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Items (337)
Tribes of Man: Cull Priests (Death Hag reskin)
Created by delcastillokenneth1
I used textures from: JFred's "Dark Elves Reborn 2.0 | Faction Reskin" Stratovarius's "Legendary Characters" This is a reskin of the death hag and should be compatible with other mods unless they override this model. If it doesn't work, please let me know....
Skaven Clans - The Underempire Expands中文汉化
Created by Beaitukl
===================================================================== Skaven Clans - The Underempire Expands SCN translation 斯卡文氏族-地下帝国扩展的中文汉化 由于mod处于无人汉化的境地所以由我接手汉化完成 目前汉化程度100% 完全汉化了大约一千六百条长短文本(许多旧世界文本) 总文本近五千条也已全部汉化 如果需要更新请在下方留言 再次感谢 Tutur 洛阳候 布霖 没有他们的努...
中文汉化:Cathay Gate Master - 门下督(震旦新英雄)
It's a chinese text translation mod. 一个原模组的简体中文化翻译mod。 (P.S.原模组需要 MIXER - Mixu's Unlocker 前置)...
Cathay Gate Master
Created by Dead Baron
Introduction Hello! There was leaked concept art for a 'Gate Master' hero a while back that I felt would be perfect for Cathay. I held out in hoped that he would be added with the new dlc. Since they chose a different direction I decided to replace my Jade...
Created by 清轩易浅
这个mod区别于之前那位作者的mod的运行原理,他是解除了所有神器的绑定,让他可以被任何人拥有并合成,我这个mod是直接将所有原版神器按原属性复制了一份添加到装备池里,所以在这个mod里,不会有领主自带神器被抢的事情发生。这也使得神器不唯一,你可能会获得重复的神器。这个mod不能用随从合成功能,随从合成功能我会另发一个mod,原因是我觉得随从可以合成既别扭也不合理。 兼容我的另外两个神器合成mod,排序无所谓。 更新了一下新版本新添加的神器...
100+神器添加与合成——100+ legendary ancillaries addition and synthesis
Created by 清轩易浅
我自制了85件神器(紫装),15件名器(金装),12件仙器(金装),玩家可以在战役中通过装备合成获得。 85件神器,每种神器的数量相同,15件名器属性会超过神器一小截。12件仙器属性比较超模,我是按中国神话里诛仙四剑、神农鼎、轩辕剑的规格做的,合出来基本上可以随意无双,就是比较看运气。 装备的名字我是随便取的,本来不想取,但是想想没名字显得太别扭了,就随便取了一些,不用太在意,它的名字跟属性没有任何关系。 Forgive me for using machine translation I made 85 ...
猎魔人的吸血鬼伯爵派系bug修复补丁/ Vampire Count Faction bug fix patch
Created by Luke_Grand Master
解决吸血鬼伯爵派系使用猎魔人时出现人物模型bug的补丁,仅在使用吸血鬼伯爵派系时需要使用 因为涉及到部分原版数据的修改,因此做成了单独的补丁 可能和修改了吸血鬼伯爵事务官的mod不兼容,请玩家自行取舍 需订阅MOD本体 排序时请将此补丁放在尽量靠前的位置,一定要放在MOD本体之前 A patch to solve character model ...
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行sub:去除单位招募数量限制V1(NO limite for units quota)
取消了与龙同行中所有新填单位的招募数量限制,但并未修改精英招募池的单位缓存数量,这意味着当你招募完精英招募池中现存的单位后,你需要等待他们随着回合变化而缓慢恢复新的招募次数 需要注意,尽管本mod并没有强到变态的程度,但仍然会破坏我游戏的平衡性,因此我并不建议你在首次战役中就使用 当然,如果你想体验横扫千军的快感 用就对了 如果你想使用取消精英单位的容量限制 请选择右侧的V2版本 记得把本mod排在原mod上方哦 ...
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行 派系包(Faction leader)   介绍      本Mod可以与其他修改了震旦派系的Mod共同使用 但排序优先的Mod派系效果会覆盖下方的Mod,人物则会加入受伤状态,可以正...
Lost Calm: Jurassic Normal (updated for patch 5.1)
Created by Calm&NormalTime
Updated for patch 5.1 Special thank you to Lingling for rebalancing the statlines. It was much needed. Expedition dinos should feel less OP now. I also fixed the issue of Gekolo units tails standing straight up upon dying. Tried, really did try, to start w...
Adorning the Panache 骑士系列翻译合集
Created by Tutur 目前包含翻译内容 帝国骑士团 graetor's Legendary Grand Masters 汉化 graetor's Empire Knightly Orders 汉化 graetor's Grand Masters 汉化 巴托尼亚骑士团/派系 Outremer: Faction Overhaul 汉化 graetor's Bretonnian Holy Orders 汉化 Sir Cedric de...
Lustria Jurassic 中文汉化合集
Created by Tutur
This is a translation mod 当前包含的汉化内容 汉化完成率:100% Lustria Rises - Lizardmen Overhaul(露丝契亚崛起:蜥蜴人大修) Lost Ca...
SCM Marienburg (5.1)
Created by Team SCM
This mod will crash without Mixer's Unlocker enabled Download Immortal Empires Expanded! to play with 2 new factions in Ind and Khuresh, new legendary lords, and new mechanics! TLDR: This mod adds FIVE! fleshed-out l...
Bloodlines Lords for Minor Factions
Created by All is Dust
This mod gives each of the vampire counts minor factions Bloodlines Lords instead of the usual boring normal vampire lord. It also gives faction efffects, starting heroes, the books of nagash to the necrarch brotherhood. The ability recruit all bloodline l...
全派系筛选初始特性 All Factions Filter Innate Character
Created by TravellerL
———————— Intro ———————— This mod replaces the initial characters of lords of most factions with generic/factional unique characters that I personally find useful. It completely removed most of the lord characters that I find useless in case you cannot get ...
Chaos Dwarf unit cap improved
Created by Myoosnac
Each military building provides the unit cap level 5 Tower will give 1 unit cap of all units Temple of Hashut will give 1 unit cap of all units...
The Nemesis Crown 中文汉化
Created by Tutur The Nemesis Crown 汉化 复仇王冠:争夺之战 很久很久以前,矮人符文铁匠「疯子」阿拉里克构想了一种全新大师级符文:岁月符文。这一符文本质类似大师级王权符文,其初衷是将原佩戴者的智慧复刻而出,传递给下一个佩戴者,令其拥有无数前任佩戴者的学识,凭借无尽的智慧进行决断,成为真正主宰自己命运,乃至自...
graetor's Empire Knightly Orders
Created by graetor
"The Knightly Orders of the Empire are noble heroic brotherhoods of armoured warriors who ride into battle atop mighty barded warhorses and sometimes other, more exotic creatures." DESCRIPTION This mod adds new unit(s) to the Empire roster by adding the va...
graetor's Empire Knightly Orders - Assets Pack
Created by graetor
DOES NOT REQUIRE UPDATES WHEN THERE IS A NEW PATCH! Required texture pack for the main mod....
graetor's Bretonnian Holy Orders
Created by graetor
"The Duke of Outremer, Balduin IV, decreed the barons Julienne le Saracen and Gilbert d'Araby to establish their own military orders to further protect pilgrims and defend the Outremer in it's time of need." DESCRIPTION This mod adds new unit(s) to the Bre...
graetor's Grand Masters
Created by graetor
"Each Grandmaster is a paragon of knightly virtue, and is not only one of the most fearsome warriors in the Old World, but also a legendary commander and leader of men. They are rare in number, for even amongst those dedicated individuals who have the skil...
graetor's Legendary Grand Masters
Created by graetor
"To lead admirable knights into honourable combat against the Chaos is a credit to their commander. And to stand and lead such a band as you is an honoured blessing as if from the gods themselves." Inspired by SFO and the All Tabletop Lords mod of WH1, thi...
The Nemesis Crown
Created by Inu "At some point in his career, Alaric the Mad devised a new Master Rune, the Master Rune of Ages. This Rune would not only retain and distil the wisdom of each of its wearers, passing it on to those w...
Expanded Lord Skills / Sylvania Faction Compatibility Patch
Created by Maska_zgz
IN ENGLISH: This small patch integrates the modded faction from the mod "Sylvania: Faction Overhaul" into the new skills system of the "Expanded Lord Skills" mod. The faction now has a complete skills system based on the original Imperial version. My mods ...
Caravans of the Old World / Sylvania Faction Compatibility Patch
Created by Maska_zgz
IN ENGLISH: This small patch integrates the modded faction from the mod "Sylvania: Faction Overhaul" into the caravan system of the "Caravans of the Old World" mod. The faction now has a complete caravan system based on the original Bretonnian version, wit...
Sylvania: Faction Overhaul
Created by graetor
"At the edge of the Haunted Hills by the source of the Black Run River, Leicheberg lives in fear of its neighbour to the east, Sylvania. Its ruler, Count Petr von Stolpe, has faced the Walking Dead many times in his life and is convinced the von Carsteins ...
Solland: Faction Overhaul
Created by graetor
"When the hammer blow of the Ironclaw fell on Averland, Eldred von Heugenloewd, Count of Solland, was quick to marshal his forces despite his marginalized position at the Imperial court." This mod adds a completely new faction, Solland, with this mod's mai...
Expanded Lord Skills / Outremer Faction Compatibility Patch
Created by Maska_zgz
IN ENGLISH: This small patch integrates the modded faction from the mod "Outremer: Faction Overhaul" into the new skills system of the "Expanded Lord Skills" mod. The faction now has a complete skills system based on the original Bretonnian version. My mod...
Caravans of the Old World / Outremer Faction Compatibility Patch
Created by Maska_zgz
IN ENGLISH: This small patch integrates the modded faction from the mod "Outremer: Faction Overhaul" into the caravan system of the "Caravans of the Old World" mod. The faction now has a complete caravan system based on the original Bretonnian version, wit...
Outremer: Faction Overhaul
Created by graetor
"The King of Bretonnia, Louis the Righteous, raised a huge army of Knights of the Realm to free Estalia and punish Jaffar for the atrocities the Arabyans under his rule had committed. Glory-hungry knights from all across Bretonnia joined the king's banners...
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行sub:去除单位招募数量限制V2(NO limite for units quota)
取消了与龙同行中所有新填单位的招募数量限制,并将精英招募池的单位缓存数量提升至99/99,恢复速度也为99,这意味着你可以每个回合瞬间拉出近千个兵牌的单位,非常恐怖,非常无敌 需要注意,使用本SUBMOD将严重影响与龙同行的战役平衡性,请酌情使用 记得把本mod排在原mod上方哦...
[CN] Bad Legendary Characters And Bad Guys Mount 中文汉化 (5.0)
Created by Cheese Leopard
This is a translation mod. 全文本汉化 这个MOD为“邪恶”势力添加了传奇英雄/领主 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <<<绿皮>>> Morglum Necksnapp...
Agent Hero Forever - The Green Knight
Created by Backmechuisa
The Green Knight of Bretonnia is now become agent of hero forever. They grow level up, acquire items, recover after being injured and return to the battlefield. In addition, adjusted the Chivalry points threshold in campaign. Now meet great guardian of Bre...
Jade Blade
Created by 腿毛长身体壮
A hero for Yuan BO. Has a serious of unique animation effects. Need a like please 3.13 a new mount:Welkin Jade Sword 点个赞吧点个赞吧 3.13 黄箫有了独特坐骑:玉虚飞剑 为元伯派系添加了一个新英雄黄箫,出生既有 做了大量动作特效和技能特效 具体可以B站搜玉剑黄箫,工坊不能放链接 tips:如果发生模型冲突请排查那些给震旦添加了普通事务官并将其独立出一个槽位的MOD...
[GLF] Unit Expansion金花兵种拓展
Created by 金花
添加内容: 这个MOD给各个种族新增了许多兵种 这个MOD兼容MCT模块 修改内容: 对一些原版的单位进行了轻微修改,例如银盔骑士无盾版本轻微加强,他不该被有盾版本完全代替,维持费与招募费用也进行了调整,同样这样修改的还有黑暗骑手、步兵团、永恒守卫、长矛兵等等 部分单位的属性加强,比如查瑞斯白狮禁卫,它获得了一个新被动,而且它的近战会造成护甲破碎,增加了2点武器威力 如果你不喜欢这些原版数据修改,请手动删除land_units_tables和main_units_tables下的z_glf_unit_exp...
震旦资料扩充包无限制招募补丁(Unlimited Recruitment Patch)
Created by 一战无痕
震旦资料扩充包地址 非常重要! 1、这个为原版的无限制补丁 *MOD加载顺序* 1、无限制招募补丁 2、震旦资料扩充包 *The loading order of patch MOD must be after the order of . For example, if the pack order is 2, then the restricted recruitment pat...
