Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

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Items (368)
America (Franklin Roosevelt)
Created by JFD
AMERICA (FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT) Unique Trait: New Deal Adopting new Social Policies grants a burst of production toward available Production and Food Buildings in all cities. Receive Culture back for any of these Buildings that had already been constructed. U...
Anglo-Norse (Canute)
Created by JFD ======================== INSTALLATION ======================== Steam Install Select "Subscribe" above. Start the game up and hit Mods Enable the mod Click Next and begin a game. Direct Installation Download 7zip (it's freewa...
Aquitaine (Eleanor)
Created by JFD
======================== OVERVIEW ======================== Adds Aquitaine under Eleanor to the game. ======================== LINKS ======================== Home Page Direct Download ======================== DISCLAIMER ======================== I will not b...
Armenia (Tiridates III)
Created by JFD
ARMENIA (TIRIDATES III) UA: THE ILLUMINATION OF TIRIDATESYour Capital converts to the first Religion founded and receives half the Holy City's Faith Per Turn whilst following it. Converting conquered cities to this Religion eliminates their occupied Unhapp...
Austria (Joseph II)
Created by JFD AUSTRIA (JOSEPH II) Unique Trait: Josephinian Enlightenment Each new Social Policy Branch increases Golden Age length by +10%. Great People Points also contribute toward Golden Ages. Unique Building: Realschule A unique Publi...
Babylon (Hammurabi)
Created by JFD
======================== OVERVIEW ======================== Adds Babylon under Hammurabi to the game. This mod does not replace Nebuchadnezzar, but does alter his UA. ======================== USER OPTIONS ======================== Vanilla Leaders can be disa...
Belgium (Leopold II)
Created by JFD
BELGIUM (LEOPOLD II) UA: CONGO FREE STATEPlantation Resources within two tiles are improved when a city is founded. Gold from Plantations worked outside the Capital is added to the Palace. Spending Gold on Buildings generates GA Points. UU: FORCE PUBLIQUER...
Brazil (Pedro I)
Created by JFD
BRAZIL (PEDRO I) UA: INDEPENDENCE, OR DEATHReceive Great General Points based upon Excess Happiness whenever a war breaks out. Enemy units beginning their turn adjacent to a Great General begin with only half their normal Movement. UU: CANHONEIRA (IRONCLAD...
Brittany (Nominoe)
Created by JFD
BRITTANY (NOMINOE) Unique Trait: Carolingian Annals Purchased units can pillage at no Movement cost. Combat Units generate local Influence when stationed on a pillaged Tile within City-State borders. Unique Unit: Machtiern The Machtiern is Brittany's uniqu...
Byzantium (Alexios I)
Created by JFD
BYZANTIUM (ALEXIOS I) UA: KOMNENIAN RESTORATION A 5-turn Golden Age begins upon the outbreak of war with a major Civilization, the length increasing for each of your cities under their control. +100% City Strength during Golden Ages. UU: LANTERNAS (GALLEAS...
Byzantium (Justinian I)
Created by JFD
======================== OVERVIEW ======================== Adds Byzantium under Justinian I to the game. This mod does not replace Theodora, but does replace her Cataphract UU with the Stoudion UB. ======================== USER OPTIONS ====================...
Canada (Mackenzie King)
Created by JFD
CANADA (MACKENZIE KING) UA: VOLUNTEER SPIRITGain up to three Trade Route slots whilst one of your Friends is at war. Cities with a Trade Route have increased Military Unit Production (+10%). UB: MERCHANT SHIPYARD (SEAPORT)The Merchant Shipyard is Canada's ...
Central Africa (Bokassa I)
Created by JFD
CENTRAL AFRICA (BOKASSA I) Unique Trait: Emperor By The Will Of The People Spending Gold on Buildings in the Capital begins a WLTKD. Whilst the Capital is celebrating a WLTKD, -15% Gold Purchase Costs in all cities. Unique Unit: Mbaika Imperial Guard The M...
Egypt (Tutankhamun)
Created by JFD EGYPT (TUTANKHAMEN) UA: LIVING IMAGE OF AMUNDuring WLTKDs, Faith increases Building Production. If a Building is completed during a WLTKD, other cities receive progress toward that Building. UB: MORTUARY TEMPLE (TEMPLE)The u...
England (Henry VIII)
Created by JFD
ENGLAND (HENRY VIII) Unique Trait: Dieu et Mon Droit A WLTKD begins in all cities when you capture an enemy Capital or complete a Social Policy Branch. Cities celebrating a WLTKD always follow your main Religion and have increased Great People generation (...
England (Richard I)
Created by JFD
ENGLAND (RICHARD I) Unique Trait: Crusader King Faith Per Turn directly compensates Gold based on Unit and Courthouse Maintenance costs. Units at sea receive +1 Moves whenever you capture an enemy city; doubling if it follows a foreign Religion. Unique Uni...
France (Louis XVI)
Created by JFD
FRANCE (LOUIS XVI) UA: LETTERS OF CONVOCATIONGain Faith and Gold based on Global Happiness and GA Points/Nationalism based on Local Happiness upon adopting a new Social Policy. UB: PARLEMENTReplaces Constabulary. +1 Local Happiness. Adds double the city's ...
Francia (Charlemagne)
Created by JFD
FRANCIA (CHARLEMAGNE) Unique Trait: Laudes Imperiales Earn Faith from city conquests, increasing with the number of cities captured and total Faith output. Great Prophets are spawned with free Combat Units during war or trigger a Golden Age during peace. U...
Great Britain (Winston Churchill)
Created by JFD
GREAT BRITAIN (WINSTON CHURCHILL) Unique Trait: Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat Upon the outbreak of war, the Capital enters into a 'We Love the King Day.' While the Capital is in 'WLTKD,' +20% Military Production in all cities and Combat Units fight +25% mo...
Great Jin (Shizong)
Created by JFD
GREAT JIN (SHIZONG) Unique Trait: Jurchen Empire +50% Tile expansion whilst constructing Defensive Buildings. Completing a Defensive Building grants +1 Moves, +25 HP, and +5 XP to all current Units. Unique Unit: Jurchen Horse Archer The Great Jin Jurchen H...
Great Liao (Shengzong)
Created by JFD
GREAT LIAO (SHENGZONG) Unique Trait: Five Circuits +15% Building Production in Connected cities and +20 XP in unconnected ones. Capital receives both if there are two of each. Unique Unit: Khitan Hunter The Khitan Hunter is the unique replacement for the C...
Great Ming (Yongle)
Created by JFD
GREAT MING (YONGLE) Unique Trait: Imperial Eunuchs Specialists generate +2 Great People Points in cities with a Spy. Receive a Spy when you meet 50% and then 100% of all City-States. Unique Unit: Shenji Musketeer The unique Shenji Musketeer is the Musketma...
Great Qing (Cixi)
Created by JFD
GREAT QING (CIXI) Unique Trait: Self-Strengthening Reforms Combat Units yield Culture when promoted and are upgraded for free as new Social Policies and Branches are adopted. Unique Unit: Peking Field Force The unique Peking Field Force replaces the Great ...
Greater Armenia (Tigranes II)
Created by JFD ======================== INSTALLATION ======================== Steam Install Select "Subscribe" above. Start the game up and hit Mods Enable the mod Click Next and begin a game. Direct Installation Download 7zip (it's freewa...
Hawai'i (Lili'uokalani)
Created by JFD
HAWAII (LILIUOKALANI) UA: ALOHA OENational Wonders with a Great Work yield +1 Point toward all Cultural Great People. Cultural Great People Points from Buildings add to Culture. UU: KAIMILOAReplaces Ironclad. Can enter rival territory. Begins with bonus Mo...
Hungary (Stephen I)
Created by JFD
HUNGARY (STEPHEN I) Unique Trait: Apostolic Majesty Clearing Barbarian Encampments grants Faith. Spending Faith converts nearby cities to your main Religion and triggers a 'We Love the King Day' based on the number of existing followers in that city. Uniqu...
Indo-Greeks (Menander I)
Created by JFD
INDO-GREEKS (MENANDER) UA: DHARMIKASACity conquests spread the Religion of the conquered city to your founded cities. Culture and Faith in conquered cities add to GA progress. UB: ROYAL SILVERSMITHReplaces Mint. +1 Culture and +2 Faith if the city is Conne...
Italy (Benito Mussolini)
Created by JFD
ITALY (BENITO MUSSOLINI) Unique Trait: Mare Nostrum Capturing coastal cities expands their sea borders and boosts their starting Production for any Buildings that already exist in the Capital. Naval Units receive doubled Movement when war is declared. Uniq...
Saxony (Frederick Augustus I)
Created by JFD SAXONY (FREDERICK AUGUSTUS I) Unique Trait: Jewel of Europe 50% of Tourism contributes directly to the construction of National and World Wonders. Free Great Artist with each National Wonder constructed. Unique Unit: Carabini...
Japan (Jimmu)
Created by JFD
JAPAN (JIMMU) UA: NIHON SHOKHIFaith increases Production toward Settlers. Settlers grant +15% Combat Strength to nearby Units and begin with extra Movement within two tiles of a Mountain or Natural Wonder. UI: TORII+2 Faith. +1 Faith per adjacent Mountain ...
Japan (Meiji)
Created by JFD
CIVILIZATION: JAPAN (MEIJI) TRAIT: IMPERIAL REVERENCE +20% Culture and Production during Golden Ages. Combat Units trained in a Golden Age begin with +15 XP. UNIQUE UNIT: DAIMYO (GREAT GENERAL) The Daimyo is the unique Great General replacement for Meiji's...
Japan (Tojo)
Created by JFD
CIVILIZATION: JAPAN (TOJO) TRAIT: EMPIRE OF THE PACIFIC Gain Science for each new Coast or Ocean Tile acquired; doubled in conquered cities. Produce Naval Units 50% faster in conquered cities. UNIQUE UNIT: ZERO (FIGHTER) The Zero is the Japanese unique uni...
Kongo (Afonso I)
Created by JFD
KONGO (AFONSO I) UA: APOSTLE OF THE KONGOReceive a copy of any foreign Missionary that begins within your borders. All Missionaries have +2 Movement within your borders and boost nearby city Production when fully expended. UB: KULUMBINI (UNIVERSITY)The Kul...
Laos (Fa Ngum)
Created by JFD
LAOS (FA NGUM) UA: ONE MILLION ELEPHANTS AND A WHITE PARASOLConquering Holy Cities and City-States converts them to your main Religion and grants a free Uparaja. Religious Followers in owned cities increase Growth in the Capital. UU: UPARAJAReplaces Great ...
León (Ferdinand I)
Created by JFD ======================== INSTALLATION ======================== Steam Install Select "Subscribe" above. Start the game up and hit Mods Enable the mod Click Next and begin a game. Direct Installation Download 7zip (it's freewa...
Lithuania (Gediminas)
Created by JFD
LITHUANIA (GEDIMINAS) UA: THE OLD GODSUnits trained in cities following only your Pantheon have doubled Movement in Forest Tiles. Melee Units trained in these cities can capture defeated enemies UB: SACRED GROVE (SHRINE)The Sacred Grove is the unique Lithu...
Malta (Jean Valette)
Created by JFD
MALTA (JEAN VALETTE) UA: GREAT SIEGE OF MALTAConstruct Defensive Buildings and Combat Units 10% faster during war, and +2% faster for each enemy Unit within two tiles of a city. Combat victories in own borders transfers HP and XP from adjacent enemy Units ...
Monaco (Albert I)
Created by JFD ======================== INSTALLATION ======================== Steam Install Select "Subscribe" above. Start the game up and hit Mods Enable the mod Click Next and begin a game. Direct Installation Download 7zip (it's freewa...
New Zealand (Keith Holyoake)
Created by JFD
NEW ZEALAND (KEITH HOLYOAKE) Unique Trait: Steady Does It Gold Buildings increase the amount of Food carried over after a new Citizen is born by 5% and provide +5% Production toward Buildings. Unique Unit: Royal Artillery Regiment The Royal Artillery Regim...
