

115 ratings
B站【火丁水库】 CE 机械风暴mod整合包





在XEVA、机械族拓展、事件拓展、Dire Raids的加持下,中期威胁度拉满。不要被机械蜈蚣打哭哦~




9.14更新:由于隐藏电缆被作者自己下架了,所以用Subsurface Conduit进行了替代。


删除了Killfeed 新版多人的时候会出现一些显示bug.



10.1 重要更新:




应求,加入了kur 奎林,加入鼠娘。


10.18 更新
加入了alpha ships
加入shiny andriods

10.25 机械风暴2.0重要更新 无需重新开档
1、加入what's the hack a little expansion 骇客拓展
4、加入advanced mechanoid warfare和More Mechanoids 让机械族来的更猛烈一些吧,是时候和你们的殖民地说再见了。
5、删除了more faction interaction老是让猪脚加入对方的派系,或者让我们帮忙收麦子,增加的派系互动意义不大。
8、加入SOS armor补丁,给边缘军工、原版拓展防具、royalty动力甲增加了EVA属性。加入moyo动力甲sos补丁包
9、加入list everyting 让我们来发现并且招募英雄。一个魔法小人造成的卡顿是普通小人的几倍,所以要让他们物有所值。
10、加入STRS Expanded以及相关的贴图和SOS2 补丁(strs炸弹不兼容CE)。
11、加入HD pawn rendering 修复外星种族面部问题。
12、加入Deepstorage GUI
14、加入了上古卷轴4 ost
15、加入ce/rimfeller 补丁,统一了燃烧桶
16、删除了sparking worlds 闪耀世界,没有提供新鲜的玩法,开档用的不多,合成玻璃钢的公式以及其他珍贵物品的公式太OP。虽然挖玻璃钢也要不了几分钟。
17、删除了stockpile limit,此mod开档基本不用。
18、删除了area unlocker,此mod开档基本不用。
19、删除了backup power,直接高级电力和核电怼就是了。此mod开档基本不用。
20、删除了grab your tool,CE环境下负重(其实是空间不够)基本是满的,所以很少会去多拿一件工具。
21、删除了human power generator 虽然给小人一点事情做,但是贴图实在不好看,也没地方建,还不如去冷冻舱,很少用。
22、删除了auto seller ,基本很少用到。
23、删除了roads of rim 开档基本不会去用,都是穿梭机了。

4、showmeyourhand需要一个个设置手的位置,务必关闭resize hands base on body-drowsize 开启了SM7会有个巨大的手。
5、dub apparel tweaks,可以按照自己的需求选择,建议调整为仅在征兆显示服装。注意打勾是隐藏的地方。比如要隐藏头盔就在头盔上打个勾。
6、vanilla events expanded下可以调整事项出现的概率。可以关闭魔法和alpha animal的一些恶心人的事项。


1、增加andorid tiers gynoids T1-T5 G系列female机器人,当然还是机器人材质的。
2、增加TX系列,可以打印人形机器人。(可以尝试用beautiful bodies和gloomy face 的贴图来替换身形和头部贴图。复制同名的贴图到te)
3、增加QEE 可以通过基因定序来克隆人,
4、加入Ben Lubar's Android Tiers Patches 进行了一些SOS2兼容。智能人形默认(TX系列人形皮肤的不算)不会在真空中受到降压伤害,同时也不会得癌症或者其他一些人类疾病的骚扰。
6、删除了more Mechanoids 强度不够。

Items (292)
装甲架 汉化 Armor Racks
Created by
介绍:增加了几种衣架,研究后可以修复装甲。可以指定殖民者,征召后添加了一个按钮,用于快速穿衣架上的装备。战斗结束后可以点击按钮放回原处。按钮上右键也可以切换取出或放回。 翻译:简体汉化,繁體可用。本汉化作品均为阿寻翻译。请勿在其他渠道发布。 更多:可在【个人汉化MOD合集】找到我的更多汉化。如有翻译错误可以与我联系。 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 喜欢的话,点个赞吧! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/773973636542880938/...
Created by Creeper
游戏中一部分角色名字数据被封装进资源中了,导致无法直接对这些名字进行翻译 这个Mod通过替换的方式翻译了这些内置的人名,让游戏中所有出现角色的名字都变成了中文名,更方便识别 支持简体中文和繁体中文 应该不会产生任何兼容性问题 人名翻译主要依靠机翻,其中可能会存在极少数缺漏 21/7/27更新 支持以下mod中新加的人名 Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval 21/7/28更新 修复树精报错的bug 支...
A RimWorld of Magic简繁中文汉化包
Created by 骸鸾
A RimWorld of Magic (边缘魔法/魔法世界)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 翻译: -简中:22点下,Tr.Vi,Huppias -繁中:22点下,Tr.Vi 禁止转载。 简介:为边缘世界添加了具有独特技能的职业和职业升级系统 目前有12个魔法职业和6个战士职业(mod简介说的,是不是真的谁知道呢?)。每个职业都有一套独特的能力,作为特定的角色(治疗者,攻击施法者,后勤等),每个职业都有一个独特的升级树,用于当他们升级时提高他们的能力效果。 更新: 多了3个职业一个流浪者.一个旅...
A RimWorld of Magic
Created by Torann
Supports RimWorld versions 1.0 - 1.5 This mod adds classes with unique abilities. RimWorld of Magic adds over 35 unique classes with even more available in class add-on packs. Each class has a set of unique abilities and fills specific roles (healer, offen...
Advanced Power Plus
Created by Meltup
An advanced power for your colonies! This mod is a merged update of advanced powergeneration and Fueled Nuclear Power Generators. It adds new power generation buildings with technologies to research them: - Advanced wind turbine (Spacer tech, 6000 Wd outpu...
Advanced Power Plus - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Advanced Power Plus (先进电力)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 增加了四种先进发电机(太阳能、风力、蒸汽、水轮),发电量是原版的对应型号的两倍左右。 增加了三种放射性同位素发电机,发电量最高可达26K。该Mod的发电机贴图和特效十分精美。 注:该Mod是由别人接手版本的 advanced powergeneration后更新拓展而来的,已不再属于系列,所以单独发布汉化。 ...
Allow Tool
Created by Symbolic
A set of tools to make your life on the Rim a bit easier. Easily forbid and unforbid items, select similar things, have things hauled urgently and affect the entire map with powerful new tool extensions. Allow Tool can be safely added to existing games. No...
Alpha Animals
Created by Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png Adds multiple unique new animals to Rimworld. Features Adds 100+ new, vanilla-friendly creatures to the diverse biomes of your Rimworlds. The philosophy of this mod is that every new creatures tries to bring some new mechani...
Alpha Animals - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by 骸鸾
项目发起及主要作者:Mr.Sleep(@我不叫汤姆猫) 协助与代理:Garin 接盘侠:22点下 -简介 Alpha Animals这个Mod可以为你的RimWord里不同种类的生物群系添加共89 种新的、强度接近原版的生物。这个mod的理念是每一种新的生物都会为游戏带来新的机制,无论是步行的装甲生物、资源生物、难以毁灭的植物怪兽、夜行性捕食者还是快速而凶猛的巨型蜘蛛。有的机制很简单,有的则更复杂。 一些生物将在特定的生物群系中产生,另一些动物只能通过贸易获得。你必须通过探索才能找到所有动物种类。 请留意,...
Alpha Biomes
Created by Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png Updated: 21/10/22 Adds multiple unique new biomes to Rimworld. Features Adds 12 new diverse biomes to your Rimworlds. The mod has been designed with the Alpha Animals mod in mind, although it is not a requirement. https://i....
Alpha Biomes - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by 骸鸾
A Chinese language pack of Alpha Biomes,you can find main mod by right link. Alpha Biomes (阿尔法生态)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:22点下,MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 向游戏中加入了数种全新的异域风格生态群系——狂野丛林、伽拉特洛斯墓地、黏液有机体、世外草原、机械族遗迹、红树林沼泽、真菌丛林、异目森林、液态丙烷湖、炽热火山、...
Android tiers
Created by Atlas
DEPRECATED 1.3+ Discontinued beyond 1.3: See Killathon's Reintroduction for 1.3+ : HERE Or search: "Mechanical Humanlikes" https://i.imgur.com/plbocrQ.png REQUIRES HUMANOID ALIEN RACES & HARMONY Order: Harmony - Core - Humanoid alien races - Android Tiers ...
【停止维护】Android tiers - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
停止维护,最后更新版本:1.3 本人不再维护所有以外星人框架为前置mod 的种族mod汉化,热心人士可以自行接手在工坊发布更新(不得在steam创意工坊之外的平台),备注下文本沿用自边缘汉化组版本,再跟我说一下即可。 有人接手后,我会在此界面保留汉化一个版本,保留期间引导至你的发布页面,之后将隐藏或用作他用 无人接手的汉化将会一直保留此状态 Android tiers (智能人形)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:KUNZ...
Android tiers CE Patch
Created by Saebbi
Patches the Android tiers mod to work with Combat Extended....
Animal Variety Coats
Created by cucumpear
Ever wondered if animals really should all have the same shades? I sure did, so I utilized the assembly from Animal Collab Project to give vanilla animals a bit of variation. The assembly was created by thirite and has been updated by Xen. Some of you may ...
Armor Racks
Created by khamenman
Adds a variety of armor racks that help you store and equip your armor in a better way. At the moment there are 3 types of armor racks: - Vanilla rack that stores equipment and provides slightly faster equip time - Mechanized rack that dramatically improve...
Arsenal of Ideology
Created by 4ydra
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif https://i.imgur.com/ZhxL6Rk.png Description After Ideology made it possible for me to make full use of the Arsenal of Revolution and the Arsenal of Reaction, I created a series of matching icons. Content This pack will be ex...
Auto links
Created by AUTOMATIC
Automatically adds hyperlinks to descriptions: Recipe ⟷ Result Recipe ⟷ Ingredient (excluding optional ingredients) Recipe ⟷ Research Recipe ⟷ Workbench Recipe ⟷ Body part / Body part group Buildable ⟷ Research Buildable ⟷ Ingredient (excluding optional in...
[XND] Nocturnal Animals (Continued)
Created by Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of XeoNovaDans mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2004368312 - Added russian translation by Reiquard - Added support for Legacy Ark - French translation added, thanks qux! - Added in-game setti...
Vanilla Furniture Expanded 系列Mod - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Vanilla Furniture Expanded (原版家具扩展全系列Mod)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,之后该系列再有其他Mod也会一并汉化加入这个汉化包。 翻译: -简中:CaptainSnafu,leafzxg,黑崎一护,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 其中部分Mod的版本由CaptainSnafu汉化,版本及后续更新由边缘汉化组接手,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 适用于以下Mod:(选择你需要的Mod,不必全部加载) -Vanilla Furni...
[SS]Lovely Hair Style
Created by LingLuo
Adding lovely hair styles....
[RH2] CPERS: Arrest Here! - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of CPERS: Arrest Here!,you can find main mod by right link. CPERS: Arrest Here! (就地拘捕)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: Red Horse²(红马2)系列mod。 可以对倒下的敌人实施就地拘捕,无需带至牢房就能够将其转变为囚犯。 注:对殖民者和友军同样有效。 —...
