Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Articles (991)
Landscaping Blocks [Gravel]
Créé par Gruny
Initially intended for personal use, these landscaping blocks (aka curbs) are not innovative but differ in the use of a more detailed texture and a finer curb than those generally presented. Different styles are planned in the long term (Grass / Bark / Gra...
lane & centre lines (faded)
Créé par Moog®
As far as I can tell, there are five different types of lane lines and centre lines in the vanilla game and NExt2 road packs. I've tried to reproduce them all here so you can always find a matching line for your lovely intersections and junctions. This pac...
Langer Parkweg 13 x 3
Créé par core79
Langer Parkweg 13 x 3 by core79 Inc. Thumbnail Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Probs und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle meine Parks benutzt habe http://steamc...
Langer Parkweg 3 x 11
Créé par core79
Langer Parkweg 3 x 11 by core79 Kosten : 500 Unterhalt : 16 Inc. thumbnail Ihr müsst diesen park neu platzieren nach diesem update . Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind al...
Langer Parkweg 4 x 10
Créé par core79
Langer Parkweg 4 x 10 by core79 die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Für diesen Park gilt wie immer ein spezieller Dank an die Ersteller der Props und Bäume. Diesmal an: Badi_Dea,Ronyx69,pdelmo und MrMaison! Ein großes Danke geht an alle...
Langshao's Pillar 13 Small
Créé par 狼少
2019/03/21: Due to Network Skin only load 1 pillar for every subscribe , pillar 14 will upload separately. This is Concrete texture without light S——5.5m wide M——12m wide L——16m wide XL——28m wide Lite——NO LIGHT SOURCE ↑ friendly to your PC Fe——Iron veresio...
Langshao's Pillar Set 13
Créé par 狼少
2019/03/21: Due to Network Skin only load 1 pillar for every subscribe , pillar 14 will upload separately. This is Concrete texture without light S——5.5m wide M——12m wide L——16m wide XL——28m wide Lite——NO LIGHT SOURCE ↑ friendly to your PC Fe——Iron veresio...
Créé par MrMaison
Lantana by MrMaison This Lantana is made primarily to create underbrush and also to make unkept areas and wild fillers. Goes great with grasses too.This is the first of my Lantana series. I made this one plain without flowers so it's more universal. The ne...
Lantana 2
Créé par MrMaison
Lantana 2 by MrMaison Here is the second version of my Lantana series. This is a new improved model with leaves at a better scale that gives a more lush look and better street level views. This ia a 2 piece set including one with flowers (Lantana Bloom) an...
Lantana Fall
Créé par MrMaison
Lantana Fall by MrMaison Introducing the fall version of Lantana. This is great for fall ground cover giving that dead leaves look under the fall and winter trees. This version have a reduced tri count from the previous ones. STATS: Lantana Fall- 834 tris ...
Lantana Red
Créé par MrMaison
Lantana Red by MrMaison I took Lantana 2 and made a red version. This is great for decorative detailing where you want to add more dramatic color. Works for gardens in summer as well as fall scenes. STATS: Lantana Red: 1757 tris 1024 textures Strong Sugges...
LAPD Mobile Command and Helicopter Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
LAPD Mobile Command and Heavy Units Props Are Here This pack contains the props for the LAPD command units, helicopters, bomb squad, and the SWAT trucks. Despite the images showing the bearcat, it'll be uploaded later. Find t...
LAPD Patrol Vehicles and Vans Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
LAPD Props Are Here The LAPD prop pack contains the props of all vehicles I made for the Los Angeles Police Department. Since the January 2018 revamp, the vehicles (except the Gallardo) all contain Federal Signal Valor lightb...
Large 4x8 parking lot By Snoz Lombardo
Créé par Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this asset. It was created by Snoz Lombardo All I did was create a custom Thumbnail and Tooltip Image for the in game toolbar. I did reach out to people to ask them to update but I just don't feel like waiting months for them to be updated...
Large Advanced Crematorium
Créé par Fishbus
Large Advanced Crematorium: A large contemporary Crematorium that can deal with both traditional burial and modern cremation. Footprint: 9x15 Cost: 155000 Upkeep: 2640/week (16500) Burial Rate: 4 Corpse Capacity: 800 Deathcare: 175 DeathCare Radius: 1450 H...
Large Advanced Incineration Plant
Créé par Fishbus
Large Advanced Incineration Plant: A large, expensive and efficient incinerator that causes little pollution, produces power and processes large volumes of garbage. Footprint: 12x8 Cost: 175000 Upkeep: 3200/week Garbage Capacity: 750000 Garbage Processing:...
Large Broad Bush
Créé par pdelmo
Good for filling Tri 592 Texture 256x256 D/A/C snowfall...
Large Clarifier
Créé par Kollati
Large Clarifier by Kollati Cleans out the city sewage and convets it to fresh water and garbage. Cost: 3500 Upkeep: 240/week Water pumping capacity: 25600m3/week Sewage pumping capacity: 51200m3/week Creates moderate noise and garbage. Needs clean groundwa...
Large Concrete Parking Lot 5x8
Créé par Blackfrost
A large concrete parking lot with some entertainment value. Use this as a filler and to increase the land value around it. Game Stats Size: 5x8 Construction costs: 10 Maintenance costs: 0 Entertainment value: 20 Entertainment radius: 100 No fire hazzard, n...
Large container stacks - Pack 1
Créé par Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A large prop with 5 variations of containers from Pack 1 and Pack 5. This asset takes advantage of the random prop feature added to the asset editor in patch 1.6 and will cycle through the 5 variations. With m...
Large container stacks - Pack 2
Créé par Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A large prop with 5 variations of containers from Pack 2 and Pack 5. This asset takes advantage of the random prop feature added to the asset editor in patch 1.6 and will cycle through the 5 variations. With m...
Large container stacks - Pack 3
Créé par Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A large prop with 5 variations of containers from Pack 3 and Pack 5. This asset takes advantage of the random prop feature added to the asset editor in patch 1.6 and will cycle through the 5 variations. With m...
Large container stacks - Pack 4
Créé par Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A large prop with 5 variations of containers by bsquiklehausen. Visit his workshop for freight trains and props matching these containers. This asset takes advantage of the random prop feature added to the ass...
Large Dry patch
Créé par pdelmo
Large Dry patch by pdelmo Triangles = 768 Texture 128x128 Same as large green patch but tan For fairly flat ground for inclines use Requested by Big Bad Nonja...
Large Electrical Substation
Créé par jackskellington6_CS
SEC Small Substation I had a problem... transmission lines galore and nothing to connect them to. So I decided to create a small substation for my city's Summit Energy Company . This modern large substation is perfect for bringing 230 kV to 500 kV transmis...
Large Graffiti and Streetart Pack - 18 Props!
Créé par Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -customprops -they spawn in different sizes and some in different colors -its a pack, if you delete one in the content manager menu, all of them will be gone -Triangles: More than 1, less than 5....
Large Green Patch
Créé par pdelmo
Large Green Patch by pdelmo. Large foot print for brush on results. For Large flat ground. Being such a large patch of grass the game only needs to read one texture file for all the individual patches this will help save fps THIS PATCH IS FOR FLAT GROUND F...
Large Highschool "Lichtenberg"
Créé par jens
A large highschool provding education for 3000 students is now coming to your city! Be prepared to clear a 8x10 lot in your neighborhood as it is a large building, including a gym and athletic grounds. The design was copied from a nearby school in our neig...
Large Natural Gas Power Station
Créé par Badi_Dea
This power station is a recreation of a plant located in Forney, Tx. I thought it looked cool after it was mentioned in the thread for my previous Natural Gas Generating Station. This asset contains two buildings: a combined-cycle generator fed by waste he...
Large oil tank
Créé par Avanya
I had always planned on making some larger oil tanks and now Ngon took his tanks down I figured now was as good a time as any to make this. It fits the rest of my tanks, but it's just for decoration. If you'd like it to function, you can set up local RICO ...
Large oil tank - Fixed roof
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A large oil tank for when your city needs to store a lot of oil. The color variations come in the form of grunge, but no version is completely clean. It is found in the Oil industry...
Large oil tank - Loimu
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on and some unknown LUT A large oil tank for when your city needs to store a lot of oil. This one has loimu's logo painted on and the color variations come in the form of grunge, but n...
Large oil tank - Shell
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on and some unknown LUT A large oil tank for when your city needs to store a lot of oil. It has the Shell logo painted on the side and the color variations come in the form of grunge, ...
Large oil tank without logo
Créé par Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Daylight Classic on Not all tanks have logos on them - actually it's usually only a few which do with many logo-free tanks. So here's my large oil tank without a logo! If you'd like it to function, you can set up local RICO ...
Large Parking Garage / Car Park
Créé par GCVos
A large modern parking garage for all your stationary needs. Place two of these in opposing directions to form a 14x14 block. ------------------------------ Update 26-9: This asset has been updated to work with the After Dark day/night cycle. Update 4-9 - ...
Large petroleum storage tank
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A large petroleum tank for when your city needs to store a lot of petroleum. The color variations come in the form of grunge, but no version is completely clean. It is found in the ...
Large Prison Complex
Créé par Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) Comes completely without decoration, feel free to decorate it yourself. It is a functional Prison with 3 times the capacity of the vanilla Prison. You will need After Dark Please note: It only co...
Large Recycling Center
Créé par Fishbus
This larger recycling facility can deal with the most demanding of cities by sifting through and removing garbage over time. Noisy and expensive but it's 100% clean! Stats: Footprint: 16x8 Cost: 100000 Upkeep: 1920/week Garbage Capacity: 570000 Garbage Pro...
Large Recycling Center V2
Créé par KWetzel93
This is Fishbus's large Recycling Center, re-imported into the game as a actual Recycling Center, using the Recycling Center AI Brought with Green City's DLC. Re-Imported by hkcgalantfan001 Model credit goes to Fishbus. If you want the non-dlc one, go here...
Large Savannah Grass brown
Créé par pdelmo
Tree prop dont want a plain of trees. use this grass 288tri 256x512 texture...
Large shell tank - Fixed roof
Créé par Avanya
A shell recolor of my large oil tank to fit my other shell assets. I really should make a collection just for these. :P It works perfectly fine without my pipe props, but it just looks much nicer and it will give you the chance to fill up the area with pip...
Large suburban interchange
Créé par Ecumenopolitan
This is an interchange suitable for the outskirts of major cities. It could connect, for instance, a local highway with a more major highway that goes outside the city. No mods or DLC are needed, although I recommed using Fine Road Tool as usual. The "loca...
Large Tennis Club (clay version)
Créé par Tomas13TO
Large Tennis Club (clay version) for your city. INFO maps - d,n,s,a,i (1024x1024) triangles - 7652 LOD triangles - 146 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 10x13 ...
Large Tennis Club (grass version)
Créé par Tomas13TO
Large Tennis Club (grass version) for your city. INFO maps - d,n,s,a,i (1024x1024) triangles - 7652 LOD triangles - 146 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 10x13 ...
Large terraced brick planter - Prop
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A large brick planter for your plazas. Found in the common street props category. This asset does NOT come with any plants! A special thank you To my patron Pasi :D Model Tris: 58 Text...
Large terraced brick planter 4
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A large brick planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Snappi...
Large terraced planter
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A large concrete planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Sna...
Large terraced planter - Prop
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A large concrete planter for your plazas. Found in the common street props category. This asset does NOT come with any plants! A special thank you To my patron Pasi :D Model Tris: 58 T...
Large terraced planter 2
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A large concrete planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Sna...
Large terraced planter 3
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A large concrete planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Sna...
Large terraced planter 4
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A large concrete planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Sna...
Large terraced wooden planter
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A large wooden planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Snapp...
Large terraced wooden planter 2
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A large wooden planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Snapp...
Large terraced wooden planter 3
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A large wooden planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Snapp...
Large terraced wooden planter 4
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A large wooden planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Snapp...
Large terraced wooden planter prop
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A large wooden planter for your plazas. Found in the common street props category. This asset does NOT come with any plants!
Large Trellis
Créé par MrMaison
Large Trellis by MrMaison Introducing the Large Trellis witth wooden top and concrete pillars. This is the second prop in my new Botanic Garden series to compliment not only my trees but plants made by others for the game too. It's great for large garden a...
Large Water Pumping Station
Créé par Fishbus
Large Water Pumping Station: The perfect solution for serving large volumes of water to your citizens. Stats: Footprint: 8x6 Cost: 17500 Upkeep: 560/week Pumping Capacity: 384000/week Power Usage: 960KW Noise Pollution: 50 Noise Radius: 110 ---------- 大型抽水...
Large water pumping station 2
Créé par Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings While I ended up keeping the color scheme of the original, I really liked these new textures, so I decided to release it as a separate asset. If you've missed my water pumpin...
Large Water Tower
Créé par Fishbus
Large Water Tower A larger water tower, for a larger rural habitat. Stats: Footprint: 3x3 Cost: 8000 Upkeep: 400/week Pumping Capacity: 128000/week Power Usage: 400KW Noise Pollution: 30 Noise Radius: 40 ---------- 大型水塔 较大的水塔,用于较大的农村栖息地。 统计: 占地面积:3x3 花费:80...
Larger Fields Pack [Industries]
Créé par Maximilian
Thanks to MrMiyagi helping me update my fields, I can now introduce these larger fields. There are 3 new sizes, as seen in the preview images: XL - 16x16 XXL - 32x16 XXXL - 32x32 This pack contains 4 different fields in these sizes: wheat young, wheat ripe...
Las Colinas Residences
Créé par KingLeno
Las Colinas Residences by KingLeno If you would like to see more of these types assets on the workshop, please subscribe to me on YouTube to see what I'm working on by clicking here! 6 assets (3 models x2 for mirrors), some slight color variations so no ne...
LaSalle National Bank
Créé par honker
This art deco colossus is one of Chicago's oldest and boldest. It stands 45 stories tall, on the site of the world's very first skyscraper, the Home Life Insurance building in the heart of Chicago's Loop. It went up in 1934 as the Field Building, and was t...
LaSalle Plaza
Créé par hamma085
I guess it was time that I made a more modern Minneapolis Building. About the building LaSalle Plaza is a small skyscraper, and is the 20th (as of 7/17/2020) tallest building in Minneapolis, Minnesota at 387 ft tall. It was constructed in 1991 and was desi...
LaSalle Tower
Créé par honker
This is based on the US Bank Building in Chicago on LaSalle Street downtown. It is a 40-story postmodern office tower with a gabled roof and dark pink limestone facade. It's from the 80s, so everybody who works in this building is required to wear a side p...
LaSalle Tower (1:1.5)
Créé par honker
Scaled down version of LaSalle Tower....
LaSalle-Wacker Building
Créé par AJ3D
Completed in 1930 by architects Holabrid and Root, this Art Deco masterpiece sits on the corner of Wacker Drive and LaSalle Street in Chicago Ill. Its limestone facade towers 543 feet over the Chicago Loop. Unique Building: -1:1 scale -5x6 plot -1024x512 t...
LASD 2018 Dodge Charger
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Black/White Sheriff Charger Cyrus Jackson, a fan of mine on Steam, made these but asked me to release them. Therefore, I present a black/white LA Sheriff Set. This will be the only black/white sheriff set, since I'm not real...
LASD 2018 Ford Explorer
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Black/White Sheriff Explorer Cyrus Jackson, a fan of mine on Steam, made these but asked me to release them. Therefore, I present a black/white LA Sheriff Set. This will be the only black/white sheriff set, since I'm not rea...
Late 19th century Train Station
Créé par jens
Late 19th century Terminus Train Station, inspired by Anhalter Bahnhof in Berlin, Germany.
Late Fall Tree
Créé par pdelmo
Smaller fall tree for around built up areas. More for detailing as it has thin branches 808tri 512x512 texture ...
Late fall tree
Créé par pdelmo
Modeled as a big old thick tree 1628tri 1024x1024 pix...
Créé par EvametryE
zakje lavender. A lavender bush/plant, something i wanted to make ever since i started playing this game but only really got to it now, i fell in love with the mediterranean lavender fields and absolutely had to recreate this plant to make such farms, desp...
LAVIDE ATLAN busan haeundae hotel _ korea _ yunseul
Créé par yunseul
Information lavide atlan gunam-ro haeundae busan korea unique building store parts Find It mod asset name : lavid100 Donate : paypal
Law School
Créé par honker
E pluribus skylinicus! Climb the stairs of Justice as you crush your peers in this cutthroat school of all things legal. Will your citizens pursue benevolent careers as public defenders, or become corporate tools? Or will they simply settle for the first p...
Lavender Field - 4x8
Créé par Czardus
This is a 4x8 crop field using Breeze's outstanding lavender prop (linked to in the list of required assets for this field). I've used the small crop field as a template so all of the properties will be the same in game as that, meaning it will be availabl...
Lawn PacK- Dead, Vibrant Green and Rich green
Créé par pdelmo
3 COLOURS of lawn grass. Dead, Vibrant Green and Rich green. This grass is super fine and very aesthetic. Full refund if its not the nicest grass on the workshop. 1 patch is just under 5m in dia and its 2 or 3 feet tall 464 Triangles 512 Texture https://tw...
lawn tufts cluster low poly
Créé par pdelmo
lawn tufts cluster by pdelmo "mow ya lawn mate' 96tri 256x128 texture # grass green ...
Leafy Farm Bush by pdelmo
Créé par pdelmo
Leafy Farm Bush. Good to replace the vanilla large bush Looks the part Silly low poly only 157 polygons!!!!! 512x512 texture
Leafy Pot Plant
Créé par pdelmo
Leafy Pot Plant by pdelmo Bigger pot plant for roofs shopping centers, malls and parks. Mesh info 1185 triangles. Yes is a tad high but you are only going to use it in a few select spots...
Leafy Street Tree. Low poly
Créé par pdelmo
Leafy Street Tree by pdelmo. Don't forget to rate for more nice but low poly nature assets 280 triangles. 512x512 texture...
Leafy Tree by pdelmo
Créé par pdelmo
FEATURES!!!! LOW POLY Only 404 polygons... Lower Poly than the Vanilla Oak tree SMALL TEXTURE FILE. Only 512X512 but with good detail A FULL VERY LEAFY CANOPY. With detail foliage Dark bark texture Nice green colour and saturation level Does have snowfall ...
Leafy Tree Set
Créé par pdelmo
Set of 4 Leafy green generic trees 1024x1024 textures with colour and normal maps Leafy Tend 512tri Leafy Regular 966tri Leafy Full 426tri Leafy split trunk 953tri Shoutouts for some screenshots Hotkettle
Créé par pdelmo
LeafyBush by pdelmo. Nice thick green and leafy 378 tri Texture is 1024x1024 for that close up detail Suits most colour corrections Does not do snow...
Leafy_Tall Forest Tree
Créé par pdelmo
Low tri clean lod backgrond leafy tree 508tri 1024x1024 texture...
Learjet 60
Créé par [Delta ²k5]
This bigger Learjet can transport 8 cims to your city. Specs: 2351 Faces, Res: 1024 x 1024 Lod: 238 Faces, Res: 512 x 512. WARNING: This plane has custom acceleration and brake values. This could lead to overshoots on the stock airport....
Leeza Soho - Beijing [RICO]
Créé par _luminou_
Leeza Soho - Beijing Replica of the Leeza SOHO (also known as Li Ze Tower) This Skyscraper located in the Lize Financial Business District in Beijing, China. Construction began in 2015 and is set to be completed in 2018. The Leeza SOHO features a huge 190 ...
Legacy Fall Trees Pack
Créé par MrMaison
Legacy Fall Trees Pack by MrMaison This is a 3 piece set of trees in fall versions you may be familiar with. Oak Tree, London Planetree, and the Silver Birch tree. I placed them together as a pack to cut down on workshop bloat and so they are not just snuc...
lenoTech Library
Créé par KingLeno
lenoTech Library by KingLeno The Board of Directors at lenoTech recently approved the purchase of an empty department store for use and conversion into a library. Unfortunately, reports indicate that no books have actually been moved into the building, onl...
Leroy Merlin x Renault Master PROP
Créé par Gruny
Leroy Merlin x Renault Master Renault Master III - commercial vehicle manufactured by Renault Modeling and texturing by myself Moving vehicle here Specs Prop Tris 1132 / 16 (lod) Texture - 1024x512 | D / I / S / C / N Lod Texture - 128x64 | D / I / C Suppo...
Less Steam
Créé par thale5
This mod reduces unnecessary network traffic with Steam Enable the mod as usual. The mod runs during the Paradox logo, so it will take effect the next time you start the game. How much traffic is there? Content Manager generates lots of it. If you have man...
Lever Tower
Créé par ryanjamesoflondon
A fairly common cantilevered skyscraper, built in 1973, in less than ideal condition. Finally a new type of tree! Make sure you download my Cypress Tree asset for it to show up ingame. GROWABLE 3x4 Level 3 Office Building Please help me in making more asse...
LiAZ-677M (prop)
Créé par Pashka2125
LiAZ-677M soviet and russian bus...
Lifecenter Hospital
Créé par hqsouza
A modern hospital complex with clinics, laboratories, emergency and specialized care. The building is based in a hospital from the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, the Life Center Hospital built in 2000. It is located in the healthcare menu. The stats are s...
Lifeguard Vehicles Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Lifeguard SUV and Pickup Truck Props are here Information This is the props for my lifeguard vehicles (all liveries). Props are located in the COMMON Category. Use the Prop And Tree Anarchy Mod to place anywhere. Anarchy shou...
Light Industrial Garage 3
Créé par Spence!
A larger garage with a second level office/storage area. There are no props included aside from some roof details and lights, you can place your own vehicles inside if you want. The sign props is part of this pack. -----------------------------------------...
Light Parking Lots
Créé par KingLeno
Light Parking Lots by KingLeno A set of 3 parking lots that are lighter than Dark Asphalt Parking Lots. Should be placed on flat land, and chances are great that there will be some clipping of the terrain which is why I've listed MoveIt! Select the parking...
Lights After Dark Bus Stop
Créé par Populous
Lights After Dark Bus Stop by Populous Features - Lights After Dark Friendly and more active - Benches and Cim markers so they gather and sit - Matches Lights After Dark Taxi Stand - White light for a clean look - lights Front and back give this a safe fee...
Lilly Pilly Medium Bush
Créé par pdelmo
Lilly Pilly Medium Bush by pdelmo Triangles= 1360 Texture is 1024x1024...
Lilly Pilly planter trimmed
Créé par pdelmo
Lilly Pilly planter trimmed by pdelmo. Perfect for road side planters. Triangles= 906 Texture is 1024x1024...
Lilly Pilly Small Bush
Créé par pdelmo
Lilly Pilly Small Bush by pdelmo Perfect to replace stock small bushes with. Triangles = 234 Texture is 1024x1024...
Linden Tree Fall
Créé par MrMaison
Linden Tree Fall by MrMaison This is the 2 piece Linden Trees in Fall versions adding some golden color to your foliage. The color of these trees will vary between LUTs. Daylight Classic mod was in use with these screenshots. The Linden is part of the Tili...
Linden Trees
Créé par MrMaison
Linden Trees by MrMaison Introducing a set of Linden Trees. Kinda generic but inspired by those found in Europe particularly Germany. The Linden is part of the Tilia family which have 30 species in Europe where they are called "Linden", North America where...
Line Decal Networks
Créé par Ronyx69
Includes white and yellow line decal networks and the line decals used for them. Found in landscaping paths menu. You can save on the prop limit by using these instead of decals, but don't overdo it, as there are segment, node and lane limits as well. You ...
Créé par agusingnavy
Linger | Mass Transit DLC by agusingnavy The Greatest «Put Me Down» The Cranberries #NowPlaying Rhine River - Germany "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. *UI Priority: -90000005 Mods u...
Linger [CSUE]
Créé par agusingnavy
Linger by agusingnavy I AM LEGEND Germany Asset made using a few(?) roads from this collection: 中国快速路 Cities Skylines Urban Expressway "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. *UI Priority:...
Linger | Mass Transit DLC
Créé par agusingnavy
Linger | Mass Transit DLC by agusingnavy I AM LEGEND «Put Me Down» The Cranberries #NowPlaying Rhine River - Germany "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. *UI Priority: -90000005 Mods us...
LINQ Casino Hotel Tower
Créé par KingLeno
LINQ Casino Hotel Tower by KingLeno Stand alone LINQ Tower. This was created for my Paradise Valley Cities Skylines series, a recreation of the Las Vegas Strip. Since this is part of a larger build, it has no lobby. The casino floor and entrance will be re...
LINQ Casino Theater
Créé par KingLeno
LINQ Casino Theater by KingLeno...
LIppoCentre V1.1香港力宝中心 HK hong kong
Créé par XDBX
LIppoCentre V1.1 香港力宝中心 添加广告牌灯光。 Add billboard lights 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the lights 重新制作了底座 Recreated the model 文件尺寸小于原版 File size is smaller than the original You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊建筑...
Lipscomb Pitts Insurance
Créé par KingLeno
Lipscomb Pitts Insurance by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! Generic midrise office building based on building in Memphis, TN. Logo is included with subscription, but it is not placed on asset. You can choose to have it with or without...
Lipstick Palm
Créé par MrMaison
Lipstick Palm by MrMaison When I first saw the Lipstick Palm I said to myself, "I have to make this tree!!" And so here it is as a 3 piece set including a cluster (which is normally how it grows), a single tree and a sprout. Lipstick palm is a tropical pla...
Liquid Amber (American sweetgum)
Créé par pdelmo
Liquid Amber yellow early fall tree by pdelmo We have a lot of these trees in Australia and we call them Liquid Ambers so thats what i named it :D Game Stats Tris 774 Texture D&A at 512x512 Nice size and perfect LOD Life Stats: Liquidambar styraciflua Amer...
Liquid Amber extra colours
Créé par pdelmo
Liquid Amber red and orange with mixed tones Tris 774 Texture D/A/N/C at 512x512 Nice size and perfect LOD fallen leaves decal
Lit Wall
Créé par Ronyx69
Includes a wall building which is lit af fam. 🔥 Made for the additive shader tutorial video: Source files as an example for asset creators: Main: 46 ...
Litfaßsäule prop
Créé par SvenBerlin
Litfaßsäule prop by Svenpotsdam If you like my work I would be happy about a donation. Thanks for that.
Little Caesar's Pizza
Créé par KingLeno
Help me get to 2,000 subscribers on YouTube! I was doing a series of American shopping center commercial buildings (some new, some updates) to reward and encourage more subscribers to my YouTube channel. I'm going to finish off this series of shopping cent...
Little Leafy Bush.
Créé par pdelmo
Little Leafy Bush. by pdelmo. A must have asset. Full detail minamal poly and texture . No need to use the vanilla bushes 109 Polygons 256X256 Texture...
Little Sawmill (growable)
Créé par bennymedia
Sawmill/Sägewerk by bennymedia (Updated V 1.1, ready for After Dark) A little sawmill to give the forestry some more variation. Uses 3x3 plots. 1024x1024 texture map, 718 Tris, LOD Feel free to check out the rest of my workshop:
Live Oak Tree
Créé par MrMaison
Live Oak Tree by MrMaison Introducing a basic version of a Live Oak tree. There are many variations of "Live Oak" trees and I do plan on releasing more types including a "Southern Live Oak" with moss which is already in development. This tree is tall, thic...
Loading Bay Pack
Créé par Beardmonkey
Loading Bay Pack by Beardmonkey This is a set of three loading bay props. 1. Loading Bay 01 Tris: 414 Texture: 256x256 px LOD tris: 8 LOD texture: 64x64 px 2. Loading Bay 02 (same as Loading Bay 01 but with less details) Tris: 102 Texture: 256x256 px LOD t...
Marqué comme incompatible ]  Loading Screen Mod
Créé par thale5
Update May 22, 2021 Support for the new DLCs. Update Oct 31, 2020 Support for the Chinese language. My thanks to @Yuuki for the translation! Update Sep 23, 2019 New Safe Mode loading options. Read here. Update Jul 28, 2019 New feature: Optimize thumbnails ...
Loading Screen Mod 汉化版
Créé par Catnip.
This version is Chinese only...
Local Fire Department
Créé par jens
A local fire department made with love :) this one is very close to the (now closed) Hamburg Barmbeck fire department. Firefighters will probably thank you for the rooftop hang out area. Expect a little more response time though :D Info: 3600 triangles, 40...
Local Police Department
Créé par jens
Hi all, this is my newest creation, a mid sized local police department. Info: 4149 triangles, cost 12000 building/ 480 maintaining, 15 vehicles capacity Enjoy! Please consider supporting my work, I'll be very grateful. Thank you!:)
Local station#6 50m
Créé par konfox0527
ローカル線の駅 Local station #6 Overview 電化されたローカル私鉄の駅をモチーフにした単線の小さな駅です。 プラットホーム長は50mです。(江ノ電の2編成連結車がぎりぎりはいります。) 設置方法がタイルに依存しないフリーポジションタイプになっています。入口の階段を道路にあわせてください。 This station motif Electric local private railway's small station. Platform length is 50m small. Th...
Local station#6 JP1L 50m
Créé par konfox0527
ローカル線の駅 JP1L KT21 Local station #6 JP1L KT21 Overview ローカル線の駅#6の線路をJP1L stationtrack KT21GRに変更したものです。プラットホームを10cmかさ上げが行われてます。 電化されたローカル私鉄の駅をモチーフにした単線の小さな駅です。 プラットホーム長は50mです。(江ノ電の2編成連結車がぎりぎりはいります。) 設置方法がタイルに依存しないフリーポジションタイプになっています。入口の階段を道路にあわせてください。 This is...