Norway (Haakon IV)
Created by JFD
NORWAY (HAAKON IV) Unique Trait: Grand Leidang New Citizens contribute Production toward available Naval Combat Units. Newly trained Naval Combat Units contribute toward border expansion and promoting them increases Influence with neutral City-States. Uniq...
Norway (Haakon VII)
Created by JFD
NORWAY (HAAKON VII) UA: ELVERUM AUTHORIZATIONUnits within three tiles of Coast gain increased Movement on the first turn of a DoW. Civilian Units are trained 20% faster in Coastal Cities. UB: VERFTReplaces Military Base. +3 Production. Civilian Units gain ...
Prussia (Frederick II)
Created by JFD
PRUSSIA (FREDERICK II) Unique Trait: Army with a State Great People Points from Specialists increase the starting XP for Land Units and contribute toward generating Great Generals. Enemy Units near your Great Generals have their own Great General bonuses n...
Punjab (Ranjit Singh)
Created by JFD
PUNJAB (RANJIT SINGH) UA: SAKAR-I KALARCities with your Religion enter a WLTKD instead of Resistance when conquered. Conquered cities start with your Religious Building (or a Monastery). UB: PHAUNDARIReplaces Arsenal/Gunsmith. Siege Units trained in this c...
Rome (Caracalla)
Created by JFD Adds Emperor Caracalla of Rome. Trait: Antonine Constitution Conquered Cities benefit from the Local Happiness in the Capital. Courthouses grant +1 Citizen to the city on completion. Unit: Citizen Cavalry The unique Citizen ...
Rome (Julian)
Created by JFD
ROME (JULIAN) UA: PHILOSOPHICAL DIVINITYGreat Prophets can be upgraded into Great Scientists. Expending a Great Scientist removes all Religious Followers, granting Golden Age Points for each one removed. UB: SACELLUMReplaces Shrine. Local Happiness is adde...
Rome (Julius Caesar)
Created by JFD
CIVILIZATION: ROME (JULIUS CAESAR) TRAIT: DICTATOR PERPETUO +25% Combat Bonus vs. Barbarian Units and earn Great General Points from defeating them. Receive Culture when a Great General is born. UNIQUE UNIT: PRAETORIAN (SWORDSMAN) The Praetorian is the eli...
Siam (Rama V)
Created by JFD SIAM (RAMA V) UA: MONTHON REFORMS Adopting new Social Policies expands the borders in connected cities and grants Production for the Capital based on those cities' Population size. UB: SANITARY DISTRICT (HOSPITAL) The Sanita...
Soviet Union (Joseph Stalin)
Created by JFD
SOVIET UNION (JOSEPH STALIN) Unique Trait: Warsaw Pact Receive bonus Military Production for each enemy in your borders, the borders of allied City-States, or of Civilizations you share an Ideology with. Gain Influence per turn with City-States you could d...
Swedes (Erik)
Created by JFD ======================== INSTALLATION ======================== Steam Install Select "Subscribe" above. Start the game up and hit Mods Enable the mod Click Next and begin a game. Direct Installation Download 7zip (it's freewa...
Switzerland (Henri Dufour)
Created by JFD
SWITZERLAND (HENRI DUFOUR) UA: SONDERBUND WARDoubled Great General rate in own borders. Forts and Citadels generate Great Engineer Points during peace and heal adjacent Units during war. UB: KASERNE (MILITARY ACADEMY)The Kaserne is the unique Military Acad...
The Anglo-Saxons (BNW + Denmark DLC)
Created by JFD
This mod adds the Anglo-Saxons under Alfred the Great to the game. Please read the description before commenting! The Anglo-Saxons The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Golden Age progress is impeded by 33% less Unhappiness. Social Polic...
Iceland (Ingolfur Arnarson)
Created by JFD
ICELAND (INGOLFUR ARNARSON) Unique Trait: Age of Settlement Earn Great Writer Points for the Capital from discovering Civilizations and founding new cities. Cities founded with Skalds or on foreign continents begin with a free Monument and bonus Population...
The Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania (BNW)
Created by JFD
This mod adds the Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania under Sigismund II to the game. Please read the description before commenting! The Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania Noble Republic Happiness co...
The County of Flanders (BNW)
Created by JFD
Overview: Adds Flanders led by Robert III as a playable civilization. For full support, please see CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years, please consider donating to Paypal. Any support would go toward su...
The Dominion of New Zealand (Seddon)
Created by JFD Adds the Dominion of New Zealand led by Richard Seddon as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding...
Burgundy (Philip III)
Created by JFD
BURGUNDY (PHILIP III) Unique Trait: Northern Renaissance Friendly and Allied City-States contribute Cultural Great People Points to the Capital based on their trait.* +2 Gold from Great Works. *Cultural and Religion: Writer, Mercantile and Maritime: Artist...
The Duchy of Milan (BNW)
Created by JFD
Adds Milan led by Visconti as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years and wish to see more, please consider donat...
Normandy (William I)
Created by JFD
NORMANDY (WILLIAM I) Unique Trait: Doomesday Survey Courthouses are automatically built in conquered cities if you possess the original owner's Capital. After peace is declared, all cities captured from the opponent grant a burst of Gold. Unique Unit: Chev...
Afghanistan (Ahmad Shah Durrani)
Created by JFD
AFGHANISTAN (AHMAD SHAH DURRANI) Unique Trait: Graveyard of Empires Enemy Units in your borders take damage when in Hills or next to Mountains. This and combat victories in Friendly Territory produce Great Writer Points. Unique Unit: Jezailchi The Jezailch...
Great Britain (Victoria)
Created by JFD
GREAT BRITAIN (VICTORIA) Unique Trait: Sun Never Sets Can use Great Admirals to begin a Golden Age. During a Golden Age, Naval Units have +2 Movement and can heal outside friendly borders. Unique Unit: Redcoat The Redcoat is the unique Rifleman replacement...
The Empire of Rome (Constantine)
Created by JFD
Adds Rome led by Constantine as a playable civilization. Does not replace Augustus' Rome. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. !!!IMPORTANT!!!: This mod works best with the lastest beta of Gazebo's Community Patc...
Russia (Alexander I)
Created by JFD RUSSIA (ALEXANDER I) Unique Trait: Holy Alliance When declaring friendship, Russia and their friend hasten Resistance turns and have increased religious pressure. Units fighting in land belonging to a friend earn +30% more XP...
The Empire of Russia (Nicholas II) (BNW)
Created by JFD Installation Requires Brave New World Steam Install Select "Subscribe" above. Start the game up and hit Mods Enable the mod Click Next and begin a game. Direct Installation Download 7zip (it's f...
The Empire of Russia (Peter the Great) (BNW)
Created by JFD
Adds Russia led by Peter the Great as a playable civilization. Does not replace Catherine's Russia. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the year...
The Empire of Serbia (Stefan Dusan)
Created by JFD Adds the Serbian Empire led by Stefan Dusan as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the y...
The Empire of Spain (Philip II)
Created by JFD
Adds the Empire of Spain led by Philip II as a playable civilization. Renames Isabella's Spain to Castile. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. !!!IMPORTANT!!!: This mod works best with the lastest beta of Gazebo...
Sweden (Karl XII)
Created by JFD
SWEDEN (KARL XII) Unique Trait: Indelningsverk Whenever a new Citizen is born, Food carried over is also added to the production of all available Melee and Gun Units. Citadels built within range of a city increase the amount of Food carried over by 10% (up...
The Germans (BNW)
Created by JFD
This mod adds the Germans under Arminius to the game. Please read the description before commenting! The Germans Legacy of Teutoburg Forest Begin at peace with Barbarians. When war is declared, ...
The Grand Principality of Muscovy (Ivan IV)
Created by JFD Adds the Grand Principality of Muscovy led by Ivan IV as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding ...
Ireland (Brian Boru)
Created by JFD
IRELAND (BRIAN BORU) Unique Trait: Book of Armagh Gain Influence with City-States when conquering cities (more with Religious and Militaristic). Your choice of Great Work slot on capturing a Capital. Unique Unit: Fili The Fili is one of two Irish unique un...
The Kalmar Union (Margarethe I)
Created by JFD Adds the Kalmar Union led by Margarethe I as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the yea...
Khazaria (Bulan)
Created by JFD
KHAZARIA (BULAN) Unique Trait: Khazar Correspondence When a city is conquered, the followers of your main Religion from that city contribute progress toward your Capital's next Citizen. If that city was a Capital, receive Influence with City-States sharing...
Bavaria (Ludwig II)
Created by JFD
BAVARIA (LUDWIG II) Unique Trait: Swan King Culture from World Wonders are added to the city during construction. Cities with a World Wonder receive a free Great Work of Music slot. Unique Improvement: Schloss A Schloss is a unique improvement available on...
The Kingdom of Belgium (BNW)
Created by JFD
Adds Belgium led by Albert I as a playable civilization For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years and wish to see more, please consider dona...
The Kingdom of Bhutan
Created by JFD
Adds the Kingdom of Bhutan led by Jigme Dorji Wangchuck as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. !!!IMPORTANT!!!: This mod works best with the lastest beta of Gazebo's Community Patch. It ...
Bohemia (Vaclav II)
Created by JFD
BOHEMIA (VACLAV II) Unique Trait: The Hussite Wars City-States following your main religion provide a Delegate to the World Congress and have increased Religious Pressure. Religious Units beginning their turn in Bohemian lands have a chance to become Comba...
The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (BNW)
Created by JFD
Overview: Adds Denmark-Norway led by Christian IV as a playable civilization. Does not replace Harald's Denmark. For full support, please see CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years, please consider donatin...
The Kingdom of Egypt (Akhenaten)
Created by JFD Adds Egypt led by Akhenaten as a playable civilization. Does not replace Ramesses' Egypt. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V ...
The Kingdom of Egypt (Djoser)
Created by JFD Adds Egypt led by Djoser as a playable civilization. Does not replace Ramesses' Egypt. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V mod...
The Kingdom of Egypt (Hatshepsut)
Created by JFD Adds the Kingdom of Egypt led by Hatshepsut as a playable civilization. Does not replace Ramesses' Egypt. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you'...
The Kingdom of France (Louis XIV) (BNW)
Created by JFD
Adds France led by Louis XIV as a playable civilization. Does not replace Napoleon's France. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years and w...
The Kingdom of Italy (Victor Emmanuel III)
Created by JFD
Adds the Kingdom of Italy led by Victor Emmanuel III as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. !!!IMPORTANT!!!: This mod works best with the lastest beta of Gazebo's Community Patch. It is ...
Portugal (Afonso I)
Created by JFD
PORTUGAL (AFONSO I) Unique Trait: Miracle of Ourique Defeating units in their lands will convert nearby Citizens to your main religion and damage nearby cities. Courthouses exude +25% religious pressure. Unique Unit: Knight of Aviz The Knight of Aviz is th...
The Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont (BNW)
Created by JFD
Adds Sardinia-Piedmont led by Victor Emmanuel II as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years and wish to see more,...
The Kingdom of Scotland (BNW)
Created by JFD
Adds Scotland led by James VI as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years, please consider donating to Paypal or s...
Two-Sicilies (Ferdinand I)
Created by JFD THE TWO-SICILIES (FERDINAND I) Unique Trait: Pride of Bourbon Sicily Naval Units upgrade automatically as new Technologies are discovered. Receive a free Naval Unit when a Cargo Ship is built or purchased. Unique Unit: Steam ...
The Merchant Republic of Novgorod
Created by JFD
Adds Novgorod led by Aleksandr Nevksy as a playable civilization For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years and wish to see more, please cons...
The Nri Kingdom (Eri)
Created by JFD Adds the Nri Kingdom led by Eri as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years and wis...
Papal States (Pius IX)
Created by JFD
PAPAL STATES (PIUS IX) Unique Trait: Papal Infallability The Faith output of your Capital contributes toward new Social Policies and border expansion. Adopting Policies grants Great Writer Points based on the total followers of your main Religion. Unique B...
The Papal States (Innocent III)
Created by JFD Adds the Papal States led by Innocent III as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the yea...
The Principality of Wallachia (Vlad III Tepes)
Created by JFD Adds the Principality of Wallachia led by Vlad III Tepes as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V moddi...
