Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Öğe (997)
Österreich Railway Depot
Yaratıcı: Ternet18
Gott erhalte, Gott beschütze Unsern Kaiser, unser Land! Greetings and salutations to you, dear player! This Railway Depot is the very first part of a long journey of Austrian Empire inspired building mods, mostly based on buildings from Bohemia. Goal is to...
Đuro Đaković housing settlement Sarajevo
Yaratıcı: equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian Paket sadrži: -tri različite zgrade za ravni teren i jednu za padinski teren -samoposlugu -nadstrešnicu -četiri veličine ukrasnog trga Stambeno naselje „Đuro Đaković - Ciglane“ bilo je primjer moder...
Yaratıcı: Szadkowsky
Po wielu latach wolny i spokojny kraj został wykupiony przez siłe ze wschodu (Krół przegrał w karty). Ten kraj to Łazieńsk nazwa pochodzi od niegdyś istniejących łaźniach nad Kamiennym Stawem. Łazieńsk, Duża mapa ze wszystkimi zasobami. Dla wytrwałych ludz...
Škoda 47E ,,Laminátka
Yaratıcı: Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►HELLO/AHOJ◄ ŠKODA 47E (production series 240, older 230, nickname is ,,laminátka") ...
Žižkov TV tower
Yaratıcı: Dejfo94
Tune your 80s synthesizer-heavy music because we have something special today! Unique transmitter tower built in Prague (Czechoslovakia) between 1985 and 1992. Designed by the architect Václav Aulický and the structural engineer Jiří Kozák, it stands high ...
Yaratıcı: wild
каМаз 6520 цестерна можно приобрести за рубли Годы производства 2007 — настоящее время грузо подъёмность 14 тонн самосвал 20 тонн бортой 20 тонн 2 вида кран Ивановец и Челябинец 40т 2я цестерна 20 тонн Грузоподъемность по бетонной смеси — 18 тонн добавил 2...
Пак ранних вагончиков
Yaratıcı: Chestir
Небольшой пак вагончиков для раннего старта. Автор мода Валерий Карпов. Крытый вагон 18 тонн (т.н. нормальный товарный вагон, НТВ) для зерна, одежды и т.д. Вместимость 18 тонн, доступность 1916-1960гг Крытый вагон для цемента на базе НТВ 10т., 1916-1960гг ...
Пак жилых зданий серии 1-464ДМ
Yaratıcı: Billman007
Приветствую! Представляю Вам, одну из самых распространенных серий типовых жилых домов России и стран СНГ. Представленные дома серии 1-464ДМ являются модификацией общесоюзной серии домов 1-464Д. Жилые здания данной серии строились преимущественно в Мурманс...
Пак маз 6317
Yaratıcı: Дима
Производитель МАЗ Годы производства 1993 — настоящее время Сборка Флаг Белоруссии МАЗ (Минск, Белоруссия) Дизайн Компоновка кабина над двигателем Колёсная формула 6 × 6 Мощность (каждый мотор) — 750 л. с. (560 кВт) при 3800 об/мин. Крутящий момент (каждый ...
Пак жилых зданий серии Э-187
Yaratıcı: Billman007
Приветствую! Представляю Вам,монолитные жилые дома серии Э-187. Данные здания строились во множестве городов бывшего СССР, в частности здания данной серии с незначительными изменениями строились в Москве, Зеленограде, Минске, Волгограде, Липецке, Туле, Йош...
Научно-исследовательский отдел (Technical University)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Научно-исследовательский отдел НПП Резистор. Представляет собой технический университет на 230 рабочих и 134 профессора. Каждый профессор может брать до 4 студентов. Модель полностью создана и оттекстурирована Billiman007. Research Department of NPP Resist...
Отделение милиции | Police station
Yaratıcı: dimndroll
РУС Типичное советское отделение милиции, в котором могут работать 10 милиционеров и 5 следователей. Во дворе место для 4 милицейских машин. Необходимые ресурсы для строительства: 5,4 тонн досок 16 тонн кирпичей 5,6 тонн стали 7,7 тонн бетона 5,4 тонн досо...
Наследие СССР USSR heritage
Ру_________________________ Категории; остановка, горком, университет, автобаза, церковь, завод, туризм, магазин, монумент, бар, кинотеатр, ремонтная база, склад, переработка отходов, объект инфраструктуры, шахта. En_________________________ Categories; st...
НПП "Оргсинтез"
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
На сей раз это выдуманное здание невыдуманного института, построенно в духе позднесоветского модернизма. (научно-производственное предприятие) НПП "Оргсинтез" - занимается экспериментальными разработками и способами их внедрения в нефтехимическую промышлен...
НПП Пульсар (Pulsar - Electrodetail Factory)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Support me: НПП "Пульсар" – научно-производственный центр, специализирующийся на производстве изделий СВЧ-электроники на основе кремния, кремний-германия и широкозонных полупроводниковых материалов. НПП «Пульсар» основан в 195...
НИИ Спецавтопром (Car Factory)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Support me: НИИ "Спецавтопром" - научно-производственное предприятие, разрабатывающие технологии производства новых автомобилей, проектирующие их производство и техническую основу. Прототипом здание послужило НИИ Автомобильной...
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Support me: Ордена Трудового Красного Знамени НИИ радиоприборостроения (НИИРП) — советский институт, расположенный в городе Химках. На данный момент, как и многие другие НИИ бывшего СССР, заброшен и разграблен. Разрабатывал си...
Многоквартирный дом серии 97
Yaratıcı: wedhjk
RUS Данная модификация добавляет новый многоквартирный дом серии 97 для игры Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic Настройки Качество дома 100% Кол-во жителей 80штук ENG This modification add new home series 97 for game Workers and Resources: Soviet Repub...
Yaratıcı: Ic-0n
Справка МиГ-29 (по кодификации НАТО: Fulcrum — «Точка опоры») — советский многоцелевой истребитель четвёртого поколения, разработанный в 1970-х годах в Опытном конструкторском бюро имени А. И. Микояна. МиГ-29 предназначен для уничтожения управляемыми ракет...
Механосборочные цеха ЗТМ v.2.0 (Mechanicals Shop)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Support me: Warning! Вы можете обратится ко мне в личные сообщения с предложением какого-либо здания - за небольшие деньги я сделаю это здание персонально для вас, либо выложу в общий доступ в мастерскую, в зависимости от ваше...
Машиностроительный цех 2 (Small Version)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Малый машиностроительный цех завода тяжелого машиностроения. Ввиду того что объективно тот цех стоит строить только очень развитым республикам и в целом, он не сильно вписывается в общие масштабы ЗТМ, я вырезал из него уменьшенную версию 300 на 150 метров....
Машиностроительный цех (Car Factory)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Головное производство завода тяжелого машиностроения - машиностроительный цех. Огромнейший цех - это самое большое здание в игре и в мастерской. Его размеры - 336 метров ширины на 670 метров длины. Создано по реальному прототипу цеха завода "Дизель" - коор...
Малое торговое судно (small merchant ship)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Валюта RUB Года выпуска 1960 - 1987 --------------- Currency RUB Year of release of 1960 - 1987...
Маз 5337 + Маз 9506 полуприцеп
Yaratıcı: Дима
Производитель Маз Белоруссь Маз 5337 Тип тягач Макс скорость 90 км/ч Годы производства с 1987 г Полу прицеп самосвал маз 9506 Грузоподъёмность 24 тонны Продаётся за рубли ...
МАЗ-537 (MAZ-537)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Четырёхосный седельный тягач разработки Минского автомобильного завода. 1 - МАЗ_537 с ТЗ-60 2 - МАЗ-537 с ЧМЗАП-5247М Года выпуска 1959—1989 3 цвета ------------ Four-axle truck tractor developed by the Minsk Automobile Plant. 1 - MAZ_537 with TZ-60 2 - MA...
Ленинградские серии домов
Мод добавляет в игру несколько типов ленинградских домов.Таких как Жилые: 1ЛГ-507-64 1ЛГ-606В 1ЛГ-606M 8613-1 Это ранняя версия мода. Пак будет пополняться,наверно,не только ленинградскими зданиями. The mod adds several types of Leningrad houses to the gam...
КРАЗ 260 (KRAZ 260)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Украинский многоцелевой тяжелый грузовик двойного назначения Кременчугского автозавода. Выпускался с 1979 по 1993 Представленно 15 вариантов грузовиков: 3 - Закрытый кузов. 4 - Открытый кузов. 2 - Автоцистерны. 1 - Цементовоз 1 - Лесовоз 1 - Бетономешалка....
Yaratıcı: Kostolom
Рельеф Иркутска с Ангарском....
ИЦРТВ (Induction Coal\Iron Processing Plant)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
ИЦРТВ - Индукционная центрифуга разделения твердых веществ. Под воздействием индукционных токов смесь расплавляется до гомогенного жидкого состояния. После этого под воздействием центробежной силы расплав разделяется по плотностям, в результате чего возмож...
ЗиС - 6 "Катюша" / ZiS - 6 "Katyusha"
Yaratıcı: Ƶh3Ka <3
Расцветали яблони и груши, Поплыли туманы над рекой. Выходила на берег Катюша, На высокий берег на крутой. Apple and Pear tress were a-blomming, Mist creeping on the river. Katyusha set out on the banks, On the steep and lofty banks. РУС ЗиС-6 "Катюша" Одн...
Запорожець ЗАЗ - 968 (ZAZ - 968)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Роки виробництва 1971 -1979...
Заводоуправление и четыре новых цеха ЗТМ
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Сразу четыре новых типовых промышленных здания из комплекта завода тяжелого машиностроения. - Центральная заводская лаборатория(химический завод небольшой производительности) - Сборочный цех(автозавод) - Гальванический цех(завод электроники) - Электромехан...
Жилой дом серии 114-71 (14 этажная башня)
Yaratıcı: Billman007
Приветствую! Представляю Вам, 14 этажный жилой дом серии 114-71. Оригинальные зданиия находится в городе Мурманск, и строились в период с 1977 по 1988. В доме проживает 153 жильца качество жилья 90. ...
Жилой дом в стиле 'Сталинский ампир' / Stalin Empire style house
Ста́линская архитекту́ра — обобщающий термин для архитектуры в СССР, начиная с начала 1930-х годов (конкурса Дворца Советов) до середины 1950-х, представляющей собой характерное узнаваемое сочетание нескольких архитектурных стилей и отличающейся от предшес...
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
ЗИМ или ГАЗ-12 Членовоз Есть13 расцветок 2 варианта Личный транспорт Скорая помощь Вместимость 6 чел. Года выпуска 1949 - 1962 ------------------- ZIM or GAZ-12 Member carrier There are 13 colors 2 options Personal transport Ambulance Capacity 6 people Yea...
Жесть (Hard)
Yaratıcı: Crazy Moor
Can't live without terraforming? Then this map is for you. Difficult landscape, mountainous terrain. Не можешь жить без терраформинга? Тогда эта карта для тебя. Сложный ландшафт, гористая местность....
Железоплавильный цех
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Это второе здания из комплекса завода тяжелого машиностроения. Завод по переплавке железной руды в железо. Завозить можно непосредственно поездами - есть два пути, либо конвеерами со складов. Рабочие: 180 Вместимость 100 тонн. Комплекс зданий ЗТМ (завода т...
Драматический театр | Dramatic theater
Yaratıcı: Podolskiy
Вологодский государственный ордена «Знак почёта» драматический театр — крупнейший театр Вологодской области и один из старейших в России. Первое здание для театра было построено в 1849 (1 спектакль состоялся 1 ноября 1849 года). С 1932 года, после того, ка...
Дом с аркой
Yaratıcı: wild
домик с проездной аркой количество жителей 37 человек...
Дом серии 515 вариант 2
Yaratıcı: wedhjk
RUS Эта модификация добавляет новый советский дом серии 515 для игры Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic Настройки Качество дома 100% Кол-во жителей 130 шт. ENG This modification add new soviet house series 512 for game Workers and Resources: Soviet Rep...
Дом серии 1-515/5
Yaratıcı: wedhjk
Этот мод добавляет дом серии 1-515/5-5 этажный...
Дом партийной элиты
Yaratıcı: Billman007
Приветствую! Представляю Вам, жилой дом повышенной комфортности. Данное жилое здание является модернизацией жилых домов серии 114-71. Оригинальное здание находится в городе Мурманск, и построено в 1995 году. В реалиях игры этот дом стоит рассматривать как ...
Добывай где угодно. Resources everywhere.
Yaratıcı: Zodiak69
Карта полностью покрыта всеми ресурсами - добывай где угодно! Эта карта для тестов или для простой и размеренной игры. The map is completely covered with all resources - get it anywhere! This map is for tests or for a simple and measured game....
Деревня | Village
Yaratıcı: dimndroll
RUS Для тружеников села в первом выпуске "Сельской жизни" представлена традиционная русская деревня. Это 64 уникальных дома: 16 отдельных участков и 16 сельских улиц, по 3 участка. Дома относительно уютные, качество жилья — 55-65%. Для строительства нужны ...
Дворец культуры
Дворец был построен в начале 70-х годов для посетителей Припяти и Чернобыльской АЭС. «Энергетик» являлся частью целого комплекса городских центральных зданий, куда входили сам дом культуры, универмаг, гостиница «Полесье», ресторан, кухня для детей, кинотеа...
Дворец Культуры | Palace of Culture
Yaratıcı: dimndroll
RUS Дворец культуры в стиле поздних 70-х. В таких зданиях в советское время проходили концерты, выступления, лекции, танцы, показывали кино, туда приезжали на гастроли театры. В игре здание работает как кинотеатр. Максимум работников: 30 Максимум посетител...
Гусеничный кран СКГ-63/100
Yaratıcı: Chestir
СКГ-63/100 – кран, который выпускался еще во времена Советского Союза. В зависимости от стрелового исполнения он имеет грузоподъемность 63 или 100 т. Данный кран идеально подходит для крупноблочного строительства и перегрузки крупногабаритных грузов, напри...
Грузовая автостанция (Cargo station)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Простая грузовая станция для 6 грузовиков Simple freight station for 6 trucks ...
ГосНИИОХТ (ГНИИ-42) (RSI-42)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Научно-исследовательский институт химической промышленности. (секретное обозначение ГНИИ-42). Начиная с 1970-х годов разрабатывал химическое оружие массового поражения. На данный момент в России называется ФГУП "ГосНИИОХТ" - государственный научно-исследов...
ГорТранс. (city transport infrastructure)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Мод на разные станции, полустанки, депо, и прочее. Mod to different stations, stop stations, depots, and more. !!!! The use of mod materials is prohibited. !!!!...
Глиноземный цех АЛК (Alumina Plant)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Support me: Глиноземный цех алюминиевого комбината. Это не первая стадия обработки, но это первое здание, на которое упал мой вгляд при просмотре устройства ЗАлК. Здесь в концентрированном растворе щелочи при высокой температу...
Гаражи для личных автомобилей / Garages for private cars
Yaratıcı: Helg_Mitr
Секция из 9 гаражей. Ни один советский город не обходился без этого культового строения. Для многих мужчин это своего рода храм и убежище от мирских проблем и жён ))). В игре функционируют как парковки. Section of 9 garages. Not a single Soviet city could ...
Газель 33023 фермер
Yaratıcı: Дима
Производитель ГАЗ Годы производства 1991 — первый предсерийный экземпляр 1994—2003 «Газель Бизнес» Сборка СССР ГАЗ (Горький, СССР), России ГАЗ (Нижний Новгород, РФ) Колёсная формула 4×2 Можно купить за руб груза падъёмность 1500 тн ...
ГЭС-27 | Hydro electro power station '27
Yaratıcı: dimndroll
RUS Для тех, кто не может дождаться появления ГЭС от разработчиков — этот мод. Он основан на легендарной Волховской ГЭС, одной из первых советских гидроэлектростанций. Её строительство началось почти сразу после революции, но было прервано из-за гражданско...
ГАЗ-51. Часть 3 | GAZ-51. Part 3
Yaratıcı: dimndroll
RUS ГАЗ-51 – самый массовый советский грузовик 50х-70х. Модель начали разрабатывать ещё до войны, но в серийное производство она была запущена только в 1946 году. По лицензии машину производили в Польше (Lublin-51), в Китае (Yuejin NJ130) и в КНДР (Sungri-...
ГАЗ-51. Часть 2 | GAZ-51. Part 2
Yaratıcı: dimndroll
RUS ГАЗ-51 – самый массовый советский грузовик 50х-70х. Модель начали разрабатывать ещё до войны, но в серийное производство она была запущена только в 1946 году. По лицензии машину производили в Польше (Lublin-51), в Китае (Yuejin NJ130) и в КНДР (Sungri-...
ГАЗ-51. Часть 1 | GAZ-51. Part 1
Yaratıcı: dimndroll
RUS ГАЗ-51 – самый массовый советский грузовик 50х-70х. Модель начали разрабатывать ещё до войны, но в серийное производство она была запущена только в 1946 году. По лицензии машину производили в Польше (Lublin-51), в Китае (Yuejin NJ130) и в КНДР (Sungri-...
Вспомогательные службы АЛК (Support services for Factory)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Support me: Вспомогательные службы для стабильного функционирования алюминиевого комбината. - Стройконтора на 10 машиномест - Две автобазы на 7 и 14 машиномест - Автодепо на 7 машиномест - Снегоуборочная служба на 7 машиномест...
Вологодский вокзал | Vologda station
Yaratıcı: Podolskiy
Вологда 1 (до 1926 года — Вологда-Город) — железнодорожная станция в Вологде. Расположена на 494 километре от Ярославского вокзала Москвы и 597 километре от Ладожского вокзала Санкт-Петербурга. Станция открыта 20 июня 1872 года. Вологда стала железнодорожн...
Вологодский вокзал / 'Vologda' railway station
Вологда 1 (до 1926 года — Вологда-Город) — железнодорожная станция в Вологде. Расположена на 494 километре от Ярославского вокзала Москвы и 597 километре от Ладожского вокзала Санкт-Петербурга. У этого вокзала есть 5 ж\д путей: 4 длинные и 1 укороченный. V...
Вокзал | Rail station
Yaratıcı: Podolskiy
Раздел: Станция / остановка Вместимость - 3500 Длина - около 150 метров Есть возможность добавить своё название станции ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ 15.01.2021 - Проведена работа с текстурами (добавлен мипмап, заменена текстура платформы); - Оптимизация модели (вместо 178 т...
Большой цирк | Big circus
Yaratıcı: dimndroll
RUS Сегодня и каждый вечер с этого дня! Уникальное представление для жителей и гостей республики! Спешите увидеть в нашем новом Большом Цирке! Основой для мода послужило здание Большого Московского цирка на проспекте Вернадского. Неофициально он называется...
Большой детский сад (Big kindergarten)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Вам надоело строить детские сады в которых вечно не хватает места? Не беда, я спешу к вам на помощь! Большой детский дом(в хорошем смысле этого слова) сможет вмещать в себя очень много детей! 130 воспитателей будут неустанно следить за вашими детьми! Are y...
БеЛаЗ 75710
Yaratıcı: Дима
БеЛаЗ 75710 Производитель БелоруссияБелорусский автомобильный завод Годы производства 2013 — настоящее время Сборка ОАО «БелАЗ» (сборка ведётся, как правило, на месте эксплуатации) Класс карьерный самосвал Дизайн Компоновка переднемоторная, полноприводная ...
Баркассы (longboats)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
3 небольших открытых баркаса. 1 для открытых грузов. 2 для ссыпучих грузов. 3 для общих грузов Валюта RUB года выпуска 1941 1973 Инфраструктуру для мелкого водного транспорта позже сделаю. ------------- 3 small open longboats.. 1 for open cargo. 2 for bulk...
Балтийский вокзал [Без надписей]/ St. Petersburg-Baltiysky railway station [unmarked]
Балти́йский вокза́л — один из старейших вокзалов Санкт-Петербурга. Современное здание вокзала построено в 1855—1858 годах архитектором А. И. Кракау. Прототипом вокзала послужил Восточный вокзал в Париже. По бокам здания располагались двухэтажные флигели, л...
БА-10 / BA-10
Yaratıcı: Ƶh3Ka <3
РУС БА-10 Советский бронеавтомобиль, разработан на шасси грузовика ГАЗ-ААА в 1938 году. Характеристики: Максимальная скорость - 52 км/ч Мощность - 36 кВт Экипаж - 4 человека Вес - 5120 КГ Годы производства 1938-1941 Автор модели:
Автобаза/small distribution office
Yaratıcı: Lexii
Маленькая автобаза. Требуется немного ресурсов на постройку. Вмещает 3 автомобиля. Добавлена автобаза на 1 автомобиль. Поддержи автора
Авианосец Адмирал Кузнецов / aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov
Yaratıcı: луньвод
Мод на Авианосца mod for the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov...
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
АТ-Т Тяжолый тягач на базе танка Т-54, Также на базе тягача Инжинерная машина БАТ-М. 1- Бульдозер 2- С закрытым кузовом 3- Лесовоз 4- Бульдозер для уборки снега Года выпуска 1950 - 1979 ---------------------------------------------- AT-T Heavy tractor base...
АН-225"МРIЯ" (AN-225 "MRIYA")
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Ukrainian super-heavy cargo aircraft. Made on the basis of AN - 124 In reality, only one copy was made for transporting USSR copies of the space shuttle aircraft. 3 color options. Year of issue 1988 - Today Currency RUB. !!!!!There is one bug. because of t...
АКСМ 321
Yaratıcı: Дима
Завод-изготовитель Флаг Белоруссии Белкоммунмаш → BKM Holding АКСМ-321 Проект, г. 1999 Выпускался, гг. 2001—н.в. , 2009-2010 (СВАРЗ-6235.01) Экземпляры 2359 (на декабрь 2019) Макс. скорость, км/ч 70 Время разгона до скорости 50 км/ч, c 26 Вместимость, чел....
Панельки 2 (Panel houses 2)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Набор панелек. Использование материалов мода зепрещено....
Пельменная | Dumpling
Yaratıcı: dimndroll
RUS По просьбам трудящихся спроектирована типовая советская пельменная 70-х. Работает как маленький магазин еды. Максимальное количество продавцов: 5 Максимальное число посетителей: 18 У здания нет заводских соединений, а склад всего на полтонны. Поэтому р...
Плакучая Ива
Ресторана «Плакучая ива»,на самом деле не существовало, его соорудили в павильоне на киностудии Мосфильм,специально для этого фильма. Restaurant...
Пластиковый цех (Plastic Factory)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Пластиковый цех научно-производственного предприятия "Резистор". Списочное количество сотрудников цеха - 88 рабочих. По производительности немного превосходит обычный ванильный завод. Потребляет химикаты, нефть, производит пластиковые корпуса для электрони...
Поликлиника | Polyclinic
Yaratıcı: Podolskiy
Вологодская детская поликлиника №1. Не рассчитана на транспортировку больных, но в игровой версии были добавлены кареты скорой помощи. Рабочие - 40 Доктора - 40 Транспортных средств - 5 ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ 28.09.2020: Добавлена стоянка для карет скорой помощи Рабоч...
Поликлиника | Polyclinic
Yaratıcı: dimndroll
RUS Районная поликлиника – медицинское учреждение для оказания амбулаторной помощи больным на приёме. Поэтому службы «скорой помощи» здесь нет. Пациенты добираются на приём пешком или на общественном транспорте. Персонал: 10 Врачи: 30 Максимальное число па...
Полустанок (Rail station 1 track)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Простой пассажирский малый полустанок. Тут основной мод Here is the main mod ...
Порт сухих грузов/Dry cargo port
Yaratıcı: Tugan
Порт сухих грузов под 2 средних корабля. Большое спасибо за помощь и советы товарищей SerpPort и comrade Dimitry Dry cargo port for 2 medium ships. Thank you very much for the help and advice of the comrades SerpPort and comrade Dimitry...
Почтовое отделение | Post office
Yaratıcı: dimndroll
RUS Теперь для граждан республики доступна почта (в комплекте киоск “Союзпечать” и старый советский уличный телефон). Поскольку в игре нет почтовой инфраструктуры, это здание работает как кинотеатр. Сотрудники: 30 Посетители: 68 В качестве бонуса киоск “Со...
Простой баркас.
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Была моделька баркаса. Вот решил попробывать сделать мод с водным транспортом. грузовой баркас. Года выпуска 1951 - 1977...
П-3 (17 flors 2 entrances)
Yaratıcı: matvey.zi
Панельная многоэтажка. Этажей - 18. Население 272 второе здание Население 268. (здесь два здания) Проект создан через стандартный редактор зданий Типовая серия панельных домов П-3 была разработана в конце семидесятых годов, и уже к началу Олимпиады 1980-го...
Рабочий и колхозница | Worker and Kolkhoznitza
Yaratıcı: dimndroll
RUS «Рабочий и колхозница» - один из самых известных советских памятников, символ единства пролетариата и крестьянства. Концепцию и композиционный замысел придумал архитектор Борис Иофан, автором скульптуры стала Вера Мухина. Первоначально статуя была уста...
Распределительный центр / Distribution Center
Yaratıcı: Vilaxe
________ Распределительный центр _________________________ !!Склад!! Вместительность: 7750 тонн + 355 тонн (Хранение мяса) ✅ Без коллизии. Соединение с зданием: пешеходные дорожки/заводские соединения/дорожные соединения. !!"Открытое" хранилище!! Вместител...
СССР 60 ЛЕТ - 60 Years of the USSR
Ру______________________ Тип____________монумент Лояльность___8 Радиус________300 En______________________ Type ___________ Monument Loyalty ___ 8 Radius _______ 300...
Серия домов 1-464
Yaratıcı: glebas
1-464А-3 - 5-этажный 3-секционный дом на 60 квартир 1-464А-7 - 4-этажный 3-секционный дом на 48 квартир 1-464А-15 - 6-секционный дом на 90 квартир ...
Серия 1-515 (1-515 series fragment)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Support me: Панельные дома серии I-515 являются лидерами распространения в 50ые года по всей РСФСР. Годы строительства с 1957 по 1973гг. Во время прокладки линий метро, некоторые дома данной серии треснули, поэтому большинство...
Серия 121 60 25 В
Серия 121-60-25 – крупнопанельные дома, распространенные в городах, строившихся в качестве обеспечения жилой инфраструктуры крупных энергетических объектов (ГЭС, ГРЭС, АЭС). Дома имеют специфический внешний вид, в связи с крестообразной планировкой этажа. ...
Серия 91 (series 91 fragment)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Support me: Новый цикл работ, включающий в себя типовые секции жилых домов, из которых вы можете быстро собрать красивое здание нужной этажности. Именно так должен был работать Building Editor. Включает в себя несколько элемен...
Скания 113
Yaratıcı: Дима
Скания 113 Самосвал 35 тонн годы производства 1988 2000 Можно купить за USD ...
Склады ЗТМ
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Склады в стиле зданий ЗТМ четырех видов для стройматериалов и ценных предметов. - Склад стройматериалов на 2000 тонн. - Производственный склад на 2000 тонн. - Склад стройматериалов на 4000 тонн. - Производственный склад на 4000 тонн. Warehouses in the styl...
Склады ЗТМ v.2 (Storage's Pack)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Склад завода тяжелого машиностроения. Присутствует три вида - комбинированный склад общих грузов, отдельно склад ценных грузов и отдельно - склад сухих грузов. Подписывайтесь также на мою группу в ВК: Warehouse of a heavy engineering ...
Службы ЗТМ (Distrib. office and Snowplow Station)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Гаражи для снегоуборочной техники и служб снабжения, подведомственные ЗТМ. Пять стояночных мест. Garages for snowmobiles, HIP equipment and distribution cars. Five parking spaces....
Сортировочная станция (Shunting yard)
Yaratıcı: Nokia 3310
Сортировочная станция. Данный мод представляет из себя развитие идеи мода Small Rail Storage Yard от Labby. Мод содержит набор сортировочных станций. Станции отличаются вместимостью вагонов (малые и большие) и длиной поезда. К сожалению, игра не предоставл...
