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Položky (442)
1145141919226!简单来说,材质替换。 请关注앵구谢谢,他也有可爱的脸部替换!请搜索VEE!!! (我的裤子需要他的代码)...
Vytvořil ICEorANGE
无尽科技,(星芒战甲)。环世界探险队员们从地心深处探寻到的一处尘封万年的古老遗迹里,尘封着一种闻所未闻的技术蓝图,科学家们根据蓝图发现这是一种超越世界科技的科技甲胄与武器设计!设计之精密,构造之细微令人叹为观止 战甲搭配的高科技计算系统,不仅能从生活的方方面面提供全景指导计算,还能协助使用者完成各种精密操作,工作效率大大提高!战斗方面提供了助推跃动,能强化下肢力量同时借助火力高速起跳~战甲外有高能防护罩,阻挡敌人火力的同时不会对自身发射造成影响~自身强大的防御能从容面对各种不利环境。此外帝国灵能科学家发现战...
华夏扩展 Chinese Comprehensive Expansion
Vytvořil 玖日长弓
This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ 这个mod大概的内容是什么? 这个mod加了很多华夏风格的物品,动物,植物,还有相对应的科技,以及特有的美食和家具,属于综合拓展Mod。 平衡性如何? 目前比较平衡,物品强度与原版差不太多,如果对于该MOD的一些物品的平衡性有意见,可以在评论区...
更多背景特质(续)HYP's More Storylike Traits(Continued)
原模组地址 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2012787971 更新于:2024.04.26 晚上 修改了一些问题 2024-4-14 下午 更新了1.5版本,修改了更新后技能相关的属性与1.5适配,图片我就懒得改了_(:з」∠)_。 2023.03.02 晚上 更新了1.4版本,删除已被删除的小人因素并更改为新更新的小人因素,图片我就懒得改了_(:з」∠)_。 ———————————— 原模组简介 ———————————— 更...
碳烤鱿鱼丝的传奇铠甲包(续)/TKYYS's The legendary armor(Continued)
一个添加铠甲的简单MOD/A simple MOD to add armor 原模组地址 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2449528998 更新1.5 【套装列表】 1、深渊骑士:增加移动速度和近身战斗能力 2、冥枭震日:增加移速和射击能力 3、辉骑士-月魄:增加移速和免疫获得速度,减伤,减少精神崩溃阈值,增加毒抗性和有毒环境抵抗力 ...
更多背景特性(续)HYP's MST Fantasy Girl Expansion(Continued)
原模组地址 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2017124818 更新于:2024.04.26 晚上 修改了一些问题 2024-4-14 下午 更新了1.5版本,修改了更新后技能相关的属性与1.5适配,图片我就懒得改了_(:з」∠)_。 2023-3-02 晚上 更新了1.4版本,删除已被删除的小人因素并更改为新更新的小人因素,图片我就懒得改了_(:з」∠)_。 ———————————— 原模组简介 ———————————— 20...
罗德岛家用机械体 Rhode Island Household Machinery
A number of machines using the summoning objects and officers in the Ark of Tomorrow have been added to the game (In fact, at the beginning of the game, the mechanic just opened the cat ear gene mod and wanted to cosplay Kaltsit. He wanted to add a mod wri...
Vytvořil 小杂鱼
=================简介================= 碳烤鱿鱼丝的传奇武器包的更新版本,在原版的基础上添加了1.4版本的兼容。原模组地址 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2358986543 一个很简单的武器MOD,可以在 军工仿制工作台 制作知名武器或者在 投影工作台 制作应对恐怖敌人的强力神器。 ===============更新日志================= 2024.04.14 更新1.5 20...
虫娘 Insect Girls
Vytvořil rot03065
This mod can add it midsave. RocketMan Time dilation compatibility. CE compatibility. And I'm not good at english. This mod added: 6 Insect Girls, in the wild or join like pets. If one is dead, the same one will not encounter in the wild again, you need to...
Vytvořil 死萌
为群友写的特性和背景,方便把群友捏的小人加入进来玩耍。 感谢“我是主角”模组提供的代码注释,并且严重超模警告! 如果你想把自己的小人加入我的档,或者是给自己捏一个专属特性,欢迎进群来提供劳动力~735053560 特性数值可能随时会有改动,并且这些特性不会在游戏中生成,只能你自己手动添加...
补货状态 Restocking Status
Vytvořil Pos 5
本模组目的是更直观的显示定居点是否在补货中,如果完成补货,就是默认定居点的样子,如果正在补货中,会在定居点图标出现一个标志。 The aim of this mod is to show more intuitively whether the settlement is restocking. If the restocking is completed, it will be the default settlement icon. If it is restocking, a symbol will ...
Vytvořil Creeper
游戏中一部分角色名字数据被封装进资源中了,导致无法直接对这些名字进行翻译 这个Mod通过替换的方式翻译了这些内置的人名,让游戏中所有出现角色的名字都变成了中文名,更方便识别 支持简体中文和繁体中文 应该不会产生任何兼容性问题 人名翻译主要依靠机翻,其中可能会存在极少数缺漏 21/7/27更新 支持以下mod中新加的人名 Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval 21/7/28更新 修复树精报错的bug 支...
青的更多特性【More Traits】
Vytvořil 青茗
版本:1.0 machine translation:This mod is only available in Chinese at present, I don't know any other languages, if you want to release other language packs, please feel free, there is no need to inform me 作者的话: 这是一个由我个人参考了诸多特性mod后所创作的特性合集,特别感谢*我是猪脚*mod的注释,由...
A Rim Reborn - Au Ra Race
Vytvořil Aelanna
Auri creation myth holds that the world was created by the Dawn Father Azim, god of the sun, and the Dusk Mother Nhaama, goddess of the moon. The two deities quarreled over which should rule the new world, and created mortals to serve as their soldiers to ...
A Rim Reborn - Au Ra Race 汉化
Vytvořil Holarula
A Rim Reborn - Au Ra Race 的中文汉化。 必须要外星人2+core+任意最终幻想种族,才能跑起来! 自用分享略机翻,会稍后进行风格化。 模组不支持CE。 你听说过广受好评的MMORPG《最终幻想XIV》吗?愿水晶指引你的道路。 A Rim Reborn - Au Ra Race敖龙族: 敖龙是优秀的战士,射击精度和近战命中率有+1加值。 敖龙的耐冷能力有+6C 加值,耐热能力有-4C 惩罚。 晨曦之民彬彬有礼、善于交际,谈判能力和社会影响力获得 +10% 的加值。 暮晖之民是熟练的动...
A Rim Reborn - Classes and Jobs
Vytvořil Aelanna
Adds classes and jobs from Final Fantasy XIV to RimWorld! https://i.imgur.com/kYJqqia.png Mod Features Adds class and job learning capability to Eorzean races. Adds the Marauder, Gladiator, Lancer, Pugilist, Rogue, Archer, Arcanist, Thaumaturge, and Conjur...
A Rim Reborn - Classes and Jobs 汉化
Vytvořil Holarula
A Rim Reborn - Classes and Jobs 的中文汉化。 必须要外星人2+core+任意最终幻想种族,才能跑起来! 自用分享略机翻,会稍后进行风格化。 模组不支持CE。 你听说过广受好评的MMORPG《最终幻想XIV》吗?愿水晶指引你的道路。 A Rim Reborn - Classes and Jobs基础职业与特职: 为艾欧泽亚种族添加职业和职业学习能力。 添加剑术师、斧术师、枪术师、格斗家、双剑师、弓箭手、咒术师、秘术师和幻术师基础职业。 增加战士,圣骑士,黑暗骑士,龙骑士,武僧,...
A Rim Reborn - Core
Vytvořil Aelanna
A Rim Reborn brings the tools, resources, and research of Eorzea to the rimworlds! https://i.imgur.com/kYJqqia.png https://i.imgur.com/qFzNJv4.png Master an alternative research tree based on aether, the magical essence of the world of Hydaelyn! Synthesize...
A Rim Reborn - Core 汉化
Vytvořil Holarula
A Rim Reborn - Core 的中文汉化。 必须要外星人2+core+任意最终幻想种族,才能跑起来! 特别注意:核心后加载的第一个种族mod成为艾欧泽亚殖民地派系的主要种族。这个种族的成员将被选为派系领袖,并将在该派系的定居点和商队中拥有更高的代表性。 自用分享略机翻。 参考了边缘汉化组和凉拌番茄沾西红柿酱的汉化内容,会稍后进行风格化。 A Rim Reborn - Hybrid Tech和A Rim Reborn - Classes and Jobs强烈推荐一起订阅并使用。 模组不支持CE。 你...
A Rim Reborn - Elezen Race
Vytvořil Aelanna
The Elezen are a characteristically tall people, long of limb and slender of build. They are also possessed of a somewhat extended lifespan in comparison to the Hyur. The Elezen once claimed sole dominion over Eorzea, their presence predating that of the o...
A Rim Reborn - Elezen Race 汉化
Vytvořil Holarula
A Rim Reborn - Elezen Race 的中文汉化。 必须要外星人2+core+任意最终幻想种族,才能跑起来! 自用分享略机翻,会稍后进行风格化。 模组不支持CE。 你听说过广受好评的MMORPG《最终幻想XIV》吗?愿水晶指引你的道路。 A Rim Reborn - Elezen Race精灵族: 精灵族能言善辩,魅力十足,在谈判方面有5%的优势,在社交影响和转化能力方面有10%的优势。 增加4个精灵服装。...
A Rim Reborn - Hybrid Tech 汉化
Vytvořil Holarula
A Rim Reborn - Hybrid Tech 的中文汉化。 必须要外星人2+core+任意最终幻想种族,才能跑起来! 自用分享略机翻,会稍后进行风格化。 模组不支持CE。 你听说过广受好评的MMORPG《最终幻想XIV》吗?愿水晶指引你的道路。 A Rim Reborn - Hybrid Tech混合科技: 添加了许多高科技,旨在代表艾欧泽亚人对边缘世界技术的适应。 添加两个额外的研究项目:混合枪械和以太炮塔。 添加五种新的以太武器,在拥有以太流的人手中会更强大。 添加侦察兵装甲、侦察兵头盔、动力装...
A Rim Reborn - Hybrid Tech
Vytvořil Aelanna
A high-tech upgrade for A Rim Reborn that melds rimworld and aetheric technology! Mod Features A Rim Reborn - Hybrid Tech adds a number of high-tech gear and defenses meant to represent Eorzean adaptation to the technology of the rimworlds. Adds two additi...
A Rim Reborn - Hyur Race 汉化
Vytvořil Holarula
A Rim Reborn - Hyur Race 的中文汉化。 必须要外星人2+core+任意最终幻想种族,才能跑起来! 自用分享略机翻,会稍后进行风格化。 模组不支持CE。 你听说过广受好评的MMORPG《最终幻想XIV》吗?愿水晶指引你的道路。 A Rim Reborn - Hyur Race人族: 增加4个人族服装。 这个mod不添加任何额外的派别。人族目前只会出现在混合种族的“艾欧泽亚殖民地”阵营中。 ...
A Rim Reborn - Hyur Race
Vytvořil Aelanna
Over the course of some one thousand years and three great migratory waves, the Hyur have come to be the most populous of the civilized races in Eorzea. Compared to the others, theirs is an average physique, both in terms of height and build. The Hyur cham...
A Rim Reborn - Lalafell Race
Vytvořil Aelanna
The Lalafell are a folk both rotund and diminutive. Small by any race's standards and possessed of a childlike countenance, it proves difficult for non-Lalafell to gauge an individual's age with any degree of accuracy. Originally an agricultural people inh...
A Rim Reborn - Lalafell Race 汉化
Vytvořil Holarula
A Rim Reborn - Lalafell Race 的中文汉化。 必须要外星人2+core+任意最终幻想种族,才能跑起来! 自用分享略机翻,会稍后进行风格化。 模组不支持CE。 你听说过广受好评的MMORPG《最终幻想XIV》吗?愿水晶指引你的道路。 A Rim Reborn - Lalafell Race拉拉肥: 命名翻译根据微博id:时与悠可。 拉拉菲尔平原之民是优秀的农民,能够更快地播种和收获植物。 拉拉菲尔沙漠之民在畜牧业方面非常出色,可以更快地训练动物,并从它们身上得出更多的产品。 拉拉菲尔...
A Rim Reborn - Miqo'te Race
Vytvořil Aelanna
Though their presence in Eorzea is lesser than that of the other races, the Miqo'te are easily distinguished by their large, projecting ears and restless, feline tails. The ancestors of this line first made their way to the realm during the Age of Endless ...
A Rim Reborn - Viera Race
Vytvořil Aelanna
Of tall stature and slender frame, the Viera's physical appearance is strikingly similar to that of the Hyur and Elezen, save for their distinctive long ears. Adhering to a strict code known as the Green Word, they are prohibited from contact with the outs...
A Rim Reborn - Viera Race 汉化
Vytvořil Holarula
A Rim Reborn - Viera Race 的中文汉化。 必须要外星人2+core+任意最终幻想种族,才能跑起来! 自用分享略机翻,会稍后进行风格化。 模组不支持CE。 你听说过广受好评的MMORPG《最终幻想XIV》吗?愿水晶指引你的道路。 A Rim Reborn - Viera Race维埃拉族: 维埃拉拥有出色的感官,使他们在射击精度,近战命中几率和狩猎潜行上获得+5%的加成。 维埃拉有+0.2 c/s的基础移动速度加成。 维埃拉有+2C耐热加成和-2C耐冷加成。 增加了35个额外的独特的维...
A Rim Reborn - Miqo'te Race 汉化
Vytvořil Holarula
A Rim Reborn - Miqo'te Race 的中文汉化。 必须要外星人2+core+任意最终幻想种族,才能跑起来! 自用分享略机翻,会稍后进行风格化。 模组不支持CE。 你听说过广受好评的MMORPG《最终幻想XIV》吗?愿水晶指引你的道路。 A Rim Reborn - Miqo'te Race猫魅族: 猫魅拥有出色的感官,使他们的射击准确度提高 +10%,狩猎隐身能力提高 +5%。 猫魅拥有强大的双腿,这使它们的基础移动速度获得 +0.4 c/s 的加值。 猫魅的耐热性有+2C 加值,而耐冷...
A RimWorld of Magic简繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil 骸鸾
A RimWorld of Magic (边缘魔法/魔法世界)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 翻译: -简中:22点下,Tr.Vi,Huppias -繁中:22点下,Tr.Vi 禁止转载。 简介:为边缘世界添加了具有独特技能的职业和职业升级系统 目前有12个魔法职业和6个战士职业(mod简介说的,是不是真的谁知道呢?)。每个职业都有一套独特的能力,作为特定的角色(治疗者,攻击施法者,后勤等),每个职业都有一个独特的升级树,用于当他们升级时提高他们的能力效果。 更新: 多了3个职业一个流浪者.一个旅...
A RimWorld of Magic
Vytvořil Torann
Supports RimWorld versions 1.0 - 1.5 This mod adds classes with unique abilities. RimWorld of Magic adds over 35 unique classes with even more available in class add-on packs. Each class has a set of unique abilities and fills specific roles (healer, offen...
Advanced Doors
Vytvořil Morphium
Advanced Doors brings you several new doors to secure your colonies from the threats of the rim. Main mod content: Stuffable 1x1 heavy military doors with green or red lights 2 broken door versions for your desolated base look! Unstuffable 1x1 airlocks the...
Advanced Doors - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Advanced Doors,you can find main mod by right link. Advanced Doors (高级加固门)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 向游戏中添加了几种更高级的加固门。 与Doors Expanded和SOS2有联动。 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边...
Advanced Power Plus
Vytvořil Meltup
An advanced power for your colonies! This mod is a merged update of advanced powergeneration and Fueled Nuclear Power Generators. It adds new power generation buildings with technologies to research them: - Advanced wind turbine (Spacer tech, 6000 Wd outpu...
Advanced Power Plus - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Advanced Power Plus (先进电力)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 增加了四种先进发电机(太阳能、风力、蒸汽、水轮),发电量是原版的对应型号的两倍左右。 增加了三种放射性同位素发电机,发电量最高可达26K。该Mod的发电机贴图和特效十分精美。 注:该Mod是由别人接手版本的 advanced powergeneration后更新拓展而来的,已不再属于系列,所以单独发布汉化。 ...
Aerocraft Framework
Vytvořil 空曜
This Mod provides an aerocraft and its framework that primarily performs flight operations within a map (the majority of its functions can be achieved through Comp in Xml) Regarding the use of the framework: I have a rar compressed file called "Example" in...
AFU女士发型_Women's hairstyles
Vytvořil 金兔子拉面
70 new hairstyles for women. Your colonists and NPCs from all camps can use these hairstyles. AFU men's hairstyle Updated 2024/04/11 1.5 Add f68~70, add hairtag "Dreadlocks" Compatibility Use with the following face mods for best results: Facial Animation ...
Allow Tool
Vytvořil Symbolic
A set of tools to make your life on the Rim a bit easier. Easily forbid and unforbid items, select similar things, have things hauled urgently and affect the entire map with powerful new tool extensions. Allow Tool can be safely added to existing games. No...
AFU男士发型_Men's hairstyles
Vytvořil 金兔子拉面
35 new hairstyles for men. Women's hairstyles ←Here ====== 2024/03/18 redraw10/30,improve resolution and add detail16/17/24,Adjust04/15/29。 Compatible with version 1.5, remove Patches added in the last update. 2024/01/27 Add34/35, redraw25 Add hairtag“Drea...
Allow Tool Ghoul Fix
Vytvořil Pos 5
There's a more general solution to this problem: Anomaly Hotfixes by @TheCakeIsALie https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3221000595 @TheCakeIsALie 的Anomaly Hotfixes提供了一个更通用的解决方案,有兴趣的可以订阅他的模组 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedeta...