More Cathay Variants Compilation 4K高清化
Created by flameyjf
为这个mod内英雄的兵牌和舷窗为适配4K分辨率做了高清化处理,提升了游戏内显示效果 考虑到不用这个mod的人,打上会影响到原版游戏领主和英雄的兵牌和舷窗,所以单独拿出来 建议搭配 全单位兵牌4K高清化 - All units icons 4K HD 排序 order: ↑ this mod 这个mod ↓ More Cathay Variants Compilation...
More Cathay Variants Compilation (Not Updated)
MOD SHOULD WORK WITH 5.1 BUT NO GUARANTEES . This has been tested on its own with Variant Selector, and no issues have been found on our end. That doesn't mean that they don't exist but on its own the mod does not cause crashes or cause the wrong model to ...
神佑之国巴托兵种拓展(Bretonnia units pack)
Created by 海茵里希
重要说明!!!这是一个原版的巴托兵种拓展,不需要其他的前置,如果你发现新增英雄无法完成誓言任务,请将本mod优先度置于顶上,因为这是从SFO版本阉割过来的,所以不保证它的强度是否合理,但是好处是建筑和部分战役效果我做了保留,尤其是本该是传奇部队的4只(迷雾骑士,英魂十字军,里昂尼斯狮骑士,曼纳恩冠军骑士)他们的强度一定会很超模!感兴趣的话我更建议尝试SFO版本 SFO: EN:h...
Created by Dulus of Talabek
持续更新中。请将需要更新的mod发到评论区里,尽量包含原名。如果是要求汉化本合集内还没有的Mod,请标明“合集未涵盖”。感谢所有汉化大佬们对社区的贡献。 本合集所包含的汉化mod请前往 此处 查看,排序请放在最上面 在评论区反馈前,请先确认需要更新的mod是本合集内所涵盖的。 ↓ 既存汉化统合快查表 ↓
领主&英雄兵牌头像4K高清化2 - Lord&Hero portraits 4K HD Remake 2
Created by flameyjf
High-definition remake mods portraits of lords and heroes, suitable for 4K game resolution 2024.5.5 update HD to: Mixu's Legendary Lords Legendary Characters - Parte's Party High Elves Variants (All in one) Cultist of Slaanesh - Reborn Cultist of Pleasure ...
领主&英雄兵牌头像4K高清化 - Lord&Hero portraits 4K HD Remake
Created by flameyjf
High-definition remake vanilla game's portraits of lords and heroes, suitable for 4K game resolution 高清化原版游戏的领主和英雄的头像兵牌,适用于4K游戏分辨率 Suggest using with ↓: 建议搭配↓一起使用: 全单位兵牌4K高清化 - All Unit Cards 4K HD Remake 11.16 update Submod: 领主&英雄兵牌头像4K高清化2 - Lord&Hero po...
全单位兵牌4K高清化 - All Unit Cards 4K HD Remake
Created by flameyjf
High-definition remake vanilla game's All Unit Cards, suitable for 4K game resolution Suggest using with ↓: 建议搭配↓一起使用: 领主&英雄兵牌头像4K高清化 - Lord&Hero portraits 4K HD Remake 6.10 update: 更新了资料片的兵牌 说明: 原版游戏的兵牌是针对1080p制作的,如果分辨率是3840x2160,游戏内使用UI放大后, 会使得游戏内兵牌很糊 本以...
Faction Unit Cards III 4K HD Remake - 4K高清化
Created by flameyjf
HD remake has been performed for 4K resolution 把Faction Unit Cards III这个mod内兵牌为适配4K分辨率做了高清化重制,提升了游戏内显示效果 建议搭配 全单位兵牌4K高清化 - All Unit Cards 4K HD Remake 排序 order: ↑ this mod / 这个mod ↓ 全单位兵牌4K高清化 - All Unit Cards 4K HD Remake ↓ Faction Unit Cards III...
Faction Unit Cards III
Created by drew_west
Faction Unit Cards Collection All major and minor factions now have unit cards that match their faction's colors/regalia. NOW UPDATED FOR TOTAL WAR: WARHAMMER 3 FAQ & Compatibility: 1. Is this mod compatible with ? This mod will conflict with other mods th...
Created by Luke_Grand Master
为震旦新增一名强力传奇领主—烛阳 昭明和妙影均可使用...
Created by SigmaEMP
传奇英雄-龙之巫女 与领主mod冲突...
Created by SN兽
我给色孽派系做了一个传奇事务官,黑暗情妇,纳卡里派系开局自带。兵牌暂时使用的是金花大佬的露娜拉兵牌,得到了金花大佬的授权,十分感谢大佬的支持。这是我的第四个MOD,希望大家能喜欢,纳卡里爱你们~ 如果与我的其他MOD一起使用时,出现进不去游戏的情况,请把这个MOD放在其他我的MOD的上方,就可以进游戏了。 如果发现什么BUG,请大家留言,我会尽快修复。...
Yuri & Gerik Join Kislev
Created by Alex Zhao
Yuri will spawn in the player's lord pool when playing as any Kislev faction, and Gerik will become a legendary lord or hero depending on the player's choice on the next turn. This mod will affect the prologue so don't use this mod if you are playing the p...
Trajann's Eternal Vizier
Created by Trajann V
This mod is included in my Other Gods Compilation. If you subscribe to that, you can unsubscribe from this one. To finish things off, here's Tzeentch with a magical chicken. Available to Kairos, The Changeling, and Vilitch. The Eternal Vizier is a wizard.....
Trajann's Alluring Huntress
Created by Trajann V
This mod is included in my Other Gods Compilation. If you subscribe to that, you can unsubscribe from this one. It's Slaanesh's time to shine. This mod adds a new legendary lord and Regiment of Renown to N'kari, Sigvald and Azazel. The Alluring Huntress em...
Trajann's Vile Caretaker
Created by Trajann V
This mod is included in my Other Gods Compilation. If you subscribe to that, you can unsubscribe from this one. Papa Nurgle has come to play! This mod adds a new legendary lord to both Ku'gath and Festus. The Caretaker is an absolute unit, he takes everyth...
Trajann's Daughters of Khorne
Created by Trajann V
NOTE: This mod is included in my Khorne Compilation, if you are subscribed to that mod you don't need to be subscribed to this one. This mod adds 12 new units, 4 RoR's, a new legendary lord, and a new generic lord type. They are available to Skarbrand, Val...
Trajann's Gurrash, Sentinel of Justice
Created by Trajann V
Note: This mod is included in my Sentinels Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one. Allow me to introduce Gurrash, a new legendary hero for the Tomb Kings! Gurrash is known as a Sentinel, powerful con...
Trajann's Mounts for Khorne
Created by Trajann V
Here's something fun. This mod adds 2 new mounts to the Khornate characters (minus the bloodthirster, which he's very upset about) The first mount is named the Khornasaur, and it's exactly what it sounds like. It's a carnosaur, but one that's preaching the...
Trajann's Charred Judge
Created by Trajann V
Note: This mod is included in my Khorne Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one. This mod adds a new legendary lord to Skarbrand, the Daemon Prince, Valkia, and the undivided Chaos lords. He's a legen...
Trajann's Red Butcher
Created by Trajann V
Note: This mod is included in my Khorne Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one. This mod adds a new legendary lord to Skarbrand, Valkia, and the undivided Chaos lords, The Red Butcher! This guy is si...
Trajann's Ruined Hunter
Created by Trajann V
Note: This mod is included in my Khorne Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one. This mod adds a new legendary lord to Skarbrand, Valkia, and the undivided Chaos lords. He's a big and scary monster hu...
Trajann's Scarred Brute
Created by Trajann V
Note: This mod is included in my Khorne Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one. This mod adds a new legendary hero to Skarbrand, Valkia, and the undivided Chaos lords! Unlike most Khorne characters, ...
Trajann's Infernal Slayer
Created by Trajann V
Note: This mod is included in my Khorne Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one. This mod adds a new legendary hero to Skarbrand, Valkia, and the undivided Chaos lords! The Slayer is permanently mount...
Trajann's Ghoritch for Khorne
Created by Trajann V
Note: This mod is included in my Khorne Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one. This is a fairly simple mod that adds Ghoritch to Skarbrand, Valkia, and the undivided Chaos lords. I love Ghoritch's d...
Trajann's Malarok, Sentinel of Cunning
Created by Trajann V
Note: This mod is included in my Sentinels Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one. Allow me to introduce the second character in my Tomb Kings Sentinel series, Malarok! As you can probably tell, he i...
Trajann's Burning Castellan
Created by Trajann V
Note: This mod is included in my Khorne Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one. Well, you guys knew I wasn't gonna stay away from Khorne forever. This mod adds a new legendary lord and Regiment of Re...
Trajann's High Marshal Calithar
Created by Trajann V
Time to show the pointy-ears some love. This mod adds a new legendary lord, as well as 3 Regiments of Renown to all major High Elf faction! High Marshal Calithar is the leader of the High Elve's military, as well as a supreme commander and combat expert. H...
Trajann's Barthuum, Sentinel of Precision
Created by Trajann V
Note: This mod is included in my Sentinels Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one. The newest addition to my Sentinel lineup, Barthuum! If you couldn't tell, he's a bone giant, and so naturally has a...
Trajann's Nyrask, Sentinel of Wrath
Created by Trajann V
Note: This mod is included in my Sentinels Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one. Next up for the Sentinels is Nyrask, representing the Tomb Scorpions. This guy is all about killing, specifically ki...
Trajann's Inathma, Sentinel of Harmony
Created by Trajann V
Note: This mod is included in my Sentinels Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one. The next Sentinel is here! This mods adds a new hero for the 4 major Tomb Kings factions, Inathma! Obviously, she's ...
Trajann's Talimar, Sentinel of Destruction
Created by Trajann V
Note: This mod is included in my Sentinels Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one. Here's the next Sentinel, Talimar! He represents the necrosphinx, and serves as the anti-large sentinel. He's a coun...
Trajann's Rhakaan, Lord of the Sentinels
Created by Trajann V
Note: This mod is included in my Sentinels Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one. Well, we're finally here, the last of the Sentinels! Rhakaan is special. He's lord of the Sentinels, and as such he ...
Trajann's Khorgoth the Unleashed
Created by Trajann V
Note: This mod is included in my Khorne Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one. And we're back to Khorne! This is an idea I've been playing around with for a while. This mod adds a new legendary hero...
Trajann's Aurelion
Created by Trajann V
Showing the imperial lads some love today. This mod adds a new legendary lord to the 4 major empire factions, Aurelion! Now an important note about this guy, he's based off of my Iron Corps mod. Most of his skills provide buffs only to units from that mod,...
Local Recruitment for Warriors of Chaos
Created by zerg93
*A word of caution for both players and modders alike* This mod is based on an old form of recruitment for WoC that should be deprecated but was simply disabled and hidden instead. There's the concrete possibility that CA could completely remove or break t...
Army Skills For Mercenaries
Created by Some_One_Else
This mod enables red-line skills for various factions to affect mercenary units of the same race. (ie. Firing drills conducted by the Empire will work to benefit Kislev units as well, etc.) In other words, it will cause red-line skills to affect units gain...
Expanded Lord Skills - SCM Skaven Clans Submod
Created by Think Critically
This submod will add skills to all lords in SCM Skaven Clans to bring them in line with Some_One_Else's Expanded Lord Skills mod. This mod requires both base mods to function correctly. A description of what the skills do is in the main Expanded Lord Skill...
Skaven Clans - The Underempire Expands
Created by Stratovarius "Is it possible that the Skaven are no less than a manifestation, a dark and morbid reflection of man's cities, his civilisation, even his fears? Are not the Skaven, their religion, and their foul dank world no...
SCM's Skaven Asset Pack
Created by Stratovarius
This contains all the visual and animation content for: Pestilent Brotherhood Clan Verms Heroes of the Skaven Clans Clan Treecherik Clan Crooktail Clan Vrrtkin Clan Grudge Without it, you will see absolutely nothing. This exists to standardize SCM's Skaven...
Expanded Lord Skills - Legendary Characters Submod
Created by Some_One_Else
This adds additional skills to the characters from the Legendary Characters mod so they are more in-line with my Expanded Lord Skills Mod A description of what the skills do is in the main Expanded Lord Skills discussion section...
Expanded Lord Skills - Trajann Katalin Submod
Created by Some_One_Else
This mod adds a new set of skills to the Trajann Katalin mod that are in-line with my other Expanded Lord Skills mod. This mod requires both base mods to function correctly. A description of what the skills do is in the main Expanded Lord Skills discussion...
Trajann's Katalin, The Wild Huntress
Created by Trajann V
Well here's something in the complete opposite spirit of Khorne. This mod adds a new legendary lord to the Wood Elves! Katalin is an expert huntress, extremely skilled with a bow, though she can hold her own in melee. Her true power however, comes when she...