Социалистическая стройка (Socialist construction) PART - 1
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
"Социалистическая стройка" Сборник разных зданий в стиле "Советский модерн" Это 1я часть Socialist construction. Collection of different buildings in the style of "Soviet Modern" Part 1 PART 2
Социалистическая стройка (Socialist construction) PART - 2
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
"Социалистическая стройка" Сборник разных зданий в стиле "Советский модерн" Socialist construction. Collection of different buildings in the style of "Soviet Modern" PART 1
Спорт | Sport
Yaratıcı: Podolskiy
Стадион 1 Рабочих - 10 Посетителей - 120 Стадион 2 (2 версии) Рабочих - 15 Посетителей - 210 Баскетбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих - 3 Посетителей - 24 Волейбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих - 3 Посетителей - 18 Футбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих...
Сталелитейный цех (Steel Workshop)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Сталелитейный цех завода тяжелого машиностроения. Непрерывно работающая высокопроизводительная домна обеспечивает увеличенный выход стали, которую вы можете либо выгружать на склад, либо вывозить грузовиками. Требует 130 рабочих и 43 инженера. За прототип ...
Стела ЧАЭС им В.И.Ленина
Стела ЧАЭС им В.И.Ленина.может использоваться как церковь. The stela of the Chernobyl NPP named after V.I. Lenin can be used as a church....
Стела универсальная | Stela universal
Yaratıcı: Podolskiy
Стела универсальная Подходит для названия города, производства и т.д. Находится в разделе: монумент. ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ 21.12.2020 - Добавлены 4 маленькие стелы. Другие мои работы:
Стройконтора | Construction office
Yaratıcı: dimndroll
RUS Стройконтора на 18 единиц техники. Заправка на 30 тонн топлива. Необходимые ресурсы: - 15 тонн бетона; - 13 тонн гравия; - 11 тонн асфальта; - 13 тонн досок; - 15 тонн кирпичей; - 4 тонны стали; - 340 трудодней. Основано на модели alexkovalev. ENG Cons...
Yaratıcı: Ic-0n
Су-25ТМ — советский штурмовик, бронированный дозвуковой военный самолёт. Штурмовик предназначен для непосредственной поддержки сухопутных войск над полем боя днём и ночью при прямой видимости цели, а также уничтожения объектов с заданными координатами круг...
Сhevrolet step van
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
COST USD 1967 - 1978...
Yaratıcı: Frantic_Monkey
ТЭП60 (TEP60) is soviet diesel locomotive, produced especially for passenger trains in the USSR at the Kolomna diesel locomotive plant. It also available in a DMU version (2TEP60). A total of 1241 single-section diesel locomotives TEP60 and 116 two-section...
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Support me: И снова в деле модульная ТЭЦ! Она сделана таким образом, что будет одинаково хорошо выглядеть как и вместе, так и по отдельности. Вид только один - на угле. And again the modular CHP is in action! It is made in suc...
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Теплоэлектроцентраль (ТЭЦ) — разновидность тепловой электростанции, которая не только производит электроэнергию, но и является источником тепловой энергии в централизованных системах теплоснабжения (в виде пара и горячей воды, в том числе и для обеспечения...
ТЭЦ-ЗТМ v.2(Heating+Power Plant)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Support me: A new version of the HPP(Heating-PowerPlant) for a heavy engineering plant. Heat and electricity from one(visual) building? It's possible! Thanks to the absence of collisions, you can place buildings close to each ...
Таврія ЗАЗ - 1102 (ZAZ - 1102)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Роки виробництва 1988 - 1997...
Татра феникс
Yaratıcı: Дима
Производитель Tatra Годы производства 2011 — настоящее время Сборка Чехия Класс HCV Двигатель Paccar MX 11/13 Скорость 120 Л/С 310 Можно преобрести За рубли Грузоподъёмность 20 тонн...
Терракот Terracotta
Ру_____________ ПУЖКХ_____тип технические службы Блоки______ тип кирпичный завод Дом культуры___тип кинотеатр Детсад__________тип детсад Котельная_______тип котельная Школа___________тип школа Магазин_________тип магазин Склад___________тип склад Три жилых...
Типовые панели 1-132.1
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Трехслойные железобетонные панели с эффективным утеплителем и гибкими связями разработаны для наружных несущих стен крупнопанельных 5 - 9-этажных жилых зданий. Исходя из комментариев под моими предыдущими работами в серии "Собери сам", я сделал вывод, что ...
УАЗ - 452 (UAZ - 452)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
УАЗ 452 Буханка Грузовой вариант Автобус Личный транспорт Амбулатория 22 расцветки Параметры: Буханка Скорость: Буханка! Вместимость - Буханка!!!! Грузоподьёмность - БУХАНКА!!! Прочее: БУХАНКААА!!!! Года производства: 1965 - тепловая смерть вселенной ...
УАЗ - 469 (UAZ - 469)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
УАЗ - 469 Бобик. 2 варианта 13 расцветок 7 посадочных мест. Производился 1972 - 2003...
Yaratıcı: Benser
Универмаг / Store Оригинальная модель/model from: 17.09. update textures $WORKERS_NEEDED 25 $CITIZEN_ABLE_SERVE 12 $STORAGE_DEMAND_ADVANCED RESOURCE_TRANSPOR...
Углеочистный цех
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Это четвертый цех из комплекса завода тяжелого машиностроения. Завод по очистки угольной руды от шлаков. Завозить либо непосредственно поездами - есть два пути, либо конвеерами со складов. Рабочие: 180 Вместимость 100 тонн. Комплекс зданий ЗТМ (завода тяже...
Угольная & Железная шахты ЗТМ
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Современные добывающе-обогатительные комплексы завода тяжелого машиностроения теперь доступны для вас! Продолжайте строить ваш завод в едином стиле! Современное оборудование позволяет работать большему числу рабочих с увеличенной производительностью труда!...
Универсам | Universam (grocery supermarket)
Yaratıcı: dimndroll
RUS Универсам (универсальный магазин самооблуживания) – это один из первых советских супермаркетов в современном понимании слова. Правда, в отличие от универмагов, там продавали исключительно продукты и хозяйственные товары. Такие магазины массово строилис...
Университет | University
Yaratıcı: Podolskiy
Прототип настоящего здания (Дворец творчества детей и молодёжи) Игровая модель Тип: университет Рабочие - 20 Профессора - 20 Максимум студентов - 300 Доступны исследования технического университета Другие мои работы:
Усиленный ЖД Строительный Кран
Yaratıcı: Tugan
Данный мод создан мной для себя с целью ускорения строительства жд путей. Создан он под игровую ЖД Стройконтору. Объем хранилища увеличин втрое. Количесво рабочих с 40 до 65. Скорорсть по готовым дорогам с 50 до 95 км/ч. Объем хранилища увеличин втрое. В р...
Харьковские панельки (Kharkiv panel houses.)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Панельные жилые дома Харьковского образца. Присутствуют 4 типа зданий: 111-162-1п 111-162-2п 111-162-3п Проэкт 480 Харьковского типа. А также 6 вариантов их постройки. ( использовать материалы из мода в других модах не разрешается ) -----------------------...
Химический цех (Chemical Factory)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Химический цех завода тяжелого машиностроения. Потребляет битум, топливо, уголь, производит химикаты. Цех - не является автономной единицей. Все комменты тех кто будет писать "а как я буду вилкой чистить" без коннекта сыпучих и жидкий грузов, будут удалять...
Хопперы для зерна
Yaratıcı: Tugan
В игре зерно перевозиться в обычных крытых вагонах, что редко происходит в реальности. Обычно его перевозят в крытых хопперах. Я переделал цементный хоппер в крытый вагон. Что дает возможность возить в нем зерно. (Google translator) In the game, grain is t...
Хранилище Сыпучих грузов
Yaratıcı: Дима
Стандартное Хранилище Сыпучих Грузов добавил 4 новых конвейерных соединений ...
ЦЗЛ, НИО, Цех РЭО ЗТМ (Administrative Pack)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Три новых здания из комплекта завода тяжелого машиностроения v2. Центральная заводская лаборатория - в незначительных количествах потребляет железную руду, производит немного железа и химикатов. Научно-исследовательский отдел - университет, технический. Це...
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Support me: ЦНИИ - что расшифровывается как центральный научно-исследовательский институт. Здание было вдохновлено основным корпусом ЦНИИ Автоматики и Гидравлики, что на ст.м. Улица 1905 года в Москве. Правильное расположение ...
Старая Русская церковь...
Чайка - Seagull road mark
Yaratıcı: Doristela
Road Mark Monument - 1960 - ACCP ================================ Work as an Attraction : small picnic area. - connect FoothPath Could be use as a Landmark - road can be built until the monument --------------------------------- History : https://www.armmu...
Чернобыльская Зона Отчуждения
Yaratıcı: 76561198125092019
Чернобыль - Чернобыль расположен на реке Припять, недалеко от её впадения в Киевское водохранилище. Население 690 человек (2017) Известен из-за аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС. Припять - покинутый город в Киевской области Украины. Население 0 человек (2019) До...
Чувашия - Чебоксарский район
Первый вариант Чебоксарского района. Данный вариант основывается на карте высот. Все детали местности сделаны вручную и не соответствуют реальным....
ШАХТЫ (Mine)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Шахты и сопутствующие объекты. Буду сюда кидать сюда здания горной промышленности когда они будут готовы. Mines and related facilities. I’ll throw here mining buildings when they are ready....
Школа | School
Yaratıcı: Podolskiy
Это прототип настоящей школы в Вологде, Россия. Я учился в ней и теперь ваши товарищи тоже смогут. Рабочие - 20 Учителя - 30 Максимум учеников - 300 Также, это мой первый мод, так что я надеюсь, он вам понравится) P.S.: Если вам не нравится асфальтная площ...
Ш-5733/14 + parking
Yaratıcı: Shotkey
This project was built in Leningrad (74 houses), Moscow region, Ivanovo (2 houses), Sestroretsk (3 houses). It is mentioned that the building structures of this modification are not highly reliable. So, some buildings, erected in 1967, were in disrepair by...
Ш-5733/8 + store
Yaratıcı: Shotkey
This series was built in Leningrad (31 houses), Rybinsk (2 houses) and, possibly, other cities of the RSFSR. The shape of the building in plan is a long rectangle (the so-called «house-plate»). The outer walls are made of unplastered gray bricks, the width...
Yaratıcı: Shotkey
This Leningrad series of residential buildings is a 12-story gray brick building. The houses are equipped with two passenger elevators and a garbage chute. All flats have loggias or balconies. On the 13th floor there is a service room, according to the pro...
ЭП20 Пасcажирский
Yaratıcı: Дима
Электровоз ЭП20 Производство Страна постройки Россия Завод Новочеркасский электровозостроительный завод Производитель Трансмашхолдинг в партнёрстве с Alstom Годы постройки с 2011 Главный конструктор Усвицкий Сергей Александрович Всего построено 80 (на дека...
ЭС1П Ласточка
Yaratıcı: Vilaxe
ЭС1 (ЭС1П) / ЭС2Г (ЭС2ГП) (Электропоезд Сименс, 1-й / 2-й тип, Городской, «Премиум») — семейство пассажирских электропоездов с общим коммерческим названием «Ласточка». ( Мод состоит из: * локомотив, вместительностью 89. * локомотив в обратном...
ЭлектроВоз 2ЭС10_001
Yaratıcı: Дима
2ЭС10-002 в Щербинке Производство Страна постройки Россия Завод Уральский завод железнодорожного машиностроения Производитель Группа Синара, Siemens AG Годы постройки с 2010 г. Всего построено на июль 2021 г.:...
Электродетальный цех (Electrocomponents Factory)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Support me: Опытно-производственный цех научно-производственного предприятия "Резистор" (ОПЦ НПП). Не имеет реальных аналогов. Вдохновлено цехами завода телевизоров МТЗ "Рубин". Потребляет сталь, пластик, химикаты. Производит ...
Э5К и 2ЭС5К Ермак/E5K & 2ES5K Yermak
Yaratıcı: Frantic_Monkey
Yermak is a series of russian built electric AC mainline locomotives; 2ES5K (2ЭС5К) is a freight twin-section, E5K (Э5К) is a freight and passenger single section. They was designed to replace the old VL60 and VL80. Mainly operated in Siberia and Russian F...
камаз 6520 ацпт16+ко505а
Yaratıcı: Дима
Дополнения к Камаз пак 6520 Тоже моя работа тока с другого Акаунта. Производитель КамАЗ Годы производства 2001—2021 Сборка Камский автомобильный завод (Набережные Челны, Россия) Класс грузовой Конфигурация V8 Объём 11 760 см3 Цилиндров 8 Клапанов 16 Диамет...
краз-6233п4 бетономешалка
Yaratıcı: Дима
Kraz_6233,производится на заводе в Кременчуге, начиная с 1994 года по нынешние дни.КрАЗ-6233 предназначался для транспортировки разнообразных грузов, Год выпуска 2003 можно купить за рубли...
краз7133 п4 краз 7133 с4
Yaratıcı: Дима
Kraz_7133 п4,Kraz_7133 с4,производится на Заводе в Кременчуге, начиная с 1994 года по нынешние дни.КрАЗ-7133 предназначался для транспортировки разнообразных грузов, Год выпуска 2003 Можно купить за рубли Добавил 2 самосвала По 18 тонн формы кузова Разные...
лада веста
Yaratıcı: Дима
Производитель АвтоВАЗ Годы производства 2015 — настоящее время Дизайн Тип кузова 4‑дв. седан (5‑мест.) 5‑дв. универсал (5‑мест.) Платформа «Лада Б» Компоновка переднемоторная, переднеприводная Колёсная формула 4 × 2...
мАз 5440
Yaratıcı: Дима
Маз 5440 год выпуска 2000 - н/в Не большой тюнинг передней решётки радиатора Пока тока крытый 5 цветов окраски кабины 30 тонн грузо-подъёмность Производитель Беларусь Мински Авто-завод макс скорость 90 км Мощность двигателя 400 л/скорость ...
маз 5337+трал
Yaratıcı: Дима
Производитель Маз Белоруссь Маз 5337 Тип тягач Макс скорость 90 км/ч Годы производства с 1987 г Трал Грузоподъёмность 30 тонны Продаётся за рубли ...
производсва древесного угля
Yaratıcı: Дима
Балтийский вокзал / St. Petersburg-Baltiysky railway station
Балти́йский вокза́л — один из старейших вокзалов Санкт-Петербурга. Современное здание вокзала построено в 1855—1858 годах архитектором А. И. Кракау. Прототипом вокзала послужил Восточный вокзал в Париже. По бокам здания располагались двухэтажные флигели, л...
"P-44-like" buildings
Yaratıcı: Comrade Joe
This mod proposes one (maybe more in the future) reskin of Comrade kostas667's highrise buildings (original mod:, inspired from the 80s designs of complexes seen in the area of Warsaw highw...
"Prasiatko" by 4smiler
Yaratıcı: 4smiler
The "Piggy" engine locomotive, known as T 211.0 and later as the class 700, is a small two-axle locomotive with mechanical power transmission designed for shifts in depots, sidings and stations. In fact, this locomotive has been gradually upgraded from cla...
"Stalinist" houses series II-18
Yaratıcı: Raysione
This mod adds 8 options for brick plastered houses of type II-18: 1-5 sectional nine-story buildings and 1-3 sectional five-story buildings. Unlike the first version of these houses, brick is used in the construction. The houses themselves are joked and qu...
"Stalinist" houses series II-18
Yaratıcı: Raysione
This mod adds 8 options for large-block houses of type II-18: 1-5 sectional nine-story buildings and 1-3 sectional five-story buildings. I must say right away that my houses are not those richly decorated palaces for workers, but Stalin's of the late perio...
'68 '75 '86 Saab 99 Pack
The Saab 99 pack is a collection of three iconic Saab models: the 1968 Saab 99, the 1975 Saab 99 GLE, and the 1986 Saab 90. These cars are known for their unique design and engineering that made them stand out from other vehicles of their time. Each car mo...
'Bunkkeri' Warehouse
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
A Massive warehouse based on real building in Finland. A non-blocking station with 8 loading zones. ...
(1921-1950) SKhTZ and McCormick-Deering 15-30 Multi-use Tractor
Yaratıcı: Comrade Sky
This is a pack that contains the American and Soviet version of the 15-30 tractor. The tractor can be used for sowing, snow plowing, bulldozing, hauling, and felling. There are 4 versions: $ The McCormic Deering is available from 1921 to 1934. 1. Sowing/bu...
Yaratıcı: Shotkey
1Lg-600A is a Soviet series of residential buildings for industrial housing construction, created according to a Polish project revised by the LenZNIIEP Institute in the mid-60s. Initially, the construction of houses was carried out by Avtovsky DSK-3 in Le...
1-201 series
Yaratıcı: NightWarrior
SERIES 1-201 VERSIONS OF 1950. The prerequisites for mass model housing design and construction in the USSR appeared with the adoption on February 11, 1936, of the decree of the Government and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on streamlining and reduc...
1-201 series (original cany)
Yaratıcı: Raysione
SERIES 1-201 VERSION 1950 (original cany) The prerequisites for mass standard housing design and construction in the USSR appeared with the adoption on February 11, 1936, of a decree by the Government and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Pa...
1-201 series (original cerulean blue)
Yaratıcı: Raysione
SERIES 1-201 VERSIONS 1950 (original cerulean blue) The prerequisites for mass standard housing design and construction in the USSR appeared with the adoption on February 11, 1936, of a decree by the Government and the Central Committee of the All-Union Co...
1-201 series (original pink peach)
Yaratıcı: Raysione
SERIES 1-201 VERSION 1950 (original pink peach) The prerequisites for mass standard housing design and construction in the USSR appeared with the adoption on February 11, 1936, of a decree by the Government and the Central Committee of the All-Union Commun...
1-235 blue
Yaratıcı: NightWarrior
series 235 blue...
1-235 green
Yaratıcı: NightWarrior
series 235 green ...
1-235 grey
Yaratıcı: NightWarrior
series 235 grey...
1-235 pink
Yaratıcı: NightWarrior
series 235 pink...
1-235 series
Yaratıcı: NightWarrior
TYPICAL SERIES OF CINDER BLOCK RESIDENTAL BUILDINGS 1-235 Built since 1951 in various variations In 1954 reworked and standardized by the State Institute of Standard Design and Technical Research The projects were approved on October 9, 1954. Ministry of C...
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
Soviet apartment blocks project 1-447C-8 were part of the first generation of the 447C series, they were built across the USSR from the late '50 to the mid '60s. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted f...
12 storey prefab
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
DECREASED THE MOD SIZE BY 45%! --------- 12 storey prefab house based on a real building in Kirovakan, Armenia. Accommodates 88 workers, provides 88 percent of living quality. --- 12-этажный панельный дом на основе реального здания в Кировакане, Армения. В...
12 Story Panel House 3
Yaratıcı: Cepelinas Grietinius
Prefab panel apartment building. Houses 150 workers. Based on apartment buildings in Lithuania built in the 80's...
14-9037 vagon
Yaratıcı: oleksii.kapustin
RU: Транспортер железнодорожный, модель 14-9037 (Стахановский вагоностроительный завод, Украина), предназначен для перевозки транспортных упаковочных комплектов ТУК-13 (контейнеров с ядерными отходами) по железным дорогам в составе специального грузового п...
12-floor prefab residential
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
12-floor prefab residential type in Yerevan, Armenia. Houses 264 workers and provides 85 percent living quality. These buildings were built mainly in 1970s....
15 storey bulding
Yaratıcı: matvey.zi
Этажей - 15. Население 720 Panel building. Floors - 15. Population 720...
15 Story Panel Apartments
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
Inspired by buildings from Sovkhoz imeni Lenina, Moscow Oblast. Available in 3 colours. Capicity 180 Quality 87%...
16 floor prefab building
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
This is another 16-floor prefab residential type in Armenia. Houses 270 workers and provides 84 percent living quality. These buildings were built mostly in Yerevan. There are also 2 buildings in town Abovyan. 2 more buildings were built in Leninakan, but ...
16-storey residential building
Yaratıcı: Billman007 Description I present you a 16-storey panel apartment building. The design of the building is individual, but based on the elements of the 97 series. There are a total of three similar buildings built in Chelyabinsk, each sl...
16-storey residential building
Yaratıcı: Billman007 Description I present to you a 16-storey residential building of type C-97-1. The project of the house is individual and is based on elements of type 97. These houses were built in Chelyabinsk and Snezhinsk (Chelyabinsk regi...
1906 Zeppelin Pack
Yaratıcı: Calderiaän
This pack includes 6 variants of the LZ3 Zeppelin built in 1906 They include : Aggregate - Oil - Open and covered Cargo - Passengers - Concrete Be aware that these beauties are slow... Really slow, both for realism and balancing reasons Other than that, as...
1920s Residential Tower
Yaratıcı: Novu
At nearly 100 years old this early art-deco skyskraper was designed in the 1920s and seized in the revolution. Features 27 floors and housing for 350 workers....
1930 Technical University
Yaratıcı: Comrade Joe
Technical University building in 1930s/Constructivist style. Based on the existing university building in central Moscow, currently hosting the University of design and technology named after A.N. Kosygin. Employs 50 professors and 100 workers. 300 student...
1930s Electric Components Factory
Yaratıcı: Comrade Joe
The Elektroapparat factory is a real life factory located in old Leningrad. It produces electric components for the heavy and energy industry. Originally set up by German Capitalists in the late 19th Century, it was gloriously confiscated by the Revolution...
1930s Power Plant
Yaratıcı: Comrade Joe
This mod proposes a coal-fueled power plant that is more adapted for early-starting date games. I have modeled it after the Novorossiysk Regional Power Plant, inaugurated in 1930 in the Black Sea region, from a single old photograph, so the non visible par...
1930s Student Dorms
Yaratıcı: Comrade Joe
A student dorm from the 1930s copied from the dorms of the Sverdlov Communist University of Moscow. Hosts 228 students at 70pc quality. Self-heating enabled. If the people like it, I can always add it as regular residential building too, for early starting...
1930s Vehicle Assembly Line
Yaratıcı: Comrade Joe
Road vehicle assembly line inspired by the famous Kharkov and Stalingrad tractor works, built in the 1930s. The model and texturing are not very detailed, as both historical buildings were destroyed in WW2, and I had only a couple photographs and a drawing...
1930s worker homes from Chelyabinsk
Yaratıcı: Comrade Joe
A small pack proposing two residential buildings built in the 30s in Chelyabinsk, during the first wave of industrialization of the USSR. They are plain looking, with typical constructivist traits. They are cheap to build, and can host 36 and 30 adults at ...
1930s' Stalinka Apartments
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
1930s Stalinka Style Apartments....
1930s' Stalinka Kindergarten
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Stalinka Kindergarten...
1930s' Stalinka School
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Stalinka School...
1940s Stalinka Corners
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Two different Buildings with five different functions. Corner Shop: - 45 workers - 270 visitors - 25t storage / 7.5t meat storage Corner Pharmacy&Phycician: - 30 workers - 15 doctors - 90 patients Police Station: - 20 workers - 40 officers - 8 cars Secret ...
1940s' Stalinka Apartments
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
5-Storey Stalinka: - Space for 92 workers - Quality of Living: 88% 8-Storey Stalinka: - Space for 146 workers - Quality of Living: 86%...
1950s Moscow 10-storey apartments and offices
Yaratıcı: Comrade Joe
This mod proposes a small pack of buildings that allows you to build quality residential districts as one could see in Moscow and other large Soviet cities in the 1950s. The main/initial building of this pack is inspired from the existing one on Semyonovsk...
1950s Stalinka
Yaratıcı: Comrade Joe
This mod proposes a 1950s Stalinka, like can be found along major avenues of Moscow or Leningrad. This one in particular is modeled on the building of Moskovsky Prospekt, 189, Leningrad. The main buildling is residential, somewhat high end, and hence can h...
1st Workers and Modders Contest Pack
Yaratıcı: ryantheskinny
A pack of three Locomotives that where submitted as part of a modeling contest on the Workers and Resources; Soviet Republic - Workers and Modders discord Group Name: NZ EA Class 1968 Fuel type: Electric Speed: 72 KW: 960 Weight: 55 Available: 1968 1997 Co...
Yaratıcı: Frantic_Monkey
2M62 is a twin version of the Soviet-built diesel freight locomotive M62. One of the most widely distributed locomotives, produced for replacing the TE3. From 1976 to 2001 was built more than 1700 locomotives. The model created by Old. Available since 1976...
2 and 4-axle soviet passenger carriages
Yaratıcı: ZIMA
Стандартный 2-осный пассажирский вагон с рамой длиной 14 метров. Такие вагоны строились на Мытищинском и Брянском заводах с 1914 года. Доступно с 1914 года 4-х осные вагоны с рамой длиной 20,2 метра, традиционно называются типом завода им. Егорова или Егор...
2 and 4-axle soviet tank cars
Yaratıcı: ZIMA
2 и 4-х-осные цистерны для перевозки жидких нефтепродуктов. Доступны с 1930 и с 1935 года. Авторы: Ural_102, Alex, Old Конвертирование: ZIMA 2 and 4-axle for transportation of liquid petroleum products. Available from 1930 and 1935. Created by Ural_102, Al...
Yaratıcı: tomtomtotal
2 RED STARS MARBLE MONUMENTS LENIN OR STALIN (with fully simulated water) Serves for city beautification. Timelessly designed The water is fully simulated by the game engine If you want to see more of such monuments, leave a comment or do you have any wish...
Yaratıcı: tomtomtotal
Support ME > < Support ME Dear comrades, these two objects have been declared an official building plan to honour Lenin and Stalin. Found in a small Russian town, the Central Communist Government has decided to open these monu...
2 skins for 9683/17
Yaratıcı: Shotkey
Adds 2 skins with plaster walls for all buildings related to type 9683/17.... Bee, Y/B 70, ZSSK
Yaratıcı: 4smiler
Skin for Y-wagon Company: ZSSK (Slovak republic)
201 series reskin part1
Yaratıcı: NightWarrior
201 series skins...
201 series reskin part2
Yaratıcı: NightWarrior
201 series skins...
21 storey flats prefab
Yaratıcı: 3division
Sample apartments with 21 storey. Good to save place in your city :-) For moders: Check source files to see how to add your new building Documentation will follow soon! (works with version and higher)...
22-этжное здание мкр. Строитель
Yaratıcı: Gorbachev
22 этажный жилой дом жилого комплекса "Строитель". Башня 3. Здание на 106 квартир (212 рабочих). Проект реализован компанией "Спецстрой России" в 2007 году. Проект создан через стандартный редактор зданий, при использовании текстур Prefab apartments elemen...
24 ft Iron Ore Jenny
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Iron ore cars, better known as simply ore jennies, are a specialized type of hopper car designed exclusively to haul heavy loads of iron ore. The ore jenny, sometimes referred to simply as an ore car, was born largely out of need to more effici...
24 storey tower
Yaratıcı: Dejfo94
24 storey simple residential apartment tower. Great for highrise cities and a must have for those who like to safe spaces like me :-) 384 workers can live here, Quality of flats 80...
26-storey STROITEL
Yaratıcı: Gorbachev
26 этажный жилой дом жилого комплекса "Строитель". Башня Сысоева. Здание на 300 квартир (600 рабочих). Проект реализован компанией "Спецстрой России" в 2005 году. Проект создан через стандартный редактор зданий, при использовании текстур Prefab apartments ...
2C-02-10 (1968)
Universal building of a comprehensive school with 32 classrooms (1280 1320 student places). Типовой проект 2С-02-10 Универсальное здание общеобразовательной школы на 32 классных помещения (1280 1320 ученических мест). Планировку «Самолетика» можно продемон...
Yaratıcı: pascha.frolow1990
A fictional series of panel houses, of different storeys. They are built quickly and cheaply, spacious and warm rooms. Despite the speed of assembly, the quality of housing is 94%, the 17-storey building has 96% due to the larger square area of the apartme...
3 into 1 Conveyor Transfer
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
3 into 1 Conveyor Engine...
3 Old planes
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
There were 3 aircraft models. Douglas DC-3 passenger - cargo. 6 colors Junkers Ju 52 passenger. Messerschmitt Me.323 Cargo 2 colors. Termination of release for all in 1963. Currency USD....
3 Rail Long Combined Storage
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This will add a 3 Rail Full length Combined storage unit that includes- 8 / 9 or 10 Factory connections 2 / 3 or 4 Road connections 2 Vehicle stations 3 Rail lines Combined Cargo Capacity of 2500 tons ...
