Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Items (429)
Metro 2 Platforms Cross For Sunset Harbor
Created by Cyterion
This is a metro station with 2 platforms, which run orthogonally as a cross, where one platform is on a lower level. It is compatible to Sunset Harbor. The platforms have a length of 18. Depths of the platforms are -1.5 (12 m) and -3.0 (24 m). The metro st...
metro-s5 地铁站样式5
Created by hikke
大家好~ 第五个小清新地铁站, 这次使用玻璃效果做的 希望大家喜欢 多多点赞啊~~ 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== Hello everyone~~ This is a metro station~ if you like please rate~~ Special thanks to Ronyx69 sharing glass Infos for nerds: look p5 -----------------------------...
站前广场Station Square
Created by 红米先生
想要做资产的可以联系我,定制资产有偿制作,加Q281775129 共计两个资产,属性同属公园类目,占地大小在16X10格,高度0.02米左右, 分辨率2K, LOD:只用了1000左右,因为就是一个平面铺砖形式,一张完整的铺砖地砖贴图而已,自己可以在上面添加任何物件,其中有一个广场铺砖带有两个地下坑,可供玩家自己摆放电梯商铺等物件,另外整个资产大小可以通过魔物模组任意改变大小。 There are two assets in total, belonging to the same category of ...
2 Platforms Cross (4 Tracks) Metro Station
Created by Cyterion
This is a metro station with 2 platforms, which run orthogonally as a cross, where one platform is on a lower level. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosing the tracks. Hori...
Flaire - Theme Mix
Created by Impact
The official Theme Mix of Flaire YouTube series! ATTENTION 1: Please make sure you have subscribed to the required itmes before you launch the game. ATTENTION 2: The LUT i'm using is Real Netural - Colorless, you can download it here: https://steamcommunit...
Green Mountain MapTheme
Created by aya
It is MapTheme of green mountain . I've made in the European environment ・Cliff grass is overgrown ・Dry riverbed ・Not too much yellow sand ・Not too much green water It feels like a Japanese landscape. MAP of the image is here Shimanto River -Japan http://s...
Polynesia 2.0 Updated 2021
Created by MrMiyagi
Miyagi Polynesia Gen II You can use this theme with any originally tropical map you would like to. This is a complete replacement for the previous Polynesia theme, with all sorts of improvements and fixes. It has been completely remade (because updating th...
Starburg Map Theme
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Euro 4K Map Theme
Created by pdelmo
Here 4 good Made with Relight Upto 4k textures For mountainous maps use the Not so rocky theme as this theme is more for smaller rolling green hills Not so rocky Theme here...
Created by MrMaison
OakTree by MrMaison Featuring an Oak Tree to add variety to our landscapes. This tree is great when plopped in groups giving you fluffy realistic foliage with realistic color. I plan to make a large more fuller one in the future. All the foliage was crafte...
Brazilian Apartments L2M1-2
Created by Othercakes
Special thanks to Bastet69 for the commission! And another thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work...
SimpleApartments 2x2 L2
Created by rtgstream
SimpleApartments 2x2 L2 by rtgstream designer labels and titles ...
Med 2x2 L2
Created by keeg.lucas
Med 2x2 L2 by keeg.lucas...
Eurocorner 1 L1 2x2
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x2 Level 1 high residential cornerbuilding -525 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap...
Brooklyn Reworked 1x3 L1 1
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -1x3 Level 1 high residential building -787 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024²...
BIG Commercial AC
Created by BenTracker
BIG Commercial Air Conditioner 58 Tris / 256 x 256px LOD: 32 Tris / 32 x 32px...
[RICO] 340_on_the_Park_V4
Created by Reaper
340_on_the_Park_V4 by Reaper Category : Residential lvl 5 Do not forget to visit my site every month with exclusive content. Thank you all for your support.
Lift&Stairs 09B for PedOP
Created by stmSantana
Lift&Stairs 09m for Pedestrian Overpass                           ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== This is different shapes of following assets. The function of this is the same as the following. Lift 09mR for Pedestrian Ov...
Lift&Stairs 09L for PedOP
Created by stmSantana
Lift&Stairs 09m for Pedestrian Overpass                           ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== This is different shapes of following assets. The function of this is the same as the following. Lift 09mR for Pedestrian Ov...
Lift&Stairs 09R for PedOP
Created by stmSantana
Lift&Stairs 09m for Pedestrian Overpass                           ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== This is different shapes of following assets. The function of this is the same as the following. Lift 09mR for Pedestrian Ov...
Created by 旋转的喷火龙
旋转的回环三向立交 by 旋转的喷火龙...
Parking Lot Snapping
Created by [SSU]yenyang Step 1: Watch the video above. Also available on Youtube. Step 2: Read this description: Parking Lot Snapping swaps the default AI for the Parking Space Assets (abbreviated PSA) created by others with a custom built AI. The ...
Tiny Bush
Created by pdelmo
Tiny Bush by pdelmo. For when you need a really little bush. 81 polygons with a 128x128 texture...
Plane Street Tree Medium
Created by pdelmo
Plane Street Tree Medium by pdelmo If you want to donate to the pdelmo plant factory
Murraya Bushes
Created by pdelmo
8 different bushes With and without flowers Tiny to large 1024x512 textures 90tri-1100tri...
Common Tree Set
Created by pdelmo
A set of 4 generic trees to suit most environments. Each Tree has its own unique form. Designed the trees to be placed in the city parks and suburbs. added a lot more branches and better bark textures to hopefully make them more natural looking I work hard...
Pink Azalea - Low Poly
Created by Smilies
An attempt to create a very low poly flower bush with a small file size 68 tris 512x512 diffuse, normal, color, alpha Models and textures done by Smilies; cannot be re-uploaded without permission authorized by Smilies. ...
Created by Reaper
JK_Pottery_V1 by Reaper...
职业中学教学楼2 Middle school building 2
Created by 魔芋爽
职业中学教学楼2 by 无番和 原型为武汉科谷技工学校,因为有现成的效果图,房屋结构也很简单,就拿来练练手。 本系列共有教学楼1和教学楼2两个资产。 教学楼2占地4*11格,三角形面数2844,自动生成的LOD。可容纳中学生300人。 订阅后你可以在中学目录下找到这个建筑。 —————— Vocational middle school teaching building 2 The prototype is Wuhan Kegu Technical School. Because of the ready...
Excel Montessori School
Created by Cristolisto
A Montessori school takes a different approach to a child's education than a regular school. Basically it assumes a child is eager to learn and puts the child in a classroom that is a carefully planned learning environment were they do almost what they wan...
Streamline school
Created by Cateinum
This is a sleek looking school located in the Bronx, NY. It was build as a laundry in 1931 and later converted into a school. I really like buildings with rounded corners and I think we need more of them! Also there is a significant lack of historical scho...
Woodlands High School
Zootopia have very large worldview and have so many great buildings.This building is one of them.Prototype of the building is ‘Woodlands Elementary school’ which place for Judy study.And you can see that I add some cartoon characters on the walls.I hope yo...
NTE - Subway/Metro Station Energetically Autonomous + 1 MW production
Created by spinoza73
NTE is proud to present our first Subway/Metro station. An energetically autonomous one! Perfect for a new development! Produces 1 MW of alternative energy electricity thanks to its voltaic cells on its ring, its thermal base and a small geothermal station...
NTE - Falcon Metro/Subway - 4 Corner Street Entrances & 3 Platforms - Energetically Autonomous + 4 MW production
Created by spinoza73
NTE is proud to present our second Subway/Metro station and this is the 4 opposite corner street entrances & 3 platforms version. Great for security of the pedestrians and to remove pressure at intersections. It's also an energetically autonomous one! Perf...
Gustave-Roussy Subway Station
Created by _luminou_
Gustave-Roussy Subway Station Inspired by the future metro station "Gustave-Roussy". With its 50 meters deep separating the city from the platforms, this station will become the deepest in France. The construction site is scheduled to end in 2023 and is lo...
LAPD Headquarter
Created by _luminou_
LAPD Headquarter LAPD Headquarters, at corner of E 1st Street and S Main Street. The new LAPD headquarters in downtown LA, open in October 2017. The building, erected at a cost of $437 million, will have 2,300 police officers and staff working there. The 5...
Paris bridge
Created by Psychocinesis
Paris bridge network Contains 2 levels of the road: ground and elevated. Recommended segment length between 2 nodes in elevated mode is 4-8 u. Easy way to build is on screenshot. Upd: I forgot to mention that there are also bike lanes on the side of the ro...
Ponte Suebia Road Bridge (Network Pack)
Created by REV0
Road Bridge Network Pack Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Armesto's Workshop Package Details Two Lane, Two-Way Road - without parking Two Lane, Two-Way Road - with parking space on ground Basic ground segment Walled elevated segment No Slope...
Freight Terminal
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, the Freight Terminal works exactly like the cargo station - without brightly coloured containers. That was important for me :) Subscribing to this asset brings you two assets, the Freight Terminal and a matching storage hall (for fans of bigg...
Door Prop Pack
Created by Redstone
Description This pack includes four versatile door props. I'd recommend using these on fancier, more modern buildings, but they can be used anywhere. You can use them side-by-side, in corners, elevated and more. If you want cims walking through these doors...
HK-styled Prop
Created by XDBX
HK-styled Prop by XDBX...
广州圆大厦 The Guangzhou Circle
Created by HooHeeHaa
Guangzhou Circle is a landmark building located in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, China. The building was designed by Italian architect Joseph di Pasquale. The total height is 138 meters for 33 stories. The building consists of a total area of 85.000 squar...
南昌绿地中央广场NCGCP RICO
Created by GeniusKKG
南昌绿地中央广场(303米双子塔) 图中LED资产需手动move it对准到建筑本体,游戏内搜:ILoveNC_LED_RotateAnim 建筑属性:办公类Rico 资产制作者:amamlya 如果您喜欢这个资产就请点个赞👍 Nanchang Greenland Central Square (303m Twin Towers). The LED assets in the picture need to be manually moved and aligned to the building body...
中式公安消防局, Chinese fire station
Created by RAY
中式公安消防局, Chinese fire station 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 『han823zhi』 独资订制,LANXUEJS制作。 目前中国北京项目-北京CBD建筑合集资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙...
Gas Station(w/o NE2)
Created by pcfantasy
配合RealGasStation mod使用,可以吸引私家车和卡车过来加油。不需要NE2的支持了。 (点击建筑界面选择改变建筑功能) 车辆经过加油站会减速。 在道路界面,收费站模块 Work with RealGasStation mod,CargoTruck and PassengerCar will come for fuel. No need to use NE2 mod now. (Click BuildingUI to change building function) In Road Optio...
Real Gas Station
Created by pcfantasy
Cargo Truck and PassengerCar(non-electric car) will go for fuel now! Report Bugs: Remember to send output.log and RealGasStation.txt to me. Otherwise I can not fix any bugs. Here Extra details: Similar to the RealConstruction mod, this mod will cause desig...
中国石油加油站China Petroleum Gas Station
Created by 忆起时
中国石油加油站China Petroleum Gas Station...
Created by 旋转的喷火龙
旋转的公园NO.1 by 旋转的喷火龙...
Created by 旋转的喷火龙
旋转的公园NO.3 by 旋转的喷火龙...
Created by 旋转的喷火龙
旋转的停车场3×2 by 旋转的喷火龙...
Created by 旋转的喷火龙
旋转的停车场3×3 by 旋转的喷火龙...
Chinese style large parking lot中式大型停车场
Created by 红米先生
Created by 红米先生
中式住宅楼 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
新中式楼左 by Redmi(红米) 新中式古风住宅楼,此楼分别两个部分,分别为标注为左和右两个部分,在摆放的时候没有顺序,随便放置其中一个,在放置另外一个,然后对齐即可组成2个单元楼。 属性:住宅楼 层高:11层 占地:2X6...
Created by Mr. Dragons
河南郑州千禧广场(大玉米楼) 90 (简化版) 绿地中心千玺广场,位于郑东新区CBD中央公园内,和会展中心、艺术中心相临,是郑东新区CBD的标志性建筑。由上海绿地集团下属企业河南绿地中原置业发展有限公司投资22亿进行开发建设,其主楼为280米高塔状建筑,是中原第一高楼。郑州会展宾馆与郑州国际会展中心在功能上相互联系,相辅相成,是集商业、办公、酒店、会议、休闲、展览、观光旅游等多功能为一体的城市综合服务设施。 郑州资产 郑州中原福塔(大)、 郑州中原福塔(小)、 郑州大玉米、 郑州二七塔、 郑州火车站(独特建...
Two-Lane Road with Median Pack (parking/no parking, concrete/grass/tree median)
Created by Urbanist
This is a pack of two-lane roads with/without parking spaces and different median surfaces. Mix and match the pieces to your liking! They're designed to work well together but can also be used on their own. Suitable for a variety of situations like commerc...
