环世界 唯有正义不可辜负
項目 (204)
人民公社化运动:China 's People' s Commune Movement
建立者 刃迁乎
人民公社讲究一曰大二曰公,集体劳动,吃大锅饭,财产公有,粮食亩产过万斤。 肥猪赛大象,就是鼻子短,全社杀一头,足够吃半年。 人民公社,是新中国社会主义社会结构的、工农商学兵相结合的基层单位,同时又是社会主义组织的基层单位。我国人民公社运动是从一九五八年夏季开始的,很短时间内,全国农村就实现了公社化。人民公社是党的整风运动、社会主义建设总路线和一九五八年社会主义建设大跃进的产物。People's commune, is the new socialist society in China, the combi...
【血族】的发展不必需要血奴提供血包 - 可以在*屠宰台*上通过肉类制造血包。 【机械师】不必消耗小人(裂解扫描)获取高级核心 - 可以在*次核编译器*上用标准核心制作出高级核心。 ...
建立者 灰风白茅
简介: 本mod在游戏中还原了多种明日方舟中的种族并添加了一些与各种族对应的派系、物品、专属开局等拓展内容。 明日方舟-泰拉血脉(Arknight-Ties of blood)已整合边缘世界的萨科塔们(SectatorInRimworld)。 已制作种族: 萨科塔 ——身体上链接着由未知技术制造的发光构造体的特殊人类,他们与自己的同胞之间存在某种原理不明的思想交流能力并且普遍在远程武器的使用上有着相当高的天赋。 ——萨科塔们在边缘世界建起了一座新的圣城并自称新拉特兰,他们欢迎所有人成为拉特兰教的信徒。 ——...
建立者 LZlouzhu
Make original edition trader,base and visitor richer and have more item to trade. 让原版的的商队和基地以及旅行者更加富有且拥有更多交易物品(2-10倍的增加)...
更多背景特性HYP's MST Fantasy Girl Expansion
建立者 Hyperion-c
2021年9月03更新 支持简体中文、支持繁體中文、support English 摘要:为游戏添加9个以“幻想少女”为主题的特性 Summary: Add 9 "fantasy girl" -themed features to the game 正 义 警 告 更新内容:为特性七彩少女和幻想少女添加烹饪速度加成(人妻属性),将冥想媒介分散到六个特性之中。 (你问我为什么七彩少女启用病态媒介?那肯定是自恋+傲娇啊) 9月03更新内容: 添加1.3版本支持。 2月08更新内容: 特性出现概率调整回常见特性的...
更多背景特质(续)HYP's More Storylike Traits(Continued)
原模组地址 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2012787971 更新于:2024.04.26 晚上 修改了一些问题 2024-4-14 下午 更新了1.5版本,修改了更新后技能相关的属性与1.5适配,图片我就懒得改了_(:з」∠)_。 2023.03.02 晚上 更新了1.4版本,删除已被删除的小人因素并更改为新更新的小人因素,图片我就懒得改了_(:з」∠)_。 ———————————— 原模组简介 ———————————— 更...
更多背景特质HYP's More Storylike Traits
建立者 Hyperion-c
Update on 2021/9/26 ,updated the assemblies of game version 1.3 --感谢由@DarthCY 提供的更新内容: 2021-9-26 针对人物关系全解锁的bug,发现是反编译后续累加的执行顺序写错了,导致判断跳步,改后正常 2021-9-25 反编译并尝试修复了IsDisFigured判断 -- Support English、支持简体中文、支持繁體中文 摘要:为游戏添加更多背景故事式的特性。(目前总共54个) ————Summary: Add m...
碳烤鱿鱼丝的传奇铠甲包(续)/TKYYS's The legendary armor(Continued)
一个添加铠甲的简单MOD/A simple MOD to add armor 原模组地址 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2449528998 更新1.5 【套装列表】 1、深渊骑士:增加移动速度和近身战斗能力 2、冥枭震日:增加移速和射击能力 3、辉骑士-月魄:增加移速和免疫获得速度,减伤,减少精神崩溃阈值,增加毒抗性和有毒环境抵抗力 ...
碳烤鱿鱼丝的攻城坦克(续)/TKYYS's Siege Tank(Continued)
打倒蒙斯克,拳击大主教,脚踢凯瑞甘。 Defeat Mengsk!Defeat Artanis!Defeat Kerrigan! 原模组地址 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2440864736 介绍:占地3X3,精准炮击,爆炸造成范围燃烧,不需要接电也不需要补充燃料。 更新1.5...
建立者 伪善猫尾
Add a feature that only appears with a one in a thousand chance, the sharpshooter, which can hit 100% without the opponent's cover....
建立者 恬喜的猪
添加了1.5标签,删除了红字,未测试。 新多人床铺(老) 新防御炮塔(强) 新材料秘银(挂) 新虚空行商(卡) 更多新建筑(等) 可以制作(合理): 玻璃钢、超织物、合成纤维、中性胺、魔鬼素、闪耀世界医药和人格核心。 魔力土壤: https://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=6071357...
建立者 Metal LED
「注意:我只是代传者,原作者为圣の光,原帖链接:https://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-6195922-1-1.html 」 「原作:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2881334421」 「因为原作者不知道为什么上传了却显示不出来,我就帮他上传了,请多多支持原作者在原帖链接中进行下载。」 简易科技--简单易用的科技。 简易科技整合内容(20221208): 1、简易地板灯:自发电发亮的地板灯,带防水功能,可...
建立者 虞月
建立者 MornWithEven
一个解放军步兵班在执行任务时莫名奇怪的到落到这个星球 玩家派系:新移民 开局人数:8。 以空投方式抵达。 开局科技:解放军制服 开局科技:解放军护甲 开局科技:现代武器 开局科技:地热能 开局科技:无源外骨骼背包 开局科技:99A主战坦克 开局科技:永备结构工事 开局科技:精密武器工艺 开局科技:数字化武器 开局资源: -白银 x20000 -包装生存食品 x2000 -闪耀世界医药 x2000 -零部件 x2000 -玻璃钢 x10000 -钢铁 x30000 -原木 x20000 -布 x5000 -1...
增加革命理想文化 增加了政委这一职业,相当于传教士版射击专家(没有禁用技能) 增加同甘共苦戒律,效果是领袖,传教士的期望和普通人一样,贵族需求禁用 我就一个破画画的,bill和夜海才是写文化的。 该文化包可以单独使用。...
建立者 Ee
This Mod don't have Complete English translation now.(Because my English is very poor) English translated by Izzy and me(use DeepL Translator) and fugue2005 This mod adds several buildings that require research to build or access: 1:Nano Repair Wall/ Nano ...
鼠族富商Ratkin Rich Trader
建立者 LZlouzhu
Make ratkin's trader,base richer and have more item to trade. 让鼠族的商队和基地更加富有且拥有更多交易物品...
建立者 恬喜的猪
一个古老的模组,看到有人求上传创意工坊; 应该不存在兼容或冲突,或许仅限当前版本。 所有的XML都做了中文注释,欢迎学习修改; 如果出现红字,打开XML删除带有DLC句柄; 该模组会极大地降低游戏乐趣,请慎重使用! 作弊请配合“精心准备”使用: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=735106432...
Better Mechanoid Loot (重写)
建立者 无声飞雪
便用补丁方式重写,提高兼容性,防止报错 Gloomlight/Mech node需要Royalty DLC LightMechanoid,HeavyMechanoid,SuperHeavyMechanoid需要Biotech DLC 原MOD:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2886997332 Gloomlight/Mech node = Free Sun Lamp Light Mechs = 15 Steel Medium M...
Big and Small - Framework
建立者 RedMattis
A framework mostly for handling a variety of Biotech Features, such as genes of different sizes, and well as a variety of gene and graphics behavior, such as transformations, genes varying by body-type, and so on. Bodytype Gene Graphics Very simple usage, ...
Dev In Your Language
建立者 alatta
Localizable developer actions and view settings Dev In Your Language exposes hardcoded or generated strings of developer tools, allowing translators of various languages to localize them. Why? I don't know. Maybe it will enhance cheating experiences of you...
Dev In Your Language_zh
建立者 LingLuo
Localization of developer content based on Dev In Your Language...
Dont Hit Allies
建立者 Feng Xinzi
No more misfires, including between turrets and colonists, between colonists and colonists, and between turrets and buildings. No more problems with your own cannon destroying your own turrets or colonists' heads. You can choose in the mod settings whether...
Drakken Laser Drill
建立者 空曜
This Mod provides a giant laser turret that can be upgraded infinitely through research technology: Drakken Laser Drill (technology need: Electricity) 1.Characteristic: A. Infinite range B. Damage caused by power consumption (initial: 36/s) 【Mineable】 C. U...