3 storey block of flats
Yaratıcı: Waldemar
3 storey brick block of flats housing 50 citizens, quality 60%. Years of construction: 1955-1965...
30s Constructivist Apartment
Yaratıcı: Comrade Joe
This mod proposes another 1930s residential building, this time a step higher quality than the previous mod. It's modeled after a real life building in Kharkov, barely recognizable today, after post-soviet 'renovation'. Houses 64 adults at 80pc, and is sel...
31 storey Red Road Flat
Yaratıcı: Sepis
Replica one of Red Road Flats buildings Fits 507 workers....
3Division HQ
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Enter the captivating world of 3Division Entertainment, the beloved game development company that has made its mark on the industry. With a towering 62.5 meter 12-story office building serving as its headquarters, the company exudes a sense of ...
4 storey prefabricated block of flats
Yaratıcı: Waldemar
Prefabricated block of flats, 4 storey with a loft. Loosely inspired by Polish blocks from the 90s. Contains corner and gate variants. Quality of flats: 96%...
4 way switch high 2
Yaratıcı: ⑨汁糖
4 way eletric high output...
4 way switch low
Yaratıcı: ⑨汁糖
4 way eletric low input...
4 Way Train Pumping Stations
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This will add 2 Train Pumping Stations with Inputs and Outputs on both sides. Includes/ Original size and Full Train length size. Road position has been moved and another two connections added on the full size station. Both road connections are a pass thro...
4-axle soviet flatcar
Yaratıcı: ZIMA
4-х-осная платформа для перевозки техники и других грузов. Доступна с 1935 года. Авторы: Old, Alex, Ural_102 Конвертирование: ZIMA 4-axle flatcar for transportation of vehicle and other goods. Available from 1935. Created by Old, Alex, Ural_102 Converted b...
40ft ISO Freezer Containers
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Pack of 40ft ISO containers for meat. Item stats: 7 skins; Capacity: 26.74 t; Main mesh: 5036 tris; LOD1: 832 tris; LOD2: 16 tris; Features: Detailed main mesh, but comes with LODs so containers will not affect your preformance; It's a very nic...
40ft ISO Shipping Containers
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Pack of 40ft ISO containers for general cargo. Item stats: 15 skins; Capacity: 26.74 t; Main mesh: 5036 tris; LOD1: 832 tris; LOD2: 16 tris; Features: Detailed main mesh, but comes with LODs so containers will not affect your preformance; 2 fic...
5 Lenin Monuments
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of small Lenin mosaics...
5 more skins for billboards
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
5 more skins for billboards in Armenian and Russian....
5 Story Panel House 1
Yaratıcı: Cepelinas Grietinius
Prefab panel apartment building. Houses 60-90 workers. Based on apartment buildings in Lithuania built in the 80's...
50s style airport
Yaratıcı: Raysione
This mod contains an airport building made in the 1950s style, as well as a distpecher tower. CHARACTERISTIC capacity of 500 people 20 tons of fuel THE AIRPORT IS COMBINED WITH THE DISTRESS TOWER, BUT FOR IT TO WORK YOU NEED TO PLACE AN ASPHALT SITE NEXT T...
515 серия
Yaratıcı: glebas
5 этажные дома 515 серии 5-storey house 515 series...
6 Unfinished prefab buildings - Part 1
Yaratıcı: Knudsen
The party does not talk about it, but not everywhere the ecomony goes well... 6 unfinished prefab buildings for decorative purposes. You will find the assets in the monument tab. I look forward to your opinion and your suggestions for improvement. More to ...
70s brick stores / libraries
Yaratıcı: Shotkey
This mod includes two common extensions to houses of the series 1-528KP-40 and one detached department store, assembled on the basis of a large extension project. Small shops were sometimes attached to houses of the classical design in Leningrad. Large - t...
8 and 5 storey flats prefab
Yaratıcı: 3division
Two flats prefab buildings 8 storey and 5 storey. For moders: Check source files to see how to place more buildings in the one workshop item. Documentation will follow soon! (works with version and higher)...
8 skins for 1-528KP-40
Yaratıcı: Shotkey
Almost all buildings of this series were built of gray bricks. Some of these buildings have a pink tint. In later periods, the load-bearing walls of buildings were made of red brick. During the quarterly development of some cities outside Leningrad, gray t...
8-rail high-votage rail electric connection
Yaratıcı: 他敬爱的琛爸
高压铁路连接(八车道) 8-rail high-votage rail electric connection ...
80s-90s Izhevsk brick buildings pack
Yaratıcı: Comrade Joe
This pack offers a small collection of buildings that were built in Izhevsk in the 80s and 90s. They were selected based on their main building material (brick) and their common general aesthetic. There are both residential and service/utility buildings. F...
9 floor prefab
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
Typical prefab series from Yerevan, Armenia. These buildings are located in the south-west part of Yerevan. People call them Cheburashka buildings because of balconies layout. Capacity - 72 Quality - 78% --- Типичные панельки на юго-западе Еревана, которые...
9 Story Panel House 2
Yaratıcı: Cepelinas Grietinius
Prefab panel apartment building. Houses 150 workers. Based on apartment buildings in Lithuania built in the 80's...
91 серия
Yaratıcı: glebas
10 этажные дома 91 серии 10-storey houses 91 series...
A set of water intake wells
Yaratıcı: pascha.frolow1990
Links to other mods related to water and sewage: Water treatment plant Set of underground utilities (well) part 1 Set of und...
A Norwegian soviet republic (Sørfjord soviet republic)
Yaratıcı: Siriza
A Norwegian styled map. The actual map is called Sørfjord soviet republic, do you have what it takes to develop this sparsly populated map with poor infrastructure to a nice soviet republic to live in? This map contains sparse settlments which gives a chal...
Abandoned Republic
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
1984 year. The USSR is actively exploring the territories of the deserted Far North. An unprecedented combination of various resources was discovered in one region - coal, iron, uranium, oil! The country's leadership immediately decided to deploy productio...
Academy of sciences
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
Science Academy of Armenia. Works as a university (technical). Employs 72 workers and 72 more professors. Accepts 72 students....
Acaristan Police
Yaratıcı: CelsiuZ Currently this pack includes two variants of each "Acaristan Police" branded vehicles. This mod was inspired by the game "Contraband Police". This upload currently contains: - 1x AVI Light Blue - 1x AVI Dark Blue - 1x B1...
Adolph Bergs Vei Skins
Yaratıcı: Brammered
Additional skins for the Adolph Bergs Vei Social Housing. Pack contains Yellow, Red, Blue and white!...
Adolph Bergs Vei Social Housing
Yaratıcı: Brammered
What’s this?: Adolph Bergs Vei, also known as Chicago Blocks/Street, is a residential street in the city of Bergen, Norway. These Social Houses are well known within the city, and feature 4 storey duplex housing. Stats: Building is residential 92% quality ...
Advanced Coal & Iron Processing
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Two Processing Plants for coal and iron. This processing plant version is a more advanced version for the late game. It produces more coal and iron but uses extra chemicals and electricity for that. - max. 20 workers - produces max. 240t of coal/iron per d...
Advanced Grain Silo
Yaratıcı: PostreDeYogur
Grain Silo/Elevator based on a port building in my city. Holds about 700% more grain than the base one, as it has way more tanks. 2 Industrial connections, one at each side of the elevator itself...
Aggregate storages
Yaratıcı: robs074 Aggregate storages for 1000 t, 2000 t, 2500 t and 5000 t of goods. Składy materiałów sypkich dla 1000 t, 2000 t, 2500 t i 5000 t towarów....
Yaratıcı: mote454
Pack of 2 large Aggregate Storage of 7500 tons with and without rail. No truck bays, just 1 road for building it. ...
Aggregate storage 4k
Yaratıcı: Romanops
Aggregate storage for 4000T. Based on by l0ddar. Thanks to him who permit me to modfiy his version. One with 3 output connections, and one with 3 input connections. Update 28/01/2022 : I add...
Airbus A300 Chronicle (5 models of 3 blocks)
Yaratıcı: w101011 The Airbus A300 is developed in 1969 and made its first flight in 1972. It was a successful attempt of extensive cooperation in the...
Airport / Heliport
Yaratıcı: SerpPort
This mod aims to change, embellish and diversify your airports and heliports. In the game, of course, everything with this is excellent! I don’t even want to make another passenger terminal, it’s so good. But some points still need to be corrected. So far,...
Airport fire stations
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
Set of airport fire stations, based upon existing structures from the USSR/Russia and Czechoslovakia. - Airport fire station 1: 3 fire trucks, helicopter enabled (inspired by the Volgograd Airport fire station, and a mod for DCS World) - updated 27/05/21 n...
Airport Lighting
Yaratıcı: Rod.Zam
Airport Lighting English Tired of having your pilots getting lost while trying to land at you airport? Tired of your pilots not knowing if they are too high or low? Tired of runway incursions? Well, if that is you, then this...
Airport Pack
Yaratıcı: Benco54 Hello There! That's my Airport Pack, it icludes: 5 Towers 2 Hangars 2 Cargo Stations 1 Aircraft warning lights You will find the Aircraft Lights in the section "Monument" Enjoy!!...
Airport Spilve
Yaratıcı: Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains several buildings of Spilve airport (Latvia, Riga). This airport, like many others in the USSR, was built in 1954. He became the most famous and can rightfully be called a masterpiece of the Stalinist Empire style. I honestly h...
Yaratıcı: Wolf
Check out Oolykee Gaming's review and gameplay series on youtube: Review: Oolykee Gaming: Soviet Republic - Alaska - Map Mod Gameplay: Oolykee Gaming: Soviet Republic - Alaska Intro Hello Comrade, you have been appointed governor of this newly conquered re...
Albania (populated)
Yaratıcı: Can Can Sale
The People's Republic of Albania was an isolationist, one-party state which existed from 1946 until 1991. This map attempts to faithfully recreate Albania sometime around 1960 in roughly 1:17 scale using height map data. There is plenty of flat land along ...
AlG City Storage
Yaratıcı: AlGames
AlG City Storage...
AlG Helicopter Construction Office
Yaratıcı: AlGames
Helicopter Construction Office. Space for 14 vehicles and 3 helicopters....
AlG Oil Storage Pack
Yaratıcı: AlGames
Oil Storage Pack. Capacity: 5000 and 10000 tons...
AlG Open Storage 3K Plus
Yaratıcı: AlGames
Open Storage 3K+. Capacity: Open storage 3000 tons, electro components 50 tons and mechanic components 100 tons....
AlG Open Storage 4K.
Yaratıcı: AlGames
Open storage 4K. Capacity: 4000 tons...
AlG Parking Pack
Yaratıcı: AlGames
AlG Parking Pack. Car parks with 10, 20, 30 and 32(optimized traffic) spaces....
AlG Switch Pack
Yaratıcı: AlGames
AlG Switch Pack....
AlG Universal Storage
Yaratıcı: AlGames
AlG Universal Storage Includes two versions - with and without rails...
Ali Pasha Mosque
Yaratıcı: equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Ali-pašina Džamija Sarajevo Džamiju je sagradio 1560/61. godine Hadim Ali-paša, budimski begler-beg, uz to je bio temišvarski i egipatski begler-beg, u vrijeme kada je upravljao Bosanskim sandžakom...
Alpine Hotel
Yaratıcı: Novu
A rugged Hotel for those seeking the great outdoors, it is made from primitive materials such as rough hewn logs and rubble stone. Lodging for 50 Tourists. Made with building editor. Added a residential version....
Altstadt Hochschulen
Yaratıcı: Friedrich Eugen
Hochschulen in der Altstadt...
Altstadt Holzheizkraftwerke
Yaratıcı: Friedrich Eugen
Drei Bauformen von Holzheizkraftwerken (mit Skins) ohne Anschlüsse für Rohre, nur für die unmittelbare Umgebung gedacht Holz etwas weniger Leistung und weniger Umweltverschutzung...
Altstadt Holzheizkraftwerke (Skins)
Yaratıcı: Friedrich Eugen
Verschiedene Farbschemen für Altstadt-Kraftwerke...
Altstadt Holzkraftwerke
Yaratıcı: Friedrich Eugen
Drei Bauformen von Holzkraftwerken (mit Skins) ohne Anschlüsse für Rohre, nur für die unmittelbare Umgebung gedacht Holz etwas weniger Leistung und weniger Umweltverschutzung...
Altstadt Holzkraftwerke (Skins)
Yaratıcı: Friedrich Eugen
Verschiedene Farbschemen für Altstadt-Kraftwerke...
Altstadt Kindergarten
Yaratıcı: Friedrich Eugen
Altstadt Kohleheizkraftwerke
Yaratıcı: Friedrich Eugen
Drei Bauformen von Kohleheizkraftwerken (mit Skins) ohne Anschlüsse für Rohre, nur für die unmittelbare Umgebung gedacht Kohle etwas mehr Leistung aber auch Umweltverschmutzung...
Altstadt Kohleheizkraftwerke (Skins)
Yaratıcı: Friedrich Eugen
Verschiedene Farbschemen für Altstadt-Kraftwerke...
Altstadt Kohlekraftwerke
Yaratıcı: Friedrich Eugen
Drei Bauformen von Kohlekraftwerken (mit Skins) ohne Anschlüsse für Rohre, nur für die unmittelbare Umgebung gedacht Kohle etwas mehr Leistung aber auch Umweltverschmutzung...
Altstadt Kohlekraftwerke (Skins)
Yaratıcı: Friedrich Eugen
Verschiedene Farbschemen für Altstadt-Kraftwerke...
Yaratıcı: Friedrich Eugen
Kleine Betriebe in der Altstadt eine Fleischerei, eine Bäckerei und eine Brauerei Dazu zwei kleine Lager, ein Kühlhaus für die Fleischerei und ein Bierkeller für die Brauerei, beide mit Fabrikverbindern zu nutzen, dazu eine Weberei und eine Schneiderei...
Yaratıcı: Friedrich Eugen
3 kleine Hotels mit Fußweg, die nur automatisch versorgt werden können. 2 Hotels mit Straße, die selbst versorgt werden können. Alle mit Beschriftung und Sound...
Yaratıcı: Friedrich Eugen
Hier drei alternative Schulen für die Altstadt. Sie haben alle etwas Attraktivität, da es historische Schulen mit berühmten, ehemaligen Schülern sind. Die 2 größeren Schulen: $WORKERS_NEEDED 25 $PROFESORS_NEEDED 20 $CITIZEN_ABLE_SERVE 15 die kleinere Schul...
Alyosha Monument
Yaratıcı: Brammered
NOW UPDATED WITH LOYALTY STATS What’s this?: Alyosha is an 11-metre (36-foot) tall reinforced concrete statue of a Soviet soldier on Bunarjik Hill in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The statue tops a 6-metre (20-foot) pedestal lined with granite. The memorial commemora...
American 30's City Pack
Yaratıcı: Ternet18
American 30's City Pack Will grow as time progresses As of now the pack features a modest variety of lower income tenements with style matching shops, together with a different cup of tea being a Party HQ downtown skyscraper. The pack is highly inspired by...
American 50s Diner
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information American 50s diner in art deco style. Inspired by real life designs + sims (which is, well, still was inspired by real life designs). Stats: 5t storage for food; 5t storage for meet; 5t storage for alcohol; 5 workers; 50 clients max. Workshop M...
American 50s Diner Skin Pack
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information 2 additional skins for American 50s Diner. Workshop My Workshop: Click Here Support the Creator
American LaFrance Firetruck Pack (1927-1959)
Yaratıcı: CrowdSceneExtra
American LaFrance was an American fire truck manufacturer that was formed from the merger of two smaller companies in 1903. American LaFrance built motorized fire engines from 1905 until 2014, when increased competition and financial troubles forced it to ...
American LaFrance Firetruck Pack (1960+)
Yaratıcı: CrowdSceneExtra
American LaFrance was an American fire truck manufacturer that was formed from the merger of two smaller fire engine companies in 1903. American LaFrance built motorized fire engines from 1905 until 2014, when increased competition and financial troubles f...
American Midwest House Pack
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Narrow houses from 1900s built in Minneapolis. Pack contains 3 houses, with quality of flats at 95% each and can host from 4 (small) to 8 (large) people. Original models were made by hamma085, I ported them to W&R:SR, added a bit depth to model...
American Midwest House Pack - Skin Pack
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Narrow houses from 1900s built in Minneapolis. Pack contains 3 houses, with quality of flats at 95% each and can host from 4 (small) to 8 (large) people. Original models were made by hamma085, I ported them to W&R:SR, added a bit depth to model...
American Prewar Houses
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information This pack contains 4 American prewar houses, based on real life projects from 1930s. Each of this houses have 80% living quality and can house up to 7 people. Also all of them provided with self heating in case you don't have centralized heatin...
American Prewar Houses Skin Pack
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information This pack contains 3 additional skins for each house from American Prewar Houses Pack Features: 3 additional skins for each of 4 buildings from base pack. P.s. this is my old models that I just decided to publish. Workshop My Workshop: Click He...
Ampir brick houses PACK
Yaratıcı: Benser
ПАК кирпичных сталинок начала 50-х с высокой детализацией по мотивам серии домов в Дарницком районе, г.Киев, Украина. Состоит из 3 домов: 1. Ampir brick house S - пятиэтажный дом на 100 жителей 3. Ampir brick house М - пятиэтажный дом на 220 жителей 4. Amp...
Ampir house
Yaratıcı: Benser
Жилой дом в стиле Cталинский ампир в городе Киев. Жители - 300 чел 17/10/2020 добавил зеркальный дом Residental house in Stalin ampir style,based in Kyiv Ukraine Residents 300 Update 23/08/2020, fix construction, heating 17/10/2020 added mirror house Други...
Ampir houses
Yaratıcı: Benser
Два новых жилых дома в стиле Cталинский ампир с Киева. Дома Башня Жители - 195 чел Жилой дом в стиле Дома со шпилем Жители - 155 чел Two new residential buildings in the Empire style from Kyiv, Ukraine. Tower House Residents - 195 people Residential buildi...
An-12 Soviet/Russian Air Force SKIN PACK
Yaratıcı: PETRMA
Antonov An-12 Soviet/Russian Air Force Skin Pack...
Ananuri Fortress
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
Available as a monument or as a church for up to 200 people. Ananuri Fortress is a castle complex on the Aragvi River in Georgia. Dating back to around the 12th century it was originally a hill fort and barrier to the enemy in the Vedzathevi gorge. Legend ...
Angled Parking
Yaratıcı: annamathys
Angled parking. If you like wasting free space, then this is your bliss. Has 8 spots available....
Animal farm
Yaratıcı: robs074 Animal farm based on a real building in Elizówka near Lublin, Poland. Employs 75 workers. Requires 30 t of crops and (strange as it may sound) produces...
Animal Farm V2
Yaratıcı: archiver213
The Animal Farm V2. x3 production, 1/3 consumption. x3 storage....
Animated Flagpole Pack
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Pack of 19 animated 23m tall flagpoles. Flags from 1 to 10 and from 11 to 19 can be scrolled thru with Q/E. All free to build and doesn't have collision, means that you can plop them anywhere. Can be found in Power Plant tab. Includes following...
Animal farms / Коровники
Yaratıcı: Benser
RU В продолжение сельской темы новый маленький пак с фермами. Состоит из: 1. Ферма 1 производит скот, так как коровы немного пасутся, нужно меньше зерна. 2. Ферма 2 по задумке производит меньше скота,но также производит молочную продукцию, то есть еду. 3. ...
Animated Flagpole Pack 2
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Pack of 19 animated 23m tall flagpoles. Flags from 1 to 10 and from 11 to 19 can be scrolled thru with Q/E. All free to build and doesn't have collision, means that you can plop them anywhere. Can be found in Power Plant tab. Includes following...
Animated Flagpole Pack 3
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Pack of 19 animated 23m tall flagpoles. Flags from 1 to 10 and from 11 to 19 can be scrolled thru with Q/E. All free to build and doesn't have collision, means that you can plop them anywhere. Can be found in Power Plant tab. Includes following...
Antonov An-124
Yaratıcı: w101011
The Antonov An-124 Ruslan (Ан-124 Руслан) is a strategic transport aircraft developed in the era of Soviet Union. It was once the largest aircraft in the world. (And now it is again... maybe... =_=) *** Thanks to @RusGameTactics my friend who add and optim...
Antonov AN-148
Yaratıcı: oleksii.kapustin
RU: Ан-148 — среднемагистральный узкофюзеляжный пассажирский самолёт. Двухмоторный турбореактивный самолёт, построенный по аэродинамической схеме свободнонесущего высокоплана с крылом умеренной стреловидности и однокилевым Т-образным оперением. Пассажировм...
Antonov AN-22
Yaratıcı: oleksii.kapustin
RU: Ан-22 «Антей» (по кодификации НАТО: Сосk—«Петух») — советский тяжёлый турбовинтовой транспортный самолёт, самый большой в мире турбовинтовой самолёт. Оснащён четырьмя турбовинтовыми двигателями НК-12МА с воздушными винтами АВ-90. Мощность каждого двига...
Antonov AN-24
Yaratıcı: oleksii.kapustin
RU: Ан-24 (по кодификации НАТО: Coke — «Кокс») — турбовинтовой пассажирский самолёт для линий малой и средней протяжённости. Оснащён двумя турбовинтовыми двигателями АИ-24 с воздушным винтом изменяемого шага. Самолёт выпускался с 1959 по 1979 год, произвед...
Antonov An-72 (STOL)
Yaratıcı: w101011
The Antonov An-72 is a STOL (short takeoff and landing) transport aircraft developed in the era of Soviet Union. It can take off and land on sand, grass, or other unpaved surfaces. The An-72 and its variants are widely used in civilian or military purposes...
AP 5 (53213)
Yaratıcı: vinnikandry
Apostel Paulus Kirche
Yaratıcı: Quieklebendig
Hi all! This mod is based on Apostel Paulus Church in Berlin, Germany -- a brick gothic church, which was finished in 1894. The in-game version will provide spiritual services for up to 960 citizens at a time. Enjoy! Content Background This asset was model...
Arasaka Tower
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information The Arasaka Tower in Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan is the headquarters for the Arasaka Corporation. Originally founded by Sasai Arasaka in the early 1900s. The tower is also known as the Boys In Black. Dark, tinted glass and black steel beams. The only...
Arctic Cathedral
Yaratıcı: Fiend
The Arctic Cathedral is the popular English name of Tromsdalen Church, the parish church of Tromso in Norway. It was designed in 1965 by architect Jan Inge Hovig. It serves 600 people....
Arctic Hotel (Azimut Hotel Murmansk)
Yaratıcı: Billman007 Description Greetings, I present to you the Arctic Hotel. This is an 18-storey building (hotel and business center) located in the center of Murmansk, the city's calling card and the tallest building beyond the polar circle....
Armenian corner stalinka
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
Corner stalinka based on a real building in Yerevan, Armenia. Accommodates 208 workers with 97 percent living quality. Has small pool inside. --- Угловая сталинка на основе реального здания в Ереване, Армения. Вмещает 208 рабочих, имеет качество жилья 97%....
Arctic series 111-84
Yaratıcı: Comrade Joe
Series 111-84 is a very common panel building type, built all over the USSR. This mod focuses in particular or the specific design and aesthetic that was designed for pionneer industrial cities of the Arctic circle, in particular Norilsk and Dudinka. Six c...
Armenian Genocide memorial complex - CHURCH AND MONUMENT
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
Armenian Genocide Memorial complex based on real building in Yerevan, Armenia. It is Armenia's official memorial dedicated to the 1.5m victims of the Armenian Genocide killed in year 1915 by Ottoman Empire authorities in Turkey. Memorial is built in 1967 o...
Armenian medieval church
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
OPTIMIZED TEXTURES SIZE! --------- Armenian medieval church, famous tourist destination. Works as a museum. Employs 4 workers, accepts up to 120 visitors. Built in 12-13th centuries, the church was destroyed partially several times by earthquakes and final...
Armenian main cathedral
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
Mother Cathedral based on real building in Echmiadzin, Armenia. Can accept up to 600 visitors. The church itself was built in 4-5th centuries and serves until today. It is listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site and remains the main cathedral of Armenia since...
Armenian pagan temple
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
SIZE DECREASED MORE THAN HALF! ---------- Armenian pagan temple in village Garni, near Yerevan. Works as a museum. Employs 7 workers and can accept more than 200 visitors. The temple built in 1st century, collapsed after earthquake in 17th century and rest...
Yaratıcı: kosthar4uk
Представляю вашему вниманию Российский асфальтоукладчик АСФ-К-2-07, сделанный компанией ООО НПО...
Asphalt factory with 100t output storage
Yaratıcı: mikhail
Asphalt plant with a much larger (100t vs 0.5t) output buffer (output storage). ***********!!!!*********** Updated to support Heliports / helicopter pads, and all the other connections the unmodded asphalt factory has! Now perfectly up-to-date and compatib...
Asphalt filling
Yaratıcı: Shotkey
Filling with asphalt is carried out in two stages: marking the perimeter with special sections (angular and straight) and filling the inner area. Features Overlap roads, merges with the blind area of buildings Never overgrown with grass Never casts a shado...
Asphalt Mixer
Yaratıcı: Novu
Mix Asphalt in small batches, it is cheap but slow. Uses a small amount of fuel to heat the tar. Perfect for small paving operations. Employs 6 workers. Added a 2nd version that does not require asphalt to initially construct....
Asphalt plant
Yaratıcı: robs074 Asphalt plant based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 5 workers. Requires 60 t of gravel, 10 t of bitumen and produces 70 t of asphalt per day when fully staffed. Wytwórnia asfaltu wzorowana na prawdziwym bud...
Asphalt Plant V2
Yaratıcı: archiver213
Asphalt Plant V2 - Increased Production. Original 3dArt: 3Division Workers: 15 Storage: 10T...
Assorted parking (dirt, gravel, etc.)
Yaratıcı: Comrade Sky
This is a pack of alternative parking lots: dirt, gravel, cobblestone, and prefab hexagons. This pack includes 12 lots: - 6x dirt, gravel, cobblestone, and prafab parking lots - 16x dirt, gravel, cobblestone, and prafab parking lots - 30x gravel, cobblesto...
Astoria restaurant
Yaratıcı: robs074 Restaurant/cafe based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Available in two versions: as a restaurant (sells food and meat) and as a pub (sells alcoho...
Athletic Club
Yaratıcı: Novu
An athletic club and weight room for viliages and towns. Employs 6 workers and can serve about 50 customers....
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Collection of factories and mines for the nuclear industry. (Some buildings have animation. When the developer fixes the animation script, I will add it to the mod)...
Audi 100 (C3)
Yaratıcı: Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Audi 100 — название семейства легковых автомобилей бизнес-класса, производившихся в ФРГ компанией Audi с 1968 по 1994 годы. Все поколения модели имели определённую техническую преемственность между собой и сохраняли заложенные с самого появления модели баз...
Astoria restaurant - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my Astoria restaurant. Includes three colour variants as seen in the preview and further variants without the neon signs for each of them....
AUDI 80 Coupe GT
Yaratıcı: Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►HELLO/AHOJ◄ AUDI 80 COUPE GT -10 colours -LOD included from 100m distance -4000 tri...
Auto Mechanic
Yaratıcı: Novu
Essentially a tiny car factory. Just a few guys working out of the back of an auto parts store can put together a couple cars per month. Compatible with mixed use mod. Employs 12 workers and 3 engineers. Located under "production line" in the mods menu....
Auto Refinery
Yaratıcı: 他敬爱的琛爸
Auto oil refinery without the input of oil,just put it on oil region and it will automatically produce bitumen and fuel,and the production efficiency was greatly enhanced and it was depended on the quality of the material region. For balance,the electric c...
Auto Woodcutter
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
Wood cutting post fully auto with only workers needed. Includes 4 loading stations, 2 factory connections 2 pedestrian connections. ...
Automatic bread factory
Yaratıcı: MTandi
Automatic bread factory inspired by the Mechanized Bakery #9 in Moscow. Built in 1933 and was capable of producing 190 tons of bread per day (it's only 40 tons in-game). Very expensive to build (needs a lot of mechanical and electric components), but has a...