The Republic of Carthage (Hannibal) (BNW)
Created by JFD
Adds Carthage led by Hannibal as a playable civilization. Does not replace Dido' Carthage. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years, please...
The Republic of France (Clemenceau)
Created by JFD
Adds the Republic of France led by Clemenceau as a playable civilization. Does not replace Napoleon's France. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. !!!IMPORTANT!!!: This mod works best with the lastest beta of Gaz...
The Republic of France (de Gaulle) (BNW)
Created by JFD
Overview: Adds France led by Charles de Gaulle as a playable civilization. Does not replace Napoleon's France. For full support, please see CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years, please consider donating ...
Poland (Jozef Pilsudski)
Created by JFD
POLAND (JOZEF PILSUDSKI) Unique Trait: Miracle of the Vistula Combat Units are trained 25% faster and earn 33% more combat experience when fighting against a foe with a greater military force. After Industrialisation, Workers may build weaker Manufactories...
Russia (Vladimir Putin)
Created by JFD
RUSSIA (VLADIMIR PUTIN) Unique Trait: Maskirovka Expanding borders claims an additional tile adjacent. +2 Influence per turn with bordering City-States, which do not enter Resistance if conquered. Unique Unit: Spetsnaz This Russian unique unit replaces the...
The State of Deseret (Brigham Young)
Created by JFD Adds the State of Deseret led by Brigham Young as a playable civilization. Includes Mormonism as a religion. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I h...
The Turks (Mehmed II)
Created by JFD
======================== OVERVIEW ======================== CIVILIZATION - THE TURKS (MEHMED II) TRAIT - TRIBUTE IN BLOOD Receive a free Infantry Unit upon capturing an enemy city for the first time. Military Land Units yield +1 Happiness when garrisoned. U...
Soviet Russia (Vladimir Lenin)
Created by JFD
SOVIET RUSSIA (VLADIMIR LENIN) Unique Trait: Proletarian Revolution Stone Works, Windmills, Forges, and Factories may be constructed in any city regardless of their terrain or resource requirements. These Buildings grant a burst of Culture when completed. ...
The United Kingdom (George V)
Created by JFD
Adds the United Kingdom led by George V as a playable civilization. Does not replace Elizabeth's England. This mod is an adaption of the United Kingdom by Viregel. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. !!!IMPORTAN...
The United Kingdoms of Sweden-Norway (Oscar II)
Created by JFD
Overview: Adds Sweden-Norway led by Oscar II as a playable civilization. Does not replace Gustav's Sweden. For full support, please see CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years, please consider donating to P...
The United States (Teddy Roosevelt)
Created by JFD Adds the United States of America led by Teddy Roosevelt as a playable civilization. Does not replace Washington's America. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed th...
The United States of America (Lincoln) (BNW)
Created by JFD Installation Requires Brave New World Steam Install Select "Subscribe" above. Start the game up and hit Mods Enable the mod Click Next and begin a game. Direct Installation Download 7zip (it's f...
Vandals (Genseric)
Created by JFD
VANDALS (GENSERIC) Unique Trait: Crossing of the Rhine Units start with +1 Moves and ignore borders next to Coastal or River Tiles. Founding or capturing cities has a chance to convert nearby enemy units to your control and grants Gold for each one convert...
Vladimir (Vsevolod)
Created by JFD
VLADIMIR (VSEVOLOD) UA: TALE OF IGOR'S CAMPAIGNGenerate Great Writer Points from combat in owned or City-State borders. Combat Units gain bonus Attacking Strength, Movement, and pillage for free on the turn that a Great Writer is born. UB: WHITE CATHEDRALR...
Yugoslavia (Peter II)
Created by JFD
YUGOSLAVIA (PETER II) UA: EXILE PATRIOTISM+2 Local Happiness per Declaration of Friendship (in order of cities owned). Halved Resistance Turns for you and your DoF partners. UB: BAN'S COURTReplaces Police Station. Bonus Military Unit Production based on Lo...
Great Seljuqs (Nizam al-Mulk)
Created by JFD
GREAT SELJUQS (NIZAM AL-MULK) Unique Ability: Book of Government Your Capital receives Espionage Buildings automatically as they unlock. Other cities with an Espionage Building siphon Great Scientist Points to the Capital according to their effectiveness. ...
Portugal (Manuel I)
Created by JFD
PORTUGAL (MANUEL I) Unique Trait: Renaissance of Fortune Spending Gold on Buildings grants Great People Points from all working Specialists in the city, the amount doubling in the Capital. Unique Unit: Cosmographer The Cosmographer is Portugal's unique rep...
Yakuts (Tygyn Darkhan)
Created by JFD
THE YAKUTS (TYGYN DARKHAN) Unique Ability: Peoples of the Permafrost Production and Gold from worked Resources contribute to a city's Growth when there is otherwise no Food on the Tile. Cities store additional Food after growth in Tundra (10%) and Snow (20...
Aztecs (Isabel Montezuma)
Created by JFD
THE AZTECS (ISABEL MONTEZUMA) Unique Ability: Baptism of Tecuichpochtzin Civilizations with whom you share a DoF passively convert your cities to their Religion. Purchasing a Missionary or Inquisitor from a foreign Religion grants a burst of Gold and Produ...
East Germany (Ulbricht)
Created by JFD
EAST GERMANY (WALTER ULBRICHT) Unique Trait: Economic System of Socialism Constructing Production-yielding Buildings in the Capital passively contributes progress toward those buildings to all other cities. Gain a burst of Science when completing one of th...
England (Henry V)
Created by JFD ENGLAND (HENRY V) Unique Trait: By Justice or By Force Enemy cities take damage for every conquered one you have garrisoned. After assimilating a city, all pillaged Tile Improvements belonging to that city are repaired and y...
Russia (Elisabeth)
Created by JFD RUSSIA (ELISABETH) Unique Trait: Daughter of Peter the Great Cities constructing Great Work or Specialist Buildings have increased Local Happiness equal to a third of their Population. Every non-Military and non-Cultural Gre...
Assyria (Tiglath-Pileser III)
Created by JFD ASSYRIA (TIGLATH-PILESER III) Unique Trait: Inscriptions of Tiglath-Pileser Adopting Social Policies reduces Resistance, heals Units, and damages enemy Cities. Monuments and Military Buildings grant Culture when constructed,...
Royal Hungary (Elizabeth Bathory)
Created by JFD
ROYAL HUNGARY (ELIZABETH BATHORY) Unique Trait: Tigress of Csejthe Cities connected to the Capital suffer no Food penalties from Excess Unhappiness. Stagnant or starving cities contribute Food to the Capital until their status returns to normal. Unique Uni...
Mexico (Maximilian I)
Created by JFD
MEXICO (MAXIMILIAN I) Unique Trait: Stand at Querétaro During war, adopting Social Policies spawns the best available Melee or Gun Unit in all cities. During peace, doing so triggers a WLTKD instead. Unique Unit: Volunteer Corps The Volunteer Corps is the ...
Vatican City (John Paul II)
Created by JFD
VATICAN CITY (JOHN PAUL II) Unique Trait: Universal Call To Holiness Opposing Tourism modifiers increase the religious pressure of your cities and foreign cities where your Religion is the majority. You and your Religious followers share in each others' Ca...
America (Bill Clinton)
Created by JFD
AMERICA (BILL CLINTON) Unique Trait: Comeback Kid During peacetime, Gold and Production modifiers increase city growth equal to half their value. Cities with at least half the Population size of the Capital provide +1 Delegate to the World Congress. Unique...
Portugal (Carlos I)
Created by JFD
PORTUGAL (CARLOS I) Unique Trait: Liberal Regenerator Adopting Social Policies boosts Production progress toward Courthouses, Happiness, Food, or Gold Buildings, depending on the greatest need. If a city has no Building to rush, receive Golden Age Points i...
Bosnia (Tvrtko I)
Created by JFD
BOSNIA (TVRTKO I) Unique Trait: Wealth of Pomojre Conquering a coastal city incurs no Resistance if you have more cities than the original owner. Courthouses grant all available Trade Buildings when built. Unique Unit: Krstjani The Krstjani is the unique B...
Paraguay (Stroessner)
Created by JFD
PARAGUAY (STROESSNER) Unique Trait: Peace, Work, and Well-Being Cities constructing either Espionage or Military Buildings undergo a 'We Love the King Day.' Units receive up to +2 Movement when beginning their turn near a city celebrating a 'We Love the Ki...
Holy Rome (Charles V)
Created by JFD
HOLY ROME (CHARLES V) Unique Trait: Universal Monarchy Excess Influence with Allied City-States converts to Golden Age Points (whilst above 90). Declaring War during a Golden Age grants the stored Faith, Gold, and Military Units of your Allied City-States....
Italy (Umberto I)
Created by JFD
ITALY (UMBERTO I) Unique Trait: First-Born Colonies You and your partner train Settler Units 10% faster for having an Open Borders arrangement (up to 100%). Harbours and Seaports constructed in cities on a foreign continent expand city borders and grant a ...
Cherokee (Moytoy)
Created by JFD CHEROKEE (MOYTOY) Unique Trait: Emperor of the Cherokee Buildings constructed in the Capital are transferred to cities without them so long as they have a Council House. Cities receiving a Building in this way generate a bur...
Netherlands (Wilhelmina)
Created by JFD
NETHERLANDS (WILHELMINA) Unique Trait: Radio Oranje 'We Love the King Days' operating during war do not end until peace is restored. Cities undergoing 'WLTKD' and Units within the radius of a friendly city undergoing 'WLTKD' heal +10 HP per turn. Unique Un...
Hanover (Ernest Augustus)
Created by JFD
HANOVER (ERNEST AUGUSTUS) Unique Trait: Royal Crossways 50% of Capital Production yield modifiers are shared between all cities with a City Connection. 100% of this Production modifier is shared when that Connection is via Railroad. Unique Unit: King's Ger...
Holy Rome (Francis II)
Created by JFD HOLY ROME (FRANCIS II) Unique Trait: European Restoration Half the rate of Espionage Resistance also increases Great People generation rate in a city. For each Social Policy Branch completed, Espionage Resistance is increase...
Fiji (Cakobau)
Created by JFD
FIJI (CAKOBAU) Unique Trait: Destroyer of Bau Clearing Barbarian Encampments yields Food and Influence. Allied Militaristic City-States provide of a copy of any Melee Units they train whilst non-Militaristic City-States provide a copy of any Worker Units. ...
Denmark (Christian X)
Created by JFD
DENMARK (CHRISTIAN X) Unique Trait: Kongemaeket During wartime, cities with a stationed Great General undergo a 'We Love the King Day.' Units trained in a city celebrating WLTKD ignore enemy Zone of Control and, if a Civilian Unit, return to the nearest fr...
British Raj (Mountbatten)
Created by JFD
BRITISH RAJ (MOUNTBATTEN) Unique Trait: Road to Mandalay Production adds to Population growth in both your cities and the cities of your City-State Allies (10%). Global Population count between both increases the Gold bonus of City Connections (up to 50%)....
Japan (Hirohito)
Created by JFD
JAPAN (HIROHITO) Unique Trait: Reign of Enlightened Peace Returning to peace after war with a major Civilization triggers a 'We Love the King Day' in all non-conquered cities. During a WLTKD, city Culture and Science output contributes to Building Producti...
Han (Wu)
Created by JFD
HAN (WU) Unique Trait: Jianyuan Reforms Production, Gold, and Science Yields from Specialists working outside the Capital are added to the Capital instead. In other cities, these Yields are added as Culture. Unique Unit: Qiang Spearman The Qiang Spearman r...
Ottomans (Selim I)
Created by JFD
OTTOMANS (SELIM I) Unique Trait: Servant of the Two Holy Cities Conquering a Holy City captures and ends the Resistance of all cities following its Religion and originally belonging to the Holy City's founder. +33% Religious Pressure in all cities per Holy...
Great Mongolia (Bogd Gegeen)
Created by JFD
GREAT MONGOLIA (BOGD GEGEEN) Unique Trait: Elevated By The Many When a Great Prophet is spawend, Barbarian Units on the same landmass are converted to your control. Cities with a Great Prophet stationed in them convert Faith Per Turn to cultural border exp...
