Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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Articles (181)
定制请进群715093737找Funtime 不在服装店 夏装制作中,有时间的话要来看看嘛? !!!!可以用4178测试版来运行,享受没被压缩的贴图 欢迎光临不在服装店,我们卖一些不在这里的东西 重点 !!!可以用4178测试版来运行,享受没被压缩的贴图 !!!在游戏选项里关闭纹理压缩!!!并设置最大纹理尺寸至2048!!!有其它问题再来反馈!!! !!!在游戏选项里关闭纹理压缩!!!并设置最大纹理尺寸至2048!!!有其它问题再来反馈!!! !!!在游戏选项里关闭纹理压缩!!!并设置最大纹理尺寸至2048...
中国冷兵器V1.25更新/ColdArmsOfChina v1.25
CN_新增加战术风格武器包-战术武器包可以单独运行,请在模组管理器中选择“ColdArmsOfChina - TAC”来使用它。 CN:格斗匕首、战斗短刀、兰博3型,短刀类武器,在物品栏中对着武器点击右键可以切换攻击模式。 EN_New Tactical Style Weapon Pack - Tactical Weapon Pack can run separately. Please select "ColdArmsOfChina - TAC" in the Module Manager to use ...
Créé par &#8721
原mod为布偶旧猫大佬制作 需要配合大熊版幻想服装使用 使用需要取消订阅原版,不能同时订阅 Workshop ID: 3114428124 Mod ID: BinaryDimension...
Créé par Gugu Gugu 本模组仅翻译文本 本模组仅翻译文本 ----------------------- 如有意见建议请在评论区留言 ----------------------- 已翻译模组简易名称翻译分类请在讨论区查看 ----------------------- ---随缘更新/随缘汉化--- ---简体翻译/繁体翻译--- ---------------------- ---------------- 更新时间:月/季??? 工作原因/更新速度减缓缓 --...
Créé par SportXAI
Workshop ID: 2878540023 Mod ID: DTZWFY...
Créé par 我几把你爹
把q键叫喊声替换成我是傻逼 woshishabi Workshop ID: 2762213537 Mod ID: IndependentDeclaration...
无敌2.0 GhostAfterDeath
Créé par 多罗猫
无敌时间2.0更新,加入新的无敌机制,以及新的技能,特性 2.0版本改动“: 1. 加入沙盒设置。丰富的选项让你可以自由调节无敌时间以及技能恢复等设置 2. 新增被咬时无敌。除了出生无敌的保护以外,平时的无敌也将**概率**触发无敌。如果不想启用这个功能,将触发阈值设置为0,即可关闭该功能 3. 新增无敌时间特性。该特性需要12点技能点,左右是额外提高初始无敌概率并提高每次的上升幅度,以及触发无敌后的时间 3. 新增无敌时间技能。该技能会提高初始的无敌概率,通过击杀僵尸以及被咬**触发无敌**来获得经验 4...
Créé par 三猫的太刀侠
用可爱的“欧尼酱”音频替换了脏比跳脸的锯小提琴音效. 效果:二次元玩家紧张-10, 忧郁-8. 音频文件可以在订阅下载后于SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\108600\2885746264\mods\Ou NiJiang JumpScare Alert\media\sound文件夹中找到,不试听一下吗? Replace the jump scare sound by cute "お兄ちゃん". The audio can be find in SteamLib...
Créé par NakiriFoxCN
CN translation for Mod Workshop ID: 2522940210 Mod ID: Fox Translation...
Créé par 浮云
喵服 Workshop ID: 2809588035 Mod ID: MiaoFu_HanHua...
Créé par Gugu Gugu
---------------------- ---------------------- 2022/11/16官方完全收录游戏内 2022/11/16官方完全收录游戏内 2022/11/16官方完全收录游戏内 ---------------------- ---------------------- 僵尸毁灭工程汉化组鼎力出品, 简体中文电台汉化补全mod, 现在该mod仍在测试阶段, 如有任何问题(包括且不仅限于文本错误,语句不通顺,汉化失效等) 欢迎至僵尸毁灭工程社区(贴吧)进行反馈! ------游...
Créé par 千年纹
世界右键菜单 笔刷工具(删除笔刷、火焰笔刷、Tiles笔刷) 模式切换(上帝、幽灵、穿墙、飞行、快速移动、瞬时、无负重、建造、合成、无限子弹、武器无限耐久) 玩家(技能、特性、职业、状态) 天气 传送(自定义传送、复活点传送) 物品生成 CD/录像带生成 车辆(车辆生成、车辆修理、设置铁锈、获取钥匙、车辆短接、车辆删除) 时间(年、月、日、时。服务器暂不支持) 杂项(获得全部配方、门/窗相关操作、生成/删除僵尸) 物品右键菜单(复制物品、修复物品、编辑物品) 车辆详情右键菜单(车辆部件耐久修改、容量修改、修...
Portrait Workshop A
-------- 意见交流QQ群号775234430-------- -------- 模组具体玩法 -------- 写真工坊是一个系列模组后续会有其他各种类型作品依序登场。 这只是他的其中一个分支添加了各种知名画师的精品写真。 这个模组为游戏增加了每张图片的写真使用代币即可兑换。 在击杀各地的丧尸之后身上会掉落一种名为代币的兑换物品。 他可以购买PW写真工坊模组系列所有类型的卡包后续会更多。 除了可以查看以外甚至可以拿来和服务器玩家之间进行PY交易。 -------- 物品刷新位置 -------- 丧...
MRE XIII (1993) - Meal Ready to Eat MOD Real version for build 41
Créé par Alec
2022-01-04 Updated! Version 4.03 Fix with multiplayer version update. Supported Languages English Japanese Chinese Simplified Chinese Russian Espanol French Korean Supported version IWBUMS build 41.56 or higher Description This mod is a mod that adds MRE -...
'89 LAND ROVER Defender 90 [Working/Outdated]
Créé par KI5
The king of off-road, now in project ZOMBOID! If the 110 is too big and heavy for you, Defender 90 is smaller, lighter and faster. It can carry your gear, it's powerful, reliable and looks good. It now comes with a spare tire compartment and... a spare tir...
'82 Oshkosh M911 + Military Semi-Trailers
Créé par KI5
So you want to move your whole base to another location, or you want to hoard all the gas in Knox County, maybe you just want to steal all the fridges and get them to your super secret base, you do you, I'm just here to help. M911 was the workhorse of US A...
'92 AM General M998 + M101A3 Cargo trailer
Créé par KI5
And now... for something completely different, fully animated M998 HMMWV! I've been asked many many times to make this thing and I refused for many reasons but the time was right and it seemed like a great candidate for a test. A concept to see what PZ can...