Automobile troops of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. Part 1
Yaratıcı: Salty
The mod includes samples of automotive, construction, and special equipment that were in service with the Soviet Army. Thank you to everyone who points out the shortcomings and flaws in the mod's work. Together, we will make the mod even better. Peace to a...
Autocar Type U
Yaratıcı: CrowdSceneExtra
The Autocar Type Us were a series of cab-over straight trucks and semi trucks built by the Autocar Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania between 1935 and 1952. This mod includes both straight truck and semi trucks, as well as some special variants, to allow ...
Autosan BusPack
Yaratıcı: neigabZkezoJ
-==- Pack include: Autosan H9-03. Its been produced in SFA AUTOSAN between 1973 and 1980. It has 101kW (135hp) engine, and capacity of 48 passengers. Autosan H9-35, city version of H9 family. Its been produced in SFA AUTOSAN between 1975 and 1997. It has 1...
Avia A21 Ambulance
Yaratıcı: Kacperos
Max speed: 95km/h Available: 1983-1997 This is my reskin of firetruck A21 from base game. Colors: White and Yellow...
Aviastroitelei_6 stalinka
Yaratıcı: Niss Tagm
Сталинский угловой дом, расположенный в городе Новосибирске по адресу улица Авиастроителей 6. P.S. Пешеходные соединения во дворе есть, но не функциональны, ждём патч от разработчиков на коллизию....
B-337, C17A, L-188.
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
3 aircraft 1 - Passenger Boeing 377 Stratocruiser 1949 -1963 6 colors 2 - Passenger Lockheed L-188 Electra 1957 - 1962 6 colors 3 - Freight Boeing C-17A 1991 - 2015 2 colors...
B1000 'Volkspolizei'
Yaratıcı: California2913
A Barkas B1000 of the German People's Police. The B1000 was used by the People's Police ('Volkspolizei') as accident response vehicle ,as crime scene investigation unit, as prisoner transport and as ambulance of the riot police. This is a recreation of the...
B1000 Ambulance Versions
Adds real color variants for the fire department ambulance and the Schnelle Medizinische Hilfe. See also my SMH 3 - Mod: (Adds the vehicle type B1000 SMH3 to the game!)...
General Cargo Ship Collection
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
this collection of General Cargo Ships includes: C4-S-64a capacity: 13500t speed: 19kn available from 1964 to 2003 for $ Vogel Framo capacity: 2734t speed: 12kn available from 1961 to 1990 for ₽ Tanager type capacity: 1640t speed: 12kn available from 1975 ...
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information The Evolution Series is a line of diesel locomotives built by GE Transportation Systems (now owned by Wabtec), initially designed to meet the U.S. EPA's Tier 2 locomotive emissions standards that took effect in 2005. The first pre-production un...
GDR "realistic"
Yaratıcı: Michael
The GDR was founded on October 7, 1949. According to Russian sources, more than 3,000 factories in the Soviet occupation zone were dismantled as reparations and brought to the Soviet Union. This made it impossible for the GDR to keep up with the developmen...
Yaratıcı: Admiral_Mar_Denzis
ГАЗель NEXT — семейство российских малотоннажных автомобилей, серийный выпуск которых начался на Горьковском автомобильном заводе с 9 апреля 2013 года. Новая модель (заводкой индекс A21RXX) отличается от предыдущей новой кабиной поколения NEXT c эргономичн...
GAZelle 2217 Luxe
Yaratıcı: Lex713
GAZelle is a Russian small-tonnage vehicle that has no analogues in the game Hard Truck 2. The only car presented in 2 classes - trucks and cars. According to the model index, it can be assumed that the prototype of the car is the GAZ-2217 "Sobol Barguzin ...
Gazelle 1st gen van & minibus
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
1st generation "Gazelle" van and minibus * GAZ-2705 panel van Capacity: 1350 kg Max speed: 115 km/h Power: 74 kw * GAZ-322132 minibus Capacity: 12 passengers Max speed: 115 km/h Power: 74 kw Both available 1996-2003 Skins included GAZ-2705 / GAZ-322132 - w...
Yaratıcı: olDen
Gaz 51 SPEED 70 CAPACITY 2.5 AVAILABLE 1946 1975 5 colors the model is adapted by Inknown...
Yaratıcı: gachimuchiman
ГАЗ-ММ - советский грузовой автомобиль, являющийся модернизированной версией ГАЗ-АА. Производился на Горьковском автозаводе с 1938 по 1947 и с 1947 по 1950 на Ульяновском автозаводе. В игре представлен в двух версиях: бортовой и с тентом. Характеристики в ...
Yaratıcı: gachimuchiman
ГАЗ-М72 - советский полноприводный легковой автомобиль на базе ГАЗ-М20 "Победа". Производился на Горьковском автозаводе с 1955 по 1958 год. Характеристики в игре: Макс. скорость - 110 км/ч Макс. мощность - 40.5 кВт Масса - 2.04 тонн Рассчитан на 6 пассажир...
Yaratıcı: gachimuchiman
ГАЗ-М1 - советский легковой автомобиль, производился на Горьковском автозаводе с 1936 по 1941 гг. Так же на его базе с 1938 по 1941 выпускался пикап ГАЗ-415. Характеристики в игре: Макс. скорость - 105 км/ч Макс. мощность - 36.8 кВт Масса - 1.37 тонн Рассч...
Yaratıcı: gachimuchiman
ГАЗ-АА - советский грузовой автомобиль грузоподъемностью 1,5 тонн. Производился на Горьковском Автозаводе с 1932 по 1938 год, когда после серьезных изменений стала производиться модификация ГАЗ-ММ. Так же, с 1934 года был начат серийный выпуск грузового ав...
Yaratıcı: gachimuchiman
ГАЗ-А - советский легковой автомобиль, выпускался на Горьковском автозаводе с 1932 по 1936 гг. Небольшой партией на его шасси был выпущен санитарный автомобиль. ГАЗ-4 - пикап на базе ГАЗ-А. Производился на Горьковском автозаводе с 1933 по 1937. В кузове по...
Yaratıcı: _Sabro_
GAZ-69 is a four-wheel drive offroad vehicle, produced by GAZ and UAZ between 1953 and 1972. GAZ-69 bus - 6 passengers, 90kph GAZ-69 personal car - 90kph GAZ-69 police car - 90kph GAZ-69M personal car - 100kph -= Google Translate =- ГАЗ-69 - полноприводный...
Yaratıcı: gachimuchiman
Представляю вам ГАЗ-63 - полноприводный грузовик, производившийся на Горьковском автозаводе с 1948 по 1968 год. В игре доступен с 1950 по 1958 и представлен в двух вариантах: бортовой и с тентом. ГАЗ на его базе выпускал следующие модификации: ГАЗ-63П - се...
Yaratıcı: olDen
Gaz-51pu SPEED 70 WEIGHT 3.2 AVAILABLE 1946 1975 the model is created by Inknown...
Yaratıcı: KsenoN
ГАЗ-51 — советский грузовой автомобиль грузоподъёмностью 2,5 т; наиболее массовая грузовая модель 1950—1970-х годов. В моде присутствует 8 вариантов этого грузовика, от рифрижератора до грузовика с цистерной. Автор моделей: ural102. Основные характеристики...
Yaratıcı: KsenoN
ГАЗ-3102 «Волга» («ноль вторая») — советский и российский автомобиль среднего класса, выпускавшийся с 22 декабря 1981 г. Горьковским автомобильным заводом. Однако, по целому ряду политических причин, вместо массового производства данный автомобиль выпускал...
Gaz-24 Volga skin pack
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
Set of simple repaints for the Gaz-24 Volga. Detailed content: - Gaz-24 black - Gaz-24 blue - Gaz-24 red - Gaz-24 white - Gaz-24 gray - Gaz-24 yellow - Gaz-24 cream - Gaz-24 taxi The original release was my first attempt at making skins for W&RSR (and also...
Yaratıcı: gachimuchiman
ГАЗ-11-73 - советский легковой автомобиль, производился на Горьковском автозаводе с 1940 по 1946. Является модернизированной версией ГАЗ-М1. Так же, на базе 11-73 производился с 1941 по 1945 и полноприводный его вариант - ГАЗ-61-73 Характеристики в игре: М...
Yaratıcı: gachimuchiman
ГАЗ-03-30 - советский автобус на шасси ГАЗ-АА. Производился на Горьковском автозаводе с 1933 по 1950 год с перерывом в военное время. Также, с 1936 года по 1945 на шасси ГАЗ-ААА выпускался штабной автобус ГАЗ-05-193. С 1938 по 1945 на шасси ГАЗ-ММ выпускал...
GAZ 69
Yaratıcı: KsenoN
ГАЗ-69 — советский автомобиль повышенной проходимости. Основные характеристики: Максимальная скорость - 90 км/ч Мощность - 38 кВТ Пассажировместимость - 4 чел. Года - 1952 1972 GAZ-69 - Soviet off-road vehicle. Main characteristics: Maximum speed - 90 km /...
Yaratıcı: frostsey
Gas station with connection
(En) A gas station with piping, for four cars, in the Soviet style....
Gas Station Pack (Hardau Style)
Yaratıcı: Benco54
This is my gas station pack with the famous hardau style, it contains 14 different gas stations. The textures were taken over by the developer. I hope you can customize your game perfectly so that not every gas station looks the same. Please check our disc...
Gas Station Pack
Yaratıcı: Benco54
This is my gas station pack, it contains 14 different gas stations. The textures were taken over by the developer. I hope you can customize your game perfectly so that not every gas station looks the same. Please check our discord server: https://discord.g...
Gas (fuel) power plant
Yaratıcı: Comrade Sky
This is an advanced NG/PG power plant that burns the lightest and cleanest fossil fuels in the motherland (and on the planet), but it is expensive to build and requires engineers to maintain the advanced equipment that prevents the release of most toxic po...
Garbage freighter (Waste Ship)
Yaratıcı: OneBear
A ship similar to the Hopper Ship, but with capacity for Garbage/Waste. 1120 tons capacity of waste. Here's also a larger garbage freighter: The ultimate solution for connecting to your carg...
Garages - skins (part 2)
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for vanilla garages. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Garages - skins (part 1)
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for vanilla garages. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Garages ('50)
Yaratıcı: Jutland
Contains three complexes of garages (for 3, 6 and 9 vehicles) in Nowolipie neighbourhood style. Updated - changed size of garages to more accurate for game scale. ...
Yaratıcı: BORO
Гаражи для личного транспорта. На 8, 16 и 32 машины. Тип здания – стоянка Garages for personal vehicles. On 8, 16 and 32 cars. Type of building - parking Дорога транзитная. При большом трафике машин, могут появиться пробки на дороге. The road is transit. W...
FSO/FSM Syrena 105
Yaratıcı: Elektrofumigator
A car with two-stroke engine, produced in multiple variants in FSO plant near Warsaw (1957-1972) and then in FSM Plant in Bielsko-Biała (1972-1983). Outside appearance did not change that much during production period. In game: Car can carry up to 4 passen...
FSO Warszawa Ghia (1959 Prototype)
Yaratıcı: Kalmoire
FSO Warszawa Ghia (1959) In 1959, The Passanger Car Factory in Warsaw, Poland, aimed to update their aging FSO Warszawa M-20, itself a licensed copy of the Soviet GAZ M-20 Pobeda, a design which's technicals and aesthetics originated from the time of The S...
FSO Polonez Truck Pack
Yaratıcı: neigabZkezoJ
-==- FSO Polonez - produced in Poland from 1978 to 2002. Licensed version of an Italian prototype meant to be the successor to the Fiat 132 - which was rejected shortly after beginning of work. Now it's avaiable in hard-working versions! Introducing FSO Po...
FSC Żuk - 7 Colors [Open]
Yaratıcı: ALIEN
Description : Pack of 7 colors for Polish FSC Żuk A07 (open version) Currently available skins : - Blue - Ocean green - White - Olive green - Cherry red - Yellow - Sand * Feel free to comment, and if you subscribe remember to rate this mod, thank you :)...
FSC Żuk - 7 Colors [Microbus]
Yaratıcı: ALIEN
Description : Pack of 7 colors for Polish FSC Żuk A07 (microbus version) Currently available skins : - Blue - Ocean green - White - Olive green - Cherry red - Yellow - Sand * Feel free to comment, and if you subscribe remember to rate this mod, thank you :...
FSC Żuk - 7 Colors [Covered]
Yaratıcı: ALIEN
Description : Pack of 7 colors for Polish FSC Żuk A07 (covered version) Currently available skins : - Blue - Ocean green - White - Olive green - Cherry red - Yellow - Sand * Feel free to comment, and if you subscribe remember to rate this mod, thank you :)...
FS/Daewoo Lublin
Yaratıcı: kndrju
FS/Daewoo Lublin – samochód osobowo-dostawczy klasy średniej produkowany w latach 1993-2007 i 2011-2013. Waluta: Dolary Dostępność: 1993-2013 V-max: 126km/h Warianty: Osobowe: Mikrobus (5 kolorów) Samochód osobowy (5 kolorów) Towarowe: Samochód dostawczy (...
Yaratıcı: frostsey
Taiga. My first landscape...
Frostsey's Stalinist Services
Yaratıcı: Ternet18
This pack contains several variations of the same model. -City hall (side road access) -City hall (front road access) -Hospital -Medical University Created by Frostsey: Model from his m...
Frostsey's Stalinist Apartments Corner
Yaratıcı: Ternet18
City corner apartment block built in Stalinist style. Its an updated version of Frostsey's original building, with some quality of life improvements and balance. Party HQ University variant here:
Frostsey's Stalinist Apartments
Yaratıcı: Ternet18
City apartment block built in Stalinist style. Its an updated version of Frostsey's original building, with some quality of life improvements and balance. Includes 2 variants: -House -Student Hostel Created by Frostsey:
Frostsey's Restaurant
Yaratıcı: Ternet18
Frostsey's Bar and Restaurant. Its an updated version of Frostsey's original building, with some quality of life improvements and balance. Created by Frostsey: Model from his mod: https...
Fronder cliff фрондержский утес
Yaratıcı: matvey.zi
красивая реалистичная карта...
From Russia with Love - export.
Yaratıcı: Salty
The mod allows your republic to establish the production and export of automotive, construction, and special equipment from the modification packages: "Military Construction Detachments of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR" and "Automobile Troops of the ...
Friendship House
Yaratıcı: Benser
Дом «Дружба» — 14-этажное кирпичное жилое здание, построенное в 1954 году. Представляет собой одно из главнейших сооружений Киева. Архитектура дома выдержана в стиле сталинских высоток. Жители - 250 чел House "Friendship" is a 14-storey brick residential b...
Freightliner Argosy: Reefer
Yaratıcı: Lex713
The Freightliner Argosy is a model line of cabover trucks produced by the American truck manufacturer Freightliner. Introduced in 1999 as the replacement for the FLB cabover, the Argosy is a Class 8 truck, currently in its second generation. Production: 19...
Fox County [Warning: Read Description]
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Please Read: Important Note Due to one of relatively recent changes in the game code, the following issues may occur if you change video settings while running the game or randomly after performing actions with landscaping (both normal game and landscape e...
Fossoil - Company Pack
Yaratıcı: CelsiuZ Updated: Thursday, January 5th, 2023 Currently this pack includes two liquid fuel / oil / bitumen hauling trucks. As I have more time to mod some more I will likely increase the size of this pack to include a few more tr...
Forklifts Crossings
Yaratıcı: Crawfish
Set includes crossings: factory_to_factory factory_to_rail factory_to_road factory_to_tram factory_to_trolley Build roads last and everything will be fine, this rule always worked in this game. You can support me on link
Forklift Road Crossing
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
You can now cross the road with your forklift connections, allowing for much better planning. Vehicle clipping will occur, this I can't change. Rail crossing available here -
Forklift Pedestrian Crossing
Yaratıcı: Myricaulus
These Forklift Pedestrian Crossings allow to build pedestrian paths over it as there was no forklift street. Only a tiny part can be crossed due to collisions with the infrastructures. Tool for vizually editing Building.ini file of mods: https://wrsr-build...
Forklift Garage
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
Forklift garage for 8 vehicles and a separate parking space for fuel deliveries. At the moment the garage menu only displays 4 vehicles, although 8 work fine without any issues. I have contacted the dev's and they are going to get it fixed soon....
Forklift garage
Yaratıcı: Crawfish
Set includes forklift garage for x4/x8/x16 vehicles and a separate parking space for fuel delivery Total capacity and resources required for construction are precisely calculated according to the models. You can support me on link
Forest Green Golf & Country Club
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Pack of 3 themed buildings, nearly identical copy of Forest Green Golf & Country Club from Need For Speed: Most Wanted (2005). Comes with Country Club building (serve as attraction - sight), Country Club sign (monument) and fully animated(!) pe...
Ford Taurus
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information The Ford Taurus is an automobile that was manufactured by the Ford Motor Company in the United States from the 1986 to 2019 model years. Introduced in late 1985 for the 1986 model year, six generations were produced over 34 years; a brief hiatu...
FORD Mainline (1952)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Not a bad car for the mid 50s. Model 1952 - 1954 introduced. Two body options: sedan and unvirsal. 20 coloring options. There is also an outpatient version and a police one. Years of issue 1952 - 1962 Currency USD...
Ford LTD Crown Victoria Police Unit
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Ford LTD Crown Victoria 1985 Police Interceptor - Full-size RWD car that was manufactured and marketed by Ford Motor Company from 1980 to 1991 Feautures: 6 skins: -County Sheriff; -Highway Patrol; -State Trooper; -Patrol Unit; -Unmarked Unit (W...
Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information The Ford Crown Victoria ("Crown Vic") is a full-size sedan that was marketed and manufactured by Ford. The successor to the Ford LTD Crown Victoria, two generations of the model line were produced from the 1992 to 2012 model years. The Ford cou...
FORD Coupe 1940
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
1940 - 1962 15 Color USD...
Football Stadiums
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
A medium sized football stadium in a choice of 4 colour options. 30 staff - up to 600 visitors. If you would like to help support my work, you can make a donation here -
Food factory (50s)
Yaratıcı: robs074 Food factory from the 50s based on a real building in Świdnik, Poland. Employs 130 workers. Requires 32 t of crops and produces 15 t of food per day when fully staffed. Zakłady spożywcze z lat 50. wzorowane na prawdziwym...
Food factory
Yaratıcı: robs074 Food factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 90 workers. Requires 22 tons of crops and produces 10 tons of food per day when fully ...
Fluid Container Un/Loading Facility
Yaratıcı: Henning
Loading and Unloading Facility for Fluid containers....
Fluid Container 20ft and 40ft
Yaratıcı: Henning
Fluid Container 20' Weight: 3.24T Capacity: 19.5T Fluid Container 40' Weight: 5.5T Capacity: 29.2T...
Flower beds - skins (part 2)
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my flower beds. Includes six colour variants as seen in the preview....
Flower beds - skins (part 1)
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my flower beds. Includes six colour variants as seen in the preview....
Flower beds
Yaratıcı: robs074 Decorative flower beds in five different variants. Collision disabled. They may look strange in the winter, I can't give them custom winter textures. Dekoracje kwiatowe w pięciu różnych wariantach. Kolizje wyłączone. Mog...
Flats 9&13 st
Yaratıcı: painkillerlexar
9 & 13 floor Flats Qual 97 workers 9 st- 120 13st- 160 13st 2t- 288 13st 3t- 400 9 - 13 st living Builds 5 variations...
Flat map with big river (blank)
Yaratıcı: JonahF2014
A flat map with some small mountains, many resources and most importantly a huge river with a lot of Islands. Instpration/ base river map from some random river in greenland, didn't save the coords so I'm not sure but I think it might be this one: https://...
Yaratıcı: Nyxyx
Six flag options: -Small Flying -Small Still -Med Flying -Med Still -Large Flying -Large Still Each individiual version can be retextured by simply changing the in the mod folder. Find it under: Program Files(x86)/Steam/steamapps/workshop/cont...
Flag of Sweden
Yaratıcı: milidh
Swedish Flags 3 flag options: -Small Flying -Med Flying -Large Flying Updated flag name, Influence and building costs Original Model By Nyxyx - *My Mod's*
Flag of Norway
Yaratıcı: milidh
3 flag options: -Small Flying -Med Flying -Large Flying Original Model By Nyxyx - *My Mod's*
Flag of Finland
Yaratıcı: milidh
Finnish Flags 3 flag options: -Small Flying -Med Flying -Large Flying Updated flag name, Influence and building costs Original Model By Nyxyx - *My Mod's*
Fixed playgrounds
Yaratıcı: MTandi
The game has an issue with buildings that have only 1 worker. This issue makes citizens complain about sports even when you have playgrounds everywhere. Issue reason: New workers won't come until the previous worker leaves, which means that the building wi...
Fixed fields
Yaratıcı: MTandi
This mod adds copies of vanilla fields with a few fixes: 1. The road connections are exactly in the middle of the field side 2. The field is shown as a box, instead of a plane during the construction, so you can tell where the fences will be placed 3. The ...
Fishing vehicle Pack
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
a collection of fishing vessels that is designed to work with the fishing mod from ryan the skinny, so all ships work as cattle transporter. This Collection includes: MRS-80 capacity: 9.8t speed: 8kn available from 1954-1981 for ₽ Atlantik Supertrawler Pro...
Fish Farm
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
Fish Farm. Produces a small amount of meat in return for supplies of grain (to feed the fish) and wood (fuel for the smoker). Must be partially placed over the water (the side with the blue dots). Pre-levelling is definitely recommended as they can be a qu...
Firewood and Coal markets for Early Start
Yaratıcı: Russian Drunk Fox
Продавец дров и угля. 3 магазина дров. 2 мини угольные базы. Дешевая альтернатива теплоцентралям. Малый расход топлива, малое количество рабочих, малый объем обслуживаемых зданий (всего 5м3). Дешевые в строительстве. Коллизии отключены. Если вам нравятся м...
Fire station 4-16-21
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
Model project 4-16-21 was a typical Soviet fire station built between the '50s to the mid '60s. It comes in two variants, one with a plaster facade and a brick one (updated). This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has b...
Fire station - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my fire station. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Fire station - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my fire station. Includes four colour variants as seen in the preview....
Fire station - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my fire station. Includes seven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Fire station
Yaratıcı: robs074 Fire station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 5 fire engines. Remiza strażacka wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublin...
Fire station
Yaratıcı: robs074 Fire station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 5 fire engines. Remiza strażacka wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublin...
Fire station
Yaratıcı: robs074 Fire station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 4 fire engines. Remiza strażacka wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublin...
Fire station
Yaratıcı: robs074 Fire station based on a real building in Wrocław, Poland. Can be equipped with 6 fire engines. Remiza strażacka wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku we Wroc...
Finnish residential garages
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
Personal garages. Contains 2x, 4x and 8x versions....
Finnish garbage shed
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
Finnish garbage shed. Can hold 0.6t of waste....
Finnish Garbage Collection Silos
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
1x underground silo (6.5t) 5x underground silo (32.5t) ...
Finnish 90's brick rowhouse
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
Finnish 90's brick rowhouse, housing quality 96%. Single unit: 4 residents 4X unit: 16 residents 8X unit: 32 residents ...
Finnish 70s Tenement Kit
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
A Collection of Finnish 70's tenements. Housing quality: 88...
Finnish 70's tenement skins 3
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
Skins for Finnish tenements...
Finnish 70's tenement skins 2
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
Skins for Finnish tenements...
Finnish 70's tenement skins
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
Skins for Finnish tenements...
Fiat 2472 Green skin
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
Green Repaint for the Fiat 2472 Trolleybus by Viberti as originally used in Milan....
Fence PO-2/Забор ПО-2
Widespread in the USSR concrete fence PO-2. Fence sections fit well together. If you decide to fence off any building with this fence, then from the beginning put a fence, and only then connect the building to the road. The fence does not interfere with th...
Fences and arches
Yaratıcı: Raysione
This mod contains a pack of fences and arches: Yard fence 1, 3, 8 sections + arch to it. Park fence 1, 3, 8 sections + arch to it. With the help of my mod, you can perfectly decorate courtyards and parks with these lovely 1950s style fences. P.S (arches an...
Fence gate and a turnstile
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
A small and simple vehicle gate and turnstile...
Fence End Point
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
Just a pole and path connection to end fences...
FedEx Distribution office
Yaratıcı: Fuller
FedEx distribution company Parking spaces-21 included: small/medium/big vehicles ...
Federal RSI Gradient
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
As an independent enterprise, the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute "Gradient" ("VNII "Gradient") conducts its chronology since December 30, 1974. It was on this day that an order was issued by the Ministry of Radio Industry in pursuance of the Dec...
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
Set of Finnish farms and houses - Small farm (3 vehicles) - Medium farm (9 vehicles) - Large farm (20 vehicles) - 60's brick house - Old farmhouse - Large old farmhouse ...
Farm v2
Yaratıcı: r63Slam
24 working vehicles. x2.5 storage. Added fuel in storage Added fertilizer in storage...
Farm Fuel Tank
Yaratıcı: Doristela
Fuel oil reserve for refueling your Kolkhoz vehicles. 3 tanks of 8 m3 = 20t of fuel. Functions as a service station, must be refueled. Should be placed on a flatened ground....
Farm - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my farm. Inbcludes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Yaratıcı: robs074 Farm loosely based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 32 vehicles. Kołchoz luźno wzorowany na prawdziwych budynkach w Lublinie. Może być wyposażony w 32 pojazdy....
Fantasy GDR East Germany
Yaratıcı: Slask
Eine nicht originalgetreue Fantasie-Karte der DDR. A not true to the original fantasy map of East Germany (GDR)...
Fance panel PO-2
Yaratıcı: BORO
Железобетонная панель ограды. Забор можно строит в любом месте. Построенные здания и дороги мешать не будут. Reinforced concrete fence panel The fence can be built anywhere. The constructed buildings and roads will not interfere. Модель точно повторяет раз...
Factory Admin Building
Yaratıcı: Vikom
Inspired by a real life administrative building for a heating facility in Brno, Maloměřice. Built between 1971 and 1975. Works as a small technical university: 25 workers, 10 professors, 50 students. The price is quite low, good for small towns. For some r...
Fairchild C-123 Provider
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Army transporter Years of issue 1955 - 1970 11 Colors Currency USD....
Fabric factory
Yaratıcı: robs074 Fabric factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 115 workers. Requires 23 t of crops and 0.57 t of chemicals and produces 5.8 t of fa...
Fabric factory
Yaratıcı: robs074 Fabric factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 115 workers. Requires 23 t of crops and 0.57 t of chemicals and produces 5.8 t of fa...
Extreme Farming
Yaratıcı: Novu
New breakthrough farming technology allows for the cultivation of hillsides and urban areas. Is your map 90 percent mountains and rocks? No problem. This is the mod for you. Added mountain farm cooperative. Added Steel Silo...
Extra-Long Vehicle Depot
Yaratıcı: Fiend
My original long vehicle depot was meant to be this, but the game didn't support more than 8 parking spaces. Now that the game has been updated, I can release this one. Space for 16 vehicles. Update: Added a distribution office version. Also changed the fe...
Extra-Long Technical Office (Fiend's mod remake)
Yaratıcı: Igifigi07
It's a remake of Fiend's Extra-Long Vehicle Depot (and distribution office) for technical office. Original mod:
Extra Large Rail Storage Yard
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Pack of 4 extra large rail distribution offices, allowing you to have trains up to 2km long. All buildings have collissions disabled. Rail Yard (L) Maximum train length: 550 m. Construction requirements: Workdays: 392; Prefab Panels: 84 t; Stee...
Extra Large Grain Elevator
Yaratıcı: Pyro
An even larger grain elevator built from prefab panels. It stores 48,000 tons of grain. Check out my smaller grain elevator here https://steamcommunity...
Extra Barbed Wire Fence
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Another version of my barbed wire fence, this time with extra barbed wire coil going in the middle. 6m high, suitable for any kind of building worth protecting in your humbble, peaceful rebuplic. Comes in a set of 1, 3 and 10 pieces for easy placement. Ďal...
Extentable parking lot and road dead ends
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
- 32 slot extentable parking lot - Road dead-end (parking) - Road dead-end (pedestrian pass-by) - Street dead-end (parking) - Street dead-end (pedestrian pass-by) ...