Allow Tool Fixed Patch
Vytvořil seeki
This MOD fixes the frequent red error in GridsUtility.Fogged by patching Allow Tool. It will not work without Allow Tool. Caution Redistribution of this MOD data is prohibited. Memo I have other wonderful mods published, so I would be happy if you would ta...
Alpha Animals
Vytvořil Sarg Bjornson
Getting an error that bricks your game at the start? The latest update needed the load order to change, and Alpha Animals needs to load AFTER both VFE Insectoids 2 and VRE Insectors https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png Adds multiple unique new animals to Rimwor...
Alpha Animals - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil 骸鸾
项目发起及主要作者:Mr.Sleep(@我不叫汤姆猫) 协助与代理:Garin 接盘侠:22点下 -简介 Alpha Animals这个Mod可以为你的RimWord里不同种类的生物群系添加共89 种新的、强度接近原版的生物。这个mod的理念是每一种新的生物都会为游戏带来新的机制,无论是步行的装甲生物、资源生物、难以毁灭的植物怪兽、夜行性捕食者还是快速而凶猛的巨型蜘蛛。有的机制很简单,有的则更复杂。 一些生物将在特定的生物群系中产生,另一些动物只能通过贸易获得。你必须通过探索才能找到所有动物种类。 请留意,...
Alpha Biomes
Vytvořil Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png Updated: 21/10/22 Adds multiple unique new biomes to Rimworld. Features Adds 12 new diverse biomes to your Rimworlds. The mod has been designed with the Alpha Animals mod in mind, although it is not a requirement. https://i....
Alpha Biomes - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil 骸鸾
A Chinese language pack of Alpha Biomes,you can find main mod by right link. Alpha Biomes (阿尔法生态)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:22点下,MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 向游戏中加入了数种全新的异域风格生态群系——狂野丛林、伽拉特洛斯墓地、黏液有机体、世外草原、机械族遗迹、红树林沼泽、真菌丛林、异目森林、液态丙烷湖、炽热火山、...
Alpha Mechs
Vytvořil Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png Features - 7 new mechanoids: The Aura, Daggersnout, Goliath, Phalanx, Siegebreaker, Fireworm and Demolisher make their return. The 7 mechs will appear in raids, clusters, etc, and they can be disabled separately through mod ...
Alpha Mechs - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Alpha Mechs,you can find main mod by right link. Alpha Mechs (阿尔法机械体)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 脱胎自Alpha Animals的机械体扩展mod。 向游戏中加入了多达20种以上的全新机械体——包括劳工机械体(厨艺机、工厂机、驮运机等)、作战机械体(机...
Alpha Memes
Vytvořil Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png Details - Adds 13 new structures: Alienism, Jewish origins, Kemetic origins, Steampunk revival, Jain origins, Sikh origins, Corsair, Neolithic, Scavenger and Atheism. With Anomaly, you get Cubicism, Flesh cult and Void-Touch...
Alpha Memes - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Alpha Memes,you can find main mod by right link. Alpha Memes (阿尔法模因)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 向游戏中增加了多种全新的模因、文化结构、文化风格、仪式、职位、葬礼系统等。 除此之外,此mod还对DLC中原本就有的文化风格做了大幅度的贴图扩充。 联动列表:...
Alpha Mythology
Vytvořil Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png Features Adds 25 new creatures to the diverse biomes of your Rimworlds, all of them based on mythological and magical creatures from different ancient cultures and sources. Similar to Alpha Animals, the philosophy of this mo...
Alpha Mythology - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Alpha Mythology (神话生物)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 在边缘世界的多样化生物群系中增加了24种新生物,所有这些生物都基于不同古代文化中的神话生物设计。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.25 2021.9.21-1.3-1.3.1-2021.8.11 2021.7.31-1.3-1.3.0-2021...
Alpha Prefabs
Vytvořil Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png Features Adds more than 200 Prefab structures that can be bough by the player to create awesome looking colonies. The more mods the players has, the more prefabs the catalog will contain. For optimal experience, you should u...
Alpha Prefabs - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Alpha Prefabs,you can find main mod by right link. Alpha Prefabs (阿尔法预制建筑)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 非常适合建筑苦手和懒人的mod。 向游戏中加入了多达200种左右的、由玩家社区投稿提供的预制建筑。你只需要花费白银就可以购买并一键组装它们,无需亲...
Ancot Library
Vytvořil Ancot
Framework of Ancot's Races....
Animal Dictionary简繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil 骸鸾
Animal Dictionary(动物图鉴)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:22 -繁中:22 禁止转载。 简介:添加了一个图鉴,可以显示动物的信息和图像。 在游戏期间,可以随时从主菜单打开此图鉴。 这本图鉴最初所有动物的信息锁定的,但是你可以通过在图鉴中注册它们来解锁。 利用殖民者对动物的“调查动物”技能将动物编入图鉴。 所有动物和添加的Mod动物都可以在字典中注册。 如果在MOD设置中启用了“简易模式”,所有动物信息都将被解锁. PS. This is jus...
Animal Dictionary
Vytvořil Udon
Add a dictionary that can display information and images of the animals. This dictionary can be opened from the main menu at any time during play. This dictionary is initially locked with information on all animals, but you can be unlocked by registering t...
Apparel Patch for Aya races [1.5]
Vytvořil Cosmic Lustyness
Unrestricted most aya races to wear any clothes. Includes Chaoura, Eveliet, Idearn, Idhale, Littluna, Nearmaere, Neclose, Qualeela, Saclean, Silkiera, Solark and Xenoorca. Credits: Ayameduki ...
Artifacts+ - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Artifacts+,you can find main mod by right link. Artifacts+ (更多神器)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 向游戏中加入了九种功能各异的新神器。 -特性再编器:可将使用者当前特性全部随机重置的超剂量纳米机械药剂。由于作用机制与原理不明,因此无法预测最终结果会如何。使用前和使用后的特性数...
Arknights Music
https://i.imgur.com/93n2oOx.png Adds 185 new Arknights songs to RimWorld Updating based on global(Japen) server Music list https://i.imgur.com/SUY0r1O.png https://i.imgur.com/BaQNFwx.png Image renewal date 23.08.12 Song renewal date 24.03.21 BGM , Music, O...
Ascension(Music Pack)
Vytvořil Clemins
Just some synthwave/sci-fi music and MOST of the Starbound OST to add to your late game, super human colony. Enjoy! Should work for any version on the game* Song list: 1.unitrΔ_Δudio, SUSHI寿司 - blacknite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MU7itLxPj0 2.Those ...
Athena Framework
Vytvořil SmArtKar
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SmArtKar/AthenaFramework/master/Headers/FeaturesHeader.png Athena is an advanced framework that contains multiple tools and features for both XML and C# modders. It also has a couple of code fixes that don't affect players...
Beautiful Bodies
Vytvořil ireth92
Replaces the body textures with highly detailed body shapes. They are 100% compatible with vanilla clothes as they have been designed over the original vanilla "blob" shapes. Feel free to re-use these textures for your own mods as long as you give me credi...
Backstories+ - 简繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Backstories+ (背景故事+)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:鲜芋仙,黄色的碗 -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 新增庞大的随机背景故事库。 更新日志: 2024.9.12-1.5-1.5.0-2024.4.20 2022.12.4-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.7 2022.8.30-1.3-1.3.1-2021.9.02 2021.11.07-1.3-1.3.0-2021.9.02 ——————————————————...
Beauty Matters
Vytvořil InertialMage
You ever wonder why a colonists beauty doesn't sweeten deals, make people take what you say to heart more? Even, make slaves submit to you more easily? Well I have the mod for you Currently the stats that beauty will affects are: -Conversion Power -Negotia...
Beauty Matters-汉化
Vytvořil 苍白而蔷薇
更有用的魅力属性 ↑机翻+脑补+意译的汉化标题 ~模板1.4.2版~ 注1:我所有的汉化翻译都是机翻+意译+脑补,肯定比不上专业的,只能说勉强能用 注2:繁体翻译是用简体翻译机翻转换的...(看得懂繁体不会繁体表达的我) MOD介绍译文: 你有没有想过,为什么一个殖民者的魅力不会让交易变得更好,让人们更加相信你说的话?甚至,让奴隶更容易屈服于你?如果你想过的话,我有你需要的mod 目前,魅力会影响的统计数据如下: -教化能力 -谈判能力 -贸易价格改善 -社会效果 -压制能力 一个补丁,允许魅力影响更多的社...
Better Research Tabs
Vytvořil andery233xj
Better Research Tabs I believe you must have had a situation where there were too many research tabs on the research page due to using too many MODs. This mod changes Tabs to a list with a scrollbar to solve this problem once and for all. With this mod, yo...
Vytvořil NukaFrog
Add Living Battery - BioReactor Feature - Produces electricity from Living Thing. - Use food type as fuel. - If desired, storage thing can be melted into chemfuel. - Storage thing are preserved semi-permanently. ( Like crypto casket ) Storable Thing: Every...
Bloodborne Weapon Remake
Vytvořil verniy709
All weapons and items can be "crafted" using the Messenger in the production tab Bloodborne Weapon Remake This is a complete remake of my old mod Bloodborne Weapon. https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2497998005 I used some old assets (whic...
Biotech Nyaron
Vytvořil farmradish
Add Nyaron gene and faction. Nyaron - Allow Nyaron 5 faces.(Pale , Green , Amber , Red , Violet eyes) Nyaron Hair - forced Nyaron Hairs. Nyaron Ears - add Neko ears. Nyaron Tail - add Neko Tail. -- 10/30 Add Xenotype - Nyaron Add Faction - 'Nyaron outlande...
Vytvořil LS_Naix
Vytvořil Fluffy
Blueprints allow the quick construction of repetitive rooms/areas. https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Features.png Create blueprint Use the 'Create' designator to drag over an area with existing constructions. Floors, walls and furniture will all be des...
Blueprints - 简繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Blueprints (蓝图)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod内置的汉化已过于落后(近一半没汉化),本汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 在建造菜单中添加一个「蓝图」菜单。点击「创建」按钮,然后拖拽一片区域,就能将建筑和地板保存为蓝图,然后就可以快速地建造相同的区域和房间右击按钮可重命名蓝图,以及有导出和导入功能,可在不同的存档之间通用未解锁研究的物品将无法建造 更新日志: 2022.12.22-1.4-1.4....
Boots and Stuff
Vytvořil Techmago
Simple mod that adds boots and gloves to Rimworld. Tired of having your colonists wearing expensive hyperwave cloths, and walking around barefoot? Squirrels keep biting off you fingers? Protect yourself! #Features ==== Footwear: Sandals: Sandals will give ...
Boots and Stuff - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Boots and Stuff (鞋和手套)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:jessefjxm,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 新增鞋子和手套。 更新日志: 2022.1.26-1.3-1.3.0-2021.8.02 2020.8.16-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.14 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,获取更多汉化发布、更新动态。 ————————————————...
Bori Race-简体中文翻译
Vytvořil w3057211537
This MOD is a Translation of Bori race MOD by Millap. No more content except translation addon 原MOD/Original Mod:Bori race 原MOD作者/Original Mod Author:Millap 7/22:最近比较忙,过段时间会更新补全汉化缺漏 8/6更新:补全身体部位缺漏&修正部分文本 近卫队,铭记常春藤。 乐园已经消失许久。 他们美丽的行星很久之前就因蚂蚁型外星人的入侵而没落了,如今仅剩...
Bori race
Vytvořil Millap
영현대여, 담쟁이 덩굴을 기억하라. 낙원은 이미 사라진지 오래입니다. 그들의 아름답던 행성은 이미 오래전 개미형 외계인의 침공으로 몰락하였고, 이제는 그 흔적만이 남아서 변방계에 지나가는 풍문으로만 전해질뿐입니다. 하지만 그들은 살아남았습니다..! 변방계 난민 재배치 조약에 서명하였던 그들의 선조의 안배 덕택에 소수의 인원들은 살아남을수있었고, 이제 그들은 새 낙원을 만들기 위하여 개와 양을 기르고, 오두막을 새우고, 울타리를 침으로서 그들을 낙원으로부터...
Bori's Facial Animation
Vytvořil w3057211537
Facial Animation Patch for the dogs and sheep in Bori race. Please comment below if there are problems(The fix may come late though, as for I'm somewhat busy now) Credits: Nals for the Facial Animation - WIP mod Millap for the Bori race mod 塔洛斯 for helping...
Bunk Beds
Vytvořil Taranchuk
Expand your furniture collection with an all new, space-efficient pawn storing method, bunk beds! This innovative solution allows you to store up to 3 pawns in the same 2 tiles, saving a bunch of space in your base. The mod comes with two versions of the b...
Vytvořil Brrainz
You want more zoom and different paning? This little mod enhances the in-game camera so you can zoom in much more than usual. Perfect for this one great screenshot or for showing your viewers all the details while streaming. INCOMPATIBILITIES Some mods mes...
Camera+ - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Camera+ (镜头缩放增强)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: -让你可以放大/缩小更多,大到可以看到你的小人脸庞,小到可以看到地图的90%左右! -还有敌人会被红点标记让你可以更好的看到大局观(只有人会有标记,机械族,猎杀人类那些不会) -可在mod设置里自行调节参数 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.7 2021.7.18-1.3-1.3....
Caravan Adventures - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Caravan Adventures. Caravan Adventures (远行大冒险)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -不完全汉化,设置部分作者未给出翻译接口。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 工坊评价非常高的大型拓展类mod。 此mod提升了大地图远行的趣味性,让环游世界变成了一场真正的冒险。 作者对远行队系统做了许多优化,增加了大地图快速建立营地、远行队连夜赶路...
Caravan Adventures
Vytvořil iforgotmysocks
Caravan Adventures aims to transform traveling around the world into a real adventure by providing new features to replace the annoying micromanagement, make traveling more fun and give you a sense of purpose doing so. Quick heads-up, about 25% of this mod...
Celestial Manufacturing Cooperation MKII
Vytvořil TOT
Introduction This weapon pack contains a list of weapons/apparels and buildings designed and produced by celestial manufacturing cooperation. In general this is a UNBALANCED mod, some weapons are too powerful for vanilla enemies, and they are very hard to ...
Character Editor
Vytvořil VOID
last update: v1.5.10 build on 2024-05-01 for RimWorld v1.5.4069 Editor for humanlike pawns on map and for crashlanding (colonists, enemies, dead pawns) MOD FEATURES • editor for pawns on map and for crashlanding • editable: body, head, hair, skin color, ap...
Character Editor 简体中文汉化补丁
Vytvořil Cedaro
Character Editor 简体中文汉化补丁 替换掉了内置的令人难绷的机翻。大部分字段已经翻新了,剩下的大概也不影响正常使用。 由于无法得知字段上下文,可能会存在翻译失误的情况。如发现有较影响游玩体验的错翻请不吝在评论区指出。或者也可以自行编辑 mod 目录下 Data/zh-CN.txt 文件,改动会在重启后生效。 繁体中文:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3028061958...
Clutter Furniture
Vytvořil Neronix17
Adds various (mostly)functional furniture, with custom research tree and crafting to obtain them. Many of the new furniture items are crafted in a manner not typical to Rimworld, they're crafted in a new workbench with components made at another workbench....
Clutter Furniture - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Clutter Furniture (杂散家具)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 论坛里的上古老Mod,被复活在工坊了。添加一系列很有意思的家具,贴图很精致。 Ps.作者喜欢玩冷笑话,翻译过来后很怪异,我已经尽力了。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.11 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.05 2020.12.24-1.2-1.2.0-...
Character Editor [1.0-1.5]
Vytvořil FerrisCG
Repacked Version of Voids CharacterEditor for rimworld 1.5, if you want this removed please Dm me either on steam or discord (@ferriscg) Editor for humanlike pawns on map and for crashlanding (colonists, enemies, dead pawns) MOD FEATURES • editor for pawns...
CM Color Coded Mood Bar [1.1+]
Vytvořil CrashM
CM Color Coded Mood Bar Color code each pawn's mood bar within the colonist bar based on their current mood. Red: extreme mental break threshold Orange: major mental break threshold Yellow: minor mental break threshold Gray: neutral mood Light Blue: conten...
Vytvořil wixun
对mlmlmlm的皮肤mod汉化包_zh进行补充,追加其他mod的汉化 目前一共包括十二个cosplay系列mod的汉化,究极十二合一。 Goddess of victory:NIKKE 胜利女神:妮姬 Blue archive 碧蓝档案(蔚蓝档案) Azur lane 碧蓝航线 Granblue fantasy 碧蓝幻想 Genshin impact 原神 Princess Connect! Redive 公主连结 Code vein 噬血代码 Umamusume Pretty Derby 赛马娘(闪耀!...
Damage Indicators [1.5]
Vytvořil CaesarV5
A simple QoL mod that shows the damage taken. Original mod ( https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=942369931 ) made by spdskatr, updated to Rimworld 1.5. Updates : 15/03/2024 - Update for Rimworld 1.5 20/10/2022 - Update for Rimworld 1.4 2...
Damage Indicators [1.5]_zh
Vytvořil ( σ'ω')σ
简介 实时显示所受的伤害 原MOD描述 一个简单的 QoL 模型,显示受到的伤害。由 spdskatr 制作的 翻译内容 设置页词条 注意事项 非正规官方汉化,仅作为自用。 240507:更新繁体汉化,仅使用OpenCC工具从简体转换,无润色...
Dark Souls 3 : irithyll straight sword and dark sword
Vytvořil starch
This mod adds two weapons, irithyll straight sword and dark Sword of "Dark Souls 3" ...
Dark Souls 3 : lothric knight sword and Gems
Vytvořil starch
The sword of the Knight of Lothric and some Dark Souls gems, as well as the corresponding upgrade system. This mod adds the following gems and their effects: heavy gem: Increases blunt force damage and slows down attacks. sharp gem: Increases sharp force d...
DE Surgeries
Vytvořil Proxyer
=== CAUTION === Currently, when used together with "Rah's Bionics and Surgery Expansion" or "Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering", there is no functional problem. However, at the start of the game, a warning error (yellow) indicating "translation du...