Expanded Lord Skills - Cataph's High Elf Sea Patrol
Created by Some_One_Else
This mod adds a new set of skills to Cataph's High Elf Sea Patrol mod that are in-line with my other Expanded Lord Skills mod. This mod requires both base mods to function correctly, though it may only require Cataph's High Elf Sea Patrol in the future. A ...
Cataph's High Elf Sea Patrol
Created by Cataph
There are all kinds of scoundrels and, worse, Druchii in the sea these days. And what does the Asur fleet do about it? Nothing! Today the High Elf fleet says get off my lawn! Ocean. Whatever. This pack introduces ship-building (hybrid horde) to the High El...
Expanded Lord Skills - Cataph's Southern Realms Submod
Created by Some_One_Else
This mod adds a new set of skills to Cataph's wonderful Southern Realms mod that are in-line with my other Expanded Lord Skills mod. This mod requires both base mods to function correctly, though it may only require Southern Realms in the future. A descrip...
Expanded Lord Skills - Heroes of Legend (submod)
Created by Some_One_Else
This submod adds skills to the lords added by Heroes of Legend to bring them in-line with the skills in my Expanded Lord Skills mod A description of what the skills do is in the main Expanded Lord Skills discussion section...
Expanded Lord Skills - Mixu's Legendary Lords (submod)
Created by Some_One_Else
This adds additional skills to the characters from Mixu's Legendary Lords so they are more in-line with my Expanded Lord Skills Mod A description of what the skills do is in the main Expanded Lord Skills discussion section...
[Addon] Expanded Lord Skills - Compilation by SomeOneElse
Created by ChopChop
❗❗❗ UPDATE WARNING ❗❗❗ UPDATE WARNING ❗❗❗ This mod now requires assets from Expanded Skill Trees. If experiened skill loss, come and grab old version of this mod at Discord: ChopChop Workshop Discord Server 🚨 DISCLAIMER - Please read the information in thi...
Mount Expansion
Created by biubiu~biubiu^
Empire 1、Markus Wulfhart——Warhorse、Imperial Griffon、Dread Saurian 2、Huntsman General——Warhorse、Imperial Griffon 3、Arch Lector——War Altar of Sigmar 4、Warrior Priest——War Altar of Sigmar 5、Witch Hunter——Warhorse、War Wagon 6、Bright Wizard——Phoenix Flamespyre ...
Tribes of Man: Cull Brides (Witch Elf reskin) Sadist Edition
Created by delcastillokenneth1
Hey all, I wanted to give the witch elves a darker theme literally and figuratively. It's a reskin of my mod in the workshop. My headcanon is that these cull brides are married to suffering as their form of salvation. They dip their blades in all sorts of ...
Gnoblar Hordes - The Unwashed Masses
Created by Mixu About the Mod We created this mod to add standalone playable Gnoblar Hordes to the campaign that where separate and unique from the Ogre Kingdoms. What you will find within has been created by referencing both official and u...
Mixu's Shadowdancer
Created by Mixu
About the Mod This mod adds a new hero type to Wood Elves called Shadowdancers. (Yeah, you probably guessed that already from the mod title, good job!) They have their own agent type, which is why this mod requires my unlocker. Unlocking new hero types req...
Klissan's All Stats Meaningfully Revealed 中文汉化
Created by 泡泡茶壶
This is a CN translation mod. 简介 本mod详细列出了兵种、技能、法术的隐藏数据和机制,能帮助萌新理解战锤的底层机制 特色 数据:将鼠标移动到护甲、领导力、移动速度、武器威力等面板上能显示其详细机制,如100护甲能抵挡50%~100%的随机不破伤害、武器威力会受到地形高度的加成 技能:如被动技能“潜行”、“惊骇敌军”等都有更详细的说明:隐藏部队被发现的距离、惊骇敌军触发后多少秒内不再受到惊骇的影响等 法术:加血法术会显示总共恢复的血量,伤害法术会显示能造成的总伤害;施法时间(即...
Klissan's All Stats Meaningfully Revealed
Created by Klissan
This mod reveals hidden stats of units/spells/abilities/attributes and explains game mechanics. All content is static and generated by a script for ultra scale. Features * Unit's base stat info bullet point * Unit's base stat info in full description (part...
Expanded Roster - Greenskins - Orc Pack
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on variety,...
Expanded Roster - Greenskins - Goblin Pack
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on variety,...
Expanded Roster - Vampire Counts
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on varie...
Expanded Roster - Beastmen
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on variet...
Expanded Roster - Dark Elves
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on variety...
Expanded Roster - Norsca
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on varie...
Regiments of Renown - Greenskins
Created by Decomposed
DESCRIPTION This series of mods adds loreful Regiments of Renown to various races in the game. We try to choose the best units based on variety, usefulness on the battlefield and overall fun. ROSTER The following RoR are adde...
Regiments of Renown - Dark Elves
Created by Decomposed
DESCRIPTION This series of mods adds loreful Regiments of Renown to various races in the game. We try to choose the best units based on variety, usefulness on the battlefield and overall fun. ROSTER The following RoR are adde...
Regiments of Renown - Chaos Dwarfs
Created by Decomposed
DESCRIPTION This series of mods adds loreful Regiments of Renown to various races in the game. We try to choose the best units based on variety, usefulness on the battlefield and overall fun. ROSTER The following RoR are adde...
Regiments of Renown - Bretonnia
Created by Decomposed
DESCRIPTION This series of mods adds loreful Regiments of Renown to various races in the game. We try to choose the best units based on variety, usefulness on the battlefield and overall fun. ROSTER The following RoR are adde...
Expanded Roster - Chaos Dwarfs
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on variet...
The Dukes of Bretonnia 中文汉化
Created by 泡泡茶壶
Fake Update! Fake Update! Fake Update! The Dukes of Bretonnia 汉化 巴托尼亚的众公爵 描述概览 为6个既存巴托尼亚公国增加了传奇领袖 每一个巴托尼亚公国的新合邦科技 需要订阅Mixer 与mixu的传奇领主包兼容 新增公国与领主一览 阿奎坦公国:阿尔芒·德·阿奎坦 布理奥涅公国:提奥多里克·德·布里奥涅 奎那利斯公国:唐克雷德·德·奎那利斯 吉索...
The Dukes of Bretonnia [BETA]
Created by Ubermorgen
This was based on my WH2 mod The Dukes of Bretonnia, but includes tons of changes to all characters, their skill trees and visuals. Each of the new Lords now has their own faction. Huge thanks to Wolfremio who ported the mod to WH3 and reworked all visuals...
Created by CheNg
介绍 为了减少MOD槽位占用制作的汉化合集,包含了我汉化的所有MOD。 必须物品为汉化对应的原MOD,根据自己需要选择订阅,无需全部订阅。 点击条目最后的跳转可以直接打开原MOD的创意工坊界面,方便阅览。 更新日志看这里 因创意工坊描述文本达到上限,新汉化的MOD目录请至讨论中查看 ======================================================================= 兵种 蜥蜴人 High Rock Fables - Tik’wiatto’s Tam...
Expanded Event Art Master Collection
Created by GunKing
This mod is a port and expansion of my WH2 mods. It has been thoroughly updated to include most new races of WH3. Warriors of Chaos and Norsca are on the mod cover but not yet included in the mod, I'm saving myself effort of rearranging the composition lat...
Legends of Cathay
Created by Eric Gordon Berg
Introducing SIX new legendary lords to Grand Cathay! Each come with their own short quest/missions to unlock as well as skill trees. Quests will trigger automatically after the first few turns.
圣龙 凌天 为震旦添加一位全新传奇事务官
(拜托各位给几个赞吧,现在评分太少分数上不去很难受,虽然我的初衷是自己玩得爽,但分享出来没想到那么多人关注订阅了,那么我也会持续更新的。) 10.18更新内容:,本次并未更新,但由于游戏版本更新至2.2版本后,官方修改了ai对于事务官的使用方式,现在ai极大概率会将凌天放置到军队中,如果您不想被凌天干碎那么建议您在不使用震旦的时候将此mod关闭。 10.07更新内容:1.降低了龙息冷却时间从45s降低至25s 2.增加了见龙还箭的持续时间从20s增加至30s 3.毁灭龙渊伤害由5点破甲伤害提升至10点破甲伤...
The legendary hero of the empire: Sigmar
Created by Maoting
Now Emperor Carl can summon Sigma Possession when his HP is low, restoring the setting of the end of life. Volkma, Balshazer, and Marcus can now use this skill. 2022.09.20: The Extraordinary Empire version has been updated. Welcome to experience. 2022.09.2...
Araveena Custom Legendary Lord / Anarsis Bloodwrack Medusae Legendary Hero - Dark Elves - Deadwood Sentinels [REUPLOADED]
Created by LuminousClarity
First of all, Thank you to JillSandwich for letting me keep this alive. I've added her front ui model and fixed her skills. I will do a bit more fixing later, but she's working for now. Link to the original mod. Go read her lore!
Cataph's Kraka Drak: the Norse Dwarfs
Created by Cataph
Hello, six-years-old mod here. A lot of you know this thing. First battle release post with changes and update notes. WHO DIS? The Norse Dwarfs are a subculture of Dwarfs (whaddayaknow) who live in a corner of Norsca. They lived for centuries separated fro...
Legendary Heroes
Created by Brandon
Adds Legendary Heroes for the following factions: Exiles of Khorne - Daemon Prince of Khorne Poxmakers of Nurgle - Daemon Prince of Nurgle Seducers of Slaanesh - Daemon Prince of Slaanesh Oracles of Tzeentch - Daemon Prince of Tzeentch Daemons of Chaos - S...
!LYH Legendary Characters Expansion 洛阳侯传奇人物(加入特里克·冯·哈格尔芬斯领主)
这个MOD增加了新的传奇人物 每个传奇人物都有独特技能线与专属神器 因为没弄过魔域相关文件,不建议打开此mod玩魔域 SFO Patch: English Patch: Join our discord to come say hi, share ...
[Durandal] Cth Ledengary Lords Pack 幽兰的震旦传奇领主补充包
目前已知重大bug:自定义战斗、战役流程中(通过鼠标右键)跳转法术浏览器会卡死。 特别鸣谢:小铭 感谢铭神对本mod提供的技术支持(指凌晨被折磨起来排查bug)。 为震旦天朝新增7位架空的传奇领主,拥有完整的技能树,信息如下: 【卫北列省】传奇领主招募池 (1)『岳镇渊渟』李雨帆——震旦战将,因误触维里奇的陷阱遭到混沌侵蚀,而在坚定意志的驱动下,继续率军在长垣外屠杀他所见到的一切混沌生物。 (2)『慧业才人』穆昊男——一位天资卓越的阴系术者,早在少年时期他便以震旦使团的身份出访奥苏安,并在此与阿苏尔一族结下...
所有领主通用个人黄线_(All lords self yellow line)
Created by 一战无痕
通用军队红线 备注 1、为所有领主红线添加了5个个人通用加成 2、做的是indent 2,应该不和其他加英雄或者领主mod冲突 Universal army red line Remarks 1. Added 5 general personal ...
Fu Yuanshan,the guardian of great bastion/震旦新传奇领主傅远山
Created by Archer
Here are the english translation mod: Here are my sfo version SFO适配版: Fu Yuanshan Can Only Recruited By Miao Ying傅远山只能被妙影派系招...
Names of Power:Dark Elf Legendary Lords
Created by 泡泡茶壶
What this does? Make Dark Elf Legendary Lords can have "Names of Power" Save game compatible Inspired by Choose: Names of Power , really recommend to use with it....
[Patch] Rebanner
Created by iDon'tSpeakRussian!
Rebanner - Fix for Gnawing banner + updated tables Post 4.2 patch Patch is completed to work on game version 4.2, it may or may not work on 5.0 however I will not continue working this mod as I am taking a break from modding. Should there be an issue you e...
[GLF] Landmark Remake地标重置
Created by 金花
MOD功能: 新增了12个地标 调整了游戏里的所有地标效果 部分地标添加了新驻军 部分地标还增加了低级与高级版本 English Patch: Thanks for FullAutoAttack's work 增强了部分较弱的地标,如帝国宫殿、凤凰王庭院、钉子街当铺、奴隶贩子公...
Vampire Counts Expanded Hero Skill Trees
Created by maffers
This mod adds some additional skills to each of the Vampire Counts Hero's Skill trees. It is intended to fill out the skill trees a bit and make them more interesting/loreful. Does not affect Lords. Banshee - Gains Wail of the Banshee, a magic missile abil...
Created by Luke_Grand Master
为司天丞单独添加了生命系法术 同时增加了一个没有名字的技能,可以提高军队补员速率 出于CA已经放弃平衡性考虑,战役中生命法和天堂法可以同时选择 我制作的其他MOD 震旦近战事务官——玉勇宿将 震旦工程师事务官——军器监 传奇英雄【骑士王】 http...
