灣商業大樓 褲子大王
Created by Emperor Li
「再大的鳥都裝得下」 "Even the biggest of birds can fit in our pants" ------------------------------------------------------------------------褲子大王 Pants Kingdom A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 3 3x3 Corner #1 等級1 3x3 轉角 If you want to use it as generi...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 3x3 Corner #2 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 3x3 Corner #2 A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 3 3x3 Corner #2 等級3 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台北市萬華區西寧南路62號) in Taipei. (馬辣用過了,所以改成對面的熊一燒肉) It has four color variations (but only slightly). 4種(少許)不一樣的牆色 If ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 3x3 Corner #3 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 3x3 Corner #3 馬辣頂級麻辣鴛鴦火鍋(漢口店) A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 3 3x3 Corner #3 等級3 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台北市萬華區西寧南路30號) in Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). 4種(少許)不一樣的牆色 If you ...
TeleTower 40m
Created by amamIya
TeleTower 40m by amamIya...
The Center:Remastered香港中环中心:重制版 Hong Kong HK
Created by XDBX
The Center:Remastered 香港中环中心:重制版 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了玻璃 Recreated glass 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the lights 重新制作了模型 Recreated the model You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到 ...
The Grand Hotel
Created by dabaofu
The Grand Hotel by dabaofu unique Space:12*10 Cost:100000 Electricity:5 Maintenance: 1000...
The center with LED
Created by XDBX
The center with LED by XDBX 注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 由于游戏本身原因,使LED灯的颜色无法变幻。 the color of the LED light cannot be changed due to the game itself. You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊...
XCAEC hotel 娱乐会所酒店
Created by XDBX
XCAEC hotel 都市天际线娱乐会所酒店 hotel of XDBX‘s Cities:skyline Asset and entertainment club hotel XCAEC大酒店,让您宾至如归。 本酒店由都市天际线娱乐会所所长亲自设计,裙楼共三层,为综合餐饮区,在裙楼顶部的天台上设有游泳池,其余楼层为客房和办公室,顶楼设有停机坪,并开通直升机接送服务(骗人的没开通)。 本酒店天台游泳池每周举办无上装派对,小朋友不能参加哟(游泳池区以被停业整改) 本酒楼开业大酬宾,所有顾客一律免费(编不下去...
[RICO] 圓山大飯店 Grand Hotel
Created by Emperor Li
圓山大飯店 位於臺北市中山區劍潭山的中國風飯店,於1973年落成,是臺北市的著名地標之一。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 位於 Ploppable RICO 選單下Tourist裡,無RICO Mod在等級5特殊建築選單內。 預覽圖片中的牌樓在這裡。 漢白玉欄杆在這裡。 感謝您的訂閱! 圆山大饭店 位于台北市中山区剑潭山的中国风饭店,于1973年落成,是台北市的著名地标之一(摘自: 维基百科 ) 位於 Ploppable RICO 选单下Tourist里,无RICO Mod在等级5特殊建筑选单内。 预览图片中的牌楼...
[RICO]Commercial-S1 商铺建筑样式S-1
Created by hikke
大家好这次的作品是一个住宅小区 其中包含2栋住宅,2种临街商铺,1个小区大门 这是其中一栋商铺 希望大家喜欢~~ 祝大家圣诞快乐~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
[RICO]Commercial-S2 商铺建筑样式S-2
Created by hikke
大家好这次的作品是一个住宅小区 其中包含2栋住宅,2种临街商铺,1个小区大门 这是其中一栋商铺 希望大家喜欢~~ 祝大家圣诞快乐~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
[RICO]Residential-S1 住宅楼样式S-1
Created by hikke
大家好这次的作品是一个住宅小区 其中包含2栋住宅,2种临街商铺,1个小区大门 这是其中一栋住宅 希望大家喜欢~~ 祝大家圣诞快乐~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
[RICO]Residential-S2 住宅楼样式S-2
Created by hikke
大家好这次的作品是一个住宅小区 其中包含2栋住宅,2种临街商铺,1个小区大门 这是其中一栋住宅 希望大家喜欢~~ 祝大家圣诞快乐~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
[RICO]Residential-S3 [L] 住宅楼样式S-3[L]
Created by hikke
大家好这次的作品是2个对称的小高层,这个是左对称 属于配套小区的一部分,你也可以单独使用 希望大家喜欢~~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: ...
[RICO]Residential-S3 [R] 住宅楼样式S-3[R]
Created by hikke
大家好这次的作品是2个对称的小高层,这个是右对称 属于配套小区的一部分,你也可以单独使用 希望大家喜欢~~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: ...
[Real Glass] Gantanful‘s 1st building 感嘆符的第一栋楼
Created by QQ感嘆符
It's my first building which has a fantastic looking. 这是我的第一个建筑,拥有惊艳的外观。 If you like this building, please click a like, thank you :D 如果你觉得好看,那就请点个赞再走吧www —————————————————————— Unique building, Level 2 这是一个二级地标建筑 Lot 4x4 tri 1000+ texture 2048x2048...
chengdu IFS
Created by 513751247
chengdu IFS by 513751247...
metro-s5 地铁站样式5
Created by hikke
大家好~ 第五个小清新地铁站, 这次使用玻璃效果做的 希望大家喜欢 多多点赞啊~~ 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== Hello everyone~~ This is a metro station~ if you like please rate~~ Special thanks to Ronyx69 sharing glass Infos for nerds: look p5 -----------------------------...
tower crane CAL
Created by SvenBerlin
tower crane CAL by SvenBerlin This is the tower crane asset from Tomas13TO original asset by Tomas13TO I made an animation and with Custom Animation Loader mod you will bring it to life....
三角汇大楼 Triangle Plaza
Created by amamIya
三角汇大楼 Triangle Plaza by amamIya Unique Building Real Glass AnimUV Model Tris: main:1630 Glass:9944 SubMesh:11529 LOD: Main:826 Others:0 Texture: Main: 1024 Others:256 LOD:64...
上海交银金融大厦 Bank of communications
Created by CM.
上海交银金融大厦 Bank of communications by CM. 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到 You can find it in the third level of special buildings 此建筑是我在作者joues的原版交通银行大厦建模上做的一些修改,由于是从游戏中导出的模型,模型面数过多,很多地方对我而言实在无法理解,又出现了类似于镜像的建筑翻转,无奈之下就删除了裙楼,便只修改了贴图,重做了lod,并做了夜景。 This building is some modifica...
上海华能联合大厦 Hua Neng Union Tower
Created by CM.
你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到它(You can find it in the third-level special building) 华能联合大厦位于陆家嘴环路与东城路交汇口,是中国华能集团在浦东的标志性建筑物。华能联合大厦外立面由玻璃幕墙构成,楼体方正,造型美观大方,西面与外滩隔江相望,正向面对陆家嘴10万平方米的中央绿地,视野开阔,为选择商务办公的上乘之地,楼高188米,总建筑面积73,000平方米。这是一座5层裙房、33层标准写字层及3层地下停车库组成的5A级智能型办公综合楼。 Huaneng U...
上海市震旦国际大楼 Shanghai Aurora Plaza Pudong
Created by CM.
目前这只是第一个版本,无LED版,后面还会有更新,可能会出LED版本,具体还要看情况! At present this is only the first version, there is no LED version, there will be updates later, LED version may be released, depending on the situation! 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到它。 You can find it in the third-level specia...
Created by CM.
上海市震旦国际大楼LED by CM. 此建筑是led版本,但是制作过程中因为bug过多不得不去掉了很多细节,整体来说影响不大。 This building is a led version, but due to too many bugs during the production process, many details have to be removed, and the overall impact is not significant. 注:想要原版细节的最好方法是放一个原版再放一个led版...
上海明天广场(shanghai tomorrow square)
Created by CM.
无裙楼(No podium) 你可以在六级建筑中找到它。You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 明天广场位于上海市南京西路399号,南京西路与黄陂北路口。基地总面积约664平方米。总建筑面积127400平方米,建筑总高度283米,地下3层,地上58层,总投资约28亿人民币。既有商业用房、公寓,酒店、商场、风味餐厅又有会议中心及宴会厅和健康设施,五十七至五十八层还设置为总统套房。是上海第六高的摩天大楼。地上60层,地下3层,高约2...
上海白玉兰广场 Shanghai Siner Mas Center
Created by CM.
由于有三个建筑,所以文件大小有点大(File size is a bit large due to three buildings) 第一次做LED,也是第一次用3Dmax里面的真实玻璃,效果很不理想但是也找到了一些方法,希望下次能更好。 I made LED for the first time and also used the real glass in 3Dmax for the first time. The effect is not ideal, but I also found some m...
东方明珠广播电视塔 pearl tower
Created by CM.
东方明珠广播电视塔 pearl tower by CM. 这是我做的一个新版本的东方明珠,主要着重于东方明珠底部的制作,只为了更好的去还原它。 This is a new version of the Oriental Pearl that I made, mainly focusing on the production of the bottom of the Oriental Pearl, only to better restore it. 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到! You can find...
中国风多层住宅 Typical Chinese Residential Building
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
中國銀行(Bank of China)
Created by azaza
Bank of China, office L2 3x2 glowable. This building is the version 2, the old one is deleted....
中式古风住宅楼低层Low floor of Chinese style ancient style residential building
Created by 红米先生
新中式古风住宅楼低层 Low floor of Chinese style ancient style residential building 住宅类型...
中式商业街单层底商-A1 Chinese Style Commercial Podium-A1
Created by FlyInTheSky
中式商业街单层底商-A1,支持夜间照明 如果你有 RICO,你可以直接用 RICO 来修建这个建筑 可以使用 Find it! 和 Plop the Growables 来修建这个建筑 可自行用 Move it! 或 Building Anarchy 将建筑移动到本资产建筑上 If you have RICO mod, you can use it to build this building. You can use 'Find it!' and 'Plop the Growables'(avoid th...
中式商业街单层底商-A2 Chinese Style Commercial Podium-A2
Created by FlyInTheSky
中式商业街单层底商-A2,支持夜间照明 如果你有 RICO,你可以直接用 RICO 来修建这个建筑 可以使用 Find it! 和 Plop the Growables 来修建这个建筑 可自行用 Move it! 或 Building Anarchy 将建筑移动到本资产建筑上 If you have RICO mod, you can use it to build this building. You can use 'Find it!' and 'Plop the Growables'(avoid th...
