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Items (170)
Landmarks of Legend
Created by The_Inquisitor
OVERVIEW Landmarks of Legend adds many landmarks to locations all over the Warhammer world, with some landmarks granting access to special units and Regiments of Renown. Currently, there are landmarks for the following factions: - Grand Cathay - Kislev - K...
Slayers pirates for Aranessa Saltspite
Created by Nothing.
I mean, yeah that's it, follows the same rules as the freecompany units etc....
Champions Of Undeath: Conquest Of The Blood Dragons - Please Read Change notes - Updated for 5.0.4
Created by COU Team Projects
“Let your blade be your only truth, let death be your only answer, and let your quest be for naught but to become more than what you already are." Based memes here, before I can go into our mod, I first need to give my personal thanks to the people and the...
Русификатор к моду SCM: Tribes of the North(В РАЗРАБОТКЕ)
Created by PrinzEugen
Перевод находится в процессе создания, на данный момент полноценный перевод готов только для фракций Эслингов, Граэлингов и Варгов! Перевод делается на добровольной основе и моей любви к этой забытой разработчиками фракции, так что наберитесь терпения и уж...
OvN Lost Factions: Araby
Created by Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting races to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in the Immortal Em...
OvN Lost Factions: Albion
Created by Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting races to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in the Immortal Em...
OvN Lost Factions: Citadel of Dusk
Created by Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting races and factions to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in th...
SCM: Tribes of the North (5.1)
Created by Team SCM A complete lore friendly rework of Norsca, with new legendary lords, heroes, mechanics quests and more. with this mod we aspire to bring depth to Norsca in a way that has never been done before. Each t...
SCM's LCCP, 16 new factions for IEE! (5.1)
Created by Team SCM
Introduction LCCP Legendary Campaigns Compilation Pack Legendary Characters Compilation Pack Love ChaosRobie's Campaign Project This mod adds 16 new factions of 12 cultures with their own mechanics and unique models made by Skeleton Crew Modding (SCM) in C...
Victory Conditions Overhaul
Created by Oh_Man[TFE] Factions Currently Supported: 71/95 (74%) This mod adds custom victory objectives and rewards for each faction in the game. This mod is still under construction and does not yet support every faction in the game. Click here ...
Old World Rites - WH3 Edition [BETA]
Created by Ubermorgen
This mod is a continuation of the WH2 mod Old World Rites by Groove Wizard (formerly known as Vandy), bringing faction rites to all of the forgotten factions from WH1 (Empire, Bretonnia, Beastmen, Greenskins, Dwarfs, Warriors of Chaos, Norsca, Vampires and...
Cataph's Kraka Drak: the Norse Dwarfs
Created by Cataph
Hello, six-years-old mod here. A lot of you know this thing. First battle release post with changes and update notes. WHO DIS? The Norse Dwarfs are a subculture of Dwarfs (whaddayaknow) who live in a corner of Norsca. They lived for centuries separated fro...
New Legendary Lord and Hero Artefacts Warhammer 3 Updated 5.1
Created by stompie5
Description This mod adds over 300 new items and Legendary Artefacts for almost all the Legendary Lords and Heroes. The new items can be viewed through the Lord's or Hero's Quest Screen and will unlock automatically. The mod also adds some new items the Dw...
The Princess and the Loremaster Fix
Created by soji
This mod fixes the skill trees that broke with the 4.0 update, all skill trees are restored and heroes can now join armies. You require the Original mod by OrangeJulivs and team. To use this mod must be places above it in the load order so that it loads af...
[Patch] Rebanner
Created by iDon'tSpeakRussian!
Rebanner - Fix for Gnawing banner + updated tables Post 4.2 patch Patch is completed to work on game version 4.2, it may or may not work on 5.0 however I will not continue working this mod as I am taking a break from modding. Should there be an issue you e...
Created by ZioCru <-- help me reach more people This mod adds more roleplay but also a graphical aspect to the infantry regiments and, still currently being worked on, artillery crew. This mod adds officers, bodyguards, and two bannermen to t...
Thudding Crossbows (Appropriate firing sounds for Cathay, Dark elf, Dwarf, and Empire crossbows)
Created by Sturmageddon
Purpose: This is an updated version of my mod from TWW2, now also applied to Cathay units! I have never really liked the sound profile CA chose for crossbows- even the sound profile for bows is louder and more satisfying to listen to. This mod replaces the...
Better Sound Levels Mod v5.5c
Created by Volcano
Do you like the battle sounds but hate all the yelling and screaming that drowns out all other details, such as melee sounds? Or do you think that the guns and cannons and magic blasts sound weak? Do you think the campaign map and battlefield is so full of...
Alshua's Cultists
Created by Alshua
Alshua's Cultists brings together all four Cultist Expansion hero types: the Cult Oracle, Pleasure Cultist, Cultist of Brass, and Deathbell Lily Cultist. Extends Cultist recruitment (both the existing male cultists and the four new Cultists) to Warriors of...
Cultist of Pleasure Reskin
Created by Alshua
Cultists of Slaanesh get a reskin inspired by the Cult of Pleasure. Graphical only. Subscribe to Cultist Expansion - Pleasure Cultist + if you want all the exciting gameplay and lore features! Design All of the Cultists of Slaanesh in the vanilla game are ...
Перевод мода - Dark Land Orcs.
Created by Livary
Здравствуйте! Это перевод мода Dark Land Orcs. Ссылка на оригинальный мод: ...
Landmarks of Eternity-Immortal Empire Expanded edition
Created by Chasslo
If you liked the mod, please consider giving it a thumbs up, it helps a lot This mod only contains the landmarks created especially for IEE and even if it was designed to run with the base mod of Landmarks of Eternity, you don't actually need it to use thi...
