Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Rebalanced Industries Revisited 0.9.3
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1 Jan, 2023 @ 11:45pm
6 Sep, 2024 @ 6:59pm
18 Change Notes ( view )
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Rebalanced Industries Revisited 0.9.3


    Rebalances Industries DLC, reduce traffic flow, increase cargo loading and more.

New in version 0.9.3
  • Fixed serialization exception issues.

Main Functions:
  • Using new algorithm to increase the load of vehicle in industrial zone and further reduce the traffic flow.
  • Rebalance extracting facility, processing facilities to make the transfer of materials more rational. It is strongly recommended to use the nearest warehouse for transshipment, which is the most efficient.
  • Rebalance the distribution of workers.
  • Rebalance the cost of construction and maintenance.
  • Allow adjust the output rate of industrial buildings to regulate traffic.
  • Warehouses: Warehouse construction costs and maintenance cost for storing grain were cut in half, crops warehouse workers are one-fourth of vanilla, logs, ore, and oil warehouse workers are one-half of vanilla. The premise of balance is that the number of vanilla workers exceeds 10.
  • Processing Facility: Animal Pasture and Cattle Shed cut construction costs and maintenance cost in half, also workers were reduced to 35 percent of vanilla.
  • Extracting Facility: Farming construction and maintenance cost is 25% of vanilla, rebalance the proportion and number of workers

Incompatible Mods:

Known issues:
  • Customize It! and Customize It Extended - Rebalanced Industries Revisited will no longer be detected in these two mods, so the properties of industrial buildings can be adjusted and the properties of industrial buildings will be reset when game reoaded, so please do not attempt to modify the properties of industrial buildings. Based on Customize It Extended's performance and compatibility issues, I'll consider rewrite Customize It Extended with a more efficient working mode later.

Language support:
If you would like to help add your language to this mod, please go to Rebalanced Industries Revisited localize[] and Common localize[]

Discussion and feedback:

Source code:

Thank you for your help and support:
Special thanks to Quboid and his Rebalanced Industries mod, Quistar, algernon, macsergey, Chamëleon TBN, all testers who helped test this mod and all translators who have added/improved translations to this mod.
Popular Discussions View All (2)
9 Mar @ 1:49am
Could the mod get upgraded?
Dawn Entity
26 May, 2023 @ 2:28pm
List of Mod Changes
coolou7 20 Jan @ 8:31am 
There a "handbook" for this thing? I have no idea what this stuff means.
vaypon97 19 Jan @ 12:13am 
This doesn't fix pre-existing "not enough buyers" problems?
Blinking Ice 7 Jan @ 4:55am 
I suppose the change to ProcessingFacilityProductionRate does not affect the materials consumption rate ? Therefore with the default 0.5 produce rate the ratio between extracting and production facility is changed?
The Loot 5 Nov, 2024 @ 12:58pm 
Noticed that the Bakery Unique Factory is nonfunctional with 0 output rate, like other buildings have been in the past.
tomydenger 26 Oct, 2024 @ 4:41pm 
Is it possible to set the button elsewhere or desactivate it ? It goes above "buldoze" in my game. And it's a menu that i don't need that often, unlike buldozing
zepnet 24 Oct, 2024 @ 8:28am 
Error with update 1.18.1-f3
The Loot 16 Oct, 2024 @ 4:52pm 
Silo capacity is also a little unbalanced: large is 6x the size of small, but only 2x the storage (but I'd say it should realistically only be around 4x based on the size of the model). Also they have the same amount of trucks, which makes the large even less useful.

Also noticed that the vanilla cotton field makes a lot more than the other crops.
The Loot 16 Oct, 2024 @ 4:43pm 
@patrioticparadox It's listed above in the description.

@Mbyron26 I noticed that some workshop farm fields I use (Maximilian's Farms are using much lower values than the vanilla fields, especially the even larger fields. I know the original mod was compatible with added buildings, but it seems like it got overlooked here?

Also, I noticed this while I was comparing menu values for the vanilla fields, which aren't really balanced against each other when comparing sizes. The medium field is 2x as big as the small, but produces less than 1.7x, and the large is 4x the size and produces less than 2.5x. Can that be looked at and "rebalanced" some more?

Not sure if these issues apply to all other types of industry buildings, but might be worth a look.
patrioticparadox 29 Sep, 2024 @ 8:29pm 
Still trying to figure out exactly what this does. Especially when used in conjunction with Realistic Population 2.
Talia 27 Sep, 2024 @ 6:31am 
"Every crop field, every animal shelter, 1 worker each?"

- I'm having this exact problem as well. Why does the small crop/fruit field only have 1 worker available? I know it rebalances the amount of workers but when I have to get to 800 workers for level 5, it makes it really difficult when even the large farms only have 4 workers each.

Normal small field would have 20 workers and 25% of that is not 1 so I think there's an issue somewhere maybe?