Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Șchei Gate, Brașov
Erstellt von Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background information and guides on how to use the building. This is the Schei Gate from Brașov The Schei Gate (Poarta Șchei) is an old city gate in the old town of Brașov, Romania. It was built in 1827 in classic style, its de...
中鋼總部大樓 China Steel Corporation Headquarters
Erstellt von flycenter
China Steel HDQ Building, Kaohsiung, TW This building is built for China Steel Corporation Headquarters. Building stands in Asia's New Bay Area in Kaohsiung. Construction started in 2008 and completed in 2012. This building has 29 floors and the facade cha...
ブックオフ四街道店(R)_BOOK OFF Yotsukaido
Erstellt von shibakata
■概要(Overview) 四街道市に実在する「ブックオフ」です。 "BOOK OFF" that exists in Yotsukaido-shi, Chiba prefecture. ■メモ(Memo) 日本のごみ処理施設は設置場所が限られており、ゲームのように乱立していません。 そこでブックオフをリサイクル施設として機能させ、街の美観を損ねないようにしたかったのが、作成したきっかけです。 The installation place of the garbage disposal facility i...
アトレ川越 atre building (RICO)
Erstellt von TOKACHI269
川越駅前にあるatre川越です。ペデストリアンデッキはついていません。 <mesh info> main triss : 4731 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 59 texture size : 256x256 (defuse,illumination) atre building by TOKACHI269...
中国国家游泳中心-水立方China National Aquatics Center - Water Cube
Erstellt von 六六
中国国家游泳中心-水立方 China National Aquatics Center - Water Cube 资产介绍: 国家游泳中心又称"水立方"(Water Cube)位于北京奥林匹克公园内,是北京为2008年夏季奥运会修建的主游泳馆,也是2008年北京奥运会标志性建筑物之一。 国家游泳中心规划建设用地62950平方米,总建筑面积65000-80000平方米,其中地下部分的建筑面积不少于15000平方米,长宽高分别为 177m ×177m ×30m。 国家游泳中心是北京2008年奥运会主要比赛场馆之...
五羊雕塑 The Statue of Five Rams
Erstellt von HooHeeHaa
Located at Yuexiu Park, Guangzhou, the Statue of Five Rams, a granite urban sculpture created by Yin Jichang, Chen Benzong and Kong Fanwei in April 1960. It has become a symbol of the city of Guangzhou (Canton). You can find it in the panel of Level 5 Uniq...
古典木舟classical boat
Erstellt von
古典木船classical boat 欢迎各位喜欢造景的朋友们加入 都市天际线深度造景 群号 685293770...
新上海中心大厦 shanghai tower 1:1
Erstellt von CM.
上海中心大厦 shanghai tower 1:1 by CM. 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in level 6 special buildings. 注:该建筑会有报错 The building will report an error 现实中上海中心大厦隐约能够看到其内部的构造,我为了能够还原它想了不少办法,包括了最常用的真实玻璃,但是真实玻璃一离远就会消失,仍旧难让人满意,后来自己想到了一种玻璃幕墙的制作方式,虽然复杂了一点,但是最起码达到了效果,只是建筑的优化...
星海音乐厅 Xinghai Concert Hall
Erstellt von HooHeeHaa
星海音乐厅位于广东省广州市越秀区二沙岛,造型奇特的外观,富于现代感,犹如江边欲飞的一只天鹅,与蓝天碧水浑然一体,形成一道瑰丽的风景线。 这座以人民音乐家冼星海的名字命名的音乐厅,占地1.4万平方米,建筑面积1. 8万平方米。整体建筑为双曲抛物面钢筋混凝土壳体,室内不吊天花板,做到建筑空间与声学空间融为一体。星海音乐厅总投资达2.5亿元,是我国目前规模最大,设备最先进,功能完备,具有国际水平的音乐厅。 你可以在第五级独特建筑页面下面找到该建筑,也可以用Find it! 占地:7x6 贴图大小:2048x204...
Erstellt von 红米先生
城市雕塑1 by 红米...
Erstellt von UNFU
广州大剧院是广州新中轴线上的标志性建筑之一,是目前华南地区最先进、最完善和最大的综合性表演艺术中心。坐落于珠江新城花城广场旁,以璀璨的文化地标身份,为中国大胆探索着剧院经营管理新模式和改革发展道路。 广州大剧院由第一位获得“普利兹克建筑奖”的女性、英籍伊拉克设计师扎哈·哈迪德设计,是她进入中国的处女作和成名作 。广州大剧院宛如两块被珠江水冲刷过的灵石,奇特的外形充满奇思妙想。全球顶级声学大师哈罗德·马歇尔博士,为广州大剧院精心打造的声学系统,达到世界一流水平,使其传递出近乎完美的视听效果,获得全球建筑界及艺...
Erstellt von 大郎唠叨
在原有作品的基础上降低了价格修改了属性。如有侵权请联系删除。请支持原作者: 如提示需要供暖,请开启用电供暖法令可解决此BUG。...
柴山第六~七ビル_Shibayama 6~7th Building
Erstellt von shibakata
■概要(Overview) 宮城県仙台市青葉区国分町にあるクライスビルがモデルとなっています。 実際の写真がないため、テナントや階数などはディフォルメされております。 The model is the Krys Building in Kokubuncho, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. Since there are no actual photos, tenants and floors are deformed. ■メモ(Memo) 作成したきっかけ...
渋谷109 shibuya109
Erstellt von やばい
渋谷109 shibuya109 by やばい お久しぶりです、今回作ったアッセとは渋谷109です、お楽しみください。 Hi, guys, this is shibuya109, one of the famous building in Shibuya area, hope you guys enjoy and have fun! 渋谷 東京 日本 Shibuya Tokyo Japan update log: LED light for calzedonia shop...
Erstellt von 红米先生
现代步行街一期 by 逍遥子掌门人 本资产共计9栋资产建筑,每个建筑之间保持在5-6米距离,可供玩家自行画道路,另外您可以在每个建筑上自行画质过路天桥用来模拟显示天桥通道。 本资产占地340X180米,是一个超大型商业性质的步行街。 LOD:2000左右 2K分辨率 Leader of the first phase of modern pedestrian street There are 9 asset buildings in total. The distance between each buil...
苏州中南中心 Suzhou South Central Center
Erstellt von CM.
可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 Can be found in Level 6 Special Buildings 苏州中南中心位于苏州金鸡湖湖西CBD核心区,是湖西CBD城市天际线的中心和制高点,与东方之门、苏州中心广场组成一个整体,形成风格统一的面向金鸡湖的城市建筑群形象。项目总建筑面积约50万平方米,地上138层,地下5层,檐口高度598米,塔冠最高点729米,成为全国在建第一高楼。项目以打造绿色、生态、智慧、高效、多功能复合的超高层综合体为理念,建成集观光、七星级酒店、顶级公寓、国际5A级写字楼、世界顶...
苏州东方之门LED版 The Gate of the Orient LED
Erstellt von CM.
苏州东方之门LED版 The Gate of the Orient LED 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到它。 You can find it in the third level special building. 东方之门是位于中国江苏省苏州市的一座301.8米高的摩天大楼。苏州工业区双塔规划的核心建筑,它不仅代表着苏州的新大门,而且也是世界看中国的新大门。这座伟岸而优雅的标志性建筑位于苏州工业园区CBD轴线的末端,东临星港街及波光粼粼的金鸡湖,西面为国际大厦及世纪金融大厦。 The Gate Of t...
郑州东站(站房建筑) Zhengzhou East Railway Station(Building)
Erstellt von 大鼎
郑州东站(站房建筑) Zhengzhou East Railway Station(Building) 测试资产,仅为建筑模型,无站台及停靠设站功能 Test assets, only for building model, without platform and transport function 贴图精度不高,后续有时间会更新,无夜晚发光贴图 The texture mapping is not very clear, it will be updated in the future, and th...
"Green" Dense commercial 3x2 t3
Erstellt von Pulchny
"Green" Dense commercial 3x2 t3 growable...
Aus City - L2 2x3 HR - Karl Popper Apartments
Erstellt von trist14222
Inner City flats, based on 15 Collins Street Melbourne designed by Karl Popper in 1970...
雪麒麟发光版本Snow kirin light version
Erstellt von 六六
雪麒麟 Snow kirin light version by Acolasia丶六六...
雪麒麟不发光版本The snow unicorn does not emit light
Erstellt von 六六
雪麒麟不发光版本 The snow unicorn does not emit light by Acolasia丶六六...
"A" Green FT Building HD CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
"A" Green Futuristic Building HD CC This is complete redone Version of this Building: Better Geometry, better Plants, better Light with baked AO and GI, More Detailed. Send me a money giftcard...
"Cubista" Tower CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
"Cusbista" Tower CC Because Artists create Art. It needs some tris. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 5 / 4x4 4300 Polys 4300 Tris 2888 Verts 2048 Texture Maps (with baked AO and GI!) My Workshop Stuff http://st...
"Kisho" Apartment Tower CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
"Kisho" Apartment Tower CC User "alborzka" ask me to create this wonderful Thing. It's based on a Idea of a modular Tower by Kisho Kurokawa, as a part of "Helix City". And because Artists create Art. It needs !some! Tris. The lowest LOD Can't work and look...
"Mightwatch" Kläranlage
Erstellt von Enfindos
"Mightwatch" Kläranlage by Enfindos A better sewage plant by "Mightwatch". This sewage plant has the most advanced technology and can the water pollution reduce to 99%. Data: - Electricity: 1120 KW - Flow rate: 160.000 m³/Week ---------------------- Costs:...
"Pent a Gon" Futuristic Tower CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
"Pent a Gon" Futuristic Tower CC ------------------------------------------ Because Artis create Art. No, no, this Building doesn't have an Elevator (We will beam in the Future so...). ;0) Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank...
"The Zipper" 4x4 Level 2 Growable Office
Erstellt von beowulfxph
The Zipper is a custom building made with 3DS Max and GIMP It's a 4x4 level 2 growable office with color variations and vanilla props. Main Model: 1964 tris and 1024x1024 textures LoD Model: 100 tris and 128x128 textures Feedback and bug reports are most w...
"Tilted Box" Rehab Center
Erstellt von Lemire
"Tilted Box" Rehab Center by Lemire Taken almost as is from one of my old uni projects, which you could also check out here: Thank you for playing my assets. If you really like my creations, please don...
"The Candle" 4x4 Level 3 Growable Office
Erstellt von beowulfxph
The Candle is a custom building made with 3DS Max and GIMP It's a 4x4 level 3 growable office with vanilla props. Main Model: 2156 tris, 1024x1024 texture map LoD Model: 154 tris, 128x128 texture map Feedback and bug reports are most welcome. Edit: Added n...
#TEMPTED Excalibur
Erstellt von Paradox
Size: 4X4 Monument Level: 1 Template and Stats: Statue of Wealth Tris: 820 LOD Tris: 198...
(L5 3x4) Modern Condominium
Erstellt von Rush_Freak
A high-wealth modern condominium. (3x4 tiles, low-density residential, level 5) 2nd place winner of the Custom Building Competition, now updated for After Dark and changed to low-density by user request. Takes up the full 3 tile width and can be located si...
(Tourism) Chez Geze restaurant
Erstellt von macluk
We are back to Chez Geze restaurant - this time uploaded for tourism specializations. It's to add more variety to your leisure districts, or to plop these assets with Move It! anywhere, without painting any specialization zone. It still should work as tiny...
(UK) Duke of Cornwall Inn
Erstellt von JonNgog
An absolutely tiny and quaint old pub....
(UK) Fish & Chips
Erstellt von JonNgog
An old fashioned British 'chippy'. To be used as part of a terraced row...
(UK) Boots Opticians
Erstellt von JonNgog
High density commercial. High street opticians in a crooked old tudor building....
(UK) Halifax Bank
Erstellt von JonNgog
High density commercial. High street bank in a crooked old tudor building....
(UK) Hinds Head
Erstellt von JonNgog
An old pub with a thatched roof....
(UK) Old Pear Tree
Erstellt von JonNgog
An old traditional pub....
(UK) Old Ship Inn
Erstellt von JonNgog
A pleasant old nautical pub....
(UK) The Black Bull Inn
Erstellt von JonNgog
A nice old pub....
(UK) Royal Oak
Erstellt von JonNgog
An old stone built pub. Size of 3x2....
1French Chimneys [Prop Pack]
Erstellt von Gèze
Informations: This is a prop pack containing typical french chimneys. Additional informations: Model tris: Low enough to make this pack less than 2MB. Texture size: Small. I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le dernier, don...
1x1 Shack 01
Erstellt von forestfey
L1 Shack 01 based on Damon Albarn from Blur's Slum house 01/Casa pobre 01, propped by forestfey...
109 men's 渋谷 東京
Erstellt von やばい
109 men's 渋谷 東京 by やばい 2011年、「109-2」が名前を変え、メンズファッションビルとしてリニューアル。渋谷駅のハチ公口のスクランブル交差点を渡ってすぐに立ち、地下2階から地上7階に、アパレルだけでなくアクセサリーや雑貨など、オトコの渋谷系ファッションに欠かせない全50ブランドが軒を連ねる。 The building, located just across the street from Shibuya Station, opened in April 1979. The arch...
1x1 shack 06
Erstellt von forestfey
a tropical shack with WET-system based on kurtus_mob's tropical shack 4, propped by forestfey...
1x1 shady block L1
Erstellt von forestfey
small contmod with rooftop and backyard tenants propped by forestfey...
1x1+ Agave
Erstellt von Althomir
For your mexican agricultural needs Growable agriculture field Size ranging from 1x1 to 1x4...
1x1+ Lavender
Erstellt von Althomir
For your mediterranean agricultural needs Growable agriculture field Size ranging from 1x1 to 1x4...
1x1 sustainable diner
Erstellt von forestfey
begreened tourism contmod with frontyard garden...
1x2 Oil LV1
Erstellt von asd2sads
1x2 Oil by asd2sads...
1x2 Oil LV2
Erstellt von asd2sads
1x2 Oil LV2 by asd2sads...
1x2 Rainbow HighHorse LvL5
Erstellt von Dr Kreuzer
1x2 Rainbow HighHorse LvL5 by Dr Kreuzer...
1x2 shack 04
Erstellt von forestfey
rather tropical shack with WET-system based on kurtus_mob's tropical shack 2, propped by forestfey...
1x4 Ore LV2
Erstellt von asd2sads
1x4 Ore LV2 by asd2sads...
1x4 Oil LV2
Erstellt von asd2sads
1x4 Oil LV2 by asd2sads...
1x3 Office Building Update
Erstellt von Drakedge
1x3 Office Building Update by Drakedge This quaint little office space should fit in nicely in a low wealth situation....
1x2 Industrial Tanks
Erstellt von Wayback
1x2 Industrial Tanks by Wayback Variant 1x2 Industrial Tank lot. Level 1 - Generic Industry Growable with normal stats - Changed contents of the back lot to be more barrel oriented....
1x2 shack 09
Erstellt von forestfey
slum style shack with homestead based on Shroomworks's LowRes Lvl1 1x2 Slum Shack, propped by forestfey...
1x4 Oil LV1
Erstellt von asd2sads
1x4 Oil LV1 by asd2sads...
2 lane cobble road
Erstellt von Royce europeanish
It´s a two lane cobblestone road, beautified with landscaping features. The road signs indicate 30, but the impatient sims will drive 35 km/h....
27 x H3 Commercial Generic Futuristic Blocks [RICO]
Erstellt von Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default these assets are H3 commercial growables. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . -- Important -- These are 27 different H3 commercial growables, but they all use the same texture maps for their main m...
27 x H3 Office Generic Futuristic Blocks [RICO]
Erstellt von Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default these assets are H3 office growables. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . -- Important -- These are 27 different H3 office growables, but they all use the same texture maps for their main mesh. Tha...
27 x H5 Residential Generic Futuristic Blocks [RICO]
Erstellt von Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default these assets are H5 residential growables. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . -- Important -- These are 27 different H5 residential growables, but they all use the same texture maps for their main...
2tone - Garden of Reflection
Erstellt von SkeptikRabbit
The garden of reflection is a monument made of mirrored pillars Level 4 unique building. Tris: 2660 Material: 64 x 64 Size: 5x4 Construction Cost: 60000 Maintenance Cost: 2000 Tourists: High: 60 Medium: 60 Low: 60 Workers: Highly Educated: 1 Well Educated:...
2tone - Spiral Column
Erstellt von SkeptikRabbit
A level 2 unique building with LOD. Tris: 637 Material: 512 x 512 Size: 5x5 Construction Cost: 20000 Maintenance Cost: 1500 Tourists: High: 20 Medium: 20 Low: 20 Workers: Highly Educated: 0 Well Educated: 0 Educated: 0 Uneducated: 2 Garbage Accumulation: 4...
2tone - Spiral Totem
Erstellt von SkeptikRabbit
A spiral totem statue for cims to spend a contemplative moment. Level 2 unique building with LOD. Tris: 3359 Material: 1024 x 1024 Size: 4x4 Construction Cost: 20000 Maintenance Cost: 1500 Tourists: High: 20 Medium: 20 Low: 20 Workers: Highly Educated: 0 W...
2tone - Square Chain Monument
Erstellt von SkeptikRabbit
A square chain monument Level 2 unique building. Tris: 656 Material: 1024 x 1024 Size: 7x5 Construction Cost: 20000 Maintenance Cost: 1500 Tourists: High: 20 Medium: 20 Low: 20 Workers: Highly Educated: 0 Well Educated: 0 Educated: 0 Uneducated: 2 Garbage ...
2x1 Kyoto Block #2 (Lv 1 High Density Commercial)
Erstellt von BachToBaroque
2nd attempt at this asset creation thingy. Getting a better understand on texture maps at least. Dimensions seems kinda off, especially the height. Oh well. Model is based on this building. 2x1 Level 1 High Density Commericial, Growable: -357 Tris main mod...
2x1+ Agave
Erstellt von Althomir
For your mexican agricultural needs Growable agriculture field Size ranging from 2x1 to 2x4...
2x2 Agave with fence
Erstellt von Althomir
For your mexican agricultural needs Growable agriculture field...
2x2 Lavender with bees
Erstellt von Althomir
For your mediterranean agricultural needs, with added honey Growable agriculture field...
2x2 shack 02
Erstellt von forestfey
fallout style L1 shack based on Tunnel Flakes Rule!'s Shack 3, propped by forestfey...
2x2 shack 03
Erstellt von forestfey
wooden L1 shack with tenants based on Gandalf-is-total-bro 1x1 Wooden Hut residential 2, propped by forestfey...
2x2 shady block L1
Erstellt von forestfey
lowlevel contmod with rooftop and backyard tenants propped by forestfey...
2x2 shady bar 'n' coopshop L1
Erstellt von forestfey
lowlevel bar and rooftop-polytunnel bioshop based on Blood God's american style shops, propped by forestfey...
2x2 souvenir promenade
Erstellt von forestfey
tourism contmod terrace propped by forestfey...
2x4 shack 12 (crazy engineer)
Erstellt von forestfey
spacy fallout style shack L1 based on Tunnel Flakes Rule!'s Shack 4, propped by forestfey...
Erstellt von CR
3階建て by STE AM...
2x3 shack 05
Erstellt von forestfey
another rather tropical shack with WET-system based on kurtus_mob's tropical shack 3, propped by forestfey...
3 villages - La Défense / PARIS [RICO]
Erstellt von _luminou_
3 villages - La Défense / PARIS Also called "Les Villages de l'Arche". Forming a suite of enclosed spaces, the buildings house a covered round square, another semi-circular square – with a mineral tendency – and a vegetated oval square. A perfect combinati...
3D Cinema [RollerCoaster Tycoon]
Erstellt von GCVos
A recreation of the iconic 3D Cinema featured in RollerCoaster Tycoon (1999) and its sequel. The theaters main dome consists of more than 280 triangular faces locked into a geodesic pattern. Who doesn't want a bright glowing orb in their city? Update 27-9:...
3MW Wave Generator
Erstellt von Cthullhu
3MW Wave Generator not sure if steam uploader is messing up but just incase screenshot here stats: -Up to 3MW depending placement -$7500 to place (water only obviously) $10/Week upkeep cleaning, barnacle scrubbing idk Rate if...
3550 Cass Avenue
Erstellt von Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 2 (3x2) office. Just a nice looking detailed 6 story office I modelled. You can use it as a filler in your downtown or for the center of your small town/suburbs. Hope you like it aswe...
3x2 shady block L1
Erstellt von forestfey
lowlevel contmod with rooftop and backyard tenants propped by forestfey...
3x3 shack 08
Erstellt von forestfey
fallout style shack with coffeeshop based on Tunnel Flakes Rule!'s metal shack, propped by forestfey...
3x3 shanty L1
Erstellt von forestfey
slightly smaller shantytown based on Tunnel Flakes Rule!'s Fallout Shack 3, propped by forestfey...
3x4 Forest Indst Modern Sawmill
Erstellt von Kazui
3x4 Forest Indst Modern Sawmill by Kazui...
3x4 Lv3 Growable GreenHotel (After Dark)
Erstellt von bartz!
● Custom Model ● 766 Tris, Diffuse, Spec, Alpha ● Commercial, High ● 3x4 ● Level 3 ● Temperate ● 1 Entrance...
3x3C Kyoto Block #6 (Lv1 Office)
Erstellt von BachToBaroque
'Tamaribuchi Heavy Manufacturing Concern' office branch & 7Eleven on the ground floor. Tamaribuchi was once a joint venture company with Matsumura Fishworks but decided to split after a sharp decline in sales worldwide over their bestselling product, Mr.Sp...
3x4 modern shanty L1
Erstellt von forestfey
very crammed shantytown surrounding a 2storey building based on Wolfiy's modern home, propped by forestfey...
42ndstreet advertisement billboard
Erstellt von Darf
All props for the Lyric theatre. Contains 3 props. Warning Due to the extruded characters in this prop, this counts 1192 tris. I wouldn't advise downloading this on low end pcs. Has a 256x256 texture (diffuse and illumination)...
4x1 Solar Covered Parking
Erstellt von Cthullhu
AFTER DARK UPDATE 4x1 Solar Powered Covered Parking lot! -$5,000 to place -$8 upkeep costs -28 small solar panels producing 2MW clean power -12 shaded parking spaces 4x4 Solar Parking (4MW) ht...
4x2 shantytown L1
Erstellt von forestfey
crammed multi-storeyed shantytown based on kurtus_mob's tropical shack 03, propped by forestfey...
4x4 Growable Office LvL3 #01
Erstellt von Zatline
4x4 Growable Office LvL3 #01 by Zatline...
4x4 Modern Office Tower
Erstellt von engelmanna
Summary L1 Office Building Size: 4x4 Tiles Height: 60 Meters Model:2215 triangles | 1024x1024 textures Custom LOD: 112 triangles | 128x128 textures Description A modern 20 story office building. The building features 3 interlocking circular towers that fla...
5x6 Solar 6 Lane 2-Way Tunnel
Erstellt von Cthullhu
5x6 Solar 6 Lane 2-Way Tunnel...cuz reddit. unrealistic? looking though. -$35,000 -5MW -Employs 4 educated maintenace workers - ~$200 upkeep 4x4 4MW parking lot 1x4 2MW parking lot...
53W53 - Tower Verre [RICO]
Erstellt von _luminou_
53W53 - Tower verre - New York (by French Architect Jean Nouvel) 53W53, also called “Glass Tower”, is an American skyscraper of 320 meters construction in New York. Drawn by Jean Nouvel’s studios, its delivery is planned for year 2018. Adapted for the game...
63 Square Building
Erstellt von Kugisa
Korean 63 Square Building by Kugisa Type : Unique Building level 6 Update : Include LOD , Modify colors and size Object statistics: 1178 Triangles UV Map: 1024x1024 Size: 8x7 Build Cost: 60000 Maintainance Cost: 1200 AD version here https://steamcommunity....
4x4 4MW Solar Powered Covered Parking Lot
Erstellt von Cthullhu
UPDATED FOR AD, its only a 4x1 but it does NOT produce electricty at night. 4x4 4MWSolar Powered Covered Parking lot! **A TIP FOR THOSE HAVING TROUBLE** Use near high population areas ie appar...
888 Mililani Street, Honolulu
Erstellt von DieHardHunter
888 Mililani Street, Honolulu, HI, USA Kendall Building (address: 888 Mililani St. Honolulu, HI,USA) is a 9-storey mid-rise commercial condominium built in 1968 and located on the east end of the Central Business District of Honolulu. Building Tris: 6721 T...
81 Tiles 2
Erstellt von algernon Overview A rewrite of the old '81 tiles' mod to increase performance and resolve bugs. Enables unlocking (and building on) all map tiles, not just the 25 in the middle. Includes optional Remove Need for Power Lines, Remove N...
4x4 L5 HDB1
Erstellt von Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
4x4 L5 HDB1 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! Singapore Inspired HDB Version 1.1 updated! - Model and texture optimsed - Added more texture details - Uses H5 4x4 base Source: goo(dot)gl/maps/HTSgI Feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =)...
68 Riot street
Erstellt von X20AthiNN3R
68 Riot street by X20AthiNN3R High commercial, level 2, 4X4...
9 Narrow Suburban House 1x1
Erstellt von stockjr97
This is the ninth house for the upcoming narrow house theme. All levels included in one workshop subscription to avoid workshop cluttering. Details: Levels: 1-3 Lot size: 1x1 Tris: 454 1024x1024 JPG Textures...
A gaming office
Erstellt von stormpony654
A gaming office by stormpony678...
Abandoned Warehouse
Erstellt von X20AthiNN3R
Abandoned Warehouse by X20AthiNN3R Industrial zone, 4X4...
Abandoned look Cargohouse
Erstellt von Queen Elisa
Cargohouse1 lvl1 by geniusloci2001 Home made out of cargo containers as a housing "solution" for some unlucky people. Still better than under the bridge. This is lvl 1 low residential build, door markers and a parking spot marker added. Also available as a...
Abandoned warehouse1 lvl1
Erstellt von Queen Elisa
Abandoned warehouse1 lvl1 by geniusloci2001 Color variations added, two doors to add markers to (front & loading dock)....
ABC Elementary Annex B
Erstellt von gido505
Model : 380 tris . lod 108 tris . 4x4 . stats same as vanilla Texture Maps : alpha . color . diffuse . specular . 1024 . lod 128 To change color Stripe please refer to the main elementary building. ABC Elementary Building -
AC Hab V3a
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
AC Habitation Dome V3a by Stonedmonkeyboy. 1x1 cell V-3a of my Small habitation Dome's. Tired of your colonists dying due to suffocation? Running low on duct tape supplies? Here's your solution small habitation domes. Screenshots to follow....
ABC Elementary Annex A
Erstellt von gido505
Model : 600 tris . lod 168 tris . 4x4 . stats difference to vanilla below Texture Maps : alpha . color . diffuse . specular . 1024 . lod 128 Vanilla vs Annex A Cost 10,000 vs 15,000 Maintenance 160 /wk vs 240 /wk Student Count 300 vs 500 Electricity 480 kW...
AC Hab V3b
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
AC Habitation Dome V3b by Stonedmonkeyboy. 2x1 cell V-3b of my Small habitation Dome's. Tired of your colonists dying due to suffocation? Running low on duct tape supplies? Here's your solution small habitation domes. Screenshots to follow. 2 variations of...
AC Units
Erstellt von Emperor Li
3 AC Units Required props for my taiwanese commercial buildings. 模型資料 | model infos: Tris: 16-20 maps: 128x64 (d,a,i,s,c) LOD tris: 12 LOD maps: 64x32 (d,a,i,s,c) Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Acciaio Offices [Growable]
Erstellt von Terterman
Acciaio is a 22 meters office building (1x1 office Growable L3) 1039 tris on the model with (1024x1024) texture res. 26 tris Custom LOD with (256x256) texture res. hope you like it. Thanks...
AC Hab V3c
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
AC Habitation Dome V3c by Stonedmonkeyboy. 2x3 cell V-3c of my Small habitation Dome's. Tired of your colonists dying due to suffocation? Running low on duct tape supplies? Here's your solution small habitation domes. Screenshots to follow. 2 variations of...
Achilles Tower
Erstellt von Visu
Supertall office tower - employs about 500. Complete with LoD model for viewing at a distance....
Achieve It!
Erstellt von Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod enables achievements while also playing with mods. NEW IN 1.11 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.10 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.16.1-f2 (Hu...