Red Eyed Skaven 2.0 Reskin
Created by GunKing
This mod reskins Skaven troops (where applicable) to have luminescent red eyes. The biggest change over the WH2 version of this mod is that these red eyes are truly glowing, they pop especially in dark maps. There is also an unintentional 'bloom' effect th...
[FINAL UPDATE] Spooky's Dark Elves Compilation - Expanded Variants
Created by iDon'tSpeakRussian!
Post 4.2 patch Patch is completed to work on game version 4.2, it may or may not work on 5.0 however I will not continue working this mod as I am taking a break from modding. Should there be an issue you experienced while playing only with this mod + requi...
Azhag - The Scourge of Red Eye Mountain
Created by Fröb
Updated for 5.1 DESCRIPTION You want to know how Skullmuncha got his name? Well, rumors say he once nibbled on the Throne of Skulls! And Azhag himself wears the Crown of Sorcery while withstanding its influence only thanks to his own stubbornness? Well, so...
Armoured Tyrants
Created by Fröb
Updated for 5.1 DESCRIPTION Tyrants are the rulers of the ogre tribes, keeping allies and enemies in line alike. So, they are insanely strong and experienced individuals. Unfortunately, the vanilla tyrants rather look like fat part-time bullies. I tried to...
Faith of the Empire русификатор
Created by Biggus Dickus
Русификатор модификации Faith of the Empire "Три вещи делают Империю великой: вера, сталь и порох". — Магнус Благочестивый, император Империи Людей Этот мод добавляет уникальную механику богов и веры во фракции империи. ОСНОВНЫЕ НОВШЕСТВА: Религиозный пыл ...
[BETA] Faith of the Empire [5.0]
Created by O6OPMOT
"Three things make the Empire great; faith, steel and gunpowder." — Magnus the Pious, Emperor of the Empire of Man This mod adds unique gods and faith mechanics to empire factions. MAIN FEATURES Religious fervour - Mechanic similar to Geomantic Web of Liza...
Beasts Most Foul Complete
Created by Team SCM PLEASE READ This is the official re-release of Beasts Most Foul and the Chaos Bulls side mod from Theakrus, prentice.mungo, r1kko, Xoudad and Dead Baron. The mod itself has had reworks to fit bett...
Beasts Most Foul Complete RUS
Created by ZeFoL
Перевод мода Для работы нужен оригинал Если нужно обновление,то пишите в комментариях...
Русификатор 与龙同行 派系包(Faction leader)
Created by Silent Rover
Перевод сабмода "Faction leader" являющийся частью "Walk with the dragon" от Deer24 Ставить выше оригинала...
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行 派系包(Faction leader)   介绍      本Mod可以与其他修改了震旦派系的Mod共同使用 但排序优先的Mod派系效果会覆盖下方的Mod,人物则会加入受伤状态,可以正...
Русификатор мода "Walk with the Dragon"
Created by Silent Rover
Адаптация мода "Cathay Units Patch: Walk with the Dragon" от Deer24 на русский язык. Здесь ТОЛЬКО ПЕРЕВОД, оригинальный мод обязателен. Перевод ставить в списке модов ВЫШЕ оригинала. Так же нужно поставить перевод сабмода Faction Leader Потрясающий мод для...
Перевод мода Alshua's Cultists
Created by Izumoff
Это перевод мода Alshua's Cultists. Описание мода. 1. Alshua's Cultists это мод-компиляция предыдущих работ Alshua: the Cult Oracle, Pleasure Cultist, Cultist of Brass, and Deathbell Lily Cultist. 2. Изменяет найм культистов для всех фракций Хаоса, Морати ...
The Dukes of Bretonnia [BETA]
Created by Ubermorgen
This was based on my WH2 mod The Dukes of Bretonnia, but includes tons of changes to all characters, their skill trees and visuals. Each of the new Lords now has their own faction. Huge thanks to Wolfremio who ported the mod to WH3 and reworked all visuals...
Перевод мода The Dukes Of Bretonnia
Created by Izumoff
Это перевод мода The Dukes Of Bretonnia. Мод добавляет ряд Леген-дарных лордов для Бретонии, а при использовании Mixer’a делает их главами новых играбельных фракций. Описание мода. Шесть новых лидеров фракций для Герцогств Бретонии. Новые технологии для их...
Перевод мода Mixu's Mousillon
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Mixu's Mousillon. Этот мод добавляет две тематические фракции Музильона, доступные для игры в Пользовательских Сражениях и Бессмертных Империях, если вы используете MIXER. Особенности мода Маллобауд, Черный рыцарь - Маллобауд начинает рядо...
Mixu's Mousillon
Created by Mixu
This mod adds two Mousillon themed factions available to play with in Custom Battle and playable in Immortal Empires if you use Mixer. Features Mallobaude, the Black Knight - Mallobaude starts near Mousillon where he will need to kick the Red Duke out of M...
Перевод мода Neferata's Ambition
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Neferata's Ambition . Этот мод изменяет фракцию Сёстринство Ламии, добавляя первого вампира, царицу Ламии Неферату. Этот мод является духовным преемником Kaylica's Lahmians【Neferata's Ambitions】. Узнать больше о Неферате можно тут Особенно...
Neferata's Ambition (beta)
Created by Auri
Introduction Hii everyone, finally I made it here.. this mod is the spiritual successor to Kaylica's Lahmians【Neferata's Ambitions】. This mod lets you play as the Lahmian Sisterhood led by Neferata herself. Further in the description you will find a detail...
Expanded Roster - Chaos Dwarfs
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on variet...
Expanded Roster - Norsca
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on varie...
Expanded Roster - Dark Elves
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on variety...
Expanded Roster - Beastmen
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on variet...