传奇领主:【嗜血之狼】北岛 (New legend lord : [Bloodthirsty Wolf] Beidao )
Created by [HAN] YH — 北岛
In this mod u can use the vmp legend lord Beidao. He can make the vmp`s wolves become stronger than other legend lords` . And u can also recruit some new units about wolf. Some units may likes skin wolves. 他是!新的吸血鬼传奇领主——【嗜血之狼】北岛。 他作为雄踞震旦南方的一大豪强,听闻北方有彬彬和喵影两...
5.0全派系传奇领主【堕落血龙】All Faction [The Fallen Blood Dragon]
Created by Constantine
All faction legendary lord. 她是妙影的叛逆妹妹 奸奇的学生 色孽的侍女 慈父的义女 以及恐虐的。。。 She is Miao ying's rebellious sisiter. Tzeentch's student. Slaanesh's maid. Nurgle's adopted daughter. Khorne's ... 新人的第一款MOD 几千字的技能剧情文本 初始角色属性会让你觉得奇怪,但随着剧情(技能)的推进,你将走进【堕落血龙】的故事,体验悲伤、快乐、黑色幽默,...
【Jianghu Wandering】
Created by 腿毛长身体壮
最重要的事:请订阅启动并置顶【Mixu's Unlocker - MIXER】!!!!!! THE MOST IMPORTANT:【Mixu's Unlocker - MIXER】Required!!!!! 无技能线请排查技能点MOD冲突 Skill lines missing may be caused by Triple skill points 10.4:更新了大量事件,配图全部更新 add encounters and repaint the picture (下次大更新要明年啦) https://...
Landmarks of Legend
Created by The_Inquisitor
OVERVIEW Landmarks of Legend adds many landmarks to locations all over the Warhammer world, with some landmarks granting access to special units and Regiments of Renown. Currently, there are landmarks for the following factions: - Grand Cathay - Kislev - K...
Created by 泡泡茶壶
简介 盾牌图标美化 战锤3的盾牌图标不好看而且难以分辨,尤其是铜盾和金盾,本mod将盾牌图标变为战锤2的样式 兼容天下所有mod,不需要更新...
Lost Calm: Nakai Submod
Created by Calm&NormalTime
Features Adds direct recruitment of the units from my dino mod to Nakai's horde buildings. Adds more levels to some of his buildings to spread the dinos out a bit. New units should get same global recruitment reduction bonus from buildings and tech that ot...
In Memory of a Dear Friend
Created by Trajann V
This is..tough. Recently, my pet leopard gecko passed away. His name was Trajann (Yes, like my username) and he was my best friend. Those of you who have lost pets can understand how devastating it can be. Trajann really was one of the best things to ever ...
Unique Faction Currencies 汉化
Created by Niamh Chinn Óir
鼠人: 次元石币 蜥蜴人: 古圣造物 绿皮: 牙 木精: 阿斯莱金磅 古墓王: 灵魂 诺斯卡: 掠夺物 吸血鬼海盗: 赃物 帝国: 金克朗 巴托尼亚: 金埃居 矮人: 黄金 高精: 阿苏尔金磅 暗精: 杜鲁奇金磅 基斯里夫:金杜卡特 震旦:玉圆...
Unique Faction Currencies
Created by Müsliriegel Summary Changes the icons of several factions from the generic treasury/income icons to something more unique. I tried to stick as close to the lore as possible. Additionally the reward chest ...
Unique Faction UI
Created by Müsliriegel Summary Changes the UI to a unique design and colour for all factions to be more immersive overall. Troubleshooting USE THE "DEFAULT" UI THEME OPTION FOR THE MO...
Less Red more Art 中文汉化
Created by 泡泡茶壶
简单的脚本汉化,解决强迫症的困扰 UI背景美化 本MOD将主菜单左上角的壁纸切换器汉化了一下 请将本汉化放在原MOD的上方 Less Red more Art是一个非常棒的UI背景美化,感谢Ulrik H.D制作了这么棒的一个MOD ...
Less Red more Art - Menu Movies Expansion 1
Created by Ulrik H.D
Submod of Less Red more Art UI Mod, this mod will not work without it as it utilises the framework provided from that mod. This mod expands the selection of live menu backgrounds. This comes at the cost that spell previews in the spell browser for the lore...
Less Red more Art - Menu Movies Expansion 2
Created by Ulrik H.D
Submod of Less Red more Art UI Mod, this mod will not work without it as it utilises the framework provided from that mod. This submod does not require the first expansion This mod expands the selection of live menu backgrounds. This comes at the cost that...
Less Red more Art - UI Mod - Chaos Dwarfs Update
Created by Ulrik H.D
Chaos Dwarfs Update Adds full Art support for Chaos Dwarfs and Wood elves. Dwarfs, The Empire and Norsca are the remaining races missing some art. Custom movie backgrounds have been turned on by default, but can be disabled in the MCT settings. The bug wit...
Buckets o' Blood!
Created by vahndaar
Blood, you say? Certainly, Sir! Bathe the battlefield in the blood of your enemies! Fun for all the family! *** V4.02 RELEASED! ********** Compatibility update to work with patch 3.0. Note I've had to drop legacy versions from the archive as they won't wor...
Beautiful Isabella
Created by Ashen
The mod adds a reskin of Isabella Von Carstein since she was requested the most. Includes: New outfit, body and hair for Isabella, made with the vision of one particular female vampire (cheers if you know who I'm talking about ^^) New unit card and lord po...
Beautiful Female Vampires
Created by Ashen
The mod adds reskins of the three vampire hero versions and the Lahmia bloodline lord, as well as new 2D porthole and unit cards to reflect the new looks. Includes: Cleaned face of all 3 vampire heroes and the Lahmia lord with eye and hair variation. Added...
Beautiful Fay Enchantress
Created by Ashen
Here is my second mod for the "Beautiful" series! (well I hope it to be series ^^). Includes: My picture of the Fay Enchantress as a graceful forest nymph. Most of the mesh, apart from the face, has been reworked. Needless to say it's incompatible with any...
Miao Ying Reskin [Alt. LIG Version] [REUPLOADED]
Created by 泡泡茶壶
Intro Miao Ying Reskin Just fix the unit card and portrait issue. Note: This mod doesn't require the original mod, it's standalone. All credit to the Original mod:
Khalida the Queen
Created by zeta0080
If you like this mod, please give an endorsement, let more people see it! 如果您喜欢这个mod,希望能给个五星好评,让更多人找到它! Description: Zeta0080's Khalida reskin. Now our queen has darker skin (more like egyptian queen) and beautiful portrait. Author: Hi, I'm zeta0080, a mod...
Queen of Pain - New Skin for N'kari
Created by Poljanan
Description The Prince of Excess has gifted his most favored Keeper of Secrets with a new look, this time in the form of a buxom she-daemon bathed in blood; all to better experience more exotic and depraved sensations. Content New unit skin New faction lea...
Repanse - Lady Knight of Lyonesse Reskin
Created by SpeCt3r1995
Hey everyone! Back with another reskin. This time for Repanse de Lyonesse. Heavily based (and indeed, using the portraits of) Sarvente's superb "Sarvente's Repanse makeover" mod, found here:
Lazy's Katarin the Ice Queen (5.0)
Created by LazyIcarus
Reskin for Tzarina Katarin with some hints of Tzeentch corruption. Only works in campaign. Features animated icicle crown on all mounts / foot (submod to remove crown: unit cards and portho...
[LIG] Reskin - Frost maiden
Created by Less Is Good
Description Frost maiden reskin, it means to attain lore identification Plus I don't really agree with covering nice skate animation with longskirt Compatiblity Variant selector compatible Compatible unless change frost maiden's appearance Unlike LL reskin...
[LIG] Reskin - Ulrika
Created by Less Is Good
Description Ulrika reskin each for Kislev and Empire, If you play campaign as empire you will get Empire version and Kislev version when playing Kislev Empire Design inspired by GW official artwork Compatiblity Compatible unless change Ulrika's appearance ...
[LIG] Reskin - Handmaiden
Created by Less Is Good
Description Handmaiden reskin, changed armor & added one head variant Coverage of faction colors increased significantly Compatiblity Compatible unless change handmaiden's appearance Save file compatible Should be compatible with great Handmaiden Variants ...
[LIG] Reskin - Sorceress
Created by Less Is Good
Description Sorceress reskin, it means to attain lore identification in cost of faction identification Compatiblity Compatible unless change sorceress's appearance Unlike LL reskin, it's not compatible with Lord&Hero resize mod Issue & extra ** Currently t...
[LIG] Reskin - Prophetess
Created by Less Is Good
Description This mod means to focus on lore identification in cost of faction identification There are 2 face variant each Compatiblity Compatible unless changing prophetess's appearance Not compatible with lord & hero resize mod If you use something like ...
[LIG] Reskin - Damsel
Created by Less Is Good
Description This is WH3 port of Damsel reskin This mod means to focus on lore identification in cost of faction identification In warhammer lore, Damsels are taken to fay before puberty and return after years, and stay young and beautiful with their magic....
[LIG] Reskin - Hellebron
Created by Less Is Good
Description Crone wanted to be young, now she's young. Khaine bless you Also you need to use it with Hellebron's Death Night to make it fully functional Compatiblity with Mixu's mod It is compatible and strongly recommended to use with sEcOnDbOuToFiNsAnItY...
Hellebron's Death Night: Legacy Edition
Finally, after an anxious wait - and thanks to kind permission from Mixu to port it - I'm happy to present the updated return of Hellebron's Death Night transitions as seen in WH2's workshop. Hellebron's appearance will change depending on the Death Night ...
[LIG] Reskin - Alarielle
Created by Less Is Good
Description Simple reskin of Alarielle make her looks less older, while put a quite effort to give similar impression & face sculpt. Thus I didn't changed unit card & 2D portrait Unlike one which I posted on WH2, It does not contain nudity though transpare...
[LIG] Reskin - Morathi
Created by Less Is Good
Description Simple reskin for Morathi, ported from WH2 features fair skin and shorter hair Level of nudity is not much different from vanilla, So hopefully it won't be problem Compatiblity Compatible unless changing Morathi's appearance If you use somethin...
[LIG] Reskin - Valkia
Created by Less Is Good
Description Simple reskin for Valkia Contains mild nudity, anyone uncomfortable about it may avoid using it Compatiblity Compatible unless changing Valkia's appearance If you use something like overhaul that change her appearance, this mod should loaded af...
Created by Luke_Grand Master
English text package: 增强补丁(配合SFO等大修MOD使用) 吸血鬼伯爵派系模型bug修复补丁(使用吸血鬼伯爵派系时务必使用)
Kislev HERO Expansion 基斯里夫英雄拓展
Created by biubiu~biubiu^
为基斯里夫增加了“冰雪队长”英雄单位, 1、技能线:技能抄的高等精灵的侍女,略有改动,技能线强化了冰雪禁卫的远程输出和近战输出能力。 2、坐骑:拥有战马,巨牡鹿,战熊和狮鹫几种坐骑,其中战熊没有远程攻击能力(因为我不会增加攻击动画,搞了很久没能搞出满意的动作,暂时放弃先) 3、招募条件:在冰雪禁卫的相同建筑招募,一个省只有一个招募容量 为基斯里夫增加了“工程师”英雄单位 The following is an AI translation Added the "Ice Guard" hero unit to...
High Elves Landmarks Overhaul (5.0 WORKING, UPDATE IN PROGRESS)
Created by Magician
Foreword Hello, friends. If you remember this. Yes, it is back in 2024. Features This mod adds 30+ landmarks for the High Elves race. Enjoy and have fun. Cheers ...
Created by 云出无梦
『玉庭剑』青莲,一名近战法术双修的震旦传奇事务官,震旦三龙均可招募,开局加入司天丞招募池 青莲是『玉龙』元伯的亲传弟子,其玉庭剑术甚至不在元伯之下,因此他虽然并非龙裔,却因剑术天份深得元伯喜爱。 青莲拥有较好的近战性能,和优秀的辅助法术,本身没有坐骑,但是有【飒沓流星】这个技能为其提供优秀的机动性。 非常喜欢元伯的近战攻击动作,由此为契机本人做的第一个MOD,可能不是很完美希望大家多多评论并提出建议,希望以后能多多为大家带来新的mod,可能会是兵种,也可能会是传奇领主,目前尚在构思中,感谢魏王大佬和金花大佬...
Created by Constantine
(由皮怪不皮啦制作) 简介: 为震旦天朝、基斯里夫、帝国、巴托尼亚、矮人、高等精灵添加了两位强力传奇人物和三种骑士。 领主用的双持特大剑,三个兵种分别是枪盾,剑盾和巨剑,采用野心冠军勇士的模板。 里面有一些很强力的bug级别技能选择性点,想要爽就点英雄的“惜别眼泪”,想要平衡就不点这一行。 2023.3.19: 增强了环印城骑士,攻防增加了2-3,新增兵种银骑士巨弓,新增一位传奇领主。 2023.4.15 修复了部分防火女技能失效的bug 增强了阳光疗愈,新增效果可以复活阵亡友军 为环印城骑士和银骑士添加了...