Suburban Street Alternate (no planting strip)
Created by Urbanist
A suburban street without a planting strip. Want the planting strip? Get the original version. 中文: 郊区街道(没有草边缘) See this in action two dollars twenty - Springwood Water Treatment Facility TazerHere - New Toulouse - 07 - Canal & Suburbs Features Two-way, two...
4-Lane Avenue with Trees (without Parking)
Created by Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way avenue with decorative trees (without parking spaces). Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass and trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out ...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Trees
Created by Delta 5-1
As of March 2023 (patch 1.16.1), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. A four-lane, two-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: ...
6-Lane Avenue with Trees (without Parking)
Created by Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: This road has a wider median. This road's median is covered with grass instead of tilled soil. A six-lane, two-way avenue with decorative trees (w...
Bay Bridge Network - Draggable Double Deck Suspension Bridge
Created by bsquiklehausen
Check out the tutorial linked above for best bridgelaying results! A network based large suspension bridge and other associated network toys! This bridge is a replica of the San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge (altered slightly for C:S network compatibility...
Suburban Powerline
Created by BadPeanut
This is a simple but effective powerline for your suburbs! Need electricity down your street but don't want those big gastly towers? Run this network on top of your sidewalk, and don't worry it won't clash! No need for mods like anarchy (which delete the p...
Network Skins
Created by boformer Change the visual appearance of roads, train tracks and pedestrian paths per segment. This is an improved version of the well-known Network Skins mod, developed by TPB and boformer. Disable the other Network Skins mod before...
Created by NanFang
Created by NanFang
楠方市内四项立交004 by NanFang...
Created by NanFang
楠方市内四项立交002 by NanFang...
Created by NanFang
楠方市内四向环岛003 by NanFang...
Curvy Roundabout
Created by Impact
Are you for real?! Another strange shape roundabout? That's insane, so innovative! It works perfect with heavy traffic and not cause congestions. That's awesome! Much wow! So hype! Very innovative! Upkeep 167 / week Cost 10,830 ...
4-Lane One-Way Road with Grass
Created by Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you like this roa...
[DEPRECATED] Suburban Street
Created by Urbanist
DEPRECATED - subscribe to the better new version here A suburban street for the Suburbans of suburbia. Don't want the planting strip? Get the alternate version here 中文: 郊区街道 See this in action SoCal Low Residential Pack two dollars twenty - Drone to Cities...
Pedestrian Deck Prop Pack
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese pedestrian deck prop kit. Inspired from Takatsuki city in Osaka. Compatible with Tokachi's Pedestrian Deck and ako_ako's Invisible Pedestrian Path. Lights are included. Specifications Prop List: ** Pedestrian Deck Fence ** Pedestrian Deck 4m Strai...
人行天桥 ( Pedestrian bridge )
Created by LIME
Pedestrian bridge to update optimization...
Futuristic Green Office Tower 2 CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Green Office Tower 2 CC ---------------------------------------------- Because Artists create Art. Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 3 / 4x4 2320 Polys 236...
Gula's Rivergate Lykes (Growable)
Created by Gula
Gula's Rivergate Lykes (4x4 Office) Updated for After Dark The Rivergate Tower, also known as the Sykes building and commonly referred to as the Beercan building. The building was constructed from 1986 to 1988. Harry Wolf (architect) based its measurements...
Tommy Hilfiger Cologne
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 1x2 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Tommy Hilfiger Store located at Schildergasse, Cologne, Germany. It works best as a wall-to-wall building. The model includes two giant animated displays each looping a short TH ad -- my first...
H3 4x4 Commercial Hive One [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable high density level 3 commercial 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . A sprawling hive of all commercial activties. Service droids for all your needs, indoor pa...
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store (Ploppable RICO)
Created by Emperor Li
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store アキバ☆ソフマップ1号店 Akiba Sofmap 1st store in Akibahara, Tokyo. This was made more than a year ago, when I started to model for Cities Skylines but never published it because the tris count was way too high. I optimized it recently and deci...
Gap Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Gap store in Ginza, Tokyo. It can be placed on straight tiles but works better as a corner building, which the real building is. It is part of my Flagship Store collection. Please support the ...
3x4 Lv3 Growable GreenHotel (After Dark)
Created by bartz!
● Custom Model ● 766 Tris, Diffuse, Spec, Alpha ● Commercial, High ● 3x4 ● Level 3 ● Temperate ● 1 Entrance...
Prospero Tower (L5 Residential Growable)
Created by Visu
Level-5 growable luxury condo building - high-value real estate....
The Wave
Created by Kliekie
"The Wave in Vejle, Denmark designed by Henning Larsen Architects is a new unique housing that embraces the sculptural and organic forms to become a new landmark for the city. The distinctive building has been selected as winner of the prestigious Civic Tr...
China Flag [Dynamic Flag]
Created by Toyota Land Cruiser
How to make your own Flag step by step Guide Waving Flag of China This Flags are waving. Both Flags use the same Texture. Use Loading Screen Mod for the half needed RAM. The Original Flag by APF Find the Flags by typing FFLGH in the Find it search bar. Fla...
国内小型派出所Small Police Office China
Created by 尹水涯
国内小型派出所Small Police Office China 关键词:中国 派出所 警察 公安 现代建筑 当代建筑 市政 中式 Chinese 在游戏中他的性质为 警察局 ,你可以在 警用建筑 里找到它,当然你也可以使用 find it,搜索时需输入 派出所 或 Police。 占地尺寸:5x3 用电量 Electricity Consumption:40 建设成本 Construction Cost:12000 维护费用 Maintenance Cost:3000 工人数量 Workers:40 警用...
Created by 红米先生
人民日报社总部大楼可谓自2008年北京奥运会之后北京最重要的建筑物之一,于2010年完成施工图设计,同年大楼开始建造,并于2015年建造完成,建筑高度:179.7米、首先,人民日报社是中国级别最高、影响力最大的报社媒体,其次大楼位于北京核心区,是未来北京发展最主要的区域 人民日报社总部大楼位于北京市朝阳区金台西路2号,用地面积:88 856 m~2建筑面积:13.84万m~2建筑层数:地上33层,地下3层建筑结构 ...
Eiffel Tower 1:1 埃菲尔铁塔1:1
Created by CM.
1:1比例的埃菲尔铁塔,自己造景用的,游戏中自带的埃菲尔铁塔太小了,该建筑多边形面数较多,不喜勿订阅,在第六级别特殊建筑中可以找到,建议使用时打开Ultimate Level Of Detail。 1: 1 scale Eiffel Tower, designed for your own landscaping. The built-in Eiffel Tower in the game is too small and has many polygonal faces. If you don't lik...
Created by Cristolisto
Walmart is a multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of hypermarkets, discount department stores, and grocery stores. It was founded in 1962 by Sam Walton and is headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas. Walmart is the world’s largest company ...
Soldyne's Hedge Row x8
Created by soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Nero's Palace Fountain
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A fountain prop for Nero's Palace Plaza. Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I would be very grateful if you could support me with a little...
Nero's Palace Column
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A column prop required for Nero's Palace buildings. Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I would be very grateful if you could support me wi...
Fan Palm Tree
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A normal looking fan palm tree, with shedding leaves. 2885 tris (down from 10000) Custom Thumbnail Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I wo...
Cypress Tree
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A new version of my Cypress Tree, matching existing assets more closely. It has lower triangle count (262), and custom thumbnail. Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If y...
Nero's Palace Plaza
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A spacious grand entrance plaza to build in front of Nero's Palace. Size:4x6 Cost:5000 Maintenance:250 Water:10 Electricity:5 Tourists LW/MW/HW: 50 each Ent Accum:25 Ent Radius:200 Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS b...
City Fountain 3x3
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Start of the Fountain Series. The City Fountain is a 3x3 asset that can be placed anywhere without the need of a roadside connection. Make your own little or big park for your cims to enjoy some nature and flowing water. Feel free to edit it in the asset e...
Winter Tree #4 (by Breeze)
Created by Breeze
Concept : Snow suddenly fell from the sky in the autumn. (Extreme weather.) The snow is going to melt quickly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★update Adjust the angle of the leaves. and redude text...
Kwanzan Cherry Blossoms
Created by Zuben
Kwanzan Cherry Blossoms by Zuben Height : 6.5 ~ 8.5m Tris : 2920 나무 벚나무 벚꽃 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if you like. plaese rate up. Thank you. 마음에 드시면 평가하기 눌러주세요. ...
Hibiscus Flower Tree
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate It Up! Thanks! Custom Made Hibiscus Flower Tree Total Tris = 1,196
Cherry Blossom 2
Created by MrMaison
Cherry Blossom 2 by MrMaison Introducing a 2 piece set of Cherry Blossoms based on the Prunus serrulata or Japanese cherry tree. This tree have it's roots in Japan, China and Korea and is introduced all over the world as an ornamental tree. More info in th...
Violet Flower Tree
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate It Up! Thanks! Custom Made Violet Flower Tree Total Tris = 1,196
Jacaranda Tree
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Improved Jacaranda Tree! Enjoy! =) Height = 13 Meters Max Scale 1 Min Scale 0.5 Max Brightness 1 Min Brightness 0.65 Main Model = 1,476 Triangles 512x1024 Textures D,N,A,C Lod auto generated by game.
Fall Silver Birch 2
Created by MrMaison
Fall Silver Birch 2 by MrMaison This is a Fall version of Silver Birch 2. It's great for decorating areas in the Fall. The Summer version can be found here STATS: Silver Birch 2 Fall- 2439 t...
Created by Ston3D
Magnolia by Ston3D Statistics: 560 Tris 512 px 3-6m Please feel free to comment and rate if you like it......
Red Japanese Maple Tree
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Red Japanese Maple Tree by Shroomblaze 310 Tri's / 48 Polys I also removed the dirt patch at the bottom of the tree, I took the screenshots before I edited the .crp file. You will see in game that the dirt patch is no more! Enjoy Please be sure to rate it ...
Japanese cherry
Created by Ston3D
Japanese cherry by Ston3D...
White Birch_Fall Gold
Created by MrMaison
White Birch_Fall Gold by MrMaison UPDATE 3/12/2016 This tree was effected with After Dark update. Now it have improved leaf billboard vertex normals for better shadows and also improved texture map color. Golden sunshine for the White Birch Tree series. Be...
White Birch_Fall Red
Created by MrMaison
White Birch_Fall Red by MrMaison UPDATE 3/12/2016 The shadows of this tree was affected by After Dark update. So I fixed vertex normals for better shadows and improved texture color. These are part of the white Birch tree series with red leaves for a fall ...
White Birch_Fall RedOrange
Created by MrMaison
White Birch_Fall RedOrange by MrMaison UPDATE 3/12/2016 The shadows of this tree was affected by After Dark update. Now I fixed Vertex Normals for better shadows and improved texture color. Bringing red-orange flavor to the White Birch Tree series. Be sure...
Linden Tree Fall
Created by MrMaison
Linden Tree Fall by MrMaison This is the 2 piece Linden Trees in Fall versions adding some golden color to your foliage. The color of these trees will vary between LUTs. Daylight Classic mod was in use with these screenshots. The Linden is part of the Tili...
Liquid Amber (American sweetgum)
Created by pdelmo
Liquid Amber yellow early fall tree by pdelmo We have a lot of these trees in Australia and we call them Liquid Ambers so thats what i named it :D Game Stats Tris 774 Texture D&A at 512x512 Nice size and perfect LOD Life Stats: Liquidambar styraciflua Amer...
Azalea Bushes
Created by MrMaison
Azalea Bushes by MrMaison Add more color to your landscapes with this 6 pack of generic Azalea bushes. These bushes are versatile and can be used for hedges too. STATS: All 6 bushes are 144 tris each with 1024 textures Strong Suggestions Tree LOD Fix by TP...
Cherry Blossom
Created by MrMaison
Cherry Blossom by MrMaison Introducing a Cherry Blossom to celebrate this spring season! This flowering tree type is very popular in Japan and around the world. There are many species and I do plan on making more in the future. I could not choose which one...
Train-Metro Hub Liège-Guillemins
Created by Nickayz
This station has four train tracks. It is a variation of my Liège-Guillemins Train Station. This one has three underground metro stations in addition. A smaller version can be found here: Liège-Guillemins Train-Metro Hub (small) Liège-Guillemins is a train...
Straddle Carrier (Large Version) Prop
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
This is Originally created by cyricc who did the original container assets. I wanted to continue to use his creation for my own container props but it was too small for what I made so I decided to extract the model and change the size a little bit to match...
Real Containers Prop 4
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Real Containers Prop 4 by Shroomblaze Total Tris = 326 2048 x 1024 Maps Lod Tris = 114 128 x 128 Maps
Advanced Cargo Train Station 2
Created by Populous
Advanced Cargo Train Station 2 by Populous This is a working Cargo Station with a light Traffic Sponge system to make in and out traffic more realistic. Traffic will drive in, turn right to enter tunnel and exit the opposite tunnel making this, an extremel...