Express Courier Company Pack
Yaratıcı: CelsiuZ Currently this pack includes two "Express Courier" branded trucks based on a fictional company inspired by Midland Transport in Canada. As I have more time to mod some more I will likely increase the size of this pack to...
Exportable Yak38
Yaratıcı: Sulphart
The Yakovlev Yak-38 was the Soviet Naval Aviation's only operational VTOL strike fighter aircraft in addition to being its first operational carrier-based fixed-wing aircraft. It was developed specifically for, and served almost exclusively on, the Kiev-cl...
Expo Centre Brno - Pavilion Z
Yaratıcı: Vikom
So, you want something really impressive to attract tourists? No half measures? Build your own expo centre to host notorious expositions! Now you can build your own dome with a 120m diameter and height over 50m. Employs 200 workers, who can serve to more t...
Yaratıcı: Chestir
Мод с экскаваторами: Французский POCLAIN 115P Максимальная скорость 24 км/ч Заменяет 28 работников Доступен 1974-1982 Японский KATO HD-1500GYS Максимальная скорость 3 км/ч Заменяет 40 работников Доступен 1978-1987 Добавлен: Советский ЭО-2621 Максимальная с...
Estuary - Porto Alegre
Yaratıcı: Elessar_warrior
Map with 5 rivers and a big estuary, ideal for ships and helicopters. Resources localized to encourage a more spread out gameplay. There are lots of flat land. Southeastern portion is mountanous and full of resources. Middle has some marshes. This is based...
Europe (Blank, No Borders)
Yaratıcı: JonahF2014
South Western Europe Without Cities or Borders Resources etc. are as close as possible to real life. Sadly East and West are flipped, but I can't do anything about that...
ERF 2POS SBR80 No.2 - School
Yaratıcı: Brammered
Model and Texture by the wonderful MeisterMonis. Converted for Workers & Resources by me. What’s this?: A typical East German school from the early eighties, the peak of East German standardized schools which combines all previous knowledge from its predec...
Eraz 762 covered
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
OPTIMIZED THE TEXTURES! Now the mod size is 38% of it's previous size. --- Eraz 762 covered hull (Armenian SSR) Capacity 1t Available 1967-1996...
Eraz 762 - passenger van
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
OPTIMIZED THE TEXTURES! Now the mod has 67% smaller size. Eraz 762 (Armenian SSR) Available 1967-1996 Capacity - 11 Max speed - 80 This is the most famous Armenian vehicle. It still can be seen in streets of Armenian and other post-soviet cities and villag...
Eraz 3730
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
MODEL BY GACHIMUCHIMAN --- Eraz 3730 - Armenian passenger van. Despite the blueprints and some units were made in 70-80s, the production started in 1994 and lasted till 2001, after which the ERAZ plant went ...
Engineering Regiment of USSR
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
A set of buildings of the engineering troops of the USSR. The buildings were created based on the prototype of the buildings in Military Unit №22205 (13th fortified district), disbanded in 2008. Engineering troops are special troops designed to perform the...
EMD SD45-2
Yaratıcı: Lex713
  Information The EMD SD45-2 is a 6-axle road switcher diesel-electric locomotive built by General Motors Electro-Motive Division (EMD). EMD built 136 locomotives between 1972–1974, primarily for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway (ATSF). The SD45-2...
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Была модель Американского локомотива и грузового вагона середины 50х Локомотив 1953 -1967 6 Цветов. Валюта USD Крытый вагон грузовой 1953 1986 3 цвета Валюта USD ----------------------------------- There was a model of an American locomotive and a freight ...
Elektro razvetvitel eletric_switch
Yaratıcı: paster88
Электро разветвитель низковольтый eletric switch работает как тройник...
Elementary School 2 ('50)
Yaratıcı: Jutland
Building from Warsaw, built in 1955, can educate up to 312 students Also has a separate gym ...
Electronics assembly hall
Yaratıcı: robs074 Electronics assembly hall based on a real building in Lublinie, Poland. Employs 200 workers. Requires 3 t of plastics, 2 t of electrical components and...
Electronic component factory
Yaratıcı: robs074 Electronic component factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 200 workers. Requires 2 t of plastics, 2 t of steel and 1.6 t of chemi...
Electronic component factory
Yaratıcı: robs074 Electronic component factory based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Employs 70 workers. Requires 0.7 t of plastics, 0.7 t of steel and 0.56 t of chemicals and produces 1.8 t of electronic components per day when ful...
Electrical Organizers
Yaratıcı: Nyxyx
A set of equipment for more organized electrical grids. The combs are especially useful for powerplants. Edit: So it turns out the game has some dumb restriction where buildings cannot route more than a total of 19MW through them. I don't know why the deve...
Electrical Heating Plant
Yaratıcı: Henning
Electrical Heating Plant Small: 5 Workers 2.35 MW 100M² Hot Water Electrical Heating Plant: 5 Workers 7.1 MW 300M² Hot Water...
Electrical grids update
Yaratıcı: Shotkey
This item presents the global update of all previous mods with switchgears and substations. !!! Vanilla power lines 6MW and 14MW have wrong wire numbering, so they connects incorrectly. We are waiting for a fix from 3division. Also, mirrored buildings will...
Electric Substations
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
Small electric substations, with pedestrian connection. Urban and rural types....
Electric substation
Yaratıcı: robs074 Electric substation based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Includes two versions: with a path connection and with a road connection. Podstacja elek...
EJ 460 by 4smiler
Yaratıcı: 4smiler
Electric multiple unit 460 is designed for operation on tracks with 3 kV DC traction supply system. Two electric units coupled together with 2 or 3 passanger wagons were typical for intercity transportation in ČSR (Czechoslovak Socialist Republic). They we...
Efficient Electric Heating Plant
Yaratıcı: Matyniov
The game makes it clear: Small heating plant heats 210m^3 of water with 42 GJ of energy per day. This comes out to be just around 0.5 MW of constant power for 24h, and as we all know, converting electricity to heat is always 100% efficient! So i say, hey, ...
Yaratıcı: Tugan
ЖД строительный кран ED300. С немного увеличенной вместительностью, скоростью работы и скоростью движения Railway construction ED300 crane. With slightly increased capacity, working speed and travel speed 1961-1994 80km/h ВНИМАНИЕ !!! МОД РАБОТАЕТ НА ВЕРСИ...
Ecopartment series 4-6 Skins
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
this is a collection of skins for the ecoparment series 4-6 buildings for more content from me visit my workshop...
Ecopartment Series 3-6
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
This is a collection of the Ecopartment Series 3-6 Buildings. This more advanced ecopartment Buildings come with integrated solar Heating and Heatpumps, they dont need district heating. For more info check the pictures. for more content from me visit my wo...
Ecopartment Series 3 skins
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
this is a collection of skins for the ecoparment series 3 buildings for more content from me visit my workshop...
EC2-S-C1 Freighter
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
The EC2-S-C1 Freighter also known as Liberty ship is a ww2 mass produced cargoship that has been used in merchant fleets all over the world postwar Capacity: 10856t speed: 11kn available for $ for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Yaratıcı: Eb_TheKillerBunny
Electric heating stations. Big: 2.334WW 60GJ 300m3 Small: 0.778 20GJ 100m3 There is also this mod ( which does the exact same thing however I disagree with the balancing. Values have been de...
Early Start Pack - Farm and Construction
Yaratıcı: argent
A pack of early start vehicles. They are based on vanilla vehicles. They are intended to function until I am able to improve the mods and allow use without delay of earlier start farm and construction equipment in-game (avoiding 'fix' workarounds). I am in...
Early start Mack AC Megapack
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
As always, huge thanks goes to ryantheskinny for comissioning me to make this awesome, lovely early start pack! We are happy to release what was 2 months work in progress, a huge pack of 19 uniquely styled vehicles for all your early start needs. This pack...
Early soviet trams Kh and KM classes
Yaratıcı: ZIMA
Kh tramcar Kh (Russian: X) was the class of double axled high-floor tramcars, which were built in Soviet Union in interbellum period. First vehicles were built in 1927 and delivered to Kharkov, Ukraine. First letter of city name, Cyrillic Х (usually transl...
Early Soviet residential building
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
Early Soviet residential building in Yerevan, Armenia. Houses 246 workers, provides 95 percent living quality. Has a small pool inside....
Early soviet EMUs
Yaratıcı: ZIMA
Baku–Surachany EMU This is the first electric multiple unit produced in the USSR. It was intended for Baku–Sabuntschi–Surachany (Azerbaijan) and produced by Mytischtschinsjy Wagon Plant. This plant had no any experience in EMU, but have been one of the mai...
Early soviet dumpcars
Yaratıcı: ZIMA
Ранние советские вагоны-самосвалы Вагоны-самосвалы (думпкары) это грузовые вагоны, оборудованные устройством для механизированной разгрузки сыпучих грузов. Они предназначены для перевозки различных руд, вскрышных пород и полезных ископаемых по магистралям ...
Early Farming Pack (1920-1950)
Yaratıcı: CrowdSceneExtra
In the early 20th century, mechanized farming enabled more food to be grown with less manual labour, allowing more labour to be used towards other pursuits. This pack contains a selection of tractors and combines that will allow your nation to engage in me...
Early 2000's apartment tower
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
Large finnish late 90's to early 2000's apartment tower. Houses over 350 residents with quality of 97....
DZ 143
Yaratıcı: vinnikandry
Dvojičky by 4smiler
Yaratıcı: 4smiler
Twins are types of locomotives in a two-part design, which were designed to transport heavy trains in harsh terrain. This pack contains 3 models of these locomotives and 5 skins. An older type of twin type 125.8 is a broad-gauge locomotive, which was desig...
Dushanbe station
Yaratıcı: dassakuya
Dushanbe station,Tajikistan Note: This station is almost exactly the same as the real one, with only one platform and one track. ...
Dunkin' Donuts
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Small Dunkin' Donuts cafeteria. Can provide workplaces for 4 people and serve up to 16 people. Workshop My Workshop: Click Here Support the Creator and get access to exclusive high quality mods
Dubrov Office Tower
Yaratıcı: Benco54
The Dubrov Office Tower The dubrov office tower has a height of 166 meters, up to 210 people can work hard for the republic here....
Yaratıcı: vinnikandry
Dry bulk silos
Yaratıcı: robs074 Dry bulk silos loosely based on real buildings in Kraków, Poland. They store 2300 t and 1000 t of goods. Zbiorniki na materiały suche luźno wzorowane na prawdziwych budynkach w Krakowie. Mieszczą 2300 t i 1000 t towarów....
Dry Bulk Multi Connection Transfers
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This is a set of Multi connection Dry Bulk Transfers for Aluminium oxide and Cement. Always connect lower first if you wan't connection above as well. ...
Dry Bulk Mid Height Transfers
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This is a set of Dry Bulk Mid Height Transfers for Aluminium oxide and Cement. ...
Druzhba Fast Food Restaurant
Yaratıcı: doctormleczko
Comrades! Comecon proudly reveals its very own fast food joint to show those capitalists that we also can serve food in a lightning speed and for a good price! Mod includes 4 local franchises of Druzhba fast food: - Freundschaft - German Democratic Republi...
Drive Through Stations
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
Drive through bus stations which allow regular traffic to pass. Sending too many vehicles through these will still likely cause traffic jams as the buses will queue to enter the station platforms, this I can't do anything about....
Dresden Buspack 2
Yaratıcı: Kazi
A buspack with buses from Dresden It contains: MAN Lions City A20Ü -RVD Red -RVD Plusbus -VGM Meißen...
Dresden Buspack
Yaratıcı: Kazi
A buspack with buses from Dresden It contains: MAN Lions City A20Ü -RVSOE Standard -RVSOE Standard (with hubcaps) -RVSOE Plusbus Solaris Urbino 18 Gen II -DVB Standard -Taeter Tours Standard...
Dragons Teeth Fortification Decoration
Yaratıcı: Minister of Wolves
*This item has been updated with Loyalty and 0 Collision* Dragon's teeth (German: Drachenzähne) are square-pyramidal fortifications of reinforced concrete first used during the Second World War to impede the movement of tanks and mechanised infantry. The i...
Yaratıcı: PETRMA
UIC Y-Wagons Deutsche Reichsbahn (East Germany) 1st class wagon 2nd class wagon Dining car MITROPA Locomotive DR 230 here:
Yaratıcı: PETRMA
ČSD/ČD Class 372/DR Class 230 372.007-5 ČSD (Czechoslovak State Railways) 372.014-1 ČD (Czech Railways) 372.008-3 ČDC (Czech Railways CARGO) 230.002-8 DR (Deutsche Reichsbahn East Germany)...
Downtown Tourism
Yaratıcı: Novu
Touristy buildings designed for urban downtown areas. Includes Downtown Brick hotel and and Indoor hotel pool. More buildings to come later. Compatible with Mixed Use Urbanism shops. Added Outdoor Pool Added Garden Hotel Added road connections to Hotels...
Double-decker Container Wagon
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Another container wagon to my wagon callection, this time huge, double decker one. Extreme capacity of 92t due to the sheer size of it, costing you 45,300 big ones. For balance reasons, the overall weight of the wagon has been increased significantly. Avai...
Double-decker Car-carrier Wagon
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
A blue double-decker car-carrier wagon. Finally updated, so its possible to load vehicles onto upper deck! It is recommended to only load personal cars due to other vehicles clipping onto upper deck. Modrý vozeň na prepravu vozidiel. Konečne aktualizované,...
Double twin nuclear reactor power plant
Yaratıcı: Benco54
Hi, that is my NPP, some facts about it: - it has 4 reactors - total power: 15210 mwh per day - nuclear waste: 0.091 tons per day - Nuclear fuel consumption: 0.13 tons per day - pollution: 20.40 tons per year - maximum power consumption (day): 5.7 mwh - ma...
Double Lift Bridge
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Fictional double lift bridge, similar to bridges that you can see all across North America. Bridge itself is 225 (228 if we measure from pillars) m long, railroad connections sticks few meters further on both sides so you shouldn't have any pro...
Double decker container wagon v2
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Second version of my "Double decker container wagon". Now works with the in-game containers. Double-stacking ability is kept, so you can transport twice as many containers in one train! Enjoy making long and awesome-looking monsters going throughout your r...
Double Barbed Wire Fence
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
I am happy to present to you what is likely the last addition to my (concrete) fence collection. Its a fence with extra layer of barbed wire in fron of it for times, when you are oversupplied with iron or being invaded by bears. No pedestrian connection, c...
Dollar Tree
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Small Dollar Tree shop, can provide workplace for 15 people and server 150 people at max productivity. Has total 30t of storage for clothing and electronics. Workshop My Workshop: Click Here Also check my Patreon for exclusive items! Support th...
DOT-111/117 Tank Car
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information In rail transport, the U.S. DOT-111 tank car, also known as the TC-111 in Canada, is a type of unpressurized general service tank car in common use in North America. The first version of DOT-111 was introduced back in 1967, while newest version...
Dodge Palara - 1971
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Dodge Palara - 1971 Currency USD 20 Color 1971 - 1975...
Dodge Monaco (1974)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Dodge Monaco of the third generation. Favorite transport of American police. 1 - Civil version 2 - Police version 20 colors Years of issue 1974 - 1977 Currency USD....
Dodge Challanger 2017
Yaratıcı: Guldan
Dodge Challanger 2017 Pefsonal vehicle for your workers... Power = 527 KW Top Speed = 250 km/h Cost = 4200 USD Empty weight = 2000kg Available 2017 - 2020 If you want me to make car of your choise, contact me on steam !...
Doctors Office
Yaratıcı: Novu
A doctor's office and small clinic for old city towns. Employs 10 workers and 5 doctors. Includes covered garage for 1 ambulance. Customize your old city downtown with this and other mods coming soon. Residential
Dnipro river, Dnipropetrovsk oblast
Yaratıcı: milosmusic97
Dnieper river, Dnipropetrovsk oblast, Ukraine The Dnieper, also called Dnipro, is one of the major transboundary rivers of Europe, rising in the Valdai Hills near Smolensk, Russia, before flowing through Belarus and Ukraine to the Black Sea. Approximately ...
District Court Warszawa Śródmieście
Yaratıcı: Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains the building of the Warsaw-Sródmieście District Court. It was built in 1952 according to the design of Marek Leikam. The building is light and concise. BUILDING DESCRIPTION Courthouse 100 workers 60 workers with higher educatio...
Distribution offices - skins (part 1)
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my distribution services. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Distribution offices & techical services
Yaratıcı: Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains 6 buildings of car depots (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 32 parking spaces) and 3 buildings of technical services (4, 8, 12 parking spaces). Such buildings have no analogues, I came up with it myself :) The same buildings that act as const...
Distribution officer
Yaratıcı: pascha.frolow1990
Distribution office - designed for the distribution of goods to consumers. The set includes four buildings, for 4, 8, 16, 32 cars Small distribution office: Parking spaces-4 fuel-12 tons. Small distribution office: Parking spaces-8 fuel-25 tons. Average di...
Distribution offices
Yaratıcı: robs074 Distribution offices based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Includes three versions: for 4, 8 and 15 vehicles. Centra dystrybucyjne wzorowane na p...
Yaratıcı: robs074 Distillery based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 250 workers. Requires 75 t of crops and produces 15 t of alcohol per day when fully staf...
Dirt and gravel offices
Yaratıcı: Comrade Sky
Pack of dirt distribution and tech offices. This pack contains: Dirt (log) offices - P3 - 3 vehicle depot - D4 - 4 vehicle distribution office - T6 - 6 vehicle technical services - P6 - 6 vehicle depot - D6 - 6 vehicle distribution office - T10 - 10 vehicl...
Diesel locomotive Shch-El-1
Yaratıcı: ZIMA
Щ-эл-1 — опытный тепловоз сопоставимый по мощности с паровозом Щ, с ЭЛектрической передачей, 1 - номер проекта. Был построен в 1924 году на Балтийском заводе в единственном экземпляре. Первый советский тепловоз (построенный), является магистральным и имеет...
Diesel locomotive Oel7
Yaratıcı: ZIMA
Оэл7 — опытный маневровый тепловоз эквивалентен по мощности паровозу серии О, с ЭЛектрической передачей, 7 - номер проекта. Построен в 1930 году на Коломенском заводе в единственном экземпляре. Дизель: MAN (765 л.с.) Вес 85.6 т Нагрузка на ось 21.4 т Скоро...
Diesel locomotive Eel
Yaratıcı: ZIMA
Ээл — Первый серийный советский магистральный тепловоз, эквивалентен по мощности паровозу серии Э, с ЭЛектрической передачей. Выпускался с 1932 по 1941 гг. на Коломенском заводе. Всего было построено 46 тепловозов. Дизель: MAN (1150 л.с.) Вес 132 т Нагрузк...
Diesel locomotive BM20
Yaratıcı: ZIMA
ВМ20 ВМ20 первый советский двухсекционный тепловоз с электрической передачей. Был построен в 1934 году на Коломенском заводе и назван в честь Вячеслава Молотова. Всего было построено два локомотива, которые работали в паре. Характеристики одной секции: Диз...
Diesel locomotive BR 130 BR 132 BR 142 T679.2 ТЭ109
Yaratıcı: l0ddar
DR-BR 130,132,134 DB-BR 230,232,242 Die Diesellokomotiven der Baureihe 130, 132 und 142 wurden ab 1970 aus der Sowjetunion in die DDR importiert und bei der Deutschen Reichsbahn für den Personen- und Güterverkehr in Dienst gestellt. Zwischen 1970 und 1982 ...
Diesel generator
Yaratıcı: gonzaldd
Diesel electric generator, designed to power developing areas, areas without connection to the network or as an emergency supply to critical facilities, there are two versions, one with workers, more powerful and efficient, and other without workers, which...
DHC Dash 8
Yaratıcı: Nyxyx
Somehow your republic has gotten a hold of a Dash-8 from Dehavilland Canada. This one is reverse engineered based on the -400 series, but retains the tail configuration of the -300 series due to technical limitations. Availible from 1989 to 2000. -By Nyxyx...
Deutsche Reihsbahn MINI S-BAHN PACK
Yaratıcı: neigabZkezoJ
DR Mini S-BAHN pack by: J ó z e k Z b a g i e n-moddeling, bogeys, UV mapping. Sabro-texturing. Pack included: Baureihe ET 165-Little Electric Multiple Unit from the end of 20s (also have reversed version). Baureihe ET 166/ET 167-Little Electric Multiple U...
Deutsche Reichsbahn WAGON PACK
Yaratıcı: neigabZkezoJ
DR Wagon Pack by: neigabZkezóJ-Moddeling, UV mapping, texturiung. Big thanks for: Dr Inż. P. Kilanowski (kilanziom) from trainz (textures for wagons). enjoy!...
Derevo Druzhby Narodov
Located in the southern part of the hostel microdistrict...
(рус)________________ Депо железнодорожного транспорта, длинные поезда не поддерживает. (en)________________ Railway depot, long trains are not supported....
Department Stores 2-07-11/12
Yaratıcı: Raysione
This mod contains two typical department stores of series 2-07-11 (frontal) and 2-07-12 (corner) made exactly according to these 1952 projects (see screenshots). CHARACTERISTIC. 60 workers Minimum service 324 people Food storage 35 tons Such department sto...
Department Store Patrija
Yaratıcı: equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Robna kuća Patrija -Logo je odvojen i nalazi se pod spomenicima, u slučaju da je potrebno rotirati zgradu. Robna kuća Patrija izgrađena je 1979. godine i bila je jedan od simbola grada Prijedora. S...
Department store Merkury
Yaratıcı: robs074 Department store based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 50 workers and serves about 450 customers. Dom handlowy wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Częstochowie. Zatrudnia 50 pracowników i obsługuje około...
Department store Megasam - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my department store Megasam. Includes seven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Department store Megasam
Yaratıcı: robs074 Department store based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 35 workers and serves about 315 customers. Dom handlowy wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Częstochowie. Zatrudnia 35 pracowników i obsługuje około...
Department Store Centrum / CDT
Yaratıcı: Al.Nenninger
Department store Centrum based on the Warsaw department store CDT which was designed by Zbigniew Ihnatowicz and Jerzy Romańskiin in a modernistic style and built in the early 1950s. There are two versions included: The first one more closely resembles its ...
Denmark Flag
Yaratıcı: Minister of Wolves
*This item has been updated with Loyalty and 0 Collision* Dannebrog: The flag that fell from the sky In 1219, legend has it, the Danish flag fell from heaven during a battle in present-day Estonia, helping the Danish army to an unexpected victory. For more...
Denkmal_Frieden und Sozialismus
Yaratıcı: DerRobi66
Frieden und Sozialismus Kyrillische Schrift "НА СТРАЖЕ МИРА И СОЦАЛИЗМА" (NA STRAZHE MIRA I SOTSALIZMA) sinngemäß Frieden und Sozialismus schützen. Zwei Soldaten mit Gewehren in den Händen, vorderer Soldat aus der Sowjetunion in grüner Uniform mit Hutpin a...
Delicje cafe - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my Delicje cafe. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Delicje cafe
Yaratıcı: robs074 Small cafe/restaurant based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Available in two versions: as a restaurant (sells food and meat) and as a pub (s...
Deep Territory
Yaratıcı: Grimk
The supreme soviet has signed a de-escalation decree with the Nato leadership, which had until now prohibited colonization of this pristine territory through political means. It falls to you now to establish the government of this new autonomous region, ex...
Decorative Sidewalks\Декоративные тротуары
Yaratıcı: kgon
Декоративные асфальтные тротуары и площадки. Созданы для скрытия уродливых пешеходных дорожек вдоль автодорог. Включает 10 элементов - 5 асфальтных площадок, три прямых тротуара и два угловых. Вероятно сделаю варианты с двумя бордюрами. Также планируется н...
Decorative Brick Walls Pack
Yaratıcı: Quieklebendig
Hi comrades! A few of you already asked for it, so here they are. A pack of 10 brick wall segments, free from collision so you can place them wherever you want. Enjoy! What next Current WIP includes various water towers & infrastructure for the upcoming se...
Decor pack for squares (Part 1)
Yaratıcı: Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a Pack of decor for squares (paving areas, curbs, tree trunks). All buildings serve as monuments (no loyalty effect) and have no collision. This mod will help you create beautiful squares in your cities and is suitable for both...
Decor for the Palace of Culture and Science
Yaratıcı: Raysione
Greetings! Did you miss the decor for the Palace of Culture and Science? Me too, that's why I decided to make this mod. This is a small addition to my previous mod, in which I made the Palac...
Decor elements
(Рус) Элементы декора для оформления тротуаров и площадей. Установка в любом месте. Дорожка прокладываеться до или после декора. Замена асфальтных площадей под зданиями, тротуарной плиткой. Отдельное спасибо BORO, за помощь в создании мода. (En)Decor eleme...
Declasse Tornado
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Попалася модель из гта. Я её переделал под игру и затекстурировал. 20 цветов года выпуска 1959 - 1963 Валюта USD ---------------------- Currency USD 20 Color 1959 - 1963...
Yaratıcı: BORO
Дебаркадер Debarkader Речной вокзал --- River Station Кино - Театр --- Cinema - Theater Ресторан --- Restaurant Гостиница --- Hotel Ко всем зданиям может причаливать пассажирский водный транспорт. To all buildings can moor passenger water transport. 1 – Ре...
Yaratıcı: Koziu UwU
Part two of the DDR road sign package. This is the second piece of this package to add regulatory marks. There are 31 characters here!!! In this package is metal highway pole and 3 signs for this pole...
Yaratıcı: Koziu UwU
SECOND PART OF DDR ROAD SIGNS PACK BY KOZIU Part two of the DDR road sign package. This is the first piece of this package to add regulatory marks. There are 31 characters here, and more will appear soon ;3...
Yaratıcı: Koziu UwU
DDR ROAD SIGNS PACK BY KOZIU 39 WARNING SIGNS form DDR 1980-1990 INCLUDED: 39 signs (101,102,103,104,106,107,107 V,108,109,110,111,112,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,124,126) ALL SIGNS HAVE NO-CLIP!!! next parts will be soon :3...
DDR Police / DDR Polizei
Yaratıcı: CelsiuZ The various police forces of the DDR is something that I have been working on for a few weeks, I consider this pack mostly "feature complete", though I would potentially add other vehicles if asked / more interesting veh...
DDR Peoples Police / DDR Volkspolizei
Yaratıcı: CelsiuZ The various police forces of the DDR is something that I have been working on for a few weeks, I consider this pack mostly "feature complete", though I would potentially add other vehicles if asked / more interesting veh...
DDR Military Patrol / DDR Militärstreife
Yaratıcı: CelsiuZ The various police forces of the DDR is something that I have been working on for a few weeks, I consider this pack mostly "feature complete", though I would potentially add other vehicles if asked / more interesting veh...
Dairy Farm
Yaratıcı: Novu
A farm that uses cattle to make food instead of meat. Works well with cattle ranching mod. Employs 40 Get Your GOVERNMENT Cheese...
Daihatsu Midget MP-2
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Японский культовый трёхколёсный микро-грузовик. 3 - Пассажирские версии. 2 - Закрытый кузов. Выпускался 1959 1971. 15 Цветов Валюта USD -------------------------------- Japanese iconic three-wheeled micro-truck. 3 - Passenger. 2 - Covered. Produced in 1959...
daf XF 105
Yaratıcı: wild
Daf XF 105 2 грузовика крытый и самосвал грузоподъёмность 18 оба купить за USD более точную инфо поже щас занимаюсь другие полуприцепы делою будут добавлены сюда....
daf 2800 turbo
Yaratıcı: wild
DAF 2800 turbo inter cooling точный год не нашел сделал примерно год выпуска 1980 по 1986 если кто найдёт точные данные исправлю по мечу как разработчик грузоподъемность 14 тонн купить можно за USD тип груза сыпучий DAF 2800 turbo inter cooling did not fin...
Czechoslovakian Embassy Berlin (Police+Secret Police)
Yaratıcı: equinox.nova Czechoslovakian Embassy Berlin The builidng is implemented as a police station and a secret police station. Both versions have room for 9 vehicles The police station employs 20 staff and 35 officers The secret pol...