[SR]Raid Extension
Created by Shadowrabbit
Raid Extension ID:2554928098 Author:Shadowrabbit Support Version: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 Github: https://github.com/Shadowrabbit/ModRimWorldRaidExtension Support Languages: Chinese(简体中文), English, ChineseTraditional (繁體中文), French (Français), Russian (Русский), Por...
[Uru] Rim Seraph hair
Created by Chicken Plucker
Hairs from Seraph of The End By Urumi333 __________________________________________________________________ Mod originally made by Japanese artist Urumi333, has given me full permission and rights to update these mods and release them on Steam....
[RH2] BCD: First Aid - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of BCD:First Aid,you can find main mod by right link. BCD:First Aid (战地急救)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: Red Horse²(红马2)系列mod。 增加了战地急救功能,你可以就地对倒下的殖民者/动物/友军/敌人进行治疗抢救。殖民者会优先使用附近或身上携带的药物进行急救。...
[RH2] CPERS: Arrest Here!
Created by Chicken Plucker
https://i.imgur.com/oDcn9ip.png Save precious time and arrest a downed prisoner without the need of a room! https://i.imgur.com/aOzHGDd.png "Arrest here" allows you to turn downed pawns into prisoners without having to quickly build a prison during raids o...
[RH2] BCD: First Aid
Created by Chicken Plucker
https://i.imgur.com/WtUbJmp.png Save precious time during the golden hour of survival with this first aid mod! https://i.imgur.com/NFYro1K.png First aid allows your pawns to tend to downed casualties on the spot. If medical resources or a hospital bed is a...
[NL] Facial Animation - WIP
Created by Nals
This MOD provides the following animations. This MOD is currently WIP. Therefore, specifications and functions are subject to change. Added animation - Blink - RemoveApparel - Wear - WaitCombat - Goto - LayDown - Lovin - Ingest - SocialRelax - StandAndBeSo...
[NL] Facial Animation - Experimentals
Created by Nals
Required Mod: Facial Animation - WIP https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1635901197 The best body textures for this mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2820615654 Bug fixes and feature implementations will be done ...
[LTS]Furnishing - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Furnishing,you can find main mod by right link. Furnishing (LTS家具)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 向游戏中添加了许多灵感来自宜家系列的家具与建筑结构。 贴图较为精致。 需要作者的新框架mod Systems作为前置,因文本较少,其汉化已内置于本汉化包中。 —————————...
Created by LimeTreeSnake
https://i.imgur.com/JXUhRvZ.png https://i.imgur.com/9ZAO4L7.png https://i.imgur.com/iMPn1au.png https://i.imgur.com/G4vXJY6.png Do you happen to have too many resources? do you need to fill up a room with clutter to impress a royal? do you wish to contrast...
[LTo] Water
Created by BICKLEY
^ Check out the Collection above for more stand-alone textures. Simply retextures the ocean water to these water textures Bringing a bit more life to the oceans. Warning : While many players love this particular water variant - many also do not. Water from...
[LTO] Colony Groups
Created by BICKLEY
Enjoy the mod? Check out LTO Arcade* https://i.imgur.com/tb9TMRE.png ___________________________________ https://i.imgur.com/JRRksC1.png https://i.imgur.com/tE28cZ7.gif -Pawn Displays (need bars, color mood bars , pawn box edit , show weapons , etc) -Pawn ...
[LTO] Colony Groups简繁中文汉化包
Created by 骸鸾
Colony Groups(殖民地小组)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:22点下 -繁中:22点下 禁止转载。 简介:殖民地小组MOD允许您为您的殖民者创建和自定义小组。 —————————————————————————— 漏译反馈:因为边缘汉化组维护的汉化Mod数量很多,由于Mod更新新增词条和翻译疏漏遗留下来的汉化缺漏我们无力逐一核对跟踪,所有大家在游戏过程中如果遇到翻译缺漏,请一定要反馈给我们! 反馈途径:①直接在该Mod汉化包的工坊发布界面留言:②加入任一...
[KV] Trading Spot
Created by Kiame Vivacity
1.4 Version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2874517333 A designated spot for traders to stop at. Trading Spot marker is located in the Architecture menu under Misc This will work in current saves without a problem. To remove the mod...
[KV] RimFridge
Created by Kiame Vivacity
1.5: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2898411376 Adds refrigerated racks to keep food and other perishables cold. Ideal for use in dining rooms, freeing up labor from feeding prisoners, or keeping food on hand for cooks. Floor based R...
[JDS] Simple Storage - Refrigeration
Created by JangoD'soul
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif This Add-On is for LWM's Deep Storage and RimFridge https://i.imgur.com/MIcQmuA.png ~RimFridge Updated ~LWM's Deep Storage ~ Simply Storage - Refrigeration https://i.imgur.com/9SCZNh4.png -Refrigerator -Ice Box -Refrigerated...
Created by leafzxg
ratys全系列Mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。(Ratysz之后再有新的Mod也会一并汉化加入这个汉化包) 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 适用于以下Mod:(选择你需要的Mod,不必全部加载) -RT Fuse -RT Power Switch -RT Solar Flare Shield -Mad Skills -Bricks Don't Vanish 简介: RT Fuse 可研究(RT Mods研究标签)电保险丝,...
[JDS] Simple Storage
Created by JangoD'soul
https://i.imgur.com/o9bFeWs.gif Hate how your stockpile is overflowing of useless thing or just the fact it just a sore eye. I have a simply solutions by using my "Simply Storage" a compact way to storage all of your useless Junk that you don't need into m...
[FSF] Better Ancient Complex Loot
Created by FrozenSnowFox
Description The new quest to raid ancient complexes is interesting and exciting. You avoid traps, kill insects and mechanoids, fight off raiders and plunder crytosleep caskets. If you've raided them you were probably getting excited thinking you'll find so...
Yayo's Animation - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Yayo's Animation. Yayo's Animation (Yayo的动作动画)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 为小人、动物和机械体增加了各种动作动画。 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,获取更多汉化发布、更新动态。 ——————————————————————...
Yayo's Animation (1.3)
Created by YAYO
* 1.4 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2877292196 * Add Animation for Pawns Animations can be individually turned off in the options menu. Use only the animations you want. * Marriage Ceremony https://imgur.com/hIvz7V4.png * Burning &...
Xeva Faction CE patch
Created by xevawolf
I really don't have much time left. The MODs and resources I've created are open for use. If you find the values unbalanced or are dissatisfied with the settings, feel free to make changes, or even redistribute them. It's all fine. 我實在沒什麼時間了,我所製作的MOD和資源都是開...
Xeva Faction
Created by xevawolf
https://i.imgur.com/kNldlMg.png Xeva Faction 1.573 https://i.imgur.com/UqiC01m.png https://i.imgur.com/t977Qfb.png MOD的平衡接近原版,增加了五個額外的派別,他們對裝備和戰鬥風格有自己的偏好,原版海盜也會有自己的新裝備。 The balance of the MOD is close to vanilla, adding five additional factions with their ...
Xeva Faction -XFB with Vanilla Body Patch
Created by xevawolf
Change some armors in Xeva Faction those fit with XFB and Vanilla body. 更改一些Xeva Faction的護甲,讓它們不會在使用原版身形時破圖。...
World Map Enhanced
Created by Laast
Latest update: see Changelog What is this? World Map Enhanced replaces the bland vanilla world ground textures with custom ones more detailed and more pretty. Now you'll enjoy preparing your next trip on the map! Compatibility Completes World Map Beautific...
World Map Beautification Project - for Alpha Biomes
Created by Sacrificial Goat
Alpha Biomes Addon This is a DLC for the mod "World Map Beautification Project" by Odeum. The DLC adds support for the "Alpha Biomes" mod Features Feralisk Infested Jungle - An incredibly thick jungle, completely infested with spiders. Lush green hills Thi...
World Map Beautification Project
Created by Odeum
https://i.imgur.com/G6Jv39z.png Beautify your game like never before with World Map Beautification Project, a cosmetic upgrade for the world map that provides you with forests and hills. The additions to the world map should apply to old saves as well. htt...
Where is my weapon?[1.0-1.4]
Created by tammybee
Human re-equip the weapon that equiped before downed when recovering from downed (or fully healing). 気絶から回復した(または怪我が完治した)際、気絶前に持っていた武器を装備しなおそうとします。 B19 version : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1238308608 Language - English - Japanes...
What's Missing? [1.1 - 1.4]
Created by Revolus
Highlighted requirements and tooltips for recipe descriptions. When a recipe has many ingredients, it's quite annoing to lookup what's missing. This mod tells you everything you need to know the first glance. Or at least it tells you a lot. Q: Save game co...
What the hack?! - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
What the hack?! (黑客!)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -原Mod自带汉化已严重落后版本,本汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:LingLuo,leafzxg -繁中:LingLuo,Biscuit,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 是不是很想养一只机械蜈蚣或者机械螳螂?选择黑客!让你可以对击倒的机械进行入侵,让你获得这只机械的所有权~(包括mod的机械族,例如高等机械族,机械族拓展,亡灵) 更新日志: 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.22...
What the hack?!
Created by roolo
What better way is there to take revenge on mechanoids than to hack them, and use them as your own combat slaves? What the Hack!? adds a large amount of balanced mid-to end-game content involving hacking and upgrading mechanoids, world quests, crafting an ...
Created by bodlosh
About this mod Adds a new "Weapons" tab, which lists all ranged, melee, explosive weapons and apparel on the current map. You can see weapons/apparel on the ground, equipped by your colonists, your enemies, your friendlies etc. You can sort by any attribut...
Wall Light
Created by Murmur
https://i.imgur.com/glxD5rt.png As of update 1.5, Rimworld now contains wall lamps that serve the same purpose that this mod served for many, many years. So, what does this do now? Adds wall sun lamps. Lets you configure the vanilla wall lamps (and the add...
Wall Light简繁中文汉化包
Created by 雨夜聆风
Wall Light(壁灯)简繁中文汉化包,已完全汉化,新人汉化,如有错误请指正。 功能介绍 原MOD添加一种灯,直接放置在墙壁上,不占用空间。 默认情况下,使用较少的功率,但照明区域也更低。 本mod仅为汉化包,不包含mod本体,请在本体之前加载。...
Visible Raid Points
Created by 1trickPwnyta
Ever wondered just how many points the game used to generate a raid? Are you getting the maximum 10,000 point raids yet? Now you'll know because you can see exactly how many raid points are used to generate every raid and many other types of incidents. For...
Created by KingDomRock
显示每次袭击的点数构成,适合控财富 ...
VGP Xtra Trees and Flowers
Created by dismarzero
Xtra Trees and Flowers (Does not require Vegetable Garden) Adds EVEN MORE flowers and trees! From the Xtra Plants mod from Igabod long ago! Art work from the great Spoonshortage. Adds New Flowers: -allium giganteum -anthurium -NymphHair -PinkRimstalk -Plum...
VGP Vegetable Garden
Created by dismarzero
Vegetable Garden Hello! And welcome to the vegetable garden! One of the oldest mods for the Rim. Version 1 released in May 2015! Vegetable Garden: The main piece of my new project! Will have smaller bits of other mods built in. But tried keep the size down...
VGP Garden Tools
Created by dismarzero
Garden Tools (Does not require Vegetable Garden) 1.4 Changes Removed Universal Fermenter coding. -If you load Processor Framework coding you get an automated compost bin. Please refer to it's page for instructions: Processor Framework In 1.3 the compost bi...