Local station#7 65m
Créé par konfox0527
ローカル線の駅 Local station #7 Overview 電化されたローカル私鉄の駅をモチーフにした小さな駅です。 プラットホーム長は65mです。 設置方法がタイルに依存しないフリーポジションタイプになっています。道路を入口にあわせてください。 This station motif Electric local private railway's small station. Platform length is 65m small. This station is "freeposition t...
Locon 1600 Tanker Train
Créé par Acc3ss Violation
This cargo train consists of various tank cars, some for gas, some for other stuff. We don't know exactly what stuff, but our lawyers have ensured that we are not responsible for any explosions related to these tankers. Anyway. Locon is a European transpor...
Loews Hotel
Créé par KingLeno
Loews Hotel by KingLeno Texture 1024 x 1024 Triangles 3256 Custom LOD Lot size: 10 x 8 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter If you like my assets, conside...
Logistics Warehouse
Créé par Ronyx69
Includes a 12x18 back piece and a 10x18 front piece which can also be used as a middle extension piece. RICO: $10K / L2 Industrial / 50 jobs (for each piece) Solar panel props are optional. Ma...
Logistics Warehouse Solar Panels
Créé par Ronyx69
Solar panel prop for the Logistics Warehouse: Main: 689 tris 256x128 LOD: 96 tris 32x32 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests Do...
Créé par Sparks
Lombardy Poplar
Créé par MrMaison
Lombardy Poplar by MrMaison Introducing a 2 piece set of Lombardy Poplar trees AKA Black Poplar or Italian Poplar (Poplus nigra 'Italica'). One is dense and the other is less dense and fluffy. This tree is native to Europe, southwest and central Asia and n...
Lombardy Poplar Fall
Créé par MrMaison
Lombardy Poplar Fall by MrMaison Introducing a fall version of the Lombardy Poplar AKA Black Poplar or Italian Poplar (Poplus nigra 'Italica'). This tree is native to Europe, southwest and central Asia and northwest Africa. This columnar form tree is great...
London Oyster Barriers
Créé par meshd Keyword for Find It: "oyster" Height adjustable using Move It TfL Oyster Card Barriers / Ticket Gates / Gateline You can make the barcode scanner visible by renaming the building to anything else other than their original as...
London Planetree
Créé par MrMaison
London Planetree by MrMaison Introducing the London Planetree by request of my friend snibble007. It's great for tree lined neighborhoods and parks in urban areas. They are very common here in NYC and in many places around the world. There will be more var...
Créé par Sparks
London Planetree 2
Créé par MrMaison
London Planetree 2 by MrMaison Introducing a 2 piece set of new and improved London Planetrees. One big fluffy one and a younger version. The young version is great for street decoration and smaller yards. I plan to make more variations in the future. The ...
London Transit & Street Signs (+PO Fonts)
Créé par nutty crunch
Pack of London Transit Signs and Roundels and Street Signs. Comes with two Procedural Object Fonts (P22 Johnston and Univers), which are the real fonts used in real life. Includes: * 2 Street Signs (Westminster wall-mounted sign and generic self-standing s...
London Underground, Modern Large
Créé par mdtaUK
London Underground, Modern Large, 1 Platform by mdtaUK...
Long Grass Pack
Créé par pdelmo
Grass Pack 3 colours with mixed tones VERY LONG Tris 294 textures 1024x1024 D/A/C ...
Long plaza 3 x 6
Créé par core79
Long plaza 3 x 6 by core79 Für die stats schaut einfach auf das fünfte Bild. For the stats look the fifth picture. Für diesen Park ein speziellen Dank an KingLeno, GC Vos , ryanjamesoflondon , BenTracker , MrMaison, stmSantana und Lost丶青柠 For this park a s...
Longyang Road Station (Elevated Train Station Version) 龍陽路站 (高架火車站版)
Créé par Emperor Li
Longyang Road Station (Elevated Train Station Version) 龍陽路站 (高架火車站版) Elevated train station version of my Shanghai Maglev Longyang Road Station The station is longer than the maglev station, Station track height is 9m, length 18 tiles (144m). If you get th...
Los Angeles Fire Department (Pierce Red) Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
LAFD (Pierce Red) Fire Truck and SUV Props Are Here Information This fire vehicle prop pack, which used to be the pre-concerts vehicles, has been swapped so that it is now solely LAFD themed vehicles. The prop packs has been...
Longxin Electronic隆鑫电子
Créé par amamIya
Longxin Electronic隆鑫电子 by amamIya...
Loring Medical Building
Créé par hamma085
About the building The Loring Medical Building is a small doctor's office located across the street from Loring Park, in Minneapolis Minnesota. It was constructed in 1926. There aren't a lot of smaller, older healthcare buildings in the game so I thought i...
Los Angeles Metro Bench Pack
Créé par Polygon This prop pack includes two original benches you can find at LA Metro’s Expo Line Stations. Check out my appendant LA Metro Stations & Props. Mesh Info Bench A: 696 tris, 512x256 diffuse, specul...
Los Angeles Metro Prop Pack
Créé par Polygon
These props are made for my Los Angeles Metro stations. Currently, this pack contains the following props: Metro Lines Map - NEW! Ticket Machine - NEW! Trash Can Station Display Turnstiles Check out my Los Angeles Metro Bench Pack .
Los Geckos Mexican Restaurant & Cantina
Créé par KingLeno
Los Geckos by KingLeno Local Mexican restaurant where it's happy hour all of the time. No Bad Hombres here, only the best people. Bring your voter ID, you'll need it to purchase the cereal and margaritas. Growable Lvl 2 low commercial building Triangles 17...
Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) 荷花
Créé par Emperor Li
Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) a cluster of lotus consists of leaves and flowers. Please use BloodyPenguin's Prop & Tree Anarchy to plant it in water and Extra Landscaping Tools to adjust the water ground level after planting. Naturally you should plant it in sh...
Lotus Breeze Pavilion 荷風四面亭
Créé par Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (from: wikipedia ) Cities: Skyline...
Lounge Furniture Pack
Créé par Polygon This pack contains four modern outdoor furniture props. I think there is not much modern furniture to find yet. So I was encouraged to create some for my new apartment building. Note: the last four pictures are blender renders....
Love's Travel Center
Créé par KingLeno
Love's Travel Center by KingLeno Includes 4 assets: Main building/store - Level 2 commercial with RICO settings Gas Pumps - Level 2 commercial with RICO settings Truck Gas Pumps - for decoration; no parking, no stats, can be placed anywhere Love's Travel C...
Low-Tri Filler Pine Pack
Créé par Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 4 unique pine tree assets. These are designed with bare-minimum tri count so they can be packed in tight without taxing your computer too much. You can use them to fill gaps between more detail...
LRT - Light Prop
Créé par clus
LRT - Tram Tracks
Créé par clus Hello all together ! This network is (kind of) a complete overhaul of the tram network. Its called "LRT - trams". You can find all related networks/assets in the collection above. This was the...
LRT - Tram Tracks - Prop Pack
Créé par clus
Announcement Hello everybody ! This Prop Pack is the main dependency for all LRT - Tram tracks. That includes the first upload ( ) "LRT - Tram - Tracks" as well. I am going to correct my big...
LRT - Tram Tracks - Single Tracks
Créé par clus Hello all together ! This network is (kind of) a complete overhaul of the tram network. Its called "LRT - trams". You can find all related networks/assets in the collection above. This was the...
LRT Palembang [Metro]
Créé par meshd
Looking for other variants? LRT Palembang LRT Palembang LRT Palembang Asian Games LRT Palembang Asian Games LRT Palembang LRT Jabodebek LRT Jabodebek LRT Jabodebek INKA Light Rail Transit - LRT Palembang Asset Name LRT Palem...
Lufthansa A380
Créé par SvenBerlin
Lufthansa A380 by Svenpotsdam after dark updated If you like that airplane, feel free to make a donation for the time I invested to make the skin for that aircraft. Thanks a lot.
Lumber transfer station
Créé par EvametryE
Heard the oregon timber calling me. A special building designed specifically for the purpose to load boxcars or flatcars with the lumber planks produced at the sawmill, very handy to transport your goods from mill to buyer. About this asset 1024x1024 textu...
Luxury Business Complex
Créé par amamIya
Luxury Business Complex by amamIya...
LRT Tram Tracks - Without Fences
Créé par clus Hello all together ! This network is (kind of) a complete overhaul of the tram network. Its called "LRT - trams". You can find all related networks/assets in the collection above. This wasn´t ...
Luxury Logos Pack
Créé par Like_Mike
luxury retail boutique logos/signs for high end stores including Tiffany, Tom Ford, Armani...
Luxury Shopping Center
Créé par KingLeno
Luxury Shopping Center Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. Generic bay of shopping center store fronts without signage or branding. Triangles Texture 1024x1024 Custom LOD Level 2 Low D...
M/S Pernille
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Swedish Ferry for Your City The M/S Pernille is a passenger ferry that runs on the Helsingør - Helsingborg ferry route shipping route. Let your Cims enjoy a quiet cruise on the water in this ship by von Roth. All ferries tha...
M1 Surface Rock - Water Friendly
Créé par Czardus
M1 Surface Rock - Water Friendly by Czardus This is a prop version of Owl's original surface rock (medium A), which allows the rocks to be used on land or in water without needing to use building anarchy to solve the water gliching. You can find Owl's orig...
M2 Surface Rock - Water Friendly
Créé par Czardus
M2 Surface Rock - Water Friendly by Czardus This is a prop version of Owl's original surface rock (medium B), which allows the rocks to be used on land or in water without needing to use building anarchy to solve the water gliching. You can find Owl's orig...
M62+Boxcar (AD+)
Créé par komurka
Legendary Soviet diesel loco, M62 is weel-known thing in whole the "East Block". The first M62 was built in 1962, and modern modifications are still in use. This loco is known by different names in different countries it surved: Hungary and USSR: M62 GDR (...
MAC Cosmetics
Créé par KingLeno
MAC Cosmetics by King Leno Huge thanks to Ronyx69 and sharing his Apple store which was used to create the glass windows. Model Triangles 831 Texture 512x512 d,n,I,s Lot size 2 x 3 RICO Low d...
Macy's Dept. Store
Créé par KingLeno
Macy's Department Store by KingLeno Macy's, originally R. H. Macy & Co., is a department store owned by Macy's, Inc. It is one of two divisions owned by the company, with the other being Bloomingdale's. As of January 2014, the Macy's division operates 789 ...
Maersk Line Cargo Ship
Créé par Leo Mystic Magic
Introducing the Chirpette Maersk! A Cargo Ship that holds 3x the capacity of the default ships. Has 75 Storage opposed to 25. I plan on using this ship again by re-skinning it with different cargo line brands and will adjust it to make smaller sizes as wel...
MAGLEV Station Track
Créé par REV0
MAGLEV Station Tracks MAGLEV Station Tracks for networks involving MAGLEV and stations. Can be used by creators to make MAGLEV stations or regular users who want to create custom MAGLEV stations. First station that use MAGLEV station track: Emperor Li's Sh...
MAGLEV Tracks: Shanghai
Créé par REV0
Unleash the power of Tesla. Transrapid is a German developed high-speed monorail train using magnetic levitation. Planning for the Transrapid system started in 1969 with a test facility for the system in Emsland, Germany completed in 1987. In 1991, technic...
Créé par MrMaison
Magnolia by MrMaison Introducing Magnolia soulangeana also known as "Saucer Magnolia" or "Chinese Magnolia". This is actually a hybrid species bred in France from the denudata and liliifora species (both from China). This particular small tree is of the Am...
Créé par Ston3D
Magnolia by Ston3D Statistics: 560 Tris 512 px 3-6m Please feel free to comment and rate if you like it......
Main sawmill
Créé par EvametryE
Heard the oregon timber calling me. The building i wanted more than any other building in this game was a large, red, wooden sawmill with a log flume, to complement the forestry industry in this game, now after years its finally done. a large sawmill to pr...
Malaysian Road Sign Pack V2: Highway/Road
Créé par Hafiz
Malaysian Road Sign Pack V2: Highway/Road. Update to the old Malaysian Roadsign pack. The texture brightness is lowered now. Includes some of the highway and road directional/distance signs in Malaysia. Credits to users Spence! and CaffeinatedNoms. https://...
Mall Parking Garage
Créé par KingLeno
Mall Parking Garage by KingLeno An older parking garage for malls but obviously can be used for any purposes. 8x11 Lot, same layout as University City Parking Garage, but shorter. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingL...
Macy's Department Store
Créé par KingLeno
Macy's Department Store by KingLeno Huge older department store. Lot size is 13 x 19. The Macy's logo will illuminate only at night with the Additive Shader mod. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Chan...
Mail Pouch Tobacco barn
Créé par EvametryE
That nasty nasty snuff, that horrble tasting stuff, i tried it once too much a bunch thats when i lost my lunch, i tried my best to chew it, but i just couldnt do it. This asset is a small red barn with a Mail Pouch chewing Tobacco advert on the side, Back...
Mallemoer -Z- (European)
Créé par Zakerias
River Map: Mallemoer UPDATE: I've managed to update this map. It no longer has an issue with airports, planes will now be able to land! NOTE: There seems to be an issue with airplanes, they are not able to land everywhere causing airports to have no passen...
Malmo Central Station Platforms
Créé par Beardmonkey
Malmo Central Station Platforms by Beardmonkey...
Malta HIGH RES Pack 1
Créé par Accapulco
Set of limestone and plaster flats, 14 rows, 3 separate (15-17), 2 right corners. Should still fit cities in Mediterranean in general, specially islands and coastal towns where flat roofing is preferred. Some have a couple of props here and there but I've ...
Malta LOW RES Pack 1
Créé par Accapulco
Set of 1 tile wide limestone and plaster buildings, 8 rows, 2 right corners. I packed these together since they are generic looking enough to work in Mediterranean cities in Spain, Italy, North Africa, Middle East, etc.. Some have a couple of props here an...
Malta LOW RES Pack 2
Créé par Accapulco
Set of 1 tile wide limestone and plaster buildings, 14 rows, 2 right corners. These are very Maltese, they have Arabic style balconies which should still fit cities in Sicily, North Africa and the Mediterranean Middle East if you use Painter to color code ...
MAN Lion's City 2018 (Prop Pack)
Créé par REV0
Diesel/Hybrid, Prop Pack - Generic Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact The MAN Lion's City is a range of low-floor and low-entry public buses built by German truck and bus manufacturer MA...
MAN Lion's City 2018 10-3: Generic
Créé par REV0
Model 10-3 Door variant, Generic - 45 passengers Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact The MAN Lion's City is a range of low-floor and low-entry public buses built by German truck and bus m...
MAN Lion's City 2018 12: Generic
Créé par REV0
Model 12-2 Door variant, Generic - 90 passengers Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact The MAN Lion's City is a range of low-floor and low-entry public buses built by German truck and bus m...
MAN Lion's City 2018 - Natural Gas (Prop Pack)
Créé par REV0
Natural Gas, Prop Pack - Generic Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact The MAN Lion's City is a range of low-floor and low-entry public buses built by German truck and bus manufacturer MAN ...
MAN Lion's City 2018 12-3C : Generic
Créé par REV0
Model 12-3 Door variant, Generic - 120 passengers Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact The MAN Lion's City is a range of low-floor and low-entry public buses built by German truck and bus ...
MAN Lion's City 2018 14-3: Generic
Créé par REV0
Model 14-3 Door variant, Generic - 90 passengers Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact The MAN Lion's City is a range of low-floor and low-entry public buses built by German truck and bus m...
MAN Lion's City 2018 18-4: Generic
Créé par REV0
Model 18-4 Door variant, Generic - 150 passengers Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact The MAN Lion's City is a range of low-floor and low-entry public buses built by German truck and bus ...
Créé par PALiX
MAN TGL 12 Production years: 2005-2009. Designed in Germany. Industrial delivery truck, capacity - 8000 as default. Colors: white, blue, black, red. Model details: Main model: 4484 triangles, 2048x1024 textures. LOD model: 58 triangles, 128x128 textures. T...
Manassas High School
Créé par KingLeno
Manassas High School by KingLeno See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. Historic high school in Memphis, TN that many prominent African-American Memphians attended including Isaac Hayes. The building was completely rebuilt in 2008 h...
Mangrove Tree
Créé par MrMaison
Mangrove Tree by MrMaison Introducing my first Mangrove Tree. This tree is good for swamps and shorelines with a lot of vegetation. Quote from the web: Mangroves are defined as assemblages of salt tolerant trees and shrubs that grow in the intertidal regio...
Manicured Grass Decal
Créé par Badi_Dea
Big Decal for mowed grass. 512x512 texture - Diffuse, Specular, Alpha. 16x16m (2x2 tiles), 8m slope tolerance. REQUIRES Decal Prop Fix by boformer and Ronyx69: Requested by HungryHungryCities...
Mansion DADA
Créé par Tomas13TO
Mansion DADA You need to use the Ploppable RICO Mod by AJ3D to function as intended. Otherwise it's just a park/plaza that doesn't do anything. INFO - residential low - level 5 - 6 households - 18 000 construction cost The house is without trees and plants...
Mansion GINA
Créé par Tomas13TO
Mansion GINA You need to use the Ploppable RICO Mod by AJ3D to function as intended. Otherwise it's just a park/plaza that doesn't do anything. INFO - residential low - level 5 - 5 households - 22 000 construction cost The house is without trees and plants...
Mansion KIKA
Créé par Tomas13TO
Mansion KIKA You need to use the Ploppable RICO Mod by AJ3D to function as intended. Otherwise it's just a park/plaza that doesn't do anything. INFO - residential low - level 5 - 6 households - 24 000 construction cost The house is without trees and plants...
Mansion LINDA
Créé par Tomas13TO
Mansion LINDA You need to use the Ploppable RICO Mod by AJ3D to function as intended. Otherwise it's just a park/plaza that doesn't do anything. INFO - residential low - level 5 - 5 households - 20 000 construction cost The house is without trees and plant...
Mansion Pack
Créé par Tomas13TO
Hello everybody, These are mansions I released a time ago but now you can find them without fences, pools and other stuff around there. Enjoy. INFO maps - d,n,s,i,a (2048x1024) triangles - each of them has about 5000 LOD triangles - each of them has about ...
Mansion TINA
Créé par Tomas13TO
Mansion TINA You need to use the Ploppable RICO Mod by AJ3D to function as intended. Otherwise it's just a park/plaza that doesn't do anything. INFO - residential low - level 5 - 5 households - 19 000 construction cost The house is without trees and plants...
Mapco Gas Station
Créé par KingLeno
Mapco Gas Station by KingLeno 3x4 Level 1 Low Density Commercial gas station. The sign is include with subscription but not placed on the asset. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on F...
Marble Mountain Billboards
Créé par ThatEvan
Information These billboards were made by request for the YouTube series Cities: Skylines Marble Mountain created by Two Dollars Twenty . This billboard pack contains 4 props: - Rooftop Billboard - Low Billboard - Wide Billboard - Floating Billboard Worksh...
Marina and Hotel
Créé par Tomas13TO
Marina and Hotel This asset you can find under Parks tab. INFO - 100 entertainment accumulation - 800 entertainment radius - 120 000 construction cost - 14x18 Model INFO Main Building maps - d,n,s,a,i (2048x1024) triangles - 5013 LOD triangles - 204 Sub-Bu...
Market 4 x 5
Créé par core79
Market 4 x 5 by core79 Für die Stats schaut einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Über einen netten Kommentar oder Daumen hoch würde ich mich natürlich sehr freuen. Danke schön. Für diesen Park einen speziellen Dank an KingLeno , SvenBerlin , GC Vos , Beardmonkey ,...
Market 7 x 3
Créé par core79
Market 7 x 3 by core79 Über einen netten Kommentar oder Daumen hoch würde ich mich natürlich sehr freuen. Danke schön. Für diesen Park einen speziellen Dank an MrMaison , KingLeno , SvenBerlin , GC Vos , Beardmonkey , Lost_Gecko , Gèze , Accapulco , DeCzaa...
Market Alcohols [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Market Alcohols by Gèze...
Market Antiquities [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Market Antiquities by Gèze...
Market Awnings [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Market Awnings by Gèze...
Market Books [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Market Books by Gèze...
Market Bread [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Market Bread by Gèze...
Market Cheese [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Market Cheese by Gèze...
Market Containers [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Market Containers by Gèze...
Market Fabrics [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Market Fabrics by Gèze...
Market Flowers [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Market Flowers by Gèze...
Market Meats [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Market Meats by Gèze...
Market Produce [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Market Produce by Gèze...
Market Seafood [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Market Seafood by Gèze...
Market Stall #1
Créé par Gèze
Informations: A street market stall with a variety of fruits and vegetables. You can use it in parks, on your buildings or simply place it on the streets using Prop Anarchy and More Beautification Mods. Additional informations: All of the fruits and vegeta...
Market Stall #2
Créé par Gèze
Informations: A street market stall with a variety of fruits and vegetables (bit different than Market Stall #1). You can use it in parks, on your buildings or simply place it on the streets using Prop Anarchy and More Beautification Mods. Additional infor...
Market Stall Awnings Pack
Créé par Beardmonkey
Market Stall Awnings Pack by Beardmonkey This pack contains seven market stall awnings made for the Osahra project. Tris: 148–172 Texture: 512x512 px LOD tris: 24–28 Some of the awnings have color variation. This pack was custom made for the Osahra project...
Market Stalls Pack
Créé par Beardmonkey
Market Stalls Pack by Beardmonkey Market Stall 01 Tris: 586 Texture: 512x256 px Market Stall 02 Tris: 810 Texture: 512x256 px Market Stall 03 Tris: 324 Texture: 512x256 px Market Stall 04 Tris: 90 Texture: 256x128 px This pack was custom made for the Osahr...
Market Stalls [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Market Stalls by Geze...
Market Workers [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Market Workers by Gèze...
Marriott at Market Square
Créé par KingLeno
Marriott International, headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, has more than 5700 properties in over 110 countries and territories around the world (wikipedia). This is a mid-rise moderate modern hotel. It was inspired...
Marriott Hotel
Créé par DieHardHunter
Model based on the Chattanooga Marriott Hotel next to the Chattanooga Convention Center. Stats: Tris: 4893 Textures: 2048x1024 Model info: - Unique Building - Auto-generated LOD - Model modified with Sketchup and 3DSMax. Credit: the original geomodel is by...
Masdar House
Créé par Polygon
Hey guys, this is my second workshop building. It is a small residential house, inspired by a few villa concepts for Masdar City. Low residential Size: 3x4 Level 5 Texture: 1024x1024 (Diffuse, Specular, Illumination) After dark ready Thanks to Shroomblaze ...
Masonic Temple Burlington
Créé par Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 1 (4x2) commercial corner. Another Iowa building. I should make a collection :) This one was comissioned by RedRabbit. Become a Patron and support my work!
Créé par amamIya
Masonry浆砌石护坡 by amamIya...
ROADWAY - Massongex 2 Lane Road Bridge (Network Pack)
Créé par REV0
St. Maurice, Switzerland Road version of RWY Bridge Portfolio on: Support via: Support via: Follow me on: Request, contact https...
Match Day Stadium: Colossal Park Sports Precinct
Créé par BadPeanut
This is a Match Day Functional stadium with an Expo Centre and built in Train Station. It does not have Varsity Sports AI to work with Campus DLC University Areas You will of course need the free DLC Match Day for it to function correctly (and appear in ga...
Material handler
Créé par Avanya
Time for a prop! I'm working on some modular recycling facilities and in the process I needed a material handler (how else would I deal with scrap iron?! :P ) I'm pretty happy with this and looking forward to giving my dump truck and excavators textures as...
Material handler rotated
Créé par Avanya
And here's a a slightly different positioned material handler! I find having just one position makes them look a little silly together (3-4 near each other). Having 2 positions gives more varity. :) Otherwise it's the same as the other one. Note: This prop...
Material handler with shovel
Créé par Avanya
The long awaited material handler with a shovel! Finally got around to making this, which as expected didn't take that long. This contains both the straight and rotated version. :) Note: This prop is in the industrial structures category ;) Model Tris: 111...
Mater Dei Hospital
Créé par hqsouza
Big medical complex with consultories, specialized care units, laboratories, emergency room and a center for R&D in health. Based on, the recently built, Hospital Mater Dei Contorno in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Height: ~85m Lot size: 15x6 Building with 1663 ...
Mathnasium - Learning Center
Créé par KingLeno
Help me get to 1,000 subscribers on YouTube! I’m doing a series of American commercial buildings (some new, some updates) to reward and encourage more subscribers to my YouTube channel. All you need to do is click one of the links and subscribe to the chan...
Maximus Double Decker Monorail (Urbano)
Créé par REV0
Maximus. World's first double decker monorail, only for Cities Skylines Maximus is a concept double decker monorail designed to offer very high capacity transportation on monorail network. The industrial look is the result of the complex engineering under ...
MAZDA BONGO 01 by Konno Model...
Mazda RX-8 Series 1
Créé par Starkiller 6x
Mazda RX-8 by Starkiller 6x Model -Tris: 1912 -Textures: 1080 LOD -Polys: 110 -Textures: 128 Comes in red, white, blue, and black Enjoy! Don't like it? Let me know why in the comments! Only then can it get better!...
MB Sprinter with CIM logo
Créé par Avanya
Includes both vehicle and prop Model by DANZ | D3S DESIGN® - check out his awesome stuff! I went with a recolor of this MB Sprinter as the default can just isn't that pretty. The tris is a little on the high end, but I gave it a nice uptimized LOD, so it s...
MB Sprinter with CIM logo - Unique cargo
Créé par Avanya
Model by DANZ | D3S DESIGN® - check out his awesome stuff! This van transports goods produced by unique factories around your city and exports it if needed. You can find the generic industry goods version here along with a matching prop. Model Tris: 1138 T...
Créé par KingLeno
McDonald's by KingLeno Texture size: 1024x1024 Custom LOD and textures Level 1 with 20 workplaces with RICO Mod Please rate and subscribe! And subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Fac...
McDonald's restaurant
Créé par Gruny
McDonald's restaurant The architecture presented here corresponds to the end of the 2000s (repercussion of the new identity on a green background used mainly in Europe). Specs Ploppable RICO commercial low level 2 18 workers cost 10000 — Tris 5199 / 93 (lo...
ME146 Metronom
Créé par ron_fu-ta
Metronom ME146電気機関車と2階建客車です。 定員:400名 (100名/両) 速度:120km/h Metronom ME146 Electric Locomotive and Double decker passenger cars. Capacity : 400 person (100 person/car) Speed : 120km/h このアセットは以下のMODを使用して制作しています。(使用する際、MODは不要です.) This Asset has produced using t...
MCI Coaches Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
MCI D4505, J4500, and MC-12 Coach Props are here Information This is the location for props related to the MCI D4505, MCI J4500, and MC-12 long distance commuter coach. Props are located in the COMMON Category. Use the More B...
Meadow Grass OLD ASSET
Créé par pdelmo
Meadow Grass by pdelmo Recommended Mod make sure you adjust the settings to suit you and your computer using this mod Triangles 1512 ___it is a really big patch Texture 512...
Meadow Grass 2 OLD ASSET
Créé par pdelmo
depreciated Fairly short rich green meadow grass prop. 3 prop sizes for small detailing to filling the whole map NO LOD Small 92tri Medium 736 tri Large 5888tri (its big) no it wont lag ya game unless you have a potato ...
Meadow Grass super fine and wispy
Créé par pdelmo
Meadow Grass clump by pdelmo. This is the best looking grass on the workshop along with my lawn 344 tri for this fine cluster and a 512x512 texture MAKE sure your rate this aesthetically pleasing. (still low poly cluster)
Mediterranean Castle
A spanish inspired mediterranean castle. It is based on multiple castles and fortresses from the spanish Levant coast. Goes well with the other buildings from the Mediterranean Series. It's created using sub-meshes. All custom LODs included! Size:4x6 Elect...
Medieval Brick Road
Créé par Czardus
PLEASE READ: This is a narrow road which is intended to be in the style of medieval brick roads. The road officially takes up 1 zoning square (8m width) but the surface itself is only about half of the square (approx. 4m width). There are no sidewalks with...
Medium Monorail and Tram Road
Créé par BadPeanut
Check out my other roads HERE Make suggestions by filling out this form Troubleshooting Follow These steps if you believe this asset is causing you a problem: 1: Close Cities Skylines (quit to desktop) 2: Use launch parameters to set "--disableMods" > See ...
Medium oil tank - Fixed roof
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A medium sized oil tank to store your city's oil. The color variations come in the form of grunge, but no version is completely clean. It is found in the Oil industry tab and is unl...
Medium oil tank - Fixed roof
Créé par Avanya
A 6x6 fixed roof oil tank - I decorated it very little as there generally isn't much around them besides pipes and placing those with the More Beautification mod allows for much more creative setups. The color variations come in the form of grunge, but no ...
Medium oil tank - Floating roof
Créé par Avanya
A 6x6 floating roof oil tank - I decorated it very little as there generally isn't much around them besides pipes and placing those with the More Beautification mod allows for much more creative setups. The color variations come in the form of grunge, but ...
