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2.Mod管理工具(mod configuration tool)
Items (237)
中文汉化合集 汉化说明 汉化合集中的mod按需订阅,不必全部订阅 最近更新内容请查看这里 功能性小型模组汉化列表请查看这里〖 重要!〗 This mod is a Chinese translation compilation of English mods, so non-Chinese users do not need to subscribe 注意事项 Unique Steam Tanks 会将“皇帝盛怒号(蒸汽...
Created by Dulus of Talabek
持续更新中。请将需要更新的mod发到评论区里,尽量包含原名。如果是要求汉化本合集内还没有的Mod,请标明“合集未涵盖”。感谢所有汉化大佬们对社区的贡献。 本合集所包含的汉化mod请前往 此处 查看,排序请放在最上面 在评论区反馈前,请先确认需要更新的mod是本合集内所涵盖的。 ↓ 既存汉化统合快查表 ↓
Created by 幡沫
本mod将汉化一些全局通用的功能性mod或多种族mod (Gnomes将在未来移动至木精灵合集) 点击英文白字可直达原mod地址 建筑类: Landmarks of Legend 传奇地标添加了许多地标,其中一些地标允许招募特殊单位和著名军团。 目前,有以下派别的地标: 震旦 基斯里夫 恐虐 色孽 纳垢 奸奇 食人魔王国 混沌恶魔 帝国 吸血鬼伯爵 斯卡文鼠人 巴托尼 古墓王 绿皮 矮人 木精灵 高等精灵 ...
Created by CheNg
介绍 为了减少MOD槽位占用制作的汉化合集,包含了我汉化的所有MOD。 必须物品为汉化对应的原MOD,根据自己需要选择订阅,无需全部订阅。 点击条目最后的跳转可以直接打开原MOD的创意工坊界面,方便阅览。 更新日志看这里 因创意工坊描述文本达到上限,新汉化的MOD目录请至讨论中查看 ======================================================================= 兵种 蜥蜴人 High Rock Fables - Tik’wiatto’s Tam...
Helper UI 汉化
Created by Wyccc
对Helper UI 这个神级UI mod进行了汉化 这个MOD重制了角色属性面板,显示了所有隐藏信息,护甲的等效减伤期望会直接帮你算好,远程齐射的总伤害也会帮你算好 法术面板上会直接写上蓝耗,就跟预览图里面显示的一样。 顶部状态栏会显示当前双方部队的金币价值,击杀数等等 我称之为战锤3最神UI MOD ========================= 需要排序在原MOD之上方可生效...
Legendary Characters - 传奇人物包【中文汉化】 相关机制模组 The Nemesis Crown(复仇王冠)与 汉化 建议开局游戏前,在菜单界面打开 MCT 设置,自行调整模组传奇领主是否领导相关派系 战役地图人物显示英文名称 这是因为mod的任务脚本给部分人物强行设定了英文名,必须在脚本中对其汉化,但mod的更新常常带有脚本改动,哪怕只增删了一两行代码,汉化也要及时更新,不然就容易导致稳定性和兼容性问题。 目前工作繁忙,精力有限,所以已删除了脚本汉化。...
Legendary Lore 中文汉化(5.15修复)
Created by Tutur
4.0新增故事更新进度 奥斯坦基娅嬷嬷部分:全部更新完成 玉龙元伯部分:剩余2条 Legendary Lore 汉化 传奇故事 汉化 描述概览与更新模式 本MOD目前为翻译模型翻译,而后导入目前之前完工的翻译 已润色部分:35% 第一次翻译完成率:98% 将会以两周为周期上传文本 所有文本在上传前,会经过一次润色 + 校对 这个mod理论上不该出现任何空的文本框/空的事件框,如果遇到,多半是导入文本覆盖的时候出现了问题,请在评论区报告,以便让我们进行修正 感谢之前为这个mod贡献过的所有翻译者,没有他们就没...
The Old World 中文汉化
Created by Tutur
This is a translation mod !! →必须开启MIXER ←!! !! →和 超凡扩展MOD 不兼容 !两者只能开其一 ←!!
Immortal Empires Expanded 中文汉化
Created by Tutur
This is a translation mod !! →和重返旧世界MOD不兼容,两者只能开其一 ←!! !! →必须开启MIXER ←!! 常见问题 关于有AI MOD的情况下,AI表现怪异:原作者C...
Landmarks of Eternity-Immortal Empire Expanded edition汉化
Created by ForNever
置顶: 感谢幡沫的对mod的更新,新版本已整合到综合包,链接: ******************************************************************************** 这是对IEE地标MOD的汉化补丁 欢迎各位游戏爱好者的订阅
动态天灾 + MCT中文汉化(Dynamic Disasters + Mod Configuration Tool)99%
Created by 冰之玄月
感谢早期汉化与原作者的辛苦劳动,订阅本体mod,排序请将汉化置于本体之上开启 B站: 冰之玄月 求求关注!!! B站直播间: 喜欢的话,可以支持一下我,请我喝瓶可乐!或者大餐!
Stronger And Fairer AI 更强更公平的AI 中文汉化
Created by 泡泡茶壶
This is a translation mod. 简介 简单把MCT设置汉化一下,作者主页有详细介绍,我就不赘述了 原作者的介绍 贴吧介绍帖子 PS: 包含有脚本汉化,请放在原mod上方,原mod若更新了出现乱码,请及时提醒我 玩旧世界的时候,请把本汉化放在mixu汉化的下方(默认排序应该就是正确的)...
Caravans of the Old World 中文汉化
Created by Tutur
我爱跑商,跑商爱我,我是跑商王 This is a translation mod 合集包含以下MOD的 中文 汉化 Convoys of the New World 新世界商队 Caravans of t...
Alshua's Cultists - 混沌狂信徒扩展【中文汉化】 介绍 为混沌四神各增添了一种狂信徒英雄,拥有独特的外形和技能。 作者还为这些英雄添加了几百个女性名字,很有讲究,比如纳垢的都是选的花卉和疾病名称,奸奇的则是各种矿石和鸟类,当然为了听上去好听,翻译文本都直接采用了音译。 Brass Sisters of Khorne: - 恐虐黄铜姐妹 - 可以召唤恐虐怒妖、血肉猎犬与磨魂者 Oracle of Tzeentch: - 奸奇教会传谕使 - 可以召唤奸奇怒妖与...
SCM's LCCP 中文汉化
Created by Tutur
This is a translation mod. For SCM's Original Mod, Please check the link below 『 SCM's LCCP, 17 new factions for the IEE 』
Champions Of Undeath 中文汉化(4.2更新中)
Created by Tutur
This is a translation mod. For Original Mod, Please check the link below 『 Champions Of Undeath - Conquest Of The Blood Dragons 』
Jade-Blooded Vampires 中文汉化合集
Created by Tutur
注意:原mod经过9.10的更新,必须同时开启 农昌蛊咒 和 月屿遗民 才可进入游戏 当前包含的碧血(Jade-Blooded Vampires)汉化内容 碧血妖鬼阵营 派系:农昌蛊咒(Curse of Nongchang) 派系:月屿遗民(Islanders of the Moon) 震旦/吸血鬼伯爵 兵种:尸起东方(Dead of the Orient) 替换僵尸叛军的MOD在这里左道王朝 中文汉化 总体进度:完成 正在校对
Legions of Nagash 中文汉化
Created by Tutur
This is a translation mod 内含汉化 Legions of Nagash(纳迦什军团) Legions of Nagash: Mortarch Traits Submod(死亡统帅特...
Neferata's Ambition 中文汉化
Created by 泡泡茶壶
新派系 莱弥亚姐妹会:派系领袖“涅芙瑞塔”,开局位置在白银尖顶 特色介绍 独特英雄“娜埃玛”为涅芙瑞塔的侍女领班,一位出自背景的角色,详情可查阅B站曼光头的涅芙瑞塔章节 新领主:莱弥亚女王,拥有独特技能并且会使用莱弥亚家族法术 新吸血鬼英雄:第二代吸血鬼,可在其他派系的城镇建立独特的“吸血鬼秘会”,传播莱弥亚影响力以征服诱惑其他派系,可在外交界面AI头像右上角查看对方是否为可被奴役的派系 姐妹会隐秘市场:可使用各项资源购买各种物品装备,还能招募基础帝国兵种 涅芙瑞塔的等级达到11级后,完成系列任务可招募FL...
Mod Configuration Tool - v0.9 Beta
Created by Groove Wizard The Mod Configuration Tool is a user interface, and a rich backend system, which enables modders to create settings for their mods, which can be edited within the Mod Configuration Tool. In short, if a mod you use doesn't us...
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords
Created by sm0kin
WH2's Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords ported to Total War: WARHAMMER III – Update 5.1.0 This mod transfers legendary/immortal lords and heroes of defeated factions to factions that are still in play. It works both for the p...