Do Something for Idle
Vytvořil gguake
This mod makes colonists to do something instead of wandering when they are idle. For instance, - Taking a break time - Practice melee weapon - Throwing stones etc. There are some useful actions but there are many useless action too. This mod may make your...
Do Something for Idle - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Do Something for Idle (摸鱼)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233 -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 一款能让玩家的殖民者在【闲逛】状态下,可以进行一些随机活动的MOD,比如丢小石子,保养武器,偷看别人工作等。是一个比较“无聊”的MOD。但是能让玩家的小人看起来更加的能摸。 更新日志: 2022.12.21-1.4-1.4.0-2022.11.27 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7....
Doors Expanded
Vytvořil Ryoma
Door expansion pack for RimWorld. Adds new types and sizes of doors. Barky Mod Showcase Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyV1zy6bRFo Originally included: Doors (1x2) - Double sized doors. Doors (1x3) - Triple sized doors. Curtains (Tribal) -Fragile, ...
Doors Expanded - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Doors Expanded (门类拓展)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: 该MOD会给玩家新增多种风格与尺寸不同的门。 新增的门有原版拉伸2格与3格的门,为强迫症免除要一个1X2还是1X1的门的烦恼,以为你还有1X3的门可供选择。 其余的新增了一款1X2的老式城堡大门以及1X1的吊帘门与一个高防御性的防爆门。 新增可远程遥控开关的遥控门1X1、2X1可供选择。 更新日志: 20...
Dragonian Mix
Vytvořil Kalo
All in one Addon for Gloomy new dragonian - Playable game start scenario and dragonian NPC Faction. - Can wear any clothes cause somehow you want look outside the space! (just disable the limit) - Backstory won't disable worktype. Note: 2024.5.21 If you fi...
Dragonian Primus
Vytvořil Eggbed
Adds an HAR race, Dragonian Primus.                      Compatible with:               Gloomy Dragonian race           Dragonian Prime Race2.0           Combat Extended                                                                                       ...
Dragonian Race Apparel Patch
Vytvořil Aperture staff
The Dragonian Race patch removes wearing restrictions. Patch does not contain recipes for creating clothes, and it will not appear if the mods listed below are not installed: NewRatkinPlus Moyo-From the depth Rabbie The Moonrabbit race Kurin HAR Edition Ma...
Dragonian Strange Apparels
Vytvořil Rabiosus
Adds several apparels. all stats is the same as the battle dress...
Dragonian Strange Apparels_zh
Vytvořil 382K!
Dragonian Strange Apparels的繁简中文语言包。 Chinese translation. 原文描述: 添加了几个服装。 属性与龙娘战衣相同...
Vytvořil telardo
This simple mod allows you to drag and select multiple items in trade, caravan, and transporter loading windows. Special Compatibility with Trade UI Revised (Left or right dragging in trade window). (1.5) Now it works on Work priority tab. You can also rig...
EdB Prepare Carefully - 精心准备 - 简&繁中文汉化
Vytvořil CNCG779
本体汉化Mod,无需加载原Mod 英文名:EdB Prepare Carefully 中文名:EdB 精心准备 简介 定制您的殖民者,选择您的装备,并为您的紧急着陆做好准备! 如果你得到了一组你喜欢的开始殖民者,将它们保存为预设,这样你下次就可以用同样的方式开始你的游戏。 已包括简体繁体中文汉化。繁体中文部分使用ChatGPT翻译,可能有部分不准确的地方。 1.4版本的汉化模组暂未更新,所以先上传一份。会根据原Mod更新情况进行更新。 注意事项 原模组:http://steamproxy.net/s...
EPOE-Forked: Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering - Forked
Vytvořil Victorique
https://i.imgur.com/7EMupXI.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/DADdOm0.png https://i.imgur.com/oF7vHe2.png Originally inspired by Ykara's EPOE, this mod sought to fix the reduntant, downright byzantine lines of code as well as bring the values of most prosthetics back...
EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC expansion
Vytvořil Tarojun
An optional expansion, that adds several new prosthesis and three new improvement type research for the Royalty DLC. - Advanced drill arm (Removed movement speed penalty) - Advanced field hand (Removed movement speed penalty) - Bionic hand talon (Improved ...
EPOE-Forked: Remove workbench patch
Vytvořil Tarojun
Removes the EPOE workbench from the architect menu, therefore no longer able to build those workbenches. Any existing EPOE workbenches during mid-save will remain as they are and can still be used like normal. All recipes will now be added to the vanilla w...
Vytvořil 苍白而蔷薇
更多事件 ↑机翻+脑补+意译的汉化标题 ~模板1.4.5版~ 注1:我所有的汉化翻译都是机翻+意译+脑补,肯定比不上专业的,只能说勉强能用 注2:繁体翻译是用简体翻译机翻转换的...(看得懂繁体不会繁体表达的我) MOD介绍: 向游戏里加入了许多新的事件 可中途加入不需要重新开档 不需要任何DLC CE兼容 具体事件如下 *山风:一股清新的山风。殖民者感觉好多了。 *海风:一股清新的海风。殖民者感觉好多了。 *遥远恒星凋亡:此时此刻,殖民者可以在天空中观察到一幅遥远而美丽的恒星步入恒星生命终点而凋亡的画面,...
EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC expansion - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC expansion (扩展假体与器官工程-扩展分支:皇权DLC附加扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: EPOE-Forked作者为皇权DLC制作的仿生体扩展。 更新日志: 2022.12.23-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.13 2021.7.31-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.06 2020.12...
Erin's Body Retexture
Vytvořil Erin
https://i.imgur.com/x0Wnkci.png Just a simple body retexture since I didn't like any of the other ones around. For those wanting the bonus "buff" female texture, it's included in the files! Just drag and drop <3 https://i.imgur.com/yz4n0Ci.png • New, shiny...
ExGT Bio Mechanoid
Vytvořil mo
Contains Added some bio mechanoids, they are basically humans, but the brain and circulatory system are different from humans. They are unlocked by the vanilla mechanoid technology tree Croissant: The maid model can be used for cleaning, cooking, and trans...
EPOE-Forked - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering - Forked (扩展假体与器官工程-扩展分支)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带的汉化版本已落后,部分新文本未汉化,此汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:风之起灵,leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: EPOE的扩展改良版,与EPOE不兼容! 更新日志: 2024.10.5-1.5-1.5.1-2024.8.12 ...
Face Addon Framework
Vytvořil Eoral Milk
Add any FaceAddon you want for any pawn who has a head! Adding face addon which can make facial expression to any creatures. It also can be used as a lightweight version of the facial expression framework, inspired by Garam. The main reason for making this...
FE3H Black Eagles Hair
Vytvořil Meng De
"Now YOU too can be Ferdinand von Aegir!" Dorothea's hat is in the Accessories mod. https://i.imgur.com/IzLZmdx.png 8 hair add-ons (4♂, 4♀) based on the Black Eagles house. Specifically made for Gloomy Face mk2 because that's what I always use in my own ga...
FE3H Golden Deer Hair
Vytvořil Meng De
https://i.imgur.com/GTlxFcq.png Ignatz's glasses are in the Accessories mod. https://i.imgur.com/IzLZmdx.png 8 hair add-ons (4♂, 4♀) based on the Golden Deer house. Specifically made for Gloomy Face mk2 because that's what I always use in my own game... It...
FE3H Ashen Wolves Hair
Vytvořil Meng De
"Yes, we do in fact prefer our underground base full of infestations to living under the Church of Seiros, thank you very much. It's a cozy place." https://i.imgur.com/IzLZmdx.png 4 hair add-ons (2♂, 2♀) based on the Ashen Wolves house. Specifically made f...
FE3H Misc Hair
Vytvořil Meng De
https://i.imgur.com/158kNQy.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/o7srzkK.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/ViOa5fh.png "With Teach here, our colony is saved!" For the hairclips and tiara go to the Accessories mod. https://i.imgur.com/IzLZmdx.png 6 hair add-ons (2♂, 4♀) based on mi...
Female Apparel for Beautiful Bodies
Vytvořil GilieART
LEWD is Love. LEWD is LiVE. LEWD is Wholesome! This mod contains replacement apparel textures for Beautiful Bodies like female pawns. I took apparel of several mods and ajusted for this body. For people that likes lewd and waifu stuff. Recomended Mods: Bea...
Female Apparel for Beautiful Bodies (No PowerArmors)
Vytvořil GilieART
LEWD is Love. LEWD is LiVE. LEWD is Wholesome! Because popular demand, I decided to make a new mod with no power armor textures. Since I cant code to save my life. This mod contains replacement apparel textures for Beautiful Bodies like female pawns. I too...
FFXIV Traits 最终幻想14特性
Vytvořil 倒霉白羊
添加了一些以FF14中的称号为原型的特性。 这些特性提供的增益大多与ff14中对应称号的背景或取得方式有关,出现概率和强度大多与对应称号的获取难度有关。 举点栗子,比较基本的《尚武》提供战斗方面的增益,《炼魔》提供灵能方面的增益,《博学》提供制作方面的增益,《广识》提供种植采矿驯兽上的增益。这些基本特质的加成很全面但增益幅度很低,中等强度的强度的特质像《散兵》《仁心之富》《九尾通天》则提供片面但强力的增益。 而最强力的特质自然就是《不知疲倦》《传奇》《大慈大悲》《刺激猎手》等等相对难入手的称号噜。这些称号在...
Follow Me
Vytvořil Fluffy
Gives the camera tracking capabilities. https://headers.karel-kroeze.nl/title/Features.pngPress the 'Home' key (default, can be changed with in-game keybinding settings) while any colonist, enemy, animal or item is selected, and the camera will follow them...
Follow Me - 简繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Follow Me (镜头跟随)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod内置的汉化已过于落后(近一半没汉化),本汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 点击「Home」键(默认快捷键,可在按键设置中更改)来将镜头锁定到任意选定的殖民者、敌人、动物或物品。 也可以右击屏幕上方的殖民者头像来锁定镜头。 更新日志: 2022.12.22-1.4-1.4.0-2022.11.3 —————————————————————————— ...
Gene Ripper
Vytvořil Daniel
The Gene Ripper is an advanced Gene Extractor that allows you to choose the gene to be extracted from a pawn. Since a large amount of genetic material is required to extract a specific gene, the pawn is killed in the process. ...
Vytvořil alatta
FSharp.Core is a base mod for F# assemblies. Place it somewhere top. - ANDH - Dev In Your Language - Infusion 2 - Direct download from GitHub...
Gloomy Dragonian race中文語言包
Vytvořil 塔洛斯_Talos
由Roo更新的Gloomy Dragonian race繁體及簡體漢化包,请在原mod之后加载,感覺作者後續會更新更多內容。 ...
Gene Ripper简体汉化
Vytvořil bujiu
加了一个基因分解器,用于分解出小人身上特定的基因。但是会杀死小人,而且有概率连尸体都没有(直接弹出人肉和营养膏)! ...
Gloomy Dragonian race
Vytvořil Roo
As a result of long-term testing, we discovered that 'Hats Display Selection' removes hair, ears, and antennae. 'Hats Display Selection' will now be specified as an incompatible mode R.E.A.D This If you report here, plz show me a error log and modlist. if ...
Gloomy Dress (Unofficial)
Vytvořil rot03065
If you love this dress style and want to reward STEAM points, please click this link to give those points to Gloomylynx. please use only Female or Thin body Original author : Gloomylynx Original mod : Gloomy_dress Hair : Gloomy hair mk2 Face : Gloomy face ...
Vytvořil NukaFrog
Old Style Furuniture Pack Feature - Variety of Furniture - Fence - Old style walls and Ventilated wall - Fireplace and a Lamp ( using Wood ) - WineRack - JukeBox ( It play country song basically.) - Wooden floor Jukebox is available through exotic merchant...
GloomyFurniture - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
GloomyFurniture (复古家具)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带的汉化已落后,本汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:手闲脚痒,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 增加了一些列好看的复古家具。 更新日志: 2024.10.5-1.5-1.5.0-2024.5.10 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.24 2022.9.01-1.3-1.3.1-2022.7.2 2021.7.30-1...
Gods of Elona [1.4]-汉化
Vytvořil 苍白而蔷薇
伊洛纳 方便搜索原MOD时同时搜出来汉化MOD的标题 ~模板1.3版~ 注1:我的所有的汉化翻译都是机翻+意译+脑补,肯定比不上专业的,只能说勉强能用 注2:繁体翻译是用简体翻译机翻的...(看得懂繁体不会繁体表达的我) MOD介绍: 伊洛纳(Elona)是一款自由度极高的游戏 该MOD向游戏里添加了伊洛纳(Elona)中的神灵 —祭坛与神像 可以通过研究建造祭坛和解锁对应的神灵雕像 在雕塑桌雕塑神灵的雕像 通过祭坛向众神献上祭品得到回报(幸运币) 通过幸运币您可以向神灵许愿得到物品 —武器 可以用幸运币向...
Gods of Elona [1.5]
Vytvořil karukus
Make the troublesome corpse processing fun! Languages 日本語、English(Machine translation) You will be able to believe in Elona's gods. Altars can be set up by doing research, Various benefits can be gained by offering a tribute from the altar. Elements to be ...
Graphics Settings CHS
Vytvořil TinyGrox
A Chinese Language pack for Graphics Settings+ github: https://github.com/tinygrox/Graphics-Settings-CHS -------------Description for Chinese users------------- Graphics Settings+ 的简中翻译。建议配合rimpy使用更佳(optimize tex)。 以下是 Mod 中的涉及的部分名词的大致解释: - Mip-Mapping 意为多...
Graphics Settings+
Vytvořil Maxim
Graphics Settings 1.4 Update Changes The 1.4 version of this mod does not contain the Pawn Atlas Resizing feature, as RW has natively improved Pawn texture quality. Key Features Overall improvement to all modded textures! DDS File support! Any mod containg...
Vytvořil starch
As the number of kills increases, so does the weapon's performance. If you place your weapon on the ground, you will be able to see its stats from the bottom left corner ...
Vytvořil Brrainz
This mod contains the C# library Harmony for all RimWorld mods. Harmony is a library that is used by many mods. In RimWorld 1.x or older the library was included inside C# mods and there was no need to load it as a separate mod. However, RimWorld versions ...
Hellsing ARMS Ultimate
Vytvořil Baskerville
https://i.imgur.com/gbEysRZ.png Hellsing ARMS Ultimate includes an array of powerful weapons, apparel, abilities, races, factions, etc. based on the anime/manga Hellsing. Catholic paladins contend Protestant vampire hunters as vampire Panzer grenadiers sla...
Hellsing ARMS Ultimate 简体中文
Vytvořil WANG
Hellsing ARMS Ultimate 简体中文汉化包。 在原汉化作者“薛定谔的猫”大佬的汉化包基础上进行汉化补全,感谢大佬的辛勤劳动。 原汉化的链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2840642273 简介: Hellsing ARMS Ultimate包括一系列基于动画/漫画《Hellsing》的强大武器、服装、能力、种族、派别等。天主教的圣骑士们与新教的吸血鬼猎人抗衡,而食尸鬼装甲部队的榴弹兵则屠杀雇佣军的战犬。这些...
Vytvořil Adamas
Description: This mod adds a new event type "Patient arrived". It allows you to run a hospital and get goodwill and silver in return. The patient will arrive in a drop pod. (on an optional Patient Land Spot, to be found under Misc menu) Your colonists will...
Hospital - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Hospital,you can find main mod by right link. Hospital (患者接治)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 向游戏中加入了接治其他派系的求医者的新玩法,满足你在RW中开医院的愿望。 当你的殖民地拥有足够的医疗床位时,其他派系的小人可能会乘坐运输舱抵达此处求医。求医者的医疗请求分为...
Hospitality - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Hospitality (访客招待)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,1.1重译精修,1.2、1.3、1.4、1.5再次精心修订。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 著名的「访客招待」Mod,完美扩充了原版可有可无的访客机制。 增加「访客用床」供访客睡觉。 访客的人物信息会增加一个「访客」标签,打开后可设置有关访客的选项,以及「招募访客」(当然这会以降低派系的友好度为代价)。 访客会使用你的餐厅、娱乐设施,以此对你的招待进行评分...
Vytvořil Orion
Allows you to host, entertain and recruit visitors. Excellent video explanation on YouTube. Description Have you been wondering what the point of visiting factions is? Look no further, this mod is the answer. - Convince visitors to join your faction! - Inc...
Vytvořil Symbolic
This is a library that provides shared functionality for other mods. For best results, make sure that HugsLib comes right after Core in your mod load order. Also includes the Log Publisher: press Ctrl+F12 to upload your Rimworld logs and get a link to easi...
HugsLib - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
HugsLib的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带的汉化版本已严重落后,此汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:风之起灵,leafzxg -繁中:风之起灵,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 绝大多数Mod的必备前置。 更新日志: 2024.4.27-1.5-1.5.0-2024.3.18 2022.11.3-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.22 2021.7.17-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.17 2020.8.13-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.12 2...
Humanoid Alien Races
Vytvořil erdelf
https://imgur.com/eQZ72Ib.png A framework for the creation of new alien races in Rimworld If you ever thought that the racial diversity in rimworld is... not that diverse and you want to change that, you came to the right place. This framework allows to ea...
Humanoid Alien Races - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Humanoid Alien Races (外星人框架)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 外星人框架,所有非人类种族、派系Mod的必备前置。 更新日志: 2024.4.27-1.5-1.5.0-2024.4.24 2022.11.3-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.24 2021.11.14-1.3-1.3.1-2021.11.13 2021.7.1...
