

Not enough ratings
完成启程任务:/completequest gaterepair
传送到警局:/warp InstanceWorld:lawpoliceheadquarters
泰拉瑞亚boss:肉山召唤:/spawnmonster wallofflesh 4
开局可能会没有火把等制作,新加了[] Default Recipe UNLOCKER这个mod,里面制造的放大镜可以自动解锁因为mod没自动出现的制作。
Items (578)
【土星人汉化补丁】The Saturnians Chinese patch
Created by Sakina
本MOD为The Saturnians的汉化补丁!支持1.2版本的The Saturnians MOD 需要与The Saturnians(土星人mod本体): 一起安装才能工作! 建议同时也安装星核汉化以达到最好的体验! 星核汉化:
Created by 和him一起挖矿
注意:本简中补丁即为原奥法秘境汉化【Arcana Simplified Chinese Translation Project】。原链接补丁现已停止更新,今后由【和him一起挖矿】接手后续更新和维护。 使用本补丁前请先取消订阅原补丁 使用本补丁前请先取消订阅原补丁 使用本补丁前请先取消订阅原补丁 喜报:困扰诸君数年之久的更多星球星系(More Planet Info)不显示的bug已经被我矿君修复了,高呼我的祝圣之名吧! 顺便看看我矿君的奥法秘境附属! Arcana Simplified Chinese T...
【合鸟汉化组】Food Processor_Chinese-Patch[食品加工机汉化]
Created by ATTA
Food Processor的汉化补丁: 食品加工机mod之介绍中包含汉语说明,三年来无人构建汉化!何以如此?!时隔三载...吾辈乃为之! 万福Diskrubbish!无其苦助,许多汉化工作都难以进行。 一切解释权归原mod作者所有!! 太棒了,我逐渐开始理解加帕里.jpg ———————— Localized Chinese patches for food processors: The introduction of the food processor mod contains a Chinese ...
【Phigros音乐包】可演奏的音游乐曲 Playable Muisc From Phigros
Created by 水里灵活的鱼
这是我上传的第一个音乐包,同时也是我上传的第一个模组,希望各位能喜欢~(暗示点赞) 欢迎大家加入我们【世末之雨】,我们可以一起交流各种游戏~ QQ群:428601020(我们的服务器群,有各种游戏的服务器,欢迎前来游玩!) steam组:【世末之雨】 该模组收录了以下5首来自音游《Phigros》的曲子: 1.LeaF - もぺもぺ (mopemope) 2.NceS - Burn 3.A39 - Water 4.闫东炜 - ...
⑨ Cirno チルノ東方project Touhou
Created by Karlowi
this adds cirno's clothes here are the spawn codes, enabled admin mode with /admin first "/spawnitem cirnoback" "/spawnitem cirnochest" "/spawnitem cirnohead" "/spawnitem cirnolegs" ...
❤Maid NPCs Chinese-Patch❤妹抖招募中文汉化
Created by ATTA
///////绝版警告/////// 该mod已在创意工坊下架,请移步线下下载 度盘 s/1Qqh4zGyzBqtMHTl9Zq2gYQ?pwd=sxbd —————— 或者订阅重新上传版本 原文说明翻译: 此模组添加了以下女仆 NPC 类型: 女仆船员 (crewmembermaid.npctype) 端庄的妹抖是清洁工的可爱版。与那些粗鲁的家伙不同,她以更有礼貌且更加恭敬的语气与你对话。完美而优雅的女仆……还能像忍者一样行动。 女仆 (maid.npctype) 这些受人尊敬的妹抖是著名的“刀枪无眼”之...
动态长发[Dynamic long hair] 3.1
Created by 二十二度幻月
·其实是装备,【头部装饰】和【背部装饰】 ·在纺织工作台使用5根细线制作 ·中文版,没有字库会乱码 ·更新· 染色调整:使用默认染色表 (这会导致少量颜色丢失,但这将兼容一些染色类MOD) Dyed adjustment: Use the default coloring table (this will result in a small amount of color loss, but this will be compatible with some dyed MOD)...
Created by LESION
修复了因为添加了一些mod(例如FU)而不能在创建角色时取中文名的问题 -1.1更新 添加了星球标签的中文输入...
Created by ATTA
我想喝点什么(I Want to Drink Something)
Created by 曰总418
正式版1.0已发布! 1.0更新了啥? 1. 完全脱离了富兰克林的宇宙(FU),但如果你仍然安装了FU,你可以在发明家工作台中制作FU转换器。前提是你需要拾取FU的加工台才可解锁配方。 2. 新增蜂蜜罐来制作有关蜂蜜的物品。蜂蜜也可以在FU转换器中转换为FU版本的蜂蜜。 3. 新增两种农作物:樱桃还有西瓜。 4. 增加了5种饮料。 5. 你现在可以直接在泰拉市场中购买柠檬与茶叶种子,但樱桃和西瓜仍需要通过探索获得。 Mod名称:我想喝点什么 描述:还感觉屎大棒的饮料不够多吗?订阅此模组来增加超过50种各具特...
Created by KaBi
失踪人口突然出现 hhhh 这次带来的是两首歌 ① 前前前世-你的名字 ② 打上火花 貌似名字显示有问题 .. 不知道你们可不可以 先这样吧 待会研究研究 ...
Created by L翰翰
魔女之旅 伊蕾娜的服装包! 包括伊蕾娜服装,飞行扫帚等六件物品! 服可用mod,纯json物品 制作的时候要开admin 添加了一些音乐 看看我的bilibili视频!
Created by ATTA
本mod为星之子神器任务(Novakid Artifact Quest)的中文化mod。 本汉化mod由屎大棒合鸟汉化组制作。我们的口号是,鸽了。 -汉化进度- 完整汉化 -协助翻译- 我们的项目库地址:。 Paratranz绝赞支持中!。 爱发电这边请
Created by ATTA
汉化完成 强力 牛肉面 护盾 红字:呼呼呼...... 卧槽,太牛逼了!...
Created by ATTA
Shattered Alchemy!MOD 的汉化版本 著作权归原作者所有! 2022/3/19更新 ___________________________________________ The copyright belongs to the original author@Silver Sokolova! Sorry to change the author's picture......
Created by 和him一起挖矿
My Enternia Simplified Chinese Translation Project Project:和him一起挖矿 项目基于SKY、龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 本mod为绮宇梦纪“My Enternia”的简体中文补丁。 汉化进度 基本100% 有多少人能想到一个订阅数不过8k不到的mod,文本量居然比Maple32和Voided加起来都多呢? 协助翻译 @Partranz 感谢 作者 @Ceterai 点这里跳转到原MOD创意工坊地址 为starbound mod汉化提供了超便利脚本的龙...
Created by KaBi
这是红豆糕屎大棒 整合的一大个音乐包 至于有多少个曲子吧 快进游戏看看吧 作者:Redbean_cake...
羽族中文 Avali in zh.
Created by Catoverflow
简介-Intro 这是Avali Triage的汉化补丁 A Chinese patch of Avali Triage. *请安装中文字体 相关链接-Links 汉化组 源码 羽族中文百科 致谢-Credits TigrexΩ LatteMint ZY10086 lyy00054(译者,顺序不计) ProjectSky - FU汉化补丁作者,提供了不少译文 Fevix - Who maintains the Avali Triage mod. 已知问题-Problems 水平有限,部分译文可能不够准确 因...
Created by U431RT
Created by 曰总418
该模组为 Avali Halo Weapons(FU)的中文版本,详细描述请移步至:。 This mod is C hinese version of Avali Halo Weapons, more details please check on this page:
"Alice" Blade
Created by melancholy
"Alice" Blade: S Version Based off of SinOAlice's main character weapon Note: This will not work on vanilla servers unless the server also have the mod ___________________________ "Even if this world is steeped in curses, I refuse to give up." A sword from...
默认256格飞船储藏柜 支持原版+FU
Created by 蛋大爷
修改了所有角色的飞船储藏柜扩大为256格, 收集癖的福音。 在仓库下面增加重命名、搜索、按分类把背包物品放入仓库、整理功能。 重命名可以输入任何字符。 增加对FU的支持 PS:重命名会永久性修改名字,谨慎使用 ...
"Deep Frozen" microdungeon Six-Pack
Created by Fabmat
This mod adds a six new microdungeons to cold planets. I hope to add a little more diversity to the game by doing this. I would be happy if you use my mod, leave a rating, and may write a comment, on how i could improve my structure. I will make more struc...
"Creepy Cultists" microdungeon six-pack
Created by Fabmat
This mod adds six encounterdungeons to the game, which all go by the theme of Cultists, worshipping the Ruin. All of them are cultist camps with parts of the Ruin emerging from the Planet. The idea for these dungeons came from raydragonmaster34, thanks go ...
"Death Valley" microdungeon six pack
Created by Fabmat
This mod adds six more microdungeons to desert and savannah planets. With doing this i am hoping to enrich the experience you will have with Starbound. This is my fourth dungeon mod for Starbound, be sure to check out my other mods too. Also, please leave ...
"Roots and Vines" microdungeon six-pack
Created by Fabmat
This mod adds six microdungeons to the game, which are all found on jungle planets. This is my Fith dungeon mod for Starbound. Please Rate my mod, subscribe to it and leave a helpful comment. If you want to see any microdungeon in the game, then feel free ...
(FU)SQUAD/战术小队 OST music addons
Created by [AR]UMP-45
waiting to fill description... and of course you can subscribe now! just select the soundtrack on FU music player! there's total 31 music in tracks 等待填写描述.... 当然你也可以现在订阅!只需在FU的音乐播放器上播放即可!共31首(其中包括原声带没有的两首曲目....哦对了,SQUAD主界面的那首歌叫02_Tallil_Outskirts,翻到最底下就能找到...
(FU) Music Player Addon "AnimeMusic Pack"
Created by Holopsicon
AnimeMusic Pack add music which you can turn on the music player from the Frackin 'Universe mod. This mod does not add or change music in the background or adds music to play musical instruments. Songs List: 59 songs Aimer - Hoshikuzu Venus Amazarashi - So...
(FU) Music Player Addon "Blue Archive"
Created by Cytoria
Adds a selection of Blue Archive Music you can play from Music Players from the Frackin Universe mod. You need Frackin Universe to play the music. I do not own anything....
(th07)The music pack adapted from the game Touhou Youyoumu~Perfect Cherry Blossom/东方妖妖梦音乐包
Created by 栗子糕
If there is infringement, please inform me, I will delete. /如有侵权,请告知我,我会删除的 =========================================================== Me: Little/莉特尔 source: most of them come from (大多来自 ================================...
(th06)The music pack adapted from the game Touhou Koumakyou~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil/东方红魔乡音乐包
Created by 栗子糕
If there is infringement, please inform me, I will delete. /如有侵权,请告知我,我会删除的 =========================================================== PCB / 妖妖梦: IN/永夜抄:
(th08)The music pack adapted from the game Touhou Eiyashou~ Imperishable Night/东方永夜抄音乐包
Created by 栗子糕
If there is infringement, please inform me, I will delete. /如有侵权,请告知我,我会删除的 =========================================================== EoSD/ 红魔乡: PCB / 妖妖梦:
(th10)The music pack adapted from the game Touhou Fuujinroku~Mountain of Faith /东方风神录音乐包
Created by 栗子糕
If there is infringement, please inform me, I will delete. /如有侵权,请告知我,我会删除的 =========================================================== EoSD/ 红魔乡: PCB / 妖妖梦:
(th11)The music pack adapted from the game Touhou Chireiden~Subterranean Animism/东方地灵殿音乐包
Created by 栗子糕
If there is infringement, please inform me, I will delete. /如有侵权,请告知我,我会删除的 ======================================================== Me: Little/莉特尔 source: most of them come from (大多来自 ===================================...
(th12)The music pack adapted from the game Touhou Seirensen~Undefined Fantastic Object/东方星莲船音乐包
Created by 栗子糕
If there is infringement, please inform me, I will delete. /如有侵权,请告知我,我会删除的 =========================================================== Me: Little/莉特尔 source: most of them come from (大多来自 ================================...
(th14)The music pack adapted from the game Touhou Kishinjo~ Double Dealing Character/东方辉针城音乐包
Created by 栗子糕
If there is infringement, please inform me, I will delete. /如有侵权,请告知我,我会删除的 =========================================================== EoSD/ 红魔乡: PCB / 妖妖梦:
- Green's Dye Suite 1.7 - Super Ultra Matter Update DX Plus Omega Repainted Edition & Knuckles
Created by OxOOFFOO
To make the glowing dyes function, install futara's shader: Reskinning and dyeing the matter manipulator! Custom flashlights. Some bug fixes. New categories a...
(th95&th125)The music pack adapted from the game Touhou Bunkachou~Shoot the Bullet & Double Spoiler/东方文花帖(ds)音乐包
Created by 栗子糕
If there is infringement, please inform me, I will delete. /如有侵权,请告知我,我会删除的 =========================================================== EoSD/ 红魔乡: PCB / 妖妖梦:
3 Style Character Idle Pose
Created by アルカナ ∅
This mod Add new 10 pose (personality) to use on new create character and newly spawned NPC There is 3 Style of pose 10 pose in total Brawler 3 pose Bland 4 pose Braver 3 pose QA Question & Answer Q : How i can change my character pose on pre exist charact...
3D Printer Replacer
Created by JC
The pixel printer memory leak was really starting to annoy me and i couldn't find a mod to provide some sort of fix so i made this. It basically replaces the pixel printer with a replica crafting station. The pro is obviously that you don't lag anymore and...
=☆=United Systems Expansion SChinese Translation=☆=联合系统拓展汉化
Created by ATTA
//////注意/////// 2024/3/25 由于一些来自GIC的内部矛盾,原mod已经遭到作者下架 但是我有备份... 百度 s/1Qqh4zGyzBqtMHTl9Zq2gYQ?pwd=sxbd 放至本地mods文件夹 ——————因对原MOD怀有敬意而制作。—————— =“战争没有胜者,只有人性的溃败。”= 如果说FU是STB最大的实体内容扩展mod,那么US.E可谓是STB的政治背景设定补充包; 混沌中立的观念和立场让它的可阅读内容显得如此迷人,并毫无违和地融入了新派系的设定,因此产生了太空歌...
Access Granted
Created by Rage
You may proceed. This is a simple head accessory mod that contains many reference filled accessories! All accessories can be crafted the Access Granted vault for 1 Pixel. The Access Granted vault can be crafted from the Inventor's Table for 1 Pixel. Got an...
Adventurer’s Addons Chinese patch
Created by AI
Adventurer’s Addons: Loot, Treasure, and Equipment Expanded! Chinese patch...
Adventurer’s Addons: Loot, Treasure, and Equipment Expanded!
Created by bobhat
I'm working on a update but it'll be postponed until my finals are over. Should be compatible with all other mods, including Frackin Universe. Have you ever thought to yourself while exploring the universe: "I wish there was more stuff to loot and more tre...
Alrune Race cutebound patch
Created by Marbliss
Makes the Alrune race have a cutebound feel. Male and female use the same big eyed face. 2.0 Male and female now have different size and shaped ears+ Emotes are now corrected...
Alrune Race FU patch
Created by Marbliss
Enables Alrune to use FU BYOS system and fixes the description if its broken. With some slight stat changes from the original. May throw of the original feel, use at your own discretion. Also fixes the locker with it, racial items included....
Anom's Outpost Overhaul
Created by AnomNom Does the Outpost feel tiny? Maybe a bit ugly? Do you wish the Ark was a seperate place? Boy, you're gonna love this one. Probably my biggest mod yet, Anom's Outpost Overhaul has all your quarrels covered. Probably. I spent a v...
Created by KaBi
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 这个mod包括5首曲子 EVA的残酷天使的行动纲领 RE0的ED 【轻柔版】 犬夜叉的穿越时空的思念【穿越时空爱上狗 2333 甲铁城的ED 推荐用musicbox来演奏如果你找不到这个物品 指令是先输入/admin...
Anom's Outpost Overhaul - (Arsenalbound) Lastree Race Mod
Created by AnomNom
A patch for Arsenalbound - Lastree Race Mod, allowing it to be used with Anom's Outpost Overhaul. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ All patches for Anom's Outpost Overhaul follow the same formu...
Anom's Outpost Overhaul - Artifact Trophies Patch
Created by AnomNom
A patch for Artifact Trophies, allowing it to be used with Anom's Outpost Overhaul. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ All patches for Anom's Outpost Overhaul follow the same formula; a patch to ...
Anom's Outpost Overhaul - Enhanced Storage Patch
Created by AnomNom
A patch for Enhanced Storage, allowing it to be used with Anom's Outpost Overhaul. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ All patches for Anom's Outpost Overhaul follow the same formula; a patch to ...
Anom's Outpost Overhaul - Gunsmith Shop Addon
Created by AnomNom
An addon for Anom's Outpost Overhual that adds the Gunsmith Shop! For those unaware, the Gunsmith Shop is a small store included with More Outpost Objects that sells weaponry. It probably is balanced, I don't know, but I was suggested to add it, so I did b...
Any Capture
Created by Darexon
JCUnown has released a reloaded version of this mod: It is recommended to use the reloaded version of this mod instead of this version because this mod is broken and will not be updated. A mo...
Arachne Race
Created by Quintexial
Features: Adds race of half-spider, half-humans known as Arachne, with more health, higher jumps, and a slightly faster walkspeed. Includes custom respawn, death, and warp animations, as well as furniture, weapons, armour, and more. History: Mistral S91 is...
Any Capture Reloaded
Created by pointbeing
If you have a question about whether something in vanilla is capturable/functions when captured, I ask that you please check the Known Capture Issues thread first. If your question still isn't answered after that, ask me. PLEASE NOTE: This is not a patch f...
Anom's Outpost Overhaul - Project Redemption Patch
Created by AnomNom
A patch for Project Redemption, allowing it to be used with Anom's Outpost Overhual. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Honestly I just copied the patch from the base mod, updated the position, ...
Created by sleepySva
1.2 Update Info Arcana now requires Community Framework to play! Please make sure you are subscribed to the framework before using Arcana.
Arcana UI
Created by sleepySva
Arcana UI An interface mod that changes the title screen & the character selection screen, additional changes might be added in the future ¯\_(ツ)_/¯....
Arcana's Human Hairstyle
Created by アルカナ ∅
This is my first mod. a hair patch and This mod just add hairstyle really nothing more than adding new hairstyle to human race ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- status : Completed --------------------------...
Armor Augments
Created by hebiohime
This mod is standalone, adds augment slots to back head chest and legs More than one of a kind of augment does not stack (example: 4 Healing III augments). Different levels of augments stack(example: 1 each of Healing I, II, III). ╔════════════════════════...
Architect's Desk
Created by JC
Hello everyone, I mainly made this mod for myself but figured others might enjoy it too so here we are. The Architect's Desk is a prefab mod, you craft the desk at the Inventor's Table and interact with it like a normal crafting station. The interface will...
Armor Augments - Arcana! (READ DESCRIPTION)
Created by Silver Sokolova
Armor Augments for Arcana! NOTE: The armor accepts augments even if the augment slot isn't shown. Mod image by Sva, I think. I didn't make it. It's just Arcana's mod image....
Arsenalbound Ship Locker FU Fix
Created by A-Vladimir
Fixes the Ship Locker for Indix and Lastree so they include FU (and probably other mods) items in it....
Created by ikuma
※日本語説明は下部にあります ======================================================== English ======================================================== ◇Outline The portrait and AI of NingenRace will be Alona. It is recommended to install BlueArchiveMod after clearing mi...
Arsenalbound - Indix race pack
"Oh, hello." I've never seen your species before. Could I ask you to introduce yourself?" "Hmm, I will. I'm Indix... Wait, why... Why are you repeating the expansion and contraction of your thorax? I, Is that some sort of attack preparation?" "What? What d...
Arsenalbound - Lastree Race Mod
Adds the Lastree, humanity's "guardian devil". “According to this scenario, we are prehistoric people saved by the USCM remnants, who were taught by them to help mankind in return. ” “Do you really think they'll believe this?” “Nah, but it is less awkward ...
Arsenalbound - Lastree Race Mod Chinese Translation Mod
Created by MothA
Arsenalbound - Lastree Race Mod Simplified Chinese Translation Project 项目基于SKY、龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 合鸟了 本页面还需要继续完善。 本mod为Arsenalbound - Lastree Race Mod的中文化mod 汉化进度 99.03% 原mod创意工坊链接 协助翻译 我们的项目库地址:Gitee。 现在也可以通过paratranz协助翻译了:Paratranz 爱发电这边请 联系反馈 基本汉化完全,若有遗漏留言即可。...
Artifact Trophies
Created by ☯ James ☪
{ DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONS } Adds various different trophies of the main Artifacts to a store near you. They can all be bought at the Artifact Trophies store near the Ark Teleporter after you finish the associated quests. Which mean you can only b...
Ashspeakers' The House of Peace (prev. EP's Shadow Expansion)
Created by Ashspeaker
"The House of Peace" adds a new playable race with themed dungeons, dialogues, missions, and lore. Look below for... ...the List of the Features: - A race of mysterious shadow people FrOm ThE OtHeR WoRlD(kinda) - Dread...
avali camps on frackin' planets
Created by gensou ichida
a patch for FU and the Avali Triage race mod. allows avali settlements to spawn on FU planets. avali microdungeons will spawn in quite a few biomes, namely mountainous planets and primeval jungles, alongside an array of other cold-to-moderate climates. lar...