ABC Elementary
Erstellt von gido505
Model : 1514 tris . lod 160 tris . 8x4 . stats double (x2) as vanilla Texture Maps : alpha . color . diffuse . specular . 1024 . lod 128 To change color Stripe - go to TOOLS -> click ASSET EDITOR -> click LOAD -> select theme - select the asset name to loa...
AC_Home Ina Dome-v2
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
AC_Home Ina Dome-v2 by Stonedmonkeyboy. 2x2 lvl 2 low residential...
Ad Zenith Extra-Atmospherics
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
So yeah... It's quite tall. 8x8 Unique. Hipoly: 2.1k tris, 2048x1024 diffuse, illumination, specular, normal and color maps. LOD: 900 tris, 512x512 (darn my shortcut methods) diffuse, illumination, specular and color maps. Uses the base template for the CO...
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
AC_Recycling-V2 by Stonedmonkeyboy. Recycling Truck...
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
Small Billboard Intended as a prop for an asset im still working on....
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
AC_Palace This was to see if submeshes worked better than props it turned out ok for a test I think. (Ididnt look exactly as this was a just to see what it would turn out lie project) Total triangle count 5000 and something uses 3 meshes 1024x1024 images x...
Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance
Erstellt von BloodyPenguin
Prevents large props (like planes, containers etc.) from disappearing on zooming out. Adjusts LOD distance for trees depending on their size. The larger is prop/tree, the further it is visible! For small props visibility distances should remain the same as...
Additional Pylon
Erstellt von gido505
You must construct additional pylons! Based on Wind Turbine. Can be placed anywhere 1x1. Cost 20,000. Upkeep 80/week. No Noise pollution so can be placed near residential places with good wind speeds. Produces 32MW of electricity on a 10 wind speed. ...
Erstellt von m4gic
Eons ago, orbiting a dwarf white star in the depths of space, a stargate was anchored. Through that gate came beings so advanced that they constructed a planet-sized machine: AEON. It suffered some internal cataclysm in the distant past, when the sea of ch...
Advanced Vehicle Options
Erstellt von Tim
Advanced Vehicle Options 1.9.12 Hubs & Transports DLC Mod Compatibility and Loading Issues If you have any issues with the new Treasure Hunt DLC, please be sure to read Avanya's support discussi...
Aerotrain Pack - Networks/Rings
Erstellt von nardo Aerotrain Rings through which the Aerotrain runs. Fly through them! This Pack includes: Wide Ring Ground - AETR Pack Has Ground & Tunnel Meshes Wide Ring Floating - AETR Pack Wide Ring Free - AETR Pack Wide Ring Right - AETR...
Aerotrain Pack - Props
Erstellt von nardo Aerotrain Ring Props place em tilt em! This Pack includes the Props of: Wide Ring Ground - AETR Pack Wide Ring Floating - AETR Pack Wide Ring Free - AETR Pack Wide Ring Right - AETR Pack Wide Ring Left - AETR Pack Single Rin...
Aerotrain Pack - Station
Erstellt von nardo Aerotrain Elevated Station in Cyberpunk Style Hop on or Hop off! This Asset includes: Aerotrain Station - AETR Pack This Station is completely of my own Design with slight inspiration from the Cyberpunk Aesthetic. Enjoy this...
Aiguille Verte
Erstellt von ecania
Heya and welcome to Aiguille Verte , a temperate map theme. The name comes from the Mont Blanc region in France (Alps ) This is a theme made by Ecania and Khanador. It is based on the same textures as Khanadors NotSoRocky Hills themes wich are very exclusi...
Air Con Unit
Erstellt von Simulant
Air Con Unit by Simulant A prop in the correct size for use as AC unit to put in front of windows. 12 Tris 256 x 256 Texture 96 kB Needed for my motel assets....
Air Con Prop 1
Erstellt von ryanjamesoflondon
Air Con 1 by ryanjamesoflondon...
Air Road
Erstellt von originalbassbass
An air road for your futuristic city! One way two lane road. I just used the invisible road by nico_oas (all credit to him) and add a few lights with the road editor. LIGHTS APPEAR ONLY WHEN ELEVATED MODE IS ENFORCED!! USE FINE ROAD TOOL FOR THAT WHEN VERY...
Air ducts 3
Erstellt von Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Airport Roads
Erstellt von SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) Fixed version of Runways and Taxiways mod. Adds runways and taxiways to the airport menu. Runway has the same cost as Highway road. Taxiway has the same cost as Small road. This mod doesn't change the p...
Erstellt von m4gic
Passenger Plane 6k~ tris custom 1024x textures...
AK Police Department
Erstellt von k.puanpinta
AK Police Department Size 10x4 Electricity Consumption 160 Construction Cost 100,000 Fire Hazard 1 Fire Tolerance 20 Garbage Accumulation 20 Maintenance Cost 10,000 Sewage Accumulation 150 Water Consumption 50 Uneducated Workers 10 Educated Workers 50 Well...
Aitu Tower
Erstellt von bigmoodenergy
Level 2 tenement (4x2) growable in dense residential zone. One evening's work making a test build to get a hang of the Cities Skyline asset creation process. 4 color variants. 756 polygons 1024x1024 texture sheets (diffuse, normal, spec, color) Support fut...
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store (Growable Lv2 3x2)
Erstellt von Emperor Li
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store アキバ☆ソフマップ1号店 Akiba Sofmap 1st store in Akibahara, Tokyo. This was made more than a year ago, when I started to model for Cities Skylines but never published it because the tris count was way too high. I optimized it recently and deci...
AKB 48 Theather
Erstellt von Lot Creator
This little upload has been sitting around on my hard drive for quite a while now. It's probably surpassed 4 or so months from the time I had finished it. A week ago I had finished the rather dubious night light work. I still need work and help on that sin...
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store (Ploppable RICO)
Erstellt von Emperor Li
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store アキバ☆ソフマップ1号店 Akiba Sofmap 1st store in Akibahara, Tokyo. This was made more than a year ago, when I started to model for Cities Skylines but never published it because the tris count was way too high. I optimized it recently and deci...
Akirov Tower
Erstellt von Kliekie
Based on the real Akirov Towers: Requested by Antoni Skrzypek High residential, fits a 3x3 grid with an expandable front yard (which is filled with parking spots). Level 5, can spawn in 4 diffe...
Al Rostamani Maze Tower 1:1 Scale
Erstellt von Bibel Gurra
Al Rostamani Maze Tower is a 210 meters tall skyscraper located along Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai, UAE. 1:1 scale and a complete replica of the tower maze. This 57 floor Residential / Office building really comes to life at night . building: 12,981 triangle...
Alexandria Tower (L5 Residential Growable)
Erstellt von Visu
Level-5 Residential Growable - luxury real estate. Complete with LoD model for viewing at a distance....
Alien Desert Moon
Erstellt von m4gic
This theme takes your city to an alien desert moon orbiting a green gas giant....
Alien Narcissus Escape Shuttle
Erstellt von DTOX
Alien Narcissus Escape Shuttle by DTOX FTW<----- Prop version is available here. Every futuristic and/or scifi city needs a spaceship! Several more spacecrafts in my workshop. Enjoy! :) "The Narcissus was a modified Lockmart...
Alien Queen (Xenomorhp) [6x8]
Erstellt von Egorklimoff
The Queen is the most intelligent alien species, which is very different from other species. It has a pair of extra arms growing out of the chest, and a wide ridge running along the skull. The Queen is able to engage in battle with formidable opponents, bu...
Alien Snow World
Erstellt von m4gic
Rocky, cold, and bleak world with a cracked and fiery moon. Perfect place to found a new city, no?...
Erstellt von Blue Zoo
Updated March 26, 2017: Fixed tiling on gravel and ruined textures. Also improved other ground textures. Created for use in my custom map of The Leven Valley/Clyde Valley in Scotland (a work in progress). Works nicely with the game's native Temperate LUT. ...
Alien Vehicles
Erstellt von m4gic
3 Alien Vehicles: The Reaver; a slow, methodical search and destroy drone. The Reaper; a marauder capable of capturing or eliminating any target. The Spider; an agile and extremely fast ship-to-ship fighter. Function as vanilla citizen cars in-game. *** No...
Alien Cybertech
Erstellt von m4gic
What an amazing find! Not one but two sentient alien "life forms"! One is an advanced cyborg; whether designed initially by another intelligence or self-generated, we do not yet know -- and may never find out. Our deep imaging scans of the cybernetic hulk ...
Alienware Arena Center
Erstellt von Zatline
8x7 - Entry for Alienware's "Shape the Horizon Contest" Hello there, this is my entry for the Alienware Modding contest, if u are a fan of Alienware products this is your opportunity to get some Alienware into your Skyline. Since the contest has its focus ...
Alienware Hover Train
Erstellt von ravenz
This is my contest entry for the Shape The Horizon contest. This freight train is futuristic and isn't in touch with the ground at all but rather run with repulsorlifts. The locomotive is lime green all the time. The cars have 4 color variations, 2 differe...
Alienware Sports Car
Erstellt von Kliekie
Like Alienware? Like fancy cars? Then you'll need this! Participation for the 'SHAPE THE HORIZON CONTEST' from Alienware, the car ended 3rd! The car itself is dark grey, the co...
Erstellt von notDONEyet
Because why not ! XD Tris: 18 Texture: 512x512 animated All seeing eye...
Allen Lewis Fountain (animated)
Erstellt von Robert
This fountain caps the roundabout at the end of Macquarie Street, Sydney. It's my second attempt at creating animated fountains for the game. The animated portion does not require any mods to function. I hope you don't mind the considerable triangle count,...
Alman Çeşmesi [German Fountain] - Istanbul, Turkiye
Erstellt von Raccoon
Alman Çeşmesi , Istanbul, Turkiye Information: The German Fountain (Turkish: Alman Çeşmesi German: Deutscher Brunnen) is a gazebo styled fountain in the northern end of old hippodrome (Sultanahmet Square), Istanbul, Turkiye and across from the Mausoleum of...
Alpha Colony Basic Pressurised Domes
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Basic Pressurised Domes by Stonedmonkeyboy 3 domes in this pack varying sizes Find in electric buildings cell size is 1x1 domes are slightly larger :-)...
Alpha Colony Habitation Dome-MKI (Medium)
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Habitation Dome-MKI (Medium) by Stonedmonkeyboy...
Alpha Colony Fusion Reactor_(Resubmition)
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Fusion Reactor by Stonedmonkeyboy Resubmitted after an account hack....
Alpha Colony Ice Mine
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
AC_IceMine by StonedmonkeyboyGround water extractor best placed in non polluted area :-)ound water extractor best placed in non polluted area :-)...
Alpha Colony Police Headquarters
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Police Headquarters by Stonedmonkeyboy...
Alpha Colony Recycling
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
AC_Recycling by Stonedmonkeyboy Screenshots to follow Recycling building. ...
Alpha Colony Medical
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Medical by Stonedmonkeyboy Uses base game hospital stats...
Alpha Colony Secondry School
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Secondry School by Stonedmonkeyboy...
Alpha Colony Tower 1 (Re-upload)
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Tower 1 by Stonedmonkeyboy...
Alpha Colony Tower 2 (Re-upload)
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
AC Residential Block Lvl2 by Stonedmonkeyboy...
Alpha Colony Small Dome 7x7 Park
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Small Dome 7x7 Park by Stonedmonkeyboy Use road anarchy to place path within the dome once placed. Or fill it your self in the asset editor :-)...
Alpha Colony Tower 3 (Re-upload)
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Tower 3 by Stonedmonkeyboy...
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
AlphaColonyRecyclingV1 by Stonedmonkeyboy...
Alpha Colony Tower 4 (Re-upload)
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Tower 4 by Stonedmonkeyboy...
Alpha_Colony_PCx1 Personal Trans
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha_Colony_PCx1 Personal Transport by Stonedmonkeyboy...
Alpha Colony Tower 5 (Re-upload)
Erstellt von Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Tower 5 ...
Alpine Fresh LUT
Erstellt von Jimmytrouser
Alpine Fresh LUT was designed to bring a little freshness and magic to the winter map theme. The colors are crisp, clean and bright with a fresh dash of saturation. The daytime is bright and clear and the nightime auroras are incredibly vibrant giving a ma...
Alstom Loop tram
Erstellt von AleX_BY
Alstom Loop is a French futuristic concept tram. This concept was designed by Alex Nadal in 2011. Model was created by Vanyfilatov for Cities in Motion. Updated and optimised for Cities: Skylines by me. Capacity: 75 (you can change it with IPT.) See also: ...
Alta Hotel
Erstellt von Visu
Hotel complex - employs about 300....
Amelinco Office Building
Erstellt von Bad Tempered Raven
Specs Office Building 4x3 Level 3 Base Mesh Tris: 1082 LOD tris: 204 Diffuse: 1024x1024 LOD Diffuse: 512X512 Thanks for take a peek! some feedback would be very nice...
Americana collection prop set
Erstellt von Adora_ble
A reupload of this house because the original author removed it causing it to crash saves. This is a reupload of one of false lucidity's many assets, he removed them all for no apparent reason, this causes crashes if you were subscribed to one of their bui...
Americana Promenade Garden Restaurant and Shop - After Dark Leisure Commercial
Erstellt von MrMiyagi
First part of a full range of Promenade-style landscaped buildings that will all go together in modular fashion to make a unique looking After Dark entertainment district with subdued, elegant lighting Click "Follow MrMiyagi" on my main workshop page to fi...
Amu plaza Kagoshima Growable アミュプラザ鹿児島
Erstellt von shimatarou
It is the Kagoshima Chūō Station building in the region of Japan. There is Tokyu Hands as a core tenant. This is a Growable version. The RICO ploppable version is here. - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zon...
Altgeld Hall
Erstellt von jaspinko
Altgeld Hall is the home of the University of Illinois' department of mathematics' classrooms and library. It features a prominent bell tower that is known for its daily noontime concerts. -= Game Stats =- Type: University Size: 6x6 Cost: 60,000 Maintenanc...
Ancient Ship
Erstellt von Nucity
***ATTENTION*** This asset will be removed and replaced with a new update with realistic textures. EN: A new NUCITY is arrive. Updates coming soon! ***ATENÇÃO*** Este ativo será removido e substituido por uma nova atualização com texturas realistas. PT: Um...
Anatolian Townhome 9
Erstellt von Accapulco
Turkish house with ceramic(çini) designs. You'll need my sedir prop if you want cims sitting in the terrace. Main - 636 / 256x512 LOD - 73 / 64x128...
Anatolian Townhome 2
Erstellt von Accapulco
Turkish town house in iconic white plaster and wooden supports. Very common in places like Safranbolu and Adapazarı. Slight coloration on roof to make it interesting. Main - 542 / 256x512 LOD - 48 / 64x128...
Angers Shop 1 [France]
Erstellt von Lost Gecko
Traditional 4-storeys wall-to-wall half-timbered town house from Angers, France. Level 3 1x2 low-density commercial. 4 brightness variations on the roof. Model main model tris: 1146 textures: 1024x1024 (diffuse-normal-specular-color-illumination) LOD tris:...
Angie's (Growable - Leisure)
Erstellt von Avanya
My glass works converted to a café, restaurant or gallery (or whatelse you imagine it can be). It has a few changes in the model and texture, but the general look is the same. I plan on making this as a normal commercial building as well, but I just can't ...
Animated MARS Algae Oxygen Generator (Sewage)
Erstellt von citywokcitywall
Welcome to Cities Skylines: MARS! This Algae Oxygen Generator (technically a sewage treatment building) is used in CityWokCityWall's MARS YouTube Series. MAIN BUILDING 684 Tris Texture: 1024x512 D / S / I / N MAIN BUILDING LOD 46 Tris Texture: 128x64 D ANI...
Animals Spawner
Erstellt von PierreQuiRoule
Animals Spawner by MrLacpierre...
Animated MARS Hologram (CAL)
Erstellt von citywokcitywall
Welcome to Cities Skylines: MARS! This Mars Hologram (modeled and textured by Nardo and animated by KortoVos) is used in CityWokCityWall's MARS YouTube Series. 1008 MAIN / NO LOD || 1024x512 MAIN / NO LOD Additive Shader mod is required to make it look lik...
Animated Triangelsculpture Hologram L
Erstellt von KortoVos
triangelsculpture_l by KortoVos...
Erstellt von m4gic
Almost human. Sheathed in carbon fiber and faintly illuminated at night for safety and visibility. Functions as a male tourist....
Animated Triangelsculpture Hologram M
Erstellt von KortoVos
triangelsculpture_m by KortoVos...
Animated Triangelsculpture Hologram S
Erstellt von KortoVos
triangelsculpture by KortoVos...
Anton Pieck Barn 1
Erstellt von EerieEden
Anton Pieck Collection – Barn 1 A while back I made a few models in what I’ll dub the ‘Anton Pieck’ style, after the Dutch painter. Cute, somewhat run-down buildings with crumbling stucco and sagging roofs. Somehow I never got around to uploading them, so ...
Antares Tower (L3 Office Growable)
Erstellt von Visu
High-density office tower. Complete with LoD model....
Anton Pieck House 4
Erstellt von EerieEden
Anton Pieck Collection – House 4 This timeworn house with its rectangular facade will be the new (old?) hit in your very own fantasy Dutch neighbourhood. Found under Residential: Low Density. Look for 'APC' (for Anton Pieck Collection). Building Stats Size...
Anton Pieck House 2
Erstellt von EerieEden
Anton Pieck Collection – House 2 A while back I made a few models in what I’ll dub the ‘Anton Pieck’ style, after the Dutch painter. Cute, somewhat run-down houses with crumbling stucco, tattered shutters and sagging roofs. Somehow I never got around to up...
Anton Pieck House 7
Erstellt von EerieEden
Anton Pieck Collection – House 7 This traditional Dutch residence features a sober stepped gable. It is modelled after a strikingly small canal house, built in 1635 (Groenhazengracht 3, Leiden, South-Holland, the Netherlands). This house is well-known in L...
Aon Center (RICO) Growable
Erstellt von Crazyglueit
This may be my first asset of a new series that will contain Mini-Landmark Growables. Aon Center, located in Chicago, Illinois. This modern skyscraper has 83 floors and stands at 1,136 ft(346m). At the time of its completion in 1973, this building was the ...
Apex Hotel (growable)
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
Growable 4x4 tourist Hotel. (Unique version here) A lot of curves. I'll start off with a BIG WARNING!!! And some apologies. The LOD model is kinda excessively high on tris, even for my assets! It's a hotel, I myself don't ever have very many of them in my ...
Apollo Hotel
Erstellt von Visu
Supertall hotel complex (level-5 unique building) - employs about 750. Complete with LoD model for viewing at a distance....
Apple Store (High Commercial L3) [re-up]
Erstellt von Elias
All the thanks for that object have to go to HISTOR (<-- Link) Here his original Apple Store (<-- Link) What is different: - bigger (footprint 3x4) - L3 instead of L2 - iPhone-Billboard on side and back of the Store (when you are subscribed to the prop) - ...
Apple Tree Orchard
Erstellt von Ignus
Farming Industry. Size 4x4...
Apple Store
Erstellt von HIST0R
In every great city, there is at least one Apple store. Detailed electronics shop with the latest Apple devices on the shelves(rather tables :) ) Level 2 (2x4) commercial building. Polycount: 4300 1024x1024 300dpi 16bit textures -Diffuse -Specular -Alpha -...
Applestore - small
Erstellt von de_shimmy
Apple Store (small) 2x3 and 2x4 low-density commercial growable (Level 3) In three different colors (orange, purple and white). DONATE VIA PAYPAL Thanks for supporting my work! ...
Arasaka residential [CYBERPUNK 2077]
Erstellt von eligios⚡
Arasaka residential complex. You are already annoyed by: the densely populated City Center and Heywood; heat (due to lack of space even for wind); distance from Arasaka production? Then Arasaka presents you a comfortable apartment 5 minutes from work, or e...
Erstellt von Zippeli
World of Warcraft Arakkoa Textures:1024x1024,1024x512 (Lod:128x64) Tris:2379~2407 (Lod:366) Original model and texture: Blizzard...
Arcade Machines 8-Prop Pack
Erstellt von cyberglum
Arcade Machines 8-Prop Pack Pack A pack of 4 classic arcade machines along with 4 pinball machines Thanks to the members of the CSFC Discord Server for their help and feedback.
Arcadia Tower
Erstellt von Visu
Level-5 Unique Building - Complete with LoD model....
Arch of Galerius - Thessaloniki, Greece
Erstellt von Raccoon
Arch of Galerius - Thessaloniki, Greece Information: The Arch of Galerius (Kamara) is perhaps the most distinctive and interesting roman structure of Thessaloniki. It is also one of the most popular destinations of the city along with the White Tower for b...
Erstellt von cbudd
Guess what my new project is? The main buildings are going to follow, though I didn't start them by now. This concrete-arch is one of five similar arches that were built on the Pacific Science Center campus in Seattle, Washington for the World's Fair in 19...
Arch of Hadrian [ROUMELI | GR]
Erstellt von Filippos
Information on the building: Hadrian's Arch is a Roman Triumphal Arch in Athens, Greece. It is believed it was built in 131 or 132 AD to celebrate the arrival of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. It was crossed by a road going from the center of Athens (near the ...
Arch of Septimius Severus (Roman Ruins of Palmyra)
Erstellt von Lemire
Arch of Septimius Severus by Lemire The Monumental Arch, also called the Arch of Triumph (Arabic: قوس النصر‎) or the Arch of Septimius Severus, was a Roman ornamental archway in Palmyra, Syria. It was built in the 3rd century during the reign of emperor Se...
Architect 001 High Density Residential Level 5 - 4x4
Erstellt von _luminou_
Architect 001 High Density Residential Level 5 - 4x4 RICO COMPATIBLE Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha, ColorMask and Illumination Triangles: 3860 / 122 Weight : 52.08 / 1.67 Texture: 1024² / 512²...
Architect 002 - High Density Residential 4x4 Level 5 [RICO]
Erstellt von _luminou_
Architect 002 - High Density Residential 4x4 Level 5 Contain all textures and LOD files, no color change Triangles: 6.242 / 242 Texture: 1024x512 / 512² My Workshop: Follow me: Follow me: http...
Architect 003 High Density Residential 4x4
Erstellt von _luminou_
Architect 003 High Density Residential 4x4 level 5 RICO COMPATIBLE Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha, ColorMask and Illumination Triangles: 13.529 / 551 Weight : 180.62 / 7.46 Texture: 2048x1024 / 512²...
Architect 004 High Density Residential 4x4 - lvl 5
Erstellt von _luminou_
Architect 004 High Density Residential 4x4 - lvl 5 RICO COMPATIBLE Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha, ColorMask and Illumination Triangles: 2.730 / 496 Weight : 25.19 / 4.66 Texture: 1024x512 / 512² ...
Architect 010 HDR 4x4 lvl 5 - RICO
Erstellt von _luminou_
Architect 010 HDR 4x4 lvl 5 by luminou RICO COMPATIBLE Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha and Illumination (no color mask) Triangles: 7.456 / 212 Weight : 65.87 / 1.91 Texture: 1024x512 / 256²...
Architect 013 - HDR lvl 5 - 4x4 [RICO]
Erstellt von _luminou_
Architect 013 - HDR lvl 5 - 4x4 Contain all texture and LOD file, no color mask Triangles: 3.015 / 339 Texture: 1024² / 512² My Workshop: Follow me: Follow me: ...
Area 77
Erstellt von X20AthiNN3R
Area 77 by X20AthiNN3R Low Residential, level 2, 4X4...
Architect 011 HDR 4x4 lvl 5 - rico compatible
Erstellt von _luminou_
Architect 011 HDR 4x4 lvl 5 by luminou RICO COMPATIBLE Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha and Illumination (no color mask) Triangles: 10.842 / 10 Weight : 64.45 / 0.06 Texture: 1024² / 512²...
Ares Tower
Erstellt von Visu
Office complex that employs several thousand. This building is gigantic, almost 1 km tall. Complete with LoD model for viewing at a distance....
Ariel Hotel
Erstellt von Visu
Hotel that employs about 250, raises land value, and attracts tourists to an area. This one's not so tall - about 90m. Complete with LoD model for viewing at a distance....
Arjan's Grachtenpand v2
Erstellt von MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Grachtenpand v2...
Arjan's Grachtenpand v1
Erstellt von MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Grachtenpand v1...
Arjan's Medieval Chappel (Primary School)
Erstellt von MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval Chappel (Primary School)...
Arjan's Medieval Church (High School)
Erstellt von MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval Church (High School)...
Arjan's Medieval Fire Station
Erstellt von MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval Fire Station...
Arjan's Medieval Guard Tower v1
Erstellt von MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval Guard Tower v1...
Arjan's Medieval Hospital
Erstellt von MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval Hospital...
Arjan's Medieval House v1-B (90 degrees turned)
Erstellt von MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval House v1-B (90 degrees turned) (from Anno 1404)...
Arjan's Medieval House v1-A
Erstellt von MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval House v1-A (from Anno 1404)...
Arjan's Medieval House v1-C (180 degrees turned)
Erstellt von MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval House v1-C (180 degrees turned) (from Anno 1404)...
Arjan's Medieval House v2-A
Erstellt von MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval House v2-A (from Anno 1404)...
Arjan's Medieval House v2-C (180 degrees turned)
Erstellt von MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval House v2-C (180 degrees turned) (from Anno 1404)...
Arjan's Medieval House v2-B (90 degrees turned)
Erstellt von MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval House v2-B (90 degrees turned) (from Anno 1404)...
Arjan's Medieval House(plopable)
Erstellt von Hyperactive Llama
Arjan's Medieval House(plopable)...
Arjan's Medieval Prison (Police Headquarters)
Erstellt von MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval Prison (Police Headquarters)...
Arjan's Medieval Keep / Castle (University)
Erstellt von MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval Keep / Caste (University) (from Anno 1404)...
Arjan's Medieval Wall v1
Erstellt von MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval Wall v1...
Arjan's Medieval Wall v2
Erstellt von MR. HAPPY
Arjan's Medieval Wall v2...
Arpeje (France
Erstellt von lansMosta
Arpeje by lansMosta Voici un pack de 4 batiments 1 petite tour de 4étages et 3 batiments de 2 étages. Here is a pack of 4 buildings 1 small tower of 4 floors and 3 buildings of 2 floor...
Arrow Plaza - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 Office
Erstellt von tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Good day Cimtizens ! Loads of people still play SC4... A few ones still play SimCity 3000, and I'm one of them. I still enjoy the relative simplicity of it and the toyish and friendly look it has... I wanted to remake a growable from SC3, prepare for some ...
Artemis Tower (L3 Office Growable)
Erstellt von Visu
Highrise office tower- level 3 office growable....
Ash Tree
Erstellt von pdelmo
Ash Tree by pdelmo Made this one more of a vibrant green. enjoy tri 768 texture 512x512 D/A/C snowfall...
Asian Carts [Paris]
Erstellt von Gèze
Asian Carts by Gèze...
Asphalt Circle Decals
Erstellt von cbudd
Just two decals that I made ages ago for a project that will take ages to come. Been using them ingame recently, so I thought it was time to finally release them. I quite like that brutalist and grungy feeling of the decals. Search for PacSci Decal if you ...
Aspin tower - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 office scale 1:1
Erstellt von Bibel Gurra
A 1:1 scale version of the 250 meters tall office/Residential building in Dubai. Aspin tower is a 60 storey tall skyscraper located in 104 Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai. technical info : building: 364 triangles and 2048x2048 texture custom LOD: 42 triangles and...
Astronomical Clock
Erstellt von Tomas13TO
Astronomical Clock from Prague (Czech Republic). The Prague astronomical clock, or Prague orloj (Pražský orloj), is a medieval astronomical clock located in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. The clock was first installed in 1410, making it the thi...
Art Gallery "Old Water Tower"
Erstellt von BartMiki
Size 4x4 Tris 901 Art Gallery "Old Water Tower" located in Konin in Poland. It's nice and cozy place to hang out....
Armesto - Thiers Corner #1
Erstellt von Gruny
ANY similarity to an actual creator (like Armesto) is PURELY coincidental. 😏 This corner building includes a Galician restaurant. Its narrow angle will be particularly suitable for two lanes at 40°. Architecture inspired by Bordeaux city In particular, you...
Atelier Finition
Erstellt von Birk LeGlaire
Atelier Finition by Birk LeGlaire LOT 4*4 Inspired by SimCity4, designed for Cities XXL Tris: 10250 Diffuse, alpha, illumination, normal, specular texture: 1024*512 ...