DB Central Station Props [Set]
Created by Titan
This is a set of different platform props 8 platform props to bring life to your station. All of these props follow a design used by the DB (Deutsche Bahn), the German rail operator, on their main and central station. A ticket machine A ticket validator A ...
Modern Lighting Pack - 2020 Edition
Created by GCVos
This pack adds 27 new street lights and lamps to your game. These props can be used for assets and can be placed ingame using Network Skins 2 and More Beautification. Content as of May 2020: + Suspended Street Light + Suspended Avenue Light + Stainless Str...
Train Station Display (single)
Created by boformer
Train Station Display (single) by boformer This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ...
Train Station Display (dual)
Created by boformer
Train Station Display (dual) by boformer This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ...
Train Station Timetable
Created by boformer
"All information is supplied without guarantee." This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ...
Tomashavn Train Station (4-track)
Created by Ionwind
It's a contemporary and imaginary train station with 4 tracks, made for my city of Tomashavn that I haven't been able to develop since I've been busy creating assets for it. Background So I needed a train station with about 6 to 8 tracks. And the station h...
Metro Station Schloßstraße Berlin
Created by SvenBerlin
Metro Station Schloßstraße Berlin by SvenBerlin This is a replica of the Metro Station Schloßstraße in Berlin-Steglitz not 100% but similar. In this package is a sign prop included, which you can use with Procedural Objekt mod, to rename this station. Ther...
Ceiling Light
Created by ManuRamos
Ceiling Light I implemented this lamp to be able to use it in my pedestrian tunnels It is located 3.5m from the ground Highly recommended MOD,s: - Find It! - Prop & Treee Anarchy - Prop Precision - Move It! - Prop Snapping I...
Custom Animation Loader (CAL)
Created by boformer Buildings with custom animations! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! This mod is required for building assets with custom animations. It sets up and enables the animations of t...
PTV Myki Props
Created by hemeac
This is a small 3 piece prop pack for your train strations. This first piece is a fast Myki reader. The other two pieces are the turnstiles that are found at the larger train stations in Melbourne and consists of an end piece and a middle piece. I didn't m...
Open glass roof Metro Station
Created by potato24x7
THE ASSET IS NOT BEING MAINTAINED AND WILL NOT BE UPDATED Open glass Metro Station works with vanilla metro. Update: Fixed the bug that cims not using the station in vanilla environment. Also klyte45's Fine Road Anarchy dependency removed but still will be...
Ticket Vending Machines with Touchscreen [Pack]
Created by Polygon] Some tags: TVM, Ticket Vending Machine, Apple, Loki...
Spotlights prop pack
Created by Armesto Pack of prop spotlights. Currently using 14 vanilla effects: Upwards neutral Upwards warm Upwards cold Upwards yellow Downwards neutral Downwards warm Downwards...
Air ducts 1
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Metro - Underground Station Track #01
Created by Clus Hey all ! This is just an underground station track. It comes in the same design as my already published metro tracks. https://s...
Green Sunken Metro Station
Created by Polygon Take a ride on the green side To accelerate your cims' transition with sustainable transport - saving the environment. Earth will thank you! For train version click here. How to connect the statio...
experimental primary school实验小学
Created by 红米先生
中式实验小学,占地8X8格,64X64米,容纳1300名小学生。 模型LOD(sub):4500左右, 贴图分辨率:512X512. Chinese Experimental Primary School, covering an area of 8 × 8, 64x64 meters, accommodates 1300 primary school students. Model LOD (sub): 4500, map resolution: 512x512 ...
Bush #1 (by Breeze)
Created by Breeze
File name : Bush #1 (by Breeze) Ui priority : 370 Height :2m ~ 4m Minimum brightness : 0.4 Maximum brightness : 0.85 Tris : 160 Using texture : _a,_c,_d,_n .png (512 x 512 pixel) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------...
meadow flowers
Created by dazflint
meadow flowers by dazflint...
Research center science
Created by Storsky
Research center by Storsky This large research center will help educate the future scientist of your city. You will find it in University :) Model: 1582 tris 2048* texture Custom LOD: 260 tris 256* texture Diffuse Alpha Normal Specular illumination...
Police car prop
Created by Avanya
The default police car as a prop Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account and as such all opinions, content and contributions to the community reflect my own views and interests, and are not ...
Koban Police Box
Created by Kliekie
More service buildings! This time a small police box, as seen in Japan. It works as a small police station, it's 1/3 of the base game size so the stats are also divided by 3. Fits on a 2x2 grid, no recolors. Model: 2722 tris 1024* texture Custom LOD: 55 tr...
Drill Tower
Created by Mikan
** This asset includes only the tower shown in the above screenshots. ** Introduction This is a drill tower that can be found in fire stations in Hong Kong. In real life, this multi-storey tower simulates the environment of high-rise buildings for firefigh...
UK Garages - Pack 1
Created by rik4000
UK Garages - Pack 1 This is a small collection of 4 UK style garages that fit perfectly with the new UK Semi-detached buildings recently released. The following mods are highly recommended / essential to get the best out of these props: * Move It! * Plop T...
フェンスパック Japanese Fences Pack
Created by TOKACHI269
日本のフェンスです。まだまだ追加する予定あり。ほしいフェンスがあればコメントで教えてくれるともしかしたら作るかもしれません。 Japanese fences pack.There are plans to add more. <Contents> フェンス(1,2,3、門) ネット(白、緑) 橋 学校 線路わきの柵 ブロック(ノーマル、低、透かしブロック、門) アコーディオンフェンス 追加:ブロック2、入口、柵板杭1、2 追加2:16m ver 追加3:8m ver <Mesh info> main tri...
SAPS Ladder 6m
Created by squirrelarmyuk
SAPS Ladder 6m by squirrelarmyuk...
Fire Station Cum Ambulance Depot #1 - Hong Kong
Created by Dennie Mok Hey! Are you still finding a nice looking but high coverage fire station for your city? This is it! It's the kind of fire station you would expect in an urban setting! Not only it has a big g...
1x2 Local Fire House
Created by Useless Noodle
1x2 small fire station for local business, use to protect key buildings that's usually too far away from main road, and too expensive to place normal fire house, such as harbor, train station, airport, etc. An even smaller version of normal fire station, h...
医院急救中心 - Emergency Center Hospital
Created by fangtangdeyu
资产名称:医院急救中心 资产位置:医疗保健 简介:一栋独特的21层中型医院建筑,底部带有医疗中心,尽情去治疗你们的刁民吧,希望你会喜欢这栋建筑,欢迎点赞支持。 Asset Name: Emergency Center Hospital (医院急救中心) Asset Location: Healthcare Introduction: A unique 21 story medium-sized hospital building with a medical center at the bottom. Fe...
Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service Prop Pack
Created by Cyber Scythe X
***building not included, read description*** Details This pack includes 7 different props to add some extras details to your builds. This asset was made in conjunction with my 'Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service hub' building (as seen in the images). F...
Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service hub
Created by Cyber Scythe X
Details This asset pack contains the Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service hub (pams). This building serves as your city's medical needs as well as provide ambulance services throughout the city. This asset was made in conjunction with my 'Puntukurnu Abori...
Created by pdelmo
Juniper Not really heavy at 708tri and 512x512 texture. Nice balance of detail for the game. Will suit most builds like dark themes and temperate. Tad over scale just the way we like it Juniper small HERE
Medical Clinic - Simcity 4
Created by Kridershot Copy of Medical Clinic from Simcity 4 that was recreated pixel by pixel. I try to stick to the original model as much as possible and I hope did well. :) The building has custom props to avoid some of the ugly vanilla ones and...
Cruz Roja
Created by Checo Mx Model Information Triangles: 5,900 Vertices: 3,100 Textures: 1024 x 1024 (diffuse, illumination, specular, normal) LOD: 128x128 (diffuse, illumination,) The International Committee of the Red ...
Shanghai International Convention Center 上海国际会议中心(重置版)
Created by CM.
上海国际会议中心 by CM. 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到 You can find it in the third level special building 这算是一个炒冷饭作品,我的第四个资产就是这个建筑,但是因为我当时刚接触建模不久,受到水平上的限制,做的非常地差,所以这个是在我当时的建模基础上做出的改进,希望大家喜欢。 如果真的喜欢还望能够点个赞!谢谢! This is a piece of fried rice. My fourth asset is this building, but ...
Decorative Rollercoaster Set
Created by BadPeanut
Decorative Rollercoaster Set - A collaboration with Two Dollars Twenty, Bsquiklehausen, SvenBerlin, BadPeanut. Inspired by Two Dollars Twenty and their idea for creating a custom rollercoaster. Check out the video tutorial b...
Sleeping Beauty Castle V2.1
Created by DModels Sleeping Beauty Castle 1 building for DLC Parklife Features Area : Disneyland Park size : 12 X 11 ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Mesh Tris Texture size Sub-mesh 1/2/3/4 42017 2048 X 2048 Lod Mesh soon 512 X 512 Warning This asset has a l...
HK Pedestrian overcrossing prop
Created by XDBX
HPO by XDBX...
HK pedestrian overcrossing2
Created by XDBX
HK pedestrian overcrossing2 by XDBX 这里有五条人行天桥,这是其中的第二条,你可以在游戏在带的人行道一栏找到它们 There are five pedestrian bridges here, this is the second one, you can find them in the sidewalk of the game. 全部道路在和集中 All roads in and concentrated 港式人行天桥只包含高架和桥,地面上仍是水泥路,使用的时候请按“P...
HK Pedestrian overcrossing 港式人行道天桥 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
这里有五条人行天桥,这是其中的第一条,你可以在游戏在带的人行道一栏找到它们 There are five pedestrian bridges here, this is the first one, you can find them in the sidewalk of the game. 全部道路在和集中 All roads in and concentrated 港式人行天桥只包含高架和桥,地面上仍是水泥路,使用的时候请按“PageUp” HK pedestrian overcrossing onl...
Improved Hedges
Created by pdelmo
Lower Poly Tall hedges. Conforming Short & Long and Non conforming Short Conforming hedges same size as vanilla to use Prop it up swap hedges with prop switcher Hedge 3 C Long as hedge Hedge 3 C as short hedge 306tri and 612tri for long 1024x512 pix Custom...
Generic Tree pack
Created by Lost Gecko
Pack of 6 generic filler trees for all sorts of rural areas, highway sides or anywhere some random trees are needed. Map Theme: New Caledonia - LUTs: Cleyra/Colorful Summer Day Models main models tris: 332 - 374 - 438 - 504 - 814 - 878 textures: 512x512 (d...
Weeping Willow 3
Created by MrMaison
Weeping Willow 3 by MrMaison Introducing my 3rd new and improved Weeping Willow tree! The colors are richer for better support across LUTs. Great for parks, yards and on the shores of ponds, rivers and lakes. I just learned this tree is actually a native o...
Big Decal Water Stream
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Manicured Grass Decal
Created by Badi_Dea
Big Decal for mowed grass. 512x512 texture - Diffuse, Specular, Alpha. 16x16m (2x2 tiles), 8m slope tolerance. REQUIRES Decal Prop Fix by boformer and Ronyx69: Requested by HungryHungryCities...
Banana Tree
Created by MrMaison
Banana Tree by MrMaison Introducing a young Banana tree (not actually a tree). This is my first tropical plant. There will be another version with fruit. This Banana tree is good for making plantations as well as decorating your landscape mixing with other...
Flowery passage3
Created by vilgard92
Flowery passage 03 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night for your residents with her small river and a bridge which crosses her. Stats :Construction cost : 1500 Maintenance cost : 1...
Mixed Plant Clusters
Created by pdelmo
3 Different mixed clusters. Smaller scale for around town. Good for making gardens or over grown areas in the suburbs Clusters included Bushes 622 tri 1024x1024 texture Wild Flowers 384 tri 1024x1024 texture Wild Plants/weeds 616 tri 1024x1024 texture My T...
Decal Prop Fix (deprecated)
Created by boformer
This mod is for players who want to use decal assets with a size larger than 8x8m and/or tiled decals. Make sure that the mod is enabled! This mod does not mess with save files, simulation or the user interface. It is safe to use and can be disabled at any...
Big Decal Cobble
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Curb Props 2
Created by KingLeno
Curb Props 2 A set of planters for all your parking lots and landscaping needs. This is follow-up to the older Curb Props. Which apparently a lot of people already have. Watch the attached video to see how these compare to when I first made them. I think t...
Created by KingLeno
Pergola by KingLeno...
Flowery passage 10
Created by vilgard92
Flowery passage 10 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night. Benches, paved path are at arrangement to rest and take advantage of the peace of places. This one is the smallest : 2x4 St...