All Female Legendary Lords Can Be Recruited By All Factions
Created by Wyccc
Description MiaoYing Repanse Katarin Fay-enchantress Alarielle Hellebron Valkia Morathi Isabella Sisters-of-twilight Khalida Aranessa Elspeth Can be recruited by all factions Incompatible with tombking. you can rename them after recruitment Add additional ...
All Female Legendary Heros(agent) Can Be Recruited By All Factions
Created by Wyccc
Description All female legendary heros(agent) can be recruited by all factions! Support various mods characters! vanilla game heros will come at 8 turn. other mods heros will come at 20/30 turn. you can rename them after recruitment Supported Mods You can ...
Created by 清轩易浅
喵影本身的兵牌和头像我个人感觉不是很好看,就将喵影的兵牌和头像替换成封面的样子,但是实在技术力有限,不是很懂建模,喵影模型和3D动图没东西替换,妙影美化只能做到这了。 这个mod只修改了妙影兵牌和2D头像,与所有mod兼容,如果同时使用其他美化喵影的mod,把这个mod排序放上面即可。...
Created by 小铭
MIAO YING RESKIN MODEL BY @潇然 If u like it , please rate...
SOBORO's MIAOYING Reskin (Short costume version)
Created by MorningBlue
This is a mod for the MIAOYING reskin made by SOBORO. This mod is of high quality and was created by SOBORO. I have SOBORO's permission to upload it. This is a short costume version, and there is also a normal version. Normal version https://steamcommunity...
Lazy's Katarin the Ice Queen (5.0)
Created by LazyIcarus
Reskin for Tzarina Katarin with some hints of Tzeentch corruption. Only works in campaign. Features animated icicle crown on all mounts / foot (submod to remove crown: unit cards and portho...
Lazy's Morathi Ascension Stage 2 (5.0)
Created by LazyIcarus
Reskin of Morathi that comes with a unit card and 2D porthole. For progression gameplay (advancing through stages with extensive effects), and later stages, join the discord in my profile. Features 4k new body (armor separated from body and also increased ...
[LIG] Reskin - Alarielle
Created by Less Is Good
Description Simple reskin of Alarielle make her looks less older, while put a quite effort to give similar impression & face sculpt. Thus I didn't changed unit card & 2D portrait Unlike one which I posted on WH2, It does not contain nudity though transpare...
[zeta0080] Elspeth The Grave Rose
Created by zeta0080
Zeta0080's reskin for Elspeth: zeta0080的墓园玫瑰美化,白色长发和黑色高跟长靴! Now Elspeth has long white hair and black long boots, and her white long legs~ CA did a good job for new DLCs, which brings many players back. You may go to Nexus to find other interesting mods by...
湖神仙女美化 (Fay Reskin)
Created by 混沌破龍斩
为湖神仙女替换了新模型 This Mod has taken a lot of effort from me and is still constantly being updated. If you like my Mod and are willing to treat me to a cup of coffee, I would be very happy❤️ 这个Mod的制作花费了我很多心血,并且仍在不断更新。如果你喜欢我的Mod,愿意请我喝一杯快乐水的话,我会非常开心的❤️ ko-fi: http...
Maiden Knight Repanse Reskin
Created by zeta0080
2024/5/2 rework face Zeta0080's Repanse Reskin She is the most hateful woman from the Age of Empire 4, Joan of Arc ...... no, she is Repanse from the Warhammer. Now she is a real Maiden knight: skirt armor, cute face, beautiful head wear, yes, yes~ If you ...
Khalida the Queen
Created by zeta0080
If you like this mod, please give an endorsement, let more people see it! 如果您喜欢这个mod,希望能给个五星好评,让更多人找到它! Description: Zeta0080's Khalida reskin. Now our queen has darker skin (more like egyptian queen) and beautiful portrait. Author: Hi, I'm zeta0080, a mod...
-BR- More Beautiful N'kari 诱惑
Created by Black Rabbit
"A notorious and ancient Keeper of Secrets, N'Kari has broken empires and countless minds in his ceaseless quest for new depraved sensations." —N'kari I've been wanting to redo this Lord for a long time. I hope everyone likes it! Please report any bugs you...
-BR- Valkia the Beautiful! 恶魔女王
Created by Black Rabbit
"I am the harbinger of your demise. I am the nightmare in all mortals. I am the thing you fear the most. I am death..." —Valkia the Bloody As a fan of mythology I have always been fascinated with valkyries as I believe them to be angelic looking beings tha...
Aranessa Vampire Fleet Admiral
Created by SpeCt3r1995
Gives Aranessa the appearance of Black Rabbit's first Vampire Coast Admiral variant from their mod "-BR- Ultimate Vampire Lords + Variety Pack 吸血鬼". I've never really been a fan of her base game appearance, and really liked BR's work on the models in their...
Isabella - Reborn
Created by JFred
Port of my WH2 mod that reskins Isabella von Carstein with heavy inspirations from the most fashionable vampire of all time, Neferata. Porthole and unit card included. SPECIAL THANKS: - ?(-_-?) for allowing me to use his Morathi face texture from "Enchanti...
伊莎贝拉花嫁 (Isabella Bride)
Created by 混沌破龍斩
为伊莎贝拉替换了新模型 This Mod has taken a lot of effort from me and is still constantly being updated. If you like my Mod and are willing to treat me to a cup of coffee, I would be very happy❤️ 这个Mod的制作花费了我很多心血,并且仍在不断更新。如果你喜欢我的Mod,愿意请我喝一杯快乐水的话,我会非常开心的❤️ ko-fi: http...
伊莎贝拉美化 (Isabella Reskin)
Created by 混沌破龍斩
为伊莎贝拉替换了新模型 This Mod has taken a lot of effort from me and is still constantly being updated. If you like my Mod and are willing to treat me to a cup of coffee, I would be very happy❤️ 这个Mod的制作花费了我很多心血,并且仍在不断更新。如果你喜欢我的Mod,愿意请我喝一杯快乐水的话,我会非常开心的❤️ ko-fi: http...
Sisters of Twilight on Foot
Created by libērtaŞ
As per request I extracted the part of my mod that gives the Sisters of Twilight on Foot Several months ago last year(Sep 4, 2022) I had made the Elves Enhanced Mod, and in it I included the Sisters of Twilight on Foot a month later(Oct 4) someone else in ...
Wood Elves Reborn | Faction Reskin
Created by JFred
Port of my reskin overhaul from WH2, with some minor updates. This mod turns the wood elves from homeless hobos and smurfs to a more armored, professional looking faction. Just about every unit has gotten a new look. Lords and heroes also have updated port...
Hellebron's Death Night: Legacy Edition
Finally, after an anxious wait - and thanks to kind permission from Mixu to port it - I'm happy to present the updated return of Hellebron's Death Night transitions as seen in WH2's workshop. Hellebron's appearance will change depending on the Death Night ...
[LIG] Reskin - Hellebron
Created by Less Is Good
Description Crone wanted to be young, now she's young. Khaine bless you Also you need to use it with Hellebron's Death Night to make it fully functional Compatiblity with Mixu's mod It is compatible and strongly recommended to use with sEcOnDbOuToFiNsAnItY...
戴查美化 (Drycha Reskin)
Created by 混沌破龍斩
为戴查替换了新模型 This Mod has taken a lot of effort from me and is still constantly being updated. If you like my Mod and are willing to treat me to a cup of coffee, I would be very happy❤️ 这个Mod的制作花费了我很多心血,并且仍在不断更新。如果你喜欢我的Mod,愿意请我喝一杯快乐水的话,我会非常开心的❤️ ko-fi: https://...
Cylostra Reskin
Created by jerry.ashtogn
Cylostra Reskin Only model, portraits and faction video changed Some clipping with the accessories since I've effectively had to shrink an ogre sized model then map to it's skeleton. ...
Lazy's Archaon-chan Slaanesh Cultist Voiceover
Created by LazyIcarus
Optional voicelines for Archaon on the campaign and battles using a Slaanesh cultist for Archaon-chan. Can be loaded in any order....
Lazy's Archaon-chan
Created by LazyIcarus
Reskin of Archaon that comes with a unit card, 2D porthole, and campaign picture. Features 4K facial texture slightly dishevelled hair golden glowing iris Lore To combat Archaon, the order factions have resorted to propaganda. Painting her as an ugly, burn...
More Beautiful Archaon-chan V2
Created by Black Rabbit
The second coming of a new Everchosen is here. I hope you like and enjoy the redesign. **Special Thanks** - Once again, thank you LIG for all your help in making models! - Melinda Safitri for her amazing screenshots! Thank you for your support! Check out s...