中式商业街双层餐饮-B1 彭厨 Chinese Style Commercial Restaurant-B1
Created by FlyInTheSky
中式商业街双层餐饮-B1 彭厨,支持夜间照明 如果你有 RICO,你可以直接用 RICO 来修建这个建筑 可以使用 Find it! 和 Plop the Growables 来修建这个建筑 可自行用 Move it! 或 Building Anarchy 将建筑移动到本资产建筑上 If you have RICO mod, you can use it to build this building. You can use 'Find it!' and 'Plop the Growables'(avoid...
中式商业街双层餐饮-B2 星巴克 Chinese Style Commercial Restaurant-B2 StarBucks
Created by FlyInTheSky
中式商业街双层餐饮-B1 星巴克 StarBucks,支持夜间照明 如果你有 RICO,你可以直接用 RICO 来修建这个建筑 可以使用 Find it! 和 Plop the Growables 来修建这个建筑 可自行用 Move it! 或 Building Anarchy 将建筑移动到本资产建筑上 If you have RICO mod, you can use it to build this building. You can use 'Find it!' and 'Plop the Growa...
Created by 红米先生
中式大门6 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
中式欧款住宅楼Chinese style European style residential building
Created by 红米先生
中式欧款住宅楼Chinese style European style residential building 住宅楼属性...
Created by 红米先生
中式现代中学 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
Created by 红米先生
中式现代小学 by 红米...
Created by often
本套资产包括8个建筑,资产名字:zb3_4,zb3_5,zb3_6,zb4_4,zb4_5,zb5_4,zb5_5,zb5_6。 This assets includes 8 buildings, asset Name: zb3_4,zb3_5,zb3_6,zb4_4,zb4_5,zb5_4,zb5_5,zb5_6. 标签:中式,自建楼,自建房,商业,住宅,广西 Tags:Chinese,self-built building,self-built houses,Commercial,Residential...
Created by often
本套资产包括10个建筑,资产名字:zb1,zb2,zb3_4_c,zb3_5_c,zb3_6_c,zb4_4_c,zb4_5_c,zb5_4_c,zb5_5_c,zb5_6_c。 This assets includes 10 buildings, asset Name: zb1,zb2,zb3_4_c,zb3_5_c,zb3_6_c,zb4_4_c,zb4_5_c,zb5_4_c,zb5_5_c,zb5_6_c. 标签:中式,自建楼,自建房,商业,住宅,广西 Tags:Chinese,self-built...
Created by often
本套资产包括4个建筑,资产名字: zb21,zb22,zb23,zb24。 This assets includes 4 buildings, asset Name: zb21,zb22.zb23.zb24. 标签:中式,自建楼,自建房,商业,住宅,广西 Tags:Chinese,self-built building,self-built houses,Commercial,Residential,Guangxi,growable
中式自建房-门头 招牌
Created by often
本套资产包括3个建筑,资产名字:pumian1,pumian2,pumian3。 This assets includes three buildings, asset Name: pumian1, pumian2 and pumian3. 使用MoveIt!将该资产放置到其他建筑下。 Use MoveIt! to place this shop inside other buildings. 当其他建筑与本建筑颜色区别很大时,可以用Painter改变背面的砖墙颜色。(默认颜色是黑色) Use Painte...
中式自建房(该资产不再更新) (No longer updated)
Created by often
该资产已包含于最新的mod中,该资产不再更新,请及时取消订阅。 This assets is no longer updated,please unsubscribe in time. 最新链接: Latest link: 类型:1级低密度商业 模型...
中式高层公寓 ChineseStyle Mansion
Created by amamIya
中式高层公寓 ChineseStyle Mansion by amamIya Real Glass Model: Main:23604 Glass:2210 SubMesh:12248 Lod: Main:1952 Others:0 Texture: Main:1024 Others:256 Lod:64...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A1 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A1/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:234 lod:48 ...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A2 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A2/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:214 lod:48 ...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A3 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A3/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:218 lod:48...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A4 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A4/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:242 lod:52...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A5 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A5/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:240 lod:48...
Created by 红米先生
Created by 红米先生
乌鲁木齐中天广场 Urumqi Zhongtian Square
Created by CM.
你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到它 You can find it in the sixth level special building 新疆乌鲁木齐中天广场,是位于中国新疆乌鲁木齐市新华北路的新疆大酒店(原东南假日大酒店)旁、红山新世纪广场对面的一座公寓/写字楼建筑,投资企业为新疆广汇实业投资 (集团)有限责任公司。拥有1400平方米的前厅大堂,有4300余平米的国际品牌精品廊,36层逾67000平方米的甲级5A写字楼,豪华风尚餐饮娱乐酒店、旅游观光厅。 Xinjiang Urumqi Zhongtian...
乡村建筑Chinese villages-A1
Created by kami❀
乡村建筑Chinese villages-A1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
人民大会堂the Great Hall of the People
Created by MC100
中华人民共和国中央政府人民大会堂位于中国北京市天安门广场西侧,西长安街南侧。人民大会堂坐西朝东,南北长336米,东西宽206米,高46.5米,占地面积15万平方米,建筑面积17.18万平方米。这个资产和现实中比较起来因为一些原因它的长度和宽度可能要短一些,但是不影响使用。请不要在评论区谈论有关政治的话题,就把它当作城市的一栋建筑就好了。最后不要忘记点个赞哦! First of all, I made this asset just for fun and entertainment, not for any...
会展中心 Exhibition Center
Created by amamIya
会展中心 Exhibition Center Unique Building Real Glass Model Tris: Main:5120 Glass:1136 Submesh:21862 LOD: Main:1410 Others:0 Texture: Main:1024 Others:256 LOD:64...
Created by 言绥
八一南昌起义纪念塔 by 飞行的荷兰人...
北京中央电视塔 Beijing Tower
Created by CM.
该资产中包含之前还原武汉计划视频中的武汉龟山电视塔。 The asset includes the Guishan TV Tower in Wuhan, which was previously restored in the video of Wuhan plan. 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到(两个资产) You can find it in level 6 special buildings (two assets) 因为工作等原因,现在做资产的时间并不多,这次的资产也只是自己抽空做的,在细节等方面...
Created by ZEIR
单向隐形路4米(高速) 用于公交枢纽与站外路段和站台路段的连接 此道路为高速路类型但限速40,无人行道,不可放公交站...
Created by 910095247
南京南栏杆 by 910095247...
Created by 910095247
公交站牌 by 910095247...
Created by machyue
南京火车站(简化版) 3站台4线 此版本是双向站台线 南京火车站(简化版)-单向站台线
Created by 752811818
南京青奥双子塔(南京国际青年文化中心) by 752811818 Nanjing International Youth Cultural Centre 314米/290米 314m/290m 必须订阅additive shader,否则无法显示霓虹灯效果 Additive shader is needed....
双子商业中心 TwinTowers Commercial Hub
Created by amamIya
双子商业中心 TwinTowers Commercial Hub Unique Building Level 5 Real Glass AnimUV Model: Main: 12890 Glass&others: 18190 Lod: Main: 2373 Glass&others: 0 Texture: Main: 1024*1024 Glass&others: 256*256 Lod: 64*64...
喀什发展大厦完整版 kashi development building
Created by CM.
你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到它。 (You can find it in the sixth-level special building.) 喀什发展大厦又名喀什双子塔大厦,地处新疆维吾尔族自治区喀什经济开发区深喀大道北侧占,总建筑面积514943.8平方米,由裙房和两栋塔楼组成,建筑高度为268米,是喀什第一高楼。 (Kashi Development Building, also known as the Kashi Twin Tower Building, is located on the nor...
Created by 红米先生
围墙广告牌1 by 红米...
國民革命忠烈祠 National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine
Created by Emperor Li
國民革命忠烈祠 位於臺北市圓山的一座忠烈祠,是中華民國全國崇祀國殤位階最高的場所。於1969年完工,建築型式仿北京故宮太和殿。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 預覽圖片中的牌樓在這裡。 歡迎使用First Person Camera: Updated 進來參觀。:) 感謝您的訂閱! 国民革命忠烈祠 位于台北市圆山的一座忠烈祠,是中华民国全国崇祀国殇位阶最高的场所。于1969年完工,建筑型式仿北京故宫太和殿。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 预览图片中的牌楼在这里。 欢迎使用First Person Camera: Update...
Created by hikke
大家好~ 一直做大家伙太累~ 这次做了一个小清新地铁站, 希望大家喜欢 未经本人同意,严禁转载腾讯平台 模型信息: 三角形计数:1164 贴图:1024X1024 ====================================== Metro: Hello everyone~~ This time made a subway station~ Hope you like it~ Infos for nerds: Tris: 1164 Texture: 1024x1024 ...
地铁站样式2 metro-s2
Created by hikke
大家好~ 第二个小清新地铁站, 希望大家喜欢 未经本人同意 严禁转载企鹅平台 模型信息: 三角形计数:1896 贴图:1024X1024 ====================================== Hello everyone~~ This is a metro station~ if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: Tris: 1896 Texture: 1024x1024 ---------------------------------...
地铁站样式3 metro-s3
Created by hikke
大家好~ 第三个小清新地铁站, 希望大家喜欢 未经本人同意 严禁转载腾讯平台 模型信息: 三角形计数:1094 贴图:1024X1024 ====================================== Hello everyone~~ This is a metro station~ if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: Tris: 1094 Texture: 1024x1024 ---------------------------------...
地铁站样式4 metro-s4
Created by hikke
大家好~ 第四个小清新地铁站, 这次是中式的~~ 希望大家喜欢 多多点赞啊~~ 未经本人同意 严禁转载腾讯平台 模型信息: 三角形计数:3322 贴图:1024X1024 ====================================== Hello everyone~~ This is a metro station~ if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: Tris: 3322 Texture: 1024x1024 ----------------...
Created by UNFU
大黄鸭是由荷兰艺术家弗洛伦泰因·霍夫曼(Florentijn Hofman)以经典浴盆黄鸭仔为造型创作的巨型橡皮鸭艺术品系列。大陆网友称之为香港小黄鸭,香港媒体称之为巨鸭。先后制作有多款,其中一只是世界上体积最大的橡皮鸭,尺寸为26×20×32米。 自2007年第一只“大黄鸭”诞生以来,霍夫曼带着他的作品从荷兰的阿姆斯特丹出发,截至2014年8月,大黄鸭先后造访了13个国家地区的22个城市。大黄鸭在所到之处都受到了很大关注,也为当地的旅游及零售业带来了极大的商业效益。 : Triss:1470/727 贴图...