建立者 mo
Retexture for Drakken Laser Drill....
Dragonian Primus
建立者 Eggbed
Adds an HAR race, Dragonian Primus.                      Compatible with:               Gloomy Dragonian race           Dragonian Prime Race2.0           Combat Extended                                                                                       ...
Dragonian Prime Race2.0_zh
建立者 神马终日行
名称:Dragonian Prime Race2.0 译名:龙娘2.0 说明:大名鼎鼎的龙娘,重新润色汉化了,底子汉化不知道是谁的。 2022/12/13 更新汉化几个背景,一个武器,还有一些其他的。 2023/05/02 本体更新,把背景故事调整了。 兼容生物科技,龙娘有自带的生物技能,可以通过科技手段提取龙娘基因...
Emperor of dragon (帝 龙 降 临)
建立者 gaopengwd123
Join in an extermination level beast. Come to the colony through events. Don't try to tame without inspiration. Combat power is the highest level. 加入里一种灭世级别的凶兽.通过事件来到殖民地.没有驯服灵感千万不要尝试驯服.正义度算是天花板级别吧. 2020.3.25 Reduced wildness and the explosion radius of dra...
建立者 yrtwof
What's this? Add a "Everything CraftingTable", a worktable that can create all recipes that can be created in a building treated as a worktable. The recipes here are mostly compatible with those added by mods other than the Rimworld standard. ( However, re...
请在原MOD之后加载 英文名:EverythingTable 中文名:万能工作台 简介 为游戏内添加了一个万能工作台,可以在上面进行任何配方。(例如:制作禁卫甲,拆解机械体什么的,只要是配方都算。) 搭配 Make Anything Craftable ( 汉化包 )有奇效。 翻译人员 简体中文:asavikle 繁体中文:asavikle 注意事项 本汉化由asavikle出品,未经允许禁止转载。 如在游戏过程中发现了翻译错翻、缺失等问题,可以评论指出,翻译人员看到后会进行检查改正。 如果您喜欢本汉化,可...
Ma Ao's self use expansion pack
建立者 麻奥萨玛
麻奥自用的扩展包 新机器.分子工作机.用于切割.回收.熔炼.拆解.制造.制药.烹饪等32项实用菜单功能.它是个永动机.可以制冷和发电.让室内保持-2度。 2种炮塔可供建设.守夜者用来近距离自动防御(同时拥有加热功能,不消耗电力,并且有光照),大型切割塔用来远距离自动炮轰. 1种新食物,速补.它能愈合伤口,治愈疾病,并且提供25种buff. 可以随时安全添加删除. 目前不需要研究任何项目就能直接投入使用....
Expanded Artillery heavy shells for VFE Artillery - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of Expanded Artillery heavy shells for VFE Artillery,you can find main mod by right link. Expanded Artillery heavy shells for VFE Artillery (炮弹扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: WD-Expanded...
Expanded Roofing 1.4
建立者 vonMort
A direct port of the Github version made by AaronCRobinson. I take no credit for anything made in this mod. Previously maintained by KiameV for Rimworld 1.3. Many thanks! Adds customizable roofing, with transparent greenhouse roofing and photovoltaic solar...
[FS] - Live2D Cubism Framework
建立者 Fleurety
Use Lite Version instead if encountered memory leak at main menu For users, currently this mod only provides a live2d model displayed in the main menu and side of the merchant tab. The model is interactable, however other features like play sounds are unde...
Fallout - Nuka Cola Collection "Old Version"
建立者 JangoD'soul
New Mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3280682589 This mod adds 12 Nuka-Colas from Fallout series Features: All the Nuka-Cola has the Same Stats giving pawn GoJuice,wakeup Effects https://i.imgur.com/2maFRwR.png https://i.imgur.com/...
Fallout - Nuka Cola Collection - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of Fallout - Nuka Cola Collection,you can find main mod by right link. Fallout - Nuka Cola Collection (核子可乐合集包)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 向游戏中加入了出自《辐射》系列的经典饮料——核子可乐。有经典口味、樱桃口味、清爽口味、柳橙口...
Food Alert
建立者 猫不吃鱼
mod food display is not normal, please cancel and re-subscribe, this is steam creative workshop synchronization problem Description : real-time statistics of food stocks and days of maintenance in current colonies count only the nutritious food within the ...
Garbage Craft--垃圾工艺
建立者 飞翔的希特勒
尽情使用处理有毒垃圾的产物去构造各种本不可制作的东西和更多有趣的玩意儿吧。 需要赶工?没问题,药剂帮你忙,就是有点副作用。 手工专家搓的还不够快?没问题,这有一个方尖碑。 敌人太多太强?试试毒气手雷和狂怒毒气炮弹!让他们边吐边窝里斗! 以及,希 望 工 程。 Have had enough about Waste Pack?This mod will help you,processing Waste Pack and use product to make Unmake able things.And m...
Gehenna Emergency Vehicle No.11
建立者 Rabiosus
Sena's Emergency Vehicle No. 11 from Blue Archive....
Gehenna Emergency Vehicle No.11 - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of Gehenna Emergency Vehicle No.11,you can find main mod by right link. Gehenna Emergency Vehicle No.11 (格赫娜救护车)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 基于Vehicle Framework的扩展mod。 向游戏中加入了一辆出自...
Geological Landforms
建立者 m00nl1ght
Adds 43 landforms to the game, which generate biome-independently. You can see an example of each landform in the image gallery on this workshop page. The goal of this mod is to make map generation more interesting and varied, compared to the vanilla exper...
Geological Landforms - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of Geological Landforms,you can find main mod by right link. Geological Landforms (更多更好的地貌生成)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 向游戏中添加了多达36种各具特色的新地貌。 玩腻了原版那几种简陋无趣的地貌?那不妨试试这款mod! 注:若想生成这...
Giddy-Up 2繁簡漢化
建立者 虛無_鬼王
ㅤ歡迎來到鬼之魂的繁簡漢化系列     本系列漢化翻譯將會經過以下測試:                     英文底子以AI深度討論替代        簡體為繁體的直接轉換       例外將會在說明欄進行標註       原為私用翻譯 但經過思考後      打算繼續分享給社群盡一份心力ouo 漢化反饋: 如果有 請直接在評論區反饋,我會抽出時間進行更新 就算是 這類小問題也可以進行反饋,這對我也有幫助,謝謝 測試以及例外說明: 運行測試:完全 注意:請不要同時訂閱和 他們的packageId是相同的...
Giddy-Up 2
建立者 Owlchemist
This is a continuation and overhaul of Giddy-Up, permitted by Roolo, its original author. This new version is an all-in-one, highly performant, complete with new features and improved integration. New here? What's Giddy-Up? Giddy-Up includes three modules:...
Graphics Settings CHS
建立者 TinyGrox
A Chinese Language pack for Graphics Settings+ github: https://github.com/tinygrox/Graphics-Settings-CHS -------------Description for Chinese users------------- Graphics Settings+ 的简中翻译。建议配合rimpy使用更佳(optimize tex)。 以下是 Mod 中的涉及的部分名词的大致解释: - Mip-Mapping 意为多...
Ground Turret Mod (Continued)
建立者 Alfie Brook
Add "burrow" and "unburrow" Command to turrets. Clear all enemy hatred when in the concealed state. Offer a way to protect your turrets and distract enemy's attack route. To balance, you'll have to charge to make the turrets function again. Support: Combat...
建立者 [Kor]HellCrossH
트럼보 그래픽 리스킨 모드. 해당 모드는 생물 트럼보와 무기 트럼보 뿔이 함께 리스킨 되는 모드입니다. 도와주신 한국의 모더여러분과 응원해주신 림갤 여러분 감사합니다. Thrumbo Graphic Reskin Mode. This is a mode that Reskin Thrumbo and his horns. uptate - 트럼보의 그래픽 선명도를 올렸습니다. 좀 더 깔끔해진 트럼보를 만나실 수 있습니다! 후원 - Patreon - https://www....
Herald Baltim Heavy Raider
建立者 Aelflead Wayne
adds Baltim Heavy Raider as a playable aircraft for aerocraft framework, from Star Trek online. Basically was part of a much larger mod I'm working on, got burn out and some funding issue, so this part is released first atm. Disclaimer: CBS Studios owns th...
Hyacinth's Mechanoid Addon - GD MK3
建立者 Feng Xinzi
Does the original mechanoids feel completely inadequate to fight? Tired of dealing with plasteel delivery every day? Then come and try this. Adjusted the strength of the original version of all mechanoids, adding several new mechanoids, so that your battle...