Vytvořil 苍白而蔷薇
~模板1.4.2版~ 注1:我所有的汉化翻译都是机翻+意译+脑补,肯定比不上专业的,只能说勉强能用 注2:繁体翻译是用简体翻译机翻转换的...(看得懂繁体不会繁体表达的我) MOD介绍: 关于其它人做的贴图重置(可选可不选) 向游戏中添加了以下动物 ・Mandola/梦幻的植物-蔓德拉(宠物特化,强力产物),植...动物...动植物! 注:该MOD有一个略微降低一点正义度的轻量版Mandola.light,二选一即可 ・Uva/机器人-优娃(运输特化,强力产物),你设定不是机器人吗? 注:该MOD有一个略微...
Infused 2 Expansion
Vytvořil JEMLPro
https://i.imgur.com/2PD5Jde.png (Desc. Updated on 4/21/24) PLEASE READ. this still works with 1.4 do not worry! the 1.5 update changed nothing so there should be no reason for it to make more bugs, and i do have on my personal folder the 1.4 fix but it won...
Infused 2 Expansion - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Infused 2 Expansion,you can find main mod by right link. Infused 2 Expansion (附魔2拓展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 基于Infusion 2的拓展mod。 增加了多达38个全新的附魔词条,以及2个新的附魔等级——神器(Artifact)与诅咒(Cursed...
Infusion 2
Vytvořil alatta
Random equipment enhancements and enchantments - the infusions. Infusion 2 is a complete rewrite from scratch of the original Infusion (and its maintained version, Infused) mod. Infusions are like enchantments—they are applied randomly when an equipment is...
Initial Motivation
Vytvořil Cedaro
This is our first day in the wild, move on boys, we should build a shelter before night—Hey you! Don't watching that stupid sky! ...I want a horseshoes pin. Freeze pawn's joy need in the first three days after settled, that's all. Safe to add or remove fro...
Interaction Bubbles
Vytvořil Jaxe
Wouldn't it be great if you could read character interactions? Well you can, in the social log... or with Interaction Bubbles Shows bubbles when characters perform a social interaction with the text that would normally only be found in the log. This allows...
Vytvořil Ryoma
Adds modding components to RimWorld: vehicles, spell casting, weapon slots, oversized weapons, and more! ;;;;; PUT THIS MOD ABOVE OTHER DEPENDANT MODS ;;;;; Example Mod Load Order Core HugsLib JecsTools Star Wars Call of Cthulhu ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;...
JecsTools - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
JecsTools的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod自带的汉化版本已落后,部分新文本未汉化,此汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: jecrell制作的系列Mod(星战、克苏鲁、疯狂边缘、第三纪元等)的必备前置。 更新日志: 2024.4.27-1.5-1.5.0-2024.4.09 2022.12.20-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.28 2021.7.27-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.25 2020.10.0...
Kawaii Hair pack 汉化
Vytvořil hanami
卡哇伊发包1.4汉化 마우스로 적당히 끄적인 야메 헤어팩 ...
Kawaii Hair pack 1.5
Vytvořil ㅅㄹ
마우스로 적당히 끄적인 야메 헤어팩 last update 08 30,2023 ...
Vytvořil 宇宙巡
kemomimihouse now can use Drafting,(Recommended for use with kemomimihouse Kz) ...
kemomimihouse HardworkingKz
Vytvořil 夜月重楼
新的勤工扩展框架 (Hardworking Extension Framework),源自对velc版本的彻底重写增强。支持更多动物,支持旧存档,支持更多工作,支持夜间作息,支持技能保存,支持更多功能,也支持娱乐活动。 The new Hardworking Extension Framework, derived from a complete rewrite enhancement of Velc's HardworkingKemomimihouse. Support for more animals,...
Vytvořil psycheLo
It is a mod that adds nine animal-ear girls dispatched from a certain self-made game (under construction). とある自作ゲーム(制作中)から派遣された9人の獣耳少女を追加するmodです。 Siroシロ https://i.imgur.com/k3LjC5X.png A white-haired wolf-beast ear ninja girl is roaming the forest after be...
Kurin Meow Edition
Vytvořil Eoral Milk
Kurin Meow Edition: A classic Kurin race remastered mod. Please set the setting "Randomize Starting Pawns on Reroll" of HAR framework as false Using har and FaceAddonFramework's Kurin remaster, the original Kurin content is restored as much as possible. In...
kemomimihouse Kz
Vytvořil 夜月重楼
持续为「兽耳屋模组 (psyche's kemomimihouse)」扩展内容,感谢原作者psyche的精彩创作。 反馈可以去吧里唠唠,这里打字难。https://tieba.baidu.com/p/6865837533 资源扩展: 毛发资源 替换了兽耳娘的头发贴图,并归类。(冰龙雪儿原描述是鳞片,但依然是Woolbase(毛基本)属性,建议翻译改为鳞发)。 穿戴兽娘毛发织物会叠加好心情,重新整理了文本、前缀名称和属性调整(颜正模组)。 联动颜正模组,毛发在祭台可以作为耗材祭天、炼物(升级、修复、解绑、灭火...
Loft Bed
Vytvořil Zed
Loft Bed A loft bed is a double level bed similar to a bunk bed, but it only has one mattress. The top bunk is usually for sleeping while the bottom bunk is used as a study area by way of a desk. Stuffable as a regular bed. You can build bunk beds with thi...
Loft Bed&Bunk Beds - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Loft Bed&Bunk Beds,you can find main mod by right link. Loft Bed&Bunk Beds (高架床&多层床)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 向游戏中加入了可以放置在工作台、储物架、桌子上的高架单人床和高架双人床,以及能睡多个人但占地面积只有2x1的双层床和三层床。 房间面积紧张时...
LWM's Deep Storage
Vytvořil lilwhitemouse
Important note Little White Mouse gave birth to a healthy baby! Further updates are likely to be sporadic, as feeding and caring for a baby is a lot harder than RimWorld makes you think... However, the code is available on GitHub, so if there are changes y...
LWM's Deep Storage - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
LWM's Deep Storage (深度存储单元)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:BOXrsxx,leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 添加一些列可以储存大量物品的家具,比如深度储存冰箱、置物架、食物篮、药品柜、托盘、衣架等等。 更新日志: 2024.6.28-1.5-1.5.0-2024.6.10 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.11.3 2021.7.16-1.3-1.3....
Mad Skills
Vytvořil Ratysz
A collection of tweaks (found in Options -> Mod Settings -> Mad Skills) to change or turn off skill degradation and learning saturation. Does not require a new colony to add, tune, or remove. Preview image by Shinzy. Available tweaks: Decay multiplier: val...
Mad Skills 中文
Vytvořil 郑青紫
Mad Skills 中文,多多点赞作者需要你的鼓励,缺漏错误请指出! 这是一组关于技能退化和学习饱和度调整或关闭的微调选项(位于游戏内选项 -> 模组设置 -> Mad Skills)。 无需新建殖民地即可添加、调整或移除这些微调选项。 可用微调选项如下: - Decay multiplier:用于乘以默认技能经验退化强度的数值。 - Tiered:防止技能等级下降;技能升级所需的经验值按上述乘数设置进行退化。 - Alternative "great memory":更改“过目不忘”特质的行为:不再将技...
Male Maru
Vytvořil OdysseyLotus
Updated to 1.5. Adds male Maru and a custom Maru name generator. Made with permission from VAMV. I have to admit, when I saw the Maru race come out, I was really excited. I thought that it had a really solid aesthetic, I love the black-white-blue color sch...
Maru Facial Animation Patch
Vytvořil w3057211537
Facial Animation Patch for Maru in the Maru Race mod. The textures are made from the orginal textures in the Maru Race mod. May not suitable for marus younger than 17 years now Please comment below if there are problems(The fix may come late though, as for...
Maru Race-简体中文汉化
Vytvořil w3057211537
This MOD is a Translation of Maru Race MOD by VAMV. No more content except translation addon 原作者/Original Author:VAMV 原MOD/Original Mod:Maru Race 请排序在原MOD之后加载。 某日的一场暴风雪中,一个已经在边缘世界的山道上行进许久的探索者回到了他的据点。他面带朦胧的表情坐在了椅子上,随后又仿佛立马找回了面部的知觉似的开始向聚在桌子周围的孩子们讲述一个漫长的故事。在山...
Maru Race
Vytvořil VAMV
One day during a blizzard, an explorer who had been walking on the mountain trails of rimworld for a long time returned to his settlement. He sat down on a chair with a hazy expression on his face and immediately began to tell a long story to the children ...
Mechanoids Extraordinaire - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Mechanoids Extraordinaire (机械族拓展)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: - 新增的五款机械族扩展将出现在 突袭、心灵/剧毒飞船事件、远古威胁(遗迹)中登场: - 胡蜂型(Vespa):一个迅捷而脆弱的机械人,会寻找掩体来作战。 - 巨人型(Goliath):一个近战特化型机械人,在战斗中死去后会自爆。 - 猎犬型(Hound):一个配备有动力爪极其全新...
Mechanoids Extraordinaire
Vytvořil Spino
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.3.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Ever thought having only 2 types of mechanoids was kinda... on the boring ...
Melee Animation - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Melee Animation,you can find main mod by right link. Melee Animation (近战动画)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -暂不完全汉化,正在等待作者补全翻译接口。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 本mod为原版的近战系统添加了更细致的动画,并添加了一些新的游戏机制,例如决斗、终结技、套索等。 决斗:当两个小人使用近战武器对打...
Melee Animation
Vytvořil Epicguru
Adds detailed animations to melee combat, and new melee combat mechanics. This mod aims to spice up the regular Rimworld melee combat by adding custom hand-made animations for attacking & moving, and for new melee mechanics: duels, executions and Unique Sk...
Meow Framework
Vytvořil Eoral Milk
A misc framework for some of my mod. I also added some useful features, such as recycle and repairing equipments. Mods need this framework - Ratkin: Promised land Ruleless Moustate: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3204817310...
Miho, the celestial fox
Vytvořil PePeTan
Wow! Fluffy Foxes! Miho, the celestial fox Miho, the vagrant of love and the celestial fox, are foxes that were uplifted by the power of Archotech, or something. They have a trait that can adore the entire human species, for some reason. Yes, They love you...
Miho, the celestial fox - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Miho, the celestial fox,you can find main mod by right link. Miho, the celestial fox (美狐族)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 向游戏中加入了全新的狐耳外星种族——美狐族,以及对应的装备、武器、建筑、材料、心灵能力和成瘾品药物。 受超凡智能眷...
Milira Race
Vytvořil Ancot
The characteristics of this mod are raid, combat, research and mechanoid. I spent 14 months to make the content of this mod, hope it can bring you a little bit of a different experience, and expect you enjoy it. An ancient species that soars through the sk...
Milira Race Facial Animation
Vytvořil Ancot
Provide facial animation for Milira. Load order: Facial Animation Facial Animation - Experimentals (optional) Milira Race This mod Milira Race https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3256974620...
Milira Race Gene Patch
Vytvořil Ancot
The gene patch for Milira race. Add xenotype to Milira. ...
Mo'Events (Continued)
Vytvořil Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of ilawz mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=835151481 - Almost all of the update-work done by Taranchuk - Strings opened for translation - Added settings where you can change the trigger-chance...
Mo'Events - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Mo'Events (Mo事件扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 新增了一系列很有创意的随机小事件,增添游戏的细节真实性(比如小人受伤康复后会有充满活力的buff)随机性(增添了与部落的互动,你可以帮助部落治愈他们无法治疗的疾病,他们也会投桃报李)和乐趣,强烈推荐,其他很多具体内容请进入游戏体验,就不剧透了。 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.10 202...
MoHAR framework
Vytvořil Gouda quiche
Adds hediffs/comps/jobs/ meant for race mod creators. GitHub Wiki Race mod creators This mod comes with examples. To allow your mod to use these hediffs, you need to use Mohar framework as a dependency. Mods that use MFW Crystosentients Cyberpunk Cyberneti...
More Practical Traits
Vytvořil BOXrsxx
This mod was made to commemorate Gaoshi. ( Gaoshi is a character in the game, not a real person. ) version: 1314 compatibility: 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, Royalty, Ideology Introduction The mod adds some practical traits to the game. Different colors indicate the stre...
Music Manager - 简繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Music Manager (背景音乐管理器)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod内置的汉化已过于落后(近一半没汉化),本汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 轻松管理背景音乐,暂停、播放、下一首歌等。并允许您禁用特定歌曲,更改允许播放歌曲的条件,兼容其他新增音乐的Mod。 更新日志: 2022.12.22-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.17 —————————————————————————— 汉化组直辖的QQ...
Music Manager (Continued)
Vytvořil Zaljerem
Original mod by Fluffy https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=16120 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2229205672 MIT and Share-Alike licenses Even so, if the original author requests it, or I see the original mod updates, I will rem...
NierAutomata Weapon Pack
Vytvořil verniy709
Nier: Automata Weapon Pack A simple mod that uses VE framework to add some weapons from Nier: Automata. Please load this mod after Vanilla Expanded Framework. Research AdvancedFabrication to unlock the weapon crafting workbench. Patches Combat extended: ht...
No Reasons To Avoid Mothballing
Vytvořil q308744928
1.5 updated, now this mod is focusing on patch up AlphaGene, Big&Small and VE series by adding "allowMothballIfLowPriorityWorldPawn". Note that these operations will NOT delete any pawn from your save. It is hard for me to locate the hediffdef without Cher...
Vytvořil Peppsen
Adds 52 new fan made music tracks to RimWorld made by me(Peppsen), ZumZum and SpacekatTommy. You do not need to make a new colony and the mod should be compatible with everything. I now have my own discord serverwhere you can get P-Music updates, download ...
Pawn Education - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Pawn Education (互动学习)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Vick,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: “三人行,必有我师。”小人可以从互动之中学习对方的技能。 小人对某个主题的热情越高,讨论的几率就越高,分享的经验也越多。 当老师有20级技能时,可能会发生一些特殊的事情... 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.12 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.11...
Pick Up And Haul
Vytvořil Mehni
"Greatest hauling mod ever" - Chicken Plucker Colonists will gather stuff in their inventory, then haul it all to a stockpile. This hauling mod will greatly increase hauling efficiency, because pawns can now carry more than one gun or t-shirt. Those smart ...
pick up and haul zh 中文补丁
Vytvořil daz
pick up and haul mod菜单汉化,请在原mod之后加载。 翻译:简体中文 —————————————————————————— ...
Plasma Weapons Pack
Vytvořil Mad Catter
Description: Adds 9 (8 + 1 Retexture with Royal Arsenal due to redundancy) Plasma weapons and drafting stances for them. Balance: These weapons are all balanced around Royalty's Plasmasword (except for the Stellic Weapons), some maybe a bit better. If you ...
Plasma Weapons Pack - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Plasma Weapons Pack,you can find main mod by right link. Plasma Weapons Pack (等离子近战武器包)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 向游戏中加入了等离子长戟、等离子双头剑、等离子战斧、等离子大剑等数种全新的等离子近战武器,以及对应的人格武器版本。 此外...
Polarisbloc - Core LAB tmp port
Vytvořil Pos 5
This is a temporary port of the original mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1500244593 All credits to original authors 这是一个1.5版本的临时移植,原模组:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1500244593 感谢原作者的贡献。 This mod does not...
Polarisbloc - Mechenemy
Vytvořil RS-CZH
Maintenance is done with the consent of the original author:Vaniat Original mod:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1498573216 Only Factions: Advanced Mechanoids:A Mechanoid interstellar marine with highly advanced technology. They have ...
Polarisbloc - Security Force tmp port
Vytvořil Pos 5
This is a temporary port of the original mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1500248421 All credits to original authors 这是一个1.5版本的临时移植,原模组:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1500248421 感谢原作者的贡献。 There's no need t...
Vytvořil zetrith
Prepatcher is most importantly a powerful tool for mod developers. The project also includes a mod manager which runs before the game loads. The mod manager - Prestarter Prestarter is still in more of a preview state currently and I'll be expanding it in t...
Vytvořil Bonible
A weapon mod I made as some sort of practice. The two swords include custom sounds, and the phasesword has custom damage types for searing instead of cutting. They act as a sort of inferior to Royalty's ultratech melee. You can make them with Machining and...
Vytvořil 上弦月
Vytvořil Hatti
With QualityBuilder all buildings that have quality (beds, tables etc) will only be build by the best builder to ensure the best outgoing quality. Every other constructor will be able to bring in the materials, but only the best one will build it. If you k...
QualityBuilder - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
QualityBuilder (精益求精)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: -建造物品时出现精益求精选项,默认开启,右键可以设置要建造物品的最低品质要求,成品品质低于最低要求小人会自动拆除重建直到成品符合要求。 -可以设置精益求精物品建造者的最低建造技能等级要求,低于该等级不会参与建造开启精益求精选项的物品。 -Mod设置里可自行修改默认设置。 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-20...
Rescuee Joiner Plus
Vytvořil Ogliss
Made for Rabbitt Rescuees shouldn't just join your colony, they should need permission... Now they do! They also provide more information about themselves, a summary and the option to view their infocard Problems? Questions? Comments? Got something youd li...
Rational Romance - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Rational Romance (浪漫多元化)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 添加给小人4大类的性取向特性【异性恋(直)】、【双性恋】、【同性恋(弯)】和【无性恋(干物系)】。而小人的感情脉路会以这4大类的取向来寻找自己身边的恋人。在没有RJW出现之前,这款MOD一直是小人感情类的一股清流。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.11.4 20...
Vytvořil Jaxe
RimHUD is a UI mod that displays detailed information about a selected character or creature. The HUD display is integrated into the inspect pane which can be resized to fit the additional information. Alternatively, the HUD can display a separate floating...
RimHUD - 简体中文汉化包
RimHUD的简中汉化包,请在原MOD后加载。 有简单转换的繁中。 MOD介绍: RimHUD是一个UI MOD,它可以显示所选角色或生物的详细信息。HUD可以集成在原版检视面板中,你可以调整面板大小已经添加删除显示的信息。HUD也可以是一个独立的浮动窗口浮动在屏幕上的任何位置。 这个UI MOD是为了1600x900以上分辨率设计的。较低的分辨率仍可以使用这个MOD,但你可能需要在选项中调整面板的大小。 RimHUD的设置面板可以通过单击将鼠标停留在HUD时所显示的齿轮图标来进入。 其他MOD添加需求和技...