Medium Football Stadium
Créé par pborn
Medium Football Stadium (Millerntor - FC St. Pauli) European style Football Stadium Acts more or less like the standart stadium, you'll get it a little earlier, costs less and is less attractive, smaller influence... everything just a little smaller :) The...
Medium oil tank - Floating roof
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A medium sized oil tank to store your city's oil. The color variations come in the form of grunge, but no version is completely clean. It is found in the Oil industry tab and is unl...
Medium Parking Garage / Multi-storey Car Park
Créé par GCVos
A streamlined prefab parking structure for all modern cities. This one has a 12x4 footprint which makes it more easy to use than the large one I published before. There's entrances on three sides as well as a pedestrian path running through the elevator ar...
Medium terraced brick planter
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A medium brick planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Snapp...
Medium terraced brick planter 2
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A medium brick planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Snapp...
Medium terraced brick planter 3
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A medium brick planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Snapp...
Medium terraced brick planter 4
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A medium brick planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Snapp...
Medium terraced brick planter prop
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A medium concrete planter for your plazas. Found in the common street props category. This asset does NOT come with any plants! A special thank you To my patron Pasi :D Model Tris: 82 ...
Medium terraced planter
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A medium concrete planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Sn...
Medium terraced planter 2
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A medium concrete planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Sn...
Medium terraced planter 3
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A medium concrete planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Sn...
Medium terraced planter 4
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A medium concrete planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Sn...
Medium terraced planter prop
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A medium concrete planter for your plazas. Found in the common street props category. This asset does NOT come with any plants! A special thank you To my patron Pasi :D Model Tris: 82 ...
Medium terraced wooden planter
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A medium wooden planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Snap...
Medium terraced wooden planter 2
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A medium wooden planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Snap...
Medium terraced wooden planter 3
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A medium wooden planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Snap...
Medium terraced wooden planter 4
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A medium wooden planter for your plazas. This is a decorated park found in the Plaza menu. Since it's a building you can place props or trees on it in the asset editor or in game (requires Prop Snapping and Tree Snap...
Medium terraced wooden planter prop
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic A medium wooden planter for your plazas. Found in the common street props category. This asset does NOT come with any plants!
Medium Ware House
Créé par _luminou_
Two Level Distribution Center Based on the vanilla original model. Size 18 x 8 This asset include minimum of props, no RICO Triangles: 7.171 / 212 Weight: 33.56 / 1 Texture: 1024 / 512² Contain all texture and LOD files If you don't have the DLC you can st...
Medium Warehouse四海仓库
Créé par amamIya
Medium Warehouse四海仓库 by amamIya...
Mega Boneyard
Créé par dv.acid
Mega Boneyard by dv.acid...
Mega Rail Hub #1
Créé par Klyte45 This is a station with 5 connections: Underground Metro MOM Ground Metro Regular Train Regular Monorail Suspended Monorail Requires Mass Transit, and the Suspended Monorarail & MOM mods. Be a ...
Megami Island
Créé par OSTEV
Megami Island tropical island Subscribe all mods Collection Follow visual guide. start with no Custom map theme 81 tiles LUT RelightWarm Theme Mixer 2 Terrain Grass texture - CO's Boreal The...
Mekarski Historical Funiculars
Créé par REV0
Omellete du fromage. Description This is a hypothetical adaptation of Mekarski trams as inclined, historical funiculars for the game. Asset is actually made as a part of historic funicular network of Montmartre Funicular, located in Paris. The idea was to ...
Melbourne Modern Tram Fleet
Créé par BadPeanut
This is the current Melbourne Modern Tram Fleet - includes: A Class - 105 capacity B Class - 160 capacity C Class - 150 capacity C2 Class - 204 capacity D Class - 122 capacity D2 Class - 186 capacity E Class - 210 capacity Z Class - 112 capacity Does not i...
Melbourne Sound Tunnel
Créé par hemeac
Melbourne International Gateway - Sound Tunnel This is a re-release of my interpretation of the Sound Tunnel. The shape and textures sufficiently changed for me to release this as a new asset, not update the existing one. This will require Custom Effect Lo...
Mercedes Benz Sprinter Polizei (prop)
Créé par Meow
original version by DANZ | D3S DESIGN this is the prop version...
Mercedes Benz Vito UK Police
Créé par Hafiz
Mercedes Benz Vito UK Police. Retexture of DANZ | D3S DESIGN's Mercedes-Benz Vito Notarzt (W447) '2014 . Credits to him Use Cryptkeeper's Emergency Lights Manager mod to set the right lights color for the vehicle. Includes both vehicle and prop version. ht...
Mercedes Benz Vito UK Police PRISON
Créé par Hafiz
Mercedes Benz Vito UK Police Prison. Retexture of DANZ | D3S DESIGN's Mercedes-Benz Vito Notarzt (W447) '2014 . Credits to him Use Cryptkeeper's Emergency Lights Manager mod to set the right lights color for the vehicle. Includes both vehicle and prop vers...
Mercedes Sprinter Type III UK Ambulance
Créé par Hafiz
2017 Mercedes Sprinter Type III UK Ambulance. Retexture of ninjanoobslayer's 2017 AMR Mercedes Sprinter Type III Ambulance . Credits to him. Use Cryptkeeper's Emergency Lights Manager mod to set the right lights color for the vehicle. Includes both vehicle...
Mercedes-Benz AMG CLA 45 Coupé
Créé par Hafiz
Mercedes-Benz AMG CLA 45 Coupé. The Mercedes-Benz CLA 45 AMG is a current high-performance model of the CLA-Class from Mercedes-AMG. The car shares its drivetrain with the A45 AMG, and it features an AMG M133 2.0-litre four-cylinder twin-scroll turbocharge...
Mercedes-Benz Atego 1223
Créé par PALiX
Mercedes-Benz Atego 1223 Production years: 1998-2004. Designed in Germany. Industrial delivery truck, capacity - 12000 (as in 12 ton capacity) Colors: white, dark blue, black, dark red. Model details: Main model: 4925 triangles, 2048x1024 textures. LOD mod...
Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Coupe Black Series
Créé par CityOfTokyo
Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Coupe Black Series This is the Mercedes C63 AMG Coupe Black Series. The C63 Black has a more powerful 6.2-litre V8, unique motorsport-inspired suspension, and that Black Series badge isn’t just applied to any old hot rod Merc; there h...
Mercedes-Benz Citaro C (2006) [+AD]
Créé par AleX_BY
Mercedes-Benz Citaro C (2006) by AleX_BY Mercedes-Benz Citaro (O530) - series of german city buses. It was produce from 1997 in several variations; facelifting in 2006. Citaro C - standard 12m twin-axle bus. All headlights, stop- and turn-signals works rig...
Mercedes-Benz E class W210
Créé par PALiX
Mercedes-Benz E class W210 (pre-facelift version) Production years: 1995–2003. Designed in Germany. It contains 2 color sets in one (two .crp files of the car). It is possible to disable/enable individual color sets (out of two) in Content Manager. First C...
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Road Maintenance Vehicle
Créé par Meow
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Road Maintenance Vehicle. This is a working road maintenance vehicle for your city. It's a typical german design for this kind of service vehicle. You can use Service Vehicle Selector (
Mercedes-Benz W212 German Police
Créé par PALiX
Mercedes-Benz W212 German Police (Polizei) Police of Germany (Deutschland) skin for Mercedes-Benz W212 E63 AMG All settings (prisoner capacity, except speed.) are the same as default police car. Fully functional emergency lights. Mod details: Main model: 2...
Mercedes-Benz W212 Taxi [German]
Créé par PALiX
Mercedes-Benz W212 Taxi This is a German taxi edition of my Mercedes-Benz W212 E63 AMG car mod. Triangles: 2996. LOD has the same as original car model (68). After Dark DLC is required PROP version can be found here If you like this mod or my mods in gener...
Metal Awning prop
Créé par SpacePixel
This is an awning. Or, maybe, tent. Or even canopy. I don't exactly know what it is. To be clear, it is a sheet of metal and some beams. Metal beams. And this sheet of metal is fixed on this metal beams. This sheet of metal can protect you and your sh!t fr...
Metal barrier - PACK
Créé par jPRO93 Metal barrier - PACK planned: metal barrier advert variation Elevatable: metal_barrier_A_01 metal_barrier_warning_pannel Terrain conforming: metal_barrier_A_01_TC
Metal Fence Set [Columbia]
Créé par Gèze
This metal fence set includes conforming (TC) and non conforming (NC) versions of all the pieces....
Metal I-beam 02
Créé par Beardmonkey
Metal I-beam 02 by Beardmonkey Tris: 192 Texture: 512x128 px LOD Tris: 10 LOD Texture: 64x16 px...
Metal I-beam 04
Créé par Beardmonkey
Metal I-beam 04 by Beardmonkey Tris: 392 Texture: 512x128 px LOD Tris: 10 LOD Texture: 64x16 px...
Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG
Créé par CityOfTokyo
Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG The thing which let originally you arrange slope Waagen who was a military vehicle for public welfare which has the results called the NATO original expression adoption is the source of the current G class. Approximately four receive ...
metal wood table set less triangle count
Créé par SvenBerlin
metal wood table set low by SvenBerlin I reduced the tris count from 1492 to 796 for the table set ( 1 table, 2 chairs ) table single now 244 chair single now 276 ingame LOD...
Metro Paramedic Services - Prop Pack
Créé par CelsiuZ
This is a vehicle prop pack containing vehicles obviously inspired by the "Toronto Paramedic Services" operating in Toronto, Canada. This is the start of a lot of Ontario based vehicles, that have been modified to be a generic department that you can use i...
Metro Police - CVPI Prop Pack
Créé par CelsiuZ
This is a vehicle prop pack containing vehicles obviously inspired by the "Toronto Police Services" operating in Toronto, Canada. This is the continuation of a lot of Ontario based vehicles, that have been modified to be a generic department that you can u...
Metro Police - Ford Explorer Vehicle Pack
Créé par CelsiuZ
This is a vehicle pack containing vehicles obviously inspired by the "Toronto Police Services" operating in Toronto, Canada. This is the continuation of a lot of Ontario based vehicles, that have been modified to be a generic department that you can use in...
Metro Police - Ford Taurus Vehicle Pack
Créé par CelsiuZ
This is a vehicle pack containing vehicles obviously inspired by the "Toronto Police Services" operating in Toronto, Canada. This is the continuation of a lot of Ontario based vehicles, that have been modified to be a generic department that you can use in...
Metro Sky Prachachuen (Tower A)
Créé par Palm'sTime
Metro Sky Prachachuen (Tower A) By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Building Info: Type High-rise residential building. Size 9 x 3 Storey & Heights 24 Storey | 101.25 M. Tris 4,743 (Main) Texture Size 4096 x 2048 Scale 1:1 RICO Ready Yes (Residential Level 5) Filena...
Metro Station #1
Créé par internetfamousdog
A sunken metro station, styled after the far-flung suburban stations of the London Underground. Many creative liberties have been taken. My whole intention with this was to make a sunken station that would work with the Sunset Harbor update to the vanilla ...
Metro Station Props
Créé par theFich Content Commercial 1 Commercial 2 Commercial 3 Commercial 4 Commercial 5 Destination Display (double) Destination Display A Destination Display B Time Table DB Clock Stationname Sign Signal Features custom LOD illuminated ...
Metro Station Small Entrance
Créé par Sonik
- Added After Dark lamp for stairs - Added illumination for the underground part - Added highlighting for sign "M" - Replaced paving-texture with autumn leaves to clean asphalt - Tested for compatibility with MOM (Metro Overhaul Mod) // Description Cheaper...
metro station-2205
Créé par hikke
作品介绍: 这次的作品是模仿 anno2205里的地铁站 属性是火车站 喜欢的请点赞支持我~~ 模型信息: 三角形计数:4100 贴图:2048X2048 LOD:262 LOD贴图:256X256 =================================================== hi everyone This is asset imitates the ANNO 2205 metro station. if you like please Infos for nerds: Tris...
Créé par LIME
大家好~ V1版本地铁站,仿杭州地铁站 希望大家喜欢 未经本人同意 严禁转载企鹅平台 模型信息: 三角形计数:1236 贴图:1024X1024 ====================================== Hello everyone~~ V1 version of the subway station, imitation Hangzhou subway station~ if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: Tris: 1236 Text...
Metro/Tram/Bus - Hub #01
Créé par clus
Metro/Tram/Bus - Hub #01 Overview. You´ll need about 17 x 14 tiles to plop the station. Prolog Hello all together ! After a long time, I did go back to my "beginings" and put a station together. Honestly ... while doing this...
Metro - Underground Station Track #01
Créé par Clus Hey all ! This is just an underground station track. It comes in the same design as my already published metro tracks. https://s...
metro-s5 地铁站样式5
Créé par hikke
大家好~ 第五个小清新地铁站, 这次使用玻璃效果做的 希望大家喜欢 多多点赞啊~~ 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== Hello everyone~~ This is a metro station~ if you like please rate~~ Special thanks to Ronyx69 sharing glass Infos for nerds: look p5 -----------------------------...
Metropol Hospital {AD}
Créé par andysave92
Metropol Hospital by andysave92 Cost: 80.000 Number of patients: 1500 Alternative +++Version After Dark+++ ______________________________________________ If you like the model - donate of more...
Metropolitan Depot
Créé par MrMaison
Metropolitan Depot by MrMaison Thank you for your patience. Introducing the Metropolitan Depot! It's a depot/shop giving your new metro trains a home as they now can see the light of day with the new Metro Overhaul Mod. This is a great centerpiece for a me...
Metropolitan Hospital
Créé par hqsouza
Building based in the Barreiro Metropolitan Hospital from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The public hospital was recently openned. The stats are the same as the ones from the in game hospital. Lot size: 12x7. The model has 3092 triangles with diffuse, specular, a...
Metropol Hospital (alternative)
Créé par andysave92
Metropol Hospital (alternative) Cost: 80.000 Number of patients: 600 ______________________________________________ If you like the model - donate of more effective work Donate with PayPal ...
Metropolitan University - Wing A
Créé par Mythyc
It is strongly recommended that you use the following mod with this asset: Boformer's Sub Buildings Enabler (Note that it is only required to place the building, and can be disabled at any time without breaking the asset or the game) This mod is required i...
Metropolitan University - Wing B
Créé par Mythyc
Hello guys, here's the second piece of a 6 (possibly 7) piece set for a modular education system. This asset is to be used in conjunction with this asset for a fully modular experience! It is inspired by the Sir George Williams campus (Concordia University...
Mexican Army - Prop Pack
Créé par CelsiuZ
This is a prop pack containing all Mexican Army vehicles that I created with $2.20's Bordertown series in mind. It contains 2 different types of vehicles in various configurations. F350 Pick-up Truck: 1. Covered Rear 2. Uncovered Rear International Transpo...
Créé par egi
Station track and prop replacement for metro. Developed by Egi and Rev0. Based on Simon Royer's and Ronyx69's work. Read the guide to understand what this mod is about For those who know the...
MGM Grand Casino Sign
Créé par KingLeno
MGM Sign by KingLeno...
MGM Grand Hotel
Créé par KingLeno
MGM Grand Hotel by KingLeno The MGM Grand Las Vegas is a hotel and casino located on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada. The MGM Grand is the largest single hotel in the United States with 5,124 rooms. It is also the third-largest hotel complex in the...
MGM Signature Hotel
Créé par KingLeno
MGM Signature Hotel by KingLeno The Signature at MGM Grand is a condo-hotel at the MGM Grand Las Vegas resort, in Paradise. It features three identical 38-story towers, each consisting of 576 fully furnished units. The MGM Grand Las Vegas is the third-larg...
MGM Grand Lobby
Créé par KingLeno
MGM Grand Lobby by KingLeno...
Mid-Continental Plaza
Créé par honker
Since the early 1970s this hulking internationalist monstrosity has towered over the relics of Michigan Avenue in Chicago. No more art deco cornices, no more moulding and flourish, it's time for the dreadful corporate monolith, a void of non-aesthetic vert...
Mid-Continental Plaza 1:1.5 Scale
Créé par honker
This is the 1:1.5 scale version of the Mid-Continental Plaza. 10 x 5 x 117m RICO ready - 380 offices ...
Midsized Elementary School
Créé par 220hertz
A hardy consolidation-era elementary school. Asset stats Main mesh: 4518 tris LoD: 77 Tris Textures: 1024 and 128 Props: Just the lights you see in the screenshot, an entry point at both front doors and gather points nearby. I didn't actually paint the ter...
Millennial Homes 01
Créé par 4pairsofpants
Have you given up smashed av on toast just so you can scrape together a deposit for your new home? Well skimp and fret no more! With Millennial Homes we can get you into your brand new home today with 0% deposit. With homes starting at $465,000 at a 6.2% i...
Millennial Homes 02
Créé par 4pairsofpants
Have you given up smashed av on toast just so you can scrape together a deposit for your new home? Well skimp and fret no more! With Millennial Homes we can get you into your brand new home today with 0% deposit. With homes starting at $465,000 at a 6.2% i...
Millennial Homes 03
Créé par 4pairsofpants
Have you given up smashed av on toast just so you can scrape together a deposit for your new home? Well skimp and fret no more! With Millennial Homes we can get you into your brand new home today with 0% deposit. With homes starting at $465,000 at a 6.2% i...
Millennial Homes 04
Créé par 4pairsofpants
Have you given up smashed av on toast just so you can scrape together a deposit for your new home? Well skimp and fret no more! With Millennial Homes we can get you into your brand new home today with 0% deposit. With homes starting at $465,000 at a 6.2% i...
Millennial Homes 05
Créé par 4pairsofpants
Have you given up smashed av on toast just so you can scrape together a deposit for your new home? Well skimp and fret no more! With Millennial Homes we can get you into your brand new home today with 0% deposit. With homes starting at $465,000 at a 6.2% i...
Millennial Homes 06
Créé par 4pairsofpants
Have you given up smashed av on toast just so you can scrape together a deposit for your new home? Well skimp and fret no more! With Millennial Homes we can get you into your brand new home today with 0% deposit. With homes starting at $465,000 at a 6.2% i...
Millennial Homes 07
Créé par 4pairsofpants
Have you given up smashed av on toast just so you can scrape together a deposit for your new home? Well skimp and fret no more! With Millennial Homes we can get you into your brand new home today with 0% deposit. With homes starting at $465,000 at a 6.2% i...
Millennial Homes 08
Créé par 4pairsofpants
Have you given up smashed av on toast just so you can scrape together a deposit for your new home? Well skimp and fret no more! With Millennial Homes we can get you into your brand new home today with 0% deposit. With homes starting at $465,000 at a 6.2% i...
Millennial Homes 09
Créé par 4pairsofpants
Have you given up smashed av on toast just so you can scrape together a deposit for your new home? Well skimp and fret no more! With Millennial Homes we can get you into your brand new home today with 0% deposit. With homes starting at $465,000 at a 6.2% i...
Millennial Homes 10
Créé par 4pairsofpants
Have you given up smashed av on toast just so you can scrape together a deposit for your new home? Well skimp and fret no more! With Millennial Homes we can get you into your brand new home today with 0% deposit. With homes starting at $465,000 at a 6.2% i...
Millennial Homes 11
Créé par 4pairsofpants
Have you given up smashed av on toast just so you can scrape together a deposit for your new home? Well skimp and fret no more! With Millennial Homes we can get you into your brand new home today with 0% deposit. With homes starting at $465,000 at a 6.2% i...
Millennial Homes 12
Créé par 4pairsofpants
Have you given up smashed av on toast just so you can scrape together a deposit for your new home? Well skimp and fret no more! With Millennial Homes we can get you into your brand new home today with 0% deposit. With homes starting at $465,000 at a 6.2% i...
Millennial Homes 13
Créé par 4pairsofpants
Have you given up smashed av on toast just so you can scrape together a deposit for your new home? Well skimp and fret no more! With Millennial Homes we can get you into your brand new home today with 0% deposit. With homes starting at $465,000 at a 6.2% i...
Milwaukee EP-4 Little joe prop pack
Créé par EvametryE
waiting for a train. just a prop pack for the Milwaukee road EP-4 Little joe. About this asset 17k tris: for locomotive 4x 1024x1024 textures Package includes four props Acknowledgements model done by GiometryE, textures done by GiometryE, You are not allo...
Mini Soccer Field
Créé par Tomas13TO
Mini Soccer Field for your Cims. INFO maps - d,n,s,a (1024x1024) triangles - 2901 LOD triangles - 72 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 4x7 ...
Mini Water Pumping Station
Créé par Fishbus
Mini Water Pumping Station: The cutest of water utilities provides the perfect way to start any would-be city. Stats: Footprint: 2x3 Cost: 1200 Upkeep: 160/week Pumping Capacity: 44800/week Power Usage: 128KW Noise Pollution: 20 Noise Radius: 40...
Miracle Mile (Sign Pack)
Créé par Strictoaster
This includes a set of 4 props for the Miracle Mile Mall. The logo was designed by yours truly, and all of the hard work modeling was done by Bsquikle. We didn't have time to optimize these assets so the LODs have a high-tri count, I doubt you'll have a de...
Missouri Pacific EMD E6 Streamlined Missourian
Créé par CBQ Fanatic
Missouri Pacific The Missouri Pacific Railroad was one of the first railroads in the United States west of the Mississippi River. MoPac was a Class I railroad growing from dozens of predecessors and mergers. This train is named after the "Missourian" Passe...
MIssouri Pacific EMD F3 Prop Pack
Créé par CBQ Fanatic
Missouri Pacific EMD F3 Prop Pack Prop Pack for the Missouri Pacific F3 Freight locomotives. Proper freight trains are in the works, cabooses and more boxcars are still WIP. Contains: EMD F3A Missouri Pacific freight livery EMD F3B Missouri Pacific freight...
Mitsubishi Outlander 2018 Prop
Créé par Ma7heus
2018 Mitsubishi Outlander - Prop Version...
Mitchell Heights Public Housing
Créé par KingLeno
Mitchell Heights Public Housing by KingLeno A low-income multi-family housing unit. Model Triangles 533 Texture 512x512 d,n,I,s Lot size 3 x 2 custom LOD and textures RICO Low density Level 1 Residential 10 homes If you like my assets, consider buying me a...
Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV 2018
Créé par Ma7heus
2018-Present Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Asset's 3D and Textures Info (Main | Custom Lod): Tris: 2088 | 36 Textures: 1024x1024 | 64x64 Submeshes*: 4 Tris / 128x64 (max) Textures *Submeshes only changes the number plate style according to your game's map setu...
Créé par CityOfTokyo
MITSUBISHI PAJERO It's off-road SUV that MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION produces Pajero and sells. It participates in the Dakar rally (popular name Paris-Dakar, following Paris-Dakar and notation) including many stock car no remodeling sections of what is t...
Mitsubishi Shogun UK Police
Créé par Hafiz
Mitsubishi Shogun UK Police. Retexture of ninjanoobslayer's 2014 Greek Coast Guard Pajero which was based off CityOfTokyo's Mitsubishi Pajero Use Cryptkeeper's Emergency Lights Manager mod to set the right lights color for the vehicle. Includes both vehicl...
Mixed Grass Cluster
Créé par pdelmo
Triangles = 264 Texture is 512x512 ...
Mixed Plant Clusters
Créé par pdelmo
3 Different mixed clusters. Smaller scale for around town. Good for making gardens or over grown areas in the suburbs Clusters included Bushes 622 tri 1024x1024 texture Wild Flowers 384 tri 1024x1024 texture Wild Plants/weeds 616 tri 1024x1024 texture My T...
Miyagi Man
Créé par agusingnavy
Miyagi Man by agusingnavy The Greatest To my dear friend MrMiyagi *UI Priority. -1255 Mods used: Network mods -Fine Road Anarchy -Fine Road Tool -NoPillars -Precision Engineering - agusingnavy -...
Miyagi Motors Cargo Station
Créé par Avanya
>>Alternate version without the tiny road (and no need for Network Extensions)<< A cargo train station matching the rest of the Miyagi Motors complex! I had this planned all along, but couldn't get it to work. As I got my station for the distribution cente...
Miyagi Motors rail back
Créé par Avanya
A back piece for the cargo station. To connect the road and track to this you'll need some sort of road anarchy mod, as well as if you want to continue the track across the road of this one. I've set it as RICO industry, but with alot less workers than the...
Miyagi truck prop
Créé par Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Full credit to Onionjack_ for the truck - All I did was modify the wheels and the texture a bit. A prop version of the Miyagi Motors truck I used for my European container trucks. Enjoy! A special thank you To...
(Obsolete, do not use) Mod Compatibility Checker
Créé par leftbehind
No longer maintained Please use the new Compatibility Report mod instead, which is actively maintained and has some considerable improvements compared to my old mod compatibility checker. A message to Holy Water / Chaos, whomever or whatever they are... Co...
Modern 6 tracks station
Créé par ron_fu-ta
近代的な6線式の駅です。 Modern 6 tracks station. DLC "Mass Transit" が必要です。 DLC "Mass Transit" is required....
Modern 6 tracks station Long
Créé par ron_fu-ta
近代的な6線式の駅です。(長編成列車用) Modern 6 tracks station. (For long train) DLC "Mass Transit" が必要です。 DLC "Mass Transit" is required. 延長ホームは公園カテゴリーです。 Extension platform is park category. How to use 使い方...
Modern Bus Station
Créé par j0nes.yes
A modern bus terminal with 4 stations and a nice glass roof. The glass parts (because some people were experiencing bugs): - -
Modern Condo
Créé par Smilies
4x4 L2 high density residential growable 1024x512 diffuse, spec, normal, color, illumination main 12705 tris balcony submesh 2016 tris 256x128 diffuse, spec, color, alpha custom LOD 123 tris baked textures 256x256 4 different color variants Models and text...
Modern Condo
Créé par Smilies
4x4 L2 high density residential growable 1024x512 diffuse, spec, normal, color, illumination main 7145 tris balcony submesh 992 tris 256x128 diffuse, spec, color, alpha custom LOD 123 tris baked textures 256x256 4 different color variants Models and textur...
Modern Condo Highrise 75m
Créé par Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 level 4 high density residential Main mesh 5944 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination glass balcony 324 tris Custom LOD 76 tris 128x128 4...
Modern Condo Tower
Créé par Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 level 4 high density residential 6300 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 802 tris Custom LOD 104 tris 128x128 4 ...
Modern Dutch Row Houses 3
Créé par Jerenable
Modern Dutch Row Houses 3 Yo jenner back with the Dutch shyete. Dis iz wqagt yoall been waieten fur. Terracota brick is red. Clear skys are blue. This is way to much houses and your RAM thinks so too. The pack includes 26 - 1 houses and 25 props. Table of ...
Modern Fire Station
Créé par Populous
Modern Fire Station and Fire Commission Building by Populous Twenty Fire Stations is just too much, but the only way to improve a Fire Station in Cities Skylines is to add more trucks, but then it is called a cheat... I have raised the required number of w...
Modern Highrise Condo
Créé par Smilies
4x4 L3 high density residential 4655 tris LOD 91 tris 512x1024 diffuse, color, spec, normal and illumination maps 256x256 baked custom LOD texture maps custom foundation with stairs for gentle slope tolerance glass balconies sub mesh 32x32 texture 4 color ...
Modern Hospital - privately owned
Créé par Populous
Modern Hospital - privately owned by Populous Dear Mayer, we found a building in your city worthy of converting to a first rate hospital and we have put a good deal of research into accurate settings for more true to life expectations for a hospital in a l...
Modern Japanese Houses
Créé par Ronyx69
Includes 3 sets of 2+2 small modern japanese residential houses - 12 variations total. If you subscribe to the prop pack (optional) you will see a lot of variations because of random props - mailboxes, plants, solar panels, vents, clothes racks... I think ...
Modern Lighting Pack - 2020 Edition
Créé par GCVos
This pack adds 27 new street lights and lamps to your game. These props can be used for assets and can be placed ingame using Network Skins 2 and More Beautification. Content as of May 2020: + Suspended Street Light + Suspended Avenue Light + Stainless Str...
Modern Low-Rise Living #1
Créé par Kliekie
Modern Low-Rise Living #1 I love modern apartments but C:S really lacks low-rise buildings. So this might be the first of a collection. What do you guys think, do we want more like this? Original concept by Design Nvisage Architects. Stats High Residential...
Modern Lowrise Condo
Créé par Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Same as my previous version with no glass covered restaurant outside 4x4 level 3 high density residential 2036 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illum...
Modern Parking Garage
Créé par KingLeno
Modern Parking Garage by KingLeno A modern garage with a metal facade, glass entrance, and colorful signs. 8x11 Lot, same layout as University City Parking Garage, but shorter. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me o...
Modern Parking Garage (8-Story)
Créé par KingLeno
Modern Parking Garage (8-Story) by KingLeno A modern garage with a metal facade, glass entrance, and colorful signs. 8x11 Lot, same layout as University City Parking Garage, but with 8 stories instead of 3. I accidentally loaded a previous unfinished versi...
Modern Platform Extensions [Modular Station Project]
Créé par Titan
This is a set of props to extend your platforms Long awaited, now I finally was able to release them. This set includes a bunch of platform props with an old design. This design is used by the Deutsche Bahn from Germany. However, it still is generic enough...