Athena Tower
Erstellt von Visu
Level-5 Unique Building - complete with identical LoD model. About 770 tris....
Atlas Sea Wind Turbine (left side oriented) - 20MW
Erstellt von spinoza73
Stylish sea wind turbine. The statue is made of lightweight polymer specifically designed to catch the wind and the base is acting as a solar panel with batteries to release energy when there is no wind. This is the left side oriented statue, but both turn...
Atlas Sea Wind Turbine (right side oriented) - 20MW
Erstellt von spinoza73
Stylish sea wind turbine. The statue is made of lightweight polymer specifically designed to catch the wind and the base is acting as a solar panel with batteries to release energy when there is no wind. This is the right side oriented statue, but both tur...
Atomium Brussels
Erstellt von SvenBerlin
Atomium Brussels Unique Building Level 4 , everywhere ploppable stats will follow ....
Augustus Tower (L3 Office Growable)
Erstellt von Visu
L3 Office Growble - complete with LoD model....
Aurelia Tower
Erstellt von Visu
As international corporate headquarters of Aurelia Research, this supertall tower supports the greatest minds of a generation. Gigantic and resource-intensive, this skyscraper complex employs thousands and attracts thousands more. Your police forces have n...
Aus City L2 2x3 Office
Erstellt von trist14222
a 1970's bronzed glass triangular facade based on office tower in Melbourne, Australia...
Aus corner Edwardian Home
Erstellt von trist14222
a 1x2 L1 Edwardian Federation style cottage, based on my favourite house 'Monaro' in Parkville, Melbourne Australia. works well as a standalone house on corner, or in a terrace w2w row, decorate with as many vines, ferns or Australian natives as you can fi...
Aus innercity moderne shop pack L1-3
Erstellt von trist14222
An Art Deco Moderne shopfront, based on a few you might see around Melbourne and Sydney, will fit just as well into a British or American streetscape. Like others in the series the shopfronts become occupies by different business as they level up. All my a...
Australian City 1x3 +1x4 L1 Office
Erstellt von trist14222
A 1950's tiled office building based on one on Lonsdale Street, Melbourne Australia. comes with 1x3 and 1x4 growable versions...
Australian City 2x4 L1 Office
Erstellt von trist14222
The State Savings Bank of Victoria, on the corner of Little Bourke and Swanston St, Melbourne Australia, a curtain wall mid-century office tower with modular windows...
AutoLineColor Redux
Erstellt von TaradinoC
Sets the the color and name of new transit lines as you create them. Based on the original Auto Line Color, with additions: Updated to work with Park Life. (Also compatible with Industries.) New "Roads" naming strategy, which uses road names as well as dis...
Automatic Bulldoze v2
Erstellt von Лысый Пёс
Automatic Bulldoze v2 automatically destroys abandoned and burned buildings. This mod is a spinoff of the original Automatic Bulldoze mod by Sadlers. The diffrents between this and the old one: * It supports Natural Disasters DLC (and all other DLC of cour...
Automatic Pedestrian Bridge Builder V2.0 [Beta]
Erstellt von kian.zarrin Automatically builds pedestrian bridges over and also tunnels under junctions/roundabouts/roads. (and disables pedestrian zebra crossings if TMPE is present). Also able to connect alleys to main roads (see screenshots). Usag...
Azadi Tower
Erstellt von Ronyx69
Azadi Tower - Tehran, Iran Found in unique buildings. Main: 14311 tris 1024x1024 LOD: 284 tris 256x256 Commision for alborzka Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests Donate CSLModding.INFO ...
AV Landing Pad - Cyberpunk 2077
Erstellt von nardo AV Landing Pad Metallic and Shiny like the Corpo Chrome Skin. This Asset includes: A Version with Lights A Version without Light Cyberpunk 2077, including its visual components, characters, storylines, artwork, animations, d...
Avalon Hotel
Erstellt von Visu
Level-5 Unique Building - Complete w/ LoD model. Employs 375....
Azure Hotel
Erstellt von Cyberlink
Azure Hotel by Azure (Jay)...
B1 Battle Droid
Erstellt von Bloodshed216
Roger Roger...
Baba Yaga's Hut
Erstellt von Bobbert McBobberton
Stood in a clearing deep in the woods is a hut on chicken legs... Baba Yaga is a witch from old Russian fairy tales, who rides in a flying mortar and pestle and lives in a house standing on chicken legs in a clearing in the woods. The witch herself appears...
Babylon Tower
Erstellt von isdraken
Babylon Tower by isdraken Luxury hotel with penthouse suites. 4x4 footprint...
Balenciaga Shop
Erstellt von Raccoon
Balenciaga Shop Information: Balenciaga is a luxury fashion house founded in Spain by Cristóbal Balenciaga, a designer born in the Basque Country, Spain. The brand is now owned by the French multinational company Kering. Balenciaga had a reputation as a co...
Bag End
Erstellt von m4gic
A little hobbit hole. Level one 2x size 1044 Tris 1024² custom textures Images show custom plants and props; decorate your own Bag End....
Erstellt von KingLeno
Bally by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! Bally is a Swiss luxury fashion company founded as "Bally & Co" in 1851 by Carl Franz Bally and his brother Fritz. Based on store on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Triangles 864 Texture 1024x102...
BAM Harvey Theater (Leisure growable)
Erstellt von Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 1x3/4 leisure growable. About the model This is part of a small of a mini update of leisure growables. Make sure to get the Majestic theater and Boston Fire Museum as well! You can always follow my ...
Banhammer Bank Office
Erstellt von RyoSimsGuru
Banhammer Bank Plaza by rnagaorn...
Bank of China Tower With LED
Erstellt von XDBX
注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 无“Additive Shader”版本由此去 No "Additive Shader" version : 香港中银大厦 Bank of China Tower HK Hong Kong 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制...
Bank of Vomalastan
Erstellt von EmperorVomala
Bank of Vomalastan 2x2 Office Lvl 2 Growable...
Bank of communications building(Reprint) 上海市交通银行大厦(转载)
Erstellt von CM.
此建筑并非我本人制作,最早由作者joues于2015年3月18日发布于模拟城市中文网,是当时非常少见的国人资产,其质量在当年也并不算差,只可惜没有人将它转载至steam创意工坊,现在模拟城市中文网衰落,知道此建筑的人更少了,这次就将它转发在创意工坊,让更多人知道这五年前的国人精品资产。 This building was not made by me. It was first published by the author joues on the Chinese website of SimCity o...
Barn of the Ferme Chateau du Buc in Yvoir
Erstellt von Endocycle
Barn of the 16th century, Ferme Chateau du Buc, Evrehailles (Yvoir), Walloon Region, Belgium Grange du XVI de la Ferme Chateau du Buc à Evreahilles (Yvoir), Région wallonne, Belgique...
Baroque Clocktower Plaza
Erstellt von Lausebengel 3k
This clocktower is a fictional building in baroque style. It centers a plaza area that fits great into european style cities! The tower is 6 sided (hexagon) and features 3 clocks as well as 3 old paintings dedicated to battles between the Russian Empire an...
Barracks Arch WA
Erstellt von TurboCobra
My 5th asset and first non-skyscraper. Built as part of a larger building in 1866 the arch/gate was the only part left after demolition to make way for a freeway project, it is positioned in-between a fork of 2 roads and a freeway with only 1m between it a...
Barrel (Wild West)
Erstellt von kasepta
yeah you know what this is, just a barrel to fill water or other items. widely used in every shop, even in homes there are those who have it. If you want to support development, you can donate to my paypal! every little contribution from you, makes me cons...
Erstellt von EerieEden
Prop. 76 tris, 256x128 a,c,d,i,n,s texture maps. Custom LOD: 16 tris, 64x32 a,c,d,i,n,s texture maps. Contains both vertical and horizontal models. Roughly 1.3 meters high or wide (4 feet 3 inches). Colour of wood varies (obviously). It's fun making props,...
Erstellt von accospoot
Barrows were a common form of burial, intended for each to contain the remains of an individual and perhaps their family, esteemed members of the community, such as hunters, leaders or builders were placed here. The curious facet is the evidence of multipl...
Becquerel Building
Erstellt von creepyeyes
The Becquerel Building is a Level 2 1x1 office building. After spending a whole month on my last asset, I wanted to prove to myself that I could make a decent asset fairly quickly, and so I challenged myself to make this asset in a single day. I felt that ...
Beergarden Forst Schenke by Kleckerklotz
Erstellt von Kleckerklotz
Hi guys and girls, finally I found sound time to make this asset. It's a half-timbered inn or restaurant with a beergarden attached. It's inspired by a real building in Leipzig Germany from the late 19th century, which is like 80% what you can see. Handmad...
Baur-Areal Flats
Erstellt von The Lost Cake
Two modern lowrise residential buildings from the Baur-Areal in Stuttgart-Berg. 4x2/2x2 3738/1868 Tris 2824/1436 Vertices 512x512 Both of them use the same 512x512 texture and have custom LODs (58 and 130 tris) with 64x64 textures. They have a color map so...
Belgian Contemporary Shop 1
Erstellt von nutty crunch
By nutty crunch This 2x1 Belgian corner shop can be used in a row, or as a corner building. It has 3 storeys, 2 for residential/offices and 1 ground floor for commercial use. It features 2 shops, "OuiBank" & "Skibitth Frozen Yoghurt". The back of the build...
Berliner Dom
Erstellt von felixandre.hupka
Berlin Cathedral by felixandre.hupka This is my model of the Berliner Dom. Its in education and has 250 students, 13x12. 9200 tris, 170 tris lod, 1024x2048, spec and normal. Its my first asset for this game :)...
Better Road Toolbar
Erstellt von Delta 5-1 Maintain sanity when browsing the Road toolbar. Description Adds more tabs in the Road toolbar. Replaces the 3 default Small/Medium/Large road tabs with up to 7 new tabs: 1U (8m) wide 2U (16m) wide, ≤2 lanes 2U (16m) wide, ≥...
Bifrost Tower
Erstellt von Visu
(NOTE - I deleted and reposted this because of a previous error that could cause harm to a city save. If you downloaded it earlier (when the tooltip image was different), please unsubscribe if necessary and redownload. USE WITH CARE AND AT YOUR OWN RISK! A...
BIG Suburbs 2 Lane Road
Erstellt von hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Suburbs 2 Lane Road (worn)
Erstellt von hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BB Chase Building - Growable 2x2 Lvl3 Office
Erstellt von tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Greetings Skyliners ! What do we want? Variety! When do we want it? Now ! Have you ever wondered how many buildings were in the game for certain levels and sizes ?? Take the Level 3 offices on 2x2 lots... there are TWO different buildings for this size and...
BIG Suburbs American Growables Level 1
Erstellt von hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Suburbs American Growables Level 2
Erstellt von hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
Ben Tower From SimCity 4 Growable
Erstellt von Andre96967
Ben Tower from SimCity 4. (Office Building lvl 3) This is my first model. hope you enjoy. If you liked this building, do not forget to leave me a little comment, or a like ;) I'm open to suggestions and tips :) if you love some building from simcity 4, ple...
BIG Suburbs American Growables Level 4
Erstellt von hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Suburbs American Growables Level 3
Erstellt von hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Suburbs American Growables Level 5
Erstellt von hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Suburbs Pavement Decals
Erstellt von hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Suburbs Style
Erstellt von TehF0cus
BIG Suburbs Style for hockenheim95's new Suburbia Modpack. This is ONLY a district style for usage with the Building Themes mod or the vanilla games district style feature! =========================== If you encounter any issues with the buildings, go to t...
Bilecik Clock Tower
Erstellt von Accapulco
Small clock tower from a small Turkish town. Main - 494 / 256x512 LOD - 32 / 64x64...
Billboards Circle [CYBERPUNK 2077]
Erstellt von eligios⚡
Cyberpunk 2077 Billboards Circle A set of 2 large circle light billboards....
Binet Business Center 1
Erstellt von phx254
First of three modules based on the Binet Business Center in Paris by AZC Architectes...
Biohazard Research Center [RICO]
Erstellt von _luminou_
Biohazard Research Center 75 ambulances, being able to treat 800 patients. Building with 3 parts in specific shape builds around a central staircase with a glass transparent cage. A road allows to enter directly the building (who can be equipped with a bus...
Black Dragon
Erstellt von Gazpacho
Black Dragon by BanJoe JoJo...
Black Snail Offices
Erstellt von DawiD
My own design. Inspired by those hated by many, disgusting for some people animals. Black Snail! Its dynamic form standing in contrary to its speed of movement is what pushed me to making this odd structure. Perhaps it is as weird as animal itself, but sti...
Blade Runner Police Tower
Erstellt von creepyeyes
"You're in a desert, walking along in the sand, when all of a sudden you look down..." This asset is a recreation of the police tower from the classic cyberpunk film Blade Runner. The tower's exterior only appears briefly in the film, and even then only th...
Block Services - Cemetery
Erstellt von Naylin
Block Services - Cemetery by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't fou...
Billboards [CYBERPUNK 2077]
Erstellt von eligios⚡
Cyberpunk 2077 Billboards A set of 5 large light billboards measuring 15x5 meters: 1. Lizzies bar 2. MIXIT UP 3. MIXIT UP 4. BROSEPH 5. Buxom Betty's...
Black Gate
Erstellt von m4gic
The Sindar have named it Morannon. The Black Gate, as it is known to men, is a mighty rampart of iron and bastion of stone that guards the northern passage to and from Mordor; the ashen realm of the Dark Lord Sauron. * * * * * * Use landscaping tool to wor...
Block Services - Child Health
Erstellt von Naylin
Block Services - Child Health by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't...
Block Services - Death
Erstellt von Naylin
Block Services - Death by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found ...
Block Services - Electricity
Erstellt von Naylin
Block Services - Electricity by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Elementary School
Erstellt von Naylin
Block Services - Elementary School by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or ha...
Block Services - Entertainment
Erstellt von Naylin
Block Services - Entertainment by Naylin PLEASE NOTE: This block is on a 1x2 area plot in order for the crowd spawn to work properly. All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rath...
Block Services - Eldercare
Erstellt von Naylin
Block Services - Eldercare by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't fo...
Block Services - Fire
Erstellt von Naylin
Block Services - Fire by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found o...
Block Services - Garbage
Erstellt von Naylin
Block Services - Garbage by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't foun...
Block Services - Health
Erstellt von Naylin
Block Services - Health by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found...
Block Services - Hot Water
Erstellt von Naylin
Block Services - Hot Water by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't fo...
Block Services - High School
Erstellt von Naylin
Block Services - High School by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Library
Erstellt von Naylin
Block Services - Library by Naylin *** NOT Campus DLC version *** All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either ...
Block Services - Post Office
Erstellt von Naylin
Block Services - Post Office by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Sewage
Erstellt von Naylin
Block Services - Sewage by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found...
Blooming Jacaranda
Erstellt von MrMaison
Blooming Jacaranda by MrMaison Introducing a Blooming Jacaranda tree! It's native to Tropical and Sub Tropical regions. This is my first flowering tree. Use this to add color to your foliage areas or for decoration. There are actually 49 species of Jacaran...
Block Services - Water
Erstellt von Naylin
Block Services - Water by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found ...
Blue Wall Light Tile
Erstellt von B.A.F
Blue Light Tiles for Dark Canal...
Bombardier INNOVIA 300 Monorail
Erstellt von REV0
Monorail is here. Bombardier’s INNOVIA Monorail 300 vehicles provide an efficient and cost-effective solution to growing cities. A passenger favourite, these award-winning vehicles offer comfortable mass transit capacity. INNOVIA Monorail 300 vehicles run ...
Blossoming Tower CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Blossoming Tower CC -------------------------- Your Christmas present! Because Artists create Art. The LOD can cause nightmares. I tried hard to create one for hours, no chance to create it with under 4000 Tris, so sorry. Please vote and write a comment if...
Boston fire museum (Leisure growable)
Erstellt von Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 1x3/4 leisure growable. About the model This is part of a small of a mini update of leisure growables. Make sure to get the Majestic theater and the BAM harvey theater as well! You can always follow...
Bookshop (low commercial)
Erstellt von Tianlein
The Cities Skylines Bookshop Hello, this is my first try to create a building in blender. Its probably not perfect but i think its not too bad;) I tried it out in my game and it worked without a problem. Hope you like it :) Greetings Tianlein...
Bottega Veneta Shop
Erstellt von Raccoon
Bottega Veneta Shop Information: Bottega Veneta is an Italian luxury goods and high fashion brand. Founded in 1966 in Vicenza, Veneto, its atelier is located within an 18th-century villa in Montebello Vicentino and its headquarters are in Lugano, Switzerla...
Brazilian Emporium 3A
Erstellt von Redoze
This Asset is the generic version of Brazilian Emporium 3 This Asset has two sub-meshes that work as an interior and roll-up gate. The roll-up gate works only in specific cases, such as: abandoned, submerged and evacuating. Please, rate my work :) https://...
Breakwater Hotel (Tourism)
Erstellt von Leo Mystic Magic
Click Here for High Commercial Version! My First Building Release! Based on the Art Deco Miami South Beach Breakwater Hotel. Check out reference photo shots of the real thing here. Original Building Great flower assets by Breeze & Cypress tree by ryanjames...
Brick & steel fence
Erstellt von Avanya
Two props made for my Glass Works factory. Pillar Tris: 28 Texture: 32x64 Auto generated LOD Fence Tris: 44 Texture: 128x64 LOD: 22 with auto generated textures (32x32) Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is m...
Brick water tower
Erstellt von Gandalf-is-total-bro
An old water tower loosely based on a one actually existing in Katowice in the Giszowiec district. I had a great time making this one, nothing fancy. Original tower in Katowice has antennas and some additional stuff on it. I didn't want to put anything the...
Bottom commercial network
Erstellt von RyanCat
Bottom commercial network by RyanCat This is a network biulding,using the new concourse shader. Thanks to BadPeanut for the informations about that new shader...
Bourges Corner Shop 1 [France]
Erstellt von Lost Gecko
Traditional 4-storeys half-timbered corner town house with a restaurant on the ground floor from Bourges, France. Level 3 2x2 low-density RICO commercial corner. 4 brightness variations on the roof. The building is narrower than its footprint (8x9m out of ...
Bourges Shop 1 [France]
Erstellt von Lost Gecko
Traditional 3-storeys wall-to-wall half-timbered town house from Bourges, France with a shop on the ground floor. Level 2 1x2 low-density residential. Colour variations on the rear façade planks. Narrower than a cell, aligns only on the right side of the c...
Bouteillier Sunken Station [no mods required]
Erstellt von BadPeanut
I thought we could do with some more sunken stations so here's another I've been working on! It doesn't require any mods and is best used with train tracks sunken in trenches (you can also just use tunnel networks etc) Statistics:
Bright Boreal
Erstellt von egomaniac
I have changed some textures like sand, grass and rocks to make the original Boreal theme look a bit sunnier. The nights are lightened by a bright starry sky with northern lights. New Textures for Oil, Ore and Water included. Works fine on older CPU/GPU, a...
Bronx Store 01 L1 3x3
Erstellt von Exusa
Bronx Store 01 L1 3x3, growable This is a low commercial Level 1 building based off a real building in East Bronx, New York. This will be part of The Bronx collection that will feature houses, stores, and industry. Tris Model- 1919 Lod- Auto generated (loo...
Bronx Store 02 L1 1x3
Erstellt von Exusa
Bronx Store 02 L1 1x3, growable Low commercial Level 1 building This is a Police supply store located in South Bronx, New York. This will be part of The Bronx collection that will feature houses, stores, and industry. Tris Model- 200 Lod- 10 Texture Model-...
Broomstreet Synagogue
Erstellt von Feindbold
"Kehila Kedosha Janina (Holy Community of Janina) is a synagogue on 280 Broome Street between Allen and Eldridge Streets in the Lower East Side neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City. It was built in 1925-27 and was designed by Sydney Daub and is now the...
Erstellt von Birk LeGlaire
Bruleur by Birk LeGlaire LOT 4*3 Inspired by SimCity4, designed for Cities XXL Tris: 2030 Diffuse, illumination, normal, specular and alpha texture: 512*512...
Brownrock Building
Erstellt von Zatline
10x10 - Brownrock Building A very own handcrafted skyscraper, hope you enjoy it! :) Gameplay Properties: Constraction Cost: 52000 Maintenance Cost: 4900 Mesh Infos: Main Model: 3452 Tris, 2048x2048px LOD Model: 136 Tris, 1024x1024px Construction Details Fl...
BTB Rehab Clinic
Erstellt von BachToBaroque
Figured some Cims really need some therapy especially when their lives are being controlled by their Schadenfreude-mayor. Basic Stats: Size - 6 x 6 Cost - 35 000 Upkeep - 200 /week Power Consumption - 382KW /week Water Consumption - 160m3 /week Curing Rate...
BTB Caisses Sociales De Monaco (Office)
Erstellt von BachToBaroque
This asset is made for & part of PugGaming's 'Project Monaco'. More info here (Video) Based on the actual building located in Monaco(La Condamine). The building is not an exact replica, it has been modified to fit into the maximum 4x4 zoning. Info: - filen...
Buhl/Bash Building
Erstellt von Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This pack contains 2 lvl 2 Commercial corners, a 1x4 and a 2x4 growable based on the Buhl Building in Pittsburgh. Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to...
Brutalist Office
Erstellt von The Lost Cake
Another concrete office building from Stuttgart 3x2 2817 Tris 1504 Vertices 1024x1024 Follow me on Twitter for updates on the assets i'm working on....
Burj Dubai (Burj Khalifa) [HD]
Erstellt von DubaiSkyscraper
Special thanks to Ray Fleury a.k.a. Fury from Skyscrapercity for providing some top notch data! ------------------------ Burj Dubai (Burj Khalifa), Downtown Dubai, Dubai, UAE Version 1.0 This version goes to all detail-fanatics and those who appreciate acc...
Burberry Shop
Erstellt von Raccoon
Burberry Shop Information: Burberry Group PLC is a British luxury fashion house headquartered in London, England. Its main fashion house focuses on and distributes trench coats (for which it is most famous), ready-to-wear outerwear, fashion accessories, fr...
Building Themes
Erstellt von boformer
This mod makes possible to apply building themes to a district or the whole city. Only buildings which are contained in one of the selected themes will grow in a district. You can subscribe to theme mods from the workshop, or create your own themes in the ...
Burntwood Heights
Erstellt von bigmoodenergy
L2 light residential 2x2 growable "Burntwood Heights" a duplex apartment with a modern shape and garage tucked underneath. Modern might be a misnomer, Burntwood Heights was once the designers vision of the future. Back in 1976 that is. Now it sits in an "o...
Cabbage (キャベツ) - Prop
Erstellt von kei_em
a cultivated plant eaten as a vegetable, having thick green or purple leaves surrounding a spherical heart or head of young leaves. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD...
Cabbage Patch (キャベツ畑)
Erstellt von kei_em
キャベツ畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Cabbage patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD ...
Cagliostro ClockTower
Erstellt von CityOfTokyo
Cagliostro ClockTower Description It is a clock tower that appears in "Lupine the Third Castle of Cagliostro". It is on the other side of Cagliostro Castle and is sending lake water to the castle with Roman water service. The original role of the clock tow...
Bushes Spring Bloom
Erstellt von pdelmo
Pack of 12 bushes in 2 sizes and many colours tri small 116 med 358 Textures 256x256 D/A/C ...
Callaway Golf Shop LowCom L3 3x2
Erstellt von Kookess
Callaway Golf Shop -Low Commercial Level 3, Size 3x2 -Growable and RICO -With Lights and 4 Color Variations Made with ArchiCAD and Blender If that one is not working for you, try the Growable only Version:
Cam Key Mansion
Reference Cam Key Mansion Introduction Cam Key Mansion 489-495 Shanghai Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 9 floor   - Level 2 growth   - After Dark ready   - 1245 tris, 1024 x 512 texture RICO is ready   - Size: 2x...
Canada Red Cherry Tree
Erstellt von Smilies
Based on the Schubert cherry, also known as Canada Red cherry or Purple-leaved Chokecherry, known for being a hardy ornamental tree with early green leaves becoming dark red-purple in late spring Very common in the Pacific Northwest Built to be low poly wi...
Calypso Tower
Erstellt von Visu
Level-5 unique building - complete w/ ~3,300-tri LoD - high-tri LoD, but it's a unique building, so there's only one. I experienced no performance difficulties. If you notice either poor performance or zoom-out glitches, delete this building first and see ...
Canberra Townhouse 1 Variation
Erstellt von stevieb
I'm sorry to say it, but in the 120 years since terrace houses were developed in what is now our inner city suburbs, Australia has done medium density housing very badly. One notable exception though, are the townhouses designed by Willemsen Architects in ...
Carbonite Prisoners
Erstellt von m4gic
3 Prisoners in Carbonite Each a 1x1 circular building. Use Move-It to position them as you like. Low tri-count. 512 textures, default LODs Star Wars universe-inspired fan art....
Carcassonne avenue access
Erstellt von salutolive
An avenue entrance - 6X1 - road is not necessary to build it. No garbage, water or electricity. Custom asset and custom LOD. Part of the Carcassonne collection Ingame screen are from SeizHeurD...
Canton Tower - 广州塔
Erstellt von Miskale
Canton Tower - 广州塔 by M1sk4 Canton Tower (Chinese: 广州塔), formerly known as Guangzhou TV Astronomical and Sightseeing Tower (Chinese: 广州电视台天文及观光塔) and also known as Guangzhou Tower (Chinese: 广州塔), is a 600-metre (1,969 ft) tall multi-purpose observation tow...
Car Wash (Growable)
Erstellt von Leo Mystic Magic
I orginally made a larger "Foam N' Go" car wash and basically took part of that and made it a simpler growable. Here's the original asset Linked here
Cargo ship for HarborPack by --VIP--
Erstellt von Vip
Cargo ship by vip Sin was not to make such a ship as transportation in the game. ))))) In general, something like this. I hope you like my mod. If you like my fashion, please put me a good evaluation. So find out more about them people. )))) Most of these ...
Cart (荷車) - Prop
Erstellt von kei_em
A wooden cart. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
Casa moderna - 4x4 lvl4 LRes
Erstellt von tony_r_68 (Zed68)
"Let there be light"... Here's an update to an old modern house, the author never updated it but now I did. The old pre-AD version is here : Some stats... This is a level 4 4x4 Low Residential...
Caruta (Civil) Whitout Trailer
Erstellt von Nucity
EN: Civilian version of the "caruta" vehicle without trailer with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão civil do veículo "caruta" sem carroça com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follo...
Casimirianum, Coburg
Erstellt von Titan
The Casimirianum from Coburg, Germany The Casimirianum is a high school in a splendid Renaissance building in Coburg. The school was founded in 1605 having served as such for over 400 years continous existence. This Workshop item offers the building as a h...
Casino Sign (Light Animations)
Erstellt von Crazyglueit
Casino Sign by Crazyglueit This asset is an experiment of mine in testing the UV-Scrolling feature provided with the Afterdark DLC which will be required. The Lights around the edge will change colors and rotate. Most of the propertes are at 0. With electr...
Castle Tower
Erstellt von Daimond
Castle Tower - Used solo or with "Castle Wall to Tower 1 & 2" 1x1 Found under Electrical For best effect, use on flat ground. Requires to be places next to roads, and roads can be deleted after or during construction. by Daimond See Change Notes for detail...
Cathedral of St. Peter, Bautzen
Erstellt von Titan
Watch the YouTube video for the best information and impressions - A video shows more than 1000 pictures. This is the Cathedral of St. Peter from Bautzen Bautzen is a regional capital with a long history - and this is its cathedral. It is a gothic hall chu...
Castorama [LDC Lvl 3]
Erstellt von Khopa
Castorama Now updated for day/night cycle ! Castorama is a French retailer of DIY and home improvement tools and supplies founded in 1969. 103 stores in France, 50 in Poland, and 20 in Russia. The brand is owned by UK based company Kingfisher, and that's w...
CBMG OfficePark Building A L1
Erstellt von JakeURb8ty
CBMG OfficePark Building A L1 by Cobalt Mongoose Tris 159 Growable Office L1 4x4 Color Variations...
Erstellt von m4gic
Spawn as deer and wolf....
Ceiling Light
Erstellt von ManuRamos
Ceiling Light I implemented this lamp to be able to use it in my pedestrian tunnels It is located 3.5m from the ground Highly recommended MOD,s: - Find It! - Prop & Treee Anarchy - Prop Precision - Move It! - Prop Snapping I...