Qin (Zheng)
Created by JFD
QIN (ZHENG) Unique Trait: Hydraulic Despotism Construct Specialist Buildings 50% faster in cities on a river. Occupied cities with at least two working Specialists have no Occupied Unhappiness. Unique Unit: South-pointing Chariot The South-pointing Chariot...
Byzantium (Michael VIII)
Created by JFD
BYZANTIUM (MICHAEL VIII) Unique Trait: Palaeologan Renaissance Naval Combat Units receive a free Siege Promotion when upgraded. Captured cities have no Occupied Unhappiness whilst a Science or Faith Building is under construction. Unique Unit: Lanternas On...
Zaporizhzhia (Ivan Sirko)
Created by JFD ZAPORIZHZHIA (IVAN SIRKO) Unique Trait: Reply of the Zaporizhzhia Cossacks Enemy denunciations trigger a 'We Love the King Day' to start in your cities on the next turn. Melee, Mounted, and Gun Units trained in a city celebrat...
Jordan (Hussein I)
Created by JFD
JORDAN (HUSSEIN I) Unique Trait: The Last Peacemaker Bonus Military Production (+10%) for each Civilization in an active war on your continent. Gain Influence with City-States on your continent when making peace with a major Civilization; more with fewer o...
Afghanistan (Zahir Shah)
Created by JFD AFGHANISTAN (ZAHIR SHAH) Unique Trait: Father of Modern Afghanistan Generate Culture whilst constructing Food- and Production-Yielding Buildings. 10% of Building Maintenance costs are offset by each of your Friends so long a...
Great Britain (Elizabeth II)
Created by JFD
GREAT BRITAIN (ELIZABETH II) Unique Trait: Worthy of Your Trust Each era, your Capital undergoes a WLTKD. Each time the Capital undergoes a WLTKD, it receives a permanent bonus to Culture and, every three times, Happiness, for so long as it has remains und...
Portugal (Couceiro)
Created by JFD
PORTUGAL (COURCEIRO) Unique Trait: Cream of Mushvie Worker Units are passively trained in the Capital during wartime or in cities undergoing Resistance. Generate Culture when defeating an enemy unit within two tiles of a friendly Worker, Missionary, or Gre...
Denmark (Margarethe II)
Created by JFD
DENMARK (MARGARETHE II) Unique Trait: Love of the People, Denmark's Strength< During 'We Love the King Days,' Culture Buildings yield Local Happiness. When Happiness is high, each new Era causes all cities to undergo a WLTKD. Unique Unit: Niels Juel-class ...
America (Norton I)
Created by JFD
AMERICA (NORTON I) Unique Trait: Emperor of these United States During WLTKD, Buildings provide full Happiness regardless of their city's Population size. Happiness provided by city Buildings boosts Great People generation by 10% (up to 100%) Unique Unit: ...
Nepal (Tribhuvan)
Created by JFD
NEPAL (TRIBHUVAN) Unique Trait: Dynasty of Pradhanamantrs Cities stationed with a Rana increase XP and Production bonuses for Land Combat Units by +25%. Cities otherwise exchange half Culture to the Capital for a bonus +15% to Food (if the Capital has no s...
Chile (Balmaceda)
Created by JFD
CHILE (BALMACEDA) Unique Trait: Club de la Reforma Adopted Social Policies boost Building Production based on the Policy Branch focus. For each Policy Branch that shares an even number of adopted Policies with another, +1 Happiness (up to +2). Unique Unit:...
Ecuador (Moreno)
Created by JFD
ECUADOR (MORENO) Unique Trait: Trabajo Subsidario Production, Food, or Gold Buildings yield +10% and +15% of their Yield, respectively, depending on which is lowest in the city. Train Worker units 15% faster in cities not Connected to the Capital. Unique U...
Croatia (Tomislav I)
Created by JFD
CROATIA (TOMISLAV I) Unique Trait: King of the Croats Defense Buildings increase Military Unit Production during wartime and Gold during peacetime by +5% (up to +25%). Each Defense Building grants Great General Points when built; doubled whilst at war. Uni...
Religion - Improved Customization
Created by BlouBlou
This mod allow any civilization to choose a bonus belief to give you more choices when you found a new Religion. (Just like the Byzantine). Accordingly, Byzantine civilization's trait has been changed. Features: Unlock the reserved beliefs slot when foundi...
Religion - Beliefs Expansion Pack
Created by BlouBlou
This mod largely expands the pantheon/beliefs choice for more customization when founding your religion. It adds roughly 90 new Beliefs, completly overhauling (but including) vanilla beliefs. Features: Add approx. 90 beliefs, These beliefs are mostly an ex...
Religion - Early Piety
Created by BlouBlou
This mod makes the 'Piety' branch in 'Policies' available at start along with 'Tradition', 'Liberty' and 'Honor', enabling you to choose the religious path earlier and make use of that shrines reduced construction cost. Features: Adds the 'Piety' branch to...
Religion - No AI Free Pottery
Created by BlouBlou
This mod removes 'Pottery' from the Free Techs List the AI player get on King+ difficulties setting at the start of the game, allowing you to be on an equal footing regarding religion founding and pantheon choice. Features: Tired of getting your wanted bel...
Grand Canal Wonder
Created by Pouakai
The Grand Canal is the main arterial route of the Italian city of Venice. It is lined by the history of the city, with buildings and architecture from most time periods of Venice. During the years of the republic, gold-laden merchant ships would sail up th...
Itsukushima Shrine Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Located on the Japanese island of Miyajima, Itsukushima Shrine is one of the most iconic sites of Japan. The main feature is a 'floating' Torii gate, a symbol with the Shinto religion of Japan. In 1643, the view of the Torii gate was inscribed as one of th...
Karnak Wonder
Created by Pouakai
The Karnak Temple Complex of Thebes (Modern day Luxor) is one which provides a cross-section of the beliefs associated with the Kemetic religion of Ancient Egyptian society. It is a sacred site on which temples and shrines have been constructed from the re...
Kronborg Wonder
Created by Pouakai
The Danish Star Fortress of Kronborg (Constructed during the reign of King Frederick II) Is a magnificent rennaisance castle built on the Northern tip of the island of Zealand. The fortress was built to control access to the Baltic Sea at the narrowest poi...
Malwiya Minaret Wonder
Created by Pouakai
The Malwiya Minaret (Also known as the Spiral Minaret or the Minaret of Samarra) is a large Minaret in Samarra, Iraq. It was constructed in the ninth century CE during the reign of the Abbasid Caliphate, and the mosque complex to which it belongs is one of...
Oriental Pearl Tower Wonder
Created by Pouakai
The Oriental Pearl Tower is a television tower located in Shanghai, China, on the bank of the Huangpu River. It has become an icon of Shanghai and China alike, and is comprised of 11 spheres, two of which have amenities such as observation floors and a rot...
Santa Maria del Fiore Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Florence's Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore (Basilica of Saint Mary of the Flower) dominates the Florence skyline to this day. Construction began in 1296 and took nearly 150 years, not being completed until 1436. The Cathedral is an engineering marvel, wi...
Shwedagon Paya Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Set amongst the city of Rangoon, Myanmar, Shwedagon Paya is one of the world's largest Buddhist Stupas at a height of 99 metres. It is largely known for the coating of Gold, which has been donated by generations of Burmese nationals. It is also rumoured to...
Stone Town Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Stone Town is the English name for the old part of Zanzibar city, on the Tanzanian island of Zanzibar. It has a rich history of merchants and traders, where once lay the capital of a mighty East African sultanate. The island is known for its exports of sev...
Taipei 101 Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Taipei 101 is a skyscraper located in the Taiwanese city of Taipei. It was completed in 2004, and was the tallest building in the world until the completion of the Burj Khalifa in 2010. The architecture of the building, despite being modern, features many ...
Temple of Heaven Wonder
Created by Pouakai
The Temple of Heaven is a large religious complex in the centre of Beijing, China. It was constructed in the 15th century during the reign of the Yongle Emperor, and features elements of Taoism and Heaven worship, among which was an annual festival dedicat...
Teotihuacan Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Built across three centuries, one BCE and until 200 CE, Teotihuacan was the center of a large Mesoamerican empire of the same name, reaching the height of power in the middle of the first millenium. At this peak, thousands of people would have lived in the...
The Golden Pavilion Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Located in Kyoto, Japan, the Golden Pavilion is a buddhist temple situated in tranquil surrounds. The exterior walls are entirely coated in Gold leaf, which gives it's Japanese name, Kinkaku-ji, Kin meaning gold and ji temple. It is not known when the temp...
Torre Del Oro Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Torre Del Oro (Tower of Gold) is a large watchtower on the Guadalquivir River in Seville, Spain. It was constructed during the Almohad Caliphate to control access to the city. Despite the original purpose, the tower has since been used as a prison and as a...
Wartburg Wonder
Created by Pouakai
The German castle of Wartburg is one which is representative of the Bavarian castles which dot the south German countryside. It was built from 1068 onwards in a feudal fiefdom, and served as the residence for Martin Luther following his excommunication fro...
Korean Wonders pack
Created by Pouakai
Korea is home to many yet-to-be represented wonders of the world. In celebration of the release of the Korea and Wonders of the Ancient World DLC, myself and sukritact have created this pack featuring two wonders of Korea - Cheomseongdae, an ancient tower ...
Hollywood Wonder
Created by Pouakai
The Los Angeles, USA district of Hollywood has long been associated with the American film industry. It began life as a real estate development named "Hollywoodland" at the start of the 20th century, with the first film studio opening just over a decade la...
Sky Tower Wonder
Created by Pouakai
The Sky Tower is an observation tower located in central Auckland, New Zealand. It was built across three years, from 1994 to 1997, and was opened on the third of March that year. At 328 metres, it is the tallest structure in New Zealand, and the freestand...
Mount Ruapehu Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Mount Ruapehu is a large volcano located on the central plateau of New Zealand's North Island. It is the southernmost active volcano in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, and one of the most active, last showing signs of eruption in 2011. In 1953 a dam which formed ...
Gripsholm Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Gripsholm Castle is a fortress located on the shore of Lake Mälaren, near the town of Mariefred, Sweden. It was built during the 16th century on the site of a medieval fortress, and served as the residence for the Swedish royal family throughout much of th...
Abraj al Bait Towers Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Abraj al Bait Towers is a hotel complex located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, just metres away from the holiest site in the Islamic faith. It is currently under construction, and expected to open later in 2012, ten years after the Ottoman fortress which was prev...
Mount Rushmore Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Mount Rushmore is an iconic monument located in the Black Hills of the American state of South Dakota. It was constructed using explosives and finer carving from the Granite rock of the hills during the early 20th century - construction began in 1927, and ...
Empire State Building Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Long New York's tallest building, the Empire State Building was constructed over eighty years ago during a competition with two other New York skyscrapers, The Chrysler Building and 40 Wall Street, for the title of New York's tallest building, a title whic...
Wat Arun Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Wat Arun is a large Buddhist temple located in Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand. It was constructed on the bank of the Chao Phraya River possibly during the 18th century. Although it is a Buddhist temple, it was named after Aruna, the personification ...
Sagrada Familia Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Sagrada Familia is a large Catholic Basilica under construction in the city of Barcelona, Spain. Construction began in 1882, and is not expected to be completed until the year 2026, when all 18 spires will be complete. It has already been granted the prest...
Santa Maria delle Grazie Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Santa Maria delle Grazie is a Dominican convent located in the Italian city of Milan. It was constructed during the second half of the fifteenth century as a church in addition to the convent. It it most known for Leonardo da Vinci's mural, The Last Supper...
Templo Mayor Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Located in the heart of the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, Templo Mayor was a large step pyramid with twin shrines and staircases, each of them devoted to a different god - Tlaloc, God of Agriculture and Rain, and Huitzilopochtli, the God of War. Known to ...
Apollo Program Wonder
Created by Pouakai
On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin became the first men to ever set foot upon another world, as part of the Apollo program. They spent over 21 hours on the surface, in which time they paved the way for another 140 hours by 10 more ind...