Expanded Roster - Vampire Counts
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on varie...
Expanded Roster - Greenskins - Goblin Pack
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on variety,...
Expanded Roster - Greenskins - Orc Pack
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on variety,...
Перевод сборки модов Expanded Roster
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод сборки модов Expanded Roster, эта сборка модов направлен на то, чтобы дополнить и расширить официальный армибук изданиий, добавив новые отряды, при этом допуская некоторые вольности в процессе. Описание Перевод включает в себя Expanded Roster –...
Перевод мода Old World Rites - WH3 Edition
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Old World Rites - WH3 Edition. Этот мод является продолжением мода Old World Rites для WH2 от Groove Wizard (ранее известного как Vandy), добавляющего фракционные обряды всем забытым фракциям из WH1 (Империя, Бретония, зверолюды, зеленокож...
Перевод мода High Elves Landmarks Overhaul
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода High Elves Landmarks Overhaul. Этот мод добавляет более 30 новых достопримечательностей для расы высших эльфов. Основные фракции Ивресс:Путевой камень, Атель Тамара Эатайн: Центр мировой торговли, Маяк Сияющей башни, Причал Феникса. Авелор...
High Elves Landmarks Overhaul (5.0 WORKING, UPDATE IN PROGRESS)
Created by Magician
Foreword Hello, friends. If you remember this. Yes, it is back in 2024. Features This mod adds 30+ landmarks for the High Elves race. Enjoy and have fun. Cheers ...
Перевод мода Immortal Empires Expanded
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Immortal Empires Expanded. Этот мод расширяет и заполняет карту Бессмертных Империй: Инд, Кхуреш, Ниппон, Затерянные острова Элитис, Восточные Степи и ту часть, которая похожа на Корею, которую автор назвал Ихан. Особенности мода Immortal ...
Перевод мода Lore Names: Renamed Factions & New Evolving Names
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Lore Names: Renamed Factions & New Evolving Names. Этот мод изменяет название многих фракций и продолжает изменять их по мере роста фракций. Особенности: - Стартовые названия фракций отражают их текущее положение, а так же их расу и конкре...
Lore Names: Renamed Factions & New Evolving Names
Created by NordenBear CURRENT FEATURES: Several custom scripts, made by the CoLabs Team, that also prevents longer end-turns. Deeper lore-friendly star...
Custom Matched Combat Animations
Created by [-ODM-] Xiphos
Hello everybody, After a lot of hard work, we are proud to finally release an early version of this project that will bring many matched combat and sync kills between a wide variety of characters and soldiers in Total War Warhammer 3. What The Mod Does -We...
Reloading Animations
Created by Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD Reload: load (something, especially a gun that has been fired) again. Adds reloading animations to the following units (for now): Kislev Streltsi Dwarf Thunderers Empire Handgunners Sylvanian Handgunners Vampire Coast Gunnery Wight F...
Created by ZioCru <-- help me reach more people Description This submod combine my movement animation mod with matched combat mod and reload animation mod. Bare in mind you need the vanilla and updated matched combat mod + reloading animation...
Worthy Warcry (For Epic Battle Audio)
Created by _Zorbaz
UPDATED 28.Feb.24 - Updated for 4.2! Welcome fair travelers, for today we sing of the roar of battle, the thwack of bolts and the thunder of blackpowder. This mod changes a number of things about several audio mods that I loved from WH2. This mod changes n...
[BETA] Vanishoxyact's UI Modding Framework
Created by O6OPMOT
This is just a port of Vanishoxyact's UI Modding Framework. Original mod is here: All credits go to author. Some features may not work, write in comments if you get any issues....
The Phoenix Court (High Elf Politics) RUS
Created by ZeFoL
Перевод мода Для работы нужен оригинал. Если нужно обновление,то пишите в комментариях...
The Phoenix Court (High Elf Politics)
Created by Alshua
Adds a lore-rich political intrigue system to the High Elves, allowing you to compete over seats of authority. Using the Chaos Dwarf "Tower of Zharr" system as a base, The Phoenix Court goes far beyond it, giving all Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan their own uniqu...
ZC EMPIRE RESKIN Submod - The Rise Of The Floppy Hat. - Averlander update
Created by ZioCru <-- help me reach more people Description "Three things make the Empire great, faith steel and gunpowder. Plus a little variety because why not." So, what is this? Simply put this sub mod adds some floppy hat variants to the...
ZC EMPIRE RESKIN (2.0) - Free company update
Created by ZioCru <-- help me reach more people Description The workshop return. *If you want to add floppy hats in the variants you need this EMPIRE SUBMOD - Floppy Hats for Reskin because this reskin is helmets only* The ZC Empire Reskin is...
Created by ZioCru <-- help me reach more people ATTENTION ATTENTION - NEW ALL IN ONE ZC MODDING ASSETS SUBSCRIBE HERE Description This is the Empire assets used in the reskin, officer and death heads mod and are required to be downloaded in o...
Created by ZioCru <-- help me reach more people Description The ZC Greenskin Reskin is a Greenskin graphic overhaul that changes Orcs, goblins, trolls units to a new stylish look. This mod intends to add much variety as possible and add reali...
Created by ZioCru <-- help me reach more people ATTENTION ATTENTION - NEW ALL IN ONE ZC MODDING ASSETS SUBSCRIBE HERE This is the Greenskins assets used in the reskin and future projects, the assets are required to be downloaded in order for ...
Dark Land Warboss
Created by Fröb
Updated for 5.1 DESCRIPTION I am quite happy to show to you my most complex mod so far in form of a custom generic lord – the ’Dark Land Warboss’. The vanilla warboss sometimes feels a bit squishy, so I wanted to implement my own version. Besides, it felt ...