25% Wood Weight
Créé par Kechna
25% Wood Weight Reduce weight of planks, logs and a few related items to 25% of their original weight. Affected items: 2 Logs Stack: 6 -> 1.5 3 Logs Stack: 9 -> 2.25 4 Logs Stack: 12 -> 3 Log: 9 -> 2.25 Notched Wooden Plank: 0.5 -> 0.125 Plank: 3 -> 0.75 S...
4 Color Bic Pen.
Provides a 4-color Bic Pen with the functionality of a Black, Red, Green & Blue pen. Also makes the pencil double as an eraser, because the icon shows the pencil having an eraser, so clearly, it should be usable. Made purely because someone on Reddit asked...
Afraid Of Monsters Zombies
Créé par QualFire
Twitchy the most common enemies in afraid of monsters, with terrifying speed and aggressiveness that can crush an unprepared player. Their limbs are bent in unnatural directions, some individuals move on all fours. The most noticeable characteristic is the...
50% metal weight
Créé par 热心网友
Affected items: SheetMetal MetalBar MetalDrum MetalPipe ScrapMetal SmallSheetMetal UnusableMetal WeldingRods IronIngot LeadPipe BarbedWire Wire Workshop ID: 2829657632 Mod ID: 50%metalweight...
Alternative Inventory Rendering
Alternative Inventory Rendering 41.71 Tested This mod replaces existing Inventory Rendering Code with Alternative Rendering Code to get more FPS. Also it comes with some new features that could be useful for your Zomboid Run. This mod does not requires new...
Authentic Animations
Créé par Ravenim
Edits Emote Radial Menu to Do Animations - Hold "Q" to start! No further installation required. hit subscribe, enable, and play! ALL ANIMATION ASSETS ARE CREATED BY THE GREAT MARTIN OF TIS This mod was made by AuthenticPeach, AuthenticRavenim, & AuthenticA...
Créé par Tchernobill
With this mod looting is done automatically. With this mod store your loot in one click. So you are here ? Ah.. you're bored of spending your life looting dead corpses and searching through furnitures.. You've come to the right place. How to access your lo...
AutoLoot 简中汉化
Créé par Surgeol
AutoLoot 的个人简中汉化包,如有遗漏之处欢迎指出 该Mod仅提供翻译文本,请确保同时启用了原Mod!! 文本可能会被汉化合集Mod覆盖,或是被原Mod内置的汉化文件覆盖 若想使用本Mod的翻译文本,请 先 加载原Mod/汉化合集,然后 再 加载本Mod 注意:翻译更新后,你可能需要重新订阅该Mod以强制下载最新文本 有了这个Mod,你将会自动拾取物品。 有了这个Mod,你能一键转移你拾取的物品。 你来了? 啊..你已经厌倦了花费大量时间来搜寻尸体和家具.. 那你来对地儿了。 这是一个有效提高游戏体验...
Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Dadge Steals RT Twin Turbo '91 [TUNING 2.0]
Créé par iBrRus To access the tuning menu, use the "V" key while standing beside the car and select "Modifications" (the dash key icon with the plus sign). Many of our...
Créé par Tchernobill
So you are here ? Ah.. you wanna play with cars but you lack experience. You've come to the right place. How to ? Get a Screwdriver, a Wrench, a Lug Wrench and a Jack. Ensure you've read the book associated with your car. Find a car you can spare, and just...
Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Fjord Mustard [TUNING 2.0]
Créé par iBrRus To access the tuning menu, use the "V" key while standing beside the car and select "Modifications" (the dash key icon with the plus sign). Autotsar is...
Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Jaap Wrungel [TUNING 2.0]
Créé par iBrRus To access the tuning menu, use the "V" key while standing beside the car and select "Modifications" (the dash key icon with the plus sign). Autotsar is...
Backpack Borders
Créé par Notloc
Backpack Borders is a small UI tweak that adds a background and border to the container buttons in Zomboid's inventory windows. The change makes it easier to see each individual button, particularly when the player is using dark coloured backpack items, su...
Bedford Falls
Créé par ringod123
Welcome to Bedford Falls. This adds the fictional town of Bedford Falls to the vanilla game world. Now V41.6+ compatible! Works with new in-game map system. Includes lootable map of Bedford Falls that updates the main map when read! U=BTL Mod has been test...
Better Sorting
Créé par ChobitsCrazy Complete overhaul to item categories and various name tweaks. Compatible with B41, B40, and Multiplayer(B40+B41)! This mod can be safely added or removed from a...
Better Towing (Work in SP/MP 41.71+)
Créé par Aiteron
Initially, this mod added its own towing physics with a rope and a rigid hitch. But the developers liked this mod and they added the towing option to the game! ( link to development blog ) Mod expands and improves towing, which is added to the game. Suppor...
Big Degen's Dakimakura Emporium!
Créé par NalMac
!!!!CHECK PINNED DISCUSSIONS IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADD YOUR OWN DAKIMAKURA!!!! Ever get lonely traveling the wastes of civilization? Would you do anything for just a crumb of companionship? WELL DO I HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU! Several one of a kind grade A wai...
Big Progress Bar
Créé par Akemi
This mod makes the action progress bar a lot bigger, making it easier to see on higher resolutions. Updated for: 41.73 Works in MP. This mod is not compatible with any other mods that override UI.pack. Workshop ID: 2837729986 Mod ID: bigprogressbar...
Créé par Dylan
Blackwood is a map mod located North of Rosewood. To server owners, feel free to add our mods to your modpacks. We grant permission to all. This map strongly requires the additional tile packs. If you have any tile issues please make sure you have 2x textu...
Blueberry 蓝莓镇
Créé par Damiaocjx
2 cell map 替换两个区块的地图 This is the first map I made, so if you have any questions, you can tell me in the comment section and I will change it. 这是我制作的第一个地图,所以如果有什么问题可以在评论区告诉我,我会去更改它 Blueberry Town is located in the southwestern part of the map, on the corner...
Braven's Utilities
Créé par Braven
A set of tools This simple "mod" adds basic functionality I tend to use in my actual mods. This is absolutely necessary for some of my mods. Click here to see the full list. Free to Use Anyone is hereby granted permission by me to use this mod's functional...
buffy's QoL tweaks
Créé par buffy
You do not need to start a new save to use this mod. This mod works in Singleplayer and Multiplayer. Description Fixes recipe code lagging your game every time it opens, and allows players to knock on doors and windows. I may add more to this mod based on ...
Bushcraft Gear - Rare Weapons
Créé par Scavenger
This mod adds 2 vanilla friendly new rare weapons and replaces the katana model to fit better into the collection. (No stats of the katana has changed) New weapons are: - Viking Axe - Reinforced Baseball Bat While the rarity does match with the katana they...