天通苑北交通枢纽-TIANTONGYUAN North Transportation Hub
Created by ZEIR
天通苑北交通枢纽-TTYNTH by ZEIR 天通苑北交通枢纽 TIANTONGYUAN North Transportation Hub 2019年10月14日,天通苑北综合交通枢纽正式投入使用。该枢纽是一处集地铁、长途、公交、快速公交、出租、自行车、P+R等多种交通方式于一体的大型综合客运交通枢纽。 On October 14, 2019, Tiantongyuan North transportation hub was officially put into use. The hub is a l...
天通苑北交通枢纽站台-TIANTONGYUAN North Transportation Hub Platform
Created by ZEIR
天通苑北交通枢纽站台 by ZEIR 天通苑北交通枢纽站台 TIANTONGYUAN North Transportation Hub Platform 这是天通苑北交通枢纽的站台部分,这部分依赖的资产较多都在右侧,您必须订阅它们 This is the platform part of Tiantongyuan North transportation hub. Most of the assets that this part depends on are on the right side. You ...
Created by 红米先生
太阳能 by 281775129...
室内运动场 Gymnasium
Created by amamIya
室内运动场 Gymnasium by amamIya Unique Building Real Glass AnimUV Tris: Main:15717 Sub-Mesh:39577 Glass:224 Lod Tris: Main:1558 Sub-Mesh:0 Glass:0 Texture: Main:1024 Sub-Mesh:256 Glass:256 ...
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B1
Created by kami❀
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B2
Created by kami❀
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B2 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B3
Created by kami❀
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B3 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区住宅Residential Quarters-D1
Created by kami❀
小区住宅Residential Quarters-D1 by 西伯利亚猫...
小区住宅Residential quarters-A1
Created by kami❀
小区住宅Residential quarters-A1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区住宅Residential quarters-A2
Created by kami❀
小区住宅Residential quarters-A2 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区住宅Residential quarters-A3
Created by kami❀
小区住宅Residential quarters-A3 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区住宅底部商业楼/Commercial Podium B13A1
Created by often
Commercial Podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B13A1 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B13A1 建筑风格:欧式古典 样式:A1 三角形计数:4965 贴图:1024x1024 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Painter使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos for nerds: Asset...
小区住宅底部商业楼/Commercial Podium B13A2
Created by often
Commercial Podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B13A2 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B13A2 建筑风格:欧式古典 样式:A2 三角形计数:7924 贴图:1024x1024 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Painter使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos for nerds: Asset...
小区住宅底部商业楼/Commercial Podium B15A1
Created by often
Commercial Podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B15A1 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B15A1 建筑风格:现代/中式 样式:A1 三角形计数:724 贴图:1024x1024 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Painter使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos for nerds: Asset...
小区住宅底部商业楼/Commercial Podium B15A2
Created by often
Commercial Podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B15A2 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B15A2 建筑风格:现代/中式 样式:A2 三角形计数:3656 贴图:1024x1024 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Painter使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos for nerds: Asse...
小区住宅底部商业楼/Commercial Podium B3A1
Created by often
Commercial Podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B3A1 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B3A1 建筑风格:现代/中式 样式:A1 占地面积:4*16格 三角形计数:6861 贴图:2048*2048 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Repaint 1.0.2使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos ...
小区底商Podium Building-A1
Created by kami❀
小区底商Podium Building-A1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
工地A3-Site A3
Created by yamei
工地系列A3 羊咩ym制作 Site A3 make of yang_mie...
工地A4 construction site A4
Created by yamei
市图书馆 City Libary
Created by amamIya
市图书馆 City Libary by amamIya...
Created by 大郎唠叨
Created by UNFU
广州大剧院是广州新中轴线上的标志性建筑之一,是目前华南地区最先进、最完善和最大的综合性表演艺术中心。坐落于珠江新城花城广场旁,以璀璨的文化地标身份,为中国大胆探索着剧院经营管理新模式和改革发展道路。 广州大剧院由第一位获得“普利兹克建筑奖”的女性、英籍伊拉克设计师扎哈·哈迪德设计,是她进入中国的处女作和成名作 。广州大剧院宛如两块被珠江水冲刷过的灵石,奇特的外形充满奇思妙想。全球顶级声学大师哈罗德·马歇尔博士,为广州大剧院精心打造的声学系统,达到世界一流水平,使其传递出近乎完美的视听效果,获得全球建筑界及艺...
Created by 红米先生
底商商铺1 by 红米...
建設銀行(Construction Bank of China)
Created by azaza
Construction Bank of China, office L2 3x2 glowable. This building is the version 2, the old one is deleted....
Created by 513751247
Created by 红米先生
Created by ZEIR
斜公交站台-ZEIR by ZEIR...
新上海中心大厦1:1.5 shanghai tower 1:1.5
Created by CM.
上海中心大厦 shanghai tower 1:1.5 by CM. 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in level 6 special buildings. 现实中上海中心大厦隐约能够看到其内部的构造,我为了能够还原它想了不少办法,包括了最常用的真实玻璃,但是真实玻璃一离远就会消失,仍旧难让人满意,后来自己想到了一种玻璃幕墙的制作方式,虽然复杂了一点,但是最起码达到了效果,只是建筑的优化却成了最大的问题,工坊上所发布的仍旧是阉割版本,完全版本的内存更大,所以电脑运行内存...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-A1
Created by kami❀
Chinese Old Apartment-A1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-A2
Created by kami❀
Chinese Old Apartment-A2 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-A3
Created by kami❀
Chinese Old Apartment-A3 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-B1
Created by kami❀
Chinese Old Apartment-B1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-B3
Created by kami❀
Chinese Old Apartment-B3 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-C1
Created by kami❀
水滴大楼 Raindrop Plaza
Created by amamIya
水滴大楼 Raindrop Plaza by amamIya...
Created by 小翔xiang
派出所 by 小翔xiang 资产萌新的第一个建筑资产,资产占地4x3 如有任何问题请在评论区留言...
浦东一号停车场 PVG T1 Parking
Created by amamIya
浦东一号停车场 PVG T1 Parking by amamIya...
浦东一号航站楼 PVG Terminal 1
Created by amamIya
浦东一号航站楼 PVG T1 by amamIya Airport...
浦东机场磁悬浮站 PVG Maglev
Created by amamIya
浦东机场磁悬浮站 PVG Maglev by amamIya...
Created by 752811818
瀑布视野 FALLS-VIEWS 幻想世界系列-瀑布视野 第六级特殊建筑 由三栋曲线建筑围绕中部瀑布核心构成 添加真实玻璃结构 additive shader 效果 高度约250m 三角形个数16000+,游戏内提示三角形数量过多,可忽略。 (The following is translated by Google....
Created by KEL
爱群大酒店 by KEL 爱群大酒店(爱群大厦)位于中国广州市沿江西路,是广州市旅游局属下的一间三星级酒店。爱群大厦在1937年至1967年作为“广州第一高楼”的地位保持了整整30年。 The Aiqun Hotel or Oi Kwan Hotel (Chinese: 爱群大酒店) is a hotel in Guangzhou, China. At 64 meters tall with 15 floors, it surpassed the neighboring Nanfang Building t...
王国中心大厦 kingdom center
Created by CM.
王国中心大厦 kingdom center 此楼没有裙楼。(This building has no podium) 你可以在第六级地标建筑中找到。(You can find it in the sixth-level landmark building) 王国大厦是沙特的标志性建筑。王国大厦在建筑设计上与当地的气候特点非常契合,中间的圆拱型空洞设计能抵抗当地频发的沙尘暴,减少飓风对建筑物的影响,在沙漠腹地建起这样的高层建筑本身就是一个奇迹。 王国大厦由来自明尼苏达州的Ellerbe Becket设计。为这...
现代艺术馆 Modern Art Museum
Created by amamIya
现代艺术馆 Modern Art Museum Unique Building Level 5 Real Glass AnimUV Model: Main: 18670 Submesh: 14146 Glass: 4209 Lod: Main: 2102 Submesh: 352 Glass: 0 Texture: Main: 512*512 Submesh: 256*256 Glass: 256*256...
Created by ELeven夜
Created by 红米先生
社会主义核心价值观 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
篮球场 by 红米...
自然博物馆 Natural Museum
Created by amamIya
自然博物馆 Natural Museum by amamIya...
苏州东方之门LED版 The Gate of the Orient LED
Created by CM.
苏州东方之门LED版 The Gate of the Orient LED 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到它。 You can find it in the third level special building. 东方之门是位于中国江苏省苏州市的一座301.8米高的摩天大楼。苏州工业区双塔规划的核心建筑,它不仅代表着苏州的新大门,而且也是世界看中国的新大门。这座伟岸而优雅的标志性建筑位于苏州工业园区CBD轴线的末端,东临星港街及波光粼粼的金鸡湖,西面为国际大厦及世纪金融大厦。 The Gate Of t...
警察局公安法院检察院Police station public security court Procuratorate
Created by 红米先生
Created by 红米先生
足球场 by 红米...
Created by ELeven夜
请认真看完下面的内容! 一个路口的监控摄像头,时刻监视您的刁民 玻璃罩半透明效果很差,不过第一人称上去看还是能看到摄像机红灯亮着在工作哟! 你可以在景观美化与灾害选项中(就是那个一堆土插一把铁锹的标志)的石头一栏找到这个摄像头! 或者用find it这个mod来查找! 别问为什么,因为我傻! 另外我想你们都知道可以用move it!去移动它到你们想要的位置! 全部看完了?你会发现我说的都是废话,请无视!...
Created by ELeven夜
请认真看完下面的内容! 一个路边的监控摄像头,时刻监视您的刁民 玻璃罩半透明效果很差,不过第一人称上去看还是能看到摄像机红灯亮着在工作哟! 杆子上的看板需要另外订阅我的监控看板才会一起显示,如果不订阅我也不知道会出现什么后果! 你可以在景观美化与灾害选项中(就是那个一堆土插一把铁锹的标志)的石头一栏找到这个摄像头! 或者用find it这个mod来查找! 别问为什么,因为我傻! 另外我想你们都知道可以用move it!去移动它到你们想要的位置! 全部看完了?你会发现我说的都是废话,请无视!...
郵儲銀行(Postal Saving Bank of China)
Created by azaza
Postal Saving Bank of China, office L2 3x2 glowable. The another version is a post office, at here: 此版本是辦公樓,另有一個是可以使用的郵局(需要《工業》dlc),上述鏈接即是。...