Matterhorn Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Found on the Swiss-Italian border, the Matterhorn is a large Mountain which is arugably the most iconic in all of Europe. It is 4,478 metres tall, and was not climbed sucessfully until 1865, when a team of seven reached the summit on June the 14th. The pea...
Three Gorges Dam Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Built across the Yangtze River in the Hubei Province of China, the Three Gorges Dam is the largest Hydroelectric Power Station currently in existence by total capacity. Apart from the ship lift, it was completed fully in July 2012, although several parts h...
El Tajin Wonder
Created by Pouakai
El Tajin is a large Pre-Columbian city located in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. It is not clear what culture constructed the site, although the city is believed to have had over 50 different ethnicities at it's height. It is believed the city was first fo...
Escadaria Selaron Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Escadaria Selaron is an iconic stairway mosaic located in Rio de Janiero, Brazil. It is the brainchild of Chilean-born artist Jorge Selar�n, who began renovating the stairs in 1990. The stairs are now a world icon, having featured in music videos, magazine...
Leshan Giant Buddha Wonder
Created by Pouakai
The largest pre-modern statue on Earth, the Leshan Giant Buddha was constructed during the Tang dynasty in the hope that the presence of Buddha would calm the turbulent waters of the rivers below, where the Min and Dadu rivers merge. Construction lasted ar...
Panama Canal Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Located in the Central American state of Panama, the Panama Canal is one of the engineering marvels of the post-Industrial world. The idea of a canal in Panama has been around for centuries, it was not until the French in the 19th century began constructio...
St. Peter's Basilica
Created by Pouakai
St. Peter's Basilica, officially Basilica Papale di San Pietro in Vaticano, is a large Roman Catholic Cathedral located in the Vatican City. It is among the holiest sites of the Catholic faith, and is said to be built over the tomb of the Basilica's namesa...
Lake Titicaca Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Situated on the border of Peru and Bolivia, Lake Titicaca is the highest commercially navigable lake on Earth at 3,812 metres above sea level. It has long been included in the Mythologies of Andean tribes and civilizations, with the Incans believing that I...
Nan Madol Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Nan Madol is the site of an ancient city built on and offshore on the island of Pohnpei, in the Federated States of Micronesia. It served as the capital of the Saudeleur dynasty of Micronesia for approximately 400 years, during which time food and water we...
Banaue Rice Terraces Wonder
Created by Pouakai
The Banaue Rice Terraces of Ifugao Province, Philippines are a series of Rice Terraces carved into the hillsides.They were first carved in the first century CE, and have since expanded across the region to the point where the length of terraces would reach...
Gate of the Sun Wonder
Created by Pouakai
The Gate of the Sun is a megalithic stone gateway located in the highlands of Bolivia, near Lake Titicaca. It was constructed by the Tiwanaku culture of the Andes approximately 1500 years ago, and is carved from a single stone block weighing approximately ...
Pantheon Wonder
Created by Pouakai
The Pantheon is a large building in the Italian capital of Rome. Orginally built during the time of the Roman statesman Marcus Agrippa, and rebuilt under the reign of the Emperor Hadrian. Originally built as a temple to the Roman Pantheon of gods, it was c...
Nazca Lines Wonder
Created by Pouakai
The Nazca lines have long been a source of mystery and intrigue throughout the world. Thought to be built by the Nazca culture of Peru in the fourth century CE, the exact purpose of the lines remains unknown to this day, although theories range from an ast...
Diwali Wonder Pack
Created by Pouakai
Diwali is a festival sacred in three of India's main religions - Hinduism, Sikhism and Jainism. It is celebrated around the 13th of November, and is commonly refered to as the festival of lights. To celebrate this Diwali, we bring to you a compendium of fi...
Dome of the Rock Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Built on the site of the Second Jewish Temple atop Temple Mount, the coloured exterior of the Dome of the Rock makes it stand out from the Jerusalem surrounds. It is centered around the foundation rock, a Holy site in Islam, and served as a shrine for Isla...
Madain Saleh Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Built by the legendary Nabataeans, Mada'in Saleh is their largest city aside from Petra. It is carved entirely out of rock, and was known to them by the name Hegra. The area has seen several different inhabitants over the centuries, from desert bedouins to...
Rockefeller Center Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Built during the Great Depression with John D. Rockefeller as the sole financeur of the whole project, the Rockefeller center features many New York icons. Along with the icons of the Radio City Music Hall and South Plaza ice-skating rink, the Rockefeller ...
Petronas Towers Wonder
Created by Pouakai
An icon of both Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur, the Petronas Towers stretch 451.9 metres above the ground. This makes them the tallest twin tower structure on Earth, and from 1998 to 2004 they were the world's tallest buildings. Their design has roots within Is...
Buddhas of Bamiyan Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Carved from Sandstone cliffs in the province of Bamiyan in Afghanistan, the Buddhas of Bamiyan were two enormous Buddha statues, accompanied by many more smaller statues. The statues were declared false idols by the Taliban-led government in 2001, which or...
The Motherland Calls Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Built in 1967 as a monument to the power of the Soviet Union and as a memorial to those that gave their lives during the battle of Stalingrad, The Motherland Calls is the world's tallest non-religious statue, standing at 91 metres to the tip of the sword. ...
Churches of Lalibela Wonder
Created by Pouakai
An icon of the legendary Christian heritage of the African state of Ethiopia, the Churches of Lalibela are carved from the very rock which surrounds them. Named after a 12th century ruler, who reputably recieved a vision instructing him to build the site t...
Gobekli Tepe Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Gobekli Tepe predates even Agriculture, and is the oldest known man-made religious site on Earth, with an estimated date of construction at around 8000 BCE. Built in Turkey near the Syrian border, the site wasn't identified until the 1960's, when it was th...
Ait Benhaddou Wonder
Created by Pouakai
A sight familiar to the film aficionado, Ait Benhaddou is a fortified city (Or Ksar) located on a former Saharan trade route near the Moroccan city of Marrakesh. It is believed to have been built around the 16th century, and was first mentioned in the 17th...
Horyuji Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Located in the Nara Prefecture of Japan, H?ry?-ji is a large temple complex dating to 607 CE. Much of the original temple is believed to have been destroyed in a fire in 670 CE, with the current complex believed to be a restoration, which incorporates aspe...
Puukohola Heiau Wonder
Created by Pouakai
One of the last surviving great Hawaiian Temples, Pu'ukohola Heiau (Temple on the Hill of the Whale) was constructed prior to the unification of Hawaii by future king Kamehameha, when his chiefdom was only in control of the Western side of the island of Ha...
Trafalgar Square Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Located in the heart of London's City of Westminster, Trafalgar Square is a royally-owned public space. Constructed under orders from King George IV from 1820 to 1845, Trafalgar Square was built upon an earlier public space known as Charing Cross; the mode...
Arecibo Observatory Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Located in the Puerto Rican municipality of Arecibo, the Arecibo Observatory is the world's largest Radio Telescope, at 305 metres (1000 ft). It was constructed in 1963 in a naturally formed sinkhole to measure the Earth's Ionosphere. Since then, it has be...
Brooklyn Bridge Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Built in the late 19th century, the Brooklyn Bridge is the most iconic and oldest major bridge of New York, and is as much an icon as the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building. It was built in Neo-Gothic style, much like many other New York buildi...
Cairo Citadel Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Situated in South-Eastern Cairo, Egypt, the Cairo Citadel is a large fortification constructed by the Sultan Saladin in 1183 CE, in order to protect the cities of Cairo and Fustat from Crusaders. It took five years to construct, and when completed served a...
Chogha Zanbil Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Chogha Zanbil is the world's best preserved Ziggurat, and one of the few located outside of the Mesopotamia region, instead being found in modern day Iran where it was built by Elamites around 1250 BCE. The Ziggurat is dedicated mainly to the god Inshushin...
Haji Ali Dargah Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Haji Ali Dargah is a Mosque and Tomb built on an islet in the Arabian Sea, off the coast of Mumbai, India. It is connected to the mainland via a narrow causeway, which floods in high tide. Despite this, an average of 80,000 people visit the Mosque every we...
MLK Memorial Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Situated at 1964 Independence Avenue, Washington DC, the Martin Luther King Memorial was constructed in 2011, and inspired by the quote "Out of a Mountain of Despair, a stone of hope", taken from Martin Luther King's famous "I have a dream" speech. It was ...
La Maestranza Wonder
Created by Pouakai
La Maestranza is the oldest bullring in Spain, having been completed over a hundred and thirty years ago. It is said to be the most demanding and challenging arena for matadors, as the crowd is very knowledgeable on the subject. Ingame, La Maestranza provi...
Millau Viaduct Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Spanning more than two and a half kilometres across the Valley of the River Tarn, the Millau Viaduct is an engineering marvel. It is the tallest bridge in the world, with a height of over three hundred metres from the top of the tower to the base, which al...
Palm Jumeirah Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Palm Jumeirah is an enormous artificial archipelago located of the Dubai coast. When seen from above, the main trunk and sixteen offshoots form the shape of a palm with a total area of over 25 square kilometres, equivelent of over 800 American Football fie...
Pena National Palace Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Pena National Palace is a large Romanticist palace located on a hill in the Sintra region of Portugal, close enough so that it can be seen on fine days in the capital, Lisbon. It was constructed on the site of a former monastery, which was in turn construc...
Tokyo Sky Tree Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Located near the Sumida river in Central Tokyo, the Tokyo Sky Tree is a 634 metre tall broadcasting and observation tower visible from most of the metropolis. It was built over four years from 2008 to 2012, incorperating several aspects of traditional and ...
Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Wonder
Created by Pouakai
The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway is the most famous of the railways featured in the 'Mountain Railways of India' UNESCO World Hertiage site. It was built during the British Raj period of Indian colonisation in order to provide access to the mountain city o...
White Sands Missile Range Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Located in the deserts of New Mexico, the White Sands Missile Range is America's largest military installation at just under 8,300 square kilometres. It has been home to several prolific tests since it became a military site in 1941, including the Trinity ...
Chinese New Year Wonder Pack
Created by Pouakai
Gong Xi Fa Cai! As the Year of the Dragon draws to a close, we re-release the Chinese New Year pack from the dawn of the year, on the 23rd of January 2012. The wonder pack features five Chinese wonders - Gulou, a Drum Tower buillt in Beijing by during the ...
Buda Castle Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Located on the bank of the Danube river in modern day Budapest, Buda Castle is a site formerly used by several different parties throughout its history, including as a palace and as a defensive castle. It has been destroyed several times since it was first...
Paro Taktsang Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Located on the side of a Bhutanese cliff, the Paro Taktsang monastery is a monastery built in the 17th century to honor the guru who is credited with the introduction of Buddhism to Bhutan, who is said to have meditated in a cave on the site in the 9th cen...
Mesa Verde Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Mesa Verde is a large Pueblo settlement located in the modern American state of Colorado. It is most famous for the Cliff Palace, the largest known cliff dwelling in North America, but there are several more buildings within the area, including resevoirs a...
Wat Phra Kaew
Created by sukritact
One of the most important Buddhist temples in Thailand, the Wat Phra Kaew is located in the historic center of Bangkok, within the grounds of the Grand Palace; it enshrines the Emerald Buddha, an image of the Buddha meticulously carved from a single block ...
Westminster Abbey Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Westminster Abbey is a large church located in the city of Westminster which is in turn within London in the United Kingdom.The site has been home to a religious building for well over a millenium, although construction on the current church was only begun...
London Eye Wonder
Created by Pouakai
The London Eye is a large ferris wheel located on the bank of the Thames River in the centre of London, England. When it opened in March 2000 it was the tallest Ferris Wheel in the world, with a height of 135 metres. This was also the tallest viewing deck ...
Songkran Wonder Pack
Created by Pouakai
Across April 13-15, Songkran is celebrated in South East Asian countries, particularily Thailand. Historically it marked the beginning of the Thai New Year, however in recent times this has changed to be January 1 in line with the rest of the world. Songkr...
Topkapi Palace Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Overlooking the waters of the Bosphorous, Topkapi Palace is a large complex that served as the palace for the Ottoman sultans during much of their over six-hundred year rule. It acted not only as a palace but also as a walled village of sorts, with all ame...