Chinatown Expansion, KY
Créé par 欧金金
Map features: -Chinatown expansion is a map mod located North of Muldraugh. -Require texture mods on the right side, make sure you activated all the pre-mod to avoid tile missing and also have 2x textures enabled. -Tons of new textures and new furniture. -...
Change Sandbox Options
Créé par 菜喵球BIBI
You can change the Sandbox OPtions after Starting game. How to use? Press "...
Clean dirt
Créé par God's Will
Clean up your room before fighting zombie invasion! This mod allows you to clean dirt and graffiti from walls and floors with bleach and mop/towel. Should be savegame and MP compatible. Google translated, so probably needs some corrections. NO, it's not po...
Clear description for Moodles
Créé par Unamelable
Updated language description for everyone! (Hello World!) Considering that "More Description for Traits" exists, I was surprised nobody made a mod for moodles. I figured it would be quite handy to have this mod alongside it. So I made this little QoL mod. ...
Chinatown, KY 2.0
Créé par 欧金金
___________English___________ -After the Knox event, the police and military closed the road from Muldraugh to Louisville's evacuation point in Chinatown, but Kentucky's Chinatown soon lost contact. -This map adds Chinatown in coordinate 37,29. Also add so...
Info - Work with latest version. - Work with multiplayer. - Work with existing savegame. FAQ Where can I find a Computer? You can find computer at the military base, military outpost and Louisville offices. How does the computer work? Make sure it has a po...
Créé par Chuckleberry Finn
This mod generates speech utilizing a number of conditions as well as some randomization to create dynamic dialogue. Note: Color of speech can be changed in the in-game menu under "multiplayer". The game will simulate volume by grayscaling your speech. Pic...
Créé par KI5
This time something for base builders out there! ISO Containers! Containers are perfect for storing heavy things, vehicles parts, unused furniture etc... Gas tanks have all the functions of a gas tanker trailer. Perfect for large backups of gas in your bas...
Créé par Tchernobill
Adds a bag that keeps your food so fresh and so cool. Hey ya! Hey ya! You've seen the Cooler bag and felt a deep treason in your fragile heart, realising you were not able to store fresh food in it.. You've come to the right place. How to keep your food co...
Créé par 烟雨陌兮
合成栏增加cosplay商店,使用钞票购买。 可购买物品: 作战服(三宫三叶,柊筱娅,绫波丽,DVA,明日香,02,萨姆斯零式) 服装(赛博朋克:露西,约尔,莉可丽丝,FGO,猫娘乐园,兽娘皮肤,伊401水手服,猫猫连帽衫,GGO诗乃服装) 武器(原初之火,薙刀,魔杖,黑卡蒂II狙击枪,朗基努斯枪) 角色卡(琪亚娜,赫萝,亚丝娜,伊蕾娜,胡桃,喜多川海梦,HK416,UMP45,莫德雷德,克莱蒙特,浣熊娘) 手办(猎天使魔女,拉姆;蕾姆,爱丽丝,蕾米莉亚,小叽,时崎狂三,蕾姆,诺艾尔,02,奈美西斯,明日香...
Craft Helper Continued
Créé par Lanceris
Craft Helper for build 41.65+ This is an updated version of Craft Helper (41.x) by b1n0m (not required) with additional features and improved UI. This mod will add a "Craft Helper" context menu option when right-clicking on any item with associated recipes...
Customizable Zombies
Créé par ATPHHe
This mod is no longer maintained. I recommend switching to this mod, Random Zombies. ----------------------------------------------- Customizable Zombies v2.4.4.1 (Updates Discontinued) ----------------------------------------------- (Does not currently wo...
Death is not the End
Créé par tommysticks
When your player dies a Death Token will spawn in his inventory. Consume this token to inherit his XP and recipes. UPDATED 25OCT20 -Fixed the multiplier issue. All XP added from the death token should now be exactly how much XP was added. This was an issue...
Daddy Dirkie dirks tiles
Créé par Daddy Dirkie Dirk
A collection of tiles, this mod as a standalone will not have any effect on the game. This mod simply does the behinds the scenes magic to make all the tiles function as intended. Now, if you are not making maps/mods and are simply using this mod as it is ...
Dive Through Windows
Créé par Myself
You've jumped through windows, but now you can dive through windows like a badass! Uses the sprinting fence-hop animations instead of the window climb animation. Unofficial successor to the Jump Through Windows mod Thank you for 100k subs! Approved by Nurs...
Donazo's Fine Fisticuffs
Créé par Donazo
Be a gentleman. This rather posh mod allows you to deal with unwelcome company the polite and civilzed way. Note: wraps are intentionally invisible to allow player to wear whatever they like on their hands. Add-ons: Visible Wraps add-on: https://steamcommu...
Dylan's Tile Pack
Créé par Dylan
Adds custom tiles to map mods. To server owners, feel free to add our mods to your modpacks. We grant permission to all. For Modders: Editor tilesheets are found within the google drive or directly through the mod in the resource folder, place them in your...
Easy Heater Repair
Créé par PipMagnet
Gives the player the ability to repair the vehicle heater and glove box. Repairing vehicle heaters is accomplished as normal, using small metal sheets and a propane torch. For repairing glove boxes there are three available repair options. The duct tape an...
Eggon's Have I Found This Book???
Créé par Eggon
Are you frustrated when you don't remember which of the plethora of books you haven't found yet? Are you fed up with constant checking and writing down? Install this mod and relax. Or at least focus on killing zeds. This mod will AUTOMATICALLY remember eve...
Eggon's Modding Utils
Créé par Eggon
This is a support utility mod for my other mods and for any modders that could find useful the provided functionalities. At present the mod contains: 1. Additional events OnAfterItemTransfer OnBeforeItemTransfer OnBeforeOpenHood OnHotbarItemAttach OnHotbar...
Créé par eris
eris_minimap This is the main branch of development for the minimap. B40 support has been REMOVED from this branch eris_minimap_classic will continue to support b40 legacy This branch will receive feature updates, fixes and changes as they are completed. I...
Extra Map Symbols
Créé par Wipe
Extra Map Symbols - adds additional map symbols following base game style - adds symbols variants to base game symbols (requires Extra Map Symbols UI) - replaces angled arrows with own version, aligned to roads - replaces "KnifeFork" with own version - rep...
ExtraNoise's Newburbs Tiles
Créé par ExtraNoise
Standardized suburban development exploded in popularity in the 1980s and 1990s and continues to this day. The kind of communities where all the houses look a little too similar, where the sprawl stretches for miles in all directions. This is a collection ...