建立者 Jucorx
你可以用这个mod实现水培自由(bushi ...
建立者 苍白而蔷薇
~模板1.4.2版~ 注1:我所有的汉化翻译都是机翻+意译+脑补,肯定比不上专业的,只能说勉强能用 注2:繁体翻译是用简体翻译机翻转换的...(看得懂繁体不会繁体表达的我) MOD介绍: 关于其它人做的贴图重置(可选可不选) 向游戏中添加了以下动物 ・Mandola/梦幻的植物-蔓德拉(宠物特化,强力产物),植...动物...动植物! 注:该MOD有一个略微降低一点正义度的轻量版Mandola.light,二选一即可 ・Uva/机器人-优娃(运输特化,强力产物),你设定不是机器人吗? 注:该MOD有一个略微...
Infinite Gestalt Engine
建立者 Cedaro
README This mod is currenly incompatible with Reinforced Mechanoid 2, this is because of the assembly files conflict, which cannot be fixed on my side. Here is a local fix solution: On the premise that you're using both Reinforced Mechanoid 2 and Gestalt E...
Insect Evolution - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of Insect Evolution,you can find main mod by right link. Insect Evolution (虫族突变)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 向游戏中加入了一种新的游戏机制——虫族突变。 通过虫灾生成的虫巢将随着时间的推移提高突变等级,获得新的突变类型,而由这些虫巢诞生的虫族将会获...
Kijin Race 3.0
建立者 SSulungE
About Good old Kijin Race is now back with 1.4 and Biotech! AlienRace no longer required. Kijins are medival oni like xenotype humans. They burn a lot of calories to maintain a fast work rate. All other genetical traits and reseaches are made to support th...
Kijin Race 3.0 - 简繁中文汉化包
建立者 鲜芋仙
Kijin Race 3.0(鬼人3.0)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译人员: -鲜芋仙 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 鬼人族的1.4版本已出,不再需要外星人前置。 鬼人是进化得像人类的食人魔。虽然他们庞大的身躯和肌肉都缩小了,但肌肉反而变得更加紧密健壮。他们需要吃很多东西才能保持活动。 -添加了鬼人的基因类型:工作速度快,吃得更多 -添加了中世纪水平的武器和盔甲 -添加了中世纪水平的鬼人派系 -添加了鬼人背景故事 -添加了一些发型 -添加了能够疗伤的温泉 -添加了2...
建立者 黑崎一护
Kurin, The Three Tailed Fox -魅狐豪华版的简体中文汉化包。 6.28----》奇龙回归,现在是两只角,角可以放电。 4.22----》补上了1.4版本的旧文本,应该可以用吧,但是我大概率没空去专门去补全和更新1.4汉化了,希望理解。 4.17----》奇龙整体被删除了。目前汉化主要内容已更新,但是关于载具框架的联动内容还没补全,有空再说吧。 3.31----》新增了一个军官帽,丽狐皮,还有诸多通讯台的对话。 3.11----》新增了魅狐防护服,魅狐战术导弹车-主宰者,魅狐战术导弹...
Kurin [Deluxe Edition] Rich trader 1.4 update
建立者 LZlouzhu
Make kurin trader richer and have more item to trade. 使得魅狐商人更加富有以及拥有更多可交易物品...
Kurin, The Three Tailed Fox [Deluxe Edition]
建立者 [いのしし_3]
~ (KTTFDE) ~ ⚑ This mod is fan-made continuation of . I do not own (or claim to own) original resources of mod. Creators of mod are shown on its workshop page. I wanted to play with kurins, and I made a lot of content for them. KTTFDE offers: The Kurin spe...
Logistics Mechanoid 物流机械
这是一种令人印象深刻的六腿机械体,设计用于物流和运输工作,同时拥有白蚁和搬运机的特点,负责驮运和搬运物资,这些物资大都很重或有风险,无法通过空投仓发送。它是许多机械巢穴中不常见的骨干,不过到了人类手中,却是机械师的骏马。 机械体内部的大型存储室被电镀的机械外壳保护,额外的存储罐则安装在背部面板。头部具有增强的侦察传感器,可以在野外更快的发现威胁, 对于防御,后勤机械配备了稍厚的装甲层。在P I N C H中,液压装载爪是为了在危险区域工作而制造半杀伤的武器,体内的废气也可以从排气口排出,并提供烟幕。但它仍然...
LWM's Deep Storage
建立者 lilwhitemouse
Important note Little White Mouse gave birth to a healthy baby! Further updates are likely to be sporadic, as feeding and caring for a baby is a lot harder than RimWorld makes you think... However, the code is available on GitHub, so if there are changes y...
LWM's Deep Storage - 简&繁中文汉化包
建立者 leafzxg
LWM's Deep Storage (深度存储单元)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:BOXrsxx,leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 添加一些列可以储存大量物品的家具,比如深度储存冰箱、置物架、食物篮、药品柜、托盘、衣架等等。 更新日志: 2024.6.28-1.5-1.5.0-2024.6.10 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.11.3 2021.7.16-1.3-1.3....
[MIS] - Arknights
建立者 Fleurety
English translation is under construction. Please contact Izzy if you also want to contribute. Humanoid AlienRaces & FacialAnimation patch, Subscribe to:Patch Seems newest version no long support 1.4. You may found 1.4 version at github This is a MOD inspi...
[MIS] - Chinese Voice Patch
建立者 Fleurety
中文语音包 ...
[MIS] - Framework
建立者 Fleurety
Functional framework by Mushroom and Inkfish Sticked Barbecue Group. Not worked alone. Prerequisited by other mods. Designed to solve that, characters(from certain IP, like games) mods typically want to spawn a specific pawn, but vanilla does not support i...
M.I.S. - Sponsor Affiliated
建立者 灰风白茅
本mod性质仅供娱乐不和本体有任何直接关联,仅收录开发组内的自设角色以及赞助者们的定制内容,以感谢各位玩家对本mod的大力支持。 qq1群:752161330 (严禁键政) qq2群:756879005 (比较自由) 如在游玩中遇到困难请加群咨询管理员。 祝各位游戏愉快。 本mod开发时间跨度非常之大,制作组成员也非常的劳累,为mod花费大量精力,如果各位有能力的话可以扫下方二维码赞助一下编程和画师,再次感谢大家对该mod的支持和喜爱,在联系制作人之后赞助一定金额我们会为您定制属于自己的干员加入新的“开发者...
M808C Scorpion
建立者 Rabiosus
M808C Scorpion and pelican...
Map Designer
建立者 Zylleon
https://i.imgur.com/HvMpaYn.png More options for unique, customized maps! Map designer makes all changes relative to the original map. Found a seed that's *almost* perfect? Make your changes and roll the same seed! Changing stone type won't change mountain...
Map Designer - 简&繁中文汉化包
建立者 leafzxg
Map Designer (地图定制)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 可以在玩家基地地图生成前预先设定一些规则,包括山体、地形、湖泊、动植物密度等等,还有多组已经预设好的规则。 此Mod在经过作者的不断更新后,功能已十分强大,基本可以根据自己的设想定制出你想要的地图。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.11.3 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7...
Map Preview
建立者 m00nl1ght
Adds a map preview to the world map. It shows you the map that will generate if you settle on the currently selected world tile. The size of the preview window can be changed in the mod settings. To easily turn the preview on/off, you can use the small tog...
Map Preview - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of Map Preview,you can find main mod by right link. Map Preview (地形预览图)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 非常实用的小mod,兼容性也极为良好。 向游戏中大地图界面右上角添加了地形预览图窗口。通过此功能,你可以直观方便地看到选中区格的实际地形结构,再也不必为了寻找...
Map Reroll
建立者 Symbolic
This mod allows you to quickly randomize your starting map and steam vents locations. Your starting scenario, colonists, items, etc. will all stay the same. Now includes the map preview generator- rather than trying for random maps, you can pick exactly th...
Map Reroll (1.4/1.5)
建立者 TheRealLemon
If you want to support me click here: https://storage.ko-fi.com/cdn/kofi2.png This mod allows you to quickly randomize your starting map and steam vents locations. Your starting scenario, colonists, items, etc. will all stay the same. Now includes the map ...
Map Wide Orbital Trade Beacon
建立者 Supes
Map Wide Trade Beacon Created by request, this mod makes a small change to trade ships, so that you can trade without the need to have trade beacons covering your entire base (possibly considered a cheat). You only need one beacon (best placed outside so d...