Avali (Triage) Race Mod
Created by Fevix
Avali race mod for Starbound 1.4 The cutest predators this side of the universe rift We now have a Discord chat, come on in! No account needed! If you have issues, please go to and post a new...
Avali Plus
Created by FlyIN_11
NOW---->1.88 版本变化: the changethe: 有谁提过到avali的机甲配置台吗? Has anyone mentioned the mecha configuration of avali? (其实还有加一个盆栽啦,不过不重要x) (I actually added a potted plant, but it doesn't matter) 如何使用这个mod How do I use this mod 按下C合成商店(目前) Press C to synthesize the s...
Avali Perennial Crops
Created by Neko Boi Nick
Perennial Crops Compatibility Patch for Avali (Triage) Race Mod Added support for Avali crops from the Triage mod, And adds support for the crop(s) added by, Avali Augments And Assorments: Revisited. Github:
Avatar: Na'vi & RDA
Created by Ironkoldo - 1.3.2 Update A decorative AMP mech that you can interact with to spawn your own mech anywhere. The mod features The Na'vi. An outfit that changes depending on the gender, resistant to toxic ...
Avatar: Na'vi & RDA Mech Legs Adapter
Created by Ironkoldo
This mod adapts the AMP Mech Legs to the sizes of many mods, like Frackin' Universe and XS Mechs : Modular Edition. This mod makes only visual changes. This is a fan art mod based on "Avatar" (movie) Permissions Do not reupl...
Aya Shameimaru 東方project 射命丸 文 Touhou
Created by Karlowi
this adds aya Shameimaru clothes here are the spawn codes, enabled admin mode with /admin first "/spawnitem ayachest" "/spawnitem ayahead" "/spawnitem ayalegs"...
Betabound SChinese Translation Mod
Created by diskrubbish
Betabound Simplified Chinese Translation Project 本页面还需要继续完善。 本mod为Betabound的中文化mod。 本汉化mod由合鸟汉化组制作,现在交给和him一起挖矿和他的小伙伴们维护。 汉化进度 感谢stranger1-5。 也赞美獭獭。 协助翻译 Paratranz绝赞支持中! 感谢 作者@Silver Sokolova 。 点这里跳转到原MOD创意工坊地址 感谢先驱者龙骑和Sky @DragonKnightOfBreeze 、 @ProjectS...
Created by Silver Sokolova
Betabound is a base-game enhancement mod which adds tons of content consistent with the Starbound vision throughout the entire game-- from beginning to end! Although Betabound certainly has a strong presence throughout the game, it is not an overhaul mod a...
Battle Droids on Planets (Crashes new visited planets if uninstalled)
Created by Ironkoldo
WARNING Planets will CRASH if you uninstall this mod. (Only the ones you visit for the first time while having this mod installed) This mod WILL NOT affect planets you visited BEFORE installing this mod. For example if you visit a planet for the first time...
Barrage heavy mecha
Created by POHANY A small mod that adds new parts to the Mech Assembly Station. How to get new parts: It is necessary to find a blueprint in deep sp...
bk3k's Side Action Bar - 10 bar size
Created by bk3000
THIS REQUIRES A NEW CHARACTER! This mod moves the actionbar to the left side. It has 10 bars instead of the vanilla 6 bars. It is IMO handier and better looking too. I also have a vanilla version of the mod for those that don't want to start fresh on their...
BL3 Healthbars - Elemental Mods
Created by FelmastProMcLane
Adds support to many of the elements from different mods. This support includes: Custom Particles*, including colors. Elemental resistances/weaknesses. Inclusion in the list of the interface for in-game info. (From the base BL3 mod) *Particles are loaded f...
Black Schoolgirl Uniform
Created by MrM0dZ
Now you can turn yourself into a tsundere! It's not like i did this because y-you a-asked for! You can craft each for 100 pixels at the Spinning Wheel! - Now works with Lamias...
Blade Dance extension: Drachentöter
Created by Ribs
We have a discord server now! You can join to chat about modding or just generally have fun! "Forged long ago by a long forgotten race, this blade was created from the heart of a star and cooled in the blood of dragons. They called this sword, "Dragonslaye...
Blue Archive Cosmetic
Created by Mk Ⅳ: GIRZU
I am not good at English. I'm sorry for my poor expression. Welcome! visitors from Kibotos! Let's invite girls to this dangerous universe who are fine even after being shot by tanks! This mode mainly supports the halo that the Blue Archive character has. I...
BlueArchive Hair for Kitsune!
Created by Mk Ⅳ: GIRZU
hair style for Kitsune(and Harfsea!) I tried to solve the problem of existing Kitsune's tail appearing on Izuna's fluffy tail. but It was impossible. To solve this problem, we should remove the tails of Kitsune race! maybe I can, but I don't I think that's...
Created by ikuma
※日本語説明は下部にあります ======================================================== English ======================================================== ◇Outline A store selling items related to BlueArchive Mod is added to Basic Crafting. The currency available in this st...
Bocchi the Rock EP5 ギターと孤独と蒼い惑星Live
Created by Cleanwind
Mandarin: 《孤独摇滚!》第5集Live版《吉他与孤独与蓝色星球》音轨集 包含五段音轨,在游戏中显示为五首曲目,分别对应每个乐队成员的声部,其中喜多是主唱和节奏吉他手,故有2条音轨 游戏内只能一人拿一个乐器,所以主唱和节奏吉他需要两个人分别拿乐器演奏 每个人负责一个声部,就像真正的结束乐队一样,所以游戏中五个人要各自拿固定的乐器弹演奏固定的曲目,无法使用输入乐队名一起演奏的功能,因此要和朋友恰好秒表同时点击演奏才行 GKAW是自己顺口编的缩写啦,方便游戏里排序 English: Bocchi the...
Bocchi the Rock!ED3 なにが悪い(有什么不好)Music
Created by Cleanwind
Chinese: 孤独摇滚第三首ED なにが悪い(有什么不好) 这次只有一条音轨,单人演奏即可 乐器推荐使用钢琴演奏,其他乐器的话我自己听了一下,古典吉他,原声吉他,明亮钢琴的表现还行,电贝斯出乎意料的不错,但什么麦克风啊鼓啊之类的就别整这个了 歌曲名是Bocchi the Rock ED3 YIA 虽然不能使用鼓,但虹夏还是希望你听得开心~ ______________________________________ English: Bocchi the Rock! ED3 なにが悪い Includes...
Bocchi the Rock!孤独摇滚OP 青春コンプレックス
Created by Cleanwind
Mandarin: 《孤独摇滚!》OP《青春症候群》音轨集 包含五段音轨,在游戏中显示为五首曲目 游戏内只能一人拿一个乐器,所以游戏中五个人要各自拿固定的乐器弹演奏固定的曲目,无法使用输入乐队名一起演奏的功能,因此要和朋友恰好秒表同时点击演奏才行 AS是自己顺口编的缩写啦,方便游戏里排序 English: Bocchi the Rock! OP 青春コンプレックス It contains five tracks, which are displayed as 5 songs in the game. Wit...
Borderlands 3 Custom Health bars
Created by FelmastProMcLane
This mod tries to replicate the behavior of multiple random healthbars introduced in BL3. Check the collection for addons an textures: Borderlands 3 Custom Healthbars Collection. Tired of enemies feeling always the same? With this mod every enemy and group...
Borderlands 2 Random and Unique Shields
Created by FelmastProMcLane
Update, Notice: Version 4 is here, NPCs can now spawn with shield types! And a bunch of fixes and changes. Added compatibility with "Crew Customization+" and "BL3 Healthbars" for new npc shield display. This mod no longer needs external health bar mods to ...
Boss Loot Bags
Created by Bloopers
Ever wanted Terraria's Expert Mode treasure bag mechanic in Starbound? This mod adds loot bags that are given to all players who are near a boss when it dies. Inside the bags are the same drops that the boss would give you in vanilla, plus some extra goodi...
Brawler's Coat and Arms
Created by Eastrea
A coat for all your brawling needs, for those that always wanted to use fist weapons as their main form of combat but 1 didnt feel the vanilla fists were strong enough and 2 none of the armor sets matched the playstyle look. Feel free to point out any erro...
Broken Mars Rover
Created by MAKI
The mars rover from movie <<THE MARTIAN>>. With all function a container should have. !!!Just a container!!! You can find it at workbench. Also include a RTG EPP(cold protection). Improved Containers mod required >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 映画「ザ マーシャン」の中の火星探...
Capturable vanilla critters
Created by 🐱
Makes all vanilla critters capturable via capture pods, and Punchy too. They all keep their "vanilla" behavior, so that implies birb will just stand there, fly away when you approaches, and die offscreen. Literally die, you'll have to use a pet healing sta...
Bullet Kin Race
Created by speedentron
Adds bullet kins from Enter The Gungeon as a playable race, but not only! Other stuff added by the mod: -Custom ship with all upgrades, custom S.A.I.L and pet! -Tiered armors! -Different paintable apparel from ETG! -4 weapons with more planned! -Character ...
Carlucci Inventory Mod Is Back 4 GooD !! v2.50
Created by Carlucci, Ace
3 years ago I developed a mod for myself because I liked organization and deep pockets, so after making it I decided to share it with everyone. Up until it was removed, it was 5 star mod and had over 1 million downloads, thanks to everyone for that. Please...
CCUI with Fixes and New Collections
Created by Davoker
Fixes Custom Collections UI compatibility issues with (in theory) almost any mod that can add its own collections, such as Elithian Race Mod. It also adds new collections, it's a work in progress, at the moment there is one new collection and more on the w...
CCUI with Fixes and New Collections Chinese patch
Created by AI
CCUI with Fixes and New Collections的汉化补丁...
Ceiling Mounted Sprinkler
Created by Numenization
This mod adds a ceiling mounted water sprinkler that is meant to match futuristic style builds. It covers 8-10 blocks and constantly waters. It can be turned on/off with wiring and is a great solution to those who don't want to make holes in their crop fie...
Chomby Buff
Created by The barbarian
Massively buffs the chomby vehicle from the Shellguard mod Credits to the Shellguard team for an amazing mod (and chomby)...
Cloak Co. Products
Created by SevenIndex
Cloak Co. Products is now completely functional, and any future additions will be sprite cleanups and bug fixes. Thanks for sticking around. About Cloak Co. Products is "simple" mod aimed at created a more immersive version of the invisible clothing concep...
Combinable Augments
Created by C0bra5
Combinable Augments Combinable augments allows you to combine all of your augments, collars and fishing lures into a single piece of mastery. 1 Augment to rule them all, this is the goal of this mod. What can you do? - Combine epp augments together - Combi...
Copyright Infringement Mod
Created by Melendroach
Just a simple modpack that adds weapons and cosmetics from a variety of franchises to your world. The weapons will just randomly spawn in chest and each weapon is balanced to be as good if not a little better than what you'd find in that tier normally with...
Ceiling Mounted Sprinkler Simplified Chinese Patch
Created by Future93
Provide Simplified Chinese Support for the mod Ceiling Mounted Sprinkler. 为 Ceiling Mounted Sprinkler 模组提供简体中文支持。 Current Version: v4.2 for Ceiling Mounted Sprinkler v4 当前版本:v4.2,面向 Ceiling Mounted Sprinkler 4 (2016.08.02) 洒洒水啦~...
Corporate Expansion
Created by LK335q Corporate Expansion is a growing Starbound mod that aims to build upon the base game with loads of new content, including a new galactic corporation known as... General Munitions Co. specializ...
Corporate Expansion sChinese Translation Patch
Created by 和him一起挖矿
Corporate Expansion Simplified Chinese Translation Project Project:和him一起挖矿、oucr 项目基于SKY、龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 本mod为Corporate Expansion(企业拓展)的简体中文补丁。 汉化进度 基本100%,其中和him一起挖矿完成了62.6%,oucr贡献了剩下的37.4% 协助翻译 @Partranz 感谢 作者 @LK335q 点这里跳转到原MOD创意工坊地址 为starbound mod汉化提供了超便利...
Craftable Ice and Snow
Created by Azure Fang
In vanilla Starbound, the only way to get Snowballs necessary to make Ice Cream and Snowcone recipes is to fly to cold planets and pick snow up off of the ground... I don't know about you, gentle reader, but the first culinary skill I learned as a child wa...
Craftable Mech Energy Cell
Created by LuviKunG
Required Starbound 1.3+ Compatibility with Starbound 1.4 Do you want to explore a planet with you mech? But you lag of mech energy in the middle of exploration. Do you want to urgenty healing your mech during in the middle of combat? But you can't. This mo...
Crew Customization +
Created by FelmastProMcLane
Now a rewrite of Crew Customization Updated to have an interface, allow full customization of gear, change name and apply augments to crew members. Changelog: Inteface can be opened opened by a tailor. Added "Disable" Button, it switches from "D" to "E", w...
Critter Capture Revamped
Created by AsPerrUsual
Critters got you feeling anxious even after you've safely relocated them? Want a proper way to display your collection? Are you just looking for a fancy conversation piece for the lobby of your ship? Look no further - critter capture is back, and better th...
Critter Capture: Revamped! 简体中文补丁
Created by Future93
Provide Simplified Chinese Support for the mod Critter Capture: Revamped!. 为 Critter Capture: Revamped! 模组提供简体中文支持。 Current Version: v0.1.1 for Critter Capture: Revamped! v0.1 当前版本:v0.1.1,面向 Critter Capture: Revamped! v0.1 (2019.02.05) ========== 译者感言 Tran...
Custom Collections UI
Created by Not Mr Flıbble
Modifies Starbound's collections window to handle custom collections. The actual custom collections and their content are left entirely to mod authors and maintainers… This mod conflicts with any other mods which also directly modify that window. Mod autho...
Customizable Shuttlecraft Simplified Chinese Patch
Created by Future93
Provide Simplified Chinese Support for the mod Customizable Shuttlecraft. 为 Customizable Shuttlecraft 模组提供简体中文支持。 Current Version: v1.3.2 for Customizable Shuttlecraft v1.3 当前版本:v1.3.2,面向 Customizable Shuttlecraft v1.3 (2017.10.11) Attention: Only minimize...
Customizable Shuttlecraft
Created by Boze Hendrik
Build and modify your own custom shuttlecraft. Choose a frame type, customize your paintjob and decals and install special modules. Then weaponize your shuttlecraft with your guns, rocket launchers or other weapons. All shuttlecraft can be operated by a pi...
Cute Shoggoths
Created by Prodigy
This mod retextures the eyes of both the Shoggoths and Mindflayers to have the Cutebound appearance. It also changes the creation screen gender icons for both to look like a Shoggoth Eye with the gender symbol cleverly placed within. As the mod is just a s...
Cute Vampires
Created by Peach to Peach
Hello. This mod is a Cutebound treatment on swarmdruid's SPACE VAMPIRES. People have wondered if this exists for so long and now it is here so... enjoy! What's in the mod: Space Vampires with very bright Cutebound eyes No more undies Vampire girl harem not...
Cutebound Arcana
Created by Archilyte
Cutebound patch for Arcana (Requires Arcana. Doesn't requirre Cutebound, but is recommended) Currently it changes Arcanians, and the Nova Station vendors. All art credit goes to ✧ S V Λ ° ✦ and Barb-tan Non-Steam Version...
Cutebound De'nelaun
Created by Prodigy
This simple patch gives the De'nelaun race from Omeruin's eponymous mod Cutebound eyes and shading. It also changes the icons on the CC screen to be more "Leaf-like." Cutebound is not required, but the original mod is required....
Date A Live - Kotori Itsuka Outfit
Created by Meta
Adds Kotori Itsuka's uniform and her twintails. Craft the ribbons/twintails for 10 string at the spinning wheel. Craft the uniform for 10 fabric at the spinning wheel....
Deep Kingdom Mod
Created by Anakin
Introduces the Lyru into starbound. The most infamous cave dwellers. The Lyru, are vast race of treasure hunters and thieves from the depths of a molten world. They evolved with incredible eyesight though sensitive to bright light, and have adapted well to...
Cutebound Hairs for Zombies
Created by Peach to Peach
Hello, this is my first mod. This mod aims to add cutebound hairs to DrPvtSkittles' zombie race. DrPvtSkittles' Zombie Race Mod Redux is required. Enjoy! Credits to: Barb-tan and HDoomGuy for Cutebound hair designs and DrPvtSkittles for the Zombie Race Mod...
Cuter Felin
Created by Immirik
Gives cuter eyes to the Felin species, based on Cutebound/Alt Heads, gives them a slight highlight on the muzzle, and changes the hairstyles so that the front ear is not blocked by them....
Deerfolk Race Mod
Created by killbent
A mysterious race of Cervitaur-like creatures who have managed to achieve space travel. Deerfolk have the body of a deer, small feathered wings, and paws instead of hooves on their hind legs. Some have even been seen to have a mermaid-like body when underw...
Deremas Plush
Created by はち
This is a mod that adds plush from THE IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls. The author is Japanese. アイドルマスターシンデレラガールズのぬいぐるみを追加するMod。日本語対応済み。 現時点では糸車でテディベアと同じ材料で作れます。 ---実装済みリスト--- 久川颯 久川凪...
Dio Logo (and sound)
Created by Catto
Disabled drop for Survival Mode
Created by Tatsu
Disable item drop when dying in survival mode. Pixel lost is still there. Not compatible with other difficulty mods....
Draconis Race(Humanoid Dragon Race)
Created by Broinkus
Adds a race of half dragons. Special thanks to the following: AnTi for the hair pack, Cutebound for the colors, (and wing inspiration)
Divine Planet
Created by Oмεяυıп Just click the image above to join the Discord server! In the "Modding Cave", you can chat, look at WIP mod updates, discuss new mod ideas, get modding help, and more! Hey there! Before asking "wh...
DraconisRaces Chinese Patch
Created by MothA
Draconis Simplified Chinese Translation Project Project:GailOwO, diskrubbish, C-H-A-Beavotto, Zena, ZY等(其他人想起来加上去) 项目基于SKY、龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 合鸟了 本页面还需要继续完善。 本汉化mod由屎大棒合鸟汉化组制作。我们的口号是,鸽了。 汉化进度 99% 本mod为Draconis Race的中文化mod 原mod创意工坊链接 协助翻译 我们的项目库地址:Gitee。 现在也可以通过p...
Dramatic Deaths
Created by Limlis
Replaces the vanilla death animation with a weightier, more dramatic motion. More specifically, it replaces the first six frames of the animation using hand-drawn pixel art with the intent to make the act of dying and killing more impactful than the origin...
Dresses n Skirts Pack
Created by DrPvtSkittles
Dresses n Skirts Pack (skdress) Craft a Dress vending machine at Skittle's Mega Crafter for 300 pixels. You can purchase all clothing items from there.
Elithian Chinese Translation Mod
Created by diskrubbish
Elithian Alliance Simplified Chinese Translation Project Projecters:diskrubbish, C-H-A-Beavotto, Monolilith 项目基于龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 没啥想说的,合鸟就完事了 本页面还需要继续完善。 本mod为以利提亚联盟(Elithian Races Mod)的中文化mod。 本汉化mod由屎大棒合鸟汉化组制作。我们的口号是,鸽了。 汉化进度 没事了,有肝帝。 关于报错 大部分报错的人都装了fu,然后从日志...
Elithian Races Mod
Created by Aegonian [THEA]
DISCLAIMER: Back up your save files before installing. Characters and other save data, including ships and worlds, may be lost if the mod is uninstalled, so always keep a back-up! NOTICE: This mod requires a Character Creator extender in order to play as o...
Elithian Ship Backgrounds
Created by Aegonian [THEA]
This mod adds backgrounds to all ships in the Elithian Races mod, allowing for easier construction inside the ships. The new backgrounds will only appear when creating a new character, or when upgrading your ship with a new ship license. This mod will not ...
Elunite Race
Created by ◦Sotaeko◦
-Version 2.0.2- -About the Elunite- A race of highly advanced specimens, created for the sole purpose of entertainment. They live as puppets playing a role in history, for those who wish to escape their own. These hosts/creators believe we have all forgott...
Enhanced Elemental Effects
Created by FelmastProMcLane
Making elements more interesting The objectives of this mod are: Give a more interesting behavior to elemental effects (Mostly just vanilla). Normalize damage against NPCs, Monsters and Bosses of the same level. Remove hard damage limits within these effec...
Enhanced Storage
Created by Neo
Enhanced Storage is a quality of life mod which improves the whole storage system of Starbound. On the one hand it adds a lot of new features to the usablity of containers, and on the other it adds many new content concerning storage and containers. Contai...
Enhanced Storage SChinese Translation Mod
Created by diskrubbish
本mod为Enhanced Storage(增强型存储)的汉化。 本汉化mod由屎大棒合鸟汉化组制作。我们的口号是,鸽了。 汉化进度 部分object未汉化。 协助翻译 我们的项目库地址:Gitee。 Paratranz绝赞支持中! 爱发电这边请 感谢 感谢唯一真神蓝毒的倾力汉化校对 为starbound mod汉化提供了超便利脚本的龙骑先辈和Sky大导师 @DragonKnightOfBreeze 、 @ProjectSky 感谢作者Neo,极大的改善了原版存储的不足之处。 联系反馈 由于各种原因,汉化的...
Ette Set
Created by DrPvtSkittles
Ette Set (skette) Craft a Super vending machine at Skittle's Mega Crafter for 300 pixels. You can purchase all clothing items from there.