ExtraSauce Item Merge (B41)
Créé par MonsterSauce
Merge Almost any drainable and spices. Merge stacks of threads, water, batteries and sugar?? Description Ain't nobody got time to right click 30 times. Merge all the things, in one 2 clicks. can merge spices. can fill up an item. merge all will pull all it...
Fancy Handwork
Créé par dhert
Supports B41+. Works in Multiplayer A new save is not required A Suite of Animations to make your player more alive! Features Attaching or Detaching an item to your Hotbar now has a chance...
FantasyWorkshop II (NSFW)
Créé par 布偶旧猫
It would be best to unsubscribe from Generation 1 Fantasy Workshop 1. The purchase of gold bricks has been changed to, right click on the vending machine to open the interface for purchase. 2. Add 8 sets of clothes and many loose items. There are still 4 p...
Fast Reading IWBUMS
Créé par Aaaaaaaaaaa
Fast reading. Tested with the beta build IWBUMS. Balanced so fast and slow reader perks are still relevant, but you are no longer spending an absurd amount of time NOT PLAYING THE GAME. For the non-beta version see this workshop item. Workshop ID: 19605139...
Fix Inventory Tooltip lag
Fix Inventory Tooltip lag This mod fixes a performance issue in the game that causes it to freeze up for a period of time, most commonly whenever you rip up clothing. The problem becomes exponentially worse with the more clothing item mods you have, hence ...
Fix Laggy Crafting Menu
Créé par LaysDragon
for Build 41.68 - works in 41.71,thanks @rubei @UdderlyEvelyn feedback :) - works in 41.78 Only add 2000+ recipes, and the game's crafting menu is already act like a battered car and slowly? It's a attempt to fix the terrible laggy craft menu but also main...
Fluffy Hair
Créé par Scavenger
This mod will add for almost all hats new adjusted hair models for the default hairs to keep their original shape when wearing something on the head. No more Ponytails or flat hairs! You can still turn your hair into ponytail if you wish so. (Also i improv...
Fort Redstone - UPDATE 2.0!
Créé par Kraz
A military base located North West from Rosewood. **This map CAN be used with Raven Creek** ------------------------------------------------------------ HUGE UPDATE, Completely remade from scratch! **IMPORTANT** You will require a new savegame or server wi...
Fort Benning
Créé par Darth Rizzler
This mod adds the military object "Fort Benning". To make this mod works correctly you need to start new game Game version is build 41. What's in this zone? You will find military hospital, barracks, 2 medical stations, military apartments, a campground, 2...
Fuel Side Indicator
Créé par kabaww
EXCITING NEWS! The latest blog post by The Indie Stone ( seems to hint that they will add a fuel-side indicator to the vanilla game on Build 42. I'm so happy that the developers noticed this smal...
Features - Sandbox Settings. - Can store fuel into barrels. - Large Gas Can, can also store water into it. - Barrel can spawn with random amount of fuel. Latest Update The mod has been updated for 41.72. Great news, this game patch have integrated most of ...
Generator Time Remaining
Créé par Undefined
A simple mod that displays the days and hours left before a generator runs out of fuel. Features NOTE: To configure the options, Mod Config Menu is required (link)Option to convert in-game time to real time (Default is In-Game Time) Option to set minimum E...
Créé par Dylan
Grapeseed is a map mod located North West of Rosewood. To server owners, feel free to add our mods to your modpacks. We grant permission to all. This map strongly requires the additional tile packs. If you have any tile issues please make sure you have 2x ...
Créé par ZarkXav
💚 Outdated. I'd like to update the map but there's a lot of old buildings and issues now with the updates. I apologize, as I don't have an exact timeline due to mental health and focusing on other things. Feel free to join our Discord and hang out or check...
Greenleaf 绿叶镇
Créé par Damiaocjx
4 cells map 替换四个区块的地图 Greenleaf is on the country road from rosewood to Ekron. 地图在罗斯伍德去原版军事基地的途中有一条向北的小路进去 More Zombies 由于地图扩大,僵尸数量稍微加了亿点点 Some new tiles have been added to the map, as well as some materials and traces 地图添加了一些新的贴图,还有一些物资和痕迹 The map will co...
Hand Crank Flashlights [41.78]
Créé par gzeta
This mod adds flashlights that are recharged by turning a crank. There are five different colored flashlights to add variety but there is no difference between them in functionality. Important facts: -Depending on the charge of the flashlight, the distance...
Hats and Glasses Don't Fall
Créé par Johnny Dollar
Hats and glasses don't fall to the ground, both for zombies and people! PayPal for the generous and thankful! Donations are very much appreciated! Item Tweaker API only needed for optional patches, not vanilla mod Are you're tired of hats and glasses lying...
Historical Weapons And Armor
Créé par Enclave
Are you a history nerd like me? Do you like medieval weapons and armor but only the historically accurate looking ones? If yes then this mod is the one for you. With currently 13 new weapons, 2 armors and 2 helmets, this mod aims to add more historically a...
Horde Night
Créé par WindFly
2022/2/1 UPDATE: Fixing an issue where the horde night may not start if the horde night hour is set to 0. Greatly turned down the horde night warning sound volume. Stopped zombies spawning on multiplayer safe house areas. 2022/1/22 UPDATE: Removed the serv...
Hunting with Brita Weapons
Créé par Campone
Do you want to use the hunting feature of Le Gourmet Revolution (Snake Mod) with Brita Weapons? This is you mod. This mod enables all rifles with ammo .223 and .308 and all scopes to work with hunting feature of Le Gourmet Revolution included into the Snak...
Irrigation pipes for farming and water supply [B41+]
Créé par Aragon
Irrigation pipes (aka Drip irrigation) for farming and water supply. Fixed for B41+ You can craft an irrigation pipe from a regular pipe, any hammer and a screwdriver. You can put this pipe on the ground next to a water barrel, every field on which a pipe ...
Item Tweaker API - Still works in Build 41.78
Créé par DarkSlayerEX
Workshop ID: 566115016 ModID: ItemTweakerAPI --EDIT 2-- For those of you who are -still- getting missing file errors, Unsubscribe from the other item tweaker here. Having both versions subscrib...
ItemTweaker Extra Clothing Option Addon
Créé par Delran
ItemTweaker Addon, Extra Clothing Options This addon add allows to easily add multiple extra clothing options, such as "Open Jacket" or "Down Hoodie" to modded items using the ItemTweakerAPI. Currently, the ItemTweakerAPI doesn't allow to add a parameter t...
Just Throw Them Out The Window
Créé par co`
What is this about? This mod is meant to address a single problem. You all know too well that awkward moment when the upper levels of your base get invaded by zombies. If you're lucky enough to survive this, you end up with piles of corpses all around the ...