重庆李子坝站 Chong qing Liziba Station
Created by CR
重庆李子坝站 Chong qing Liziba Station 车站特点: 重庆轨道交通2号线李子坝车站是国内第一座与商住楼共建共存的单轨(轻轨)高架车站,于2004年3月建成,占地面积3100平方米,建筑面积6000平方米。该站位于嘉陵江南畔的李子坝正街39号商住楼6-7层,因其“空中列车穿楼而过”成为蜚声中外的“网红车站”。 车站与商住楼同步设计、同步建设、同步投用,采用“站桥分离”的结构形式,轨道交通车站桥梁与商住楼结构支撑体系分开设置,有效解决两者结构传力及振动问题。同时,单轨列车采用低噪音、低振...
Created by 红米先生
青岛五四广场雕塑 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
青岛五四广场雕塑 by 红米...
高速收费站--- Tollbooth
Created by hikke
高雄 85大樓 Kaohsiung 85 Sky Tower(1:1)
Created by Ven
85 Sky Tower, formerly known as the T & C Tower or Tuntex Sky Tower (Chinese: 高雄85大樓), is an 85-story skyscraper located in Lingya District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The structure is 347.5 m (1,140 ft) high. An antenna increases the pinnacle height to 378 m (1,2...
Created by 红米先生
地下门面 by Redmi(红米) 由于比例原因,可能物件大小并不是您想要的,所以建议您订阅魔物PO,来配合使用即可调整武将长宽高比例,变能达到您想要的大小比例效果。...
湖南国贸中心Hunan International Trade Center
Created by MC100
湖南国贸中心Hunan International Trade Center by MC100 湖南国贸中心,又叫湖南国贸大酒店,是长沙市的最有名的标志性建筑之一,地处长沙市芙蓉广场,楼高170米,顶楼建有直升机,有"三湘第一楼"的美誉。该资产大小为13X8.可以在独特建筑中找到这一资产。如果不能,用“find it”搜“湖南”即可。 Hunan International Center,also called Hunan Fowin Hotel, is one of the most famous lan...
Created by ZEIR
streamline ceiling-s7 张拉膜结构样式7
Created by hikke
大家好 这次的作品是张拉膜结构 我会制作一个系列 这是第7个~ 希望大家喜欢 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is Tensioned Membrane structure I plan to release an entire series. enjoy~~ have fun~~ if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: look last page ...
streamline ceiling-s2 张拉膜结构样式2
Created by hikke
大家好 这次的作品是张拉膜结构 我会制作一个系列 这是第二个~ 希望大家喜欢 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is Tensioned Membrane structure I plan to release an entire series. if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: look last page
streamline ceiling-s6 张拉膜结构样式6
Created by hikke
大家好 这次的作品是张拉膜结构 我会制作一个系列 这是第六个~有四种颜色哦~ 希望大家喜欢 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is streamline ceiling-s6(4 Colour) I plan to release an entire series. if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: look last page http://i1....
铁路信号灯 signal lamp
Created by hikke
作品介绍: 做个小玩意 点缀铁路用的 希望大家喜欢~~ 未经本人同意 严禁转载腾讯平台 -------------------------- this is signal lamp if you like please rate~~ ...
铁路变轨装置 Railroad Switch Machine
Created by hikke
铁路变轨装置 Railroad Switch Machine...
诺德金融中心Nord financial center
Created by 红米先生
天津诺德金融中心Nord financial center by Redmi(红米) 位于天津滨海新区核心CBD,楼房高220米,占地13x13格 LOD:2000 分辨率:2K 建筑属性:独特建筑类型...
重庆朝天门大桥Chongqing Chaotianmen Yangtze River Bridge
Created by 29724548
重庆朝天门长江大桥(Chongqing Chaotianmen Yangtze River Bridge) 朝天门长江大桥是中国重庆市境内连接江北区与南岸区的过江通道,位于长江水道之上,是重庆主城区向外辐射的东西向快速干道, 建成时为世界上跨度最大的拱桥。朝天门长江大桥始称王家沱长江大桥,后曾被命名为红岩长江大桥,于2004年2月改为现名。2004年12月,朝天门长江大桥动工兴建。 2009年4月29日,大桥正式通车.大桥西连江北区五里店,东接南岸区弹子石;线路全长1741米、主跨长552米;桥面上层为双向...
Created by 啥也不会
泰安华侨大厦 by 筑联建科BIM...
Qingzhou Bridge of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
Created by Kaeru教信者
HZMB Qingzhou Bridge 港珠澳大桥青洲航道桥 Qingzhou Bridge of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Ponte Qingzhou da Ponte de Hong Kong-Macau-Zhuhai If you like my works, please rate👍 and subscribe this asset. You can also donate me by Paypal or WeChat(微信). ...
China Railway Station Prop Pack (Series I)
Created by Kaeru教信者
Chinese character props for China Railways Stations. 中国铁路站房字体摆件。 If you like my works, please rate👍 and subscribe this asset. You can also donate me by Paypal or WeChat(微信). ...
Wuhan Second Yangtze River Bridge [S]
Created by Kaeru教信者
The Second Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge (武汉长江二桥) is a bridge across the Yangtze River in Wuhan, Hubei province, China. It is the northern crossing for the Inner Ring Road of Wuhan. If you like my works, please rate👍 and subscribe this asset. You can also don...
Created by kaikai0706
四川省图书馆 by From 测试制作带装饰灯不带内透灯。 下个版本会做内透。...
Created by 29724548
重庆喜来登国际中心 by 29724548...
Created by 76561198984735658
成都环球中心 by beibeiyu...
Created by 红米先生
中国上海银行大厦 by 白米...
Created by 2535757187
Shanghai Tower by 2535757187...
Created by 红米先生
Created by yamei
皇冠大酒店 Crown Hotel
Created by CR
皇冠大酒店是云南省烟草旅游总公司等单位合资兴建的云南省地州级首家三星级酒店。位于风光秀丽、景色迷人的西双版纳旅游度假区,占地六十余亩,颇具傣乡风情的别墅式客楼内含108间档次各异的标准间和套房,店内配设进口名牌洁具、空调、卫星电视系统等现代化设施。酒店园林的珍稀植物、奇花异草为来店宾客观赏亚热带风光、旅游、度假提供了温馨的环境,配套的娱乐设施让众多宾客流连忘返。 酒店自年开业以来,先后接待过党和国家领导人,四十多个国家驻华使节、东南亚部分国家元首及其亲属,同时为本地和兄弟地州培训输送旅游饭店管理、服务人员千...
五羊雕塑 The Statue of Five Rams
Created by HooHeeHaa
Located at Yuexiu Park, Guangzhou, the Statue of Five Rams, a granite urban sculpture created by Yin Jichang, Chen Benzong and Kong Fanwei in April 1960. It has become a symbol of the city of Guangzhou (Canton). You can find it in the panel of Level 5 Uniq...
Created by Regened
HUAWEI Logo The mesh is only one side visible for building decoration use. Please use mod “Find it” and "Move it" to found and put....
白天鹅宾馆 The White Swan Hotel
Created by HooHeeHaa
The White Swan Hotel is a 28-story luxury hotel in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, located on Shamian Island, overlooking the Pearl River and facing the White Swan Pool. The hotel is reached by its own private 635 metres (2,083 ft) causeway. The hotel opened ...
Rockery Pack
Created by RyanCat
Rockery Pack by RyanCat Contains 5 ,which share textures Tris:240-605 Texture:512x1024(All share 1) LOD: Auto generated Support me here...
Created by 红米先生
现代住宅楼20层 by 红米...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商B4 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:8.5m x 8.5m x 4.2m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商B4/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:1024x1024 lod:128x128 三角形面数:347 lod:43...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C4 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C4/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C5 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C5/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C6 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C6/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商D3 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商D3/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商D4 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商D4/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商D5 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商D5/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Created by 红米先生
现代商铺底商 by 红米 现代中式底商,搜索词请直接复制标题搜索 分辨率2K,使用SUB方式制作完成 LOD:3000 高密度商业住宅楼属性,占地8X2格。楼房高度18米...
Middle school teaching building
Created by 红米先生
Middle school teaching building by 红米 中式中学教学楼1-3 占地8X7格,楼层搞15米。...
Classic residential building2 18
Created by 红米先生
Classic residential building2 18 by 红米 现代经典中式小区住宅楼,搜索词请直接复制标题搜索 分辨率2K,使用SUB方式制作完成 LOD:4500 高密度住宅楼属性,占地5X2格。楼房高度54米...
Classic residential building 18
Created by 红米先生
Classic residential building 18 by 红米 现代经典中式小区住宅楼,搜索词请直接复制标题搜索 分辨率2K,使用SUB方式制作完成 LOD:4500 高密度住宅楼属性,占地5X2格。楼房高度54米...
Harbin Vientiane哈尔滨万象汇
Created by 红米先生
大型购物商场:原名哈尔滨华润万象汇购物中心 独特建筑商场类型 占地32X16格 建筑分SUB方式导入,无法PO, LOD:3500 高模分辨率:2K,1080P, 256,LED夜景...
office construction siteA
Created by yamei
office construction siteA The first office building site in the new site series, number A. The design height of the office building is 250 meters, and the current building height is about 70 meters In the future, more styles and heights of construction sit...
Created by 红米先生
中学男生宿舍 by 红米...
Construction site of office building B
Created by yamei
Construction site of office building B No. B. is the second office building construction site of the new construction site series. The design height of the office building is 300 meters, and the current building height is about 180 meters. The building is ...
Biotech Building of NFU
Created by JenkinsLiu
南京林业大学生物技术大楼(生物与环境学院院楼),在校园DLC中用于环境研究学院。 This asset is the building of the School of Biology and Environment of Nanjing Forestry University (NFU) ,and used as a School of Environmental Studies in Campus DLC ....
Yifu Laboratory of NFU
Created by JenkinsLiu
南京林业大学逸夫科技实验楼,在校园DLC中用于大学实验室 This asset is the building of Yifu Laboratory of Nanjing Forestry University (NFU) ,and used as the University Laboratories in Campus DLC . ...
Created by 小翔xiang
德州市电视台大楼 by 小翔xiang 8.19更新,降低建筑亮度 三角形数量:2077 lod:58 贴图大小:1024 x 1024 lod:128 x 128 如有任何问题请在下方留言或私信b站帐号。...
Office Construction site B+
Created by yamei
The third office building site in the new site series, number B+, is an extended and upgraded version based on number B. T1 design height is 300 meters, current building height is about 180 meters T2 and T3 have an 8m high corridor in the sky, which makes ...
Created by 红米先生
中式住宅楼33层 by 红米...