Modern Platform Modules [Modular Station Project]
Créé par Titan
This is a set of free to place modular station platforms Long awaited, now I finally was able to release them. This set includes a bunch of platforms with a modern design. This design is used by the Deutsche Bahn from Germany. However, it still is generic ...
Modern Platform Props [Modular Station Project]
Créé par Titan
This is a set of props to equip your platforms Long awaited, now I finally was able to release them. This set includes a bunch of props with a modern design. This design is used by the Deutsche Bahn. However, it still is generic enough to be used everywher...
Modern Science Tower
Créé par amamIya
Modern Science Tower by amamIya...
Modern Sufficiency House (Pack)
Créé par Palm'sTime
Modern Sufficiency House Pack By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Info: Type Low density residential house. Size Type 2 : 2 x 3 Type 3 : 3 x 2 Type 4 : 2 x 2 Type 6 : 2 x 2 Storey & Heights Type 2 : 2 Storey | 8.6 M. Type 3 : 1 Storey | 4.85 M. Type 4 : 2 Storey | 7...
Modern Tile Set
Créé par dove
Modern Tile Set (Decal)...
Modern Train Station
Créé par Tomcat
New train station with default settings. For more ingame images: UPDATE 2 (6.10.2015) Pedestrian entrances are changed because of problems. Now people only use FRONT entrance (side with parking area) other entrance is removed. So y...
Modernist Office 6x4x11f
Créé par Koesj
This building is now RICO enabled but the mod’s not needed to enjoy it! Get the Ploppable RICO mod here and these Uniques will function just like growables. Landmark Building Cost: 20000 Upkeep: 51 / week Size: 6x4 units Height: 49 meters Fluff My attempt ...
Modular Brick Condo Set
Créé par Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 3 high residential buildings 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination assets share textures, use Loading Screen Mod to enable texture sharing 4 color variat...
Modular Buildings: UK Modern (Stone 1)
Créé par Macwelshman] Modular Buildings Series Houses created for this series have been put together in the 'Modular Buildings' collection. Modular Buildings: UK Modern (Stone 1) This pack is one of a collection of Modular Buildings. The look of t...
Modular Cargo Airport
Créé par BloodyPenguin
Just like the vanilla one from Industries DLC but modular! This airport is exactly like the vanilla Cargo Airport from Industries DLC but without taxiways and runways. So that's it possible to use it in modular airport projects. Use Airport Roads mod to pl...
Modular Commercial Pack
Créé par Smilies
optional props can be found in the modern condo collection linked above Modular pack of 5 modern commercial wall-to-wall style buildings Some of the buildings don't fit the 8m grid and will look best if placed by hand with move it mod 1024x512 shared textu...
Modular Elevated Station by BadPeanut
Créé par BadPeanut
This is a modular elevated station that I've been working on! Works similar to my other modular stations, but this is dependant on the Extra Train Station Tracks mod. If you get a "broken asset: netinfo missing" error it means you are not subscribed to the...
Modular European Main Station
Créé par Titan
This is a set for building a main station like it's typical for Europe, but especially for Germany. This station is made after the main station of Magdeburg (Germany). The modification ETST is necessary for these assets. They aren't useable without this mo...
Modular glass narrow station
Créé par vilgard92
Modular glass narrow station by vilgard92 A very narrow station (16x2) and modular : You can add as much platform as you want ! The design is simple and modern and very nice at night too ;) The non-modular version is here : Glass narrow station. I hope you...
Modular services - Health Department
Créé par jako5
This is a part of a collection of buildings that provide basic services. While they can be used by themselves the idea is that you place them next to each other to form the illusion of a larger building. For this to work it is important to flatten the terr...
Modular Shopping Center (no branding)
Créé par KingLeno
includes: Shopping Center 1x4 - 5 workplaces Shopping Center 2x4 - 10 workplaces Shopping Center 3x4 - 15 workplaces Shopping Center 3x3 (corner) - 15 workplaces Rico settings included, custom LOD. If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a cup ...
Modular Through Station | Modern Central | BadPeanut
Créé par BadPeanut
Now with a transparent roof! No Mods are required - Don't forget to Rate up if you like it! This is a modular through station consisting of three assets: Module 1 Metro, Module 2 and Module 3 Busport. No mods are required for this to work. Keep reading the...
Modular Train Depot Pack - Medium
Créé par REV0
Modular Train Depot Pack - Large: 5x5 My Discord Server Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Modular train depot pack that can be used in railyards, maintenance facilities and similar oper...
Modular Train Depot Pack - Small
Créé par REV0
Modular Train Depot Pack - Small: 3x5 My Discord Server Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Modular train depot pack that can be used in railyards, maintenance facilities and similar oper...
Modular Train Depot Pack - Large
Créé par REV0
Modular Train Depot Pack - Large: 9x5 My Discord Server Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Modular train depot pack that can be used in railyards, maintenance facilities and similar oper...
Mondriaansland -Z-
Créé par Zakerias
Typical Dutch Landscapes: Mondriaansland For this map I wanted to try something new, which is to have the ability to truly create a Dutch polder. Therefore I have made two locations that are optimized for this, as you can see in the pictures above. There i...
Monitor barn 3
Créé par EvametryE
I ain't gonna work on the railroad, i ain't gonna work on the farm. Another typical north american barn, with a very straightforward seperated roof structure. Can be painted in game with the painter mod. About this asset its a agriculture industry growable...
Monkey Bars "Wall #2"
Créé par targa
Monkey Bars for children playgrounds. Repainted with four color - green, dark green, blue, dark blue. This asset have too much number of tris. Main model 684 tris 128x128 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD model 112 tris 32x32 texture ---------------------------...
Monaco Retaining Wall Network
Créé par Lost Gecko
Stone retaining wall for the Project Monaco YouTube series by PugGaming. Artstyle for the thumbnail kindly provided by Macwelshman. Network (based on the vanila castle walls template but for some reason might be found in the water structures tab). Monaco s...
Monkey Bars "Waves 2xMM-27"
Créé par targa
Monkey bars "Waves MM-27" for children playgrounds. It consists of two Monkey Bars "Arcs MM-27". Repainted with four color - green, blue, cyan, violet. This asset have too much number of tris. Main model 1,968 tris 128x128 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD mode...
Monorail station 单轨车站
Créé par hikke
大家好~ 这次的作品是单轨车站 运用了玻璃和滚动扶梯技术 希望大家喜欢 继续支持我~ 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== Hello everyone~~ This is a two-story Monorail station ~ The bottom can be placed according to the player preferences prop this station Use a black glass effect a...
Monorail Station - Silent
Créé par Hothand_
Monorail Station - Silent by Hothand_ Same as Original , but - Silent 20...
Monorail-Metro 51
Créé par benzoll
Monorail-Metro Station. --Compatible v1.16.1.-- Monorail station (without road) vanilla + Metro. With smalls retouch. Cost = 31000€ Mntce = 320€/week To see passengers from both stops, recommend mod Sub-Buildings Tabs If you like this building, rate + Enjo...
Montmartre Funicular [Paris]
Créé par REV0
Montmartre Funicular Station Pack Gèze's Twitter My Twitter Support Gèze on Paypal Informations: The construction of the Montmartre funicular was decided upon by the Paris municipal council in 1891. It was built to serve the Sacré-Cœur Basilica at the summ...
Monument Islands
Créé par Mulleboy
---------------------------------- Built a really cool city on this map? Share your screenshots in the comments! If it's an awesome city, I'll put your screenshot in the Steam Workshop image carousel on this map - share your creativity! -------------------...
Moose Residence - 2x2RHL5
Créé par tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Good day Skyliners. First, a few sad words (again). The Simcity 4 and city builders community lost one of its most active members recently. Simtropolis (one of the biggest and most respected city builders communities) lost its most beloved member. "A Nonny...
More air ducts (Pack)
Créé par Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings A pack of 4 more variations of air ducts using the same texture as my previous ones. These are larger and great for filling in large empty rooftops. These also come as a rand...
More Market Stuff
Créé par DeCzaah
More Market Stuff by DeCzaah This is an asset prop pack with aditional market stuff. It contains: Market Stand with color variation roof Strawberries Box Table with Strawberries Sign "Strawberries just 3$ /ea" The strawberry truck (download here) is an adi...
Morgan Street Houses
Créé par KingLeno
Morgan Street Houses by KingLeno Asset includes 6 houses (2 different models with 2 different roof colors and color variations, and 1 mirror of each house with color variations). 1000 Morgan Street; 1010 Morgan Street; 1030 Morgan Street; 2000 Morgan Stree...
Morris Column 2 [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Informations: In France, the columns are named Morris after Gabriel Morris, a printer, who held the concession for advertising in 1868. They were originally built by La Société Fermière des Colonnes Morris. Today, they are mostly built and maintained by th...
Morris Column Hexagon Tall [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Morris Column Hexagon Tall Technical Details Texture share: Use LSM to optimize loading times and RAM use Custom textures based on real columns from Paris A single column with a variety of posters carefully selected to best fit any environment. Includes a ...
Morris Column Hexagon [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Informations: This is a hexagonal Morris Column with two urinals, that could have been found around Paris many years ago. Sadly they are all gone now, which is why I decided to recreate it. Additional informations: This asset has a custom texture and LOD. ...
Morris Column Spectacles [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Informations: This is a Morris Column focused on cultural events that could have been found around Paris many years ago. Sadly they are all gone now, which is why I decided to recreate it. Additional informations: This asset has a custom texture and LOD. T...
Morris Column Urinals Pack [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Morris Column Urinals Pack Technical Details Texture share: Use LSM to optimize loading times and RAM use Custom textures based on real columns from Paris Three variants (including an iconic BYRRH column) Keywords for Workshop search: Morris, Column, Urina...
Morris Kiosks Pack [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Morris Kiosks Pack Technical Details Texture share: Use LSM to optimize loading times and RAM use (50mb will not be used if you use it!) Custom textures based on real columns from Paris A set of 20 props ranging from different columns with posters of vario...
Moscow Metro Station 1
Créé par urban_drew
Moscow Metro Station 1 by Sanders_ Thank you for visiting this page a lot! It's my first creature for "Cities: Skylines" and I will be so happy if you decide to download this asset and give it a high rate. History of the station: it's the 187th station of ...
Créé par agusingnavy
Moselle by agusingnavy Are your thoughts killing you? The Greatest "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. "Moselle and Moseltal" Germany *UI Priority: -1272 Mods used: Network mods -Fine ...
Créé par agusingnavy
Moseltal by agusingnavy The Greatest Germany Last screenshot was taken from this post on Redditby user montajHD. *UI Priority: -1264 Mods used: Network mods -Fine Road Anarchy -Fine Road Tool (Required) -Move it! -Network Extensions 2 (Required) -NoPillars...
Moseltal | Mass Transit DLC
Créé par agusingnavy
Moseltal | Mass Transit DLC by agusingnavy The Greatest Germany "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. *UI Priority: 9000005 Network Extensions 2 version »»CLICK HERE«« Screenshot -Map 1:...
Mother Nature (Prop)
Créé par JesusWept
This is a prop version of my Mother Nature (Smaller)...
Moselle | Mass Transit DLC
Créé par agusingnavy
Moselle | Mass Transit DLC by agusingnavy The Greatest "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. *UI Priority: 9000006 Network Extensions 2 version »»CLICK HERE«« Screenshots -Map: Austrian ...
Mountain 2 Medium Thick
Créé par pdelmo
Mountain Grass 2 medium by pdelmo Thick Grass don't need visual mods. Much smaller than MountainGrass Includes Grass prop and a 4x4 plop anywhere park Prop is 998tris 1024x512 texture LOD is 4Tris 512x512 texture You can change colour in Game with Prop Pai...
Mountain Ash
Créé par MrMaison
Mountain Ash by MrMaison Introducing the first in my Eucalyptus series, the Mountain Ash aka Eucalyptus Regnans aka Swamp Gum or Stringy Gum. This species is native to Tasmania and southeastern Australia. It's the tallest flowering plant and one of the tal...
Mountain Brown Modular Rocks 2K
Créé par Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 26 unique rock models. These are huge assets suitable for covering mountains and creating cliff faces. These were originally modeled by IceKazim. I licensed them through CGTrader, reduced the t...
Mountain Brown Surface Rocks
Créé par Greyflame Introduction These are a reconfigured and recolored pack of Owl's popular Surface Rock assets. Mountain Brown The mountain brown set is color matched to the cliffs from the Springwood map theme by Ronyx. They were done to he...
Mountain Grass 2 Tiny Thick
Créé par pdelmo
Mountain Grass 2 Tiny by pdelmo Thick Grass don't need visual mods. Short grass prop Includes Grass prop and a 4x4 plop anywhere park Prop is 998tris 1024x512 texture LOD is 4Tris 512x512 texture You can change colour in Game with Prop Painter 3.0 & Moveit...
Mountain Grass II Shorter Thin
Créé par pdelmo
Short Version of Mountain Grass II Main Cluster 998 tris 1024x512textures with colour map. LOD is 2 tris and 512x512 texture Single Cluster is 70 tris same texture. LOD is 2 tris and 128x128 texture Mod Links to get the most out of this prop. Adaptive Prop...
Old asset
Créé par pdelmo
OLD asset. update>> Mountain Grass by pdelmo NO LOD, OLD Asset no Custom LOD make sure you adjust the sett...
Mountain Resort
Créé par Tomas13TO
Mountain Resort for your Cims. INFO maps - d,n,s,i,a (2048x1024) triangles - 7327 LOD triangles - 498 It's located in unique buildings (level 3) 11x10 Screenshots are taken with - Daylight Classic by BloodyPenguin - Softer Shadows by boformer - Realistic L...
Move It
Créé par Quboid
Move It 2.10.8 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.18.1 (23rd October Update) New in 2.10.8: - Updated for game version 1.18.1 - Added support for Nyoko's Procedural Objects fix This mod allows you to select, move and align various things.
Mountain Grass 2 Thick
Créé par pdelmo
Similar to Mountain Grass II But thicker No visual Mods Needed Smaller Version Thanks to Quboid for the feedback. And Badpeanut for the alpha texture adjustment and help You can change colour in Game with Prop Painter 3.0 & Moveit NOTE you can not use move...
Créé par Catnip.
原版已支持中文,此MOD不在更新,请订阅原版 原作者地址: ...
Mud Rural Road
Créé par Ronyx69
A simple rural mud road based on the vanilla gravel road. Includes 3 decals and 2 props as well. The transitions to most other roads will look pretty bad, transitioning to the basic 2 lane road on a straight looks reasonable. Main: 4 - 128 tris 1024x1024 +...
Muddy Dirt Road
Créé par Strictoaster
What's this about? A muddy dirt road created specially for my island project: Seenu. Full Playlist: Note - Don't forget to get Ronxy's muddy decals for this one to work properly. - Ma...
Muddy Gravel Road
Créé par Czardus
This is a standard 2-lane gravel road with mud decals added. In the image above, it is shown to the right of the standard road for comparison. The decals will cause a drain on your fps, so be sure you have a fairly good machine before using this road (and ...
Muddy Road
Créé par HooHeeHaa
Briefing Muddy road with water pits(and water reflection, on some occasions) Location Roads-Small Roads-Muddy Road (See the last image) Width 8m Speed Limit 30km/h, Parking enabled Construction & Maintenance Cheap Attention The road surface may flicker whe...
Mulch Props
Créé par KingLeno
Mulch Props by KingLeno Asset includes 5 props: -small mulch mound -medium mulch mound -small, medium, and large decal The mounds are designed to fit with most of the older Curb Props and Curb Props 2. The decals borrow the alpha map from boformer's Fallen...
Multitask Park (2x2)
Créé par agusingnavy
Multitask Park (2x2) by agusingnavy Vanilla Park. Good to increase leisure. *UI Priority: -110000013 - agusingnavy -...
Munich Stellwerk - Signalling Center
Créé par Jerenable
Munich signaling center by Jerenable Building looks like: Submarine: 6 votes Spaceship: 1 vote Comment with your vote As a part of collection: You can donate if you want to support me I am now on active on Patreon...
Municipal Fire Department MFD (Rosenbauer Lime) Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Lime Rosenbauer Series Props Are Here This is the prop pack for the lime Rosenbauer Series, known as Municipal Fire Department, MFD. Inspired by the Miami Dade Fire Department's Livery, this series includes both the engine, ...
Murales Shop
Créé par DieHardHunter
This "Murales Shop" is mainly inspired by a very pictoresque shop in Commercial Street in Provincetown, MA. I've captured the facade murales on Google Maps and then edited using Photoshop. I think it turned out pretty well in terms of colors and quality :)...
Murckowska Bridge
Créé par DeCzaah
Murckowska Bridge by DeCzaah This is a pack with two bridges, used by creativeDEX for his „Murckowska A4/86" Interchange and his "Trumpet A4/A18" Interchange. By subscribing to it, you'll get a straight and curved version with 4 color variations. You can u...
Murka's Saraj (Shed)
Créé par komurka
Murka's Saraj (Shed) by kowkamurka...
Murka's Treebed
Créé par komurka
Murka's Treebed by kowkamurka...
Murphy USA Gas Station
Créé par KingLeno
Murphy USA by KingLeno If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by making small donation as a token of appreciation.
Murraya hedge
Créé par pdelmo
Murraya hedges Includes Long & short prop, non conforming prop and the arch 1024x512 textures, same textures, share texture with Loading Screen Mod Custom LODs 64x32 textures you can replace all hedges with prop switcher mod ...
Murraya Prop Bushes
Créé par pdelmo
Tiny and Big Murraya Prop Bushes by pdelmo Big 264tri LOD 40tri Tiny 160tri LOD 40tri Textures 1024X512 Custom LOD and LOD textures 64x32 ...
Mustard Inc. (ploppable RICO ready)
Créé par Senfkorn
Hi community, this is my first asset, made with blender. It's the first one of an upcoming series of RICO buildings, cause I like ploppable RICO, cause I like Cities Skylines! If you don't use Ploppable RICO, you will find this building in your Unique Buil...
Mutter-naturpark 6 x 6
Créé par core79
Mutter-naturpark 6 x 6 by core79 Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Probs und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle meine Parks benutzt habe
Mydelniczka Center
Créé par DawiD
THIS VERSION IS FOR ADVANCED PLAYERS (WITH MODS) - vanilla model here Info Model: 3,196 Tris Texture: 2048 x 2048 LOD: 613 Tris LOD Texture: 1024 x 1024 Creator notes This is my own design. I'm not an architect tho, so it may not be the best looking buildi...
Créé par yangzilata
PROLOGUE Hello! Welcome to Naloveia. This is the very first map that I release in the steam workshop. All my intersections are hand drawn. Majority of the map is handmade and these items have been denominated in Latin. Terrain have been changed on a vast s...
Nanchang GCP
Créé par amamIya
Nanchang GCP by amamIya Nanchang Greenland Central Plaza 南昌绿地中央广场 Additive Shader Required...
Créé par 910095247
高铁南京南站V.2.2 by 910095247...
NAR: Generic Train Tracks
Créé par Tim The Terrible
Thank you everyone for the kind words. I have retired from making content for Cities: Skylines, I had a great time. Goodbye, Tim What is this? This is part of the North American Rail project and contains most of the tracks y...
NAR: Required Parts & Props
Créé par Tim The Terrible What is this? This is part of the North American Rail project and contains all the essential items used in the set of Generic Tracks. Think of bumpers, signals, pillars, but also decals and other decorative items (full list ...
Narrow Dirt Road
Créé par Czardus
PLEASE READ: This is a road which is intended to be in the style of narrow rural dirt roads. The road officially takes up 1 zoning square (8m width) but the surface itself is only about half of the square (approx. 4m width). There are no sidewalks with thi...
Narrow Mud Road
Créé par Czardus
PLEASE READ: This is a road which is intended to be in the style of narrow muddy roads. The road officially takes up 1 zoning square (8m width) but the surface itself is only about half of the square (approx. 4m width). There are no sidewalks with this roa...
Narrow Suburban Street
Créé par Eloso
Two lane narrow suburban street with 7m wide roadway. Features: - Two lanes - Trees and grass - Ground and elevated - Bus stops included - Zebra crossings at traffic lights - Speed Limit: 40 - Two tiles wide (16m) Use Network Skins 2 to change trees and ch...
National Civil Rights Museum at the Lorraine Motel
Créé par KingLeno
National Civil Rights Museum by KingLeno The National Civil Rights Museum is a complex of museums and historic buildings in Memphis, Tennessee; its exhibits trace the history of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States from the 17th century to the pr...
National Taichung Theater
Créé par bartz!
The National Taichung Theater is an opera house from my home city - Taichung (the third largest city in Taiwan). The building was designed by Japanese architect Toyo Ito. The opera house will officially open in 2016. ● 20473 tris custom model ● Custom LOD ...
Natur-plaza 4 x 4
Créé par core79
Natur-plaza 4 x 4 by core79...
Natural Disaster - Fire Helicopter Unit
Créé par _luminou_
Natural Disaster - Fire Helicopter Unit Based on the "Fire Helicopter Depot" model (DLC Natural Disaster). Fire helicopters must pick up water from a water source (ocean/lake/river) before proceeding to the fire. Fire helicopter capacity: 7 Size: 11 x 7 Tr...
Natural Disaster - Medical Helicopter Unit
Créé par _luminou_
Natural Disaster - Medical Helicopter Unit Based on the "Medical Helicopter Depot" model (DLC Natural Disaster). DLC “Natural Disaster” required Picks up patients and delivers them to a hospital, clinic or Medical Laboratory. Medical helicopter capacity: 5...
Natural Disaster - Police Helicopter Unit
Créé par _luminou_
Natural Disaster - Police Helicopter Unit Based on the "Police Helicopter Depot" model (DLC Natural Disaster). DLC “Natural Disaster” required Helicopters patrol city reducing crime. Police helicopter capacity: 5 Size: 11x7 Triangles: 4.595 / 96 Weight: 29...
Natural Slope Profiles
Créé par Deeheks
15 assymetrical theme networks to create decorative surfaces at low cost. Introducing transparent networks (ruined = cliff gradient) and surface painter support. _______________________ FEATURES ! -> Fence network (end of Fence menu) or " profile " keyword...
Navy Yard Apartments
Créé par KingLeno
Navy Yard Apartments by KingLeno 2 level 2/3 modern mid-rise high density residential buildings. A retexture/update of Homewood Suites Hotel from Washington, DC, scaled down to make 4x4 growable....
Negi (ネギ) - Prop
Créé par kei_em
Neri are sometimes used as cold med. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
Negi Patch (ネギ畑)
Créé par kei_em
ネギ畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Negi (green onion) patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skyl...
Nelson Tower 1:1 Scale
Créé par moxiecrimefighter
A 171m (560ft) tall Art Deco skyscraper in New York City, built in 1931. Recreated for Cities: Skylines in 1:1 Scale 5x5 Unique Building $125000 to build, $96/month 2048x2048 Textures Diffuse, Spectral, Illumination, Normal 615 Tris LOD 278 Tris ...
Neon Open Sign
Créé par KingLeno
opensign2 by KingLeno includes one large and one small neon open sign...
Nero's Palace Column
Créé par ryanjamesoflondon
A column prop required for Nero's Palace buildings. Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I would be very grateful if you could support me wi...
Nero's Palace Fountain
Créé par ryanjamesoflondon
A fountain prop for Nero's Palace Plaza. Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I would be very grateful if you could support me with a little...
Neros Palace Forum (Prop)
Créé par ryanjamesoflondon
Neros Palace Forum (Prop) by ryanjamesoflondon Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I would be very grateful if you could support me with a ...
Net fence prop, 3 square long
Créé par meingott
Fence prop, 3 grid units long, because placing stock short segments was too much of a hassle...
Network City Walls
Créé par Titan
If you don't know how to use these walls or want some background information watch the video. This is a set of network City Walls City Walls like these can be found in a good number of historic european old towns. This wall in particular is based on the ci...
Network Extensions 2
Créé par sniggledigit
Now Using Harmony 2.2 What's New (v. Updated for Hotels & Retreats (v. Now compatible with Better Education Toolbar (v1.2.0.0) Updated for compatibility with Plazas & Promenades Source:
Network Fences - Jet Blast Deflector Pack
Créé par Badi_Dea
Here are some Airport Jet Blast Deflectors, made as network fences. Fences were officially added in the Parklife expansion, though you don't need to own the expansion to use them! There are 3 Network Fences included in this pack: Stationary Jet Blast Defle...
Network Fences - Road Decoration Pack
Créé par Badi_Dea
Here are some road decorations, made as network fences. Fences were officially added in the Parklife expansion, though you don't need to own the expansion to use them! There are 5 Network Fences included in this pack: WavyDecoratedSoundBarrier - This is a ...
Network Fences - Safety Decoration Pack
Créé par Badi_Dea
Here are some Safety Fences, made as network fences. Fences were officially added in the Parklife expansion, though you don't need to own the expansion to use them! There are 6 Network Fences included in this pack: Chainlink - A standard chainlink fence st...
Network Interchange
Créé par agusingnavy
Network Interchange by agusingnavy - Size: 108x108 cells - UI Priority: -1204 Mods used: - Fine Road Tools - NoPillars - Precision Engineering None are required to use this asset. And this one: - Network Extensions 2 (Required) Comments, likes and rates­ a...
Network Rivers: City River Pack
Créé par Macwelshman] If you have a CS1 commission please use the link below. Network Rivers Assets created for this series have been put together in the 'Network Rivers Collected' collection. City River IMPORTANT Please read the whole description...
Network Rivers: Green Valley Pack
Créé par Macwelshman] If you have a CS1 commission please use the link below. Network Rivers Assets created for this series have been put together in the 'Network Rivers Collected' collection. Green Valley IMPORTANT Please read the whole descripti...
Network Rivers: Rocky Mountain Pack
Créé par Macwelshman] If you have a CS1 commission please use the link below. Network Rivers Assets created for this series have been put together in the 'Network Rivers Collected' collection. Rocky Mountain IMPORTANT Please read the whole descrip...
Network Skins
Créé par boformer Change the visual appearance of roads, train tracks and pedestrian paths per segment. This is an improved version of the well-known Network Skins mod, developed by TPB and boformer. Disable the other Network Skins mod before...
Network Tiling
Créé par Ronyx69
Loads custom tiling values for network segment and node textures. The mod is required for people who want to use networks which depend on this mod. Makes it easier for asset creators to texture networks (roads, walls canals etc.) by allowing to control the...
New Car Lot for Port Factory or Dealer
Créé par MrMiyagi
Updated 2019, vanilla avenue light added. No mods needed. Requested published item - A car lot full of parked sedan cars (stationary props, not active cars) I made to go along with a the Miyagi Motors collection in my city (see images). The 4 colors of the...
New England Townhouses
Créé par Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! These are a set of low res townhouses. About the model The fourteenth entry of my New England series. These sorts of residential townhouses can be found all over New England. I thought it´d be a go...
New England Townhouses set 2
Créé par Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! These are a set of low res townhouses. There's 4 variations. About the model This is mostly a reskin of the other New England Townhouses set. There are few veriations to go with the brick texture. ...
New Flyer Excelsior Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
New Flyer Excelsior Bus Props are here Information This is the props for the New Flyer XD40, XD60, XE40, XN40, XN60, XE60 and XT60. The reason I have the front and the back segments as separate is so you can do various combin...
New Peugeot 208
Créé par Gruny
New Peugeot 208 - edition 2019 Modeling and texturing by myself Prop version here Specs Vehicle Tris 1232 / 20 (lod) Texture - 1024x1024 | D / I / S / C Lod Texture - 256x128 | D / I / C Support If you like this pack and want more assets like this one, ple...
Newbie Harbor - a beginner-friendly map!
Créé par MrMiyagi
Anyone can play this map, but if you're a beginner, especially if you've been frustrated trying to build a new city by traffic problems or other issues like water resources, this map was carefully planned to be your harbor from frustration. You won't need ...
News SUV and Helicopter Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
News SUV and Helicopter Props Are Here If you feel like the TV stations and newspaper offices in your city are a bit drab, you're not alone! I think that news helicopters and SUVs will make it more lively. Also, check out the...
Nightlights updated! Firestation Ghostbusters
Créé par Feindbold
-1x3 Firestation based on the Building, seen in "Ghostbusters". -2 Firetrucks and overall reduced stats compared to the small firestation, as this is even smaller -Firetrucks leave through the Garagedoor (as seen in the screenshots)...
Ninja's 2017 December - 2018 January Civilian Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
My 2017 December - 2018 January Civilian Release Props are here Information This contains props of my civilian vehicles released in December 2017 - January 2018. All future Civilian vehicle props will follow a similar pattern...
Ninja's 2017 July - September Civilian Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
My 2017 July - September Civilian Release Props are here Information This contains props of my civilian vehicles released in July - September of 2017. All future Civilian vehicle props will follow a similar pattern, with the ...
Ninja's 2017 May - June Civilian Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
My 2017 May - June Civilian Release Props are here Information This was done because of a request from creativeDEX. Thanks for all your contributions to the workshop! This contains props of my civilian vehicles released in Ma...
Ninja's 2018 February - April Civilian Vehicle Props
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
My 2018 February - 2018 April Civilian Release Props are here Information This contains props of my civilian vehicles released in February - April 2018. All future Civilian vehicle props will follow a similar pattern, with th...