Czechoslovak State Railways class 363
Yaratıcı: PETRMA
Czechoslovak State Railways electric locomotive class 363 (363.144-7)...
Czechoslovak State Railways Class 263
Yaratıcı: PETRMA
Czechoslovak State Railways electric locomotive class 263...
Czech railway stations set
Yaratıcı: prosektom
================================= CEZECH RAILWAY STATIONS SET No.1 ================================= Set including 4 railway station platforms with: 1 - rail 2 - rails (with bus connection) 3 - rails (with bus connection) 5 - rails (with bus connection) an...
Yaratıcı: Ic-0n
Су-24МР (изделие Т-6МР) — советский тактический разведывательный самолёт. Предназначен для ведения комплексной всепогодной разведки днём или ночью на глубине до 400 км за линией боевого соприкосновения войск. Лётные испытания машины начались в сентябре 198...
Customs Posts
Yaratıcı: SerpPort
This mod is aimed primarily at the ability to play in Pathfinder mode, on island maps and maps without standard customs. It's no secret that in this mode you can't play without customs. You will not be able to buy resources, buy equipment and buy fuel. I t...
CTA 2000
Yaratıcı: Lex713
  Information The 2000-series was the first of five series of Chicago "L" cars known as the High-Performance Family. Delivered to the CTA in 1964, they were built as married-pair sets, like the PCC-based 6000-series cars before them. The 2000-series, along...
Csepel D-710 fire truck
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
The D-710 is a truck chassis produced from 1958 until 1975 by Csepel Auto in Hungary. Here are included a fire-truck and fire-ladder truck variants. * Csepel D-710 Fire Truck Max speed: 78 km/h Power: 108 kw Firefighting skill: 9 Availability: 1959-1975 * ...
Csepel D-705
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
Mogürt is finally open for business and ready to deliver Hungarian vehicles to your republics, starting with a classic. The D-705 bulldog-cab truck tractor has been produced from 1958 until 1975 by Csepel Auto, and is also known by the nickname "Kázmér". H...
CSD EM475.1
Yaratıcı: ondrahoracek
CZ Elektrická jednotka původní řady EM475.1, dnes označená 451, vyráběná ve vagonce Tatra Studénka od roku 1964. Z důvodu možnosti změny délky soupravy je k dispozici samostatně čelní, vložený a zadní vůz. Z výroby byly jednotky dodány jako čtyřvozové, v p...
CSD Blm/CD 010
Yaratıcı: ondrahoracek
CZ Přípojný vůz Btax780 známý spíše jako řada 010 nebo pod starším označením Blm a Baafx. Je určen pro provoz s motorovými vozy 810, ale běžně se vozy tohoto typu využívají i ve vlacích vedených lokomotivou. V letech 1973–1983 bylo ve Vagonce Studénce vyro...
Cruise Ship
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
A massive Finnish made 250m long cruise ship, capable of carrying 3200 passangers, with maximum speed of 21 knots. Available from 2004. Due her massive size, she cannot be bought from vanilla dockyards, nor use any vanilla ports. This dock mod works for ac...
Crime Revamp
Yaratıcı: Novu
Arrest the bourgeoisie and those who trade on the black market. Arrest the hoarders for they are the cause of our suffering. Arrest the counter revolutionaries and those who sabotage our republic. Capitalists are the enemy of the people and the enemies of ...
Crescent City Connection Recolors
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Skinpack with 3 additional recolors for Crescent City Connection bridge. Adds blue, red and green colors. Workshop Lex713 Workshop: Click Here Support new mods on these platforms A...
Crescent City Connection
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Functional railroad bridge, based on Crescent City Connection in New Orleans, Louisiana, US. Original bridge is road vehicle only but due to game limitations I was only able to make it as a railroad bridge. Bridge is 697 m long and can be found...
Yaratıcı: Frantic_Monkey
S class is the first large-scale production class of the Soviet electric multiple units. Sr3 (Russian: Ср3) is a DC 3 kV modification which was in production from 1952 to 1958. The total production run for the Sr3 numbered 351 complete trainsets, most of t...
Courthouse - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my courthouse. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Yaratıcı: robs074 Courthouse based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Employs 25 workers with basic education and 15 judges. Sąd wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Kielcach. Zatrudnia 25 pracowników z podstawowym wykształceniem i 15 sęd...
Yaratıcı: pascha.frolow1990
The fictional building of the "People's Court" (the court of first instance). Two buildings, for 8 and 24 courtrooms. O-PZSP-02 (P-PBJL-02) The public panel building is a two-storey judicial and legal building. Secretaries-16 Judges-8 O-PZSP-03 (P-PBJL-03)...
Court House
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Court House Building...
Country club series 093
Yaratıcı: Raysione
This mod contains a typical village club series 093 made exactly according to the 1954 project CHARACTERISTIC. 7 workers serves at least 200 people Works like a movie theater Such a small club in the Stalinist Empire style will perfectly fit into any of yo...
Council Estate Shops
Yaratıcı: Brammered
What’s this?: A low rise mixed use commercial and social housing block, this building is based on the central shopping units you can find in countless Council Estates throughout the United Kingdom. The ground floor features shopping units, with duplex flat...
Yaratıcı: frostsey
Corner Market Store
Yaratıcı: Novu
A medium sized department store built in the old syle. Employs 20 workers and has lots of storage on the upper floors. (Update June 2021) Remade the model for this building, fixed a lighting glitch, and added factory connections....
Corner Kindergarten
Yaratıcı: Novu
A four story kindergarten built in the old style. Employs 18 workers and can look after about 200 kids. Customize your old city downtown with this and other mods coming soon. Residential (or...
Cooperative school series
Yaratıcı: Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a cooperative school made according to project No. 52-07 (CITP No. 1071) CenterUnion. Approved on September 16, 1952. Such a small building can be conveniently located in a village or city to provide residents with a higher edu...
Cooling towers
Yaratıcı: Comrade Joe
This mod proposes a cooling tower alternative in the style of power plants found in various parts of the USSR, in industrial centers like Tolyatti, Samara, Novosibirsk, and Irkutsk, among many others. Typically smaller than the big concrete ones, these coo...
Cooling towers
Yaratıcı: robs074 Two cooling towers based on real objects in Lublin, Poland. I recommend using the concrete cooling tower for my power plant from the 50s and the other for the rest of my power plants. Dwie chłodnie kominowe wzorowane na ...
Cooling tower Temelín
Yaratıcı: DirrrtyDirk
Cooling tower of Temelín NPP. The cooling tower is in original scale: 155 meters high, 120 Meter bottom diameter, 77 meters diameter at the smallest area and 82 meters diameter atr the top. Only the bottom is a bit modified to fit in the game for connectio...
Cooling tower pack
Yaratıcı: Benco54
this is my cooling tower pack. I made this cooling tower myself, it is bigger than the vanilla tower. The connections are now side by side on 2 sides. There is a vehicle station so that the tower can catch fire. There is also a large skin package with vari...
Cooling Container Un/Loading Facility
Yaratıcı: Henning
Loading and Unloading Facility for Cooling containers....
Cooling Container 10ft, 20ft and 40ft
Yaratıcı: Henning
Cooling Container 10' Weight: 1.9T Capacity: 4.0T Cooling Container 20' Weight: 3.24T Capacity: 9.75T Cooling Container 40' Weight: 5.5T Capacity: 14.6T...
Conveyors high with road
Yaratıcı: Romanops
3 Types of conveyor : - 1 conveyor high straight with road. - 1 conveyor high with 3 input and 1 output. - 1 conveyor high with 3 input and 1 output : reverse. (see screenshots for more informations) Based on
Conveyor towers
Yaratıcı: MTandi
An alternative to the standard conveyor engine that makes your conveyor spaghetti better organized. Differences: - All conveyor attachments are elevated - Has 2 footpath connections that can be used instead of road connection after construction is complete...
Conveyor towers
Yaratıcı: pascha.frolow1990
Conveyor towers A set of conveyor towers for bulk cargo (gravel, coal and other ores), different heights, different number of entrances and exits. 1. Straight tower entrance and exit 6, 9, 12 meters, 2. Tower with entrance, exit and exit from the side of 6...
Conveyor Road & Rail Crossings
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
Easily connect up your conveyor belts over the top of roads and rails. 6 roadside towers with a combination of inputs and outputs and 10 crossings with 3 inputs and 3 outputs, all are symmetrical so can be placed either way round. Includes roadside towers ...
Conveyor Engine 2RC
Yaratıcı: Igi_PL
Default conveyor engine wiht one additional road connection and allowpass. The vehicles pass through the pillar, but I want to keep the building as unchanged as possible. UPDATE: 2021.07.25 Added option $WORKING_SFX buildingworking_gravelengine. ...
Containers 10ft, 20ft, 30ft, 40ft
Yaratıcı: Vilaxe This mod contains containers of 10ft, 20ft, 30ft, 40ft. (Containers for all types of products, except bulk cargo, as well as for "Covered" cargo). You can contact me in private messages with an offer to make a mod personally...
Container Wagon
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Train production in screenshot made by OffTheRails: Containers kindly provided by Nyxyx :). Brand new redesign of my container wagon with 7 different variations of skins. Ca...
Container Wagon
Yaratıcı: ryantheskinny
currently includes: #1 NAME: Wagon Model 1 open COST: $5000 (base cost) RESOURCE CAPACITY: 75 COUNTRY of ORIGIN:...
Container Wagon
Yaratıcı: Pyro
A futuristic platform for transporting standardised shipping containers. This is a railway wagon in my collection of USSR 2050 futuristic vehicles. It ...
Container Transfer with claw machine and rail
Yaratıcı: OneBear
This building incorporates features of the vanilla Railway Dump and a Transfer for garbage containers: Trains can be unloaded at a faster speed by the Claw machine while waste is being directly filled into big garbage containers. But loading of trains from...
Container Terminal
Yaratıcı: SerpPort
Container terminal is a transport infrastructure facility focused on working with containers. The main operations of a container terminal include transshipment of containers from one type of transport to another (or from one side to another) and temporary ...
Container Ship pack
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
Collection of Container ships and Multipurpose Heavy Lift Vessels. This Collection includes: Sietas Typ 178 capacity: 17850t/1082TEU speed: 19kn available from 2008 to 2030 for $ T2-SE-A1 (Ideal X style) capacity: 16300t/86TEU (Oil and Containers) speed: 1...
Container packing facility - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my container packing facility. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Container packing facility
Yaratıcı: robs074 Container packing facility based on a real building in Gdynia, Poland. Employs 60 workers. Also includes a version with a rail connection. Miejsce załadunku kontenerów wzorowane na prawdziwym budynku w Gdyni. Zatrudnia 6...
Container asset skin pack | Pt. 1
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Additional container skins to make container stacks look different! Models and skins are all property of 3Division, they were not made by me....
Construction Prop Pack: Vehicles
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information This prop pack includes total of 36 static construction related vehicles from vanilla game for all your decoration needs and it's only first pack of little construction series I'm gonna release for our great republics. Just like all my ploppabl...
Construction site assets
Yaratıcı: Knudsen
Construction site aces for decorative purposes. So far included are: 4 construction site scaffolds Pipes Barrel I will add more assets to this mod in the future. You will find the assets in the monument tab. A little tip, to place small assets like the bar...
Construction Prop Pack: Misc
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information This prop pack includes total of 17 static construction related props for all your decoration needs. Just like all my ploppable packs, "buildings" from this one can also be placed everywhere and can be found in monuments. What this pack include...
Construction offices pack
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
We cater for all sizes: this package conveniently includes the updated versions of all my construction offices. Main changes are updated models, lighting and texture mappings, plus other small fixes. UPDATED 02/08/2023 using new 3D Models from vanilla COs ...
Construction offices - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my construction services. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Construction offices & vehicle depots
Yaratıcı: Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains 6 buildings of construction offices (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 32 parking spaces) and 3 depot buildings for vehicles (4, 8, 12 parking spaces). Such buildings have no analogues, I came up with it myself :) The same buildings that act a...
Construction offices
Yaratıcı: robs074 Construction offices based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Includes three versions: for 10, 20 and 32 vehicles. Biura budowy wzorowane na prawdzi...
Construction office
Yaratıcı: pascha.frolow1990
A set of construction offices for 16, 24, 32 cars. Construction offices are simple, without capital buildings. Made in the form of a shift camp. Resources and electricity are not required for the construction. As practice shows, the radius is limited, so a...
Construction Office
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
A 12 slot Finnish rural construction office....
Construction Machinery Base
Yaratıcı: SerpPort
Hello everyone!!! I would like to present to you my next masterpiece. Hope everyone likes it. How many times have you wanted big construction companies? And construction offices that could be put somewhere well, very far away, and quite cheap. Or maybe you...
Construction Industry Building Collection
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
This is a collection of Industry Buildings for the Construction industry. Some production chains are different. The Storages are able to store open and covered goods at the same time, they dont appear in the bottom menu. The Cementplant uses Waste instead ...
Construction industry
Yaratıcı: l0ddar
input output lumberjack camps 30 worker 6,3t wood per worker sawmill 90 t wood 10 worker 70t boards Concrete mixing plant 54t gravel 12t cement 2 worker 70t concrete Asphalt plant 75t gravel 12t bitumen 2 worker 87t asphalt Cement Plant 7,5t coal 70t grave...
CONRAIL Truck Pack 1
Yaratıcı: CelsiuZ NOTE: These are only available on the "Testing Branch" of the game. Once the testing version becomes the main version or you change to play on the test branch, you can use these repaints. As the game is adding more and m...
Concrete Plant (Brickstone)
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Concrete plant made of brickstone and steel - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - place for 5 workers...
CONRAIL Train Car Pack 1
Yaratıcı: CelsiuZ NOTE: These are only available on the "Testing Branch" of the game. Once the testing version becomes the main version or you change to play on the test branch, you can use these repaints. As the game is adding more and m...
Concrete plant
Yaratıcı: robs074 Concrete plant based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 5 workers. Requires 45 t of gravel, 10 t of cement and 30 cubic metres of water and produces 60 t of concrete per day when fully staffed. Betoniarnia wzo...
Concrete filling
Yaratıcı: Shotkey
Filling with concrete is carried out in two stages: marking the perimeter with special sections (angular and straight) and filling the inner area. Features Overlap roads Never overgrown with grass Never casts a shadow Compatible with any terrain Can fit wi...
Concrete factory with 100t output storage
Yaratıcı: mikhail
Concrete plant with a much larger (100t vs 0.5t) output buffer (output storage). ***********!!!!*********** Updated to support Heliports / helicopter pads, and all the other connections the unmodded concrete factory has! Now perfectly up-to-date and compat...
Complex of Research Institutes
Yaratıcı: Vikom
A Complex of Research Institutes, which serves as a technical university. For 80 teachers, 80 workers and up to 450 students. Inspired by a building in Brno, which used to serve as the complex of research institutes. Since 1996 it serves as an IT faculty o...
Complete reworking of roads and markings
Yaratıcı: ЕХЕкутор
Translated with Google v 0.3 (pre-release) Changes: + brought back dirt and gravel roads, but with different textures. I came to the conclusion that this is still more appropriate. + replaced the texture of the airfield, maneuvering tracks made the same te...
Complete City State
Yaratıcı: bballjo
This is a city that was build by arjen. Its setup for 432,000 Citizens, and has a huge network of roads and rails, a huge beautiful city, and airport, and the most realistic Harbor that I've ever seen in this game. You will need a lot of the mods from the ...
Compact Heliport
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
UPDATE: Added road connections UPDATE: Added asphalt rooftop version and compact passenger station! I do not own any of these assets or textures, they have been used from vanilla game. Just a very quick mod I made. Contains no clip cargo heliport for const...
Compact diesel train station
Yaratıcı: Vanok [RUSMNB]
Diesel (gas) station with one track. Smaller then original, that helps with the lack of free space for construction. Has a piping connection and storage tank for 80 tons of fuel...
Compact conveyor towers set
Yaratıcı: Vanok [RUSMNB]
I bring to your attention a small set, which I personally lack in the game. This mod adds to the game 3 conveyor towers with cross format: 1in-3out, 3in-1out and 2in-2out. All of it don't have road connection, but it do have a pedestrian footpath. So it ca...
Compact Connection Extender
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This is a factory connection extender option with a compact middle junction. ...
Compact Cement Plant
Yaratıcı: Novu
A cement plant that takes up much less space. Employs 50 workers....
Community tech tree - 0.4.0
Yaratıcı: citizen
Community tech tree for Workers & Resources The Community Tech Tree replaces the default vanilla tech tree with one that is more expansive and comprehensive, and developed by the WRSR modding community. The tree allows modders and content creators to lock ...
Community Billboard Pack - Skins
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Let me introduce you my our community billboard pack! Made for community with community! Thanks to this people for participation: -janno288 -Sezghin 1.6 MPI 12v -Meme by Giorgio Armani -Pyro -Skit_Fox18 -Mihai2001 -Nibula -Husarz -Pieo If you w...
Community Billboard Pack - Base
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Let me introduce you my our community billboard pack! Made for community with community! Thanks to this people for participation: -janno288 -Sezghin 1.6 MPI 12v -Meme by Giorgio Armani -Pyro -Skit_Fox18 -Mihai2001 -Nibula -Husarz -Pieo If you w...
Communist Propaganda (Skins 2)
Yaratıcı: Raskolniko
Coleção com várias posters comunistas pra embelezamento. Os outdoors podem ser encontrados em monumentos. Contem: 8 posteres diferentes em 3 tamanhos. totalizando 15 outdoors Collection with various communist posters for beautification. Billboards can be f...
Communist Propaganda (Skins 1)
Yaratıcı: Raskolniko
Coleção com várias posters comunistas pra embelezamento. Os outdoors podem ser encontrados em monumentos. Contem: 8 posteres diferentes em 3 tamanhos. totalizando 15 outdoors Collection with various communist posters for beautification. Billboards can be f...
Communist Propaganda (Loyality)
Yaratıcı: Raskolniko
Coleção com várias posters comunistas pra embelezamento. Os outdoors podem ser encontrados em monumentos. Contem: 8 posteres diferentes em 3 tamanhos. totalizando 15 outdoors Collection with various communist posters for beautification. Billboards can be f...
Committe of the Communist Party of Montenegro
Yaratıcı: equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Zgrada Centralnog komiteta Saveza komunista Crne Gore Tu, na desnoj stani Morače, stoji od 13. jula 1979. godine. Njen autor je čuveni arhitetka iz Crne Gore – Radosav Zeković koji je u novembru 19...
Combined train and bus station
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
Combined train and bus station in Kirovakan, Armenia. The rails was constructed in year 1899. The station has 3 rail lines, 4 bus stops and accepts up to 1300 passengers....
Combined Heating and Power Plants
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
This mod includes buildings from my previes power plant mods and modifies them. It provides the ability to do heat and power generation to the included power plants. The powerplants will produce Liquid Fertilizer as an substitute for Heat, You need to conn...
Combined Factory's
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This contains a selection of 8 Combined Factory's. For these to function you will need to supply all the cargo items needed. If an item is missing it will stop production of all items. The items needed are the same as the original factory's would need apar...
Combined Cargo Truck Set
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This will add 2 covered and 4 Refrigerated Combined cargo Trucks. 4 Trucks have skin options. Each Truck can carry each item as an Individual Selectable cargo item. The purpose of making this is due to meat loading with trucks from a Combined cargo storage...
Combined Cargo Storage V2
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This will add 2 Combined Cargo Storage's which include> One with Vehicle's storage Both with Livestock storage but only a visual capacity on the vehicle storage unit. Both with Meat storage but only a visual capacity on the vehicle storage unit. Both with ...
Combined Cargo Storage Set
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This will add a Small and 2 Large combined cargo storage units. One Large has Vehicle's storage Both Large have Livestock storage All with Open storage All with Covered storage All with Meat storage Vehicles have their own capacity which is mixed depending...
Yaratıcı: w101011
The C919 is a new generation of large narrow-body trunk airliner developed by COMAC (Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd.) with independent intellectual property rights. The C919 completed its final assembly on November 2, 2015 and made its first ...
Yaratıcı: w101011
ARJ21 翔凤 是由中航商飞(COMAC)研制的中短程涡扇支线客机。 机型参数(ARJ21-700): 机长: 33.46m 机高: 8.44m 翼展: 27.28m 推力: 151.74kN(2台通用电气CF34-10A) 巡航速度:828~870km/h(游戏设置为870km/h) 商载航程: 2,200km(标准型);3,700km(增程型) 空重:23.3t 载客:78~90人(游戏设置为78人) 燃料载重: 10,386kg(游戏设置为7,890L) 起飞距离: 1,700m(标准型);1,90...
Yaratıcı: Novu
In communist countries with the abolition of private property landlords became a thing of the past. All land was held in common and divided into communes. Everyone had an equal right to housing except for the Kommissars who got to live in nicer houses than...
Collective Farm Skins
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Three skins for my collective farm set....
Uyumsuz Olarak İşaretlenmiş ]  Collective Farm Set
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Collective Farm Set This is a set of three farm buildings to build a modular farm for your soviet republic. Grain Elevator (Storage): - Space for 4000t of plants. - 2 railway connections - 1 road connection - 5 factory connections Extended Grain Elevator (...
Collection of Warehouses
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
includes 4 Warehouses of different size and a train cargo station for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Collection of various cranes 3
Yaratıcı: Chestir
Первый и второй пак не обновляют, а каждый кран закидывать вручную мне лень поэтому: Третий пак кранов от Александра Тарасова Первый пак: Второй пак: ...
Collection of various cranes 4
Yaratıcı: Chestir
Немецкий LIEBHERR LTM 1400 и LIEBHERR LTM 1400 JIB, в двух вариантах окраски - 1987-1998. Маленький японец KATO NK-13S, самая первая модель КАТО поставлявшаяся в СССР - 1969-1973. Добавлен: Башенный кран KБ-403A - 1967-1992. Башенный кран KROLL K-10000 - 1...
Collection of various cranes
Yaratıcı: MC Bonito
KB 100.1 (Tower) 1965-1982 RUB Kato NK 200 (Vehicle) 1975-1980 USD KB 504 (Tower) 1976-2000 RUB LG 1280 (Vehicle) 1974-1976 USD RDK 250-2 (Tower) 1980-1991 RUB UPDATE K-161 (Road) 1961-1975 RUB KATO NK-360B 1970-1975 USD KATO NK-1200S 1980-1994 USD Models ...
Collection of various cranes 2
Yaratıcı: Tugan
Второй пак кранов от Александра Тарасова The second pack of cranes from Alexander Tarasov Первый пак: First pack: в паке 3 крана: in a pack 3 taps: MK...
COLES Octag 8130
Yaratıcı: Chestir
Английский автокран COLES Octag 8130. Заменяет 52 работника Выпускался 1982-1985 гг Предельная скорость 60 км/ч Автор мода Александр Тарасов. English truck crane COLES Octag 8130. Replaces 52 workers Produced 1982-1985. Top speed 60 km/h Fashion designer A...
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
Coastals from Germany and Poland includes: Kümo 500 general cargo capacity: 500 t speed: 8 kn available from 1950 to 1970 for ₽ Kümo 840 general cargo capacity: 840t speed: 11kn available from 1960 to 1987 for ₽ type b431 aggregate/Open capacity: 2959t 18T...
Coastal Rescue Hospital
Yaratıcı: Novu
Harbor front hospital and coastal rescue. An old coastal rescue station that has been modernized with a new hospital tower. Comes with dock access and space for 12 ambulances. Employs up to 50 doctors....
Coal processing plant
Yaratıcı: pascha.frolow1990
Attention update! Game crashes are possible. Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. ...
Coal processing plant
Yaratıcı: robs074 Coal processing based on a real building in Mysłowice, Poland. Employs 25 workers. Requires 350 t of coal ore and produces 200 t of coal per day when f...
Coal power plant (50s)
Yaratıcı: robs074 Coal power plant from the 50s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 22 workers. Requires 19 t of coal and produces 1155 MWh of power when...
Coal Power Plant
Yaratıcı: Kollati
Coal power palnt based on real buildings in Bánhida, Hungary. The original power plant had one 100MW steam turbine. Built between 1963-1967. Ingame stats: -30 workers Production: -1200MWh (20MW) -3t gravel (ash) Consumption: -21t coal -45m3 water 4 Medium ...
Coal power plant
Yaratıcı: robs074 Coal power plant based on a real building in Katowice, Poland. Employs 37 workers. Requires 44 t of coal and produces 2590 MWh of power when fully staffed. Requires a cooling tower to work, I recommend using the ones add...
Coal mine
Yaratıcı: pascha.frolow1990
Coal mine Attention update! Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. Coal Mine Designe...
Coal heating plant
Yaratıcı: Novich
Coal heating plant Worker needed: 60 Production heat: 42000(700X60) Consumption coal: 33.6(0.56X60) Storage capacity: 100t coal Models and textures by 3division....
Coal and iron mines
Yaratıcı: robs074 Coal and iron mines with concrete headframes based on real buildings in Ruda Śląska and Gliwice, Poland. The coal mine employs 400 workers and produces 1680 t of coal ore while the iron mine employs 400 workers and produ...
CME2 (T458.1) Skin Pack
Yaratıcı: PETRMA
Diesel locomotive CME2 (T458.1) T458.1190 ČSD (Czechoslovak State Railways) T458.1518 (průmyslová NDR/industry East Germany) T458.1013 ČSD (Czechoslovak State Railways) T458.1220 ČSD (Czechoslovak State Railways) 50704 Kuba (Cuba) DES 3003 Irák (Iraq) T458...
Coal & Iron Mines(Auto)(Aluminium mine was added)
Yaratıcı: 他敬爱的琛爸
Completely Automatic Coal mine and iron mine,only need diggers for production ,need to be placed on rocks 全自动化煤矿和铁矿,有挖掘机就可以工作,需要放在岩石上 2019.11.13 the problem that diggers don't refuel automatically has been completely fixed,just make the gas station and the...
Clothing factory
Yaratıcı: robs074 Clothing factory based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 180 workers. Requires 5.4 t of fabric and produces 2.7 t of clothes per day w...
Cloaca Maxima
Yaratıcı: Novu
The Cloaca Maxima was first built by the Romans and coppied throughout pre-industrial Europe to deal with the sewage generated by growing cities. Helpful for early starts. Added a slightly more cheaty version. Added cloaca pump....
Class 79 EM3 locomotive
Yaratıcı: Zombiedragon
Greetings comrad! After having purchased the license for manufacturing the EM1 locomotive some of our engineers came up with improvements to make the vehicle better suited for our republic. With your permission we could start production today! Surely this ...
Yaratıcı: ondrahoracek
CZ Přípojný vůz k motorovým vozům M131. EN A trailer for M131 railcars. 1948 - 1965 ...
Class 76 EM1 locomotive
Yaratıcı: Zombiedragon
Designed by Sir Nigel Gresley himself the Electric Mixed traffic 1 locomotives were built in the UK. The prototype Tommy was built in 1941, the series production began in 1950 featuring a larger cab and other improvements. Surely this locomotive will make ...
Class 55 Deltic
Yaratıcı: Fiend
The English Electric Class 55 'Deltic' is a British diesel locomotive, named after its revolutionary Napier Deltic engine. It pulled express passenger services for British Rail from 1960 to 1981 when they were withdrawn from mainline service. However... ex...
CKD Tatra R1/R2
Yaratıcı: Gragametr
ČKD Tatra R1 was a metro set from Czechoslovakia. The R1 set was supposed to run on the Prague metro, where it did not end up. As Bratislava was also planning to have a metro, the R1 was modified to meet Bratislava's requirements. That's how the ČKD Tatra ...
Civil rural building / ПАК сельских зданий
Yaratıcı: Benser
Пак гражданских обьектов для сел и маленьких городов в стиле второй половины 50 х годов. Состоит из: 1. автобусная остановка с мозаикой 2. 4 памятника: вьездная стелла, чайник, колосья пшеницы и "мой завод моя гордость" $MONUMENT_GOVERNMENT_LOYALTY_RADIUS ...
civil infrastructure collection
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
this is a collection of various buildings it includes typebuildings from the gdr and frg Type Dresden Atrium Type Erfurt (a regular one and a double as technical university) Kreuzbau (type school popular in hamburg) Seitzhalle (type gym popular in hamburg)...