Centennial Milk Bar - Growable
Erstellt von Mntoes
Centennial Milk Bar, Ranfurly,New Zealand by mntoes Following requests I have issued a smaller growable version of this asset. The unique building version can be found here:- Ranfurly, a town...
Central European Theme
Erstellt von ZOSO
Climate: For orientation I've used climate data from Hannover, which is more or less in the centre of Germany, which is more or less in the centre of Europe. Disasters: As in real life: not many. There are no Tsunamis at all. Thunderstorms are the most lik...
Catherine's Gate, Brașov
Erstellt von Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background information and guides on how to use the building. This is Catherine's Gate from Brașov Catherine's Gate (Poarta Ecaterinei) is a former city gate in the old town of Brașov, Romania. It counts as the town's only survi...
Central Plaza - FINAL
Erstellt von Visu
Supertall office complex that employs about 3,000 workers, mostly highly educated. This version is complete with an LoD model, so it should look good from far away....
Central Space Agency HQ
Erstellt von APeeler
The Central Space Agency HQ is my contribution to the Alienware Shape the Horizon Contest. The Central Space Agency was founded in 1951 and has been protecting Earth’s Citizens from Extraterrestrial threats ever since! The building is nearly 300 meters tal...
Century Hotel (Tourism)
Erstellt von Leo Mystic Magic
Click Here for Low Commercial Version! My second Art Deco hotel. Based on the Miami Century Hotel. View photos of the real hotel here. This is an off shoot of the Breakwater Hotel I did. I figured that I already had the textures and uvw maps layed out, I m...
Château de Sully-sur-Loire (Centre, France)
Erstellt von Lemire
Château de Sully-sur-Loire by Lemire The château of Sully-sur-Loire dates from the end of the 14th century and is a prime example of medieval fortress. It was built at a strategic crossing of the Loire river. The château was expanded by Maximilien de Béthu...
Château de Suscinio (Bretagne, France)
Erstellt von Lemire
Château de Suscinio by Lemire The Château de Suscinio or de Susinio is a Breton castle, built in the late Middle Ages, to be the residence of the Dukes of Brittany. It is located in the commune of Sarzeau in the département of Morbihan, near the coast of t...
Chanel Shop
Erstellt von Raccoon
Chanel Shop Information: Chanel S.A. is a French, privately held company owned by Alain Wertheimer and Gérard Wertheimer, grandsons of Pierre Wertheimer, who was an early business partner of the couturière Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel. Chanel S.A. is a high fa...
Chain Bridge Lantern, Budapest, Hungary
Erstellt von Raccoon
Chain Bridge Lantern, Budapest, Hungary Information: The Széchenyi Chain Bridge (Hungarian: Széchenyi lánchíd) is a suspension bridge that spans the River Danube between Buda and Pest, the western and eastern sides of Budapest, the capital of Hungary. Desi...
Centrum Casino
Erstellt von ryanjamesoflondon
A stylish, compact skyscraper casino, for smaller footprints or urban settings. The Centrum Casino will pull in tourists from across the county. Can't be bothered to download all the props? Subscribe to my PROP COLLECTION and you'll never have to download ...
Cherry Blossoms Forest
Erstellt von kubernetes
Cherry Blossoms Forest by Edward De Gusri...
Chez Geze
Erstellt von Gruny
Chez Geze is a gourmet restaurant that earned its 3rd Michelin star for its excellence in 2018. Its bistro-style lunch is a delight for active Parisians, while its discovery menu, as a temporary interlude, will take you on a journey through a multitude of ...
Chicago Motor Club (Growable)
Erstellt von moxiecrimefighter
A 1x2 Level 3 High Density Commercial Growable Building 757 Tris 1024x1024 Textures: Diffuse, Spectral, Illumination, Normal...
Cherry Blossom
Erstellt von MrMaison
Cherry Blossom by MrMaison Introducing a Cherry Blossom to celebrate this spring season! This flowering tree type is very popular in Japan and around the world. There are many species and I do plan on making more in the future. I could not choose which one...
China Resources Building 香港华润大厦 HK Hong Kong
Erstellt von XDBX
华润大厦 China Resources Building ———————————————————————————————— 此资产有两个,一个是原版(不需要任何MOD),另一个是“Additiv shader”版(需要“Additiv shader”才能使用) There are two assets, one is the original (does not need any MOD), and the other is the "Additiv shader" version (requires "...
China pavilion at Expo 2010
Erstellt von dabaofu
China pavilion at Expo 2010 by dabaofu unique Space:10*10 Cost: 250000 Electricity:0 Maintenance: 0 ...
Church of Our Lady before Tyn
Erstellt von Tomas13TO
Church of Our Lady before Týn from Prague,(Czech Republic). The Church of Mother of God before Týn (in Czech Kostel Matky Boží před Týnem, also Týnský chrám (Týn Church) or just Týn), often translated as Church of Our Lady before Týn, is a dominant feature...
Chinese Restaurant Chang Chun (Growable) 長春樓
Erstellt von Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2017-03-14*** added color variation (see last 2 pictures); changed texture, now share texture with my other chinese restaurants (coming soon); reconstructed backyard model inspired by Manchinro Honten in Yokohama. This is the growable version. Fo...
Church: Stone Wall
Erstellt von Macwelshman] Church Collection This is a network stone wall designed to fit in with the 'St.Andrew's Church'] asset which is part of the 'Church: Collected' collection. Church: Stone Wall The corners are set to a small curve to avoid awkw...
Caruta (Citizen) Horse
Erstellt von Nucity
EN: Civil version of the "caruta" vehicl, only horse, with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão civill do veículo "caruta", somente cavalo, com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow...
City Hall - Londres [RICO]
Erstellt von _luminou_
City Hall - Londres City Hall is the headquarters of the Greater London Authority (GLA), which comprises the Mayor of London and the London Assembly. It is located in Southwark, on the south bank of the River Thames near Tower Bridge. It was designed by No...
Citroen [Ldc Lvl 2]
Erstellt von Khopa
Citroën Description (Wikipédia) : Citroën (French pronunciation: ​) is a major French automobile manufacturer, part of the PSA Peugeot Citroën group since 1976. Founded in 1919 by French industrialist André-Gustave Citroën (1878–1935), Citroën was the firs...
City Council Hall
Erstellt von dereck4
The Salt Lake City Council Hall sits on Capitol Hill, just south across the street from the Capitol Building in Utah. Construction completed on this building in 1866. It is known as the 'Old City Hall' and was designated a National Historic Landmark in 197...
Erstellt von Accapulco
A cistern or sarnıç (Turkish) is an underground water storage. A very rural asset you may want to use for small villages to add that extra bit of historic feel. Same stats as vanilla water tower, no noise pollution. Main - 280 / 512x256 LOD - 90 / 64x64...
Clarion Hotel 2 growable AD DLC leisure building
Erstellt von Kerias
This is a vanilla 3x4 leisure building from the After Dark DLC with the added logo of Clarion Hotel made by SvenBerlin. Unfortunately I couldn't hide the original "Game Station" logo in the left bottom corner of the building. I’ve mostly created it for mys...
Erstellt von SwiftyJake
CLARITY by SwiftyJake "Vibrant, Clear, Contrast" Brighter, crisp colors while slightly desaturated for a more realistic feel on a nice sunny day with defined shadows. Created for use on a Tropical map, still looks pretty good on other map types. Let me kno...
City Hall with new textures
Erstellt von Lennep
What has changed...? Colour map added, so the colour of the facade can be changed, as seen in the screenshots. Removed large open area in front of the building, so that it can be placed closer to the road or directly next to the road Roof colours edited so...
classic bridge
Erstellt von OI MATE SWISS
classic bridge by Swiss This is a very basic but common bridge. You can place it anywhere and build roads over it if you have the no pillar mod This mod has a custom made lod I hope you like it and if you have questions feel free to write them in the comme...
Classical Crematorium
Erstellt von r3load3d
Advanced crematorium with about twice the stats of the default crematorium. Reupload of a crematorium from Sir Samson, because the original was removed a while ago from the workshop. It had the "high-poly LOD error" so I created a custom LOD and adjusted s...
Clavicus Vile Statue
Erstellt von Sotonian
Clavicus Vile Statue from Skyrim...
Cloaca Minima - sewage outlet
Erstellt von macluk
New sewage outlet - Cloaca Minima (not as large as Cloaca Maxima). It always felt that those large sewage outlet pipes never fit in any city, especially old ones. So here it is, something that has been created in ancient Rome as well as just recently in XX...
Clone Troopers
Erstellt von m4gic
Clone Troopers (3 Male and 3 Female Tourists) Orange, Red, Blue; with data pad, blaster rifle, or empty-handed. Star Wars universe-inspired fan art Not my original model - found online with the following license information: Model Information: * title: Sta...
Erstellt von m4gic
3 imports with 4 color variations each for 12 women with various complexions and hues. Not for Snowfall Maps. ...
Clone Trooper (Police Officer)
Erstellt von m4gic
Works as a Police Officer in-game, but there are a couple small issues with the way the mesh warps when it moves at the knees and hips. Not huge issues, and the asset will be very small in-game, so I am posting it as-is for now and may edit it later. Also,...
Cloud Bush
Erstellt von bigriver76
Cloud Bush for my Above the Clouds map...
Clouds & Fog Toggler
Erstellt von BloodyPenguin Disable clouds and distance fog that blocks your view when zooming out. Also allows to disable industrial smog and edge fog. (configurable) I made this mod because clouds & fog rendering changed in After Dark update complete...
Club Anastasia
Erstellt von funker
Club Anastasia is in town. Dance all night long in Club Anastasia. Works best in your leisure quarters with it's fancy neons. Located under unique leisure buildings. Growable version may be uploaded some day. Tris: about 6500 YOU CAN DONATE ME SOME BUCKS T...
Club Alpha
Erstellt von funker
Club Alpha is coming to your town. Drink, dance and party all night long. Works best in your leisure quarters with it's fancy neons. If you like the Club Alpha, you might like the Green Man Crew, too.
Coal mine
Erstellt von Dr.connard
Old 4x3 coal mine. Compatible with After Dark extension....
Cobblestone Lane (1-tile wide)
Erstellt von Urbanist
Bring back the charm and elegance of the Old World with this delightful little cobblestone lane. This road was created at the request of Strictoaster - if you haven't checked out the awesome Nydal series, you should! Big thanks to Ronyx69 and AmiPolizeiFun...
Cobblestone road
Erstellt von Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a road (network). About the model A cobblestone road to go with my New England based theme for your old towns. Mostly a retexture of the standard road. They will transfer to other roads, bu...
College of Art and Design (COAD)
Erstellt von GDuath
College of Art and Design (COAD), inspired by the SANAA Cube in Essen, Germany. Properties are those of the standard university....
Club XXX
Erstellt von stmSantana
Club XXX ======================================== The Rural club & Liquor store with neon sign props(blink). ストリップクラブと酒屋が一体化したユニーク施設です。別途ネオンのプロップが必要です。 カクテルグラスのProp、アルファマスクの黒をグレーに変えたら遠距離で見えづらくなるのが解消されました。 逆に遠くからも太い線で表示されるので違和感が出たかも?バランスが難しい。 Type: Unique b...
Cobblestone (high-density)
Erstellt von boformer
Use 'More Beautification' to place the props. These are decal props, that means the texture will be placed directly on the terrain. To place the props in the water, get this mod. Subscribe to the collection to get all variations.
Cobblestone Pedestrian/Shared Street
Erstellt von Urbanist
UPDATE: Recommended to use Swanky Street by MrMiyagi instead It works properly Inspired by the Via Dante pedestrian street in Milan, Italy, this elegant cobblestone pedestrian / shared stree...
Columbia Center
Erstellt von ExtraNoise
This is the updated asset with optimized textures and night lights enabled! If you have a moment, please rate this asset! About The Columbia Center is Seattle’s most iconic building. Constructed between 1982 and 1985, it still claims the title of tallest b...
Colorful Summer Day
Erstellt von creativeDEX
Colorful Summer Day by Dexter Hi everyone, here is my color correction for a nice and beautiful summer day. The LUT has a bright shining sun, clear sky and a realistic colorful look. Note: I updated this LUT(old version: Realistic Sunlight)! Now this LUT w...
College of Science CS24
Erstellt von gido505
Model : 946 tris . lod 106 tris . 4x8 . stats about half as vanilla university Texture Maps : alpha . color . diffuse . specular . 1024 . lod 128 College of Science is a university with stats about half of vanilla which can accept 2000 university students....
Collegiate Church, Quedlinburg
Erstellt von Titan
Collegiate Church of St. Servatius, Quedlinburg The Church of St. Servatius is a magnificent Romanesque church in Quedlinburg, Germany. It forms the center of a castle and abbey complex and together with the picturesque half-timbered town a renowned world ...
Combine Citadel
Erstellt von WormSlayer
Combine Citadel by WormSlayer Works as a very high radius police station with zero electricity consumptiuon, but very high water requirement. Also employs quite a few people. Details: Cost: 250k Fire Hazard: 1 Fire Tolerance: 100 Garbage Accumulation: 50 M...
Commercial Building L1 1x2
Erstellt von Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
Compact Offices [growable, L1, 1x1]
Erstellt von Nairo
Small level 1 growable office building that fits in 1x1 spaces. custom model (492 tris, 1024x1024 Texture d/c/s)...
Commercial Air Transport - Blimp
Erstellt von creepyeyes
The future is here - let your cims travel in style in these high-tech, futuristic air ships! The Commercial Air Transport is a long-distance sci-fi aircraft with four stories of cabins, plus amenities and utilities for the passengers. In the originally rel...
Concord Tower
Erstellt von Visu
Level-5 Unique Building supertall - complete with identical LoD model (this will look exactly the same from far away) - each model has about 2,200 tris. The LoD is a bit high-poly, but it's a unique building, so it shouldn't cause problems. Employs 425. Cr...
container community camp
Erstellt von Thokari
L1 4x4 LDR based on geniusloci2001's container home. "The council can't decide between allowing this weirdly grown makeshift-hightech camp to stay offgrid and tolerate the food and medical-herb distribution or just bulldoze the whole place (including the s...
container store1 lvl1
Erstellt von Queen Elisa
container store1 lvl1 by geniusloci2001...
Conrade Rows Office Building
Erstellt von Bad Tempered Raven
Specs Office Building 4x4 Level 3 Base Mesh Tris: 1273 LOD tris: 185 Diffuse: 2048x2048 LOD Diffuse: 1024x1024 Thanks for take a peek! some feedback would be very nice...
container community-shelter L1
Erstellt von Thokari
lvl1 3x3 LDC based on geniusloci200's containerstore lvl1. "It's actually offgrid, but the council, you know...? Entering the rooftop-café at your own risk, no liability." Disclaimer: Residential and commercial buildings of the Transitional Urban Agricultu...
Contemporary Resort Monorail Station
Erstellt von Crazyglueit
MULTI TRACK MONORAIL STATION Based on Disney's Contemporary Resort located in Walt Disney World near Orlando, Florida. This Station contains 3 Monorail Tracks. All working with stop lines. Plot Size - 16x8 Main - Tris 8,510 /...
Contemporary Low-Rise Apartments
Erstellt von nutty crunch
This modern low-rise apartment block is a four-storey residential block of flats. These apartments have a contemporary & modern style and fit a 3x3 grid. The apartments fit in almost any city, including European, American and International cities. This blo...
Conwy Pharmacy
Erstellt von Lost Gecko
Traditional pharmacy from the town of Conwy, Wales. Works as a 1x2 small clinic with 50-80% lower stats. The pharmacy only has 1 ambulance for urgent home services, but sick people will just walk to it, which shouldn't be a problem for little towns. Don't ...
coop-café L1
Erstellt von Thokari
lvl1 2x2 LDC based on Blood God's Small Shops. "Fairtrade coffee, organic food and groceries. You can even hang out with some cake and hot drinks to listen to the life's story of the carrots you just bought..." Disclaimer: Residential and commercial buildi...
Cossack's Army Monument (Krasnodar, Russia)
Erstellt von furious
Description has been translated by machine translator. Sorry if the text contain stupid mistakes. The obelisk in honor of the 200th Anniversary of the Kuban Cossack army — a monument in Krasnodar, at the intersection of the Krasnaya and Budyonny streets. B...
Crate Prop Pack
Erstellt von Feindbold
Its a pack of crates, 6 different props, search for crate in find it Triangles: Its crates, its not an horrible high amount Textures: Small I love to model buildings, if you really like my buildings/mods and you are feeling generous you can donate me a few...
Corsair office growable vanilla building
Erstellt von Kerias
This is a vanilla 3x4 level 1 office building with the added logo of Corsair made by BUL | NøKompass. I’ve mostly created it for myself but it could be useful for someone who don’t want to mess around with the Prop anarchy mod or are using a computer with ...
Erstellt von m4gic
OH MY GOD BECKY, RUN!!!! Uses the male tourist armature...because it ate him....
Crimson King
Erstellt von MrMaison
Crimson King by MrMaison Crimson King is a red-leaved cultivar of the Norway Maple family. It is used in many landscaping situations that call for a splash of color. Enjoy planting these in your special areas of your cities. This is the second tree special...
Couvent des Récollets [Belgium]
Erstellt von Lost Gecko
Traditional monastery from Nivelles, Belgium. Level 3 unique building. Started over 2 years ago, this building from my hometown is finally finished! The foundation of this convent dates back to the 12th century, and its gothic church was built in the 16th ...
CSOA Blue Ebo
Erstellt von X20AthiNN3R
CSOA Blue Ebo by X20AthiNN3R Low commercial, leisure 4X4...
CSL Map View
Erstellt von Gansaku
CSL Map View (Current version 4.4.7) This mod draws a image of map. Exactly, it is another external executable (CSLMapView.exe; bundled with the mod) to draw the map. The mod only outputs data file for that. If mod or viewer don't run, send comment with co...
CTCN Transport - Blimp
Erstellt von creepyeyes
The CTCN Transport hovers over the city, humming as it drifts through the rain and fog, protecting its passengers within from the pollution and elements outside. It's back! And this time it's functional! You may remember my old CTCN Transport asset, a simp...
CTNX - Data Center Upgrade Segment
Erstellt von GCVos
Intradat Systems proudly presents the ultimate solution in IT infrastructure, data security and power management. This Tier IV Gold certified facility is completely self-reliant and will safeguard your city during DDoS attacks, power outages, hurricanes an...
CTNX - Tier IV Data Center
Erstellt von GCVos
Intradat Systems proudly presents the ultimate solution in IT infrastructure, data security and power management. This Tier IV Gold certified facility is completely self-reliant and will safeguard your city during DDoS attacks, power outages, hurricanes an...
Cube 003 [RICO]
Erstellt von _luminou_
Cube 003 Low Density Residential Level: 5 Size: 4 x 4 Contain all texture and LOD files, no color change Rico Setting Residential Low Density Homes: 2 Cost: 10.000...
Cube design
Erstellt von _luminou_
Cube design 002 Low Density residential lvl 3 3*3 Contain _d _i _s and LOD files...
Cubicare Clinic
Erstellt von funker
The Cubicare Clinic by funker A little side project until something bigger is coming to you. Just a little neighborhood clinic for your sick cims. You can use it in every theme, even as a wall 2 wall clinic in your european citys. It might look good as wel...
Cubus resident
Erstellt von Glugeck
Cubus resident rico plopable low residental cost 3000 A modern tenement building. I hope you can use it. ...
custom office building 2x3 L1
Erstellt von nosh
Small office building by cpt_nosh. Basically my first building done myself including the textures. No custom LOD, 832 Tris, 2x3 Level 1 Office Building. Glad about Feedback aswell as suggestions on what to improve/ do next....
Cyber Building
Erstellt von Hyena
Cyber Building Unic building --Tris-- Model: 1060 Lod: 780 Update: Light fixed....
Erstellt von cash
CYBER KIT 01 A set of 6 props that can be attached to existing buildings to "CYBERPUNKIFY" them Preferably you would use the the Procedural Objects Mod to scale, rotate and mirror to fit your build. TRIS: 32-2004 / 1024x1024 d,c,n AUTOGENERATED LODS nardo'...
Erstellt von cash
CYBER SCREENS A pack of 8 cyberpunk styled monitors and two server racks (props) TRIS: 44-432 / 512X1024 d,c,n,i,a AUTOGENERATED LODS nardo's cyberpunk discord CYBERPUNK SCI-FI FUTURISTIC DYSTOPIAN COMPUTERS SCREEN HACKER cash...
Cyberpunk - Flying Turtle Noodle Bar
Erstellt von cyberglum
The Flying Turtle Noodle Bar Blimp Drawing inspiration from various sci-fi sources I designed The Flying Turtle Noodle Bar to bring some cyberpunk flavour to your city. It acts as a Blimp in-game with a slightly slower movem...
Cyberpunk - 4 Pack Ad. Kiosk Props
Erstellt von cyberglum
4 Pack Ad. Kiosk Props A Pack of 4 Kiosks designed as scatter props for street, markets, malls etc. 2 x Basic Advert Kiosk 1 x Delamain Cab Company Kiosk 1x Street Lavatory (Out of Order) Kiosk
Cyberpunk - G-Systems Lobo Crusier
Erstellt von cyberglum
G-Systems Lobo Crusier A cyberpunk/sci-fi replacement for the basic civilian car. Thanks to the members of the CSFC Discord Server for their help and feedback. ...
Cyberpunk - Holo Van
Erstellt von cyberglum
Cyberpunk - Holo Van I just thought it would be good to have holos moving around the city's streets. Acts as an Industrial Delivery Vehicle. Thanks to the members of the CSFC Discord Server for their help and feedback. ...
Cyberpunk - Delamain Cab Company
Erstellt von cyberglum
Delamain Cab Company Delamain was an AI that took control over a failing taxi business within Night City. After a few changes and the incorporation of AI driven cabs, Delamain turned the business into one of the city's most ...
Cyberpunk - Kaneda's Bike - Vehicle
Erstellt von cyberglum
Shotaro Kaneda's Bike from the movie Akira Kaneda's futuristic motorcycle has become an iconic feature of the series. As the group's leader, Kaneda is entitled to have the most technologically and aesthetically advanced bike...
CyberPunk 2077 Car
Erstellt von haddenj
Not mine, I found this on a 3d model website (forgot the creators name, im hoping it will pop up somewhere)...
Cyberpunk Mars Board
Erstellt von nardo
Really having fun creating assets lately.. Anyways, Enjoy!...
Cyberpunk style Animated Signs, PACK of 3 (REGULAR SIZE)
Erstellt von Jimbo_WestCoast
Three signs, two are scrolling LEDs with various real and fake company logos. They are around 8m in size (largest dimension). One scrolls vertically, other horizontally. Both have a curve shape to wrap around corners. The third is Atari which has animated ...
Cyberpunk 2077 Vending Machines
Erstellt von nardo
Back from a loooong Hiatus.. Sorry about that. These Brands are represented in this Asset: - Shwab Fried Ants - Tiancha Kumquat Tea Drink - Mixitup! - Burritoxxl - Orgiatic Food Goo Happy to have these decorate your Futuristic City. More Cyberpunk2077 Asse...
Cyberpunk style Warning Signs, Double-Sided, Two Languages, Animated with Flashing - PACK of 4 signs
Erstellt von Jimbo_WestCoast
Keep your citizens safe, secure, and obedient with these double-sided animated WARNING signs. Security Level Bio Security Level Air Quality Water Rationing Level Find these in your inventory with FindIt mod, search for cybersign_warning_...
Cyberpunk Tower 20A
Erstellt von Jimbo_WestCoast
This is a very tall dark but well-lit and menacing Cyberpunk building. It serves no purpose in the game, just purely for looks. The ground floor isn't decorated, I suggest you add some life to it by using one of my Cyberpunk Storefronts with it - You can f...
Cyberpunk Tower 20D
Erstellt von Jimbo_WestCoast
This is the second in the series after "20A". This is a very tall dark but well-lit and menacing Cyberpunk building. It serves no purpose in the game, just purely for looks. The ground floor isn't decorated, I suggest you add some life to it by using one o...
Cyberpunk Tower 20E
Erstellt von Jimbo_WestCoast
Third in a series of very tall Cyberpunk-style buildings. This building serves no purpose, it's just . . . there . . . Many of the signs are animated (scrolling)....
Cyberpunk-style Neon signs, PACK of 13
Erstellt von Jimbo_WestCoast
These signs are all animated, and have larger then usual poly/tri count because each sign is a mesh. There are two packs of 13, this is the second one. To find them in your inventory, use FindIt mod and search for cybersign_neon_...
Cyberpunk-style Shopfront Facades - PACK of 8
Erstellt von Jimbo_WestCoast
These are 8 props (not buildings), some with animated signs. You can find them in your inventory by using FindIt mod, search for cyberpunk_shopfront File size is a bit high due to high mesh detail and 1024x2048 texture sizes...
Cyberpunk2077 Benches Pack
Erstellt von Elektrotek
Cyberpunk2077 Benches by Elektrotek...
Cyberpunk2077 Video Ad Billboards (FOOD) (animated) - PACK of 7
Erstellt von Jimbo_WestCoast
These are billboards seen in the game Cyberpunk2077. They are animated, and a bit larger than some signs due to 4096x256 texture size and detailed frame mesh. There is another pack of signs from the same collection, with mostly NON-FOOD Ads. In this pack a...
Cybertech Doorways
Erstellt von m4gic
Two cybertech doors - one solid and one with a holo-shield....
Cynth's Modern Subway Station (deprecated)
Erstellt von Cynth
!This asset recives no further updates and support! /// Compatibility for any DLC andOr Addon since After Dark isn't guaranteed \\\ Get the updated version from Jiangtan of the Modern Subway Station here:
Cynth's Pearl Tower (Residential Growable)
Erstellt von Cynth
Cynth's Pearl Tower (3x4 / 3x3 Residential Growable) Modern panorama skyscraper for everyone who dislikes edges :) Grows on level 5 high residential zones and takes 3x3 or 3x4 fields. Version 1.4 release - mesh overhaul - texture improvements - multi color...
Cyberpunk Tower 20B
Erstellt von Jimbo_WestCoast
Last (?) in my series of large Cyberpunk style buildings. See my workshop for the other towers, if you like this one. This building serves no function in the game. File size is a bit large due to fine details in the mesh, and 2K texture size....
Cypress Tree
Erstellt von ryanjamesoflondon
A new version of my Cypress Tree, matching existing assets more closely. It has lower triangle count (262), and custom thumbnail. Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If y...
Dark Matter Power Station
Erstellt von Alucard
Power station in sci-fi style. Main tris: 2,114 LOD tris: 26 Texture size: 1024x1024 Upkeep: 672 Cost: 460,000 Power Output: 1920 MW...
Dark Green
Erstellt von creativeDEX
Dark Green by Dexter Hi everyone, This LUT comes with a darker green color, higher contrast and a realistic saturation. The green colors of bushes and trees will look better together and not so different like as normal. Night atmosphere looks more realisti...
Dbella Statue
Erstellt von Sotonian
Dbella Statue from Skyrim (note, texture on preview image was taken wrongly, it is correct in game)...
Dark Modern House CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Dark Modern House CC Including normal maps. Because Artists create Art. It uses the 2x2 Level 5 Slot, there are too much ugly buildings. Highly opimized Tris Account (Low End PC performace friendly). Send me a money giftcard via paypal to cushycrux@hotmail...
Amish Buggy (Hearse) Wagon
Erstellt von Nucity
EN: Hearse version of the "Amish Buggy" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão rabecão do veículo "Amish Buggy" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on your...
Caruta (Hearse) Cart
Erstellt von Nucity
EN: Deathcare version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão rabecão do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on your favori...
Decorative Grass
Erstellt von pdelmo
88 Triangles and 256x256 texture....
Caruta (Delivery) Cart
Erstellt von Nucity
EN: Delivery version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão comercial (entrega) do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on ...
Demag Molten Iron Ladle Car (Prop Pack)
Erstellt von REV0
DEMAG Jünkerath Molten Iron Torpedo cars are used to carry molten pig iron and steel. Sometimes, depending the factory, torpedo cars are used to carry hazardous material and any used dangerous liquid used in steel production operations. Prop pack consists ...
Della Salute of Venice
Erstellt von matmilne
The Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute was begun in 1631 in response to the black death that swept through Venice in the 1600s. Guarding the entrance to the Grand Canal, and overlooking the Piazza San Marco, this ornate baroque masterpiece resembles a be...