Even Better Medical Scanner
Created by Alpha_A
Ever felt that the Station Medical Scanner wasn't ever actually that great at it's job? Do you want your ship's fancy medbay to actually be as functional as it looks? Are you completely afraid/unable to use perfectly good consumables? Well, look no further...
Extended GUI
Created by v6
This is a client-side mod. Extends most of the GUI windows so you can fit more items at the same time. The songbook can be found as a seperate mod by the name of "Extended Songbook" For a non-...
Extended Songbook
Created by v6
This is a client-side mod. Extends the Songbook window so you can fit more items at the same time. If you want to extend more of your GUI then you can find the mod "Extended GUI" For a non-Ste...
Extended Story
Created by Void Eye Gaming
NOTE: It is recommended to back up your storage files before installing this mod. Extended Story is guaranteed to permanently alter your characters and universe. This mod will no longer receive updates other than fixes to significant bugs. A reworked versi...
Extended Story Chinese Translation Mod
Created by MothA
Extended Story Simplified Chinese Translation Project 项目基于SKY、龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 合鸟了 本页面还需要继续完善。 本mod为Extended Story的中文化mod 原mod创意工坊链接 协助翻译 我们的项目库地址:Gitee。 现在也可以通过paratranz协助翻译了:Paratranz 爱发电这边请 联系反馈 若其他地方有遗漏,欢迎留言补充。 更新 - 现已完全汉化...
Extra Zoom Levels
Created by Patchumz
A very easy and basic mod that simply adds extra zoom levels to the options menu. You can select from between 1 and 10 zoom power instead of the default 2 to 4. The mod will be compatible with any mod that doesn't mess with zoom levels, so you don't have t...
EZ Mech Deployer
Created by lophatkao
-- From the XS Mechs guy -- Deploy your modular mech. Anywhere. Anytime. Just like a regular vehicle. Press 'C' to craft - 250px You must have unlocked mech from Dr. Akaggi at the Outpost first! -- known issue -- the click event to spawn mech gets passed o...
FA Instrument
"It's Deep Dark Fantasy." --------------------------------------------------------------------- 来自BILIBILI视频站的鬼畜乐器! 5/4 增加新乐器。 原先包括: 1.FA乐器 2.YA乐器 3.WA乐器 4.BIU乐器 5.LU乐器 6.HA乐器 7.UWAA乐器 8.DUANG乐器 更新了: 9.DA乐器(夜神月) 10.PAO乐器(意大利炮) -----------------------------...
Faster Staffs (unnerfed)
Created by Phil
Decreases channeling time of all staffs and wands to make them competitive with guns. (without any damage decrease)...
Feb's Cuter Felins - Kemonomimi Version
Created by Not February
A patch that makes Kawa's Felin race mod more... well, ANIME. This REQUIRES the original Felin mod to function! Why, though? I made this a while ago for personal use because none of the other felin patches on the workshop went ALL THE WAY in terms of body,...
Felin Costumes+
Created by Kawa
Do you sometimes feel like Starbound needs that certain you-know-what? Do you feel that Colonel Mustang may have been on to something? Say no more, say no more, nudge-nudge wink-wink. This mod, believe it or not, lets any character with a regular body shap...
Created by Kawa
The most-liked (and near-canon) space cat species. Use a character creation extender such as Xbawks to be able to select this species. Features: * Custom ship * Custom SAIL * Custom villages (yes, plural) * Custom sounds * Custom outfits * Custom vehicles ...
Felin Fur+
Created by Kawa
Adds more fur and hair colors to the Felin....
Felin Objects+
Created by Kawa
Adds Felin descriptions to the default objects....
FFS sChinese Translation Mod
Created by diskrubbish
FFS Simplified Chinese Translation Project Project:diskrubbish, C-H-A-Beavotto 项目基于龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 本页面还需要继续完善。 本mod为硝烟血宴(FFS)的中文化mod。 汉化进度 基本翻译完毕,部分文本在lua中,故不作翻译。 缺个校对。 协助翻译 我们的项目库地址:Gitee。 Paratranz绝赞支持中! 爱发电这边请 感谢 硝烟血宴的作者@Ravy,这个mod内容十分的板扎,期待更新。 点这里跳转到原MOD创...
FFSE---Expanded weapons for FFS
Created by Ancestor Core
FFSExpanded---Expanded weapons for FFS ______________________________ V2.0 FFS 2.0 standard update Sorry,I can't imagine how to "fastreload" the minigun or plasma rifle Only small amount of weapons have fastreload animation Another update coming s∞n...
Follower Health Bars
Created by SentientSupper
Forums Link: This mod adds health bars for monsters and crew members. Part of Supper's Combat Overhaul....
Food & Item Stack9999 & food not decay
Created by Nights.R
食物物品叠加999 食物不会腐坏 Food & Item MaxStack = 9999 , Food does not decay. --------------------- 支持FU的版本 for FU ...
Food & Item Stack9999 & food not decay-for FU FIX
Created by 蛋大爷
支持FU 食物物品叠加9999 食物不会腐坏 由于FU在持续更新Nights.R几个月没更新,看来已弃坑。所以我做了兼容现在FU的版本。 Nights.R的原版还支持 所以只做了兼容FU的版本。 Nights.R的原地址 for FU Food & Item MaxStack = 9999 , Food does not decay. As FU continues to up...
Food Processor
Created by MAKI
What's the daily food like while I'm busy venturing down the cave or saving the universe? Boiled rice. "What about kitchen counter" you say? I know it unlocks achievement, but sorry no interest in that. 'Cause too much trouble, and those fancy food decay f...
Fox Hime Moli 2 SChinese Translation(狐姬茉莉2简中汉化)
Created by Psionic Ψ Zephyr
本mod是狐姬茉莉2mod的简体中文汉化 详情见mod主页...
Fox Hime Zero--Mori(狐姬零·茉莉)
Created by Psionic Ψ Zephyr
This mod is outdated. View Moli's Mod 2 HERE At present, there is a set of costumes and 4 extra songs in the mod content. To make the best effect of the mod, it is recommended to use Cutebound along with. If you think that you really like this mod, please ...
Fox Hime Moli 2 [v2.3.1]
Created by Psionic Ψ Zephyr
View 1.x mod here To make the best effect of the mod, it is recommended to use Cutebound along with. If you think that you really like this mod, please give me a thumb for free! Compatible with FU This is a remaster of the original mod,it contains more coo...
Frackin Universe - Avali Food Patch
Created by WiredSpr173
This mod adds the foods from Avali (Triage) to the frackin races 'diet system'....
Frackin Universe: More Planet Info Official Patch
Created by Rylasasin
Up to date official patch for More Planet Info from the Frackin Team. Because there are 2-3 patches for this and none of them are up to date. This patch combines both ''More Planet Info Lush Planet Fix'' and ''Various More Planet info Patches for FU'', whi...
Frackin XS Mechs
Created by Rylasasin
Patches XS Mechs (Modular Edition and Modular Weapons) so they align with the recent changes to Frackin Universe. * Mech blueprints are now unlocked via the research menu (Sigma and Elite Sigma = Tier 2, Rho and Priate Rho = Tier 3, Rhonin and MEKA = Tier ...
Frackin' Interface
Created by Sayter
Changes the UI for health, energy and food 1.54 - Updated bk3 inventory skin 1.53 - Updated quest tracker 1.51 - updates Mech crafting interface to use additional Tab 1.5 - new Chat interface! (Lillyoko) 1.4 - healthbar is wider at the left side to be more...
Frackin' Universe
Created by Sayter
FU Discord: Wiki: Disclaimer: Installing FU is a one-way trip. FU will affect your game universe and ALL characters. Note: Uninstalling the mod will cause crashes, unless you w...
Frackin' Music
Created by Sayter
Note: Does NOT require FrackinUniverse, but is recommended since most of the music will play on those biomes. What is FrackinMusic, and why is it so gigantic? It adds (does not replace) over 250 new songs to your Starbound experience pulled from various co...
Frackin' Universe - Elithian BYOS Ships
Created by Zarra
Note: You must have this patch to be able to use the Frackin' BYOS system on modded races. Adds Frackin' BYOS ships themed after the Elithian Races. You don't need to play an ERM race to choose these ships. Both mods are required, since FU adds the BYOS sy...
Frackin' Universe SChinese Patch Reborn Version
Created by diskrubbish
适配版本 自动构建于 2024-10-08 10:39:17.877834+08:00,当前适配 Frackin' Universe 6.4.5 版本 项目主页 GitHub 主页 GitHub Telegram 群组 Telegram 汉化说明 因为使用了补丁方式进行文本替换。该mod不包含Frackin' Universe本体←点击订阅即可。(该方式的优点是只要本体改动不大,汉化始终有效,且可保持最新版本,无需重新打包) 由于之前的自动维护已经寄了,我重写了一下自动维护系统, 并且弄到了Paratran...
FU + Avali Triage Patch
Created by Khe
What the patch does: Adds missing categories to blocks, for better Item Network support. Made adjustments to some descriptions, and to some names which were shared. Replaces references in produce-related recipes with their FU counterparts (including terram...
FU / Shellguard Mech Compatability
Created by Sayter
Nothing fancy. Adds compatability for Shellguard mech parts to utilize FU mech stats, such as Mass, health bonus, energy adjustments, and so forth. 2 : updated damage values of a few weapons, but primarily balanced the Rotary cannon. 1.2: added support for...
FU BYOS Angels Patch (Read Description)
Created by UnknownHater
This mod should no longer be needed, please try using the standard FU BOYS mod. first. Only use this if you're having issues with that mod. TL:DR Lets the Angels of Starbound race use the FU BYOS system. This is a small patch mod that lets the Angels of St...
Created by TheAshby
Patch of different races for the Frackin Universe ship BYOS system, includes: - Galaxy in Conflict Races - Plasmoid the Slime Girl in the Astral Plane - Penguin Race - Skelekin - Elithian Races (Avikan, Trink, Aegi, Droden, Akkimari, Centesian) - The Shogg...
FU Hardcore Missing Respawn Cinematics Fix
Created by A-Vladimir
Adds missing respawn cinematics for Races that die in hardcore. This mod requires you to have FU because FU changes hardcore so you can respawn. Respawn cinematics added for these races: Aegi
FU Kitsune Mech Patch
Created by MkioTNT
MERGED INTO FRACKIN' UNIVERSE KITSUNE PATCH MOD Still works with XS Mechs: Modular Edition mod Frackin Universe patch for Kitsune Mechs...
Created by TheAshby
Patch workshop races that do not have STATS in the FU racial system. - Pengukin Race and Skelekin Race - Plasmoid - the Slime Girl in the Astral Plane - GIC Human and Floran - Deadbeats - Avikan All thanks, honors and credits are solely and exclusively for...
Fu sChinese Mod
Created by ProjectSky
目前翻译进度(10/07 更新) 已翻译: 40641 文本量: 42658 总进度: 95.27169581321206% 10/07 更新内容 自动构建版本,当前适配 Frackin' Universe 6.4.6 版本 项目主页 GitHub 主页 GitHub Telegram 群组 Telegram 汉化说明 由于PAK的字体处理问题,该Mod需和字体补丁或汉化补丁配合使用,以下任选其一,无需重复下载,只需注意独立字体补丁无游戏本体汉化。 独立字体补丁 以上解压放入游戏目录下的mods文件夹,请自...
Futara's Dragon Engine
Created by FutaraDragon
Edits Starbound's config to reduce the rendered area and enables frame skipping. Adds a Skill Menu item to activate custom abilities within the Dragon Engine to the game. =========================== Futara's Dragon Engine The Starbound Mechanic Lib =======...
FU/ztarbound S.A.I.L. Modded Race Support
Created by 🐱
A bunch of patches to make sure modded species get Frackin Universe's S.A.I.L. interface. If you're using a modded specie with FU (or ztarbound, which FU uses) and get a FAILSAFE interface when interacting with S.A.I.L., you need this. It is made of way to...
Galactic Dungeons
Created by BlossomDancer
Implements new dungeons for every race- from Miniknog mansions to Novakid fortresses. Currently, this mod introduces 9 dungeons; Apex Mansion Avian Raider Fleet Floran Hollow Glitch Siege Camp Glitch Towers Human Settlemnet Hylotl Monastery Hylotl Ronin Fo...
FU-Redemption integration patch
Created by Armok
What does this mod do? This mod basically exists to smooth things out between Frackin and Project Redemption, including resolving some minor incompatibilities and offering some integration, in particular it: Allows for USCM remnant bunkers to spawn on a va...
Galactic Dungeons + Frackin Universe patch
Created by BlossomDancer
Allows GD dungeons to spawn on Frackin Universe planets. Dungeons can now spawn on the following FU planets: Unknown Shadow Superdense Primeval Forest Volcanic Primeval Forest Dark Primeval Forest Bloodstone Bog Chromatic Red Wastes Frozen Volcanic Dark Sn...
Galactic Dungeons + More Planet Info
Created by BlossomDancer
GD dungeons now show up with More Planet Info....
Gardevan Mech Deploy Fix
Created by Fazlox
This is a patch for the Gardevan mod that fixes a bug that prevented Gardevans from deploying their mechs in the latest Spacefarer update The original mod maker has all rights to the patch, and has the right to take it down. ...
GardenBot2 汉化补丁
Created by Richey
第一次做汉化,不好的地方还请见谅。 本人觉得这款mod特别适合懒人玩家就顺手翻了。 如果使用中有bug或者其他问题,请在此留言反馈。 本补丁需要配合中文汉化mod一起使用。 原mod Gardenbot2 : Reboot Edition 作者@LoPhatKao,@tynaut...
Gardenbot2 : Reboot Edition
Created by lophatkao
The automated gardening bot. SB FORUM LINK Original art & code by tynaut Additional code & bots by LoPhatKao Miniskip art by HuggableCreep aka Royal Jelly FAQ how do I move bot? - use a Relocator, or kill it how do I kill bot? - hit it with a bugnet or mel...
Created by DuneGreen
A race heavily based on the two pokemon Gardevoir & Gallade. What I have in the Mod : fitting hair styles (some with Kirlia and Ralts inspired head spike things) and hair colors (duh) skin colors and eye/spike colors (duh) unique name generator 4 sets of s...
Get rid of that underwear!
Created by Vide Noir
Get rid of that Uncomfortable underwear and get yourself some space for your bouncy assets (including tails!)! Supports every vanilla race and yes it is a nude mod with bounciness and yes it is compatible with FU(Frackin' Universe) of course incase you wil...
Gothic Outfit Pack
Created by DrPvtSkittles
Gothic Outfit Pack (skgoth) Craft a Gothic vending machine at Skittle's Mega Crafter for 300 pixels. You can purchase all clothing items from there.
Green Hills microdungeon six-pack
Created by Fabmat
Only six hours after publishing my first Starbound Test-mod, i am publishing my second Mod. This one is a Pack of six microdungeons, desinged for lush and forest Planets. I want to improve the games diversity in the regard of microdungeons, so that the str...
grimace shake
Created by patman
this has been the most requested mod i have ever seen in the past 7 years it makes you explode the goop from the explosion will make others explode too buy at mcdonalds
Created by InkWarrior101
Gyrojets! 1.1 Update Has been a while, isn’t it? Anyway, here is a small update: New ability for the “Firepower” Gyrojet Rifle: Fire Grenade. Kinda self-explanatory. 2 new unique weapons: the “Heavy Duty” handgun and the “Saxon” rifle. Both obtainable at a...
Created by 暗反应的家
Simplified Chinese localization patch for GyroJets! GyroJets! 的简体中文汉化补丁 感谢原作者 @InkWarrior101 的汉化授权! 作者更新了四本书,我也写了书的汉化,但是我在游戏里没有见到这些书,有拿到的小伙伴可以留言,我把汉化发布上去。 2024/7/31 突然发现是我用指令刷书的时候没加-codex的锅,现在四本codex的汉化也有了...
Hairstyles Pack 2
Created by tigerfestival1988
Yes I finally made the hairstyles of my other characters. So now all my characters can be made via character creation rather than cosplaying.The characters are Kotomi,Zelda,Aiko,Shinobu,Futaba,Alisa,Fuuka,Shizune and Yuno. As a bonus many of my older mods ...
Halloween Special: Aspect of War
Created by Neb
Happy Halloween! I know not everyone celebrates this holiday, hell I never have haha, but enjoy yourself! Embrace your spooky side! PLEASE NOTE: This staff is NOT clientside, if you wish to play with this weapon with a friend or on a server, both you and y...
All resources are from the network....
H&R and Stevens [FFS Addon]
Created by JellyBabyBomber
An addon for 10 weapons for Feast of Fire and Flames from the firearms companies Harrington and Richardson and Stevens Arms, 5 each The weapons are not balanced and have accurate damage (based on how FFS calculates damage with round weight and velocity) to...
All resources are from the network....
Healing Tank
Created by Mikeliro
A tank used to regenerate vitality quickly. Um tanque usado para regenerar a vitalidade rapidamente. Available in / Disponivel em:
Healing Tank SChinese
Created by LESION
Healing Tank治疗舱简体中文汉化 需要先订阅本体 原mod: Healing Tank 添加了一个快速恢复生命的治疗舱,在工业合成台制作 一个试水练手的mod...
All resources are from the network....
Heaven's Gate Crafting Recipe
I wanted a crafting recipe for the Heaven's Gate, however, one does not exist yet, so i made one, you will find it in the manipulator addon for the tier 3 anvil....
Histoire SAIL for all races
Created by Ragdriel
Replaces your S.A.I.L. with Histoire from the Neptune / Hyperdimension Neptunia game series for all the vanilla races and the Ningen Race mod(both the old and the Updated Ningen Race mod), the Lamia Race mod and the Neko Alternate mod. All I did was edit t...
Histoire SAIL for Avali
Created by DragonSpace23
The HistoireSAIL mod by Ragdriel for the Avali Race Original Mod: The author asked to keep this: I need quest script. Please help me. Thank you. このMODを改造&再配布したい方は、この下のメッセージを保留してください: クエストのスク...
Hollowed Nails
Created by Seth Yuikora
Introduction: This mod seeks to add a few weapons, abilities, and mechanics inspired by the Hollow Knight series. Namely, different types of Nail weapons. Originally starting as a commissioned weapon mod I was asked to post and take control of, I've added ...
Human Female Voice Change
Created by PhantomHare
March 31st update: Now human female chatting voice have been changed. (But why penguins changes too?) (And Esther sounds too young now, maybe.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change human females' voi...
I wanna Cast Over-Wall Now FU Edition
Created by 和him一起挖矿
THIS ONE IS FU VERSION, FOR VANILLA VERSION, SEE THIS ONE. You only need to subscribe this version alone. Subscribing both is fine but nothing special will happen. FOR EVEN MORE MODS SUPPORTING, CHECK THIS. An easy edit with few technical stuff. All staves...
I wanna Cast Over-Wall Now Modded Ver
Created by 和him一起挖矿
This mod is standalone, that means you don't need the original one to work. Despite of the fact, it's suggested to do so. FU is independently made into another version, check this! An easy edit with few technical stuff. All staves and wands can now cast ov...
I wanna fight Swansong Now
Created by 和him一起挖矿
Buy a teleporter from Penguin Pete after defeating the Ruin. The teleporter will bring you directly to the Dantalion mission. A mech is required. For those who hate grinding peacekeepers mission....
I wanna summon Punchy Now
Created by 和him一起挖矿
Buy the summon item from Infinity Express after getting Hylotl artifact. The item will summon a punchy. There's also a red Angry version of punchy that counted as an enemy and resist knockback. You'll learn two blueprint the first time you purchase the ite...
Improved Upright Torture Bed
Created by Reyquiem
It's been a while, but here's another mod that adds functionality to something that should have it but doesn't. My target this time: the Upright Torture Bed. Simple, really. Interacting with it will strip you down and strap you down to it. Until you decide...
Initial D Songs for Starbound
Created by Blöös
Adds a few songs from / used in / Initial D Dancing Beat of the Rising Sun Running in the 90s Around the World I need your love Gamble Rumble I won't fall apart Impact Blue Back on the Rocks Deja Vu Gas Gas Gas Night of Fire Nobody Sleeps in Tokyo Speedy S...
Created by 和him一起挖矿
Arsenalbound - Indix Simplified Chinese Translation Project Project:和him一起挖矿 项目基于SKY、龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 本mod为Indix(索影族)的简体中文补丁。 汉化进度 几乎100%,赞美伟大的和him一起挖矿 协助翻译 @Partranz 感谢 作者 @삼치구이/CeroForGrill 点这里跳转到原MOD创意工坊地址 为starbound mod汉化提供了超便利脚本的龙骑先辈和Sky大导师 DragonKnightOf...
Instant Crafting
Created by v6
This is a client-side mod. Disables the timer on client-side crafting tables so that everything you craft finish instantaneously. Support mods If you find any table that isn't instant just reply with mod name & crafting table name in top left corner next t...
Interactable Apex Pods
Created by Reyquiem
Allows you to use Apex life support pods as if they were furniture. I figured, hey, if we can sit around in Floran cages and Human force prison cells, why not Apex life support pods? Maybe that's not a very good reason, since these things are clearly prett...
Invisible Clothes
Created by Renamon
IS COMPATIBLE WITH STARBOUND UPDATE 1.4.4 NOTE: This Mod does NOT include any sexual content or Adult bits. WARNING: This Mod needs to be installed on the server, your game and everyone else's game who is playing with you on a/the/your server. Don't report...