-BR- Kairia Fateweaver 命运
Created by Black Rabbit
Patch 1.4 - Fixed the Porthole Campaign portrait.bin issues. Patch 1.2 - Fixed the datatables to fix flying again after CA changed them. Patch 1.1 - Fixed some issues with armor and skirt clipping. - Fixed some compatibility issues (hopefully). - Fixed som...
Masked Mustachio's Lady Sigvald
Created by MaskedMustachio
This is a remake of my WH2 Mod of the same name. Watch the video if you want to know how to make this mod compatible with overhaul mods (as well as just how to make this mod in general) **Borat Voice** My wife originally wanted to play as the Chaos but she...
Masked Mustachio's Lady Karl Franz
Created by MaskedMustachio
This is a remake of my WH2 Mod. If you prefer having her hair showing rather than using a helmet then watch the (short) attached video on how to make the change yourself. **Borat Voice** My wife wanted to play as the Empire but she had no female legendary ...
Masked Mustachio's Lady Volkmar
Created by MaskedMustachio
This is a rework of my WH2 Mod of the same name. I changed her hair color from the darker brown to a more reddish brown as my wife preferred it. **Borat Voice** My wife and I wanted to play the empire again so I made a female Volkmar the Grim for her to tr...
Masked Mustachio's Lady Grombrindal
Created by MaskedMustachio
This is a rework of my WH2 Mod of the same name. My wife wanted to play as the Dwaves but she had no female legendary lords to choose from so I made this mod to change Grombrindal the White Dwarf to Grimhild the White Dwarf. (I did consider changing it to ...
Zhao Ming Iron Dragon Reskin
Created by 小铭
ZHAOMING RESKIN MODEL by @潇然 If u like it , please rate ...
Ariel Behanced
Created by Yogo Pogo
Maybe because she's a demi-goddess of spring or Orion wished really really hard, grants Ariel a blossomed-bosom or possibly a bosomed-blossom. Port of my TWII mod. A model tweak with the Asset Editor for Ariel I made for a laugh . Now with improved LoDs fo...
[LIG] Reskin - Ulrika
Created by Less Is Good
Description Ulrika reskin each for Kislev and Empire, If you play campaign as empire you will get Empire version and Kislev version when playing Kislev Empire Design inspired by GW official artwork Compatiblity Compatible unless change Ulrika's appearance ...
[LIG] Reskin - Damsel
Created by Less Is Good
Description This is WH3 port of Damsel reskin This mod means to focus on lore identification in cost of faction identification In warhammer lore, Damsels are taken to fay before puberty and return after years, and stay young and beautiful with their magic....
[LIG] Reskin - Prophetess
Created by Less Is Good
Description This mod means to focus on lore identification in cost of faction identification There are 2 face variant each Compatiblity Compatible unless changing prophetess's appearance Not compatible with lord & hero resize mod If you use something like ...
[LIG] Reskin - Handmaiden
Created by Less Is Good
Description Handmaiden reskin, changed armor & added one head variant Coverage of faction colors increased significantly Compatiblity Compatible unless change handmaiden's appearance Save file compatible Should be compatible with great Handmaiden Variants ...
[LIG] Reskin - Frost maiden
Created by Less Is Good
Description Frost maiden reskin, it means to attain lore identification Plus I don't really agree with covering nice skate animation with longskirt Compatiblity Variant selector compatible Compatible unless change frost maiden's appearance Unlike LL reskin...
Admirals & Captains - Reborn
Created by JFred
Port of my WH2 mod that changes the female vampire coast admirals and captains to look less like melting wax figures and more in line with the concept artwork. Also updated male admirals to bring them in line with the new female models. Playable faction co...
Lahmian Bloodline - Reborn
Created by JFred
This mod reskins the Lahmian bloodline lord for the Vampire Counts. Unit card and porthole included....
Cultist of Pleasure Reskin
Created by Alshua
Cultists of Slaanesh get a reskin inspired by the Cult of Pleasure. Graphical only. Subscribe to Cultist Expansion - Pleasure Cultist + if you want all the exciting gameplay and lore features! Design All of the Cultists of Slaanesh in the vanilla game are ...
Alshua's Cultists SFO
Created by GabeSky
Firstly, the most important information ***Alshua for creating this absolutely wonderful cultist mod. The cultist you made are DLC quality. ***Venris for the countless hours you spend every DLC working on fixing CAs mistakes. ***El Papà and Col Jack O'Neil...
Alshua's Cultists
Created by Alshua
Alshua's Cultists brings together all four Cultist Expansion hero types: the Cult Oracle, Pleasure Cultist, Cultist of Brass, and Deathbell Lily Cultist. Extends Cultist recruitment (both the existing male cultists and the four new Cultists) to Warriors of...
Spooky's Slaanesh Cultists - Expanded Variants
Created by Spooky
Adds 2 additional variants for Slaanesh Cultists. Does not override existing cultists, and works well with other cultist mods.
celestial general female
Created by biubiu~biubiu^
Transformed celestial general (Yin) into a female model...
zeta0080's Cute Gate Master
Created by zeta0080
2024/5/27 The body model was redone and put on clothes that showed a better figure~ If you like my mods, please got to Nexus ( turn off censorship), you will find more interesting content outside the Workshop. Gate master's double ponytail helmet looks qui...
Zeta0080's Female Engineers 帝国女工程师
Created by zeta0080
Description: Reskin mod for Empire Master Engineers and Engineers, turn them in to female engineers with black stockings and fishnet stockings! If you interest in my mods, please go to Nexus to find more interesting things there. You can also find my disco...
Female archer
Created by WGX
Hi, everyone! A new mod has been released. This mod replaces regular male archers (not the light-armored ones) with females and changes their voices. I hope you enjoy it! If you like this mod, please don't forget to rate and favorite it, It's greatly appre...
Female Archers (Light Armour)
Created by WGX
Hi, everyone! Female Archers (Light Armour) mod has been released. This mod replaces male archers (light armour) with females and changes their voices. If you like this mod, please don't forget to rate and favorite it, It's greatly appreciated. https://ste...
本mod为二代的 我TM射爆的 移植版,替换了阿瓦隆模型。 但由于战锤三以及战锤二调色以及光影有区别,所以人物皮肤颜色有些瑕疵,有会调色或者能帮忙调色的朋友可以评论或私信我谢谢。 如果您喜欢这个mod请帮忙点个赞,让更多人看见,谢谢各位。 10.26更新:调整了皮肤颜色让她看起来更加像个人...
本mod为二代的女银光守卫的移植版,替换了银光守卫模型。 但由于战锤三以及战锤二调色以及光影有区别,所以人物皮肤颜色有些瑕疵,有会调色或者能帮忙调色的朋友可以评论或私信我谢谢。 如果您喜欢这个mod请帮忙点个赞,让更多人看见,谢谢各位。 10.26更新:调整了皮肤颜色让她看起来更加像个人...
High Elves‘ spearwomen
Created by WGX
This mod replaces the High Elves’ spearmen with females and modifies their voices. The modified units include: 1. Spearmen 2. The Scions of Mathlann (Spearmen) 3. Ithilmar Chariots If you like this mod and would like to support me, please visit my patreon ...
本mod为二代的光与影之歌的移植版,替换了荷斯剑圣以及哈尔冈西刽子手模型。 但由于战锤三以及战锤二调色以及光影有区别,所以人物皮肤颜色有些瑕疵,有会调色或者能帮忙调色的朋友可以评论或私信我谢谢。 如果您喜欢这个mod请帮忙点个赞,让更多人看见,谢谢各位。 10.26更新:调整了皮肤颜色让她看起来更加像个人 10.16更新:调整了服装颜色,现在护甲颜色不会在因为势力而发生改变。 ...
Created by Lk
替换了普通黑锐连弩手与持盾版本的模型(身为精灵弓箭手(弩手)不应该是女性吗?) (有BUG请留言,如果喜欢的话可以点赞)...
Created by Lk
10.19更新内容 修复模组语音问题 替换了黯影的模型三种模型(手弩、连弩、巨剑)与小幅数据强化 兵牌没有替换(截图鬼才就不换了) 由于技术力低下部分人物音频无法替换如果您知道可以留言或者私信我 mod借鉴了部分Lazy's大佬的 Morathi Ascension Stage mod的部分模型mod链接如下 Lazy's 如果发现还有bug请留言...
Created by Lk
暗精我认为是一个非常帅的种族,奈何前期用黑方舟海盗总感觉少了点什么,所以就变成这样了。 (有BUG请留言,喜欢的话请您点个赞吧)...
Coatl Reborn - the Feathered Serpent
Created by John Matrix
INTRODUCTION The Coatl, and the 'real-life' counterpart on which it's based, has always been one of the coolest mythological creatures for me. Very few things look as cool as a sacred and magical feathered serpent, soaring through the skies and gliding bet...