Changchun Railway Station South Building
Created by yamei
Changchun Station, located in Kuancheng District, Changchun City, Jilin Province, China, is a special-class station under the jurisdiction of China Railway Shenyang Bureau Group Co., Ltd. and an important transportation hub in Jilin Province. On November 3...
Library of NFU
Created by JenkinsLiu
南京林业大学新图书馆,在校园DLC中用于大学图书馆。 This asset is the Library of Nanjing Forestry University (NFU) ,and used as the University Library in Campus DLC . 本资产需订阅“Additive Shader”。 This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 无DLC版本地址: Non Campus DLC version: https://stea...
成都 - 金河宾馆 (重制版)
Created by kaikai0706
成都 - 金河宾馆 (重制版) 更新字体更新材质, 两种不同版本。 大家帮忙测下。 3q...
Created by kaikai0706
Guangzhou Railway Station beta0.1.1 No font Update path...
广汽中心 GAC center
Created by HooHeeHaa
广州汽车集团股份有限公司位于珠江新城兴国路23号广汽中心。 广州汽车集团股份有限公司(简称广汽集团,证券代码:601238)创立于2005年6月28日,由广州汽车集团有限公司整体变更成立,是由广州汽车工业集团有限公司、万向集团公司、中国机械工业集团公司、广州钢铁企业集团有限公司、广州市长隆酒店有限公司作为共同发起人,以发起方式设立的大型国有控股股份制企业集团。 集团旗下拥有广汽乘用车、广汽本田、广汽丰田、广汽三菱、广汽吉奥、本田(中国)、广汽客车、广汽日野、广汽部件、广汽丰田发动机、广汽商贸、广爱公司、同方...
Created by Milgram
huarunbuild by Milgram hello everyone,this is my new mod,with chinese style.i hope you like it .it took me two day so yes it is quick,because i often find a job this time so i do not have much this new mod i think it is easy box model but i also m...
Created by 76561198822036937
Chongqing Rail Transit Station [Metro]
Created by RichardShi
This is a metro station with glass wall and nice look entrance. About the Station This asset is a classic station of Chongqing Rail Transit System. Chongqing Rail Transit operates nine lines by May 2021, two of which will be monorails with a total length o...
Created by 76561198822036937
广州圆大厦 The Guangzhou Circle
Created by HooHeeHaa
Guangzhou Circle is a landmark building located in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, China. The building was designed by Italian architect Joseph di Pasquale. The total height is 138 meters for 33 stories. The building consists of a total area of 85.000 squar...
Created by 红米先生
现代小区围栏护栏 by 逍遥子掌门人 公园属性 LOD:1010 分辨率:1024X1024...
Created by 红米先生
小区蓝色围栏 by 逍遥子掌门人...
Created by 红米先生
高层住宅楼 by 逍遥子掌门人 楼层高95米,总楼层30层,另外一座总楼层10层,高度35米,两座楼属于高密度住宅楼 贴图大小:1024X1024 LOD:1200 分辨率:2K 附带夜景 占地4X3格...
Created by 红米先生
现代小区住宅楼 by 逍遥子掌门人 高层住宅楼 by 逍遥子掌门人 楼层高95米,总楼层30层,另外一座总楼层10层,高度35米,两座楼属于高密度住宅楼 贴图大小:1024X1024 LOD:1200 分辨率:2K 附带夜景 占地4X3格...
Created by 红米先生
多层住宅楼-1 by 逍遥子掌门人 3种一样风格,不一样贴图材质,展示三种多层住宅楼外观...
Created by 红米先生
广州环球都会广场 by 逍遥子掌门人 环球都会广场总建筑面积为18万平方米,总高度318米,楼层67层,是中轴至高可售甲级写字楼地标。配备地下5层智能车库、38层之上的空中奢华大堂、8.8米挑高豪华宴会厅等顶级商务配套。项目正处珠江新城最繁华的中轴核心区域,与东塔比肩相邻,共同组成68万平方米集超甲写字楼、高端商场、星级酒店、高端公寓于一体的顶级城市综合体。同时,中轴线上广州歌剧院、图书馆、博物馆、广州塔等七大地标景观也近在咫尺,又可北看56万平方米花城广场中轴景观、南望绝版一线珠江、东北向远眺珠江公园,中...
Created by 红米先生
欧式居民楼30层 by Redmi(红米) 共计三栋分别:30层一栋 17层一栋 8层一栋,属于住宅楼建筑类,风格偏向于闽南风格建筑...
Created by 76561198822036937
Created by 红米先生
中式围栏黑蓝色调 by Redmi(红米) 总高度2.2米,其中地面墙面70厘米,上面围栏1.5米,颜色搭配:白色+蓝色+墙砖贴图 属性道路公园属性,可以拉长...
Created by 红米先生
中式交通围栏 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
中国国徽 by 281775129...
Created by 红米先生
新式小区大门 by 281775129...
Created by 红米先生
小区宣传栏 by 281775129...
Created by 红米先生
中式小区大门-1 by 281775129...
Chongqing Rail Transit Station Entrance
Created by RichardShi
This is my first asset. I created it with the help of Ryancat About the Station Entrance This asset is a classic look at the entrance of Chongqing Rail Transit Station. Chongqing Rail Transit operates nine lines by May 2021, two of which will be monorails ...
Chongqing Interchange Station [Metro]
Created by RichardShi
This is my second asset. I created it with the help of Ryancat About the Station This is a metro station with glass wall and nice look entrance. The two platforms are on different planes and can transfer. This asset is a classic station of Chongqing Rail T...
Created by CR
广告制作 欢迎加入qq群:661736674...
Guangzhou CTF Finance Centre (reupload)
Created by Nickayz
This asset was originally created and uploaded by Solars Ou / Chisuki on May 28th, 2016: 广州(东塔)周大福金融中心 | Guangzhou(Canton) CTF Finance Centre. Since it has been broken for the past few years because of the now incompatible Larger Footprints Mod, I decided ...
Created by 红米先生
中式住宅楼10层 by 红米...
[CRCP] 中国铁路字符物件 1
Created by 98ColdDew
中国铁路字符物件【自制教程】 中国铁路字符物件 0 中国铁路字符物件 1 中国铁路字符物件 2 CRCP = China Railway Character Prop 中国铁路字符物件 此工坊物品为中国国铁站房站名用字prop,包含国铁LOGO+250隶书汉字。4m,a贴图+叠面法。 ※ 强烈建议订阅 find it 并在搜索栏输入 crcp 及拼音以便于查找。例如寻找 “一”,输入 “crcp yi”。 ※ 必需物品 loading screen mod 可以优化内存占用,因为所有prop的模型、d贴图、...
[CRCP] 中国铁路字符物件 2
Created by 98ColdDew
中国铁路字符物件【自制教程】 中国铁路字符物件 0 中国铁路字符物件 1 中国铁路字符物件 2 CRCP = China Railway Character Prop 中国铁路字符物件 此工坊物品为中国国铁站房站名用字prop,包含第251-500隶书汉字。4m,a贴图+叠面法。 ※ 强烈建议订阅 find it 并在搜索栏输入 crcp 及拼音以便于查找。例如寻找 “甲”,输入 “crcp jia”。 ※ 必需物品 loading screen mod 可以优化内存占用,因为所有prop的模型、d贴图、i...
Chinese style Transformer中式小区变压器A
Created by 璃夜lili
model&texture:璃夜lili texture size:512px size in game :about 1.5u ...
[CRCP] 中国铁路字符物件 0
Created by 98ColdDew
中国铁路字符物件【自制教程】 中国铁路字符物件 0 中国铁路字符物件 1 中国铁路字符物件 2 CRCP = China Railway Character Prop 中国铁路字符物件 此工坊物品为中国国铁站房站名用字prop,包含数字和大小写英文字母。4m,a贴图+叠面法。 ※ 强烈建议订阅 find it 并在搜索栏输入 crcp 以便于查找。例如寻找 “0”,输入 “crcp”。 ※ 必需物品 loading screen mod 可以优化内存占用,因为所有prop的模型、d贴图、i贴图完全相同,只有...
Created by CM.
你可以在第三级独特建筑中找到(You can find it in the third level of unique architecture.) 新疆喀什市中坤观光塔,是新疆维吾尔族自治区喀什地区喀什市的第一高塔,高度160米(524.9343832英尺)与喀什古城相互辉映形成一道靓丽的风景线。(The Zhongkun Sightseeing Tower in Kashgar City is the first tallest tower in Kashi City, Kashgar, Xinjian...
Created by Go!Vnian
牵引机车:HXD3D型电力机车 列车车体:YW25T型硬卧 车厢定员数:300(每节60人) 车厢数:5 运行速度:160Km/h Locomotive:HXD3D Electric Locomotive Wagon:YW25T series passenger coach(sleeper car) Capacity:300(60 per car) Speed:100MPH Prop版本(Prop Version) 25T型客车(Coach)
Gas Station CNPC
Created by azaza
growabled 3X4 China National Petroleum Corporation was established as a joint stock company with limited liabilities under the Company Law of the China on November 5, 1999, as part of the restructuring of CNPC. In the restructuring, CNPC injected into Petr...
Jinhu Suning Plaza金湖苏宁广场
Created by 红米先生
金湖苏宁广场+广场铺砖格。 坐落与江苏省淮安市金湖县,商业核心地段,拥有国内超人气吃喝玩乐一体等大型商场,欢迎您的光临 资产为超大型资产,占地170米X80米,建筑属性:独特性(超大购物商场),贴图分辨率:2K 建筑无法PO,因为面数过多,LOD面数:3000,使用SUB方式组合而成,漂亮的外观,中式现代的风格,让你享受全新的购物天堂。 Jinhu Suning Plaza, located in Jinhu County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, is a comm...
Created by 红米先生
凯虹广场于2011年12月1日开张营业,隶属于浙江舟山凯虹集团,是浙江省舟山市东港街道一个集百货、餐饮、娱乐、休闲文化、观光于一体的大型购物中心,是高档次、高品位商业旗舰。凯虹广场经营理念深化购物中心核心的主题:时尚、休闲、人性化。 此资产为独特建筑大型商场,占地16X16,高度相当于5层楼高, 贴图分辨率2k, LOD:2000.配带LED彩色夜景 ,可PO放大缩小。...
Created by 红米先生
长兴县博物馆即长兴太湖博物馆,成立于1976年7月19日。原馆址在长兴县雉城镇县前西街99号,现址位于浙江省长兴县太湖新城中央大道与滨湖大道交叉口南侧,由美国建筑师马歇尔·斯特拉巴拉设计。 2000年长兴县政府投资6000万元在雉城镇人民广场新建长兴会展中心,其中博物馆拥有馆室3500平方米,于2002年元旦正式对外开放。2003年博物馆又在浙江省县级博物馆中率先对外免费开放。 资产贴图:2K LOD:1500, 占地:10X8 高度:8层楼高...