Ninja's 2018 July to October Civilian Props
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
My 2018 July - October Civilian Release Props are here Information This contains props of my civilian vehicles released in July to October of 2018. All future Civilian vehicle props will follow a similar pattern, with the pro...
Ninja's 2018 May and June Civilian Props
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
My 2018 May - June Civilian Release Props are here Information This contains props of my civilian vehicles released in May - June of 2018. All future Civilian vehicle props will follow a similar pattern, with the props being ...
Ninja's 2019 January - April Civilian Props
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Prop Versions of the Expedition, Expresses, and 4Runner are here Information This is the props pack for my civilian vehicles released between January and April of 2019. This release features the new Chevrolet Express Passenge...
Ninja's 2019 October - November Civilian Props
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Prop Versions of the Panamera, Forester, and Taurus are here Information This is the props pack for my civilian vehicles released between October and November of 2019. No civilian vehicles are planned for release in December...
Ninja's 2020 Spring Civilian Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Prop Versions of the 2019 Camry and 2019 Odyssey are here Information This is the props pack for my civilian vehicles released between January to March of 2020 Tips To place on roads, use BOTH the Move It 2 Mod and Prop Snap...
Nissan 370Z Nismo 2015
Créé par Lauby
Nissan 370Z Nismo 2015 Polycount: 3241 Colors: White, Silver, Black ...
Nissan Altima 2019 PROP
Créé par Ma7heus
Asset's 3D and Textures Info (Main | Custom Lod): Tris: 1942 | 70 Textures: 1024x1024 | 64x64 Vehicles versions: Altima SR Altima Edition ONE...
Créé par CityOfTokyo
NISSAN GT-R NISMO It is the coupe type car which Nissan Motor produces GT-R from 2007 and sells. Tochigi factory is all in charge of the production regardless of a forwarding place. GT-R is a virtual succession car model of Skyline GT-R which was the symbo...
NL Mercedes Sprinter
Créé par oppiescc
A Mercedes Sprinter van in a Dutch paint job for your Police Department. It will randomly spawn from your Police stations alongside any onther ones you might have installed. This van is slightly slower than a normal Police car but is slightly better at cri...
NL Mercedes Sprinter Ambulance
Créé par oppiescc
This Mercedes Sprinter Ambulance with a Dutch emergency vehicle paint job will take care of the sick in your city....
NL Opel Vectra
Créé par oppiescc
A new police vehicle to patrol your city, the Opel Vectra has the same stats as the default police vehicle but the paint job of the Dutch Police....
NL Police Volkswagen Touran
Créé par oppiescc
A Volkswagen Touran with a Dutch paint job for your city's Police Department...
NL VDL Citea
Créé par oppiescc
A VDL Citea city bus for your city bus lines. The color changes based on the bus line. Has a higher capacity (80 passengers) than the default bus (with the default settings there's usually way too many people waiting at bus stops even with maximum bus fund...
NMBS/SNCB Class 54 Passenger train
Créé par Von Roth
Description The class 54 diesel-electric engine was built by Societé Anglo-Franco-Belge (AFB) under license from NOHAB for the Belgian State Railways (NMBS/SNCB) in 1955-1957. The class 54 engines were similar to the Danish State Railways class MY engines ...
No graffiti overpass support - highway
Créé par Avanya
Can be found under Common Props - Streets A graffiti-free version of this asset. You'll need More Beautification and Prop and tree anarchy to place this in your cities. I also suggest getting Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance Fits with all the default high...
No graffiti overpass support - small road
Créé par Avanya
Can be found under Common Props - Streets This contains two pieces - one 6 units long and one 12 units long. These are graffiti-free versions of these. You'll need More Beautification and Prop and tree anarchy to place this in your cities. I also suggest g...
No graffiti overpass wall - highways
Créé par Avanya
Can be found under Common Props - Streets A graffiti-free version of this asset You'll need More Beautification and Prop and tree anarchy to place this in your cities. I also suggest getting Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance Looks best with some terraformi...
No graffiti overpass wall - large roads
Créé par Avanya
Can be found under Common Props - Streets Graffiti-free version of this asset You'll need More Beautification and Prop and tree anarchy to place this in your cities. I also suggest getting Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance Looks best with some terraforming...
No graffiti overpass wall - small road
Créé par Avanya
Can be found under Common Props - Streets A graffiti-free version of this asset. This one is much more flexible as it just sits at the end, which means you can have as steep or as soft a slope as you'd like. As long as it raises to 12m this will fit. And i...
NL Mercedes Atego
Créé par oppiescc
A new Fire Engine to put out fires in your city; The Mercedes Atego Fire Engine with the paint job as used by the Dutch Fire Department. Will spawn randomly alongside the original fire engine....
No graffiti underpass support - highway
Créé par Avanya
Can be found under Common Props - Streets A graffiti-free version of this asset. You'll need More Beautification and Prop and tree anarchy to place this in your cities. I also suggest getting Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance Fits with all the default high...
No graffiti underpass support - large road
Créé par Avanya
Can be found under Common Props - Streets A graffiti-free version of this asset. You'll need More Beautification and Prop and tree anarchy to place this in your cities. I also suggest getting Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance Fits with the default medium r...
No graffiti underpass support - small road
Créé par Avanya
Can be found under Common Props - Streets A graffiti-free version of this asset. You'll need More Beautification and Prop and tree anarchy to place this in your cities. I also suggest getting Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance Fits with all the default smal...
No mod elevated station with a metro station
Créé par hakomikan
This elevated station with a metro station works without any mod. Passengers can use all six entrance. You need not connect the central road. You can delete the road after you set the station. The central road can not be deleted. model data 3112 tris 2048x...
noise barrier 道路隔音屏
Créé par hikke
大家好 这次的作品是一个高架道路的隔音屏 小东西 希望大家喜欢~ 配合 move it 可以抬高到合适位置摆放 记得点赞支持我~ 模型信息: 见图片最后一张 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is a noise barrier you can use "move it" up or down if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: look p5 http://i1.piimg....
Créé par Sanctum Gamer
About Nomasburg Nomasburg is a forest rich area that lies between some major mountain ranges. The flat land is rich and fertile due to the large river that has carved its way through the landscape. The calm river is rich in marine life, and can serve as a ...
No Problem Notifications
Créé par Katalepsis
Lets you disable problem notification flags from being set. When the game detects a problem on a building, it sets a special flag called a Problem Notification. This causes the little notification icons to flash at you and also it triggers some effects fro...
Nonny Residence - 2x2 High lvl4 residential
Créé par tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Good day Skyliners. First, a few sad words. The Simcity 4 and city builders community lost one of its most active members recently. Simtropolis (one of the biggest and most respected city builders communities) lost its most beloved member. "A Nonny Moose" ...
Nonstop Bus Terminal
Créé par Senfkorn
Hi community, welcome to the Nonstop Bus Services. Before making a bus terminal, I wanted to realize two things. Firstly to make a bus terminal, that is smaller than the vanilla one. I like it very much but it is way too big. Secondly there should exist mo...
Norderhaven (European)
Créé par Bugfix
Norderhaven is a typical Dutch and German inspired north sea coastal landscape. The map consists of a lot of flat land and large river outfall suitable to build a big harbour. PLEASE NOTE You have to use a map theme that supports sand instead of dirt. Char...
Nordriver (1.5)
Créé par Mulleboy
Tired of all the automated generated terrains that is a pain to build on, or just tired of the regular maps included in the original game? If it's time to get serious and truly be master of your future city then this map is for you! Like the concept? Check...
Norfolk Island Pine
Créé par MrMaison
Norfolk Island Pine by MrMaison The Norfolk Island Pine is a forest giant originally from a small Island in the south Pacific (Norfolk Island) between New Zealand and New Caladonia. It is very symetrical more as a young tree than when it becomes an adult. ...
Norfolk Pine Plantations
Créé par Czardus
This is a pack of tree plantations using MrMaison's excellent Norfolk Pine tree asset (link is in the required assets list to the right). The pack contains small, medium, and large versions. Each can be built in game using the plantations from the Industri...
North Bend, WA - Reworked
Créé par Winter
North Bend, Washington Reworked - No Roads Version Looking for the one with pre-built infrastructure? Find it here Important Notes - Read This Stuff When you start a new game on this map while 81 tiles is enabled, you must save the game, quit, and reload i...
North Philadelphia Station
Créé par donoteat
LET THE BUYER BEWARE: THIS ASSET IS NOT EASY TO USE North Philadelphia Station was not the biggest station in Philadelphia, nor was it any railroad's primary station. However, the premier train of Philadelphia's premier railroad, the Broadway Limited, only...
Northern Falls (Boreal)
Créé par Bugfix
Northern Falls is a coastal boreal river landscape with a harsh coast at the north. The map consists of a large valley with a lot of water. Characteristics - Large bodies of water require a thought-out traffic system - Mostly rolling landscape with large f...
Northwestern Mutual Tower
Créé par hamma085
Time to give Milwaukee some love (or Wisconsin for that matter) on the workshop. They have some pretty fantastic buildings, but I chose to build this one since it wasn't there last time I visited. About the building The Northwestern Mutual Tower is current...
Norway Scania Fire Engine Props
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Norwegian Fire Engine Props Are Here Two Norwegian fire engine props are here. Props are located in the COMMON Category. Use the More Beautification Mod to place in game and the Prop And Tree Anarchy Mod to place anywhere. An...
Norway Scania Fire Engine Red
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Red Fire Engine for Your Norwegian Cities Complement your Norweigan cities with a firetruck that matches your local livery. This red fire engine will be sure to fit right into Skylines Brannvesen Norwegian Yellow Version Her...
Norway Scania Fire Engine Yellow
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Yellow Fire Engine for Your Norwegian Cities Complement your Norweigan cities with a firetruck that matches your local livery. This yellow fire engine will be sure to fit right into Skylines Brannvesen Norwegian Red Version ...
Norway Spruce
Créé par MrMaison
Norway Spruce by MrMaison Introducing Picea abies AKA the Norway Spruce! Native to Northern, Central and eastern Europe this tree stands out among any foliage with it's distinc shape. It is famous for being used as a Christmas tree around the world. This t...
Norway Spruce 2
Créé par MrMaison
Norway Spruce 2 by MrMaison Introducing 2 more Norway Spruce variations. The 2 trees in this set are taller than the original to capture some of that Northern European forest look. The tallest one is "Norway Spruce Tall" made to look older. They are great ...
Not FBI Office (RICO)
Créé par honker
This building is a completely normal office building. It is 11 units wide, 7 units deep, and roughly 70 meters tall. It is RICO-ready, with 75 office workers who perform regular office duties for their corporations. The government does not have anything to...
NS 2200 Mixed Cargo
Créé par Acc3ss Violation
A slightly older mixed cargo train with an NS 2200 series engine in the old brown livery. To replace the steam engines that were still in service in the 1950s, the NS placed an order for 2200 and 2400 series diesel engines. The first 2200 series engines ca...
NS 2200 Passenger Train
Créé par Acc3ss Violation
A passenger train made out of 'Plan E' passenger cars and one or two 2200 series engines (see below). This combination was used in the Netherlands, mostly in the east and nothern parts of the country. - 120 km/h (see below) - 70 passengers per car (so eith...
NS 6400 Coal Train
Créé par Acc3ss Violation
A cargo train consisting of 14 coal hoppers and a NS 6400 series engine. The cars are Eds (Fcs) type hoppers which have been used for various types of cargo like coal and gravel. Some of them have been converted into Fccpps hoppers which are currently used...
NS 6400 Garbage Train
Créé par Acc3ss Violation
A cargo train consisting of ACTS container cars loaded with garbage containers. Engine is a NS 6400 series diesel electric engine. The containers are in the livery of the VAM (Vuil Afvoer Maatschappij). Does not transport actual garbage. Vehicle Effects To...
NS 6400 Oil Tank Train
Créé par Avanya
An oil tank train for your oil industry or just to add variation to your cargo trains. I didn't make the models - all credit to Acc3ss Violation, who made the train engine and oil tank trailers - if you haven't you should definately check out his collectio...
NS 6400 Oil Tank Train - Shell
Créé par Avanya
Updated 25/1-2016 I finally got around to updating this! Acc3ss Violation, who made the train engine, released some awesome looking oil tanks and I decided replace the wagons with a recolor of them. All credit to him for making these great looking models. ...
NS ICE 3M 'Amsterdam' (8+8Cars)
Créé par REV0
InterCity Express ICE 3, or Intercity-Express 3, is a family of high-speed electric multiple unit trains operated by Deutsche Bahn. It includes classes 403, 406 and 407, which are known as ICE 3, ICE 3M and New ICE 3 respectively. Twitter for progress upda...
NS ICE 3M 'Amsterdam' (8Cars)
Créé par REV0
InterCity Express ICE 3, or Intercity-Express 3, is a family of high-speed electric multiple unit trains operated by Deutsche Bahn. It includes classes 403, 406 and 407, which are known as ICE 3, ICE 3M and New ICE 3 respectively. Twitter for progress upda...
NS Sprinter Light Train
Créé par Acc3ss Violation
The most recent addition to the NS's rolling stock, the SLT is an EMU built by Bombardier and Siemens from 2007 to 2012. This is a 6 unit train. - 300 (6x50) passenger capacity 4 car variants:
NTE - Falcon Bus/Metro HUB - Left-Side Traffic Version - Energetically Autonomous + 10 MW
Créé par spinoza73
* This is the left-side traffic version. If you would like the right-side version follow this link: A bus station more design with 9 lines available making the station more useful because it...
NTE - Falcon Bus/Metro HUB - Right-Side Traffic Version - Energetically Autonomous + 10 MW
Créé par spinoza73
* This is the right-side traffic version. So please note that the ways are inverted compared to the pics. If you would like the left-side version follow this link: A bus station more design ...
NTE - Falcon Metro/Subway - 2 Opposite Corner Street Entrances & 2 Platforms - Energetically Autonomous + 2 MW production
Créé par spinoza73
NTE is proud to present our second Subway/Metro station and this is the 2 opposite corner street entrances & 2 platforms version. Great for security of the pedestrians and to remove pressure at intersections. It's also an energetically autonomous one! Perf...
NTfL Metro train (line color, MOM)
Créé par AleX_BY
Made by Transport Games community: New Tube for London (NTfL) is a programme that would introduce 250 new trains and signalling on several London Underground deep-tube lines between 2025 and 2033. Thi...
NTE - Falcon Metro/Subway - 4 Corner Street Entrances & 3 Platforms - Energetically Autonomous + 4 MW production
Créé par spinoza73
NTE is proud to present our second Subway/Metro station and this is the 4 opposite corner street entrances & 3 platforms version. Great for security of the pedestrians and to remove pressure at intersections. It's also an energetically autonomous one! Perf...
NYC 2015 Mack Terrapro LEU Garbage Truck
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Standard NYC Waste Collection In new York City, you can often see garbage collectors picking up the garbage and throwing it into the back of these trucks. That's why the rear loader is used...and partly why the garbage piles...
NYC Medical Examiner or Coroner Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
NYC Medical Examiner Vehicle Props are here Information This is the props for the still expanding NYC Coroner set. I haven't had time to finish them all, but I decided to release the a few first. Props are located in the COMM...
NYC_R22_Cities Skylines Edition
Créé par MrMaison
NYC_R22_Cities Skylines Edition by MrMaison Now Updated for After Dark! The New York City subway system used to have a huge diversity of train car models from clean to graffiti filled and grimey. That gave NYC a unique flavor. My aim with this series is to...
NYC_R22_Metropolitan Local
Créé par MrMaison
NYC_R22_Metropolitan Local by MrMaison Introducing the Metropolitan Local Subway train. This sexy dirty train is based on a real world r22 model from the old retired NYC subway fleet....the dirty ones from the 70s and 80s that gave NYC character. I made th...
NYC Subway Props Pack
Créé par bsquiklehausen
This download contains the prop versions of my NYC subway cars, in both cab car and trailer car versions where applicable. Each is identical to the moving train version, but is ploppable with the Prop and Tree Anarchy mod and More Beautification....
NZ Fire department
Créé par AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new great project New Zealand Pack. The fire department placed in Auckland. 40 Pitt Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand. Type of buildings: Fire building. --------------------------------------------...
NZ Healthcare station
Créé par AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new great project New Zealand Pack. This is a Healthcare station placed in Hamilton. 531 Grey Street, Hamilton 3216, New Zealand. Type of buildings: Healthcare building. ----------------------------...
Créé par KingLeno
Help me get to 2,000 subscribers on YouTube! I was doing a series of American shopping center commercial buildings (some new, some updates) to reward and encourage more subscribers to my YouTube channel. I'm going to finish off this series of shopping cent...
Oak View Elementary
Créé par hamma085
This school was commissioned. Are you building a suburban area in your American city, and have you been longing for a distinctly suburban American school? Well, look no further than Oak View Elementary, a school name so popular I've counted 6 different sch...
Créé par MrMaison
OakTree by MrMaison Featuring an Oak Tree to add variety to our landscapes. This tree is great when plopped in groups giving you fluffy realistic foliage with realistic color. I plan to make a large more fuller one in the future. All the foliage was crafte...
Oasis Park Gate (plus prop)
Créé par KingLeno
Oasis Park Gate by KingLeno Based on default Amusement park gate. No pedestrian path is included so visitors may not count and pay if you try to charge them. You don't need Park Life DLC to use the prop since both are included. If you don't have the DLC, o...
Observation tower (Enoshima Sea Candle)
Créé par Glugeck
Observation tower Hey everyone I created this observation tower with inspiration from the Enoshima Sea Candle on Enoshima island in Japan. you can also use it as an ATC tower for your airport. About Enoshima Sea Candle Enoshima Sea Candle is a 60m tall obs...
Ocean City Apartments
Créé par KingLeno
Ocean City Apartments by KingLeno Also subscribed to Ocean City Commons for even more variety. 3 modern apartments/loft/condo buildings. Level 3 low density residential. 1x2; 2x2; 2x2 lot sizes Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and ...
Ocean City Commons
Créé par KingLeno
Ocean City Commons by KingLeno Low rise medium-density apartment building. Textured specifically for a southwestern look. High Density Level 3 Residential with 60 homes with RICO mod. *********************************** If you like my assets, consider buyi...
Ocean Liner
Ocean Liner by Swiss IMPORTANT: If you get a bug where the ship ight disapear when trying to dock or leave the port, place a 2nd Port close to the first one, that for some odd reason seams to fix the issue. I tried very long and hard to find the reason for...
Octávio Frias de Oliveira Bridge
Créé par Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
Off Road Pickups and SUV Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Lifted SUV and Pickup Truck Props Are Here If your Cims are ready to go into the wilderness, I'd suggest they take a few of these along for the ride. These lifted vehicles look right at place away from civilization Tips To p...
Créé par Reaper
First_Canadian_Place_offv1_182M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark 7920 highpoly tex resolution 1024 343 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal e...
Créé par Reaper
First_Canadian_Place_offv2_143M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark 6470 highpoly tex resolution 1024 343 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal e...
Créé par Reaper
First_Canadian_Place_offv3_106M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark 6470 highpoly tex resolution 1024 343 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal e...
Office_Kilbourn Tower_offv1_106M
Créé par Reaper
Kilbourn Tower_offv1_106M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark 4105 highpoly tex resolution 1024 431 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ...
Créé par Reaper
One_Chase_Manhattan_offv1_160M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Créé par Reaper
One_Chase_Manhattan_offv2_125M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Créé par Reaper
One_Chase_Manhattan_offv3_85 by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Créé par Reaper
Torres_El_Faro_offv1_168M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Créé par Reaper
Torres_El_Faro_offv2_129M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Créé par Reaper
Torres_El_Faro_offv3_100M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Oil tank prop - aral
Créé par Avanya
Since I updated my aral oil tanker train I figured I might as well put the prop version up as well. It's just a recolor of the Tanker car 2 made by the awesome Acc3ss Violation: Matching cargo...
Oil tank prop - bp
Créé par Avanya
Since I updated my BP oil tanker train I figured I might as well put the prop version up as well. It's just a recolor of the Tanker car 2 made by the awesome Acc3ss Violation: Matching cargo t...
Oil tank prop - bp2
Créé par Avanya
Since I updated my BP oil tanker train I figured I might as well put the prop version up as well. It's just a recolor of the Tanker car made by the awesome Acc3ss Violation: Matching cargo tra...
Oil tank prop - loimu
Créé par Avanya
This is just a recolor of the Tanker car made by the awesome Acc3ss Violation Matching cargo train here: Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is m...
Oil tank prop - shell
Créé par Avanya
Since I updated my Shell oil tanker train I figured I might as well put the prop version up as well. It's just a recolor of the Tanker car made by the awesome Acc3ss Violation: Matching cargo ...
Oil tank prop - shell2
Créé par Avanya
Since I updated my Shell oil tanker train I figured I might as well put the prop version up as well. It's just a recolor of the Tanker car 2 made by the awesome Acc3ss Violation: Matching carg...
Old bollard for quay
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic An old style bollard for those not so modern quays. A special thank you To my patron Pasi :D Model Tris: 88 Texture: 128x256 LOD Tris: 70 Texture: 32x64 Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal ...
Old Brewery (growable)
Créé par bennymedia
Old Brewery / alte Brauerei by bennymedia (Updated V1.2, ready for After Dark) The old brewery produces supplies for my beer garden asset. ( ) Grows on generic industry, 4x4 plots, level 3. No...
Old Brick Station by Bad Peanut [Modular]
Créé par BadPeanut
This is a modular central train terminal consisting of two assets: Module 1 and Module 2 Left. No mods are required for this to work. Keep reading the description if you have any issues before you post a stupid comment :P If you would like to use this stat...
Old brick warehouse
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A lovely old brick warehouse - it might not have all the fancy tech of the newer warehouses, but it's still good for storing things. Okay, it's just a warehouse with slightly different stats compared to my others ...
Old Bus Stop Sign [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Old Bus Stop Sign Technical Details This is a simple prop of an old bus stop sign that was commonly named "tête-de-vache". Instead of using a name of the stop I've put generic "Arret de bus" on it to make it bit more universal. Keywords for Workshop search...
Old Church, Sipoo
Créé par Titan
Old Church from Sipoo, Finland The Church of St. Sigfrid in the Finnish town of Sipoo, more commonly known as “the Old Church”, is one of the best-preserved medieval churches in Finland. It was built in the middle of the 15th century in gothic fashion, rep...
Old Cooling Tower (Powerplant)
Créé par Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) Its a powerplant, stats are the same as the vanilla coal plant. -custombuilding -Triangles: haven´t checked, dont care -Textures: 2048x512, 512x512 LOD texture -Find it: Search for "Tower" -This ...
Old Fire Station
Créé par AleX_BY
Old Fire Station in russian style. It was built in Kharkiv (Ukraine now) in 1845. Now this is the oldest fire station with fire tower in Kharkiv. All stats like in default Fire Depot (6 fire trucks). Triscount: 1039 You can support me if you like it! It is...
Old French Benches [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Informations: This is a set of two typical benches that can be found around Paris. Additional informations: Custom textures and LODs. They are not functional, even if placed on an asset. Pleas...
Old French Bollard [Versailles]
Créé par Gèze
Informations: This is a simple bollard that can be found pretty much anywhere, but I modelled it after one I found in versailles. It's 1,2m tall and 50cm wide. Additional informations: It's a single bollard prop with a custom LOD. Not much more that you ha...
Old French Hanging Lamps
Créé par Gèze
Informations: This is a small pack of the typical hanging street lamps found in Paris. I based them all on the real designs and included two versions - shorter (0,5m cable) and longer (1m cable). Additional informations: The pack includes: -Hanging Lamp Gl...
Old French Lamps V2.0
Créé par Gèze
Informations: This is an upgraded pack of the typical street lanterns found in Paris. I added much more variety, and light effects to each lamp. These are much better than the ones I had available up until now. Additional informations: The pack includes: -...
Old French Shop Signs [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Informations: This is a pack of pretty old looking signs for various shops and cafés. Designs based on original pictures from 1800s. Additional informations: Custom textures and LODs. All the signs have Min. 1; Max. 1.2 size variation. This pack contains 2...
Old Gas Lanterns (Set)
Créé par Titan
This is a set of 3 old-styled gas lanterns Back in the old days many streets were illuminated with gas lights. Of those old lanterns quite a few survived as usual street lights. The ones in this set are from the city of Dresden, Germany. All of those lamps...
Old Hospital Block
Créé par jens
An old hospital block close to the entrance area of a hospital in Berlin, Germany. Info: 5895 triagles, 120000 building cost/4800 maintenance, 1000 inpatients capacity Enjoy! Please consider supporting my work, I'll be very grateful. Thank you! :) https://...
Old Leafy Tree
Créé par pdelmo
Another Variation of the leafy tree. 1391tri 1024x1024 texture d,a,c,n ...
Old Marble Benches [Versailles]
Créé par Gèze
Informations: This is a set of two old marble benches (longer and shorter) that you can find all around the gardens of Versailles. They are 45cm tall. Additional informations: Custom textures and LOD.
Old Park Fence (Ograda)
Créé par komurka
Old Park Fence segment, 4 metres. My first prop. Dew to some problems in Asset Editor developers still has not solved there are some strange issues with this fence. Just try it for en experiment. Maybe later I will make better one....
Old Platform Modules [Modular Station Project]
Créé par Titan
This is a set of free to place modular station platforms Long awaited, now I finally was able to release them. This set includes a bunch of platforms with an old design. This design was used by the Deutsche Reichsbahn from Germany some 30-70 years ago. How...
Old Platform Props [Modular Station Project]
Créé par Titan
This is a set of props to equip your platforms Long awaited, now I finally was able to release them. This set includes a bunch of props with an old design. This design was used by the Deutsche Reichsbahn from Germany some 30-70 years ago. However, it still...
Old stone quay
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Another quay! This one is in a old stone style for those old parts of your city. It's the same width and depth as the industrial quay and so transitions well into it. As it's a simp...
Old stone quay - Decorated
Créé par Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings A decorated version of old stone quay. If you'd like to change the trees or lamps to better fit your city, then I recommend Network Skins 2. T...
Old stone quay - Fenced
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on The old stone quay with a fence so your citizens don't fall into the water. Comes in a plain version as well for those places on land. Fence will be released as a prop and a fence n...
Old stone quay - Fenced & decorated
Créé par Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings A decorated version of old stone quay - fenced. If you'd like to change the trees or lamps to better fit your city, then I recommend Network S...
Old stone quay - Plain
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A plain version of my old stone quay. No algae and no bollards on this one. It works great as a retaining wall, but remember you need Quay Anarchy to do that. A special thank you To...
Old stone quay - Plain fenced
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on The old stone quay - plain with a fence so your citizens don't fall down. Comes in a dirty version as well for those shorelines. To place on land you'll need Quay Anarchy. When plac...
Old stone quay - Plain fenced & decorated
Créé par Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings A decorated version of old stone quay - plain fenced. If you'd like to change the trees or lamps to better fit your city, then I recommend Net...
Old Tram Stop Sign [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Old Tram Stop Sign Technical Details This is a simple prop of an old tramway stop sign that was commonly named "tête-de-vache". Instead of using a name of the stop I've put generic "Arret de tramway" on it to make it bit more universal. Keywords for Worksh...
Old Tree Grates [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Informations: This is a set of two typical tree grates (Round and Square). They are props and they don't conform to terrain. Not much more to say. Additional informations: Custom textures and LODs. If you use ploppable surfaces, they can sometimes cover up...
Old warehouse 2 (Industries DLC)
Créé par Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings A small older style warehouse. It's modular and comes in 4 different colors. It's one of the smallest I've done so far, so let me know if the amount of trucks doesn't work we...
Old warehouse 2 - color variations (RICO)
Créé par Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings A small older style warehouse. It's modular, comes in 4 different colors and works with RICO - without it it's just a park. I had actually done the textures for this version ...
Old Wooden Bench 1 [Versailles]
Créé par Gèze
Informations: This is an old green bench. One of the several that you can find around the estate of Petit Trianon in Versailles. Additional informations: Custom textures and LOD. If you place this prop on an asset, in the Editor, it should work and people ...
Old-citypark 5 x 4
Créé par core79
Old-citypark 5 x 4 by core79 Für die stats schaut einfach auf das fünfte Bild. For the stats look the fifth picture. Danke an alle Modder, die so schöne Bäume und Probs hochladen. Meine Parks würden nicht halb so gut aussehen ohne sie. Ich hoffe euch gefäl...
Olive Tree 2
Créé par pdelmo
Olive Tree 2 New model 512x512 texture Under 1000 tri...
Olive tree 3
Créé par pdelmo
Olive tree 3 by pdelmo old looking lots of roots 806tri 512x512 texture...
OMV Center (growable)
Créé par Cynth
Cynth's OMV Headquarter "HOCH ZWEI" Vienna (4x4 High Commercial Growable) Grows on level 3 high commercial zones and takes 4x4 fields. Depending on which side you look at the 80-metre tall, concave-convex building “HOCH ZWEI” from, which is 80 metres tall,...
One California Plaza - Los Angeles [RICO]
Créé par _luminou_
One California Plaza - Los Angeles One California Plaza is a 176 m (577 ft) skyscraper located in the Bunker Hill District of downtown Los Angeles, California. With a second skyscraper, Two California Plaza, it comprises the California Plaza project. The P...