Derelict Water tower
Erstellt von ArakanI
An old derelict water tower. Will be made into a working water tower when its possible....
Desert Moon of Mons Mensa Prime
Erstellt von m4gic
Nothing but sand, rocks, uranium ore and a naturally-occurring mineral sludge. This desolate desert moon circles a green gas giant and bakes under a sweltering alien sun. If it weren't for the nightlife there would be no life on this dusty rock. * * * * Hi...
Department of Natural Resources
Erstellt von AliTarGz
Department of Natural Resources - GREEN. Model info: Tris: 6216 Texture size = 1024x1024 Texture types = d, i, s LOD info: Tris = 1950 Texture = 256x256 Texture types = d, i, a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Destiny Black Peregrine
Erstellt von DTOX
Destiny Black Peregrine by DTOX FTW ---- new Prop version is now included ---- UPDATE DEC 2022: I've updated the model and textures and it now includes the new prop version The original designs are of course property of the Developer, Bungie. Every scifi, ...
Destiny Echo Zero
Erstellt von DTOX
Destiny Echo Zero by DTOX FTW<----- Prop version is available here. Futuristic Spaceship from the game Destiny. The original designs are of course property of the Developer, Bungie. Check out other items in my workshop! :) h...
Digione Strasse 14
Erstellt von X20AthiNN3R
Digione Strasse 14 by X20AthiNN3R Low Commercial leisure 4X4 coffe shop, kebab, underground club...
Destiny Wander CER
Erstellt von DTOX
Destiny Wander CER by DTOX FTW<----- Prop version is available here. Futuristic Spaceship from the game Destiny. The original designs are of course property of the Developer, Bungie. Check out other items in my workshop! :) ...
Deutsche Bank
Erstellt von SvenBerlin
Deutsche Bank by Svenpotsdam L1 commercial 3x2 growable after dark updated One of my first assets i tried to model when game cames out. So please be nice to me .-)...
Dijon Shop 1 [France]
Erstellt von Lost Gecko
Traditional half-timbered house with a restaurant on the ground floor from Dijon, France. Level 2 1x2 low-density commercial. Changes Most importantly: better scaling no more questionable (I mean disgustingly obnoxious) colour variations handmade LOD textu...
Dijon Shop 2 [France]
Erstellt von Lost Gecko
Traditional 2-storeys wall-to-wall half-timbered town house from Dijon, France with a shop on the ground floor. Level 1 1x2 low-density commercial. Colour variations on the plaster. Model main model tris: 511 textures: 512x1024 (diffuse-normal-specular-col...
District 9 Dropship
Erstellt von DTOX
District 9 Dropship by DTOX FTW<----- Prop version is available here. Every futuristic and/or scifi city needs a spaceship! Several more spacecrafts in my workshop. Enjoy! :) "The Drop-ship was the command module to the Moth...
District Recycling Hub
Erstellt von dazflint
District Recycling Hub by dazflint This lot is a small (3x1) roadside recycling depot. It sends 2 or 3 garbage trucks out over a small area (less than 1km radius). It's cheap to build (€1500) and cheap to run (€80/wk). It doesn't pollute, although it is mo...
Disorderly wire \ 混乱电线
Erstellt von 黑桃A
There are 22 kinds of wire props in this package , 7 Horizontals & 8 Verticals & 3 Corners & 4 Grounds. The wire will swing , Need to subscribe to flag params of R69 , Support conversion to Procedural Objects. tag: Disorderly wire -------------------------...
District Style: Magic and Fantasy
Erstellt von m4gic
Scenes from Goblinwood and Elven Isles custom maps. Subscribe to All in the Collection....
District Style: Medieval Town
Erstellt von m4gic
A town betwixt the Dark Ages and the Renaissance; a mix of half-timber & straw buildings with plaster shells and thatched roofs and newer buildings in stone with tile roofs. The middle or medieval age saw the birth of some of the greatest cities; from humb...
District Style: Medieval Village
Erstellt von m4gic
In this village it's farming and timber that are the main drivers of industry. Life is simple and hard. We keep a candle burning in the little wooden shrine. A palisade keeps the livestock in and the neighboring tribes out...for now. *** *** *** *** *** Th...
District Style: Modern Low & Mid Rise
Erstellt von m4gic
A mix of mid to late 20th and early 21st Century residential, office, commercial buildings limited to 1-4 stories for low density and 10-15 stories for high density. Collection: Images are s...
Erstellt von DMATH
Will fix it up proper one day. I haz work to goto -Is low cost to run, OP. But it's alot of money to buy -It's a police station but a tower! -I am running out of words -Model is under 980 for everything (i think?) ...
Erstellt von DMATH
Now before you all winge and minge, this model is only 238 polys and the texture is 512 by 512. Textures PNG because STFU thats why. -Comes with lights!!! -Does 19 -Has a noticeable boost in crime fighting because its the future! -Has four wheels -That -Go...
Erstellt von DMATH
Now before you all winge and minge, this model is only 318 polys and the texture is 512 by 512. Textures PNG because STFU thats why. -Comes with lights!!! -Does 21 -Has a small boost in crime fighting because its the future! -Has four wheels -That -Go -Rou...
Erstellt von DMATH
Just a prop...
District Style: Cyberpunk
Erstellt von m4gic
A set of futuristic cyberpunk buildings in a growable style as well as an assortment of ploppable buildings in the Collection above. **** Perfect for (and images from) the maps Ultima Thule (
Erstellt von DMATH
Just a prop. Wanted to make it animate buuuuuuuttttttttt...
Erstellt von DMATH
Just a prop for stuff....
DMATHS SmallPoliceStationPrefab
Erstellt von DMATH
Im sick of counting polys so it's under 400 i guess, tris, faces, edges, all that nonsence, under 400. Texture is 1024 and png because of reasons -Goes great with my police cars i made. -There are two props you need or want, depends really,a police sign an...
Dome Subway Station - Zero Noise Emission
Erstellt von _luminou_
Dome Subway Station Ideal for your Cities, to install in city center, near constructions or houses. This Subway Station does no release any sound !! Size : 4 x 4 Contain all texture and lod files Triangles: 940 / 248 Weight: 15.29 / 4.14 Texture: 1024x512 ...
Don Quijote - Kabukicho
Erstellt von Skoots
Inspired by the Don Quijote in Kabukicho Japan. Created for a friend using Blender 2.8 by Skoots...
Don Quixote-Japanese shop
Erstellt von pekorin
Don Quixote Japanese shop Commercial High H3 SIZE 4x4 This building will be buried in the ground with it to be installed on the slopes . I wish to be installed in the Flat ground. 日本の激安の殿堂 ドン.キホーテ 高密度商業区 Lv3 サイズ 4x4 斜面に設置すると建物が埋まってしまうので平面に設置してください。 Shop ne...
Don Sushi
Erstellt von X20AthiNN3R
Don Sushi by X20AthiNN3R Commercial low. level 1 3X4...
Double Stogie Enterprises
Erstellt von Enos Shenk
Double Stogie Enterprises is a take on a classic SC4 building in Skylines. 3x3 Industrial L2 growable, lots of smoke and coughing....
Downtown Elementary School
Erstellt von Smilies
Made for a downtown environment, designed to be used modularly with recent condo assets and Grant Park assets in the modern condo collection. 8x7 elementary school, same stats as vanilla school 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color Main mesh:...
DR 232 Demag Molten Iron (3Cars)
Erstellt von REV0
DBAG, DEMAG Jünkerath Molten Steel The DR 130 family of locomotives comprises the DR Class 130 (DBAG Class 230), DR Class 131 (DBAG Class 231), DR Class 132 (DBAG Class 232 as well as Classes 233, 234 and 241 produced through modifications) and DR Class 14...
DR 232 Demag Molten Iron (5Cars)
Erstellt von REV0
DBAG, DEMAG Jünkerath Molten Steel/Iron The DR 130 family of locomotives comprises the DR Class 130 (DBAG Class 230), DR Class 131 (DBAG Class 231), DR Class 132 (DBAG Class 232 as well as Classes 233, 234 and 241 produced through modifications) and DR Cla...
Erstellt von m4gic
8 different colors - white, silver, gold, bronze, black, red, green, & blue. Functions as a "seagull" Drawback: You can only see it when you are fairly close to it....
Dragon Statue
Erstellt von Wen
Dragon Statue by Wen Size : 4x6 Construction cost: 30000 Maintenace cost: 700 Electricity consumption: 10 Tourists High/Low/Medium: 200/200/200 Workers Educated/Highly/Uneducated/Well: 5/5/5/5 Attractiveness: 100 Entertainment: 150 Entertainment Radius: 50...
Erstellt von m4gic
Functions as a garbage dump and can spawn flying dragons. Dragon model in 8 colors included. ...
Drosovilas modern theatre.
Erstellt von Drosovila
Drosovilas modern theatre. Nothing too flashy, but I need it for rebuilding my hometown and figured, I'd share :) -level 6 unique building (stats based off of "theatre of wonders) -740 tris, 1024 texture res. custom LOD(256x textures, 100 tris)...
Drosos Digital Beijing Building
Erstellt von Drosovila
IRL The digital beijing building was used as a datacentre during the olympia 2008 and now serves as a museum about technology and stuff. Ingame -Based off of the "Science Center" so its a Level 5 unique building. -16x8 size The Model Main: -1600 tris -1024...
Duchère Tower - 4x4 High lvl5 residential
Erstellt von tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Good day Skyliners ! I'm back... again... again (oh, I don't know actually how many times I left and came back...) Real life you know... real problems sometimes ;) First let's talk about the bad things... for the first time I will ask your support if you l...
DT&R Ad Ship Cyberpunk 2077
Erstellt von nardo DT&R Ad Ship Nothing like the fresh smell of Rocket Exhaust in the Morning.. This Asset includes: Blimp version Individual Props Cyberpunk 2077, including its visual components, characters, storylines, artwork, animations, ...
Dysto-Guy Cyberpunk advert PACK 1
Erstellt von Dysto-Guy
Here's a pack of 4 cyberpunk themed advert art that I have made myself. They come in 2 variation: -horizontal -vertical (with few change to the AD themself to make them look good in both format).
Dystopia LUT
Erstellt von Domattee
I was upset that crime and disease ridden superfund sites looked all cheery and colorful. They are less so with this LUT. I might have overdone it with the darkness! This is the brick building seen in the first and the last screenshot: http://steamcommunit...
Erstellt von m4gic
You know what they say... ..."you can take the dwarf out of the mine but if you try to take the warhammer away from the dwarf you're going to regret it"... A male and female dwarf using the young adult armatures....
Early Spring
Erstellt von m4gic
This is a Winter Climate theme, so you will need the Snowfall expansion for full effect. The grass is changed from white to white and speckled gray, the ground appears a little bit greener, and there is less snowfall than a pure winter map, as well as many...
Ebisu East Gallery 1.1
Erstellt von Paradox
Ebisu East Gallery in Japan. Restaurant, banquet hall. Same stats as Courthouse mostly, for balance. 4x4 size, unique level 3 building. update: added reflections to windows....
Eclectic Construction L1 2x3
Erstellt von BoldlyBuilding If you'd like to support and motivate me in my work, please contribute via PayPal or Ko-Fi! An L1 lot in a stage of early con...
Earthfast Houses (Set)
Erstellt von Titan
4 simple earthfast houses A pack of early medieval earthfast house. These houses have been used through big parts of european early history, roughly between the stone age and late middle ages. Included are 4 different houses (small, medium, big, court), 3 ...
Eclectic Construction L1 3x3
Erstellt von BoldlyBuilding If you'd like to support and motivate me in my work, please contribute via PayPal or Ko-Fi! An L1 lot in a stage of early con...
Eclectic Construction L1 3x4
Erstellt von BoldlyBuilding If you'd like to support and motivate me in my work, please contribute via PayPal or Ko-Fi! An L1 lot in a stage of early con...
Eclectic Construction L2 2x4
Erstellt von BoldlyBuilding If you'd like to support and motivate me in my work, please contribute via PayPal or Ko-Fi! An L2 lot in a stage of advanced ...
Eclectic Construction L2 3x2
Erstellt von BoldlyBuilding If you'd like to support and motivate me in my work, please contribute via PayPal or Ko-Fi! An L2 lot in a stage of advanced ...
Eclectic Construction L2 2x3
Erstellt von BoldlyBuilding If you'd like to support and motivate me in my work, please contribute via PayPal or Ko-Fi! An L2 lot in a stage of advanced ...
Eclectic Construction L2 3x3
Erstellt von BoldlyBuilding If you'd like to support and motivate me in my work, please contribute via PayPal or Ko-Fi! An L2 lot in a stage of advanced ...
Eclectic Construction L2 4x3
Erstellt von BoldlyBuilding If you'd like to support and motivate me in my work, please contribute via PayPal or Ko-Fi! An L2 lot in a stage of advanced ...
Eclectic Construction L2 3x4
Erstellt von BoldlyBuilding If you'd like to support and motivate me in my work, please contribute via PayPal or Ko-Fi! An L2 lot in a stage of advanced ...
Eco Commercial 1
Erstellt von Twink315
I always found the green cities commercials lacking... thus i thought i fix the issue. Information: Lvl 3 high density commercial. Aviable in 4 diffrent colours! Size 3x4 Feel free to leave a comment!...
Eclectic Construction L2 4x2
Erstellt von BoldlyBuilding If you'd like to support and motivate me in my work, please contribute via PayPal or Ko-Fi! An L2 lot in a stage of advanced ...
Eco Commercial Small 1
Erstellt von Twink315
Eco Commercial Small 1 by Twink315 Lvl 3 High density commercial Building. Size 1x1 Feel Free to leave a comment!...
Eco Commercial 2
Erstellt von Twink315
Eco Commercial 2 by Twink315 High Density Lvl 3 Commercial! Size 4x4 Vanilla Pimped model to fit with thee green cities theme! Feel Free to leave a comment!...
Eco Commercial 6
Erstellt von Twink315
Eco Commercial 6 by Twink315 And the next high density eco commercial! Lvl 3 Building! Size: 3x2 The tree utilized for it is a good looking low tris tree. Don't worry about performance! Feel Free to leave a comment!...
Eco Commercial 7
Erstellt von Twink315
Eco Commercial 7 by Twink315 Lvl 3 High density commercial building. Size 2x3 Aviable in 4 colours! Feel Free to leave a comment!...
Eco Commercial 9
Erstellt von Twink315
Eco Commercial 9 by Twink315 Lvl 3 High density commercial Size 4x4 Feel Free to Leave a comment!...
Eco Commercial Small 2
Erstellt von Twink315
Eco Commercial Small 2 by Twink315 Lvl 3 High Density Commercial! Size 1x1 Feel Free to leave a comment!...
Eco Fire Station
Erstellt von Twink315
Eco Fire Station by Twink315 Similar stats like a normal big fire station. Slight less garbage and sevage accumulation and a little bit less upkeep. Fitting perfectly into your eco friendly city!...
Eco Commercial 8
Erstellt von Twink315
Eco Commercial 8 by Twink315 High Density 4x4 Commercial! Similar to a previous one but with far more trees! Feel Free to leave a comment!...
Eco Industry 2
Erstellt von Twink315
Eco Industry 2 by Twink315 Lvl 3 Industry. Size 4x4 Feel free to leave a comment...
Eco Industry 3
Erstellt von Twink315
Eco Industry 3 by Twink315 Lvl 3 Industry. Size 4x4 Feel Free to leave a comment!...
Eco Industry 4
Erstellt von Twink315
Eco Industry 4 by Twink315 Lvl 3 Industry size 3x3...
Eco Industry 1
Erstellt von Twink315
Eco Industry 1 by Twink315 Lvl 3 Industry. Size 4x4 Feel Free to leave a comment!...
Eco Industry 5
Erstellt von Twink315
Eco Industry 5 by Twink315 Feel the ecolove! Lvl 3 Industry. Size 2x2 Feel Free to leave a comment!...
Eco Industry 6
Erstellt von Twink315
Eco Industry 6 by Twink315 Lvl 3 Industry. Size 4x4 Eco eco eco! Feel free to leave a comment!...
Eco Industry 7
Erstellt von Twink315
Eco Industry 7 by Twink315 Lvl 3 Industry! Size 1x1...
Eco Industry 8
Erstellt von Twink315
Eco Industry 8 by Twink315 Lvl 3 Industry Size 4x4...
Eco Industry 9
Erstellt von Twink315
Eco Industry 9 by Twink315 Lvl 3 Industry. Size 2x3 i think.. or was it 2x4 or 4x2... i am confusing things fastly.. Feel free to leave a comment!...
Edificio Tiradentes (RICO)
Erstellt von hqsouza
Edificio Tiradentes The Edificio Tiradentes (Tiradentes Building) has 26 floors and about 90m high. It is located in Belo Horizonte, Brazil and it's where the offices of the state representatives of Minas Gerais are located. It is an unique building, level...
EGames Arena
Erstellt von m4gic
Welcome to the EGames Arena! Teams from around the world will come to your city to compete in this state of the art facility, and they will inspire legions of their fans to make the trip, too. EGames are the fastest-growing sports in the world; and now you...
Eco Police Station
Erstellt von Twink315
Eco Police Station by Twink315 A bit more expensive than the normal big police station but less garbage accumulation and less electricity consumption! Have fun!...
EGames University Campus
Erstellt von m4gic
Congratulations! You've been accepted to the EGames Campus of Cim University, where every aspect of e-sports - from designing and programming games to the mechanics of how humans experience them - is explored in detail. Our graduates go on to create and ma...
Einstoffen Armed Angels Shops LowCom L3 3x2
Erstellt von Kookess
Einstoffen / Armed Angels Shops -Low Commercial Level 3, Size 3x2 -Growable and RICO -With Lights and 4 Color Variations Made with ArchiCAD and Blender If that one is not working for you, try the Growable only Version:
El Mousshine Mosque
Erstellt von jeremy.thunder
El Mousshine Mosque Background: I wanted a low key mosque for my youtube series Vogelstad and wanted to challenge myself on my next project with some more unique textures. I still have a lot to learn about asset creation, the scaling on this is a little of...
Eiscafé (growable)
Erstellt von bennymedia
Eiscafé (growable) by bennymedia (Updated V 1.1, ready for After Dark) A little ice cream parlour, grows on commercial low, level 3 on 4x4 plots. Uses color variations. 1048x1048 texture map, 999 Tris, LOD Feel free to check out the rest of my workshop: ht...
Elementary School
Erstellt von jens
This is an elementary school and it's meant to perfectly fit your euro-style residential blocks. A large bell tower will make sure none of your children will miss their classes and provide a widely visible clock for the entire town. Info: 4400 triangles, 4...
Elven Isles
Erstellt von m4gic
The hidden and magical Haven to the West. Subscribe to the Collection for everything you need....
Elven Cottages
Erstellt von m4gic
Three elven cottages (Level one, 1x and 2x size)....
Elevated Double Track Train Station
Erstellt von Tomcat
Hello all, I would like to share elevated double floor -double track- train station with you. It has two seperate tracks and floors top of each other. This building is heavily inspired by Dubai Metro Station. BloodyPenguin helped a lot in creating process ...
Erstellt von m4gic
Graceful and strong. These ancient beings are a vanguard of the Light. Using child, teen, young adult, worker, educated, and elder armatures for both sunny and winter maps (If you have a LOD problem disable the Elf Child Male assets - both sunny and winter...
ELVIS Korean PRUGIO apartment
Erstellt von ELVIS
ELVIS PRUGIO apartment is now availabe. If you want to help my modding,Please Donate here!! or and don't forget to rate and subscribe!!\ 엘비스의 푸르지오 아파트가 이용가능합니다! 저의 모딩에 도움을 주시고 싶으시다면 페이팔을 통해 기부 부탁드립니다 그리고 평점과 구독 잊지마시고요!...
ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico,Growable)
Erstellt von ELVIS
머리말 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico)는 대한민국 아파트 브랜드인 래미안 아파트를 창작한 버전입니다. 이 아파트는 실제 판상형 아파트들을 모티브로 하여 제작되었습니다 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico) 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico).crp ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2.crp 도움 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico)는 ...
ELVIS Shinhan bank
Erstellt von ELVIS
에셋 소개 신한은행은 대한민국의 은행이자 신한금융그룹의 계열사 은행입니다. 서울에 본사를 두고 있으며 여러분의 도시에 신한은행을 설치함으로서 시민들에게 금융서비스와 일자리를 제공하세요! 에셋정보 ● ELVIS Shinhan bank.crp └Tris 4,558 └lod 224 └Texture 1024x1024 256x256 총 용량 : 3.029MB 도움 신한은행은 ELVIS GAMES의 ELVIS가 제작하였습니다. 후원 엘비스 게임즈에 도움을 주고 싶으...
Emerald Hotel
Erstellt von Visu
Level-5 Unique Building Hotel - employs 470. Complete with LoD model. Credit to the tree-makers for making the trees. You won't need them to run the asset, but they will look much better with them....
Emporio Armani Shop
Erstellt von Raccoon
Emporío Armani Shop Information: Giorgio Armani S.p.A. is an Italian luxury fashion house founded by Giorgio Armani which designs, manufactures, distributes and retails haute couture, ready-to-wear, leather goods, shoes, watches, jewelry, accessories, eyew...
Empty Gas Holder (lvl3 Industry) (Growable)
Erstellt von Post
Full Gas Tower lvl3 - based on real gas holders in the UK this building sits on a bed of water allowing high presure gas to be supplied to all your cims so they can cook to their heats content. also avalible in colours blue, red and yellow. Please rate and...
Empty It!
Erstellt von Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to automate the emptying of service buildings. NEW IN 1.6 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.5 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.16.1-f2 (H...
ESA Space Plane
Erstellt von stm91
ESA Space Plane by stm91 (Inspired by artwork by Alex Brady) Near-future space plane based on the in-development "Skylon" hybrid rocket engine! Poly count ~1400 Passenger capacity 80 This will NOT replace the normal planes!...
Espresso Cafe LV3 4x2 LDC
Erstellt von SwtTeas
A grow-able low density commercial building. It's a coffee shop/restaurant :) I debated making this a unique but went with grow-able. If interest is there for unique I can upload it that way as well. ...
Euro low stone bridge 01 (PROCEDURAL)
Erstellt von pauljchris
Euro low stone bridge 01 by pauljchris Now finally updated to work with the latest version of the Procedural assets mod. Low stone bridge of a style commonly found in European cites. As a procedural object you can change its width and scale or both while i...
Erstellt von m4gic
Gardeners of the forests. (uses wild animal armature)...
Euro Office 3x2 Corner
Erstellt von Lennep
Euro Office 3x2 Corner retextured Level 3 office building If you have the Painter mod, you can change not only the colour of the building, but also how old and faded the plasterwork on the front of the building appears. The lighter the colour you select, t...
European Statue 01
Erstellt von egiptologo91
European Statue 01 by egiptologo91 A beautiful statue for your european cities...
European Victory Statue
Erstellt von egiptologo91
European Victory Statue by egiptologo91...
European Lakeside
Erstellt von ron_fu-ta
ヨーロッパの丘陵地帯の湖畔をイメージしたテーマです。 A theme inspired by the shores of European hills. Textures from "texture. com" Road texture is same as vanilla. MOD and LUT used for the screenshots above. "Daylight Classic"
European Waterfalls
Erstellt von Siggy Wiggy Woo
Hi! European Waterfalls is a theme for European maps. It replaces almost all vanilla textures. There is also a fake snow version of this theme when you want it cold and snowy over here: All ...
European School Pack - Elementary + Highschool!
Erstellt von Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) This model is based on a School in Berlin (Bouchestr.), because the roof was bombed out and is still somewhat temporary, I reconstructed the roof plus tower based on areafootage from 1928. Pack c...
Evelyn Grace Academy (London, UK)
Erstellt von Lemire
Evelyn Grace Academy by Zaha Hadid Architects Evelyn Grace Academy (EGA) is a non-selective, coeducational secondary school within the English Academy programme, in Brixton, London. The Academy opened in September 2008 in temporary accommodation admitting ...
Extra Jois & more Holos
Erstellt von nardo
Turns out im way too much of an imbecile to update my already existing workshop item :s...
Evliya Mehmet Mosque
Erstellt von Accapulco
Turkish style mosque. It's not based on any in particular, I just made it up to what most look like on average. I've made a small stool with sitting script for the shadırvan(fountain) so grab that if you want some cims sitting around it, otherwise it's not...
Experimental Cubic Energy MK I
This first version of Zot-Lar industries that explores the advantages of chemical reactions on the surface of the cube generated by sunlight. It is a bit unstable and does not include an operation manual. We wish you luck operating the installations! Don't...
Fachwerk Library
Erstellt von dolphinstar89
This is a library version of SvenBerlin's old town hall Bad-Staffelstein (found at, thanks for the wonderful asset!...
Fachwerkhaus/ timbered house
Erstellt von SvenBerlin
Fachwerkhaus/ timbered house by Svenpotsdam ResLowLevel 1 1x2 size tris 288 lod 27 If you like my assets you can support me with a donation. Thanks a lot.
Fachwerkhaus2/ timbered house
Erstellt von SvenBerlin
Fachwerkhaus2/ timbered house by Svenpotsdam If you like my assets you can support me with a donation. Thanks a lot.
Erstellt von BB|JoJoPuppe
Fachwerkhaus_v01 by JoJoPuppe...
Erstellt von BB|JoJoPuppe
Fachwerkhaus_v2_LD_2x3_L2 by BB|JoJoPuppe...
Erstellt von m4gic
On one side is the desolate Wasteland of the Orcs. On the other is the impossibly-green coastline of the Faery Shore. For untold ages it has been this way -- one side living in light and harmony and the other...forever wandering the dark and unforgiving la...
Erstellt von m4gic
That that natural?...
Fagnolle Church
Erstellt von Lost Gecko
Picturesque small stone church from the village of Fagnolle, Belgium (Eglise Saint-Martin et Saint Jacques de Compostelle, 16th-19th century). This asset does not flatten the terrain and has textured foundations. map theme: New Caledonia - LUT: Cleyra Stat...
Faery Lights
Erstellt von m4gic
Faery Lights...
Fairy Power
Erstellt von TheSnoods
Just a bit of fun, not really meant for this game :P so its a bit heavy on triangles...
Fall Tree
Erstellt von pdelmo
Low Tri...
Falling Pillars Plaza [Park]
Erstellt von Spectra Falling Pillars Plaza by bullettMAGNETT Hello everyone, i hope you enjoy this small park for office and commercial areas. Info: Plopable park 162 Tris 1024x1024 maps...
farm house UK 4x4 lvl1 res
Erstellt von Sparks
farm house by Sparks 4x4 lvl1 res cottage old stone UK...
Farmhouse 1 [MOREAS | GR]
Erstellt von Filippos
The farmhouse of the Greek peasant has scarcely changed since when they first learnt to carve stone and wood thousands of years ago. The simplest of types is that of the one room or two room house where humans, animals and agricultural produce all share th...
Caruta (Farm) Cart
Erstellt von Nucity
EN: Farm version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão rural do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on your favorite soci...
Federal Corp
Erstellt von Flash Player
Federal Corp by Flash Player This is the monumental headquarters of the Federal Land and Sea Corp., a global shipping and logistics company. The shape of the office block cantilevered over the parking deck is reminiscent of the bow of a boat. The company u...
Fendi Shop
Erstellt von Raccoon
Fendi Shop Information: Fendi is an Italian luxury fashion house producing fur, ready-to-wear, leather goods, shoes, fragrances, eyewear, timepieces and accessories. Founded in 1925 in Rome, Fendi is renowned for its fur and fur accessories. Fendi is also ...
FBS Airport Control Tower
Erstellt von bsquiklehausen
You're cleared for take-off! Originally posted for the 1 year anniversary of the FBS Finale stream, you can now place the control tower used in FBS for your airport! This tower was based off an amalgamation of several different ATC towers from all over the...
Ferme Fribourgeoise
Erstellt von Birk LeGlaire
Ferme Fribourgeoise by Birk LeGlaire Lot 4*3 diffuse, specular, normal and illumination texture: 1024*1024 2900 tris. Model made initialy for Cties XXL....
Erstellt von Birk LeGlaire
FermeBernoise by Birk LeGlaire Triangles 1610 Textures: diffuse, normal, illumination and specular: 1024*1024 Designed for Cities XXL ...
Fifth Element Civilian Car A
Erstellt von creepyeyes
This flying civilian vehicle is taken a modified form of the Police Car from the film The Fith Element, with five alternate colorations. Now your cims can travel in style and comfort! Too bad you can't fly over all that traffic, goodness knows they won't t...