Modern Parking Garage
Created by KingLeno
Modern Parking Garage by KingLeno A modern garage with a metal facade, glass entrance, and colorful signs. 8x11 Lot, same layout as University City Parking Garage, but shorter. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me o...
Amber Arena
Created by p0ppy
Based on Stadion Energa Gdańsk , formerly known as PGE Arena Gdansk. The name Amber Arena was used during the design stage. The scale is 1:2, but IMHO this size fits rest of the buildings in CS. ...
Created by 752811818
瀑布视野 FALLS-VIEWS 幻想世界系列-瀑布视野 第六级特殊建筑 由三栋曲线建筑围绕中部瀑布核心构成 添加真实玻璃结构 additive shader 效果 高度约250m 三角形个数16000+,游戏内提示三角形数量过多,可忽略。 (The following is translated by Google....
Green Pin Oak Tree
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Experience Fall with 4 brand new colored Pin Oak Trees! I'll start off by saying that I found this great model of a pin oak on the 3D Warehouse. I then proceeded to re-work the model to get the tri count from above 2000 all the way down to 580 tris. I also...
Vent Prop 1
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
Vent 1 by ryanjamesoflondon...
8K AD Clouds Pack 02
Created by TDB
Clouds Pack for AD Cloud Replacer Express your feelings with clouds. Please keep in mind that you must subscribe to the AD Cloud Replacer mod to use this pack. For more information on using the Clouds Pack, check out AD Cloud Replacer. Source from Cloud La...
Metro Station Hub - Anno 2205
Created by DenRic
Metro Station Hub - Anno 2205 style Inspired by Train Stations CCP and Anno 2205 There has long been a desire to create or adapt buildings from Anno 22...
Metro Station Tracks Below Ground - Vanilla style set
Created by DenRic
Metro Station Tracks Below Ground - Vanilla style set For the asset creator and assets that need it Inspired by Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Train Stations Compatible with MOM inspired tracks by cylis The set contains 5 tracks: Single - varies ...
Network Skins [BETA]
Created by Chamëleon TBN Network Skins BETA This is the BETA version of the well-known Network Skins, developed by TPB and boformer. IF YOU TEST THIS PLEASE UNSUSCRIBE FROM Network Skins! Mod creators note: if you want to use the new API just look h...
[AD]Stark Tower - The Avengers
Created by Morsh
This is the Stark Tower from The Avengers and Iron Man Who wouldn't want to call Tony Stark one of his citizens? well with this building you can now! Tony is a generous man, offering many Jobs for people and adding to a stellar Skyline in your City. The Bu...
AD Cloud Replacer
Created by neinnew/네인
AD Cloud Replacer This mod has been upgraded from enabler to replacer! Now you can replace the clouds Available clouds pack in Workshop What is the AD cloud? It is old cloud that came with After Dark DLC, but disappeared due to Snowfall DLC and weather upd...
HVACR systems pack
Created by Prosper
Pack of HVACR units. It will be replenished. The LOD is autogenerated....
Modern Office
Created by KingLeno Modern Office by KingLeno Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter If you like my assets, consider showing your support by mak...
Vents Office L1 3x3 (Prop)
Created by DanDeKalb
Vents Office L1 3x3 from vanilla building...
H3 4x4 Office Skyward [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable level 3 office 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . This futuristic skyscraper reaches for the sky. Not just because of it's height but because of it's technol...
H3 4x4 Office Sphere [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable level 3 office 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . The office of tomorrow for the cities of tomorrow. Asset: - Size: 4x4 - Main Tris: 358, 512x512 - LOD Tris:...
Augustus Tower (L3 Office Growable)
Created by Visu
L3 Office Growble - complete with LoD model....
TOKYO MODE COCOON TOWER V3.0 (Growable Office)
Created by CityOfTokyo
TOKYO MODE COCOON TOWER V3.0 (Growable Office) Ver.3.0 RICO Supported. The size of the asset file is big now because texture is not compressed. If a patch is released, I update it. Difference with previous version ・ Made size of the texture half. ・ Add sea...
high rise glass office level3
Created by kenrio
building office level3 growable 4*4 very light : 581 polys 120 meters...
Quad's Banbury
Created by Quad Rioters
Be a one egg-shaped monopoly. Attribute - Office: Level 3 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 968 - LOD Tri: 266 Updates - v4: Overhauled asset. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy.
Quad's Crystallization
Created by Quad Rioters
The pure solid. Attribute - Office: Level 3 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 1866 - LOD Tri: 194 Updates - v5: Overhauled asset. - v4: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. - v3: Improved model, improved textures. Conceptual Notes - The improved version wa...
Quad's Lance
Created by Quad Rioters
Lance is the innovation of the wi-fi providing tower. Do you think your coverage is good, how about the moon? Attribute - Office: Level 3 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 2713 - LOD Tri: 204 Updates - v6: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. - v5: Improve...
Created by Reaper
First_Canadian_Place_offv1_182M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark 7920 highpoly tex resolution 1024 343 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal e...
High Office #2 by Ozo
Created by Ozoft
A 4x4 High Density Office building. - High Office - 4x4 - Level 3 - Custom Model - Tri: 600, - Texture: 1024x1024, Diffuse, Specular, Illumination - After Dark ready - Custom LOD (72 verts) & LOD textures (128x128px)....
Quad's Gameplay
Created by Quad Rioters
Is this easy mode? Attribute - Size: 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4 - Type: Zoning > Commercial High - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,600, 512x512 - LOD Tri: 182, 64x64 - Description: A downtown game center. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you an...
Burger King (Growable, 4x4)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Burger King (Growable commercial, 4x4) Description: Growable, larger version of my, for the workshop created Burger King. I do not own any rights on Burger King and have only made this for free, non-commercial public use. If you would like to have the smal...
Quad's Zircon
Created by Quad Rioters
Redefining commercial buildings as we know it. Attribute - Commercial: High, Level 3 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 598 - LOD Tri: 233 Updates - v4: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. - v3: Added night light. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comm...
Created by lopiv2
McDonalds by lopiv2 Low Commercial Growable If you like my work, please consider to donate ...
Cynth's Gas Station (Growable)
Created by Cynth
Cynth's City Gas Station (4x4 Low Commercial Growable) Grows on level 2 low commercial zones and takes 4x4 fields. Every car needs fuel! :) PLOPPABLE VERSION: Update: 12.10.15 - After Dark upd...
Quad's Citrine
Created by Quad Rioters
Hellfire summer ain't got nothing on this cooling hotel. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Commercial High - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 792, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 196, 128x128 - Description: A beach hotel. Updates - v4: Unknown origin. Don't forget ...
Prince Tower - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 H commercial
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NEW : UPDATED for After Dark Nighttime Add (some) variety to your High density Commercial zones... with the Prince Tower 20 floors 88 meters high Growable commercial. It's standing on a 4x4 parcel and is at Level 3. The building is about 970 triangles and ...
SHELL gas station growable
Created by SvenBerlin
SHELL gas station by Svenpotsdam commercial L1 4x4 growable triangles 2569 3D Shell logo takes some of them LOD 284 triangles unique version: ploppable version:
Caliban Tower (L5 Residential Growable)
Created by Visu
Highrise apartment complex - high-value real estate. Complete with LoD model for viewing at a distance....
Residential Low L5 4x4
Created by BenTracker
Residential Low L5 4x4 Growable and Ploppable RICO compatible. 1773 Tris / 1024 x 1024 px LOD: 350 Tris / 256px Inspired by Casa moderna unifamiliar...
Pegasus Plaza
Created by Visu
Level-5 Residential Growable - high-value luxury real estate.This isn't the tallest building around. But it has a lot of character, including a big rooftop pool!...
Alexandria Tower (L5 Residential Growable)
Created by Visu
Level-5 Residential Growable - luxury real estate. Complete with LoD model for viewing at a distance....
(L5 3x4) Modern Condominium
Created by Rush_Freak
A high-wealth modern condominium. (3x4 tiles, low-density residential, level 5) 2nd place winner of the Custom Building Competition, now updated for After Dark and changed to low-density by user request. Takes up the full 3 tile width and can be located si...
[AD] 2x2 LVL4 apartement by Drosovila
Created by Drosovila
A high density, Level 4, 2x2 apartement. 1600 tris, 1024x texture res, customLOD 120 tris 256x texture res....
Cynth's Pearl Tower (Residential Growable)
Created by Cynth
Cynth's Pearl Tower (3x4 / 3x3 Residential Growable) Modern panorama skyscraper for everyone who dislikes edges :) Grows on level 5 high residential zones and takes 3x3 or 3x4 fields. Version 1.4 release - mesh overhaul - texture improvements - multi color...
Polygon's Apartments #4
Created by Polygon RICO ready! This is the newest of my modern apartment buildings. You subscribe the growable and RICO version. Architecture: Residential building in Heidelberg, Germany. You can find the matching park here. Growable version hi...
Pacha Tower - Growable 4x4Lvl5 H Residential
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NOW UPDATED WITH Nightlights !! Add some variety to your High density residential zones... with the Pacha Tower 21 floors 100 meters high Growable residential. It's standing on a 4x4 parcel and is at Level 5. The building is about 1374 triangles and has a ...
Phoenix Tower - Growable 4x4Lvl5 H residential
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
I proudly present you my first released building ever... The Phoenix Tower. The tower is a 27 floors - 91 meters tall habitation building. It's standing on a 4x4 parcel and is at Level 5. The building is about 720 triangles and has a custom LOD (with custo...
12 Lane Arterial Road
Created by BadPeanut
Find me on Twitter: @CS_badpeanut I make my decision on what to create next by how popular it is on steam - RATE up each road if you like it otherwise I will presume no-one likes 64m wide roads :( And all my effort was wasted. You can rate the collection a...
Parking Lot Roads
Created by Badi_Dea
I can't drive 55 - no really, I can't, it's a parking lot... Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to several functional parking lot markers specially crafted to work with these(and other) roads. Everything in this p...
Small Inner City Metro
Created by Fishbus
Small metro station that looks real nice and city like - purdy lookin fella'. Stats: Footprint: 3x2 Cost: 20000 Upkeep: 256/week Power Usage: 400KW Water Usage: 160 Noise Pollution: 20 Noise Radius: 40 Tris: 744 Larger version:
Japan Style Elementary School 2
Created by JSF-1
The second in a series of Japan themed schools. Like the others this school is a good fit for high density neighborhoods and japan styled cities. Like the other it is also based off a real elementary school in Tokyo Japan. PS: It's fun to watch the A.I pat...
Futuristic Town University CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Town University CC Because the Future is Green and Artist create Art. Please vote or write or a comment if you like. And don't forget to download my other buildings, trees and stuff. You can see alot of them in the screenshots of this release. S...
Created by 红米先生
中式现代中学 by 红米...
Futuristic Primary School CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Primary School CC Because the Future is Green and Artist create Art. Please vote or write or a comment if you like. And don't forget to download my other buildings, trees and stuff. You can see alot of them in the screenshots of this release. Se...
Japanese High School
Created by Ronyx69
Very simple japanese high school. Stats probably the same as vanilla high school. This asset is quite old, but I had never released it. The building doesn't fit in 16x8 properly, so it overlaps the road a bit Just move it or delete the road. Main: 6146 tri...
State Gymnasium
Created by Valex 10x13 High School by Valex based on "Horoschool" Horoshevskaya Gymnasium (Moscow, Russia)
Futuristic Fire Station (Tuas View) CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Fire Station CC The Idea of this Building is based on the "Tuas View Fire Station" from Singapore ( ). And because the Future is Green and Artist create Art. Can you see the "hidden" symbolic Firefig...
Created by eligios⚡
White-metal fins form abstract exterior of Büro Ziyu Zhuang's Chamber Church German-Chinese architecture practice Büro Ziyu Zhuang has completed a church in Qingdao, China, featuring walls an...
Quad's Destination
Created by Quad Rioters
C'Est La Vie Attribute - Deathcare: Crematorium - 8x8 - Tri: 458 - LOD Tri: 88 - Description: A high-tech deathcare till the end of time. Updates - v3: Overhauled asset, Adjusted stats. Stats - Cost: 100000 - Upkeep: 1280/week - Workers: 10/20/10/5 - Buria...
Metropol Hospital {AD}
Created by andysave92
Metropol Hospital by andysave92 Cost: 80.000 Number of patients: 1500 Alternative +++Version After Dark+++ ______________________________________________ If you like the model - donate of more...
Biohazard Research Center [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Biohazard Research Center 75 ambulances, being able to treat 800 patients. Building with 3 parts in specific shape builds around a central staircase with a glass transparent cage. A road allows to enter directly the building (who can be equipped with a bus...
Long Lines Building
Created by Domattee
Long Lines Building 5x8 Footprint. The side with the low wall has a hidden pedpath that will connect to roads to the front and rear of the building. Found under Garbage (yes, it's a landfill (no, irl it's not a landfill)) 2705 Tris 1k textures Custom LOD, ...