VGP Garden Resources
Created by dismarzero
Garden Resources (Does not require Vegetable Garden) Research Resource Plants: -Steel Shrooms -Plasteel Bulb Chunks -Gold Fern Leaves -Silver Flower Petals -Uranium Root Bulbs -Adds new recipes added to the Electric Smelter to smelt plants. Grow Resources:...
VGP Garden Canning
Created by dismarzero
VGP Garden Canning (Does NOT Require Vegetable Garden) Garden Canning adds two ways of canning food. With research. A billable canning stove that pawns can food at. It uses steel as a fuel. And if you are using the Processor Framework by Syr mod it unlocks...
VGP Garden Fabrics
Created by dismarzero
Garden Fabrics (Does not require Vegetable Garden) Fabrics: 1.5 changed the way that the Salvage worked. I have wrote a patch that allows the Core game, DLC, and this Mods Fabrics be able to be broke down from Apparel. If you want another mods Fabric to be...
Vanilla Weapons Expanded 系列Mod-简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
原版武器扩展全系列Mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,之后该系列再有其他Mod也会一并汉化加入这个汉化包。 翻译: -简中:LingLuo,leafzxg,Shavius,Zephyr,22点下,MZM_GOW -繁中:LingLuo,leafzxg,Shavius,Zephyr,22点下,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 适用于以下Mod:(选择你需要的Mod,不必全部加载) -Vanilla Weapons Expanded -Vanilla Wea...
Vanilla Social Interactions Expanded - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Vanilla Social Interactions Expanded (原版社交扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:TrVi,leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:TrVi,leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 原版社交扩展,让你的殖民地小人看起来更加鲜活!这个mod改变了小人在业余时间所做的事情,增加了一些互动方面的非常必要的内容,给无聊和陈腐的游戏带来了新鲜机制。你的小人现在也有需求和愿望,可以实现获得强大的情...
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security
Created by Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/Ljrc02E.png Before we begin, a massive thank you to my team. You all have been super inspiring, and your ideas and feedback are bringing these mods extra depth. Trunken, XeoNovaDan, thank you. https://i.i...
Vanilla Furniture Expanded
Created by Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/Ljrc02E.png https://i.imgur.com/fzZxGm1.png Check change notes. https://i.imgur.com/Sigu6gu.png I have always found vanilla furniture to be lacking in depth and quantity. After researching Complex Furniture, the research tree for furnit...
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings (原版派系扩展-维京人)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg,Zephyr,Shavius -繁中:leafzxg,Zephyr,Shavius 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 原版派系扩展的维京人派系,拥有自带的特色叙事者,他们是一群无情的野蛮人强盗。 更新日志: 2022.11.14-1.4-1.4.0-2022.11.8 2021.7.27-1.3-1.3.1-2021.7....
[1.4] Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings
Created by Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/TP3b6El.png https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/RNmnJ4H.png https://i.imgur.com/y5G2hS0.png 1.3.2 (25/11/2020): fixed mead not applying correct buffs 1.3.1 (28/10/2020): Lothurr now drop lothurr antler when butchered, re...
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids
Created by Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/TP3b6El.png https://i.imgur.com/y5G2hS0.png New Content update released 12/10/2021, integrating part of ISOREX's VFE-M Add-on, and adding new original content! https://i.imgur.com/dD3OJdD.png https://i.im...
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids 机械体派系扩展简繁汉化包
Created by Shavius
机械族派系扩展的汉化包。 该mod增加了三种新型机械体,以及包括原版机械体在内的7种改良型机械体。 新增了“全面战争”系统,轨道上收未知人类指挥的机械族舰队会不断派出飞船登陆星球,并攻击你(独立于原版的机械集群),登陆的飞船越多,机械体数量越多,与财富值无关。当机械体数量到达一定程度甚至会开始改装部分机械体。登陆的飞船可以主动攻击摧毁,需要把所有飞船组件都破坏掉。 拆解mod中的敌方机械体和建筑可以获得一些“机械体零部件”(不可制造),可以用于建设多种自动工厂和玩家自己的自动机械体(比敌人的技术落后很多) ...
Vanilla Expanded Framework - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Vanilla Expanded Framework (原版扩展框架)Mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 原名:原版派系扩展-核心 原版扩展系列的前置Mod,现已整合派系侦测Mod。 派系侦测:原先翻译叫“派系发现”,游戏过程中会随机生成新派新、新派系基地,可以在Mod设置里调节参数,老档加入新派系mod时,可以不用重开,用此mod刷出新派系...
Vanilla Events Expanded - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Vanilla Events Expanded (原版事件拓展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 原版事件拓展,新增一系列“增强型”的原版类似事件,为游戏中后期增添更多挑战性。 “增强型”事件将会弹出紫色信封提示,相较原版同类型事件,其持续时间更长,难度更大,只会中后期出现。 还添加了一些原版风格的小事件,请进入游戏后体验! 更新日志: 2023.7.12-1....
Vanilla Apparel Expanded 系列Mod-简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Vanilla Apparel Expanded (原版服饰扩展) 和 Vanilla Apparel Expanded — Accessories(原版服饰拓展-配件)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,之后该系列再有其他Mod也会一并汉化加入这个汉化包。 翻译: -简中:CaptainSnafu,Zephyr,leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 其中部分Mod的版本由CaptainSnafu汉化,版本及后续更新由边缘汉化组接手,禁止转载和用于AI...
Auto-Cut Blight
Created by Razor 2.3
Automatically designate blighted plants to be cut. Only acts on blight spread, so it won't help you if you already have a blight. Use Allow Tool for that. Thanks to UnlimitedHugs. Allow Tool's source is what I used to figure out job orders. UPDATE: Added a...
Beautiful Bodies
Created by ireth92
Replaces the body textures with highly detailed body shapes. They are 100% compatible with vanilla clothes as they have been designed over the original vanilla "blob" shapes. Feel free to re-use these textures for your own mods as long as you give me credi...
Beautiful Outdoors
Created by Meltup
Enchances pawns' perception of nature. Simple mod that adjusts beauty and ugly modifiers for terrain and flora. Most notable changes: - flowers are significantly more beautiful now; - most trees have beauty increased to 2-4 range. Oak and Teak trees have 5...
Beer is Alright
Created by TheGoofyOne
Version 1.1 I was playing a game with tons of beer and set my colonists to have three a day to see the effect. In two months half my people had cirrosis. Kinda overkill I think. I decided to turn it down so three a day won't kill you by adjusting down dosa...
Created by Samboy063
Github Link: https://github.com/SamboyCoding/RimworldBetterLoading Now with 1.4 support (in beta, not fully tested) and 1.5 support (even less tested!)! For best results, please put this mod ABOVE core in the mod list. Compatible with rimworld 1.0, 1.1, 1....
Blighted Alert
Created by Vaniat
Add an alert while blighted plants are existed on map. The alert will target all the plants was blighted, You should cut them out as soon as you could to prevent the blighted spread to more plants. Languages: English Chinese Korean - vokania Polish - ran S...
Blueprint Totals Tooltip
Created by ChippedChap
A UI mod that lets you seamlessly check how much your blueprints cost, even as you lay down more. This mod adds a "tooltip" (see the demonstration gif) that lists all the requirements of highlighted blueprints. The highlighted blueprints are either the one...
Created by Fluffy
Blueprints allow the quick construction of repetitive rooms/areas. https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Features.png Create blueprint Use the 'Create' designator to drag over an area with existing constructions. Floors, walls and furniture will all be des...
Created by Captain Muscles
https://i.imgur.com/Mi8ecQv.gif Adds callouts in text form that occasionally appear above a pawn's head when certain in-game events occur. The callouts use the same grammar rules and concepts as log entries, allowing us to play "Mad-libs" with not only ran...
Callouts - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Callouts (文字标识)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Zephyr,leafzxg -繁中:Zephyr,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 当小人触发某些事件时,小人头上会蹦出一段话相对应的话。目前可触发事件有: 远程攻击 近战攻击 远程攻击命中 近战攻击命中 受到其他来源的伤害 致命伤进入下一阶段 征召 *mod自带脏话,所以也翻了些脏话进去。 更新日志: 2022.1.26-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.25 2021.3.04-1...
Callouts Extended!
Created by Hcup
I love Captain muscle's mod callout. But it seems that he hasn't got the time to update more lines to the game so I decided to add more myself. You now shouldn't see the same line a lot now as this mod adds over 450 new lines and 100 new words for the game...
Created by 黑崎一护
Callouts简体中文汉化包。 2024.4.23更新至1.5版本。 2022.11.8更新至1.4版本,补全新文本。 4.14更新,修订了部分文本,也许可能大概解决了部分缺失的翻译问题。新增了繁体中文,用的简体中文的文本。 一个有趣的谈话类mod,当你的小人(甚至动物)触发某些事件时头顶会弹出一个短句,用来表达当时的心情。 比如小人被征兆时会说一些鼓舞士气的话,攻击时会弹出一些怼敌人的脏话,被击中时会表达对损伤器官的害怕,与宠物互动时弹出一些赞美的话。甚至动物被杀时会诅咒你吃它时噎住哈哈 目前主体还是关...
Created by Brrainz
You want more zoom and different paning? This little mod enhances the in-game camera so you can zoom in much more than usual. Perfect for this one great screenshot or for showing your viewers all the details while streaming. INCOMPATIBILITIES Some mods mes...
Camera+ - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Camera+ (镜头缩放增强)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: -让你可以放大/缩小更多,大到可以看到你的小人脸庞,小到可以看到地图的90%左右! -还有敌人会被红点标记让你可以更好的看到大局观(只有人会有标记,机械族,猎杀人类那些不会) -可在mod设置里自行调节参数 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.7 2021.7.18-1.3-1.3....
Caravan Adventures
Created by iforgotmysocks
Caravan Adventures aims to transform traveling around the world into a real adventure by providing new features to replace the annoying micromanagement, make traveling more fun and give you a sense of purpose doing so. Quick heads-up, about 25% of this mod...
Created by ruyan
Clutter Doors A modification/addon to Clutter Door Stuff by mrofa. The original mod can be found here All credit goes to mrofa, be sure to check out his other awesome mods! https://i.imgur.com/d1KtyxB.png This is a pure xml version of the original mod with...
Combat Extended [1.3]
Created by N7Huntsman
This upload is no longer maintained. Check out the new, official upload here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2890901044 This mod can also be found on GitHub, as can older releases. This Steam version only supports the most recent ve...
Combat Extended Guns
Created by N7Huntsman
This mod is also available on Github. https://i.imgur.com/AkHlJ1K.png CE Guns is an addon to CE which adds a selection of guns specifically designed to interact with new CE mechanics. These include weapon types that are missing from vanilla, e.g. belt-fed ...
Combat Extended Guns Retextured
Created by Luizi
Improves all combat extended weapons by giving them a more defined aesthetic. Every weapon has been redrawn and redesigned in a similar fashion to my Vanilla Weapons Retextured mod, the pictures are done in high resolution so they work perfectly with zoom ...
Combat Extended Melee
Created by N7Huntsman
This mod can also be found on GitHub. https://i.imgur.com/AkHlJ1K.png An official expansion adding several new melee weapons to take advantage of CE mechanics. This mod adds several new melee weapons, including powered variants with high armor penetration,...