Japanese Sweatervest
Created by MrM0dZ
Japanese Sweatervest for those hot days at school! You can craft it for 100 pixels at the spinning wheel! - Works with male Rate up if you liked!...
JJBA: Jotaros's Cap
Created by PixelBlood
This mod adds Jotaro's cap from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders into Starbound! It cannot be dyed. To get it, spawn it with the command /spawnitem jotaroscap 1 Enjoy! I am considering making an entire outfit and more hats if I find the time to...
JOJO!Star Platinum!Ora!
Created by doctorwho233
you can have a Star Platinum on your back ! 5/14 you can get it on your clotheswheel with 10000 piex ...
Kaban Outfits (Kemono Friends)
Created by DinnTH
Kaban's Outfits from Kemono Friends. You can made it at Spinning Wheel....
Created by Sir Bumpleton✿
Sexy Clothes, Now Optimised! Enhances the KawaiiStuff mod to enhance it's overhaul feeling. Hound's Fashion is necessary to dye the striped outfits. You do not need the original mod for this mod to work, it is even highly suggested you delete the original ...
KawaiiStuff+ Simplified Chinese Patch
Created by Future93
Provide Simplified Chinese Support for the mod KawaiiStuff+. 为 KawaiiStuff+ 模组提供简体中文文本。 Current Version: v1.2.1.1 for KawaiiStuff+ v1.2.1 当前版本:v1.2.1.1,面向 KawaiiStuff+ v1.2.1 (2020.10.25)...
Created by Credo
- - - - - A B A N D O N E D - - - - - Kenopsea is a large scale mod that aims to add Worlds, Weapons, Objects, and Tiles. All tiles can be acquired by crafting the SEL Primary Workbench from the T3 Inventors table, from the Workbench the Black Ice Market c...
Kitsune Frackin' Universe Patch
Created by MkioTNT
Frackin' Universe Patch for Kitsune Frackin' Universe is a one way ticket, backup your saves Diet : Omnivorous Perks : 2.50x Energy Capacity Resist : +15% Fire, +15% Ice, +15% Electric, +12% Mental Weapons : Shield: Perfect Blocks restore health Kitsunebi:...
Kitsune Race
Created by MkioTNT
Long story short: fox like demi-humans. Kitsune Rage activation 1. Add a key bind to "Alt Tech Key" in the control options 2. Equip the Kitsune Rage tech 3. Activate, duration of 60 seconds and cooldown of 20 seconds --> +75 Health --> +100 Energy --> Heal...
Kitsune Race 汉化补丁
Created by 新人N哥001
本mod汉化了作者MkioTNT大大的 “Kitsune Race” ,对其中的物品进行了汉化,以便提升玩家的游戏体验。 以及其种族的介绍. 需要原mod支持。 机翻/Mechanical translation: This mod localizes the author MkioTNT's "Kitsune Race", and carries out a Chinese of the items in it to enhance the player's gaming experience. And ...
Created by L翰翰
添加了好多服装 服可用mod,纯json物品 包括: 从零开始的异世界生活:雷姆 拉姆 爱蜜莉雅 为美好的世界献上祝福:惠惠 传说之下:frisk chara 部分角色拥有配套武器 从基础制作里制作,需要admin...
Lamia Colorpack - Halloween
Created by Heemi
A color pack for Lamia! This one is Halloween themed, and contains Purple, Black, Lime Green, and Orange colors for both scales and hair. It works with default Lamia, Make the Lamia a Cuter Race, and make the Lamia into Cute Tatzelwurm (Pictured)....
Lamia Colorpack - Pastel
Created by Heemi
A color pack for Lamia! This one is pastel themed, and contains pastel pink, pastel blue, pastel green, and (dark blonde hair / light brown scale) colors for both scales and hair. It works with default Lamia, Make the Lamia a Cuter Race, and make the Lamia...
Lamia Race
Created by Antyrus
--------------------Mod version 0.9.1------------------- ------BASE COMPATIBILITY PATCH FOR 1.3 HAS BEEN APPLIED--------- ----MOD IS NO LONGER BEING UPDATED, IF IT BREAKS IT BREAKS---- original mod location here:
Law Enforcement 0.7.3
Created by swefpifh
Compatibility : Starbound 1.4.4 List of incompatibilities or interferences ⚠ Report a problem or a bug GOG versions : Version 0.7.3 ∴ Download 🠚 List of IDs for...
Law Enforcement SChinese Translation Mod
Created by diskrubbish
Law Enforcement Simplified Chinese Translation Project Projecters:diskrubbish, C-H-A-Beavotto 项目基于SKY、龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 合鸟了 本页面还需要继续完善。 本mod为Betabound的中文化mod。 本汉化mod由屎大棒合鸟汉化组制作。我们的口号是,鸽了。 汉化进度 BETA版本。 目前版本没多少文本,有漏翻误翻请反馈。 协助翻译 我们的项目库地址:Gitee。 爱发电这边请 感谢 作者@swefpi...
LC Angela S.A.I.L
Created by Lumi
Saw a pretty cool mod that replaces S.A.I.L with Angela from Project Moon, and thought I'd make my own version with a portrait more similar to her Lobotomy Corporation sprite. Probably gonna update the sprite to look prettier every now and then. Only repla...
Less Dead Moons - Moon Dungeons
Created by AnomNom
Do you feel like moons are BORING and SUCK? May I introduce you to... Less Dead Moons! Less Dead Moons is a mod that adds multiple dungeons to Starbound's Moons! It adds microdungeons that work across the surface, as well as a dungeon that contains much lo...
Letheia Expanded
Created by sleepySva Update v1.0 In update v1.0, we've overhauled most visuals for items and furniture! To commemorate this, we've also added a couple of new furniture as a bonus, as well as new Letheia tenants! N...
Letheia Expanded sChinese Translation Patch
Created by 和him一起挖矿
Letheia Expanded Chinese Translation Project Project:和him一起挖矿、oucr 项目基于SKY、龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 本mod为Letheia Expanded(莱西亚拓展)的简体中文补丁。 汉化进度 基本100%,其中和him一起挖矿完成了56.4%,oucr贡献了剩下的43.6% 协助翻译 @Partranz 感谢 作者 @Sva 点这里跳转到原MOD创意工坊地址 为starbound mod汉化提供了超便利脚本的龙骑先辈和Sky大导师 Drag...
Created by Neb
Lionheart, a violent plasma blade, quadruples as a machine pistol, handcannon, shotgun and sword PLEASE NOTE: This weapon is NOT clientside, if you wish to play with this weapon with a friend or on a server, both you and your friend or server must also be ...
Lyetzi's Overhaul - Many Tabs and Extended GUI Patch
Created by AnomNom
A simple patch that adds compatability with Lyetzi's Overhaul Mod to both Extended GUI AND Many Tabs at the SAME TIME. If requested, I could do either invidually, I just did not want to clutter the workshop unless I had to. "More Tabs" is an optional patch...
Lyetzi's Overhaul - Gunners and Gunshops
Created by AnomNom
Do you wish to continue playing Lyetzi's Gunners Mod, but want more content? LOOK NO FURTHER! 3D Printer Replacer is required for the Armorshop to work. NOTE: THE ARMORSHOP IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH MANY TABS AND EXTENDED GUI. A COMBINED PATCH IS AVALIBLE HERE!...
Maid n Butler Outfits
Created by DrPvtSkittles
Maid n Butler Outfits (skhouse) Craft a Maid n Butler vending machine at Skittle's Mega Crafter for 300 pixels. You can purchase all clothing items from there. https://steamuserimages-a.akam...
Make the Arachne a Cuter Race
Created by Heemi
A simple Arachne edit that keeps all 8 eyes intact while making the arachne conform to Cutebound/Make the Universe a Cuter Place's Eye style. The males, too, have the "large" primary eyes due to being a subterranian species, and needing better darkvision. ...
Make the Indix a cuter race
Created by Ran.
A mod that makes minor edits to the Indix race to adhere to the style of "Make the universe a cuter place" by HDoomGuy and Barb-tan Requires the Arsenalbound - Indix race pack by rooki12k to work. 1.4 Update: Eye colors category still added. No more random...
Make the Lastree a cuter race
Created by Ran.
A mod that makes minor edits to the Lastree race to adhere to the stlye of "Make the universe a cuter place" by HDoomGuy and Barb-tan Requires the Arsenalbound - Lastree race pack by rooki12k to work. Thanks Lira for the metadata edits, And thanks alt for ...
Make the Universe a Cuter Place (Ashby version)
Created by TheAshby
My own variant of Cutebound, the original Cutebound content but without affecting Glitch, Apex, Novakid and Avians. That is, only Hylotls, humans, Floran and NPCs are affected by Cutebound's design, S.A.I.L will not be affected either. You don't need the o...
Make the Lamia a cuter race
Created by Heemi
A Simple Mod that makes the Lamia Race Mod adhere to the style of "Make the universe a cuter place"/Cutebound by HDoomGuy and Barb-tan Warning: Requires the Lamia Race Mod. This should be fairly obvious but I'm not taking any risks. Update: 3.0 - Everythin...
Make the universe a cuter place
Created by Barb-tan
Welcome to Cutebound, a mod aimed at giving the game a cute/anime feeling (somehow) and monster girls \o/ Nealy everything i could rework have been reworked -armors -clothes -accessories -races faces and bodies -hairstyles -probably things i forgot All hav...
Many Tabs (1/2)
Created by v6
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS PART 1 OF THE MOD. YOU MUST ALSO INSTALL PART 2 Adds an easy way for modders to add filter tabs to vanilla crafting stations and race tabs to the codex library without...
Many Tabs (2/2)
Created by v6
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS PART 2 OF THE MOD. YOU MUST ALSO INSTALL PART 1 I will not be replying to any comments on this page. Please use the page for Many Tabs (1/2)
Many Tabs for Arcana
Created by 和him一起挖矿
Many Tabs for Arcana. Also recategorized some Arcana codices for convenience. Require Many Tabs and Arcana of course....
Created by Lemon Drops
Adds The Following and More: 2 playable species, 'Glutt' and 'Nuu'.* Over 300 new structures and encounters (some of which are in space) to discover, steal, and explode. 7 planet types and one moon, containing over 30 new biomes, many of which are undergro...
Created by 和him一起挖矿
Maple32 Simplified Chinese Translation Project Project:和him一起挖矿、许木、oucr和Rusteel 项目基于SKY、龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 本mod为Maple32的简体中文补丁。 汉化进度 已100% 译者和him一起挖矿、许木、oucr和Rusteel 协助翻译 @Partranz 感谢 作者 @Lemon Drops 点这里跳转到原MOD创意工坊地址 为starbound mod汉化提供了超便利脚本的龙骑先辈和Sky大导师 DragonKn...
Master Ball Capture Pod
Created by MannyKim
Allows you to catch monsters regardless of its health. You can still use original capture pod. The mod is multiplayer-compatible. Made by MannyKim. Special Thanks to Soljik! (aka SangHyun) ...
Created by Zacrabo
adds a "McDonald's" space station you can buy a happy meal there and also food the happy meal contains a random main, side, a drink and a toy the main can be a burger, cheeseburger or chicken nuggets the side can be fries or apple slices the drink can be s...
Mech Visuals Overhaul
Created by AaronLee
Ever find yourself feeling like pilotable, spacefaring, modular mini-mecha could look cooler than they do in the vanilla game? I did. This mod overhauls the visuals for non-racial mech parts, increasing level of detail to match better with the rest of the ...
Miku's songs
Created by KaBi
第三期 主题是 【初音未来】 一共有5首曲子 风格不同 有歌词轨的 也有伴奏的 第一首、 歌に形はないけれど【治愈系 第二首、 炉心融解 第三首、 罗密欧与灰姑娘 第四首、 深海少女 第五首、 世界第一公主殿下 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The third theme is 【Miku】 A total of 5 pieces of music. The styl...
Melee Combo Movement
Created by Tiniebla
-Client Side Mod- You can move when you attacking melee. Broadsword - If you use broadsword or shortsword, your character go forward when second attack. - If you attack in mid-air, your character wrong to fall. Can attack birds more easily. Fist - If you u...
Mini Lockers
Created by WhatThePuck
THIS MOD IS FINISHED - NO FURTHER UPDATES WILL BE HAPPENING Adds various Mini Lockers - some themed, others based on the races' existing shiplockers - which provide a nice amount of storage. They go on walls, with a 2x2 tile footprint. Also adds 2 new craf...
Created by De'Tir Nomero
A mod to add more revealing and sensual outfits, however still feasable. The 6 base dresses are done, and I will take up sugestions for new ones. Currently added dresses: - Sexy Minidress (Bareback and low clevage) - Mature Minidress (Turtleneck, sleeveles...
MkioTNT Workshop
Created by MkioTNT
Acess hub for my mods Basic content: - Throphy Stand - Merged all three throphies from Nuru quests - Bluoplasma lamp - 2 Crafting stations --> MkioTNT Workshop - Basic crafting station --> Furniture Dye Station - using this only for the furniture i'm makin...
MkioTNT Workshop 汉化补丁
Created by 新人N哥001
本mod汉化了作者MkioTNT大大的 “MkioTNT Workshop” ,对其中的物品进行了汉化,以便提升玩家的游戏体验。 需要原mod支持。 2020.12.3更新汉化,将材料翻译为“波电-等离子单元”,征求更好的翻译。 2021.3.10更新汉化,新添加了三个头饰的汉化,并对原有的部分文本内容进行了改善。 2022.5.29更新汉化,火速汉化了几个新添加的物品。...
Mobile Bases
Created by Bottinator22
Adds vehicles. These include: The Spider Base. It features a bed, a locker, a control chair, and 3 turrets for defense. It has a controller, which currently cannot be obtained without spawning the item. ('/spawnitem spiderfortresscontroller' to spawn contr...
Created by ѕaιnт apollyon
Ever wanted to play as a spacefaring race of poisonous monoecious slug men? If you answered yes, for...some reason, then this is the mod for you! I've been working on this race on and off for many months, and while I wouldn't consider it "complete", I feel...
Momiji Inubashiri 犬走 椛 東方project Touhou
Created by Karlowi
You can do this whole outfit on Spinning Wheel. I recommend using this mod with "Make the universe a cuter place" ...
Monster Compatibility Loader
Created by FelmastProMcLane
This mod aims to bring the abilty to add scripts to monsters in a compatible way, the same way NPCs can have them. For users: Replaces "monster.lua" and "monster_primary.lua", makes them work like vanilla, other mods may require this mod to make changes to...
Monster Core : Configuration
Created by FelmastProMcLane
Contains a single file, "stats/monster_compat_list.config". This mod it's just meant to load very early, the loader mod is needed for this to do anything. For users: Does nothing, but if needed by other mods, should be installed or they will crash. For mod...
More Horns for Lastree
Created by Vix
I'm reuploading this mod that disappeared from the workshop, as the original author "SuicideSylph" retired from the starbound modding community. I was given authorization to reupload and modify. I had to. I like my lastrees horny on my server. Sorry. Origi...
More NPC Ships
Created by Angry Turret
Are you tired of those default NPC ships? Do they look same to you? This mod should help you a bit. This mod adds several space dungeons including: Friendly Ships - Cargo Ship, inspired by in-game space stations - Astronaut Shuttle. It's vertically-oriente...
More NPC Ships Simplified Chinese Patch
Created by Future93
Provide Simplified Chinese Support for the mod More NPC Ships. 为 More NPC Ships 模组提供简体中文支持。 Current Version: v220225.1 for More NPC Ships v220225 当前版本:v220225.1,面向 More NPC Ships v220225 (2022.02.05) === 译者感言 Translator Comment === 出人意料的大工程。 本以为只有几个地名要翻,结果...
More Outpost Objects
Created by DooM74G Im not a professional artist, maybe some objects dont look perfect, but i hope you enjoy this mod.                 *** Sometimes i watch screenshots. Your imagination amazes me! You are the best, thanks for using the modific...
More Planet Info (work with 1.4.X not guaranteed)
Created by Erisss
THIS MOD IS SUSPENDED FOR UNDEFINED PERIOD OF TIME You should install those 2 patch-mods to make it work properly. Quest marker fix Lush planet fix This mod is SERVER SIDE since modifies lua files. More info about planets, moons, and some other system bodi...
More Planet Info - Kitsune Patch
Created by MkioTNT
Kitsune Patch for More Planet Info mod...
More Planet Info SChinese Translation Mod
Created by diskrubbish
More Planet Info 的 中文 Mod 汉化了界面,和部分群落的说明,已经fu玩家们最喜欢的先驱远古提示。 由于改了原作者的lua,所以侵权立马删除。 感谢原作者@Erisss There isMore Planet Info's SChinese Mod The mod translated interface, and part of the biome's description,inclueded fu players favorite tips. I edited original a...
More Planet Info- Letheia Expanded Addon
Created by WhatThePuck
This addon for Erisss's More Planet Info lets it display Letheia and Legion settlements from Letheia Expanded. Letheia outposts are indicated by the white L with three red dots of the logo. Legion outposts are indicated by the red-eyed thing (last icon in ...
More Planet Info Lush Planet fix(Works with FU)
This is a quick fix for More Planet info regarding Lush Planets. With this mod, it should no longer show errors when viewing Lush planets. Use this mod in conjunction to the original for 1.4:
More Planet Info- Saturnians Addon
Created by Cyan Sky Knight
This addon for Erisss's More Planet Info lets it display Saturnian villages. This should make it MUCH easier to search for them. Support for future mods I make will be added to this mod later....
More Teleportz
Created by DooM74G                The More Teleportz adds all ship teleporters, three quest teleporters, two outpost teleporters and a few custom teleporters for personal use. You can purchase the teleporters from the 2 Stop Teleshop. All tele...
More Tabs for Many Tabs and Extended GUI
Created by jss2a98aj
Increases the number of extra codex and crafting tabs supported when using Extended GUI and Many Tabs. Also makes tabs start near the top of interfaces. This started with me needing more codex tabs and resulted in more tabs for every menu that both Many Ta...
More threads - Lag reducer - 8-thread edition
Created by Null_Error
Ever get tired of how much lags NPCs can cause? This mod changes the number of threads starbound uses from 2 to 8. It's probably worth noting that if your computer has only 2 cores or less, this won't actually cause a speedup, in which case this mod isn't ...
Multiplayer guns (Archived Guns)
Created by Rexmeck
Includes old guns using the older system...
Multiplayer guns
Created by Rexmeck
Guns made for vanilla multiplayer How to Spawn guns - Open Quickbar mini - Open the MPguns Interface Controls Fire: Left click Activate-Special: Right Click Activate-Special-Attachment: S+Shift Reload: Shift-W Eject: W Current Update - Glock 17 - MP5A5 spr...
Created by Chiko
A mod made for psychopaths in mind. It adds a new liquid, blood, which is dropped by fleshy creatures upon death as a ready-to-pick-up item, meaning you don't initially need to upgrade your Matter Manipulator to get it from recently murdered creatures. Whe...
Musical Plushie: PGI E-type
Created by Vix
Playable Goob Instrument : Emma-type This is a good girl. She makes cute noises. Cobble her together at the spinning wheel (used to be at the workbench) Credits: Goob 'Cat' Noises: EmmaEverywhere Original Art: Commission by Sakura for EmmaEverywhere Sprite...
My Enternia 2.3: Alta Cafe & Monster Buffet
Created by Ceterai
What awaits you in the distance? What lies beneath the surface? What hides up high behind those clouds? Time to find out! Welcome to Alterash. I made this mod mainly for myself, bu...
My Cover Songs for Starbound
Created by Scarlet Temple
just some random songs i liked,and made covers of them. I will add more in the future. sorry,will get a better pic soon! currently adds: Clock Town edit Clock Town Elements Awoken Mod-Carina Elements Awoken Mod-Ember Elements Awoken Mod-Nova Elements Awoke...
Nanko Guns for Lyetzi's Gunner Mod
Created by 新人N哥001
万福 Lyetzi's Gunner Mod 将自己制作的武器填入其中 努力完善中…… 更新1.3.11:终于,在克服了自己的懒癌之后,加入了蜜獾在徒手一栏的合成。 小更新:数据调试完成…… 下版本预告:偷偷更新一下没人看见吧…… ______ Update 1.3.1: as surprise, I added two guns with special skin: Desert angel and The Guardian, and changed The sight of . /spawnitem g...
Narthex: A Flying Bloodsword
Created by Neb
Hello! Here it is! Starbounds first public flying sword! PLEASE NOTE: This mod is NOT clientside, if you wish to play with this content with a friend or on a server, both you and your friend or server must also be subscribed to this mod. It may be incompat...
Created by Juni
This mod adds the Neki species to Starbound. Warning This species may have a NSFW appearance by some definitions. All screenshots were taken with a "SFW" skin installed (linked below). Required Any Character Extender; not required with FU. Recommended BSI ...
Neki sChinese Translation Patch
Created by 和him一起挖矿
本Mod自2024/7/3起无限期停更,等一个好心人接手,不然祈祷Juni更新慢一点吧 Neki Simplified Chinese Translation Project Project:oucr、和him一起挖矿 项目基于SKY、龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 本mod为Neki(猫人)的中文化mod。 已取得位于Discord的官方授权。 汉化进度 100%,纪念传奇(前)汉化者oucr 协助翻译 @Partranz 感谢 作者 @Juni 点这里跳转到原MOD创意工坊地址 为starbound mod汉...