One Commerce Square
Créé par KingLeno
One Commerce Square To see this asset in-game, check out the video above or just click here! May have problems with Rico settings. I've noticed that whenever I include a prop that has a name that comes alphabetically before the asset name of the building, ...
One Detroit Center
Créé par Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a RICO office building(6x6) About the model I´m not a huge fan of modernism. Most modern buildings are the variation of a shape with some variant extrusions in them and a huge amount of gla...
One Island East Centre 港岛东中心
Créé par XDBX
One Island East Centre 港岛东中心 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到
One KC Place
Créé par honker
**UPDATE - completely reworked model and textures as of February 2018** One Kansas City Place is the tallest building in Kansas City (and all of Missouri), looming at 200 meters over the sprawl that is the KC metro area. This slate gray tiered obelisk sits...
One Magnificent Mile
Créé par honker
One Mag Mile stands at the very north end of Chicago's Magnificent Mile district of luxury retail and hotels. While its measly 57 floors leave it dwarfed by its next door neighbor, the Hancock Tower, this building's hexagonal structure and pink granite cla...
One Museum Park
Créé par honker
Plaza is here! At 62 stories, One Museum Park is the tallest building south of the Loop in Chicago. It stands at the southern corner of the city's expansive "front yard," Grant Park, overlooking a sunken rail corridor and welcoming newcomers with its futur...
ONE Office Building (ploppable RICO ready)
Créé par Senfkorn
Hi community, the ONE Office Building is a brand new business center and offers flexible space solutions both for larger companies and companies that are still in the start-up process. Your company can grow with great potential in a creative environment wi...
One Prudential Plaza
Créé par honker
One Prudential is at the forefront of Chicago's downtown skyline. Often accompanied in pictures by its "big brother" Two Prudential, this blue and biege landmark welcomes visitors with the bright logo of its insurance company namesake. Its huge mast (a thi...
One Thousand Museum (rico)
Créé par _luminou_
One Thousand Museum "One Thousand Museum" est un batiment créé par l'architecte Zaha Hadid, adapté pour le jeu Cities Skylines (ce batiment est en cours de construction à Miami, en floride) Version Residentiel Haute Densité
One Vanderbilt - New York [RICO]
Créé par _luminou_
One Vanderbilt - New York One Vanderbilt (also One Vanderbilt Place) is a skyscraper under construction at the corner of 42nd Street and Vanderbilt Avenue in midtown Manhattan, New York City. Proposed by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and developer SL ...
One-way Road with Parking Space - Protected Bike Lane and Tree-lined Median
Créé par BlueHawk
🌳One-way Road with Parking Space, Protected Bike Lane and Tree-lined Median🚴 This is a one-way two-lane road with parking spaces and protected bike lanes. 🔛 This is the one-way version of my Two-way Road as requested by a few users. 🏘️ It's 16m wide, so yo...
One-Way Train Tracks
Créé par BloodyPenguin
Provides single & double one-way train tracks, single station tracks and two-way single tracks This mod was created at a time when neither custom network assets nor single train tracks were supported by the game. I keep this mod to support the existing sav...
Créé par Reaper
One_Chase_Manhattan_Plaza by Reaper unique building with lod scale 1:1 compatible with After Dark 8346 highpoly tex resolution 2048 508 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link b...
Créé par My Tag Gone
This is a RICO version of a Unique building created by Reaper , It is in his Skyscraper_by_Reaper collection. Full creation credit to Him :) Will behave as Unique if RICO mod not installed. Will behave as High Commercial if RICO mod installed. Commercial s...
[DEPRECIATED] Ontario Hwy 407/7
Créé par creativeDEX
Ontario Hwy 407/7 by Dexter Hi everyone, here is a cool and realistic partial cloverleaf interchange. This is a Solution for a highway exit/city entrance or connection between Freeway/Rural Road and Highway. The parclo can take much traffic but with Traffi...
Opel Astra J Sports Tourer
Créé par PALiX
Opel Astra J Sports Tourer Production years: 2010–2012 (pre-facelift version). Designed in Germany. It contains 2 color sets in one (two .crp files of the car). It is possible to disable/enable individual color sets (out of two) in Content Manager. First C...
Opel Astra J Sports Tourer German Police
Créé par PALiX
Opel Astra J Sports Tourer German Police (Polizei) Police of Germany (Deutschland) skin for: Opel Astra J Sports Tourer All settings (prisoner capacity,...
Open Coal Mine
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A tiny version of the real thing as I had to stay within the 4x4 for growables. :P When it spawns you'll see a blue square as the land under it is gone. This also means that sometimes around the edges it creates a...
Open Underground Metro
Créé par Fantom
12154 tris LOD at 452 tris uses 1024 maps inspired by Anno 2205 trailer *train actually goes under the whole thing. **If you get some nice screenshots, please let me know so I can put it here. I'm shit at making stuff look cool....
Ocean City Pedestrian Mall
Créé par KingLeno
Ocean City Mall by KingLeno A posh modern pedestrian outdoors mall with upscale retail shopping, clothing, dining, and entertainment. Asset is one ploppable building. No mods are required but it should be placed on completely flat terrain. Includes 9 build...
Ore crusher
Créé par Avanya
2x3 ore crusher to spice up your ore industry. Not much to say about it really. More buildings to come. :) Model Tris: 1.099 Texture: 1024 LOD Tris: 92 Texture: 128 Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my pe...
Ore extractor
Créé par Avanya
1x4 ore extractor to give your mining area some more variation. This one is inspired from the coal mine in SimCity 2013 and took a lot of fiddling around with the alpha texture. :P I have plans for 2 more ore buildings and then I'll prob move on to oil ind...
Ore Mining Truck prop
Créé par Avanya
The default ore mining truck - both empty and full versions - as props. I didn't create this model, I just extracted it from the game and turned it into a prop. Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my person...
Ore truck prop
Créé par Avanya
The default ore truck as a prop Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account and as such all opinions, content and contributions to the community reflect my own views and interests, and are not c...
Organic Burial Place
Créé par Haradrim
Park for organic burial pods. Biodegradable pods turn a dead person remains into nutrients for a beautiful tree. ...
Ornamental Pear Tree
Créé par MrMaison
Ornamental Pear Tree by MrMaison Introducing a 3 piece set of Spring bloom Ornamental Pear trees based on the "Callery Pear" species. A mature version and 2 young versions. The 2nd young version have less flowers with darker leaves. These particular trees ...
Osahra Market / Bazaar Pack
Créé par Lost Gecko
6 Osahra market - bazaar props. Created for Skibbith and two dollars twenty's Osahra Youtube series. Watch the assets being used in this video. Contains 6 props: - 2 awnings with color variations - 2 carpet stands - 1 pottery stand - 1 decorated wooden box...
Osaka Style Riverside
Créé par amamIya
Osaka Style Riverside by amamIya...
Otherlands Coffee Bar
Créé par KingLeno
Otherlands Coffee Bar by KingLeno Funky neighborhood coffee bar with a cool outdoor patio. Free wi-fi. Model Triangles 728 Texture 1024 x 1024 Lot Size 3x4 Level 1 Commercial *********************************** If you like my assets, consider buying me a b...
Outdoor Living props pack
Créé par Tomas13TO
Outdoor Living props pack This is a pack of 8 pieces props. You can find them under residential tab. Look at the last picture. Models Info Model Tris Maps LODTris LODMaps Fireplace 1 948 512x512 d,n,s 84 auto-baked Fireplace 2 483 512x512 d,n,s 48 auto-bak...
Créé par mdtaUK
Overground_Classic by mdtaUK...
Overgrown Gravel Road
Créé par Czardus
A gravel road which has been overgrown by grass and weeds. All attributes should be identical to the vanilla gravel road. The listed required item(s) need to be subscribed to, but you do not need to have them enabled in the game in order for the road to lo...
Overgrown Rail - 1-way
Créé par Czardus
Vanilla rail which has become overgrown with grass and weeds. Fully functional as a rail. The listed required item(s) need to be subscribed to, but you do not need to have them enabled in the game in order for the road to load....
Overgrown Rail - 2 way
Créé par Czardus
Vanilla rail which has become overgrown with grass and weeds. Fully functional as a rail. The listed required item(s) need to be subscribed to, but you do not need to have them enabled in the game in order for the road to load. ...
Ospedale San Raffaele di Milano - Covid-19 Donation Project
Créé par Zarrix
LAST UPDATE: I have donated all the funds! Here is the letter from the Hospital. Hello fellow Cities Skyliners, today I present you the Hospital of San Raffaele of Milano This is a non profit project to make donations to the...
Overpass support - highways
Créé par Avanya
Can be found under Common Props - Streets This contains two pieces - one 6 units long and one 12 units long. Both are 12m high and have different graffiti and color variations for those long stretches of wall. You'll need More Beautification and Prop and t...
Overpass support - small roads
Créé par Avanya
Can be found under Common Props - Streets This contains two pieces - one 6 units long and one 12 units long. Both are 12m high and have different graffiti and color variations for those long stretches of wall. You'll need More Beautification and Prop and t...
Overpass wall - small roads
Créé par Avanya
Can be found under Common Props - Streets Another type of overpass support! This one is much more flexible as it just sits at the end, which means you can have as steep or as soft a slope as you'd like. As long as it raises to 12m this will fit. And it fit...
Overpass walls - highways
Créé par Avanya
Can be found under Common Props - Streets Another of my flexible overpass walls, this time roughly the width of highways. There's two versions of the same model in here, but with different graffiti and color variations to avoid too much repetition. You'll ...
Overpass walls - large roads
Créé par Avanya
Can be found under Common Props - Streets And a version wide enough to support large and medium roads. Again it comes in two versions with different graffiti and color variations to avoid too much repetition. You'll need More Beautification and Prop and tr...
Oxford Tower, Warsaw
Créé par DawiD
Real life building from Warsaw, Poland - Oxford Tower Pls send help, student is starving. From wikipedia: The Oxford Tower is a skyscraper located in Warsaw (formerly known as Twardej or Elekt...
Oyster Raft
Créé par jaijai
牡蠣いかだ Oyster Raft This asset has a very weak water purification effect, as does an actual oyster, and contains two assets: type A and type B. Asset Details Category: Floating Garbage Collector Cost: 4,000 Upkeep: 96 Operating rate: 4,800 m3 Those numbers a...
OzOne Building - 4x4 L5 Residential
Créé par tony_r_68 (Zed68)
So many gems of the early days of CSL have been left without nightlights... Like this marvel by Ozo, one of the first CSL builders : It was in desperate need of an AD update, and of a LOD. Wel...
Pacha Tower - Growable 4x4Lvl5 H Residential
Créé par tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NOW UPDATED WITH Nightlights !! Add some variety to your High density residential zones... with the Pacha Tower 21 floors 100 meters high Growable residential. It's standing on a 4x4 parcel and is at Level 5. The building is about 1374 triangles and has a ...
Pacific Northwest themed map
Créé par Grodindon
It's a fully detailed map I did for my own game and I thought I could share it with everyone ! Includes lots of rivers, shores, evergreens, mountains but also vast plains to build upon. Found it very satisfying for my first city : lots of possibilities and...
Pacific Rhododendron
Créé par MrMaison
Pacific Rhododendron by MrMaison Introducing Rhododendron macrophyllum, aka Pacific Rhododendron. It's also called "California Rhododendron" and a few more names (see the wiki). This flowering big leafed evergreen shrub is native to the west coast of North...
Pack - Parking Structure's Roof
Créé par _luminou_
PACK - Parking Structure's Roof Pack of 4 structure for parking area. Ideal asset to be placed above parking lots. Could be placed everywere you want! Design for: Parking Lot Roads - Poorly Maintained Parking and Parking Lot Roads The use of mod below is s...
Créé par CityOfTokyo
PAGANI Zonda R It is the vehicle which Italian Pagani Automobili produced until 2010. The model for exclusive use of the circuit run that release was started in 2009. It was produced with a limitation of 15. It was equipped with M120 type V12 made in unit-...
Paimio Sanatorium
Créé par prepo
Paimio Sanatorium is a former tuberculosis sanatorium in Paimio, Southwest Finland, designed by Finnish architect Alvar Aalto. The building was completed in 1933, and soon after received critical acclaim both in Finland and abroad. Model has 8466 polygons ...
Palais Garnier - Opera [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Informations: I consider this asset to be by best one so far, also the biggest and most detailed one. It's one of my most favourite buildings in Paris. Consider this a "1K followers special" :) The Palais Garnier is a 1,979-seat opera house, which was buil...
Palais Garnier Lantern Pack [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Informations: This is a pack of lanterns that belong to the Ceinture de la Lumiere (Belt of Light) around the Palais Garnier in Paris. These lanterns are a total "Must Have" for the Opera! Additional informations: The pack includes: -Lampadaire -Candelabre...
Palisade Fence 1
Créé par rik4000
Palisade Fence 1 prop This fence is a decrotive prop and is best used with the More Beautification Mod, which allows you to place props in game. This prop will also align to elevated terrain realistically, just like the standard hedge and prison fence do t...
Palisade Fence 2
Créé par rik4000
Palisade Fence 2 prop This fence is a decrotive prop and is best used with the More Beautification Mod, which allows you to place props in game. This prop will also align to elevated terrain realistically, just like the standard hedge and prison fence do t...
Pallet Set Barrels - ColorChange
Créé par Leo Mystic Magic
Pallet Set Barrels - ColorChange by Shroomblaze Original Model From Turbosquid. Total Tris = 646 512 x 512 Maps Lod Tris = 190 32 x 32 Maps http://i.i...
Pallet Set Office - Color Change
Créé par Leo Mystic Magic
Pallet Set Office - Color Change by Shroomblaze Original model and texture by chenobble Total Tris = 440 512 x 512 Maps Lod Tris = 180 32 x 32 Maps
Pallet Pile
Créé par chenobble
Pallet Pile by chenobble...
Palm House Palm Set
Créé par MrMaison
Palm House Palm Set by MrMaison This is a 5 piece set of familiar palm trees made at a fixed height specially for the Victorian Palm House. They are tall versions of the Canary Island, Coconut, California Fan Palm, Date Palm and the Travelers Palm. The rea...
Palm Planters Set
Créé par MrMaison
Palm Planter1 by MrMaison This is a 2 piece prop set of palm planters for decoration. I made these props as one of my first steps to set off my new Botanic Garden series where they will be required assets in the future. But you can use them for whatever yo...
Palm Tree by pdelmo
Créé par pdelmo
Low poly palm modeled after a cocos palm stats & info polygons 111 Texture D&A @ 512x512 Not too tall and low size variation for liines of palms...
Palm Trees - 5 in 1
Créé par Katalepsis
A pack of 5 palm trees for your tropical landscapes. I spent considerable time optimizing both the textures for a good look in-game, as well as editing the vertex normals on the models so the shading doesnt turn the plants black. However, most of the credi...
Palms Casino Resort (RICO) Unique
Créé par Crazyglueit
UPDATED MODEL - TEXTURES - LOD (4/30/18) Features UV Animation Palms Casino Resort, located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Scale - 1:1 Plot Size - 12x6 Main - Tris 1,542 / Texture 1024 / Weight 5.94 LOD - Tris 242 / Texture 256 / Weight 0.94 RICO CategoryTourist (A...
Pampas Grass
Créé par MrMaison
Pampas Grass by MrMaison Introducing my first flowering grass asset! This Pampas Grass comes as a 5 piece set with flowers in 5 colors. These giant grasses are great for shorelines, parks and any other landscaping decorative usage. More info in a wiki http...
Paper MRF
Créé par Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings The paper materials recovery facility turns the paper into pulp to separate the fibers. Then adhesives and inks are removed before it's turned into new paper. Stats Cost: 28,...
Paper Recycling Facility (Waste Processing Facility)
Créé par Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings The paper materials recovery facility turns the paper into pulp to separate the fibers. Then adhesives and inks are removed before it's turned into new paper. It works like t...
Pappeln jung, Poplar tree small
Créé par ArkenbergeJoe
Pappeln jung by ArkenbergeJoe (V2.1.0) Sie sind im Baummenü (Menu Trees) zu finden, Kosten 10 Tris 115 Textur 1024x1024 ✪ Update 1: Thumb's und Tooltip-Bildchen hinzugefügt ✪ Update 2: für Snowfall neue Textur hinzugefügt ✪ Update 3: Realistischeres Laubwe...
Pappeln, Poplar tree
Créé par ArkenbergeJoe
Pappeln by ArkenbergeJoe (V2.5.0) Sie sind im Baummenü (Menu Trees) zu finden, Kosten 10 Tris 775 Textur 1024x1024 ✪ 1. Update: Realistischeres Modell verwendet und skaliert; ✪ 2. Update: Thumb's und Tooltip-Bildchen hinzugefügt; ✪ 3. Update: Textur für Sn...
Paradise Valley Plazas
Créé par KingLeno
Paradise Valley Plazas Includes a large, medium, and small park for decoration. They don't require road access, can be placed anywhere, and no cims will travel to the parks. They can be elevated above water and submerged (but only slightly before the flood...
Paradox Tree
Créé par MrMaison
Paradox Tree by MrMaison This tree was born in Berlin, Germany in the depths of Funkhaus. During PDXCON2019 the seeds were planted and now we have a tree dedicated to Paradox Interactive and the entire community. STATS: Paradox tree- 838 tris 2048x1024 tex...
Parallel Road Tool
Créé par S__T Road Toolhelps you easily drawing parallel and stacked networks.Main features are: Limitless parallel/stacked configurations: you can choose any network (not only roads!) and distances (both horizontal and vertical) ...
Parclo (Vanilla)
Créé par agusingnavy
Parclo (Vanilla) by agusingnavy Well, this is for you MrMiyagi . Enjoy ;) - Size: 84x66 cells - UI Priority. -3010 Heights: HW: -3, 6 & 7 mts Mods used: - Advanced Road Anarchy - Fine Road Tool (Required) - NoPillars - Precision Engineering Comments, likes...
Parclo AB (NE2)
Créé par GivenchY
Realistic Parclo AB by GivenchY Parclo AB is a variation of partial cloverleaf interchanges, service interchanges that have medium capacity. Recommond to use in rural area. It's a realistic build in Nesselwang, Germany. The intersection should be placed on...
Parclo AB3 Interchange
Créé par agusingnavy
Parclo AB3 Interchange by agusingnavy Dedicado a los imbéciles que le dan a la manito con el pulgar para abajo. - Size: 72x72 cells - Heights: -3 & 6 mts - UI Priority. -1257 Beautiful maps: The Colossal Hillside by OWL White Harbor by flippityfloo http://...
Parclo | Mass Transit DLC
Créé par agusingnavy
Parclo | Mass Transit DLC by agusingnavy The Greatest "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. *UI Priority: 9000004 Network Extensions 2 version >>>CLICK HERE<<< Vanilla version >>>CLICK H...
Paris 1900 Cobblestone Roads
Créé par Lost Gecko
Pack of 3 road networks of traditional Paris cobblestone roads as they looked like around 1900. Includes an avenue (4 cells), a street (2 cells) and an alley (1 cell). Ground only. Briges, tunnels etc. might come as separate networks in the future, but no ...
Paris 1900 Decorative Cobblestone
Créé par Lost Gecko
Pack of 2 decorative networks of traditional Paris cobblestone as they looked like around 1900. 8 and 12m wide. Especially useful to cover the untextured nodes or sharp curves of my Paris 1900 roads with straight portions of this network. After all, the co...
Paris Metro (Métropolitain)
Créé par Gèze
Informations: The Paris Metro or Métropolitain (French: Métro de Paris) is a rapid transit system in the Paris Metropolitan Area. A symbol of the city, it is noted for its density within the city limits and its uniform architecture, influenced by Art Nouve...
Paris Metro 2
Créé par Gèze
Informations: This is a Parisian Metro entrance based on the station Abbesses. It's a beautiful example of Art Nouveau entrance designed by Hector Guimard. At 36m under the ground, it's the deepest metro station in the city. (In game it's default 9m). The ...
Paris version FINALE [FR]
Créé par Kriistof
Paris version FINALE **** Rajout de courant Seine - Merci de me dire si cela fonctionne ***** ****Un Problême subsistai sur le péripherique et empêché parfois la venue de la population. Veuillez attendre un peu au vu de la distance des routes pour voir arr...
Park 'N Fly
Créé par KingLeno
Park 'N Fly by KingLeno Airport parking/shuttle. I changed the name of the building while working to fit with ninjanoobslayer's Park 'N Fly Shuttle and Buses. Shuttle Prop Pack Asset only includes building and sign/prop. Lot size 2x2 Triangles 438 Texture ...
Park 24 (Tower C) - Sukhumvit
Créé par Palm'sTime
Park 24 (Tower C) - Sukhumvit By Palm'sTime (armsplams) WARNING: This building will be affect performance. Building Info: Type High-rise residential building. Size 6 x 5 Storey & Heights 29 Storey | 105.55 M. Tris 12,635 (Main) | 259 (LOD) Texture Size 102...
Park 24 (Tower F) - Sukhumvit
Créé par Palm'sTime
Park 24 (Tower F) - Sukhumvit By Palm'sTime (armsplams) WARNING: This building will be affect performance. Building Info: Type High-rise residential building. Size 6 x 4 Storey & Heights 44 Storey | 151.55 M. Tris 19,653 (Main) | 178 (LOD) Texture Size 102...
Park Inn Prop Pack
Créé par AmiPolizeiFunk
This pack contains 17 props that decorate my upcoming Park Inn Berlin Modular Hotel. 1-4. Front and rear awnings, composed of two parts each (frame and glass). The glass planes use the semi-transparent rotor shader 5. Large Park Inn lighted sign for the ro...
Park Ranger 2018 Charger
Créé par CelsiuZ
This is a 2018 Charger painted in a generic style "Park Ranger" livery, designed to fit in to any type of city that you might be currently building. This was collaborative project taken on by both me and Ninjanoobslayer, where the models and screenshots wh...
Park Ranger 2018 Explorer
Créé par CelsiuZ
This is a 2018 Ford Explorer painted in a generic style "Park Ranger" livery, designed to fit in to any type of city that you might be currently building. This was collaborative project taken on by both me and Ninjanoobslayer, where the models and screensh...
Park Ranger 2018 Tahoe
Créé par CelsiuZ
This is a 2018 Tahoe painted in a generic style "Park Ranger" livery, designed to fit in to any type of city that you might be currently building. This was collaborative project taken on by both me and Ninjanoobslayer, where the models and screenshots wher...
Park Ranger Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Park Ranger Vehicle Props are here Information This is the location for props related to CelsiuZ and mine park ranger and future NPS set. (The NPS set is in progress and I have yet to make ambulances, brush trucks, and so on ...
Park Sphere
Créé par ZenMaster_P
A geodesic sphere for use in your parks or as you see fit. When used in the zen park, it represents the chaotic nature of all Cims and the peace and solitude of the park will mend those fractures and make them a whole again. It's also shiny....
Park Tile Decals
Créé par KingLeno
a collection of tile decals using a combination of the vanilla tile texture, boformer's paving ground texture, and a random brick texture from which also happens to be another of boformer's decals only lighter. 1. 4m x 8m mixed striped texture...
Park zum chilln 3 x 4
Créé par core79
Park zum chilln 3 x 4 by core79...
Parkanlage 7 x 9
Créé par core79
Parkanlage 7 x 9 by core79 Für die Stats schaut einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Bitte achtet darauf, dass ihr für diesen Park einige Assets benötigt. Dazu noch eine Mod. Danke an alle Modder, die so schöne Bäume und Props hochladen. Meine Assets würden nicht ...
parkbucht 6 x 8
Créé par core79
parkbucht 6 x 8 by core79 13.09.2016 : I have this park updated with new trees Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Probs und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle meine ...
Parked Train Cargo 16x2 (AD)
Créé par BaskB
Parked Train Cargo 16x2 by BaskB **** June 2016 - Updated to resolve DLC added issues, no longer asks for power, water, generates rubbish **** Was doing some playing around for another project am working on, and realised I could place Train cars onto rails...
Parking Bumper
Créé par Like_Mike
A parking bumper for ... parking. It can be found under the Props > Common > Streets category...
Parking Lines (White)
Créé par DeCzaah
Pavement Markings & Line Painting This decal & prop pack is designed as a one stop shop for all your pavement needs. We took a look at what was currently in the workshop and realized there were many diverse parking layouts without a great amount of conform...
Parking Lines (Yellow)
Créé par DeCzaah
Pavement Markings & Line Painting This decal & prop pack is designed as a one stop shop for all your pavement needs. We took a look at what was currently in the workshop and realized there were many diverse parking layouts without a great amount of conform...
Parking Lines Plus
Créé par DeCzaah
Pavement Markings, Line Painting, Arrows & Other Decals This pack contains additional assets for the White Parking Lines & Yellow Parking Lines, already available at the workshop. Avanya and BrowncoatTrekky had cool ideas, which had to be done (special tha...
Parking Lot
Créé par Fløxi
4x6 field large parking lot. Created by Floxi...
Parking Lot (4x8) By Joe Holland
Créé par Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this asset. It was created by Joe Holland All I did was create a custom Thumbnail and Tooltip Image for the in game toolbar. I did reach out to people to ask them to update but I just don't feel like waiting months for them to be updated o...
Parking Lot + Kiosko (4x2)
Créé par agusingnavy
Parking Lot + Kiosko (4x2) by agusingnavy Vanilla Park. Small parking lot + tourist information (kiosk). *UI Priority: -110000014 - agusingnavy -...
Parking Lot 2x4
Créé par agusingnavy
Parking Lot 2x4 by agusingnavy Vanilla park *UI Priority: -110000010 - agusingnavy -...
Parking lot pack
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic As promised a pack of parking lots (parks) using my parking spot dots. All you need to do is place these in game and cars will park there (if citizens can be bothered to park their cars ofc)! And you can place any de...
Parking Lot Plaza (8x4) By Xéno
Créé par Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this asset. It was created by Xéno All I did was create a custom Thumbnail and Tooltip Image for the in game toolbar. I did reach out to people to ask them to update but I just don't feel like waiting months for them to be updated or possi...
Parking Lot Roads - 16m Parking Lot
Créé par Badi_Dea
Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to several functional parking lot markers specially crafted to work with these(and other) roads. This is an expansion to that set, adding an additional asymmetric parking lot roa...
Parking Lot Roads - 16m Poorly Maintained Parking
Créé par Badi_Dea
Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to several functional parking lot markers specially crafted to work with these(and other) roads. This is an expansion to that set, adding an additional poorly maintained, asymmet...
Parking Lot Roads - 60° Parking Lot - Right Hand Traffic
Créé par Badi_Dea
For those of us who drive on the Right side of the street! British/Japan version can be found here: Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to several fu...
Parking Lot Roads - 60° Parking Lots - Left Hand Traffic
Créé par Badi_Dea
For those of us who drive on the Correct side of the street! American/Normal version can be found here: Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to severa...
Parking Lot Roads - Poorly Maintained Parking
Créé par Badi_Dea
Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to several functional parking lot markers specially crafted to work with these(and other) roads. This is an expansion to that set, adding poorly maintained parking lot roads. Eve...
Parking Lot Signs JP-1
Créé par Spence!
Signs from a car park in Tokyo. Includes all 3 props, use Find It! mod to search for them. ----------------------------------------- Sign 1a - 172 tris Sign 1b (without smaller LED sign) - 152 tris Sign 1c (information sign) - 32 tris Shared 512x256 textur...
Parking Lot Roads
Créé par Badi_Dea
I can't drive 55 - no really, I can't, it's a parking lot... Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to several functional parking lot markers specially crafted to work with these(and other) roads. Everything in this p...
Parking Lot Signs NA-1
Créé par Spence!
Generic car park/parking lot signs. There are 5 props included, use Find It! mod to search for them. One is a double-sided sign which could be placed on walls (or on its own), and two are variable-message 'open' and 'closed' signs. ------------------------...
Parking Lot Street
Créé par Maximilian
Have your parking lots always felt kind of dead? No cars driving around inside them and no people walking around the rows of cars? Or the lots looked a little disproportionate (too much "aisle" to parking space ratio). Well, I have a solution. This is basi...
Parking Lot with Hedge
Créé par agusingnavy
Parking Lot with Hedge by agusingnavy Vanilla park: 3x8 *UI Priority: -110000012 - agusingnavy -...
Parking Meter Props
Créé par Spence!
Parking meters on a post. Often used around North America, but elsewhere in the world too. Traditionally they would have required coins for payment - now they often accept credit cards. Four props included - single and double meters with and without a sign...
parking sign
Créé par SvenBerlin
parking sign by Svenpotsdam...
Parking spot dots
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic Prop - Must be placed in a building for cars to park there! Ever wanted to have parking spots on top of decals? Then these are for you! The white parking markers don't go well on top of other decals, because they're ...
Parking-lot 10 x 2
Créé par core79
Parking-lot 10 x 2 by core79 Für die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Ein großes Dankeschön geht wie immer an die Ersteller der Props und Bäume. Diesmal speziell an: pdelmo , SvenBerlin und DeCzaah !!! Bitte bewertet diesen Parkplatz wen...