Combat Extended: Shields
Created by N7Huntsman
https://i.imgur.com/wUP2ztj.png Additional types of shields from a variety of eras. Designed by different cultures for different roles, they allow further specialization of colonists equipped with shields depending upon their role in combat and duty around...
Combat Extended: Weapons
Created by N7Huntsman
This mod is also available from Github A collection of ranged and melee weapons for Combat Extended from various eras. This is mod is a small, unofficial expansion to Combat Extended, similar to Combat Extended: Shields. Included are the following weapons:...
Comigo's Bridges and Platforms
Created by Bara CoMiGo
Two new bridges/platforms — one is for medium buildings, and another one is for quick construction of walking surfaces. New floors (Structure tab) Wooden log bridge Anything but quality, this bridge was laid hastily and with fewer resources (7 wood per cel...
Combat Extended: Shields汉化
Combat Extended: Shields汉化,需要Combat Extended作为前置 22/10/12强迫症更新了2个翻译黄字修复...
Comigo's Bridges and Platforms - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Comigo's Bridges and Platforms,you can find main mod by right link. Comigo's Bridges and Platforms (简易桥梁&浮式平台)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 向游戏中加入了两种新类型的桥梁——简易桥梁和浮式平台。 与原版的普通桥梁相比,简易桥梁造...
Compact Hediffs
Created by PeteTimesSix
Alters the health tab hediff listing to be slightly less ugly and slightly more customisable. Features - Customisability - Augmentations (ex: peg legs, archotech eyes, Pawnmorpher morphs) names get folded into the body part's name - Multiple icons for vari...
Compact Hediffs简繁汉化
Created by Zephyr
Compact Hediffs的简繁汉化 修改健康标签栏的ui 比如 增加身体部位的健康条,使你可以直观判断部位受损程度 增加病情的免疫条和严重程度条,不再需要移鼠标到病情上才显示免疫性 修改出血和治疗质量的图标等 可在mod设置里自定义显示方式 更多详情见原mod 本mod仅为汉化包,不包含mod本体。排序我自己放后面可以生效 The original author: PeteTimesSix This mod is just a language pack ,you can fand main mod ...
Craftable VFE - Viking Weapons and Armours
Created by Hcup
Make crypto weapons and armors from VFE - Vikings to be craftable. As rights now the only way to obtains them is from raider or the crypt, which is usually in low hit points and normal quality. Now you can craft them but you have to research them first and...
Designator Shapes
Created by Merthykins
Allows you to build, mine, zone, etc. in various shapes, such as (both filled and outline): - Line (including diagonal and freeform) - Rectangle - Ellipse - Circle - Pentagon - Hexagon Also includes these pre-defined object shapes (both filled and outline)...
Designator Shapes add Translation
Created by beibei
Designator Shapes的简中汉化包。 此Mod不包括原Mod的核心部分,仅包含简中翻译(Any language translation is probably supported, it's just that there are no other language translation files in the Languages folder right now.)。 原mod:https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=123...
Deep Storage Plus - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Deep Storage Plus (深度存储拓展)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 在 LWM's Deep Storage (深度存储单元) Mod的基础上新增: 器官冰箱:一种用于储存器官、假肢和其他人体部件的深度隔温冷冻箱。 储液桶:用于储存液体的大桶。一个桶内只能存储同种类型的液体。 柴火架:一种用于在室外储存木柴的金属架子,顶部的遮雨盖能够避...
Defensive Positions
Created by Symbolic
Allows your colonists to remember their position during base defense. You can send off your colonists to their positions with a single click. Also provides keys to quickly create and select groups of colonists for easier control in battle. Contains Basic a...
Dire Raids
Created by pyrce
Dire Raids Creates a mid-to-late game event called a Dire Raid. The new event triggers like a normal Raid, but more rarely, and multiplies the points available for the raid to use in purchasing pawns. The mod is intended to add more threat to established b...
Dubs Apparel Tweaks
Created by Dubwise
Change equip speed, hide hats indoors/in bed, show hair under hats. This is a simple mod i made to do a couple of small tweaks to the way apparel works. All options are off by default. Mod options: Adjust equip speed by a %, or just a flat rate for all app...
Dubs Apparel Tweaks - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Dubs Apparel Tweaks (Dubs服装调整)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 你是否对一顶小帽子就能遮住小人的漂亮长发感到困扰?自己决定各种帽子对发型的遮盖程度是不是很不错? 你是否对小人在室内还全副武装感到困惑?甚至睡觉时还戴着帽子? 你是否设想过只有在征召时才穿上装备才是合理的? 你是否对某些装备超长的装备时间感到愤怒? 用这个Mod吧,自行设定各项功能来解决你的困扰。 更...
Dubs Bad Hygiene
Created by Dubwise
Adds a sewage system, toilets, bathing, hygiene related needs and mood effects, central heating, water, irrigation, fertilizer, air conditioning, hot tubs, kitchen sinks, you name it!. Includes Lite mode. Multiplayer ready WIKI Take me to the wiki Works wi...
Dubs Bad Hygiene - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Dubs Bad Hygiene (卫生与温控)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,原Mod的内置汉化也是由边缘汉化组提供,这次单独发布意在方便玩家反馈汉化疏漏之处,并且及时更新、查漏补缺。原Mod的内置汉化仍然会更新,但为了不频繁麻烦作者,所以一般一个版本只提交一次,想要更新、更完整的汉化请订阅此汉化包。 翻译: -简中:BOXrsxx,leafzxg,RicoFox233,MZM_GOW -繁中:BOXrsxx,leafzxg,RicoFox233,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁...
Dubs Mint Menus
Created by Dubwise
Adds new list boxes for recipe bills, health bills, plant selection, architect menu, research menu, and a quick select menu for designators, making it easier to find things when lots of mods are running. New Mint wheel, a floating designator selector that ...
Dubs Mint Menus - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Dubs Mint Menus (Dubs新潮界面)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,汉化组重译,精心修订。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 将原版「建筑规划」选项卡替换为Mod新增的「新潮建造界面」 将原版「研究」选项卡替换为Mod新增的「新潮研究界面」 修改种植栏、清单栏 新增快捷指令轮盘 总之就是优化UI、各种信息一目了然,方便你的游戏,增强你的操作体验 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10...
Dubs Mint Minimap
Created by Dubwise
Adds a minimap, with some options, doesn't hurt fps, ping tool for multiplayer. Multiplayer ready Click the minimap button in the bottom right control gorup, or set a keybind to open https://i.imgur.com/elEt2m1.png https://i.imgur.com/5Szqiqo.png Discord f...
Camping Tent
Created by AOBA
For some reason, everyone in rimworld just doesn't make a tent to live in, and now it's time to have a change. https://i.ibb.co/SJjVgfh/desc.png note: There status of the tent value has change but the description in workshop still the old one. pls check be...
Dubs Rimatomics
Created by Dubwise
Nuclear power | Energy weapons | Nuclear weapons WORKS WITH SAVES WORKS WITH MULTIPLAYER WIKI Take me to the wiki Rimatomics adds nuclear power and energy weapons, and a custom research system guides you step by step through most of the features, with a fe...
Dubs Skylights
Created by Dubwise
Simple skylight you can install into roofs to let in sunlight. Grow plants under sunlight indoors, also allows trees to be grown indoors. Build Indoor gardens where colonists can do outdoors activities by making a 100 cell room with at least 50 cells cover...
Dubs Skylights Glass+Lights Patch
Created by Maaxar
Patches the skylights in Dubs Skylights mod to use the Glass from NanoCE's Glass+Lights mod, nedops's "Just Glass" mod, or any other mod that adds an object with the defName "Glass". It will also patch the additional skylight sizes added by BJR1984's "Dubs...
Dynamic Diplomacy
Created by NilchEi
This mod allows NPC faction to interact with each other without any player input. These events operate on independent timer and do not affect frequency of other events. It is also possible to enable/disable any event added by this mod to better fit player'...
Dynamic Diplomacy 动态外交 简繁汉化包
Created by Shavius
目前1.5版本的Dynamic Diplomacy已经内置了汉化,此mod不再必要,本汉化包仅供旧版使用 1.5版指路:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3220299022 汉化了Dynamic Diplomacy这个mod,它使用随机事件让派系之间的关系动态变化以及让NPC攻城略地...
EdB Prepare Carefully_zh
Created by LingLuo
翻译:AutoWave、LingLuo 边缘汉化组官网:Rimworld-zh.com 这是个独立完整的Mod,不需要与英文原版同时安装 精心准备 中文版(简、繁) 版本:1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4 本模组为 EdB Prepare Carefully 中文化版本。 遵循 MIT 许可协议 原模组:http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=735106432 角色人数过多、物品过多、花费点数过高等,有可能导致开局时人物消失。 如果你遇到无...
Enable Oversized Weapons
Created by Carny Senpai
We did it! Taking weapon drawSize into account is Vanilla Rimworld now. What does this mod do now? What is left of this mod is making the game take offSets into account when rendering carried equipment. Does nothing on it's own. Maybe this will also be imp...
Enhanced Vanilla Gun Sounds
Created by Arekan
Enhanced Vanilla Gun Sounds Replaces the vanilla gunshot soundeffects with edited, enhanced versions. Each enhanced sound uses the vanilla sound as a base, with extra sounds and effects layered on top. Highly suggested that you use this mod with my Enhance...
EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC expansion
Created by Tarojun
An optional expansion, that adds several new prosthesis and three new improvement type research for the Royalty DLC. - Advanced drill arm (Removed movement speed penalty) - Advanced field hand (Removed movement speed penalty) - Bionic hand talon (Improved ...
EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC expansion - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC expansion (扩展假体与器官工程-扩展分支:皇权DLC附加扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: EPOE-Forked作者为皇权DLC制作的仿生体扩展。 更新日志: 2022.12.23-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.13 2021.7.31-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.06 2020.12...
EPOE-Forked: Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering - Forked
Created by Victorique
https://i.imgur.com/7EMupXI.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/DADdOm0.png https://i.imgur.com/oF7vHe2.png Originally inspired by Ykara's EPOE, this mod sought to fix the reduntant, downright byzantine lines of code as well as bring the values of most prosthetics back...
Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering - Forked - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering - Forked (扩展假体与器官工程-扩展分支)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带的汉化版本已落后,部分新文本未汉化,此汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:风之起灵,leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: EPOE的扩展改良版,与EPOE不兼容! 更新日志: 2024.6.28-1.5-1.5.0-2024.6.10 ...
Export Agency
Created by erdelf
You ever get tired of setting up bills, outfits, storage settings etc. every new game ? Well then this mod is for you here. Export for Bills (including medical operations) and Storage Settings DrugPolicies and Outfits are now shared among every Save. Textu...
FE3H Ashen Wolves Hair
Created by Meng De
"Yes, we do in fact prefer our underground base full of infestations to living under the Church of Seiros, thank you very much. It's a cozy place." https://i.imgur.com/IzLZmdx.png 4 hair add-ons (2♂, 2♀) based on the Ashen Wolves house. Specifically made f...
FE3H Black Eagles Hair
Created by Meng De
"Now YOU too can be Ferdinand von Aegir!" Dorothea's hat is in the Accessories mod. https://i.imgur.com/IzLZmdx.png 8 hair add-ons (4♂, 4♀) based on the Black Eagles house. Specifically made for Gloomy Face mk2 because that's what I always use in my own ga...