Created by Juni
This patch makes the Neki species compatible with Frackin' Universe. Stats Health and Energy: Total Health x0.75 (lower) Health Regeneration Rate 0.8%/sec Total Energy x1.5 Energy Regeneration Rate x1.5 Energy Regeneration Cooldown +33% (longer) Physical A...
Created by Juni
This is the vanilla sitting pose for the Neki species. This patch forces the Neki to use the default/vanilla sitting pose. Links Non-Steam version...
Created by Juni
This mod makes the Neki species more SFW. The mod replaces the body and Tech Console sprites with SFW-er-than-default versions. Links NekiFloof SFW Fuzzier Neki SFW Fuzzier NekiFloofSFW Non-Steam version...
Nekopara Maid Outfits
Created by VSauce Michael
This mod adds in the maid outfits found in the visual novel "Nekopara". To get the outfits, you will first have to create the "NekoVend" vending machine at the inventors table. Then from the crafted vending machine you can buy the maid outfits for each of ...
Created by Schrotflinte12
Overview: Neo+ adds 14 new weapons to the inventories of the bounty NPCs. Bounty NPCs can drop those weapons for you to enjoy. The weapons can be upgraded at weapon upgrade anvils. Weapons: Neo Shortsword: An ordinary shortsword. Does what shortswords usua...
Neo+ SChinese Translation Mod
Created by diskrubbish
本mod为neo+的汉化。 本汉化mod由屎大棒合鸟汉化组制作。我们的口号是,鸽了。 汉化进度 汉化完全。 协助翻译 我们的项目库地址:Gitee。 Paratranz绝赞支持中! 爱发电这边请 感谢 感谢唯一真神蓝毒的倾力汉化校对 为starbound mod汉化提供了超便利脚本的龙骑先辈和Sky大导师 @DragonKnightOfBreeze 、 @ProjectSky 感谢作者Schrotflinte12,将这些呵呵鱼雪藏的枪械重现世间。 联系反馈 由于各种原因,汉化的文本可能会出错,工坊页面留言就...
Nico's Song Pack
Created by NicolasGE
This Songpack was made because i couldn't find the songs so i made them myself Songs in the Mod: Gerudo Valley (1,2-3 and 7 player versions!) Pokemon B&W - Accumula Town Splatoon 2 - Now or Never (1 and 4 players) Wintergatan - Marble Machine No Game No Li...
Ningen hair for Human
Created by Archilyte
Adds Ningen Hair for Humans. FU / other mod compatibility untested, but should be compatible. (I had to edit the sprites a little bit to make it compatible with mods that add more coloring options like Colorbound) All sprite credit goes to ODABUTSU and the...
Ningen Apparel
Created by Alloid
This mod aims to retain Ningen's clothing and furniture (food included), while omitting their weaponry and race. All credit for Ningen goes to ODABUTSU, who recently allowed free use of the mod. The station is crafted with your bare hands! (Made upon reque...
Ningen Race Mod ver 1.8
Created by ODABUTSU
This mod is no longer in development. Now, as open source, you are free to edit with these mod assets. Thank you for playing for a long time. Everyone free to use the assets of this mod. No author credit is required. (But I'm a little happy if there is.) 6...
Ningen Race Mod ver 1.8 [Works with 1.4]
Created by N3X
Mech Deployment Fixed All credit goes to ODABUTSU...
Ningen Human Replacer
Created by Streema
Bored of looking like the default humans? Does your human playthrough need a little bit more anime? Say no more! This mod replaces the human visuals with those of the ningen! //I just made this replacer on a whim and can't be bothered to fix potential cras...
No Hunger Punishment
Created by Colonel Kirov
Removed the negative effects caused by hunger in game Even if the hunger bar is empty, it will not caused damage Compatible with server (Translated by software, my English is very poor) ========================================================== player.conf...
No Teleporter Noise
disables annoying teleporter noise should compatible with any other mods 移除自己飞船上的传送器嗡嗡声 兼容任意mod...
No Weather Blockdamage
No Weather Blockdamage does what it says: it prevents any kind of weather from destroying blocks. But beware: the effects can still kill you. Weather types included - Small meteors - Large meteors - Cinderstorms (aka Ember) This covers only vanilla weather...
NPC Mechs
Created by lophatkao
Ever wished your crew could hop in their own mech and help cause mayhem... on planets? in space? Now you can! Just have crew ready to beam down with you, and press the "Deploy Mech" button non-Steam?
Nornil Sisters
Created by Mk Ⅳ: GIRZU
This mod adds monsters from DFO. Fluffy Flame Friends The Flameskins do not look different from other Pandemonians, but they are more agile and their magic tends to be more destructive. Young and inexperienced Flameskin mages often fail to control their ma...
NPC Controller
Created by Namuli
What mod is this? This mod allows you to manually control NPC's movement and modify the NPC's equipment. How to obtain You can purchase "NPC Controller" at Terramart for 3,000 pixels. Alternatively, you can craft "NPC Controller" in admin mode. How to use ...
Want to be able to spawn in and customize npcs well beyond even what the chargen gives you? Want to just find that one bloody human npc with the short green hair? Well brother(or sister!), we at N.P.C. Inc. have got good news for you! Introducing: NpcSpawn...
Novakid Artifact Quest Mod
Created by ghana7VEVO
A mod adding a quest to find the Novakid artifact on a new, strange planet. At the outpost bar, you will meet a stranger. They'll tell you they know the location of a powerful weapon that can help you defeat the ruin. Go explore the planet and find the wea...
nuggubs' Vanilla Texture Tweak Pack
Created by nuggubs
A pack of texture changes to vanilla content, to try and make the game look a little bit more consistent with itself. Please keep in mind that I do not consider this mod to be complete yet! I plan to make additional changes in the future. This mod is compl...
Outpost Overhual 3in1 SChinese Translation Mod
Created by diskrubbish
本mod为前哨站大修以及其依赖mod的汉化。 本汉化mod由屎大棒合鸟汉化组制作。我们的口号是,鸽了。 汉化进度 object部分文本未汉化。 协助翻译 我们的项目库地址:Gitee。 Paratranz绝赞支持中! 爱发电这边请 感谢 感谢唯一真神蓝毒的倾力汉化校对 为starbound mod汉化提供了超便利脚本的龙骑先辈和Sky大导师 @DragonKnightOfBreeze 、 @ProjectSky 感谢大修的原作者Anom和材质包作者DooM74G 联系反馈 由于各种原因,汉化的文本可能会出错...
Outpost Shuttlecraft
Created by GonDragon
Works on 1.4 Addon for Customizable Shuttlecraft. Adds a Shuttlecraft Maintaince Bay to the Outpost. It will appear after you finished the lunar base quest. The Object ID of the custom shuttlecraft bay I made for the Outpost is "shuttlecraftbay" If you wan...
Outpost Shuttlecraft Simplified Chinese Patch
Created by Future93
=========== ATTENTION: =========== If you are using my Outpost Shuttlecraft's Standalone Localized Edition,PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE IT AND SWITCH TO THIS ONE and the ORIGINAL MOD MADE BY GonDragon. The old standalone edition WILL NOT be maintained anymore. =====...
Perennial Crops
Created by Toyi
--Perennial Crops-- Plant once and avoid the annoying chore of replanting your crops! What does it do? This little mod makes that every base crop of the game (wild and planted) behave like tomato, grape, banana and coffee plants; so once you harvest them, ...
Perennial Crops FU Compatibility Patch Edition
Created by Toyi
--Perennial Crops Compatibility Patch for Frackin' Universe-- Plant once and avoid the annoying chore of replanting your FU crops too! This is a special compatibility edition requires Frackin' Universe by sayter AND Perennial Crops by me. Frackin' Universe...
Perfect Protectorate Mech
Created by LazerRay
Because of how rare and difficult the Protectorate space encounter is yet the default stats of this mech body are the same as three other ones that are more common (Hero, Lilotron, and Miniknog bodies), I made this small patch to make hunting down the Prot...
PGI E-type Announcer
Created by Vix
The musical goob Emma expresses itself....
Pillar Men Race
Created by Amee102
This mod adds the Pillar Men Race from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. It also replaces the starbound menu music and the music in the first mission with the pillar men theme. This mod also adds 6 items, That Bandage thing worn by Kars, The Stone Mask with the re...
Pimp My Ride!
Created by Bloopers
Pimp My Ride! Brings you the ultimate customization options for your vehicles including paint and decals! It also adds in a radio for your hoverbike and boat, as well as all new vehicles: the hoverboard and the surfboard! Painting & Decals • Paint Machine ...
Placeable Dynamic FTL Drive
Created by Kais
Do you miss the fancy FTL drive visualization from before Starbound 1.3? Wish you could really see the fruits of your overwhelmingly spooky erchius mining expeditions? Yeah, me too... This mod adds exactly what it says it does: a Faster-than-Light Drive ob...
Pixel Equipment
Created by Pixelflame
Hello, it's me again. Creator of the city biome and such, that's all I'm known for these days. Now, this mod is a very special one, as this one has been in the works for over a year. Although, more like a few months as I have been putting this off for a lo...
Planet Navigation Tools SChinese
Created by LESION
Planet Navigation Tools地图工具简体中文汉化 需要先订阅本体 原mod: Planet Navigation Tools 在农业工作台添加了三个地图工具:地图显示器、表层地图仪、勘测罗盘 或是直接在快捷栏调取(需快捷栏mod) 注:使用地图工具时,人物头顶上会显示菜单图标,如果你不喜欢这样,可以订阅 What Menu? 来解决这个问题。 万分感谢Future93大佬对我的帮助 有问题请在留言反馈...
Planet Navigation Tools
Created by Dread_Lord369
This mod is no longer being actively worked on I built this reworked mod as a hobby project because it was something I wanted for my own gameplay. Due to life and responsibilities, I no longer have the spare time to work on this mod. If anybody wants to ex...
Planetary Clock
Created by Erisss
This mod adds a ability to see the planetary time while in low orbit or planet surface(or under planet surface). Requires QuickbarMini or StardustLib
Created by Hotox
This mod replaces capture pods with Pokeballs and adds the original Pokeball sounds! Feel like the Pokemon trainer you ever wanted to be! Works with Starbound 1.4 Alternative download link: Non-Steam Version...
Plasmoid - the Slime Girl in the Astral Plane
Descriptions A Race from the Dungeons & Dragons called Plasmoid! It’s also Cuter than the originals! This lightweight race mod includes the following: 1. Plasmoids and Plasmoid-girls, supports variety of body color, and Plasmoid-girl has many hair disguise...
Player Dances and Emotes
Created by Degranon
When emotes are just not enough Ever looked at these happy dancing npcs and crying out jelously? So, worry no more! Express your feelings using this simple mod that allows you to dance, dance all night long, wave your hands warmly, comfort your friends... ...
Plants vs. Zombies Mod
Created by Endraien Do you remember the classic, and iconic game Plants vs. Zombies? Yes, that iconic game that got released in 2009! This time, it’s finally coming to Starbound in a form of a mod that I made :p ...
Pokemon Hairstyles
Created by tigerfestival1988
I finally got the Pokemon Hairstyles the way I wanted to look and so Here they are, the hairstyles of the female trainers from the mainline pokemon games. With smolpol's permission, I turned his wigs into hairstyles without the hats. You want the trainers ...
Pokemon Hats
Created by greater pol
Standalone craft-able hats, made at any available spinning wheel....
Pokemon Plushies 2.0
Created by Candle
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS I will never turn these into pets, critters or NPCs. Stop asking. If you want to do it, be my guest. This is, and will always be, a fan-made project with no intention to profit from it. Pokémon belongs to The Pokémon Company, GameFrea...
Pokemon Protagonist Pack 1
Created by greater pol
This pack contains the costumes of the main female protagonists from Pokemon Alpha Sapphire/ Omega Ruby, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, Pokemon Black/White and Pokemon X/Y. They are all available at the spinning wheel....
Pokemon Sword and Shield Costumes and Hairstyles
Created by tigerfestival1988
I know it's been over a year since I last uploaded a mod, but I've been too busy with life and due to that it's almost impossible for me to find the time and energy to do mods. As soon as I'm home I just want to sit down and play Starbound or any other gam...
Created by DuneGreen
Adds clothing and accessories from series pokemon Added outfits Team Rocket set (from games) Team Rocket set (from Jessie and James) Meowth's Coin Team Magma set (from the remakes) Team Aqua set (from the remakes) Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir and Gallade outfi...
Pokemon Protagonist Pack 2
Created by greater pol
This pack contains the outfits of the main female protagonists from Pokemon Leaf Green/ Fire Red, Pokemon Pokemon Heart Gold/ Soul Silver, Pokemon Black 2/ White 2 and Pokemon Sun/Moon. All are available at the spinning wheel....
Professions Memory for RPG Growth
Created by YuRaNnNzZZ
Requires RPG Growth! Your character now doesn't suffer from instant amnesia when switching professions, allowing you to access RPG Growth crafting tables of professions you have unlocked previously. This is primarily designed for users who play singleplaye...
[汉化]Project 45 中文补丁
Created by 暗反应的家
Simplified Chinese localization patch for Project 45 Project 45 的简体中文汉化补丁 可以安装配件的枪械,强大且炫酷! 感谢原作者 @Aikiro42 的汉化授权!...
Project 45 (BETA)
Created by Aikiro42
Adds moddable guns with Synthetik-esque mechanics into the game. The greatest minds of Letheia Corp. and The Miniknog Institute present to you: Project 45! How to Obtain Craft the "Project 45 Gun Shop" with the fully upgrade...
Project Blade Dance: Aimable Broadswords
Created by Ribs
Project Blade Dance is a series of mod that aims to overhaul the vanilla melee weapons of starbound. Consider joining the mod's discord server! This is an aimable patch for said mod, it makes all the broadswords covered by Blade Dance to be aimable. As req...
Project Knightfall
Created by Nitrosteel Project Knightfall is an ever growing expansion mod for Starbound that centers around a brand new, highly advanced military faction called the Knightfall Initiative. Enhance your Starbound exp...
Project Redemption
Created by Armok
Yes, this is FU compatible :P //The following is an emergency broadcast from the Terrene Protectorate "With the fall of Earth comes our own fall. Humanity is either under some new power or near extinct. To any and all remaining Protectors in this dark gala...
Project Knightfall SChinese Translation Mod
Created by diskrubbish
Project Knightfall Simplified Chinese Translation Project Projecters:diskrubbish, Zena 项目基于SKY、龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 合鸟了 本页面还需要继续完善。 本mod为Project Knightfall(幽临铁骑)的中文化mod。 本汉化mod由屎大棒合鸟汉化组制作。我们的口号是,鸽了。 汉化进度 补全了物品tag翻译,纠正了部分翻译。 我维护的最后一版,后续大版本更新交给和him一起挖矿。 协助翻译 Paratra...
Project Vehicle: Cyberbound (Re-upload)
Created by 󠀡󠀡
This is a re-upload as the original was removed and my server used this mod and my players and worlds was crashing since it was missing this mod A complete rebuild of an old mod. As an experiment, I decided to make tuning for cars and based on the Pimp My ...
Quickbar Mini (DEPRECATED)
Created by Silverfeelin
This mod is now deprecated in favor of Stardust Core Lite, a newer, shinier version with additional features, maintained and updated in sync with Stardust Core. Please update your subscriptions and collections accordingly. - Zia 💜 For those still asking (i...
Quickbar Music Player (FU) [SUPPORT DROPPED]
Created by Naii Starwing
Are you too lazy to lug around a big jukebox with you just so you can switch Machine on before slaughtering those tower turkeys in their pyramid? Maybe you just dropped onto a hazardous planet or into space in your mech and don't want to have to bail out s...
Quickbar Teleporter
Created by TGekko
Tired of every teleporter mod being so complicated by needing additional or modded items, I made a button in the Quickbar Mini mod that opens the teleporter user interface. No items, no crafting, just convenience. This mod adds the ability to open a telepo...
Quickbar Unlocker
Created by Silverfeelin
Unlocks the Tech Panel and Mech Assembly interface, without having to be in admin mode. Requires Quickbar Mini or StardustLib. Quickbar Mini: StardustLib:
Race - Munari
Created by Motionless-Jo
This mod adds a custom race called Munari. They are loosely based on a race from Summoner 2. The Munari are an aquatic race similar to the Hylotl (think less alien fish, more human). In appearance, they come in a range of various skin colours with unique m...
Raiizy's Forge中文补丁
Created by 和him一起挖矿
Raiizy's Forge Simplified Chinese Translation Project Project:oucr 项目基于SKY、龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 本mod为Raiizy's Forge的简体中文补丁。 汉化进度 基本100%,都是oucr和德芙鱼的功劳,我几乎啥都没干 协助翻译 @Partranz 感谢 作者 @Raiizy,那位宇宙知名的枪贩子 点这里跳转到原MOD创意工坊地址 为starbound mod汉化提供了超便利脚本的龙骑先辈和Sky大导师 DragonKnight...
Raiizy's Forge
Created by Raiizy
Raiizy's Forge is a large weapon pack, adding 400+ unique guns with custom spritework, randomized colors and ability to actually dye a lot of them! Bandits and Cultists overhaul addon: Find ...
Raptorframe: addon for Project Knightfall [Valor Update]
Created by Jetfire
Important note: this addon does require Project Knightfall and Avali (Triage) Race mods. Make sure you have these mods installed before attempting to launch the game with this addon. Links can be found here: Click here to open Avali (Triage) Race mod main ...
Rainbow EPP [X]
Created by Pi
这是一个改进的彩虹EPP This is an improved rainbow EPP. 我使它的配方更加合理以及删去了一些不太合理的EPP I make its recipe more reasonable and delete a few EPP that is not very reasonable. 我参考了x678的代码,或许你可以去看看他的Mod: I had to...
Redone Ship Encounters - Names, Icons, Descriptions, and Horizions
Created by AnomNom
Ever get confused what ship you're flyin' to? NO LONGER! If you're like me, you've been in a place where you've wanted to see what ship your going to go to before you actually go to it. Prehaps you wanted to find an Astro Ship to purchase some furniture, b...
Rexmeck Minimap
Created by Rexmeck
How to use: 1. Open quickbar 2. Open Rexmeck Minimap 3. Hold Click on the map to pan 4. Alt Click to reset position 5. Hover mouse over an entity for details Features: - Entity tracking (only if they have a UniqueId) - Minimap itself >>The Minimap will gue...
RFX Raptor Suspension Bike
Created by Pixel
A custom Avali race themed hoverbike! 99% explosion free! (1% explosions?) Warning: not waterproof. Also not ammonia-proof. Warranty void if submerged. (tiny adorable screenshot bab not included, that's the smolavali mod)...
Rideable Glitch Horse
Created by Rexmeck
Vanilla multiplayer compatible How to spawn(requires capturestation): 1. Get capturestation 2. Place capturestation 3. Craft 'Glitch Horse Spawner' 4. Equip the crafted item 5. Left click to spawn The Horse 5.5. Right click to change color Credits for spri...
RPG Growth 汉化补丁重制版
Created by diskrubbish
RPGrowthRPG Growth 汉化补丁重制版 基于龙骑士的开源汉化脚本,和原汉化mod 项目库地址 Paratranz绝赞支持中! 本mod为RPGrowth中文化mod,目前基于原mod已经重构完毕,日后会更进更新(大概)。 使用此汉化mod时,请先取消订阅原来的汉化mod。 汉化进度 根据原汉化mod,绝大部分文本已经汉化完毕,少数文本存在于lua文件中,无法使用Patch替换。 2022-4-29 跟进更新 一些指南 神秘之书的合成:活根,人物基础制作(C)里面制作。 感谢 RPGrowth的...
RPG Growth Tabs & Profession Retexture
Changes the Mysterious Book tabs to use modified existing ingame textures rather than letters for icons. This will also replace the Profession Select icons the same way. This requires RPG Growth:
RPG Growth: Graphics Replacement
Created by Mythic Down
Simple mod. Remakes the horribly resized icon graphics in RPG Growth mod. Currently only the classes. This ain't a masterclass-level pixel graphics, but at least it's better. Uninstallation Note Doesn't matter. It's only a sprite-swap....
RPG Growth
The mod that adds RPG Mechanics to Starbound! This mod adds the ability to raise stats and make your character stronger. Defeating monsters grants experience and raises your level. Allocate stat points, unlock techs and weapons, and choose a Profession, Af...
RWBY Outfits Mod
Created by Gazlon
Adds outfits from RWBY!! ++ You can buy all outfit in the "RWBY costume store"! ! ++ ++ You can crafting Locker in the "Inventor's Table" ++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OUTFIT...
RWBY Weapons
Created by Venry
Added weapons from RWBY. Crescent Rose ·It has the animation of transforming. ·You can swing it,and you can shoot too. ·Try to make use of the recoil force when shooting :) ·Craft it at the Separator's Table. Myrtenaster ·Right click to use glyph to dash.Y...