Mechanoid Modifications_Zh 机械族改造
完成研究后,可以在次核编译器中制造改造组件。 每次改造都需要消耗一个工具包,改造需要让机械体保持自充电休眠状态。 Mod分为前两个的本体与扩展技能包,和第三个的单独的技能包,不需要全部下载。 虽然不兼容CE,但实测除了过于夸张的数值加成(指锐器护甲乘以200%)和一些改造组件武器不能使用外,运行良好。 比某个需要塞改造的辣鸡V2机械族强化强多了。 有问题可以反馈,但我无法回复评论区。 由于不明原因,原来发布的无法更新,只能另外重新发布一次。 ...
Mechanoid Modifications Extended 机械族改造拓展
Just a mod with some overpower modifications componrent added https://files.catbox.moe/u1t9pz.png...
Mechenic God / 机械神教
建立者 loaferSu
After a few times of being crushed by thirty Tribe Melee guy and slaughtered my minions at the first 30 days. I decide to create this mod just to have an equal size of mechnoids and enemy. The equipent added: A hat that simply increased 100 bandwidths, and...
Melee Weapons: Speed and Damage
建立者 BrokenBed
In this mod, the pawns "Melee skill" and "Manipulation" now affect melee weapon damage and cooldown. You can change scaling in mod settings. ...
Melee Weapons: Speed and Damage - 简&繁中文汉化包
建立者 leafzxg
Melee Weapons: Speed and Damage (近战武器速度和伤害修改)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Vick,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 小人的格斗等级和操作能力会影响近战武器的伤害和冷却时间。 你可以自行在Mod设置中调整参数。 更新日志: 2022.1.26-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.20 2021.1.26-1.2-1.2.0-2020.12.29 —————————————————...
Melee Animation
建立者 Epicguru
Adds detailed animations to melee combat, and new melee combat mechanics. This mod aims to spice up the regular Rimworld melee combat by adding custom hand-made animations for attacking & moving, and for new melee mechanics: duels, executions and Unique Sk...
Melee Animation - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of Melee Animation,you can find main mod by right link. Melee Animation (近战动画)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -暂不完全汉化,正在等待作者补全翻译接口。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 本mod为原版的近战系统添加了更细致的动画,并添加了一些新的游戏机制,例如决斗、终结技、套索等。 决斗:当两个小人使用近战武器对打...
Miho, the celestial fox
建立者 PePeTan
Wow! Fluffy Foxes! Miho, the celestial fox Miho, the vagrant of love and the celestial fox, are foxes that were uplifted by the power of Archotech, or something. They have a trait that can adore the entire human species, for some reason. Yes, They love you...
Miho, the celestial fox - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of Miho, the celestial fox,you can find main mod by right link. Miho, the celestial fox (美狐族)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 向游戏中加入了全新的狐耳外星种族——美狐族,以及对应的装备、武器、建筑、材料、心灵能力和成瘾品药物。 受超凡智能眷...
Mines 矿洞拓展
建立者 Zephyr
矿洞, 你的殖民者们挖掘大地宝藏的地方。 This is a remake of the mod from AngleWyrm to version 1.0, 1.1 增加了一种建筑 矿洞,可以自己制定清单开采指定的矿物。 只能开采原版矿物和石块,不会被耗尽。 相当于弱化版的采石场 详情见原mod界面,本mod仅为汉化包不包含mod本体。加载在原mod后 The original author:WexMan This mod is just a language pack ,you can fand mai...
Mod Manager
建立者 Fluffy
Juggle your mods like a pro! https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Features.png A cleaner, better Mod management screen. separate lists for available and active modscreate and delete local copies of steam modscreate and load mod list backupsload mod list f...
Mod Manager - 简繁中文汉化包
建立者 leafzxg
Mod Manager (Mod管理)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod内置的汉化已过于落后(近一半没汉化),本汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 本mod是为了实现更简洁,易用的mod管理为目标而制作的。以下为mod的几大功能介绍: 1.为创意工坊的mod创建本地副本:能够与你在创意工坊中订阅的mod进行版本对比和更新。对比更新是非自动的,可以有效避免作者夏姬八更新而导致的存档崩坏。mod检查功能是否可用尚未进行...
(停止维护)More Genes简体中文汉化包
建立者 黑崎一护
More Genes简体中文汉化包。 增加了近百种基因,有特点的就是改变体型、改变衰老速度、改变成长速度、改变营养消耗量、改变寿命、复活的基因,其他都是用来获取原版特性的基因。 ...
More Genes
建立者 Darkborderman
A simple mod that add more genes about vanilla traits, health, and immute. I made this one because I found some traits I want does not on the list. Currently Added trait genes: * Work related genes (slothful, lazy, hard worker, industrious) * Mental relate...
more mk3 Mechanical
建立者 秋辞
Mole Cricket: A powerful melee mech family, Tunneler is an upgraded version Antlion: An elite unit that appears in the mechanical tribe's wall breaking attacks, it is an upgraded version of the mechanical termite and has extremely heavy armor. Notircopa: A...
Nanomachines, Son!
建立者 I exist
Adds the nanomachine heart that Senator Armstrong had in MGR, so that your colonists too, can have nanomachines that harden in response to physical trauma! Get it from doing quests! NOTE: THE MOD WAS MADE WITH ARMOR & UI UNCAPPER / UN-LIMITED IN MIND. USE ...
Nanomachines, Son! ru zh
建立者 Nevelian ⭐
support language,RUSSIAN,CHINA. Добавляет сердце, которое дает вашим колонистам наномашины, сынок! 添加一颗心脏,为您的殖民者提供纳米机器,孩子! Поддержать автора Give a thumbs up ;) Поставить палец вверх ;) Original mod Original mod author: I exist Translation author: Nevelian...
Nephilim Xenotype
建立者 Sovereign
https://i.imgur.com/bHAs3rP.png https://i.imgur.com/P8VDkig.png This mod adds a new Xenotype that is the counterpart to the sanguophage. They are quite rare and are most commonly found in the empire. This mod comes with careful balancing,custom sounds and ...
Nephilim Xenotype - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of Nephilim Xenotype,you can find main mod by right link. Nephilim Xenotype (圣耀种)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 向游戏中加入了一类对标赫血种的新异种人——圣耀种,以及新的成瘾品与植物。 圣耀种自诩为神明的后裔与使者。他们背生羽翼,头悬圣环,宛如天使一...
建立者 NukaFrog
Mod Load Order Core AlienRace2.0 Show Hair ... This Mod New Ratkin Race mod This mod improvement of older versions and adds new content. Unfortunately, it is not compatible with old version. Please start with a new game. What is the Ratkin Ratkin is a huma...
NewRatkinPlus - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of NewRatkinPlus,you can find main mod by right link. NewRatkinPlus (萌鼠族)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 向游戏中加入了新的类人种族“萌鼠族(Ratkin)”。这种聪明机灵的吱星人有十分可爱的造型和萌萌的耳朵。 - 该MOD可以划分为外...
Noobert Nebulous - Vidtuber
建立者 Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/KSGbFps.png See changes notes https://i.imgur.com/iPE0fQa.png https://i.imgur.com/smIPIxa.png Noobert Nebulous is a mod created in partnership with Vanilla Expanded team, and allows you to become a famous vidtuber out in the Rim. By cre...
Noobert Nebulous - Vidtuber - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of Noobert Nebulous - Vidtuber,you can find main mod by right link. Noobert Nebulous - Vidtuber (边缘油管)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 向游戏中加入了新的游戏机制——殖民地中的小人可以登录“边缘油管”网站,创建属于自己的频道并成为一...
Oops All Gene Banks
建立者 redundantusage
Uncle Jack Hughes decided to be a hero, so the mod is officially updated to 1.5 compatible. Note that Harmony is now required. A standalone version of the Gene Archive and Register from my other mod, Gene Variety. Adds the Gene Archive and Register, advanc...
Oops All Gene Banks 啊,只要基因库 暂时有简无繁汉化
建立者 pzqaks
原作者有一个添加了超多基因的mod,但有些人只要里面的大号基因库 ...
One-click convert after battle
建立者 Alfie Brook
Tired of handling dropped items all over the map after a battle? Willing to get compensation other than just destroy the corpses? This mod adds a new option to the comm console,which allows you to turn corpses and their drops on the map into silver with on...
建立者 Norman
目前加载本汉化会爆红字,会等完全汉化后尝试修复。套用了神马大佬的汉化。只有简体。 名称:Pawnmorpher 译名:变体科技 说明:汉化程度70% (原版介绍)曾经想成为一个疯狂的科学家,拥有各种诱变剂的库存货架以释放世界吗?或者也许是一个快乐的农民,拥有一大群稗畜……等等,那只羊刚刚说话了吗? 使用Pawnmorpher,您可以携带一系列诱变物品来对抗袭击者、访客甚至您自己的殖民者。发现罕见的突变,对付纯粹的身体,部署诱变迫击炮弹,在出去开采刚刚在你基地附近坠毁的发光的绿色流星之前使用稳定器……等等! ...