魔女——邪鸦妖姬云墨韵 The Raven Demon(已更新至最新版本)
简介:无名少女再将死之时祈求神明却受到万变之主青睐,在奄奄一息之时被神鹰带入水晶迷宫,在神鹰的赐福中成为“邪鸦妖姬”,训练结束后携奸奇大军攻打凡世,败于震旦后被妙影所救。在了解到奸奇的诡计后迷途知返,被月后赐名云墨韵后开始为自己赎罪。 The English version is update 欢迎大家使用我的第一个mod,首先这个mod离不开luke团长的鼎力支持,非常感谢他...
Caravans of the Old World 中文汉化
Created by Tutur
我爱跑商,跑商爱我,我是跑商王 This is a translation mod 合集包含以下MOD的 中文 汉化 Convoys of the New World 新世界商队 Caravans of t...
Caravans of the Old World - Southern Realms addon
Created by van Hawke
This is a submod for "Caravans of the Old World" and it adds the caravan system for Southern Realms (both player and AI) Playable factions with access to caravans: - Border Princes - Estalia - Tilea - Bilbali - East Ind Company (uses the cathayan caravan n...
SCM Revamped 帝国中文汉化合集
Created by Tutur
当前包含的汉化内容 帝国分离主义者 玛丽恩堡 感谢To infinity and beyond 在文本中提供的协助(原汉化文本在 中文汉化合集 ) SCM Empire Secessionists 中文汉化 帝国分离主义者汉化 添加了如下领主/英雄/部队 领主:莱因哈特·冯·马肯森 英雄:汉斯·弗兰肯温特 ...
SCM Empire Secessionists (5.1)
Created by Team SCM
Revamped version of HKrul's Empire Secessionists: Secede! A massive thanks to Rhox, Phyrex Fin and Matthew39 from the SCM crew for making sure SCM revives the original mod. SCM Empire Secessionists TLDR: This mod ad...
Created by 海茵里希
!重要的食用说明!:这个MOD属于独立mod 相比于SFO版,只是一个单纯的新兵种包,没有建筑方面的修改,真正完整的内容在SFO版。 一·部队名册 普通部队:黑殿铁蹄,僵尸巨炮,纺命女,死亡飞马骑士,噬魂兽骑士,无头骑士,鸦羽鹿骑士,鲜血断头者 传奇部队:死告天使,堕落显贵,掠魂死镰,血龙武姬,邓肯霍夫圣殿骑士 精锐部队:黑檀之女,红血军锋 事务官:复仇霸王·加尔赛力克,织命女
More famous battles/更多尸坑
PS:因为地区原因,我无法在评论区说话,敬请谅解 dlc腐烂王座之后依旧可用,其实不用更新,不过刷一下更新让大家放心( 这是一个简单的修改,它的作用很简单: 1.尸坑上限从200→2000 2.创造尸坑所需的阵亡人数从2150→2000 3.参战双方所需最少兵牌数从14→10 以上,祝游戏愉快~ This is a simple modification. Its function is very simple: 1. The upper limit of the famous battles : 200 ...
Skaven Esoterica
Created by Stratovarius
Skaven Esoterica Originally called Toro's Skaven Units, unfortunately our good friend Toro has chosen to leave the modding community for WH3, and asked me to upload and maintain his Skaven pride and joy. Units Galore! Warp Zeppelin Man Crusher Warp Runner ...
Just Good Battle UI
Created by Deo
5.1 compatible - A new battle UI showing abilities summary on those units which have anything that can be activated -- Quick access and overview of all abilities -- Position and size saved between session -- Auto use non-targettable abilities while in mele...
Just Good UI Mod
Created by Deo
5.1 compatible The aim of the mod is to increase UI usability in late game (or just any game), when you have to manage many lords/heroes What's changed - A remake of lords/heros list in character details panel - portraits made bigger, embedded heroes extra...
Mistwalkers and Imrik's Dragons Get Bonuses 迷雾行者与传奇龙吃领主与科技加成
Created by Alex Zhao
Mistwalkers will now get more bonus from lord skills and techs. Faithbearers will get bonus for rangers (except they will get spearmen’s level 7 red line bonus), griffon knights will get bonus foe dragons, and all other mistwalkers will get bonus for shado...
Mistress of Storms - (PATCHED FOR IE)
Created by Poljanan
Master of the Storm Winds - Miao Ying This mod adds three new abilities for Miao Ying: Lightning Stake A long range spear of lightning wi...
Children of the Woods (Immortal Empires Edition)
Created by Poljanan
"Fear the forest." Children of the Woods - IMMORTAL EMPIRES Edition Inspired by horror films, european pagan imagery, slavic folklore, as well as games like The Witcher 3, this mod adds 4 new units into the game, distributed across 3 factions - Wood Elves,...
The Funeral Director - Walnut is BACK!
Created by Poljanan
After a brief absence, the Funeral Director is back from the grave! Introduction "Welcome to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. May we interest you in a coffin?" The Funeral Director is perhaps one of the gloomiest individuals in Cathayan society, whose tasks invol...
Roar of the Jade Sea : Yin-Yin, the Sea Dragon
Created by Poljanan
The Sea Dragon of Cathay has returned! The Eastern Provinces - NEW playable Cathay Faction *MIXER required to install this mod!!* -How they play- Outside their faction effects as well as the lord army buff from Yin-Yin ...
Settlement Capture Pictures
Created by Müsliriegel
Summary This mod used to change the simple red icons when choosing a settlement occupation option back to unique artworks as in Warhammer 1 & 2. With IE and the reintroduction of settlement capture art I have now mixed my images with the ones from CA and e...
[GLF] Battle Mage 战斗法师 - Updated for 4.2
Battle Mage 战斗法师 - Updated for 4.2 Reuploaded+Patched We would appreciate any issues not found during our limited testing to be left in the comments so we can look into it. Enjoy :) What this does? Fixes Animation tables, magic users will shoot again and a...
Landmarks of Eternity-Immortal Empire Expanded edition汉化
Created by ForNever
置顶: 感谢幡沫的对mod的更新,新版本已整合到综合包,链接: ******************************************************************************** 这是对IEE地标MOD的汉化补丁 欢迎各位游戏爱好者的订阅
震旦基础建筑拓展/GYT's cathay building expansion
Created by 代号gyt-B站
将震旦基础建筑(发展、收入、秩序)拓展至5级,并调整了一部分原版属性 English translations: 一、对原版建筑的修改: 1.原版阳系秩序建筑相比阴系几乎没用,于是添加【当地招募容量+1】效果,并且可以减少腐蚀 2.原版阳系发展建筑相比阴系长期收益太低,于是从3级开始:当秩序>50时,建造时间-1回合,大幅提高短期收益能力。另添加3-6-9-12-15%的当地移动...
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行 地标建筑包(Landmark patch) Intro Mod内容已包含于派系包中,请不要同时订阅启用      本Mod将我为与龙同行制作的派系包中添加的地标建筑物独立出来,以给那些想要...
OvN系列 中文汉化合集
Created by Tutur
This is a translation mod OvN Lost World当前翻译进度:70% 欢迎有志者加入协助汉化 两个Mixer均为必需,其余MOD均为可选订阅 OvN:阿拉比(OvN Lost...
Dynasty of the Damned 中文汉化
Created by Tutur Dynasty of the Damned 汉化 兼容Poljanan的碧血族mod 注意:由于该mod替换了吸血鬼伯爵派系,任何其他修改吸血鬼派系的MOD可能会导致不同程度的问题 描述概览 将僵尸叛军替换为新派系:左道王朝 添加独特的兵牌与部队 添加独特英雄:薄暮幽人 添加独特的薄暮系法术 可用事务官建造...
Dynasty of the Damned [BETA]
Created by Team SCM
Remember this is a BETA This mod functions well but there are a few bugs, we are aware of them, feel free to report things you see in the Modding den Discord SCM channel. Thank you and enjoy Feel l...
The Jade-Blooded Vampires: Islanders of the Moon
Created by Poljanan New Faction: Islanders of the Moon Difficulty Suggestion: Hard/Hard In 1690, Cathay would launch a doomed expedition westward into the Southlands, seeking to spread the Celestia...
Dead of the Orient - Immortal Empires
Created by Poljanan
Introduction The Spirit Dragon is restless. The river of the underworld lashes out otherworldly howls. Transient shapes dance with the fog rolling over from the eastern mountains. As of late, more and more of Cathay's ancestors, thought to be long at peace...
Jade-Blooded Vampires 中文汉化合集
Created by Tutur
注意:原mod经过9.10的更新,必须同时开启 农昌蛊咒 和 月屿遗民 才可进入游戏 当前包含的碧血(Jade-Blooded Vampires)汉化内容 碧血妖鬼阵营 派系:农昌蛊咒(Curse of Nongchang) 派系:月屿遗民(Islanders of the Moon) 震旦/吸血鬼伯爵 兵种:尸起东方(Dead of the Orient) 替换僵尸叛军的MOD在这里左道王朝 中文汉化 总体进度:完成 正在校对
Legions of Nagash 中文汉化
Created by Tutur
This is a translation mod 内含汉化 Legions of Nagash(纳迦什军团) Legions of Nagash: Mortarch Traits Submod(死亡统帅特...
Legions of Nagash - DISCONTINUED
Created by Urgat
IMPORTANT: The mod will be moved to Rhox's profile in roughly 3 days. You'll have to resub. Sorry for the inconvenience. The last mortarch will be added at this time., SUPREME BONE DADDIO AND MAD HATTER, HATH COME BACK...
OvN - Fimir Lords for Norsca Submod
Created by Team OvN
A small submod that allows all minor and major Norscan factions to recruit the Fimir lords from the OvN mod. The Norscan Fimir lords also have updated character skill trees using the vanilla Norscan red and blue lines along with some other small skill tree...
OvN Lost Factions: Citadel of Dusk
Created by Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting races and factions to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in th...
OvN Grudgebringers - Unlimited Armies Submod
Created by Team OvN Unlimited Armies This is a submod for 'OvN Lost Factions - Grudgebringers' that allows the player to recruit as many lords as their heart desires (and gold allows). You will be be to recruit E...
OvN Grudgebringers - Moving Camps Submod
Created by Team OvN Moving Camps This is a submod for 'OvN Lost Factions - Grudgebringers' that allows the player to move their camps making them much more useful. The camps also come with unique stances to furth...
OvN Lost Factions: Grudgebringers
Created by Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting factions & races to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in the ...
OvN Lost Factions: Dread King Legions
Created by Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting factions & races to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in the ...
OvN Lost Factions: Araby
Created by Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting races to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in the Immortal Em...
Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB)
Created by Cataph
LADIES WITH VOLUMINOUS ASSETS now that I have your attention, read the zogging description and don't be in that majority of people who don't and cause problems to themselves. WHO TEB? TEB stands for Tilea+Estalia+Border Prin...
OvN Lost Factions: Fimir
Created by Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting races to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in the Immortal Em...
Gnoblar Hordes - 孬不拉部落【中文汉化】 介绍 孬不拉种族派系模组,新传奇人物,新领主&英雄,新兵种,新装备,以及废料升级机制 - 传奇领主『蒙面者』孬比波、『开膛手』布拉格、领主大王·贝泽尔 - 一种新领主,四种新英雄 - 十数支新兵种及精英部队 - 独特&通用新装备 感谢Lost2Insanity、Mixu、Calm&NormalTime制作了这么出色的mod 更多汉化: 中文汉化合集 ...
OvN Lost Factions: Albion
Created by Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting races to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in the Immortal Em...
The Jade-Blooded Vampires: Curse of Nongchang
Created by Poljanan Jade-Blooded Vampires - Eastern Lords of Undeath The Jade-Blooded Vampires are an exotic bloodline of vampires in the far east sired by a long-lost spawn of Neferata thousands of years after she and the rest of the origi...
Lost & Found Kislev: Chicken-Legged Hut
Created by greenphoenix23
Emerging from the dark forests of Kislev, Mother Ostankya's spooky hut stomps into battle! Mother Ostankya's Chicken-Legged Hut operates as a mobile base for her to rain down spells and cauldrony artillery fire on the enemies of Kislev! It also adds to mag...
Just Good Babysitter
Created by Deo
5.1 compatible Have you ever felt yourself more a baby tender than a commander because your units stop doing what they were doing and go smoking every 5 seconds for CA knows what reason? If yes - this mod is for you. It helps your units with one simple thi...