RWBY Weapons: Crescent Rose and Ember Celica - Melee Aiming
Created by Letrew
Makes Crescent Rose and Ember Celica from RWBY Weapons aimable. I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE ASSETS OR CONTENT. ALL CONTENT BELONGS TO Venry. Link to original mod:
S.A.I.L. chip - Draconis
Created by 🐱
This mod adds S.A.I.L. A.I. chips out of Notameme / Meme Trash's Draconis specie mod that work with my Custom S.A.I.L. mod. Full credit goes to the original mod's original author. If you do like this, go give them a thumbs up! ->
RWBY Weapons Sound Patch
Created by Gazlon
I simply changed the normal weapon sound effects into the original RWBY weapons sound effects. (I can't found Weiss semblances sounds effects....OTL) Cresent Rose and Ember celica ** You need this first** >RWBY Weapons
S.A.I.L chip Chinese translation dialogs
Created by Eros
This mod adds a Chinese dialog chip that work with Custom S.A.I.L. mod. 这个mod增加了一个中文对话芯片,可以与自定义S.A.I.L. mod一起工作。 - 与星核汉化有重复区,所以只做了自定义芯片界面的汉化 - 为确保正常运行,放了星核的汉化字体 - 还没用过FU,无法保证全汉化 - 本地没法用,只好上传了 - ai是自己改的芯片 推特:(@KXII) ai mod from zankuro(@KXII) , i modify it ...
S.A.I.L. chip - Felin
Created by 🐱
This mod adds S.A.I.L A.I. chips out of Kawa's Felins mod that work with my Custom S.A.I.L. mod. Full credit goes to this mod's original author ->
S.A.I.L. chip - Enomoto / Takane Ene
Created by 🐱
This mod adds S.A.I.L A.I. chips out of Ioran, Tshayka and Kyroxus's Takane Ene S.A.I.L mod that work with my Custom S.A.I.L. mod. Full credit goes to this mod's original authors: ->
S.A.I.L. chip - Giffany AI
Created by 🐱
This mod adds S.A.I.L. A.I. chips out of Endlessmark's Giffany AI mod that work with my Custom S.A.I.L. mod. Full credit goes to the original mod's original author. ->
S.A.I.L. chip - MentalModel-I401 for Upper1.0
Created by 🐱
This mod adds S.A.I.L. A.I. chips out of ryomaco_514's MentalModel-I401 for Upper1.0 mod that work with my Custom S.A.I.L. mod. Full credit goes to the original mod's original author. -> I did...
S.A.I.L. chip - Nightars
Created by 🐱
This mod adds S.A.I.L. A.I. chips out of iMisterX's Nightars mod that work with my Custom S.A.I.L. mod. Full credit goes to the original mod's original author. -> I didn't asked the original a...
S.A.I.L. chip - Plasmoid
Created by TheAshby
This mod adds S.A.I.L. A.I. chips out of Plasmoid - the Slime Girl in the Astral Plane that work with Custom S.A.I.L. mod. Credits and honors solely and exclusively to the original author of the race and therefore, of the S.A.I.L, thanks to 年糕糕!, 调零@史莱姆娘!!...
S.A.I.L. chip - TALVIKKI (Neko)
Created by 🐱
This mod adds S.A.I.L A.I. chips out of Fueledbycancer's Neko mod that work with my Custom S.A.I.L. mod. Full credit goes to this mod's original author. -> I wrote a message to the original au...
S.A.I.L. chip - Servalchan
Created by 🐱
This mod adds S.A.I.L. A.I. chips out of InabaGrey's Japari/Kemono Friends-Servalchan mod that work with my Custom S.A.I.L. mod. Full credit goes to this mod's original author; If you do like it, go give them a thumbs up! ->
Saturnian Villages on Arcana Planets
Created by Cyan Sky Knight
This is a pretty simple mod. This mod lets the villages added by the Saturnians mod to spawn on planets added by Arcana. Here's the planets the villages spawn on, and their chances of spawning: Sky Village (ID: saturnskygarden) ----------------------------...
Sayaka Maizono's Uniform
Created by MrM0dZ
This is Sayaka Maizono's uniform from Danganronpa: Trigger Happy! Now you can be the best School Idol in the world! You can craft it at the Spinning Wheel for 100 pixels each. - Knife not included - 11037 Update: - Fixed a crash when crafting - Removed Lam...
School girl Uniform Mod
Created by ๖솜이불..。
"Add School uniform for Starbound!" This mod is a reupload version of the original mod created by 'Mameko'. We upload this again because the Original mod has disappeared from the workshop. Thank you! v1.3.0 New clothes : School swimsuit This mod based on t...
Scripted Artificial Intelligence Lattice (Customisable A.I.!)
Created by 🐱 2018-06-14: when using FU (or ztarbound) and a modded specie, please now also install this mod! Short description: Good stuff: - Allows you to easily change y...
SCS Crafting Stations SChinese Patch
Created by Hyper Bakana!
Here is the SChinese patch of the SCS (Stellar Colonists Solutions) Crafting Stations Need SCS Crafting Stations as front, links in here The patch translates the ontology and all Addons into Chinese (1.1 Update: Updated FU addon related text) Credits: The ...
SCS Crafting Stations
Created by Scope40k
Makes crafting easier with three new crafting stations that include most of major recipes. Becomes available at Durasteel Age. The mod also provides new furniture and reskinned versions for other stations. The newest version is 1.09: Please see the Patch l...
Senko-san SAIL for Kitsune
Created by MkioTNT
Senko-san SAIL for Kitsune from "Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san" by Rimukoro This only a simple replacement, not an A.V.I.A.N. level mod nor it will be. Chip version for customizable AI Questions, suggestions, bug reports, you can send them here: Discord ...
Serval Outfits (Kemono Friends)
Created by DinnTH
Serval's Outfits from Kemono Friends. You can made it at Spinning Wheel....
Shattered Alchemy!
Created by Silver Sokolova
Have you ever read the text at the top of the Medical Station menu? I know I haven't! The text claims you can craft potions using it... I wonder what kind of potions we can make using it? The answer: none. there are no potions in vanilla Starbound Which is...
Shellguard: Starbound Expansion Remastered
Created by Travelling Merchant
Welcome to the Shellguard: Starbound Expansion remaster! We have a public discord here! This mod is a full expansion to Starbound, focused around a new faction called Shellguard. Shellguard is a large scale mercenary group as wel...
Shellguard Chinese Translation Mod
Created by diskrubbish
Shellguard Simplified Chinese Translation Project Projecters:diskrubbish, C-H-A-Beavotto 项目基于龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 没啥想说的,合鸟就完事了 本页面还需要继续完善。 本mod为Shellguard的中文化mod,我们不知道Shellguard怎么翻,所以把它翻成希尔迦德?大家快来集思广益吧! 本汉化mod由屎大棒合鸟汉化组制作。我们的口号是,鸽了。 汉化进度 壳卫道,堂堂完结! 协助翻译 我们的项目库地址:Par...
Shoggoth Broom Betabound Lua Patch
Created by Ikhuzt'dra
Betabound! makes basic brooms able to actually clean tiles, removing things such as sand, slime, snow, etc. Getting this patch will make Shoggoth brooms do the same. This applies to both The Shoggoth Race Mod & Friends, and the beta version....
Show Item Names!
Created by Silver Sokolova
Displays the internal item ID of an item in its tooltip. This mod is clientside. Features out-of-the-box support for: • Any mod that uses vanilla tooltips (aka most mods, like 99% of them) • Starbound • Betabound • Elithian Races Mod • Shattered Alchemy • ...
Simplified Chinese Translation Patch for MWH's Arcana Addon
Created by 和him一起挖矿
Simplified Chineses Translation Patch for MWH's Arcana Addon 矿君的Arcana附属的简中补丁 本体的中文补丁,免得有人看不到 来都来了,为什么不来矿君的汉化宇宙看看呢?万一又有什么好玩的mod呢桀桀桀~群号204688815...
Skittle's Mega Crafter
Created by DrPvtSkittles
Skittle's Mega Crafter NOTE: This is included in my outfit modpack You may craft the Mega Crafting Station at the inventor's table. All of my clothing mods have been updated to be crafted at my Mega Crafting Station. If you have any of my clothing mods ins...
Skittle's Mega Crafter SChinese
Created by LESION
Skittle's Mega Crafter SChinese Skittle的超级合成站简体中文汉化 作为军事装备包的前置而汉化的,在发明家工作台制造 需要先订阅本体 原mod: Skittle's Mega Crafter 有问题请在留言反馈...
slugcat farming
Created by Maplecat楓小喵
Three slugcats are now available for purchase on Terramart. slugcat is the protagonist from rain world I have changed the sound effects, but it seems that some errors are not enabled. I don't understand the code may be fixed later. ------中文------- 在貿易站新增三種...
Songs-[义勇军进行曲]/[March of the Volunteers]
Created by Attack.On.Pika[AFK]
This is a song you can play with your instruments in space. —— ----------------------------------------- 在宇宙中吹响国歌 游戏内曲子显示为:March of the Volunteers。 需要在游戏中捡到乐器之后才能演奏。 支持所有游戏版本,构成非常简单,只有一个谱子,不会造成任何mod冲突。 这是中华人民共和国国歌,大家都很熟悉;但不谈政治,这只是一首13亿人都会唱但长大后再也没有机会唱的歌。 吹响...
Smart Crew
Created by Yogi
Overview: One of the things that irritates me is that my crews keeps sticking themselves on the teleporter all the time, which inspired me to create this mod despite of my really tight schedule. Now your crews are much more active than fiddling with your t...
Songs-[天空之城主题曲-伴随着你] / [ 君をのせて ] / [Carrying you]
Created by Attack.On.Pika[AFK]
This is a song you can play with your instruments in space. Music List Name:Pika-TianKongZhiCheng C2/C3 -Joe Hisaishi Play C3 with Violin or other string-instrument. Feel free to add this mod to your collection. This mod will not make any crash. ----------...
Soul Calibur: Soul Edge
Created by Neb
This mod is SO overdue in my opinon, anyway, made by request from a donator by the name of Derk, the soul edge, along with nightmares armour (the chest and legs is a reskin of T3 glitch armor, the helmets unique). Latest UPDATE Balanced the sword, now does...
Squamaeft Race
Created by Maplecat楓小喵
Race introduction: Squamaeft is a race that falls in between amphibians and reptiles. At young age they have external gills, and also soft skin which doesn't offer much protection. They will eventually rapidly shed their skin to grow scales all over their ...
SRW mechs
Created by akiyamax
スーパーロボット大戦に登場するmechを追加します。 追加される機体は以下の通りです。 すべてOutpostでクラフト可能です。 ・アルトアイゼン ・ヴァイスリッター ・ヒュッケバインMK-II ・サイバスター ・アシュセイヴァー 扱いがちょっと特殊なアームパーツの説明を記載します。 ・アルトアイゼン リボルビングステーク 1クリック:ステークを発動します。 ステーク中に再度クリックすると、続けてステークを発動します。(最大6回) 2クリック:クレイモアを発射します。 ・アルトアイゼン マシンキャノン ホー...
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 1.3
Created by Ironkoldo
Defend the innocent using armors, weapons and vehicles of the incomparable Clone Troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. Includes Clone and Droid NPCs
Starbound - Project: D.E.V.A.
Created by Steven Steel
Starbound - Project: D.E.V.A. This outfit is one of many I've created to model my weapons. This one in particular is based on A2 from "NieR: Automata". It's not dyable, mainly because I didn't want to go back and recolor everything for an outfit I didn't o...
Stardust Core Lite SChinese
Created by LESION
Stardust Core Lite SChinese快捷栏简体中文汉化 需要先订阅本体 原mod: Stardust Core Lite 感谢四代目群友小明同学的帮助 有问题请在留言反馈...
Stardust Core Lite
Created by Zia Satazaki
Formerly known as Quickbar Mini. A vanilla-server-friendly subset of Stardust Core, including the Quickbar, metaGUI, the unified settings panel and selected pieces of library code. You don't need to install this if you already have Stardust Core! metaGUI A...
Stardust Quickbar Fix 2.0 (Frackin Interface)
Created by kotofey
Now works with Stardust Core Lite and Stardust Core My mods Original: And also for those who do not have a steam version of Starbound You can download the mod here: Stardust Quickbar Fix 2.0...
Starmap Zoom Slider
Created by Hiran
This simple mod adds slider to your starmap window. It it visible on system and planet views. This mod should be compatible with any mod that does not alter window size and default zoom levels....
Created by Rage
Time for some summer fun! This mod contains many different swimsuits that have different effects! All tops and bottoms can be obtained from the Starsuit Merchant for 50 Pixels. Starsuit Merchant can be crafted from the Inventor's Table for 1 Pixel. Starsui...
Street Bard [TrashZone.MODS]
Created by MayonnaiseMamba
This mod does NOT add the character "Street Bard" to the game To begin to play music you need musical instruments that you can find in the vastness of the game ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////...
Swansong Mech Parts
Created by Archilyte
Adds in Swansong Mech Parts for your mech. Currently Adds Swansong mech body Swansong mech boosters Invisible mech legs with swansong related flavor text Obtain the mech parts from the chest after the Swansong fight This mod currently doesn't add any mech ...
Starry Planets
Created by Oмεяυıп Just click the image above to join the Discord server! In the "Modding Cave", you can chat, look at WIP mod updates, discuss new mod ideas, get modding help, and more! Hey there! Before asking "wh...
SWAT Raid Gear Cosmetic Version
Created by Davoker
This is my version of SWAT RAID Gear Pack Pack Changes in the mod No longer is a vending machine crafted from the inventor's table, where clothes used to be purchased. All clothing is crafted from the level 1 Spinning Wheel in exchange for typical crafting...
Taehl's Teleport Beams
Created by Taehl
Trippy teleport beam graphics, featuring twice as many frames of animation and cycling colors! Improved beams for over 100 species, including: - All vanilla species - Arachne - Arcanian (Arcana) - Argonian - Artificial Intelligence (Race) - Avali - Avonian...
Tenshi Costume
Created by CCCKoA
天子的cos服,非常可爱 在织布机用1像素制作...
Created by Bottinator22
A mod that does nothing by itself but allows for Terraria-like things. It also has some functions that may be useful for other things. This is not compatible with vanilla servers. Of the things it allows you to do, this includes: - Worms - Terraria's Demon...
Terraria Calamity Mod - Stained, Brutal Calamity final boss music for Extended Story
Created by Ryu Ketsueki
Patches the battle with Exvoidimus to play all the phases from Stained, Brutal Calamity instead, taking into account the different attack patterns Exvoidimus have to change to different parts of the song accordingly. This song as well as the entirety of Th...
Tanz Lighting Overhaul
Created by Sir Greaves
Makes every light cast shadows. May negatively affect performance. ...
Terraria Mod
Created by Bottinator22
Will allow you to play Terraria in Starbound. Kinda. Currently features a few bosses and enemies. Half of them are inaccessible without commands, but the rest can be seen legitimately. Requires TerraLib. Skeletron dropping Perfectly Generic Items is intend...
Terraria Mod Addon: Calamity Bosses
Created by n3uva
An addon for the Terraria mod that adds calamity bosses and enemies. Literally only adds the armoured digger underground and it isn't even a boss because I don't know how to make anything else. If it wasn't immediately obvious, this requires TerraLib....
Terraria Weapons
Created by Doctorsloth
Current Version: 1.4 Adds some weapons from Terraria. V1.4 Changed the naming convention for item names to hopefully avoid conflicting with any other mods. If spawning the items in admin mode use t_ in front of the itemname (ex. t_excalibur would spawn exc...
Terraria- Pantera (solo + trio)
Created by Toony_Xenon
play the theme of plantera on any instrument eitheralone or with friends....
The "Darkest Nightmares" microdungeon six-pack
Created by Fabmat
The "Darkest Nightmares" dungeon six pack. This mod adds six more microdungeons to dark planets. With doing this i am hoping to enrich the experience you will have with Starbound. This is my fourth dungeon mod for Starbound, be sure to check out my other m...
The "Deadly Poison" microdungeon six pack
Created by Fabmat
The "Deadly Poison" dungeon six pack. This mod adds six more microdungeons to toxic planets. With doing this i am hoping to enrich the experience you will have with Starbound. This is my fourth dungeon mod for Starbound, be sure to check out my other mods ...
The "Permafrost" microdungeon six pack
Created by Fabmat
The "Permafrost" dungeon six pack. This mod adds six more microdungeons to tundra planets. With doing this i am hoping to enrich the experience you will have with Starbound. Although this is the last mod in this ongoing series of six packs, i will make mor...
The "Flaming Hot" microduneon six pack
Created by Fabmat
The "Flaming Hot" dungeon six pack. This mod adds six more microdungeons to scorched planets. With doing this i am hoping to enrich the experience you will have with Starbound. This is my Tenth dungeon mod for Starbound, be sure to check out my other mods ...
The 2 Pixel Fixer (Munari Artisian Chest)
Created by Windtalkers
Made this to save my own sanity This mod changes the the appearance of the Munari Artisian Chest (itemid: munaritier6achest) from the Munari Race to remove the two extra pixels on the left hand in the second personality/stance (where you rest your hands on...
The Alrune Race
Created by Crow
2.0: This is obviously a longtime coming, but for the longest time I admit I didn't know how to update a mod on Steam til recently without having to reupload it... ANYWAYS this is a bit of a small update, some tweaks people have been asking for and fixes a...
The Amazing Digital Circus Ending Theme Playable Song
Created by the w1se virus
Holy Moly The Pilot for this show is great! But hey! It's now playable on Any instrument in starbound now! I technically don't own the instrumental midi/abc files for this song all I did was I found a midi file and decided to plug it into starbound. I grab...
The Angels of Starbound - FR/FU Patch
Created by A-Vladimir
A "Frackin' Races" patch for the "The Angels of Starbound" race mod. This mod removes the normal Angels racial buffs and adds FR stats. I also patched the ship locker & FU hardcore respawn. "Nerfed" the flying tech, and added a upgraded version of it that ...
The Angels of Starbound
Created by Oмεяυıп Just click the image above to join the Discord server! In the "Modding Cave", you can chat, look at WIP mod updates, discuss new mod ideas, get modding help, and more! Hey there! Before asking "wh...
The Black Armory (Version 4.2.1)
Created by KiberVolk
Join the Black Armory Discord for more Information! WARNING!!! IDs on most items have changed! Expect a crash on first start-up if a previous subscriber! Things will dissapear and turn into PGIs. Welcome to the Black Armory! What started off as a simple we...
The Essential Galactic Cruise
Created by CaptainRumBarrels
Need a holiday? or a place to call home away from home for a short stay? Maybe you're wondering what ever happened to the protectorate populations after the collapse of Earth? Perhaps you're in need of some new crew members - or maybe you just ran out of s...
The first "Community Picks" dungeon pack.
Created by Fabmat
This mod adds 17 new and unique microdungeons to Starbound. It was made entirely with ideas of the community on my Discord server, my thanks go out to them. I hope to enrich your experience with the game with this mod. Please subscribe, leave a rating and ...
The Angels of Starbound-Glowing Racial Buff Addon
Created by Oмεяυıп
This Addon makes it so that ALL Angels get an additional racial buff, called "Glow". This Addon now works for old and new characters alike! WARNING: May cause lag if there are a lot of Angels in one area. You can install or uninstall at any time. The origi...
The Forge: Blade Dance
Created by Ribs
Welcome to Blade Dance: Revival! This is currently a work in progress. I've chosen an early release as due to unusual circumstances I feel it will be more beneficial to release small updates. I have a lot planned for this mod, and while it might take me a ...
The Forge: Heaven's Gate
Created by Ribs
This mod adds one single weapon into the game: Heaven's Gate. It is a powerful energy sword, capable of dealing massive amount of damage with its 11 hit combo. Alt ability opens a portal that summons the heaven's gate. There's no crafting recipe for it yet...
The Nomadic De'nelaun
Created by Oмεяυıп Just click the image above to join the Discord server! In the "Modding Cave", you can chat, look at WIP mod updates, discuss new mod ideas, get modding help, and more! Hey there! Before asking "wh...
The Saturnians
Created by Cyan Sky Knight
Latest update: v1.3.9 This update adds support for Armor Adapt! The amazing artwork in this mod's icon was drawn by Shinigami Apples!
The Pony Modpack
Created by C0bra5
Ever wanted to play starbound as a tiny overpowerd horse? well this modpack is for you! Latest Update: Version 3.2 Now that I have some free time it's time to do something which many people asked me to do: Balance the mod and make it less obnoxious. This u...
The Shoggoth Race Mod & Friends
Created by Sir Bumpleton✿
The Shoggoth Race Mod & Friends The public beta for the next major update is now available on the Discord. Current Content: A fully functional race (and another sister race that slipped in); An absolute ton of customisation options; Some unique outfits; Sp...
The Starforge sChinese Translation Mod
Created by diskrubbish
The Starforge Simplified Chinese Translation Project Project:diskrubbish、C.H.A.Beavotto、和him一起挖矿,Ethereal、oucr等(其他人想起来加上去) 项目基于SKY、龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 合鸟了 本页面还需要继续完善。 本mod为The Starforge(星铸物语)的中文化mod。 本汉化mod主要由屎大棒合鸟汉化组制作。我们的口号是,鸽了。 汉化进度 好耶。 目前进度接近100%,兄弟们,有肝帝( 协助翻...
The Starforge v1.1.5
Created by Frykas
Welcome to the Starforge expansion Before downloading the mod, I recommend you make a backup of your universe & player files, Starforge is a mod that adds a lot to your universe, monsters, dungeons, quests... Uninstalling it will corrupt some of your plane...
there is a severed head in a toilet at the outpost
Created by patman
a severed head will appear in a toilet at the outpost after completing the avian mission you can hold the head and you can put it into a small fossil display case if u want. that it all compatible with anoms outpost . there is a separate patch but it is no...