Created by 红米先生
农村自建房4X3 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
碧桂园住宅楼 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
共计两辆车:分辨率2K LOD:分别占用2200 车载属性。...
Created by 红米先生
轻奢风格30层住宅楼 by 红米...
Mandalay Bay曼德勒海湾酒店
Created by 红米先生
曼德勒海湾酒店(Mandalay Bay)充分体现了热带风光。酒店大堂中心是一个水族馆,里面有2,000种海洋动物,供它们游动的海水达150万加仑。总台的后方则以热带植物为装饰背景。在干旱的拉斯维加斯,曼德勒海湾酒店的泳池边有着难以置信的沙滩,由造波机产生的冲浪,令游客忘记了身在何处。值得一提的是酒店还设了一座钱币博物馆,有丰富酒店的文化内涵. Mandalay Bay Hotel fully embodies the tropical scenery. In the center of the hotel...
Created by 红米先生
重庆广发银行 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
湖州长兴皇冠假日大酒店 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
湖州从长兴紫金大酒店 by 红米...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商E3 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商E3/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商E4 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商E4/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商E5 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商E5/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商E1 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商E1/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Created by 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商E2 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商E2/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Created by 红米先生
小区中央公园铺砖 by 红米 共计6个资产,同属公园类资产,可以在公园类属性找到,可以任意角度摆放,也可以PO, 6个资产您可以参考现实小区平面效果图,拼接方式摆放 分辨率:2k LOD:6个资产分别占比不到500左右。 There are 6 assets in total, which belong to park assets. They can be found in park attributes, and can be placed at any angle or po, 6 assets, y...
站前广场Station Square
Created by 红米先生
想要做资产的可以联系我,定制资产有偿制作,加Q281775129 共计两个资产,属性同属公园类目,占地大小在16X10格,高度0.02米左右, 分辨率2K, LOD:只用了1000左右,因为就是一个平面铺砖形式,一张完整的铺砖地砖贴图而已,自己可以在上面添加任何物件,其中有一个广场铺砖带有两个地下坑,可供玩家自己摆放电梯商铺等物件,另外整个资产大小可以通过魔物模组任意改变大小。 There are two assets in total, belonging to the same category of ...
Created by 红米先生
北京三里屯太古里 by 红米 想要做资产的可以联系我,定制资产有偿制作,加Q281775129...
Shanghai Bund revetment上海外滩护岸
Created by 红米先生
根据上海外滩护栏模仿制作而成,虽然有美中不足,且不是一比一模仿,但是尽量接近真实形状。 在游戏中,可向道路一样在河堤边拉长,上面附带景观走廊,如果您在基础上,加点装饰会显得更加美观。 资产: 面数:3500 LOD:1500 分辨率:1024X1024 低模分辨率:256X256 属性:公园护岸 The first mock exam of the Bund guardrail in Shanghai is in want of perfection, and it is not imitation, bu...
Hong Kong City Hall High Block Library
Created by Dennie Mok Still finding the best-fit principal library for your city? Preferably a multi-storey and high coverage one? This is it! In fact, this mid-20th century Bauhaus-style building is a very famous ...
Arch Roof Tent Pack
Created by Taipei Native
Arch Roof Tent Pack Info This is a prop pack consists of 12 assets, which you can use to build nice, cozy, and Taiwanese arch roof tents. What are “Arch Roof Tents”? Arch roof tents, or “接龍帳¹/圓拱帳” in Chinese, are one of the ...
YouBike Public Bicycle System
Created by Taipei Native
YouBike Public Bicycle System Info This is an asset pack consisting of 7 assets, and you can introduce them into your city to build a more eco-friendly metropolis. What is “YouBike”? YouBike, or officially“YouBike 微笑單車¹” in ...
Created by kaikai0706
百杨大厦 by by...
Created by kaikai0706
成都天府国际金融中心金融城 - 7号楼...
Government Primary School (Type B) - Hong Kong [English Description]
Created by Dennie Mok
Language: English | 繁體中文 | 簡体中文 Abstract: This is an ideal primary school for your city! With high capacity and coverage! http...
Outdoor Badminton Court #1 - Hong Kong
Created by Dennie Mok
This is the ONLY badminton court currently available in the workshop! In other words, this is the FIRST badminton court ever made for Cities: Skylines! So why not click the subscribe button and give it a try? Badminton : Th...
Fire Station Cum Ambulance Depot #1 - Hong Kong
Created by Dennie Mok Hey! Are you still finding a nice looking but high coverage fire station for your city? This is it! It's the kind of fire station you would expect in an urban setting! Not only it has a big g...
Created by 红米先生
粤式住宅楼B by 红米 两种不同颜色住宅楼属性资产: 占地4X5格,贴图:2K LOD:3000 SUB方式导入。楼层高90米,共计30层。...
Created by 小翔xiang
德州市政府大楼 by 小翔xiang 8.19更新,降低建筑亮度,略微缩小建筑体积 此资产参照德州市政府大楼建模,略微有所修改。 三角形数量:3444 贴图大小:1024 x 1024 lod三角形数量:102 lod贴图大小:128 x 128 如有任何问题请在评论区留言获或私信b站账号。...
星海音乐厅 Xinghai Concert Hall
Created by HooHeeHaa
星海音乐厅位于广东省广州市越秀区二沙岛,造型奇特的外观,富于现代感,犹如江边欲飞的一只天鹅,与蓝天碧水浑然一体,形成一道瑰丽的风景线。 这座以人民音乐家冼星海的名字命名的音乐厅,占地1.4万平方米,建筑面积1. 8万平方米。整体建筑为双曲抛物面钢筋混凝土壳体,室内不吊天花板,做到建筑空间与声学空间融为一体。星海音乐厅总投资达2.5亿元,是我国目前规模最大,设备最先进,功能完备,具有国际水平的音乐厅。 你可以在第五级独特建筑页面下面找到该建筑,也可以用Find it! 占地:7x6 贴图大小:2048x204...
暨南大学校门 Main Gate of JNU
Created by HooHeeHaa
Jinan University (abbreviated JNU) is a public research university based in Tianhe District, Guangzhou city, Guangdong province, China. It is one of the oldest universities established in China, tracing back to the Qing dynasty. You can find it in the pane...
Created by 红米先生
现代步行街一期 by 逍遥子掌门人 本资产共计9栋资产建筑,每个建筑之间保持在5-6米距离,可供玩家自行画道路,另外您可以在每个建筑上自行画质过路天桥用来模拟显示天桥通道。 本资产占地340X180米,是一个超大型商业性质的步行街。 LOD:2000左右 2K分辨率 Leader of the first phase of modern pedestrian street There are 9 asset buildings in total. The distance between each buil...
Modern youth apartment现代青年公寓
Created by 红米先生
现代青年公寓,参考青岛五四广场周边住宅楼而模范建造,层高30层,105米,占地4X4格子,LOD:500,贴图分辨率:2K, 属性自长住宅楼。 Modern youth apartment is a model building with reference to the residential buildings around the May Fourth Square in Qingdao. It is 30 stories high and 105 meters in height. It cover...
Created by 红米先生
中式商住楼一体 by 红米...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-B2
Created by kami❀
Chinese Old Apartment-B2 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
505-507 Canton Road | 廣東道505號
Created by Jeremychit 505-507 Canton Road 廣東道505-507號 Introduction Tenement building on Canton Road, Jordon, Hong Kong. Built in 1948. Description This building is the first Hong Kong building I made for Cities: Sk...
Brick laying style
Created by 红米先生
现代铺砖,地砖,商业人形砖,共计6个,占地5X5格 属性:prop物件类,可PO魔物 分辨率:1024 LOD: 40 可以放在任何地方,专用放在办公楼,CBD写字楼商业区,作为大厦底座铺砖使用 There are 6 modern paving tiles, floor tiles and commercial humanoid tiles, covering an area of 5x5 squares Property: prop object class, which can be used to ...
Brick laying style
Created by 红米先生
公园装饰停车资产,每个资产有预留间距,间距保持6米左右,可以参考提供的预览图,在沿着弯曲行政换道路,里边有凹进去的地方是作为停车位,需要自行放置停车位,具体可以参考预览图模仿。共计3个,占地大约都在4X7格 属性:prop物件类,可PO魔物 分辨率:1024 LOD: 800 The park is decorated with parking assets. Each asset has a reserved spacing of about 6m. You can refer to the previe...
Created by 红米先生
温州置信广场高层 by 红米...
Modern Toll Gate
Created by HooHeeHaa
Modern Toll Gate with real glass material. Not functional as a real toll that charges vehicles. Can be found in Electricity panel. Size: 5x4 Tri count: 17150 Texture Size: 256x256, d,s + 1024x1024(concrete), d,n + 64x64(glass), d, s, a, i LOD Tri count: 30...
207 Des Voeux Road West | 德輔道西207號
Created by Jeremychit 207 Des Voeux Road West 德輔道西207號 - 厚生酒行 Introduction Tenement building on Des Voeux Road West, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong. Built in 1921, and it's graded as Grade II historic buildings in Hong Ko...
Created by 红米先生
人民日报社总部大楼可谓自2008年北京奥运会之后北京最重要的建筑物之一,于2010年完成施工图设计,同年大楼开始建造,并于2015年建造完成,建筑高度:179.7米、首先,人民日报社是中国级别最高、影响力最大的报社媒体,其次大楼位于北京核心区,是未来北京发展最主要的区域 人民日报社总部大楼位于北京市朝阳区金台西路2号,用地面积:88 856 m~2建筑面积:13.84万m~2建筑层数:地上33层,地下3层建筑结构 ...
Xinhua Bookstore
Created by RichardShi
This is a bookstore asset. About asset The prototype of this bookstore is sanxiaokou Xinhua Bookstore in Hefei, China. Red metal strip decoration and floor glass exterior wall make it stand out in the street. Triangle count: 2548 https://steamuserimages-a....
Created by 小翔xiang
德州市德城区政府大楼 by 小翔xiang 此建筑在原型上稍作修改。 三角形数量:1726 lod三角形数量:144 贴图大小1024 x 1024 lod贴图大小: 128 x 128 如有任何问题请在下方留言...
Canton Tower with animated LED
Created by HooHeeHaa
Can be found at panel: Unique Building Level 2 The Tower consists of two separate assets: Canton Tower without lights + LED lights of the tower, given the incompatibility between Additive Shader (which automatically controls when the light should be on) an...