JRs улучшенный облик гномов\ JRs NEW DWARFS
Приветствую джентльмены, Вашему вниманию представляю рескин фракции гномов. Надеюсь вам понравится и вы немного улучшите свой игровой опыт при игре за данную фракцию. При создании данной модификации использовал ресурсы и вдохновлялся работами из следующих ...
Created by ZioCru <-- help me reach more people Description "Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!" FIRST WORKSHOP RELEASE, it's still early WIP but now it's playable. The ZC Bretonnia Reskin...
Created by ZioCru <-- help me reach more people ATTENTION ATTENTION - NEW ALL IN ONE ZC MODDING ASSETS SUBSCRIBE HERE Description This is the Bretonnia assets used in the reskin mod and are required to be downloaded in order for the mod to be...
Перевод мода Legions of Nagash
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Legions of Nagash. Этот мод добавляет уникальную фракцию Легионы Нагашиззара, имеющую уникальные механики, отряды и геймплей. Особенности мода Новая фракция, Легионы Нагашиззара, с геймплеем смешанных поселений и орд. Новый ЛЛ, Нагаш, в дв...
Legions of Nagash - DISCONTINUED
Created by Urgat
IMPORTANT: The mod will be moved to Rhox's profile in roughly 3 days. You'll have to resub. Sorry for the inconvenience. The last mortarch will be added at this time., SUPREME BONE DADDIO AND MAD HATTER, HATH COME BACK...
Перевод мода SCM's LCCP, 16 new factions for IEE!
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода SCM's LCCP, 16 new factions for IEE! . Этот мод добавляет 16 новых фракций для мода ChaosRobie's Immortal Empire Expanded. Особенности мода Мод добавляет следующие фракции Разрушители Кхорна — Арбаал Непобежденный Экспедиция гильдии Инжене...
Immortal Empires Expanded [Requires Mixer!]
Created by ChaosRobie
THIS MOD REQUIRES MIXER! This mod expands and fills-out the Immortal Empires map: Ind, Khuresh, Nippon, the Lost Isles of Elithis, the Eastern Steppes, several smaller islands, and that part that looks like Korea which I've named Ihan. AND MORE! Descriptio...
The Motherland Rus / Русификатор к моду
Created by Д.Р.У.И.Д.
Требуется оригинальный мод: Данный русификатор переводит оригинальный мод на русский язык Ставить русификатор выше оригинального мода Вступление "Даже лёгкое дуновение от сабель дрояшек отразит...
The Motherland - Updated
Created by Xoudad
"Long ago, many Gospodar clans lived upon the Endless Steppe. Like today, it was a vast province and was lashed with the terrible energies of Chaos. The Gospodars were beset by all manner of foul foes, and the Daemon Gods offered surcease from these attack...
Victory Conditions Overhaul Перевод
Created by X_Egregor_X
Русификатор Требуется оригинальный мод: Данный русификатор переводит оригинальный мод на русский язык Ставить русификатор выше оригинального мода Что делает оригинальный мод: Этот мод добавл...
Русский перевод Champions Of Undeath: Conquest Of The Blood Dragons
Created by darthcreegan
Перевод мода Champions Of Undeath: Conquest Of The Blood Dragons на русский язык. В списке модификаций перевод следует поставить выше оригинального мода. Ссылка на оригинальный мод: Огромная...
Перевод мода OvN Lost Factions: Araby
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода OvN Lost Factions: Araby. Этот мод является частью серии модов OvN Lost Factions, которая добавляет в игру новые и интересные расы, именно эта версия добавляет новую фракцию - Арабию, фракцию, которая, как мне кажется, не нуждается в допол...
Audio Mixer
Created by Pear
The Audio Mixer Welcome! First of all let me say without the Ole and ChaosRobie none of this fun stuff would be possible so please give them all the consensual love they deserve! The Audio Mixer has 2 main functions: 1) Act as a custom VO audio compatibili...
| Rus | Перевод мода Lily's Foot Grail Knights Unit Pack
Created by Dexoivn
Перевод мода Victory Conditions Overhaul Защитите простых людей с помощью этих новых Пеших рыцарей Грааля! Этот небольшой легкий мод добавляет два новых отряда к войскам бретонии и должен иметь хорошую совместимость с другими модами. В отличие от других мо...
Lily's Foot Grail Knights Unit Pack
Created by Zaylidin
Defend the commonfolk with these new Paladin units! This small light-weight mod adds two new units to the Bretonnian roster and should be highly compatible with other mods. Unlike my other mods, this unit pack doesn't require my Bretonnia overhaul, however...
Перевод мода Landmark of Chaos: Dark Fortress Expanded
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Landmark of Chaos: Dark Fortress Expanded. Особенности мода Мод добавляет в игру 16 достропримечательностей, принадлежащих Воинам Хаоса. 3 из которых эксклюзивны для Богоубийцы,Бе'лакора и Архаона; Добавляет в 4 достропримечательности, дос...
Landmarks of Chaos
Created by 代考BISS
Have you ever felt the Dark Fortresses, despite how powerful they are, remain a bit boring? Do you wonder where the landmarks are after reading the tooltip of 'This may provide a unique building chain'? If you want your empire-building as WoC to be more sp...
Chaos Visual Overhaul
Created by Lingling
With the Champions of Chaos DLC CA finally updated the visuals of the Chaos units. But there is still room for improvement in my opinion. This mod adjusts the visuals of many units in the Chaos roster. I've tried to make small and subtle changes to the uni...
Перевод мода More Character Names
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода More Character Names. Этот мод добавляет более 7600 имен в список имен для всех игровых и неигровых фракций. Совместимость Мод должен быть совместим со всеми модами Если есть ошибки, опечатки, предложения о том, как можно улучшить перевод ...