建立者 Yap
Updated for 1.5. https://imgur.com/xycuX9r.jpg Ever wanted to be a mad scientist with a stocked shelf of various mutagens to unleash upon the world? Or perhaps a cheery farmer with a large herd of barnyard livestock...wait, did that sheep just talk? With P...
建立者 神马终日行
名称:Pawnmorpher 译名:变体科技 说明:汉化程度70% (原版介绍)曾经想成为一个疯狂的科学家,拥有各种诱变剂的库存货架以释放世界吗?或者也许是一个快乐的农民,拥有一大群稗畜……等等,那只羊刚刚说话了吗? 使用Pawnmorph er,您可以携带一系列诱变物品来对抗袭击者、访客甚至您自己的殖民者。发现罕见的突变,对付纯粹的身体,部署诱变迫击炮弹,在出去开采刚刚在你基地附近坠毁的发光的绿色流星之前使用稳定器……等等! 这是高风险的,是的 - 但你内心的疯狂科学家会陶醉于向拥挤的突袭发射迫击炮弹,看...
建立者 IssacZhuang
The weapons and armour of the People's Liberation Army. Compatible with Rimworld 1.3 now. This mod is compatible with Combat Extended. This mod includes weapons and armour of PLA. The weapons in this mod: Assault Rifle QBZ-95-1 QBZ-03 QBZ-191 Sub Machine G...
Polarisbloc - Mechenemy
建立者 RS-CZH
Maintenance is done with the consent of the original author:Vaniat Original mod:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1498573216 Only Factions: Advanced Mechanoids:A Mechanoid interstellar marine with highly advanced technology. They have ...
Potential of Youth
建立者 pureMJ
Young colonists will release their potentials on birthday. https://i.imgur.com/MClTdVy.gif Background In Rimworld non-adult colonists are usually worse than adults. They were generated with worse passions/skills, they have less HP, carry less and deal less...
Power Tools
建立者 Simmin
This mod adds 4 powered tools for industrial society, the chainsaw, the grinder, the jackhammer and the drill All Tools are made at the machining bench. And require Steel, Industrial Components and Chemfuel to make. https://i.imgur.com/dlPiXee.png https://...
Power Tools - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of Power Tools,you can find main mod by right link. Power Tools (动力工具)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 向游戏中添加了多种加成强力的动力工具。 推荐搭配Simple sidearms使用。 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,获...
This mode is no longer supported, please use the Mutant Hive in the main Mod.
建立者 Roo
This mode is no longer supported, please use the Mutant Hive in the main Mod....
Quarry [Adopted]
建立者 Ogliss
Quarry for collecting rocks and resources in flat terrain. Please note that the original source and mod was cuproPanda's Quarry for B18 Forked from Symons' Quarry for R1.0 Mineable Items Chunks (only the types available under where the quarry was built) Mo...
Ra2 Bunker Graphic 1.4
建立者 Drakun
Edit: since the Mlie's RA2 Bunker continued mod doesn't work properly. Use AKreedz Ra2Bunker mod instead here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3000514785 1.4 update of Neceros original mod Changes the graphic for Ra2Bunker. I will de...
建立者 AKreedz风影
https://i.imgur.com/tE28cZ7.gif Add a bunker to rimworld. Bunker: people can enter it and fight with enemy.(6 pawns max) (they should take range weapon before they enter the bunker) Can find in Security list. Need research Now it supports more materials Th...
建立者 Ee
You can make Mechanoid Raid Caller in Component Assembly Bench.(ResearchPrerequisite:Ship Sensor Cluster) 袭击不来?袭击太少?使用本mod手动召唤袭击 添加了一个袭击召唤器,可以无限次数召唤袭击,但无法制作,无法在商人处购得,为任务奖励。 添加了一个机械族袭击召唤器,能够召唤当前袭击点数2倍的机械族袭击,可以在稀有品商处购得。 添加了一个空投袭击召唤器,可以无限次数召唤敌人的空投,可以在稀有品商处够得。...
Raids For Me
建立者 aRandomKiwi
https://i.imgur.com/OPlXBLl.png What ? Is your colony too peaceful ? Need more challenge ? Need to try your new Kill For Me packs with some raiders ? You can now be very rude with other factions and get raided when you dirty talk to them ! You want a raid ...
建立者 魔王萨摩耶
特别感谢:Hyperion-c 提供了英文翻译。 Thanks: Hyperion-c provided English translation 内容: 增加更多人物特性,并通过颜色将其划分为多个级别。 特性属性较为平衡,高品质特性略微正义,不过考虑到出现几率微乎其微,故尚且平衡。 Bad特性:灰色品质,出现几率低。 Normal特性:白色品质,出现几率高。 Rare特性:绿色品质,出现几率中等。 SuperRare特性:蓝色品质,出现几率低。 SuperiorSuperRare特性:紫色品质,出现几率非常...
建立者 StarEngraver
RealDeathless - Even the brain is destroyed Added a new archite gene to the game, real deathless. Features: - Restore missing parts every 60000 ticks (1 day). - Cure injures and wounds every 60000 ticks (1 day). - Resurrect from death like collapsed rocks ...
Realistic Human Sounds Anime Overhaul
这个Mod会改变Realistic Human Sounds的所有语音,变成二次元风格。 为了以防万一,替换了所有声音。 但还是会出现原来的部分声音,可以通过替换原始文件的办法来解决问题。 如果你使用外星人种族要打这两个补丁  真实的人类声音外星人种族补丁  真实的人类声音智能人形种族补丁 记得在Mod设置里切换anime选项 This Mod For Realistic Human Sounds ,Replaced all voice. The replaced content is Japanese a...
建立者 玖日长弓
This MOD is being remade. This mod adds a faction - Red Sun Heavy Industry and corresponding heavy industry armaments. Factional story: RedSun Heavy Industry was originally a small faction composed of a group of people living in the marginal world and inte...
Reinforced Mechanoid 2 - 简&繁中文汉化包
Reinforced Mechanoid 2 (机械族强化 2)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: HALO: Rimworld Heretic Mechanoids的升级重置版。正义与负正义并存的mod。 向游戏中加入了数种灵感取自经典游戏《光环》的全新机械族。成群结队进行突击的“机械游蛉”、皮糙肉厚的移动式护盾发生器“机械独角仙”、可以快速修理其他机械族和机械族建筑的“机械工蜂”、使用激光武...
[Discontinued] Reinforced Mechanoid 2
建立者 Helixien
https://i.imgur.com/isPIiKb.png https://i.imgur.com/lMvcJSM.png https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif https://i.imgur.com/NaWKVlJ.png You can see all changes in the changelog tab! Current mod version: 0.9b3 Supports Rimworld version: 1.4 This mod is mostly compl...
Removes Skill Decay
建立者 Heister
Skills will no longer decay over time. (Does not affect animals, only people.)...
RimHUD - 简体中文汉化包
RimHUD的简中汉化包,请在原MOD后加载。 有简单转换的繁中。 MOD介绍: RimHUD是一个UI MOD,它可以显示所选角色或生物的详细信息。HUD可以集成在原版检视面板中,你可以调整面板大小已经添加删除显示的信息。HUD也可以是一个独立的浮动窗口浮动在屏幕上的任何位置。 这个UI MOD是为了1600x900以上分辨率设计的。较低的分辨率仍可以使用这个MOD,但你可能需要在选项中调整面板的大小。 RimHUD的设置面板可以通过单击将鼠标停留在HUD时所显示的齿轮图标来进入。 其他MOD添加需求和技...
建立者 Jaxe
RimHUD is a UI mod that displays detailed information about a selected character or creature. The HUD display is integrated into the inspect pane which can be resized to fit the additional information. Alternatively, the HUD can display a separate floating...
RimLegend: Combat Traits
建立者 TheLonelyMountain
Want specialized soldiers? Want powerful leader? Want traits focusing on combat? Here is a mod for you! This mod add 10+ traits focusing on combat, and create 3 new combat mechanism. The powerful traits can build a living legend in Rimworld! New mechanism:...
RimLife Expansion Furniture_zh
建立者 路小君
RimLife Expansion Furniture的汉化包。 ...