Créé par Tchernobill
Details kills by weapon category and by weapon in a new dedicated tab of character window. Adds to the genuine character panel the number of Z that died of other things than player weapon. Technical details Total number of kills can be exported (if selecte...
KI5载具合集 简中汉化
Créé par Surgeol
KI5's vehicle collection 的个人简中汉化包,如有遗漏之处欢迎指出 该Mod仅提供翻译文本,请确保同时启用了原Mod!! 文本可能会被汉化合集Mod覆盖,或是被原Mod内置的汉化文件覆盖 若想使用本Mod的翻译文本,请 先 加载原Mod/汉化合集,然后 再 加载本Mod 注意:翻译更新后,你可能需要重新订阅该Mod以强制下载最新文本 翻译了 KI5's vehicle collection 中的载具。 请自行根据需要订阅。 目前包含以下载具的汉化: '92 AM General M99...
Créé par co`
Ladders You Said!? Yes! Ever wished you could climb those ladders to escape from a horde? Ever dreamt of crafting your own ladders? Well this mod is for you then! Features Climb ladders Climb fire poles Craft wooden and steel ladders https://raw.githubuser...
Lake Ivy Township
Créé par [D-FENS]
Lake Ivy Fishing Resort, Campgrounds & Township Workshop ID: 2252982049 Mod ID: lakeivytownship Map Folder: li_township Occupied Cells: (29,32) (29,33) (29,34) (30,32) (30,33) (30,34) (31,32) (31,33) (31,34) ------------------------------------------------...
Lingering Reflexes...
Créé par Mr Sunshine
Super special thanks to belette for his awesome mod Random Zombies! This mod simply uses the cognition code. ============================================================= =====================================================...
Lingering Whispers...
Créé par Sebastian
Features: Throughout your play-through, you may hear a singular murmur in the horde, a contorted voice at the door as it tries to break in, pleading souls hidden away, fleeting minds of men giving guidance or begging for mercy as well as lot more. This occ...
Little Township
Créé par Saltamontes
Little Township is a small community in the middle of Knox County near Pony Roam-O. Made for 41.60+ Q: Does it... A: Yes it works in MP, yes it works with the new map, yes it works on any MP server rented or otherwise. No I am not going to help you with re...
Louisville Music Festival
Créé par Braven
The festival is here! The speaker system of the Louisville music festival is back to work, and it's your chance to make a show to die for! This mod allows you to turn the speakers of the festival on and invite half of Louisville to the event. F.A.Q Why wou...
Map Symbol Size Slider
Créé par capsgry
This mod adds a symbol size slider to map symbols menu. With it you can change the size of symbols and notes on the map. Features Resize symbols and notes on global map and map items FAQ Can I make the symbols even bigger? The main purpose of the mod is to...
Minimal Display Bars
Créé par ATPHHe
Minimal Display Bars 4.3.5 (Updates (Discontinued)) Quick Info: Current Display Bars: Health, Hunger, Thirst, Endurance, Fatigue, Boredom, Unhappiness, Temperature, Calories. Everyone with credit given may add this to their modpacks and servers. - Tested o...
Melos Tiles for Miles Tilepack
Créé par melos_tiles
Notice: Always check the update log for recent new tiles I add to the pack! This is a custom tilepack I made for my own maps and for other mappers. As a player you will need this mod only for Maps that require this tilepack. (Screenshots may contain vanill...
Mod Manager
Créé par NoctisFalco
Improved mods selection screen. UPDATE 2022-02-05 - "Disable all" and "Disable all (except favorites)" options will not disable Mod Manager when editing the default mod list. - Fixed an error when changing the screen resolution. If you appreciate my work, ...
Mod Options (Build 41)
Créé par star
ModOptions WIP (paused)! Allows other mods to be customized. Any mod author can add custom options to their mod. Requirements (!) THIS MOD IS COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH BETA BUILD 41+ Steam Workshop Issues 1. Quit the game. 2. Unsubscribe. Wait ~1 minute. 3. Sub...
Mod Manager: Server
Créé par NoctisFalco
An extension for Mod Manager that makes the process of editing server mod lists much easier and faster. Now you will never forget to add required mods to your server's config! If you appreciate my work, please support me: ht...
More Description for Traits [41.78]
Créé par Champy
This mod is intended for players who are confused about what effects each trait and profession has on the character. It adds description to the traits that need it to describe their effects on the character in detail, instead of leaving people guessing wit...
More Medical
Créé par iBrRus Suffering from the flu, but work is not waiting? Can't heal from a burn you got a long time ago? Scared to get behind the wheel with a medicine cabinet...
More Traits
Créé par HypnoToadTrance
IMPORTANT: Build 41.68 and Higher Due to false-flags for anti-cheat, it is recommended to disable anti-cheat when hosting a server with this mod. You can try enabling some anti-cheats, but your mileage may vary. A Personal Appeal To Decency: Please do not ...
More zoom levels and 360vision
Créé par 菜喵球BIBI
The Mod Including 2 contents. 1.360vision : You can see all around. 2.More scales : Give you more zoom levels that you can set. (goto Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\108600\2895974075\mods\MoreScalesand360vision, then copy and replace same folder in ur ga...
Mystic's Office Costumes
Créé par Mystic
This mods replaces some of office costume textures. Especially provides improved textures for skirts. Also adds longjohns textures which fit nice under skirts. (You can wear skirts in winter without concerns of coldness!) Changes textures for - short skirt...
Neco-Arc Cosplay Mask
Créé par TurboGrzybiarz
Description The creature appears to be demonic in nature. This mod adds: A makeshift mask that resembles some sort of a cat-like creature. An accompanying crafting recipe for said mask. Crafting Recipe -Crayons -Scissors -Duct-Tape/Glue -Sheet of Paper/New...
Créé par Дак
Original mod here Mod reworked for my server Only money is no weight Workshop ID: 2853839435 Mod ID: NoMoneyWeight...
Over the River
Créé par Woldren
Hi survivors! I am Woldren and this is my map: Over the River The bridge has a town above it, as in Fallout 3. Warning: place the generator on the roof, check the pictures above to see where it is. The bridge is a giant building, so if you place it on the ...
Oujinjin's Tile Pack
Créé par 欧金金
A tile pack made by me, contains a bunch of customized tiles. A pre-mod for my map mods. For Players: You need to activate this mod as a pre-mod for my maps. For Modders: You can find all the tilesheets in that resource folder. And feel free to use those t...
Perform Music
Créé par Outragedparker
Adds Animations To Play Musical Instruments Animations/Coding by Dislaik on commission Is Multiplayer Compatible! Currently Supports - Acoustic Guitar - Banjo - Electric Guitar (RED/BLUE/BLACK) - Electric Bass (RED/BLUE/BLACK) Future Plans Add Support for ...