Time Pierce - Za Warudo (The World) Time Stop SFX
Created by ^15 Magias🐀
JoJo Bizarre Adventure Mod (br) Esse mod só muda o som da arma (eng) This mod just change the SFX of the weapon Voice Mod: Client-side (Still works with 1.4)...
Those addictive anime songs
Created by KaBi
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 这个mod包括5首曲子 一、 aLIEz 【核爆神曲 二、 Only my railgun 【炮姐 三、This game 【鱼,好大的鱼,虎皮鲨鱼 四、 いけないボーダーライン 【giligili eye 订正一下...
Touhou Costume - Flandre Scarlet Outfit / 车万服装 - 芙兰朵露 斯卡蕾特套装
Created by PhantomHare
(These Chinese text below are only thanslation.) ( o=^•ェ•)o ┏━━━━━━━━┓ Add clothing of Flandre Scarlet from the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. The outfit can be crafted with 15 fabric and 3 cotton wool in crafting wheel. Or, use /admin /spawnitem command. 东方...
Touhou Costume - Koishi Komeiji Outfit / 车万服装 - 古明地恋套装
Created by PhantomHare
(These Chinese text below are only thanslation. ) ( o=^•ェ•)o ┏━━━━━━━━┓ 悄咪咪地更新一下,估计没人会注意到吧(ง •_•)ง Now the problem of back strings missing pixels running backward has beed fixed, thanks for the help of Paraselene. 现在,向后跑背包不显示的问题已经修复,感谢工坊大佬Paraselene的指导 Add...
Touhou Costume - Mystia Lorelei Outfit / 车万服装 - 米斯蒂娅 萝蕾拉套装
Created by PhantomHare
(These Chinese text below are only thanslation.) ( o=^•ェ•)o ┏━━━━━━━┓ Add clothing of Mystia Lorelei from Imperishable Night. The outfit can be crafted with 15 fabric and 3 cotton wool in crafting wheel. Or, use /admin /spawnitem command. 东方永夜抄中米斯蒂娅 萝蕾拉的套装...
Translate to Ancient language
Created by Rhaeloth
You want speak the Ancient language? This mod allow to translate your message into Ancient language. Informations: You must have Quickbar Mini (or StardustLib) in order to use this mod! If you want read ancient alphabet, use Ancient Text Translator or Read...
Trees, saplings and beautiful skies
Created by Davoker
Description, or something like this Trees, trees for everyone, saplings for everyone, and some nice, crazy, exotic skies, and that's it. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Content I'm not going to make a list, but I think this should cover all the content: Restore unused trees ...
Tsaiqir Race
Created by blind_wind
▽ Tsaiqir - a race of humanoid dragons, tall and graceful, agile and damn clever. Wandering throughout the cosmos, the Tsaiqir have long lacked a planet of their own and are forced to settle on alien or undiscovered planets. _______________________________...
TTB for Kitsune
Blah-blah-blah, just press teleport button. based on the Crome mod
UI CharaCreate RacEx 88
Created by ramhane
(This is a sentence translated by Google.) ”MOD to add 88 new species” I created this mod to help myself. As I created it for myself, there may be some defects left. It collides with MOD which changes the character creation screen in the same way. As we do...
U.N.I. SAIL replacement
Created by MAKI
Replace your S.A.I.L. with black sister Uni Please enjoy. Thank you. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CAN ONLY BE USED BY APEX RACE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ユニちゃんのSAILです 。 美味しく頂いてくれるなら嬉しいです。 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 猿族しか使いません ++++++++++++++...
UI CharaCreate RacEx 88 FIX
Created by JooGabrel768
I literally took some features from the UI CharaCreate RacEx 203 to fix some inconsistencies when using mods that affect the race description....
Universal Winged Flight Tech
Created by Olaroll
This is an actual physics-based flight tech. It allows you to fly around, completely unchained from the limitations you might've seen in other flight techs. NOTE: The mod doesn't add any wings, you'll get those from vanilla or other mods. It's also "Univer...
Universe Scanner
Created by Hiran
Simple mod that allows you to scan any planet without the need to visit it....
Upgraded Upgrades
Created by Kais
Increases the target level of the Weapon Upgrade Anvil (found at the end of the Ancient Vaults accessible after the main story has been completed) from 6 to 7, and makes all vanilla weapons and shields upgradeable. Any items that you previously upgraded to...
Created by swarmdruid
Our weather forecast today is SPACE VAMPIRES. Do you want to roam the universe as a powerful apex predator? These intergalactic bloodsuckers heal quickly, can run faster and jump higher than your average sentient species, have excellent night vision, and d...
UU Tier Patch: 10
Created by Kais
Requires Upgraded Upgrades! This addon mod increases the target level of the Weapon Upgrade Anvil to 10. Tiers higher than 7 are not guaranteed to be balanced with respect to vanilla content! Items that have already been upgraded at the Weapon Upgrade Anvi...
Vanilla Mechs
Created by lophatkao
Far less OP than the XS Mechs :D Enables the unfinished Mech vehicles CF Mod Forums link Purchase the controllers from Penguin Pete at the Outpost (or his Portable Outpost counterpart) Functionally complete, but very WIP updated when i feel like it ;) --TO...
Vitality - Helltaker OST
Created by THE Mountain™
Only for musical instruments ;)...
Vanta Race
Created by AbsoluteXeroEX
When a desire to break away from the dogmatic traditions of the Nightars gained traction at an exponential rate, those who were exiled became the Vanta, a new generation of Nightars who realized the potential value of forming alliances and advancing themse...
VoiceChanger for All : Alternative Version
Created by Motoba
Changes Damage voice and partial talking voice. I'm not good at English and modding, sorry. Voices from here : あみたろの声素材工房 ユーフルカ Wingless Seraph フリーボイス素材 This mo...
Voided 简中补丁
Created by 和him一起挖矿
Voided Simplified Chinese Translation Project Project:和him一起挖矿 项目基于SKY、龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 本mod为Voided的简体中文补丁。 汉化进度 几乎100%,赞美伟大的和him一起挖矿 协助翻译 @Partranz 感谢 作者 @Void Eye Gaming 点这里跳转到原MOD创意工坊地址 为starbound mod汉化提供了超便利脚本的龙骑先辈和Sky大导师 DragonKnightOfBreeze 、 ProjectSky ...
Voided: Expansion Mod (WIP)
Created by Void Eye Gaming
Extended Story, rethought from the ground up WARNINGS This mod contains flashing lights and other content that may cause discomfort in people with photosensitive epilepsy. This mod will also permanently alter your players and universe. It is recommended th...
Wardrobe - Arsenalbound - Lastree Race
Created by Silverfeelin
Wardrobe Add-on for Arsenalbound - Lastree Race. Requires both the Wardrobe and Arsenalbound - Lastree Race....
Wardrobe - Gothic Outfit Pack
Created by Silverfeelin
Wardrobe Add-on for the Gothic Outfit Pack. Requires both the Wardrobe and Gothic Outfit Pack....
Wardrobe - Skittles Mega Pack
Created by Silverfeelin
Wardrobe Add-on for Skittles Mega Outfit Modpack. Requires both the Wardrobe and Skittles Mega Outfit Modpack....
Wardrobe Interface
Created by Silverfeelin This mod allows you to dress up your character. All clothing and colors in the game are directly available to your in an easy-to-access interface. You can store and load your favourite outfits so you don't have to juggle ite...
Weapon - 暗星DarkStar (OnlineServers Available)
Created by Lockie♦
- in single player mode,enter /admin to obtain permissions and generate in the basic production column - 在单人模式中输入/admin获取权限后在基础制作栏中生成 For oc do a sickle, a weapon can be brought into the server, pay attention to bring into the server do not throw to others...
Wardrobe - The Alrune Race
Created by Silverfeelin
Wardrobe Add-on for The Alrune Race. Requires both the Wardrobe and The Alrune Race....
Wardrobe - Brawler's Coat and Arms
Created by Silverfeelin
Wardrobe Add-on for Brawler's Coat and Arms. Requires both the Wardrobe and Brawler's Coat and Arms....
Weapon Fusion Station
Created by DarkNekku
Description Ever wanted to transfer a weapon's Special Ability to another weapon? Ever loved the look of a weapon but had to sell or store it because you got a better weapon? Ever wanted to rename a weapon you got? If you said yes to any of those questions...
Weapon Fusion Station 汉化补丁
Created by Richey
Weapon Fusion Station 汉化补丁 除了面板汉化不了之外全部汉化了 我直接把面板放在下面 面板: Weapons in these slots 这些插槽中的武器 Works with randomly generated, 适用于随机生成的 and even modded weapons 或者是改装的武器 They have to be 它们必须是 the same type 相同类型的 (example: 2 broadswords) ( 例如:2把巨剑) 如果使用中有bug或者其他问题...
Wearable Pet Collars!
Created by ❤Marigi❤
Ever looked at your pet and thought "Man, wish I could wear a snazzy collar like that!" Well, now you can! Just find (or craft) a Blank collar found throughout the universe and talk to Njem, a Floran lady who arrives at the outpost after the Ceremonial Hun...
WolFen FLCN-11 Gunship
Created by Rikkun🔥🦈
A solo/duo operated gunship with set of weapons and projectiles switching. It can be a mobile platform that can carry 6 passengers and other features. HOW TO GET You can get the gunship from Penguin Pete from the Outpost for 150,000 pixels. FEATURES https://...
WolFen FLCN-11 Gunship SChinese
Created by LESION
声明:这是我第一次尝试做汉化mod,我不是专业的汉化人员,且英语水平有限,汉化多是机翻+润色修正。如有谬误,请指出 沃尔芬FLCN-11武装直升机简体中文汉化 需要先订阅本体 原mod: WolFen FLCN-11 Gunship —其他版本— Shellguard(盾卫): WolFen FLCN-11 Gunship: Shellguard Edition (已汉化) FU: Frackin FLCN-11 Gunship (已汉化) 以利提亚联盟: Elithian Alliance FLCN-11...
XS Mechs - Vehicle Edition
Created by lophatkao
XS Mech Vehicles WORKS WITH 1.4 Buy the Controllers at Penguin Pete in the Outpost (or his Portable Outpost counterpart) {10% discount on controllers with Tabula Rasa!} More Info: CF Mod Forum Link More Mechs!: ZZ Mech Addon - Highly Recommended! Original ...
XS Mechs - Vehicle Edition SChinese
Created by LESION
XS Mechs - Vehicle Edition XS机甲简体中文汉化 前哨站购买 需要先订阅本体 原mod: XS Mechs - Vehicle Edition 有问题请在留言反馈...
XS Mechs : Modular Edition (BETA)
Created by Tiniebla
XS Mechs : Modular Edition (BETA) Old name is : Mech New Body Thank you Tshinzon! Your XS Mech graphic is AWESOME! THIS MOD IS OPEN FOR ALL. FREELY MODIFY AND UPLOAD! - Is that LEGS!? Yes. That is legs for your nice mech! - I stretched up the mech skeleton...
Yandere Set
Created by MAKI
This mod was inspired by <Japanese Schoolgirl Outfit> mod which created by LimeIsFruit This mod doesn't include any Japanese schoolgirl outfit. Recommend outfit(At the bottom of this page) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> このMODはL...
XS Mechs : Modular Weapons+ Pack
Created by lophatkao
XS weapons and more parts for XS Mechs : Modular Edition --- WORK IN PROGRESS - BUGS HAPPEN--- REQUIRES XS MECHS : MODULAR EDITION 14 weapon Arms + 4 more Legs for your modular mech! All parts available by finding bluebrints. They're not perfect yet, but t...
YEET: YellowApple's Easy Editing Tool
Created by YellowApple !!! WARNING !!! This is highly experimental and alpha-quality. There are glaring bugs. The UI is a trainwreck. A lot of features are missing. Use at your own risk. Caveat emptor. What is i...
Zombie Race Mod Redux
Created by DrPvtSkittles
Zombie Race Mod Redux Xel (the original modder) as asked me to maintain their Zombie Race mod from here on out. I am only happy to oblige. Any changes I make will be kept to the theme and style of this mod, with themes inspired from Monster Musume, Ragnaro...
[布布个人汉化]The Pony Modpack 汉化
Created by 布布
本MOD由“The Pony Modpack”作者C0bra5授权进行制作 汉化作者:布布 本MOD对“The Pony Modpack”进行了汉化,除此之外不含任何功能。汉化内容约50%,可以满足基本游戏需求,后续的未汉化内容将在日后进行完善。有任何问题请直接联系我,联系方式在我的个人资料里 This is a Patching mod for the Pony Modpack and doesn't contain any functionality.If you have any question p...
[.abc tracks]六十年目の東方裁判 ~ Fate of Sixty Years
Created by PhantomHare
Theme of Shikieiki Yamaxanadu Include a solo track for single player. If the mod does some infringement of right, it would be deleted. Instruments needed: Drum Kit Rock Organ Square Wave Trumpet Name in songbook: Fate of Sixty Years-XXX Solo Ver. Fate of S...
[汉化] [更多罐头] More Canned Food! [FU Version]
Created by 古明地·嗪
这是 More Canned Food! 的汉化版 译者简介: 这个mod提供了37种罐头。罐头不会变质,可以堆叠,甚至可以提供与原材料类似的buff 原mod介绍翻译: 这是更多罐头食品的FU版!你不需要原本的mod,两者都使用会崩溃。 不同之处: -食谱通过研究系统解锁,而不是通过获取解锁。 -罐装机的配方包括1块硅板和3根铜线。 -罐头食品使用饮食系统。 关于: 更多的罐头食品增加了37种罐头食品:30种来自胡萝卜、西红柿、肉类等基本产品,7种来自炖菜等菜肴。每个都提供了自己的奖励效果,基于该产品可以...
[汉化] Extended Songbook 简体中文汉化Mod (zh_CN)
To English Users(给英语用户) This is a Simplified-Chinese patch for Extended Songbook. Need to install Extended Songbook and a Chinese-Font mod first. About Font, you can refer to this mod. Mod说明 Extended Songbook(更大的曲目集)的补丁式简体中文汉化Mod,需要先安装 Extended Songbook 本体...
[3.0 UPDATE]MWH's Arcana Addon
Created by 和him一起挖矿
This is an addon of Arcana. It needs Arcana mod to run! Some of the mod assets come from Arcana mod itself. Ownership of these assets is credited to S.V.A. and the whole Arcana mod team. Welcome to MWH's Arcana Addon, an expansion mod for Arcana mod. This ...
[Blue Archive] Bunny Chaser Costume
Created by Mk Ⅳ: GIRZU
CONTENTS Meet the professional Bunny Girl Maid! Meet the Cute, Sexy, Kwaii, Anime style Maid! This mode mainly supports the halo, hair style that the some of Blue Archive character has. This mod include C&C member's hairstyle(for human race), Wig(head gear...
[Chinese]GSR的猫箱世界/Gsr's catbox world
Created by GeeserGSR (I can't speak English, so I use Baidu Translation Website) This is an unfinished small MOD Two optional races have been added: yinyangren (sorry I don't know how to translate this)&Womber (Womber's spaceship layou...
Created by Attack.On.Pika[AFK]
A CHS-Font,used for change inside fonts and improve your game experience. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一个中文字体,锐字工坊-洪荒之力。 用于替换纯文本的汉化mod使用,比如我发布的那个个别好友可见的内部使用MOD。 (如果你是我的好友但无可见权限,请联系我。) 不兼容已自带字库的汉化MOD及其他此类...
[Dragon Maid] Tohru's Outfit
Created by Miralyn
v.2 - Moved all outfit recipes to spinning wheel. - Lowered required amount of fabric for recipes. (20 -> 4 for upper body part, 20 -> 3 for skirt, 10 -> 2 for headwear) - Added Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Vending Machine. All parts of this outfit (and probabl...
[ex] Excalibur
Created by melancholy
more old junk i worked on ages ago ,this one is from 2017 sprite by yunyu i think -- obtain by going into /admin and opening the craft menu, it only costs pixels to craft controls: hold m1 - attack combo shift m1 - charged slash hold m2 - beam shift W - sh...
[ex] Nobuphantasm
Created by melancholy
got bored and wanted to start releasing old junk i worked on years ago. this is originally from 2018 -- obtain by going into /admin and opening the craft menu, it only costs pixels to craft sprite by yunyu...
[ex] Nodachi
Created by melancholy
crusty sword thing i worked on in 2017. the animations on this one did not age well lol sprite was by rex i think -- obtain by going into /admin and opening the craft menu, it only costs pixels to craft controls: m1 - slashes m2 - projectile slashes m1 + w...
[FFS] Momo Gun Shop [Fixed]
Created by bmkoo05
Basically, i fixed some weapon ID problem and SMG script problem on the original mod. If you find another bug, tell me using the comment section. I will fix it. Note: Because i'm not the original modder/creator, i will not add new contents. Original mod by...
[ex] SV-C
Created by melancholy
continuing uploading old shit i worked on instead of letting it rot unused on my hard drive forever - this one was from 2018ish i think it was meant to be a complete remake of that one v-cannon weapon that green made a long time ago sprites were by yunyu p...
[FFS] OSCAR's AK-100 series firearms
Created by OSCAR2-6
Introduction: This mod is for those Russian light weapons fans like me. there are AK-100 series and old-school-modifications-like of ak and some modern-modifications-like of Russian weapons that I like it. hope you enjoy! Contents: AKS74N: AK74 Soviet vari...
[ex] R-Gun
Created by melancholy
another old thing, this one is also from 2017 sprite was by typ i think -- obtain by going into /admin and opening the craft menu, it only costs pixels to craft controls: hold m1 - rev up gunfire shift m1 - projectile grenades m2 - missile marker...
[FFS] USCM Arsenal Addon
Created by Ancestor Core
The USCM caseless Pluse weapon is back(sadly the USCM itself is not comeback) ____________________________________________________ Weapon>>>Papachino Armor>>>Yuri ____________________________________________________ This should be my last FFS addon @Rylasa...
Created by OSCAR2-6
描述 :这是一个基于FFS原版AK74改造的AK74M,制作过程并不难,这个mod也是我的第一个作品,作为一个练手性质的mod我并不能保证稳定性与兼容性。你现在可以在帕帕奇诺那里以三千刀的实惠价格买到她. 武器信息 :AK74M是AK74的改型之一,与原版最大的区别是更换了较新的聚合物手枪式握把、聚合物护木以及聚合物可折叠枪托,该枪同时有是俄罗斯现役主要突击步枪。 与原版的不同 :全新的聚合物套件(其实就是改了个色) 加长了枪托并把枪管向上移来让她看起来更协调 个人将弹匣中子弹蛋壳的颜色换为了更为现实的深绿...
[FFS]Gunner's Frontline
Created by Ancestor Core
Add some new tactical weapon reference to the girlsfrontline ______________________________ 1.3 update is coming ______________________________ -M4A1 (2-stages conversion) -M4 SOPMOD II -SOP with grenade launcher -ST AR15 (10th Anniversary ver) -M16A1(30 r...
[FU] Default Recipe UNLOCKER!
Created by Silver Sokolova
Face it, the "Default Recipe Checker" from FU is useless. It tells you the names of items that might be causing issues, and nothing else. "Which items are even missing?" No. "Which mod broke it?" No. This mod? This mod makes it so just by holding the Defau...
[More Planet Info] 1.4 Quest Marker Fix
Created by Anter583
Patches the mod More Planet Info (made by: Erisss) to properly render the Quest Markers added in 1.4 by replacing the old Lua file (cockpitview.lua) with a modified one that incorporates parts from both MPI and the 1.4 update by adding in some missing ques...
[OFFICIAL] FU BYOS Modded Race Patch
Created by Hubnester
A patch to make it so modded races that can use the Frackin Universe build your own ship. Chucklefish Forum Version: Github Link:
[old]Lyetzi's gunners mod
Old Version : Lyetzi's Gunners mod New version : Feast of fire and smoke Link : ♣♣♣ NOTICE to Add-on/Expansion modder ♣♣♣ + You have to write 'lyetzi' to helper or corner of descrition or mo...
[sh01]Music Pack of Shuusou Gyoku Collected From the Oriental Music Fantasy
Created by PhantomHare
If I have infringed anyone's copyright, please tell me and I will delete it. The original author of this is ZUN. The midi file is from Shuusou Gyoku, collected from the Oriental Music Fantasy. This game's BGMs were composed by ZUN. One single track only ha...
[sh02]Music Pack of Kioh Gyoku Collected From thbwiki
Created by PhantomHare
If I have infringed anyone's copyright, please tell me and I will delete it. The original author of this is ZUN. The midi file is from Kioh Gyoku, collected from thbwiki. This game's BGMs were composed by ZUN. One single track only has some parts of the wh...
[Soundtracks]Ensemble Tracks of Waltz of Destiny and Ocean of the Heart in Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea
Created by PhantomHare
Instruments needed for ensemble: Ocean of the Heart: Harp, Ocarina, Violin. Waltz of Destiny: Accordion, Harp, Ocarina. Songbooks name in game: Ocean of the Heart-XXXXX Waltz of Destiny-XXXXX Soundtracks of Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea. The producer o...
[StarCore Localization Team] Simplified Chinese Mod (zh_CN)
To English users: This is a Simplified-Chinese mod, Almost all text in game would be changed. It may possibly affect your save file, So think TWICE before you decide to subscribe. Supports only 1.4.4 About: Made by StarCore Localization Team. Now almost al...