Created by Burning papers
仅限于玩家混沌勇士派系,兼容已有存档,未修改游戏源文件 每回合开始时统计玩家派系及所有附庸所拥有的资源城市(如香料),并按照资源数量获取加成。 加成在原游戏基础上进行了调整和描述更改,使显示更加直观。 混沌勇士不再能够建造贸易资源建筑。 大家可以去贴吧提意见或者发言顶顶帖子:
Created by 尴尬甩尾
臣道上限原版100增加到600,每回合增加300点,盟友招募槽增加到9个,去除盟友单位限制 更容易招募盟友单位,以及借调军队,多试试借调军队吧,太好玩了 兼容所有,旧档可用...
Landmarks of Eternity
Created by Chasslo
If you want to see the news udpate for the mod or help with a little donation, you can do it here on patreon I'd also like to hear your opinion about a few things regarding landmark, if you want to do it you can complete a survey here Welcome to Landmark o...
Console Commands (Modding Tool), the mod works 100000% please just use it and enable the script break warning
Created by prop joe
Adds a bunch of commands that help with mod making and testing. Type the command into a text box that is opened using a new button in the top left (see screenshot). Press the button to the right to execute the typed-in command. List of DB keys and how to f...
Created by 清轩易浅
这个mod功能简单纯粹,就是允许随从装备可以被合成。兼容所有mod 这个mod只要能加载进去,就会生效,他本质上只是一个开关,版本更新添加东西正常情况下不会影响到这个mod,除非ca大修装备相关...
Dwarf Legendary Characters 3.0Ver Make Dwarf Great Again
Created by 小铭
ENGLISH TRANSLATION Traduction française New Updated 18 Legendary Characters Josef Bugman——Karak Norn START Bazrak Bolgan——K...
传说神器合成——Better Artifact Synthesis
Created by 清轩易浅
这个mod允许你将蓝装合成紫装(精绝),紫装(精绝)合成金装(名器),金装(名器)合成金装(仙器),金装(仙器)合成紫装(鸿蒙至宝)。 这个mod是上一个神器合成装备的轻量版,添加了140+件装备,属性大多比较一般,但是高品质属性依旧强力,可以跟那个mod一起用,但是排序要放在上面。 更新 加了一些有趣的随从,以及一些套装效果 This mod allows you to synthesize blue equipment into purple equipment (exquisite), purple ...
Artists' Guild - More Ancillaries Submod
Created by endofanty
Introduction Add 70 new items for all factions. Some text or effect originate from TW:3K, OPUS:Echo of Starsong, Genshin impact, Honkai impact 3rd. etc. Given that gi is becoming increasingly disgusting, we have to regretfully stop updating new content and...
Legendary High Elven Characters [LHEC]
Created by RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information This mod project started back in 2019 for Warhammer 2. Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below carefully before you ask questions or request updates etc....
Legendary Lords of Legendary Mastery Enhanced
Created by Commisar Jon Fuklaw
Introduction A few years back, I took over the maintenance of Legendary Lords, Legendary Mastery when its author went defunct. In doing so, I also made Legendary Lords of Legendary Legends, which was a total overhaul of all Legendary Lords/Heroes, though o...
(Updated!) Bad Legendary Characters - Legendary Lord / Legendary Hero
Created by jenosite
This mod adds special characters to bad guys factions. <<<Greenskin>>> Morglum Necksnapper - Legendary Lord - You can recruit him if you start any playable greenskin factions. Borgut Facebeater - Legendary Hero - For Grimgor's 'Ardboyz Gitilla da Hunter - ...
Created by Blackoutsider
为震旦新增4位传奇领主,分别是: 妙影派系招募 正体不明,四神加持,穿越者,虎魔之主,焱麟的创造者,公输燕之夫,白龙银甲,长垣领军太初 妙影之女,真龙血裔,公输燕 凡人法师,魔法少才,司空昂 未知之神太初座下第一大将兼左膀右臂,恶魔克星,虎魔大军的第四号领导者,太初的第一舔狗,极端忠诚,「屠魔者」穷烈 新增兵种 虎魔,长垣四本招募,龙卫五本招募 巨力虎魔,长垣五本招募 无派系版:
Female Daemonettes
Created by The Rogue Roman Description This mod gives all Daemonettes, Alluresses, Heralds of Slaanesh, and Seekers of Slaanesh units a more feminine and less androgynous look. CA's original models are very good, but I ...
Alshua's Cultists - 混沌狂信徒扩展【中文汉化】 介绍 为混沌四神各增添了一种狂信徒英雄,拥有独特的外形和技能。 作者还为这些英雄添加了几百个女性名字,很有讲究,比如纳垢的都是选的花卉和疾病名称,奸奇的则是各种矿石和鸟类,当然为了听上去好听,翻译文本都直接采用了音译。 Brass Sisters of Khorne: - 恐虐黄铜姐妹 - 可以召唤恐虐怒妖、血肉猎犬与磨魂者 Oracle of Tzeentch: - 奸奇教会传谕使 - 可以召唤奸奇怒妖与...
Alshua's Cultists
Created by Alshua
Alshua's Cultists brings together all four Cultist Expansion hero types: the Cult Oracle, Pleasure Cultist, Cultist of Brass, and Deathbell Lily Cultist. Extends Cultist recruitment (both the existing male cultists and the four new Cultists) to Warriors of...
Cultist of Pleasure Reskin
Created by Alshua
Cultists of Slaanesh get a reskin inspired by the Cult of Pleasure. Graphical only. Subscribe to Cultist Expansion - Pleasure Cultist + if you want all the exciting gameplay and lore features! Design All of the Cultists of Slaanesh in the vanilla game are ...
Are You Yhetee?
Created by Lost2Insanity
About the Mod This is a unit mod that adds Yhetees from the Ogre Kingdoms army book which are fast monstrous infantry with frostbite attacks designed to chase down armoured cavalry and snare them so they can be taken out of the fight quickly and any bonuse...
[DEER24/震旦] 奉先Reskin for Legendary Characters(Xian Feng RESKIN)
奉先美化      Legendary Characters制作组制作了非常优秀的作品,满足了我对中古战锤世界的幻想,奉先一直是我最喜爱的人物之一,因此我创造了这个Reskin mod,来为大家提供一种新的可供选择的模型      这个人物是 Legendary Characters Mod为震旦添加的传奇人物,原版游戏和与龙同行都不包含该人物,因此为了使用本Mod,你必须先订阅右侧必须物品中表示的mod套组      你可以自由在原版和reskin版本间进行切换      The Legendary Ch...
Variant Selector
Created by Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD! Lets you choose Character Variants (where applicable). Snek's Extra Variants (the whole bunch of them!) are compatible out of the box, thanks to Snek. Other modded variants will need to be made compatible. This means that you simply...
Hero Units - Yellow Line Skills
Created by Muzual
Updated for 5.0.2 (Immortal Empires) Yellow Line Skills for Hero Units This mod adds the default hero combat skill line to a variety of hero units that previously did not have it. Supported Units This applies to the followin...
Expanded Hero Skill Trees
Created by devon752
Expands the skill trees of Heroes! Currently completed races: All of Chaos (except Chaos dwarfs), Cathay, Kislev, Skaven, Dwarfs, Empire, Greenskins, High Elves and Vampire Counts. Everything the mod does: - extends vanilla trees - adds additional skill tr...
Fixed Allied Outposts
Created by Maggot
What It Does: Adds a few missing units to the Allied Recruitment pool T3 Outposts allow you to recruit all of a faction's units, regardless of their buildings Increased Unit Cap for Tomb King, Beastmen and Lizardmen units based on Outpost Tier Fixes Nurgle...
High Contrast Border Colors (All Campaigns)
Created by Llamakazi
Hello there! This mod significantly increases the contrast of ALL border colors and removes the horizontal gradient (solid colors only) and modifies the overall size and visibility to boot. There are other mods that do something similar, but I wanted to ma...
所有领主军队通用红线_配合随机部队抽奖(All lords army red line _ cooperate with random troop draw)
Created by 一战无痕
配合部队抽奖使用效果更好 部队抽奖mod 个人黄线 部队抽奖有个问题,就是其他势力的单位不吃领主的红线。所以想直接给领主加全部,但是感觉电脑AI也会点,应该会增加难度。 所以在所有领主的红线后面加了全军效果的技能,理论上AI也可以点。但是如果不加任...
Singe's Lord Skills Compilation
Created by Singemeister
Ahhh, here we are again. So, this is the combination mod for all my lord skills for TWWIII. I've tried to up my game for the new game, so each Lord has four skills. Apart from Daniel. He gets five. As do some of the Vampire Coast Lords. And Helman Ghorst. ...
Created by Luke_Grand Master
帝国权威最低只会掉到0 SFO可用,兼容性和稳定性不确定 The lowest imperial authority will only reach 0 SFO can be used,Uncertain compatibility and stability...
混沌矮人传奇领主包;烈焰与荒芜之塔(Chaos Dwarf Legendary Characters )
为混沌矮人派系新增了传奇角色 (右侧必要mod中,中文玩家无需订阅英文文本包) 『残暴者』戈尔茨(领主) 狡诈残忍的戈尔茨是一位技艺高超的混沌矮人术师,同时也是秘会内最具话语权的恶徒之一 替换密会侍从派系传奇领主 『不破者』莱卡斯(领主) 【不破者】莱卡斯以坚毅勇猛著称,即便在一众身经百战的同僚之中他也颇为出彩 混沌矮人派系可通过招募池招募 『熔铁』斯莱格(英雄) 斯莱格是最强悍的炼狱守卫之一,同时也是一名辗转在秘会成员们之间,备受青睐的护卫 混沌矮人派系可通过完成等级人物获取 更新 『火诞者』伊格纳茨(领...
Heroes of Legend: Leopard of Luccini Update
Created by The_Inquisitor
Overview This mod adds 21 new characters to various factions and 4 playable factions (1 in IE and 4 in TOW). Most characters are recruited through landmarks added in my other mod, Landmarks of Legend (I elaborate a bit more on this in the FAQ section), whi...
Building Slots Extended - Extra Races Compatibility Submod
Created by Myxameno
IMPORTANT: This mod was made to be compatible with Mixu's Unlocker andwon't work without it! This mod works with ChaosRobie's Immortal Empires Expanded and The Old World campaigns! This is compatibility submod for Building Slots Extended with several mods ...
SCM's LCCP 中文汉化
Created by Tutur
This is a translation mod. For SCM's Original Mod, Please check the link below 『 SCM's LCCP, 17 new factions for the IEE 』
Immortal Empires Expanded [Requires Mixer!]
Created by ChaosRobie
THIS MOD REQUIRES MIXER! This mod expands and fills-out the Immortal Empires map: Ind, Khuresh, Nippon, the Lost Isles of Elithis, the Eastern Steppes, several smaller islands, and that part that looks like Korea which I've named Ihan. AND MORE! Descriptio...
Landmarks of Eternity-Immortal Empire Expanded edition
Created by Chasslo
If you liked the mod, please consider giving it a thumbs up, it helps a lot This mod only contains the landmarks created especially for IEE and even if it was designed to run with the base mod of Landmarks of Eternity, you don't actually need it to use thi...
[GLF] Hero Expansion金花英雄拓展
Created by 金花
这个MOD增加了新的传奇英雄 这些传奇英雄都有独特的技能与技能书,还有专属神器 这个MOD兼容MCT模块 Main Mod Summary Translation: This mod adds new legendary heroes These legendary heroes have unique skills and skill books, as well as exclusive artifacts English Patch:
[QoL] Fuse Auto Sort (Rarity + Category)
Created by Freiya
This is a "quality of life" mod that automatically reapplies the Rarity sort followed by the Category sort after fusing or salvaging items. Without this mod, only the latest sort is "reapplied" by the game meaning that the inventory will only be sorted by ...
Toggle Fog Of War
Created by FlashMash
Adds a button in the top left to toggle fog of war. I like to check on the state of the world from time to time, so I had to turn on/off a mod all the time. When Change Starting Settlement came out I had the idea to take the disable/enable of the fog of wa...
Created by ADS国区大号
Display Treasury of AI Factions
Created by sudkks
Display the current treasury of the AI faction in the diplomatic interface - attribute bar, under its strength rank....
Bring the Boys Home - No Endless Wars [EoM]
Created by Wolfy
Announcement of End of Maintenance Hi everyone, I have an announcement to make, and it is that, after seven years of modding, I have decided it is time for me to step aside. My personal situation has changed a lot since I started, and sadly, I do not have ...
Bretonnia Vow Auto Complete
Created by BAGHolder
Tired of manually completing the vows for the 300th time?? Not any more!! The WH3 version of my same mod in WH2. Using this mod, all the Bretonnia lords & agents will automatically acquire the vow or troth based on rank. No need to manually initiate vow. M...
Mixu's Legendary Lords
Created by Mixu
About the Mod Some of you may remember this and this from Total War Warhammer II. Well, this mod is simply a combination of those two mods, with some new faces added. This mod adds Legendary Lords, Legendary Heroes and some new units. This mod does not tou...
