Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

167 ratings
New Car Lot for Port Factory or Dealer
Assets: Park
File Size
632.261 KB
9 Sep, 2016 @ 7:00am
20 Feb, 2019 @ 5:55am
2 Change Notes ( view )

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New Car Lot for Port Factory or Dealer

In 3 collections by MrMiyagi
Miyagi Motors Retail Division
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Campus Global Build-off Assets
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584 items
Updated 2019, vanilla avenue light added. No mods needed. Requested published item - A car lot full of parked sedan cars (stationary props, not active cars) I made to go along with a the Miyagi Motors collection in my city (see images). The 4 colors of the prop cars change randomly, a nice touch by SvenPotsdam. Good for the typical masses of the same model of new cars seen at shipping ports, outside the car factories, or maybe a giant new car lot if you want.

Use a road to place several in a row, delete road when done. Not sure how I did it but I'm not getting the annoying "cannot connect to road" once I delete the roads, which is great actually.

These cars are *props*, so that means like all other props in this game that they will disappear at a distance. This is a little annoying at Medium Details graphics settings, but at Very High it's just fine.


********Cool creations by other modders that you see in the pics here:******

Avanya's Miyagi Motors buildings and industrial items:

Goes great with Kazuma76's many new car transporters (seen in nighttime pics here)

Vexcarius' Modern 2 story unique building:

Matt Crux Maersk Cargo Ship

The custom industrial light will show up for you (and light up too) if you have both 1 and 2. Otherwise there will be no light but you can still use the lot.

1. have the Network Skins Mod and active

2. and Modern Lighting Pack by GCVos
MrMiyagi  [author] 26 May, 2022 @ 7:22am 
Great - can you guys suggest some low poly prop cars to choose from?:summer2019rims: I should have asked that originally :D
Erke 24 May, 2022 @ 3:31pm 
@MrMiyagi Sorry I must have missed your comment earlier.
Yes please! I would love a low poly version of a Car Lot for Port Factory or Dealer, like Jax mentioned.
Jax 24 May, 2022 @ 3:27pm 
I'd love to see a car lot like this with low poly counts for a dealership or factory. I can't seem to find a good dealership bc of sizes being 4x4. But with this I could build something out.
MrMiyagi  [author] 23 Apr, 2022 @ 2:37am 
@Erke really? Makes sense since vehicles have higher poly counts than props, which I imagine would trigger the warning, but it's surprising since this is just dropped from the default game's vehicles. There are some Workshop prop vehicles I've run across, though, that don't trigger a warning. Any interest in a new lot with such vehicle props?
Erke 22 Apr, 2022 @ 6:46pm 
The required Sedan asset has exclaimation mark next to it saying it may cause performance issue with it's high polies.
If single one might cause issues, I can't imagine a parking lot full of them...
Unfortunately unsubbed from both assets =(
Lordwarblade 19 Nov, 2021 @ 12:33am 
Found It :-)
MrMiyagi  [author] 18 Nov, 2021 @ 1:10pm 
Hi there. I've got it in my own game right now - it's located in the regular parks, which should be alphabetically ordered - listed as Car Lot 4 Port Factory or Dealer.
I recommend Find It mod - it helps you find stuff with just one key word ("car" for this one for example). It does a lot more than just find stuff, too. :)
Lordwarblade 18 Nov, 2021 @ 7:52am 
Though subscribed I don't see this anywhere . I used to use it a lot, but it isn't there to be enabled in my game. No idea what I've A) done wrong, or B)Forgotten since I last played (a year or two ago). This is weirdly frustrating. I may have to just add a bunch of sedans elsewhere in the factory grounds. Maybe old age has finally caught up with me. :steamsad:
MrMiyagi  [author] 14 Jul, 2020 @ 12:34pm 
Hi @sthazell4. Actually that's a simulation error (not caused by an asset, but a mod error or conflict). Don't waste your time looking for an answer or help in the Steam forums. Go right to Paradox forums and make a post just like this one I'm using as an example. (this is also for division by zero). I hope this helps - I'd definitely find out what it is to prevent it from causing some real problems in your save game. :)
FaultyAlty 14 Jul, 2020 @ 6:01am 
Hey mate. Just wanted to let you know that this parking lot appears to come up with an error after placing down
Here's the error code

Division by zero [System.DivideByZeroException]

No details

Hope this helps!