Vytvořil 呱呱
RescueeJoinsPlus简繁汉化 介绍:被营救的小人会无视你是否同意直接加入你的殖民地,这个mod增加了选项让你选择是否让其加入。 版权:所有汉化mod版权只属于原mod作者。 PS:萌新汉化,有问题留言,有不错的mod也可以留言我会看看,这些都是我自用的mod因为强迫症顺带汉化,文本量都很少,我会尝试联系作者整合进原mod。 统一回复下,很抱歉由于个人原因,无法后续维护更新。正常来说,只要mod本体文本没有更新的话,把汉化mod里面的ChineseSimplified,覆盖到mod本体的Chine...
Vytvořil witchyspoon
AFTER 10 YEARS OF MODDING, I HAVE NOW STOPPED, THIS (1.5) WAS THE LAST UPDATE Take care everyone, xxx spoon Welcome to RIMkea! UNbore your Colony with RIMkea, TODAY! Included furniture lines: Millenium Line, RUSTIKA, Cozy Rugs Collection and Flea market Fu...
RIMkea - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
RIMkea (边缘宜家)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:独角兽,Zephyr,leafzxg -繁中:独角兽,Zephyr,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 新增大量精美家具和装饰品。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.22 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.25 2021.2.10-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.11 —————————————————————————— 汉化组直辖的QQ...
RimLegend: Combat Traits
Vytvořil TheLonelyMountain
Want specialized soldiers? Want powerful leader? Want traits focusing on combat? Here is a mod for you! This mod add 10+ traits focusing on combat, and create 3 new combat mechanism. The powerful traits can build a living legend in Rimworld! New mechanism:...
Vytvořil Latki
Mod for your perfect kitchen! Add food recipe,furniture and new animal It's good synergy with rimfridge mod. =============================================== Special thanks Code emergency personnel : Sutsutman ===============================================...
Rimstro - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Rimstro. Rimstro (边缘厨房)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 向游戏中添加了许多厨房用具、装饰、食物以及新的动物。 动物的名字借鉴了曾经贴吧版本的汉化,在这里感谢之前汉化的吧友。 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,获取更多汉化发布、更新动态。 ——————————————...
The Saiyans
Vytvořil LifeisGame.inc
The Saiyans Saiyans have 2x the durability of a human pawn Saiyans do alot of unarmed damage and can increase this with Ki skill tree and transforming 3 different classes of Saiyans Low class, Saiyan, and Elite class Every Saiyan has a Ki skill tree that c...
RocketMan - Performance Mod
Vytvořil SubmarineMan
Error reporting to almost any mod requires alog these days Use https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2873415404 to get said log Our lord and savior Zetrith has blessed us with the Prepatcher! Please go show them some love! CHECK IT OUT THE...
Romance On The Rim
Vytvořil telardo
Romance On The Rim I think romance relationship in vanilla is pretty barren, nothing more than lovin', marriage, or breakup. The goal of this mod is to make vanilla romance more lively and flavorful. It adds a new "Romance" need and several romantic intera...
RocketMan - Performance Mod 汉化
Vytvořil Nevelian ⭐
翻译成中文 如果结果非常糟糕,请告诉我. 如果你对此感到满意 - 翻译不好 - 我有时会按照你的要求做 . 翻译是从可用的mod文档完成的. RocketMan: 注意:RimWorld1.4,1.3不再需要HugsLib。 RocketMan是一个mod,旨在提高RimWorld的性能。 重要提示:RocketMan应该是你的mod列表中的最新mod。 1-RocketMan不支持RimThreaded,永远不会。 2-没有日志的错误消息不会收到响应。 --------------------------...
Roo's HD Accessory Hairstyles
Vytvořil Rooboid
https://i.imgur.com/4PGz4p8.png https://i.imgur.com/QqSZiRe.png "That new recruit...he's got some secrets to hide. He doesn't take off that balaclava, even when he's lovin'...' This mod adds 40+ new hairstyles that include some kind of head accessory, such...
Roo's HD Glasses Hairstyles
Vytvořil Rooboid
https://i.imgur.com/vtvWvTT.png This is a HD update of my original Roo’s Glasses Hairs Mod- all hairs have been redrawn at a higher resolution and to match better with the vanilla art style. Each hairstyle has glasses rendered as part of it, so no more wor...
Roo's HD Royalty Hairstyles
Vytvořil Rooboid
https://i.imgur.com/nSi3I8I.png I have risen once again out of the crust of the earth to put even more fancy hair onto your pawns heads. This is a HD update of my original Roo’s Royalty Hairstyles Mod, with all hairs being redesigned from the ground up at ...
Roppoi hair
Vytvořil sakama
This mod features a set of hairstyles from Ragnarok Online. It includes: -29 Female Hairstyles. -29 Male Hairstyles. Note-The clothing displayed is NOT included in this mod. About the hairstyles: -Assigned gender matches that of Ragnarok Online. -Hairstyle...
Roren, People of Rorensia
Vytvořil Po210
This is the Race mod - Roren, People of Rorensia Beta Test. ※ Warning - There are some features that have not completed yet in this mod. All test versions will be mostly uploaded by Korean first, and English is next. Since I cannot translate other language...
Roren, People of Rorensia-zh
Vytvořil 雨巷下的海鸥
此mod为游戏中新增加了一个种族洛伦(roren) 此汉化由机翻+个人脑补制成,如有感到不合适的翻译,可在进行评论区反馈,我会即使进行修改。 (此汉化未进行完全测试,当前已知问题:在开发者模式下打开mod配置与人物编辑器时会出红字。) 红字原因是改了代码,但是不改代码的话,人物背景故事的汉化将会失效。-红字问题已解决 5/17一编:发现个小问题 用rimpy加载此mod进游戏之后游戏内并不会加载该mod 只能用游戏内的mod配置进行加载 如果有知道怎么解决的大佬,欢迎在评论区提出解决方式.(已解决) 5/1...
Salamander Retextured
Vytvořil Jingo柏利斯
Salamander外觀重製,請在原MOD之後加載。 說明: 只更改Salamander的人形特徵,採用類似Nals的Compatible Body風格。 繪圖:紫雀 idatenz Retextured: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3010624192 AB Team(蜂娘軍團): https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3010521862 Focal...
Salted Meat
Vytvořil Argón
https://imgur.com/kcftCsu.png https://imgur.com/VBRH8R0.png It's been a year since I first uploaded the original Salted Meat and Sausages! And I'm so incredibly amazed of how a lot of people downloaded and used it. After a whole year where I learned a bunc...
RPG Style Inventory Revamped
Vytvořil avil
RPG style representation of the pawn's Gear Tab. That's a revamped version by avilmask. Orginal mod: RPG Style Inventory by Sandy. So, what the point of this yetanotherfork of an original mod? When I liked that mod've reverted to original layout, I was gre...
Salted Meat - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Salted Meat. Salted Meat (新腌制拓展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: Salted Meat(汉化包)的重置版本。 添加了一种新的食物保存方法——盐渍保存法。 现在你可以将肉类和Vanilla Fishing Expanded(汉化包)的渔获用食盐腌制或做成香肠来延长保质期。 与1.0版本不同,腌肉...
Search and Destroy (Unofficial Update)
Vytvořil Meme Goddess
Unofficial update to 1.5 The original developer is no longer modding due to working on a game, so I've updated their mod (which I can't live without) to 1.5. If you're the developer and want this taken down, feel free to leave a comment or DM me. Made it w...
Set Up Camp - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Set Up Camp(露营地)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:BOXrsxx -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: A16世界地图出现后崛起,知名度最高的大地图类mod。国民级mod。使远行队能够在没有其他据点的地区位置建立临时定居点。新维护者对其进行了优化,设定更合理,并有更多内容可以自行设置。 是否兼容已有存档:可以 强度及特点: 综合正义度:中等(4 开启露营地事件,设定停留时间)- 正义(14 关闭露营地所有事件,无限时间) 特点:使远行队能...
Smart Farming繁簡漢化
Vytvořil 虛無_鬼王
ㅤ歡迎來到鬼之魂的繁簡漢化系列     本系列漢化翻譯將會經過以下測試:      網路參考 實際測試 core中文        文法優化 格式優化       英文底子以AI深度討論替代        簡體為繁體的直接轉換       例外將會在說明欄進行標註       原為私用翻譯 但經過思考後      打算繼續分享給社群盡一份心力ouo 漢化反饋: 如果有 請直接在評論區反饋,我會抽出時間進行更新 就算是 這類小問題也可以進行反饋,這對我也有幫助,謝謝 測試以及例外說明: 運行測試:完全 注意:...
Smart Farming Continued
Vytvořil FerrisCG
Original Mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2619652663 Note: You must unsubscribe from the original mod, I use the same packageId to keep compatability going! Original Description This is a quality of life mod which provides a numb...
Vytvořil 伪善猫尾
Leave a message if you have any questions...
Spoons Hair Mod
Vytvořil witchyspoon
AFTER 10 YEARS OF MODDING, I HAVE NOW STOPPED, THIS (1.5) WAS THE LAST UPDATE Take care everyone, xxx spoon 1.3: Removed the three beards from the textures (the hair is still there) so it won't interfere with new added vanilla beards. Additional hairstyles...
SRTS Expanded
Vytvořil Smash Phil
SRTS Expanded for RimWorld versions 1.4+ 1.3 version here Package ID has been changed to avoid conflicts with people still subscribed to 1.3 and earlier versions of SRTS Expanded. I don't really bother with steam discussion comments or posts. Join the disc...
SRTS Expanded - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
SRTS Expanded (飞船拓展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:AmliFurx,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,汉化组新人独立全译,禁止转载。 简介: 新增大量各式各样的飞船,需要研究解锁其制造。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.25 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.24 2021.1.29-1.2-1.2.1-2020.8.17 2021.1.25-1.2-1.2.0-20...
Stack XXL
Vytvořil Indeed
Stack XXL Increase the stack sizes however you wish! Want 10x, 20x or even 100x? Want to set different stack sizes for meat, meals, and resources? You came to the right place! Requirement: HugsLib IMPORTANT: PLEASE RESTART YOUR GAME AFTER CHANGING MOD SETT...
Standalone Hot Spring
Vytvořil balistafreak
Changelog 10 April 2024: 1.5 compatibility tentatively functional! 20 Oct 2022: 1.4 compatibility tentatively functional! 5 Jul 2021: 1.3 compatibility tenatively functional, will declare as 'definitely' once other players have more extensively used it. Ma...
Standalone Hot Spring - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Standalone Hot Spring (治疗温泉)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233 -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 新增建造在蒸汽间歇喷泉之上的温泉。可以给伤员或病人加快回复的效果,最多可以6个人同时使用。 更新日志: 2021.8.28-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.06 2020.8.27-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.25 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘...
Story Music Expanded
Vytvořil 樱景琳
This mod adds several new fan made music tracks to RimWorld. At certain moments in the story, such as crashlanding or facing certain enemies, corresponding music will be played like movies.These music tracks were composed by me (樱景琳) inspired by certain sp...
Tabletop Trove - Additional Joy Objects and Decor
Vytvořil Wisconsin
Updated for 1.4! Please report any bugs, I still don't know what I'm doing! Tabletop Trove adds tabletop games for your colonists to enjoy. Simply research ‘Tabletop Games’ at a research bench or buy them from travelling traders. Some are only available th...
Tabletop Trove Additional Joy Objects and Decor - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Tabletop Trove - Additional Joy Objects and Decor (桌游典藏 - 额外的娱乐项目与物品)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 该MOD为游戏里添加了不少经典的桌游 例如脍炙人口的《龙与地下城》,《万智牌》(魔法风云会)等有趣的娱乐游戏。 其精细而面面俱到的娱乐道具与素材,能让玩家身临其境的在一个边缘世界里重新体验“周末围在桌边...
Vytvořil TeRiRi
添加了游戏《崩坏3》中女武神德丽莎的武器"犹大的誓约" 素材来源于崩坏3,如有侵权立即删除 音效将在未来更新中添加 这个武器十分正义,同时也十分危险(可能会把自己炸死) 本武器需要通过精密装配台消耗大量资源制作(当然你也可以用开发者或精心准备虚空造物……) ...
Tenko Retextured
Vytvořil Jingo柏利斯
Tenko外觀重製,請在原MOD之後加載。 說明: 只更改Tenko的人形特徵,採用類似Nals的Compatible Body風格。 繪圖:紫雀 idatenz Retextured: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3010624192 AB Team(蜂娘軍團): https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3010521862 Focalor(鳥妖): ht...
The Heaven Forged Celestial
Vytvořil Feng Xinzi
This is a re-release of "The Ancient Celestial", which retains most of the original mod's content and includes bug fixes and balance adjustments. Unlike the original mod, this mod will be updated and maintained for a long time in the future, and we welcome...
The Saiyans 简体中文
Vytvořil WANG
The Saiyans 简体中文汉化包 未更新的简介: 添加了普通赛亚人,混血赛亚人,传说中的赛亚人,武道家这几种使用“气”的单位 赛亚人的生命值是普通人类的2倍 赛亚人可以造成大量的徒手伤害,并且可以通过气技能树和变身来提高伤害。 3种不同等级的赛亚人 下级战士、中级战士和上级战士 每个赛亚人都有一棵气技能树,可以通过几个技能来提升实力 5个独特的赛亚人事件 一个独特的运输舱 可以在栽培人生产商处生产栽培人 独特的赛亚人定制盔甲,但任何小人都可以穿戴 一个能提高精确度的侦察器 可以通过气写作台制作技能书为...
The Saiyans Higher Super Saiyans
Vytvořil MadRils
I DID NOT DO ANY WORK ON THIS. I AM JUST UPLOADING IT BECAUSE DELLFINNER COULDN'T. Adds a form line for the Saiyan Races, Regular Saiyans are able to use Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3, Half Saiyans can use Super Saiyan 2 and Beast Form, Legendary Saiya...
The Saiyans Higher Super Saiyans 简体中文
Vytvořil WANG
The Saiyans Higher Super Saiyans 简体中文 为赛亚人种族添加一些进阶形态,普通赛亚人可以使用超级赛亚人2和超级赛亚人3,混血赛亚人可以使用超级赛亚人2和野兽形态,传说中的赛亚人可以使用传超2和传超3。 ...
Throwing Weapon Belt
Vytvořil misstall
Add three types of projectile weapons that can be equipped in the utility slots. You can attack with melee weapons equipped and throw them at the backs of enemies who have slipped past your vanguard or are fleeing! The throwing axe has a higher attack powe...
Throwing Weapon Belt 简体汉化
Vytvořil RichardWinters
Throwing Weapon Belt的简单汉化,作者制作了三种装有投掷武器的腰带。 ...
Valkyrie BOSS Retextured
Vytvořil Jingo柏利斯
Valkyrie BOSS外觀重製,請在原MOD之後加載。 說明: 只更改Valkyrie的人形特徵,採用Nals的Compatible Body風格。 繪圖:紫雀 Smaller Patch: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3080550897 idatenz Retextured: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3010624192 AB Tea...
Valkyrie BOSS Retextured Smaller Patch
Vytvořil Jingo柏利斯
請在Valkyrie BOSS之後加載。 說明: 縮小背部光圈,免得需要戴墨鏡 繪圖:紫雀 ...
Vampire Retextured
Vytvořil Jingo柏利斯
Vampire外觀重製,請在原MOD之後加載。 說明: 只更改Vampire的人形特徵,採用類似Nals的Compatible Body風格。 繪圖:有求必硬洨紫雀 ...
Vanilla Apparel Expanded 系列Mod-简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Vanilla Apparel Expanded (原版服饰扩展) 和 Vanilla Apparel Expanded — Accessories(原版服饰拓展-配件)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,之后该系列再有其他Mod也会一并汉化加入这个汉化包。 翻译: -简中:CaptainSnafu,Zephyr,leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 其中部分Mod的版本由CaptainSnafu汉化,版本及后续更新由边缘汉化组接手,禁止转载和用于AI...
Vanilla Backgrounds Expanded - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Vanilla Backgrounds Expanded,you can find main mod by right link. Vanilla Backgrounds Expanded (原版主菜单背景扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: Vanilla Expanded系列mod。 向游戏中更多好康的主菜单背景。你可以在Mod选项中...
Vanilla Backgrounds Expanded
Vytvořil Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/pb5R7kP.png 1.0 (07/03/2022): Release 1.0.1 (17/03/2022): New background: Exploration 1.0.2 (25/06/2022): New background: Awakening https://i.imgur.com/uTK4la3.png Vanilla Backgrounds Expanded is a mod th...
Vanilla Brewing Expanded
Vytvořil Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/N7PmE7J.png https://i.imgur.com/4KFLDIU.png 14/07/2021: v1.301 https://i.imgur.com/OwsGAOE.png Vanilla Brewing Expanded is an alcohol-oriented module in “Vanilla Cuisine Expanded” from the Vanilla Expande...
Vanilla Brewing Expanded 原版酿造扩展 简繁汉化包
Vytvořil Shavius
Vanilla Brewing Expanded 原版酿造扩展的简繁汉化包,添加了各式美酒并允许调制鸡尾酒,还包括咖啡,茶等非酒精饮料及烟草制品,依赖Vanilla Expanded Framework原版扩展框架,如果同时使用Vanilla Plants Expanded原版植物扩展的话会加入果酒,同时使用 Vanilla Cooking Expanded原版厨艺扩展的话会加入调料和豪华鸡尾酒。 已经集成咖啡和茶附件。 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,...
Vanilla Brewing Expanded - Coffees and Teas
Vytvořil Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png Thanks to Trahspanda for letting me add his lemonade mod to this. Buy him a coffee at: https://ko-fi.com/trahspanda https://i.imgur.com/ZNBLvo2.png 14/07/2021: v1.101 https://i.imgur.com/cEtGfjY.png Vanilla Brewing Expanded ...