Mixu's Legendary Lords: Asset Pack
Created by Mixu
This is a required asset pack for Mixu's Legendary Lords mod. You should subscribe to it if you use it, otherwise you'll get missing character models n other fun stuff....
Caravans of the Old World - Kislev addon
Created by van Hawke
This is a submod for "Caravans of the Old World" and it adds the caravan system for Kislev and norse dwarfs (both player and AI) Playable factions with access to caravans: - The Ice Court - The Great Orthodoxy - Ursun Revivalists (after confederation with ...
Caravans of the Old World 可招募可交换
Created by 000
需要前置Caravans of the Old World(此mod为帝国与矮人添加了商队系统) 为旧世界商队mod(Caravans of the Old World) 添加可招募可交换 可以为商队招募部队,可以与商队交换部队 (更新)现已支持巴托尼亚商队 (Machine Translation) Requires pre Caravans of the Old World (this mod adds a caravan system for the Empire and Dwarves) Carav...
Mixu's unlocker - 汉化补全 (a translation mod's submod)
(it's a chinese text mod) 补全了杨大仙mixu汉化中,缺失或者不全的“仅关于mixu派系解锁器”本体文本的汉化。(而不包括mixu领主包汉化) 请排序在原汉化之上以补充汉化文本。 (除非你只使用mixu解锁器而不订阅mixu领主包,那么这个mod就够)...
Mixu's CN 汉化 合集(2-16 木精灵暗影舞者搞好了 推本杜鲁奇的小说,我写的。。)
Created by 鱼大仙
11-19 艾格林姆能玩了还差点零碎的这几天搞好 我在起点平台写了本《苟在战锤当暗精》 欢迎观看 _(:з」∠)_ 已签约 11-11 汉化了几个绿皮的技能词条 9-22 斯蒂尔比约恩在Strovengaard娶了很多配偶,因为许多诺斯卡的女性都渴望与带有黑暗诸神印记的战士同床共眠。在这些无数的妻子中,斯蒂比约恩繁衍了13个不同年龄的后代,其中包括Hrefna和Fraygerd,她们都是技艺精湛和致命的剑女(sword-maiden)。 作者:爱问1515
Ivan Radinov - Commander of the Gryphon Legion - Updated
Created by Xoudad
"While his sister oversees Kislev with icy efficiency, Ivan spends his time on daring adventures. He is nominally the Cavalry Commander of the Gryphon Legion, but he rarely spends much time in their barracks headquarters. He prefers his freedom and dangero...
Karanak, Hound of Vengeance - Goodbye old friend
Created by Xoudad
Karanak, known as the Hound of Vengeance, the Endless Hunter and the Talon of the Skull Throne is the three-headed Flesh Hound that prowls and guards Khorne's grand throne room. He never sleeps, for like the Blood God's unreasoning vengeance Karanak is eve...
More Character Names (For all 24 races)
Created by Beans
About More Character Names (about 7,600 total new names) Tired of seeing heroes and lords with the same name? This mod adds a huge amount of lore friendly names into the name pool for ALL FACTIONS for both the player and the AI. Some factions have received...
Created by 泡泡茶壶
简介 几个常用MOD的简单脚本汉化,拯救强迫症 拒绝外交 Decline Diplomacy: 过回合时点亮中间的“拒绝一切外交”按钮即可生效(小手掌图标) 变体选择 Variant Selector: 角色详情界面,点击左侧“更改角色变体”即可选择的更多人物模型(小人样图标) 通常搭配各种变体美化MOD,如:帝国和基斯里夫变体美化、高精变体美化 等等,工坊中搜索带有“Variant”字样的美化即可完美搭配! 保存阵型 Remember Deployment Formations: 在战场中左键框选想要保存...
Created by 泡泡茶壶
本合集已停止更新,请移步至 此处 订阅二代后,本mod就不需要再订阅了 《汉化目录》 通用MOD Guv's Expanded Faction Frontend Mod 将游戏内隐藏的派系效果完整显示出来 More Character Names 大众脸更多样化的名字 Emissaries of Diplomacy 外交大使, 五回合后收到外交任务 Drink It III 物品主动技能变成被动技能 Tra...
Mixu's Slayer Traits for Daemon and Dragon Slayer
Created by Mixu
Adds a slayer trait system for Dragon and Daemon Slayers. Slayer characters will gain slayer traits after defeating monsters. You can view all of them from the Slayer Trait panel, found from the character details screen (the thing that has skills n items)....
Old LCCP, Subscribe to new one
Created by Rhox
Unsubscribe this mod and subscribe to the new mod uploaded with Team Account
Drink It III
Created by Wallets
Sick of clicking the eight active buffs each of your characters gets from items? This mod makes the active abilities from non-unique items and skills into passive abilities, so that your heroes can decide for themselves when to drink their potions. Changes...
Execute (useless) Lords & Heroes
Created by Freiya
This mod adds ui elements that allow the player to "execute" (useless) lords and heroes - even if they are immortal ! First of all, this is the Warhammer 3 port of the mod created by sm0kin for TWW 2. He started working on this version and accepted to let ...
Immortal Empires Expanded 中文汉化
Created by Tutur
This is a translation mod !! →和重返旧世界MOD不兼容,两者只能开其一 ←!! !! →必须开启MIXER ←!! 常见问题 关于有AI MOD的情况下,AI表现怪异:原作者C...
Quick Building Upgrade
Created by Cpecific
When you have a lot of settlements, it becomes annoying to constantly hover over desired upgrade building level. As there is rarely a choice between what to upgrade, it does bring a question: why is it not in the base game? My Other Mods Skill Queue Traits...
Caravans of the Old World
Created by van Hawke
This mod adds the caravan system for Empire, Bretonnia and Dwarfs in IE and IEE campaigns (both player and AI) The main difference from Cathayan caravans is the improved encounter system. The forces that will attack your caravan will depend on the region t...
Created by 中南野犬
恶魔亲王的可以获取全部的四神神耀奖励,为了解决最后一个奖励概率性获取不能的问题,现在把献身所需的神耀值调的比神耀上限要高了,所以现在不够再进行献身了。 4月8日更新:调整了UI表现,把献身的UI移回原位置,但依然对需求数量做了超过神耀最大值的限制,因为献身会导致UI消失,不利于玩家观看,而且献身用处也不大,所以没有解除献身的限制。 目前通过战役效果来实现解锁的目的,所以可能会导致与其他MOD产生冲突,如果太多人出现无法解锁的问题,我会将其回退到旧版本以保证MOD正常工作。 enjoy!...
landmark immortal Chinese 凡世地标汉化
Created by VA11-HAll--AA
这是急急急急急急版 只适合你真的很想要个中文,再加上能忍受奇怪的文本自己联想使用 对了小提示 卡洛斯和我说了一个小秘密 选中间 我翻译了得有五个小时后受不了直接怼进翻译器的产物 我之后会校对加修错,但是我得先缓会儿 已经要yue了,奸奇腐蚀太恐怖了...
Rebanner III
Created by Wallets
Ever feel like you're wasting your time deciding which unit to assign +5 leadership to? This mod reworks banners to make them more interesting to use. Changes Most of the game's banners have been modified to make it worth your while to consider what unit c...
High Resolution UI Improvements
Created by prop joe
Still works, I'm not updating it until it actually requires an update. If the launcher warning bothers you use a mod manager. Resizes or adjusts the following UI screens: unit recruitment screen (for 1440p+) diplomacy screen lord/hero recruitment screens o...
Trade Any Settlement
Created by Freiya
This mod makes it possible to trade any settlement with any encountered faction as long as you aren't at war with them. To use it, just click on the new "trade settlements" button displayed on the top-left corner of the screen.
Created by First blood expert
OVERVIEW: This mod improves some of the UI elements. Building turn counter is intuitive now. Demolish is red, Build & Upgrade is green. (it also affects unit recruitment) Intuitive Build Turns (standalone) Re-enabled city panel background from WH2, so it'l...
Army Carousel
Created by Cpecific
A simple list of characters that is filtered and sorted much better, than in vanilla. You can sort them however you like. Obviously, it won't work, when mode="Selected Army". ✔️ Savegame compatible. ✔️ Multiplayer compatible. My Other Mods Skill Queue Trai...
Created by First blood expert
"Ultimate Portraits" My collection of Unit Cards & 2d Portholes & Menu Cards for Legendary Lords. It features different style but superior to vanilla quality. Portraits and Unit Cards from this collection are more detailed and look more real and believable...
Disable startup splash screens / intros
Created by Aexrael
Just a quick a dirty mod that overwrites the various splash screens, epilepsy warnings and the intro movie that shows before the main menu. This lets you go directly from starting the game to the main menu. Note: The Tome of Fates video cannot be played fr...
Cpecific's Traits Manager (+win64)
Created by Cpecific
You can set trait level with double click, or remove trait by double-clicking on an active level. ⚠️ *IMPORTANT* - Area with lords is scrollable. ⚠️ Can work without memreader, but you won't have access to some features. ✔️ Compatible with any mod. ✔️ Save...
Frodo's Dynamic disasters
Created by Leo
NOTE TO ALL Development of this mod has been ended, so I made some modifications for new version. What's this mod? TL;DR: Campaign may go from cakewalk to hell on earth. Also, beware of the Green Shine of Morrslieb. Not TL;DR: This mod is an extensible fra...
Mod Configuration Tool - v0.9 Beta
Created by Groove Wizard The Mod Configuration Tool is a user interface, and a rich backend system, which enables modders to create settings for their mods, which can be edited within the Mod Configuration Tool. In short, if a mod you use doesn't us...
动态天灾 + MCT中文汉化(Dynamic Disasters + Mod Configuration Tool)99%
Created by 冰之玄月
感谢早期汉化与原作者的辛苦劳动,订阅本体mod,排序请将汉化置于本体之上开启 B站: 冰之玄月 求求关注!!! B站直播间: 喜欢的话,可以支持一下我,请我喝瓶可乐!或者大餐!
No Lazy Trait 不再获得懒惰特性
Created by < blank >
This mod prevents your lord from getting lazy trait. In original game, the lord will gain lazy trait if he stays in a region with public order over 90 for more than 20 turns. I change the judging criteria that now the lazy trait record can only start count...
Climate Suitability Map
Created by sudkks
Display the climate suitability of the region In the map of the Legendary Lord selection interface, with green is complete suitable, orange is unsuitable, and red is uninhabitable; If the mouse is placed on the climate icon below, the climate region can be...
Remove characters traits limit
Created by Mordy
Remove characters traits limit Patch 5.1 compatible This simple mod removes the default (40) character trait limit.  EVERY character in the game can now have an INFINITE number of traits. You will never have to worry about not getting a trait because you a...
Auto Resolve Quest Battles [5.0.2]
Created by Cigar
**UPDATED TO 5.0.0** This mod allows you to auto resolve all quest battles and teleport to them for free. - Singleplayer & multiplayer compatible - Immortal Empires compatible - Clean & stackable - Save game compatible...
Created by First blood expert
OVERVIEW: This mod adds new unit experience rank icons. New icons have numerals and visible experience bar which fills up with each rank up. They are color coded to feel similar to vanilla ones. · Completely safe to install, update and uninstall at any mom...
Points of Interest with Pictures
Created by Mazisky
INTRODUCTION This mod adds pictures for the little eye Icons with lore text you see around the map. Both Immortal Empires and Realms of Chaos campaigns. ALL LANGUAGES - 所有语言...
Speedy Turn Camera
Created by Skywalker
Mod that just speeds up the camera move between your turns. Save Compatible Other mods Compatible This is a direct port from WH2 mod "Faster end turn Camera" to WH3 It modifies a database default entry the game has, nothing more. This mod doesn't need to b...
Rotate All Lords and Heroes (v5.0)
Created by Levie
What does this do? This enables rotation of all Lord and Hero models while in the character details window. This is similar to what can already be done with the Daemon Prince. I thought it was weird that we have access to the model view inside of the chara...
Building Progression Icons III
Created by Spartan VI
Building icons visually change as they upgrade! This mod creates a visual progression for buildings. Almost all building chains now have icons that change as buildings are upgraded. Mod Features: Building icons visually change as they're upgraded. Note: No...
Warband Upgrade Ultimate
Created by BAGHolder
Warband Upgrade for Every Race (Updated to 5.0) --- Upgrade basic units into elite, and swap among unit variants. --- Unique UI + Expanded panel for every race. --- 100% compatible with any mod, save-game, and co-op. --- Submods for RoR, mod compilation, c...
Alarayn's Tier 4 Minor Settlements
Created by Alarayn
Updated for 5.0 If you are having issues with crashing on startup Please check to see if the mod has been updated. You can go to steamapps\workshop\content\1142710\2792284475 make sure that it says that the date modified is recent. If unsubing and resubbin...