FE3H Blue Lions Hair
Created by Meng De
"D-Dimitri Fireemblem... I didn't know celebrities crash-landed into inhospitable planets too..." Dedue's earring is in the Accessories mod. https://i.imgur.com/IzLZmdx.png 19 hair add-ons (13♂, 6♀) based on the Blue Lions house. Because I'm a good teacher...
FE3H Golden Deer Hair
Created by Meng De
https://i.imgur.com/GTlxFcq.png Ignatz's glasses are in the Accessories mod. https://i.imgur.com/IzLZmdx.png 8 hair add-ons (4♂, 4♀) based on the Golden Deer house. Specifically made for Gloomy Face mk2 because that's what I always use in my own game... It...
FemaleBB BodyType Support
Created by SSulungE
About this mod Changes bodytype of female human to FemaleBB bodytype. You can change bodytype swap rate in the option. This mod contains codes and apparel textures supporting FemaleBB body type which was originally Kijin race body. Feel free to make any fe...
FemaleBB BodyType for Human
Created by SSulungE
this mod has been implented into BBbody mod. this mod is now a empty file. you no longer need this mod...
Created by alatta
FSharp.Core is a base mod for F# assemblies. Place it somewhere top. - ANDH - Dev In Your Language - Infusion 2 - Direct download from GitHub...
Gear Up And Go
Created by Uuugggg
Adds a button to draft, swap gear, then go to the target location --- "A Raid! Is it time for battle!" "Suit up!" "Okay I've got my armor vest, I'm going to go plant some corn" "I've already got armor so I'm still mining" "GET OVER HERE NOW" "But I haven't...
Giddy-up! 系列Mod - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Giddy-up!(骑乘)系列Mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带汉化已严重落后版本,本汉化包已完全汉化。 适用于以下Mod: -Giddy-up! Core -Giddy-up! Caravan -Giddy-up! Battle Mounts -Giddy-up! Mechanoids -Giddy-up! Ride and Roll 翻译: -简中:LingLuo,leafzxg -繁中:LingLuo,Biscuit,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 该...
Giddy-up! Core
Created by roolo
The core files for the Giddy-up! series. Does not add anything on its own but the other mods in the series depend on it. The purpose of this series is to add mounting in as many aspects of the game as possible. Each mod released in the series will focus on...
Giddy-up! Caravan
Created by roolo
Let your colonists ride to far lands on elephants, muffalos, llamas or any other animal, modded or not! Changelog, manual download and older releases Dependencies This mod depends on Giddy up! Core, and Hugslib. Load order should be: Hugslib -> Giddy-up! C...
Giddy-up! Battle Mounts
Created by roolo
Giddy-up! Let your pawns charge into battle with mounts! Depends on Giddy-up Core and Hugslib This mod is part of the Giddy-up! Series. It focuses on mounting with the purpose of battling. Mounting can only be done with drafted pawns. Other mods in the ser...
Giddy-up! Mechanoids
Created by roolo
If it's possible to hack mechanoids with the What the Hack!? mod, why limit yourself to riding animals if you can ride deadly machines to battle. And why limit yourself to letting humans ride if you can let mechanoids ride animals, or other mechanoids! Thi...
Created by NanoCE
Description This mod introduces glass into the game and all the wonders that go with it including: glass walls of various strengths, and ceiling/wall lamps of varying colors. Most items can be found in the picture above^^ To get started, find the Glass&Lig...
Gloomy Embrasure Reworked
Created by Captain Waifu
Adds Gloomy Furniture Style Embrasure, reworked for 1.3 Approved by TRIBeagle. Original Mod by TRIBeagle https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1852437838 Requires Gloomy Furniture (Mod Authors : NukaFrog and Gloomylynx) https://steamcommun...
Gloomy Face mk2
Created by Gloomylynx
replace face & Narrow head texture adjusted to average type update 2019-09-25 -suppresses the reduction in the hairstyle width of narrow type heads. -Narrow head texture adjusted to average type -add male face update 2020-02-25 -update for rimworld 1.1...
Gloomy Hair mk2
Created by Gloomylynx
add new hair This mod is optimized for Gloomy face mk2 -update 2019-09-25 : fix texture 2019-09-27 : add male hair 2020-02-25 : update for rimworld 1.1...
Created by NukaFrog
Old Style Furuniture Pack Feature - Variety of Furniture - Fence - Old style walls and Ventilated wall - Fireplace and a Lamp ( using Wood ) - WineRack - JukeBox ( It play country song basically.) - Wooden floor Jukebox is available through exotic merchant...
GloomyFurniture - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
GloomyFurniture (复古家具)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带的汉化已落后,本汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:手闲脚痒,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 增加了一些列好看的复古家具。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.24 2022.9.01-1.3-1.3.1-2022.7.2 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.29 2020.8.24-1.2-1.2....
Go Explore!
Created by Albion
Go Explore! - A new event mod This mod provides new events and exciting opportunities for exploration. Go explore ancient cities and try to capture a space ship. New Events Lost City An ancient city got somehow destroyed. You can travel there and loot reso...
Go Explore! - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Go Explore! (去探索!)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg,Biscuit -繁中:leafzxg,Biscuit 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: 此Mod提供了一系列大地图事件,主题是探索内容。包括: ———————————— -失落城市 一个古老的城市被某种方式摧毁。 你可以去那里抢劫资源和物品,但要注意危险! 目前有3个不同类型的“失落城市”:剧毒城市、虫灾城市、废墟城市,等你去探索。 —————————— -启动的飞船反应堆 原版是你启动...
Gradient Hair
Created by AUTOMATIC
ABOUT Adds gradient hair to the game. Mod hairs are supported. On pictures are hairs from SS Lovely Hair Style mod. All new pawns (as well as existing when you enable mod for the first time) have a chance to get gradient hair, which is by default 25% for w...
Created by Brrainz
This mod contains the C# library Harmony for all RimWorld mods. Harmony is a library that is used by many mods. In RimWorld 1.x or older the library was included inside C# mods and there was no need to load it as a separate mod. However, RimWorld versions ...
Created by Symbolic
This is a library that provides shared functionality for other mods. For best results, make sure that HugsLib comes right after Core in your mod load order. Also includes the Log Publisher: press Ctrl+F12 to upload your Rimworld logs and get a link to easi...
HugsLib - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
HugsLib的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带的汉化版本已严重落后,此汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:风之起灵,leafzxg -繁中:风之起灵,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 绝大多数Mod的必备前置。 更新日志: 2024.4.27-1.5-1.5.0-2024.3.18 2022.11.3-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.22 2021.7.17-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.17 2020.8.13-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.12 2...
Humanoid Alien Races
Created by erdelf
https://imgur.com/eQZ72Ib.png A framework for the creation of new alien races in Rimworld If you ever thought that the racial diversity in rimworld is... not that diverse and you want to change that, you came to the right place. This framework allows to ea...
Humanoid Alien Races - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Humanoid Alien Races (外星人框架)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 外星人框架,所有非人类种族、派系Mod的必备前置。 更新日志: 2024.4.27-1.5-1.5.0-2024.4.24 2022.11.3-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.24 2021.11.14-1.3-1.3.1-2021.11.13 2021.7.1...
Interaction Bubbles
Created by Jaxe
Wouldn't it be great if you could read character interactions? Well you can, in the social log... or with Interaction Bubbles Shows bubbles when characters perform a social interaction with the text that would normally only be found in the log. This allows...
Invisible Conduits 1.3简繁汉化包
Created by 雨夜聆风
Invisible Conduits(隐藏电缆)简繁中文汉化包,已完全汉化,新人汉化,如有错误请指正。 功能介绍 原MOD可建造隐藏电缆,防止电缆短路。 本mod仅为汉化包,不包含mod本体,请在本体之前加载。 ...
Created by Ryoma
Adds modding components to RimWorld: vehicles, spell casting, weapon slots, oversized weapons, and more! ;;;;; PUT THIS MOD ABOVE OTHER DEPENDANT MODS ;;;;; Example Mod Load Order Core HugsLib JecsTools Star Wars Call of Cthulhu ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;...
JecsTools - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
JecsTools的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带的汉化版本已落后,部分新文本未汉化,此汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: jecrell制作的系列Mod(星战、克苏鲁、疯狂边缘、第三纪元等)的必备前置。 更新日志: 2024.4.27-1.5-1.5.0-2024.4.09 2022.12.20-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.28 2021.7.27-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.25 2020.10.0...
LWM DS for Gloomy Furniture and Deco
Created by Demi
% This mod must be below all required mods.% This is a simple patch mod. Add the features of LWM's Deep Storage to storage of Gloomy Furniture and Deco. It's not replacing the original furniture. Add new Deep label furniture to Storage Catagory(LWM's Deep ...
LWM's Deep Storage
Created by lilwhitemouse
Important note Little White Mouse gave birth to a healthy baby! Further updates are likely to be sporadic, as feeding and caring for a baby is a lot harder than RimWorld makes you think... However, the code is available on GitHub, so if there are changes y...
LWM's Deep Storage - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
LWM's Deep Storage (深度存储单元)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:BOXrsxx,leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 添加一些列可以储存大量物品的家具,比如深度储存冰箱、置物架、食物篮、药品柜、托盘、衣架等等。 更新日志: 2024.6.28-1.5-1.5.0-2024.6.10 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.11.3 2021.7.16-1.3-1.3....
Make Honey Compatible [Discontinued]
Created by Ryuudra
Recipes are set to allow honey from other mods and vice-versa. DISCLAIMER: I've stopped actively developing this mod. It is still usable, but dont expect updates; I feel like I've hit my limit on what I can do with xpath, but i wanted to let you guys atlea...
Map Reroll
Created by Symbolic
This mod allows you to quickly randomize your starting map and steam vents locations. Your starting scenario, colonists, items, etc. will all stay the same. Now includes the map preview generator- rather than trying for random maps, you can pick exactly th...
Master of Cooking
Created by leafzxg
Leafzxg's series Mod about BULK cooking & crafting ! The most complete & The most extensive coverage ! Support 1.0 & 1.1 & 1.2 & 1.3 ! Improve the efficiency of your base on the premise of keeping the game balance ! Master of Crafting :Make goods in bulk! ...
Master of Crafting
Created by leafzxg
Leafzxg's series Mod about BULK cooking & crafting ! The most complete & The most extensive coverage ! Support 1.0 & 1.1 & 1.2 & 1.3 ! Improve the efficiency of your base on the premise of keeping the game balance ! Master of Cooking :Make foods in bulk! L...
Misc. MapGen FactionBase
Created by Haplo_X1
Blueprint MapGenerator for Faction Bases This will sometimes create faction bases from the available blueprints. To make it not too predictable there are chances based on the count of blueprints to alternately still use the vanilla generator. (85%-50% chan...
Mod Manager
Created by Fluffy
Juggle your mods like a pro! https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Features.png A cleaner, better Mod management screen. separate lists for available and active modscreate and delete local copies of steam modscreate and load mod list backupsload mod list f...
More Planning [1.5]
Created by Reisen
For 1.3 ~ 1.5 1.1 / 1.2 Version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=881100382 WILL NOT WORK ON 1.1/1.2 UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THE 1.1/1.2 VERSION IF RUNNING ON 1.3+ --- This mod creates a new option in the "Architect" menu, called "Planning",...