Yaratıcı: frostsey
City warehouse
Yaratıcı: Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a warehouse similar to the one in my city (see screenshots). Such a warehouse is quite spacious, it can be placed in the city for storing food as a distribution point for food or for other needs (second building). CHARACTERISTI...
City hotel (4 stars) - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my city hotel. Included eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
City hotel (4 stars)
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big hotel based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 50 workers and houses about 200 tourists. Base tourist score: 4 stars. Duży hotel wzorowa...
City hotel (3 stars) - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my city hotel (3 stars). Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview...
City hotel (3 stars)
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big hotel based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 50 workers and houses about 200 tourists. Base tourist score: 3 stars. Duży hotel wzorowa...
City hall - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my city hall. Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
City hall - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my city hall. Includes twelve colour variants as seen in the preview....
City hall
Yaratıcı: robs074 City hall based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 100 workers. Urząd miasta wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrudnia 100 praco...
City Hall
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
A large City Hall in a neoclassical style. For up to 50 workers. If you would like to help support my work, you can make a donation here -
City hall
Yaratıcı: robs074 City hall based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 80 workers. Best used with Useful Offices Mod. Urząd miasta wzorowany na prawdziwym budyn...
City hall
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
OPTIMIZED TEXTURES SIZE! Decreased by half. -------- City hall based on real building in Leninakan, Armenia. Employs 165 people. --- Здание мэрии, на основе реального здания в Ленинакане, Армения.,43.8420043,3a,75y,9...
City hall
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
MOD SIZE DECREASED BY MORE THAN 20%! ---------- City hall based on real building in Kirovakan, Armenia. Employs 64 workers. --- Мэрия на основе реального здания в Кировакане, Армения. Персонал состоит из 64 работников.
Citroen Type H
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Французский культовый транспорт на уровне с Citroen 2 CV или Citroen DS ( обе машины есть у меня в мастерской ) Данный грузовик производился почти без изменений с 1947 по 1981 годы. Присуцтвуют варианты: 4 Пассажирских. 2 Закрытый кузов. 1 Открытый кузов. ...
Citroen DS
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Ситроен ДС. Культовый французкий автомобиль. Года выпуска 1955 - 1975 20 Цветов. Валюта USD. ---------------------------------- Citroen DS. Iconic French car. Years of issue 1955 - 1975 20 Colors. Currency USD....
Citroen CX
Yaratıcı: gachimuchiman
Citroen CX - fastback business class, produced by the French automaker Citroen from 1974 to 1985...
Citroen 2 CV
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
12 Color 1948 - 1990...
Cinema Sputnik
Yaratıcı: Benser
Кинотеатр ангарного типа “Спутник” был построен в Тастаке (Казахстан) на месте старой церкви. Затем в этом здании разместилась 11-ая городская библиотека. Сейчас здесь находится Евангельский центр. The hangar-type cinema "Sputnik" was built in Tastak (Kaza...
Cinema Sojus
Adds a small cinema to the game. The name of the cinema is Sojus, like the soviet space ship. Employes 10 people, serves approximately 100 people....
Cinema Series 2-06-19
Yaratıcı: Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a cinema series 2-06-19 (GiproKino approved 1953). A building like this will fit well in your cities. CHARACTERISTIC Building type - cinema 7 workers Serves at least 300 visitors Rating 4.0 You can support the creation of new m...
Cinema Lot - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my cinema Lot. Includes six colour variants as seen in the preview....
Cinema Lot
Yaratıcı: robs074 Cinema based on a real building in Świdnik, Poland. Employs 10 workers and serves about 100 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with base sco...
Cinema Kosmos
Yaratıcı: robs074 Cinema based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 10 workers and serves about 70 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with base score...
Cinema ''Rosia''
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
MOD SIZE DECREASED BY 63%!!! ---------- Cinema building based on real cinema <<Rosia>> in Yerevan, Armenia. Employs 15 workers and accepts up to 180 visitors. Tourist attractiveness is 4. Since 90s, this building works as shopping center. --- Здания кино н...
Cinema "Moscow"
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
MOD SIZE DECREASED BY 25%! ---------- Cinema building based on cinema "Moscow" in Yerevan, Armenia. Employs 10 workers, each of them serves 10 citizens. Attractiveness level - 3.5 --- Здание кино на основе кинотеатра "Москва" в Ереване, Армения. Нанимает д...
Cinema Świt
Yaratıcı: robs074 Cinema based on a real building in Kraków, Poland. Employs 12 workers and serves about 120 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with base scor...
Church (80s)
Yaratıcı: robs074 Church from the 80s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Serves 100 believers. Kościół z lat 80. wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Obs...
Church (80s)
Yaratıcı: robs074 Church from the 80s based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Serves 80 believers. Kościół z lat 80. wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Częstocho...
Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant (BETA)
Yaratıcı: Sternradio
PLEASE READ! This is a beta of my Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Please expect Errors in the mesh and the UV-Mapping. I'm aware of them and i'll be fixing them one by one and hope to understand where they come from on the way. Some Upgrades to the Structur...
Chisinau State Circus
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
Chisinau State Circus Originally built in 1981, the Chisinau State Circus in Moldova was once a state of the art entertainment venue. It had a capacity of 1900 seats and the ring was over 40 feet across. It was the largest auditorium in Georgia and welcome...
Children`s Hospital series 2-05-22
Yaratıcı: Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains several hospital buildings made according to the project 2-05-22 GIPROZDRAV. Approved August 10, 1953 CHARACTERISTIC The main building Building type - hospital 68 teachers 32 workers 16 parking spaces Serves at least 262 visito...
Childrens Hospital (Детская клиническая больница)
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Support me: Здание сделано похожим на оригинал, координаты, кому интересно: 55.641415, 37.669122 Детская городская клиническая больница. Много врачей, много медперсонала, четыре машины. Это здание я настраивал через новый buil...
Chicken Farms
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
2 small chicken farms, mirrored for easy connection. Provides a small amount of meat in return for grain. Requires up to 20 workers. In the mod category Factories. No heating requirement...
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Popular model for fast driving, and trips for killing demons. Year of production 1965 - 1970 12 Colors. Currency USD....
Chevrolet Impala (1983)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Chevrolet Impala (1983) 12 color USD 1977 - 1985...
Chevrolet Camaro 2010-2015
Yaratıcı: Guldan
Chevrolet Camaro 2010-2015 Pefsonal vehicle for your workers... Power = 285 KW Top Speed = 277 km/h Cost = 3500 USD Empty weight = 1700kg Available 2010 - 2015 If you want me to make car of your choise, contact me on steam !...
CHEVROLET C10 Third generation
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Third generation SUV. Produced from 1971 to 1991. There are 10 models with 20 colors: 4 Passenger 1 Open 1 Soverred 1 Gravel 1 Refrigerator 1 Snowplow 1 Police Currency USD. large weight of the mod due to the textures that must be placed in each folder wit...
Chevrolet BLAZER k5
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Шевроле Блезер К5 Внедорожник второго поколения. Производился с 1973 по 1991 год. Присутствует 4 варианта кузова и 20 вариантов раскраски. Валюта USD. ----------------------------- Chevrolet blazer k5 Off-road vehicle of the second generation. Produced fro...
Chevrolet Bel Air 1957
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
17 Расцветок Валюта USD Года выпуска 1957 - 1962 ----------------- 17 colors USD currency Year of production 1957 - 1962...
Chevrolet 6400 COE (1954)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Лёгкий грузовик с коротким капотом. Хорошая машина для городских перевозок. Главное если вы встретите на дороге ржавый грузовик с кунгом , не вкоем случае не читайте его номер. Есть 9 вариантов грузовика: 2 - Открытый кузов. 2 - Закрытый кузов. 1 - Самосва...
Chess house
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
Chess house of Yerevan, Armenia. Works as a sport facility. Employs 13 workers, accepts up to 104 visitors. Tourist rating - 2.5....
Chernarus ARMA II
Yaratıcı: Jorski
This is a 1:1 scale Chernarus map from ARMA II / DayZ mod. Including all of the villages and towns + other places. Roads and railroads are laid like in the original map. Resources are quite scarce and there is not many options for import/export of goods, b...
Chernarus Arma 2 Enhanced (read desc)
Yaratıcı: Guardian
READ DESC!!! This map has not seen extensive testing, or even little testing. This is basically an early alpha of the map, expect issues regarding the vision (found below) of the map. Report issues to comments Version1123.5 Important Disclaimer I am NOT a ...
Chemical Plant V2
Yaratıcı: archiver213
The Chemical Plant V2. x3 production, consumption, and storage....
Chemical plant
Yaratıcı: robs074 Chemical plant based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 200 workers. Requires 2.4 t of gravel, 2.8 t of wood, 2.6 t of crops and 4 t of oil ...
Chemical Lab
Yaratıcı: Novu
A scientific labortory able to produce small ammounts of chemicals for research. Produces no polution but requires workers with higher education. Employs 15 workers and 15 professors. Customize your old city downtown with this and other mods coming soon. R...
Chemical Combine - Chemical plant - Karbidfabrik - VEB Buna Werk
Yaratıcı: l0ddar
Chemiekombinat Prozess: In dieser Chemiefabrik wird aus Kohle, Kalkstein, Elektrodenmaterial und viel Elektrischer Energie Calciumkarbid Produziert. Das Karbid wird gemahlen und Reagiert mit Wasser zu Ethin (Acetylen).... INPUT: 2000 Arbeiter 105t Kies 53t...
Chemical and more Industries Mod Collection
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
this mod is a collection of chemical industrial buildings and some other related stuff. - added waste mechanics for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Checker Marathon
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
The yellow king of transportation. It is presented in two versions: Sedan, Universal. 2- Passenger versions 1- Ambulance 2- Police Produced from 1961 to 1982 20 Colors Currency USD....
Charleston Hotel Lake Charles
Yaratıcı: Ternet18
Charleston Hotel Lake Charles The Charleston Hotel is a 1928/1929 skyscraper located in Lake Charles; Louisiana. With its 10 floors, when completed the building was the city's first skyscraper. It was built in the Neo-Classical Beaux Arts style. The interi...
Charcoal Kilns
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
Small charcoal kilns which produce coal from wood. Up to 20 staff. 10t of wood > 5t of coal. No heating requirement for Winter....
Chainlink Fence
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Im bringing you a standard chainlink fence. Fully inlcuded with aplha texture for looking realistic. Unfortunately its not visible from far away, but I cant do much about that. Available in modded->monument section for placement in 1, 3 and 10 piece varian...
Cepsa Tower
Yaratıcı: Rod.Zam
The Torre Cepsa (renamed in June 2014, before was Torre Bankia) is a skyscraper located in the Cuatro Torres Business Area in Madrid, Spain. With a height of 248.3 m (815 ft) and 45 floors,] it is the second tallest of the four buildings in the Cuatro Torr...
Central Telecom Building
Yaratıcı: Vikom
Central Telecom Building, based on a real life building in Prague, nicknamed "Mordor". This building works as a TV station and it has a reduced layout compared to the real life building. The real life building was finished in 1979, the architects were Fran...
Central Station
Yaratıcı: Heidong
Central Train Station, 1500 passengers....
Central Security Department
Yaratıcı: Novu
NATO has the NSA. The CCCP had the KGB. The DDR had the Stasi. Now comes the most feared security force of them all... The C.S.D. The Central Security Department. Employs 100 officers, 200 workers, and has parking for 30 police units. Features rapid dispat...
Central Railway Station
Yaratıcı: Benser
Центральный ЖД вокзал Мод основан на реальном здании речного вокзала, который построен в 1957 - 1960 годах в городе Киев, Украина. Вокзал обслуживает 1500 пасажиров, 4 жд пути и парковочных мест для автобусов (станции не блокируються, дорога сквозная). Cen...
Central railway station
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
MOD SIZE DECREASED BY MORE THAN 20%! ----- Central railway station of Yerevan, Armenia. It was established in 1902, but the building was built in 1956. Has 4 rail lines, 1 bus stop and accepts up to 2000 passengers. --- Центральный ЖД вокзал в Ереване, Арм...
Central post and telegraph building
Yaratıcı: dassakuya
This building was completed in Tbilisi in 1980. Until recently, there were supermarkets and other facilities in the building, but now there are plans to convert it into a hotel. As this is my first film, there are parts of the film that are not working wel...
Central hospital
Yaratıcı: Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains several buildings for the central hospital. Made on the basis of the hospital GKB 20 in St. Petersburg. I made such a building especially for the capital of the republic, such a chic hospital will look good in an ensemble of th...
Central Europe Village Housing Pack
Yaratıcı: Quieklebendig
Hi comrades! I created a set of village houses from the late 19th / early 20th century, ideal for the creation of central european themed maps. It contains 10 individual residential buildings without the collision & ground leveling needs to maximize the fl...
Central Europe Village Economy Pack
Yaratıcı: Quieklebendig
Hi comrads! Here is the last part of my village pack, including 10 elements of village economy: Farms, cowshed, 2 food manufacturers, 3 shops, a sawmill and a coal dealer providing cozy warmth for your villagers! Watch out! Village economy is intended to b...
Central Europe Public Village Buildings Pack
Yaratıcı: Quieklebendig
Hi comrads! Here is part 2 of my village pack, including 7 elements of village infrastructure: Small clinic, library, tavern, elementary school, kindergarten, cemetery (sports ground :D) and town hall. Content Background This set aims to provide realistic ...
Central Department Store
Yaratıcı: sergolobov
Central Department Store (CDS). The building is made on the basis of a real one, which is located at Sochi, Gorky st. 53, opposite the railway station, with which it is made in a similar architectural style. Built in 1962. In the game works as a shopping m...
Central bus terminal
Yaratıcı: Dejfo94
Large bus station including four platforms for 1000 passangers. Perfect for huge cities....
Central Bus Station
Yaratıcı: Heidong
Central Bus Station...
Central Bus Station
Yaratıcı: Benser
Центральный автовокзал Мод основан на реальном здании речного вокзала, который построен в 1957 - 1960 годах в городе Киев, Украина. Автовокзал обслуживает 1000 пасажиров, 10 парковочных мест для автобусов (станции не блокируються). Надеюсь этот автовокзал ...
Central bus station
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
MOD SIZE DECREASED BY MORE THAN 65%!!! -------------- Central bus station of Yerevan, Armenia. Has 4 stops and accepts up to 1200 passengers. MODEL IS NOT MINE --- Центральный автовокзал Еревана, Армения. Имеет 4 станции и вмещает до 1200 пассажиров. МОДЕЛ...
Central Bank (city hall)
Yaratıcı: Dejfo94
Central Bank The headquarters of the state banking system of your republic. Works as office building, large administrative building useful for employing a surplus of manpower in larger cities. Can employ up to 120 workers...
Central Airport
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
Airport Zvartnots near Yerevan, Armenia (old terminal which opened in 1982 but stopped work after 2010s). Because of original large sizes, I have decreased the big circle size and rooms number in order to fit it into the game. Large number of airplane park...
Yaratıcı: pascha.frolow1990
Updates: 1. New textures; 2. The factory model has been modified; 3. Added fixtures: 4. Fixed lighting of buildings. Cement Plant It is intended for the production of cement from clinker in a dry way. Clinker is a product of lime and clay firing. Cement is...
Cement Truck VEB Zementwerke
Adds a german, GDR themed cement truck texture for the Skoda Chasis. As an easteregg, I added the insignia of the cementcombine "Rüdersdorf" near Berlin. Trivia: that´s where the last part of "The Hunger Games" was set, and that´s why you can see a ROBUR L...
Cement silos pack with dry bulk
Yaratıcı: Vanok [RUSMNB]
Silos in this pack can store up to 45-90 tons of dry cargo (depend of model) - cement and aluminum and is has places for connecting dry bulk, factory connection and regular road. The conveyor connection is raised slightly behind the ground for convenience....
Cement Plant v2
Yaratıcı: r63Slam
At your request: vanilla production and consumption. x5 storage. +20 workers (50) Add 2 connection....
Cement Silo Multi
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
Added more factory connections to the cement silo for easier connectivity...
Cement plant
Yaratıcı: robs074 Cement plant loosely based on a real building in Kraków, Poland. Employs 40 workers. Requires 240 t of gravel and 28 t of coal and produces 108 t of cement per day when fully staffed. Cementownia luźno wzorowana na prawd...
Cement or Aluminum silo with dry bulk
Yaratıcı: Vanok [RUSMNB]
This small silo can store up to 31.5 tons of dry cargo and is has places for connecting dry bulk, factory connection and regular road. The conveyor connection is raised slightly behind the ground for convenience. It is convenient to place such a building i...
Cement or Aluminum Silo Super Connection
Yaratıcı: nirasa
I added more connections for factories and also for aluminum minerals and their products. The silo can contain 2600t of cement or aluminum, but only one material at a time. Includes connection: 1x road 2x vehicle station 5x work trips 2x dry bulk conveyor ...
CD 814
Yaratıcı: ondrahoracek
CZ Motorová jednotka řady 814 se skládá z motorového vozu řady 814 s jedním stanovištěm strojvedoucího, který je na opačné straně pevně spojen s částečně nízkopodlažním řídicím vozem řady 914 opatřeným rovněž stanovištěm strojvedoucího. Modifikací tohoto v...
Cattle Ranching
Yaratıcı: Novu
Grass fed cattle field. No feed lots or crops required. Only cowboy workers to bring the cattle home every night. Comes in small medium and large. For best results build a Livestock hall / range for your central hub and connect the cattle fields to it. Add...
Catenary Fillers Pack
Yaratıcı: Whitek3t
Scripting and publishing this catenary set in behalf of Toprus100, this pack consists of ploppable catenaries that you can lay along your railway tracks. Depending on the model, you can use the Q/E button to cycle between different catenary widths. The pac...
CAT Pack
Yaratıcı: KsenoN
Caterpillar Inc. «Ка́терпиллар» — одна из ведущих корпораций по производству крупнейшей спецтехники в мире. В данном моде присутсвует техника CAT: автогрейдер, погрузчик и каток. Caterpillar Inc. Caterpillar is one of the leading corporations for the produ...
Cat 797B
Yaratıcı: Дима
Производитель Caterpillar Годы производства 2002—2009 Сборка Северная Америка Класс самосвал Дизайн Тип кузова 2‑дв. самосвал Компоновка переднемоторная, заднеприводная Колёсная формула 4 × 2 / 2 Двигатель Caterpillar 7, 117 л V12x2 (турбонаддув) (3370 л. ...
Cargo Zepplin
Yaratıcı: Calderiaän
During the golden age of airships, these flying monsters were used to carry resources to and from remote places Available from 1919 to 1969 Carries 60T of open cargo Can load vehicles This vehicle is quite large (120m) in order to be as realistic as possib...
CarGo Tram | Dresden
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
CarGo Tram kindly commissioned by Bo.Om!# . Thank you very much for my support. IRL its a tram for transportation of car parts in Dresden. In game, it can be found in the train depo, costing USD. Stats: Power Cars: Cost: 104,000 USD Pow...
Cargo train station - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my cargo train station. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Cargo train station
Yaratıcı: robs074 Cargo train station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Comes in three versions: with two, four and with six rail connections. Towarowa stacja ...
Yaratıcı: mihail.g.georgiev
Cardonia is a land of contrasts - sea routes to the East and beutiful mountain ranges to the West, cut by several navigable rivers. Resources are strategically scattered posing a real challenge to have them extracted....
Cardiology institute (hospital)
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
Cardiology institute of Yerevan, Armenia. Employs 600 workers (300 with higher education). Works as a hospital. Accepts 300 patients and serves mainly to reduce the unemployment. It hasn't emergency services and works without vehicles. --- Институт кардиол...
Car dealer PACK
Yaratıcı: Benser
Магазин "Автомобили" Модель основана на реальном здании. 17.01.2021 обновил мод, немного исправил скрипт и размеры модели. Теперь в моде 3 автомагазина: 1. Магазин "Автомобілі" (назва Українською мовою) 2. Магазин "Автомобили" (название на русском языке, к...
Car dealer - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my car dealer. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Car dealer
Yaratıcı: robs074 Car dealer based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 25 workers and has enough space for 18 cars. Motozbyt wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w ...
Canteen series 51-239
Yaratıcı: Raysione
This mod contains a typical 51-239 dining room made exactly according to the 1952 project CHARACTERISTIC. 10 workers serves at least 101 people There are two options: works as a shop and a bar Such a dining room will ideally fit into a village or a small t...
Canteen series 2-07-22
Yaratıcı: Raysione
This mod contains a typical 2-07-22 dining room made exactly according to the 1953 project CHARACTERISTIC. 5 workers serves minimum 52 people There are two options: works as a shop and a bar Such a small dining room will ideally fit into a village and a sm...
Yaratıcı: Sahsa_STALKER
Soviet canteens are one of the unshakable stereotypes. A set lunch on a plastic spread is always the first, second and compote....
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Small Café for your citizens. One for alcohol and one for food. - max. 6 workers - max. 30 visitors - Base attraction score: 1.5...
Cable car - Butoias Park upper station
Yaratıcı: Vikom
A small cable car station inspired by a real life cable car station in Chisinau, Moldova. The station is inspired by an upper cable car station of a cable car over Butoias Park in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova. The architect seems to be unknown and the ...
Yaratıcı: Benser
Автобусная остановка с мозаикой. Busstop mosaic. 12.10.2021 добавил одностороннюю остановку (add version of one way busstop ) Другие мои работы/ More my mods:
Yaratıcı: Benser
Автобусная остановка с мозаикой (мод, не текстура) Bus station with Ukrainian mosaic (New mod ) (model vanilla version)...
Yaratıcı: painkillerlexar
Very Small BusStop VilageSmall Busstop some visual problem with Vehicles overcrossing , but work ) Bus stop for vilages where imposible place standart bus station...
Bus/Trolley Combo Stations
Yaratıcı: Akira43
This is a pack of 4 combined bus/trolley stations all using advanced pathing to allow multiple vehicles to go into and out of the station at the same time. The pack includes: 1- The Large bus station (V2 - 4 vehicle stations) from the vanilla game simply m...
Bus stops
Yaratıcı: Vikom
Three bus stops from Brno. A duo of two tiny basic structures. A basic structure plus one concrete functionalist building from 60s. A basic structure plus one steel structure. The basic structures are already super rare in Brno. The concrete building is in...
Bus stop
Pripyat. The central part of the colonnade in the town square....
Bus station - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my bus station. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Bus station
Yaratıcı: robs074 Intercity bus station with six platforms for 2000 passengers based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Dworzec główny PKS z sześcioma peronami dla 2000 pasażerów wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie....
Bus end stations - trolleybus variant
Yaratıcı: robs074 Trolleybus skin variants for my bus end stations....
Bus end stations
Yaratıcı: robs074 Bus end stations including one with two parking spaces and one with four parking spaces. Both buses and trolleybuses can use them. For stations with trolleybus wires subscribe to the building skin mod listed as a depeden...
Bus - Construction Office Skins
Yaratıcı: CTRx
Construction Office skins for some busses. I made these skins for my personal use, but I decided to publish them. Someone may find them usefull as well. The reason I made them is because I like having some distinction between regular busses and ones I use ...
Bureau Of Blueprints
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
A small set of offices which allow you to purchase blueprints. With the new update test branch - blueprints no longer expire and these are no longer required, however people said they would still like to use them so I am leaving them as they are. L...
Bulk carrier collection
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
collection of Bulk carriers includes: Type B 30 (Sołdek) capacity: 2610t speed: 9 kn available from 1948 to 1980 for ₽ Lake freighter capacity: 12000t speed: 6 kn available from 1917 to 2003 for $ (this ship comes in three variants for aggregate general ca...
Bulk Carrier
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
A Finnish made small bulk carrier ship. Available from 1992 onwards. Can carry 1600t of dry bulk. Speed 18 knots...
Building II-60
Yaratıcı: Holodets
Panel house for 190 residents. The series is known for an abandoned house in Pripyat. Tolyatti is also full of them. Creator of the house model: kowkamurka...
Building editor parts "Voroněž"
Yaratıcı: Vikom
Just a small pack of 3 building editor parts - a panel, a panel with window, a panel with balcony. Nothing fancy. All of them are 3x3 metres. Originally meant for a model of Hotel Voroněž from Brno but I've decided to try to make this pack instead....
Building editor elements part_2 (Log)
Yaratıcı: Jason Curtis
Building editor elements Part 2 Log buildings Элементы редактора зданий (Часть 2) Здания из брёвен ...
Building editor elements part_1
Yaratıcı: Jason Curtis
Building editor elements Part 1 (Brick)...
Yaratıcı: painkillerlexar
Build on Stalingradskaya str. Individual City project 1966 Жилое здание по индивидуальному городскому проекту на улице Сталинградской. 1966 год Qual 97 220 Workers...
Buick-Flxible Early Start Ambulances
Yaratıcı: CrowdSceneExtra
Flxible was an Ohio based company that built ambulances on stretched Buick chassis alongside its more well known bus manufacturing business. This pack includes 3 generations of Buick Flxible ambulances, available between 1938-1964, to give early start play...
Buffer Stop
Yaratıcı: Doristela
Railway Buffer Stop. How to use : 1. Place buffer stop first ( 2 connections arrow overlaps don't worry) 2. then Connect railway to front connection. 3. It's possible then to connect railway to back connection (if you want) but be aware that train are not ...
Bucket Dredger
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Instructional video on placement provided. Today I present to you a Bucket Dredger. An excavation boat meants for gravel mining in shallow waters. In game version, it acts as a factory, where you send fuel to power the boat and get gravel out of it. It con...
Yaratıcı: KsenoN
БТР-60 стал первым в серии советских четырёхосных бронетранспортёров, развитие и производство которой продолжается до сих пор. Поставлялся как СССР, так и Румынией в десятки других стран, применялся во множестве региональных конфликтов и, несмотря на посте...
Brown Brick
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
Residential Brown Brick Re-skin by Off The Rails. This is a re-skin of the in game block of flats that were previously white, picture shows a before and after. Capacity 174. With many thanks for the help I had in making this from Pak Rat...
Brooklyn Row Houses pt1
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Pack of 4 Brooklyn Row Houses. Can house from 8 to 24 people. Workshop My Workshop: Click Here Support the Creator and get access to exclusive high quality mods
Broadcasting station 1950s
Yaratıcı: Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a radio house from Ulan-Ude (Russia). This is an architectural monument, which is a monumental corner building in the Stalinist Empire style, located in the center of Ulan-Ude. The building was under construction from 1955 to 1...
Brno Expo Centre - Pavilion G
Yaratıcı: Vikom
Brno Expo Centre - Pavilion G Inspired by a real building in Brno, built between 1927 and 1928, architects: Bohumír František, Antonín Čermák. The real life tower is 45m tall. It used to be open to visitors. In 1958 the pavilion got reconstruction, includi...
British Rail Wagons
Yaratıcı: Monotone
Train wagons from the nationalisation era of British Rail. Including Covered, Refrigerated, Livestock, Open, Mineral, Bulk, and Tank wagons. Intended as an alternative for my 'Wagons West' mod with real vehicles. They can all be purchased for dollars. Much...
British Rail Mk1 Carriage
Yaratıcı: Fiend
The first standardised carriage to be developed for the newly formed British Rail. Available from 1951-2000 in dollars. Looks great behind a Deltic - or a Kestrel -
British Rail HST Pack
Yaratıcı: Synergistic Liability
Contents: This pack features a selection of vehicles cantered around the HST 125. These include: Class 41 Prototype HST: Available: 1972 to 1978 Weight: 68.5 Tonnes Top Speed: 201 Km H Engine Power: 1678 KW This locomotive was fashioned as a one off protot...
British Rail Class 37
Yaratıcı: Synergistic Liability
Brief History As the United Kingdom moved forward, they found that their fleet of steam locomotives was beginning to show its age. As such, they began to replace their fleet with diesels. Among this new line-up was the Class 37. Designed as a multi-purpose...
British Rail Class 04
Yaratıcı: Synergistic Liability
Brief History Designed by Drewry Car Co. the Class 04 locomotive was designed for shunting duties. This small locomotive was to be used on tramlines and small goods yards for the purpose of shunting goods around. After their intended role became rendered o...