More Character Names (For all 24 races)
Created by Beans
About More Character Names (about 7,600 total new names) Tired of seeing heroes and lords with the same name? This mod adds a huge amount of lore friendly names into the name pool for ALL FACTIONS for both the player and the AI. Some factions have received...
Asrai Unit Pack (Wood Elves) Перевод мода
Created by Ded_Inside
Перевод мода Asrai Unit Pack (Wood Elves). Мод добавляет в игру несколько новых юнитов для лесных эльфов, которые нацелены на танкование и броню. Ставить мод выше основного мода. Если есть ошибки, опечатки, рекомендации для более корректного перевода или в...
Asrai Unit Pack (Wood Elves)
Created by Cipher
Description • Adds 6 New Units to the Wood Elves faction. • Officer Models for New Units • Tech Tree Supported • Allied Recruitment
Sarvente's Ice Matriarchs перевод мода
Created by Ded_Inside
Перевод мода Sarvente's Ice Matriarchs. Мод добавляет в игру новый тип героев для Кислева, капитанов Ледяной гвардии. Эти воительницы первоклассно обучены и экипированы, они имеют не только прекрасные навыки в ближнем бою, но и обучены некоторым магическим...
Sarvente's Ice Matriarchs
Created by TriT
After long long learning process, my first (of hopefully many) custom hero mod is finally done. MOD OVERVIEW Mod adds one new custom hero for Kislev — Ice Matriarch. This hero is primarily centered around the Ice Guard and can provide large variety of buff...
The Princess and The Loremaster Перевод мода
Created by Ded_Inside
Перевод мода The Princess and The Loremaster. Мод добавляет в игру легендарных героев для высших эльфов. Ставить мод выше основного мода. Если есть ошибки, опечатки, рекомендации для более корректного перевода или вышло обновление мода, пишите в комментари...
The Princess and The Loremaster
Created by OrangeJulivs
Summary Adds three new characters with custom art and skill trees: (LL) Eldyra of Tiranoc (LL) Galifreius (LH) Loremaster Talarian Feel like leaving a Tip? Donate to protect our Oceans instead http...
Tomb Kings: Extended перевод мода
Created by Ded_Inside
Перевод мода Tomb Kings: Extended. Мод перерабатывает расу Царей Гробниц. Им добавляется система с рабами, жертвоприношениями. Добавлены новые Легендарные лорды, часть из них рассчитана для старых фракций, есть новые фракции Нумаса и Страны скорпионов. Доб...
Agemouk's TOMB KINGS: Extended
Created by Xoudad
"In that dread desert, beneath the moon´s pale gaze, dead men walk. They haunt the shifting dunes of the breathless, windless night, brandish weapons of bronze in mocking challenge and bitter resentment of the life they no longer possess. And sometimes, in...
Sarvente's Gloomists перевод мода
Created by Ded_Inside
Перевод мода Sarvente's Gloomists. Мод добавляет в игру новый тип героев для Кислева, магов специализирующихся на школе смерти со способностью к превращению в зверя. Нанимаются в специальной постройке. Отдаленно напоминает будущую Бабу Ягу. Ставить мод выш...
Sarvente's Gloomists
Created by TriT
Giving mages to the people of Kislev, one step at a time. MOD OVERVIEW This mod add new caster hero for Kislev, the gloomist, as well as 1 new building from which they are recruited. HERO OVERVIEW A mage with some twists, gloomist is meant to somewhat expa...
Перевод мода Landmarks of Legend
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Landmarks of Legend. Этот мод добавляет множество новых достопримечательностей, а также уникальные для них отряды. Особенности мода В настоящее время, в моде присутствуют достопримечательности для следующих рас: - Великий Катай - Кислев - ...
Перевод мода OvN Lost Factions: Albion
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода OvN Lost Factions: Albion. Этот мод является частью серии модов OvN Lost Factions, которая добавляет в игру новые и интересные расы, именно эта версия добавляет новую расу Альбион. Узнать больше о Альбионе можно тут Список фракций Альбиона...
Less Red more Art - UI Mod - Chaos Dwarfs Update
Created by Ulrik H.D
Chaos Dwarfs Update Adds full Art support for Chaos Dwarfs and Wood elves. Dwarfs, The Empire and Norsca are the remaining races missing some art. Custom movie backgrounds have been turned on by default, but can be disabled in the MCT settings. The bug wit...
Mod Configuration Tool - v0.9 Beta
Created by Groove Wizard The Mod Configuration Tool is a user interface, and a rich backend system, which enables modders to create settings for their mods, which can be edited within the Mod Configuration Tool. In short, if a mod you use doesn't us...
Полный перевод от Сообщества Империал
Created by Gosudar
Полный перевод от Сообщества Империал — это перевод Total War: WARHAMMER III от крупнейшего русскоязычного веб-форума, посвящённого серии Total War. Данная модификация включает в себя не только перевод дополнения Forge of the Chaos Dwarfs, но и общие испра...
Expanded Event Art Master Collection
Created by GunKing
This mod is a port and expansion of my WH2 mods. It has been thoroughly updated to include most new races of WH3. Warriors of Chaos and Norsca are on the mod cover but not yet included in the mod, I'm saving myself effort of rearranging the composition lat...
Variant Selector
Created by Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD! Lets you choose Character Variants (where applicable). Snek's Extra Variants (the whole bunch of them!) are compatible out of the box, thanks to Snek. Other modded variants will need to be made compatible. This means that you simply...
3D Porthole Lighting Fix
Created by DaciaJC
Praise Sigmar! CA have finally addressed 3D portholes with their 5.0 update, and I would say they now look a damned sight better than at launch. That being said, I will continue to keep this mod updated for those who prefer it to vanilla. Thank you to ever...