[1.3] No One Left Behind
Created by Captain Muscles
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v Version 1.4/1.5 You can download temporary updated version here. If Captain ever comes back we will update this item. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ...
Created by IssacZhuang
The weapons and armour of the People's Liberation Army. Compatible with Rimworld 1.3 now. This mod is compatible with Combat Extended. This mod includes weapons and armour of PLA. The weapons in this mod: Assault Rifle QBZ-95-1 QBZ-03 QBZ-191 Sub Machine G...
No Explosion On Slaughter 移除屠宰死亡爆炸
Created by 载入中...
Simply remove the explosion of animals if there are slaughtered, while the normal death remains the same. Makes the auto-slaughter a little bit more useful. For those who found some animal still explode on slaughter, please check if the pawn's skill is hig...
Created by Ogre
Mod for customizing stack sizes. As well as the ability to target specific items. Improvements for v1.0 Stack changes now do NOT require a game reload, if a stack is modified below a set stack size the stack is split up into smaller stacks. Should still sa...
OgreStack - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
OgreStack (自定义堆叠)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 非常强大的自定义堆叠工具,有两种模式: 固定:每种类别的物品堆叠数固定为设定值。(适用于外观相似且原版堆叠数相差很小的物品,如布和皮) 倍数:每种类别的物品堆叠数为原版堆叠数乘上设定的倍数。(适用于外表不相似或原版堆叠数相差很大的物品,如制成品) 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.30 202...
Created by Peppsen
Adds 52 new fan made music tracks to RimWorld made by me(Peppsen), ZumZum and SpacekatTommy. You do not need to make a new colony and the mod should be compatible with everything. I now have my own discord serverwhere you can get P-Music updates, download ...
Created by Charlotte
A library of useful patch operations intended for collaboration. Due to the nature of RimWorld DLL loading, there can only be one Assembly for the PatchOperation namespace. Feel free to contribute. PatchOperation.LoadOnDemand Given a set of mods and a set ...
Created by Jellypowered
Not compatible with Multiplayer or CE. Added this line because it's getting repetitive and people aren't bothering to look at past comments :) Updated for 1.1 by TaranChuk and uploaded by me. Original Author is fed1s and the original workshop page is https...
Pocket Sand
Created by Reisen
Pocket Sand! Surprise your enemies with that weapon in your pocket. Actual sand not included Adds a gizmo to equip/unequip weapons to and from pawn inventory, that's it. No tool auto-switching based on job/distance. No pawn remembering what gear it had equ...
Created by aRandomKiwi
https://i.imgur.com/OPlXBLl.png https://i.imgur.com/1uTdL63.png WORKS WITH SAVES A wireless power mod : Trade power (buy and sell) with factions, share wirelessly power between your colonies and all other maps (caravan, quest, deeprim...), connect electric...
Project RimFactory 系列Mod-简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Project RimFactory (边缘工厂) 系列Mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带的机翻已经严重过时,本汉化包已完全汉化。 适用于以下Mod: -Project RimFactory Revived -Project RimFactory - Materials -Project RimFactory - Drones -Project RimFactory - Insanity 翻译: -简中:Zephyr,asavikle,leafzxg -繁中:Zephyr,as...
Project RimFactory Revived
Created by zyMex
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif https://imgur.com/Bu9PQiP.png INFO I (zymex) are currently taking a break from RW, i will propably be back at some poins as always, but until then Sn1p3rr3c0n are main bug fixer and maintainer of this mod. Just as i did when ...
Quality Colors
Created by legodude17
Super simple mod, just colors items based on quality. Currently works on: - Trade window - Caravan packing window - Quality labels on the ground - Inspect pane (Bottom left window when you select something) Features settings, allowing you to change the col...
Quality Overlay
Created by telardo
A simple mod to display colored overlay for different quality things (weapons and apparels) and buildings when toggle on. How to use this mod: There's a toggle button ("Qc icon") at the bottom right menu alongside with vanilla buttons like auto-home. Defau...
Created by Hatti
With QualityBuilder all buildings that have quality (beds, tables etc) will only be build by the best builder to ensure the best outgoing quality. Every other constructor will be able to bring in the materials, but only the best one will build it. If you k...
QualityBuilder - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
QualityBuilder (精益求精)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: -建造物品时出现精益求精选项,默认开启,右键可以设置要建造物品的最低品质要求,成品品质低于最低要求小人会自动拆除重建直到成品符合要求。 -可以设置精益求精物品建造者的最低建造技能等级要求,低于该等级不会参与建造开启精益求精选项的物品。 -Mod设置里可自行修改默认设置。 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-20...
Range Finder
Created by Brrainz
Constantly checking the shooting range of your colonists/turrets? RangeFinder makes it easy. Just select one or more colonists or turrets and press the hotkey (SHIFT by default). When you quickly press the key twice the range will stay visible until you pr...
Range Finder - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Range Finder (显示武器范围)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: -可在mod设置里设置一个显示武器范围的热键,要显示武器范围,请选择殖民者,然后按此热键。如果您双击该键,武器范围将一直显示,直到您再次按下该键。 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.20 2021.7.18-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.13 2020.8.12-1.2-1.2.0-202...
Created by 魔王萨摩耶
特别感谢:Hyperion-c 提供了英文翻译。 Thanks: Hyperion-c provided English translation 内容: 增加更多人物特性,并通过颜色将其划分为多个级别。 特性属性较为平衡,高品质特性略微正义,不过考虑到出现几率微乎其微,故尚且平衡。 Bad特性:灰色品质,出现几率低。 Normal特性:白色品质,出现几率高。 Rare特性:绿色品质,出现几率中等。 SuperRare特性:蓝色品质,出现几率低。 SuperiorSuperRare特性:紫色品质,出现几率非常...
Dubs Rimatomics - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Dubs Rimatomics (边缘核能)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,原Mod的内置汉化也是由边缘汉化组提供,这次单独发布意在方便玩家反馈汉化疏漏之处,并且及时更新、查漏补缺。原Mod的内置汉化仍然会更新,但为了不频繁麻烦作者,所以一般一个版本只提交一次,想要更新、更完整的汉化请订阅此汉化包。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 边缘核能的2个主要特点是核能和能量武器。 一个定制的研究系统将逐步引导您了解大部分功能,并提供...
Created by Cabbage
Overview RimCities is an attempt to create an interesting and unique end-game challenge for RimWorld players. This mod adds randomly generated cities to the world map, which are similar to other settlements but are far more difficult to attack. Pirate-cont...
RimCities - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
RimCities (边缘城市)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,Biscuit,leafzxg -繁中:Biscuit,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: -一款可以给游戏中的NPC派系创建城市并且能与之互动玩乐为主的MOD。经过数次的改版后,已经加入了不少专属任务等玩法。其中还有致敬了一部电影:疾速追杀 里情节的一个殖民地事件(不能杀的狗狗……)。 -新增の任务: ●帮助一伙派系进攻一座城市,为他们解除目标城市的防御炮塔。(会...
Created by Dubwise
Drill for oil, process into chemfuel, plastic, composites, napalm Works with existing saves. Rimefeller adds: Drilling for crude oil with shallow and deep reservoir layers. Cracking crude into chemfuel which is stored in tanks and distributed to hoppers an...
Rimefeller - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Rimefeller (边缘石化)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,原Mod的内置汉化也是由边缘汉化组提供,这次单独发布意在方便玩家反馈汉化疏漏之处,并且及时更新、查漏补缺。原Mod的内置汉化仍然会更新,但为了不频繁麻烦作者,所以一般一个版本只提交一次,想要更新、更完整的汉化请订阅此汉化包。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 此Mod包含了一整套石油化工的相关系统,包括油田、油井的开采,石油可精炼成化合燃料并进一步用于合成各种人...
Rimsenal - Core
*READ FIRST: Rimsenal is compatible with CE(Thank you N7Huntsman!) you damn illiterate monkies. And don't ask me about conflicts with CE. https://c.tenor.com/Is0ELiJnoU0AAAAi/buymeacoffee-button.gif https://i.imgur.com/sFTiWyR.png Don't you think the numbe...
Rimsenal - Federation Faction Pack
https://c.tenor.com/Is0ELiJnoU0AAAAi/buymeacoffee-button.gif https://i.imgur.com/obqF8l2.png Rimsenal: Federation Faction Pack Adds a new hostile faction, the federation peacekeeper corps. They are twisted and corrupt remnants of the once-great interstella...
Rimsenal - Security Pack
https://c.tenor.com/Is0ELiJnoU0AAAAi/buymeacoffee-button.gif https://i.imgur.com/kkJ8Qoq.png You know, it's not a convenient environment to live in this remote world. Hordes of wild savages, damned space pirates, crazy killer bugs, aaaand Mecanoids, yes, t...
Rimsenal - Storytellers Pack
This mod adds three new storytellers, Accipiter Accidental, Sereniz Sadistic, and Hildegarde Heroic. https://i.imgur.com/yxJyiW1.png "Guys, party time is over. It's time to face the real story." Sora "Accipiter" Min, a press agent of Yeonhwa Precision has ...
Rimsenal - 边缘军工系列 - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Rimsenal(边缘军工)全系列Mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:风之起灵,BOXrsxx,leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:Biscuit,leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 适用于以下Mod: -Rimsenal -Rimsenal - Security pack -Rimsenal - Federation Faction Pack -Rimsenal - Feral Faction Pack -Rimsen...
Created by Latki
Mod for your perfect kitchen! Add food recipe,furniture and new animal It's good synergy with rimfridge mod. =============================================== Special thanks Code emergency personnel : Sutsutman ===============================================...
Rimstro - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Rimstro. Rimstro (边缘厨房)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 向游戏中添加了许多厨房用具、装饰、食物以及新的动物。 动物的名字借鉴了曾经贴吧版本的汉化,在这里感谢之前汉化的吧友。 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,获取更多汉化发布、更新动态。 ——————————————...
Created by Major Hoff
RimThreaded greatly increases performance by multi threading the game. IMPORTANT: When RimThreaded updates, delete the "Caches" folder located in: Steam: Main: \SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\2222907981\1.3\Assemblies\Caches Experimental: \...
RimWorld - Witcher Monster个人汉化
Created by Kommisaar
20230406更新:添加了由forthespirit 提供的繁体中文 20221102更新:新增支持游戏版本V1.4,添加了与ADogSaid联动部分的汉化,重新翻译润色了部分内容。 翻译: 简体中文:Kommisaar 繁体中文:forthespirit 简介: RimWorld - Witcher Monster添加了多种巫师中的怪物,你可狩猎这些怪物以获取奖赏。但是当心,有点怪物可不是好惹的。 补充: 还没有进行过系统测试,使用过程中可能会出现红字,也可能会出现很多语意不通的地方,如果有更好的翻译建...
RimWorld - Witcher Monster Hunt
Created by Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/kNldlMg.png https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png This mod is currently CE compatible. https://i.imgur.com/XRViS21.png RimWorld: Witcher Monster Hunt is a standalone mod adding 16 new monster encounter quests to vanilla game. Quests vary in d...
Roo's Accessory Hairstyles
Created by Rooboid
https://i.imgur.com/96IHlbc.png "That new recruit...he's got some secrets to hide. He doesn't take off that balaclava, even when he's lovin'...' This mod adds 30+ new hairstyles that include some kind of accessory. These accessories might be worn or seen u...