Brick houses 8
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 50-125 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 75%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 50-125 robot...
Brick houses 4
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 180-200 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 70%-80%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 180-200...
Brick houses 3
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 100-250 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 100-250 rob...
Brick houses 2
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 45-125 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 45-125 robot...
Brick houses 15 - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my brick houses. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick houses 15
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 170-280 workers, based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 75%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 170-280 robotników, wzorowane na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Jakość mieszkań...
Brick houses 12
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 65-195 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 75%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 65-195 robot...
Brick houses 10
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 20-60 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczący 20-60 robotni...
Brick houses 1
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 40-80 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 89%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 40-80 robotni...
Brick house 9 - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my brick house. Includes fifteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick house 9
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 180 workers, based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 180 robotników, ...
Brick house 7 - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my 11-storey brick block of flats. Includes fourteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick house 7
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 150 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 150 robotników, w...
Brick house 6
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 90 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 75%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 90 robotników, wzo...
Brick house 5
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 45 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 89%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 45 robotników, wzo...
Brick house 17 - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my brick block of flats. Includes fifteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick house 17
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 110 workers, based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 110 robotników, wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Jakość mieszkań: 85%....
Brick house 16 - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my brick house. Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick house 16
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 100 workers, based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 89%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 100 robotników, wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Jakość mieszkań: 89%....
Brick house 14
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 165 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 165 robotników, w...
Brick house 13 - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my 8-storey brick block of flats. Includes fourteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick house 13
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 65 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 89%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 65 robotników, wzo...
Brick house 11 - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my 5-storey brick block of flats. Includes sixteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick house 11
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 50 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 50 robotników, wzo...
Brick Flats
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of brick flats in 5 different styles. Available in 3, 4 and 5 stories with single and double length units. 30 buildings in total, ranging from 48-160 capacity....
B1000 Microbus eggish/bluish
Color variants light blue and eggshell yellow for the microbus B1000....
B1000 SMH3 (GDR)
Adds the ambulance SMH3 Barkas B1000 which was used since 1983. Using partly the original model of the game and a attachement modified from one of my own old models. (I used to prepare some mods for 911-First Responders some years ago...) See also my textu...
B1200 Black
Yaratıcı: wryandginger
This is the B1200, now in Black....
B1200 Blue
Yaratıcı: wryandginger
This is the B1200 in a dark blue....
B1200 Gray
Yaratıcı: wryandginger
This is the B1200 in Gray...
B1200 Green
Yaratıcı: wryandginger
This is the B1200 in green....
B1200 Mango
Yaratıcı: wryandginger
This is the Beat 1200 in Mango...
Backroom Bar
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
An backroom bar selling smuggled imported alcohol. Officially, there are no such drinkers, but everyone is in the know. Look around when you go inside. Perhaps you are being watched by blood-thirsty KGB officers! Internal storage of 15 tons of alcohol, 8 w...
Badalyan residential type
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
CHANGED THE TEXTURES. ADDED MORE LIGHTS AT NIGHT. ----- Badalyan Project residential type based on real buildings in Yerevan, Armenia. They accommodate 156 workers. Several hundreds of these buildings were built in Yerevan from late 1970s until 1990. There...
Badowska housing block
Yaratıcı: Jutland
Building is located in Warsaw, built in end of '40, houses 128 people. Thanks to robs074 for his textures! You should check his stuff out
Bagger 288 Bucket wheel excavator (Building)
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
PLEASE NOTE: If you are not on the beta test branch, the niamtion will be twitchy and after a few degrees of rotation, the arm will snap back to start. This is fixed in the new version, so please be patient until this fix comes to the stable release. Thank...
Baltic Coast Islands
Yaratıcı: Blackholesatrap
This map represents the terrain of the forested baltic islands off the coast of Estonia and Finland. The extremely flat pine forests of the Baltic states meets the rocky coast of the shallow seas. This area is extremely poor in mineral resources, but the f...
Yaratıcı: frostsey
In the USSR, temporary barracks were one of the main types of workers ' housing until the mass housing construction of individual apartments began in the 1960s....
Barbed Wire Fence
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Barbed wire fence for your republic! Now with 100% more spikes to intimidate your residents. Comes in sets of 1,3 and 10 fence sections. Plot s ostnatým drôtom. Tento mod zahrňuje sety jedného, troch a desiatich sekcií plotu. Ограждение из колючей проволок...
Bardotka by 4smiler
Yaratıcı: 4smiler
The 751 and 752 series locomotives (nickname Bardotka) are four-axle diesel locomotives with electric power transmission. They were manufactured in ČKD in the years 1964 to 1971. These locomotives were replacing steam locomotives and were in service for pa...
Barkas B1000 GDR Firefighter (Feuerwehr)
Firetruck B1000 Country: Germany Available: 1960 - 1990 Available for purchase for rubels...
Baroque church
Yaratıcı: K-3D
Church of St. Jacob typical baroque church from christian countries. Built 1724-1747 in the Czech rep. in game data: $WORKERS_NEEDED 4 $PROFESORS_NEEDED 1 $CITIZEN_ABLE_SERVE 60 $HEATING_DISABLE ________________________ Model is lowpoly: 270 kb details are...
Baseball Field
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information What can be more American than baseball? Well, there sure is many things that speaks "American" more than baseball, but still! Now your citizens can enjoy one of the most popular game on west part of our worldm in their country. Stats: 5 worker...
Bauxit processing plant
Yaratıcı: pascha.frolow1990
Attention update! Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. A factory with railway trac...
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
Food shop based on central bazar in Kirovakan, Armenia. Employs 35 workers, accepts more than 200 visitors. --- Рынок на основе центрального базара Кировакана. Принимает 210 посетителей при 35 рабочих. -----,44.49079...
BB Class
Yaratıcı: Alexander
The SR West Country and Battle of Britain classes, collectively known as Light Pacifics or informally as Spam Cans, are air-smoothed 4-6-2 Pacific steam locomotives designed for the Southern Railway by its Chief Mechanical Engineer Oliver Bulleid. These en...
Beat 1200 Red
Yaratıcı: wryandginger
This is the Beat 1200 in Red...
Beer pub kiosk - Пивной киоск (пивная)
Yaratıcı: Vanok [RUSMNB]
Beer kiosk (Pivnaya) - is a fairly common way of distributing beer in the Soviet Union. A small house, often of a temporary, made of boards or metal, was installed in places where the masses of people, especially the proletariat, were concentrated in order...
Yaratıcı: vinnikandry
Serial production of BelAZ 540 was launched at the end of 1965. The main feature of the car is the ability to transport up to 27 tons of cargo (or 15 m3)....
Bell 205
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Huge thanks to ryantheskinny for commisionning this iconic helicopeter! Whats to say really. Once of the most or if not the most iconic American helicpter of all times. Bell 205 or Huey now available to purchase in your own Soviet Republic. Helicopter mech...
Bell 206
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Light multipurpose helicopter Start of production of the model 1966 20 Colors . Currency USD. ...
Yaratıcı: El Señioro Roll
A bench as a decoration There are plans to add ambient occlusion (Better appearance) and LOD (optimization) Hello, this is my first mod for Workers & Resources Soviet Republic! The object has no collisions, so you can put the bench literally anywhere. http...
Yaratıcı: El Señioro Roll
A bench2 as a decoration Hello, this is my second mod for Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic! The object has no collisions, so you can put the bench literally anywhere. If you want your screen from Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic to appear on this w...
Yaratıcı: Toman
Based on Czech gas station Benzina Works like Normal Gas Station. Enjoy Comrades...
Berliet/Renault PR100
Yaratıcı: neigabZkezoJ
-==- Pack include: Berliet PR100. Its been produced by Berliet between 1971 and 1981. It has 125kW (170hp) engine, and capacity of 97 passengers. Renault PR100, rebadged Berliet PR100. Its been produced by Renault between 1981 and 1984. It has 125kW (170hp...
Berlin TV Tower
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Berliner Fernsehturm Der Berliner Fernsehturm ist mit 368 Metern das höchste Bauwerk Deutschlands sowie der vierthöchste Fernsehturm Europas. Der Fernsehturm befindet sich im Park am Fernsehturm im Berliner Ortsteil Mitte. Der Fernsehturm im Internationale...
Bethgon Coalporter
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information The Coalporter was developed by Bethlehem Steel Car in 1978, in an effort to create a higher-capacity, more efficient coal car. The traditional bottom hoppers were replaced by twin tubs, or troughs, that filled the space between the trucks. The...
Better trees mod (Updated)
Yaratıcı: panserpung
This mod aims to resize foliage, and make it easier decorating your city without covering it in a sea of leaves. Trees and bushes are now of a more realistic size. Installation Instructions: 1. Subscribe and download mod files! 2. \ SteamApps \ common \ So...
Big car dealer
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big car dealer loosely based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 40 workers and has enough space for 32 cars. Duży motozbyt luźno wzorowany n...
Big car dealer - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my big car dealer. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big clinic
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education, 20 doctors and serves about 60 patients. Can be equippe...
Big clinic
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 25 workers with basic education, 25 doctors and serves about 75 patients. Can be equippe...
Big clinic
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education, 20 doctors and serves about 60 patients. Can be equippe...
Big clinic
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education, 20 doctors and serves about 60 patients. Can be equippe...
Big clinic - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my big clinic. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big clinic - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my big clinic. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big clinic - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my big clinic. Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big clinic - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my big clinic. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big coal power plant
Yaratıcı: robs074 Coal power plant based on a real building in Łódź, Poland. Employs 60 workers. Requires 72 t of coal and produces 4200 MWh of power when fully staffed. Requires a cooling tower to work, I recommend using the ones added a...
Big coal processing plant
Yaratıcı: Waldemar
Big coal processing plant. Requires 700 tons of unprocessed coal, producing 400 tons of processed coal. Requires 50 workers for full efficiency. Has two rail connections....
Big demolition office - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for vanilla big demolition office. Includes fourteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big fire station
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big ire station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 8 fire engines. Duża remiza strażacka wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku ...
Big fire station
Yaratıcı: robs074 Fire station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 7 fire engines. Remiza strażacka wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublin...
Big fire station - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my big fire station. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big fire station - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my big fire station. Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big food factory
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big food factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 250 workers. Requires 62 t of crops and produces 30 t of food per day when fully s...
BIG Fountain Lenin with simulated water
Yaratıcı: tomtomtotal
Support ME > < Support ME Decoration Monoment BIG Fountain Lenin with simulated water if you like it give me a like :) ...
BIG Fountain Stalin with simulated water
Yaratıcı: tomtomtotal
Support ME > < Support ME Decoration Monoment BIG Fountain Stalin with simulated water if you like it give me a like :) ...
Big garbage dumps
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big garbage dumps for 2000, 4000, 8000 and 16000 t of waste. Duże wysypiska na 2000, 4000, 8000 i 16000 t śmieci....
Big heating plant
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big coal-fired heating plant based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 60 workers. Capacity of the water tank is 2100 cubic metres. Duża ciepłownia opalana węglem wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zat...
Big Hydrogenation plant
Yaratıcı: l0ddar
Hydrierwerk Typ Leuna Das Bergius-Pier-Verfahren ist ein großtechnisches Verfahren zur Kohleverflüssigung durch direkte Hydrierung von Kohle. Dabei werden die Makromoleküle der Kohle durch Wasserstoff bei hohen Drücken und Temperaturen zu kleineren Molekül...
Big Iron Mine
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
A big iron mine based on a real mine in Finland Employs 180 workers + 18 geologists Produces 24t of iron ore per worker (6x more than vanilla mine) Consumes 60kg of explosives per worker 8 Slots for mechanisms (Altough none of the vanilla ones can be emplo...
Big kindergarten (80s)
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big kindergartens based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. They employ 22-27 workers and serve about 220-270 children. Duże przedszkola wzorowane na ...
Big kindergarten (80s) - skins (part 1)
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my big kindergarten. Includes twelve colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big kindergarten (80s) - skins (part 2)
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my big kindergarten. Includes twelve colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big orphanage
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big orphanage based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 45 workers and houses 180 children. Duży dom dziecka wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku ...
Big orphanage - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my big orphanage. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big plastics factory
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big plastics factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 200 workers. Requires 10 t of chemicals and 90 t of oil and produces 22 t of p...
Big police station
Yaratıcı: robs074 As this is my 200th building item, time to make something more unique. This is a police station based on a real one from Częstochowa. The Y-shaped building, designed by Marian Kruszyński and finished in 1979, is sometime...
Big police station (+ small prison)
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big police station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 40 investigators. The pack also includes a prison block attachable to the police station (can also be used as a s...
Big police station (+ small prison) - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my big police station. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big Prison
Yaratıcı: Benco54 Big Prison This Prison is a big one. it has 2 complexes and a big wall. it can accommodate 355 prisoners and needs 92 employees. There are 4 vehicle station which is located in the inner courtyard and can only be acc...
Big railway station
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
The railway station of Leninakan, Armenia. Leninakan is the second city of the country and has the oldest and the largest railway junction in Armenia. It was formed in 1897. This building is built in 1979. The platform has 4 rail lines and accepts up to 22...
Big River Infrastructure
Yaratıcı: morcup
The time has come for my first map with some infrastructure. If you are looking for the no-infrastructure version, check here: I added double track rails to connect the East and West, with b...
Big River Wilderness
Yaratıcı: morcup
If you are looking for a version of this map with basic connecting road, rail, and powerline infrastructure, see this item: Welcome to the Big River Wilderness. Terrain is from the Richland,...
Big school (80s)
Yaratıcı: robs074 School from the 80s based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Employs 45 workers with basic education and 45 teachers. Educates about 540 pupils. The ...
Big school (80s) - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my school from the 80s. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big sports hall
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big sports hall based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Employs 35 workers and serves about 245 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with s...
Big sports hall
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big sports hall based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Employs 25 workers and serves about 175 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with s...
Big sports hall
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big sports hall based on real buildings in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 18 workers and serves about 125 people. It also works as a tourist attraction w...
Big sports hall - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my big sports hall. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big sports hall - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074
Skins for my big sports hall. Includes three colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big stadium
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
UPDATE! Now the spotlights enlighten the field at night. ----- Big stadium based on stadium Hrazdan in Yerevan, Armenia. Built in 1970, Hrazdan was the 5th biggest stadium in USSR by capacity. Total number of seats was 55000. Today it's abandoned. The last...
Big station
Yaratıcı: Foxer
Этот вокзал вмещает в себя 6000 человек. Этот вокзал имеет 4 платформы и 8 путей. Он может стать украшением для города. На вокзали можно поставить надпись. ------------ This station can accommodate 6,000 people. This station has 4 platforms and 8 tracks. I...
Big technical services
Yaratıcı: robs074 Big technical services based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 18 vehicles. Duże biuro utrzymania infrastruktury wzorowane na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Może być wyposażone w 18 pojazdów....
Big technical services - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my big technical services. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in in the preview....
Big train station
Yaratıcı: robs074 Passenger train station based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Comes in two versions: with four and with six rail connections. They serve 4000 and 6000 passengers respectively. Pasażerski dworzec kolejowy wzorowany ...
Big water tower
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
A big concrete water tower with capacity of 1000m^3 and 4 loading bays...
Big train station - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my big train station. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
Billboards which fit into building wall showing what kind of shop or service is located on the ground floor. Texts are in Armenian and Russian languages. These are not shops. They are just monuments which don't change the building property and can be place...
Billboard SOV
Yaratıcı: Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Обыкновенный, стандартный, двухсторонний - билборд. В комплекте их два. Советская тематика. Предполагается индивидуальное использование. Для этого потребуется графический редактор. Просто найдите папку с модом, по адресу: Program Files(x86)/Steam/steamapps...
Binge (Завод Элитного Алкоголя)
Yaratıcı: Smert
Elite alcohol factory, now you can process food and create strong drinks. I just changed a simple distillery. And he took the model from the concrete plant, changing the colors to differentiate them. 20 workers. The maximum consumption of 16 tons of food a...
Binnenschiff Typ Boizenburg
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
A Class III Rivership, includes variants for General, Aggregate, Dry Bulk, Waste and Oil. Only the aggregate Version is capable of transporting containers Capacity: 845t (760t for Dry Bulk) (4TEU for Aggretate Version) speed: 9kn available from 1960 to 198...
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
The Biofuel Plant, now you can turn grain into fuel. I repurposed the Concrete Plant model to become a Biofuel Plant instead, with new colours to differentiate them. I will try and improve the pipe connectivity at the back, they do work but you have to pul...
Bitum Powerplant
Yaratıcı: painkillerlexar
BitumenPowerstantion Bitumen means Mazut ("heavy fuel oil") , we no have no mazut in game but Mazut its close to Bitum so we can have one more resource for get Electricity! ...
Bitumen heating plant
Yaratıcı: DirrrtyDirk
Large heating plant with 600 GJ/day heating power and 10 big connections. The plant is fueled with Bitumen, consuming maximum 5 tons/day with maximum power and need 50 workers to run. The costs to build it will be around 145.000 RUB without inflation. Gene...
Bitumen Upgrading Plant
Yaratıcı: aantono
Bitumen upgrading is a process by which bitumen is transformed into light oil by fractionation and chemical treatment, removing virtually all traces of sulphur and heavy metals. The resulting oil can then be further refined into fuel. Requires 25 workers C...
Yaratıcı: gachimuchiman
БКМ-201 - белорусский городской высокопольный троллейбус. Выпускался на заводе Белкоммунмаш с 1996 по 2011 год. Имелись следующие модификации: 20100, 20101 и 201А7, отличавшиеся электрооборудованием. Так же в период 2002-2007 гг. производился сочлененный т...
Black cathedral
Yaratıcı: abelyanhayk852
Cathedral based on real building in Leninakan, Armenia. Can accept more than 400 visitors. Built in 19th century, the church remained active in soviet era and works since today....
Black Sea Coast
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
A map made using a 1:1 heightmap from a section of the Abkhazia coastal region of the Black Sea. The map has only 2 customs connections and contains no housing or roads. Coal, Iron and Uranium can be found in the mountains and Oil is spread around the coas...
Block of flats 12 st. 2 stc. v2
Yaratıcı: EdekZamknijDrzwi
en: Block of flats from prefab 12 storey version 2, built using in-game editor. For 110 workers. Quality of flats 93%. Building depend install in folder /buildingeditor/elements/residential_prefab3 pl: Blok z wielkiej płyty 11 pięter wersja 2, zrobiony we ...
Block of flats 13 st. 2strc. v1
Yaratıcı: EdekZamknijDrzwi
en: Block of flats from prefab 13 storey 2 staircases version 1, built using in-game editor. For 205 workers. Quality of flats 92%. Building need install in folder /buildingeditor/elements/residential_prefab3 pl: Blok z wielkiej płyty 12 pięter 2 klatki sc...
Block of flats T06B - 13 floors
Yaratıcı: prosektom
Panelový dům typ T06B - 13 pater (věžák) ...
Block of flats T06B - 4 floors
Yaratıcı: prosektom
Panelový dům T06B - 4 Patra...
Block of flats T06B - 8 floors
Yaratıcı: prosektom
Panelový dům typ T06B - 8 pater ...
Blocks of flats form bricks 5 storey
Yaratıcı: lubo1997
Serie of 6 blocks of flats from bricks, 5 storey: - "Blok 4p v1" - Block 5 storey with 1 staircase version 1 - 50 inhabitants, quality of living 94% - "Blok 4p v2" - Block 5 storey with 1 staircase version 2 - 32 inhabitants, quality of living 95% - "Blok ...
Blokovi Pack
Yaratıcı: Benco54
The Blokovi building pack include some buildings from Novi Beograd, Serbia. These Buildings there called Blokovi. You have 5 buildings in this mod with different sizes. The blokovi xl based on original building in novi beograd. The rest of the buildings ar...
Blue skin for 1Lg-600A
Yaratıcı: Shotkey
Adds one skin with blue inserts between the windows to all buildings from the 1Lg-600A mod. You can also subscribe other skins for 1Lg-600A using the links below: 1. GREEN inserts 2. RED inserts 3. Plastered walls...
Blythe (Uninhabited)
Yaratıcı: bansz
Map based on the area of Blythe. (Uninhabited) Inhabited version: Write a comment if you want it. :) More maps: If you like it,
Yaratıcı: Augusto_Panalitico
На русском БМП-1 — советская гусеничная боевая машина пехоты. Первая в мире серийная боевая машина пехоты плавающая, предназначенная для транспортировки личного состава к месту выполнения боевой задачи, повышения его мобильности и защищённости и поддержки ...
BMW E30 POLIZEI (german police car)
Yaratıcı: Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►HELLO/AHOJ◄ BMW E30 POLIZEI (german police car) -LOD included from 100m distance -4...
BMW Isetta
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Самый успешный послевоенный автомобиль малого класса. Выпускался с 1955 по 1962 Есть 20 Расцветок. Валюта USD. ----------------------------------------------------- The most successful post-war small car. Produced from 1955 to 1962 There are 20 Colors. Cur...
BMW Neue Klasse
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
1962 - 1975 15 Color USD...
Boeing 247
Yaratıcı: Lex713
  Information The Boeing Model 247 is an early United States airliner, considered the first such aircraft to fully incorporate advances such as all-metal (anodized aluminium) semimonocoque construction, a fully cantilevered wing, and retractable landing ge...
Boeing 727
Yaratıcı: oleksii.kapustin
RU: Boeing 727 — американский узкофюзеляжный среднемагистральный пассажирский самолёт. Первый полёт совершил 9 февраля 1963 года. Всего с 1963 по 1984 год было поставлено 1832 самолёта. Аэродинамическая схема — свободнонесущий трёхмоторный турбовентиляторн...
Boeing 737 Freighters
Yaratıcı: w101011 There are 2 cargo aircrafts in this module -- 737-400SF and 737-800BCF -- as a supplement to my last module 'Boeing 737 Chronicle'....
Boeing 747
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
I think it does not need an introduction. 2 options: Covered Passenger 13 colors. Currency...
Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner
Yaratıcı: Rod.Zam The Boeing 787-9 English The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is a wide-body jet airliner manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airplanes. The program was launched on April 26, 2004, with an order for 50 fro...
Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress
Yaratıcı: Lex713
  Information The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress is a four-engined heavy bomber developed in the 1930s for the United States Army Air Corps (USAAC). The B-17 was primarily employed by the USAAF in the daylight strategic bombing campaign of World War II agains...
Boeing B-29 Superfortress
Yaratıcı: Lex713
  Information The Boeing B-29 Superfortress is an American four-engine propeller-driven heavy bomber designed by Boeing and flown primarily by the United States during World War II and the Korean War. Named in allusion to its predecessor, the B-17 Flying F...
Boeing CH-47 Chinook
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Massive thanks to ryantheskinny for commissioning me to make this heli! One of the most iconic American helicopter, Boeing CH-47 Chinook. Total of 4 different skins available: Olive green, flat grey (both military), Firefighter red/white combo and Louisian...
Boeing CH-47 Chinook
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
USA heavy multipurpose transport helicopter. Manufactured since 1962 10 Colors. As long as there is passenger and cargo (I'll add a hanging ramp later) Currency USD...
Bolshoj Theatre
Yaratıcı: phx.Ham
Based on the Bolshoi Theatre. The Bolshoi Ballet and Bolshoi Opera are amongst the oldest and most renowned ballet and opera companies in the world. It is by far the world's biggest ballet company, with more than 200 dancers. The theatre is the parent comp...
Bombardier TWINDEXX Vario
Yaratıcı: Vilaxe
The Bombardier Twindexx Vario is a type of double-Decker car manufactured by Bombardier Transportation , which is used by Deutsche Bahn in regional and long-distance transport. Bombardier Twindexx Vario is part of the Twindexx family, which also includes T...
Border Set
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
Contains various things for making realistic border stations and checkpoints. - Map end road & rail connections: A simple road connection to be places in map editor to the edge of map to simulate actual traffic to neighboring country. Instanely fast loadin...
Border Set Skins
Yaratıcı: Oskutin
Skins for border set. Colors Police station as customs office, and some new flag stripes for border cairn...
Boreal Forest Empty 2023
Yaratıcı: lplandersen
A vast empty coastal plain covered with extensive boreal forests awaits its industrialization. Exploit the natural resources of this land and lead this new Soviet Republic in to a glorious future....
Bowling Alley
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
A small Bowling Alley - Kegelbahn Sports facility for up to 50 people. Kegelbahn is a 9 pin bowling alley, a game developed in Germany which is also known as Skittles. Cheaper to operate and run than 10 pin bowling they were popular across Eastern Europe, ...
Yaratıcı: Pyro
A large boxcar using the new anti-grav technology to allow increased capacity loads. This is the second railway wagon in my collection of USSR 2050 fut...
Boxcar 11-280 Skins
Yaratıcı: Jozef
Alternate skins for Boxcar 11-280 -Red Boxcar Recolor -Grey Boxcar RZHD -Blue Boxcar NOVOTRANS -Green Boxcar Wheatered -Green Boxcar Recolor Also check the other Boxcar Skins: 11-066: 11-270...
BQS Prefab Block
Yaratıcı: Gorbachev
BQS Block Типовые панельные здания 9, 10 и 14 этажей. Здания имеет реальный протопип жилья эконом класса в 120 квартале города Благовещенск. Проект включает в себя: 1. Квартал 425 - 10-этажное здание на 60 квартир (120 рабочих); 2. Квартал 119 - 9-этажное ...
BR (LNER) N2 Tank Engine
Yaratıcı: Synergistic Liability
Contents: This mod includes the N2 0-6-2 Steam Locomotive built for the LNER, GNR and British Railways. This mod also includes the sounds. I am not currently working on Mod Development. As a result this Workshop entry will not be amended until further noti...
BR V90
Yaratıcı: Headshot
The DB Class V90 (after 1968 the DB Class 290) locomotive is a German road switcher diesel-hydraulic locomotive for shunting and freight hauling. The DB Class V90 locomotives are similar to DB Class V 100 (Class 211 & 212) locomotives, they stemmed from a ...
Yaratıcı: Fiend
The Deutsche Reichsbahn's Class 52 is a German steam locomotive widely used throughout the Soviet Union. I did not make the original model - credit goes to Sketchpad user 'accessviolation' who made it freely available. I modified the model to reduce polygo...
Yaratıcı: KsenoN
Решил немного добавить военной техники, исключительно для производства на автозаводах и дальнейшей продажи зарубеж. Если вам такая идея по душе, напишите комментарий и какую технику хотели бы видеть у себя. БРДМ-2 — бронированная разведывательно-дозорная м...
Bread factory
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
A medium sized bakery, don't get fooled by its appearance comrades, here we produce only the freshest bread out of the finest chem... WHEAT FLOUR, made from our glorious republic golden fields. Thank you to Ryantheskinny for the help fixing some errors. NB...
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brewery based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 170 workers. Requires 51 t of crops and produces 10 t of alcohol per day when fully staffed...
Brick block of flats (11 storey) - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my brick block of flats (11 storey). Includes fifteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick block of flats (11 storey) - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my brick block of flats (11 storey). Includes sixteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick block of flats (6 storey) - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my brick block of flats (6 storey). Includes fifteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick blocks of flats (3 storey) - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my brick blocks of flats (3 storey). Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick blocks of flats (3 storey) - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my 3-storey brick blocks of flats. Includes seven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick blocks of flats (3 storey) - skins (part 2)
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my 3-storey brick blocks of flats. Includes seven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick blocks of flats (4 storey) - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my brick blocks of flats (4 storey). Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick blocks of flats (5 storey) - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my 5-storey brick blocks of flats. Includes four colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick blocks of flats (5 storey) - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my brick blocks of flats (5 storey). Includes four colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick blocks of flats (5 storey) - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my 5-storey brick block of flats. Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick blocks of flats (5 storey) - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my brick blocks of flats (5 storey). Includes four colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick factory
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick factory loosely based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 70 workers. Requires 31 t of coal and produces 47 t of bricks per day when fu...
Brick factory
Yaratıcı: pascha.frolow1990
ATTENTION GLOBAL UPDATE! Recycling fashion for coal. Given the latest updates, the bauxites need to be opened, so just coal, I apologize profoundly for the mod updates. The model of the plant is adapted to the grid, roads and railways, pedestrian paths, co...