Перевод мода Landmarks of Eternity
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Landmarks of Eternity. Этот мод добавляет новые множество достопримечательностей, дилемм и отрядов. Особенности мода Более 100 достопримечательностей. Уникальные дилеммы, доспехи, оружие. Уникальные знаменитые отряды. Крупные описания, уни...
Cultist of Slaanesh - Reborn
Created by JFred
This mod reskins all five variants of the Cultist of Slaanesh hero, bringing them in line with my 'Zealots of Slaanesh' unit mod. Unit cards and portholes included. SPECIAL THANKS to Lorghul who created the 'Cure for Alopecia' mod, as I borrowed his allure...
Перевод мода Cataph's Kraka Drak: the Norse Dwarfs 3.0
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Cataph's Kraka Drak: the Norse Dwarfs 3.0. Этот мод глобально именяет фракцию Крака-Драк и наделяет её уникальными особенностями с добавлением верховного короля Торгарда Кромсона. Описание мода Гномы Норски — это субкультура гномов, которы...
ZC ANIMATION MOD (WIP) - Handgunners update
Created by ZioCru <-- help me reach more people Description This is the attempt to create a more living feel in the battlefield using varied random animations such as different walks, charges etc.. for the same unit. It's only visual and it's...
Asur Cosmetics 2 (updated for 5.0)
Created by Nimue
26.04.23 Update: -fixed Chariots crashing the game upon loading into battle -fixed Tiranoc Chariot melee attack The return of the OG Highelf reskin mod! -recolours all regional units like Ellyrian Reavers to always show the colours of their respective king...
Перевод мода Alshua's Ellyrion
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Alshua's Ellyrion. Этот мод - тщательно проработанная реконструкция княжества высших эльфов, известного своими дикими лошадьми и прекрасными равнинами. Во главе с легендарной Княгиней Налетчиков Аэлин Рыжегривой княжество Эллирион становит...
Alshua's Ellyrion
Created by Alshua
Alshua's Ellyrion is a lovingly detailed overhaul of the High Elf kingdom known for its wild horses and beautiful plains. Led by the legendary "Reaver Princess", Aelin Redmane, Ellyrion lends its lance as a playable faction, bringing a new Lord and Hero ty...
Перевод мода The Jade-Blooded Vampires: Curse of Nongchang
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода The Jade-Blooded Vampires: Curse of Nongchang. Этот мод открывает нефритовых вампиров в качестве уникальной субкультуры и фракции в Warhammer 3. Нефритовые вампиры - Повелители мёртвых Востока Вампиры Нефритовой Крови — это экзотическая ли...
The Jade-Blooded Vampires: Curse of Nongchang
Created by Poljanan Jade-Blooded Vampires - Eastern Lords of Undeath The Jade-Blooded Vampires are an exotic bloodline of vampires in the far east sired by a long-lost spawn of Neferata thousands of years after she and the rest of the origi...
Перевод модов Empire Techtree Expanded и Empire Allegiance Technologies
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод модов Empire Techtree Expanded и Empire Allegiance Technologies Эти моды добавляют новые технологии для Империи. Empire Techtree Expanded Расширенное древо технологий вернулось, совершенно новое и переработанное.Теперь для разблокировки этих те...
Перевод мода Lily's Bretonnia Overhaul - Unit Pack Submod
Created by Dexoivn
Это перевод мода Lily's Bretonnia Overhaul - Unit Pack Submod Сыновья и дочери прекрасной Бретоннии! Объедините королевство с помощью этих новых бретонских отрядов! ПОРЯДОК ЗАГРУЗКИ: сверху вниз в лаунчере игры -данный русификатор сабмода с дополнительными...
Lily's Bretonnia Overhaul - Unit Pack Submod
Created by Zaylidin
Sons and Daughters of Fair Bretonnia! Unite the realm with these brand new Bretonnian Units! This mod requires my overhaul mod in order to work otherwise you will crash-to-desktop. Nasty. Also, put this submod above the main overhaul in the load order. Get...
Перевод мода Lily's Bretonnia Overhaul: Definitive Edition - Immortal Empires
Created by Dexoivn
Это перевод мода Lily's Bretonnia Overhaul: Definitive Edition - Immortal Empires Перевод должен располагаться над основным модом в лаунчере игры Сыновья и дочери прекрасной Бретоннии! Наконец-то Lily дала нам ИСТИННУЮ окончательную версию её переработки Б...
Lily's Bretonnia Overhaul: Definitive Edition - Immortal Empires
Created by Zaylidin
Sons and Daughters of Fair Bretonnia! At last, I give you the TRUE Definitive Edition version of my Bretonnia Overhaul! This mod is a rework of Bretonnia, adding new units, technologies and balance changes to enhance your feudal-over-lording experience. Th...
Перевод мода Rebanner III
Created by Rayvis
Перевод одного из моих любимых модов Rebanner III Описание Мод изменяет стандартные знамёна и штандарты на более интересные, добавляя новые эффекты. За создание мода спасибо Wallets Thank you Wallets Так же можете ознакомиться с моими переводами других мод...
Rebanner III
Created by Wallets
Ever feel like you're wasting your time deciding which unit to assign +5 leadership to? This mod reworks banners to make them more interesting to use. Changes Most of the game's banners have been modified to make it worth your while to consider what unit c...
Перевод модов.
Created by BendeR RodriGez
Переведенные моды. 1) The Motherland (ОБНОВЛЕН 28.04.23) 2) Dead's Cathay Unit Pack 3) Dead's Kislev Units - Kvassniki and D...
Dark Land Orcs
Created by Fröb
Updated for 5.1 This is a standalone mod and works without any other requirements! But you need MIXER if you want to play as the custom Dark Land Orcs faction yourself! DESCRIPTION The Greensk...