Fifth Element Civilian Car B
Erstellt von creepyeyes
This flying civilian vehicle is taken a modified form of the taxi from the film The Fith Element, with five alternate colorations. Now your cims can travel in style and comfort! Too bad you can't fly over all that traffic, goodness knows they won't try cha...
Fifth Element Police Car
Erstellt von creepyeyes
“You wanna play it soft. We'll play it soft. You wanna play it hard. We’ll play it hard.” – Korben Dallas This asset is a police cruiser from the 1997 movie Fifth Element. This police cruiser appears many times throughout the movie in NYC. It is just as fa...
Fifth Element Taxi
Erstellt von creepyeyes
“Listen lady, I only speak two languages: English and bad English.” – Korben Dallas This asset is a Taxi from the 1997 movie Fifth Element. Before he flew a taxi, Korben Dallas was a Fighter-Pilot. More than that, Korben Dallas was a Special Forces soldier...
Final Fantasy VII Music - UPDATED* Working
Erstellt von ctcatuga
Music from the Original Final Fantasy VII game ****UPDATED**** 19.6.22 All songs should now have their original, fully length. Previously, I was only able to upload partial versons of each song, but after a lot of painstaking searching and downloading I ha...
Fine Road Anarchy - Ending
Erstellt von Klyte45 This place used to be the old remake from Fine Road Anarchy based on SamSamTS. Use Network Anarchy from Quboid instead. ...
Caruta (Fire) Cart
Erstellt von Nucity
EN: Fire version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão bombeiros do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on your favorite ...
Fine Road Tool - Ending
Erstellt von Klyte45 This place used to be the old remake from Fine Road Tool based on SamSamTS. Use Network Anarchy from Quboid instead....
Fire House FDNY277
Erstellt von Kliekie
Ever noticed all fire departments look the same? Boring old style red bricks.. It was driving me crazy, there was no alternative for modern cities.. So behold, my preciousss! Ok I might love this Fire house a bit too much.. The small modern fire house unlo...
Firefly Wall Murals
Erstellt von MrMiyagi
A pack of quality painted wall murals inspired by the fan-favorite space western series Firefly. Each mural comes in large and small sizes, so if you use Loading Screen Mod, the file size will be halved. This project by BrowncoatTrekky and Mr Miyagi brings...
Firefly Altrans - Hover Cargo Train (8Cars)
Erstellt von REV0
Altrans Hover Train - 8 Car Altans Hover Train that was featured in second episode of Firefly series. I created the 3D model myself, textures came from rendered train, which was released by the ex-crew of the series. Technical Details Line Colored Cargo tr...
Caruta (Fishing) Cart
Erstellt von Nucity
EN: Fishing version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão pesca do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on your favorite s...
Fine Arts Museum (High School)
Erstellt von Gèze
Informations: This is the building of the Museum of Fine Arts from Rennes, France. I've made it into a high school in game because I think it will have more use than a landmark which we have plenty of on the workshop already. You can use this building as a...
Erstellt von creepyeyes
A giant, monolithic, sci-fi power generator for your city of tomorrow. How does it work exactly? I'm not entirely positive, I'm no engineer, but I think it has something to do with geothermal energy. Stats are identical to the nuclear power plant. Miniatur...
Floyd Residence - Growable 4x3 Lvl4 H residential
Erstellt von tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NEW! Updated with night lights! Add (some) variety to your Level4 residential neighbourhoods... with the Floyd Residence The residence is a 10 floors - 40 meters tall habitation building, it has been designed to fit well into the existing ingame buildings ...
Caruta (Forest) Cart
Erstellt von Nucity
EN: Forest version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão florestal do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on your favorit...
[OBSOLETE] Fish Warehousing
Erstellt von BloodyPenguin
This mod is obsolete since fish warehousing was added as a vanilla feature in game version 1.17.0! Allows to store fish in your warehouses Select Fish as the stored resource in any of your warehouses. The fish will be stored...
Erstellt von serphilyt
Forstwirtschaftswald by serphilyt...
Foster Tower Madrid (Red)
Erstellt von BenTracker
Foster Tower Madrid (Red Lights) > > > White Lights Version Foster Tower is a skyscraper located in the Cuatro Torres Business Area in Madrid, Spain. With a height of 248.3 m (815 ft) and 45 floors. Other names: Torre Repsol, Torre Caja Madrid, Torre Banki...
Foster Tower Madrid (White)
Erstellt von BenTracker
Foster Tower Madrid (White Lights) > > > Red Lights Version Foster Tower is a skyscraper located in the Cuatro Torres Business Area in Madrid, Spain. With a height of 248.3 m (815 ft) and 45 floors. Other names: Torre Repsol, Torre Caja Madrid, Torre Banki...
Foxwoods theater
Erstellt von Darf
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 3x1 Leisure growable. About the model This is a cutesk small theater, it's part of my 42nd street series. The facade gave me some headaches, because there are no clear pictures of it. So it's mainly photoshopp...
Fougères Castle Square Gate
Erstellt von Lost Gecko
Square medieval tower gate from the castle of Fougères, France. Tour de la Haye-Saint-Hilaire, 13th century. 1x1 free-placement decoration building with no function in the game. Use Fine Road Anarchy if you want to build a road through it. Includes a found...
French Architecture Style (Paris) V2
Erstellt von VaKhajDar
Get ALL needed items to remove any missing items errors in the This Collection as you cannot link collections in the required items list, you could subscribe without having the needed collections! Removed the Grand Hotel Terminus from Gèze from V1 as it br...
Fougères Square Tower
Erstellt von Lost Gecko
Square medieval defensive tower based on the square gate tower from the castle of Fougères, France. Find the original gate asset here. The road networks and the other fortification assets (city wall, towers) on this screenshots are still in early developme...
French Flat 055 [Paris]
Erstellt von Gèze
Informations: This building is one of the many brick flats that can be found around Paris. Additional informations: The footprint of this building is 2x2. Flower props and signs are not included with the asset, I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to ...
Freyja Tower (Light)
Erstellt von Visu
Level-5 Unique Building. Complete w/ identical ~2,800-tri LoD. High-tri LoD, but it's a unique building, so there's only one. I experienced no performance difficulties. If you notice either poor performance or zoom-out glitches, delete this building first ...
Frozen Earth
Erstellt von Voeille
Overview I made this LUT because I wanted a nice clear winter with a slight blue overlay. I also adjusted several other settings so it still looks somewhat realistic, but my goal was sort of a “winter wonderland” look. This colour correction looks good wit...
Fruits - Apple tree
Erstellt von Ston3D
Apple tree by Ston3D - Fruits collection 623 Tris 512 px 4-6m Apple tree with fresh, red apples ready for picking. Small sized tree mostly suitable for making your own orchard assets, decorating backyards or just randomly planting in your suburban for loca...
FTP Stone path
Erstellt von Tero
Stone path used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses collec...
FTP Vegetable Garden
Erstellt von Tero
Vegetable Garden used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses ...
Fuel Cell Chamber C27
Erstellt von Drydal
Fuel Cell Chamber C27 by Talros A small 2x2 fuel cell chamber power plant with low pollution and maintenance costs. Needs a bit coal and water. Cost: 11300$ Upkeep: 208$ /week Water: 320m³ /week Power Output: 34 MW Colors: Blue, Red, Green, Orange 5 1024x1...
Full Gas Holder (lvl 3 industry) (Growable)
Erstellt von Post
Full Gas Tower lvl3 - based on real gas holders in the UK this building sits on a bed of water allowing high presure gas to be supplied to all your cims so they can cook to their heats content. also avalible in colours blue, red and yellow. Please rate and...
Funerary of CITIES
Erstellt von Tommy V Kochiya
It is a crematorium with amazing performance. It is a setting to set up a waiting room in the basement....
Freyja Tower (Dark)
Erstellt von Visu
Level-5 Unique Building. Complete w/ identical ~2,800-tri LoD. High-tri LoD, but it's a unique building, so there's only one. I experienced no performance difficulties. If you notice either poor performance or zoom-out glitches, delete this building first ...
Fusion Incinerator
Erstellt von _luminou_
UPDATE: new evolution below ; ) Fusion Incinerator by luminou You meet problems with your waste, the solution is in the Fusion Incinerator !! Have a look at screenshots to see its capacities, ...
Future Building
Erstellt von flores_sj
Check my YouTube video of all my assets here Cyberpunk Future World City Future Building by Javier Flores 11x6 construction cost 100 workers 50 of each category attractiveness 500 electricity consumption 10 maintenance cost 10...
Future Capsule Apartment Frame \ 未来胶囊公寓支架
Erstellt von 黑桃A
Future Capsule Apartment Frame , the frame can be stacked seamlessly. tag:Future Capsule Apartment Frame -------------------------------------------------- 未来胶囊公寓支架,可以无缝的堆叠起来。 标签:Future Capsule Apartment Frame...
Future Club
Erstellt von flores_sj
Check my YouTube video of all my assets here Cyberpunk Future World City Future Club by Javier Flores...
Future Police Headquarter(未来派警署)
Erstellt von Henry Suen
Future Police Headquarter by Book Sun 这是我做的第一个旋转的资产,为了实现旋转,它基于水利发电机,所以并不是真正的警署,你需要在“电力”里找到它。 它可以防置在任何位置。如果头上有个道路未接通的标志,你最好用move it 去移动它来解决。 希望大家喜欢,你的点赞和收藏是我最大的动力。 This is my first asset that revolves itself. This asset is based on Advanced wind power plant...
Future Shop
Erstellt von Room360
Future Shop was a Canadian electronics store chain. First established in 1982 by Hassan Khosrowshahi, by 1990, the chain had become the country's largest retailer of computer and consumer electronics. As of January 2013, the company operated 139 locations ...
Future capsule apartment(open)未来风格胶囊居住舱(打开状态)
Erstellt von 黑桃A
Because the Assets tag is a building, it now has a random night scene glow map, but it can no longer float like prop. There are two ways to float. The first way is to subscribe to Building Anarchy to separate the ground from the building. After separation,...
Futuristic Town Hospital CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Futuristic Town Hospital CC ------------------------------------- Because the Future is Green and Artists create Art. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Update 16.11.2017: Added working Heli Pad 1894 Polys 3758 Tris 20...
Futuristic Apartment Tower CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Futuristic Apartment Tower CC Because Artists create Art. It needs some tris. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 5 / 4x4 2158 Polys 4062 Tris 2504 Verts 2048 Texture Maps (with baked AO and GI!) My Workshop Stuff...
Futuristic Apartment Tower 3 CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Futuristic Apartment Tower 3 CC Because Artists create Art. This Building has three light color variants and pure white. It needs !some! Tris. Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank ...
Futuristic Crematorium (Better Crematorium)
Erstellt von Sezze
Futuristic Crematorium - Twice as powerful, twice as compact. The Futuristic Crematorium is in no way overpowered, since it's twice as effective (range+capacity), but also twice as expensive. The only reason you'd want this is if you want to save some spac...
Futuristic Apartment Tower 2 CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Futuristic Apartment Tower 2 CC Because Artists create Art. It needs some Tris. Please vote and write a comment if you like. I think this is the best building I ever made. Don't know how to top that. ;) Send me a money giftcard via paypal to cushycrux@hotm...
Futuristic Elementary School
Erstellt von Rainbow
Futuristic Elementary School by Rainbow...
Futuristic Fire Station (Tuas View) CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Futuristic Fire Station CC The Idea of this Building is based on the "Tuas View Fire Station" from Singapore ( ). And because the Future is Green and Artist create Art. Can you see the "hidden" symbolic Firefig...
Futuristic Green Apartments 3x3 CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Futuristic Green Apartments 3x3 CC 3x3 Variant of this Building with soft color tones: Because Artists create Art. Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via pa...
Futuristic Green Office Tower 2 CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Futuristic Green Office Tower 2 CC ---------------------------------------------- Because Artists create Art. Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 3 / 4x4 2320 Polys 236...
Futuristic Green Apartments CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Futuristic Green Apartments CC Because Artists create Art. Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 5 / 4x4 1675 Polys 3466 Tris 1863 Verts 2048 Texture Maps (inlc. normal a...
Futuristic Green Office Tower CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Futuristic Green Office Tower CC Because Artists create Art. Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 3 / 4x4 1714 Polys 4390 Tris 2478 Verts 2048 Texture Maps (inlc. normal...
Futuristic Primary School CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Futuristic Primary School CC Because the Future is Green and Artist create Art. Please vote or write or a comment if you like. And don't forget to download my other buildings, trees and stuff. You can see alot of them in the screenshots of this release. Se...
Futuristic House L5 4x4
Erstellt von BenTracker
Futuristic House L5 4x4 by BenTracker -------------------------------------------------------- 1284 Tris 1024 x 1024px Texture LOD Model 395 Tris 256 x 256px Texture...
Futuristic Shopping Tower CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Futuristic Shopping Tower CC Because Artists create Art. It needs *!some!* Tris (2000 Tris over count). Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 3 / 4x4 8736 Polys 17354 Tri...
Futuristic Town Highschool CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Futuristic Town Highschool CC Because the Future is Green and Artist create Art. Please vote or write or a comment if you like. And don't forget to download my other buildings, trees and stuff. You can see alot of them in the screenshots of this release. S...
Futuristic Town Museum CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Futuristic Town Museum CC The Idea of this beautyful Building is based on the "Heydar Aliyev Center" from Azerbaijan. ( ). And because Artist create Art. This was extremly hard to design and to make it fit...
Futuristic Town Police Station CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Futuristic Town Police Station CC UPDATE 30.10: FIXED PROPS (They disapeard magicly after original upload.) Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Because the Future is Green and Artists create Art. The Prop design is rewo...
Futuristic Town University CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Futuristic Town University CC Because the Future is Green and Artist create Art. Please vote or write or a comment if you like. And don't forget to download my other buildings, trees and stuff. You can see alot of them in the screenshots of this release. S...
Futuro House (Closed)
Erstellt von Jimbobbedyjobob
Futuro House (Closed) by Jimbobbedyjobob...
Génie du sommeil éternel
Erstellt von Don B
Here we go for another statue. "Le Génie du sommeil éternel" the angel of eternal sleep also known as "La statue du souvenir" the statue of memory. The 19th century is known as the century of grief. The unwillingness to accept the death of loved ones was t...
G-Systems Obsidian Thunderchild
Erstellt von cyberglum
G-Systems Thunderchild Obsidian Edition A variant edition of the G-Systems Thunderchild Grav Bike. Thanks to the members of the CSFC Discord Server for their help and feedback. ...
Galaxy Soho - Beijing (CHINA)
Erstellt von _luminou_
Galaxy Soho - Beijing (CHINA) Create by the Anglo-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid, Galaxy Soho is an architectural exploit characterized by its complexity and its fluidity. Unique Building Level 6 Over size: 30x18 - 1 main building - 1 sub-building (glass: fenc...
Galaxy Tower
Erstellt von MrMaison
Galaxy Tower by MrMaison Introducing an Alienware office Tower. I made this tower originally to be entered into the Alienware contest but just missed the deadline due to technical difficulties so it is not in the running for a prize. It is uploaded in supp...
GameStop 2 growable vanilla building
Erstellt von Kerias
This is a vanilla 4x4 level 1 high-rise commercial building with the added logo of GameStop made by Like_Mike. I’ve mostly created it for myself but it could be useful for someone who don’t want to mess around with the Prop anarchy mod or are using a compu...
garage fixed
Erstellt von Sparks
garage fixed by Sparks Original model by Macwelshman
Caruta (Garbage) Cart
Erstellt von Nucity
EN: Garbage version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights). PT: Versão lixeiro do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça não tem luz). Follow @xnucity on your favorite...
Futuro House (Open)
Erstellt von Jimbobbedyjobob
Futuro House (Open) by Jimbobbedyjobob...
Garden Bushes by pdelmo
Erstellt von pdelmo
PRES special. 288 Triangles per bush and a 512x512 texture. Check out Pres's Youtube INCLUDES. unflowerd, red, yellow, purple, blue. you can remove any in the asset manager at your own will if you do...
G-Systems - BoB Delivery Van
Erstellt von cyberglum
G-Systems B.O.B.Delivery Van G-Systems B.o.B. or (Beast of Burden) is a cyberpunk/Sci-Fi Delivery Van. Works the same as any other vanilla delivery vehicle. Has colour variations enabled. Thanks to the members of the CSFC Discord Server for their help and ...
G-Systems - Firefly 3000 Fire Truck
Erstellt von cyberglum
G-Systems Firefly 3000 A cyberpunk/Sci-Fi replacement for the based games Fire Truck Vehicle. Thanks to the members of the CSFC Discord Server for their help and feedback. ...
Garden Cover Flowers
Erstellt von pdelmo
Garden Cover Flowers in a mix off colours Smaller scale for better upclose shots, Nice size for easy gardens 7 crp files including--- None flowering, Red, Yellow, Pink, Purple, White, Blue Larger green cover is 430tri at 512x512 texture Flower cover plants...
Garden Clusters Pack.
Erstellt von pdelmo
Garden Clusters> 7 diffrent variations, Rate if you like ! HOME OF THE LEAFY GARDEN IHXAI special Includes Just green no flowers Red PinK Yellow White Pale Purple And Muliti colour 352 Tri for the fl...
Garden Fence (Grey #3)
Erstellt von rik4000
Garden Fence (Grey #3) prop Panel garden fence mostly seen around various front and back gardens across the UK. This fence is a decrotive prop and is best used with the More Beautification Mod, which allows you to place props in game. Where can i find this...
Garden Fence (Panel)
Erstellt von rik4000
Garden fence prop Panel garden fence mostly seen around various front and back gardens across the UK. This has been frequently used in my UK Terraced Residential / Commercial project. Where can i find this prop in game? This prop can be found in the asset ...
Garden Prop Pack 01
Erstellt von Beardmonkey
Garden Prop Pack 01 by Beardmonkey This is a pack of seven garden props. All assets in this pack has custom LOD:s. If you use the Find It! mod by SamsamTS search for BM for easy access. Get Find It! here:
Garden Prop Pack 02
Erstellt von Beardmonkey
Garden Prop Pack 02 by Beardmonkey This is a pack of eight garden props. Most assets in this pack has custom LOD:s. If you use the Find It! mod by SamsamTS search for BM for easy access. Get Find It! here:
Garden Shed #1
Erstellt von rik4000
Garden Shed #1 This garden shed is a decorative prop and is best used with the amazing More Beautification Mod and Prop Anarchy (& Tree Anarchy) Mod by BloodyPenguin which allows you to place props in game. Where can i find this prop in game? This prop can...
Gas EXCH TX Truck
Erstellt von Russt_Bucket
CIV Gas EXCH TX Truck by Russt_Bucket The Heavily Automated Gas Exchange Transport Truck or GETT for short, is a versatile system that can be useful for refueling argon tanks for welding, or carrying highly compressed air for long term storage. With full a...
Gas EXCH TX Truck en route
Erstellt von Russt_Bucket
CIV Gas EXCH TX Truck en route by Russt_Bucket Same model of the prop version but this is a vehicle version that utilizes the BUS properties in order to create a guided route for the trucks to take... its a bus, but pretend it isn't. PO and Painter/Repaint...
Gelida Tau
Erstellt von m4gic
Almost an exo-planet....this alien iceworld would be absolutely worthless if not for its past; when it was closer to its sun. Eons ago it was temperate, and may have sustained life, but some unknown force caused its orbit to elongate and, eventually, it br...
Garden Shed #4
Erstellt von rik4000
Garden Shed #4 This garden shed is a decorative prop and is best used with the amazing More Beautification Mod and Prop Anarchy (& Tree Anarchy) Mod by BloodyPenguin which allows you to place props in game. Where can i find this prop in game? This prop can...
Erstellt von CushyCrux
GDMPAPC CC Yea, this is the "Greebly Dark Matter Particle Accumulation Power Converter" for more Power directly streamed from the Center of the Universe. 0.o Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! ;) Because the Future is ...
Gemini Tower
Erstellt von Visu
Supertall office tower - employs about 870. Complete with LoD model for viewing at a distance....
Generic Brick Office
Erstellt von Lost Gecko
Generic contemporary 3-storey brick office buiding. This is a pack containing 2 level 3 growable office buildings: a standard and a corner version. Both version are perfectly identical and only differ in the place they grow in. Model main model tris: 1142 ...
Generic Office 1 (Stuttgart)
Erstellt von The Lost Cake
A generic office building based on one located in Bad Cannstatt 3x3 918 Tris 476 Vertices 1024x1024 Follow me on Twitter for updates on the assets i'm working on....
Generic Office Tower (Growable)
Erstellt von moxiecrimefighter
A 4x3 Growable Level 3 Office Building A Generic Office Building, similar to those built in the US in the 1960s and 70s. 78m Height 125 Tris, Custom LOD 50 Tris Updates: Updated for After Dark! Updated textures: more detail, more accurately scaled windows ...
Generic Store 1 - L2 Growable
Erstellt von KingBob
Generic Store 1 - Growable L2 will grow in your level 2 commercial zones around town. Triangles: 652 Texture: 512x512 No DLC needed, no custom content needed, basegame only. Using the Find It! mod search: "Generic Store 1 - L2 Growable", place it and turn ...
Gentlemen's Club (growable)
Erstellt von bennymedia
Gentlemen's Club (growable) by bennymedia (Updated V 1.1, ready for After Dark) This little commercial building seems to be absolutly usual. But in it's backyard you can find the "Gentlemen's Club". I don't know exactly what it's about. But it seems to bel...
Ghetto House
Erstellt von Huntbart
Erstellt von m4gic
Big, strong, and ugly (just don't let them hear you say that!) Using the bluecollar male and female armatures (for sunny and winter maps)...
Girls' Frontline Dinergate
Erstellt von FlyingSenbei
Triangles:265 Texture size:256x256...
GiTS Huge Office Building(ID#04) 14x11 Lvl 6 Unique Building
Erstellt von Eacon&Bggs
GiTS Huge Office Building(ID#04) by Eacon&Bggs 14x11 Lvl 6 Unique Building From the Ghost in the Shell Buildings Project collab by EaconNBggs and Haruban Collection Link here: Foreword --------...
Geth Tourist
Erstellt von Bloodshed216
Geth by Bloodshed216...
GiTS Office Tower (ID#02) 7x5, Lvl 5 Unique Building
Erstellt von Eacon&Bggs
From the Ghost in the Shell Buildings Project collab: by EaconNBggs & Haruban *Edit* Collection now created; link here : Foreword -------------------------------- Hello Peeps, This is the very...
GiTS Office Tower (ID#02b) 7 x 5 Lvl 5 Unique Building
Erstellt von Eacon&Bggs
GiTS Office Tower (ID#02b) by Eacon&Bggs From the Ghost in the Shell Buildings Project collab: by EaconNBggs & Haruban Collection Link here: Foreword ---------------------- Hi all, This is the...
GiTS Yellow Plated Office Tower (ID#03) 14x7 Lvl 5 Unique Building
Erstellt von Eacon&Bggs
GiTS Yellow Office Tower (ID#03) by Eacon&Bggs From the Ghost in the Shell Buildings Project collab by EaconNBggs and Haruban Collection link here: Foreword ----------------- Hello again Peopl...
GiTS Mega Office Bldg (ID#05) 14x11 Lvl 6 Unique Building
Erstellt von Eacon&Bggs
GiTS Mega Office Bldg (ID#05) by Eacon&Bggs From the Ghost in the Shell Buildings Project collab by EaconNBggs and Haruban Collection Link: Foreword & Description ================== Hi again p...
Givenchy Shop
Erstellt von Raccoon
Givenchy Shop Information: Givenchy is a French luxury fashion and perfume house. It hosts the brand of haute couture clothing, accessories and Parfums Givenchy, perfumes and cosmetics. The house of Givenchy was founded in 1952 by designer Hubert de Givenc...
GL19 Office
Erstellt von Gregor Vukasinovic
Just a plain boring box with offices inside. Comes with an ugly parking lot, ugly sunshades and probably ugly workers too. No wait, I didn't say that... Data: Tris: 1062 (LOD:10) Textures: 1024x1024 DISC Growable Lot: 4x4 Level: 1 Color Variations Original...
Erstellt von m4gic
8 colors of mothlike flying creature Functions as a seagull; considerably larger Textures modified from Dark Souls concept art 12 tris...
Glad Shopping Center
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Glad Shopping Center 1518 Tris 2048 Texture Maps This Building is based on the real "Glatt Shopping Center" in Switzerland. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! LUT used for Screenshots:
Globiz Shopping Center
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Globiz Shopping Center, based on the Globus Building in Zurich, Switzerland. My 2nd Building and Game Object ever. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Stats: Polys: 1252 Tris: 4036 Verts: 1996 Texture: 2048 Jobs: 38 Wor...
Erstellt von m4gic
Where are they always hurrying-off to? What are they carrying in those little bags? They're up to no good...I just know it. (uses wild animal armature)...
Erstellt von m4gic
What they lack in stature they more than make up for in deft artisanry. Using the blue collar male and blue collar female armatures....
Goblin Cims
Erstellt von m4gic
Goblin Boys and Goblin Girls (for summer and winter maps!) Using the male and female child armatures....
Erstellt von m4gic
This enchanted place was once part of the Dominion of Faeries and was a land of summer and warmth. The Ringstones created a magical portal to Earth and other realms - but the goblins attacked one night and, using dark and powerful spells they had traded de...
Goth store and nightclub (with party hearse)
Erstellt von trist14222
Happy belated World Goth Day! To celebrate here's a goth store and converted chapel nightclub for your subcultural cims, where the fog machine is running 24/7. Seems there isn't a way to specifically programme darkly dressed cims in only (hmm future subcul...
Gothic Arch
Erstellt von ZGreenGaming
Gothic Arch Hello and welcome all! I present you my creation Gothic Arch - Gazebo. Again with the help of my husband that is teaching me how to properly and nicely make blender models. In the thumbnail you can see how the asset is textured and in picture c...
Gothic chapel
Erstellt von Pictor
Description: Gothic chapel inspired by Kościół Najświętszej Marii Panny w Poznaniu. Technical issue: Tris: 962 Texture: 1024x1024 Donate: If you like my work and you want more, im glad if you buy me a coffee: Also d...
Gothic City Hall of Toruń
Erstellt von Lichwiarz
Greetings! This model is based on a gothic city hall from Toruń, Poland. A Toruń's clock model is required for this asset. According to what I found in the Internet; Gothic city hall of Toruń mostly maintained its original look, although was subjected to m...
Gothic House 11
Erstellt von Lichwiarz
Good afternoon! This model is based on a gothic house from Gdańsk, Poland. According to what I found in the Internet; This house was originally erected in 1520 and represents late gothic with only gothic facade made up of stone in Gdańsk. It's called the S...
Gothic House 2
Erstellt von Lichwiarz
Good evening! This model is based on a gothic house from Toruń, Poland. According to what I found in the Internet; This house was built in second half of the XIVth century and represents an architectural style called gothic. It maintained its original goth...
Gothic House 3
Erstellt von Lichwiarz
Good evening! This model is based on a gothic house from Toruń, Poland. According to what I found on the Internet; This house was erected around year 1400, using elements of an older house from around year 1300. It was redeveloped in the XVIIth century and...
Gothic House 4
Erstellt von Lichwiarz
Good evening! This model is based on a gothic house from Toruń, Poland. According to what I found in the Internet; This house was built in the XVth century and preserved original gothic paintings on its facade, typical for Toruń. Interior was devastated in...
Gothic House 5
Erstellt von Lichwiarz
Good evening! This model is based on a gothic corner house from Toruń, Poland. According to what I found in the Internet; This house (granary) was erected around half of the XIVth century. It has a beautiful, preserved gothic top. Gothic was prevalent in e...
Gothic House 10
Erstellt von Lichwiarz
Good evening! This model is based on a gothic corner house from Toruń, Poland. According to what I found in the Internet; This house was erected in the second half of the XIVth century and represents architectural elements typical for Flanders. The ground ...
Gothic House 7
Erstellt von Lichwiarz
Good evening! This model is based on a gothic house from Toruń, Poland. According to what I found in the Internet; This house was erected in the XVth century. A severe devastation of its look took place in the XIXth century, when it's original brick elemen...
Gothic House 6
Erstellt von Lichwiarz
Good evening! This model is based on a gothic house from Toruń, Poland. According to what I found in the Internet; This building is a very well preserved patrician's house from the XIVth century. It was renovated in the XVIIth century when a baroque top wa...