Norscan Female Berserkers (Norscan Berserker reskin)
Created by delcastillokenneth1
Hey all. This is a simple reskin to the Norscan Berserker. No other changes have been made. The unit uses voicelines from Valkia. ROR is untouched. For any curious modders, I used the witch elf body and had to resize it (slowly and tediously!) to fit the r...
Female Soldiers for Cathay
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod changed mixed gender units like jade warriors or dragon guards to pure female. Works for saved games, but will conflict with mod that edited these units' model. There is also a Male Soldiers for Cathay mod. ...
女性黑暗精灵模组替换(Female Dark Elves)
Created by Lk
11.12更新 更新了黑卫 部分模组借用了Pablo大佬的模型 11.5更新 新增冷蜥恐惧骑士模型替换 替换了恐惧矛和黯然剑的兵种模组 可以和黑锐与黑方舟海盗一起订阅 1 黑锐连弩手 2 黑方舟海盗 3 暗影 https://steamcommun...
Spooky's Dark Elves Compilation - Expanded Variants
Created by Spooky
My whole collection of Dark Elf Variant mods in one. Subscribe to this if you want to reduce your load order, and also to automatically download updates whenever I release a new dark elf variant.
Zeta0080 Flowers of the Empire
Created by zeta0080
If you like this mod, please give an endorsement, let more people see it! 如果您喜欢这个mod,希望能给个五星好评,让更多人找到它! Description: Empire state troops reskin, not include elites. Turn them into beautiful flowers of the Empire. Update: Add voices while stand by; new unit...
Female Wood Elves
Created by AndreasGG
A visual overhaul mod for most wood elf units. This mod does not change any stats but might be incompatible with other mods that do affect stats. This mod affects the following Wood elf units 1. Eternal guards 2. Wardancers 3. Gladeriders 4. Gladeguard 5. ...
Female Daemonettes
Created by The Rogue Roman Description This mod gives all Daemonettes, Alluresses, Heralds of Slaanesh, and Seekers of Slaanesh units a more feminine and less androgynous look. CA's original models are very good, but I ...
Daughters of kislev
Afther finding unused voice lines for female unit for all of Kislev I was inspired to create this reskin mod that adds new female variants to all Kislev units except for the Gryphon legion. This mod is complatibe with all mods except mods that change the h...
Daughter of Chaos (Tables)
This is required to run daughters of chaos I apologize for the long wait for the lords and heroes update the mod should still work however the reason for the slow pace is because I have been busy with collage and thus have not had the same amount of free a...
Daughters of Chaos
I apologize for the long wait for the lords and heroes update the mod should still work however the reason for the slow pace is because I have been busy with collage and thus have not had the same amount of free as I pervouisly had This mod adds new female...
二次元兵牌图标包【Anime Icon/Unit Card Pack】
Created by xyao19
放到本体mod上面加载【Load this mod before main mod】 ...
二次元/二刺螈人物模型 Anime Reskin(已更新玉龙元伯)
Created by 织田信奈子
本mod是在另一位大佬做的魅魔mod的基础上修改了模型,有部分模型可能和前者mod相关联,效果图如我封面所示那样。当然不订阅也行,大体上应该不会有影响,可能会有一小部分模型会有问题。 目前以替换: 本体:四神狂信徒,斯卡布兰德,嗜血狂魔,纳卡里,守密者,死亡大师斯尼奇,永世神选艾查恩,恐虐新娘瓦尔基娅,湖神仙女,戴查,伊莎贝拉,家主,古墓女王卡莉达,贞德,诺船长,卡+8,妖婆赫莉本,...
MIXER - Mixu's Unlocker
Created by Mixu
The newest version of MCT is recommended to be used with this mod. It will work without it, but your save files will be bigger. This is a startpos mod that unlocks all factions in Realms of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns. Building slot submod has bee...
Mixu's Legendary Lords - SFO
Updated for 5.0.5 and SFO 1.3 THERE IS NO CTD with this mod, SFO and it's required mods. As always, we appreciate your help and feedback for balancing or issues. IF YOU LEAVE A COMMENT ONLY SAYING "DOESN'T WORK/CRASH". I WILL DELETE IT. It is not helpful, ...
Mixu's Legendary Lords
Created by Mixu
About the Mod Some of you may remember this and this from Total War Warhammer II. Well, this mod is simply a combination of those two mods, with some new faces added. This mod adds Legendary Lords, Legendary Heroes and some new units. This mod does not tou...
Mixu's Legendary Lords: Asset Pack
Created by Mixu
This is a required asset pack for Mixu's Legendary Lords mod. You should subscribe to it if you use it, otherwise you'll get missing character models n other fun stuff....
Audio Mixer
Created by Pear
The Audio Mixer Welcome! First of all let me say without the Ole and ChaosRobie none of this fun stuff would be possible so please give them all the consensual love they deserve! The Audio Mixer has 2 main functions: 1) Act as a custom VO audio compatibili...
Legendary Characters SFO Submod (Patch postponed due to upcoming LC update)
Created by El Papà
Description The mod was created by Barney and will be continued by El Papà. Important notes Every LC added character can be disabled in MCT. Please disable Ulrika (added by CA in 3.0), and Ska Bloodtails (added by SFO), The scribes (added by CA in 4.0), Ch...
Legendary Characters Assets
Created by Stratovarius
Contains all the required visual assets for the Legendary Characters mod. If this isn't in use, LC will break. See LC for credits, images, etc....
Legendary Characters - 103 Dalmatians
Created by Stratovarius
101 Dalmatia... 103 Legendary Characters Yes, that top line number is correct! We have broken the 100 character barrier with a truly massive 21 character drop, finally ensuring that Legendary Characters covers every single faction. This also sees us releas...
Araveena Custom Legendary Lord / Anarsis Bloodwrack Medusae Legendary Hero - Dark Elves - Deadwood Sentinels [REUPLOADED]
Created by LuminousClarity
First of all, Thank you to JillSandwich for letting me keep this alive. I've added her front ui model and fixed her skills. I will do a bit more fixing later, but she's working for now. Link to the original mod. Go read her lore!
Neferata's Ambition (beta)
Created by Auri
Introduction Hii everyone, finally I made it here.. this mod is the spiritual successor to Kaylica's Lahmians【Neferata's Ambitions】. This mod lets you play as the Lahmian Sisterhood led by Neferata herself. Further in the description you will find a detail...
Dead of the Orient - Immortal Empires
Created by Poljanan
Introduction The Spirit Dragon is restless. The river of the underworld lashes out otherworldly howls. Transient shapes dance with the fog rolling over from the eastern mountains. As of late, more and more of Cathay's ancestors, thought to be long at peace...
The Jade-Blooded Vampires: Curse of Nongchang
Created by Poljanan Jade-Blooded Vampires - Eastern Lords of Undeath The Jade-Blooded Vampires are an exotic bloodline of vampires in the far east sired by a long-lost spawn of Neferata thousands of years after she and the rest of the origi...
The Jade-Blooded Vampires: Islanders of the Moon
Created by Poljanan New Faction: Islanders of the Moon Difficulty Suggestion: Hard/Hard In 1690, Cathay would launch a doomed expedition westward into the Southlands, seeking to spread the Celestia...
The Funeral Director - Walnut is BACK!
Created by Poljanan
After a brief absence, the Funeral Director is back from the grave! Introduction "Welcome to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. May we interest you in a coffin?" The Funeral Director is perhaps one of the gloomiest individuals in Cathayan society, whose tasks invol...
[SFO]Roar of the Jade Sea Compatibility Patch
Created by 代考BISS
I have just returned to WH3 recently and there has been a lot of update on the original mod. Most of them shouldn't impact this comp patch's function, but I cannot guarantee that statement. I have done some battle and campaign testing and the mod seems to ...
Roar of the Jade Sea : Yin-Yin, the Sea Dragon: Jade Pirate Submod
Created by Reu
This is just a submod that allows the Jade Pirates have a little bit more features like shipbuilding and a faction effect so they feel more playable. Will consider more changes as time goes by, currently this version should work fine but if there's any bug...
Roar of the Jade Sea : Yin-Yin, the Sea Dragon
Created by Poljanan
The Sea Dragon of Cathay has returned! The Eastern Provinces - NEW playable Cathay Faction *MIXER required to install this mod!!* -How they play- Outside their faction effects as well as the lord army buff from Yin-Yin ...
Legions of Nagash - DISCONTINUED
Created by Urgat
IMPORTANT: The mod will be moved to Rhox's profile in roughly 3 days. You'll have to resub. Sorry for the inconvenience. The last mortarch will be added at this time., SUPREME BONE DADDIO AND MAD HATTER, HATH COME BACK...