Vanilla Cooking Expanded
Vytvořil Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/N7PmE7J.png https://i.imgur.com/EB1PzTi.png Mechanics are simple and intuitive - keeping within the vanilla spirit without unnecessary fluff and production chains. Colonists will be able to cook up a vari...
Vanilla Cooking Expanded 原版厨艺扩展 简繁汉化包
Vytvořil Shavius
原版厨艺扩展的简繁汉化包。 原版扩展系列又一力作为游戏添加了大量餐点,还有独特的调味料系统(虽然很奇怪),请在原mod后加载 该汉化包已经整合浓汤附件和寿司附件,以后如果有其它附件放出也会随后更新 简介 加入了新的一种食物等级,在奢侈食物之上的豪华食物,跟奢侈一样的花费但营养更少,与此同时更加好吃并且可以带一个调料。 调料包括盐,糖,蛋黄酱,香料等等,能增加额外心情或是属性。 加入了三种主要食物 烤肉在烧烤架烹饪,需要更多的肉,能提供饱腹感和额外的心情加成,一旦冷冻就失去所有特色。 汤食需要在炉灶制作汤料后...
Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Stews
Vytvořil Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/TP3b6El.png https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/846huxu.png 21/10/2022: 1.4 update https://i.imgur.com/EB1PzTi.png Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Stews is a first sub-module to the new Vanilla Cuisine Expanded mod series. Th...
Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Sushi
Vytvořil Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png https://i.imgur.com/EB1PzTi.png Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Sushi is another sub-module to the new Vanilla Cuisine Expanded mod series. This particular mod introduces sushi and the advanced art of sushi making, utilising ever...
Vanilla Events Expanded
Vytvořil Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/Ljrc02E.png https://i.imgur.com/yebnDL6.png See changenotes. https://i.imgur.com/X5NSzEI.png After playing the game for a long amount of time, you’re not really looking forward to events anymore - they be...
Vanilla Events Expanded - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Vanilla Events Expanded (原版事件拓展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 原版事件拓展,新增一系列“增强型”的原版类似事件,为游戏中后期增添更多挑战性。 “增强型”事件将会弹出紫色信封提示,相较原版同类型事件,其持续时间更长,难度更大,只会中后期出现。 还添加了一些原版风格的小事件,请进入游戏后体验! 更新日志: 2023.7.12-1....
Vanilla Expanded Framework
Vytvořil Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/SaZMDO9.png Vanilla Expanded Framework incorporates a multitude of functionalities for different mods in order for us to boost performance by not duplicating code across several mods. Examples of shared functionality include custom base...
Vanilla Expanded Framework - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Vanilla Expanded Framework (原版扩展框架)Mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 原名:原版派系扩展-核心 原版扩展系列的前置Mod,现已整合派系侦测Mod。 派系侦测:原先翻译叫“派系发现”,游戏过程中会随机生成新派新、新派系基地,可以在Mod设置里调节参数,老档加入新派系mod时,可以不用重开,用此mod刷出新派系...
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids
Vytvořil Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/TP3b6El.png https://i.imgur.com/y5G2hS0.png New Content update released 12/10/2021, integrating part of ISOREX's VFE-M Add-on, and adding new original content! https://i.imgur.com/dD3OJdD.png https://i.im...
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids 机械体派系扩展简繁汉化包
Vytvořil Shavius
机械族派系扩展的汉化包。 该mod增加了三种新型机械体,以及包括原版机械体在内的7种改良型机械体。 新增了“全面战争”系统,轨道上收未知人类指挥的机械族舰队会不断派出飞船登陆星球,并攻击你(独立于原版的机械集群),登陆的飞船越多,机械体数量越多,与财富值无关。当机械体数量到达一定程度甚至会开始改装部分机械体。登陆的飞船可以主动攻击摧毁,需要把所有飞船组件都破坏掉。 拆解mod中的敌方机械体和建筑可以获得一些“机械体零部件”(不可制造),可以用于建设多种自动工厂和玩家自己的自动机械体(比敌人的技术落后很多) ...
Vanilla Fishing Expanded - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Vanilla Fishing Expanded (原版渔猎扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:CaptainSnafu,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 此Mod的版本由CaptainSnafu汉化,版本及后续更新由边缘汉化组接手,禁止转载。 简介: Vanilla Fishing Expanded: 新增捕鱼机制: 添加一个捕鱼区(类似于原版种植区) 添加了20多种鱼 鱼可以直接烹饪 Vanilla Fishing Expanded - Fishing ...
Vanilla Fishing Expanded
Vytvořil Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/7RT09LK.png Vanilla Fishing Expanded is a first module in a brand new mod series “Vanilla Cuisine Expanded” from the Vanilla Expanded team. With such an important mechanic missing from the base game, Oska...
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings (原版派系扩展-维京人)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg,Zephyr,Shavius -繁中:leafzxg,Zephyr,Shavius 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 原版派系扩展的维京人派系,拥有自带的特色叙事者,他们是一群无情的野蛮人强盗。 更新日志: 2022.11.14-1.4-1.4.0-2022.11.8 2021.7.27-1.3-1.3.1-2021.7....
Vanilla Fishing Expanded - Fishing Treasures AddOn
Vytvořil Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png https://i.imgur.com/7RT09LK.png Vanilla Fishing Expanded - Fishing Treasures Add-On is a simple add-on to Vanilla Fishing Expanded that adds a lot of base game and modded items to the "treasure pool" of the fishing tables. W...
Vanilla Furniture Expanded
Vytvořil Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/Ljrc02E.png https://i.imgur.com/fzZxGm1.png Check change notes. https://i.imgur.com/Sigu6gu.png I have always found vanilla furniture to be lacking in depth and quantity. After researching Complex Furniture, the research tree for furnit...
Vanilla Furniture Expanded 系列Mod - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Vanilla Furniture Expanded (原版家具扩展全系列Mod)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,之后该系列再有其他Mod也会一并汉化加入这个汉化包。 翻译: -简中:CaptainSnafu,leafzxg,黑崎一护,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 其中部分Mod的版本由CaptainSnafu汉化,版本及后续更新由边缘汉化组接手,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 适用于以下Mod:(选择你需要的Mod,不必全部加载) -Vanilla Furni...
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming
Vytvořil Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/Ljrc02E.png https://i.imgur.com/fzZxGm1.png 1.2.0 (21/02/2021): - Sprinkler effect no longer stack - Sprinkler no longer boost plant in hydroponic (they still boost planter box) - Sprinkler no longer boos...
Vanilla Genetics Expanded
Vytvořil Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png https://i.imgur.com/BV17JJj.png See change notes https://i.imgur.com/3tfXVsy.png Vanilla Genetics Expanded is an updated version of Genetic Rim by Sarg Bjornson, with improvements across the board pertaining to game flow, me...
Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded
Vytvořil Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/iEDYZQ7.png Check Change notes. https://i.imgur.com/NeXUwUK.png Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded is a mod that makes persona weapons a little bit more spicy - but only visually so. It never felt right tha...
Vanilla Genetics Expanded - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Vanilla Genetics Expanded series mod,you can find main mod by right link. Vanilla Genetics Expanded (原版基因扩展系列)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 适用于下列mod: -Vanilla Genetics Expanded -Vanilla Ge...
Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded,you can find main mod by right link. Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded (原版人格武器扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -基本完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: Vanilla Expanded系列mod。 你是否曾有过这样的想法:“俺寻思这...
Vanilla Genetics Expanded - More Lab Stuff
Vytvořil Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png https://i.imgur.com/BV17JJj.png See change notes https://i.imgur.com/3tfXVsy.png Vanilla Genetics Expanded - More Lab Stuff adds a bunch of things to the main mod that we thought were a bit too complex, or too redundant, or ...
Vanilla Plants Expanded
Vytvořil Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/mYaJYC8.png Vanilla Plants Expanded is a core module in a plant-based in the new mod series “Vanilla Cuisine Expanded” from the Vanilla Expanded team. After hours of designing, testing and designing again...
Vanilla Plants Expanded - Mushrooms
Vytvořil Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/zOqvA8J.png See change notes for Changelogs. https://i.imgur.com/mYaJYC8.png Vanilla Plants Expanded - Mushrooms is an optional module for Vanilla Plants Expanded adding a variety of new mushrooms. One co...
Vanilla Plants Expanded 原版植物扩展 简繁汉化包
Vytvořil Shavius
原版植物扩展的简繁汉化包。增加了很多植作物,建议和厨艺扩展一起食用。请在原mod之后加载。 已内置多肉植物附件,增加了一些多肉观赏植物。 已内置更多植物附件,增加了一大大大大堆植物。 已内置蘑菇附件,增加了一些独特的菇类作物。 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,获取更多汉化发布、更新动态。 —————————————————————————— 漏译反馈:因为边缘汉化组维护的汉化Mod数量很多,由于Mod更新新增词条和翻译疏漏遗留下来的汉化缺漏我们无力逐一核...
Vanilla Plants Expanded - More Plants
Vytvořil Sarg Bjornson
https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png https://i.imgur.com/mYaJYC8.png Vanilla Plants Expanded - More Plants is an add-on module for Vanilla Plants Expanded from the Vanilla Expanded team. This mod adds a variety of fruit plants and crops to spice up your fields ...
Vanilla Plants Expanded - Succulents
Vytvořil Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/Ljrc02E.png https://i.imgur.com/zOqvA8J.png 15/08/2020: Release https://i.imgur.com/mYaJYC8.png Vanilla Plants Expanded - Succulents is an optional module for Vanilla Plants Expanded adding a variety of d...
Vanilla Skills Expanded
Vytvořil legodude17
https://i.imgur.com/no1n2P6.png Check Change Notes for details. https://i.imgur.com/dPPVfXw.png Vanilla Skills Expanded is a new mod that expands on the vanilla skills system by introducing expertise to the extremely broad skill categories that vanilla has...
Vanilla Skills Expanded - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Vanilla Skills Expanded,you can find main mod by right link. Vanilla Skills Expanded (原版技能扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW,鲜芋仙 -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 向游戏中加入了全新的“专精技能”系统。当殖民者的某项技能达到15级,且兴趣度较高时,你可以为他们选择一项属性加成强...
Vanilla Textures Expanded
Vytvořil Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/Ljrc02E.png https://i.imgur.com/8VZoAgi.png 1.6.0 (16/07/2020): Updated to 1.3. Honestly, we added so many textures (including almost a full retexture of Royalty) I'm not going to bother. 1.5.0 (11/10/202...
Vanilla Traits Expanded - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Vanilla Traits Expanded (原版特性扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Zephyr,leafzxg,asavikle -繁中:Zephyr,leafzxg,asavikle 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 新增了一系列原版强度的人物特性。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.21 2022.3.28-1.3-1.3.1-2021.9.29 2021.7.26-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.15 202...
Vanilla Textures Expanded - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Vanilla Textures Expanded (原版纹理扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 原版材质替换包,在原版风格的基础上调整,Mod设置中可切换UI风格。 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.21 2021.7.27-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.23 2020.3.26-1.1-1.1.0-2020.3.08 ———————————————...
Vanilla Traits Expanded
Vytvořil Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/TP3b6El.png https://i.imgur.com/N5mR7gS.png 1.7 (06/08/2021): - Production specialist with the perfection trait can produce legendary items - Prude pawns now won't engage in loving if they have no spouses...
Vytvořil OttersHoldHands
https://imgur.com/jQEVFFs.png https://imgur.com/t2i8Zhd.png Are you tired of building the same bedrooms for your pawns? Now you can house your pawns in rustic medieval majesty for as little as 500 Wood! Buy now and don't miss out on this limited time oppor...
Villages:Homes 个人简繁汉化包
Vytvořil samhai_nidelungen
Villages:Homes(村庄:住宅)的个人汉化,请在原Mod之后加载。 -这个汉化大体完全,但因为汉化作者(也就是我)英语水平不济,用语可能不是很通顺,也可能出现了错译漏译的情况,可以在Steam创意工坊该mod下的评论区提出建议,我看到之后会进行修正。 简介: 向游戏中加入了三种配色+三种大小的中世纪风格房屋。 房屋可以当作独立的多人床,能够建造在屋顶下(如果有需要),三种大小分别能容纳2/3/5个殖民者。 此外,房屋还提供娱乐效力(娱乐效力:天文研究。 兼容皇权DLC(满足部分房间需求),文化DL...
Vytvořil 塔洛斯_Talos
VoiceroidAsAnimal中文語言包 放在本體之後 本體連結~ https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2073559411 感謝hatena製作VoiceroidAsAnimal MOD~ 若翻譯上有任何問題請留言告知~...
Wall Light Relic
Vytvořil Vintorez
They thought it would become a relic of the past. I agreed. Thank you and credit to Murmur for creating the most essential mod ever made. Quoting my own comment for anyone who needs the explanation; "With the Ideology DLC you can have Relics that, after a ...
Vytvořil Hatena
This Mod was created privately as a celebration of the 6th anniversary of the Kotonoha Sisters. [What is Voiceroid?] Voiceroid is synthetic voice software characters like Hatsune Miku. (There are some software characters that are not technically named Voic...
Wanderer kemomimi/Insect girls
Vytvořil Sergkart
This mod adds the chance that the monster girls from "kemomimihouse" and "虫娘 Insect Girls" will join the settlement without having to tame them! (Clarification: Creates a wanderer join style incident) An incident can be created manually or you can wait for...
Wander Joiner Plus
Vytvořil Ogliss
Inspired by JamieWx's TI - Joins+ and made for Rabbitt Wanderers shouldn't just join your colony, they should need permission... Now they do! They also provide more information about themselves, a summary and the option to view their infocard Added support...
Wanderer kemomimi/Insect girls - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Wanderer kemomimi/Insect girls,you can find main mod by right link. Wanderer kemomimi/Insect girls(流浪加入的兽耳娘/虫娘)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 此mod让kemomimihouse的兽耳娘和Insect girls的虫娘也能像原版...
Weapon Mastery - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Weapon Mastery,you can find main mod by right link. Weapon Mastery (武器精通)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 向游戏中加入了一个简单的“武器精通”机制。 小人使用手中的武器攻击时会积累一定的精通经验。武器的精通升级每提升1级,小人使用这把武器时就会额外获得一项随机的属性加...
Weapon Patch for Aya races [1.5]
Vytvořil Cosmic Lustyness
Unrestricted aya races to use any weapons. Includes Chaoura, Idhale, Littluna, Neclose, Qualeela, Saclean, Solark and Xenoorca. Credits: Ayameduki ...
While You're Up (with add-on for PUAH)
Vytvořil codeoptimist
Opportunistic hauling. Haul-to-inventory improvements (if Pick Up And Haul is installed). Any load order. Add/Remove any time. GitHub Discord Ko-fi https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2039614501967758556/E8A0F2430B67773F5A13F3ADD8077E9E1CB00AF9/?imw...
While You're Up / PUAH+ - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
While You're Up / PUAH+ (工作时机)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化,部分高级设置词条不汉化,因为这些仅供熟悉原版代码的人调试,汉化了反而会有歧义。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg,Surgeol -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 在你家小人去进行新工作前,他们会在周围寻找需要搬运的资源然后再去工作的路上“顺路”捎去储藏区。即使搬运工作的优先度很低,他们也会顺手搬运。优化小人存放物品时选择储存区的逻辑(会存放在需要用到该物品的地方附近)...
Won hair_men
Vytvořil Won
37 male hairstyles 2024.1 -mod xml fix 2022.12.04 -Add long & short hair tag 2022.06.09 -hair fix -xml fix 2020.03.31 -hair fix -add 5 male hair 2019.10.13 -Replace thumbnails -Add a male hair -hair fix ...
Won hair_women
Vytvořil Won
add 40 female hairs 2024.1 -mod xml fix 2022.12.04 -Add long & short hair tag 2022.06.09 -xml fix 2020.03.31 -hair fix -add 4 female hair...
Work Tab - 简繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil leafzxg
Work Tab (工作标签)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod内置的汉化已过于落后(近一半没汉化),本汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 给原版「工作」标签扩展实用性功能:根据分栏排序;批量地开关/改变工作优先级;创建预设;设定时间表,可以设定清洁时间、在餐前制作食物等等。 更新日志: 2022.12.22-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.26 —————————————————————————— 汉化组直辖...
Work Tab 1.5 Temp
Vytvořil arof
Digging out my old 1.3 temp version to provide a 1.5 (and 1.5 only) version until Fluffy is able to merge my pull request with these changes. My original intro to rimworld modding, and .NET coding in general. All code minus a couple simple tweaks done by F...
XML Extensions
Vytvořil Imranfish
Read the wiki at the GitHub page to learn more. Read the change notes for the latest news. XML Extensions is a framework and modding tool that is focused on extending the general functionality of XML mods. This framework adds many more patch operations, al...
WVC - KL Animals [Abandoned]
Vytvořil Sergkart
Info This is a simplified version of the "kemomimilike" mod, there are no buildings, weapons, humanoid races, DLC requirements or customizations. It was created in connection with the abolition of animal girls in the mod and most likely will not be repleni...
Yayo's Animation (Continued)
Vytvořil Soky
Original mod by Yayo! This is an update. You can find the original here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2575938407 Support Yayo on Ko-Fi: https://i.imgur.com/d6Vx7Sj.png Support me on Ko-Fi: https://cdn.ko-fi.com/cdn/kofi2.png?v=3 *...
Yayo's Animation - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Yayo's Animation. Yayo's Animation (Yayo的动作动画)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 为小人、动物和机械体增加了各种动作动画。 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,获取更多汉化发布、更新动态。 ——————————————————————...
Yayo's Combat 3 简繁汉化包
Vytvořil Shavius
汉化了yayo's combat这个mod,改变了很多战斗算法,请在本体之后加载...