Gothic House 9
Erstellt von Lichwiarz
Good evening! This model is based on a gothic corner house from Toruń, Poland. According to what I found in the Internet; This house dates back to second half of the XIIIth century, but its current shape comes from around year 1430. It has bits of original...
Gothic house of Nicolaus Copernicus
Erstellt von Lichwiarz
Good evening! This model is based on house of Nicolaus Copernicus from Toruń, Poland. According to Wiki; This house was built in year 1370 and represents an architectural style called gothic. According to tradition, a famous renaissance astronomer, Nicolau...
Gran Torre Santiago (RICO)
Erstellt von hqsouza
Gran Torre Santiago (Great Santiago Tower) is a 64-story tall skyscraper in Santiago, Chile, the tallest in Latin America with 300m of height. It was designed by Argentine architect César Pelli. Gran Torre Santiago is part of the Costanera Center complex, ...
Gothic House 8
Erstellt von Lichwiarz
Good evening! This model is based on a gothic house from Toruń, Poland. According to what I found in the Internet; This gothic house comes from the second half of the XIVth century. It was redeveloped inside in the XVIIIth century but still preserved some ...
Grand Buddha
Erstellt von jinnivan_TH
Grand Buddha by jinnivan_TH...
Erstellt von AmiPolizeiFunk
This massive granite basin sits in front of the Altes Museum on Museumsinsel in Berlin. It was quarried from a nearby forest and hauled to the Lustgarten (the park in front of the Dom, Berlin's central cathedral), in 1826. Cut from a single stone, it was a...
Great Golden Buddha
Erstellt von jinnivan_TH
พระประธาน พระพุทธมหาศาสดาโลวโพลีกอน เป็นพระปางมารวิชัย หน้าตัก 4 unit คาดว่าสร้างขึ้นตั้งแต่สมัย Cities skylines patch 1.2 เป็นพระเนื้อทองคำน้ำ 4 ซึ่งรวบรวมจากชาว CIM ผู้มีอันจะกินในเขตเมืองร่วมกันสร้างถวายเป็นพุทธบูชา ...
Grand Library
Erstellt von Zelghradis
Grand Library by Zelghradis, same properties as the normal building, added parking spaces and greenery...
Great Northern ice house
Erstellt von Evangeline
Ice Baby This is a smaller ice house based upon a B.T.S. model kit, supposedly used by the great northern railroad to replenish their boxcars with much needed ice for cooling. About this asset 1024x1024 textures Package includes one building. Acknowledgeme...
Greek Style Temple
Erstellt von Too'rah
Greek Style Temple by Too'rah...
Greek Windmill
Erstellt von Accapulco
Greek windmill as found in *drumroll* Greece and Turkey coast. Comes with 2 almost identical buildings, first is in the electricity tab and has rotation, second is a park-building with the cloth folded and doesn't rotate. It's just the windmill part, the w...
Green Futuristic Building 4 CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Green Futuristic Building 4 CC ---------------------------------------------- Because Artists create Art. Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 5 / 1x4 5928 Polys 5928 Tr...
Grand Hôtel Cascade, Imatra
Erstellt von prepo
Grand Hôtel Cascade, or better known as Imatran valtionhotelli (Imatra state hotel), Imatra Finland. Art Noveau building was designed by architect Usko Nyström and it was completed in 1903. Model has 7627 polygons (custom LOD of 58 polygons), 2048 x 1024 p...
Green Modern Luxury
Erstellt von BrowncoatTrekky
For NGON was awesome. 2 Modern Luxury homes made back in 2015 fit well in latest Green Cities DLC. Stats: Growable | Low Residential | 4X4 | L5 Source for Backup: NGON LR01 Modern Green Luxury NGON LR02 Modern Green Luxury ** For the unitiated, sources lis...
Green Dragon
Erstellt von Gazpacho
Green Dragon by Banjoe JoJo Variation of dragon....
Groningen SVB
Erstellt von Accapulco
Social Security Office from Groningen, Netherlands. Comes in 3 colors so you can make it blue like the original or mix them around. I made it single piece so you can plop as many as you want together to create a bigger office, original is 3 buildings. Main...
Growable Joanie's Cabaret
Erstellt von Poncho
***After Dark Compatible*** We tease to please. The building is a low level commercial zone that uses a 4x4 plot ...
GT_Tower Growable version
Erstellt von Ikky_Ric
This is the growable and smaller version of my model GT Tower. You can check the 1:1 scale on my workshop items. GT Tower by Ikky_Ric G.T. International Tower is an office skyscraper located in Makati, Philippines. The "G.T." in the name stands for George ...
GT Tower ver. 3
Erstellt von Ikky_Ric
GT Tower by Ikky_Ric *3rd version* This version contains a LOD model, which will make the model look better at a distance. This will be the final revision for this model. TRIS: 348 Verts: 172 UVs: 309 Edges: 310 G.T. International Tower is an office skyscr...
Guardian Angel Statue
Erstellt von Asderel07
Guardian Angel Statue by Asderel07 Polygons: 1728 Edges: 3333 Points: 1686 Texture size: 2048 x 2048 LOD Polygons: 452 Edges: 882 Points: 472 Texture size LOD: 256 x 256....
Gucci Shop
Erstellt von Raccoon
Gucci Shop Information: Gucci is an Italian luxury brand of fashion and leather goods. Gucci was founded by Guccio Gucci in Florence in 1921. Gucci generated about €4.2 billion in revenue worldwide in 2008 according to BusinessWeek and climbed to 41st posi...
Guetto Appart
Erstellt von Rsk
Guetto Appart by Koba...
Guingamp Shop 1 [France]
Erstellt von Lost Gecko
Traditional 3-storeys wall-to-wall granite stone city flat from Guingamp, Brittany, France. Level 2 low-density commercial growable. The storefront is made in honour of my awesome Patron Tanner Smith! Model main model tris: 542 textures: 1024x1024 (diffuse...
Gula's Crosswinds (L2 HD Com Growable)
Erstellt von Gula
Level 2 - High Density Commercial Growable (just zone for HD Com after subscribing) 2 wide by 3 deep (but can also grow on 2x4) ---------------- This stubby building helps break up some of the repetitive shapes from the 2nd tier of buildings for HD commerc...
Gula's Evil Geniuses High School
Erstellt von Gula
Gula's Evil Geniuses High School (8x8 Circular) "Bleed Blue" Updated for After Dark On August 8, 2015, Evil Geniuses beat CDEC Gaming to win The International, securing a first-time championship and winning a total of $6,616,014.
Gula's Kingdom Tower
Erstellt von Gula
Gula's Kingdom Tower (1:1) Updated for After Dark ------------------- The winner of my Patreon supported monthly raffle for the month of May was Jack B and he chose....... "At about one kilometre, the Kingdom Towe...
Gula's Modern Greenhouse
Erstellt von Gula
Loosely based on the greenhouse from The Chiswick House Updated for After Dark Chiswick House is a Palladian villa in Burlington Lane, Chiswick. Arguably the finest remaining example of Neo-Palladian architectur...
Gula's MR ROBOT Electronics
Erstellt von Gula
Gula's MR ROBOT Electronics Updated for After Dark --------- 2x3 Commercial High Density Growable level 1 Check out the TV show "MR ROBOT" on USA (a station in America). The show is great and its scoring feedback similar to the reception of Breaking Bad......
Gula's Privet (4x4 HD Residential)
Erstellt von Gula
Gula's Privet Updated for After Dark --------- 4x4 Residential High Density Growable This building is Level 5 and will not show up in zones with high-rise ban "Privet is Russian for Hi!" 2940 tris 83 tris LOD 1024 map 4 color variations --------- Other bui...
Gula's Slothingham Place (4x3 HD Com Growable - L3)
Erstellt von Gula
Level 3 - High Density Commercial Growable (just zone for HD Com after subscribing) 3 wide by 4 deep ---------------- I thought that my city could use some tall commercial buildings that are perhaps something like a gigantic 30 story supermall or a chain f...
Gustave-Roussy Subway Station
Erstellt von _luminou_
Gustave-Roussy Subway Station Inspired by the future metro station "Gustave-Roussy". With its 50 meters deep separating the city from the platforms, this station will become the deepest in France. The construction site is scheduled to end in 2023 and is lo...
Erstellt von m4gic
Passenger helicopter for your Cyberpunk, Steampunk and Fantasy builds...
h 1
Erstellt von joaquim79
h 1 by joaquim79...
H&M growable high-com vanilla building
Erstellt von Kerias
This is a vanilla 2x4 level 2 high-rise commercial building with the added logo of H&M made by TheDearLeader200. I’ve mostly created it for myself but it could be useful for someone who don’t want to mess around with the Prop anarchy mod or are using a com...
H2C 3x3 Lackluster Lettings
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
A level 2 3x3 High Density Commercial (extended front yard). High poly: 1600 tris, LOD: 140 tris. Sorry, not a tall building this time! My aim is to make a reasonable collection of all sorts of buildings that make at least an OK futuristic theme together, ...
H3 2x4 Industrial Unit Funnel [RICO]
Erstellt von Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable level 3 generic industry 2x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . There is still indispensible dirty industry in the green future. This funnel condenses the exhaus...
H.A.V. Scorpion Heavy Loader
Erstellt von Russt_Bucket
CIV Heavily Automated Vehicle SCORPION Heavy Loader by Russt_Bucket 2 PROPS for industrial / construction sites. One with the bucket lowered and one with it raised. H.A.V. Scorpion is directly based off of Volvo's concept vehicle Zeux PO and Painter/Repain...
H3 4x4 Commercial Hive Three [RICO]
Erstellt von Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable high density level 3 commercial 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . The future of commerce. The contrast between the lush green open spaces to dwell and the e...
H3 4x4 Commercial Hive One [RICO]
Erstellt von Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable high density level 3 commercial 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . A sprawling hive of all commercial activties. Service droids for all your needs, indoor pa...
H3 4x4 Commercial Hive Two [RICO]
Erstellt von Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable high density level 3 commercial 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . The futuristic commercial node in the network of a city of tomorrow. Don't forget to rest ...
H3 4x4 Industrial Unit Alpha [RICO]
Erstellt von Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable level 3 generic industry 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . The future is green and this industrial skyscraper achieves this vision by stacking huge factory ...
H3 4x4 Industrial Unit Beta [RICO]
Erstellt von Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable level 3 generic industry 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . The factory of tomorrow rises into the sky to save valuable green space. Parking lots for electri...
H3 4x4 Office Horizon [RICO]
Erstellt von Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable level 3 office 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . The future of cooperation between machine intelligence and human intelligence is met in this office. The in...
H3 4x4 Office Skyward [RICO]
Erstellt von Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable level 3 office 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . This futuristic skyscraper reaches for the sky. Not just because of it's height but because of it's technol...
H3 6x8 Office Arcforge Industries [RICO]
Erstellt von Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop Huge thanks to Ronyx69 who took the time to guide me through the use of the shader! By default this asset is a 6x8 unique building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . Arcforge Industries is a pioneer in secr...
H3 Office 2x4 (Growable)
Erstellt von hqsouza
Building based on an office tower called All Business Center in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The building has 24 floors and has around 85m of height. The model has 532 triangles and the lod has 76. The model and lod has diffuse, specular and illumination textur...
H3 Office 3x4 Growable (Domani BC)
Erstellt von hqsouza
Domani Business Center Based on an office building from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. It has 21 floors and around 85m of height. The building has nice leds that light up at night. The model has 324 triangles and 1024x1024 diffuse, specular and illumination textu...
H3 4x4 Office Sphere [RICO]
Erstellt von Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable level 3 office 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . The office of tomorrow for the cities of tomorrow. Asset: - Size: 4x4 - Main Tris: 358, 512x512 - LOD Tris:...
H3C 4x4 5031
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
4x4 Level 3 Commercial highrise. High poly: 346 tris, 1024x diffuse, specular, illumination, bump and color maps. Low poly: 131 tris, 256x diffuse, specular, illumination and color maps. Similar style, but I got a lot of requests for a commercial highrise....
H3O Profit Radiator
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
Level 3 Office. 4x3 and 4x4. High poly: 1390 tris, 1024x specular, diffuse, illumination, color and normal maps. LOD: 252 tris, 256 specular, diffuse, illumination and color maps. I made this a while ago, but did not have time to fix a little issue before ...
H4 1x1 Streetside Bliss A
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
Level 4 1x1 Residential. The shortest of my 1x1 filler set "Streetside Bliss". I don't really like the way tall 1x1 buildings, and 1x1 buildings in general, look in the game. Some of the default ones and custom ones look like they are part of a larger stru...
H4 1x1 Streetside Bliss B
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
Level 4 1x1 Residential. The second shortest of my 1x1 filler set "Streetside Bliss". This one is basically just a slightly taller version of "A" I don't really like the way tall 1x1 buildings, and 1x1 buildings in general, look in the game. Some of the de...
H5 10206
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
4x4 level 5 residential (again). Hipoly 521 tris, 1024x diffuse, specular, illumination, bump and color maps. LOD 171 tris, 256x diffuse, specular and illumination maps. I hope you're not all getting tired of all these glass towers! I'm pretty happy with t...
H5 1x1 Streetside Bliss C
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 1x1 Residential. The second tallest of my 1x1 filler set "Streetside Bliss". This one, together with "D" will appear at level 5. I don't really like the way tall 1x1 buildings, and 1x1 buildings in general, look in the game. Some of the default one...
H5 1x1 Streetside Bliss D
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 1x1 Residential. The tallest of my 1x1 filler set "Streetside Bliss". The taller level 5 version. I could not aesthetically justify making it any taller than this, sorry if I've disappointed anyone! I don't really like the way tall 1x1 buildings, a...
H5 2x4 0711
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 2x4 Residential. Hi-poly: 525 tris, 1024x diffuse, specular illumination and bump maps. LOD: 80 tris, 256x diffuse, specular and illumination maps. One of the two residentials I'm releasing today. This one only grows on 2x4 lots (2 blocks on the ro...
H5 2x4 Starward Gaze
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
2x4 Level 5 Residential Highrise. Growing my assets I found that I need some more fillers for the smaller lots. I hope this does the job satisfactorily. Alternatively you could of course just force 2x4 lots, or edit this building to grow on a 3x4 lot in th...
H5 3x3 5022
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 3x3/3x4 Just-or-maybe-just-not highrise residential. Attempt at an Anno 2205 style growable. Because I wanted a very specific look, I actually did the texturing the proper way for once. I did not get anywhere near the quality I wanted to see, but I...
H5 3x4 Decadent Discourse
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 Residential Highrise. Hipoly: 980 triangles, 1024x1024 textures. Diffuse, normal, specular, illumination and color maps. LOD: 181 triangles, 256x256 textures with diffuse, specular, illumination and color maps. Color variation changes light bar, an...
H5 4x2/3/4 0711
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 4x2 Residential, also grows on 4x3 and 4x4. Hi-poly: 525 tris, 1024x diffuse, specular illumination and bump maps. LOD: 80 tris, 256x diffuse, specular and illumination maps. One of two same-model residential lots. This one grows on 4x2 (4 on the r...
H5 4x3 Residential Lolita Guimaraes
Erstellt von hqsouza
A 22fl high density residential building. Level 5 and lot size 4x3. Based on a real building from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The model became really big due to the building balconies. The triangle count was 4927, much bigger than my other buildings. The model...
H5 4032
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
4x4 Level 5 Residential Continuing a similar style to my last upload. LOD 111 tris, 256x diffuse, specular and illumination Hipoly 503 tris, 1024x diffuse, specular, illumination and bump maps....
H5 4x4 8001
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 4x4 Residential highrise. Hipoly 483 tris, 1024x diffuse, specular, illumination, bump, color and alpha maps. LOD 87 tris, 256x diffuse, specular, illumination and color maps. Another one. Very similar to my last one, I'm really happy with the way ...
H5 4x4 Cordial Exception
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
H5 4x4 Residential Highrise. 2400 tris, 1024x1024. LOD 140, 256x256. Again, you can change the light bar colors to anything you want. If the lighting is too much you can turn it off by changing all color variations to black in the asset editor. For the sak...
H5 4x4 Full Spectrum Tower
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
H5 4x4 Full Spectrum Tower by Whipplesnoodle 1499 tris Using skylines' default LOD model because in this case it does not look bad at all. ...
H5 4x4 Graey Plaza
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
H5 4x4 Graey Plaza. Level 5 Residential Highrise. 2200 Triangles. Custom LOD, 220 triangles, with LOD diffuse, specular and illumination maps. I thought my previous building was a bit zealous with the light bars, so this time anyone can change the color of...
H5 4x4 Horizon Longing
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 4x4 Residential Highrise. Hipoly: 1045 tris, 1024x1024 diffuse, illumination, specular, normal and color maps. LOD: 304 tris (sorry), 256x256 diffuse, illumination, specular and color maps. I LOVE doing this, and will try to keep making stuff. It d...
H5 4x4 Platinum
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 residential. 4x4 lot only. 810 tris, 1024x diffuse, illumination, bump and specular maps. LOD: 106 tris, 256x diffuse, illumination and specular maps. My profound apologies for the nightlights, the window lights are a tad small compared to normal c...
H5 4x4 Residential Pillar [RICO]
Erstellt von Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable high density level 5 residential 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . My first asset ( and now my first updated asset ;) ). Simple beauty, efficent and room fo...
H5 4x4 Residential Pylon [RICO]
Erstellt von Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable high density level 5 residential 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . Functional and aesthetic. A backbone of future cities where the sky is the only limit. As...
Haldi - L1 1x1 Growable
Erstellt von Ignus
Haldi is a green home designed and built by Tree House company. Attempts to mix modern architecture with nature and energy efficiency Game Stats: Level 1 Low Density Residential 1x1 Plot size Model Stats: Main model: 144 tris Main textures: 512x512 - D, N,...
H5 4x4 Residential Beam [RICO]
Erstellt von Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable high density level 5 residential 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . A futuristic home for everyone in the cities of tomorrow. Asset: - Size: 4x4 - Main Tris:...
H5 4x4 Utopia
Erstellt von Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 Residential Highrise. No lighting artifacts, and LOD and hipoly have the same random (no pattern) windows lit! I hope you like this one, as the style is slightly different, it is notably lighter in color than my previous buildings. The color variat...
Half Chase Manhattan - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 Office
Erstellt von tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Good day Skyliners !! After two recreations (SC3K and SC4 buildings) it was time for some original content... and I chose to reproduce an existing building (so long for "original"). I took a nice looking NYC skyscraper and reduced it to make it fit as a gr...
Half Full Gas Holder (lvl 3 industry) (Growable)
Erstellt von Post
Full Gas Tower lvl3 - based on real gas holders in the UK this building sits on a bed of water allowing high presure gas to be supplied to all your cims so they can cook to their heats content. also avalible in colours blue, red and yellow. Please rate and...
Half Timbered Barn
Erstellt von Rex_Luminor
A small old half timbered barn that nicely fits farms, rural areas or some backyard in an oldtown. This building was inspired by a barn in Singen (Hohentwiel), Germany. In game this is a plop anywhere park on a 2x2 plot, search for "halftimbered barn" or "...
Half Timbered House 001 HR2
Erstellt von Rex_Luminor
A two storied half timbered house that fits nicely in european oldtowns, villages, etc. This one is based of a house in Karlsruhe, Germany. In game this is a high residential level 2 growable building on a 2x2 plot. The plaster is colormapped, the color ca...
Half Timbered House 001 O1
Erstellt von Rex_Luminor
A two storied half timbered house that fits nicely in european oldtowns, villages, etc. This one is based of a house in Karlsruhe, Germany. In game this is an office level 1 (O1) growable building on a 2x2 plot. The plaster is colormapped, the color can be...
Half Timbered House 002 LC1
Erstellt von Rex_Luminor
A two storied half timbered house that fit nicely in european oldtowns, villages, etc. This one is based of a house in Karlsruhe, Germany. In game this is a low commercial level 1 growable building on a 2x3 plot. There is only the workshop version as this ...
Half timbered house 1
Erstellt von Titan
A half-timbered house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. Half-timbered is a widespread building technique with a frame of load-bearing timber, creating spaces between the timbers called panels. This set focuses on...
Half timbered house 2
Erstellt von Titan
A half-timbered house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. Half-timbered is a widespread building technique with a frame of load-bearing timber, creating spaces between the timbers called panels. This set focuses on...
Half timbered house 3
Erstellt von Titan
A half-timbered house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. Half-timbered is a widespread building technique with a frame of load-bearing timber, creating spaces between the timbers called panels. This set focuses on...
Half timbered house 4
Erstellt von Titan
A half-timbered house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. Half-timbered is a widespread building technique with a frame of load-bearing timber, creating spaces between the timbers called panels. This set focuses on...
Half-Life 2 Combine Police Helicopter (Corrected Lights + Prop Version)
Erstellt von citywokcitywall
All credit goes to Dreidman's HALF-LIFE 2 | Combine Helicopter | Police - this is just a modified version of it that fixes an issue with light placement, and comes with an additional prop version....
HALF-LIFE 2 | Combine Helicopter | Police
Erstellt von StBlse
HL2 Combine Helicopter: The Hunter-Chopper is a Combine rotorcraft used to provide heavy fire support for Combine Overwatch forces. Like the Combine APC, this vehicle is a conventional human design re-engineered by the Combine using their technology. Origi...
half-timbered houses - Commercials
Erstellt von Titan
!!!Deutsche Beschreibung weiter unten!!! This is not only one building, it's a bunch of high density growable commercial buildings. All of them are as realistic as possible related to the half-timbered style made. At the moment there are 10 Assets. For now...
half-timbered houses - Offices
Erstellt von Titan
!!!Deutsche Beschreibung weiter unten!!! This is not only one building, it's a bunch of growable office buildings. All of them are as realistic as possible related to the half-timbered style made. At the moment there are 10 Assets. For now, only 1st and 2n...
half-timbered houses - Residentials
Erstellt von Titan
!!!Deutsche Beschreibung weiter unten!!! This is not only one building, it's a bunch of high density growable residential buildings. All of them are as realistic as possible related to the half-timbered style made. At the moment there are 10 Assets. For no...
Erstellt von cacamaca8
Half-timbered house, Low Residential, Model 01 2x2; Level 1; Color variations: white, light orange light yellow, light blue Decorated with window flowers and cobblestone paths. Feel free to add trees, fences and anything else you want. Use Plop the growabl...
Erstellt von cacamaca8
Half-timbered house, Low Residential, Model 02 2x2; Level 1; Color variations: white, light orange, light yellow, light pink Decorated with window flowers and cobblestone paths. Feel free to add trees, fences and anything else you want. Use Plop the growab...
Erstellt von cacamaca8
Half-timbered house, Low Residential, Model 05 2x2; Level 1; Color variations: white, light orange, light yellow, light blue. Decorated with window flowers and cobblestone paths. Feel free to add trees, fences and anything else you want. You can skip other...
Erstellt von cacamaca8
Half-timbered house, Low Residential, Model 07, Corner type "A". 2x2; Level 1; Color variations: white, light orange, light yellow, light green. Decorated with window flowers and cobblestone paths. Feel free to add trees, fences and anything else you want....
Half timbered house 5
Erstellt von Titan
A half-timbered house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. Half-timbered is a widespread building technique with a frame of load-bearing timber, creating spaces between the timbers called panels. This set focuses on...
Half Timbered Houses 002 HR2
Erstellt von Rex_Luminor
A pack of two storied half timbered houses that fit nicely in european oldtowns, villages, etc. The pack is based of a house in Karlsruhe, Germany. In game these are high residential level 2 (HR2) growable building on a 2x2/2x3 plot. The pack contains simp...
Erstellt von cacamaca8
Half-timbered house, Low Residential, Model 09 2x2; Level 1; Color variations: white, light orange light yellow, light blue Decorated with window flowers and cobblestone paths. Feel free to add trees, fences and anything else you want. Model is created ins...
Hall of Ascension (Crematory) CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Hall of Ascension (Crematory) CC Because Artists create Art. I had some philosophic thoughts while designing this place. Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Update 13.11.2017...
Hanging Cables PACK of 8 cable bundles
Erstellt von Jimbo_WestCoast
Each bundle has 3-4 cables in it. The Flag Shader was used so the cables with sway in the wind, just a little. There's a total of 8 unique assets here....
Harbor Tower
Erstellt von Visu
Supertall hotel/office complex - employs many....
HarborPack by --VIP-- (building №1)
Erstellt von Vip
UPGRADE to After Dark HarborPack by vip I looked that few people engaged in upgrading ports. And I decided to create a major mod that would diversify. For a long time I was out, and not just. Created a lot of work, I decided not to lay out one by one and p...
HarborPack by --VIP-- (building №3 Warehouse- left side)
Erstellt von Vip
UPGRADE to After Dark HarborPack by vip I looked that few people engaged in upgrading ports. And I decided to create a major mod that would diversify. For a long time I was out, and not just. Created a lot of work, I decided not to lay out one by one and p...
HarborPack by --VIP-- (building №2 Ship )
Erstellt von Vip
UPGRADE to After Dark HarborPack by vip I looked that few people engaged in upgrading ports. And I decided to create a major mod that would diversify. For a long time I was out, and not just. Created a lot of work, I decided not to lay out one by one and p...
HarborPack by --VIP-- (building №3 Warehouse-Center)
Erstellt von Vip
UPGRADE to After Dark HarborPack by vip I looked that few people engaged in upgrading ports. And I decided to create a major mod that would diversify. For a long time I was out, and not just. Created a lot of work, I decided not to lay out one by one and p...
HarborPack by --VIP-- (building №3 Warehouse-right side.)
Erstellt von Vip
UPGRADE to After Dark HarborPack by vip I looked that few people engaged in upgrading ports. And I decided to create a major mod that would diversify. For a long time I was out, and not just. Created a lot of work, I decided not to lay out one by one and p...
Hard Rock Cafe (RICO) Update
Erstellt von Crazyglueit
AD UPDATE/RICO Hard Rock Cafe Size - 3x8 Main - Tris 21k+ / Texture 2048 / Weight 208.69 LOD - Tris 1.5k / Texture 512 / Weight 15.40 This is an asset for my After Dark Reboot Project I did not create this model. Added NEW LOD, illumination and changed pro...
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
Erstellt von boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...
Harmony Tower (The Legend of Korra)
Erstellt von Garuda89
As it's seen in The Legend of Korra books 1 and 2. Harmony Tower emits a golden glow at night, and its breathtaking views make it a romantic date spot. Gameplay info: Construction cost: 80,000 Maintenance costs: 1,300 12 x 12 tiles Model info: 2566 tris 19...
Hartenfels Castle, Torgau
Erstellt von Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background information and guides on how to use the building. THIS is Hartenfels Castle from Torgau, Germany Schloss Hartenfels, or Hartenfels Castle in English, is a magnificent Renaissance palace on the banks of the river Elbe...
Hearthstone Monument Blue
Erstellt von Leo Mystic Magic
Hearthstone Monument Blue by Shroomblaze 522 Polys Listed under the water tab as a water tower, but does not function as one. I cut the electricity costs, pollution stats and water pumping to 0. It's purely for decoration purposes. You can right click and ...
Hartenfels Castle - Neptune Fountain
Erstellt von Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background information and guides on how to use the building. This is the Neptune Fountain from Hartenfels Castle Schloss Hartenfels, or Hartenfels Castle in English, is a magnificent Renaissance palace on the banks of the river...
Hedge Prop.
Erstellt von pdelmo
Hedge Prop. 3d Plant Prop for People that detail only. Includes one tall 8mtr hedge terrain conforming Short 7mtr hedge conforming and non-conforming Made using bilboaring leaves has double sided mesh as its a prop. So has twice the triangle count as a tre...
Health Center
Erstellt von BenTracker
Health Center The health center is an average installation between the clinic and the hospital. -------------------------------------------------------- Based on Instituto de Medicina Legal de Badajoz...
Erstellt von Alfred_Meyer
Heian-Saiten_Kasugano by Alfred_Meyer This asset simulates the Funeral Home "Heian-Saiten" at Kasugano in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture. Funeral Home "Heian-Saiten" at Kasugano was opened in October 1990. It has passed the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake and ...
Hello Bistro
Erstellt von yinzerr
Hello Bistro! ** Aspiring creators, be sure to check out my asset creation guide! ** Based on the State College, Pa. location. Level 2 Growable 1x3 Low Density Commercial Hello Bistro props included with asset Alpha map allows for a few colors! Fits great ...