RimLife Expansion Furniture
建立者 daylight
[ 説 明 ] ● リムワールドでの過酷な生活にちょっとした変化を!RimLife ExpansionシリーズNo.6 。 ● このMODは特別な研究を追加しません。バニラの研究を終わらせると順次解放されます。 [ 追加要素 ] ●新しい家具・温調機器 ・壁掛け暖房機・・・壁掛け型のヒーター。通行を阻害しない。 ・埋め込みヒーター・・・地面に埋め込むヒーター。通行を阻害しない。 ・埋め込みヒーター(強力)・・・上記の2倍のパワーをもつヒーター。 ・埋め込みヒーター(プロミネンス)・・・通常の5倍の能力を持つ...
Robot Girl Doll中文語言包
建立者 塔洛斯_Talos
這是エイテン的Robot Girl Doll(少女機甲)繁體及簡體漢化包,感謝エイテン製作並分享該MOD。 MOD介紹頁面漢化 =========================================================================== 新增大型人形雙足行走機器人“Doll(少女機甲)”。 少女機甲是一種使用乙太(一種神秘物質)的雙足機器人。 因未知的原因,只有使用在一個看起來像女孩的機器人上時,乙太物質才會被激活,並以類似於電力的方式發生反應,進行高速而穩定的運動...
Robot Girl Doll
建立者 エイテン
Support Languages Japanese English(Machine Translation) This mod adds a large humanoid biped "Doll". Doll refers to a bipedal robot that uses the mysterious substance etherium. For unknown reasons, etherium is only activated when used in a robot that resem...
⚠停止更新⚠ ⚠1.4⚠ RT Solar Flare Shield -- RT太阳耀斑屏蔽装置 简繁汉化包
建立者 LookAtMeNow777
警告: —————— 本mod为 RT Solar Flare Shield 的非官方简繁汉化包。 边缘汉化组 已有原作者一系列模组的汉化合集, 点击即可前往订阅 。 简介: —————— RT Solar Flare Shield RT太阳耀斑屏蔽装置:增加了一个可以保护殖民地不受太阳耀斑破坏的屏蔽装置,其代价则是极高的电力消耗及巨大的热量排放。 作案动机: —————— 众所周知,如果 仅选择性订阅 汉化合集里的一个或数个mod,而非 订阅所有 mod,RimPy会显示“缺少前置mod”的警告,虽然不影...
建立者 roolo
Your colonists can never be a true Rambo if they cannot gun while they are running. Therefore, this mod adds a mode that, when enabled, allows drafted colonists and NPC pawns to shoot while moving at the cost of an accuracy and movement penalty . These pen...
Salted Meat - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of Salted Meat. Salted Meat (新腌制拓展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: Salted Meat(汉化包)的重置版本。 添加了一种新的食物保存方法——盐渍保存法。 现在你可以将肉类和Vanilla Fishing Expanded(汉化包)的渔获用食盐腌制或做成香肠来延长保质期。 与1.0版本不同,腌肉...
Salted Meat
建立者 Argón
https://imgur.com/qRhJ6fW.png https://imgur.com/VBRH8R0.png It's been a year since I first uploaded the original Salted Meat and Sausages! And I'm so incredibly amazed of how a lot of people downloaded and used it. After a whole year where I learned a bunc...
Set Up Camp - 简&繁中文汉化包
建立者 leafzxg
Set Up Camp(露营地)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:BOXrsxx -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: A16世界地图出现后崛起,知名度最高的大地图类mod。国民级mod。使远行队能够在没有其他据点的地区位置建立临时定居点。新维护者对其进行了优化,设定更合理,并有更多内容可以自行设置。 是否兼容已有存档:可以 强度及特点: 综合正义度:中等(4 开启露营地事件,设定停留时间)- 正义(14 关闭露营地所有事件,无限时间) 特点:使远行队能...
Search and Destroy
建立者 roolo
Tired of pawns lounging about during the heat of the battle after their first kill? Or got an easy raid and don't want to micromanage everything? Toggle Search and Destroy to let the AI take control over your pawns while you sit back and enjoy the slaughte...
Shella Backgrounds
New anime-version backgrounds: Royalty Ideology Biotech Anomaly Rabbie & Dragonian Mincho & Moyo Kiiro & Miho Kurin & Ratkin Kurin, Ratkin & Dragonian Milira & MoeLotl Setting - Set the background in Game Options - Interface. - Random will now display one ...
Smart Speed(速度调节)简中汉化
建立者 SiriusXuan
Smart Speed的简中汉化包,请在原mod之后加载 增加了四倍速,右键倍速按钮的菜单,可以调整来事件时的游戏倍速(作者说与Dubs大佬的性能优化mod中“Reduce stutters while panning“功能一样冲突了,关掉就好了,其他功能可以正常使用) 不会英语,全是机翻,不喜勿喷 所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 ...
Smart Speed
建立者 Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png Updated 16/03/24: Updated to 1.5 Features: - Enables ultra fast speed without developer mode - Adds ultra speed icon - Allows you to set Event speed multiplier by right clicking the speed arrows. Event speed multiplier defin...
Smarter Visitors - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of Smarter Visitors,you can find main mod by right link. Smarter Visitors (更智能的访客)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 你是否曾因为访客选择在袭击或其他威胁事件发生时离开而感到难绷?或许这个mod能帮你解决问题。 本mod对访客的一些机制作出了更人性化的改...
Smarter Visitors
建立者 Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/iCj5o7O.png Since visitors decide when they want to leave, it may not always happen at the best time. This mod checks the map when visitor-groups decide to leave and can delay this from happening. Included in the mod is also a Visitor-s...
Snap Out! - 简&繁中文汉化包
建立者 leafzxg
Snap Out! (振作起来!)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 当殖民地的小人出现精神崩溃的时候,是否想到如果有人能去安慰他们,帮助他们尽快走出崩溃的心理状态? 这个MOD就是为此而生。当你的殖民地里有人出现精神崩溃,而失控的时候,让你的其他小人去安慰难说的小人吧。同时也能减少更多的损失之前。平息失控的小人。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-202...
Snap Out!
建立者 Weil
https://i.imgur.com/TUwekIZ.png https://i.imgur.com/cMzeQ7d.png 19/10/22 - 1.4 update 5/8/21 - Simplified Chinese translation 10/7/21 - 1.3 update 9/1/21 - Italian translation; Remove hit counter; Remove Harmony dependency 1/10/20 - Update formula; Revamp ...
Snow Crawler
This mod adds in a heavy duty snow crawler named the "Wintermute" via Vehicle Framework, it also features a bonus scenario. While at first glance the wintermute may seem underwhelming, it's a vehicle that has an impressive indifference for some of the most...
Snow Crawler - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of Snow Crawler,you can find main mod by right link. Snow Crawler (冬寂雪地车)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 基于Vehicle Framework的扩展mod。 向游戏中加入了一辆越野能力相当优秀的履带式冬寂雪地车,以及一个附带此载具开局的新剧本“陷入困境的科考...
Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod
建立者 Albion
Sparkling Worlds - Glittertech on the Rim The main features of this mod is to increase the ability to craft advanced Glittertech items and introduce some new advanced weapons, items and buildings from Glitterworlds without breaking the game or deviating to...
Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod - 简&繁中文汉化包
建立者 leafzxg
Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod (闪耀世界)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RS-CZH,leafzxg -繁中:RS-CZH,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 注意!此mod非闪耀科技! 添加了有关闪耀世界的一系列事件,科技与武器等内容。 平衡良好 更新日志: 2022.12.27-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.11 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.20 2020.11.01-1.2-1.2.0...
Spawners and Drones 简繁中文汉化 无人机自动装配防御系统
建立者 云无意
简介:这个mod添加了装配器,可以自动组装作战无人机以供基地防卫,玩家无法控制无人机。 有四大类无人机,追踪飞雷、侦察级无人机、专家级无人机、仿制机械族。 适合不愿让小人冲锋陷阵、以及钟情开放阵地的玩家。 可以中途添加,与CE不兼容,从商人和任务奖励中获得。 我在环世界玩塔防.jpg 欢迎留言反馈错译漏译,如果好用还请点赞收藏。 这只是一个语言包,你可以在右边找到mod主体。 This is just a language pack ,you can find main mod by right link....
Spawners and Drones
建立者 Alkolyte
Adds purchasable spawners to the game that automatically produce security drones for your colony Recommended for: people who are too attached to their pawns to let anything part of the colony die people who think killboxes are lame and open combat is cool ...
Standalone Hot Spring
建立者 balistafreak
Changelog 10 April 2024: 1.5 compatibility tentatively functional! 20 Oct 2022: 1.4 compatibility tentatively functional! 5 Jul 2021: 1.3 compatibility tenatively functional, will declare as 'definitely' once other players have more extensively used it. Ma...