Xinguang Arch Bridge 新光大桥
Created by HooHeeHaa
Briefing Found in Electricity panel The main bridge and the approach bridge are separate assets. Four color variants. Use Move it! or Repaint or Procedural Objects to switch color. The Xinguang Bridge, located in Guangzhou, China, is a bridge crossing the ...
Kaohsiung music center 高雄流行音樂中心(Building)
Created by victor86520
Kaohsiung music center is a music hall in Kaoshiung,Taiwan. You can find it from LV.6 building or RICO( kaoshiung music center). It's very hard to make the asset,so if you like it, please give me a thumb. That will super encourage me, thanks! 高雄流行音樂中心位於台灣的...
Created by 红米先生
多户型高层住宅楼 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
广州天誉花园 by 红米...
CRT Elevated Metro Station 120m Detailed
Created by RichardShi
This is an elevated metro station asset. About the Station The prototype of this subway station is the Gailanxi station of Chongqing Rail Transit Line 9. The part of the roof absorbs its design elements. I designed and modified other parts. Triangle count:...
CRT Monorail Station Detailed
Created by RichardShi
This is a monorail station asset. About the Station The prototype of this station is the Gailanxi station of Chongqing Rail Transit Line 9. The part of the roof absorbs its design elements. I designed and modified other parts. Triangle count: 18780 You can...
1-3 Hau Wong Road | 侯王道1號—樂口福酒家
Created by Jeremychit 1-3 Hau Wong Road 侯王道1-3號 - 樂口福酒家 Introduction Tenement building on Hau Wong Road, Kowloon City, Hong Kong. Built in 1945. The shop floor is a Chawzhou restaurant "Lok Hau Fοοk Restaurant", op...
Created by kaikai0706
Created by 小翔xiang
德州唐人中心(主楼) by 小翔xiang 德州唐人中心现德州城区最高建筑,高150m。 该资产参照德州唐人中心主楼建筑,并作少许修改。 三角形面数:1746 lod三角形面数:58 贴图大小1024 x 1024 lod贴图大小:128 x 128 如有任何问题请在下方留言...
Jiayu Center 广州嘉裕中心
Created by HooHeeHaa
Briefing Located on Xiancun Road, Zhujiang New Town, the central business district of Guangzhou, Jiayu Center is an office tower developed by Jiayu Group, with 46 floors, (2-5F for catering, banquet halls and conference halls, 6-13F for offices, 15-46F for...
Created by 小猕猴桃
鸡西市中心塔,又名鸡西市建市纪念塔,是一座曾位于黑龙江省鸡西市的建筑物。 1957年鸡西建市,同年该塔于中心大街落成。(一说该塔为苏联红军解放鸡西阵亡将士纪念塔,来源为百度贴吧,真实性存疑。)该塔曾为鸡西的标志性建筑,是一代鸡西人的美好回忆。 该塔于1998年拆除,取而代之的是一个高21米的高杆灯,寓意为迎接21世纪。 图片来源:鸡西市志. 方志出版社 , 1996 占地面积:2x2 三角面:19582 顶点:9881 注意:本资产无夜间灯光,请在游戏中自行添加光源。 由于本人未见过该塔,该资产为本人参考照...
Beijingnan Railway Station
Created by kaikai0706
Beijingnan Railway Station Beijingnan Huochezhan Beijing Nan/South Railway Station Guide: Train Schedules, Timetable and Fare Beijing South Railway Station is also known as South Railway Station and the former Yongding Gate Railway Station,which is the thi...
Created by kaikai0706
Qingdao TV Tower
Created by yamei
Qingdao TV Tower is a 232 metres (761 ft) tall lattice television tower with an observation deck situated on the top of 116 metres high Taiping Hill in Julin Hill Park in Qingdao, China. It is the tallest attraction in the city. Construction on the Qingdao...
Created by 红米先生
厦门世茂海峡大厦(Xiamen Shimao Strait Tower),位于福建省厦门市思明区演武西路180-188号 ,是集酒店、写字楼、SOHO办公,以及观光旅游、购物、休闲、娱乐、餐饮等于一体的城市综合体 厦门世茂海峡大厦占地面积约为3万平方米,地上建筑面积27万平方米,总建筑面积约为33万平方米 ;其中A塔地上64层,B塔地上55层,高度均为300米;裙房6层,地下3 。 本资产共计2个,一个底商+一个高层写字楼,因为是双子塔,所有玩家可在游戏中复制一个即可。最后三个资产需要自己拼接,具体如何拼接...
Taiwan scooter - A2
Created by YufuCharioteer
台灣機車A2 ▲"Additive Shader"必要 一輛台灣的125機車,車輛原型是YAMAHA的JOG 125,是個男性勞工騎乘機車的資產,因為遊戲限制所以機車會騎上高速公路飆車(´・ω・`) 道具 : here Taiwan scooter - A2 ▲This asset require "Additive Shader" Mod. Taiwan’s scooter, the prototype is Yamaha’s JOG 125, Taiwan’s law does not allow sc...
Created by kaikai0706
保利威座大厦 by Auto...
Created by kaikai0706
HKUST Statue 香港科技大學雕塑
Created by HooHeeHaa
Symbolic statue of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Created with Blender & Substance Painter. Model info Tri count: 1408 Texture Size: 1024x1024 LOD Tri count: 280 LOD Texture Size: 64x64 Display image credits to @ccy016 ...
Inscription Square of Aug. 1 八一广场大字
Created by HooHeeHaa
位于江西省南昌市的八一广场,题词位于升旗台北侧,汉白玉镌刻着江泽民的题词“军旗升起的地方”,突出了南昌在中国革命中的特殊历史地位。升旗台的南侧,与之相对称的汉白玉镌刻着毛泽东手书“星星之火,可以燎原”,反映了井冈山道路对于中国革命胜利的意义。 Located in the Square of August 1st, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, the inscription written Jiang Zemin on the north side of the fla...
Created by kaikai0706
Created by kaikai0706
TW_PX Mart 全聯福利中心(Taiwan)
Created by sanyu321
台灣的全聯福利中心。 如何使用 Search "TW_PX Mart" on Find It! 詳細說明 台灣的全聯,是以桃園的某間全聯為原型做出來的。有附上招牌的PORP。另外為了讓它好看一點,製作有內裝,內裝在晚上開燈。由於玻璃的問題有點棘手做了一個只有玻璃的TW_PX Mart X 全聯福利中心(資產用),這個是資產用的還請不要當成建築(笑)。 為了對應各種LUT,該建築有四種灰度,如果覺得太亮或是太暗請重新設置。另外建築設定4乘4是為了方便設置,實際寬度大概是7乘8,還請注意。 由於冷氣似乎是裝在建...
Created by RichardShi
MIXI HOTEL 中式老城酒店...
Shijiazhuang Fuli Center 石家庄富力中心(China HeBei ShiJiaZhuang)
Created by 常山`白云
富力中心地处城市轴心,源起休门,城市文脉起源点,雄踞中山路与建设大街黄金十字中轴,紧邻北国商城,占据城市的商业中心,全维配套一触即享, 是省会的商业中心、文化中心、经济中心及交通中心,打造210米超高纯商务办公楼宇,建立城市形象新地标。 富力中心总占地2.89万m,总建筑面积19.5万m,涵盖两栋超高写字楼,其中T2共34层,158米,T1共计45层,210米,是仅次于石家庄电视塔、希尔顿的第三高建筑。 R & F Center is located in the urban axis, starting ...
南昌绿地中央广场NCGCP RICO
Created by GeniusKKG
南昌绿地中央广场(303米双子塔) 图中LED资产需手动move it对准到建筑本体,游戏内搜:ILoveNC_LED_RotateAnim 建筑属性:办公类Rico 资产制作者:amamlya 如果您喜欢这个资产就请点个赞👍 Nanchang Greenland Central Square (303m Twin Towers). The LED assets in the picture need to be manually moved and aligned to the building body...
TeaShop 奶茶店 | 商业建筑 Commercial | 蜜雪冰城
Created by RichardShi
TeaShop奶茶店 蜜雪冰城 中式奶茶店 奶茶 底商 商铺 中式城市 Tea 你爱我🎵我爱你🎵蜜雪冰城🎵甜蜜蜜🎵 你爱我🎵我爱你🎵蜜雪冰城🎵甜蜜蜜🎵 你爱我呀🎵我爱你🎵 你爱我🎵我爱你🎵蜜雪冰城🎵甜蜜蜜🎵...
Created by 红米先生
北京国贸三期A座 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
北京国贸三期A座 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
新中式大门景观墙 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
城市雕塑1 by 红米...
宁波中心大厦B座,Ningbo Center B
Created by RAY
宁波中心大厦B座 宁波中心是中国浙江宁波市一座正在建设的摩天大楼。 『余之恩』独资订制,红米制作。 赞助后,可优先体验『阪急百货』! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入『都市天际线交流群!』 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 Ningbo Center Ningbo Center is a skyscraper under construction i...
宁波中心大厦A座,Ningbo Center A
Created by RAY
宁波中心大厦A座 宁波中心是中国浙江宁波市一座正在建设的摩天大楼。 『余之恩』独资订制,红米制作。 赞助后,可优先体验『阪急百货』! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入『都市天际线交流群!』 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 Ningbo Center Ningbo Center is a skyscraper under construction i...
CNPC building Beijing
Created by abuchou
China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is an integrated international energy company. The CNPC Building of China is contained four L-shaped office buildings with 22 floors,90m height. In side of these buildings,the two buildings is connected. The main...
China Mayors Plaza 广州市长大厦
Created by HooHeeHaa
Briefing Located on the new city axis of Guangzhou Tianhe District, China Mayors Plaza is a fully functional and intelligent commercial building with 28 floors and 23,000 square meters of floor space. The building's unique architectural style and golden gl...
Urban landscape sculpture
Created by 红米先生
红米 现代城市雕塑雕像 由于之前资产在测试中出现问题,同时资产里包含多个文件无法一次性更新,只能删除重新发布, 现在共计7个文件,可魔物po 属性:公园 LOD:每个分别在1000-2500左右, 分辨率:1080p 占地:1X2 Red rice Modern urban sculpture Because there were problems in the previous asset test and multiple files contained in the asset cannot be u...
Created by 红米先生
青岛百盛购物商厦 by 红米...