Перевод модов от Dead Baron
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод модов Dead's Cult of the Possessed и Sons of Nifflecht Regiment of Renown. Эти моды добавляют несколько героев и отрядов для фракции воинов Хаоса. Dead's Cult of the Possessed У Бе'лакора наконец-то есть культисты! Теперь они набираются должным...
Sons of Nifflecht Regiment of Renown
Created by Dead Baron
Sons of Nifflecht A unique RoR for Wulfrik and Throgg that unlocks like other RoR. They are based on an actual unit from lore and designed to be as close to the art as possible. Where most northlanders are raucous braggarts, the warriors of icy Nifflecht a...
Dead's Cult of the Possessed V2
Created by Dead Baron
Intro Be'lakor finally has his cultists! They recruit properly now as any other chaos unit does. The Brethren all start out at the lowest point, simple frontline spearmen. Eventually as they prove themselves they can rank up and retrain like other chaos un...
Перевод мода OvN Lost Factions: Citadel of Dusk
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода OvN Lost Factions: Citadel of Dusk. Этот мод является частью серии модов OvN Lost Factions, которая добавляет в игру новые и интересные расы, именно эта версия добавляет новую играбельную фракцию Цитадель Сумерек. Узнать больше о Цитадели ...
Перевод мода Chaos Mutations
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Chaos Mutations. Этот мод добавляет механику мутации для общих персонажей Хаоса, Норски и Зверолюдей, используя черты и дилеммы. Потратив очки навыков на навыки, вызывающие мутацию, вы получите случайный выбор, три из которых могут дать му...
Chaos Mutations
Created by Stratovarius Do you worship the Dark Gods and feel like they gift you nothing in return aside from a gnawing lust for power? Fear not! For now they have begun to issue gifts as well! You can become an even spikier person, or gr...
Перевод модов для Империи
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод модов для империи. Ниже короткое описание каждого мода. Вы можете использовать все моды либо неоторые на ваш выбор. Описание Grand Order of the Reiksguard - All In One Collection Добавляет новые отряды Рейхсгвардии Рейксгвардии: Пешие рыцари Ре...
Knights Panther - Updated for Thrones of Decay
Created by Necrorise Description This is my version of Knights Panther, representatives of one of the most famous and powerful orders of the Empire. Like panthers, they rush into battle with the fiends of evil. R...
Grand Order of the Reiksguard - All In One Collection
Created by Nox
Welcome Everyone! This mod is a port of my "Grand Order of the Reiksguard" Collection from Total War Warhammer 1 & 2. I hope you enjoy using it but feel free to tell me what you think and leave constructive feedback so i know what's good and where things c...
Immortal Landmarks
Created by Heimdal
UPDATED FOR 5.0 The mod will run without Mixu, but you'll be missing a bunch (~80%) of the landmarks. Adding landmarks requires startpos modding, Mixu's Unlocker = common startpos framework that keeps mods compatible. KEY FEATURES
MIXER - Mixu's Unlocker
Created by Mixu
The newest version of MCT is recommended to be used with this mod. It will work without it, but your save files will be bigger. This is a startpos mod that unlocks all factions in Realms of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns. Building slot submod has bee...
Перевод мода Immortal Landmarks
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Immortal Landmarks. Этот мод добавляет новые множество достопримечательностей, дилемм, отрядов, квестовых сражений и заданий. Особенности мода Более 150 новых достопримечательностей. Более 300 новых эффектов, бонусов при найме и возможност...
Перевод мода New Legendary Lord Artefacts Warhammer 3
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода New Legendary Lord Artefacts Warhammer 3. Этот мод добавляет новые легендарные артефакты для всех легендарных лордов кроме Бе’лакора и Богоубийцы. Он также усиливает несколько довольно слабых артефактов из оригинала. Особенности мода Новые...
Red Crested Skink Chief Variants
Created by Ubermorgen
This variant mod will likely never break and require no updates, unless CA makes some huge changes to how campaign variants work for lords and heroes. That being said if you want to have the newest version, use the compilation mod instead: Lizardmen Campai...
Kroxigor Ancient Variants
Created by Ubermorgen
This variant mod will likely never break and require no updates, unless CA makes some huge changes to how campaign variants work for lords and heroes. That being said if you want to have the newest version, use the compilation mod instead: Lizardmen Campai...
Skink Priest Variants
Created by Ubermorgen
This variant mod will likely never break and require no updates, unless CA makes some huge changes to how campaign variants work for lords and heroes. That being said if you want to have the newest version, use the compilation mod instead: Lizardmen Campai...
Saurus Old Blood Variants
Created by Ubermorgen
This variant mod will likely never break and require no updates, unless CA makes some huge changes to how campaign variants work for lords and heroes. That being said if you want to have the newest version, use the compilation mod instead: Lizardmen Campai...
The Necrarch Brotherhood - A Necrarch Variant Pack
Created by Yogo Pogo
Each of the major Vampire Counts faction gets a unique Bloodline Necrarch Lord variant. (Because of the more limited recruitment of Bloodlines over the course of a game and the not entirely random nature of generating them, putting all the variants togethe...
Spooky's Dark Elf Faction Re-color
Created by Spooky
This is a color overhaul of the playable factions for dark elves. The 6 main factions, and their rebel separatists get new colors to make each one distinct and different from each other and to more closely resemble lore. I did not make any edits to the min...
[LIG] Reskin - Damsel
Created by Less Is Good
Description This is WH3 port of Damsel reskin This mod means to focus on lore identification in cost of faction identification In warhammer lore, Damsels are taken to fay before puberty and return after years, and stay young and beautiful with their magic....