Over the River - Secondary Road
Créé par Woldren
Hi! As you've probably noticed, I've updated my map, "Over the River", changing the bridge and replacing the old ship with a new one, much more complete. Since the s...
Créé par Pertominus
This tile pack has been made available for map makers to use. Some of the tile sheets are within the mod folder itself. The rest will be released when they are properly edited or if requested on the mapping discord. Several room definitions have been added...
Créé par Dylan
Pitstop is a map mod located between Rosewood and Muldraugh. To server owners, feel free to add our mods to your modpacks. We grant permission to all. This map strongly requires the additional tile packs. If you have any tile issues please make sure you ha...
Playable Arcade Machines for 41
Créé par PseudonymousEd
Also works in Multiplayer Builds 41.60+ When the weather outside is frightful... Stay inside and play on your scavenged arcade machines! Enjoy decreased boredom, unhappiness, and stress by playing one of the three existing arcade machines, now available fo...
Portrait Workshop B
-------- 意见交流QQ群号775234430-------- -------- 模组具体玩法 -------- 写真工坊是一个系列模组后续会有其他各种类型作品依序登场。 这只是他的其中一个分支添加了各种知名画师的精品写真。 这个模组为游戏增加了每张图片的写真使用代币即可兑换。 在击杀各地的丧尸之后身上会掉落一种名为代币的兑换物品。 他可以购买PW写真工坊模组系列所有类型的卡包后续会更多。 除了可以查看以外甚至可以拿来和服务器玩家之间进行PY交易。 -------- 物品刷新位置 -------- 丧...
Portrait Workshop
-------- 意见交流QQ群号775234430-------- -------- 模组物品列表 -------- 写真工坊代币 兑换比例为4比1换卡包 -------- 物品刷新位置 -------- 丧尸-书店-民宅-学校-图书馆 -------- 模组更新日志-------- -------- 我的其他模组 -------- 更多罐装食物 更多技能书籍 https://...
Portrait Workshop C
-------- 意见交流QQ群号775234430-------- -------- 模组具体玩法 -------- 写真工坊是一个系列模组后续会有其他各种类型作品依序登场。 这只是他的其中一个分支添加了各种知名画师的精品写真。 这个模组为游戏增加了每张图片的写真使用代币即可兑换。 在击杀各地的丧尸之后身上会掉落一种名为代币的兑换物品。 他可以购买PW写真工坊模组系列所有类型的卡包后续会更多。 除了可以查看以外甚至可以拿来和服务器玩家之间进行PY交易。 -------- 物品刷新位置 -------- 丧...
Portrait Workshop D
-------- 意见交流QQ群号775234430-------- -------- 模组具体玩法 -------- 写真工坊是一个系列模组后续会有其他各种类型作品依序登场。 这只是他的其中一个分支添加了各种知名画师的精品写真。 这个模组为游戏增加了每张图片的写真使用代币即可兑换。 在击杀各地的丧尸之后身上会掉落一种名为代币的兑换物品。 他可以购买PW写真工坊模组系列所有类型的卡包后续会更多。 除了可以查看以外甚至可以拿来和服务器玩家之间进行PY交易。 -------- 物品刷新位置 -------- 丧...
Portrait Workshop E
-------- 意见交流QQ群号775234430-------- -------- 模组具体玩法 -------- 写真工坊是一个系列模组后续会有其他各种类型作品依序登场。 这只是他的其中一个分支添加了各种知名画师的精品写真。 这个模组为游戏增加了每张图片的写真使用代币即可兑换。 在击杀各地的丧尸之后身上会掉落一种名为代币的兑换物品。 他可以购买PW写真工坊模组系列所有类型的卡包后续会更多。 除了可以查看以外甚至可以拿来和服务器玩家之间进行PY交易。 -------- 物品刷新位置 -------- 丧...
Portrait Workshop F
-------- 意见交流QQ群号775234430-------- -------- 模组具体玩法 -------- 写真工坊是一个系列模组后续会有其他各种类型作品依序登场。 这只是他的其中一个分支添加了各种知名画师的精品写真。 这个模组为游戏增加了每张图片的写真使用代币即可兑换。 在击杀各地的丧尸之后身上会掉落一种名为代币的兑换物品。 他可以购买PW写真工坊模组系列所有类型的卡包后续会更多。 除了可以查看以外甚至可以拿来和服务器玩家之间进行PY交易。 -------- 物品刷新位置 -------- 丧...
Profession Framework
Créé par Dr_Cox1911
Profession Framework Mod for Project Zomboid by Fenris_Wolf Adds a framework to simply adding additional professions and traits to project zomboid, and editing the default professions. As well as simplifying the modding process and letting professions have...
Project Fumo - boid
Créé par Dogy
Adds ability to have fumos in project zomboid! (for those who don't know, they are plushies based on video game characters) A whooping 31 Fumo models are added. Characters are based on Touhou project (created by ZUN and shanghai alice) all copyrights belon...
PZ-ClothingUI - Clothing items grid view
Créé par Ramp
Info This mode provides alternative graphical UI for equipped clothing items. Features Draggable button to display equipped items in an overview window (drag by grey border) Items are displayed in categories (right click category button or item icon for eq...
Créé par 千年纹
A pre-mod for a mod I made. Workshop ID: 2845810596 Mod ID: QNW_QNWLibrary...
Rain Wash
Créé par NoctisFalco
Rain washes blood and dirt away. Including the character's body, clothing, equipped bags, equipped and attached weapons, the vehicle your character is in and vehicle attached to it or last used vehicle and vehicle attached to it. How it works Body, clothin...
Raven Сreek
Créé par DavidBlane
Real Ladder
Créé par 千年纹
1. Ladders on the map can now be climbed, and players can also build ladders. 2. Remember to turn off anti cheating when online 3. Press E up and down 4. The ladder can only be a floor 5.We can only sacrifice part of the animation effect so that the player...
Reorder Containers - Backpack Orders
Créé par Notloc
Reorder Containers is an inventory mod that allows you to customize the order in which containers and backpacks appear in the inventory. Simply drag and drop the container icons to rearrange them to your liking. They'll even remember their preferred order ...
Reorder The Hotbar
Créé par Notloc
Reorder The Hotbar is a mod that allows you to customize the order of the items in your hotbar. Simply drag and drop the hotbar slots to rearrange them to your liking. This mod also adds the ability to click on the hotbar slots as an alternative to pressin...
Repair Any Clothes
Créé par Johnny Dollar
Makes you able to repair any clothes you want, such as vests, bulletproof vests, jumpsuits, etc. PayPal for the generous and thankful! Donations are very much appreciated! Item Tweaker API only needed for optional patches, not vanilla mod Have you ever fou...