Created by :)
Recycling-Solarpower-Center orginalobject by "shimmy" Stats(Hard-mod): Garbage Capacity: 580.000 Process Rate: 24.000 Power-generation: 2 KW Costs: 25 000,- € Upkeep: 1180,- € / week Power-usage: 0 KW H²O-usage: 304 m³ Pollution: 5 (radius 20) Noise: 40 (r...
Recycling Plant
Created by Jave
The Recycling plant works slower than the incinerator and it does not generate electricity. However, it does not create any pollution, making it an excellent choise to extend the reach of garbage handling into even the largest of cities. Cost: 20000 Upkeep...
Spectra Garbage Atomizer [Garbage] AD Ready
Created by Spectra ST Garbage Atomizer by bullettMAGNETT Info: 726 Tris 1024x1024 maps Size 6x7 tiles Press Release: ""Spectra Technologies Inc. Spectra Technologies proudly introduces...
AQ Dome Water Pumping Station
Created by creepyeyes
AQ Enterprises is proud to offer your city their state of the art ground-water pumping stations. These bad boys are the next generation in state-of-the-art water pumping, and have quadruple the output of the those water towers of yesteryear. The AQ Dome Wa...
HxO Water Treatment Pump
Created by gido505
Model : 1308 tris . lod 532 tris . 2x8 Texture Maps : color . diffuse . normal . specular . 1024 . lod 128 This asset will function as a water tower and a water treatment plant. And it produces garbage thus requires road access and needs for the garbage tr...
National Taichung Theater
Created by bartz!
The National Taichung Theater is an opera house from my home city - Taichung (the third largest city in Taiwan). The building was designed by Japanese architect Toyo Ito. The opera house will officially open in 2016. ● 20473 tris custom model ● Custom LOD ...
Tennis club
Created by Tomas13TO
Tennis club for your city. INFO maps - d,n,s,a,i (1024x1024) triangles - 1738 LOD triangles - 87 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks ...
Created by 小乎乎
该立交由原版游戏自带的单车道与三车道高速公路,六车道绿化带公路,双车道普通公路制作而成。 如果你拥有公共交通DLC,可以将双车道普通路升级为双向高速公路。 如果觉得还不错,麻烦帮忙点个赞👍点点收藏⭐,你的支持就是我继续更新的动力。 小乎乎游戏交流QQ群:772021579 It is made up of the game's own single-lane and three-lane highways and Six - lane green belt road and two - lane ordin...
三向喇叭立交 Three-way high-speed interchange
Created by 小乎乎
该立交由原版游戏自带的单车道与三车道高速公路制作而成。 如果觉得还不错,麻烦帮忙点个赞👍点点收藏⭐,你的支持就是我继续更新的动力。 游戏交流QQ群:772021579 It is made up of the game's own single-lane and three-lane highways. You don't need additional DLC or road assets to use it. If you like it, please give me a thumbs-up👍....
Created by 小乎乎
该高架上下口由原版游戏自带的单车道与三车道高速公路以及普通双向单车道制作而成。 订阅Network Extension 2后可将外侧单车道升级为双车道,中间的坡道升级为双向单车道高速公路。 如果觉得还不错,麻烦帮忙点个赞👍点点收藏⭐,你的支持就是我继续更新的动力。 游戏交流QQ群:310833313...
Created by 小乎乎
Created by 小乎乎
高速V型接口 by 小乎乎...
Created by 小乎乎
运用苜蓿叶立交的原理,左转右转直行分流,大小为30U。 该立交由游戏自带的绿化带六车道公路以及双车道公路,四车道公路建设而成。 无需dlc,无需道路资产 需要订阅TMPE,因为我已经将车道限制画好。 如果需要实现图片中的美观效果,则需要订阅intersection marking tool 点赞满25出新立交!!! It is made up of the game's own...
三向变体喇叭式立交 Three-way high-speed interchange
Created by 小乎乎
该立交由原版游戏自带的单车道与三车道高速公路制作而成。 如果觉得还不错,麻烦帮忙点个赞👍点点收藏⭐,你的支持就是我继续更新的动力。 游戏交流QQ群:772021579 It is made up of the game's own single-lane and three-lane highways. You don't need additional DLC or road assets to use it. If you like it, please give me a thumbs-up👍....
The Humble T-Bone (Service Interchange)
Created by Impact
ATTENTION: Since the last patch, sometimes you can't plop the interchanges with the embankments / hills (like the pictures). If it does not plop it like in my pictures (it looks good with bridges as well), subscribe to Fine Road Tool in order to fix it. Th...
3 way interchange #10 (two level)
Created by 3nƒ0я¢3я
3 way interchange #10 (two level) Cost: 13,340 Upkeep: 143 / week -> mirror version <-...
Smooth Tunnel Sharp Exit -Z-
Created by Zakerias
The Smooth Highway Set holds all the highway intersections that I have used in my maps. They are slighty more polished then on the maps. Whenever I make a new piece it will be added here. Let me know if there are any issues with these items in the comments...
3 way interchange #9 (two level)
Created by 3nƒ0я¢3я
3 way interchange #9 (two level) Cost: 23,270 Upkeep: 255 / week...
Modified T-Bone Interchange
Created by Soruvisu
Modified T-Bone Interchange by Soruvisu...
Parclo AB (NE2)
Created by GivenchY
Realistic Parclo AB by GivenchY Parclo AB is a variation of partial cloverleaf interchanges, service interchanges that have medium capacity. Recommond to use in rural area. It's a realistic build in Nesselwang, Germany. The intersection should be placed on...
3 way interchange #2
Created by 3nƒ0я¢3я
3 way interchange #2 (three level) Cost: 58,310 Upkeep: 615 / week...
Centre Videotron - Quebec (Canada) [DLC CAMPUS]
Created by _luminou_
Centre Videotron - Quebec (Canada) The Centre Vidéotron is a sports centre located in Quebec City on the "Expocité" site in the borough of "La Cité-Limoilou", just next to the "Colisée de Québec". Its construction took place from 2012 to 2015; it was inaug...
PWC Tower Madrid
Created by BenTracker
PWC Tower Madrid The Torre PwC, formerly Torre Sacyr Vallehermoso, is a 52-floor, 236-metre-tall (774 ft) skyscraper, completed in 2008, located in Madrid, Spain. Torre PwC is one of four buildings in the Cuatro Torres Business Area. It was designed by Car...
Turning Torso updated for AD
Created by ArakanI
Turning Torso as a unique building....
Metropolitan Hospital
Created by hqsouza
Building based in the Barreiro Metropolitan Hospital from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The public hospital was recently openned. The stats are the same as the ones from the in game hospital. Lot size: 12x7. The model has 3092 triangles with diffuse, specular, a...
Urban Elementary School
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -Construction Cost: 20000 -Maintenance Cost: 1000 -Student count: 1000 -Overall higher stats than the big vanilla school -Ploppable elementary school -custombuilding, model and textures done by m...
University Main Campus
Created by jens
Here we go, a new university building. It's meant to be the core of a campus although it has the same capacity as the default one it hat a much more representative character. It looks a bit like a parliament but no, its meant to be a university :) Info: ca...
Fire Station 17
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, frechly exported from Blender and imported to Cities Skylines Asset Editor. Enjoy the matching Fire Station according to my Fire Department. Have fun! You like my assets and want to support my work? That's cool! Thank you. PayPal About the as...
Police Station
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, for all who like my Police Headquarters, I made a matching Police Station. I used the texture sheet of the Police HQ, so this one is also made for fans of 4K assets. Have fun! You like my assets and want to support my work? That's cool! Thank...
Airport Roads
Created by SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) Fixed version of Runways and Taxiways mod. Adds runways and taxiways to the airport menu. Runway has the same cost as Highway road. Taxiway has the same cost as Small road. This mod doesn't change the p...
First Person Camera - Continued v3.1.3.1 (STABLE)
Created by Will
From v3.1.3 on, there will be a very self-evident notification to help you fix the camera stuck to the ground issue by clicking "Quick Fix". Please UNSUBSCRIBE the incompatible mods listed in the pinned discussion "Mod Compatibility" before subscribing to ...
Solstice Map Theme
Created by neinnew/네인
Solstice Map Theme Temperate theme based on bright summer Information most textures are 2048x screenshot was taken with some visual mod. Relight (see screenshot) Ultimate Eyecandy *Global light 6.0 *Tonemapping off Render It - day *Neutral Color Grading on...
FPS Booster
Created by Krzychu1245
Increases in-game frame rate, but... results may vary because there are many factors like CPU/GPU speed, RAM usage, current in-game scene complexity etc. Disclaimer: you need good and efficient GPU cooling, because this mod may force your GPU run at full s...
郑州摩天轮 Zhengzhou Ferris wheel
Created by Mr. Dragons
郑州摩天轮 Zhengzhou Ferris wheel 12 月 18 日 下午 6:25 更新了贴图的大小,灯光的设置。 在此之前已订阅的市长们,需要取消订阅,再重新订阅,会更新到最新版本。 资产详情 格子:13×5(Width×Length) 用电量:10(Electricity Consumption) 施工成本:1000(Construction Cost) 维护成本:100(Maintenance Cost) 污水:10(Sewage Accumulation) 用水:10(Water Cons...
Lighting set照明灯具组合套装1
Created by 魔芋爽
照明灯具组合套装1 by 无番和 照明灯具组合套装1内包含四个灯具: 立式灯柱(小)、立式灯柱(大)、单侧球场照明灯和双侧球场照明灯。 均采用低面模型,因此细节并不多,附带了LOD模型。 订阅后你可以在公园分类-其他物品中找到它们。 —————— Lighting set 1 contains four items: Vertical lamp post (small), vertical lamp post (large), court lighting(one side) and court light...
Created by 魔芋爽
中式学校操场-重置版 by 无番和 中式学校操场贴图重置版,更新了更加真实的贴图。 过去的版本在原版滤镜下饱和度过高了,显得和城市格格不入。这是重置贴图后的版本,欢迎大家订阅使用! 包含主席台、观礼台、400m标准田径跑道、标准足球场。通常我们将这个放置在中学或大学中,因为这么大的跑道和球场对于小学生来说太大了。 订阅后你可以在“公园”目录下找到它。 注意,你需要同时订阅我之前发布的资产“照明灯具组合套装1”才能正常使用其照明用品。 —————— Chinese school playground rese...
Roof Objects Pack 屋顶填缝套装
Created by XDBX
by XDBX ------------------------------------------ All 26 objects -5 Air Conditionings -5 Electric box -4 Antennas -2 powerrooms -2 radars -2 water tanks -3 Signal towers -1 roof -1 lightning rod -1 Steel plate ------------------------------------------ mo...
中式公安局, Chinese police station
Created by RAY
中式公安局, Chinese police station 中国天际线资产总部(China 中式公安局, Chinese police station 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 『han823zhi』 独资订制,LANXUEJS制作。 目前中国北京项目-北京CBD建筑合集资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 有兴趣的小伙伴...
上海交银金融大厦 Bank of communications
Created by CM.
上海交银金融大厦 Bank of communications by CM. 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到 You can find it in the third level of special buildings 此建筑是我在作者joues的原版交通银行大厦建模上做的一些修改,由于是从游戏中导出的模型,模型面数过多,很多地方对我而言实在无法理解,又出现了类似于镜像的建筑翻转,无奈之下就删除了裙楼,便只修改了贴图,重做了lod,并做了夜景。 This building is some modifica...
Created by 旋转的喷火龙
旋转的高速出入口-2 by 旋转的喷火龙...
Created by 旋转的喷火龙
旋转的高速出入口(改版) by 旋转的喷火龙...
ACME 0.6.5
Created by algernon A camera mod, with new features being added. New in 0.6 Customizable shadow calculation parameters - distance and sharpness. Stepped rotation hotkeys at 15-degree increments: Control-X and Control-Y (Shift to reverse directi...
Fern - TPB Nature Series
Created by Katalepsis
798 Tris 1024x512 texture. No dirt patch at base when plopped. Credit and many thanks for these beautiful models and textures goes to Nobiax, thank you for letting me use your models man. Ported and modded by me. HD Screenshot by Jenkins. Donations always ...
Paris Metro 2
Created by Gèze
Informations: This is a Parisian Metro entrance based on the station Abbesses. It's a beautiful example of Art Nouveau entrance designed by Hector Guimard. At 36m under the ground, it's the deepest metro station in the city. (In game it's default 9m). The ...
Regular bushes
Created by pdelmo
3 pack small tri 116 medium tri 358 large tri 818 textures are d,c,a @256x256 snowfall...
Joak's Parasol
Created by Polygon
This is just another modern looking parasol for more variety in game....
Canary Island Date Palm
Created by MrMaison
Canary Island Date Palm by MrMaison I present to you a Canary Island Date Palm tree. This is good for decoration and any tropical scenes. This is a 2 piece set including small and tall versions. I plan to make other types of Date palm trees in the future. ...