Standalone Hot Spring - 简&繁中文汉化包
建立者 leafzxg
Standalone Hot Spring (治疗温泉)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233 -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 新增建造在蒸汽间歇喷泉之上的温泉。可以给伤员或病人加快回复的效果,最多可以6个人同时使用。 更新日志: 2021.8.28-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.06 2020.8.27-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.25 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘...
Standalone Hot Spring Retexture
建立者 xevawolf
A Retexture for Standalone Hot Spring....
Stop, Drop, And Roll! [BAL]
建立者 balistafreak
Changelog 10 April 2024: Mod recompiled to work with 1.5. 21 September 2023: Water-seeking behavior cropped up again, mod updated to fix this behavior. 20 July 2022: Mod recompiled to work with 1.4. 5 July 2021: Mod marked as compatible with 1.3. Mod appea...
Supreme Melee繁簡漢化
建立者 虛無_鬼王
模組說明: 這個模組可以讓你依照格鬥等級提升對近戰和投射物的格擋能力(不需武器)會受到敵人的技能等級影響 格鬥等級到達15和20還會額外獲得特徵喔! 裝上 Dual Wield 用二刀流還能判定兩次!(機率會降低) 另外想自己做特徵的人 這模組的兩個StatDef都是可用的 個人非常推薦ouo!                                                                                                            ...
建立者 VOID
last update: 2024-04-17 This mod is supposed to be used together with 'TerraformRimworld'. Its an optional mod for those, who like TerraformRimworld and want to use it together with these extra stones and terrains. Don't activate SZ_Terrains together with ...
T's Samurai Faction
建立者 Trickity
Welcome my fellow Ronin! This mod contains A full set of samurai factions, furniture, gear, weapons, styles, and other items. This mod is using Vanilla Factions Expanded as a framework so that mod is required. The item amount and balance should be similar ...
T's Samurai Faction 简繁汉化包
建立者 GratuitLancer
该模组为个人汉化 原作者:Trickity 简介 该模组为游戏添加了数种日本风格的护具、武器,还包括清酒——一种用稻米酿造的日式美酒 此外,为文化DLC新增了两种风格——神道风格和武士道风格 更新日志: 2021/8/7 添加了新的武士派系,包括文明的幕府(充满荣耀的)以及粗野的幕府(嗜血的),并为游戏添加了一个全新的武士风格剧本。 新增了部分新的装备,包括大名头盔,斗笠等等。 2021/8/14 新增了和服和浴衣两种衣物。 新增了樱花树这一植物。 对一部分汉化问题进行了修缮。 2021/8/24 新增了一...
建立者 AKreedz风影
https://i.imgur.com/tE28cZ7.gif INFO You can build portals. Pawns that pass through a portal will be transported to another portal closest to their destination. It's a little different than VPE Skipdoor Pathing I didn't add the pathfinding AI that automati...
建立者 idatenz
(This is a machine translation.It might be strange English.) Are her legs too fat? I think I need this much! Add "Tenko" as an animal. It appears at low rates in many biomes. They do not appear on sea ice. "Vanilla Expanded Framework" is required as a prer...
Celestial Manufacturing Cooperation MKII
建立者 TOT
Introduction This weapon pack contains a list of weapons/apparels and buildings designed and produced by celestial manufacturing cooperation. In general this is a UNBALANCED mod, some weapons are too powerful for vanilla enemies, and they are very hard to ...
TOT's RimNewEast
建立者 TOT
Afraid of food poisoning? Not skilled enough to cook delicious food? Don't worry, We are always willing to serve you! This mod provides 3 meals which are just better versions of the vanilla meals respectively. They will not cause food poisoning regardless ...
Unlimited Threat Scale个人汉化
建立者 hanami
Unlimited Threat Scale简中个人汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 允许您设置威胁等级,理论上可以任意高。它可以让您设置多高?我不知道。您还可以增加威胁点上限(游戏通常限制在10,000个),甚至可以完全解除限制。 但是请自行承担风险,因为没有检查和平衡,您的游戏将按照设定行为。如果您决定解除威胁点限制并开始一个1M%威胁等级的游戏,在任何人有机会杀死您之前游戏崩溃不要感到惊讶。 说到威胁点,如果您好奇游戏为每次袭击使用多少威胁点,请查看其他mod,Visible Raid Points:h...
Unlimited Threat Scale
建立者 1trickPwnyta
Allows you to set the threat scale, in theory, as high as you want. How high will it let you go? I don't know. Technically there is still a limit of 1000000000% because numbers stored in computers must have a limit, and that number would break the game any...
建立者 Paragon
Mod Introduce This mod remove Armor rating limit( vanilla's limit is 200%p ) from Apparel. yep, that is all. Enjoy your original "Performance" of Armors. Frequently Asked Questions Q : why we still have a Armor point at "Gear tab's Overall Armor"? A : idk,...
Useful Filth - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of Useful Filth,you can find main mod by right link. Useful Filth (更有用的地面污物)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 一个让地面污物变得更有用的mod。 小人现在清扫部分类型的地面污物时,可能会获得一些资源物品。 例如清扫石块或山体附近的岩屑时,有几率获得碎石子,收...
[IZ]Valkyrie BOSS
建立者 idatenz
(This is a machine translation.It might be strange English.) Add "Valkyrie" as animals. Valkyrie are very powerful and can severely disrupt the game balance. Please be careful when introducing it. The concept is to make it strong anyway, so we do not recom...
建立者 idatenz
(This is a machine translation.It might be strange English.) Add "Vampire" as an animal. They are found in areas with high humidity and low sun exposure. "Vanilla Expanded Framework" is required as a prerequisite mod. https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles...
Vampire Retextured
建立者 Jingo柏利斯
Vampire外觀重製,請在原MOD之後加載。 說明: 只更改Vampire的人形特徵,採用類似Nals的Compatible Body風格。 繪圖:有求必硬洨紫雀 ...
Vanilla Achievements Expanded
建立者 Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/TP3b6El.png https://i.imgur.com/yuYtxnb.png Vanilla Achievements Expanded is a unique, never before seen in RimWorld modding achievement mod, part of the Vanilla Expanded mod series and a framework for ot...
Vanilla Achievements Expanded - 简&繁中文汉化包
建立者 骸鸾
A Chinese language pack of Vanilla Achievements Expanded,you can find main mod by right link. Vanilla Achievements Expanded (原版成就扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:22,MZM_GOW -繁中:22,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: Vanilla Expanded系列mod。 向游戏中加入了一套全新的成就系统。你可以...
Vanilla Outposts Expanded
建立者 Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/TP3b6El.png https://i.imgur.com/61Y4DoF.png See change notes https://i.imgur.com/Xide7Zf.png Vanilla Outposts Expanded can be described as an incredibly Lite version of mods like Saakra’s Empire. Players ...
Vanilla Outposts Expanded - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of Vanilla Outposts Expanded,you can find main mod by right link. Vanilla Outposts Expanded (原版据点扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 向游戏中添加了新的据点系统。你可以通过派出远行队以在大地图上建立功能各异的据点。 据点中的殖民者不会显示在屏幕上方...
Vanilla Outposts Expanded: Additional Outposts - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of Vanilla Outposts Expanded: Additional Outposts,you can find main mod by right link. Vanilla Outposts Expanded: Additional Outposts (原版据点扩展 - 更多据点)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 基...
Vanilla Outposts Expanded: Additional Outposts
If you ever felt that you need more outpost types, then this mod may be what you need. Mod Contents Mod add few new outpost types to complement Vanilla Outposts Expanded. New outposts should help your pawns with high Construction/Medicine/Cooking/Artistic ...
Vanilla Vehicles Expanded
建立者 Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/bwwqvS7.png https://i.imgur.com/3tTWK2C.png Vanilla Vehicles Expanded is a long awaited mod utilising Smash Phil’s Vehicles framework. The main purpose of the mod is to add realistic and engaging mechanic...
Vanilla Vehicles Expanded 原版载具扩展 简繁汉化包
建立者 Shavius
万众瞩目的天选之子:原版载具扩展的简繁汉化包。原mod依赖载具扩展才能运行。 该mod加入了一系列朴实无华但有效的各式载具,玩家需要先研发相关科技,随后在载具工作台上制造所需零件,再在建筑菜单中造出载具。 已经集成Vanilla Vehicles Expanded - Tier 3 目前已有的载具: T1简易载具: 漫步车:基础单人越野车 旅行车:基础高速双人公路车 货驴卡车:基础货卡 小喇巴:可以运一车面包人的基础小巴车 越野摩托:小型全地形摩托车 摩托艇:如其名 蛙式运输舱:运输舱,但是可以重复自行发射...
Vehicle Framework
建立者 Smash Phil
I only accept bug reports and feedback on discord and github. Discord link Github https://i.imgur.com/kdYddEs.png This mod is a framework that enables modders to create vehicles. This mod does not include any vehicles on its own. If you are a modder that w...