Todai ji Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Todai-ji is a large Buddhist temple located in the Japanese city of Nara. It is most famous for the Giant Buddha Hall, which houses the Daibutsu, the largest Bronze statue in the world. First built during the 7th century, when Nara was the capital of Japan...
Smithsonian Institute
Created by Pouakai
Known the world over as the pinnacle for the field, the Smithsonian institiution is a series of museums and intellectual establishments founded 'for the increase and diffusion of knowledge'. Since then, it has spread to dozens of separate establishments, i...
Arab Spring Wonder Pack
Created by Pouakai
On December 18, 2010, a Tunisian grocer set himself on fire as a one-man protest against police brutality, igniting protests throughout the Arab World. Since this point, Three governmental regiemes have fallen, others have had drastic changes, and others s...
St Mark's Basilica
Created by Pouakai
Located in the centre of Venice and alongside the Doge's Palace, Saint Mark's Basilica (Or Basilica Cattedrale Patriarcale di San Marco) is one of the most opulent churches in Northern Italy, and serves as a prime example of the fusion between Italian and ...
Cologne Cathedral
Created by Pouakai
Built atop a Roman temple, the Cologne Cathedral is an enormous Roman Catholic cathedral in Cologne, Germany, and the seat of Cologne's Archbishop. Construction began on the cathedral in 1248, and was left unfinished almost two centuries later, in 1473. Wh...
Chartres Cathedral
Created by Pouakai
The Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Chartres is a medieval Roman Rite Catholic church in Chartres in France. The building is one of the best examples of French Gothic architecture and is a World Heritage Site. The current cathedral is the the fifth in th...
Pan-American Highway Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Spanning by some routes from the Arctic Ocean to Tierra del Fuego, the Pan-American Highway is a vast road network spanning Latin and North America. Originally concieved in the years before the outbreak of World War Two, and pioneered by an expedition from...
Te Tii Marae
Created by Pouakai
Happy Waitangi Day! To celebrate, here is the Te Tii Marae as a wonder. Te Tii Marae is a marae located near the town of Waitangi, in the Northland province of New Zealand. It was built to commemorate the signing of the Treaty of Waitingi at a nearby cotta...
Washington Monument Wonder
Created by Pouakai
Located in the heart of the National Mall of Washington, D.C., the Washington Monument is a large stone monument dedicated to president George Washington. At approximately 555 feet (169 metres) it is the world's tallest stone structure and the tallest monu...
Marina Bay Sands
Created by Pouakai
Towering over the bay of the Singapore Strait which lends the building its name, the Marina Bay Sands is one of the largest and most iconic resort complexes in Singapore. In addition to the three main hotel towers and the rooftop "skypark" complex spanning...
Suez Canal Wonder
Created by Pouakai
The Suez Canal is an artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea through the Isthmus of Suez and dividing Africa and Asia. The 193.3-kilometre-long canal is a key trade route between Europe and Asia. In 1858, Fer...
Eras - Ancient Age
Created by BlouBlou
This mod reshapes the game parameters to let you experience a complete game in the Ancient age instead of few turns. Features: Tech tree wont progress after Ancient age (so you wont reach other Eras). Also, several adjustment have been made to the tree to ...
Eras - Classical Age
Created by BlouBlou
This mod reshapes the game parameters to let you experience a complete game in the Classical age instead of few turns. Features: Tech tree wont progress after Classical age (so you wont reach other Eras). Also, several adjustment have been made to the tree...
Eras - Medieval Age
Created by BlouBlou
This mod reshapes the game parameters to let you experience a complete game in the Medieval age instead of few turns. Features: Tech tree wont progress after Medieval age (so you wont reach other Eras). Also, some adjustment have been made to the tree to t...
Eras - Renaissance
Created by BlouBlou
This mod reshapes the game parameters to let you experience a complete game in the Renaissance era instead of few turns. Features: Tech tree wont progress after Renaissance (so you wont reach other Eras). Also, some adjustment have been made to the tree to...
Eras - Industrial Age
Created by BlouBlou
This mod reshapes the game parameters to let you experience a complete game in the Industrial era instead of few turns. Features: Tech tree wont progress after Industrial (so you wont reach other Eras). Also, some adjustment have been made to the tree to t...
Eras - Modern Age
Created by BlouBlou
This mod reshapes the game parameters to let you experience a complete game in the Modern era instead of few turns. Features: Tech tree wont progress after Modern Age (so you wont reach other Eras). Also, some adjustment have been made to the tree to trans...
Eras - Atomic Age
Created by BlouBlou
This mod reshapes the game parameters to let you experience a complete game in the Atomic era instead of few turns. Features: Tech tree wont progress after Atomic Age (so you wont reach other Eras). Also, some adjustment have been made to the tree to trans...
Barbarians - Unlimited Exp
Created by BlouBlou
This mod removes the maximum experience that you can get from barbarians. Features: You will now get experience at any level when fighting barbarians. AI players will now get experience at any level when fighting barbarians. Compatibility: Compatible with ...
Buildings - Upgrade System
Created by BlouBlou
This mod add a new concept to the game: 'Upgrading Buildings'. It allows a city to upgrade existing buildings, improving the base bonuses but increasing the maintenance. Features: Every 'base' building can be upgraded individually, in each city. You start ...
Promotions - Ancient Ruins Choice
Created by BlouBlou
This mod extend the ability to choose the bonus you receive from 'Ancient ruins' to Scouts from all civilizations. Accordingly, The Shoshone Pathfinder receive New free promotions instead: Scouting I-II Features: Make the ability to choose the bonus you re...
Promotions - Expansion Pack
Created by BlouBlou
This mod add new promotions choices when leveling your units and also change the promotion tree system to improve customization possibilities. It roughly triple your promotion choices for every unit, adding many new promotions, and rearranging dependencies...
Resource - Granary Includes Bison
Created by BlouBlou
This mod adds the new bonus resource introduced in Civ 5 lastest patch: 'Bison' to the list of resource already improved by the 'Granary'. Features: Extends the bonus of the 'Granary' building (which already upgrades 'Deer') to the 'Bison' resource. Fix th...
Resource - Mint Includes Copper
Created by BlouBlou
This mod adds the luxury ressource : 'Copper' to the Mint's benefits and requirements. Features: Mints can now be built in a city if it has Copper within its city limit. Just like Gold or Silver. Extend the bonus of the Mint building (who already upgrade G...
Terrain - Brazilwood Camp Extension
Created by BlouBlou
This mod extends the ability to build the improvement : Brazilwood Camp, to every civilization. Accordingly, a unique building has been added to Brazil civilization: the 'Jesuit Church', wich replaces the Garden. Heres some infos: 'Tomé de Sousa, first Gov...
Terrain - Chateau Extension
Created by BlouBlou
This mod extend the ability to build the improvement : Chateau, to every civilization. Accordingly, The Foreign Legion Unique Unit have been returned to the French civilization. Features: Make the 'Chateau' improvement available to workers from any civiliz...
Terrain - Feitoria Extension
Created by BlouBlou
This mod extend the ability to build the improvement : Feitoria, to every civilization. Accordingly, a unique building has been added to Portugal civilization: the 'Reconquista Castle', wich replaces the Castle. Heres some infos: 'During the Portuguese Rec...
Terrain - Kasbah Extension
Created by BlouBlou
This mod extend the ability to build the improvement : Kasbah, to every civilization. Accordingly, a unique building has been added to Morocco civilization: 'The Riad', wich replaces the Garden. Heres some infos: 'A Riad is a traditional Moroccan house wit...
Terrain - Moai Extension
Created by BlouBlou
This mod extend the ability to build the improvement : Moai, to every civilization. Accordingly, a unique building has been added to Polynesia civilization: ' The Marae ', wich replaces the Temple. Heres some infos: 'A marae is a communal or sacred place t...
Terrain - Motte-and-bailey Fort
Created by BlouBlou
This mod add the ability to build the improvement : Motte-and-bailey Fort to workers of every civilization, adding another fortification option to the game. Features: Makes The 'Motte-and-bailey Fort' (From the 1066 Scenario by Fireaxis) available to worke...
Terrain - Polder Extension
Created by BlouBlou
This mod extend the ability to build the improvement : Polder, to every civilization. Accordingly, A Unique building has been added to Netherland civilization: The 'Polder Mill' wich replaces the Windmill. Features: Make the 'Polder' improvement available ...
Terrain - Pontoon Bridge
Created by BlouBlou
This mod adds the ability to build the improvement : Pontoon Bridge to workers of every civilization, adding another Improvement option to the game that was normaly reserved for Firaxis scenarios. Features: Makes The 'Pontoon Bridge' (From the American War...
Terrain - Poor Tiles Tweak
Created by BlouBlou
This mod gives a minor base yields and unlock some worker improvements possibilities for poor or useless terrains like snow and desert. Features: The state of those tiles before the mod: Snow and Desert had 'No Yield' No basic tile improvement could be bui...
Terrain - Terrace Farm Extension
Created by BlouBlou
This mod extend the ability to build the improvement : Terrace Farm, to every civilization. Accordingly, A Unique building has been added to Inca civilization: The Stone Temple, wich replaces the Temple. Features: Make the 'Terrace Farm' improvement availa...
Terrain - Tipi
Created by BlouBlou
This mod adds the ability to build the improvement : Tipi to workers of every civilization, adding another Improvement option to the game that was normaly reserved for Firaxis scenarios. Features: Makes The 'Tipi' (From the Conquest of the New World Deluxe...
Units - Airship and Land Ironclad
Created by BlouBlou
This mod brings the 'Airship' and the 'Land Ironclad' units from the Smoky Skies scenario by Fireaxis in normal games, without hurting game balance or changing normal gameplay. Features: Adds 2 new units to the industrial Era, 'Airship' and 'Land Ironclad'...
Units - No Futuristic Units
Created by BlouBlou
This mod disable the Giant-Death Robot and The XCOM Squad from normal games, letting you play in the latest age without the Sci-fi components. Features: The Unit: Giant Death-Robot has been disabled. The Unit: XCOM Squad has been disabled. Related Technolo...
Units - Scout to Explorer
Created by BlouBlou
This mod introduces a new recon unit in industrial age, the explorer. It also give to scouts an upgrade option to become explorer when obsolete. Features: Adds a new recon unit: the explorer, to the game, which was inspired by the Scramble for Africa scena...
Units - Starting Scout
Created by BlouBlou
This mod replaces the starting 'Warrior' with a 'Scout' instead. Features: Everyone (including AI players) get their starting warrior replaced with a scout. Notes: If you own Brave New World Expansion, i strongly recommend using all the three Scouts mod fo...
Units - Throwing Axeman
Created by BlouBlou
This mod unlocks and incorporate a new unit in the classical age, The Throwing Axeman. A new range-unit type that was introduced in Brave New World but is currently reserved for barbarians. Features: Adds a new ranged unit: The Throwing Axeman, to the game...
War - Less Damaged Captured Cities
Created by BlouBlou
This mod reduce the damage to population and buildings that is instantly applied to a city when you capture it. Features: Population survival has been increased from 50% to 75% (For example, capturing a city of 10 population would leave the city with 7 pop...
MC's Aceh
Created by Pouakai
Once the most powerful state in the eastern Indian Ocean, the Aceh Sultanate was a powerful trading nation from the north of Sumatra. It grew rich off the proceeds of trade through the straights of Malacca and the Islamic faithful passing through whilst on...
MC's Afsharids
Created by Pouakai By the dawn of the 18th century, the once-great empire of Persia had grown weak under the rule of the latter Safavids. Plagued by rebellions, it yearned for the command of a great leader to return it to the heights of power ...
MC's John F. Kennedy
Created by Pouakai
Favoured son of the prestigious Kennedy family, John F. Kennedy came to power as president of the United States during a period of great turmoil. At home, America was facing increasing unrest over civil rights and societal divisions which polarised the cou...
MC's Ashanti Civilisation
Created by Pouakai
Based in West Africa, near modern day Ghana, the Ashanti Empire was a powerful state which constantly proved a staunch opponent to European colonisation of the region. The Empire (or Kingdom) grew out of the smaller state of Kumasi and grew to encompass mu...