Parking-lot 3 x 8
Créé par core79
Parking-lot 3 x 8 by core79 Für die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Ich habe diesen Parkplatz ohne Bäume erstellt. Wenn ihr Bäume auf diesen Parkplatz platzieren wollt benötigt ihr diese Mod :
Parking-lot 4x8
Créé par core79
Parking-lot 4x8 by core79 Für die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. For the stats look the fifth picture. Für diesen Park geht ein spezieller Dank an pdelmo,boformer,KingLeno,SvenBerlin und DeCzaah Danke an ALLE Modder, die so schöne Bäum...
Parking-lot 5 x 2
Créé par core79
Parking-lot 5 x 2 by core79 Für die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Für diesen Parkplatz gilt wie immer ein spezieller Dank an die Ersteller der Props und Bäume. Diesmal an pdelmo,boformer,KingLeno,SvenBerlin,Like_Mike and DeCzaah Ein g...
Parking-lot 5 x 5
Créé par core79
Parking-lot 5 x 5 by core79 Für die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. For the stats look the fifth picture. Für diesen Parkplatz ein speziellen Dank an:pdelmo,KingLeno,MrMaison, SvenBerlin und DeCzaah Danke an ALLE Modder, die so schöne B...
Parking-zone 10x2
Créé par core79
Parking-zone 10x2 by core79 Für die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. For the stats look the fifth picture. Für diesen Park geht ein spezieller Dank an pdelmo,boformer,KingLeno,SvenBerlin,Titan und DeCzaah Danke an ALLE Modder, die so sch...
Parking-zone 11 x 3
Créé par core79
Parking-zone 11 x 3 by core79 Für die Stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Wenn euch der Parkplatz gefällt würde ich mich über einen netten Kommentar oder Daumen natürlich sehr freuen. Danke schön. Für diesen Parkplatz einen speziellen Dank ...
Parking-zone 12 x 3
Créé par core79
Parking-zone 12 x 3 by core79 And another parking zone :) Kosten/Costs : 500 Unterhalt/Maintenance : 16 Thank you on all modder that provide so beautiful trees and probs. My parks would not look half as good without them ! I hope you like this parking lot ...
Parking-zone 14 x 4
Créé par core79
Parking-zone 14 x 4 by core79 Kosten/Costs : 500 Unterhalt/ Maintenance : 16 Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Probs und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle meine Pa...
Parking-zone 16 x 2
Créé par core79
Parking-zone 16 x 2 by core79 Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Probs und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle meine Parks benutzt habe
Parking-zone 16 x 3
Créé par core79
Parking-zone 16 x 3 by core79 Kosten/Costs : 500 Unterhalt/Maintenance : 3,20 Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Probs und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle meine P...
Parking-zone 4 x 8
Créé par core79
Parking-zone 4 x 8 by core79 Kosten/Costs : 500 Unterhalt/Maintenance : 16 Thank you on all modder that provide so beautiful trees and probs. My parks would not look half as good without them ! I hope you like this parking lot ! Please rate up,if you like ...
Parking-zone 5 x 10
Créé par core79
Parking-zone 5 x 10 by core79 Kosten/Costs : 500 Unterhalt/Maintenance : 16 Thank you on all modder that provide so beautiful trees and probs. My parks would not look half as good without them ! I hope you like this parking lot ! Please rate up,if you like...
Parking-zone 5 x 6 corner
Créé par core79
Parking-zone 5 x 6 corner by core79 Kosten/Costs : 500 Unterhalt/Maintenance : 16 Bitte beachtet, dass für diesen Park viele Probs benötigt werden. Ich hoffe er gefällt euch ! Please note that for this park are require many probs. I hope you like it ! http...
Parking-zone 6 x 6
Créé par core79
Parking-zone 6 x 6 by core79 Ein ganz gewöhnlicher Parkplatz, wie er hier öfters zu sehen ist in der 6 x 6 Größe. Der Untergrund für diesen Parkplatz sollte möglichst komplett eben sein. Für die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Über eine...
Parkplätze 5 x 8
Créé par core79
Parkplätze 5 x 8 by core79 Kosten : 500 Unterhalt : 16 Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Probs und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle meine Parks benutzt habe http://...
Parkplätze im grünen 8 x 5
Créé par core79
Parkplätze im grünen 8 x 5 by core79 Kosten : 500 Unterhalt : 16...
Parkway Food Market
Créé par KingLeno
Parkway Food Market by KingLeno RICO definition included Triangles - 342 Texture - 512x512 d,n,s Level 1 Low Commercial 3 x 4 Lot size If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by ma...
Parkweg 2 6 x 3
Créé par core79
Parkweg 2 6 x 3 by core79 Kosten/Costs : 500 Unterhalt/ Maintenance : 16 Die Props, die ihr für diesen Park benötigt, sind wie immer rechts aufgeführt. Hoffe der Park gefällt euch ! The props, which requires are for this park, as listed always on the right...
Parkweg 6 x 3
Créé par core79
Parkweg 6 x 3 by core79 Kosten/Costs : 500 Unterhalt/ Maintenance : 16 Die Props, die ihr für diesen Park benötigt, sind wie immer rechts aufgeführt.Hoffe der Park gefällt euch ! The props, which requires are for this park, as listed always on the right si...
Parry Sound Fire Station
Créé par DieHardHunter
This building is inspired by the former fire station of the town of Parry Sound, Canada. Building Tris: coming soon Textures: 1024x1024 Model info: - fire station template - based on a real building - Auto-generated LOD - Model converted(author: albino L.)...
Partially Unrolled Cloverleaf
Créé par agusingnavy
M6/M62 Croft Interchange (UK) - angry face - Partially Unrolled Cloverleaf by agusingnavy This is for you buddy ;) - Measures: 132x132 cells Max height : 12 mts - UI Priority. -1250 Mods used: - Advanced Road Anarchy - Fine Road Heights - NoPillars - Preci...
Party City
Créé par KingLeno
Thanks so much for helping me get to 1,000 subscribers on YouTube! I’m doing a series of American commercial buildings (some new, some updates) to reward and encourage more subscribers to my YouTube channel. All you need to do is click one of the links and...
Path Block 1x4A - Cobblestone
Créé par GCVos
Fancy up your pedestrian routes with this cobblestone path. These paths work in tandem with my Canal Block collection, but can also be used for alleyways or plazas. Service: Park Cost: 200 Upkeep: 1,60/week Power: 0 Entertainment: 40 Range: 70 Size: 1x4 Ve...
Path Block 1x4B - Pink brick
Créé par GCVos
Fancy up your pedestrian routes with shiny pink bricks. These paths work in tandem with my Canal Block collection, but can also be used for alleyways or plazas. Service: Park Cost: 200 Upkeep: 1,60/week Power: 0 Entertainment: 40 Range: 70 Size: 1x4 Very l...
Parkweg 4 x 6
Créé par core79
Parkweg 4 x 6 by core79 Für die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. For the stats look the fifth picture. Für diesen Park ein speziellen Dank an:pdelmo,KingLeno und Ronyx69 Danke an ALLE Modder, die so schöne Bäume und Props hochladen. Mein...
Paved Concrete Quay
Créé par VecchioChristo
Paved Concrete Quay by VecchioChristo This quay is reduced in width so that it fits better in tighter city areas. I made it for a map I'm working on that in game quays just seemed too big. I tested various widths to see how narrow (front to back) I could m...
Pavement Curbs
Créé par Ronyx69
Includes 9 pavement pieces with curbs. Found in industrial props. The lighting is screwed up, as I only now realized what happens to ploppable asphalt normals. Main: 13 - 118 tris 1024x32 LOD: 7 - 36 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Si...
Pavement road
Créé par jPRO93 Pavement road 8m width zonable ground segment only pedestrians walk on edges of the road Happy Creators Discord Twitter Youtube ...
Pavilion of Fragrant Snow and Azure Cloud 雪香雲蔚亭
Créé par Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (from: wikipedia ) Cities: Skyline...
Pavilion of Lotus 芙蓉榭
Créé par Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (from: wikipedia ) Cities: Skyline...
Paving Ground Texture
Créé par boformer
Use 'More Beautification' to place the props in the game (works without in the asset editor). These are decal props, that means the texture will be placed directly on the terrain. You can use the 'No Pillars' mod to place the prop on roads and buildings. M...
Paving Ground Texture
Créé par boformer
Use 'More Beautification' to place the props in the game (works without in the asset editor). These are decal props, that means the texture will be placed directly on the terrain. You can use the 'No Pillars' mod to place the prop on roads and buildings. M...
Pawn Shop Neon Sign Pack
Créé par thesheik12
Pawn Shop Neon Signs Pack This is a neon sign collection that contains 19 items that can be used to create your own pawn shops. I have also uploaded them individually just incase you do not want all of them (just type neon pawn in the search bar for them t...
Payless Shoe Source
Créé par KingLeno
Payless Shoe Source by King Leno Payless ShoeSource Inc. is an American discount footwear retailer headquartered in Topeka, Kansas. Established in 1956 by cousins Louis and Shaol Pozez, Payless is a privately held company owned by Blum Capital, and Golden ...
Pedestrian crossing flashing sign
Créé par DieHardHunter
Pedestrian crossing flashing sign. The "pole style" is the one you can see in California, but I think it can fit well in other locations too. YOU MUST DOWNLOAD "AnimUV Params" MOD BY RONYX69 TO MAKE THIS ASSET WORK Stats: Tris 783 Textures: 512x512 Model i...
Pedestrian Deck Prop Pack
Créé par Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese pedestrian deck prop kit. Inspired from Takatsuki city in Osaka. Compatible with Tokachi's Pedestrian Deck and ako_ako's Invisible Pedestrian Path. Lights are included. Specifications Prop List: ** Pedestrian Deck Fence ** Pedestrian Deck 4m Strai...
Pedestrian overpass _ korea _ yunseul
Créé par yunseul
Search Find It : 'bds' bds100a : base stairs both sides bds100b : base stairs one side bds100c : half stairs both side bds100d : half stairs one side bds100s10 : 10m (Extension) bds100s14 : 14m (NE2 2lane road) bds100m23 : 23m (3lane) bds100l26 : 26m (4lan...
Pedestrian Sidewalk
Créé par Badi_Dea
This network is expiremental, there is a bug where the networing may sink into the ground; this occurs under seemingly random conditions, and is related to the 'flatten terrain' attribute. This network will not be removed from the workshop, as doing so may...
Pedestrian Track
Créé par KingLeno
Pedestrian Track Network by KingLeno A pedestrian path that can be used as a field track, or really a track that can also be used as a regular pedestrian path. Can only be placed on ground, no bridges or elevation. *********************************** If yo...
Peel Region Headquarters
Créé par JSF-1
The headquarters for the Regional Municipality of Peel, located in Brampton Ontario, Canada. The complex opened in 1980 as the 6 story brick building refereed to as "Suit A". The complex was then expanded in 2008 with a new 6 story addition to the building...
Pegasus Plaza
Créé par Visu
Level-5 Residential Growable - high-value luxury real estate.This isn't the tallest building around. But it has a lot of character, including a big rooftop pool!...
Pennsylvania Station (OUTDATED) Link to new asset
Créé par ChiliadSun
!!! IMPORTANT UPDATE !!! This asset is broken and I recieved many bug complains. Good news is that GayusJuliusCaesarRainbowus created an updated version using ETST, that works fine. You can download it here:
Peony suffruiticosa Pavilion 繡綺亭
Créé par Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (from: wikipedia ) Cities: Skyline...
Pepsi Semi Truck B (Generic Industry)
Créé par Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up If You Like! Thanks :) This truck is used in Generic Industry Areas. 4 Color Variations as shown above. Truck Cab Total Tris = 826 1024x1024 Textures Lod Tris = 90 64x64 Textures --------------------------- Trailer Total Tris = 340 1024x512 ...
Pepsi Truck
Créé par fatfluffycat
Pepsi semi truck Retexture of Avanya's US container truck
Créé par Lost Gecko
Simple wood and metal pergola to decorate public spaces. Comes in 2 parts (normal + 45° angle). Map Theme: New Caledonia - LUT: Colorful Summer Day Model (normal-45°) main model tris: 160-106 textures: 512x128 (diffuse-normal-specular) LOD tris: 46-32 UI p...
Créé par KingLeno
Pergola by KingLeno...
Pergola-park 5 x 5
Créé par core79
Pergola-park 5 x 5 by core79 Für die stats schaut einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Dieser Park ist frei Platzierbar. For the stats look the fifth picture. This park is free placeable. Für diesen Park ein speziellen dank an:pdelmo,KingLeno,Lost Gecko und Quboid...
Créé par Gruny
Two pergolas to embelish your terraces. Specs Prop Wooden pergola: Tris 332 / 164 (lod) Texture - 256x128 | D / N / C Metal pergola: Tris 312 / 146 (lod) Texture - 256x128 | D / C Suggested mo...
PESA Link: Chirpy Bahn (4 Cars)
Créé par REV0
Chirpy Bahn - 2+2 Cars (2 Set) The Pesa Link (project name DMU 120) is a diesel car from the Polish manufacturer Pesa . The concept of traction units is modular, so that Pesa can adapt the size and equipment of the vehicles in large parts to the requiremen...
PESA Link: Cleyra Regio (4 Cars)
Créé par REV0
Cleyra Regio - 2+2 Cars (2 Sets) The Pesa Link (project name DMU 120) is a diesel car from the Polish manufacturer Pesa . The concept of traction units is modular, so that Pesa can adapt the size and equipment of the vehicles in large parts to the requirem...
PESA Link: DB Regio (2 Cars)
Créé par REV0
Deutsche Bahn Regio - 2 Car (1 Set) The Pesa Link (project name DMU 120) is a diesel car from the Polish manufacturer Pesa . The concept of traction units is modular, so that Pesa can adapt the size and equipment of the vehicles in large parts to the requi...
PESA Link: DB Regio (3 Cars)
Créé par REV0
Deutsche Bahn Regio - 3 Cars (1 Set) The Pesa Link (project name DMU 120) is a diesel car from the Polish manufacturer Pesa . The concept of traction units is modular, so that Pesa can adapt the size and equipment of the vehicles in large parts to the requ...
PESA Link: DB Regio (4 Cars)
Créé par REV0
Deutsche Bahn Regio - 2+2 Cars (2 Sets) The Pesa Link (project name DMU 120) is a diesel car from the Polish manufacturer Pesa . The concept of traction units is modular, so that Pesa can adapt the size and equipment of the vehicles in large parts to the r...
PESA Link: DB Regio (6 Cars)
Créé par REV0
Deutsche Bahn Regio - 3+3 Cars (2 Sets) The Pesa Link (project name DMU 120) is a diesel car from the Polish manufacturer Pesa . The concept of traction units is modular, so that Pesa can adapt the size and equipment of the vehicles in large parts to the r...
PESA Link: Koleje Wielkopolskie (4 Car)
Créé par REV0
Koleje Wielkopolskie - 2+2 Cars (2 Sets) The Pesa Link (project name DMU 120) is a diesel car from the Polish manufacturer Pesa . The concept of traction units is modular, so that Pesa can adapt the size and equipment of the vehicles in large parts to the ...
PESA Link: Oberpfalzbahn (2 Cars)
Créé par REV0
Oberpfalzbahn - 2 Cars (1 Set) The Pesa Link (project name DMU 120) is a diesel car from the Polish manufacturer Pesa . The concept of traction units is modular, so that Pesa can adapt the size and equipment of the vehicles in large parts to the requiremen...
PESA Link: Oberpfalzbahn (4 Cars)
Créé par REV0
Oberpfalzbahn - 2+2 Cars (2 Sets) The Pesa Link (project name DMU 120) is a diesel car from the Polish manufacturer Pesa . The concept of traction units is modular, so that Pesa can adapt the size and equipment of the vehicles in large parts to the require...
PESA Link: Witcher 3 (4 Cars)
Créé par REV0
Witcher 3 - 4 Cars (1 Set) The Pesa Link (project name DMU 120) is a diesel car from the Polish manufacturer Pesa . The concept of traction units is modular, so that Pesa can adapt the size and equipment of the vehicles in large parts to the requirements o...
Peterbilt 362 Semi Truck Prop
Créé par grayishbyrd
Peterbilt 362 was a cabover truck built by Peterbilt which replaced the aging 352 in 1981 as the company's flagship cab over. The cabs were more aerodynamic, taller, larger radiator, roomier and more efficient interiors. The 362 was available with a large ...
Peterbilt 362 w/ Curtainside Van
Créé par grayishbyrd
Peterbilt 362 was a cabover truck built by Peterbilt which replaced the aging 352 in 1981 as the company's flagship cab over. The cabs were more aerodynamic, taller, larger radiator, roomier and more efficient interiors. The 362 was available with a large ...
Peterbilt 379 Cattle Truck
Créé par DieHardHunter
This is my first american big rig, hope you enjoy it! It's a 2007 Peterbilt 379 Legacy Class with a tri-axle cattle trailer. The cab has some custom elements (like the rear fenders and things like that). Stats: PETERBILT Polys 5791 Tris 5791 Edges 17373 Ve...
Peterbilt 379 w/ 40' Gooseneck Container Chassis
Créé par grayishbyrd
The Peterbilt 379 is a model line of Class 8 trucks that was produced by the Peterbilt division of PACCAR from 1987 to 2007. Serving as the successor to the 359, the 379 was a conventional-cab truck configured primarily for highway use, serving as the flag...
Peterbilt 379 w/ Logging Trailer
Créé par grayishbyrd
The Peterbilt 379 is a Class 8 truck produced by the Peterbilt division of PACCAR from 1987 to 2007. Alongside the similarly-styled Kenworth W900, the 379 was an extended-hood conventional-cab truck marketed primarily to owner-operator drivers. Replacing t...
Petrobras Gas Station
Créé par Caio
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. — Petrobras, more commonly known as simply Petrobras, is a semi-public Brazilian multinational corporation in the petroleum industry headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The company's name translates to Brazilian Petroleum Corp...
Petroleum tank farm
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A petroleum tank farm consisting of 6 spherical tanks. I separated the stairs into a prop to save some tris on the main model for people with weaker graphics cards - otherwise it wo...
Peugeot 406
Créé par PALiX
Peugeot 406 Pre-facelift version Production years: 1995–1999. Designed in France. Car info and settings 5 MB is because it contains 2 color sets in one ...
Peugeot 5008 Prop
Créé par Ma7heus
2017 Peugeot 5008 Prop Version...
Phaeno Science Center [RICO] - Wolfsbourg / Deutschland
Créé par _luminou_
Phaeno Science Center - Wolfsbourg / Deutschland Replica of the museum "Phaeno" adapted for the game "Cities Skylines" The Phaeno is a science extension museum located in Wolfsburg, Germany. It was built by architect Zaha Hadid between 2000 and 2005. It me...
Créé par Raccoon
Pharmacy Information: Pharmacy is the science and technique of preparing, dispensing, and reviewing drugs and providing additional clinical services. It is a health profession that links health sciences with pharmaceutical sciences and aims to ensure the s...
Pharmacy [Re-Upload] {AD}
Créé par N v K
After Dark compatible. Pharmacist are the experts on drug therapy and are the primary health professionals who optimize use of medication for the benefit of the surrounding patients. Half traits than the vanilla clinic, for the low density neighborhoods. D...
Phen - Admiralty Tower (LVL5) (growable)
Créé par Rioja League
Phen - Admiralty Tower by Phenakist This is a level 5 high density housing structure. This will automatically spawn by chance when the level 5 requirements are hit. Model Info :- Tris :830 Texture: 512x512 Size : 3x2 - For more cities skylines assets, visi...
Phoenix High School
Créé par Kliekie
Phoenix High School "Construction of the Bond Bryan-designed £7.6m Post-16 Centre at Phoenix High School in Shepherds Bush, London has been completed and has been handed over to pioneering Executive Head Teacher Sir William Atkinson. The building has been ...
Phoenix Tower - Growable 4x4Lvl5 H residential
Créé par tony_r_68 (Zed68)
I proudly present you my first released building ever... The Phoenix Tower. The tower is a 27 floors - 91 meters tall habitation building. It's standing on a 4x4 parcel and is at Level 5. The building is about 720 triangles and has a custom LOD (with custo...
Photovoltaic solar energy park
Créé par makemakey
Photovoltaic solar energy park by makemakey; build your own solar farm! Provides 6 MW green energy Building $ 10000 Running $ 24 /w Area 4x16 Pollution 0 Noise 0 Idea is that a PV solar park uses more area and is more expensive to build initially then wind...
Picnic Pavilion
Créé par ReticentDaikaiju
A covered area where Cims can gather in a park. A prop useable in the park editor. Custom built model created by ReticentDaikaiju....
Picnic Pavilion
Créé par Simulant
I thought this would be a quick little asset. But it turned out to be more complicated than anticipated. It's a prop so you can use it in your parks and anywhere basically without any needs other than firewood. It has about 700 tris and a 1024x1024 texture...
Picnic-park 3 x 7
Créé par core79
Picnic-park 3 x 7 by core79 Für die stats schaut einfach auf das fünfte Bild. For the stats look the fifth picture. Frei Platzierbar Free placeable Danke an alle Modder, die so schöne Bäume und Probs hochladen. Meine Parks würden nicht halb so gut aussehen...
Picnic-park 5 x 8
Créé par core79
Picnic-park 5 x 8 by core79 Für die stats schaut wie immer einfach auf das fünfte Bild. For the stats look the fifth picture. Für diesen Park geht ein spezieller Dank an pdelmo und Simulant ! Danke an ALLE Modder, die so schöne Bäume und Props hochladen. M...
Pier 1 Imports
Créé par KingLeno
Pier 1 Imports by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. Pier 1 Imports Inc. is a retailer specializing in imported home furnishings and decor, particularly furniture, table-top ...
Créé par Ronyx69
Pier related assets including: Props - bench, fence beams, stilts, wood box, decals Fake Road and In-building path (used inside the buildings) Path A (ground, elevated(fenceless), bridge(w/ fence)) Path B (elevated) Buildings - Deck Large/Side/End and Gaze...
Piers (Ferry Stop & Depot)
Créé par Ronyx69
Pier buildings for ferry stop & depot (Mass Transit DLC) Intended for tiny ferries. Read description of piers: ...
Piggly Wiggly
Créé par KingLeno
Piggly Wiggly by King Leno Piggly Wiggly is an American supermarket chain operating in the Southern and Midwestern regions of the United States, run by Piggly Wiggly, LLC, an affiliate of C&S Wholesale Grocers. Its first outlet opened in 1916 in Memphis, T...
Pile Decals
Créé par Ronyx69
Includes 8 decals for blending my piles assets: 8x 32x32 1024x1024 Slope tolerance: 8 m Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests Do...
Créé par Ronyx69
Includes 3 shapes of piles, 2x4 color variations each. Gray: black/dark/light/white Color: brown/red/orange/beige Found in industrial props. Plop a lot of them and pick out the ones you want. Main: 448 - 655 tris 1024x1024 or 2048x1024 LOD: 52 - 79 tris 12...
Piles of garbage
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A small pack of 3 piles of garbage ideal for any landfill! For better blended edges use my garbage decal. An actual working landfill is on its way too, but these were finished first. :) They all share textures and...
Pin Oak
Créé par MrMaison
Pin Oak by MrMaison Introducing a young Pin Oak (Quercus palustris) tree. It's native to North America mainly from the Midwest to Eastern United States. It's also known as "Swamp Tree" as it originally grows in swampy areas. This tree is introduced in many...
Pinavia Ellipse Interchange
Créé par agusingnavy
Pinavia Ellipse Interchange by agusingnavy Old asset that I've decided to make visible again (2 June 2018) just to remember the good old days. *UI Priority: -90000003 Mods used: - Fine Road Heights (no longer exist) - NoPillars - Precision Engineering None...
Pinavia Interchange
Créé par agusingnavy
Pinavia Interchange by agusingnavy In this one I didn't use Fine Road Heights (?) - 111x111 cells Mods used: - NoPillars - Precision Engineering None are required to use this asset. Amazing mods to improve graphic appearance: -Ambient Oclussion -Sun Shafts...
Pine Bush Set
Créé par MrMaison
Pine Bush Set by MrMaison Introducing a Pine Bush set. This is a 6 pieces set including 5 props and 1 tree version of a Bonsia type pine bush. Included are 4 illuminated bushes you can use on there own or as a companion to the Illuminated Bare trees in you...
Pine Forest Pack
Créé par Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 11 unique pine tree assets, including a variety of ages and densities to create a diverse and dynamic forest. These are relatively generic and should fit a wide variety of biomes. I licensed th...
Pine Scrub Pack
Créé par Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 11 unique pine scrub assets ranging from tiny bushes to small stunted trees. These are built from the same pieces as my pine forest pack and will go well with it. They also stand well alone as ...
Pine Tree
Créé par MrMaison
Pine Tree by MrMaison This is a generic pine tree that I had in my stash for well over a year as of this release date. If you look closely at some of my screenshots over the past year, you may see it lurking in the background. At first I thought it didn't ...
Pine Tree
Créé par Leo Mystic Magic
I did not make this model or re-texture. I got it from a free 3D pack from Nobiax on Deviantart. Check out his pack here... All I did was simply make an alpha mask and import into the ga...
Pine Tree 1 of 3 - Green
Créé par Katalepsis
Green Pine Tree. This model is exactly the same as Shroomblaze's pine tree since we both got it from deviantart. This version is considerably darker than his and I've also imported two snowy versions to go with it so there is still use for all four version...
Pine Tree 3 of 3 - Snow
Créé par Katalepsis
Snowy Pine Tree. This model is exactly the same as Shroomblaze's pine tree since we both got it from deviantart. This is a snow-covered version and along with his plus my other two versions of this pine tree you can make a very beautiful conifer forest. Cr...
Créé par pdelmo
Pine plants two variations clip together to make a pine bush. Made for Pres Navota youtube
Peterbilt 379 w/ Super B Grain Trailer
Créé par grayishbyrd
The Peterbilt 379 is a model line of Class 8 trucks that was produced by the Peterbilt division of PACCAR from 1987 to 2007. Serving as the successor to the 359, the 379 was a conventional-cab truck configured primarily for highway use, serving as the flag...
Pineridge River
Créé par IhmeHihhuli ™
This map was basically finished back in summer of 2019 but it never quite reached the upload state due to lack of time to work on my projects. It needed some final touches which I just recently added in so this piece of work could be published for the publ...
Créé par pdelmo
4 pines in a pack Background filler trees 512x512 textures d,a,c,n reg- 1442 tri short- 1426 tri tall- 1134 tri pencil- 492 tri ...
Pink Azalea - Low Poly
Créé par Smilies
An attempt to create a very low poly flower bush with a small file size 68 tris 512x512 diffuse, normal, color, alpha Models and textures done by Smilies; cannot be re-uploaded without permission authorized by Smilies. ...
Pink Diamond Casino Hotel
Créé par KingLeno
Pink Diamond Casino Hotel Tower by KingLeno Stand alone Pink Diamond Tower, based on the Flamingo Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. This was created for my Paradise Valley Cities Skylines series, a recreation of the Las Vegas Strip. Works well with the Rio Gran...
Pink Flowers (Prop)
Créé par ReticentDaikaiju
A group of pink flowers. This is a prop that can be placed in the park editor. An alternate version that is placeable in-game like a tree is available here: For more flowers and small plants c...
Pink Flowers on Grass (Prop)
Créé par ReticentDaikaiju
A group of pink flowers planted on grass. An alternate version of these flowers planted on dirt is also available. For more flowers and small plants check out ReticentDaikaiju's Gardening Collection:
Pipe Fence and Gate Set
Créé par Spence!
A set of pipe fences, gates, and post props. A cheap way of controlling vehicle access, marking obstacles, or providing a fence or railing - so you're likely to find something like these in any industrial or rural area. 14 parts included (and 6 bonus sign ...
Pipes props pack
Créé par Avanya
8 props for all your above ground pipe needs! They can be used to decorate assets or placed in your city with Find It. They work just fine on slopes (as long as they're not crazy steep). For detailed stats see the last picture, but note that the one crossi...
Pizzeria Mancini
Créé par Gruny
Welcome to Pizzeria Mancini! A (fictive) modern pizzeria which offers wood-fired pizzas and beers from all around the world (as well as delicious sodas for kids). This building is planned to be placed at the ground floor of some buildings with the mod 'Mov...
PKX Airport 北京大兴国际机场
Créé par UNFU
For English Description Please Scroll Down. 全球最大航站楼----北京大兴国际机场 北京大兴国际机场(IATA代码:PKX;ICAO代码:ZBAD)是中华人民共和国北京市大兴区正在建设的北京第二座国际机场。北京大兴国际机场一期工程按2025年旅客吞吐量7200万人次、货邮吞吐量200万吨、飞机起降量62万架次的目标设计,飞行区等级指标为4F,工程总投资799.8亿人民币。 机场定位为大型国际航空枢...
Plain Gravel Road
Créé par Czardus
This is a simple gravel road which does not have the vanilla lanes showing. All attributes should be identical to the vanilla gravel road. The listed required item(s) need to be subscribed to, but you do not need to have them enabled in the game in order f...
Plane Street Tree Medium
Créé par pdelmo
Plane Street Tree Medium by pdelmo If you want to donate to the pdelmo plant factory
Plant #2 (by Breeze)
Créé par Breeze
The most important thing we're gonna have to work. It is necessary for a happy life. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plant #2 (by Breeze) Ui priority : -7499 Height : 1.2 m ~ 2 m brightness : 0.5 ~ 0.9 Tris : may ...