Acacia Tree
Created by MrMaison
Acacia Tree by MrMaison This is a generic Acacia tree, a first of my acacia series. I actually arived at this trying to make a Monkeypod tree. There are many species in the acacia species family from Africa to Australia mainly in tropical to subtropical cl...
Table 01
Created by Valex Table 01 by Valex...
Vent prop 5 (Rotates)
Created by Avanya
A rotating rooftop vent prop. Model Tris: 208 Texture: 128x128 LOD Tris: 72 Texture: 32x32 Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account and as such all opinions, content and contributions to the ...
Keymark Hotel - L3 4x3 High Commercial
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Greetings Skyliners. Some of you have asked me tu update 8bitwonder's very good looking Keymark Hotel. Here's a link to the original : It was missing nightlights and a custom LOD (well even s...
Road Trees Pack 1
Created by Gabrielium
A pack of trees that would be typically found on roads. Contains three trees of varying heights, all of which share textures (will use ~5mb). Tree 1 is the tallest, tree 3 is the shortest. All of them use uncompressed 1kx512 textures. Thanks to Gèze for te...
(RICO) Luxury Office with Shops
Created by Meteor Daddy
This is a RICO of Luxury Office with Shops by Vexcarius Only 600+ Tris...
Lounge Furniture Pack
Created by Polygon This pack contains four modern outdoor furniture props. I think there is not much modern furniture to find yet. So I was encouraged to create some for my new apartment building. Note: the last four pictures are blender renders....
[RICO] Blue Wave Hotel by Vexcarius
Created by Meteor Daddy
THUMBS UP AND RATE IF YOU LIKE IT Blue Wave Hotel by Vexcarius Tris: Only 853+ 16x8 building How about modern style hotel with pools and relaxation areas? ENJOY! Please Support me :D If you're feeling a bit generous, I wouldn't refuse a cup of coffee or so...
House in Chinese old downtown 4
Created by Adonis
These are two adjacent 2-story private houses, with an herbal tea store underneath....
Palm Tree by pdelmo
Created by pdelmo
Low poly palm modeled after a cocos palm stats & info polygons 111 Texture D&A @ 512x512 Not too tall and low size variation for liines of palms...
JPPO Roof Props
Created by Ronyx69
Includes an AC, an electricity box and a vent. Made for the Japanese Post Office. Very generic, can be used for whatever you want. Main: 110 - 386 tris 512x256 LOD: 10 - 22 tris Twitch YouTube...
Flower-Red (3 of 7) (by Breeze)
Created by Breeze
Updates @ Fixing the size of the flower to 1.8 m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name : Flower-Red (by Breeze) Ui priority : 333 Height : Only 1.8 m Tris : 40 ----------------------------------...
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 4 antennas. Found in industrial props. Originally made for the japanese fire department, but usable for anything. Main: 59 - 150 tris 64x256 LOD: 8 - 12 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Ass...
ploppable surface pack 1-5
Created by Sparks
ploppable surface pack 1-5 by Sparks 'Decal compatible props' Mod required ploppable asphalt plus prop anarchy prop snapping move it procedural objects (surface 1 and 6 are ...
ploppable surface pack 6-10
Created by Sparks
ploppable surface pack 6-10 by Sparks 'Decal compatible props' Mod required ploppable asphalt plus prop anarchy prop snapping move it procedural objects (surface 1 and 6 are...
Executive Hotel
Created by Alvin
Note: This asset does not have proper lighting texture / lights. Unfortunately I don't have the resources to update this model anymore. ====================================== Executive Hotel by x3 This is an original skyscraper model. A tall, five-star lux...
3 Way Interchange + Urban Entrance/Exit
Created by agusingnavy
3 Way Interchange + Urban Entrance/Exit by agusingnavy Currently I increased the distance between the two highways to 10/12 cells instead of 4 because this way I have more options to add on/off ramps and make larger and more complex interchanges in-game, a...
blackwiddow's Spiral Highway Exit
Created by blackwiddow
Spiral Highway Exit by blackwiddow Left Hand Drive version here: All my assets can be found here: Designed to...
Timboh's Compact Stack Interchange
Created by Timboh
EDIT: The Compact Stack has become sort of... obselete. Since the Stack Interchange got its facelift, it has actually become more compact than the "compact" one. So, uh... Rest in pepperoni, Compact Stack? If you thought the original stack was clever, then...
Timboh's T-Bone Interchange
Created by Timboh
Placeholder Description...
Timboh's A-Trumpet Interchange
Created by Timboh
Mirrored Version: Let's take a break from all the 4-ways and move on to some 3-way interchanges, and is there any better way to start then with a trumpet interchange. In real life, this is by ...
Timboh's Dual Trumpet Interchange
Created by Timboh
Now this is a strange one! The dual trumpet is... Well, it's two trumpets put together! And the chance to find one in the real world is pretty small. If I remember correctly, there are only five of these in the world. I could be wrong,but I know atleast th...
Timboh's B-Trumpet Interchange
Created by Timboh
Mirrored Version: Let's take a break from all the 4-ways and move on to some 3-way interchanges, and is there any better way to start then with a trumpet interchange. In real life, this is by ...
Timboh's Cloverleaf Interchange
Created by Timboh
A more realisticly designed cloverleaf interchange than the vanilla one, with parallel ramps improving the capacity of the cloverleaf. It's probably the most common interchange in the world due to its low cost, but they are generally considered obselete in...
Timboh's Windmill Interchange
Created by Timboh
There's something about the shape of this interchange that makes me giggle. I don't know what it is, but it looks awesome anyway! Windmill Interchanges seem to be completely forgotten by the world; I've honestly never seen one that still exist. Wikipedia l...
Timboh's Clovermill Interchange
Created by Timboh
Clovermill? Cloverleafmill? Windleaf? Two-level Cloverleaf Windmill Hybrid... thingy... Meh, I'll go with Clovermill. It doesn't seem like this interchange has a specific name except being a cloverleaf/windmill hybrid, so I just made one up! These intercha...
Timboh's Turbine Interchange
Created by Timboh
Looking for a turbine with U-turns? Check out grimarchangel's version: The first interchange in my collection, and my favorite! I mean, just look at it! The spiral ramp pattern is almost mesme...
Marriott logo pack
Created by SvenBerlin
Marriott logo pack by SvenBerlin
Marriott Den Haag (Hotels DLC)
Created by macluk
Marriott Den Haag Hotel by SvenBerlin with the original model here, now available for the Hotels & Retreats DLC. It's got its own settings, not from any template. And I took some liberty and changed its colour map so the colour variation is a little more d...
Sheraton Luxury Hotel
Created by _luminou_
Sheraton Luxury Hotel Contain all texture and LOD file, no color change DLC Hotel & Retreats required Available in workshop DLC "Airports" version Unique Building version Triangles: 8.050 / 484 Texture: 1024² / 512x256 Hey, haters and downvoters ; ) see yo...
Campus Indoor Stadium [DLC Campus]
Created by _luminou_
Campus Indoor Stadium Copy without Logo of the "US Bank Stadium - Minnesota Vikings" Adapted for the DLC "CAMPUS" (Some elements change color) Don't forget to rate the model ; ) Small click for you, great visibility for the community !! Campus - Varsity Sp...
Library of NFU
Created by JenkinsLiu
南京林业大学新图书馆,在校园DLC中用于大学图书馆。 This asset is the Library of Nanjing Forestry University (NFU) ,and used as the University Library in Campus DLC . 本资产需订阅“Additive Shader”。 This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 无DLC版本地址: Non Campus DLC version: https://stea...
Family Dollar
Created by KingLeno
Family Dollar by King Leno Family Dollar Stores Inc. is an American variety store chain in the United States. With over 8,000 locations in all states except Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington, it is the second largest retailer of its type in the United ...
Park Tile Decals
Created by KingLeno
a collection of tile decals using a combination of the vanilla tile texture, boformer's paving ground texture, and a random brick texture from which also happens to be another of boformer's decals only lighter. 1. 4m x 8m mixed striped texture...
MAC Cosmetics
Created by KingLeno
MAC Cosmetics by King Leno Huge thanks to Ronyx69 and sharing his Apple store which was used to create the glass windows. Model Triangles 831 Texture 512x512 d,n,I,s Lot size 2 x 3 RICO Low d...
Gula's A1A Car Wash (3x4 Growable)
Created by Gula
Gula's A1A Car Wash from Breaking Bad Updated for After Dark (3x4 Growable) Level 1 Commercial Low Density "Have an A1 day!" 2237 Tris 88 Tris LOD 1k Texture resolution -------
Prefab Hook (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer
This mod is used as a bridge between different mods (for better compatibility). Using Harmony for redirection. Note: If you are a mod creator, consider using Harmony instead to add prefixes/postfixed to InitializePrefab! This mod was created before the exi...
Quad's Sanctuary Basin
Created by Quad Rioters
Going mobile. Attribute - 8x8 (Coastal) - Harbor - Tri: 1333 - LOD Tri: 206 - Description: A visual entrance/exit for the city canal and a slick and high-tech seaport. Updates - v2: Improved models and textures. Stats - Cost: 80000 - Upkeep: 960/week - Wor...
Riverport (1:1)
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, my dear subscribers and all fans of Cities: Skylines! This is my new project of a harbor called Riverport. It’s a model of the harbor building of Khanty-Mansiysk (Russia)’s port. It’s located on the bank of Irtysh river. Its distinctive silhouette h...
Modern Train Station
Created by Tomcat
New train station with default settings. For more ingame images: UPDATE 2 (6.10.2015) Pedestrian entrances are changed because of problems. Now people only use FRONT entrance (side with parking area) other entrance is removed. So y...
Old Brick Station by Bad Peanut [Modular]
Created by BadPeanut
This is a modular central train terminal consisting of two assets: Module 1 and Module 2 Left. No mods are required for this to work. Keep reading the description if you have any issues before you post a stupid comment :P If you would like to use this stat...
Set of Bypass Station Tracks
Created by BadPeanut
This is a set of bypass train station tracks. Ground and Elevated. To be used by creators (stop trying to use them as normal players then b i t c hing about it not working, seriously for god's sake) to make their own bypass stations, and to be subscribed b...
ticket machine Deutsche Bahn Fahrkartenautomat
Created by SvenBerlin
ticket machine Deutsche Bahn by Svenpotsdam triangles 154 Lod 26 If you like my assets you can support me with a donation. Thanks a lot.
Polygon's Train Station (4 tracks)
Created by Polygon This is a modern train station with 4 train tracks. I wanted to create a station where you can watch people going to another platform so far as possible. Check out the 2-track version. Special thanks to BloodyPengiun for his he...
Modular Through Station | Modern Central | BadPeanut
Created by BadPeanut
Now with a transparent roof! No Mods are required - Don't forget to Rate up if you like it! This is a modular through station consisting of three assets: Module 1 Metro, Module 2 and Module 3 Busport. No mods are required for this to work. Keep reading the...
2 Platforms Parallel (4 Tracks) Metro Station (parallel to entrance)
Created by Cyterion
This is a metro station with 2 parallel platforms. Tracks are parallel to the entrance. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosing the tracks. The station is a refresh of my ol...
Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.1
Created by macsergey Overview This mod allow to select certain platform for public transport with pressing Shift it is revisited version of BloodyPenguin's mod Main changes Plazas & Promenades DLC support. Support If you have any problems with m...
2 Platforms Parallel (4 Tracks) Metro Station (orthogonal to entrance) | fits on vanilla station
Created by Cyterion
This is a metro station with 2 parallel platforms. Tracks are orthogonal to the entrance. You can replace the standard metro station with this station. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shi...
Custom Effect Loader
Created by boformer
This mod is required for props and vehicles with custom light effects. It sets up and enables the effects on level load. Just install and enable the mod and enjoy the lights :) Cool assets with custom effects! Get them! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.n...
Cynth's Modern Subway Station (deprecated)
Created by Cynth
!This asset recives no further updates and support! /// Compatibility for any DLC andOr Addon since After Dark isn't guaranteed \\\ Get the updated version from Jiangtan of the Modern Subway Station here:
Quad's Cosmopolitan
Created by Quad Rioters
I was so close to hit the road. Attribute - Size: 3x6 - Type: Metro - Subway Station - Main Tri: 722, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 116, 128x128 - Description: An urban subway station. Stats - Cost: 30,000 - Upkeep: 320/week - Workers: 4/8/6/2 - Pollution: None - S...