Zeus Weapons Pack - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Zeus Weapons Pack,you can find main mod by right link. Zeus Weapons Pack (宙斯近战武器包)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 向游戏中加入了宙斯镇暴棍、宙斯双截棍、宙斯长杖、宙斯圣典等数种全新的宙斯近战武器,以及对应的人格武器版本。 此外,本mod还新增了...
Zeus Weapons Pack
Vytvořil Mad Catter
Description: Adds 9 Zeus weapons and drafting stances for them. Balance: These weapons are all balanced around Royalty's Zeushammer, some maybe a bit better. If you feel anything overpowered or underpowered feel free to give feedback. Zeus Baton: Often emp...
[1.4] Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings
Vytvořil Oskar Potocki
https://i.imgur.com/TP3b6El.png https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/RNmnJ4H.png https://i.imgur.com/y5G2hS0.png 1.3.2 (25/11/2020): fixed mead not applying correct buffs 1.3.1 (28/10/2020): Lothurr now drop lothurr antler when butchered, re...
边缘仙路-雾鬓风鬟 RimImmortal-Hairstyle
Vytvořil 堂丸
This is a mod that adds Chinese-style hairstyle and beards. * This is only a very early version mod and contains only a few basic hairstyles, with new ones being added over time. Because the pawn with the dumb hairstyle, big curly hair and do some cultivat...
[Add]WarShipGirl R|造型补充包
Vytvořil wws_kyon
本mod为 战舰少女种族 提供非舰娘角色造型。排序放在种族mod后面 前置种族mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2801742438...
[Aya]Chaoura Race
Vytvořil Ayameduki
このMODは新しい種族と専用装備、そして恒久的に敵対する派閥を追加するMODです。 【==================================================================】 【更新】 2024/5/7 スキル処理改善 2023/3/16 スキル2種追加 敵対時の特殊行動追加 【==================================================================】 【追加される種族】 ・ケイオーラ(Chaoura)...
[Aya]Chaoura Race 简体中文汉化
Vytvořil STGCM
基于いつまで大佬的Chaoura Race (混沌灵)的简中汉化包。 翻译水平很渣,含有大量机翻脑补意译语序不清中文是体育老师教的请见谅。 7.16 增加了两把新武器的汉化。 ...
[Aya]Eveliet Race
Vytvořil Ayameduki
このMODは新しい種族と専用装備を追加するMODです。 【=======================================================】 【更新】 2024/2/20 スキル追加 2024/2/14 装備、研究追加 2024/2/11 専用武器、研究追加 2024/2/6 種族特徴追加、衣装追加 【=======================================================】 【追加される種族】 ・イヴリート(Eveliet) ・Engli...
[Aya]Eveliet Race 简体中文汉化
Vytvořil STGCM
Ayameduki大佬的Eveliet Race (伊娃莉特)的简中汉化包。 翻译水平很渣,含有大量机翻脑补意译语序不清中文是体育老师教的请见谅。 【========================================================================================】 【追加种族】 ・肖像种·伊娃莉特(Eveliet) 【推荐安装mod】 ・Camera+ 【伊娃莉特的特征】 ・资产价值2000。 ・加入时,需要用到专用的道具。 ・基本状态大致与人...
[Aya]Idearn Race
Vytvořil Ayameduki
このMODは新しい種族と専用家畜・専用装備を追加するMODです。 【=============================================================】 【導入に際しての注意】 このMODは資材や人員が潤沢な人向けのエンドコンテンツ級MODです。 特に研究時間は非常に長いので脱出プレイの方にはおすすめしません。 【=============================================================】 【追加される種族】 ・イデアー...
[Aya]Idhale EX
Vytvořil Ayameduki
このMODは該当種族に上位種を追加するMODです。 1.5からこのアドオンを導入することで上位種の要素を追加できます。 1.4以前の場合は導入する必要はありません。 ────────────────────────────────────────────── 【追加される上位種】 イドヘール・アヴォンルアハ ────────────────────────────────────────────── 【ご注意】 ・更新によって仕様が変更される場合がございます。 ・バニラ体型の服装との互換性がなく装備もできま...
[Aya]Idhale Race
Vytvořil Ayameduki
このMODは新しい種族と専用装備を追加するMODです。 【===============================更新===============================】 2021/11/29 化粧台関連改善 2021/7/20 1.3に対応、一部の前提MODを推薦MODに変更 2020/12/10 ニアメーア未導入の場合に発生するエラーを修正 2020/10/4 衣服カテゴリ追加 【=====================================================...
[Aya]Idhale Race 简体中文汉化
Vytvořil STGCM
基于いつまで大佬的Idhale Race (幽灵姬)的简中汉化包。 翻译水平很渣,含有大量机翻脑补意译语序不清中文是体育老师教的请见谅。 在いつまで大佬现有汉化的基础上补全了幽灵姬上位种族相关部分的汉化。 现在上位种已经分入了单独mod,按需求订阅就行 (那我少的看吧友被大幽灵狠狠腐乳那块谁给我补啊)...
[Aya]Littluna Race
Vytvořil Ayameduki
このMODは新しい種族と専用装備・イベントを追加するMODです。 【===============================更新===============================】 2024/4/28 ■■■■■追加 2023/7/9 ボス追加 2023/6/18 敵対派閥追加 2021/11/29 化粧台関連改善 2021/11/9 アーマー追加、ロイヤリティ導入時は一部の服が爵位属性を付与するように 2021/8/20 頭の調整を従来のものに変更 【==================...
[Aya]Littluna Race 简体中文汉化
Vytvořil STGCM
基于いつまで大佬的Littluna Race (伪神族)的简中汉化包。 翻译水平很渣,含有大量机翻脑补意译语序不清中文是体育老师教的请见谅。 在いつまで大佬现有汉化的基础上补全了伪神族上位种族相关部分的汉化。 9.19 增加了新boss以及相关内容的汉化 4.28 增加了新的上位种神子(但是要同时安装Eveliet才能获得) 现在上位种已经分入了单独mod,按需求订阅就行...
[Aya]Nearmare EX
Vytvořil Ayameduki
このMODは該当種族に上位種を追加するMODです。 1.5からこのアドオンを導入することで上位種の要素を追加できます。 1.4以前の場合は導入する必要はありません。 ────────────────────────────────────────────── 【追加される上位種】 ニアメーア・アラディア ────────────────────────────────────────────── 【ご注意】 ・更新によって仕様が変更される場合がございます。 ・バニラ体型の服装との互換性がなく装備もできません...
[Aya]Nearmare Race-汉化(及各种补丁)
Vytvořil 苍白而蔷薇
人工种族-魅魔派系 ↑机翻+脑补+意译的汉化标题 ~模板1.4.2版~ 注1:我所有的汉化翻译都是机翻+意译+脑补,肯定比不上专业的,只能说勉强能用 注2:繁体翻译是用简体翻译机翻转换的...(看得懂繁体不会繁体表达的我) MOD介绍: 添加了Nearmare(魅魔)派系到游戏中 她们拥有自己专属的基因(需要生科DLC)和健康状态BUFF,价值更高,寿命更长。 部分套装衣服独属于对应的类别(其它类别无法装备) 类别 基础属性(与普通人类对比) 特殊能力 获得方式 魅魔-普通种 一半的心灵敏感度,身板脆弱,免...
[Aya]Nearmare Race
Vytvořil Ayameduki
This mod is a mod that adds new races, special livestock and special equipment. 【==================================================================】 2021/6/16 Addition of title to some equipment when Royal is introduced 2021/1/3 Fixed errors and freezes so...
[Aya]Neclose Race
Vytvořil Ayameduki
このMODは新しい種族と専用家畜・専用装備を追加するMODです。 【===============================更新===============================】 2021/12/28 イベント加入に選ばれる確率を上方修正 2021/11/29 化粧台関連改善 2021/7/20 1.3に対応、一部の前提MODを推薦MODに変更 2021/2/16 英語対応 2021/2/15 屍肉を食べたでも+の心情に   毒を独自のものに変更 【===================...
[Aya]Neclose Race 简体中文汉化
Vytvořil STGCM
基于いつまで大佬的Neclose Race (牧菌妖姬)的简中汉化包。 翻译水平很渣,含有大量机翻脑补意译语序不清中文是体育老师教的请见谅。 在いつまで大佬现有汉化的基础上补全了新增外来种族相关部分的汉化。 ...
[Aya]Qualeela Race
Vytvořil Ayameduki
このMODは新しい種族と専用家畜・専用装備を追加するMODです。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 【導入に際しての注意】 強力なボス枠の種族ですので導入の際には気を付けて下さい。 またクオリーラが入植者にいるとコロニー維持が難しくなります。 資産が安定・潤沢になってから味方に引き入れましょう。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 【追加される種族】 ・クオリーラ・ジーナス ・クオリーラ・ケテル...
[Aya]Neclose UC
Vytvořil Ayameduki
このMODは該当種族に■■種を追加するMODです。 ────────────────────────────────────── 【追加される■■種】 ■■■■■・■■■■■■■■ ────────────────────────────────────── 【追加されるイベント】 ・外なる們 トレーダーから購入できるアイテム「血色の蜂蜜酒」を使用することで発生します。 ────────────────────────────────────── 【ご注意】 ・更新によって仕様が変更される場合がございます。...
[Aya]Qualeela Race 简体中文汉化
Vytvořil STGCM
Ayameduki大佬的Qualeela Race (库莉菈)的简中汉化包。 由于现有汉化存在许多缺漏部分因此进行了重新汉化。 翻译水平很渣,含有大量机翻脑补意译语序不清中文是体育老师教的请见谅。...
[Aya]Saclean Race
Vytvořil Ayameduki
このMODは新しい種族・専用装備を追加するMODです。 ───────────────────────────────────────────── 2022/1/4 捕虜・奴隷時の脱走・反乱防止処理修正 2021/12/14 心情がサクリーン以外にも適応される問題を修正 ───────────────────────────────────────────── 【追加される種族】 ・サクリーン(Saclean) ───────────────────────────────────────────── 【仲...
[Aya]Saclean Race 简体中文汉化
Vytvořil STGCM
基于いつまで大佬的Saclean Race (飞蛾姬)的简中汉化包。 翻译水平很渣,含有大量机翻脑补意译语序不清中文是体育老师教的请见谅。 在いつまで大佬现有汉化的基础上更新了1.5的新增内容汉化。 ...
[Aya]Silkiera EX
Vytvořil Ayameduki
このMODは該当種族に上位種を追加するMODです。 1.5からこのアドオンを導入することで上位種の要素を追加できます。 1.4以前の場合は導入する必要はありません。 ────────────────────────────────────────────── 【追加される上位種】 シルキーラ・クオリティ シルキーラ・ヴィクセンマリス ────────────────────────────────────────────── 【ご注意】 ・更新によって仕様が変更される場合がございます。 ・バニラ体型の服装と...
[Aya]Silkiera Race
Vytvořil Ayameduki
このMODは新しい種族と専用装備を追加するMODです。 【===============================更新===============================】 2022/1/24 イベント追加(1.3) 2021/12/28 イベント加入に選ばれる確率を上方修正 2021/11/29 化粧台関連改善 2021/11/10 アーマー追加 2021/7/20 1.3に対応、一部の前提MODを推薦MODに変更 【====================================...
[Aya]Solark Race
Vytvořil Ayameduki
このMODは新しい種族・派閥・専用装備を追加するMODです。 【===================================更新==================================】 2021/11/29 化粧台関連改善 2021/9/22 公開 【=========================================================================】 ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――...
[Aya]Silkiera Race 简体中文汉化
Vytvořil STGCM
基于いつまで大佬的Silkiera Race (亚人兽娘)的简中汉化包。 (其实没有任何新东西,就是作者改了几个变量名导致了一些原有的汉化失效,只能说很神必) 4.28 普通的兽娘经历更新了,一共十种清一色无负面总加成20以上,亚人工业震撼人心( 现在上位种已经分入了单独mod,按需求订阅就行 ...
[Aya]Solark Race_zh
Vytvořil Seigai
Solark Race简繁汉化包...
[Aya]Xenoorca EX
Vytvořil Ayameduki
このMODは該当種族に上位種を追加するMODです。 1.5からこのアドオンを導入することで上位種の要素を追加できます。 1.4以前の場合は導入する必要はありません。 ────────────────────────────────────────────── 【追加される上位種】 ゼノオーカ・ヘイダルノイア ────────────────────────────────────────────── 【ご注意】 ・更新によって仕様が変更される場合がございます。 ・バニラ体型の服装との互換性がなく装備もできま...
[Aya]Xenoorca Race
Vytvořil Ayameduki
このMODは新しい種族と専用装備を追加するMODです。 【===============================更新===============================】 2021/7/20 1.3に対応、一部の前提MODを推薦MODに変更 2021/6/4 派閥追加 2020/10/4 衣服カテゴリ追加 2020/9/11 衣装バグ修正 2020/9/8 装備の追加、オルキヌス旅団関連の調整 【===============================================...
[Aya]Xenoorca Race 简体中文汉化
Vytvořil STGCM
基于いつまで大佬的Xenoorca Race (人鱼族)的简中汉化包。 翻译水平很渣,含有大量机翻脑补意译语序不清中文是体育老师教的请见谅。 在いつまで大佬现有汉化的基础上补全了人鱼族上位种族相关部分的汉化。 7/16 更新了上位种专用武器的汉化 4/28 没有新的内容,但是根据大姐和神子的相关剧情来看上位人鱼也是个单独个体,因此改成了音译名 (先杀了大姐又杀了神子之后追杀雏鸟至今,呱,好沉重的女人!) 现在上位种已经分入了单独mod,按需求订阅就行...
[CAT] Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats
Vytvořil cat2002
All hats are hidden by default, please check the mod settings! Bug reports without screenshots (if relevant) and logs (generated using Log Publisher from HugsLib) will be ignored. Show hair for all hats. Select which hats do hide hair from Mod Settings. Hi...
[Cosplay apparel]Azur lane
Vytvořil mlmlmlm
Azur lane ...
[CAT] Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats_zh
Vytvořil ( σ'ω')σ
原1.3Mod被别人更新了,本汉化也随之转移前置 原1.3Mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1180826364 简介 原版自带的汉化有点旧了,很多新词条没翻译 另外提一嘴,有个叫「Dubs Apparel Tweaks」的MOD也是一样的功能,但是会把我整个人物的贴图材质强制变成低分辨率的,排查了挺久才发现。 原MOD描述 显示所有帽子的头发或选择在Mod设置中隐藏头发的帽子。 从Mod设置中隐藏所有帽子。 现在支持Al...
[Cosplay apparel]Code vein
Vytvořil mlmlmlm
Code vein ...
[Cosplay apparel]Counter side
Vytvořil mlmlmlm
Counter side ...
[Cosplay apparel]Eternal return
Vytvořil mlmlmlm
Eternal return ...
[Cosplay apparel]Genshin impact
Vytvořil mlmlmlm
Gensihin impact ...
[Cosplay apparel]Granblue fantasy
Vytvořil mlmlmlm
Granblue fantasy ...
[Cosplay apparel]Honkai star rail
Vytvořil mlmlmlm
Honkai star rail ...
[Cosplay apparel]Princess Connect! Re:dive
Vytvořil mlmlmlm
Princess Connect! Re:dive ...
[Cosplay apparel]Umamusume Pretty Derby
Vytvořil mlmlmlm
Umamusume Pretty Derby ...
[Cosplay equipment] Blue archive
Vytvořil mlmlmlm
Blue archive ...
[Cosplay equipment] Goddess of victory:NIKKE
Vytvořil mlmlmlm
Goddess of victory:NIKKE ...
Vytvořil idatenz
This is a light version of a balancing "Focalor." (https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2880812022) Please do not insert the above mod and the light version at the same time, as it will cause an error. Below are the balancing details. ○Re...
Vytvořil idatenz
Description : Add a new wildlife "focalor" to RimWorld. They appear in almost every biome except cold climates. Features : They are livestock/pack animals. They are not very good for fighting. Their flight contributes significantly to the caravan's travel ...
Vytvořil idatenz
(This is a machine translation.It might be strange English.) Add "frigil" as an animal. It can only be found in cold areas, mainly sea ice and snowfields. It also appears at a low rate in some other biomes with lower temperatures. "Vanilla Expanded Framewo...
Vytvořil idatenz
(This is a machine translation.It might be strange English.) Add "Salamander" as an animal. It can be found in tropical rainforests and deserts with high temperatures. They can also be found in wetlands, the higher the temperature, the more likely they are...
Vytvořil idatenz
This is a light version of a balancing "Salamander." (https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2872294512) Please do not insert the above mod and the light version at the same time, as it will cause an error. Below are the balancing details. ...
Vytvořil idatenz
(This is a machine translation.It might be strange English.) Are her legs too fat? I think I need this much! Add "Tenko" as an animal. It appears at low rates in many biomes. They do not appear on sea ice. "Vanilla Expanded Framework" is required as a prer...
Vytvořil idatenz
This is a light version of a balancing "Tenko." (https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2944827335) Please do not insert the above mod and the light version at the same time, as it will cause an error. Below are the balancing details. ○Revi...
Vytvořil idatenz
(This is a machine translation.It might be strange English.) Add "Unicorn" as an animal.The harder the biome is for people to live in, the more they appear. "Vanilla Expanded Framework" is required as a prerequisite mod. https://steamproxy.net/sharedfi...
Vytvořil idatenz
This is a light version of a balancing "Unicorn." (https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2954669131) Please do not insert the above mod and the light version at the same time, as it will cause an error. Below are the balancing details. ○Re...
[IZ]Valkyrie BOSS
Vytvořil idatenz
(This is a machine translation.It might be strange English.) Add "Valkyrie" as animals. Valkyrie are very powerful and can severely disrupt the game balance. Please be careful when introducing it. The concept is to make it strong anyway, so we do not recom...
[JM]Rim Warlord 边缘武神
Vytvořil Jutsumetsu
https://i.imgur.com/5W7cZOp.png https://i.imgur.com/SViDro7.jpg In the other time line of the "Warlord" manhua, the 123rd Emperor of the Earth, Baak Piklik, after taking on the Mosan, based on the research information of the 75th generation of the Sea Tige...