Vehicle Framework 载具框架 简繁汉化包
建立者 Shavius
注意:本mod只是框架,并不包含任何可用载具 万众瞩目的载具框架终于制作成熟了,它几乎从无到有地建立起了一整套载具独属的系统,让制作者仅通过xml就能制作真实合理的载具。 载具能拥有自己的属性,部件血量,操作员,动力源。既可以作为一个多格物体在小地图中自由寻路,还可以被编入远行队在世界地图上旅行。 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,获取更多汉化发布、更新动态。 —————————————————————————— 漏译反馈:因为边缘汉化组维护的汉化Mod数...
VFE Spacer AddOn
建立者 CiXwOw
CONTENTS I managed to find a day free in between assignments/exams, so I decided to whip up something quick. This mod adds some more Interactive Tables from Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module in the following sizes: 1x2 Interactive Table 2x4 Intera...
VFE Spacer AddOn - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of VFE Spacer AddOn,you can find main mod by right link. VFE Spacer AddOn (VFE互动桌扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 基于Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module的扩展mod。 向游戏中加入了更多尺寸(包括1x2,2x4...
Wall Light
建立者 Murmur
https://i.imgur.com/glxD5rt.png As of update 1.5, Rimworld now contains wall lamps that serve the same purpose that this mod served for many, many years. So, what does this do now? Adds wall sun lamps. Lets you configure the vanilla wall lamps (and the add...
⚠停止更新⚠ ⚠1.4⚠ Wall Light -- 壁灯 简体汉化包
建立者 LookAtMeNow777
警告: —————— 本mod为 Wall Light 的非官方简体汉化包。 边缘汉化组 已有原作者一系列模组的汉化合集, 点击即可前往订阅 。 简介: —————— Wall Light 壁灯:可装在墙上的壁灯、日光壁灯、彩色壁灯及暗光壁灯,所有参数可调。 作案动机: —————— 众所周知,如果 仅选择性订阅 汉化合集里的一个或数个mod,而非 订阅所有 mod,RimPy会显示“缺少前置mod”的警告,虽然不影响实际游玩,但绝对能逼疯像我这样的强迫症患者(事逼),因此我搞了这个单独汉化包,本mod只包...
Warhammer 40k - Genes and Psycasts (ABANDONED - USE NEWER VERSION IN DESCRIPTION)
建立者 Phonicmas
https://i.imgur.com/8jSk790.png Most recent change: THIS MOD WILL NO LONGER BE RECIEVING UPDATES AND I WILL NOT PROVIDE SUPPORT FOR IT. USE THE NEWER VERSIONS LINKED BELOW. https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2891265603 ...
Warhammer 40k - Genes and Psycasts 简体中文
建立者 风江
Warhammer 40k - Genes and Psycasts 的简体中文翻译,添加了22种阿斯塔特基因(三种超凡基因)和一种灵能者基因,相当强力。模组还在开发期,可能会有各种问题。英语渣所以有些是机翻。 ...
建立者 望星海
Watchtowers简体汉化。 这个mod增加了瞭望塔,你可以从墙和其他建筑物后面射击,同时减少敌人的掩护,他们更接近一个瞭望塔 由于第一次搞汉化,目前只有简体中文....
建立者 Dartstriker
Since it's hard to test everything by myself this mod is in beta and I need your help, please report everything unusual and, of course, any errors Adds watchtowers from which you can shoot behind walls and other buildings all while reducing cover of enemie...
Weapons Dominator
建立者 seeki
Overview Weapons Dominator is a high spec managed mod that lends players the power to dominate any weapon. The following dream features are available with no expertise required. Colonists monopolize powerful weapons and do not let the enemy use them. Unloc...
Weapons Dominator zh
建立者 Alfie Brook
武器支配是一款高配管理模组,可让玩家拥有支配任何武器的能力。 您可以在没有专业知识的情况下使用以下梦想中的功能。 ・殖民者独占强力武器,不让敌人使用。 ・解锁HAR种族的专属武器。 ・显示所有武器的DPS,可视化武器之间的强度关系。 ・你可以像调整扬声器音量一样轻松调整任何武器的性能,并且武器的DPS可以超强提升约100倍。你还可以将你最喜欢的武器定制为只有你才能使用的终极武器。 ...
Wisteria Corporation Lin的个人汉化
-Wisteria Corporation的机翻润色中文汉化,玩前先备份存档是好习惯。- - 简介 - 来自紫藤重工的先进武器和装备,基于对一种名为“普伦”的独特本土水晶植物的研究,远程武器利用了电荷武器中使用的相同的脉冲充电技术,改进出了一种新的专有磁约束炮击工艺,近战武器也经过了全新、高科技、高频率的改造。模范的战斗性能,高端的外观,与 W-HIC 的商用规格能量晶体矩阵电池一起使用可实现终身正常运行,足以让任何太空作战专业人士满意。 注:随机地名什么的不好翻译,我就没翻译,不过也不影响游玩。有什么问题...
World Food
建立者 qux
New traditional meals from many countries around the world. This mod is a stand-alone of a project in progress, Geopolitical Rimworld, you can find all the information on this project on my patreon (link at the end of the description) With the vanilla game...
World Food - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of World Food,you can find main mod by right link. World Food (世界美食)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 向游戏中加入了法棍面包、北京烤鸭、奶酪火锅、韩式拌饭、罗宋汤、炸鱼薯条、德式酸菜、披萨、墨西哥卷饼等多达20种来自世界各地的著名美食。 注:由于部分食物的烹饪原料来...
Yayo's Animation - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack of Yayo's Animation. Yayo's Animation (Yayo的动作动画)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 为小人、动物和机械体增加了各种动作动画。 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,获取更多汉化发布、更新动态。 ——————————————————————...
Yayo's Animation (Continued)
建立者 Soky
Original mod by Yayo! This is an update. You can find the original here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2575938407 Support Yayo on Ko-Fi: https://i.imgur.com/d6Vx7Sj.png Support me on Ko-Fi: https://cdn.ko-fi.com/cdn/kofi2.png?v=3 *...
Yayo's Combat 3 简繁汉化包
建立者 Shavius
汉化了yayo's combat这个mod,改变了很多战斗算法,请在本体之后加载...
建立者 千山急雨
给所有小人一个中文名字。 名字取自网络,从6000女性名字与5900男性名字中随机。 190个姓氏,依照百家姓顺序,越靠前的姓随机到的概率越高。 ※需要新档,中途加入本Mod只有加入后刷新的小人会有中文名字 2022/11/03更新: 修复动物随机出人名的bug。 2022/11/05更新: 新生儿会跟随父亲或母亲的姓氏 2024/03/29更新: 支持1.5 不再颠倒姓氏/名字顺序 兼容Mac/Linux(我没有Mac电脑,所以并没有实际验证。如果依旧无法使用,麻烦在评论区反馈) 2024/04/13更新...
More Outstanding Leader
建立者 伪善猫尾
Change the expectations of the Ideology DLC leader position to -2 (more responsible), production quality shift +1 (absolute talent), and healing others to improve the morale of the treated (leaders)....
Anty the war ant race
建立者 Roo
As a result of long-term testing, we discovered that 'Hats Display Selection' removes hair, ears, and antennae. 'Hats Display Selection' will now be specified as an incompatible mode --Translation-- EN Supported by default JP https://steamproxy.net/sha...
Anty the war ant race_zh
建立者 Diamond.J
安迪斯(蚁族)Anty the war ant race的简体中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载 汉化者:大蹇1 有什么问题欢迎留言! 右下角有直通车,欢迎在下面留言,我会看的(确) 另外: 是这样的,这个mod有些def作者没有给出,我先把能汉化的就先汉化了,然后我会跟进摸索,争取做到完全汉化,现在比如健康状态栏全部def都没有,然后还有一些def联系不大,我后续会跟进汉化。 QQ群:939550779,欢迎各位朋友进群催更和反应问题。 This is a language pack ,please dow...
AOC's Food Plus pack - 简&繁中文汉化包
A Chinese language pack and Patch of AOC's Food Plus pack,you can find main mod by right link. AOC's Food Plus pack (速食便当)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 基于Bill Doors' Instant Noodles 比师傅方便面的扩展mod。 向游戏中加入了四...
AOC's Food Plus pack
建立者 Millap
https://i.imgur.com/u6AZ8QC.gif https://i.imgur.com/Q1ubOd6.gif This is a mode that adds delicious lunch boxes sold by AOC Group! I will continue to add the foods I want to add. Thank you. https://i.imgur.com/eg4QI01.png...