[LIG] Reskin - Alarielle
Created by Less Is Good
Description Simple reskin of Alarielle make her looks less older, while put a quite effort to give similar impression & face sculpt. Thus I didn't changed unit card & 2D portrait Unlike one which I posted on WH2, It does not contain nudity though transpare...
[LIG] Reskin - Hellebron
Created by Less Is Good
Description Crone wanted to be young, now she's young. Khaine bless you Also you need to use it with Hellebron's Death Night to make it fully functional Compatiblity with Mixu's mod It is compatible and strongly recommended to use with sEcOnDbOuToFiNsAnItY...
Hellebron's Death Night: Legacy Edition
Finally, after an anxious wait - and thanks to kind permission from Mixu to port it - I'm happy to present the updated return of Hellebron's Death Night transitions as seen in WH2's workshop. Hellebron's appearance will change depending on the Death Night ...
Перевод мода Spooky's Dark Elves Compilation - Expanded Variants
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Spooky's Dark Elves Compilation - Expanded Variants. Этот мод предназначен для капитального ремонта всех персонажей и лордов и создания одного адского списка темных эльфов. Некоторые отряды все еще портируются из WH2, и их будет гораздо бо...
Bruisers RU | Любительский Перевод
Created by Mindbreaker
Любительский перевод мода Bruisers. Основной мод добавляет новый тип героев, а также различные его вариации для фракций Огров. Перевод лучше устанавливать над основным модом!...
Created by Calm&NormalTime
Update Now requires Mixu's unlocker. This allows Bruisers to have their own recruitment category and caps, separate from butchers. Bruisers also now have the proper assault units action, the one where they damage all units in an army. Bruisers now spread o...
[LIG] Reskin - Prophetess
Created by Less Is Good
Description This mod means to focus on lore identification in cost of faction identification There are 2 face variant each Compatiblity Compatible unless changing prophetess's appearance Not compatible with lord & hero resize mod If you use something like ...
Spooky's Dark Elves Compilation - Expanded Variants
Created by Spooky
My whole collection of Dark Elf Variant mods in one. Subscribe to this if you want to reduce your load order, and also to automatically download updates whenever I release a new dark elf variant.
Less Red more Art - no parchment submod
Created by Ulrik H.D
Removes the parchment background from the main mod. This mod must be placed above the main mod in the load order...
Less Red more Art - no faction theme change submod
Created by Ulrik H.D
Removes the factions_tables db from the main mod. Download this mod if uniform colours, etc... from a different mod is overwritten by the main mod. This mod must be placed above the main mod in the load order...
Перевод мелких модов
Created by Gosudar
Это сборник переводов небольших модов. Вам необязательно подписываться на все представленные ниже моды, если желаете установить перевод одного из перечисленных модов Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords - Это мод, который переносит легендарных лордов и легенда...
(5.x Dwarf) Guns, Smoke & Spectacle
Created by BrutusCz
!!WORKS ONLY ON ULTRA VFX SETTING (on low/mid/high you get no effects)!! Don't forget to enable "Smoke Transparency Fix" mod that I listed in dependencies. "Guns, Smoke & Spectacle" Overhaul aims to bring gunpowder units to another level, initially inspire...
Smoke Transparency Fix
Created by BrutusCz
I can't believe in the end I found the cause, it was simply post processing that is different to default one. What I did I replaced all with default one. I believe the issue is fixed. You wouldn't belive how long I was looking for a silution. Side-effect i...
Unique Faction Currencies
Created by Müsliriegel Summary Changes the icons of several factions from the generic treasury/income icons to something more unique. I tried to stick as close to the lore as possible. Additionally the reward chest ...
Extra Variants (Updated for 5.0 - Now with Dwarf Lords and Thanes)
Created by Snek
This is the compilation of my Extra Variants mods and, going forward, will be the only place I will post Extra Variant updates and make additions. This adds variants to the generic lord/agent types for multiple factions. Thus far are Kislev, Empire, and Br...
Points of Interest with Pictures
Created by Mazisky
INTRODUCTION This mod adds pictures for the little eye Icons with lore text you see around the map. Both Immortal Empires and Realms of Chaos campaigns. ALL LANGUAGES - 所有语言...
Unique Faction UI
Created by Müsliriegel Summary Changes the UI to a unique design and colour for all factions to be more immersive overall. Troubleshooting USE THE "DEFAULT" UI THEME OPTION FOR THE MO...
Better Camera Mod
Created by kam2150
Hello, Famous mod from Warhammer 1 & 2 is back! This simple mod allows both closer and further camera heights, more suitable for better screenshots and nicer view of the battlefield. Press "K" to turn off UI for more cinematic view, Press "N" in order to z...
Created by First blood expert
"Ultimate Portraits" My collection of Unit Cards & 2d Portholes & Menu Cards for Legendary Lords. It features different style but superior to vanilla quality. Portraits and Unit Cards from this collection are more detailed and look more real and believable...
Decline Diplomacy
Created by Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD Kostaltyn is pestering you again? No more! Adds a UI button next to the existing pause and fast forward buttons that will automatically decline any incoming diplomatic actions towards the player, and close all the relevant menus, so ...
Перевод мода Legendary Lore
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Legendary Lore. Этот мод добавляет в игру текстовые события при соблюдении определенных условий, которые расскажут вам немного о истории персонажей в повествовательной форме. Внимание Перевод этого мода не закончен. Периодически я его буду...
Legendary Lore
Created by IfThenOrElse This mod generates flavour text when certain conditions are met (see below). It has NO impact on gameplay. Travel to significant locations for your lege...
Building Progression Icons III
Created by Spartan VI
Building icons visually change as they upgrade! This mod creates a visual progression for buildings. Almost all building chains now have icons that change as buildings are upgraded. Mod Features: Building icons visually change as they're upgraded. Note: No...