[NL] Facial Animation - WIP
Vytvořil Nals
This MOD provides the following animations. This MOD is currently WIP. Therefore, specifications and functions are subject to change. Added animation - Blink - RemoveApparel - Wear - WaitCombat - Goto - LayDown - Lovin - Ingest - SocialRelax - StandAndBeSo...
[RF] Rational Romance (Continued)
Vytvořil Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of Rainbeau Flambe mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1543164506 - Added patches for Polyamorous-trait, thanks to Meltup! - Updated the patches to use the vanilla traits when possible instead o...
[NL] Custom Portraits
Vytvořil Nals
Overview This MOD allows you to customize face sizes within colonist bars. Note:Requires Hugslib. Compatibility : Color Coded Mood Bar Release Note : December 23, 2018 -- Adding a Button for "Allow to change the portrait size". December 13, 2018 -- Adding ...
[Race]WarShipGirl R|战舰少女R
Vytvořil wws_kyon
【The following is machine-translated English↓】 This mod is the peer mod of the mobile game "Warship Girl R", adding the race of Warship Girl to the game A race that has built a powerful interstellar civilization originated from a planet called sol3 (Point ...
[RF]Pokémon Character Pack - 宝可梦造型包
Vytvořil RicoFox233
Pokémon - Styles Apparel Pack 以游戏宝可梦系列里的角色为原型的人物造型包,其中包含有对应人物的头发,头饰与服装。 Contains Apparel,Hair and Hat: - 火夏(Arezu) - 水莲(Lana) - 彩豆(bea) - 霍米加(Roxie) - 希嘉娜(zinnia) —————————————————————————————————— 如果你喜欢,就点【赞】。别犹豫,就像你理所当然的点【订阅】一样自然 XD If you like this mod ...
[RH2] Uncle Boris' - Brainwash Chair
Vytvořil Chicken Plucker
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste." - Mr. Yuri https://i.imgur.com/2LuDyLv.gif Description: The brainwash chair, developed from the files of Project MK ULTRA, is a permanent solution to your uncooperative prisoners. https://i.imgur.com/0bvFPEK.png Featu...
[RH2] Uncle Boris' - Used Furniture&Brainwash Chair - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Uncle Boris' - Used Furniture & Brainwash Chair,you can find main mod by right link. Uncle Boris' - Used Furniture & Brainwash Chair (新红马家具&洗脑椅)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 适用于下列mod: - Un...
[SS]Advance Body and Clothing
Vytvořil LingLuo
更新:Vaniat,BOX,LingLuo 进阶体型和服装mod...
[SYR] Processor Framework
Vytvořil ViralReaction
Update of SYR's Processor Framework If the original author requests it, I will remove this update. A framework for processors to transform items and more, read player features! A processor takes a set of ingredients and turns it autonomously into a product...
[RH2] Uncle Boris' - Used Furniture
Vytvořil Chicken Plucker
https://i.imgur.com/Vkd4MuQ.png "Welcome to the Used Furniture Emporium." https://i.imgur.com/7mXqLmo.png "If you're looking for Boris, he's in the back." - Ms. Park https://i.imgur.com/pMWiOAS.png Description: The Used Furniture Emporium aims for 100% cus...
[SYR] Processor Framework
Vytvořil Syrchalis
A framework for processors to transform items and more, read player features! https://i.imgur.com/s8csNp7.png A processor takes a set of ingredients and turns it autonomously into a product over a period of time. The framework supports a huge variety of se...
[SYR] Processor Framework - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Processor Framework,you can find main mod by right link. Processor Framework (通用加工框架)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 框架性质的前置类mod。 本mod修改并优化了原版的酿造加工系统,加入了一些新机制,并新增了一种通用发酵桶;可以通过新的选项...
[SYR] Set Up Camp
Vytvořil Syrchalis
Set up camp, once again! https://i.imgur.com/s8csNp7.png For all your caravan managing needs, you can now set up camp anywhere. This let's you travel to hunt, forage and mine without having to 'settle' every time. https://i.imgur.com/eiAAg6q.png Settings: ...
[SZ] 曲终奏雅-神州音乐包 Chinese style music Pack
Vytvořil Diamond.J
Shenzhou series link: https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2411388723 (including all the Shenzhou series mods, I recommend everyone to take a look) To learn more about this section in English, please visit: https://steamproxy.net/worksho...
[TY]天鹰扩展WIP [TY]Extended(Wip)
Vytvořil Makitori·Spread
增加了一些非常正义的东西,可以用非常少的材料转化成其他东西,甚至可以说是无中生有 企鹅群:157885082 制作人员 技术 Makitori-Spread·扩散 技术+美工 GYY·老歪歪 美工+创意 狐小吴 ...
[TY]天鹰核心 Aquila Core
Vytvořil Makitori·Spread
去探索宇宙的奥秘,去感受星辰的魅力,去追寻无尽的可能。 have English language patch ——————————————持续更新中. 这是一个动漫风格的扩展类MOD,它添加了一些新的特性,武器,服装等。 你可能需要这个材质替换MOD:https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2738837635 This is an anime style extended MOD that adds new trait, weapons, ...
[TY]派系扩展·光辉 Faction Glory
Vytvořil Makitori·Spread
感谢 天轴系列作者:Vaniat 与 LuneFox 东方灵能扩展作者:RicoFox233 瞄娘种族作者:Farmradish Grateful Polarisbloc Creator:Vaniat and LuneFox TouhouCharacters - Ablities Expansions Creator:RicoFox233 Nyaron race Creator:Farmradish —————————————————————————————————— “当黑风孽海散去,便是晴空万里之时” ...
[TY]种族扩展·驱动者 DriveS Race Faction Valley
Vytvořil Makitori·Spread
“寄蜉蝣与天地,渺沧海之一栗” 天鹰宇宙·擎天(Aquila Universe·Atlas) 本MOD作为天鹰宇宙·晴空的扩展. 增加了新派系:溪谷联邦 MOD内容:新的种族、派系、武器、护甲、服饰、研究、特性、等等..... This MOD is an extension of Skyhawk Universe Clear Sky. Added a new faction: Valley Federation Mod content: new races, factions, weapons, armo...
Vytvořil uniinu
2024/6/20 1.5 compliant. Announcement. Please see the update log for the many additions and changes. Elements included in this mod include. Addition of two forces Friendly "Spectre Villages" The hostile "Dragon's Lair", which, like the mechanoids, has no s...
唢呐音乐包 Suona music pack
Vytvořil csfireworks
所有权利属于作品原作者 浑元Rysn 。 All copyrights belong to original author 浑元Rysn . 唢呐,中国传统民族乐器,有独特的嘹亮音色。 唢呐总是用在那些需要室外演奏音乐的红白喜事中。 Suona horn(Chinese trumpet/ shawm/ oboe)is a Chinese national musical instrument which has a distinctively-loud and high-pitched sound . It...
山海志怪-华夏凶兽和基因扩展 Ancient Chinese Beast And Gene Expanded
Vytvořil 玖日长弓
Shanhaizhi Monster - Huaxia Fierce Beast and Gene Expansion. This MOD has added many powerful ferocious beasts, which will bring pain to your colony. Please handle it carefully. Main content (requires gene DLC as a prerequisite) (1) New narrator: Seductive...
边缘仙路-羽化登仙 RimImmortal-Core[1.5]
Vytvořil 堂丸
RimImmortal-Core 1.0 official release! Welcome players to subscribe to the official version, remember not to activate the old beta version mod at the same time! https://p.sda1.dev/17/cf5563389873ba32a5d637ed7749c3e5/星空特效_画板 1.png https://p.sda1.dev/17/2718...
BeetleChan-Tinimar the Harfling Addon
Vytvořil nsns
You can gestate a silly Mechanoid girl who thinks she's a TitanBeetle. Replace the appearance and flavor text of the TitanBeetle Mechanoid. ...
Vytvořil Tobyguilmon
https://i.imgur.com/o3j5J7z.png Unleash the power of the Digital World in RimWorld! Discover and tame a variety of Digimon, each with unique abilities and characteristics. These digital companions will aid you in your quest for survival. Train them, evolve...
BioReactor (Continued)
Vytvořil Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of NukaFrogs mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1564657272 - Added support for Vanilla Nutrient Paste Expanded, based on the patch by KahirDragoon - Added mod-settings for selecting what is dro...
Vytvořil Taggerung
Rimworld Mod to allow any custom UI Scale you like, over the 9 provided in the base game. Simply open up the mod settings, type in a custom size and away you go. Note that if you manage to do something weird like make the UI so small you can't see it, simp...
Haeyang Race
Vytvořil Sanoo6
https://imgur.com/MV1IcJJ Translation quality is not good. sorry :( --- Haeyang Race Haeyang are unknown water livings that naturally emerges from water environments. Because of Liquid body, they don't get hurt, but gets 'loss' on their body when damaged. ...
kemomimihouse简体中文汉化包 不包含mod本体内容 请在原mod之后加载! 请在原mod之后加载! 翻译了原mod没有翻译的鬼人等 调整了部分字的排版 原mod链接: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2075974335 以下为原mod简介 是添加了某自制游戏(正在制作中)派出的七名兽耳少女的mod。 一位白发狼兽耳忍者少女在村庄被烧毁后在森林中漫游。如果你遇到她,请温柔地劝说并保护她。通过为她梳理毛发,你可以获得蓬松...
Frieren OST
Vytvořil MR_nick_Russ
Adds music and soundtracks from anime "Sousou no Frieren". Playlist: 1. Sousou no Frieren - A Well-Earned Celebration by Evan Call 2. Sousou no Frieren - Departures by Evan Call 3. Sousou no Frieren - Farewell My Friend by Evan Call 4. Sousou no Frieren - ...
Miho Facial Animation
Vytvořil 塔洛斯_Talos
使用Miho, the celestial fox內的美術文件進行修改為Facial Anime面孔。 因Facial Animation沒辦法指定面孔的生成,建議配合 character editor 進行臉孔的選擇, 例如他有 Arctic 這基因種,需將面孔都選擇為 Arctic 才會是原版的該種族面孔, 另外眼睛跟眼皮若是沒有使用到同一規格的可能會有破圖,這邊告知一下各位 因我只會簡易的改圖,圖片細節上可能會有些問題,請多多包涵。 感謝 PePeTan and Fortified_home 製作 M...
Milira Race traditional chinese
Vytvořil 紫雀
------------強迫症產物---------- 如果沒翻譯到的情況有兩種可能 1.我瞎了沒看到 2.本體的資料有所變動,請完全刪除本體重新下載,再沒有的話請參照第一點 有缺下面留言 ----------Obsessive-compulsive disorder product---------- If it is not translated, there are two possibilities: 1. I was blind and didn’t see it 2. The data on t...
MoeLotl Facial Animation
Vytvořil YiQing
MoeLotl Facial Animation In addition to the basic facial animations, several special expressions have been added (sleeping, mischievous imp, crying). It is highly recommended to use these in conjunction with the MoeLotl race...
More Apparels for Aya races Utilities
Vytvořil hahahaha
The mod Fashion Wardrobe can hide certain apparels when undrafted or indoor. It can also add apparel textures without actually wearing them. The original mod:https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=3117351706 A patch for Aya races compatibility...
RuntimeGC [1.5] fork
Vytvořil Louize
RuntimeGC version 1.5 Warning Please backup your save before using this. - as there's possibly can broke your save - Do not use this mod while in Developer mode!!! I just tried updating this and i didn't change anything, but I'm not sure whether it's actua...
Tinimar the Harfling 系列中文翻译
Vytvořil Whuh
这是小人族(蒂尼玛)与天牛酱(BeetleChan)的汉化补丁,包含简体中文与繁体中文。 为什么不去试试Tinimar the Harfling Facial Animation呢? 你一定会喜欢的! 迷人,娇小,大多人都把他们当成人类小孩。 她们洋溢着天真与纯洁的气息,容貌更是惊艳绝伦,这份美好却也不幸成为了外界觊觎的目标,时常被不怀好意者所利用,有时还能看到具有兽人特征的亚种。 “我愿意相信你是个好人,对吧?” 随着话语的落下,她缓缓地向你伸出了一只小巧而洁白的手,指尖轻轻颤动…… 尽管外表与行为常给人...
More Appraels for Aya races: Armours
Vytvořil hahahaha
The mod Fashion Wardrobe can hide certain apparels when undrafted or indoor. It can also add apparel textures without actually wearing them. The original mod:https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=3117351706 A patch for Aya races compatibility...
More Apparels for Aya races Version 2
Vytvořil hahahaha
The mod Fashion Wardrobe can hide certain apparels when undrafted or indoor. It can also add apparel textures without actually wearing them. The original mod:https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=3117351706 A patch for Aya races compatibility...
More Apparels for Aya races
Vytvořil hahahaha
I can't update the former mod to workshop and I don't know why... So I will upload this newer version as a separated mod. Hope it's not causing trouble...The older version is here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3025152630 Warning: ...
Voice Acted Colonists
Vytvořil Alexis Popcorn
https://i.imgur.com/EFKAUtV.png This is a complete rework of the mod Voice-Acted Radio Chatter, by Ouroboros and Taranchuk. Redesigned for increased compatibility and flexibility! Each colonist can be assigned a Voice in the mod settings! When they perform...
Tinimar the Harfling
Vytvořil nsns
Halfling (tinimar) A small humanlike race, about half the height of humans. They live their entire lives in the form of a child and have a relatively short lifespan. Most halflings are beautiful, and their optimistic nature gives them an innocent and frien...
[1.5]边缘仙路-四象之争 RimImmortals-SeasonsOfRule
Vytvořil 逍逍客
【硝烟骤起,四象相争】 感谢订阅边缘仙路-四象之争!这是边缘仙路的拓展模组。该模组提供了一系列高强度的法门、武器、派系......以及敌人。 【主要内容】 -四条法门树:以人为本的翠象、岿然不动的赫象、精巧冷酷的荼象、猛烈强袭的素象。 -三十六个新功法——后续更新还会更多! -新的宗门派系,历练与弟子的晋升之路在此展开。 -全新的机械族与Boss。 -全新的武器与装备。 -多个富有挑战的新事件。 【四象之争开发组成员】 -负责人:逍逍客 -策划:逍逍客(还有帮忙出谋划策的大家!) -xml:逍逍客 -程序:...
Voice Acted Colonists: Blue Archive
Vytvořil Cytoria
Adds Blue Archive Student Voicelines from the game. This is a Work In Progress. Check spreadsheets for a list of implemented, WIP, and planned voices below https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X9frNb22dNfh4y_u2V9kDKhXUiuK-jLGlhupXepZN1M/edit?usp=sharing...
[JDS] Simple Storage
Vytvořil JangoD'soul
https://i.imgur.com/o9bFeWs.gif Hate how your stockpile is overflowing of useless thing or just the fact it just a sore eye. I have a simply solutions by using my "Simply Storage" a compact way to storage all of your useless Junk that you don't need into m...
[JDS] Simple Storage - 简&繁中文汉化包
Vytvořil MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Simple Storage,you can find main mod by right link. Simple Storage (简易储存)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 基于LWM's Deep Storage的扩展mod。 向游戏中加入了大量(约150种左右虽然数量看着不少,但实际上很多都是同一种建筑的差分)全新的...
Vytvořil 玖日长弓
This is only a beta version, which will be deleted after the official version is released....
[NL] Facial Animation - Experimentals
Vytvořil Nals
Required Mod: Facial Animation - WIP https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1635901197 The best body textures for this mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2820615654 Bug fixes and feature implementations will be done ...
[TW1.5]堂丸贴图重置~UI Tang's~Retexture~UI
Vytvořil 堂丸
———————————————————————————— 简介: --这里是堂丸的贴图重置系列-- --This is Tang's Retexture-- 此mod重置了一部分UI的贴图。 This mod retexture some UI textures, 因为找不到泰南把一些ui的路径放哪了,所以替换起来很麻烦,但我会持续更新的。 Can't find some ui paths, so it's a bother to retexture, but I'll keep updating. *本m...
[TY2.0]天鹰核心 Aquila2.0 Core
https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3280990469 天鹰2.0——溪谷联邦 去探索宇宙的奥秘,去感受星辰的魅力,去追寻无尽的可能。 Have English patch ——————————————持续更新中. 我(伊伊思)与主程序(扩散)闹掰了,目前我来代理更新(2.0不能代替1.0) (旧版文件缺失,因此只有1.5版本了。Aquila Core理论上支持旧版与旧存档。如果你遇到BUG,可以先创造世界后再激活Aquila Co...
[TY2.0]溪谷联邦 Aquila2.0-Valley
https://i.postimg.cc/cLnbSVB1/1.png “我最只信奉一件事,那就是人类意志的力量”–––约瑟夫-斯大林 本模组内容: 1个外星人派系和与之对应的种族基因技能; 10种可制造远程武器,2种可制造近战武器; 18种仿生体,11种仿生体技能,一种文化一种岗位5种文化技能; 23种装备与服装; 5种自动化建筑 完全不想数太多的建筑; 还没有CE,English version afraid of being reported https://i.postimg.cc/w1txy0W5...
[TY2.0]天鹰2.0·光辉Faction Glory
<color=#F4E003><b>“当最终的祭品恭敬地奉献给众神时,神明的祝福将洋溢于世间的每一个角落。” 光辉圣堂(Glory Church) 不论你是想提建议,还是想学习制作MOD,还是玩家,都可以加入群来扯淡 企鹅群:821394656 我(伊伊思)与主程序(扩散)闹掰了,目前我来代理更新(2.0不能代替1.0) TY系列制作人员 技术 Makitori-Spread·扩散 C#+技术+美工 GYY·老歪歪 主美+创意 狐小吴 依依思 美工+创意 曼珠沙华(彼岸花) 美工 卡诺丶尤泽斯 C#+技术帮...