Champions Of Undeath: Bloodline Agents - Now with some new audio (Lahmian agent)
Created by COU Team Projects
"Awake O Dead, for there can be no rest for ye beneath the earth. Let the splintered bones burrow from the grave pall. Let cold fingers grip time-worn blades, and unseeing eyes survey the fields of slaughter. For your time has come once more. And the dead ...
Champions Of Undeath: Conquest Of The Blood Dragons - Please Read Change notes - Updated for 5.0.4
Created by COU Team Projects
“Let your blade be your only truth, let death be your only answer, and let your quest be for naught but to become more than what you already are." Based memes here, before I can go into our mod, I first need to give my personal thanks to the people and the...
【SFO SUBMOD】For Lost Calm: Jurassic Normal
Created by Kilin
调整了大量的属性和技能以平衡于SFO,并添加了SFO的一些被动技能来凸显其特征,使其与所在本级匹配 这是最近很受欢迎的一个侏罗纪蜥蜴人mod,使用的是混矮的车队机制。我相信这个侏罗纪mod将大大提高玩蜥蜴人的体验。感谢Calm&NormalTime和Rhox的努力 如果有bug请告诉我,我会尽快修复...
Lost Calm: Jurassic Normal (updated for patch 5.1)
Created by Calm&NormalTime
Updated for patch 5.1 Special thank you to Lingling for rebalancing the statlines. It was much needed. Expedition dinos should feel less OP now. I also fixed the issue of Gekolo units tails standing straight up upon dying. Tried, really did try, to start w...
Southern Realms SFO submod
Created by bainb132
SFO submod for cataph's southern realms mod. This balances unit stats, unit cost and hero skills. If you experience a bug while playing TEB using this mod, REPORT IT HERE!!! Do not report it on the main TEB mod page. Factionwide caps are to be added, curre...
Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB)
Created by Cataph
LADIES WITH VOLUMINOUS ASSETS now that I have your attention, read the zogging description and don't be in that majority of people who don't and cause problems to themselves. WHO TEB? TEB stands for Tilea+Estalia+Border Prin...
SCM's LCCP SFO Submod(Updated for Scorched Earth)
Created by AraNg
빼먹은거 있으면 댓글남겨주세요 let me know if there's anything I forgot Recommended Various SFO Norscan Monster Hunt Compatibility Fix : ...
SCM's LCCP, 16 new factions for IEE! (5.1)
Created by Team SCM
Introduction LCCP Legendary Campaigns Compilation Pack Legendary Characters Compilation Pack Love ChaosRobie's Campaign Project This mod adds 16 new factions of 12 cultures with their own mechanics and unique models made by Skeleton Crew Modding (SCM) in C...
【Deer24】与龙同行sub:SFO适配补丁(Sum for SFO)
旧版本由于未知原因无法通过管理器更新,只能上传为新Mod,因此我只好放弃旧页面并重新上传了Mod 调整了与龙同行MOD单位的面板属性以适应SFO对单位进行的调整 如果觉得某个兵种强度过高或者过低可以留言,我会根据反馈情况进行更改, 我会根据大多数玩家的感受来调整,所以需要多留言让我看到 此mod排序在原版mod上方...
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行 派系包(Faction leader)   介绍      本Mod可以与其他修改了震旦派系的Mod共同使用 但排序优先的Mod派系效果会覆盖下方的Mod,人物则会加入受伤状态,可以正...
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行sub:去除单位招募数量限制V2(NO limite for units quota)
取消了与龙同行中所有新填单位的招募数量限制,并将精英招募池的单位缓存数量提升至99/99,恢复速度也为99,这意味着你可以每个回合瞬间拉出近千个兵牌的单位,非常恐怖,非常无敌 需要注意,使用本SUBMOD将严重影响与龙同行的战役平衡性,请酌情使用 记得把本mod排在原mod上方哦...
Created by
描述 这是兵种升级mod和与龙同行mod的兼容补丁,如图片所示,我给大多数兵种加了升级路线。 介绍 在我的想法里,低级兵种是可以互相转换的,比如玉勇可以转换为玉勇长戟,也可以转换为玉勇弩兵,但玉勇转换为玉勇长戟的代价是小于转换玉勇弩兵代价的,这种代价体现在转换价格或者等级限制上。转换的类型有战士,远程,骑兵,僧兵,骑射等,如果你发现有哪个兵种转换和我所说的不同,可以评论区留言,我会抽时间统一修改。(三本及其以上就没办法兵种转换了) 另外,可能有些人看到玉勇可以转换到胡人什么的,觉得有点奇怪,在这里我解释一下...
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行拓展:为妙影招募池添加11位传奇领主
本MOD为“与龙同行”的拓展MOD,需搭配“与龙同行”一起使用  为妙影的招募池内添加了“与龙同行”新增的11位传奇领主,防止玩家合邦AI后,因AI未招募而导致丢失传奇领主  需要将此MOD置于“与龙同行”本体上方 不可与”与龙同行派系包“共同使用 为昭明招募池添加11位传奇领主↓ 为元伯招募池添加11位传奇领主↓
Created by Daedra
Musk Deer Princess Knight Legion for All-Faction IN SFO——全派系麝香鹿姬骑士团(SFO数据)
Created by xyao19
Main Mod My Princess Knight Armylist Mod本体: 全派系魅魔姬骑士 Must Read This is a submod for my custom armylist mod, make sure you're using my main mod before use this. This mod only provide very simple stat support for SFO mod, many datas would be adjusted pretty ...
麝香鹿姬骑士团[独立派系]——MuskDeer Legion as Faction[BETA]
Created by xyao19
——每次MOD更新最好手动重新订阅确保最新版本!—— ——Resubscribe the mod after its update to make sure you are using the lastest version!—— 追加了一个二刺螈主题的新派系/种族,使用多种战役机制和独特的兵表.可以在超凡和魔域战役中使用. This mod is a weeb theme faction/culture which provides unique armylist and various campaign...
麝香鹿姬骑士团[全派系]——Musk Deer Knight Legion[All-Faction]
Created by xyao19
——每次MOD更新最好手动重新订阅确保最新版本!—— ——Resubscribe the mod after its update to make sure you are using the lastest version!—— My Mod 2023/06/09——自制派系完成——Custom Faction Released! <<<<<<<Musk Deer Knight Legion as a custom Faction>>>>>>> <<<<<<<麝香鹿姬骑士团独立派系>>>>>>> 2023...
Merwyrms, Sea Dragons, and Lothern Skycutters
Created by ChaosRobie
This mod adds in Merwyrms, Sciowyrms, and Lothern Skycutters for the High Elves and Pagowyrms, Sciowyrms, Sea Dragons, and Helldrakes for the Dark Elves. Description Wyrms Merwyrms and Sciowyrms are recruitable at ports for all High Elf factions. Merwyrms ...
High Resolution UI Improvements
Created by prop joe
Still works, I'm not updating it until it actually requires an update. If the launcher warning bothers you use a mod manager. Resizes or adjusts the following UI screens: unit recruitment screen (for 1440p+) diplomacy screen lord/hero recruitment screens o...
Just Good UI Mod
Created by Deo
5.1 compatible The aim of the mod is to increase UI usability in late game (or just any game), when you have to manage many lords/heroes What's changed - A remake of lords/heros list in character details panel - portraits made bigger, embedded heroes extra...
Unique Faction UI
Created by Müsliriegel Summary Changes the UI to a unique design and colour for all factions to be more immersive overall. Troubleshooting USE THE "DEFAULT" UI THEME OPTION FOR THE MO...
Building Progression Icons III
Created by Spartan VI
Building icons visually change as they upgrade! This mod creates a visual progression for buildings. Almost all building chains now have icons that change as buildings are upgraded. Mod Features: Building icons visually change as they're upgraded. Note: No...
Helper UI
Created by Klissan
Checkout tooltips too! Detailed stats, applies fatigue effects to ui values, spells wom costs plus countless QoL improvements and more features to come! Built-in localisation support: * English * Russian (Русский) - локализация встроена в мод * (next updat...
Community Bug Fix Mod - Game v5, Batch 4
Created by Groove Wizard
Community Bug-Fix Mod Welcome to the CBFM Steam page! You're probably here because you like playing TWWH and want to have a slightly better time at it. Us too. Mostly. This mod, as you may have assumed from the title, is a collection of bug fixes developed...
Created by First blood expert
OVERVIEW: This mod adds new unit experience rank icons. New icons have numerals and visible experience bar which fills up with each rank up. They are color coded to feel similar to vanilla ones. · Completely safe to install, update and uninstall at any mom...
Variant Selector
Created by Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD! Lets you choose Character Variants (where applicable). Snek's Extra Variants (the whole bunch of them!) are compatible out of the box, thanks to Snek. Other modded variants will need to be made compatible. This means that you simply...
Rotate All Lords and Heroes (v5.0)
Created by Levie
What does this do? This enables rotation of all Lord and Hero models while in the character details window. This is similar to what can already be done with the Daemon Prince. I thought it was weird that we have access to the model view inside of the chara...