Simple Inner City Metro
Created by Fishbus
Simple metro station that looks real nice and city like - purdy lookin fella'. Stats: Footprint: 2x2 Cost: 18500 Upkeep: 272/week Power Usage: 352KW Water Usage: 128 Noise Pollution: 30 Noise Radius: 50 Larger version:
Inner City Metro
Created by Fishbus
Larger metro station that looks real nice and city like - purdy lookin fella'. Stats: Footprint: 10x2 Cost: 27500 Upkeep: 240/week Power Usage: 560KW Water Usage: 240 Noise Pollution: 10 Noise Radius: 30 Tris: 944 Smaller version:
Kliekie - Wahroonga Elementary School
Created by Kliekie
We need more schools! Here, have a lovely, VERY colorful school.. fits a 3x3 grid which means it can hold less students, but it makes it also cheaper then the base school. It's compatible for After Dark so it will light up at night and a custom LOD is also...
Police Station (medium-sized)
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, you don't want to place small police stations everywhere to your city? And having more than one police department makes no sense to you? Then this medium-sized police station may be a solution. My plan for this asset was to give a police stat...
V- Cemetery -V
Created by Vander
The Cemetery : Inspired by the Victorian era, the roof "glas" rather something modern. The building is more expensive, but you get more service. Triangels : 4.738 - 533 "AFTER DARK - optimized" 12x12 Cost: 35000 Maintenance: 768 per week ------------------...
Lifecenter Hospital
Created by hqsouza
A modern hospital complex with clinics, laboratories, emergency and specialized care. The building is based in a hospital from the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, the Life Center Hospital built in 2000. It is located in the healthcare menu. The stats are s...
Doctor's Office
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, I wanted to create some assets with interior, because using the advantage of transparency is such a cool thing. It's a way to give Cities Skylines assets a bit more depth. I know it increases the tris count and it needs additional texture map...
Quad's Crucible
Created by Quad Rioters
Scrape! Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Disposal Utility - Incinerator - Main Tri: 3,438, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 115, 128x128 - Description: A high-tech disposal facility. Stats - Cost: 70,000 - Upkeep: 2,880/week - Workers: 20/20/10/10 - Collecting Radius: 2,...
Piles of garbage
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A small pack of 3 piles of garbage ideal for any landfill! For better blended edges use my garbage decal. An actual working landfill is on its way too, but these were finished first. :) They all share textures and...
BTB City Recycle
Created by BachToBaroque
Welp I got bored and started to doodle with assets again. Here's a mid sized recycling center suitable for low population cities. Unrealisticaly clean super-efficient, low noise/power/water consumption, and cheap to build. Basic Stats: Size - 10 x 8 Cost -...
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on It's a clarifier - not much more to say about it. :P It isn't modelled after one specific clarifier, unlike most of my buildings in this collection. It creates noise pollution and garbage to mimic the smell and sl...
Mini Water Pumping Station
Created by Fishbus
Mini Water Pumping Station: The cutest of water utilities provides the perfect way to start any would-be city. Stats: Footprint: 2x3 Cost: 1200 Upkeep: 160/week Pumping Capacity: 44800/week Power Usage: 128KW Noise Pollution: 20 Noise Radius: 40...
Large Water Pumping Station
Created by Fishbus
Large Water Pumping Station: The perfect solution for serving large volumes of water to your citizens. Stats: Footprint: 8x6 Cost: 17500 Upkeep: 560/week Pumping Capacity: 384000/week Power Usage: 960KW Noise Pollution: 50 Noise Radius: 110 ---------- 大型抽水...
Solar panel array
Created by Jerenable
Solar panel array by Jerenable This is an electricity producing building and can be found you know where :3 These panels are modeled after real solar panels and have an apprpopriate ammount of energy generation to reality (maybe not the game) but who gives...
Rooftop Hvac System A
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Rooftop Hvac System A by Shroomblaze Main Model = 204 Tris 512x512 Textures D,N,S Lod Model = 80 Tris 64x64 Textures D,N,S
Doel Nuclear Power Plant
Created by Ronyx69
Doel Nuclear Power Plant - Belgium Includes a main building set, 12 individual buildings and 5 props. The big building is a power plant, all the others are decoration buildings. The big building requires a road connection, so drag a road to the main big ga...
Ability to Read
Created by REV0
Only modders will understand. Feel free to use in your mods as a required item. Provides 10K entertainment bonus. Only visible in Asset Editor....
Sub-Buildings Enabler (DEPRECATED)
Created by boformer
This mod is now deprecated! The game developers added official support for sub buildings in the asset editor! Sub-buildings are separate building assets which can be used to create assets which are larger than 16x8. For example, the feature is used by the ...
Modern Art Plaza
Created by Fishbus
Gaze upon the modern art. Try to analyze the modern art. Get frustrated at the modern art and go home. Modern art! Stats: Size: 6x6 Cost: 5500 Maintenance cost: 60 Tourist draw: 60 Ent Accum: 150 Ent Radius: 300...
Aqua Fun Park
Created by bennymedia
Aqua Fun Park by bennymedia (Updated V 1.3, ready for After Dark) The Aqua Fun Park provides huge bathing and swimming fun for everyone. Aqua Fun Park Park Info:13x8 plots Construction cost : 9500 Maintenance cost : 220 Electricity consumption : 5 Garbage:...
Sunken Plaza
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A modern, sunken, city plaza for your citizens to enjoy. Size:4x4 Cost: 1000 Maintenance cost: 100 Tourist draw: 50 Ent Accum: 100 Ent Radius: 400 Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion...
Track and field
Created by Tomas13TO
Athletics events for your Cims. INFO maps - d,n,s,i (2048x1024) triangles - 5644 LOD triangles - 96 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 12x8 ...
上海明天广场(shanghai tomorrow square)
Created by CM.
无裙楼(No podium) 你可以在六级建筑中找到它。You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 明天广场位于上海市南京西路399号,南京西路与黄陂北路口。基地总面积约664平方米。总建筑面积127400平方米,建筑总高度283米,地下3层,地上58层,总投资约28亿人民币。既有商业用房、公寓,酒店、商场、风味餐厅又有会议中心及宴会厅和健康设施,五十七至五十八层还设置为总统套房。是上海第六高的摩天大楼。地上60层,地下3层,高约2...
Nanjing Zifeng tower紫峰大厦
Created by York Lee
绿地广场·紫峰大厦(Greenland Square Zifeng Tower)简称紫峰大厦或紫峰,位于南京市鼓楼区鼓楼广场,是江苏第1、中国第6、世界第10高楼。(截至2016年8月)。 紫峰大厦东至中央路,西至北京西路,周边区域有玄武湖、北极阁、鼓楼、明城墙等历史文物古迹;该地段是南京主城区的中心点及城市的制高点,周边远景尽收眼底:东可眺望紫金山、西可望长江、南有雨花台、北有幕府山。 中文名称:绿地广场·紫峰大厦 外文名称 Greenland Square Zifeng Tower 地理位置:南京市鼓楼...
Marina Bay Sands 金沙酒店
Created by 752811818
Marina Bay Sands Singapore Floors 57 Roof 207m Level 6 Unique building The problem of unconnected roads can be solved by using pavements to cross the tall buildings in the middle.
This is a scaled down version of the original asset, the author is not me, just to better show my game archive...
This is a scaled down version of the original asset, the author is not me, just to better show my game archive...
Cosco tower HK 香港中远大厦 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
Cosco tower 中远大厦 注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 中远大厦位于香港上环皇后大道183号,建于1998年。 COSCO Tower is located at 183 Queen's Road, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. It was built in 1998. You can find it in the special building of the first le...
XCAEC hotel 娱乐会所酒店
Created by XDBX
XCAEC hotel 都市天际线娱乐会所酒店 hotel of XDBX‘s Cities:skyline Asset and entertainment club hotel XCAEC大酒店,让您宾至如归。 本酒店由都市天际线娱乐会所所长亲自设计,裙楼共三层,为综合餐饮区,在裙楼顶部的天台上设有游泳池,其余楼层为客房和办公室,顶楼设有停机坪,并开通直升机接送服务(骗人的没开通)。 本酒店天台游泳池每周举办无上装派对,小朋友不能参加哟(游泳池区以被停业整改) 本酒楼开业大酬宾,所有顾客一律免费(编不下去...
Government Primary School (Type B) - Hong Kong [English Description]
Created by Dennie Mok
Language: English | 繁體中文 | 簡体中文 Abstract: This is an ideal primary school for your city! With high capacity and coverage! http...
Shanghai WFC HD 上海环球金融中心高清版
Created by XDBX
Shanghai WFC HD 上海环球金融中心高清版 你可以在第六集特殊建筑中找到哟 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level.
Metropolitan University - Wing A
Created by Mythyc
It is strongly recommended that you use the following mod with this asset: Boformer's Sub Buildings Enabler (Note that it is only required to place the building, and can be disabled at any time without breaking the asset or the game) This mod is required i...
Columbia Center
Created by ExtraNoise
This is the updated asset with optimized textures and night lights enabled! If you have a moment, please rate this asset! About The Columbia Center is Seattle’s most iconic building. Constructed between 1982 and 1985, it still claims the title of tallest b...
University of Science and Technology
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, your cims want to know if there is an economic sense to run a toaster with nuclear power? Then offer them a place to study at the University of Science and Technology. Maybe this is the place where the Warp Drive gets invented. Have fun! You ...
Community Center (ploppable RICO ready)
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, for you and your cims. The Community Center. Enjoy! This asset comes without foliage (as seen in the screenshots). If you don't use Ploppable RICO, you will find this building in your Unique Building panel. Have fun! You like my assets and wa...
Silverwind Casino
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Sorry I haven't posted anything new in a while, been taking a break for a little bit. Here's something that I hope you will enjoy using in your cities and bring a little bit of color to your night life. I wanted to make a casino after seeing others upload ...
Public Library
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, it is a great pleasure for me to announce you the completion of the new public library. In a combination of literature and relaxation, enthusiastic readers will find comfortable reading zones on all four floors. As an emergent venue, the libr...
Advanced Incineration Plant
Created by Fishbus
Advanced Incineration Plant: An expensive but efficient incinerator that causes light pollution while producing more power from burning more garbage. Footprint: 6x6 Cost: 75000 Upkeep: 1600/week Garbage Capacity: 500000 Garbage Processing: 59200/week Garba...
Fire Department 17
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, here is it, the worst nightmare of all pyromaniacs: the new Fire Department 17. You like what you see? Then take a look at my matching Fire Station. Have fun! You like my assets and want to support my work? That's cool! Thank you. PayPal Abou...
Large Recycling Center
Created by Fishbus
This larger recycling facility can deal with the most demanding of cities by sifting through and removing garbage over time. Noisy and expensive but it's 100% clean! Stats: Footprint: 16x8 Cost: 100000 Upkeep: 1920/week Garbage Capacity: 570000 Garbage Pro...
Recycling Center
Created by Fishbus
Recycling Center: Slowly sifts through and removes garbage over time. Very noisy, inefficient but it's 100% clean! Stats: Footprint: 8x4 Cost: 45000 Upkeep: 960/week Garbage Capacity: 250000 Garbage Processing: 24000/week Garbage Trucks: 12 Catchment Area:...
University Hospital
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, enjoy the new University Hospital intown. The main building provides an emergency department, some laboratories and patient rooms. It's directly connected to the annex building where medical students can find a small laboratory, a lecture hal...
Seahorse Islands Archipelago
Created by Sidai
Seahorse Islands Archipelago by Sidai This could be your next holiday destination ... or just build a city on it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ General notes Real World Location: No R...
Paradise Reef - Link for new version in description
Created by MrMiyagi
This is the old version of Paradise Reef. New, reworked "Paradise Reef Revisited" is now out! in two versions! Find them here: No DLC Version - Mass Transit DLC version - http://steamcommunit...
Lönnebay Universal
Created by Loenneberger
English description below... Hi zusammen! Lönnebay Universal ist eine hochatmosphärische, möglichst universell einsetzbare, boreale Küstenkarte. Von norwegischem Fjord, über asiatische Megapole bis zur US-Küstenstadt geht alles. Es werden eigentlich keine ...
Newbie Harbor - a beginner-friendly map!
Created by MrMiyagi
Anyone can play this map, but if you're a beginner, especially if you've been frustrated trying to build a new city by traffic problems or other issues like water resources, this map was carefully planned to be your harbor from frustration. You won't need ...
Created by Two Dollars Twenty
Follow my Youtube series The map is named "Australia6" when starting a new map. Subscribe to ALL the mods and assets in the Oceania Map collection: About the Map...
Austrian Alps: Wolfgangsee
Created by MrMiyagi
2018 checked for update needs. Map theme updated, no update on map needed. Comment if you have a suggestion for improvement. Visit the Salzkammergut, Austria's beautiful Alps region (listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site). In the center of this map is the...
la Riviera
Created by feisty lobster
A meticulously designed coastal landscape inspired by Monaco and the French Riviera. Features: * Rugged Mediterranean coastline rich with resources * Strategically placed transportation lines and port sites * Twisty terraced hills ready for scenic coastal ...