Riverside Water Base
Créé par Space traveler
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attention! P.S. Unfortunately, the map files have been deleted and can no longer be edited. ---------------------------------------------------------------...
Save Our Station!
Créé par Spacew00t
Save Our Station! This mod adds a new gameplay mechanics to the Automated Emergency Broadcast System (AEBS) along with new areas to explore in the vanilla Knox Country Map. Repair the Emergency Broadcast System Do you... ...find yourself late in the game w...
School's Out: Anime-Style Student Uniforms
Créé par Pygmalion
You hear a bell ring. Is that for fourth period...or are you dinner? School's Out is a clothing/item mod that adds Japanese school uniforms to Project Zomboid. These can be worn, seen on student zombies, and found throughout the map.
Scrap Weapons!
Créé par djvirus
Welcome This mod adds a ton of new post apocalyptic / homemade melee weapons! These can be made with various recources and tools you find troughout the world. Most weapons are upgrades from vanilla weapons, so check the new "Weapons" tab in your crafting m...
Set spawnpoint
Créé par 菜喵球BIBI
Multiplayer is not compatible due to anti-cheating Right click the bed to set spawnpoint. another version: Buy me a coffee : Workshop ID: 2776898170 Mod ID: bedsp...
Show Skill Xp Gain
Créé par Kaedius
This mod will display the XP gain of any skill over the player's head. Strength and Fitness are disabled by default for being too spammy. There are options to hide various skills or not show the exact skill gain amount and only show the green arrow. Option...
Show Weapon Stats Translate
Créé par Gugu Gugu
原作者:InventorX 链接地址: Author:InventorX Original module address: 语言:CN/CH/EN Workshop ID: 2775382764 Mod ID: showweaponstatsTrans...
Show Weapon Stats, MP 41.66+
Créé par InventorX
*Heavy WIP* No more do you have to keep going to the wiki page to see what a weapon does, this mod allows all players to see some important but hidden weapon stats. There are a few extra stats for firearms as well. Shows how much your weapon level modifies...
Simple Playable Instruments
HOTFIX: Added compatiblility with other soundboard mods HOTFIX: Added a contingency to prevent players from hard spamming Play All to generate annoying noises, and added the ability to stop playing an instrument. UPDATE: No longer uses the recipe sound fun...
Simple Playable Pianos
Créé par PseudonymousEd
Play the Western Piano! Gain levels in the new Piano skill! (Builds 41.50 or 41.53+) The Knox Country Conservatory of Music (KCCM) was founded in Muldraugh in June 1993. It is the premier institution for piano instruction in the greater Muldraugh area. The...
Simplified Chinese fonts
Créé par shu307
Simplified Chinese fonts. Switch to the simplified Chinese page for details....
Shark's Weapon Pack
Créé par shark
Consider buying me a coffee You can't spell slaughter without laughter. This mod introduces thirteen new melee weapons to Project Zomboid: Cavalry Saber - Once used ceremonially by the US Army and now used by you. https://i....
Skill Recovery Journal
Créé par Chuckleberry Finn
Lore-friendly(ish) solution to the loss of a character. Craftable journals which allow the recovery of skills and recipes.
Snake's Mod Pack
Créé par Snake
This is a modpack that I'm developing for the build 41, for the moment it contains the next updated and in constant development mods: Alice Backpack: A new military backpack that can be upgraded with the proper objects, a new military canteen and a new mil...
Snake's Mod Pack CN Full
Créé par 源点
Only Simplified Chinese ( CN ) Language Pack for SNAKE For details, please change language " 简体中文 Simplified Chinese " Read Information 蛇佬模组汉化包整合 Workshop ID: 2885673806 Mod ID: SnakeCN_Full...
Soul Filcher's Exploring Time
Créé par soulfilcher
Compatible with 41.78 UPDATE 12/11/2022: -Removed Gas Lantern's tooltip. -Updated Spanish translation. -Fixed an error in loot tables caused by the recent removal of an bag type. This mod adds Flares, Gas Lanterns and Torches. It also changes Candles so th...
Spongie's Hair
Créé par spongie
Update 29/9/2024 Added 8 new hairstyles: (See image 3) Wake Straight Cut Bob Messy Bob Slicked Back Bob Jeanette Redfield Messy Spiked Messy Ashley Remade Mikasa & Mikasa Short Remade Marie Renamed Warrior to Mikasa Fixed Groovy Slick broken normals Added ...
Spawnpoint Louisville
Créé par Noking
让玩家可以在路易斯维尔随机出生,以后可能增加不同职业的出生点 Allows players to be reborn randomly in Louisville,The rebirth points of different occupations may be increased in the future 语言支持Language Support: 简中,EN Workshop ID: 2719392146 Mod ID: Spawnpoint Louisville Map Folder: Louis...
Spongie's Open Jackets
Créé par spongie
Update 29/9/2024 Fixed vest masks Fixed jackets having wrong insulation Moved the item tweak lua file to shared instead of client to hopefully avoid any multiplayer issues (if this breaks I will go insane) Supports B41.78+. Should work in multiplayer. Adds...
SWAT & RIOT PACK for BUILD[41.66b++]
Créé par Relihschneider
SWATPACK MOD for 41.66b++! UPDATE 6/3/22 for 41.66b++! (Start new game Needed) Old saves game with swatpack mod are not compatible...
Tactical Weapons [41.65+]
Créé par SS232
Adds several tactical melee weapons to the game. Lootable New Weapons : Carbon Fiber Hockey Stick Long Sword Military Knife Tactical Knife Tactical Machete Tactical Tomahawk Tactical Axe Tactical Ninja Sword Craftable New Weapons : Barbed Wire Hockey Stick...
The Workshop
Créé par djvirus
Welcome! This mod adds more crafting features to the game! With this mod you no longer have to drop your broken tools on the ground. Now you can disassemble them for scrap (screws, metal parts, wood) You can also disassemble any metallic vanilla item in th...
throttlekitty's tiles
Créé par throttlekitty
This is a collection of world tile sprites I've made to be used as a resource in creating custom maps. Some sprites may have additional functionality, I'll be including lua for those in this mod as needed. I don't plan on making anything here craftable, ho...
They Knew
Créé par Afterworlds
Hey all, Real life has got me by the short ones. I'm unable to work on modding for a bit, I got new medication and my work is taking off, so I promise I will get back to it, but not for a bit. They Knew The Knox county incident was never a "random accident...
Tidy Up Meister
Créé par PePePePePeil
Overview : Automatically returns to the original equipment when the operation is completed. Confirmed to work with Build 41.78. Features : When an action that switches equipment when performed, such as dismantle, is completed, the equipment is automaticall...