Rename Legendary Lords(still work)
Created by 小铭
Now you can rename legendary Lords. Thanks for @Prop Joe and@Alex Zhao...
Execute (useless) Lords & Heroes
Created by Freiya
This mod adds ui elements that allow the player to "execute" (useless) lords and heroes - even if they are immortal ! First of all, this is the Warhammer 3 port of the mod created by sm0kin for TWW 2. He started working on this version and accepted to let ...
Ability Icons Rearrange
Created by sudkks
This mod lets each row only have a maximum of 10 ability icons, and the excess will be moved to the next row, to prevent multiple icons from squeezing into one row. Not compatible: Just Good UI Mod, Helper UI...
Alternative Flags Compilation
Created by Partypus
What's that? A compilation with all my alternative flags: Alternative flag for Elspeth Alternative flag for Malakai Alternative flag for Throgg Alternative flag for Wulfrik Alternative flag for Ostankya It's not some big project, it's just a couple of alte...
Remember Deployment Formations
Created by prop joe
Still works, I'm not updating it until it actually requires an update. If the launcher warning bothers you use a mod manager. Adds a way to save and load the army formation during deployment. Arrange your army and press the button to save it into a formati...
Remove legendary camera limitation
Created by Bender-51
This mod removes the limitation in Legendary difficulty that prohibits "going" more than 200m away from your units. Some people may think that this limitation does not increase the difficulty, but is only frustrating. This mod aims to remove this frustrati...
Better Camera Mod
Created by kam2150
Hello, Famous mod from Warhammer 1 & 2 is back! This simple mod allows both closer and further camera heights, more suitable for better screenshots and nicer view of the battlefield. Press "K" to turn off UI for more cinematic view, Press "N" in order to z...
Speedy Turn Camera
Created by Skywalker
Mod that just speeds up the camera move between your turns. Save Compatible Other mods Compatible This is a direct port from WH2 mod "Faster end turn Camera" to WH3 It modifies a database default entry the game has, nothing more. This mod doesn't need to b...
Disable startup splash screens / intros
Created by Aexrael
Just a quick a dirty mod that overwrites the various splash screens, epilepsy warnings and the intro movie that shows before the main menu. This lets you go directly from starting the game to the main menu. Note: The Tome of Fates video cannot be played fr...
Points of Interest with Pictures
Created by Mazisky
INTRODUCTION This mod adds pictures for the little eye Icons with lore text you see around the map. Both Immortal Empires and Realms of Chaos campaigns. ALL LANGUAGES - 所有语言...
Climate Suitability Map
Created by sudkks
Display the climate suitability of the region In the map of the Legendary Lord selection interface, with green is complete suitable, orange is unsuitable, and red is uninhabitable; If the mouse is placed on the climate icon below, the climate region can be...
Legendary Lore
Created by IfThenOrElse This mod generates flavour text when certain conditions are met (see below). It has NO impact on gameplay. Travel to significant locations for your lege...
Decline Diplomacy
Created by Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD Kostaltyn is pestering you again? No more! Adds a UI button next to the existing pause and fast forward buttons that will automatically decline any incoming diplomatic actions towards the player, and close all the relevant menus, so ...
Quick Building Upgrade
Created by Cpecific
When you have a lot of settlements, it becomes annoying to constantly hover over desired upgrade building level. As there is rarely a choice between what to upgrade, it does bring a question: why is it not in the base game? My Other Mods Skill Queue Traits...
Change Faction Capital
Created by sudkks
Add a relocation button to the right of the rename settlement button. Click to change the faction capital to the selected settlement, which is also valid for AI factions. You can change the faction capital to any settlement owned by this faction anytime an...
Bastion Redone
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod edited invasion Kurgan's army composition, and now they have more diverse units as the turn number increases. Invasions after 40 turns have a 32%-100% chance (depends on the turn number) of including demons or chaos warriors army. If the red waste...
Climate Adaptation - Faster Version
Created by Alex Zhao
This is a faster adaption version of this Climate Adaptation mod. Please don't use both mods at the same time. This mod will allow a faction to gradually adapt a region's unsuitable climate, and slowly reduce the debuff every turn until it is completely re...
Instant Quest Items (Without Battles)
Created by Warpspider
As said in the title, you instantly get your quest items as the usual levels the missions unlock. Without battles: The missions never unlock, meaning you'll only get the item and that's it. ATTENTION GROM/THROT/DRYCHA/HARKON/CHANGELING PLAYERS: GROM: You g...
Legendary Difficulty Enable (Pause/Slow Motion)
Created by bushez
DESCRIPTION : @Use this mod Only! in Legendary Difficulty. This mod will Enable in Legendary Difficulty: #In Battles - Pause and Slow Motion. #In Battles - Camera range unlock (you can move with the camera to all the map) (CA added saves feature in patch 5...
全派系筛选初始特性 All Factions Filter Innate Character
Created by TravellerL
———————— Intro ———————— This mod replaces the initial characters of lords of most factions with generic/factional unique characters that I personally find useful. It completely removed most of the lord characters that I find useless in case you cannot get ...
Ultra Aggressive & Smart AI
Created by Hecleas
DISCLAIMER Several problems caused since the 4.0 update (AI suicidal behavior, AI blocking on colonies that I corrected but sacrificing AI defensive behavior etc). I'm desperately waiting for CA to fix it. In the meantime, I'm making do with the means CA g...
Frodo's Dynamic disasters
Created by Leo
NOTE TO ALL Development of this mod has been ended, so I made some modifications for new version. What's this mod? TL;DR: Campaign may go from cakewalk to hell on earth. Also, beware of the Green Shine of Morrslieb. Not TL;DR: This mod is an extensible fra...
AI Recruitment & Army Compositions
Created by Heljumper117
Updates 6-25-24 Updated for patch 5.1 5-9-24 Updated to include cdir_military_generator_unit_group_overrides_tables 4-30-24 Updated for patch 5.0 2-24-24 Updated for patch 4.2, minor fixes for Dwarfs and Chaos Dwarfs 2-8-24 Minor fix for CSD 12-1-23 Fixed ...
Stronger And Fairer AI 更强更公平的AI
Created by losrt
!!!Notice!!! If using this mod in competitions, Very hard and Legendary campaign difficulty are suitable for players who have added player buffs or need extreme challenges It is recommended to use NORMAL difficulty for the first game. The AI strength of No...
合邦就能用 confiderating you can get 5.1
Created by sun2003shy
由于ca内部的机制,部分按钮会在合邦后下一回合显示,以防止一些不必要的bug。 是的,战锤2的合邦就能用回来啦,你可以合邦相应的派系就能获得该派系的特殊内容。目前正在一个一个特性移植中,下面是目前的移植列表: 2022.11.1 新增史库里的禁忌工坊(只有伊克特利爪和工程大术士可以获得燃料) 2022.11.1 蛇身小卖部可以合邦使用啦 2022.11.2 伊姆瑞克巨龙狩猎合邦就能用啦 2022.11.4 铁眉的神器藏库合邦就能用啦 2022.11.5 戴斯的锻炉合邦就能用啦 2022.11.5 斯洛特的腐...
Created by Azure
修复了合邦就能用在5..0版本的闪退问题,主要问题是CA在5.0移除了矮人的屠夫招募池,换成了仇恨清算者,故而在更换了招募池名称后,mod不再会导致闪退。但是此临时修复并没有加入这次5.0的信矮人以及帝国机制,仅仅是修复了闪退问题。假如作者要求或是作者进行了更新,我会立刻从工坊移除此物品。 ###由于大佬已经开始更新自己的mod,故此mod将立刻被废弃,但考虑到大家旧的存档仍然可能需要此mod,故会将其仍然放置在创意工坊,还是希望大家赶紧去支持大佬作者。 Fixed the crash issue that...
Confederate with Faction Effect 合邦获得派系效果
Created by < blank >
Update in 5/2/24: I have updated this mod, but I don't have time to check all effects now, so I only remove those faction effects which are clearly achieved by scripts. It's possible to have some dummy effects. This mod will trigger an incident when you co...
永恒游牧纳卡伊 Nakai Warhammer Eternal
Created by William–1066
In vanilla game, the Nakai obtained either through confederation or through Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords mod became an ordinary Kroxigor lord. I didn't like the result, so I made some changes to the Lizardmen faction. Now, other Lizardmen factions can ...
Created by 流苏经年
本mod是基于合邦就能用以及合邦获得派系加成效果所做的补充mod, 如果想比较完美的合邦,请先订阅合邦就能用,合邦获得派系加成效果,永恒游牧纳卡伊 合邦就能用: 合邦获得派系加成效果: 永恒游牧纳卡伊:
Easier Confederations & Vassals
Created by VanguardMk1
Annoyed that your best buddies don't like to confederate you for whatever reason? This mod significantly increases your chances of confederation and vassalage when you're best friends (150+ relations). This should help AI factions confederate each other mo...