石家庄电视塔,SHIJIAZHUANG TV-Tower,(China HeBei ShiJiaZhuang)
Created by RAY 石家庄电视塔 石家庄电视塔,位于河北省石家庄市世纪公园内,始建于1997年1月,2000年10月1日正式对外开放,塔高280米。 它是石家庄市标志性建筑之一。 『常山`白云』独资订制。 赞助后,可优先体验更多石家庄资产! Shijiazhuang TV Tower Shijiazhuang TV Tower, located in Century Park, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, was buil...
Created by 听风说雨
北京银泰中心(BEIJING YINTAI CENTRE) by 听风说雨 tips: 该资产是为了尽可能完整的表现出原建筑外貌而做的,因此尽可能使用了大面数以及高分辨率贴图,最终文件也很大,如果对您造成了困扰了的话在此我感到很抱歉,目前没有很好的方式进行优化,但如果您喜欢我做的建筑资产的话,不妨给我留下一个小小的赞,非常感谢!如果您认可我的作品的话,也可以给我提供一点小小的赞助,您的支持是我继续的动力! tips: This asset was made to show the appearance of...
Created by 红米先生
33层高层住宅楼 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
新中式小区围栏 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
新中式高档住宅楼 by 红米 33层超高层建筑,占地5X3,住宅楼属性 分辨率:1080P LOD:2600...
Maternal and Child Health Hospit
Created by 红米先生
Maternal and child health care hospital, Chinese style hospital It covers an area of about 100x60m and belongs to the architectural style of the hospital. The floors are about 3-10 floors LOD: the number of faces is a little large, about 3000, resolution: ...
GHQ Grand Theatre
Created by XDBX
GHQ Grand Theatre by XDBX --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 应投资方要求,删去浮雕艺术字,上传工坊。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 感谢玩家“直男哥”的大力资助。 -----------------...
[RICO] Hong Kong Public Housing - Non-Standard Y-Shaped Block
Created by Dennie Mok Mei Sang House is a 40-storey Non-Standard Y-Shaped Domestic Block¹ situated in Shek Kip Mei Estate (Phase 5). The estate is the first public housing estate² in Hong Kong, first constructed in...
Golden Siu Mai Square | 金燒賣廣場
Created by Jeremychit Golden Siu Mai Square A statue of Hongkonger's comfort food 金燒賣廣場 香港人comfort food 的雕像 Introduction Siu mai (or Shumai) is a traditional Chinese dumpling, it comes with varieties of different f...
西安建筑科技大学研究生公寓(Master Apt. of XAUAT)
Created by PeeKyboo
这是我第一次学习建模,感谢@听风说雨大佬 在建模过程中对我的指导!!!!!! 如果有色彩或者模型问题记得给我反馈,尤其是原版无滤镜下可能会导致颜色鲜艳或者失真。 由于三角形数超过限制,所以进游戏可能会有提示,可以选择不管他...
[RICO] Hong Kong Public Housing - Standard Trident 4 Block - Lite Edition
Created by Dennie Mok This asset is a semi-replica of Yiu Hong House, a 34-storey standard Trident 4 (a.k.a. Y4) block ¹ in Tin Yiu (I) Estate. Constructed in the 1990s, the estate is the first public housing estat...
Created by PeeKyboo
上一个模型出现了一些奇怪的bug,我重新发布了新的版本。 首先感谢@听风说雨 大佬的教学!!!!!!!!!!!!听雨YYDS!!!!!! 天际线怎么能少了专业的建筑设计院呢!于是他来了!!!中国建筑西南设计研究院。 中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司始建于1950年,是中国同行业中成立时间最早的大型综合甲级建筑设计院之一,隶属世界500强企业中国建筑工程总公司。该院设计完成了近万项工程设计任务,项目遍及我国各省、市、自治区及全球10多个国家和地区,是我国拥有独立涉外经营权并参与众多国外设计任务经营的大型建筑设计...
Hong Kong Tenement - HR1 1x3 1 | 戰前唐樓
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 1 1x3 1 香港唐樓 - 高密度民居 等級一 一乘三 一 Description A Hong Kong-style pre-war tenement building. There is a Cha Chaan Teng (Hong Kong-style café) and...
Created by 矩象Recelephant
鸣谢制作者 筑联建科BIM 欢迎大家评论和交流 ...
Created by 红米先生
中式无道旗路灯 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
18层中式经典住宅楼 by 红米...
Sheraton Hotels Zhanjiang
Created by XDBX
Sheraton hotels ZJ by XDBX 湛江喜来登酒店 两个大小版本,一共十个资产。 1:1大小有5个,1:1.5大小有5个。 Two size versions(1:1,1;1.5), a total of ten assets 1:1.5 version---------------------------------28.6MB 自带夜景彩灯 This version has colored lights Sheraton ZJ A 8.2mb Sheraton ZJ B 8.7mb S...
Created by PeeKyboo
成都·两江国际-公寓楼 by PeeKyboo 祝大家新年快乐!!!!!!! 听雨YYDS!!!XDBX YYDS!!!红米YYDS!!!...
Created by 红米先生
原型是碧桂园住宅楼户型, 共计两种楼层一个高层30层, 另一个6层多层, 住宅楼属性, 欢迎订阅!...
石家庄中央商务区展示中心, Shijiazhuang Central Business District Exhibition Center
Created by RAY 都市天际线交流群祝大家新年快乐! Happy Chinese New Year Shijiazhuang Central Business District Exhibition Center The exhibition center of Shijiazhuang CBD is located at the core of the culture and Tourism Central District of CBD, covering a...
北京LG双子大厦, Beijing LG Twin Towers
Created by RAY 都市天际线交流群祝大家新年快乐! Happy Chinese New Year 北京LG双子大厦 Beijing LG Twin Towers han823zhi独资订制 Independent sponsorship of han823zhi. RichardShi模型制作 RichardShi model making. LG Twin Towers is located on East Chang'an Avenue, in the bu...
Chunlian Pack
Created by RyanCat
Chunlian Pack by RyanCat Happy Chinese new year This pack is with 10 different Chinese "Chunlians" texture:512x512...
Created by PeeKyboo
落实一户一墩,从我做起(顺便庆祝小论文EI期刊网络首发) 2022北京冬奥会吉祥物冰墩墩和雪荣融,高约10m,公园属性,自带夜光。 其他尺寸下次一定(doge) ...
乡村住宅23 rural house
Created by yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
Created by PeeKyboo
腾讯成都大厦位于四川省成都市高新区天府三街,天府大道与益州大道之间,在高层密集的城市街区显得内敛而姿态分明,在立面设计中,外围设置立面、平面两个方向的波浪变化,使立面呈现流动的感觉,在内庭院也设置了波浪变化的出挑阳台,进一步加强动态感受。立面设计简洁、流畅,展现出数码时代的微妙渐变的审美特点,展现出互联网企业的数码特质。 ...
Created by 红米先生
多层住宅楼-1 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
杭州湖滨银泰in77-B by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
杭州平海旺角1 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
杭州平海旺角2 by 红米...
天津之眼 The Tientsin Eye
Created by HooHeeHaa
Briefing Tianjin Eye, the official name The Tientsin Eye, is a 120-meter (394 ft)-tall giant ferris wheel built above the Yongle Bridge over the Hai River in Tianjin, China. Construction started in 2007, with completion of the main body on 18 December 2007...
八一南昌起义纪念塔(4K Texture)
Created by PeeKyboo
本资产基础模型资料由 @GeniusKKG 提供,我只负责后面的优化修改 八一南昌起义纪念塔为八一广场标志性建筑,塔为长方体,高53.6米,由塔基、塔座、塔身、塔顶四部分组成。塔座正面镌刻“八一南昌起义简介”碑文,东、南、西三面各有一幅反映武装起义的人物浮雕。塔身正面为“八一南昌起义纪念塔”铜胎鎏金大字。塔顶由一支直立的巨型“汉阳造”步枪和一面八一军旗组成。 2018年3月,八一南昌起义纪念塔被江西省人民政府公布为第六批江西省文物保护单位。...
Hong Kong Tenement - HR2 1x3 3 | 香港唐樓
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 2 1x3 3 香港唐樓 - 高密度民居 等級二 一乘三 三 Description A Hong Kong-style tenement building. There is a property agency and a textile shop on the shop fl...
Hong Kong Tenement - HR2 1x3 CR 1 | 轉角唐樓
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 2 1x3 Corner Right 1 香港唐樓 - 高密度民居 等級二 一乘三 右角 一 Description A Hong Kong-style tenement building. The shops on the shop floor are altered vers...
Hong Kong Tenement - HR2 1x3 CL 1 | 轉角唐樓
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 2 1x3 Corner Left 1 香港唐樓 - 高密度民居 等級二 一乘三 左角 一 Description A Hong Kong-style tenement building. The shops on the shop floor are altered versi...
CN ROAD DECALS PACK 1 | 中式道路标线包 1
Created by RichardShi
CN ROAD DECALS PACK 1 | 中式道路标线包 1...
Created by 红米先生
大门样式4 by 红米...
中式公安消防局, Chinese fire station
Created by RAY
中式公安消防局, Chinese fire station 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 『han823zhi』 独资订制,LANXUEJS制作。 目前中国北京项目-北京CBD建筑合集资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙...
Created by 红米先生
新中式住宅楼26层 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
中式安置房16层-1 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
中式安置房16层-2 by 红米...
XBRT Elevated Depot&Hub (Bus Spawns on the Bridge) 厦门BRT
Created by Streamer
An elevated bus depot as well as a bus station You can plop it anywhere you want Citizens enter at the corner Buses spawn on the bridge to fit XBRT, or spawn on the ground like a vanilla bus depot. I recommend using Xiamen Bus to fit this asset well. Don’t...
Created by 红米先生
特色中式住宅楼32层 by 红米...
Created by 忆起时
南宁凯旋一号住宅楼 中式住宅楼...
Created by 红米先生
特色中式住宅楼32层-2 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
石家庄未来时间商务大厦 by 红米...
现代底商 Modern Shopping Mall
Created by KimuXY
现代底商 Modern Shopping Mall...
中式农村自建房 Chinese Rural House| Volume 1
Created by LyonXIII
中式农村自建房 Chinese Rural House| Volume 1 Enjoy!...
杭州凱悅酒店 Hangzhou Grand Hyatt
Created by RAY
杭州凱悅酒店 Hangzhou Grand Hyatt 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 杭州高端小区有兴趣的话可以加入贊助并提早使用哦!! 四座楼一个大门接待厅两个道具 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资...
交通警察局Traffic police station
Created by 忆起时
交通警察局 中式警察局 by 随风一御 参照桂平市交通警察局建模,有修改。...
Created by 忆起时