Helle - L2 1x1 Growable
Erstellt von Ignus
Helle is a green home designed and built by Tree House company. Attempts to mix modern architecture with nature and energy efficiency Game Stats: Level 2 Low Density Residential 1x1 Plot size Model Stats: Main model: 384 tris Main textures: 512x512 - D, N,...
Helsinki Central Library - Oodi
Erstellt von Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
Helsinki Central Library - Oodi by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! * Update * 26/10/2019 - Updated the asset to a Library Asset. No Longer found in Unique Building. - Overhaul the interior to the real life building. - Lowered file size. If you like this, please give it...
Heydar Aliyev Centre by Zaha Hadid
Erstellt von Macwelshman] Heydar Aliyev Centre by Zaha Hadid The Heydar Aliyev Centre is an award winning arts and cultural complex in Baku, Azerbaijan designed by Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid and noted for its distinctive architecture and flowi...
Hi-Tech Industry Tower CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Hi-Tech Industry Tower CC After a break I am back. A big 4x4 H3 Bumerang shaped Green Tower with a lot Glass. Because Artists create Art. Have fun! (Buro version will come soon if requested) Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, tha...
Hexa Structure
Erstellt von _luminou_
Hexa Structure Multiple purpose structure on 3 feet, adjustable in height with the mod "Move it" Could be placed everywhere you want, and produce one little quantity of electricity. Specially Design for: Parking Lot Roads - Poorly Maintained Parking and Pa...
High Office #2 by Ozo
Erstellt von Ozoft
A 4x4 High Density Office building. - High Office - 4x4 - Level 3 - Custom Model - Tri: 600, - Texture: 1024x1024, Diffuse, Specular, Illumination - After Dark ready - Custom LOD (72 verts) & LOD textures (128x128px)....
High school I-1577A (Moscow) [Russia]
Erstellt von Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Старшая школа серии И-1577А (Версия 1) 4 этажа High school I-1577A (Version 1) 4 floors Расцветка: Белые и цветные панели (красный, оранжевый, зеленый, голубой) Color: White and colored panels (red, ...
High Office 04 by Ozo
Erstellt von Ozoft
A 4x4 High Density Office building. - High Office - 4x4 - Level 3 - Custom Model - Tri: 722, - Texture: 1024x1024, Diffuse, Specular, Illumination - After Dark ready...
Hermes Tower
Erstellt von Visu
Level-5 Unique Building - employs about 300. Complete with identical LoD model - about 1k tris....
High School No. 1
Erstellt von Lichwiarz
Would You like to learn history (and not only that) in a historical enviroment? That school provided educations for many, many generations and will do so for You! -The model is based on the High School No. 1 building in Bydgoszcz, Poland. -Provides high sc...
High School of Mechanical Engineering No. 1
Erstellt von Lichwiarz
Hello! This model is based on a high school from Bydgoszcz, Poland . According to Wiki; In year 1908, a decision to build a new school of fine arts in Bydgoszcz was made. An empty area close to outskirts of the town was chosen as a plot of land for a new s...
Hispeed Ai Shuttle Bus CC
Erstellt von CushyCrux
Hispeed Ai Shuttle Bus CC ------------------------- Because in the Future Busdrivers have more free time. And because Artist create Art. 50 Passengers, Max Speed 1000 mph (will never happen). Will be colored like the line color. Send me a money giftcard vi...
Historic Town Hall, Münster
Erstellt von Titan
Historic Town Hall from Münster, Germany The historic town hall in Münster is one of the best examples of secular baroque architecture. It’s current design with the distinct gothic gable was built in 1395. The building is the place of the signing of the tr...
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Erstellt von DSBSubhrajyoti
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by DSBSubhrajyoti 43K Triangles, 2K Textures. 1:1 scale as seen in Movies WARNING: THE TWO SIDE BUILDINGS ARE BASED ON WATER TOWERS. SO PLEASE CONNECT WATER PIPES TO THEM for FULL lighting access. ...
HOI POI Capsule House L1 2x2
Erstellt von BenTracker
Building based on Dragon Ball HOI POI Capsule No. 1 Residential Low L1 2x2 -------------------------------------------------------- 1579 Tris 1024 x 1024px Texture *LOD Model soon...
Holo Fish L BLUE - Cyberpunk 2077
Erstellt von nardo Holographic Goldfish Blubbing their way across Cyberspace.. This Asset includes: Goldfish L BLUE PLEASE SUB TO GOLDFISH L ORANGE Enjoy this Asset! Cyberpunk 2077, including its visual components, characters, storylines, artw...
Holo Fish L ORANGE - Cyberpunk 2077
Erstellt von nardo Holographic Goldfish Blubbing their way across Cyberspace.. This Asset includes: Goldfish L ORANGE PLEASE SUB TO GOLDFISH L BLUE Enjoy this Asset! https://i.imgur.c...
Holo Fish XL BLUE - Cyberpunk 2077
Erstellt von nardo Holographic Goldfish Blubbing their way across Cyberspace.. This Asset includes: Goldfish XL BLUE PLEASE SUB TO GOLDFISH XL ORANGE Enjoy this Asset! https://i.imgur....
Holo Fish XL ORANGE - Cyberpunk 2077
Erstellt von nardo Holographic Goldfish Blubbing their way across Cyberspace.. This Asset includes: Goldfish XL ORANGE PLEASE SUB TO GOLDFISH XL BLUE Enjoy this Asset! https://i.imgur....
Erstellt von m4gic
Indapni's hologram cyberprisons in red and green. Small jails for your futuristic city build. Thank you, Jimbo WestCoast, for assisting! Note: Plazas and Promenades has broken AnimUV mod. Once repaired these will have scrolling animation, but for now they ...
Holografic Information Prop
Erstellt von Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop All your informations and news from the future for you today! Notes: The Additive Shader mod is required. The Additive Shader mod removes lod's. (because it doesn't work for lod's) Thus it will be rendered even at lod dista...
Holographic Logo pack 1 - China \ 全息标志 - 中国包
Erstellt von 黑桃A
Holographic Logo pack 1 - China It contains 10 logos. -Respectively Acfun \ Alipay \ Bilibili \ BOE \ DJI \ JD \ Lenovo \ Tencent \ Tiktok \ WeChat ------------------------------------------ 全息标志 - 中国包 包含了10个熟悉的标志logo -包含有 A站、支付宝、B站、京东方、大疆、京东、联想、腾讯、抖音、微信 t...
Hopper Tower - Growable 4x4Lvl5 H Residential
Erstellt von tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NEW : UPDATED for After Dark Nighttime Need some more variety in your high density residential districts ? Want to offer your wealthy cims a nice place to live ? The Hopper tower is here for you. It's a level 5 high density residential building and will gr...
Horizons Tower
Erstellt von Visu
This level-5 unique building is sure to inspire your citizens to explore new horizons in science, philosphy, and the arts. The elevator ride to the top has been known to inspire something else. Complete w/ LoD model. Employs 375. Side-note - this thing too...
Holzlager (Growable) 4x4
Erstellt von core79
Holzlager (Growable) 4x4 by core79 Dies ist ein 4 x 4 Gebäude für die Forest-Industry. Aber dieses Gebiet ist überhängend, somit also 5 x 5 groß. Ich hoffe es gefällt euch ! This is a 4 x 4 building for industrial forestry. But the region is overhanging, t...
Horse barn 3x2
Erstellt von niis-ku
Growable industry / agriculture building for 3x2 lots (3x3 and 3x4 with extended front yard). Props/mods required: horse with blanket, haybale (by Giovanni E) The barn has some colour variation (darker/lighter grey or brownish). Model: 351 tris, textures 5...
Caruta (Cart Civil Version + Props)
Erstellt von Nucity
EN: Civilian version of the "caruta" vehicle with light correction (it was removed, because carts don't have lights) and already includes the trailer and horse prop. PT: Versão civil do veículo "caruta" com correcão da luz (ela foi removida, porque carroça...
Horse farms 2x2
Erstellt von niis-ku
Growable industrial / agriculture building, that will appear on 2x2 lots (and 2x3 / 2x4 with extended back yard). Required mods/props: horse with blanket No size or colour variation. Model: 352 tris, textures 256x256 _d and n, all created by me....
Horse Farm Park 8x4
Erstellt von KADIEusa
Horse Farm Park 8x4 Flatten Terrian Tropical Theme 10 Parkable Spaces Hope You Enjoy! by KADIEusa...
Horse farms 4x3
Erstellt von niis-ku
Horse farms 4x3 by niis-ku...
Horse Transport (forestry)
Erstellt von benilFatel
Horse Transport (forestry)...
Horse Transport (truck)
Erstellt von benilFatel
Horse Transport (truck)...
HotDog Saunerparadies
Erstellt von Gu
HotDog Saunerparadies by Gu...
Hotel 123 Tennoji
Erstellt von Accapulco
Hotel from Osaka, Japan. Main/LOD 2700 - 256x2048 80 - 128x128...
House of the Black Eagle, Litoměřice
Erstellt von Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background information and guides on how to use the building. This is the House of the Black Eagle from Litoměřice The House of the Black Eagle or Black Eagle House is a magnificent Renaissance house in the Old Town of Litoměřic...
House of the Owls
Erstellt von Effe
House of the Owls by Effe House of the roman Torlonia family until 1938, the "Casina delle Civette" (House of the Owls) is the result of multiple additions and modifications over the course of a century to the "Alpine hut" on which the members of the noble...
Hotel building #1
Erstellt von AliTarGz
Hi, everybody. It is a Hotel. Visually, it is the left "eye" :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Model info: Verts = 5101 Edges = 8370 Tris = 6607 Texture size = 1024x1024 Texture types = d, i, s, c LOD ...
Hover Car (the Fifth Element)
Erstellt von joemama
This is one of the Hover Cars from the Movie "The Fifth Element"! Enjoy!...
Horse with blanket
Erstellt von niis-ku
Horse prop for decorating farms and other buildings / parks. There's colour variation for the horse's blanket, and the size of the horse varies. Model: 1139 tris, textures 256x256 d, n, c The model is originally from 3D warehouse, but I spent half a day ma...
House of Art
Erstellt von Tomas13TO
House of Art (Dom Umenia) from Kosice (Slovakia). The House of Art, which from 1867 was the site of the beautiful building of the first synagogue in Košice, which was eventually razed to the ground at the beginning of the 1960s. Between 1926 and 1927 a neo...
Hyperboloid Water Tower
Erstellt von 220hertz
Very loosely based on the Ciechanow water tower in Poland. A friend commented that it's sort of got a Fallout vibe, and I can dig that. About the asset Main mesh is 2438 tris LoD is 134 Textures are 1024 and 256. No props, DLC or dependencies - this is jus...
Hyperion Classic Hover V3
Erstellt von LealMafor
Hyperion Classic Hover V3 Hover car V3 created for my new series of futuristic Cities Skylines called Hyperion. Design inspired by the Anthony Sixto PKD hero car. If you like my work please give me a upvote. This means a lot to me. If you have any question...
Hyperion Tesla Hover V3
Erstellt von LealMafor
Hyperion Tesla Hover V3 Hover Tesla V3 created for my new series of futuristic Cities Skylines called Hyperion. Design inspired by Fábio Martins - Tesla Pod. If you like my work please give me a upvote. This means a lot to me. If you have any questions ple...
Hyundai Apartment - 4x3 Growable
Erstellt von Memories
Hyundai Apartment of Korea Size 4x3 Level 3 Growable Polys: 4392(Tris 11,162) Lod Polys: 343(Tris 916) Texture Size 1024x1024 Lod Texture 512x512 After Dark Update! ...
Icarus Tower
Erstellt von Visu
As worldwide headquarters of Icarus Ventures, this tower serves as the foundation of travel between Earth and the Lunar and Martian colonies. This building is about 1km tall. Complete with LoD model for viewing at a distance....
Icy Alien World
Erstellt von m4gic
Part of a solar system -- yes -- but so far from the center that it is frozen over and the sun appears tiny, providing only light. This icy rock has no moon. At night a nearby nebula is visible through the light effects of the planet's magnetosphere....
Iko Building
Erstellt von rared2w64
Lv2 3x4 high residential building Model: 909 Tris; Texture resolutions 512²; Albedo, Alpha, Specularity, Illumination, Normal LOD: 104 Tirs; Texture resolutions 128² The model on Sketchfab is missing the official Cities: Skylines props but everything else ...
Illuminated Bare Trees
Erstellt von MrMaison
Illuminated Bare Trees by MrMaison Let there be light....on Bare Trees! Introducing a 4 piece Illuminated Bare Tree set. These trees are in prop form and my first illuminated nature assets. There will be more to come including tropical plants and trees. Th...
Ike's Bikes *After Dark DLC* Tourism commercial
Erstellt von MrMiyagi
For After Dark DLC owners. 2 required items. DLC-free version is located here: The two separate versions have different building colors and different arrangement of bicycles, so that if you...
Illuminated Living (Growable)
Erstellt von Domattee
4x4 High Density Residential Lvl 4 Custom Model 2911 Tri 1k Maps LOD is autogenerated and good enough given the small size of the building Has the most impact if you have districts with the highrise ban policy enabled. The building is facing the wrong way ...
Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer
Erstellt von BadPeanut
I obviously do not own anything to do with star wars, this is a fun fan recreation. Thanks to ImperialJedi for the inspiration. This is a decoration asset found in the parks menu. If you have a low end computer, use with caution, it has 4k textures - acros...
Improved Public Transport 2
Erstellt von BloodyPenguin
Also known as IPT2. Provides improved control of public transportation. Compatible with More Vehicles, TM:PE, Vehicle Selector! YOU MUST DELETE ANY OTHER VERSIONS OF THIS MOD AND RESTART THE GAME BEFORE USING THIS! This is a...
Erstellt von tckpwr
The IN-Tower reflects the lifestyle of the modern cim, expressing a balance of style, efficiency and mobility. - Unique building - Texture: 1024 / 128 - Triangles: 9,372 / 2,846 This asset is inspired by the IN-Tower in Ingolstadt, Germany, designed and pl...
indoor swimming pool
Erstellt von SvenBerlin
indoor swimming pool by SvenBerlin This is the "moldebadet" indoor swimming pool in Molde , Norway. Users wanted it as a standalone asset. Normaly its part of my "Hotel Seilet + Svommehall" asset
Indra Office - Badajoz
Erstellt von BenTracker
Indra Office - BadajozUnique building L4 compatible with Ploppable RICO (Office L3) Indra Badajoz in Google Maps -------------------------------------------------------- 2807 Tris / 2048 x 2048px LOD: 126 Tris / 128 x 128px...
Industrial Air Liquide
Erstellt von kenrio
Industrial Air Liquide level 2 3*4 growable 946 poly - 1024*1024 map soon level 3 associate...
Industrial Office 1
Erstellt von The Lost Cake
Part of an old industrial building from Stuttgart that is now used as an office. The second part which more closely resembles an office is coming soon. I'm currently working on the textures for multiple buildings that are significantly more exciting than t...
Industrial Estate Set #1
Erstellt von Starshall
Industrial Estate Set #1 by Starshall A series of level 1 Generic Industrial growables so you can really go for that Slough industrial estate vibe. All assets share the main d, s, n, i and c maps. Check out the screenshots for relevant ‘Mesh info’. No cust...
Industrial Office 2
Erstellt von The Lost Cake
The second part of the industrial office. 3x2 1931 Tris 1007 Vertices 512x2048 Follow me on Twitter for updates on the assets i'm working on....
Industrial unit #3
Erstellt von Starshall
Industry Air Liquide
Erstellt von kenrio
Industry level 3 growable 3*3...
Inn - The Drunken Barrel
Erstellt von SimoG
Inn / B & B in the medieval style that allows visitors to relive the era thanks to in costume performances, the innkeepers. This building is part of the Commercial category with specialization Tourism. (dimension 4x4) Designed to build a tourist village in...
Inside Corporate Building (L1 2x3 growable office)
Erstellt von Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
Installation Chauffage
Erstellt von Birk LeGlaire
Installation Chauffage by Birk LeGlaire Triangles 5500 Textures: diffuse, normal, illumination and specular: 1024*1024 Inspired from SimCity 4, designed for Cities XXL ...
Institute of Cybernetics
Erstellt von Thomek
Institute of Cybernetics by Ninja_Thomek This is based on the real thing, standing in St. Petersburg, Russia. "Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics" Designed by architects B. I. Artiushin and S. V. Savin. I plan to add more eastern european buil...
Inn - The Cantor Thirsty
Erstellt von SimoG
Inn / B & B in the medieval style that allows visitors to relive the era thanks to in costume performances, the innkeepers. This building is part of the Commercial category with specialization Tourism. Designed to build a tourist village in medieval theme ...
Institute of oral love
Erstellt von X20AthiNN3R
Institute of oral love low commercial leisure, 2X4 In the seventies Institute of oral love was situated on the corner of Santa Monica boulevard and Spalding Avenue (Los Angeles). The Institute of oral love mainly dipenses talk, and Wild Mary's massage prov...
International Secret and Intelligence Service Headquarters
Erstellt von Ryno
International Secret and Intelligence Service Headquarters from Archer. 2x2 Level 3 Office Growable This is my first real go at working with polygon modeling, so there's a few things that could be tweaked and improved. Criticism is appreciated! Stats Tris ...
International Space Elevator - Powerplant Only Version
Erstellt von Grunder Industries
Announcement I've been able to create a fully functioning version of this asset, which includes 6 functioning cargo ports. Redirect for Port & Powerplant Version ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
INT Sitting Areas Decoration
Erstellt von =D= Comrade Intense
INT Sitting Areas Decoration Info: This is a pack of sitting areas that would fit quite a lot of city styles. I did this pack because I saw some photos on Instagram (lands.capearchitect) and I liked them a lot, so I decided to remake them for cities skylin...
Intersection Marking Tool 1.14.4
Erstellt von macsergey Overview This mod allows you to quickly create road markings at intersections. This is for detailing and aesthetics ONLY and WILL NOT tell your traffic where to go. If you want to control traf...
Invaders Props
Erstellt von 220hertz
Because alborzka asked nicely. Four lightweight props with four colour variations each. They light up at night. They're culturally significant. You'll find them in the small billboards section of your prop menus. You may also use Find It and type 'alien' i...
Invisible 1 Lane Highway
Erstellt von nico_oas
Update: I changed a setting for all invisible roads that makes it easier to work with Traffic Manager lane connector. This also makes the transition to normal roads look worse. So after this update, you might have to cover up some more area with ploppable ...
Invicta Monorail
Erstellt von meshd
Description Invicta Monorail A monorail vehicle for the YouTube series Skylines Invicta by CityWokCityWall and Skibitth. Design based on a concept art by Phill Seagram. Technical Details Assets Included Invicta Monorail Invicta Monorail Prop https://i.imgu...
Invisible 1 Lane Zoneable + Sidewalk
Erstellt von nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. This one is different than the invisible highways in the following ways: It has a sidewalk -> You can make bus stops. You can make elevated invisible roads. You can make invisible tunnels (invisible tunnel entran...
Interstellar Ranger One
Erstellt von DTOX
Interstellar Ranger One by DTOX FTW<----- Prop version is available here. Every futuristic and/or scifi city needs a spaceship! Several more spacecrafts in my workshop. Enjoy! :) "The Ranger program began decades ago to prod...
Invisible 2 Lane Highway
Erstellt von nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. No textures, no props, no lights, no height offset, just two lanes (4m wide each). The main use for these roads is supposed to be custom intersections/roads. Basically you can place every lane how you want it. Ti...
Invisible 2 Lane Zoneable + Sidewalk
Erstellt von nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. This one is different than the invisible highways in the following ways: It has a sidewalk -> You can make bus stops. You can make elevated invisible roads. You can make invisible tunnels (invisible tunnel entran...
Invisible 3 Lane Highway
Erstellt von nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. No textures, no props, no lights, no height offset, just three lanes (4m wide each). The main use for these roads is supposed to be custom intersections/roads. Basically you can place every lane how you want it. ...
Invisible 5 Lane Highway
Erstellt von nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. No textures, no props, no lights, no height offset, just five lanes (4m wide each). The main use for these roads is supposed to be custom intersections/roads. Basically you can place every lane how you want it. T...
Invisible 4 Lane Highway
Erstellt von nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. No textures, no props, no lights, no height offset, just four lanes (4m wide each). The main use for these roads is supposed to be custom intersections/roads. Basically you can place every lane how you want it. T...
Invisible 6 Lane Highway
Erstellt von nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. No textures, no props, no lights, no height offset, just six lanes (4m wide each). The main use for these roads is supposed to be custom intersections/roads. Basically you can place every lane how you want it. Ti...
Invisible 7 Lane Highway
Erstellt von nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. No textures, no props, no lights, no height offset, just seven lanes (4m wide each). The main use for these roads is supposed to be custom intersections/roads. Basically you can place every lane how you want it. ...
Invisible 8 Lane Highway
Erstellt von nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. No textures, no props, no lights, no height offset, just eight lanes (4m wide each). The main use for these roads is supposed to be custom intersections/roads. Basically you can place every lane how you want it. ...
Invisible futuristic highways with lights
Erstellt von Nickayz
This pack contains three invisible highways with lights: 1-lane 2-lane 3-lane If you want them to be elevated, place a normal highway first and then update it with the invisible version. I made them for my futuristic city, but since some of you asked for t...
Invisible traintrack
Erstellt von Nickayz
Are you fed up with invisible roads and flying stinking cars? Looking for something bigger, faster and environmentally friendly? Make your trains fly and try the invisible traintrack! No tracks = no maintenance = no costs! No mods needed! Important informa...
Invisible traintrack with lights
Erstellt von Nickayz
Are you fed up with invisible roads and flying stinking cars? Looking for something bigger, faster and environmentally friendly? Make your trains fly and try the invisible traintrack! No tracks = no maintenance = no costs! No mods needed! Important informa...
Invisible Tram Track (1W Pack)
Erstellt von Sp3ctre18
IF YOU LIKE IT, RATE UP, PLEASE! Helps more people find this, too Hey, all, it's not just Sunset Harbor bringing in new transport options. The Sp3ctral Realms have inventions to deliver too! Vanilla 1W tram tracks, visible in bridge mode for placement, but...
Invisible 9 Lane Highway
Erstellt von nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. No textures, no props, no lights, no height offset, just nine lanes (4m wide each). The main use for these roads is supposed to be custom intersections/roads. Basically you can place every lane how you want it. T...
Invisible Tram Track (2L2Ws)
Erstellt von Sp3ctre18
IF YOU LIKE IT, RATE UP, PLEASE! Helps more people find this, too Sp3ctre18's first invisible network! Vanilla tram track, visible in bridge mode for placement, but invisible in others. Supports tram stops on all modes. For no stops, go here: https://steam...
Iron and Copper Brazier
Erstellt von m4gic
LUX IN TENEBRIS A large copper kettle stands on six hammered iron legs banded securely in two heavy loops of cast iron. Inside a fire is kept stoked, especially at night, by the watchful Prefect. * * * * * * * One very large brazier and one small brazier (...
Italian low complex 2
Erstellt von [FD] PorcoRosso86
Little piece of medieval village, very compressed! Complex of 6 little houses with a little cobblestone street in the middle. L 1 3x3 Tris 810 LoD 135...
Invisible Tram Track (2L2W)
Erstellt von Sp3ctre18
IF YOU LIKE IT, RATE UP, PLEASE! Helps more people find this, too Sp3ctre18's first invisible network! Vanilla tram track, visible in bridge mode for placement, but invisible in all others. No pedestrians either, so you don't have to worry about them peril...
Japan House_01 L1 2x4
Erstellt von [HK]KevKevCHENG
JPhouse L1 2x4 by KevKevCHENG...
Japanese cherry
Erstellt von Ston3D
Japanese cherry by Ston3D...
Japan Substation Set 1
Erstellt von OSARUSAN
日本の変電所セットです。 以下のアセットを含みます。写真も参照ください。 Substation in Japan. Including following assets. See picture for the detail. See following link for how to place components of substation. 仕様/Specification 1-1: 1回線鉄構/Single Circuit Steel Structure Network 1-2: 2回線鉄構/Do...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 3
Erstellt von stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 2
Erstellt von stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Multi-tenant Building / 日本風雑居ビル[RICO]
Erstellt von Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese commercial building inspired from Akihabara in Tokyo. RICO / Commercial High / Level 3 / 10 employee 日本風の雑居ビルです。秋葉原にある某ビル群をモチーフにしていますが、寸法などの関係でアレンジ仕様になっています。 Tex: d/i/s 2048x2048 (LOD:256x256) / Tris: 1123 (LOD:392)...
Erstellt von m4gic
Ithyria is an ancient and enchanted land. Subscribe to Collection to have everything you need....
Japanese Pagodea Tower
Erstellt von Optron Warrior
Five tier Japanese style pagodea tower for cims to visit and enjoy. Designed to fit in with my temple set and decorate your asian themed cities. Its a level 2 unique building, re-uploaded and mapped for Afterdark. Thankyou :-) Optron Warrior...
Japanese radish (大根) - Prop
Erstellt von kei_em
Japanese radish is good for cooked, boiled, and fried cooking. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
Jedi Knight
Erstellt von m4gic
Let the Light Side of the Force be your guide. Uses educated female armature. Star Wars universe-inspired fan art....
Japanese radish Patch (大根畑)
Erstellt von kei_em
大根畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Radish patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD fac...
Jedi Temple
Erstellt von engelmanna
Summary University Size: 12x12 Tiles Height: 76 Meters Model:5034 triangles | 1024x1024 textures Custom LOD: Coming soon... Description An alternative university. For those Padawans that want to study the ways of the force....
Jen Tower - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 Office
Erstellt von tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NEW : UPDATED for After Dark Nighttime Add some variety to your Office zones... with the Jen Tower 21 floors 105 meters high Growable office. It's standing on a 4x4 parcel and is at Level 3. The building is only 1002 triangles and has a custom LOD (82 tris...
Jetsons House
Erstellt von Turnpike Theory
Jetsons House by Turnpike Theory Lvl 3 4x4 growable, low density residential. Building overhangs its footprint. Main model: 3416 tris, 1024 * 2048 texture LOD model: 196 tris, 256 texture...
Jin Mao Tower
Erstellt von <3Alex
Jin Mao Tower by <3Alex 28/02/2016: THE LOD PROBLEM IS NOW FIXED. ENJOY THE NEW DLC. THE 1:1 VERSION IS FINALLY HERE. IGNORE HOW LONG IT TOOK AND JUST ENJOY: Yes, I'm aware that the original t...
JLD Building 1
Erstellt von Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
JLD Building 1 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This building is inspired by Singapore's Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)'s plan for Jurong Lake: https://...
JLD Building 2
Erstellt von Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
JLD Building 2 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This building is inspired by Singapore's Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)'s plan for Jurong Lake: https://...
JLD Building 3
Erstellt von Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
JLD Building 3 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This building is inspired by Singapore's Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)'s plan for Jurong Lake: https://...
JLD Building 4
Erstellt von Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
JLD Building 4 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This building is inspired by Singapore's Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)'s plan for Jurong Lake: https://...
JLD Building 5
Erstellt von Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
JLD Building 5 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This building is inspired by Singapore's Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)'s plan for Jurong Lake: https://...
JLD Building 6
Erstellt von Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
JLD Building 6 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This building is inspired by Singapore's Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)'s plan for Jurong Lake: https://...
JLD Building 7
Erstellt von Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
JLD Building 7 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This building is inspired by Singapore's Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)'s plan for Jurong Lake: https://...
JLD Building 8
Erstellt von Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
JLD Building 8 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This building is inspired by Singapore's Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)'s plan for Jurong Lake: https://...
JLD Building 9
Erstellt von Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
JLD Building 9 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This building is inspired by Singapore's Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)'s plan for Jurong Lake: https://...
Joak's Apartments #1
Erstellt von Polygon
RICO ready! This is one of my modern apartment buildings. The growable version is now RICO ready, of course with tooltip and thumbnail. Architecture: Residential building in Heidelberg, Germany. Growable version low residential 4x3 level 5 RICO version hig...
Joak's Apartments #2
Erstellt von Polygon
RICO ready! This is one of my modern apartment buildings. The growable version is now RICO ready, of course with tooltip and thumbnail. Architecture: Residential building in Heidelberg, Germany. Growable version low residential 4x3 level 5 RICO version hig...
Joak's Apartments #3
Erstellt von Polygon
RICO ready! This is one of my modern apartment buildings. The growable version is now RICO ready, of course with tooltip and thumbnail. Architecture: Designed by myself. Growable version low residential 4x3 level 5 RICO version high residential 4x3 level 4...