[th01-01]Eternal Shrine Maiden from Touhou Reiiden ~ Highly Responsive to Prayers/永遠の巫女
Created by PhantomHare
2018.4.4 update: Name changed. Instruments number needed cutted down to three. Four game version track added. Instruments needed (recommend): Bass Guitar Drum Kit Piano Violin If I have infringed your copyright, please tell me and I will delete it. The ori...
[th03]Strawberry Crisis!! in songbook
Created by PhantomHare
Theme of Yumemi Okazaki Include a solo track for single player. If the mod does some infringement of right, it would be deleted. Instruments needed: Bright Piano Drum Kit Electric Bass Guitar Lead Guitar Square Wave Name in songbook: Strawberry Crisis!!-XX...
[th05]Infinite Being from the Oriental Music Fantasy
Created by PhantomHare
Instruments needed (recommend): Acoustic Guitar Bright Piano Drum Kit Harmonica Lead Guitar Overdrive Guitar Reed Organ Rock Organ Saxphone If I have infringed your copyright, please tell me and I will delete it. The original author of this is ZUN. The mid...
[th04]Sleeping Terror and [th04]Inanimate Dream Songbooks
Created by PhantomHare
Songbooks' name: Inanimate Dream-Bass Guitar Inanimate Dream-Drum Kit Inanimate Dream-Piano Inanimate Dream-Solo Inanimate Dream-Square Wave Sleeping Terror-Drum Kit Sleeping Terror-Music Box Sleeping Terror-Nylon Guitar Sleeping Terror-Piano Sleeping Terr...
[th15.5]Happy-Go-Lucky Egoist for Tonight (Live ver) ~ Egoistic Flowers Tracks In Songbook
Created by PhantomHare
Happy-Go-Lucky Egoist for Tonight (Live ver) ~ Egoistic Flowers in Touhou Hyouibana ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers Theme of Yorigami sisters. Need Bright Piano, Drum Kit, Lead Guitar and Trumpet for ensemble. Contain a solo track. The music was composed by Z...
[Touhou] Chen (橙服装)
Created by Solar Energy
橙的服装 在纺车内可以制作 建议与MOD" Make the universe a cutter place "一同搭配使用 Chen's clothes Can be made in the spinning wheel Recommended to be used with MOD " Make the universe a cutter place " ID: thchenhead thchenchest thchenlegs thchenback...
[Touhou] Flandre Scarlet (芙兰朵露服装)
Created by Solar Energy
芙兰朵露的服装 在纺车内可以制作 建议与MOD" Make the universe a cutter place "一同搭配使用 Flandre's clothes Can be made in the spinning wheel Recommended to be used with MOD " Make the universe a cutter place " ID: thflandrehead thflandrechest thflandrelegs thflandreback...
[Touhou] Reisen Udongein Inaba (铃仙服装)
Created by Solar Energy
铃仙的服装 在纺车内可以制作 建议与MOD" Make the universe a cutter place "一同搭配使用 Reisen's clothes Can be made in the spinning wheel Recommended to be used with MOD " Make the universe a cutter place " ID: threisenhead threisenchest threisenlegs threisenback...
[th06]Music Pack of the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil with Instrumental Ensemble
Created by PhantomHare
If I have infringed anyone's especally ZUN's copyright, please tell me and I will delete it. The midi file is from the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. This game's BGMs were composed by ZUN. One single track only has some parts of the whole music. Solo track h...
[Touhou] Youmu Konpaku (妖梦服装)
Created by Solar Energy
妖梦的服装 在纺车内可以制作 建议与MOD" Make the universe a cutter place "一同搭配使用 Youmu's clothes Can be made in the spinning wheel Recommended to be used with MOD " Make the universe a cutter place " ID: thyoumuhead thyoumuchest thyoumulegs thyoumuback...
[Touhou] Remilia Scarlet (蕾米莉亚服装)
Created by Solar Energy
蕾米莉亚的服装 在纺车内可以制作 建议与MOD" Make the universe a cutter place "一同搭配使用 Remilia's clothes Can be made in the spinning wheel Recommended to be used with MOD " Make the universe a cutter place " ID: thremiliahead thremiliachest thremilialegs thremiliaback...
[ZUN's Music Collection Vol.1]Dolls in Pseudo Paradise Instrumental Ensemble & Solo Tracks
Created by PhantomHare
Please notice that there are 91(13*7) .abc files so it looks extremely large in your songbook. Ensemble preview(Bilibili): This mod contains tracks of Dolls in Pseudo Paradise. Each music of this album has six .abc...
[WIP]EP's Shadow Expansion SChinese Patch
Created by diskrubbish
歌声将灭,然不见孤影。 本mod为EP的影裔扩展(EP's Expansion of Shadows)的中文化mod。 本汉化mod由屎大棒合鸟汉化组接手星夜的老坑制作。我们的口号是,鸽了。 汉化进度 目前40%,发上来提醒我不要鸽,也算是给大家尝鲜 协助翻译 我们的项目库地址:Gitee。 Paratranz绝赞支持中!。 爱发电这边请 感谢 星夜汉化组的弃坑文本,虽然帮助也不大( 原作者@Evil Parrot,从文本上来看可以说是真的在这个扩展mod花了不少的心血,非常感谢 为starbound mo...
【小面包汉化组】EP's Shadow Expansion [FU PATCH]-汉化
Created by King
汉化了EP's Shadow Expansion ,仅在选人处有效 需要原种族mod和FU属性补丁mod -———— 感谢 【和him一起挖矿】 的指导帮助。 第一次做patch的patch...
异星陈酿Aging Alien Alcohols can be produced directly
Created by 逍遥小冯
Original !!! With the ontology MOD conflict, can not subscribe at the same time!!! !!! Aging Alien Alcohols can now be produced directly, for friends who subscribe to“Food will never spoil” ...
Created by 和him一起挖矿
K'Rakoth Mod Simplified Chinese Translation Project Project:浮世、和him一起挖矿、刘鲤、NullEther、德芙鱼、diskrubbish 项目基于SKY、龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 本mod为K'Rakoth Mod的简体中文补丁。 汉化进度 100% 协助翻译 @Paratranz 感谢 作者 @Angry Turrent 骗我踏入KR世界的黑暗领主@Armok(确信) 致敬一条目没翻的传奇项目创建者浮世 点这里跳转到原MOD创意工坊地址 为s...
Created by 和him一起挖矿
注意:本简中补丁即为原救赎计划汉化【Project Redemption SChinese Translation Mod】。原链接补丁现已停止更新,今后由【和him一起挖矿】接手后续更新和维护。 使用本补丁前请先取消订阅原补丁 使用本补丁前请先取消订阅原补丁 使用本补丁前请先取消订阅原补丁 Project Redemption Simplified Chinese Translation Project Project:C-H-A-Beavotto、和him一起挖矿、刘鲤 项目基于SKY、龙骑士的开源汉化...
Created by dfdffish
源模组: 汉化: dfdffish 小狐狸 2024.9.2 这只是 Better Augments Mod 的汉化模组,需要订阅源模组. 重新汉化了物品名称与介绍 (建议同时订阅 Chinese Patch for Better Augments Mod
Armor Augments Reborn SChinese Patch
Created by dfdffish
护甲增强模块插槽重制版汉化。 虽然说这个mod是增加了护甲(包括各类其他mod的护甲)的增强模块插槽,但其实里面也有不少独立的模块和装备。就汉化了下。 ( ̄▽ ̄)"...
Better Augments Mod
Created by aolukuro
The Better Augments Mod improves the Vanilla Augments alongside adding Hybrid Augments. LIGHT version (Hyrbid Augments Produce Light): The augments that have been changed are as follows: Damag...
Armor Augments Reborn
Created by projectmayhem
I've created a collection to show a list of compatible mods. It should show just above the description. Notes: If there are too many status effects on a piece of armor, the icons and text for the icons will bleed over into the items description. There is a...
Alta A.I. Chips
Created by Ceterai
This small Starbound mod contains A.I. Chips from the My Enternia mod, meant to be used with the Customizable A.I. mod. Use this if you want to have those chips without having to use the rest of My Enternia. This should be obvious, but if you have full My ...
Blood Anvil
Created by SkyReaper
An upgrade version of the Ancient Weapon Upgrade Anvil. It can level up most of your weapons & shields to Tier 10. If you could not find the items which you want to power up in the item list, please press the "SWITCH" button on the Blood Anvil UI. You can ...
Combinable Augments SChinese
Created by dfdffish
小补丁,EPP增强模块合成器的汉化。 只是一次致力于保证游戏语言一致性的小努力。 (其实是被朋友连简单的英文都看不懂气到了)...
Borderlands 3 Custom Health bars + Player SChinese Patch
Created by dfdffish
无主之地3的血条本体+玩家血条汉化补丁,在Starbound里当秘藏猎人~ 最好是两个Mod一起用,不然可能会有Bug。 例如: 本体O,玩家血条X,会导致整个汉化失效。 本体X,玩家血条O,会导致“Y轴偏移”字样卡出边框,但不影响使用。 说实话都用血条Mod了为啥不全套捏?( ̄▽ ̄)" 有些文本是写在Lua里的,众所周知Lua不能Patch。。...
Corbent's Interactive Crew
Created by Corbent
I now have a Discord Server! Para la comunidad hispanohablante - Por cortesía de Davoker, ahora tenemos una traducción del mod al español: The goal is to improv...
Corbent's Interactive Crew SChinese Patch
Created by dfdffish
比我想象的工作量要大很多,不过还是弄完了( ╯□╰ ),基本上能看见的都汉化了。 这是一个可指挥船员模组的汉化补丁,快捷栏可以让船员快速入队脱队,合成栏里有工具可以同步指挥船员移动,跟随,释放技能等等。我感觉挺好用的工具,做个中文补丁看的舒服些。 Thanks for the Awesome mod! Corbent....
Custom Player Health Bar
Created by FelmastProMcLane
A health bar for the player. Options can hide/unhide any part of the health bar. (Only with Quickbar mini) Health / Damage Absorption Shield Full Energy Food Background Offset. How high is the health bar from the player. Does not need BL3 Healthbars to wor...
Cyberpunk Deco
Created by Rah Khaan
Ever wanted to add some more detail(I mean trash..) to your city build? Well do I have the mod for you. This simple mod adds 100+ cyberpunk inspired decorative objects ranging from a cigarette(yes..) to a shipping container. Ads, posters, trash bags, beer ...
EP's Shadow Expansion [FU PATCH]
Created by JooGabrel768
I updated this item for my own version of the race in Frackin' Universe. PROGRESS: Hardcore Mode: YES S.A.I.L: YES B.Y.O.S: YES Race Description: YES Shiplocker: YES...
Double-Jump Effect Retexture
Created by Niko Beniko
Retexture for Double-Jump effect Should work fine with Frackin Universe and Frackin Universe's jump techs...
Half-Life: Alyx Weapons
Created by patman
adds the weapons from Half-Life: Alyx they have upgrades that work like augments but theyre upgrades Combine Fabricator the crafting station make it at the tier 3 inventors table ignore the not very good sprite i really didn...
Instant Crafting for Arcana and MWH's Arcana Addon
Created by 和him一起挖矿
Instant Crafting for Arcana and MWH's Arcana Addon. Doesn't require MWH's Arcana Addon, but I highly recommend everyone likes Arcana to subscribe it. Works fine with all existing instant crafting mods. Safe to unsubscribe in any time. Q&A Q: As the author ...
K'Rakoth Mod
Created by Angry Turret
K'Rakoths, the Lords of the Cosmos This mod adds dungeons, biomes and lore related to K'Rakoths, an old aquatic race that used to have advanced technology, expanded knowledge of the universe and several servant species. However, no matter what they did, th...
K'Rakoth Mod: Frackin' Universe Addon
Created by Angry Turret
This is an addon for K'Rakoths, the Lords of the Cosmos mod that makes new dungeons and mini-biomes spawn on Frackin' Universe planets, as well as introduces more content and resolves compatibility issues. Obviously, you need to install both mods first. Pl...
Created by はち
Replace S.A.I.L. with Nagi Hisakawa from THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS. The author is Japanese. S.A.I.L.をアイドルマスターシンデレラガールズの久川凪にします。 ポートレートとクエストポートレート、及びテックステーションの置き換えMod。...
N7 Arsenal: A Mass Effect Mod
Created by N7 Krabard
Support me on Ko-Fi!: Adds weapons, armors and objects from the Mass Effect franchise! NOTES: All original designs and sfx comes from the Mass Effect franchise by BioWare. If you have any suggestion/idea/recommendation, please wri...
New Weapon Type - Multi-turrets!
Created by Neb
Welcome! This is a mod that adds a whole new weapon type! It has been in development for probably years now! The Github will open at a later date! It is compatible with all mods. FU is included with all mods. Please stop asking. The basics: This mod adds a...
Pixel Equipment Reloaded
Created by Pixelflame
If you have subbed to the previous mod, it is recommended that you replace the old mod with this one Returning from a long while ago, Pixel Equipment. This is a rework of one of my first mods on the workshop. I've decided to...
Pixel Equipment Reloaded SChinese Patch
Created by dfdffish
照猫画虎的汉化补丁,这个Mods在前哨站增加了一个新的装备店铺,卖一些强力装备。 我尽我所能汉化了所有能看见的字符串,包括object的(lll¬ω¬),不过装备的itemdescription文件好像不能patch,是我搞错了什么?总之就是武器属性例如每击伤害这种是英文的?大概不影响游玩吧。。 噢,Nevermind..把文件目录结构搞错了,这下应该没问题了。...
Planet Search
Created by floyd
Hunting for a specific planet type? Can't find the ore you need? Want to see a human campsite? Adds a button to the navigation console that allows you to search nearby galaxies for planets without needing to manually fly to them and inspect each one yourse...
Planet Search SChinese Patch
Created by dfdffish
Planet Search SChinese Patch 小补丁,光速烤。( ̄▽ ̄)"真的相当好用这个模组,RNG苦手救星。 本体更新了,当前对应v1.5.1,跟进。 All Credits go to the original creator: floyd...
Plants vs. Zombies Mod SChinese Patch
Created by dfdffish
之前一直在玩的一个十分有趣的Mod,给它做了汉化补丁。这个Mod将植物大战僵尸的一些元素搬进Starbound,在基础合成里可以制作疯狂戴夫的商店。 就是并不能实现模拟塔防就是了,植物是被游戏认作为object的,因此无法被僵尸攻击,有点可惜╮(╯-╰)╭。...
Starbound - Project: Rin and the Relics of the Three Houses
Created by Steven Steel
Hey! I'm not dead! "Looks like the bartender at the Beak Easy in the Outpost has come across some very fascinating finds!" To celebrate the release of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, I have teamed up with members of The Forge to create the Hero's Relics from th...
Stardust Core
Created by Zia Satazaki
Formerly (and internally) known as StardustLib. System features and support code for the modded experience. NOTE TO SERVER OWNERS: this mod contains a second .pak! Make sure this is loaded or unexpected behavior may occur! metaGUI A custom UI system design...
Tengu Arsenal
Created by Krittercon
Please refer to change notes for content changes in updates Tengu Arsenal This mod contains an assortment of random weapons, some clothes, and a few other stuffs, that can be purchased. The weapons (and equipements), are separated into "companies", each wi...
The Angels of Starbound SChinese Patch
Created by dfdffish
星界天使汉化 星界天使模组的汉化补丁,爆肝7000+词条,耗费我一个月半时间,终于出狱了。(ノへ ̄、) 项目基于SKY、龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 本mod为The Angels of Starbound的汉化补丁。 汉化进度 进度100%。YES! 感谢矿君负责的一些比较难啃的codex文本等等。 古战场 @Paratranz 原作者 Oмεяυıп For Python Scripts: DragonKnightOfBreeze ProjectSky 我画的封面。...
The NostOS Race
Created by Pixelflame
Patches Near The Bottom The NostOS are a mysterious race of scientific robots of unknown origin; who made them or why is unknown, even to them. While they have similarities to the Glitch, it is safe to say that they have lit...
The Black Armory SChinese Patch 黑之军械简体中文补丁
Created by Hyper Bakana!
The Black Armory SChinese Patch 该项目基于SKY、龙骑士的开源汉化脚本构建 本mod为黑之军械(The Black Armory)的简体中文补丁 汉化进度 100%(paratranz上所显示的结果) 该模组汉化基本由我独自一人完成 协助翻译 @Partranz 感谢 作者@KiberVolk 点击跳转至原mod创意工坊地址 For Python Scripts: DragonKnightOfBreeze ProjectSky 帮忙将the black armory的汉化文件...
The NostOS Race sChinese / NostOS汉化
Created by plantera
注意:此汉化原作者为NullEther和浮世,我仅帮忙上传! 创意工坊模组The NostOS Race的汉化。感谢ProjectSky和DragonKnightOfBreeze两位大佬的开源项目为本项目提供了便利工具,感谢鼓鸽子帮我这个MacOS系统的受害者代上传源Mod文本,感谢75女士与浮世大佬对本模组的汉化工作,感谢Pixelflame制作了NostOS这个精彩的mod。 查看原模组链接
UCDF War & Destruction
Created by Cpt. Litznitsky
The UCDF is my spin on a space-based military force where the equipment it primarily mobile for quick assembly and disassembly and built with transportation in mind with all the armor and weapons are iterative building upon previous designs. After two long...
Wardrobe Interface SChinese Patch
Created by dfdffish
一个老牌的换衣服的模组,我很惊讶这么久了都没有人给它汉化? 大概是因为可能看不懂英文也能无障碍使用吧( ̄▽ ̄)"。 小汉化补丁,只是为了让游戏的语言看起来更加一致一些。...
[汉化]联合殖民军 战争与毁灭中文汉化/Localization of UCDF War & Destruction
Created by plantera
原MOD点击这里 Original Mod Click Here 这是联合殖民军_战争与毁灭的简中汉化,原MOD添加了巨量的军事题材的内容,量大管饱. This is Localization of UCDF War & Destruction. 目前汉化进度为100%,所有内容均已汉化完成 当前只有我一人在进行翻译,身边的小伙伴们都在各忙各的(毕竟在使大棒,大家都有自己的项目要汉化😠) 好消息,新干员加入了战斗. 鉴于内容较多,以下是翻译计划,根据优先级排列. 1.武器装备: 远程武器(100%) 近战武...
[汉化]Cyberpunk Deco中文补丁
Created by 暗反应的家
Simplified Chinese localization patch for Cyberpunk Deco Cyberpunk Deco 的简体中文汉化补丁 赛博朋克2077中的装饰物,好看!...
[汉化]Blood Anvil中文补丁
Created by 暗反应的家
Simplified Chinese localization patch for Blood Anvil Blood Anvil 的简体中文汉化补丁 使用血砧升级你的武器。...
[汉化]Half-Life: Alyx Weapons中文补丁
Created by 暗反应的家
Simplified Chinese localization patch for Half-Life: Alyx Weapons Half-Life: Alyx Weapons的简体中文汉化补丁 本mod的枪械可以安装插件并改变武器外观,炫酷! 特别感谢:矿君本人 @和him一起挖矿 以及矿君的星界汉化边境群群友 @Hyper Bakana! @plantera 对汉化提供的技术支持! 由于原mod物品描述缺失,汉化时参考了 Half-Life: Alyx Weapons Tweaks 对于物品描述的补充...
[汉化]N7 Arsenal: A Mass Effect Mod中文补丁
Created by 暗反应的家
Simplified Chinese localization patch for N7 Arsenal: A Mass Effect Mod N7 Arsenal: A Mass Effect Mod 的简体中文汉化补丁 来自《质量效应》中的武器、装备以及家具。...
[汉化]New Weapon Type 中文补丁
Created by 暗反应的家
Simplified Chinese localization patch for New Weapon Type - Multi-turrets! New Weapon Type - Multi-turrets!的简体中文汉化补丁 一些可以丢出去变成炮塔的武器,塔防启动! 目前只翻译了这个mod中的枪械,mod还添加了两个副本及对应的任务,会在后续跟进内容汉化 副本和任务也有汉化啦...
[汉化]Starbound - Project: Rin and the Relics of the Three Houses中文补丁
Created by 暗反应的家
Simplified Chinese localization patch for Starbound - Project: Rin and the Relics of the Three Houses Starbound - Project: Rin and the Relics of the Three Houses 的简体中文汉化补丁 来自《火焰纹章 风花雪月》中的武器装备。...
[汉化]Tengu Arsenal中文补丁
Created by 暗反应的家
Simplified Chinese localization patch for Tengu Arsenal Tengu Arsenal 的简体中文汉化补丁 二次元,vtb,女仆装,大枪! ...
[Arcana]More Automation Contents!|更多的奥法自动化内容!
Created by plantera
原MOD在这Original MOD click here Expanded the automation content.And the mod provides more opportunities to earn Titan Corp credits, now you can sell more of your products to them. 稍稍拓展了奥法的自动化玩法.以及提供了更多的赚取泰坦重工信用点的机会,现在你可将自己的更多产品售卖给他们. The Titan Corp creditsho...
[FU]开局1000研究磁盘 Start with 1000 Research Megadisc
Created by 暗反应的家
FU需要大量科技点?这个mod开局自带1000个研究磁盘,随意去研究科技吧! Need a large number of research points in FU? This mod starts with 1000 Research Megadisc, so feel free to research technology!...