Tools of The Trade
Créé par Greb
Adds a variety of weapons and tools to the game world. AXES: Adze Army Mattock Bearded Axe Brush Hook Crash Axe Felling Axe Hatchet Pulaski Axe Splitting Maul Tomahawk LONG BLUNT: Aluminum Baseball Bat Core Hammer Cricket Bat Crutch Entry Tool Heavy Shille...
True Actions. Act 1 & 2 - Sitting & Lying [for MP disable anti-cheat type 12]
Créé par iBrRus WARNING #To make the mod work in multiplayer in the server config disable anti-cheat protection for type 12. AntiCheatProtectionType12=false Act 2 - Ly...
True Music
Créé par iBrRus It's time for true music in Project Zomboid again. The mod allows all users to add their music to the game. In addition, you can add your own vinyl cov...
TryHonesty's Tiles
Créé par Try Honesty If you're unsure about the terms of use, you can find everything detailed HERE If you'd like to support my work, you can buy me ...
True Music Addon ---Jay Chou
Créé par 菜喵球BIBI
True Music Addon ---Jay Chou A Chinese singer Workshop ID: 2843701809 Mod ID: TrueMusic_Jay_Chou...
Useful Mirror
Créé par 菜喵球BIBI
Useful Mirror Right click the "mirror " item. Workshop ID: 2901615211 Mod ID: Mirror_avator...
Tsar's Common Library 2.0
Créé par iBrRus Description Common library for Tsar's Companies. Additional equipment for vehicles: refrigerator, stove, microwave oven, fuel tank, etc (Code modified ...
Vac's Drinks
Créé par VacWave
Version 41.78 | Works in MP Adds a couple beers & sodas to Zomboid. *Not updating on server? Unsubscribe, wait a minute for it to uninstall. Re-subscribe and it will download again.* Adds a recipe to recycle cans, 30% chance to get Scrap Metal or Aluminum ...
Créé par 布偶旧猫
1. Compared to the first generation, the entire torso part of the model was remade. 2. Add the selection of three BDG cups (conflicts with the display of MOD for hairstyle selection) 3. After entering the game, there are two faces that can be watched and c...
Vault-Tec, KY
Créé par 欧金金
中文: 此地图在原版地图上添加了三个区块的地图,分别位于20,36和41,30以及48,9,并且添加了三个地下避难所,分别从这三张地图内进入,请自行探索,进入的方式是右键点击电梯旁的电脑。 并且添加了大量家具,位置请玩家自行寻找,含有大量辐射系列彩蛋。 未来更新: 未来会加入将地堡恢复供水供电的功能,并且也将不断扩大地图规模,敬请期待。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Vehicle Recycling Continued
Créé par MoreCowbell
For some reason propane torches now have 10 times less charges in them, so I went and put a few math function's into NoctisFalcon's Vehicle Recycling Mod. All credit to him for the original I did literally 10 seconds of work. Should make it work again. NOT...
Visible Holster
Créé par _moryan_
With this mod you can see the holster! This simple mod let you see holster on your character, which will add some more realism in how looks equipment on you! This modification makes Holster and Dual Holster from vanilla visible on the player character. You...
Water Dispenser
Features In this mod I try to make everything as Vanilla as possible. - Dispenser have 250 unit of water like the vanilla dispenser. - Water Jug can be filled with gasoline for a total of 250 units. - Vanilla Dispenser automatically converted to custom whe...
Créé par 菜喵球BIBI
WayStone Function: Right click the WayStone to use its function. The WayStone can save the teleport point and teleport you to other teleport points. Use the concrete/stone/silver sapphire necklace to make a WayStone. Not compatible with Minecraft:) Buy me ...
Weapon Condition Indicator [41.60+]
Créé par NoctisFalco
The mod shows condition (durability) of a weapon attached to the hotbar (back, belt, holster, etc.) or equipped in the primary hand. And many other useful features. Features - Two types of weapon condition indicators: icon (star or bubble) and progress bar...
Viperel's Vehicle Spare Parts
Créé par Viperel
Do you constantly break your vehicle components and can't find replacements or repairing them never makes them good as new? Viperel has got you covered with realistic recipes for crafting new vehicle parts. Best used in conjunction with my other mod Vipere...
Weapon Condition Indicator 简中汉化
Créé par Surgeol
Weapon Condition Indicator 的个人简中汉化包,如有遗漏之处欢迎指出 该Mod仅提供翻译文本,请确保同时启用了原Mod!! 文本可能会被汉化合集Mod覆盖,或是被原Mod内置的汉化文件覆盖 若想使用本Mod的翻译文本,请 先 加载原Mod/汉化合集,然后 再 加载本Mod 注意:翻译更新后,你可能需要重新订阅该Mod以强制下载最新文本 主Mod用于显示所装备物品(背部,皮带,枪套等)的耐久度。 Mod内容 - 两种耐久指示器:图标形式(气泡/星星),或进度条形式 - 当耐久降低时会出...
West Point's Lighthouse [REBORN]
Créé par Matrioshka A small lighthouse, 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom. The lighthouse located in West Point. Look at the screenshot with the map. The coordinates: 10985x6587 Q: Should I start a new game? A: Yes, you shou...
WesternScrapCarYard 西部森林废车场
********************************************************************************* CN: 更新内容:在一楼二楼与三楼平台上面分别增加了1个消防水管,它不会受停水事件影响,无限容量。(使用方法,右键对准消防水管龙头的部分,与游戏内正常的取水一样。)提示:如想要有这次更新的内容,您需要重开新游戏。 EN: Update content: 1 fire water pipe is added on the platform on t...
Working Treadmill
Créé par F_C4RICA
Want to train your fitness? With this mod, now you can use a treadmill. You will gain fitness XP a little more than squat and gain sprinting XP as well. If you carry weight is more than a half you will gain strength XP too. -You can change fitness, strengt...
[细分/混合] 百变中文汉化
-------- 细分版和混合版二选其一! -------- -------- ↓ 模组作用说明 ↓ -------- (A)细分版 /(B)混合版 饭盒(蓝色) / 饭盒 饭盒(粉色) / 饭盒 棒球头盔(红色) / 棒球头盔 棒球头盔(黄色) / 棒球头盔 棒球头盔(绿色) / 棒球头盔 骑师衬衫(橙色) / 骑师衬衫 骑师衬衫(紫色) / 骑师衬衫 骑师衬衫(红色) / 骑师衬衫 骑师衬衫(绿色) / 骑师衬衫 骑师衬衫(蓝色) / 骑师衬衫 骑师衬衫(黄色) / 骑师衬衫 -------- ↓ 推荐...