One Button Respec(汉化)
Created by Ashen One
注意: 1. 该MOD仅为原MOD的汉化,需订阅原MOD再订阅本MOD,汉化MOD排序先于原MOD,同时开启生效。 2. 仅为文本汉化,不涉及功能修改,bug可以在原mod页面反馈。 版本:5.1.x 说明:可以一键重置技能点的MOD,每个角色只能重置一次,即刻生效,相比原版不用再等待3回合。 汉化进度:100%...
Created by 北门吹雪
冰冻吊坠:+20特殊保护,+冰雪系被动,+冰雪女王之镜(基斯里夫引擎),绑定风爆术。 光明魔乘镜头:当地-100火抗,绑定火球术,本队霜火攻击,火焰攻击,+技能防护光环。 扎尔雕像:混沌腐蚀+0,+10特殊保护,免疫接触效果,-25技能冷却速率,哈苏特系被动。 狮鹫军团骑枪:20个人冲锋加成,部队骑兵+25%冲锋加成,部队骑兵+12%武器威力,+100破甲杀伤。 冯卡斯坦因之剑:吸血鬼腐蚀+0,+20近战攻击,+250破甲杀伤,+10特殊保护,+狂暴,+重生,+饥渴,+攻击造成灵魂榨取效果,魔法攻击。 珠宝...
装备掉落+50%,装备缴获+50%(Equipment drop +50%, equipment seized +50%)
Created by 一战无痕
装备掉落+50%,装备缴获+50%(Equipment drop +50%, equipment seized +50%)...
Confederation for Warriors of Chaos and Tomb Kings
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod enabled confederation via diplomacy for Warriors of Chaos, Tomb Kings and Vampire Coast. It might needs 1 turn for the option to show up after loading Suggest to use with Wolfy's great mod: Allegiance of the Damned: Chaos Confederation....
Increased Replenishment +50% (Player Only)
Created by ErieTheOwl
Increases the casualty replenishment by 50% (Player Only)...
[GLF] Ancillaries Remake金花物品重制
Created by 金花
这个MOD不包含语言文本,任何玩家都可以直接使用,也可以随意取消订阅,不影响存档 This MOD does not contain language text and does not require language patches. Any player can use it directly, You can also unsubscribe at will without affecting the archive MOD介绍: 这个MOD计划重新调整所有物品的效果(不包含坐骑、旗帜、随从) 增强...
中文汉化合集 汉化说明 汉化合集中的mod按需订阅,不必全部订阅 最近更新内容请查看这里 功能性小型模组汉化列表请查看这里〖 重要!〗 This mod is a Chinese translation compilation of English mods, so non-Chinese users do not need to subscribe 注意事项 Unique Steam Tanks 会将“皇帝盛怒号(蒸汽...
High Elf Units for High Elfs
Created by LordOmlette
Welcome back, commanders! If you used the WH2 version of this mod, then you know what the deal is. For everyone else, read on: If you confederate Avelorn, you gain access to Dryads, Treekin, and Treemen. You must own The Queen and The Crone DLC. If you con...
Grand Campaign Camera
Created by Ero-sennin
While not an exact port, it has the same functionality as my WH2 version of this mod This mod: - Increases the max zoom of the campaign camera so you can see more of the map - Increases the min zoom of the campaign camera so you can get closer to the lords...
increase autoresolve point(0.4)增强玩家自动分(0.4)(永远有效 always valid).pack
Created by wodwd
Stupid ca makes player's autoresolve point terrible,So I used this mod to fix it 愚蠢的ca让玩家自动分变得很糟糕,所以我用这个mod来修复它 You can use this mod directly in the middle of the campaign 你可以在战役的中途直接使用这个mod SFO changed it to 0.25,only my mod takes effect when used togethe...
Agent Hero Forever - Gotrek & Felix + Ulrika
Created by Backmechuisa
Gotrek and Felix now become agents of hero forever. They grow level up, acquire items, recover after being injured and return to the battlefield. Yes. I know. this is a master piece of gotrek and felix mod. Look at that lovely move of Karl Franz. Seems so ...
Ability Icons Rearrange
Created by sudkks
This mod lets each row only have a maximum of 10 ability icons, and the excess will be moved to the next row, to prevent multiple icons from squeezing into one row. Not compatible: Just Good UI Mod, Helper UI...
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords(汉化)
Created by Ashen One
注意: 1. 该MOD仅为原MOD的汉化,需订阅原MOD再订阅本MOD,汉化MOD排序先于原MOD,同时开启生效。 2. 仅为文本汉化,不涉及功能修改,bug可以在原mod页面反馈。 版本:5.1.x 说明:同一种族派系灭亡后可招募传奇领主的mod。 汉化进度:100% 更新日志: 2023年4月14日:将所有汉化重新润色,减少了语句不通顺和错别字的情况,人物称号统一放在名字前面 2023年9月13日:修改了个别文本错误,重新检查了原MOD文本,没发现DLC领主/英雄文本 2024年2月29日:暂时不随原m...
Home Region Movement Bonus +40%
Created by devon752
What does it do? Increases campaign movement range for armies in their own regions by 40%. Works for both Player and AI. Compatibility Should be compatible with most mods (as long as they don't change the same things as this mod) and with ongoing campaigns...
Unlock All Skills
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod disabled the mutual exclusion of all skills. AI also will be benefit from this mod and works for saved games....
Better Camera Mod
Created by kam2150
Hello, Famous mod from Warhammer 1 & 2 is back! This simple mod allows both closer and further camera heights, more suitable for better screenshots and nicer view of the battlefield. Press "K" to turn off UI for more cinematic view, Press "N" in order to z...
Decline Diplomacy
Created by Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD Kostaltyn is pestering you again? No more! Adds a UI button next to the existing pause and fast forward buttons that will automatically decline any incoming diplomatic actions towards the player, and close all the relevant menus, so ...
Items and Followers Rebalance
Created by Choyi
*Update in progress for adjustments to remaining WH1 and WH2 faction items* -Updated with adjustments to Chaos Dwarf Legendary Lord Items, Generic Items, Followers and Convoy items. This mod seeks to rebalance many of the items that where newly added or dr...
Building Slots Extended - Six Building Slots for Minor Settlements Submod
Created by Myxameno
IMPORTANT: This mod was made to be compatible with Mixu's Unlocker andwon't work without it! This mod works with ChaosRobie's Immortal Empires Expanded and The Old World campaigns! NOTE: This is submod, not a standalone version. Use this submod only togeth...
Building Slots Extended
Created by Myxameno
IMPORTANT: This mod was made to be compatible with Mixu's Unlocker and won't work without it! This mod works with ChaosRobie's Immortal Empires Expanded and The Old World campaigns! Are you tired of huge cities of High Elves or the Empire having just a cou...
Immortal Landmarks
Created by Heimdal
UPDATED FOR 5.0 The mod will run without Mixu, but you'll be missing a bunch (~80%) of the landmarks. Adding landmarks requires startpos modding, Mixu's Unlocker = common startpos framework that keeps mods compatible. KEY FEATURES
Legendary Lords Defeat Traits Rework by Mortrau
Created by Mortrau
Overhaul for all weak and useless defeat traits. This mod is balanced and doesn't add any OP changes. Save compatible. With this mod I highly recommend to use: - Sir_Isenhart's "Normal Traits Extended"
No Diplomatic Penalty for "Too Many Trade Partners"
Created by DrDCB
By default, the game allows you only 3 trade agreements (plus an additional 0.2 per owned region) before you start incurring a penalty with the negotiating partner (-3 per additional trade agreement over the limit). This is pretty limiting to Kislev and Ca...
Better Alliance
Created by BAGHolder
(Updated to 5.0) Features: 1. More Allied Units: Allied unit cap increases from 4 to 20, so is Ogre mercenary. 2. More Favor Points: Doubled favor generation per turn, with max favor increased to 900 (from 100). 3. Borrow Army Longer: Ally army can be borr...
Normal Traits Extended
Created by Sir_Isenhart
Updated for 4.1. This mod makes its return from TWW2. It adds an extra layer of gameplay by making most gainable traits have more ranks thus making them a lot stronger. It does not change the traits for defeating Legendary Lords. It is intended for high/le...
New Legendary Lord and Hero Artefacts Warhammer 3 Updated 5.1
Created by stompie5
Description This mod adds over 300 new items and Legendary Artefacts for almost all the Legendary Lords and Heroes. The new items can be viewed through the Lord's or Hero's Quest Screen and will unlock automatically. The mod also adds some new items the Dw...
Expanded Lord Skills
Created by Some_One_Else
This mod adds around 20-30 additional skills to each lord that are themed around faction / class (445+ different skills in total). Though the skills differ between lord types and factions, they will (overall) have a similar effect. A description of what th...
Legendary Characters - 103 Dalmatians
Created by Stratovarius
101 Dalmatia... 103 Legendary Characters Yes, that top line number is correct! We have broken the 100 character barrier with a truly massive 21 character drop, finally ensuring that Legendary Characters covers every single faction. This also sees us releas...
Legendary Characters - 传奇人物包【中文汉化】 相关机制模组 The Nemesis Crown(复仇王冠)与 汉化 建议开局游戏前,在菜单界面打开 MCT 设置,自行调整模组传奇领主是否领导相关派系 战役地图人物显示英文名称 这是因为mod的任务脚本给部分人物强行设定了英文名,必须在脚本中对其汉化,但mod的更新常常带有脚本改动,哪怕只增删了一两行代码,汉化也要及时更新,不然就容易导致稳定性和兼容性问题。 目前工作繁忙,精力有限,所以已删除了脚本汉化。...
Legendary Characters Assets
Created by Stratovarius
Contains all the required visual assets for the Legendary Characters mod. If this isn't in use, LC will break. See LC for credits, images, etc....
Choose: Names of Power
Information Original mod is back and it's better than before! - It now cuts down on the amount of skills needed from 9 to 6. You can find the original mod here The mod can safely be added to an ongoing campaign although any lord that has already been recru...
Created by 大芙蓉王
choose names of power的汉化MOD,并且添加了描述,允许你在暗精灵的36个异名中选择自己想要的异名,拒绝折磨人的SAVE&LOAD。 原MOD作者也没有解决技能消失的问题,我也找了很久,看了魏王何故发笑大佬的教学找到了问题,现在已经解决。 一定不要订阅本体,本体技能依然消失消失。...
Factionwide Resource Bonuses Enhanced
Created by Commisar Jon Fuklaw
Introduction Resources, they're good for trading, right? Wrong! Resources have many more applications than just throwing them at other people. This mod teaches you how to actually use resources, rather than leaving it to the AI to figure out. Features Reso...
No Confederation Penalty
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod disabled all races' confederation penaly. Should be compatible with everything....
Easier Confederations & Vassals
Created by VanguardMk1
Annoyed that your best buddies don't like to confederate you for whatever reason? This mod significantly increases your chances of confederation and vassalage when you're best friends (150+ relations). This should help AI factions confederate each other mo...
Climate Adaptation - Faster Version
Created by Alex Zhao
This is a faster adaption version of this Climate Adaptation mod. Please don't use both mods at the same time. This mod will allow a faction to gradually adapt a region's unsuitable climate, and slowly reduce the debuff every turn until it is completely re...
Double Skill Points & Skill Dump
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod lets lords and heros get 2 skill points per level and provide a skill dump that increase the character's hit point 1% per skill level. Suggest to start a new campaign. AI will also get more skill points. Will conflict with other mod that edited ch...
One Button Respec
Created by DrunkFlamingo
Features This mod adds a button to the character skills panel which can be used to reset the skills of a character. Each character can only be reset once, and resetting skills costs 1000 gold/favor. Compatibility This mod should be compatible with all othe...
MIXER - Mixu's Unlocker
Created by Mixu
The newest version of MCT is recommended to be used with this mod. It will work without it, but your save files will be bigger. This is a startpos mod that unlocks all factions in Realms of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns. Building slot submod has bee...
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords
Created by sm0kin
WH2's Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords ported to Total War: WARHAMMER III – Update 5.1.0 This mod transfers legendary/immortal lords and heroes of defeated factions to factions that are still in play. It works both for the p...
Artists' Guild - CHS
Created by endofanty
Introduction Add a forge for all factions that vanilla game exist, to get all transferrable items that vanilla game allows. It is a way to get vanilla items, instead of I made these itmes. The "I,II,III" prefix indicates which game the item came from, the ...
宁和最高收益 harmony Highest return【震旦】【cathay】
Created by 000
大概就是更好的宁和 the better harmony 是新版的省份宁和 将阴阳的的收益改到宁和上,现在宁和时将有最高收益, 都凑了这么久宁和了,不得继续凑宁和? 如果喜欢能给我点个赞吗 (machine translation) Change the income of Yin and Yang to Harmony, and now Harmony will have the highest income. It has been a long time since Harmony, can't we...