Roo's Dreadlock Hairstyles
Created by Rooboid
https://i.imgur.com/96IHlbc.png This mod adds a wide variety of dreadlock / afro hairstyles for your colonists to flaunt. I've tried to create a wide variation of different hairs, ranging from some simple, short dreads to the pretty extreme, punkish dreadh...
Roo's Glasses Hairstyles
Created by Rooboid
https://i.imgur.com/NWpWRGs.png https://i.imgur.com/96IHlbc.png This hair mod adds 14 new hairstyles, each with 3 types of glasses available. Mods that make glasses craftable are awesome, however, it'd be nice for pawns to be able to wear glasses with thei...
Roo's Royalty Hairstyles
Created by Rooboid
https://i.imgur.com/RA3CEZF.png https://i.imgur.com/96IHlbc.png This hair mod adds 60 new royal hairstyles (30 masculine, 30 feminine), each with a fancy flair for your most distinguished pawns. All hairstyles are rendered at 128x128, which can appear blur...
Room Size Tolerance
Created by NECEROS
Have you ever asked yourself, "Self, why do my colonists have such big expectations when it comes to room size? Aren't they trying to colonize this place? They obviously understand survival is far more important than how much room for activities they have,...
RPG Style Inventory Revamped
Created by avil
RPG style representation of the pawn's Gear Tab. That's a revamped version by avilmask. Orginal mod: RPG Style Inventory by Sandy. So, what the point of this yetanotherfork of an original mod? When I liked that mod've reverted to original layout, I was gre...
RT Fuse
Created by Ratysz
Researchable (RT Mods research tab) electric fuses to mitigate short circuits. When placed anywhere on a power network, each fuse will safely discharge up to three of network's batteries, mitigating or preventing the explosion. Does not require a new colon...
RT Power Switch
Created by Ratysz
A new researchable (RT Mods research tab) function for the power switch: when enabled, a new settings tab will become available on the power switch, allowing precise configuration of how should the switch react to changes in stored energy levels in an adja...
Created by roolo
Your colonists can never be a true Rambo if they cannot gun while they are running. Therefore, this mod adds a mode that, when enabled, allows drafted colonists and NPC pawns to shoot while moving at the cost of an accuracy and movement penalty . These pen...
Save Our Ship 2
Created by Kentington
https://i.imgur.com/fEkUafu.png Save Our Ship 2 is an unofficial expansion for RimWorld. Build a liveable spaceship and continue your colonists' stories in orbit - engaging in ship-to-ship combat with pirates, searching derelicts for treasure, and perhaps ...
Save Our Ship 2 - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Save Our Ship 2 (拯救飞船2)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg,CaptainSnafu,Arkngs-Lappland,Zephyr,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,Zephyr,MZM_GOW 版本由CaptainSnafu汉化,版本开始由边缘汉化组接手,感谢Zephyr带来版本的汉化更新,感谢Lappland带来版本的汉化更新,感谢MZM_GOW带来及之后版本2022版完全重译校对,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 扩展...
Show Me Your Hands
Created by Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/iCj5o7O.png Pawns show their hands on their weapon when drafted. Should work with most weapons, vanilla and modded. Based on Clutter Weapon Hands but dynamically sets the hands based on the graphics of the weapon. It will however still ...
Created by erdelf
Similar functionality in the base game since 1.3.3093. You want to know what mod an item/pawn/backstory etc. is from ? This mod adds a new line at the end of the description with the name of the mod Preview image done by Mitz https://github.com/RimWorld-CC...
【停止维护】Simple Storage & Simple Storage - Refrigeration - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Simple Storage AND Simple Storage - Refrigeration(简易收纳和制冷)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Zephyr,leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:Zephyr,leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 适用于以下Mod: -Simple Storage -Simple Storage - Refrigeration 简介: —————— -Simple Storage 简易收纳:添加了许多原版...
NieR: Automata Music
Created by Sleepy Rachel
Currently adds 28 tracks from Nier: Automata to RimWorld. Features: Some songs will play during specific parts of the day or during threats such as raids. Day time music: City Ruins - Rays of Light City Ruins - Shade Faltering Prayer - Dawn Breeze Forest K...
Faster Biosculpter Pod
Created by Inglix
https://i.imgur.com/GSJNKdZ.jpg Current Version: 3.0.5 Complete changelog is available in the Change Notes You can see what version of this mod you have installed by looking at the lower left corner of the mod settings window. https://i.imgur.com/bymTvlP.j...
Subsurface Conduit (OBSOLETE)
Created by Murmur
This mod has been discontinued. As of Rimworld v1.5 it is no longer necessary....
Subsurface Conduit_zh
Created by 教科书的风格
<h1><b>Subsurface Conduit的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。</h1></b> -原Mod文本未汉化,此汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:God丶天才 -繁中:God丶天才 边缘汉化组出品。 <h1>简介</h1>: 新增一种“地下电缆”,去除了一般电缆的美观度影响并保证其免受损坏,但同时建造也需要更多的钢铁和工作量。 ...
Created by Jaxe
RimHUD is a UI mod that displays detailed information about a selected character or creature. The HUD display is integrated into the inspect pane which can be resized to fit the additional information. Alternatively, the HUD can display a separate floating...
RimHUD - 简体中文汉化包
RimHUD的简中汉化包,请在原MOD后加载。 有简单转换的繁中。 MOD介绍: RimHUD是一个UI MOD,它可以显示所选角色或生物的详细信息。HUD可以集成在原版检视面板中,你可以调整面板大小已经添加删除显示的信息。HUD也可以是一个独立的浮动窗口浮动在屏幕上的任何位置。 这个UI MOD是为了1600x900以上分辨率设计的。较低的分辨率仍可以使用这个MOD,但你可能需要在选项中调整面板的大小。 RimHUD的设置面板可以通过单击将鼠标停留在HUD时所显示的齿轮图标来进入。 其他MOD添加需求和技...
Deep Storage Plus (Continued)
Created by Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of Skys mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2401913079 - Added french translation, thanks qux! - Added support for Expanded Materials - Plastics - Added support for Vanilla Factions Expanded - M...
More Sculpture
Created by [KOR]Bichang
Add 72 types of texture to each piece of the statue. And release the style restrictions on the statue....
Static Quality Plus - Discontinued
Created by louiszei
Tbh i just created this mod because some of the things about Rimworld annoyed me =p (Partially also the reason why the mod is such a mixed bag of options). As i haven't played RW in ages and also do not intend to do so in the near future, i'm discontinuing...
TicksPerSecond [1.3]
Created by Bob
Add actual and target ticks per second to the information display above the pause/speed controls. _____________________________________________________________ I am not the original mod author. This mod was created by Sparr. Link to Original Mod. ...
Smart Speed
Created by Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png Updated 16/03/24: Updated to 1.5 Features: - Enables ultra fast speed without developer mode - Adds ultra speed icon - Allows you to set Event speed multiplier by right clicking the speed arrows. Event speed multiplier defin...
RocketMan - Performance Mod
Created by SubmarineMan
Error reporting to almost any mod requires alog these days Use https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2873415404 to get said log Our lord and savior Zetrith has blessed us with the Prepatcher! Please go show them some love! CHECK IT OUT THE...
Trader ships
Created by AUTOMATIC
Adds trader spaceships to the game. Ships will visit your colony, preferring landing pads (either from royalty expansion, or landing zone designation added by this mod), and trade with you just like visiting caravans, without the need for trade beacons or ...
Trader ships - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Trader ships (贸易飞船)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Vaniat,手闲脚痒,leafzxg -繁中:Vaniat,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 在游戏中添加贸易商船。船只将拜访你的殖民地,如果有着陆点会优先选择着陆点,像商队一样与你进行 贸易,而无需贸易信标或通讯控制台。贸易商船可以代替轨道贸易商,也可以将两者都设置为激活状态。 更新日志: 2022.12.22-1.4-1.4.0-2022.11.21 2021.7.30-1...
Settlement Inventory
Created by GimmeYoCookiez
Features Adds an extra window that will show you what a settlement will sell to you. Without having to go all the way there to check. It has options to require a first visit to the settlement or to have a comms console before it can be viewed. These can be...
Stop, Drop, And Roll! [BAL]
Created by balistafreak
Changelog 10 April 2024: Mod recompiled to work with 1.5. 21 September 2023: Water-seeking behavior cropped up again, mod updated to fix this behavior. 20 July 2022: Mod recompiled to work with 1.4. 5 July 2021: Mod marked as compatible with 1.3. Mod appea...
Lolidrop's hairshop
Created by Vaniat
add some hair 增加了16款頭髮,日後有空會增加更多款式哦~ 髪型16種類を追加します。 少しずつ増えていく予定です。 ...
Perspective: Doors
Created by Owlchemist
This is a lightweight mod which simply retextures the east-west doors in such a way that their perspective makes more sense. Compatibility with door-related mods These textures for modded doors are only loaded into memory if you have the relevant mods. Ast...
Damage Indicators [1.5]
Created by CaesarV5
A simple QoL mod that shows the damage taken. Original mod ( https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=942369931 ) made by spdskatr, updated to Rimworld 1.5. Updates : 15/03/2024 - Update for Rimworld 1.5 20/10/2022 - Update for Rimworld 1.4 2...
Kurin HAR Apparel Patch [OBSOLETE]
Created by RutraNickers
Obsolete? As of Sep 2, 2021, the main mod let's you use any apparel you would like, thus making this mod no more necessary. Thanks for everyone that subscribed! Old Description A simple apparel patch for Kurin HAR Edition. With this, you remove the Kurin's...
Kurin HAR Edition
Created by Seioch
Kurin! The Three Tailed Fox! (Fan continuation for 1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5) https://i.imgur.com/bS6xNsD.png Credits and disclaimers: Original art and code by Gloomy/Dalrae. Original HAR implementation by MaroonToon. New code by Seioch. New artwork by Maelorian (Tw...
【停止维护】Kurin HAR Edition - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
停止维护,最后更新版本:1.3 本人不再维护所有以外星人框架为前置mod 的种族mod汉化,热心人士可以自行接手在工坊发布更新(不得在steam创意工坊之外的平台),备注下文本沿用自边缘汉化组版本,再跟我说一下即可。 有人接手后,我会在此界面保留汉化一个版本,保留期间引导至你的发布页面,之后将隐藏或用作他用 无人接手的汉化将会一直保留此状态 Kurin HAR Edition (魅狐族1.2版)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已汉化,魅狐族1.2版框架已更改为HAR,原作者未更新,系粉丝更新,汉...
Kurin HAR Edition CE Patch
Created by Via
Kurin mod for Humanoid Alien Races and Rimworld 1.2/1.3 CE Patch Mod load order: 0. CE 1. Humanoid Alien Races 2. DegeneralizeWork 3. Kurin HAR Edition 4. This patch Updated to include the new content in Kurin HAR Edition! The only piece not yet working is...
Created by NukaFrog
Mod Load Order Core AlienRace2.0 Show Hair ... This Mod New Ratkin Race mod This mod improvement of older versions and adds new content. Unfortunately, it is not compatible with old version. Please start with a new game. What is the Ratkin Ratkin is a huma...
【停止维护】NewRatkinPlus - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
停止维护,最后更新版本:1.3 之后的版本已由汉化组其他成员接手更新,请移步 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2898638732 本人不再维护所有以外星人框架为前置mod 的种族mod汉化 NewRatkinPlus (萌鼠族)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 为游戏新增的外星...