Ayyubid Civilization
Created by Pouakai
The Ayyubid dynasty was a sultanate centred in Cairo between the 12th and 14th centuries. At its peak, it rules swathes of North Africa and the Middle East, from Sana'a to Tunis to Damascus. The dynasty was founded by Saladin, a man known throughout the wo...
MC's Brazil (Vargas)
Created by Pouakai See the full collection! One of the most iconic figures of 20th century Brazil, Getulio Vargas reigned for nearly twenty years as President, including the turbulent years of the Great Depression and World War II. Reforming a...
MC's Buccaneers
Created by Pouakai
A name that struck fear into all within the Caribbean, the Buccaneers were the most feared pirates of the age of sail, plundering ports of friend and foe alike. They sought only bounty and glory, and frequently became the enemy of those who sought to use t...
Sukritact's Burmese Civilization
Created by sukritact
This mod adds the Burmese Civilization to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. Yama Zatdaw: Receive (100 on Standard) Great Writer Points (GWP) when a city that Burma has never owned is conquered. Conquered ci...
Sukritact's Calusa Civilization
Created by sukritact
This mod adds the Calusa Civilization to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. The Calusa were a Native American people of Florida's southwest coast. They are notable for having developed a complex culture base...
Sukritact's Chinookan Civilization
Created by sukritact
This mod adds the Chinookan Civilization to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. The mod comes with native support for Events and Decisions, YNaEMP, Cultural Diversity, Piety and Prestige, ExCE and Ethnic Unit...
MC's Crimean Khanate
Created by Pouakai Breaking boldly away from the Golden Horde which had ruled over the region for centuries, the Crimean Khanate sought to forge a new path for the peninsula - one rooted in the traditions of all those who had claimed Crimea fo...
Sukritact's Egyptian Civilization (Narmer)
Created by sukritact This mod adds the Early Dynastic Egypt under Narmer to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. Narmer was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the Early Dynastic Period. Many consider him...
MC's Gallic Civilization
Created by sukritact
This mod adds the Gallic Civilization to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. Master Metalworkers: May discover metal-based Luxury Resources when a Mine is constructed. Silver, Gold, Copper, Iron and Aluminum ...
MC and DuskJockey's Goguryeo
Created by Pouakai At a time when what is now Korea was divided, one empire - Goguryeo - stood supreme as the peninsula's hegemon. The empire reigned across the majority of the peninsula, extending from deep into South Korea through to modern ...
MC's Greek Civilisation Split
Created by Pouakai
Throughout antiquity, the regions surrounding the Aegean Sea were home to some of the greatest city-states and empires of the civilised world. Though never unified, and often hostile to one-another, these city states came to collectively be known as the Gr...
MC's Haida (Koyah)
Created by Pouakai Legends across the Pacific Northwest for their adept warfare and seamanship, the Haida are stalwarts of the region and one of the most famous first nations. They quickly became feared by Europeans encroaching on the region f...
MC and Leugi's Inca (Tupac Yupanqui)
Created by Pouakai Between the Earth-Shaker and the Mighty One, there was the Noble Accountant. Yet despite this humble name, Tupac Yupanqui was not to be trifled with. Before his ascension, Yupanqui led his father's forces to victory in the n...
MC's India Civilisation Pack
Created by Pouakai
The Indian Subcontinent was home to many empires and countless cultures which rose and fell throughout its recorded history. Nestled between the Indus and Ganges rivers, Indian civilizations developed a unique culture of unparalelled grandiosity, majesty a...
MC's Jerusalem
Created by Pouakai
Born out of a sacred desire on the part of the Christian nations of Europe to liberate the Holy Land from those whom they perceived to be heathens, the Kingdom of Jerusalem was the largest of many Crusader states established in the levant by the armies of ...
DMS' Civilizations (with MC) - Kanem-Bornu (Idris Alauma)
Created by DMS
This adds the Kanem-Bornu Empire led by Idris Alauma to Sid Meier's Civilization V. For full support, please see the Civfanatics Homepage. This Civilisation is a collaboration between DMS and More Civilizations. Installation ...
Sukritact's Khmer Civilization
Created by sukritact
This mod adds the Khmer Civilization to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. Great Barays of Angkor: Choose between a Food and a Faith boost upon the completion of a World Wonder. +1 Great Engineer Point from ...
Kilwa Sultanate
Created by Pouakai
Centred on the island of Kilwa, the Kilwa Sultanate was an East African trading empire stretching from Somalia to Mozambique borne out of betrayal and warfare. It dominated trade throughout the west Indian Ocean, with trade routes spanning the ocean that s...
Kongo (Brave New World)
Created by Tomatekh
Adds Kongo to the base game. The Kingdom of Kongo was an African kingdom located in west central Africa in what is now northern Angola, Cabinda, the Republic of the Congo, and the western portion of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. At its greatest ext...
MC's Lenape
Created by Pouakai
When Europeans first arrived on the shores of what would become the United States, in many places it would be the Lenape that greeted them. Masters of vaste swathes of woodlands across the Eastern Seaboard, which they knew as the Lenapehoking, they would c...
Sukritact's Maasai Civilization
Created by sukritact
This mod adds the Maasai Civilization to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. Once known as "The Lords of East Africa", the Maasai are a collection of ethnically related groups who live primarily in the grassl...
MC's Makuria
Created by Pouakai Long after Egypt had fallen to foreign invaders, the proud Nubian kingdoms continued to flourish. Makuria was the most powerful of these kingdoms, absorbing its smaller counterpart Nobatia in the early 8th century before resi...
MC's Maori (Te Kooti)
Created by Pouakai
At the height of the New Zealand Wars, where Maori and Pakeha fought for control of the islands, few names were as evocative as that of Te Kooti. After a daring escape from Wharekauri, an island hundreds of kilometres from the New Zealand mainland, Te Koot...
MC and Leugi's Mayans (Lady Xoc)
Created by Pouakai Throughout the Mesoamerican world, the Mayans were famous as both fierce warriors and devout scholars. They built vast cities with enormous complexes dedicated to the study of the heavens or in honour of the gods. And yet wi...
MC and GE's Mercia
Created by Pouakai
Following the fall of the Roman Empire, Britain was divided. Numerous Celtic states fought between themselves for supremacy over the isles, oblivious to outside threats. Germanic invaders saw this lack of unity as opportunity, and swarmed the islands, crea...
Mexican Civilization
Created by Pouakai
Located at the boundary between North and Central America, Mexico has experienced drastic territorial changes since gaining independance from Spain in 1821. The political composition of Mexico has ranged from empire to republic, and has on times threatened...
MC's Minoans
Created by Pouakai
Centered on the island of Crete, largest island of the Aegean, the Minoan civilisation was both technologically and culturally one of the most advanced nations of its age. Renowned across the eastern Mediterranean for the quality of their frescoes and pala...
MC and LITE's Moorish Civilisation
Created by sukritact
This mod adds the Moors to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. The Iberian Peninsula today is owned completely by Spain and Portugal, with the exception of the British rule in Gibraltar, but for years they ha...
MC's Motu
Created by Pouakai
For centuries, the Motu have been renowned across the Gulf of Papua and beyond as expert craftsmen of pottery and as navigators of the tradewinds. These skills were borne of necessity, for the Motuan homeland is too harsh for the crops which sustain others...
MC's Mycenae (Agamemnon)
Created by Pouakai Before the Greek city states, there were the Mycenaeans - a proud and warlike people which stretched across the Aegean. These people existed at the height of the Bronze age, expanding their might across the Mediterranean and...
Sukritact's Nabataean Civilization
Created by sukritact
The Nabataeans were an Arab people who inhabited northern Arabia and the Southern Levant, and whose settlements, most prominently Petra, are famed throughout the world....
MC's Nazca Civilization
Created by Pouakai
Widely known for the enormous geoglyphs of animals and other designs which they created in the deserts of their empire, the Nazca culture existed for approximately 900 years in the high Andean deserts of what is now Southern Peru. From what little is known...
MC's New Zealand
Created by Pouakai
Despite being a small archipelago in the South Pacific, New Zealand is never one to back away from a fight. Upon the outbreak of World War Two in September 1939, New Zealand declared war on Germany alongside the United Kingdom while under the rule of its m...
MC and LITE's Nubia
Created by Pouakai South of the fertile lands of Egypt lay the mysterious land known as Nubia. Nubia went by many names, often given to them by the Egyptians to the north who dealt with them in both peace and war - one such name was Ta-Seti, or...
MC's Oman Civilisation
Created by Pouakai
The Sultanate of Muscat and Oman (Oman for short) was a 19th century power in the Indian ocean, ruling large swaths of land across East Africa through to southern Iran from their centre of power in the eastern Arabian peninsula. Under the leadership of Sai...
MC's Ottomans (Orhan)
Created by Pouakai From their origins in the Anatolian heartland, the Ottomans set their sights on bigger goals. Though it was Osman who first saw the future of the Ottomans as a continent-spanning empire, it was his son - Orhan - who set abou...
Sukritact's Phoenician Civilization
Created by sukritact
Phoenicia was an ancient Semitic civilization situated on the western, coastal part of the Fertile Crescent and centered on the coastline of modern Lebanon and Tartus Governorate in Syria. It was an enterprising maritime trading culture that spread across ...
MC's Polynesian Civilisation Pack
Created by Pouakai
Polynesia is the term for a cultural region in the Pacific Ocean spanning from the three extremities of Hawaii, Aotearoa / New Zealand and Rapa Nui (Easter Island), and including well over one thousand islands. These islands are full of vastly differing an...
MC's Qoyunlu
Created by Pouakai
Long before the rise of the Ottomans, the gradual migration of Turkic tribes into the Middle East brought with it a vast array of new states and powers. Two of the most powerful of these, following land grants from Timur himself, were the famed Aq Qoyunlu ...
MC and GE's Romania
Created by Pouakai
Formerly split between the great empires of Europe and Asia, and the battleground for the frequent wars between them, Romania proudly rose from their shadow in the 19th century and inherited the mantle of the great kingdoms of the past which had inhabited ...
Sukritact's Sami Civilization
Created by sukritact
This mod adds the Sámi Civilization to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. Siida Culture: Founding cities reveals all tiles within its working radius. Cities founded on or adjacent to Snow or Tundra receive a...
MC's Scotland
Created by Pouakai
An ancient kingdom in the north of the British isles, Scotland has been through many political and cultural changes over the years. Though it has been part of the United Kingdom for 300 years, it has retained its status as a cultural and industrial powerho...
MC's Seleucids
Created by Pouakai
Born out of the tumultuous period following the death of Alexander the Great, the Seleucid Empire was the greatest of the successor kingdoms, having inherited the vast majority of Alexander's eastern empire. Under the rule of their first Basilieus, Seleucu...
MC and Neirai's Seneca
Created by Pouakai As the westernmost tribe of the Haudenosaunee, the Seneca held a crucial role in the security of the Iroquois people. Known to themselves as the O-non-dowa-gah, or Greeat Hill People, they were known wider as the Keepers of ...
MC's Serbia
Created by Pouakai
First founded centuries ago when Slavic peoples crossed the Danube, Serbia is a proud kingdom situated in the heart of the Balkans, on the crossroads of Europe and Asia. For centuries Serbia flourished in the shadows of empires far greater, until the Ottom...
MC and Leugi's Shoshone (Washakie)
Created by Pouakai When the Shoshone took to the Great Plains, it was the Eastern Shoshone - those of the Buffalo Eaters and the Sage Grass People. Washakie was a paramount chief of the Eastern Shoshone, and a respected figure across the conti...
MC's Slavs
Created by Pouakai
Since their origins as a significant faction within the multi-ethnic confederacies of the Eurasian continent, the Slavs have come to dominate Eastern Europe as a result of migration and conquest. First originating with the mass migrations of the fifth and ...
MC's South Kasai
Created by Pouakai
In the turmoil that followed Congolese independence from Belgium in 1960, the fledgling state quickly devolved into strife and civil war. The mineral-rich southeast declared independence as Katanga, and the remainder of the country was split between two co...