Memreader (win64)
Created by Cpecific
Gives modders access to the memory (reading and writing). Only works on Windows x64. API documentation at cpecific/twwh2-memreader. Bad news for linux users: (currently) lua dll (.so) loading is disabled on linux by CA. Good new for modders: you won't need...
Remove characters traits limit
Created by Mordy
Remove characters traits limit Patch 5.1 compatible This simple mod removes the default (40) character trait limit.  EVERY character in the game can now have an INFINITE number of traits. You will never have to worry about not getting a trait because you a...
Cpecific's Traits Manager (+win64)
Created by Cpecific
You can set trait level with double click, or remove trait by double-clicking on an active level. ⚠️ *IMPORTANT* - Area with lords is scrollable. ⚠️ Can work without memreader, but you won't have access to some features. ✔️ Compatible with any mod. ✔️ Save...
Cpecific's Skill Queue (+win64)
Created by Cpecific
The name of the mod is self-explanatory. ⚠️ Can work without memreader, but you won't have access to some features. ✔️ (only memreader) Compatible with any mod. Yes, even with "rank 60" and "x2,x3 skill points per level" and those that add skills. ✔️ Saveg...
Console Commands (Modding Tool), the mod works 100000% please just use it and enable the script break warning
Created by prop joe
Adds a bunch of commands that help with mod making and testing. Type the command into a text box that is opened using a new button in the top left (see screenshot). Press the button to the right to execute the typed-in command. List of DB keys and how to f...
Building Slots Extended
Created by Myxameno
IMPORTANT: This mod was made to be compatible with Mixu's Unlocker and won't work without it! This mod works with ChaosRobie's Immortal Empires Expanded and The Old World campaigns! Are you tired of huge cities of High Elves or the Empire having just a cou...
SFO w/ Warband Upgrades Ultimate (Scorched Earth functional)
Created by Last of the Romans
This mod extends the warband upgrade system to all SFO factions. I can't live without the Warband Upgrades, so I wanted people playing SFO to have the option as well. Credit to Bagholder for making the basis of this mod and Puddles for teaching me how to m...
Warband Upgrade Ultimate
Created by BAGHolder
Warband Upgrade for Every Race (Updated to 5.0) --- Upgrade basic units into elite, and swap among unit variants. --- Unique UI + Expanded panel for every race. --- 100% compatible with any mod, save-game, and co-op. --- Submods for RoR, mod compilation, c...
Infinite Respec
Created by Enki
Description Allows you to reset skill points without the wound timer. No restrictions, cooldowns, or costs. Mod Compatibility - Works in multiplayer. - Can be enabled in existing games. - Cannot be disabled after being used. - Compatible with mods which ad...
Unlock All Skills
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod disabled the mutual exclusion of all skills. AI also will be benefit from this mod and works for saved games....
Skill point Mod Support
Created by Death_Toad
DISCLAIMER: Updates will be infrequent as my time is limited. I plan on updating maybe once a month, maybe less, unless something major breaks the mod. This mod gives any of my Skill Point mods compatibility with any mods that add new Lords or Heroes that ...
3x Skill Points - No Bonus Stats
Created by Death_Toad
This mod adjusts how many skill points both Lords and Heroes gain per rank. What does it do? Added skill dump skill named Excess Training, which is located in the upper right corner, that is used for surplus skill points. AI priority skill choosing to be l...
SFO 2x Skill Points - Max Rank 60
Created by Death_Toad
This mod adjusts how many skill points both Lords and Heroes gain per rank, with SFOs increased XP to rank up. What does it do? Added skill dump skill named Excess Training, which is located in the upper right corner, that is used for surplus skill points....
The Old World Campaign
Created by ChaosRobie
>>> THIS MOD REQUIRES MIXER! <<< This is a completely new campaign based around the Old World, a region of the Warhammer Fantasy universe. Description This new campaign includes 1266 settlements and loads of new factions. All factions included are unlocked...
Immortal Empires Expanded [Requires Mixer!]
Created by ChaosRobie
THIS MOD REQUIRES MIXER! This mod expands and fills-out the Immortal Empires map: Ind, Khuresh, Nippon, the Lost Isles of Elithis, the Eastern Steppes, several smaller islands, and that part that looks like Korea which I've named Ihan. AND MORE! Descriptio...
Landmarks of Legend SFO (12.07)
Created by MysticMaiar
Hi all, another SFO patch here. This was a very large mod, id say my biggest SFO patch as of yet and was quite time consuming & somewhat tedious, but hopefully this mod will be appreciated and enjoyed for all those SFO players out there!! If there are any ...
Landmarks of Legend
Created by The_Inquisitor
OVERVIEW Landmarks of Legend adds many landmarks to locations all over the Warhammer world, with some landmarks granting access to special units and Regiments of Renown. Currently, there are landmarks for the following factions: - Grand Cathay - Kislev - K...
Landmarks of Eternity-Immortal Empire Expanded edition
Created by Chasslo
If you liked the mod, please consider giving it a thumbs up, it helps a lot This mod only contains the landmarks created especially for IEE and even if it was designed to run with the base mod of Landmarks of Eternity, you don't actually need it to use thi...
Immortal Landmarks SFO Submod
Created by GabeSky
Firstly, the most important information. *****All credit goes to Heimdal. He created a mod that is always enabled on every one of my playthroughs. I love landmarks. They actually make locations feel important then #472GenericCity. I will go out of my way t...
Immortal Landmarks
Created by Heimdal
UPDATED FOR 5.0 The mod will run without Mixu, but you'll be missing a bunch (~80%) of the landmarks. Adding landmarks requires startpos modding, Mixu's Unlocker = common startpos framework that keeps mods compatible. KEY FEATURES
All Human factions can build all race's landmarks
Created by Wyccc
Empire Cathay Kislev Bretonnia can build all faction's landmarks except Chaos, Vampires, and Skaven. Required Landmarks of Legend All Elves factions can build all faction's landmarks All Dwarf factions can build all faction's landmarks Immortal landmarks s...
All Elves factions can build all faction's landmarks
Created by Wyccc
All Elves can build all faction's landmarks except Chaos, Vampires, and Skaven. All Human factions can build all faction's landmarks All Dwarf factions can build all faction's landmarks...
All Dwarf factions can build all race's landmarks
Created by Wyccc
Dwarf can build all faction's landmarks except Chaos, Vampires, and Skaven. All Human factions can build all faction's landmarks All Elves factions can build all faction's landmarks...
All Vampire factions can build all faction's landmarks
Created by Wyccc
All Vampires can build all faction's landmarks. Required Landmarks of Legend & Immortal Landmarks All Human factions can build all faction's landmarks All Dwarf factions can build all faction's landmarks All Elve factions can build all faction's landmarks...
Naval Networks - Global Sea Lanes! - Now with 4.2&IEE support!
Created by Thuynder
This mod allows you to take any army or hero and embark them between significant port cities that you control -- for a cost. As your empire grows, naval sea lanes will allow you to transport entire armies, as well as newly trained heroes, directly to the f...
长牙之路/混沌矮人车队,商队可招募/可交换(caravan/convoy recruitable/exchangeable)
Created by 一战无痕
//2023年5月2日19:04:50 添加混沌矮人的车队可招募/交换 我把这个功能从我的【震旦资料扩充包】里面独立了出来 震旦资料扩充包(中文版) *注意事项* 1、第一个电脑给的商队无效,重新招募第二个及之后的商队才有效。 2、中途加入MOD的话也是如此,新的商队才生效。 兼容问题: 1、如果已经安装了【震旦资料扩充包】,那么不需要加载此MOD。 2、如果没有安装的话,那么...
Convoys of the New World SFO Patch
Created by Ero-sennin
An sfo submod adding in better compatibility with Convoys of the New World. Now you can enable the mct option that makes the caravans bypass unit caps without it affecting balance! Thank you to TWilliam for Convoys of the New World and Venris and the SFO t...
Convoys of the New World 可招募可交换
Created by 000
需要前置Convoys of the New World(此mod为高等精灵添加了商队系统) 为新世界商队mod(Convoys of the New World) 添加可招募可交换 可以为商队招募部队,可以与商队交换部队 (Machine Translation) Requires pre Convoys of the New World (this mod adds a caravan system to the High Elves) and Convoys of the New World Add ...
Convoys of the New World Expanded
Created by TWilliam
Compatibility patch for Convoys of New World and Immortal Emires Expanded. Also adds two new convoy destinations on IEE map and gets access to convoys for new minor high elf factions Compatible with existing save games if you play as high elf faction or fa...