Powatan Valley
Created by Scotland Tom
Welcome to Powatan Valley! Powatan Valley is a map created to evoke the feeling of pioneer exploration in the northern Americas. It is a heavily forested valley surrounded by bluffs on all sides and opening to a small coastline. Small, fast rivers cascade ...
Created by Khanador
Riverlands is european theme map inspired by river Rhône and surroundings of Avignon in France. This map should be great for players starting their adventure with Cities Skylines as it has plenty of flat area to build and is 100% pure vanilla with no mods ...
Vanilla Coast - Just PlainI
Created by MrMiyagi
No mods, no custom content, no DLC. Just plain! A map for the builders! Completely flat, even 25 square area. Background mountain scenery at map edges Careful, neat construction of infrastructure Multiple bountiful water sources 4x Rail, Highway, Sea and A...
Redwood River - Vanilla map
Created by MrMiyagi
Will you settle this pristine wilderness and responsibly & sustainably harvest its vast conifer forests, or will you rip up the redwoods to exploit the ore and oil reserves below the trees, filling the fresh glacier-fed river with muck and filth? WIth new ...
Spykerbrook -Z-
Created by Zakerias
Coastal Map: Spykerbrook UPDATE: : The area around the road/rail combo bridge has been raised to prevent flooding. I've also raised the terrain of the river island. It should now be perfectly safe to build a dam at the big waterfall. Please be aware, placi...
Vanilla Lake - Updated 2019
Created by MrMiyagi
2019 Update: WAY more hydro power! Lots of fiddling with sea level, lake flow land and river. Electric production now between 600 & 700 MW. To build your hydro dam, click the dam function once on the end of one of the walls (super easy - the wall end snaps...
7th Island
Created by JS GAME
"According to the old legend... Earth Goddess shed tears grieving Is said that her tears were born the seventh '7th Island' at the moment falling to the ground." Welcome to 7th Island Here you can be a trade by taking a variety of natural resources To buil...
Owl's The Colossal Hillside
Created by OWL
Welcome to The Colossal Hillside Creation Time: with the Tropicity Theme. Please donate for creators' hard works that you really like if you can afford it. Or simply "thumbs up" Regards....
Kerrisdale Bay - Vanilla Map
Created by Sidai
Kerrisdale Bay - Vanilla Map - by Sidai Welcome to Kerrisdale Bay, a wonderfull plain vanilla styled map. This map is for all of you who dont want to download thousands of thousand of assets from the workshop and still want to have a good looking and detai...
Rhinestone Island
Created by Flux
Rhinestone Island is a custom map I designed for my YouTube series - this is the empty version of the map prior to begining construction. Enjoy! Things to note: Because this map was designed based around the city I wanted to create here for my YouTube seri...
Delta Range Enhanced
Created by blackwiddow
Delta Range Enhanced is a recreation of one of my favourite maps that I have been playing on recently and I wanted to release it for you guys to play on too. I am really proud of how it turned out and I think there is massive potential for some amazing cit...
7th Island Enhanced
Created by blackwiddow
7th Island Enhanced is a labour of love and another recreation of one of my favourite maps that I wanted to release for you guys to play on aswell. EyeSketch's original map can be found here:
Den Drommel -Z-
Created by Zakerias
Coastal Map: Den Drommel A happy new year to you all! To celebrate I've made a brand new map. It's an idea that I've been working on for the past month. The map is split between a large open and flat area for your metropolis and a more rural area to the no...
Flatlands (2.5)
Created by Mulleboy
Tired of all the automated generated terrains that is a pain to build on, or just tired of the regular maps included in the original game? If it's time to get serious and truly be master of your future city then this map is for you! Like the concept? Check...
Tenasi River
Created by Scotland Tom
Welcome to the rich, fertile valley of the Tenasi River! Tenasi River was born of a desire to create a large, powerful, and winding river. Inspired by rivers such as the Colorado and Mississippi, Tenasi River is a wide, bending river that snakes through a ...
Created by Mechalic Riverdale Additional maps: 13/04/2020: Van Diemen's Land 06/08/2017: Shanghai 11/06/2017: Virtunos 02/06/2017: Norfolk 17/05/2015: Salem I welcome you t...
Boulder Rapids
Created by Scotland Tom
Welcome to Boulder Rapids! Details: - Variety of terrain including beaches, fast flowing rivers, rolling hills, and mountains. - All transport connections, from highways to ships are available for use. - NOTE: Reports are that sometimes the game reports no...
The Great Plan
Created by Mulleboy
The Great Plan - Made for Builders QUICK DESCRIPTION: - Almost completely flat, good for builders with a vast city in mind. - Realistic backdrop of mountain ranges, farms and rivers. - Easy-Start™ design with small inlets of water for quick pipe & sewage s...
Copper Creek
Created by Scotland Tom
Update, September 30, 2018: While I still love the look of this map it has long been reported that I failed in my testing duties before its original release. There is not enough water flow through the rivers to provide a city beyond about 50k population wi...
Jacaranda Tree Adult
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Jacaranda Tree Adult by Shroomblaze 330 Tri's / 83 Polys Child Version Located Here - Be sure to follow me to see new stuff first! Thanks :)
Shady Tree Red
Created by MrMaison
Shady Tree Red by MrMaison Add more color to your landscapes with this version of the Shady Tree with red leaves. Great for decoration. STATS: 2,241 Tris....same as The Shady Tree 1024 Texture I strongly suggest getting Boformer's Random Tree Rotation mod ...
Cabbage Tree
Created by MrMaison
Cabbage Tree by MrMaison Introducing the Cabbage Tree to Cities Skylines! The Cabbage Tree is found in many places around the world especially for decorative purposes. More info here This is a 2 piece set. The Lar...
Fall Tree
Created by pdelmo
Low Tri...
Sugar Maple Fall Set
Created by MrMaison
Sugar Maple by MrMaison Introducing a 4 piece set of Sugar Maple trees with Fall colors. Even though this set is made primarily for Fall colors, the flagship version "Sugar Maple" is a green Summer variation and can be used in both Fall and Summer situatio...
Blooming Jacaranda
Created by MrMaison
Blooming Jacaranda by MrMaison Introducing a Blooming Jacaranda tree! It's native to Tropical and Sub Tropical regions. This is my first flowering tree. Use this to add color to your foliage areas or for decoration. There are actually 49 species of Jacaran...
Crimson King
Created by MrMaison
Crimson King by MrMaison Crimson King is a red-leaved cultivar of the Norway Maple family. It is used in many landscaping situations that call for a splash of color. Enjoy planting these in your special areas of your cities. This is the second tree special...
Network Extensions 2
Created by sniggledigit
Now Using Harmony 2.2 What's New (v. Updated for Hotels & Retreats (v. Now compatible with Better Education Toolbar (v1.2.0.0) Updated for compatibility with Plazas & Promenades Source:
Theme Mixer 2․5
Created by Nyoko
Easily customize map themes! Theme Mixer 2.5 is a revised version of Theme Mixer 2, featuring new UI icons and numerous bug fixes. Not to be confused with Building Themes and District Styles Plus. htt...
Forest Brush Revisited v1.4.11
Created by Sleepy Features Forest Brush lets you paint realistic and varied forest, grasslands, gardens or just patches of plants with ease and convenience. Background This is an update to the amazing Forest Brush mod by TPB. Unfortunately he...
AutoLineColor Redux
Created by TaradinoC
Sets the the color and name of new transit lines as you create them. Based on the original Auto Line Color, with additions: Updated to work with Park Life. (Also compatible with Industries.) New "Roads" naming strategy, which uses road names as well as dis...
Transport Lines Manager 14.5
Created by t1a2l This is and updated version of Klyte45 mod all credit goes to him Bugs reports & new features requests must be done at repository page. Check at end of description! Update 14.5.3 -Fix intercity bus line bug with two way outsid...
Bulldoze It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to automate the bulldozing of residential, industrial, commercial and offices buildings if they become abandoned, burned down, collapsed or flooded. NEW IN 1.8 - Recompiled for C...
Patch Loader Mod
Created by Krzychu1245
Core dependency of FPS Booster New in 2.1.2, 30/Nov/2021 bugfix: problem with detection of -noWorkshop and -disableMods command line flags, improvement: local mods directory path detection on MacOS v2.1.1, 6/Aug/2021 fixed c...
Render It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to change render processing. NEW IN 1.37 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). - Updated to latest YamlDotNet version. NEW IN 1.36 - Recompiled for Citi...
Roundabout Builder
Created by Strad
This mod automatically builds roundabouts for you. It clears the area of the roads and snaps them onto the roundabout. Network Anarchy is recommended. VERSION RELEASE 1.9.7 Experiencing issues? Reinstall (resubscribe) the mod If you cannot run this mod at ...
Automatic Pedestrian Bridge Builder V2.0 [Beta]
Created by kian.zarrin Automatically builds pedestrian bridges over and also tunnels under junctions/roundabouts/roads. (and disables pedestrian zebra crossings if TMPE is present). Also able to connect alleys to main roads (see screenshots). Usag...
Yet Another Toolbar
Created by sway
This mod lets you customize the toolbar panels. Why another toolbar mod? Resize It's panel scaling feature breaks Find It 2 so I was looking for a solution. I contacted the author of Resize It back in mid-2020 but they were ...
Loading Screen Mod Revisited 1.1.10
Created by algernon A replacement for, and continuation of, thale5's original Loading Screen Mod. Includes improved performance and compatibility with other mods, as well as some new features: Skip network and tree prefabs (in addition to the o...
Undo It!
Created by Strad This mod adds Undo/Redo options to the game! Tools that this mod supports: Building/bulldozing roads, buildings, props and trees The rest is unsupported Warni...
Network Multitool 1.3.5
Created by macsergey Overview This mod provides many different tools for working with networks What’s Included Add node mode: add node to exist segment Remove node mode: remove node and join segments Union nodes m...
Network Anarchy
Created by Quboid
Network Anarchy 3.2.5 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17 (23nd May Update) This mod adds additional options when building networks (roads, quays, etc) and provides game-wide anarchy to let you break the placement rules. Ne...
Node Controller Renewal 3.5
Created by macsergey Overview This mod allows you change node type and shape This is renewal version of original Node Controller by kian.zarrin with improved UI/UX. The new UI allows you to make the perfect inters...
Surface Painter
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to change terrain surface Are you tired of endless list of filler assets cluttering your parks panel and exhausting your buildings limit? Then this mod is for you! This is a plugin for my Extra Lanscaping Tools mod th...
Move It
Created by Quboid
Move It 2.10.8 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.18.1 (23rd October Update) New in 2.10.8: - Updated for game version 1.18.1 - Added support for Nyoko's Procedural Objects fix This mod allows you to select, move and align various things.
Extra Landscaping Tools
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool. Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available throu...
Precision Engineering
Created by Simie Precision Engineering augments Cities: Skylines by adding angle snapping, guidelines and additional information to assist you when building roads, train lines, pipes and power lines. Installatio...
81 Tiles 2
Created by algernon Overview Enables unlocking and building on all map tiles, not just the 25 in the middle (replaces the old '81 Tiles' mod). Includes optional Remove Need for Power Lines, Remove Need for Pipes, and Cross the Line functionalit...
Find It! 2
Created by sway
This mod allows you to search, filter, select, and place assets. It also provides some extra info that are usually not available in vanilla game. Unsubscribe the BETA version before you use this mod! This mod was forked from...
TM:PE STABLE (Traffic Manager: President Edition)
Created by Krzychu1245
Improve lane and parking usage. and customise junctions, roads, and rails! This is the stable release with tested features. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀User Guide⠀⠀⠀⠀Report Bugs⠀⠀⠀⠀Discord Chat Vehicles despawning ...
Hide Crosswalks V3.3 [EXPERIMENTAL]
Created by kian.zarrin Steam servers are unreliable if you do not see text then delete all files from your mod content folder manually. then resub to them again. ** Migrating between mods? (true for any mod) You must exit to desktop AFTER you have...
Unlimited Outside Connections Revisited 1.1
Created by algernon Resurrected! BloodyPenguin's original Unlimited Outside Connections mod is no longer functioning as of the 1.15 (Plazas & Promenades) game update. The changes required to fix this were more than simple tweaks, and this mod h...
Play It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to change different aspects of game simulation. NEW IN 1.20 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.19 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.16.1-f2...
UnifiedUI (UUI) 2.2.1 - Continued [BETA]
Created by codewitch Unsubscribe from original version before subscribing this version! Note on Load Order Requires Skyve for correct Load Order. Stable release of Skyve. (The Beta was also fine; don't worry about it. Has been fine since Oct 202...
Skyve v3.3.2.1 [Stable]
Created by Chamëleon TBN
Skyve is the fresh re-make of the previous Loading Order Mod 1/2 & Compatibility Report. It features a completely new and slick UI, integrated & real-time compatibility management, advanced filtering, dark mode, Find It! custom tags, Linux & macOS Compatib...
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...