MC's Soviet Union (Nikita Khrushchev)
Created by Pouakai
At the height of the Cold War, when nuclear annihilation loomed, cities were blockaded and the world was quickly carved into two global alliances. From its place at the top of Eurasia, the Soviet Union exerted its influence over much of the world and used ...
MC's Thrace
Created by Pouakai
The Thracians inhabited what is now known as Bulgaria for centuries, both by their military might and their cultural prowess. Though a tribal people, the Thracians were occasionally united under the one king, the most successful of which was likely the Odr...
Sukritact's Three Affiliated Tribes
Created by sukritact
This mod adds the Three Affiliated Tribes to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. The three tribes are comprised of the Mandans, Hidatsas, and Arikaras. Although the first two had long-established friendships,...
MC's Tibetan Civilization
Created by Pouakai
The Tibetan Empire was a political entity based in what is now the Tibetan plateau of Central Asia. From its foundation in the seventh century by Songtsän Gampo, Tibet grew to occupy an area from the Indian Ocean to Pakistan and central China, threatening ...
MC's Trebizond
Created by Pouakai In the twilight of the great Byzantine empire, many far corners of the empire took the opportunity to break free from the shakles of Constantinople in search of their own destiny. Among these was the Black Sea empire of Treb...
MC's Tuareg
Created by Pouakai The Tuareg are a proud and fierce people found across the Sahara, in places few others would last more than three days. Famed for their mastery of the sands and the skill at which they could navigate the vast expanses, the T...
MC's Tunis
Created by Pouakai
From their seat of power in Tunis, the Hafsid dynasty rose from the ashes of a unified rule across the whole of the Muslim world to become a powerful kingdom on the North African coast. Their shores brought wealth, both legally and less-so, from all corner...
Sukritact's Tuscan Civilization
Created by sukritact
This mod adds the Tuscan Civilization to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. Today a region in modern Italy, Tuscany is known for its landscapes, traditions, history, artistic legacy and its permanent influen...
MC's Vijayanagara
Created by Pouakai
While the north of India was progressively conqured by invading Islamic armies and a series of sultanates, the expanses of the Deccan Plateau to the south was far beyond the reach of any muslim ruler - for this was the realm of the Vijanagara Empire. For c...
MC's Xinjiang
Created by Pouakai At a time of great upheaval across the world, one man saw an opportunity to turn one of the most remote corners of the Republic of China into his personal fiefdom. Quickly seizing power, Sheng Shicai ruled Xinjiang through c...
Sukritact's Zimbabwean Civilization
Created by sukritact
This mod adds Zimbabwe to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. Zimbabwe is a landlocked sovereign state located in southern Africa, between the Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers. Since the 11th century, present-day Z...
MC's Yanomami
Created by Pouakai
Deep in the northern Amazon, the Yanomami people continue to fight to preserve their way of life. Resolutely they have stood in the face of genocide at the hands of national governments, illegal logging and miners seeking to exploit the region's resources,...
More Pantheons - Addon
Created by Barrowulf
This mod requires my other one, "More Luxuries"....
More Luxuries
Created by Barrowulf
DESCRIPTION Adds nine more luxuries to the game and an additional Mercantile city-state luxury. Overall, they function the same as the existing luxuries and utilize the same placement and balancing methods. Also, this mod fixes a few bugs found in the main...
Longer Eras - Historic
Created by Chuck Finley
*UPDATE* For those of you who loved this mod and are not playing CivBE I have created a new version of it for that game. You can find the download here: Creates a new era called Historic that ...
Yet (not) Another Earth Maps Pack
Created by Gedemon
Earth maps with True Starting Location and custom options featuring advanced setup screen, optional realistic resources placement and hotseat. Compatibility: Civ5 vanilla, Gods+Kings, Brave New World and all DLC Installation ===============================...
YnAEMP DLL 43 civs
Created by Gedemon
43 Civs DLL to use with Yet (not) Another Earth Maps Pack and Brave New World or Gods+Kings. Not compatible with mapscripts. Known bug: only 22 civs will have a 3D diploscreen, the 12 others will be blank (you can get a 2D static replacement by using the Y...
Aggressive and Expansive AI
Created by Krajzen
Increases AI expansionist and military tendencies - way too many people have complained on passive nature of BNW AI :) I increased all AI leaders' victory/wonder/city state competitiveness, possible war approach and possibility of war declaration, as well ...
Faster Plot Expansion
Created by Krajzen
Cultural cost of gaining new plot is reduced by 1/3. Now 'holes on the map' fill faster, borders looks better, and this is yet another buff for originally underpowered wide empires....
(BNW) Leugi's Israel Civilization
Created by Leugi
Adds the Israelite Civilization to Brave New World, with King David as its Leader!. This mod features Custom Leader Music and a 3D leaderscene.
Barbarian Inmersion Enhancements
Created by Leugi
Adds features (Era Name Change, Barbarian Generals, Era Promotions) to enhance barbarians ingame, both for flavour and gameplay reasons.
[BNW] Argentina Civilization
Created by Leugi
Adds the Argentine Civilization to Brave New World, with Eva Perón as its Leader!. This mod features Custom Leader Music. Update: Now provides +1 Food on Pastures. Also added built in TSL support.
Patria Grande: Gran Colombia Civilization
Created by Leugi
Adds the Gran Colombia civilization with Simón Bolivar as its leader! Steam Workshop | Direct Download Civilization Concept: The Gran Colombia was short lived, but Simon Bolivar's legacy to the Americas and the World is unden...
[BNW] Chile Civilization
Created by Leugi
Adds the Chile Civilization to Brave New World, with Bernardo O'higgins as its Leader!. This mod features Custom Leader Music. Update: Changed the Music, added TSL support, changed the city list.
Civ Names by Policies
Created by Lex
For BNW only. If you are going to ask a questions about the mod algorithm, name specific, localization, etc., read the full description before. Special thanks to SaintDaveUK for many additions to naming system. Localizations. Write your name here. Spanish ...
Randomize City Names
Created by Nutzzz
Randomize City Names for Civilization V , Gods + Kings, and Brave New World by Nutty Randomizes city names within a civilization's list for every city except the capital. Also affects modded civilizations. ...
Created by Rob K
Adds time based graphs showing civilizations' score, gold, military power, etc., visual representation of global relationships and tons of extra info on each civ. To access the Info Addict screen, hit the scroll button underneath the turn indicator and sel...
Gallia, Qin & Tahiti - Civ Set IX
Created by Teddyk
Mod is created for and tested on GK + BNW. --- Credits Music by Adrian von Ziegler Ancient Infantry Model hokath - text --- Civilizations Gallia Tribes leader: Vercingetorix UA <Tribal Alliance> Barbarians do not attack you. Heal Instantly does not increas...
The Hittites (Brave New World)
Created by Tomatekh
Adds the Hittites to the base game. The Hittites were a Bronze Age power centered in Anatolia and one of the four major empires of the period alongside Assyria, Babylon, and Egypt. One of the earliest off-shoots of the Indo-European family, they developed ...
The Sioux (Brave New World)
Created by Tomatekh
Adds the Sioux to the base game. The Sioux are a Native American people in North America, traditionally belonging to the Great Sioux Nation or Seven Council Fires. They can be subdivided into three major divisions based on dialect and culture: the Santee, ...
Mali (Brave New World)
Created by Tomatekh
Adds Mali to the base game. One of the great centers of Islamic culture and wealth, Mali was one of sub-Saharan Africa's most influential empires. It owed much of its reputation to its situation as a major trading center, effectively controlling trans-Saha...
Historical Religions Complete (BNW or GK)
Created by Tomatekh
This is a stand-alone edit of my Historical Religions mod (you do not need to use the main mod to use this version), which can be found here: Historical Religions (BNW or GK) As I've released a number of denomination packs by this point, this mod combines ...
Ingame Editor
Created by donquiche
COMPATIBLE WITH ALL VERSIONS AND MODS. An in-game editor to alter the map and many other things on the fly. - Edit or paint terrain, features, natural wonders, resources, improvements, rivers, fog, etc. - Change cities' religion followers, population, buil...
North Korea (G&K)
Created by kingchris20
Adds the North Korean civilization to the game. This is the modern version of North Korea, and has Kim Jong-un as its supreme leader, with civilopedia entries. Unique Ability: (Nuclear Bully) Unit maintenance cost reduced by 33%, Uranium resources doubled....
Ancient Building Pack
Created by thecrazyscotsman
Alternate download here. This Building Pack adds 3 additional economic and growth buildings to the Ancient Era. Credit to Kwadjh for the Weaver icon. The building yields are below. --------------------- Bakery (New) +1 Food +1 Food from Wheat Requires Whea...
Enhanced Military Buildings
Created by thecrazyscotsman
Alternate download here. This mod is designed to better reflect several aspects of Military and Defensive structures. Military buildings have been revamped. The Barracks now adds City Hit Points and Defense, reflecting its crucial role in city defense. The...
Improved Caravansary
Created by thecrazyscotsman
Alternate download here. This mod improves the Caravansary to be more useful. Now Food and Production trade routes are enabled with the Caravansary instead of the Granary and Workshop. The Caravansary now provides: Food and Production Trade Routes +1% Gold...
Improved Water Mill
Created by thecrazyscotsman
Alternate download here. This modifies the Water Mill yields to better reflect its historical use as a labor-saving device and for making flour. The Water Mill now yields: +1 Food +2 Production +1 Food on Wheat ---------------------- FAQ Q. I'm having a pr...
Improved Granary
Created by thecrazyscotsman
Alternate download here. This updates the Granary by adding +5% growth in city and +25 city hp. For balance reasons, it removes the yield changes for wheat/bananas/deer. The Granary now provides: +2 Food +5% Growth +25 City HP This is designed to more accu...
Improved Lighthouse
Created by thecrazyscotsman
Alternate download here. Updates the Lighthouse to make Lake tiles more useful. Also adds Tourism later in the game. The Lighthouse now provides: +1 Food from Lake/Coast/Ocean tiles +1 Production from Sea Resources +1 Food from Fish +1 Tourism after resear...
Improved Windmill
Created by thecrazyscotsman
Alternate download here. This is a very simple mod which adds +1 Food from Wheat to Windmills. This is to better reflect the historical use of the Windmill as well as role of Grain as a staple for many of the world's population. ---------------------------...
Ancient Building Pack 2
Created by thecrazyscotsman
Alternate download here. This mod adds an additional 3 buildings to the Ancient Era: Palisade Wall, Potter, and Smelter. The building yields are below. ---------------------------------------------- Palisade Wall: +3 Defence +25 City HP Unlocked with Agric...
Classical Building Pack
Created by thecrazyscotsman
Alternate download here. This mod adds 3 buildings to the Classical Era: Agora, Inn, and Herbalist. The new building yields are below. --------------------------------------- Agora: +1 Culture +1 Artist slot +1 Gold from Spices and Marble 1 maintenance Unl...
Cistern and Marina - New Buildings
Created by thecrazyscotsman
Alternate download here. This mod is designed to be an alternative to the Lighthouse lake mods (including my own). I wanted to create a mod that improved lakes without required an lua files or references that may conflict with other mods. Of course this mo...
Strategic Buildings Pack
Created by thecrazyscotsman
Alternate download here. This mod adds several buildings to the later eras which make use of Horses and Iron to ensure that those strategic resources maintain value for the entire game. The new building yields are below. -----------------------------------...
Medieval and Renaissance Building Pack
Created by thecrazyscotsman
Alternate download here. This mod adds 5 new buildings to the Medieval and Renaissance eras. The buildings are below. -------------------------------------------- Apothecary +1 Food +1 Science +5% Food Requires Metal Casting Alchemist +2 Science on Gold re...
Industrial Building Pack
Created by thecrazyscotsman
Alternate download here. This mod adds several new buildings to the Industrial era, including buildings which further improve local resources or provide strategic resources. ------------------------------- Textile Mill +3 Production +1 Production on Sheep,...
Unique Policy Buildings
Created by thecrazyscotsman
Alternate download here. This mod adds a unique building unlocked by each policy tree. Each building is unlocked by the policy opener. Compatibility: REQUIRES Brave New World. All other DLC optional. Will work with any mod that does not alter the Policy Op...