Convoys of the New World
Created by TWilliam
WARNING: do not activate this mod if you started the campaign without it as faction who already has caravans or convoys! It will broke the caravan network This mod adds the convoy system for all High Elf factions (but only major AI factions can send convoy...
Caravans of the Old World Campaign
Created by TWilliam
Submod to Caravans of the Old World. Adds caravans for Empire, Bretonnia, Dwarf, Kislev (requires this submod) and Southern Realms (requires this submod) in the Old World Campaign. Don't forget to activate the main mod...
Caravans of the Old World - Southern Realms addon
Created by van Hawke
This is a submod for "Caravans of the Old World" and it adds the caravan system for Southern Realms (both player and AI) Playable factions with access to caravans: - Border Princes - Estalia - Tilea - Bilbali - East Ind Company (uses the cathayan caravan n...
Caravans of the Old World - Kislev addon
Created by van Hawke
This is a submod for "Caravans of the Old World" and it adds the caravan system for Kislev and norse dwarfs (both player and AI) Playable factions with access to caravans: - The Ice Court - The Great Orthodoxy - Ursun Revivalists (after confederation with ...
Caravans of the Old World
Created by van Hawke
This mod adds the caravan system for Empire, Bretonnia and Dwarfs in IE and IEE campaigns (both player and AI) The main difference from Cathayan caravans is the improved encounter system. The forces that will attack your caravan will depend on the region t...
Created by 清轩易浅
这个mod功能简单纯粹,就是允许随从装备可以被合成。兼容所有mod 这个mod只要能加载进去,就会生效,他本质上只是一个开关,版本更新添加东西正常情况下不会影响到这个mod,除非ca大修装备相关...
Created by 清轩易浅
应某位吧友的需求,做了这个mod。mod功能就是让原版某些品质不高却无法回收、合成的装备可以正常回收跟合成。这并不会改变装备的其他绑定效果。 兼容所有mod。...
New Legendary Lord and Hero Artefacts Warhammer 3 Updated 5.1
Created by stompie5
Description This mod adds over 300 new items and Legendary Artefacts for almost all the Legendary Lords and Heroes. The new items can be viewed through the Lord's or Hero's Quest Screen and will unlock automatically. The mod also adds some new items the Dw...
More Ancillary Equipment Slots
Created by Alex Zhao
This simple mod increased the ancillary slots for all character from 6 to 8 just like dwarf's characters. Should be compatible with everything. ...
Artists' Guild - CHS
Created by endofanty
Introduction Add a forge for all factions that vanilla game exist, to get all transferrable items that vanilla game allows. It is a way to get vanilla items, instead of I made these itmes. The "I,II,III" prefix indicates which game the item came from, the ...
No Confederation Penalty
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod disabled all races' confederation penaly. Should be compatible with everything....
Flying Units Can Capture
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod allows flying units to slowly capture strategic areas. Also affect mod units and AI....
No Diplomatic Penalty for "Too Many Trade Partners"
Created by DrDCB
By default, the game allows you only 3 trade agreements (plus an additional 0.2 per owned region) before you start incurring a penalty with the negotiating partner (-3 per additional trade agreement over the limit). This is pretty limiting to Kislev and Ca...
No Strategic Threat Diplomatic Penalty
Created by DrDCB
The "Great Power" diplomatic penalty is back in WH3, now renamed to "Strategic Threat". This mod simply sets all scales of the penalty to zero. Note that there is supposedly a diplomatic buff available from some AI factions for being a strategic threat, bu...
Unlimited Regiments Of Renown -TEMPORARY HIATUS-
Created by SB-129-2515
This is a simple mod which provides unlimited recruitment of the Regiments of Renown along with other specialist unit types. Compatibility Coming Soon
[Kislev] One Ataman Governor Per Province
Created by Freiya
This mod allows to assign an Ataman for every province owned instead of every 2 provinces. Note that you still need at least 2 provinces to unlock the Ataman Governor feature. I could reduce the requirement to just 1 province but it requires changing "hud_...
Better Imperial Authority & More Elector Count Units
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod adds two additional levels of Imperial authority, which will provide stat bonuses, and permanently boost the Elector Count units' replenishment rate and recruitment pool cap. Volkmar also can get Elector Count units' replenishment rate and recruit...
Unity Of Elves - SFO Patch
Created by Wyccc
Unity Of Elves - SFO Patch Must subscribe to both SFO and Unity Of Elves...
Unity Of Elves!
Created by Wyccc
It's time for the elves to unite! High Elves/Dark Elves/Wood Elves can recruit each other's units through special buildings. All units will receive skill/technology effect bonus. EN Patch SFO Patch Possible things to do in the future: agent recru...
Imrik Permanent Dragon Buffs
Created by DudeChris33
Updated for 4.1.3 Confirmed Working for 5.1.0 Compatible with Vanilla, Radious, and SFO The Knights of Caledor's factionwide buffs from defeating the dragons are now permanent Obviously a huge buff, though exact numbers may vary from the screenshots above....
Loyalty Removed
Created by Dehaka
You may now trust even yourself, and skaven piles are (relatively) safe. Mostly just made as an alternate option to a tweaked loyalty system, this mod removes it entirely from Skaven, VCoast, and Dark Elves. There's not much else to the mod, loyalty's just...
Wood elf outpost expansion
Created by Nothing.
THIS MOD IS OUTDATED, INSTEAD SUBSCRIBE TO THIS VERSION: This mod adds a large number of different buildings to the wood elf outpost category. Mainly increasing their economy so they scale m...
Wood Elf Cities and Towns (Settle Anywhere)
Created by terreohomines
Wood Elf Cities and Towns I like to paint the map. But I also like to play Wood Elves, so I made a mod that lets you settle any region as the wood elves just as you wood any other race. But, there's a catch... In order to Prevent Wood Elves from becoming o...
More famous battles/更多尸坑
PS:因为地区原因,我无法在评论区说话,敬请谅解 dlc腐烂王座之后依旧可用,其实不用更新,不过刷一下更新让大家放心( 这是一个简单的修改,它的作用很简单: 1.尸坑上限从200→2000 2.创造尸坑所需的阵亡人数从2150→2000 3.参战双方所需最少兵牌数从14→10 以上,祝游戏愉快~ This is a simple modification. Its function is very simple: 1. The upper limit of the famous battles : 200 ...
Capped Dwarf Grudges
Created by Alex Zhao
The grudge target of Age of Reckoning still can be ridiculously high in the late game due to it counting the total grudge of nearby factions' settlements and armies. This mod added a 20000 cap for it and a maximum of 20 regions and 20 armies of each factio...
Moving Camps
Created by ADP
Taken from my larger mode, The Great Ogre-haul, this mod simply incorporates the ability to move camps as well as some other minor quality of life. Features: Camps can move like normal armies but only at 25% speed. They cannot attack, move onto water, or g...
Created by 中南野犬
恶魔亲王的可以获取全部的四神神耀奖励,为了解决最后一个奖励概率性获取不能的问题,现在把献身所需的神耀值调的比神耀上限要高了,所以现在不够再进行献身了。 4月8日更新:调整了UI表现,把献身的UI移回原位置,但依然对需求数量做了超过神耀最大值的限制,因为献身会导致UI消失,不利于玩家观看,而且献身用处也不大,所以没有解除献身的限制。 目前通过战役效果来实现解锁的目的,所以可能会导致与其他MOD产生冲突,如果太多人出现无法解锁的问题,我会将其回退到旧版本以保证MOD正常工作。 enjoy!...
Unlock all Demonic Glory Dedication continue_unofficial
Created by Purtresskr
To avoid misunderstanding This is unofficial mod. If u have any bad feeling to use unofficial mod, go back and wait for original modder. continue version of: Unlock all Demonic Glory Dedication Simply I wanted to play the game with this mod, but it is outd...
Daemon Prince Ascension God-specific Items Conflict Removal/Unlock 恶魔亲王高级装备取消互斥
Created by abf1999
For unlocker mod after 4.0: Unlock all Demonic Glory Dedication continue This mod removes the conflicts between advanced/ascension God-specific items. For example, in vanilla gam...
Allied recruitment / merceneries cap per army remover
Created by Xenon
As in title. Removes cap on how much units from ally or mercenaries can you get. ...
Storm of Magic for All Regions
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod enabled Storm of Magic for all regions and disabled its passive stat buff, and AI won't use them. Dwarf and Khorne will receive 25% magic resistance during battle. Should be compatible with most mods. Works for a saved game....
1 Turn Research
Created by Animatus
Reduces research time to 1 turn. Player Only....
SFO additional units
Created by bainb132
Additional units mod from WH2 is finally ported to WH3! A lot of units have been cut or are currently not included as they are pending rework. Details on units below. Current known issues - Game crashes when hovering over the added units in the unit and sp...