Plant boxes with buxus
Créé par Gruny
Plant box with one buxus Plant box with two buxus Suggested mods Find It! (Search with 'buxus' or 'Lordgruny') Move It! Support If you like this pack and want more assets like this one, please consider a small donation as a token of appreciation. https://i...
Plant Brush #1 (by Breeze)
Créé par Breeze
You get the tree brush mod, which I recommend. ▼ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plant Brush #1 (by Breeze) Category : Tree Ui priorit...
planter square x1
Créé par Sparks
planter square x1 by Sparks Original model by Soldyne
Planter Tree
Créé par pdelmo
Curb side tree by pdelmo Low height variation has some brightness variation tri 292 512x512 texture...
Plastic MRF
Créé par Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings The plastic bottles are pressed into bales for storage, before being shredded. Next impurities are removed, and finally the plastic is melted to be reused. Stats Cost: 38,000...
Plastic Pipe 01
Créé par Beardmonkey
Plastic Pipe 01 by Beardmonkey Tris: 444 Texture: 512x128 px LOD Tris: 22 LOD Texture: 64x16 px...
Plastic Recycling Facility (Waste Processing Facility)
Créé par Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings The plastic bottles are pressed into bales for storage, before being shredded. Next impurities are removed, and finally the plastic is melted to be reused. It works like the ...
Play Fort 001
Créé par avsuzgrea
First attempt to create playground assets. Got some suggestions for me? I would be glad to read about them so smack 'em into the comments. Model: 368 Tris; Map resolutions 128²; Albedo; Specularity; Alpha LOD: 42 Tris; Map resolutions 32²...
Playground sand decal
Créé par Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on I've wanted to do this little simple decal for a long time. It's just a little something to spice up any playground. Size: 8x8m Texture: 512x512 A special thank you To my patrons Pasi & Ed :D Disclaimer For full t...
Plaza Centenario
Créé par hqsouza
Plaza Centenario building, popularly known as Robocop, is located in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. It has 32 floors an a height of 139m. The model has 2878 triangles, with textures (diffuse, specular and illumination) with 1024x1024px. The LOD has 180 tri...
Plaza for all 8 x 4
Créé par core79
Plaza for all 8 x 4 by core79 Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Probs und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle meine Parks benutzt habe
PLM 262 L'Etoile Du Nord 1935 (10)
Créé par Gèze
PLM 262 L'Etoile Du Nord (10 Cars) L'Etoile Du Nord Set: Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits (English: International Sleeping-Car Company), also CIWL, Compagnie des Wagons-Lits, or just Wagons-Lits, is an international hotel and travel logistics compa...
PLM 262 L'Orient Express 1926 (6)
Créé par Gèze
PLM 262 L'Orient Express (6 Cars) L'Orient Express Set: Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits (English: International Sleeping-Car Company), also CIWL, Compagnie des Wagons-Lits, or just Wagons-Lits, is an international hotel and travel logistics compan...
Plaza 5 x 4
Créé par core79
Plaza 5 x 4 by core79 Inc. thumbnail Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Probs und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle meine Parks benutzt habe http://steamcommunity.c...
PLM 262 VSOE 1982 (16)
Créé par Gèze
PLM 262 Venice Simplon Orient Express - VSOE (16 Cars) Venice Simplon Orient Express Set: Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits (English: International Sleeping-Car Company), also CIWL, Compagnie des Wagons-Lits, or just Wagons-Lits, is an international...
Ploppable Asphalt
Créé par Ronyx69
13 ploppable asphalt props: Square4, Square8, Square16, Square32, (sunken) SSquare4, SSquare8, SSquare16, SSquare32, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Transition (sunken to plain road) Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tuto...
Ploppable Asphalt +
Créé par Ronyx69
Allows using road shaders on props for ploppable asphalt, pavement, cliff, grass, gravel surfaces. Also includes legacy asphalt props, they are outdated but still work fine if you used them before, from now on I recommend using the new set. http://steamcom...
Ploppable Cliff
Créé par Ronyx69
7 ploppable cliff props: Square4, Square8, Square16, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests My Discord Donate CSLModding.INFO ...
Ploppable Grass
Créé par Ronyx69
10 ploppable grass props: Square4, Square8, Square16, (sunken) SSquare4, SSquare8, SSquare16, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests My Discord Donate CSLM...
Ploppable Gravel
Créé par Ronyx69
12 ploppable gravel props: Square4, Square8, Square16, Square32, (sunken) SSquare4, SSquare8, SSquare16, SSquare32, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests ...
Ploppable Pavement
Créé par Ronyx69
12 ploppable pavement props: Square4, Square8, Square16, Square32, (sunken) SSquare4, SSquare8, SSquare16, SSquare32, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Request...
Ploppable RICO
Créé par AJ3D
Updated for Industries DLC by Bloody Penguin. This mod will allow you to plop buildings that function as: Residential Industrial Commerical Office The Ploppable RICO mod will convert any compatible ploppable asset to a RICO building. For example, parks can...
Ploppable Surface Pack
Créé par DeCzaah
Ploppable Surface Pack by DeCzaah This asset is part of the the Cleyra - Custom Assets collection! This is a pack of 7 ploppable surfaces (4x prop, 3x park), you can use for a maximum creativity! CreativeDEX had this awesome idea for that. Looking forward ...
ploppable surface pack 1-5
Créé par Sparks
ploppable surface pack 1-5 by Sparks 'Decal compatible props' Mod required ploppable asphalt plus prop anarchy prop snapping move it procedural objects (surface 1 and 6 are ...
ploppable surface pack 6-10
Créé par Sparks
ploppable surface pack 6-10 by Sparks 'Decal compatible props' Mod required ploppable asphalt plus prop anarchy prop snapping move it procedural objects (surface 1 and 6 are...
PLR II - Parking Lot Road #01
Créé par clus Hello all together ! And another side - project which I finished to make "release ready" ... :) This time something for the detailers ... The whole concept is n...
PLR II - Parking Lot Road #02
Créé par clus Hello all together ! And another side - project which I finished to make "release ready" ... :) This time something for the detailers ... The whole concept is n...
PLR II - Parking Lot Road #03
Créé par clus Hello all together ! And another side - project which I finished to make "release ready" ... :) This time something for the detailers ... The whole concept is n...
PLR II - Parking Lots with Planters
Créé par clus
PLR II - Parking Lots with Planters Prolog Hello all together ! And another side - project which I finished to make "release ready" ... :) This time something for the detailers ... The whole concept is nothing new.... as you might already now. ;) Badi_Dea ...
Plum Condo (Building A)
Créé par Palm'sTime
Plum Condo (Building A) By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Building Info: Type Low-rise residential building. Size 5 x 10 Storey & Heights 8 Storey | 24.45 M. Tris 8,758 (Main) | 106 (LOD) Texture Size 1024 x 1024 (Main) | 256 x 256 (LOD) Scale 1:1 RICO Ready Yes (...
PNW Fire Station
Créé par Greyflame
This Fire Station is commissioned from 220Hertz for my Cannon Cape youtube series. This station is based on the fire department of Cannon Beach, Oregon. This building features a custom LOD. I don't know the exact tri counts, but 220 is very tri conscious s...
Police car prop
Créé par Avanya
The default police car as a prop Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account and as such all opinions, content and contributions to the community reflect my own views and interests, and are not ...
police facilities
Créé par tori shin
埋立地にある警察施設 ( police facilities ) police Menu size 13x12...
Police Headquarters
Créé par Senfkorn
Hi community, order the brand new police headquarters, including much more comfortable workplaces, improved spy technologies, two heli pads and a close partnership with the best donut store intown. You like what you see? Then take a look at my matching Pol...
Police Headquarter 12x12
Créé par SvenBerlin
Police Headquarter 12x12 by Svenpotsdam Smaller Police Headquarters than my first one,which is 19x19. With this one you DONT need LARGER FOOTPRINTS MOD. Maybe on sunday I will have a look to make it with subbuildings enabler. If you like my assets you can ...
Police Helicopter (READ DESCRIPTION)
Créé par tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Get to the choppa !!!!!! Well you couldn't... until now. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS (no, seriously, important stuff ahead...) This asset has limitations. Do NOT complain, I'll list each and every one of them here. I'll start with how this asset works : This ass...
Police Interceptor Utility
Créé par CptUrbs
Ford Police Interceptor Utility Tris:1.482 Textures:1024x1024 LOD Tris:18 Textures: 64x64...
Police Rural Station [Re-Upload] {AD}
Créé par N v K
After Dark compatible¡ Small police station intended to serve sparsely populated areas. Half traits than the vanilla small police station. Credits: Ngon (Creator), Me (Re-Upload)...
Police Station
Créé par Adora_ble
A reupload of this house because the original author removed it causing it to crash saves. This is a reupload of one of false lucidity's many assets, he removed them all for no apparent reason, this causes crashes if you were subscribed to one of their bui...
Police Station
Créé par Senfkorn
Hi community, for all who like my Police Headquarters, I made a matching Police Station. I used the texture sheet of the Police HQ, so this one is also made for fans of 4K assets. Have fun! You like my assets and want to support my work? That's cool! Thank...
Police Station (medium-sized)
Créé par Senfkorn
Hi community, you don't want to place small police stations everywhere to your city? And having more than one police department makes no sense to you? Then this medium-sized police station may be a solution. My plan for this asset was to give a police stat...
Police: CS Electric and Hybrid Vehicle + Motorcycles Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Police: Cities Skylines Motorcycle and Environmentally Friendly Vehicle Props are here Information This is the location for both motorcycle and hybrid / electric police vehicle props in the Police: CS series. Props are locate...
Police: CS Heavy Vehicle and Helicopter Props
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Police: Cities Skylines Misc. Vehicle Props are here Information This is the location for heavy command unit and SWAT vehicle props in the Police: CS series. Helicopters are here as well. There are also variants with differen...
Police: CS Marked Pickups / Light Trucks Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Police: Cities Skylines Marked Pickup Trucks Props are here Information This is the location for marked pickup truck props in the Police: CS series. Props are located in the COMMON Category. Use the More Beautification Mod to...
Police: CS Marked Sedans / Saloons Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Police: Cities Skylines Marked Sedan Props are here Information This is the location for marked sedans props in the Police: CS series. Props are located in the COMMON Category. Use the More Beautification Mod to place in game...
Police: CS Marked SUVs Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Police: Cities Skylines Marked SUV Props are here Information This is the location for marked SUV props in the Police: CS series. Props are located in the COMMON Category. Use the More Beautification Mod to place in game and ...
Police: CS Miscellaneous Vehicle Props
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Police: Cities Skylines Misc. Vehicle Props are here Information This is the location for rare and miscellaneous police vehicle props in the Police: CS series. This is also the last Police: CS upload for small vehicles. Truck...
Police: CS Prison Vans Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Police: Cities Skylines Prison Van Props are here Information This is the location for prison van props in the Police: CS series. Props are located in the COMMON Category. Use the More Beautification Mod to place in game and ...
Police: CS Stealth / Ghost and Slicktop Vehicle Prop Pack
Créé par ninjanoobslayer
Police: Cities Skylines Stealth/Ghost + Slicktop Vehicle Props are here Information This is the location for stealth and slicktop vehicle props in the Police: CS series. Props are located in the COMMON Category. Use the More ...
Polizei Wildenbruchstraße
Créé par jens Capacity: same like Police Station As always: If you like what I do, support me: Thank you very much!...
Polygon's Train Station (2 tracks)
Créé par Polygon This is a modern train station with 2 train tracks. I wanted to create a station where you can watch people going to another platform so far as possible. Too many train lines for two tracks? There is also a 4-track version. Spe...
Polygon's Train Station (4 tracks)
Créé par Polygon This is a modern train station with 4 train tracks. I wanted to create a station where you can watch people going to another platform so far as possible. Check out the 2-track version. Special thanks to BloodyPengiun for his he...
Polynesia 2.0 Updated 2021
Créé par MrMiyagi
Miyagi Polynesia Gen II You can use this theme with any originally tropical map you would like to. This is a complete replacement for the previous Polynesia theme, with all sorts of improvements and fixes. It has been completely remade (because updating th...
Ponderosa pine tree
Créé par EvametryE
In the pines, in the pines, where the sun never shines... The Pinus Ponderosa, or Ponderosa pine, Or western yellow pine, is a large species of coniferous trees thats found widely across North America, its the most common pine tree in america, asides from ...
Pongam Tree
Créé par Voeille
Overview Pongam tree is a tropical plant, but it looks versatile enough that it won’t seem out of place in different biomes. It’s large and covering so it makes creating forests easier, however it’s a heavy asset so it may affect performance. Comes in two ...
Ponte Suebia Road Bridge (Network Pack)
Créé par REV0
Road Bridge Network Pack Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Armesto's Workshop Package Details Two Lane, Two-Way Road - without parking Two Lane, Two-Way Road - with parking space on ground Basic ground segment Walled elevated segment No Slope...
Créé par 50keda
Pool by 50keda...
Créé par Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Popcorn Cart
Créé par ReticentDaikaiju
A cart selling popcorn. A prop which can be placed as a decoration in the park editor....
Poplar I
Créé par Lokon
Poplar I by Lokon 2072 triangles 1024x1024 texture high quality model and textures Update: removed "create ruined on ground" option Donate If you like my maps/models/mods:
Poplar tree
Créé par Ston3D
Poplar tree (Populus nigra var.italica) by Ston3D Statistics: 561 tris 1024 px texture 17-25m high It 's a tree I started to work long time ago but was never satisfied with the results. And these weekend muses finally strikes so here it is in a detailed 10...
Porsche 930 (1977 911 Turbo)
Créé par K5MACK
*Updated* -Fixed weird color variation issues where white lines wrapped around details (bumpers, lights, etc.) -Reduced tri count from 1656 to 1548 The Porsche 930, also known as the 911 Turbo was built from 1975 to 1989. The car features the iconic “whale...
Porsche 991 Turbo S
Créé par Lauby
Porsche 991 Turbo S Polycount: 2539 Colors: Black, White, Red, Yellow ...
Portacabin/Site Office Prop
Créé par Urban
A portacabin to use as a prop on any custom assets. Commonly seen on building sites, often used as temporary offices or changing rooms in the UK and presumably elsewhere....
Porte Saint-Denis [Paris]
Créé par Gèze
Informations: This is Porte Saint-Denis located in the 10th arrondissement, at the site of one of the gates of the Wall of Charles V, one of Paris' former city walls. It is located at the crossing of the Rue Saint-Denis continued by the Rue du Faubourg Sai...
Portillo's Restaurant
Créé par DieHardHunter
Portillo's Restaurant location inspired by the one in Tampa, FL. Portillo's Restaurant Group, Inc. is an American fast casual restaurant chain based in the Chicago area that specializes in serving Chicago-style food such as hot dogs, Maxwell Street Polish,...
PostProcessFX v1.9.0
Créé par MazK
Enable additional post processing effects such as bloom, lensflare, different anti aliasing options and ambient occlusion. Bloom and lensflare Can be fully controlled with the ingame UI with the following settings: - Enable Bloom: Enables the bloom effect....
Pottery Barn
Créé par KingLeno
Pottery Barn by KingLeno...
Powatan Valley
Créé par Scotland Tom
Welcome to Powatan Valley! Powatan Valley is a map created to evoke the feeling of pioneer exploration in the northern Americas. It is a heavily forested valley surrounded by bluffs on all sides and opening to a small coastline. Small, fast rivers cascade ...
Power Substation v2 (MG)
Créé par meingott
ATTENTION, READ THIS!!: --- Asset bug: Workshop asset uses private asset ( 3 square long_Data) --- People, stop commenting about this, source files are long lost and it cant be fixed! It doesnt affect gameplay so just let it go! --- Power Substa...
PPG Place
Créé par honker
One PPG Place is the central tower of a complex of office buildings in downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The combination of neogothic spires and curtain wall glass throughout the complex elicits the impression of some sort of futuristic medieval village. ...
PPG Place 2
Créé par honker
This is another of the PPG Place complex in Pittsburgh. Tris - 3.9k / 180 Textures - 1024² / 256² 8 x 5 x 57m RICO ready - 110 offices This is a commissioned asset. To make a request, send me a message or email me at honker3d gmail com....
Prague Curb
Créé par Ronyx69
A pack of simple curb props and networks based on a random curb in Prague. Normal and terrain conforming: 1x, 4x, 8x, Curve 2m, Curve 4m, Network. Normal only: Slope 1, Slope 2. Conforming props don't extend below the ground, while the normal ones extend 2...
Pres Wine and Liquor
Créé par KingLeno
Pres Wine and Liquor by KingLeno Get all of your spirits and alcohol at deep discount prices at Pres Wine & Liquor. In addition to being the only place you can purchase the exclusive Falcon Falls Vodka, it's the only place on the Steam Workshop where you c...
Precision Engineering
Créé par Simie Precision Engineering augments Cities: Skylines by adding angle snapping, guidelines and additional information to assist you when building roads, train lines, pipes and power lines. Installatio...
Prison [Re-Upload] {AD}
Créé par N v K
Old prison suited for urban environments. 1900' modernist style. Same stats than the vanilla prison. Some color variations for the ceramic roofing. 18k tris 2k tris LOD - 10x8 cells - 25 tris per cell. 1024 and 256LOD textures Credits: Ngon (Creator), Me (...
Pristine Red Rocket Gas Station
Créé par kurtus_mob
Hello people, I'm finally back in business ! Being a great fan of the fallout serie, and with Fallout 4 now finished, I realized that I'd love to see this universe ported to CSL. So I took profit of my new free time to mod some stuffs from scratches, begin...
Privacy Fence
Créé par Badi_Dea
Just your standard suburban privacy fence. I just wanted to mess around with the new fence shader for networks, it's okay. You can find this in-game in the beautification menu, under the Walls and Fences tab. 632 Tris - A/D/N 256x512 LOD 24 tris - D 64x128...
Prince Tower - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 H commercial
Créé par tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NEW : UPDATED for After Dark Nighttime Add (some) variety to your High density Commercial zones... with the Prince Tower 20 floors 88 meters high Growable commercial. It's standing on a 4x4 parcel and is at Level 3. The building is about 970 triangles and ...
Procedural Objects
Créé par Simon Ryr
Procedural Objects mod Made by Simon Royer from the #FrenchCityDesigners community. Version 1.7.8 compatible with Cities:Skylines 1.14.5-f1 (Airports) and all expansions. No expansion required. The Procedural Objects mod adds a vertex customization tool di...
Prop & Tree Anarchy
Créé par BloodyPenguin
Place props & trees wherever you like With this mod enabled you can place props & trees: - under water - on roads - within building's footprint This is useful when placing props with More Beautification mod. I also recommend to use Prop Snapping to snap pr...
PROP - Toyota Tacoma SRM
Créé par aries
Toyota Tacoma SRM (Skylines Road Maintenance) traffic manager unit with open LED screen. >> PROP << Have Fun! Want to know whats next? Be UpToDate and join aries_design *** CREDITS Base model by: ninjanoobslayer Redesign by Aries. Original vehicle: https://...
Prop Bush
Créé par pdelmo
Size and Colour changing, use move it for raised gardens 512x1024 texture 280tri AUTO LOD...
Prop Flower Bushes [Columbia]
Créé par Gèze
Prop Flower Bushes by Gèze...
Prop Habbiins (TWA)
Créé par ron_fu-ta
Prop Habbiins (Transwaggon) 2 types of logo sets. (1) Transwaggon logo (2) SBB cargo logo...
Prop JR Central 123-5040
Créé par ron_fu-ta
JR東海123系5040番台Prop Prop JR Central series 123-5040...
Prop Line Tool [PLT] (vAlpha)
Créé par Alterran
Prop Line Tool Draw lines of props and trees like how you draw roads! This mod will save you time by placing items one by one for you! Compatible with Campus DLC and Patch Concerning Campus Update I've tested this mod with Campus patch and everything is in...
Prop Pack: Steel Frames for Ads
Créé par Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) Use the Prop Snaping mod to place them on Buildings I wanted to make a vintage ad pack too but, no time, im sure you will find a way to decorate them 6 different props, all use the sametexture. -...
Prop Plants
Créé par pdelmo
Pack of small scale prop plants for fine detailing 256x256 textures lowish poly NOTE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THEME MIXER 2 IT WILL CAUSE PROPS TO APPEAR WHITE SNOWED COVERED ALL THE TIME...
Prop Precision
Créé par SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) This mod allows props to be placed much more precisely. This is not a new tool but allows existing tools to place props with a lot more precision. It saves additional data to preserve the precision of t...
Prop RhB Ge 4/4 III (644)
Créé par ron_fu-ta
RhB Ge 4/4 III (644) Prop...
Prop Snapping
Créé par BloodyPenguin Allows to snap props to buildings and elevated roads - just like in asset editor! This mod does the same job as Tree Snapping, but for props. This mod won't break your save games, and can be safely disabled at any time. But ...
Propane Tank Storage
Créé par KingLeno
Propane Storage by KingLeno...
Props - Copenhagen S-Trains
Créé par Von Roth
This workshop item contains prop versions of the cars on the following trains: Copenhagen S-train - Litra SA Copenhagen S-train - Litra SE Copenhagen S-train - Litra SA - Metro Copenhagen S-train - Litra SE - Metro This workshop item contains 5 props that ...
Pruksa Nara - Chaiyaphruek 2 - Jomtien (Tropical Modern House Pack)
Créé par Palm'sTime
Pruksa Nara - Chaiyaphruek 2 Jomtien (Tropical Modern House Pack) By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Building Info: Type Low density residential house. Size 2 x 2 Storey & Heights 2 Storey | 5.9 M.** Tris Elitio : 894 (Main) | 150 (LOD) Lvio : 848 (Main) | 132 (LOD...
Pruned Date Palm Set
Créé par MrMaison
Pruned Date Palm Set by MrMaison Introducing a Pruned Date Palm 4 piece set. This set includes a mid sized pruned Date Palm and a bush sized sprout as both tree and prop versions. These are great for decorating tropical landscapes. The sprouts can also be ...
Public Housing
Créé par DieHardHunter
Public housing is a form of housing tenure in which the property is owned by a government authority, usually with the aim of providing affordable housing. Building Tris: 2876 Textures: 1024x1024 Model info: - with color variations (they're all light colors...
Public Housing Building
Créé par KingLeno
Public Housing 01 by KingLeno If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee to show support and appreciation by making a small donation via PayPal or Patreon. PayPal Patreon And subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Faceboo...
Public Library
Créé par Senfkorn
Hi community, it is a great pleasure for me to announce you the completion of the new public library. In a combination of literature and relaxation, enthusiastic readers will find comfortable reading zones on all four floors. As an emergent venue, the libr...
Public Parking Sign
Créé par Like_Mike
Public Parking Sign by michael.warrenii...
Public Restroom
Créé par ReticentDaikaiju
Plop one of these in your park, and your Cims will have somewhere to plop something in the park themselves!...
Public Transport Shelter 1
Créé par Pewex
Hi all, This is a public transport shelter. The asset comes with two props; the frame and the glass. Kind regards, PEWEX --- Hej wszyscy, To wiata przystankowa. W assecie są dwa propsy; rama i szyba. Pozdrawiam, PEWEX --- Technical details: Frame: 244 tris...
Puck building (4x4 High res Growable lvl 3)
Créé par Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 4x4 high res lvl 3 building. About the model One of the first buildings I made and put on the Workshop were the three instances of the Puck Building. I've started to update it quite a few...
PWC Tower Madrid
Créé par BenTracker
PWC Tower Madrid The Torre PwC, formerly Torre Sacyr Vallehermoso, is a 52-floor, 236-metre-tall (774 ft) skyscraper, completed in 2008, located in Madrid, Spain. Torre PwC is one of four buildings in the Cuatro Torres Business Area. It was designed by Car...
Pyongyang Hotel, North Korea. Unique building.
Créé par Drosovila
Pyongyang Hotel from North Korea. This 333m high Hotel would be the fifth tallest in the world if it were to be finished. (It's beeing built since 1987). -Unique Building -Stats based of "Colossal Order Office" -12x13 size, but slightly larger. However it'...
Qantas 2007 747-400
Créé par SvenBerlin
Qantas 747-400 in the livery of 2007...
Qiansimen Bridge Chongqing 重庆千厮门大桥
Créé par RyanCat
Qiansimen Bridge (pronounced as"Chance men")in downtown Chongqing,with railway space under. It's 870m long and the main tower is about 182m in height. It's in the electricity menu. The twin bridge
Qingzhou Bridge of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
Créé par Kaeru教信者
HZMB Qingzhou Bridge 港珠澳大桥青洲航道桥 Qingzhou Bridge of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Ponte Qingzhou da Ponte de Hong Kong-Macau-Zhuhai If you like my works, please rate👍 and subscribe this asset. You can also donate me by Paypal or WeChat(微信). ...
Quad Annex
Créé par Quad Rioters
Be overgrown. - Size: 6x6 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 5,510, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 294, 512x256 - Description: Annex Manor. - Stats: Common. Tips - As a unique building, the asset may have already-built icon in the building UI due to a game glitch, m...
Quad Caduceus
Créé par Quad Rioters
Prosperity and its next step. - Size: 8x8 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 2,627, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 255, 512x256 - Description: Ceduceus tower. - Stats: Common. Tips - As a unique building, the asset may have already-built icon in the building UI due ...
Quad Charon
Créé par Quad Rioters
Cloud me my judgement. - Size: 4x4 - Type: Office - Level 3 - Main Tri: 1,500, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 156, 256x256 - Description: Charon Fashion Design Company. Conceptual Note - This is a rework version of Quad Folder. Everything from UV-map to textures had...
Quad Coda
Créé par Quad Rioters
We are going to Mars. Attribute - Size: 12x10 - Type: Unique Level 5 - Main Tri: 4,656, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 627, 1024x1024 - Description: Coda off-world headquarters. Stats - Cost: 175,000 - Upkeep: 2,800/week - Workers: 50/50/75/75 - Attractiveness: 10 -...
Quad Droplet
Créé par Quad Rioters
Failure was never an option, ironically. __________________ *I will put this news message above for another two more asset I release, it will go away/below after...
Quad Ellipse
Créé par Quad Rioters
We have your six. - Size: 4x4 - Type: Office - Level 3 - Main Tri: 2,286, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 170, 128x128 - Description: Ellipse insurance office. Gratitute - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy. - Donating at Paypal on xi_...
Quad Eminence
Créé par Quad Rioters
The end is at hand. - Size: 13x12 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 9,726, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 972, 1024x1024 - Description: Eminence is an alternative colony model of Solipsist. It prides itself and dark energy, ensuring the last long trip in the vast o...
Quad Folder
Créé par Quad Rioters
Let me get the notepad. - Size: 2x4 - Type: Office - Level 3 - Main Tri: 1,110, 1024x512 - LOD Tri: 219, 128x64 - Description: Folder Bank office. Gratitute - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy. - Donating at Paypal on xi_se...
Quad Fractal
Créé par Quad Rioters
I see the infinite up... and down. Attribute - Size: 8x8 - Type: Unique Level 5 - Main Tri: 3,856, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 360, 512x256 - Description: Fractal Corporation. Stats - Cost: 90,000 - Upkeep: 1,440/week - Workers: 15/15/20/20 - Attractiveness: 10 -...
Quad Haywire
Créé par Quad Rioters
Who said anything about cake? Attribute - Size: 6x16 - Type: Unique Level 5 - Main Tri: 1,940, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 164, 512x256 - Description: Haywire digital processing hub. Stats - Cost: 70,000 - Upkeep: 1,120/week - Workers: 5/5/10/10 - Attractiveness:...
Quad Jargon
Créé par Quad Rioters
I have a few important things to mentions, straight to the point and explicitly. I now disable my Patreon due to the fact that I have been inactive with it almost from the start. All I have to say is I apologize for those who followed me for all this time....
Quad Kitjawijit
Créé par Quad Rioters
Resting in a dream. - Size: 12x12 - Type: Unique Level 3 - Main Tri: 9,550, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 1,270, 512x512 - Description: Kitjawijit arcology is a successor to the retrofuturistic-styled arcology by a no-name artist. Like the other arcologies, it is d...
Quad Luminasoft
Créé par Quad Rioters
Every cim can be hacked. Attribute - Size: 8x8 - Type: Unique Level 5 - Main Tri: 2,583, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 255, 512x256 - Description: Lumina Software Corporation. Stats - Cost: 85,000 - Upkeep: 1,360/week - Workers: 15/15/20/20 - Attractiveness: 10 - E...
Quad Naga Back XL
Créé par Quad Rioters
Into the world we grow. - Size: 7x8 - Type: Unique Level 3 - Main Tri: 4,274, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 509, 512x512 - Description: Futuristic condominium. - Stats: Common. Tips - As a unique building, the asset may have already-built icon in the building UI du...
Quad One Bangkok
Créé par Quad Rioters
Build for the moment, for the years. - Size: 8x8 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 2,729, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 363, 512x512 - Description: One Bangkok, main town. - Reference: One Bangkok (วัน แบ็งค็อค), Bangkok, Thailand. - Stats: Common. Tips - As a uni...
Quad Onomatopoeia
Créé par Quad Rioters
Questionably ethical take on the wild side. - Size: 8x10 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 5,108, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 394, 1024x512 - Description: Ono for short. Animal welfare, research and development. Stats - Cost: 90,000 - Upkeep: 1,120 - Entertainme...