Alpha Ships简繁中文汉化包
Created by 骸鸾
Alpha Ships(阿尔法飞船)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:22 -繁中:22 禁止转载。 简介: 功能 增加了64个新的飞船部件,你可以把他们安装到你的飞船上,以数千种组合来组装它们。这些太空飞船的部件可以从随机的太空战斗中获得,也可以从新的飞船部件商人那里以高价购买。 问题 应该没有。 兼容性 Alpha Ships应该兼容所有mod。显然Alpha Ships需要sos2才能工作。它不需要阿尔法动物,尽管有些动物会出现在太空遭遇战中,如果你SOS2,A...
Save Our Ship 2 Enemy Ship Extension: StarSector
Created by Antisodium
- 增添了太空战斗游戏“远行星号”中的几艘舰船,作为“拯救飞船2”中的敌舰出现。你甚至可以在RimWorld里玩远行星号! - Addition of several enemy ships from space battle game StarSector, for Save Our Ship 2 ship battle. Now you can play StarSector in RimWorld! ---------------------------- 【通知】:由于个人能力和时间有限,即日起暂停...
Hats Display Selection
Created by Velc[JP]
を使用時に室内オプションを有効化したい場合は、 を使ってキャッシュを無効化してください。 When using and wanting to enable the indoor option, please disable cache using the . 帽子毎に表示設定ができます。このMODはHarmonyMODが必要です。 You can set display for each hat. This MOD is require HarmonyMOD. MOD load order with Ali...
What the hack - A little expansion
Created by MrKociak
This mod is an expansion for the “What the Hack?!” mod. It adds several new modules in 3 different tier variants: basic, advanced and archotech. Stat modules: -Advanced versions of existing ones (bigger buff with a slightly bigger drawback) -Archotech vers...
What the hack - A little expansion - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
What the hack - A little expansion (骇客扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:TrVi -繁中:TrVi 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 骇客mod扩展,让你的机器人拥有更先进的模块!同时新增的的建造、开采、研究、手工模块可以让机器人胜任更多的工作。 注意:由于代码限制,不要给一个机械体安装两种以上的能力模块,否则会出现bug。建议先安装技能模块,再安装非技能模块,这样可以减少bug。 远古模块可以通过任务奖励和贸易中获得。 ...
Advanced Mechanoid Warfare 简繁汉化包
Created by Zephyr
在背景中,边缘世界的机械族是任何东西都无法与之匹敌的嗜血恐惧战争机器。 但在游戏里他们只是钢铁和玻璃钢快递。 泰南因为玩家开始“养殖”机械族而削弱装配机就证明了这一点。 因此,我决定制作我自己的mod,增加机械族带来的危险,同时大大增加他们的武器种类。 是时候和你们所热爱的殖民地说再见了。 简介:增加21种机械族,以及一些机械族的专属武器。 The original author:RAWY This mod is just a language pack ,you can fand main mod by ...
[RWY]Advanced Mechanoid Warfare
Created by Ravvy
//Starting pre-recorded message... Please stand by.... This is commander $(^%$$#@@? of o5%#2!?., task force. Total control have been lost of :2@%)(^&x central core.It's trying ^*&#U*^(*)b3! control...!%@^*B7u@!? and is $@^m54!((.,! spreading... %&8$!?.x,7t...
Android Tiers SM7 Overhaul (Continued)
Created by Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of joe_the_techs mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1948536101 This mod will require a rewrite to work with the newer android framework, I dont have the time to do that, sorry! - Included the C...
Armor patch for SOS2 (Rimsenal and Vanilla Armour Expanded)
Created by Zezz
Adds SOS2 EVA functionality to armors from Rimsenal - core and Vanilla Armour Expanded. Also adds extra insulation to vanilla power armor. Tried to also add compatibility for Ultratech: Altered Carbon Remastered but it just wouldn't let me. NOTICE: Rimsena...
Moyo Armor for SOS2
Created by Demi
Now, Moyos can do a spacewalk! It's possible by wearing a list of armors. Moyo diving gear / helmet Moyo deepdiving gear / helmet Moyo royalguard armor / helmet Moyo royalguard light armor / helmet The mod for Rabbie is here. https://steamproxy.net/sha...
List Everything [1.3] (Now Ctrl-F in 1.4)
Created by Uuugggg
List and Alert about things on the map with custom search filters. (for 1.4 See Ctrl-F) Obsolete This mod is obsolete with 1.4, replaced with these: Ctrl-F and Custom Alerts. The search functionality of this mod has been made into a framework for other mod...
List Everything 1.3简体中文汉化包
Created by 雨夜聆风
List Everything简体中文汉化包,已完全汉化,新人汉化,英文撇脚,如有错误请指正。 功能介绍 原MOD功能为:自定义搜索全地图列出的物品,再也不用担心漏掉袭击者留下的重要宝贝啦。 本mod仅为汉化包,不包含mod本体。 ...
SRTS Expanded
Created by NECEROS
Short Ranged Transport Ships These are tiered, flying ships with very specific roles. They can load people and cargo and bring it somewhere else -- potentially a very long distance, and back again. These act like drop pods, but are not one use -- when you ...
[JGH] SRTS Expanded retexture
Created by jeonggihun
https://i.imgur.com/tE28cZ7.gif SRTS Expanded retexture - This mod only changes the graphics - Safe to add or remove from a save game SRTS Expanded is one of the funniest mod in Rimworld. It also includes a ship with great design. I love and respect the sh...
SRTS Landing Zone for SOS2
Created by MrGlasses
Adds a new hull for Save Our Ship 2 called Hangar Plating. This hull will create a breathable, roofless environment that keeps the room at a steady 21C (70F for us 'MERICANS) while powered. Why? Because SRTS Ships cannot take off in an area with a roof bui...
SRTS Landing Zone for SOS2(未更新到1.4)、My Little Planet、Better Pyromania、Craftable Cores打包汉化
Created by pzqaks
SOS2的SRTS机库、星球大小调整、更好的纵火狂、自制人格核心和科技核心四合一打包汉化 打包的原因只是偷懒而已 ...
SRTS-飞船拓展 汉化 SRTS Expanded
Created by
介绍:可以通过研究解锁几种更强大的飞船。 翻译:简体汉化,繁體可用。本汉化作品均为阿寻翻译。请勿在其他渠道发布。 更多:可在【个人汉化MOD合集】找到我的更多汉化。如有翻译错误可以与我联系。 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 喜欢的话,点个赞吧! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/773973636542880938/177552C120085204130566E3C02C4E749C53B49C/...
HD Pawn Rendering
Created by bradson
The new 1.3 update of Rimworld limited the render resolution for pawns to 128x128. This mod aims to remove that limit, increasing it to either 512x512 or any user defined choice, enabling high res apparel and race mods to work correctly again. Comes with s...
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module
Created by Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/Ljrc02E.png https://i.imgur.com/fzZxGm1.png 1.1.1 (21/02/2020): 1.1 version of this mod is no longer dependant on VFE-Core 1.1.0 (20/02/2020): This mod is now 1.1 compatible. 1.0.0a (05/05/2019): Fixed several bugs. 1.0.0 (20/04/2019): ...
The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion Soundtrack
Created by Raptor Ex Seven
Adds 26 songs from The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion Soundtrack, including 9 battle songs, 5 nighttime songs, 5 daytime songs, and 7 anytime songs. All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. Thanks to Jeremy Soule and Julian ...
(LEGACY) Android tiers - Gynoids Reborn
Created by Winterbloom
Android Tiers Reforged has been released for 1.3 and 1.4, Reforged already contains this mod, this is legacy meaning old Android Tiers, not Android Tiers Reforced - for more information please visit the AT discord. --> https://discord.gg/qVJzeB8 Android Ti...
Android tiers - TX Series
Created by aRandomKiwi
https://i.imgur.com/TEBxhcE.jpg https://i.imgur.com/NosON0p.jpg WORKS WITH SAVES - REQUIRES Android Tiers mod Add a new serie of androids designed for infiltration missions, their slightly modified exoskeleton are covered with rubber skin / living tissues ...
克隆 汉化 Questionable Ethics Enhanced
Created by
介绍:克隆相关操作,克隆人以及克隆器官等。 翻译:简体汉化,繁體可用。本汉化作品均为阿寻翻译。请勿在其他渠道发布。 更多:可在【个人汉化MOD合集】找到我的更多汉化。如有翻译错误可以与我联系。 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 喜欢的话,点个赞吧! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/773973636542880938/177552C120085204130566E3C02C4E749C53B49C/...
Questionable Ethics Enhanced(USE MLIES VERSION)
Created by Mario55770
This is not an official fork, ifany past author asks me to take it down, I will. However, in the meantime, this at least lets qee work in 1.3 ATTENTION MLIE HAS ADOPTED THIS MOD. THIS LINK WILL TAKE YOU TO HIS. https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filede...
Keep Bed Ownership
Created by Hultis
Allow colonists to have one bed assigned per map, meaning that they don't lose bed ownership when they sleep in a bed while away from base. Can be safely added and removed from saves, but always make a backup first! Incompatible with: Hospitality Compatibl...
Trading Control
Created by Tad
What it does. This allows you to designate where you want Trade Caravans and Guests to set up shop, then lets you tell the Traders when to move on! No more trampling around inside your workshops or through your bedrooms in the middle of the night! Bonus - ...
Trading Control汉化
Created by _duosha_
Trading Control的简体中文汉化...
Created by Timmy
Trade Helper is a small tool which expands the Trading Dialog and helps you trade in RimWorld. This includes: - A Wish list: a configurable list of desired items, when a trader holds any matched items, these items will be clearly highlighted so you won't m...
Vanilla Expanded Framework
Created by Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/SaZMDO9.png Vanilla Expanded Framework incorporates a multitude of functionalities for different mods in order for us to boost performance by not duplicating code across several mods. Examples of shared functionality include custom base...
Vanilla Achievements Expanded
Created by Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/TP3b6El.png https://i.imgur.com/yuYtxnb.png Vanilla Achievements Expanded is a unique, never before seen in RimWorld modding achievement mod, part of the Vanilla Expanded mod series and a framework for ot...
Vanilla Achievements Expanded简繁中文汉化包
Created by 骸鸾
A Chinese language pack of Vanilla Achievements Expanded,you can find main mod by right link. Vanilla Achievements Expanded (原版成就扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:22,MZM_GOW -繁中:22,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: Vanilla Expanded系列mod。 向游戏中加入了一套全新的成就系统。你可以...
Vanilla Events Expanded
Created by Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/Ljrc02E.png https://i.imgur.com/yebnDL6.png See changenotes. https://i.imgur.com/X5NSzEI.png After playing the game for a long amount of time, you’re not really looking forward to events anymore - they be...
FE3H Misc Hair
Created by Meng De
https://i.imgur.com/158kNQy.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/o7srzkK.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/ViOa5fh.png "With Teach here, our colony is saved!" For the hairclips and tiara go to the Accessories mod. https://i.imgur.com/IzLZmdx.png 6 hair add-ons (2♂, 4♀) based on mi...
Performance Optimizer
Created by Taranchuk
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif https://i.imgur.com/IwcKfqq.png Performance Optimizer is a mod, which adds various performance tweaks to the game. Its goal is to boost your game performance to some degree if you are already struggling with it. With this mo...